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Published February 1907


Composed and Printed By

The University of Chicago Press
Chicago. Itlinois. U. S. A.

These indices are the work of my friend and former
pupil, Dr. 0. A. Toffteen. I would take occasion to express
to him here my thanks and appreciation for the labor and
care which he has expended upon them. While the author
has constantly supervised the compilation, yet the work has
beer1 that of Dr. Toffteen, and he is fully responsible for it.
I t should be said in justice to him, as well as perhaps to the
auth~oralso, that the latter's return to the Orient for another
season left the compiler only a little over two months in which
to complete his heavy task. He was obliged to work more
hours a day and with more speed than was his desire, but I
am sure that the usefulness of his work, and the persistent
industry with which he has compiled his lists, will deserve
lenient judgment, should any occasional errors in numbers
be found. I hope also that the necessity for the separate
publication of such exhaustive indices in a volume by themselves will be evident to any who may have expected to find
them included in Volume IV. Aside from the fact that it
woulld have rendered that volume (already far the largest of
the set) much too bulky, it was thought highly desirable to
give such a cyclopadia of the subject separate existence a s a
volume, rather than to absorb it in Volume IV, where it
would be constantly lost to use, whenever anyone might be
using Volume IV for some other purpose. 1,ikewise if
bourtd up with Volume IV, the employment of the indices
by a reader would also have involved the needless use of
Volume IV with them. The compilation of the index has
disclosed an occasional inconsistency in rendering, and in a
few cases also in the orthography of proper names, in view
of which the author would only recall the long period of


time and the numerous modifications involved in the slow

progress of such a work as this.
I n view of some remarks in one of the first reviews which
have appeared, it should be stated that it was necessary to
close the manuscript of these Records to any additions on
October I, 1904. Any works or texts which appeared
after that date could not be included. An advance proof
kindly sent me by Eduard Meyer enabled me to employ
his invaluable Chronologie in revising the chronology in
Volume I; and wherever possible I endeavored to insert in
the proof important facts appearing in new books and
current journals. But I could take up no new texts. The
omission of Abydos texts, mentioned by Foucart (Journal
des Savants, June, 1906, p. 336), was intentional, as no
translatable document of importance is in Abydos, Volume I,
the only volume out when my manuscript was handed in.
Among these the inscription of "Nakhiti," which Foucart
says I have overlooked, is in our own Haskell Museum,
where it was received not long after its discovery. I was
therefore not very likely to overlook it.
As I have stated in the general preface, circumstances
beyond my control obliged me to read the proofs of these
volumes, as well as those of my History of Egypt, between
April and September, 1905, a period in which fell also the
preparations for the expedition to Egypt under the auspices
of the Oriental Exploration Fund, University of Chicago.
There are therefore doubtless more typographical errors
and corrigenda than I could wish. I have already noticed
the following :
Vol. I, 178-80. Please read in the following order: 180, 178,
179. The unpublished and also almost unreadable base-inscription
should be mentioned here (see Maspero, Les Origines, p. 364,
note 8).


