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She Came From Beyond!

door Nadine Darling

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364693,083 (3.32)Geen
Easy Hardwick has it made. At just about thirty, she's got a tumbledown cottage in small-town Oregon and an uncomplicated acting gig as the space-babe eye candy on a sci-fi parody show. She spends her downtime online, bickering with fans and fellow culture vultures about film trivia and relishing her minor-but-satisfying celebrity.Enter Harrison. What begins as a jocular online flirtation spills into a messy IRL affair, and Easy finds herself pregnant with twins and sharing her home with the love of her the teenage daughter, baby son, and slightly unhinged, soon-to-be-ex wife she kind of didn't totally know he had.Easy may play a space ditz in hot-pants on TV, but her voice is restlessly intelligent, negotiating the absurdities of a world lived onscreen and online and striving to make sense of heady problems: love affairs, ex-wives, teen girls, eating disorders, and whether cannibalistic flies count as zombies. Like the captive great white shark that sets Easy's story in motion, Nadine Darling's writing has got teeth. Her pointed, precise dialogue, empathetic insights, and live-wire observations elevate this novel from zany domestic drama to outlandish comic masterpiece. She Came From Beyond! is an audacious, fresh debut from a writer to watch.Recognized as one of "35 Debut Authors Over 35"… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
3.5 stars loved the writing ( )
  snakes6 | Aug 25, 2020 |
A wacky MST3K show, a somewhat clue-free main character, and a fan who becomes more than just a fan make up this fun, light story. ( )
  Brainannex | Jul 6, 2016 |
I reviewed this quirky novel for Library Journal but despite other good reviews, the book hasn’t taken off. Its dark humor and likeable actress-heroine (Easy Hardwick) make it a good choice for readers who like campy sci-fi movies and sarcasm. Maybe a good choice for readers of The Rosie Project, too, with the humor of nerdy romance a central element. ( )
  baystateRA | May 6, 2016 |
As one who has religiously read everything by Matthew Quick, I instantly devoured this witty and ridiculous novel. It made me snort with laughter, chuckle, and read passages out loud to my co-workers because they were too funny not to share. The premise of this delightful novel is that Easy Hardwick has had an affair. With a married man who has children. She didn't know about the children until after she sealed the deal, but that eventually becomes a moot point. She feels bad about it and cuts off all ties, but once she realizes she's pregnant with his twins, she calls him. From that point on her cushy life as a b-movie actress is about to get really really complicated. Filled with hilarious dialogue, relatable characters, and enviable jobs, this book has a little something for everyone. A fantastic debut novel and I can't wait for more! ( )
  ecataldi | Dec 15, 2015 |
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Easy Hardwick has it made. At just about thirty, she's got a tumbledown cottage in small-town Oregon and an uncomplicated acting gig as the space-babe eye candy on a sci-fi parody show. She spends her downtime online, bickering with fans and fellow culture vultures about film trivia and relishing her minor-but-satisfying celebrity.Enter Harrison. What begins as a jocular online flirtation spills into a messy IRL affair, and Easy finds herself pregnant with twins and sharing her home with the love of her the teenage daughter, baby son, and slightly unhinged, soon-to-be-ex wife she kind of didn't totally know he had.Easy may play a space ditz in hot-pants on TV, but her voice is restlessly intelligent, negotiating the absurdities of a world lived onscreen and online and striving to make sense of heady problems: love affairs, ex-wives, teen girls, eating disorders, and whether cannibalistic flies count as zombies. Like the captive great white shark that sets Easy's story in motion, Nadine Darling's writing has got teeth. Her pointed, precise dialogue, empathetic insights, and live-wire observations elevate this novel from zany domestic drama to outlandish comic masterpiece. She Came From Beyond! is an audacious, fresh debut from a writer to watch.Recognized as one of "35 Debut Authors Over 35"

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