Information Literacy Instruction Meets Academic Library Marketing

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This webinar will demonstrate how a library marketing internship can facilitate interdisciplinary information literacy instruction for undergraduate and graduate students. We'll discuss ensuring that internships support institutional and professional values, creating and maintaining project timelines, and using sound pedagogical practices.

Part two of Next Steps in Social Media for Libraries: Value-Driven Strategy and Interdisciplinary Learning.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this class, students will be able to:

Consider institutional requirements for co-curricular learning and marketing.
Center a marketing internship around the ALA core values.
Craft interdisciplinary learning goals aligned with the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy and the NACE Competencies Framework.
Develop a timeline to facilitate a student-centered action-research project .
Create authentic learning activities grounded in open pedagogy.
Develop a timeline of assignments to facilitate the continuous production and analysis of marketing content.


Charlene V. Martoni is the Outreach Librarian for the Social Sciences at Georgia State University, where she is heavily involved in information literacy instruction, research engagement, and open education advocacy. Prior to this role, Charlene held the position of Social Media Manager and Internship Director at the Sojourner Truth Library at the State University of New York. In addition to library marketing, Charlene’s research interests center around the role of libraries in preserving primary documents produced during times of crisis.

State library and/or archives agency; Network/consortia; Public library; Academic library: 4 year and graduate; Special Library; Museum; Academic library: 2 year; Government library; Archives; Historical Society / Site, Special collections; Performing Arts Organization
This webinar is presented in Eastern time.