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Martin the Warrior (Redwall, Book 2) door…
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Martin the Warrior (Redwall, Book 2) (editie 1993)

door Brian Jacques

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4,808222,390 (4.03)32
The inspiration of Matthias in Jacques' "Redwall", Martin the Warrior is the hero that every small mouse needs to have. He fights for what's right, and those who can't defend themselves. Most of all, he knows when to hang up his sword and found an abbey. ( )
1 stem norabelle414 | Jun 10, 2009 |
Toon 22 van 22
A low point in Jacques otherwise delightful series. Grim, joyless, grinding, with mostly tired tropes from the previous books. The story feels like awkward fan fic, an unnecessary story shoehorned into the lore. ( )
  Glorgana | Dec 27, 2023 |
I read this book in 7th grade english class. This is the book that introduced me to the Redwall series. I was hooked. Highly recommend. ( )
  Cephas730 | Jun 16, 2023 |
In the Redwall timeline, this sixth novel of the series establishes itself as the first chronologically by presenting the lost tale of Martin's origins before he came to Mossflower Woods. It turns out he had a more heroic origin story than the second novel gave us, with a credible explanation for the discrepancy. It's the usual cast of allies and enemies in their customary roles, and easier to follow than the previous book's excessive plotlines. There's some fun scenes we haven't strictly seen the like of before, a horde of mad squirrels and the Rosehip Players' disappearing act being a couple of the highlights. We also meet an originator of prophecy for the first time, as I'd hoped we eventually would. How Jacques managed to keep up the constant variety within the strictures of his template is one of this series' wonders. The villain's rival stock character gets a stronger spotlight this time and was one of my favourites, but of course nobody can outshine Martin in his front and centre role. There's a more solemn ending this time, taking advantage of this story's taking place well away from Redwall, but then the epilogue draws us back with a fine closing speech that might be aimed directly at the reader, leavening the mood by inviting us back for many more adventures. ( )
1 stem Cecrow | Jun 7, 2023 |
This review is also featured on Behind the Pages: Martin the Warrior

Martin the Warrior, the hero of Redwall, once told his story to the creatures of Redwall Abbey. But it was not his whole story. The warrior mouse was stolen from the shores of his home by sea rats and thrown into slavery. But despite all Badrang and his hoard do to break Martin, his warrior spirit lives on. He vows to escape Marshank and free all the creatures within Badrang the Stoat's clutches.

Martin is determined to escape and put an end to Badrang’s slavery of creatures. And while his warrior spirit may carry him through his toughest battles, there will be no victory without sacrifice. Martin’s tale will expand beyond the walls of Badrang’s fortress, bringing into the story a multitude of creatures willing to put their lives on the line to free the enslaved creatures. And through their combined tales, they will show readers what it means to band together and fight for a better future.

Brian Jacques never fails to show how evil turns in on itself. In Martin the Warrior, this is done through Badrang and Clogg’s rivalry. The two stoats continue to make shady deals and backstab one another as they each try to gain the upper hand. Clogg is envious of Badrang’s fortress and seeks to claim it for his own. And as their rivalry continues, it offers Martin and his companions chances to accomplish their goals.

And with any Redwall book, there is a wonderful dose of friendship thrown into the mix. As Martin and his companions face some of their darkest moments, they continue to push on with friends by their side. There is an inherent goodness to be found within the characters introduced as Martin’s companions. And they each have their quirks and personalities that add to the narrative.

