Essentials of Usability Design for Library Research Guides

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Web design, in the form of creating online research guides, has become a big part of many librarians’ jobs, but we’re rarely taught how to do it well. Most of us learn the nuts and bolts of how to make guides, without learning the principles of how to make them usable — the simple techniques of visual and textual design that can help us create guides that users will understand more easily, and stick around to use.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, participants should be able to:

How usability design affects library users’ experience
What librarians don’t know — but need to — about web usability
Easy to use principles of usability that can immediately improve your research guides
Free resources to share with your librarians and guide authors to better inform your institutional style plans

Instructor: Jason Puckett

Jason Puckett is Online Learning Librarian and Associate Professor at Georgia State University Library in Atlanta, Georgia. Puckett has an MLIS from Florida State University and is the author of the ACRL books Modern Pathfinders: Creating Better Research Guides and Zotero: A Guide for Librarians, Researchers & Educators.

Academic library: 4 year and graduate; Academic library: 2 year
This webinar is presented in Eastern time.

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