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Ipv 6

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HP Switch Software

IPv6 Configuration Guide

3800 switches

Software version KA.15.03 September 201 1

HP Networking E3800 Switches

September 2011 KA.15.03

IPv6 Configuration Guide

Copyright 2008 - 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All Rights Reserved. This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of HewlettPackard.

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Publication Number
5998-2710 September 2011

Applicable Products
HP E3800-24G-PoE+-2SFP+ Switch HP E3800-48G-PoE+-4SFP+ Switch HP E3800-24G-2SFP+ Switch HP E3800-48G-4SFP+ Switch HP E3800-24GS-2XG tl Switch HP E3800-24G-2XGT tl Switch HP E3800-48G-4XGT tl Switch HP E3800-24G-2XGT-PoE+ tl Switch HP E3800-48G-4XGT-PoE+ tl Switch HP E3800 4-port Stacking Module J9573A J9574A J9575A J9576A J9584A J9585A J9586A J9587A J9588A J9577A

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1 IPv6 Addressing Configuration

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 General Configuration Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Configuring IPv6 Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Enabling IPv6 with an Automatically Configured Link-Local Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Enabling Autoconfiguration of a Global Unicast Address and a Default Router Identity on a VLAN . . . . . . . 1-5 Operating Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Enabling DHCPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Operating Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Configuring a Static IPv6 Address on a VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Statically Configuring a Link-Local Unicast Address . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 Statically Configuring A Global Unicast Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 Operating Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) for Statically Configured Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 IPv6 Loopback Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 Assigning an IPv6 Address to a Loopback Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 Displaying Loopback Interface Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 Disabling IPv6 on a VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 Neighbor Discovery (ND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16 DAD Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17 Configuring DAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18


Operating Notes for Neighbor Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19 View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20 Router Access and Default Router Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-27 Router Advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-27 Router Solicitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-27 Default IPv6 Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-28 Router Redirection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-28 View IPv6 Gateway, Route, and Router Neighbors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-29 Viewing Gateway and IPv6 Route Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-29 Viewing IPv6 Router Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31 Address Lifetimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-32 Preferred Lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-32 Valid Lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-33 Sources of IPv6 Address Lifetimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-33

2 IPv6 Management Features

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Viewing and Clearing the IPv6 Neighbors Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Viewing the Neighbor Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Clearing the Neighbor Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 IPv6 Telnet Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Outbound Telnet to Another Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Viewing the Current Telnet Activity on a Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Enabling or Disabling Inbound Telnet Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Viewing the Current Inbound Telnet Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 SNTP and Timep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Configuring (Enabling or Disabling) the SNTP Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Configuring an IPv6 Address for an SNTP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Configuring (Enabling or Disabling) the Timep Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12 TFTP File Transfers Over IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 Enabling TFTP for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16 Using TFTP to Copy Files over IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 Using Auto-TFTP for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21


SNMP Management for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 SNMP Features Supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 SNMP Configuration Commands Supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 SNMPv1 and V2c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 SNMPv3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 IP Preserve for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26

3 IPv6 Management Security Features

IPv6 Management Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Authorized IP Managers for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Usage Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Configuring Authorized IP Managers for Switch Access . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Using a Mask to Configure Authorized Management Stations . . . . . . 3-4 Configuring Single Station Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Configuring Multiple Station Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Displaying an Authorized IP Managers Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 Additional Examples of Authorized IPv6 Managers Configuration . 3-11 Secure Shell (SSH) for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 Configuring SSH for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 Displaying an SSH Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 Secure Copy and Secure FTP for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18

4 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Introduction to MLD Snooping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Configuring MLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Enabling or Disabling MLD Snooping on a VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Configuring Per-Port MLD Traffic Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Configuring the Querier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Configuring Fast Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Configuring Forced Fast Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 Displaying MLD Status and Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 Current MLD Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11

Current MLD Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Ports Currently Joined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19

5 IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Overview of Options for Applying IPv6 ACLs on the Switch . . . . . . 5-3 Static ACLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 RADIUS-Assigned ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Command Summary for Configuring ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 Command Summary for Enabling, Disabling, and Displaying ACLs . 5-5 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 Types of IPv6 ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 Concurrent IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 IPv6 ACL Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 RACL Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 VACL Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13 VACL Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14 IPv6 Static Port ACL Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15 RADIUS-Assigned (Dynamic) Port ACL Applications . . . . . . . . 5-15 Multiple ACL Assignments on an Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 Features Common to All ACL Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20 General Steps for Planning and Configuring ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21 IPv6 ACL Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24 The Packet-filtering Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25 Planning an ACL Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29 IPv6 Traffic Management and Improved Network Performance . . . 5-29 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31 Guidelines for Planning the Structure of an ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31 ACL Configuration and Operating Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32


How an ACE Uses a Prefix To Screen Packets for SA and DA Matches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35 Prefix Usage Differences Between ACLs and Other IPv6 Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36 Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38 General Steps for Implementing IPv6 ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38 Permit/Deny Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38 ACL Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39 ACL Configuration Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40 ACL Configuration Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42 The Sequence of Entries in an ACL Is Significant . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42 Allowing for the Implied Deny Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-43 A Configured ACL Has No Effect Until You Apply It to an Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 You Can Assign an ACL Name to an Interface Even if the ACL Has Not Been Configured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 Using the CLI To Create an ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 General ACE Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45 Using CIDR Notation To Enter the IPv6 ACL Prefix Length . . . 5-45 Configuration Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47 Command Summary for Configuring ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47 Command Summary for Enabling, Disabling, and Displaying ACLs 5-48 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48 Commands To Create, Enter, and Configure an ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-49 Adding or Removing an ACL Assignment On an Interface . . . . . . . 5-64 Filtering Routed IPv6 Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-64 Filtering Routed or Switched IPv6 Traffic Inbound on a VLAN . . . . 5-65 Filtering Inbound IPv6 Traffic Per Port and Trunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-66 Deleting an ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-68 Editing an Existing ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-68 General Editing Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-68 Sequence Numbering in ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-69 Inserting an ACE in an Existing ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-70 Deleting an ACE from an Existing ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-72 Resequencing the ACEs in an IPv6 ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-73


Attaching a Remark to an ACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-74 Operating Notes for Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-78 Displaying ACL Configuration Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-79 Display an ACL Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-80 Display the Content of All ACLs on the Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-81 Display the IPv4 and IPv6 VACL Assignments for a VLAN . . . . . . . . 5-82 Display the IPv4 and IPv6 RACL and VACL Assignments for a VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-83 Display Static Port (and Trunk) ACL Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-84 Displaying the Content of a Specific ACL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-85 Display All ACLs and Their Assignments in the Switch Startup-Config File and Running-Config File . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-88 Creating or Editing ACLs Offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-89 Creating or Editing an ACL Offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-89 The Offline Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-89 Example of Using the Offline Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-90 Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-94 Enable IPv6 ACL Deny Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-94 Requirements for Using IPv6 ACL Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-94 ACL Logging Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-95 Enabling ACL Logging on the Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-95 Monitoring Static ACL Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-100 Example of ACL Performance Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-102 Example of Resetting ACE Hit Counters to Zero . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-103 IPv6 Counter Operation with Multiple Interface Assignments 5-104 IPv4 Counter Operation with Multiple Interface Assignments 5-105 Monitoring Static ACL Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-109 Example of ACL Performance Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-111 IPv6 Counter Operation with Multiple Interface Assignments 5-112 IPv4 Counter Operation with Multiple Interface Assignments 5-114 General ACL Operating Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-118 Unable to Delete an ACL in the Running Configuration . . . . . . 5-120

6 IPv6 Routing Basics

IPv6 Routing Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1


Dual-Stack IPv4/IPv6 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 IPv6 Routing Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 IPv6 Networks and Subnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 IPv6 Routing Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5 Concurrent Static and Dynamic Routing Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 Router Advertisements (RAs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 DHCPv6-Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 General Steps for Enabling IPv6 Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Configuring Global IPv6 Routing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 Configuring IPv6 Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 System Router ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 Automatic Router ID Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 Viewing the Router ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 Configuring a Router ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 Configuring the IPv6 Hop Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 Configuring the IPv6 Default Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 The IPv6 Routing Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 Different Route Types in the IPv6 Routing Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 Routing Table Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15 Destination Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16 Gateway for Forwarding Routed Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17 Metric and Administrative Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17 Viewing the Routing Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18

7 IPv6 Static Routing

Static Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Static Route Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3 Static Routing Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 Static Route States Follow VLAN States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 Static Routes for ECMP Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 Configuring Static IPv6 Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Displaying Static Route Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7


8 IPv6 Router Advertisements

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 General Router Advertisement (RA) Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 Routing Advertisement Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 Setting Up Your IPv6 Router Advertisement Policy . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 Steps for Configuring IPv6 Router Advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 Guidelines for Configuring RAs on Multiple Routing Switches for the Same VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5 Global Configuration Context Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 Enable or Disable IPv6 Router Advertisement Generation . . . . . 8-7 Enable or Disable IPv6 Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 VLAN Context Neighbor Discovery (ND) Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8 Configure DHCPv6 Service Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8 Configuring the Range for Intervals Between RA Transmissions on a VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Set or Change the Hop-Limit for Host-Generated Packets . . . . . 8-10 Set or Change the Default Router Lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10 Change the Reachable Time Duration for Neighbors . . . . . . . . . 8-11 Set or Change the Neighbor Discovery Retransmit Timer . . . . . 8-12 Configure the Global Unicast Prefix and Lifetime for Hosts on a VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-13 Suppress Router Advertisements on a VLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-19 Displaying the Router Advertisement Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 8-20

9 DHCPv6-Relay
Configuring DHCPv6 Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 DHCPv6 Request Forwarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 DHCPv6-Relay Helper Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Unicast Helper Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 DHCPv6-Relay Multicast Helper Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Using Multiple Helper Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 General Steps for Enabling DHCP Relay Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Configuring DHCPv6-Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 Multiple-Hop Forwarding of DHCPv6 Service Requests . . . . . . . . 9-5

Viewing the DHCPv6-Relay Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7 DHCPv6-Relay Operating Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9

10 OSPFv3 Routing
Introduction to OSPFv3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1 OSPFv3 Command Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3 Overview of OSPFv3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Hello Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 Link-State Advertisements (LSAs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5 OSPFv3 Router Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Interior Routers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Area Border Routers (ABRs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7 Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8 Designated Routers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8 OSPFv3 Area Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10 Normal Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Backbone Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12 Stub Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12 Not-So-Stubby-Area (NSSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12 OSPFv3 RFC Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13 Reducing AS-External-LSAs and Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs . . . . . . . . . 10-13 Algorithm for AS-External-LSA Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-14 Replacing Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs and Type-7-External-LSA Default Routes with an AS-External-LSA Default Route . . . . . 10-14 Equal Cost Multi-Path Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16 Displaying the Current IP Load-Sharing Configuration . . . . . . 10-19 OSPFv3 Activation and Dynamic Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20 General Configuration Steps for OSPFv3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20 Configuration Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21 OSPFv3 Global and Interface Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21 Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23 Router ID or IPv4 Loopback Address Requirement . . . . . . . . . 10-23 1. Enable IPv6 Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23 2. Enable Global OSPFv3 Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-24


3. Assign the Routing Switch to OSPFv3 Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-25 4. Enabling OSPFv3 on a VLAN and Assigning One or More VLANs to Each Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-29 5. Optional: Assigning IPv6 Loopback Addresses to an Area . . 10-31 6. Optional: Configure for External Route Redistribution in an OSPFv3 Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32 7. Optional: Configure Ranges on an ABR To Reduce Advertising to the Backbone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36 8. Optional: Influence Route Choices by Changing the Administrative Distance Default . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-39 9. Optional: Enforce Strict LSA Operation for Graceful Restart Helper Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-40 10. Optional: Change OSPFv3 Trap Generation Choices . . . . . 10-41 11. Optional: Adjust Performance by Changing the VLAN Interface Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-42 Configuring an ABR To Use a Virtual Link to the Backbone . . . . . . 10-45 Configuring a Virtual Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-46 Optional: Adjust Virtual Link Performance by Changing the Interface Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-47 OSPFv3 Passive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-52 Troubleshooting: Logging Neighbor Adjacency Change Events . . . 10-53 Displaying OSPv3F Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-54 Displaying General OSPFv3 Configuration Information . . . . . . 10-56 Displaying OSPFv3 Route Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-58 Displaying OSPFv3 Area Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-58 Displaying OSPFv3 Interface Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-59 Displaying OSPFv3 Interface Information for Neighbor Routers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-60 Displaying or Clearing OSPFv3 Packet Statistics Counters . . 10-61 Displaying OSPFv3 Link-State AS-Scope Information . . . . . . . 10-62 Displaying OSPFv3 Link-State Area-Scope Information . . . . . . 10-64 Displaying OSPFv3 Link-State Link-Scope Information . . . . . . 10-67 Displaying OSPFv3 Redistribution Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-69 Displaying OSPFv3 Virtual Link Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-69 Displaying OSPFv3 Virtual Neighbor Information . . . . . . . . . . . 10-70 Displaying OSPFv3 SPF Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-71 Displaying OSPFv3 Traps Enabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-72


Debugging OSFP Routing Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-73

11 IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1 ICMP Rate-Limiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1 Ping for IPv6 (Ping6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3 Traceroute for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5 DNS Resolver for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-9 DNS Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-9 Viewing the Current Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11 Operating Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11 Debug/Syslog for IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12 Configuring Debug and Event Log Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12 Debug Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13 Configuring Debug Destinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15 Configuring an IPv6 Syslog Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15 Logging Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-16 Displaying a Debug/Syslog for Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-17

A IPv6 Terminology



Product Software Documentation

For the latest version of all HP switch documentation, including Release Notes covering recently added features, please visit the HP Networking Web site at

Electronic Publications
The latest version of each of the publications listed below is available in PDF format on the HP Web site, as described in the Note at the top of this page.

Installation and Getting Started GuideExplains how to prepare and perform the physical installation and connect the switch to your network. Basic Operation GuideCovers basic switch operating features, including set-up, user interfaces, memory and configuration, interface access (including console operation), system information, and IP addressing. Management and Configuration GuideDescribes how to configure, manage, and monitor basic switch operation. Advanced Traffic Management GuideExplains how to configure traffic management features such as VLANs, MSTP, QoS, and Meshing. Multicast and Routing GuideExplains how to configure IGMP, PIM, IP routing, and VRRP features. Access Security GuideExplains how to configure access security features and user authentication on the switch. IPv6 Configuration GuideDescribes the IPv6 protocol operations that are supported on the switch. Command Line Interface Reference GuideProvides a comprehensive description of CLI commands, syntax, and operations. Event Log Message Reference GuideProvides a comprehensive description of event log messages. Release NotesDescribe new features, fixes, and enhancements that become available between revisions of the main product guide.


Software Feature Index

For the software manual set supporting your E3800 switch model, this feature index indicates which manual to consult for information on a given software feature.

Software Features

Management Advanced Multicast Access IPv6 Basic and Traffic and Security Configuration Operation Configuration Management Routing Guide Guide Guide

802.1Q VLAN Tagging 802.1X Port-Based Priority 802.1X Multiple Authenticated Clients Per Port Access Control Lists (ACLs) Access Control Lists (ACLs) (IPv6) AAA Authentication Authorized IP Managers Authorized IP Managers (IPv6) Authorized Manager List (Web, Telnet, TFTP) Auto MDIX Configuration BOOTP Config File Console Access Copy Command Core Dump CoS (Class of Service) Debug DHCP Configuration DHCPv6 Relay DHCP Option 82 X X X X X X X X X




Software Features

Management Advanced Multicast Access IPv6 Basic and Traffic and Security Configuration Operation Configuration Management Routing Guide Guide Guide

DHCP Snooping DHCP/Bootp Operation Diagnostic Tools Diagnostics and Troubleshooting (IPv6) Distributed Trunking Downloading Software Dynamic ARP Protection Dynamic Configuration Arbiter Dynamic IP Lockdown Eavesdrop Protection Equal Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) Event Log Factory Default Settings Flow Control (802.3x) File Management File Transfers Friendly Port Names Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth (GMB) GVRP Identity-Driven Management (IDM) IGMP Interface Access (Telnet, Console/ Serial, Web) IP Addressing IPv6 Addressing IP Preserve (IPv6) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X




Software Features

Management Advanced Multicast Access IPv6 Basic and Traffic and Security Configuration Operation Configuration Management Routing Guide Guide Guide

IP Routing IPv6 Static Routing Jumbo Packets Key Management System (KMS) LACP LLDP LLDP-MED Loop Protection MAC Address Management MAC Lockdown MAC Lockout MAC-based Authentication Management VLAN Management Security (IPv6) Meshing MLD Snooping (IPv6) Monitoring and Analysis Multicast Filtering Multiple Configuration Files Network Management Applications (SNMP) Nonstop Switching (8200zl switches) Out-of-Band Management (OOBM) OpenView Device Management OSPFv2 (IPv4) OSPFv3 (IPv6) X X X X X X X X X X X X X






Software Features

Management Advanced Multicast Access IPv6 Basic and Traffic and Security Configuration Operation Configuration Management Routing Guide Guide Guide

Passwords and Password Clear Protection PCM/PCM+ PIM-DM (Dense Mode) PIM-SM (Sparse Mode) Ping Port Configuration Port Monitoring Port Security Port Status Port Trunking (LACP) Port-Based Access Control (802.1X) Power over Ethernet (PoE and PoE+) Protocol Filters Protocol VLANS QinQ (Provider Bridging) Quality of Service (QoS) RADIUS Authentication and Accounting RADIUS-Based Configuration Rate-Limiting RIP RMON 1,2,3,9 Routing Routing - IP Static Route Redistribution SavePower Features X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X




Software Features

Management Advanced Multicast Access IPv6 Basic and Traffic and Security Configuration Operation Configuration Management Routing Guide Guide Guide

Secure Copy Secure Copy (IPv6) Secure FTP (IPv6) sFlow SFTP SNMPv3 SNMP (IPv6) Software Downloads (SCP/SFTP, TFPT, Xmodem) Source-Port Filters Spanning Tree (STP, RSTP, MSTP) SSHv2 (Secure Shell) Encryption SSH (IPv6) SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Stack Management (Stacking) Syslog System Information TACACS+ Authentication Telnet Access Telnet (IPv6) TFTP Time Protocols (TimeP, SNTP) Time Protocols (IPv6) Traffic Mirroring Traffic/Security Filters Troubleshooting



Software Features

Management Advanced Multicast Access IPv6 Basic and Traffic and Security Configuration Operation Configuration Management Routing Guide Guide Guide

Uni-Directional Link Detection (UDLD) UDP Forwarder USB Device Support Virus Throttling (Connection-Rate Filtering) VLANs VLAN Mirroring (1 static VLAN) Voice VLAN VRRP Web Authentication RADIUS Support Web-based Authentication Web UI




IPv6 Addressing Configuration
Enable IPv6 with a Link-Local Address Configure Global Unicast Autoconfig Configure DHCPv6 Addressing Configure a Static Link-Local Address Configure a Static Global Unicast Address Change DAD Attempts View Current IPv6 Addressing

disabled disabled disabled None None 3 n/a

1-4 1-5 1-7 1-10 1-11 1-16 1-20

In the default configuration, IPv6 operation is disabled on the switch. This section describes the general steps and individual commands for enabling IPv6 operation. This chapter provides the following:

general steps for IPv6 configuration IPv6 command syntax descriptions, including show commands

Most IPv6 configuration commands are applied per-VLAN. The exceptions are ICMP, ND (neighbor discovery), and the (optional) authorized-managers feature, which are configured at the global configuration level. (ICMP and ND for IPv6 are enabled with default values when IPv6 is first enabled, and can either be left in their default settings or reconfigured, as needed.) For more information on ICMP, refer to ICMP Rate-Limiting on page 11-1. For more on ND, refer to Neighbor Discovery (ND) in IPv6 on page 1-7. For a quick reference to all IPv6 commands available on the switch, refer to the IPv6 Command Index on page xvi at the front of this guide.


These switches are capable of operating in dual-stack mode, where IPv4 and IPv6 run concurrently on a given VLAN.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration General Configuration Steps

General Configuration Steps

The IPv6 configuration on switches running this software include global and per-VLAN settings. This section provides an overview of the general configuration steps for enabling IPv6 on a given VLAN and can be enabled by any one of several commands. The following steps provide a suggested progression for getting started.


The ICMP and Neighbor Discovery (ND) parameters are set to default values at the global configuration level are satisfactory for many applications and generally do not need adjustment when you are first configuring IPv6 on the switch. In the default configuration, IPv6 is disabled on all VLANs. 1. If IPv6 DHCP service is available, enable IPv6 DHCP on the VLAN. If IPv6 is not already enabled on the VLAN, enabling DHCPv6 also enables IPv6 and automatically configures a link-local address using the EUI-64 format.


If IPv6 is not already enabled on the VLAN, enabling DHCPv6 causes the switch to automatically generate a link-local address. DHCPv6 does not assign a link-local address. A DHCPv6 server can provide other services, such as the addresses of time servers. For this reason you may want to enable DHCP even if you are using another method to configure IPv6 addressing on the VLAN. 2. If IPv6 DHCP service is not enabled on the VLAN, then do either of the following: Enable IPv6 on the VLAN. This automatically configures a link-local address with an EUI- 64 interface identifier. Statically configure a unicast IPv6 address on the VLAN. This enables IPv6 on the VLAN and, if you configure anything other than a linklocal address, the link-local address will be automatically configured as well, with an EUI-64 interface identifier.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Configuring IPv6 Addressing


If an IPv6 router is connected on the VLAN, then enable IPv6 address autoconfiguration to automatically configure global unicast addresses with prefixes included in advertisements received from the router. The interface identifier used in addresses configured by this method will be the same as the interface identifier in the current link-local address. If needed, statically configure IPv6 unicast addressing on the VLAN interface as needed. This can include statically replacing the automatically generated link-local address.


Configuring IPv6 Addressing

In the default configuration on a VLAN, any one of the following commands enables IPv6 and creates a link-local address. Thus, while any one of these methods is configured on a VLAN, IPv6 remains enabled and a link-local address is present: ipv6 enable (page 1-4) ipv6 address autoconfig (page 1-5) ipv6 address dhcp full [rapid-commit] (page 1-7) ipv6 address fe80:0:0:0:< interface-identifier > link-local (page 1-10) ipv6 address < prefix:interface-identifier > (page 1-11)


Addresses created by any of these methods remain tentative until verified as unique by Duplicate Address Detection. (Refer to Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) on page 1-16.)


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Enabling IPv6 with an Automatically Configured Link-Local Address

Enabling IPv6 with an Automatically Configured Link-Local Address

This command enables automatic configuration of a link-local address . Syntax: [no] ipv6 enable If IPv6 has not already been enabled on a VLAN by another IPv6 command option described in this chapter, this command enables IPv6 on the VLAN and automatically configures the VLAN's link-local unicast address with a 64-bit EUI-64 interface identifier generated from the VLAN MAC address. (Refer to Extended Unique Identifier (EUI) on page 2-12.). Note: Only one link-local IPv6 address is allowed on the VLAN interface. Subsequent static or DHCP configuration of another link-local address overwrites the existing linklocal address. A link-local address always uses the prefix fe80:0:0:0. With IPv6 enabled, the VLAN uses received router advertisements to designate the default IPv6 router. (Refer to Default IPv6 Router on page 1-28.) After verification of uniqueness by DAD, a link-local IPv6 address assigned automatically is set to the preferred status, with a permanent lifetime. (Refer to IPv6 Address Deprecation on page 2-22.) Default: Disabled The no form of the command disables IPv6 on the VLAN if no other IPv6-enabling command is configured on the VLAN. (Refer to Disabling IPv6 on a VLAN on page 1-15.) To view the current IPv6 Enable setting and any statically configured IPv6 addresses per-VLAN, use show run. To view all currently configured IPv6 unicast addresses, use the following:

show ipv6 (Lists IPv6 addresses for all VLANs configured on the switch.) show ipv6 vlan < vid > (Lists IPv6 addresses configured on the VLAN.)

For more information, refer to View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration on page 1-20.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Enabling Autoconfiguration of a Global Unicast Address and a Default Router Identity on a VLAN

Enabling Autoconfiguration of a Global Unicast Address and a Default Router Identity on a VLAN
Enabling autoconfig or rebooting the switch with autoconfig enabled on a VLAN causes the switch to configure IPv6 addressing on the VLAN using router advertisements and an EUI-64 interface identifier (page 2-12). Syntax: [no] ipv6 address autoconfig Implements unicast address autoconfiguration as follows:

If IPv6 is not already enabled on the VLAN, this command enables IPv6 and generates a link-local (EUI- 64) address. Generates router solicitations (RS) on the VLAN. If a router advertisement (RA) is received on the VLAN, the switch uses the route prefix in the RA to configure a global unicast address. The interface identifier for this address will be the same as the interface identifier used in the current link-local address at the time the RA is received. (This can be either a statically configured or the (automatic) EUI-64 interface identifier, depending on how the link-local address was configured.) For information on EUI- 64, refer to Extended Unique Identifier (EUI) on page 2-12.) If an RA is not received on the VLAN after autoconfig is enabled, a link-local address will be present, but no global unicast addresses will be autoconfigured. Notes: If a link-local address is already configured on the VLAN, a later, autoconfigured global unicast address uses the same interface identifier as the link-local address. Autoconfigured and DHCPv6-assigned global unicast addresses with the same prefix are mutually exclusive on a VLAN. On a given switch, if both options are configured on the same VLAN, then only the first to acquire a global unicast address will be used.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Enabling Autoconfiguration of a Global Unicast Address and a Default Router Identity on a VLAN

After verification of uniqueness by DAD, an IPv6 address assigned to a VLAN by autoconfiguration is set to the preferred and valid lifetimes specified by the RA used to generate the address, and is configured as a preferred address. (Refer to IPv6 Address Deprecation on page 2-22.) Default: Disabled. The no form of the command produces different results, depending on how IPv6 is configured on the VLAN: If IPv6 was enabled only by the autoconfig command, then deleting this command disables IPv6 on the VLAN. (Refer to Disabling IPv6 on a VLAN on page 1-15.)

To view the current IPv6 autoconfiguration settings per-VLAN, use show run. To view all currently configured IPv6 unicast addresses, use the following:

show ipv6 (Lists IPv6 addresses for all VLANs configured on the switch.) show ipv6 vlan < vid > (Lists IPv6 addresses configured on the VLAN.)

For more information, refer to View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration on page 1-20.

Operating Notes
With IPv6 enabled, the VLAN uses received router advertisements to designate the default IPv6 router. (Refer to Router Access and Default Router Selection on page 1-27.)


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Enabling DHCPv6

Enabling DHCPv6
Enabling the DHCPv6 option on a VLAN allows the switch to obtain a global unicast address and an NTP (network time protocol) server assignment for a Timep server. (If a DHCPv6 server is not needed to provide a global unicast address to a switch interface, the server can still be configured to provide the NTP server assignment. This is sometimes referred to as stateless DHCPv6.)

Syntax: [no] ipv6 address dhcp full [rapid-commit] This option configures DHCPv6 on a VLAN, which initiates transmission of DHCPv6 requests for service. If IPv6 is not already enabled on the VLAN by the ipv6 enable command, this option enables IPv6 and causes the switch to autoconfigure a link-local unicast address with an EUI-64 interface identifier. Notes: A DHCPv6 server does not assign link-local addresses, and enabling DHCPv6 on a VLAN does not affect a pre-existing link-local address. A DHCPv6-assigned address can be configured on a VLAN when the following is true: The assigned address is not on the same subnet as a previously configured autoconfig address. The maximum IPv6 address limit on the VLAN or the switch has not been reached.

If the switch is an IPv6 host, dhcp full is required to enable configuration from a DHCPv6 server. M-bit and O-bit settings in router advertisements (RAs) from a router are not used by the switch in host mode. Note that if the switch is operating as an IPv6 router, it includes M-bit and O-bit values in the RAs it transmits. Refer to the chapter titled IPv6 Router Advertisements for routing switch operation. If a DHCPv6 server responds with an IPv6 address assignment, this address is assigned to the VLAN. (The DHCPv6assigned address will be dropped if it has the same subnet as another address already assigned to the VLAN by an earlier autoconfig command.)


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Enabling DHCPv6

Continued from the previous page. After verification of uniqueness by DAD, an IPv6 address assigned to the VLAN by an DHCPv6 server is set to the preferred and valid lifetimes specified in a router advertisement received on the VLAN for the prefix used in the assigned address, and is configured as a preferred address. (Refer to the section titled Address Lifetimes on page 1-32.)

[rapid-commit]: Expedites DHCP configuration by using a twomessage exchange with the server (solicit-reply) instead of the default four-message exchange (solicit-advertise- requestreply). Default: Disabled The no form of the command removes the DHCPv6 option from the configuration and, if no other IPv6-enabling command is configured on the VLAN, disables IPv6 on the VLAN. (Refer to Disabling IPv6 on a VLAN on page 1-15.) To view the current IPv6 DHCPv6 settings per-VLAN, use show run. To view all currently configured IPv6 unicast addresses, use the following:

show ipv6 (Lists IPv6 addresses for all VLANs configured on the switch.) show ipv6 vlan < vid > (Lists IPv6 addresses configured on the VLAN.)

For more information, refer to View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration on page 1-20.

Operating Notes

If multiple DHCPv6 servers are available, the switch selects a server based on the preference value sent in DHCPv6 messages from the servers. The switch supports both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 client operation on the same VLAN. DHCPv6 authentication and stateless DHCPv6 are not supported in this software. With IPv6 enabled, the switch determines the default IPv6 router for the VLAN from the router advertisements it receives. (Refer to Default IPv6 Router on page 1-28.)


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Configuring a Static IPv6 Address on a VLAN

DHCPv6 and statically configured global unicast addresses are mutually exclusive on a given VLAN. That is, configuring DHCPv6 on a VLAN erases any static global unicast addresses previously configured on that VLAN, and the reverse. (A statically configured link-local address will not be affected by configuring DHCPv6 on the VLAN.) For the same subnet on the switch, a DHCPv6 global unicast address assignment takes precedence over an autoconfigured address assignment, regardless of which address type was the first to be configured. If DHCPv6 is subsequently removed from the configuration, then an autoconfigured address assignment will replace it after the next router advertisement is received on the VLAN. DHCPv6 and autoconfigured addresses co-exist on the same VLAN if they belong to different subnets.

For related information refer to:

RFC 3315: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) RFC 3633: IPv6 Prefix Options for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 6 RFC 3736: Stateless Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Service for IPv6

Configuring a Static IPv6 Address on a VLAN

This option enables configuring of unique, static unicast IPv6 addresses for global and link-local applications, including:

link-local unicast (including EUI and non-EUI interface identifiers) global unicast (and unique local unicast)


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Configuring a Static IPv6 Address on a VLAN

Statically Configuring a Link-Local Unicast Address

Syntax: [no] ipv6 address fe80::< interface-id > link-local

If IPv6 is not already enabled on the VLAN, this command enables IPv6 and configures a static link-local address. If IPv6 is already enabled on the VLAN, then this command overwrites the current, link- local address with the specified static address. (One link-local address is allowed per VLAN interface.)

< interface-id >: The low-order 64 bits, in 16-bit blocks, comprise this value in a link-local address: xxxx xxxx : xxxx xxxx : xxxx xxxx : xxxx xxxx Where a static link-local address is already configured, a new, autoconfigured global unicast addresses assignment uses the same interface identifier as the link-local address. Notes: An existing link-local address is replaced, and is not deprecated, when a static replacement is configured. The prefix for a statically configured link-local address is always 64 bits, with all blocks after fe80 set to zero. That is: fe80:0:0:0. After verification of uniqueness by DAD, a statically configured link-local address status is set to preferred, with a permanent lifetime. (Refer to IPv6 Address Deprecation on page 222.) For link-local addressing, the no form of the static IPv6 address command produces different results, depending on how IPv6 is configured on the VLAN:

If IPv6 was enabled only by a statically configured linklocal address, then deleting the link-local address disables IPv6 on the VLAN. If other IPv6-enabling commands have been configured on the VLAN, then deleting the statically configured link-local address causes the switch to replace it with the default (EUI-64) link-local address for the VLAN, and IPv6 remains enabled. (For more on the EUI-64 address format, refer to Extended Unique Identifier (EUI) on page 2-12.)

Refer also to Disabling IPv6 on a VLAN on page 1-15.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Configuring a Static IPv6 Address on a VLAN

Statically Configuring A Global Unicast Address

Syntax:. [no] ipv6 address < network-prefix><interface-id >/< prefix-length > [no] ipv6 address < network-prefix>::/< prefix-length > eui-64 If IPv6 is not already enabled on a VLAN, either of these command options do the following:

enable IPv6 on the VLAN configure a link-local address using the EUI-64 format statically configure a global unicast address

If IPv6 is already enabled on the VLAN, then the above commands statically configure a global unicast address, but have no effect on the current link-local address. < network-prefix >: This includes the global routing prefix and the subnet ID for the address. For more on this topic, refer to Prefixes in Routable IPv6 Addresses on page 2-16. < interface-id >: Enters a user-defined interface identity. < prefix-length >: Specifies the number of bits in the network prefix. If you are using the eui-64 option, this value must be 64. eui-64: Specifies using the Extended Unique Identifier format to create a interface identifier based on the VLAN MAC address. Refer to Extended Unique Identifier (EUI) on page 2-12. After verification of uniqueness by DAD, the lifetime of a statically configured IPv6 address assigned to a VLAN is set to permanent, and is configured as a preferred address. (Refer to IPv6 Address Deprecation on page 2-22.) The no form of the command erases the specified address and, if no other IPv6-enabling command is configured on the VLAN, disables IPv6 on the VLAN. (Refer to Disabling IPv6 on a VLAN on page 1-15.) To view the currently configured static IPv6 addresses per-VLAN, use show run. To view all currently configured IPv6 unicast addresses, use the following:

show ipv6 (Lists IPv6 addresses for all VLANs configured on the switch.) show ipv6 vlan < vid > (Lists IPv6 addresses configured on VLAN < vid >.)


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Configuring a Static IPv6 Address on a VLAN

For more information, refer to View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration on page 1-20.

Operating Notes

With IPv6 enabled, the switch determines the default IPv6 router for the VLAN from the router advertisements it receives. (Refer to Router Access and Default Router Selection on page 1-27.) If DHCPv6 is configured on a VLAN, then configuring a static global unicast address on the VLAN removes DHCPv6 from the VLAN's configuration and deletes the DHCPv6-assigned global unicast address. Note that for a statically configured global unicast address to be routable, a gateway router must be transmitting router advertisements on the VLAN. If an autoconfigured global unicast address already exists for the same subnet as a new, statically configured global unicast address, the statically configured address is denied. In the reverse case, you can add an autoconfig command to the VLAN configuration, but it will not be implemented unless the static address is removed from the configuration.

Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) for Statically Configured Addresses

Statically configured IPv6 addresses are designated as permanent. If DAD determines that a statically configured address duplicates a previously configured and reachable address on another device belonging to the VLAN, then the more recent, duplicate address is designated as duplicate. For more on this topic, refer to:

Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) on page 1-16. View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration on page 1-20


IPv6 Addressing Configuration IPv6 Loopback Interfaces

IPv6 Loopback Interfaces

This section describes how to configure and use user-defined loopback interfaces on the switch.

By default, each switch has eight internal IPv6 loopback interfaces (lo-0 through lo-7) with IPv6 address ::1/128 configured by default on lo-0. This address (::1/128) is used only for internal traffic transmitted within the switch and is not used in packet headers in egress traffic sent to network devices. Each loopback interface can have multiple IPv6 addresses, all of which must be unique. Routing protocols such as OSPFv3, advertise the configured loopback addresses throughout a network or autonomous system. User-defined IPv6 loopback addresses provide these benefits when a routing protocol is enabled:

A loopback interface is a virtual interface that is always up and reachable as long as at least one of the IPv6 interfaces on the switch is operational. As a result, a loopback interface is useful for debugging tasks since its address can always be pinged if any other switch interface is up. You can use a loopback interface to establish a Telnet session, ping the switch, and access the switch through SNMP and HTTP (Web agent).

For information about how to configure an IPv6 loopback address to participate in an OSPF broadcast area, refer to the section titled 5. Optional: Assigning IPv6 Loopback Addresses to an Area on page 10-31.

Assigning an IPv6 Address to a Loopback Interface

The following command enables nondefault IPv6 address configuration on loopback interfaces. Syntax: [no] interface loopback < 0 - 7 > ipv6 address < ipv6-addr > Configures an IPv6 address on a loopback interface identified by < 0 - 7 >. Use the no form of the command to remove nondefault IPv6 addresses from the loopback interface. Note: You cannot remove the (reserved) default loopback interface address ::1/128 from lo-0.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration IPv6 Loopback Interfaces

You can configure up to 32 IPv6 addresses (and up to 32 IPv4 addresses) on a loopback interface. To configure an IPv6 address for the loopback interface, enter the ipv6 address < ip-address > command at the loopback interface configuration level as shown in the following example. Note that when you configure an IPv6 address for a loopback interface, you do not specify a prefix. The default prefix /128 applies automatically.

HP Switch(config)# interface loopback 1 HP Switch(lo-1)# ipv6 address 2001:db8::1

Figure 1-1. Example of Configuring an IPv6 Address on a Loopback Interface


You can configure a loopback interface only from the CLI; you cannot configure a loopback interface from the Web Agent or Menu interface. IPv6 loopback interfaces share the same IPv6 address space with VLAN configurations. The maximum number of IPv6 addresses supported on a switch is 2048, which includes all IPv6 addresses configured for both VLANs and loopback interfaces (except for the default loopback IPv6 address, ::1 /128). Each IPv6 address that you configure on a loopback interface must be unique in the autonomous system (AS; refer to chapter 10, OSPFv3 Routing). This means that the address cannot be used by a VLAN interface or another loopback interface. You can configure up to 32 IPv6 and 32 IPv4 addresses on a loopback interface (lo0 to lo7).

Displaying Loopback Interface Configurations

Use show ipv6 to display the list of loopback interfaces configured with nondefault IPv6 addresses. (Loopback interface 0, if configured only with the default ::1/128 IPv6 address does not appear in this listing.)


A loopback interface does not appear in the show ipv6 command output unless it is configured with a non-default IPv6 address.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Disabling IPv6 on a VLAN

Disabling IPv6 on a VLAN

While one IPv6-enabling command is configured on a VLAN, IPv6 remains enabled on that VLAN. In this case, removing the only IPv6-enabling command from the configuration disables IPv6 operation on the VLAN. That is, to disable IPv6 on a VLAN, all of the following commands must be removed from the VLAN's configuration: ipv6 enable ipv6 address dhcp full [rapid-commit] ipv6 address autoconfig ipv6 address fe80::< interface-id > link-local ipv6 address < prefix > : < interface-id > If any of the above remain enabled, then IPv6 remains enabled on the VLAN and, at a minimum, a link-local unicast address will be present.

Neighbor Discovery (ND)

Neighbor Discovery (ND) is the IPv6 equivalent of the IPv4 ARP for layer 2 address resolution, and uses IPv6 ICMP messages to do the following:

Determine the link-layer address of neighbors on the same VLAN interface. Verify that a neighbor is reachable. Track neighbor (local) routers.

Neighbor Discovery enables functions such as the following:

router and neighbor solicitation and discovery detecting address changes for devices on a VLAN identifying a replacement for a router or router path that has become unavailable duplicate address detection (DAD) router advertisement processing neighbor reachability autoconfiguration of unicast addresses


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)

resolution of destination addresses changes to link-layer addresses

An instance of Neighbor Discovery is triggered on a device when a new (tentative) or changed IPv6 address is detected. (This includes stateless, stateful, and static address configuration.) ND operates in a per-VLAN scope; that is, within the VLAN on which the device running the ND instance is a member. Neighbor discovery actually occurs when there is communication between devices on a VLAN. That is, a device needing to determine the linklayer address of another device on the VLAN initiates a (multicast) neighbor solicitation message (containing a solicited-node multicast address that corresponds to the IPv6 address of the destination device) on the VLAN. When the destination device receives the neighbor solicitation, it responds with a neighbor advertisement message identifying its link-layer address. When the initiating device receives this advertisement, the two devices are ready to exchange traffic on the VLAN interface. Also, when an IPv6 interface becomes operational, it transmits a router solicitation on the interface and listens for a router advertisement.


Neighbor and router solicitations must originate on the same VLAN as the receiving device. To support this operation, IPv6 is designed to discard any incoming neighbor or router solicitation that does not have a value of 255 in the IP Hop Limit field. For a complete list of requirements, refer to RFC 246. When a pair of IPv6 devices in a VLAN exchange communication, they enter each other's IPv6 and corresponding MAC addresses in their respective neighbor caches. These entries are maintained for a period of time after communication ceases, and then dropped. To view or clear the content of the neighbor cache, refer to Viewing and Clearing the IPv6 Neighbors Cache on page 2-1. For related information, refer to:

RFC 2461: Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6)

Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)

Duplicate Address Detection verifies that a configured unicast IPv6 address is unique before it is assigned to a VLAN interface on the switch. DAD is enabled in the default IPv6 configuration, and can be reconfigured, disabled, or re-enabled at the global config command level. DAD can be useful in helping


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)

to troubleshoot erroneous replies to DAD requests, or where the neighbor cache contains a large number of invalid entries due to an unauthorized station sending false replies to the switch's neighbor discovery queries. If DAD verifies that a unicast IPv6 address is a duplicate, the address is not used. If the link-local address of the VLAN interface is found to be a duplicate of an address for another device on the interface, then the interface stops processing IPv6 traffic.

DAD Operation
On a given VLAN interface, when a new unicast address is configured, the switch runs DAD for this address by sending a neighbor solicitation to the AllNodes multicast address (ff02::1). This operation discovers other devices on the VLAN and verifies whether the proposed unicast address assignment is unique on the VLAN. (During this time, the address being checked for uniqueness is held in a tentative state, and cannot be used to receive traffic other than neighbor solicitations and neighbor advertisements.) A device that receives the neighbor solicitation responds with a Neighbor Advertisement that includes its link-local address. If the newly configured address is from a static or DHCPv6 source and is found to be a duplicate, it is labelled as duplicate in the Address Status field of the show ipv6 command, and is not used. If an autoconfigured address is found to be a duplicate, it is dropped and the following message appears in the Event Log: W < date > < time > 00019 ip: ip address < IPv6-address > removed from vlan id < vid > DAD does not perform periodic checks of existing addresses. However, when a VLAN comes up with IPv6 unicast addresses configured (as can occur during a reboot) the switch runs DAD for each address on the interface by sending neighbor solicitations to the All-Nodes multicast address as described above. If an address is configured while DAD is disabled, the address is assumed to be unique and is assigned to the interface. If you want to verify the uniqueness of an address configured while DAD was disabled, re-enable DAD and then either delete and reconfigure the address, or reboot the switch.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)

Configuring DAD
Syntax: ipv6 nd dad-attempts < 0 -255 > This command is executed at the global config level, and configures the number of neighbor solicitations to send when performing duplicate address detection for a unicast address configured on a VLAN interface. < 0 - 255 >: The number of consecutive neighbor solicitation messages sent for DAD inquiries on an interface. Setting this value to 0 disables DAD on the interface. Disabling DAD bypasses checks for uniqueness on newly configured addresses. If a reboot is performed while DAD is disabled, the duplicate address check is not performed on any IPv6 addresses configured on the switch. Default: 3 (enabled); Range: 0 - 255 (0 = disabled) The no form of the command restores the default setting (3).

Syntax: ipv6 nd ns-interval < milliseconds > Used on VLAN interfaces to reconfigure the neighbor discovery time in milliseconds between DAD neighbor solicitations sent for an unresolved destination, or between duplicate address detection neighbor solicitation requests. Increasing this setting is indicated where neighbor solicitation retries or failures are occurring, or in a slow (WAN) network. This value can be configured in a router advertisement to help ensure that all hosts on a VLAN are using the same retransmit interval for neighbor discovery. Refer to Set or Change the Neighbor Discovery Retransmit Timer on page 8-12. To view the current setting, use show ipv6 nd. Range: 1000 - 3600000 ms; Default: 1000 ms.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)

Syntax:. ipv6 nd reachable-time < milliseconds > Used on VLAN interfaces to configure the length of time in milliseconds a neighbor will be considered reachable after the Neighbor Unreachability Detection algorithm has confirmed it to be reachable. When the switch operates in host mode, this setting can be overridden by a reachable time received in a router advertisement. This value can be configured in a router advertisement to help ensure that all hosts on a VLAN are using the same reachable time in their neighbor cache. Refer to Change the Reachable Time Duration for Neighbors on page 8-11. To view the current setting, use show ipv6 nd. Range: 1000 - 2147483647 ms; Default: 30000 ms.

Operating Notes for Neighbor Discovery

A verified link-local unicast address must exist on a VLAN interface before the switch can run DAD on other addresses associated with the interface. If a previously configured unicast address is changed, a neighbor advertisement (an all-nodes multicast message--ff02::1) is sent to notify other devices on the VLAN and to perform duplicate address detection. IPv6 addresses on a VLAN interface are assigned to multicast address groups identified with well- known prefixes. For more on this topic, refer to Multicast Application to IPv6 Addressing on page 2-17. DAD is performed on all stateful, stateless, and statically configured unicast addresses. Neighbor solicitations for DAD do not cause the neighbor cache of neighboring switches to be updated. If a previously configured unicast address is changed, a neighbor advertisement is sent on the VLAN to notify other devices, and also for duplicate address detection. If DAD is disabled when an address is configured, the address is assumed to be unique and is assigned to the interface.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration

View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration

Use these commands to view the current status of the IPv6 configuration on the switch.

Syntax: show ipv6 Lists the current, global IPv6 settings and per-VLAN IPv6 addressing on the switch. Default Gateway: Lists the IPv4 default gateway, if any, configured on the switch. This is a globally configured router gateway address, and is not configured per-VLAN. ND DAD: Indicates whether DAD is enabled (the default) or disabled. Using ipv6 nd dad-attempts 0 disables neighbor discovery. (Refer to Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) on page 1-16.) DAD Attempts: Indicates the number of neighbor solicitations the switch transmits per-address for duplicate (IPv6) address detection. Implemented when a new address is configured or when an interface with configured addresses comes up (such as after a reboot). The default setting is 3, and the range is 0 - 255. A setting of 0 disables duplicate address detection. (Refer to Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) on page 1-16.) VLAN Name: Lists the name of a VLAN statically configured on the switch. IPv6 Status: For the indicated VLAN, indicates whether IPv6 is disabled (the default) or enabled. (Refer to Configuring IPv6 Addressing on page 1-3.)


IPv6 Addressing Configuration View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration

Address Origin:

Autoconfig: The address was configured using stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC). In this case, the interface identifier for global unicast addresses copied from the current link-local unicast address. DHCP: The address was assigned by a DHCPv6 server. Note that addresses having a DHCP origin are listed with a 128bit prefix length. Manual: The address was statically configured on the VLAN. IPv6 Address/Prefix Length: Lists each IPv6 address and prefix length configured on the indicated VLAN.

Address Status:

Tentative: DAD has not yet confirmed the address as unique, and is not usable for sending and receiving traffic. Preferred: The address has been confirmed as unique by DAD, and usable for sending and receiving traffic. The Expiry time shown for this address by the show ipv6 vlan < vid > command output is the preferred lifetime assigned to the address. (Refer to Address Lifetimes on page xxx.) Deprecated: The preferred lifetime for the address has been exceeded, but there is time remaining in the valid lifetime. Duplicate: Indicates a statically configured IPv6 address that is a duplicate of another IPv6 address that already exists on another device belonging to the same VLAN interface. A duplicate address is not used.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration

For example, figure 1-2 shows the output on a switch having IPv6 enabled on one VLAN.
HP Switch# show ipv6 Internet (IPv6) Service IPv6 Routing Default Gateway ND DAD DAD Attempts Vlan Name IPv6 Status Vlan Name IPv6 Status Address Origin ---------dhcp manual | | + | | : : : : Disabled fe80::213:c4ff:fedd:14b0 Enabled 3

: DEFAULT_VLAN : Disabled : VLAN10 : Enabled Address Status ----------preferred preferred

IPv6 Address/Prefix Length ------------------------------------------2001:db8:a03:e102::1:101/64 fe80::1:101/64

Figure 1-2. Example of Show IPv6 Command Output


IPv6 Addressing Configuration View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration

Syntax: show ipv6 nd Displays the current IPv6 neighbor discovery settings on the configured VLAN interfaces. For example, figure 1-23 shows the output on a switch having IPv6 enabled on VLANs 1 and 22.
HP Switch# show ipv6 nd IPV6 Neighbor Discovery Configuration

VLAN ID DAD RCH Time NS Interval Attempts (msecs) (msecs) ------- -------- ---------- ----------1 3 30000 1000 22 3 30000 1000

Figure 1-3. Example of Show IPv6 nd Output with Default settings

Syntax: show ipv6 vlan < vid > Displays IP and IPv6 global configuration settings, the IPv6 status for the specified VLAN, the IPv6 addresses (with prefix lengths) configured on the specified VLAN, and the expiration data (Expiry) for each address.:

Default Gateway: Lists the IPv4 default gateway, if any, configured on the switch. This is a globally configured router gateway address, and is not configured per-VLAN. ND DAD: Shows whether Neighbor Discovery (ND) is enabled. The default setting is Enabled. Using ipv6 nd dadattempts 0 disables neighbor discovery.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration

DAD Attempts: Indicates the number of neighbor solicitations the switch transmits per-address for duplicate (IPv6) address detection. Implemented when a new address is configured or when an interface with configured addresses comes up (such as after a reboot). The default setting is 3, and the range is 0 - 255. A setting of 0 disables duplicate address detection. (Refer to Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) on page 1-16.) VLAN Name: Lists the name of a VLAN statically configured on the switch. IPv6 Status: For the indicated VLAN, indicates whether IPv6 is disabled (the default) or enabled. (Refer to Configuring IPv6 Addressing on page 1-3.) IPv6 Address/Prefix Length: Lists each IPv6 address and prefix length configured on the indicated VLAN. Expiry: Lists the lifetime status of each IPv6 address listed for a VLAN: Permanent: The address will not time out and need renewal or replacement. date/time: The date and time that the address expires. Expiration date and time is specified in the router advertisement used to create the prefix for automatically configured, global unicast addresses. The Address Status field in the show ipv6 command output indicates whether this date/time is for the preferred or valid lifetime assigned to the corresponding address. (Refer to Preferred and Valid Address Lifetimes on page 222.)


IPv6 Addressing Configuration View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration

HP Switch# show ipv6 vlan 10 Internet (IPv6) Service IPv6 Routing Default Gateway ND DAD DAD Attempts Vlan Name IPv6 Status : : : : Disabled fe80::213:c4ff:fedd:14b0%vlan10 Enabled 3

: VLAN10 : Enabled

IPv6 Address/Prefixlength Expiry ------------------------------------------- ------------------------2001:db8:a03:e102::1:101/64 Fri May 19 11:51:15 2009 fe80::1:101/64 permanent

Figure 1-4. Example of Show IPv6 VLAN < vid > Output

Syntax: show run In addition to the other elements of the current configuration, this command lists the statically configured, global unicast IPv6 addressing, and the current IPv6 configuration perVLAN. The listing may include one or more of the following, depending on what other IPv6 options are configured on the VLAN. Any stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) commands in the configuration are also listed in the output, but the actual addresses resulting from these commands are not included in the output.

ipv6 enable ipv6 address fe80::< interface-id > link-local ipv6 address < prefix >:< interface-id >/< prefix-length > ipv6 address autoconfig ipv6 address dhcp full [rapid-commit] ipv6 < global-unicast-address >/< prefix >


IPv6 Addressing Configuration View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configuration

HP Switch(config)# show run Running configuration: . . . vlan 10 name "VLAN10" untagged 1-12 ipv6 address fe80::1:101 link-local ipv6 address dhcp full rapid-commit . . .

Statically configured IPv6 addresses appear in the show run output.

Commands for automatic IPv6 address configuration appear in the show run output, but the addresses resulting from these commands do not appear in the output.

Figure 1-5. Example of Show Run Output Listing the Current IPv6 Addressing Commands


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Router Access and Default Router Selection

Router Access and Default Router Selection

Routing traffic between destinations on different VLANs configured on the switch or to a destination on an off-switch VLAN is done by placing the switch on the same VLAN interface or subnet as an IPv6-capable router configured to route traffic to other IPv6 interfaces or to tunnel IPv6 traffic across an IPv4 network.

Router Advertisements
An IPv6 router periodically transmits router advertisements (RAs) on the VLANs to which it belongs to notify other devices of its presence. The switch uses these advertisements for purposes such as:

learning the MAC and link-local addresses of IPv6 routers on the VLAN (For devices other than routers, the switch must use neighbor discovery to learn these addresses.) building a list of default (reachable) routers, along with router lifetime and prefix lifetime data learning the prefixes and the valid and preferred lifetimes to use for stateless (autoconfigured) global unicast addresses (This is required for autoconfiguration of global unicast IPv6 addresses.) learning the hop limit for traffic leaving the VLAN interface learning the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) to apply to frames intended to be routed

Router Solicitations
When an IPv6 interface becomes operational on the switch, a router solicitation is automatically sent to trigger a router advertisement (RA) from any IPv6 routers reachable on the VLAN. (Router solicitations are sent to the AllRouters multicast address; ff02::2. Refer to Multicast Application to IPv6 Addressing on page 2-17.) If an RA is not received within one second of sending the initial router solicitation, the switch sends up to three additional solicitations at intervals of four seconds. If an RA is received, the sending router is added to the switch's default router list and the switch stops sending router solicitations. If an RA is not received, then IPv6 traffic on that VLAN cannot be routed, and the only usable unicast IPv6 address on the VLAN is the link-local address.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Router Access and Default Router Selection


If the switch does not receive a router advertisement after sending the router solicitations, as described above, then no further router solicitations are sent on that VLAN unless a new IPv6 setting is configured, IPv6 on the VLAN is disabled, then re-enabled, or the VLAN itself is disconnected, then reconnected.

Default IPv6 Router

If IPv6 is enabled on a VLAN where there is at least one accessible IPv6 router, the switch selects a default IPv6 router. (Refer to Enabling Autoconfiguration of a Global Unicast Address and a Default Router Identity on a VLAN on page 1-5.)

If the switch receives router advertisements (RAs) from a single IPv6 router on the same VLAN or subnet, the switch configures a global unicast address and selects the advertising router as the default IPv6 router. If multiple IPv6 routers on a VLAN send RAs advertising the same network, the switch configures one global unicast address and selects one router as the default router, based on the router's relative reachability, using factors such as router priority and route cost. If multiple IPv6 routers on a VLAN send RAs advertising different subnets, the switch configures a corresponding global unicast address for each RA and selects one of the routers as the default IPv6 router, based on route cost. When multiple RAs are received on a VLAN, the switch uses the router priority and route cost information included in the RAs to identify the default router for the VLAN.

Router Redirection
With multiple routers on a VLAN, if the default (first-hop) router for an IPv6enabled VLAN on the switch determines that there is a better first-hop router for reaching a given, remote destination, the default router can redirect the switch to use that other router as the default router. For further information on routing IPv6 traffic, refer to the documentation provided for the IPv6 router. For related information:

RFC 2461: Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6


IPv6 Addressing Configuration View IPv6 Gateway, Route, and Router Neighbors

View IPv6 Gateway, Route, and Router Neighbors

Use these commands to view the switch's current routing table content and connectivity to routers per VLAN. This includes information received in router advertisements from IPv6 routers on VLANs enabled with IPv6 on the switch.

Viewing Gateway and IPv6 Route Information

Syntax: show ipv6 route [ ipv6-addr ] [connected ] This command displays the routes in the switch's IPv6 routing table. ipv6-addr: Optional. Limits the output to show the gateway to the specified IPv6 address. connected: Optional. Limits the output to show only the gateways to IPv6 addresses connected to VLAN interfaces configured on the switch, including the loopback (::1/128) address. Dest: The destination address for a detected route. Gateway: The IPv6 address or VLAN interface used to reach the destination. (Includes the loopback address.) Type: Indicates route type (static, connected, or OSPF). Distance: The route's administrative distance, used to determine the best path to the destination. Metric: Indicates the route cost for the selected destination.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration View IPv6 Gateway, Route, and Router Neighbors

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 route IPv6 Route Entries

Unknown Address Dest : ::/0 Gateway : fe80::213:c4ff:fedd:14b0%vlan10

Type : static Dist. : 40 Metric : 0 Type : connected Metric : 1 Type : connected Metric : 1 Type : connected Metric : 1 Type : connected Metric : 1

Dest : ::1/128 Gateway : lo0

Loopback Address

Dist. : 0
Global Unicast Address Configured on the Switch

Dest : 2001:db8:a03:e102::/64 Gateway : VLAN10 Dest : fe80::%vlan10 Gateway : VLAN10 Dest : fe80::1%lo0 Gateway : lo0

Dist. : 0

Link-Local Address Configured on the Switch Link-Local Address Assigned to the Loopback Address

Dist. : 0

Dist. : 0

Figure 1-6. Example of Show IPv6 Route Output


IPv6 Addressing Configuration View IPv6 Gateway, Route, and Router Neighbors

Viewing IPv6 Router Information

Syntax: show ipv6 routers [ vlan < vid > ] This command lists the switchs IPv6 router table entries for all VLANs configured on the switch or for a single VLAN. This output provides information about the IPv6 routers from which routing advertisements (RAs) have been received on the switch. Note: This command reports on IPv6 routers the switch has learned of through operation as a host, or client of a router. If the switch itself is configured as an IPv6 router (routing switch), the output of this command is empty. vlan < vid >: Optional. Specifies only the information on IPv6 routers on the indicated VLAN. Router Address: The IPv6 address of the router interface. Preference: The relative priority of prefix assignments received from the router when prefix assignments are also received on the same switch VLAN interface from other IPv6 routers. Interface: The VLAN interface on which the the router exists. MTU: This is the Maximum Transmission Unit (in bytes) allowed for frames on the path to the indicated router. Hop Limit: The maximum number of router hops allowed. Prefix Advertised: Lists the prefix and prefix size (number of leftmost bits in an address) originating with the indicated router. Valid Lifetime: The total time the address is available, including the preferred lifetime and the additional time (if any) allowed for the address to exist in the deprecated state. Refer to Address Lifetimes on page 1-32. Preferred Lifetime: The length of time during which the address can be used freely as both a source and a destination address for traffic exchanges with other devices. Refer to Address Lifetimes on page 1-32. On/Off Link: Indicates whether the entry source is on the same VLAN as is indicated in the Interface field.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Address Lifetimes

For example, figure 1-7 indicates that the switch is receiving router advertisements from a single router that exists on VLAN 10.
HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 routers IPv6 Router Table Entries Router Address Preference Interface MTU Hop Limit : : : : : fe80::213:c4ff:fedd:14b0 Medium VLAN10 1500 64

Valid Preferred On/Off Prefix Advertised Lifetime(s) Lifetime(s) Link ------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------2001:db8:a03:e102::/64 864000 604800 Onlink

Figure 1-7. Example of Show IPv6 Routers Output

Address Lifetimes
Every configured IPv6 unicast and anycast address has a lifetime setting that determines how long the address can be used before it must be refreshed or replaced. Some addresses are set as permanent and do not expire. Others have both a preferred and a valid lifetime that specify the duration of their use and availability.

Preferred Lifetime
This is the length of time during which the address can be used freely as both a source and a destination address for traffic exchanges with other devices. This time span is equal to or less than the valid lifetime also assigned to the address. If this time expires without the address being refreshed, the address becomes deprecated and should be replaced with a new, preferred address. In the deprecated state, an address can continue to be used as a destination for existing communication exchanges, but is not used for new exchanges or as a source for traffic sent from the interface. A new, preferred address and its deprecated counterpart will both appear in the show ipv6 vlan < vid > output as long as the deprecated address is within its valid lifetime.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Address Lifetimes

Valid Lifetime
This is the total time the address is available, and is equal to or greater than the preferred lifetime. The valid lifetime enables communication to continue for transactions that began before the address became deprecated. However, in this timeframe, the address should no longer be used for new communications. If this time expires without the deprecated address being refreshed, the address becomes invalid and may be assigned to another interface.

Sources of IPv6 Address Lifetimes

Manually configured addresses have permanent lifetimes. The prefixes received from router advertisements for global unicast addresses include finite valid and preferred lifetime assignments. Refer to Unicast Address Prefixes on page 2-9. Table 1-1. IPv6 Unicast Addresses Lifetimes Address Source
Link-Local Statically Configured Unicast or Anycast Autoconfigured Global DHCPv6-Configured

Lifetime Criteria
Permanent Permanent Finite Preferred and Valid Lifetimes Finite Preferred and Valid Lifetimes

A new, preferred address used as a replacement for a deprecated address can be acquired from a manual, DHCPv6, or autoconfiguration source.


IPv6 Addressing Configuration Address Lifetimes


IPv6 Management Features
Neighbor Cache Telnet6 SNTP Address Timep Address TFTP SNMP Trap Receivers

n/a Enabled None None n/a None

2-2, 2-4 2-5, 2-6, 2-7 2-9 2-13 2-15 2-23

This chapter focuses on the IPv6 application of management features that support both IPv6 and IPv4 operation. For additional information on these features, refer to the current Management and Configuration Guide for your switch and the Basic Operation Guide.

Viewing and Clearing the IPv6 Neighbors Cache

Neighbor discovery occurs when there is communication between the switch and another, reachable IPv6 device on the same VLAN. A neighbor destination is reachable from a given source address if a confirmation (neighbor solicitation) has been received at the source verifying that traffic has been received at the destination. The switch maintains an IPv6 neighbor cache that is populated as a result of communication with other devices on the same VLAN. You can view and clear the contents of the neighbor cache using the commands described in this section.


IPv6 Management Features Viewing and Clearing the IPv6 Neighbors Cache

Viewing the Neighbor Cache

Neighbor discovery occurs when there is communication between IPv6 devices on a VLAN. The Neighbor Cache retains data for a given neighbor until the entry times out. For more on this topic, refer to Neighbor Discovery (ND) on page 1-15. Syntax: show ipv6 neighbors [vlan < vid >] Displays IPv6 neighbor information currently held in the neighbor cache. After a period without communication with a given neighbor, the switch drops that neighbors data from the cache. The command lists neighbors for all VLAN interfaces on the switch or for only the specified VLAN. The following fields are included for each entry in the cache: IPv6 Address: Lists the 128-bit addresses for the local host and any neighbors (on the same VLAN) with whom there has been recent communication. MAC Address: The MAC Address corresponding to each of the listed IPv6 addresses. VLAN < vid >: Optional. Causes the switch to list only the IPv6 neighbors on a specific VLAN configured on the switch. Type: Appears only when VLAN is not specified, and indicates whether the corresponding address is local (configured on the switch) or dynamic (configured on a neighbor device). Age: Appears only when VLAN is specified, and indicates the length of time the entry has remained unused. Port: Identifies the switch port on which the entry was learned. If this field is empty for a given address, then the address is configured on the switch itself. State: A neighbor destination is reachable from a given source address if confirmation has been received at the source verifying that traffic has been received at the destination. This field shows the reachability status of each listed address: INCMP (Incomplete): Neighbor address resolution is in progress, but has not yet been determined. REACH (Reachable): The neighbor is known to have been reachable recently. Continued on the next page.


IPv6 Management Features Viewing and Clearing the IPv6 Neighbors Cache

Continued from previous page. STALE: A timeout has occurred for reachability of the neighbor, and an unsolicited discovery packet has been received from the neighbor address. If the path to the neighbor is then used successfully, this state is restored to REACH. DELAY: Indicates waiting for a response to traffic sent recently to the neighbor address. The time period for determining the neighbor's reachability has been extended.
PROBE: The neighbor may not be reachable. Periodic, unicast

neighbor solicitations are being sent to verify reachability.

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 neighbor IPv6 ND Cache Entries IPv6 Address --------------------------------------2001:db8:260:212::101 2001:db8:260:214::1:15 fe80::1:1 fe80::10:27 fe80::213:c4ff:fedd:14b0 MAC Address ------------0013c4-dd14b0 001279-88a100 001279-88a100 001560-7aadc0 0013c4-dd14b0 State ----STALE REACH REACH REACH REACH Type ------dynamic local local dynamic dynamic Port ---1

3 1

Figure 2-1. Example of Neighbor Cache Without Specifying a VLAN

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 neighbor vlan 10 IPv6 ND Cache Entries IPv6 Address ------------------------------------2001:db8:260:212::101 2001:db8:260:214::1:15 fe80:1a3::1:1 fe80:::10:27 fe80::213:c4ff:fedd:14b0 MAC Address ------------0013c4-dd14b0 001279-88a100 001279-88a100 001560-7aadc0 0013c4-dd14b0 State ----STALE REACH REACH REACH REACH Age ------------5h:13m:44s 11h:15m:23s 9h:35m:11s 22h:26m:12s 23 0h:32m:36s Port ---1 17 12 3 1

Figure 2-2. Example of Neighbor Cache Content for a Specific VLAN


IPv6 Management Features Viewing and Clearing the IPv6 Neighbors Cache

Clearing the Neighbor Cache

When there is an event such as a topology change or an address change, the neighbor cache may have too many entries to allow efficient use. Also, if an unauthorized client is answering DAD or normal neighbor solicitations with invalid replies, the neighbor cache may contain a large number of invalid entries and communication with some valid hosts may fail and/or the show ipv6 neighbors command output may become too cluttered to efficiently read. In such cases, the fastest way to restore optimum traffic movement on a VLAN may be to statically clear the neighbor table instead of waiting for the unwanted entries to time-out.

Syntax: clear ipv6 neighbors Syntax:Executed at the global config level, this command removes all non-local IPv6 neighbor addresses and corresponding MAC addresses from the neighbor cache except neighbor entries specified as next-hops for active routes. Note that the Layer-2 address information for any next-hop route is cleared until the route is refreshed in the neighbor cache.

HP Switch(config)# clear ipv6 neighbors HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 neighbors HP Switch# show ipv6 neighbors IPv6 ND Cache Entries IPv6 Address MAC Address State Type Port --------------------------------------- ------------- ----- ------- ---fe80::213:c4ff:fedd:14b0 000000-000000 INCMP dynamic

For an active-route next-hop, the MAC address and source port data is removed, and the State is set to Incomplete until the route is refreshed in the neighbor cache.

Figure 2-3. Example of Clearing the IPv6 Neighbors Cache


IPv6 Management Features IPv6 Telnet Operation

IPv6 Telnet Operation

This section describes Telnet operation for IPv6 on the switch. For IPv4 Telnet operation, refer to the Basic Operation Guide for your switch.

Outbound Telnet to Another Device

Syntax: telnet < link-local-addr >%vlan< vid > [oobm] telnet < global-unicast-addr > [oobm] Outbound Telnet establishes a Telnet session from the switch CLI to another IPv6 device, and includes these options. Telnet for Link-Local Addresses on the same VLAN requires the link-local address and and interface scope: < link-local-addr >: Specifies the link-local IPv6 address of the destination device. %vlan< vid >: Suffix specifying the interface on which the destination device is located. No spaces are allowed in the suffix. Telnet for Global Unicast Addresses requires a global unicast address for the destination. Also, the switch must be receiving router advertisements from an IPv6 gateway router. < global-unicast-addr >: Specifies the global IPv6 address of the destination device. For switches that have a separate out-of-band management port, the oobm parameter specifies that the Telnet traffic will go out from the out-of-band management interface. If this parameter is not specified, the Telnet traffic goes out from the data interface. The oobm parameter is not available on switches that do not have a separate out-of-band management port. Refer to the appendix, Network Out-of-Band Management in the Management and Configuration Guide for more information on out-of-band management. For example, to Telnet to another IPv6 device having a link-local address of fe80::215:60ff:fe79:8980 and on the same VLAN interface (VLAN 10), you would use the following command:


IPv6 Management Features IPv6 Telnet Operation HP Switch(config)# telnet fe80::215:60ff:fe79:980%vlan10

If the switch is receiving router advertisements from an IPv6 default gateway router, you can Telnet to a device on the same VLAN or another VLAN or subnet by using its global unicast address. For example, to Telnet to a device having an IPv6 global unicast address of 2001:db8::215:60ff:fe79:980, you would enter the following command:
HP Switch(config)# telnet 2001:db8::215:60ff:fe79:980

Viewing the Current Telnet Activity on a Switch

Syntax: show telnet This command shows the active incoming and outgoing telnet sessions on the switch (for both IPv4 and IPv6). Command output includes the following: Session: The session number. The switch allows one outbound session and up to five inbound sessions. Privilege: Manager or Operator. From: Console (for outbound sessions) or the source IP address of the inbound session. To: The destination of the outbound session, if in use. For example, the following figure shows that the switch is running one outbound, IPv4 session and is being accessed by two inbound sessions.
HP Switch# show telnet Telnet Activity -------------------------------------------------------Session : 1 Privilege: Manager From : Console To : -------------------------------------------------------Session : 2 Privilege: Manager From : 2620:0:260:212::2:219 To : -------------------------------------------------------Session : ** 3 The ** in the Session: indicates the Privilege: Manager session through which show telnet was From : fe80::2:101 run. To :

Figure 2-4. Example of Show Telnet Output with Three Sessions Active


IPv6 Management Features IPv6 Telnet Operation

Enabling or Disabling Inbound Telnet Access

Syntax: [ no ] telnet-server [listen <oobm | data | both>] This command is used at the global config level to enable (the default) or disable all (IPv4 and IPv6) inbound Telnet access to the switch. The no form of the command disables inbound telnet. The listen parameter is available only on switches that have a separate out-of-band management port. Values for this parameter are: oobm inbound Telnet access is enabled only on the out-of-band management port. data inbound Telnet access is enabled only on the data ports. both inbound Telnet access is enabled on both the out-of-band management port and on the data ports. This is the default value.