Readers do not have to read the prior Redwall books to enjoy Martin the Warrior. But if you have enjoyed the past Redwall books, this story will be sure to settle your curiosity about the hero’s past. Another wonderful addition to the series. ( )
1 stem Letora | Jul 21, 2022 |
I first read the Redwall books years ago and I still enjoy them when I recently re-read them. I love the world building and the creativity with which these animals were anthropomorphized. The level of description is really well done and very detailed. So adventurous and so very entertaining. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
This was the first book that I actually read from Brian Jacques and it sent me down the path of reading every book that I could by the author. I can't recommend this book enough it is very engaging and as such a Fantastical environment it'll be hard to put down for you as well. ( )
  teowarden | Aug 13, 2021 |
A great addition to the Redwall series, more of a prequel, before the Abbey even existed. Any fan of the series should know of Martin by now. The story has conflict, romance, adventure, and incredible characters. All these elements, combined with a fantastic ending, make this a story enjoyable to readers of all ages. ( )
  hannahedupont | Aug 14, 2020 |
One of the best of the Redwall stories - Martin's deep history, before he showed up at Redwall the first time. It's a nicely done adventure, it explains quite a bit about Martin (a lot of the plot holes in Mossflower), including why he didn't tell this story when he showed up. The usual species-is-destiny, of course, though there are variants (Brome is no fighter, unlike Martin, or Rose for that matter). Lots of interesting characters, and various adventures of a split party - Rose, Martin, Grumm the mole and Pallum the hedgehog encounter the Warden of the Marsh, Boldred, a band of crazy squirrels and some nearly as crazy shrews (actually, two groups of the latter). Meanwhile Brome and Felldoh meet the Rosehip Players, and more directly confront Badrang and Clogg at the fortress Marshank. Badrang beat Felldoh, really - broke him, though he regretted doing so before the end. There's actually quite a bit of depth to this - choices, and consequences. One of the reasons I rank this above most of the other Redwall books. ( )
  jjmcgaffey | Nov 21, 2017 |
This is the story of Martin, the founder of Redwall Abbey. An heroic adventure of Fur and Freeeeeeedom! Searats have invaded the shores, along with stoats and various other unsavory characters. They have enslaved the smaller animals and intend to stay. Martin, who has been enslaved, humiliated, tortured and slated for death, comes into his own when he finds some friends to give him courage and help.

Jacques doesn't pull any punches with the drama, fighting and reality of war. I appreciate that he does not underestimate the audience he writes for. Also, his descriptions of feasts are amazing. Redwall is a terrific world to immerse oneself in, however, for me this time it dragged a bit. Some of the beast interactions became a bit quaint or repetitive and only slowed the story down. Perhaps that was the intent, but it made me begin skimming. ( )
  MrsLee | Apr 4, 2016 |
In [book: Redwall], everyone knows of the famed Martin the Warrior, the founder and most valiant defender of Redwall Abbey. This is the story of how he came to be a legend. Martin is a fantastic character, and his adventures are enthralling. ( )
  wealhtheowwylfing | Feb 29, 2016 |
Martin the Warrior A Tale from Redwall. The book is filled with adventure, pirates, humor, friendships, and good food. This book is fun for all ages young and old.
PS- the ending is tragic. ( )
  MatthewFjerstad | Jul 22, 2013 |
I remembered seeing the cartoon as a kid, and thought that this might be interesting to read. Oddly enough is was engaging even if I couldn't understand what the characters where saying half the time. I haven't seen anyone manage to write such accents into their characters speech so successfully!
Slavery, Rescue, Death, Pirates, Tyrants, Food, Seer, and Adventure. Not bad for a quick pick! ( )
  cat8864 | Jul 3, 2010 |
This is the first Redwall book I read, and I think the best.

After I grew out of Go, Dog Go! and the like in those inbetween years, I couldn't find anything worth reading. After not just a few tantrums with mom over forced "reading time" and those evil sweet valley high books, I came to the decision that reading was a horrible thing to have to do.

This book, Martin, is what brought me back to reading and made me an irrevocable bibliophile. Not only is Jacques a talented and engaging story-teller, this is the first book that showed me a depth of emotion and underlying philosophy. Before Martin I didn't know stories could be about ideas, could make you feel those ideas and touch your soul with them. Jacques doesn't candycoat things like death, a desperate struggle for freedom, gleeful cruelty, and the joy of being alive for his child audience. He shows those things by example in a simple way that treats those kids like the thinking people they are. ( )
2 stem Amanda_Carlson | May 27, 2010 |
When I was about at the in-be'tween'y stage, I devoured all eleven Redwall books available to me at the local library. If you’ve read any the series, you don’t need to be reminded of Jacques’s world of sumptuous feasts and heroic quests and colorful protagonists and evil vermin and accents (!).

