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We should never take democracy for granted. #UseYourVote in the European elections, 6-9 June 2024 →

Mike Kavanagh

Construction Sub Contractor. at Kavanagh Steelfixing [email protected]


European Democracy means when a Country votes for or against certain issues designed by the EU ,Just like what happened in Ireland when the People voted NO to the Lisbon & Nice Treaties, Then the Treats came from the EU to the Irish Government or we cut your Structural Fund and Grants to Farmers & Industry, Thats true Democracy by Force so are the People being used like pawns, Ireland was made to vote twice so the Credibility of the EU and all its branches were gone at that stage, The Government forced a second Vote on the People and got a yes vote so it was Forced Democracy, Such great way of getting everyone aboard,

Colocar la democracia en el centro de lo que hay que defender, como claim de campaña, dice mucho del fracaso del propio sistema democrático o tal vez no del sistema democrático (que sin duda es el mejor entre los imperfectos sistemas de gobierno) sino de las herramientas que lo gestionan. La supra entidad gubernamental de la UE es un estado en sí mismo. Todo el entramado burocrático es el que está fallando, su implementación, su lejanía, su autocomplacencia y sobretodo sus miembros. Los electos son descartes políticos de gobiernos no re-elegidos, miembros caídos en desgracia, políticos recuperables, (muchos de ellos políticos de carrera) con sueldos vitalicios, con vidas profesionales tan alejadas de trabajadores de a pie, que ven recompensados a su fidelidad a sus partidos, con prebendas aún más suculentas, el parlamento europeo y las instituciones. Como europeo iré a votar, por evitar el auge de las ideas antidemocráticas, pero desde el desánimo absoluto.

Voting is the biggest mistake that may commit anyone who cares about freedom. They've already choosen who has to sit on those chairs, they allow you to vote only to give you the illusion that you can choose something.

Giorgio Gemmi

Ideatore di Soluzioni integrate per l'emissione dei corrispettivi e di pagamento.


La democrazia non è solo poter votare, ma avere anche una rappresentanza politica che possa agire. Che senso può avere votare un parlamento che subisce l'organo esecutivo del Consiglio Europeo...? Da un punto di vista della rappresentanza, rispetto ai singoli parlamenti, il parlamento €U non è efficace...

If voting would make a difference we would already have a perfect society long time ago.  We are all voting for puppets all the time. The «  elections » are always a smoke screen to make citizens believe they live in democracies.  While Big Business is served. Am tired of voting for mediocrity. You manage that on your own guys.  As long as Ursula von der Lyer is in duty in spite of blatant corruption it seems pointless to vote.

yeah, ukrainians may tell a lot, how elections, attended by millions of typical "voting bystanders (or abstainees?)", screwed up war preparedness. Use your vote consciously. Травневі шашлики don't taste that good

Jan Dostal

Life changes never ends


I do not understand the democratic system of appointing the commission of the European Parliament by the European Council. The European Council appoints the heads of the European Commission - does it not elect them?

Sergey Ryabenko

Your part time CTO ☼ MVP ninja 🥷 ☼ Remote first ☼ 20 years in startups ☼ 10K hrs Upwork+Toptal ☼ Ex Head of Engineering @ SalesLyft 🇺🇸 ☼ Ex TeamLead @ CHECK24 🇩🇪 and Bioptimizers 🇺🇸


Democracy was overrated long before it was compromised on the level it is compromised today. Democracy is new religion.

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