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Études économiques consacrées périodiquement par l'OCDE à l’économie de la France. Chaque étude analyse les grands enjeux auxquels le pays fait face. Elle examine les perspectives à court terme et présente des recommandations détaillées à l’intention des décideurs politiques. Des chapitres thématiques analysent des enjeux spécifiques. Les tableaux et graphiques contiennent un large éventail de données statistiques.


OECD’s periodic surveys of the French economy. Each edition surveys the major challenges faced by the country, evaluates the short-term outlook, and makes specific policy recommendations. Special chapters take a more detailed look at specific challenges. Extensive statistical information is included in charts and graphs.


What factors influence satisfaction with social protection? This report investigates differences in perceptions of social protection across countries, with a focus on France, using novel data from the OECD’s Risks that Matter Survey. Compared to respondents in Germany and the United Kingdom, French respondents are systematically the least satisfied with social protection in their country, even as France performs well on many social programme outcome indicators. This report explores a range of different factors influencing perceptions of social protection, including individual risk perceptions; the shape, size and cost of social programmes; frictions in application and service delivery in social programmes; and socio-economic and cultural factors.

  • 10 juil. 2024
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 149

La France a été confrontée successivement à deux chocs de grande ampleur, avec la pandémie de COVID-19 et la hausse de l’inflation. Les mesures gouvernementales d’urgence ont été décisives pour préserver le tissu productif, l’emploi et le pouvoir d’achat mais ont eu un coût élevé pour les finances publiques. Des efforts de réduction des dépenses seront impératifs pour abaisser la dette publique. Pour stimuler les gains de productivité, il faut diffuser plus largement les technologies numériques, réduire les obstacles réglementaires et renforcer l’innovation. La tarification du carbone pourrait être rendue plus efficace en éliminant progressivement les subventions et exemptions fiscales dont bénéficient certains secteurs.

Les résultats scolaires sont comparables à ceux obtenus dans d’autres pays de l’OCDE, mais le lien entre le milieu socio-économique et les résultats des élèves est particulièrement fort. Une répartition plus large des aides publiques en faveur des établissements scolaires défavorisés permettrait d’éviter les effets de seuil et de mieux répondre aux besoins des élèves. Rééquilibrer la répartition des dépenses d’éducation en faveur des établissements primaires permettrait d’apporter un soutien plus important aux enfants dès leurs premières années de scolarité. L’utilisation de pratiques pédagogiques modernes telles que les méthodes d’activation cognitive, qui sont associées à de meilleurs résultats scolaires, pourrait être renforcée.


  • 10 juil. 2024
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 137

France has faced two significant, successive shocks: the COVID-19 pandemic and the increase in inflation. Emergency government measures were decisive in protecting business, jobs and purchasing power, but at a high fiscal cost. Efforts to reduce public spending will be key to lower government debt. Lifting productivity growth hinges on a wider diffusion of digital technologies, reduced regulatory barriers and stronger innovation. The effectiveness of carbon pricing could be strengthened by gradually removing subsidies and tax exemptions that certain sectors benefit from.

Students perform at a similar level to OECD peers but the link between socio-economic background and educational outcomes is particularly strong. Spreading the allocation of public support to disadvantaged students more widely across schools would help to avoid threshold effects and to better respond to students’ needs. Rebalancing the distribution of education spending in favour of primary schools could provide greater support to children in the early years of their schooling. The use of modern teaching approaches, including cognitive activation practices, that are associated with better student achievement, could be reinforced.


  • 09 juil. 2024
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 85

The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts peer reviews of individual members once every five to six years. Reviews seek to improve the quality and effectiveness of members’ development co-operation, highlighting good practices and recommending improvements.

France has embarked on an ambitious reform of its development co-operation in institutional, strategic and financial terms. In addition to a substantial increase in the resources devoted to official development assistance and a strengthening of its crisis response instruments, France has championed the linkages between the green and social agendas and the mobilisation of the private sector for sustainable development. The review discusses the difficult balance between the objectives of visibility and development impact, particularly in fragile contexts. It makes recommendations on combining political impetus, steering by objectives and flexibility; deepening the cross-benefits between the social, environmental, and economic dimensions of sustainable development; and, strengthening the contribution of local private sector to poverty reduction by optimising available resources and instruments.


Le Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE mène tous les cinq à six ans un examen par les pairs qui passe en revue les efforts de coopération pour le développement de ses membres. Ces examens visent à améliorer la qualité et l’efficacité de leur coopération, en mettant en évidence les bonnes pratiques et en recommandant des améliorations.

La France s’est engagée dans une réforme ambitieuse de sa coopération au développement aussi bien en termes institutionnel, stratégique que financier. Outre un accroissement conséquent des ressources consacrées à l’aide publique au développement et un renforcement de ses instruments de réponse aux crises, la France a vigoureusement défendu l’articulation des agendas vert et social et la mobilisation du secteur privé en faveur du développement durable. L’examen analyse le difficile équilibre entre objectifs de visibilité et d’impact sur le développement, notamment dans les contextes fragiles. Il émet des recommandations pour allier impulsion politique, pilotage par objectifs et flexibilité et approfondir la recherche de bénéfices croisés entre les dimensions sociale, environnementale et économique du développement durable. Il explore également comment renforcer la contribution du secteur privé local à la réduction de la pauvreté grâce à l’optimisation des ressources et instruments disponibles.


This report analyses the legislative and institutional framework in France relating to the transparency and integrity of foreign influence activities. It identifies concrete policy measures adapted to the French context to make foreign influence activities more transparent, and to discourage foreign interference attempts that are made notably through opaque lobbying and influence activities. It also ensures that the risk of foreign interference is better taken into account when public officials move between the public and private sectors.


