Adam Sanchez - Utilities Director

Tel: 575-257-2386 x2052
[email protected]

Randy Koehn - Water Production Manager

Tel: 575-257-5525 x2056

Water/Sewer Emergencies

Please call (575) 257-2386 during normal operating hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday-Friday, or (575) 258-7365 after hours, weekends & holidays and the Police Dispatcher will contact the on-call person.

Related Departments

Regional Wastewater

Water Resource

Utility Bill Pay

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 Our Mission

The Utility Department has a multi-prong mission statement:

  • To treat and deliver domestic drinking water to the citizens and businesses in the Village of Ruidoso.

  • To collect and deliver wastewater to the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.

  • To maintain, repair, or replace existing components of the water and sewer systems.

  • To continue to develop sources of water to provide for the projected population increases.

  • To encourage water conservation.


About Us:

The Village of Ruidoso Water and Sewer Department operates and maintains two water treatment plant (WTP) facilities (Alto Crest and Grindstone) and oversees water production for the Village. The Production department produces over 700 million gallons of water each year from 14 wells, 15 pumping stations, 35 pressure-reducing valves, and 13 storage tanks with 17,403,000 gallons of storage capacity. Additionally, crews perform compliance monitoring/sampling and work well with State and Federal regulatory agencies.

2024 Priorities:

• Hazard Mitigation Project Completion:

» Focusing on the completion and closeout of Phase 3 Hazard Mitigation FEMA project awarded to AUI, Inc.

» Mitigating nine locations from North Loop in Upper Canyon to Leach Drive, involving armoring the sewer line in the river and installing/replacing manholes.

• Country Club Water Line Replacement:

» Completing engineering, contractor selection, and construction for the Country Club subdivision waterline replacement.

» Addressing frequent leaks and improving flow and pressure by replacing approximately 18,840 linear feet of existing 2-inch and asbestos-cement waterlines with new 6-inch PVC waterlines.

• Pinecliff Water Line Replacement Completion:

» Finalizing the Pine Cliff water line replacement, replacing 7,942 linear feet of asbestos cement waterline with a 6-inch PVC waterline. The Water Distribution and Sewer Collections Department remains committed to infrastructure improvement, hazard mitigation, and ensuring efficient water management for the benefit of the Village of Ruidoso.

2023 Achievements:

• FEMA Lift Station Project Completion:

» Successfully completed and closed out the second phase 2 FEMA lift station project, achieving a deduction of $62,323.43 in the contract price.

» Circle lift station now efficiently collects sewer from Upper Canyon, preventing river water infiltration and minimizing the risk of sewer spills into the Rio Ruidoso.

• Sleepy Hollow Lift Station Upgrade:

» Upgraded the Sleepy Hollow Lift Station to collect sewer from the west side of Sleepy Hollow, contributing to the replacement of Sleepy Hollow bridge.

» This upgrade ensures proper sewer management and supports infrastructure improvements.

• Pinecliff Subdivision Water Line Replacement:

» Initiated the Pinecliff Subdivision water line replacement project, including engineering, bid facilitation, and contract award.

» Replacement of 7,942 linear feet of asbestos cement waterline with 6-inch PVC waterline is underway, with J&H Services making significant progress.