Refer to the appendix, Network Out-of-Band Management in the Management and Configuration Guide for more information on out-of-band management. The listen parameter is not available on switches that do not have a separate out-of-band management port. For example, to disable IPv4 and IPv6 Telnet access to the switch, you would use this command: HP Switch(config)# no telnet-server

Viewing the Current Inbound Telnet Configuration

Syntax:. show console This command shows the current configuration of IPv4 and IPv6 inbound telnet permissions, as well as other information. For both protocols, the default setting allows inbound sessions.


IPv6 Management Features SNTP and Timep

HP Switch(config)# show console Console/Serial Link Inbound Telnet Enabled [Yes] : Yes Web Agent Enabled [Yes] : Yes Terminal Type [VT100] : VT100 Screen Refresh Interval (sec) [3] : 3 Displayed Events [All] : All Baud Rate [Speed Sense] : speed-sense Flow Control [XON/XOFF] : XON/XOFF Session Inactivity Time (min) [0] : 0

Inbound Telnet Setting for IPv4 and IPv6 Telnet

Figure 2-5. Show Console Output Showing Default Console Configuration

SNTP and Timep

Configuring (Enabling or Disabling) the SNTP Mode
This software enables configuration of a global unicast address for IPv6 SNTP time server. This section lists the SNTP and related commands, including an example of using an IPv6 address. For the details of configuring SNTP on the switch, refer to the chapter titled Time Protocols in the Management and Configuration Guide for your switch. The following commands are available at the global config level for SNTP operation.
Commands Affecting SNTP Function

show sntp timesync < sntp | timep >

Display the current SNTP configuration. Enable either SNTP or Timep as the time synchronization method on the switch without affecting the configuration of either. Enable time synchronization. (Requires a timesync method to also be enabled.) The no version disable time synchronization without affecting the configuration of the current time synchronization method.)

[no] timesync


IPv6 Management Features SNTP and Timep

[ no ]sntp

Enables SNTP with the current SNTP configuration. The no version disables SNTP without changing the current SNTP configuration. Configures the SNTP mode. (Default: Broadcast) Changes the interval between time requests. (Default: 720 seconds)

sntp < unicast | broadcast > sntp < 30 - 720 >

Configuring an IPv6 Address for an SNTP Server

To use a global unicast IPv6 address to configure an IPv6 SNTP time server on the switch, the switch must be receiving advertisements from an IPv6 router on a VLAN configured on the switch. To use a link-local IPv6 address to configure an IPv6 SNTP time server on the switch, it is necessary to append %vlan followed immediately (without spaces) by the VLAN ID of the VLAN on which the server address is available. (The VLAN must be configured on the switch.) For example: fe80::11:215%vlan10


IPv6 Management Features SNTP and Timep

Syntax:. [no ] sntp server priority < 1 - 3 > < link-local-addr >%vlan< vid >[oobm] [1 - 7] [no ] sntp server priority < 1 - 3 > < global-unicast-addr >[oobm] [1 - 7] Configures an IPv6 address for an SNTP server. server priority < 1 - 3 >: Specifies the priority of the server addressing being configured. When the SNTP mode is set to unicast and more than one server is configured, this value determines the order in which the configured servers will be accessed for a time value. The switch polls multiple servers in order until a response is received or all servers on the list have been tried without success. Up to three server addresses (IPv6 and/or IPv4) can be configured. < link-local-addr >: Specifies the link-local IPv6 address of the destination device. %vlan< vid >: Suffix specifying the interface on which the destination device is located. No spaces are allowed in the suffix. < global-unicast-addr >: Specifies the global IPv6 address of the destination device. [oobm]: For switches that have a separate out-of-band management port, oobm specifies that SNTP traffic goes through that port. (By default, SNTP traffic goes through the data ports.) [ 1 - 7 ]: This optional setting specifies the SNTP server version expected for the specified server. (Default: 3)


IPv6 Management Features SNTP and Timep

For example, to configure link-local and global unicast SNTP server addresses of:

fe80::215:60ff:fe7a:adc0 (on VLAN 10, configured on the switch) 2001:db8::215:60ff:fe79:8980

as the priority 1 and 2 SNTP servers, respectively, using version 7, you would enter these commands at the global config level, as shown below. HP Switch(config)# sntp server priority 1 fe80::215:60ff:fe7a:adc0%vlan10 7 HP Switch(config)# sntp server priority 2 2001:db8::215:60ff:fe79:8980 7


In the preceding example, using a link-local address requires that you specify the local scope for the address; VLAN 10 in this case. This is always indicated by %vlan followed immediately (without spaces) by the VLAN identifier. Syntax:. show sntp Displays the current SNTP configuration, including the following: Time Sync Mode: Indicates whether timesync is disabled or set to either SNTP or Timep. (Default: timep) SNTP Mode: Indicates whether SNTP uses the broadcast or unicast method of contacting a time server. The broadcast option does not require you to configure a time server address. The unicast option does require configuration of a time server address. Poll Interval: Indicates the interval between consecutive time requests to an SNTP server. Priority: Indicates the configured priority for the corresponding SNTP server address. SNTP Server Address: Lists the currently configured SNTP server addresses. Protocol Version: Lists the SNTP server protocol version to expect from the server at the corresponding address.


IPv6 Management Features SNTP and Timep

For example, the show sntp output for the proceeding sntp server command example would appear as follows:
HP Switch(config)# show sntp SNTP Configuration Time Sync Mode: Sntp SNTP Mode : Broadcast Poll Interval (sec) [720] : 719 Priority -------1 2 This example illustrates the command output when both IPv6 and IPv4 server addresses are configured.

SNTP Server Address ---------------------------------------------2001:db8::215:60ff:fe79:8980

Protocol Version ---------------7 3

Figure 2-6. Example of Show SNTP Output with Both an IPv6 and an IPv4 Server Address Configured Note that the show management command can also be used to display SNTP server information.

Configuring (Enabling or Disabling) the Timep Mode

This software enables configuration of a global unicast address for IPv6 Timep time server. This section lists the Timep and related commands, including an example of using an IPv6 address. For the details of configuring Timep on the switch, refer to the chapter titled Time Protocols in the Management and Configuration Guide for your switch. The following commands are available at the global config level for Timep operation.
Commands Affecting Timep Function

show timep timesync < sntp | timep >

Display the current timep configuration. Enable either SNTP or Timep as the time synchronization method on the switch without affecting the configuration of either. Enable Timep operation with a Timep server assignment configured from an IPv4 or IPv6 DHCP server. Optionally change the interval between time requests.

ip timep dhcp [ interval ] < 1 - 9999 >]


IPv6 Management Features SNTP and Timep

ip timep manual < ipv6-addr > Enable Timep operation with a statically configured [ interval < 1 - 9999 >] IPv6 address for a Timep server. Optionally change the interval between time requests. no ip timep Disables Timep operation. To re-enable Timep, it is necessary to reconfigure either the DHCP or the static option.


To use a global unicast IPv6 address to configure an IPv6 Timep server on the switch, the switch must be receiving advertisements from an IPv6 router on a VLAN configured on the switch. To use a link-local IPv6 address to configure an IPv6 Timep server on the switch, it is necessary to append %vlan followed (without spaces) by the VLAN ID of the VLAN on which the server address is available. The VLAN must be configured on the switch. For example: fe80::11:215%vlan10

Syntax:. ip timep dhcp [ interval < 1 - 9999 >] ip timep manual < ipv6-addr | ipv4-addr > [ interval < 1 - 9999 >] [oobm] Used at the global config level to configure a Timep server address. Note: The switch allows one Timep server configuration. timep dhcp: Configures the switch to obtain the address of a Timep server from an IPv4 or IPv6 DHCP server. timep manual: Specifies static configuration of a Timep server address. < ipv6-addr >: Specifies the IPv6 address of an SNTP server. Refer to preceding Note. [ Interval < 1 - 9999 > ]: This optional setting specifies the interval in minutes between Timep requests. (Default: 720) [oobm]: For switches that have a separate out-of-band management port, oobm specifies that Timep traffic goes through that port. (By default, Timep traffic goes through the data ports.) For example, to configure a link-local Timep server address of: fe80::215:60ff:fe7a:adc0


IPv6 Management Features SNTP and Timep

where the address is on VLAN 10, configured on the switch, you would enter this command at the global config level, as shown below. HP Switch(config)# ip timep manual fe80::215:60ff:fe7a:adc0%vlan10


In the preceding example, using a link-local address requires that you specify the local scope for the address; VLAN 10 in this case. This is always indicated by %vlan followed immediately (without spaces) by the VLAN identifier. For a global unicast address, you would enter the address without the %vlan suffix. Syntax:. show timep Displays the current Timep configuration, including the following: Time Sync Mode: Indicates whether timesync is disabled or set to either SNTP or Timep. (Default: Disabled) Timep Mode: Indicates whether Timep is configured to use a DHCP server to acquire a Timep server address or to use a statically configured Timep server address. Server Address: Lists the currently configured Timep server address. Poll Interval (min) [720]: Indicates the interval between consecutive time requests to the configured Timep server. For example, the show timep output for the preceding ip timep manual command example would appear as follows:

HP Switch(config)# sho timep Timep Configuration Time Sync Mode: Timep TimeP Mode [Disabled] : Manual Server Address : fe80::215:60ff:fe7a:adc0%vlan10 Poll Interval (min) [720] : 720

Figure 2-7. Example of Show Timep Output with an IPv6 Server Address Configured Note that the show management command can also be used to display Timep server information.


IPv6 Management Features TFTP File Transfers Over IPv6

TFTP File Transfers Over IPv6

You can use TFTP copy commands over IPv6 to upload, or download files to and from a physically connected device or a remote TFTP server, including:

Switch software Software images Switch configurations ACL command files Diagnostic data (crash data, crash log, and event log)

For complete information on how to configure TFTP file transfers between the switch and a TFTP server or other host device on the network, refer to the File Transfers appendix in the Management and Configuration Guide for your switch. To upload and/or download files to the switch using TFTP in an IPv6 network, you must: 1. 2. Enable TFTP for IPv6 on the switch (see Enabling TFTP for IPv6 on page 2-16). Enter a TFTP copy command with the IPv6 address of a TFTP server in the command syntax (see Using TFTP to Copy Files over IPv6 on page 217). (Optional) To enable auto-TFTP operation, enter the auto-tftp command (see Using Auto-TFTP for IPv6 on page 2-21).



IPv6 Management Features TFTP File Transfers Over IPv6

Enabling TFTP for IPv6

Client and server TFTP for IPv6 is enabled by default on the switch. However, if it is disabled, you can re-enable it by specifying TFTP client or server functionality with the tftp <client | server> command. Enter the tftp < client | server> command at the global configuration level. Syntax: [no] tftp <client | server [listen <oobm|data|both>]> Enables TFTP for IPv4 and IPv6 client or server functionality so that the switch can: Use TFTP client functionality to access IPv4- or IPv6-based TFTP servers in the network to receive downloaded files. Use TFTP server functionality on the switch to be accessed by other IPv4 or IPv6 hosts requesting to upload files. For switches that have a separate out-of-band management port, the listen parameter in a server configuration allows you to specify whether transfers take place through the out-ofband management (oobm) interface, the data interface, or both. Refer to Appendix I, Networked Out-of-Band Management (OOBM) in this guide for more information on out-of-band management. The no form of the command disables the client or server functionality. Default: TFTP Client and Server functionality enabled

Usage Notes

To disable all TFTP client or server operation on the switch except for the auto-TFTP feature, enter the no tftp <client | server> command. To re-enable TFTP client or server operation, re-enter the tftp <client | server> command. (Entering no tftp without specifying client or server affects only the client functionality. To disable or re-enable the TFTP server functionality, you must specify server in the command.) When TFTP is disabled, instances of TFTP in the CLI copy command and the Menu interface Download OS screen become unavailable. The [no] tftp <client | server> command does not affect auto-TFTP operation. For more information, see Using Auto-TFTP for IPv6 on page 2-21.


IPv6 Management Features TFTP File Transfers Over IPv6

Using TFTP to Copy Files over IPv6

Use the TFTP copy commands described in this section to:

Download specified files from a TFTP server to a switch on which TFTP client functionality is enabled. Upload specified files from a switch, on which TFTP server functionality is enabled, to a TFTP server.

Syntax: copy tftp < target > < ipv6-addr > < filename > [oobm] Copies (downloads) a data file from a TFTP server at the specified IPv6 address to a target file on a switch that is enabled with TFTP server functionality. < ipv6-addr >: If this is a link-local address, use this IPv6 address format: fe80::< device-id >%vlan< vid > For example: fe80::123%vlan10 If this is a global unicast address, use this IPv6 format: < ipv6-addr > For example: 2001:db8::123 < target > is one of the following values: autorun-cert-file: Copies an autorun trusted certificate to the switch.

autorun-key-file: Copies an autorun key file to the switch. command-file: Copies a file stored on a remote host and executes the ACL command script on the switch. Depending on the ACL commands stored in the file, one of the following actions is performed in the running-config file on the switch: A new ACL is created. An existing ACL is replaced. match, permit, or deny statements are added to an existing ACL.

For more information on ACLs, refer to Creating an ACL Offline in the Access Control Lists (ACLs) chapter in the Access Security Guide.

config < filename >: Copies the contents of a file on a remote host to a configuration file on the switch.


IPv6 Management Features TFTP File Transfers Over IPv6

flash < primary | secondary >: Copies a software file stored on a remote host to primary or secondary flash memory on the switch. To run a newly downloaded software image, enter the reload or boot system flash command. pub-key-file: Copies a public-key file to the switch. startup-config: Copies a configuration file on a remote host to the startup configuration file on the switch.

oobm: For switches that have a separate out-of-band management port, specifies that the transfer will be through the outof-band management interface. (Default is transfer through the data interface.)


IPv6 Management Features TFTP File Transfers Over IPv6

. Syntax: copy <source > tftp < ipv6-addr > < filename > < pc | unix >[oobm] Copies (uploads) a source data file on a switch that is enabled with TFTP server functionality to a file on the TFTP server at the specified IPv6 address, where <source> is one of the following values: command-output < cli-command >: Copies the output of a CLI command to the specified file on a remote host.

config < filename >: Copies the specified configuration file to a remote file on a TFTP server. crash-data < slot-id | master >: Copies the contents of the crash data file to the specified file path on a remote host. The crash data is software-specific and used to determine the cause of a system crash. You can copy crash information from an individual slot or from the master crash file on the switch. crash-log < slot-id | master >: Copies the contents of the crash log to the specified file path on a remote host. The crash log contains processor-specific operational data that is used to determine the cause of a system crash. You can copy the contents of the crash log from an individual slot or from the master crash log on the switch. event-log: Copies the contents of the Event Log on the switch to the specified file path on a remote host. flash < primary | secondary >: Copies the software file used as the primary or secondary flash image on the switch to a file on a remote host. startup-config: Copies the startup configuration file in flash memory to a remote file on a TFTP server. running-config: Copies the running configuration file to a remote file on a TFTP server.


IPv6 Management Features TFTP File Transfers Over IPv6

< ipv6-addr >: If this is a link-local address, use this IPv6 address format: fe80::< device-id >%vlan< vid > For example: fe80::123%vlan10 If this is a global unicast address, use this IPv6 format: < ipv6-addr > For example: 2001:db8::123 oobm: For switches that have a separate out-of-band management port, specifies that the transfer will be through the outof-band management interface. (Default is transfer through the data interface.)


IPv6 Management Features TFTP File Transfers Over IPv6

Using Auto-TFTP for IPv6

At switch startup, the auto-TFTP for IPv6 feature automatically downloads a software image to the switch from a specified TFTP server, then reboots the switch. To implement the process the switch must first reboot using one of the following methods:

enter the boot system flash primary command in the CLI with the default flash boot image set to primary flash (the default), enter the boot or the reload command, or cycle the power to the switch. (To reset the boot image to primary flash, use boot set-default flash primary.)

Syntax: auto-tftp <ipv6-addr > <filename > Configures the switch to automatically download the specified software file from the TFTP server at the specified IPv6 address. The file is downloaded into primary flash memory at switch startup. The switch then automatically reboots from primary flash. Notes: To enable auto-TFTP to copy a software image to primary flash memory, the version number of the downloaded software file (for example, K_14_01.swi) must be different from the version number currently in the primary flash image. The current TFTP client status (enabled or disabled) does not affect auto-TFTP operation. (Refer to Enabling TFTP for IPv6 on page 2-16.) Completion of the auto-TFTP process may require several minutes while the switch executes the TFTP transfer to primary flash, and then reboots again. The no form of the command disables auto-TFTP operation by deleting the auto-tftp entry from the startup configuration. The no auto-tftp command does not affect the current TFTPenabled configuration on the switch. However, entering the ip ssh filetransfer command automatically disables both autotftp and tftp operation.


IPv6 Management Features SNMP Management for IPv6

SNMP Management for IPv6

As with SNMP for IPv4, you can manage a switch via SNMP from an IPv6based network management station by using an application such as HP PCM+. (For more on HP PCM+, visit the HP Networking web site at networking.)"

SNMP Features Supported

The same SNMP for IPv4 features are supported over IPv6:

access to a switch using SNMP version 1, version 2c, or version 3 enhanced security with the configuration of SNMP communities and SNMPv3 user-specific authentication password and privacy (encryption) settings SNMP notifications, including: SNMP version 1 or SNMP version 2c traps SNMPv2c informs SNMPv3 notification process, including traps

Advanced RMON (Remote Monitoring) management PCM+ management applications Flow sampling using sFlow Standard MIBs, such as the Bridge MIB (RFC 1493) and the Ethernet MAU MIB (RFC 1515)


IPv6 Management Features SNMP Management for IPv6

SNMP Configuration Commands Supported

IPv6 addressing is supported in the following SNMP configuration commands: For more information on each SNMP configuration procedure, refer to the Configuring for Network Management Applications chapter in the current Basic Operation Guide.

SNMPv1 and V2c

Syntax:. snmp-server host < ipv4-addr | ipv6-addr > < community-name > [none | all | non-info | critical | debug] [inform [retries < count >] [timeout < interval >]] Executed at the global config level to configure an SNMP trap receiver to receive SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c traps, SNMPv2c informs, and (optionally) event log messages snmp-server listen <oobm|data|both> For switches with a separate out-of-band management port, specifies whether the switch listens for SNMP traps on the outof-band management interface, the data interface, or both.

Syntax: snmpv3 targetaddress < name > params < parms_name > <ipv4-addr | ipv6-addr> [addr-mask < ip4-addr >] [filter < none | debug | all | not-info | critical>] [max-msg-size < 484-65535 >] [port-mask < tcp-udp port >] [retries < 0 - 255 >] [taglist <tag_name> ] [timeout < 0 - 2147483647 >] [udp-port port-number] Executed at the global config level to configure an SNMPv3 management station to which notifications (traps and informs) are sent.


IPv6 Management Features SNMP Management for IPv6


IPv6 is not supported in the configuration of an interface IPv6 address as the default source IP address used in the IP headers of SNMP notifications (traps and informs) or responses sent to SNMP requests. Only IPv4 addresses are supported in the following configuration commands: snmp-server trap-source < ipv4-addr | loopback < 0-7 >> snmp-server response-source [dst-ip-of-request | ipv4-addr | loopback < 0-7 >] IPv6 addresses are supported in SNMP show command output as shown in Figure 2-8 and Figure 2-9. The show snmp-server command displays the current SNMP policy configuration, including SNMP communities, network security notifications, linkchange traps, trap receivers (including the IPv4 or IPv6 address) that can receive SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c traps, and the source IP (interface) address used in IP headers when sending SNMP notifications (traps and informs) or responses to SNMP requests.


IPv6 Management Features SNMP Management for IPv6

HP Switch(config)# show snmp-server SNMP Communities Community Name -------------------public marker Trap Receivers Link-Change Traps Enabled on Ports [All] : All Traps Category ---------------------------SNMP Authentication Password change Login failures Port-Security Authorization Server Contact DHCP-Snooping Dynamic ARP Protection Address --------------------- 2620:0000:0260:0211 :0217:a4ff:feff:1f70 Excluded MIBs Snmp Response Pdu Source-IP Information Selection Policy : rfc1517
An IPv6 SNMPv2c address Inform is displayed configuration on two lines.

MIB View -------Manager Manager

Write Access -----------Unrestricted Unrestricted

: : : : : : :

Current Status --------------Extended Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Events -------All Critical Type -----trap trap Retry ------3 3 3 Timeout ------15 15 15

Community ---------------------public public marker

Critical trap

Trap Pdu Source-IP Information Selection Policy : rfc1517

Figure 2-8. show snmp-server Command Output with IPv6 Address


IPv6 Management Features IP Preserve for IPv6

The show snmpv3 targetaddress command displays the configuration (including the IPv4 or IPv6 address) of the SNMPv3 management stations to which notification messages are sent.
HP Switch(config)# show snmpv3 targetaddress snmpTargetAddrTable [rfc2573] Target Name ------------------------1 2 PP.217 PP.218
An IPv6 address is displayed on two lines.

IP Address --------------------- 2620:0:260:211 :217:a4ff:feff:1f70

Parameter --------------------------1 2 marker_p marker_p

Figure 2-9. show snmpv3 targetaddress Command Output with IPv6 Address

IP Preserve for IPv6

IPv6 supports the IP Preserve feature, which allows you to copy a configuration file from a TFTP server to multiple switches without overwriting the IPv6 address and subnet mask on VLAN 1 (default VLAN) in each switch, and the Gateway IPv6 address assigned to the switch. To configure IP Preserve, enter the ip preserve statement at the end of the configuration file that will be downloaded from a TFTP server. (Note that you do not invoke IP Preserve by entering a command from the CLI).


IPv6 Management Features IP Preserve for IPv6

; J9588A Configuration Editor; Created on release #KA.15.03 hostname "HP Switch" time daylight-time-rule None * * * * * * password manager password operator ip preserve

Entering an ip preserve statement as the last line in a configuration file stored on a TFTP server allows you to download and execute the file as the startup-config file on an IPv6 switch. When the switch reboots, the configuration settings in the downloaded file are implemented without changing the IPv6 address and gateway assigned to the switch as shown in Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-10. Example of How to Enter IP Preserve in a Configuration File To download an IP Preserve configuration file to an IPv6-based switch, enter the TFTP copy command as described in You can use TFTP copy commands over IPv6 to upload, or download files to and from a physically connected device or a remote TFTP server, including: on page 2-15 to copy the file as the new startup-config file on a switch. When you download an IP Preserve configuration file, the following rules apply:

If the switchs current IPv6 address for VLAN 1 was statically configured and not dynamically assigned by a DHCP/Bootp server, the switch reboots and retains its current IPv6 address, subnet mask, and gateway address. All other configuration settings in the downloaded configuration file are applied. If the switchs current IPv6 address for VLAN 1 was assigned from a DHCP server and not statically configured, IP Preserve is suspended. The IPv6 addressing specified in the downloaded configuration file is implemented when the switch copies the file and reboots. If the downloaded file specifies DHCP/Bootp as the source for the IPv6 address of VLAN 1, the switch uses the IPv6 address assigned by the DHCP/Bootp server. If the file specifies a dedicated IPv6 address and subnet mask for VLAN 1 and a Gateway IPv6 address, the switch implements these settings in the startup-config file.


IPv6 Management Features IP Preserve for IPv6

To verify how IP Preserve was implemented in a switch, after the switch reboots, enter the show run command. Figure 2-11 shows an example in which all configurations settings have been copied into the startup-config file except for the IPv6 address of VLAN 1 (2001:db8::214:c2ff:fe4c:e480) and the default IPv6 gateway (2001:db8:0:7::5), which were retained. Note that if a switch received its IPv6 address from a DHCP server, the ip address field under vlan 1 would display: dhcp-bootp.

HP Switch(config)# show run Running configuration: Because the switchs IPv6 address and ; J9588A Configuration Editor; Created on release #KA.15.03 default gateway were statically configured (not assigned by a DHCP server), when the hostname "HP Switch" switch boots up with the IP Preserve startup trunk 11-12 Trk1 Trunk configuration file (see Figure 2-10), its current ip default-gateway 2001:db8:0:7::5 IPv6 address, subnet mask, and default snmp-server community "public" Unrestricted gateway are not changed. vlan 1 name "DEFAULT_VLAN" If a switchs current IP address was acquired untagged 1-10,13-14 from a DHCP/Bootp server, the IP Preserve ip address 2001:db8::214:c2ff:fe4c:e480 statement is ignored and the IP addresses in the downloaded configuration file are exit implemented. spanning-tree Trk1 priority 4 password manager password operator

Figure 2-11. Configuration File with Dedicated IP Addressing After Startup with IP Preserve For more information on how to use the IP Preserve feature, refer to the Configuring IP Addressing chapter in the current Basic Operation Guide.


IPv6 Management Security Features
IPv6 Management Security
This chapter describes management security features that are IPv6 counterparts of IPv4 management security features on the switches covered by this guide.

configure authorized IP managers for IPv6 configuring secure shell for IPv6 enabling secure copy and secure FTP for IPv6

disabled disabled disabled

3-3 3-13 3-18

This chapter describes the following IPv6-enabled management security features:

Authorized IP Managers for IPv6 Secure Shell for IPv6 Secure Copy and Secure FTP for IPv6


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6

Authorized IP Managers for IPv6

The Authorized IP Managers feature uses IP addresses and masks to determine which stations (PCs or workstations) can access the switch through the network. This feature supports switch access through:

Telnet and other terminal emulation applications WebAgent SNMP (with a correct community name) SSH TFTP

As with the configuration of IPv4 management stations, the Authorized IP Managers for IPv6 feature allows you to specify the IPv6-based stations that can access the switch.

Usage Notes

You can configure up to 100 authorized IPv4 and IPv6 manager addresses on a switch, where each address applies to either a single management station or a group of stations. Each authorized manager address consists of an IPv4 or IPv6 address and a mask that determines the individual management stations that are allowed access. You configure authorized IPv4 manager addresses using the ip authorized-managers command. For more information, refer to the Using Authorized IP Managers chapter in the Access Security Guide. You configure authorized IPv6 manager addresses using the ipv6 authorized-managers command. For more information, see Configuring Authorized IP Managers for Switch Access on page 3-3.

You can block all IPv4-based or all IPv6-based management stations from accessing the switch by entering the following commands: To block access to all IPv4 manager addresses while allowing access to IPv6 manager addresses, enter the ip authorized-managers command. To block access to all IPv6 manager addresses while allowing access to IPv4 manager addresses, enter the ipv6 authorized-managers :: command. (The double colon represents an IPv6 address that consists of all zeros: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0.)


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6

You configure each authorized manager address with Manager or Operator-level privilege to access the switch. Manager privilege allows full access to all WebAgent and console interface screens for viewing, configuration, and all other operations available in these interfaces. Operator privilege allows read-only access from the WebAgent and console interfaces.

When you configure station access to the switch using the Authorized IP Managers feature, the settings take precedence over the access configured with local passwords, TACACS+ servers, RADIUS-assigned settings, port-based (802.1X) authentication, and port security settings. As a result, the IPv6 address of a networked management device must be configured with the Authorized IP Managers feature before the switch can authenticate the device using the configured settings from other access security features. If the Authorized IP Managers feature disallows access to the device, then access is denied. Therefore, with authorized IP managers configured, logging in with the correct passwords is not sufficient to access a switch through the network unless the station requesting access is also authorized in the switchs Authorized IP Managers configuration.

Configuring Authorized IP Managers for Switch Access

To configure one or more IPv6-based management stations to access the switch using the Authorized IP Managers feature, enter the ipv6 authorizedmanagers command Syntax: [no] ipv6 authorized-managers <ipv6-addr> [ipv6-mask] [access <operator | manager>] access-method [all | ssh | telnet | web | snmp | tftp] Configures one or more authorized IPv6 addresses to access the switch, where: ipv6-mask specifies the mask that is applied to an IPv6 address to determine authorized stations. For more information, see Using a Mask to Configure Authorized Management Stations on page 3-4. Default: FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF. access <operator | manager> specifies the level of access privilege granted to authorized stations. Applies only to access through telnet, SSH, and SNMP (version 1,2, and 3). Default: Manager. access-method [all | ssh | telnet | web | snmp | tftp] configures access levels by access method and IP address. Each management method can have its own set of authorized managers. Default: All


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6

Using a Mask to Configure Authorized Management Stations

The ipv6-mask parameter controls how the switch uses an IPv6 address to determine the IPv6 addresses of authorized manager stations on your network. For example, you can specify a mask that authorizes:

Single station access Multiple station access


Mask configuration is a method for determining the valid IPv6 addresses that are authorized for management access to the switch. In the Authorized IP Managers feature, the mask serves a different purpose than an IPv6 subnet mask and is applied in a different manner.

Configuring Single Station Access

To authorize only one IPv6-based station for access to the switch, enter the IPv6 address of the station and set the mask to FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF.


If you do not enter a value for the ipv6-mask parameter when you configure an authorized IPv6 address, the switch automatically uses FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF as the default mask (see Configuring Authorized IP Managers for Switch Access on page 3-3). If you have ten or fewer management and/or operator stations for which you want to authorize access to the switch, it may be more efficient to configure them by entering each IPv6 address with the default mask in a separate ipv6 authorized-managers command. When used in a mask, FFFF specifies that each bit in the corresponding 16bit (hexadecimal) block of an authorized stations IPv6 address must be identical to the same on or off setting in the IPv6 address entered in the ipv6 authorized-managers command. (The binary equivalent of FFFF is 1111 1111 1111 1111, where 1 requires the same on or off setting in an authorized address.)


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6

For example, as shown in Figure 3-1, if you configure a link-local IPv6 address of FE80::202:B3FF:FE1E:8329 with a mask of FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF, only a station having an IPv6 address of FE80::202:B3FF:FE1E:8329 has management access to the switch.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Manager- or Operator-Level Access Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block IPv6 Mask FFFF FFFF 0000 FFFF 0000 FFFF 0000 FFFF 202 FFFF B3FF FFFF FE1E FFFF 8329 IPv6 Address FE80 The FFFF in each hexadecimal block of the mask specifies that only the exact value of each bit in the corresponding block of the IPv6 address is allowed. This mask allows management access only to a station having an IPv6 address of FE80::202:B3FF:FE1E:8329.

Figure 3-1. Mask for Configuring a Single Authorized IPv6 Manager Station

Configuring Multiple Station Access

To authorize multiple stations to access the switch without having to re-enter the ipv6 authorized-managers command for each station, carefully select the IPv6 address of an authorized IPv6 manager and an associated mask to authorize a range of IPv6 addresses. As shown in Figure 3-2, if a bit in any of the 4-bit binary representations of a hexadecimal value in a mask is on (set to 1), then the corresponding bit in the IPv6 address of an authorized station must match theon or off setting of the same bit in the IPv6 address you enter with the ipv6 authorized-managers command. Conversely, in a mask, a 0 binary bit means that either the on or off setting of the corresponding IPv6 bit in an authorized address is valid and does not have to match the setting of the same bit in the specified IPv6 address. Figure 3-2 shows the binary expressions represented by individual hexadecimal values in an ipv6-mask parameter.
Hexadecimal Value in an IPv6 Mask 0 1 2 3 4 5 Binary Equivalent 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6 Hexadecimal Value in an IPv6 Mask 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Binary Equivalent 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111

Figure 3-2. Hexadecimal Mask Values and Binary Equivalents

Example. Figure 3-3 shows an example in which a mask that authorizes switch access to four management stations is applied to the IPv6 address: 2001:DB8:0000:0000:244:17FF:FEB6:D37D. The mask is: FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFF8:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFC.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Manager- or Operator-Level Access Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block IPv6 Mask FFFF FFFF DB8 FFFF 0000 FFFF 0000 FFFF 244 FFFF 17FF FFFF FEB6 FFFC D37D IPv6 Address 2001 The F value in the first 124 bits of the mask specifies that only the exact value of each corresponding bit in an authorized IPv6 address is allowed. However, the C value in the last four bits of the mask allows four possible combinations (D37C, D37D, D37E, and D37F) in the last block of an authorized IPv6 address.

Figure 3-3. Example: Mask for Configuring Four Authorized IPv6 Manager Stations

Last block in Mask: FFFC Last block in IPv6 Address: D37D Bit Numbers Bit Value Bit 15 Bit 14 F Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 F Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 F Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 C Bit 1 Bit 0


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6 FFFC: Last Block in Mask D37D: Last Block in IPv6 Address Bit Setting: = 1 (On) = 0 (Off)

Figure 3-4. Example: How a Mask Determines Four Authorized IPv6 Manager Addresses As shown in Figure 3-4, if you use a mask of FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFC with an IPv6 address, you can authorize four IPv6-based stations to access the switch. In this mask, all bits except the last two are set to 1 (on); the binary equivalent of hexadecimal C is 1100. Therefore, this mask requires the first corresponding 126 bits in an authorized IPv6 address to be the same as in the specified IPv6 address: 2001:DB8:0000:0000:244:17FF:FEB6:D37C. However, the last two bits are set to 0 (off) and allow the corresponding bits in an authorized IPv6 address to be either on or off. As a result, only the four IPv6 addresses shown in Figure 3-5 are allowed access.
1st Block IPv6 Mask IPv6 Address Entered with the ipv6 authorized-managers Command Other Authorized IPv6 Addresses FFFF 2001 2001 2001 2001 2nd Block FFFF DB8 DB8 DB8 DB8 3rd Block FFFF 0000 0000 0000 0000 4th Block FFFF 0000 0000 0000 0000 5th Block FFFF 244 244 244 244 6th Block FFFF 17FF 17FF 17FF 17FF 7th Block FFFF FEB6 FEB6 FEB6 FEB6 8th Block FFFC D37D D37C D37E D37F

Figure 3-5. Example: How Hexadecimal C in a Mask Authorizes Four IPv6 Manager Addresses

Example. Figure 3-6 shows an example in which a mask is applied to the IPv6 address: 2001:DB8:0000:0000:244:17FF:FEB6:D37D/64. The specified mask FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFF8:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF configures eight management stations as authorized IP manager stations. Note that, in this example, the IPv6 mask is applied as follows:


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6

Eight management stations in different subnets are authorized by the value of the fourth block (FFF8) in the 64-bit prefix ID (FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFF8) of the mask. (The fourth block of the prefix ID is often used to define subnets in an IPv6 network.) The binary equivalent of FFF8 that is used to specify valid subnet IDs in the IPv6 addresses of authorized stations is: 1111 1111 1111 1000. The three off bits (1000) in the last part of the this block (FFF8) of the mask allow for eight possible authorized IPv6 stations: 2001:DB8:0000:0000:244:17FF:FEB6:D37D 2001:DB8:0000:0001:244:17FF:FEB6:D37D 2001:DB8:0000:0002:244:17FF:FEB6:D37D 2001:DB8:0000:0003:244:17FF:FEB6:D37D 2001:DB8:0000:0004:244:17FF:FEB6:D37D 2001:DB8:0000:0005:244:17FF:FEB6:D37D 2001:DB8:0000:0006:244:17FF:FEB6:D37D 2001:DB8:0000:0007:244:17FF:FEB6:D37D

Each authorized station has the same 64-bit device ID (244:17FF:FEB6:D37D) because the value of the last four blocks in the mask is FFFF (binary value 1111 1111). FFFF requires all bits in each corresponding block of an authorized IPv6 address to have the same on or off setting as the device ID in the specified IPv6 address. In this case, each bit in the device ID (last four blocks) in an authorized IPv6 address is fixed and can be only one value: 244:17FF:FEB6:D37D.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Manager- or Operator-Level Access Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block IPv6 Mask FFFF FFFF DB8 FFFF 0000 FFF8 0000 FFFF 244 FFFF 17FF FFFF FEB6 FFFF D37D Authorized 2001 IPv6 Address In this example, the IPv6 mask allows up to four stations in different subnets to access the switch. This authorized IP manager configuration is useful if only management stations are specified by the authorized IPv6 addresses. Refer to Figure 3-4 for how the bitmap of the IPv6 mask determines authorized IP manager stations.

Figure 3-6.

Example: Mask for Configuring Authorized IPv6 Manager Stations in Different Subnets


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6

Fourth Block in Mask: FFF8 Fourth Block in Prefix ID of IPv6 Address: 0000 Bit Numbers Bit Value FFF8: Fourth Block in Mask 0000: Fourth Block in IPv6 Address Bit Setting: = 1 (On) = 0 (Off) Bit 15 Bit 14 F Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 F Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 F Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 8 Bit 1 Bit 0

Figure 3-7. Example: How a Mask Determines Authorized IPv6 Manager Addresses by Subnet

Figure 3-7 shows the bits in the fourth block of the mask that determine the valid subnets in which authorized stations with an IPv6 device ID of 244:17FF:FEB6:D37D reside. FFF8 in the fourth block of the mask means that bits 3 - 15 of the block are fixed and, in an authorized IPv6 address, must correspond to the on and off settings shown for the binary equivalent 0000 in the fourth block of the IPv6 address. Conversely, bits 0 - 2 are variable and, in an authorized IPv6 address, may be either on (1) or off (0). As a result, assuming that the seventh and eighth bytes (fourth hexadecimal block) of an IPv6 address are used as the subnet ID, only the following binary expressions and hexadecimal subnet IDs are supported in this authorized IPv6 manager configuration:
Authorized Subnet ID in Fourth Hexadecimal Block of IPv6 Address 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 Binary Equivalent 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0011 0000 0100 0000 0101


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6 Authorized Subnet ID in Fourth Hexadecimal Block of IPv6 Address 0006 0007

Binary Equivalent 0000 0110 0000 0111

Figure 3-8. Binary Equivalents of Authorized Subnet IDs (in Hexadecimal)

Displaying an Authorized IP Managers Configuration

Use the show ipv6 authorized-managers command to list the IPv6 stations authorized to access the switch; for example:
HP Switch# show ipv6 authorized-managers IPv6 Authorized Managers --------------------------------------Address : 2001:db8:0:7::5 Mask : ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff Access : Manager Address : 2001:db8::a:1c:e3:3 Mask : ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe Access : Manager Address : 2001:db8::214:c2ff:fe4c:e480 Mask : ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff Access : Manager Address : 2001:db8::10 Mask : ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ff00 Access : Operator

Figure 3-9. Example of show ipv6 authorized-managers Output By analyzing the masks displayed in Figure 3-9, the following IPv6 stations are granted access:
Mask Authorized IPv6 Addresses Number of Authorized Addresses 4 2 1 256


2001:db8:0:7::4 through 2001:db8:0:7::7 2001:db8::a:1c:e3:2 and 2001:db8::a:1c:e3:3 2001:db8::214:c2ff:fe4c:e480 2001:db8::0 through 2001:db8::FF

Figure 3-10. How Masks Determine Authorized IPv6 Manager Addresses


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6

Additional Examples of Authorized IPv6 Managers Configuration

Authorizing Manager Access. The following IPv6 commands authorize manager-level access for one link-local station at a time. Note that when you enter a link-local IPv6 address with the ipv6 authorized-managers command, you must also enter a VLAN ID in the format: %vlan<vlan-id>. HP Switch(config)# ipv6 authorized-managers fe80::07be:44ff:fec5:c965%vlan2 HP Switch(config)# ipv6 authorized-managers fe80::070a:294ff:fea4:733d%vlan2 HP Switch(config)# ipv6 authorized-managers fe80::19af:2cff:fe34:b04a%vlan5 If you do not enter an ipv6-mask value when you configure an authorized IPv6 address, the switch automatically uses FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF as the default IPv6 mask. Also, if you do not specify an access value to grant either Manager- or Operator-level access, by default, the switch assigns Manager access. For example:

HP Switch# ipv6 authorized-managers 2001:db8::a8:1c:e3:69 HP Switch# show ipv6 authorized-managers IPv6 Authorized Managers -------------------------Address : 2001:db8::a8:1c:e3:69 Mask : ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff Access : Manager If you do not enter a value for ipv6-mask in the ipv6 authorized-managers command, the default mask of FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF: is applied. The default mask authorizes only the specified station (see Configuring Single Station Access on page 3-4).

Figure 3-11. Default IPv6 Mask


IPv6 Management Security Features Authorized IP Managers for IPv6

The next IPv6 command authorizes operator-level access for sixty-four IPv6 stations: thirty-two stations in the subnets defined by 0x0006 and 0x0007 in the fourth block of an authorized IPv6 address: HP Switch(config)# ipv6 authorized-managers 2001:db8:0000:0007:231:17ff:fec5:c967 ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffe0 access operator The following ipv6 authorized-managers command authorizes a single, automatically generated (EUI-64) IPv6 address with manager-level access privilege: HP Switch(config)# ipv6 authorized-managers ::223:04ff:fe03:4501 ::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff Editing an Existing Authorized IP Manager Entry. To change the mask or access level for an existing authorized IP manager entry, enter the IPv6 address with the new value(s). Any parameters not included in the command are reset to their default values. The following command replaces the existing mask and access level for IPv6 address 2001:DB8::231:17FF:FEC5:C967 with FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FF00 and operator: HP Switch(config)# ipv6 authorized-managers 2001:db8::231:17ff:fec5:c967 ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ff00 access operator The following command replaces the existing mask and access level for IPv6 address 2001:DB8::231:17FF:FEC5:3E61 with FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF and manager (the default values). Note that it is not necessary to enter either of these parameters: HP Switch(config)# ipv6 authorized-managers 2001:db8::a05b:17ff:fec5:3f61 Deleting an Authorized IP Manager Entry. Enter only the IPv6 address of the configured authorized IP manager station that you want to delete with the no form of the command; for example: HP Switch(config)# no ipv6 authorized-managers 2001:db8::231:17ff:fec5:3e61


IPv6 Management Security Features Secure Shell (SSH) for IPv6

Secure Shell (SSH) for IPv6

SSH for IPv4 and IPv6 operate simultaneously with the same command set. Both are enabled in the default configuration, and are controlled together by the same command set. Secure Shell (SSH) for IPv6 provides the same Telnet-like functions through encrypted, authenticated transactions as SSH for IPv4. SSH for IPv6 provides CLI (console) access and secure file transfer functionality. The following types of transactions are supported:

Client public-key authentication Public keys from SSH clients are stored on the switch. Access to the switch is granted only to a client whose private key matches a stored public key.

Password-only client authentication The switch is SSH-enabled but is not configured with the login method that authenticates a clients public-key. Instead, after the switch authenticates itself to a client, users connected to the client authenticate themselves to the switch by providing a valid password that matches the operator- and/or manager-level password configured and stored locally on the switch or on a RADIUS or TACACS+ server.

Secure Copy (SCP) and Secure FTP (SFTP) client applications You can use either one SCP session or one SFTP session at a given time to perform secure file transfers to and from the switch.

Configuring SSH for IPv6

By default, SSH is automatically enabled for IPv4 and IPv6 connections on a switch. You can use the ip ssh command options to reconfigure the default SSH settings to configure the following settings used in SSH authentication for IPv4 and IPv6 connections:

TCP port number timeout period file transfer MAC type cipher type listening port(s)


IPv6 Management Security Features Secure Shell (SSH) for IPv6

Syntax:. [no] ip ssh Enables SSH for on the switch for both IPv4 and IPv6, and activates the connection with a configured SSH server (RADIUS or TACACS+). The no form of the command disables SSH on the switch. [cipher < cipher-type >] Specify a cipher type to use for connection. Valid types are: aes128-cbc 3des-cbc aes192-cbc aes256-cbc [email protected] aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr

Default: All cipher types are available. Use the no form of the command to disable a cipher type. [filetransfer] Enables SSH on the switch to connect to an SCP or SFTP client application to transfer files to and from the switch over IPv4 or IPv6. Default: Disabled. Note: Enabling filetransfer automatically disables TFTP client and TFTP server functionality. For more information, refer to Secure Copy and Secure FTP for IPv6 on page 3-18.


IPv6 Management Security Features Secure Shell (SSH) for IPv6

[mac < MAC-type >] Allows configuration of the set of MACs that can be selected. Valid types are: hmac-md5 hmac-sha1 hmac-sha1-96 hmac-md5-96

Default: All MAC types are available. Use the no form of the command to disable a MAC type. [port < 1-65535 | default >] TCP port number used for SSH sessions in IPv4 and IPv6 connections (Default: 22). Valid port numbers are from 1 to 65535, except for port numbers 23, 49, 80, 280,443, 1506, 1513 and 9999, which are reserved for other subsystems. [public-key < manager | operator > keystring Store a client-generated key for public-key authentication. manager: allows manager-level access using SSH publickey authentication. operator: allows operator-level access using SSH publickey authentication. keystring:. a legal SSHv2 (RSA or DSA) public key. The text string for the public key must be a single quoted token. If the keystring contains double-quotes, it can be quoted with single quotes ('keystring'). The following restrictions for a keystring apply:

A keystring cannot contain both single and double quotes.

A keystring cannot have extra characters, such as a blank space or a new line. (To improve readability, you can add a backlash at the end of each line.) For more on configuring and using SSH public keys to authenticate SSH clients connecting to the switch, refer to the chapter titled Configuring Secure Shell in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch.

[timeout < 5 - 120 >] Timeout value allowed to complete an SSH authentication and login on the switch (Default: 120 seconds).


IPv6 Management Security Features Secure Shell (SSH) for IPv6

[listen <oobm|data|both>] The listen parameter is available only on switches that have a separate out-of-band management port. Values for this parameter are:
oobm inbound SSH access is enabled

only on the out-of-band management port. data inbound SSH access is enabled only on the data ports. both inbound SSH access is enabled on both the out-of-band management port and on the data ports. This is the default value.

Refer to the appendix, Network Out-of-Band Management in the Management and Configuration Guide for more information on out-of-band management. The listen parameter is not available on switches that do not have a separate out-of-band management port.


For both IPv4 and IPv6, the switch supports only SSH version 2. You cannot set up an SSH session with a client device running SSH version 1. For more information on how to configure SSH for encrypted, authenticated transactions between the switch and SSH-enabled client devices, refer to the Configuring Secure Shell (SSH) chapter in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch.


IPv6 Management Security Features Secure Shell (SSH) for IPv6

Displaying an SSH Configuration

To verify an SSH configuration and display all SSH sessions running on the switch, enter the show ip ssh command. Information on all current SSH sessions (IPv4 and IPv6) is displayed.

With SSH running, the switch supports one console session and up to five other SSH and Telnet (IPv4 and IPv6) sessions. WebAgent sessions are also supported, but are not displayed in show ip ssh output. Source IPv6 IP addresses of SSH clients are displayed in hexadecimal format.

HP Switch# show ip ssh SSH Enabled : Yes TCP Port Number : 22 Host Key Type : RSA

Secure Copy Enabled : No Timeout (sec) : 120 Host Key Size : 2048

Ciphers : aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc, [email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr MACs : hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96 Ses --1 2 3 4 5 6 Type -------console ssh inactive inactive inactive inactive | Source IP Port + ---------------------------------------------- ----| | 1722 | | Displays the current SSH configuration and status. | The switch uses these five SSH settings internally for transactions with clients. |

Figure 3-1. Example of an SSH Configuration Display


IPv6 Management Security Features Secure Copy and Secure FTP for IPv6

Secure Copy and Secure FTP for IPv6

You can take advantage of the Secure Copy (SCP) and Secure FTP (SFTP) client applications to provide a secure alternative to TFTP for transferring sensitive switch information, such as configuration files and login information, between the switch and an administrator workstation. By default, SSH is enabled for IPv4 and IPv6 connections on a switch, and a single command set is used for both IPv4 and IPv6 file transfers. SCP and SFTP run over an encrypted SSH session, allowing you to use a secure SSH tunnel to:

Transfer files and update HP Networking software images. Distribute new software images with automated scripts that make it easier to upgrade multiple switches simultaneously and securely.

You can perform secure file transfers to and from IPv4 and IPv6 client devices by entering the ip ssh filetransfer command. Syntax:. [no] ip ssh filetransfer Enables SSH on the switch to connect to an SCP or SFTP client application to transfer files to and from the switch. Use the no ip ssh filetransfer command to disable the switchs ability to perform secure file transfers with an SCP or SFTP client, without disabling SSH on the switch. After an IPv6 client running SCP/SFTP successfully authenticates and opens an SSH session on the switch, you can copy files to and from the switch using secure, encrypted file transfers. Refer to the documentation that comes with an SCP or SFTP client application for information on the file transfer commands and software utilities to use.


Enabling SSH file transfer disables TFTP and Auto-TFTP operation. The switch supports one SFTP session or one SCP session at a time. All files on the switch have read-write permission. However, several SFTP commands, such as create or remove, are not supported and return an error. For complete information on how to configure SCP or SFTP in an SSH session to copy files to and from the switch, refer to the File Transfers appendix in the Management and Configuration Guide for your switch.


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping
Multicast addressing allows one-to-many or many-to-many communication among hosts on a network. Typical applications of multicast communication include audio and video streaming, desktop conferencing, collaborative computing, and similar applications. Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) is an IPv6 protocol used on a local link for multicast group management. MLD is enabled per VLAN, and is analogous to the IPv4 IGMP protocol. MLD snooping is a subset of the MLD protocol that operates at the port level and conserves network bandwidth by reducing the flooding of multicast IPv6 packets. This chapter describes concepts of MLD snooping and the CLI commands available for configuring it and for viewing its status.


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Introduction to MLD Snooping

Introduction to MLD Snooping

There are several roles that network devices may play in an IPv6 multicast environment:

MLD host a network node that uses MLD to join (subscribe to) one or more multicast groups multicast router a router that routes multicast traffic between subnets querier a switch or multicast router that identifies MLD hosts by sending out MLD queries, to which the MLD hosts respond

Curiously enough, a network node that acts as a source of IPv6 multicast traffic is only an indirect participant in MLD snoopingit just provides multicast traffic, and MLD doesnt interact with it. (Note, however, that in an application like desktop conferencing a network node may act as both a source and an MLD host; but MLD interacts with that node only in its role as an MLD host.) A source node creates multicast traffic by sending packets to a multicast address. In IPv6, addresses with the first eight bits set (that is, FF as the first two characters of the address) are multicast addresses, and any node that listens to such an address will receive the traffic sent to that address. Application software running on the source and destination systems cooperates to determine what multicast address to use. (Note that this is a function of the application software, not of MLD.) For example, if several employees engage in a desktop conference across the network, they all need application software on their computers. At the start of the conference, the software on all the computers determines a multicast address of, say, FF3E:30:2001:DB8::101 for the conference. Then any traffic sent to that address can be received by all computers listening on that address.


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Introduction to MLD Snooping

General operation. Multicast communication can take place without MLD, and by default MLD is disabled. In that case, if a switch receives a packet with a multicast destination address, it floods the packet to all ports in the same VLAN (except the port that it came in on). Any network nodes that are listening to that multicast address will see the packet; all other hosts ignore the packet.

MLD disabled

Source Listener

Figure 4-1. Without MLD, multicast traffic is flooded to all ports. When MLD snooping is enabled on a VLAN, the switch acts to minimize unnecessary multicast traffic. If the switch receives multicast traffic destined for a given multicast address, it forwards that traffic only to ports on the VLAN that have MLD hosts for that address. It drops that traffic for ports on the VLAN that have no MLD hosts (except for a few special cases explained below).

MLD snooping enabled

Listener (MLD host)

Source Listener (MLD host)

Figure 4-2. With MLD snooping, traffic is sent to MLD hosts.


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Introduction to MLD Snooping

Note that MLD snooping operates on a single VLAN (though there can be multiple VLANs, each running MLD snooping). Cross-VLAN traffic is handled by a multicast router. Forwarding in MLD snooping. When MLD snooping is active, a multicast packet is handled by the switch as follows:

forwarded to ports that have nodes that have joined the packets multicast address (that is, MLD hosts on that address) forwarded toward the querierIf the switch is not the querier, the packet is forwarded out the port that leads to the querier. forwarded toward any multicast routersIf there are multicast routers on the VLAN, the packet is forwarded out any port that leads to a router. forwarded out administratively forwarded portsThe packet will be forwarded through all ports set administratively to forward mode. (See the description of forwarding modes, below.) dropped for all other ports

Each individual ports forwarding behavior can be explicitly set using a CLI command to one of these modes:

auto (the default mode)The switch forwards packets through this port based on the MLD rules and the packets multicast address. In most cases, this means that the switch forwards the packet only if the port connects to a node that is joined to the packets multicast address (that is, to an MLD host). There is seldom any reason to use a mode other than auto in normal operation (though some diagnostics may make use of forward or block mode). forwardThe switch forwards all IPv6 multicast packets through the port. This includes IPv6 multicast data and MLD protocol packets. blockThe switch drops all MLD packets received by the port and blocks all outgoing IPv6 multicast packets through the port, except those packets destined for well known IPv6 multicast addresses. This has the effect of preventing IPv6 multicast traffic from moving through the port.

Note that the switch floods all packets with well known IPv6 multicast destination addresses through all ports. Well known addresses are permanent addresses defined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ( IPv6 standards define any address beginning with FF0x/12 (binary 1111 1111 0000) as a well known address. Listeners and joins. The snooping part of MLD snooping arises because a switch must keep track of which ports have network nodes that are MLD hosts for any given multicast address. It does this by keeping track of joins on a per-port basis.


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Introduction to MLD Snooping

A network node establishes itself as an MLD host by issuing a multicast join request (also called a multicast report) for a specific multicast address when it starts an application that listens to multicast traffic. The switch to which the node is connected sees the join request and forwards traffic for that multicast address to the nodes port. Queries. The querier is a multicast router or a switch that periodically asks MLD hosts on the network to verify their multicast join requests. There is one querier for each VLAN, and all switches on the VLAN listen to the responses of MLD hosts to multicast queries, and forward or block multicast traffic accordingly. All of the HP Networking switches described by this guide have the querier function enabled by default. If there is another device on the VLAN that is already acting as querier, the switch defers to that querier. If there is no device acting as querier, the switch enters an election state and negotiates with other devices on the network (if any) to determine which one will act as the querier. The querier periodically sends general queries to MLD hosts on each multicast address that is active on the VLAN. The time period that the querier waits between sending general queries is known as the query interval; the MLD standard sets the default query interval to 125 seconds. Network nodes that wish to remain active as MLD hosts respond to the queries with join requests; in this way they continue to assert their presence as MLD hosts. The switch through which any given MLD host connects to the VLAN sees the join requests and continues forwarding traffic for that multicast address to the MLD hosts port. Leaves. A node acting as an MLD host can be disconnected from a multicast address in two ways:

It can stop sending join requests to the querier. This might happen if the multicast application quits or the node is removed from the network. If the switch goes for slightly more than two query intervals without seeing a join request from the MLD host, it stops sending multicast traffic for that multicast address to the MLD hosts port. It can issue a leave request. This is done by the application software running on the MLD host. If the MLD host is the only node connected to its switch port, the switch sees the leave request and stops sending multicast packets for that multicast address to that port. (If there is more than one node connected to the port the situation is somewhat more complicated, as explained below under Fast leaves and forced fast leaves.)


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Introduction to MLD Snooping

Fast leaves and forced fast leaves. The fast leave and forced fast leave functions can help to prune unnecessary multicast traffic when an MLD host issues a leave request from a multicast address. Fast leave is enabled by default and forced fast leave is disabled by default. Both functions are applied to individual ports. Which function to use depends on whether a port has more than one node attached to it, as follows:

If a port has only one node attached to it, then when the switch sees a leave request from that node (an MLD host) it knows that it does not need to send any more multicast traffic for that multicast address to the hosts port. If fast leave is enabled (the default setting), the switch stops sending the multicast traffic immediately. If fast leave is disabled, the switch continues to look for join requests from the host in response to groupspecific queries sent to the port. The interval during which the switch looks for join requests is brief and depends on the forced fast leave setting: if forced fast leave is enabled for the port, it is equal to the forced fast leave interval (typically a couple of seconds or less); if forced fast leave is disabled for the port, the period is about 10 seconds (governed by the MLD standard). When this process has completed the multicast traffic for the group will be stopped (unless the switch sees a new join request). If there are multiple nodes attached to a single port, then a leave request from one of those nodes (an MLD host) does not provide enough information for the switch to stop sending multicast traffic to the port. In this situation the fast leave function does not operate. The switch continues to look for join requests from any MLD hosts connected to the port, in response to group-specific queries sent to the port. As in the case described above for a single-node port that is not enabled for fast leave, the interval during which the switch looks for join requests is brief and depends on the forced fast leave setting. If forced fast leave is enabled for the port, it is equal to the forced fast leave interval (typically a couple of seconds or less); if forced fast leave is disabled for the port, the period is about 10 seconds (governed by the MLD standard). When this process has completed the multicast traffic for the group will be stopped unless the switch sees a new join request. This reduces the number of multicast packets forwarded unnecessarily.


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Configuring MLD

Configuring MLD
Several CLI commands are available for configuring MLD parameters on a switch.

Enabling or Disabling MLD Snooping on a VLAN

Syntax: [no] ipv6 mld Note: This command must be issued in a VLAN context. This command enables MLD snooping on a VLAN. Enabling MLD snooping applies the last-saved or the default MLD configuration, whichever was most recently set. The [no] form of the command disables MLD snooping on a VLAN. MLD snooping is disabled by default.

For example, to enable MLD snooping on VLAN 8:

HP Switch# config HP Switch(config)# vlan 8 (vlan-8)# ipv6 mld

To disable MLD snooping on VLAN 8:

HP Switch(vlan-8)# no ipv6 mld


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Configuring MLD

Configuring Per-Port MLD Traffic Filters

Syntax: ipv6 mld [auto <port-list> | blocked <port-list> | forward <port-list>] Note: This command must be issued in a VLAN context. This command sets per-port traffic filters, which specify how each port should handle MLD traffic. Allowed settings are: auto follows MLD snooping rules: packets are forwarded for joined groups blocked all multicast packets are dropped, except that packets for well known addresses are forwarded forward all multicast packets are forwarded The default value of the filter is auto. <port-list> specifies the affected port or range of ports For example:
HP Switch(vlan-8)# ipv6 mld forward 16-18 HP Switch(vlan-8)# ipv6 mld blocked 19-21 HP Switch(vlan-8)# show ipv6 mld vlan 8 config MLD Service Vlan Config VLAN ID : 8 VLAN NAME : VLAN8 MLD Enabled [No] : Yes Querier Allowed [Yes] : Yes Port ---13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Type --------100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T | + | | | | | | | | | | | | Port Mode --------auto auto auto forward forward forward blocked blocked blocked auto auto auto Forced Fast Leave ----------------No No No No No No No No No No No No Fast Leave ---------Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Figure 4-3. Example of an MLD Configuration with Traffic Filters


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Configuring MLD

Configuring the Querier

Syntax: [no] ipv6 mld querier Note: This command must be issued in a VLAN context. This command enables the switch to act as querier on a VLAN. The [no] form of the command disables the switch from acting as querier on a VLAN. The querier function is enabled by default. If another switch or a multicast router is acting as the MLD querier on the VLAN, this switch will defer to that device. If an acting querier stops performing the querier function, all querier-enabled switches and multicast routers on the VLAN will enter an election to determine the next device to act as querier.

For example, to disable the switch from acting as querier on VLAN 8:

HP Switch(vlan-8)# no ipv6 mld querier

To enable the switch to act as querier on VLAN 8:

HP Switch(vlan-8)# ipv6 mld querier

Configuring Fast Leave

Syntax: [no] ipv6 mld fastleave <port-list> Note: This command must be issued in a VLAN context. This command enables the fast leave function on the specified ports in a VLAN. The [no] form of the command disables the fast leave function on the specified ports in a VLAN. The fast leave function is enabled by default.


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Configuring MLD

For example, to disable fast leave on ports in VLAN 8:

HP Switch(vlan-8)# no ipv6 mld fastleave 14-15

To enable fast leave on ports in VLAN 8:

HP Switch(vlan-8)# ipv6 mld fastleave 14-15

Configuring Forced Fast Leave

Syntax: [no] ipv6 mld forcedfastleave <port-list> Note: This command must be issued in a VLAN context. This command enables the forced fast leave function on the specified ports in a VLAN. The [no] form of the command disables the forced fast leave function on the specified ports in a VLAN. The forced fast leave function is disabled by default.

For example, to enable forced fast leave on ports in VLAN 8:

HP Switch(vlan-8)# ipv6 mld forcedfastleave 19-20

To disable forced fast leave on ports in VLAN 8:

HP Switch(vlan-8)# no ipv6 mld forcedfastleave 19-20


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

Current MLD Status
Syntax: show ipv6 mld Displays MLD status information for all VLANs on the switch that have MLD configured. show ipv6 mld vlan <vid> Displays MLD status for the specified VLAN vid VLAN ID For example, a switch with MLD snooping configured on VLANs 8 and 9 might show the following information:
HP Switch# show ipv6 mld MLD Service Protocol Info Total vlans with MLD enabled Current count of multicast groups joined : 2 : 37

VLAN ID : 8 VLAN NAME : VLAN8 Querier Address : fe80::218:71ff:fec4:2f00 [this switch] Querier Up Time : 1h:37m:20s Querier Expiry Time : 0h:1m:44s Ports with multicast routers :

Active Group Addresses ---------------------------------------ff02::c ff02::1:2 ff02::1:3 ff02::1:ff00:42 ff02::1:ff02:2 ff02::1:ff02:3 ff02::1:ff03:2 ff02::1:ff03:3


ExpiryTime ---------0h:4m:9s 0h:4m:3s 0h:4m:9s 0h:4m:0s 0h:4m:2s 0h:4m:5s 0h:4m:2s 0h:4m:5s

Ports ------------------15-21 21 15-21 19 15 16 17 18

Figure 4-4. Example of Displaying the MLD Configuration for All Static VLANs on the Switch


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

ff02::1:ff04:3 FILT 0h:4m:5s ff02::1:ff05:1 FILT 0h:4m:3s ff02::1:ff0b:2dfe FILT 0h:3m:59s ff02::1:ff0b:d7d9 FILT 0h:4m:4s ff02::1:ff0b:da09 FILT 0h:4m:5s ff02::1:ff0b:dc38 FILT 0h:4m:3s ff02::1:ff0b:dc8d FILT 0h:4m:4s ff02::1:ff0b:dd56 FILT 0h:4m:0s ff02::1:ff12:e0cd FILT 0h:4m:5s ff02::1:ff4e:98a5 FILT 0h:4m:0s ff02::1:ff57:21a1 FILT 0h:3m:58s ff02::1:ff6b:dd51 FILT 0h:4m:0s ff02::1:ff7b:ac55 FILT 0h:4m:5s ff02::1:ff8f:61ea FILT 0h:4m:1s ff02::1:ffc8:397b FILT 0h:4m:0s ff3e:30:2001:db8:8:0:7:101 FILT 0h:4m:4s ff3e:30:2001:db8:8:0:7:102 FILT 0h:4m:13s VLAN ID : 9 VLAN NAME : VLAN9 Querier Address : fe80::218:71ff:fec4:2f00 [this switch] Querier Up Time : 1h:37m:22s Querier Expiry Time : 0h:1m:43s Ports with multicast routers : Active Group Addresses ---------------------------------------ff02::c ff02::1:3 ff02::1:ff02:4 ff02::1:ff03:4 ff02::1:ff04:4 ff02::1:ff0b:dc64 ff02::1:ff0b:dcf3 ff02::1:ff0b:dd5c ff02::1:ff34:a69e ff02::1:ff8e:11d5 ff02::1:ffea:2c4f ff3e:30:2001:db8:9:0:7:111 Type ---FILT FILT FILT FILT FILT FILT FILT FILT FILT FILT FILT FILT ExpiryTime ---------0h:4m:12s 0h:4m:12s 0h:4m:4s 0h:3m:59s 0h:4m:12s 0h:4m:0s 0h:4m:2s 0h:4m:4s 0h:4m:1s 0h:3m:57s 0h:3m:58s 0h:4m:3s

20 21 17 15 18 19 20 16 21 17 20 15 16 19 18 15,18,21 16,19

Ports -------------------3,5,7 3,5,7 3 5 7 7 3 5 5 7 3 3,5

Figure 4-5. Continuation of Figure 4-4


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

The following information is shown for each VLAN that has MLD snooping enabled:

VLAN ID number and name Querier address: IPv6 address of the device acting as querier for the VLAN Querier up time: the length of time in seconds that the querier has been acting as querier Querier expiry time: If this switch is the querier, this is the amount of time until the switch sends the next general query. If this switch is not the querier, this is the amount of time in seconds until the current querier is considered inactive (after which a new querier election is held). Ports with multicast routers: ports on the VLAN that lead toward multicast routers (if any) Multicast group address information for each active group on the VLAN, including: the multicast group address the type of tracking for multicast joins: standard or filtered. If MLD snooping is enabled, port-level tracking results in filtered groups. If MLD snooping is not enabled, joins result in standard groups being tracked by this device. In addition, if hardware resources for multicast filtering are exhausted, new joins may result in standard groups even though MLD snooping is enabled. expiry time: the time until the group expires if no joins are seen the ports that have joined the multicast group

The group addresses you see listed typically result from several network functions. In our example, several of the addresses at the top of the list for each VLAN are IANA well known addresses (see ipv6-multicast-addresses); the addresses in the form of ff02::1:ffxx:xxxx are solicited-node multicast addresses (used in IPv6 Neighbor Discovery); and the addresses beginning with ff3e are group addresses used by listeners to streaming video feeds.


