Minutes of Proceedings

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 12 March 2024

The Assembly met at 10.30am, the Speaker in the Chair.

1. Prayers

Members observed two minutes’ silence.

2. Members’ Statements

Under Standing Order 24A, the following Members made a statement to the Assembly;

Mr Stephen Dunne
Mr Colm Gildernew
Ms Kate Nicholl
Mr Matthew O’Toole
Mr Danny Baker
Mr John Blair
Mr Jim Allister
Ms Cheryl Brownlee
Mr Maolíosa McHugh
Mr Daniel McCrossan

The Principal Deputy Speaker took the Chair.

The sitting was suspended at 11.01am and resumed at 11.16am, the Principal Deputy Speaker in the Chair.

The sitting was suspended at 11.25am and resumed at 11.30am, the Principal Deputy Speaker in the Chair.

3. Executive Committee Business

3.1 Motion: The Rates (Regional Rates) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024


That the Rates (Regional Rates) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024 be affirmed.

Minister of Finance

Debate ensued.

The Question being put, the motion was carried, with cross-community support.

4. Private Members’ Business

4.1 Motion: Workers' Rights


That this Assembly stands in solidarity with workers and trade unions in their campaign to improve workers’ rights and conditions; acknowledges the insecurity that workers face due to precarious working arrangements such as zero hour contracts, fire and rehire practices and bogus self-employment; recognises the importance of supporting work-life balance, access to paid carers leave, and entitlement to tips and gratuities for workers; believes that increased trade union membership and recognition is vital to improving workers’ rights and conditions; and calls on the Minister for the Economy to continue to work to bring forward new employment legislation to address these issues and to support and protect workers.

Mr Declan Kearney
Mr Pádraig Delargy
Mr Philip McGuigan



Leave out all after ‘paid carers’ and insert:

‘and miscarriage leave, and entitlement to tips and gratuities for workers; believes that the support of businesses, including through good employment practices and charters, in addition to increased trade union membership and recognition, is vital to improving workers’ rights and conditions; and calls on the Minister for the Economy to continue to work to bring forward new employment legislation to address these issues and to support and protect workers.’

Mr Phillip Brett
Mr Gary Middleton

Debate ensued.

The sitting was suspended at 12.56 pm.

The sitting resumed at 2.00pm, the Speaker in the chair.

5. Question Time

5.1 Communities
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister for Communities, Mr Gordon Lyons.


6. Private Members’ Business (cont’d)

6.1 Motion: Workers' Rights (cont’d)

Debate resumed.

The Question being put, the amendment was made.

The Question being put, the motion as amended was carried.

The Deputy Speaker, Dr Aiken, took the chair.

6.2 Motion: Fresh Start Funding for Integrated Education Capital Projects


That this Assembly reaffirms its commitment to the facilitation and growth of integrated education as set out in the Good Friday Agreement; notes the Department of Education’s duty to meet the demand for the provision of integrated education within the context of the overall sustainability of the school estate as set out in the Integrated Education Act 2022; welcomes the support of the Independent Review of Education for expanding integrated education; believes that integrated education is fundamental to transforming our education sector, with both societal and financial benefits, and is vital to building a more shared and reconciled community; regrets the UK Government’s decision to remove ring-fencing from £150m in Fresh Start funding for new build integrated education projects; further notes the Minister of Education’s letter to the Secretary of State requesting funding for Fresh Start projects; calls on the UK Government to reverse its decision; and further calls on the Minister to seek to recommit capital funding to support new build integrated education projects as a matter of priority.

Ms Paula Bradshaw
Mr Nick Mathison
Ms Kate Nicholl
Mr Eóin Tennyson



Leave out all from ‘duty to’ and insert:

‘aim to meet the demand for the provision of integrated education within the context of the overall sustainability of the school estate as set out in the Integrated Education Act 2022; reaffirms its commitment to promote, encourage and facilitate shared education as stated in the Shared Education Act 2016; welcomes the support of the Independent Review of Education for expanding integrated education; believes that integrated and shared education are both fundamental to giving our children the best possible start to their lives; and are vital to building a more shared and reconciled community; regrets the UK Government’s decision to remove ring-fencing from £150m in Fresh Start funding for new build integrated and shared education projects; further notes the Minister of Education’s letter to the Secretary of State requesting funding for Fresh Start projects; calls on the UK Government to reverse its decision; and further calls on the Minister to seek to recommit capital funding to support new build integrated and shared education projects as a matter of priority.’

Mr Robbie Butler

Debate ensued.

The Question being put, the amendment was made (Division).

