Minutes of Proceedings

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 27 February 2024

The Assembly met at 10.30am, the Speaker in the Chair.

1. Prayers

Members observed two minutes’ silence.

2. Private Members’ Business

2.1 Motion: Capital Investment in Fishing Industry


That this Assembly recognises the need to safeguard and build on the success of Northern Ireland's fishing industry; notes with concern the impact of rising input costs for many local fishermen; supports the delivery of adequate and ongoing practical and financial support to those affected; further notes the importance of ensuring the local fishing industry is in a position to take advantage of new fishing opportunities and contribute to green growth, including through investment in modernising its vessels and gear; urges the UK Government to ensure its policies, in respect of the allocation of fishing quotas and access to labour, reflect the particular needs of the fishing industry in Northern Ireland; and calls on the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to reiterate his Department's commitment to providing capital funding to redevelop Northern Ireland's harbour infrastructure at Kilkeel, Ardglass and Portavogie.

Miss Michelle McIlveen
Mr Tom Buchanan
Mr William Irwin



After “access to labour;” insert:

‘including the extension of the seasonal worker route scheme to include the fish processing sector,’

Mr Colin McGrath
Mr Patsy McGlone

Debate ensued.

The Question being put, the amendment was made.

The Question being put, the motion as amended was carried.

The Deputy Speaker, Dr Aiken, took the chair.

2.2 Motion: All-Island Rail Network


That this Assembly recognises the transformative impact that expansion of an all-island rail network will have on communities across Ireland; welcomes the commitment to the All-Island Strategic Rail Review from the Executive and the Irish Government; acknowledges that the delivery of accessible, sustainable and modern rail infrastructure is a key driver of economic growth, enhances our tourism industry and will drive regionally balanced investment in left behind communities; further acknowledges that investing in high quality rail is critical to reaching net zero carbon emissions targets by 2050; calls on the Minister for Infrastructure to provide an immediate update on the Phase 3 of Derry to Coleraine Feasibility Study; and further calls on the Minister to work with the Irish Government to produce a costed implementation plan this year, to deliver rail options to every county in Ireland.

Mr Matthew O'Toole
Mr Mark Durkan
Ms Sinéad McLaughlin
Mr Daniel McCrossan



Leave out all after “2050;” and insert:

‘believes the UK Government should provide funding and major project expertise to support the work of the All Island Strategic Rail Review, as recommended by the Department for Transport’s Union Connectivity Review; calls on the Minister for Infrastructure to provide an immediate update on the Phase 3 Derry to Coleraine Feasibility Study; and further calls on the Minister, following publication of the final All-Island Strategic Rail Review report, to work with the Executive and the UK and Irish Governments to produce a costed implementation plan.’

Mrs Deborah Erskine
Mr Keith Buchanan
Mr Stephen Dunne

Debate ensued.

The sitting was suspended at 12.57 pm.

The sitting resumed at 2.00pm. The Speaker in the chair.

3. Question Time

3.1 Finance
Questions were put to, and answered by, the Minister of Finance, Dr Caoimhe Archibald.

The Deputy Speaker, Dr Aiken, took the chair.

4. Private Members’ Business (cont’d)

4.1 Motion: All-Island Rail Network (cont’d)

Debate resumed.

The Question being put, the amendment was negatived (Division).

The Question being put, the motion was carried.

The Speaker took the chair.

5. Adjournment


That the Assembly do now adjourn.

The Speaker

Mr Patrick Brown spoke to his topic regarding Economic Recovery from Flooding in South Down.

The Assembly adjourned at 4.47pm.

Mr Edwin Poots
The Speaker
27 February 2024

Northern Ireland Assembly

27 February 2024 – Division

Amendment: All-Island Rail Network


Leave out all after “2050;” and insert:

‘believes the UK Government should provide funding and major project expertise to support the work of the All Island Strategic Rail Review, as recommended by the Department for Transport’s Union Connectivity Review; calls on the Minister for Infrastructure to provide an immediate update on the Phase 3 Derry to Coleraine Feasibility Study; and further calls on the Minister, following publication of the final All-Island Strategic Rail Review report, to work with the Executive and the UK and Irish Governments to produce a costed implementation plan.’

Mrs Deborah Erskine
Mr Keith Buchanan
Mr Stephen Dunne

The Question was put and the Assembly divided.

Ayes: 25
Noes: 44


Mr Allen, Mr Bradley, Mr Brett, Mr Brooks, Mr K Buchanan, Mr T Buchanan, Mr Buckley, Mr Butler, Mrs Cameron, Mr Clarke, Mrs Dodds, Mr Dunne, Mr Easton, Mr Elliott, Mrs Erskine, Ms Forsythe, Mr Frew, Mr Harvey, Mrs Little-Pengelly, Mr Lyons, Miss McIlveen, Mr Middleton, Mr Nesbitt, Mr Robinson, Mr Stewart.
Tellers for the Ayes: Mr Harvey, Mr Middleton.


Dr Archibald, Ms Armstrong, Mr Baker, Mr Blair, Mr Boylan, Ms Bradshaw, Miss Brogan, Mr Brown, Mr Carroll, Mr Delargy, Mr Dickson, Mrs Dillon, Mr Donnelly, Mr Durkan, Ms Egan, Mrs Ennis, Mrs Ferguson, Miss Flynn, Mr Gildernew, Mr Honeyford, Mr Kearney, Mr Kelly, Ms Kimmins, Miss McAllister, Mr McCrossan, Mr McGlone, Mr McGrath, Mr McGuigan, Ms McLaughlin, Mr McNulty, Mr McReynolds, Mrs Mason, Mr Mathison, Mr Muir, Miss Á Murphy, Mr C Murphy, Ms Ní Chuilín, Mr O'Dowd, Ms O'Neill, Mr O'Toole, Ms Reilly, Mr Sheehan, Ms Sheerin, Mr Tennyson.
Tellers for the Noes: Mr Durkan, Ms McLaughlin.

The amendment was negatived.

Northern Ireland Assembly

Papers Presented to the Assembly on 27 February 2024.

1. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly

2. Bills of the Northern Ireland Assembly

3. Orders in Council

4. Statutory Rules

5. Legislative Consent Memorandums

6. Assembly Reports

7. Written Ministerial Statements

8. Publications Laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly

9. Publications Presented in the Northern Ireland Assembly


Northern Ireland Assembly Legislation:

Stages in Consideration of Public Bills

First Stage: Introduction of Bill.
Second Stage: General debate of the Bill with an opportunity for Members to vote on its general principles.
Committee Stage (Comm. Stage): Detailed investigation by a Committee which concludes with the publication of a report for consideration by the Assembly.
Consideration Stage (CS): Consideration by the Assembly of, and an opportunity for Members to vote on, the details of the Bill including amendments proposed to the Bill.
Further Consideration Stage (FCS): Consideration by the Assembly of, and an opportunity for Members to vote on, further amendments to the Bill.
Final Stage: Passing or rejecting of Bill by the Assembly, without further amendment.
Royal Assent.

Proceedings as 27 February 2024
2022-2027 Mandate
Executive Bills

Title &
NIA Bill Number


Second Stage

Comm. Stage to Conclude

Report Ordered to be Printed



Final Stage

Royal Assent

Budget Bill (NIA Bill 01/22-27)






