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That Ain't Witchcraft

door Seanan McGuire

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Reeksen: InCryptid (8)

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3331779,675 (4.14)24
Fantasy. Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:Now a Hugo-nominated series!
The eighth book in the funny and fast-paced InCryptid urban fantasy series returns to the mishaps of the Price family, eccentric cryptozoologists who safeguard the world of magical creatures living in secret among humans.
Crossroads, noun:
1. A place where two roads cross.
2. A place where bargains can be made.
3. See also �places to avoid.�
Antimony Price has never done well without a support system. As the youngest of her generation, she has always been able to depend on her parents, siblings, and cousins to help her out when she�s in a pinch�until now. After fleeing from the Covenant of St. George, she�s found herself in debt to the crossroads and running for her life. No family. No mice. No way out.
Lucky for her, she�s always been resourceful, and she�s been gathering allies as she travels: Sam, f?ri trapeze artist turned boyfriend; Cylia, jink roller derby captain and designated driver; Fern, sylph friend, confidant, and maker of breakfasts; even Mary, ghost babysitter to the Price family. Annie�s actually starting to feel like they might be able to figure things out�which is probably why things start going wrong again.
New Gravesend, Maine is a nice place to raise a family�or make a binding contract with the crossroads. For James Smith, whose best friend disappeared when she tried to do precisely that, it�s also an excellent place to plot revenge. Now the crossroads want him dead and they want Annie to do the dirty deed. She owes them, after all.
And that�s before Leonard Cunningham, aka, �the next leader of the Covenant,� shows up�
It�s going to take everything Annie has and a little bit more to get out of this one. If she succeeds, she gets to go home. If she fails, she becomes one more cautionary tale about the dangers of bargaining with the crossroads.
But no pressure.
… (meer)
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1-5 van 17 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Absolutely love these books. This was another really good entry, focusing on Antimony. There’s also a bonus novella which was frosting on a delicious cake ( )
  corliss12000 | Mar 16, 2024 |
Yep, still loving the series. So much so that I went back to read all the short stories on McGuire's website because I don't want to wait for the next installment. Really enjoyed the tackling of the crossroads, and am excited to see how the new family members do with the old.

Merged review:

Alex and Shelby and a quest to rescue gorgon children. Good short adventure, good reveal, and Sarah healing (hooray!) ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
In which we get an understanding of the Crossroads ( )
  KittyCunningham | Apr 26, 2021 |
And now, after six InCryptid books in a row, I come to the end of the series so far. Book nine comes out in February of next year, and you can be sure that I’ll buy it day one. I enjoyed immersing myself in this world for the last two months.

I especially liked how Antimony’s books served as a trilogy within the larger series, building a story arc that resolved with a confrontation against the most significant and dangerous supernatural villain in the series so far, while also tying up one thread of the Price family’s fight against the Covenant, now personified in Leonard Cunningham.

My favorite part of this book comes during a climactic moment that I won’t spoil here, but let’s just say that it was the only moment in the series so far that made me get a little misty-eyed. ( )
  unsquare | Feb 16, 2021 |
It's final. Antimony is my favourite Price. ( )
  Andorion | Feb 6, 2021 |
1-5 van 17 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (1 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Seanan McGuireprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Fell, AlyArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
G-Force DesignOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Fantasy. Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:Now a Hugo-nominated series!
The eighth book in the funny and fast-paced InCryptid urban fantasy series returns to the mishaps of the Price family, eccentric cryptozoologists who safeguard the world of magical creatures living in secret among humans.
Crossroads, noun:
1. A place where two roads cross.
2. A place where bargains can be made.
3. See also �places to avoid.�
Antimony Price has never done well without a support system. As the youngest of her generation, she has always been able to depend on her parents, siblings, and cousins to help her out when she�s in a pinch�until now. After fleeing from the Covenant of St. George, she�s found herself in debt to the crossroads and running for her life. No family. No mice. No way out.
Lucky for her, she�s always been resourceful, and she�s been gathering allies as she travels: Sam, f?ri trapeze artist turned boyfriend; Cylia, jink roller derby captain and designated driver; Fern, sylph friend, confidant, and maker of breakfasts; even Mary, ghost babysitter to the Price family. Annie�s actually starting to feel like they might be able to figure things out�which is probably why things start going wrong again.
New Gravesend, Maine is a nice place to raise a family�or make a binding contract with the crossroads. For James Smith, whose best friend disappeared when she tried to do precisely that, it�s also an excellent place to plot revenge. Now the crossroads want him dead and they want Annie to do the dirty deed. She owes them, after all.
And that�s before Leonard Cunningham, aka, �the next leader of the Covenant,� shows up�
It�s going to take everything Annie has and a little bit more to get out of this one. If she succeeds, she gets to go home. If she fails, she becomes one more cautionary tale about the dangers of bargaining with the crossroads.
But no pressure.

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Gemiddelde: (4.14)
3 14
3.5 7
4 41
4.5 11
5 26

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