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The Beginning of a New Age


J. A. Chapin

To my sons Gregory and Rodney and to my wife Eyvonne and to the memory of Michael
their brother, our son, whose spirit lives on.

What would there be if there were no here, and

Where would we be and why?

There is a here, and we, and now,

Who but God knows why?


As an engineer by training and a self-taught philosopher by desire with a passion for

understanding, I have attempted to build on the words of modern day authors as well as
countless others from ages gone by who we only know by the inscriptions they have left
and which have been passed down to us over the millennia. The words which follow
stem from my thoughts as well as others before me, and perhaps from ALL.

Introduction 1
1 Questions 5
2 Mythologies 13
3 Genesis (Beginning) 29
4 Interpretation of Chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis 51
• Introduction 51
• Book of Genesis, Chapter 1 54
5 Stories of Creation 70
6 Stories of Cataclysm 97
7 Special Numbers 124
8 Physical Evidence 147
• Dating Techniques 147
• Archaeological Evidence 149
a) Megalithic Structures 150
b) Pyramids 156
c) Artifacts 162
• Geological Evidence 166
a) Plate Tectonics 166
b) Ice Cores 167
c) Underwater Cores 171
d) Volcanic Activity 172
e) Formation of Mountains 175
• Asteroids, Comets, and Meteor Evidence 175
• Fossil Evidence 178
• Solar Evidence 179
a) Sunspot Cycle 179
b) Solar Winds Between the Sun and Earth 180
c) Interaction of the Sun’s and Earth’s Magnetic
Fields 181
d) Precession of the Earth’s Axis 182
e) Position of the Sun/Solar System Within
the Galaxy 183
f) Climate 184
• Written Evidence 190
• Summary 201
9 At-Oneness With Life 209
10 Age of Enlightenment 214
11 Role of Religion in the Development of Mankind 223
• The Good 230
• The Bad 230
• The Ugly 235
CONTENTS (Continued)


12 Predictions 254
Glossary 259

Appendix A Calendars 264

• Quetzalcoatl’s Hero Journey 267

Appendix B Historical Timetables 277

Appendix C Reference Data 327

• String Theory 327
• Properties Related to Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity and the Theory of Quantum Mechanics 328
• Four Forces Which Interact Between Particles 329
• Planck 329
• Units of Measurement 332
o General 332
o Earth 332
o Sun 333
o Moon 333
o Mars 333
o Venus 333
o Solar System 334
o Sirius 331
o Sirius A 335
o Sirius B (White Dwarf) 335
o Sirius C 335

References 340

Index 343


3-1 Brain Functions 48

3-2 Genesis, Chapter 1 - Cyclical Properties 49
3-3 Genesis Model and the Upanishads 50

4-1 Abbreviated Interpretation of Genesis, Chapter 1 69

5-1 Creation Story Comparisons 83

5-2 Anunnaki Chronologies 94
CONTENTS (Continued)


6-1 Chronology of Josephus 103

6-2 Ages/Suns of Destruction 116
6-3 Long Count Periods 118
6-4 Errors Between Calculated and Codex Vaticanus End Dates 119
6-5 Corrected Age Durations 119

7-1 Special Number Comparisons 135

7-2 Special Numbers and Corresponding Degrees of Precession 137
7-3 Special Numbers and their Corresponding Precession
Relationships 138
7-4 Tonal Interpretation of the Sexagesimal System 139
7-5 Locations of Ancient Sites Relative to Giza 140
7-6 Special Numbers and their Harmonics 141
7-7 Special Numbers and their Corresponding Tones as a
Function of Frequency Ratios 142
7-8 Special Numbers and their Corresponding Length Multiples 143
7-9 Alternative Decimal Equivalents for Cuneiform Numbers 144
7-10 Comparison of Different Base Number Systems 145
7-11 Ancient Maps 146

8-1 Volcanic Activity 172

8-2 Cosmic Influx 176
8-3 Climate Changes 189
8-4 Cataclysmic Vs Historical Dates 204
8-5 Sumerian Kings Lists 207
8-6 Antediluvian Sumerian Cities and their Rulers 208

11-1 Gods Throughout the Ages 240

11-2 List of Catholic Popes 244
11-3 Rise of Islam 248
11-4 Semitic Tribes 253

A-1 Year and Day Sequences for the 260-day Tzolkin Calendar 270
A-2 Year and Day Sequences for the 260-day Tzolkin Calendar
(The Birth of the Uinal) 271
A-3 Collations of Mayan and Gregorian Dates 273
A-4 Mayan Long Count Vs Gregorian Dates 275
CONTENTS (Continued)


B-1 Historical Events 293

B-2 Post Flood Kings List 303
B-3 Correlation among Ancient Chronologies Highlighting
The Amarna Period 306
B-4 Timeline Based on Herodotus 311
B-5 Phoenician Rulers According to Josephus 313
B-6 Rulers of Egypt 314
B-7 Man-King Rulers of Egypt and their Burials 315
B-8 Chronology of the Bible Based on Josephus 320
B-9 Chronology of the Bible Based on Kings 1 & 2 321
B-10 Comparison Between Josephus and Manetho of
Egyptian Kings 322
B-11 Peruvian History 323

C-1 Makeup of the Atom 328

C-2 Solar System Orbital Ratios 336
C-3 Solar System Idealized Orbital Ratios 337
C-4 Solar System Density Ratios 338
C-5 Solar System Mass Ratios 339


3-1 Genesis Model 47

6-1 Chronology of the Five Ages 123

8-1 Sacsahuaman 151

8-2 Sacsahuaman Interlocking Fit 152
8-3 Author at Sacsahuaman 153
8-4 Stonehenge Megalithic Observatory View 1 155
8-5 Stonehenge Megalithic Observatory View 2 156
8-6 Step Pyramid 157
8-7 Giza – Great Pyramid 158
8-8 Author at Giza Pyramid 159
8-9 Jaguar Temple, Tikal 161
8-10 Caracol Temple 162
8-11 Aircraft Design from a New Kingdom Temple at Abydos, Egypt 163
8-12 Vostok Antarctica Ice Core 170

10-1 Evolution of Consciousness 221

CONTENTS (Continued)


A-5 Day/Month Sequence for the 365-day Calendar where
August 13, 3113 BC = 8 Cumh 276

B-1 Lower Egypt 281

B-2 Upper & Lower Egypt 282
B-3 Mesopotamia 283

C-1 Solar System, - Relative Size 330

C-2 Relative Sizes – Sun & Planets 331
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Here are men going afar to marvel at the heights of mountains,

the mighty waves of the sea, the long courses of great rivers,
the vastness of the ocean, the movements of the stars;
yet leaving themselves unnoticed…1

-St. Augustine, c. 388 AD

Are today’s events of global warming and climate change, the increase of fresh
water into the oceans, and increased earthquake and volcanic activity harbingers
of even more serious events in our future? Beliefs of the Mayans, passed on to us
in the form of what we have termed myths, predict that the end of our current age
(what they termed the fifth sun) will occur in the year 2012 AD. How did they
arrive at this date and is there any evidence outside of their mythology to support
their prediction? The Mayan mythology does not address the beginning of a new
sixth sun; however, all preceding suns ended and were then followed by a new
beginning. Are we about to begin a new age and can we learn anything from
history which will aid us in the creation of this age? The answer to this question,
not so surprisingly, lies in understanding a previous story of ‘Genesis’.

Throughout history mankind has expressed more than a passing interest in his
origin, his reason for existence, and his eventual end as a physical being.
Evidence of these interests is expressed in ancient writings, from inscriptions and
artwork on building ruins, from artifacts recovered from the sites in which man
lived and from an understanding of man's need for- and use of- complex
calendars. We today are intrigued by these ruins and unusual stories to the point
we ask, what can we learn about our presence as human beings and possible
future growth from this wealth of historical information? Our future, at least in
part, is based upon our understanding of our past. A review of the myths of the
past civilizations such as the Sumerians, Hindus, Egyptians, and Mayans gives us
reason to question the accuracy and completeness of our history. Based on the
evidence which follows, one can speculate that ancient man may have had a far
greater understanding of his past and the workings of the world around him than
we give him credit for today.

The history of modern man, as we understand it today, is based upon the recent
changes we observe in the geological makeup of the planet; the interpretation of
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artifacts, inscriptions, structures, and human remains made by anthropologists;

and the compilation of these findings put together by our modern day storytellers-
the historians. The data used by these scholars certainly facilitates the
development of a plausible history of mankind over the past 12,000 years.
Unfortunately, the history provided by these scholars ignores many of their
findings. Since they cannot explain these findings, as they do not fit within
existing explanations of history, they choose to ignore them. There is, however, at
least one other possibility as to how our ancient history can be viewed. When
ancient myths are evaluated in light of modern-day scientific findings an all
together different history emerges. Can we predict our future from this past
history? If this is so, then we have to assume that all events experienced in our
world happened because of the events that preceded them. This is called
determinism, a term attributed to the philosopher Gottfried Leibniz. As I have
suggested above, history and therefore our future have other possibilities. I
suggest that while our future is affected by prior events it is by no means a
certainty. Every event alters the outcome of our future. There are infinite future
possibilities and just because we can’t currently explain everything we observe
does not mean any given possibility does not exist.

Many of the ancient civilizations recognized the cyclical properties of the events
they observed in their daily lives and many of these civilizations believed that
four past cyclical ages have occurred and that we are living in the Fifth Age. If
the Mayans were correct and we are nearing the end of the Fifth Age in 2012 AD,
what can we expect will happen? Can we predict the future or can we influence
its outcome?

Hundreds of thousands of clay tablets and inscriptions have been found from
locations around the world with stories which until recently have been thought to
be nothing more than myths expressed by people focused on cult worship and
superstition. Many of these ancient writings express knowledge of past
cataclysmic events and an understanding that similar future events could occur.
With this in mind, if these stories of cataclysm were indeed factual then ancient
man would have been faced with how to communicate this knowledge so future
generations could prepare for, or possibly correct, the causes of their potential
demise given that the technology of these ancient civilizations would quite likely
not be understood by future generations. This was accomplished in the form of
metaphor which we have termed myth. Myths have been passed down from
generation to generation preserving their form but without passing on the
understanding of the true meaning intended by those who wrote them. If the
ancient civilizations prepared these writings and inscriptions with the intent to
inform or enlighten future civilizations of knowledge and secrets they possessed
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there should be a key or keys encrypted in the information which would allow
future generations to recover their secrets. As inquisitive beings we view the
unknown past as a mystery shrouded with intrigue. It is the intent of this writing
to delve into this mystery by exploring the meaning of these ancient writings and
inscriptions. If a key or keys exist within these writings then it should be possible
to relate their meanings to known historical events. With the advent of modern-
day discoveries and technologies, as discussed in Chapter 8, it has now become
possible to make sense of these writings.

As mentioned, much of the historical information we have available to us today is

in the form of myths. When these myths originated is uncertain. Many of the
ancient civilizations claimed that the myths came to them in dreams which they
interpreted as being from the gods. Are these mythological descriptions of real
events and is there evidence in the writings which could lead one to determine if
the myths from various locations around the world are describing the same
events? Also, if these myths are describing real events is there any corresponding
archaeological or geological evidence which would support these descriptions? It
is important to question if our current understanding of our history is accurate in
light of the descriptions offered in the mythologies. Also, it is important to ask if
our future is uncertain and, if so, can we mold it as suggested by some of these
writings? The interpretations of the various mythologies which follow suggest
that this is possible!

A copy of what is perhaps the most important ancient myth which has endured the
ravages of time is found in Chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis which, written in
layman's terms, describes the creation of life and the physical universe. The
actual meaning of Genesis, Chapter 1 is explained in Chapter 3 of this writing and
is depicted as the Genesis Model, Figure 3-1. This interpretation shows that our
ancient ancestors possessed an understanding of the workings of the mind as well
as an understanding of their interrelationship with the universe in which they lived
far beyond what we give them credit for today. During the time of the fall of the
Roman Empire, Aurelius Augustinus (354-430 AD), a teacher of rhetoric who
later became Bishop of Hippo Regius (Annaba, Algeria) was consumed by the
meaning of the Book of Genesis. He was convinced that the Book of Genesis was
not just any book. He believed it was an intricately coded message, sent by God
to mankind through the words of Moses. He further goes on to write: “When he
(Moses) was writing these words he wholly saw and realized whatever truth we
have been able to find in them – and much beside that we have not been able to
find, or have not yet been able to find, though it is there in them to be found.”
That is, the words may possess many meanings, all of which are correct; we just
need to understand them.
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Chapter 4 of this writing provides the detailed interpretation of Chapter 1 of the

Book of Genesis based on the key words and phrases which are encrypted in the
story. When this story is explained in light of modern-day physical and
metaphysical sciences the results, described in Chapter 10, are indeed a
'Revelation'. The significance of understanding the meaning of Genesis, Chapter
1 is that the meaning provided through this understanding of creation provides the
where with all by which we are able to understand the end of our current age.

The connection between the Mayan mythologies and ancient Mesopotamian and
Hebrew mythologies are described in Chapters 5 & 6. While Chapters 3, 4, & 5
address the mythology of creation, Chapter 6 explains the stories of past
cataclysms and how the coming cataclysm (end of the Fifth Age) was predicted
by the Mayans.
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To live is to wonder.
We search for peace of mind, happiness and health.
The answers are within.

One cannot delve into the study of history without questioning why we exist in
the first place and where we are likely to be going. For thousands of years
mankind has pondered over the concept of existence and has tried to come up
with an understandable rational which would provide a reason for being. A study
of archaeology provides physical evidence of past events in the form of skeletal
remains, structural remains, and the written word on clay tablets and other media.
Geological evidence of the earth’s strata containing fossil remains, the effects of
earthquakes and volcanic activity on the planet, and findings from borings of ice
sheets and underwater regions all provide additional information which raise
questions as to man’s beginnings.

History shows us that past civilizations were interested in understanding their

beginnings and the reasons for existence. Ancient mans fascination and apparent
understanding of astronomy, mathematics, and music leads modern-day man to
wonder if a better understanding of our current existence can be gleaned from
studying the past.

One can not help but to wonder! We find ourselves in the midst of existence and
wonder why is there an ‘I’, what am I to do, what am I to be, and what will be my
end? Humans have been around for more years than we today can define with
any degree of certainty, so why do we not have consistent, understandable
answers to the questions pertaining to existence? Why is it that what we want to
understand about ourselves is so difficult to formulate? Today, man’s imagination
provides the source for questions addressing what might have been the beliefs and
understanding of past civilizations, and what might yet be.

The modern-day archaeological timetable indicates that mankind originated

approximately 4.4 million years ago and ‘modern man’ originated some 150,000
years ago. What ensued during the time between ‘modern mans origin’ and the
end of the last ice age some 10 to 12,000 years ago? Over this 140,000 year
period the world’s climate varied and was quite severe at times. Could any
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evidence of the presence of civilizations have survived this period? To date, little
has been found.

Most historians today believe that civilization began in a number of places, which
include the river valleys of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. Archaeological
evidence from the Yucatan region of Mesoamerica and the Norte Chico region of
Peru shows that civilizations also began in the areas of Central and South America
at approximately the same time. There is evidence, and some individuals
postulate that the very ancient civilizations including Sumerians; Olmecs; Hindus;
Incas; and Mayas may have evolved from civilizations much more advanced than
those we today consider as ancient. As stated above, we have little information as
to what may have occurred prior to the end of the last ice age, or for that matter,
what occurred over the past 10,000 years in parts of the world that may no longer
exist. Stories abound relating to the existence and destruction of the Lost
Continent of Atlantis and the Lost Continent of Mu. Did these civilizations
actually exist, were they high-technology societies, and where did the survivors
go; assuming there were some?

Skeptics of the theory of lost continents have long used the argument that if they
sank under the ocean there should be evidence of their existence through
observations of the ocean floor. With the advent of the theory of plate tectonics,
an explanation can be offered. I propose that not only could a land mass sink, it
could also move laterally as the theory of plate tectonics suggests, and move
under other continents such as North and South America. Geological evidence
supports the idea that both the western regions of both continents were at one time
at sea level. This is supported by the discovery of sea fossils in Peru at elevations
as high as 13,000 feet. The uplifting of the Rocky and Andes Mountains could be
a result of tectonic activity involving the submergence of continents now lost to

Many civilizations have appeared and disappeared since the origin of modern-
man. Today, the evidence which we find pertaining to these civilizations consists
primarily of ruined structures and written mythology. There are great numbers of
ruins worldwide for which we today have little or no understanding as to why
they were built, who built them, and for what purpose. How could ancient
civilizations construct these edifices that we cannot construct today? Myths are
found worldwide describing similar or the same events. What were the
storytellers trying to impart to future generations, if anything?

It is informative to study the very ancient cultures as they seem to have focused
on preserving life and avoiding what they believed to be certain unavoidable
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catastrophes. Man today is expected to derive an understanding of his being by

accepting the teachings of formal religions. Where did these understandings
come from and how credible was their reporting? If we are to understand the
origins of our current beliefs, we must ask the questions and try to understand;
what did man believe and what was the basis for his beliefs before formal religion
was invented? Since our belief system as we know it today is tied to our
understanding of history, we must ask if we have a correct understanding of our
ancient history. Based on the research which I have conducted over the past 35
years I propose that we do not.

What can be said regarding possible connections between where we are today as a
civilization; where we came from; and where we might be headed? Is there an
overall plan for our development, or is what develops just a random occurrence of
events? Before we can discern where we might be headed from past events, we
need to identify the past events which might provide unique understandings, or
which might provide a perspective that may be different from what today is
generally accepted as correct. These are a few of the questions which have
bothered me over many years.

As a child looking out of my parent’s living room window, my early thoughts of

the church across the street were to wonder what went on in there and why. I
remember watching on Sunday mornings, as people dressed up in their finery,
walked from their cars to the two entrances; adults going in the front door,
children going in the back.

I can still remember being led through that back door and my first exposure to
Sunday-school. The teacher talked about God, and who can remember what else.
Eventually it came around to closing, which turned out to be my first public
presentation, or as it turned out; non-presentation. I remember this so vividly
since it was one of the most humiliating experiences of my childhood. The
teacher quite innocently asked me to close the session by leading the other
children in reciting The Lords Prayer. I didn't know who the lord was let alone
know that he had his own prayer. Everyone got a laugh at my expense and I came
away with the question of who is this lord and how can he be any good if he could
let this happen to me?

Since my childhood I have been critical of any form of organized church. I

intuitively felt that there was something wrong with what I was being taught, yet I
could reason that there must be something worthwhile associated with these
institutions and what they represented. After all, what the church taught about
being good did make sense. What didn't make sense was the reason why we
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should be good (i.e., God would punish you.). How could God be a loving,
omniscient god if his main recourse was to punish?

Like most children I wondered where I came from and why. When asking others
about this, the answers which were offered made little sense. At some point in
time I decided that the answers to my questions of where and why, were somehow
tied to the church across the street yet when inquiring about my concerns the
answers given still made little sense. The minister and teachers instructed me to
take on faith those things which I could not understand and just accept "it",
whatever "it" was. Now, since I didn't know what faith was, I didn't know if I had
any or not. All I knew was that my presence in this world made little sense and
since I couldn't understand what I was doing here there must be something
lacking in my makeup. How could I understand or correct my makeup when I
couldn't even get an acceptable answer as to who or what made me up in the first
place? In school I learned that I was made up mostly of water and other matter
found in the earth. What then made me alive and intelligent?

As an adult I continued to ponder my unanswered questions of childhood and

came to the realization that all I had accomplished was to uncover even more
questions that I could not satisfactorily answer, such as:

• Should Man seek a reason for being or just accept the fact he
• How should one seek an explanation for being and does anything
exist which could provide an explanation?
• If one can determine a reason for being, then how can this be
beneficial throughout one’s life?

I decided to take steps on my own to seek the answers to my childhood nemesis

and finally concluded that no one (e.g., clergy, friends, TV ministry, Plain Truth,
New Testament) could give me what I considered to be reasonable answers. I
decided to seek my quest through the writings of the Ancients. I half-jokingly
reasoned that since their existence was closer to the time of creation they might
have had an insight we lack today. This led me to the writings of the Old
Testament and other writings which in our modern churches' inimitable wisdom
decided, do not warrant serious study ( i.e., Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha)2,3. I
also studied the Qur’an4, the Talmud5,6, Hinduism7,8 Buddhist scriptures9, The
Analects of Confucius10, the writings of Josephus11, the writings discovered in the
Nag Hammadi Library12, the Gnostic Gospels13, the Dead Sea Scrolls14 - 17,
Aristotle18, the Mayan Popol Vuh19, Ayn Rand20,21….. and guess what! I came up
with still more questions, and no acceptable answers to my original questions.
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Although my early quest through the annals of religious history did not provide
any specific answers to my questions or provide enlightenment by revealing some
hidden meaning which all of a sudden would clarify everything, it did provide
some encouragement to continue my pursuit. The Nag Hammadi Tablets offer a
somewhat different understanding of the development of early Christian beliefs.
While some of the texts support biblical accounts others offer a completely
different understanding of the origins and basic beliefs of the Gnostic Christians.
Additionally, Nag Hammadi Tablets have been found which were unknown to
modern day Christian scholars. It is evident that many early Christians did not
have the same understanding of the message of Jesus and the development of the
church that we are presented with today. The Dead Sea Scrolls offer tangible
evidence which provided credibility as to the origins and validity of the literature
found in the biblical account. The ancient copies of the biblical books show the
same text as modern translations with only minor variations. This confirmed that
the scribes who transcribed these ancient writings were extremely careful to
preserve the exact wording of the text. I wondered, what were the reasons to
retain this exactness? Since several of the books of the Bible were now
recognized by other separate and distinct sources from a contemporary time
period I felt there just might be some validity to these stories.

Readings of the Talmud and the Qur'an provide separate and distinct viewpoints
from the Old and New Testaments of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. The
readings further substantiated the common origins of these writings. These
readings set to rest some of my concerns which began during childhood. We
(myself and friends) were taught that the Bible was the only true book about God;
that our church was the "right" one and if you didn't belong to the “right” church
you would go to hell even if you led a righteous life; that Israel was Gods' chosen
people; that Christ came to save mankind from itself; and Christ’s' teachings
replaced those of the Old Testament. The reading of the Talmud, Qur’an, and Nag
Hammadi texts convinced me that my earlier Christian teachings were biased, as I
had suspected.

Eventually delving into the ancient writings of the Sumerians, Akkadians and
Mayans provided additional information that supported my findings that the basis
of modern religious teachings are filled with borrowed philosophies, manipulative
rhetoric, arrogance, and incomplete histories of much of mankind.

Now, just as confused as ever and armed with a long list of seemingly
unanswerable questions I came across a number of interesting writings.
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In a book by Jack Ensign Addington22 titled "The Hidden Mystery of the Bible",
Addington proposed that it is possible to evaluate the religious writings of the
Bible on the basis that they were written using code -words, -numbers, -names and
-phrases. He hypothesizes that these documents may have been intentionally
written as secret writings such that only the ‘informed’ would understand, and the
true meanings would not be destroyed by those with selfish or other personal
agendas. Clement of Alexandria is to have said, “The Egyptians neither entrusted
their mysteries to every one nor degraded their secrets of divine matters by
disclosing them to the profane; reserving them for the heir apparent to the throne,
and to such priests who excelled in virtue and wisdom.”

The codes suggested by Addington should not be confused with the so called
hidden messages generated by computer analysis of the Hebrew letters of the
Torah. This is a very controversial topic. Some researchers believe that these
computer-generated hidden messages were products of random chance and not
integrated into the writing by a supreme being. Others believe that the Torah,
which is purported to be unaltered since its conception, contains encrypted
messages of our past and future.

In a book by Julian Jaynes23 titled "The Origin of Consciousness in the

Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind", Jaynes presents a theory of the evolution of
Man’s consciousness over the millennia and in particular man's development of
what he terms a subjective consciousness which he proposes occurred around
1500 - 1000 BC. Jaynes proposed that early man prior to 1500 BC had no
subjective memories and that he relied on audio-hallucinations (i.e., voices from
God) to direct his life.

Two other writings which seem to fit into my overall quest for knowledge were
those of Joseph Campbell24 and Joseph Murphy25. Campbell's writings on
mythology cover myths from around the world and are written in several
volumes. I found the volume on Oriental Mythology particularly interesting.
Campbell traces the religions of the orient from the early teaching of the Old
Kingdom of Egypt c. 2900 BC. The development of the particular style of eastern
religious beliefs while indigenous to the east also derived much from the
influences of western cultures. Campbell points out that the oriental point of view
is metaphysical and poetical while the Biblical point is ethical and historical.

Murphy proposes that the master secret of the ages is the power found in your
own subconscious mind, the last place that most western cultures would seek it.
He develops a rationale which explains the powers of the subconscious mind and
its workings with the conscious mind. What he proposes ties in dramatically with
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ancient philosophies of the Sumerians, Oriental philosophies and the

interpretation I have made of Chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis ( refer to Chapter

Another writing I came upon was that of Lewis Spence26 pertaining to the ancient
cultures and mythologies of Mexico and South America. Stories of repeated ages
of destruction and creation seem to focus on the ancient people’s understanding of
the physical aspects of the world. These stories are discussed in Chapter 6.

Investigation of the written word leads one to conclude that mankind has come up
with what at first glance appears to be several explanations for existence. In
general, Man’s writings deal with physical existence. Mankind, however, can not
just ponder physical existence without eventually considering non-existence, or
what exists before and after conscious living.

From the moment of birth, both man and woman begin their physical as well as
spiritual growth. In each case, what develops as the individual’s personality
depends upon the teachings the individual encounters; first by parents/caretakers,
then by peers and institutions. Ultimately the individual’s development is
formulated based upon the day-to-day environment, and depends upon the quality
of physical as well as spiritual training.

It is commonly accepted that a child’s personality is formed during the first six
years of its development and it has been observed by researchers that the brain is
most absorbent from birth to the age of 12. Personality development is in
response to physical observation and interaction with the child’s surroundings.
The basis for understanding spiritual concepts only begins to take hold during
these formative years. The understanding of spirituality is made difficult due to
the lack of things that are tangible for the individual to visualize. The child needs
to be able to formulate concepts, a trait which is developed later in life.
Spirituality therefore becomes a concept involving ones consciousness. The
concept of consciousness and conscious development is not well understood in
our western society nor even accepted by the general western populace. It is
therefore difficult for a child of the western society to comprehend these concepts,
since the child has little in the way of role models to draw these experiences from
and no way for the child to validate its understanding. Ultimately the
development of individuality is tied to spiritual development as well as physical

Today, in our western society, the physical aspects of an individual’s development

seem to receive the most emphasis as they are commonly accepted by the general
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public as being necessary for survival on a day-to-day basis. On the other hand,
spiritual aspects of development seem to be minimized as a necessity for earthly
survival. Spiritual aspects are relegated to a position of importance primarily as
they apply to achieving some afterlife. In contrast to western society, the eastern
societies system of thought tends towards going within oneself for answers and
for spiritual growth.

The myth of eternal return/reincarnation, which is still basic to Oriental life,

displays an order of fixed forms that appear and reappear through all time. The
rhythm of organic birth, death, and new birth, represent a miracle of continuous
arising that is fundamental to the nature of the universe. Psychologically the
enactment of this rite is to shift the focus of the mind from the individual (who
perishes) to the everlasting group. It is to reinforce the ever-lasting life in all

These different belief systems coexist in our world, and with the exception of a
few zealots, the differences do not seem to be of great importance to most people
during the normal course of their life. However, as people become older, they
tend to think more about their spiritual well being. Perhaps this is because they
are closer to death, or haven't fulfilled their dreams of success, or perhaps they are
just becoming wiser. In any case, whenever individuals become interested in
spiritual development they are faced with where to start looking for information
and which path to follow. Depending on how aggressively these individuals seek
enlightenment and how open minded they are they will find an overwhelming
amount of information available to study. Much of the available information
promises that if individuals accept and follow whatever they are reading, or
whomever they are listening to, they will be able to find ‘The Answers’ they seek.

It has been my experience that this is not so. The ‘answers’ which are found are
often conflicting, often nebulous, or even unbelievable. I have found, however,
that there are common threads of wisdom, truth, history, and teachings presented
throughout the wealth of written information available to us today. Further, even
though we cannot absolutely determine the spiritual beliefs of the very ancient
civilizations, a great wealth of information is available through observations of
what these civilizations have left behind in terms of construction projects and
their attendant inscriptions. It is therefore my intent, with this writing, to distill
the salient points which have common grounds. I hope this will help lead others
through the voluminous stories, myths, philosophies, religious teachings and
psychic experiences in order to provide an insight as to who we are and why we
are here, and where we are going. Hopefully this will help provide answers to
those questions which we wonder about yet can not seem to answer.
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Either there is a God - whom in a primordial revelation

shares the secrets of the universe with the wise men everywhere,
or there is an underlying harmony between all spheres of being.

• Raimun-do Pannillear-
Journal of the American
Academy of Religion, June 1978

Much of our understanding of history comes from documents written or copied by

individuals sequestered in various religious monasteries or government facilities
throughout the ancient world. Other information comes from inscriptions on
structures and other artifacts. The writings which modern historians have termed
mythologies have generally been ignored as meaningful descriptions of history. I
propose that recent scientific discoveries have changed this erroneous

Many of the ancient myths which we are familiar with today come from the
Sumerians, Akkadians, Chaldaeans, Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Egyptians,
Hindus, Hebrews, Mayans, Incas, and Greeks. The most ancient of these myths
comes from a time 5,500 years in our past. These writings indicate that people
were aware of earthly and heavenly events which were beyond their control, and
which affected their day-to-day living. It can be further shown from studying
these writings that these civilizations were aware of the cyclical properties of
these earthly and heavenly events. Many of the ancient writings consist of
interpretations of rituals and philosophy while others provide a record of
commerce, history, and government. Some of the most surprising writings
provide detailed insight into the ancients understanding of astronomy and
mathematics. Studying these writings in light of modern-day science shows an
awareness and understanding by these civilizations of complex subjects far
beyond what we give them credit for today including precession of the Earths'
axis; the relationship between the Earth, the solar system, and the universe; the
relationships between locations on the Earths' surface, in terms of what we
describe today as Latitude and Longitude; and the harmonic interrelationship
between the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Earth. Evidence of the understanding
of these complex subjects by ancient civilizations is presented in Chapter 7 titled
'Special Numbers'.
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While the dates for the writing of the ancient myths may be somewhat uncertain,
there is a focus within these writings on a beginning time, as seen in all the
creation myths, and in several cases multiple beginnings, as seen in the myths of
destruction and re-creation. Virtually all of the ancient civilizations had myths
which described their understanding of creation of the world and the creation of
mankind. These creation mythologies indicate that the ancients possessed an
understanding of their origin and that they were concerned about a continuance
beyond a current lifetime. How they came by this understanding is uncertain.
However, it is generally accepted that the information is quite ancient. Over time,
the knowledge of mans' origin appears to have become confused as evidenced by
the differences stemming from the translations of several myths of creation from
around the world. Upon analyzing these creation myths as shown in Chapter 5, a
common theme evolves, so much so that it is possible to speculate on a common
source for these stories.

The generally accepted history of modern day mankind begins at the end of the
Pleistocene Ice Age some 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. History shows that many
civilizations both great and small have both formed and disappeared over the last
12,000 years. There are numerous reasons for the disappearance of some while
others have survived until the present time. The causes for these changes in
civilizations, as described by Diamond 27, include climate, damage to the
environment, wars, and trade relationships with neighboring societies. While we
accept the rise and fall of civilizations during this period we deny the possibility
that similar occurrences involving both technologically advanced and more
primitive societies could have happened in the more distant past.

The understanding derived from decoding ancient mythologies leads one to

postulate that advanced civilizations more ancient than the Egyptians or
Sumerians existed. If so, it is reasonable to consider that these creation myths
contain some surprising information. If these creation myths were important to so
many civilizations is it possible that they incorporate some of the most important
information required for understanding our existence and possible demise? In
Chapters 3 & 4 this possibility is explored and the results are indeed enlightening.

It is an accepted fact that the creation myth which we find in the Book of Genesis
of the Old Testament actually comes at least from the time of the Sumerians, c.
3500 BC. Based on the similarities found in the myths from around the world, it
appears that there was an attempt to preserve this story by many different cultures
and to make sure it was available to future generations. Why? The answer to this
question is offered in Chapter 10.
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In addition to the stories of creation, many of the mythologies of ancient

civilizations refer to acts of destruction of catastrophic proportions. In all cases
the population approaches near-annihilation then ultimately recovers only to
repeat the process. It has to be assumed that the writers of these myths had a
purpose beyond the mere spinning of a tale. Was it their intent that these stories
were to provide historical descriptions of events or to warn mankind of inevitable
future catastrophes?

Several myths refer to a period prior to a great deluge. According to these myths
civilization was utterly destroyed. Hundreds of these flood myths have been
reported throughout the ages by many civilizations throughout the world. Each
myth has its own hero who saves mankind from sure destruction and whose
progeny go on to repopulate the Earth.

Mayan mythologies describe five periods of creation and destruction as

Ages/Suns. According to the beliefs of the Maya, we today are nearing the end of
the 5th Age/Sun which like previous ages the Maya expected would end in a
cataclysmic event. Modern-day millennialists have interpreted this as the end of
the world while the Maya may have only been calculating the end of the 5 th
Age/Sun and not predicting the end of the world. An attempt to explain these
Mayan myths based on our current understanding of the universe is presented in
Chapter 6.

Whoever created these myths describing cataclysms would have had to have
recognized that any knowledge possessed by a civilization either -about to be, -or
just recently, annihilated would certainly be lost by the surviving masses as a
result of the chaos which would have followed the cataclysm. This eventually
would have included a loss of their understanding of their reason for being. Life
threatening stresses resulting from a cataclysm would have forced these masses
into a form of existence which was focused on mere survival. Any knowledge
they might have possessed prior to the cataclysm not related to survival, if not
lost, would have been relegated to a position of minor importance. The masses
would not likely have focused their attention on art, literature, science or
philosophy as they would have just been trying to survive. Memories which
would have verbally been passed down to the survivors and eventually passed on
to future generations could not have been relied upon for very long. By encoding
information in the form of myths these unknown writers would have hoped to
ensure that important information was passed on to future generations.
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As evidenced from the myths which describe periods following mass destruction,
mankind struggled to reacquire an understanding of a reason for being. The
mythologies relay stories of physical events that were to have occurred prior to
the period in which we today attribute the beginning of written history. The
myths describe the emergence of sages/leaders who were gifted intellectuals or
individuals who had retained the knowledge of their past accomplishments, and
understood what was required to overcome what had been lost as a result of the
cataclysmic events.

These leaders which brought their civilizations to levels of greatness included:

1. Osiris, Horus Egypt

2. Ea, El, Marduk, Enki Mesopotamia
3. Adapa Akkadia
4. Buddha India
5. Moses Egypt
6. Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl) Maya
7. Quetzalcoatl Toltec/Aztec
8. Tloque Nahuaque Toltec
9. Manco Capac Peru/Inca
10. Viracocha Peru/Quichua

What is unknown is where these sages obtained the knowledge they imparted to
these ancient civilizations and whether they only divulged enough information to
get these people through the latest catastrophe saving the rest for future, more
advanced civilizations. If the knowledge contained in the myths was intended for
future generations it would necessarily have been based on fact. It follows that if
the myths are indeed based upon fact then we should be able to correlate the
information they contain with what we believe to be fact today.

Before delving into the true meanings of these myths it is important to understand
the setting in which these writings could have occurred. The age in which many
of these sages/leaders were to have founded the ancient civilizations, and in which
we live today, is defined by archaeologists as the Holocene era. This was to have
begun approximately 10,000 to 12,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene Ice

Information obtained from ice cores recovered in Greenland and Antarctica

indicate that over a period of several thousand years following the end of the last
ice age the world's climate alternated between periods of warming and periods of
cooling including the occurrence of two mini ice ages, the last of which ended c.
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5800 BC. This should not be confused with the ‘Little Ice Age’ which occurred
between 1630 and 1720 AD. These swings in climate placed severe stress on the
existing populations. Those living in the northern climates experienced the
extinction of the mega fauna that they had relied upon for their food supply. One
theory suggests that the changes in weather and a changing food supply forced
these hunter-gatherers to migrate, following the wild game, in order to survive.
With the beginning of a warming trend c. 6000 BC, temperatures began to
stabilize. Many scholars today propose that this warming trend, which has lasted
until the present time, provided a climate that supported the development of
civilizations throughout the world.

It is postulated that this warming trend led to the beginning of a farming culture.
The transition from a hunter-gatherer existence to one of farming is defined as the
time when Man began to cultivate cereal crops and moved to a village-based
existence. The beginning of farming in Western Asia and North America is
believed to have occurred around the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary (c. 10500-
9200 BC) a time of climatic instability.

While farming of cereal crops initially appeared to have its beginning in Asia and
Europe there is evidence of the cultivation of maze in New Mexico between 5 and
6 thousand years ago. Archaeologists have determined that man existed in the
area we today call Arizona, New Mexico and northern Mexico 9000 years ago or
more while artifacts from Chilean sites suggest this area of South America was
inhabited more than thirty thousand years ago. Peru’s first known inhabitants
appear in the archaeological record over ten thousand years ago.

Until recently it has been postulated that in the southern hemisphere, notably in
Mesoamerica and the South America Andes, farming as defined above did not
occur until c. 3000 BC with the appearance of cereal-cultivation since this was the
time that maize became a crucial crop. However, the shift to a village-based
pattern in Mesoamerica was preceded by 3-7 thousand years of experience in
growing major crop plants such as gourds, agave plants, peppers, beans, potatoes,
and squash. Seeds from cultivated squash have been found in coastal Ecuador
which are believed to predate any agricultural remains found in Mesoamerica. To
say that farming did not develop in Mesoamerica until a time much later than it
did in the Northern Hemisphere is misleading. The cultivation of crops in
Mesoamerica was altogether different than the cultivation of grain which was the
predominant crop of the more northern climates. Dating of squash seeds from a
cave in Oaxaca, Mexico, has confirmed that plant domestication in the Americas
began as early as 8000 BC which indicates that planting began in the New World
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about the same time as in the Near East and China. This was reported by
Smithsonian archaeologist Bruce Smith in the journal "Science".

Modern-day historians have concluded that the beginning of any civilization was
predicated on the switch to a farming lifestyle. There is, however, evidence from
Peru that complex civilizations could have been founded based upon a fishing
lifestyle with farming taking a secondary role at a later date.

While it has long been thought that civilizations had their beginnings in the
Tigris-Euphrates Valley of Mesopotamia, the Nile Delta of Egypt, the Indus
Valley of Pakistan, and the Huang He Valley of central China more recent
discoveries in Peru and Mesoamerica indicate the presence of civilizations
contemporary with these. Excavations in an area termed Norte Chico,
approximately 130 miles north of Lima, Peru have uncovered up to 25 cities
dating back to 3500 BC.

A period of several thousand years passed, from the period mankind settled down
to a farming lifestyle until the emergence of the ancient civilizations in
Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, and Central and South America, c. 4000 BC.
While there is evidence from this period of societies advancing in the areas of
music, astrology, astronomy, metallurgy, literature, mathematics and construction,
there is other evidence which indicates that these societies may rather have been
in decline. The period between 3500 - 3000 BC is characterized by what appears
to be a proliferation of well established civilizations. I believe this appears this
way to us today due to the limited archaeological evidence in the form of written
material being recovered from that period. The fact that written materials
describing events prior to this period have not been found has lead scholars to
conclude that the civilization which we have become today, began c. 4000-3000
BC. History thus indicates that these civilizations appeared with fully formed
myths; a knowledge of art, architecture, and construction which challenges our
understanding today; a sophisticated system of measurement; and a working
knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. This does not seem reasonable. This
is more representative of a legacy than an evolving civilization. Many of the
achievements of the earliest Egyptian dynasties were never surpassed or even
equaled later on. It should be noted that these civilizations also had fully formed
languages. This seems a bit unusual, however, no language has ever been found
in an early state of evolution. This apparent presence of well established
civilizations flourishing at this point in time, leads one to speculate on the
existence of sophisticated civilizations well before this time.
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The mythologies which describe ages dating back thousands of years before our
current Holocene era may be an indication that great civilizations may have
existed prior to the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age or at locations on the earth
which have disappeared due to some cataclysmic event. Tales of advanced
civilizations living on the lost continents of Atlantis and Mu/Lemura can be found
in the western world back as far as the writings of Homer c. 900 BC. According
to some of these accounts Man was to have made his advent on Earth 200,000
years ago on the continent of Mu. This continent was to have sunk into the
Pacific Ocean between 50000 and 10000 BC. DNA evidence supports the
existence of modern-day Man during the period between 100,000 and 200,000
years ago. A more recent writing by Churchward28, based on ancient pre-
Vedic/Hindu writings, describes the colonization of Asia, South America, and
Central America by the survivors of the continent of Mu which was to have
existed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is also speculated by some that the
emergence of more recent civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt and India were
from this earlier period or from regions no longer evident. These more recent
civilizations may indeed be dying embers of past great civilizations. A great deal
of information is coming to light; particularly from the Sumerian, Egyptian, and
Mesoamerican histories which suggest that all of these civilizations derived their
basic ideologies and technologies from a period much earlier than the times in
which they thrived.

Many of the ancient myths describe the initial populating of the Earth with gods,
beings from the sky, giants, primitive beings, and finally modern man. None of
these ancient cultures referred to the entities who founded their civilizations as
‘men'. It has only been over the past three-thousand years when mankind began
to focus on formal religions that he assigned the basis for civilization to men.
Had tales of highly evolved civilizations been described by a single individual
they could easily be considered a figment of that individual's imagination. When
they are reported from around the world by different civilizations, then one must
pause to give them some consideration.

Several myths refer to giants. If they existed, could they have been powerful
enough to erect the megaliths found throughout the world? Stories of giants exist
across Asia Minor and the Middle East which are often cited to explain the
presence of cyclopean ruins in the region. According to an Arabic manuscript
found at Baalbek, Nimrod, the king of Lebanon had sent giants to rebuild Baalbek
after a catastrophic flood had destroyed the city. According to the Old Testament
Book of Numbers and Book of Joshua, the northern part of the Gilead Mountains
was ruled by King Og. The King, according to the Bible, was a big and stout
man. His bed measured 9 cubits (13 feet) long by 4 cubits (6 feet) wide. Like
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Goliath, Og is hinted as being a descendant of the Repha'im (Nephilim), a giant

like race of demigods. The Repha'im race is also mentioned in Canaanite myths
and epic tales which relate tales from the Bronze Age.

Giants are mentioned elsewhere in the Old Testament.

"There were giants (Nephilim in Hebrew) in the earth in those days;

and also after that when the sons of god came in unto the daughters
of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty
men which were of old, men of renown." - Genesis 6:4.

"Then a champion came out from the armies of the Philistines

named Goliath from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span"
(i.e., 9 feet- 9 inches). - 1 Samuel 17:4.

Stories of the existence of giants are not new and have been described from
around the world. The Eskimos say a race, known as the Tunit, lived among
them, a mighty race with mighty ancestors, men so powerful one of them could
haul a walrus across the ice as easily as an Eskimo could drag a seal. As recently
as 1764 AD sightings of giants in Patagonia were reported by the British explorer
Commodore Byron. The Tehuelehe of eastern Patagonia were the tallest of all the
indigenous South American races and one of the tallest people in the world29.
There have been reports of the recovery of giant skeletons from Indiana,
California, Alaska, China, Australia, and Argentina. Writings of the Hebrews,
Greeks, Mayans, and Incas also describe contact with races of giants prior to our
current civilization.

While one may think of giants as being like movie creations, such as Godzilla or
the Jolly Green Giant, our ancestors who were generally less than six feet tall
would most likely consider someone 10 - 12 feet tall as a giant. Today's
basketball stars at 7 feet and over could possibly be considered, by some, as

Today, the popular belief expressed by mainstream archaeologists support the

theory that mankind emerged from the last ice age and pursued a cave-man form
of existence, as described above. These cave-men-hunter-gatherers were to have
eventually settled down to a more sedate farming form of existence. With this
came the construction of villages and cities. Historians have built a case that
civilization progressed from this cave-man form of existence to what we know
today. However, archaeological evidence exists which does not support this
premise. There is hard evidence that the ancient civilizations following the ice
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age possessed sophisticated calendars; an in-depth knowledge of astronomy,

mathematics, and music; and an aptitude for constructing edifices beyond what
we possess today. Evidence such as the pyramids of Giza and Central America,
megalithic structures of Sacsahuaman and Machu Picchu in Peru, megalithic
structures of Baalbek in Lebanon, possible cities of megalithic structures off of
Yonaguni Island in the East China Sea, Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku in Bolivia,
and the Bay of Paracas Trident symbol and Nazca lines of Peru cannot be ruled
out as coming from more advanced civilizations from a time before the end of the
last ice age.

Beings/gods from the sky have been mentioned in several myths from around the
world. The Mesoamerican cultures referred to entities of great intellect that
possessed great knowledge of past generations. According to Andean legends,
Viracocha was a God of Heaven who came down to Earth in antiquity. The
Sumerians referred to "beings from the sky". Mesopotamian and Egyptian myths
indicate that people were initially ruled by gods which in later times were
replaced by man-kings. Images resembling a helicopter, jet aircraft and glider
have been found on the ceiling of an Egyptian Old Kingdom Temple located at
Abydos on the Giza Plateau (Figure 8-9).

The Chronicle of Akakor30 is reported to describe Masters from the sky arriving in
golden airships. They were to have populated the regions of Mesoamerica and
South America c. 11000 BC and built the megalithic structures we now find there.
They were to have left Earth 13 years before a great catastrophe which they claim
occurred in 10468 BC and were to have returned c. 3100 BC after a second
catastrophe which they claim occurred in 3166 BC.

Flight and the use of high performance aircraft and weapons of mass destruction
can be surmised from Sumerian texts, Vedic texts, the Chronicle of Akakor, Old
Testament Book of Ezekiel, Slavic version of the Book of Enoch, artifacts of
model aircraft, and various inscriptions such as petroglyphs, engravings and
artwork. A compelling case for the existence of flight/space travel comes from an
analysis of the Book of Ezekiel prepared by Josef F. Blumrich in his book The
Spaceships of Ezekiel31. Blumrich concludes that the descriptions provided by
Ezekiel can only be accepted as extremely accurate descriptions of operational
spacecraft. Blumrich was a spacecraft designer for NASA and as such brings
unique engineering skills to the understanding of Ezekiel's observations c. 590-
570 BC. According to Biblical chronology, Ezekiel was born in 622 BC, deported
to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC, and died about 560 BC.
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A Chaldean text called the Sifrala reportedly contains over one hundred pages of
technical information on how to construct a flying machine. The Hakatha, a
Babylonian text is said to state: “The privilege of operating a flying machine is
great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient of our inheritances. It
is a gift from ‘those from upon high’. We received it from them as a means of
saving many lives.”

Other evidence has been found which describes space flight. The Indian Emperor
Ashoka formed a group of nine individuals to catalog the sciences described in
ancient Indian sources. It has been reported that one of the books written by the
nine individuals was titled “The Secrets of Gravitation”. Also, the Vumaanika-
Shaastra is reported to have eight chapters with diagrams describing three types of
aircraft called Vimanas and powered by anti-gravity propulsion systems.
Approximately 15,000 years ago a large, sophisticated civilization called the
“Rama Empire” existed in Northern India and Pakistan. According to ancient
Indian texts, the people had flying machines called Vimanas. One text, the
Samara Sutradhara, is said to deal with the construction, operation and safety
concerns of the Vimanas.

A few years ago, the Chinese discovered Sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet
which were reportedly translated by Dr. Ruth Reyna at the University of
Chandrigarh. These documents are said to give directions for building interstellar
spaceships, called Astras, powered by an anti-gravity propulsion system.

The stories passed on by the indigenous North American inhabitants tell of Man
coming from other worlds and worshiping the Great White Spirit, who had
descended from the sky. Stories of the presence of white men, living in ancient
times, with long black beards can be found in the myths of the indigenous North
American inhabitants. Many of their petroglyphs depict what some believe to be
figures of spacecraft and spacemen. The Hopi petroglyphs depict what could be
representations of electronic waves which we recognize today as sine, triangle and
square waves. The Chippewa told of the Gin-Gwins or Flying Boats, similar to
the solar boats described by the Egyptians. The Navajos, Piutes and Hopi told of
Golden Strangers from the skies in flying-canoes armed with electric rays.

There is no shortage of descriptions of flying machines in ancient times. Flying

in ancient times seems to be the rule, not the exception.

While many modern-day historians do not accept the possibility of travel and
trade across the great expanse of oceans by ancient cultures, there is an account in
the Chronicle of Akakor of a port city named Ofir built by the ancient Masters and
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located at the mouth of the Amazon which carried on trade with the East, possibly
Egypt. Archaeological evidence has identified tobacco and coco being found in
mummies of ancient Egypt. South America was the only place these plants were
found in this age, indicating that trade must have occurred between Africa and
South America during ancient times.

Other evidence of ocean travel in ancient times comes from what is believed to be
a detailed map showing Antarctica void of ice and regions of South America
supposedly not known by modern man until the 15th Century. This indicates
ancient man would have possessed knowledge of ocean navigation as early as
4,000 - 9,000 years ago. This map was recorded on gazelle hide by the Turkish
Admiral Piri Reis in 1513 AD. Only a fragment of this map exists today. This
fragment shows the first depiction of what is believed to be the bays and islands
of the Antarctic coast of Queen Maud Land, now concealed under the icecap.
Geological evidence confirms that the latest date Antarctica could have been
surveyed free of ice is 4000 BC. Another map prepared by the French geographer
Phillippe Buache in 1737 AD, shows a version of Antarctica that apparently has
no ice on it at all. It shows a clear waterway that runs straight through the middle
of the continent dividing it into two landmasses. This version of Antarctica is
virtually identical to what was discovered in 1958 AD when a comprehensive
seismic survey of the sub-glacial topography of Antarctica was conducted. This
survey showed the separation between the landmasses is in the same place, and
the relative size of the two landmasses reflects those shown on the Buache map.
What ancient civilization could have observed and recorded these conditions?
The first modern depiction of Antarctica on a printed map was recorded by
Giovanni Vespucci, published in Florence, Italy in 1524 AD. Admiral Piri Reis
further portrayed a large island in the Atlantic Ocean to the east of the South
America coast where no such island now exists. The island was located over the
sub-oceanic Mid-Atlantic Ridge just north of the equator and 700 miles east of the
coast of Brazil where the rocks of St Peter and St Paul are located today.

While the existence of advanced transportation systems during ancient times may
be hard for academicians to accept, there is strong evidence of the presence of
advanced medical knowledge c. 7000 BC which is not as easily refuted. The
Oxford Radiocarbon Laboratory has produced evidence that trepanation, the
surgical removal of bone from the skull, was performed near Kiev in the Ukraine
c. 7300-6200 BC. Other evidence of this surgical procedure has been found at
Ensisheim, France and is believed to have occurred c. 5000 BC. Evidence that
individuals survived the trepanation procedure comes from skulls where the bone
had healed. The patient would have had to have survived for the healing process
to take place. More speculative and much more ancient evidence of medical
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knowledge can be seen in ancient Sumerian texts where the creation of Man is
discussed as the result of genetic engineering coupled together with a primitive
being which underwent a much slower natural evolution. This certainly flies in
the face of the teachings of our present religious communities. Today, we have
just defined the human genome which during the time of modern mans religious
upbringing was not even imagined. A pictorial depiction of a double helix from
ancient Egypt may indicate that the Egyptians may also have been aware of the
biological-genetic processes involving DNA.

There is a theory that the placement of the three pyramids at Giza was such that
they reflect on earth the overhead positions of the three stars making up the belt of
the constellation Orion. According to the laws of astronomy this alignment would
have occurred c. 10500 BC. If this is correct then the antiquity of the Giza
pyramids must be placed much further back in history than the time of Cheops
(Khufu), c. 2550 BC. Further, it has been suggested that the southern shaft
leading from the kings' chamber of the great pyramid of Giza is thought to have
been directed at the belt of the constellation of Orion. Since this alignment would
occur once every 24 hours for a short duration due to the Earths' rotation, its use
as a communications device with the constellation of Orion, as suggested by
some, would make no sense. However, if a satellite or space station were parked
over this area in a synchronous orbit then a constant connection between the
pyramid and satellite would be possible. There is speculation as to the use of high
energy technology by the pre-dynastic Egyptians32, 33. The internal construction of
the great pyramid may point to its use as a high technology power plant based on
the theory of Microwave Amplification through Stimulated Emission Radiation
(MASER), which is a technology in use today. Evidence that the placement of the
Great Pyramid of Giza was not by accident and that it was used as a harmonic
generator is explored in Chapter 7. The party line promoted by Egyptologists, that
the Giza pyramids were constructed as tombs, is simply not supported by the
facts. It is more likely that the 4th Dynasty kings may have requisitioned the
already existing structures to be used as their tombs.

Another astonishing technological feat of the ancients involves the construction of

megalithic structures which rival the Giza pyramids in the difficulty overcome for
their construction. These structures are discussed in Chapter 8. The movement of
large stones and construction of megaliths, using stones weighing in the range of
100 - 1,000 tons, may have required higher technology material handling
capabilities than are attributed to the ancient civilizations such as existed in
Lebanon, Peru, and Central America. Today we still do not have answers to the
technological challenges associated with construction of these structures. The
locations of these structures may provide clues as to why they were built. As
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shown in Chapter 7, these structures are located in places which have harmonic
relationships to the Great Pyramid of Giza as well as the structure of the heavens.
This fact coupled with modern-day theories on the vibration properties of matter
and the relationship between matter and gravity may provide answers as to why
the Giza pyramids were built in the first place.

An intriguing fact which is common to mythologies from around the world is

their reference to numbers. The ancient writings are replete with many 'numbers'
for which scientists have had no sure understanding as to their meaning or use.
Archaeological evidence supports the fact that mathematics has been in use from
the time of the earliest known civilizations. Mathematical tables of reciprocals,
multiplication, squares and square roots, cubes and cube roots, exponential
functions, and logarithms have been discovered on clay tablets used by the
Babylonians, c. 3000 BC. The discovery of the Pythagorean Theorem once
attributed to the Greek Pythagoras was actually known in Babylon more than
1000 years before the time of Pythagoras. The recurrence of identical and similar
numbers in Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Palestine confirms speculations on their
historical continuity. These same numbers occur in the mythologies of the
Mesoamerican cultures 2 - 3000 years after their use in Babylon. A study of these
numbers shows they can be used to represent cyclic properties. The ancients
recognized the cyclic properties of calendars, the motions of the earth and other
planets, harmonics associated with music, and day to day cycles of events
occurring in nature. It appears that the use of these same numbers over thousands
of years, by civilizations throughout the world, is more than coincidental.

While Philosophy and Science are considered Greek inventions from the early
sixth century BC, a common misconception held by many in our present-day
society is that the laws of harmony and proportion should also be attributed to the
Greeks. It has been shown that the Greeks actually acquired much of their
learning from the East (i.e., Egypt and Mesopotamia). Ancient sources claim
Egypt as the original home of geometry. The ancients possessed a profound
knowledge of harmony, proportion, geometry and design. The ancients
understood that in the real world; pattern, process and interaction conform to
harmonic, rhythmic and proportional laws. Also, their precise calendar systems
indicate they possessed an understanding of advanced astronomy.

A review of the history of mankind cannot be complete without looking at what

was occurring in the sky as well as on the planet. The nature and motions of the
heavenly bodies in the night sky have been a source of fascination to virtually
every culture. The ancients studied the stars for practical concerns such as
seasonal predictions for agricultural purposes, and also to try and explain the
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unexplained or supernatural affects on their lives. Physical evidence of their

interest in astronomy is presented in Chapter 8. There is further evidence that the
ancients of Sumeria, Egypt and Mesoamerica had an understanding of the cosmos
and the interactions of our solar system that modern man is only beginning to
understand today. This can be observed in Chapter 5 for stories of creation and in
Chapter 6 for stories of cataclysm. The antiquity of the twelve-part zodiac has
been established as far back in history as the time of the Sumerians. How they
arrived at this division of the sky is recorded in a series of texts which they
attribute to the Anunnaki, gods from the sky. Many of the numbers used by the
ancients can be used to describe the earth's precession cycle; the orbits of Venus,
Mars, Earth, and the Earth's moon; and sunspot cycles and the magnetic fields of
the Sun. Sumerian tablets describe properties of the planets of our solar system
including: color, water content, orbit, tilt, and the presence of, as well as the
properties of, their moons.

We are products of our history and evolution. From what has been discussed so
far it can be seen that a great deal of information exists on mankind's
development, most of which has come to light over the last 50 years. Much of
this new information is not supported by irrefutable facts. History provides
valuable information in ways that are fundamentally different from those of the
archaeologist in that histories may not always be certified by measurable facts. A
case can be developed by correlating what at first appear to be unrelated facts,
then comparing these correlated findings with accepted facts and developing a
theory which in time will either be accepted as correct or refuted as being wrong.
As with any new idea, questions arise. The principle questions which I wish to
explore are: 1) what have we become over the thousands of years of development,
2) where is our civilization going, and 3) are there clues in the ancient
mythologies as to our ultimate end? Are we evolving from a forgotten past
beginning as cavemen or are we the remnants of earlier civilizations in decline?
If information as previously mentioned existed 5,000 years ago, why is it that we
are only re-discovering much of it today? Are we learning anew or is there
knowledge embedded within our psyche which we have forgotten how to access?

Archaeology provides insight into how mankind has developed in a physical

sense. While this provides valuable insight into the development of mankind it is
limited in scope. After reviewing the large collection of mythologies and
comparing what they describe with the overwhelming amount of archaeological
and geological evidence available it is hard to accept that our current concept of
history is complete or entirely accurate. There is considerable evidence that
highly evolved civilizations existed prior to the time our civilization was to have
had its beginning c. 10000 BC. The arguments used by archaeologists and other
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researchers for establishing the beginning of our civilization at the end of the last
ice age are based upon a lack of physical evidence to the contrary. This is not a
particularly strong argument. One needs only to consider the presence of
megalithic structures throughout the world for which there existence has never
adequately been explained. The technologies required for their construction
simply did not exist within the civilizations to which archaeologists attribute their

It is not at all surprising that there is a limited amount of evidence of earlier

civilizations, other than these stone structures. First of all, even the materials
which we use today cannot withstand the natural aging processes for longer than a
few hundred years. If the very ancient civilizations had used materials that we
have today, even those materials would not have survived. There is evidence that
the ancients used metal keys for interlocking the blocks of the stone megaliths.
The positions of these keyways are visible on the stone blocks today; however,
there is no physical key since the oxidation of the metal over thousands of years
would have utterly destroyed them. Secondly, if the catastrophic destructions
described in the mythologies actually occurred then it is unlikely anything
physical would have survived unless it was robust and made of a lasting material
such as stone.

The scholars who have defined our current understanding of history are restricted
to conservatively reporting their ideas based upon physical findings which they
can point to as real data. Even with this tangible evidence, much of their
reporting is based upon speculation and is controlled by the party line expressed
by academicians.

I propose that the histories of civilizations have slammed headlong into an

impasse created by the lack of physical information and the inability of
academicians and scientists to explore outside the box which they have so
carefully defined. It is quite possible that the only evidence to be found which
would support the existence of highly advanced civilizations prior to 10000 BC is
that contained in the mythologies of the more recent civilizations beginning c.
4000 BC. A point can be made that modern-day man has a history no longer
remembered except through myth.

The Earth has been around for over 4 billion years and the Homo sapiens sapiens
species has been around for approximately 100,000 years. It is arrogant to think
that our civilization is the only one to have developed over this long history. It is
possible that an advance civilization or even several civilizations could have
developed and subsequently been destroyed in a series of cataclysms. It is an
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accepted fact that the Earth has been struck by large asteroids and that great
floods have wrecked havoc on past civilizations. Like the dinosaurs,
technologically advanced civilizations could have utterly been destroyed. The
concept that the Earth has evolved gradually over its history is not only refuted by
mythology but is also not supported by the physical evidence being discovered
today. While there is a slow evolutionary process involved in the shaping of our
world, there are also rapid, violent and cataclysmic events which have shaped the
world and the civilizations which existed over the thousands of years since man
first appeared.

Since evidence of very ancient civilizations may only be available in the form of
myths, is there anything we can derive from them which will shed light on our
true beginnings? If the people who developed the original form of the creation
myths were indeed from an advanced culture perhaps they knew facts pertaining
to their origin as well as the mechanics affecting their and our existence. If so,
did they encode information in a few special myths? The stories of cataclysms
describe a process of destruction which is cyclic in nature. Being cyclic implies
that the process is therefore predictable. If it is predictable, then what do these
myths tell us about the end of our current cycle?

In order to understand the present condition of mankind I believe it is necessary to

study both the experiences which would have affected mans' psychological
development as well as mankind's physical legacy. The world of consciousness
combined with the world of physical experience, makeup the totality of human
experience. To fathom modern man's thought processes it is necessary to
understand why the ancients wrote what they did and what was meant by their

In Chapter 3, I present what I have termed "The Genesis Model". This model was
derived from the information I propose was encoded in the Genesis myth by
ancient civilizations that possessed knowledge of their existence far beyond what
we accept today as their understanding. This is further supported by our
understanding today of how the brain functions and has evolved and by recent
theories being offered by physicists which describe how the universe is integrated
in a physical sense. The 'Genesis Model' defines the Universes' and Mans'
integrated physical and psychological being.
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If the written word holds the key to unlock the mysteries of the ages,
then what is the meaning concealed in the written word?

• The intent, hope, and dreams of the writer?

• A message to be understood by the reader?
• A paradox between intent and
• The secrets of mankind?
- Author

If the myths passed on to us from ancient civilizations are not just based on cult
worship and superstition, but rather are descriptions of basic beliefs, then one
might ask what can these tales tell us about human development from its earliest
beginnings. In his book, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the
Bicameral Mind23, Julian Jaynes suggests, two types of thinkers existed during the
period c. 8000 BC- 1500 BC. Based on popular beliefs it appears that the
majority were people who appeared to be superstitious, mindless followers,
barbaric, and without the knowledge necessary to develop beyond what was
required for mere survival. Jaynes suggests that early man (c. 1500 BC) was
unable to formulate complex thought processes. Rather, man was limited to
expressing himself in terms based on his physical activities and what he observed
in nature. His mythologies were therefore necessarily based on these
recognizable terms. If this is true then it would be impossible for more esoteric
information to be encoded within the myths unless the information came from a
much earlier period from a civilization that modern day scholars do not recognize.
Our understanding of mans' physical activities comes from observing his
construction projects, artwork found on these projects, and from artifacts found at
the sites in which he lived.

Between 4000 BC-2000 BC there appears to have been an explosion in cultures

around the world. At this time strong leaders began to make there presence felt by
the masses. The majority of the population still focused on the physical attributes
of survival and serving their leaders. The leaders, unlike the masses, appear to
have possessed a greater understanding of themselves and were beginning to
prepare the masses with a knowledge base which they must have felt they needed
to pass on to future generations. These leaders, I suggest, were in tune with their
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subconscious thought processes and were connected with what I term later in the
Genesis Model their Divine Consciousness which provided what the masses
accepted as divine inspiration. According to Jaynes, these leaders emerged
through the natural process of evolution. Another possibility is these individuals
existed as a minority all along. They were ancestors of a very advanced, ancient

There are two ways to look at Man's beginnings. The first is the view held by
many modern day scholars which is based upon the development of civilization
from a cave man form of existence following the Pleistocene Ice Age, c. 12000
BC. The second is that man developed into highly advanced or technical societies
at a much earlier time. These advanced societies were ultimately destroyed by a
cataclysmic event or series of events eventually re-emerging following the
Pleistocene Ice Age along the lines espoused by modern day scholars. As
described earlier, much of our understanding of mankind's beginnings can be
derived from the myths passed down to our present day civilization. Whether or
not Man's beginnings originated before or after the end of the last ice age may
never be known for sure. This does not alter the fact that myths were developed
for the purpose of conveying meanings that were important to the individuals
composing the myths.

In order to facilitate the passing on of these stories from generation to generation,

yet still retain their accuracy and meaning, it was necessary for man to develop a
reliable system to assist in the recall of the information he needed to relay. This, I
believe, took a form which relied on numbers, rhythm, and the use of visually
recognizable terms of every-day events and objects which provided the storyteller
with a means by which he could recall complex subjects. With this learned trick
of memory, the storyteller was able to recall easily remembered facts from his
consciousness which would then allow him to associate more complex issues
which he could communicate to his listeners.

There was probably a multiplicity of reasons for Man to record his thoughts and
beliefs. His motivations could have been for purposes of philosophical self-
preservation, or for the personal satisfaction of writing a story, or to provide a
form of authority for the elite to control the masses, or for passing on his
knowledge to future generations, or in response to what he believed was the
direction of his God. These writers of mythologies were facing a changing reality
either from evolutionary processes or from natural and perhaps catastrophic
events. They were able to understand their relationship to their environment, and
were beginning to control it; were probably faced with a diverse population of
thinkers; and were perhaps in the minority as thinkers themselves.
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If we consider that the myths were committed to the written word c.4000 - 3000
BC then based upon archaeological findings from this period it can be assumed
that these ancient writers undoubtedly had a relatively limited written vocabulary
with general and diverse meanings assigned to each word. Writing would have
been difficult not only from the standpoint that it was time consuming because of
the materials used to record with and on, but also because of the degree of
difficulty in subjectively organizing the writers thoughts. The size of the audience
for these writings must have been very limited. Reading would not have been
widespread since production of reading materials was extremely limited and
literate people were in the minority. Writers would not have just written for each
other, nor is it likely that they would have just written for the sake of writing.
Without the expectation that someone else would read their composition they
simply would not have written, especially when we consider the difficulties
involved. Writing would have had to have been undertaken as a result of a
command either from other powerful persons or from what the writers believed
was their God. It is therefore not likely that writing of esoteric verses was for the
purpose of the self-satisfaction derived from the spinning of a tale or for purposes
of creating an elaborate hoax. This would have to come from more modern
writers who had access to easier methods of production and access to a much
larger audience. If man believed he was loosing his ability to hear directions from
his gods either due to a failed communications system or because of an
evolutionary change in his thought process, he may have felt the need to write
down these directions or commandments, or run the risk of forgetting them for all
time. This would have been mans beginning in the establishment of a
philosophical image of himself, for without it he probably felt he could not

Jaynes develops a theory in which he describes a scenario in which ancient man

evolved through a learning process from a being with a hallucinatory mentality to
that of a conscious thinker. Jaynes postulates that prior to 1500 BC man was an
automatic reacting being who could communicate through talking and who
functioned through mimicked or learned reactions. His thinking was an
unconscious natural process that constantly sought guidance from external signals
or authorities. His mind functioned as an unconscious two-step process and was,
as is today, physically comprised of a right and left hemisphere. Jaynes
postulated that the right hemisphere conducted thought and provided automatic
reaction while the left hemisphere received instructions from the right. That is,
audio hallucinations evolved in the right hemisphere and were transmitted and
heard in the left hemisphere. Jaynes postulated that these audio hallucinations
were what early man described as God. Man relied upon mysticism (God /
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Guidance) and his own reactions (fight or flight) in order to survive. Man, prior
to 1500 BC, had no concept of guilt, deception, evil, justice, philosophy, history,
or future. He had no subjective sense of time, self or space; he had no subjective
memories. Ancient mans' unconscious mind was capable of concept formation,
learning, thinking, and reasoning. As Man's subjective consciousness began to
take over, and before man began writing, his limited (non-subjective) memory
ruled his daily life and his ability to learn. The memory of individuals and of
communities carried knowledge through time and space. Memory eventually
became an awesome faculty which everyone had to cultivate.

During mans' early history, he developed techniques which allowed him to

remember and evoke understanding. The symbolic devices of the very early
Egyptians were designed to evoke understanding by revelation, by instant vision,
rather than by conveying information: they were a means of breaking out of the
material bonds which limit human intelligence, enabling man to envisage higher
and broader states of awareness. That is, these symbols facilitated the bicameral

Sometime prior to 1000 BC man began learning how to think subjectively. In

order to survive the changes in environment- social behavior; and population
explosion; man developed a subjective consciousness which in turn changed the
manner in which the bicameral (i.e., two chambered) mind functioned. The audio
hallucinations diminished in authority, frequency and clarity over time and were
replaced in modern man by what Jaynes terms subjective consciousness. By 300
BC Man had totally lost his ability to function as a bicameral thinker.

As Jaynes points out, ancient man was a right hemisphere thinker. As can be seen
in Table 3-1 the right hemisphere is prone to rhythmic thought processes such as
music and poetry. As a result, ancient man tended to present his thoughts in the
form of poetry. The length of poems was limited by the patience of the listeners
and the storyteller's capacity to remember verse. Poetry, not prose, was the
primitive form for storing the community's memory. Man found that by shaping
ideas and things into vivid recognizable (right hemisphere activity) images he
could then store them in memory for later recall. As Ancient Man's subjective
memory began to develop he found that it was possible to control memory by
memorizing facts in a specific order through the use of memorable forms. Thus
this early evolving man developed the use of allegory to facilitate his storytelling
and make use of his developing memory. Everyone needed the art of Memory,
which like other arts, could be cultivated. In later times memory was used by the
ancients such as the Greek lyricists Simonides (556 - 468 BC), the father of
mnemonic art, a technique for assisting memory through mental associations.
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With the advent of writing, which initially was a right-brained function, the
leaders began to record their knowledge. Unfortunately at this time the masses,
because they lacked a subjective consciousness, could not understand the
concepts of time and space. The writings were couched in terms that reflected
real things that the masses could visualize. In this manner the leaders could get
across their more complex issues. These writings took the form of myths.

According to Jaynes; "Narratization arose as a codification of reports of past

events. Writing had originally been an inventory device, a way of recording the
stores and exchanges. It also became a way of recording god-commanded events,
whose recitation after the fact became narratization. Since reading may have been
hallucinated from the cuneiform it may, then, have been a right temporal lobe
function. And since these were the recordings of the past, it is the right
hemisphere that became the temporary seat of the reminiscence of gods. In the
transcendence to consciousness, man assimilated both this memory ability and the
ability to narrate memories into patterns." Further evidence of early mans right
hemisphere literacy is the fact that the first writers employed a leftward writing
direction preference. As can be seen in Table 3-1 the left eye projects to the right
hemisphere suggesting the individual's preference for a left-handed writing
direction. As man became more left hemisphere literate his preference for writing
shifted to the right handed direction. It has been recognized that the Greeks
completely reversed alphabetic writing to a right-handed direction c. 500 BC.
This timing is consistent with the description of man's change to a subjective
conscious form of literacy, as described by Jaynes.

During the transition period (1500-1000 BC) in which man's subjective

consciousness was developing, writers had access to people with a bicameral-
active mind (prophets) who could hear voices and visualize images although
visualization was probably beginning to fade by the time of Moses. Accounts of
the Bible place Moses, (suggested author of the Pentateuch/Torah) in the time
frame of 1600 BC. It is therefore likely that he was a bicameral thinker. That is,
Moses heard/hallucinated voices and images which he attributed to God and for
many years these events were narrated as stories for the telling down through the

With the development of a written language, man developed a conscious mind

which allowed man to make his own decisions. He was able to consciously
influence his actions. This was an invented process independent of the bicameral
mind. Consciousness gave man the ability to integrate reality with thoughts and
actions. As man was presented with facts, through the use of his conscious mind
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he was able to make decisions which he could then carry out as actions. Jaynes
goes on to show that man could not invent consciousness until he developed a
language sophisticated enough to produce metaphors and analog models34. As
Jaynes points out, consciousness is a conceptual, metaphor-generated analog
world that parallels the actual world. Thinking in metaphors and analog models
creates the mind, space, and mental flexibility needed to by-pass the automatic,
bicameral process. The voices heard by bicameral man tended to be poetic and
rhythmical; or in another term cyclical. These properties of audio hallucination
may have been a function of the mind process. These cyclical properties I
propose were carried over to the spoken word in order to organize thoughts for the
purpose of easing recall in order to relate the true meanings during the process of
story telling.

Jaynes' work raises a few questions not the least of which is man's ability, by
himself, to create his own consciousness. To quote Jaynes, "I am saying -- and
finding it work to believe myself -- that all this highly patterned legend, which so
clearly can be taken as a metaphor of the huge transilience toward consciousness,
was not composed, planned, and put together by poets conscious of what they
were doing. It is as if the god-side of the bicameral man was approaching
consciousness before the man-side, the right hemisphere before the left. And if
belief does stick here, and we are inclined to ask scoffingly and rhetorically, how
could an epic that may itself be a kind of drive toward consciousness be
composed by non-conscious men? We can also ask with the same rhetorical
fervor, how could it have been composed by conscious men? We do not know the
answer to either question." What has not been considered by Jaynes is the
possibility that what we call 'Man' may have had outside help-possibly from the
ancestors of an earlier civilization!

Jaynes has suggested that prior to 1500 BC man was incapable of abstract
thinking. The use of calendars during this period therefore raises another issue in
that the term 'year' represents an abstract concept. As discussed in Appendix A the
first calendars were based on lunar or seasonal occurrences which could be
observed and recorded in some non-abstract manner.

The term 'year zero' shown in Appendix A represents the start year of the various
solar calendars. These years begin 1,500 to 2,000 years before the time frame
assigned by Jaynes for mans' change to a conscious thinker. The dates that these
calendars were conceived is not known. It is highly unlikely that the year-zero
dates are the dates of conception of the calendars but rather represent dates far
enough in the past of each civilization as to provide a history which was likely
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based upon some significant occurrence around the year-zero timeframe which
had been passed down orally to the then current civilizations.

There are indications that a form of solar calendar was used c. 2000 BC. This
reflected a 360 day year and did not represent a historical date other than perhaps
referring to the reign of a particular ruler. A worldwide revision of the 360-day
calendar took place during the eighth century BC which falls within the time
frame in which man became a conscious thinker cited by Jaynes. Other historical
references which support a change in mans' thinking process, post 1000 BC, are
listed below:


Babylon 1700-1600 Use of regnal years (rulers)
Persians 1380 Solar & Lunar calendars agree
Nabi 835 Welling up with speech and
Amos 783 Bicameral thinker
Isaiah 740 Prophet- Bicameral thinker
Jeremiah 677 Prophet- Bicameral thinker
Ashurbanipal 699 Laws- Conscious thinker
Ezekiel 580 Prophet- Bicameral thinker
Greeks 500 Changed writing to right-
Handed direction
Nabi 300 End of prophecy

While man may have begun the change to a conscious thinker c. 1500 BC, it can
be seen that the process of change lasted well into the 4th century BC.

Since the mid 1960's a variety of psychological studies have shown that the left
and right sides of our brains specialize in different types of activity. The left side
of the brain appears to be more concerned than the right with rational, sequential
thought and with linguistic faculties such as reading, writing and speech. The
right side of the brain seems to be more concerned with visual-spatial functions,
aesthetic and emotional appreciation, and perhaps intuitive thought.

