Nat Lash

News Applications Developer

How a Network of Nonprofits Enriches Fundraisers While Spending Almost Nothing on Its Stated Causes

ProPublica identified a group of connected political nonprofits — with names like American Breast Cancer Coalition and National Coalition for Disabled Veterans — that appear to be funneling more than 90% of donations to fundraisers.

527 Explorer

Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars flow through little-known political organizations commonly called 527s. Use our database to explore who funds these organizations and how they’re spending their money.

Supreme Connections: Search Supreme Court Financial Disclosures

Find organizations and people that have paid the current justices, reimbursed them for travel, given them gifts and more.

The 20 Farming Families Who Use More Water From the Colorado River Than Some Western States

Tens of millions of people — and millions of acres of farmland — rely on the Colorado River’s water. But as its supply shrinks, these farmers get more water from the river than entire states.

The Historic Claims That Put a Few California Farming Families First in Line for Colorado River Water

Twenty families in the Imperial Valley received a whopping 386.5 billion gallons of the river’s water last year — more than three Western states. Century-old water rights guarantee that supply.

Las Vegas Needs to Save Water. It Won’t Find It in Lawns.

Drought-plagued Nevada pledged to do away with 3,900 acres of grass in the Las Vegas area within six years, but a ProPublica analysis found that the state grossly overestimated how much of that grass would likely be removed.

Look Up Which Fortune 500 Companies Fund Election Deniers

Corporate America pledged to quit supporting lawmakers who challenged the 2020 election results. Two years later, the companies’ wallets are back open.

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