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A World Free from Nuclear Weapons: The Vatican Conference on Disarmament

door Drew Christiansen (Redacteur), Carole Sargent (Redacteur)

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642,678,305 (5)1
"In November 2017 Pope Francis made the first declaration in the nuclear area rejecting the possession of nuclear weapons, even as a form of deterrence. To set the stage for this statement, he hosted a conference at the Vatican. Under the leadership of Cardinal Turkson, a charismatic priest from Ghana and potential future pope, religious and secular leaders came together, from representatives of NATO and Russia to members of ICAN who had just won the Nobel Peace Prize, to make an historic statement about the unacceptability of nuclear arms. One of the last speakers was a hibakusha, a survivor of Hiroshima. This book collects the official statements made during that conference. Beginning with Francis' own words, it includes contributions from Nobel Laureates Paolo Cotta Ramusino, Muhammad Yunus, Mohamed El Baradei, and Mairead Maguire, as well as essays by Cardinal Turkson and Nato Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller"--… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorCatholicLibraryAssoc, laurablossom, fortunaa
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Toon 4 van 4
A smart and important book that collects the testimonies for disarmament. If you're interested in the anti-nuclear proliferation movement, Catholicism, peace studies, or the intersection of public policy and religion, this book is it! High recommend. ( )
  laurablossom | Aug 27, 2020 |
In 2017 Pope Francis became the first pontiff in the nuclear era to categorize nuclear weapons with chemical weapons and landmines as those that must never, under any circumstances, be used. Cardinal Peter Turkson and Archbishop Silvano Tomasi hosted a Vatican conference to frame the Pope's message. They invited Nobel laureates and leaders in diplomatic and civil society to speak on this subject. This book arose from that conference and is an essential reference for anyone wanting to understand these issues. ( )
  fortunaa | Jul 14, 2020 |
In 2017 Pope Francis became the first pontiff in the nuclear era to categorize nuclear weapons with chemical weapons and landmines as those that must never, under any circumstances, be used. Cardinal Peter Turkson and Archbishop Silvano Tomasi hosted a Vatican conference to frame the Pope's message. They invited Nobel laureates and leaders in diplomatic and civil society to speak on this subject. This book arose from that conference and is an essential reference for anyone wanting to understand these issues. ( )
  fortunaa | Jul 14, 2020 |
In 2017 Pope Francis became the first pontiff in the nuclear era to categorize nuclear weapons with chemical weapons and landmines as those that must never, under any circumstances, be used. Cardinal Peter Turkson and Archbishop Silvano Tomasi hosted a Vatican conference to frame the Pope's message. They invited Nobel laureates and leaders in diplomatic and civil society to speak on this subject. This book arose from that conference and is an essential reference for anyone wanting to understand these issues. ( )
  fortunaa | Jul 14, 2020 |
Toon 4 van 4
A World Free from Nuclear Weapons: The Vatican Conference on Disarmament
toegevoegd door avaidik | bewerkIndividual reader, Avaidik

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Christiansen, DrewRedacteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Carole SargentRedacteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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"In November 2017 Pope Francis made the first declaration in the nuclear area rejecting the possession of nuclear weapons, even as a form of deterrence. To set the stage for this statement, he hosted a conference at the Vatican. Under the leadership of Cardinal Turkson, a charismatic priest from Ghana and potential future pope, religious and secular leaders came together, from representatives of NATO and Russia to members of ICAN who had just won the Nobel Peace Prize, to make an historic statement about the unacceptability of nuclear arms. One of the last speakers was a hibakusha, a survivor of Hiroshima. This book collects the official statements made during that conference. Beginning with Francis' own words, it includes contributions from Nobel Laureates Paolo Cotta Ramusino, Muhammad Yunus, Mohamed El Baradei, and Mairead Maguire, as well as essays by Cardinal Turkson and Nato Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller"--

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