Assassination attempt

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Assassination attempt

jul 13, 6:46 pm

It appears there was an assassination attempt on Trump today. It was caught live on CNN this afternoon.

jul 13, 7:04 pm

His Secret Service detail appear frustrated with him as he won’t stay down. He kept raising his fist and inciting his followers.

…and I guess he is a red-blooded American.

jul 13, 7:14 pm

Well it's a gun happy nation and his party is a gun happy party. He's played up to that too.

jul 13, 7:19 pm

I think it’s odd that with supposed bullets flying around him, no one else was struck. His fans behind the stand continue to stand there and take pictures.

jul 13, 7:30 pm

>1 theretiredlibrarian: Well, if Trump's people didn't stage it, they would have done well to. Watch him pop 10 points in the polls now.
And if they did, we'd best get to the bottom of it damn quick.

jul 13, 7:38 pm

>4 2wonderY: That and haven't heard about any suspect. Seems it was a small caliber weapon. Someone sniped him?

Trump is a loudmouth but he's not particularly brave. Wondering if this ends his rallying of the faithful for this election season? Probably not---probably means security is going to ramp up like nobody's business. In my lifetime JFK was shot supposedly only by Oswald. There was a lot of odd about that. RFK and MLK--George Wallace put in a wheelchair by Squeaky Fromme one of Manson's clan. Ronald Reagan. Harvey Milk. Easily the best of them all was MLK and probably the next best was Milk.

jul 13, 7:40 pm

>5 davidgn: I don't know if he's going to get much of a bump. It's not like anyone who didn't like him before is going to start liking him now. Not an easy guy to feel any sympathy for.

jul 13, 7:49 pm

From CNN:

One audience member and the gunman are dead after a shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania, according to Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger.

The district attorney also said Trump is going to be OK and was removed by the US Secret Service. The official said a second spectator is in serious condition.

jul 13, 7:54 pm

>8 2wonderY: Well, this will be interesting.

jul 13, 8:01 pm

>4 2wonderY: It's being reported that one man was killed instantly (head wound) and that a woman was seriously injured.

Bewerkt: jul 13, 8:19 pm

Trump's main concern was getting his shoes.

Bewerkt: jul 13, 8:24 pm

Biden's response from the podium in Rehoboth Beach, DE (8 mins ago):

Bewerkt: jul 13, 9:14 pm

Trump was hit by glass shards from a teleprompter that was shot.

jul 13, 9:15 pm

>14 Molly3028: He claims otherwise.


I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!




Jul 13, 2024, 7:42 PM

Bewerkt: jul 13, 10:02 pm

>7 lriley: You might be surprised.
Here's Doel.
He's right about the photo.

Trump Just Created One of the Most Iconic Photos in U.S. History

Bewerkt: jul 14, 12:40 pm

I'm watching the BBC interview with Spiky Redhead Guy and suddenly, this sticks out to me.

Yes, he was just shot. But it seems somehow appropriate.

The Winging of the Trump-stag...

jul 13, 10:58 pm

>16 davidgn: I guess you can say he has real skin in the game finally. Do I expect Trump and his campaign to play it up? For sure. How many people haven't made up their minds one way or another or another already though. I guess I fall into the double haters group. I also grew up in a time when every now and again a politician would get shot (should I be shocked? when Trump himself trades on violent rhetoric all the time.....when a military grade assault rifle is available to pretty near everyone who wants one?) well as all the evil, the profiteering and cynicism that came out of the Vietnam war and Nixon's presidency and Reagan's bs and Clinton's trying to make lying into some kind of virtue....the Bush's? and the point I'm at now is pretty much fuck 'em all. Pretty much they're all despicable. I'm not going to cheer about this but really I kind of feel indifferent about this attack. And really there are people that are dead because of Donald and we only have to go back to Jan. 7 and the same with Biden here.....these bombs we're sending over to Israel have killed thousands of people. I also kind of feel like this country is shit in a lot of ways or just about the most rogue nation under the sun. That's where our politicians have taken us. Biden just in his NATO speech the other day with his we need to rebuild our industrial capacity just because we and all our friends (who he encourages the same) are going to need more weapon systems. Trump surely feels the same.