Table 3-1 summarizes the functions predominately performed by the brains two
hemispheres of a left cerebral hemisphere dominated (right handed) person.
Subjective consciousness is a learned process/behavior and does not have a
physical location. It is a particular organization of the mind and a specific way of
using the brain. Having developed this capability, man basically replaced the tie
to his access to the divine consciousness as experienced by the bicameral mind.
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That is, what man had relied upon through hallucination he now had to rely on his
self. If subjective consciousness is a learned process, is the automatic audio-
hallucination portion of the right hemisphere an unlearned process? If so, is it
lying there dormant just waiting to be rediscovered?

In most modern societies, people tend to use the functions associated with the left
side of the brain more than those of the right. This is reflected in our general
approach to the world, the activities in which we engage, and the type of mental
activities we value and encourage. This preference for the left side of the brain is
partly a reflection of our educational systems. It is also partly cultural. Our
emphasis in western society on doing and achieving, rather than on being, has
reinforced left-brained ways of thinking. The traditional Western system of
thinking is more left-brained; that is, linear, logical and rational. Alternatively, the
Eastern system of thought tends toward going within oneself for answers. That is;
right-brained, intuitive, open, and capable of holding contradictory concepts
without confusion.

Studies of the electrical brain activity of people while in deep meditation have
revealed a progressive synchronization of the electrical activity coming from both
sides of the brain; the deeper the meditation, the greater the integration. This
synchrony suggests an increased balance between the two modes of thinking. It
would seem likely, as Russell35 has suggested, that in an enlightened state,
thinking would be both: analytic and holistic, intellectual and intuitive, active and

If it is accepted that ancient mankind hallucinated from an all-knowing source

then one explanation of mankind's parallel development throughout the world
could be that they were basically tapping the same source of knowledge and
consequently would develop in much the same manner, planet-wide. Another
option is that civilizations such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mesoamericans
all had access to a common earlier and advanced civilization.

In Chapter 7 I explored the possibility that the ancient civilizations may have been
aware of the harmonic relationships necessary for a sophisticated system of global
communications. If, as Dunn 32 suggests, it is assumed that the Giza pyramid
complex was a communications system which included a global harmonic grid
network then what the myths relate as oracles or communications with gods may
have been what we today call radio.

As Dunn has described, the Giza pyramid complex ceased to be useful as a result
of a structural failure within the resonant cavity which we today refer to as the
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King's chamber. If this communications system suddenly failed the people's

connection with what they believed to be their gods would have ended. If it is
further assumed that the construction of this pyramid complex was performed by
the mythological entities that these ancient civilizations referred to as gods then it
would be safe to assume that these ancient civilizations could not repair the failed
system and likely did not understand how it worked in the first place. In order to
capture the knowledge they did possess they resorted to writing the myths we
have today.

If one were to speculate on the cause of failure of the pyramid complex in light of
the myths which refer to catastrophic events, a story can be developed which
explains the pyramids demise as well as account for the phenomenon that Jaynes
has ascribed as a change in brain function. As described in Chapter 8, there is
evidence that the cores of galaxies periodically undergo major explosions
releasing high energy cosmic ray particles. During the past 6,000 years there is
evidence that the Milky Way galactic center has expelled several clouds of ionized
gas forming zones of high radiation around the Earth. These radiation zones
could possibly have caused a genetic change in the brain functions which Jaynes
describes. This could account for the emergence of a cave-man form of existence
following the ice age even though these civilizations might have originally come
from more advanced societies.

As Dunn has described, the operation of the Giza Pyramid complex was based
upon a coupling of the Earth's natural resonance frequency which should remain
constant unless something caused a major increase in its amplitude. It is believed
that debris could be transported to the Earth's surface as a result of a galactic
explosion. It is further believed that this would cause a climatic change possibly
resulting in the onset of an ice age. The increase in the volume of ice on the
Earth's surface could have affected the harmonic relationship between the Earth
and the pyramid. This however would be a relatively gradual change which
would unlikely cause an abrupt transient which would have been necessary to
create a catastrophic failure of the granite structure of the resonant chamber. A
more likely scenario which could cause a spike in the amplitude of the Earth's
resonance frequency would be the impact of a large asteroid such as is thought to
have occurred during the past 6,000 years in the region of Mesopotamia.

Whatever caused the changes which prompted ancient man to record his thoughts
may never be understood; however, we find ourselves today with a wealth of
interesting writings to try and understand. To understand these ancient esoteric
writings it is helpful to mentally place oneself at the time of these writings, with
the mentality of the writer/storyteller, and with his knowledge of the language and
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events shaping his world. Unlike bicameral man, we today have a subjective
consciousness so this is possible.

The use of rhyme, fixed sequences of words, and repetition were an integral part
of an individual's ability for recall, and helped to assure accurate oral
communications over hundreds and thousands of years without changing the
meaning of the story. These are traits that we now know are associated with a
predominately right-brained individual. This is also in accordance with Jaynes'
theory relating to early mans use of his right brain functions prior to becoming a
conscious thinker.

Several of the most familiar esoteric writings which we have access to today are
found in the Old Testament. As shown in Chapter 5 of this writing, many of the
verses which appear in the Old Testament Book of Genesis stem from earlier
Sumerian and/or Babylonian mythology and perhaps from much older sources. If
the wording of the ancient mythologies has been preserved and reliably translated,
the Biblical account which has been passed down through the millennia should be
considered as an authentic reproduction of what would have been originally
composed by early man. The more recent books written by authors with a
subjective consciousness may have incorporated in their meanings interpretations
of their own for personal/secular gain or positioning.

If the early writings of the Old Testament were conceived through the processing
of a bicameral mind, and if these writings have survived through time with the
same meanings intended when they were first spoken, then I believe it possible to
interpret these verses as expressions which reflect today's knowledge. These
interpretations support our understanding of man, based upon the knowledge we
have today. I postulate that since we today believe ancient man did not have our
knowledge, yet possessed the explicit information referred to in his myths, this
information had to have come from a second party or from a higher

The books of the Old Testament offer a written history of the development and
exploits of man over a period of approximately 3,000 years. It has been suggested
that much of the Old Testament consists of forgeries from the seventh through the
fifth centuries BC for the purpose of writing a history for the Hebrew sect. This is
not an unusual practice and it was not the first time a nation borrowed from
previous cultures. It has been established that the story of creation comes to the
Hebrews at least from the time of the Sumerians. I would speculate that the
Sumerians also borrowed the story from a much earlier civilization which had
achieved high states of consciousness and technology. The type of rewrite an
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early Hebrew might have used would include the insertion or change of names,
events and places. Even though the writer may have incorporated slight changes
in the text/meaning to suit his purpose there still should remain a hidden or
intrinsic meaning encoded within the remnants of his verse. Since the purpose of
the writer would have also been to retain what he believed were the words of God,
the earliest texts should be considered reasonably accurate. Alternatively, the
Hebrew writers may have substituted names of their own ancestors whose
meanings were the same as the words they replaced, thereby retaining the true
meaning of the text with certain key phrases/words replaced with proper names of
the same meaning. As another alternative, the original words may have been
mistranslated by later writers. This, however, is not likely since this would reflect
a randomness which would tend to mix up the translated meanings rather than
provide order, as is the case as shown in Chapter 4. If these stories had indeed
been formed by bicameral thinkers and passed down from bicameral times, dates
and durations would not have been part of the story since the bicameral mind was
incapable of comprehending the concept of time.

At this point a few words pertaining to the origin and development of the Old
Testament are in order. The Old Testament is professed by many to be the 'word
of God'. In order to understand the significance of the Bible it is beneficial to
review its origin from the time of the Jewish/Hebrew beginnings.

For thousands of years from the very early beginnings of the Jewish nation
through the period of their exile in Babylon at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar II, c.
597 BC, down through their return to rebuild Jerusalem, c. 536 BC the Jewish
philosophy; wisdom; and laws were passed on orally (Talmud) and as written law
(Torah) which became the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.

During the period of Persian rule c. 538-330 BC the Jews returned to rebuild
Jerusalem at which time they were governed by a group of Levites and sages
beginning with Ezra. This is the period in Jewish history known as the 'Great
Assembly'. The members of the Great Assembly collected holy writings and
decided which books would be canonized as their holy scripture. It was during
this period that the Old Testament took its earliest form consisting of the five
books of the Pentateuch and perhaps some of the earlier books attributed to the
prophets. It was during this same period that prophesy was to have ended.
During this same period 15 other books in use by the Jewish community were not
included in the Hebrew canon of Holy Scripture. These have become known as
the Apocrypha. Besides these works, many other Jewish-Christian works have
survived from the period between about 200 BC to about 200 AD. These are
called 'pseudepigrapha'.
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The Bible was further changed in 325 AD when the Council of Nicea, formed by
the Roman emperor Constantine, removed or modified at least 45 documents from
the collection of texts which would become the Holy Bible of the Christian world.
Our awareness of these missing texts is a result of the discovery of Essene
documents, known as the Dead Sea Scrolls; scrolls found in Upper Egypt, known
as the Library of Nag Hammadi; and from the archives of the Catholic Church
containing texts which were secreted from the common person being reserved for

The Book of Ezekiel was the center of controversy over many centuries since it
diverged with the Mosaic code. Fortunately, it was salvaged by Rabbi Chananiah
in the first century AD as it is the only scripture which appears to describe an
encounter with space beings and spaceships.

The Apocrypha first appear, with the exception of 2 Esdras, in the Greek version
of the Bible known as the Septuagint and later appear in their entirety in the Latin
Vulgate version. During the sixteenth century the Apocrypha appeared in the
English translations of the Bible including the King James Version (1611 AD). In
1546 the Council of Trent decreed that the Canon of the Old Testament include
the Apocrypha. However, the editions of the Bible prepared by the Protestants
have followed the Hebrew canon and do not include the Apocrypha. In 1648 the
Puritans declared that the books of the Apocrypha were not of divine inspiration
and therefore should have no part of the Canon of Scripture.

The point to be made here is the Old Testament portion of the Bible has a long
history of development. It was developed by men with various agenda. It could
be argued that these men were inspired by a divine presence and therefore the
words do come from God. If this is an accepted premise then should the words
relayed by individuals such as Muhammad, the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith,
the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, the Greek oracles, and others be
considered as gospel? The Genesis Model described in this chapter suggests that
there is a process by which divine inspiration is indeed possible.

By some accounts the books of the Old Testament were written beginning with
the Book of Amos, dating from the eighth century BC and ending with
Ecclesiastes dating from the second century BC. This span of time began during
the bicameral era and continued into the subjective consciousness era. In order to
conceptualize what might have been occurring during ancient times, in terms
understood today, I would like to introduce the term "Genesis-Man". By this I
mean the concept of generic man as he existed during the period in which man
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was undergoing his transition from a bicameral oriented thinker to a conscious

thinker. During this period, bicameral hallucinations were diminishing and
subjective writing would have been in its infancy with 'God' still speaking to
some. This covers a time period of perhaps 1,000 years (1600-600 BC).

At some point prior to the time of Amos, Genesis-Man was motivated to write
down the esoteric stories which had been passed down by means of narration over
the ages. When these writers wrote of creation and the early personages, did they
consider who would read their writings or who would understand them? What
was the purpose in these particular writings? Jaynes suggests it was because of
the nostalgia for what had been lost with the disappearance of the bicameral
thought process.

During the times of bicameral thinkers such as Moses, stories were widely spread
through oral communications such that they could not have been kept from the
masses but rather were perpetuated by them. The prophets were accepted as
speaking the words of God. It could easily have been accepted by the writers that
God was directing them to write down His commandments and teachings so they
would not be forgotten.

As conscious thinkers began to appear, they may have either recognized the need
to establish controls over the masses or perhaps recognized they were an elite
group who could benefit themselves by controlling others. Anything which is
meant to control must have an unquestionable basis in order to be acceptable by
man. Being divine would fill this need. Since ancient man prior to 1500 BC had
a limited concept of good and evil, justice and philosophy; there was a need to set
down the laws, history and philosophy, as is the case with the Laws of
Hammurabi and the 10 Commandments given to Moses.

If the purpose of the conscious thinkers was to write stories to provide the
conscious elite with a written record of the gods, for the purpose of control of the
masses, then the writings would have been closely controlled by these few elite,
and fed to the masses as it suited their purpose. This seems to be the case as
evidenced by the fact that the ancient writings are found in libraries of the ruling
class or religious sects and not found in the houses of the general populace, as is
the case for idols.

The period beginning around 1500 BC (migrations) and continuing through 500
BC (Greek Golden Age) down to 300 BC (Alexander the Great) could be
classified as a period of chaos. This is supported by Biblical accounts of wars
throughout the history of the Hebrews as well as accounts by other writers such as
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Herodotus the chronicler of Greek, Assyrian, Babylonian and Persian conquests;

and Homer, the suggested author of the Iliad and Odyssey. The masses seemed to
be under the control of the elite (perhaps conscious) individuals. Wars were
fought by what seem to be non-reasoning masses willing to follow the direction of
their conscious, literate leaders without any particular thought of their own other
than survival. This period of chaos coincides with the period in which the
breakdown of the bicameral mind was to have occurred and the learning of
subjective consciousness was to have begun. I think it not coincidental that the
Old Testament happenings which supposedly occurred prior to 1500 BC and
related by bicameral man, were rewritten between 600-420 BC by subjectively
conscious writers. Some of the Old Testament teachings were perhaps the
writings of conscious thinking authors who intended to preserve the original
verbal stories hallucinated by bicameral thinkers (e.g., Moses) and simply wrote
down what they were told. Alternatively, since these writers were able to think
and compose in terms of allegories, they were able to write their own conscious
thoughts and may have preserved the true meaning within a codified writing.
This I believe was accomplished through the use of the cyclic properties of
rhyme, harmony, numbers, and key words & phrases.

This cyclical process can be observed in the writing of the first chapter of the
Book of Genesis. I propose that Chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis, once
interpreted, provides a meaning beyond the literal description. This interpretation
reflects a metaphysical as well as a historical and ethical presentation of Creation.
This falls in line with teachings such as those of the Sumerians, early Egyptians,
Hindus, South and Central American cultures, and North American Indians. Each
culture has borrowed from the other and integrated what was thought to be
appropriate at the time, and discarded the rest. Beginning with the beliefs of the
earliest cultures down through the modern day religions, all had an explanation of
who was responsible for creation and where and how it was to have occurred.
Today we can describe the physical makeup and workings of the universe, the
workings of the smallest components of matter, yet we are unable to determine
how or why we ourselves work.

I propose that the 'workings' of man is codified in the Book of Genesis. The
following discussion is based on the repetition of phrases found in the 31 verses
of Genesis 1. The first two verses are an introduction to the rest of the story. They
set the stage for what is to come. The remainder of the text is written in a cyclical
fashion alternating with what I will term a "Thought Verse" with a "Reality
Verse", until the end of the chapter. This is depicted in Table 3-2. At the
completion of each Thought/Reality sequence is a completed activity (i.e., a day).
Verses 22 and 29 are somewhat unique in that they are neither a "Thought" nor
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"Reality" verse, but are termed here as "Conclusion Verses". They represent a
completion of the two creation cycles (i.e., animals & man) with instruction that
any further physical creation will be through self re-creation/multiplication.

Each "Thought" or "Reality" verse has common phrases which either begin or end
the verse. I believe this is for the purpose of facilitating recall on the part of the
storyteller. These phrases begin with a command and end with the effect, plus a
conclusion that 'all was good'. I believe these phrases have specific meanings
which are:

Then God said --- Voices heard by the left hemisphere of the Bicameral
Mind. (Thought verse)

And it was so --- Manifested in consciousness

God saw that it was good --- God reflects on God- Reality is as was
imagined. (Reality verse)

I propose that the writings in Genesis 1 provide an explanation of the workings of

mans conscious mind with his unconscious mind (God) and provides a description
of the development of Man's consciousness.

The interpretation of verses 2-15 of Genesis 1 yield a description of how the

world and man function as an integrated consciousness. This is represented by
the Genesis Model as shown in Figure 3-1. Since our current thought process is
constrained by the concept of time, the following discussion is presented as
though creation was a sequential process. In actuality I believe that the process
was instantaneous. Further, I believe that this is an ongoing process participated
in by all. This leads one to speculate that what we term the past, the present and
the future are all occurring at once. Our senses are such that we cannot observe

Now consider "All That Is", in Figure 3-1, as a representation of what we today
would perhaps define as God. Now, this god is truly all that is, including what is
known by man, as well as everything that is unknown to man. God established
from the depths of All That Is, what is termed here, a Universal Consciousness
which is responsible for everything pertaining to physical and spiritual realities.
The Universal Consciousness is the controlling force of all intelligence.

Throughout creation, the Universal Consciousness created in thought what it then

created in reality. The Universal Consciousness created a Divine Consciousness
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which represents that which knows. This is a consciousness which exists but has
no specific place or location, since it really is independent of physical reality.
From what the Divine Consciousness envisions the subconscious mind generates
in thought or perhaps generates that which is manifested as a psychic experience.
The word "psychic" is from the Greek word "psychikos”, meaning "of the soul".
The soul is, in these terms, the Divine Consciousness.

The Universal Consciousness also created, what is defined as, a Physical

Consciousness. This again is a consciousness with no place or location since it is
a consciousness. This is what we today experience as the conscious mind or that
portion of the mind which understands physical reality through information
derived from the senses and learns through the conscious use of repetition.

Creation through divine consciousness is in the form of energy while creation

through physical consciousness is in the form of matter. Einstein's theory of
relativity concluded that an objects mass is not constant and that mass and energy
are in fact the same thing (or from the same thing). This I term Universal
Consciousness. The Universal Consciousness through the Divine Consciousness
establishes our subconscious mind; the conscious mind being developed by the
Physical Consciousness.

In the bicameral brain, God (Universal Consciousness) gave direction through

both audio and visual hallucinations as Jaynes points out. This hallucinatory
function was replaced by man, through a learning process, as his Subjective

The "darkness" emanating from the Universal Consciousness directly to the

subconscious mind represents the audio and video hallucinations that bicameral
man experienced and eventually lost as he developed a subjective consciousness.
I would take this one step further and propose that the “darkness” actually was a
bidirectional process. While the hallucinatory function described by Jaynes was
considered as being instructions from God, the link in the direction from the
subconscious mind to the Universal Consciousness was also lost. I propose that
this was mans use of prayer and his understanding of how his emotions played a
role in interacting with the process of creation.

It would appear that in bicameral times man made use of this Divine
Consciousness (subconscious mind) and then shifted to his Subjective
Consciousness (conscious mind) around 1500 - 1000 BC. Where the
subconscious mind perceives by intuition, the conscious mind perceives through
the five senses. Could this be the fall of man as discussed in Chapter 3 of The
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Book of Genesis, and is what we are seeing today the beginning of an integration
of the workings of the Divine Consciousness the Subjective Consciousness and
the Physical Consciousness into what will develop into "Enlightened-Man?" That
is, is man trying to control or change physical reality through the integration of
his intuitive and learned powers?

What the Genesis Model offers is a process by which selected individuals were
able to tap into a hidden knowledge base through the Divine Consciousness. This
is not unlike the process Edgar Cayce claimed to have used when, through
meditation, he had access to what he called the Akashic records. This process
does not require the existence of previous highly evolved races or men from
space, but it does not exclude them.

Several years after completing the Genesis Model based on the Book of Genesis 1
had the opportunity to read several of the Upanishads7 and they struck me as
relaying the same information as I interpreted from the Book of Genesis. This
should not be surprising as it is believed that the Sumerian account of creation
followed by the Hebrew account stems from the very ancient Vedic writings
which form the basis of the Brahman and Hindu religions. Table 3-3 is a
comparison of the Vedic terms and the terms derived from the Book of Genesis.

During the period when the Western Roman Empire fell to the Barbarians, c. 395
AD, another scholar Augustine, Bishop of Hippo also shared a great interest in the
Book of Genesis. Convinced that the book was a coded message, sent to mankind
by God he struggled with his understanding of the first chapter of the book. In
particular, “In the Beginning” presented him with great difficulty. Since his frame
of reference was a spatial three dimensional universe plus time he felt it necessary
to place God before time began and in space. He satisfied his curiosity by
accepting that “Beginning” meant “Wisdom” or intellectual nature. Considering
the knowledge base during his time he was quite accurate. In the Genesis Model I
propose that “All That Is/God” established a “consciousness” in “The Beginning”.

Augustine further had no understanding of the theory of subatomic physics which

allows for up to 11 extra curled-up space dimensions. Since it is difficult to
conceptualize this phenomenon in a 3-dimensional framework Augustine could
not visualize God being anywhere but somewhere in space, yet still having to be
unbounded. He had to settle for God just being. With modern day understanding
of reality the concept of God does not have to fit within Augustine’s limited
understanding of the world.
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Augustine further accepted that there was formless matter, although he did not
understand the concept. Today, according to string theory all matter and all forces
are made from one basic ingredient: the oscillating string. That is, everything at
the microscopic level consists of vibrating strands. The Genesis Model proposes
that In the Beginning the “Deep” consisted of these vibrating strands which
coalesced into both consciousness (spiritual) and matter (physical).

Another mystery concerning “In the Beginning” can be observed in Table 3-2.
The phrase “Then God Said…”, occurs nine times. This has been interpreted as
creation occurred thru the “Word of God”. Now, since in the beginning there was
no one to talk to or no one to listen to the words “God said” must be considered as
a metaphor. This metaphor, I suggest, represents an action for which ancient man
had no understanding. However, speech was understood and actually does
represent the action to initiate creation. “Word” or “words” are formed thru
speech and a term the ancients could understand. Today we know words/sound is
formed by the vibration of our vocal cords which then pass through the air as a
form of vibration. As mentioned above string theory states that all matter is
formed as the result of the vibration of subatomic entities called strings. This
certainly was unknown to the ancient writers. However the terms “said” or
“word” represent vibration which was the basis of creation of both physical reality
and what we have termed spiritual reality or what I have termed levels of

In conclusion, what I am proposing is: One of the interpretations of the story of

creation in the Old Testament is that it is a description of consciousness and how
the spiritual and physical aspects of mankind were created and integrated. There
were no words at the time of the Old Testament writings to explain the concepts
as we have defined them today, consequently, the writers would have recorded the
words as they heard them using allegory to describe the concepts. Since
bicameral man could not have conceived this knowledge by his free thought, it
could be concluded that it must have been received from another source or
hallucinated through the right hemisphere of the brain. The Sumerians stated,
"Everything that we know was taught to us by the gods".

Chapter 4 is an interpretation of each verse of Chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis

which shows how the terms for the Genesis Model were derived. In Chapter 10 I
compare the Genesis Model to the concept of Superstring/M theory which
describes our current understanding of the physical universe as theorized by
modern day physicists.
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----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

Controls right side of body Controls left side of body Time existing in space

Speech Songs and music, poetry, artistic Introspection,

Auditory hallucination Visual mind

Trigger emotional reactions of Good and evil.

displeasure, Favors emotion

Listen Listen

Understand Understand, Intuition Analog “I” 33

Sight from right eye Sight from left eye

Rightward writing preference Leftward writing preference

Left nostril Right nostril

Analytic & verbal Synthetic & spatial-constructive

(looks at parts), tasks (looks at wholes)
Mathematics, Logic

Recognition of faces and facial Recall (memory)

expressions Exerption

Reading Reading (early in life) Language

Narratization (early in life) Narratization

Susceptibility to hypnosis

Desire, inspiration Inward authority (God) Fatigue

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1 Outline of story
2 Outline continued
3 T Then god said …and it was so
4 R …saw it was good*
5 DAY 1
6 T Then God said
7 R ...and it was so ** *
8 DAY 2
9 T Then God said …and it was so
10 R …saw it was good
11 T Then God said …and it was so
12 R …saw it was good*
13 DAY 3
14 T Then God said
15 continued …and it was so
16 R ** *
17 T *
18 R …saw it was good
19 DAY 4
20 T Then God said **
21 R …saw it was good*
22 c
23 DAY 5
24 T Then God said …and it was so
25 R …saw it was good*
26 T Then god said **
27 R ** *
28 c
29 T Then God said
30 continued ... and it was so
31 R ... saw it was
very good*
31 plus DAY 6

* Each verse also begins with an action word (i.e., And God created. separated, made, placed)
** Verses which do not follow: (7, 16, 17, 20, 26, 27)
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• Physical
• Spiritual


All – That - Is Brahman Katha Supreme
The Deep OM Katha Symbol of
Universal Primal Cause Katha Universe
Unmanifested Katha
Cause of the Mundaka
Universal Person Mandukya
Light / waters Taijasa Mandukya Divine
above Illumination
Darkness Prajna Mandukya Unaware
from the
Dreamless sleep Mandukya
Divine Soul of the Prasna Spiritual
Consciousness Universe
Primal Energy Prasna
Prana Prasna
Physical Giver of Form, Prasna Physical
Consciousness Rayi Form
Waters below the Intellect & Ego Katha Conscious
heavens awareness,
Subconscious Mind, Manduka Spiritual
Mind Atman Reality
Conscious Mind Mind, Katha, Consciousn
Indha Brihadarany ess,

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aka God within

Individuality/Intuit Meditation Manduka Subconscio
ion us Mind
Senses Senses Katha Conscious

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Enki conceived Inanna,

Ea created Marduk,
Nammu created heaven and earth,
Enlil created the moon,
God created Man,
What’s left to figure out?

With a system of underlying principles,

a collection of historical data, and
a dash of subjective consciousness;
a concept is formed.
- Author


This chapter is an interpretation of the meaning of the first chapter of the Book of
Genesis as outlined in the Genesis Model, Figure 3-1. I propose that this is a
story which focuses on the description of creation as related to man functioning
with a bicameral mind. The understanding of his inner voices and images he
attributed as God. I believe this story has a much deeper meaning than what is
commonly or literally taken. The story provides a greater understanding of
creation, God, and man; beyond that which we can attribute to a bicameral
thinker. The story had to have come from a more conscious source or perhaps
from a more advanced civilization for which we have no records today of their
existence. I further believe the terms used regarding physical reality refer to a
concept within consciousness, and the discussion in terms of physical creation
(e.g., earth, stars, etc.) is secondary to the story of the creation of consciousness.
The terms used, which are described in the Glossary to interpret the meaning of
this chapter, offer a consistent story which supports the idea of coded meanings
hidden within the text. When a code is being used, any symbol must be decoded
with a consistent meaning each time it appears. This is the case, as can be seen
with what follows.

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I believe the mystics of the ages had a deep sense of the meaning of spiritual
writings, much of which has been lost on modern man. Addington 22 postulates
that the Bible and other esoteric writings (e.g., the Bhagavad-Gita, the Vedas and
the Upanishads) can be read and understood by modern man through the use of
the codes that Addington has uncovered. (Refer to the Glossary for a list of
codified words that are referred to and used in this chapter).

Addington states, "That which I have to offer began with the discovery that
modern day readers were completely overlooking the meanings behind certain
proper names of people and places, continually featured in Biblical writing,
meanings that the ancient writers had taken for granted and assumed would
always be understood. I found that certain numbers and common words had a
repetitious use and that when their symbolic or esoteric meaning was understood,
they opened up entirely new avenues of wisdom and understanding."

As Addington points out "God in man is the principal character in all Bible
stories." Since the Book of Genesis follows the principle of what was first
conceived in thought was made manifest in reality, I propose that the usage of
physical terms such as earth, flora, and fauna, implies both a spiritual as well as a
physical meaning.

In summary, the interpretations which follow unfold as such:

Verses 1 - 5, which comprise day 1, describe the development, from All

That Is, of the spiritual aspects of consciousness (i.e., that which is God,
enlightenment, spirituality and sub consciousness).

Verses 6 - 8 describe the creation, from All That Is, of the consciousness of
physical reality; the physical aspects of God in consciousness. A dual
consciousness is formed consisting of the enlightened consciousness and
the physical consciousness.

Verses 9 - 13 refer to the physical materialization of earth, flora, etc., first

in consciousness and then in reality. (Physical reality as understood by the
Universal Consciousness.

Verses 14 - 19 are the integration of physical and spiritual consciousness.

Verses 20 - 23 describe how the conscious mind functions/learns by

reasoning and by outside authority.

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Verses 24 - 25 describe how the conscious mind learns from outside


Verses 26 - 27 describe the concept by which man's mind is to function as

an enlightened consciousness working in an integrated fashion with its
physical consciousness. Man is created in physical form.

Verses 28 - 30 describe how man is to grow intellectually and spiritually.

Verse 31 is a summation or conclusion.

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1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Creation of the divine consciousness within and the consciousness of
reality comes from All That Is (i.e., the absolute truth, wisdom and

This is probably a lead-in statement written by a subjectively conscious man

introducing the story he is about to relate which was passed down from, or,
related to him by, a bicameral man. Since bicameral man had no concept of time,
he could not have conceived of a “beginning”. The writer introduced the phrase
"In the beginning". "Beginning" implies a before and after or the concept of time.
Since bicameral man did not perceive time, this concept I conclude would have
been introduced by a subjectively conscious writer and, therefore, I surmise this is
an introductory verse. God created the concepts of a consciousness within
(spiritual, left hemisphere) and a consciousness of the without (physical, right
hemisphere). Bicameral mans left brain received instructions from his "inner
voices". He could observe physical phenomena such as the sky and the ground
and observe himself interacting with both. He was limited as to his means of
expression of the concepts of god; heaven; earth; and man; consequently, his
terms are simple and straight forward.

Bicameral man had to listen to his voices and view his images and as he began to
develop language and concepts he assigned these voices and images as God. As
Man began to reason consciously he surmised that in the beginning God is all
there is, the only cause, the only creator, the only substance. Therefore everything
created by God must be created out of God. Conscious man began to assign a
more subjective meaning to the words which were passed down through the
millennia by bicameral man. The story that unfolds (Genesis) is a discussion of
the various "levels" of consciousness.

What the writer of Genesis is trying to convey is: "What I am about to relate
concerns the subject of the creation of mans consciousness." The writer will go
on in verse 2, which is a continuation of the introduction, to describe where mans
consciousness came from. He will then, beginning with verse 3, to relate the how.

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In verse 1 the writer is using the meaning of God in its broadest sense (i.e., All
That Is). That is, everything that was, whatever it was, had to be lumped into
something which represented the unknown, something greater than man.

"Created" Is a synthetic and spatially-constructive concept associated with the

right hemisphere of the mind, or that which was in tune with the inward authority
of God and therefore was understood by the bicameral mind. Therefore, creation
may have been relayed to the bicameral man by his inner voices. Conscious
man, at a later time, put it in the perspective of having it occur "in the beginning."

According to Addington "heaven" refers to the divine consciousness within while

"earth" refers to the outer manifestation or in a broader sense a consciousness of

At the time these words were written, conscious man may not have had the
knowledge or understanding of the functions of the brain and how it affects the
physical body (i.e., involuntary actions such as heart beat and breathing). What
was being referred to by bicameral man as a consciousness of reality, (a concept
that may not have been understood at that time), was written as "earth". Whether
or not ancient man understood this concept of consciousness or not, may never be
known. Modern man has, however, interpreted "earth" literally as earth, or what
is manifested in physical form. Since creation in the physical sense parallels
creation in the conscious sense, accepting the interpretation, as modern man does
today, is not wrong; it is just incomplete and misses the primary meaning.

2. And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the
deep; and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Before the earth and man existed (reality) the only consciousness that
existed was that which comprises All That Is. From this "deep" a
Universal Consciousness (Spirit of God) came into being.

Bicameral man relied on thoughts coming from his inner voices as inspiration in
order to understand creativity. This verse is an introduction showing that there is
something greater than man, all knowing, -all powerful, -all everything. The
"earth" represented physical reality which did not yet exist and the "deep"
represented the concept of All That Is. Movement over the surface represents a
Universal Consciousness coming into existence from the deep.

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Whereas the first verse introduces the concept that in the beginning there existed a
consciousness which represented All That Is, this verse directs the focus of
creation from a more general "All That Is" to a more specific Universal
Consciousness which comes from, and is a part of All That Is, but is directed
specifically to the development of man.

The "deep" represents the consciousness of All That Is, which is unknown; that
which man does not understand. The "darkness" represents the knowledge and
wisdom of All That Is, surfacing from the deep. "Waters" according to Addington
refer to a fluid mind, movement in consciousness, where "Spirit of God" refers to
the breath of life. God moving over the face of the waters refers to the
development of a Universal Consciousness; as the darkness was over the surface
of the deep, so was the Spirit of God over the face (surface) of the waters.

3. Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.

Spiritual illumination (knowledge and understanding) come from the
Universal Consciousness and are made manifest as the Enlightened
Consciousness. The Enlightened Consciousness was conceived.

Verses (3-5) describe the development of the spiritual aspects of consciousness.

Bicameral man believed that his inner voices were saying, through this verse, that
an enlightened consciousness was brought into being. This enlightened
consciousness is a representation of divine illumination (i.e., that which represents
the wisdom and understanding parts of consciousness). "Light" is a synonym for
God, denoting divine or spiritual illumination, also wisdom and understanding.

4. And God saw that light was good; and God separated the light from the

The Divine Consciousness is a true representation of the Universal
Consciousness (i.e., God reflects on God). The Enlightened
Consciousness, which supplies divine inspiration, was separated from the
unknown portion of the Universal Consciousness.

The Divine Consciousness represents what god knows and what man can access
through his subconscious mind. The darkness represents the unknown or infinite
wisdom and knowledge of All That Is, which must be supplied by the Universal

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Consciousness to man through hallucinations and visions (i.e., bicameral mans

inner voices).

The bicameral man believed God supplied that which he could not understand
from that which covers the deep (darkness). That is, what he lacked from his own
thought process, he received by direction from God.

5. And God called the light day and the darkness he called night. And there
was evening and there was morning, one day.

Wisdom and understanding are within the Divine Consciousness, and from
the darkness (All That Is) will come understanding of the things that
remain unknown (not yet understood). And there was feeling (emotion)
and there was inspiration, a unique consciousness.

"Light" represents wisdom and understanding; a function of the Divine

Consciousness which is represented by "day". From verse 2 we see that darkness
represents the knowledge of the unknown from All That Is (i.e., that which is
emerging from the deep). What the Divine Consciousness needs in order to
comprehend must be supplied from a deeper consciousness and this occurs in the
bicameral mind through hallucinations or communications directly from God (All
That Is). This verse is concluded by stating that at this point in creation there is
established a unique consciousness (one day) which understands/controls
emotions (evening) and inspiration/intuition (morning). This is the source of
mans subconscious mind.

The bicameral man could relate the terms "day" (what he could see) and "night"
(what he could not see). Day and night represent the separation of feelings,
inspiration, knowledge, and wisdom from the unknown or hallucinated state.

6. Then God said, "Let there be an expanse in the mist of the waters, and let
it separate the waters from the waters.

Let there be a consciousness of firmness within the Universal
Consciousness and let this consciousness be separated from the Universal

Waters refer to movements in consciousness. At this point in creation the

Universal Consciousness and, from it, the Divine Consciousness had been

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created. This verse affirms the need for a consciousness of firmness, or in other
words the Physical Consciousness

7. And God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below
the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so.

Thoughts of divine inspiration created the Physical Consciousness which
was separated from the Universal Consciousness, and this was physical
consciousness manifested as the spiritual mind.

With this verse comes the creation of the Physical Consciousness, out of, and
separated from, the Universal Consciousness. Dividing the waters from the
waters means selecting the specific idea (Physical Consciousness) from the midst
of the multiplicity of ideas (consciousness within the Universal Consciousness).
This is the creation, in spiritual form, of a consciousness which will later be
conceived as reality.

8. And God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was
morning, a second day.

This is the divine consciousness, manifest within the spiritual mind. And
through desire and inspiration was created a dual consciousness, which is
the spiritual mind.

The spiritual mind consists of a divine consciousness, a consciousness of the

"unknown", and a physical consciousness which will later be manifested in man
as 1) his subconscious mind, which is responsible for intuitive processes, and 2)
his conscious mind which responds to the physical world.

9. Then God said, "Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one
place, and let the dry land appear"; and it was so.

The Universal Consciousness through the Physical Consciousness within
the spiritual mind focused its thoughts, such that there was an awareness
of that which was unfolding, which was devoid of self awareness,
thoughts, and ideas (i.e., physical reality).

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The Universal Consciousness through the Physical Consciousness establishes the

concept of a physical reality. The "waters below the heavens" refers to the
physical reality. "Gathered" means to consolidate uniquely or to focus. The
"land" is an awareness of consciousness unfolding at different levels whereas
"dry" refers to, "devoid of, or not requiring, thought or ideas. "This I interpret as
inanimate things without the need of self awareness, or in other words, physical

10. And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters He
called seas; and God saw that it was good.

This ‘consciousness’ which was conceived as the outer manifestation, and
the thoughts focused by this consciousness, were conceived by the
Universal Consciousness; Reality was as the Universal Consciousness

The "dry land", as in the previous verse, is consciousness which is unfolding

devoid of, or not requiring, thoughts or ideas and "earth" is the outer
manifestation of this consciousness. "Gathering of the waters", as in the previous
verse, refers to the thoughts which are focused by this consciousness which are
brought forth (called) by the "sea" which is the Universal Consciousness of the
mind. "And it was good" refers to the Universal Consciousness reflecting upon
itself. That is, reality is as was imagined or conceived by the Universal
Consciousness. Physical consciousness unfolds as an inanimate (not requiring
thought) physical reality (earth), under the oversight of Universal Consciousness.

11. Then God said, "Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and
the fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind, with seed in them, on the earth"; and it
was so.

Growth of the outwardly manifested consciousness (Learning to grow)
comes from ideas and thoughts springing from original thoughts and
through imitation or copying and developing new thoughts from this, and
this was manifested in consciousness.

What later manifests as the earth’s flora was first conceived in thought by the
Universal Consciousness. Sprouting from the earth means that which comes forth
from the outwardly manifested consciousness (i.e., learning). "Vegetation" means
growth. Sprouting forth from the earth’s vegetation means, "Learning to grow

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consciously". The phrase "plants yielding seed" represents ideas (seeds)

sprouting from the original thought (plant), and fruit after their kind means to
copy or to learn by mimicking.

12 And the earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind,
and trees bearing fruit, with seed in them, after their kind; and God saw that it was


Physical reality and development on earth parallels Physical

Consciousness; Universal Consciousness sees in reality its

What has been conceived by Physical Consciousness as flora, in verse 11, has
materialized in physical reality on the earth. Mans' conscious learning will come
from copying and mimicking what he observes in physical reality.

13. And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.

Through desire and inspiration a wholeness consisting of the Universal
Consciousness of God, the Divine Consciousness of man, and Physical
Consciousness; has been created.

This describes the creation of the Spirit of God, Divine Consciousness

(subconscious mind) within the spiritual mind, and consciousness of physical
reality (conscious mind). God, within, without [spirit, mental (mind), physical
(body)] - trinity.

The root of the word health is the Greek holos, meaning "whole," and this is also
the original meaning of the Anglo-Saxon word “well”. Moreover, the word holy
comes from the same root. The healthy or well person should, therefore, be a
whole person, one fully developed and integrated in mind, body and spirit. And
the truly whole person would also be a holy person, spiritually mature, that is,

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14. Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to
separate the day from the night, and let them be for the signs, and for seasons, and
for days and years;

Let there be wisdom and understanding in the consciousness within the
mind which shall differentiate between the Divine Consciousness and that
which is unknown or not understood and let this wisdom be for an
understanding of those things which point to facts (signs), cycles, and for

"days and years" - Since the concept of time was not known to the bicameral
thinker, I suspect "years" is an added feature by conscious writers. "Days",
however, when considered as representing a divine consciousness, does fit in the
verse. Days (plural) may indicate repeated divine consciousness, enlightenment,
or learned.

This verse means that the consciousness within the spiritual mind is capable of
understanding and differentiating between 1) observed facts, 2) cyclical
occurrences such as cycles found in nature, and things which remain unknown or
mysterious which are hallucinated through rhythmical inner voices, and 3) those
things which are learned by the enlightened consciousness. This is represented in
man as his subconscious mind.

15. …and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the
earth; and it was so.

…and let wisdom and understanding in the conscious mind within be for
understanding on the matters of physical consciousness; and this was
manifested in consciousness.

Verse 14 establishes the wisdom in the spiritual mind to understand the conscious
activities within (i.e., subconscious mind), and verse 15 adds understanding to
that which goes on outside of the spiritual minds consciousness in the physical
world (i.e., conscious mind).

16. And God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and
the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also.

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God conceived the two states of conscious awareness with a dominant
consciousness being the divine consciousness and a non-dominant
consciousness being the unknown; spiritual illumination was also made.

"Two" represents the consciousness as great lights; one greater or more dominant
than the other. The dominate controls the learned functions while the non-
dominate side controls the thoughts of the unknown or the knowledge which
comes directly from the Universal Consciousness in the form of hallucinations
and visions. The stars represent a spiritual enlightenment or the recognition of
God (Universal Consciousness) as God. "He made the stars also.", could be
translated as shown, however, the way in which it is placed here makes one
wonder if it wasn't an after-thought, by the later writers, who felt a need to add the
other physical bodies seen in the sky since they would assume that God could not
have overlooked them. This literary license would have been understandable if
the verse was meant to be taken literally.

17. And God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the

God placed the two states of awareness in the conscious mind within, to
provide understanding of physical reality.

The dominant and non-dominant states of awareness conceived in the previous

verse form the spiritual mind. These two states perform the functions of the mind
as it pertains to knowledge and understanding of physical reality.

18. …and to govern the day and the night and to separate the light from the
darkness; and God saw that it was good.

This means: to control (govern) the Divine Consciousness (day) as well as
the unknown (night), and to separate wisdom and knowledge (light) from
that which is unknown (darkness).

This is the separation and placement of the intuitive functions and the functions
which are not known (i.e., hallucinated voices and images) within the conscious
mind. This is the creation of the bicameral mind.

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The levels of spiritual consciousness were conceived by the Universal

Consciousness. These were later embodied in the physical two hemisphere mind
which can think, reason, and learn from its emotional and analytical aspects, as
augmented by hallucinatory assistance from the Universal Consciousness (God).

19. And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.

Through Gods feeling and inspiration a perfect balance has been
accomplished. There is an exact parallel between physical reality on earth
and the divine consciousness within.

The overall consciousness stems from a consciousness that is All That Is and
encompasses the various thought processes which occur, namely 1) reasoning; 2)
thoughts related to the physical side of life such as those related to involuntary
actions; and 3) thoughts which seem to come out of nowhere which we term
inspirational. These stem from the emotions and desires of man. This has been
the most confusing to understand until the discovery of Jaynes. - The "darkness"
referred to in the Old Testament was the existence of audio and visual
hallucinations in the mind of bicameral man. Over the millennia this function
diminished and was eventually replaced by what Jaynes has termed mans'
subjective consciousness.

20. Then God said, "Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly
above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.”

Then God said, Let the fluid mind produce and be filled with thoughts
and ideas of life and existence, and let the liberated thoughts and ideas be
relegated to higher levels of the outer manifestation in the vastness of the
realm of divine ideas. (i.e., Universal Consciousness)

This is a description of the conception of the thought process. That is, the fluid
mind is filled (swarms) with thoughts of life and existence (living creatures) and
the liberated/other thoughts (birds) (i.e., those thoughts not under the auspices of
the Divine Consciousness or not requiring reasoning were relegated to the other
levels of consciousness. "that which is above the earth in the open expanse,"
could represent the Universal Consciousness or perhaps all other consciousness,
except physical.

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This may imply that man could have been constrained to his thoughts of existence
and all other thoughts were relegated to or directed by God through hallucinations
within the bicameral mind. Man would be too bent on survival to have to worry
about anything else. Further, when man takes physical form, the functions of the
mind which control the involuntary actions of the body would also fall under this

21. And God created the great sea monsters, and every living creature that
moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird
after its kind; and God saw that it was good.

God created a dominant force within the deep Universal Consciousness,
and learning of the thoughts of existence by filling the mind through
copying, and through involuntary thoughts in Gods own way.

The concept of motion is interpreted in this verse (i.e., that moves, winged,
swarmed after) as that which repeats or goes forward or learns or teaches. The
term "monster" is deduced to represent the hallucinated voices/images heard by
bicameral mind. Since there is no such thing as monsters, it is necessary to try to
determine what ancient man could mean by this term. I propose that it meant
something unknown or uncontrollable, and may have even been frightening at
times. His inner voices/images which he had no control over nor could he
explain, seem to fall under this loose definition. This verse then would take on
the meaning that even though learning comes from repetition and copying, the
dominant force is mans inner voice which teaches/instructs him on how to exist.

22. And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the
waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth."

God provided for the development of consciousness by increasing in many
ways the thoughts of the fluid mind by supplying what was needed from
what was in the deep universal conscious mind and ideas in the conscious
mind with the things needed from the outer manifestation.

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23. And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.

Through feeling and inspiration came the integration between the
conscious mind and the unique spiritual consciousness which speaks to

Verses 20 - 22 describe how the thought process is developed by the conscious

mind and how learning takes place within the mind (Physical Consciousness and
Divine Consciousness) as augmented by the spiritual consciousness. The "fifth
day" is a combination of the fourth day (perfect balance of the conscious mind)
and one day (unique spiritual consciousness).

24. Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind:
cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind"; and it was so.

Thoughts of life and existence, thoughts based on sensations and strength,
and subtle thoughts, and sensuous or material thoughts which are learned
through imitation and copying come from physical reality.

25. And God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after
their kind, and every thing that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God
saw that it was good.

Thoughts are turned to reality. Reality reflects the thought.

After first conceiving of a spirit, which was brought about in consciousness, and
describing the interaction of the mental and physical aspects of consciousness as
well as the learning process, this verse and the following describe the beginning
of living animal reality from that which was conceived in consciousness. The
thought-form dwelt upon by the mind may eventually be perceived in the
physical world as an actual physical form, as an attitude or conscious idea, or as
an action, influence, or effect.

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26. Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our
likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky
and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that
creeps on the earth."

Then the Universal Consciousness created man in the image of the
Enlightened Consciousness and the Physical Consciousness, partaking of
the very nature of God (having inherent within himself all of the attributes
of Gods different consciousness); let the Physical and Enlightened
consciousness (them) have dominion over ideas drawn from the deep
conscious mind and over ideas in the conscious mind, over sensual
thoughts, over all the outer manifestations (physical reality), and over all
hidden mysteries of reality and nature.

The terms: "Us", "Our image", and "them" have been confusing. Since we
have been taught there is but one God, how could this verse refer to "Us"
and "Our" which is clearly the plural? With this translated understanding
of the Chapter I text, this becomes clear. The plurality stems from the
different levels of consciousness that come from All That Is. The Divine
Consciousness, which represents the knowledge and understanding of the
spiritual consciousness and the Physical Consciousness, which represents
the reality aspects of the spiritual consciousness, make up the "Us" and
"Our image". The image is of the two states of spiritual consciousness
which "rule" over all the thoughts available from the various sources.

27. And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created
him; male and female He created them.

God conceived man in spiritual consciousness, in physical form he created
him; with a conscious mind to reason and analyze; and which is creative
and has feeling.

28. And God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply,
and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds
of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

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God provided for the development of the conscious mind by increasing in
many ways the thoughts of physical reality by supplying, for the taking by
man, what was needed from ideas from the deep Universal Consciousness,
thoughts not requiring reasoning and from learning of life and existence
from his physical surroundings.

29. Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is
on the surface of the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be
food for you;

Observe, you have everything which is pertinent to reasoning based upon
the physical world, and everything which is pertinent to thoughts of the
awareness of God;

30. …and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to
everything that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant
for food"; and it was so.

…and everything of material thoughts of the physical world and free
thoughts of the spirit, and to go forward and learn of life and of spiritual

Verses 29 & 30 are a summation of what God has provided for man. That is, what
God has made available for Mans physical and spiritual development. Verse 30
ends by saying, take what I have given you and go forth and grow. The meaning
of Life is to grow intellectually and spiritually.

31. And God saw all that He made, and behold, it was very good. And there was
evening and there was morning, the sixth day.


"Reality of man was as conceived through spiritual thought. And through

desire and inspiration was made complete. "The process beginning with

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spiritual conception, the development of both physical and mental

consciousness, creation of physical reality - both living and non-living, the
process of thought and learning, is made complete with the creation of

Table 4-1 gives an abbreviated interpretation of each of the verses of Genesis,

Chapter 1.

The meanings of the day numbers 1, 3, 4, 6 as suggested by Addington 22, and

definitions for verse 2 and verse 5 which I have taken the liberty to define, are
also shown with their corresponding verses.

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Verse Day Meaning of Verse Meaning of Day Numbers

1 All That Is
2 Universal Consciousness
3 Divine Consciousness conceived
4 Consciousness of the Unknown created
5 1 Intuition, inspiration,
Unique Consciousness
6 Physical Consciousness conceived
7 Physical Consciousness created
8 2 Spiritual Mind/ duality
9 Physical Reality conceived
10 Physical Reality unfolds (Earth)
11 Flora conceived
12 Flora created
13 3 Spirit, Mental, Physical
14 Subconscious reasoning
15 Conscious understanding
16 Hierarchy of consciousness
17 Two hemisphere mind
18 Bicameral mind
19 4 Perfect balance,
20 Thought process
21 Learning sources
22 Learning from wisdom
23 5 Subconscious and
24 Fauna conceived
25 Fauna created
26 Man conceived
27 Man created
28 Learning from Physical Reality
29 Summation of Creation
30 Meaning of life, Intellectual & Spiritual growth
31 6 Reality
2- Finished, complete,
1,2,3 7 perfection,

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Creation is essentially the union of intelligence with substance.

Through the presence of consciousness,
dumb matter speaks and appears to be alive.

- Ruth Montgomery36

Stories of creation describe a process by which the universe and eventually the
Earth and its inhabitants were formed. These stories are found in the mythology
of virtually all civilizations from all parts of the globe dating at least as far back as
4000 - 3000 BC from the time of the Sumerians and if Churchward 2 is correct,
back to 15000 - 50000 years ago. These stories have been passed down through
the ages initially by word of mouth, through inscriptions on tablets and structures,
and ultimately through the written language. These stories have been studied;
dissected and put back together; and interpreted and redefined by modern day
religious writers, leaders and teachers, psychics, story tellers, and researchers.

A comparison of four myths of creation is given in Table 5-1.

These myths include: 1) the Naacal Tablets from India 4, c. 15000 BC, 2) the
version found on Babylonian tablets called the Enuma Elish, c. 1900 BC, 3) the
Hebrew story found in the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament, c. 900 BC, and
4) the Maya/Aztec version as transcribed in the Popol Vuh 25, c. 300 BC. It is
speculated that the Maya/Aztec account is from a much older
civilization, such as the Olmec or even their predecessors, at a
time unknown. The Enuma Elish account was recited at least up through the
Babylonian era, c. 1600-500 BC. The first six tablets describe the creation of the
heavens and the Earth and all upon the Earth including Man. The seventh tablet
exalts the Babylonian deity Marduk. Included in Table 5-1 is a column which
describes events which are supported by modern day scientific observations and
theories. The modern-day findings are remarkably similar to the
information found in the four creation stories.

It can be seen from the comparison in Table 5-1 that all stories
have sufficient similarities (i.e., phrases, terms, numbers, and
descriptions) to speculate that they may have come from a

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common source. The wording is too much alike to consider that

these stories came about by mere coincidence. Also, the
sequence of the creation events is consistent throughout all four
stories. While the sequence could be ascribed as a logical
thought process common to any civilization, it would be
surprising that this same logic would independently surface from
different places throughout the Earth at times over thousands of
years apart.

The stories all begin with a primordial state of nothingness where

nothing stirs; a void consisting of darkness, no form, no sound,
and no life. This is consistent with the Big-Bang theory which
postulates that creation occurred some 14 billion years ago. The
stories describe the solar system as being formed in different manners including:
by mythological characters, by celestial bodies in collision, and through the
condensation of gases into solids forming the planets, as theorized by modern
science. The source of creation is described in 1) the
Sumerian/Akkadian/Babylonian/Assyrian Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish) as the
planet Nibiru from beyond our solar system (the deep); 2) is described in the Old
Testament as being from ‘The Deep’; 3) is described in the Popol Vuh as being
from the “Black Cleft of the Milky Way” (road of Xibalba); 4) is described in
Vedic mythology as being from celestial space; and 5) is described in Egyptian
creation stories with the basic assumption that before the beginning of things there
was a primeval abyss of water, everywhere, endless, and without boundaries or

The descriptions of the formation of the solar system offered by

these mythologies all involve a separation and gathering of
waters, gasses, and solid material. They all refer to a separation
of sky/heaven and earth. The Sumerian and Mesoamerican
accounts, which are from civilizations a half a world apart, both
use the terms Hurricane, Wind, and Lightening/Thunderbolt in
describing creation. According to modern-day science, the solar
system was formed some 4.4 billion years ago and the Earth
formed 4 billion years ago. It is believed that following the
formation of the planets, the surface effects were chaotic
consisting of volcanism, earthquakes, high winds, and the
presence of large amounts of water. The descriptions offered by
the Sumerian and Mesoamerican civilizations describe similar
events through the use of different, yet similar terms.

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There are many common terms used in each of these stories. The number seven is
found in all creation stories as either the number of days it took for creation as
described in the Old Testament; or by the mythological characters Seven Death
and Seven Hanahpu, which means creation in the original language of the Maya;
or by the Seven Headed Serpent/Seven Superlative Intellects/ Seven Commands,
as described by the Naacals; or by the physical collision of seven celestial
bodies/moons, as described by the Sumerians. While most of the stories refer to
creation as being performed by gods or mythological characters, the Sumerian
text refers to creation as a result of natural processes.

Some of the earliest writings come from the Sumerian civilization

which resided in the area of Mesopotamia, c. 3500 BC and which
were passed on to the Akkadians c. 2400 BC and later on to the
Babylonians c. 1600 BC. An interpretation of these writings has
been made by Sitchin 37. His interpretation of the tablets results
in a story which describes the creation of Man as the result of the
efforts made by a race from another planet which orbits our Sun
at a great distance. His story is consistent throughout and can be
tied to many historical, archaeological, and astronomical facts.
While there are a great many skeptics who do not accept Sitchin’s
theory, a February 2000 article written in “Astronomy”, V28,i2, p
24 by David Graham titled “Solar System May Possess 10th
Planet” states “British and American astronomers independently
have found evidence of a possible 10th planet; a body perhaps
three times the mass of Jupiter.” The article goes on to state “an
unseen object orbits the sun at a distance of perhaps 3-trillion
miles and is inclined from the plane of the innermost eight
planets by approximately 30 degrees”. The article also leaves
open the possibility that the planet could have been captured
from interstellar space. This was discovered in an area referred to
as the Oort Cloud. During the summer of 2005 a group of
astronomers consisting of Michael E. Brown of the California
Institute of Technology, David Rabinowitz of Yale University, and
Chadwick Trujillo of the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii announced
they have discovered the solar system’s 10th planet. Could this
be the planet Nibiru? If this planet is Nibiru then the ramifications
on our current religious philosophies will require a monumental
change in our approach to life.

The discovery of Charon, a satellite orbiting Pluto, has lead

astronomers to recalculate the size of Pluto consequently finding

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it much smaller than previously supposed. Two more moons have

been discovered using the Hubble Telescope. These moons are
currently un-named. This taken together with observed
perturbations of Uranus and Neptune supports the findings of a
new massive object in the solar system, since the perturbations of
these two planets can no longer be attributed to Pluto alone.
Further, in a paper38, researchers Nadis, Stern, Canup, and Durda
suggest a collision gave rise to Charon, Pluto’s largest moon as
well as the fragments known as a “family” in the Kuiper Belt
orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune.

Table 5-2 is a chronology of the Anunnaki following the story line

prepared by Sitchin. This Sumerian account places the first
coming of the Anunnaki at 120 Sars before the deluge (i.e.,
443200 BC). Based on the orbital period of Nibiru of 3600 years
presented by Sitchin, this places the Anunnaki on Earth at the
time of the deluge which according to their account was 11000
BC. The date 10468 BC is referenced in Naacal mythology as
being the date of a great catastrophe. This time frame is
coincident with the timing of the end of the last ice age. The
table also provides a comparison between the Anunnaki rendition
and the events recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Archaeological evidence indicates that early forms of hominids

existed as early as 2.5 million years ago which evolved into a
species of archaic Homo sapiens some 500 thousand years ago.
The Akkadian tablets, known as the Atrahasis, refer to the
existence of a primitive being at the time of the arrival of the
Anunnaki some 300-400 thousand years ago. Archaeologists
believe that the ancestors of modern man evolved 100-120
thousand years ago39, 40. This is also found in the Sumerian
myths as the time the Anunnaki created a species of workers to
carry out the tasks of manual labor. According to the Enuma
Elish myth, a large planet from outer space was to have been
captured into orbit by the Sun. This planet was named Nibiru by
the Sumerians and later renamed Marduk by the Babylonians in
honor of their national god. The tablets refer to Seven satellites
of Nibiru as seven winds, two of which were to have collided with
the no longer existing planet Tiamet resulting in their destruction
and the creation of Earth. The Sumerians described Tiamet as a watery
planet which lost much of its water during its collision with the moons of Nibiru.

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The presence of water on Earth and within comets was to have originated from
this watery planet. The collision split Tiamet in half creating the
Earth, the Moon and the asteroid belt as Nibiru passed Tiamet
and passed around the Sun. Coming from behind the Sun, on a
second pass of Tiamet, the myth relates, “her skull was struck by
the Nibiru satellite North Wind; the blow carried it to places that
have been unknown-to a brand new orbit where there had not
been a planet before” (i.e., formation of Earth). The Sumerian
creation story also describes the formation of comets as well as the affects on the
orbits, rotations, and orientations of the outer planets of the solar system.

Descriptions of the other planets within the solar system have

been recorded in the mythologies of the Sumerians, the
Egyptians, the Chinese, and the Mayas. These civilizations not
only observed the planetary motions, they also record
parameters that modern astronomy is just now beginning to
fathom. While the synodic cycles of the planets could have been
observed from Earth, properties such as color, water content and
the presence of moons were also known. These properties could
not have been observed from Earth by these civilizations. A
Sumerian tablet is believed to depict the presence of all the
planets in the solar system which implies that even the presence
of Pluto was known to the Sumerians 4500 years ago, yet its
presence was only discovered by modern astronomers in 1930

On the other side of the globe from the Sumerians, the ancient civilizations of
Mesoamerica also had their ideas of creation. These are recorded in the Popol
Vuh, a Mayan text translated into Spanish in 1701 AD. These civilizations
developed in the areas of central and southern Mexico including the Gulf Coast
and Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, El Salvador and part of Honduras, Nicaragua,
and northern Costa Rica. Ancient civilizations of Central America included the
people arbitrarily named the Olmecs, Mayas, Toltecs, and Aztecs. The Maya and
Aztec civilizations are believed to stem from the older legendary civilization of
the Olmec, of which very little is known. It is believed that the Olmecs once
inhabited the Tabasco region of Mexico and then about 300 BC their civilization
vanished. This region of Tabasco features the oldest pyramids so far found in the
Americas. The origins of this civilization are lost in time but are believed to go
back to at least 3000 BC peaking around 1200 BC. Origins extending to ages
much further back in time are certainly possible.

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Other civilizations existed in the South American Andes contemporaneously with

the Central American civilizations. The area of the Andes includes the coastal and
lowland areas as well as highlands of western South America. These civilizations
included the Chav’n, Nazca, Moche, Tiwanaku, Wari, Chimor, and the Inca 40.
The Moche and Nazca peoples were contemporaries of the Maya while the Inca
were contemporaries of the Aztec. Each had their stories of creation and stories
of divinely inspired leaders who taught their people their history regarding
ancestral beliefs and who led them to greatness.

The civilizations of Mesoamerica existed contemporaneously with the European

civilizations of the Dark Ages. Unlike the Europeans, at that time, the
civilizations of South and Central America were expert astronomers. However,
unlike the Europeans, the people of Mesoamerica went beyond the initial creation
of the world and described what they believed had been a series of creation-
destruction cycles before the present, the fifth creation.

When compared with stories of other civilizations, as can be seen in Table 5-1, the
Mesoamerican stories contain much the same meaning. The Mesoamerican
account refers to Seven Death, Seven Hanahpu (creation) as
mythological characters who encounter rulers of the unseen
world. This I suggest is equivalent to the capture of Nibiru from
space (the deep) and its approach to Tiamet, a watery planet
orbiting the Sun. During the resulting encounter between Seven
Death, Seven Hanahpu and the rulers of the unseen world, the
severed head of Hunahpu (remaining portion of Tiamet) was
placed in a tree fork, at the place of the encounter (the place
where Tiamet and a moon of Nibiru collided). This I suggest is
equivalent to the splitting in half of Tiamet on the first pass of
Nibiru. The Maya account goes on to state “Hanahpu (Tiamet)
and Xbalanque (moon of Nibiru) return and Hanahpu looses his
arm”. This I suggest refers to a collision of the remnants of
Tiamet and a second moon of Nibiru, possibly resulting in the
creation of the asteroid belts. The account goes on to state:
“They return again with grandfather/grandmother (Nibiru) and
destroy Seven Macaw (major remnant of Tiamet) and reestablish
Hanahpu who rises as Venus.” This I suggest is equivalent to the
second pass of Nibiru which results in another collision with the
major remnants of Tiamet. The Sumerian account attributes the
creation of Earth at its new/present orbit, and the Mayan account
attributes the birth of Venus as a result of this encounter. The
Naacal account refers to seven superlative intellectuals/seven

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headed serpent as being responsible for creation. This I suggest

is equivalent to the seven moons of Nibiru.

All four accounts imply that the Sun existed at the time the Earth
was formed. The Mayan account refers to Seven Macaw as being
the pretender of the Sun and Moon. This I speculate means that
our present moon existed prior to creation of the Earth, perhaps
as a proto-planet or as a moon of Tiamet.

One of the most significant similarities is that the stories all

describe the use of clay in the formation of Man. The Sumerian story
inscribed on clay tablets reports that the god Enki was to have said to his mother
Nammu "Reach up and take a handful of clay from the bottom of the earth, just
above the surface of our watery abyss, and shape it to the form of a heart. I shall
produce good and princely craftsmen who will bring that clay to the right
consistency. And then do thou shape the limbs. Above thee the Earth-mother, my
goddess-spouse, will be in labor, and eight goddesses of birth will be at hand to
assist. Thou shalt name the newborn's fate. The Earth-mother will have fixed the
image of the gods upon it. And what it will be is Man." Modern science also has
an explanation of how clay could have played an important role in creation.
Science has demonstrated that simple amino acids deposited on
nickel and nucleotides deposited on zinc begin to form chains
necessary for more complex life, when deposited on clay. Clay
also has the property that it is able to store and transfer energy,
a necessary requirement for the formation of life.

Several requirements for life to begin are discussed in these

stories. The Earth must rotate in order to establish the cycles of
day, night, seasons, and years; all of which effect biological
cycles. The need for light and lightening interacting with water
are also described. Modern science has also shown the need for
light and charge/lightening as being necessary ingredients for
the creation of life. Modern day scientific theories describe the early
evolution of life as beginning in the seas and eventually moving to dry land. The
seas provide the necessary amino acids and nucleotides and when stimulated by
light or lightning produce bacteria and green algae.

The stories also recognize that plants and green herbage are
required before man can show his presence. Until the atmosphere
surrounding the land was cleared of toxic gases and replaced with oxygen, life as
we know it today could not exist. Modern science has determined that

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the presence of bacteria and green algae are required to create

oxygen in order to make the atmosphere habitable for Man to
breathe. The initial atmosphere on Earth was largely carbon
dioxide which would have been poisonous to man.

An Akkadian text, referred to as The Atrahasis Epic, describes several attempts at

the creation of Man eventually leading to the creation of Homo sapiens-sapiens.
The first attempt was to clone a primitive worker and was to have occurred
approximately 300,000 years ago. The second attempt was to have occurred
250,000 - 270,000 years ago resulting in the creation of man and woman.
Another attempt was made approximately 110,000 years ago most likely resulting
in Neanderthal Man. The final attempt resulting in the creation of Homo sapiens-
sapiens is reported to have occurred approximately 98,000 years ago. In one
hundred lines of the Atrahasis text, and in several other "Creation of Man" texts
that have been discovered, the tale of genetic engineering and embryo-implant has
been told in amazing detail. This required the sperm from the Anunnaki male and
the egg of an evolved woman (perhaps Homo erectus) which was implanted in the
Anunnaki female. This account compares quite well with the dates
assigned to the fossils of ancient man by archaeologists. As can
be seen in Table 5-2, these dates for the creation of Man coincide with the
3,600 year cycle of Nibiru. It seems that the key to stories of creation are tied to
the presence or absence of the planet Nibiru and its inhabitants, the Anunnaki.
Who then were the Anunnaki and what is the story of their creation - All That Is?

The science of genetic engineering using the DNA of the Anunnaki and an
existing primitive earth being is very interesting in light of the recent discoveries
pertaining to DNA, the decoding of the human genome, and the successful genetic
engineering being performed on plant and animal species today. If the Sumerian
epic is true, then, was man created by the Anunnaki and not by God as we define
god today? While the stories, as relayed by Sitchin 42 make interesting reading,
the question of who created the Anunnaki has not been addressed. This leaves
open the possibility that there is a god, although not necessarily the god as
described by today’s religious philosophies.

Recent studies of the genetic code which describes ancient man prior to his
exodus from Africa point to a non-African race exodus from Africa resulting in a
population of the non-African world. The term used to describe this event is
COL1A2 polymorphism which arose as a result of a deletion, and is a single event
in the evolution of the human species. Insertions and deletions are one of the
major sources of DNA sequence variations. This event is speculated, by genetic
researchers, to have occurred 100,000 years ago or coincident with the Sumerian

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report of the final creation of Homo-sapiens-sapiens approximately 98,000 years


Studies of a section of the Y-chromosome passed down from father to son in 38

men from around the world point to the possibility that they all descended from a
common male ancestor about 270,000 years ago. The timing fits closely with that
reported by the Sumerians. Researchers looking into the mitochondrial DNA
(mtDNA), passed down mother-to-daughter, found that 147 women of different
races from Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and New Guinea all descended from a
common 200,000 year old African population. Studies have been performed of
the mtDNA of the Indian populations from Arizona, the Yucatan, and the Amazon
Basin. These show genetic links which point to a shared common ancestor
approximately 15,000 - 30,000 years ago. Researchers have compared the
Neanderthal DNA sequence extracted from Neanderthal skeletons to the DNA
sequences for 994 modern human lineage’s, which, included Africans, Asians,
Australians, Europeans, Native Americans and Pacific Islanders. As a result of
this comparison, the geneticists concluded that Neanderthals and modern humans
did not interbreed or evolve from one another. The genes appear to have diverged
from the modern human lineage about 600,000 years ago, way too early for the
Neanderthal and Homo sapien-sapien to have interbred. If this is so then there
had to have been different means for the creation of these two separate human

According to German physical anthropologist Gunter Brauer, there were at least

three forms of Homo sapiens in sub-Saharan Africa. An archaic Homo sapiens
form, which evolved from Homo erectus populations, was distributed from
southern to northeast Africa some 200,000 years ago. These populations
flourished between 150,000 and 100,000 years ago. Bauer further inferred that
the biological developments that led to the appearance of modern humans had run
their course as early as between 100,000 and 70,000 years ago. Brauer’s beliefs
are quite similar to the information revealed by the Sumerian Tablets, c. 3500 BC.
The time period of 70,000 to 80,000 years ago referred to by Brauer has recently
surfaced in a study of mtDNA which points to a reduction in the genetic variation
of man indicating a dramatic reduction in population size to a level of a few
thousand people worldwide. It is postulated that a near extinction of the human
race occurred at this time. The cause of this near extinction is attributed to the
eruption of Mt. Toba, a super-volcano located in the Sumatra caldera, causing a
worldwide drop in temperature of approximately 5 degrees Celsius. A similar
caldera has recently been identified in Yellowstone as a result of observations of
the change in elevation of the Yellowstone Lake shorelines.

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The recent decoding of the human genome shows genetic manipulation can
successfully be accomplished. Why could we not believe that manipulation of the
genes has happened before - possibly by an advanced civilization no longer
remembered? To create a human as we know today is not within the realm of
possibility based upon what we know today. It may not have been known by the
‘gods’ initially, either - resulting in Neanderthal, Cro- Magnon, and Homo Sapien
before the successful creation of the Homo sapien-sapien species. Man today is
quite possibly a result of genetic experimentation/engineering by the “gods” plus
many thousands of years of prior evolution.

In more recent times, Dr. Carl Sagan 43 had suggested that the ancient Sumerians
may have had contact with space people. He cites evidence from Sumerian
mythology. “Taken at face value, the legend suggests that contact occurred
between human beings and a non-human civilization of immense powers on the
shores of the Persian Gulf, perhaps the site of the ancient city of Eridu, and in the
fourth millennium BC or earlier.”

As can be observed from Table 5-1 the Old Testament account of creation is not
unlike the other three accounts. The over zealousness of early biblical scholars to
treat the Bible literally and solely on a historical basis set Christianity on a path
which brings us to the confused state we are in today concerning our existence.
Two of the early church scholars who set the tone for creation over the last 500
years were Archbishop James Ussher (1582-1656 AD) and George-Louis Le
Clerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1789 AD).

Biblical scholarship in the seventeenth century focused on the six days of

Creation. It seemed to the religious scholars at that time both absurd and heretical
to suggest that nature had a history. What interested Biblical scholars was the
chronology of the Bible in relation to human events.

The Irish prelate James Ussher, an expert in Semitic languages, managed to

provide for the first time a generally acceptable Biblical chronology, still found in
editions of the English Bible. As a scholar of Trinity College, he collected books
for the college library. He became professor of divinity and archbishop of
Armagh. In his search for authentic Biblical texts he hired his own agent to
gather manuscripts in the Middle East and collected a famous library. In 1654 he
delivered the fruits of his lifetime of scholarship when he declared that the
Creation had occurred on October 26, 4004 BC.

The precision of this discovery and Archbishop Ussher's prestigious

documentation added weight to the widespread belief that the earth and all living

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creatures had been created within a single week only a few thousand years before
the Christian era. This view of the Creation confined history to what, by modern
geological standards, is a relatively brief time span.

The Comte de Buffon, not satisfied by Archbishop Ussher's calculations, began

his own study of the Earth's development. Buffoon set out to explain how the
Earth had come into being. Newton, his inspiration in many other ways, had
asserted that the planets, revolving in the same plane in concentric orbits in the
same direction, must have been created by God himself. It would have been
interesting to see what might have been hypothesized had they known that the
planet Venus rotates in a clockwise direction unlike the rest of the planets.
Buffoon demanded natural causes, and he came up with his own explanation. "In
order to judge what has happened, or even what will happen," he observed, "one
need only examine what is happening."

Buffon's clue for the origin of the earth was Newton's observation that "comets
occasionally fall upon the sun." When one such comet collided with the sun,
Buffoon speculated, fragments of the sun must have been knocked off into space.
Once these liquids and gases came together they formed spheres which revolved
in the same direction and in the same plane. Each of them became a planet
turning on its own axis, flattened at the poles. Based upon some speculations of
Newton, and some experimentation of his own, Buffoon was able to calculate the
age of the earth at 74,832 years. He was thus, he thought, able to offer an
experimentally verified figure whose precision rivaled the pious calculations of
Archbishop Ussher. Modern geologists have, of course, extended this figure into
the billions of years. It is reported by Buffoon himself that he thought of three
million years or more, even up to infinity could be possible. He prudently scaled
this down, he himself explained, because he did not want to shock readers so
much that they might suspect him of pure fantasy. His figure needed to be only
enough longer than Archbishop Ussher's to make plausible his modern vista as a
world of slow and constant change.

When Buffoon went on from his Theory of the Earth in the first volume of his
Natural History (1749) to his Epochs of Nature (1779), he thought he had found
that his vastly extended calendar was divided into precisely seven epochs. This
he believed gave a hitherto unsuspected metaphorical meaning to the Book of
Genesis. Seven ‘days’ became seven ‘epochs’. In the first epoch the earth and the
planets took shape. In the second epoch, as the earth solidified, the great
mountain ranges were formed, with their deposits of minerals. As the earth
cooled in the third epoch, gases and water vapors condensed, covering the whole
earth with a flood. Fishes and other marine creatures flourished in the deep

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waters. Chemical processes pulverized the "primitive vitreous material" from the
submerged mountains and made sedimentary deposits, which included organic
debris like coal. As these waters rushed into the vast subterranean openings, left
when the earth had cooled, the flood level dropped. In the fourth epoch, when
volcanoes erupted, earthquakes shook the earth, and tumbling waters reshaped the
lands. In the fifth epoch, still before the separation of the continents, land animals
appeared. In the sixth epoch, when the continents separated, the lands received
their present shape. Finally, in the seventh, the present epoch, man appeared,
heralding a new age.

Josephus, a Jewish priest, general, and later a Roman citizen (37-67 AD) provided
a history of the Jewish people in which he provided durations from the destruction
of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Romans all the way back to creation. This
chronology is provided in Table 6-4. This establishes creation c. 4670 BC, a date
not unlike that arrived at by Ussher. This is not surprising since the data used for
both dates comes from the common source, the Old Testament. The differences
could easily be attributed to the different recollections of the authors of the Bible
and Josephus.

Many modern day astronomers and physicists expound a theory that the whole
universe erupted from a microscopic particle whose size makes a grain of sand
look gigantic. This event is termed the Big Bang. While this has been a popular
theory for the creation of the universe, the laws of physics do not support the early
stages of the theory. A new theory termed superstring-theory is believed to more
accurately describe this process.

As Dr. Brian Greene states44: “superstring theory describes a universe in which

space and time are malleable, a universe with more dimensions than we see, a
universe in which the fabric of space can rip, a universe in which everything
might be composed of the vibrations of ultramicroscopic loops of energy called
strings.” A brief outline of the properties of physical matter, including string
theory, is presented in Appendix C.

A timetable for creation beginning with the Big Bang through the movement of
amphibians to inhabit the land, through the creation of early man, is as follows:

Big-Bang 14 billion years ago

Universe cools sufficiently for 70,000 years after

atoms to form. the Big-Bang

Heavier elements formed in After millions of

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a super-nova years, formed in

approx. 15 minutes

Formation of Earth 4 billion years ago

Life (simple bacteria) 3.5 billion years ago

Cells with nucleus, sexual 10-20 times longer to

reproduction form than for simple

Multicellular organism 800 million to 1 billion years ago

Plant Life on Land 450 million years ago

Amphibians move to land 400 million years ago

Man (Hominid) 5 million years ago

Fossil records show that about 100,000 years ago, several species of hominids
populated the Earth. Homo sapiens could be found in Africa and the Middle East;
Homo erectus, as typified by Java Man and Peking Man, occupied Southeast Asia
and China; and Neanderthals roamed across Europe.

