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Two Old Women: An Alaska Legend of Betrayal, Courage, and Survival (1993)

door Velma Wallis

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1,4965912,491 (3.94)79
Based on an Athabascan Indian legend passed along for many generations from mothers to daughters of the upper Yukon River Valley in Alaska, this is the suspenseful, shocking, ultimately inspirational tale of two old women abandoned by their tribe during a brutal winter famine. Though these women have been known to complain more than contribute, they now must either survive on their own or die trying. In simple but vivid detail, Velma Wallis depicts a landscape and way of life that are at once merciless and starkly beautiful.… (meer)
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1-5 van 58 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Wise legend from Alaska ( )
  kakadoo202 | Mar 12, 2024 |
This is an old Athabaskan story. The Athabaskans are a native people living in the far north interior of Alaska, close to and above the Arctic Circle. A grandmother of the Gwich’in people of the Athabaskan tells it to her granddaughter.

With early fall snow, there was a time of great hunger and the band was having no luck in their hunting. The council decide to leave two elderly women behind although this was a heavy sorrow to many of the band, including the daughter and grandson of one of the women. The two elder women, Ch’idzigyaak and Sa are stunned by the decision which they had no part in making.

As the band of people leave, Ch’idzigyaak’s daughter sneaks her a bundle of thongs; her young grandson gives her a bone hatchet which he has made.

The old women cry as the band leaves. However, deep in their stunned sorrow, Ch’idzigyaak decides that if they must die, it is better to die trying. She and Sa fashion rabbit snares and then crude snowshoes. Slowly they remember their old skills and decide to try to make it to the site of a fish camp they remembered from better years.

It’s a story of perseverance, of not giving up even in the face of death. It’s a story of the elders’ wisdom gained by their years of experience. And ultimately, it’s a story of love.

At only 140 pages, it’s a very short book, but this native author knows how to pack much into few words. I’m eager to read more by her. ( )
  streamsong | Jan 3, 2024 |
Based on Athabascan Indian legend passed along for many generations from mothers to daughters of the upper Yukon River Valley in Alaska. An inspirational tale of two old women abandoned b their tribe during a brutal winter famine [From back of book]
  ikflibrarians | Sep 17, 2023 |
Subtitled: "An Alaskan Legend of Betrayal, Courage and survival." Wallis recorded this, one of many stories told her by her mother round the fire each night. I liked that the old women took their destiny into their own hands - "if we are going to die, let us die trying." A story that teaches us the value of experience and perseverance. A wonderful story. ( )
  BookConcierge | Jul 19, 2023 |
A new friend loaned me Two Old Women, the story of two Native women left behind by their starving tribe as winter approached. The women, after getting over their shock and sadness, decide they don't have to die, and the rest of the small book describes their efforts to survive and even thrive. It is a cautionary tale of what happens when we neglect our elders and their learning. ( )
  witchyrichy | Apr 30, 2023 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Wallis, Velmaprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Both, HeinkeIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Grant, JamesIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Hallén, KerstinVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Messadié, GéraldVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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This book is dedicated to all of the elders whom I have known and who have made an impression in my mind with their wisdom, knowledge and uniqueness.
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Each day after cutting wood we would sit and talk in our small tent on the bank at the mouth of the Porcupine River, near where it flows into the Yukon.
Chapter 1
The air stretched tight, quiet and cold over the vast land.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

Based on an Athabascan Indian legend passed along for many generations from mothers to daughters of the upper Yukon River Valley in Alaska, this is the suspenseful, shocking, ultimately inspirational tale of two old women abandoned by their tribe during a brutal winter famine. Though these women have been known to complain more than contribute, they now must either survive on their own or die trying. In simple but vivid detail, Velma Wallis depicts a landscape and way of life that are at once merciless and starkly beautiful.

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Gemiddelde: (3.94)
1 1
2 12
2.5 3
3 49
3.5 17
4 109
4.5 11
5 67

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