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

Current MLD Configuration

Syntax: show ipv6 mld config Displays current global MLD configuration for all MLDenabled VLANS on the switch. show ipv6 vlan <vid> config Displays current MLD configuration for the specified VLAN, including per-port configuration information. vid VLAN ID

For example, the general form of the command might look like this:

HP Switch# show ipv6 mld config MLD Service Config Control unknown multicast Forced fast leave timeout VLAN ID ------8 9 VLAN NAME --------------VLAN8 VLAN9 [Yes] : Yes [4] : 4 Querier Allowed --------------Yes Yes

MLD Enabled ----------Yes Yes

Figure 4-6. Example of a Global MLD Configuration The following information, for all MLD-enabled VLANs, is shown:

Control unknown multicast: If this is set to YES, any IPv6 multicast packets that are not joined by an MLD host will be sent only to ports that have detected a multicast router or ports that are administratively forwarded. If this is set to NO (or if MLD snooping is disabled), unjoined IPv6 multicast packets will be flooded out all ports in the VLAN. Forced fast leave timeout: the interval between an address specific query and a forced fast leave (assuming no response), in tenths of seconds For each VLAN that has MLD enabled: VLAN ID and name whether MLD is enabled on the VLAN (default NO, but the VLAN will not show up on this list unless MLD is enabled) whether the switch can act as querier for the VLAN (default YES)


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

The specific form of the command might look like this:

HP Switch# show ipv6 mld vlan 8 config MLD Service Vlan Config VLAN ID : 8 VLAN NAME : VLAN8 MLD Enabled [No] : Yes Querier Allowed [Yes] : Yes Port ---13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Type --------100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T 100/1000T | + | | | | | | | | | | | | Port Mode --------auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto Forced Fast Leave ----------------No No No No No No No No No No No No Fast Leave ---------Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Figure 4-7. Example of an MLD Configuration for a Specific VLAN The following information is shown, if the specified VLAN is MLD-enabled:

VLAN ID and name whether MLD is enabled on the VLAN (default NO, but the information for this VLAN will be listed only if MLD is enabled) whether the switch is allowed to act as querier on the VLAN


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

Ports Currently Joined

Syntax: show ipv6 mld vlan <vid> group Lists the ports currently joined for all IPv6 multicast group addresses in the specified VLAN vid VLAN ID show ipv6 mld vlan <vid> group <ipv6-addr> Lists the ports currently joined for the specified IPv6 multicast group address in the specified VLAN vid VLAN ID ipv6-addr address of the IPv6 multicast group for which you want information For example, the general form of the command is shown below. The specific form the the command is similar, except that it lists the port information for only the specified group.
HP Switch# show ipv6 mld vlan 9 group MLD Service Protocol Group Info VLAN ID : 9 VLAN Name : VLAN9 Filtered Group Address : ff02::c Last Reporter : fe80::7061:4b38:dbea:2c4f ExpiryTime : 0h:2m:19s Port ---3 5 . . . Filtered Group Address : ff3e:30:2001:db8:9:0:7:111 Last Reporter : fe80::7061:4b38:dbea:2c4f ExpiryTime : 0h:4m:14s Port ---3 5 Port Type --------100/1000T 100/1000T | + | | Port Mode --------auto auto ExpiryTime -------------------0h:4m:14s 0h:4m:09s Port Type --------100/1000T 100/1000T | + | | Port Mode --------auto auto ExpiryTime -------------------0h:2m:19s 0h:2m:18s

Figure 4-8. Example of Ports Joined to Multicast Groups in a Specific VLAN


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

The following information is shown:

VLAN ID and name port information for each IPv6 multicast group address in the VLAN (general group command) or for the specified IPv6 multicast group address (specific group command): group multicast address last reporter: last MLD host to send a join to the group address group expiry time: the time until the group expires if no further joins are seen port name for each port port type for each port: Ethernet connection type port mode for each port: auto (follows MLD snooping rules; that is, packets are forwarded for joined groups), forward (all multicast packets are forwarded to this group), or blocked (all multicast packets are dropped, except that packets for well-known addresses are forwarded) expiry time for each port: amount of time until this port is aged out of the multicast address group, unless a join is received

Syntax: show ipv6 mld statistics Shows MLD statistics for all MLD-enabled VLANs Syntax: show ipv6 mld vlan <vid> statistics Shows MLD statistics for the specified VLAN vid VLAN ID The general form the of the command shows the total number of MLD-enabled VLANs and a count of multicast groups currently joined. Both forms of the command show VLAN IDs and names, as well as the number of filtered and standard multicast groups and the total number of multicast groups.


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

For example, the general form of the command:

HP Switch# show ipv6 mld statistics MLD Service Statistics Total vlans with MLD enabled Current count of multicast groups joined : 2 : 36

MLD Joined Groups Statistics VLAN ID ------8 9 VLAN NAME -----------VLAN8 VLAN9 filtered -----------26 10 standard -----------0 0 total -----------26 10

Figure 4-9. Example of MLD Statistics for All VLANs Configured

And the specific form of the command:

HP Switch# show ipv6 mld vlan 8 statistics MLD Statistics VLAN ID : 8 VLAN NAME : VLAN8 Number of Filtered Groups : 26 Number of Standard Groups : 0 Total Multicast Groups Joined : 26

Figure 4-10. Example of MLD Statistics for a Single VLAN


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

Syntax: show ipv6 mld vlan <vid> counters Displays MLD counters for the specified VLAN vid VLAN ID

HP Switch# show ipv6 mld vlan 8 counters MLD Service Vlan Counters VLAN ID : 8 VLAN NAME : VLAN8 General Query Rx General Query Tx Group Specific Query Rx Group Specific Query Tx V1 Member Report Rx V2 Member Report Rx Leave Rx Unknown MLD Type Rx Unknown Pkt Rx Forward to Routers Tx Counter Forward to Vlan Tx Counter Port Fast Leave Counter Port Forced Fast Leave Counter Port Membership Timeout Counter : 2 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 1589 : 15 : 30 : 0 : 0 : 83 : 48 : 4 : 0 : 28

Figure 4-11. Example of MLD Counters for a Single VLAN


Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping Displaying MLD Status and Configuration

The following information is shown:

VLAN number and name For each VLAN: number of general queries received number of general queries sent number of group-specific queries received number of group-specific queries sent number of MLD version 1 member reports (joins) received number of MLD version 2 member reports (joins) received number of leaves received number of MLD packets of unknown type received number of packets of unknown type received number of packets forwarded to routers on this VLAN number of times a packet has been forwarded to all ports on this VLAN number of fast leaves that have occurred number of forced fast leaves that have occurred number of times a join has timed out on this VLAN


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs)
An Access Control List (ACL) contains one or more Access Control Entries (ACEs) specifying the criteria the switch uses to either permit (forward) or deny (drop) IP packets traversing the switchs interfaces. This chapter describes how to configure, apply, and edit static IPv6 ACLs for filtering IPv6 traffic in a network populated with the switches covered by this guide, and how to monitor IPv6 ACL actions.


Because the switches covered by this guide operate in an IPv4/IPv6 dual stack mode, IPv6 and IPv4 ACLs can operate simultaneously in these switches. However:

Static IPv6 ACLs and IPv4 ACLs do not filter each others traffic. IPv6 and IPv4 ACEs cannot be configured in the same static ACL. RADIUS-assigned ACLs can be configured to filter either IPv4 traffic only, or both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. Refer to RADIUS-Assigned ACLs on page 5-3.

In this chapter, unless otherwise noted:

The term ACL refers to IPv6 ACLs. Descriptions of ACL operation apply only to IPv6 traffic.

For information on configuring and applying static IPv4 ACLs, refer to the chapter titled IPv4 Access Control Lists (ACLs) in the Access Security Guide for your switch. .
Feature Configure IPv6 ACLs Enable or Disable an ACL Display ACL Configuration Data Delete an ACL Default None n/a n/a n/a CLI 5-38 5-64 5-79 5-68


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Introduction Feature Editing an Existing ACL Creating or Editing an ACL Offline Using TFTP Enable ACL Logging Default n/a n/a n/a CLI 5-68 5-89 5-95

IPv6 traffic filtering with ACLs can help to improve network performance and restrict network use by creating policies for:

Switch Management Access: Permits or denies in-band management access. This includes limiting and/or preventing the use of designated protocols that run on top of IPv6, such as TCP, UDP, ICMP, and others. Also included are the use of DSCP criteria, and control for application transactions based on source and destination IPv6 addresses and transport layer port numbers. Application Access Security: Eliminates unwanted IPv6 traffic in a path by filtering IPv6 packets where they enter or leave the switch on specific VLAN interfaces.

The ACLs described in this chapter can filter IPv6 traffic to or from a host, a group of contiguous hosts, or entire subnets.


The ACLs described in this chapter can enhance network security by blocking selected IPv6 traffic, and can serve as part of your network security program. However, because ACLs do not provide user or device authentication, or protection from malicious manipulation of data carried in IPv6 packet transmissions, they should not be relied upon for a complete security solution. Static IPv6 ACLs on the switches covered by this manual do not screen nonIPv6 traffic such as IPv4, AppleTalk, and IPX packets.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview of Options for Applying IPv6 ACLs on the Switch

Overview of Options for Applying IPv6 ACLs on the Switch

To apply IPv6 ACL filtering, assign a configured IPv6 ACL to the interface on which you want the traffic filtering to occur. VLAN and routed IPv6 traffic ACLs can be applied statically using the switch configuration. Port traffic ACLs can be applied either statically or dynamically (using a RADIUS server).

Static ACLS
Static ACLs are configured on the switch. To apply a static ACL, assign it to an interface (VLAN or port). The switch supports three static ACL types:

Routed IPv6 Traffic ACL (RACL): An RACL is an ACL configured on a VLAN to filter routed IPv6 traffic entering or leaving the switch on that interface, as well as IPv6 traffic having a destination on the switch itself. (Except for filtering IPv6 traffic to an address on the switch itself, IPv6 RACLs can operate only while IPv6 routing is enabled. Refer to Note on IPv6 Routing on page 5-23.) VLAN ACL (VACL): A VACL is an ACL to a VLAN to filter IPv6 traffic entering the switch on that VLAN interface and having a destination on the same VLAN. The traffic can be either switched or routed. Static Port ACL: A static port ACL is an ACL assigned to a port to filter IPv6 traffic entering the switch on that port, regardless of whether the traffic is routed, switched, or addressed to a destination on the switch itself.

RADIUS-Assigned ACLs
A RADIUS-assigned ACL for filtering traffic from a specific client or group of clients is configured on a RADIUS server. When the server authenticates a client associated with that ACL, the ACL is assigned to filter the inbound IP traffic received from the authenticated client through the port on which the client is connected to the switch. If the RADIUS server supports both IPv4 and IPv6 ACEs, then the ACL assigned by the server can be configured to filter both traffic types, or just the IPv4 traffic. When the client session ends, the ACL is removed from the port. The switch allows as many RADIUS-assigned ACLs on a port as it allows authenticated clients. For information on RADIUSassigned ACLs, refer to the chapter titled, Configuring RADIUS Server Support for Switch Services in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview of Options for Applying IPv6 ACLs on the Switch


This chapter describes the IPv6 ACL applications you can statically configure on the switch. For information on static IPv4 ACL applications, refer to the chapter titled IPv4 Access Control Lists (ACLs) in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch.

Command Summary for Configuring ACLs

Create an IPv6 ACL or Add an ACE to the End of an Existing IPv6 ACL HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list < name-str > HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# < deny | permit > < ipv6 | esp | ah | sctp | ipv6-protocol-nbr > < any | host <SA > | SA/< prefix-length >> < any | host < DA > | DA/< prefix-length >> < tcp | udp > < any | host <SA > | SA/< prefix-length > > [comparison-operator < value >] < any | host < DA > | DA/< prefix-length >> [comparison-operator < value >] [established]1 [ack] [fin] [rst] [syn]2 < icmp > < any | host < SA > | SA /< prefix-length >> < any | host < DA > | DA /< prefix-length >> [ 0 - 255 [ 0 - 255 ] | icmp-message ] [dscp < precedence | codepoint >] [log]3 Insert an ACE or a remark by Assigning a Sequence Number HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list < name-str > HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# < seq-# > < deny | permit | remark> The deny and permit keywords use the options shown above for Create an IPv6 ACL. Delete an ACE or a Remark (or both) by Sequence Number HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list < name-str > HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# no < seq-# > [ remark ] (Note: You can also delete an ACE by entering no < permit | deny > followed by the settings explicitly configured for that ACE.) Resequence the ACEs in an ACL
1TCP only. 2TCP flag (control bit) options for destination TCP. 3




HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list resequence < name-str > < starting-# > < increment >.


The log function is available only for deny ACLs, and generates a message only when there is a deny match.



IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview of Options for Applying IPv6 ACLs on the Switch

Continued from preceding page.

Action Enter a Remark Remove a Remark: Immediately After Entry After entry of an ACE Delete an IPv6 ACL Command(s) HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list < name-str > HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# remark < remark-str > Page 5-74 5-77

HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# no remark HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#no < seq-# > remark HP Switch(config)# no ipv6 access-list < name-str > 5-68

Command Summary for Enabling, Disabling, and Displaying ACLs

Enable or Disable an IPv6 RACL Enable or Disable an IPv6 VACL Enable or Disable a Static Port ACL Displaying ACL Data HP Switch(config)# [no] vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < name-str > < in | out | vlan > HP Switch(config)# [no] vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < name-str > vlan HP Switch(config)# [no] interface < port-list | trkx > ipv6 access-group < name-str > in HP Switch(eth-< port-list >| trkx >)# [no] ipv6 access-group < name-str > in # show access-list # show access-list < acl-name-str > [config] # show access-list config # show access-list ports < port-list | trkx > # show access-list vlan < vid > # show access-list radius < port-list | all > # show access-list resources # < show | clear > statistics aclv6 < acl-name-str > port < port-# > # < show | clear > statistics aclv6 < acl-name-str > vlan < vid > < in | out | vlan > 5-79 5-64

Displaying or Clearing ACL Statistics



IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Terminology

Access Control Entry (ACE): A policy consisting of criteria and an action (permit or deny) to execute on a packet if it meets the criteria. For IPv6 ACEs, the elements composing the criteria include: source IPv6 address and prefix length destination IPv6 address and prefix length either of the following: all IPv6 traffic IPv6 traffic of a specific IPv6 protocol (For TCP, UDP, and ICMP, the criteria can include either a specific sub-type within the protocol or all traffic of the protocol type.) option to log packet matches with deny ACEs optional use of DSCP (precedence and ToS settings)

Access Control List (ACL): A list (or set) consisting of one or more explicitly configured Access Control Entries (ACEs) and terminating with an implicit deny ipv6 any any ACE. Each ACE in an IPv6 ACL includes layer3 IPv6 source and destination criteria and IPv6 protocol-specific criteria. IPv6 ACLs can be applied in any of the following ways: RACL: an ACL assigned to filter routed IPv6 traffic entering or leaving the switch on a VLAN. (Separate assignments are required for inbound and outbound IPv6 traffic.) VACL: an ACL assigned to filter inbound IPv6 traffic on a specific VLAN configured on the switch Static Port ACL: an ACL assigned to filter inbound IPv6 traffic on a specific switch port RADIUS-Assigned ACL: dynamic ACL assigned to a port by a RADIUS server to filter inbound IPv4 and IPv6 traffic from an authenticated client on that port (Refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Server Support for Switch Services in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch.)

Static ACLs are configured in switch memory with an alphanumeric name, and can be assigned to a VLAN as an RACL or VACL (or both), and to a port list (or static trunk). (RADIUS-assigned ACLs are configured on a RADIUS server, and are identified by the associated client credentials instead of an alphanumeric name.) ACE: See Access Control Entry.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Terminology

ACL: See Access Control List. ACL ID: An alphanumeric string used to identify an ACL. See also identifier and name-str. Note: RADIUS-assigned ACLs are identified by client authentication data and do not use the ACL ID strings described in this chapter. ACL Prefix: Follows any IPv6 address listed in an IPv6 ACE. Analogous to the ACL mask used with IPv4 ACEs. Specifies the number of leftmost, contiguous bits in a packets corresponding IPv6 addressing that must exactly match the IPv6 addressing in the ACE, and which bits need not match (wildcards). Refer to How an ACE Uses a Prefix To Screen Packets for SA and DA Matches on page 5-35.) Address Family: Used in this manual to refer to the version of the IP protocol running on the switch; IPv4 and IPv6. CIDR: The acronym for Classless Inter-Domain Routing. In IPv6 ACEs, CIDR notation is used to specify the prefix length for SA and DA address criteria. For example, the length of the following prefix includes the first 48 bits of an address: 2001:db8:101::/48 DA: The acronym for Destination Address. In an IPv6 packet, this is the destination IPv6 address carried in the header, and identifies the packets destination. This is the second of two IPv6 addresses used in an ACE to determine whether there is a match between an IPv6 packet and the ACE. See also SA. Deny: An ACE configured with this action causes the switch to drop an IPv6 packet for which there is a match within an applicable ACL. Empty ACL: An ACL that is not populated with any explicit ACEs, and functions only as a placeholder. An ACL exists in this state if any one of the following occurs: An ACL identifier has been created in the running config file with the ipv6 access-list < name-str > command, but no explicit ACEs exist in the ACL. An ACL identifier has been assigned to an interface without first populating the ACL with ACEs. If the empty ACL did not already exist in the running config file, assigning the identifier to an interface automatically creates the empty ACL in the running config file. An ACL configured with one or more explicit ACEs has been deleted from the running config file while the ACL is still assigned to an interface.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Terminology

Note that an empty ACL does not include an Implicit Deny and does not filter traffic. However, if you configure any ACE in an empty ACL that is already assigned to an interface, the ACL immediately begins filtering traffic, which includes application of the Implicit Deny. identifier: A term used in ACL syntax statements to represent the alphanumeric name by which the ACL can be accessed. An identifier can have up to 64 characters. See also name-str. Note: RADIUS-assigned ACLs are identified by client authentication criteria and do not use the identifiers described in this chapter. Implicit Deny: If the switch finds no matches between an IPv6 packet and the configured criteria in an applicable ACL, then the switch denies (drops) the packet with an implicit deny ipv6 any any function. You can preempt the Implicit Deny in a given ACL by configuring a permit ipv6 any any as the last explicit ACE in the ACL. Doing so permits any packet that is not explicitly permitted or denied by other ACEs configured sequentially earlier in the ACL. Note: Any dynamically created ACL will include an implicit deny for both Ipv4 and IPv6 traffic, regardless of the address family capabilities of the server. Refer to RADIUS-Assigned ACLs on page 5-3. Inbound Traffic: For the purpose of defining where the switch applies IPv6 ACLs to filter traffic, inbound traffic is a packet that meets one of the following criteria: Routed ACL (RACL): Inbound traffic is a packet entering the switch on a VLAN interface (or a subnet in a multinetted VLAN) with a destination IPv6 address (DA) that is for any of the following: an external device on a different VLAN or subnet than the interface on which it arrived an IPv6 address configured on the switch itself Inbound traffic having a destination IPv6 address on the routing switch itself will be screened by an IPv6 RACL that is configured to screen inbound traffic, regardless of whether IPv6 routing is enabled. ACLs do not screen outbound traffic generated by the routing switch itself. VLAN ACL (VACL): Inbound traffic is a packet entering the switch on a VLAN interface (or a subnet in a multinetted VLAN). Static Port ACL: Inbound traffic is a packet entering the switch on the port.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Terminology

RADIUS-Assigned ACL: Where a RADIUS server has authenticated a client and assigned an ACL to the port to filter the clients IPv6 traffic, inbound traffic is a packet entering the switch from that client. (Note that IPv4 traffic-filtering is automatically included in a RADIUSassigned ACL configured to filter IPv6 traffic.)

name-str: The term used in ACL syntax statements to represent the name string; the alphanumeric string used to identify the ACL. A name string allows up to 64 alphanumeric characters. See also IDENTIFIER and ACLID. Outbound Traffic: For defining the points where the switch applies an RACL (Routed ACL) to filter traffic, outbound traffic is routed traffic leaving the switch through a VLAN interface (or a subnet in a multinetted VLAN). Outbound traffic can also apply to switched traffic leaving the switch on a VLAN interface, but outbound, switched traffic is not filtered by ACLs. RACLs are supported for both IPv4 traffic and IPv6 traffic. (Refer also to IPv6 ACL Applications on page 5-11.) Permit: An ACE configured with this action allows the switch to forward an IPv6 packet for which there is a match. Permit Any Forwarding: An ACE configured with this action causes the switch to forward IPv6 packets that have not been permitted or denied by earlier ACEs in the list. (This has no effect on packets that are not filtered by the applicable ACL, such as switched packets entering or leaving the switch on a VLAN that is configured with an RACL.) Prefix Length: In an IPv6 ACE, a network prefix is used to specify the leftmost contiguous bits in a packets SA and DA that must match the bit settings defined in the SA and DA configured in the ACE. The prefix length is specified (in CIDR format) by /nn immediately following the specified SA or DA address. For example, if the SA prefix in an ACE is 2001:db8:127::/48, then the first 48 bits in the SA of a packet being compared to that ACE must be the same to allow a match. In this case, bits 49 through 128 are not compared and are termed a wildcard. See also Wildcard on page 5-10. RACL: See Routed ACL. RADIUS-Assigned ACL: An ACL assigned by a RADIUS server to a port to filter inbound IP traffic from a client authenticated by the server for that port. A RADIUS-assigned ACL can be configured (on a RADIUS server) to filter inbound IPv4 and IPv6 traffic, or just IPv4 traffic. A RADIUSassigned ACL can be configured (on a RADIUS server) to filter inbound


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Terminology

IPv4 and IPv6 traffic (or just IPv4 traffic), regardless of whether it is switched or routed. When the client session ends, the RADIUS-assigned ACL for that client is removed from the port. See also Implicit Deny. remark-str: The term used in ACL syntax statements to represent the variable remark string; a set of alphanumeric characters you can include as a remark in an ACL. A remark string allows up to 100 characters and must be delimited by single or double quotes if any spaces are included in the string. Routed ACL (RACL): An ACL applied to routed IPv6 traffic that is entering or leaving the switch on a given VLAN. See also Access Control List. SA: The acronym for Source Address. In an IPv6 packet, this is the source IPv6 address carried in the header, and identifies the packets sender. This is the first of two IPv6 addresses used in an ACE to determine whether there is a match between a packet and the ACE. See also DA. seq-#: The term used in ACL syntax statements to represent the sequence number variable used to insert an ACE within an existing list. The range allowed for sequence numbers is 1 - 2147483647. Static Port ACL: An ACL statically configured on a specific port, group of ports, or trunk. A static port ACL filters incoming IPv6 traffic on the port, regardless of whether it is switched or routed. VACL: See VLAN ACL. VLAN ACL (VACL): An ACL applied to all IPv6 traffic entering the switch on a given VLAN interface. See also Access Control List. Wildcard: The bits in an SA or DA of a packet that are ignored when determining whether the packet is a match for a given ACE. That is, when the switch is comparing the address bits in a packet header with the address bits specified in a given IPv6 ACE, only the address bits included in the prefix length in the ACE are significant. The remaining bitsthose to the right of the bits specified by the prefix lengthcomprise a wildcard and can be either on or off. See also Prefix Length on page 5-9.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview

Types of IPv6 ACLs
A permit or deny policy for IPv6 traffic you want to filter is based on source and destination IPv6 address, plus other IPv6 protocol factors such as TCP/ UDP, ICMP, and DSCP.

Concurrent IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs

The switches covered by this guide support concurrent configuration and operation of IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs. For information on IPv4 ACLs, refer to the Access Security Guide for your switch.

IPv6 ACL Applications

ACL filtering is applied to IPv6 traffic as follows:

Routed ACL (RACL) on a VLAN configured with an RACL: filters routed IPv6 traffic entering or leaving the switch. (Routing can be between different VLANs or between different subnets in the same VLAN. IPv6 routing must be enabled.) filters routed IPv6 traffic having a destination address (DA) on the switch itself. In figure 5-1 on page 5-12, this is any of the IPv6 addresses shown in VLANs A, B, and C. (IPv6 routing need not be enabled.) filters outbound traffic generated by the switch itself if the ACL is applied to outbound traffic.

VLAN ACL (VACL): On a VLAN configured with a VACL, filters inbound IPv6 traffic, regardless of whether it is switched or routed. On a multinetted VLAN, this includes inbound IPv6 traffic from any subnet. Static port ACL: Filters inbound IPv6 traffic on the port. RADIUS-assigned ACL: on a port having an ACL assigned by a RADIUS server to filter an authenticated clients traffic, filters inbound IPv4 and IPv6 traffic (or IPv4-only traffic) from that client


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview

(For information on RADIUS-assigned ACLs, refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Server Support for Switch Services in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch.)

RACL Applications
RACLs filter routed IPv6 traffic entering or leaving the switch on VLANs configured with the in and/or out ACL option vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < identifier > < in | out | vlan > For example, in figure 5-1:

You would assign either an inbound ACL on VLAN 1 or an outbound ACL on VLAN 2 to filter a packet routed between subnets on different VLANs; that is, a packet sent from the workstation 2001:db8:0:111::2 on VLAN 1 to the server at 2001:db8:0:222::25 on VLAN 2. (An outbound ACL on VLAN 1 or an inbound ACL on VLAN 2 would not filter the packet.) Where multiple subnets are configured on the same VLAN, then you can use either inbound or outbound ACLs to filter routed IPv6 traffic between the subnets on the VLAN if the traffic source and destination IP addresses are on devices external to the switch.
Switch with IPv6 Routing Enabled

The subnet prefix length for this example is /64. An ACL assigned to screen 2001:db8:0:111::2 routed, inbound IPv6 traffic on VLAN 1 screens only the routed traffic arriving from the 2001:db8:0:111::/64 network. Screening routed traffic inbound from the 2001:db8:0:222::/64 network requires assigning another ACL for inbound IPv6 traffic on VLAN 2. 2001:db8:0:333::2

VLAN 1 2001:db8:0:111::1 (one network) VLAN 2 2001:db8:0:222::1 (one network) VLAN 3 2001:db8:0:333::1 2001:db8:0:33b::1 (multiple subnets)


Due to multinetting, traffic routed from the 2001:db8:0:333/64 network to the 2001:db8:0:33b//64 network, and the reverse, remains in VLAN 3. This allows you to apply one inbound ACL to screen IPv6 traffic arriving from either subnet, and one outbound ACL to screen routed IPv6 traffic going to either subnet.

Figure 5-1. Example of RACL Filter Applications on Routed IPv6 Traffic


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview


The switch allows one inbound IPv6 RACL assignment and one outbound IPv6 RACL assignment configured per VLAN. This is in addition to any other IPv6 ACL assigned to the VLAN or to any ports on the VLAN. You can use the same RACL or different RACLs to filter inbound and outbound routed IPv6 traffic on a VLAN. IPv6 RACLs do not filter traffic that remains in the same subnet from source to destination (switched traffic) unless the destination address (DA) or source address (SA) is on the switch itself.

VACL Applications
IPv6 VACLs filter traffic entering the switch on a VLAN configured with the VLAN ACL option. vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < vacl-identifier > vlan For example, in figure 5-2, you would assign a VACL to VLAN 2 to filter all inbound switched or routed IPv6 traffic received from clients on the 2001:db8 :0:222:: network. In this instance, routed IPv6 traffic received on VLAN 2 from VLANs 1 or 3 would not be filtered by the VACL on VLAN 2.
The subnet mask for this example is Switch with IPv6 Routing Enabled VLAN 1 2001:db8:0:111::1 (one network) 2001:db8:0:222::17


Configuring a VACL on VLAN 2 filters the inbound IP traffic from clients B and, C for all switched and routed destinations on all VLANs on the switch. IP traffic routed from VLANs 1 and 3 to VLAN 2 is not filtered by the VACL on VLAN 2 because the configured VACL applies only to IP traffic entering the switch on VLAN 2 (and not from IP traffic routed from other VLANs configured on the switch.)

VLAN 2 with VACL (one network) 2001:db8:0:222::1 VLAN 3 (multiple networks) 2001:db8:0:333::1




Figure 5-2. Example of VACL Filter Applications on IPv6 Traffic Entering the Switch


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview


The switch allows one IPv6 VACL assignment configured per VLAN. This is in addition to any other IPv6 ACL applications assigned to the VLAN or to ports in the VLAN.

VACL Applications
IPv6 VACLs filter traffic entering the switch on a VLAN configured with the VLAN ACL option. vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < identifier > vlan For example, in figure 5-3:

Assigning an IPv6 VACL to VLAN 1 filters inbound IPv6 traffic received from clients on the 2001:db8:0:111:: network. Assigning an IPv6 VACL to VLAN 2 (which is subnetted) filters inbound IPv6 traffic from clients on the 2001:db8:0:22a::, 2001:db8:0:22b::, and 2001:db8:0:22c:: networks.

The prefix for this example is /64.

Switch with IPv6 VACLs Configured VLAN 1 with VACL A


(one network) 2001:db8:0:111::1

VLAN 2 with VACL B (multiple networks)




2001:db8:0:22b::1 2001:db8:0:22c::1



2001:db8:0:22c::2 Because VLAN 2 is subnetted, configuring a VACL on VLAN 2 filters the inbound IPv6 traffic from multiple networks.


Figure 5-3. Example of VACL Filter Applications on IPv6 Traffic Entering the Switch


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview


The switch allows one IPv6 VACL assignment configured per VLAN. This is in addition to any static or RADIUS-assigned (dynamic) ACLs assigned to ports in the VLAN.

IPv6 Static Port ACL Applications

An IPv6 static port ACL filters IPv6 traffic inbound on the designated port(s), regardless of whether the traffic is switched or routed. An IPv6 static port ACL filters IPv6 traffic inbound on the designated port(s).

RADIUS-Assigned (Dynamic) Port ACL Applications

IPv6 support is available for RADIUS-assigned port ACLs configured to filter inbound IPv4 and IPv6 traffic from an authenticated client. Also, the implicit deny in RADIUS-assigned ACLs applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic inbound from the client. For information on enabling RADIUS-assigned ACLs, refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Support for Switch Services in this guide. Dynamic (RADIUS-assigned) port ACLs are configured on RADIUS servers and can be configured to filter IPv4 and IPv6 traffic inbound from clients authenticated by such servers. For example, in figure 5-2, client A connects to a given port and is authenticated by a RADIUS server. Because the server is configured to assign a dynamic ACL to the port, the IPv4 and IPv6 traffic inbound on the port from client A is filtered. (See also Operating Notes for IPv6 Applications on page 5-17.) Effect of RADIUS-Assigned ACLs When Multiple Clients Are Using the Same Port. Some network configurations may allow multiple clients to authenticate through a single port where a RADIUS server assigns a separate, RADIUS-assigned ACL in response to each clients authentication on that port. In such cases, a given clients inbound traffic will be allowed only if the RADIUS authentication response for that client includes a RADIUS-assigned ACL. Clients authenticating without receiving a RADIUS-assigned ACL will immediately be de-authenticated. For example, in figure 5-4, clients A through D authenticate through the same port (1) on a HP Networking switch running software release K.14.01 or greater.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview

Running K.14.01 or Greater LAN Port 1 Unmanaged Switch


Client A

Client D

Client B

Client C

Figure 5-4. Multiple, Dual-Stack Clients Authenticating Through a Single Port In this case, the RADIUS server must be configured to assign an ACL to port 1 for any of the authorized clients authenticating on the port. 802.1X User-Based and Port-Based Applications. User-Based 802.1X access control allows up to 32 individually authenticated clients on a given port. Port-Based access control does not set a client limit, and requires only one authenticated client to open a given port (and is recommended for applications where only one client at a time can connect to the port).

If you configure 802.1X user-based security on a port and the RADIUS response includes a RADIUS-assigned ACL for at least one authenticated client, then the RADIUS response for all other clients authenticated on the port must also include a RADIUS-assigned ACL. Inbound IP traffic on the port from a client that authenticates without receiving a RADIUS-assigned ACL will be dropped and the client will be de-authenticated. Using 802.1X port-based security on a port where the RADIUS response to a client authenticating includes a RADIUS-assigned ACL, different results can occur, depending on whether any additional clients attempt to use the port and whether these other clients initiate an authentication attempt. This option is recommended for applications where only one client at a time can connect to the port, and not recommended for instances where multiple clients may access the same port at the same time. For more information, refer to 802.1X Port-Based Access Control in the chapter titled Configuring PortBased and User-Based Access Control (802.1X) in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview

Operating Notes for IPv6 Applications.

For RADIUS ACL applications the switch operates in a dual-stack mode, and a RADIUS-assigned ACL filters both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. At a minimum, a RADIUS-assigned ACL automatically includes the implicit deny for both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. Thus, an ACL configured on a RADIUS server to filter IPv4 traffic will also deny inbound IPv6 traffic from an authenticated client unless the ACL includes ACEs that permit the desired IPv6 traffic. The reverse is true for a dynamic ACL configured on RADIUS server to filter IPv6 traffic. (ACLs are based on the MAC address of the authenticating client.) Refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Server Support for Switch Services in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch. To support authentication of IPv6 clients: The VLAN to which the port belongs must be configured with an IPv6 address. Connection to an IPv6-capable RADIUS server must be supported.

For 802.1X or MAC authentication methods, clients can authenticate regardless of their IP version (IPv4 or IPv6). For the Web authentication method, clients must authenticate using IPv4. However, this does not prevent the client from using a dual stack, or the port receiving a RADIUS-assigned ACL configured with ACEs to filter IPv6 traffic. The RADIUS server must support IPv4 and have an IPv4 address. RADIUS clients can be dual stack, IPv6-only, or IPv4-only. 802.1X rules for client access apply to both IPv6 and IPv4 clients for RADIUS-assigned ACLs. Refer to 802.1X User-Based and Port-Based Applications on page 5-16.

Multiple ACL Assignments on an Interface

The switch simultaneously supports IPv6, IPv4, and RADIUS-assigned ACLs on the same interface (subject to internal resource availability). This means that traffic on a port belonging to a given VLAN X can simultaneously be subject to all of the ACLs listed in table 5-1.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview

Table 5-1.
ACL Type

Per-Interface Multiple ACL Assignments

ACL Application one port-based ACL (for first client to authenticate on the port) or up to 32 user-based ACLs (one per authenticated client) Note: If one or more user-based, RADIUS-assigned ACLs are assigned to a port, then the only traffic allowed inbound on the port is from authenticated clients. One static VACL for IPv6 traffic for VLAN X entering the switch through the port. One static port ACL for IPv6 traffic entering the switch on the port. One inbound and one outbound RACL filtering routed IPv6 traffic moving through the port for VLAN X. (Also applies to inbound, switched traffic on VLAN X that has a destination on the switch itself.)

RADIUSAssigned (Dynamic) ACLs

IPv6 Static ACLs:

IPv4 Static ACLs:

one static VACL for IPv4 traffic for VLAN X entering the switch through the port one static port ACL for any IPv4 traffic entering the switch on the port one connection-rate ACL for inbound IPv4 traffic for VLAN X on the port (if the port is configured for connection-rate filtering) one inbound and one outbound RACL filtering routed IPv4 traffic moving through the port for VLAN X. (Also applies to inbound, switched traffic on VLAN X that has a destination on the switch itself.)

Filtering Inbound Traffic with Multiple ACLS. When traffic inbound on a port is subject to multiple ACL assignments, and a RADIUS-assigned, userbased ACL is present, then this traffic must satisfy the following conditions to be permitted on the switch:
1 2 3 4 5 6 Originate with an authenticated client associated with the RADIUS-assigned ACL (if present). Be permitted by the RADIUS-assigned ACL (if present). Includes both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic (unless the ACL is configured to exclude (drop) IPv6 traffic). For IPv4-only traffic, be permitted by connection-rate ACL filtering. Be permitted by a VACL configured on a VLAN to which the port is assigned.* Be permitted by a PACL assigned to the port.* For IPv4 traffic only, be permitted by a RACL assigned inbound to the port, if the traffic is subject to RACL rules. Be permitted by a RACL assigned inbound to the port, if the traffic is subject to RACL rules.

*IPv4 VACLs and PACLs ignore IPv6 traffic, and the reverse.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview

Filtering Outbound Traffic. Outbound IPv4 traffic can be filtered only by a RACL assigned outbound on the port, and only if the traffic is subject to RACL rules. Example of Permitting Traffic Filtered Through Multiple ACLs. On a given interface where multiple ACLs apply to the same traffic, a packet having a match with a deny ACE in any applicable ACL on the interface (including an implicit deny any any) will be dropped. For example, suppose the following is true:

Ports 10 and 12 belong to VLAN 100. A static port ACL filtering inbound IPv6 traffic is configured on port 10. A VACL (with a different set of ACEs) is configured on VLAN 100. An RACL is also configured for inbound, routed traffic on VLAN 100.

An inbound packet entering on port 10, with a destination on port 12, will be screened by the static port ACL and the VACL, regardless of a match with any permit or deny action. A match with a deny action (including an implicit deny) in either ACL will cause the switch to drop the packet. (If the packet has a match with explicit deny ACEs in multiple ACLs and the log option is included in these ACEs, then a separate log event will occur for each match.) An inbound, switched packet entering on port 10, with a destination on port 12, will be screened first by the VACL and then by the static port ACL and the RACL. A match with a deny action (including an implicit deny) in any of the applicable ACLs causes the switch to drop the packet. If the packet has a match with explicit deny ACEs in multiple ACLs and the log option is included in these ACEs, then a log event for that denied packet will occur in each ACL where there is an applicable deny ACE. However, in this case, suppose that VLAN 2 in figure 5-5 (page 5-20) is configured with the following:

A VACL permitting IPv6 traffic having a destination on the 2001:db8:0:101:: subnet An RACL that denies inbound IPv6 traffic having a destination on the 2001:db8:0:101:: subnet


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview

In this case, no routed IPv6 traffic received on the switch from clients on the 2001:db8:0:105:: subnet will reach the 2001:db8:0:101:: subnet, even though the VACL allows such traffic. This is because the RACL is configured with a deny ACE that causes the switch to drop the traffic regardless of whether the VACL permits the traffic.

Subnet Mask: /64

Switch with IPv6 Routing

RACL on VLAN2 denies IPv6 traffic having a destination on the 2001:db8:0:101:: subnet. VACL on VLAN2 permits IPv6 traffic having a destination on the 2001:db8:0:101:: subnet. Because the RACL on VLAN 2 denies traffic entering the switch for the 2001:db8:0:101:: subnet destination, no IPv6 traffic received inbound from clients on the 2001:db8:0:105:: subnet will reach the 2001:db8:0:101:: subnet, even though the VACL permits this traffic.




VLAN 1 2001:db8:0:101::1 (One Subnet) VLAN 2 with a VACL and an RACL 2001:db8:0:105::1 VLAN 3 (Multiple Subnets) 2001:db8:0:120::1 2001:db8:0:125::1



Figure 5-5. Example of Order of Application for Multiple ACLs on an Interface


This software supports connection-rate ACLs for inbound IPv4 traffic, but not for IPv6 traffic. In cases where an RACL and any type of port or VLAN ACL are filtering traffic entering the switch, the switched traffic explicitly permitted by the port or VLAN ACL is not filtered by the RACL (except when the traffic has a destination on the switch itself). However, routed traffic explicitly permitted by the port or VLAN ACL (and switched traffic having a destination on the switch itself) must also be explicitly permitted by the RACL, or it will be dropped. A switched packet is not affected by an outbound RACL assigned to the VLAN on which the packet exits from the switch. For information on traffic mirroring refer to the appendix titled Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation in the latest Management and Configuration Guide for your switch.

Features Common to All ACL Applications

Any ACL can have multiple entries (ACEs).


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview

You can apply any one ACL to multiple interfaces. All ACEs in an ACL configured on the switch are automatically sequenced (numbered). For an existing ACL, entering an ACE without specifying a sequence number automatically places the ACE at the end of the list. Specifying a sequence number inserts the ACE into the list at the specified sequential location. Automatic sequence numbering begins with 10 and increases in increments of 10. You can renumber the ACEs in an ACL and also change the sequence increment between ACEs. The CLI remark command option allows you to enter a separate comment for each ACE.

A source or destination IPv6 address and a prefix length, together, can define a single host, a range of hosts, or all hosts. Every ACL populated with one or more explicit ACEs automatically includes an Implicit Deny as the last entry in the list. The switch applies this action to packets that do not match other criteria in the ACL. In any ACL, you can apply an ACL log function to ACEs that have an explicit deny action. (The logging occurs when there is a match on a deny ACE that includes the log keyword.) The switch sends ACL logging output to Syslog, if configured, and optionally, to a console session.

You can create ACLs for the switch configuration using either the CLI or a text editor. The text-editor method is recommended when you plan to create or modify an ACL that has more entries than you can easily enter or edit using the CLI alone. Refer to Creating or Editing ACLs Offline on page 5-89.

General Steps for Planning and Configuring ACLs

1. Identify the ACL action to apply. As part of this step, determine the best points at which to apply specific ACL controls. For example, you can improve network performance by filtering unwanted IPv6 traffic at the edge of the network instead of in the core. Also, on the switch itself, you can improve performance by filtering unwanted IPv6 traffic where it is inbound to the switch instead of outbound.
Traffic Source ACL Application

IPv6 traffic from a specific, authenticated RADIUS-assigned ACL for inbound IPv6 client traffic from an authenticated client on a port*


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview Traffic Source IPv6 traffic entering the switch on a specific port ACL Application static port ACL (static-port assigned) for inbound IPv6 traffic on a port from any source

switched or routed IPv6 traffic entering the VACL (VLAN ACL) switch on a specific VLAN routed IPv6 traffic entering or leaving the switch on a specific VLAN

RACL (routed ACL)

*For more on this option, refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Server Support for Switch Services in the latest version of the Access Security Guide for your switch. Refer also to the documentation for your RADIUS server.


Identify the IPv6 traffic types to filter: The SA and/or the DA of IPv6 traffic you want to permit or deny. This can be a single host, a group of hosts, a subnet, or all hosts. IPv6 traffic of a specific protocol type (0-255) TCP traffic (only) for a specific TCP port or range of ports, including optional control of connection traffic based on whether the initial request should be allowed UDP traffic (only) or UDP traffic for a specific UDP port ICMP traffic (only) or ICMP traffic of a specific type and code Any of the above with specific DSCP settings


Design the ACLs for the control points (interfaces) you have selected. Where you are using explicit deny ACEs, you can optionally use the ACL logging feature for notification that the switch is denying unwanted packets. Configure the ACLs on the selected switches. Assign the ACLs to the interfaces you want to filter, using the ACL application (static port ACL or VACL) appropriate for each assignment.Assign the ACLs to the interfaces you want to filter, using the ACL application (static port ACL, VACL, or RACL) appropriate for each assignment. (For RADIUS-assigned ACLs, refer to the footnote in the table in step 1 on page 5-21.) If you are using an RACL, ensure that IPv6 routing is enabled on the switch. Test for desired results.

4. 5.

6. 7.

For more details on ACL planning considerations, refer to Planning an ACL Application on page 5-29.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Overview

Note on IPv6 Routing To activate an IPv6 RACL to screen inbound traffic for routing between
subnets, assign the RACL to the statically configured VLAN on which the traffic enters the switch. Also, ensure that IPv6 routing is enabled. Similarly, to activate an IPv6 RACL to screen routed, outbound traffic, assign the RACL to the statically configured VLAN on which the traffic exits from the switch. Inbound traffic having a destination IPv6 address on the routing switch itself will be screened by an IPv6 RACL that is configured to screen inbound traffic, regardless of whether IPv6 routing is enabled. ACLs do not screen outbound traffic generated by the routing switch itself.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) IPv6 ACL Operation

IPv6 ACL Operation

An ACL is a list of one or more Access Control Entries (ACEs), where each ACE consists of a matching criteria and an action (permit or deny). An ACL applies only to the switch in which it is configured. ACLs operate on assigned interfaces, and offer these traffic filtering options:

IPv6 traffic inbound on a port. IPv6 traffic inbound on a VLAN. Routed IPv6 traffic entering or leaving the switch on a VLAN. (Note that ACLs do not screen traffic at the internal point where traffic moves between VLANs or subnets within the switch. Refer to IPv6 ACL Applications on page 5-11.)

The following table lists the range of interface options:

Interface Port ACL Application Application Point Filter Action

Static Port ACL inbound on the switch port inbound IPv6 traffic (switch configured) RADIUS-assigned ACL1 inbound on the switch port inbound IPv6 traffic from the used by authenticated authenticated client client entering the switch on the VLAN entering the switch on the VLAN inbound IPv6 traffic routed IPv6 traffic entering the switch and IPv6 traffic with a destination on the switch itself routed IPv6 traffic exiting from the switch



exiting from the switch on the VLAN


This chapter describes ACLs statically configured on the switch. For information on RADIUSassigned ACLs, refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Server Support for Switch Servicesin the latest version of the Access Security Guide for your switch. 2 Supports one inbound and/or one outbound RACL. When both are used, one RACL can be assigned to filter both inbound and outbound, or different RACLs can be assigned to filter inbound and outbound.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) IPv6 ACL Operation


After you assign an ACL to an interface, the default action on the interface is to implicitly deny any IPv6 traffic that is not specifically permitted by the ACL. (This applies only in the direction of traffic flow filtered by the ACL.)

The Packet-filtering Process

Sequential Comparison and Action. When an ACL filters a packet, it sequentially compares each ACEs filtering criteria to the corresponding data in the packet until it finds a match. The action indicated by the matching ACE (deny or permit) is then performed on the packet. Implicit Deny. If a packet does not have a match with the criteria in any of the ACEs in the ACL, the ACL denies (drops) the packet. If you need to override the implicit deny so that a packet that does not have a match will be permitted, then configure permit ipv6 any any as the last ACE in the ACL. This directs the ACL to permit (forward) packets that do not have a match with any earlier ACE listed in the ACL, and prevents these packets from being filtered by the implicit deny ipv6 any any. Example. Suppose the ACL in figure 5-6 is assigned to filter the IPv6 traffic from an authenticated client on a given port in the switch:
For an inbound packet with a destination IP address of FE80::156:3, the ACL: 1. Compares the packet to this ACE first. 2. Since there is not a match with the first ACE, the ACL compares the packet to the second ACE, where there is also not a match. 3. The ACL compares the packet to the third ACE. There is a exact match, so the ACL denies (drops) the packet.
4. The packet is not compared to the fourth ACE.

10 permit ipv6 ::/0 fe80::136:24/128 20 permit ipv6 ::/0 fe80::156:7/128 30 deny ipv6 ::/0 fe80::156:3/128 40 deny tcp ::/0 ::/0 eq 23 50 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 (deny ipv6 ::/0 ::/0)

This line demonstrates the deny any any ACE implicit in every IPv6 ACL. Inbound IPv6 traffic from an authenticated client that does not have a match with any of the five explicit ACEs in this ACL will be denied by the implicit deny any any.

Figure 5-6. Example of Sequential Comparison As shown above, the ACL tries to apply the first ACE in the list. If there is not a match, it tries the second ACE, and so on. When a match is found, the ACL invokes the configured action for that entry (permit or drop the packet) and


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) IPv6 ACL Operation

no further comparisons of the packet are made with the remaining ACEs in the list. This means that when an ACE whose criteria matches a packet is found, the action configured for that ACE is invoked, and any remaining ACEs in the ACL are ignored. Because of this sequential processing, successfully implementing an ACL depends in part on configuring ACEs in the correct order for the overall policy you want the ACL to enforce.
Test a packet against criteria in first ACE. 1. If a match is not found with the first ACE in an ACL, the switch proceeds to the next ACE and so on. Yes Perform action (permit or deny). End 2. If a match with an explicit ACE is subsequently found, the packet is either permitted (forwarded) or denied (dropped), depending on the action specified in the matching ACE. In this case the switch ignores all subsequent ACEs in the ACL. 3. If a match is not found with any explicit ACE in the ACL, the switch invokes the Implicit Deny at the end of every ACL, and drops the packet. Note: If the list includes an ACE configured with Permit Any forwarding, no packets can reach the Implicit Deny at the end of the list. Also, placing an ACE with Permit Any forwarding at any point in an ACL defeats the purpose of any subsequent ACEs in the list.

Is there a match?

No Test the packet against criteria in second ACE.

Is there a match?


Perform action (permit or deny).



Test packet against criteria in Nth ACE.

Is there a match?


Perform action (permit or deny).


No Deny the packet (invoke an Implicit Deny). End

Figure 5-7. The Packet-Filtering Process in an ACL with N Entries (ACEs)


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) IPv6 ACL Operation


The order in which an ACE occurs in an ACL is significant. For example, if an ACL contains six ACEs, but the first ACE allows Permit Any forwarding, then the ACL permits all IPv6 traffic, and the remaining ACEs in the list do not apply, even if they have a match with any traffic permitted by the first ACE. For example, suppose you want to configure an ACL (with an ID of Test-02) to invoke these policies for IPv6 traffic entering the switch on VLAN 100: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Permit inbound IPv6 traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:42. Deny only the inbound Telnet traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101. Permit inbound IPv6 traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101. Permit only inbound Telnet traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:33. Deny any other inbound IPv6 traffic.

The following ACL, when assigned to filter inbound traffic on VLAN 100, supports the above case:
ipv6 access-list "Test-02"

1 10 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:fb::11:42/128 ::/0 2 20 deny tcp 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101/128 eq 23 ::/0 3 30 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101/128 ::/0 4 40 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:fb::11:33/128 ::/0 eq 23 5 < Implicit Deny Any Any >
1. Permits IPv6 traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:42. Packets matching this criterion are permitted and will not be compared to any later ACE in the list. Packets not matching this criterion will be compared to the next entry in the list. 2. Denies IPv6 Telnet traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101. Packets matching this criterion are dropped and are not compared to later criteria in the list. Packets not matching this criterion are compared to the next entry in the list. 3. Permits IPv6 traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101. Packets matching this criterion will be permitted and will not be compared to any later criteria in the list. Because this entry comes after the entry blocking Telnet traffic from this same address, there will not be any Telnet packets to compare with this entry; they have already been dropped as a result of matching the preceding entry. 4. Permits IPv6 Telnet traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:33. Packets matching this criterion are permitted and are not compared to any later criteria in the list. Packets not matching this criterion are compared to the next entry in the list. 5. This entry does not appear in an actual ACL, but is implicit as the last entry in every IPv6 ACL. Any IPv6 packets that do not match any of the criteria in the preceding ACL entries will be denied (dropped) from the VLAN.

Figure 5-8. Example of How an ACL Filters Packets To assign the above ACL, you would use this command:
HP Switch(config)# vlan 100 ipv6 access-group Test-02 vlan


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) IPv6 ACL Operation

For example, suppose you want to configure an ACL on the switch (with an ID of Test-02) to invoke these policies for routed IPv6 traffic entering the switch on VLAN 12: 1. 2. 3. 4. Permit inbound IPv6 traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:42. Deny only the inbound Telnet traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101.Permit inbound IPv6 traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101. Permit only inbound Telnet traffic from 2001:db8:0:fb::11:33. Deny other inbound IPv6 traffic.

The following ACL model, when assigned to inbound filtering on an interface, supports the above case:
ipv6 access-list "Test-02"

1 10 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:fb::11:42/128 ::/0 2 20 deny tcp 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101/128 eq 23 ::/0 3 30 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101/128 ::/0 4 40 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:fb::11:33/128 ::/0 eq 23 5 < Implicit Deny Any Any > exit HP Switch(config)# vlan 12 ipv6 access-group Test-02 in
1. Permits IPv6 traffic from source address 2001:db8:0:fb::11:42. Packets matching this criterion are permitted and will not be compared to any later ACE in the list. Packets not matching this criterion will be compared to the next entry in the list. 2. Denies IPv6 Telnet traffic from source address 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101. Packets matching this criterion are dropped and are not compared to later criteria in the list. Packets not matching this criterion are compared to the next entry in the list. 3. Permits IPv6 traffic from source address 2001:db8:0:fb::11:101. Packets matching this criterion will be permitted and will not be compared to any later criteria in the list. Because this entry comes after the entry blocking Telnet traffic from this same address, there will not be any Telnet packets to compare with this entry; they have already been dropped as a result of matching the preceding entry. 4. Permits IPv6 Telnet traffic from source address 2001:db8:0:fb::11:33. Packets matching this criterion are permitted and are not compared to any later criteria in the list. Packets not matching this criterion are compared to the next entry in the list. 5. This entry does not appear in an actual ACL listing, but is implicit as the last entry in every IPv6 ACL. Any packets that do not match any of the criteria in the preceding ACL entries will be denied (dropped), and will not cross VLAN 12.

Figure 5-9. Example of How an ACL Filters Packets


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Planning an ACL Application

It is important to remember that ACLs configurable on the switch include an implicit deny ipv6 any any. That is, IPv6 packets that the ACL does not explicitly permit or deny will be implicitly denied, and therefore dropped instead of forwarded on the interface. If you want to preempt the implicit deny so that packets not explicitly denied by other ACEs in the ACL will be permitted, insert an explicit permit ipv6 any any as the last ACE in the ACL. Doing so permits any packet not explicitly denied by earlier entries. (Note that this solution would not apply in the preceding example, where the intention is for the switch to forward only the explicitly permitted packets entering the switch on VLAN 100.) (Note that this solution does not apply in the preceding example, where the intention is for the switch to forward only explicitly permitted packets routed on VLAN 12.)

Planning an ACL Application

Before creating and implementing ACLs, define the policies you want your ACLs to enforce, and understand how the ACL assignments will impact your network users.


IPv6 traffic entering the switch on a given interface is filtered by the ACLs configured for inbound traffic on that interface. For this reason, an inbound packet will be denied (dropped) if it has a match with an implicit (or explicit) deny ipv6 any any in any of the inbound ACLs applied to the interface. (This does not apply to IPv6 traffic leaving the switch because only one type of ACLan RACLcan be applied to outbound traffic, and only to routed IPv6 traffic.) (Refer to Multiple ACL Assignments on an Interface on page 5-17.)

IPv6 Traffic Management and Improved Network Performance

You can use ACLs to block IPv6 traffic from individual hosts, workgroups, or subnets, and to block access to VLANs, subnets, devices, and services. Traffic criteria for ACLs include:

Switched IPv6 traffic


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Planning an ACL Application

Switched and/or routed IPv6 traffic IPv6 traffic of a specific protocol type (0-255) TCP traffic (only) for a specific TCP port or range of ports, including optional control of connection traffic based on whether the initial request should be allowed UDP traffic (only) or UDP traffic for a specific UDP port ICMP traffic (only) or ICMP traffic of a specific type and code Any of the above with specific precedence and/or ToS settings

Depending on the source and/or destination of a given IPv6 traffic type, you must also determine the ACL application(s) (VACL or static port ACL) needed to filter the traffic on the applicable switch interfaces. Depending on the source and/or destination of a given IPv6 traffic type, you must also determine the ACL application(s) (RACL, VACL, or static port ACL) needed to filter the traffic on the applicable switch interfaces. Answering the following questions can help you to design and properly position ACLs for optimum network usage.

What are the logical points for minimizing unwanted IPv6 traffic, and what ACL application(s) should be used? In many cases it makes sense to prevent unwanted IPv6 traffic from reaching the core of your network by configuring ACLs to drop unwanted IPv6 traffic at or close to the edge of the network. (The earlier in the network path you can deny unwanted traffic, the greater the benefit for network performance.) From where is the traffic coming? The source and destination of IPv6 traffic you want to filter determines the ACL application to use (VACL, static port ACL, and RADIUS-assigned ACL). The source and destination of IPv6 traffic you want to filter determines the ACL application to use (RACL, VACL, static port ACL, and RADIUS-assigned ACL). What IPv6 traffic should you explicitly deny? Depending on your network size and the access requirements of individual hosts, this can involve creating a large number of ACEs in a given ACL (or a large number of ACLs), which increases the complexity of your solution. What IPv6 traffic can you implicitly deny by taking advantage of the implicit deny ipv6 any any to deny IPv6 traffic that you have not explicitly permitted? This can reduce the number of entries needed in an ACL.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Planning an ACL Application

What IPv6 traffic should you permit? In some cases you will need to explicitly identify permitted IPv6 traffic. In other cases, depending on your policies, you can insert an ACE with permit any forwarding at the end of an ACL. This means that IPv6 traffic not specifically matched by earlier entries in the list will be permitted.

ACLs can enhance security by blocking IPv6 traffic carrying an unauthorized source IPv6 address (SA). This can include:

blocking access from specific devices or interfaces (port or VLAN) blocking access to or from subnets in your network blocking access to or from the internet blocking access to sensitive data storage or restricted equipment preventing specific TCP, UDP, and ICMP traffic types, including unauthorized access using functions such as Telnet, SSH, and the WebAgent

You can also enhance switch management security by using ACLs to block IPv6 traffic that has the switch itself as the destination address (DA).


ACLs can enhance network security by denying selected IPv6 traffic, and can serve as one aspect of maintaining network security. However, because ACLs do not provide user or device authentication, or protection from malicious manipulation of data carried in IPv6 packet transmissions, they should not be relied upon for a complete security solution.


ACLs in the switches covered by this guide do not filter non-IPv6 traffic such as IPv4, AppleTalk, and IPX packets.

Guidelines for Planning the Structure of an ACL

After determining the ACL application (VACL or static port ACL) to use at a particular point in your network, determine the order in which to apply individual ACEs to filter IPv6 traffic.After determining the ACL application


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Planning an ACL Application

(RACL, VACL, or static port ACL) to use at a particular point in your network, determine the order in which to apply individual ACEs to filter IPv6 traffic. (For information on ACL applications, refer to IPv6 ACL Applications on page 5-11.).

The sequence of ACEs is significant. When the switch uses an ACL to determine whether to permit or deny a packet on a particular VLAN, it compares the packet to the criteria specified in the individual Access Control Entries (ACEs) in the ACL, beginning with the first ACE in the list and proceeding sequentially until a match is found. When a match is found, the switch applies the indicated action (permit or deny) to the packet. The first match in an ACL dictates the action on a packet. Subsequent matches in the same ACL are ignored. However, if a packet is permitted by one ACL assigned to an interface, but denied by another ACL assigned to the same interface, the packet will be denied on the interface. On any ACL, the switch implicitly denies IPv6 packets that are not explicitly permitted or denied by the ACEs configured in the ACL. If you want the switch to forward a packet for which there is not a match in an ACL, append an ACE that enables Permit Any forwarding as the last ACE in an ACL. This ensures that no packets reach the Implicit Deny case for that ACL. Generally, you should list ACEs from the most specific (individual hosts) to the most general (subnets or groups of subnets) unless doing so permits IPv6 traffic that you want dropped. For example, an ACE allowing a series of workstations to use a specialized printer should occur earlier in an ACL than an entry used to block widespread access to the same printer.

ACL Configuration and Operating Rules

RACLs and Routed IPv6 Traffic: Except for IPv6 traffic with a DA on the switch itself, RACLs filter only routed IPv6 traffic that is entering or leaving the switch on a given VLAN. Thus, if routing is not enabled on the switch, there is no routed IPv6 traffic for RACLs to filter. For more on IPv6 routing, refer to the following: chapter 6, IPv6 Routing Basics chapter 7, IPv6 Static Routing chapter 8 IPv6 Router Advertisements chapter 9, DHCPv6-Relay


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Planning an ACL Application

chapter 10, OSPFv3 Routing

VACLs and Switched or Routed IPv6 Traffic: A VACL filters IPv6 traffic entering the switch on the VLAN(s) to which it is assigned. VACLs: A VACL filters IPv6 traffic entering the switch on the VLAN(s) to which it is assigned. Static Port ACLs: A static port ACL filters IPv6 traffic entering the switch on the port(s) or trunk(s) to which it is assigned. Per Switch ACL Limits for All ACL Types. At a minimum an ACL must have one, explicit permit or deny Access Control Entry. You can configure up to 2048 ACLs (IPv4 and IPv6 combined). Total ACEs in all ACLs depends on the combined resource usage by ACL and other features (For more on this topic, refer to Monitoring Shared Resources on page 5-119.) Implicit Deny: In any static ACL, the switch implicitly (automatically) applies an implicit deny ipv6 any any that does not appear in show listings. This means that the ACL denies any packet it encounters that does not have a match with an entry in the ACL. Thus, if you want an ACL to permit any IPv6 packets that you have not expressly denied, you must enter a permit ipv6 any any as the last ACE in an ACL. Because, for a given packet, the switch sequentially applies the ACEs in an ACL until it finds a match, any packet that reaches a permit ipv6 any any entry will be permitted, and will not encounter the implicit Deny ACE the switch automatically includes at the end of the ACL. For an example, refer to figure 5-13 on page 5-42. For implicit deny operation in RADIUS-assigned (dynamic) ACLs, refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Server Support for Switch Services in the latest Access Security Guide for your Switch. Explicitly Permitting IPv6 Traffic: Entering a permit ipv6 any any ACE in an ACL permits the IPv6 traffic not previously permitted or denied by that ACL. Any ACEs listed after that point do not have any effect. Explicitly Denying IPv6 Traffic: Entering a deny ipv6 any any ACE in an ACL denies IPv6 traffic not previously permitted or denied by that ACL. Any ACEs listed after that point have no effect. Replacing One ACL with Another of the Same Type: For a specific interface, the most recent ACL assignment using a given application replaces any previous ACL assignment using the same application on the same interface.For example, if you assigned a VACL named Test-01 to filter inbound IPv6 traffic on VLAN 20, but


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Planning an ACL Application

later, you assigned another VACL named Test-02 to filter inbound IPv6 traffic on this same VLAN, VACL Test-02 replaces VACL Test01 as the ACL to use. For example, if you assigned an RACL named Test-01 to filter inbound routed IPv6 traffic on VLAN 20, but later, you assigned another RACL named Test-02 to filter inbound routed IPv6 traffic on this same VLAN, RACL Test-02 replaces RACL Test01 as the ACL to use.

Static Port ACLs: These are applied per-port, per port-list, or per static trunk. Adding a port to a trunk applies the trunks ACL configuration to the new member. If a port is configured with an ACL, the ACL must be removed before the port is added to the trunk. Also, removing a port from an ACL-configured trunk removes the ACL configuration from that port. VACLs: These filter IPv6 traffic entering the switch through any port belonging to the designated VLAN. VACLs do not filter IPv6 traffic leaving the switch or being routed from another VLAN. VACLs Operate On Static VLANs: You can assign an ACL to any VLAN that is statically configured on the switch. ACLs do not operate with dynamic VLANs. VACLs and RACLs Operate On Static VLANs: You can assign an ACL to any VLAN that is statically configured on the switch. ACLs do not operate with dynamic VLANs. A VACL Affects All Physical Ports in a Static VLAN: A VACL assigned to a VLAN applies to all physical ports on the switch belonging to that VLAN, including ports that have dynamically joined the VLAN. A VACL or RACL Affects All Physical Ports in a Static VLAN: A VACL or RACL assigned to a VLAN applies to all physical ports on the switch belonging to that VLAN, including ports that have dynamically joined the VLAN. RACLs Screen Routed IPv6 Traffic Entering or Leaving the Switch on a Given VLAN Interface: This means that the following traffic is subject to ACL filtering: IPv6 traffic arriving on the switch through one VLAN and leaving the switch through another VLAN IPv6 traffic arriving on the switch through one subnet and leaving the switch through another subnet within the same, multinetted VLAN


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Planning an ACL Application

Filtering the desired, routed IPv6 traffic requires assigning an RACL to screen IPv6 traffic inbound or outbound on the appropriate VLAN(s). In the case of a multinetted VLAN, it means that IPv6 traffic inbound from different subnets in the same VLAN is screened by the same inbound RACL, and IPv6 traffic outbound from different subnets is screened by the same outbound RACL. (Refer to figure 5-1 on page 5-12.)

RACLs Do Not Filter Switched IPv6 Traffic Unless the Switch Itself is the SA or DA: RACLs do not filter IPv6 traffic moving between ports belonging to the same VLAN or subnet (in the case of a subnetted VLAN). (IPv6 traffic moving between ports in different subnets of the same VLAN can be filtered by a RACL.)


RACLs do filter routed or switched IPv6 traffic having an SA or DA on the switch itself.

How an ACE Uses a Prefix To Screen Packets for SA and DA Matches

For an IPv6 ACL, a match with a packet occurs when both the protocol and the SA/DA configured in a given ACE within the ACL are a match with the same criteria in a packet being filtered by the ACL. In IPv6 ACEs, prefixes define how many leading bits in the SA and DA to use for determining a match. That is, the switch uses IPv6 prefixes in CIDR format to specify how many leading bits in a packets SA and DA must be an exact match with the same bits in an ACE. The bits to the right of the prefix are wildcards, and are not used to determine a match.
Prefix /0 / 1 /127 /128 Range of Applicable Addresses any IPv6 host Examples ::/0

all IPv6 hosts within the range defined by 2001:db8::/48 the number of bits in the prefix 2001:db8::/64 one IPv6 host 2001:db8::218:71ff:fec4:2f00/128

For example, the following ACE applies to Telnet packets from a source address where the leading bits are set to 2001:db8:10:1 and any destination address where the leading bits are set to 2001:db8:10:1:218:71ff:fec.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Planning an ACL Application

permit tcp 2001:db8:10:1::/64 eq 23 2001:db8:10:1:218:71ff:fec4::/112

Prefix Defining the Mask for the Leading Bits in the Source Address Prefix Defining the Mask for the Leading Bits in the Destination Address

Figure 5-10. Example of SA/DA Prefix Lengths Thus, in the above example, if an IPv6 telnet packet has an SA match with the ACEs leftmost 64 bits and a DA match with the ACEs leftmost 112 bits, then there is a match and the packet is permitted. In this case, the source and destination addresses allowed are: Address Source (SA) Prefix 2001:db8:10:1 Range of Unicast Addresses < prefix >::0 to < prefix >:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFF < prefix >:0 to < prefix >:FFFF

Destination (DA)


To summarize, when the switch compares an IPv6 packet to an ACE in an ACL, it uses the subnet prefixes configured with the SA and DA in the ACE to determine how many leftmost, contiguous bits in the ACEs SA and DA must be matched by the same bits in the SA and DA carried by the packet. Thus, the subnet prefixes specified with the SA and DA in an ACE determine the ranges of source and destination addresses acceptable for a match between the ACE and a packet being filtered.

Prefix Usage Differences Between ACLs and Other IPv6 Addressing

For ACLs, the prefix is used to specify the leftmost bits in an address that are meaningful for a packet match. In other IPv6 usage, the prefix separates network and subnet values from the device identifier in an address.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Planning an ACL Application

Prefix Usage For an SA or DA in the ACE belonging to an IPv6 ACL, the associated prefix specifies how many consecutive, leading bits in the address are used to define a match with the corresponding bits in the SA or DA of a packet being filtered.



2620:0:a03:e102:215:60ff:fe7a:adc0/128 All bits. Used for a specific SA or DA. 2620:0:a03:e102:215/80 The first 80 bits. Used for an SA or DA having 2620:0:a03:e102:215 in the leftmost 80 bits of an address. ::/0 Zero bits. Used to allow a match with Any SA or DA.

For the IPv6 address assigned to a given device, the prefix defines the type of address and the network and subnet in which the address resides. In this case, the bits to the right of the prefix comprise the device identifier.

fe80::215:60ff:fe7a:adc0/64 Link-Local address with a prefix of 64 bits and a device ID of 64 bits. 2620:0:a03:e102:215:60ff:fe7a:adc0/64 Global unicast address with a prefix of 64 bits and a device ID of 64 bits. 2620:0:a03::/48 An RA with a 48-Bit Prefix 2620:0:a03:e102::/64 An RA with a 64-Bit Prefix

For a router advertisement (RA), the included prefix defines the network or range of networks, and the subnets the router is advertising.

For more on router advertisements, refer to chapter 8, IPv6 Router Advertisements.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL

Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL

ACL Feature Adding or Removing an ACL Enabling or Disabling ACL Filtering Page 5-64 5-68

General Steps for Implementing IPv6 ACLs

1. 2. Configure one or more ACLs. This creates and stores the ACL(s) in the switch configuration. Assign an ACL. This step uses one of the following applications to assign the ACL to an interface: 3. RACL (routed IPv6 traffic entering or leaving the switch on a given VLAN) VACL (IPv6 traffic entering the switch on a given VLAN) Static Port ACL (IPv6 traffic entering the switch on a given port, port list, or static trunk)

If the ACL is applied as an RACL, IPv6 routing must be enabled. Except for instances where the switch is the traffic source or destination, assigned RACLs filter IPv6 traffic only when IPv6 routing is enabled on the switch.

Permit/Deny Options
You can use the following criteria as options for permitting or denying a packet:

source IPv6 address destination IPv6 address IPv6 protocol options: all IPv6 traffic IPv6 traffic of a specific protocol type (0-255) IPv6 traffic for a specific TCP port or range of ports, including: optional control of connection (established) traffic based on whether the initial request should be allowed TCP flag (control bit) options


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL

IPv6 traffic for a specific UDP port or range of ports IPv6 traffic for a specific ICMP type and code any of the above with specific DSCP precedence or ToS settings

Carefully plan ACL applications before configuring specific ACLs. For more on this topic, refer to Planning an ACL Application on page 5-29.

ACL Configuration
After you enter an ACL command, you may want to inspect the resulting configuration. This is especially true where you are entering multiple ACEs into an ACL. Also, it is helpful to understand the configuration structure when using later sections in this chapter. The basic ACL structure includes four elements: 1. 2. 3. ACL identity: This is a string of up to 64 characters specifying the ACL name. Optional remark entries. One or more deny/permit list entries (ACEs): One entry per line.
Element Identifier Remark Notes Alphanumeric; Up to 64 Characters, Including Spaces Allows up to 100 alphanumeric characters, including blank spaces. (If any spaces are used, the remark must be enclosed in a pair of single or double quotes.) A remark is associated with a particular ACE and will have the same sequence number as the ACE. (One remark is allowed per ACE.) Refer to Attaching a Remark to an ACE on page 5-74. The maximum number of ACEs supported by the switch is up to 3072 for IPv6 ACEs and up to 3072 for IPv4 ACEs. The maximum number of ACEs applied to a VLAN or port depends on the concurrent resource usage by multiple configured features. For more information, use the show < qos | access-list > resources command and/or refer to Monitoring Shared Resources on page 5-119.