As I studied the various renditions of the stories of creation, I began to wonder if

it was possible that all of these stories could be describing the same source. If
these stories could be ascribed to a common origin, then the meaning hidden
within the Genesis Model would have its roots at least extended as far back in
time as the origin of these myths. The ancient stories which we believe were
committed to the written word c. 4000 BC were undoubtedly written using terms
that the writer would have understood which describe the physical aspects of
creation. An understanding of the scientific principles was not likely a part of
their knowledge base. If this is so then some intellect somewhere would have had
to understand these principles in order to provide an initial story. The whole
meaning, including the spiritual aspects of creation, would have to have been
understood by whoever codified the myths in the first place.

The creation stories seem to have a common source and relate consistent content.
While the Genesis Model is consistent with the descriptions of physical reality,
the story of the development of consciousness is not obvious in what has been
written as the creation myths with one possible exception. The Egyptian creation
myths reflect the belief that the universe did not initially consist of physical
components but was composed of individual deities. The outcome of creation

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was thought to be based on the wishes and actions of the gods. The Memphite
Theology explains creation began as a divine concept and was given reality by
expression through the spoken word. The creator god first perceives the world as
a concept and then brings it into being through his spoken word. The Egyptians
believed that creation involved the creative functions of thought (consciousness,
my term), the spoken word, and physical creation. I propose that a meaning in
addition to a description of physical creation is embedded within the verse. While
the majority of the people today believe the stories have different meanings, a
generic story unfolds which, in fact, appears to stem from a common source and
provides a common meaning which I propose came from a much earlier period
than the times assigned to their writing in the forms we see today.

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 3000 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

From Black Cleft of
Source of Creation Abyss of darkness The Deep Nibiru, The Deep Milky Way-Road of Big-Bang

Primordial Void, dark, Earth formless and Primordial sea and 15 - 18 billion years
soundless, without void and darkness sky, nothing stirs, ago.
life was over the surface Face of the earth is
of the deep not clear, Blackness

The light was Genesis 1: 3-5 Let Exists from Seven Macaw
Sun contained in the there be Light, … Beginning (Tiamet) -
atmosphere. And separated the light pretender of sun &
shafts of the Sun. from the darkness - moon
Day 1
Creation of Comets Band of Tiamet Comets and the
thrown into new Asteroid Belt were
elliptical orbit in formed from the
opposite direction. same origin.
(retrograde orbit)

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 3000 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

Creation of Asteroid Heaven Hammered to Evidence of
Belt Genesis 1: 6-8 become a bracelet asteroids being a
result of a collision
Formation of Solar Gathering of gasses Genesis 1:6-8 Celestial Battle Heart of Sky & years ago
System from the void Separate the waters sovereign Plumed
from the waters… Serpent talked,
called the expanse -Nibiru, thought & worried
heaven- -Tiamet -Heart of Sky,
Day 2 -Evil Wind - Heart of Earth,
-Hurricane New Born
-North Wind Thunderbolt,
Sudden Thunderbolt
Seven Winds Seven superlative Satellites of Nibiru Seven Death,
intellectuals, (Seven) Seven Hanahpu
Seven-headed -N,S,E,W Winds; With One Death
Serpent gave seven -Evil Wind; (Tiamet?) dead, the
commands. -Whirlwind; next to be taken was
-Hurricane Seven Death. They
did not come back.

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

And the shafts of Lightning between Tiamet &
Lightning the Sun met the Nibiru
shafts of the light
in the atmosphere
and gave birth to
Let the gasses Genesis 1: 9-10 Tiamet split in half to create The severed head of One 4 billion
Creation of solidify to form Job 26: 7-13. Let the Earth, Moon, and Asteroid Belt- Hunahpu was placed in a years ago
Earth. Darkness waters below the First pass of Nibiru. On second tree fork at the place of
prevailed; neither heavens be gathered pass the upper part, her “skull” Ball Game Sacrifice.
atmosphere nor into one place, and let was struck by the Nibiru satellite Hanahpu and Xbalanque
the waters were dry land appear…and North Wind; the blow carried it return. Hanahpu looses
formed. God called dry land “to places that have been his arm. They return
earth. unknown” -to a brand new orbit with grandfather/
where there had not been a Grandmother & destroy
planet before-formation of Seven Macaw (Tiamet)
Earth. and reestablish Hanahpu
who rises as Venus.

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 3000 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Cycles of light & Celestial Counting of days & Rotation of earth on
Days, nights, years dark (night, day) relationships & time, Early Dawn its axis, Orbiting of
Genesis 1:5. And Biological Cycles - cycles moon
God called the light
day and the
darkness he called
night - Day 1;
Genesis 1:14, Let
there be lights in the
expanse of the
heavens to separate
the day from the
night, and let them
be for signs, and for
seasons, and for
days and years.

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 3000 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

Let the outside gases be Heaven - separated Inner planets
Waters separated and let them waters below the separated from outer
form the atmosphere and expanse from waters planets
the waters…and the above-Day 2
waters settled upon the
Earth and covered its
face so that no land
appeared …

Separation of Water Let the gases that are Genesis 1: 9-10 Collision of two The waters should be
& Land within the earth raise the Waters gathered into watery planets removed, emptied Plate
land above the face of one place, let dry land (Nibiru & Tiamet) out for the formation
the waters. appear = Earth of the Earth’s own
plate and platform

Seven Seven Commands, Seven Days of Creation Tablets of Creation One & Seven
Headed Intellect, Seven 6 - divine work 6 - creation process Hunahpu
Headed Serpent. The 1 - rest, reflect 1 - exaltation of together mean
earth was created in Lord Creation
seven periods of time.

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 3000 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

Narayana, Seven Nephilim Those who came Heart of Sky
Gods Headed Intellect (Genesis 6:4) down from the
heavens to the
Earth - Anunnaki
Formation of Life Let life come forth in Let the waters below Assemble Sky formed
the waters and the the heavens be water/clouds
shafts of the Sun met gathered into one
the shafts of the Earth place …
in the mud of the Genesis 1: 9
waters and there
formed cosmic eggs.
let dry land appear Foundation of Land Mountains were
Genesis 1 : 10 separated from Plate tectonics,
the water
Gather Oceans Oceans Formed

Green Herbage Green Herbage Maker, Modeler Bacteria, Green

- Day 3 alone are in the Algae, Oxygen
Genesis 1 : 11-13 water, a light. formed
Enclosed in
quetzal feathers.

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 3000 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

Life (sea and air) Maritime Life Swarms in the Fish, Sea Plants,
(Birds, sea monsters) Waters Amphibians
-Day 5 First attempt at Man Reptiles, Birds,
Genesis 1 : 20-23 fails thus becoming Dinosaurs
animals of the
mountains; Birds
Life (land) Animals appear Mammals & Land
- Day 6, Plants (seed) appear
Genesis 1 :24,35

Let life come forth Genesis 2 : 7; And Reach up and take a Clay-Man Simple amino acids
Clay upon the land. And the Lord God handful of clay… disappears (on nickel) and
the shafts of the Sun formed man of the and shape it into the nucleotides (on
met the shafts of the dust of the ground form of a heart. zinc), begin to form
Earth in the dust of (clay) in chains when
the land and out of deposited on clay,
it formed cosmic Clay has ability to
eggs, and from store and transfer
these life came forth energy

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 3000 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

The Man (Adam) Life-seed from Must make a Panspermia
MAN - Day 6 space, Proto-man provider & nurturer. Theory,
evolved Second attempt at
Man using Mud.
Let us make Man And God created Grandmothers of
after our own Man in his own Day (Xpiyacoc) & Cloning
fashion, and let us image. Light (Xmucane)
endow him with Genesis 1 : 27 Third attempt at Man
powers to rule this (wooden beings)
…the creator of all And the Lord God Genetic Fourth and last
things throughout fashioned into a manipulation, attempt at making
the universe, created woman the rib Homo Sapien Man. The making,
man, and placed which He had taken the modeling of our
within his body a from the man… first mother-father by
living imperishable Genesis 3 : 22 Xmucane with
spirit, and man yellow corn, white
became like corn alone for flesh

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 3000 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

________________ ________________ ________________ _______________ _____________ ________________

for our first fathers,
MAN Narayana in the first human
intellectual power.
-Jaguar Quitze
Then was Creation -Jaguar Night
-Not Right Now
complete. -Dark Jaguar

The first people to

come from beside the

sea, from the east.

Mercury Gray-Brown color

Venus Described Sulfur colored

movements, 584 584 day synodic
day synodic cycle cycle

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 3000 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

Mars Retrograde Retrograde motion,
motion described Reddish color
by the return of
One Monkey &
One Artisan,
780 day synodic 780 day synodic
cycle cycle

Jupiter Foremost of the Red-brown-yellow,

- Granymede Firm-lands 61 known moons
(Largest Moon)

Saturn Foremost of the Red-brown-yellow,

Heavens 31 known moons
-Titan (Moon) Titan-largest,
Own atmosphere
Pluto Nibiru provided Orbit inclined to
-Charon (Moon) Gaga/Pluto with ecliptic, Pluto
- 2 Others its final destiny discovered in 1930
“In the Deep”, AD. Charon possibly
Outermost planet created by a collision.

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c. 13000 BC c. 900 BC c. 3000 BC c. 300 BC c. 2000 AD

Uranus Blue green color, Discovered in
water, tilt on side, 1781,Blue green
Planet which is color, water
-Miranda (Moon) double to Neptune. (8000o F-
Lies on side,
retrograde winds,
possibly created
by collision,
molten rock core,
strong magnetic
fields. 20 known
moons orbiting
Neptune Planet which is Discovered in
double to Uranus 1846, Blue green
Blue-green color, color, water (like
water, Uranus), strong
-Triton (Moon) Triton in retrograde magnetic fields,
orbit 8 known moons,
Triton in

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DATE BC) ZODIAC Number of Cycles EVENT (Place) [Persons] BIBLICAL EVENT
Before Deluge (SITCHIN), 37,42-49
Nibiru Zodiac (SUMERIAN)
_______________ (3600) (2160) _______________________________ ____________________
443000* Taurus to Aries 120 200 Earth Station 1 (Eridu) [Anu, Enki]
[Enlil, Anu]
407000* Sagittarius to 110 183.33 Spaceport (Sippar & Baalbek)
Scorpio Mission Control (Nippur)
396200* Cancer to Gemini 107 178.33
349400* Virgo to Leo 94 156.66
306200 * Sagittarius to 82 136.66
299000* 80 133.33 Cloned primitive worker The Adam
[Enki, Enlil, Ninharsag]
270100 72 120 Cloned male
250000 Cloned female
241400* Cancer to Gemini 64 106.66
205400* Pisces to Aquarius 54 90
140600* Virgo to Leo 36 60
112360 Created (Neanderthal) Adam35
104600* Aries to Pisces 26 43.33 Climatic warming [Enlil] Seth35
[Enki] confused tongues Nefilim35
98260 Created Cro-Magnon Enosh35
86660 Cainan35
75800* Pisces to Aquarius 18 30 New ice age
47000* 10 Lamech35
30000 End of Neanderthal
23820 Aquarius
21660 Capricorn
19500 Sagittarius
17340 Scorpio
15180 Libra

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DATE (BC) ZODIAC Number of Cycles EVENT (Place) [Persons] BIBLICAL EVENT
Before Deluge (SITCHIN) 37,42-48
(Beginning of Age)
Nibiru Zodiac (SUMERIAN)
______________ ________________ ____________________________ ______________________
13020 Virgo
10860 Leo Sumerian account - Deluge
occurred during Leo
10468 Deluge [Ziusudra] (Shuruppak) Deluge [Noah - Age 600]
Mesopotamia [Ninurta]
10400 Nile valley [Enki]
Sinai Peninsula (spaceport mission
control)-Present day Jerusalem
Heliopolis built (Beacon City)
8670 Nile valley [Enki]
Sinai Peninsula (spaceport mission
control)-Present day Jerusalem
Heliopolis built (Beacon City)
8700 Cancer Proclus-horoscope of the
world; Dog star rises with
8500 Jericho built
7400* +1 New Stone Age (pottery)
6540 Gemini
5600 Bosporus Flood 50 Noah’s Flood???
4380 Taurus
3800* +2 Urbanization (rebuilt Sumer, Eridu, Sumerian culture
Nippur, Uruk/Erech)
[Anu returns to Earth]
3760 Nippurian Calendar (Kish) - Day zero Hebraic calendar - Day zero
3450 Tower of Babel Yahweh Confuses Languages
3200 Art of writing (Uruk) ** , (Nippur)
3100 Egyptian civilization begins (Kings)
2800 Indus River civilization begins
2220 Aries Sumerian monarchies develop
2200 Period of Major Drought
2123 Abraham born Abraham

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DATE (BC) ZODIAC Number of Cycles EVENT (Place) [Persons] BIBLICAL EVENT
Before Deluge (SITCHIN) 37,42-49
(Beginning of Age) (SUMERIAN)
Nibiru Zodiac
______________ ________________ ____________________________ ______________________
2048 Yahweh instructs Abraham to Canaan Abraham to Canaan
2041 War of Kings
2024 Nuclear War Sodom & Gomorrah
2000 Collapse of Akkadian empire, Amorites & Elamites
Period of major drought. Replace Sumero-Akkadian
1963 Jacob born
1948 Abraham dies
1816 Jacob dies
1833 Israelites in Egypt
1700 Hammurabi, Babylon
1513 Moses born
1433 Exodus from Egypt
1160-1000 Period of major drought
610 Yahweh leaves Earth Yahweh becomes silent
593 Ezekiel (spaceship)
200* +3
148 +5
60 BC Pisces
2012 AD +3.6 +6 End Mayan Fifth Age
2100 AD Aquarius
* Indicates 3,600 year cycle (1 Sar) of ** Campbell30
return of Anunnaki using
the deluge as a basis of when the
Anunnaki were reported present
on Earth.

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Chaos is not randomness-

It simply represents a limit
of our understanding
of what we are observing.

Cataclysmic events of global proportion, such as described by the Mayans, have

occurred in the Earth’s past. To believe this could not occur again in our future
would be irresponsible. We consider ourselves as having evolved from a
primitive culture which today we believe has become the world’s most advanced
civilization. Since there is no physical evidence to the contrary we have accepted
our role as being the world’s only advanced civilization. However, the idea of
advanced civilizations existing in the distant past, and of a fall from grace into
barbarism due to catastrophes of apocalyptic proportion, is enshrined in the
memories and writings of many cultures. Stories of catastrophic destruction as
well as predictions of a future destruction can be found in the mythology of
virtually all ancient civilizations, including: Hindu, Sumerian, Egyptian, Chinese,
Hebrew, Greek, Maya, Inca, Aztec, Indians of North American, Aborigines of
Australia, and Eskimos of Greenland. Some of these myths may be of local or
regional events whereas some could be of worldwide events.

In general, the myths which describe cataclysms take on three forms. Myths such
as those found in the Codex Vaticanus from Mesoamerica describe a history of
great duration featuring multiple catastrophes which periodically end an age in
which the life forms which were in existence at the time were destroyed. What
makes these myths seem plausible is they can be shown to follow a pattern which
can be tied to astronomical observations regarding the motions of the Earth and
Sun in relation to their position in the Galaxy. Myths such as those from
Mesopotamia, as translated by Sitchin, describe a history of great duration as
shown in Table 5-2 but unlike the myths of Mesoamerica they describe a single
catastrophe which occurred as a result of a flood. What the Mesopotamian myths
also describe is a series of life-form creations up to modern man. The more recent
myths of the Hebrews, as found in the Old Testament Book of Genesis, describe a
relatively short historical duration compared to the other two forms. Like one of
the Ages in the Mesoamerican version, the Hebrew version ends as a result of a
great flood. It has been established that the Hebrew version of the creation and
deluge myths have been borrowed from their Mesopotamian neighbors and

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possibly from the Ugaritic culture, most likely to create a history for the Hebrew
nation. In order to fit within their overall philosophy, I suggest they selected one
of the ages described in the myths which they had access to which ended as the
result of a flood. By ignoring the other ages they did not have to explain the
historical discrepancies. Also, it is quite possible that their collective
consciousness recalled a flood in their past in the areas of Mesopotamia, the Black
Sea, or possibly the Mediterranean Sea which caused great destruction.

Mythologies provide interesting insights into what the ancients understood about
their histories as well as what they may have observed in their daily lives.
Information provided today from scientific fields such as archaeology, geology
and astronomy can help us to understand these myths. Physical evidence of the
past occurrence of cataclysmic events can be observed across the surface of the
earth. Physical disturbances thought to be caused by tectonic changes resulting in
the motion of the surface of the earth are observed in the building of mountains,
changes in sea and ocean levels, rifts in the ocean floors and faults of the Earth's
crust. It is not understood if these physical events are caused by activities
generated within the Earth or if they are triggered by something outside the
Earth's control, or both. In any case the ancients have left numerous accounts
which follow for us to puzzle over.

Perhaps the earliest date given for a cataclysmic destruction comes from the
research of a journalist named Karl Brugger who published an account of a story
which he reported was told to him by a South American Indian. This story was
supposed to have come from the mythology of a tribe located in the Amazon in an
area between Brazil and Peru. Brugger published this account as the Chronicle of
Akakor30. This account was said to describe two specific dates for global
destruction, 10468 BC for the first and 3166 BC for the second. The account also
states that the gods predicted the first cataclysm and left Earth 13 years before it
occurred and returned shortly after the second cataclysm. The date of their
leaving (c. 10481 BC) was reportedly taken as their day zero for their calendar.
An interesting point which may tie this account to the Mayan use of their 52 year
period is the fact that the duration between the cataclysm of 3166 BC and the
beginning of the Mayan Fifth Age c. 3114 BC is exactly 52 years, which is
equivalent to the Mayan calendar round. The Akakor account goes on to relate
that during the first cataclysm the courses of the rivers were altered, the height of
the mountains changed, continents were flooded, the eastern regions became
humid and hot and in the west mountains became bitter cold due to the change in
altitude. This account is possibly reflected in the ruins found in the cities of
Teotihuacan and Puma Punku in the Andes which show evidence of violent
destruction. Further, salt deposits found high in the Andes Mountains and the

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presence of several species of sea fossils and sea life in Lake Titicaca at 13,500
feet above sea level suggest that this region was once at sea level and was uplifted
very rapidly.

A story which supports the rising of the Andes comes from the nation of Canaris
of Peru which says that at the time of the deluge, called unu-pachacuti, two
brothers were on a mountain. As the waters increased the mountain kept rising
such that the mountain was never covered and they were saved.

Another account of cataclysmic destruction is based on translations of tablets

stored in monasteries in India which are to have described events between 15,000
and 50,000 years ago. Colonel James Churchward2 was to have translated several
of these tablets which he reported were written by people called the Naacal.
Churchward claims these tablets describe a deluge which submerged the continent
of Mu, c. 11500 BC. Could this be the same destruction event of 10468 BC
described by Brugger?

Another account50 of a cataclysmic event has been described by DS Allan and JB

Delair. This event they propose occurred as a result of the Vela supernova which
because of its brightness could have been observed on Earth c. 11000 BC. The
diameter of the supernova, as observed from Earth, has been calculated to have
been 16 times the diameter of the full Moon. The authors suggest that a planet
sized fragment was released during the explosion which subsequently traversed
our solar system 1,500 years later reeking havoc throughout. This they believe
was to have occurred c. 9500 BC and is speculated by the authors to be the
Akkadian reference to Marduk. This is a slightly different perspective from that
of Sitchin who interpreted the intruder as being a planet inhabited by the
Anunnaki rather than a planet sized fragment from a supernova.

According to the authors this nearby Earth passing was to have had catastrophic
impacts on the Earth and other planets within the solar system. The effects on the
Earth were to have included:
• Fracturing of the Earth's crust and redistribution of landmasses,
• Elevation of mountain ranges,
• Realignment of the Earth's axis,
• Worldwide flooding,
• Bombardment of the Earth by debris from a destroyed planet, and
• Near annihilation of plant and animal life.

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Geological, palaeontological, and biological evidence all point to the Earth

undergoing sudden and very major physical changes. Scientists have observed
that many of the clays, gravels, and sands in various parts of the world appeared
to have been laid under chaotic conditions on rock surfaces which had been
smashed or polished. There is evidence from Siberia, an area which did not
experience glaciation during the Pleistocene Ice Age, that rocks have been eroded
exhibiting features of glacial action. Animal remains have been found consisting
of chaotic piles of disjointed bones of a variety of species that could never have
co-existed in the same environment. Mammoths and mastodons thought to be
cold climate animals have been found with temperate grasses in their stomachs.
These anomalies point to the occurrence of a violent and rapid change over much
of the Earth's surface. While the authors pick a date of 11000 BC for the
occurrence of the supernova, astronomers say this could be off by a factor of two.
Measurements of the spin down rate of the Vela supernova indicate the event
could have occurred up to 35,000 years ago. While the dates for the supernova
event cover a wide range, the similarities of these events with the Akakor and
Naacal accounts c. 11500 BC are remarkable.

The most familiar accounts of a worldwide cataclysm deal with stories involving
a great deluge. Three different Babylonian myths describing this flood have
survived: 1) the Sumerian Flood Story, 2) the ninth tablet of the Gilgamesh Epic,
and 3) the Atrahasis Epic believed by some to be the oldest Akkadian story of the
deluge. This story is believed to have originated with the Sumerians, however,
because of the antiquity of the story it should not necessarily be assumed that it is
a derivative from the Sumerian account. A Babylonian account also exists of this
flood which is believed to have been written no later than 1700 BC. The
Sumerian Flood Story has survived in a very fragmentary state. The most
complete account of the Gilgamesh Epic is the version which was found in the
library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal. These accounts all describe the deluge
as an event which nearly caused the destruction of mankind. The
Sumerian/Akkadian account points to a time c. 11000 BC which is reasonably
consistent with the Akakor and Naacal accounts. Sumerian writings recall that the
Deluge occurred during the zodiacal constellation of Leo. This would place the
Earth's rotational axis in Leo between 10888 - 8700 BC.

In the book Noah's Flood50, the scientists William Ryan and Walter Pitman
develop a flood scenario which begins when the Bosporus was still separating the
Sea of Marmara from the fresh water Euxine Lake (Black Sea). This was the
period following the last mini Ice Age (c. 6000 - 5800 BC). Prior to this period
(c. 9400 BC) the ice sheets that blanketed much of the northern hemisphere were
melting. Much of the melt-water from the Eurasian ice sheet flowed into lakes,

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such as, what we today call the Black Sea. At that time the Black Sea was a
freshwater lake whose low elevation provided a friendly climate, rich farmland,
and freshwater which could have attracted the hunter-gatherers to eventually settle
down in this area to follow a farming lifestyle. As a result of glacial melt-down
the sea levels in the Oceans and Mediterranean Sea began to rise. Scientists
theorize that erosion of the Bosporus began, ultimately resulting in this narrow
strip of land collapsing thereby allowing the sea water to pour into the then lower
elevation of the Black Sea. This theory is supported by core samples from
drilling the Bosporus Strait and the Black Sea bed. Further, data which also
supports this theory was collected by sonar mapping of the seabed and canyon
bottom through the Bosporus Strait. The date of this collapse, c. 5600 BC, was
derived from samples retrieved from the deep sea bed cores using the Accelerator
Mass Spectrometry dating technique. This could be the source of the deluge
myths recorded by the Hebrews. Other researchers have placed the collapse of
the Bosporus as early as 10000 BC. Since these earlier dates were derived by
carbon-14 dating their validity should be suspect.

Another more speculative location similar to the Bosporus Strait includes the
Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea today is
what is believed to be the remains of the ancient Tethyan Seaway, an ocean whose
western extremity began at the Atlantic Ocean and ran to the Himalayan
Mountains of India/Tibet in the east. Today the eastern region of the
Mediterranean is blocked by the doming of the land along the Dead Sea Rift as
the result of a collision between the Arabian and Anatolian and Eurasian plates.

During the Cenozoic Era, some 6 to 7 million years ago, the Mediterranean
became isolated from the Atlantic due to the Gibraltar Sill's high wall rising above
sea level as a result of tectonic compression caused by the interaction between the
African and Eurasian plates. The significance of this ancient occurrence is it
showed that under these isolated conditions the Mediterranean Sea could virtually
dry up. This would have taken up to 4,000 years depending on the evaporation
rates at that time. It is known that even with today's conditions the Mediterranean
would evaporate given closure of the Strait of Gibraltar because the freshwater
influx is slower than the evaporation rate. While there currently does not appear
to be any evidence of a closure in recent times, a scenario can be developed to
explain cataclysmic flooding in the region of the Mediterranean Sea.

The period we refer to as 'recent times' begins near the end of the Pleistocene Ice
Age, however, the ice age did not appear to extend into regions as far south as
Gibraltar so freezing of the Strait can likely be ruled out. Other events affecting
the Strait during the Pleistocene Ice Age do present an alternative. It is believed

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that during the Pleistocene Ice Age the volume of water trapped as ice would
account for a 650 foot drop in the level of the oceans. This would initially affect
the Mediterranean Sea by exposing considerable land along the shore line as well
as around exposed islands or other high points of the sea floor. Other affects
would include: 1) an increase in the salinity of the remaining water causing
warming of the lower basin which would facilitate habitation in areas with fresh
water influx, 2) an increase in the amount of sediment deposited along the
Gibraltar Sill near the Strait due to the reduced velocity of the outflow of water,
and 3) less weight over the basin floor which would facilitate the occurrence of
earthquakes. Portions of the basin floor thus weakened would be susceptible to
uplifting due to the subduction of the Eurasian plate by the African plate. A
comparison between seismic data and the Glomar Challenger drill results in the
southern Alboran Basin (site 979) suggest that tectonic activity including uplifting
by folding of the Aboran Ridge occurred from the late Pliocene to the Holocene
Epoch. The combination of a reduced sea level and long term buildup of a
blockage near the Strait could result in a much diminished volume of water in the
sea leaving large areas open for habitation.

As the Pleistocene Ice Age ended and the Holocene Epoch began, two periods of
intense warming occurred; the first during the Bolling Period c. 11000-10000 BC
and again after a mini ice age c. 8000-7000 BC. A rapid increase in the Atlantic
Ocean level would have put added pressure on any Gibraltar restriction which
may have existed. Because of the nature in which the blockage would have been
formed, it would necessarily be fractured and therefore relatively weak. When the
pressure of the Atlantic increased substantially the restriction would give way in a
catastrophic manner causing water in excess of 600 feet high by approximately 10
miles wide to begin pouring into the partially drained Mediterranean. In addition
to this water inundation, the air in the basin would be expelled at great velocity
resulting in a rapid cooling of the air as it rose. This would result in the formation
of clouds precipitating torrential rains likely lasting many weeks or months.
While this scenario is highly speculative it does fit the descriptions of the Deluge
found in Sumerian writings and in the Old Testament, Book of Genesis.

The Mediterranean scenario could explain the onset of the Pleistocene Ice Age as
well as its end. It is believed that ice ages in the northern hemisphere are directly
related to the northerly flow of warm water in the Atlantic to the Arctic Ocean.
Gulf Stream water moving northward along the East Coast of the United States
toward Iceland exchanges heat with the air, warming the air and cooling the water
in the process. The combination of chilling and evaporation makes surface water
denser as it moves north. Near Iceland, the surface water becomes denser than the

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water below it and sinks. This dense, cold water moves south along the bottom of
the Atlantic, around the Horn of Africa to the surface of the North Pacific.
The surface water moves south passing between Asia and Australia and finally
returning to the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic off Central America. As long as this
flow remains stable the climate we experience today will also remain stable. It is
theorized that a change in this flow pattern would likely plunge the world into the
next ice age. It is known that this phenomenon is strongly affected by the outflow
of the Mediterranean's highly saline water merging with the northerly flowing
Gulf Stream.

If the Mediterranean's outflow was altered or stopped the affects would likely
have contributed to the initiation of an Ice Age. An abrupt collapse of the
blockage near the Strait would again eventually result in the flow of the Atlantic
causing warmer water to flow northward to the Arctic resulting in the end to the
Ice Age. The Mediterranean event could also explain why the flood was reported
from around the globe. A sudden change in the level of the world's oceans and the
change in flow pattern of the Atlantic Ocean would likely initiate catastrophic
tsunamis throughout the globe causing flooding of low lying areas up to hundreds
of miles inland.

Other scenarios for the occurrence of a great flood have been offered by many
other people. One such scenario involves the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which
run southward from the mountains of Turkey through Iraq into the Persian Gulf
and are known to be prone to flooding. It is not unreasonable therefore, that
catastrophic flooding was a powerful image in Sumerian literature. There have
been reports of large scale floods in Mesopotamia c. 3500 BC and in China
c.3000 BC, but these events are thought to be regional events and not of deluge
proportions. In an article in the Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 33, 198 1, pp
210-223, Theresa Howard-Carter makes a case for a major flood in Mesopotamia
caused by a massive movement of the sea from the Persian Gulf through the
Tigris-Euphrates region. The topography of this region is in the form of a trench
which was created as the Arabian shield pushed up against the Asiatic landmass,
raising the Zargos Mountains and depressing the land to the southwest of them
which includes the Tigris-Euphrates Rivers. This topography would act as a
funnel for water rushing northward from the Persian Gulf region. The recent
draining of marshes in this region of southern Iraq has revealed what appears to
be a two-mile wide meteor impact crater which is believed to have occurred
within the past 6,000 years which would be in line with the timing of the flood c.
3500 BC referred to in the Septuagint version of the Bible. If this is so, an impact
in this region would have had a devastating effect resulting in major climatic
disturbances. The catastrophic effect of an impact of this magnitude (equivalent

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to hundreds of nuclear bombs) could explain the reason why the cultures of
Akkad, Egypt's Old Kingdom and hundreds of early settlements in the Holy Land
went into sudden decline during this period. The crater area is thought to have
been a shallow sea at the time of the impact. This would have resulted in great
flooding of the region. The fact that the Sumerian populace moved their
kingships to the more northern cities of Kish, Isin and Nippur from the southern
cities of Ubaid, Ur, Larak and Eridu after the flood may be indicative of a flood
having destroyed the southernmost regions of the area. The founding of Babylon
in this more northern region may have also been an attempt to settle in more
fertile areas which had not been totally destroyed by the flood.

The most recognized histories of the Hebrew culture are provided in the accounts
found in the Old Testament and the account provided by Josephus. Josephus was
a Jewish priest and general c. 37-67 AD who became a Roman citizen c. 67-100
AD residing in Rome where he was commissioned to write a history of the Jewish
people. Using the specific events provided by Josephus and the date for the
destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, an interesting date can be calculated for
the occurrence of the Deluge as shown in Table 6-1 based on Dissertation V to
The Complete Works of Josephus11 as translated by William Whiston where he
provides a chronology from the time of the creation of Adam through the
destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD. He provides durations for the
events which occurred during this period as described by Josephus. Eight of these
events are listed in Table 6-1. The durations accepted by Wiston are used to
develop the dates in column 3 of Table 6-1. It should be noted that Whiston's
agenda was to substantiate biblical events and durations.

The date accepted by historians for the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans is
70 AD. The duration between the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar
and the return of the Jews to Jerusalem is accepted by historians as 70 years.
Using the 70 AD date as a starting point and the durations (639+4) used by
Whiston, it can be seen that the date for the return of the Jews to Jerusalem from
exile in Babylon is calculated to be 573 BC. Then, the date for the destruction of
the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar using Whiston's duration is calculated to be 643
BC. The date generally accepted by historians for the destruction of the Temple by
Nebuchadnezzar is 586 BC, or a difference of 57 years giving a date for the return
of the Jews to Jerusalem as 516 BC. If there is an error in Whiston's numbers it
must be in the duration he used for the period between the return of the Jews and
the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans (i.e., 643 years). Whiston makes the
argument that the duration of the Persian monarchy is approximately 246 years.

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Ptolemy however, provides the duration of no more than 207 years; the difference
being 39 years. Whiston also uses a period of 18 years to the end of the Seleucus
era. These two durations taken together make up 57 years which I suggest should
be deducted from the 643 years duration which then gives the date of 586 BC for
the destruction of the Temple. This duration is reflected in the calculations shown
in column four of Table 6- 1. Given the date for the destruction of the Temple as
586 BC, places the date for the building of the Temple at 1052 BC. A date for the
building of the Temple is also arrived at by Whiston but varies by 102 years from
the date of 950 BC commonly accepted by historians.

Table 6-1 Chronology of Josephus

(Josephus) Whiston)

Creation 1556 to -4674 -4668

Deluge 892 to -3118 -3112

Birth of Abraham 75+430 to -2226 -2169

Exodus 612 to -1721 -1664

Building of Temple 466 to -1109 -1052

Destruction of King 70 to
Solomon's Temple -643 -586

Return of Jews 639+4 to -573 -516

Destruction of Jerusalem 70 70
by Romans (70 AD)

Whiston uses the duration of 892 years for the period from the deluge to the birth
of Abraham. This is based on the age of Nahor of 28 years when his son Terah
was born. Whiston also discusses an age of 79 years for Nahor as reported by the
Samaritan Pentateuch and Greek Septuagint texts. This duration is also cited by
Origen of Alexandria. Adding the difference of 51 years to the 892 year duration
gives a revised duration of 943 years. Using this duration in column four of Table

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6-1 gives a date for the flood of 3112 BC. This is virtually the same date the
Maya use as their day zero for the beginning of the Fifth Sun (i.e., 3113 BC).

Another interesting comparison can be made between the chronology derived

from Josephus and Appendix B, Table B-2 which provides a chronology of the
kings that were to have ruled in five cities in Mesopotamia following the flood. It
can be seen that Sargon and Lugal-Zaggisi of Uruk were contemporaries. The
date for the founding of Akkad/Agade by Sargon is generally accepted by
historians as c. 2371 BC. Working backwards in time from this date using the
durations provided in Table B-2 an average length of the reigns of the 15 kings
from Uruk from the time of Gilgamesh to Sargon is determined to be
approximately 26 years. It can further be seen from Table B-2 that Gilgamesh of
Uruk and En-Mebaragisi of Kish were contemporaries. In addition, the date of
2750 BC for the reign of Etana is supported in the literature. If the date of 3112
BC from the preceding analysis is considered for the date of the flood then a
period of 362 years between Etana and the flood is arrived at. According to the
Table B-2, 13 kings of Kish ruled during this period for an average of 28 years per
ruler. This is certainly not unreasonable, further supporting 3112 BC as a possible
date for a flood in Mesopotamia. Considering the uncertainty in the dates for the
kings an average of 26 or 28 years is statistically insignificant.

While the Bible refers to a world wide deluge c. 2500 – 2400 BC (Tables B-8 &
B-9) the list of Egyptian rulers in Table B-7 does not. This time frame would fall
during the reigns of the 4th and 5th Dynasties a time when the Giza pyramids were
to have been built. Either the Giza pyramids were built at some other time, as I
suspect, or there was no world-wide flood at the time the Bible claims.

The date arrived at for the Biblical Flood appears to be fabricated as shown in
Appendix B. Further, there does not appear to be any scientific evidence to
support this timeframe. Using a combination of data provided by Josephus, data
provided from the Old Testament, data provided by Manetho (Table B-6), data
provided by Herodotus (Table B-4), and the relationships between Egyptian,
Mesopotamian, Assyrian, and Persian rulers presented in Table B-3, a date of 2543
BC for the flood has been arrived at. The calculations in Appendix B show that
dates can be determined which correlate historical events from the time of the
Biblical Deluge to the time of Solomon using the information provided from the
sources described. The difference between the generally accepted biblical date and
the date arrived at using the account of Josephus has to be attributed to the
recollections and reporting by Josephus and others as well as those responsible for
writing Genesis, Exodus and the two Books of Kings.

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As can be seen, several dates can be arrived at for the Biblical Flood depending
on what source is used for establishing the durations of the various biblical events.
In the book 'Genesis of the Grail Kings', Lawrence Gardner suggests that the
Deluge chronology was moved to the time of Noah from its original timeframe
before Adam.

A summary of the dates derived for possible Deluge events is as follows.


Maya c. 19607
Maya c. 14474
Naacal c. 11500
Sumerian c. 11 000
Akakor c. 10468
Vela supernova c. 35000-9500
Maya c. 9284
Mediterranean (speculative) c. 10000-8000
Bosporus c. 5600
Mesopotamia c. 3500
Akakor, Josephus, Masoretic Bible c. 3166, 3112, 2543
Inca c. 2900-2400

Plato may have been right when he stated there were many previous floods rather
than just one.

Many of the deluge stories refer to a 'Noah-like' individual who received the favor
of the gods and whose offspring later repopulated the Earth. The Sumerian
culture assigns this role to Ziusudra, and the Akkadians, during the time of
Gilgamesh, attributed the role to Utnapishtim. The Nahna people of Mexico have
deluge stories in which they assign the role of Noah to Nata. The Nahna were
Stone Age people and probably relate these stories from the Maya, a much more
advanced race. The India account found in the Rig-Veda contains an epic legend
of a great flood with a hero named Manu. The Potawatomi Indians of North
America had a flood hero who was named Messou. It seems apparent that the
account of the deluge in the Bible is borrowed from earlier civilizations, most
likely from the Babylonians at the time the Hebrews returned to Jerusalem from
captivity. The Sumerian narration describes the Anunnaki leaving Earth for the
safety of their airships before the deluge which is consistent with the Akakor
account. The Sumerians and the account in the Old Testament report that people
had a warning of the coming destruction (i.e., destruction was predictable).

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In trying to make sense of the chronology of the cataclysmic events, as describe in

mythological accounts, the situation is compounded by not knowing if the myths
are referring to near term events such as 5600 - 3000 BC or to some earlier event
perhaps c. 11000 - 10000 BC. There is evidence in the Sumerian accounts, the
Akakor accounts, the Naacal accounts, and the writings of Plato which support a
worldwide deluge c. 11000-10000 BC. Recent discoveries in submerged caves
near Warm Mineral Springs, Florida of an 11,000 year old skull and samples of
materials in the Gulf of Mexico point to a massive flood occurring c. 10000 BC.
Since this date falls into the period in which the Pleistocene Ice Age ended, it is
quite possible that widespread flooding occurred as a result of melting ice and a
rising ocean level.

Archaeological evidence and the mythologies of civilizations do not support a

global flood during a time period more recent than 11000-10000 BC. The fact
that the Egyptians had no Flood myth suggests that there was no worldwide flood.
If the Bible account is accurate then the flood would have had to have been
localized. The Bosporus flood c. 5600 BC seems to be a more reasonable date for
the Biblical account because of its geographical location. A localized flood in
Mesopotamia caused by a meteor impact resulting in large scale tsunamis is also a

It can be surmised that deluge events are a result of increased supplies of water
resulting from the melting and breakup of glaciers, beginning c. 12000 BC. With
the exception of a period of cooling c. 9000 BC through 8000 BC called the
Younger Dryas period, the gradual warming of the globe resulted in an increase in
the amount of water flowing into the oceans from the melting of the glaciers. A
second mini ice age occurred c. 6200 BC - 5800 BC followed by another period
of glacier meltdown which resulted in the worlds oceans reaching their current
levels which could have been what triggered the failure of the Bosporus resulting
in the Black Sea deluge.

There are many accounts of cataclysmic events which do not describe great floods
but rather describe catastrophes from the heavens. Stories abound from all parts
of the globe describing unique and terrifying events relating to the Sun's position.
Written accounts of major astronomical events, which were to have occurred
during the period 1450-1400 BC, are described in mythologies with emphasis on
the Sun. An Egyptian papyrus account states "the sun rose in the west and set in
the east, seasons were exchanged". It was reported that "winter is summer and
months are reversed". The Pharaoh Akhnaton established Aton as the sun god
which was the only monotheistic period in Egypt, c. 1377 - 1356 BC. Inscriptions

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on an Egyptian tomb reportedly show constellations of the northern sky being in

the southern sky.

The Persians refer to a time when the Earth turned part way over. Reports from
Persia state; "a single day became three before turning to night which lasted three
times longer than usual". The Assyrians reported that Venus behaved in an erratic
manner. Chinese and Mayan records state, "The sun did not set for many days”,
"the Sun rose in the west and set in the east", "the earth turned part way over". At
this same time the Chinese measured and recorded the height of the Sun in
relation to the incline of the polar axis. The Sashinauc people of western Brazil
reported, "Heaven and Earth changed places". Also described in the Book of
Joshua was a day the Sun did not set which was also reported from the other side
of the globe by the Maya who described a day of darkness, c. 1400 BC. Some
authors have suggested that a near-earth comet could have retarded the Earth's
rotation. This is unlikely as the mass of any comet which determines its
gravitational properties simply is not great enough. Observations of comets and
asteroids passing within the solar system have not affected other planets or their
moons. Rather, the affects on the comets by the planets does affect the comets
orbit. If a celestial body did affect the Earth's rotation, it would have had to have
been massive. If Nibiru exists and passed in close proximity to the Earth, then the
Earth’s rotation could have been affected.

Plato writes concerning the rising and setting of the sun and the other heavenly
bodies: "In those times they used to set in the quarter where they now rise, and
used to rise where they now set ... the revolution of the heavens is sometimes in
its present sense, sometimes in its reverse sense ... A shudder passes through the
world at the reversing of its rotation ... The shock sets up a great earthquake
which causes ... destruction of living creatures of all kinds."

These are truly reports of a catastrophic event or events which could have
occurred as a result of a shifting of portions of the earth's surface or a shifting of
the Earth's axis. The shifting of the Earth's axis and reversals in the Earth's
magnetic field, are today, accepted as having occurred in the past and are
possibilities which could occur in our future.

While these reports of destruction are amazing, there are other stories from India
and Sumeria which are even more astonishing. In Sitchin’s book “The Wars of
Gods and Men” he describes a major conflict between different factions of the
Anunnaki. This conflict was to have resulted in a nuclear war. The Vedic texts
Ramayana, Mahabarata, and other texts describe a war which was to have taken
place 10-12 thousand years ago between the Rama Empire and Atlantis which like

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the Sumerian description was also a nuclear war. There are reports that skeletons
were found during the excavation of the Rishi City of Mohenjo-daro just lying in
the streets. These skeletons were reported to be among the most radioactive ever
found. Also, it has been reported that evidence has been found in India, Ireland,
Scotland, France, and Turkey involving stone and brick walls, and clay pottery
that had been turned to glass. This could only have happened as a result of
intense heat such as occurs with an atomic explosion. If these reports are accurate
then the impact on world history should have been alarming. This has not been
the case. Either these reports are a hoax or there is a tremendous cover up.

Accounts of destruction from the sky were reported by the Mayas (Popol Vuh)
that "people drowned in a sticky substance from the sky". The Mexican accounts
of the Cuauhtitlan state that "the sky rained not water but fire and red hot stones"
and they describe a lengthened night. The Hebrew story of Exodus describes "a
river of blood", while the Book of Joshua describes what might have been a
shower of meteorites and states- "Lord cast stones from heaven”. The Chinese
reported c. 1400 BC that 10 suns appeared in the sky and stars fell like rain.

There are a number of writings which point to a major catastrophe affecting much
of the globe including the regions of India, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, Crete,
Greece, Hungary, Central Germany, and eastern North America. The writings
describe 1) destruction by fire, lightning, earthquakes, flooding, tsunamis and
drought; 2) precipitous population declines, desertion of large land areas and
migrations; 3) loss of wealth, written language, and craftsmanship, and 4) famine,
plague and lawlessness throughout the remaining populations. Secondary effects
caused by climatic changes including drought followed by global cooling are
believed to have affected more distant regions from the immediate catastrophe.
These regions include Alaska, British Columbia, central North America, Mexico
Peru, Columbia, Patagonia and Chile. Entire civilizations disappeared during this
period including the Olmecs of Central America, the Mycenaeans and Minoans of
Crete and Greece, the Phoenicians, and the people of the Indus Valley. Shortly
after this period the end of the New Kingdom in Egypt occurred.

These writings include:

• Ipuwer papyrus
• El Hiba papyrus
• Harris Majic papyrus
• Hermitage papyrus
• Medinet Habu tablets

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• Bible-Old Testament

Archaeological evidence also supports the occurrence of a devastating event

affecting all of the above mentioned regions. Descriptions which refer to
"Destruction of Man by the Gods" have been found in the tombs of Seti I (1315-
1304 BC), Ramses II (13 04-1237 BC), and Ramses III (1201-1169 BC).
Assuming these burial references refer to the same event as the writings of total
devastation, this would place the timing of these events prior to the reign of Seti I
or c. 1315 BC.

An event of mass destruction occurred c. 1628 BC with the explosion of

Santorini. This volcanic eruption was of such great magnitude it likely raised
havoc on most nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea causing the disruption of
law and order and widespread famine throughout the region. It is thought by
some that this eruption resulted in the migration of large numbers of people. This
may be what is reflected in Appendix B, Table B-7 with the ending of the 13th
Dynasty of Egypt and the influx into Egypt of the Hyksos. Table B-3 also reflects
a similar chain of events with the Kassites in Mesopotamia.

It has been speculated by some that sometime between 1600 and 1300 BC a
comet moving east to west over the earth caused widespread destruction from
China to North America. Accounts of the sighting of comets during this period
were recorded by numerous sources around the world including Persians, Greeks,
Trojans, Babylonians and Chinese. The Chinese described an account of two suns
battling in the sky. From the descriptions in the above mentioned writings a
comet was to have entered the Earth's atmosphere over India and was to have
been described as a pillar with a brilliance of a hundred fires capable of
consuming the universe. It is believed that a comet such as this may have been
the cause of the destruction of the Indus civilization, c. 1550 BC. The Greeks
were to have observed a comet coming from the southeast in the direction of
Crete and they reported that their gods fled in terror to Egypt. It is believed they
were to have stated this since upper (southern) Egypt would have been expected
to have been spared total destruction unlike Greece or Crete. The explosion of a
comet in the atmosphere would likely have attracted lightning giving the
perception the comet was being attacked. This undoubtedly gave rise to the many
myths describing lightning. Looking west from Egypt the Egyptians described
Libya as being laid waste by a terrible torch of flame hurled from heaven. It is
suggested that the Sahara desert was born as a result of this type of an encounter.
If a comet was to break up over the western parts of Africa and Europe the
shattered comet would likely have impacted the southeastern coastline of North

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America. It is believed that the impact of a comet would be insufficient to cause

the earth to wobble on its axis as suggested by some writers. It would likely take
a planet sized object, such as Mars, to make this happen. However, the impact of
a comet could cause volcanic activity to ensue. Large scale volcanic activity from
this impact could have initiated glaciating in North America, British Columbia,
Iceland, Baffin Island, Alaska, Patagonia, southern Chile and Norway. Portions of
a comet impacting in the ocean would likely have initiated tsunamis and flooding
throughout the world. The stories relating fire and substances falling from the sky
may also be described by more modern day occurrences such as what occurred in
1833 AD when the Earth passed through the Taurid stream/Encke comet tail. A
large meteor shower was recorded with observations of 20,000 meteorites falling
per hour and in 1966 a shower of 150,000 meteorites per hour was recorded when
the Earth passed through the tail of the Leonids/Tempel-Tuttle comet.

Other stories of cataclysmic events relate to later periods between 900 BC and
1300 AD. The books of Isaiah, Hosea, Joel, and Amos describe a series of
catastrophic earthquakes between 888 BC and 700 BC. The sacred books of
antiquity report that the Earth tilted 10 degrees on its axis while later (c. 687 BC)
the Book of Isaiah reports that "the Sun returned by which degrees it had gone
down". The books of Kings and Chronicles report of ‘a blast from heaven’ while
the Chinese report "stars fell like rain", c. 687 BC. The period between 700 BC-
600 BC saw a revision of many calendars. The Romans began their festival in
honor of Mars in 687 BC. Also in 687 BC, King Manasseh violated the long held
worship of Yahweh by bringing a graven image into the Temple's inner sanctuary.
This Asherah was later destroyed by Josiah. What would cause the king to make
such a drastic change unless he thought he had been abandoned by Yahweh? If
the world turned part way over this could explain his actions.

Of particular interest are the myths of Mesoamerica (i.e., Inca, Maya, and Aztec)
which come from half-way around the world from those told in the accounts of
the Sumerians and Hebrews. Also, their relationship to the Akakor and India
accounts is striking. The Mesoamerican myths contain many similarities found in
the more ancient myths including many of the same numbers and reports of major
cataclysms. These Mesoamerican civilizations have passed on the remnants of
their writings which include accounts of creation-destruction cycles which as of
today remain somewhat of a mystery.

The accounts offered by the people of Mesoamerica describe a story of a great

deluge as well as stories of other cataclysmic events which caused the end of three
previous ages and which will cause the end of the current age. The Mayas
believed that cataclysmic timing was cyclical and perhaps predictable. Stories of

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five ages are also found in the legends given by the Incas of Peru. There
chronology predates the Aztec chronology. Unlike the Aztec, the Inca who were
contemporaries of the Maya had no written language as we understand the
concept of language today. However, some researchers think the quipu knots are
indeed a form of language which as yet has not been deciphered. The
mythologies of the Incas come to us today as Chronicles of the Inca which were
recorded by the missionaries who accompanied the Spanish conquistadors under
the command of Francisco Pizarro.

The Chinese also had legends involving world eras. The first three eras were
about the earliest men. Following the third era came the golden age which saw
the rule of ten emperors. The golden age ended in a flood. They believe we are
now in the fifth era. Other accounts of four previous ages come from legends of
the Hindus and Navaho Indians and the Greek Hesiod who wrote that four ages
and four generations of men had passed and that we are now in the fifth age.

Unlike the Mesopotamian and Inca accounts the Maya predicted the end of what
they termed the 5th Sun or our current age. It is believed that the Mayan
civilization may have thrived from as early as 1000 BC, peaking c. 600 AD. The
myths of the Mayans were later taken by the Toltecs and the Aztecs as their own.
As the Toltecs and later the Aztecs rose to power in what is today known as
Mexico, the Mayan civilization disappeared, perhaps to the Yucatan Peninsula c.
627 AD followed by the Toltecs c. 1200 AD. The end of the Toltec civilization (c.
1168 AD) and the history of the Mexica (beginning c. 1258 AD), was derived
from the Leyenda de los Soles (Legend of the Suns) account, Chapter XI52. This
account describes the rise and fall of the Toltec and Mexica civilizations and
establishes that they had the opportunity to interact.

The stories of Maya/Aztec creation and destruction cycles which have survived the
book burning episodes of the Spanish in 1547 AD come from the following three

• Popol Vuh Maya (Guatemala, Quiche')

• Codex Dresden Maya (Possibly Oldest)
• Codex Chimalpopoca Aztec (Leyenda de los Soles) -Translated to
Spanish, 1558 AD

The Maya/Aztec accounts of creation and destruction present an opportunity to

explore the source involving cyclical events. It is speculated that the source for the
Maya/Aztec myths comes from civilizations preceding them and if you accept that

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trade occurred with the ancient world such as Egypt, then perhaps the source is
also from the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations. The Mayan stories
described four previous Ages/Suns before our current Age, all ending with a
cataclysmic event (i.e., deluge, strong wind, fire, rain of blood and fire). I will use
the terms Suns and Ages interchangeably. The Mesoamerican stories of the five
ages/suns provide descriptions which name the Age/Sun, give the year and day
names for when the Age was destroyed, the cause of its destruction, which god
presided over the Age, what the beings of the Age ate, and what they were turned
into as a result of the destruction.

Renditions of the creation-destruction cycles are found in the Leyenda de los Soles
and the Codex Vaticanus. The accounts of the 5 Suns/Ages are summarized in
Table 6-2 and are described as follows:

The First Sun was to have had a duration of 4008 years and ended with a flood
which killed a race of giants which were to have populated the earth.

The Second Sun, considered the Golden Age, was to have had a duration of 4010
years and ended as a result of hurricane force winds and was to have resulted in the
creation of animals (monkeys). The Third Sun was to have had a duration of 4081
years and ended as a result of fire and the creation of birds.

The Fourth Sun was to have begun "5026 years ago" when men were to have died
of starvation after a rain of blood and fire and resulted in the creation of fish. The
Quiche writers state that at the end of the fourth Sun, three hearthstones marked
out a new place for themselves in the sky (i.e., three stars of Orion). The Codex
Vaticanus account of the Fourth Sun does not specify the date needed to calculate
the beginning date of the Fourth Sun (i.e., "5026 years ago" from when?).

The Fifth Sun which represents the current Age is that of Man. The Aztec
believed they were in the beginning of the Fifth Sun which would end in another
cataclysm. The myth described by the Codex Vaticanus does not address the
beginning of a new sixth sun.

Modern day scholars have calculated the end date for the Fifth Age to be
December 21, 2012 AD based on the duration of 13 baktuns and on a beginning
date of Aug 11, 3114 BC for the Fifth Age. The calculation of this end date is as

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Duration between Aug 11, 3114 and Aug 11, 1582 = 4696 years (Year Gregorian
calendar was corrected)

Duration between Aug 11, 1582 and Oct 15, 1582 =64 days = 0. 1752 years

Duration between Aug 11, 3114 and Oct 15, 1582 = 4696.1752 years

Subtracting this duration from the Mayan Great Cycle yields:

5125.3689 - 4696.1752 = 429.1937 years to the end of the age from Oct 15, 1582

Oct 15, 1582 + 429 = Oct 15, 2011

Add 0. 193 7 yr. 2.3 24 months yields Dec 15 + 0.3 24 month (9.86 days) Dec
24, 2011

Correcting for the 3 leap years 1700, 1800, and 1900 - deduct 3 days.

Add one year to correct for 0 - 1 AD yields Dec 21, 2012

In preparing this calculation it was assumed that the date of October 15, 1582 AD
(Gregorian calendar) had been accurately corrected to the solar cycle and is in
synchronization with the Mayan Long Count. This correction, which amounts to
the addition of 10 days which occurred during October 1582 when Pope Gregory
XIII signed an edict restoring Europe's calendar to a proper alignment with the
Sun. Further, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 which would normally have been
considered leap years were determined by the Pope not to be such.

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____ ____________ __________ _____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

1 Nahui Ocelotl 4 Jaguar Matlactili Ce Acatl 1 Reed Tezcatlipoca Water 1

Four Ocelotl ( 1 Reed) (Chalchiuhtlic
ue -
Jade Skirt) 3

2 Nahui Ecatl 4 Wind Ehecatl 1 Flint 4 Wind Quetzalcoatl Wind1 Wind 3

Four Ehecatl (Topiltzin)

God of Wind3

3 Nahui 4 Rain Tleyquiyahuillo 1 Flint 4 Rain God of Fire3 Fire1 Fire3

Four Quiahuitl Tlaloc 4
Rain 4

4 Nahui Atl 4 Water Tzontililac 1 House 4 Water Chalchiuhtlicu Flood 1,4

Four Atl e4 Rain of Blood
and Fire3

5 Nahui Ollin 4 Motion

Four Ollin (4

NOTES: 1) Leyenda de los Soles

2) Popol Vuh

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3) Vaticanus - Latin Codex

4) Basin of Mexico
5) Each age was named on the day the age ended, a name that indicated the type of destruction.

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The following is a discussion of the 5 Ages and is depicted in Figure 6-1. The
Maya said the present Sun will last precisely thirteen baktuns (1,872,000 days)
from point zero which is equivalent to 5,200 perfect years of 360 days each or
5125.36 solar years of 365.2425 days each. Given that there are a total of five
ages then five (5) of these Long Count periods is equal to 65 baktuns or 9,360,000
days or 25,627 years based on 365.24 days/year or 26,000 years based on 360
days/year. The 25,627 year duration is suspiciously close to what we consider
today to be the precession cycle of the Earth's axis. This is in fact the case. Table
7-2 shows the direct relationships between the 'Special Numbers' used by the
ancient civilizations and the degrees of precession of the Earth's axis. The table
confirms that at 65 baktuns the Earth will have completed a complete cycle of
precession of 360 degrees.

Mayan mythologies refer to the Road of Xibalba (i.e., Milky Way). They also
refer to the 'dark rift' in the Milky Way. This is a region, when viewed from our
position in space, which appears as a dark area in the Milky Way. This dark
region is caused by the presence of interstellar dust between the center of the
galaxy and the Earth. The plane of our solar system, known as the ecliptic, is
tilted approximately 60 degrees from the galactic plane. Once every 25,627 years
as we approach a winter solstice, our two axes, the galactic and ecliptic intersect
placing the Sun exactly in the center of the dark rift of the Milky Way as viewed
from Earth. The next date of this intersection point is on the winter solstice,
December 21, 2012 AD.

Using the fact that the Maya's claimed there were four Ages before the present
Age and working backward in time from 2012 AD over a period of 65 baktuns,
five periods of 5125.36 solar years can be calculated and are shown in the Ideal
Durations column of Table 6-3. The previous galactic alignment therefore would
have occurred c. 23615 BC. It can be seen from the Codex Vaticanus account that
the durations for the five Mayan Ages are somewhat less than the durations of
5200 ideal years or 5125 solar years shown above (i.e., 4008, 4010, and 4081). I
propose that the ancients understood that the duration of the precession cycle and
the time between the sun's position relative to alignment with the galaxy was in
their terms 65 baktuns or 9,360,000 days. I further propose they knew the timing
of the galactic alignment. In other words, they knew the start date of Age 1 and
the end date of Age 5.

The Mayan history described a duration of 65 baktuns as being divided into five
periods all of which ended in a catastrophic event. This ideally would make each
age equal to a duration of 5200 ideal years. It should be noted that the ends of the
second, third, and fourth ages are not tied to the galactic event that the beginning

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of the first age and the end of the fifth age are tied to. It is assumed that their
history indicated that the catastrophic events occurred at the end of the ideal age.
This would set end dates for Ages 2, 3, and 4. Since the report in the Codex
Vaticanus was transcribed before the end of the fifth age the ideal duration was all
that could be given. This galactic event is what makes the year 2012 AD so exact.

The results for the durations of the five periods depicted in Figure 6-1 are listed as



1 23615 to 18490 BC 23615 to 19607 13 House
2 18490 to 13365 BC 18490 to 14480 5 Flint
3 13365 to 8239 BC 13365 to 9284 BC 6 House
4 8239 to3ll4 BC 8239 to 3214 BC 9 Rabbit
5 3114 BC to 2012 AD 3114 BC to 2012 AD 13 Flint

As shown above the durations given in the Codex Vaticanus can be converted to
actual dates by assuming:

1. The start date for Age 1 is when the Sun lying on the ecliptic
intersects and appears to lay in the dark rift of the Milky
Way (i.e., 23615 BC).
2. The end date for Age 5 is Long Count date or
December 21, 2012 AD.
3. Ages 2, 3, and 4 lay within their respective 5125.36 year
solar intervals and begin with the start of the 5125.36 year
period and each end at the duration given in the Codex

It can be seen that the Mayan end dates based on beginning an Age with the ideal
beginning based on the start of the 5125.36 year durations and using the Codex

J. A. Chapin Page 120 11/16/2008

Vaticanus durations that the end dates arrived at do not agree with the Codex
Vaticanus end dates. The Codex Vaticanus also gives the year in which each Age
was destroyed. The Mayan End Dates for the calculated durations are given in
Table 6-3. A comparison of these end dates with those given in column 5 of Table
6-2, which are from the Codex Vaticanus, show discrepancies for each date as
shown below in Table 6-4. Refer to Appendix A, Table A-1 for the methodology
to calculate Mayan dates.




1 13 House 1 Reed +38
2 5 Flint 1 Flint +4
3 6 House 1 Flint +5
4 9 Rabbit 1 House +21
5 13 Flint No date given ---

The differences in Table 6-4 are the number of years that need to be added to the
calculated end dates in Table 6-3 to bring them into agreement with the Codex
Vaticanus published end dates.

If it is assumed that the End Dates given in the Codex Vaticanus are correct and
the durations are correct then the calculated periods should be adjusted as shown



1 23615-19607 BC 23573-19569 BC 1Reed
2 18490-14480 BC 18486-14476 BC I Flint
3 13365-9284 BC 13360-9279 BC I Flint
4 8239-3214 BC 8218-3193 BC I House
5 3114-2012 AD 3114BC-2012AD 13 Flint

The Mayans believed in cycles and cycles within cycles in a never ending series.
Several contemporary scholars propose that the accounts of the Codex Vaticanus

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and the Leyenda de los Soles are descriptions of the same events. I propose that
the Codex Vaticanus account, as discussed above, represents a long-term
perspective and the Leyenda de los Soles account represents a short-term
perspective of totally different events. Based on smaller cycles within larger
cycles, another way to look at the Leyenda de los Soles account is as follows.
According to the 1558 AD Spanish translation of the Leyenda de los Soles, it was
written that "Here is the wisdom-discourse of fables, how in ancient times it
happened that the earth was established, and each individual thing found its place.
This is the manner in which it is known how the sun gave rise to so many things,
two thousand five hundred and thirteen years before today, the 22nd of May 1558
AD (i.e., 955 BC)". I believe this should be taken literally. This was written by
an Aztec who was describing the history of the Aztec nation. What the Aztec is
telling us is that the beginning date for the Leyenda de los Soles account is 955
BC, not 3114 BC which was used by the Maya as the start of their last age of 13

The list of time periods from the Leyenda de los Soles is as follows:

o First Sun Duration, 676 years (52 x 13) Ended 1 Reed

o Second Sun Duration, 364 years (52 x 7) Ended 1 Flint
o Third Sun Duration, 312 years (52 x 6) Ended 1 Flint
o Fourth Sun Duration, 676 years (52 x 13) Ended I House

The Fifth Sun although not addressed in this sequence is surmised to have a
duration of 676 years in order to complete a full round of 52 x 52 years. Once
every 52 years, the secular and ritual calendar cycles coincided. At this moment
the Mayas/Aztecs believed that time was to have expired.

The writer of the Leyenda de los Soles also wrote, "The name of this Sun is 4
Motion. This is now our sun, the one under which we live today." This was
written in 1558 AD. As can be observed below, this date indeed does fit within
the Fifth Age which would have ended 1749 AD. Further, no duration was given
by the Aztec for the duration of the Fifth Age as this account was written prior to
its end.

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Using the above interpretation of the Leyenda de los Soles yields the following
sequence of dates for the Aztec Ages:


955 BC Aztec Calendar Day Zero

(Leyenda de los Soles)

279 BC End of Age I Mexican Sun Temple built at

(Devoured by Jaguars) End of Olmec civilization (c. 300 BC)

85 AD End of Age 2 Period of cooling and drought

(Destroyed by wind) Vesuvius eruption (79 AD)

397 AD End of Age 3 Mt. Xitle erupts in Mexico (400 AD)

(Destroyed in rain of fire) Fall of Mayan civilization (c. 900 AD)

1073 AD End of Age 4 Drought (1000-120

(Destroyed by water) Fall of Toltec civilization (c1100 AD)
Destruction of Tula (1170 AD)

Leyenda de los Soles written (1558 AD)

Where did the Mayans obtain the knowledge to support their stories of past
civilizations and the cycles of creation and destruction? It would appear that the
civilizations which existed c. 4000 BC also had this same information or possibly
fragments of this information. Several of the ancient civilizations established
calendars which had their beginnings during the third millennium as shown in
Appendix A. If they were recovering from a catastrophic event as suggested by the
end of the Mayan Age 4, c. 3213 BC they undoubtedly would try to define a
history as they best knew it. If their collective memory recalled that a world wide
catastrophe had ended their civilizations, this could have been the reason they used
dates relatively close to each others as a starting point for their new beginnings.

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A number of Mesoamerican writings exist today of which several are listed below
for reference.

• Codex Paris Maya

• Codex Madrid Maya
• Borgia Group
• Codex Zouche-Nuthall Mixtec
• Codex Florentine Aztec (post-Spanish conquest)
• Codex Mendoza Aztec (post-Spanish conquest)
• Codex Vindobonensis (post-Spanish conquest)
• Codex Magliabechiano Aztec (post-Spanish conquest)
• Codex Vaticanus A Aztec (post-Spanish conquest)
• Codex Borgia53 Aztec/Mixtec (late 15th or early 16th century)
o Codex Cospi Aztec (post-Spanish conquest)
o Codex Fejervary-Mayer Aztec (post-Spanish conquest)
o Codex Laud Aztec (post-Spanish conquest)
o Codex Vaticanus B Aztec (post-Spanish conquest)

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* 65 baktuns
* 9,360,000 days
* 25,627 to 26,000 years *
* 13 baktuns
* *<--------------------> *
* * 5125.4 years
* * 1,872,000 days *
* * *
* * *
* * *
23615 BC 18490 BC 13365 BC 8239 BC 3114 BC 2012 AD
*________________ *________________ *________________ *________________ *_________________
* * * * * *
*xxxxxxxxxx 19607 xxxxxxxxxx 14480 xxxxxxxxxxx 9284 xxxxxxxxxxxx 3213
5 *
* Flood Wind Fire/Water Fire

J. A. Chapin Page 124 11/16/2008

NOTES: xxxxxxxxxx = durations per Codex Vaticanus

1 baktun = 144,000 days = 400 years of 360 days each
13 baktuns = 5200 ideal years = 5125.24 solar years
Precession cycle = 25,627 years = 5 Suns/Ages

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A word, a phrase, a number;
An intent, a meaning;
With recognition - an understanding.


From what has been written so far, it can be concluded that ancient man had
considerable knowledge of his surrounding universe. He wrote of creation, the
forces of nature, and his physical relationship with the world in which he found
himself. He not only wrote of these topics, he also found the need to measure and
quantify what he observed. This he did using numbers.

Symbols which represent numbers have appeared in records found on various

media such as clay tablets, papyrus scrolls, and stone carvings. The origin of the
use of numbers cannot be positively identified; however, the mathematical
systems developed by the ancients were likely influenced by what they observed
in nature. They observed that many facets of their lives were affected in a
cyclical fashion. Cycles included birth; planting and harvesting; and the motion
of the Sun, Moon, known planets, and the apparent motion of constellations.

Systematic astronomical observations occurred throughout the world from

locations including Egypt, Babylon, India, China and Mesoamerica. Four
thousand years ago the Babylonians were skilled astronomers who were able to
predict the apparent motions of the moon, stars, planets and the sun. Mankind's
interest in what was going on in the heavens is known to have been recorded at
least since 3500 BC. These civilizations were far ahead of what we today give
them credit for. It wasn't until c. 1500 AD that Copernicus offered the
heliocentric model of the solar system showing the Sun as its center much to the
objection of the renaissance Europeans. What Copernicus believed he discovered
we now realize was known by the Sumerians 5,000 years before his time. With
the advent of deciphering the ancient records of the Sumerians and comparing the
records with what modern astronomy is revealing, it has become obvious that the
science of astronomy and its associated mathematics were important to, and well
understood by, ancient civilizations.

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The ancient cities of the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Mayans,

and Chinese all had solar observation sites where the motions of the Sun, Moon,
planets and stars were observed and recorded. There are writings which claim
that astronomical observations began at much earlier dates than those recorded by
these ancient civilizations. Herodotus, a historian from Asia Minor c. 484 BC,
relates a story from Manetho, an Egyptian, which implies the Egyptians were
recording observations of the heavens as far back as 39000 BC. A claim made by
Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian c. 60 BC, refers to a period of observation
spanning 473,000 years. According to Cicero, a Roman statesman c. 106 BC and
later reiterated by Proclus, a Greek philosopher c. 412 AD, the Chaldaeans had
made observations of the stars which spanned a period of 370,000 years.

Several locations of ancient observatories discovered by modern-day

archaeologists are listed below.

• Nabta Site (Egypt - 5000 BC)

• Sun Temple (Heliopolis, Egypt-3100 BC)
• White Temple of Eridu (Mesopotamia-3100 BC)
• Near Eastern "Stonehenge" (Golan Heights, Israel, c. 3,000 BC)
• Stonehenge I, II, III (England -2900 BC to 2000 BC)
• Mesopotamia Stonehenge (Euphrates-2100BC)
• Sarmizegetusa (Stonehenge by the Black Sea)
• Machu Picchu, Peru (c. 2300 BC)
• Chiche'n Itz'a (Mexico)
• Ziggurat of Babylon (c. 2300 BC)
• Temple of Heaven (Peking)
• Temple of Amon-Ra (Karnack-2100 BC)
• Sacred precinct of Ur (2100 BC)
• Sacsahuaman (Peru)

Dates for the Nabta site have been cited as far back as 5000 BC which makes this
the oldest dated astronomical observatory discovered to date. While this location
is in the Sahara desert today, at the time of its use there is evidence from dried up
river beds and cave paintings that show an area of flowing rivers, lush green
pastures and forests. The Nabta site includes a stone circle and five lines of
standing and toppled megaliths. Satellite surveys show that some of the stones
are aligned north-south, east-west, or pointing to the summer solstice as it would
have appeared 6,000 years ago. This is evidence of the existence of an advanced
civilization existing long before the Sumerians or the Egyptians. Is it possible

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that this is the source of knowledge which was responsible for the proliferation of
astronomy to other parts of the globe?

It is interesting to note that several of these observatories have been identified

with beginnings, c. 4000-3000 BC. Is this coincidental or did something happen
prior to the time of this construction period which peaked the interest of these
civilizations? A period of favorable climate worldwide called the Holocene
Thermal Maximum began around 5000 BC. Because of these favorable
conditions, civilizations exploded worldwide including in Mesopotamia
(Sumerians), Egypt, Mesoamerica (Peru, Mexico), Crete (Minoan), Indus Valley,
and China. The interest in astronomy could have been a normal evolution of
civilization but it is interesting that this evolution occurred at approximately the
same time throughout the world especially since these civilizations were not
thought to have come in contact with one another.

Some of the earliest evidence of symbols which had numerical meaning comes
from the Sumerian civilization c. 3500 BC and later from Babylonian tablets
which list numbers and their sexagesimal reciprocals up to several billion. The
same numbers appear down through the ages as found on the inscriptions left by
the Akkadians c. 2000 BC, Egyptians c. 1800 BC, Babylonians c. 2000-290 BC,
Chinese c. 1105 BC, Hindu-Arabic c. 1150 BC-400 AD, and Mayas c. 1000 BC-
900 AD. Until recently, historians believed that the mathematical prowess of the
people c., 3400 BC-1000 AD was very rudimentary. The utilization of harmonics,
fractions, and decimals of infinite length were believed to have been beyond the
understanding and capabilities of these civilizations. What we know today as a
result of deciphering the ancient tablets and papyrus scrolls is much different.

The Egyptians are believed to have possessed rudimentary algebra (c. 1800 BC)
and trigonometry (c. 1550 BC) in addition to their system of addition and
subtraction. It is believed that the concept of the Geometric Series and the idea of
a fraction with a numerator greater than unity arose in Babylon c. 2000 BC. The
Egyptians also had an understanding of the Geometric Series and used fractions,
the first treatment of which is found in the Ahmes Papyrus (c. 1550 BC). The
essential feature of the Egyptian treatment is the unit fraction (1/x), with two
notable exceptions (i.e., 2/3 & 3/4). Unlike the earlier cultures the Hebrews used
the letters of their alphabet for numerical symbols similar to the system which
was later used by the Greeks. The use of letters of the alphabet to represent
numbers leads to some confusion as the numerical value of a name could be
considered as the accepted translation instead of the name itself, or vice versa.

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Confusion can also be introduced when deciphering the Babylonian cuneiform as

shown in Table 7-9. A series of cuneiform symbols can represent several different
decimal equivalents.

In addition to using numerals for day-to-day calculations the civilizations of

Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, Egypt, and the Indus Valley also made use of what I
have termed 'Special Numbers'. A comparison of many of the 'Special Numbers'
is given in Table 7-1. An interesting characteristic of these 'Special Numbers' is
that many are very large. Tablets from Mesopotamia show tables of ready-made
calculations from 12,960,000 in a series downward to 60. Scholars have
wondered why ancient civilizations had need of a large number such as
12,960,000. The 25,920 year duration of the earth's precession cycle has a
relationship with the 12,960,000 'special number' in that it divides into the
‘special number' exactly 500 times. This large number is also equivalent to 3,600
cycles of 3,600 year durations and when divided by 2160, the duration of each
house of the zodiac, the result is exactly 6000.

Another number used by several ancient civilizations including the Sumerians,

Mayans and Hindus is 1,872,000. The Maya referred to this as the Long Count
and as explained in Chapter 6 it represented the duration of one Age/Sun. Some
other properties of this number are shown below.

• 1,872,000 / 260 = 7200 years

• 1,872,000 / 360 = 5200 years
• 1,872,000 / 365 = 5128.77 years
• 1,872,000 / 365.24 = 5125.4 years
• 1,872,000 / 20 = 936,000 months
• 1,872,000 / 52 = 36,000
• 1,872,000 / 72 = 26,000
• 1,872,000 / 13 = 144,000 days = 1 baktun

Why did the ancient civilizations develop these large numbers and what did they
use them for? If Proclus and Cicero are correct in their reporting that the
Chaldaeans and Egyptians observed the stars for exceptionally long durations,
then it is likely they understood the mechanics of the solar system. This indicates
the likelihood that advanced civilizations did indeed exist at a much earlier time
than we today accept as being possible.

Other civilizations have also used these 'special numbers'. A half world away
from the civilization of the Sumerians, the Maya and their ancestors also
possessed many of these 'special numbers'. Much of what we know today of the

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Mayan number system comes from the Dresden Codex. This Codex provides
considerable astronomical data pertaining to the Moon and the planets of Venus
and Mars. Hindu records from India state that One Cosmic Cycle is equal to
1,200 divine years. Further, the Mahabharata text records that there were four
ages of the world (Yugas) consisting of 12,000 divine years of 360 human years
each for a total of 4,320,000 years. Icelandic mythology refers to the number
432,000 as the ending of a cosmic age while the Babylonians referred to the same
number as a Great Year.

A number which had some prominence in the Maya literature is 1,366,560. The
Dresden Codex contains a table of several pages dedicated to the positioning of
Venus and referred to this number. This number appears to have a relationship to
the orbits of the planets Venus and Mars as well as to the forming of the Mayan
calendars. These relationships are as follows:

• 3,744 (Haab/vague years) X 365 =1,366,560

• 5256 (Tzolkins) X 260 =1,366,560
• 5 84 (days/Venus orbit) X 117 passes X 20 =1,366,560
• 584 (days/Venus orbit) X 260 X9 =1,366,560
• 780 (days/Mars orbit) X 1,752 =1,3 66,560
• 72 (calendar rounds) X 18,990 days =1,366,560
• 144,000 days X 9.49 baktuns =1,366,560

If it is assumed that these same numbers did not appear within the various ancient
cultures by chance then it seems reasonable that they were derived from a
common source. This may be hard to accept. Since modern day scientists believe
that worldwide communications between these civilizations (c. 3400 BC) could
not have been possible, it leads one to consider the possibility that these numbers
originated from a much earlier civilization and were then propagated throughout
the world.

Astronomers and mathematicians have speculated as to the practical use of these

‘special numbers' and have tried to offer explanations based on motions of the
celestial bodies within our solar system. The following discussion provides
possible answers as to what these numbers might have meant to the ancients.

