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The Wolf at Bay

door Charlie Adhara

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Reeksen: Big Bad Wolf (Adhara) (2)

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798345,780 (4.14)15
Going home digs up bad memories, so it's something Bureau of Special Investigations agent Cooper Dayton tries to avoid. When he's guilted into a visit, Cooper brings along Oliver Park, his hot new werewolf partner, in the hopes the trip will help clarify their status as a couple . . . or not. When Park's keen shifter nose uncovers a body in the yard and Cooper's father is the prime suspect, Cooper knows they're on their own. Familial involvement means no sanctioned investigation. They'll need to go rogue and solve the mystery quietly or risk seeing Cooper's dad put behind bars. The case may be cold, but Park and Cooper's relationship heats up as they work. And yet if Cooper can't figure out what's going on between them outside of the bedroom, he'll lose someone he . . . Well, he can't quite put into words how he feels about Park. He knows one thing for sure: he's not ready to say goodbye, though with the real killer inching ever closer . . . he may not have a choice. Contains mature themes.… (meer)
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1-5 van 8 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Excellent book! The mystery was great, the relationship development was wonderful. I loved going more into Cooper's past, and the use of kink was interesting. I think some of the writing was a little less polished than the previous book, and some of the emotional stuff was brushed over a bit too easily, but overall it was a great read, and I loved the humor and snark. Excited for book 3. ( )
  AnonR | Aug 5, 2023 |
4,3 stars

I don't know if it's Adhara's writing or if it's just my point of view reading her books, but the two Big Bad Wolf books I've read have created such intense suspense for me while reading. This constant sense of foreboding that makes me simultaneously want to put the book down and just finish reading it already.

The mystery aspect was decent this time around. Enough confusion and misdirection to not make me guess the killer, but not in a way that it would have been completely impossible.

The writing is somehow down to earth in a way I really enjoy. It tells the story, makes me feel what a mystery/thriller should, and doesn't fall into the trap of trying too hard. When it comes to genre fiction, I personally think the best kind of writing is the writing that you don't really pay attention to, so it doesn't end up detracting from the actual story.

My absolute favorite thing about this particular book was the development of Cooper's relationship with both his brother and their father. I really hope the next book continues along the same lines, and that Sophie and her daughter will also be permanent fixtures. I also hope we won't have to struggle through any more painful miscommunication between Cooper and Oliver now that the cat's out of the bag, so to speak.

All in all, I really liked this book as well, if marginally a bit less than the first one. Mostly because I'm not a big fan of creating conflict through lack of even the bare minimum of communication. However, in this instance that's not completely inexcusable, because it was addressed and resolved and, fingers crossed, we won't have to suffer through it in the future. ( )
  tuusannuuska | Dec 1, 2022 |
4AM but worth it. Love my big bad wolf. ( )
  Tratiezone | Nov 8, 2022 |
This book is not standalone. It is a continuation of The Wolf at the Door.

I enjoyed this series. Cooper is an FBI agent who survives a werewolf attack. He's in a space of 'What the fuck? Werewolves aren't real but I know what I saw!' and he is offered a new role in a new division which will explain everything....on the understanding that if he accepts the new role, his career in the FBI is over. He accepts, and is told that yes, werewolves are real, and he is now part of the Bureau of Special Investigations which investigates werewolf crime. Oh, and his new partner is a werewolf.

The first book in the series is set in neutral territory as Cooper and Park investigate a suspected serial murderer. I love it when I can't predict who the killer is. The book kept me guessing.

This second book is set in Cooper's hometown, and there were more whodunits, and some interesting action.

The humour across the series was brilliant. I loved Cooper's snark.

'If Park had been an angry teenager, this was what he would have looked like. Everyone had a little angry teenager left behind in them somewhere.'

If you enjoy paranormal romance, this series is great. A nice balance of action and emotion, and I thought the incorporation of the werewolves into the real world was realistic and well done. ( )
  ElleSNZ | Oct 30, 2022 |
I was so excited for this series and for me it's so disappointing ( )
  VeraBkLover | Dec 18, 2021 |
1-5 van 8 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (1 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Charlie Adharaprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Bloomquist, ErikVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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If Park had been an angry teenager, this was what he would have looked like. Everyone had a little angry teenager left behind in them somewhere.
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Going home digs up bad memories, so it's something Bureau of Special Investigations agent Cooper Dayton tries to avoid. When he's guilted into a visit, Cooper brings along Oliver Park, his hot new werewolf partner, in the hopes the trip will help clarify their status as a couple . . . or not. When Park's keen shifter nose uncovers a body in the yard and Cooper's father is the prime suspect, Cooper knows they're on their own. Familial involvement means no sanctioned investigation. They'll need to go rogue and solve the mystery quietly or risk seeing Cooper's dad put behind bars. The case may be cold, but Park and Cooper's relationship heats up as they work. And yet if Cooper can't figure out what's going on between them outside of the bedroom, he'll lose someone he . . . Well, he can't quite put into words how he feels about Park. He knows one thing for sure: he's not ready to say goodbye, though with the real killer inching ever closer . . . he may not have a choice. Contains mature themes.

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Gemiddelde: (4.14)
2 1
3 9
4 15
4.5 2
5 16

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