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The Spy Who Knew Too Much: An Ex-CIA Officer's Quest Through a Legacy of Betrayal

door Howard Blum

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551479,909 (3.56)3
Politics. True Crime. Nonfiction. HTML:

"Howard Blum writes history books that read like thrillers."�??New York Times

A retired spy gets back into the game to solve a perplexing case�??and reconcile with his daughter, a CIA officer who married into the very family that derailed his own CIA career�??in this compulsive true-life tale of vindication and redemption, filled with drama, intrigue, and mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of The Last Goodnight, It's a real-life thriller whose stunning conclusion will make headline news.

On a sunlit morning in September 1978, a sloop drifts aimlessly across the Chesapeake Bay. The cabin reveals signs of a struggle, and "classified" documents, live 9 mm cartridges, and a top-secret "burst" satellite communications transmitter are discovered aboard. But where is the boat's owner, former CIA officer John Paisley?

One man may hold the key to finding out. Tennent "Pete" Bagley was once a rising star in America's spy aristocracy, and many expected he'd eventually become CIA director. But the star that burned so brightly exploded when Bagley�??who suspected a mole had burrowed deep into the agency's core�??was believed himself to be the mole. After a year-long investigation, Bagley was finally exonerated, but the accusations tarnished his reputation and tainted his career.

When Bagley's daughter Christina, a CIA analyst, married another intelligence officer who was the son of the man who had played a key role in the investigation into Bagley, it caused a painful rift between the two. But then came Paisley's strange death. A murder? Suicide? Or something else? Pete, now a retired spy, launches his own investigation that takes him deep into his own past and his own longtime hunt for a mole. What follows is a relentless pursuit to solve a spy story�??and an inspiring tale of a man reclaiming his reputation and his family. It's a very personal quest that leads to a shocking conclusion.

The Spy Who Knew Too Much includes 8 pages of black-and-white… (meer)

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Tennent “Pete” Bagley was a CIA operative in the midst of the Cold War. with Russia. He was once a promising young star in the CIA, but when he insisted there was a high level mole in the organization, others agreed. Unfortunately, Bagley himself became the target of the mole investigation which ultimately led to his early retirement.

But then several years later an abandoned yacht was found adrift with various high tech spyng devices aboard. Sometime after that, a body identified as CIA agent John Paisley was pulled from the water. He was identified before the autopsy was started, although the physical characteristics of the body didn’t match with Paisley’s description. His wife was not allowed to view the body before cremation.

And so Bagley got back into the game, using only the records that freedom of information act would allow any citizen to use. His goal was to identify what happened to Paisley and once again try to find the high level mole. He also wanted to be able to reconnect with his daughter who was married to the son of the man who led the investigation of Bagley.

There are various books and a movie already in existence about this era and Bagley’s cases, including one Bagley wrote. Howard Blum has written much more about the Cold War Era Espionage and has a vivid writing style. However, this book became quite confusing to me as it jumped back and forth along several timelines. I also listened to it in the audioversion, and the time shifts along with my unfamiliarity with Russian names, made it even more confusing. I would definitely not recommend this in audio and only cautiously recommend it for those interested in the Cold War spy vs spy games. ( )
  streamsong | Apr 11, 2024 |
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Politics. True Crime. Nonfiction. HTML:

"Howard Blum writes history books that read like thrillers."�??New York Times

A retired spy gets back into the game to solve a perplexing case�??and reconcile with his daughter, a CIA officer who married into the very family that derailed his own CIA career�??in this compulsive true-life tale of vindication and redemption, filled with drama, intrigue, and mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of The Last Goodnight, It's a real-life thriller whose stunning conclusion will make headline news.

On a sunlit morning in September 1978, a sloop drifts aimlessly across the Chesapeake Bay. The cabin reveals signs of a struggle, and "classified" documents, live 9 mm cartridges, and a top-secret "burst" satellite communications transmitter are discovered aboard. But where is the boat's owner, former CIA officer John Paisley?

One man may hold the key to finding out. Tennent "Pete" Bagley was once a rising star in America's spy aristocracy, and many expected he'd eventually become CIA director. But the star that burned so brightly exploded when Bagley�??who suspected a mole had burrowed deep into the agency's core�??was believed himself to be the mole. After a year-long investigation, Bagley was finally exonerated, but the accusations tarnished his reputation and tainted his career.

When Bagley's daughter Christina, a CIA analyst, married another intelligence officer who was the son of the man who had played a key role in the investigation into Bagley, it caused a painful rift between the two. But then came Paisley's strange death. A murder? Suicide? Or something else? Pete, now a retired spy, launches his own investigation that takes him deep into his own past and his own longtime hunt for a mole. What follows is a relentless pursuit to solve a spy story�??and an inspiring tale of a man reclaiming his reputation and his family. It's a very personal quest that leads to a shocking conclusion.

The Spy Who Knew Too Much includes 8 pages of black-and-white

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