Right now IMO the answer isn't either of these political parties and personally I don't think I'm all that alone in thinking that.

jul 14, 12:42 am

Dit bericht wordt niet meer getoond omdat het door verschillende gebruikers is aangemerkt als misbruik. (Tonen)
i want to stick my bbc in trump

Bewerkt: jul 14, 2:34 am

>7 lriley:

Mark Bankston @BankstonAtLaw | 7:51 PM · Jul 13, 2024:
Partner, Farrar & Ball... Caught Alex Jones lying on the stand.

Quick reminder that when a deranged lunatic tried to kill Paul Pelosi with a hammer, Trump joked it about repeatedly. He thought it was funny and cool.

0:27 (
"FIGHT!" Here we go...

CNN host scolds Trump for saying 'Fight!' in immediate aftermath of assassination attempt
Joshua Q. Nelson | July 14, 2024

0:12 (

Committee strikes down last-ditch attempt to ban guns within RNC security footprint
Hannah Hilyard | Jun 7, 2024

An alderman {Bob Bauman} asked the public safety committee to defy state law and implement a firearm ban within the soft security zone.

The push to keep guns out of the Republican National Convention's soft security footprint in downtown Milwaukee has failed.

Currently, items such as tennis balls and hard water bottles won't be allowed within the perimeter, which runs from West Clybourn to West Cherry streets and North 9th to North Water streets in downtown Milwaukee...

Republicans against Trump @RpsAgainstTrump | 9:17 PM · Jul 13, 2024:
I don’t care what your politics are. This is awful. Political violence is NEVER ok. We wish Donald Trump a swift recovery. Please pray for our country.

President Biden @POTUS | 7:58 PM · Jul 13, 2024:
I have been briefed on the shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania.

I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally, as we await further information.

Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it.

Representative Matt Soper @SoperMatthew | 12:59 AM · Jul 14, 2024:
I agree with Congresswoman {Lauren} Boebert! The blood of the dead and wounded, including that of Pres Trump, is on Biden’s hands! He is not fit for the office of the presidency and should be prosecuted for criminal incitement of violence and solicitation of murder.

Jan 6 ... "incitement of violence and solicitation of murder"

Bewerkt: jul 14, 2:15 am

Shooter apparently a 20 y.o. registered Republican from Bethel Park, PA (well-to-do Pittsburgh suburb). Interesting.

jul 14, 4:05 am

>20 margd: That's correct with Trump and Mr. Pelosi. As I said earlier Trump traffics in violent rhetoric. He's done this right from the start of his political adventure. 'I can murder someone in Times Square' etc. Calling out to rally members or security to beat up individuals at his rallies. We could go and on. Inciting the Jan 7 insurrection in which 5 people died that day and then several suicides later of cops and attendees who found themselves being prosecuted. There's never been the least bit of self reflection from this guy for any of it. As well you run for high office you should bear in mind that some day someone might take a shot at you. That that's a real possibility and FWIW and I'm not suggesting Trump is Hitler or even Hitler II (though people are free to think that if they like) but Adolf survived if I remember something like 30+ assassination attempts......the most famous one by Von Stauffenberg.

Very much because of Trump right wing violence has been rewarded over and over. He often calls for it. Since his arrival on the political scene our politics have gotten nastier and nastier and it's saturated all throughout the population. This Crooks was a 20 year old.....a lot of the mass shooters we see today are very young men too. Our political system makes it easy for anyone to buy a military grade assault weapon. They're almost everywhere. Like nobody is going to use them? Really? Trump and the Republican Party have played very much too that so someone taking a potshot at him is kind of like karma.

jul 14, 8:51 am

20 y.o. registered Republican who gave $15 to a liberal cause?????

Betting parlor patrons immediately featured a Trump win in November!

jul 14, 10:25 am

>23 Molly3028: Going to hazard a bet that Pennsylvania requires registration as a Republican to vote in the Republican primaries?
Also... Yep.

jul 14, 11:43 am

Christmas present?