Maximum ACEs Per Switch


Implicit Deny: Where an ACL is applied to an interface, it denies any packets that do not have a match with any of the ACEs explicitly configured in the list. The Implicit Deny does not appear in ACL configuration listings, but always functions when the switch uses an ACL to filter packets. (You cannot delete the Implicit Deny, but you can supersede it with a permit ipv6 any any ACE.)


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL

ACL Configuration Structure

Individual ACEs in an IPv6 ACL include:

Optional remark statements A permit/deny statement Source and destination IPv6 addressing Choice of IPv6 criteria Optional ACL log command (for deny entries)

ipv6 access-list < identifier > [ seq-# ] [ remark < remark-str ] < permit | deny > 0 - 255 esp ah sctp icmp < SA > [operator < value >] < DA > [operator < value >] [type [code] | icmp-msg ] [dscp < codepoint | precedence >] ipv6 tcp < SA > [operator < value >] < DA > [operator < value >] [dscp < codepoint | precedence] [established] [ack | fin | rst | syn] udp < SA > [operator < value >] < DA > [operator < value >] [dscp < codepoint | precedence ] [log] (Allowed only with deny ACEs.) . . . < Implicit Deny Any Any >


Figure 5-11. General Structure Options for an IPv6 ACL


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL

For example, the ACL in figure 5-12 filters traffic for individual hosts in some instances and all hosts in others:
HP Switch# show run

. . .
ipv6 access-list "Sample-List-1" 10 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:130::55/128 2001:db8:0:130::240/128 20 permit tcp ::/0 ::/0 eq 23 30 remark "ALLOWS HTTP FROM SINGLE HOST." 30 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:140::14/128 eq 80 ::/0 eq 3871 40 remark "DENIES HTTP FROM ANY TO ANY." 40 deny tcp ::/0 ::/0 eq 80 log 50 deny udp 2001:db8:0:150::44/128 eq 69 2001:db8:0:120::19/128 range 3680 3690 log 60 deny udp ::/0 2001:db8:0:150::121/128 log 70 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:01::/56 ::/0 exit

Figure 5-12. Example of a Displayed ACL Configuration

Line 10 20 30 40 50

Action Permits all IPv6 traffic from the host at 2001:db8:0:130::55 to the host at 2001:db8:0:130::240. Permits all Telnet traffic from any source to any destination. Includes a remark and permits TCP port 80 traffic received at any destination as port 3871 traffic. Includes a remark and denies TCP port 80 traffic received at any destination, and causes a log message to be generated when a match occurs. Denies UDP port 69 (TFTP) traffic sent from the host at 2001:db8:0:150::44 to the host at 2001:db8:0:120::19 with a destination port number in the range of 3680 - 3690, and causes a log message to be generated when a match occurs. Denies UDP traffic from any source to the host at 2001:db8:0:150::121, and causes a log message to be generated when a match occurs. Permits all IPv6 traffic with an SA prefix of 2001:db8:0:01/56 that is not already permitted or denied by the preceding ACEs in the ACL.

60 70

Note: An implicit Deny IPv6 any any is automatically applied following the last line (70, in this case), and denies all IPv6 traffic not already permitted or denied by the ACEs in lines 10 through 70.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL

ACL Configuration Factors

The Sequence of Entries in an ACL Is Significant
When the switch uses an ACL to determine whether to permit or deny a packet, it compares the packet to the criteria specified in the individual Access Control Entries (ACEs) in the ACL, beginning with the first ACE in the list and proceeding sequentially until a match is found. When a match is found, the switch applies the indicated action (permit or deny) to the packet. This is significant because, once a match is found for a packet, subsequent ACEs in the same ACL will not be applied to that packet, regardless of whether they match the packet. For example, suppose that you have applied the ACL shown in figure 5-13 to inbound IPv6 traffic on VLAN 1 (the default VLAN):

Source Address

Prefix Length

Destination Address and Prefix Length (Specifies Any IPv6 Destination)

ipv6 access-list "Sample-List-2" 10 deny ipv6 2001:db8::235:10/128 ::/0 20 deny ipv6 2001:db8::245:89/128 ::/0 30 permit tcp 2001:db8::18:100/128 2001:db8::237:1/128 40 deny tcp 2001:db8::18:100/128 ::/0 50 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 (Implicit deny ipv6 any any) exit
After the last explicit ACE there is always an Implicit Deny. However, in this case it will not be used because the last permit ipv6 ACL allows all IPv6 packets that earlier ACEs have not already permitted or denied.

Figure 5-13. Example of an ACE that Permits All IPv6 Traffic Not Implicitly Denied


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL

Table 5-2.
Line # n/a 10

Effect of the Above ACL on Inbound IPv6 Traffic in the Assigned VLAN

Action Shows IP type (IPv6) and ID (Sample-List-2). A packet from source address 2001:db8:235:10 will be denied (dropped). This ACE filters out all packets received from 2001:db8:235:10. As a result, IPv6 traffic from that device will not be allowed and packets from that device will not be compared against any later entries in the list. A packet from IPv6 source address 2001:db8::245:89 will be denied (dropped). This ACE filters out all packets received from 2001:db8::245:89. As the result, IPv6 traffic from that device will not be allowed and packets from that device will not be compared against any later entries in the list. A TCP packet from SA 2001:db8::18:100 with a DA of 2001:db8::237:1 will be permitted (forwarded). Since no earlier ACEs in the list have filtered TCP packets from 2001:db8::18:100 with a destination of 2001:db8::237:1, the switch will use this ACE to evaluate such packets. Any packets that meet this criteria will be forwarded. (Any packets that do not meet this TCP source-destination criteria are not affected by this ACE.) A TCP packet from source address 2001:db8::18:100 to any destination address will be denied (dropped). Since, in this example, the intent is to block TCP traffic from 2001:db8::18:100 to any destination except the destination stated in the ACE at line 30, this ACE must follow the ACE at line 30. (If their relative positions were exchanged, all TCP traffic from 2001:db8::18:100 would be dropped, including the traffic for the 2001:db8::237:1 destination.) Any packet from any IPv6 source address to any IPv6 destination address will be permitted (forwarded). The only traffic filtered by this ACE will be packets not specifically permitted or denied by the earlier ACEs. The Implicit Deny (deny ipv6 any any) is a function the switch automatically adds as the last action in all IPv6 ACLs. It denies (drops) traffic from any source to any destination that has not found a match with earlier entries in the ACL. In this example, the ACE at line 50 permits (forwards) any traffic not already permitted or denied by the earlier entries in the list, so there is no traffic remaining for action by the Implicit Deny function. Defines the end of the ACL.




50 n/a


Allowing for the Implied Deny Function

In any ACL having one or more ACEs there will always be a packet match. This is because the switch automatically applies the Implicit Deny as the last ACE in any ACL. This function is not visible in ACL listings, but is always present. (Refer to figure 5-13.) This means that if you configure the switch to use an ACL for filtering either inbound or outbound traffic on a VLAN, any IPv6 packets not specifically permitted or denied by the explicit entries you create will be denied by the Implicit Deny action. If you want to preempt the Implicit Deny (so that IPv6 traffic not specifically addressed by earlier ACEs in a given ACL will be permitted), insert an explicit permit ipv6 any any as the last explicit ACE in the ACL.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL

A Configured ACL Has No Effect Until You Apply It to an Interface

The switch stores ACLs in the configuration file. Until you actually assign an ACL to an interface, it is present in the configuration, but not used (and does not use any of the monitored resources described in the appendix titled Monitoring Resources in the latest version of the Management and Configuration Guide for your switch.)

You Can Assign an ACL Name to an Interface Even if the ACL Has Not Been Configured
In this case, if you subsequently create an ACL with that name, the switch automatically applies each ACE as soon as you enter it in the running-config file. Similarly, if you modify an existing ACE in an ACL you already applied to an interface, the switch automatically implements the new ACE as soon as you enter it. (See General ACL Operating Notes on page 5-118.) The switch allows up to 2048 ACLs each for IPv4 and IPv6. For example, if you configure two ACLs, but assign only one of them to a VLAN, the ACL total is two, for the two unique ACL names. If you then assign the name of an empty ACL to a VLAN, the new ACL total is three, because the switch now has three unique ACL names in its configuration. (RADIUS-based ACL resources are drawn from the IPv4 allocation). (For information on switch resource use, refer to Monitoring Shared Resources on page 5-119.)

Using the CLI To Create an ACL

Command access-list Page 5-45

You can use either the switch CLI or an offline text editor to create an ACL. This section describes the CLI method, which is recommended for creating short ACLs. (To use the offline method, refer to Creating or Editing ACLs Offline on page 5-89.)


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL

General ACE Rules

These rules apply to all ACEs you create or edit using the CLI: Adding or Inserting an ACE in an ACL. To add an ACE to the end of an ACL, use the ipv6 access-list < name-str > command to enter the context for a specific IPv6 ACL. (If the ACL does not already exist in the switch configuration, this command creates it.) Then enter the text of the ACE without specifying a sequence number. For example, the following pair of commands enter the context of an ACL named List-1 and add a permit ACE to the end of the list. This new ACE permits the IPv6 traffic from the device at 2001:db8:0:a9:8d:100 to go to all destinations.
HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list List-1 HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit host 2001:db8:0:a9::8d:100 any

To insert an ACE anywhere in an existing ACL, enter the context of the ACL and specify a sequence number. For example, to insert a new ACE as line 15 between lines 10 and 20 in an existing ACL named List-2 to deny traffic from the device at 2001:db8:0:a9::8d:77, you would use the following commands:
HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list List-2 HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# 15 deny ipv6 host 2001:db8:0:a9::8d:77 any

To Delete an ACE. Enter the ACL context and delete the sequence number for the unwanted ACE. (To view the sequence numbers of the ACEs in a list, use show access-list < acl-name-str > config.) For example, to delete the ACE at line 40 in an ACL named List-2, you would enter the following commands:
HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list List-2 config HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# no 40

Duplicate ACE Sequence Numbers. Duplicate sequence numbering for ACEs are not allowed in the same ACL. Attempting to enter a duplicate ACE displays the Duplicate sequence number message.

Using CIDR Notation To Enter the IPv6 ACL Prefix Length

CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation is used to specify ACL prefix lengths. The switch compares the address bits specified by a prefix length for an SA or DA in an ACE with the corresponding address bits in a packet being filtered by the ACE. If the designated bits in the ACE and in the packet have identical settings, then the addresses match.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuring and Assigning an IPv6 ACL

Table 5-3.

Examples of CIDR Notation for Prefix Lengths

Resulting Prefix Length Defining an Address Match 2620:0:a03:e102 2620:0:a03:e102:215 2620:0:a03:e102:215:60ff:fe7a:adc0 2001:db8:a03:e102:0:ab4:100 Meaning The leftmost 64 bits must match. The remaining 64 bits are wildcards. The leftmost 80 bits must match. The remaining 48 bits are wildcards. All 128 bits must match. This specifies a single host address. The leftmost 112 bits must match. The remaining 16 bits are wildcards.

SA or DA Used In an ACL with CIDR Notation 2620:0:a03:e102::/64 2620:0:a03:e102:215::/80 2620:0:a03:e102:215:60ff:fe7a:adc0/128 2001:db8:a03:e102:0:ab4:100::/112


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

Configuration Commands
Command Summary for Configuring ACLs
Create an IPv6 ACL or Add an ACE to the End of an Existing IPv6 ACL HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list < name-str > HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# < deny | permit > < ipv6 | esp | ah | sctp | ipv6-protocol-nbr > < any | host <SA > | SA/< prefix-length >> < any | host < DA > | DA/< prefix-length >> < tcp | udp > < any | host <SA > | SA/< prefix-length > > [comparison-operator < value >] < any | host < DA > | DA/< prefix-length >> [comparison-operator < value >] [established]1 [ack] [fin] [rst] [syn]2 < icmp > < any | host < SA > | SA /< prefix-length >> < any | host < DA > | DA /< prefix-length >> [ 0 - 255 [ 0 - 255 ] | icmp-message ] [dscp < precedence | codepoint >] [log]3 Insert an ACE by Assigning a Sequence Number HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list < name-str > HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# < seq-# > < deny | permit > The deny and permit keywords use the options shown above for Create an IPv6 ACL. Delete an ACE or a Remark by Sequence Number HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list < name-str > HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# no < seq-# > [ remark ] (Note: You can also delete an ACE by entering no < permit | deny > followed by the settings explicitly configured for that ACE.) Resequence the ACEs in an ACL
1TCP only. 2TCP flag (control bit) options for destination TCP. 3




HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list resequence < name-str > < starting-# > < increment >.


The log function is available only for deny ACLs, and generates a message only when there is a deny match.



IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

Continued from preceding page.

Action Enter a Remark Remove a Remark: Immediately After Entry After entry of an ACE Delete an IPv6 ACL Delete an IPv6 ACL Command(s) HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list < name-str > HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# remark < remark-str > Page 5-74 5-77

HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# no remark HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#no < seq-# > remark HP Switch(config)# no ipv6 access-list < name-str > vlan HP Switch(config)# no ipv6 access-list < name-str > 5-68 5-68

Command Summary for Enabling, Disabling, and Displaying ACLs

Enable or Disable an IPv6 RACL Enable or Disable an IPv6 VACL Enable or Disable a Static Port ACL Displaying ACL Data HP Switch(config)# [no] vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < name-str > < in | out| vlan > HP Switch(config)# [no] vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < name-str > vlan HP Switch(config)# [no] interface < port-list | trkx > ipv6 access-group < name-str > in HP Switch(eth-< port-list >| trkx >)# [no] ipv6 access-group < name-str > in HP Switch(config)# show access-list HP Switch(config)# show access-list < acl-name-str > [config] HP Switch(config)# show access-list config HP Switch(config)# show access-list ports < port-list | trkx > HP Switch(config)# show access-list vlan < vid > HP Switch(config)# show access-list radius < port-list | all > HP Switch(config)# show access-list resources # < show | clear > statistics aclv6 < acl-name-str > port < port-# > # < show | clear > statistics aclv6 < acl-name-str > vlan < vid > < in | out | vlan > 5-79 5-64

Displaying or Clearing ACL Statistics


IPv6 ACLs enable filtering on the following:

Source and destination IPv6 addresses (required), in one of the following options: specific host IPv6 subnet or contiguous set of IPv6 addresses any IPv6 address


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

choice of any IPv6 protocol optional packet-type criteria for ICMP traffic optional source and/or destination TCP or UDP port, with a further option for comparison operators TCP flag (control bit) options filtering for TCP traffic based on whether the subject traffic is initiating a connection (established option) optional DSCP (IP precedence and ToS) criteria

The switch allows up to 2048 ACLs each for IPv4 and IPv6 (with RADIUSbased ACL resources drawn from the IPv4 allocation). The total is determined from the number of unique identifiers in the configuration. For example, configuring two IPv6 ACLs results in an ACL total of two, even if neither is assigned to an interface. If you then assign a nonexistent IPv6 ACL to an interface, the new total is three, because the switch now has three unique IPv6 ACL names in its configuration.

For information on determining the current resource availability and usage, refer to the appendix titled Monitoring Resources in the Management and Configuration Guide for your switch. For ACL resource limits, refer to the appendix covering scalability in the latest Management and Configuration Guide for your switch.

Commands To Create, Enter, and Configure an ACL

For a match to occur with an ACE, a packet must have the source and destination IPv6 address criteria specified by the ACE, as well as any IPv6 protocol-specific criteria included in the command. Use the following general steps to create or add to an ACL: 1. 2. Create and/or enter the context of a given ACL. Enter the first ACE in a new ACL or append an ACE to the end of an ACL.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

This section describes the commands for performing these steps. For other ACL topics, refer to the following:

Topic applying or removing an ACL on an interface deleting an ACL editing an ACL (inserting or removing ACEs from an existing ACL) sequence numbering in ACLs including remarks in an ACL displaying ACL configuration data creating or editing ACLs offline enabling ACL Deny logging

Page 5-64 5-68 5-68 5-69 5-74 5-79 5-89 5-94

Creating an ACL and/or Entering the IPv6 ACL (ipv6-acl) Context. This command is a prerequisite for entering or editing ACEs in an ACL. (For a summary of the ACL syntax options, refer to Command Summary for Configuring ACLs on page 5-47.) Syntax: ipv6 access-list < ascii-str > Places the CLI in the IPv6 ACL (ipv6-acl) context specified by the < ascii-str > alphanumeric identifier. This enables entry of individual ACEs in the specified ACL. If the ACL does not already exist, this command creates it. < ascii-str >: Specifies an alphanumeric identifier for the ACL. Consists of an alphanumeric string of up to 64 case-sensitive characters. Including spaces in the string requires that you enclose the string in single or double quotes. For example: Accounting ACL. You can also use this command to access an existing ACL. Refer to General Editing Rules on page 5-68

HP Switch(config)# ip access-list Sample-List HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# Figure 5-14. Example of Entering the ACL Context Configure ACEs in an ACL. Configuring ACEs is done after using the ipv6 access-list <ascii-str> command described on page 5-50 to enter the IPv6 ACL (ipv6-acl) context of an ACL. For an IPv6 ACL syntax summary, refer to Command Summary for Configuring ACLs on page 5-47.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

Syntax: < deny | permit > < ipv6 | ipv6-protocol | ipv6-protocol-nbr > (ipv6 acl < any | host < SA > | SA/ prefix-length > context) < any | host < DA > | DA/ prefix-length > [ dscp < tos-bits | precedence ] [ log ] Appends an ACE to the end of the list of ACEs in the current ACL. In the default configuration, ACEs are automatically assigned consecutive sequence numbers in increments of 10 and can be renumbered using resequence (page 5-73). Note: To insert a new ACE between two existing ACEs in an ACL, precede deny or permit with an appropriate sequence number. (Refer to Inserting an ACE in an Existing ACL on page 5-70.) For a match to occur, a packet must have the source and destination IPv6 addressing criteria specified in the ACE, as well as: the protocol-specific criteria configured in the ACE, including any optional elements (described later in this section) any (optional) DSCP settings configured in the ACE < deny | permit > These keywords are used in the IPv6 (ipv6-acl) context to specify whether the ACE denies or permits a packet matching the criteria in the ACE, as described below.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

< ipv6 | ipv6-protocol | ipv6-protocol-nbr > Used after deny or permit to specify the packet protocol type required for a match. An ACL must include one of the following: ipv6 any IPv6 packet. ipv6-protocol any one of the following IPv6 protocol names: esp ah sctp icmp* tcp* udp* * For TCP, UDP, and ICMP, additional, optional criteria can be specified, as described on pages 5-56 through 5-60. ipv6-protocol-nbr the protocol number of an IPv6 packet type, such as 8 for Exterior Gateway Protocol or 121 for Simple Message Protocol. (Range: 0 - 255) (For a listing of IPv6 protocol numbers and their corresponding protocol names, refer to the IANA protocol number assignments at < any | host < SA > | SA < prefix-length >> This is the first instance of IPv6 addressing in an ACE. It follows the protocol specifier and defines the source IPv6 address (SA) a packet must carry for a match with the ACE. any Allows IPv6 packets from any IPv6 SA. host < SA > Specifies only packets having a single address as the SA. Use this criterion when you want to match only the IPv6 packets from a single SA. SA < prefix-length > Specifies packets received from one or more contiguous subnets or contiguous addresses within a single subnet. The prefix length is in CIDR format and defines the number of leftmost bits to use in determining a match. (Refer to Using CIDR Notation To Enter the IPv6 ACL Prefix Length on page 5-45.) In a given ACE, the SA prefix length defines how many leftmost bits in a packets SA must exactly match the SA configured in the ACE. Examples of Prefix-Length Applications: 2001:db8:0:e102::10:100/120 matches any IPv6 address in the range of 2001:db8:0:e102::10:<0100 - 01FF> 2001:db8:a0:e102::/64 matches any IPv6 address having a prefix of 2001:db8:a0:e102. FE80::/16 matches any link-local address on an interface.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

Note: For more on how prefix lengths are used in IPv6 ACLs, refer to How an ACE Uses a Prefix To Screen Packets for SA and DA Matches on page 5-35. < any | host < DA > | DA/prefix-length > This is the second instance of addressing in an IPv6 ACE. It follows the first (SA) instance, described earlier in this section, and defines the destination IPv6 address (DA) that a packet must carry to have a match with the ACE. any Allows IPv6 packets to any IPv6 DA. host < DA > Specifies only packets having DA as the destination address. Use this criterion when you want to match only the IPv6 packets for a single DA. DA/prefix-length Specifies packets intended for one or more contiguous subnets or contiguous addresses within a single subnet. The prefix length is in CIDR format and defines the number of leftmost bits to use in determining a match. (Refer to Using CIDR Notation To Enter the IPv6 ACL Prefix Length on page 5-45.) In a given ACE, the DA prefix length defines how many leftmost bits in a packets DA must exactly match the DA configured in the ACE. Example: Refer to Examples of Prefix-Length Applications in the presiding syntax description. [ dscp < codepoint | precedence >] This option follows the DA to include a DSCP codepoint or precedence as a matching criteria. codepoint: Supports these codepoint selection options:


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

0 - 63: Select a specific DSCP codepoint by entering its decimal equivalent. (Refer to table 5-4, DSCP Codepoints with Decimal Equivalents on page 5-55 Assured Forwarding (AF) codepoint matches:

af11 af12 af13 af21 af22 af23

001010 001100 001110 010010 010100 010110

af31 af32 af33 af41 af42 af43

011010 011100 011110 100010 100100 100110

default: Matches with the 000000 (default) DSCP. ef: Expedited Forwarding (EF; 000000) DSCP match. precedence: Supports selection of a precedence setting in the DSCP. Option Precedence Name Bits cs1 cs2 cs3 cs4 cs5 cs6 cs7 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 priority immediate flash flash-override critical internet (for internetwork control) network (for network control)

Note: The precedence criteria described in this section are applied in addition to any other selection criteria configured in the same ACE. Also, where dscp is configured in a given ACE, the established keyword and the optional TCP control bits cannot be configured.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

[log] This option can be used after the DA to generate an Event Log message if: The action is deny. (Not applicable to permit actions.) There is a match. ACL logging is enabled. (Refer to Enabling ACL Logging on the Switch on page 5-95.) For a given ACE, if log is used, it must be the last keyword entered.

Table 5-4.

DSCP Codepoints with Decimal Equivalents

DSCP Bits Decimal 000000 000001 000010 000011 000100 000101 000110 000111 001000 001001 001010 001011 001100 001101 001110 001111 010000 010001 010010 010011 010100 010101 0 (default) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (1*) 11 12 (1*) 13 14 (2*) 15 16 17 18 (0 *) 19 20 (0 *) 21

DSCP Bits Decimal 010110 010111 011000 011001 011010 011011 011100 011101 011110 011111 100000 100001 100010 100011 100100 100101 100110 100111 101000 101001 101010 22 (3*) 23 24 25 26 (4*) 27 28 (4*) 29 30 (5*) 31 32 33 34 (6*) 35 36 (6*) 37 38 (7*) 39 40 41 42

DSCP Bits Decimal 101011 101100 101101 101110 101111 110000 110001 110010 110011 110100 110101 110110 110111 111000 111001 111010 111011 111100 111101 111110 111111 43 44 45 46 (7**) 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

*Assured Forwarding codepoint and 802.1p precedence. **Expedited Forwarding codepoint configured by default.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

Options for TCP and UDP Traffic in IPv6 ACLs. An ACE designed to permit or deny TCP or UDP traffic can optionally include port number criteria for either the source or destination, or both. Use of TCP criteria also allows the established option for controlling TCP connection traffic. (For a summary of the syntax options, refer to Command Summary for Configuring ACLs on page 5-47.)


< deny | permit > tcp < SA > [comparison-operator < tcp-src-port >] < DA > [comparison-operator < tcp-dest-port >] [established] [ ack ] [ fin ] [ rst ] [ syn ] < deny | permit > udp < SA > [comparison-operator < udp-src-port >] < DA > [comparison-operator < udp-dest-port >] In an IPv6 ACL using either tcp or udp as the IP packet protocol type, you can optionally apply comparison operators specifying TCP or UDP source and/or destination port numbers or ranges of numbers to further define the criteria for a match. For example: #deny tcp host fe80::119 eq 23 host fe80::155
established #permit tcp host 2001:db8::10.100 host 2001:db8::15:12 eq telnet #deny udp 2001:db8::ad5:1f4 host 2001:db8::ad0:ff3 range 161 162


[comparison-operator < tcp/udp-src-port >] To specify a TCP or UDP source port number in an ACE, (1) select a comparison operator from the following list and (2) enter the port number or a well-known port name.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

Comparison Operators: eq < tcp/udp-port-nbr > Equal To; to have a match with the ACE entry, the TCP or UDP source port number in a packet must be equal to < tcp/udp-port-nbr >. gt < tcp/udp-port-nbr > Greater Than; to have a match with the ACE entry, the TCP or UDP source port number in a packet must be greater than < tcp/udp-port-nbr >. lt < tcp/udp-port-nbr > Less Than; to have a match with the ACE entry, the TCP or UDP source port number in a packet must be less than < tcp/udp-port-nbr >. neq < tcp/udp-port-nbr> Not Equal; to have a match with the ACE entry, the TCP or UDP source port number in a packet must not be equal to < tcp/udp-port-nbr >. range < start-port-nbr > < end-port-nbr > For a match with the ACE entry, the TCP or UDP source-port number in a packet must be in the range <start-port-nbr > < end-port-nbr >. Port Number or Well-Known Port Name: Use the TCP or UDP port number required by your application. The switch also accepts these well-known TCP or UDP port names as an alternative to their port numbers: TCP: bgp, dns, ftp, http, imap4, ldap, nntp, pop2, pop3, smtp, ssl, telnet UDP: bootpc, bootps, dns, ntp, radius, radius-old, rip, snmp, snmp-trap, tftp To list the above names, press the [Shift] [?] key combination after entering an operator. For a comprehensive listing of port numbers, visit [comparison-operator < tcp-dest-port >] [established] [comparison-operator < udp-dest-port >] This option, if used, is entered immediately after the < DA > entry. To specify a TCP or UDP port number, (1) select a comparison operator and (2) enter the port number or a wellknown port name. Comparison Operators and Well-Known Port Names These are the same as are used with the TCP/UDP source-port options, and are listed earlier in this command description.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

[established] This option applies only where TCP is the configured IPv6 protocol type. It blocks the synchronizing packet associated with establishing a new TCP connection while allowing all other IPv6 traffic for existing connections. For example, a Telnet connect requires TCP traffic to move both ways between a host and the target device. Simply applying a deny to inbound Telnet traffic on a VLAN would prevent Telnet sessions in either direction because responses to outbound requests would be blocked. However, by using the established option, inbound Telnet traffic arriving in response to outbound Telnet requests would be permitted, but inbound Telnet traffic trying to establish a new connection would be denied. The established and dscp options are mutually exclusive in a given ACE. Configuring established and any combination of TCP control bits in the same ACE is supported, but established must precede any TCP control bits configured in the ACE. TCP Control Bits. In a given ACE for filtering TCP traffic you can configure one or more of these options: [ ack ] Acknowledgement. [ fin ] Sender finished. [ rst ] Connection reset. [ syn ] TCP control bit: sequence number synchronize. For more on using TCP control bits, refer to RFC 793.

Options for Filtering ICMP Traffic. This option allows configuring an ACE to selectively permit some types of ICMP traffic while denying other types. An ACE designed to permit or deny ICMP traffic can optionally include an ICMP type and code value to permit or deny an individual type of ICMP packet while not addressing other ICMP traffic types in the same ACE. As a further option, the ACE can include the name of an ICMP packet type. (For a


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

summary of the syntax options, refer to Command Summary for Configuring ACLs on page 5-47.) Syntax: < deny | permit > icmp < SA > < DA > [ icmp-type [icmp-code]] < deny | permit > icmp < SA > < DA > [ icmp-type-name ] Using icmp as the packet protocol type, you can optionally specify an individual ICMP packet type or packet type/code pair to further define the criteria for a match. This option, if used, is entered immediately after the destination IP address (DA) entry. The following example shows two ACEs entered in an ACL context:
#permit icmp any any 1 3 #permit icmp any any destination-unreachable

[ icmp-type [ icmp-code ] ] This option identifies an individual ICMP packet type as criteria for permitting or denying that type of ICMP traffic in an ACE. icmp-type This value is in the range of 0 - 255 and corresponds to an ICMP packet type. icmp-code This value corresponds to an ICMP code for an ICMP packet type. It is optional, and needed only when a particular ICMP subtype is needed as a filtering criterion. (Range: 0 - 255) For example, the following ACE specifies destination unreachable (ICMP type 1) where address unreachable (3; a subtype of destination unreachable) is the specific code. #permit icmp any any 1 3 For more information on ICMP types and codes, visit the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) website at, and refer to Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) Type Numbers.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

[ icmp-type-name ] These name options are an alternative to the [icmp-type [ icmp-code] ] methodology described above. For more information, visit the IANA website cited above. cert-path-advertise cert-path-solicit destination-unreachable echo-reply echo-request home-agent-reply home-agent-request inv-nd-na inv-nd-ns mcast-router-advertise mcast-router-solicit mcast-router-terminate mld-done mld-query mld-report mobile-advertise mobile-solicit nd-na nd-ns node-info node-query packet-too-big parameter-problem redirect router-advertisement router-renum router-solicitation time-exceeded ver2-mld-report

Example of an IPv6 ACL Configuration. Suppose that you wanted to implement the following IPv6 traffic policy on a switch connecting two workgroups on the same VLAN to dedicated servers and to a campus intranet (figure 5-15 on page 5-61):

Permit full IPv6 access for the management station. For traffic from the workgroup at 2001:db8::1:20:0/121: Deny Telnet access to server 1 (2001:db8::1:10:3). Deny the workgroup any IPv6 access to server 2 (2001:db8::1:10:4).

For traffic from the workgroup at 2001:db8::1:30:0/121: Deny Telnet access to server 2 (2001:db8::1:10:4). Deny the workgroup any IPv6 access to server (2001:db8::1:10:3).

Deny inbound ICMP multicast-router-solicitations from all switches on the VLAN. Permit all other IPv6 traffic. (Supersedes the implicit deny ipv6 any any at the end of the ACL, which would deny any IPv6 traffic not filtered by the configured ACEs in the ACL.)


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

Management Station 2001:db8::1:10:10 WorkgroupA HP Switch 2001:db8::1:20:128 2001:db8::1:20:0/121 HP Switch 2001:db8::1:30:128 Workgroup B

HP Switch 2001:db8::1:10:1 Campus Intranet

HP Switch 2001:db8::1:10:2 Server 1 2001:db8::1:10:3 Server 2 2001:db8::1:10:4


Figure 5-15. Example of Controlling Workgroup Access to Servers Continuing the example, you would use the following commands to configure the ACL:

HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list Test-01 HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#permit ipv6 host 2001:db8::1:10:10 any HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#deny tcp 2001:db8::1:20:0/121 host 2001:db8::1:10:3 eq telnet log HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#deny ipv6 2001:db8::1:20:0/121 host 2001:db8::1:10:4 log HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#deny tcp 2001:db8::1:30:0/121 host 2001:db8::1:10:4 eq telnet log HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#deny ipv6 2001:db8::1:30:0/121 host 2001:db8::1:10:3 HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#deny icmp any any router-solicitation HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#permit ipv6 any any HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#exit

Figure 5-16. Commands To Configure an IPv6 ACL To Control Access to the Servers in Figure 5-15


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands

The configuration of the example in the switch appears as follows:

HP Switch(config)# show access-list config ipv6 access-list "Test-01" 10 permit ipv6 2001:db8::1:10:10/128 ::/0 20 deny tcp 2001:db8::1:20:0/121 2001:db8::1:10:3/128 eq 23 log 30 deny ipv6 2001:db8::1:20:0/121 2001:db8::1:10:4/128 log 40 deny tcp 2001:db8::1:30:0/121 2001:db8::1:10:4/128 eq 23 log 50 deny ipv6 2001:db8::1:30:0/121 2001:db8::1:10:3/128 60 deny icmp ::/0 ::/0 133 70 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit

Figure 5-17. CLI Listing of the ACL Entered by the Commands in Figure 5-16 Example: IPv6 ACL Configuration in a Routed Environment. Suppose that you want to implement these policies on a switch configured for IPv6 routing and membership in VLANs 15, 14, and 13:

Policy A: 1. Permit IPv6 Telnet traffic from 2001:db8:0:1af::144 to 2001:db8:0:1ae::178. 2. Deny all other IPv6 traffic from network 2001:db8:0:1af::/64 (VLAN 15) to 2001:db8:0:1ae::/64 (VLAN 14). 3. Permit all other IPv6 traffic from 2001:db8:0:1af::/64 (VLAN 15) to any destination. (See A in figure 5-18, below.) Policy B: 2001:db8:0:1ae::100 (on VLAN 14) to 1. Permit FTP traffic from IPv6 address 1 2001:db8:0:1ad::55 (on VLAN 13). 2. Deny FTP traffic from other hosts on network 2001:db8:0:1ae::/64 to any destination. 3. Permit all other IPv6 traffic.

The TCP port number assigned for FTP traffic is 21.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Configuration Commands



64 8:0:1af::/ 2001:db

Switch 1

/64 8:0:1ae:: 2001:db


2001:db8:0:1af::1 VLAN 14 2001:db8:0:1ae::1 VLAN 13 2001:db8:0:1ad::1

/64 :1ad::


b8:0 2001:d

Figure 5-18. Example of an IPv6 ACL Application To implement the policies described above, you would configure ACLs on the switch as shown in figure 5-19 on page 5-63.

A (Refer to figure 5-18 on page 5-63.)

HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit tcp host 2001:db8:0:1af::144 host 2001:db8:0:1ae::178 eq telnet HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# deny ipv6 2001:db8:0:1af::/64 2001:db8:0:1ae::/64 HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:1af::/64 any HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# exit HP Switch(config)# vlan 1 ipv6 access-group List-01 in

B (Refer to figure 5-18 on page 5-63.)

HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit tcp host 2001:db8:0:1ae::100 host 2001:db8:0:1ad::55 eq 21 HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# deny tcp 2001:db8:0:1ae::/64 any HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6 any any HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# exit HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# vlan 1 ipv6 access-group List-02 in

Figure 5-19. Example of Configuration Commands for IPv6 ACL


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Adding or Removing an ACL Assignment On an Interface

Adding or Removing an ACL Assignment On an Interface

Filtering Routed IPv6 Traffic
For a given VLAN interface on a switch configured for routing, you can assign an ACL as an RACL to filter inbound, routed IPv6 traffic and another ACL as an RACL to filter outbound, routed IPv6 traffic. You can also assign the same ACL to filter both inbound and outbound routed traffic, and to filter traffic on multiple VLANs. For limits and operating rules, refer to ACL Configuration and Operating Rules on page 5-32. Syntax: [no] vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < identifier > < in | out > Assigns an ACL to a VLAN as an RACL to filter routed IP traffic entering or leaving the switch on that VLAN. You can use either the global configuration level or the VLAN context level to assign or remove an RACL. < vid >: VLAN Identification Number. < identifier >: The alphanumeric name by which the ACL can be accessed. An identifier can have up to 64 characters. < in >: Keyword for assigning the ACL to filter routed traffic entering the switch on the specified VLAN. < out >: Keyword for assigning the ACL to filter routed traffic leaving the switch on the specified VLAN. Note: The switch allows you to assign an empty ACL to a VLAN. In this case, if you later populate the empty ACL with one or more ACEs for that same identifier, the ACL automatically becomes active on the assigned VLAN. Also, where a given ACL is assigned to an interface, if you delete the ACL from the running configuration without also using the no form of this command to remove the assignment to the interface, then the ACL becomes empty, but remains assigned to the interface and continues to exist (as an empty ACL) in the running configuration. In this case, if you later repopulate the ACL with an explicit ACE, then the ACL immediately reactivates and begins filtering traffic (which includes use of the implicit deny). See also Notes under Deleting an ACL on page 5-68 and Empty ACL on page 5-7.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Adding or Removing an ACL Assignment On an Interface


Switch(config)# vlan 20 ipv6 access-group List-001 in Switch(config)# vlan 20 Switch(vlan-20)# ipv6 access-group List-005 out Switch(vlan-20)# exit Switch(config)# no vlan 20 ipv6 access-group List-001 in Switch(config)# vlan 20 Switch(vlan-20)# no ipv6 access-group List-005 out Switch(vlan-20)# exit

Enables an RACL from the Global Configuration Level Enables an RACL from a VLAN Context. Disables an RACL from the Global Configuration Level Disabling an RACL from a VLAN Context.

Figure 5-20. Methods for Enabling and Disabling RACLs

Filtering Routed or Switched IPv6 Traffic Inbound on a VLAN

For a given VLAN interface, you can assign an ACL as a VACL to filter switched IPv6 traffic entering the switch on that VLAN.For a given VLAN interface, you can assign an ACL as a VACL to filter switched or routed IPv6 traffic entering the switch on that VLAN. You can also use the same ACL for assignment to multiple VLANs. For limits and operating rules, refer to ACL Configuration and Operating Rules on page 5-32. Syntax: [no] vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < identifier > vlan Assigns an ACL as a VACL to a VLAN to filter switched IPv6 traffic entering the switch on that VLAN. Assigns an ACL as a VACL to a VLAN to filter switched or routed IPv6 traffic entering the switch on that VLAN. You can use either the global configuration level or the VLAN context level to assign or remove a VACL. < vid >: VLAN Identification Number. < identifier >: The alphanumeric name by which the ACL can be accessed. An identifier can have up to 64 characters. The no form of the command removes the ACL assignment from the interface. Note: The switch allows you to assign an empty ACL identifier to a VLAN. In this case, if you later populate the ACL with ACEs, the new ACEs automatically become active on the assigned VLAN as they are created. Also, if you delete an assigned ACL from the switch without also using the no form of this command to remove the assignment to a VLAN, the ACL assignment remains as an empty ACL. For more on empty ACLs, refer to the notes under Deleting an ACL on page 5-68.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Adding or Removing an ACL Assignment On an Interface

HP Switch(config)# vlan 20 ipv6 access-group List-010 vlan HP Switch(config)# vlan 20 HP Switch(vlan-20)# ipv6 access-group List-015 vlan HP Switch(vlan-20)# exit HP Switch(config)# no vlan 20 ipv6 access-group List-010 vlan HP Switch(config)# vlan 20 HP Switch(vlan-20)# no ipv6 access-group 015 vlan HP Switch(vlan-20)# exit

Enables a VACL from the Global Configuration Level Enables a VACL from a VLAN Context. Disables a VACL from the Global Configuration Level Disables a VACL from a VLAN Context.

Figure 5-21. Methods for Enabling and Disabling VACLs

Filtering Inbound IPv6 Traffic Per Port and Trunk

For a given port, port list, or static port trunk, you can assign an ACL as a static port ACL to filter switched IPv6 traffic entering the switch on that interface.For a given port, port list, or static port trunk, you can assign an ACL as a static port ACL to filter switched or routed IPv6 traffic entering the switch on that interface. You can also use the same ACL for assignment to multiple interfaces. For limits and operating rules, refer to ACL Configuration and Operating Rules on page 5-32.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Adding or Removing an ACL Assignment On an Interface

Syntax: [no] interface < port-list | Trkx > ipv6 access-group < identifier > in Assigns an ACL as a static port ACL to a port, port list, or static trunk to filter switched IPv6 traffic entering the switch on that interface. Assigns an ACL as a static port ACL to a port, port list, or static trunk to filter switched or routed IPv6 traffic entering the switch on that interface. You can use either the global configuration level or the interface context level to assign or remove a static port ACL. < identifier >: The alphanumeric name by which the ACL can be accessed. An identifier can have up to 64 characters. < port-list | trkx >: The port, trunk, or list of ports and/or trunks on which to assign or remove the specified ACL. Note: The switch allows you to assign an empty ACL identifier to an interface. If you later populate the empty ACL with one or more ACEs, it automatically becomes active on the assigned interface(s). Also, if you delete an assigned ACL from the running config file without also using the no form of this command to remove the assignment to an interface, the ACL assignment remains and automatically activates any new ACL you create with the same identifier. Refer to Empty ACL on page 5-7.

HP Switch(config)# interface 10 ipv6 access-group List-1 in HP Switch(config)# interface 10 HP Switch(eth-10)# ipv6 access-group List-4 in HP Switch(eth-10)# exit HP Switch(config)# no interface 10 ipv6 access-group List-1 in HP Switch(config)# interface 10 HP Switch(eth-10)# no ipv6 access-group List-4 in HP Switch(eth-10)# exit

Enables a static port ACL from the Global Configuration level. Enables a static port ACL from a port context. Disables a static port ACL from the Global Configuration level. Uses a VLAN context to disable a static port ACL.

Figure 5-22. Methods for Enabling and Disabling ACLs


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Deleting an ACL

Deleting an ACL
Syntax: no ipv6 access-list < identifier > Used in the global config context to remove the specified IPv6 ACL from the switchs running-config file. < identifier >: The alphanumeric name assigned to an ACL. Notes: If an ACL name is assigned to an interface before the ACL itself has been created, then the switch creates an empty version of the ACL in the running configuration and assigns the empty ACL to the interface. Later adding explicit ACEs to the empty ACL causes the switch to automatically activate the ACEs as they are created and to implement the implicit deny at the end of the ACL. Deleting an ACL from the running configuration while the ACL is currently assigned on an interface results in an empty version of the ACL in the running configuration and on the interface. Later removing the ACL from the interface also removes the empty ACL from the running configuration. If you need to remove an ACL identifier assignment on an interface, refer to Adding or Removing an ACL Assignment On an Interface on page 5-64

Editing an Existing ACL

The CLI provides the capability for editing in the switch by using sequence numbers to insert or delete individual ACEs. An offline method is also available. This section describes using the CLI for editing ACLs. To use the offline method for editing ACLs, refer to Creating or Editing ACLs Offline on page 5-89.

General Editing Rules

You can use the CLI to delete individual ACEs from anywhere in an ACL, append new ACEs to the end of an ACL, and insert new ACEs anywhere within an ACL.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Editing an Existing ACL

When you enter a new ACE in an ACL without specifying a sequence number, the switch inserts the ACE as the last entry in the ACL. When you enter a new ACE in an ACL and include a sequence number, the switch inserts the ACE according to the position of the sequence number in the current list of ACEs. You can delete an ACE by using the ipv6 access-list < identifier > command to enter the ACLs context, and then no < seq-# > (page 5-72). Deleting the last ACE from an ACL leaves the ACL in the configuration as an empty ACL placeholder that cannot perform any filtering tasks. (In any ACL the Implicit Deny does not apply unless the ACL includes at least one explicit ACE.) (Refer to the Notes on the preceding page and to Empty ACL on page 5-7.)

Sequence Numbering in ACLs

The ACEs in any ACL are sequentially numbered. In the default state, the sequence number of the first ACE in a list is 10 and subsequent ACEs are numbered in increments of 10. For example, the following show run output shows an ACL named My-list using the default numbering scheme:

ipv6 access-list "My-list" 10 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:5ad::25/128 ::/0 20 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:5ad::111/128 ::/0 30 permit icmp 2001:db8:0:5ad::115/128 ::/0 135 40 deny ipv6 2001:db8:0:5ad::/64 ::/0 exit

Figure 5-23. Example of the Default Sequential Numbering for ACEs An ACE can be appended to the end of the ACL by using ipv6 access-list from the global configuration prompt or by entering the ACL context:
HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list My-list permit esp host 2001:db8:0:5ad::19 any
From the global configuration prompt, appends an ACE to the end of the ACL named My-list..

HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list My-list HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6 any host 2001:db8:0:5ad::1
Enters the context of the My-list ACL and appends an ACE to the end of the list.

Figure 5-24. Examples of Ways to Append a New ACE to the end of an ACL


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Editing an Existing ACL

To continue from figure 5-24 and append a final ACE to the end of the ACL:
HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# deny ipv6 2001:db8:0:5ad::/64 any HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6 any any HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# show run ACE appended as line 70, below. . . . Appended as line 80, below. ipv6 access-list "My-list" 10 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:5ad::25/128 ::/0 20 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:5ad::111/128 ::/0 30 permit icmp 2001:db8:0:5ad::115/128 ::/0 40 permit icmp 2001:db8:0:5ad::/64 ::/0 50 permit 50 2001:db8:0:5ad::19/128 ::/0 60 permit ipv6 ::/0 2001:db8:0:5ad::1/128 Line 70 70 deny ipv6 2001:db8:0:5ad::/64 ::/0 80 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 Line 80 exit

Figure 5-25. Example of Appending an ACE to an Existing List

Inserting an ACE in an Existing ACL

This action uses a sequence number to specify where to insert a new ACE into an existing sequence of ACEs in an ACL. Syntax: <1-2147483647> < permit | deny > < ipv6-ACE-criteria > Used in the context of a given ACL, this command inserts an ACE into the ACL. <1-2147483647>: The range of valid sequence numbers for an ACL. < ipv6-ACE-criteria >: The various traffic selection options described earlier in this chapter. Note: Entering an ACE that would result in an out-of-range sequence number is not allowed. Use the resequence command to free up ACE numbering availability in the ACL. Refer to Resequencing the ACEs in an IPv6 ACL on page 5-73. (For details on these options, refer to Command Summary for Configuring ACLs on page 5-4.) Examples of Inserting a New ACE in an Existing ACL. From the global configuration context, insert a new ACE with a sequence number of 45 between the ACEs numbered 40 and 50 in figure 5-25.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Editing an Existing ACL

Enters the Named-ACL context for My-list.

HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list My-list HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# 45 permit icmp host 2001:db8:0:5ad::33 ::/0 HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# show run . . . ipv6 access-list "My-list" 10 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:5ad::25/128 ::/0 Inserts a new ACE 20 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:5ad::111/128 ::/0 assigned to line 35. 30 permit icmp 2001:db8:0:5ad::115/128 ::/0 40 permit icmp 2001:db8:0:5ad::/64 ::/0 45 permit icmp 2001:db8:0:5ad::33 ::/0 50 permit icmp 2001:db8:0:5ad::19/128 ::/0 60 permit ipv6 ::/0 2001:db8:0:5ad::1/128 70 deny ipv6 2001:db8:0:5ad::/64 ::/0 80 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit

Figure 5-26. Example of Inserting an ACE in an Existing ACL From within the context of an IPv6 ACL named List-01, insert a new ACE between two existing ACEs. In this example, the first command creates a new ACL and enters the ACL context. The next two ACEs entered become lines 10 and 20 in the list. The third ACE entered is inserted between lines 10 and 20 by using the sequence command with a sequence number of 11.

Becomes Line 10

HP Switch(config)# Port_1_3800(config)# ipv6 access-list List-01

Becomes Line 20

HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6 host fe80::100 host fe80::200 HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6 host fe80::103 any HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# 11 permit ipv6 host fe80::110 host fe80::
Lines 10 and 20 were automatically numbered accord-ing to their order of entry in the list. Line 11 was explicitly numbered by the 11 permit command and was inserted in its proper place in the list.

HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# show run Running configuration: . . . ipv6 access-list "List-01" 10 permit ipv6 fe80::100/128 fe80::200/128 11 permit ipv6 fe80::110/128 fe80::210/128 20 permit ipv6 fe80::103/128 ::/0 exit

Figure 5-27. Example of Inserting an ACE into an Existing Sequence


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Editing an Existing ACL

Deleting an ACE from an Existing ACL

This action provides the option of using either the sequence number of an ACE or the syntax of the ACE to delete the ACE from an ACL.

Syntax: no <1-2147483647> no < permit | deny > < ipv6-ACE-criteria > Both command options require entering the configuration context of the ACL containing the ACE you want to delete. The first command option deletes the ACE assigned to the specified sequence number. The second command option deletes the ACE having the syntax specified by < ipv6-ACEcriteria >. <1-2147483647>: The range of valid sequence numbers for an ACL. < ipv6-ACE-criteria >: The traffic selection options included in the ACE. To use this method to delete an ACE, the criteria specified in the command must match the criteria specified in the actual ACE you want to delete. (For details on these options, refer to Command Summary for Configuring ACLs on page 5-4.) 1. 2. 3. To find the sequence number of the ACE you want to delete, use show access-list < identifier > or show access-list config to view the ACL. Use ipv6 access-list < identifier > config to enter the IPv6 ACL (config-ipv6acl) context of the specified ACE. In the IPv6 ACL (config-ipv6-acl) context, type no and enter the sequence number of the ACE you want to delete.

Figure 5-28 illustrates the process for deleting an ACE from a list:


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Editing an Existing ACL

HP Switch(config)# show access-list My-List config

ACL Before Deleting an ACE ipv6 access-list "My-List" 10 permit ipv6 fe80::100/128 ::/0 20 deny ipv6 fe80::110/128 fe80::/124 30 deny ipv6 fe80::111/128 fe80::/124 40 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 Enters the IPv6 ACL (config-ipv6-acl) context for My-List. exit HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list My-List This command deletes the ACE at line 30. HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# no 30 HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# show access-list My-List config ACL After Deleting the ACE at Line 20 ipv6 access-list "My-List" 10 permit ipv6 fe80::100/128 ::/0 20 deny ipv6 fe80::110/128 fe80::/124 40 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit

The ACE at line 30 has been removed.

Figure 5-28. Example of Deleting an ACE from An IPv6 ACL

Resequencing the ACEs in an IPv6 ACL

This action reconfigures the starting sequence number for ACEs in an IPv6 ACL, and resets the numeric interval between sequence numbers for ACEs configured in the ACL. Syntax: ipv6 access-list resequence < identifier > < starting-seq-# > < interval > Resets the sequence numbers for all ACEs in the ACL. < starting-seq-# > : Specifies the sequence number for the first ACE in the list. (Default: 10; Range: 1 - 2147483647) < interval > : Specifies the interval between consecutive sequence numbers for the ACEs in the list. (Default: 10; Range: 1 2147483647) 1. 2. To view the current sequence numbering in an ACE, use show access-list config or show access-list < identifier > config. Use the command syntax (above) to change the sequence numbering.

This example resequences the My-List ACL at the bottom of figure 5-28 so that the list begins with line 100 and uses a sequence interval of 100.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Editing an Existing ACL

HP Switch(config)# show access-list My-List config ipv6 access-list "My-List" 10 permit ipv6 fe80::100/128 ::/0 20 deny ipv6 fe80::110/128 fe80::/124 40 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list resequence My-List 100 100 HP Switch(config)# show access-list config ipv6 access-list "My-List" 100 permit ipv6 fe80::100/128 ::/0 200 deny ipv6 fe80::110/128 fe80::/124 300 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit

Figure 5-29. Example of Viewing and Resequencing an ACL

Attaching a Remark to an ACE

A remark is numbered in the same way as an ACE, and uses the same sequence number as the ACE to which it refers. This operation requires that the remark for a given ACE be entered prior to entering the ACE itself.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Editing an Existing ACL

Syntax: remark < remark-str > < 1-2147483647 > remark < remark-str > no < seq-# > remark These commands are used in the ACL context to enter a comment related to an adjacent ACE. To associate a remark with a specific ACE, do one of the following: Enter the remark first (without a sequence number) and immediately follow it with the ACE (also without a sequence number). The remark and the following ACE will have the same (automatically generated) sequence number. Enter the ACE with or without a sequence number, then use <1-2147483647> remark < remark-str > to enter the remark, where a number in the range of <1-2147483647> matches the sequence number of the related ACE. This method is useful when you want to enter a remark at some time after you have entered the related ACE.

< remark-str >: The text of the remark. If spaces are included in the remark, then the remark string must be delimited by either single quotes or double quotes. For example:
remark Permits_Telnet_from_2001:db8:0:1ab_subnet remark Permits Telnet from 2001:db8:0:1ab subnet remark Permits Telnet from 2001:db8:0:1ab subnet

<1-2147483647>: The range of valid sequence numbers for an ACL. For example, if the sequence number of the last ACE entered is 30 and sequence numbering is set to the (default) interval of 10, then entering a remark and another ACE without specifying any sequence numbers results in a sequence number of 40 for both the remark and the ACE that follows it. The no form of the command deletes the indicated remark, but does not affect the related ACE.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Editing an Existing ACL

Appending Remarks and Related ACEs to the End of an ACL. To include a remark for an ACE that will be appended to the end of the current ACL, enter the remark first, then enter the related ACE. This results in the remark and the subsequent ACE having the same sequence number. For example, to append an ACE with an associated remark to the end of an ACL named List-100, you would enter remarks from the CLI context for the desired ACL:
HP HP HP HP HP HP Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list List-100 Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit tcp host 2001:db8:0:b::100:17 eq telnet any Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit tcp host 2001:db8:0:b::100:23 eq telnet any Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# remark BLOCKS UNAUTH TELNET TRAFFIC FROM SUBNET B Switch(config-ipv6-acll)# deny tcp 2001:db8:0:a::/64 eq telnet any Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# show access-list List-100 config

ipv6 access-list "List-100" 10 remark "TEXT" 10 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:b::100:17/128 eq 23 ::/0 20 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:b::100:23/128 eq 23 ::/0 30 remark "BLOCKS UNAUTH TELNET TRAFFIC FROM SUBNET B" 30 deny tcp 2001:db8:0:b::/64 eq 23 ::/0 exit The remark is assigned the same number as the immediately HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#

following ACE (30 in this example) is assigned when it is automatically appended to the end of the list. This operation applies where new remarks and ACEs are appended to the end of the ACL and are automatically assigned a sequence number.

Figure 5-30. Example of Appending a Remark and Its Related ACE to the End of an ACL Inserting Remarks and Related ACEs Within an Existing List. To insert an ACE with a remark within an ACL by specifying a sequence number, insert the numbered remark first, then, using the same sequence number, insert the ACE. For example:


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Editing an Existing ACL

HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# 15 remark "PERMIT HTTP; STATION 23; SUBNET 1D" HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# 15 permit tcp host 2001:db8:0:1d::23 eq 2001:db8:0:2f::/64


HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# show access config . . .

The above two commands insert a remark with its corresponding ACE (same sequence number) between two previously configured ACEs.

ipv6 access-list "List-105" 10 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:1f::/64 eq 80 2001:db8:0:2f::/64 15 remark "PERMIT HTTP; STATION 23; SUBNET 1D" 15 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:1d::23/128 eq 80 2001:db8:0:2f::/64 20 deny tcp 2001:db8:0:1d::/64 eq 80 2001:db8:0:2f::/64 exit . . .

Figure 5-31. Example of Inserting a Remark and an ACE Within an Existing ACL Inserting a Remark for an ACE that Already Exists in an ACL. If an ACE already exists in a given ACL, you can insert a remark for that ACE by simply configuring the remark to have the same sequence number as the ACE. Replacing an Existing Remark. To replace an existing remark in a given ACL: 1. 2. Use ipv6 access-list < identifier > to enter the desired ACL context. Configure the replacement remark with the same sequence number as the remark you want to replace. This step overwrites the former remark text with the new remark text.

For example, to change the text of the remark at line 15 in figure 5-31 to PERMIT HTTP FROM ONE STATION, you would use the following command:

HP Switch(config): ipv6 access-list List-105 HP Switch(config-ipv6-acl): 15 remark PERMIT HTTP FROM ONE STATION

Removing a Remark from an Existing ACE. If you want to remove a remark, but want to retain the ACE, do the following: 1. 2. Use ipv6 access-list < identifier > to enter the desired ACL context. Use no <1-2147483647> remark.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Editing an Existing ACL

Using the no <1-2147483647> command without the remark keyword deletes both the remark and the ACE to which it is attached.

Operating Notes for Remarks

An orphan remark is a remark that does not have an ACE counterpart with the same sequence number. The resequence command renumbers an orphan remark as a sequential, standalone entry without a permit or deny ACE counterpart.
ipv6 access-list "XYZ" 10 remark "Permits HTTP" 10 permit tcp 2001:db8::2:1/120 eq 80 ::/0 12 remark "Denies HTTP from subnet 1." 18 remark "Denies pop3 from 1:157." 18 deny tcp 2001:db8::1:157/128 eq 110 ::/0 log 50 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit HP Switch# ipv6 access-list resequence XYZ 100 10 HP Switch# show access-list XYZ config ipv6 access-list "XYZ" 100 remark "Permits HTTP" 100 permit tcp 2001:db8::2:1/120 eq 80 ::/0 110 remark "Denies HTTP from subnet 1." 120 remark "Denies pop3 from 1:157." 120 deny tcp 2001:db8::1:157/128 eq 110 ::/0 log 130 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit

Entering either an unnumbered remark followed by a manually numbered ACE (using <1-2147483647>), or the reverse (an unnumbered ACE followed by a manually numbered remark) can result in an orphan remark. Configuring two remarks without including either sequence numbers or an intervening, unnumbered ACE results in the second remark overwriting the first.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Displaying ACL Configuration Data


Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# Switch(config-ipv6-acl)#

permit ipv6 host fe80::a1:121 fe80::/104 deny tcp any eq ftp 2001:db8:0:a1::/64 remark Marketing remark Channel_Mktg show access-list Accounting config

ipv6 access-list "Accounting" 10 permit ipv6 fe80::a1:121/128 fe80::/104 20 deny tcp ::/0 eq 21 2001:db8:0:a1::/64 30 remark "Channel_Mktg" exit Where multiple remarks are sequentially entered for
automatic inclusion at the end of an ACL, each successive remark replaces the previous one until an ACE is configured for automatic inclusion at the end of the list.

Figure 5-32. Example of Overwriting One Remark with Another

Displaying ACL Configuration Data

The show commands in this section apply to both IPv6 and IPv4 ACLs. For information on IPv4 ACL operation, refer to the chapter titled IPv4 Access Control Lists in the Access Security Guide for your switch.
ACL Commands show access-list show access-list config show access-list vlan < vid > Function Displays a brief listing of all IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs on the switch. Display the type, identifier, and content of all IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs configured in the switch. List the name and type for each IPv4 and IPv6 ACL application assigned to a particular VLAN on the switch. Lists the IPv4 and IPv6 ACL static port assignments for either all ports and trunks, or for the specified ports and/or trunks. Display detailed content information for a specific IPv4 or IPv6 ACL. Using the config option displays the ACL in a list format similar to that used to display an ACL in the show running-config output. Displays the currently available per-slot resource availability.1 Page 5-80 5-81 5-83

show access-list ports < all | port-list > show access-list < identifier > [config]



show access-list resources


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Displaying ACL Configuration Data ACL Commands show access-list radius < all | port-list > show port-access web-based clients < port-list > detailed show port-access mac-based clients < port-list > detailed show port-access authenticator clients < port-list > detailed show config show running show config includes configured ACLs and assignments existing in the startup-config file. show running includes configured ACLs and assignments existing in the running-config file. Function Lists the IPv4 and IPv6 RADIUS ACLs currently assigned for either all ports and trunks, or for the specified ports and/or trunks.2 For ports in the < port-list > shows the details of the RADIUS-assigned features, including the ACE matches in RADIUS-assigned ACLs configured with the cnt (counter) option.3 Page

1Refer to the appendix titled Monitoring Resources in the current Management and

Configuration Guide for your switch.

2For more on this topic, refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Server Support for

Switch Services in the Access Security Guide for your switch.

3For more on this topic, refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Server Support for

Switch Services in the Access Security Guide for your switch.

Display an ACL Summary

This command lists the configured IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs, regardless of whether they are assigned to any interfaces. Syntax: show access-list List a summary table of the name, type, and application status of all ACLs (IPv4 and IPv6) configured on the switch. For example:
HP Switch(config)# show access-list Access Control Lists Type Appl Name ----- ---- --------------------------------------------ext yes 101 IPv4 ACLs std yes 55 ext yes Marketing These ACLs exist in the ipv6 no Accounting configuration but are not ipv6 no List-01-Inbound applied to any interfaces and ipv6 yes List-02-Outbound thus do not affect traffic. ipv6 yes Test-1


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Displaying ACL Configuration Data

Figure 5-33. Example of a Summary Table of Access Lists

Term Type Meaning Shows whether the listed ACL is an IPv6 (ipv6) ACL or one of two IPv4 ACL types: std (Standard; source-address only) or ext (Extended; protocol, source, and destination data). Shows whether the listed ACL has been applied to an interface (yes/no).


Name Shows the identifier assigned to each ACL configured in the switch.

Display the Content of All ACLs on the Switch

This command lists the configuration details for every IPv4 and IPv6 ACL in the running-config file, regardless of whether any are actually assigned to filter traffic on specific interfaces. Syntax: show access-list config List the configured syntax for all IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs currently configured on the switch.


Notice that you can use the output from this command for input to an offline text file in which you can edit, add, or delete ACL commands. Refer to Creating or Editing ACLs Offline on page 5-89. This information also appears in the show running output. If you executed write memory after configuring an ACL, it appears in the show config output. Figure 5-34 shows the ACLs on a switch configured with two IPv6 ACLs named Accounting and List-01-Inbound, and one extended IPv4 ACL named 101:


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Displaying ACL Configuration Data

HP Switch(config)# show access-list config ip access-list extended "101" 10 permit tcp 20 permit tcp 30 deny ip log 40 deny ip exit ipv6 access-list "Accounting" 10 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:1af::10:14/128 ::/0 eq 23 20 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:1af::10:23/128 ::/0 eq 23 30 deny tcp 2001:db8:0:1af::10/116 ::/0 log 40 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:1af::10/116 ::/0 50 deny ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 log exit ipv6 access-list "List-01-Inbound" 10 permit icmp fe80::10:60/128 ::/0 dscp 38 20 permit icmp fe80::10:77/128 ::/0 dscp 38 30 permit icmp fe80::10:83/128 ::/0 dscp 38 40 deny icmp ::/0 ::/0 dscp 38 50 permit ipv6 fe80::10/112 ::/0 60 deny ipv6 fe80::/64 ::/0 exit

Figure 5-34. Example of an ACL Configured Syntax Listing

Display the IPv4 and IPv6 VACL Assignments for a VLAN

This command lists the identifiers and type(s) of VACLs currently assigned to a particular VLAN in the running-config file. For IPv6 ACLs, the switch supports one VACL assignment per VLAN. For IPv4 ACLs, the switch supports one inbound and one outbound RACL assignment per VLAN, and one VACL assignment per VLAN. Syntax: show access-list vlan < vid > Lists the current IPv4 and IPv6 ACL assignments to the specified VLAN (in the running config file).


This information also appears in the show running output. If you execute write memory after configuring an ACL, it also appears in the show config output. For example, the following output shows that all inbound IPv6 traffic and the inbound and outbound, routed IPv4 traffic are all filtered on VLAN 20.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Displaying ACL Configuration Data

HP Switch(config)# show access-list vlan 20 Access Lists for VLAN 20 Inbound Access List: Account-2 Type: Extended Outbound Access List: 101 Type: Extended Ipv6 VACL Access List: Blue-Group VACL Access List: None Connection Rate Filter Access List: None There is no ACL configured to filter all IPv4 traffic entering the switch on VLAN 20. There is no IPv4 Connection Rate Filter ACL assigned to VLAN 10. Refer to the chapter titled Virus Throttling (Connection-Rate Filtering) in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch. An extended IPv4 ACL named Account-2 is assigned to filter routed IPv4 traffic entering the switch on VLAN 20. An extended IPv4 ACL named 101 is assigned to filter routed IPv4 traffic leaving the switch on VLAN 20. An IPv6 ACL named Blue-Group is assigned to filter IPv6 traffic entering the switch on VLAN 20.

Figure 5-35. Example of Listing the ACL Assignments for a VLAN

Display the IPv4 and IPv6 RACL and VACL Assignments for a VLAN
This command lists the identifiers and type(s) of RACLs and VACLs currently assigned to a particular VLAN in the running-config file. (The switch allows one inbound and one outbound RACL assignment per VLAN, plus one VACL assignment.) Syntax: show access-list vlan < vid > Lists any IPv4 and IPv6 RACL and/or VACL assignments to a VLAN in the running config file.


This information also appears in the show running output. If you execute write memory after configuring an ACL, it also appears in the show config output. For example, the following output shows that inbound, routed IPv6 traffic and outbound, routed IPv4 traffic are both filtered on VLAN 20.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Displaying ACL Configuration Data

HP Switch(config)# show access-list vlan 20 Access Lists for VLAN 20 Ipv6 Inbound Access List: Accounting Inbound Access List: None Ipv6 Outbound Access List: None Outbound Access List: 101 Type: Extended Ipv6 VACL Access List: None VACL Access List: None Connection Rate Filter Access List: None An IPv6 ACL named Accounting is assigned to filter routed IPv6 traffic entering the switch on VLAN 20. There is no filtering of routed IPv4 traffic entering the switch on VLAN 20. There is no filtering of routed IPv6 traffic leaving the switch on VLAN 20. An extended ACL named 101 is assigned to filter routed IPv4 traffic exiting from the switch on VLAN 20. There are no per-VLAN IPv6 or IPv4 ACLs assigned to VLAN 20. Applies to IPv4 Connection Rate Filter ACLs. Refer to the chapter titled Virus Throttling (Connection-Rate Filtering) in the Access Security Guide for your switch.

Figure 5-36. Example of Listing the ACL Assignments for a VLAN

Display Static Port (and Trunk) ACL Assignments

This command lists the identification and type(s) of current static port ACL assignments to individual switch ports and trunks, as configured in the running-config file. (The switch allows one static port ACL assignment per port.) Syntax: show access-list ports < all | port-list > Lists the current static port ACL assignments for ports and trunks in the running config file.


This information also appears in the show running output. If you execute write memory after configuring an ACL, it also appears in the show config output. For example, the following output shows IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs configured on various ports and trunks on the switch:


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Displaying ACL Configuration Data

HP Switch(config)# show access-list ports all Access Lists for Port 1 Inbound Ipv6: List-01-Inbound Access Lists for Port 12 Inbound : 101 Type : Extended Inbound Ipv6: Accounting Access Lists for Port Trk2 Inbound Ipv6: Accounting Access Lists for Port Trk5 Inbound Type : Marketing : Extended An IPv4 ACL is filtering inbound IPv4 traffic on Trunk 5 (Trk5). Both an IPv4 ACL and an IPv6 ACL are filtering inbound IPv4 and IPv6 traffic, respectively, on port 12. An IPv6 ACL is filtering inbound traffic on port 1.

An IPv6 ACL is filtering inbound IPv6 traffic on Trunk 2 (Trk2).

Figure 5-37. Example of Listing the ACL Assignments for Ports and Trunks

Displaying the Content of a Specific ACL

This command displays a specific IPv6 or IPv4 ACL configured in the running config file in an easy-to-read tabular format.


This information also appears in the show running display. If you execute write memory after configuring an ACL, it also appears in the show config display. For information on IPv4 ACL operation, refer to the latest version of the Access Security Guide for your switch.

Syntax: show access-list < identifier > [config] Display detailed information on the content of a specific ACL configured in the running-config file.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Displaying ACL Configuration Data

For example, suppose you configured the following two ACLs in the switch:
Identifier Accounting Type IPv6 Desired Action Permit Telnet traffic from these two IPv6 addresses: 2001:db8:0:1af::10: 14 2001:db8:0:1af::10: 24 Deny Telnet traffic from all other devices in the same subnet. Permit all other IPv6 traffic from the subnet. Deny and log any IPv6 traffic from any other source.


IPv4 Permit any TCP traffic from to any destination. Extended Deny any other IP traffic from 10.30.133.(1-255). Permit all other IP traffic from any source to any destination.

Use show access-list < identifier > to inspect a specific IPv6 or IPv4 ACL:
HP Switch(config)# show access-list Accounting Access Control Lists Name: Accounting Type: ipv6 Applied: Yes SEQ Entry ----------------------------------------------------------------------10 Action: permit Remark: Telnet Allowed Src IP: 2001:db8:0:1af::10:14 Prefix Len: 128 Dst IP: :: Prefix Len: 0 Indicates whether the ACL is Dst applied to an interface. Src Port(s): Port(s): eq 23 Proto : TCP Option(s): Remark Field (Appears if remark configured.) Dscp : 20
Source Address TCP Source Port Protocol Data

Action: permit Src IP: 2001:db8:0:1af::10:23 Dst IP: :: Destination Address Src Port(s): Dst Port(s): eq 23 Proto : TCP Option(s): Dscp : DSCP Codepoint or Precedence Action: deny (log) Src IP: 2001:db8:0:1af::10 Dst IP: :: Src Port(s): Dst Port(s): Proto : TCP Option(s): Dscp : -

Source and Destination Prefix Lengths

Prefix Len: 128 Prefix Len: 0

TCP Destination Port Note: An empty TCP field indicates that the TCP port number for that field can be any value.


