From the course: Financial Forecasting with Analytics Essential Training

The role that analytics plays in financial forecasting - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Financial Forecasting with Analytics Essential Training

The role that analytics plays in financial forecasting

- [Michael] Financial forecasting is a foundational business task that is relevant to every company out there. Everyone from accountants and corporate finance folks to regular investors and financial advisors need to know how to use data to evaluate sales, profits, and other metrics for a firm in the future. New analytic tools and techniques can be combined with Excel to create easy and effective forecasts for any business. And that is what this course is all about, using Excel to build financial forecasts with analytics and data. I'm Dr. Michael McDonald and I'd like to help you learn how to use Excel for this kind of work. I'm a professor of finance and a frequent consultant to industry and government groups, especially in the area of data and analytics. So, if you're ready to dive in and learn how to start using Excel for forecasting, then please, join me here on LinkedIn Learning and let's get started.
