Annotations and IIIF

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One of the most exciting aspects of working with historical collections is when items can be annotated, either through crowdsourcing or machine generated annotations. This session will cover how annotations work with IIIF and how you can use off the shelf tools to run crowdsourcing or remote teaching use cases for annotating your IIIF collection. The IIIF standards are a set of a community-driven set of technologies developed by world-leading research, national and state libraries, archives, museums, companies, and image repositories. The combination of standardized ways of accessing images and a/v material and its integration of the W3C web annotation format puts IIIF in a unique position to support the development of annotation tools and many have been released as open source.

This course will cover:

How IIIF and annotations work together
Working with an annotation store
Demonstration of annotation and crowdsourcing tools available
Examples of annotation projects from the IIIF community
How to make the results of crowdsourcing projects available

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, participants should be able to:

Explain how annotations work with IIIF.
Understand the variety of annotation tools available and distinguish which fits their use cases.

Instructor: Glen Robson

Glen Robson is the Technical Coordinator for the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Consortium. His main role is to facilitate adoption of IIIF through training, support and advice while also ensuring the continued development of the standards. Previously Glen worked for 13 years at the National Library of Wales where he was involved in their IIIF implementation and running numerous crowdsourcing and annotation projects. During this time he wrote the SimpleAnnotationServer which is an open source IIIF compatible annotation server.

Academic library: 4 year and graduate; Archives; Special Collections
This webinar is presented in Eastern time.

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