Prefix Len: 116 Prefix Len: 0

Figure 5-38. Example of Listing an IPv6 ACL


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Displaying ACL Configuration Data

HP Switch(config)# show access-list List-120 Access Control Lists Name: List-120 Type: Extended Applied: No

Indicates whether the ACL is applied to an interface.

SEQ Entry Remark Field (Appears if remark configured.). ---------------------------------------------------------------------10 Action: permit Remark: Telnet Allowed Src IP: Mask: Port(s): eq 23 Source Address Dst IP: Mask: Port(s): TCP Source Port Proto : TCP (Established) TOS : Precedence: routine Protocol Data Empty field indicates that 20 Action: Src IP: Dst IP: Proto : TOS : Action: Src IP: Dst IP: Proto : TOS : deny (log) IP permit IP DSCP Codepoint and Precedence Data the destination TCP port can be any value.

Mask: Mask: Precedence: -

Port(s): Port(s):


Mask: Mask: Precedence: -

Port(s): Port(s):

Figure 5-39. Example of Listing an IPv4 Extended ACL The show access-list < identifier > config command shows the same ACL data as show access-list < identifier > but in the format used by the show < run | config > commands to list the switch configuration. For example:

HP Switch(config)# show access-list List-120 config ip access-list extended "List-120" 10 remark "Telnet Allowed" 10 permit tcp eq 23 precedence 0 established 20 deny ip log 30 permit ip exit

Figure 5-40. Example of an ACL Listed with the Config Option


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Displaying ACL Configuration Data

Table 5-5.
Field Name Type

Descriptions of Data Types Included in Show Access-List < acl-id > Output
Description The ACL identifier. For IPv6 ACLs, is an alphanumeric name. For IPv4 ACLs, can be a number from 1 to 199, or an alphanumeric name. IPv6, Standard, or Extended. IPv6 ACLs use a source and a destination address, plus IPv6 protocol specifiers. Standard ACLs are IPv4 only, and use only a source IP address. Extended ACLs are available in IPv4 only, and use both source and destination IP addressing, as well as other IP protocol specifiers. Yes means the ACL has been applied to an interface. No means the ACL exists in the switch configuration, but has not been applied to any interface, and is therefore not in use. The sequential number of the Access Control Entry (ACE) in the specified ACL. Lists the content of the ACEs in the selected ACL. Permit (forward) or deny (drop) a packet when it is compared to the criteria in the applicable ACE and found to match. Includes the optional log option, if used, in deny actions. Displays any optional remark text configured for the selected ACE. Used for IPv4 Standard ACEs: The source IPv4 address to which the configured mask is applied to determine whether there is a match with a packet. Used for IPv6 ACEs and IPv4 Extended ACEs: The source IPv6 or IPv4 address to which the configured mask is applied to determine whether there is a match with a packet. Used for IPv6 ACEs and IPv4 Extended ACEs: The source and destination IP addresses to which the corresponding configured masks are applied to determine whether there is a match with a packet. Used in IPv4 ACEs, the mask is configured in an ACE and applied to the corresponding IP address in the ACE to determine whether a packet matches the filtering criteria.

Applied SEQ Entry Action Remark IP Src IP Dst IP Mask

Prefix Len Used in IPv6 ACEs to specify the number of consecutive high-order (leftmost) bits of the source and (source and destination addresses configured in an ACE to be used to determine a match with a packet being filtered destination) by the ACE. Proto Port(s) Src Port(s) Dst Port(s) DSCP TOS Used in IPv6 ACEs and IPv4 extended ACEs to specify the packet protocol type to filter. Used in IPv4 extended ACEs to show any TCP or UDP operator and port number(s) included in the ACE. Used in IPv6 ACEs to show TCP or UDP source and destination operator and port number(s) included in the ACE. Used in IPv6 ACEs to show the DSCP precedence or codepoint setting, if any. Used in IPv4 extended ACEs to indicate Type-of-Service setting, if any.

Precedence Used in IPv4 extended ACEs to indicate the IP precedence setting, if any.

Display All ACLs and Their Assignments in the Switch Startup-Config File and Running-Config File
The show config and show running commands include in their listings any configured ACLs and any ACL assignments to VLANs. Refer to figure 5-45 (page 5-93) for an example. Remember that show config lists the startup-config file and show running lists the running-config file.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Creating or Editing ACLs Offline

Creating or Editing ACLs Offline

The section titled Editing an Existing ACL on page 5-68 describes how to use the CLI to edit an ACL, and is most applicable in cases where the ACL is short or there is only a minor editing task to perform. The offline method provides a useful alternative to using the CLI for creating or extensively editing a large ACL.This section describes how to:

move an existing ACL to a TFTP server use a text (.txt) file format to create a new ACL or edit an existing ACL offline use TFTP to load an offline ACL into the switchs running-config

For longer ACLs that may be difficult or time-consuming to accurately create or edit in the CLI, you can use the offline method described in this section.


copy commands that used either tftp or xmodem, also include an option to use usb as a source or destination device for file transfers. So although the following example highlights tftp, remember that xmodem or usb can also be used to transfer ACLs to and from the switch.

Creating or Editing an ACL Offline

The Offline Process
1. Begin by doing one of the following: To edit one or more existing ACLs, use copy command-output tftp to copy the current version of the ACL configuration to a file in your TFTP server. For example, to copy the ACL configuration to a file named acl-001.txt in the TFTP directory on a server at FE80::2a1:200. # copy command-output 'show access-list config' tftp fe80::2a1:200 acl-001.txt pc 2. To create a new ACL, open a text (.txt) file in the appropriate directory on a TFTP server accessible to the switch.

Use a text editor to create or edit the ACL(s) in the *.txt ASCII file format.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Creating or Editing ACLs Offline

If you are replacing an ACL on the switch with a new ACL that uses the same number or name syntax, begin the command file with a no ip accesslist command to remove the earlier version of the ACL from the switchs running-config file. Otherwise, the switch will append the new ACEs in the ACL you download to the existing ACL. For example, if you planned to use the copy command to replace an ACL named List-120, you would place this command at the beginning of the edited file: no ipv6 access-list List-120
no ipv6 access-list List-120 ip access-list "List-120" 10 remark "THIS ACE ALLOWS TELNET" 10 permit tcp fe80::17/128 ::/0 eq 23 20 deny ipv6 fe80::123/128 fe80::/125 log 30 deny ipv6 fe80::255/128 fe80::/125 log 40 remark "THIS IS THE FINAL ACE IN THE LIST" 40 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit

Removes an existing ACL and replaces it with a new version with the same identifier. To append new ACEs to an existing ACL instead of replacing it, you would omit the first line and ensure that the sequence numbering for the new ACEs begin with a number greater than the highest number in the existing list.

Figure 5-41. Example of an Offline ACL File Designed To Replace An Existing ACL 3. Use copy tftp command-file to download the file as a list of commands to the switch.

Example of Using the Offline Process

For example, suppose that you wanted to create an IPv6 ACL for a VACL application and download it to a switch from a TFTP server at FE80::1ad:17.For example, suppose that you wanted to create an IPv6 ACL for a RACL application and download it to a switch from a TFTP server at FE80::1ad:17. 1. You would create a .txt file with the content shown in figure 5-40.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Creating or Editing ACLs Offline

ipv6 access-list "acl-001"

The ; enables a comment in the file.

; CREATED ON JUNE 10 10 remark "Telnet Allowed Here" 10 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:1af::10:14/128 ::/0 eq 23 20 permit tcp 2001:db8:0:1af::10:23/128 ::/0 eq 23 30 deny tcp 2001:db8:0:1af::10/116 ::/0 log 40 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:1af::10/116 ::/0 45 permit ipv6 2001:db8:0:2b1::/64 ::/0 50 deny ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 log exit vlan 20 ipv6 access-group acl-001 vlan

Note: You can use the ; character to denote a comment. The file stored on your TFTP server retains comments, and they appear when you use copy to download the ACL command file. (Comments are not saved in the switch configuration.)

Figure 5-42. Example of a .txt File Designed for Creating an ACL 2. After you copy the above .txt file to the TFTP server at FE80::1ad:17, you would then execute the following command: copy tftp command-file fe80::1ad:17 acl-001.txt pc


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Creating or Editing ACLs Offline

In this example, the CLI would show output similar to the following to indicate that the ACL was successfully downloaded to the switch:


If a transport error occurs, the switch does not execute the command and the ACL is not configured.

HP Switch(config)# copy tftp command-file fe80::1ad:17 acl-001.txt pc Running configuration may change, do you want to continue [y/n]? y 1. ipv6 access-list "acl-001" 6. ; CREATED ON JUNE 10 10. 10 remark "Telnet Denied Here" 13. 10 deny tcp 2001:db8:0:1af::/64 ::/0 eq 23 16. 30 deny tcp ::/0 ::/0 log 19. 40 deny icmp 2001:db8:0:1af::/64 ::/0 134 22. 50 deny icmp 2001:db8:0:1af::/64 ::/0 133 27. ; PERMITS IPV6 ANY ANY 31. 60 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 34. exit 36. vlan 20 ipv6 access-group acl-001 vlan
Note: Blank lines may appear in the command output when you copy the command file to the switch. However, they are eliminated in the copy of the ACL in switch memory. This is normal operation. (See also figure 5-45 for the configuration resulting from this output.)

Figure 5-43. Example of Using copy tftp command-file To Configure an ACL in the Switch
HP Switch(config)# copy tftp command-file fe80::1ad:17 acl-001.txt pc Running configuration may change, do you want to continue [y/n]? y 1. ipv6 access-list "acl-001" 6. ; CREATED ON JUNE 10 10. 10 remark "Telnet Denied Here" 13. 10 deny tcp 2001:db8:0:1af::/64 ::/0 eq 23 16. 30 deny tcp ::/0 ::/0 log 19. 40 deny icmp 2001:db8:0:1af::/64 ::/0 134 22. 50 deny icmp 2001:db8:0:1af::/64 ::/0 133 27. ; PERMITS IPV6 ANY ANY 31. 60 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 34. exit 36. vlan 20 ipv6 access-group acl-001 in
Note: Blank lines may appear in the command output when you copy the command file to the switch. However, they are eliminated in the copy of the ACL in switch memory. This is normal operation. (See also figure 5-45 for the configuration resulting from this output.)

Figure 5-44. Example of Using copy tftp command-file To Configure an ACL in the Switch


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Creating or Editing ACLs Offline


In this example, the command to assign the ACL to a VLAN was included in the .txt command file. If this is not done in your applications, then the next step is to manually assign the new ACL to the intended VLAN. vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < identifier > vlan vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < identifier > in


You can then use the show run or show access-list config command to inspect the switch configuration to ensure that the ACL was properly downloaded.

HP Switch(config)# show run . . . ipv6 access-list "acl-001" 10 remark "Telnet Denied Here" 10 deny tcp ::/0 ::/0 eq 23 30 deny tcp ::/0 ::/0 log 40 deny icmp ::/0 ::/0 134 50 deny icmp ::/0 ::/0 133 60 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit . . . vlan 20 ipv6 access-group "acl-001" vlan ipv6 access-group "acl-001" in exit . . .

As a part of the instruction set included in the .txt file, the ACL is assigned to inbound IP traffic on VLAN 20. Note that the comment preceded by ; in the .txt source file for this configuration do not appear in the ACL configured in the switch.

Figure 5-45. Example of Verifying the .txt File Download to the Switch 5. If the configuration appears satisfactory, save it to the startup-config file: HP Switch(config)# write memory


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

You can monitor ACL performance by using the Deny logging option (which generates log messages when there is a deny ACE match) and the ACE statistics counters (which maintain running totals of the packet matches on each ACE in an ACL).

Enable IPv6 ACL Deny Logging

ACL logging enables the switch to generate a message when IP traffic meets the criteria for a match with an ACE that results in an explicit deny action. You can use ACL logging to help:

Test your network to help ensure that your ACL configuration is detecting and denying the incoming IPv6 traffic you do not want to enter the switch. Receive notification when the switch denies inbound IPv6 traffic you have designed your ACLs to reject (deny).

The switch sends ACL messages to Syslog and optionally to the current console, Telnet, or SSH session. You can use logging < > to configure up to six Syslog server destinations.

Requirements for Using IPv6 ACL Logging

The switch configuration must include an ACL (1) assigned to a port, trunk, or static VLAN interface and (2) containing an ACE configured with the deny action and the log option. If the RACL application is used, then IPv6 routing must be enabled on the switch. For IPv6 ACL logging to a Syslog server: The server must be accessible to the switch and identified in the running configuration. The logging facility must be enabled for Syslog. Debug must be configured to: support ACL messages send debug messages to the desired debug destination


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

These requirements are described in more detail under Enabling ACL Logging on the Switch on page 5-95.

ACL Logging Operation

When the switch detects a packet match with an ACE and the ACE includes both the deny action and the optional log parameter, an ACL log message is sent to the designated debug destination. The first time a packet matches an ACE with deny and log configured, the message is sent immediately to the destination and the switch starts a wait-period of approximately five minutes. (The exact duration of the period depends on how the packets are internally routed.) At the end of the collection period, the switch sends a single-line summary of any additional deny matches for that ACE (and any other deny ACEs for which the switch detected a match). If no further log messages are generated in the wait-period, the switch suspends the timer and resets itself to send a message as soon as a new deny match occurs. The data in the message includes the information illustrated in figure 5-46.

Example of subsequent deny events detected by the switch for the same ACE.

ACL 12/01/08 10:04:45 List NO-TELNET, seq#10 denied tcp 2001:db8:0:1ae::1a:3(1612) ->2001:db8:0:1ad::1a:2(23) on vlan 1, port 7
Example Syslog report of the first deny event detected by the switch for this ACE.

Dec 1 10:04:45 2008:db8:0:1ad::1a:1 ACL: ACL 12/01/08 10:04:45 : ACL NO-TELNET seq#10 denied 6 packets

Figure 5-46. Content of a Message Generated by an ACL-Deny Action

Enabling ACL Logging on the Switch

1. If you are using a Syslog server, use the logging < ip-addr > command to configure the Syslog server IP address(es). Ensure that the switch can access any Syslog server(s) you specify. Use logging facility syslog to enable the logging for Syslog operation. Use the debug destination command to configure one or more log destinations. (Destination options include logging and session. For more information on debug, refer to Debug and Syslog Messaging Operation in appendix C, Troubleshooting, in the latest Management and Configuration Guide for your switch.)

2. 3.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

4. 5.

Use debug acl or debug all to configure the debug operation to include ACL messages. Configure an ACL with the deny action and the log option in one or more ACEs.

For example, suppose that you want to configure the following on a switch receiving IPv6 traffic and configured for IPv4 routing:

For port 1 on VLAN 10 configure an IPv6 ACL with an ACL-ID of NOTELNET and use the PACL in option to deny Telnet traffic entering the switch from IP address FE80::10:3. Configure the switch to send an ACL log message to the current console session and to a Syslog server at on VLAN 50 if the switch detects a packet match denying a Telnet attempt from FE80::10:3.

Syslog Server Switch Console RS-232 Port

VLAN 50 VLAN 20 VLAN 10 FE80::10:1 Port 1 FE80::10:3 Console

Apply the ACL NO TELNET as a PACL on port 1 to deny Telnet access to inboundTelnet traffic from FE80::10:3.

Figure 5-47. Example of an ACL Log Application


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs


Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list NO-TELNET Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# remark "deny fe80::10:3 Telnet traffic." Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# deny tcp host fe80::10:3 any eq telnet log Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6 any any Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# exit Switch(config)# vlan 10 ipv6 access-group NO-TELNET vlan Switch(config)# logging Switch(config)# logging facility syslog Switch(config)# debug destination logging Assigns the ACL named NO-TELNET as Switch(config)# debug destination session a VACL to filter Telnet traffic from Switch(config)# debug acl FE80::10:3 entering the switch on VLAN 10. Switch(config)# write mem Switch(config)# show debug

Debug Logging Destination: Logging - Facility = syslog Severity = debug System Module = all-pass Priority Desc = Session Enabled debug types: event acl log HP Switch(config)# show access-list NO-TELNET config ipv6 access-list "NO-TELNET" 10 remark "deny fe80::10:3 TELNET TRAFFIC" 10 deny tcp fe80::10:3/128 ::/0 eq 23 log 20 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit

Figure 5-48. Commands for Applying an ACL with Logging to Figure 5-47 For example, suppose that you want to configure the following operation:

For VLAN 10 configure an ACL with an ACL-ID of NO-TELNET and use the RACL in option to deny Telnet traffic entering the switch from IP address 2001:db8:0:4b1::10:3 to any routed destination. (Note that this assignment will not filter Telnet traffic from 2001:db8:0:4b1::10:3 to destinations on VLAN 10 itself.)


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

Configure the switch to send an ACL log message to the current console session and to a Syslog server at 2001:db8:0:4b1::20:3 on VLAN 20 if the switch detects a packet match denying a Telnet attempt from 2001:db8:0:4b1::10:3.

(This example assumes that IPv6 routing is already configured on the switch.)

Syslog Server Switch Console RS-232 Port

VLAN 20 2002:db8:0:4b1::20:1 VLAN 10 2002:db8:0:4b1::10:1 Subnet 10 2002:db8:0:4b1::10:3 Console Subnet 20 2002:db8:0:4b1::20:3

Apply the ACL NO TELNET as a RACL here to deny Telnet access to inbound, routed Telnet traffic from 2002:db8:0:4b1::10:3.

Block Telnet access to routed destinations from this host.

Figure 5-49. Example of an ACL Log Application


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs


Switch(config)# ipv6 access-list NO-TELNET Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# remark "deny TELNET TRAFFIC IN" Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# deny tcp host 2001:db8:0:4b1::10:3 any eq telnet log Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6 any any Switch(config-ipv6-acl)# exit Switch(config)# vlan 22 ipv6 access-group NO-TELNET in Switch(config)# logging 2001:db8:0:4b1::20:3 Switch(config)# logging facility syslog Switch(config)# debug destination logging Assigns the ACL named NO-TELNET as an RACL to filter routed Telnet traffic from Switch(config)# debug destination session 2001:db8:0:4b1::10:3 entering the switch on Switch(config)# debug acl VLAN 10. Switch(config)# write mem Switch(config)# show debug

Debug Logging Source IP Selection: Outgoing Interface Destination: Logging -2001:db8:0:4b1::20:3 Facility = syslog Severity = debug System Module = all-pass Priority Desc = Session Enabled debug types: event acl log HP Switch(config)# show access-list config ipv6 access-list "NO-TELNET" 10 remark "deny TELNET TRAFFIC IN" 10 deny tcp 2001:db8:0:4b1::10:3/128 ::/0 eq 23 log 20 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 exit

Figure 5-50. Commands for Applying an ACL with Logging to Figure 5-49


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

Monitoring Static ACL Performance

ACL statistics counters provide a means for monitoring ACL performance by using counters to display the current number of matches the switch has detected for each ACE in an ACL assigned to a switch interface. This can help, for example, to determine whether a particular traffic type is being filtered by the intended ACE in an assigned list, or if traffic from a particular device or network is being filtered as intended.


This section describes the command for monitoring static ACL performance. To monitor RADIUS-assigned ACL performance, use either of the following commands: show access-list radius < all | port-list > show port-access < authenticator | mac-based | web-based > clients < port-list > detailed Refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Server Support for Switch Services in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch.

Syntax: < show | clear > statistics aclv4 < acl-name-str > port < port-# > aclv4 < acl-name-str > vlan < vid > < in | out | vlan > aclv6 < acl-name-str > port < port-# > aclv6 < acl-name-str > vlan < vid > vlan < in | out | vlan > show: Displays the current match (hit) count per ACE for the specified IPv6 or IPv4 static ACL assignment on a specific interface. clear: Resets ACE hit counters to zero for the specified IPv6 or IPv4 static ACL assignment on a specific interface. Total: This column lists the running total of the matches the switch has detected for the ACEs in an applied ACL since the ACLs counters were last reset to 0 (zero) For example figure 5-51 illustrates both IPv6 and IPv4 ACL activity:


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

HP Switch# show statistics aclv6 TEST-01 vlan 20 vlan HitCounts for ACL IPV6-ACL Total ( 12) 10 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 128 ( 6) 20 deny tcp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 eq 23 log ( 41) 30 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 HP Switch# show statistics aclv4 102 vlan 20 vlan HitCounts for ACL 102 Total ( 4) 10 permit icmp 8 ( 8) 20 deny icmp 8 ( 2) 30 permit tcp eq 23 ( 2) 55 deny tcp 8 ( 125) 60 permit ip

Figure 5-51. Example of IPv6 and IPv4 ACL Statistics

ACE Counter Operation: For a given ACE in an assigned ACL, the counter increments by 1 each time the switch detects a packet that matches the criteria in that ACE, and maintains a running total of the matches since the last counter reset. For example, in ACL line 10 below, there has been a total of 37 matches on the ACE since the last time the ACLs counters were reset. Total
( 37) 10 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 128

Notes: This ACL monitoring feature does not include hits on the implicit deny that is included at the end of all ACLs. Also, if the show statistics command does not show any ACE hit activity at first use, re-execute the command. Resetting ACE Hit Counters to Zero: Using the clear statistics command (page 5-100). Removing an ACL from an interface zeros the ACLs ACE counters for that interface only. For a given ACL, either of the following actions clear the ACE counters to zero for all interfaces to which the ACL is assigned. adding or removing a permit or deny ACE in the ACL rebooting the switch


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

Example of ACL Performance Monitoring

Figure 5-52 shows a sample of performance monitoring output for an IPv6 ACL assigned as a VACL.
HP Switch# show statistics aclv6 V6-02 vlan 20 vlan HitCounts for ACL V6-02 Total ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 5) 4) 136) 2) 10) 8) 155) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 128 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:3/128 128 permit tcp fe80::20:1/128 ::/0 eq 23 deny icmp ::/0 fe80::20:1/128 128 deny tcp ::/0 ::/0 eq 23 deny icmp ::/0 ::/0 133 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0

Figure 5-52. Example of IPv6 ACL Performance Monitoring Output Figure 5-53 shows a sample of performance monitoring output for an IPv4 ACL assigned as a VACL.

HP Switch# show statistics aclv4 102 vlan 20 vlan HitCounts for ACL 102 Total ( ( ( ( ( ( 1) 2) 2) 1) 10) 27) 10 permit icmp 8 20 deny icmp 8 log 30 deny icmp 8 log 40 deny icmp 8 log 50 deny tcp eq 23 log 60 permit ip

Figure 5-53. Example of IPv4 ACL Performance Monitoring Output


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

Example of Resetting ACE Hit Counters to Zero

The following example uses the counter activity in figure 5-52 (page 5-102) to demonstrate using clear statistics to reset the counters to zero.
HP Switch# show statistics aclv6 V6-02 vlan 20 vlan HitCounts for ACL V6-02 Total ( 5) 10 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 128 ( 4) 20 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:3/128 128 ( 136) 30 permit tcp fe80::20:1/128 ::/0 eq 23 ( 2) 40 deny icmp ::/0 fe80::20:1/128 128 ( 10) 50 deny tcp ::/0 ::/0 eq 23 ( 8) 60 deny icmp ::/0 ::/0 133 ( 155) 70 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 HP Switch# clear statistics aclv6 V6-02 vlan 20 vlan HP Switch# show statistics aclv6 V6-02 vlan 20 vlan HitCounts for ACL V6-02 Total

( ( ( ( ( ( (

0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70

permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 128 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:3/128 128 permit tcp fe80::20:1/128 ::/0 eq 23 deny icmp ::/0 fe80::20:1/128 128 deny tcp ::/0 ::/0 eq 23 deny icmp ::/0 ::/0 133 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0

Figure 5-54. Example of IPv6 ACL Performance Monitoring Output


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

IPv6 Counter Operation with Multiple Interface Assignments

The examples of counters in this section use small values to help illustrate counter operation. The counters in real-time network applications are generally much more active and show higher values. Where the same IPv6 ACL is assigned to multiple interfaces, the switch maintains a separate instance of each ACE counter in the ACL. When there is a match with traffic on one of the ACLs assigned interfaces, only the affected ACE counters for that interface are incremented. Other instances of the same ACL applied to other interfaces are not affected. For example, suppose that:

An ACL named V6-01 is configured as shown in figure 5-55 to block Telnet access to a workstation at FE80::20:2, which is connected to a port belonging to VLAN 20. The ACL is assigned as a PACL (port ACL) on port 2, which is also a member of VLAN 20:

HP Switch(config)# show access-list V6-01 config ipv6 access-list "V6-01" 10 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 128 20 deny tcp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 eq 23 log 30 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 Assigns the ACL to port 2. exit HP Switch(config)# int 2 ipv access-group V6-01 in

Figure 5-55. ACL V6-01 and Command for PACL Assignment on Port 2

3800 Switch VLAN 20 FE80::20:1 Port 2

FE80::20:117 FE80::20:2 ACL V6-01 assigned as a PACL on port 2.

Figure 5-56. Application to Filter Traffic Inbound on Port 2


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

Using the topology in figure 5-56, a workstation at FE80::20:117 on port 2 attempting to ping and Telnet to the workstation at FE80::20:2 is filtered through the PACL instance of the V6-01 ACL assigned to port 2, resulting in the following:

HP Switch# ping6 fe80::20:2%vlan20 fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0020:0002 is alive, time = 5 ms HP Switch# telnet fe80::20:2%vlan20 Telnet failed: Connection timed out. #

Figure 5-57. Ping and Telnet from FE80::20:117 to FE80::20:2 Filtered by the Assignment of V6-01 as a PACL on Port 2

HP Switch# show statistics aclv6 IP-01 port 2 Hit Counts for ACL IPV6-ACL Total ( 1) 10 permit icmp fe80::20:3/128 fe80::20:2/128 128 ( 5) 20 deny tcp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 eq 23 log ( 4) 30 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 HP Switch(config)# Indicates denied attempts to Telnet to FE80::20:2 via the instance of the V601 PACL assignment on port 2. Indicates permitted attempts to reach any accessible destination via the instance of the V6-01 PACL assignment on port 2. Shows the successful ping permitted by ACE 10.

Figure 5-58. Resulting ACE Hits on ACL V6-01


IPv4 ACE counters assigned as RACLs operate differently than described above. For more information, refer to the following section.

IPv4 Counter Operation with Multiple Interface Assignments

Where the same IPv4 ACL is assigned to multiple interfaces as a VLAN ACL (VACL) or port ACL (PACL), the switch maintains a separate instance of ACE counters for each interface assignment. Thus, when there is a match with traffic on one of the ACLs VACL- or PACL -assigned interfaces, only the ACE counter in the affected instance of the ACL is incremented. However, if an ACL


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

has multiple assignments as an RACL, then a match with an ACE in any RACL instance of the ACL increments that same counter on all RACL-assigned instances of that ACL. (The ACE counters for VACL and PACL instances of an ACL are not affected by counter activity in RACL instances of the same ACL.) For example, suppose that an IPv4 ACL named Test-1 is configured as shown in figure 5-59 to block Telnet access to a server at on VLAN 20, and that the Test-1 ACL is assigned to VLANs as follows:


HP Switch(config)# show access-list Test1 config ip access-list extended Test1 10 deny tcp eq 23 log 20 permit ip exit HP Switch(config)# vlan 20 ip access-group Test-1 vlan HP Switch(config)# vlan 50 ip access-group Test-1 in HP Switch(config)# vlan 70 ip access-group Test-1 in

Assigns the ACL as a VACL to VLAN 20. Assigns the ACL as an RACL to VLANs 50 and 70.

Figure 5-59. ACL Test-1 and Interface Assignment Commands

ACL Test-1 assigned as a VACL to VLAN 20.

3800 Switch VLAN 20 VLAN 50

.0 10.10.30 .0 10.10.20

.0 10.10.70

ACL Test-1 assigned as an RACL to both VLAN 50 and VLAN 70.

Figure 5-60. Example of Using the Same IPv4 ACL for VACL and RACL Applications


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

In the above case:

Matches with ACEs 10 or 20 that originate on VLAN 20 will increment only the counters for the instances of these two ACEs in the Test-1 VACL assignment on VLAN 20. The same counters in the instances of ACL Test-1 assigned to VLANs 50 and 70 will not be incremented. Any Telnet requests to that originate on VLANs 50 or 70 will be filtered by instances of Test-1 assigned as RACLs, and will increment the counters for ACE 10 on both RACL instances of the Test-1 ACL.

Using the network in figure 5-60, a device at on VLAN 20 attempting to ping and Telnet to is filtered through the VACL instance of the Test-1 ACL on VLAN 20 and results in the following:
HP Switch(config)# ping is alive, time = 5 ms HP Switch(config)# telnet Telnet failed: Connection timed out.

Figure 5-61. Ping and Telnet from to Filtered by the Assignment of Test-1 as an IPv4 VACL on VLAN 20

HP Switch(config)# show statistics aclv4 Test-1 vlan 20 vlan Hit Counts for ACL Test-1 Total ( ( 5) 2)
Indicates denied attempts to Telnet to filtered by the instance of the Test-1 VACL assignment on VLAN 20.

10 deny tcp eq 23 log 20 permit ip
Indicates permitted attempts to reach any accessible destination via the instance of the Test1 VACL assignment on VLAN 20. In this example, shows the successful pings permitted by ACE

HP Switch# show statistics aclv4 Test-1 vlan 50 in Hit Counts for ACL Test-1 Total ( ( 0) 0)
Shows that the hits on the instance of the Test-1 VACL assignment on VLAN 20 have no effect on the counters for the RACL assignment of Test-1 on VLAN 50.

10 deny tcp eq 23 log 20 permit ip

Figure 5-62. Resulting ACE Hits on IPv4 ACL Test-1


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

However, using a device at on VLAN 50 for attempts to ping and Telnet to requires routing, and filters the attempts through the RACL instance of the Test-1 ACL on VLAN 50.

HP Switch# ping is alive, time = 25 ms HP Switch# telnet Telnet failed: Connection timed out.

Figure 5-63. Ping and Telnet from to Filtered by the Assignment of Test-1 as an IPv4 RACL on VLAN 30 This action has an identical effect on the counters in all RACL instances of the Test-1 ACL configured and assigned to interfaces on the same switch. In this example, it means that the RACL assignments of Test-1 on VLANs 50 and 70 will be incremented by the above action occurring on VLAN 50.

HP Switch(config)# show statistics aclv4 Test-1 vlan 50 in Hit Counts for ACL Test-1 Total ( ( 6) 1)
Indicates the same type of data as shown in figure 5-62 for the VACL assignment of the Test-1 ACL. That is, the Ping attempt incremented the counters for ACE 20 and the Telnet attempt incremented the counters for ACE 10 in the VLAN 50 RACL instance of the ACL.

10 deny tcp eq 23 log 20 permit ip

Figure 5-64. Resulting ACE Hits on the VLAN 30 IPv4 RACL Assignment of the Test-1 ACL
HP Switch(config)# show statistics aclv4 Test-1 vlan 70 in HitCounts for ACL Test-1 Total ( ( 6) 1)
The ACE counters in the VLAN 70 RACL assignment of Test-1 are also incremented by the commands executed in figure 5-63.

10 deny tcp eq 23 log 20 permit ip

Figure 5-65. Resulting ACE Hits on the VLAN 70 IPv4 RACL Assignment of the Test-1 ACL Note that the ACE counters for the VACL assignment of the Test-1 ACL on VLAN 20 are not affected by ACE hits on the RACL assignments of the same ACL.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

Monitoring Static ACL Performance

ACL statistics counters provide a means for monitoring ACL performance by using counters to display the current number of matches the switch has detected for each ACE in an ACL assigned to a switch interface. This can help, for example, to determine whether a particular traffic type is being filtered by the intended ACE in an assigned list, or if traffic from a particular device or network is being filtered as intended.


This section describes the command for monitoring static ACL performance. To monitor RADIUS-assigned ACL performance, use either of the following commands: show access-list radius < all | port-list > show port-access < authenticator | mac-based | web-based > clients < port-list > detailed Refer to the chapter titled Configuring RADIUS Server Support for Switch Services in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch.

Syntax: show statistics < aclv4 | aclv6 > acl-name-str < port < port-# > | vlan < vid >> < in | out | vlan > Displays the current match (hit) count per ACE for the specified IPv4 or IPv6 static ACL assignment on a specific interface. For example:
HP Switch# show statistics aclv6 IPV6-ACL vlan 20 vlan HitCounts for ACL IPV6-ACL Total ( ( ( 12) ( 6) ( 41) ( Delta 2) 0) 10) 10 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 128 20 deny tcp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 eq 23 log 30 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

HP Switch# show statistics aclv4 102 vlan 20 vlan HitCounts for ACL 102 Total ( ( ( ( ( 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) ( ( ( ( ( Delta 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 10 20 30 55 60 permit icmp 8 deny icmp 8 permit tcp eq 23 deny tcp 8 permit ip

The command displays a counter for each ACE in an ACL assigned to an interface on the switch: Total: This column lists the running total of the matches the switch has detected for the ACEs in an applied ACL since the ACLs counters were last reset, and includes the match count listed in the Delta column for the same ACE. Delta: This column lists the number of matches the switch has detected for the indicated ACE since the most recent of the following two events: the last instance of executing show statistics < aclv4 | aclv6 > for the ACL. the last time the ACE counters were reset to 0 (zero) The Delta value is included in the Total value for the same ACE. ACE Counter Operation: For a given ACE in an assigned ACL, both counters increment by 1 each time the switch detects a packet that matches the criteria in that ACE. However, the Total counter maintains the running total of the matches since the last reset, while the Delta counter shows only the number of matches since either the last show statistics aclv4 | aclv6 > command or the last time all counters in the ACL were reset. For example, in line 10 below, there has been a total of 37 matches on the ACE in line 10 since the last time the ACLs counters were reset, and 9 of those matches have occurred after the last show statistics aclv6 command.
Total ( 37) ( Delta 9) 10 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 128


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

For example, in line 10 below, there has been a total of 37 matches on the ACE in line 10 since the last time the ACLs counters were reset, and 9 of those matches have occurred after the last show statistics aclv4 command.
Total ( Delta 9) 10 permit ip 255.255.255...

37) (

Notes: This ACL monitoring feature does not include hits on the implicit deny that is included at the end of all ACLs. Also, if the show statistics command does not show any ACE hit activity at first use, re-execute the command. Resetting ACE Hit Counters to Zero: Removing an ACL from an interface zeros the ACLs ACE counters for that interface only. For a given ACL, either of the following actions clear the ACE counters to zero for all interfaces to which the ACL is assigned. adding or removing a permit or deny ACE in the ACL rebooting the switch

Example of ACL Performance Monitoring

Figure 5-52 shows a sample of performance monitoring output for an IPv6 ACL assigned as a VACL.

HP Switch# show statistics aclv6 V6-02 vlan 20 vlan HitCounts for ACL V6-02 Total ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 5) 4) 136) 2) 10) 8) 155) Delta ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 2) 0) 16) 0) 10) 0) 8) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 128 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:3/128 128 permit tcp fe80::20:1/128 ::/0 eq 23 deny icmp ::/0 fe80::20:1/128 128 deny tcp ::/0 ::/0 eq 23 deny icmp ::/0 ::/0 133 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0

Figure 5-66. Example of IPv6 ACL Performance Monitoring Output Figure 5-53 shows a sample of performance monitoring output for an IPv4 ACL assigned as a VACL.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

HP Switch# show statistics aclv4 102 vlan 20 vlan HitCounts for ACL 102 Total ( ( ( ( 1) ( 2) ( 2) ( 1) ( Delta 1) 2) 2) 0) 5) 9) 10 permit icmp 8 20 deny icmp 8 log 30 deny icmp 8 log 40 deny icmp 8 log 50 deny tcp eq 60 permit ip 255.255.255.

( 10) ( 23 log ( 27) ( 255

Figure 5-67. Example of IPv4 ACL Performance Monitoring Output

IPv6 Counter Operation with Multiple Interface Assignments

The examples of counters in this section use small values to help illustrate counter operation. The counters in real-time network applications are generally much more active and show higher values. Where the same IPv6 ACL is assigned to multiple interfaces, the switch maintains a separate instance of each ACE counter in the ACL. When there is a match with traffic on one of the ACLs assigned interfaces, only the affected ACE counters for that interface are incremented. Other instances of the same ACL applied to other interfaces are not affected. For example, suppose that:

An ACL named V6-01 is configured as shown in figure 5-55 to block Telnet access to a workstation at FE80::20:2 on VLAN 20. The ACL is assigned as a PACL on port 2:


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

VLAN-20.1(config)# show access-list config ipv6 access-list "V6-01" 10 permit icmp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 128 20 deny tcp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 eq 23 log 30 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0 Assigns the ACL to port 2. exit VLAN-20.1(config)# int 2 ipv access-group V6-01 in

Figure 5-68. ACL V6-01 and Command for PACL Assignment on Port 2

3800 Switch VLAN 20 FE80::20:1 Port 2

FE80::20:117 FE80::20:2 ACL V6-01 assigned as a PACL on port 2.

Figure 5-69. Application to Filter Traffic Inbound on Port 2 Using the topology in figure 5-56, a workstation at FE80::20:117 on port 2 attempting to ping and Telnet to the workstation at FE80::20:2 is filtered through the PACL instance of the V6-01 ACL assigned to port 2, resulting in the following:

VLAN-20.117# ping6 fe80::20:2%vlan20 fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0020:0002 is alive, time = 5 ms VLAN-20.117# telnet fe80::20:2%vlan20 Telnet failed: Connection timed out. VLAN-20.117#

Figure 5-70. Ping and Telnet from FE80::20:117 to FE80::20:2 Filtered by the Assignment of V6-01 as a PACL on Port 2


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

VLAN-20.1# show statistics aclv6 IP-01 port 2 Hit Counts for ACL IPV6-ACL Total Delta
In this example, shows the succesful pings permitted by ACE 10. Indicates permitted attempt to reach any accessible destination via the instance of the V6-01 PACL assignment on port 2.

( 1) ( 1) ( 5) ( 5) ( 4) ( 4) VLAN-20.1(config)#

10 permit icmp fe80::20:3/128 fe80::20:2/128 128 20 deny tcp ::/0 fe80::20:2/128 eq 23 log 30 permit ipv6 ::/0 ::/0
Indicates denied attempts to Telnet to FE80::20:2 via the instance of the V601 PACL assignment on port 2. Indicates other, permitted IPv6 traffic inbound on port 2.

Figure 5-71. Resulting ACE Hits on ACL V6-01


IPv4 ACE counters assigned as RACLs operate differently than described above. For more information, refer to the chapter titled IPv4 Access Control Lists (ACLs) in the latest Access Security Guide for your switch.

IPv4 Counter Operation with Multiple Interface Assignments

Where the same IPv4 ACL is assigned to multiple interfaces as a VLAN ACL (VACL) or port ACL (PACL), the switch maintains a separate instance of ACE counters for each interface assignment. Thus, when there is a match with traffic on one of the ACLs VACL- or PACL -assigned interfaces, only the ACE counter in the affected instance of the ACL is incremented. However, if an ACL has multiple assignments as an RACL, then a match with an ACE in any RACL instance of the ACL increments that same counter on all RACL-assigned instances of that ACL. (The ACE counters for VACL and PACL instances of an ACL are not affected by counter activity in RACL instances of the same ACL.) For example, suppose that an ACL named Test-1 is configured as shown in figure 5-59 to block Telnet access to a server at on VLAN 20, and that the Test-1 ACL is assigned to VLANs as follows:



IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

HP Switch(config)# show access-list config ip access-list extended Test1 10 deny tcp eq 23 log 20 permit ip exit HP Switch(config)# vlan 20 ip access-group Test-1 vlan HP Switch(config)# vlan 50 ip access-group Test-1 in HP Switch(config)# vlan 70 ip access-group Test-1 in

Assigns the ACL as a VACL to VLAN 20. Assign the ACL as an RACL to VLANs 50 and 70.

Figure 5-72. ACL Test-1 and Interface Assignment Commands

ACL Test-1 assigned as a VACL to VLAN 20.

3800 Switch VLAN 20 VLAN 50

.0 10.10.30 .0 10.10.20

.0 10.10.70

ACL Test-1 assigned as an RACL to both VLAN 50 and VLAN 70.

Figure 5-73. Example of Using the Same ACL for VACL and RACL Applications In the above case:

Matches with ACEs 10 or 20 that originate on VLAN 20 will increment only the counters for the instances of these two ACEs in the Test-1 VACL assignment on VLAN 20. The same counters in the instances of ACL Test-1 assigned to VLANs 50 and 70 will not be incremented. Any Telnet requests to that originate on VLANs 50 or 70 will be filtered by instances of Test-1 assigned as RACLs, and will increment the counters for ACE 10 on both RACL instances of the Test-1 ACL.

Using the network in figure 5-60, a device at on VLAN 20 attempting to ping and Telnet to is filtered through the VACL instance of the Test-1 ACL on VLAN 20 and results in the following:


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

VLAN-20.4(config)# ping is alive, time = 5 ms VLAN-20.4(config)# telnet Telnet failed: Connection timed out. VLAN-20.4(config)#

Figure 5-74. Ping and Telnet from to Filtered by the Assignment of Test-1 as a VACL on VLAN 20

VLAN-20.1(config)# show statistics aclv4 Test-1 vlan 20 vlan Hit Counts for ACL Test-1 Total ( 5) ( 23 log ( 2) ( 255 5) 2)
Indicates denied attempts to Telnet to filtered by the instance of the Test-1 VACL assignment on VLAN 20.

10 deny tcp eq 20 permit ip 255.255.255.
Indicates permitted attempts to reach any accessible destination via the instance of the Test-1 VACL assignment on VLAN 20. In this example, shows the succesful pings permitted by ACE 20.

VLAN-20.1# show statistics aclv4 Test-1 vlan 50 in Hit Counts for ACL Test-1 Total ( 0) ( 23 log ( 0) ( 255 VLAN-20.4# 0) 0)
Shows that the hits on the instance of the Test-1 VACL assignment on VLAN 20 have no effect on the counters for the RACL assignment of Test-1 on VLAN 50. The result applies to the RACL assignment of Test-1 on VLAN 70.

10 deny tcp eq 20 permit ip 255.255.255.

Figure 5-75. Resulting ACE Hits on ACL Test-1 However, using a device at on VLAN 50 for attempts to ping and Telnet to requires routing, and filters the attempts through the RACL instance of the Test-1 ACL on VLAN 50.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) Testing and Troubleshooting ACLs

VLAN-30.11# ping is alive, time = 25 ms VLAN-30.11# telnet Telnet failed: Connection timed out. VLAN-30.11#

Figure 5-76. Ping and Telnet from to Filtered by the Assignment of Test-1 as a RACL on VLAN 30 This action has an identical effect on the counters in all RACL instances of the Test-1 ACL configured and assigned to interfaces on the same switch. In this example, it means that the RACL assignments of Test-1 on VLANs 50 and 70 will be incremented by the above action occurring on VLAN 50.

VLAN-20.1(config)# show statistics aclv4 Test-1 vlan 50 in Hit Counts for ACL Test-1 Total ( 6) ( 6) 23 log ( 1) ( 1) 255 VLAN-20.1(config)#
Indicates the same type of data as shown in figure 5-62 for the VACL assignment of the Test-1 ACL. That is, the Ping attempt incremented the counters for ACE 20 and the Telnet attempt incremented the counters for ACE 10 in the VLAN 50 RACL instance of the ACL.

10 deny tcp eq 20 permit ip 255.255.255.

Figure 5-77. Resulting ACE Hits on the VLAN 30 RACL Assignment of the Test-1 ACL
VLAN-20.1(config)# show statistics aclv4 Test-1 vlan 70 in HitCounts for ACL Test-1 Total ( 6) ( 6) 23 log ( 1) ( 1) 255 VLAN-20.1(config)#
The ACE counters in the VLAN 70 RACL assignment of Test-1 are also incremented by the commands executed in figure 5-63.

10 deny tcp eq 20 permit ip 255.255.255.

Figure 5-78. Resulting ACE Hits on the VLAN 70 RACL Assignment of the Test-1 ACL Note that the ACE counters for the VACL assignment of the Test-1 ACL on VLAN 20 are not affected by ACE hits on the RACL assignments of the same ACL.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) General ACL Operating Notes

General ACL Operating Notes

ACLs do not provide DNS hostname support. ACLs cannot be configured to screen hostname IP traffic between the switch and a DNS. ACLs Do Not Affect Serial Port Access. ACLs do not apply to the switchs serial port. ACL Screening of IPv6 Traffic Generated by the Switch. Outbound IPv6 RACL applications on a switch do not screen IPv6 traffic (such as broadcasts, Telnet, Ping, and ICMP replies) generated by the switch itself. Note that all ACLs applied on the switch do screen this type of traffic when other devices generate it. Similarly, all ACL applications can screen responses from other devices to unscreened IPv6 traffic the switch generates. ACL Logging. The ACL logging feature generates a message only when packets are explicitly denied as the result of a match, and not when explicitly permitted or implicitly denied. To help test ACL logging, configure the last entry in an ACL as an explicit deny statement with a log statement included, and apply the ACL to an appropriate port or VLAN. Logging enables you to selectively test specific devices or groups. However, excessive logging can affect switch performance. For this reason, Hp Networking recommends that you remove the logging option from ACEs for which you do not have a present need. Also, avoid configuring logging where it does not serve an immediate purpose. (Note that ACL logging is not designed to function as an accounting method.) See also Apparent Failure To Log All Deny Matches in the section titled ACL Problems, found in appendix C, Troubleshooting of the latest Management and Configuration Guide for your switch. When configuring logging, you can reduce excessive resource use by configuring the appropriate ACEs to match with specific hosts instead of entire subnets. (For more on resource usage, refer to Monitoring Shared Resources on page 5-119.)


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) General ACL Operating Notes

Minimum Number of ACEs in an IPv6 ACL. An IPv6 ACL must include at least one ACE to enable traffic screening. An IPv6 ACL can be created empty; that is, without any ACEs. However if an empty ACL applied to an interface, the Implicit Deny function does not operate, and the ACL has no effect on traffic. Monitoring Shared Resources. Applied ACLs share internal switch resources with several other features. However, if the internal resources become fully subscribed, additional ACLs cannot be applied until the necessary resources are released from other applications. For information on determining current resource availability and usage, refer to appendix E, Monitoring Resources in the latest Management and Configuration Guide for your switch. See also the appendix titled Scalability and System Maximums in the same guide. Protocol Support. ACL criteria does not include use of MAC address information or QoS. Replacing or Adding To an Active IPv6 ACL Policy. If you assign an IPv6 ACL to an interface and subsequently add or replace ACEs in that ACL, each new ACE becomes active when you enter it. If the ACL is configured on multiple interfaces when the change occurs, then the switch resources must accommodate all applications of the ACL. If there are insufficient resources to accommodate one of several ACL applications affected by the change, then the change is not applied to any of the interfaces and the previous version of the ACL remains in effect. Refer to Monitoring Shared Resources, above. Strict IPv6 TCP and UDP. When the IPv6 ACL configuration includes TCP or UDP options, the switch operates in strict TCP and UDP mode for increased control. In this case, the switch compares all IPv6 TCP and UDP packets against the IPv6 ACLs. Connection-Rate ACLs. ACL connection-rate ACLs are supported for IPv4 ACLs, but not for IPv6 ACLs. Unable to Delete an Empty ACL in the Running Configuration. The no vlan < vid > ipv6 access-group < name-str > vlan command does not delete the named ACL if the ACL is currently assigned to an interface.


IPv6 Access Control Lists (ACLs) General ACL Operating Notes

Unable to Delete an ACL in the Running Configuration

Attempting to delete an ACL that is currently assigned to an interface removes all configured ACEs from the ACL, but leaves an empty ACL in the configuration. To delete an ACL that is currently assigned to an interface, do the following: In the interface context, use the no ipv6 access-group command to remove the ACL from the interface. Use the no ipv6 access-list < name-str > command to delete the ACL.


IPv6 Routing Basics
IPv6 Routing Overview
The switches covered by this guide support these IPv6 routing features:

static IPv6 routing (chapter 7) router advertisements for host configuration (chapter 8) DHCPv6-Relay (chapter 9) dynamic IPv6 routing using OSPFv3 (chapter 10)

This chapter covers basic IPv6 routing topics and configuration needed to implement both static and dynamic IPv6 routing. Commands covered in this chapter include the following:
Command ipv6 unicast-routing ip router-id < ip-addr > show ipv6 ospf3 general ipv6 hop-limit < 1 - 255 > (Default: 64) ipv6 route ::/0 (default route) show ipv6 route [ ipv6-addr | connected | static | ospf3 ] show ipv6 ospf3 (for router ID) Min. Context Page global config global config global config global config n/a n/a 6-7 6-9 6-12 6-13 6-14 6-9


To use the switch in IPv6 host-only mode in an IPv6 routing environment or for information on configuring IPv6 addresses, refer to:

Enabling Autoconfiguration of a Global Unicast Address and a Default Router Identity on a VLAN on page 1-5 Router Access and Default Router Selection on page 1-27

In the context of the routing operation supported on the HP Networking switches covered in this guide, the switches are referred to as routing switches.


IPv6 Routing Basics IPv6 Routing Overview

Routing topics and terminology in this chapter refer to IPv6 routing only. For information on IPv4 routing, refer to the latest Multicast and Routing Guide for your routing switch. For more on the technical publications for your routing switch, refer to Sources for More Information on page 1-4.

Dual-Stack IPv4/IPv6 Operation

The switches covered by this guide support IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack operation. This allows full ethernet link support for switching and routing both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic on the same VLAN interfaces configured on the switch without modifying current IPv4 network topologies. This enables you to use IPv6 devices on existing VLANs, manage the switches and other devices from IPv6 management stations, and create dedicated groups of IPv6 devices as needed to accommodate the need for the IPv6 network growth anticipated for the future.

IPv6 Routing Features

The routing switches covered by this guide support the following IPv6 routing features:
Routing Feature Enabling IPv6 Routing IPv6 Static Routes Router Advertisement (RA) Generation Application Configured at the global config level on individual routing switches to enable IPv6 routing. In smaller networks, static and default routes provide the simplest and most reliable configuration for IPv6 routing. Up to 256 static routes are supported. In IPv6 routed networks this capability enables use of the routing switch to generate the router advertisements IPv6 hosts use to configure themselves with the global unicast addresses and other parameter settings needed to for sending and receiving traffic. Enabled with default settings when IPv6 routing is enabled. Reconfigure as needed. Further Information page 6-7 chapter 7

chapter 8

DHCPv6 Relay In routed networks, this feature enables you to use routing to extend the service range of your DHCPv6 server to destinations reached by routing. OSPFv3 dynamic routing For larger and more complex routed networks where reliance solely on static routing is not feasible, OSPFv3 enables the routing switch to discover routing information from other routers, and to segment an enterprise network into routing domains.

chapter 9

chapter 10


IPv6 Routing Basics IPv6 Routing Overview

IPv6 Networks and Subnets

An IPv6 network is a group of hosts and routers that share a common network prefix and exist on the same VLAN interface. Where multiple unique network prefixes exist on the VLAN, each prefix corresponds to a different subnet. For example, if a given network has a prefix of 2001:db8:1ad:27b::/64, then any global unicast address for an individual device belonging to this network has:

the same prefix (2001:db8:1ad:27b::/64). a unique value (for the interface ID) in the remaining 64 bits of the global unicast addresses.

In the above case, if device A has a interface ID of 218:71ff:fedd:cf00, then its complete global unicast address is: 2001:db8:1ad:27b:218:71ff:fedd:cf00/64


Interface ID

Prefix Length

Traffic between hosts on the same network is switched, and employs link-local addresses that include a reserved prefix (FE80::/64) and a unique interface ID generated from the device MAC address. (Refer to chapter 2, IPv6 Addressing.) Continuing the example from above, device A uses the following link-local address for switching:



Interface ID

Prefix Length

However, when a packet must be sent from one network to another, where the source and destination have different IPv6 network prefixes, the packet must be routed. For example, routing is required to send traffic between the devices at these two addresses residing in different networks:


IPv6 Routing Basics IPv6 Routing Overview


2001:0:db8:17fd:218:71ff:fedd:cf00/64 VLANs and Routing. On the routing switches covered by this guide, IPv6 addresses are associated with individual VLAN interfaces. Link-local addresses are used for switching traffic among devices on the same VLAN, and global unicast addresses are used for routing traffic between different VLANs or subnets. Link-Local. Only one link-local IPv6 address, such as fe80::215:60ff:fe7a:adc0, can be configured on a given VLAN on a routing switch. Global Unicast. Multiple global unicast addresses can be configured on the same VLAN interface, as long as the network prefix for each address occurs only once on the routing switch. For example, you can configure both of the following addresses on either the same VLAN or on different VLANs: 2001:db8:0:1f::1:6/64 2001:db8:0:2f::1:6/64 That is, for global unicast addressing:

(prefix = 2001:db8:0:1f::/64) (prefix = 2001:db8:0:2f::/64)

The same interface identifier can be used with multiple, unique network prefixes (and the link-local address) on any VLAN. Different VLANs must be configured with different network prefixes. Only one instance of a given network prefix can be configured on a routing switch.

To summarize these rules:

IPv6 Address Type link-local Limit one per-VLAN Application Can be either unique or a duplicate of link-local addresses configured in other VLANs on the routing switch.

global unicast

multiple per-VLAN The network prefix must be unique for each global unicast address configured on a given routing switch.


IPv6 Routing Basics IPv6 Routing Operation

For the maximum number of IPv6 addresses configurable on the routing switch and on a given VLAN interface, refer to the Scalability appendix in the Management and Configuration Guide for your routing switch. IPv6 Management Interface. In the default configuration, there is a single VLAN (Default_VLAN; VID = 1) on the routing switch. With only the default VLAN configured, a single link-local IPv6 address serves as the management access address for the entire device. If routing is enabled, the global unicast address on this VLAN also acts as the routing interface.

IPv6 Routing Operation

A switch moves packets within the same local network or subnet. A router moves packets between networks or subnets. When a router receives a packet, it matches the packets destination address to a route in its routing table. This route specifies the gateway, or next-hop, through which the router must forward the packet to enable it to move toward its destination. The gateway is specified as either the next-hop link-local address on a shared VLAN, the ID of that VLAN (vid), or a global unicast address. For example, in figure 6-1 the gateway for a packet moving through router D to the 2001:db8:0:9::/64 network (router A) is either VLAN 3 or the link-local address FE80::3:2/64 in VLAN 3 on router C.

VLAN 9 2001:db8:0:9::9:1/64 FE80::9:1/64 VLAN 7 2001:db8:0:7::7:2/64 FE80::7:2/64

A B VLAN 7 2001:db8:0:7::7:1/64 FE80::7:1/64 VLAN 5 2001:db8:0:5::5:2/64 FE80::5:2/64 VLAN 3 2001:db8:0:3::3:2/64 FE80::3:2/64 VLAN 5 2001:db8:0:5::5:1/64 FE80:5:1/64 C

VLAN 2 2001:db8:0:1::1:1/64 FE80::1:1/64 VLAN 3 2001:db8:0:3::3:1/64 FE80::3:1/64 Gateway for Routing Switch D

Figure 6-1. Example of a Routing Domain


IPv6 Routing Basics IPv6 Routing Operation

A routing switch maintains a routing table containing the best routes to the destinations it has acquired. The routing table can be built from statically configured routes and dynamically configured OSPFv3 routes. Static routes must be manually configured, and are best suited for small networks having few routes and where topology changes are infrequent. A dynamic routing protocol such as OSPFv3 offers scalable control for discovering and assessing reliable routes. The best route to a given destination may change over time, and dynamic routing protocols can react to such changes by replacing routes in the routing table. Dynamic routing also adapts to changes in network topology, while static routing requires manual configuration changes to support topology changes.

Concurrent Static and Dynamic Routing Operation

Static and dynamic routing can operate concurrently in a network. Where there are both static and dynamic routes to the same destination, the routing switch selects the route with the lowest administrative distance for inclusion in the routing table. If the selected route goes down, the routing switch can replace it with a previously existing alternative route.

Router Advertisements (RAs)

Router advertisements are used in both static and dynamic routing environments, and are transmitted per-VLAN from the routing switch for host configuration. RAs carry configuration settings for parameters such as network prefix and neighbor discovery, and are also used to direct hosts to DHCPv6 servers for configuration settings. Enabling IPv6 routing automatically enables RA transmission on all VLANs where it has not been suppressed with one of the following commands:
Global Config Context: VLAN Config Context: (config)# ipv6 nd suppress-ra (vlan-1)# ipv6 nd ra suppress

(For more on this topic, refer to chapter 8, IPv6 Router Advertisements.)


IPv6 Routing Basics IPv6 Routing Operation

When a host on a given VLAN is configured to acquire configuration settings from a DHCPv6 server, it transmits a DHCPv6 request on the VLAN. If there is no DHCPv6 server on the VLAN, then enabling DHCPv6-relay on the routing switch and configuring a helper address on the VLAN routes the host request to a server on another VLAN. Note that the settings in the managed-config-flag and other-config-flag RA options override an enabled DHCPv6 option in a host on the VLAN. (For more on DHCPv6-Relay, refer to chapter 9, DHCPv6Relay. For enabling DHCPv6 requests on a host, refer to Enabling DHCPv6 on page 1-7.)

General Steps for Enabling IPv6 Routing

The following steps provide a guide for enabling IPv6 routing on the switches covered by this guide 1. On each VLAN configure stateless address autoconfiguration and at least one IPv6 global unicast address: vlan < n > ipv6 address autoconfig vlan < n > ipv6 address < prefix >/< prefix-length > eui-64 The above commands result in a link-local address and a global unicast address having a interface ID derived from the routing switchs MAC address. For more on this topic, or to manually configure link-local and global unicast addressing with a non-EUI interface ID, refer to Configuring a Static IPv6 Address on a VLAN on page 1-9. 2. Suppress automatic (default) router advertisements (RAs) on VLAN interfaces where you need to make configuration changes or where you do not currently want these advertisements generated: To globally suppress routing advertisements on the routing switch, use this command in the global config context: ipv6 nd suppress-ra To suppress routing advertisements on individual VLANs, use this command in the context of each VLAN where you want the advertisements suppressed: ipv6 nd ra suppress (The no form of the above two suppress commands disables RA suppression. For more on RAs, refer to chapter 8, IPv6 Router Advertisements.)


IPv6 Routing Basics Configuring Global IPv6 Routing Parameters


Enable IPv6 routing. (This command enables RA transmission on any VLAN where RAs are not specifically suppressed.) ipv6 unicast-routing


For non-default RA operation, configure RAs per-VLAN, including suppression of RAs on any VLANs where you do not want the routing switch to transmit RAs. (Refer to chapter 8, IPv6 Router Advertisements.) Configure one or more of the following routing features: IPv6 static routing. (Refer to chapter 7, IPv6 Static Routing. DHCPv6-Relay. (Refer to chapter 9, DHCPv6-Relay.) OSPFv3. (Refer to chapter 10, OSPFv3 Routing.)


Configuring Global IPv6 Routing Parameters

Table 6-1.
Feature Router ID IPv6 hop-limit Default network route

Global IPv6 Routing Parameters

Default and Range lowest-numbered address on the lowest-numbered routing interface 255 (1 - 255) none configured Page 6-9 6-12 6-13

The following sections describe how to configure the above global IPv6 routing parameters.


This section describes how to configure IPv6 parameters for routing switches. For host-based IPv6 configuration information (Ipv6 routing not enabled), refer to chapter 1, IPv6 Addressing Configuration.

Configuring IPv6 Addresses

IPv6 addresses are configured on the routing switchs VLAN interfaces. For more information, refer to:

Chapter 2, IPv6 Addressing Chapter 1, IPv6 Addressing Configuration


IPv6 Routing Basics Configuring Global IPv6 Routing Parameters

System Router ID
Each routing switch covered by this guide uses a unique router ID to identify itself when exchanging route information with other devices. This ID is formatted as a 32-bit dotted-decimal (IPv4 format) number. For example: An automatically assigned ID is used unless overridden by a manually configured ID.

Automatic Router ID Selection

The first detected IPv4 address becomes the router ID. Prior to a reboot, this can be any IPv4 address configured on the routing switch. Following a reboot, the router ID is set to the lowest IPv4 loopback address detected. If multiple IPv4 loopback addresses are detected at reboot, then the address configured on the lowest-numbered IPv4 loopback interface (lo0 through lo7) becomes the router ID. If the lowest-numbered loopback interface has multiple IPv4 addresses, then the lowest of these addresses is selected as the router ID. Once a router ID is selected, it does not automatically change unless a higher-priority address is configured on the routing switch and the routing protocol is restarted with a reboot.

Viewing the Router ID

To view the current router ID, use one of the following commands: show ip ospf (if OSPFv2 is enabled) show ipv6 ospf3 (if OSPFv3 is enabled) For example, if a routing switch is using a router ID such as

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 ospf3 OSPFv3 General Status OSPFv3 Protocol Router ID . . . Figure 6-2. Example of Displaying the Router ID When OSPFv3 Is Enabled : Enabled :
Example using OSPFv3 to display the current router ID.


IPv6 Routing Basics Configuring Global IPv6 Routing Parameters


If one of the following is true, then the router ID is set to No manual router ID, IPv4 network address, or IPv4 loopback interface address is configured on the routing switch. No dynamic routing protocol is enabled on the routing switch.

Configuring a Router ID
When router ospf3 enable is used to enable OSPFv3 on a routing switch, the following message appears if an IPv4 network or loopback address is not detected:
Either an IPv4 loopback address or a router ID needs to be configured before enabling OSPFv3. Do you want to continue? [y/n]

Typing N (no) keeps OSPFv3 disabled. Typing Y allows OSPFv3 to be enabled without a router ID. However, without the ID, OSPFv3 traffic will not be routed. In this case do one of the following:

Configure an IPv4 address on a loopback interface or VLAN. Manually configure a router ID on the routing switch.

Manually Configuring a Router ID. You can override the current router ID assignment by explicitly configuring the router ID to any valid IPv4 address. (This address must be unique; not configured on another device in the network.) Syntax: [no] ip router-id < n.n.n.n > This optional command configures a router ID for use by any dynamic routing protocol configured on the routing switch. The assignment applies across all routable VLANs on the routing switch, and uses the IPv4 32-bit dotted decimal format. The resulting IPv4 address must be unique in the network. The no ip router-id command replaces a manually configured router ID with the first-detected IPv4 network address configured on a VLAN. If an IPv4 address is not detected on a VLAN, then the lowest-numbered IPv4 address of the lowestnumbered IPv4 loopback interface is used. Changing an Existing Router ID. 1. Go to the global config context. When you do so, the CLI prompt will appear similar to the following: HP Switch(config)#_


IPv6 Routing Basics Configuring Global IPv6 Routing Parameters


Use ip router-id < n.n.n.n > to specify a new router ID. This must be in the IPv4 (32-bit) dotted-decimal address format, and must be unique in the routing switch configuration and your network. For example: If both OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 are enabled, you will see the following prompt:
OSPFv3 and OSPFv2 are running. Router-id will be applied immediately. Protocol will be reset. Continue [y/n]?

Press Y to continue, or press N to exit from the command without changing the ID. If a routing protocol is not enabled, the new ID will be entered and the global config prompt will be displayed.

To view a manually configured router ID, use one of the following commands: show run show ip ospf (if OSPFv2 is enabled) show ipv6 ospf3 (if OSPFv3 is enabled)


IPv6 Routing Basics Configuring Global IPv6 Routing Parameters

Configuring the IPv6 Hop Limit

Syntax: [no] ipv6 hop-limit < 1 - 255 > Global Config Operation: This global config command sets the maximum number of routers (hops) through which packets originating on the routing switch can pass before being discarded (global hop limit). Each router decrements a packets hop limit by 1 before forwarding the packet. If decrementing the hop limit causes it to go to 0 (zero), the decrementing router drops the packet instead of forwarding it. Effect on the Hop Limit Included in Per-VLAN Router Advertisements (RAs): If the routing switch is enabled to send RAs on a given VLAN, and that VLANs RA configuration does not include a hop limit entry, then the global hop limit configured by this command is inserted in the RAs sent from the routing switch on that VLAN. But if the VLANs RA configuration does include a local hop limit entry, then the global config hop limit is replaced by the local hop limit entry configured for inclusion in RAs sent by the routing switch on that VLAN. (For information on configuring a hop limit included in RAs sent on a VLAN, refer to Set or Change the HopLimit for Host-Generated Packets on page 8-10.) (Default: 64; Range: 1 - 255) The no form of the command resets the global hop-limit to the default 64. If hop-limit is set to a nondefault value, you can view the current setting by using the show run command. (When set to the default value, hop-limit does not appear in the show < run | config > command output.


IPv6 Routing Basics Configuring Global IPv6 Routing Parameters

Configuring the IPv6 Default Route

The IPv6 default route(::/0) is a static route used for all traffic that has a destination network not reachable through any other IPv6 route in the routing table. (For more on static routes, refer to chapter 7, IPv6 Static Routing.)


ipv6 route ::/0 < ipv6-gateway-addr > distance < 1 - 255 > no ipv6 route ::/0 < ipv6-addr > Used in the global config context to configure the default route and gateway to use for traffic sent to the default route. ::/0 : Specifies the default IPv6 route. < ipv6-gateway-addr > : Specifies the next-hop router for traffic sent to the default route. distance < 1 - 255 > : Specifies the administrative distance to associate with a static route. For more on this topic, refer to Metric and Administrative Distance on page 6-17. (Default: 1; Range: 1 - 255) The no form of the command deletes the default route for the specified next-hop destination from the routing table.

For example, if 2001:db8:c::9f:35 is the IPv6 address of your ISP router, all nonlocal traffic could be directed to the ISP by configuring the following default route: (config)# ipv6 route ::/0 2001:db8:c::9f:35 To view the default route in the routing table, use show ipv6 route. (Refer to figure 6-3 on page 6-18.)


IPv6 Routing Basics The IPv6 Routing Table

The IPv6 Routing Table

The routing table automatically includes directly connected networks (loopback interfaces and destinations on the routing switch itself). Other routes are added when discovered and determined by the routing switch to be the best route to the given destination.


show ipv6 route [ ipv6-destination [ connected | static | ospf3 ] ] [ connected [ ipv6-destination ] ] [ static [ ipv6-destination ] ] [ ospf3 [ ipv6-destination ] ] Displays the current IPv6 routing table content for the routing switch. Where there are multiple routes to the same destination, only the route with the lowest administrative distance is entered in the routing table and used to forward traffic to that destination.

Different Route Types in the IPv6 Routing Table

Default Route (::/0): This is a static route used by all traffic that has a destination network not reachable through any other IPv6 route in the routing table. Refer to Configuring the IPv6 Default Route on page 6-13. Directly-Connected Routes: These are destinations on the router itself. One route is automatically entered per configured IPv6 interface. Each such route is automatically assigned an administrative distance of 0 and a metric of 1. Directly-connected routes include: VLAN interface: Where the routing switch is connected to a nexthop router on the same interface, a route is automatically entered for the network on which the VLAN is configured. This includes destinations for both global unicast and link-local addresses configured on the routing switch for that VLAN. Manually Configured IPv6 Loopback Interfaces: Refer to Loopback Address on page 2-21. The Loopback Route: This is a static IPv6 route automatically created in the routing table for use if other routes to a destination are not available. The gateway is a loopback interface (lo0) and the destination is ::1/128.


IPv6 Routing Basics The IPv6 Routing Table

Statically Configured Routes: On a given routing switch, one static route can be configured directly into the routing table for each destination. In the default configuration, administrative distance and route metric are both 1. Refer to Configuring Static IPv6 Routes on page 7-5. OSPFv3: If OSPFv3 is enabled, the routing switch learns of routes from the advertisements other OSPFv3 routers transmit. If the OSPFv3 route has a lower administrative distance than any other routes from different sources to the same destination, the routing switch places the route in the IPv6 route table. (Refer to Metric and Administrative Distance on page 6-17.)

