TWO thieves were left empty-handed after the £35,000 they stole from a pensioner blew away in strong winds.

The 75-year-old man was playing slot machines when the pair snatched a plastic bag containing a sweet tin with his life savings inside.

But as they ran off, stuffing cash in their pockets, a powerful gust blew ­thousands along Blackpool’s seafront.

Police called to the scene found people frantically chasing after the money.

Officers managed to recover around £23,000, which they returned to the victim, but £12,000 is still missing.

Police said: “Officers did well to gather together what they could, taking into account the wind.

“We would advise people against carrying around such large amounts of cash.”

A 22-year-old man and a 16-year-old youth have been questioned about the robbery on the Golden Mile.