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Lock In

door John Scalzi

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3,0572094,575 (3.92)220
"Fifteen years from now, a new virus sweeps the globe. 95% of those afflicted experience nothing worse than fever and headaches. Four percent suffer acute meningitis, creating the largest medical crisis in history. And one percent find themselves "locked in"--fully awake and aware, but unable to move or respond to stimulus. One per cent doesn't seem like a lot. But in the United States, that's 1.7 million people "locked in"...including the President's wife and daughter. Spurred by grief and the sheer magnitude of the suffering, America undertakes a massive scientific initiative. Nothing can restore the ability to control their own bodies to the locked in. But then two new technologies emerge. One is a virtual-reality environment, "The Agora," in which the locked-in can interact with other humans, both locked-in and not. The other is the discovery that a few rare individuals have brains that are receptive to being controlled by others, meaning that from time to time, those who are locked in can "ride" these people and use their bodies as if they were their own. This skill is quickly regulated, licensed, bonded, and controlled. Nothing can go wrong. Certainly nobody would be tempted to misuse it, for murder, for political power, or worse....John Scalzi's Lock In is a novel of our near future, from one of the most popular authors in modern science fiction"--… (meer)
  1. 00
    Het recht van de Radch door Ann Leckie (sturlington)
  2. 01
    A Closed and Common Orbit door Becky Chambers (g33kgrrl)
    g33kgrrl: Lock In deals with humans using adaptive technology and what that means; A Closed and Common Orbit deals with humans and AIs and AIs using adaptive technology and what that means.
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1-5 van 208 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Great dialogue, fast-paced, and fascinating. ( )
  Library_Guard | Jun 17, 2024 |
O thriller acompanha a corrida para desvendar uma trama de assassinatos conduzidos por pessoas que podem não ter sido as próprias executoras, mas estão em corpos controlados por outros. Movendo-se entre a tragédia familiar e pessoal, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e os interesses bilionários da "indústria" da saúde, Scalzi desenha um romance instigante sem muitas reviravoltas, mas que faz bem seu papel de entretenimento. Vale a lembrança do filme protagonizado por Bruce Willis, Surrogates (2009). ( )
  Joao_Coin | Jun 13, 2024 |
Lock-In is a low-key sci-fi thriller that uses a pandemic as a plot device. And since it was written in 2014, five years before Covid‑19, I'd be giving John Scalzi some serious props for divining the future except I believe Stephen King's The Stand and Emily St. John Mandel's Station Eleven beat him to it. Besides, the pandemic isn’t the only thing in this book. It’s also a darned good buddy cop (FBI) story and it lays into those who exploit the disabled and the disadvantaged.

This is the second title of Scalzi’s I’ve read where the gender of the main character is never even hinted at. Audible handled this by offering a choice of two narrators for the audiobook version, Wil Wheaton or Amber Benson, and I went with Amber. I wish I’d chosen Wil. It could be me but she was hard to understand when she'd pitch her voice low for some of the supporting characters whereas I’ve never had any trouble understanding him. Also, the last two hours of the audiobook is a bonus novella, Unlocked, which is the prequel to the Lock In series. Since it's mostly just world-building, you don't have to read it to follow the plot in this but if you do, I'd say read (or listen to) it first instead of at the end. ( )
  wandaly | Apr 5, 2024 |
Perfect world deaign but the story is not as interesting because the characters are often cliché. ( )
  yates9 | Feb 28, 2024 |
All in all, the story of Chris coming to his own as a detective in the FBI as interesting. The plot was detailed and well crafted, but I personally did not see a lot of growth in the characters. The character I found most intriguing was one only seen in a few pages toward the end (Cassandra Bell), but I did appreciate the different style of her linguistics, making me believe that she was indeed separated from the rest of the world - by circumstance and choice.

The ending felt rushed, but nothing was left hanging, for which I was grateful.

I enjoyed the world building, and I look forward to the next in the universe, Head On. ( )
  HippieLunatic | Jan 29, 2024 |
1-5 van 208 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (6 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Scalzi, Johnprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Benson, AmberVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Wheaton, WilVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
To Joe Hill, I told you I was going to do this.

And to Daniel Mainz, my very dear friend.
Eerste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Haden's syndrome is the name given to a set of continuing physical and mental conditions and disabilities initially brought on by "the Great Flu," the influenza-like global pandemic that resulted in the deaths of more than 400 million people worldwide, either through the initial flu-like symptoms, the secondary stage of meningitis-like cerebral and spinal inflammation, or through complications arising due to the third stage of the disease, which typically caused complete paralysis of the voluntary nervous system, resulting in "lock in" for its victims.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

"Fifteen years from now, a new virus sweeps the globe. 95% of those afflicted experience nothing worse than fever and headaches. Four percent suffer acute meningitis, creating the largest medical crisis in history. And one percent find themselves "locked in"--fully awake and aware, but unable to move or respond to stimulus. One per cent doesn't seem like a lot. But in the United States, that's 1.7 million people "locked in"...including the President's wife and daughter. Spurred by grief and the sheer magnitude of the suffering, America undertakes a massive scientific initiative. Nothing can restore the ability to control their own bodies to the locked in. But then two new technologies emerge. One is a virtual-reality environment, "The Agora," in which the locked-in can interact with other humans, both locked-in and not. The other is the discovery that a few rare individuals have brains that are receptive to being controlled by others, meaning that from time to time, those who are locked in can "ride" these people and use their bodies as if they were their own. This skill is quickly regulated, licensed, bonded, and controlled. Nothing can go wrong. Certainly nobody would be tempted to misuse it, for murder, for political power, or worse....John Scalzi's Lock In is a novel of our near future, from one of the most popular authors in modern science fiction"--

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Gemiddelde: (3.92)
1 9
2 20
2.5 6
3 204
3.5 72
4 488
4.5 46
5 204

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