bluesalamanders 2024

Discussie75 Books Challenge for 2024

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bluesalamanders 2024

Bewerkt: dec 31, 2023, 10:48 pm

Hi! I'm Blue, I live in New England in the USA, and I generally read science fiction, fantasy, and now (still a little to my surprise, I admit), romance. I usually finish around 150 books per year, although the last few years have varied wildly from 130 to 250, so who even knows.

Favorite new reads of 2023:
The Twelve Points of Caleb Canto by Sam Starbuck
The Doomsday Books (The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen and A Noblemen's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel) by KJ Charles
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older
Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Once a Rogue by Allie Therin
System Collapse by Martha Wells

Previous challenges:
50 Book Challenge lists: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
75 Book Challenge lists: 2011, 2011.2, 2012.1, 2012.2, 2013.1, 2013.2, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Here's to a better and brighter 2024.

jan 1, 6:31 pm

Welcome back, Blue!

jan 1, 8:31 pm

Happy New Year!

jan 1, 9:52 pm

>2 drneutron: Thanks, Newt!

>3 SilverWolf28: Happy new year!

jan 1, 10:10 pm

Finished Book 1: The Silver Sea by Seanan McGuire
October Daye, patreon short story
New read, adult, fantasy, ebook, 47p

This is a short story that takes place after Sleep No More/The Innocent Sleep. It’s very sweet.

Finished Book 2: The Wolf at the Door by Charlie Adhara
Big Bad Wolf, book 1
New read, adult, romance (fantasy, mystery), audiobook, 8h 17m
Content warnings: open-door sex, fantasy racism, police abuse of power, kidnapping

I did not enjoy this book particularly. The main character is annoying, rude, racist (fantasy racist, against werewolves), and kind of dumb. I honestly don’t know why the love interest is interested in him. Maybe if this had had alternating POVs and I could have seen him from the other guy’s perspective, it would have made more sense.

In addition, the narrator read the audiobook like he was in a race to the end. I have never heard an audiobook read so quickly. Consistently, through the whole book! It was frankly stressful. I’ve listened to other books narrated by the same person that didn’t have this issue, so I don’t know what was going on.

The only reason I pushed through to the end despite the multiple reasons I didn’t especially care for this book is because my friend who recommended it said that the rest of the series is really good, so here’s hoping that it’s worth it.

jan 2, 5:41 am

Happy reading in 2024, Blue!

jan 2, 9:46 am

Happy New Year, Blue!

jan 2, 2:31 pm

Happy New Year and happy new thread!

jan 2, 4:35 pm

Happy new year, Blue!

jan 2, 5:31 pm

Happy new year!! I really want to get to The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen this year.

jan 3, 12:04 pm

Happy new year FAM, nora, foggi, Micky, and curious!

I hope you enjoy Secret Lives, curious! It and Nobleman's Guide are definitely some of my favorite KJ Charles books.

jan 3, 12:21 pm

Finished Book 3: The Wolf at Bay by Charlie Adhara
Big Bad Wolf, book 2
New read, adult, romance (fantasy, mystery), ebook, 240p
Content warnings: open door sex, bad/lacking aftercare, discussions of infidelity, discussions of drug addiction and overdose, blackmail, self-harm, suicide

And we have character growth! It’s still a little rough, but Cooper is gaining a little emotional awareness and is more entertaining to read about. The plot was a lot of Surprise Twists that were mostly not all that surprising, but it was not bad. Overall, I enjoyed this one a lot more than the first one and I’m actually looking forward to reading the next one.

jan 3, 7:32 pm

Happy New Year, Blue!

jan 3, 7:52 pm

>13 ronincats: Happy new year, roni!

jan 3, 10:04 pm

Happy new year, Blue!

jan 5, 2:08 pm

>15 PaulCranswick: Happy new year, Paul!

jan 5, 2:09 pm

Finished Book 4: Thrown to the Wolves by Charlie Adhara
Big Bad Wolf, book 3
New read, adult, romance (fantasy, mystery), ebook, 241p
Content warnings: open door sex, kidnapping, murder, betrayal, lying, discussion of child abandonment

