From the course: Financial Forecasting with Analytics Essential Training

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Regressions for forecasting

Regressions for forecasting

- [Instructor] Once we've gone through, figured out what our question is, gathered our data, cleaned it up, and run our analysis, then we're ready to test our options. Now the reality is that big data today is generally used for monitoring and identifying problems. And the reality is that that's great, but it's really not fully capturing the power that data has. It's not using data to make forecasts the way we've talked about so far. In fact, in many business cases today, there's limited use of data for making decisions thus far. Best practice at most firms is to allow tests on variables based on our decisions. In particular, we want to gather that data, and then figure out how to harness it to make choices. For example, one classic business question that almost every firm faces is how much marketing should we use on our product? What is the optimal amount of marketing spend? In particular, we might ask, how's our…
