A troubled former homeless man died after taking an accidental overdose of prescription drugs at a hostel.

George Adam Dyson, 21, began taking prescription drugs "or anything he could get his hands on" whilst living on the streets, an inquest into his death heard.

This continued after he was housed in a hostel for young homeless men in Longsight in the summer of 2017.

He was found lifeless in his room on Friday December 15, 2017 after staff decided to check on him as they had not seen him since the Wednesday evening, the hearing was told.

Paramedics attended The Limes hostel on Daisybank Road and he was pronounced dead just after 10.30pm.

Police ruled out any foul play and a coroner today ruled there was absolutely no evidence that overdose was a deliberate one.

In a statement read to the court, Mr Dyson's partner Danuel Easton, said Mr Dyson began taking prescription and illicit drugs when they were sleeping rough.

He said: "We used to take stuff when we were on the streets. It was a way of blocking stuff out.

"He would take any type of drug he was offered.

"He would never buy them but if someone offered him something, he would take them.

"And he didn't know where to stop especially with prescription pills."

A large number of empty blister packs of pills were found in his room at The Limes, the inquest was told.

The hearing was also told he had a wound on his foot, where he had shards of glass removed in hospital, and could have become infected with the coroner saying this may have led him to take "even more painkillers than normal."

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A toxicology report, part of the post-mortem, found Mr Dyson had "extremely high" levels of the opiate painkiller Oxycodone and the Epilepsy and anti-anxiety drug Pregabalin in his system when he died, along with a number of other substances.

However toxicologist Julie Evans said she believed it was most likely these two drugs which combined to cause a fatal cardiac-respiratory failure.

His medical cause of death was given as combined drug toxicity.

His mother Carol Dyson said she had no knowledge of his drug use and the cause of his death was a "surprise" to her.

The inquest took place at the Manchester Coroner's Court based in the Royal Exchange

The Limes had now introduced a number of new procedures around welfare checks and "missing" service users, including a register logging when residents had last been seen, the inquest was told.

Area Coroner Fiona Borill recorded a conclusion that his death was drug-related at the inquest at Manchester Coroner's Court in the Royal Exchange Building on Wednesday afternoon.

She said: "He abused prescription medication and sometimes illicit substances.

"His partner bluntly puts it that he would take anything he was offered, particularly at the stage he was homeless.

"However he even after he was re-housed it appears he continued to abuse prescription medication.

"I note he had cut his foot in October 2017 with his brother saying he thought it might be infected and this may be why he was taking even more medication than normal.

"George was very young and it was tragic he died at a time when it appeared he was making progress, being re-housed in a supportive environment with a partner he had been with for some time."

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