I read a report that stated the shooter's father apparently bought the gun about six months ago.

Bewerkt: jul 14, 2:25 pm

Mediaite ~

Police Find Explosive Devices in Car of Trump Shooting Suspect

Drudge Report ~

PHOTO ~ The boy shooter is wearing a tee which features the Flag and the Mt. Rushmore presidents.

Bewerkt: jul 14, 2:23 pm

PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 @patriottakes | 8:14 AM · Jul 14, 2024:
Dedicated research monitoring and exposing right-wing extremism and other threats to democracy.

5 months ago, Alex Jones and InfoWars guest Ivan Raiklin* discussed how assassinating Trump would be beneficial, according to them, because it would lead to retaliatory “in kind” assassinations of a “deep state” list which includes President Joe Biden.

Ivan Raiklin: “If they assassinate Trump, option 2, behind Trump, is going to be so much better for us and so much worse them.”

Alex Jones: “I was about as to say, If they kill him, that’s best case scenario from a sick level. From a sick level medium, ‘Oh, please kill him.’ I mean, it’s so good after that.”

Raiklin: “Oh, it’s going to be the best cleansing and the fastest cleansing that we’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I guaran—, I access, with almost certainty, with the highest level of confidence, that if they assassinate Trump, it is so game over for them.”

1:29 (

During the episode, Alex Jones played the guest’s “deep state target list” video which includes President Joe Biden, Speaker Hakeem Jeffries, former Vice President Mike Pence, and several current and former politicians and government officials, media members, and others.

2:59 (

IVAN RAIKLIN: “I've got their numbers, I've got their home addresses.

* Ivan Raiklin is the progenitor of the Pence card, which he tweeted to President Trump on December 16, 2020, which outlined a novel legal theory to overturn the legitimate result of the 2020 US Presidential election. This tweet was the precursor of the Eastman memos. (Wikipedia)

Rep. Jamie Raskin Sounds the Alarm on Trump’s Self-Declared ‘Secretary of Retribution’ ‘DEADLY SERIOUS’
AJ McDougall | Jul. 11, 2024

Ivan Raiklin, a former U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency employee, has reportedly compiled a “Deep State target list” of 350 people he wants to see arrested...

Bewerkt: jul 14, 2:37 pm
NBC Reporter: It’s ‘Obviously a Possibility’ Shooter Might Have Targeted Trump for Not Being ‘Conservative Enough’

Trump's failure to hold dear the Ten Commandments could certainly be an example of someone who is not conservative enough.

Bewerkt: jul 14, 2:45 pm

>24 davidgn: >28 Molly3028: Pennsylvania is indeed a closed primary state, but apparently the shooter last voted in the 2022 midterms. That seems to argue against a tactical anti-Trump primary registration.

Bewerkt: jul 14, 5:06 pm

Strange reaction to what could have been a very serious attack ~

Wounded guy raises his fist
and says "fight, fight, fight"
then says "let me get my shoes"

Is Trump a manufactured Musk robot?
Why does he always refer to himself in the third person?

Bewerkt: jul 14, 6:22 pm

>30 Molly3028: Well, it was a very serious attack. One person dead, two critically wounded (last I checked). And the reaction actually makes a lot of sense from a narcissist like Trump. I would have to review the videos, but I don't recall that that chronology is correct either.

Bewerkt: jul 14, 5:46 pm

Yashar Ali 🐘 yashar | 12:47 PM · Jul 14, 2024:

Kid Rock: “You f*ck with Trump. You f*ck with me.”
0:08 (

Hoodlum 🇺🇸 @NotHoodlum | 3:59 PM · Jul 14, 2024:

