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The Scavenger Door

door Suzanne Palmer

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
684396,669 (3.7)5
"Fergus is back on Earth at last, trying to figure out how to live a normal life. However, it seems the universe has other plans for him. When his cousin sends him off to help out a friend, Fergus accidently stumbles across a piece of an ancient alien artifact that some very powerful people seem to think means the entire solar system is in danger. And since he's the one who found it, they're certain it's also his problem to deal with. With the help of his newfound sister, friends both old and new, and some enemies, too, Fergus needs to find the rest of the artifact and destroy the pieces before anyone can reassemble the original and open a multidimensional door between Earth and a vast, implacable, alien swarm. Problem is, the pieces could be anywhere on Earth, and he's not the only one out searching"--… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
I don't know why but for some reason each successive book in this series held less interest for me. I worked through this one mostly out of interest to see where the story would end. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
The third book isn’t the best place to start the series since people from the previous two books do show up in this one and would ruin the surprises in them if you care about those things. Fergus is a professional finder and repo man of the stars, but he is back on Earth after telling his cousin he stole his bike and has had it in storage on Earth for almost 20 years while he was out and about among the stars. While he was gone, his cousin found the bike and let him keep paying storage and his mom gave birth to a sister he didn’t know about. Now he is hanging out and getting to know his family again but Fergus’ luck at finding things comes back to get him when he is in the hills rounding up some sheep for his cousin’s friend. An object that ignores the usual laws of science is now in his possession and a race to find more of them against two other very interested parties along with warnings from the aliens who helped him in the first book. This is very much a race against the clock as he tries to find the pieces since they are “waking up” and that wouldn’t be good to happen anywhere near Earth. A fun read all the way through and I’m really hoping for more books in the series

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through Edelweiss
( )
  Glennis.LeBlanc | Jan 4, 2023 |
Fergus Ferguson is back on Earth reuniting with his family in Scotland. Fergus, an interstellar repo man who already has some alien enhancements, is soon tracking shards of a psychoactive alien artifact. It wants to merge with him and create a multidimensional door that will mean the end of humanity. Shortsighted generals and spooks think it would be a lovely weapon. This telepathic McGuffin is hard to care about and the plot meanders, but Fergus’s lively personality holds this romp together. It doesn’t matter where the story goes. Fergus is an entertaining traveling companion. 3.5 stars. ( )
  Tom-e | Dec 8, 2022 |
Well, Fergus is wearing on me a bit. Admittedly he has caught the unfortunate end of most of the sticks tossed at him, but he really does seem to like people and that doesn't usually go with ticking them off all the time. Isla got on my nerves from the get go. Fergus deserves better. Lots of following Fergus while he goes through the mandatory quest dance to save the world as he unlocks, zaps, and deals with his beezes. ( )
  quondame | Dec 25, 2021 |
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"Fergus is back on Earth at last, trying to figure out how to live a normal life. However, it seems the universe has other plans for him. When his cousin sends him off to help out a friend, Fergus accidently stumbles across a piece of an ancient alien artifact that some very powerful people seem to think means the entire solar system is in danger. And since he's the one who found it, they're certain it's also his problem to deal with. With the help of his newfound sister, friends both old and new, and some enemies, too, Fergus needs to find the rest of the artifact and destroy the pieces before anyone can reassemble the original and open a multidimensional door between Earth and a vast, implacable, alien swarm. Problem is, the pieces could be anywhere on Earth, and he's not the only one out searching"--

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Gemiddelde: (3.7)
2 2
2.5 1
3 3
3.5 4
4 9
4.5 1
5 3

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