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The Voice That Challenged a Nation: Marian Anderson and the Struggle for Equal Rights (2004)

door Russell Freedman

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5849641,717 (4.09)8
Biography & Autobiography. History. Juvenile Nonfiction. Multi-Cultural. HTML:

Winner of the Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award, The Voice That Challenged a Nation is an inspiring biography. In the 1930s, black singer Marian Anderson was not allowed to perform at Constitution Hall. But with help from Eleanor Roosevelt, Anderson staged an amazing concert at the Lincoln Memorial and became an activist for civil rights.

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1-5 van 96 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
A biography of Marian Anderson, the singer who broke barriers for the Civil Rights Movement and also for people of color in the music industry and sang one famous Easter Sunday on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Intended for young people, this book is a good introduction to Anderson and her influence, although it can be a bit dry at times. ( )
  electrascaife | Dec 7, 2019 |
This took place in a time where whites and people of color were separated. The whites were far more superior than the people of color. A woman wanted to be a singer, but she was scared that she would not be able to accomplish this due to her color. She got approval from President Roosevelt to be a singer and she sang in front of the whole nation.
I would read this book to 3rd through 5th grade. I would use this book to teach my students to treat everyone equally and to not see color. Also to chase their dreams even if it hasn’t been done before. ( )
  Jenica_Flores | Nov 27, 2018 |
Marian Anderson is a young black woman that was a part of her church as a singer. But after some time she was able to start a career for herself by singing. This took place during a time that non-Whites did not have the same rights as Whites did. But thanks to her amazing vocals she was able to speak on equal rights and actually have people listen. The more successful she got the more she fought for equality, she would refuse to sing at segregated audiences and she participated in many more movements for freedom. This would be a book for an older grade level due to the length and complex vocabulary words. I would use this book during a history lesson to teach students over the Civil War. ( )
  Salma.Mart | Nov 26, 2018 |
Readable, compelling voice that relates her dignity well. The failure in New York that almost ended her career...a good example for young people: Don't give up. The drama of finding a place for her to ridiculous today. Attractive photos; unfortunately, the cover is not very eye-catching or clear. Bibliography and footnotes in back.
  Salsabrarian | Feb 2, 2016 |
The Voice that Challenged a Nation is a fantastic biography of Marian Anderson, the first female African American opera singer to achieve fame and success in Europe and the United States. Her success, however, did not protect her from the harsh racism that was still abundant in the US for the majority of her life. She handled it all with grace, charisma, and intelligence, but most of all with the professionalism and beauty of a true artist. Hers is an inspiring story that will have you cheering for her from the very first page - not only for her, but for the equal treatment of all.

This book would be perfect for a social studies unit on civil rights, especially focusing on the events leading up to the movement itself. In addition, it would bring greater understanding to a music classroom studying the genre of opera. Important discussions about equality and what it really means to live in a democracy would easily be brought to a class through this book. ( )
  Michaela.Bushey | Nov 22, 2013 |
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Biography & Autobiography. History. Juvenile Nonfiction. Multi-Cultural. HTML:

Winner of the Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award, The Voice That Challenged a Nation is an inspiring biography. In the 1930s, black singer Marian Anderson was not allowed to perform at Constitution Hall. But with help from Eleanor Roosevelt, Anderson staged an amazing concert at the Lincoln Memorial and became an activist for civil rights.


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Gemiddelde: (4.09)
1 1
2 1
2.5 2
3 17
3.5 10
4 44
4.5 15
5 34

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