This book was fine. Personally I think this series as a whole is fairly mediocre, but not everything has to be the Best Thing Ever and I am enjoying them enough to keep going. I did not, I admit, enjoy spending most of this book annoyed with Park, the love interest or non-POV main character or whatever you want to call him, who had seemed like the more intelligent of the two in the previous books, but I guess family can make fools of us all. And I was disappointed (but not surprised) with who the bad guy turned out to be, but it all pretty much made sense with the overall story.

jan 11, 9:50 pm

Finished Book 5: The Human Division by John Scalzi
Old Man’s War, book 5
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook (audible), 14h 53m

I like this series, and I really like this book. It’s the same universe and the same types of characters as the other OMW books, but these stories are about diplomacy and the events surrounding diplomacy and as much as I like John and Jane in the first trilogy, I actually find these stories more interesting.

Finished Book 6: The End of all Things by John Scalzi
Old Man’s War, book 6
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook (audible), 11h 24m

Finished Book 7: Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Wayward Children, book 1
Reread, young adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 4h 44m
Content warnings: brief transphobia, major character death, mutilation of bodies/corpses, discussion of emotionally/psychologically abusive parents, moderate gore

Finished Book 8: If Found, Return to Hell by Em X. Liu
New read, adult, fantasy, audiobook (hoopla), 4h 38m

This is an excellent novella that a friend recommended to me. It’s about someone who works at One Wizard, a call center for people with magic-related problems to ask for help. Yes, really.

Finished Book 9: Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire
Wayward Children, book 2
Reread, young adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 4h 4m
Content warnings: neglectful/controlling parents, death, moderate gore, brief fatphobia

Finished Book 10: Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire
Wayward Children, book 3
Reread, young adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 4h 11m
Content warnings: fatphobia, discussion of dieting and other controlling behaviors, discussion of racism, mild gore/body horror, mentions of suicide, drowning

jan 25, 3:40 pm

Finished Book 11: Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire
Wayward Children, book 5
Reread, young adult, fantasy, audiobook, 3h 52m
Content warnings: possession, drowning, major character death, panic attacks, moderate gore

I'd planned to reread the whole series before reading the new one, but I finished this one, and realized I didn't want to reread any of the others just now.

Finished Book 12: Mislaid in Parts Half-Known by Seanan McGuire
Wayward Children, book 9
New read, young adult, fantasy, audiobook, 4h 40m

Really liked this! It was definitely heartbreaking at times and made me tear up at least twice. As glad as I am that she found her door, I'm going to miss Cora most of all; she is absolutely my favorite character, even more than Nancy.

Finished Book 13: Chaos Terminal by Mur Lafferty
The Midsolar Murders, book 2
New read, adult, science fiction (mystery), audiobook (audible), 11h 47m
Content warnings: there are a few other minor things, but the big one is bugs, pretty much constant swarms of wasp-like aliens throughout the whole book

I think I liked this one better than the first one, which is probably because of the issue I have with the end of the first book. This one I thought was a little more cohesive, plot-wise.

Finished Book 14: Conrad’s Fate by Diana Wynne Jones
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci
Reread, young adult, fantasy, audiobook, 8h 39m

Finished Book 15: Little Fuzzy by H. Beam Piper
Fuzzies, book 1
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook (librivox), 5h 36m

Bewerkt: feb 4, 2:19 pm

Finished Book 16: Paladin’s Grace by T. Kingfisher
The Saint of Steel, book 1
Reread, adult, romance (high fantasy), audiobook (hoopla), 12h 31m

I read this before, but I didn’t remember much of anything about it. I don’t think it was the right time, anyway, because I didn’t go on and read the following books, which I am absolutely going to do now.

Finished Book 17: A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers
Wayfarers, book 2
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook, 11h 29m

I really like this one, possibly more than the first one but it deals with a lot heavier and more intense topics, so I can’t reread it quite as often.

Finished Book 18: For Never and Always by Helena Greer
New read, adult, romance (contemporary, queer), ebook (library), 369p

I may have been skeptical about the first book in this series, but now I’m a definitely fan and I’m really looking forward to the next one.