These results suggest that the knowledge possessed by these ancient civilizations
was far beyond what we consider today to have been possible.

A very important number which appears in the texts of the ancient's is the number
72. Today we recognize this number as the approximate number of years it takes

J. A. Chapin Page 129 11/16/2008

the Earth's axis to precess by approximately 1 degree. Another number which

was important to the Maya was the 'special number' 144,000 or the baktun.
Column 1 of Table 7-2 represents multiples of the baktun in terms of numbers of
days. Converting these days to years using the Mayan 360 day/year calendar and
then dividing these results by the number of years/degree of precession (i.e., 72)
gives the number of degrees the Earth will precess during a baktun or 5.555
degrees per baktun. In Chapter 6, it will be recalled, that the Maya stated it would
take 65 baktuns to complete five (5) ages which is equivalent to 1 precession
cycle of 360 degrees lasting approximately 26,000 years. Table 7-2 indicates that
the number 9,360,000 days is indeed equivalent to 65 baktuns or 361.111 degrees.
The calculated number of degrees represents an error of 0.3% from the true value
of 360 degrees to complete a full cycle. Since the precession constant of 72
degrees per year is an approximation, this error is insignificant.

Taking the Sumerian multiples of 3600 which are the 'special numbers' and
dividing them by 72 results in the number of degrees the Earth's axis will precess
over each 3,600 year period, as shown in Table 7-3. Also shown in columns 3 &
6 are the number of precession cycles which correspond with the 'special
numbers' (i.e., 43600 years). It can be seen that a complete cycle (i.e., column 4)
occurs between 25,200 and 28,800 or 26,000 years.

What were the Mayans or their predecessors trying to show, if anything? I

believe that by presenting these 'Special Numbers' in their written records the
Mayans or their predecessors were describing their understanding of the
celestial/physical relationships involving:

• The Earth's position in relation to its precession cycle.

• Alignment between the galactic and solar planes,
• The Earth's position relative to the Sun,

Also, by tying these 'Special Numbers' to the completion of Ages, as discussed in

Chapter 4, they were describing worldwide catastrophic events which occurred in
their past and they were trying to inform future generations of important coming

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The 'special numbers' not only represented the cyclical property of the Earth's
precession cycle they also were recognized for their harmonic properties. The
physical world contains an infinite number of tones. The idea of scales of tones
has been wrongly attributed to the ancient Greeks. Several scholars speculate that
the concepts of scale and harmonics may have actually originated with the
Babylonians. I would go further and speculate that these ideas are from a much
earlier period. The Egyptians believed that through the study of numbers,
irrationals, and harmony, they could understand the whole of creation and all the
laws, principles and functions underlying physical phenomena. The Sumerians
may have also considered the concept of harmony or harmonics as they assigned
numbers to their gods54 which can be seen to correspond with the diatonic scale as
shown in Table 7-4.

All of the 'Special Numbers' listed in Table 7-1 are prime numbers and are
harmonics represented by the 1:2 octave. That is, they are divisible by 2 p 3q 5r
where p, q, r are integers including zero. From the roots of 2, 3, 5 all harmonic
proportions and relationships can be derived. It would appear that these ancient
civilizations understood these concepts very well. Today we know that
everything in what we term Nature is cyclical or repetitive and therefore
predictable. The concepts of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are being
refined by the concepts of String Theory and M-theory which recognize multiple
dimensions with vibrational characteristics. Modern physics is showing that
everything from subatomic structures to the total expanse of the universe is built
upon the concept of vibration (i.e., cycles, harmonics). In other words, the
interplay of the harmonic proportions of an infinite number of tones commands
the forms of all matter. The formation of matter is dependent on the vibrational
characteristics of its subatomic makeup and as such there are nodes formed where
these vibrational characteristics are focused (i.e., points of stability).

The primary point of stability selected by the Egyptians was the location of the
Great Pyramid of Giza. They designated this location as the 'center of the earth'.
By observing the locations of their important cities and structures in relation to
the Great Pyramid of Giza it can be seen that these locations or nodes form a grid.
The locations of several ancient cities of religious/political significance including
the sites of the important oracles are presented in Table 7-5. By placing these
locations on a grid it can be observed that they are spaced circumferentially (i.e.,
east/west from Giza) in even multiples of 15 minutes of arc, or 15 nautical miles.
Further, these locations lie on 15 minute of arc multiples north/south of Giza. The
locations of Persepolis, Iran; Harappa, India; and Lhasa, Tibet also lie on the 30
degree latitude and are multiples of 1200 minutes of arc east/west of Giza. These
were all important cities c. 3500 BC. The locations for Stonehenge, England and

J. A. Chapin Page 131 11/16/2008

Avebury, England have been included in the table since the dates for their use
correspond to the dates that the other locations were in use. The results suggest
that a connection between these two sites and Giza may not have existed. The
locations of the Greek oracle sites also lie on the 15 minute of arc grid. This tie to
Giza would suggest that these oracle sites were much older than the Greek period.
The Egyptians considered 7 degrees latitude equivalent to 1 octave (D, c, bb , A,
G, f, eb , D) and set the north-south boundaries of Egypt at 7 degrees latitude, an
equivalent of 420 minutes of arc or 420 nautical miles which is also a multiple of
15 minutes of arc.

Today we recognize that the circumference of the Earth (360 degrees) can be
divided into 21,600 minutes of arc which in our terms of distance is equal to
21,600 nautical miles. I believe the ancient civilizations were also aware of this.
The Mesopotamians designated the unit of 1 sar =3,600 which I propose they used
to relate to a measure of the Earth's circumference equivalent to 21,600 / 3,600 =
60 degrees or 3,600 nautical miles. In this manner they would have been able to
grid the entire surface of the Earth in a manner similar to our present day grid of
latitude and longitude. This implies they knew the Earth was a sphere. Assuming
they knew this fact, one has to ask the question; why was it important to establish
such a grid? There are three reasons which come to mind that would cause these
civilizations to need this information. One is they needed to know the distance
between vastly separated regions on the Earth for purposes of travel. The second
is they needed locations for the purpose of communicating to distant points on the
Earth's surface. Thirdly, they were aware of the vibrational properties of matter
and its harmonic affects on the workings of the universe and realized that specific
points for locating their cities and important structures could benefit from the
harmonic properties of the site. When the circumference of the Earth is divided
into segments of 60 degrees or 3,600 minutes of arc each, the following
relationships are obtained:


480 28,800
420 25,200
360 21,600
300 18,000
240 14,400
180 10,800
120 7,200
60 3,600
It can be observed from Table 7-6, Special Numbers and Their Harmonics, that
the above numbers, in terms of minutes of arc can be represented within a series

J. A. Chapin Page 132 11/16/2008

of approximately four octaves (i.e., 2250:4500 thru 18000:36000). It can further

be noted that the segment of 60 degrees or 3,600 minutes of arc is equivalent to 1
octave from 0 to 3600 as is the second segment from 3600 to 7200. The third
segment of 180 degrees does not fall into the 1 octave relationship. The next
segment which falls into the 1 octave relationship is 240 degrees followed by 480
degrees. By observing the octave relationships it can be seen that each
subsequent octave forms a relationship which is represented by the series 1, 2, 4,
8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc.

Interestingly enough this is the same series which formed the basis for the Titus-
Bode Law which describes the location for the planets of the solar system. It has
been shown that the entire planetary system can be stable if it is in a resonant
configuration. It has long been recognized that naturally occurring arrangements
can be linked to number sequences. What this sequence shows is that the regions
bounded by 60, 120, and 240 degrees and centered at Giza are in resonance,
which suggests that the land and ocean masses are in equilibrium and have
reached a point of relative stability. This further suggests that the selection of the
Giza plateau for the location of the pyramids was based on knowledge of the
planets resonance frequencies.

Referring to the diatonic scale of Table 7-7, Special Numbers and their
Corresponding Tones as a Function of Frequency Ratios, it can be observed that
this series is represented by the tone of eb.

When the Earth is divided into areas bounded by the points of resonance
measured in each of the four cardinal directions centered at the Great Pyramid, it
can be observed that each area includes an interesting collection of regions as
described below.

Area 1, created by following the lines of longitude and latitude which are found
60 degrees in each direction from the pyramid ranges from the North Pole to the
southern tip of Africa at 30 degrees south latitude. The eastern boundary follows
the 90 degree east longitude north through central China and central Russia to the
North Pole. The western boundary follows the 30 degree west longitude north to
the North Pole. This area includes the continents of Africa, Europe, and a large
portion of Asia. Of particular note is the split of Asia occurs precisely through the
ancient city of Lhasa, Tibet.

J. A. Chapin Page 133 11/16/2008

Area 2, created between the 60 degree increment and the 120 degree increment
includes the continents of South America, Australia, Indonesia; the portion of Asia
not covered in Area 1; portions of the North American continent including
Greenland, Canada, the eastern portion of the United States; and extends from the
North Pole to the South Pole where it covers the majority of Antarctica including
the regions of the Weddell Sea, Queen Maud Land, Enderby Land and Wilkes

Area 3, created between the 120 degree increment and the 180 degree increment
covers the South Pacific Ocean, New Zealand, and portions of Antarctica
including Byrd Land, Victoria Land, and the Ross Sea. These three Areas
centered at Giza cover the entire surface of the Earth.

Another way to represent the circumference of the Earth is to double the 3600
tone for successive 60 degree segments as shown below:

60 DEGREE 3,600 TONE

0 -60 3,600
60 – 120 7,200
120 -180 14,400
180 – 240 28,800
240 – 300 57,600
300 – 360 115,200

From Table 7-6, Special Numbers and their Harmonics and Table 7-8 (Special
Numbers and their Corresponding Length Multiples) this harmonic series of
double tones is represented by the tone bb of the diatonic and chromatic scales.
From Table 7-7 (Special Numbers and their Corresponding Tones as a Function of
Frequency Ratios) this is also equivalent to the frequency tone f #. This indicates
that positions on the Earth's surface located at 60 degree intervals represent
harmonics of the f # chord. According to ancient Egyptian texts, the notes of the f#
chord were the harmonics of the Earth's natural resonance frequency. The Great
pyramid in Giza is located at what is believed to be the center of the Earth's
landmass. A number of investigators have made acoustic measurements inside the
king's chamber of the Great pyramid and report that the granite beams of the
chamber resonate at the harmonics represented by the f # chord (i.e., 438-450 Hz).
Christopher Dunn6 provides a compelling argument which postulates that the Giza
pyramid could act as a coupled oscillator resonating in harmony with the Earth's
natural vibration.

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The fact that ancient civilizations, c. 3500 BC, made use of numbers in the way
outlined in this chapter shows that they had a significant understanding of the
layout of the universe, the mechanics of the solar system and the functioning of,
and their interaction with, the planet Earth.

It can be seen in Table 7-11 that the mapping of the Earth, in terms of latitude and
longitude, has been understood as early as 1137 AD. The discovery of the
chronometer by John Harrison in 1761 AD provided seamen during the Middle
Ages with the means to measure longitude for the first time in recent history. As
can be seen in Table 7-11, several maps depict latitude and longitude well before
Harrison invented the chronometer. The cartographers cited earlier maps from
which they obtained the data for their maps. Not only did these maps show
latitude and longitude, several also show ice-age glaciers c. 12000 BC and some
show Antarctica free of ice c. 4000-9000 BC. This leads one to speculate further
that earlier, sophisticated societies existed prior to the end of the last ice age and
possibly existed prior to the last ice age.

With this background it can be surmised that the ancient societies had an accurate
understanding of their history and of creation itself. It is not apparent from the
archaeological evidence presented in the next chapter that these civilizations c.
3000-4000 BC developed this knowledge on their own. They appear to be users
of and not inventors of technology. This can only point to a much earlier source
for the information which they were users of!

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2p x 3q x 5r SARS) CYCLES

1 0-0-0 600
6 1-1-0
60 2-1-1 D 601
600 3-1-2

36 2-2-0 f
360 3-2-1 D
3600 4-2-2 D 602 1 SAR 3
36000 5-2-3 D 10 X 602 30
360000 6-2-4 D 100 X 602 300

72 3-2-0 f
720 4-2-1 D
7200 5-2-2 D 2 X 602 6
72000 6-2-3 D 20 X 602 60
720000 7-2-4 D 200 X 602 600
7200000 8-2-5 2000 X 602 6000

144 4-2-0 f
1440 5-2-1 D
14400 6-2-2 D 4 X 602 12
144000 7-2-3 D 40 X 602 120

216 3-3-0 c, f
2160 4-3-1 A, f
21600 5-3-2 A, f 6 X 602 18
216000 6-3-3 A, f 603 1 180

J. A. Chapin Page 136 11/16/2008



2p x 3q x 5r SARS) CYCLES

432 4-3-0 c, f
4320 5-3-1 f
43200 6-3-2 f 12 X 602
432000 7-3-3 D 2 X 603 2 360 Hindu – Kali Yuga &
Babylonian Great
4320000 8-3-4 20 X 603 20 3600 Hindu - 1 Yuga era
86400 7-3-2 f 24 X 602
864000 8-3-3 4 X 603 Hindu – Dvapara
8640000 9-3-4 40 X 603 Hindu - 2 Yuga eras

129600 6-4-2 c 36 X 602

1296000 7-4-3 f 6 X 603 Hindu – Treta Yuga
12960000 8-4-4 604 60 Hindu – 3 Yuga

1200 4-1-2 b
120000 6-1-4 b

25920 6-4-1 c Precession cycle of

the Earth’s Axis

241200 na 201

456000 na 380
172800 8-3-2 f
1728000 9-3-3 8 X 603 Hindu - Krita Yuga
17280000 10-3-4 80 X 603 Hindu – 4 Yuga

155520000000 16-5-10 Hindu duration of

J. A. Chapin Page 137 11/16/2008

000 the Universe-life of


1-Special Numbers found throughout writing of ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Indian and Mesoamerican cultures.
2 -Tone values are all products of 3 primes 2, 3, 5

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144000 1 5.556 4896000 34 188.889
288000 2 11.111 5040000 35 194.444
432000 3 16.667 5184000 36 200.000
576000 4 22.222 5328000 37 205.556
720000 5 27.778 5472000 38 211.111
864000 6 33.333 5616000 39 216.667
1008000 7 38.889 5760000 40 222.222
1152000 8 44.444 5904000 41 227.778
1296000 9 50.000 6048000 42 233.333
1440000 10 55.556 6192000 43 238.889
1584000 11 61.111 6336000 44 244.444
1728000 12 66.667 6480000 45 250.000
1872000 13 72.222 6624000 46 255.556
2016000 14 77.778 6768000 47 261.111
2160000 15 83.333 6912000 48 266.667
2304000 16 88.889 7056000 49 272.222
2448000 17 94.444 7200000 50 277.778
2592000 18 100.000 7344000 51 283.333
2736000 19 105.556 7488000 52 288.889
2880000 20 111.111 7632000 53 294.444
3024000 21 116.667 7776000 54 300.000
3168000 22 122.222 7920000 55 305.556
3312000 23 127.778 8064000 56 311.111
3456000 24 133.333 8208000 57 316.667
3600000 25 138.889 8352000 58 322.222
3744000 26 144.444 8496000 59 327.778
3888000 27 150.000 8640000 60 333.333
4032000 28 155.556 8784000 61 338.889
4176000 29 161.111 8928000 62 344.444
4320000 30 166.667 9072000 63 350.000
4464000 31 172.222 9216000 64 355.556
4608000 32 177.778 9360000 65 361.111
4752000 33 183.333

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50 0.14 3600 1900 5.28 136800
100 0.28 7200 1950 5.42 140400
150 0.42 10800 2000 5.56 144000
200 0.56 14400 2050 5.69 147600
250 0.69 18000 2100 5.83 151200
300 0.83 21600 2150 5.97 154800
350 0.97 25200 2200 6.11 158400
400 1.11 28800 2250 6.25 162000
450 1.25 32400 2300 6.39 165600
500 1.39 36000 2350 6.53 169200
550 1.53 39600 2400 6.67 172800
600 1.67 43200 2450 6.81 176400
650 1.81 46800 2500 6.94 180000
700 1.94 50400 2550 7.08 183600
750 2.08 54000 2600 7.22 187200
800 2.22 57600 2650 7.36 190800
850 2.36 61200 2700 7.50 194400
900 2.50 64800 2750 7.64 198000
950 2.64 68400 2800 7.78 201600
1000 2.78 72000 2850 7.92 205200
1050 2.92 75600 2900 8.06 208800
1100 3.06 79200 2950 8.19 212400
1150 3.19 82800 3000 8.33 216000
1200 3.33 86400 3050 8.47 219600
1250 3.47 90000 3100 8.61 223200
1300 3.61 93600 3150 8.75 226800
1350 3.75 97200 3200 8.89 230400
1400 3.89 100800 3250 9.03 234000
1450 4.03 104400 3300 9.17 237600
1500 4.17 108000 3350 9.31 241200
1550 4.31 111600 3400 9.44 244800
1600 4.44 115200 3450 9.58 248400
1650 4.58 118800 3500 9.72 252000
1700 4.72 122400 3550 9.86 255600
1750 4.86 126000 3600 10.00 259200
1800 5.00 129600 3650 10.14 262800
1850 5.14 133200 3700 10.28 266400

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Babylonian Multiplication Table; 10 (i.e., product of number & reciprocal = 60)



2 30 c# eb
3 20 f bb
4 15 c# eb
Ninmah/Ninharsag 5 12 A G
Ishkur/Adad 6 10 f# bb
8 7,30 c# eb
9 6,40 b f
Marduk8 10 6 A G
12 5 f# bb
Inanna/Ishtar3 15 4 D D
16 3,45 c# eb
18 3,20 b f
Utu/Shamash 20 3 A G
24 2,30 f# bb
Ningal 25 2,24 f b
27 2,13,20 e c
Nannar/Sin 30 2 D D
32 1,52,20 c# eb
Ninki 35
36 1,40 b f
Enki/Ea 40 1,30 A G
Ninlil6 45 1,20 G A
48 1,15 f# bb
Enlil (later Ninurta)9 50 1,12 f b
54 1,6,40 e c
Antu7 55
An/Anu 60 1 D D
NOTES: 1) Numbers 30 thru 60 = Diatonic Scale (35 & 55 added to complete the circle of 12 Great
2 & 3 Single
4, 5, 6, 7) Female: wives of Sin, Ea, Enlil, and Anu respectively.
8) Marduk was not initially included in the circle of 12 Great Gods.
9) Ninurta succeeded his father Enlil and assumed the number 50.
10) Babylonian reciprocal tables (c. 2000 BC) actually have reciprocals of numbers up to several

EXAMPLE: Sexagesimal reciprocal 1, 6, 40 =


The reciprocal of x = 1/x = 1/ 0.0185177 = 54

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GIZA, Egypt 30N 0 31E
Persepolis, Iran 30N 0 0 0 51E 20E 1200 80
Harappa, India 30N 0 0 0 71E 40E 2400 160
Lhasa, Tibet 30N 0 0 0 91E 60E 3600 240
Easter Island 27S 303 18180 1212 251E 220E 13200 876
Maya, Guatemala 15N 345 20700 1380 271E 240E 14400 960
Matchu Picchu, 13S 317 19020 1268 287.5E 103.5W 15390 1026
Sacsahuaman, 13.5S 316.5 18990 1266 288E 103W 15420 1028
Nazca, Peru 15S 315 18900 1260 285E 254E 15240 1016
Tiahuanaco, 16.5S 313.5 18810 1254 291E 260E 15600 1040
Avebury, England 51.4286N 21.4286 1285 85.71 359.15E 328.15E 19689 1312.6
Stonehenge, 51.178N 21.178 1270.68 84.7 359E 328E 19680 1312
Samos, Greece 38.75N 8.75 525 35 27E -4W -240 1424
Baalbek, Lebanon
34N 4 240 16 36E 5W 300 20.8
Cyrene, Libya 33N 3 180 12 13E 18W 1080 1368
Athens, Greece 38N 8 480 32 23.75E -7.25W -435 1411
Cythera, Greece36.5N 6.25 375 25 23E -8W -480 1408
Delphi, Greece 38.5N 8.5 510 34 22.5E -8.5W -510 1406
Dodona, Greece 39.5N 9.5 570 38 20.8E -10.2W -612 1212
NOTES: 1) One degree of arc = 60 nautical miles
2) 15 minutes of arc = 15 nautical miles

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1:2 450:900 900: 1800: 3600:7200 7200: 14400: 28800:
RATIO 1800 3600 14400 28800 57600

450 900 1800 3600 7200 14400 28800

480 960 1920 3840 7680 15360 30720
540 1080 2160 4320 8640 17280 34560
600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400
675 1350 2700 5400 10800 21600 43200
720 1440 2880 5760 11520 23040 46080
750 1500 3000 6000 12000 24000 48000
810 1620 3240 6480 12960 25920 51840
900 1800 3600 7200 14400 28800 57600

1:2 2250:4500 4500:9000 9000:18000 18,000: 36,000: 72,000: 144,000: 288,000: 576,000:
RATIO 36,000 72,000 144000 288,000 576,000 1,152,000

D 2250 4500 9000 18000 36000 72000 144000 288000

d# 9375 18750 37500 75000 150000 300000
eb 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 76800 153600 307200
e 2500 5000 10000 20000 40000 80000 160000 320000
E 10125 20250 40500 81000 162000 324000 648000
f 2700 5400 10800 21600 43200 86400 172800 345600
f# 11250 22500 45000 90000 180000 360000
G 3000 6000 12000 24000 48000 96000 192000 384000
g 12150 24300 48600 97200 194400 388800
g# 3125 6250 12500 25000 50000 100000 200000 400000
ab 3200 6400 12800 25600 51200 102400 204800 409600
A 3375 6750 13500 27000 54000 108000 216000 432000 864000
bb 3600 7200 14400 28800 57600 115200 230400 460800
b 3750 7500 15000 30000 60000 120000 240000 480000
b# 15625 31250 62500 125000 250000 500000
C 4000 8000 16000 32000 64000 128000 256000 512000
c 4050 8100 16200 32400 64800 129600 259200 518400
c# 16875 33750 67500 135000 270000 540000
D 4500 9000 18000 36000 72000 144000 288000 576000
NOTES TO TABLES 7-8 & 7-9: 1) Scale of eight tones without the chromatic intervals. 2) Smallest integers which define the diatonic scale.
3) Scale of 13 successive half tones to the octave. 4) Smallest integers which define chromatic order.

J. A. Chapin Page 143 11/16/2008


DIATONIC 1 30:6 60: 1 2 4 960: 1 3 7680:
SCALE 1 5:3 02 120 20: 40: 80: 1920 920: 840: 15360
0 240 480 960 3 7
840 680

D 15 30 60 120 240 480 960 1920

eb 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2
f 18 36 72 144 288 576 1152 2304
G 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 2560
A 45 90 180 360 720 1440 2880
bb 24 48 96 192 382 764 1528 3056
b 25 50 100 200 400 800 1600 3200
c 27 54 108 216 432 864 1728 3456
D 30 60 120 240 480 960 1920 3840

CHROMATIC 4 90: 1 3 7 1 2 5 1152 2304 4608

SCALE 3 5:9 180 80: 60: 20: 440: 880: 760: 0: 0: 0:92
0 360 720 1 288 5 1 2304 4608 160
440 0 760 152 0 0

D 45 90 180 360 720 1

d# 375 750 1
eb 48 96 192 384 768 1
e 50 100 200 400 800 1
E 405 810 1 3240 6480 1296 25920
620 0
f 54 108 216 432 864 1
f# 225 450 900 1 3600 7 1 28800 5760
800 200 440 0

J. A. Chapin Page 144 11/16/2008

G 60 120 240 480 960 1
g 243 486 972 1
g# 125 250 500 1 2
000 000
ab 64 128 256 512 1 2
024 048
A 135 270 540 1 2
080 160
bb 72 144 288 576 1 2
152 304
b 75 150 300 600 1 2
200 400
b# 625 1 2
250 500
C 80 160 320 640 1 2
280 560
c 81 162 324 648 1 2
296 592
c# 675 1 2 5400 1080 2160 43200
350 700 0 0
D 90 180 360 720 1 2
440 880

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DIATONIC LENGTH 30:6 60: 120: 240: 480: 960: 1920 3840: 7680: 15360 30720
SCALE 1 RATIOS 02 12 240 480 960 1920 : 7680 1536 : :
0 3840 0 30720 61440

D 144 144 288 576 1 2304 4608 9216 18432 36864 73728
eb 135 135 270 540 1 2160 4320 8640 17280 34560 69120
f 120 120 240 480 960 1920 3840 7680 15360 30720 61440
G 108 108 216 432 864 1728 3456 6912 13824 27648 55296
A 96 96 192 384 768 1536 3072 6144 12288 24576 49152
bb 90 90 180 360 720 1440 2880 5760 11520 23040 46080
c 80 80 160 320 640 1280 2560 5120 10240 20480 40960
D 72 72 144 288 576 1152 2304 4608 9216 18432 36864

CHROMATIC 360: 72 1 2 5760 1152 2304 46080: 9216 18432 36864

SCALE 3 720 0: 440: 880: : 0: 0: 92160 0: 0: 0:
14 288 5 1152 2304 4608 1843 36864 73728
40 0 760 0 0 0 20 0 0

D 720 1 2880 5 1152 2304 4608

440 760 0 0 0
eb 675 1 2700 5 1080 2160 4320 86400 17280 345600 691200
350 400 0 0 0 0
e 648 1 2592 5 1036 2073 4147
296 184 8 6 2
f 600 1 2400 4 9600 1920 3840
200 800 0 0
f# 576 1 2304 4 9216 1843 3686
152 608 2 4
G 540 1 2160 4 8640 1728 3456
080 320 0 0

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A 480 960 1920 3 7680 1536 3072
840 0 0
bb 450 90 1 3 7200 1440 2880 57600 1152 23040 46080
0 800 600 0 0 00 0 0
b 432 864 1728 3 6912 1382 2764
456 4 8
c 400 800 1600 3 6400 1280 2560
200 0 0
c# 384 768 1536 3 6144 1228 2457
072 8 6
D 360 720 1440 2 5760 1152 2304
880 0 0

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Babylonian Cuneiform

Y = 1 = 60N =60, 3600, 216000, 12960000

< = 10 = 10 X 60N = 600, 36000, 2160000

Y>= 100

Y>= minus sign


______________________ _________________________ _____ POSSIBILITIES
10,800 YYY 180, 121, 62, 3
28,800 YYYYYYYY 480, 185, 126, 67, 8
36,000 < 600, 10
43,200 <YY 720, 661, 602, 130, 71, 12
46,800 <YYY 780, 721, 662, 603, 190, 131, 72,
50,400 <YYYY
54,000 <YYYYY
64,800 <YYYYYYYY 1080, 608, 195, 136, 77, 18
72,000 <<
108,000 <<<
144,000 <<<<
432,000 YY 7200, 3660, 120, 2

70 Y< 660, 601, 11

105 Y>YYYYY 400, 341, 282, 223, 164
150 YY<<< 91, 32
162 Y>YYY 221, 103
165 Y>YYYYYY 242, 283, 224
170 Y>Y< 111
182 YYYYY 241, 123, 64, 5
187 YYY<Y>YYY 128, 69, 10
250 YYYY< 191, 132, 73

J. A. Chapin Page 148 11/16/2008


10,800 15730 1,700 300
28,800 42361 D00 Where D=10 7DD Where D=46 & 40
36,000 54340 D00 Where D=10 D00 Where D=10
43,200 65230 5,800 D00 Where D=12
46,800 71170 5D00 Where D=17 D00 Where D=13
64,800 107800 8,200 D00 Where D=18

25,920 38500 34D0 Where D=16 7D0 Where D=12

144,000 238470 D,000 Where D=18 D00 Where D=40

432,000 727530 2D000 Where D=12 2,000
720,000 1316580 4D000 Where D=10 3D00 Where D=20
1,008,000 1805640 66,000 4D00 Where D=40
1,296,000 2384700 82,000 6000
1,584,000 2873750 9D000 Where D=18 7D00 Where D=20
1,872,000 3462810 DD000 Where D=11 & 14 8D00 Where D=40
2,160,000 4051860 DD000 Where D=13&10 D000 Where D=10
2,448,000 4541020 D6000 Where D=15 DD00 Where D=11&20
12,960,000 26342700 41,000 10,000

D = decimal

EXAMPLE 1: Decimal number=25,920

Divide decimal by base number = 9
9/25920 =2880 with a remainder = 0
9/ 2880 = 320 with a remainder =0
9/320 =35 with a remainder = 5
9/35 = 3 with a remainder =8
9/8 = 0 with a remainder = 3

The base 9 equivalent = 38,500 (The reverse order of the remainders)

CHECK: 3x9^4 + 8x9^3 + 5x9^2 + 0x9^1 +0x9^0 = 3x9x9x9x9 + 8x9x9x9 + 5x9x9 +0x9x9 + 0x9
= 19,683 + 5,832 + 405 + 0 +0
= 25,920

EXAMPLE 2: Decimal number=25,920

Divide decimal by base number = 20

20/25920 = 1296 with a remainder = 0

20/1296 = 64 with a remainder = 16 (since this is more than a single digit, assign D)
20/64 =3 with a remainder = 4
20/3 = 0 with a remainder = 3

The base 20 equivalent = 34D0

CHECK: 3x20^3 + 4x20^2 + 16 ^1 + 0x20^0 = 3x20x20x20 +4x20x20 +16x20 +0x20

= 24,000 + 1600 + 320 + 0
= 25,920

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Millions Antarctica Ice
of years Free
13000 Coasts of
to 4000 Antarctica Ice
BC Free
100- Claudius Ptolemy Glaciers in Southern
170 AD Sweden
1137 Chinese map/stone Latitude & Longitude
1339 Dulcert Portolano Latitude & Longitude
of Europe & North
1380 Zeno Greenland, Latitude &
1487 Portolano / Iehudi Ibn Glaciers @ Latitude of
Ben Zara England,
Mediterranean @ Ice
Age Sea Level
1513 Piri Reis Antarctica, Ice Free
Coast, South America,
Amazon River,
Falkland Islands
1531 Oronteus Finaeus Antarctica, Coast Ice
Free, Rivers,
Mountains, Ross Sea
1538 Mercator / Gerard Antarctica, Coast Ice
Kremer Free, Coast of South
America - detailed
1559 Hadji Ahmed Bering Land Bridge
1569 Mercator / Gerard Spanish explorers Antarctica & South
Kremer in South America America, data from
since 1519 - Spanish explorers
1592 Discovery of
Falkland Islands
1737 Philippe Buache Antarctica totally Ice
1761 John Harrison Discovery of
Chronometer to
1818 Discovery of

J. A. Chapin Page 147 11/16/2008

1958 International Discovery that
Geophysical Year Antarctica is
Survey comprised of
multiple land

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Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

-Aldous Huxley

When you have eliminated the impossible,

what ever remains, however improbable, must be
the truth.
-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes)

As discussed in Chapter 6, many of the ancient myths describe stories of

cataclysmic events. If the intent of these ancient story tellers was to relay
important information to future generations, can these stories be explained or
supported by the physical evidence we have knowledge of today? Does the
geophysical record we observe today support or refute the stories of creation, the
stories of cataclysmic destruction and the possibility of advanced civilizations
prior to the end of the last ice age? Clues as to man's thinking can be derived
from his environment and his construction projects. A starting point in
determining who we are and where we are headed is to review the physical
evidence left behind from the regions where we came from and to correlate the
timing of natural occurrences in these areas with this physical evidence. A
timeline of relevant historical information is presented in Appendix B, Table B-1.
The basis for this information is from mythology, archaeology, geology and other
emerging sciences. As such, the accuracy of many of the dates is suspect and
should be used only as a framework to help fashion reality as new information
becomes available which will either support or refute the timeline.


The accurate dating of ancient historic events is often criticized. Not only do the
different dating techniques offer different dates for the same events, there is often
a lack of consistency within any given dating technique. Many of the dates which
have been reported in the past were determined by a technique based on the decay
cycle of the carbon-14 element. The accuracy of the carbon-14 dating technique
is based on several assumptions, not the least of which includes:

1. The amounts of atmospheric and oceanic carbon have remained the same
for the past several million years,

J. A. Chapin Page 149 11/16/2008

2. the levels of cosmic rays and neutrino radiation reaching the earth were
the same in the past as they are now,
3. nothing has ever contaminated the specimens containing carbon-14,
4. and the earth's magnetic field has remained constant throughout its

Since it is known today that none of these assumptions are reliable, the accuracy of
the carbon-14 dating technique, especially for older dates, must be suspect. In
order to try to substantiate the dates obtained through the use of carbon-14
techniques researchers have employed a method using tree-ring calibrations. The
Bristlecone pine and the giant sequoias may be the oldest known living things on
Earth. Living Bristlecone trees and deadwood pieces are postulated to provide a
year-by-year tree ring sequence back to 3435 BC while the sequoias are no older
than 4000 years. A problem arises when using the Bristlecone tree-rings as a
method for calibration since several researchers believe the Bristlecone pine can
produce two tree-rings per year or can even skip a year of ring production.

It is generally accepted that carbon-14 dates, going back about 2,600 years, tend
to be the most accurate since it is believed that carbon-14 levels since that time
would have been close to early nineteenth-century levels. However, radiocarbon
dating is reported by many to be accurate for dating events back to c. 9500 BC. It
can be said that methods used to date materials older than a few thousand years
are notoriously unreliable. A less precise marine carbonates calibration can be
used for dating prior to c. 9500 BC. It has been suggested that 2000 years be
added to radiocarbon determinations earlier than 8000 BC and as much as 3000
years be added to radiocarbon determinations earlier than 10000 BC.

It has been shown that the abundance of carbon-14 in the earth's atmosphere
varies as a function of sunspot activity. During periods of great sunspot activity
the abundance of atmospheric carbon-14 diminishes. It has been reported 54 that
during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries as well as during the Maunder
Minimum (1630 – 1720 AD) the levels of carbon-14 in the atmosphere varied

What may further complicate radiocarbon dating is the belief by some scientists
that a natural phenomenon may have taken place some 12,500 years ago which
reset radiocarbon clocks in North America and possibly throughout the planet.
Scientists believe that substantial areas of the Earth were subjected to particle
bombardment and nuclear radiation that produced large quantities of plutonium
239. Neutron bombardment transmuted residual nitrogen to radiocarbon which in
effect causes errors to be introduced in the radiocarbon dating technique. When

J. A. Chapin Page 150 11/16/2008

atomic explosions are involved, the dates obtained seem much younger. Dates at
many sites could be 10,000 years to young. It has been suggested that one such
trigger for a neutron bombardment could be from a burst of radiation from the
Vela supernova which occurred 12,500 years ago. Other evidence of the presence
of nuclear radiation in our past comes from the Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro sites
in India where numerous skeletons have been found with high concentrations of
radioactivity. These skeletons have been carbon-dated to 2500 BC. Other sites in
India and Libya have been discovered which show signs of intense heating such
as would be tied to nuclear explosions. Sitchin in his book 'The Wars of Gods and
Men’ 45, describes a nuclear war reported in Sumerian mythology which was to
have taken place c. 2024 BC.

Since radiocarbon dates may be the only ones reported in the published literature
they have been used in the comparisons reported in Appendix B, Table B-1.
However, they should not be considered as gospel. Other new technologies which
have been developed for dating material include: Thermal Ionization Mass
Spectrometry and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Proponents of these
techniques believe that the researcher is able to identify dates much further back
in time than with radiocarbon dating and with repeatable results to within 40 years
for material 10,000 years old. These dating techniques have been applied by the
researchers in determining the dates for the collapse of the Bosporus reported by
Ryan and Pitman 50, as discussed in Chapter 6.


Archaeological evidence pertaining to the development of ancient cultures has

been found throughout the world in the ruins of the structures which these ancient
cultures created. Archaeological evidence shows that the settlements at Jericho in
Palestine and Catalhoyuk in southern Turkey are the oldest cities excavated to
date. While archaeologists are learning a great deal about the daily lives of the
inhabitants of these long lost cities, there is still much to be learned. There are
great numbers of ruins for which we today have little or no understanding as to
why they were built, who built them, or for what purpose. In general, the reason
for constructing structures is to provide physical protection, for artistic
expression, to show wealth and power, and to provide function. Because of this,
much can be learned about the motivation, personality, security, and philosophy of
the people who constructed these structures. We are tempted to either believe that
the ancient people lived much like we do today or that they were primitive
precursors to today's societies. I believe that a great deal of the evidence to the
contrary is simply being set aside or ignored because the data does not fit the
pattern drilled into the heads of today's scientists by the academic community. To

J. A. Chapin Page 151 11/16/2008

categorically accept that advanced civilizations did not precede the civilizations of
5000 years ago is to limit ones thinking to a very narrow range.

Several sites which represent some of the earliest known civilizations and which have been
referenced in this writing include the following:


Natufian c. 10500-8500 Palestine/Syria Jericho
c. 7500-5500 Anatolia
(Turkey) Catalhoyuck
Hassuna c. 6000-5200 Northwest Iraq
Halafian c. 55004700 Northern
Ubaidan c. 4500 Southern
Mesopotamia Eridu
Sumerian c. 3500 Mesopotamia Eridu, Kish, Ur,
Egyptian c. 3200 Egypt Memphis, Thebes,
Eblanite c. 2500 Northwestern
Syria Ebla
Akkadian c. 2300 Mesopotamia Akkad, Nippur,
Erech, Ur, Lagash,
Sumerian c. 2100 Mesopotamia Isin, Mari, Susa
Babylonian c. 2000 Mesopotamia Babylon, Hazor,

The exploration of many sites is driven by the availability of written records such
as found in the Old Testament. Since there are no written records for sites
possessing megalithic structures they tend to be looked at in awe with no serious
archaeological investigations underway or planned.

a) Megalithic Structures

The monuments of antiquity such as pyramids, ziggurats, vast platforms of

Lebanon, and stone megaliths of Peru provide physical evidence to bygone
events. What we know today about these megaliths is their age is uncertain, their
creators are obscure, and their purpose is unclear. Megalithic structures and
statues made from stone are gigantic in size with individual blocks weighing over
1,000 tons. If the ancient civilizations wanted to leave a message for future

J. A. Chapin Page 152 11/16/2008

generations then stone would have been the building material of choice. The
obvious reason for using stone is that it was available. Considering all of the
choices of building materials we have available to us today, stone would still be
the material of choice if one wanted to achieve the condition of permanence.
None of the materials developed by modern science have the durability and
permanency that natural stone possesses.

Perhaps the largest megalithic structure from the ancient world is in the modern
day country of Lebanon and is known as Baalbek. The largest granite blocks
which are precisely shaped and perfectly fitted together measure over 60 feet in
length with sides of twelve and fourteen feet. These blocks weigh well over 1,000
tons. As a point of reference, the largest granite blocks used in building the Giza
pyramids weigh only 200 tons. Local legends hold that this place existed from
the days of Adam and Eve, built by Cain in the year 133 of Creation. Other myths
report that after the deluge, Nimrod sent giants to rebuild the fortress of Baalbek.

At the prehistoric site of Sacsahuaman (Figure 8-1), located near Cuzco in Peru,
there is an immense stone and earthen work six hundred yards long, consisting of
megalithic stones, some which are 27 feet in length and weighing over 1,000 tons.
These stones are irregular in shape (Figure 8-2) yet they fit together perfectly with
no observable space between stones and with no mortar being used.

Figure 8-1 Sacsahuaman

J. A. Chapin Page 153 11/16/2008

Figure 8-2 Sacsahuaman Interlocking Fit

Also in the Andes Mountains of Peru and Bolivia, the ancestors of

the Inca also constructed cyclopean structures. One of their
most extraordinary achievements was the city of Tiahuanaco
located near the southern shore of Lake Titicaca. Archaeologists
have estimated that this city could have been built 10,000 to
16,000 years ago. Blocks of stone exist some 36 feet in length.
Approximately a mile north of Tiahuanaco towards the southern
shore of Lake Titicaca lays the ruins of Puma Punku. This is a
region which appears to have undergone cataclysmic
destruction. Huge stone blocks up to 27 feet long and weighing
300 tons are scattered about the countryside like toy building
blocks. There is also evidence of a great canal being destroyed
by a massive earthquake. It has been speculated that Puma
Punku is much older than its neighbor Tiahuanaco. It has also
been speculated that the Puma Punku site is the remains from a
giant uplift of the Andes as evidenced by sea fossils found in the
area indicating that Lake Titicaca, currently at an elevation of
13,000 feet, was one time at sea level. What could have
occurred in this region over 15,000 years ago? At this time the
Earth's climate was getting warmer and the Pleistocene Ice Age
was coming to an end. The great mass of ice was converted to

J. A. Chapin Page 154 11/16/2008

water resulting in a major redistribution of weight on the tectonic

plates. Motion of these plates could have been sudden and
violent resulting in the rising of great mountain ranges
throughout the American continents. This of course is contrary
to the popular belief that the mountain ranges were created
gradually over a period of millions of years.
One must ask; why in a day and age that we today believe to
have been limited to the use of manual labor did these people
use such gigantic building materials? Not only were the stones
large, they were cut with precision, moved over great distances,
lifted and fitted in place with no discernible spacing or use of
mortar. The obvious answers are that these large rocks were
available, there may not have been other materials available,
and they provided a certain degree of permanence.
Why not use smaller stones? Several hundred smaller stones
could have been cut, hauled over shorter distances with greater
ease, and lifted into place to form a fortification or platform. If
the stonework was to have provided protection from animals or
the weapons of the age, such as rocks, arrows, and spears, then
a wall constructed with smaller rocks would have offered
essentially the same protection as a wall built with large rocks.
Smaller rocks would have been easier for an enemy to
disassemble and remove than the larger gigantic rocks; however,
this would take time and expose the enemy to attack from
above. If these were fortifications they could easily have been
scaled with the use of ladders. These structures have the
appearance of terraces and not fortifications. Also supporting
this viewpoint is the fact that open stairways are built-in from
ground level to the top of the structure. Terraces are meant to
support loads and not meant to keep intruders out.

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Figure 8-3 Author at Sacsahuaman, Peru

Had megalithic rocks been incorporated into walls where they were originally
found would be one thing. Moving them across rivers, up mountains and over
many miles of rugged terrain doesn't make sense unless:

• technologies existed at that time beyond what we possess or

understand today,
• people who lived then were of much greater stature than any
known today,
• the structures were required to support great weights or forces,
• there was an overwhelming need for permanence and stability
as the structures were used to identify specific locations and

An interesting fact regarding location and direction is the positioning of these

large structures. They are all placed with their sides in the precise alignment with
Earth's cardinal points (i.e., north, south, east, and west). Other alignments which
are of interest are the alignments of the sacred cities of Eridu, Sumeria;
Heliopolis, Egypt; Harappa, India; Lhasa, Tibet; the ritual center of Persepolis,
Persia; and the Giza Pyramids all lying precisely on the 30th parallel. Further the
Sphinx is also positioned, looking directly east, along the 30th parallel. It was
shown in Chapter 7 that these and other sites are located on a precise grid
covering the entire globe.

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Other large scale sites have been found in South American including Nazca, the
Atacama Desert, and the Bay of Paracas Trident. Archaeologists have suggested
these megalithic works of art were for religious purposes. The ancients may have
pursued religious beliefs because they were superstitious and needed a reason to
explain their being and required something greater than themselves to provide
hope that their miseries would improve. However, if these sites were created for
religious purposes then I would expect that the people would have created
something tangible that they could see and touch. Why then scribe figures
throughout the desert landscape that any religious observer strolling through the
area could not even recognize as being there. Walking through the 200 square
mile area one could not begin to realize or visualize what they were part of.
Defining these drawings as religious artifacts seems to me to be unreasonable
unless the inhabitants had the ability to view them from a great elevation. The
natural elevations, such as offered by high hills or mountains which exist in this
region do not provide observational vistas.

We can ask, why build these highly detailed forms, covering many acres of
extremely arid desert, at these particular locations? Some reasons could include:
• material was available which provided a permanent
difference in color when disturbed,
• the arid landscape provided a high degree of
• the areas were open, unobstructed expanses,
• these figures provided identification of specific
• the figures were beacons for airship navigation.

Many sites have been discovered which relate to observation of the Sun as it
progressed through the winter solstice, the equinox, and the summer solstice. The
most famous is the circle found at Stonehenge, England. This type of site has also
been found in Mesopotamia, the Golan Heights, Israel, Egypt, and at a site near
the Black Sea called Sarmizegetusa.

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Figure 8-4 Stonehenge Megalithic Observatory - View 1

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Figure 8-5 Stonehenge Megalithic Observatory - View 2

b) Pyramids

Of all the ancient megalithic structures the pyramids of the Giza Plateau are
among the most famous. A list of kings/pharaohs and their pyramids and tombs
are listed in Appendix B, Table B-4. According to Egyptologists the first pyramid
was a six-step pyramid constructed by Djoser during the beginning of the Old
Kingdom period, c. 2630-2611 BC as seen in Figure 8-6.

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Figure 8-6 Step Pyramid

The next pyramid construction was to have consisted of a series of three pyramids
for the pharaoh Snefru c. 2575 BC which Egyptologists believe were failed
attempts to achieve a true pyramid shape. Snefru later directed that the 8-step
pyramid located at Maidum be refurbished to represent a true pyramid with a
slope of 51o 50' 35" or 51.844 degrees. Three of the steps were completed;
however, the remainder was never finished as Snefru died in the process. His
burial site is unknown. How did Snefru know the shape of a true pyramid?
Perhaps he had a model! According to mainstream Egyptologists the next
pyramids to be built were the three pyramids of the Giza Plateau which
Egyptologists attribute to Snefru's son Khufu. If Khufu built the Great Pyramid at
Giza, he learned a great deal in the 25 years between Snefru's attempt to rebuild
the Red pyramid and the reported beginning of construction on the pyramid
complex at Giza, c. 2550 BC.

For 300 years following the time when Khufu was to have constructed the Great
Pyramid several pyramids were constructed, all of poor quality. The explanation
Egyptologists give for poor construction following the three Giza pyramids is that
the pharaoh Khufu bankrupted the State with his construction projects.

There are facts which have been ignored by Egyptologists which do not support
the construction of the Great Pyramid by Khufu. The size, precision,

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workmanship, choice of materials, and preparation of the base of the pyramid are
all superior to any pyramid constructed prior to or since construction on the Giza
plateau. Further, the interior of the Great Pyramid is finished masonry, unlike any
other pyramid constructed as a burial chamber.

The three pyramids of the Giza Plateau are so significantly different than other
pyramids or burial tombs that their intended function must be reconsidered. The
internal layout of the Giza pyramids is not found in any earlier or later pyramids.
The Giza pyramids represent a precise, unique layout whereas the other later
pyramids are of rough construction and contain spaces for sarcophagi and the
pharaoh's possessions. If the Giza pyramids were constructed during the Old
Kingdom as Egyptologists contend, then there should be other evidence of quality
construction during this period. This is not the case. Further, there is absolutely
no evidence of this quality in the construction of megalithic structures either
before or after the proposed time for the Giza construction. No personal
possessions were ever found in the Giza pyramids nor has any hard evidence been
found attributing their construction for the purpose of providing a burial place for
the pharaoh. In 820 AD an Arab prince, Abdullah El Maman, tunneled into the
great pyramid and found both the Queen's Chamber and King's Chamber
absolutely empty and clean. When the pyramid was first opened, no body or
evidence of a burial was found. I propose that the pyramids other than the three
Giza Pyramids are attempts to copy the existing true pyramid shape of the Great
Pyramid by people without the knowledge, engineering, and craftsmanship
required to achieve its perfection.

Figure 8-7 Giza-Great Pyramid

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Figure 8-8 Author at Great Pyramid

There is evidence that the true builders of the Great Pyramid had knowledge of
the dimensions of the planet. Planetary dimensions in use today are given in
Appendix C. The three key measurements of the earth (i.e., equatorial
circumference, polar radius, and weight) appear to be incorporated in the
dimensions of the Great Pyramid.

1. The perimeter of the pyramid, measured at approximately 3024 feet,

equals to within 0.6 % a half minute of the Earth's circumference at its
equatorial latitude (i.e., 1/43200 of earth's circumference = 3042.11 feet)
2. The height of the pyramid, measured at approximately 481 feet including
the platform, equals to within 3.7 % a half minute of the
Earth’s polar radius (i.e., 1/43200 of the Earth’s polar radius = 482.777
3. The weight of the pyramid (5,273,834 tons) is proportional to the weight
of the earth (5,273,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons) or a factor of 1:1015.

It should be recognized that the measurements of the Great Pyramid are

approximations as they are dependent upon where and how measurements were
taken as well as the fact the pyramid has not been in mint condition for millennia.

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As mentioned before, harmonic measurements performed in the Kings Chamber

indicate a resonance frequency of between 538-540 Hertz or the note of f-sharp
(f#) which is a harmonic of the planet Earth's natural vibration. In Chapter 7 I
discussed the use of the Giza Pyramid complex as a possible communications
instrument based on a worldwide harmonic grid.

If the Egyptians built the great pyramid to reflect the key measurements of the
Earth (i.e., equatorial circumference/radius, polar circumference/radius and
weight) they would have had to have known the relationship of Pi in order to
convert the Earth's circular circumference to a square perimeter. The
transcendentalism of Pi implies there is no way possible to exactly construct a
square, such as the base of the pyramid, equal in area to a given circle, such as the
circumference of the Earth.

According to the traditional history of mathematics, the present value of Pi was not
known until approximately 150 AD when it was to have been developed by the
Greeks. Actually, the fact that the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
diameter is constant has been known for so long that its origin is quite untraceable.
However, according to ancient tablets from Mesopotamia and papyrus scrolls from
Egypt the value of Pi was reported to have taken on several different values over
time. Historical values for Pi include:

25/8 = 3.125 from ancient Egyptian sources

= 3.1605 from the Egyptian Ahmes papyrus (1550 BC)
4(8/9)2 = 3.1605 from the Egyptian Rhind papyrus (1650 BC)
(10)1/2 = 3.162 Mesopotamia
=3 Bible, Talmud, Chinese and Hindu works (950BC)
3 1/7 = 3.1623 Heron (Greek, 50 AD)
= 3.1416 Ptolemy (Greek, 150 AD)
= 3.1416 India, Aryabhatiya (c. 520 AD)
= 3.14159.. Today’s accepted value

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One must ask why the pharaohs from the time of Djoser would have chosen the
pyramid shape for some of their tombs. If the Giza Pyramids were of very great
antiquity there could have been myths available to the ancient Egyptians
describing their origin and purpose. If the Giza Plateau had been described in
these myths as a communications complex between Earth and the gods, the
pharaohs might have believed they too could communicate with the gods if they
could replicate the shape of a pyramid. What they may not have realized was the
pyramid shape was not all that was required for communications to occur.

If you accept that the Giza pyramids were of great antiquity, then the remaining
pyramids beginning with Djoser's occurred in two phases both of which were
preceded by periods of severe drought throughout Egypt and Mesopotamia. The
first building spree occurred during the Old Kingdom and lasted for
approximately 350 years. The second occurred 350 years later during the Middle
Kingdom. I propose that the superstitions held by the Egyptians influenced them
to build pyramids, other than those at Giza, as an appeasement to the gods with
the thought that their construction might help end the long droughts.

Half way around the world archaeologists working in Peru have unearthed
evidence that monumental architecture, complex societies, and planned
developments appeared in the New World between 3,500 and 16,000 years ago.
One of the oldest Peruvian pyramids is believed to predate the time period when
the great pyramids were built in Egypt and when the Sumerian city-states reached
their zenith in Mesopotamia by 800 years.

All of the pyramids constructed in Mesoamerica were of the step design similar to
those at Tikal and Caracol.

Figure 8-9 Jaguar Temple, Tikal

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Figure 8-10 Caracol Temple

South of the university campus of Mexico City stands a circular step pyramid. It
was partially excavated in the 1920's from beneath a mantle of lava from a
volcanic eruption which had completely buried three sides from an eruption
which occurred at least seven thousand years ago predating the Egyptian
pyramids by 2,000 years. It is believed to be the oldest temple yet uncovered on
the American continent.

c) Artifacts

Inscriptions and artifacts can tell us a great deal about a society's lifestyle, beliefs
and observations. What these societies observed and then replicated in the forms
of inscriptions on stone, artwork, statues, and models should give us some fair
idea as to what they considered important. Some of the more curious shapes and
perhaps the most telling inscriptions and artifacts deal with astronomy and flight.

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FIGURE 8-11 Aircraft Designs from a New Kingdom Temple at Abydos,


Egyptian tombs show depictions of what appear to be rocket ships, an

underground silo, and the upper stage of the rocket with a module on top. Details
of instruments, piping and exhaust ducts are shown. This is found in the tomb of
Huy, an Egyptian noble. Images (Figure 8-11) of what appear to be aircraft have
been found in an Egyptian Old Kingdom Temple at Abydos. Figure 8-11 is a
picture taken December 2000 by Ellie Crystal and published on her “Crystalinks
website”. Inscriptions on the Temple at Edfu describe aerial battles among the
gods which show a vessel with fins and wings and jet like tails from the back and
rays projecting from the front. Working bird-shaped gliders have been found
within tombs in Egypt. While these may have been toys, they are evidence that
Egyptians were aware of this technology. A wooden model of an aircraft with
reversed dihedral wings was found in a tomb in Saqqara, Egypt. The use of this
advanced feature requires an extensive knowledge of aerodynamics. Other
evidence that ancient civilizations were aware of flight has been found in tombs
of the Incas. Several small gold trinkets have been recovered, dating back
thousands of years which clearly depict structures that appear to be workable
flying airplanes. A conclusion that could be arrived at since we are seeing
workable airplane models in two different cultures separated by the Atlantic
Ocean, is that a large-scale technological society with full-sized, working aircraft
may have been in existence at one time as well.

Near Jericho by the river Jordan archaeologists have found colored murals dating
c. 610 - 556 BC which show bulbous objects with eye-like openings, extended
support legs and what could be a rocket engine extending beneath the main body.
As previously discussed in Chapter 2, these objects are believed to be

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representative of the vehicles described by Ezekiel in the Bible and come from the
time period he was thought to have prophesied.

A palette was discovered in Egypt which is believed to be of great historical

significance. This palette has been named the Narmer Palette after the location at
which it was found. The slate palette was found in the late pre-dynastic Temple of
Horus at Hierakonpolis (near Edfu in Upper Egypt). The palette is believed to
commemorate the conquest and unification of Egypt perhaps by Menes c. 3100

Sumerian and Akkadian texts refer to men from the sky and men lifting off the
earth to the sky. The Hindus, Assyrians, Egyptians, Aztecs, and Chinese have also
provided archaeological evidence of model airplanes, model space capsules, and
pictures of flying chariots. Scale models of aircraft have been found in Egypt,
Colombia, and Yugoslavia that are thought to be thousands of years old.
Descriptions of flying machines (Vimanas) of various shapes and sizes are
provided in the Vedas and later Indian literature.

Unique objects requiring expert machining and assembly; the techniques for
which have only been realized in modern times have been found in Egypt. An
example of these advanced drilling techniques has been observed by Christopher
Dunn32. The granite coffer that is located in the King's Chamber of the Great
Pyramid show signs of advanced drilling techniques that surpass anything within
our current capability. Also, vases carved from diorite, a material which is
considered to be one of the hardest stones on earth have been found in several
Egyptian tombs. These vases have very long and thin necks, are carved from one
piece of diorite, and have been hollowed out perfectly. This required a drill with
flexibility as well as being capable of precision cutting.

During 1965, seven hundred and sixteen stone disks made from granite were
reported to have been found in graves on the border between Tibet and China
along with skeletons whose height averaged four feet-four inches tall. The disks
which were described as having a hole in the center were about a foot in diameter
and one-third of an inch in thickness. They were reported to have been engraved
with inscriptions on one side which resemble double groves spiraling out from the
center to the rim. It was speculated that these groves represented a writing system
which was to have been partially decoded relating a story of survivors from a
planet in the Sirius-system who crash landed in the remote region of Tibet. The
disks seem to have disappeared and may be in the keeping of the Chinese
Government, if they do indeed exist. Ancient Chinese myths tell of small yellow-
skinned people, known as the Dropa, with large heads and slender bodies who

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came from the clouds in their air-gliders. Drawings depicting the relationships
between the sun, moon, earth, and stars have also been found on the cave walls
where the graves were discovered. These paintings have been dated to c. 10000

A number of artifacts have reportedly56 been found throughout the world which do
not get the attention of the mainstream archaeologists probably because they are
quite bizarre and cannot easily be explained. A geode was reported to have been
picked up near Olancha, California in which an object was to have been found
made of metal and porcelain. It was reported that the geode was encrusted with
fossil shells determined to be at least half a million years old.

A fragment of a flute was found in Slovenia which was determined to be 45,000

years old. Spiral-shaped objects have been found in Russia made of copper,
tungsten and molybdenum. Exact measurements of these often microscopically-
small objects have shown that the dimensions of the spirals are in the so-called
Golden Mean ratio. Tests give an age for the objects of between 20,000 and
318,000 years old, depending on the depth and the situation of the site.

The most ancient evidence of the production of art predates the generally accepted
earliest dates for the appearance of modern humans. Cup marks and lines were
etched into a sandstone cave in India two or three hundred thousand years ago.
Line markings on bone, teeth, ivory and bone of equal antiquity are known from
the campsites of archaic humans. Sculpture in the form of modified natural
forms, has been dated to 250-300,000 years ago in the Near East. The oldest
known rock art in Australia has been dated to 55,000 years ago. Radiocarbon
dates for European paintings range back to more than 32,000 years. A California
rock art site has been dated to about 20,000 years ago, based on analysis of
mineral varnish covering a pictograph. By 30,000 years ago rock art included
hand stencils, complex finger markings and two-dimensional paintings. Rock art
in the El-Hosh area of Upper Egypt has been dated to at least 5900 BC, making it
the oldest artwork recorded in the Nile Valley. Other estimates suggest that the
date of this artwork could extend as far back as 11000 BC.

In 1959 AD, at a site known as Tetela, Mexico Dr. Juan Armenta discovered
engravings on mastodon and mammoth bones of extraordinary artistic ability for
the period in time that they were carved. It is believed that these fossils and
carvings date back to the long ice-free period before the beginning of the
Wisconsin Glaciation 3 (10 to 50,000 years ago).

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What these artifacts are strongly suggesting is that unknown civilizations must
have existed in our very distant past and possessed sophisticated technologies, a
fact that we today have been unable to come to terms with.


a) Plate Tectonics

According to the theory of plate tectonics, the earth's lithosphere is divided into
rigid moving plates that interact at their boundaries, where they come together,
move apart, or slide past each other. The physical disturbances caused by tectonic
movements are observed in the building of mountains, changes in sea and ocean
levels, rifts in the ocean floors and faults of the earth's crust. It is not understood
if these physical events are caused by activities generated within the earth or if
they are triggered by something outside the Earth's control, such as the Sun, or

Today, geophysicists offer a theory that the earth's crust is made up of seven major
tectonic plates consisting of North American, South American, Pacific, African,
Eurasian, Australian-Indian, and Antarctic; each capable of moving with respect
to one another. The largest of these plates is the Pacific plate. These plates move
independently in various directions at rates generally varying from one to ten
centimeters per year. Since these rates are relatively slow it is not likely that these
motions are responsible for the catastrophic events recorded in the myths of the
ancients. However, if these slippages were to exhibit far greater motions than are
currently observed today, then their effects could indeed be catastrophic. Rapid
motions would affect the surface of the Earth by 1) effecting the rapid growth of
mountain ranges, such as is suspected in the case of the rise of the Andes as
observed at Lake Titicaca in Peru and 2) possibly causing the disappearance of
large land masses beneath the sea or submergence beneath other continents, as
may have occurred with the disappearance of the mythological lands of Atlantis
and Mu.

A theory which predated the plate tectonics theory suggested that large
landmasses can be elevated or submerged from or to the ocean floor. Plate
tectonics theory alone does not account for the elevation and subsidence of

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b) Ice Cores

Geologists hypothesize that during the past 2 billion years the earth has
experienced physical cycles known as Ice Ages, two occurring during the
Precambrian Era, two during the Paleozoic Era and the latest one during the
current Cenozoic Era. The Cenozoic Era is divided into two periods, the Tertiary
and the Quaternary, the later which began about 2 million years ago. Within our
present Quaternary period there are two further subdivisions known as epochs.
These are the Pleistocene which began about 2 million years ago and the
Holocene which is approximately 10,000 to 12,000 years old. The five major ice
ages which have been defined over this period are postulated to have occurred
during the geologic periods shown below.


(Million years ago)

2,000 Middle of Huronian Era in Precambrian time

670 End of Proterozoic Era in Precambrian time
420 Middle of Paleozoic Era, between the
Ordovician and Silurian Periods
290 Late Paleozoic Era, Late Carboniferous and
early Permian Periods
1.7 Cenozoic Era, Pleistocene Epoch of the
Quaternary Period

During ice ages the boundary of the ice sheet is hypothesized to spread and
contract in cycles. These cycles are called glacials (cooling) and interglacials
(warming), and are thought to last about 100,000 years. We are currently in the
interglacial cycle of the Pleistocene Ice Age. The glacial cycle of the Pleistocene
Ice Age consisted of five phases. In North America these phases are known as the
Nebraskan, Kansan, Illinoisan and Wisconsin. Corresponding periods in Europe
are known as Gunz, Mindel, Riss, and Wurm. Between each was a relatively warm
period comparable to our present one. Results from a three-kilometer long ice core
taken from the Dome C site in Antarctica indicate that over the past 740,000 years
the Earth experienced up to eight ice phases within the most recent Pleistocene Ice
Age. A commonly accepted theory pertaining to the evolution of ice ages assumes
the polar ice caps spread outward from their Arctic and Antarctic starting points.
This theory is only partially supported by modern science. Ice sheets of
continental size have appeared in temperate and tropical zones in regions such as
Africa, Madagascar, India, and Brazil. Further, the direction of some of the flows
has been from south to north as well as east to west.

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The size of the polar ice caps has a great effect on the warming and cooling of the
Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Cold alone will not produce glaciers. Moisture in
the atmosphere is necessary to create snow. This requires heat to cause
evaporation. The polar ice caps reflect approximately 80-85 % of sun that hits
them and with the shrinking of the Antarctic ice cap that we are witnessing today
less sunlight is being reflected resulting in a period of increased warming. Today
the pack ice in the Artic Ocean has experienced a thinning of about 40 percent over
the past 30 years and may completely disappear in the next few decades. This
melting provides a source of fresh water to the Artic Ocean. When this melting
stops, the salinity of the Arctic Ocean will increase due to the influx of saltier
water flowing northward from the Mediterranean and the Gulf Stream. The saltier
the water the warmer the surface water becomes in contrast to the colder land mass
it surrounds. This differential in temperature causes storms resulting in heavy
snows. As many scientists believe today, this warming trend may be the precursor
to the next ice age. The ocean temperatures affect the direction and force of the
ocean currents which in turn affect the changing global weather patterns which we
are also experiencing today.

Ice cores have been drilled deep into both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.
Since the 1960s several long ice cores have been extracted from the polar ice
caps, including those from Camp Century, Crete, Dye-2&3, GSEP 1&2, Milcent
and Summit in Greenland, and from Byrd, Dome C, Dome Summit South,
Misuho Station, Siple Dome, and Vostok in Antarctica. In theory, ice cores are
believed to provide a continuous record of past climactic events including local
temperature and precipitation rates. It is postulated that the constituents which
represent the local climactic conditions are entrapped in yearly snow fall thereby
providing a climactic record on a yearly and sometimes seasonal basis. As snow
falls on the ice sheet and is packed over time, it forms layers indicating annual
accumulations. The ice cores are being used to determine changes in past
atmospheric composition by measuring trace gas concentrations, chemical
impurities, acidity, isotope concentrations, the presence of extraterrestrial
material, and concentrations of aerosols of volcanic origin.

It is theorized that the oxygen-isotope ratio provides a method for estimating the
temperature of the ocean or the atmosphere in the past. Oxygen isotopes in ice
cores extracted from polar regions exhibit a decreasing trend in the ratio of the
heavy to light oxygen isotopes from the beginning of the 'Ice Age' to its end, at
which time the trend reverses sharply and then remains fairly constant for several
thousand years. This has been interpreted to have occurred over about 100,000
years and is believed to be due primarily to changes in oceanic and atmospheric

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temperatures as the lighter isotope of oxygen is preferentially transferred slowly

from the oceans to ice during glaciations and the rapid transfer back to the ocean
during de-glaciations. By tracking the oxygen-isotope ratios within the ice cores
it has been concluded that the last ice age ended in the Northern Hemisphere, c.
10000 BC with the current warm Holocene era beginning, c. 8000 BC. The
warming at the end of this glaciation was characterized by a series of abrupt
returns to glacial climate, periods known as the Older and Younger Dryas, which
ended c. 8000 BC. Results from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GSIP) indicate
that the transition from the colder period to the following warmer period occurred
in one to five years during which snow accumulation doubled. The eventual
reduction of the ice mass on the continents with the resulting increase in water
mass into the oceans not only caused oceans to rise by approximately 400 feet but
also caused changes in the stress levels experienced by the Earth's crust and

Besides temperature, many other types of information can be extracted from ice
cores by analyzing wind-blown dust, volcanic matter, sodium and chlorine levels,
and carbon dioxide levels entrapped in air bubbles. More wind-blown dust is
found in ice layers created during spring and cold periods than during warm
intervals. This suggests that glacial periods tended to have dry weather and strong
winds. A record of volcanic activity is preserved in the amount of acid found in
the ice as measured by the sulfuric matter expelled to the atmosphere and then
entrained by the snow at a time after an eruption. These intervals also tend to
show low temperature. More volcanism means cooler summers and more severe
winters. The air trapped in the ice can be analyzed for trace gases such as carbon
dioxide and methane. An ice core taken near the Vostok Station in Antarctica
provides evidence how carbon dioxide and methane concentrations track
temperature-the higher the concentrations, the higher the temperature. Sodium
and chlorine levels are also indicative of temperature changes. In colder periods,
seas become stormier because of the great contrast in temperatures between the
tropics and the poles resulting in more sodium and chlorine on the ice caps.

Like carbon-14 dating, the techniques used to determine dates represented by the
ice cores are not without controversy. Under the conditions of cyclic melting-
freezing-melting and the condition of extreme pressure at the lower regions of the
ice sheet, ice can exhibit fluid properties. Some scientists question the premise
that constituents deposited in a given year are actually found at depths which
accurately correspond to the year they were deposited. Further, the transport
mechanism by which the constituents reach a given area is not well understood.
Concentrations of any particular constituent can be affected by the wind
conditions which transport the constituents to the area where ice cores are taken.

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Another uncertainty comes from the level of understanding of how any given
constituent can migrate through the ice sheet over thousands of years. While the
ice sheets have been in place for thousands of years it is not clear how stable they
are from layer-to-layer.

Many geologists view the changes caused by the changing ice sheets as taking
place gradually, from warm to cold and back again. This is not supported by
geophysical phenomena such as depression of the earth crust beneath the
continental glaciers which point to sudden and dramatic upheavals. Fractures in
the earth crust with associated cliff formation, as illustrated by Olduvai Gorge,
also show sudden upheavals. Observations of the Vostok Antarctic ice cores as
published in 1999 by Petit et al in the journal “Nature” (Figure 8-12) show that
the transition from the interglacial warm period to intense glaciations is
precipitous and may take less than 10 years. Each glacial period was preceded by
a warming spike lasting about 20 years.


Recent explorations of the Antarctic Ice Cap have revealed evidence that there
may have been a meltdown of at least a portion of the ice cap in ancient times.
This is based upon the finding of fossils recovered from ice cores. The estimate
of the age of the fossils is 3-million years old. Other evidence indicates the 3-
mile deep ice has been stable for over 500 million years. Unfortunately, ice cores
only represent a small area of the ice cap. While the area in which the cores were

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extracted might have been stable for this long a period, it is not necessarily a
reliable indicator that other areas of the ice cap had this same stability.

Today there is evidence that the west Antarctic ice sheet is breaking up and is
loosing mass to the oceans. A huge iceberg broke free of the Larsen ice shelf in
1995 AD. Shortly thereafter, a 40-mile-long crack opened in the adjoining shelf
area affecting the flow of ice streams through the sheet in an erratic manner.

Again, in 2002 AD a section of ice the size of Manhattan Island broke off. Is this
the beginning of another event like that reported by the Sumerians of a giant ice
slippage c. 11000 BC which was to have caused the inundation of the globe and
destruction of Man? It has been calculated that if the east and west ice sheets of
Antarctica were to melt today, the oceans would rise 200-250 feet.

The evidence of four major geophysical periods tied to warm and cold twin
segments, with abrupt transitions, suggest the memories handed down in
mythologies of four past world ages, ending with cataclysmic events, may be
more than mythological invention.

c) Underwater Cores

Core samples have been taken from drilling the Bosporus Strait and the Black Sea
bed by a group of scientists from Colombia University Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory. Data which supports the coring results was also collected by sonar
mapping of the seabed and canyon bottom through the Bosporus Strait.

Extensive coring has taken place throughout the Mediterranean Sea beginning
with the Glomar Challenger expedition in 1973. Investigations included: 1) a
study of Mediterranean-Atlantic water exchanges during the late Cenozoic Era, 2)
biological productivity patterns, 3) studies of plate tectonics, and 4) studies to
understand the kinematics and deformation of the Mediterranean lithosphere. The
discovery of anhydrite from cores taken at 1,270 feet into the seabed provides
additional evidence that the seabed was dried up between seven and five million
years ago. Anhydrite is a very dry form of selenite that forms at temperatures
exceeding 110 degrees Fahrenheit implying that the seabed was not only dry, it
was very hot.

Sediment core samples have also been taken from Lake Titicaca in Peru which
shed light on the climate of this region of South America over the past 25,000
years. According to a Scientific American article, analysis of the cores' oxygen
isotope ratios, magnetic values, calcium carbonate concentrations, and fossilized

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diatoms indicated that this region was wet both during the last Ice Age and during
later cold periods in the North Atlantic Ocean region. During warm periods in the
North Atlantic the Titicaca region experienced drought.

d) Volcanic Activity

Today there are roughly 1,500 potentially dangerous volcanoes throughout the
earth. During the year 2004, seventy-two incidents of volcanic activity occurred
world wide. Of these, twenty-four occurred during the months of October and
November. The activity varied from purely seismic incidents (e.g. Sheveluch,
Kamchatka, Russia; Soufriiere Hills, Montserrat, West Indies) to lava flows (e.g.
Kilauea, Hawaii; Colima, Mexico) to explosive eruptions (e.g. Mt St Helens,
Oregon; Grimsvotn, Iceland). While the Hawaiian Islands were formed by five
volcanoes 700,000 years ago they still have three active volcanoes. Huala last
erupted in 1801; Mauna Kea, the worlds' tallest sea mountain erupts
approximately every five years; Manua Loa is the largest volcano on earth.

While there have been hundreds of volcanic eruptions over the past several
thousand years the majority do not appear to occur with any periodicity.
However, when the dates of the major eruptions are compared it can be seen that
four of the most significant eruptions exhibit a relationship with a 3600 year
period as shown in Table 8-1.



FROM 2000 AD
Mt. Toba 73500 BC 20 Near annihilation
of the human race
Mt. Somma/Vesuvius 16000 BC 5 Largest eruption
Mt. Mazama 5200 BC 2 Crater Lake Oregon
Thera/Santorini 1628 or 1650 BC 1 End Minoan culture
Proto-Krakatau 535 AD 0.4 Caldera eruption
Mt Tambora 1815 AD 0 Year without a summer
Krakatau 1883 AD 0 Largest eruption
in recorded history
Mt. Etna 2003 AD 0 Most continuously
active volcano

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The Toba caldera, located in Sumatra, Indonesia, produced the largest eruptions in
the last 2 million years. Large eruptions occurred 840,000; 700,000; and 75,000
years ago. The eruption which occurred 75,000 years ago is the largest eruption in
the past 500,000 years and is believed to have caused a volcanic winter. There is
DNA evidence, involving genetic drift, that this eruption very nearly destroyed the
human population. Today, there is evidence that a similar supervolcano event may
be brewing in Yellowstone Park. Over the past two million years the Yellowstone
supervolcano has erupted approximately every 600,000 years. It last exploded
640,000 years ago, therefore some believe the next eruption is long overdue.
Signs of increased volcanic activity have been observed in and around
Yellowstone. The north part of Yellowstone Lake has bulged by nearly 170 feet
over the past 50 years spreading the lake into the surrounding forest. The
reservoir of magma under the lake is estimated to be approximately 40 miles long
by 20 miles wide by six miles deep. A massive eruption of the Yellowstone
supervolcano would be catastrophic for North America and would likely trigger
the onset of the next ice age.

The largest eruption of Mt. Somma/Vesuvius occurred, c. 16000 BC with peak

fallout c. 15000-14000 BC as determined from the Greenland ice cores. This
eruption resulted in the collapse of Mt. Somma and the raising of Vesuvius.
Archaeological records indicate other major eruptions of Mt. Vesuvius occurred,
c. 10657 BC, c. 9285 BC, and 3580 BC. The last known eruption occurred in
1944 AD. These eruptions spewed large amounts of dust into the upper
atmosphere which likely influenced the climate on the Earth's surface by lowering
the average temperature as a result of reflecting sunlight back into space. As the
dust particles drifted back to the surface of the Earth, they tended to seed rainfall
in the process. This could have contributed to the flooding of coastal regions.
One of the more famous eruptions of Vesuvius during recent history occurred in
79 AD resulting in the destruction of the city of Pompei. This is also the time
frame the Aztec Leyenda de los Soles account claims as the end of their Age 2
which was to have been caused by wind during a period of cooling and drought.

Another eruption which would have impact on the Aztec population was that of
Mt Xitle in 400 AD. This local event corresponds to the end of the Aztec Leyenda
de los Soles Age 3 which they say was caused by a rain of fire.

The only significant volcanic activity during the time of the collapse of the
Bosporus was the eruption of Mt. Mazama (Crater Lake, Oregon) which
occurred, c. 5200 BC. Since this is 400 years after the collapse of the Bosporus
and halfway around the world, it is not likely a cause; however, it may be an
effect of plate tectonics which caused major shifts and stresses on the Earth's

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surface. There is evidence of a volcanic dirt band in ice cores taken at the Mizuho
Station in Antarctica dated c. 5200 BC which can be attributed to this eruption.
The last known eruption occurred c. 2290 BC.

A major eruption on the island of Santorini destroyed the Late Bronze Age town
of Akrotiri and is attributed as the cause for the end of the Minoan culture. The
date of this eruption is not conclusive; however, a suggested date c. 1628 BC is
perhaps the most likely. Aspects of the Santorini eruption have been suggested as
a possible source for the Exodus story. Radiocarbon dates from Jericho, which
according to the Bible was destroyed c. 40 years after the Exodus, are almost
identical with the dates from Akrotiri on Santorini. Data obtained from northern
hemisphere ice cores show aerosols of volcanic origin beginning c. 1644 BC and
peaking c. 1628 BC. Evidence of volcanic activity in southern hemisphere ice
cores is absent, however, there is evidence of a significant increase in electrical
conductivity and oxygen-18 concentrations peaking c. 1628 BC. An analysis of
Bristlecone Pine tree-rings frost damage indicates severe climactic change which
could be the result of the occurrence of a volcanic eruption in 1626 or 1628 BC.

