From the course: Financial Forecasting with Analytics Essential Training

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Using Excel for regressions

Using Excel for regressions

- [Instructor] We've got a basic question. Jack is assigned employees one, three, six and seven to work today in the store. Manager three is also working. What should we expect the over-under on the register to be at the end of the day? In other words, should we expect the register to have more cash in it versus sales? Or should we expect the register to have less cash? We're going to use the regression that we ran previously to answer this question. So I'm going to set up our variables as follows. Cash and register is going to be the variable that we're trying to predict. Employee one, employee three, employee six and employee seven are all working and manager three is working. Now I've got my values. I'm going to use my Y and my X's here. In this case, employee one, three, six and seven and manager three are all working. So each of them get a one. I'm not showing this, but if we wanted to add, say manager two…