Currently Reading:
All the Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows (ebook, sister’s kindle)
Paladin’s Strength by T. Kingfisher (audiobook, hoopla)

feb 15, 9:14 am

Finished Book 19: Paladin's strength by T Kingfisher
Saint of steel, book 2
New read, adult, fantasy, audiobook (hoopla), 15h 38m

Finished Book 20: The Galaxy, and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers
Wayfarers, book 4
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook, 9h 55m

I really love this book. My dad read this series recently and he was surprised at how much he liked this one in particular, because nothing much really happens? An eclectic group of people sit around various places and talk for most of it. But the characters are so compelling and just wonderful to spend time with.

Finished Book 21: Paladin's hope by T Kingfisher
Saint of Steel, book 3
New read, adult, fantasy, audiobook (hoopla), 9h 7m

These books are really great, as are the audiobooks, though I’m probably going to read the newest book on ebook because the audio isn’t going to be out for several months.

Finished Book 22: First Test by Tamora Pierce
Protector of the Small, book 1
Reread, Young Adult, Fantasy, Audiobook (audible), 5h46m

Finished Book 23: Page by Tamora Pierce
Protector of the Small, book 2
Reread, Young Adult, Fantasy ,Audiobook (audible), 6h28m

feb 15, 9:36 am

Hi Blue! My names Owl or Lily. How are you?

feb 15, 9:36 am

Finished Book 24: The librarian of crooked lane by CJ Archer
The Glass Library, book 1
New read, adult, fantasy, audiobook (hoopla), 8h 9m
Content warnings: fatphobia (from the main characters, I think), misogyny (not from the main characters), discussions of war, ptsd/trauma

Aside from several instances of fatphobia, which I found distasteful and unnecessary, I really liked this book.

Finished Book 25: Squire by Tamora Pierce
Protector of the Small, book 3
Reread, Young Adult, Fantasy, Audiobook (audible), 10h48m

Finished Book 26: The Medici manuscript by CJ Archer
The Glass Library, book 2
New read, adult, fantasy, audiobook (hoopla), 7h 59m
Content warnings: discussions of war, ptsd/trauma

I'm enjoying this series but the one thing I find kind of irritating is how pretty much every new male character who appears on page starts blatantly flirting with Sylvia. It’s edging into a Bella Swan-esque “oh she’s so shy and doesn’t have any experience with men, but all the men she meets are falling at her feet” sort of thing, which is not helped by how she keeps making a big deal about how she gets nervous talking to men (although rarely seems to actually get nervous talking to men).

That sounds like a big obnoxious thing, and it really isn’t, it’s really just a minor annoyance from several different incidents. And it’s definitely not stopping me from continuing to read the series; I’m on to book three already!

Currently Reading:
All the Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows (ebook, sister’s kindle)
The Untitled Books by CJ Archer (audiobook, hoopla)
Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce (audiobook, audible)

feb 15, 9:37 am

>22 Owltherian: Hi, Owl! I'm good, thanks. What's up?

feb 15, 9:41 am

>24 bluesalamanders: Nothin' much, just wanted to say hai.

feb 15, 11:48 am

>1 bluesalamanders: I love The Twelve Points of Caleb Canto, really enjoyed the recently released The Royals and the Ramblers (includes cameo of Caleb and Buck) and excited about the upcoming book featuring the World Cup and accompanying new lead character. I also really enjoyed the audiobook version of The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen and liked the follow-up A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel but not so well as the first book.

>8 foggidawn: If Found, Return to Hell sounds fun! And clearly popular based on the wait time in Libby. Same with For Never & Always.

feb 15, 12:38 pm

You're reading lots of good stuff! I love the Saint of Steel books (I devoured the new one when it came out in December) and the Protector of the Small books are some of my comfort reads :) I'm slowly discovering KJ Charles -- loved the first Will Darling book and have The Sugared Game out from the library to read next. I also bought a paper copy of The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen, but it will probably take me a bit longer to get to it.

feb 15, 12:56 pm

>27 curioussquared: I love the Will Darling Adventures! I'm rereading them now! I definitely recommend the audiobook version of The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen because the narrator is awesome.

feb 15, 10:26 pm

>26 justchris: The Royals and the Ramblers was not my favorite of the Shivadh books, but it's nice to talk to someone here who's heard of them! I do love Twelve Points and I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.

feb 15, 10:34 pm

>27 curioussquared: yeah, I'm really enjoying the Saint of Steel books! I'm looking forward to the next one, when my turn comes up on the library or if I get impatient and just buy a copy. POTS has always been one of my comfort reads and I've been having trouble sleeping recently, so I've been laying awake in the middle of the night listening to it recently.