Mt Etna is one of the world's most continuously active volcanoes. The first
recorded eruption occurred c. 6190 BC during the time of the second mini ice age.
Other eruptions occurred about the same time as the Mt. Mazama eruption c.5150
BC; about the time of a meteor impact in Mesopotamia c. 2330 BC; about the
time of the destruction of the Indus Valley civilization c. 1500 BC; and about the
time of the fall of the Egyptian New Kingdom c. 1050 BC. The most destructive
eruption of Mt Etna occurred in 1669 AD and lasted for four months. An
unusually explosive eruption occurred during July 2001 AD with other eruptions
occurring as late as 2003. An analysis of the 2001 lava revealed a mineral called
amphibole which has been present in Etna's ancient lava flows but not seen in
large amounts in the past 15,000 years indicating that a new source of lava may be
feeding the volcano.

In August 1815 AD Mt Tambora erupted explosively throwing debris containing

large amounts of sulphur about 50 km into the atmosphere. During 1816 a unique
record of intense summer cold was recorded. It has been speculated that large
amounts of sulfuric acid were created in the atmosphere which contributed to the
intense cold period.

The volcano Krakatau is located on Rakata, an island in the Sunda Strait between
Java and Sumatra, Indonesia. Its eruption in 1883 AD was one of the most
catastrophic ever witnessed in recorded history causing a dimming of the suns’
rays, tsunamis reaching a height of 120 feet, and drifting pumice dust observed

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around the world. A larger eruption, termed Proto-Krakatau, is speculated to have

occurred around 535 AD. Evidence supporting this includes tree ring data
indicating climate perturbations of up to 15 years, and ice cores from Greenland
and Antarctica which show sulfuric acid spikes, the Byrd core spike from
Antarctica being the largest in the past 2000 years. The sun was dimmed for over
a year resulting in crop failures, famine, plague, and destruction of a large part of
the human population.

Many individuals in today's scientific community believe that a major earthquake,

volcanic eruption and even the next ice age is overdue.

e) Formation of Mountains

According to the translations of Indian documents by Colonel Churchward,

"Mountains were relatively unknown before 20,000 years ago. Most of our
mountains were not raised until about 10000-11000 BC." Many of the central
Asiatic tribes date their time from the raising of the Himalayas and mountains of
Central Asia. The Zulus claim that they came to South Africa from the north, as
their country in the north was ruined by the raising of the mountains. It is
believed that gas belts could not form until the rock above the pockets was so
thick that it could not be raised or punctured. This buildup of gasses is believed
to have occurred about 12,000 to 13,000 years ago supporting the premise that
mountains are of recent origin.

As mentioned earlier, the Lake Titicaca region of Peru is suspected to have been
formed as the result of a giant uplift of the Andes Mountains as evidenced by the
presence of sea fossils and marine life found in and around the lake today. The
presence of oceanic species of sea life points to a rapid rather than gradual uplift of
the region.


Professor Mike Baillie a dendrochronologist of Queens University, Belfast has

identified several periods in which global climate crises could have occurred.
Most of these dates, derived by observations of tree rings, are supported by
findings of large concentrations of micro-meteorites located in peat bogs as
reported by Lars Franzen at the Earth Sciences Center, Gotenberg, Sweden. Table
8-2 shows the dates of increased cosmic influx and possible consequences to

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7000 BC
3000 BC Second destruction -Akakor
2300 BC 2354-2345 BC IRAQ Asteroid crater
1700 BC 1628-1623 BC Typhon comet, Possible
destruction of Minoan
civilization, Thera/Santorini
1000 BC 1159-1141 BC Possible destruction of
Mycenaean civilization, large
southward movement of
500 BC 208-204 BC Last time the Taurid stream
was closest to Earth
550 AD 536-545 AD Super-volcano erupts in
southeast Asia
850 AD Possible destruction of Maya
1300 AD Possible destruction of
Anasazi & Toltecs

There is increasing evidence that the Earth has been bombarded over its' recent
history by asteroids, mountain size boulders, and dust particles. More than 100
craters have been located on earth with diameters greater than 50 miles. One
source of this celestial debris is termed the Taurid stream and includes the remains
of the Encke Comet. This stream orbits around the sun and continues outward
towards Jupiter with an orbital period of approximately 3.35 years, the shortest
known. This stream has a biannual crossing of the Earth's orbit during the months
of June and November. It takes the Earth from mid-September to mid-December
to traverse this band of debris. The last close Encke comet encounter with Earth
occurred between 500 BC and 0 AD. It is predicted that the Encke comet debris
will be at a peak between 2000 and 2400 AD. During September 2004 AD two
asteroids passed in close proximity to the earth. A mountain sized asteroid passed

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within 960,000 miles and a smaller asteroid was tracked at White Sands Missile
Range within 4,000 miles of the earth.

I believe that references to the Taurids have been recorded in the myths of
civilizations for over 5000 years. From Earth the Taurid stream appears to radiate
from two areas in the night sky; one appears to radiate near the Pleiades star
cluster and the other from close to the Hyades star cluster. Both the Pleiades and
the Hyades star clusters are in the constellation of Taurus which lies near but
above the constellation of Orion.

An interesting observation can be made from the mythologies of the Maya and the
Aztec. These two civilizations were especially interested in the movement of the
Pleiades star-cluster. The Maya performed what has been termed the 'New Fire
Ceremony' on a yearly basis while 300-400 years later the Aztec performed the
same ceremony every 52 years. It was believed that if the Pleiades passed the
zenith at midnight then the movement of the heavens was not to cease and the
world would last another 52 years. The Pleiades cross the meridian every day;
however, there is only one day in the year when they do so precisely at midnight.
Since this crossing occurs during mid-November, is it possible the New Fire
Ceremony also involved observing large meteorite showers from the Taurid
stream coming from the direction of the Pleiades? The absence of a massive
shower might have implied the world was saved from another catastrophe.

The newly recognized population of near-Earth-objects provides sound

astronomically based argument for a much higher frequency of impact events than
was estimated two decades ago. It is believed that the Taurid debris stream
contains some 300,000 'planet killer' sized objects. Some of these large objects
have struck the Earth in the past releasing energy equivalent to 20-5000 megatons.
Three of these impacts which occurred in the recent past are the Winslow, AZ
impact crater (50,000 years ago), an impact in southern Iraq (4,300 years ago),
and an air burst explosion which occurred over the Tunguska River in Siberia
(1908 AD). This air burst type of impact is believed to occur on the average of
every 1,500 years. Two sources of comets are postulated. The Kuiper Belt is
thought to be located beyond the orbit of Neptune and is the source of comets
with short orbital periods of less than 200 years. Beyond the Kuiper Belt is the
Oort Cloud which is postulated to surround the solar system and is thought to be
the source of long period comets.

Asteroids can vary in size up to several miles across. The Geographos asteroid
which is 3.2 miles by 1.2 miles has had close encounters with the earth in 1969
and 1994. It is believed that a possible impact could occur with the Earth or the

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moon within the next few hundred years. This would certainly bring on an ice
age. It has been estimated that several thousand large earth crossing asteroids
exist which are greater than 1 km in size. Smaller earth crossing asteroids in the
order of 30-60 meters across are believed to exceed 100,000 in number. The
asteroid which impacted near Winslow, AZ is estimated at 30 meters and the
asteroid which exploded over the Tunguska River is estimated at 30-60 meters
across. It has been estimated that an asteroid 200 meters across impacting an
ocean would cause a tsunami which would destroy all coastal cities. Asteroid
induced tsunamis which exceed 100 meters in height are believed to occur every
few thousand years. If a 1 km asteroid were to impact the earth it is predicted that
it would create a dust cloud which would block the sun for more than a year
causing a worldwide winter. This is the size asteroid that is believed to have
annihilated the dinosaurs.


Paleontologists have discovered fossilized geological evidence which shows the

presence of pre-humans and early hominids presence in Africa 2-4 million years
ago. The evolution of modern man is believed to have progressed from Homo
erectus and Homo habilis culminating with Homo sapiens 130,000-180,000 years
ago. DNA evidence of the Neanderthal species, which is now believed to be a
separate species from what developed into modern man, has been analyzed in
terms of its mtDNA sequences and is believed to date back to approximately
300,000 years ago. The Neanderthal species is believed to have diverged from the
human species some 500,000 to 800,000 years ago. The Neanderthal disappeared
around 30,000 years ago.

Skulls of humans living in China and Indonesia hundreds of thousands of years

ago are considered by some physical anthropologists to exhibit features still found
in modem Chinese and in Aboriginal Australians. If true, that finding would
suggest parallel evolution and multi-regional origins of modern humans, rather
than origins in a single region. Radiocarbon dated sites in Australia and New
Guinea place human presence around 30,000-40,000 years ago.

While this is interesting data to the Paleontologist, the species of importance to

the development of modern man is Homo Sapiens-sapiens. This species is
thought to have emerged approximately 120,000 years ago. It is this species to
which the mythology of the ancients is addressed. There is evidence from studies
of mitochondrial DNA that all human beings have descended from one common
female genotype who lived in Africa between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago.

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The implications of DNA on the creation of Man were discussed in detail in

Chapter 3.


The Sun is certainly the closest-largest body which can influence the Earth, being
109 times larger. The Sun introduces effects on the Earth as a result of the
following variables:
• Sunspot activity
• Sun's intensity (brightness)
• Solar winds between the sun and the earth
• Interaction of the sun's and earth's Magnetic fields
• Precession of the earth's axis
• Position of the sun/solar system within the galaxy
• Distance between the Sun and the Earth (eccentricity of the
Earth's orbit)
• Earth's axis Obliquity / Tilt (varies 21.1 to 24.5 degrees; current
23.5 degrees; period= approximately 41,000 years)

a.) Sunspot cycle (approximately 11 years)

Unlike the Earth, the Sun does not rotate as a solid object. The sunspots reveal
that there is differential rotation, the rotation rate at the equator being about 27
days, and about 34 days close to the poles. The Earth's orbital motion adds about
2 degrees per day to the solar rotation rate, as measured from the moving Earth.
The true rotation rate at the solar equator is about 25 days. The Sun's polar and
equatorial fields complete a mutual cycle every 87.4545 days. Galileo was aware
that sunspots were carried across the sun's disk by its 27-day rotation. He first
observed sunspots with his telescope in 1611 AD.

For approximately 100 years between 1630-1720 AD sunspots became nearly

absent on the sun's surface when only about 50 spots appeared as opposed to the
typical 40 – 50,000 spots. This period is known as the Maunder Minimum 54.
During this period Europe experienced the so-called Little Ice Age. There were at
least two more periods of minimum sunspot activity. One was the Sporer
Minimum (1460 – 1550 AD) and the other was the Medieval Minimum (1280
-1350 AD).

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The ancients were aware of the presence of sunspots at least as early as 370-290
BC. This written evidence was provided by Theophrastus of Athens who was a
pupil of Aristotle. Chinese records from 28 BC describe sunspot observations by
the naked-eye. Naked-eye sunspots were abundant from 300-400 AD and from
500-579 AD. The greatest outburst occurred between 1100 and 1387 AD, with a
peak around 1200 AD. This is known as the Medieval Maximum.

More than two hundred years after the first telescopic observations of sunspots,
their 11 year periodicity was discovered by Heinrich Schwabe. It has been shown
in recent years that the sun's temperature varies with the 11 year sunspot cycle.
When there are many sunspots the temperature is warmer and when there are few
sunspots the temperature is cooler. At the peak of the 11 -year sunspot cycle the
sun's surface is covered with hundreds of sunspots which trigger solar flares or
huge magnetic clouds several times per day. The sun's magnetic field rapidly
undergoes complex changes and can become twice as strong as normal. When
magnetic field lines erupt as solar flares they can give off as much energy as a
million atomic bombs. These solar flares contain radiation and charged particles
traveling near the speed of light. The X-ray brightness, at maximum, increases by
100 times that at minimum. These fields interact with the Earth's magnetic fields.
Whether or not this phenomenon by itself can cause catastrophic occurrences on
the Earth is not fully understood. This anomaly in conjunction with other
phenomena such as cosmic expulsions from the center of the galaxy interacting
with high solar wind activity may be a different story. It is interesting to note that
a 15,850 year old ice core from Antarctica exhibits acid layers which have been
attributed to solar wind mass outflow.

Data from the Sunspot observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico show the occurrence
of maximum activity to have occurred around December 2000 AD. Using this
date as a basis and 11.1 years for the average sunspot cycle, I calculated
maximum and minimum sunspot activity corresponding to historical dates of
various cataclysmic events. This provided mixed results. Some cataclysms
occurred during maximum sunspot activity and some occurred during minimum
sunspot activity. This should not be surprising as the sunspot activity varies from
9 to 12.5 years. Therefore it is clear that the sunspot cycle does not make a very
good clock. It should be noted that the next date for which the sunspot maximum
is expected to occur is December 2011.

b.) Solar winds between the Sun and the Earth

The sun continuously gives off charged particles called the solar wind which
carries the Sun's magnetic field into space filling the interstellar medium between

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the Sun and its planets. These solar winds can be extremely variable in intensity.
Co-rotating shocks are formed in interplanetary space by the interaction of long-
lived fast and slow solar wind streams. Maximum shocks occur in
synchronization with the rotational rate of the Sun. During a solar maximum,
transient events such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections will greatly disturb
the solar wind affecting the levels of cosmic rays and solar particles reaching the
Earth. Cosmic rays are deflected by the outermost magnetic field of the sun in
accordance with the 11 year cycle of solar activity. When sunspots are numerous,
the sun's magnetic field penetrates strongly into space and thereby shields the
earth from cosmic rays. It has been shown that the impact of high energy cosmic
rays in the earth's upper atmosphere produces carbon-14. When sunspot activity
is numerous, carbon-14 is diminished in the earth's atmosphere.

c.) Interaction of the Sun's and Earth's magnetic fields

The Earth's magnetic field acts as a protective shield against the effects of the
solar flares. When the solar flares encounter the Earth's magnetic field, they
effect changes in the Earth's magnetic field which have affected electrical power
distribution and have caused power outages. The strength of the magnetic field
varies, sometimes dropping to zero. Mass extinctions are believed to have
occurred in the past in correlation to magnetic field reversals.

During each 11-year sunspot cycle the Sun's north and south magnetic poles flip
direction. While the Sun's magnetic field undergoes dramatic changes it always
returns to its original shape and longitudinal position. The flip of the Sun's
magnetic field every 11 years appears to have little or no effect in terms of
triggering catastrophic events on the Earth. It may or may not affect weather
patterns on a short term basis.

Rocks containing grains of magnetite are used to indicate the direction of the
Earth's magnetic field. There is evidence from these rocks that the Earth's
magnetic field has changed polarity about a dozen times since humanoids dwelled
on the Earth (3 million years) and about 170 times since the earth was formed. It
is believed that the last major reversal occurred about 780,000 years ago. The
reversals appear to occur at random from a few tens of thousands of years to more
than a million years. On the average a reversal takes about 5,000 years to
complete and there does not seem to be any periodicity in their mean frequency of
occurrence. Magnetic alterations were of regular occurrence during the formative
years of earth history as shown by various rock formations. They continued down
to the end of the Tertiary Era, approximately 1.8 million years ago when the
earth's crust had been so thickened and compacted that the earth went into the

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final magnetic balance. During normal times the Earth's magnetic field varies by
as much as 50% over a few thousand years which is the case that has been
observed over the last 2,500 years. Cases have been identified of irregular
movements of the poles with short durations and sometimes not achieving
opposite polarity. Today, the Earth's geomagnetic axis is inclined by
approximately 11 degrees to the Earth's geographical axis (79o N, 70o W, Vs 79o S,
110o E). From the rock evidence it is postulated that the Earth's crust and mantle
rotated 90 degrees over the core approximately half a billion years ago.
Continents at the poles were to have shifted to the equator and those at the equator
shifted pole-ward over a period of 15 million years. The planet continued to spin
on the same axis as before. There is no evidence that periods of either polarity are
systematically of longer or shorter duration. According to electromagnetic and
hydrodynamic theory there is no reason why the Earth's magnetic field should
have a particular polarity and no fundamental reason why its polarity should or
should not change. As a point of reference, the planet Mars has no magnetic field,
however, there is volcanic evidence that a magnetic field existed in its distant
past. There is some speculation that if the Earth’s magnetic field ceased to exist,
the Earth would become a dead planet like Mars.

d.) Precession of the Earth's axis.

A review of the mythology of the ancients leads one to speculate that they
appeared to have had precise scientific knowledge regarding the precession of the
earth's axis before the supposed dawn of scientific thought. Evidence of the
Sumerian civilizations’ awareness and use of precession information was
presented in Chapter 6.

The plane of the earth's orbit is known as the ecliptic and is at an angle with the
equator of approximately 23.5 degrees due to the tilt of the earth's axis. During
the nighttime sky one can observe a ring of stars in the form of constellations that
extend approximately 7 degrees north and south of the ecliptic. These are the
twelve constellations of the zodiac named by the ancients: Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pices.

On any particular day of the year at sunrise the sun will be seen to rise in the east
portion of the sky occupied by one of the zodiacal constellations. Of most
significance to the ancients was the constellation in which the sun was observed
to rise on the morning of the spring/vernal equinox. This point in time was the
reference point which indicated the position of the earth within the precession
cycle of almost 26,000 years duration. It takes roughly 72 years for the sun to
migrate one degree along the ecliptic.

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Because of the tilt of the earth's axis there are four astronomical moments in the
year as the earth orbits the sun. These moments were of immense importance to
the ancients as they marked the beginning of the four seasons. In the northern
hemisphere these moments are known as the winter solstice (December 21),
summer solstice (June 21), spring equinox (March 20), and autumn equinox
(September 22). In the southern hemisphere the dates are the same but winter and
summer as well as spring and autumn are reversed.

The northern hemisphere's summer solstice falls at the point in the orbit when the
North Pole is pointed in the direction of the sun; six months later the winter
solstice marks the point when the North Pole is pointed away from the sun.
During the equinoxes the earth's axis of rotation lies broadside to the sun.

e.) Position of the Sun/Solar System within the Galaxy.

Physical evidence of man's past is generally sought in the areas that can readily be
observed either on the Earth or in relatively close proximity to the Earth (i.e.,
solar system). The vastness which exists beyond the solar system is virtually
incomprehensible to most human beings and the distances to other systems so
great that it is easy to accept the premise that any impact from this great distance
to life on the Earth would be inconsequential.

Today, this pattern of thinking is changing. Advances in science, both in theory

and hardware, have caused us to begin to re-think what we thought we knew
about the universe and particularly our galaxy, the Milky Way. Observations of
extragalactic events such as impacted Earth during 1983, 1997, and 1998 have led
astronomers to believe that the cores of galaxies undergo major explosions
releasing high energy cosmic ray particles on a periodic basis every 10,000-
26,000 years lasting between 100-1,000 years. In some galaxies these emissions
have been observed to equal the energy from billions of supernova explosions and
in our galaxy it has been determined the energy levels have reached hundreds of
thousands of supernova explosions. These rays are believed to propagate radially
outward from the galactic center at near light speed.

Evidence of Galactic core explosions impacting the Earth have been observed
from polar ice core samples which show records of these cosmic ray events
having occurred as recently as l0,000-15,000 years ago57,58. A large acidity spike
was observed in the Antarctic ice core record which is believed to have been
produced by a major solar wind mass outflow that began c. 13880 BC and ended
c. 13785 BC. Further evidence of interstellar dust has been found which includes

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high levels of iridium and nickel as well as the isotope beryilium-10. It is

believed that low-intensity outbursts occur approximately every 500 years.

Astronomical observations indicate that during the past 6,000 years, the galactic
center has expelled 14 clouds of ionized gas59. These cosmic expulsions bombard
the Earth and could be entrapped by the Earth's magnetic field to form radiation
belts in the upper atmosphere. In addition to forming radiation belts, these
bombardments could transport cosmic dust from the Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, or
from outside the solar system into the solar system seriously affecting the Earth's
climate and possibly triggering a new ice age. It has been hypothesized60, 61 that
such a bombardment may have been responsible for the termination of the last ice
age and the mass extinctions of the mega-fauna c. 11000 BC.

It is believed that an influx of debris may have caused an increase in the intensity
of the Sun's solar flare activity causing an increased global warming period
lasting 2,000 years. There is evidence of a large solar flare event occurring c.
10750 BC. This could have been responsible for the rapid melting of the ice caps
resulting in increased ocean levels and serious flooding.

The IRAS satellite team has reported observations of a zodiacal dust cloud tilted 3
degrees to the ecliptic and aligned with the Galactic center, implying the dust
entered the solar system from the direction of the Galactic center. Mayan
mythologies refer to the Road of Xibalba (i.e., Milky Way). Were they referring
to the ecliptic-Galactic plane intersection? From our position in space, the center
of the galaxy lies in the direction of the zodiacal sign Sagittarius. This unmoving
axis locates us in space in relation to the center of the galaxy. The plane of our
solar system is tilted 60 degrees from the galactic plane. The sun's orbit around a
center point in the Pleiades and the earth's axis around the sun create another
moving axis marked by the zodiacal sign of the spring and autumn equinoxes. As
we approach a spring equinox that falls at the beginning of the sign of Aquarius,
our two axes, the galactic and local, approach a 90 degree angle. The date the
Earth's axis will be maximally tipped in the direction of the Galactic plane
intersection point is 2012 AD. Table 8-4 shows the date relationships between
this galactic alignment, the precession of the Earth's axis, the zodiac ages, and a
cycle of some uncertain event of 3600 years. The precession cycle of 2160 years
and the 3600 year cycle are in synchronization every 10,800 years.

f) Climate

Climate is the result of the exchange of heat and mass between the land, ocean,
atmosphere, ice sheets, and space. Large climate variations seem to be the cause

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of many major changes in Man's living style. The study of ice cores is perhaps
the best source of climatic data for periods greater than 5,000 years before the
present time. For the period from 5,000 years ago to the recent past the study of
the growth rings of trees, such as found with the Bristlecone Pine and the Giant
Sequoias as well as ice cores, have been used. Table 8-3 provides a summary of
the major climate changes over the past 1,700,000 years.

There have been several factors which have been considered which account for
global climate change including long-term variation of the Earth's orbit and the
Earth's rotation and position of its tilt axis. The Earth's orbit becomes more
circular every 400,000 years. It has been theorized that this change in orbit
pushes the earth into and out of ice ages. Cores taken from the seabed in
Antarctica indicate that major glacial advances are followed by ice sheet retreat in
a rhythmic way. Over a period of 400,000 years, cycles of 40,000 and 100,000
years were observed. It is speculated that these cycles are tied to 1) variations of
the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit around the sun, 2) the tilt of the Earth's axis,
and 3) the direction the Earth's axis is pointing (Milankovitch cycles). The
100,000 year eccentricity parameter is believed to be the predominant cycle.

Other factors which have been considered to account for global climate change
include 1) the impact on the Earth by space debris such as comets, asteroids or
meteors; 2) a change in the Sun's output as a result of solar flare or solar wind
activity; 3) volcanic activity; and 4) ocean current activity such as seen with El
Nino or the flow of the Gulf Stream. The theory which is receiving the greatest
attention involves the changing circulation pattern in the North Atlantic Ocean.
As discussed in Chapter 6, the worlds’ climate is affected by the flow of the Gulf
Stream water moving around the globe. As long as this flow remains stable the
climate we experience will also remain stable. Today, the time to complete this
flow cycle is approximately 1,000 years. It is theorized that a change in this flow
pattern would likely plunge the world into the next ice age. It is suspected that
the large oscillations in climate observed in the ice cores were caused by different
patterns of ocean circulation. What triggered these different patterns is uncertain.

As mentioned earlier, a series of eight global glaciations followed by eight periods

of warming have been observed in ice cores from Antarctica. These glaciations
cover a period beginning approximately 1,700,000 years ago and ending
approximately 12,000 years ago. It has been concluded from the Greenland and
Antarctic ice core analysis that over the last 800,000 years the advancing and
retreating of glaciers occurred about every 100,000 years with approximately
10,000 years of interglacial periods. Cores from both Greenland and Antarctica
show similar trends in magnitude and timing. Whatever the cause of an 'Ice Age'

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it appears to occur globally at the same time in both hemispheres. While this
statement can be generally accepted, there are always exceptions to the rules.

Antarctic ice cores indicate air temperatures 19,000 years ago exhibited the
largest and most abrupt warming spike ever recorded in the Southern Hemisphere.
Evidence from the Byrd and Vostok ice cores support this warming trend as to the
time of occurrence but with a less dramatic warming increase. This occurred
prior to a warming period during the Late Wisconsin Glaciation in the Northern
Hemisphere. A second warming event nearly as strong and swift as the first
occurred about 15,000 years ago as observed in the Antarctic Siple Dome ice
cores. This is more in line with the timing of increased temperatures observed in
Northern Hemisphere ice cores. This rapid global warming exceeded anything
experienced in our own time.

Following a number of short-term oscillations beginning about 12000 BC, a rise

in temperature that set in about 8300 BC led to sustained warm climates in
northern Europe. This temperature rise was not experienced in North America for
another 2,000 years.

Ice cores taken on Tanzania's Mt. Kilimanjaro show that these glaciers began to
form about 11,700 years ago. This is consistent with the cold sub-arctic
temperatures of the Older Dryas period observed in the Northern Hemisphere.
These same cores show evidence of three catastrophic droughts in the tropics
8,300, 5,200, and 4,000 years ago. The first drought occurred at the time of the
second mini ice age c. 6200 BC. Maximum summer temperatures occurred in
Europe about 6000 BC. In North America the maximum summer temperature
was reached about 4000 BC or shortly before the second drought which occurred
at a time many of the ancient civilizations referenced the beginning of their
calendars. The third drought occurred at the time of a severe drought in Egypt c.
2180 when the Old Kingdom fell.

Ice cores from the Peruvian Andes Nevado Coropuna volcano yielded a wetland
plant which through DNA testing dated back 5,200 years ago. Since this plant
was well preserved it is assumed that it was caught in an abrupt climate change.
In the European Alps a well preserved Neolithic hunter was discovered in the ice.
It has been estimated that this occurred around 5,200 years ago at a time
approximately 200 years after the sea levels reached their current levels, c.3500

There were periods of warming accompanied by periods of severe drought

between 700 and 850 AD and between 1000 and 1200 AD. It is not known for

J. A. Chapin Page 189 11/16/2008

certain what caused the downfall of the Mayan civilization c. 900 AD, however, it
is speculated by some that their demise was hastened by periods of severe drought
and over population and the failure of their leaders to find solutions to the changes
they were experiencing. It is also believed the Moche civilization, located on the
Peruvian coast, collapsed c. 800 AD as a result of a long drought followed by
devastating earthquakes and catastrophic floods. A warming period, which ended
as early as 1100 AD in North America and later in Europe, was followed by
approximately 500-600 years of severe cooling known as the Little Ice Age
ending between 1550 and 1750 AD. The region which today is known as the
Southwestern United States experienced severe drought conditions during this
period. Pollen analysis and tree ring studies in the Four Corners Region of the US
southwest indicate that the region was hit by a devastating combination of drought
and cold beginning 1200 AD and lasting for 600 years. Around 1150 AD, the
Hohokam, Anasazi, and Mogollon systems began to collapse due to the severe
drought. At this same time they also experienced growing populations. This
added pressure depleted their resources, resulting in the population drifting away.
Civilizations in Central and South America would have experienced severe
hardships which likely contributed to their downfall. The disappearance of the
Toltecs c. 1200 BC was also likely do to overpopulation and severe drought
conditions while the disappearance of the Aztecs occurred at the hand of the
Spanish invader Cortez who in a little more than two years completely destroyed
the Aztec empire (c. 1521 AD), while the Inca disappeared at the hands of the
Spaniard Francisco Pizarro (c. 1534 AD).

It is likely that these periods of severe drought were triggered by the large
outburst of sun spot activity known as the Medieval Maximum between 1000-
1387 AD peaking c. 1200 AD. Tree ring evidence in the Southwest US between
1276 and 1299 AD was unusually narrow, indicating a drought and cold spell
occurred at this time. Cores of the sediments of Lake Chichancanab in the
Yucatan peninsula indicate severe drought occurred between 800-1000 AD.
These cores point to a 208 year cycle in which noticeable drying of the lake bed
occurs. This drying is thought to be related to an increase in the output of energy
from the Sun which occurs on a 206 year average cycle. An interesting
observation can be made when considering the 206 year intensity cycle of the Sun
and the period approximate 200 years after the oceans had more water than ever
before. With all the water available from the oceans and a highly intense Sun,
evaporation could have reached a maximum. Snowfall of intense magnitude
would have resulted when this humid air reaching the high altitudes of the Alps
and Andes mountains, thereby entrapping man and plants. The period between
3200 BC and 934 AD is 20 periods of 206 years.

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(approx) EVENT EVENT
_____________ ________________ _________ ______________ _______________
1,700,000 – Early Pleistocene Cold
750,000- Middle Pleistocene Warm
350,000- Middle Pleistocene Cold Cosmic dust influx
250,000- Middle Pleistocene Warm
200,000- Middle Pleistocene Cold
130,000-72,000 Late Pleistocene- Warm
Begin Early
Wisconsin Glaciation
72,000-25,000 Middle Wisconsin Cold Cosmic dust influx
Glaciation - ice cores
25,000-15,000 Late Wisconsin Cold
15,000-13,000 Late Wisconsin Warming Radiation Galactic core
Glaciation intensity increase explosion
50 times present
13,000-12,000 Bolling period Dramatic
12,000-11,800 Older Dryas period Cold, Sub- Large solar flare 3-7% increase in
arctic c. 10750 BC radiocarbon levels
11,800-11,000 Allerod period Warmer
11,000-10,000 Younger Dryas Sub-arctic,
period dry
11,500-9,000 Holocene period Warmer
9,000-6,500 Holocene period Warmer
6,500-3,600 Holocene period Climactic
3,600-2,800 Holocene period Climatic

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(approx) EVENT
_____________ _____________ __________ ______________ _____________
2,800-1,600 Holocene period
1,600-900 Holocene period Warmer, dry
900-400 Holocene period Cooling, dry
400-150 Holocene period Cold, Little Ice
150-Present Holocene period Warming


A century ago, most people believed that the human race was no more than 5,000
to 10,000 years old. Archaeologists today have extended this time to a much
earlier period. The presence of early hominids occurred some 2.5 million years
ago and the presence of early Homo sapiens occupying Europe about 500,000
years ago. The beginning for modern man (Homo Sapiens-sapiens) is believed to
have occurred some 100 to 120, 000 years ago in Africa.

It has been hypothesized, from various archaeological findings that mankind had
rudimentary oral communication abilities beginning c. 100000 - 70000 BC;
however, archaeologists and historians state that it took approximately 65,000
years for mankind to formulate a written language. Archaeologists have
uncovered thousands of clay tablets describing Assyrian, Babylonian and even
much older cities and events. Most of the ancient nations kept writings which
were recorded on either stone or burnt clay tablets in their temples. An interesting
circular clay tablet was unearthed at an ancient Minoan palace at Phaistos, on the
island of Crete. The tablet contains 45 distinct signs and the writing is thought to
be syllabary rather than an alphabet. As of today it has yet to be deciphered.
What makes this tablet unique is rather than being etched by hand it was formed
by using stamps to punch the signs into the soft clay. It is estimated that the date
of this tablet is c. 1700 BC. This suggests this tablet may be the first example of
the printing of a document. Printing, using blocks applied to paper, next occurred
in China c. 800 AD and then in medieval Europe c. 1400 AD.

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There are hundreds of records in India reportedly dating back 35,000 years with
some suspected to be even older but without a date. It is said that some of the
oldest writings are in the Himalayan monasteries of Tibet which are reported to
date man back 200,000 to 270,000 years ago. The dates for these writings were to
have been determined by the positions of stars which were recorded at the time of
the writings.

Historically, the period between 3400 BC and 3100 BC has proven to be one of
the most important periods regarding three of the world's most ancient
civilizations: Sumer, Egypt and India. Historians acknowledge that writing began
in these regions during this period.

While many writings came from a period 4,000-6,000 years ago the evidence
presented throughout this book suggests that their origin may actually have come
from a much earlier time. Writing likely began with numbers. In Sumer
accounting records were determined using clay tokens c. 9000 BC. The Vedas
from India are considered by many to be the oldest known written text on our
planet today (c. 4000 BC). They are reported to date back to the beginning of the
pre-Hindu civilization and, according to some accounts, are to have been passed
through oral tradition for over 10,000 years. The writings of Herodotus, 485-424
BC, and Plato, 427-347 BC, provide additional information which support the
claims to the very ancient dates suggested for the Egyptian civilization.
Herodotus relates a story which reports the Egyptians recorded observations of
the heavens as far back as 39000 BC while Plato reported that the Egyptians had
observed the stars for 10 thousand years. The dates reported for the beginning of
the Hindu civilization are far older than any dates mainline historians would admit

The presence of writing provides evidence of the advanced development of the

people within a given region reflecting in what we term today as 'civilization'.
Given the discovery of early settlements and the writings of their inhabitants, there
is strong evidence for the development of civilization, as we understand it today, in
Sumeria in the region between the Tigris-Euphrates Rivers. It is believed that the
Ur culture of Sumeria developed between 10000 and 8000 BC however, their
origins are disputed.

Accounts from the Mahabharata and Ramayana texts, which appeared in written
form between 4000 and 2000 BC, support a migration out of India by a group
called the Naga-Mayas into the regions surrounding the Black Sea c. 16000 BC,
nearly 10,000 years before the collapse of the Bosporus as surmised by Ryan and

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Pitman 51. These authors suggest that the survivors of this deluge, described as the
Ubaidians, migrated overland to central Europe and western Asia and southeast
into the Levant, Mesopotamia and ultimately to Egypt. At present, archaeological
evidence does not support settlements this ancient. Typologically, the language of
Sumer resembles Chinese, which suggests an eastern origin. Further, the word
'Sumer' in the Naga-Maya language of India means 'flat lands or plains' and the
word 'Akkad' means 'soft and marshy ground'; both terms which describe the two
regions of Mesopotamia.

The archaeological evidence supports early settlements, such as Eridu, dating c.

5500 BC. It is believed that the oldest cities lay in the northern part of Sumer in
what today is called Iraq and northeastern Syria. Cities eventually spread down
the Euphrates River into the valley of the Tigris River reaching the lowlands at the
head of the Persian Gulf before 4000 BC. At this time southern Mesopotamia
became identified as Sumer and truly municipal cities flourished and were
recognized as city-states which operated as individual kingdoms. The cultural
expansion included a revolution in both technical and academic areas, a
phenomenon which has baffled scholars and historians even today.

Numerous examples of writing have been recovered from archaeological sites

throughout the world. Cuneiform writing from Mesopotamia predates the
Hieroglyphic texts found in Egypt. What are believed to be the oldest Egyptian
hieroglyphs have been uncovered at Abydos. These examples of hieroglyphic
signs spell out the names of places from which commercial goods came from.
Uncharacteristically, these are carved on ivory and bone. Hieroglyphics were
usually written on wood and papyrus.

Some of the most famous writings come from thousands of tablets found in the
library of the Assyrian King Ashurbanipal in the city of Nineveh in Mesopotamia
and from 15,000 clay tablets uncovered in the royal library of the ancient city of
Ebla in what is modern-day Syria. Many of the tablets and writings which have
been found relate myths of -catastrophic destruction, -internal bickering among
the gods, as well as lists of rulers. Some of the more notable tablets include: 1)
the Erra Epos Text, and the Story of Atrahasis written by the Akkadians, c. 2500
BC; 2) the Kings List, c. 2125 BC, and 3) the Epic of Creation/Enuma Elish,
written by the Babylonians, c. 2000 BC. It is believed that most of these stories
originally came from the Sumerians, c. 3500 BC.

Over the past 30-50 years the discovery and the subsequent translation of the
written evidence left by ancient civilizations has been a process of continuous
astonishment and of incredible realization. We owe what little we know today

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about these civilizations to the ancient scribes who used monuments, artifacts,
foundation stones, bricks, utensils, and weapons of any conceivable material, as
slates on which to write down names and record events. By some accounts
modern man began to develop historical records in the form of inscriptions and
symbols placed upon structures, pottery and tablets c. 9500 - 8000 BC.

As previously stated many myths address a destruction of the world as a result of

a deluge. These deluge stories have held the attention of writers over the past
several thousand years. A great deal has been written during recent times about
the ancient kings who were to have ruled prior to the Deluge. The basis for the
stories comes from four sources, namely:

1. Sumerian Kings List (c. 3500 BC) - WB 144

2. Akkadian Kings List (c. 2125 BC) - WB 62
3. Babylonian Kings List (c. 290 BC) - Berossus
4. Old Testament, Book of Genesis (c. 1500 BC) -
generations of Adam

The Sumerian Kings List is believed to be a chronological record of rulers, cities,

and events which divide prehistory and history into two parts: first the record of
the rulers before the Deluge; the second the record of the rulers during and after
the Deluge. A comparison of the first three sources is provided in Table 8-5. As
can be seen, the durations for the periods for which the kings were to have ruled
are unreasonably large.

The designation of the first two lists, WB144 and WB 62 refer to catalog numbers
of the Weld-Blundell collection in the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford University.
I have assumed the date of the WB 144 Sumerian Kings List to be earlier than that
for the WB 62 Akkadian Kings List. Why are there differences in the two 'WB'
lists? One answer is they were prepared at different times and were both correct
at the times of their preparation. This would hold true for the names but not for
the numbers. Because WB 144 is a shorter list, I propose that it must have been
the first list to have been prepared. Since Ziusudra/Xisuthros is not included in
WB 144 I suggest this list may have been prepared prior to the flood at a time
there had only been eight kings. WB 62 contains a list of 10 kings including
Ziusudra, the king at the time of the flood. I therefore suggest this was prepared
after the flood had occurred. The differences in some names and their sequence
could possibly be explained if sufficient time had elapsed between the
preparations of the two lists. The names could have changed through a normal
course of events such as the death and replacement of one or more kings. The
third account, which is similar to the Sumerian and Akkadian accounts, was

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prepared in the Greek language c. 290 BC by Berossus and was likely copied
from the Sumerian lists.

The start of the three lists places Alulim/Aloros as the ruler who ruled in the city of
Eridu. Nine other antediluvian rulers and the cities of Badtibira, Larak, Sippur and
Shuruppak are listed for the period between the rule of Alulim and the Deluge. It
should be noted that I have taken the liberty to adjust the order of the king's names
in WB 62 to be consistent with those in WB 144. The important facts in these lists
are the number of kings and their cities of kingship and not durations.

Some scholars have assumed that the large numbers assigned to each king
represents the duration of their reign although they have yet been unable to
explain the differences in the durations among the three lists. I propose that these
so called durations were not intended to represent the length of a king's rule at all.

How did the scholars arrive at the conclusion that the numbers on the Kings Lists
represent the duration of the kings reigns? This has to be laid at the feet of the
Chaldean Berossus. Berossus, like the Hebrews, may have been trying to
establish a history for his Babylonian heritage. He was undoubtedly aware of the
Babylonian mythologies which contain a story of the coming of the Anunnaki
some 120 sars (432,000 years) before the Deluge. He may have also had access
to what we now refer to as Kings Lists WB 144 & WB 62. The sum of the
durations of the ten kingships in the Berossus list is the 'Special Number' 432,000.
Is this coincidental or was Berossus trying to fit durations to the earlier
mythologies? There is some evidence that this is the case. Nine of the durations
are prime numbers whereas the duration of kingship for Amelon, the fourth king,
is not. This may indicate that the fourth kingship may have been inserted in order
to obtain the desired total of 432,000. Many scholars seem to have accepted the
Berossus interpretation over the other two lists even though they could never
make sense of it.

A possibility that the list created by Berossus is a compilation of durations and

names from sources other than the Sumerian King Lists has not been considered
before. The movement of Sumerian kingships from Eridu to Bad-tibira to Larak
to Sippur and finally to Shuruppak explains the settlement of Sumer and ties
kingships to the various cities. I suggest that the durations assigned to the
kingships were coupled to previous events as shown in Table 8-4. If so, Berossus
had to have access to some other source of information not known to us today.

If it is assumed that the durations reported by Berossus are actual time spans an
interesting scenario can be developed as shown in Table 8-4. The date 440788

J. A. Chapin Page 196 11/16/2008

BC from this table is seen as a date in which the Milky Way/Sun alignment
occurred and is a multiple of the Earth's precession cycle and a multiple of the
3,600 year cycle working back from the year 2012 AD when the galactic
alignment is to again occur. Using 440788 BC as the date for the start of the
Aloros kingship it can be seen from Table 8-4 that the end of the first nine
kingships occurs at the time Homo sapiens sapiens were to have appeared on
Earth. Further, comparing the kingship durations of these rulers with the findings
of the Vostok ice core data as shown in Figure 8-10 it can be seen that the
kingships of Alaparos, Amelon, Daonos and Euedorachos, and Xisuthros
correspond to the ends of the Nebraskan, Kansan, Illinoisan, and Wisconsin ice
ages. The durations of Ammenon, Megalaros, Amempsinos and Opartes occur at
the times of extreme minimum temperature during each ice age. It can also be
seen that the kingships alternate between dates of peak temperatures and
minimum temperatures with one exception that being a minimum temperature
date c. 140000 BC for which there is no corresponding kingship.

The end of the Xisuthros kingship is coincident with the end of the Mayan Age 3
and the beginning of the Mayan Age 4 which is also coincident with the
synchronization of the 3,600 year and 2,160 year cycles. It is also interesting to
note that the Mayan Age 3 ended on the day 4 Rain which indicated that that age
was destroyed by water just as was the Xisuthros kingship destroyed by a deluge.

As discussed in Chapter 3, the thought process during the period c. 3500 - 1500
BC was unlike that at the time of Berossus c. 290 BC. By the time Berossus
prepared his Sumerian Kings List the populace had shifted to a left hemisphere
thinking process such that the concept of time would not have been a problem for
them to comprehend. The population of the earlier period did not think in terms
of sequential dates or large periods of time. The writings of the period attest to
this. When referring to a time before their present they indicated the years by
important events relating to religious, civil or military life of the state (e.g., 'year
of the campaign against city state X’; 'year in which King Y died'). They did not
refer to durations such as 36,000 years. However, the ancients did use large
numbers when referring to populations of their cities. This has been shown by the
tablets found at Ebla describing the administration of the city. Ebla was a
Canaanite city discovered in northwestern Syria whose culture is thought to have
extended throughout the area of the Fertile Crescent.

An interesting fact pertaining to the kings of Ebla was their fixed length of rule
(usually for 7 years), and their system of governors who served under the king
(usually 14, who could serve under different kings and served for life). Under the
14 governors there were a total of 7000 functionaries who were responsible for 20

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individuals each. The clay tablets found at Ebla provide a breakdown of the
population of each city/village for each administrator as well as the total
population under the King. Since Ebla was contemporary with the Sumerian
cities of Uruk and Kish, c. 2600-2500 BC, why would the Sumerians/Akkadians
not use a similar system?

A key to solving the riddle of the Kings Lists may lay in the fact that there were a
total of five cities in which the ten kings were to have reigned. As an alternative
to the ice age scenario I propose that WB 144 gives the populations of the five
cities prior to the deluge and WB 62 gives the population of the five cities just
after the deluge. While the seat of kingship moved through the five cities as
described, the cities themselves did not disappear but continued to grow or
decline in population. The second list reflects this growth or decline from the
time the first list was prepared. Table 8-6 provides a different view of the Kings
Lists using the figures to describe the size of the cities from the time the first fist
was prepared to the time after the deluge when the cities were destroyed. The
Sumerian Kings List reports that at the end of the second kings' reign in the city
of Eridu ended and kingship moved to Bad-tibira. The populations of Bad-tibira
diminished after arriving from Eridu and then rose to 72,000 at which time war
occurred forcing the next move of kingship to Larak. During the reign of the
sixth king war again occurred forcing the move of kingship to Sippur where the
population flourished again reaching what would appear to be a maximum
number. The number 72,000 may have been an administrative limit or the
maximum population a region could support. After Sippur the kingship moved to
Shuruppak in southern Mesopotamia where, during the reign of the tenth king, the
Deluge occurred. Depending on the list being reviewed this king was named
Xisuthros, Ziusudra, Utnapishtim, and later Noah.

Some interesting observations can be made by analyzing the numbers provided by

these three lists;

• ·All numbers are both evenly divisible and even multiples of 60, 600,
1200, and 3600.
• All numbers are harmonics and can be represented as musical tones.
• All numbers are prime numbers with the exception of King Amelon
(46,800), Alulim (67,200), Enmendur-anna (21,000) and Ubartutu (I
8,600). That is, they are multiples of 2p 3q 5r where p, q, r are
integers including zero.
• The total (432,000) is divisible by 3600 = 120 sars; and by 2160 (1/12
the Earth's precession cycle) = 200 zodiac houses.

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Another interesting observation can be made by taking the numbers supplied by

Berossus in Table 8-5 and converting the cuneiform equivalents to alternate
decimal numbers as suggested in Table 7-9. This is shown below.




Alorus 36,000 600

Alaparos 10,800 180
Amelon 46,800 780
Ammenon 43,200 720
Megalaros 64,800 1080
Daonos 36,000 600
Euedorachos 64,800 1080
Amempsinos 36,000 600
Opartes 28,800 480
Xisuthrus 64,800 1080

YEARS 432,000 7200

The sum of the optional numbers is 7200 which is a number used by the Mayans
with their sacred Tzolkin Calendar to arrive at the Long Count Number 1,872,000
(i.e., 7200 X 260 days/year = 1,872,000 days). Is it possible that Berossus was
describing a period ending in a deluge much like the Mayans were describing an

Since actual lifetime durations in real life do not follow any particular pattern, I
conclude that the numbers presented in the various kings lists were never meant to
represent the actual duration for the reign of the rulers.

Akkadian and Babylonian cuneiform tablets list the rulers of the city states of
Kish, Erech, Ur, Lagash, and Umma from the time following the Deluge through
2095 BC as shown in Appendix B, Table B-2. Since dates cannot be established
for all of the rulers listed in the table, the date that the Deluge was to have taken

J. A. Chapin Page 199 11/16/2008

place cannot definitively be determined. In Chapter 4 I have attempted to

establish dates for a deluge based upon the recollections of the Hebrew historian
Josephus as well as make a comparison with the post flood kings list. After the
Deluge, kingship was to have moved from Shuruppak to Kish approximately 100
miles upriver from Eridu. The Kish dynasty was the beginning of kingship of
men and lasted through 23 man-kings ending c. 2750 BC when the Erech dynasty
was founded by Meskiaggasher and moved the kingship from Kish to Uruk/Erech.
The fifth ruler of the Erech dynasty was Gilgamesh, c. 2600 BC who was a
contemporary of the last two kings of the Kish Dynasty (Enmebaragese and
Aggal). He became involved in a power struggle with King Mesannepadda of the
Ur dynasty who eventually became victorious. The dynasties of Kish, Erech, and
Ur eventually weakened and could no longer control all of Sumeria. Around 2540
BC the rulers of Lagash declared themselves kings of Kish and were ultimately
disposed by Lugalzagese, King of Uruk, around 2370 BC.

Sargon I defeated Lugalzagese and became the king and founder of the kingdom
of Akkad c. 2350 BC. Sargon was credited with uniting both Sumer and Akkad
and established his reign in the city of Agade which he founded. This period
ended when Naram-Sin, the grandson of Sargon, was defeated by the Guti from
the area of the Zargos Mountains. After a few decades of Guti rule the Sumerians
of Uruk ousted them and Ur-Nammu established the third Ur dynasty, c.2112 BC.
After a short rule this dynasty fell to the invading Amorites, c. 2000 BC.

The dates that the historians have assigned to rulers such as Gilgamesh, Etana,
and Sargon are interesting in that they provide a reference point that when
coupled with assumptions of the durations of previous rulers can be used to
calculate the time frame that kingship began following the deluge. This gives a
time period between 4800 and 3000 BC which when considering the error in
dating techniques, described earlier, is close to the dates derived from Josephus or
from Ryan and Pitman as discussed in Chapter 6.

Other writings which provide a history of rulers come from Egypt. While the
writings I have reviewed pertaining to the Egyptians do not discuss a deluge they
do provide a history which shows that the ancient Egyptians believed that their
history extended far back beyond what has been termed the dynastic period which
has been defined by archaeologists and Egyptologists as beginning with the rule
of Menes c. 3100 BC. These ancient Egyptians kept records of the rulers of this
much earlier period in their temples. The original records of this period do not
exist; however, there are references to these lists which were developed during the
fifth dynasty (Palermo Stone) and the nineteenth Dynasty (Turin Papyrus).

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A Heliopolitan priest named Manetho from the third century BC is reported to

have compiled a comprehensive history of Egypt which extended much further
back into the past when gods were to have ruled the Nile Valley. Manetho's list is
compared with the lists of Eusebius, Diodorus Siculus and the Turin Papyrus in
Appendix B, Table B-3. A list of the dynastic rulers is given in Table B-4. The
writings of Josephus (60 AD), Julius Africanus (300 AD), Eusebius (340 AD), and
George Syncellus (800 AD) reference the writings of Manetho.

The "Chronica" of Eusebius is believed to give perhaps the most complete

chronology of this ancient time. Eusebius gives a list of the seven gods
comprising the Ennead of Heliopolis. He then goes on to report that following the
rule of the gods, the kingship passed through a total of 13,845 more years up thru
the time of Manetho c. 280 BC. This period of 13,845 years is comprised of 1)
Demigods which ruled for 1255 years, 2) a line of kings which ruled 1917 years,
3) another line of kings which ruled 1790 years, 4) ten kings which ruled during a
period of chaos for 350 years, 5) "Spirits of the Dead" for a period of 5,813 years,
6) the dynastic kings who ruled 3100 BC to 343 BC, and 6) the Persian Kings
which ruled up to the time Manetho wrote his account.

Manetho's account of a 350 year period of chaos is interesting in that it could be

describing a period which occurred either before, during, or shortly after a
catastrophic event c. 9263 BC. Interestingly enough, this date is virtually
coincident with an eruption of Vesuvius c. 9285 BC. Just as interesting is the
period of 5,813 years following the period of chaos which was to have been ruled
by "Spirits of the Dead”. If there truly was an earthshaking catastrophe which
could have propelled mankind into the stone-age then a period of this duration
might explain why mankind appeared to be coming out of a dark-age c. 8000-
4000 BC.

The Turin Papyrus, dated c. 1400 BC supports Manetho's claim that there were
three historical periods prior to King Menes. The first period of pre-dynastic
kings is given as lasting 13,420 years. The second period for the Horus-kings is
given as lasting for 23,000 years. This gives the duration for Egyptian history of
36,420 years as compared with Manetho's duration of 26,082 years.

Another account by Diodorus Siculus (first century BC) states that the gods and
heroes ruled for 'a little less than 18,000 years', the last god being Horus. He goes
on to state that mortals have been kings for less than 5,000 years. I believe these
are statements of two distinct but separate periods which were not meant to
represent a consecutive chronology. These two periods agree very well with the
durations reported by Eusebius. Eusebius reports a period of 12,300 years for the

J. A. Chapin Page 201 11/16/2008

gods plus another 1255 years for the demigods plus another 3607 years duration
for the kings/heroes. This gives a total duration of 17,162 years compared to
Siculus' period of 'a little less than 18,000 years'. The period of a little less than
5,000 years includes the dynastic period of 2575 years plus a period extending
back into the period ruled by 'Spirits of the Dead'. Since details of the period of
5,813 years have not been described, it is safe to assume that some portion of that
period was ruled by mortals and has been included by Siculus in his description.

An account by the Greek historian Herodotus who lived during the fifth century
BC also provides information for dating the beginning of Egyptian history.
According to Herodotus Egyptian priests were to have read from a written record
the names of 330 monarchs who ruled Egypt from the time of Min/Menes. This
list was to have included 18 Ethiopians and one woman named Nitocris.
Herodotus reasoned that if three generations spanned 100 years then a total of
11,340 years would have elapsed from the time of Min/Menes up to the time of
Amasis c. 570 BC. King Min would have reined c. 12000 BC during the period
of Kings and Heroes and prior to the 350 year period of chaos. Herodotus further
reports that all of these rulers were men and not gods. He further reports that
prior to the rule by men there were 8 gods who ruled Egypt followed by twelve
other rulers followed by what he termed the 'third order' who were descended
from the twelve. This is consistent with the stories reported by Manetho and

Herodotus also relays a story told to him by the Egyptians who stated: "The sun
changed his usual position four times since Egypt became a kingdom; the Sun
rose contrary to its want; twice rising where he normally sets and twice setting
where he normally rises". The French mathematician Schwaller de Lubicz has
interpreted this to mean that the sun had gone through one and a half complete
cycles of the zodiac. The ancients observed sunrise against the constellation in
which the sun rose each day. If it can be assumed that the Egyptians were
referring to a period back from the time of their discussion with Herodotus c. 500-
450 BC then the timing would be referenced to the zodiacal house of Aires.
Going back one half of a precession cycle consisting of 13,000 years, the sun
would rise in Libra rather than Aires. One half more cycle back and the sun
would again rise in Aires and going back one more half cycle the sun would rise
again in Libra fulfilling twice where he now sets and twice set where he now
rises. Following this line of thought places the beginning of Egyptian history c.
39330 BC which is within the same order of magnitude as the Turin papyrus
account of 36763 BC.

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A great deal of physical evidence points to the existence of ancient civilizations

which possessed extraordinary knowledge of the universe in which they lived.
This knowledge appears fully formed in the civilizations of Sumeria and Egypt c.
4000-3000 BC. Archaeological evidence in the form of megalithic structures
found worldwide and artifacts recovered from building sites point to civilizations
far more advanced than the civilizations that modern-day scholars assign to them.

Many of the writings of these ancient civilizations describe events in their history
which involved the destruction or near-destruction of their civilizations. The
geological and meteorological footprints which we observe today provide
overwhelming evidence of events of cataclysmic proportions which support the

There are a number of historical periods in which cataclysmic events occurred

which relate to the descriptions offered by the ancient writings. Two events
coincide with the past alignment between the solar system ecliptic and the plane
of the Milky Way. The first event occurred c. 74000 BC when the super-volcano
Toba erupted, which according to DNA evidence very nearly destroyed the human
population. The next event occurred c. 49000 BC when a meteor struck near
Winslow, Arizona. While I have not been able to identify any cataclysmic events
during the third alignment with the Milky Way c. 23600 BC, it is the time the
Mayans assigned for the beginning of their Age/Sun 1. The next alignment is to
occur during 2012 AD, the end of the Mayan Age 5.

There are four periods around which cataclysmic events seem to cluster. The first
is 12000-11000 BC; the second is 9000-8000 BC; the third is 6000-5000 BC; and
the fourth is 2300-1300 BC. What makes these periods interesting is they closely
follow a 3,600 year cycle and occur in 1,000 year durations. Following the four
periods of cataclysmic events are periods of revival and expansion (11000-9000
BC, 8000-6000 BC, 5000-2300 BC).

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The significant events for each period are as follows:

12000-11 000 BC

• End of Pleistocene Ice Age

• Mega-fauna disappear
• End Beringia migrations (increased sea levels)
• Vesuvius erupts

11000-9000 BC
• Begin present interglacial

• Begin farming
• Colonization of North &
South America
9000-8000 BC

• First mini ice age (Younger Dryas Period)

• Possible Vela explosion
8000 BC
• Farming
• Cities of Jericho, Asikli
Huyuk, Catal Huyuk
• Mexico-Step pyramids
6000-5000 BC

• Second mini ice age

• Collapse of Bosporus
• Mt. Mazama erupts
• Warming-melting of glaciers

5000-2300 BC

• Copper Age
• Holocene Thermal

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• Civilizations (Sumeria, Egypt,

Olmec, Cuzco, Crete, Indus

2300-1300 BC
Meteor impact in Mesopotamia
· Migration of Semites to Egypt
· Akkadian Empire falls
· Severe drought in Egypt
· Egypt-Old Kingdom falls
· Assyrian Empire falls
· Egypt-Middle Kingdom falls
· Santorini erupts
· Destruction of Indus Valley civilization
· Destruction of Cnossus, Crete
· Heavens come to a stop (Egypt, Persia, China, and Mesoamerica)
· Egyptian tombs record destruction of Man by the gods

As can be seen from Table 8-2, dates in increments of 3600 years backwards in
time from 2012 AD fall within these periods described above as follows: 2012
AD, 1588 BC, 5188 BC, 8788 BC, and 12388 BC.

According to modern day physicists, string theory suggests that everything of a

physical nature is based on the principle of vibration or is cyclical. Since the
basic building blocks of matter are cyclical in nature it stands to reason that what
occurs in our environment is also cyclical. The before mentioned historical events
support this premise and strongly suggest that we can expect a major catastrophic
event to occur in our near future (i.e. 2012 AD).

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3600 yr 2160 yr (-) = BC
Cycle Cycle

Aries -440788 -440788 Zero degrees sidereal Aries

-440788 Start Aloros epoch-36,000 yrs
-404788 Alaparos epoch-10,800 yrs
-393988 Ammenon epoch-43,200 yrs
-350788 Amelon epoch-46,800 yrs
-239188 Daonos epoch-36,000 yrs
-203188 Amempsinos epoch-64,000 yrs
-138388 Eudorachos epoch-36,000 yrs
-102388 Opartes epoch-28,000 yrs
-95188 -95188 -100496 Homo Sapien sapien man
-74869 Milky Way / Sun Alignment
Aquarius -73588 -73588 -73588 Start Xisuthros epoch-64,800 yrs
-73000 Toba Super Volcano Erupts
Scorpio -69988
Leo -62788 -62788
Aries -55588
Pices -51988 -51988 -49242 Milky Way/Sun Alignment
-49000 Meteor Impact in Winslow, AZ
Libra -41188 -41188
Virgo -39000 Completion of axis tilt cycle,
Referenced to 2012 AD

Taurus -30388 -30388

Pices -26788
-23615 -23615 Milky Way / Sun Alignment

Aquarius -23188 BEGIN AGE/SUN 1

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3600 yr 2160 yr (-) = BC
Cycle Cycle

Sagittarius -19588 -19588 -18593 END AGE/SUN1 - DELUGE

-17375 BEGIN AGE / SUN 2
Scorpio -17428 Migrations Asia to N America

-15988 -16000 Vesuvius Erupts

Libra -15268 -15000 Vesuvius peak fallout
-13366 END AGE / SUN 2

Virgo -12500 Mega fauna Disappear
-12388 BEGIN AGE / SUN 3
Leo -10948
-10657 Vesuvius Erupts
Migrations N&C Americas
-9500 Super nova fragment, Deluge
-9285 Vesuvius erupts
-9284 END AGE 3
Cancer -8788 -8788 -8788 End Xisuthros epoch
-8239 BEGIN AGE / SUN 4
Gemini -6628
-5600 Collapse of Bosporus
-5200 Mt Mazama erupts
-5188 Volcanic dirt band in ice cores
Taurus -4468
-3500 Ocean Level Peaks
Explosion in cultures
-3213 END AGE / SUN 4
-3114 BEGIN AGE / SUN 5
-2348 Possible meteor impacts in
Aries -2308 Mesopotamia
-1588 -1638 Santorini erupts

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3600 yr 2160 yr (-) = BC
Cycle Cycle
-1400 Heavens come to a stop
(Mexico),Yupanqui takes on
name meaning cataclysm
Sporer minimum, cold
Pisces -148
2012 2012 2012 2012 Milky Way / Sun Alignment

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BEROSSUS- CITY OF BEROSSUS- WB - 144 WB – 144 WB – 62 WB – 62


Aloros Eridu 36,000 Alulim 28,800 Alulim 67,200

Alaparos Eridu 10,800 Alagar 36,000 Alagar 72,000
Ammenon Bad-tibira 43,200 Enmenlu- 43,200 Enmenlu-Anna 21,600
Amelon Bad-tibira 46,800 Enmegal- 28,800 Enmegal-Anna 72,000
Megalaros ??????? 64,800
Daonos Bad-tibira 36,000 Divine 36,000 Divine Dumuzi 28,800
Amempsinos Larak 64,800 Ensibzi- 28,800 Ensibzi-Anna 36,000
Euedorachos Sippar 36,000 Enmendur- 21,000 Eumendur-Anna 72,000
Opartes Shuruppak 28,800 Ubartutu 18,600 Arad-gin 28,800
Xisuthros Shuruppak 64,800 Ziusudra/Utnapishtim 36,000

TOTAL 432,000 241,200 456,000


NOTE: Bold durations are not prime numbers.

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1) Alulim 28,800-67,200
2) Alagar 36,000-72,000
3) Enmenlu-Anna 43,200-21,600
4) Enmegal-Anna 28,800-72,000
5) Divine Dumuzi 36,000-28,800
6) Ensibzi-Anna 28,800-36,000
7) Enmendur-Anna 21,000-72,000
8) Arad- 18,600-28,800
9) Ziusudra ? – 36,000

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He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought

will never be able to change reality,
and will never, therefore, make any progress…
.…change is a prerequisite of progress.

- Anwar -el Sadat

Many of the esoteric writings stress oneness with Creation. A oneness with
Creation is a positive notion which, when invoked, is expected to be long-
lasting; permeate our being; foster creativity and productivity; and be consistent
with our inner values and ideas (i.e., our consciousness, a oneness with

At the moment of our birth we each acquired a consciousness and free will. The
modern-day religions have defined the consciousness, which we have termed the
soul, as the repository for all the spiritual attributes we develop in our
experiences on a journey back to oneness with Creation. Free will is the
capability with which we choose many of our experiences. Because of free will
many have chosen to seek oneness with life rather than oneness with Creation.
Many of the practitioners of modern-day religions are hopelessly absorbed with
themselves. When you combine this natural narcissism with the basic need for
self esteem, you create a culture which has to feel itself as an object of primary
value. Our Western society has attempted to fulfill its goals through material
gain, medical developments promoting longevity, and technological
advancements to ostensibly ease our life.

Given all the physical evidence we have available today, which describes a
universe filled with so many things we believe we have no control over, one has
to ask why bother to try to understand them. Even ancient myths refer to
cataclysmic events that will end our troubles should they occur. For the most part,
we live in complete darkness about whom we are and why we are here. We strive
to somehow believe our life has some meaning. What is more natural than to take
this mystery and dispel it by addressing our performance to another, (i.e., God)?
Once a person begins to assign this relationship to an ultimate power and to
fashion his links to that ultimate power, he runs the risk of opening up a life which
he believes has unlimited possibilities, for which he is not required to exercise
control over, thereby absolving himself of his inadequacies. He finds himself no

J. A. Chapin Page 210 11/16/2008

longer compelled to seek meaning for his life since it rests with God. Freud
believed that much psychological illness is attributed to the fear of knowledge of
oneself or of being confronted by too many possibilities. Faced with the enormity
of these possibilities man develops a means of self protection through creative
self-restriction. This self imposed restriction becomes a substitute for instinct.
This is what occurred when mankind replaced his bicameral, instinctive
consciousness with a developed, subjective consciousness.

It is believed by many that psychology has to give way to theology, that is, to a
view that absorbs the individuals’ conflicts and guilt and offers him the possibility
for some kind of godliness. It is further believed by many that Man cannot endure
his own littleness unless he can translate it into meaningfulness on the largest
possible scale. The churches of today have attempted to fill this role by inventing
a god out of necessity in order that individuals can survive as a rational being and
to conquer their fears of the unknown thereby establishing their permanence in
creation. Mans greatest fear is that of death. This acceptance of something
greater than himself allows him to temporarily transcend this fear. When the
unexpected occurs he regains his fear and without a true understanding of
spirituality such as explained by the Genesis Model he will be hopelessly lost.

Man must accept responsibility for his being. Because of this necessity to arrive
at a reason for being and to convince oneself that there is permanence beyond
death, man seeks proof that god exists, otherwise he must repress, displace, deny,
rationalize, dramatize himself and deceive others in order to be normal, healthy
and happy. When he is forced to see through these deceptions he removes the
protection which makes him psychologically wholesome. Without the acceptance
of a god he becomes neurotic spiritually.

A basic proposition is that man has either invented god or God exists! It is my
conclusion that what we understand today is an invented God in order to explain
what we have not understood. In fact, man has invented many gods down through
the ages as can be seen in Table 11-1. The absence from this table of the so-called
gods of Mesoamerica is intentional. The Maya and Aztec did not worship a
hierarchy of gods as is presented here. They considered their so-called gods as
impersonal forces of the universe rather than having an independent existence as
suggested for the other cultures listed. They focused on the universal events
which modern-day religions have chosen to ignore. Somehow the ancient
civilizations had an understanding of the workings of the universe and in
particular the workings of our planet and solar system. They understood that they
were integrated with All-That-Is. This is perhaps how the Mayans arrived at their
understanding of the cyclical nature of their existence. Without the encumbrances

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of a god who would determine their ultimate demise they were able to focus on
the occurrence of catastrophic events due to natural causes. The Mayans
considered the end of this current age in 2012 AD inevitable and did not consider
it with great trepidation.

The possible reasons for an end of an Age to occur has been focused throughout
this writing on natural events all of which we have no control over. In Chapter 6
it has been shown that the Mayans considered a period of 26,000 years as being
the duration that it takes the Earth to complete a precession cycle. This long
duration they further subdivided into five periods of 5,200 years each which
represented the duration of a single Age. This duration for a single civilization
offers another possible reason for the end of an Age. There are events for which
we do have responsibility for and which we could have control over. Perhaps the
Mayans recognized that it takes a civilization between 4,000 and 5,200 years for it
to destroy itself.

In his book “Collapse”, Jared Diamond27 provides a description of 12

environmental problems which he believes will severely limit our lifestyle within
the next few decades. These are paraphrased as follows:

Environmental Problems Facing Our Current Age

1. Destruction of natural habitats (forests, wetlands, coral reefs, ocean

2. Loss of wild foods (fish, shellfish)
3. Extermination of wild species (animals, fruit bearing plants, timber)
4. Erosion of farmland soil, salinization, loss of soil fertility
5. Loss of major energy sources (oil, natural gas, coal)
6. Over use/deplenishment of fresh water
7. Loss of photosynthetic capacity
8. Toxic chemical pollution (insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, heavy
metals, plastics, coolants)
9. Introduction of alien species (rabbits, foxes, agricultural weeds, pathogens
of trees and crops and livestock, water hyacinth, zebra mussels, rats)
10. Atmospheric pollution by gases (carbon dioxide, methane)
11. Population growth (food shortages, disease)
12. Population impact on the environment (resource consumption, waste
production, competition between third world standards of living vs. first
world countries)

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All 12 problems are interrelated. Solving only one or even a few will not head off
the course of non-sustainability of our society. All 12 must be solved or our
lifestyle will be substantially limited over the next several decades. This by itself
may give credibility to the end of this Age c. 2012 AD.

The existence of a universal consciousness is a concept which is difficult for Man

to envision. For the purposes of providing an identity to this concept, mankind
has referred to it as God in Man’s physical image without truly understanding the
role of spirituality.

At the beginning of this text, numerous questions were asked for which I believe
answers have been provided; perhaps not the easily understandable one-liners I
wished for, or which today are commonly offered by religious groups and
accepted by the masses, but answers nonetheless. In Chapter 2, one of the
questions posed was: “Should man seek a reason for being or just accept the fact
he exists?” Religions assign the reason for being to God. Atheists simply accept
the fact they exist. The Genesis Model provides an answer which integrates mans
physical being with his spiritual being and through this with All-That-Is/God.
Other questions which were asked include: 1) what have we become over the
thousands of years of development, 2) where is our civilization going, and 3) are
there clues in the ancient mythologies as to our ultimate end?

While many in the academic community hold the belief that we have progressed
from a caveman form of existence to various stages of being able to master our
environment and our lives, this writing offers another possibility. There is
physical evidence that mankind at one point in our history had achieved a level of
greatness beyond that which we experience today. This greatness disappeared
perhaps due to catastrophic environmental changes, or perhaps at man’s own hand
as Diamond suggests, only to re-emerge and evolve to the state we find ourselves in

There is ample evidence, as explained in Chapter 8, that universal means exist

which could again alter our current life in very dramatic if not cataclysmic ways,
not the least of which is the means offered by mankind itself.

The ancient myths describe creation and the rise and fall of civilizations. The
Mayan mythologies set the date of 2012 AD as the end of the current Age. There
are a number of events which have been described in this writing which seem to
culminate with this date. Perhaps this should be viewed as an opportunity to
begin a new way of life to achieve a future which we can hardly imagine. Now a

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pathway which will allow us to cope with the future is offered. The interpretation
of the metaphor imbedded in Chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis provides an
understanding of the physical and spiritual interconnection of mankind with the
physical and spiritual components of the universe. If we are to continue evolving
as a great civilization then our institutions of government and religion must alter
their positions of control of the masses and self-promotion and take the role of
leadership in understanding the universal threats we face and then provide
solutions both real and spiritual. As Diamond 27 writes “societies today are so
interconnected that the risk we face is of a worldwide decline”. He further goes
on to write that we have two choices which will affect our success or failure and
these are: ‘long-term planning and willingness to reconsider core values’.

As with all quests, more questions arise. There is a difference between the
questions I initially expressed and the questions I now have. I believe these latter
questions can be answered where before I was not sure the questions I posed had
answers. Answering a question and employing the results in practice remains the

Can the presence of mankind be explained?-Yes.

Is there a future for mankind?---Yes.
Can I do anything about it?--Yes.
Can We do anything about it---We must!

Of all the products of creation whether animal, vegetable, or mineral only human
beings have the choice of attuning themselves to the Universal Consciousness
(God) or not doing so. Although everything in creation is of the same energy, the
same spirit, only human beings can claim the quality of truly being spiritual.

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You are already enlightened;

all you have to do-
is wake up to the fact.
- Zen Buddhist Masters

When we have come full circle,

we expect to find an end.
Instead, we should be looking for a new
- Author

From the very beginning, Man has had to cope with his beliefs regarding his
purpose for being. Much of the knowledge possessed by ancient man has been
passed down to us in the form of myths. I have attempted to show that these
myths contain knowledge acquired by these ancient civilizations which describe
events which shaped the earth, the universe, and their understanding of life.
Much of this knowledge far exceeds what we give them credit for today. I have
concluded that the knowledge our ancient ancestors have passed on to us actually
comes from a much earlier civilization or civilizations more advanced than those
of c. 3500 BC. In summary, advanced civilizations disappeared prior to the end
of the last ice age and were replaced by an explosion in civilizations beginning c.
4000 BC. These civilizations eventually evolved into our present day
technologically advanced civilization which now faces a major change which like
our earliest ancestors faced could include total annihilation.

If we are to survive possible annihilation, can we utilize the information that our
ancestors have attempted to enlighten us with? As I have previously stated,
catastrophic events are cyclical and therefore predictable. Catastrophic events
have been described which were tied to astronomical events such as galactic
explosions and asteroid impacts; or earth bound events such as: volcanoes,
earthquakes, plate tectonic motion, and climate changes.

Today we conventionally regard ourselves as being the most technologically

advanced civilization to inhabit the Earth. With our entire technical prowess we
cannot prevent any of the catastrophes described above from occurring. If this is
the case then perhaps annihilation might be a self correcting event and may not

J. A. Chapin Page 215 11/16/2008

matter. Recent theories being offered by the worlds leading physicists predict that
multiple spatial dimensions exist so the loss of our three dimensional spatial
dimension may be a moot point. As discussed in Chapters 5, 7, and Appendix C,
physicists have proposed a theory to explain the workings of the universe which
they have termed string-theory. In fact, these physicists have theorized a total of
five string-theories, all of which appear valid. In order for what at first appears to
be five separate theories to be valid, they must have some commonality. A theory
which unifies all five string-theories into a single unified framework has been
developed and is termed M-theory.

The Genesis Model looks much like the M-theory model and I propose that the
Genesis Model is an analog of the string- and M- theories. The 5 levels of
consciousness in the Genesis Model are analogs of the 5 string-theories. The
concept represented by ‘All That Is’ in the Genesis Model is analogous to the
factor unifying the 5 string-theories represented by M-theory. The Genesis Model
describes consciousness/matter relationships while string-theory describes
energy/matter relationships. The terms consciousness and energy are descriptions
used to describe complex ideas for which we are unable to visualize in a three-
dimensional spatial world.

The beliefs of the Muslim Sufis possibly offer some additional insight into the
concept of the Genesis Model. Sufism has a deep Gnostic Christian influence.
They may have had access to some early Gnostic information about creation long
since forgotten. The Sufis argue that since God is one, reality must also be one.
The creator and creation become one. They speak of a ‘Divine Unity’ or oneness
with God. They consider humanity and the cosmos as two separate but intimately
connected constructions of the Universal Spirit. The individual (physical reality)
is merely an external form where through inward reality (Conscious Reality)
conforms to the universe itself. This looks to me to be a description of the
Genesis Model, all be it a scaled down version.

In Chapter 1 I asked the question “What then made me alive and intelligent”.
There are two types of matter: inert matter and alive/intelligent matter. String-
theory is meant to describe the properties of the physical or inert world. If a
theory is to become a law it must describe all aspects of the topic it is addressing.
The concept of String-theory while meant to describe the physical nature of the
universe should also apply to the metaphysical nature as well. This is
accomplished in the form of the Genesis Model which describes the formation of
the alive/intelligent part of the universe.

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The 5 theories of how the universe was created and functions are given in the
Genesis Model as:

• Universal Consciousness
• Divine Consciousness
• Subconscious Mind
• Subjective Consciousness
• Physical Consciousness

As discussed in Chapter 7, string-theory recognizes the existence of multiple

dimensions each exhibiting vibrational characteristics. Everything that exists is
interconnected through harmonic interactions. The Genesis Model describes the
end result of the Physical Consciousness to be a three-dimensional physical
reality (i.e., matter). String –theory suggests that in addition to the dimension of
time and the three spatial dimensions we observe in our physical reality, six
additional spatial dimensions exist. According to M-theory eight dimensions in
addition to our three dimensional physical reality exist. I propose that each of the
5 levels of consciousness represented by the Genesis Model exhibit vibrational
characteristics and are multi-dimensional all of which are interconnected through
harmonic interactions.

The Genesis Model describes multiple states of consciousness; physical reality

being the result of only one state. There appears to be other options to physical

There is another option to total annihilation, that being partial annihilation. This
has occurred in the past as described in the many myths of our ancestors. Are we
to repeat the past or can we be enlightened from past experience?