It’s the rhetoric of the left. 🥴
0:34 (
From Ron Filipkowski

Bewerkt: jul 14, 8:42 pm

>32 margd: The secondary issue to Mr. Crooks missing his target is we're going to have actors and morons of every stripe such as KR but also lots and lots of politicians trying to spin this to their own benefit. For Biden for instance he and his allies are going to try to use this to shut down any chance of his being replaced which no matter how much he is in denial about his health---he needs to really take seriously doing cognitive tests to establish whether he has Parkinson's or some other form of dementia because shit like that moves at its own pace but it definitely looks to me like it's moving on him and there is no coming back from that. He's pretty close to being both a physical and a mental wreck. But that said I don't believe he's got much chance of winning anyway where others might have a better chance. If and when the democrats lose in November they're going to be pointing their fingers in all directions. They never look in the mirror......but from what I see Joe B. is going to be needing some kind of round the clock care pretty soon or well before this next presidential term is up. The dems will have to spin that too when it happens. It's insane to be running this guy.

jul 14, 9:00 pm
BlackRock Says Gunman From Trump Rally Appeared in Firm’s Ad

(Bloomberg) -- Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old gunman who shot and injured former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, briefly appeared in an advertisement for BlackRock Inc., the company said on Sunday.

Crooks was one of several students who appeared in the background of the 2022 ad and was unpaid, BlackRock, the world’s largest money manager, said in a statement. The ad was filmed at Bethel Park High School, where Crooks graduated in 2022, and featured a teacher, the company said.

Bewerkt: jul 14, 10:11 pm

Here's CBS Pittsburgh. They seem to be running with the $15 Act Blue donation. Lots of interviews, not a lot of insight. Except that he was a (relatively) intelligent loner -- and a poor shot who failed to make the high school rifle team.

jul 14, 10:36 pm

Assessment of Secret Service response by a couple of people who know what they're talking about. Still watching.
Larry C. Johnson & former FBI HRT Sniper Chris Whitcomb on the Failed Assassination of Donald Trump

jul 15, 3:55 am

The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator
David Frum | July 14, 2024

Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.

... conventional phrases don’t go unheard. They carry meanings, meanings no less powerful for being rote and reflexive. In rightly denouncing violence, we are extending an implicit pardon to the most violent person in contemporary U.S. politics. In asserting unity, we are absolving a man who seeks power through the humiliation and subordination of disdained others.

Those conventional phrases are inscribing Trump into a place in American life that he should have forfeited beyond redemption on January 6, 2021. All decent people welcome the sparing of his life. Trump’s reckoning should be with the orderly process of law, not with the bloodshed he rejoiced in when it befell others. He and his allies will exploit a gunman’s vicious criminality as their path to exonerate past crimes and empower new ones. Those who stand against Trump and his allies must find the will and the language to explain why these crimes, past and planned, are all wrong, all intolerable—and how the gunman and Trump, at their opposite ends of a bullet’s trajectory, are nonetheless joined together as common enemies of law and democracy.

Eric Foltz @EricFoltz | 9:31 PM · Jul 14, 2024 {X}:

Two people who were wounded at Trump's rally are in the hospital and one person is dead.
Trump didn't visit the hospital or the family of the man who was killed.
He went golfing.
Nothing more needs to be said.

Cart boy's account of Trump's golf outing day after shooting

jul 15, 4:15 am

>37 margd: Well said by Frum.

jul 15, 5:50 am

Footage of attendees noticing the guy on the roof

jul 15, 11:17 am

>30 Molly3028: are they sure about "Fight, fight, fight"? I can't bear to watch any of this mess but I've been told that lip readers are saying all he said was "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Which would certainly be more appropriate given his potty mouth when in the WH.

jul 15, 11:24 am

>40 alco261: It was “fight!” The microphone was still on. He was charging up his followers. Don Jr. echoed him shortly after, posting on X: “He’ll never stop fighting to Save America.”

My guess is the Secret Service agents surrounding him told him almost immediately that the shooter had been eliminated.

Bewerkt: jul 15, 3:36 pm

>41 2wonderY:, ok thanks.

Bewerkt: jul 15, 2:46 pm

>34 Molly3028: Probably a coincidence. That said, it's not lost on me that BlackRock has immense interests in Ukraine. I understand why people might latch onto it. It strikes me as another of the universe's little jokes.

jul 15, 3:57 pm

Jeff Sharlet with Amy Goodman.