Unlike justchris, I do not recommend the audiobook of Secret Lives. There's an issue with - I don't know if it's the reading or the editing, but there are frequent pauses in very weird places that makes it really hard to listen to. Which is too bad, because the voices and accents the narrator does are great! But I actually returned my audiobook and bought a paper copy.

The book is great, though. I love Secret Lives and the sequel both.

feb 15, 11:08 pm

The Royals and the Ramblers wasn't my favorite either, and the new romance was pretty meh for me, but there were a few fun scenes I really enjoyed. I've gotten a friend hooked on the series. So much love for these charming romances.

feb 15, 11:38 pm

>30 bluesalamanders: Good to know re: the Secret Lives audiobook! Good thing I have a paper copy already :)

feb 16, 1:43 am

>30 bluesalamanders: Huh. I didn't notice the pauses, so they didn't detract from my experience. Maybe because I have a tendency to listen while focused on various tasks? But I can see how that would be a barrier to enjoying the story.

feb 16, 8:04 am

>31 justchris: There definitely were some scenes that I loved, too. Eli and Noah's scenes, as I recall, were particularly cute, although they felt out of place in the book (to me).

I've tried to get some friends into the books, but haven't quite managed it, unfortunately.

mrt 10, 4:44 pm

Finished Book 27: Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce
Protector of the Small, book 4
Reread, young adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 11h 13m

This series has been a comfort read for me for years.

Finished Book 28: Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire
Incryptid, book 1
Reread, adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 11h 20m

Finished Book 29: Midnight Blue-Light Special by Seanan McGuire
Incryptid, book 2
Reread, adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 10h 59m

Finished Book 30: Half-Off Ragnarok by Seanan McGuire
Incryptid, book 3
Reread, adult, fantasy, audiobook, 10h 17m

I got to this point in my reread of the incryptid series and not for the first time stalled there. The first three books are reasonably light and fluffy and book 4 takes a sharp turn. It’s a lot darker and a lot more horror than the previous three, and horror is not a genre I read by choice. I may go back and try to reread some more of the series later, skipping 4 and going on from there.

mrt 10, 4:56 pm

Finished Book 31: The Untitled Books by CJ Archer
The Glass Library, book 3
New read, adult, fantasy, audiobook (hoopla), 7h 59m

Finished Book 32: An Unseen Attraction by KJ Charles
Sins of the cities, book 1
Reread, adult, romance (historical, mystery), Audiobook 7h 38m
Content warnings: open door sex, murder, torture, ableism, classism, racism, alcohol abuse, abusive family, homophobia, suicide, major character death

Finished Book 33: Aftermarket Afterlife by Seanan McGuire
New read, adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 13h 45m

I liked it a lot better than the previous couple of books in this series, that’s for sure.

In notes I wrote immediately after reading this book, I said it was the most upsetting Incryptid book, but I don’t think that’s actually true. It’s the most sad, certainly, but the one where Artie’s mind was wiped was the one that made me angriest. I also thought, right when I finished it, that I would never want to read this one again, but now I don’t think that’s true, either.

I really liked Mary as a narrator. She was an interesting character to learn about and from, I enjoyed seeing the world from her perspective, and it was nice seeing the variety of characters she was in touch with.

There are two main down sides to the audiobook. One is that the novella included at the end of the print edition isn't included in the audiobook. The other is that the narrator of this audiobook is, hm, not fantastic at accents.

Finished Book 34: An Unnatural Vice by KJ Charles
Sins of the cities, book 2
Reread, adult, romance (historical, mystery), Audiobook, 7h 54m
Content Warnings: open door sex, murder, torture, abusive family, homophobia, cults, discussion of implied rape, classism, racism, major character death

Currently Reading:
All the Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows (ebook, sister’s kindle)
The Twelve Points of Caleb Canto by Sam Starbuck (ebook, free)
An Unsuitable Heir by KJ Charles (audiobook, audible)
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (audiobook, hoopla)

mrt 13, 3:06 am

>35 bluesalamanders: I stumbled into the InCryptid series last year via a short story meetup between Verity Price and Elena Michaels from the Women of the Otherworld series that I was binging. I really liked Verity and then Antimony, so I read their parts of the series and then circled back to books 3 and 4 featuring Alex. All of the other characters in the series are fine, but I didn't feel driven to keep reading beyond That Ain't Witchcraft. What was the novella at the end of Aftermarket Afterlife?