Enlightenment means more than being wise, aware, or well balanced; it denotes a
clearly defined state of consciousness. An enlightened person no longer needs to
derive a sense of self, solely from his interaction with the external world. Unlike
other species humans can anticipate the future, make conscious choices, and
deliberately change their own destiny. Today, we may be facing the need to make
a quantum leap in our state of consciousness. If so, how does one achieve a state
of enlightenment/consciousness?

It has been my experience that the path to enlightenment is not found by

following the guidance of our so called modern day experts. The ‘answers’ which
these experts often profess as divine guidance are often conflicting, often
nebulous, and even unbelievable. I have found, however, that there are common

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threads of wisdom, truth, history, and teachings presented throughout the wealth
of written information available to us today.

It is not clear whether or not the very ancient civilizations believed in a

heightened state of consciousness or the concept of enlightenment. Many
believed in a rhythm of organic birth, death, and new birth. This concept they
acquired from observations of the continuous arising of the heavens which they
considered as fundamental to the nature of the universe. They also believed that
for life to continue it was necessary to die. Spiritual teachers, mystics, and
visionaries have repeatedly affirmed that we are more than just biological
organisms bounded by the skin. We are also unbounded, at the deepest level of
our being we are the same essence, a part of a greater wholeness, united with the
rest of the universe.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin a French priest and philosopher concluded in the

1930's that humanity was headed toward the unification of the entire species into
a single inter-thinking group. Another philosopher with a similar vision was the
Indian mystic Sri Aurobindo, a contemporary of Teilhard's. He saw evolution as a
"Divine Reality" expressing itself in ever higher forms of existence. Having
passed from energy through matter and life to consciousness, evolution was now
passing through the transformation from consciousness to what he called
‘Supermind’, something so far above consciousness as to be beyond our present
dream of perfection, the ultimate evolution of ‘Spirit’. This new level he saw as
coming through the increasing spiritual development of individual consciousness
toward a final, complete, all-embracing consciousness which would occur on both
the individual and collective levels. This is what the Genesis Model describes as
Universal Consciousness. Man has focused on the physical aspects of
development and does not understand the spiritual aspects of consciousness.
What Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo are suggesting is man needs to develop
the levels of consciousness described by the left-hand side of the Genesis Model.

At this point it is necessary to introduce the term ‘synergy’. Synergy is derived

from the Greek syn-ergos, meaning "to work together." An excellent example of a
system with high synergy is your own body. You are an assortment of several
trillion individual cells, each acting for its own interest, yet each simultaneously
supporting the good of the whole. The ‘body’ is represented by the right-hand
portion of the Genesis Model (i.e., physical reality).

Synergy in an organism is the essence of life, and it is intimately related to health.

When for some reason synergy drops and the organism as a whole does not
receive the full support of its many parts, it becomes ill. When synergy is lost

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altogether the organism dies. The individual cells may live on, but the whole, the
living organism, no longer exists. This is true of organisms and cells or in other
words, physical reality. The Genesis Model defines synergy to include both
physical as well as spiritual aspects of an entity. The essence of high synergy is
that the goals of the individual’s various degrees of consciousness are in harmony
with the needs of the system as a whole (i.e., Genesis Model). As a result there is
minimal conflict between the various degrees of consciousness, as well as
between physical reality and consciousness.

Viewed as a system, human society is an assembly of individual states of

consciousness, which today appears to be in a state of comparatively low synergy.
The amount of synergy in society is a reflection of the way in which we perceive
ourselves in relation to creation and the world around us. In order to increase
synergy, then, we will need to change some fundamental assumptions that lie at
the core of our thinking and behavior. This will mean evolving inwardly as much
as we have done outwardly as shown in Figure 10-1. The spearhead of evolution
is now self-reflective consciousness.

Over the past 15-18 billion years stars have been born, died, reborn, in a never
ending cycle. Our own sun is thought to be a 4th generation star. As Russell 34
states, “One consequence of this recycling and regeneration of matter is that every
atom on this planet (with the possible exception of some hydrogen and helium left
over from the big bang) has been processed in at least one star. Virtually every
atom in your body has at some stage in its long history passed through or been
created in one of these giant stellar furnaces. As a corollary, the chemical
composition of our planet was fixed at its birth. Any atom that today is part of
your body may in its past have been in a volcano, in rocks, in the oceans, in the
atmosphere, in vegetation, in other animals, and in other people both past and

To change the global situation, far more than a series of social, scientific, and
technological paradigm shifts would seem to be called for. To shift from a low- to
a high-synergy society will require a profound shift in our basic self-model. Such
a change in consciousness has now become an evolutionary imperative.

Much has been said about the ancient’s understanding of the universe, the cyclical
properties of the environment they observed, relationships between material being
and spiritual being, and the history of mankind that got us to where we are today.
What does modern science have to say that would shed light on these matters?

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While evolutionists believe that a smooth evolution in mans development has

occurred over a long period of time, the Sumerians believed man was formed in a
series of steps rather than through a continuous process of evolution. Evolution
does not occur smoothly; rather, it appears to happen in a series of sudden steps.

Russell goes on to state "The evolution of the many different species of animals
was probably also an intermittent process. The classical view of biological
evolution, based on Darwin's theories, held that a species evolved slowly through
a long series of minor changes. Over millions of years, this process was to have
led to the emergence of completely new species. While most of the general
principles of Darwinian evolution are accepted by the vast majority of scientists,
certain aspects of his theory have been called into question. Rather than finding
fossils that represent a smooth progression from one species to another, we find a
large number of fossils for one species, plus a large number for the species that it
appears to have evolved into, with very little in between. Some evolutionary
theorists, such as Stephen Jay Gould at Harvard, proposed that individual species
have enjoyed long periods of stability followed by periods of rapid evolution,
with these relatively sudden changes probably occurring in response to major
environmental changes and appear to happen in a series of sudden steps. Several
theorists suggest these steps might have happened over periods of 50,000 years or
so, which in evolutionary terms is quick compared with millions of years, and
they might, in the right circumstances, have happened in only a thousand years.”
The Sumerians suggest after the first creation of man some 300,000 years ago a
second, third, and fourth, series of creations occurred 270,000 years ago, 250,000
years ago, and approximately 100,000 years ago. This process involved genetic
engineering of the different species.

Since the appearance of humanity, evolution has moved from a biological level to
a level of consciousness. We are, it is almost certainly true, still evolving as a
species, but this physical process, rapid as it may be from an evolutionary
perspective, is occurring relatively slowly as far as human time scales are
concerned. As far as we can tell, we are physiologically very similar to human
beings of ten thousand years ago. What is evolving, and evolving very rapidly, is
the human mind and the ways in which we apply it.

Enlightened Consciousness provides man with the ability to direct his own
destiny. Humanity is not bound to a long, slow adaptation process through trial
and error; rather, we can anticipate the results of our actions and consciously
choose those that are most likely to take us where we want to go as individuals
and as a species. Collectively applied, human evolution could take a huge leap

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forward. We now appear to be in the midst of an unprecedented period of

extremely rapid development.

Russell goes on to show that the rates of change in the areas of biology, atomic
physics, energy sources, mobility and communications are so fast that their
impacts on the evolutionary process may be staggering. He goes on to state
"Jumps by so many orders of magnitude, in so many areas, with this
unprecedented coincidence of several jumps at the same time, and these unique
disturbances of the planet, surely indicate that we are not passing through a
smooth cyclical or acceleration process similar to those in the historical past.
Anyone who is willing to admit that there have been sudden jumps in evolution or
human history must conclude from this evidence that we are passing through
another such jump far more concentrated and more intense than these, and of far
greater evolutionary importance.” If this is so, if the rapid acceleration so
characteristic of today is heading us toward an evolutionary leap, what lies
beyond? Could we be on the threshold of a leap as significant as the evolution of
life from inanimate matter? It would seem likely that in the enlightened state,
thinking would be both analytic and holistic, intellectual and intuitive, active and
receptive (i.e., with high synergy) as Russell has suggested.

In Figure 3-1, I proposed a creation model based upon the Book of Genesis which
described what ancient man may have termed God and which I have termed All
That Is. The Book of Genesis described the development of man which
culminates in the development of a Subjective Consciousness. This was the first
evolutionary leap or the development from non-being (God) to being (Man).

With the explosion of technology occurring today, the number of possibilities for
man to pursue is so great and so rapidly changing that mankind must undergo an
evolutionary leap or be faced with increasing psychological illness and ultimate
destruction. What could be suggested from this is that mankind is on the brink of
a second evolutionary leap; that being from a subjective consciousness to what
Russell refers to as a self reflective consciousness or in my term an Enlightened
Consciousness or possibly in the term of the Muslim Sufis a Perfect Man.

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Figure 10-1 below is a depiction of this evolution.

Figure 10-1 Evolution of Consciousness

Universal Consciousness (All That Is)

Outward Evolution { Subjective Consciousness (Man - Homo sapiens-


Inward Evolution { Enlightened Consciousness (Enlightened Man)

Russell suggests that the catalyst for the leap, to this state I call ‘Enlightened
Consciousness’, is the explosion in information and the need and methods to
process this overwhelming amount of data. This he believes can be compared to
the development of writing which I believe was the catalyst which caused the leap
to Subjective Consciousness.

The Subjective Consciousness is finding it difficult to understand and process the

infinite number of possibilities it is facing as a result of the amount of information
which is available as a result of the explosion in technology. Technology has
made communications between individuals and groups easier to accomplish, yet
the understanding of the large volumes of information is nearly impossible with
only the use of the Subjective Consciousness for processing. Written language
opened the door for easier and widely distributed information for which the
Subjective Consciousness was invented.

Today, with the ease and near instantaneous speed by which large volumes of
information can be transferred the subjective conscious mind is quickly saturated
beyond the limits it can comprehend. Today we are already relying on artificial
intelligence in the form of computers to help relieve the data/brain overload.
There will be less physical interaction between individuals. The need for spoken

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language may eventually give way to a visual or extrasensory form of


This I believe is a stop-gap measure and it is through the Enlightened

Consciousness that mankind will experience a more conscious interaction and
require less need for a physical interaction with the physical consciousness/world.
We must become more inward seeking.

The Buddhist Lama Anagarika Govinda has stated, “The human race has come to
the juncture where it must decide whether to be content with the subjugation of
the material world, or to strive after the conquest of the spiritual world, by
subjugating selfish desires and transcending self-imposed limitations.”

Where the Subjective Consciousness implies an Analog ‘I’, the Enlightened

Consciousness may imply a collective ‘Analog We’ or as Alan Watts 62 described
as ‘not I’, for what is outside ‘I’. That is, consciousness will incorporate or be
linked to the consciousness of others as a collective consciousness through the
Universal Consciousness (i.e., a oneness with Creation).

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The ability to deceive is one of the hallmarks of consciousness.

- Julian Jaynes

A concept which has been repeatedly mentioned in this book is the belief by the
masses that civilization evolved from a cave-man beginning into what we are
today. This notion has been greatly influenced primarily by the Judeo-Christian
community and the Muslim community in efforts to create a basis for their
religious beliefs. It would be blasphemous for them to consider the existence of
older more advanced civilizations or that the gods of the Egyptians, Sumerians,
Mayans, and others may have indeed existed, not as gods as we envision them
today but as individuals from advanced civilizations. Religions, while they have
been instrumental in providing direction and control over the masses, have also
programmed their thinking into a very narrow channel.

Religion can be defined as a system of belief and conduct or as a belief in a divine

or superhuman power. The concept of religion can be traced back to an origin
beginning several thousand years ago. The myths and legends throughout the
world tell of a time when ‘celestials’ descended from the stars bringing a Golden
Age throughout the world. The earth’s inhabitants would possibly have looked
upon these celestial beings as superhuman and quite possibly divine. Giants
which were to have inhabited the earth at that time supposedly rebelled against
these celestial beings and Man sank into a state of barbarism. Survivors of this
period of chaos were to have solicited help from these celestial beings as they
thought of them as gods. Over time, a system of beliefs could have evolved from
this interaction. If a system was developed it would likely have been recorded
and likely committed to memory. The only evidence we have today of this early
beginning is found in the legends of virtually all nations.

Ice Ages, earthquakes, floods, fires and wars destroyed many of the written
records. Memories of these ancient civilizations were passed down through
countless generations which eventually became confused into folk-tales which our
twentieth-century minds interpret in terms totally foreign to the actual conditions
of the far past. Modern-day scholars have created considerable confusion
throughout the world of religion by assigning the term ‘gods’ to many of the

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ancient mythological characters which, in fact, were not considered gods at all by
the ancient people. By assigning the term god to mythological characters,
modern-day religions can justify their belief that the god of today is the true god.
If they can show that past cultures worshipped false gods, then their position and
their god are strengthened. A listing of various gods throughout history is
provided in Table 11-1. The interesting point being made is that all of
these cultures had many of the same ‘gods’ although in many
cases their name changed to reflect the language of the
particular culture.

The term ‘God’ has different meanings for different people depending on their
religious upbringing. In actuality, ancient cultures such as the Sumerians and
Akkadians did not refer to ‘Gods’; they referred to ‘men from the sky’. The term
‘God’ came later when the Semitic Tribes (see Table 11-4) and other cultures
began following the rule of man-kings and the teachings of the prophets of the
time. The Semitic priests, Levites and kings of the Hellenistic world were
regularly thought of as incarnations of gods, angels and spirits. Priests used the
titles of “Father” and “God”. To accept the address “God” meant that the priest
was understood to act as an incarnation of God, receiving prayers from people
which were addressed to God. According to Herodotus the names of nearly all
the gods came to Greece from Egypt. Poseidon, he claimed, came from the

Until the nineteenth century, virtually everything our western civilization knew
about our origins came from the Bible. The Bible was written by men with
secrets to conceal from other competing sects and from the Roman and Jewish
authorities. Today it is clear that the Bible is a collection of myths, legends, and
parables from various cultures cobbled together with bits of history and

The first five books of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament, known
as the Pentateuch, are attributed to Moses. It is quite possible that these books
were prepared by Moses using earlier Sumerian texts known as the Enuma Elish.
The Enuma Elish is the earliest writings from Mesopotamia consisting of seven
tablets also known as the Epic of Creation. The first six tablets describe the
creation of the heavens and the Earth and all upon the earth, paralleling the six
days of creation in the Old Testament. The seventh tablet describes the
Babylonian god Marduk as he surveys his creation, paralleling the biblical
seventh day. The Sumerians, and later the Babylonians & Assyrians followed the
god-kings sent to earth from heaven while the Egyptian kings, beginning around
the third dynasty, began to take on the role of God.

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Religion in Egypt was believed to have developed into a centralized theocracy

during the Old Kingdom. The king was considered to be the incarnation of the
creator god but not regarded as a deity in his own right. When the king was
crowned, he acquired the powers of the god Horus. The Old Kingdom Egyptians
believed in a one and only absolute god and that all existence was derived from a
single original source and that the occasion of creation transformed the oneness of
the creator into multiple life forms.

Egyptians, from the beginning of the Old Kingdom in Egypt, were found to have
anticipated by two thousand years the idea of creation by the power of the Word
which appears in the Book of Genesis. The Memphite Theology explains creation
began as a divine concept and was given reality by expression through the spoken
word. The creator god first perceived the world as a concept and then brought it
into being through his spoken word. Like the Genesis Model described in
Chapter 3, the Memphite Theology is concerned with the creative functions of
thought (consciousness), the spoken word and the ultimate creation of reality from
concept. The Egyptians made no distinction between mind (a spiritual state of
being) and matter; both were understood as aspects of a single scheme. They
believed there were only different levels of consciousness in which all is one and
the absolute one is all. While the Egyptians recognized the concept of a creation
model, it is not evident they understood its details. One conclusion is that the
creation stories of the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Hebrews were prepared by a
much earlier civilization that did understand the true meaning of creation and
were able to encode this meaning in the writings we find today in the Book of

In early Egypt, worship of the gods was limited to the participation by a very few
elite individuals. There is no evidence that the general population participated in
daily services or in many of the festivals. The Pharaoh, his clergy, and a few great
officials carried on a personal relationship with the gods restricting the populace to
observing the deity when moved outside of the temple during a procession. The
Pharonic priesthood maintained various cults honoring the gods which included
Ptah, Horus, Amun, Amun-Re, and Osiris. Clement of Alexandria is to have said,
“The Egyptians neither entrusted their mysteries to every one nor degraded their
secrets of divine matters by disclosing them to the profane; reserving them for the
heir apparent to the throne, and to such priests who excelled in virtue and

As mentioned earlier the Vedic writings, which form the basis of Brahmanism and
later Hinduism, are perhaps the earliest writings on earth. Over time the old Vedic

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religion underwent several changes. These chiefly concerned the deities that were
worshipped, and the forms of the ritual. The older Vedic gods which were
considered universal were replaced by the new Puranic gods which were
considered personal and individual.

One of the most notable changes to Hinduism was instigated by Siddhartha

Gautama (563-483 BC) who later took on the name Buddha. Brought up as a
Hindu prince he became disillusioned with the religious practices and formed a
following to practice his form of beliefs. After Buddha died his followers
essentially disappeared for the next several hundred years. A king named Ashoka
(291-232 BC) revived Buddha’s beliefs and is considered to be the real founder of
modern-day Buddhism. The only written history of Buddhism is from 3 AD.
Today there are over 600 different sects where some followers believe Buddha is
a god while others believe he was only a prophet.

Throughout the ages, stories and myths, reflecting the beliefs of the time, were
passed down from man to man; tribe to tribe; and nation to nation. Occasionally,
sages/mythological figures such as Viracocha; Quetzalcoatl; Moses; Christ;
Buddha; Confucius; and Muhammad came forth. These individuals gave hope to
the masses who were able to identify with their teachings and who accepted these
teachings as pathways to find answers to their miseries. With the coming of these
sages, ancient cultures thrived and most of the great religions of the world were
born with the advertised purpose of providing spiritual development, and
providing a safe haven for the people of that time. Modern main-stream religions
sprang up throughout the world beginning circa 800 BC coinciding with the
writings of the Hebrew Amos and culminating with the advent of Islam as taught
by Muhammad. Early religions, beginning c. 800 BC, evolved within small local
sects and then borrowing from each other they ultimately coalesced into a unique
group in a much expanded territory. An exception to this time period could come
from the Mormons who believe that Joseph Smith was also a prophet, c. 1830

In all cases, the original teachings and stories of the lives of these teachers were
passed down from person to person by word of mouth. This occurred at least to
the time of the Muslims when the stories and anecdotes of the Prophet
Muhammad and his followers known as the ‘hadith’ were finally put together in a
collection called the ‘Sunna”. The Quran, spoken by Muhammad and meaning
recitation, was not written until c. 650 AD or 18 years after his death. With the
advent of writing, c. 3500 BC, many stories were written down by others, several
years after the death of the teacher, to suit the writers’ purposes and the status of
their societies at that time. These purposes certainly included maintaining power

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and control over individuals for personal gain. As an example, Muslim historians
writing about 7th Century Arabia were actually representing societies in 9th
Century Damascus and 11th Century Baghdad.

As individuals became more literate the kings and rulers found they were able to
control people’s lives through the use of power, but were finding they could not
control their minds. The rulers realized that the teachings of the sages provided a
spiritual release for the masses which reduced the focus of injustice on their
selves. The rulers therefore had to accept and share these teachings in order to
retain their position of power.

The religious writings which we are most familiar with today instruct us that Man
took his lead from God. After all, what is more natural than to assign an invisible
dimension in order to justify the visible one? Today’s understanding of
philosophy teaches us that Man began by walking and talking with the gods, then
he moved on to communicating through intermediaries, such as prophets and
oracles, and then gradually he lost his personal contact with God and finally
reached a point where he lost his god-identity and accepted control over his life
by other men. At this point he found it necessary to record his beliefs.

Today there are dozens of different religions in the world and many times that
number of sects. Having studied many of these religious writings I have
concluded that a common basis applies to all religions and that is; Man’s desire
for oneness with Creation. Even though there appears to be a common basis to all
religions, Man, down through the ages has secularized his religious beliefs and
has come to accept the fact that his personal sect and beliefs are the only true
means to happiness and salvation. Some believe that happiness is a state of mind
and can be found in everyday life. Others believe that happiness can only be
found through salvation in some afterlife while others believe there is no salvation
for those who do not live a just life on this earth. Each philosophy has its own
distinctive teachings. On the surface these religions appear to be different, yet
under close scrutiny they teach the same basics, and that is, to provide mankind
with a path which will lead to a oneness with Creation. While the religions teach
the same basics, understanding is lost in practice.

Modern western religions teach a doctrine based upon good and evil, love your
fellow man and praise God who is the source of all religious beliefs and the
reason for their being, whereas for example, Yoga, as related in the Upanishads,
teaches the psychological linking of the mind to the supernatural principle, "by
which the mind knows". In yoga what is linked is the self to itself, consciousness
to consciousness; whereas in western religions what is linked are God and man,

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which on the surface does not appear to be the same. Under close scrutiny they
are not so different. The chief difference among the four leading religions of
Christianity, Brahmanism/Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam is between the
doctrines of Resurrection and Reincarnation. While Christianity and Islam teach
of a single existence ending with death the Brahmanists/Hindus and Buddhists
teach that death is an initiation into another form of life.

Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit verbal root 'yuj', "to link, join or unite". The
term "religion" comes from the Latin "religio", to link back, or bind. In sense,
these two terms are analogous. Religion refers to a linking historically,
conditioned by ways of a covenant, sacrament, or Quran. Religion, in fact, is a
man-made institution formed in relatively recent times in order to provide a
historical as well as a spiritual linkage to what we have termed God, Allah,
Buddha, etc.

Ancient man was a believer in some form of spirituality which actually formed
the original basis from which modern day religions derive their teachings. How
then does spirituality differ from religion and what has been the impact on
mankind as a result of adopting his religions? I believe that spirituality was
understood and accepted by ancient civilizations. It has only been recently (i.e.,
last 3,000 years) that religions have lost the ancient peoples understanding of
spirituality and have replaced it with religious dogma which promotes an
acceptance of spirituality on the basis of faith and fear. In modern day religions,
spirit has taken the form of man in an ethereal sense. I propose that the ancients
understood the concept of spirit as states of consciousness. Unfortunately there is
little written evidence that discusses the concept of spirituality or relates Man’s
involvement or understanding of the term ‘religion’.

Today there are sentiments that God is dead. There are movements using clichés,
such as, “you must be born again"; people go on pilgrimages to seek masters who
can provide the true meaning of life; and there are those who use meditation to
seek their inward peace, harmony and happiness. Are these diverse approaches a
result of a society with too many choices and no direction, or are they different
forms which are representative of a "new age" in the making? If so, what will this
new age contribute to the evolution of mankind and is it necessary at this time in

In Chapter 3, I introduced the term "Genesis-man" to describe mankind during his

step-change from a bicameral thinker to a conscious thinker. Could we be at such
a point today with a new form evolving which we could term "Enlightened-man"?

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Man may again be faced with the need for another step-change in development, or
run the risk of self-destruction for both himself and the planet we all share.

As the Genesis Model suggests, man through his Divine Consciousness had the
ability to communicate with the Universal Consciousness which in effect would
provide him with a means to influence his earthly reality. Could we be
reacquiring this understanding of the concept of enlightenment once practiced by
ancient civilizations and then forgotten c. 1500 BC?

In his book, "The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls16", Davis discusses the effects
of the scrolls on Christian Origins. Davis makes the point that mankind has been
misled down through the ages by the actions of a few individuals. I propose this
would include individuals and groups such as Usher, Buffoon, and the Catholic
Church Council of Nicea, just to mention a few. What they have all done is to
take the basic premise of mans oneness with Creation and use it to their own ends
for control of the masses. There is just enough truth in modern religious
teachings, and just enough fear instilled in those who might question these
teachings, that without conscious criticism of what is being taught the whole body
of teaching is accepted.

The past actions of modern day churches could fall into descriptive categories
such as: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Churches have strayed from what the
ancients understood as the ultimate source of ‘All That Is/Universal
Consciousness’ to an oversimplification of a man-like God. This concept may be
easier for man to comprehend; however, his understanding of his spirituality has
been compromised and misdirected.

It is easier to assign responsibility for our lives to something greater than

ourselves and then wait faithfully until some point in time that this greater
something corrects all the miseries we have brought upon ourselves. The
churches of western civilizations, in particular, have performed a great disservice
to mankind by teaching that God is responsible for all that is, man has screwed it
up, and Christ will return in His stead to make it all right.

The church must get away from the notion of God as a being (i.e., Man-like) and
that Christ (also a man) will return to establish a kingdom on earth which will be a
physical paradise. If we are to survive, then the role of the church must change to
reflect a oneness with Creation (Universal Consciousness) for all, and not just for
their select followers.

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Churches have a great number of “good” teachings which are consistent with and
support the development of consciousness. Teaching of what is ‘good’ supports
the development of a synergistic society. With a positive reinforcement by an
Enlightened Consciousness mankind might achieve what the churches have

The use of prayer is the means by which mans Subjective Consciousness seeks
guidance from a higher consciousness. In reality, all experiences are the reaction
of the subconscious mind to the thoughts of the Subjective Consciousness. We
consciously formulate thoughts and let our subconscious work them out. This we
refer to as, prayer. A man with a Subjective Consciousness does not have to wait
for the subconscious to give a revelation, as did bicameral man, he can direct it to
do what he desires and the subconscious will make it happen. If the church taught
the concept of consciousness rather than God/Christ as a man-like entity, people
would not try to set blame or seek understanding from outside themselves.
Rather, they would look within to the Universal Consciousness and find

As can be seen from this writing the concept of consciousness goes back to
creation. It was recognized by our ancestors and referred to in our most accepted
texts. In the Gnostic Gospel according to Thomas12, it is written: “The kingdom is
inside you and it is outside you.” The version written in the Book of Isha in the
Upanishads 7 states: “It is within all and it is without all”. They recognized that
God was not a separate entity to which one praised, worshipped and feared; but an
integral part of all consciousness.


In the founding of Christianity, there is just enough historical truth mixed with
ethical teachings and the desire of the masses for a oneness with Creation, that the
Roman Church was able to invent a religion and sell it to the masses. A decision,
that "Christ" was the Savior God, was formalized by the Roman Church with a
majority vote at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD.

With the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, almost all

documentary evidence of early Christianity was destroyed. The earliest post-

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destruction Jewish writing called the Mishnah dates from 200 AD. Only Paul’s
letters and perhaps the gospel of Mark were written before the destruction. Much
of the early understanding of the beginning of Christianity comes to us today from
decisions made by the Roman Church during the Council of Nicea. Since there
was no other written evidence to the contrary the teachings of the church became
Gospel. In other words, there are no writings of early Christianity that have not
been filtered through the bias of later church leaders until the discovery to the
texts at Qumran.

While many of the texts found at Qumran are identical to the books placed in the
Bible, more than half the texts provide new information as they were unknown to
modern biblical and Jewish scholars. As an example: the difference of opinion
between the followers of Paul and the followers of James has been lost until the
discovery of the Qumran texts. The Roman Church took on the opinions of Paul
and ignored those of James who intended for their sect to remain Jewish.
Christian writings have been purged of this opposing view.

The traditional view of the founding of Christianity, taken by the typical Christian
layman, is that Jesus preached his gospel; died as Messiah and Redeemer; arose
from the dead and provided the basis for the founding of the Christian Church
which spread throughout the world, beginning with the work of the apostles. The
layman assumes Christian doctrine to have originated with, or at the time of
Christ. In reality, much of it existed previously and is indebted to sources that do
not appear in the Bible. What the layman does not know, and the scholar does, is
that there were many individuals during the time of Jesus and afterwards for
whom quite similar claims were made and in whose names were preached quite
similar doctrines. The view eventually taken of Jesus as a Redeemer was not a
Judaic concept; nor was it held by the first Christians in Palestine.

At the time of Jesus Christ all of the mystery cults of the Eastern Mediterranean
were cults of death and resurrection. The Messiah, that the Jews and the Judaic
Christians expected, was not the Son of God but a messenger of God. The Judaic
Christians were not thinking of a salvation that admitted them to heaven, but of a
salvation which would establish a new order on Earth.

It was when Christianity spread out into what was termed at that time the Pagan
world, the idea of Jesus as a Savior God emerged. This idea was patterned on
mythologies already existing, especially upon Mithras. It was the birthday of
Mithras, the 25th of December, which was taken over by the Pagan Christians to
be the birthday of Jesus. By 386 AD, church leaders established the celebration of
“Christ Mass” (Christ’s Coming), so that Christians could join in the Roman

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festival celebrating Mithras without bending to paganism. Many of the Christian

sacraments, such as the Last Supper, came from Mithras cults. Not only ethical
teachings but cultist concepts too were absorbed from the cults which entered

The extent of the indebtedness of Christianity to early religious beliefs is so great

that very little need have been supplied by Palestinian Christians. It must be
remembered that after the earliest days little was said of Jesus the teacher. It was
Christ the Savior who was Lord of the Christians. And whether it had been he or
Mithras would have made very little difference in the redemptionist doctrines, the
sacraments, and the observances of the church.

A number of the teachings of the church are detrimental to the development of

consciousness. The excuse used to cover what the church can not explain is
termed “Faith”. Faith is, in a sense, accepting as truth what your senses and
reason deny. By requiring that people accept through Faith what they do not
understand removes the need to explore the unknown, therefore, people never
reach a point of true understanding. This understanding is a must if mankind is to
truly develop and achieve an enlightened state of consciousness (i.e., oneness with

Another teaching uses the excuse to cover the act of death which is termed
“Heaven”. Heaven, as the church would have you believe, is a place where souls
in recognizable bodily form congregate to celebrate and praise God. Since mans
greatest fear is that of death, the churches have sought fit to assure mankind that
man transcends death. This is yet another form of control. Heaven is rather a
divine state of consciousness within. The understanding and acceptance that there
is a divine consciousness within when melded with the subjective consciousness
of man will yield an enlightened man which could be Mans answer to his desire
for everlasting existence. This is a state of consciousness which must be sought
out, not something which comes automatically as a result of dying and having
lived a good life.

Much has been written regarding the fall of the Roman Empire and its
significance as to the history and future of the Christian religion. The Catholic
Church has used this event in order to set its importance in history by claiming the
fall of the pagan Romans was due in large part by the presence of Gods chosen
people, the Christians. The Roman Empire did not fall as the result of good
(Christians) over evil (Romans) but, in fact, was moved from its seat in Rome to a
new seat of power in Constantinople in 331 AD. At this time the Western Roman
Empire was in ruins and the Eastern Empire in Constantinople was trying to

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transition to Christianity as a de facto state religion. The new Roman Empire or

what became the Byzantine Empire lasted through the death of Justinian in 565
AD and for another thousand years.

There are a few modern day theologians/writers who have attempted to develop a
scenario which ties the biblical figures Saul and David to the timeframe of the
Egyptian pharaohs Amenhotep III and Akhnaton of the 18th Dynasty. It is known
that these pharaohs were the rulers of Egypt during what has been called the
Amarna Period so named because of the 350 tablets found at el Amarna the site of
the remains of the ancient city of Akhnaton built by Akhnaton. The
theologians/writers base the relationships of these individuals in part on the
information on the tablets written by the ruler Labayu of Shechem. There are also
a number of tablets from rulers of surrounding areas which complain to Pharaoh
of Labayu's troublesome activities towards them. Other tablets written by Labayu
deny the stories offered by the other kings and try to justify his own behavior.
The theologians writing today cite the similarities of the biblical stories of Saul
and the activities of Labayu, the fighting with the Philistines, and the mention of
the Khabiru people as part of the justification for tying the two names together.

On tablet EA 288 the Jebusite King of Jerusalem, Abdi Heba, tells Pharaoh that
his city and all the cities around him have been plundered and seized. The
theologians/writers cite this as the seizure of Jerusalem by King David. They
further use the records which document the occurrence of a solar eclipse to set the
date for the Amarna Period at 1012 BC in order to correlate the Egyptian
Pharaohs with the biblical figures.

If their theory is to be correct, the reigns of Amenhotep III and Akhnaton would
have had to have occurred 350 years later than the dates offered by the
conventional chronology (Table B-6). What makes this difficult is the dates of the
Egyptian Pharaohs are tied to their contemporaries in Assyria and Babylon as
shown in Table B-3. If the Egyptian dates are to be moved then the Assyrian and
Babylonian dates would also have to be reduced. Since many of these dates are
firm, what the Theologians/writers are suggesting becomes impossible.

Another way to look at the Amarna tablets is to consider what is written in the Old
Testament Book of Judges. This book covers a period of approximately 335 years
prior to the time of Saul and is coincident with the time of Amenhotep III and
Akhnaton according to conventional chronology. The Book of Judges describes
the Hebrews as disobedient and idolatrous people who carry on wars throughout
the region just as described by the Amarna tablets. Also described in the Book of
Judges is the rule of Jerusalem by Jebusites and makes mention of their

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coexistence with the sons of Benjamin who are already in Jerusalem. Abdi Heba's
letter could be referring to any number of people plundering his city over this
tumultuous period.

Setting a date for the Amarna Period at 1012 BC using a solar eclipse is risky
business. Since total eclipses of the Sun occur at the same place, on average,
every 360 years, another date c. 1372 BC can also be arrived at. This date is
during the reign of Akhnaton (1377-1356 BC) according to conventional
chronology. Therefore there is no need to align the Egyptian dates with those of
Saul and David.

The Muslim religion, not unlike the other major religions, has undergone a
tumultuous history. The term ‘Muslim’, meaning “those who submit” to God,
was likely not coined until after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 AD.
Today there are over 1 billion Muslims worldwide comprising of the mainstream
Sunnis, an orthodox movement; two major sectarian movements, called Shi’ism
and Sufism; and several sects. This is a major change from the time the Prophet
and his followers envisioned their movement in Medina.

Because Muhammad did not specify any heir, the Ummah/followers fell into
disarray. A schism in leadership between the Quraysh Tribe and the ahl al-bayt
(People of the House of the Prophet) and bickering between other tribes and their
clans ensued. The main point of contention was the Prophethood and the
Caliphate should not reside within the same clan. The title Caliph was settled
upon to represent the sectarian leadership. The Caliphate’s primary responsibility
was to maintain unity and stability of the Ummah. It was to be a civil institution
and not a religious one. Some tribes openly rebelled and refused to pay allegiance
or taxes to the tribe of Muhammad. They were brought back in line through open
warfare. Ali, Muhammad’ cousin and brother-in-law became the fourth leader,
taking the title Amir rather than Caliph, after Muhammad’s death. This was an
attempt to restore leadership to the family of the Prophet. Ali’s followers who
would ultimately become the Shi’ites wanted the tribal system established by
Muhammad to remain in tact as a divinely inspired community. Ali was shortly
assassinated by members of the Khazraj Tribe who insisted on a literal following
of Muhammad and the words of the Quran. Anyone who did not subscribe to
their wishes was not to be considered a Muslim.

Ali was replaced by Mu’awiyah who had ambitions to expand the tribal Ummah
into an empire. He moved the Caliphate from Kufa to Damascus establishing the
Umayyad Dynasty. A series of dynasties followed. Persian converts to Islam
greatly outnumbered the Arabs. As a result they moved the seat of power to

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Baghdad establishing the Abassid Dynasty and massacring all the Umayya they
could find. Other rivalries followed including the Buy ids of Iran, the Fatimids of
Egypt, the remaining Umayya of Spain, and the Ottomans of Turkey. The
Caliphate came to an end after WW I.

While Muslim dynasties, Kings, and Parliaments have fought and failed over the
1400 year history, the Ulama have managed to retrain their position of power in
controlling the religious, political, legal, and social foundations of the religion.
The Ulama, formed from the time of Caliph Abu Bakr in 632 AD, have been
responsible for some of the biggest problems leading to the misunderstanding of
Islam. In their self-appointed role as the guardians of Islam they stifled
independent thought and scientific progress throughout the Muslim world. The
Ulama exert direct legal and political control over the populations and schools
(Madrassas) in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria. They are responsible for the
oppressive totalitarian regimes like the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Wahhabists in
Saudi Arabia, and the Faqih in Iran. Muhammad’s original concept of protecting
his followers, preservation of the family, unity, and acceptance of plural religions
has been perhaps fatally changed through the actions of the Ulama/Clerics.

I believe what the modern day theologians/writers are attempting to accomplish is

to rewrite history in a manner which would give more credibility to their beliefs,
much like their predecessors did at the Council of Nicea, c. 325 AD and the
Council at Chalcedon in 451 AD.


Unfortunately, the teachings which are categorized as “ugly” far outweigh those
of the “good”. In fact, modern churches have been responsible for the majority of
mankind’s incalculable misery over the past 2,000 years. Throughout history they
have been the greatest impediment to the development of an enlightened
consciousness and as such may today be one of the greatest reasons for its

The failures of religions to support the understanding of consciousness go back at

least as far as the time when the Egyptians worshipped their man-kings. This
form of worshipping, in effect, directed the focus of the individual away from his
consciousness within to a focus on his physical self. More recently,
religions/churches have expanded this posture. As an example, the Catholic
Church, at the Council of Nicea (325 AD), put a twist on the worshipping of man-
kings. They worshipped the man Christ; and by a majority vote gave him godly

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attributes as the Savior God. The Roman emperor Constantine, in as attempt to

counter Aryanism, convened the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. Aryanism taught
that God created everything including Jesus and therefore, Jesus was not himself
God, but rather a messiah. Later in 451 AD the Council held at Chalredon
declared that God was a Trinity consisting of Father, son, and spirit. This was a
term coined by one of the church fathers, Tertullian of Carthage, but which was
not widely adopted by early Christian communities. Anyone, including Gnostics
and Arians, who disputed this in any way was declared a heretic or heathen.
Through this action the papal authorities deliberately obscured the history of the
church in order to secure their own power and prominence. The actions of the
Church in the persecution of the Cathars, the assassination of the Merovingian
King Dagobert, and the suppression of the Knights Templars were efforts to
eradicate Jesus’ bloodline which would have constituted a rival church with a
more direct link to Jesus than the Vatican could ever claim. This church, in the
name of Christ, began the most ungodly trek through history that mankind has
ever experienced. The church supported and carried out numerous religious wars,
known as the crusades, which sent Christian against Jew, Christian against
Muslim, and Christian against Christian. This culminated in western man being
plummeted into the Dark Ages where the Catholic Church in 1229 AD forbid
reading of the Bible by laymen and carried out book burning (1501 AD), torture
during the churches’ Reign of Terror (1252 AD) and persecutions of any who
would question its authority. With this authority came great wealth from extortion
of the masses. With wealth came power, and the church facilitated chaos through
its support or withdrawal of support of kings and governments. The Roman
Church exercised its authority until approximately 1500 AD when the
Reformation presented an open Bible to the people. This could be considered a
Holy War within the Christian faith.

Again, in the name of Christ, the Catholic Church supported conquest of the
Americas and in 1519 AD under the leadership of Cortez; they completely
destroyed the Aztec civilization. Again in 1532 AD under the leadership of
Pizarro, the Spanish conquered the Incas of Peru also completely destroying their
civilization. The Catholic Bishops destroyed some of the greatest scientific
creations that the human mind has ever achieved as well as the destruction of the
records containing hundreds of years of astronomical research. Anything counter
to church doctrine was trashed, destroyed, and eliminated from history.

Until 1493 AD the Catholic Church considered the American Indians as not being
human. It took the Papal Bull of Pope Alexander VI in 1493 AD to proclaim that
the Indians were “people well disposed to embrace the Christian faith.” Today we
know that the origins of the American Indians go as far back as 10-20000 BC and

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perhaps much earlier. They may just be one of the oldest races on Earth. The
destruction of the various Indian nations in North America is the result of the
colonist’s greed for profit and their feelings of religious superiority over the native
Indians. This was true, in part, because of the church’s position that the Indians
did not possess a soul. The colonists also saw fit to grab the Indian lands
whenever they wanted to expand their farms. In several of these land-grab cases
the Indians rebelled, resulting in the killing of several of the colonists. Killing
was not a one-sided affair. Responding to a Powhatan attack on the colonists, the
English mounted a raid on a Powhatan village in Virginia, totally exterminating
the inhabitants. Men, women and children were slain without quarter.

The Anglican Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in an unprovoked attack,

massacred a village of the Pequots. The Colonial settlements of Connecticut and
Plymouth joined in the ensuing war, attacking a Pequot village of 600 inhabitants.
They burned the village then slaughtered and burned the inhabitants. It has been
reported that the colonists rejoiced and gave praise to God for their success. In
other raids the Indian men were killed, their boys sold into slavery in the West
Indies, and their women became slaves of the colonists.

With the exception of a few of the colonist clergy, nothing was done by the Old
World church leaderships to intercede in the brutal slaughter of these indigenous
people, nor did they offer support when during 1616 - 1619 the Indians were
dying by the thousands from diseases introduced by the colonists. In fact, one
story relates that the churchly colonists exulted over the epidemic which cleared
the savages from the path of the Chosen People (i.e., Puritans).

Two of the great leaders of the Catholic Church independently decided that they
needed to develop a date for the creation of the Earth which would be in
accordance with the teachings of the Bible. The first was Archbishop Ussher
whose premise was that Genesis was a historical accounting of creation. The
second leader was Comte Buffon whose legacy to mankind was to strengthen
Ussher’s analysis. His different estimate of the age of the earth was a personal
goal to satisfy his ego, yet the impact on mankind was such that it did not improve
our situation. By placing a date on Creation in the name of the Church, they
inadvertently placed a misleading proposition on the people who fervently
adhered to the premise. It has only been during the last two centuries, over a great
deal of argument, that this has been dismissed.

The Catholic Church supported a group called the Knights Templars which was
sanctioned by the pope in 1128 AD. They sanctioned this group to operate in
Jerusalem and obtain information and objects that the Church thought were

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secreted under the Temple Mount. When the Templars became too powerful, the
church turned on them and they were destroyed. King Philip of France, in
cahoots with Pope Clement V issued Bull (Pastoralis praeeminentiae), November
22, 1307 AD which ordered the arrest of the Templars throughout the Christian
world. Once they had served their purpose, the Church destroyed them.

The beginning of Islam is generally defined as the time

Muhammad moved to the area of Yathrib which is now the city of
Medina, meaning “The City of the Prophet”, c. 619 AD.
Muhammad preached that all people were created equal and
that there was only one god who spoke through Muhammad.
Muhammad preached that God was to be worshipped, not
Muhammad. The Islam religion was written down in the Quran c.
600 AD to ensure it would not be corrupted and to provide
ethical and social guidance. The Quran was to add scripture to
support both the Old and New Testaments. Muhammad’s
message was an attempt to reform the existing religious beliefs
and cultural practices of pre-Islamic Arabia by bringing the God
of the Jews and Christians to the Arab people.

Islam grew spreading from the Saudi Arabian Peninsula in all

directions. This early growth is what the Muslims call the "First"
great Jihad. The "Second great Jihad" came with the Ottoman
Turks. This empire succeeded in bringing about the downfall of
Constantinople as a Christian stronghold and an end to the
Roman Empire. By 1683 the Ottomans had suffered a series of
defeats and Islam shrunk into various sheikhdoms and roving
tribes. This set the stage for a new revival known as Wahhabism.
The Wahhabi extremists, in the name of Allah, have carried out
to this day atrocities against anyone not belonging to their sect.
Many individuals of the illiterate Muslim populace are being fed
false interpretations of the Quran by their extremist religious
leaders. These leaders undoubtedly believe what they are
preaching, however, if they are ignorant as I suspect, then they
are incapable of providing correct religious guidance to their
followers. The general populace may not have their own copies
of the Quran to verify the teachings for themselves or they are
illiterate and can't read it if they had copies. What is going on in
the Muslim world is not unlike what went on in the Christian
world during the period that led to the Dark Ages and Reign of
Terror. During the period comprising the Dark Ages, the kings

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and leaders of the European countries of England, Scandinavia,

Switzerland and Germany sided with the religious extremists of
the Roman Church. Together they maintained power over their

By maintaining a level of hate and discontent the churches have been able to
maintain their power and restrict the development of enlightenment which, by the
way, they all profess to be championing.

Today the Catholic Church, Islamic Fundamentalists and thousands of other sects
and religions still wield great control over the masses through the use of fear and
power. By convincing people that their religion has the power to absolve sin they
are able to exert control over the masses. Modern religions have been the greatest
proponent of bigotry the world has ever seen. Many churches condemn people
because of the color of their skin, sex, sexual preference, sect and church
membership. There is clearly no understanding by the church leadership of the
meaning of synergy or the state of Enlightened Consciousness.

Today’s religions must actively change what they teach and they must practice in
reality what they preach in theory. Acceptance of, or just understanding, the
Genesis Model may be a step in the right direction.

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3200-1100 BC 3000 BC 500 BC) 1300-1200 BC 1000 BC CIRCA
ASSYRIAN (1200 BC) 637 BC
-------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
ORIGIN Sirius system Nibiru Nibiru Yahweh

FORM Amphibious Amphibious Amphibious Man Amphibious Man

(Oannes) (Enki) (Nommo, Oannes, (Jehovah, (Demeter) (Allah)
Dagon) Yahweh)

CHIEF GODS Ra, Isis, Amon Antu (1/2 sister), Ea/Enki, El, Baal Yahweh Jupiter, Allah
Osiris, Ptah, Anu /Enlil Marduk, Athena,
Anpu (Dog) Ashur Zeus

WISDOM Re, Ra, Troth Enki Ea, Oannes Dagon Athena

HEAVEN Nu, Nut, An An Anu, Ishtar/Irnini Cronos

EARTH Geb, Isis Ki/Enki Ea, Kisher Geia

SUN Ra, Atum-Re, Utu/Shamash Shamash Shapash Helios, Apollo
Aton Marduk, Ashur

SUN (Power to Horus/Heru


MOON Khonsu, Troth Nanna Sin Yarikh Phoebe Hubal

SKY/STARS Nut, Horus Enlil Anshur Zeus, Uranus Allah

AIR/ORGANIC Shu Enlil/Tammuz Rimmon Venus


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TABLE 11-1 (Continued)


3200-1100 BC 3000 BC BABYLONIAN 1300-1200 BC 1000 BC CIRCA
(1900-500 BC) 637 BC
(1200 BC)
-------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
PLANET MARS Ninurta Nergal Nereghal

PLANET Adad/Ishkur

PLANET VENUS Inanna Ishtar Tamar Aphrodite

OCEANS (MOTHER Nun Nammu,Gulu Enki, Yam-Nahar, Neptune

OF GODS,HEAVEN Ea, Tiamat Asherah
& EARTH) (Female)
FRESH WATER Tefnut Ea, Apsu (Male)


SHEPHARD/ Dumuzi, Demeter


LOVE & WAR Isis, Hathor Ishtar Ishtar Yatpan Aphrodite, Ares, al-Uzza,
Athena Isaf & Na’ila

MEDICINE Ptah Shataqat Hephaestus,


LAW GIVING Demeter, Isis

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TABLE 11-1 (Continued)


3200-1100BC 3000 BC BABYLONIAN 1300-1200 BC 1000 BC 637 BC
(1900-500 BC)
(1200 BC)
-------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------

BIRTH/ Horus, Ninmah, Nintu, Baal Hera

Fertility Min Ninhursag

DEATH Osiris Mot Hecate


NETHERWORLD Osiris, Troth Neti Nergal Satan

SCIENCES Troth Ningishzida Kothar (craftsman) Hermes

STAR SIRIUS A Isis, Ast, Sothis
(Dog Star also Bow Anubis, Anpu Anu, Bau Cyon

STAR SIRIUS B Anukis, Osiris

(White Dwarf) Nephthys
(2-watery planets)



CONSTELLATION Osiris, Asar, An Ninurta

OF ORION (pre 2800BC)

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TABLE 11-1 (Continued)

3200-1100BC 3000 BC BABYLONIAN 1300-1200 BC 1000 BC CIRCA
(1900-500 BC) 637 BC
(1200 BC)
-------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------------
GODS Ptah –Memphis, Enlil-Nippur, Nanna/Sin-Ur, Allat/Ta’if,
ASSOCIATED Amon-Re – Enlil-Sumer Marduk-Babylon al-Uzza/Nakhlah
WITH SPECIFIC Thebes Anu-Erech Anu-Erech Manat/Qudayd,

OTHER GODS Typhon (heat) Ereshkigal-sister Papsukkal-viser Hadad-lightning Bacus (wine) al-Kutba-writing
to Inanna, to Gods, and thunder, Allat, Manat-fate
Osiris (humidity) Ninshubur-viser Tammuz- Istars Baal – fertility Adonis (fruits)
to Inanna, brother/lover,
Tefnut (fire) Ninlil/Ishtar Ashur,
Seth (destruction) Adapa Adam
Asaru- grain

HEROS OF THE Ziusudra (King) Utnapishtim, Noah Deukalion

DELUGE Atrahisis
Menes -3000 BC, Sargon 2400 BC Herodotus-5th
CONTEMPORARY Imhotep-2600BC, Abraham- King Saul Cent BC,
MEN Seti I-1303- 1996 BC 1043 -1010 BC Pindar –
1290BC, Hammurabi (518-438BC)
Ramses II-1301- 1792-1750, Pythagoras-580-
1234 BC, Gilgamesh, 500 BC
Ramses IV – Shalmaneser I,
1158-1152BC Ashurbanipal

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TABLE 11-2 List of Catholic Popes

1. St. Peter (32 – 67) 43. St. Celestine I (422 – 432)

2. St. Linus (67 – 76) 44. St. Sixtus III (432 – 440)
3. St. Anacletus (Cletus) (76 – 88) 45. St. Leo I (the Great) (440 – 461)
4. St. Clement I (88 – 97) 46. St. Hilarius (461 – 468)
5. St. Evaristus (97 – 105) 47. St. Simplicius (468 – 483)
6. St. Alexander I (105 -115) 48. St. Felix III (II) (483 – 492)
7. St. Sixtus I (115 – 125) 49. St. Gelasius I (492-496)
8. St. Telesphorus (125 – 136) 50. Anastasius II (496-498)
9. St. Hyginus (136 – 140) 51. St. Symmachus (498-514)
10. St. Pius I (140 – 155) 52. St. Hormisdas (514-523)
11. St. Anicetus (155 – 166) 53. St. John I (523-526)
12. St. Soter (166 – 175) 54. St. Felix IV (III) (526 – 530)
13. St. Eleutherius (175 – 189) 55. Boniface II (530-532)
14. St. Victor I (189 – 199) 56. John II (533-535)
15. St. Zephyrinus (199 – 217) 57. St. Agapetus I (535-536) – also called
Agapitus I
16. St. Callistus I (217 – 222) 58. St. Silverius (536-537)
17. St. Urban I (222 – 230) 59. Vigilius (537-555)
18. St. Pontain (230 – 235) 60. Pelagius I (556-561)
19. St. Anterus (235 – 236) 61. John III (561-574)
20. St. Fabian (236 – 250) 62. Benedict I (575-579)
21. St. Cornelius (251 – 253) 63. Pelagius II (579-590)
22. St. Lucius I (253 – 254) 64. St. Gregory I (the Great) (590-604)
23. St. Stephen I (254 – 257) 65. Sabinian (604-606)
24. St. Sixtus II (257 – 258) 66. Boniface III (607)
25. St. Dionysius (260 – 268) 67. St. Boniface IV (608-615)
26. St. Felix I (269-274) 68. St. Deusdedit (Adeodatus I) (615-618)
27. St. Eutychian (275-283) 69. Boniface V (619-625)
28. St. Caius (283-296) – also called Gaius 70. Honorius I (625-638)
29. St. Marcellinus (296-304) 71. Severinus (640)
30. St. Marcellus I (308-309) 72. John IV (640-642)
31. St. Eusebius (309 or 310) 73. Theodore I (642 – 649)
32. St. Miltiades (311-314) 74. St. Martin I (649 – 655)
33. St. Sylvester I (314-335) 75. St. Eugene I (655 – 657)
34. St. Marcus (336) 76. St. Vitalian (657 – 672)
35. St. Julius I (337-352) 77. Adeodatus (II) (672 – 676)
36. Liberius (352-366) 78. Donus (676 – 678)
37. St. Damasus I (366 – 383) 79. St. Agatho (678 – 681)
38. St. Siricius (384 – 399)
39. St. Anastasius I (399 – 401)
40. St. Innocent I (401 – 417)
41. St. Zosimus (417 – 418)
42. St. Boniface I (418 – 422)

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TABLE 11-2 List of Catholic Popes (Continued)

80. St. Leo II (682-683) 123. John X (914-928)

81. St. Benedict II (684-685) 124. Leo VI (928)
82. John V (685-686) 125. Stephen VIII (929-931)
83. Conon (686-687) 126. John XI (931-935)
84. St. Sergius I (687-701) 127. Leo VII (936-939)
85. John VI (701-705) 128. Stephen IX (939-942)
86. John VII (705-707) 129. Marinus II (942-946)
87. Sisinnius (708) 130. Agapetus II (946-955)
88. Constantine (708-715) 131. John XII (955-963)
89. St. Gregory II (715-731) 132. Leo VIII (963-964)
90. St. Gregory III (731-741) 133. Benedict V (964)
91. St. Zachary (741-752) 134. John XIII (965-972)
92. Stephen II (752) – Because he died 135. Benedict VI (973-974)
before being consecrated, some lists
(including the Vatican’s official list) omit him.
93. Stephen III (752-757) 136. Benedict VII (974-983)
94. St. Paul I (757-767) 137. John XIV (983-984)
95. Stephen IV (767-772) 138. John XV (985-996)
96. Adrian I (772-795) 139. Gregory V (996-999)
97. St. Leo III (795-816) 140. Sylvester II (999-1003)
98. Stephen V (816-817) 141. John XVII (1003)
99. St. Paschal I (817-824) 142. John XVIII (1003-1009)
100. Eugene II (824-827) 143. Sergius IV (1009-1012)
101. Valentine (827) 144. Benedict VIII (1012-1024)
102. Gregory IV (827 – 844) 145. John XIX (1024-1032)
103. Sergius II (844 – 847) 146. Benedict IX (1032-1045)
104. St. Leo IV (847 – 855) 147. Sylvester III (1045) – Considered by
some to be an antipope
105. Benedict III (855 – 858) 148. Benedict IX (1045)
106. St. Nicholas I (the Great) (858 – 867) 149. Gregory VI (1045-1046)
107. Adrian II (867 – 872) 150. Clement II (1046-1047)
108. John VIII (872 – 882) 151. Benedict IX (1047-1048)
109. Marinus I (882-884) 152. Damasus II (1048)
110. St. Adrian III (884 – 885) 153. St. Leo IX (1049 – 1054)
111. Stephen VI (885 – 891) 154. Victor II (1055 – 1057)
112. Formosus (891-896) 155. Stephen X (1057 – 1058)
113. Boniface VI (896) 156. Nicholas II (1058 – 1061)
114. Stephen VII (896-897) 157. Alexander II (1061 – 1073)
115. Romanus (897) 158. St. Gregory VII (1073 – 1085)
116. Theodore II (897) 159. Blessed Victor III (1086-1087)
117. John IX (898-900)
118. Benedict IV (900-903)
119. Leo V (903)
120. Sergius III (904-911)
121. Anastasius III (911-913)
122. Lando (913-914)

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TABLE 11-2 List of Catholic Popes (Continued)

160. Blessed Urban II (1088 – 1099) 190. Martin IV (1281-1285)

161. Paschal II (1099 – 1118) 191. Honorius IV (1285-1287)
162. Gelasius II (1118 – 1119) 192. Nicholas IV (1288-1292)
163. Callistus II (1119-1124) 193. St. Celestine V (1294)
164. Honorius II (1124-1130) 194. Boniface VIII (1294-1303)
165. Innocent II (1130-1143) 195. Blessed Benedict XI (1303-1304)
166. Celestine II (1143-1144) 196. Clement V (1305-1314)
167. Lucius II (1144-1145) 197. John XXII (1316-1334)
168. Blessed Eugene III (1145-1153) 198. Benedict XII (1334-1342)
169. Anastasius IV (1153-1154) 199. Clement VI (1342 – 1352)
170. Adrian IV (1154-1159) 200. Innocent VI (1352 – 1362)
171. Alexander III (1159-1181) 201. Blessed Urban V (1362 -1370)
172. Lucius III (1181-1185) 202. Gregory XI (1370 – 1378)
173. Urban III (1185-1187) 203. Urban VI (1378 – 1389)
174. Gregory VIII (1187) 204. Boniface IX (1389 – 1404)
175. Clement III (1187-1191) 205. Innocent VII (1404 – 1406)
176. Celestine III (1191-1198) 206. Gregory XII (1406 – 1415)
177. Innocent III (1198-1216) 207. Martin V (1417 – 1431)
178. Honorius III (1216-1227) 208. Eugene IV (1431 – 1447)
179. Gregory IX (1227-1241) 209. Nicholas V (1447 – 1455)
180. Celestine IV (1241) 210. Callistus III (1455 – 1458)
181. Innocent IV (1243-1254) 211. Pius II (1458-1464)
182. Alexander IV (1254-1261) 212. Paul II (1464-1471)
183. Urban IV (1261-1264) 213. Sixtus IV (1471-1484)
184. Clement IV (1265-1268) 214. Innocent VIII (1484-1492)
185. Blessed Gregory X (1271-1276) 215. Alexander VI (1492-1503)
186. Blessed Innocent V (1276) 216. Pius III (1503)
187. Adrian V (1276) 217. Julius II (1503-1513)
188. John XXI (1276-1277) 218. Leo X (1513-1521)
189. Nicholas III (1277-1280) 219. Adrian VI (1522-1523)

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TABLE 11-2 Table of Catholic Popes (Continued)

220. Clement VII (1523-1534) 248. Benedict XIV (1740 – 1758)

221. Paul III (1534-1549) 249. Clement XIII (1758 – 1769)
222. Julius III (1550-1555) 250. Clement XIV (1769 – 1774)
223. Marcellus II (1555) 251. Pius VI (1775 – 1799)
224. Paul IV (1555-1559) 252. Pius VII (1800 – 1823)
225. Pius IV (1559-1565) 253. Leo XII (1823-1829)
226. St. Pius V (1566-1572) 254. Pius VIII (1829-1830)
227. Gregory XIII (1572-1585) 255. Gregory XVI (1831-1846)
228. Sixtus V (1585-1590) 256. Blessed Pius IX (1846-1878)
229. Urban VII (1590) 257. Leo XIII (1878-1903)
230. Gregory XIV (1590-1591) 258. St. Pius X (1903-1914)
231. Innocent IX (1591) 259. Benedict XV (1914-1922)
232. Clement VIII (1592-1605) 260. Pius XI (1922-1939)
233. Leo XI (1605) 261. Pius XII (1939-1958)
234. Paul V (1605-1621) 262. Blessed John XXIII (1958-1963)
235. Gregory XV (1621 – 1623) 263. Paul VI (1963-1978)
236. Urban VIII (1623 – 1644) 264. John Paul I (1978)
237. Innocent X (1644 – 1655) 265. John Paul II (1978-2005)
238. Alexander VII (1655 – 1667) 266. Benedict XVI (2005—)
239. Clement IX (1667 – 1669)
240. Clement X (1670 – 1676)
241. Blessed Innocent XI (1676 -1689)
242. Alexander VIII (1689 – 1691)
243. Innocent XII (1691 – 1700)
244. Clement XI (1700 – 1721)
245. Innocent XIII (1721 – 1724)
246. Benedict XIII (1724 – 1730)
247. Clement XII (1730 – 1740)

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Amir Yemen 2nd Century BC
Jews Arabian Peninsula c. 586 BC
Christians Yemen 6th Century AD
Najran (city)
Sana (city)
Ghassanids Christian Arab/Byzantine
Empire border
Lakhmids Arab/Sassanian Empire
(Iran) border
Hanif Hanifism Zayd bin Amr Made pact to Hijaz (western Arabia),
Waraqa bin Nawfreturn return to the Ta’if (city), Yathrib
Uthman bin Huwairith religion of (oasis), Mecca
Ubayd Allah bin Jahsh Abraham
Quraysh Abd Shams Hijaz, 2nd Century AD
Abd Manaf Mecca
Quraysh Banu Hashim Muhammad Born Mecca c. 570 AD
Quraysh Makhzum Mecca
Banu Thalabah Christian Yathrib c. 600 AD
Banu Hadl Christian Yathrib c. 600 AD
BanuNadir Jews Yathrib c. 600 AD
Banu Qugnuqa Jews Yathrib c. 600 AD
Banu Qurayza Jews Yathrib c. 600 AD
Muhammad Revelation Mt. Hira c. 610 AD
Aws Arab Ansr Yathrib
Khazraj Arab Ansr Yathrib, Medina c.622 AD
Emigrants Muhammad Migration Yathrib c. 622 AD
Ummah Muhammad Yathrib/Medina c. 625 AD

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TABLE 11-3 RISE OF ISLAM (Continued)


Ummah Muhammad Enters Mecca & Mecca c. 630
Destroys idols in Ka’ba
Muhammad Dies Medina c. 632
Caliph Abu Bakr 1st Caliph, Beginning of Medina c. 632 – 634
Ulama (scholars)
Caliph Umar 2nd Caliph, Subdues Medina c. 634 – 644
Iran, Egypt, Libya,
Quraysh Caliph Uthman 3rd Caliph, Medina c. 644 – 656
Caliph Uthman Quran written & c. 650
Shi’ah Banu Hashim Caliph Ali, Takes title of Amir Medina c. 656 – 661
Cousin of rather than Caliph,
Muhammad 1st Imam of Shi’ism
Aisha (wife of Islam’s 1st civil war over Mecca vs. Medina
Muhammad) & Ali religious vs. political
(cousin & son-in- leadership
law of Muhammad)
Shi’atu Mu’awiyah Moves leadership to Damascus, Syria c. 661 – 680
Damascus, 1st King,
Establishes Empire
Shi’atu Mu’awiyah Becomes Caliph of c. 660
Banu Umaya Umayyad Dynasty Damascus c. 661 -750
Banu Hashim Husayn ibn Ali, Ali – 3rd Imam, Medina c. 669 – 680
Grandson of Prophet
Umayyad Caliph Destroys Ali & Karbala c. 680
Yazid I followers, Burns Ka’ba,
destroys Mecca/ Medina Mecca, Medina

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TABLE 11-3 RISE OF ISLAM (Continued)


Muslims take Iran c. 682
Kharijites 1st Muslim extremists Iran, Arabian
Shi’ites Kufa Penitents Restore leadership to Karbala, Kufa 684
(tawwabun) Prophets’ family
Banu Hashim Ibn as-Zibayr Revolts against Caliph Medina c. 685
Caliph Abd al-Malik Defeats Zibayr, restores Mecca c. 690
Caliphate to Damascus
Shi’ite Ali Zayn al-Abadin 4th Imam Karballa, 680 – 712
Shi’ite Muhammad 5th Imam Medina 712 - ?
Muslims take NW India, c. 732
N Africa, Byzantine
Shi’ite Ja’far as-Sadiq 6th Imam, Establishes Medina c. 732 – 757
Shi’ism School of Law
Abassid Dynasty, Bagdad 750 – 850
Massacre of Umayyads
Shi’ite Ismail 7th & final Imam, c. 757
Seveners followers called
Musa al-Kazim Also 7th Imam, c. 757
followers called
Caliph Abd Muslims take Spain, c. 756
al-Rahman III S France

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TABLE 11-3 RISE OF ISLAM (Continued)


12th Imam c. 874
Shi’ites Aristocratic Iranians Buyids control Abassids Baghdad 932 – 1062
Shi’ites Fatimid Dynasty Egypt, N Africa, 969 – 1171
Sunni Ghaznavid Dynasty NE Iran, N India 977 – 1186
Pope Urban II Begins Crusades 1095
Mamluk Dynasty Egypt, Syria 1250 – 1547
Orthodox Sunni Turks establish Sunni Istanbul 1281 – 1924
Dynasty, Ottoman
Twelver Shi’ism Ismail 1st Shah/King of Iran, Iran 1501
Proclaimed self as
Twelver Shi’ism Ismail Safavid Empire Iran 1501 – 1725
Mughal Dynasty India 1526 – 1859
Wahhabism Shaykh Muhammad bin Beginning of Saudi Arabia - 1765
Saud Dynasty
Wahhabism Muhammad bin al Founder of radical Arabia 1703 – 1792
Wahhab, Islam. Destroyed
Abdul Aziz bin Mecca, Medina, tombs
Muhammad bin Saud of Prophet & followers
(1765 -1803)
Wahhabism Massacred Shi’ies & Karbala 1802
sacked Karbala
Wahhabism Abdulla bin Saud Ottomans regain 1814
(1814 – 1818) Karbala & Wahhabis
return to Eastern Arabia
Twelver Shi’ism Qajar Dynasty 19th Century

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TABLE 11-3 RISE OF ISLAM (Continued)


Wahhabism Abd al-Aziz bin Saud Saud retakes Mecca, c. 1915
1880 – 1953 Medina
Sufi Muhammad Abdu Egypt 1845 – 1950
Sufi Hasan al-Banna Founded Muslim Egypt 1928
Sayyid Qutb Father of Islamic Egypt 1906 – 1966
Wahhabism Abd al-Aziz bin Saud Kingdom of Saudi Saudi Arabia 1932
(1880 – 1953) Arabia established
Muhammad Reza Pahlavi Pahlave Dynasty Iran 1925 – 1979
Shi’ite Ayatollah Khomeini Proclaimed himself Iran 1902 – 1989
Iran’s 1st Faqih; supreme
temporal & religious
Islamic Republic of Iran 1979
Shi’ite Shaykh Ibrahim al-Amin Hizbullah founded Lebanon, Iran c. 1985
Wahhabism Muslim World League Saudi Arabia 1962
Abdullah Yusuf Azzam Mentor to Osama bin Saudi Arabia 1941 – 1989
Sunni Muslim Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Hamas founded Palestine 1987
Wahhabism Osama bin Laden Al-Qaeda founded Saudi Arabia 1991

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Akkadians Northern 2500 – 2350 BC

- Sargon Mesopotamia
Amoritic Sumer & Akkad 1850 BC
Babylonians 1700 BC
- Hammurabi
Amorites Jericho 1450 BC
Canaanites Syria & Palestine
Phoenicians Western Palestine
Hebrews Israel 1500 BC
- David 1041 BC
Assyrians Babylon 1100 BC
- Ashurbanipal Southwest Asia 668 – 626 BC
Chaldaeans 625 – 550 BC
Aramaeans Sinai to Syria
Arabs Arabia 2nd Century BC
-Muhammad 622 AD

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In the year 580 more of less,

There shall be a strange age,
In the year 703,
Many kingdoms, one to five shall be changed.

Century VI, Quatrain 2

To predict is to tell of a future event or events. It is in our nature to want to know

what the future holds for us. There are those who believe that the outcome of a
prediction/prophecy is inevitable and there are those who believe the outcome can
be modified while there are others who don’t believe in predictions/prophecy at

The source of prediction is attributed to the functions of the human consciousness

and has typically been manifested in the forms of prophecy, dreams,
hallucinations, and information received by psychics while in a trance-like state.
For those who don’t believe in prediction/prophecy they reason that what is being
stated arose through the process of deductive reasoning by observing actual
events and then drawing a correct conclusion. The idea that a given outcome only
occurs because of prior events is called determinism.

If predictions were based on observation of actual events, then a means to observe

worldwide phenomena or events which triggered this phenomena, by the ancient
civilizations, would have been necessary. Our modern-day scholars indicate that
this was not possible during these ancient times. This then leaves open the
possibility of the existence of previous advanced technology civilizations that
possessed this information and passed it on to succeeding generations. If ancient
civilizations had witnessed and recorded events such as cataclysms and had the
knowledge to understand their cause, they could possibly predict the next

Another possibility is that humans have a process involving the subconscious

mind connected to a source of knowledge found in what has been described in
Chapter 3 as the Divine Consciousness. Alternatively, it may be possible that a
few select humans have remnants of the bicameral thought process and are able to
hallucinate directly from the Universal Consciousness as is suggested in Chapter
3 for the bicameral thinker.

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As Jaynes points out, prediction began to wane c. 1500 BC and virtually

disappeared c. 300 BC. Herodotus describes the use of oracles and dreams by the
Greeks, Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians throughout their histories down to at
least 400 - 300 BC. While there are many skeptics as to the validity of
precognition, the results of para-psychological experiments of human
precognition indicate with fair certainty that psychic prediction is an existing
human capacity.

The act of prophecy seems to be as old as civilization itself and has been found in
writings from places around the world including:


China ?
Tibet Kuten
Egypt Khahins
Arabia Shamans
Syria Nabi
Ancient Israel Nabi
Greece Oracles (Sibyls)
Peru ?
Norway Voluspa
United States Prophets

There are stories of hundreds if not thousands of profits and oracles throughout
the world throughout recorded history. A Jewish tradition suggests there were
600,000 male and 600,000 female profits and the Talmud recognizes seven
women profits. There are 25 profits recognized in the Muslim Qur’an, however,
other writings mention that there were 124,000 profits throughout history
beginning with Adam and ending with Muhammad.

The word oracle is derived from the Latin verb orare, to speak. The word prophet
comes to us from a translation of “Prophetes” found in the Greek Septuagint. Pro
means on behalf of and Phetes means speaking. Therefore, a prophet or
prophetess is one who speaks on behalf of someone or something. In religious
terms prophet is someone who acts as an intermediary between man and the
divine. Prediction is to speak of some event which is to occur in the future as
relayed from something (spiritual/unseen) through the prophet/speaker.
Classical Jewish texts teach that most forms of prophecy ended shortly after the
destruction of the First Temple in 586 BC. The works in the Midrash and the
Talmud state that lesser forms of prophecy still exist today. Some Christians
believe that prophecy ended with Jesus while some believe it ended about 400
years earlier with the prophets in the Old Testament. As mentioned above the
Muslims believe prophecy ended with Muhammad c. 632 AD. Within the
modern-day Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon), Joseph Smith
is recognized as a prophet and in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Ellen White,
a cofounder of the church, is also recognized as a modern-day prophet.

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The writings of the ancients from around the world are replete with predictions of
coming catastrophes. The mythologies of the ancient Mayan civilization describe
five ages of creation each ending in the destruction of civilization. Modern-day
scholars who study the Mayan civilization have calculated that the end of the fifth
age will occur in our future during December 2012 AD. In the quatrain of
Nostradamus cited above, the year 703 is the year 2028 AD assuming he was
referring to the year 325 (Council of Nicea) as his zero reference.

What evidence exists to support the possibility that a catastrophic event will occur
in our lifetime? The scientific discoveries pertaining to the alignments of our
galaxy and the solar system, astronomical sightings of space debris by the Hubble
telescope, and the timing of the previous catastrophes described by the Mayans in
the Codex Vaticanus provide some credibility as to the possible occurrence of this
destruction actually occurring. Given the potential source for an explosion within
the galactic center as a trigger, the space debris located in the Kuiper Belt and
Oort cloud, and the alignment of the plane of our solar system with that of the
galactic plane during December 2012 provides incentive for us to consider the
possibility of this future event. Further, the Earth passes through the Taurid
stream/Encke comet debris field each year during the months of September
through December thereby adding to the amount of debris which could potentially
impact the earth and the sun during the month of December 2012. The solar flare
maximum, which occurs approximately every 11 years, is also going to occur
around December 2011-2012. This increases the potential for the debris drifting
between the earth and the sun to take the form of a plasma-like substance when it
comes in contact with the sun. This fire like plasma could then be transported by
the solar winds to the earth resulting in destruction of catastrophic proportions.
Stories of fire destroying mankind in the past are common to the mythologies of
most civilizations. The Maya believed the Ages were cyclic in nature and took
them seriously, as their attention to their calendars and special numbers will attest.
Perhaps we should do the same!

Today, we are witnessing climate changes which could possibly be setting the
stage for a cataclysmic event. The breakup of large portions of Antarctica, the
severe melting of the Arctic ice mass, the occurrence of severe and frequent
hurricanes, and the occurrence of record breaking rains and snowfalls are all
precursors for an ice age. The impact of a comet along with these climactic
conditions could certainly become the triggering event for an ice age to occur.

There is always the possibility that stories of cataclysms could have originated out
of superstition. Their superstitions forced the Mesoamerican civilizations to focus
on the motion of the heavenly bodies to help them predict the coming of the next
great catastrophe which would end their Age. They possessed sophisticated
calendars, as described in Appendix A, which they consulted regularly. There is
no evidence or any claim by the Mesoamerican civilizations that they created
these calendars. They lived according to a 52 year cycle because they thought

J.A. Chapin Page 257 11/16/2008

that at the end of one of these 52 year periods, time would stop and their world
would end with a catastrophe. Had they had the knowledge as to the origin of this
cycle, the 52 year period in which the world would end would not have been
uncertain. They invented elaborate ceremonies to ward off this end date. This
suggests the possible existence of an earlier civilization that would have been
responsible for creating a reason for having such a cycle.

The Aztecs followed the ceremonies of their predecessors, but introduced their
superstitious practices involving human sacrifice into their day-to-day life. While
human sacrifice existed from ancient times, the Aztec brought the practice to new
and fanatical heights. The paramount activity of these ceremonies was the killing,
dismemberment and eating of hundreds or thousands of captives. This is not
indicative of a civilization which possessed an understanding of the events they
reported in their mythology. It is indicative of a civilization driven by fear, a lack
of understanding of the world around them, and superstition. If their mythologies
are based on superstition then the durations and sequences have no real meaning
and the myths are simply an interesting story. The idea that these myths were
created by a culture attempting to justify their superstitions is highly improbable.
The original developers of these myths had a better understanding of the reasons
they existed than the superstitious Mesoamericans possessed. I believe that by
3000 BC - 1000 AD the Mesoamerican civilizations were mimicking the practices
of a much older, more sophisticated civilization.

The question still exists as to what is likely to occur in the year 2012 AD! The
most significant data we have to consider is:
1. We are currently experiencing an increase in global temperature.
2. The polar ice caps are melting and breaking up increasing the source of
fresh water resulting in reduced salinity of the oceans.
3. The Earth will experience greater temperatures, short term, as a result of
increasing solar output. Increased sunspot activity beginning in 2000 AD
will peak c. 2011 AD.
4. Alignment of the solar and galactic axes will place the Earth in the path of
potentially greater cosmic influx which could enter the Earth’s atmosphere
or enter the region between the Earth and the Sun resulting in less solar
energy impacting the surface of the Earth.
5. The Earth is expected to pass through debris from the Encke Comet which
is expected to peak during this period.

If one is to predict a catastrophic end to this/our Age in 2012 AD, as the Mayan
myths suggest, then I would expect we will experience the beginning of the next
ice age.

The impacts of global warming could cause the flow of the Gulf Stream to alter or
to cease altogether and the presence of cosmic debris within the solar system and
Earth’s atmosphere would further reduce the temperature of our planet. A wild
card which would only exacerbate this scenario is the possibility of a large scale

J.A. Chapin Page 258 11/16/2008

volcanic eruption such as occurred in the past with Mt Toba and as postulated to
occur with an eruption of the Yellowstone basin.