Routing Table Content

A routing protocol such as OSPFv3 develops its own database of routes. When the protocol has more than one route to a destination, it selects the route with the lowest administrative distance and inserts this route into the routing table. For each such route, the routing table maintains the following data:

Parameter Destination (IPv6 network prefix)

Overview of Use Composed of the contiguous, high-order bits in a packets destination network prefix that must match the destination network prefix in the routing table entry. For example: Address: 2001:db8:1ad:0:218:71ff:fedd:cf00/64 Prefix: 2001:db8:1ad:0/64 Address: 2626:17b:1:1:218:71ff:fedd:cf00/48 Prefix: 2626:17b:1/48


This is the next-hop router in the path to the destination. It can be either the IPv6 address of the next directly connected router or the VLAN interface to use for forwarding the routed traffic toward its destination. If an IPv6 address is used, it can be either the link-local or global unicast address of the VLAN interface on the next-hop router. Connected: A destination configured on the routing switch itself, and can be a loopback interface, a global unicast address, or a link-local address. Static: A manually configured route to a destination on another router. OSPF3: A route discovered by the OSPFv3 protocol running on the routing switch. Applies to OSPFv3 routes only.

Type (route type)



IPv6 Routing Basics The IPv6 Routing Table

Parameter Distance (Administrative Distance)

Overview of Use Used to compare routes to the same destination, learned by different routing methods, to select the best route. The distance for connected routes is always 0. The default distance for static and dynamic routes is configurable (default: 1). See also Concurrent Static and Dynamic Routing Operation on page 6-6. Calculated by the routing switch and used to compare different routes, learned by the same routing method, to select the best overall route.


Destination Network
Destination network prefixes identify the networks known to a routing switch. When the routing switch receives a packet for routing, it matches the packets destination address to a network prefix in the routing table and forwards the packet to the indicated gateway for that network. The prefix in the routing table defines how many leftmost contiguous bits to use when matching a packets destination address to a destination network prefix. For example, a route table entry of 2001:db8:0:1ad:0:f1:7a:0/112 applies to all packets with a destination address for which the first 112 bits are 2001:db8:0:1ad::f1:7a If a packet matches more than one routing table entry, the router uses the most specific route (the route with the longest prefix), which is assumed to be the most accurate for that packet. For example, for the packet destination listed below, both route table entries apply, but the route selected will be the 72-bit entry because it is the more specific route.
Packet Destination Address: 2001:db8:0:1d5:a15::f:101/64 72-Bit Entry in Route Table: 64-Bit Entry in Route Table:

2001:db8:0:1d5:a00::/72 2001:db8:0:1d5::/64


IPv6 Routing Basics The IPv6 Routing Table

Gateway for Forwarding Routed Traffic

The gateway to a destination network can be either of the following:

the global unicast or link-local address of the next-hop router in the VLAN providing a path to the packet destination the VLAN interconnecting the originating router to the next-hop router

Metric and Administrative Distance

The routing table contains the single best route to each destination that the router has learned. However, a router may learn more than one route to the same destination. The router compares the metrics and administrative distances of these routes to select the best route to add to its routing table.

Administrative Distance: The routing switch uses this parameter to compare routes learned by different routing methods. It indicates how reliable the router considers the method through which it discovered the route. A lower value indicates a more trustworthy route. Administrative distance is not a factor if you are using only static routes. However, if you are using static routing in conjunction with a routing protocol such as OSPFv3 to provide routes to an identical destination, the routing switch selects the route with the lowest administrative distance. Where the default administrative distances are used, a static route normally supersedes a dynamic route to the same destination because the former has the lowest default administrative distance and metric.
Routing Method direct connection static route OSPFv3 Administrative Distance 0 (not configurable) default: 1; range: 1 - 255 default: 110 (external, inter-area, and intra-area) range (for all three): 1 - 255 Metric 1 1 variable

To configure administrative distance for a static route, refer to Configuring Static IPv6 Routes on page 7-5. To configure administrative distance for OSPFv3, refer to 8. Optional: Influence Route Choices by Changing the Administrative Distance Default on page 10-39.


IPv6 Routing Basics The IPv6 Routing Table

Metric: The routing switch uses this parameter to compare routes to identical destinations learned by the same routing protocol. The metric is the cost of sending traffic on a given route, and is based on various criteria: link conditions (bandwidth, delay, reliability) organizational policies (monetary cost, autonomous systems that a packet must traverse)

Each routing protocol has its own method for computing a routes metric. For static routes, the metric defaults to 1 and is not configurable.

Viewing the Routing Table

The complete IPv6 route table is displayed by entering the CLI command show ipv6 route from any context level in the console CLI. For example:
HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 route IPv6 Route Entries Destination : ::/0 Gateway : 2001:db8:e::55:2 Type : static Sub-Type : NA Destination : ::1/128 Gateway : lo0 Type : connected Sub-Type : NA Destination : 2001:db8:1::127/128 Gateway : lo6 Type : connected Sub-Type : NA Destination : 2001:db8:a::/64 Gateway : fe80::22:1%vlan22 Type : ospf3 Sub-Type : InterArea Destination : 2001:db8:b::/64 Gateway : VLAN22 Type : connected Sub-Type : NA Destination : 2001:db8:c::/64 Gateway : 2001:db8:e::55:2 Type : static Sub-Type : NA

Distance : 130

Metric : 1

The Default Route Configured with a Non-Default Distance

Distance : 0

Metric : 1

Distance : 0

Metric : 1

Distance : 110

Metric : 2

OSPFv3 Route, with InterArea Sub-Type and Default Distance

Distance : 0

Metric : 1
Static Route with Non-Default Distance

Distance : 120

Metric : 1

Figure 6-3. Example of the Routing Table with Static and OSPFv3 Routes


IPv6 Static Routing
Static Routing
Static routes provide tools for restricting and troubleshooting routed traffic flows, and in small networks can provide the simplest and most reliable configuration for IPv6 routing. Static routes are manually configured in the routing table. A static route entry is comprised of the following:

the IPv6 network prefix for the routes destination network the next-hop gateway, which can be one of the following: either the link-local address and VLAN ID or the VLAN link to the nexthop router a global unicast address on the next-hop router a null interface. (The routing switch drops traffic forwarded to the null interface)

optionally, a nondefault administrative distance


To enable routing in both directions on a static route, you must configure reciprocal static routes on the routers at both ends of the route. On a given routing switch you can create one static route or null route to a given destination. Multiple static or null routes to the same destination are not supported. The routing switches covered by this guide can concurrently support a maximum of 256 IPv6 static routes and 256 IPv4 static routes.


IPv6 Static Routing Static Routing

For example, in figure 7-1, static routes enabling routed traffic between routers A, B and C could be configured as follows: Table 7-1.
Router A ipv6 route 2620:a::/64 2620:e::55:1 ipv6 route 2620:b::/64 2620:e::55:1

Example of Static Route Configuration in a Network

Router B ipv6 route 2620:a::/64 2620:b::22:1 ipv6 route 2620:c::/64 2620:e::55:2 Router C ipv6 route 2620:c::/64 2620:b::22:2 ipv6 route 2620:e::/64 2620:b::22:2

Note: Next-hop addresses can be either global unicast or link-local.

Gateway for Routing Switch A A VLAN 33 2001:db8:c::33:1/64 FE80::33:1/64 VLAN 55 2001:db8:e::55:2/64 FE80::55:2 Gateway for Routing Switch B B VLAN 55

Gateway for Routing Switch B C VLAN 11 2001:db8:a::11:1/64 FE80::11:1/64 VLAN 22 2001:db8:b::22:1/64 FE80::22:1/64 Gateway for Routing Switch C

2001:db8:e::55:1/64 FE80::55:1/64 VLAN 22 2001:db8:b::22:2/64 FE80::22:2/64

Figure 7-1. Example of a Routing Domain Advantages. Static routing is relatively reliable and gives you tight control over traffic flow. You determine exactly which connections to use to forward traffic to each destination. In a given VLAN, you can use multiple IPv6 addresses to add multiple static routes in the VLAN. Other advantages include:

efficiency in a small network with few paths to manage ease of configuration and maintenance lower CPU utilization

Disadvantages. In a large or expanding network, configuring static routes for all the necessary routes can become increasingly complicated and timeconsuming. Ensuring that all routes remain accurate can also add to the administrative burden. Each time you add a connection or change a route, you


IPv6 Static Routing Static Routing

must configure the change on every routing device in the network. Also, routers do not automatically respond to a failed static connection, so traffic can be lost or misrouted.


Network management and monitoring applications such as PCM+ can detect failed static routes.

Static Route Types

You can configure these types of static IPv6 routes:

Standard the static route consists of a destination network prefix the link-local IPv6 address and VLAN ID of the (next-hop router) gateway IPv6 address a destination network address or host, and a corresponding network prefix the VLAN interface through which you want the routing switch to send traffic for the route Default: When IPv6 routing is enabled, a route for the ::1/128 network is created, and traffic to this network is rejected (dropped). The loopback address (lo0) is entered as the gateway. This route is for all traffic to the loopback network, with the single exception of traffic to the host address of the switchs loopback interface. Configured: This option provides a route that is used as a backup route for discarding traffic where the primary route is unavailable. A configured null route consists of: the destination network address or host and a corresponding network mask either the reject keyword (traffic dropped with ICMP notification to the sender) or blackhole keyword (traffic dropped without any ICMP notification). Nondefault null routes created with the reject or blackhole keywords use a gateway of zero (0). Figure 7-4 on page 7-7 illustrates the default and configured Null route entries in the switchs routing table.

Interface-Based: The static route consists of:

Null (discard) Null routes include the following:


IPv6 Static Routing Static Routing

Static Routing Default Settings

The routing switch applies default administrative distance and metric values to ensure that static routes are preferred over dynamic routes to the same destination.

Administrative Distance (page 6-17): In the case of static routes, this is the value the routing switch uses to compare a static route to routes from other route sources to the same destination before placing a route in the routing table. The default administrative distance for static routes is 1, but can be configured to any value in the range of 1 - 255. Metric: In the case of static routes, this is the value the routing switch uses when comparing a static route to routes in the routing table from any dynamic routes to the same destination. The metric for static routes is fixed; that is, always set to 1.

Static Route States Follow VLAN States

Static routes remain in the routing table only while the interface link to the next-hop router is up. If the next-hop router interface link goes down, the software removes the static route from the routing table. If the next-hop interface comes up again, the software adds the route back to the route table. This feature allows the routing switch to adjust to changes in network topology. The routing switch does not continue trying to use routes on unreachable paths but instead uses routes only when their paths are reachable.

Static Routes for ECMP Applications

Equal-Cost Multi-Path routing (ECMP) is a routing strategy where next-hop packet forwarding to a single destination can occur over multiple best paths. Each path has the same cost as the other paths, but a different next-hop router. In static routing, load-balancing can be achieved through ECMP. Figure 7-2 illustrates static routes applied to an Equal-Cost Multiple Path topology.
VLAN-1 Routing Switch Router 2001:db8:1::1

Static Routes ipv6 route 2001:db8:5::/64 2001:db8:1::1 ipv6 route 2001:db8:5::/64 2001:db8:1:::2

Router 2001:db8:1::2 VLAN-2

Figure 7-2. Example of Static Routes in an ECMP Application


IPv6 Static Routing Configuring Static IPv6 Routes

The [no] ip load-sharing < 2 - 4 > command enables or disables load-sharing for both IPv4 and IPv6 applications, and specifies the number of ECMP routes to allow. In the default configuration, loading-sharing is enabled with four ECMP routes allowed. For more information, refer to Equal Cost Multi-Path Routing on page 10-16.

Configuring Static IPv6 Routes

This feature enables you to create static routes (including null routes with or without ICMP notification to the sender) by adding such routes directly to the route table in the routing switch. This section describes how to add static and null routes to the IPv6 route table.


[no] ipv6 route < dest-ipv6-addr >/<prefix-length > < next-hop-gateway-addr | vlan < vid > | blackhole | reject > [distance < 1-255>] < dest-ipv6-addr >/< prefix-length >: The network prefix for the destination IPv6 address. Continued on next page. Continued from previous page. < next-hop-gateway-addr | vlan <vid>>: The gateway for reaching the destination. The next-hop address option (linklocal or global unicast) is not required to be directly reachable on a local subnet. (If it is not directly reachable, the route will be added to the routing table when a path to this address is learned.) If the next-hop address is link-local, it must include both the address and the applicable VLAN VID. For example: FE80::127%vlan10, where VLAN 10 is the interface where FE80::127 exists. blackhole: This option specifies a null route where IP traffic for the specified destination is discarded and no ICMP error notification is returned to the sender. reject: This option specifies a null route where IP traffic for the specified destination is discarded and an ICMP error notification is returned to the sender.


IPv6 Static Routing Configuring Static IPv6 Routes


[no] ipv6 route < dest-ipv6-addr >/<prefix-length > < next-hop-gateway-addr | vlan < vid > | blackhole | reject > [distance < 1-255>] distance: Specifies the administrative distance to associate with a static route. For more on this topic, refer to Metric and Administrative Distance on page 6-17. (Default: 1; Range: 1 - 255) The no form of the command deletes the specified static or null route from the routing table.

The no form of the command deletes the specified route for the specified destination next-hop pair. The following example configures two static routes for traffic delivery and identifies two other null routes for which traffic should be discarded instead of forwarded.
HP Switch(config)# ipv6 route 2001:db8:0:1::/64 fe80::10.1
Configures static route to a specific destination network . Notice that the next-hop gateway can be either a link-local or a global unicast address.

HP Switch(config)# ipv6 route 2001:db8:0:2::/64 reject

Configures a null route to drop traffic for the 2001:db8:0:2::/64 network and return an ICMP notice to the sender.

HP Switch(config)# ipv6 route 2001:db8:0:5::/64 blackhole

Configures a null route to drop traffic for the 2001:db8:0:2::/64 network without ICMP notice to the sender.

HP Switch(config)# ipv6 route 2001:db8::/48 vlan 66 distance 120

Configures a static route for traffic to destinations in the 2001:db8:0::/48 network. Sets the administrative distance higher than the default distance for any dynamic routes discovered for the same destination, which gives precedence in the routing table to dynamic routes.

Figure 7-3. Examples of Configuring Static Routes


IPv6 Static Routing Configuring Static IPv6 Routes

Displaying Static Route Information


show ipv6 route [ ipv6-addr | connected | static | ospf3 ] Lists all entries in the IPv6 routing table. [ ipv6-addr ]: Lists entries for a specific IPv6 address. Can be followed by any of the other options for this command. [ connected ]: Lists entries for connected routes. Can be followed by the ipv6-addr option to list only the connected routes having a specific link-local or global IPv6 address. [ static ]: Lists entries for static routes in the routing table. Can be followed by the ipv6-addr option to list only the static routes matching a specific destination. [ ospf3 ]: Lists the entries for OSPFv3 routes in the routing table. Can be followed by the ipv6-addr option to list only the OSPFv3 routes matching a specific destination.

Figure 7-4 shows the static routes in the routing table for Router B in figure figure 7-1 on page 7-2

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 route static IPv6 Route Entries Destination : 2620:a::/64 Gateway : 2620:b::22:1 Type : static Sub-Type : NA Destination : 2620:c::/64 Gateway : 2620:e::55:2 Type : static Sub-Type : NA

Distance : 1

Metric : 1

Distance : 1

Metric : 1

Figure 7-4. Example of Displaying Static Routes in the IPv6 Routing Table


IPv6 Static Routing Configuring Static IPv6 Routes


IPv6 Router Advertisements
The routing switches covered by this guide support IPv6 router advertisement (RA) configuration and transmission based on RFC 4861, Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6) and RFC 4862, IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration. IPv6 router advertisements (RAs) on a VLAN provide the neighbor discovery policy the system administrator has configured for devices running in IPv6 host mode with address autoconfiguration enabled. RAs also enable hosts on a VLAN to build a list of default (reachable) routers on that VLAN.

General Router Advertisement (RA) Operation

An IPv6 routing switch configured as a member of a given VLAN transmits RAs for use by hosts on the VLAN. It also transmits unscheduled RAs in response to router solicitations received from IPv6 hosts on the VLAN. The values a host receives in an RA are applied to settings that have not already been configured on the host by the system operator. (Values in an RA can also replace host settings that were learned from a previous RA.)


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

When IPv6 unicast routing is enabled, RAs are transmitted by default on VLANs enabled for IPv6 and configured with an IPv6 link-local address, unless RA transmission has been explicitly suppressed. RA configuration includes:

Advertisement Value
managed flag (M-bit) other-config-flag (O-bit) prefix length valid lifetime preferred lifetime autoconfig (A-bit) on-link (L-bit) router advertisement transmission interval maximum minimum current hop limit default lifetime reachable time retransmission timer 600 seconds 200 seconds 64 not set not set


8-8 8-8 8-13

the prefix of any global unicast IPv6 address configured on the VLAN interface* n/a; based on existing configuration 2,592,000 seconds (30 days) 604,800 seconds (7 days) set (host autoconfig enabled) set (use prefix on subject VLAN)

8-9 8-9 8-10 8-10 8-11 8-12

1800 seconds (3 x max. transmission interval) unspecified (0) unspecified (0)

*Default operation excludes prefixes of stateless autoconfigured addresses.

Routing Advertisement Basics

Enabling IPv6 unicast routing on a routing switch initiates transmission of router advertisements on active, IPv6-enabled VLANs unless RA transmission has been suppressed. RAs are not routed. A host response to an RA depends on how the host implements IPv6. Generally, settings in an RA received by a host replaces settings received from an earlier RA. Settings configured directly on a host by an operator may override values received in an RA for the same settings.


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

When a host receives a default unspecified value in an RA, the host applies either its own current setting for that value, or the defaults specified in RFC 4861 or other applicable RFCs, depending on how IPv6 is implemented in the host. The M-bit and O-bit flags enable RAs to be configured either to act as the sole source of host addressing and related settings, or to direct the host to use a DHCPv6 server for some or all such settings.

Setting Up Your IPv6 Router Advertisement Policy

Is there a role for a DHCPv6 server in host configuration on a given VLAN and what host services and policy will be configured? (Affects M-bit and O-bit optionspage 8-8.) What is the ND policy that should be advertised? (Includes hop-limit for host-generated traffic, the default router period, neighbor reachable time, and retransmit time for neighbor solicitations.) What prefixes should be advertised, and what prefixes should be suppressed? (Prefixes configured on the routing switch VLAN interface will be included in RAs on that VLAN unless specifically denied.) What should be the maximum and minimum intervals (in seconds) for transmitting RAs? Are there any VLANs on the routing switch where RAs should be suppressed? Will multiple routing devices be used to send RAs on a VLAN? The first RA received by a host determines the default router for that host. Other routers included in subsequent RAs received by the host become backup default routers for that host. What, if any, differences are acceptable in RAs from different routing devices?

Steps for Configuring IPv6 Router Advertisements

When IPv6 unicast routing is enabled on the routing switch, router advertisements are transmitted on all IPv6-enabled VLANs unless explicitly suppressed globally or per-VLAN. The following steps provide a general outline of the steps for configuring the routing switch for non-default RA operation on all IPv6-enabled VLANs: 1. Enable IPv6 routing on your network. (Refer to General Steps for Enabling IPv6 Routing on page 6-7.)


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview


Enable IPv6 unicast routing. (This must be enabled to allow configuration of other routing protocols). (config)# ipv6 unicast-routing (This command enables RA transmission on any VLAN where RAs are not specifically suppressed.)


Configure the desired per-VLAN RA operation: a. Use the M-bit and O-bit settings to specify the source for IPv6 host configuration (page 8-8): i. M-bit setting: Get configuration from RAs (default). Get configuration from DHCPv6. ii. O-bit setting (applies only if M-bit setting is left in default state): Use RA source for global unicast prefixes (default). Do not use the RA for non-prefix configuration. Configure global unicast prefix assignments (page 8-13): i. Specify any prefix(es) not configured on the routing switch VLAN interface that should be transmitted in RAs to IPv6 hosts on the VLAN. ii. Deny any prefix(es) configured on the routing switch VLAN interface that should not be transmitted in RAs to IPv6 hosts on the VLAN. (Default: Global unicast prefixes configured on the routing switch VLAN interface are included in RAs.) Configure the maximum and minimum interval for transmitting router advertisements on the VLAN (page 8-9).




The routing switch also transmits RAs when it receives router solicitations from a host. Note that autoconfiguration must be enabled on the host before it will generate router solicitations on the VLAN. d. Configure the neighbor discovery policy for hosts on the VLAN to use: i. hop-limit (default: 64; page 8-10) ii. default router lifetime (default: 1800 seconds; page 8-10) iii. reachable time duration to advertise for confirmed neighbors (default: unspecified (0); page 8-11) iv. retransmit time to advertise for neighbor solicitations (default: unspecified (0); page 8-12). Configure per-VLAN RA suppression for any VLAN on which you do not want the routing switch to transmit RAs (page 8-19). (vlan-1)# ipv6 nd ra suppress



IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Guidelines for Configuring RAs on Multiple Routing Switches for the Same VLAN
Multiple routing switches transmitting RAs on the same VLAN can provide redundancy. Typically, a host identifies the first router from which it receives an RA as the default router. The host uses any RAs received later from other routers to identify backup default routers. While advertised prefixes can be different, the per-VLAN RA policy should be the same for all routers transmitting RAs on a given VLAN. This includes the following parameters:

managed-config-flag (M-bit) other-config-flag (O-bit) default router lifetime hop-limit reachable-time for neighbors retransmit time for neighbor solicitations


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Table 8-1.
Action 1.

Quick Reference Guide to Commands for Enabling Router Advertisements

Default and Range RA suppression disabled. (The no form is the default; removes RA suppression.) Command [no] ipv6 nd suppress-ra Page 8-7

Globally suppress IPv6 router advertisements on the routing switch.

2. 3.

Globally enable IPv6 routing on the Disabled. routing switch. Specify host configuration method: M-bit options: Unspecified. use routing advertisement for (Use routing advertisement for host configuration.) all (default) use DHCPv6 for all Unspecified. O-bit options: use routing advertisement for (Use routing advertisement for host configuration.) all (default) use DHCPv6 for non-prefix configuration.

[no] ipv6 unicast-routing


[no] ipv6 nd ra managed-config-flag


[no] ipv6 nd ra other-config-flag



Set the maximum interval for 600 seconds transmitting router advertisements 4 - 1800 seconds on the VLAN. Set the minimum interval for 200 seconds transmitting router advertisements 3 - 1350 seconds on the VLAN. Set the hop-limit a sending host should include in the packets it transmits. 64 0 (unspecified) - 255

[no] ipv6 nd ra max-interval



[no] ipv6 nd ra min-interval



[no] ipv6 nd ra hop-limit



Set the period for the routing switch 3 x ra max-interval setting. to be used by hosts as a default 0 (unspecified) - 9000 router. seconds Set the reachable time duration for unspecified (0) a neighbor that has sent a 1000 - 3600000 ms reachability confirmation. Set the retransmit time for neighbor unspecified (0) solicitations or solicitation 1000 - 4294967295 ms requests.

[no] ipv6 nd ra lifetime < seconds >



[no] ipv6 nd ra reachable-time < ms > 8-11


[no] ipv6 nd ra ns-interval < ms >



Specify prefix(es) and lifetimes for Global prefixes on the VLAN. [no] ipv6 nd ra prefix global unicast addresses in hosts on Valid Lifetime: 30 days the VLAN. Preferred Lifetime: 7 days Disable/Enable RA suppression per Suppression disabled. (The VLAN. no form is the default.) [no] ipv6 nd ra suppress





IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Global Configuration Context Commands

Enable or Disable IPv6 Router Advertisement Generation
Syntax: [no] ipv6 nd suppress-ra Global config command to suppress transmission of IPv6 router advertisements on all VLANs configured on the routing switch. Overrides router advertisements enabled per-VLAN. The no form of the command globally disables RA suppression. Note that globally enabling router advertisements on the routing switch does not override per-VLAN IPv6 router advertisement suppression (using the ipv6 nd ra suppress command in a VLAN contextrefer to page 8-19). (Default: RA suppression disabled)

Enable or Disable IPv6 Routing

Syntax: [no] ipv6 unicast-routing Global config command to enable or disable IPv6 routing. Must be enabled for routing operation. Enabling IPv6 routing activates router advertisement (RA) generation on VLANs unless RAs are suppressed globally or perVLAN. The no form of the command disables IPv6 routing and routing advertisements on the routing switch. (Default: Disabled)


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

VLAN Context Neighbor Discovery (ND) Configuration

Configure DHCPv6 Service Requirements
Syntax: [no] ipv6 nd ra managed-config-flag
[no] ipv6 nd ra other-config-flag

managed-config-flag: Controls the M-bit setting in router advertisements the router transmits on the current VLAN. Enabling the M-bit directs clients to acquire their IPv6 addressing and ND host configuration information for the current VLAN interface from a DHCPv6 server. When the M-bit is enabled, receiving hosts ignore the other-config-flag (O-bit) setting described below. When the M-bit is disabled (the default), receiving hosts expect to receive their IPv6 addressing and ND configuration settings from the RA unless the O-bit is enabled. other-config-flag: Ignored unless the M-bit (above) is disabled in router advertisements. Controls the O-bit in RAs the router transmits on the current VLAN. Enabling the O-bit while the M-bit is disabled directs hosts on the VLAN to acquire their ND configuration settings from a DHCPv6 server and their global unicast prefix(es) from the RA. The no form of either command turns off (disables) the setting for that command in router advertisements. Notes: In the default configuration, both the M-bit and the Obit are disabled, and a host receiving the RA must acquire its prefix and ND configuration from the RA itself, and not from a DHCPv6 server. (Default for Both Settings: disabled)


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Configuring the Range for Intervals Between RA Transmissions on a VLAN

The interval between RA transmissions on a VLAN is a random value that changes every time an RA is sent. The interval is calculated to be a value between the current max-interval and min-interval settings described below. Syntax: [no] ipv6 nd ra max-interval < 4 - 1800 > [no] ipv6 nd ra min-interval < 3 - 1350 > VLAN context commands for changing the maximum and minimum intervals between transmissions of IPv6 router advertisements on the VLAN. These values have one setting per VLAN, and do not apply to RAs sent in response to a router solicitation received from another device. max-interval must be equal to or less than the configured lifetime setting (page 8-10). Attempting to set max-interval to a value greater than the configured lifetime setting results in an error message. The no form of the max-interval command returns the setting to its default, provided that the default value is less than or equal to 75% of the new maximum interval you are setting. Attempting to set max-interval to a value that is not sufficiently larger than the current min-interval also results in an error message. (Default: 600 seconds; Range: 4 - 1800 seconds) min-interval must be less than or equal to 75% of max-interval. Attempting to set min-interval to a higher value results in an error message. The no form of the min-interval command returns the setting to its default, provided that the default value is less than or equal to 75% of the current maximum interval setting. (Default: 200 seconds; Range: 3 - 1350 seconds)


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Set or Change the Hop-Limit for Host-Generated Packets

Syntax: [no] ipv6 nd ra hop-limit < 0-255 > hop-limit: VLAN-context command to specify the hop-limit a host includes in the packets it transmits. A setting of 0 means the hop-limit is unspecified in the router advertisements originating on the current VLAN. In this case, the hop-limit is determined by the host. The no form of the command resets the hop-limit to zero (unspecified), which eliminates the hop-limit from the router advertisements originating on the VLAN. (Default:64; Range: unspecified (0) - 255)

Set or Change the Default Router Lifetime

Syntax: [no] ipv6 nd ra lifetime < 0 - 9000 > VLAN context command for configuring the lifetime in seconds for the routing switch to be used as a default router by hosts on the current VLAN. This setting must be configured to a value greater than or equal to the max-interval setting (page 89). A given host on a VLAN refreshes the default router lifetime for a specific router each time the host receives an RA from that router. A specific router ceases to be a default router candidate for a given host if the default router lifetime expires before the host is updated with a new RA from the router. A setting of 0 (unspecified) for default router lifetime in an RA indicates that the routing switch is not a default router on the subject VLAN. (Default: 3 x ra max-interval setting (page 8-9); Range: unspecified (0) - 9000 seconds)


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Change the Reachable Time Duration for Neighbors

[no] ipv6 nd ra reachable-time < 1000 - 3600000 | unspecified >

VLAN context command for all hosts on the VLAN to configure as the reachable time duration for a given neighbor after receiving a reachability confirmation from the neighbor. This value is used to ensure a uniform reachable time among hosts on the VLAN by replacing the individually configured settings on various hosts on the VLAN. 1000 - 3600000: Reachable time in milliseconds. unspecified: Configures the reachable time to zero, which disables the reachable-time setting in router advertisements on the current VLAN. The no form of the command also disables the reachable-time setting in router advertisements on the current VLAN. (Default: unspecified (0); Range: 1000 - 3600000 ms) Note: If multiple routers on the same VLAN are configured to advertise a reachable time, all such routers should use the same reachable-time setting.


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Set or Change the Neighbor Discovery Retransmit Timer

ipv6 nd ra ns-interval < 1000 - 4294967295 | unspecified > [no] ipv6 nd ra ns-interval

Used on VLAN interfaces to advertise the period (retransmit timer) in milliseconds between neighbor discovery solicitations sent by a host for an unresolved destination, or between duplicate address detection neighbor solicitation requests. Increasing this setting is indicated where neighbor solicitation retries or failures are occurring, or in a slow (WAN) network. 1000 - 4294967295: An advertised setting in this range replaces the corresponding, locally configured setting in hosts on the VLAN. unspecified: Sets the retransmit timer value in router advertisements to zero, which causes the hosts on the VLAN to use their own locally configured NS-interval settings instead of using the value received in the router advertisements. The no form of the command returns the setting to its default. (Default: unspecified (0); Range: 1000ms - 4294967295 ms) Notes: This is the retransmit timer advertised as a hostspecific variable. It is separate from the retransmit timer used by the routing switch for its own neighbor discovery solicitations (ipv6 nd ns-interval; page 1-19). If multiple routers on the same VLAN are configured to advertise an ns-interval (retransmit time), then all such routers should use the same NS-interval setting. The default NS-interval setting for IPv6 host operation on HP Networking devices is 1000 ms. When the above command is used with the unspecified option to configure routing advertisements, host devices configured by using the router advertisement maintain their preconfigured NS-interval settings.


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Configure the Global Unicast Prefix and Lifetime for Hosts on a VLAN
These commands define the content of router advertisements transmitted on a VLAN. Syntax: [ no ] ipv6 nd ra prefix < ipv6-prefix / prefix-len > << valid-lifetime > < preferred-lifetime > | infinite | at | no-advertise > [ no-autoconfig ] [ off-link ] [ no ] ipv6 nd ra prefix default << valid-lifetime > < preferred-lifetime > | infinite | at | no-advertise > [ no-autoconfig ] [ off-link ] Options for < valid-lifetime > < preferred-lifetime > Time in Seconds: [ < 0-4294967295 > < 0-4294967295 > ] Specific Date and Time: [ at < valid-lifetime > < preferred-lifetime > ] < valid-lifetime-MM /DD [ / [YY ]YY ] ] > < valid-lifetime-HH :MM [:SS ] > < preferred-lifetime-MM/DD [ / [YY ]YY ] ] > < preferred-lifetime-HH :MM [:SS ] > ] VLAN-context command for specifying prefixes for the routing switch to include in RAs transmitted on the VLAN. IPv6 hosts use the prefixes in RAs to autoconfigure themselves with global unicast addresses. A hosts autoconfigured address is composed of the advertised prefix and the interface identifier in the hosts current link-local address. valid-lifetime: The total time the prefix remains available before becoming unusable. After preferred-lifetime expiration, any autoconfigured address is deprecated, and used only for transactions that began before the preferred-lifetime expired. If the valid lifetime also expires, the address becomes unusable. (Default: 2,592,000 seconds30 days; Range: 0 - 4294967295 seconds)


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

preferred-lifetime: The span of time during which the address can be freely used as a source and destination for traffic. This setting must be less than or equal to the corresponding validlifetime setting. (Default: 604,000 seconds7 days; Range: 0 - 4294967295 seconds) Notes: The valid and preferred lifetimes designated in this command are fixed values. Each successive transmission of the same RA contains the same valid and preferred lifetimes. For more on valid and preferred lifetimes, refer to Address Lifetimes on page 1-32. default: This option is applied to all on-link prefixes that are not individually set by the ipv6 ra prefix < ipv6-prefix / prefix-len > command. It applies the same valid and preferred lifetimes, link state, autoconfiguration state, and advertise options to the advertisements sent for all on-link prefixes that are not individually configured with a unique lifetime. This also applies to the prefixes for any global unicast addresses configured later on the same VLAN. Using default once, and then using it again with any new values results in the new values replacing the former values in advertisements. If default is used without the no-advertise, no-autoconfig, or the offlink keyword, the advertisement setting for the absent keyword is returned to its default setting. Note: To configure a prefix as off-link or no-autoconfig, you must enter unique valid and preferred lifetimes with the prefix command (instead of the default command). ipv6-prefix / prefix-len: Specifies the prefixes to advertise on the subject VLAN. A separate instance of the command must be used for each prefix to advertise. infinite: Specifies that the prefix lifetime will not expire. (This option sets the valid and preferred lifetimes to infinity. (All bits set to 1; ffffffff.)


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

no-advertise: Specifies no advertisement for the prefix. For example, if the routing-switches VLAN interface is configured with any prefixes that you do not want advertised on the VLAN, use this command to specify the prefix(es) to withhold from advertisements on the subject VLAN. (Default: Advertising enabled.) no-autoconfig: Disables host autoconfiguration by turning off the A-bit in RAs. This requires hosts to acquire prefixes through manual or DHCPv6 assignments. Depending on the host implementation, a host that was previously configured by an RA to use autoconfiguration will not be affected by a later RA that includes no-autoconfig (unless the host disconnects and reconnects to the network). To re-enable host autoconfiguration (turn on the A-bit in RAs) for a given RA, use ipv6 nd ra prefix again without invoking no-autoconfig. (Default: A-bit turned on host autoconfig turned on). off-link: Sets the (L-bit) prefix information in an RA to indicate that the advertised prefix is not on the subject VLAN. A host that was previously configured using an RA without off-link will not be affected by a later RA that includes off-link (unless the host disconnects and reconnects to the network). Can be used in instances where the prefix is being deprecated, and you do not want any hosts newly brought up hosts to use the prefix. (Default: L-bit turned off.) The no form of the command deletes the specified prefix from router advertisements.


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Example Using the Default Command To Configure Prefix Advertisement Content. Table 8-2 lists the global unicast addresses configured on a VLAN, with original and updated settings configured using the default command. Table 8-2.
Address or Prefix Interface Original Updated Lifetime & Lifetime & Autoconfig Autoconfig
15 days 14 days Auto: Yes (Set in figure 8-1.) 12/31/2010 at 00:00:01 12/20/2010 at 00:00:01 Auto: Yes 30 days 25 days Auto: No (Changed in figure 8-3.) not updated Yes

Advertise on VLAN 100?

2001:db8:0:f::f1/64 2001:db8:0:b::b1/64 2001:db8:0:c::c1/64 2001:db8:0:d::d1/64 2001:db8:0:a::/64

VLAN 100 VLAN 100 VLAN 100 VLAN 100 Off-Link


Switch(config)# vlan 100 Global unicast addresses Switch(vlan-100)# ipv6 address 2001:db8:0:f::f1/64 configured on VLAN 100. Switch(vlan-100)# ipv6 address 2001:db8:0:b::b1/64 Switch(vlan-100)# ipv6 address 2001:db8:0:c::c1/64 Switch(vlan-100)# ipv6 nd ra prefix default 1296000 1209600 Switch(vlan-100)# show ipv6 nd ra prefix vlan 100
To enable advertising prefixes of global unicast addresses configured on the VLAN, the default command sets default lifetime, prefix link status (onor off-link), autoconfiguration (Autonomous Flag) status (on or off), and advertisement setting (on or off). Note: Applies only to prefixes in global unicast addresses configured on the VLAN and not uniquely configured by the prefix command. Show command displays default prefix mode settings for global unicast addresses configured on VLAN 100.

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Prefix Information VLAN Name : VLAN100 IPv6 Prefix Valid Lifetime Preferred Lifetime On-link Flag Autonomous Flag Advertise Flag : : : : : : Default 15 days 14 days On On On

Example Continued on Next Page

Figure 8-1. Example of Using the default Command To Configure and Update Prefix Advertisements


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Example Continued From Previous Page

New global unicast address configured on the VLAN. Followed by command to assign unique lifetime and autoconfig setting in the advertisements for this prefix. Link flag and Advertise flag omitted from the command and therefore set to On by default.

HP Switch(vlan-100)# ipv6 address 2001:db8:0:d::d1/64 HP Switch(vlan-100)# ipv6 nd ra prefix 2001:db8:0:d::/64 infinite no-autoconfig HP Switch(vlan-100)# ipv6 nd ra prefix 2001:db8:0:a::/64 at 12/31/2010 00:00:01 12/20/2010 00:00:01 off-link HP Switch(vlan-100)# show ipv6 nd ra prefix vlan 100 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Prefix Information VLAN Name : VLAN100 IPv6 Prefix Valid Lifetime Preferred Lifetime On-link Flag Autonomous Flag Advertise Flag IPv6 Prefix Valid Lifetime Preferred Lifetime On-link Flag Autonomous Flag Advertise Flag IPv6 Prefix Valid Lifetime Preferred Lifetime On-link Flag Autonomous Flag Advertise Flag : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Default 15 days 14 days On On On 2001:db8:0:a::/64 12/31/2010 00:00:01 12/20/2010 00:00:01 Off On On 2001:db8:0:d::/64 Infinite Infinite On Off On Example Continued on Next Page
Off-link prefix designated with unique lifetime. Autoconfig (Autonomous) flag and Advertise flag omitted from the command and therefore set to On default.

Show command displays: Default advertisement settings for prefixes of global unicast addresses configured on VLAN 100. Unique advertisement settings for 2001:db8:0:a::/64 also configured on VLAN 100. Unique advertisement settings for 2001:db8:0:d::/64 identified as an off-link prefix.

Figure 8-2. Continuation of Figure 8-1


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Example Continued From Previous Page HP Switch(vlan-100)# ipv6 nd ra prefix default 2592000 2160000 noautoconfig HP Switch(vlan-100)# show ipv6 nd ra prefix vlan 100 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Prefix Information VLAN Name : VLAN100 IPv6 Prefix Valid Lifetime Preferred Lifetime On-link Flag Autonomous Flag Advertise Flag IPv6 Prefix Valid Lifetime Preferred Lifetime On-link Flag Autonomous Flag Advertise Flag IPv6 Prefix Valid Lifetime Preferred Lifetime On-link Flag Autonomous Flag Advertise Flag : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Default 30 days 25 days On Off On 2001:db8:0:a::/64 12/31/2010 00:00:01 12/20/2010 00:00:01 Off On On 2001:db8:0:d::/64 Infinite Infinite On Off On
For prefixes configured on the VLAN and not specifically addressed by a prefix command, default changes the default lifetime and the autoconfig setting in advertisements for these prefixes. On-Link flag and Advertise flag omitted from the command and therefore set to On by default.

Show command displays changes in default prefix mode settings for global unicast addresses configured on VLAN 100. No change for the on-link prefix specifically configured by a prefix command, and the off-link prefix that is also configured for advertisement on the VLAN.

Figure 8-3. Continuation of Figure 8-1


IPv6 Router Advertisements Overview

Suppress Router Advertisements on a VLAN

[no] ipv6 nd ra suppress

VLAN context command to turn off (disable) transmission of router advertisements from the routing switch on the VLAN. i. The no form of the command turns on (enables) router advertisement transmission from the routing switch on the current VLAN. (Default: Suppression disable; that is, router advertisement enabled on the VLAN.


IPv6 Router Advertisements Displaying the Router Advertisement Configuration

Displaying the Router Advertisement Configuration

Syntax: show ipv6 nd ra show ipv6 nd ra [prefix [ vlan < vid >] ] Without the optional keywords, this command displays the global and per-VLAN router advertisement (neighbor discovery) configuration on a specific routing switch. This indicates the per-VLAN content of RAs transmitted from the routing switch. For a description of each value, refer to Global Configuration Context Commands on page 8-7 and VLAN Context Neighbor Discovery (ND) Configuration on page 8-8. prefix: Displays the prefixes, valid lifetime, and onlink/ Auto values advertised by the routing switch on all VLANs configured for RA operation. prefix vlan < vid >: Displays values for each prefix configured using ipv6 nd ra prefix on the specified VLAN (page 8-13). IPv6 Prefix: Displays values for specific prefixes configured for RAs on a VLAN by the ipv6 nd ra prefix command, plus Default (to apply to any global unicast prefixes on the same VLAN(s) that have not been specifically configured by ipv6 nd ra prefix). Valid Lifetime: The valid lifetime configured for the indicated prefix. Preferred Lifetime: The preferred lifetime configured for the indicated prefix. On-link Flag: Indicates whether the prefix is advertised as on-link. (Default: On; On-link enabled.) Autonomous Flag: Indicates whether address autoconfiguration is turned on. (Default: On; Autoconfiguration enabled.) Advertise Flag: Indicates whether advertisement for the subject prefix is turned on. (Default: On.)


IPv6 Router Advertisements Displaying the Router Advertisement Configuration

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 nd ra IPv6 Router Advertisement Configuration Global RA Suppress : No Global Hop Limit : 10 IPv6 Unicast Routing : Enabled VLAN ID ---1 22 30 Suppress RA -------Yes No No Interval Min/Max --------200/600 200/600 200/400 Lifetime (sec) -------1800 1800 1000 Mngd Flag ---No No Yes Other Flag ----No No No RCH Time (ms) -------0 0 0 NS Interval (ms) ----------0 0 0 Hop Limit ----10 10 4

Figure 8-4. Example of General Output Listing the Per-VLAN RA Configuration on a Routing Switch

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 nd ra prefix IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Prefix Information

VLAN Name : VLAN30 IPv6 Prefix --------------------------------------------Default 2001:db8:f:1b::/64 2001:db8:f:1d::/64 Valid Lifetime ------------------Infinite 12/31/2010 00:00:01 12/31/2010 00:00:01 Onlink/Auto ----------On/On Off/On On/On

Figure 8-5. Example of Output for VLANs Where Specific Prefixes Have Been Configured for RAs


IPv6 Router Advertisements Displaying the Router Advertisement Configuration

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 nd ra prefix vlan 30 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Prefix Information VLAN Name : VLAN77 IPv6 Prefix Valid Lifetime Preferred Lifetime On-link Flag Autonomous Flag Advertise Flag IPv6 Prefix Valid Lifetime Preferred Lifetime On-link Flag Autonomous Flag Advertise Flag IPv6 Prefix Valid Lifetime Preferred Lifetime On-link Flag Autonomous Flag Advertise Flag : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Default Infinite Infinite On On On 2001:db8:f:1b::/64 11/31/2010 00:00:01 11/01/2010 00:00:01 Off On On 2001:db8:f:1d::/64 11/31/2010 00:00:01 11/01/2010 00:00:01 On On On

Figure 8-6. Example of Detailed Prefix Configuration Data for a Specific VLAN


Configuring DHCPv6 Relay
The routing switches covered by this guide include operation as DHCPv6 relay agents between DHCPv6 servers and clients. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCPv6) is used for configuring clients with IPv6 address and other configuration parameters without user intervention on the client. Where a DHCPv6 server and a client exist on the same local network, the clients requests for service are received directly by the DHCPv6 server, and a relay agent is not needed. However, if a client and the DHCPv6 server available to support it are in different networks, or subnets, a DHCPv6 relay agent is needed to forward client service requests to the server and to relay server responses back to the client. (The DHCPv6 relay agent is transparent to the client.) Three main elements comprise DHCPv6-relay operation:

DHCPv6 clients per-VLAN or subnet A routing switch configured with the following: either IPv6 static routing or the OSPFv3 routing protocol (or both) DHCPv6 relay agent enabled to forward DHCPv6 client/server traffic between a host or another relay agent and a remote DHCPv6 server

One or more remote DHCPv6 servers reachable from the routing switch

DHCPv6 Request Forwarding

With DHCPv6-relay enabled and a reachable unicast Helper address configured on a given VLAN, a client request for DHCPv6 service will be routed to the designated server. If a multicast Helper address is configured on the VLAN, the client request will be sent from the routing switch on the VLAN designated in the configuration for that Helper address.


DHCPv6-Relay Configuring DHCPv6 Relay

DHCPv6-Relay Helper Addresses

Unicast Helper Address
A unicast helper address enables routing of a client service request to the IPv6 address of a specific, remote DHCPv6 server.

DHCPv6-Relay Multicast Helper Address

The multicast forwarding options route DHCPv6 requests on a VLAN interface to either the All_DHCP_Servers (FF05::1:3) multicast address a user-selected multicast address

Using Multiple Helper Addresses

The routing switch supports up to 32 unique Helper addresses, and counts multiple instances of the same Helper address on different VLANs as one address. Where multiple Helper addresses are configured on the same VLAN, the routing switch forwards client service requests to all such addresses, and selects the server from which it receives the first response.

General Steps for Enabling DHCP Relay Operation

For the DHCPv6 relay agent to function on the routing switch, you must complete the following steps: 1. Ensure that there is a route configured between a DHCPv6 server and the routing switch, and that the server is configured to support host requests forwarded from the routing switch. For each VLAN on which you want the routing switch to provide DHCPv6relay services, determine the Helper address(es) the relay agent should have for forwarding client DHCPv6 requests to reachable DHCPv6 servers. You can configure one or more Helper addresses, and can use either or both of the following types: unicast: Specifies the global unicast address of a specific DHCPv6 server. multicast: Specifies a group of DHCPv6 servers (well-known or userdefined) in a defined network scope and group identification. (For more on this topic, refer to section 2.7, Multicast Addresses, in RFC 4291.) This option includes specifying the VLAN interface on which requests to a given multicast address will exit from the routing switch.



DHCPv6-Relay Configuring DHCPv6 Relay


In each VLAN context where DHCPv6-relay service is needed, use the ipv6
helper-address < unicast | multicast > command to configure one or more

DHCPv6 helper addresses 4. 5. 6. In the global config context, use the dhcpv6-relay command to globally enable DHCPv6 relay on the routing switch. If IPv6 routing is not already enabled on the routing switch, use the ipv6 unicast-routing command in the global config context to enable IPv6 routing. On each VLAN where you have configured a Helper address, ensure that the target DHCPv6 server is reachable.

Configuring DHCPv6-Relay
DHCPv6-relay is disabled by default. To enable and configure it, use the commands in this section:

Syntax: [ no ] dhcpv6-relay Used in the global config context to enable DHCPv6-relay globally in the routing switch. The [no] form of the command disables DHCPv6-relay operation on the routing switch. (Default: Disabled) Note: To use DHCPv6-relay on a given VLAN, at least one IPv6 Helper-address must be configured on the VLAN, and IPv6 routing (ipv6 unicast-routing) must be enabled.


DHCPv6-Relay Configuring DHCPv6 Relay

Syntax: [ no ] ipv6 helper-address unicast < ipv6-unicast-helper-addr > [ no ] ipv6 helper-address multicast < all-dhcp-servers | ipv6-multicast-helper-addr > egress vlan < vid > Used in the VLAN context to enable DHCPv6-relay operation on the VLAN, and to specify either a unicast or multicast DHCPv6-relay Helper address for forwarding DHCPv6 service requests from hosts on the subject VLAN. ipv6-unicast-helper-addr: Specifies the global unicast address of a remote DHCPv6 server configured to support hosts on the indicated VLAN.
all-dhcp-servers: Specifies that the routing switch forward host

requests for DHCPv6 service to multicast address FF05::1:3 via the VLAN specified by egress vlan < vid >. egress vlan < vid >: Specifies the VLAN on which DHCPv6 service requests forwarded to a multicast destination will be relayed. The egress VLAN must be a different VLAN than the one on which the multicast Helper address is configured. A service request relayed on the egress VLAN to a downstream router remains in that VLAN unless the downstream router is configured on that VLAN with a unicast Helper address for a server on another VLAN. (Refer to the example in figure 92 on page 9-6.) Using the no form of the command removes the specified helper address. Removing all helper addresses from a given VLAN disables DHCPv6-relay on that VLAN. Note: DHCPv6-relay operation must be enabled with
dhcpv6-relay at the global config level.


DHCPv6-Relay Configuring DHCPv6 Relay

Multiple-Hop Forwarding of DHCPv6 Service Requests

If a routing switch receives a unicast DHCPv6 service request forwarded by a relay agent, the request is routed to the specified server. For example, in figure 9-1, router X is a relay agent configured to forward DHCPv6 requests received from VLAN 10 to unicast Helper address 2001:db8:0:12::11. Router Y receives the request from router X on VLAN 10 and routes it to the DHCPv6 server at 2001:db8:0:12::11 on VLAN 12. In this case, router Y acts as an IPv6 router and not as a DHCPv6 relay.
Router Y VLAN-12: 2001:db8:0:12::10 VLAN-12 DHCPv6 Server 2001:db8:0:12::11

VLAN-10: 2001:db8:0:10::2 DHCPv6 Server

VLAN-10 Router X: Relay Agent VLAN-10: 2001:db8:0:10::1 Unicast Helper Address = 2001:db8:0:12::11 VLAN-14: 2001:db8:0:14::1 VLAN-14 Router Z



VLAN-15: 2001:db8:0:15::1 VLAN-14: 2001:db8:0:14::2

Figure 9-1. Routing a Unicast DHCPv6 Request Across a Multiple-Hop Topology


DHCPv6-Relay Configuring DHCPv6 Relay

In figure 9-2, router X is a relay agent configured to forward DHCPv6 service requests received from VLAN 10 to the all-DHCPv6-servers multicast Helper address (FF05::1:3) through VLAN 14. Router Z receives the request from router X on VLAN 14. Because router Z is configured with unicast Helper address 2001:db8:0:15::33 on VLAN 14, the service request is relayed to the DHCPv6 server at 2001:db8:0:15::33 on VLAN 15. (In this example, both router X and router Z act as DHCPv6 relay agents.)

Router Y VLAN-B: 2001:db8:0:12::10 VLAN-12 DHCPv6 Server 2001:db8:0:2::11

VLAN-A: 2001:db8:0:10::2 DHCPv6 Server



VLAN-15 Router X: Relay Agent VLAN-10: 2001:db8:0:10::1 Multicast Helper Address = all-dhcp-servers egress vlan 14 VLAN-14: 2001:db8:0:14::1 Router Z VLAN-E: 2001:db8:0:15::1 VLAN-14 VLAN-D: 2001:db8:0:14::2 IPv6 Helper Address: 2001:db8:0:15::33

Figure 9-2. Routing a Multicast DHCPv6 Request Across a Multiple-Hop Topology A multi-hop relay scenario such as is shown in figure 9-2 requires the following:

All relays in the path except the relay closest to the server have a multicast helper address. The last relay in the path to the server has a unicast helper address.

Thus, if router Z was not configured with a Helper Address as shown above, then the relayed service request would be restricted to VLAN 14 and would not reach the server at 2001:db8:0:15::33 on VLAN 15.


DHCPv6-Relay Configuring DHCPv6 Relay

Viewing the DHCPv6-Relay Configuration

Syntax: show ipv6 helper-address [ vlan < vid >] Displays the DHCPv6-relay configuration on all VLANs configured on the routing switch or on the VLAN you specify.

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 helper-address

Egress VLAN not used with unicast Helper addresses.

VLAN: 10 IPv6 Helper Address

Egress Vlan

---------------------------------------------- ----------2001:db8:0:12::11

Figure 9-3. Example Display of Unicast Helper Address Configured on VLAN 10 in figure 9-1

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 helper-address

Egress VLAN required for multicast Helper addresses.

VLAN: 14 IPv6 Helper Address

Egress Vlan

---------------------------------------------- ----------FF05::1:3 14

Figure 9-4. Example Display of Multicast Helper Address Configured on VLAN 10 in figure 9-2


Configuring a unicast IPv6 Helper address does not require the specification of an egress VLAN. However, an egress VLAN must be included when configuring a multicast Helper address. Using the show ipv6 help-address vlan < vid > command displays the Helper address information for the specified VLAN in the same format as is shown above.


DHCPv6-Relay Configuring DHCPv6 Relay

Syntax: show run Use this option to verify whether DHCPv6-relay is enable on the routing switch. The output includes per-VLAN listings of any configured Helper addresses.

HP Switch(config)# show run Running configuration:

. . .
ipv6 hop-limit 25

Non-Default Hop-Limit Configured IPv6 Unicast Routing Enabled

ipv6 unicast-routing interface loopback 1 ip address exit snmp-server community "public" unrestricted vlan 10 untagged 20-22 ipv6 address fe80::1 link-local ipv6 address 2001:db8:0:10::1 ipv6 helper-address unicast 2001:db8:0:12::11 exit DHCPv6 Helper Address vlan 14 Configured Per-VLAN ipv6 address fe80::1 link-local ipv6 address 2001:db8:0:14::1 exit dhcpv6-relay
DHCPv6-Relay Globally Enabled


DHCPv6-Relay Configuring DHCPv6 Relay

DHCPv6-Relay Operating Notes

A DHCPv6-relay message sent to any multicast address carries a hop-limit of 32. The hop limit for DHCPv6 requests sent to a unicast address is determined by the ipv6 hop-limit < 1 - 255 > command at the global configuration level (Default: 64). Refer to Configuring Global IPv6 Routing Parameters on page 6-8. Multicast addresses reserved for DHCPv6 include the following: FF02::1:2 All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers FF05::1:3 All_DHCP_Servers

DHCPv6 client and relay functions are mutually exclusive on a VLAN. Attempting to configure one of these functions on a VLAN while the other is already configured results in one of the following messages: Cannot configure an IPv6 helper-address as DHCPv6 client is enabled on the VLAN. Cannot enable DHCPv6 client as an IPv6 helperaddress is configured on the VLAN.

The routing switch supports concurrent, independent operation of DHCPv4 and DHCPv6. Operating limits:
DHCPv6-Relay Feature Unique Helper addresses supported on the routing switch Unique Helper addresses per VLAN interface Maximum 32* 32*

*If the same Helper address is used on multiple VLANs, it is counted as one address toward these maximums.


DHCPv6-Relay Configuring DHCPv6 Relay


OSPFv3 Routing
Introduction to OSPFv3
OSPFv3 is the IPv6 implementation of Open Shortest Path First protocol. (OSPFv2 is the IPv4 implementation of this protocol.) The switches covered by this guide can be configured to run OSPFv3 either alone or simultaneously with OSPFv2. (OSPFv3 and OSPFv2 run as independent protocols on the routing switch, and do not have any interaction when run simultaneously.) This section describes OSPFv3 terms, basic features, and general operation. For specific configuration information, turn to the topics referenced in the following command index.

OSPFv3 Command Index

Enable IPv6 Unicast Routing and Global OSPFv3 Routing ipv6 unicast-routing router ospf3 < enable | disable > Assign the Routing Switch to OSPFv3 Areas [no] area < area-id | backbone > [normal] [no] area < area-id > stub [metric-cost < 0 - 16777215 > [no] area < area-id > nssa [metric-cost < 0 - 16777215 > [metric-type < type1 | type2 > [no-summary] [no] interface loopback < 0 - 7 > Assign VLANs and/or Subnets to Each Area vlan < vid > ipv6 ospf3 area < area-id > External Route Redistribution [no] route-map < map-name > < permit | deny > [seq < 1 - 4294967295 >] [no] router ospf3 redistribute < connected | static > route-map < map-name > [no] router ospf3 default-metric < 0 - 16777215 > Continued on Next Page disabled 10-32 none 10-29 none 10-25 disabled 10-23





OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Continued From Previous Page Configure Ranges on an ABR To Reduce Advertising router ospf3 area < area-id > range < ipv6-addr / prefix > type < inter-area | nssa > [no-advertise] Use Administrative Distance To Influence Route Choices distance < external | inter-area | intra-area > < 1 - 255 > Strict LSA Operation for Graceful Restart Helper Mode [no] restart strict-lsa Generate OSPFv3 Traps [no] trap < trap-name | all > VLAN Interface Settings ipv6 ospf3 cost < 1 - 65535 > ipv6 ospf3 dead-interval < 1 - 65535 > ipv6 ospf3 hello-interval < 1 - 65535 > ipv6 ospf3 retransmit-interval < 0 - 3600 > ipv6 ospf3 transit-delay < 1 - 3600 > Virtual Links Between ABRs [no] area < area-id > virtual-link < router-id > dead-interval < 1 - 65535 > hello-interval < 1 - 65535 retransmit-interval < 1 - 3600 > transit-delay < 0 - 3600 > OSPFv3 Passive [no] ipv6 ospf3 passive Displaying OSPFv3 Information





110 disabled disabled 1 40 sec. 10 sec. 5 sec. 1 sec.

10-39 10-40 10-41 10-43 10-43 10-43 10-44 10-44

none 40 sec. 10 sec. 5 sec. 1 sec.

10-46 10-48 10-49 10-50 10-51 10-52 10-54

disabled n/a


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Adjacency: A relationship established between a pair of neighboring routers to enable exchange of routing information. Area Border Router (ABR): An OSPFv3-enabled router having an interface on the backbone area (area 0) and one or more other OSPFv3 areas. (Refer to Area Border Routers (ABRs) on page 10-7.) AS External Link-State Advertisement: An LSA advertising known external links for the backbone and transit areas. For injection into an NSSA, ABR converts AS-External-LSAs to a Type-7-LSA advertising the default route (::/0). Used, for example, when a static default route is redistributed in a nonNSSA area. Refer to Table 10-1 on page 10-6. (See also Link State Advertisement.) Autonomous System (AS): A single interior gateway protocol (IGP) domain such as an OSPFv3 or RIP domain. Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR): An OSPFv3-enabled router having interfaces in multiple IGP domains, such as an ASBR with membership in both an OSPFv3 domain and a RIP domain. (Refer to Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR) on page 10-8.) Backbone Area: Required in any OSPFv3 domain, this is the transit area for all advertisements and routed traffic between non-backbone areas. (Refer to Backbone Area on page 10-12.) Backup Designated Router (BDR): If the DR for a network becomes inaccessible, the BDR takes over the DR function. (See also Designated Router, below, and refer to Designated Routers on page 10-8.) Default Route: A route defined as ::/0. OSPFv3 uses Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA default routes and AS-External-LSA default routes. Designated Router (DR): Serves as the distribution point for forwarding updates throughout the network. (See also Backup Designated Router, above, and refer to Designated Routers on page 10-8.) Inter-Area-Prefix Link-State Advertisement: Summarizes the available links within an OSPFv3 area. This advertisement is sent by the ABR for an area to the backbone area for distribution to the other areas in the OSPFv3 domain. Refer to Table 10-1 on page 10-6. (See also Link State Advertisement.) Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP): A method for forwarding traffic between autonomous routing domains.


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Interior Router: An OSPFv3-enabled routing switch having interfaces in only one OSPFv3 area. (Refer to Interior Routers on page 10-7.) Link-State Advertisement (LSA): A message sent by a router to its neighbors to advertise the existence of a route to a destination known by the originating router. Refer to Table 10-1 on page 10-6. Normal Area: Exists within an OSPFv3 domain and connects to the backbone area through one or more ABRs (either physically or through a virtual link). Supports inter-area link-state advertisements and external link-state advertisements to and from the backbone area, as well as ASBRs. NSSA (Not-So-Stubby-Area): An OSPFv3 area that allows generation of external routes as Type-7-LSAs, and injection of external routes as ASExternal-LSAs to the backbone and other transit areas. An NSSA does not allow importing of AS-External-LSAs or Inter-Area-Router-LSAs. Also controls import of Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs. (Refer to Not-So-Stubby-Area (NSSA) on page 10-12.) Stub Area: An OSPFv3 area that does not allow an internal ASBR or ASExternal-LSAs. (Refer to Stub Area on page 10-12.) Summary Route: A single prefix containing the significant bits that define multiple routes accessible in an area. Topological Database: See Link State Database. Type-7 (NSSA External) Link State Advertisement: An LSA originating with an ASBR in an NSSA and allowed only in the NSSA. Refer to Table 10-1 on page 10-6. (See also Link State Advertisement.) Virtual Link: Used to provide connectivity from a normal area to the backbone when the subject area does not have an ABR physically linked to the backbone area. Refer to Configuring an ABR To Use a Virtual Link to the Backbone on page 10-45.


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Overview of OSPFv3

Factor Application Concurrent IPv4/IPv6 Operation

Detail OSPFv3 applications only; runs independent of the OSPFv2 protocol used for IPv4 OSPFv2 applications. Concurrent OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 operation supported on all VLAN interfaces configured on the routing switch.

The routing switches covered by this guide support concurrent operation of both OSPFv2 (for IPv4) and OSPFv3 (for IPv6). The two versions of the OSPFv3 protocol operate independently of each other. (For information on OSPFv2 for IPv4 operation, refer to the latest Multicast and Routing Guide for your routing switch.)


In this chapter, OSPF refers to OSPFv3 for IPv6 operation unless otherwise stated. OSPFv3 is a link-state routing protocol applied to IPv6 routers grouped into OSPFv3 areas identified by the IPv6 routing configuration on each routing switch. Each OSPFv3 area includes one or more networks. OSPFv3 routers use Hello packets and link-state advertisements (LSAs) to maintain OSPFv3 operation across networks within an area, and between areas within an OSPFv3 domain.

Hello Packets
OSPFv3 uses hello packets to initiate and preserve relationships between neighboring routers on the same VLAN interface. OSPFv3 automatically transmits Hello packets that are configurable for transmission interval (to indicate a link that has become unavailable).

Link-State Advertisements (LSAs)

OSPFv3 uses LSAs transmitted by each router to update neighboring routers regarding its interfaces and the routes available through those interfaces. Each routing switch in an area also maintains a Link State Database (LSDB) that describes the area topology. (All routers in a given OSPFv3 area have identical LSDBs, and each router uses the LSDB to build its own shortest-path tree.) The routing switches used to connect areas to each other flood InterArea-Prefix-LSAs, Inter-Area-Router-LSAs, and AS-External-LSAs to neighboring OSPFv3 areas to update them regarding available routes. Through this


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

means, each OSPFv3 router determines the shortest path between itself and a desired destination router in the same OSPFv3 domain (Autonomous System). Routed traffic in an OSPFv3 AS is classified as one of the following:

intra-area traffic inter-area traffic external traffic

The routing switches covered in this guide support the LSAs listed in the following table. For more information, refer to RFCs 2740 and 3101 (for Type7-LSA): Table 10-1. OSPFv3 Link-State Advertisement (LSA) Types LSA Type


Describes the state of each active interface on a router for a given area. (Excludes loopback interfaces and interfaces that have not achieved full adjacency.) Describes the OSPFv3 routers in a given network.

Flood Scope

0x2002 0x2003


Area Area

Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA Describes the route to a prefix in another OSPFv3 area of the same Autonomous System (AS). Propagated through backbone area to other areas. Inter-Area-RouterLSA Describes the route to an ASBR in another OSPFv3 normal area (including the backbone area) of the same AS. (Excludes prefixes for link-local addresses.) Propagated through backbone area to other areas. (Excludes any ASBR in the same area as the router sending the LSA.)





Autonomous Describes the route to a destination prefix in another AS (external System route). (Excludes prefixes for link-local addresses.) Originated by (AS) ASBR in normal or backbone areas of an AS and propagates through backbone area to other normal areas. Does not flood over virtual links and is not summarized in virtual links. For injection into an NSSA, an NSSA ABR generates a Type-7-default-LSA advertising the default route (::/0). Describes the route to a destination in another AS (external route). Originated by ASBR in NSSA. ABR translates Type-7 LSAs to ASExternal-LSAs for injection into the backbone area. For other routers on the same VLAN interface, describes the routers link-local address and any other IPv6 prefixes reachable on the VLAN. Link LSAs are not flooded over virtual links. NSSA







Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA Generated on transit links within an area by the designated router (DR) operating on those links. Also, every OSPFv3 router generates this LSA to refer to stub and loopback prefixes on the router.



OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

OSPFv3 Router Types

Interior Routers
This type of OSPFv3 router belongs to only one area. Interior routers flood Router-LSAs to all routers in the same area, and maintain identical link state databases (LSDBs). In figure 10-5, below, routers R1, R3, R4, and R6 are all interior routers because all of their links are to other routers in the same area.

Area 0 (Backbone)

Interior Router
R5 a2 Are



Area 1



Interior Routers

Figure 10-5. Example of Interior Routers

Area Border Routers (ABRs)

This type of OSPFv3 router has membership in multiple areas. ABRs are used to connect the various areas in an AS to the backbone area for that AS. Multiple ABRs can be used to connect a given area to the backbone, and a given ABR can belong to multiple areas other than the backbone. An ABR maintains a separate LSDB for each area to which it belongs. (All routers within the same area have identical LSDBs.) The ABR is responsible for flooding Inter-AreaPrefix-LSAs and inter-area router LSAs between its border areas. You can reduce this LSA flooding by configuring area ranges. An area range enables you to assign an aggregate address to a range of IPv6 addresses. This aggregate address is advertised instead of all the individual addresses it represents. You can assign up to eight ranges in an OSPFv3 area. In figure 10-6, below, routers R2 and R5 are Area Border Routers (ABRs) because they both have membership in more than one area.


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Area 0 (Backbone) Area Border Router (ABR) R1

Area Border Router (ABR)



a2 Are R6


Area 1


Figure 10-6. Example of Deploying ABRs To Connect Areas to the Backbone

Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR)

This type of OSPFv3 router runs one or more Interior Gateway protocol and serves as a gateway to other autonomous systems operating with interior gateway protocols. The ASBR imports and translates different protocol routes into OSPFv3 through redistribution. ASBRs can be used in backbone areas, normal areas, and NSSAs, but not in stub areas. For more details on redistribution and configuration examples, see 2. Enable Route Redistribution on page 10-33.

Designated Routers
In an OSPFv3 network having two or more routers, one router is elected to serve as the designated router (DR) and another router to act as the backup designated router (BDR). All other routers in the area forward their routing information to the DR and BDR, and the DR forwards this information to all of the routers in the network. This minimizes the amount of repetitive information that is forwarded on the network by eliminating the need for each individual router in the area to forward its routing information to all other routers in the network. If the area includes multiple networks, then each network elects its own DR and BDR. In an OSPFv3 network with no designated router and no backup designated router, the neighboring router with the highest priority is elected as the DR, and the router with the next highest priority is elected as the BDR. If the DR goes off-line, the BDR automatically becomes the DR, and the router with the next highest priority then becomes the new BDR. If multiple routing switches on the same OSPFv3 network are declaring themselves as DRs, then both priority and router ID are used to select the designated router and backup designated routers.


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Priority is configurable by using the vlan < vid > ipv6 ospfv3 priority < 0-255 > command at the interface level. You can use this parameter to help bias one router as the DR. (For more on this command, refer to Priority Per-Interface on page 10-44.) If two neighbors share the same priority, the router with the highest router ID is designated as the DR. The router with the next highest router ID is designated as the BDR. For example, in figure 10-7, the DR and BDR for the 2001:db8:0:5::/64 network in area 5 are determined as follows: Router A Router B Router C Router D Router E Priority: 0 Priority: 3 Priority: 2 Priority: 0 Priority: 1 Cannot become a DR or BDR. DR for the 2001:db8:0:5::/64 network. BDR for the 2001:db8:0:5::/64 network. Cannot become a DR or BDR. Becomes the new BDR if router B becomes unavailable and router C becomes the new DR.

Area 0 (Backbone)

Router X 2001:db8:0::1:2/64 ID:

Router A 2001:db8:0::1:1/64 ID: Router E 2001:db8:0:5::10:4/64 ID: Priority: 1 2001:db8:0:5::10:1/64 ID: Priority 0

Area 5

Router D 2001:db8:0:5::10:5/64 ID: Priority: 0

Router B 2001:db8:0:5::10:2/64 ID: Priority: 3

Router C 2001:db8:0:5::10:3/64 ID: Priority: 2

Figure 10-7. Example of Designated Routers in an OSPFv3 Area


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

To verify the router priority on an interface, use the show ipv6 ospf3 interface command and check the Pri field.