>36 bluesalamanders: I think An Unsuitable Heir is about my favorite of the historical KJ Charles books, followed closely by A Seditious Affair and Band Sinister. At this point, I think I've worked through everything except the Magpie Lord books.

mrt 14, 5:26 pm

>37 justchris: It's something with Verity, I think? I haven't read it, because I listened to the audiobook and those aren't included with the audiobooks, unfortunately.

As much as I like Sarah, I don't love the books between That Ain't Witchcraft and Aftermarket Afterlife, so honestly? I think stopping there is a solid choice.

I don't love the Society of Gentlemen series, but Unsuitable Heir (really the whole trilogy) and Band Sinister are definitely two of my favorite KJC also! I also really love Any Old Diamonds the Doomsday Books. You know, she's got some upcoming books I'm really looking forward to.

mrt 14, 10:13 pm

>38 bluesalamanders: I love Any Old Diamonds! I have a soft spot for Society of Gentleman mostly because it's a favorite time period. And I think the lovers tiff over waistcoat color is hilarious. Mostly I like the secondary characters running the molly house, and a relationship built on kink & books and do names even matter? Until they do. Didn't like the third book at all. I really liked The Secret Life of Country Gentlemen but was pretty meh about A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel. I haven't looked ahead to future books. Thanks for the heads up.

I recently binged A Useful Woman series by Darcie Wilde, and it's interesting to see how different authors incorporate key historical events like Peterloo and the Cato Street conspiracy into their storylines and character development viz. A Seditious Affair and The Secret of the Lady's Maid.

mrt 14, 11:11 pm

I like the idea of Seditious Affair, but honestly the sex squicks me out. No judgment to people who like it! I just do not. I liked the first book, but I can't reread it either, because I really dislike one of the main characters from book 3 (guess which, lol) and he's such a large part of the series, he even taints the first one.

I haven't heard of Darcie Wilde, were they good books? Do you recommend them?

mrt 15, 12:08 am

>40 bluesalamanders: yeah, I don't really like that asshole either. No worries about what works or doesn't for each reader. I've enjoyed the Darcie Wilde books. Murder mysteries with a very slow burning straight romance, strong female protagonist.

mrt 25, 9:31 am

Happy new thread Blue! Well, newish, sort of.

apr 17, 10:05 pm

Finished Book 35: The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison
New read, adult, fantasy, audiobook (hoopla),
Content warnings: fantasy racism, suicide, classism, probably other stuff I forgot to note down

So, I liked this book, but I didn’t love it.

The two main problems I had with it were, firstly, the character names were very complicated and similar and I had a really hard time remembering who was who and, secondly, I found it extremely, almost painfully slow to get started. It’s not that I hated the beginning or anything, it was just so slow for the first half or maybe two-thirds of the book. The rest of it was really enjoyable, with a lot of action, dramatic events, and payoff for earlier setup. Not that I necessarily need a lot of action and drama in the books I read, but, well. You get the picture.

I’m not sure if the name thing was an audiobook problem or if I would have had just as much trouble if I’d read it in text, but either way, it contributed to the other issue, because not knowing who anyone was made every scene much more confusing than it should have been.

Finished Book 36: Unsuitable Heir by KJ Charles
Sins of the cities, book 3
Reread, adult, romance (historical, mystery), Audiobook, 7h 28m
Content warnings: open-door sex, cults, body dysphoria, murder, torture, homophobia, ableism, classism, racism, major character death

Finished Book 37: Android’s Dream by John Scalzi
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook, 10h 34m

Finished Book 38: Redshirts by John Scalzi
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook, 7h 41m

Finished Book 39: Death in the Spires by KJ Charles
New read, adult, mystery (NOT romance), ebook (netgalley), 273p
Content warnings: closed-door sex, racism, ableism, classism, homophobia, alcohol use/abuse, discussion of rape, discussion of abortion

A letter is arrives at Jem's work, accusing him of committing an unsolved murder that happened a decade earlier, and he decides that the only way to deal with it is to discover once and for all who the real murderer was.