Ice core evidence from Antarctica and Greenland have shown that past ice ages
have taken as little as 1- to 15 years to take full effect. If so, we can expect the
end of civilization as we now know it to end c. 2024 AD. The data from the ice
cores further indicates the Earth is overdue the next ice age cycle

The end times of past civilizations have always been the beginning of future
civilizations. If the Mayans were correct in predicting the end of the current age,
then we must ask what is a new-age to look like? What resources do we have
available to us, at the end of this age, to build upon? It will be necessary to
overcome past impediments to discovery, including: political and religious
interference, scientific arrogance involving personal reputations, and the
reluctance by scholars to rewrite history. The emphasis over our present age has
been to overcome the effects of physical adversities such as climate, food supply,
disease, and human incompatibility. We have made great strides in these areas
except over human compatibility. This is perhaps because we have emphasized
our physical well being. As I started out in this writing I wrote that mankind's
development is dependent upon both physical as well as spiritual growth. Perhaps
the next age is to be one of spiritual enlightenment. What tools do we possess to
accomplish this? As I have previously discussed and expanded upon in Chapter
11, religions have failed to achieve what I propose can be achieved by each
individual resulting in a collective achievement worldwide. I believe the Genesis
Model formulates the ground work and provides the model to achieve 'A Oneness
of Purpose'.

I believe that one of the cataclysmic events mentioned above is likely and perhaps
necessary. Necessary because this may be what is required to get our attention as
to the condition of the world we have created. By understanding the implications
brought to light by the Genesis Model we collectively can either change the
outcome of possible future cataclysms or recover from what eventually happens.

J.A. Chapin Page 259 11/16/2008


Meanings of various words and phrases of the

Bible (22)

Abner - father of light or enlightenment

after their kind - copying or mimicking.

allegory - the veiled presentation, in a figurative story, of a meaning

metaphorically implied but not expressly stated.

Allegory is prolonged metaphor, in which typically a series of actions are

symbolic of other actions.

animals - thoughts relating to physical strength.

appear/see – discern, comprehend the Truth, understand.

battles - all between states of consciousness.

beasts - sensuous or material thoughts.

birds - liberated thoughts- ideas not tied to the Enlightened Consciousness

(not requiring reasoning); free thoughts
Latin), called A-ves because they do not follow straight roads (visas).

blessed - happy, increasing in many ways, to protect from harm.

called - brought forth, conceived in spirit.

cattle - thoughts based on sensation or animal strength.

Children of Israel - spiritual thoughts

clothes - divine thoughts.

conscious mind - consists of enlightened and physical consciousness.

Consciousness - awareness

creatures - thoughts of various kinds, the nature of the thought implied by the

kind of creature.

creeping things - subtle thoughts that tempt.

darkness - invisible

day - a degree of unfoldment in consciousness; illuminated consciousness;

divine illumination, enlightened consciousness.

deep - consciousness of All That Is; that which is unknown.

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desert - arid consciousness

dry/arid - ignorance, void of thought or ideas.

GLOSSARY (Continued)

earth - the outer manifestation, physical reality, physical consciousness.

Ennead - a group of nine: when 1 is divided by 7 the result = 0.

142857142857142857, that is, the sequence of 9
numbers 142857 are repeated indefinitely and this
sequence is used to form the enneagram.
Esau - physical consciousness

esoteric – inner; designed for, and understood by the specially initiated alone.

expanse - great breadth.

feminine – feeling, Eve.

fill - to supply the things needed, to make complete.

firmament - to make firm, to make solid, a foundation. Firm, unwavering place

in consciousness.

fish - ideas drawn out of the deep.

five - subconscious and conscious thought

flocks – thoughts, groups of thoughts

fowl - conscious thoughts

fly - to move forward.

food - the spiritual thought by which we are fed.

four - perfect balance: understanding. (North, South, East, West - perfect


fruitful - productive.

Garden of Eden - state of consciousness.

Genealogies - unfoldment of ideas.

Genesis - the beginning.

God - the name or nature of God: the word that refers to All That the Infinite
Is; Life; Truth; Love; Intelligence; Powers; Omnipresent, Omnipotent,

J.A. Chapin Page 261 11/16/2008

God/Elohim - great ones, the prominent ones, the majesties, the judges, the
mighty ones (voices-visions of the
bicameral mind).

good/goodness - a term used to designate God.

heaven - the divine consciousness within; the realm of divine ideas;

conscious awareness of God.

GLOSSARY (Continued)

House - consciousness of whatever is being discussed.

Israel - spiritual awareness.

Jacob - Enlightened Consciousness.

Jordan - race consciousness

Joshua - higher states of consciousness.

Judah - consciousness of praise.

Kings - ruling thoughts

land - consciousness unfolding at different levels: various stages of

awareness within the individual.

light - a synonym for God denoting divine illumination-- spiritual

illumination-- wisdom and understanding.

living - existence, life, natural force.

Living water - consciousness of truth.

Mahanaim - two camps, two hosts (duality)

male/man - the conscious or directive mind within each person; the part of

the mind that reasons and analyzes.

morning - the light (illumination) that comes after a long period of

darkness: new fresh inspiration.

mountain - high spiritual consciousness.

multiply - in many ways, increase.

J.A. Chapin Page 262 11/16/2008

night - a dark period in mans consciousness; ignorance- a period when one

seeks the light of understanding.

one - the number that stands for unity; wholeness; undivided; indivisible;

all encompassing; unique consciousness.

Places (proper) - states of consciousness.

GLOSSARY (Continued)

sea - the vast undifferentiated substance of mind; Universal Mind: the deep

universal subconscious mind.

see - to comprehend the Truth; discern; understand.

seed - ideas; thoughts springing from a parent thought.

serpent - false belief', false thinking; temptation; the thought that tempts

us to judge by false appearances.

servants - thoughts that serve, thoughts subject to someone's dominion.

seven - something that is finished- complete: perfection; release.

Seven sons - perfect masculine or conscious thoughts.

six - a period of labor- completion of creation; reality.

sky- - spirit.

Soul - Universal consciousness.

spirit - God; the breath of life.

Star/sun - spiritual illumination.

swarm - to be filled, abound.

teem - produce.

tent - temporary state of consciousness.

three - three in one; trinity; Spirit, Soul and Body; the threefold nature of
Being or God acting through mind to produce

three daughters - unified subconscious mind.

J.A. Chapin Page 263 11/16/2008

tree - the connecting link between earth and heaven; thinking that is rooted

on earth but reaches toward heaven.

Twelve – spiritual fulfillment or completion

two - divided mind.

Vegetation - growth.

water - the fluid Mind; movement in consciousness. "face of the deep"

indicates universal consciousness. inspiration.

GLOSSARY (Continued)
watered - inspired.

waters below the heavens - physical reality.

woman/female- the subjective or receptive side of life-- the feeling side.

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The earliest known calendars appear to have been based upon

lunar and seasonal cycles. What could be the oldest lunar
calendar has been found on the walls of the prehistoric caves at
Lascaux, France which are believed to have been drawn by Cro-
Magnon man approximately 15,000 years ago. It is believed that
the lunar calendars were primarily for agricultural purposes by
being able to determine the timing of the spring and fall
equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices. Some of the
most rudimentary calendars were based on observing the
movement of light shafts and/or shadows as the sun makes its
yearly journey from south to north and back to south in a series
of never-ending cycles. Another technique was to observe the
position of the rising or setting sun relative to irregularities of the
horizon, such as mountain peaks from an observation point near
their residence. This is referred to as the horizon calendar.
These non-abstract techniques provided a gross measure of time
(i.e., solstice to solstice or equinox to equinox). Initially, nobody
bothered counting ‘years’.

The Egyptians were probably the first to adopt a 365-day

calendar. This was based on the rising of the star Sirius in Canus
Major which the Egyptians named Sothis. This was important to
the Egyptians because the seasonal morning rising of Sirius
ahead of the Sun signaled the coming flooding of the Nile. The
seasonal rising of Sirius corresponds closely to the true solar
year, being only 12 minutes shorter. The Egyptian 365-day
calendar established the unit of time we term 'year'. The only
unit of time that was larger than a year was the reign of a ruler.
The usual custom of dating by reign was: "year 1, 2, 3, etc. of
ruler So-and-So". With each new ruler the counting reverted
back to year 1.

The term 'year' is an abstract concept which requires the

existence of another concept, namely writing, in order to make
any sense. Once people began to write in terms of history, it
became necessary to establish the concept of dates. The
lunar/seasonal calendar is based on thinking in terms of cycles
whereas the solar calendar is based on thinking in linear terms or
sequential/historical terms. Before the advent of writing there
simply was no reason to think in terms of a sequential history.

J.A. Chapin Page 265 11/16/2008

Ancient writings from 5,000 years ago, and perhaps a much

earlier time, indicate that people were aware of earthly and
heavenly cycles which affected their daily lives. These people
recorded these cyclic events in order to predict when they would
reoccur in the future. Initially, the timing of these events was
documented by recording the positions of the stars at the time
the event was recorded. These records ultimately took meaning
with the advent of the written calendar. Calendars were a
natural outcome of mans interest in astronomy. While different
calendars emerged from around the world over an extended
period of time, they have striking similarities.

All societies which possessed written forms of a calendar

selected a "year zero" as a frame of reference for their calendar.
I have used the terms BC and AD in order to provide a reference.
Obviously the ancient cultures had no concept of these terms.
An interesting point is that several of the ancient calendars
referred to a starting point between 3760 BC and 3114 BC. The
mystery is - why did mankind select "year zero" at virtually the
same point in time? The Sumerians and Akkadians chose 3760
BC which was later accepted by the Hebrews, the Egyptians
chose 3200 BC, and the Mayans chose 3114 BC. "Year zero"
most likely symbolized or honored an important date in each
societies history. As an example, the commencement of a new
Arab chronology was referred to as “The Year of the Elephant”
when the Christian Abyssinian ruler of Yemen unsuccessfully
attacked Mecca with a herd of Elephants in an attempt to destroy
the Ka’ba in 570 AD.

Scholars have suggested that the present-day Jewish calendar is

derived from the original Nippurian calendar. The Jewish
calendar counts the years from a beginning in 3760 BC. Some
believe that this is a count "from the beginning of the world"; but
a statement by Jewish sages reports that this was the number of
years that had passed "since counting of years began".

Several calendars are listed below with their 'year zero'.

-Egypt, Sothic (4236 BC)

-Egypt, Civil (3200 BC)
-Nippur, Sumeria (3760 BC)
-Hebraic (3760 BC)
-Maya Long Count (3114 BC)
-Chinese (2698 or 2637 BC)
-Maya and Inca Zodiacal Calendars (?)
-Arabia, Year of the Elephant (570 AD)

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Of particular interest to this writing are the calendars of the Maya

in that their writings describe past cataclysmic events as well as
predicting an event which is to occur in our future (i.e. end of the
5th Age in 2012 AD.

The calendars of the Mayans of southern Mexico and Central

America are based on the use of sophisticated mathematics and
astronomical observations. Two of their calendars are the
Tzolkin, a sacred calendar of 260 days, and the Haab, a solar
calendar of 365 days. While the ancients used 365 days as the
length of the year they realized the actual duration was
approximately 365.25 days. This they could easily have
determined by observing the length of shadows and the time it
took between either the two shortest or two longest shadows of
the year. It wasn't until 1582 AD that the length of the year was
redefined as 365.242199 days by the Jesuit astronomer
Christopher Clavius and made official by Pope Gregory XIII, thus
the name Gregorian calendar which is in use today.

The original Mayan documents which exist today relate a story of a population with
an obsession with time and its duration, as evidenced in part by their various
calendars. While these calendars are quite complex and accurate, it is not obvious, as
to whether or not this civilization had any understanding of the mechanics of the
motions of the solar system required to formulate them. Their writings appear to be
more of observation and of reporting results rather than an understanding of the
technology involved.

There is no evidence or any claim by the Mesoamerican civilizations that these

people created their calendars nor is there evidence of any technology being
available to these civilizations which would have been required to determine
precession cycles or planet orbits. Where and how did they come by the information
necessary to formulate sophisticated calendars? The technology that we have
ascertained as being available to the Mayans stems from the ruins we believe to be
astronomical observatories. These seem to be limited to visual/unaided observations
of planetary motion and sun positions regarding the equinoxes. I propose that these
civilizations did not have the where with-all to develop this sophisticated system.
Where then did this technology come from? One answer is the technology for
developing sophisticated calendars came from a more advanced civilization which
taught them how to prepare and use the calendars.

Indications that the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations inherited their calendars
and their knowledge of astronomical events can be derived from their behavior.
Their obsession of a coming catastrophe that would end their current age although
based upon the motion of the heavenly bodies was driven by superstition. The
Mesoamerican tales of cyclic destruction, both past and future, were the cause of
their superstitions and the cause of their fear of a coming catastrophe. They lived

J.A. Chapin Page 267 11/16/2008

according to a 52 year cycle because they thought that at the end of one of these
52 year periods, time would stop and their world would end with a catastrophe.
They invented elaborate ceremonies to ward off this end date. The paramount
activity of these ceremonies was the killing, dismemberment and eating of
hundreds or thousands of captives. This is not indicative of a civilization which
possessed an understanding of the events they reported in their mythology. It is
indicative of a civilization driven by fear, a lack of understanding of the world
around them, and superstition

The Tzolkin calendar was a fundamental tool used throughout ancient

Mesoamerica for ritual matters. The calendar was constructed using two
continuous sequences, one of 13 numbers and the other of 20 day signs. In Table
A-1, the 260 days of the calendar are arranged in 13 columns and 20 rows. The
calendar in this form should be read from top to bottom and from left to right
through 260 days. The various attributes of the 260-day calendar come to us
today as found in the Codex Borgia currently located in the Apostolic Library of
the Vatican. It is believed that the Codex was prepared during the fifteenth or
sixteenth century before the arrival of the Spanish in Mesoamerica. The 260-day
calendar is described in the Mayan text 'The Birth of the Uinal’51.

Another description of how the Tzolkin calendar was to be constructed comes to

us from the Mayan text 'The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel' prepared in
1559 AD by a Mayan priest for the Christian missionaries. Table A-2 shows a
version of the Tzolkin calendar based on the methodology for the construction
provided in the myth 'The Birth of the Uinal'. The myth begins with a description
of creation on the day 1 Chuen (1 Monkey) and continues downward through 19
days ending with 6 Muluc. Interestingly enough the day '7 Dog' listed in the
Codex Borgia text is missing in this description. However, the Uinal text goes on
to state "Thirteen heaps and seven heaps make one". It can be observed from
Table A-2 that by moving to the right from 6 Muluc through the next three
columns that the next three days are 13, 7, and 1 Muluc. The Uinal text next
describes 20 sequential day names beginning with 8 Muluc (the next column to
the right from 1 Muluc) and continues with the order in which they should be
counted down through 19 days to 1 Lamat. An interesting observation to be
made, when comparing the two versions of the calendar, is the version found in
the Birth of the Uinal myth describes a calendar which is exactly 130 days out of
synchronization with the generally accepted version found in the Codex Borgia.
It is possible that the Mayan priest was trying to misdirect the Spanish
missionaries by retaining the function of the calendar while causing the Spanish to
calculate the wrong date. It can also be observed that the Year Names (Reed,
Flint, House, and Rabbit) are the same for both calendars but are in different

The Uinal text further describes what are termed 'four burners' which may
represent four periods of 65 days each or a total of 260 days which is the length of
the calendar or possibly the four directions North, South, East, and West.

J.A. Chapin Page 268 11/16/2008

While the Uinal and Codex Borgia describe the construction of the Tzolkin
calendar an Aztec myth called "Quetzalcoatl’s Hero Journey" provides the
guidance to understand and use the Tzolkin Calendar. It provides the methodology to
identify the relationship between the Day names and the year within the 52 year cycle
of the calendar round. According to this analysis the four day names which begin a
solar year are: House, Rabbit, Reed, and Flint. A discussion of this methodology is
presented as follows:


The following quotations are paraphrased from Quetzalcoatl’s Hero Journey and can
be found in their entirety in Markman 52. Refer to Table A-1 to follow the description
given below.

“1 Reed: It is recounted, it is said, in this year was born Quetzalcoatl, the one called
Our Honored Prince High Priest One Reed Quetzalcoatl: and it is said his mother's
name was Chimalman.” This defines the start of the calendar. Year 1 begins at the
end of Year 52 (1 Reed) with the end of Year 1 being 2 Flint.

“[Years] 2 Flint, 3 House, 4 Rabbit, 5 Reed, 6 Flint, 7 House, 8 Rabbit, 9 Reed. In

this year Quetzalcoatl searched for his father.” This defines the next 8 years (Years
beginning with Year 2 and ending at the end of Year 8, the beginning of Year 9).

“[Years] 10 Flint, 11 House, 12 Rabbit, 13 Reed, 1Flint, 2 House, 3 Rabbit, 4 Reed,

5 Flint, 6 House, 7 Rabbit, 8 Reed, 9 Flint, 10 House. In this year died in honor the
Lord Speaker of Cuauhhtitlan, Huactli, who had ruled for sixty-two years.” This
defines the next 14 years (Year 9-22).

“[Year] 11 Rabbit. The lady Xiuhtlacuiloxochitzin was installed as Speaker.” This

defines Year 23.

“[Years] 12 Reed, 13 Flint, 1 House, 2 Rabbit: this year Quetzalcoatl arrived there in
Tollantzinco” This defines the next 4 years (Years 24-27).

“[Years] 3 Reed, 4 Flint, 5 House: In this year the Toltecs took Quetzalcoatl and
installed him on the throne there in Tollan…” This defines the next 3 years (Years

“[Years] 6 Rabbit, 7 Reed: Lady Xiuhtlacuiloxochitzin died; she had ruled twelve
years in Cuauhtitlan.” This defines the next 2 years (Years 31-32).

“[Year] 8 Flint: In this year Ayaauhcoyotzin was installed as Lord Speaker of

Cuauhtitlan…..” This defines year 33.

“[Years] 9 House, 10 Rabbit, 11 Reed, 12 Flint, 13 House, 1 Rabbit, 2 Reed (It is the
word of Tetzcoco that in this year died Quetzalcoatl, Our Lord of Tollan
Colhuacan.)” This defines the next 7 years (Years 34-40).

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“[Years] 3 Flint, 4 House, 5 Rabbit, 6 Reed, 7 Flint, 8 House, 9 Rabbit, 10 Reed, 11

Flint, 12 House, 13 Rabbit, 1 Reed: In this year Quetzalcoatl died.” This defines the
next 12 years for a total of 52 years (Years 41-52).

It can be determined, from the 260 day calendar as shown in Table A-1, that the
number of days between the Mayan Day names, provided in the Quetzalcoatl’s Hero
account, is exactly 105 days. Starting with One Reed as the beginning of Year 1 (end
of Year 52), the remaining year names and sequence can be determined by adding
105 days to the previous name. As an example, the time between 1 Reed and 2 Flint
is exactly 105 days. This added to the 260 day calendar duration is equal to 365 days,
or one year. This repeats between: 2 Flint and 3 House, 3 House and 4 Rabbit, 4
Rabbit and 5 Reed, and continues in like manner until 13 Rabbit and 1 Reed which is
equivalent to year 52, or one calendar round. This provides the sequence of names
for a 52 year calendar round as seen in Table A-1. The year sequence is shown as the
superscript to the numbers displayed in bold type.

The Mayan year number and name repeat every 52 years (e.g., 1519 AD = 1 Reed,
1571 AD = 1 Reed, 1623 AD = 1 Reed). In order to determine the exact Gregorian
year from the Mayan, it is necessary to know additional information which would tie
the description of the Mayan event with known historical facts. As an example,
Aztec records indicate that Cortez arrived in Mesoamerica in the year, 1 Reed.
Historically we know that Cortez arrived March 4 in the year 1519 AD. This
information ties the two dating methods together.

As an example: given the year 1519 AD is equivalent to 1 Reed, what is the Mayan
date for the year 1402 AD?
1519 – 1402 = 117 years

117/52 = 2.25 calendar rounds

2 calendar rounds from the year 1 Reed brings you back to 1 Reed

0.25 calendar rounds = 13 years beyond 1 Reed (0.25 x 52 = 13 years)

From Table A-1 the superscript for 1 Reed is 52, or the 52 nd year of the
calendar round. Since the year 1402 comes before 1519 subtract
13 from 52 = 39

Find the superscript 39 in Table A-1 which is 1 Rabbit. This is the

Mayan equivalent to the date 1402 AD.

J.A. Chapin Page 270 11/16/2008



Day MAYAN QUICHE’ ENGLISH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 IMIX IMOX Alligator 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13

2 IK IQ’ Wind 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1

3 AKBAL AQ’AB’AL House 32 1022 442 1110 530 1250 618 1338 76 126 846 214

4 KAN K’AT Lizard 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3

5 CHICCHAN KAN Serpent 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4

6 CIME KAM’E Death 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5

7 MANIK KEJ Deer 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6

8 LAMAT Q’ANIL Rabbit 87 227 947 315 1035 43 1123 543 1211 631 1351 719

9 MULUC TOJ Water 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8

10 OC TZ’I Dog 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9

11 CHUEN B’ATZ’ Monkey 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10

12 EB E Grass 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11

13 BEM AJ Reed 1312 732 152 820 240 98 328 1048 416 1136 54 1224

14 IX IX Jaguar 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13

15 MEN TZ’IKIN Eagle 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1

16 CIB AJMAK Vulture 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2

17 CABAN NO’J Movement 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3

18 EZNAB TIJAX Flint 517 1237 65 1325 745 113 833 21 921 341 109 429

19 CAUAC KAWUG Rain 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5

20 AHAU JUAJPU Flower 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6

Year names = House, Rabbit, Reed, and Flint.

Superscripts refer to a sequence of 52 years

beginning with 2 Flint as the end of year 1 and
ending with 1 Reed as the end of year 52. The cycle

J.A. Chapin Page 271 11/16/2008

repeats indefinitely (e.g., year 2=3 House, year 3=

4 Rabbit, year 5= 6 Flint).

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TZOLKIN CALENDAR. (The Birth of the Uinal) 52

Day MAYAN ENGLISH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1

1 CHUEN Monkey 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1

2 EB Grass 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2

3 BEM Reed 32 1022 442 1110 530 1250 618 1338 76 126 846 214 934 32

4 IX Jaguar 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4

5 MEN Eagle 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5

6 CIB Vulture 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6

7 CABAN Movement 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7

8 EZNAB Flint 87 227 947 315 1035 43 1123 543 1211 631 1351 719 139 87

9 CAUAC Rain 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9

10 AHAU Flower 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10

11 IMIX Alligator 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11

12 IK Wind 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12

13 AKBAL House 1312 732 152 820 240 98 328 1048 416 1136 54 1224 644 1312

14 KAN Lizard 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1

15 CHICCHAN Serpent 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2

16 CIME Death 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3

17 MANIK Deer 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4

18 LAMAT Rabbit 517 1237 65 1325 745 113 833 21 921 341 109 429 1149 517

19 MULUC Water 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6

20 OC Dog 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7
Year names = House, Rabbit, Reed, and Flint.

Superscripts refer to a sequence of 52 years

beginning with 2 Rabbit as the end of year 1 and
ending with 1 House as the end of year 52. The

J.A. Chapin Page 273 11/16/2008

cycle repeats indefinitely (e.g., year 2=3 House,

year 3= 4 Rabbit, year 5= 6 Flint).

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Understanding the Mayan calendars is necessary in order to determine modern-day

dates which correspond to the dates found in Mayan literature. The literature of the
Aztecs, as translated by their Spanish conquerors, provides some examples of
equivalent Mayan-Gregorian dates as described below.

Document Mayan Date Gregorian Date Event

The Aztecs 63 1 Reed 1519 AD Cortez arrives in

Aztec Sun stone 63 13 Reed 1427 AD Itzcoatl rose to

From this information it is possible to calculate the Mayan year number and name for
any Gregorian date as shown in Table A-3.

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______________ _______ _____________ ____________ ______________
18917 BC 1 Reed
18488 BC 1 Flint
13363 BC 4 House
13288 BC 1 Flint
10602 BC 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu
10468 BC 13 Flint
8238 BC 7 Rabbit
5600 BC 6 Flint
3149 BC 13 Reed Aztec Sun Stone
Aug13, 3114 BC 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 0 Mayan day 0,
Begin 5th Age/Sun
3113 BC 10 Reed
2594 BC 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 10
2074 BC 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 20
1554 BC 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 30
1450 BC 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 32
1432 BC 1 Flint
1400 BC 7 Flint 2 Dog Olmecs possibly built
1034 BC 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 40
959 BC 4 House
955 BC 10 House 5 Eagle
951 BC 1 House
699 BC 4 House
687 BC 5 House 13 Eagle
514 BC 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 50
475 BC 9 House Mt Etna erupts
300 BC Rise of Maya
1 BC 2 Reed
1 AD 4 House
6 AD 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 60
79 AD 4 Reed Vesuvius erupts
400 AD 13 Flint Mt Xitle erupts
526 AD 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 70
535 AD 9 Rabbit Super volcano, SE Asia
573 AD 4 House
627 AD 6 Reed
750 AD 12 Rabbit Founding of Tula/Tollan
950 AD 4 Rabbit Rise of Toltecs
986 AD 1 Rabbit
1046 AD 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 80
1064 AD 1 Flint Aztec journey to
1168 - 1220 AD 1 Flint Fall of Toltecs
1170 AD 3 Rabbit Destruction of Tula/Tollan
1258 AD 13 Rabbit Mexica occupy Chipoltepec
(40 yrs) **
1285 AD 1 House
1286 AD 2 Rabbit
1295 AD 11 Reed

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______________ _______ _____________ ___________ ______________
1298 AD 1 Rabbit Mexica become enslaved (28
1325 AD 2 House Rise of Aztecs, Tenochtitlan
(Mexico City founded),
(1326 AD) 3 Rabbit farmers-50 years **
1376 AD 1 Flint Acamapichtli , speaker (21
yrs) **
1377 AD 2 House Mexica Conquest of
Colhuacan & Tenayocan
1397 AD 9 House Huitzillihuitl - speaker (21 yrs)

1402 AD 1 Rabbit Heavens came to a stop

1418 AD 4 Rabbit Chimalpopocatzin -speaker
(10 yrs) **
1427 AD 13 Reed Sun Stone, Itzcoatl rose to
1428 AD 1 Flint Itzcohuatzin - speaker (13
yrs) **
1441 AD 1 House Ilhuicaminatzin
Moteuccomatzin the elder -
speaker (29 yrs) **
1450 AD 10 Rabbit
1454 AD 1 Rabbit Heavens came to a stop
1470 AD 4 Rabbit Axayacatzin - speaker (12
yrs) **
1504 AD Montezuma II
1511 AD Column of fire appears at
night, lasts four years
4 March, 1519 1 Reed 6Yax Cortez arrives in Mexico
1532 AD Pizarro arrives in Peru
1539 AD 13 Ahu 8 Xul Chronicle of Oxcutzcab
1544 AD 11 Chuen 18 Zac Chilam Balam (February 15)
1558 AD 1 Rabbit Leyenda de los Soles
1566 AD 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 90
1582 AD 12 Reed Correct Gregorian Calendar
1982 AD 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 98
2000 AD 1 Flint
2012 AD 13 Flint End Fifth Age/Sun
2034 AD 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 99
2086 AD 9 Rabbit 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu 100

NOTES: * Historical dates

** Leyenda de los Soles (paragraph XI)

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Jul 12, 18490 1,872,000 (-3) -300 Begin 1st Sun
Nov 21, 13365 1,872,000 (-2) -200 End 1st Sun
Apr 2, 8239 BC 1,872,000 (-1) -100 End 2nd Sun
Aug 11, 3114 0 0 End 4th Sun
Aug 13, 3114 2
Feb 23, 2601 10
Sep 7, 2089 BC 20
Mar 21, 1576 30
Oct 3, 1064 BC 40
Apr 17, 551 BC 50
Oct 30, 39 BC 60
May 13, 475 AD 70
Feb 15, 629 AD 73 1,366,560 days
Nov 25, 987 AD 80
Jun 9, 1500 AD 90
Dec 21, 2012 1,872,000 (+1) 100 End 5th Sun
AD a.k.a.

• These dates seem to be off by 2 days (e.g., Aug 11 should be Aug 13; Feb 23 should
be Feb 25, etc.).

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2 Aug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 Sept 2 2 Oct 2 2 2 2 2 Feb 2 2 2 2

4 3 3 3 Nov 1 3 3 Dec 3 3 Mar 1 3 3 Apr 3

5 4 4 4 4 4 4 Jan 1 4 4 4 4 4 May 1 4

6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

12 11 Sep 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

13 12 Oct 1 12 12 Nov 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

14 13 13 13 13 Dec 1 13 13 13 13 13 Mar 13 13 13

15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Jan 31 14 14 Apr 1 14 14 May

16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Feb 1 15 15 15 15 15 Jun 1

17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

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As mentioned in Chapter 2 modern day historians base the history of modern day
humans at a time frame beginning at the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age c. 12000
BC since this is the period that most of the archaeological evidence supports. If
the premise of a much earlier beginning and the existence of earlier advanced
civilizations, as suggested in Chapter 2, are to be believed then what evidence can
be derived from historical time tables as we piece them together today? Further,
the historical timetable provides evidence of several catastrophic events having
occurred throughout history. It can be seen from Table 8-4 that the end of Age 2
and Age 3 of the Mayan chronology occur in the time frame of eruptions from Mt
Vesuvius. The Mayan account says the Ages were destroyed by Hurricane Winds
and Fire respectively. These descriptions are consistent with volcano eruptions.
The end of Age 1 is inconclusive although climate may have been a factor as large
scale migrations occurred between Asia and the Americas at that time. The
Mayan account says the cause of the destruction of Age 1 was due to a flood
which is consistent with climate change. According to the Chronicle of Akakor a
global destruction was predicted to occur at the time corresponding to the end of
Age 4 without stating the reason. The Mayan account says the reason for
destruction was due to starvation as a result of a rain of blood and fire. This could
be the asteroid impact in Mesopotamia.

The mythologies from around the world span a time frame beginning at the
creation of the world and continue up through our present age. Needless to say,
many of the dates reported in the literature are based on theories, speculation,
questionable dating techniques, opinions of many scholars, and errors introduced
through recorded history. To conclude that the dates in Figure 6-1 can be
accurately correlated to the date of historical events would be highly speculative.
Further, to conclude that the date of 2012 AD can be supported based on the
inaccuracy of the events occurring near the time of the previous end dates for the
other 4 Ages is impossible. The discussions which follow pertaining to the
Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian accounts show just how uncertain
historical dates can be relied upon even for these more recent dates than those
derived for the Mayan account.

A review of the histories of the Egyptians, Hebrews, Incas, Babylonians, and

Assyrians show that the dates for historical rulers and the dates for the rise and
fall of their civilizations and dynasties are subject to great uncertainty. The dates
in all cases are provided long after they actually occurred by writers such as:

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Syncellus c. 800 BC, Herodotus c. 450 BC, Diodorus Siculus c. 59 BC, Flavius
Josephus c. 60 AD, Eusebius c.340 AD, De Gamboa c. 1570 AD, and Montesinos
c. 1642 AD. It is difficult to positively state that the catastrophic events referred
to in their writings are referring to the same events. However, the mythologies of
these civilizations do point to a common acceptance of the occurrence of
cataclysmic events in each of their histories with expectations that more
cataclysmic events would occur in their futures.

By attempting to understand the thinking of these civilizations which emerged as

a result of these cataclysmic events it is possible to speculate that they attempted
to warn future generations of coming events through their writings, thus, the date
of 2012 AD for the next catastrophe may have some validity.

A compilation of historical events beginning with the first life forms believed to
have evolved in the regions around Chad and Ethiopia in Africa is presented in
Table B-1. The timeline for mankind from the earliest hominids up through
Homo sapiens-sapiens (present day species) is shown and is based upon Sumerian
mythology supported by the findings of modern-day paleoanthropologists and
DNA testing.

The end of the Pleistocene Ice Age c. 12000 BC has been marked by historians as
a turning point in the development of modern man. It also has been used as a
boundary which separates what is thought to be modern times, supported by
geological and archaeological evidence, from the ancient past. Caution must be
exercised in relying on this data since much of it is based on speculation
developed from ancient myths for which there either are no records prior to c.
3500 BC or questionable records, such as reported to exist in India. The period at
the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age is thought to be significant by modern day
paleoanthropologists and archaeologists in that it is believed to represent a period
of migrations of man, the disappearance of the mega-fauna which man relied
upon for food, and the change from a nomadic lifestyle to a farming lifestyle. The
popular opinion has been that the Americas were first populated by hunter-
gatherers who migrated across the Beringia Land Bridge between Asia and
Alaska. The use of this area as a land bridge required a period of glaciation in the
northern hemisphere. It is believed that at least one migration occurred between
12000 BC and the end of the Younger Dryas period c. 8000 BC. Severe flooding
of costal regions would have occurred following this period as a result of melting
ice which would have precluded the use of this land bridge as a migration route.
Other evidence supported by DNA testing points to sea migrations as another
means by which the Americas were populated possibly from Africa, Australia,
China and Japan. The genetic signatures of Siberians show that a change to the Y

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chromosomes took place between 15,000 and 18,000 years ago. These genetic
signatures were compared with the genetic signatures of the American Indian.
The results indicate that migrations to the Americas from Siberia probably
occurred no earlier than 18,000 years ago.

Recent evidence of mans presence in the Americas prior to the Beringia migration
has been uncovered from the South American regions of Brazil, Argentina, and
Chile. The findings from the Monte Verde site in Chile show human occupation
in the region at a date at least 1,000 years before the accepted benchmark for
initially populating the Americas via the most recent Beringia migration.

The rise and fall of several civilizations are presented in Table B-1. These events
were examined and compared in an attempt to pinpoint dates for catastrophic
events described by the mythologies. What complicates these comparisons is the
fact that dates established using the different dating techniques are inaccurate, as
described in Chapter 8. Additionally, experts/scholars feel bound to stand by their
original findings or find themselves ridiculed by their peers and mentors.

The historical timetable shows what appears to be fully developed civilizations

throughout Sumeria, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, and Mesoamerica c. 4500 - 3000 BC.
There is little or no historical evidence from the period preceding the Pleistocene
Ice Age or for the period between the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age and the
appearance of these advanced civilizations. Archaeological evidence of well
developed societies has been shown by the existence of irrigation systems c. 6000
BC, the fashioning of metal c. 5500 BC, the knowledge of mathematics c. 5000
BC, and the practice of astronomical observations c. 5000 BC.

Tables B-2 through B-10 present lists of leaders which are believed to have ruled
during the times described by the various mythologies. These lists are derived
from a number of unknown ancient writers from Sumeria, Akkad, Egypt, and
Assyria as well as from more recent writers including: Syncellus c. 800 BC,
Herodotus c. 450 BC, Berossus c. 290 BC, Manetho c. 280 BC, Julius Africanus
c. 220 BC, Diodorus Siculus c. 59 BC, Flavius Josephus c. 60 AD, Eusebius c.
340 AD, De Gamboa c. 1570 AD, and Montesinos c. 1642 AD. Many of these
leaders have been referred to as gods by writers beginning with Syncellus and
Herodotus up to present day writers. We today tend to think of these gods in
terms we ascribe to our present understanding of how we worship God today.
This may not be what was meant by ancient writers and storytellers. Rather they
may have been describing individuals of great intellect which possessed
technology the masses of the emerging ancient world c. 5000 BC did not
understand as opposed to being supernatural.

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The framework for much of our history is derived ultimately from Manetho an
Egyptian priest and historian. At the same time that Manetho was preparing a
history of the Egyptians, the Babylonian Berossus was compiling a history of the
Mesopotamian cultures. This timeframe occurred during the period in which the
Greeks were exerting their influence throughout the Egyptian, Assyrian, and
Persian regions. It has been speculated by some that Manetho and Berossus were
trying to impress their Greek masters by proclaiming the greatness of their
respective cultures by providing lists of rulers of exaggerated antiquity.

Manetho's list was formed from lists from the Egyptian cities of Thinis/Abydos,
Thebes, and Elephantine in Upper (Southern) Egypt; and the cities of
Heracleopolis, It-towy, Xois, Bubastis, Avaris, and Memphis in Lower (Northern)
Egypt. Locations of these centers in Lower Egypt are shown in Figure B-1. It is
speculated that Manetho attempted to achieve great antiquity by attaching the
dynasties of the seven cities end-to-end forming 30 sequential dynasties which in
effect made Egypt appear to be the oldest nation on earth. While this is not totally
accepted by modern day Egyptologists there is archaeological evidence that
several of these dynasties may indeed have overlapped or occurred in parallel in
different parts of Egypt. What has been termed The First Intermediate Period
consisting of Dynasties 7-11 is a case in point. This was a period of perhaps over
200 years in which the centralized government of the Old Kingdom collapsed at
Memphis and was followed by a period of anarchy and civil war. Separate
dynasties evolved at Memphis, Heracleopolis and Thebes during this period.
Another similar period termed The Second Intermediate Period developed at the
time of the 13th Dynasty when Egypt fell to the rule of foreign leaders which
according to Josephus were called the Hyksos. According to Josephus this period
lasted 511 years through the 17th Dynasty. It is generally accepted that the 14th
Dynasty overlaps the later portion of the 13th Dynasty and Dynasty 16 probably
overlaps both the end of Dynasty 15 and the beginning of Dynasty 17. During the
Third Intermediate Period it is believed that Dynasties 23 and 24 are overlapped
by Dynasty 22.

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Figure B- 1 Lower Egypt

Figure B-2 shows the relationship of Egypt to surrounding locations and the
locations of the dynastic centers in Upper Egypt.

The New Kingdom in Egypt began with the 18th Dynasty when King Ahmose I
was to have expelled the Hyksos from Egypt. They are believed to have migrated
from the delta region to the regions of Palestine, Phoenicia and Syria. At this time
a new kingdom called Mitanni established itself in the area of Mesopotamia.
These people were called the Hurrians and became a major threat to Egypt.
Tuthmosis I was the first Egyptian King to invade Syria. Eventually peace was
established between the two warring nations when Egyptian Kings married
Mitanni princesses. During the later portion of the 18th Dynasty and during the
19th Dynasty the Hittites overthrew Mitanni and became Egypt’s neighboring
enemy. This was resolved when Ramses II married a Hittite princess.

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Figure B-2 Upper & Lower Egypt

Table B-2 is a comparison of the so called post-flood Mesopotamian dynasties of

Kish, Uruk, Ur, Lagash, Umma, Larsa, and Isin. The location of these cities is
shown in Figure B-3. This comparison covers the period beginning after a Deluge
up to the timeframe just prior to the rise of Hammurabi in Babylon. The reign of
Gilgamesh has been estimated by some historians as between 2585 BC and 2540
BC. His reign interfaced with the reign of Agga I of Kish and Mesannepadda of
Ur according to ancient accounts which describe a war between Gilgamesh of
Uruk and King Agga of Kish. On the ninth tablet of the Gilgamesh Epic, the
flood survivor Utnapishtim tells his descendant Gilgamesh the story of the flood
in order to explain to Gilgamesh why he (Utnapishtim) became immortal and to
show Gilgamesh that he could not become immortal in the same way. This story
places Gilgamesh some time after the flood. The dates calculated for the timing
of the flood based on the account described by Josephus places the flood no
earlier than 2543 BC (Table B-8). As can be seen, given the errors in determining
the dates of the ancient rulers, there is relative closeness between the Biblical
timeframe for the Deluge and the timing for a flood derived from the Sumerian
Kings List. If a flood actually occurred during this timeframe then there should
be some evidence in the continuity of kingship. As can be seen from Table B-2,
there is a disruption c. 2370 BC when the southern Mesopotamian cities of Kish,
Uruk, Ur, Lagash, and Umma all relocate their rule to the more northern city of
Agade under the rule of Sargon. There is evidence of a meteor impact in a

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shallow sea that was in the area of present day southern Iraq during this
timeframe. As discussed earlier in Chapter 6, this event would likely have caused
widespread destruction throughout Mesopotamia. This type of impact would also
likely have caused destruction of coastal areas, possibly worldwide, due to
resultant tsunamis.

Figure B-3 Mesopotamia

History cannot be determined solely on the basis of archaeological findings.

Written documents are also required. Fortunately documents have been found in
Egypt and are known as the El-Amarna letters. These letters are correspondence
between Dynasty 18 pharaohs Amenhotep III & Akhnaton and kings such as
Burnaburiash III, Kadashman Enlil I, and Kurigalzu II of Babylon and Assyrian
kings such as Eriba-Adad I and Ashur-urballit I. The letters written by King
Burnaburiash place the Assyrian King Hammurabi c. 1769 BC at the time of the
13th Dynasty of Egypt. A revised timeline which shows contemporary Assyrian,
Babylonian, Hebrew, and Egyptian rulers is provided in Table B-3. These dates
are based on the works of Trevor Rice64 as reported in his paper "Eastern
Mediterranean Late Bronze Age Chronology".

Table B4 is a timeline for the Median, Persian, and Babylonian empires based on
the writings of Herodotus called "The Histories".

Table B-5 is a list of Phoenician rulers based on the writing of Josephus.

Table B-6 has been titled 'Rulers of Egypt' and is based on the writing of
Eusebius, who was to have referenced the writings of Manetho; Siculus; and the

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Turin Papyrus which has been dated to 1400 BC. This table is rather interesting
in that it includes the names of the Egyptian gods which are also found referenced
in Egyptian mythology. Herodotus was to have been told by Egyptian priests that
no god has been on earth since the end of the "reign of gods". According to the
calculations shown in Table B-6 this would be the time period between 14000 and
12000 BC depending on whether or not the priests were including the Demigod
Dynasty in the 'reign'. This is also the timeframe assumed for the end of the
Pleistocene Ice Age and the timeframe attributed by the Mayans, Naacals, and
Sumerians for the occurrence of a worldwide Deluge.

Table B-7 is a list of the man-kings and Pharaohs of Egypt also based on
Manetho, and unlike Table B-6 would more likely have the support of modern-
day Egyptologists. The dates for Dynasties 18 thru 21 have been adjusted based
on the works of Trevor Rice. Table B-6 also lists pre-dynastic periods which
archaeologists have named Tasian, Badarian, Naqada I, Naqada II, and Naqada III
after the modern villages where cemeteries have been found in Upper Egypt. It is
possible that these pre-dynastic rulers were the Kings and Heros or the 10 kings
who were to have ruled during the 350 years of chaos described by Manetho and
listed in Table B-6. It is believed that the capitals of the pre-dynastic kingdoms
were located at Buto in the delta and at Herakonpolis near Edfu.

The dates that the kings and pharaohs ruled, as shown in Table B-7, are believed
to be representative as they are taken from different lists which vary as to the
exact dates. Until recently it was thought that the first rulers of dynastic Egypt
began with Menes c.3000 BC. A recent discovery of a tomb near Naqada in
Upper Egypt has led Egyptologists to reconsider their thinking to a somewhat
earlier period, c. 3250 BC. This king has been named Scorpion because of
markings of a scorpion found at this site. This discovery along with the finding of
the Narmer Plate and descriptions provided by Manetho, Herodotus, and others
point to an earlier civilization and perhaps several even earlier civilizations long
ago lost to the desert sands.

One of the most recognized historical timetables in the western world today is that
derived from the Old Testament account of the Jewish people from the time of the
Deluge to the time of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by
Nebuchadnessar II in 586 BC. The most recent writing of this chronology was
prepared by Josephus between 75 and 100 AD. Josephus, writing to satisfy his
Roman masters, presented a history of the Jews based upon his recollections and
apparently based upon other documents which are no longer available, at least to
the general religious researcher. Using the durations provided by Josephus and
those found in the books of the Old Testament, namely Genesis, Exodus, I Kings

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and 2 Kings, a date for the Biblical Deluge can be arrived at. A chronology of the
Jews, working back in time from the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC to the
time of the Deluge, is presented in Table B-8 based on the writings of Josephus.
Table B-9 is a similar chronology based on the writings of the Old Testament.
The account given by Josephus and the account given in the Old Testament are
reasonably consistent to a point from the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC to
the time of David as would be expected since they stem from the same source.
The Old Testament account of the time between the death of Solomon and the
start of the reign of kings does however differ from the account given by Josephus
by 49 years. The error could stem from the duration of 477 years given by
Josephus for the time between the death of David and the destruction of the
Temple, or the length of reign of the kings from Solomon's death is in error in the
Bible. I would suggest that the recollection by Josephus is in error. Also,
Josephus states that Solomon's kingship lasted for 80 years whereas the biblical
account gives 40 years.

Where the two accounts begin to significantly differ is when Josephus attempts to
tie the history of the Jews to the history of Egypt. He rightfully identified Menes
as the ruler who united Upper and Lower Egypt and founded the First Dynasty
described by Manetho. Josephus likely had access to Manetho's dynastic list
while preparing his account. The Jews tie their beginning to the Deluge which
according to the biblical account would have occurred c. 2400 BC or according to
the calculation in Table B-8 based on Josephus would have occurred c. 2543 BC.
If Menes was the ruler of the First Dynasty after the flood, then he would have
ruled according to the biblical account shortly following 2400 BC. According to
Manetho, Menes ruled c.3000 BC or approximately 600 years earlier than the
flood as recorded in the Old Testament or approximately 460 years earlier than the
flood as determined from Josephus. Josephus addressed this by simply stating
“more than 1,300 years had occurred between the time of Solomon and the time
of King Menes of Egypt". Unfortunately, the ‘time’ of these kings does not
specify birth, death or time of rule. This early part of biblical history does not
correlate with other historical facts. The timing of the Deluge to the beginning of
the First Dynasty by Menes and perhaps to the timing of Abraham appears to have
been fabricated in order to legitimize the early history of the Jews.

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Following are the basic points used to develop Tables B-8 and B-9.

• In Josephus' Antiquities, book VIIII, chapter VI: 2, it is stated that

"more than 1,300 years" had occurred between the time of
Solomon (birth?) and time of King Menes of Egypt. This sets a
minimum date for the beginning of the 14 Dynasty around 2414
BC. According to the Palermo Stone, the duration of the First
Dynasty was 261 years followed by the 2nd Dynasty with duration
of 256 years resulting with the end of the 2nd Dynasty c. 1891 BC.
This compares with 2463 BC from Manetho’s account in Table B-7
for a difference of 566 years.
• The Turin Papyrus contains the following entry after Dynasty VI:
"Kings since Menes, their kingdoms and years: 949 years: kingless
years: 6 for a total of 955 years." This would place the end of
Menes rule c. 3107 BC. According to Table B-7, the duration
between Menes and the end of the 6th Dynasty is between 850 and
788 years placing the beginning of Menes rule c. 3002 BC for a
difference of 105 years. Clearly something is wrong.
• Josephus states in 'Book 1, paragraph 14 of Antiquity of the Jews,
Flavius Josephus Against Apion' that the Hyksos were in Egypt for
the duration of 511 years which ended when Ahmose I of Dynasty
18 ran them out of Egypt c. 1595 BC. This would place the entry
of the various Hyksos peoples c. 2100 BC or at the beginning of
the First Intermediate Period when the Old Kingdom collapsed.
This is coincident with a period of severe drought throughout the
Mediterranean region and would explain the influx of people into
Egypt and in particular to the Delta region. This would include
persons such as the Hebrews Joseph, Jacob and Moses. A problem
with using the dates provided by Josephus or the Bible is the
overall period of dynastic rule is foreshortened to a point there is
not enough time for Dynasties 1 thru 6 between the Hyksos c. 2100
BC and Menes c. 2414 BC. This is a duration spanning 314 years
but according to Manetho the duration should cover a period of
850 years. If the 511 year duration is correct then the Hyksos
would have had to have coexisted with the Middle Kingdom
Dynasties 11 and 12. The Hyksos would have had to have
exercised their primary influence over Egypt during the 1st and
2nd Intermediate periods while taking a subservient role during the
Middle Kingdom.

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• The basis for Table B-8 is the date 9th of Av (July) 586 BC which is the
date accepted by most scholars for the destruction of the Temple in
Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II. According to Josephus (Antiquities
Book 10, Chapter VIII: 5) the Temple was destroyed in the 11th year of
King Zedekiah and the 18th year of Nebuchadnessar II. The dates for
these rulers are consistent with the 586 BC date.
• Book X, Chapter VIII: 5 further states that the Temple was destroyed 470
years-6 months-10 days after it was started which would equate to a start
date of 1056 BC. The duration of 470 years was later corrected to 466
years by Josephus. If this is used for the time when the Temple was
finished to the time it was destroyed in 586 BC a date of 1052 BC is
arrived at for the completion of the construction of the Temple.
According to 1Kings 6:38 Solomon took seven years to complete the
temple which gives a date of 1059 BC for the start of its construction.
There is a discrepancy of 3 years (1056 BC vs. 1059 BC).
• Book X, Chapter VIII: 5 further states that the Temple was destroyed
1,062 years from the departure out of Egypt giving a date for the Exodus
c.1648 BC. According to Josephus 'Antiquities', Book VIII, Chapter 2:1
the duration between the time Solomon began to build the temple and the
Exodus was 592 years thus also dating the Exodus at 1648 BC if the date
of 1056 BC is used as the start date. It would appear that 1056 BC is the
correct date and not 1059 BC. If the traditional date of 967 BC is used
for the start of the temple as suggested in the Bible then the Exodus
would have occurred 1559 BC for a difference of 89 years from the date
c. 1648 BC derived from the account of Josephus.
• Book X, Chapter VIII: 5 further states that the Temple was destroyed
1,957 years after the Deluge giving a date for the Deluge c. 2543 BC. If
the time of the Deluge is determined using the duration of 1440 years,
between the Deluge and the start of the Temple in 1056, provided by
Josephus, Book VIII 3:1 of The Antiquities of the Jews then the time of
the Deluge is 2496 BC. This is a difference of 47 years if the 1957 figure
is used from the time of the Deluge to the time of the destruction of the
Temple. If the traditional date of 967 BC is used for the start of the
temple and 1440 years from this date back in time, gives the timing of the
Deluge as 2407 BC for a difference of 136 years from the account of
Josephus. These accounts all point to a time c. 2500-2400 BC for the
biblical deluge. From Table B-1 this is also the time of a possible
asteroid impact in Mesopotamia and Table 8-2 shows 2350 BC as a
period of high cosmic influx.

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• According to 1Kings 6: 1 Solomon began the Temple in the 4th year of

his reign, or his reign began in 1060 BC. According to the book of
1Kings 11:42 Solomon's rule was for 40 years therefore his reign ended in
1020 BC. According to Josephus 'Antiquities', Book VIII, Chapter VII: 8
Solomon lived to be 94 years old which would make his birth during 11
14 BC.
• The duration of 477 years given by Josephus for the period from King
David's death to the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar II
establishes the date of David's death and the beginning of Solomon's rule
as 1063 BC. Here again is a 3 year discrepancy. David was 70 years old
at his death resulting in the date of 1133 BC or 1130 BC for his birth.
• According to the books 1Kings and 2 Kings, the Kings of Judah and
Israel ruled from the time of the death of Solomon to the destruction of
the Temple by Nebuchadnessar in 586 BC for a period of 345 years.
Using this duration and working back from 586 BC brings the death of
Solomon to the commonly accepted date of 931 BC instead of 980 BC. A
difference of 49 years exists between the Bible's rendition and that of
Josephus assuming the duration of Solomon’s rule given by Josephus is
80 years and not the 40 years as reported in the Bible.
• The time that Abraham left Ur for Canaan in 2076 BC was determined
using the duration of 1,020 years as provided by Josephus, Book VIII, 3:1
of The Antiquities of the Jews. This is the duration between the time
Abraham left Ur and the time Solomon began the Temple in the 4th year
of his reign.
• Abraham's birth c, 2201 BC is determined from the duration provided in
Genesis 11: 10-26 which gives the duration from the time of the Deluge c.
2543 BC to his birth as 342 years assuming Nahor was 79 years old when
Terah was born and not 29 as given in some accounts, (2154 BC if 2496
BC is used for the Deluge).
• The births and deaths of Terah, Isaac and Jacob can also be determined
from Abraham's birth and their life spans as recorded in the Bible. Terah
was 70 years old when Abraham was born. Isaac was born when
Abraham was 99 years old and lived to be 180 and Jacob was born when
Isaac was 60 years old and lived to be 147. Further, according to Genesis
47:28 Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years before he died. According to
Genesis 47:9 and 47:13 Joseph presented Jacob to Pharaoh when Jacob
was 130 years old at the time the famine was underway. According to
Genesis 25: 7 Abraham was 175 years old when he died.
• The birth of Joseph, the son of Jacob, is somewhat of a guess. It is known
that he was 17 years old when sold into captivity and was 30 years old
when he came before Pharaoh prior to the seven years of plenty. He also

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was in Egypt before his father Jacob arrived. According to Genesis

36:24-28, Isaac died prior to Joseph being sold into Egypt.
• The dates for the birth and death of Moses were determined as it is known
that he died 40 years after the Exodus and lived for a total of 120 years.
• After King Solomon's death Israel and Judah were ruled by a series of
Kings for a period of 345 years (1020-675 BC) or (931-586 BC)
depending on which version of the account is used.

In the book Flavius Josephus Against Apion, Josephus writes in Book 1,

paragraph 14, that a nation called Hyksos reigned in Egypt for a period of 511
years and was driven out of parts of Egypt by King Alisphragmuthosis. They
congregated in the city of Avaris on the delta where King Thummosis the son of
Alisphragmuthosis finally expelled them. These Hyksos were also called
"Captive Shepherds" by Manetho. He also reported that these Captive Shepherds
journeyed through the wilderness to a place called Judea where they built the city
of Jerusalem.

In paragraph 15 Josephus goes on to list the kings of Egypt following the

expulsion of the Hyksos. In paragraph 16 Josephus goes on to state "that these
shepherds, as they are here called, who were no other than our fore-fathers".

The list of kings in paragraph 15 looks very much like those of Manetho's 18th and
19th Dynasties as can be seen in the comparison in Table B-10. This comparison
was made by matching the durations of individual kings as derived from
Manetho's list (Table B-6) and the durations given by Josephus in paragraph 15.
In some cases the names from the two lists are quite similar and were also used to
make the matches. While there are some glaring differences, I believe they can be

It is known that three Egyptian kings were involved with expelling the Hyksos-
Seqenenre, Kamose and Ahmose I. It is not known for sure if Tethmosis I, named
by Josephus, was Ahmose I, however, the length of their reigns is quite similar.
This however leaves Chebron with no match which may signify that Tethmosis I
is really Kamose of the 17th Dynasty.

The names of Amenhotep I and Amenophis I are quite similar as are the duration
of their reigns. The largest discrepancy comes with Kings Thutmose I and II as
Josephus gives no similar names or durations in his description. It is possible that
Josephus left these two individuals out as they were not from the royal line but

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were rather military leaders and spent much of their time waging war with the
Hurrians in Syria.

The next ruler listed by Josephus is Queen Amesses who, if you ignore Thutmose
I & II, corresponds to Queen Hatshepsut. The actual duration of the reign of
Queen Hatshepsut is uncertain, however, the durations shown are not out of line.

Assigning Mephres and Mephr-Amuthosis to Manetho's Thutmose III may be the

greatest stretch. Thutmose III was a great military leader so the reign of 54 years
may be greater than the total time he ruled in Egypt. If he spent considerable time
on military campaigns he would likely have had co-rulers which could be the two
rulers Mephres and Mephr-Amuthosis cited by Josephus.

The next five ruler's reigns compare quite favorably as do the names of the first
two of the five rulers. Further, if Amenhotep I is Amenophis I then it stands to
reason that Amenhotep II is Amenophis II. There is considerable uncertainty in
the reigns and durations of Akhnaton, Nefertiti, Semenkhare and Tutankhamun.
One theory is that Semenkhare was actually Nefertiti. Another theory is that
Semenkhare, Tutankhamun, and even Ay may have reigned simultaneously with
Akhnaton, some in Amarna and some in Thebes. The last two rulers of Dynasty
18, Ay and Horemheb are believed to have been co-regents while Acencheres I &
II are listed sequentially by Josephus.

The 19th Dynasty comparison relies on the similarity of names and duration of
reigns. In order for the comparison to be made as shown it was necessary to
move Rameeses forward in the sequence supplied by Josephus. The similarity of
names and the short duration of reigns have to be considered as a match. Since
Josephus did not provide durations for the last three rulers a direct comparison is
impossible, however, the last ruler was a Queen in both cases.

While dates for the expulsion cannot be determined from this comparison it would
appear that the expulsion can be tied to the beginning of the 18th Dynasty, c. 1595
BC. The dates calculated for the Exodus in Table B-8, c. 1648 BC and in Table
B-9, c. 1559 BC also support this timeframe.

Historical timetables for major geological and astronomical events are reasonably
well understood and accepted by modern-day scholars. The ancient histories of
Egypt, Mesopotamia and Persia, while being corrected, are also reasonably
understood by modern-day scholars. The ancient histories of South and Central
American cultures are not nearly as well understood or accepted. Peruvian
creation mythologies show an uncanny similarity to the writings of the Sumerians.

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Archaeological evidence of early man in Chile and Peru has indicated the
presence of early civilizations which perhaps were contemporaneous with and
rivaled those of Egypt and Sumeria. However, it is very difficult to reconstruct
the history of the Peruvians since it has been believed they had no written
language as we define writing today. History was passed on to future generations
by a class of wise men called 'Amautas'. Much of what we have today was
recorded by Spanish monks assisted by natives. Information/history was passed
down from fathers to sons, repeating the stories many times until they were fixed
in their memories. They also recorded the most notable things expressed in
numbers on cords called quipu. On these cords they made various knots with
different colors which convey the meaning of the notable events. It has been
suggested by some scholars that the quipu cords may be a form of writing. Much
of the confusion we observe today is a result of ignorance, prejudice and
fanaticism of the Spanish historians of the time.

During the rule of Pachacuti-Inca-Yupanqui (1438 - 1471 AD) stories of Inca

antiquities, origin and historical events were painted on boards and then
interpreted by persons trained in understanding their contents. Some scholars
believe that the records of previous dynasties were deliberately forgotten by
Pachacuti-Inca-Yupanqui. This may have been a common practice and there are
many who believe the list of dynasties provided by Montesinos was also altered to
suit his Jesuit religious purposes. The list of rulers provided in Table B-10 should
be reviewed with a great deal of skepticism particularly for the rulers earlier in
time than Pachacuti-Inca-Yupanqui.

Information regarding pre-Inca history (Table B-11) is derived from the writings
of the Spaniard by the name of Fernando Montesinos. According to their creation
myth, Viracocha Pachayachachi was the creator of all things. Like the Mayan
myth, the first to be created was a race of giants. Dissatisfied with this creation he
created primitive man who because of their bad behavior, Viracocha
Pachayachachi decided to create a deluge, called Unu Pachacuti, destroying
mankind. He then created other men in the region of Tiahuanaco who then
wandered over the region establishing nations some of which ultimately settled
around Cuzco. Another 10 tribes from a hill called Tampu-tocco (possibly Machu
Picchu) in the Paccari-tampu region eventually wandered until they met the 6
tribes settled around Cuzco. There they defeated the 6 tribes and named
themselves 'Inca' under the leadership of Manco Capac.

The time between the deluge and the rise of the Incas was to have been 3519
years, according to Montesinos, placing the deluge c. 2900 BC. As can be seen

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from Chapter 4 this time frame is only close to the dates provided by the Akakor
account and the dates calculated by the Christians. Montesinos calculated that the
fifth year of the reign of the fortieth monarch of ancient Cuzco was 2,500 years
from ‘Point Zero’. He assumed ‘Point Zero’ was the time of the Deluge. Since
Montesinos had no basis other than a need to tie Inca dates to Christian beliefs his
assumption is unlikely correct. A more reasonable 'Point Zero' is likely tied to an
astronomical event since the fortieth monarch was a strong proponent of
astronomy and astrology. The Egyptian and Mayan calendars both have their
point zero during this same time frame so it is not unreasonable that the Incas
chose a similar date. This suggests ties between the ancient Peruvian civilization
and the ancient Egyptian and pre-Mayan civilizations c. 3000 BC.

One of the most recent groups to emerge and grow to over a

billion followers worldwide is Islam. I use the term group to
describe the people that make up Islam since they do not
represent a nation with boundaries, an individual civilization, or a
religion with a definite leader. The roots of Islam are founded in
the tribal setting of the Arabian Peninsula and in particular the
western region of the Peninsula and the cities of Mecca and
Medina. Mecca is the setting of the Ka’ba which is said to have
been rebuilt by Abraham and remains today as one of the holiest
settings of modern day Islam. Prior to the birth of the Prophet
Muhammad c. 570 AD the Ka’ba was under the control of the
Quraysh Tribe of Mecca. Muhammad was born into the Banu
Hashim clan, a division of the Quraysh Tribe. Table B-12 is a brief
summary of the development of the Muslim Religion from the
pre-Islamic tribal times, termed by modern-day Muslims as
Jahiliyyah or Time of Ignorance, through modern day Islam. As
can be seen from Table B-12 the pre Islamic Arabian Peninsula
was the home of many Jewish and Christian sects. Muhammad
certainly had access to their teachings and in fact quoted them
in the Quran. The Muslims recognize Adam, Noah, Moses, Jacob,
Abraham, Isaac, & Ismial as prophets of Islam.

Partially because Muhammad did not designate any heirs to his

position of leadership, Islam went through turbulent times in
establishing its leaders. Schisms in leadership which began after
Muhammad’s death in 632 AD are still evident today. These
groups have become to be known as the Shi’ites and the Sunnis;
the Shi’ites being Rationalists and the Sunnis being
Traditionalists/ Orthodox believers.

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6-7 Million Pre-human, Africa-Chad,

Toumai Man
4.4 Million Pre-human, Africa-Ethiopia
4 Million Lucy, Africa-Ethiopia
3.5 Million Early Hominids, Africa
2 Million Homo Erectus, Africa, Java
2.2-1.75 Homo Habilis, Africa-Tanzania
500,000 Archaic Homo sapiens, Europe
500 to Nebraskan - Gunz Ice Age
400 to Homo sapiens
300 to 30,000 Neanderthal, Europe, Asia
250,000 Modem curvature of skull base
200,000 Kansan - Mindel Ice Age
150,000 Origin of Modern Man, Africa
130 to Illinoisan - Riss Ice Age
120 to Homo Sapiens-Sapiens (HSS)
73000 Near destruction of Human
Toba-volcano, intense cold
70 to 50,000 Wisconsin - Wurm Ice Age
(Period 1)
60 to 30,000 Develop fully modern brain
50 to 20,000 Cro-Magnon, Europe
35 to 10,000 Wisconsin - Wurm Ice Age
(Period 2), cooling period
followed by a warming period
38 to 23,000 Inland Sea - Andes (remnant
today is Lake Titicaca)
16 to 15000 Begin warming period,
Hunter-gatherers, South-China,

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Japan and Siberia, Vesuvius

Peak ash fallout (15 -14000)
12000 End Pleistocene Ice Age,
Mediterranean Sea rises,
Nile backs up, Second
over Beringia Land Bridge
11500 Begin present interglacial
Clovis culture-New Mexico;
Disappearance of Mega fauna

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11000 Deluge (Based on Sumerian &

Naacal Text /Tablets
10657 Vesuvius erupts
10602 Mayan date = 8 Cumhu 4 Ahu
10481 Akakor Day Zero
10468 Akakor first destruction
10450 Possible early date for Giza
9200 to 8900 Vesuvius erupts (9285),
Mass migrations to North &
Central Americas
9000 to 8000 Younger Dryas period, First Early Jericho deserted,
mini Ice Age, Begin farming Farming in Mesopotamia &
worldwide Fertile Crescent, Abu
8400 to 7350 Region of Jericho developed
8000 to 6500 Farming & settlements in
Anatolia, Greece, Peru coast
& highlands, Alaska, Western
7000 Drought in Central & South
6500 to 5400 Asiklihoyuk, Catalhoyuk
(Anatolia), Mexican step
6200 to 5800 Second mini Ice Age; Etna
6000 Large scale irrigation along
Tigris-Euphrates Rivers,
Yonaguni structures,
Phoenician city of Byblos
5600 Collapse of Bosporus, Black
Sea Deluge
5500 Beginning of Copper Age,
Hacilar people in Asia Minor,
Proto-Ubaidians emerge from
Black sea area, Halafian
settlements in vicinity of

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Tigris-Euphrates Rivers
5300 to 3600 Ubaid culture in Mesopotamia
5000 Holocene Thermal Maximum,
Mt Mazama erupts (Crater
Lake), Decimal number
system used in Egypt




4500 Beginning of Sumerian culture Biblical equivalents:

• Eridu c. 5400-4800 • Eden?
• Uruk – c. 4200 • Erech
• Enoch • Cainite City
• Kish – c. 3000 • Kush
4240 Possible early founding of Egypt
as a unified Kingdom
4004 Creation (Early Bible)
3760 Nippur calendar Day 0 Day 0 of Hebrew
(Sumerian) Calendar
3600 to 3250 Pre-Dynastic Egypt
3500 Sea levels at modern levels,
Floods in Egypt, Mesopotamia,
and China
3400 to 3000 Pictographic & written language-
hieroglyphics, hieratic,
cuneiform; Beginning of Olmec
3200 Beginning of Egyptian calendar
3166 Akakor – second destruction
3114 Day zero of the Mayan Long
Count calendar (8 Cumhu 4
Ahu), Begin current Age (Age 5)
3102 Beginning of Kali Yuga (India)
3000 Rise of Olmec culture,
Babylonians use sexagesimal
number system
3000 to 1225 Hittites (Canaan)
2900 Elamite pictographs; Minoan Elamites

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culture begins in Indus Valley

2950 to 2575 Early Dynastic Egypt, First
monarchies in Sumeria, Begin
2800 to 1900 Harappan writing-Indus Valley
2800 Stonehenge I (some think 4200)
2750 Phoenician city of Tyre founded
2700 King Mebaragesi of Kish defeats
2575 Begin Old Kingdom in Egypt
2500 Phoenicians dominate trade in
2470 Founding of Cuzco in Peru




2350 Akkad Founded – Sargon I, Nimrod (Kush)

Akkad/Kish (Akkadians)
2348 or 2492 Possible meteor impact in Deluge (Based on Bible)
2200 to 2000 Semitic influx into Egypt:
• The Wisdom of Merikare
• The Prophecy of Nefertiti
2200 Akkadian Empire falls to the
Guti, Severe drought (100 years)
2180 to 2150 Severe drought in Egypt, Old
Kingdom falls
2166 to 1991 Abram/Abraham
2130 Guti (Sumeria)
2059 Assyrian Empire founded
2048 Yahweh instructs
Abraham to go to
Canaan (possibly 1960)
2004 Ur III falls to Amorites & Elamites
2000 Hittites in Anatolia, Temple of Amorites & Elamites
Karnak-worship of Amon
1950 Babylonians solve quadratic

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1937 to 1760 Second greatest period in Egypt

1937 Amenemhet I – Middle Kingdom
2042 to 1895 Jacob (Isreal)
1924 Amenemhet II Joseph to Egypt
1900 Egyptians use geometry
1800 Hyksos in Palestine
1769 to 1737 Hammurabi (Babylon) Hammurabi (Amorite)
1766 to 1100 Shang Dynasty in China
1760 Egypt Middle Kingdom falls
1776 to 1719 Seven year famine in Egypt Seven year famine in
1724 to 1604 Moses
1700 to 1500 Hurrians (Flood myth), Comet
1644 Exodus from Egypt
1640 to 1540 Egypt ruled by Hyksos (Asians) Hittites (1650 BC)
1628 Eruption of Santorini Hittites destroy Babylon
1600 to 1200 Minoan civilization declines
1600 Beginning of period of invasions
1550 Destruction of Indus Valley




1500 Egypt-religious emphasis on the

Sun, Beginning of subjective
1500 to 500 Olmecs-south coast of Mexico
1454 Heavens came to a stop-Mexico
1438 Yupanqui takes name Pachacute
(meaning cataclysm)
1400 Day of darkness-Andean legend, Day sun didn’t set
Destruction & burning of (Joshua 10)
1392 to 1382 Height of Egyptian power &
wealth- Tutmose IV
1350 to 1336 Akhnaton worships Aton (Sun)
1230 Events in the Iliad Leviticus

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1200 Olmec peak (San Lorenzo), Canaanites, Beginning

Abydos-Egypt, Earthquakes- of new cultures:
Eastern Mediterranean Hebrew, Phoenician,
Aramaeans, Assyrians
1193 Destruction of Troy Hittite Empire falls
1180 Sea people destroyed by the
Egyptian Ramses III
1100 to 1000 End Mycenaean culture Khabiru (Hebrew),
Philistines in Gaza &
1100 Mexican Sun pyramid, Global Assyrians in Babylon
perturbation of climate- very dry
1075 Egypt- New Kingdom falls
1043 Brahmanism begins in northern Saul (1043 to 1010)
India, David (1041 to 971)
c. 950 BC David conquers
Jerusalem (1003 BC)
1000 Broad based subjective
consciousness, Begin Mayan
971 to 931 Solomon, Temple
completed in 960 BC,
Israel divided into Israel
& Judah in 931 BC
900 to 850 Iliad written down Beginning of Old
Testament writings
900 to 830 El – Amarna letters
850 Jericho rebuilt King Ahab (1 Kings
835 Nabi (welling up with speech & Elijah prophet-ascent
vision) into heaven (2 Kings 2)
830 City of Carthage founded




783 to 743 Book of Amos

(Bicameral thinker)
781 to 740 King Uzziah
776 First Olympic Games
775 First record of a solar eclipse-

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753 Rome build
740 to 687 Isaiah – prophet
721 Assyrians conquer Israel Sargon II deports
704 to 681 Sennacherib King Hezekia – Judah
687 to 642 King Manasseh worships
graven image
668 to 627 King Ashurbanipal rules
664 Sacking of Thebes & Memphis
by Ashurbanipal
648 to 642 King Amon
640 to 605 King Josiah –
Deuteronomy text found
627 to550 Babylonian Empire, King Destruction of Assyrians
Nabopolasser by the Babylonians
610 Yahweh leaves Earth
606 to 562 Nebuchadnezzar II rules
600 Old Testament revised
595 to 589 Exodus of Jews and others from Babylonians seize Judah
Elephantine-Egypt in 597 BC
593 Ezekiel–sighting of
586 Nebuchadnezzar II destroys Exile of Israel to Babylon
Temple of Yahweh
580 to 500 Pythagoras (Greece) Ezekiel - prophet
563 to 483 Buddha (India)
559 to 530 King Cyrus of Persia Cyrus decrees Jews to
rebuild temple in
551 to 478 Confucius (China)
539 Persian Xenophanes proposes Babylon falls to Cyrus
one deity
538 to 536 Jews return to Jerusalem End 70 year exile
525 Persians conquer Egypt
521 to 486 King Darius I of Persia
485 to 424 Herodotus (Greek) Egypt in decline
475 Mt Etna erupts


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465 to 424 King Artaxerxes

450 Book of Chronicles-Ezra
445 Jewish Great Assembly Old Testament
470 to 399 Socrates, Parthenon in Athens
427 to 347 Plato
422 King Darius II Second Temple
completed by Esdras
420 Book of Malachi
410 Jewish Temple in Elephantine
400 Golden Age in Athens
400 to 300 End of Bicameral prophecy
384 to 322 Aristotle
332 to 323 Macedonian Alexander the Great
conquers Egypt
300 Begin Mayan & end Olmec Begin Seleucid Dynasty
299 Beginning of India Empires
290 Berossus (Chaldean)
285 to 246 Manetho (Egypt)
286 to 280 Greek Septuagint Includes Apocrypha
200 Aramaic replaces cuneiform, Ecclesiastes-written with
Rosetta stone engraved, subjective
Beginning of Pseudepigrapha consciousness,
Books Book of Enoch
197 Philip V of Macedonia defeated
by Rome
168 Begin Roman world domination
165 Book of Daniel
160 Trigonometry rediscovered
159 Water clock invented – Rome
146 Carthage destroyed by Rome
140 Beginning of Essenes at Qumran
54 Caesar invades Britain
45 Julian calendar introduced
37 to 4 King Herod Heli (Jacob), Joseph
36 Anthony & Cleopatra marry
31 Qumran earthquake Essenes return to

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30 Rome conquers Egypt

11 Agrippa born
8 John the Baptist born



7 BC Jesus born
1 Extreme drought in Central &
South America
29 Jesus begins ministry
31 John the Baptist
33 Crucifixion of Jesus
43 London founded
44 Peter becomes leader of Term ‘Christian’ first
Christians, Church moved from used
Antioch to Rome
46 Julian Calendar
54 Nero becomes Emperor of Rome
60 New Testament texts written by: New Testament Books:
• John Mark • John ~ 37 AD
• Peter • Mark
• Luke • Luke
• Matthew Annas • Matthew
• John of Zebedee • Revelation ~ 50
• Luke AD
• Acts ~ 60 AD
68 End of Qumran
70 Destruction of Jerusalem
by the Romans
79 Vesuvius erupts-destruction of
85 Pope Ignatius coined the
word “Catholic”
93 Antiquities by Josephus
100 Old & New Testaments
in final form
185 to 254 Origen

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325 Church Council of Nicea

400 Mt Xitle erupts (Mexico)
451 Council at Chalcedon
establishes Trinity
500 Talmud completed - began ~
200 BC
535 Super volcano Proto-Krakatau
erupts in SE Asia
566 to 1095 “Dark Ages”
570 to 632 Muhammad
608 Euphrates froze




622 Muslim year 1

630 Muhammad defeats Bedouins
650 Quran written and canonized
660 Shi’ism founded
600 to 850 Drought in Andes, begin Mayan
decline, earthquakes in Andes
750 Rise of Toltecs
829 Nile froze
865 Severe cold in Iceland
800 to 900 Mayan civilization collapses –
dry period
900 Rise of Anasazi (Chaco Canyon)
1054 Schism between Catholicism &
Orthodoxy, Super Nova visible
1099 Crusades capture Jerusalem
1100 Fall of the Anasazi
1119 Templars take Temple Mount
1100 to 1300 Cannibalism in SW United States
and Mexico
1100 to 1387 Medieval Maximum (Sunspots)
1130’s Gothic architecture in France
1168 to 1220 Fall of Toltecs
1258 Mexica found Chipoltepec
1275 to 1300 Anasazi leave Mesa Verde-major
1325 Mexico City founded (Aztecs)

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1349 Earthquake destroys lighthouse

in Alexandria Egypt
1280 to 1350 Medieval Minimum
1200 to 1534 Volcanic eruptions in Mexico &
1400 to 1510 Sporer Minimum (Sunspots)
1455 Gutenberg Bible printed
1504 Montezuma II becomes Speaker
1517 Protestant Reformation- Martin
1519 Cortez arrives, Popocatepetl
erupts, Fall of the Aztecs
1532 Pizzaro conquers Incas
1546 Council of Trent includes
Apocrypha in Old
1582 Gregorian Calendar

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1611 King James version of

1630 to 1720 Little Ice Age in Europe,
Maunder Minimum (i.e., lack of
1752 Gregorian Calendar adopted in
1815 Mt Tambora erupts, Year without
a summer
1883 Krakatau erupts
1948 Israel founded
2012 End Mayan 5th Age/Sun Apocalypse – Hebrew
Year 5772

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5600 23 KINGS 12 KINGS
Ga-Ur-1st Dynasty
2750 Etana (Nimrod?)
Bargal-Nuna Meskiaggasher (?)
Tizkar En-Marker (?)
Il-Kum Lugal- Banda (?) Meskalamdug
2615 Il-Tasadum Dumuzi (?) Akalamdug En-Khegal
2615-2585 En-Mebaragisi Gilgamesh
2585 Agga 1 Gilgamesh Mesannepadda Lugal-

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2585-2555 Ur-Lugal I

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2555-2540 Mesalim Utulkalamma Ur-Nanshe
2540-2531 Dadsig Labasum Meskiag-Nanna Akurgal Ush
2531-2523 Magalgalla En-Nundara-anna Eannatum En-Akalli
2523-2487 Kalbum Meshede
c. 2500
2487-2481 Tug-E Melam-anna
2481-2445 Mennunna Lugal- Kitun
Lugalmu Ur-Lugal II Elilu Inannatum Urlumma
2457-2425 Ibiera Arga-Ande-A Balulu
Enshakush-anna Enetarzi
2450 En-Bi-Istar Lugal- To Lagash En- Il To Lagash
Kinishedudu Temena
c. 2400 Lugal-Kisalsi
2384-2378 3rd Dynasty-Ku- Lugalland
Baba a
2378-2371 4th Dynasty-Pusur- Lugal-Tar
2370 Ur-Zababa-5th
2371-2347 Lugal-Zaggisi To Akkad Urukagina Lugal-
- To Akkad To Akkad Zaggisi – To

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2371-2315 Sargon
2314-2306 Rimush
2305-2291 Manishtusu
2290-2254 Naram-sin
2253-2230 Shar-Kali-Sharri
2191-2130 “Gutis”-King Ensi-Gudea

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2130-1900 Amorites
2130-2113 Utuhegal Gudea
2113-2095 Ur-Nammu To Ur 3 Dynasty of

Ur King Ur-
2095-2047 Shulgi
2046-2038 Amar-sin
2037-2029 Shu-sin
2025-2005 Naplanum
2028-2004 Ibbi-sin
2004-1976 Emisum
2017-1984 Ishbi-Erra
2004-1995 Amorites &
1995-1990 Ishbi-Erra of Isin
1976-1942 Samium
1953-1935 Ishme-
1941-1932 Zabaia
1932-1905 Gungunu
1934-1924 Lipit-Ishtar
1923-1817 9-Kings
1822-1763 Rimsin I
1816-1794 To Damiq-
Babylon ilishu

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c. 1794 Rimsin of
Notes: 1) En = lord
2) Lugal = king (great man)
3) Ensi = governor of city

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2254 - 2192 Cush, Nimrod Khufu (Cheops) Julius Africanus(2)
Joint reign
2192 - 2167 Nimrod Velleius Paterculus(3)
Sole reign
c. 2004 Begin Amorites rule End 1st Intermediate
1895 - 1856 Erishum I Joseph dies c. 1895 Nassouhe & Khorsabad
King Lists(4)
1849 - 1837 Sumuabum
1836 - 1801 Sumulael
1855 - ? Ikunu
c. 1838 Sharru-kin I
1800 - 1787 Sabium Puzur-Ashur II -
c. 1820
1786 - 1769 Apil-Sin Narim-Sin – Amenemhet III,
c.1800 Amenemhet IV
? - 1770 Erishum II
1768 - 1749 Sin-muballit
1769 - 1737 Shamshi-Adad I
1748 - 1706 HAMMURABI Ishme Dagan
1736 - 1697 Ashur-Dagan I
1705 - 1669 Samsuiluna
1696 - 1691 Ashur-Dugal Neferhotep I
1668 - 1641 Abieshu
1690 - 1681 Belu-Bani
1640 - 1604 Ammiditana Hyksos, Ini I – EXODUS - c. 1648
Dynasty 13
1603 - 1583 Ammisaduga

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c. 1595 End Hyksos –
Dynasty 17,
Ahmose I –
Dynasty 18
1582 - 1552 Samsuditana
1565 - 1560 Shamshi Adad II
1551 - ? Agum II
1527 - 1502 Ashur Nirari I
1501 - 1488 Puzur Ashur III
1487 - 1475 Burnaburiash I Enlil-Nasir I El-Amarna letters (5)
c. 1433 Ashur Nadin – El-Amarna Period
Ahhe I
1415 - 1377 Ashur Nadin – Amenhotep III El-Amarna Period
Ahhe II
1392 - 1366 Kurigalzu II Eriba-Adad I El-Amarna Period
1382 - 1344 Kadashmin Enlil I El-Amarna Period
1377 - 1356 Amenhotep IV El-Amarna Period
1375 - 1347 Burnaburiash III El-Amarna Period
1365 - 1330 Ashur Uballit I El-Amarna Period
1343 - 1319 Kurigalzu III Enlil-Nirare
1307 - 1276 Adad-Nirari I
1304 - 1237 Arik-den-ili Ramses II (1)
1292 - 1275 Kadashmin-Turgu
1275 - 1246 Shalmaneser I
1274 - 1260 Khadashmin Enlil II
1245 - 1209 Tukulti-Ninurta I
1208 - 1205 Ashur Nadin Apli

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1250 - 1238 Shagarakti-shuriash
1221 - 1192 Adad-shuma-usur
1162 -1160 Enlil Nadin-ahe- Ashar-Dan I
1127 - 1106 Nebuchadnezzar I Ashur-resh-ishi I
1115 - 1077 Tiglath-pileser I
1105 - 1102 Enlil-nadin-apli
1101 - 1084 Marduk-nadin-ahhe
1074 - 1057 Ashur Belkala
1070 - 1049 Adad-apla-idina
1050 - 1032 Ashur Nasirpal I
1043 - 1010 Saul
1035 - 1028 Nabu-shuma-libur
1031 - 1020 Shalmaneser II
1025 - 931 Solomon
967 - 935 Tiglath-pileser II
934 - 912 Ashur Dan II Sheshong I (925) King Rehoboham,
King Jeroboam I
911 - 891 Adad-Nirari II Ptolemaic Canon (6)
885 - 860 Ashur Nasirpal II
860 - 825 Shalmaneser III
873 - 848 Ahab-Israel, Asa &
Jehoshaphat- Judea
825 - 808 Shamsi-Adad V
808 - 783 Adad Nirari III King Joash,
King Jehoahaz

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783 - 771 Shalmaneser IV King Amaziah,
King Jehoash
771 - 753 Ashur Dan III
763 - 754 Hadad Nirari King Jeroboam II,
King Uzziah
753 - 746 Ashur Nirari V King Zechariah
747 - 733 Nabonassar Jonah in Nineveh
747 - 727 Tiglath-pileser III King Pekah
727 - 722 Shalmaneser V Sheshong IV King Hoshea 2 Kings 17:3-4
721 - 705 Marduk-apal-iddin II Sargon II Assyrians conquer 2 Kings 17:5-6
Israel; King Ahaz
709 - 704 Arkegnos (Sargon II)
705 - 681 Sennacherib Hezekiah-14th year 2 Kings 18:13
690 - 664 King Taharqa-
680 - 668 Asaradinos Esarhaddon Herodotus (7)
668 - 626 Ashurbanipal King Necho II King Manasseh Herodotus (7)
647 - 627 Kandalanu King Josiah
626 - 606 Nabopolassar Psamtik I Josephus – Against
626 - 621 Ashur-Etil Ilani
620 - 612 Sin Sharishkun
611 - 605 Ashur Uballit II
605 - 562 Nebuchadnessar II King Jehoaikim
586 Destruction of King Zedekiah
Temple in Jerusalem
570 - 526 Amasis
561 - 560 Amel-Marduk Josephus – Against

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559 - 556 Neriglissar Josephus – Against
555 - 536 Nabonidus/ King Burnaburiash
Belshazzzar Plaque (8)
538 - 529 Cyrus II Releases Jews

NOTES - Table B-3:

1. Source: Eastern Mediterranean Late Bronze Age Chronology-Trevor Rice,
2. Joint reign for 62 years (according to Julius Africanus) of which two years involved the building of the Tower of Babel.
3. A cite from Aemilius Sura, “Roman History”, book 1, section VI. “Between the time that Rome conquered Philip, king of Macedonia
and the beginning of the reign of Nimrod king of the Assyrians lies an interval of 1995 years.” Philip was conquered in 197 BC.
4. Two lists of Assyrian kings. The Nassouhe list is believed to be the older of the two lists.
5. Letters to and from Amenhotep III, Akhnaton and various kings from adjoining regions. The El-Amarna Period has been dated c. 900-
830 BC setting the time of King Burnaburiash’s letters and therefore the time period for Hammurabi’s rule.
6. Astronomical observations in this document establish 911 BC as a scientifically corroborated date for the accession of the first king
mentioned in the document as Adad-nirari II.
7. Esarhaddon re-builds Babylon and conquers Egypt. Ashurbanipal destroys Thebes.
8. Plaque found by King Nabonidus at Larsa on which King Burnaburiash inscribed that he had rebuilt the temple erected seven hundred
years before by King Hammurabi.