AMY GOODMAN: You posted on social media, “Calling Trump a 'threat to democracy' is in no way 'violent rhetoric.'” Can you take it from there? I mean, you have this situation where Trump was injured, his right ear grazed. He’ll be speaking at the Republican convention tonight. One man was killed. Another two are critically injured. The shooter was shot. It is unclear how the Secret Service, clearing the site, which was a large field, where only this building overlooked it, overlooked this building, even as spectators were pointing to him climbing up the side of the building and then on the roof, and saying, “There’s a shooter there.” This is before he opened fire.

JEFF SHARLET: Yes. And I think to connect that to the idea of calling Trump a threat to democracy is the depth of cynicism. And I’ll go and take up Senator Vance’s challenge, too. Trump is fascist authoritarian. That’s a threat he poses. Naming that doesn’t call for violence. It calls for a vibrant democratic response.

And I think, in some ways, what’s dismaying is this kind of tit-for-tat. Was the gunman a Republican, or was he motivated by some delusional version of what he imagined were left ideas? The clear division line here for that gunman, for that kind of action, is between violence and democracy. An assassin is anti-democracy. He is pro-violence.

And Trump is speaking as a candidate for a pro-violent movement that speaks explicitly and frequently and openly — and I didn’t go to Butler, but I’ve been to plenty of Trump rallies, and the invocation of violence is a constant drumbeat there. So, the depth of the cynicism of the idea that defending democracy is somehow calling for violence is kind of a new low for the Trump campaign, and that’s saying something.

Bewerkt: jul 15, 4:51 pm

>36 davidgn: Suffice it to say that the analysts in this one try very hard to come up with a plausible explanation for how the actions of the Secret Service and coordinating services could be explained by incompetence. They do a very good job.

Bewerkt: jul 15, 5:23 pm

In which the Australians chronicle our national downfall.
New Four Corners Series Investigates Threats to American Democracy

VIDEO: Retribution — Part one: The battle for democracy
( OR )

jul 18, 12:32 am

Aftermath of a Shooting (International Crisis Group)

The United States’ politics took a dangerous turn over the weekend when an apparently lone gunman tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a rally in the state of Pennsylvania, injuring Trump and two others, and killing one of his supporters. The shooter’s motives remain unclear but the incident at least momentarily heightened fears that the country’s already divided politics could transform into something far uglier in the run-up to November’s presidential elections. Though a victim in this context, Trump’s norm-shattering appetite for confrontation – he helped mobilise the violent mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol on 6 January 2021 – augmented the sense of peril. Fortunately the immediate risks created by the weekend shooting have since eased. Incumbent President Joe Biden and other leaders in his Democratic Party called for unity and non-violence, and Trump himself has so far steered clear of escalatory rhetoric. Some prominent members of his Republican party initially sought to lay blame for the incident on their political opponents but much of that rhetoric has subsided. Still, the shooting remains an important reminder of how quickly the politics of this polarised nation, awash in guns, could go off the rails. Responsibility for avoiding that scenario falls first and foremost on Trump given his historic willingness to set Americans against each other. But fairly or not, efforts to avoid escalation will also create burdens for Biden and his Democratic party, which have placed the threat Trump poses to democracy in the United States at the centre of their political agenda. The shooting cannot be allowed to derail their advocacy for that agenda, but it does require all political leaders to take extra pains to remind their audience that democratic systems heal themselves at the ballot box, and not through violence. The more those messages can be delivered jointly by representatives of both parties – challenging public perceptions of a nation hopelessly divided – the better...

jul 18, 1:56 am

Extended ABC Planet America segment includes extensive interview with a former Secret Service operative.

Bewerkt: jul 19, 9:37 am

But American soldiers who lost their lives or were captured or injured are losers -- got it.

