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Details PREINING, Norbert
Affiliation arXiv / Cornell University
Contact [email protected]
Previous positions
Research Interests Many-valued logics, especially Gödel logics
Linear orderings, Kripke Frames, intermediate logics
Machine Learning, Neural Networks
Algebraic specification, Software verification (details)
Computational reals
Proof theory
Geometry and logic
Teaching Logical Decision Procedures
論理学と数学 - Logic and Mathematics
Recent publications
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  • Matthias Baaz and Norbert Preining. Herbrand Expansions and Extraction of Proofs from Diagrams. Studies in Logic 16(3):53-99, 2023.
  • Matthias Baaz and Christian Fermüller and Norbert Preining. Cut-Elimination for a Hypersequent Calculus for First-Order Gödel Logic over $[0,1]$ with Delta. Logic Algebra and Truth Degrees Conference LATD 2022, Paestum, Salerno, Italy
  • Arnold Beckmann and Alex Milne and Jean‐Jose Razafindrakoto and Pardeep Kumar and Michael Breach and Norbert Preining. Blockchain‐Based Cyber Physical Trust Systems. In IoT Security: Advances in Authentication, chapter~14, p.265-277, 2020.
  • Matthias Baaz and Norbert Preining. Analysis of the $\Sigma_1^1$-Fragment of First Order Gödel Logic extended with Propositional Quantifiers. Topology, Algebra, and Categories in Logic TACL 2019, Nice, France.
  • Matthias Baaz and Norbert Preining. On the Classification of First Order Gödel Logics. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170(1):36-57, 2019. doi:10.1016/j.apal.2018.08.010
  • Matthias Baaz and Norbert Preining. First Order Gödel Logics with propositional quantifiers. Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees LATD 2018.
  • Arnold Beckmann and Norbert Preining. Hyper Natural Deduction for Gödel Logic — A natural deduction system for parallel reasoning. Journal of Logic and Computation, 28(6):1125-1187, 2018. doi:10.1093/logcom/exy019.
  • Matthias Baaz and Norbert Preining. Gödel logics and the fully boxed fragment of FO-LTL. LPAR-21. 21st International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning. EPiC Series in Computing 46:404-416, 2017.
  • Arnold Beckmann and Norbert Preining. Deciding logics of linear Kripke frames with scattered end pieces. (ShareIt PDF) Soft Computing, 21(1):191-197, 2017. doi:10.1007/s00500-016-2400-y.
  • Norbert Preining. 10 years of TeX Live in Debian. TUGboat, 37(1): 45-47, 2016.
  • Norbert Preining. CafeOBJ as symbolic and algebraic computation engine. 数式処理 Bulletin of the Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, 22(2):48-51, 2016.
  • Norbert Preining. Adrian Frutiger, 1928-2015. TUGboat, 36(3):182-193, 2015.
  • Norbert Preining and Arnold Beckmann. Hyper Natural Deduction. In Logic in Computer Science (LICS) 2015, 30th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on, pages 547-558, July 2015.
  • Norbert Preining, Kazuhiro Ogata, and Kokichi Futatsugi. Liveness properties in CafeOBJ – a case study for meta-level specifications. In Maurizio Proietti and Hirohisa Seki, editors, Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation – 24th International Symposium, LOPSTR 2014, volume 8981 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 182–198. Springer, 2015. Proceedings of LOPSTR 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2015.
  • Arnold Beckmann and Norbert Preining. Separating intermediate predicate logics of well-founded and dually well-founded structures by monadic sentences. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2014. DOI 10.1093/logcom/exu016. Preprint PDF
  • Norbert Preining, Kazuhiro Ogata, and Kokichi Futatsugi. Liveness properties in CafeOBJ – a case study for meta-level specifications. In Preliminary Proceedings of LOPSTR 2014, Technical Report IASI-CNR, pages 143-157. Istitute di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica, 2014.
  • Norbert Preining. TUG 2013 in Tokyo. TUGboat, 34(3):252-258, 2013.
  • Norbert Preining. TeX Live Manager's hidden gems: User mode and multiple repository support. TUGboat, 34(3):293-296, 2013.