V'ol. I, $ 182. The verb after " Ptah" is doubtless part of the
name, so that the ny is dative and not the n-form. We should then
render, " Ptahyutnai (Pth-ywt-ny), who made this for him, etc."
Vol. I, $ 185. For "field judge who," read "field judge, Kemethnenet (Kmtnnt), who."
Vol. I, $ 199. After '' Upper," insert '' Oleander."
Vol. I, $ 538. For "count of Siut," read "official of Siut."
Vol. I, $ 685. For "Nebkure," read "Nubkure."
Vol. I , before $ 707, at top of p. 313. Insert as a title, "REIGN
Vol. I, pp, 314, 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 326, in running-title At the
top of the page for "SESOSTRIS 111," read "AMENEMHET
Vbl. 11, $ 657. For "by the hair the Kode-folk," read "among the
Curly-Haired," as in Vol. 11, $ 71.
Vol. 11,p. 305, note a. For "has," read "have."
Vol. 11, 854. For " Ibbet," read " Ibhet."
Vol. 111, $ 309. For " K '-r '-ky-kSJ" read "K '-I Zky-SJ."
Vol. 111, $ 498. For " H'," read "H 3 m . " This change is due to
a collation of the original at Abu Simbel.
V01. IV, $240. For "s'mw," read "sCmw."
Vo1. IV, $ 455. For " '-ry-m," read "'-r-ry-m."
Vol. IV, $ 493. For "Nfr-k -R ," read "Nfr-k' -R ".
Vol. IV, $815. For '' Zeamamefonekh," read " Zeamonefonekh."
Vol. IV, $853. For "htnz," read " btm."
Vol. IV, $ 874. For "Hnt-Hty," read "grit-Hty."
Vol. IV, $ 918. For " N xC'- bys-lzht. t," read " N '-C'-t ' ys-n&.t."
Vol. IV, $921. For ''B '-k'-R'," read "B3-k'-RC."
Vo1. IV, $1028. For "whm," read "whm."

I would also note t h a t t h e inscription recording a camp a i g n i n Syria, supposed to belong to T h u t m o s e I1 (Vol. 11,
125), has been shown by Sethe's examination of t h e original
probably to belong to T h u t m o s e I. Hence Naville was r i g h t




in attributing the monument to the last-mentioned king

(Deir-el-Bahri, Vol. 111, p. 17). This makes the reign of
Thutmose I1 still more ephemeral and unimportant.

September I, 1906.


INDEX 111.

TEMPLES. . . . . . .
PERSONS. . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
EGYPTIAN . . . . . .
HEBREW. . . . . . .
ARABIC . . . . . . .

. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .

. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .

. . .
. . .





The templcs (Index IT) will be found supplementary to

the geography in Index VI. Inscriptions, however, are not
placed under temples. The inscriptions of all sites will be
fouiid in the geographical index (VI). In compiling the list
of temples tt was found difficult to distinguish between the
different temples in a given city, when such temples have
perished, as, for example, at Memphis and Heliopolis. The
differentiations made are probably not always correct. The
index of Pharaohs includes also such queens as actually
ruled; otherwise the queens will be found in Index IV.
The documents, monuments, wars, etc., of t h ~Pharaohs will
be found under the numbered name, not under the thronename. Thus, look for Thutmose I11 under Thutmose 111,
not under Menkheperre; the references to the latter name
will be found appended to those of the former.
The historical development of terms should not be
forgotten in using these lists. '' Count," "mayor," and
"prince" are all renderings of the same Egyptian term at
different periods. I n the same way, different connection
often demands a different rendering of the same title; thus,
"chief, " "overseer, " " master, " and " governor" may be
rendered from the same Egyptian title. Such a series is
also " lord, " " nomarch, " and " ruler. "


