Order Paper

Reference: OP 29/22-27

Date: 07 May 2024

1. Prayers

2. Members’ Statements

3. Executive Committee Business

Final Stage: Hospital Parking Charges Bill (NIA Bill 02/22-27)

Minister of Health

4. Question Time

4.1 Finance

5. Committee Business

Motion: Report on a complaint against Dr Steve Aiken OBE MLA


That this Assembly, having considered a report of the Committee on Standards and Privileges from the last Assembly (NIA 208/17-22), notes its conclusion that this Committee on Standards and Privileges should recommend a sanction be imposed on Dr Steve Aiken OBE MLA, and imposes upon Dr Aiken the sanction of exclusion from proceedings of the Assembly for a period of two sitting days, beginning on the first sitting day after the resolution.

Chairperson, Committee on Standards and Privileges


6. Private Members’ Business

Motion: All-Ireland Tourism Strategy


That this Assembly recognises the importance of tourism to our economy; acknowledges that tourism is one of six areas of cooperation on the island of Ireland, as set out in the Good Friday Agreement; further acknowledges the untapped potential benefit of all-Ireland tourism to our local communities; notes that in 2019 the Wild Atlantic Way tourism experience generated €1.9 billion and attracted 3.4 million overseas tourists to the nine counties that it currently covers; acknowledges that extending the Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland's Ancient East and Ireland's Hidden Heartlands would create significant opportunities for our local tourism sector; and calls on the Department for the Economy to work with Tourism Ireland, Tourism NI and Fáilte Ireland to extend the major tourism brands across the island, and to work with local communities to develop sustainable tourism which enhances and protects the local environment and natural heritage, supports local businesses and creates jobs and prosperity.

Mr Pádraig Delargy
Mrs Cathy Mason
Mr Philip McGuigan
Miss Áine Murphy

Motion: Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza


That this Assembly condemns the ongoing genocide in Gaza that has left more than 35,000 people dead, most of them women and children; further condemns the actions of Hamas on October 7th which left 1,300 people dead and many families searching for loved ones; abhors the killing of international humanitarian aid workers seeking to deliver vital supplies to the civilian population on the brink of famine; rejects plans for a ground assault on the city of Rafah with a refugee population of more than 1 million Palestinians sheltering with nowhere safe to go; regrets the failure of the international community to act decisively in the interests of peace; affirms its support for a two-state solution and the immediate recognition of the state of Palestine; calls for an immediate ceasefire in the region and the release of all hostages; further calls for an end to arms sales and transfers to Israel while the genocide continues; and calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to write jointly to the UK Prime Minister in pursuit of these objectives.

Mr Matthew O’Toole

Ms Cara Hunter

Mr Colin McGrath


7. Adjournment

  • Housing Crisis on the North Coast

Ms Cara Hunter