Ce rapport analyse le cadre législatif et institutionnel en France relatif à la transparence et à l’intégrité des activités d’influence étrangère. Il identifie ainsi des pistes d’actions concrètes adaptées au contexte français pour rendre les activités d’influence étrangère plus transparentes, décourager les tentatives d’ingérences étrangères effectuées notamment au travers d’activités de lobbying et d’influence opaques, et veiller à ce que le contrôle des mobilités public-privé prenne mieux en compte ce risque.


The Eurométropole of Strasbourg (EMS) started its circular journey in 2010 with a focus on waste prevention, followed by the development of its “Circular Economy Roadmap” in 2019, which aimed to integrate circular economy principles into EMS' public procurement and operations. The EMS is currently in the process of updating the Roadmap to address challenges related to regulation, co-ordination across the 33 municipalities and financing. This case study provides ways forward on how to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy through the OECD 3Ps framework: People and firms, Policies and Places.

This paper provides two innovative measures of well-being for French communes, namely a well-being aggregate index and an index of multi-dimensional poverty. These measures provide an unprecedented view of well-being at the local level by using 7 of the 11 key dimensions of the OECD Better Life Initiative (income, unemployment, housing, education, civic engagement, health and environmental quality). The results show that joint deprivation in at least five dimensions of well-being is starkly concentrated among 316 communes, representing as many as 5.2 million inhabitants (7.7% of the French population).

This paper first presents a meta-analysis of the causal impact of cultural participation on well-being. The meta-analysis classifies the literature according to the strength of the evidence available and various types of cultural activities. Secondly, this paper uses data from time use surveys from Canada, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States to study individuals’ emotional responses to a series of daily activities. This is then used as a basis for an empirical assessment of the drivers of time allocation across different activities, showing that expectations of future well-being are one of the reasons why individuals decide to engage in cultural activities. Furthermore, the model helps explain why cultural participation, in spite of being one of the most enjoyable human activities, is also the least undertaken. We show that heterogeneity of preferences results in a strong selection effect in available statistics.

The Pensions at a Glance database includes reliable and internationally comparable statistics on public and mandatory and voluntary pensions. It covers 34 OECD countries and aims to cover all G20 countries. Pensions at a Glance reviews and analyses the pension measures enacted or legislated in OECD countries. It provides an in-depth review of the first layer of protection of the elderly, first-tier pensions across countries and provideds a comprehensive selection of pension policy indicators for all OECD and G20 countries.

This dataset contains data on metropolitan regions with demographic, labour, innovation and economic statistics by population, regional surface, population density, labour force, employment, unemployment, GDP, GDP per capita, PCT patent applications, and elderly dependency ratio.

This dataset contains tax revenue collected by France. It provides detailed tax revenues by sector (Supranational, Federal or Central Government, State or Lander Government, Local Government, and Social Security Funds) and by specific tax, such as capital gains, profits and income, property, sales, etc.


Gross domestic product (GDP) is the standard measure of the value of final goods and services produced by a country during a period minus the value of imports. This subset of Aggregate National Accounts comprises comprehensive statistics on gross domestic product (GDP) by presenting the three different approaches of its measure of GDP: output based GDP, expenditure based GDP and income based GDP. These three different measures of gross domestic product (GDP) are further detailed by transactions whereby: the output approach includes gross value added at basic prices, taxes less subsidies, statistical discrepancy; the expenditure approach includes domestic demand, gross capital formation, external balance of goods and services; and the income approach includes variables such as compensation of employees, gross operating surplus, taxes and production and imports. Gross domestic product (GDP) data are measured in national currency and are available in current prices, constant prices and per capita starting from 1950 onwards.


This dataset comprises statistics on different transactions and balances to get from the GDP to the net lending/borrowing. It includes national disposable income (gross and net), consumption of fixed capital as well as net savings. It also includes transaction components such as net current transfers and net capital transfers. Data are expressed in millions of national currency as well as US dollars and available in both current and constant prices. Data are provided from 1950 onwards.

This dataset comprises statistics pertaining to pensions indicators.It includes indicators such as occupational pension funds’asset as a % of GDP, personal pension funds’ asset as a % of GDP, DC pension plans’assets as a % of total assets. Pension fund and plan types are classified according to the OECD classification. Three dimensions cover this classification: pension plan type, definition type and contract type.
This dataset includes pension funds statistics with OECD classifications by type of pension plans and by type of pension funds. All types of plans are included (occupational and personal, mandatory and voluntary). The OECD classification considers both funded and book reserved pension plans that are workplace-based (occupational pension plans) or accessed directly in retail markets (personal pension plans). Both mandatory and voluntary arrangements are included. The data includes plans where benefits are paid by a private sector entity (classified as private pension plans by the OECD) as well as those paid by a funded public sector entity. Data are presented in various measures depending on the variable: millions of national currency, millions of USD, thousands or unit.

In an increasingly digital world, the significance of cyber security for individuals, businesses, and governments has never been greater. Rising cyber attacks are challenging current defence and operational capabilities, highlighting a critical shortage of skilled cyber security professionals. This report delves into the demand for cyber security expertise by analysing online job postings in France, Germany and Poland in between 2018 and 2023. It examines trends in the demand for cyber security professionals, the geographical distribution of job opportunities, and the changing skill requirements in this field. Focusing on France, the report also explores cyber security education and training programmes, the characteristics of the programmes, the demographics of enrolled learners, and their outcomes. Additionally, it reviews French policies and initiatives aimed at broadening the cyber security workforce and enhancing educational opportunities in this field. This comprehensive analysis is part of a larger effort to understand the evolving landscape of cyber security policies and professional experiences worldwide.

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