Since, I've occasionally reread the original novel, but not any of the others, until now. Although I don’t quite as much enjoy the slight wish-fulfillment qualities in this immersive world as much (Has anyone ever not daydreamed about the abbey’s feast creations?), on this reread I found myself admiring Jacques’s storytelling capabilities- particularly, the portrayal of the path of the warrior.

*Spoilers abound* Being born to Luke, another 'the Warrior', Martin is born into the role of the warrior and is always referred to as such. It's an important role in his world of primarily chaos. This world is chock full of creatures with natures that run that gamut from selfish and anarchic tendencies (the squirrels, lizards, shrews) to outright tyrannous ones (warlords and pirates), that are only reluctantly checked by guidance and law and heroism.

Even as a slave, he cannot escape from his role- not even when the promise of freedom and peace is right before him, in the form of his love Rose and Noonvale, her idyllic home. He's mirrored in that regard by the squirrel Felldoh (his fellow warrior-slave), who shows the price of not being able to let go of hate and violence: death.

They win- Martin wins, but it is at a heavy price. This price is somewhat glossed over in the end but carries thematically into notably Mossflower and The Legend of Luke. Martin will learn to become the peacemaker, a founder of the peaceful place to come- and learning of his father's fate definitely helps the healing process, I'm guessing. But Redwall is the true follow-up, in that Matthias has the life not afforded Martin. Matthias can pick up the mantle of warrior (pick up Martin's sword of legend as his spiritual successor), but he can also put it down. Matthias can settle down, have kids- because a haven has been created. (Which, if I'm remembering correctly, sort of thematically leads right into Mattimeo, a story of leaving the haven and seeing the world outside.)

This installment is notably simpler than most of the other Redwall novels- containing relatively few (only two and a half by my count) and simple simultaneous plots. But it works in its favor, anchoring an origin story about the most recognizable character from the series- and allowing it to be one of the most emotionally affecting installments. ( )
1 stem kaionvin | Feb 21, 2010 |
Martin the mouse was rescued from enslavement, and sets off on a journey to raise an army to rescue the other slaves held in the fort Marshank by Badrang the Tyrant. This tale is a legend in the other Redwall books, and is here revealed in its entirety by travelers stopping by the abbey. The world of these small human-like animals is given rich detail in setting. Songs and odd accents abound, making for reading that can be at turns interesting and frustrating. The fact that chapters consist of many small sections of about three to four paragraphs each may help those with shorter attention spans, but may also cause those looking for a deeper experience to drift away. Readers may also want a dictionary close at hand, as many words that are not everyday speech make appearances. Also, I don't think I've ever encountered a piece of fiction that mentions food so much; it seems like every few pages someone is eating something that is described in loving detail. The plot felt very thin and predictable right up to the conclusion, where suddenly things coalesced into an exciting, emotional climax. Seekers of action will feel very at home here. ( )
  jjohlend | Oct 21, 2009 |
This is definitely my favorite Redwall book. It held me from the first page and it explains Martin's backstory very well. I love the thirst for vengeance and liberty that the slaves show and Ballaw is just hilarious! ( )
  Calwise | Jul 24, 2009 |
A prequel to Redwall. A very dark children's book (as is only natural). There IS violence. There IS death. It follows the story of the legendary warrior, Martin, before he founded Redwall. He begins as a young slave, railing against his captors, vowing to free his friends. There are some heart wrenching moments as well as the requisite 1001 meals. Jacques is obsessed with food. ( )
  Aerliss | Jul 21, 2009 |
The inspiration of Matthias in Jacques' "Redwall", Martin the Warrior is the hero that every small mouse needs to have. He fights for what's right, and those who can't defend themselves. Most of all, he knows when to hang up his sword and found an abbey. ( )
1 stem norabelle414 | Jun 10, 2009 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Martin the Warrior . . what a hero. ( )
  GRJO | Jan 18, 2009 |
Right up there with [Watership Down] ( )
  SLHobbs | Feb 20, 2008 |
Mattias is a mouse in a city called RedWall. On day Cluny the scourge attacks RedWall. But luckily they have the huge red walls keeping them safe. What will happen. I reccomend this book to people who like war and mice. ( )
  ALindelof | Mar 9, 2011 |
Toon 22 van 22

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