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Witch Fury

door Anya Bast

Reeksen: Elemental Witches (4)

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306887,652 (4.06)3
With the untapped gift to create fire, witch Sarafina Connell is caught up in a war between good and evil. And she has no choice but to join an infamous playboy in the battle for supremacy - one that's getting hotter by the minute. The fourth title in the deliciously sexy Elemental Witch Series. AVAILABLE FROM JUNE.… (meer)
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Sarafina had no idea she was a fire witch until she was kidnapped. After a raid, Theo first thinks Sarafina is a warlock but quickly realizes she was an abductee, with a daeman fixated on her. His past colors his future and he refuses to believe they can have a future. There was one big editing issue, where she removes his bloody shirt to clean it but a few minutes later when he pins her to the wall she's grasping his shirt! Okay read.
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
This book has finally amped it up and included every single romance trope I cannot stand. Nope! ( )
  newskepticx | Dec 18, 2013 |
So I’ve finished Anya Bast book 4 and with it the entire series (it felt like an ending, I don’t think she could write a book in the same series though I know she’s written others)

And there was LESS sex. Still a lot of sex, but less. I was actually glad of this, I’ve always said that Anya Bast actually has a great world and a great story if she’d only cut down on all the excessive shagging. But without the endless shagging other annoyances became apparent - the tropes were annoying – big strong man must tell you what to do to protect you, oh delicate petal of womanhood. But there’s some other stuff that bugs me, worst of all – the plot doesn’t work.

I thought book 3 was bad, with them deciding that the best way to keep Claire safe was to take her on a road trip to avoid the teleporting demons who can travel anywhere in the world in a second rather than using the coven’s overwhelming numbers, magic and copper weapons. But book 4? Ugh.

For reasons unknown our fire witch Sarafina gets a “feeling” that something important is somewhere and goes wandering and *gasp* so there is! Can there be a weaker, more pathetic way to move the plot forward than to have the character do random crap because “they got a feeling”? NB in no way shape or form are fire witches psychic… so why? How?

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  FangsfortheFantasy | Mar 29, 2013 |
This book appears to be the final one of this quartet. The various plotlines are brought to a reasonable close, while still leaving the story wide open to continue in another vein entirely.

It could be interesting to see how she would handle the series without the issue of demons attacking every time you turn around.

While this one has some heavy petting it also follows the trend of reducing the actual sexual encounters to almost nil. ( )
  dragonasbreath | Feb 18, 2012 |
I very much enjoyed this book and the entire series. Plenty of action, steamy scenes and fantastic characters. ( )
  STACYatUFI | Sep 10, 2010 |
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Sarafina might've been named for the angels, but she'd always known one day she'd end up in hell.
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"Good God, this was worse than the nightmares she had as a child. The monster in her closet was real and it wanted to do a whole lot more than just kill her."
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With the untapped gift to create fire, witch Sarafina Connell is caught up in a war between good and evil. And she has no choice but to join an infamous playboy in the battle for supremacy - one that's getting hotter by the minute. The fourth title in the deliciously sexy Elemental Witch Series. AVAILABLE FROM JUNE.

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Gemiddelde: (4.06)
2 4
2.5 1
3 6
3.5 3
4 16
5 20

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