I really liked this! The beginning is pretty stressful but I love the second half and the resolution makes everything worth it.

apr 17, 10:05 pm

>42 humouress: Hi, humouress!

apr 17, 10:12 pm

Finished Book 40: Lock In by John Scalzi
Lock in, book 1
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook (audible), 10h 56m

Finished Book 41: Head On by John Scalzi
Lock In, book 2
Reread, adult, science fiction, audible (audible), 7h 36m

Finished Book 42: Yeti for Love by Neva Post
Alaska Yeti Series, book 3
New read, adult, romance (paranormal), ebook (hoopla), 232p

This is a silly book and while it’s not exactly my most preferred genre of romance, it’s both cute and short enough that I’m going to go ahead and read some more of the series.

Finished Book 43: Ready for Her Yeti by Neva Post
Alaska Yeti Series, book 1
New read, adult, romance (paranormal), ebook (hoopla), 178p

Finished Book 44: The Spare Man by Mary Robinette Kowal
Reread, adult, science fiction (mystery), audiobook (audible), 11h 24m

Bewerkt: apr 25, 11:19 pm

Finished Book 45: Fake Dating Her Yeti by Neva Post
Alaska Yeti Series, book 2
New read, adult, romance (paranormal), ebook (hoopla), 226p

Finished Book 46: The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter by Theodora Goss
The Athena Club, book 1
Reread, adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 13h 39m

Finished Book 47: Allowing the Night by T S Winterway
New read, adult, fantasy (romance), ebook (early reviewer), 154p

The best I can say about this book is that it was ok. It was interesting enough (and short enough) that I read it all in one sitting, but it just seemed like it lacked depth. There were a lot of pieces of worldbuilding, but they didn’t quite fit together to make a cohesive whole. The most obvious example is that the book started off with a detailed description of magically-powered machines - and then they had no impact on the story and were never mentioned again. That happened several times; something new would pop up, either sound important or almost impact the characters, and then never be mentioned again.

The description says the book is a “character-based romance” and I will say that the characters were the reason that I continued reading, since I found the worldbuilding lacking and the plot kind of weak.

Finished Book 48: European travel for the monstrous gentlewoman by Theodora Goss
The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club, book 2
Reread, adult, fantasy, audiobook, 24h 27m

Finished Book 49: Unbury the Bones by Coyote JM Edwards
Ember Bones, book 1
New read, adult, mystery (fantasy), ebook (kobo), 79p

Vampire PI Grim and their werewolf partner investigate a series of strange coincidences.

I liked this! There were some things I think could have been a little more developed. But unlike some other things I’ve read recently, this was still an enjoyable book and I’m looking forward to the sequel.

Finished Book 50: Boneless by Coyote JM Edwards
Ember Bones, book 1
New read, adult, mystery (fantasy), ebook (early reviewers), 62p

Grim’s werewolf partner has been kidnapped, but how do they even begin to search when captives steal themselves away?

I also liked this one! It’s a direct sequel to Unbury the Bones, so I’m glad I read that first. As with the first one, I could wish it was a little longer, but overall I enjoyed it and I hope there will be more Ember Bones books.

mei 13, 6:43 pm

Finished Book 51: Old Man’s War by John Scalzi
Old Man’s War, book 1
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook (audible), 9h 58m

Finished Book 52: Forest Bride by Jane Buehler
Sylvania, book 1
New read, adult, romance (fantasy), ebook (hoopla), 286p

Princess Rose longs to escape the bond (which means marriage, I think?) her father is arranging for her.

I checked this book out because I got books 3 and 4 in the series from Early Reviewers. It hasn’t turned me off reading the other books, but I’m not going out of my way to recommend it, either.