ALL-LORD,I 478; I1 53, 314, 343,812,
815; I11 265, 281, 613; IV 47, 66,
356, 382; great house of, IV 8; city
of, I1 316; throne of, see Index VII;
eye of, I1 316, 815; applied to ReAtum, IV 249.
AMON,11~8,1o1,120,149,153,154 ter,
157, 162, 163, 165, 192, 193, 194, 1959
199, 205, 208, 209, 211, 216, 228, 244,
2751 283, 285, 294, 3029 310, 311, 314,
3153 3287 329, 3327 3399 374, 377, 383,
389, 402, 430, 4311439, 451,452, 4559
4571 5497 5567 5571 5589 559,596,608,
617, 620,627, 628,646, 784, 790, 791,
805, 827, 835, 836, 838, 856; 111 27,
28, 34, 439 719 72, 82, 111, 134, 138,
155, 164, 165,172, 177, 1791195, 198,
204, 210, 224, 237, 261, 371,386, 452,
455,4719 498, 535, 560". b, 566,575,
580,615,622,623,626,642; IV 7,13,
77, 40, 47, 50, 51, 54, 55, 71, 72, 78,
80, 82, 88, 92, 96, 103, 110, 122, 123,
125, 126, 127, 411,412,468, 497, 586,
591,634, 661,6637 688, 7009 7021 704,
705, 724, 743,822,836,851,855,856,
958C, 958D, J, 988H; lord of eternity, IV 124; lord of heaven, IV 943,
945; king of gods, I1 412, 891; I11
30, 72; IV 483, 498, 945; lord of
gods, I1 253, 351, 645, 881; 111 215,
515, 625, 626; ruler of gods, IV 943;
lord of Karnak, I1 149, 150, 377, 378,
423; presider over Karnak, I1 200,
203, 2537 271, 282,315,402,5689 569;
lord of Thebes, I1 44, 45, 87, 120,
121, 158, 164, 166, 197, 224, 253, 268,
271, 272, 274, 276,280, 282, 309, 313,
315, 319, 339, 427, 568,624, 639, 790,
792, 797,831,881,882,883,886,925,
930; 111 76, 158, 455, 461; IV 52,
126, 913; ruler of Thebes, IV 246;
lord of the Two Lands, I1 198; bull
of his mother, IV 426; fashioner of
all that exists, I1 149; fashioner of
kings and queens, I1 199; thunders
in heaven, IV 578; equips all lands,
IV 579; owns all ships, IV 580;
acting as judge, IV 650-58, 672-73,

676; successor of Re, I1 189; physical father of king, I1 189; crowning

kings, I1 228-29; shield of bowmen,
111, 581; in oaths, I1 121, 318, .422,
452; IV 862; worshiped in Zahl, IV
219; in Nubia, IV 218; in Napata,
IV 921, 924, 929, 932; in the city of
Wa-, of Northern Syria, I1 458; in
Byblos, IV 580; Egypt, kingdom of,
I1 910; throne of, see Index VII;
staff of, I1 71; statues of, IV 190, 217,
219, 220, 245; Amon-of-the-Way, an
image of Amon, IV 569, 586; erasure
of name of, see Index VII: Erasure;
extermination of cult of, I1306; Booty
presented to, IV 126, 128; see also
Index VII: Booty, Spoil, Plunder;
prisoners presented to, I 13; see
also Index VII: Captives, Prisoners,
Slaves; associate gods of, I11 82; see
also Amon-Re, Amon-Re-Iny, Amonrasonther, Amon-Kamephis, AmonAtum, IT-Amon; western voyage of,
I1 885,888; Feasts of, see Index VII:
Feasts; Amenhotep, festival leader of,
I1 912; oasis of, I1 189; Estate of, see
Index 11: Karnak, temple of Amon;
T e m ~ l e sof, see Index 11: Karnak,
Luxor, Medinet Habu, Western
Thebes, Mewetkhent, Napata, Sebb< a , Kanekeme, Tanis, Zahi. For
other references to Amon, see ArnonRe and Index 11: Temple of Amon
at Karnak.
I1 853; I11 261.
I1 225 n. b; IV 63.
, I11 555 n. e..
AMON-RE,11 8 , 127, 142, 157, 305,
328, 338, 365, 384, 402 n. c, 418, 460,
601,606, 662, 791, 792, 834, 904; I11
27, 77, 137, 195, 206, 504, 512, 515,
517, 520, 556 n. a, 583, 597, 600, 621,
648; IV 7, 10, 14, 33, 42, 44, 56, 71,
75, 777 90, 103, 104, 108, 137, 411;
IV 726, 751; king of gods, 1173, 310,
370, 389,638, 844,878, 885, 926; 111
223, 479, 504, 517; Iv 4, 10, 15, 16,
26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 49, 52, 57, 58,
80, 105, 1x0, 128, 143, 183, 184, 185,
186, 222, 225, 230, 236, 383, 384, 424,


