Choosing an ILS that Meets Your Needs

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Library Technology is not new, but the world of our tools is changing with astonishing speed. Every library and information center will face moments when our basic operations, and the meeting of our users’ needs, demands a re-assessment of our basic technology. Rather than just being a moment of fear, the process of selecting and acquiring new technology can instead be a time of growth and learning about our own institution, and about our users.

This presentation will take participants through the process of selecting an ILS, with an emphasis on making the experience practical and successful. We will review the basic components and functions of the complete ILS, explore the vendor landscape, and consider some of the various options available including a public-facing Discovery Layer, a complete Library Services Platform to integrate with e-resources, and even open-source options.

Learning Outcomes

  • Consider institutional data in support of a new technology purchase
  • Assess the ILS vendor options available to meet the needs identified
  • Understand more advanced technologies such as the Discovery Layer and the Library Services Platform
  • Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of different ILS options based on user requirements

  • Instructor: Timothy J. Dickey

    Dr. Timothy J. Dickey is an adult public service librarian with the nationally-acclaimed Columbus Metropolitan Libraries, and a library science educator teaching library technology, reference, and research methods, for the faculties of Kent State University and San José State University. Prior to these positions, he assisted Lynn Silipigni Connaway at the OCLC Office of Research, specializing in user studies and data mining research.

    Academic library: 4 year and graduate, Academic library: 2 year, Public Library
    Time: All live online classes are in Eastern time.

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