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Conjugal Rites (2008)

door Paul Magrs

Reeksen: Brenda and Effie (Book 3)

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793345,780 (3.84)3
No matter what she tries to do, trouble has a way of finding Brenda. It's hardly surprising with secrets like hers. When her old adversary Mr Danby starts filling the airwaves with his late night phone in show it can only mean one thing. But fate has an even bigger surprise in store. Romance is in the air for Brenda and, do what she will, she cannot deny that she and her man were made for each other - literally. As usual, Brenda and Effie will face up to whatever dangers come their way with fortitude and grace: even if that means journeying to places beyond their wildest dreams.… (meer)
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Whenever I read one of these books I always subconciously compare them to the Malcolm Pryce Aberystwyth books. There is more fantasy here, just but I think on balance you get a more complex satisfying mystery from the Pryce books- if you are looking for a rollicking fast paced adventure in the style of a Pratchett novel then Magrs is your man. Just sometimes I wish there was a little more depth to the storyline. ( )
  polarbear123 | Feb 8, 2012 |
18 May 2010 (Amazon)

Yup, read out of order. Couldn't wait that long to catch up with the adventures of Brenda & Effie!

It's hard to review these books without giving away the plot. So all I'll say is that we have more classic adventures, giggles and oohs and aahs as we meet characters old and new, spend more time with Sheila Manchu, and decide who is going to Hell! In a departure from the first two books, this is written by a narrator rather than in Brenda's words, but this gives us more of an insight into other characters' thoughts and feelings.

I particularly liked the nods to classic children's books - the snow queen from Narnia, Bedknobs & Broomsticks...

Another excellent read that I almost couldn't put down when I was meant to be working today. Bring on the next one! ( )
  LyzzyBee | Aug 1, 2010 |
This is the third book in the Brenda and Effie series and is no less bonkers than the other two. Something is up in Whitby - Mr Danby is hosting an all night radio phone-in show which seems to be keeping most of the locals up all night and Mrs Claus is hosting a convention for British ex-super heroes, Harry the Cat and Mrs Midnight are two of those in attendance, but something is coming and its not just romance for Brenda, whether she likes it or not. As usual Brenda, Effie and their sidekick Robert are determined to get to the bottom of the various goings on, and their investigations lead Brenda into danger and Effie, Robert and Sheila Manchu have to go very deep in their attempts to save their friend. Lots of fun. ( )
  riverwillow | Jan 1, 2009 |
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No matter what she tries to do, trouble has a way of finding Brenda. It's hardly surprising with secrets like hers. When her old adversary Mr Danby starts filling the airwaves with his late night phone in show it can only mean one thing. But fate has an even bigger surprise in store. Romance is in the air for Brenda and, do what she will, she cannot deny that she and her man were made for each other - literally. As usual, Brenda and Effie will face up to whatever dangers come their way with fortitude and grace: even if that means journeying to places beyond their wildest dreams.

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Gemiddelde: (3.84)
1 1
3 5
3.5 1
4 13
4.5 1
5 4

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