Once a DR is elected, the DR and BDR status will not change if a higher priority router joins the network, unless the DR or BDR goes down. By default, the router ID is typically the lowest-numbered IPv4 loopback address or the lowest-numbered (user-configured) loopback interface configured on the device. For more information or to change the router ID, see System Router ID on page 6-9. If multiple networks exist in the same OSPFv3 area, the recommended approach is to ensure that each network uses a different router as its DR. Otherwise, if a router is a DR for more than one network, latency in the router could increase due to the increased traffic load resulting from multiple DR assignments. When only one router on an OSPFv3 network claims the DR role despite neighboring routers with higher priorities or router IDs, this router remains the DR. This is also true for BDRs. The DR and BDR election process is performed when one of the following events occurs:

an interface is in a waiting state and the wait time expires an interface is in a waiting state and a hello packet is received that addresses the BDR a change in the neighbor state occurs, such as: a neighbor state transitions from 2 or higher communication to a neighbor is lost a neighbor declares itself to be the DR or BDR for the first time

OSPFv3 Area Types

OSPFv3 is built upon a hierarchy of network areas. All areas for a given OSPFv3 domain reside in the same Autonomous System (AS). An AS is defined as a number of contiguous networks, all of which share the same interior gateway routing protocol. An AS can be divided into multiple areas, including the backbone (area 0). Each area represents a collection of contiguous networks and hosts, and the topology of a given area is not known by the internal routers in any other area. Areas define the boundaries to which Router-LSAs and Network-LSAs are broadcast. This limits the amount of LSA flooding that occurs within the AS


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

and also helps to control the size of the link-state databases (LSDBs) maintained in OSPFv3 routers. An area is represented in OSPFv3 by either a 32-bit dotted-decimal address or a number. Area types include:

backbone normal

not-so-stubby (NSSA) stub

All areas in an AS must connect with the backbone through one or more area border routers (ABRs). If a normal area is not directly connected to the backbone area, it must be configured with a virtual link to an ABR that is directly connected to the backbone. The stub and NSSA area types do not allow virtual link connections to the backbone area.

Backbone Area

External (IGP) Domain





Normal Area


Stub Area


External (IGP) Domain

OSPFv3 Domain

Normal Area Virtual Link

Figure 10-8. Example of an Autonomous System (AS) with Multiple Areas and External Routes

Normal Area
This area type allows Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs and AS-External-LSAs to and from the Backbone area. (As noted earlier, the Backbone area is a special type of Normal area.) A Normal area connects to the AS backbone area through one or more ABRs (physically or through a virtual link). ASBRs are allowed in Normal areas.


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Backbone Area
Every AS must have one (and only one) Backbone area (identified as area 0 or The ABRs of all other areas in the same AS connect to the Backbone area, either physically through an ABR or through a configured, virtual link. The Backbone is a special type of Normal area, and serves as a transit area for carrying the Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs, AS-External-LSAs and routed traffic between non-backbone areas, as well as the Router-LSAs and Network-LSAs and routed traffic internal to the area. ASBRs are allowed in backbone areas.

Stub Area
This area connects to the AS backbone through one or more ABRs. It does not allow an internal ASBR, and does not allow AS-External-LSAs. A stub area supports these actions:

Advertise the areas inter-area routes to the backbone area. Advertise inter-area routes from other areas. Use the Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA default route to advertise routes to an ASBR and to other areas.

You can configure the stub area ABR to do the following:

Suppress advertising some or all of the areas summarized internal routes into the backbone area. Suppress LSA traffic from other areas in the AS by replacing Inter-AreaPrefix-LSAs and the default external route from the backbone area with the default route (::/0).

Virtual links are not allowed for stub areas.

Not-So-Stubby-Area (NSSA)
This area type connects to the backbone area through one or more ABRs. NSSAs are used where an ASBR exists in an area where you want to:

Block injection of external routes from other areas of the AS. Advertise type-7-LSA external routes (learned from the ASBR) to the backbone area as AS-External-LSAs.

NSSAs also support the following:

Advertise Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs from the backbone area into the NSSA. (If no-summary is enabled, the NSSA ABR suppresses these LSAs from the backbone and, instead, injects the Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA default route into the NSSA.) Advertise NSSA Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs to the backbone area.


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

In the above operation, the ASBR in the NSSA injects external routes as Type7-LSAs. (AS-External-LSAs are not allowed in an NSSA.) The ABR connecting the NSSA to the backbone converts the Type-7-LSAs to AS-External-LSAs and injects them into the backbone area for propagation to networks in the backbone and to any normal areas configured in the AS. The ABR also injects Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs from the backbone area into the NSSA The default route (::/0) is always injected into the NSSA as either a Type-7-LSA or an Inter-Area-LSA, depending on the no-summary configuration (default: disabled). That is, if Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs are allowed in the NSSA (the default operation), a Type-7-LSA default route (::/0) is injected into the NSSA. But if Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs are blocked (by enabling no-summary), then the Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA default route is injected into the NSSA instead of the Type-7-LSA default route. You can also configure the NSSA ABR to suppress advertising some or all of the areas summarized internal or external routes into the backbone area. (See 7. Optional: Configure Ranges on an ABR To Reduce Advertising to the Backbone on page 10-36.) Virtual links are not allowed for NSSAs.

OSPFv3 RFC Compliance

The OSPFv3 features covered in this guide comply with the following:

RFC 2740 OSPFv3 for IPv6 RFC 3101 OSPF NSSA option

Reducing AS-External-LSAs and Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs

An OSPFv3 ASBR uses AS-External-LSAs to originate advertisements of a route to another routing domain. These advertisements are:

flooded in the area in which the ASBR operates injected into the backbone area and then propagated to any other OSPFv3 areas (except stub and NSSA areas) within the local OSPFv3 Autonomous System (AS). If the AS includes an NSSA, there are two additional options: If the NSSA includes an ASBR, you can suppress advertising some or all of its summarized external routes into the backbone area. (Refer to 7. Optional: Configure Ranges on an ABR To Reduce Advertising to the Backbone on page 10-36.) Replace all Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs and all external routes from the backbone area with the default route (::/0).


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

In some cases, multiple ASBRs in an AS can originate equivalent AS-External LSAs. The LSAs are equivalent when they have the same cost, the same next hop, and the same destination. In such cases, the HP switch optimizes OSPFv3 by eliminating duplicate AS External LSAs. That is, the ASBR with the highest router ID floods the AS External LSAs for the external domain into the OSPFv3 AS, while the other ASBRs flush the equivalent AS External LSAs from their databases. As a result, the overall volume of route advertisement traffic within the AS is reduced and the switches that flush the duplicate AS External LSAs have more memory for other OSPFv3 data. This enhancement is enabled by default, requires no configuration, and cannot be disabled.

Algorithm for AS-External-LSA Reduction

The AS-External-LSA reduction feature behavior changes under the following conditions:

There is one ASBR advertising (originating) a route to the external destination, but one of the following happens: A second ASBR comes on-line A second ASBR that is already on-line begins advertising an equivalent route to the same destination.

In either case above, the routing switch with the higher router ID floods the AS-External-LSAs and the other routing-switch flushes its equivalent AS-External-LSAs.

One of the ASBRs starts advertising a route that is no longer equivalent to the route the other ASBR is advertising. In this case, the ASBRs each flood AS-External-LSAs. Since the LSAs either no longer have the same cost or no longer have the same next-hop router, the LSAs are no longer equivalent, and the LSA reduction feature no longer applies. The ASBR with the higher router ID becomes unavailable or is reconfigured so that it is no longer an ASBR. In this case, the other ASBR floods the AS-External-LSAs.

Replacing Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs and Type-7-External-LSA Default Routes with an AS-External-LSA Default Route
By default, a routing switch operating as an ABR for a stub area or NSSA injects non-default, inter-area routes (Inter-AreaPrefix-LSAs) into the stub areas and NSSAs. For NSSAs, the routing switch also injects a Type-7-LSA default external route. You can further reduce LSA traffic into these areas by using no-summary. This command option configures the routing switch to:


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Replace injection of Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs into a stub area or NSSA with an Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA default summary route (::/0). Replace injection of all external routes into an NSSA with an Inter-AreaPrefix-LSA default route.

You can enable this behavior when you first configure the stub area or NSSA, or at a later time. (For the full command to use, refer to Configuring a Stub or NSSA Area on page 10-27.) The no-summary command does not affect intra-area advertisements, meaning the switch still accepts summary LSAs from OSPFv3 neighbors within its area and floods them to other neighbors. The switch can form adjacencies with other routers regardless of whether summarization is enabled or disabled for areas on each switch. When you use no-summary, the change takes effect immediately. If you apply the option to a previously configured area, the switch flushes all of the summary LSAs it has generated (as an ABR) from the area.


This feature applies only when the routing-switch is configured as an Area Border Router (ABR) for a stub area or NSSA. To completely prevent summary LSAs from injection into the area, use no-summary to disable the summary LSAs on each OSPFv3 router that is an ABR for the area. To implement the above operation for a stub area or NSSA, enter a command such as the following:
HP Switch(ospf3)# area 40 stub metric-cost 3 no-summary

(For the full command syntax, refer to Configuring a Stub or NSSA Area on page 10-27.)


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Equal Cost Multi-Path Routing

The Equal Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) feature allows OSPFv3 to add routes with multiple next-hop addresses and with equal costs to a given destination in the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) on the routing switch. For example, if multiple, equal-cost next-hop routes exist on a routing switch for a destination in a network with the prefix 2620:e::/64, these routes would appear similar to the following in the IPv6 Route Entries table:
HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 route IPv6 Route Entries Destination : ::1/128 Gateway : lo0 Type : connected Sub-Type : NA Destination : 2620:c::/64 Gateway : 2620:e::55:2 Type : static Sub-Type : NA Destination : 2620:a::/64 Gateway : fe80::22:3%vlan22 Type : ospf3 Sub-Type : InterArea Destination : 2620:a::/64 Gateway : fe80::22:5%vlan22 Type : ospf3 Sub-Type : InterArea Destination : 2620:a::/64 Gateway : fe80::22:11%vlan22 Type : ospf3 Sub-Type : InterArea Destination : 2620:b::/64 Gateway : VLAN22 Type : connected Sub-Type : NA
Multiple next-hop gateway addresses are displayed for the destination network 2620:a::/64.

Distance : 0

Metric : 1

Distance : 200

Metric : 1

Distance : 110

Metric : 2

Distance : 110

Metric : 2

Distance : 110

Metric : 2

Distance : 0

Metric : 1

Figure 10-9. Example of show ipv6 route Command Output with Multiple Next-Hop Routes For a given destination network in an OSPFv3 domain, multiple ECMP nexthop routes can be one of the following types.

Intra-area (routes to the destination in the same OSPFv3 area) Inter-area (routes to the destination through another OSPFv3 area) External (routes to the destination through another autonomous system)

Multiple ECMP next-hop routes cannot be a mixture of intra-area, inter-area, and external routes. For example, in Figure 10-9, the multiple next-hop routes to network 2620:a::/64 are all inter-area.


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Also, according to the distributed algorithm used in the selection of ECMP next-hop routes:

Intra-area routes are preferred to inter-area routes. Inter-area routes are preferred to external routes through a neighboring autonomous system.

In addition, ECMP ensures that all traffic forwarded to a given host address follows the same path, which is selected from the possible next-hop routes. Note that ECMP load-sharing does not affect routed traffic to different hosts on the same subnet. That is, all traffic for different hosts on the same subnet will go through the same next-hop router. For example, if subnet 2001:db8:0:1f::/64 includes two servers at 2001:db8:0:1f::1ab.101 and 2001:db8:0:1f::1ab.93, then all traffic from router A to these servers will go through the same next-hop router.

Syntax: [no] ip load-sharing < 2 - 4 > When OSPFv3 is enabled and multiple, equal-cost, next-hop routes are available for traffic destinations on different subnets, this feature, by default, enables load-sharing among up to four next-hop routes. For example, in figure 10-10 on page 10-18, the next-hop routers 2, 3, and 4 are available for equal-cost load-sharing of eligible traffic. (Default: Enabled with four equal-cost, next-hop routes allowed) The no form of the command disables load-sharing, which allows only one route in a group of multiple, equal-cost, nexthop routes to be used for traffic that could otherwise be loadshared across multiple routes. Notes: Disabling load-sharing means that router 1 selects only one next-hop router for traffic that is actually eligible for load-sharing through different next-hop routers. In the default configuration, load-sharing is enabled by default for both IPv4 and IPv6. However, it has no effect unless routing and OSPF are enabled. <2-4> Specifies the maximum number of equal-cost next hop paths the router allows. (Range: 2 - 4; Default: 4)


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

For example, in Figure 10-10, the ECMP inter-area routes to destination network 2001:db8:0:e::/64 consist of the following next-hop gateway addresses:

2001:db8:0:b::b:101 2001:db8:0:c::c:101 2001:db8:0:d::d:101

Router 1: IP Route Table Destination Gateway 2001:db8:0:e::/64 2001:db8:0:b::b:10 2001:db8:0:e::/64 2001:db8:0:c::c:20 2001:db8:0:e::/64 2001:db8:0:d::d:30


ECMP Router 1 Area 8

Area 9 Router 3 2001:db8:0:c::c:20 Router 2 2001:db8:0:b::b:10 Router 4 2001:db8:0:d::d:30 Network 2001:db8:0:e::/64

Destination Network Host D 2001:db8:0:e::110/64

Host A 2001:db8:0:e::100/64

Host B 2001:db8:0:e::110/64

Host C 2001:db8:0:e::110/64

Figure 10-10.Example of OSPFv3 ECMP Multiple Next-Hop Routing (Inter-Area)


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

However, the forwarding software distributes traffic across the three possible next-hop routes in such a way that all traffic for a specific host is sent to the same next-hop router. As shown in Figure 10-10, one possible distribution of traffic to host devices is as follows:

Traffic to host A passes through next-hop router 3. Traffic to host B passes through next-hop router 2. Traffic to host C passes through next-hop router 3. Traffic to host D passes through next-hop router 4. Next Hop Used 2001:db8:0:b::b:10 2001:db8:0:c::c:20 2001:db8:0:b::b:10 2001:db8:0:d::d:30

IP Packet Destination 2001:db8:0:e::100 2001:db8:0:e::110 2001:db8:0:e::120 2001:db8:0:e::130

Displaying the Current IP Load-Sharing Configuration

Use show running to view the currently active load-sharing configuration, and show config to view the load-sharing configuration in the startup-config file. (While in its default configuration ip load-sharing 4 load-sharing does not appear in the command output.) If load sharing is configured with non-default settings (disabled or configured for either two or three equal-cost next-hop paths), then the current settings are displayed in the command output.
HP Switch(config)# show running Running configuration: ; J9588A Configuration Editor; Created on release #KA.15.03 hostname "HP Switch" snmp-server community "public" Unrestricted Indicates a non-default load-sharing configuration vlan 1 allowing three equal-cost next-hop paths for routed name "DEFAULT_VLAN" traffic with different subnet destinations. If the routing untagged 1-24 switch is configured with the default load-sharing ip address dhcp-bootp configuration, load-sharing does not appear in the exit show config or show running command output. ip load-sharing 3

Figure 10-11.Displaying a Non-Default IP Load-Sharing Configuration


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

OSPFv3 Activation and Dynamic Configuration

After either an IPv4 loopback address or a router ID (page 6-9) has been configured on the routing switch, OSPFv3 activates when enabled with the following two commands:
HP Switch(config): ipv6 unicast-routing HP Switch(config): router ospf3 enable.

All configuration commands affecting OSPFv3 (except reconfiguring the router ID) are dynamically implemented, and can be used without restarting OSPFv3 routing. (To reconfigure the router ID, refer to System Router ID on page 6-9.)


The router ospf3 enable command enables OSPFv3 without a system reset.

General Configuration Steps for OSPFv3

To begin using OSPFv3 on the routing switch, perform the steps outlined below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enable IPv6 on at least one VLAN interface. In the global config context, use ipv6 unicast-routing to enable routing (page 10-23). Execute router ospf3 enable to enable OSPFv3 routing (page 10-24). Use area in the ospf3 context to assign the areas to which the routing switch will be attached (page 10-25). Assign VLAN interfaces to the configured areas by moving to each VLAN context and using the following command: ipv6 ospf3 area < ospf-area-id > assigns all interfaces in the VLAN to the same area. 6. 7. Optional: Assign loopback interfaces to OSPFv3 areas by using the interface loopback < 0 - 7 > ipv6 ospf3 area command. (Refer to page 10-31.) Optional: On each routing switch used as an ASBR in your OSPFv3 domain (page 10-32): a. b. Configure route maps to permit route prefixes you want redistributed in your OSPFv3 domain and to deny all others. Configure redistribution to enable importing the static and connected routes you want to make available in the domain.


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

8. 9.

Optional: Configure ranges on ABRs to reduce inter-area route advertising (page 10-36). Optional: Use Administrative Distance to influence route choices (page 10-39).

10. Optional: Enforce strict LSA operation for Graceful Restart Helper mode (page 10-40). 11. Optional: Change OSPFv3 trap generation (page 10-41). 12. Optional: Adjust performance by changing the VLAN interface settings, if needed. Includes cost, dead-interval, hello-interval, priority, and others (page 10-42). 13. Configure virtual links for any areas not directly connected to the backbone (page 10-45).

Configuration Rules

If the switch is to operate as an ASBR, you must enable redistribution (step 7, above). When you do so, ASBR capability is automatically enabled. For this reason, you should first configure route policy and redistribution filters on the ASBR. Otherwise, all possible external routes will be allowed to flood the domain. (Refer to 6. Optional: Configure for External Route Redistribution in an OSPFv3 Domain on page 10-32.) Each VLAN interface on which you want OSPFv3 to run must be assigned to one of the defined areas. When a VLAN interface is assigned to an area, the IPv6 addresses configured on that VLAN are automatically included in the assignment.

OSPFv3 Global and Interface Settings

When first enabling OSPF, you may want to consider configuring ranges and restricting redistribution (if an ASBR is used) to avoid unwanted advertisements of external routes. You may also want to enable OSPFv3 traps to enhance troubleshooting. However, it is generally recommended that the remaining parameters with non-null default settings be left as-is until you have the opportunity to assess OSPFv3 operation and determine whether any adjustments to default settings is warranted. The following tables list the global and per-interface commands used with OSPFv3. For information on when to use these commands, refer to General Configuration Steps for OSPFv3 on page 10-20. For detailed information on each command, refer to the page listed for each command.


OSPFv3 Routing Introduction to OSPFv3

Table 10-2. OSPFv3 Default OSPF3 Context Settings OSPF3 Context Parameters
router ospf3 < disable | enable > area < area-id | backbone > redistribute < connected | static > route-map < ascii-str > default-metric < 0 - 16777215 > default-metric-type < type1 | type2 > distance < external | inter-area | intra-area > < 1 - 255 > restart strict-lsa trap < ospf-trap-name | all > [ no ] logging neighbor-adjacency

N/A Disabled None Disabled 10 type2 110 Enabled Enabled Enabled

10-23 10-24 10-25 10-33 10-34 10-34 10-39 10-40 10-41 10-53


Before enabling OSPFv3, ensure that ipv6 unicast-routing is enabled. Also, either begin each command with router ospf3, or execute router ospf3 at the global CONFIG level and then execute the individual commands in that context. For example:
HP Switch(config)# router ospf3 HP Switch(ospf3)# enable

Table 10-3. OSPFv3 VLAN Context Default Interface Settings Parameter

ipv6 ospf3 ipv6 ospf3 area < area-id | backbone> ipv6 ospf3 cost < 1 - 65535 > ipv6 ospf3 dead-interval < 1 - 65535 > ipv6 ospf3 hello-interval < 1 - 65535 > ipv6 ospf3 priority < 0 - 255 > ipv6 ospf3 retransmit-interval < 1 - 1800 > ipv6 ospf3 transit-delay < 1 - 1800 > [ no ] ipv6 ospf3 passive

disabled None 1 40 seconds 10 seconds 1 5 seconds 1 second disabled

10-29 10-29 10-43 10-43 10-43 10-44 10-44 10-44 10-52


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch


Use the VLAN interface context to set interface level OSPFv3 parameters for the desired VLAN. To access this context level, use vlan < vid > either to move to the VLAN context level or to specify that context from the global config level. For example, both of the following two command sets achieve the same result: HP Switch(config)# vlan 20 HP Switch(vlan-20)# cost 15 HP Switch(config)# vlan 20 cost 15

Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Router ID or IPv4 Loopback Address Requirement
OSPFv3 routing requires either a router ID or an IPv4 loopback address configured on the routing switch. If this requirement is not already satisfied, use one of the following commands to configure a router ID or IPv4 loopback address:

Syntax:. ip router-id < ip-addr > interface loopback < 0 - 7 > ip address < n.n.n.n > ip router-id < ip-addr >: Executed at the global configuration level to assign a router ID to the routing switch. For more information, refer to System Router ID on page 6-9. Default: Disabled interface loopback: Executed at the global or deeper configuration level to assign an IPv4 address to a loopback interface on the routing switch. For more information, refer to Loopback Interfaces in the latest Basic Operation Guide for your routing switch.

1. Enable IPv6 Routing

Syntax: [no] ipv6 unicast-routing


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Executed at the global configuration level to enable IPv6 routing on the routing switch. Default: Disabled The no form of the command disables IPv6 routing. (Global OSPFv3 routing must be disabled before you disable IPv6 routing.) For example:
HP Switch(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing

2. Enable Global OSPFv3 Routing

Syntax: router ospf3 < enable | disable > The router ospf3 command executed alone puts the routing switch into ospf3 context. The keyword options enable or disable OSPFv3 on the routing switch. This command allows you to configure OSPFv3 before activating it on the routing switch. Global IPv6 unicast-routing must be enabled before executing this command. Default: Disabled Note: If you disable OSPFv3, the switch retains all the configuration information for the disabled protocol in flash memory. If you subsequently restart OSPF, the existing configuration will be applied. For example:
HP Switch(config)#router ospf3 enable HP Switch(ospf3)#


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

3. Assign the Routing Switch to OSPFv3 Areas

After you globally enable OSPFv3 on the routing switch (step 2 on page 1024), use this command to create one or more OSPFv3 areas within your autonomous system (AS). A routing switch can belong to one area or to multiple areas. (Participation in a given area requires configuring one or more VLANs and assigning each to the desired area (covered in step 4 on page 1029.)

If you want the VLANs configured on the routing switch to all reside in the same area, then you need to configure only that one area. (In this case, the routing switch would operate as an internal router for the area.) If you want to put different VLANs on the routing switch into different areas, then you need to re-execute this command for each area. (In this case, the routing switch will operate as an ABR for each of the configured areas.)


Each ABR must either be directly connected to the backbone area (0) or be configured with a virtual link to the backbone area through another ABR that is directly connected to the backbone area (covered in step 11 on page 10-45).


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Configuring an OSPFv3 Backbone or Normal Area. Syntax: area < ospf3-area-id | backbone > [normal] no area < ospf3-area-id | backbone > After using router ospf3 to globally enable OSPFv3 and enter the global OSPF3 context, execute this command to assign the routing switch to a backbone or other normal area. The no form of the command removes the routing switch from the specified area. Default: No areas. Range: 1-16 areas (of all types) < ospf-area-id >: Specifies a normal area to which you are assigning the routing switch. You can assign the routing switch to one or more areas, depending on the area in which you want each configured VLAN or subnet to reside. You can enter area IDs in either whole number or dotted decimal format. (The routing switch automatically converts whole numbers to the dotted decimal format.) For example, if you enter an area-ID of 1, it appears in the switchs configuration as and an area-ID of 256 appears in the switch configuration as Entering an area ID of 0 or automatically joins the routing switch to the Backbone area. The maximum area ID value is (4,294,967,294). backbone: Assigns the routing switch to the backbone area and automatically assigns an area ID of and an area type of normal. Using 0 or with the above ospf3-area-id option achieves the same result. The backbone area is automatically configured as a normal area type. normal: Applied by default if not specified in an area command. Required to convert an existing NSSA or stub area to a normal area. For example, to configure a backbone and a normal area with an ID of 1 ( on a routing switch:
HP Switch(ospf3)# area backbone HP Switch(ospf3)# area 1

To convert an existing NSSA or stub area to a normal area, you would include the normal keyword. For example, if area 10 was configured as an NSSA area you wanted to convert to a normal area, you would use the following command:
HP Switch(ospf3)# area 10 normal


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Configuring a Stub or NSSA Area. Syntax: area < ospf3-area-id > stub [metric-cost < 0-16777215 >] [no-summary] area < ospf3-area-id > nssa [metric-cost < 0-16777215 >] [metric-type < type1 | type2 >] [no-summary] no area < ospf3-area-id > After using router ospf3 to globally enable OSPFv3 and enter the global OSPF3 context, execute this command to assign the routing switch to a stub area or NSSA. (Does not apply to backbone and normal OSPFv3 area ABRs.) The no form of the command removes the routing switch from the specified area. Default: No areas. Range: 1-16 areas (of all types) < ospf3-area-id >: Same area ID as on page 10-26 except you cannot assign a backbone area number (0 or to a stub or NSSA area. <stub | nssa> Designates the area identified by < ospf3-area-id > as a stub area or NSSA. metric-cost < 0-16777215 >: If the routing switch is used as an ABR for the designated area, assigns the cost of the default route (to the backbone) that is injected into the area. Note: If the routing switch is not an ABR for a stub area or NSSA, the above cost setting is still allowed, but is not used. In the default configuration, a routing switch acting as an ABR for a stub area or NSSA injects Type-7-LSA default routes into the area. If no-summary is configured on the ABR, it injects Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA routes into the area. For more on nosummary, refer to Replacing Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs and Type7-External-LSA Default Routes with an AS-External-LSA Default Route on page 10-14. [metric-type < type1 | type2 >]: Used in NSSA ABRs only. Specifies the type of external cost metric to include in Type-7-LSAs advertised for redistribution of external routes in the NSSA. The metric-type command specifies whether to include the redistribution cost in the cost metric calculation for a Type-7LSA default route injected into the area.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

type1: Calculate external route cost for a Type-7-LSA default route as the sum of (1) the external route cost assigned by the ASBR plus (2) the internal cost from the router with traffic for the external route to the ASBR advertising the route. type2: Use the external route cost assigned by the ASBR advertising the route. (Default: Enabled with metric-type type2.) Note: Different routers in the NSSA can be configured with different metric-type values. [no-summary]: Where the routing switch is an ABR for a stub area or an NSSA, this option reduces the amount of LSA traffic entering the area from the backbone by replacing the injection of Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA routes and Type-7-LSA default external routes with injection of an Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA default route. (Default: Disabled) For more on this topic, refer to Not-So-Stubby-Area (NSSA) on page 10-12, Stub Area on page 10-12, and Replacing Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs and Type-7-External-LSA Default Routes with an AS-External-LSA Default Route on page 10-14. Using no area < ospf3-area-id > nssa no-summary resets the routing switch to the state where injection of Inter-AreaPrefix-LSA routes and the Type-7-LSA default external routes is enabled with metric-type set to type2.

The following examples of configuring a stub area and an NSSA on a routing switch use an (arbitrary) cost of 15.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

HP Switch(ospf3)# area 2 stub metric-cost 15 HP Switch(ospf3)# area 3 nssa metric-cost 15

Assigns a stub area with a cost of 15.

HP Switch(ospf3)# area 4 nssa metric-cost 15 no-summary

Assigns an NSSA with a cost of 15 and, by default, uses a Network-LSA default cost metric for Type-7-LSA (external) routes received from the backbone. Assigns an NSSA with a cost of 15, blocks injection of Inter-Area-PrefixLSA routes, and starts injection of Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA default routes from the backbone.

HP Switch(ospf3)# area 5 nssa metric-cost 15 metric-type type1

Sets the cost metric type for Type-7LSA default routes injected into the NSSA.

Figure 10-12.Examples of Creating Stub Area and NSSA Assignments

4. Enabling OSPFv3 on a VLAN and Assigning One or More VLANs to Each Area
After you define an OSPFv3 area (page 10-25), you can assign one or more VLANs to it. When a VLAN is assigned to an area, all currently configured IPv6 addresses in the VLAN are automatically included in the assignment.


All static VLANs configured on a routing switch configured for OSPFv3 must be assigned to one of the defined areas in the AS.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Syntax: vlan < vid > ipv6 ospf3 [ area < ospf3-area-id > ] [no] vlan < vid > ipv6 ospf3 Executed in a specific VLAN context to assign the VLAN to the specified area. If area is not specified, the command defaults to the backbone area. Requires that the area is already configured on the routing switch (page 10-25). This command assigns all configured networks in the VLAN to the specified OSPFv3 area. vlan < vid >: Defines the VLAN context for executing the area assignment. area < ospf3-area-id >: Identifies the OSPFv3 area to which the VLAN should be assigned. Notes: If you add a new IPv6 address to a VLAN after assigning the VLAN to an OSPFv3 area, the new network automatically joins the area. Before adding a new VLAN to an area, you must enable IPv6 on the VLAN. Otherwise the following CLI message appears:
IPV6 should be enabled before configuring OSPFv3.

The no form of the command deletes the OSPFv3 configuration from the specified VLAN. Example: To assign VLAN 8 on a routing switch to area 3 and include all IP addresses configured in the VLAN, enter the following commands:
HP Switch(ospf3)# vlan 8 HP Switch(vlan-8)# ipv6 ospf3 area 3


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

5. Optional: Assigning IPv6 Loopback Addresses to an Area

After you define the OSPFv3 areas to which the switch belongs, you can assign user-defined IPv6 loopback addresses to an area. An IPv6 loopback interface is configured with an IPv6 address that is unique in an AS and is always reachable as long as at least one of the IPv6 interfaces on the routing switch is operational.


For information on configuring IPv6 loopback interfaces, refer to Assigning an IPv6 Address to a Loopback Interface on page 1-13.

Syntax: interface loopback < 0 - 7 > ipv6 ospf3 area < ospf3-area-id | backbone > no interface loopback < 0 - 7 > ipv6 ospf3 Executed in a specific loopback context to assign an IPv6 loopback interface to the specified area. Requires that the loopback interface is already configured with an IP v6 address on the routing switch. loopback interface < 0-7 >: Defines the loopback context for executing the area assignment. ipv6 ospf3 area < ospf3-area-id >: Identifies the OSPFv3 area to which the loopback interface is assigned. Notes: The area must already exist, and the loopback interface must already be configured with a minimum of one IPv6 address. An IPv6 loopback interface can be assigned to only one area at any time. When an IPv6 loopback interface is assigned to a given area, the no form of the above command removes the interface from that area (page 1-13). Example: To assign loopback interface 3 on the routing switch to area, enter the following commands:
HP Switch(config)# interface loopback 3 HP Switch(lo-3)# ipv6 ospf3 area 12

OSPFv3 Redistribution of Loopback Addresses. For information on this topic, refer to OSPFv3 Redistribution of Loopback Addresses on page 10-35.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

6. Optional: Configure for External Route Redistribution in an OSPFv3 Domain

Configuring route redistribution for OSPFv3 establishes the routing switch as an ASBR (residing in a backbone, normal, or NSSA) for importing and translating different protocol routes from other IGP domains into an OSPFv3 domain. The switches covered by this guide support redistribution for static routes and directly connected routes. When you configure redistribution for OSPF, you can specify that static or connected routes external to the OSPFv3 domain are imported as OSPFv3 routes. The steps for configuring external route redistribution to support ASBR operation include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Optional: Configure route maps to permit and/or deny route prefixes for redistribution in your OSPFv3 domain. Enable route redistribution. Optional: Modify the default metric for redistribution. Optional: Modify the redistribution metric type. Optional: Change the administrative distance setting.


In the default configuration, redistribution is permitted for all routes from supported sources. Enable redistribution after you have configured route maps defining the route policies you want to apply to route redistribution in the OSPFv3 domain. Otherwise, your AS may become overloaded with routes that you did not intend to redistribute.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

1. Optional: Configure Route Maps. Use the route-map command to enter the route map context and configure one or more route maps.

Syntax: [no] route-map < name > < permit | deny > [seq < 1 - 4294967295 >] Used in the OSPFv3 context (router-ospf3) of a routing switch operating as an ASBR. This command enters the route-map context and enables configuration of one or more route maps used in step 2, below, for permitting or denying external connected or static routes. The no form of the command removes the named route map from the switch configuration. For details on configuring route maps, including several commands used in the route-map context, refer to Route Maps in the IP Routing Features chapter of the latest Multicast and Routing Guide for your routing switch. Example: To permit the content of a route map named mymap with a sequence number of 100 on a routing switch operating as an ASBR, enter the following command in the global config context:
HP Switch(config)# route map mymap permit seq 100 HP Switch(route-map-mymap-10)_

After entering the route map context, configure the route map using the commands described in the chapter referenced in the above Syntax description. 2. Enable Route Redistribution. This step enables ASBR operation on a routing switch, and must be executed on each routing switch connected to external routes you want to redistribute in your OSPFv3 domain.


This step assumes you have configured and implemented the route redistribution policies in step 1, above, that are needed to restrict unwanted routes from being redistributed in the OSPFv3 area and domain to which the ASBR belongs.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Syntax: [no] router ospf3 redistribute <connected | static> route-map <map-name> Executed on an ASBR to permit or deny redistribution of static and/or connected routes to the ASBRs domain, as specified in the named route map. static: Redistribute from manually configured routes. connected: Redistribute from locally connected network(s). The no form of the command removes the redistribution configuration for the specified route map. For example, to implement redistribution for the connected and static routes configured in the route map named mymap, you would execute the following commands on the applicable ASBR:
HP Switch(config)# router ospf3 redistribute connected route-map mymap HP Switch(config)# router ospf3 redistribute static routemap mymap

3. Optional: Modify the Default Metric for Redistribution. The default metric is a global parameter that specifies the cost applied to all external OSPFv3 routes by default . Syntax: router ospf3 default-metric < 0-16777215 > no router ospf3 default-metric Globally assigns the cost metric to apply to all external routes redistributed by the ASBR. By using different cost metrics for different ASBRs, you can prioritize the ASBRs in your AS. Default: 10; Range: 0-16777215 Example: To assign a default metric of 4 to all routes imported into an OSPFv3 domain through an ASBR, enter the following command in the ASBR:
HP Switch(config)# router ospf3 default-metric 4

4. Optional: Modifying the Redistribution Metric Type. The redistribution metric type is used by default for all routes imported into OSPFv3. Type 1 metrics are the same units as internal OSPFv3 metrics and can be compared directly. Type 2 metrics are not directly comparable, and are treated as larger than the largest internal OSPFv3 metric.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Syntax: router ospf3 default-metric-type < type1 | type2 > Globally reconfigures the redistribution metric type on an ASBR. type1: Specifies the OSPFv3 metric plus the external metric for an external route. type2: Specifies the external metric for an external route. Default: type2 For example, to change from the default setting on an ASBR to type 1, enter the following command:
HP Switch(config)# router ospf3 default-metric-type type1

OSPFv3 Redistribution of Loopback Addresses. When you assign an IPv6 address to a loopback interface on a routing switch, the address is listed as connected in the route table on that routing switch, and is advertised to neighbors as described in table 10-4, below. Table 10-4. Route Redistribution of Loopback Addresses
Loopback Address Assignment Route Redistribution Enabled Route Redistribution Disabled The loopback address is not advertised to neighbors.

Loopback Not Assigned The loopback address is to an OSPFv3 Area advertised to neighbors as an OSPFv3 External route.

Loopback Is Assigned to The loopback address is advertised to neighbors in the same an OSPFv3 Area area as an OSPFv3 Intra-Area route. For all other areas it is advertised as an OSPFv3 Inter-Area route.

To enable redistribution of loopback IPv6 addresses in OSPFv3 when the addresses are not assigned to an OSPFv3 area, enter the redistribute connected command as described in 2. Enable Route Redistribution on page 10-33. Example: In the following configuration, loopback interface 6 is configured with IPv6 address 2001:db8:1::127 and is assigned to OSPFv3 area, and thus is advertised as an OSPFv3 IntraArea route, regardless of whether route redistribution is enabled. In the same configuration, loopback interface 2 is configured with IPv6 address 2001:db8:2:133, but is not assigned to an OSPFv3 area. As a result, it will be advertised to neighbors as an External route, and only if it is a permitted route in a route map invoked by the redistribute command.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch


Switch(config)# interface loopback 6 Switch(lo-6)# ipv6 address 2001:db8:1:127 Switch(lo-6)# ipv6 ospf3 area 1 Switch(lo-6)# interface loopback 2 Switch(lo-2)# ipv6 address 2001:db8:2:133 Switch(lo-2)# exit
Assigns an IPv6 address to loopback interface 2, but does not assign the interface to an OSPFv3 area.

Figure 10-13.Examples of Assigning Loopback IPv6 Addresses to OSPFv3 Areas To verify the OSPFv3 redistribution of loopback interfaces, enter the show ipv6 route ospf3 command from a neighboring router to display the IPv6 route table entries for detected OSPFv3 routes.
HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 route ospf3 IPv6 Route Entries Destination : 2001:db8::333/128 Gateway : fe80::55:1%vlan55 Type : ospf3 Sub-Type : External2 Destination : 2001:db8:1::127/128 Gateway : fe80::55:1%vlan55 Type : ospf3 Sub-Type : IntraArea

Indicates a loopback interface configured on a neighbor router with redistribution enabled, but not assigned to an OSPFv3 area.

Distance : 110

Metric : 1

Indicates a loopback interface configured on a neighbor router and assigned to an OSPFv3 area.

Distance : 110

Metric : 1

Figure 10-14.Example of Verifying OSPFv3 Redistribution of Loopback Interfaces on a Neighboring Router

7. Optional: Configure Ranges on an ABR To Reduce Advertising to the Backbone

Configuring ranges does the following to reduce inter-area advertising:

Summarizing Routes: Enable a routing switch operating as an ABR to use a specific prefix to summarize a range of IPv6 addresses into a single route advertisement for injection into the backbone. This results in only one address being advertised to the network instead of all the addresses within that range. This reduces LSA traffic and the resources needed to maintain routing tables. Blocking Routes: Prevent an ABR from advertising specific networks or subnets to the backbone area.

Each OSPFv3 area supports up to 8 range configurations.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Syntax: router ospf3 area < ospf3-area-id > range < ipv6-addr /prefix > type < interarea | nssa > [no-advertise] no router ospf3 area < ospf3-area-id > range < ipv6-addr /prefix > type < inter-area | nssa > Use this command on a routing switch intended to operate as an ABR for the specified area to do either of the following: Simultaneously create the area and corresponding range setting for routes to summarize or block.

For an existing area, specify a range setting for routes to summarize or block (prevent).

< ospf3-area-id >: Same area ID as on page 10-26 except you cannot use a backbone area number (0 or for a stub area or NSSA. range < ipv6-addr/prefix >: Defines the range of route advertisements to either summarize for injection into the backbone area or to prevent from being injected into the backbone area. The ipv6-addr value specifies the IPv6 address portion of the range, and prefix specifies the leftmost significant bits in the address. The ABR for the specified area compares the IPv6 address of each outbound route advertisement with the address and significant bits in the mask to determine which routes to select for either summarizing or blocking. For example, 2001:db8:0:f::/64 defines a range including any address that has 2001:db8:0:f in the leftmost 64 bits.. type < inter-area | nssa >: Configures the type of route summaries to advertise or block. inter-area: Specifies internal routes in the configured range of route advertisements. If no-advertise (above) is used in the command, then the ABR prevents the selected internal routes from being summarized in an Inter-Area-PrefixLSA and advertised to the backbone. If no-advertise is not used in the command, then the selected routes are summarized to the backbone in an Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA. (The inter-area keyword in OSPFv3 is the equivalent of the summary keyword in OSPFv2.)


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

nssa: Specifies external routes (Type-7-LSAs) in the configured range of route advertisements. If no-advertise (above) is used in the command, then the ABR prevents the selected external routes from being summarized in an AS-External-LSA and advertised to the backbone. (Configure this option where an ABR for an NSSA advertises external routes that you do not want propagated to the backbone.) If no-advertise is not used in the command, then the selected routes learned from Type-7LSAs in the area are summarized to the backbone in an AS-External-LSA. The no form of the command removes the specified range from the configuration. [no-advertise]: Use this keyword only if you want to configure the ABR to prevent advertisement to the backbone of a specified range of routes. (This has the effect of hiding the specified range from the backbone area.) If you do not use this option, the ABR advertises the specified range of routes according to the type < inter-area | nssa > selection described above. Examples of an ABR Allowing or Blocking Advertisement of a Range of Internal Routes Available in an Area. The following command defines a range of internal routes in area 30 to summarize for injection into the backbone area. (In this example, area 30 can be a normal or stub area, or an NSSA.)

HP Switch(ospf3)# area 30 range 2001:db8:1a/48 type inter-area

Figure 10-15.Example of Defining a Range of Internal Routes To Advertise to the Backbone For the same range of routes, you can use either of the following commands to block injection of a range of inter-area routes (Inter-Area-Prefix-LSAs) from area 30 into the backbone.
HP Switch(ospf3)# area 30 range 2001:db8:1a/48 type inter-area no-advertise

Figure 10-16.Example of Defining a Range of Internal Routes To Block from Advertising to the Backbone


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Example of Allowing or Blocking a Range of External Routes Available Through an ASBR in an NSSA. This example applies only to external routes that can be advertised from an NSSA to the backbone.
HP Switch(ospf3)# area 7 range 2001:db8:5f:1::/64 type nssa
Defines the range of external routes in the Area 7 NSSA to advertise to the backbone.

HP Switch(ospf3)# area 7 range 2001:db8:7a:15::/64 type nssa no-advertise

Defines the range of external routes in the Area 7 NSSA to block from advertising to the backbone.

Figure 10-17.Example of Allowing or Blocking a Range of External Route Advertisements to the Backbone

8. Optional: Influence Route Choices by Changing the Administrative Distance Default

The administrative distance value can be left in its default configuration setting (110) unless a change is needed to improve OSPFv3 performance for a specific network configuration. The switch can learn about networks from various protocols. Consequently, the routes to a network may differ depending on the protocol from which the routes were learned. On the routing switches covered in this guide the administrative distance for OSPFv3 routes is set at 110 for all route types (external, inter-area, and intra-area). The routing switch selects routes on the basis of route source information. To enable this operation, the administrative distance assigned to each source is used to influence route choices. You can change the distance settings in the OSPFv3 global context to enable preference of one route type over another.

Syntax: distance < external | inter-area | intra-area > < 1 - 255 > Used in the OSPFv3 configuration context (router ospf3) to globally reconfigure the administrative distance priority for the specified route type. 1 is the highest priority; 255 is the lowest priority.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

external < 1 - 255 >: Changes the administrative distance for routes between the OSPFv3 domain and other EGP domains. inter-area < 1 - 255 >: Changes the administrative distance for routes between areas within the same OSPFv3 domain. intra-area < 1 - 255 >: Changes the administrative distance for routes within OSPFv3 areas. Default: 110; Range: 1 - 255

9. Optional: Enforce Strict LSA Operation for Graceful Restart Helper Mode
OSPFv3 operation on the routing switches covered by this guide includes Helper mode operation for graceful restart of OSPFv3 on a neighboring router upon receipt of a grace LSA from the neighbor. In the default configuration, Helper mode operation in this case includes terminating graceful restart support (strict LSA operation) on the routing switch if it detects a topology change requiring updated LSAs during the neighboring routers restart period. Terminating this support forces the Helper routing switch to re-establish its LSAs and OSPFv3 functions on the network segment affected by the OSPFv3 restart on the neighboring router. (For more on OSPFv3 graceful restart, refer to RFC 3623.) In the default OSPFv3 configuration, the default Helper mode operation terminates graceful restart if topology changes affect the network segment.

Syntax: [no] restart strict-lsa Used in the OSPFv3 context to enable or disable strict LSA operation in a network segment for a neighboring router that is attempting a graceful restart. When enabled, this operation halts Helper mode support if a change in LSAs (topology change) is detected during the neighbors restart period. Default: Strict LSA operation enabled. The no form of the command disables Strict LSA operation.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

10. Optional: Change OSPFv3 Trap Generation Choices

OSPFv3 traps (defined by RFC 5643, Management Information Base for OSPFv3) are supported on the routing switches covered by this guide. OSPFv3 trap generation is disabled by default, but you can use the following command to enable generation of any or all of the supported OSPFv3 traps. Syntax: [no] trap < trap-name | all > Used in the OSPFv3 configuration context to enable or disable OSPFv3 traps. The no form disables the specified trap. Default: All OSPFv3 traps disabled. all: Enables or disables all OSPFv3 traps available on the routing switch. trap-name: Specifies a trap from table 10-5 to enable or disable.

Table 10-5. Summary of Supported OSPFv3 Traps Interface State Change Neighbor State Change Interface Configuration Error Interface Bad Packet Receive Error Interface Retransmit Packet Originate Lsa Originate MaxAge LSA UnKnown LSA Lsdb Overflow Lsdb Approaching Overflow Asbr Status Change Abr Status Change Virtual Interface State Change Virtual Neighbor State Change Virtual Interface Configuration Error Virtual Interface Bad Packet Receive Error Virtual Interface Retransmit Packet


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

For example, if you wanted to monitor the neighbor-state-change and interface-receive-bad-packet traps, you would use the following commands to configure the routing switch to enable the desired trap. The show command verifies the resulting OSPFv3 trap configuration.
HP Switch(ospf3)# trap neighbor-state-change HP Switch(ospf3)# trap interface-receive-bad-packet HP Switch(ospf3)# show ipv6 ospf3 traps OSPFv3 Traps Enabled ================== Neighbor State Change Interface Bad Packet Receive Error

Figure 10-18.Example of Enabling OSPFv3 state change

11. Optional: Adjust Performance by Changing the VLAN Interface Settings

The following OSPFv3 interface parameters are automatically set to their default values. No change to the defaults is usually required unless needed for specific network configurations.

cost dead-interval hello-interval priority retransmit-interval transit-delay passive

1 40 seconds 10 seconds 1 5 seconds 1 second disabled

10-43 10-43 10-43 10-44 10-44 10-44 10-52

Settings described in this section are configured on a per-interface basis.


Most of the parameters in this section also apply to virtual link configurations. However, when used on a virtual link configuration, the OSPFv3 context requirement is different and the parameters are applied only to the interfaces included in the virtual link. Refer to Optional: Adjust Virtual Link Performance by Changing the Interface Settings on page 10-47.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Cost Per-Interface. Syntax: ipv6 ospf3 cost < 1 - 65535 > Used in the VLAN context to indicate the overhead required to send a packet across an interface. You can modify the cost to differentiate between 100 Mbps and 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps) links. ipv6 ospf3 cost < 1 - 65535 >: Assigns the specified cost to all networks configured on the VLAN. Default: 1; Range 1 - 65535 Dead Interval Per-Interface. Syntax: ipv6 ospf3 dead-interval < 1 - 65535 > Used in the VLAN context to indicate the number of seconds that a neighbor router waits for a hello packet from the specified interface before declaring the interface down. ipv6 ospf3 dead-interval < 1 - 65535 >: Assigns the specified dead interval to all networks configured on the VLAN. Default: 40 seconds; Range: 1 - 65535 seconds. Hello Interval Per Interface. Syntax: ipv6 ospf3 hello-interval < 1 - 65535 > Used in the VLAN context to indicate the length of time between the transmission of hello packets from the routing switch to adjacent neighbors on that VLAN. The value can be from 1 65535 seconds. The default is 10 seconds. ipv6 ospf3 hello-interval < 1 - 65535 >: Assigns the specified Hello interval to all networks configured on the VLAN. Default: 10 seconds; Range: 1 - 65535 seconds.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Priority Per-Interface. Syntax: ipv6 ospf3 priority < 1 - 255 > Used in the VLAN context to enable changing the priority of an OSPFv3 router. The priority is used when selecting the designated router (DR) and backup designated routers (BDRs). The value can be from 0 255 (with 255 as the highest priority). The default is 1. If you set the priority to 0, the routing switch does not participate in DR and BDR election. ipv6 ospf3 priority < 1 - 255 >: Assigns the specified priority to all networks configured on the VLAN. Default: 1; Range: 0 - 255 Retransmit Interval Per-Interface. Syntax: ipv6 ospf3 retransmit-interval < 1 - 3600 > Used in the VLAN context to enable changing the retransmission interval for link-state advertisements (LSAs) on an interface. The default is 5 seconds. Default: 5 seconds; Range: 1 - 3600 seconds Transit-Delay Per-Interface. Syntax: ipv6 ospf3 transit-delay < 1 - 3600 > Used in the VLAN context to enable changing the time it takes to transmit Link State Update packets on this interface. ip ospf transit-delay < 1 - 3600 >: Reconfigures the estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet to all networks configured on the VLAN. Default: 1 second; Range: 1 - 3600 seconds


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Configuring an ABR To Use a Virtual Link to the Backbone

All OSPFv3 ABRs (area border routers) must have either a direct, physical or indirect, virtual link to the OSPFv3 backbone area ( or 0). If an ABR does not have a physical link to the area backbone, it can use a virtual link to provide a logical connection to another ABR having a direct physical connection to the area backbone. Both ABRs must belong to the same area, and this area becomes a transit area for traffic to and from the indirectly connected ABR.


A backbone area can be purely virtual with no physical backbone links. Also note that virtual links can be linked in a series. If so, one end may not be physically connected to the backbone. Because both ABRs in a virtual link connection are in the same OSPFv3 area, they use the same transit area ID. This setting is configured using area < area-id > virtual-link < router-id > in the router ospf3 context, and should match the area ID value configured on both ABRs in the virtual link. The ABRs in a virtual link connection also identify each other with a neighbor router setting:

On the ABR having the direct connection to the backbone area, the neighbor router is the router ID (in decimal or 32-bit dotted decimal format) of the router interface needing a logical connection to the backbone. On the opposite ABR (the one needing a logical connection to the backbone), the neighbor router is the router ID (in decimal or 32-bit dotted decimal format) of the ABR that is directly connected to the backbone.


By default, the router ID is the lowest numbered IPv4 address or (userconfigured) IPv4 loopback interface configured on the device. For more information or to change the router ID, see System Router ID on page 6-9. When you establish an area virtual link, you must configure it on both of the ABRs (both ends of the virtual link).


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Configuring a Virtual Link

Syntax: [no] area < area-id > virtual-link < router-id> In the ospf3 context, used on a pair of ABRs at opposite ends of a virtual link in the same area to configure the virtual link connection. < area-id >: This must be the same for both ABRs in the link, and is the area number of the virtual link transit area in either decimal or 32-bit dotted decimal format. If area-id is not already configured on the routing switch, this command creates it. < router-id >: On an ABR directly connected to the backbone area, this value must be the router ID of an ABR (in the same area) needing a virtual link to the backbone area as a substitute for a direct physical connection. On the ABR that needs the virtual link to the backbone area, this value must be the router ID of the ABR (in the same area) having a direct physical connection to the backbone area. The no form of the command removes the virtual link. Example. Figure 10-19 shows an OSPFv3 ABR, routing switch A, that lacks a direct connection to the backbone area (area 0). To provide backbone access to routing switch A, you can add a virtual link between routing switch A and routing switch C, using area 1 as a transit area. To configure the virtual link, define it on the routers that are at each end of the link. No configuration for the virtual link is required on the other routers on the path through the transit area (such as routing switch B in this example).

OSPFv3 Area E3800 SwitchC Router ID

OSPFv3 Area 1 transit area E3800 Switch B E3800 Switch A Router ID

OSPFv3 Area

Figure 10-19.Defining OSPFv3 virtual links within a network


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

To configure the virtual link on routing switch A, enter the following command specifying the area 1 interface on routing switch C:
HP Switch(ospf3)# area 1 virtual-link

To configure the virtual link on routing switch C, enter the following command specifying the area 1 interface on routing switch A:
HP Switch(ospf3)# area 1 virtual-link

Refer to Optional: Adjust Virtual Link Performance by Changing the Interface Settings on page 10-47, following, for descriptions of virtual link interface parameters you can either use in their default settings or reconfigure as needed.

Optional: Adjust Virtual Link Performance by Changing the Interface Settings

The following OSPFv3 interface parameters are automatically set to their default values for virtual links. No change to the defaults is usually required unless needed for specific network conditions. This is a subset of the parameters described under 11. Optional: Adjust Performance by Changing the VLAN Interface Settings on page 10-42. (The cost and priority settings are not configurable for a virtual link, and the commands for reconfiguring the settings are accessed in the router OSPFv3 context instead of the VLAN context.)


The parameter settings described in this section for virtual links must be the same on the ABRs at both ends of a given link.

dead-interval hello-interval retransmit-interval transit-delay

40 seconds 10 seconds 5 seconds 1 second

10-48 10-49 10-50 10-51


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Dead Interval on a Virtual Link. Syntax: [no] area < area-id > virtual-link < router-id > dead-interval < 1 - 65535 > In the ospf3 context, used on both ABRs in a virtual link to change the number of seconds that a neighbor router waits for a hello packet from the specified interface before declaring the interface down. This should be some multiple of the Hello interval. The dead-interval setting must be the same on both ABRs on a given virtual link. < area-id >: Specifies the OSPFv3 area in which both ABRs in a given virtual link operate. In this use, the area ID is sometimes termed transit area ID. This value must be the same for both ABRs in the virtual link. If the area does not exist, this command creates it. < router-id >: For an ABR in a given virtual link, this is the router ID (in decimal or 32-bit dotted decimal format) used to create the link on that ABR. (This value is the router ID of the opposite router in the virtual link. Refer to the description of router-id in the syntax description under Configuring a Virtual Link on page 10-46.) The no version of the command restores the default value. Use show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-link < router-id > to view the current setting. (Refer to the example on page 10-69.) Default: 40 seconds; Range: 1 - 65535 seconds.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Hello Interval on a Virtual Link. Syntax: area < area-id > virtual link < router-id > hello-interval < 1 - 65535 > In the ospf3 context, used on both ABRs in a virtual link to indicate the length of time between the transmission of hello packets between the ABRs on opposite ends of the virtual link. The value can be from 1 65535 seconds. The default is 10 seconds. The hello-interval setting must be the same on both ABRs on a given virtual link. < area-id >: Specifies the OSPFv3 area in which both ABRs in a given virtual link operate. In this use, the area ID is sometimes termed transit area ID. This value must be the same for both ABRs in the virtual link. If the area does not exist, this command creates it. < router-id >: For an ABR in a given virtual link, this is the router ID (in decimal or 32-bit dotted decimal format) used to create the link on that ABR. (This value is the router ID of the opposite router in the virtual link. Refer to the description of router-id in the syntax description under Configuring a Virtual Link on page 10-46.) The no version of the command restores the default value. Use show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-link < router-id > to view the current setting. (Refer to the example on page 10-69.) Default: 10 seconds; Range: 1 - 65535 seconds.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Retransmit Interval on a Virtual Link. Syntax: area < area-id > virtual link < router-id > retransmit-interval < 1 - 3600 > In the ospf3 context, used on both ABRs in a virtual link to change the number of seconds between link-state advertisement (LSA) retransmissions on the virtual link. The default is 5 seconds. The retransmit-interval setting must be the same on both ABRs on a given virtual link. This value is also used when retransmitting database description and link-state request packets. < area-id >: Specifies the OSPFv3 area in which both ABRs in a given virtual link operate. In this use, the area ID is sometimes termed transit area ID. This value must be the same for both ABRs in the virtual link. If the area does not exist, this command creates it. < router-id >: For an ABR in a given virtual link, this is the router ID (in decimal or 32-bit dotted decimal format) used to create the link on that ABR. (This value is the router ID of the opposite router in the virtual link. Refer to the description of router-id in the syntax description under Configuring a Virtual Link on page 10-46.) The no version of the command restores the default value. Use show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-link < router-id > to view the current setting. (Refer to the example on page 10-69.) Default: 5 seconds; Range: 1 - 3600 seconds


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

Transit-Delay on a Virtual Link. Syntax: area < area-id > virtual-link < router-id > transit-delay < 0 - 3600 > In the ospf3 context, used on both ABRs in a virtual link to change the estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet over a virtual link.The transit-delay setting must be the same on both ABRs on a given virtual link. < area-id >: Specifies the OSPFv3 area in which both ABRs in a given virtual link operate. In this use, the area ID is sometimes termed transit area ID. This value must be the same for both ABRs in the virtual link. If the area does not exist, this command creates it. < router-id >: For an ABR in a given virtual link, this is the router ID (in decimal or 32-bit dotted decimal format) used to create the link on that ABR. (This value is the router ID of the opposite router in the virtual link. Refer to the description of router-id in the syntax description under Configuring a Virtual Link on page 10-46.) The no version of the command restores the default value. Use show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-link < ip-address > to view the current setting. (Refer to the example on page 10-69.) Default: 1 second; Range: 1 - 3600 seconds Example. To change the hello-interval on the virtual link configured for the network in figure 10-19 on page 10-46 to 60 seconds:

On routing switch A (router ID you would use the following command to reconfigure the current hello-interval to 60 seconds:
HP Switch(ospf3)# area 1 virtual-link hellointerval 60

On routing switch C (router ID you would use the following command to reconfigure the current hello-interval to 60 seconds
HP Switch(ospf3)# area 1 virtual-link hello-interval 60


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

OSPFv3 Passive
OSPFv3 sends link-state advertisements (LSAs) to all other routers on the same VLAN interface. With OSPFv3 configured as passive on a VLAN interface, the routing switch is identified as a route in the OSPFv3 domain, but does not form an adjacency to any other router, and does not send or receive OSPFv3 traffic on the subject VLAN interface. (A VLAN configured as passive operates similar to a VLAN connected to a stub network, and does advertise the interface as a stub link into OSPFv3.) Up to 128 active interfaces and a combined total of 512 active and passive interfaces are supported on the routing switch.

Syntax: [no] ipv6 ospf3 passive VLAN context command for enabling or disabling passive OSPFv3 operation on the VLAN. The no option returns the VLAN interface to active OSPFv3 operation. Default: OSPFv3 active To configure an OSPFv3 interface as passive, enter this command in the VLAN context:
HP Switch(vlan-1)# ipv6 ospf3 passive

To display the OSPFv3 passive information, enter the command shown in Figure 10-20:

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 ospf3 interface OSPFv3 configuration and statistics for VLANs Interface -----------vlan-55 vlan-75 Status -------Enabled Enabled Area ID -------------- State ------BDR BDR Cost ------1 1 Pri ----1 1 Passive ------No Yes

Figure 10-20.Example of the show ipv6 ospf3 interface Command with Passive Configured on an Interface You can display the OSPFv3 passive information for a particular VLAN. For example, suppose a routing switch has OSPFv3 configured on VLAN 75. Figure 10-21 provides an example of detailed output for VLAN 75 alone.


OSPFv3 Routing Configuring OSPFv3 on the Routing Switch

HP Switch(config)# show ipv6 ospf3 interface 75 detail OSPFv3 configuration and statistics for VLAN 75 Interface Area ID Priority Type Hello Interval Transit Delay Events Neighbors : : : : : : : : vlan-75 1 BCAST 10 1 0 1 Status State Cost Passive Dead Interval Retransmit Interval Designated Router Backup Designated Router : : : : : : : : Enabled WAIT 1 Yes 40 5

Figure ipv6 ospf3 interface Command for a specific VLAN with Passive Configured on an Interface

Troubleshooting: Logging Neighbor Adjacency Change Events

In the default configuration, the routing switch generates event log messages to indicate neighbor adjacency changes during initialization and normal operation. This enables OSPFv3 misconfiguration troubleshooting, while producing a lower volume of event log messages than is seen with the debug troubleshooting option. Both a standard (default) mode and an optional detail mode are provided. Using the optional debug destination command, the logging output can be directed to a syslog server or a terminal. (For more on debug, refer to the Troubleshooting appendix in the latest Management and Configuration Guide for your routing switch.)

Syntax: logging neighbor-adjacency [detail] Used in the ospf3 context to enable logging of standard or detailed adjacency changes. In the default configuration, logs OSPFv3 neighbor changes into or out of the full adjacency state. [detail]: Generates event log messages for all OSPFv3 neighbor adjacency state changes. (Default: Standard full adjacency change logging enabled.)
no logging neighbor-adjacency disables logging neighbor adjacency

on the routing switch.

no logging neighbor-adjacency detail cancels detailed neighbor adjacency change logging and returns the routing switch to logging only neighbor changes into our out of full adjacency.


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

The neighbor-adjacency event log messages are described in the latest Event Log Reference Guide for your routing switch. In the event log output, neighbors are identified by router ID. For example:
HP Switch(ospf3)# show log -r OSPF3: Keys: W=Warning I=Information M=Major D=Debug E=Error ---- Reverse event Log listing: Events Since Boot ---e 05/01/10 15:21:09 02809 OSPF3: ADJCHG: Neighbor on interface vlan-22 moved to Down state, Inactivity Timer e 04/27/10 14:36:48 02809 OSPF3: ADJCHG: Neighbor on interface vlan-11 moved to Full state, Loading Done

Figure 10-22.Example of Neighbor-Adjacency Change Logging

Displaying OSPv3F Information

You can use CLI commands to display the following OSPFv3 information: OSPFv3 Information Type General Information show ipv6 ospf3 [general] OSPFv3 Route information show ipv6 route ospf3 [ipv6-dest-addr] Area Information show ipv6 ospf3 area [area-id | backbone] [detail] Interface Information show ipv6 ospf3 interface [vlan-id] [detail] Neighbor router Information show ipv6 ospf3 neighbor [router-id] [detail] VLAN Packet Statistics < show | clear > ipv6 ospf3 statistics [vlan < vlan-id >] Link State Autonomous System Information 10-61 10-60 10-59 10-58 10-58 10-56 Page


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

OSPFv3 Information Type show ipv6 ospf3 link-state as-scope [lsid < lsid-# >] [router-id< rtr-id-# > [detail | advertise] Link-State Area-Scope Information show ipv6 ospf3 link-state area-scope [area< area-id >] [lsid < lsid-# >] [router-id< rtr-id-#> [type < lsa-type >] [detail | advertise]

Page 10-62


Continued on Next Page Continued from the Previous Page Link-State Link-Scope Information show ipv6 ospf3 link-state link-scope [interface < vlan-id >] [lsid < lsid-# > [router-id < rtr-id-# >] [detail | advertise] Virtual Link information show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-link [ rtr-id-# | area < area-id > ] Virtual Neighbor information show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-neighbor [ rtr-id-# | area < area-id > ] OSPFv3 SPF Statistics show ipv6 ospf3 spf-log OSPFv3 Traps enabled show ipv6 ospf3 traps 10-72 10-71 10-70 10-69 10-67


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

Displaying General OSPFv3 Configuration Information

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 [general] Displays the summary of OSPFv3 information, such as the areas configured, address ranges defined, interface information, timers, and virtual links. general: Displays the OSPFv3 general status information and other generic information. Display a summary of the current OSPFv3 configuration.

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 OSPFv3 Configuration Information OSPFv3 Protocol : Enabled Router ID : Currently defined areas: Stub Default Cost -----------1 1 1 Stub Summary LSA ----------dont send dont send dont send Stub Metric Type SPF Runs --------------- -------Ospfv3 Metric Ospfv3 Metric Ospfv3 Metric

Area ID --------------backbone

Type -----Normal Normal Normal

Currently defined address ranges: Prefix AreaID LSAType Advt IPv6Addr --------------- ---------- ------ -------------------------------------------

OSPFv3 interface configuration: Admin Status -------Enabled Enabled

Vlan ID ---------vlan-55 vlan-75

Area ID --------------


Cost ----1 1

Pri --1 1

Continued on the Next Page Figure 0-6. Example of Output for Show IPv6 OSPF3


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

Continued from the Previous Page

OSPFv3 configured interface timers: Transit Delay ------1 1 Retransmit Interval ---------5 5 Hello Interval -------10 10 Dead Interval ---------40 40

Vlan ID ---------vlan-55 VLAN-75

OSPFv3 configured virtual interfaces: Xmit Rxmt Hello Transit AreaID Neighbor Router Delay Intvl Intvl --------------- --------------- ----- ----- ---- 1 5 10 Dead Interval ---------40

Figure 9-6 (Continued). Example of Output for Show IPv6 OSPF3 Display general OSPFv3 configuration information.

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 general OSPFv3 General Status OSPFv3 protocol Router ID : enabled :

Intra-area distance Inter-area distance AS-external distance

: 110 : 110 : 110

Default import metric : 111 Default import metric type : external type 2 Area Border : yes AS Border : yes External LSA Count : 9 Originate New LSA Count Receive New LSA Count : 24814 : 14889 : Disabled : Enabled

Graceful Restart Strict-Lsa Checking Neighbor Adjacency Logging

Figure 10-23.Example of Show IPv6 OSPF3 General Output


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

Displaying OSPFv3 Route Information

Syntax: show ipv6 route ospf3 [dest-ipv6-addr ] Displays OSPFv3 route entries in the routing table [dest-ipv6-addr ] : Displays the OSPFv3 routing table entry for a specific destination.

HP Switch# show ipv6 route ospf3 IPv6 Route Entries Destination : 2001:db8::333/128 Gateway : fe80::55:1%vlan55 Type : ospf3 Sub-Type : External2 Destination : 2001:db8:1::12/128 Gateway : fe80::55:1%vlan55 Type : ospf3 Sub-Type : IntraArea

Distance : 110

Metric : 1

Distance : 110

Metric : 1

Figure 10-24.Example of Output for All OSPFv3 Routes in the Routing Table

HP Switch# show ipv route ospf3 2001:db8:1::127 IPv6 Route Entries to 2001:db8:1::127 Destination : 2001:db8:1::12/128 Gateway : fe80::55:1%vlan55 Type : ospf3 Sub-Type : IntraArea

Distance : 110

Metric : 1

Figure 10-25.Example of Output for a Specific OSPFv3 Route in the Routing Table

Displaying OSPFv3 Area Information

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 area [area-id | backbone] [detail] Displays summary information on all configured areas. [area-id | backbone]: Displays summary information for the specified area. [detail]: Displays area summary information in a modified format. Display OSPFv3 area information.


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 area OSPFv3 Area Information

Area ID --------------

Type -------Normal Normal Normal

Cost ------10 10 10

SPF Runs -------780 780 780

ABR ------1 2 1

ASBR -------0 1 0

LSA ------6 9 11

Checksum ---------0x0005050f 0x0004d3f1 0x0007f854

Figure 10-26.Example of Show IPv6 OSPF3 Area Output The [ospf-area-id] parameter shows information for the specified area. If no area is specified, information for all the OSPFv3 areas configured is displayed.

Displaying OSPFv3 Interface Information

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 interface [ vlan-id ] [detail] Displays basic OSPFv3 information related to the VLANs configured on the routing switch. [vlan-id]: Displays information for a specific VLAN. [detail]: Displays additional, VLAN-specific OSPFv3 information.

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 interface OSPFv3 configuration and statistics for VLANs

Interface -----------vlan-55 vlan-75

Status -------Enabled Enabled

Area ID --------------

State ------BDR BDR

Cost ------1 1

Pri ----1 1

Passive ------No No

Figure 10-27.Example of Show IPv6 OSPF3 Interface Output


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 interface 55 detail OSPFv3 configuration and statistics for VLAN 55 Interface Area ID Priority Type Hello Interval Transit Delay Events Neighbors : : : : : : : : vlan-55 1 BCAST 10 1 0 1 Status State Cost Passive Dead Interval Retransmit Interval Designated Router Backup Designated Router : : : : : : : : Enabled BDR 1 No 40 5

Figure 0-7. Example of Detail Option

Displaying OSPFv3 Interface Information for Neighbor Routers

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 neighbor [router-id ] [detail] Displays OSPFv3 information learned for neighbor routers
[router-id]: Displays information for a specific neighbor router. [detail]: Displays additional, neighbor-specific OSPFv3


HP Switch(ospf3)# show ipv6 ospf3 neighbor OSPFv3 Neighbor Information Vlan ID ------55 75 Router ID -------------- Pri ----1 1 State ---------FULL FULL Rxmt QLen ---------0 0 Events ---------0 0

Figure 10-28.Example of Show IPv6 OSPF3 Neighbor Output

HP Switch(ospf3)# show ipv6 ospf3 neighbor detail OSPFv3 Neighbor Information for neighbor IPv6 Address Router ID : Interface : Area : Priority : Options : Events : : fe80::55:1 vlan-55 1 19 0 State Designated Router Backup Designated Router Retransmit Queue Length Neighbor Uptime Dead Timer Expires : : : : : : FULL 0 1days 33 sec

Figure 10-29.Example of Show IPv6 OSPF3 Neighbor Detail Output


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

Displaying or Clearing OSPFv3 Packet Statistics Counters

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 statistics [vlan < vid >] clear ipv6 ospf3 statistics [vlan < vid >] Displays the statistics on OSPFv3 packets sent and received on the VLAN interfaces on an OSPFv3-enabled routing switch, including the number of errors that occurred during packet transmission. [vlan < vlan-id >] : Using this option displays the statistics for the specified VLAN. The clear option resets the OSPFv3 traffic counters to zero. Using the vlan option resets only those counters in the specific VLAN.