To be honest, aside from the sex, it reads more like a YA fantasy than Adult romance. The protagonist seems like a sheltered 18-year-old (I’m not sure what age she’s supposed to be), and there are a lot of things that remind me of why I don’t read much YA anymore, because I’m just not the intended audience. For example, there are half a dozen major plotlines that bump up against each other, each only lightly explored and most wrapped up quickly and with little tension, which is something that I’m sure happens in Adult fantasy but is much more common in YA.

mei 13, 6:47 pm

Finished Book 53: The Last Colony by John Scalzi
Old Man’s War, book 3
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook (audible), 9h 51m

Finished Book 54: The Ghost and Mrs Muir by R. A. Dick
New read, adult, fantasy, audiobook (hoopla), 5h 37m

A young widow leaves her overbearing in-laws and moves with her children into Gull Cottage, a lovely house near the sea that has very affordable rent because, as it turns out, it’s haunted by the disagreeable sea captain who built it.

My sister and I watched the movie of the same name recently and really enjoyed it, and when I mentioned that to a friend, they recommended the book. I didn’t know it was based on a book, so I figured it was worth checking out. It turns out the movie is a surprisingly faithful adaptation; a few events are shuffled around in the chronology and some events and characters are removed to compress the timeline a bit, but overall the story is pretty similar.

What I found frustrating in the book was that Mrs. Muir never really comes into her own. She goes from being bullied and controlled by her in-laws to being bullied and controlled by the Captain and while most of his “for your own good” is actually for her own good (unlike her in-laws and her children), it’s still a lot of shouting and ordering her around, which is what she wanted to get away from. And every time she tries to stand up to someone, he interferes, so she never really manages to do it herself. In the movie, there was definitely some of that, but she made more choices of her own without his interference and learned to stand up for herself, too.

The book was okay, but honestly I preferred the movie.

mei 20, 12:27 pm

Finished Book 55: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
Wayfarers, book 1
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook (audible), 14h 23m
Content warnings: misgendering, fantasy bigotry, involuntary medical procedure, major character death

Pearl’d: Ocean Girl by Jane Buehler
Early Reviewer

A mermaid goes to land for the first time to try and find the missing king. On her way to beach, she sees a fisherman and becomes obsessed with his beauty. But she’s heard all the terrible rumors about humans and fae...

Like Forest Bride, this feels more like a YA fantasy than an Adult romance. I was particularly thrown when two characters in this pseudo-medieval setting started talking about the patriarchy. I certainly don’t have an issue with books discussing the patriarchy, but it felt awfully anachronistic, and also, both characters were from messed up feudal societies. I don’t think “the patriarchy” was the biggest issue there.

jun 14, 6:48 am

Happy birthday blue!

jun 15, 3:12 pm

>50 humouress: Thank you!

jun 15, 6:18 pm

Happy Birthday!

jun 18, 1:56 pm

jun 28, 4:43 pm

Finished Book 56: You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian
Midcentury NYC, book 2
New read, adult, romance (historical), audiobook (library), 11h 59m
Content warnings: past partner death, mourning, depression, secondary character death, discussions of homophobia, discussions of racism

This book is so tooth-achingly sweet - but in a good way! I really enjoyed it a lot.

Pearl’d: Grimm Machinations: More Steampunk Faerie Tales by Danielle Ackley-McPhail (ed) and Greg Schauer (ed)
Early Reviewer

As with most anthologies, there's a range in the quality of the stories. There's also a range in how well the steampunk trappings are worked into each world. That said, I shouldn’t have requested this book. While I like the steampunk aesthetic, I forgot that I've only liked a very few steampunk books.

Finished Book 57: Sunshine by Robin McKinley
Reread, adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 15h 22m

I really love this book. The audiobook narrator is just ok, but I’ve read the book a million times already, so it didn’t bother me much.

Finished Book 58: Finder by Suzanne Palmer
The Finder Chronicles, book 1
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook (audible), 11h 45m

Finished Book 59: Driving the Deep by Suzanne Palmer
The Finder Chronicles, book 2
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook (audible), 12h 18m

The fourth book in the series just came out, so I’m rereading the other three, and they're just as good as I remember.

jun 28, 5:01 pm

Finished Book 60: A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan
The Memoirs of Lady Trent, book 1
Reread, adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 10h 17m

Finished Book 61: Tropic of Serpents by Marie Brennan
The Memoirs of Lady Trent, book 2
Reread, adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 10h 39m

Finished Book 62: The Scavenger Door by Suzanne Palmer
The Finder Chronicles, book 3
Reread, adult, science fiction, audiobook (audible), 14h 48m

I truly love this series, and I’ve started the fourth book and I’m really enjoying that one, too.

