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Wolf Hunt

door Doranna Durgin

Reeksen: Sentinels (3)

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432595,710 (3.9)Geen
A majestic wolf prowls the halls of power, protecting his pack of shape-shifters from those who would harm them. But a wolf is not meant to hunt alone... Nick Carter hides his wildness under expensive suits, but nothing can lessen the impact of what he is: alpha wolf. He leads his region's Sentinels, a duty he takes seriously. He is cautious, ready for anything--except Jet. The first time he sees the black-haired, golden-eyed beauty he recognizes a shape-shifter like himself--but like no Sentinel he has seen before. Jet has been trained by the Sentinels' dark counterparts for one mission: to take down Nick Carter. If she succeeds, her pack will be freed. If she fails... But the moment she meets the man with pale green eyes, she recognizes a kindred spirit, a male to match the wild nature of her soul. Together, they could be amazing.... But if they do not betray each other, the people they are supposed to protect will die.… (meer)
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  romsfuulynn | Apr 28, 2013 |
That's good. Doranna can really handle shapeshifting - especially from animal to human. Jet reminds me a lot of Jess in some things - and not at all in others. It's also an interesting universe - this is the first Sentinels book I've read, but not the last. I need the first two, definitely - need to find out what actually happened (though I know the basic stories from references in here). Nick is great, I love Jet, and I even like Marlee - she has a real, complicated story behind her. And Gaustos seriously underestimates the women 'under his control' - ha! The end seems too easy - I wonder if it really got rid of him or just took him somewhere. An' like that. I know it's a good story when I'm looking for the more that I know is there - this story's done, but this universe is barely touched. Love it, want more! ( )
  jjmcgaffey | Mar 14, 2010 |
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A majestic wolf prowls the halls of power, protecting his pack of shape-shifters from those who would harm them. But a wolf is not meant to hunt alone... Nick Carter hides his wildness under expensive suits, but nothing can lessen the impact of what he is: alpha wolf. He leads his region's Sentinels, a duty he takes seriously. He is cautious, ready for anything--except Jet. The first time he sees the black-haired, golden-eyed beauty he recognizes a shape-shifter like himself--but like no Sentinel he has seen before. Jet has been trained by the Sentinels' dark counterparts for one mission: to take down Nick Carter. If she succeeds, her pack will be freed. If she fails... But the moment she meets the man with pale green eyes, she recognizes a kindred spirit, a male to match the wild nature of her soul. Together, they could be amazing.... But if they do not betray each other, the people they are supposed to protect will die.

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