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I Survived the American Revolution, 1776 (2017)

door Lauren Tarshis

Reeksen: I Survived (15)

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1,965118,599 (4.01)7
The battlefield was soaked in blood. Screams of injured soldiers rang through the air. Eleven-year-old Nathaniel Knox knelt behind a rock, his gun clutched in his shaking hands. Nate had been heading to New York City to find his father. But now he was trapped in a terrible gunfight between American and British troops. -- But King George was like a snake with America gripped in his fangs - and he didn't want to let go. So now it was war - brutal, bloody war. And America was being crushed by the mighty British army. Thousands of American troops were either dead or dying in filthy British prison ships. General George Washington's army was in tatters. All Nate wanted was to find his father ... and to get out of here alive.… (meer)
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{My thoughts} – Nate is an eleven year old boy that has been forced to grow up. His mother had passed away some years before from small pocks. His father from a viscous storm out at sea. Since Nate had no other family he was forced to go live with a distant relative.

That relative was an Uncle. He was a horrible excuse for a human. He’d mistreat his slaves and Nate. The day Nate decides to runaway his Uncle nearly strangled him to death. He jumps on a boat and finds himself smack in the middle of a war zone.

It’s not easy for Nate to accept but he figures eventually that anything his better then his Uncles. He ends up joining up and helping fight the battle for America’s freedom. He ends up seeing so many horrible and unforgettable things over the next seven months.

Nate grows up quickly. He learns what it’s like to serve in the military in Nader General George Washington. He learns what it’s like to more or less be loved and be wanted!

I really enjoyed reading this book. The scenes that take place during battle are difficult to imagine, but true to what it would probably be like. It’s hard to think about such a young child on the battlefield, however it seems common in other countries and cultures.

I look forward to reading the next book in this series very soon!

( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
I love this book I mean I made it lol, but be my guest to read it but you dont have to but I do recomend to because it will show you on how the people work on thing back in the day and how people that had to get stuff done.
  Sparks. | Nov 1, 2022 |
Independent Reading Level: Grades 4-5 ( )
  Koryn | May 6, 2022 |
This book series contains some great historical fiction novels for kids. Each book features a child's fictionalized eye-witness account of a disaster or major historical event, mixing fact with fiction to bring history alive for middle-grade kids. This particular story is told from the perspective of 11-year old Nathaniel Knox from New York. He runs away from the home of his Uncle, intending to join the crew of a ship and go to sea. He ends up in the middle of a Revolutionary War battle instead. His struggle for survival amid the cannons and gunfire brings the Battle of Brooklyn alive! I really like this series, as do my students. The stories are packed with action, so even reluctant readers will enjoy reading them. ( )
  mcnamea | Feb 16, 2022 |
This series is historical fiction for kids. Each book features a child's fictionalized eye-witness account of a disaster or major historical event. From ancient history like the destruction of Pompeii to more recent events like the Joplin, MO tornado, the series mixes fact with fiction to bring history alive for middle-grade kids. There are 17 books in the series so far.

I Survived the American Revolution, 1776 is told from the perspective of 11-year old Nathaniel Knox from New York. Nathaniel runs away from the home of his Uncle, taking the blame for an injury to his uncle that a slave's child caused by accident. Nathaniel intends to join the crew of a ship and go to sea. He ends up in the middle of a Revolutionary War battle instead. His struggle for survival amid the cannons and gunfire brings the Battle of Brooklyn alive!

I really like this series. The mix of historical fact and a fictionalized story involving a child eye-witness really bring the events to life. The stories have a lot of action, so even reluctant readers will enjoy this series.

I listened to the audio version of this story. Narrated by Holter Graham the book is about 2 hours long. Graham reads at a nice pace with good inflection. I have hearing loss, but was easily able to understand his narration.

I Survived the American Revolution is the 15th book in this series. A new addition to the series, I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, will be published in September 2018. ( )
  JuliW | Nov 22, 2020 |
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The battlefield was soaked in blood. Screams of injured soldiers rang through the air. Eleven-year-old Nathaniel Knox knelt behind a rock, his gun clutched in his shaking hands. Nate had been heading to New York City to find his father. But now he was trapped in a terrible gunfight between American and British troops. -- But King George was like a snake with America gripped in his fangs - and he didn't want to let go. So now it was war - brutal, bloody war. And America was being crushed by the mighty British army. Thousands of American troops were either dead or dying in filthy British prison ships. General George Washington's army was in tatters. All Nate wanted was to find his father ... and to get out of here alive.

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