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Three Passions of Bertrand Russell (and a Collection of Free Texts)

“Three pas­sions, sim­ple but over­whelm­ing­ly strong, have gov­erned my life,” wrote Bertrand Rus­sell in the pro­logue to his auto­bi­og­ra­phy: “the long­ing for love, the search for knowl­edge, and unbear­able pity for the suf­fer­ing of mankind.”

This five minute video, a pre­view of a three-part series pro­duced in 2005 for Ontario pub­lic tele­vi­sion called “The Three Pas­sions of Bertrand Rus­sell,” fea­tures a record­ing of Rus­sell read­ing pas­sages from the pro­logue, enti­tled “What I Have Lived For.” You can read the orig­i­nal text at the Bertrand Rus­sell Soci­ety, an excel­lent online resource, that also makes avail­able free books by Rus­sell, includ­ing:

You can also down­load the first edi­tion of Rus­sel­l’s land­mark 1910–13 col­lab­o­ra­tion with Alfred North White­head, Prin­cip­ia Math­e­mat­i­ca, as well as many of Rus­sel­l’s essays, includ­ing:

To explore the full list of avail­able resources, and to learn how you can sup­port the soci­ety’s activ­i­ties, vis­it the Bertrand Rus­sell Soci­ety web­site.

Also don’t miss some great Rus­sell mate­r­i­al in our own archives, includ­ing all six of his 1948 BBC Rei­th Lec­tures, a clip from a Cana­di­an tele­vi­sion inter­view fea­tur­ing his views on God, and his elo­quent 1959 mes­sage to the future.

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  • drbdulsattarbaloch says:

    Plz eval­u­ate the harm­ful­ness of only one Reli­gion, Islam. HOW a sav­age nation of Sau­di Ara­bia has spread an utter­fool­ish­ness to block the think­ing pow­er of Human minds. Two most use­ful nations for mankind ‚The British& US nation’s knowl­edge of Agriculture,Medicine, Engi­neer­ing is nul­li­fied by An emp­ty knowl­ede of reli­gion. On Education& Polit­i­cal ideals if made cur­ricu­lum of uni­verisi­ty stu­dents in Asia, World Govt is pos­si­ble in a decade.Russel’s work if found on mobiles would not cost expens­es of wars.

  • noel says:

    “Plz eval­u­ate the harm­ful­ness of” ALL Reli­gions.

    Any­way, it’s all about pol­i­tics and pow­er.

    Don’t be such a fool. Wake ‑up.

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