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A Tryst with Trouble

door Alyssa Everett

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245966,366 (3.5)3
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

London, 1820

Lady Barbara Jeffords is certain her little sister didn't murder the footman, no matter how it looks...and no matter what the Marquess of Beningbrough--Ben--might say. She can scarcely help it if his cousin is the only other suspect. In fact, she wants nothing to do with ruggedly handsome Ben; he reminds her of all the insensitive clods who passed her over.

For years Ben has been dogged by painful gossip about his father's rumored homosexuality. His gruff shell hides a passionate nature, and he's also fiercely loyal--which is why he'll never let the clever and beguiling Lady Barbara pin a murder on his cousin.

Sparks fly as the two compete to defend their loved ones. But as strange new clues emerge that neither can decipher alone, they have no choice but to compare notes and sleuth in tandem. A tenuous bond develops that soon faces its toughest challenge when Ben himself becomes a suspect...

90,000 words

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Toon 5 van 5
It's a shame this book made me want to strangle someone because I actually really liked the characters and they had some decent chemistry. But the constant misunderstandings made me insane. I'd have brief moments oh wow isn't this great and then another misunderstanding would happen and I'd just hate the book. ( )
  funstm | Dec 1, 2022 |
This book had several strikes against it in terms of my personal tastes: dueling first-person perspectives, which I dislike, and the swaps were frequent to boot; my hopes for a plain or BBW were dashed by the heroine’s beauty and allure (though she is a bit insecure, so going on a couple of shelves); the suspense plot nearly overshadowed the romance (but not quite, and I found the mystery engaging); and the hero’s disgust of his father being homosexual bothered me a fair amount. But even with all that, I still really enjoyed this book! I like enemies to lovers storylines, and these protagonists were fun to read. I appreciated the insecurity and vulnerability too, and the dash of angst that came with it. Definitely checking out more from this author (3.5 stars). ( )
  Rhiannon.Mistwalker | Aug 19, 2022 |
This was a début book for this author, but I couldn’t tell. It’s that good!This story and characters within are a bit quirky and much different from the usual regencies I read, which attracted me to it. I found that the author ...thanks for jumping to b2b to finish my review...

Melanie for b2b

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher ( )
  bookworm2bookworm | Mar 30, 2017 |
This was a début book for this author, but I couldn’t tell. It’s that good!This story and characters within are a bit quirky and much different from the usual regencies I read, which attracted me to it. I found that the author perfectly blended two genres that I love, romance and gothic mystery.

I loved the humor, the mystery and a dialogue that was superb, but none of this would have worked if the hero wasn’t so lovable and cute!

If you like clever written tales, with humor and some gothic feel to them, please check this one out. It really is one refreshing read.

Melanie for b2b

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher
( )
  bookworm2bookworm | Mar 30, 2017 |
24 Sep 2013. This title is next up on my list. Based upon how much I've enjoyed Alyssa Everett's other two books, I'm expecting to like this one. If you're looking for a new truly talented author to try out, a mere $3.00 will get you the Kindle book.
  LadyWesley | Sep 25, 2013 |
Toon 5 van 5
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

London, 1820

Lady Barbara Jeffords is certain her little sister didn't murder the footman, no matter how it looks...and no matter what the Marquess of Beningbrough--Ben--might say. She can scarcely help it if his cousin is the only other suspect. In fact, she wants nothing to do with ruggedly handsome Ben; he reminds her of all the insensitive clods who passed her over.

For years Ben has been dogged by painful gossip about his father's rumored homosexuality. His gruff shell hides a passionate nature, and he's also fiercely loyal--which is why he'll never let the clever and beguiling Lady Barbara pin a murder on his cousin.

Sparks fly as the two compete to defend their loved ones. But as strange new clues emerge that neither can decipher alone, they have no choice but to compare notes and sleuth in tandem. A tenuous bond develops that soon faces its toughest challenge when Ben himself becomes a suspect...

90,000 words


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