The Question being put, the motion as amended was carried.

The Principal Deputy Speaker took the Chair.


7. Adjournment


That the Assembly do now adjourn.

The Speaker

Miss Michelle McIlveen spoke to her topic regarding Road Safety Improvements on the A20 Portaferry Road, Newtownards.

The Assembly adjourned at 5.46pm.


Mr Edwin Poots
The Speaker
12 March 2024

Northern Ireland Assembly

12 March 2024 - Division

Amendment: Fresh Start Funding for Integrated Education Capital Projects


Leave out all from ‘duty to’ and insert:

‘aim to meet the demand for the provision of integrated education within the context of the overall sustainability of the school estate as set out in the Integrated Education Act 2022; reaffirms its commitment to promote, encourage and facilitate shared education as stated in the Shared Education Act 2016; welcomes the support of the Independent Review of Education for expanding integrated education; believes that integrated and shared education are both fundamental to giving our children the best possible start to their lives; and are vital to building a more shared and reconciled community; regrets the UK Government’s decision to remove ring-fencing from £150m in Fresh Start funding for new build integrated and shared education projects; further notes the Minister of Education’s letter to the Secretary of State requesting funding for Fresh Start projects; calls on the UK Government to reverse its decision; and further calls on the Minister to seek to recommit capital funding to support new build integrated and shared education projects as a matter of priority.’

Mr Robbie Butler

The Question was put and the Assembly divided.

Ayes: 47
Noes: 17


Mr Allen, Mr Allister, Dr Archibald, Mr Baker, Mr Beattie, Mr Boylan, Mr Bradley, Mr Brett, Miss Brogan, Ms Brownlee, Mr K Buchanan, Mr T Buchanan, Ms Bunting, Mr Butler, Mrs Cameron, Mr Chambers, Mr Clarke, Mr Delargy, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mr Elliott, Mrs Ennis, Mrs Erskine, Mrs Ferguson, Miss Flynn, Mr Frew, Mr Gildernew, Mr Givan, Miss Hargey, Mr Harvey, Mr Kearney, Mr Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Mr Kingston, Mr Lyons, Mr McGuigan, Mr McHugh, Miss McIlveen, Mrs Mason, Mr Middleton, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O'Dowd, Ms Reilly, Mr Robinson, Mr Sheehan, Mr Stewart.
Tellers for the Ayes: Mr Frew, Mr Butler.


Ms Armstrong, Mr Blair, Mr Brown, Mr Carroll, Mr Dickson, Mr Donnelly, Ms Eastwood, Ms Egan, Mr Honeyford, Mrs Long, Miss McAllister, Mr McReynolds, Mr Mathison, Mr Muir, Ms Mulholland, Ms Nicholl, Mr Tennyson.
Tellers for the Noes: Mr Dickson, Mr Tennyson.

The amendment was made.

Northern Ireland Assembly

Papers Presented to the Assembly on 12 March 2024.

1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly

3. Orders in Council

4. Statutory Rules

SR 2024/52 The Social Security Revaluation of Earnings Factors Order (Northern Ireland) 2024 (Department for Communities)

5. Legislative Consent Memorandums

6. Assembly Reports

7. Written Ministerial Statements

8. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly

Quarterly Sickness Absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service October 2023 – December 2023 (Department of Finance)
Third Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules to the Assembly and the Appropriate Committees 12 March 2024 (Northern Ireland Assembly)
Fourth Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules to the Assembly and the Appropriate Committees 12 March 2024 (Northern Ireland Assembly)

9. Publications Presented in the Northern Ireland Assembly


Northern Ireland Assembly Legislation:

Stages in Consideration of Public Bills

First Stage: Introduction of Bill.
Second Stage: General debate of the Bill with an opportunity for Members to vote on its general principles.
Committee Stage (Comm. Stage): Detailed investigation by a Committee which concludes with the publication of a report for consideration by the Assembly.
Consideration Stage (CS): Consideration by the Assembly of, and an opportunity for Members to vote on, the details of the Bill including amendments proposed to the Bill.
Further Consideration Stage (FCS): Consideration by the Assembly of, and an opportunity for Members to vote on, further amendments to the Bill.
Final Stage: Passing or rejecting of Bill by the Assembly, without further amendment.
Royal Assent.

Proceedings as 12 March 2024
2022-2027 Mandate
Executive Bills

Title &
NIA Bill Number


Second Stage

Comm. Stage to Conclude

Report Ordered to be Printed



Final Stage

Royal Assent

Budget Bill (NIA Bill 01/22-27)






