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Tolkien Calendar 2019

door Alan Lee

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The official Tolkien calendar, this year containing 12 of the finest watercolours by Alan Lee selected from the three Great Tales of Middle-earth by J.R.R. Tolkien - THE FALL OF GONDOLIN, BEREN AND LÚTHIEN and THE CHILDREN OF HÚRIN - and accompanied by numerous pencil sketches, many unique to this calendar. The Tolkien calendar has become an established publishing event, eagerly looked forward to by Tolkien fans the world over. This year's content is particularly special, as it includes art inspired by a Tolkien work that is seeing print in its complete form for the very first time, together with the finest paintings from BEREN AND LÚTHIEN and THE CHILDREN OF HÚRIN. Together, these works illustrate Tolkien's three Great Tales of Middle-earth. To accompany each watercolour painting, every month features complementary pencil drawings selected by Alan and there are also brand new sketches produced exclusively for this calendar. Alan Lee has depicted famous scenes including Gollum and Bilbo, Rivendell and Smaug the Dragon in his celebrated illustrated editions of 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings', but with these brand new paintings and drawings he will take the reader deeper into the enchanting world of Middle-earth than ever before.… (meer)
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The official Tolkien calendar, this year containing 12 of the finest watercolours by Alan Lee selected from the three Great Tales of Middle-earth by J.R.R. Tolkien - THE FALL OF GONDOLIN, BEREN AND LÚTHIEN and THE CHILDREN OF HÚRIN - and accompanied by numerous pencil sketches, many unique to this calendar. The Tolkien calendar has become an established publishing event, eagerly looked forward to by Tolkien fans the world over. This year's content is particularly special, as it includes art inspired by a Tolkien work that is seeing print in its complete form for the very first time, together with the finest paintings from BEREN AND LÚTHIEN and THE CHILDREN OF HÚRIN. Together, these works illustrate Tolkien's three Great Tales of Middle-earth. To accompany each watercolour painting, every month features complementary pencil drawings selected by Alan and there are also brand new sketches produced exclusively for this calendar. Alan Lee has depicted famous scenes including Gollum and Bilbo, Rivendell and Smaug the Dragon in his celebrated illustrated editions of 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings', but with these brand new paintings and drawings he will take the reader deeper into the enchanting world of Middle-earth than ever before.

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