4631 477, 489, 491, 4949 495,496, 497,

510, 5117 522, 523,528, 531, 534, 539,
541, 56% 564, 566, 580, 586, 593,
594,609, 610,611,615,616,617,622,
640,641,647,652,653, 654,659, 660,
706,707, 708, 721, 736, 740, 762, 770,
777, 795, 988H; lord of gods, I1
256; IV 401; the begetter, I1 288;
the self-begetter, IV 186, 653; 654,
671, 722; lord of life and health
IV 580; Hatshepsut, daughter of, I1
225, 314; divine offerings for, I1 159;
see also Index VII: Offerings, and
IV 160 ff. ; presider over Karnak, I1
196,281,568, 905; I11 150, 285, 519;
IV 740, 889, 988D; lord of Thehes,
1484; I1 159, 196,225, 265, 278, 281,
425, 439, 568, 573 603,606,614,627,
630, 646, 654, 656, 797,886, 888, 889,
890, 896, 905; I11 82, 105, 110, 116,
119, 136, 150, 152, 156, 215, 216, 217,
219, 223, 256, 285, 290, 433, 436,
453, 503, 510, 512, 517, 519, 522;
IV 15, 126, 130, 184, 458, 652,
653, 704, 706, 722, 740, 854, 886,
889, 900, 924, 926, 931, 988D; lord
of the lands, IV 566; lord of the
highlands and mountains, IV 458;
residing in Nubia, IV 900; lord of
" T hrones-of-the-Two-Lands," IV
369; temple of, in the backlands of
FayQm,IV 369; lord of Yered, IV 368;
lord of heaven, I1 219, 253, 278, 312,
325, 934; 111 517; IV 78, 80, 128,
184; lord of earth, I1 253. For
further references, see Arnon.
I11 370.
lord of
the two lands of Heliopolis, I11 371.
ruler of Thebes, IV 12.
I11 206.
ANATH,I11 84, 467; IV 105.
ANTHERET: Hittite divinity, I11 386.
ANUBIS,I1 192 n. c, 212; lord of the
rcavel, I 394; lord of Rosta, I11 17;
lord of designs in Neru, IV 296; lord
of Rekreret, I 540; lord of Sep, IV
368; lord of Tazoser, IV 1029; souls
of, I 403; feast of, see Index VII:
Feasts, "birth of Anubis; " temples
of, see Index 11: Neru, Rekreret (in
Siut), Sep, Rosta.
ANUKET:.mistress of Elephantine, IV
991; gfts to, 1500; temple of Satet,

Anuket, and Khnum, built by Sesostns I, I 500; giving symbol of life to

Sesostris 111, I 643; mistress of
Nubia, I 644; I1 794 n. a; "feast of
Nubia" of, I1 798; voyage of, I1 798.
APIS, IV 960; the Living Son, IV IOI I;
son of Ptah, IV 309, 781, 791; son of
First of Westerners, IV 780; son of
Osiris, IV 976, 986; sacred cattle of,
IV 332;' feast of, see Index VII:
Feasts, Running-of-the-Apis;" temple of, the Serapeum in Memphis,
see Index 11; burial of, in the Serapeum, I 22; IV 771, 778, 780, 786,
See also Osiris-Apls.
IV 105.
ATON,I 6 6 n. e; I1 946, 959, 960, 961,
9723 983,9849 985,9877 988,990,9919
992, 993, 9941 995, 996, 9991 10001
1001, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007, 1010,
1o11,1012,1015; 11119,72,144,270,
281; IV 62; lord of lords, I1 1007;
lord of radiance, I1 1011; ruler of
the Two Lands, I1 1007; attributes
of, I1 991, 992; displacing the name
of god, I1 987; cult of, introduced by
Ikhnaton, I1 932; faith of, I1 932,
943,949,979; hymns of, 11979,984,
991, 992, 999-1001, 1007, 101-11;
landmarks of, I1 969; oblation to,
I1 952,958; temples of, see Index 11:
Akhetaton, Heliopolis, Thebes.
ATUM(original sun-god of Heliopolis),
1625; I1 91, 192 n. c, 226, 228, 299,
318, 412, 630,907; I11 246, 265, 270,
278,281,597; IV 31,38,42,56,57,62,
94, 130, 182, 252, 254, 3827 4019 704,
817,869, 872,921; going down in the
west, I1 318; Heliopolis, city of, I11
576; lord of the Two Lands of Heliopolis, 1500; I1 221,224, 635,643,896;
I11 159, 245, 288, 548, 600; IV 183,
247, 248, 249, 280, 284, 289, 383;
of Khereha, IV 869; great house of
heaven of, IV 357; throne of, see
Index VII; earthly reign of, I1 91;
begetter of Pharaoh, I1 91 ; succeeded
by Re, I1 222; the old man, IV 972;
kings crowned by, I1 221, 222, 226,
227; efts to, I 500; temple built to,
in Heliopolis by Sesostris I, I 503;
lord of the great house, I 504; bull
of the gods, I 504; ancient writings
of, I 756; mountain of, I1 917.
statue for ( =the
Sphinx), I1 815.

