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Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics

door Dolly Parton, Dolly Parton (Verteller)

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4382258,392 (3.94)11
Biography & Autobiography. Performing Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics is a landmark celebration of the remarkable life and career of a country music and pop culture legend.
As told by Dolly Parton in her own inimitable words, explore the songs that have defined her journey. Illustrated throughout with previously unpublished images from Dolly Parton's personal and business archives.
Mining over 60 years of songwriting, Dolly Parton highlights 175 of her songs and brings readers behind the lyrics.
� Packed with never-before-seen photographs and classic memorabilia
� Explores personal stories, candid insights, and myriad memories behind the songs
Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics reveals the stories and memories that have made Dolly a beloved icon across generations, genders, and social and international boundaries.
Containing rare photos and memorabilia from Parton's archives, this book is a show-stopping must-have for every Dolly Parton fan.
� Learn the history behind classic Parton songs like "Jolene," "9 to 5," "I Will Always Love You," and more.
� The perfect gift for Dolly Parton fans (everyone loves Dolly!) as well as lovers of music history and country
Add it to the shelf with books like Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton, The Beatles Anthology by The Beatles, and Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen.
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1-5 van 22 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
IMO, hearing this in Dolly's own voice is well worth the loss of the photos, etc., you get with the dead-tree versions. ( )
  Treebeard_404 | Jan 23, 2024 |
This was a book club pick and I was just not able to finish it. It seemed choppy and read more like a very long and uninteresting interview. I adore Dolly and so this review makes me sad. If you want to delve into Dolly's life, I would recommend another biography. ( )
  Becky_From_Kansas | Jan 8, 2024 |
If you love Dolly this book is a 5. If you're looking for a compelling story arc this book is a 1. I am both. I LOVE Dolly. I enjoyed the book. I also would love to know more about her in-depth story. Having listened to her podcast I was eager to learn more about her life. I'm not sure this satisfied that desire but it's a start. Just be grateful we get even a slice of dolly and enjoy. ( )
  MsTera | Oct 10, 2023 |
Dolly Parton seems like the nicest, kindest person around. I just want to make sure that's known up front.

This book didn't especially impress me. It reads like a Wikipedia entry, a very nice Wiki entry. The stories and descriptions about her life - with one notable exception - are totally surface level. Her descriptions of people and her interactions with them - with one notable exception - are all compliments and platitudes. She hints at deeper levels, mentions health problems and psychological stress and general "tough times", but never tells us about them. This feels like a missed opportunity because, as RuPaul always says, it is your willingness to be honest and vulnerable that makes people fall in love with you.

Actually, this lack of depth and vulnerability makes me wonder who she considers the target audience for this book. Her fans will already know these stories, and people who aren't fans won't want to read through the hundreds of pages of song lyrics (least fun way to enjoy a song) only to get a Wiki-level knowledge of her as a person.

I can't bear to give less than 3 stars because she's so kindhearted. ( )
  blueskygreentrees | Jul 30, 2023 |
I freaking love Dolly Parton and I love her even more after reading this book! It is ALL about her music. She does not get political. She doesn't bash a single solitary person. She just shares her music, her love of family and her husband, the love of Country.

I loved learning things about Dolly I never knew. Like that she has a song called PMS Blues (no joke). "I Will Always Love You" was written as a result of her trying to break away from Porter Waggoner (her singing partner). Dolly also has written a song that is in a sealed box and won't be shared for years to come......

FABULOUS read I got to say. ( )
  msgabbythelibrarian | Jun 11, 2023 |
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Biography & Autobiography. Performing Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics is a landmark celebration of the remarkable life and career of a country music and pop culture legend.
As told by Dolly Parton in her own inimitable words, explore the songs that have defined her journey. Illustrated throughout with previously unpublished images from Dolly Parton's personal and business archives.
Mining over 60 years of songwriting, Dolly Parton highlights 175 of her songs and brings readers behind the lyrics.
� Packed with never-before-seen photographs and classic memorabilia
� Explores personal stories, candid insights, and myriad memories behind the songs
Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics reveals the stories and memories that have made Dolly a beloved icon across generations, genders, and social and international boundaries.
Containing rare photos and memorabilia from Parton's archives, this book is a show-stopping must-have for every Dolly Parton fan.
� Learn the history behind classic Parton songs like "Jolene," "9 to 5," "I Will Always Love You," and more.
� The perfect gift for Dolly Parton fans (everyone loves Dolly!) as well as lovers of music history and country
Add it to the shelf with books like Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton, The Beatles Anthology by The Beatles, and Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen.

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Gemiddelde: (3.94)
2 6
3 10
3.5 8
4 43
4.5 2
5 20

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