Privacy Policy

The Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) collects certain information from users, and this page explains the types of information we gather and what we do with it. We do not sell any personal information to third parties.

Server log data

Our system collects server log data, which may include an IP address, the type of browser and operating system used, the time of day visited, the pages viewed and search requests. We aggregate this data and use it for statistical purposes, helping us to improve the navigation and content of our website.

Email lists

If you sign up for one of our email lists, we'll only send you the kinds of information you've requested. We won't share your information with anyone outside of MNHS. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Web forms or e-mail

Personally identifying information that you provide by e-mail or web forms will be used only for those purposes that are described at the point of collection, such as to send information to you or to respond to your questions or comments.


From time to time our site requests information from users via surveys. Participation in surveys is completely voluntary, and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose this information. Information requested may include contact information (such as name and address) and demographic information (such as zip code, age level). Survey information will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the use and satisfaction of this site.

Cookies, Pixel Tags, Tracking Code

MNHS websites use technologies such as "cookies", "pixel tags", and other tracking code to improve the functioning of our websites and your experience. Cookies are small data files that are automatically sent to your browser from a Web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. Cookies enable us to personalize your experience. "Pixel tags" are tiny graphical images embedded in emails or webpages. Pixel tags are used to determine what parts of a website a visitor has viewed, or whether an email was successfully opened. These technologies do not contain any personal information about you; they are used to gather information to analyze traffic to the websites, to improve our content and navigation, to enhance our marketing efforts, to personalize your experience, and to provide online display advertising tailored to your interests based on your online behavior. MNHS also works with third-party marketing partners who use technologies such as cookies and pixel tags on our behalf. 

You may choose to set your browser so that it does not accept cookies, but some areas of MNHS websites will not function properly without cookies. For an optimal experience with our sites, we recommend that you allow cookies.

Links to Other Sites

Our website has links to many other websites. When you go to another site, you are subject to the privacy and security policies of that site. MNHS cannot attest to the accuracy of information provided there.

Children and Privacy

MNHS collects limited information about children for demographic purposes.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

MNHS reserves the right to change the policy on use of information collected. Any changes in policy will be noted in a revised privacy policy statement and will be posted at least 30 days prior to implementation. You may direct any privacy policy questions to [email protected].