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(505 Years) Igehalkids 1229-1233
Heracles Shutrukid 1133-1116
Alcaeus Shutrukid Nebuchadrezzar I 1127-1106
Belus Shutrukid 1115-1077
Ninus 1074-1057

Argon of Sardis 783-745

Myrsus of Sardis Late Elams 745-727
Myrsilus/Candaules Medians 726-722
of Sardis
MERMNADAE Medians Marduk-apal-iddina II 721-705 Assyrians conquer Israel
Gyges (38 years) Medians 716-678
Deioces (53 years) Medians 709-656
Medians Bel-ibni 702-700
Ardys (49 years) Medians 678-629
Medians 664 Egypt King Necho killed
Phraortes (22 years) Medians 656-634
Cyaxares (40 years) Medians 634-594 Attacks Ninveh 616 BC
Sadyattes (12 years) Medians 629-617
Medians Nabopolassar 626-606
Alyattes (57 years) Medians 617-560
Medians Nebuchadnezzar II 605-562 Built hanging gardens,
Mediated truce between Alyattes
and Astyages

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Astyages (35 years) Medians 585-550 Eclipse May 28, 585
Medians 570-526 King Amasis of Egypt
Medians Amel-Marduk 562-560
Croesus Medians 560-546 Age of 35 in 560 BC
Cambyses I -559
Cyrus II Nabonidus 559-530
Cambyses II 529-522
525 Persians conquer Egypt
Magi Rule 522-521
Darius I 521-486
Xerxes I 486-465/4 Gold statue of Marduk
melted down, Babylonians
became known as the
Artaxerxes I 465-424 Ezra takes law to Jerusalem
Darius II 424-404 Temple 2 in Jerusalem
Artaxerxes II 404-359
Artaxerxes III 358-338
Arses 338-336
Darius III 336-332
Alexander 332-324 Beginning of the
the great Hellenistic era

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(Yr –Mo)
1020 -980 Abibalus/Abibal
980 - 946 Hirom 34
946 - 939 Beleazarus 7
939 - 930 Abdastartus 9
930 - 918 Usurper 12
918 - 906 Astartus 12
906 - 897 Aserymus 9
897 - 896 Pheles 0-8
896 - 864 Ithobalus 32
864 - 858 Badezorus 6
858 - 849 Matgenus 9
849 - 802 Pygmalion 47
842 - 824 Sister of Pygmalion flees Builds Carthage

Josephus states:

1. Temple at Jerusalem built by Solomon 143 years-8 months before Tyrians built
2. Time from the beginning of the reign of Hirom until the building of Carthage =
155 yr - 8 mo or c. 824 BC.
3. From the 12th year of the reign of Hirom to the building of Carthage = 143 yr - 8
4. From the table above the time of the beginning of Carthage to the end of the reign
of Hirom is 103 yr – 8 mo which is 19 years different than statement 3.
5. Pygmalion’s sister flees duing the 7th year of his reign, c. 842 BC.
6. If the temple in Jerusalem was started c. 967 BC, the Carthage was built c. 824

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GOD DYNASTY (years) (years) (years)
Ptah 9,000 26425 Aries
Ra 1,000 17425
Shu 700 16425
Geb, Seb 500 15725
Osiris 450 15225
Seth 350 14775
Horus 300 14425
Subtotal 12,300

DEMIGOD DYNASTY 1,255 14125 Libra

9 Other Demigods
Mch, Ma
Horus II
DEMIGOD & GOD (Subtotal) 13,555 23,000
KINGS & HEROS (Subtotal) 3,607 12870 Virgo
Kings/Heroes 1,817
30 Kings 1,790 <18,000 11053

YEARS OF CHAOS (10 Rulers) 350 9263 Leo

SPIRITS OF THE DEAD 5,813 <5,000 8913 Leo

DYNASTY OF PHARAOHS 2,575 3100 to 343 Taurus


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Ka, Zeser, Sma 0 Pre Dynastic
Scorpion 0 Pre Dynastic c. 3250 Naqada
King Narmer 0 Pre Dynastic Abydos
Menes/ King Hor-Aha 1 Early Dynastic 3000-2940 Abydos
Djer 1 Early Dynastic 2940-2883 Abydos
Djet 1 Early Dynastic Abydos
Den 1 Early Dynastic Abydos
Anedjib 1 Early Dynastic Abydos
Samerkhet 1 Early Dynastic Abydos
Qa’a 1 Early Dynastic Abydos
Hotepsekhemwy 2 Early Dynastic Abydos
Reneb 2 Early Dynastic Abydos
Nynetjer 2 Early Dynastic Abydos
Peribsen 2 Early Dynastic Abydos
Sekhemib 2 Early Dynastic c. 2700 Abydos
Khasekhemwy 2 Early Dynastic Abydos
Djoser (Zoser) 3 Early Dynastic 2630-2611 6 Step- Saqqara
Nebka 1 3 Early Dynastic
Khaba 3 Early Dynastic
Huni 3 Early Dynastic
Snefru 4 Old Kingdom c. 2575 8 Step-Maidum
Old Kingdom Bent Pyramid -
Old Kingdom Red Pyramid -
Khufu 4 Old Kingdom c. 2550 Great Pyramid-Giza
Redjedef 4 Old Kingdom
Khafre 4 Old Kingdom Second Pyramid -Giza
Nebka II 4 Old Kingdom
Menkaure 4 Old Kingdom 20 yrs Small Pyramid -Giza
Shepseskaf 4 Old Kingdom
Userkaf 5 Old Kingdom Abusir
Sahure 5 Old Kingdom
Neferirkare 5 Old Kingdom c. 2400
Shepseskare 5 Old Kingdom
Neferefre 5 Old Kingdom 2448-2445 Abusir
Neuserre 5 Old Kingdom Mud-brick Mortuary
Menkauhor 5 Old Kingdom
Djedkare 5 Old Kingdom

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Unas 5 Old Kingdom 2375-2345 Rubble Core Pyramid-
Teti 6 Old Kingdom 2323-2291
Pepi I 6 Old Kingdom 2289-2255 now low mound -
Merenre I 6 Old Kingdom
Pepi II 6 Old Kingdom 2278-2244
Merenre II 6 Old Kingdom
Qakare 7&8 Old Kingdom
Neferkaure 7&8 Old Kingdom
Neferkauhor 7&8 Old Kingdom
Neferirkare II 7&8 Old Kingdom -2150
Meryibre 9&10 First Intermediate 2125-
Khety 9&10 First Intermediate
Merikare 9&10 First Intermediate
Ity 9&10 First Intermediate
Mentuhotep I 11 First Intermediate
Inyotef I 11 First Intermediate Post 2080
Inyotef II 11 First Intermediate
Inyotef III 11 First Intermediate -1975
Mentuhotep II 11 Middle Kingdom 1975-1925 Mortuary Temple near
Mentuhotep III 11 Middle Kingdom 1948-1938
Mentuhotep IV 11 Middle Kingdom
Amenemhet I 12 Middle Kingdom 1938- Pyramid near Lisht
Senusret I 12 Middle Kingdom 1918-1873 Pyramid near Lisht
Amenemhet II 12 Middle Kingdom 1876-1842 Pyramid at Kahun
Senusret II 12 Middle Kingdom -1837 Pyramid at Dahshur
Senusret III 12 Middle Kingdom 1836-1818
Amenemhet III 12 Middle Kingdom 1818-1770 Mud Brick - Hawara
Amenemhet IV 12 Middle Kingdom
Queen Sobek-nefru 12 Middle Kingdom
Wegaf 13 Middle Kingdom -1640
Amenemhet V 13 Middle Kingdom
Harnedjheriotef 13 Middle Kingdom
Amenyqemau 13 Middle Kingdom
Sebekhotep I 13 Middle Kingdom
Hor 13 Middle Kingdom c. 1720
Amenemhet VII 13 Middle Kingdom
Sebekhotep II 13 Middle Kingdom
Khendjer 13 Middle Kingdom

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________________ __________ ___________ __________ _______________
Sebekhotep III 13 Middle Kingdom
Neferhotep I 13 Middle Kingdom
Sebekhotep IV 13 Middle Kingdom
Sebekhotep V 13 Middle Kingdom
Aye 13 Middle Kingdom
Mentuemzaf 13 Middle Kingdom
Dedumose II 13 Middle Kingdom
Neferhotep III 13 Middle Kingdom
Nehese 14 Second Intermediate 1630-
Sheshi -Asian warlord 15&16 Second Intermediate
Khyan Hyksos Second Intermediate
Apepi Hyksos Second Intermediate c. 1570

Khamudi Hyksos Second Intermediate c. 1570

Inyotef V 17 Second Intermediate
Sebekemzaf I 17 Second Intermediate
Nebireyeraw 17 Second Intermediate
Sebekamzaf II 17 Second Intermediate
Ta’o I 17 Second Intermediate
Ta’o II 17 Second Intermediate c. 1543 Deir el Bahri
Kamose 17 Second Intermediate 1523-1520
Ahmose 18 New Kingdom 1539-
AmenhotepI 18 New Kingdom
Thutmose I 18 New Kingdom 1493-1485
Thutmose II 18 New Kingdom 1485-1473
Queen Hatshepsut 18 New Kingdom 1473-1458 Deir el-Bahri
Thutmose III 18 New Kingdom 1458-1426
Amenhotep II 18 New Kingdom 1426-1400
Thutmose IV 18 New Kingdom 1400-1390
Amenhotep III 18 New Kingdom 1390-1353 Valley of the Kings
Akhnaton 18 New Kingdom 1353-1336
(Amenhotep IV)
Smenkhare 18 New Kingdom
Queen Ankhetkheprure 18 New Kingdom
Tutankhamun 18 New Kingdom 20 yrs Valley of the Kings

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________________ __________ ___________ __________ _______________

Aye 18 New Kingdom 1319-1292

Horemheb 18 New Kingdom 1319-1289
Ramses I 19 New Kingdom 1289-1290
Seti I 19 New Kingdom 1290-1279 Valley of the Kings
Ramses II 19 New Kingdom 1279-1213
Merneptah 19 New Kingdom 1213-1204 Valley of the Kings
Seti II/Amenmesse 19 New Kingdom
Siptah 19 New Kingdom
Queen Tawosret 19 New Kingdom
Sethnakhte 20 New Kingdom
Ramses III 20 New Kingdom 1187-1156 Valley of the Kings
Ramses IV 20 New Kingdom Valley of the Kings
Ramses V 20 New Kingdom Valley of the Kings
Ramses VI 20 New Kingdom 1145- Valley of the Kings
Ramses VII 20 New Kingdom Valley of the Kings
Ramses VIII 20 New Kingdom Valley of the Kings
Ramses IX 20 New Kingdom 1126- Valley of the Kings
Ramses X 20 New Kingdom Valley of the Kings
Ramses XI 20 New Kingdom 1104-1075 Valley of the Kings
7 Kings- Tanis 21 3rd Intermediate 1075 - 945
8 High Priests - Thebs 21 3rd Intermediate
11 Kings - Libyan 22 3rd Intermediate 945 -
8 Kings - Libyan 23 3rd Intermediate
Tefnakhte 24 3rd Intermediate
Bakenrenef 24 3rd Intermediate
6 Kings - Nubian 25 Late Period 730 -657
Pasamtek I 26 Late Period
Necho II 26 Late Period 665 - 664
PsamtekII 26 Late Period 664 - 614
Apries 26 Late Period
Amasis 26 Late Period c. 570
PsamtekIII 26 Late Period c. 526
5 Kings - Persian 27 Late Period
Amyrtaeus 28 Late Period
Nepherites I 29 Late Period
Psammuthis 29 Late Period
Hakor 29 Late Period
Nepherites II 29 Late Period
Nectanebo I 30 Late Period

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________________ __________ ___________ __________ _______________
Djedhor 30 Late Period
Nectanebo II 30 Late Period
Artaxerxes III -Persian 31 Late Period 525
Arses - Persian 31 Late Period
Darius III - Persian 31 Late Period
Alexander the Great Macedonian Greco-Roman 332 -323BC
Cleopatra VII Ptolemaic Greco-Roman - 30 BC
Roman Emperors Greco-Roman 30 BC - 395




375 425 150 335 110 469 360 383 727

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EVENT BIBLE Number of Years

DELUGE 2543 1
9 3
Menes 2414 5 4 >
Terah born 2271 7 2 1
Abraham born 2201 3
Isaac born 2102 0
Abraham from Ur to 2076 1 0
Jacob born 2042 0
Abraham/Abram dies at age 175 2026 2
Isaac dies at age 180 1922 0
Jacob enters Egypt 1912
Begin 7 year famine 1911
Jacob dies in Egypt at age 147 1895
Joseph dies at age 110 1838
Moses born 1728
Moses leaves Egypt at age 40 1688
Moses/Aaron return to Egypt 1648
Begin EXODUS 1648
Moses dies at age 120 1608
King David born 1130
Solomon born 1114
King David dies 1060
Begin Solomon’s reign = 80 years 1060
Solomon begins Temple 1056
Solomon finishes Temple 1049
End Solomon’s reign 980 4 4
Begin Kings of Judah and Israel 931 7 6
Destruction of Temple-by Babylon 586 7 6

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EVENT BIBLE Number of Years

DELUGE (Based on Josephus) 2496 or 2543 1
DELUGE (Based on the Bible) 2407 1 3 9
Menes 2400 4 4 5 >
Terah born 2135 4 2 7 1
Abraham born 2065 0 3
Abraham from Ur to Canaan/Haran 1987 0
Isaac born 1966 0
Jacob born 1906
Abraham/Abram dies at age 175 1890
Joseph to Egypt 1788
Isaac dies at age 180 1786
Jacob enters Egypt 1776
Begin 7 year famine 1775
Jacob dies in Egypt at age 147 1759
Joseph dies at age 110 1702
Moses born 1639
Moses leaves Egypt at age 40 1599
Moses/Aaron returns to Egypt 1559
Begin EXODUS 1559
Moses dies at age 120 1519
King David born 1041
Solomon born 1025
King David dies 971
Begin Solomon’s reign = 40 years 971
Solomon begins Temple 967
Solomon finishes Temple 960
End Solomon’s reign 931
Begin Kings of Judah and Israel 931 3
Destruction of Temple-by Babylon 586 5

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(Yr) (1) (Yr – Mo)
Ahmose I 22 Tethmosis I 25-4
Chebron (son of Tethmosis I) 13
Amenhotep I (son of Ahmose I) 21 Amenophis I 20-7
Thutmose I (military leader) 1
Thutmose II 48
Queen Hatshepsut (daughter of 15 Amesses (sister to Amenophis 21-9
Thumose I I)
Thutmose III (stepson of 54 Mephres, Mephr-Amuthosis 38-7
Amenhotep II 27 Amenophis II 30-10
Tutmose IV 9 Teth-Mosis II 9-8
Amenhotep III (9 yr co-regent with 38 Orus 36-5
Thutmose IV)
Akhnaton & Nefertiti (Amenhotep 21 Rathotis & Acenchres 21-1
IV) (brother & sister)
Semenkhare & Tutankhamun 14
Ay & Horemheb (military) 25 Acencheres I & II 24-8

TOTAL 18th DYNASTY 295 242


Ramses I 2 Rameeses 1-4
Seti I (son of Ramses I) 11
Ramses II (son of Seti I) 67 Amais I, Armesses Miammoun 64-3
Merneptah 10
Amenmesse 5 Amenophis III 19-6
Seti II 6 Sethosis-Ramesses
Siptah 6 Armais (brother)
Queen Tawosret 8 Queen to Sethosis

TOTAL 19th DYNASTY 115 85-1

TOTAL 18th & 19th DYNASTIES 410 327-1

1. Durations from Table B-6
2. Flavius Josephus – Against Apion, Book 1:15 citing Manetho.

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GODS Viracocha- Name means Creator
Pachayachac of ‘All’
GIANTS Viracocha- AGE 1
Paloma & Chilca 5000 – 3800 BC Coas
Caral 2627 BC Oldest city in Americas Cen
2900 BC or 2319 Flood ( unu pachauti),
BC Point Zero
Taguapaca Sun, moon, & stars Titic
2 Servants of Tiah
HUMANS CREATED Viracocha & 2 Viracocha & 2 Servants Age 4 Nea
Servants leave by sea
Ccapac/ Inca Manco From House of Tam
(4 men & 4 women) Ccapac, Windows
Mama Huaco
Maras From House of Tam
Sutic/ Tampu From House of Tam
Sauaseras Quichua-Aymara ? Nati
Antsayas Quichua-Aymara ? Nati
Huallas Quichua-Aymara ? Nati

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Alcabisa Cuzco Immigrants
Copalimayta Cuzco Immigrants
Calunchima Cuzco Immigrants
# 1 Monarch Pirua Manco c. 2030 BC Perhaps the Origin of
the name ‘Peru’
# 2 Monarch Manco Ccapac c. 1980 BC Ancient Cuzco
#3 Monarch Huanacahui C. 1950 BC
#4 Monarch Sinchi Cozque c. 1900 BC 1000 years from
Point Zero
El Paraiso c. 1800 BC Mid-Costal
#15 Monarch Titu Yupanqui c. 1400 BC NIGHT WITHOUT
# 23 Monarch Ticac Pupac c. 1000 BC
Cupisnique Sinchi-cuna 1000 – 800 BC Part time war chiefs North Coastal
Chirpa & Pukara 1000 BC – 100 South Highlands near Lake
AD Titicaca
Chavin Sinchi-cuna 900 – 250 BC Part time war chiefs North Central Highlands-
Chavin de Huantar
Tiahuanaco Sinchi-cuna 800 BC – 1100 Part time war chiefs South Highlands-
(Tiwanaku) AD Tiahuanacu
Salinar Sinchi-cuna 800 – 100BC Part time war chiefs North Coastal
Paracas Sinchi-cuna 700 – 100 BC Part time war chiefs South Coastal
Nazca Sinchi-cuna 200 BC – 300 AD Part time war chiefs South Coastal

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Moche Sinchi-cuna 100 BC – 800 AD Part time war chiefs North Coastal
Huari Sinchi-cuna 300 – 900 AD Part time war chiefs South Coastal
Huari Sinchi-cuna 600 – 1000 AD Part time war chiefs South Highlands
Wari 600 – 900 AD North Coastal (Moche) to
South Coastal Nazca) &
North Highlands (Wari) to
South Highlands (Cuzco)
Sican 700 – 1375 AD Replaced Moche North Coastal
Chimu/Chan-Chan Sinchi-cuna 700 – 1465 AD Part time war chiefs North Coastal
Ica Sinchi-cuna 800 – 1500 AD Part time war chiefs South Coastal
#32 Monarch Tupac 830 BC 2070 years from
Yupanqui I Point Zero
#40 Monarch Illja Tupac 400 BC 2500 years from
Point Zero
#58 Monarch Illja Tupac 0 AD 2900 years from
Ccapac Point Zero
#62 Monarch Cayo Manco 120 AD Comets,
Ccapac Earthquakes, End of
Ancient Cuzco
#78 Monarch Auqui Atau 600 AD 3500 years from
Huillja Point Zero
# 90 Monarch Illja Toca 1100 AD 4000 years from
Point Zero
Sapa Inca Manco c. 1200 AD Beginning of Inca AGE 5 Cuzco
Ccapac II Dynasty

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Sapa Inca Sinchi Rocca c. 1225 AD Cuzco
Sapa Inca Lloque c. 1250 AD Cuzco
Sapa Inca Maita Ccapac c. 1285 AD Cuzco
Sapa Inca Ccapac c. 1315 AD Began the counting Cuzco
Yupanqui of time
Sapa Inca Inca Roca c. 1350 AD Cuzco
Sapa Inca Yahuar c. 1385 AD Cuzco
Sapa Inca Inca c. 1420 AD 8th Inca Cuzco
Sapa Inca Pachacuti 1438 – 1471 AD Name means World Cuzco
Inca Yupanqui Turner,
9th Inca
Sapa Inca Tupac Inca 1471 – 1493 AD 10th Inca Cuzco
Sapa Inca Huayna 1493 – 1527 AD 11th Inca Cuzco
Sapa Inca Huascar 1527 – 1532 AD Cuzco
Sapa Inca Atahualpa 1531 -1533 AD Captured by Pizarro Quito
SPANISH Pizarro 1532 AD
Sapa Inca Manco Inca 1533 – 1545 AD Pizarro Makes Inca , Cuzco
Yupanqui failed to throw
(Last Inca) Spanish out of Peru
Sapa Inca Sayn Tupaq 1545 -1560 AD
Sapa Inca Titu Cusi 1560 – 1571 AD
NOTES: 1) Sapa Inca means ‘the only Inca”.
2) Inca in the Quichua language means ‘Emperor’.
3) Ccapac means ‘rich’ as in qualifications to rule.

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Properties of our galaxy and solar system are described throughout the text of this writing. This
Appendix provides some relevant and interesting data which hopefully will serve as a useful
frame of reference. Figure C-1 shows the relative sizes of the planets and Figure C-2 shows the
planets in relation to the size of the Sun. Our sun is one of the smaller stars in our galaxy and the


The universe has been described as consisting of matter and energy which were described by
Einstein's equation; E = mc2 where c represents the speed of light. It was known by physicists
that there were shortcomings in Einstein's theory and discrepancies between Newton's Law of
Gravity, the theory of Relativity and the theory of Quantum Mechanics. Einstein's theory says
nothing moves faster than the speed of light yet the effects of gravity are felt instantaneously.
Einstein further theorized that gravity was the warping of space and time.

The atom consisting of electrons, protons and neutrons, once thought to be the basic building
block of all matter, is now believed to consist of much smaller building blocks. The discovery
by the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center that protons and neutrons are not fundamental
building blocks but rather are made up of what they have termed quarks (3 for the proton and 3
for the neutron). This discovery has led to the development of other theories such as String,
Superstring and M theories. These theories explain the discrepancies and shortcomings
mentioned above and will drastically change our concept and understanding of the universe.
According to string theory all matter and all forces are made from one basic ingredient: the
oscillating string. Everything at the microscopic level consists of vibrating strands. As discussed
in Chapter 7, the ancients appear to have had an understanding of harmonics and their
relationship to vibrating strands.

The basic building block is now described by modern day physicists as the 'string'. The string is
defined as a vibrating, oscillating filament which makes up electrons and quarks. Everything in
the universe at the microscopic level consists of combinations of vibrating strands. All matter
and all forces arise from the oscillating string. The string as the fundamental building block can
undergo an infinite number of different vibration patterns known as resonance. The different
patterns of vibration of a fundamental string give rise to different masses and force charges. The
energy of a particular strings vibration pattern depends on its amplitude and its wavelength and a
property of the string known as jitter. The greater the amplitude and the shorter the wavelength
of the vibration pattern, the greater its energy content will be. Also, the energy of the string is
proportional to its tension.

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The makeup of the atom consisting of electrons, protons, neutrons and their building blocks the
quarks, and their respective building block the string is depicted below in Table C-1:



Quarks (3 each) Quarks (3 each)

• Up Quark (2) Up Quark (1)

• Down Quark(l) Down Quark(2)
String String String

Since the mass of a particle determines its gravitational properties there is a direct association
between the pattern of string vibration and a particle's response to the gravitational force. There
are twelve fundamental particles each containing a vibrating filament named a string which

• Neutrino, electron, up quark, down quark, muon, charm quark, strange quark,
bottom quark, top quark, tau, muon neutrino, and the tau neutrino
• each quark also labeled red, green and blue
• each particle has an antiparticle = positron (antiparticle of an electron)

The particles can further be grouped into families of particles as follows: (* mass = multiple of
proton mass).


Electron 0.00054 Muon 0.11 Tau 1.9
Electron- Muon- Tau-
Neutrino <10-8 neutrino <0.0003 neutrino <0.033
Up quark 0.0047 Charm quark 1.6 Top quark 189
Down Strange Bottom
Quark 0.0074 quark 0.16 quark 5.2

String theory requires that the universe have at least 9 and perhaps as many as 11 extra space
dimensions and one time dimension. The extra space dimensions are theorized to be curled-up

J. A. Chapin Page 73 11/16/2008

Every physical event, process, or occurrence in the universe is, at its most elemental level,
discernable in terms of forces acting between the elementary material constituents. The forces
acting within the universe are described below:



1) Gravitational3 Unlimited range, Graviton Zero

mass and distance

2) Electromagnetic Unlimited range, Photon Zero

electric charge

3) Weak force works at Weak gauge boson 86, 97

microscopic scale,
radioactive decay

4) Strong force4 works at Gluon Zero

microscopic scale,
affects quarks,
protons, neutrons
(keeps them
1. Over large distances (> 10-29 centimeters) the three non-gravitational force strengths
appear to be equal.
2. The particles associated with the four forces provide the mechanism for transmitting the
forces they constitute. They are the smallest constituents of the force.
3. Gravitational force between A and B = Mass A x Mass B / (Distance between A and B)2
4. Strong Force = 100 times electromagnetic force = 100,000 times weak force = 10 40 times
gravitational force
5. Mass = multiple of a protons mass

· Planck Constant = h = maximum energy a wave/photon can carry is proportional to its
frequency = 6.626 X 10 -34 Joule second where 1 Joule = 1 kg M2/S2
· Planck Length = 10 -33 centimeters = 1020 times smaller than an atomic nucleus
· Planck Tension = 1039 tons (string tension is inversely proportional to strength of the
force transmitted by graviton)
· Planck Time = 10-43 seconds
· Planck Mass = 10 19 mass of a proton where the mass of a proton = 9.11 x 10-31 kg
· Planck Energy = mc2

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• 1 Meter = 3.28094 ft = 5.39967 x 10-4 min of arc = 1010 Angstroms
• 1 Angstrom= I 0-10 m
• 1 Statute Mile = 5280 ft = 1.60934 km
• 1 Nautical Mile = I minute of arc = 6076.11549 ft = 6000 geodetic ft
=1851.9952 m = 0.016666667 degrees
• 360 degrees = 21,600 minutes of arc = 21,600 nautical miles
• 1 Light year = 9.46051 x1012 km
• Speed of Light in a vacuum = 186,291 mi/sec = 670 x106 miles/hr
= 299,792.458 km/sec
• Speed of Light in air = 299,729 km/sec = 186,251.6 mi/sec
• Wavelength of visible light between 200 nm (2000 Angstroms/Violet) and 700 nm (7000
• Pi = 3.1416 ... = transcendental number
• Golden Section = phi = 1.618 = irrational number
• Divine Number = 1 /phi = 0.618
• Fibonacci Series = 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...610
• 1 Joule = 1 kgm2/sec2

• Circumference @ Equator = 40,074.175 km = 24,901 statute miles which rotates
@ approximately 1040 mph
• Diameter at equator = 7930 miles = 12754.543 km = Approximately one millionth that of the solar
• Diameter at poles = 7900 miles
• Weight 5273 x 1018 tons
• Density 5.52 g/cm3
• Density of water = 1.41 g/cm3
• Orbital speed = 107589 km/hr = 29.9 km/sec = 66,600 miles/hr
• Axis (current) = 23.4375 degrees = obliquity to the orbital path (ecliptic) or inclination
of Earth's equator to its orbit
= 22.1 to 24.5 degrees over a 41,000 year period
= 4.87x 10-5 degrees/year
• Tropical year = 365.2422 days = period from equinox to equinox
• Sidereal year = 365.242198 days
• Gregorian year = 365.2425 days
• Equinoxes = March & September = Sun crosses the equator
• Solstices = June & December = extreme north and south position of the Sun
• Precession cycle-between 25,800 and 26,000 years

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• Circumference = 2,712,960 miles
• Diameter = 864,400 miles (radius = 432,000 miles)
= 109.045 (diameter of earth)
• Volume= 1.3 x 106 (volume of earth)
• Density = 1.41 g/cm3 = 1/4 density of earth
• Mass = 1.99 x 10 30 kg
• Temperature = 10,000 degrees F @ surface, 27,000,000 degrees F @ center
• Distance from Sun to Earth = 8 light minutes = 93,000,000 miles avg.

• Diameter = 2160 Statute miles = 3476 km
• Lunar & solar eclipse occur together in a 54 year cycle or 669 synodic months
• Synodic rotation = the interval between two full moons or two new moons = 29.5306
• Anomalistic lunar cycle = 27.555 days (Moon closest to Earth)
• 99 lunations = 8 Haab years = 2920 days
• Mayan lunar table length = 11,958 days = 405 lunar months
• Average distance from Moon to Earth = 220,000 miles

• Average synodic cycle = 780 days = 3 X 260
• Sometimes served as the morning star in the absence of Venus
• When Mars and Venus appear in the East together, Mars remains long after Venus
• Mars, for a time will go into a retrograde motion back towards Venus before
resuming forward motion
• Mars exhibits a helical rise

• Average synodic period = 583.92 days average (Rises the same point in the earth's
• Time to orbit the Sun = 224.701 days
• Only planet whose day is longer than its year
• Only planet that rotates clockwise
• 584 X 117 revolutions = 68,328 days = sunspot cycle
• 584 X 117 X 20 = number of Venus cycles to = 1,366,560 (Super Dresden number)
• 5 synodic Venus cycles =8 Haab years = 2920 days = time for month signs to repeat

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VENUS (Continued)
• 584 days of 5 periods
o 20 day names repeat 29 times = 590 days; therefore a next Venus cycle will begin
4 days after 20 day names of the previous 580 day cycle
o Only 5 day names can ever begin a Venus cycle: Junajpu, K'at, Q'anil, E,
• 584 day synodic period is accomplished in 4 stages: Completes 65 of these cycles every
104 years (2 calendar rounds)
1. Morning star = 236 days (8 synodic moons)
2. Invisible for 50 days then reappears for 27days as morning star + 13 days as
evening star
3. Evening star = 250 days
4. Invisible for 8 days and then returns to stage 1
• The orbital periods of Venus (224.701 days) and Earth (365.256) are in an 8 year (2922)
days) resonance with each other. In the time it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun eight
times, Venus completes almost exactly 13 revolutions about the Sun.
• It had been recognized by almost every ancient culture that the path of Venus during this
8 year cycle traces out in the sky a pentagram which was one of the most potent and
persistent symbols in human history.
• On the Mayan calendar only 5 day names can begin a Venus cycle: Junajpu (Flower),
Kat (Lizard), Qanil (Rabbit), and Ajmak (Vulture).

• Diameter = 137.14562 X distance from Sun to Earth = 12754.542 X 10 6 miles One
forty-millionth the diameter of the Milky Way
• Distance from Sun to Sirius = 0.9031161 X 106 distance from Sun to Earth
• Distance to center of the galaxy = 2.62151 X 1017 km = 26,000 light years
• Distance from sun to Earth = 147 to 152 x 10 6 km = 93 million miles average
• Distance from sun to Mars = 23 X 106 km
• The average distance between the Sun and the Earth is transferred from elliptical to
circular and back again ~ 93,000 years
• Sun moves in near circular orbit around the center of the Milky Way at a speed of 250
km/sec (1 orbit = 220 million years)


Data on the Sirius star system is provided as part of this appendix because the mythologies of the
Dogon, an African tribe, and the Egyptians refer to civilization as having come from the Sirius
system. Sumerian mythology also alludes to this possibility as the myths refer to civilization
coming from the heavens. In his book 'The Sirius Mystery', Robert Temple provides an excellent
description of the mythologies and how they relate to modern day scientific facts.

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Sirius is a double star consisting of one low-density star and one small extremely dense
star. Some modem-day scholars suspect that Sirius is the greater Sun about which our
solar system orbits, which in turn revolves about the center of the Milky Way.

• Mass = 2.5 x mass of sun = 4.975 x 1030 kg
= 833500 x mass of earth
= 2.374169 x mass of Sirius B
• Distance to Sun = 8.7 light years = 82.306437 x1012 km
• Brightness = 35.5 x brightness of Sun = 10,000 brightness of Sirius B

SIRIUS B: (White dwarf)

• Diameter=3 x radius of earth = 11890.5miles = 19,131.814km
• Density = 65,000 (density of water) = 91,650 g/cm3
• Mass = 1.053 (mass of sun) = 2.09 x 1030 kg
NOTE: 1.053 = 256/243 = a universal harmonic
= 351070.2 x mass of earth
• Temperature = 8000 deg

• Orbit period about Sirius A = 49.5 earth years

• Radius = 0.0078 radius of our sun

• Mass = 0.05 (mass of Sun)

0.05 (l.99 x 1030) =.0995 x 1030 kg

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x e4
MERCURY 5791 1.0
VENUS 10820 1.86668623 1.0
EARTH 14960 2.5833189 1.3826247 1.0
MARS 22794 3.9361077 2.1066543 1.5236631 1.0
JUPITER 77833 13.440338 7.193438 5.207406 3.4146266
SATURN 142940 24.683128 13.21072 9.5548128 6.2709484
URANUS 287099 49.576757 26.534103 19.191109 12.595375
NEPTUNE 450430 77.781039 41.62939 30.108957 19.760901
PLUTO 591352 102.11569 54.653604 39.528877 25.943318
Solar 1275454. 220.24767 117.87932 85.25764 55.955703
System dia 3


x e4 (510181.72 e12
VENUS 10820
EARTH 14960
MARS 22794
JUPITER 77833 1.0
SATURN 142940 1.836496 1.0
URANUS 287099 3.688539 2.008528 1.0
NEPTUNE 450430 5.7871339 3.1511823 1.5689013 1.0
PLUTO 591352 7.5977027 4.1370645 2.0597494 1.3112861 1.0
Solar 1275454. 16.387063 8.9230047 4.4425591 2.8316371 2.156844 1/40 e6
System dia 3 4

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MERCURY 1.8 2.6 4
VENUS 1.8 1.3 2
EARTH 2.6 1.5
Solar 220
System dia


MERCURY 13 25 50 78 102 220

VENUS 7 13 26 42 55 118
EARTH 5 10 20 30 40 85
MARS 3.4 6.3 13 20 26 56
JUPITER 1.8 3.7 5.8 7.6 16.4
SATURN 2 3 4 9
URANUS 1.6 2 4.4
NEPTUNE 1.3 2.8
System dia

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MERCURY 5.43 1.0 1.0362595 0.9836956 1.3816793
VENUS 5.24 0.9650092 1.0 0.9492753 1.3333333
EARTH 5.52 1.0165745 1.0534351 1.0 1.4045801
MARS 3.93 0.7237569 0.75 0.7119565 1.0
JUPITER 1.33 0.2449355 0.2538167 0.240942 0.3384223
SATURN 0.69 0.1270718 0.1316793 0.125 0.1755725
URANUS 1.32 0.2430939 0.2519083 0.2391304 0.3358778
NEPTUNE 1.64 0.3020257 0.312977 0.2971014 0.4173027
PLUTO 2.06 0.3793738 0.3931297 0.3731884 0.524173
Sun 1.41 0.2596685 0.2690839 0.2554347 0.3587786


MERCURY 5.43 4.08270 7.86956 4.11363 3.31097 2.63592 3.85106
67 52 63 56 23 38
VENUS 5.24 3.93984 7.59420 3.96969 3.19512 2.54368 3.71631
96 28 69 19 93 2
EARTH 5.52 4.15037 8 4.18181 3.36585 2.67961 3.91489
59 818 36 16 36
MARS 3.93 2.95488 5.69565 2.97727 2.39634 1.90776 2.78723
72 21 27 14 69 4
JUPITER 1.33 1.0 1.92753 1.00757 0.81097 0.64563 0.94326
62 575 56 1 24
SATURN 0.69 0.51879 1.0 0.52272 0.42073 0.33495 0.48936
69 727 17 14 17
URANUS 1.32 0.99248 1.91304 1.0 0.80487 0.64077 0.93617
12 34 8 66 02
NEPTUNE 1.64 1.23308 2.37681 1.24242 1.0 0.79611 1.16312
27 15 424 65 05
PLUTO 2.06 1.54887 2.98550 1.56060 1.25609 1.0 1.46099
21 72 606 75 29
Sun 1.41 1.06015 2.04347 1.06818 0.85975 0.68446 1.0
03 82 18 6 6

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(kg) M 3.3 e23 4.87 e24 5.97 e24 6.42 e23
M Ma/Mb Ma/Mb Ma/Mb Ma/Mb
MERCURY 3.3 e23 1.0 .0677618 .05527638 0.5140186
VENUS 4.87 e24 14.75757 1.0 0.8157453 7.585669
EARTH 5.97 e24 18.09090 1.225872 1.0 9.299065
9 6
MARS 6.42 e23 1.945454 0.131892 0.1075376 1.0
5 751 8
JUPITER 1.9 e27 5757.575 390.1437 318.2579 2959.501
SATURN 5.68 e26 1721.212 116.6324 95.14237 884.7352
1 4
URANUS 8.68 e25 263.0303 17.82340 14.539363 135.20249
03 8
NEPTUNE 1.02 e26 309.0909 20.94455 17.08542 158.8785
PLUTO 1.27 e22 0.038484 0.002607 0.0021273 0.0197819
848 802 03 3
SUN 1.99 e30 6060303. 408624.2 333333.33 3099688
03 3


(kg) M 1.9 e27 5.68 e26 8.68 e25 1.02 e26 1.27 e22 1.99
M Ma/Mb Ma/Mb Ma/Mb Ma/Mb Ma/Mb Ma/M
MERCURY 3.3 e23 0.00017368 0.00058098 0.0038018 0.0032352 25.98425 0.0
421 59 43 941 1
VENUS 4.87 e24 0.00256315 0.00857394 0.0561059 0.0477450 383.4645 0.0
78 3 9 98 6
EARTH 5.97 e24 0.00308947 0.01051056 0.0687788 0.0585294 470.0787 0
36 3 11 4
MARS 6.42 e23 0.00033789 0.01130281 0.0073963 0.0062941 50.55118 0.0
473 6 13 176 1
JUPITER 1.9 e27 1.0 3.34507 21.8894 18.62745 149606.2 0.0

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SATURN 5.68 e26 0.02989473 1.0 6.543778 5.5686274 44724.40 0.0

6 9
URANUS 8.68 e25 0.04568421 15.28169 1.0 0.8509803 683.4645 0.0
9 6
NEPTUNE 1.02 e26 0.05368421 0.1795774 1.175115 1.0 8031.496 0.0

PLUTO 1.27 e22 0.00000668 0.00002235 0.0001463 0.0001245 1.0 0.0

421 915 133 098
SUN 1.99 e 30 1047.3684 3503.521 22926.26 19509.803 15669291
Note: Jupiter contains 2/3 the total mass of all planets.

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1. Augustine, “Confessions”, translated by F. J. Sheed, Hackett Publishing Co,

Inc, Indianapolis/Cambridge, 1993.
2. Edgar Hennecke, "New Testament Apocrypha", (Westminster Press,
Philadelphia, 1963).
3. Bruce Metzger, editor, "The Oxford Annotated Apocrypha", (Oxford Press,
NY, 1894, Revised 1957).
4. Maulana Muhammud Ali, "The Holy Our'an", (Specialty Promotions Co.,
Chicago, 1985).
5. A. Cohen, "Everyman's Talmud", (Schocken Books, NY, 1949).
6. A. Stiensaltz, "The Essential Talmud", (Basic Books Inc., NY, 1976).
7. Swami Prabhavananda & Frederick Manchester, "The Upanishads". The New
American Library, Mentor Books, 1963.
8. Dharam Vir Singh, “Hinduism, An Introduction”, (Travel Wheels, Jaipur,
India, 1995).
9. Edward Conze, "Buddhist Scriptures", (Penguin Books, 1959).
10. D. C. Lau, "Confucius - The Analects", (Penguin Books, 1979).
11. W. Whiston (Translator), "The Complete Works of Josephus", (Kregel
Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1981).
12. James M. Robinson, General Editor, "The Nag Hammadi Library", (Harper &
Row, San Francisco, 1988).
13. Elaine Pagels, "The Gnostic Gospels", (Vintage Books, NY, 1981).
14. Wilson Edmund, "Israel & the Dead Sea Scrolls", (Farrar Straus Giroux, NY,
15. John Allegro, "The Dead Sea Scrolls", (Penguin Books, 1956).
16. A. Powell Davies, "The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls", (Mentor Books,
NY, 1956).
17. Glenn D. Kittler, "Edgar Cayce on the Dead Sea Scrolls", (Warner Books,
18. Jonathan Barnes, "Aristotle", (Oxford University Press, Oxford, NY, 1982).
19. Dennis Tedlock, Translated by; "Popol Vuh”, Simon & Shuster, 1996
20. Ayn Rand, "Philosophy: Who Needs It?” (The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc.,
Indianapolis & NY, 1982).
21. Ayn Rand, "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology", (Mentor Books, NY,
22. Jack Ensign Addington, "The Hidden Mystery of the Bible", (New York:
Dodd, Mead & Company, 1969).
23. Julian Jaynes, "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the
Bicameral Mind", (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1976).

J. A. Chapin Page 86 11/16/2008

REFERENCES (Continued)
24. Joseph Campbell, "The Masks of God: Oriental Mythology", (Penguin Books,
25. Dr. Joseph Murphy, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", (Prentice-
Hall, 1963).
26. Lewis Spence, "Mexico and Peru-Myths and Legends”, Senate-Studio
Editions Ltd, London, England, 1994.
27. Jared Diamond, “Collapse, How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed”,
Viking – Penguin Group, New York, NY, 2005
28. Col. James Churchward, "The Lost Continent of Mu", BE. Books, (The
C.W. Daniel Company Ltd., Co-publisher, 1926,193 1, printed 1998)
29. "The American Heritage Book of Indians”, by the Editors of American
Heritage, Alvin Joseph Jr., Editor; William Brandon, Narrator; American
Heritage Publishing Company, 1961
30. Karl Brugger, "The Chronicle of Akakor”, Delacorte Press, NYC, 1977
31. Josef F. Blumrich, "The Spaceships of Ezekiel", A Bantam Book, Feb 1974.
32. Christopher Dunn, "The GIZA Power Plant-Technologies of Ancient Egypt",
Bear & Company Publishing, Santa Fe, NM 1998.
33. Bauval, Robert, and Adrian Gilbert, "The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the
Secrets of the Pyramids", New York: Crown, 1994.
34. Julian Jaynes; lbid, p. 54.
35. Peter Russell, "The Global Brain", (Pub., J.P. Tarcher Inc., Los Angeles;
Dist., Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1983).
36. Ruth Montgomery, "Aliens Among Us", (Fawcett Crest NY, 1985).
37. Zecharia Sitchin, "The 12th Planet", (Avon, 19).
38. Steve Nadis, "Pluto Fragments May Be Collision Relics", Astronomy, Jan
39. Richard Leakey & Roger Lewin, "Origins Reconsidered", Doubleday, 1992.
40. Brian M. Fagan, "World Prehistory", Longman, 1999
41. David Hatcher Childress, "Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South
America", Adventures Unlimited Press, 1989
42. Zecharia Sitchin, "Genesis Revisited", (Avon, 1990).
43. Carl Sagan, Intelligent Life in the Universe, p357, Delta Books: New York,
44. Brian Greene, "The Elegant Universe", Vintage Books, New York, 1999
45. Zecharia Sitchin, "The Stairway to Heaven", (Avon, 1980).
46. Zecharia Sitchin, "The Wars of Gods and Men", (Avon, 1985).
47. Zecharia Sitchin, "Divine Encounters", (Avon, 1996).
48. Zecharia Sitchin, "The Cosmic Cod6", (Avon, 1998).
49. Zecharia Sitchin, "The Lost Realms", (Avon, 1994)

J. A. Chapin Page 87 11/16/2008

REFERENCES (Continued)
50. Allan, D. S. and Delair, J.B., "When the Earth Nearly Died,” Gateway
Books, 1995
51. William Ryan and Walter Pitman, "Noah's Flood", A Touchstone Book
(Published by Simon & Schuster, 2000)
52. Roberta and Peter Markman, "The Flayed God, The Mythology of
Mesoamerica", (Harper San Francisco, 1992).
53. Gilele D'iaz & Alan Rodgers, Restoration by, "The Codex Borgia", Dover
Publications, Inc, NY, 1993
54. Ernest G McClain, "The Myth of Invariance-The Origin of the Gods,
Mathematics and Music from the Rig Veda to Plato", Nicolas-Hays, Inc.,
York Beach, Maine, 1984
55. John A. Eddy, "The Maunder Minimum", Science 192, (1976): 1189-120.
56. Brad Steiger, "Mysteries of Time and Space", Dell/Confucian, 1976.
57. Brown, R.L., and Johnston, K.J. "The gas density and distribution within 2
parsecs of the galactic Center", Astrophysical Journal 268 (1983): L85.
58. Lo, KY., and Claussen, M.J. "High-resolution observations of ionized gas in
central 3 parsecs of the Galaxy: possible evidence for infall." Nature 306
59. Lacy, J.H., Townes, C.H., Geballe, TR., and Hollenbach, D.J.,
"Observations of the motion and distribution of the ionized gas in the
central parsec of the Galaxy", Astrophysical Journal 241 (1980):132.
60. LaViolette, P.A., "Earth Under Fire", Alexandria, VA: Starlane Publications,
61. La Violette, P.A., "Galactic Explosions, Cosmic Dust Invasions, and
Climatic Change", Ph.D. dissertation, Portland State University, Portland,
Oregon, August 1983.
61. Watts, Alan, “The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are”,
New York: Random House, 1972.

62. Richard F Townsend, "The Aztecs", Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, 1992.
63. Trevor Rice, "Eastern Mediterranean Late Bronze Age Chronology",
64. Philip A. Means, (Editor), Memorias Antiguas Historiales del Peru, Fernando
Montesinos, 1920

J. A. Chapin Page 88 11/16/2008

INDEX Apocrypha, 8, 39, 40

Archaeology, 5, 6, 17, 18, 20, 23, 26,

A 27, 31, 72, 73, 98, 108, 111, 147-165,
190, 192, 201, 277 – 280, 283, 284,
Adapa, 16 291

Addington, Jack Ensign, 10, 52, 55, 56, Aristotle, 8, 180

Artifacts, 1, 2, 13, 162-166
Advanced civilizations, 14, 16, 18, 21,
26, 28, 36, 51, 97, 125, 127, 147, 150,
214, 223, 254, 266, 277

Aircraft/Airships, 21, 155, 163, 164

Ashoka, Emperor, 22, 226
Akakor, Chronicle of, 21, 22, 98, 100,
107, 108, 112, 176, 277, 292 Ashurbanipal, 35, 100, 192, 253

Akhnaton, 108, 109, 233, 234, 283, Assyria/Assyrians, 13, 42, 71, 106,
290 110, 164, 190, 192, 224, 233, 253,
255, 277, 279, 280, 283, 306-310
Akkad/Akkadian(s), 9, 13, 16, 71 – 76,
99, 100-103, 106, 107, 125, 126, 150, Asteroids, 28, 37, 109, 175-178, 214,
164, 1923-194, 197, 224, 240-243, 277, 287
253, 265, 279
Asteroid Belt, 75, 84
Algae, 76
Astras, 22
Allegory, 32, 42, 46
Astronomy, 5, 13, 21, 26, 72, 74, 80,
Amarna, 233, 234, 283, 306-310 97, 98, 110, 124-128, 162, 184, 256,
264, 265, 266
Amazon, 23, 98
Atlantis, 6, 19, 109, 166
Amos, 35, 40, 41, 112, 226
Atomic explosions, 110, 149
Analog ‘I’, 34, 48, 222
Atrahasis Epic, 73, 76, 100, 192
Andes, 6, 17, 21, 74, 98, 99, 152, 166,
175, 186, 188 Augustine/Augustinus, St 1, 3, 45, 46

Antarctic/Antarctica, 16, 23, 133, 134, Aztecs, 70, 74, 83-93, 97, 112, 113,
146, 167-171, 174, 180, 185, 186, 120, 121, 164, 173, 177, 187, 210,
256, 258 236, 257, 266, 269, 272

Anunnaki, 26, 72, 73, 76, 94-96, 99,

107, 109, 194 B

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Calendars, 1, 21, 25, 34, 35, 80, 98,

Baalbek, 19, 21, 140, 151 112, 115, 121, 129, 197, 256, 264-276

Babylon/Babylonians, 22, 25, 35, 38, Campbell, Joseph, 10

39, 42, 70-74, 100, 104, 111,124-128,
139, 150, 190, 192, 193, 197, 224, Caracol, 162
233, 240-243, 253, 255, 277, 280,
283, 306-312 Cataclysm(s), 2, 4, 15, 26, 28, 97-123,
152, 147, 200-206, 209, 214, 254-258,
Bacteria, 76, 81 265, 266 - 279

Berossus, 194-197, 279, 280 Catalhoyuk, 149, 150

Bible/Biblical, 8-10, 19, 21, 22, 33, 38- Catholic Popes, 244-247
43, 52, 71-93, 106, 108, 150, 160, 174,
193, 224, 231, 255, 284, 287 Cave art/paintings, 125, 165

Bicameral, 10, 31-44, 51, 228, 254 Cayce, Edgar, 40, 45

Big Bang, 71, 80, 81, 218 Chalcedon, Council of, 235, 236

Black Sea, 98, 100, 108, 171, 191 Chaldaeans, 13, 22, 125, 127, 194,
Charon, 72, 92
Bode’s Law, 132
Chilam Balam, 267
Bolling Period, 102, 198
Chile/Chilean, 17, 18, 112, 279, 296
Bosporus flood, 100, 101, 107, 108,
149, 171, 173, 191, 202
Chinese/China/Tibet, 6, 17, 18, 22, 25,
Brahmanism/Brahminic, 45, 225, 228 73, 81, 97, 103, 109 - 113, 124-126,
132, 160, 164, 178, 180, 191, 192,
Brain, 11, 33 - 37, 48 255, 265, 278
Brauer, Gunter, 77 Christ/Christian/Christianity, 9, 78, 215,
223, 226, 228 - 238, 255, 291, 292
Bristlecone pine, 148, 174, 185
Chronometer, 134
Brugger, Karl, 98, 99
Churchward, Colonel James, 19, 70, 99,
Buache map, 23 175
Buddha/Buddhaism, 8, 16, 222, 226, Cicero, 125, 127
Clay, 75, 100

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Climate, 1, 5, 14, 17, 103, 110, 126, Deluge, 15, 26, 73, 97, 99 -112, 114,
152, 184-190, 214, 256 151, 191-198, 282-287, 291

Cloning, 76 Diorite vases, 164

Codex Vaticanus, 97, 114-123, 256 DNA, 19, 24, 76, 77, 173, 178, 179,
186, 201, 278
Comet(s), 73, 79, 83, 109, 111, 112,
175-178, 257 Dresden Codex, 128

Communication, 24, 31, 36, 37, 124, Dropa, 164

128, 131, 160, 161, 221, 222, 229
Dunn, Christopher, 36, 37, 133, 164
Comte de Buffon, 78, 79, 229, 237

Confucius, 8, 226
Conscious/Consciousness, 10, 11, 30 - Ea, 16, 51, 139
69, 82, 209-213, 215-222, 225 -232,
254 Earth, 13, 26, 28, 37, 71, 75, 98 - 100,
109, 112, 129, 131, 133, 134, 160,
Construction, 24, 137, 152, 161 174, 176, 177, 181, 182, 185, 196,
Copernicus, 124
Easter Island, 140
Creation mythology, 14, 23, 24, 70-96
Ebla/Eblanite, 150, 192, 195, 196
Cuneiform, 103, 123, 144, 192, 197
Egypt/Egyptian, 1, 6, 10, 13, 16, 18,
Cycles/Cyclical, 2, 13, 25, 28, 34, 42, 19, 21, 23-26, 32, 36, 42, 71, 73, 81,
43, 49, 61, 73, 74, 112, 113, 117, 124, 82, 97, 103, 106, 108, 110, 111, 112,
127, 129, 135 167, 169, 180-182, 185, 124-127, 130, 131, 150, 157, 162–165,
196, 200, 214, 218, 220, 257, 258, 174, 186, 191, 192, 198-201, 223-225,
264, 266 233–243, 255, 264, 265, 277-291, 306–
310, 314-319

D Einstein, 44, 327, 328

Darwin, 219 Encke Comet, 112, 176, 256, 257

Dating techniques, 147–149, 169 Enki, 16, 51, 75, 139

Dead Sea Scrolls, 8, 9, 27, 28, 40, 229 Enuma Elish, 70, 71, 73, 83-933, 192,

Equinox, spring, autumn, 155, 182,


Erra Epos, 192

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Eskimos, 20, 97 Gilgamesh, 100, 106, 107, 198, 282,

Eusebius, 199, 200, 278, 278, 283
Gin-Gwins, 22

Giza, 13, 21, 24, 25, 36, 106, 130-133,

151, 154, 156-161

Gliders, 21, 165,

Evolve/Evolution, 24, 26, 28, 30, 217 -
221, 228, 278 Glomar Challenger, 102, 171

Exodus, 105, 110, 174, 287, 289, 290, Gnostic Gospels, 8, 9, 215, 230, 236
320, 321
God(s), 3, 7-9, 13, 19, 21, 26, 30, 40-
Ezekiel, 21, 35, 40, 164 69, 73 – 82, 111, 130, 139, 210-218,
215, 220, 223-243, 279, 284
Farming, 17, 18, 101, 278, 202
Golden Age, 41, 113, 114, 223
Flight, 22, 23, 162-165
Goliath, 20
Fossils, 5, 6, 81, 99, 152, 165, 171,
172, 175, 178, 179, 219 Graham, David, 72

Freud, 210 Gravity, Gravitation, 22

G Great Assembly, 39

Greece, Greeks, 13, 20, 25, 32, 33, 35,

Galactic core explosions, 37, 183, 214, 40, 41, 44, 60, 97, 110, 111, 113, 125,
256 126, 130-133, 140, 160, 194, 200,
217, 224, 240-243, 255, 280
Genesis, 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 20, 38, 43, 51-
69, 70, 97, 102, 106, 193, 213, 220, Greene, Dr. Brian, 80
225, 237, 284, 288, 289
Greenland, 16, 97, 168, 173, 185, 257
Genesis Man, 40, 41, 228
Gulf Stream, 102, 168, 185, 257
Genesis Model, 3, 28, 30, 40, 42, 43,
45-50, 51-69, 81, 82, 210, 212, 215-
218, 225,229, 239, 258
Geology, 3, 5, 6, 26, 98, 99, 147, 166-
175, 278 Hakatha, 22

Giants, 19, 20, 114, 223, 291, 323 Hallucination, 31-41, 57, 254, 255

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IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite),

Hammurabi, 41, 253, 282, 283, 306 184

Harmonic(s), 24, 25, 37, 42, 130-133, Islam, 226, 235, 238, 248-253, 292
141, 160, 196, 216

Hebrews, 4, 10, 13, 20, 39 - 45, 70, 97,

98, 101, 104, 107, 110, 112, 126, 194,
198, 224 - 226, 233, 253, 265, 277, Jaynes, Dr. Julian, 10, 29-38, 63, 223,
283, 286, 306 - 310 255

Herodotus, 42, 106, 125, 191, 200, Jericho, 149, 150, 163, 174, 253
224, 255, 278, 279, 283, 284, 311, 312
Jerusalem, 39, 82, 104, 107, 230, 233,
Hieroglyphics, 192 234, 238, 284, 289

Hindu(s), 1, 6, 8, 13, 19, 20, 45, 97, Josephus, 8, 80, 104-107, 198, 199,
113, 126-128, 160, 164, 191, 225, 226, 278-290, 313, 320, 322
Hittites, 281
Kassites, 111
Holocene, 16, 19, 102, 126, 167, 169,
189, 190, 202 Khabiru, 233

Homo sapiens/sapiens, 27, 73-78, 178, Kings lists (Sumerian), 193-197, 207,
190, 195, 278 282, 303 - 305

Hopi, 22
Knights Templars, 236 - 238

Kuiper Belt, 72, 177, 184, 256

Hubble telescope, 72, 256

Hunter gatherers, 17, 101, 278 L

Hyades star cluster, 177 Language, 18, 113

Hyksos, 111, 280, 281, 286, 289 INDEX

Latitude/Longitude, 13, 130-134, 140
Lemura, 19
Ice cores, Greenland, Antarctic, 16,
167-171, 185, 186 Leyenda de los Soles, 113, 114, 116,
120, 121, 173, 274
Inca, 6, 13, 74, 97, 107, 112, 113, 152,
163, 236, 269, 277, 291 Little Ice Age, 17, 179, 187, 190

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Long Count, Maya, 117, 118, 127, 197,

Megalithic structures, 21, 24, 27, 150-
M 12, 201

Memory, 15, 32, 223

M-theory, 130, 215, 216, 327
Machu Picchu, 21, 125, 140, 291 from the sky, 21, 22, 164, 223
Magnetic field cycles, 148, 180-182, Mesoamerica, 6, 17, 19, 21, 25, 26, 36,
184 71, 74-76, 97, 98, 112, 114, 122, 124,
126, 127, 161, 210, 256, 257, 269,
Mahabharta text, 109, 128, 191 279
Manco Capac, 16, 291, 324 Mesopotamia, 4, 6, 16 - 19, 26, 37, 72,
97, 103, 106 - 108, 111, 126, 127, 131,
Manetho, 106, 125, 199, 279-288, 315- 150, 155, 160, 161, 174, 192, 196,
319, 322 224, 277, 280-283, 287, 290
Maps/mapping, 23, 134, 146 Metaphor, 2, 34, 46, 80, 213
Marduk, 16, 51, 70, 73, 99, 139, 224 Meteors, 103, 112, 175-178, 202, 282
Mars, 26, 92, 111, 112, 128, 182, 333 Mexico, 11, 17, 74, 107, 108, 110, 113,
121, 125, 162, 165, 172, 202, 265
Mathematics, 5, 13, 18, 25, 124, 126,
128, 160, 265, 279 Milky Way, 8, 37, 71, 117, 183, 184,
195, 201
Mitanni, 281
Maunder Minimum, 148, 179
Mithras, 231, 232
Maya/Mayan, 1 - 4, 6, 9, 13, 15, 16, 70,
74, 75, 97, 98, 105, 107, 109 -117, Mnemonic art, 32
120, 121, 125-129, 176, 177, 184, 186,
195, 197, 201, 210 - 212, 223, 256 - Mohenjo-daro, 109, 149
258, 265-275, 277, 284, 291, 292
Montesinos, 278, 279, 291, 292
Medical Trepanation, 23
Monte Verde, 279
Medieval Maximum/Minimum, 179,
180, 187 Moon, 26, 51, 73-76, 99, 124, 128,
165, 333
Mediterranean Sea, 98 -103, 107, 111,
168, 171 Moses, 3, 16, 33, 41, 42, 224, 226,
289, 292, 320, 321
Mega Fauna, 17, 184, 202, 278

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Mountains, 80, 98, 99, 101, 152, 175, Nimrod, 19, 151
Norte Chico, 6, 18
Mu, 6, 19, 99, 166
Nostradamus, 40, 254-256
Muhammad, 40,226, 234, 235, 238,
253, 255, 292 Nuclear war/explosions, 109, 149

Murphy, Joseph, 10 Numbers, Prime, Special, 13, 25, 30,

70, 117, 124-146, 196, 197
Music/Musical, 5, 18, 25, 32, 196

Muslim Shias/Sufis/Sunnis, 215, 220, O

223, 226, 234 - 236, 238, 240-243,
255, 292 Oaxaca, 17

INDEX Observatories, 124-126

Ofir, 22
N Og, King of, 19, 20
Naacal, 70, 71, 73-77, 83-93, 99, 100,
108, 284

Nabi, 35,

Nabta, 125

Nag Hammadi, 8, 9, 40
Old Testament, See Bible
Narmar palette, 164, 284
Olduvai Gorge, 170
Narratization, 33, 48
Olmec, 6, 70, 74, 110, 121, 202
Nazca, 21, 74, 140, 154
Oort cloud, 72, 177, 184, 256
Neanderthal, 76-78, 81, 178
Oracles, 36, 131, 227, 255
Nebuchadnezzar, 21, 39, 104, 284,
287, 288 Osiris, 16, 225
Nefilim/Repha’im, 20
Nibiru, 71 -76, 109
Palermo Stone, 198
Nicea, Council of, 40, 229, 230, 231,
235, 236, 256 Papyrus, Turin, 198, 199, 283, 286, 314

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Paracus Trident, 21, 154

Prediction(s), 254-258
Patagonia, 20, 110, 112
Proclus, 125, 127
Pentateuch, 39, 105, 224
Prophets/Prophecy, 33, 35, 39, 41, 164,
Persia/Persians, 13, 35, 39, 42, 103, 224, 226, 227, 234, 238, 254-255
104, 106, 111, 255, 277, 280, 283,
290, 311, 312 Pseudepigrapha, 8, 39

Peru, 6, 16, 18, 21, 24, 99, 110, 125, Puma Punku, 21, 98, 152
126, 150-153, 161, 166, 171, 175, 186,
236, 255, 290, 292, 323 - 326 Puranic gods, 226

Petroglyphs, 22 Puritans, 237

Phaistos, Crete, 190 Pyramids, 13, 21, 24, 25, 37, 74, 106,
130-133, 150, 154, 156-162
Phillippe Buache map, 23
Pythagoras, 25
Phoenicians, 110, 253, 281, 283, 313

Pi, 160
Piri Reis map, 23 Quetzalcoatl, 16, 226, 267, 268

Plate tectonics, 6, 99, 101, 152, 166, Quipu cords, 113, 291
171, 173, 214
Qumran, 231
Plato, 107, 108, 109, 191
Qur’an/Koran, 8, 9, 226, 228, 234, 238,
Pleiades star cluster, 177, 184 255, 292

Pleistocene Ice Age, 14, 16, 17, 19, 30, Radiation, 37, 148, 149, 180, 184, 189
100, 101, 102, 108, 152, 167, 189,
203, 277 - 279, 284 Radiocarbon dates/dating, 147-149,
174, 178
Pluto, 72, 73, 92
Rama Empire 22, 109
Poetic/Poetry, 32, 34
Ramayana text, 109, 191
Popol Vuh, 8, 71 - 75, 83-93, 110, 113

Precession, 13, 26, 117, 127, 129, 130,

137, 138, 179, 182, 184, 195, 200, Rand, Ayn, 8
211, 266
Reincarnation, 12, 228

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Solar Flares/Wind, 179, 180, 181, 184,

Religion, 7-12, 210-213, 223-253 189, 256

Resurrection, 228 Solomon, 285, 288, 289

Rice, Trevor, 283, 284

Rivers, Tigris & Euphrates, Tunguska, INDEX

Nile, 6, 18, 103, 191, 192
Solstice, 117, 155, 183, 264
Rock Art, 165
Space ships/flight, 21
Rocket ship, 163
Spence, Lewis, 11
Russell, Peter, 36, 218-221
Sporer Minimum, 179
Stonehenge, 125, 130, 140, 155, 156
Sacsahuaman, 21, 125, 140, 151-153
String/superstring theory, 46, 80, 130,
Sagan, Dr. Carl, 78 202, 215, 216, 327, 328

Sages, 16, 226, 227, 265 Sumerians, 1, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 19-26,
36, 38, 70-75, 83 – 93, 97, 100, 103,
Santorini, 111, 172, 174, 176 107, 108, 112, 124-129, 139, 149, 150,
154, 164, 182, 191-198, 201, 202, 207,
Saqqara, 163 208, 219, 223-225, 240-243, 265, 278,
279, 284, 290
Sarmizegetusa, 125, 155
Sumerian cities, 208
Semitic Tribes, 224,253
Sun, 7, 83, 108, 109, 112, 117, 155,
Septuagint, 40, 103, 105, 255 165, 175-184, 200, 218, 234, 327, 264,
331, 333
Siculus, Diodorus, 125, 199, 200, 278,
279, 283 Sunspot(s), 26, 148, 179, 180, 257

Sifrala, 22 Semitic, 78, 253

Sitchin, Zecharia, 72, 76, 98, 99, 109, Synergy, 217, 218
Skeleton/Skeletal, 5, 109, 149, 164
Talmud, 8, 9, 39, 160, 255
Solar Calendar, 35, 265
Taurid stream, 112, 176, 178, 256
Solar Evidence, 179-184
Teotihuacan, 98

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Venus, 26, 75, 79, 109, 128, 333, 334

Tethyan Seaway, 101
Vespucci, Giovanni, 23
Theory of Plate Tectonics, 6, 101, 166
Vesuvius, Mt, 121, 172, 173, 199, 202,
Tiahuanaco, 21, 140, 152, 291 277

Tiamet, 73-75 Vimanas, 22, 164

Tikal, 161 Viracocha, 16, 21, 226, 291

Titicaca, Lake, 99, 152, 166, 171, 175 Volcanoes, 1, 5, 78, 111, 112, 172-175,
214, 218, 258, 277
Toba, Mt, 78, 172, 173, 201, 258
Vostok, 170, 186, 195

Vumaanika-Shaastra, 22
Toltec, 16, 74, 113, 121, 176, 187

Torah, 39
Trepanation, 23 Weld-Blundell, 193, 194

Tsunami, 108, 110, 112, 178, 283 INDEX

Wahhabists, 235,238, 252
Ubaid/Ubadians, 104, 150, 192
Writing, 1, 2, 3, 11, 13, 14, 15,
19, 25, 27, 31-34, 37 - 42, 110,
Ugaritic culture, 98, 240-243 113, 164, 190-200, 221, 226,
264, 291
Underwater cores, 171, 172

Upanishads, 45, 50, 52, 227, 230 X

Ur, 104, 125, 150, 191, 198, 282, 288 Xibalba, Road of, 71, 117, 184
Ussher, Archbishop, 78, 79, 229, 237 Y

V Yahweh, 112
Vedas/Vedic, 19, 21, 45, 52, 71, 107,
109, 164, 191, 225, 226 Yoga, 227, 228

Vela Supernova, 99, 100, 107, 149, Yellowstone, 78, 173, 258
Yonaguni Island, 21

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Younger/Older Dryas, 108, 169,

186, 189, 202, 278

Zodiac, 100, 127, 182, 184, 196,

200, 204-206, 314


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