Online Safety

Diversity · Equity · Inclusion

Together, let’s work
to keep children
safe online

Together, let’s work
to keep children
safe online

Helping children and families stay safe online

At Samsung, under our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) vision of ‘Together for Tomorrow! Enabling People’, we are on a mission to empower future generations to achieve their full potential and pioneer positive social change through technology. With technology playing a bigger part of children and young people’s lives at home, at school and on the move, we recognise the importance of equipping parents and carers with the confidence and knowledge of online safety. And we’re here to help.

Our commitment

We build online safety into product innovation through our in-built apps, safety features and tools to help children and families. Through our CSR programmes we also provide educational content and workshops to provide online safety advice for young people, guardians and teachers.

Key Features & Tools

Samsung Kids

Samsung Kids lets you shape a safe environment for your child on your Galaxy Smartphones to explore and connect with the world. With family-friendly activities to both entertain and encourage them to learn, develop, and flourish, Samsung Kids helps your child safely enjoy the digital realm.
For more information and how to set up:

Samsung Smart TV & Fridges

Samsung Smart TVs have in-built parental controls to help manage what your child can access. You can make sure the content they are watching is age-appropriate by blocking programmes by rating or restricting access to certain apps.

Samsung Family Hub refrigerators come with a Wifi-enabled touchscreen and controls that lets you manage your groceries and connect with your family, stream music or mirror a compatible TV. You can manage security controls and set restrictions on Family Hub features and apps to make it safer for the whole family to use.

Check out our set up guides in the Quick Resources section below.

SOS Messages

Galaxy smartphones and smart watches have an SOS messages feature, that allows you or your children to reach out for help and raise an emergency alert. The SOS messages feature allows you to auto-call and message up to four designated contacts without having to dial them. Once set up, you can raise an alert by clicking your lock button three times. This automatically sends an SOS message and a Google map link of your location to your designated contacts. The feature also shares pictures from both the front and rear cameras of your smartphone, as well as a five-second audio recording.

For more information and how to set up:

The Online Together Project

Together with our partner Internet Matters, we have developed a series of interactive educational tools to encourage positive conversations about online safety between parents and children. The tool offers age-specific information and advice on topics such as tackling online hate and gender stereotypes online.
Check it out here:

Safer Internet Day

Samsung has proudly supported Safer Internet Day since 2017 by campaigning to raise awareness on the importance of online safety through hosting webinars and workshops. Our 2024 activity includes a school workshop hosted at our flagship experience space Samsung KX.

In-store Support

Samsung Experience Stores are certified with the Friendly WiFi mark, a government-initiated safe certification standard for public WiFi. The mark verifies that the correct filters are in place to block access to harmful content. We also have internal training content on online safety to ensure our colleagues are up to date with the latest activity and provisions.

Check it out here:

Quick Resources

Download step-by-step instructions to set up parental controls on your Samsung device

Together for Tomorrow! Enabling People

Contact us

e-mail: [email protected]