Finished Book 63: Ghostdrift by Suzanne Palmer
The Finder Chronicles, book 4
New read, adult, science fiction, audiobook (audible), 13h 37m

Absolutely fantastic addition to the series, loved it. I assumed this was going to be the final book, but the end really opens it up for more books, so I’m looking forward that.

Finished Book 64: Marry Me By Midnight by Felicia Grossman
Once Upon the East End, book 1
New read, adult, romance (historical), ebook (kobo), 400p

I actually started listening to the audiobook, then switched to ebook in hopes that it would mitigate the things I wasn’t liking, which sometimes happens, but unfortunately that did not work. I pushed through anyway, because how often do you see Jewish main characters in historical romance? But I really didn’t care for this book. I thought the main characters consistently acted stupidly, which was especially nonsensical since the woman is supposed to be exceptionally intelligent and both characters are supposed to be worried about social backlash. There was a lot of other stuff that just didn’t work for me, too.

jun 29, 7:21 am

>54 bluesalamanders: Maybe I should give Sunshine a go, since lots of people love it. I loved her Damar books and was wary about trying something of hers outside that universe but I did read Dragonhaven and really enjoyed it. I'm also a bit cautious about retellings of fairytales because they don't always work for me. But feel free to count it as a BB - I just have to go out and get it now!

Bewerkt: jun 29, 8:04 pm

>56 humouress: I really enjoy Sunshine, it's probably my favorite of her books. My second favorite would be Shadows though they can switch back and forth.

Bewerkt: jul 1, 6:54 am

>56 humouress: If you like Dragonhaven, I think there's a good chance you'll like Sunshine. Sunshine has a similar voice but more mature, since the main character is an adult woman, not a teenage boy. And if it helps, it isn't a fairy tale retelling at all. I hope you enjoy it!

jul 1, 8:40 am

Gisteren, 6:22 pm

Finished Book 65: Voyage of the Basilisk by Marie Brennan
Memoirs of Lady Trent, book 3
Reread, adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 11 hrs and 52 mins

Finished Book 66: Running Close to the Wind by Alexandra Rowland
Arasht, book 2
New read, adult, romance (fantasy, historical), audiobook (audible), 14h 49m

I liked this book a lot, but I had two issues with it. One is that the main character is pretty irritating. And he’s supposed to be, and I liked him anyway! But I would have preferred him slightly less irritating. Also, I wish the audiobook narrator had not picked such an irritating voice for him. Because now we’ve got an irritating character, with an irritating voice, and it was just. A lot.

The other issue I have is kind of spoilery, so I’m putting it behind a cut. Usually I am happy to go along with whatever decision an author makes about sex; closed door, open door, fade to black, no sex, whatever. But this book actually feels incomplete without a sex scene between the three main characters. The whole book was teasing how attracted they all were to each other, how much they all come to care for each other, how big a deal it would be if Julien broke his vows to be with them. And then it just…stopped. Like I said, I usually am happy to go with whatever an author chooses on this score. But in this case, it just felt wrong.

Despite that, I enjoyed it and I think it’s a really good book. The setting is great, it’s absolutely hilarious (possibly a little funnier to terminally online people like me, but I think most of it should be understandable to other people too), it’s an interesting story with clever plotting and character growth.

Finished Book 67: In the Labyrinth of Drakes by Marie Brennan
Memoirs of Lady Trent, book 4
Reread, adult, fantasy, audiobook (audible), 10h 31m

Finished Book 68: The Duke at Hazard by KJ Charles
The Gentlemen of Uncertain Fortune, book 2
New read, adult, romance (historical), ebook (kobo), 336
Content warnings: open door sex, past sexual assault, past parental death, financual abuse by a guardian, mention of animal abuse, gambling, mention of homophobia, accident and injuries, alcohol abuse, lying

Interestingly, as with KJ Charles’ other recent book, Death in the Spires, I thought The Duke at Hazard was a little slow to get started, but the I really liked the characters and the end was fantastic. Both main characters were great, and in fact I ended up liking several more secondary characters a lot more than I expected. And I was absolutely delighted when characters from the first book showed up.

(It is not necessary to read the previous book and novella in order to understand this one, but it definitely makes those cameos more fun.)