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 statistics OSPFv3 statistics for VLANs VLAN ID --------------22 55 Total Tx --------------9022 28041 Total Rx --------------9018 28480 Total Errors --------------3 15

Figure 10-30.Displaying OSPFv3 Traffic Statistics for all VLANs Configured for OSPFv3 Operation

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 statistics vlan 55 OSPFv3 statistics for VLAN 55 Tx Tx Tx Tx Tx Hello Packets DD Packets LSR Packets LSU Packets LSA Packets : : : : : 26005 3 1 1436 615 Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Hello Packets DD Packets LSR Packets LSU Packets LSA Packets : : : : : 26005 3 1 1046 1444

OSPFv3 Errors

: 0

Figure 10-31.Displaying OSPFv3 Statistics for a Single VLAN


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

Displaying OSPFv3 Link-State AS-Scope Information

The commands in this section enable display of the routing-switchs OSPFv3 link-state AS-scope database for the entire Autonomous System, with options for narrowing the scope of the output and increasing the range of settings included in the output.

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 link-state as-scope [lsid < lsid-# >][router-id < rtr-id-# >] [detail | advertise] Displays link-state AS-scope database for all links configured on the routing switch. The range of displayed data can be reduced by using one or more subset options: lsid < lsid-# >: Subset option to filter displayed LSA database or advertisements to show only the AS-scope data having the specified (32-bit) IP address as a link-state ID. Can also be filtered with the router-id option to further define the source of displayed information. router-id < rtr-id-# >: Subset option to filter displayed LSA database or advertisements to show only the AS-scope data having the specified router-ID. Can also be filtered with the lsid option to further define the source of displayed information. detail: Displays additional details for each LSA included in the range of displayed LSAs for any of the above options. advertise: Displays the hexadecimal data in LSA packets (advertisements) within the OSPFv3 AS- scope on the routing switch. The output can also be filtered by lsid and router-id


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

To display link-state AS-scope link-state information, enter show ipv6 ospf3 link-state as-scope at any CLI level. When you enter this command, an output similar to the following is displayed:

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 link-state as-scope OSPFv3 AS Scope Link State Database Advertising LSA Type Router ID Link State ID ----------- --------------- --------------As-External 0 As-External 2 As-External 3 As-External 1

Age ---57 945 987 250

Sequence # ----------0x80000037 0x80000062 0x80000062 0x8000006f

Checksum ---------0x0000b76b 0x0000b3d1 0x0000dfa0 0x0000fae0

Figure 10-32.Example of Show IPv6 OSPF3 Link-State AS-Scope Output To display link-state AS-Scope LSA advertisements in hexadecimal format, use the advertise keyword. Figure 10-35 displays an example of this output for router ID in an AS.

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 link-state as-scope router-id advertise OSPFv3 AS Scope Link State Database Raw Advertisements -----------------------------------------------------------------------1d6e4005000000000f01010280000037b76b00280500000a400000002620000f00000000 00000000 19f64005000000020f01010280000062b3d100380700000a400000002620000b00000000 2620000a00000000000000000011000100000000 19cc4005000000030f01010280000062dfa000380700000a400000002621000e00000000 2620000a00000000000000000011000100000000

Figure 10-33.Example of Show IPv6 OSPF3 Link-State AS-Scope Advertise Output


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

Displaying OSPFv3 Link-State Area-Scope Information

The commands in this section enable display of the routing-switchs OSPFv3 link-state area-scope database, with options for narrowing the scope of the output and increasing the range of settings included in the output.

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 link-state area-scope [area < area-id >][lsid < lsid-# >][router-id < rtr-# > [type < lsa-type >] [detail | advertise] Displays link state database for all areas configured on the routing switch. The range of displayed data can be reduced by using one or more subset options: area < area-id >: Subset option to filter displayed LSA database or advertisements to show only the data from a specific OSPFv3 area. Can also be filtered with other subset options (lsid, router-id, and type) to further define the source of displayed information. lsid < lsid-# >: Subset option to filter displayed LSA database or advertisements to show only the data from sources having the specified IP address as a link-state ID. Can also be filtered with other subset options (area, lsid, router-id, and type) to further define the source of displayed information. router-id < rtr-id-# >: Subset option to filter displayed LSA database or advertisements to show only the data from sources having the specified router ID. Can also be filtered with other subset options (area, lsid, and type) to further define the source of displayed information. type < lsa-type >: Subset option to filter displayed LSA database or advertisements to show only the data from sources having the specified type. Can also be filtered with other subset options (area, lsid, and router-id) to further define the source of displayed information. LSA type options include: < router | network | inter-area-prefix | inter-area-router | nssa | intra-area-prefix > detail: Displays additional details for each LSA included in the range of displayed LSAs for any of the above options. advertise: Displays the hexadecimal data in LSA packets (advertisements) for the OSPFv3 area(s) configured on the routing switch. The output can also be filtered by area (areaid), lsid, router-id, and/or type. Default: All OSPFv3 areas on the routing switch.


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

To display OSPFv3 link state information, enter show ipv6 ospf3 link-state areascope at any CLI level. When you enter this command, the switch displays an output similar to the following for all configured areas:
HP Switch# show ipv ospf3 link-state area-scope OSPFv3 Area Scope Link State Database for area Advertising Router ID --------------

LSA Type ----------------Router Router Router Network Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Router Inter-Area-Router Intra-Area-Prefix

Link State ID --------------0 0 0 599 1 3 5 7 2 3 5 10 12 599

Age ---2 20 1 21 22 22 22 22 61 22 62 23 23 22

Sequence # ----------0x80000037 0x8000038a 0x80000373 0x80000069 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000068

Checksum ---------0x00000a25 0x00004be4 0x00006c10 0x0000cd3e 0x00003cbf 0x00002870 0x00002273 0x00003c54 0x0000ba35 0x000080d1 0x00006689 0x00003139 0x00005da3 0x00002bd7

OSPFv3 Area Scope Link State Database for area LSA Type ----------------Router Router Network Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Prefix Inter-Area-Router Inter-Area-Router Intra-Area-Prefix Intra-Area-Prefix Intra-Area-Prefix Advertising Router ID -------------- Link State ID --------------0 0 632 6 14 4 6 13 7 0 0 632 Age ---14 13 23 25 25 64 19 25 19 15 14 24 Sequence # ----------0x80000004 0x80000004 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000002 0x80000004 0x80000004 0x80000002 Checksum ---------0x000085ef 0x0000ddee 0x00005ef2 0x0000187c 0x000095f9 0x000046ad 0x0000707c 0x000053ac 0x0000eb72 0x00006d56 0x000070a1 0x00003ae9

Figure 10-34.Example of Show IPv6 OSPF3 Link-State Area-Scope Output


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

To display area-scope LSA advertisements in hexadecimal format, use the advertise keyword. Figure 10-35 displays an example of this output for router ID in area 1 of an AS.

HP Switch# show ipv ospf3 link-state area-scope advertise area 1 router-id OSPFv3 Area Scope Link State Database for area Raw Advertisements -----------------------------------------------------------------------0e60200100000000010000048000000583f0002801000013020000010000027800000278 0fff9b01 0e382003000000060100000480000003167d002400000001400000002620000f00000000 0e3820030000000e010000048000000393fa002400000002400000002620000b00000000 0e3820040000000d010000048000000351ad002000000013000000010f010102 0e6a20090000000001000004800000056b57003400012001000000000100000480020000 2620000e000000000000000000550002

Figure 10-35.Example of the Output for Show IPv6 OSPF3 Link-State Area-Scope Advertise


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

Displaying OSPFv3 Link-State Link-Scope Information

The commands in this section enable display of the routing-switchs OSPFv3 link-state link-scope database, with options for narrowing the scope of the output and increasing the range of settings included in the output.

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 link-state link-scope [interface < vlan-id >] [lsid < lsid-# >] [router-id < rtr-id-# >] [detail | advertise] Displays link-state link-scope database for all links configured on the routing switch. The range of displayed data can be reduced by using one or more subset options: interface < vlan-id >: Subset option to filter displayed LSA database or advertisements to show only the link-scope data from a specific VLAN. Can also be filtered with other subset options (lsid and router-id) to further define the source of displayed information. lsid < lsid-# >: Subset option to filter displayed LSA database or advertisements to show only the link-scope data having the specified (32-bit) IP address as a link-state ID. Can also be filtered with other subset options (router-id and interface) to further define the source of displayed information. router-id < rtr-id-# >: Subset option to filter displayed LSA database or advertisements to show only the link-scope data having the specified router-ID. Can also be filtered with other subset options (lsid, and interface) to further define the source of displayed information. detail: Displays additional details for each LSA included in the range of displayed LSAs for any of the above options. advertise: Displays the hexadecimal data in LSA packets (advertisements) within the OSPFv3 link scope on the routing switch. The output can also be filtered by lsid and, router-id.


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

To display link-scope link-state information, enter show ipv6 ospf3 link-state link-scope at any CLI level. When you enter this command, an output similar to the following is displayed:

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 link-state link-scope OSPFv3 Link Scope Link State Database for LS index Advertising Router ID -------------- 599

LSA Type -------Link Link Link Link

Link State ID --------------599 599 632 632

Age ---842 903 845 874

Sequence # ----------0x80000009 0x80000009 0x80000009 0x80000009

Checksum ---------0x0000fb93 0x00006185 0x00002a0c 0x0000662a

Figure 10-36.Example of Show IPv6 OSPF3 Link-State Link-Scope Output To display link-scope LSA advertisements in hexadecimal format, use the advertise keyword. Figure 10-35 displays an example of this output.

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 link-state link-scope advertise OSPFv3 Link Scope Link State Database for LS index 599

Raw Advertisements -----------------------------------------------------------------------11a00008000002570101010180000009fb93003801000013fe8000000000000000000000 0022000100000001400000002620000b00000000 11630008000002570fff9b01800000096185003801000013fe8000000000000000000000 0022000200000001400000002620000b00000000 119e00080000027801000004800000092a0c003801000013fe8000000000000000000000 0055000200000001400000002620000e00000000 11810008000002780fff9b0180000009662a003801000013fe8000000000000000000000 0055000100000001400000002620000e00000000

Figure 10-37.Example of Show IPv6 OSPF3 Link-State Link-Scope Advertise Output


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

Displaying OSPFv3 Redistribution Information

As described under 6. Optional: Configure for External Route Redistribution in an OSPFv3 Domain on page 10-32, you can configure the routing switch to redistribute connected and static routes into OSPFv3.When you redistribute a route, the routing switch can use OSPFv3 to advertise the route to its OSPFv3 neighbors.

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 redistribute Displays the route types currently enabled for route redistribution on the routing switch.

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 redistribute OSPFv3 redistributing

Route Type ---------Connected Static

RouteMap -----------------------------------------------Net-01 Net-02

Figure 10-38.Example of Output for Show IPv6 OSPF3 Redistribute

Displaying OSPFv3 Virtual Link Information

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-link [rtr-id ] [area < area-id >] Displays OSPFv3 information learned about all virtual links detected by the routing switch. [rtr-id]: Displays virtual link information for a specific virtualneighbor router detected by the routing switch. [area < area-id >]: Displays information learned from a virtual neighbor detected in a specific area.


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-link OSPFv3 Virtual Interface Status Transit AreaID Neighbor Router Interface State --------------- --------------- -------------- P2P

Figure 10-39.Example of Display Output for All Virtual Links Detected on the Routing Switch

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-link Transit AreaID : Neighbor Router : Interface State : P2P Events : 1 Transit Delay Rtr Interval Hello Interval Dead Interval : : : : 1 5 10 40


Figure 10-40.Example of Display Output for a Specific Virtual Link

Displaying OSPFv3 Virtual Neighbor Information

Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-neighbor [rtr-id ] [area < area-id >] Displays OSPFv3 information learned about all virtual neighbor routers detected by the routing switch. [rtr-id]: Displays information for a specific virtual-neighbor router detected by the routing switch. [area < area-id >]: Displays information learned from a virtual neighbor detected in a specific area.

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-neighbor OSPFv3 Virtual Interface Neighbor Information Router ID State IPv6 Addr Events --------------- ---------- --------------------------------------- -------- FULL 2620:e::55:2 7

Figure 10-41.Example of Display Output for All Virtual Neighbors Detected on the Routing Switch


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

HP Switch# show ipv6 ospf3 virtual-neighbor Router ID : State : FULL IPv6 Addr : 2620:e::55:2 RtQLen : 5 Events : 7 1.16777220

Figure 10-42.Example of Display Output for a Specific Virtual Neighbor

Displaying OSPFv3 SPF Statistics

To display the log used to record shortest-path-first (SPF) calculations on an OSPFv3-enabled routing switch, enter the show ipv6 ospf3 - command at any CLI level. The SPF algorithm recalculates the routes in an OSPFv3 domain when a change in the area topology is received. Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 spf-log This command displays the event that resulted in the last 100 executions of the SPF algorithm on the routing switch. Possible events (reasons) are as follows:

Re-Init: OSPFv3 was enabled or disabled on the routing switch. Router LS Update: A Router-LSA was received. Network LS Update: A Network-LSA was received. Generated RTR LSA: A Router-LSA was generated on the routing switch. Generated NTW LSA: A Network-LSA was generated on the routing switch.


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

HP Switch(ospf3)# show ipv6 ospf3 spf-log OSPFv3 SPF (SHORTEST PATH FIRST) LOG spf instance --------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... Reason --------------------------Router LS Update Router LS Update Generated RTR LSA Generated NTW LSA Network LS Update Network LS Update Generated RTR LSA Router LS Update Generated RTR LSA Re-Init Incremental LS Update ...

Figure 10-43.Displaying the OSPFv3 SPF Log

Displaying OSPFv3 Traps Enabled

In the default configuration, OSPFv3 traps are disabled. Use this command to view which OSPFv3 traps have been enabled. Syntax: show ipv6 ospf3 traps Lists the OSPFv3 traps currently enabled on the routing switch.

HP Switch# sho ipv ospf3 traps OSPFv3 Traps Enabled ================== Virtual Interface State Change Virtual Interface Bad Packet Receive Error Virtual Interface Retransmit Packet

Figure 10-44.Example of Display Output Listing Enabled OSPFv3 Traps For more information on OSPFv3 trap use, refer to 10. Optional: Change OSPFv3 Trap Generation Choices on page 10-41.


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information

Debugging OSFP Routing Messages

The debug ip ospf command turns on the tracing of OSPFv3 packets.

Syntax: debug ipv6 ospf3 [ adj | event | flood |lsa-generation | packet | retransmission | spf ] This command turns on the tracing of OSPFv3 packets. For more information, refer to the Debug Command section in the Troubleshooting appendix of the Management and Configuration Guide for your routing switch.


OSPFv3 Routing Displaying OSPv3F Information


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting
IPv6 ICMP Message Interval and Token Bucket ping6 traceroute6

100 ms 10 max tokens Enabled n/a


The IPv6 ICMP feature enables control over the error and informational message rate for IPv6 traffic, which can help mitigate the effects of a Denialof-service attack. Ping6 enables verification of access to a specific IPv6 device, and traceroute6 enables tracing the route to an IPv6-enabled device on the network.

ICMP Rate-Limiting
ICMP rate-limiting controls the rate at which ICMPv6 generates error and informational messages for features such as:

neighbor solicitations neighbor advertisements multicast listener discovery (MLD) path MTU discovery (PMTU) duplicate address discovery (DAD) neighbor unreachability detection (NUD) router discovery neighbor discovery (NDP)

ICMPv6 error message generation is enabled by default. The rate of message generation can be adjusted, or message generation can be disabled.


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting ICMP Rate-Limiting

Controlling the frequency of ICMPv6 error messages can help to prevent DoS (Denial- of- Service) attacks. With IPv6 enabled on the switch, you can control the allowable frequency of these messages with ICMPv6 rate-limiting. Syntax:. ipv6 icmp error-interval < 0 - 2147483647 > [bucket-size < 1 - 200 >] no ipv6 icmp error-interval This command is executed from the global configuration level, and uses a token bucket method for limiting the rate of ICMP error and informational messages. Using this method, each ICMP message uses one token, and a message can be sent only if there is a token available. In the default configuration, a new token can be added every 100 milliseconds, and a maximum of 10 tokens are allowed in the token bucket. If the token bucket is full, a new token cannot be added until an existing token is used to enable sending an ICMP message. You can increase or decrease both the the frequency with which used tokens can be replaced and (optionally) the number of tokens allowed to exist. error-interval: Specifies the time interval in milliseconds between successive token adds. Increasing this value decreases the rate at which tokens can be added. A setting of 0 disables ICMP messaging. Default: 100; Range: 0 - 2147483647. bucket-size: This optional keyword specifies the maximum number of tokens allowed in the token bucket at any time. Decreasing this value decreases the maximum number of tokens that may be available at any time. Default: 10; Range: 1 - 200. You can change the rate at which ICMP messages are allowed by changing the error-interval with or without a corresponding change in the bucket-size. The no ipv6 icmp error-interval command resets both the errorinterval and the bucket-size values to their defaults. Use the show run command to view the current ICMP error interval settings. For example, the following command limits ICMP error and informational messages to no more than 20 every 1 second:
(config)# ipv6 icmp error-interval 1000000 bucket-size 20


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Ping for IPv6 (Ping6)

Ping for IPv6 (Ping6)

The Ping6 test is a point-to-point test that accepts an IPv6 address or IPv6 host name to see if an IPv6 switch is communicating properly with another device on the same or another IPv6 network. A ping test checks the path between the switch and another device by sending IP packets (ICMP Echo Requests). To use a ping6 command with an IPv6 host name or fully qualified domain names, refer to DNS Resolver for IPv6 on page 11-9. You can issue single or multiple ping tests with varying repetitions and timeout periods to wait for a ping reply. Replies to each ping test are displayed on the console screen. To stop a ping test before it finishes, press [Ctrl] [C]. For more information about using a ping test, refer to the Troubleshooting appendix in the current Management and Configuration Guide for your switch.


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Ping for IPv6 (Ping6)

Syntax: ping6 < ipv6-address | hostname | switch-number > [repetitions < 1 - 10000 >] [timeout < 1 - 60 >] [data-size < 0 - 65507 >] [data-fill < 0 - 1024 >] [source < ipv6-addr | vid >] [oobm] ping6 <link-local-address%vlan<vid> | hostname | switch-number> [repetitions < 1 - 10000 >] [timeout < 1 - 60 >] [data-size < 0 - 65507 >] [data-fill < 0 - 1024 >] [source < ipv6-addr | vid >] [oobm] Pings the specified IPv6 host by sending ICMP version 6 (ICMPv6) echo request packets to the specified host. <ipv6-address>: IPv6 address of a destination host device. < link-local-address >%vlan<vlan-id>: IPv6 link-local address, where %vlan<vlan-id> specifies the VLAN ID number. < hostname >: Host name of an IPv6 host device configured on an IPv6 DNS server. < switch-number >: Number of an IPv6-based switch that is a member of a switch stack (IPv6 subnet). Valid values: 1 16. < oobm >: For switches that have a separate out-of-band management (OOBM) port, oobm specifies that the traffic originates from the out-of-band management port. [repetitions < 1 - 10000>]: Number of times that IPv6 ping packets are sent to the destination IPv6 host. Default: 1. [timeout < 1 - 60 >]: Number of seconds within which a response is required from the destination host before the ping test times out. Valid values: 1 - 60. Default: 1 second. [data-size <0 - 65471]: Size of data (in bytes) to be sent in ping packets. Valid values: 0 - 65471. Default: 0. [data-fill <0 - 1024>]: Text string used as data in ping packets. Range: up to 1024 alphanumeric characters; Default: 0. [source < ipv6-addr | vid >]: The IPv6 address of the pinging device or the VLAN-ID on which the ping is being sent. Default: 0 (no text is used).


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Traceroute for IPv6

HP Switch# ping6 fe80::2:1%vlan10 fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002:0001 is alive, time = 975 ms HP Switch# ping6 2001:db8::a:1c:e3:3 repetitions 3 2001:0db8:0000:0000:000a:001c:00e3:0003 is alive, iteration 1, time = 15 ms 2001:0db8:0000:0000:000a:001c:00e3:0003 is alive, iteration 2, time = 15 ms 2001:0db8:0000:0000:000a:001c:00e3:0003 is alive, iteration 3, time = 15 ms 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 15/15/15 HP Switch# ping6 2001:db8::214:c2ff:fe4c:e480 repetitions 3 timeout 2 2001:db8:0000:0000:0214:c2ff:fe4c:e480 is alive, iteration 1, time = 15 ms 2001:db8:0000:0000:0214:c2ff:fe4c:e480 is alive, iteration 2, time = 10 ms 2001:db8:0000:0000:0214:c2ff:fe4c:e480 is alive, iteration 3, time = 15 ms HP Switch# ping6 2001:db8::10 Request timed out.

Figure 11-1. Examples of IPv6 Ping Tests

Traceroute for IPv6

The traceroute6 command enables you to trace the route from a switch to a host device that is identified by an IPv6 address or IPv6 host name. In the command output, information on each (router) hop between the switch and the destination IPv6 address is displayed. To use a traceroute6 command with an IPv6 host name or fully qualified domain names, refer to DNS Resolver for IPv6 on page 11-9. Note that each time you perform a traceroute operation, the traceroute command uses the default settings unless you enter different values with each instance of the command. Replies to each traceroute operation are displayed on the console screen. To stop a traceroute operation before it finishes, press [Ctrl] [C]. For more information about how to configure and use a traceroute operation, refer to the Troubleshooting appendix in the Management and Configuration Guide.


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Traceroute for IPv6

Syntax: traceroute6 < ipv6-address | hostname > [minttl < 1-255 > [maxttl < 1-255 > [timeout < 1-120 >] [probes < 1-5 >] [source < ipv6-addr | vid | loopback <0-7> | oobm>] [dstport <1-34000>] [srcport <1-34000>] traceroute6 <link-local-address%vlan<vid> | hostname > [minttl < 1-255 >] [maxttl < 1-255 >] [timeout < 1-120 >] [probes < 1-5 >] [source < ipv6-addr | vid | oobm> Lists the IPv6 address of each hop in the route to the specified destination host device with the time (in microseconds) required for a packet reply to be received from each next-hop device. <ipv6-address>: IPv6 address of a destination host device. <link-local-address>%vlan<vlan-id>: IPv6 link-local address, where %vlan<vlan-id> specifies the VLAN ID number. <hostname>: Host name of an IPv6 host device configured on an IPv6 DNS server. < oobm >: For switches that have a separate out-of-band management (OOBM) port, oobm specifies that the traffic originates from the out-of-band management port. minttl: Minimum number of hops allowed for each probe packet sent along the route. Default: 1; Range: 1 - 255. If the minttl value is greater than the actual number of hops, the traceroute output displays only the hops equal to or greater than the configured minttl threshold value. The hops below the threshold value are not displayed. If the minttl value is the same as the actual number of hops, only the final hop is displayed in the command output. If the minttl value is less than the actual number of hops, all hops to the destination host are displayed.


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Traceroute for IPv6

maxttl: Maximum number of hops allowed for each probe packet sent along the route. Valid values: 1 - 255. Default: 30. If the maxttl value is less than the actual number of hops required to reach the host, the traceroute output displays only the IPv6 addresses of the hops detected by the configured maxttl value. timeout: Number of seconds within which a response is required from the IPv6 device at each hop in the route to the destination host before the traceroute operation times out. Default: 5 seconds; Range: 1 - 120. probes: Number of times a traceroute is performed to locate the IPv6 device at any hop in the route to the specified host before the operation times out. Default: 3; Range: 1 - 5. [source < ipv6-addr | vid >]: The source IPv6 address or VLAN of the traceroute device or the VLAN-ID on which the traceroute packet is being sent. [dstport <1-34000>] Destination port. [srcport <1-34000>] Source port.


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Traceroute for IPv6

HP Switch# traceroute6 2001:db8::10 traceroute to 2001:db8::10 1 hop min, 30 hops max, 5 sec. 1 2001:db8::a:1c:e3:3 0 ms 0 ms 2 2001:db8:0:7::5 7 ms 3 ms 3 2001:db8::214:c2ff:fe4c:e480 0 ms 1 ms 4 2001:db8::10 0 ms 1 ms
Destination IPv6 address

timeout, 3 probes 0 ms Intermediate router hops with 0 ms the time (in milliseconds) for the switch to receive a 0 ms response from each of the 0 ms
three probes sent to each router.

HP Switch# traceroute6 2001:db8::10 maxttl 7 traceroute to fe80::1:2:3:4 1 hop min, 7 hops max, 5 sec. timeout, 3 probes 1 2001:db8::a:1c:e3:3 0 ms 0 ms 0 ms 2 2001:db8:0:7::5 0 ms 0 ms 0 ms At hop 3, the first and third probes timed 3 * 2001:db8::214:c2ff:fe4c:e480 * out, but the second probe reached the 4 * * * router. Each timed-out probe is displayed with an asterisk (*). 5 * * * 6 * * * The four remaining probes within the configured seven-hop maximum (maxttl) 7 * * *
also timed out without finding a next-hop router or the destination IPv6 address.

Figure 11-2. Examples of IPv6 Traceroute Probes


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting DNS Resolver for IPv6

DNS Resolver for IPv6

The Domain Name System (DNS) resolver is designed for local network domains where it enables use of a host name or fully qualified domain name to support DNS-compatible commands from the switch. DNS operation supports these features:

dual-stack operation: IPv6 and IPv4 DNS resolution DNS-compatible commands: ping, ping6, traceroute, and traceroute6 multiple, prioritized DNS servers (IPv4 and IPv6)

DNS Configuration
Up to three DNS servers can be configured. The addresses must be prioritized, and can be for any combination of IPv4 and IPv6 DNS servers.


This section describes the commands for configuring DNS operation for IPv6 DNS applications. For further information and examples on using the DNS feature, refer to DNS Resolver in appendix C, Troubleshooting, in the current Management and Configuration Guide for your switch. Syntax:. [no] ip dns server-address priority < 1 - 3 > < ip-addr > [oobm} Used at the global config level to configure the address and priority of a DNS server. Allows for configuring up to three servers providing DNS service. (The servers must all be accessible to the switch.) The command allows both IPv4 and IPv6 servers in any combination and any order of priority. priority < 1 - 3 >: Identifies the order in which the specified DNS server will be accessed by a DNS resolution attempt. A resolution attempt tries each configured DNS server address, in ascending order of priority, until the attempt is successful or all configured server options have been tried and failed. To change the priority of an existing server option, you must remove the option from the switch configuration and re-enter it with the new priority. If another server address is configured for the new priority, you must also remove that address from the configuration before re-assigning its priority to another address. Continued on the next page.


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting DNS Resolver for IPv6

Continued from the previous page. The no form of the command removes the specified address from the server address list configured on the switch. < ip-addr >: Specifies the address of an IPv6 or IPv4 DNS server. [oobm]: For switches that have a separate out-of-band management (OOBM) port, this parameter specifies that communication with the DNS server goes through that OOBM port. Syntax:. [no] ip dns domain-name < domain-name-suffix > Used at the global config level to configure the domain suffix that is automatically appended to the host name entered with a command supporting DNS operation. Configuring the domain suffix is optional if you plan to use fully qualified domain names in all cases instead of just entering host names. You can configure up to three addresses for DNS servers in the same or different domains. However, you can configure only one domain name suffix. This means that a fully qualified domain name must be used to resolve addresses for hosts that do not reside in the same domain as the one you configure with this command. That is, if the domain name suffix and the address of a DNS server for that same domain are both configured on the switch, then you need to enter only the host name of the desired target when executing a command that supports DNS operation. But if the DNS server used to resolve the host name for the desired target is in a different domain than the domain configured with this command, then you need to enter the fully qualified domain name for the target. The no form of the command removes the configured domain name suffix. For example, suppose you want to configure the following on the switch:

the address 2001:db8::127:10 which identifies a DNS server in the domain named a priority of 1 for the above server the domain suffix


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting DNS Resolver for IPv6

Assume that the above, configured DNS server supports an IPv6 device having a host name of mars-1 (and an IPv6 address of fe80::215:60ff:fe7a:adc0) in the domain. In this case you can use the device's host name alone to ping the device because the domain has been configured as the domain name on the switch and the address of a DNS server residing in that domain is also configured on the switch. The commands for these steps are as follows:

HP Switch(config)# ip dns server priority 1 2001:db8::127:10 HP Switch(config)# ip dns domain-name HP Switch(config)# ping6 mars-1 fe80::215:60ff:fe7a:adc0 is alive, time = 1 ms Figure 11-3. Example of Configuring for a Local DNS Server and Pinging a Registered Device However, for the same mars-1 device, if was not the configured domain name, you would have to use the fully qualified domain name for the device named mars-1: # ping6 For further information and examples on using the DNS feature, refer to DNS Resolver in appendix C, Troubleshooting, in the current Management and Configuration Guide for your switch.

Viewing the Current Configuration

Use the show ip dns command to view the current DNS server configuration. Use the show run command to view both the current DNS server addresses and the current DNS domain name in the active configuration.

Operating Notes
DNS addressing is not configurable from a DHCPv6 server.


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Debug/Syslog for IPv6

Debug/Syslog for IPv6

The Debug/System logging (Syslog) for IPv6 feature provides logging functions similar to those of the IPv4 version, allowing you to record IPv4 and IPv6 Event Log and debug messages on a remote device to troubleshoot switch or network operation. For example, you can send messages about routing misconfigurations and other network protocol details to an external device, and later use them to debug network-level problems.


This section describes the commands for Debug/Syslog configuration in an IPv6 environment. For information on using the Debug/Syslog feature in an IPv4 environment, refer to Debug/Syslog Operation in appendix C, Troubleshooting, in the current Management and Configuration Guide for your switch.

Configuring Debug and Event Log Messaging

To specify the types of debug and Event Log messages that you want to send to an external device:

Use the debug ipv6 command to send messaging reports for the following types of switch events: DHCPv6 client DHCPv6 relay forwarding neighbor discovery OSPFv3 packets

Use the logging < severity severity-level | system-module system-module> command to select a subset of Event Log messages to send to an external device for debugging purposes according to: Severity level System module


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Debug/Syslog for IPv6

Debug Command
Syntax: [no] debug ipv6 [ debug-type ] Configures the types of IPv6 messages that are sent to Syslog servers or other configured debug destinations, where debug-type is any of the following event types: (none) all IPv6 events dhcpv6-client < events | packets > one of the following IPv6 client debug message types events DHCPv6 client events packets DHCPv6 client packets dhcpv6-relay < events | packets > one of the following IPv6 relay debug message types events DHCPv6 relay events packets DHCPv6 relay packets forwarding IPv6 forwarding events nd IPv6 neighbor discovery events


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Debug/Syslog for IPv6

Syntax: [no] debug ipv6 [ debug-type ] (Continued) ospf3 one of the following OSPFv3 message types: (none) all OSPFv3 debug events adj adjacency changes event events flood flooding lsa-generation link state advertisement generation packet one of the following OSPFv3 packet types: (none) all OSPFv3 packets sent or received DD DD packets sent or received Hello Hello packets sent or received LSA LSA packets sent or received LSR LSR packets sent or received LSU LSU packets sent or received retransmission retransmissions spf SPF computations packet all IPv6 packet messages The no debug ipv6 form of the command stops the sending of debug messages of the specified type.


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Debug/Syslog for IPv6

Configuring Debug Destinations

An IPv6-based Debug/Syslog destination device can be a Syslog server (up to six maximum) and/or a console session:

Use the debug destination < logging | session | buffer > command to enable (and disable) Syslog messaging on a Syslog server or to a CLI session for the debug message types configured with the debug and logging commands (see Configuring Debug and Event Log Messaging on page 11-12): debug destination logging enables the configured debug message types to be sent to Syslog servers configured with the logging < syslog-ipv4addr | syslog-ipv6-addr > command. debug destination session enables the configured debug message types to be sent to the CLI session that executed this command. The session can be on any one terminal emulation device with serial, Telnet, or SSH access to the CLI at the Manager level prompt. debug destination buffer enables the configured debug message types to be sent to a buffer in switch memory.

Use the logging < syslog-ipv6-addr > command to configure the Syslog server at the specified IPv6 destination address.

Configuring an IPv6 Syslog Server

Syslog for IPv6 is a client-server logging tool that allows a client switch to send event notification messages to n IPv6 networked device operating with Syslog server software. Messages sent to a Syslog server can be stored to a file for later debugging analysis. To use the Syslog for IPv6 feature, you must install and configure a Syslog server application on an IPv6 networked host accessible to the switch. Refer to the documentation for the Syslog server application for instructions. To configure an IPv6 Syslog server, use the logging < syslog-ipv6-addr > command as described below. When you configure a Syslog server, Event Log messages are automatically enabled to be sent to the server. To reconfigure this setting, use the following commands:

Use the debug command to specify additional debug message types. Use the logging command to configure the system module or severity level used to filter the Event Log messages sent to configured Syslog servers.

For more information, see Configuring Debug and Event Log Messaging on page 11-12.


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Debug/Syslog for IPv6

Logging Command
Syntax: [no] logging < syslog-ipv4-addr > Enables or disables Syslog messaging to the specified IPv4 address. You can configure up to six addresses. If you configure an address when none are already configured, this command enables destination logging (Syslog) and the Event debug type. Therefore, at a minimum, the switch begins sending Event Log messages to configured Syslog servers. If other debug message types are configured, they are also sent to the Syslog server. no logging removes all currently configured Syslog logging destinations from the running configuration. no logging < syslog-ipv4-address > removes only the specified Syslog logging destination from the running configuration. Note: The no logging command does not delete the Syslog server addresses stored in the startup configuration. To delete Syslog addresses in the startup configuration, you must enter the no logging command followed by the write memory command. To verify the deletion of a Syslog server address, display the startup configuration by entering the show config command. To block the messages sent to configured Syslog servers from the currently configured debug message type, enter the no debug < debug-type > command. To disable Syslog logging on the switch without deleting configured server addresses, enter the no debug destination logging command. For complete information on how to configure a Syslog server and Debug/ Syslog message reports, refer to the Troubleshooting appendix in the Management and Configuration Guide.


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Debug/Syslog for IPv6

Displaying a Debug/Syslog for Configuration

Use the show debug command to display the currently configured settings for:

Debug message types and Event Log message filters (severity level and system module) sent to debug destinations IPv4/IPv6 debug destinations (Syslog servers or CLI session) and Syslog server facility to be used

Figure 11-1 shows an example of show debug command output that displays a configured IPv6 Syslog server.
HP Switch(config)# show debug Debug Logging Destination: None Enabled debug types: None are enabled
Displays the default debug configuration when no Syslog server IP addresses or debug types are configured.

HP Switch(config)# logging fe80:215:60ff:fe7a:adc0 HP Switch(config)# write memory When you configure a Syslog HP Switch(config)# show debug IPv6 address with the logging Debug Logging Destination: Logging -fe80:215:60ff:fe7a:adc0 Facility=user Severity=debug System module=all-pass Enabled debug types: event
command, by default, the switch enables debug messaging to the Syslog address and the user facility on the Syslog server, and sends Event Log messages of all severity levels from all system modules.

Figure 11-1. Syslog Configuration to Receive Event Log Messages at Specified System Module and Severity Levels on an IPv6 Syslog Server


IPv6 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Debug/Syslog for IPv6


IPv6 Terminology
For IPv6 ACL terminology, refer to Terminology on page 5-6.

DAD Duplicate Address Detection. Refer to Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) for Statically Configured Addresses on page 1-12. Default Route The route selected for forwarding traffic when no other route is satisfactory for the intended destination. The IPv6 default route is ::/0. Device Identifier The low-order bits in an IPv6 address that identify a specific device. For example, in the link-local address 2001:db8:a10:101:212:79ff:fe88:a100/64, the bits forming 212:79ff:fe88:a100 comprise the device identifier. DHCPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, IPv6 version. DoS Denial-of-Service. EUI-64 Extended Unique Identifier. Refer to Extended Unique Identifier (EUI) on page 2-12. Global Config The manager configuration context indicated by (config)# in the CLI prompt Context and used for system-level configuration commands. See also Manager Privileges in the chapter titled Using the Command Line Interface (CLI) in the Basic Operation Guide. IPv6 Host A device that transmits and receives IPv6 traffic per-VLAN, but does not route traffic between VLANs. Local Network An interface on which a pair of nodes can communicate by switching within the same VLAN or subnet; i.e., for IPv6 nodes, communication requiring only link-local addresses. See also Remote Network. Manual Address Configures an IPv6 address by using the CLI to manually enter a static address. Configuration Referred to as Static Address Configuration in this guide. See Static Address Configuration, below. MLD Multicast Listener Discovery. Refer to the chapter titled Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping. MTU Maximum Transmission Unit. The largest frame size allowed on a given path or device. Refer to Path MTU (PMTU) Discovery on page 1-9.


IPv6 Terminology

ND Neighbor Discovery. Null Route A static route that drops traffic instead of forwarding it to a destination. RA Router Advertisement. Refer to Router Advertisements on page 1-27. Remote DHCPv6 A DHCPv6 server that is on a different VLAN or subnet than a client needing Server DHCPv6 services. Remote Network An interface that can be reached by routing traffic between VLANs or subnets; i.e., for IPv6 nodes, communication requiring global unicast or multicast addresses. See also Local Network. Routing Table A list of routes to destinations the routing switch is aware of. Where multiple dynamic routes exist to the same destination, the routing table includes only the dynamic route determined to be the best choice. However, a static route normally supersedes a dynamic route to the same destination due to the low default administrative distance typically assigned to static routes. SLAAC Stateless Address Autoconfiguration. Refer to SLAAC (Stateless Automatic Address Configuration) on page 1-5. Static Address A permanently configured IPv6 address, as opposed to an autoconfigured address. Static Address Configures an IPv6 address by using the CLI to manually enter the address Configuration instead of using an automatically generated or DHCPv6-assigned address. Same as Manual Address Configuration. See also Manual Address Configuration, above. Static Route A static route uses a defined path and does not allow changes in the path to compensate for changes in routing conditions.


1-5, 1-11 %vlan suffix 2-5, 2-9, 2-10, 2-13 not used 5-27 ACE, order in list See sequence, ACEs. address family 5-7 AppleTalk 5-31 application 5-1 application methods 5-30 application points 5-21, 5-30 applications 5-3, 5-11, 5-17, 5-21, 5-24, 5-38 assign nonexistent identifier. 5-44 to VLAN 5-44 assigning 5-38 to a VLAN 5-65 assigning to a VLAN 5-64, 5-65, 5-66 assignment not deleted 5-68 basic structure 5-39 CIDR 5-7 mask 5-45 command summary 5-5, 5-48 concurrent IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs 5-11 configuration planning 5-21 configure 5-47 configured but not used 5-44 configuring 5-38 offline 5-21 control bits, TCP 5-58 copy operation appends 5-90 create 5-4, 5-47 create, CLI method 5-44 DA, defined 5-7, 5-10 defined 5-1, 5-6, 5-38 definitions 5-6 delete 5-5, 5-48 deleting an ACL 5-120 deleting from config 5-68 deny any any, implicit, supersede 5-39 deny any, implicit 5-21, 5-25, 5-29, 5-30, 5-32, 5-33, 5-39, 5-42, 5-43, 5-69 deny any, implicit, defined 5-8 deny, defined 5-7 destination on the switch 5-23 disable 5-5, 5-48 display 5-5, 5-48

802.1X ACL, IPv6, effect on 5-16 port-based access not recommended 5-16

ABR definition 10-7 OSPFv3 10-7 ACL debug messages 11-13, 11-14 end 5-43 filtering process 5-32 rules, operation 5-32 traffic not filtered 5-31 VLANs 5-33 ACL, IPv4 802.1X port-based not recommended 5-16 deny any, implicit, IPv6 5-15 dual-stack operation 5-1 limit 5-44, 5-49 monitoring 5-100 RADIUS-assigned, limit 5-44, 5-49 scalability 5-44, 5-49 statistics counters RACL counter operation 5-105 statistics counters, ACE 5-100 ACL, IPv6 802.1X client limit 5-16 802.1X port-based not recommended 5-16 802.1X, effect on 5-16 ACE after match not used 5-32, 5-42 defined 5-6 general rules 5-45 insert in list 5-70 limit 5-33 minimum number 5-119

Index 1

ACLs and assignments 5-88 assignments 5-82, 5-83, 5-84 configuration details 5-81 content of an ACL 5-85 data types 5-88 summary, configured ACLs 5-80 DSCP setting 5-22 DSCP, ToS setting 5-22 dual stack 5-17 dual-stack operation 5-1 duplicate sequence number 5-45 dynamic 5-1, 5-3, 5-24 dynamic port (RADIUS) ACL 5-1 dynamic port ACL 5-9 dynamic port ACL application 5-15 dynamic port ACL operation defined 5-11 dynamic port joins to a VLAN 5-34 editing 5-68 offline 5-89 effect of replacing 5-44 empty 5-65 empty ACL 5-7, 5-64, 5-69 enable 5-5, 5-48 established 5-38, 5-58 exit statement 5-43 features, common to all 5-20 filtering methods 5-11 filtering process 5-26 hit count See statistics, ACE. ICMP options 5-58 traffic 5-22 type names 5-60 ID, defined 5-7 identifier 5-8 identifier, maximum length 5-8, 5-64, 5-65, 5-67 implicit deny See deny any, implicit. inbound traffic, defined 5-8 inbound traffic, RACL 5-8 interface assignment, options 5-24 inverse mask See ACL, IPv6, wildcard. IPv6 routing required 5-3 IPX 5-31 length, prefix 5-21

limit 5-44, 5-49 log function 5-21 log message See ACL, IPv6, logging. logging 5-21, 5-22 described 5-94 notes 5-118 session 5-21 mask CIDR 5-45 mask (prefix) defined 5-7 match, always 5-43 match, ignored 5-32 maximum allowed 5-33 mirroring 5-12 monitoring 5-100, 5-109 multiple ACLs on interface 5-17 multiple applications 5-17 multiple lists on an interface 5-19 multiple on same interface 5-17 name or number assignment 5-44 name, maximum length 5-8, 5-39, 5-64, 5-65, 5-67 nonexistent identifier, assign 5-44 non-IP traffic 5-31 number of entries 5-20 offline editing 5-89 operator, comparison 5-56, 5-57 outbound traffic, defined 5-9 packet screened by multiple lists 5-19 permit defined 5-9 with multiple ACLs 5-17 permit any forwarding 5-9, 5-32 permit, defined 5-9 permit/deny options 5-38 permit/deny options, defined 5-38 planning 5-21 policies 5-29 policy application points 5-2 port 5-34 port ACL 5-3 operation defined 5-11 port ACL, IPv6 See also static port ACL and dynamic port ACL. port added to trunk 5-34

2 Index

port removed from trunk 5-34 port-based 802.1X 5-16 port-based security 5-16, 5-18 ports affected 5-34 precedence DSCP 5-22 numbers and names 5-53 prefix ACL, IPv6 mask, IPv4 5-7 prefix length 5-21 protocol options 5-38 purpose 5-2 RACL configure 5-5, 5-48 defined 5-3 inbound traffic 5-8 operation defined 5-11 RACL applications 5-12 routing requirement 5-8, 5-23 screening switched traffic 5-20 RADIUS-assigned 5-1, 5-3, 5-6, 5-7, 5-15, 5-24 RADIUS-assigned ACL 5-6 implicit deny IPv6 5-15 multiple clients connected 5-15 RADIUS-assigned, IPv6 denied traffic 5-15 RADIUS-assigned, limit 5-44, 5-49 remark 5-10 remove from an ACE 5-77 removing from a VLAN 5-64, 5-65, 5-66 replacing 5-33 replacing active ACEs 5-44 resequence 5-4, 5-47 resource monitor 5-119 routed traffic 5-34 routing (IPv6) requirement for RACL 5-22 routing requirement 5-32 rules, configuration 5-32 SA or DA on the switch 5-35 SA, defined 5-10 scalability 5-44, 5-49 security use 5-2, 5-31 security use, caution 5-31 sequence number 5-4, 5-10, 5-47, 5-69 out-of-range 5-70 use to delete ACE 5-72 use to insert ACE 5-70

sequence number, duplicate 5-45 static ACL 5-6 static port 5-3 static port ACL 5-5, 5-10, 5-48 static port ACL application 5-15 static trunk assignment 5-10 static VLAN requirement 5-23, 5-33, 5-34 static, defined 5-3 statistics counters ACE 5-100 statistics counters, ACE 5-109 structure 5-40 supersede implicit deny any 5-42 switched packets 5-35 switch-generated traffic, outbound 5-118 Syslog See ACL, logging. TCP control bits 5-4, 5-38, 5-40, 5-47, 5-49, 5-58 TCP flag 5-4, 5-47 TCP or UDP port number, IANA 5-57 TCP, established 5-38 TCP/UDP operators 5-57 port names 5-57 terms 5-6 traffic generated by the switch 5-23 traffic to/from the switch 5-35 traffic types filtered 5-2, 5-29 troubleshooting 5-100, 5-109 trunk 5-34 adding port 5-34 assignment 5-10 type 5-43, 5-79, 5-82, 5-83, 5-84, 5-86 user-based 802.1X 5-16 user-based security 5-16, 5-18 VACL configure 5-5, 5-48 defined 5-3 operation defined 5-11 VACL applications 5-13, 5-14 VLAN ACL, IPv6 See VACL. where applied to traffic 5-24, 5-34 wildcard 5-7 wildcard, defined 5-10 address IPv6 6-8 address configuration

Index 3

duplicate unicast addresses on an interface 1-16 IPv6 global unicast 1-5, 1-11 IPv6 global unicast using DHCPv6 1-7 IPv6 link-local 1-10 IPv6 link-local autoconfiguration 1-4 address family 5-7 address, management access IPv6 6-5 administrative distance, OSPFv3 10-39 advertisement OSPFv3 10-6 area 10-25 retransmit interval 10-44 retransmit interval in virtual link 10-50 all-nodes, used in IPv6 DAD 1-17 anycast address deprecation 1-32 preferred lifetime 1-32 valid lifetime 1-33 area range, OSPFv3 configuring 10-36 area, OSPFv3 assigning VLAN to 10-29, 10-31 configuring 10-25 definition 10-11 displaying area information 10-58 assigning IPv6 address 6-8 authorized IP managers access privilege 3-3 access-method 3-3 binary expressions of hexadecimal blocks 3-5, 3-9 configuration command 3-3 configuration examples 3-6, 3-11 configuring access privilege 3-3 displaying configuration 3-10 feature description 3-2 IP mask used to configure single station 3-4 IP masks used to configure multiple stations 3-5 precedence among security settings 3-3 using IP masks 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 autoconfigured address effect of static address 1-12 autoconfigured unicast address DHCPv6 precedence 1-9

Autonomous system, OSPFv3 10-10 autorun TFTP download of key file 2-17 TFTP download of trusted certificate 2-17 auto-TFTP disabled 2-21 downloading software images 2-21 for IPv6 2-21

binary expressions of IPv6 address 3-5, 3-9 broadcast forwarding DHCPv6 Relay 9-2

CIDR 6-8 clear neighbor cache 2-1, 2-4 command file TFTP download and running command script 2-17 command output TFTP upload on remote device 2-19 configuration DHCPv6 Relay 9-1, 9-3 IPv6 See IPv6 routing, configuration IPv6 routing parameters 6-8 router ID 6-9 static IPv6 routes 7-5 configuration file TFTP download 2-17 TFTP upload on remote device 2-19 control bits, TCP 5-58 copy TFTP transfers 2-15 crash data file TFTP upload on remote device 2-19 crash log TFTP upload on remote device 2-19

DA, defined 5-7, 5-10 DAD configuration 1-18

4 Index

detecting duplicate unicast addresses 1-16 detecting duplicate unicast addresses on an interface 1-3, 1-6, 1-8, 1-10, 1-12 performed on all IPv6 unicast addresses 1-19 debug compared to event log 11-12 displaying debug configuration 11-17 forIPv6 11-12 sending event log messages 11-12 using CLI session 11-15 debug command IPv6 event messages 11-13 IPv6 event types supported 11-12 show debug 11-17 using Syslog servers 11-15 default route IPv6 6-13 default setting distance, external, 110 10-40 distance, inter-area, 110 10-40 passive, ospf3, OSPFv3 active 10-52 default settings area, no areas 10-26 area, stub, metric-cost, none 10-27 area, stub, metric-type, type2 10-28 area, stub, no-summary, no-summary disabled 10-27 cost, ospf3, 1 10-43 dead-interval, ospf3, 40s 10-43 hello-interval, ospf3, 10s 10-43 interface loopback area, none assigned 10-31 ip load-sharing, enabled, 4 10-17 ip router-id, disabled 10-23 IPv6 access-list resequence interval, 10 5-73 address autoconfig, disabled 1-6 addressing configuration features 1-1 DAD, enabled 1-20 dhcp rapid-commit, disabled 1-8 ICMPv6 error message generation, enabled 11-1 ICMPv6 error message interval, 100 ms 11-2 ICMPv6 message bucket-size, 10 tokens 11-2 IPv6 operation, disabled 1-1 managemenent features 2-1 management security features,

disabled 3-1 MLD default mode, auto 4-4 nd dad-attempts, 3 (enabled) 1-18 nd ns-interval, 1000 ms 1-18 nd reachable-time, 3000 ms 1-19 ping6 data-size and data-fill, 0 11-4 ping6 repetitions, 1 11-4 ping6 timeout, 1 second 11-4 traceroute 6 defaults 11-6 ipv6 unicast-routing, disabled 10-24 logging neighbor-adjacency, detail, disabled 10-53 logging neighbor-adjacency, standard, enabled 10-53 loopback interface, le0 1-13 no-advertise, not set 10-38 priority, ospf3, 1 10-44 range, not set 10-37 restart strict-lsa, enabled 10-40 retransmit-interval, 5s 10-44 route map, none 10-33 route-map, none 10-24 router ospf3 default-metric, 10 10-34 router ospf3 default-metric-type, type2 10-35 router ospf3 redistribute, none 10-34 router ospf3, disable 10-24 router ospf3, disabled 10-24 transit-delay, ospf3, 1s 10-44 trap, disabled 10-41 virtual-link, dead-interval, 40s 10-48 virtual-link, hello-interval, 10s 10-49 virtual-link, retransmit-interval, 5s 10-50 virtual-link, transit-delay, 1s 10-51 default VLAN IPv6 management interface 6-5 IPv6 routing interface 6-5 deprecated address 1-21 DHCPv6 configuring service requirements 8-8 does not assign link-local address 1-7 M-bit in host mode 1-7 mutually exclusive with autoconfigured global unicast address 1-5 mutually exclusive with static global unicast address 1-9 O-bit in host mode 1-7 precedence over autoconfig address 1-9 server-assigned global unicast address 1-7

Index 5

supported with DHCPv4 on same VLAN 1-8 DHCPv6 Relay assigning a gateway address 9-3, 9-4 broadcast forwarding 9-2 configuration 9-1 configuring 9-3 enabling 9-2, 9-3 helper addresses 9-2 minimum requirements 9-2 multicast helper address 9-2 packet forwarding 9-1 displaying debug configuration 11-17 distance, intra-area, 110 10-40 DNS configuration 11-9 domain-name 11-10 view configuration 11-11 documentation feature matrix -xvi latest versions -xv release notes -xv DR (designated router) OSPFv3 election 10-8 See also OSPFv3. dual-stack operation 5-1

used in MLD snooping 4-6 FE80 link-local address prefix 1-4 filters See also OSPFv3. flow sampling 2-22

gateway determining default IPv6 route 1-29 global unicast address autoconfiguration 1-5 autoconfigured is mutually exclusive with DHCP server-assigned address 1-5 deprecation 1-32 manual configuration 1-11 preferred lifetime 1-6, 1-8, 1-10, 1-32 valid lifetime 1-6, 1-8, 1-33 graceful restart helper 10-21

hop limit IPv6 routing 6-12 HP Switch switch documentation -xv

ECMP feature description 10-16 in OSPFv3 10-16 EUI in IPv6 address autoconfiguration 1-5, 1-11 used in IPv6 address autoconfiguration 1-4 event log compared to debug/Syslog operation 11-12 debugging by severity level 11-12 debugging by system module 11-12 Event Log Message Reference Guide -xv TFTP upload on remote device 2-19 external LSA displaying 10-62, 10-67

IANA 5-57 IANA, protocol numbers 5-52, 5-59 ICMP bucket-size 11-2 error-interval 11-2 rate-limiting controls 11-1 IGP 10-3 inform messages 2-22 IP address loopback interface configuration 1-13 IP masks for multiple authorized manager stations 3-5 for single authorized manager station 3-4 used in configuring authorized IP management 3-3, 3-4 used in configuring authorized IP management stations 3-2 IP Preserve

fast leave MLD configuration 4-9, 4-10

6 Index

configuring 2-26 DHCP-assigned address 2-27 downloading configuration file to IPv6 switch 2-27 feature description 2-26 IP routing changing router ID 6-9 required for ACLs 5-3 IPv6 address binary expression 3-5, 3-9 configuration overview 1-2 DAD 1-16 debug 11-12 default gateway 1-29 DHCPv6 server-assigned address 1-2, 1-7 disabling 1-15 displaying IPv6 configuration 1-20, 1-25 displaying IPv6 routing table 1-29, 1-31 DNS configuration 11-9 enabling commands 1-3 displayed in IPv6 configuration 1-25 global unicast address autoconfiguration 1-5 global unicast address manual configuration 1-11 IP Preserve 2-26 link-local address autoconfiguration 1-4 link-local address manual configuration 1-10 link-local suffix 2-5, 2-9, 2-10, 2-13 management address 6-5 management interface 6-5 neighbor cache, clear 2-4 neighbor cache, view 2-2 neighbor discovery 1-15, 2-1 routing between different VLANs 1-27 routing interface 6-5 routing table 6-14 selecting default router on a VLAN 1-28 show ipv6 routers output empty 1-31 SNMP support 2-22 SNTP See SNTP server. static address configuration 1-9 Syslog 11-12 Telnet view current use 2-6 Telnet6 access 2-7

telnet6 2-5 Telnet6, view configuration 2-7 TFTP6 transfers 2-15 Timep See Timepv6. See also MLD. IPv6 address assigning 6-8 CIDR notation 6-8 ipv6 enable 1-3, 1-4 IPv6 load-sharing 10-17 IPv6 routing administrative distance 6-6 AS 10-3 backup designated router 10-3 BDR 10-3 concurrent static and dynamic 6-6 configuration DHCPv6 service requirements 8-8 displaying 8-20 hop limit 6-12 intervals between RA transmissions 8-9 RA default router lifetime 8-10 RA global context commands 8-7 RA hop limit 8-10 RAs on the same VLAN 8-5 router advertisements 8-3 VLAN context ND 8-8 configuring addresses 6-8 default route 6-13 designated router 10-3 DHCPv6 Relay configuration See DHCPv6 Relay. DR 10-3 enabling or disabling 8-7 interior gateway protocol 10-3 IPv6 static routes administrative distance 6-13, 7-6 blackhole 7-3, 7-5 configuring 7-5 default route 6-14 maximum supported 6-2 null interface 7-1 null route 7-5 one per destination 7-1 reject 7-5 route types 7-3 VLAN state 7-4

Index 7

loopback interface 10-10 management interface 6-5 null routes 7-5 OSPFv3 See OSPFv3. overview 6-1 parameter configuring 6-8 router advertisement advertisement values 8-2 basics 8-2 command reference guide 8-6 default router lifetime 8-10 DHCPv6 service requirements 8-8 displaying configuration 8-20 enabling or disabling 8-7 general operation 8-1 global context commands 8-7 hop limit for host-generated packets 8-10 intervals between RA transmissions 8-9 setting up policies 8-3 VLAN context neighbor discovery 8-8 router advertisement, enable 8-7 router advertisement, enabled 8-4 router ID 10-8, 10-9, 10-10 routing table 6-14 adding routes 7-5 static routes administrative distance 7-4 metric 7-4 terminology 10-3 Type-7-LSA 10-4 VLAN interface 6-3

default 1-13 displaying configuration 1-14 multiple interfaces supported 1-13 router priority 10-10 LSA displaying 10-64 external, displaying 10-62, 10-67

MAC address used in IPv6 interface identifier 1-4 used in IPv6 link-local autoconfiguration 1-4 management access address IPv6 6-5 management interface, IPv6 6-5 manual address configuration See static address configuration. masks See IP masks. M-bit host mode 1-7 metric OSPFv3 redistribution 10-34 MIB support SNMP 2-22 mirroring 5-12 MLD blocking multicast packet forwarding 4-4, 4-8 configuration 4-7 displaying configuration 4-11, 4-14 displaying statistics 4-17, 4-19 forwarding multicast packets 4-4, 4-8 reducing multicast flooding 4-1, 4-3 snooping at port level 4-1 used on IPv6 local link 4-1 multicast MLD snooping reduces multicast flooding 4-1, 4-3 Multicast Listener Discovery See MLD.

link-local address autoconfiguration 1-4 manual configuration 1-10 listening 3-16 ports 3-13 load-sharing See ECMP. 10-17 logging command configuring a Syslog server 11-16 syntax 11-12 loopback interface benefits 1-13 configuration 1-13

neighbor cache, view 2-2 neighbor discovery IPv6 similar to IPv4 ARP 1-15

8 Index

neighbor solicitations used in duplicate address detection 1-18 neighbor, clear cache 2-1 notifications displaying configuration 2-24 supported in IPv6 2-22

O-bit host mode 1-7 oobm copy tftp 2-17, 2-19 dns server-address 11-9 listen 3-16 listening ports 3-13 snmp-server listen 2-23 sntp server priority 2-10 telnet 2-5 telnet-server 2-7 tftp 2-16 timep 2-13 traceroute 11-6 with ping 11-4 OSPFV3 RFC 2740 10-13 OSPFv3 ABR 10-3, 10-4, 10-7 ABR, connection requirement 10-25 ABR, range configuration 10-21 adjacency 10-3 administrative distance 10-21, 10-39 advertisement, blocking 10-38 advertisements 10-38 area 10-4, 10-11, 10-20 assigning VLAN to 10-29, 10-31 configuring 10-25 area border router 10-3, 10-7 area configuration 10-25 area information 10-58 area range configuring 10-36 area types 10-10 ASBR 10-3, 10-8, 10-20 ASBR, advertising 10-14 AS-External-LSA 10-3 assigning area range 10-36 autonomous system 10-3, 10-10

autonomous system boundary router 10-3, 10-8 backbone area 10-3, 10-11, 10-12 backbone area, configure 10-26 backbone area, default configuration 10-30 blocking routes 10-36 changing defaults 10-42 configuration rules 10-21 configuration steps 10-23 cost 10-21, 10-42, 10-43 dead-interval 10-21, 10-42, 10-43 default metric 10-34 default route 10-3 displaying configuration and status 10-54 displaying information 10-54, 10-56, 10-59, 10-60 area 10-58 external LSA 10-62, 10-67 LSA 10-64 virtual link 10-69, 10-70 displaying redistribution 10-69 DR (designated router) 10-8 election 10-8 enabling 10-20, 10-24 enabling redistribution 10-33 equal cost multi-path (ECMP) multiple next-hop routing 10-16 external LSA 10-3 external route cost options 10-27 general configuration steps 10-20 general information 10-56 graceful restart helper 10-21 hello-interval 10-21, 10-42, 10-43 Inter-Area-Prefix LSA default summary route 10-28 Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA 10-13, 10-14, 10-28 interface defaults 10-42 interface parameters 10-42 interior router 10-4, 10-7 link-state advertisement 10-3, 10-4 logging neighbor-adjacency 10-53 loopback interface 10-10, 10-20 loopback interface, assigning 10-31 loopback interface, redistribution 10-35 LSA 10-3, 10-4 displaying information 10-62, 10-67 LSA types 10-6

Index 9

LSA, external, reduction 10-14 LSA, reduction 10-13 metric-type 10-27 neighbor 10-45 no-advertise 10-38 normal area 10-4, 10-11 normal area, configure 10-26 no-summary 10-28 no-summary, effect 10-15 not-so-stubby-area See NSSA. NSSA 10-4, 10-6, 10-11, 10-12 NSSA, configuring 10-27 overview 10-5 parameters, default global 10-22 parameters, default interface 10-22 passive 10-52 priority 10-21, 10-42, 10-44 range, blocking 10-39 redistribution 10-34 enabling 10-33 metric 10-34 metric type 10-34 redistribution information 10-69 redistribution, loopback interface 10-35 restrict redistribution. 10-32 retransmit-interval 10-42, 10-44 RFC 2740 10-6, 10-13 RFC 3101 10-6, 10-13 RFC compliance 10-13 route choice, influencing 10-39 router ID 10-8, 10-9, 10-10, 10-14, 10-20, 10-45, 10-65 router ID, displayed 10-63, 10-68 show commands 10-54 show passive information 10-52 SPF statistics, displaying 10-71 stub area 10-4, 10-11, 10-12 stub area, configuring 10-27 summarizing routes 10-36 summary link-state-advertisement 10-3 topological database 10-4 transit area 10-45 transit area ID 10-48, 10-49, 10-50, 10-51 transit-delay 10-42, 10-44 translator, NSSA 10-6 traps 10-21, 10-41

Type-7-LSA default external route 10-14, 10-28 virtual link 10-4, 10-25 change settings 10-47 configuration 10-45 dead-interval 10-48 defaults 10-47 displaying information 10-69, 10-70 hello-interval 10-49 interface parameters 10-47 parameters 10-47 retransmit-interval 10-50 transit-delay 10-51 VLAN/subnet statistics, displaying 10-61 outbound Telnet6 2-5

parameters OSPFv3 interface 10-42 ping6 11-3 port displaying loopback interface 1-14 loopback interface configuration 1-13 MLD snooping 4-16 port ACL 5-3 port monitoring, ACL 5-12 port-level MLD snooping 4-1, 4-8 preferred address 1-21 preferred lifetime 1-21 of global unicast address 1-6, 1-8, 1-10 use of IPv6 address as source or destination 1-32 priority public-key file TFTP download 2-18

quick reference guide IPv6 routing router advertisement commands 8-6

RA See IPv6 routing, router advertisement RACL defined 5-3

10 Index

RADIUS dynamic port ACL See also RADIUS-assigned ACLs. RADIUS-assigned ACLs 5-15 RADIUS-assigned See also dynamic port acl RADIUS-assigned ACLs 5-3, 5-15 redistribution 10-69 resource monitor See Management and Configuration Guide. RFC 2740 10-6, 10-13 RFC 3101 10-6, 10-13 RFCs RFC 2740 10-6, 10-13 RFC 3101 10-13 router advertisements used in IPv6 1-27 router advertisement, IPv6 8-1 router ID, changing 6-9 routing DHCPv6 server-assigned address 1-7 displaying IPv6 routing table 1-29, 1-31 IPv6 See IPv6 rounting IPv6 global unicast address autoconfiguration 1-5, 1-28 IPv6 traffic between different VLANs 1-27 See also DHCPv6 and OSPFv3. selecting default IPv6 router 1-28 show ipv6 routers output empty 1-31 traceroute 11-5 routing switch 6-1 running-config TFTP upload on remote device 2-19

SA 5-10 SCP See SCP/SFTP. SCP/SFTP secure file transfer session limit 3-18 secure copy See SCP/SFTP. secure FTP See SCP/SFTP.

security precedence of authorized IP manager settings 3-3 security, ACL, IPv6 See ACL, IPv6, security use. sFlow 2-22 SFTP See SCP/SFTP. show debug 11-17 show ipv6 1-4, 1-6, 1-8, 1-11, 1-20 show run IPv6 output 1-25 SNMP configuring SNMPv1/v2c trap receiver 2-23 configuring SNMPv3 management station 2-23 displaying SNMPv3 management station configuration 2-26 displaying trap configuration 2-24 features supported for IPv6 2-22 remote monitoring (RMON) 2-22 SNMPv1 and v2c traps 2-22 SNMPv2c informs 2-22 SNMPv3 notifications 2-22 source IPv6 address in notifications not supported 2-24 supported MIBs 2-22 SNTP mode 2-11 poll interval 2-11 priority 2-11 protocol version 2-11 server address 2-11 view configuration 2-11 SNTP server 2-13 address configuration IPv6 address priority software image TFTP download 2-18 TFTP upload on remote device 2-19 solicited-node used in IPv6 neighbor discovery 1-16 SPF algorithm displaying OSPFv3 statistics 10-71 SSH filetransfer 2-21 overview 3-13

Index 11

SSHv2 restriction 3-16 version 1 3-16 startup-config TFTP download 2-18 TFTP upload on remote device 2-19 static ACL 5-3 static address configuration 1-9 effect of autoconfig 1-12 static IPv6 routes configuring 7-5 maximum supported 6-2 route types 7-3 See also IPv6 routing. suffix, link-local address 2-5, 2-9, 2-10, 2-13 supersede implicit deny any any 5-39 Syslog compared to event log 11-12 configuring IPv6 server address 11-15 configuring IPv6 Syslog servers 11-15 displaying Syslog configuration 11-17 event log messages sent by default 11-16 for IPv6 11-12 See ACL, IPv6, logging. sending event log messages 11-12

tables IPv6 route 6-14 TCP control bits 5-58 Telnet oobm 2-5 viewing current use 2-6 Telnet6 2-5 enable/disable inbound 2-7 view configuration 2-7 telnet-server oobm 2-7 TFTP auto-TFTP feature 2-21 disabled 2-21 downloading command 2-17 downloading configuration file 2-17 downloading key file 2-17 downloading public-key file 2-18 downloading software images 2-18 downloading startup-config file 2-18 downloading trusted certificate 2-17

enabling client functionality 2-16 enabling server functionality 2-16 uploading command output 2-19 uploading configuration file 2-19 uploading crash data file 2-19 uploading crash log 2-19 uploading event log 2-19 uploading running-config file 2-19 uploading software image file 2-19 uploading startup-config file 2-19 TFTP6 auto-TFTP 2-21 copy command 2-15, 2-17 enable client or server 2-16 file transfers over IPv6 2-15 See also IPv6. 2-15 upload file to server 2-19 time sync mode 2-11 Timepv6 2-13 manual configuration 2-13 traceroute 11-5 oobm 11-6 traceroute6 11-5 traffic monitoring sFlow 2-22 transit area OSPFv3 10-45 traps displaying configuration 2-24 OSPFv3 10-41 supported in IPv6 2-22 troubleshooting configuring Syslog servers 11-15 using CLI session 11-15 using Syslog servers 11-12 trunk ACL static trunk assignment 5-10 port added or removed, ACL 5-34

VACL defined 5-3 valid lifetime of global unicast address 1-6, 1-8 use of deprecated IPv6 address as source or destination 1-33 virtual interface See loopback interface

12 Index

virtual link OSPFv3 displaying information 10-69, 10-70 parameters 10-47 VLAN assigning OSPFv3 area 10-29, 10-31 DHCPv6 server-assigned address 1-7 displaying IPv6 configuration 1-23, 1-25 displaying IPv6 routing table 1-31 displaying MLD configuration 4-11, 4-14, 4-16 displaying MLD statistics 4-17, 4-19 global unicast address autoconfiguration 1-5 global unicast address manual configuration 1-11 IPv6 link-local address autoconfiguration 1-4 link-local address autoconfiguration 1-4 link-local address manual configuration 1-10 MLD snooping 4-4, 4-7, 4-8, 4-9 neighbor discovery operation 1-16 router advertisements used in IPv6 1-27 selecting default IPv6 router 1-28 VLAN interface IPv6 description 6-3 OSPFv3 interface parameters 10-42

warranty -ii WebAgent IP Auth Managers access 3-2 wildcard See ACL, IPv6, wildcard.

Index 13

14 Index

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Copyright 201 1 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP will not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. September 201 1 Manual Part Number 5998-2710

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