  • Norbert Preining. Redistributing TeX and friends. TUGboat, 34(3):297-301, 2013.
  • Ana Erika Camargo Cruz, Hajimu Iida and Norbert Preining. An Empirical Illustration to Validate a FLOSS Development Model Using S-Shaped Curves. Software Maintenance (ICSM), 2013 29th IEEE International Conference, pages 468-471, doi 10.1109/ICSM.2013.74. September 2013.
  • Matthias Baaz and Norbert Preining. Gödel-Dummett logics. In Petr Cintula, Petr Hájek, and Carles Noguera, editors, Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic, volume 2, chapter VII, pages 585-626. College Publications, 2011.
  • Matthias Baaz, Agata Ciabattoni, and Norbert Preining. First-order satisability in Gödel logics: an NP-complete fragment. Theoretical Computer Science, 412:6612-6623, 2011. Preprint PDF
  • Matthias Baaz, Agata Ciabattoni, and Norbert Preining. SAT in monadic Gödel logics: A borderline between decidability and undecidability. In R. Queiroz H. Ono, M. Kanazawa, editor, WoLLIC 2009, number 5514 in LNCS, pages 113-123, 2009. Preprint PDF
Invited talks
  • First Order Gödel Logics with Propositional Quantifiers. Invited lecture at the Logic and Computation session of the 2018 Joint Meeting of KMS and DMV. October 2018, Seoul, Korea.
  • Hyper Natural Deduction for Gödel Logic — a natural deduction system for parallel reasoning. Invited lecture at the Second Workshop on Mathematical Logic and its Applications. March 2018, Kanazawa, Japan.
  • Gödel Logics and the fully boxed fragment of FO-LTL. Invited lecture at the Computability Special Session of the 15th Asian Logic Conference. July 2017, NIMS, Korea.
  • Security improvements in the TeX Live Installer and TeX Live Manager. Special invited talk at the Workshop 数学ソフトウェアとその効果的教育利用に関する研究 (Workshop on Mathematical Software and Effective Learning), September 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Gödel Logics - A short survey. Invited talk at the Colloquium Logicum 2016, September 2016, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Hyper Natural Deduction. Invited talk at the LATD 2016 - Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees, June 2016, Phalaborwa, South Africa.
  • Gödel Logics – a tutorial. Invited tutorial at the LPAR 2010, Logic Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, October 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  • Gödel logics, Kripke frames, and beyond. Invited talk at the LPAR 2007, 3. International Workshop on Analytic Proof Systems, October 2007, Erevan, Armenia.
  • Herbrand disjunctions and informal reasoning in projective geometry. Invited talk at the LPAR 2004 Workshop on Analytic Proof Systems, March 2005, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Recent talks
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  • Continuous Integration Testing for TeX Live (in Japanese). TeXConf 2018, November 2018, Sapporo, Japan.
  • First Order Gödel Logics with Propositional Quantifiers. Symposium on Advances in Mathematical Logic 2018, Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Gaisi Takeuti (1926--2017), September 2018, Kobe, Japan.
  • Analysing Debian packages with Neo4j. DebConf'18, August 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  • Status of Japanese (and CJK) typesetting with TeX in Debian. DebConf'18, August 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  • updmapとfmtutil ー 最近の更新と新しい機能(又は乱雑の掃除). Talk at the TeXconf 2017 - TeXユーザの集い, October 2017, Fujisawa, Japan.
  • R – introduction and time series. Talk at the Mathematical Software and Education Workshop, Kyoto University, August 2017, Kyoto, Japan.
  • fmtutil and updmap – past & future changes (or: cleaning up the mess). Talk at the TUG & BachoTEX 2017 - TeX User Group Meeting, April 2017, Bachotek, Poland.
  • Classification of First Order Gödel Logics. Talk at the Helmuth Veith Memorial Workshop, February 2017, Obergurgl, Austria.
  • Classification of First Order Gödel Logics. Talk at the 第 51 回MLG数理論理学研究集会 (51th Meeting of the Mathematical Logic Group), October 2016, Hakone, Japan.