The Random Guy @RandomTheGuy_ | 11:48 PM · Jul 18, 2024:
Donald Trump pays tribute {at RNC Conference} to firefighter Corey Comperatore, who lost his life at the rally.
0:28 (
From Leading Report

jul 19, 9:10 am

Still waiting for the flood of retractions of all of the comments advocating political violence from Republicans over the last eight years or so... not holding my breath, though.

jul 19, 10:23 am

>49 margd: undoubtedly his handlers told him to say something - his actions on that day reflect his true feelings - no visiting the injured in the hospital, no visiting the family of the dead, no comments of any kind. Just hop into his plane so he can get back home and play a round of golf - as they used to say his "tribute" is a day late and a dollar short.

Bewerkt: jul 19, 1:55 pm

What's the cliche - a lie can travel around the world three times before the truth can get out of the gate?

I read somewhere that the $15 donation was made by another Thomas Crooks - also a Pennsylvania resident, a white male age 50 or so. Anyway, it was "jump to a conclusion time" for all and sundry.

I can't find the reference now. If someone could that would be great.

- - - - - - - - - - I just now found this:

...State public voting records show that Crooks was a registered Republican, while Federal Election Commission documents show that a donor with the same name and address gave $15 to ActBlue, the Democratic fundraising apparatus, on Jan. 20, 2021—the date of President Joe Bide
n’s inauguration. The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project.
A spokesperson for the Progressive Turnout Project told CNN that “the email address associated with the contribution only made the one contribution and was unsubscribed from our lists 2 years ago.”

(Anyway, one donation of $15 about three and a half years ago? Hell, three and a half years ago J.D. Vance was on public record as being "never tRump.)

jul 19, 2:44 pm

Three years ago, Crook was 17(?) so couldn't legally give to Dems(?) But as a highschooler he self-identified so much as an R that he isolated himself socially? If he did give(?) no surprise that he'd use another's ID(?)

jul 19, 3:32 pm

More or less have heard that Crooks was out for both Trump and Biden. To me it's pretty much irrelevant who he gave money to or what party he registered with. He just wanted to kill one of our major party goofballs and it didn't matter much to him which. It's just that Biden is rarely seen in public and Trump relishes that kind of thing and here was Donald rallying in Crooks own back yard. Donald was much much easier for him to try than Biden.

jul 19, 9:18 pm

African schoolchildren re-enact the assassination attempt.
The world is watching.

jul 20, 3:58 am

>55 davidgn: Shooters inspire wannabes here. Sad to see the reach of these images and ideas... will tomorrow's fascist or shooter emerge from what little (boys...) see today?

jul 21, 5:07 am

Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social @TrumpDailyPosts
Donald Trump Truth Social 03:15 PM EST 07/20/24 @realDonaldTrump
3:24 PM · Jul 20, 2024

Ronnie Jackson statement on Trump condition (

Krutika Kuppalli, MD FIDSA {WHO} @KrutikaKuppalli | 1:15 AM · Jul 21, 2024 {X}:

This raises a few questions
1. Why isn’t the physician who cared for #Trump in #Butler providing this report?
2 Why didn’t a 2 cm bullet wound to the ear lead to stitches?
3. What did the CT head show? This is important in the aftermath of a high velocity head injury.

jul 21, 9:30 am

>36 davidgn: >45 davidgn:
Larry Johnson returns with retired Secret Service vet Larry Cunningham to provide an updated analysis. Top of my docket.

Gisteren, 12:03 pm

Trump’s Sons Keep Falsely Blaming Democrats for the Assassination Attempt
Mark Follman | 23 July 2024

...{Unnamed threat expert} “Trump people were already mobilizing around the phony message of ‘we’re going to get screwed again by a rigged election,’ and now they’re piling on the idea that the opposition is so out to get Trump that they even tried to kill him, and therefore retaliation is justified. Only a small number of people might take violent action on this, but you don’t need much for things to get worse.”

{Another threat assessment expert} “Extremist groups will take advantage of anything that fits into their narrative and this is a really big plot point for them” ... An intelligence bulletin from the FBI and DHS sent earlier this week to law enforcement throughout the country warned of potential “follow-on or retaliatory attacks.” ...