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Vorst in mei (1933)

door Antonia White

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Reeksen: Frost in May Quartet (1)

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9262423,459 (3.9)289
Nanda Gray, the daughter of a Catholic convert, is nine when she is sent to the Convent of Five Wounds. Quick-witted, resilient and eager to please, she accepts this closed world where, with all the enthusiasm of the outsider, her desires and passions become only those the school permits. Her only deviation from total obedience is the passionate friendships she makes. Convent life is perfectly captured - the smell of beeswax and incense; the petty cruelties of the nuns; the eccentricities of Nanda's school friends.… (meer)
  1. 20
    The Land of Spices door Kate O'Brien (Sakerfalcon)
    Sakerfalcon: Young girls at convent schools, trying to fit in.
  2. 00
    The Ant Heap door Margit Kaffka (christiguc)
  3. 00
    Amandine door Marlena de Blasi (lahochstetler)
    lahochstetler: Books about young girls growing up in convents
  4. 00
    How Far Can You Go? door David Lodge (crittergirl)
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1-5 van 24 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Fernanda Gray discovers early that the world is not fair despite her innocent attempt to create something worthwhile at the convent she attends. The nuns take an opposite view to the modern idea of "self-esteem" being a virtue.
This is a very good book, accurate in its detail concerning a Catholic girls boarding establishment in the first decades of the Twentieth Century, and is a good example of an autobiographical novel.
  ivanfranko | Apr 27, 2024 |
Would never have picked this, but ran out of books on hol and borrowed one of A's, and it's really really good. Not all that much happens, but it's very funny and quite moving in places.
  hierogrammate | Jan 31, 2022 |
Set in the early 1900s, Nanda is nine years old when her father enrolls her in the convent school outside of London called Convent of the Five Wounds. She quickly learns, in this closed society, that she has to please only God. And, of course, the stodgy, cruel nuns that run the place. (I can say that, as a lapsed Catholic who has had my fill of nuns.) There was a little too much of the holy affairs in the early part of the book but then as Nanda grew up to be a teenager there was a sense of dread that somehow her attention to the rules was slipping and the nuns were going to catch her doing something they didn't allow which was just about anything really. The author was great at character development and creating this sense of doom.

I followed it up by listening to the Backlisted podcast about the book and it was absolutely wonderful and revealed that the book was very autobiographical and played parts of an interview with the author from the 60s. ( )
  brenzi | Jan 22, 2022 |
The Virago group is doing themed monthly reads and the first was "Nuns, Teachers, and Governesses". I have about 6 unread viragos on my shelf, so I'm trying to read them when they fit a category. I had never read [Frost in May], which is Virago #1, so I took the opportunity and I'm so glad I did!

[Frost in May] is about a young girl whose father has recently converted to Catholicism. He sends her to a conservative Catholic boarding school. There, 9 year old Nanda whole-heartedly discovers the Catholic faith, makes friends, and begins to know herself. She is immersed in the closed world of the convent, where self-control, discipline, and humility are demanded of these young children. The glimmers of non-conformity come from a few of her friends at the convent who have more worldly families and from Nanda's mother, who during brief visits, obviously shows that she does not buy in to the system. Though internally Nanda embraces the lifestyle, some of her actions don't fit with the convent rules and the book does not end happily from Nanda's point of view.

I unexpectedly found this book delightful. There is a subtle and slightly subversive humor throughout from the author, but at the same time she perfectly captures the rigidity of a child's mind as it opens up through the teen years.

I would love to know more about the politics/cultural ramifications of converting to Catholicism in England in the early 1900s. I'm curious if there was a deeper cultural statement being made in the book that I didn't have the background to comprehend.

Original publication date: 1933, Virago publication date 1978 (#1)
Author’s nationality: British
Original language: English
Length: 221 pages
Rating: 4 stars
Format/where I acquired the book: given to me by Barbara/romain from the Virago group
Why I read this: virago monthly challenge ( )
  japaul22 | Jan 13, 2022 |
The amazing mostly mental cruelty of nuns toward the children they are raising.

Every will must be broken and completely reset.." ( )
  dimajazz | Nov 17, 2021 |
1-5 van 24 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Few other novels of our time, whatever the materials they have dealt in, have exhibited the clarity of purpose, the niceness of emphasis, the neatness of detail displayed by Miss White in "Frost in May."
toegevoegd door christiguc | bewerkNew York Times, Louis Kronenberger (betaal website) (Mar 4, 1934)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (1 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Antonia Whiteprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Bowen, ElizabethIntroductieSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Clec'h, Guy LeVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Hegewicz, EnriqueVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Hōjō, FumioVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Johansson, GundlaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Juul, PiaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Meulen, Janneke van derVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Rumler, IreneVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
To H.T. Hopkinson
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Nanda was on her way to the Convent of the Five Wounds.
Frost in May is a girls' school story. (Introduction)
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Nanda Gray, the daughter of a Catholic convert, is nine when she is sent to the Convent of Five Wounds. Quick-witted, resilient and eager to please, she accepts this closed world where, with all the enthusiasm of the outsider, her desires and passions become only those the school permits. Her only deviation from total obedience is the passionate friendships she makes. Convent life is perfectly captured - the smell of beeswax and incense; the petty cruelties of the nuns; the eccentricities of Nanda's school friends.

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1 1
1.5 1
2 3
2.5 2
3 35
3.5 20
4 72
4.5 7
5 38

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