  • Verification in Real Computation. Talk at the Workshop on Mathematical Logic and its Applications, September 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Algebraic Specification and Verification with CafeOBJ. Course at the ESSLLI 2016 - 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, August 2016, Bozen, Italy.
  • Security improvements in TeX Live. TUG 2016 - TeX User Group Meeting, July 2016, Toronto, Canada.
  • Sketches in Projective Geometry - Orevkov’s speed up result in strange surroundings. Talk at the Workshop on Efficient and Natural Proof Systems, December 2015, Bath, UK.
  • A (quite) general method to prove non-re for Kripke frames and real-valued based logics. Talk at Logic at JAIST Workshop, December 2015, Kaga, Japan.
  • CafeOBJ for real – Using an algebraic specification language as theorem prover. Talk at the Open Source Conference 2015 Fukuoka, October 2015, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Algebraic specifications and Functional programming with CafeOBJ. Talk at the MathLibre XXI Mathematical Software and Free Documents XXI, September 2015, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Quer durch den Gemüsegarten von CafeOBJ (Zick-zacking through the CafeOBJ’s vegetable garden). Talk at the 43rd TRS Meeting Term Rewriting Meeting, September 2015, Morioka, Japan.
  • Gödel Logics, Hyper Sequent Calculus, and Hyper Natural Deduction. Talk at the CS Seminar Gunma University, July 2015, Kiryu, Japan.
  • CafeOBJ for real - using an algebraic specification language as theorem prover for computational reals. Talk at CCA 2015 Twelfth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis, July 2015, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Hyper Natural Deduction. Talk at LICS 2015 - Logic in Computer Science, July 2015, Kyoto, Japan.
  • CafeOBJ in unusual surroundings. Talk at JAIST Verification Center Workshop, June 2015, Kaga, Japan.
  • CafeOBJ as symbolic and algebraic computation engine. Talk at the 日本数式処理学会 第24回大会 (24. Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation), June 2015, Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan.
  • Introduction to CafeOBJ with case study. Talk at the IMI Seminar, March 2015, IMI, Kyushu University, Hakata, Japan.
  • Liveness properties in CafeOBJ - a case study for meta-level specifications. Talk at the LOPSTR 2014: Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, September 2014, Canterbury, UK.
  • Proving liveness properties using abstract state machines and n-visibility. Talk at the WADT 2014: 22nd International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques, September 2014, Sinaia, Romania.
  • Liveness properties in CafeOBJ. Talk at the Verification Seminar, JAIST, August 2014, Nomi, Japan.
  • Intermediate Predicate Logics restricted to One Monadic Predicate Symbol. Talk at the Logic, Algebra, and Truth Degrees - LATD 2014, July 2014, Vienna, Austra.
  • Specifying and verifying liveness properties of QLOCK in CafeOBJ. Talk at the 14th International Workshop on Termination, July 2014, Vienna, Austria.
  • Algebraic Specification and Verification - CafeOBJ Research Group. Talk at the 1st JAIST-LORIA Workshop, April 2014, Kanazawa, Japan.
  • Proof theory of projective geometry: Orevkov’s speed up result in strange surroundings. Talk at CTFM 2014, Tokyo Institute of Technology, February 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
Projects and grants
  • Royal Society Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation International Exchanges Award: Hypersequents and Communication, Swansea, UK, and JAIST. 2014-2015.
  • JAIST research grants (3 years)
  • Leader of the FWF (Austrian Research Fund) project: P19872-N13 Semantics for Gödel Logics, Vienna, Austria, 2007-2009.
  • Marie Curie Fellowship Grant: Gödel Logics and Descriptive Properties of the Reals, Siena, Italy, 2005-2007.
  • Involvement in several FWF (Austrian Research Fund) projects: P11934-MAT (Cut Elimination and Cut Introduction), P14126-MAT (Tools for the automated analysis of proofs), P15477-MAT (Gödel Logics: Propositional Quantifiers and Concurrency), P16254-N05 (Proof Transformation by Resolution), P16539-N04 (Decision Procedures and Automated Model Building for Fuzzy Logics), P17503-N12 (Skolem Functions)
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Copyright 2012-2024 Norbert Preining