ATUM-KHEPRI: lord of Heliopolis, I V

732, 872; chapel of, in the temple a t
Heliopolis, IV 732.
IV 183,248,249,
280, 284, 289, 383.

BAAL,I11 86, 122, 144, 312, 326, 338,
463,; IV 46, 49, 62, 72, 75, 77, 80,96,
104, 106, 246; servant of, I11 630.
BAST,I V 463; mistress of Bubastis, IV
734; mother of, I 485; mistress of
Berset, IV 369; of the South, I 396
1, n. c; protecting the land, I 747; in
Heracleopolis, IV 973; feast of, IV
973; residing in Thebes, IV 912;
image of, IV 912; foes of, I1 792.
BES, I1 206.
BULL, THE WHITE: endowment of, I
BUTO,I1 223; I11 28; IV 62; white
crown beloved by, I1 235; endowment of, I 156, 159; mistress of Dep,
I 500; I1 224; mistress of Perneser,
I 159; of the South, I 167; mistress
of Re, I 500.
BUTO-UPET-TOWE:ritual priest of, I11


CITY-GOD: loves the ruler, I 403, 404;
leads him, I 404.

ESYE (deity of wisdom), I 504, 747;

I1 316 n. a.


GODDESS,IV 599; of South and North,
IV 352,363,364,383,470,731 ; acting
as midwives, I1 206.
GODS, I1 118, 149; of Thebes, I1 73,
224; of the South, I1 828; of the
South and North, 11 217, 219, 224,
800,812; IV 183,335, 352, 353,3639
364, 383, 470, 731; of the deeps, IV
330; oblations for, IV 330; fragrance,
of, I1 196; odor of, I1 196; council
of, I1 192; of birth, I1 206 n. f; city,
11, 53; dancing dwarf of, I 351;
sent to a foreign land, I11 440-47;
desecrated by the Syrian usurper, I V
398; magic powers of, IV 455; forbidding practice of magic by men, IV
455; of wax, for magical purposes,
IV 454; "Amon-of-the-Way," an
Image of Amon, IV 569, 586; see
also Index V: Beloved of god, Daughter of god, Mistress of god.
" a goddess, IV 914; image of, IV 914;
temples of, IV 9 14.

DEDUN, I1 173, 279, 646; temple at
Semneh, dedicated to, I1 167, 170;
presider over Nubia, I1 I 70, I 7I, I 76.

EIGHT GODS, THE,11 302; I V 848;
temple of, in Hermopolis, IV 848.
ENNEAD,THE DIVINE, 1 160; 11 360;
111 612; I V 382, 399; of Abydos,
1.7164; I11 232,486, 525; of Elephantux:, IV 992; of Heliopolis, I11 16,
545,547; IV 250, 261, 262, 265, 269,
304, 869; of Memphis, IV 309, 322;
of temple at Redisiyeh, I11 173, 190,
195; of Thebes, I1 71, 308, 635, 812,
832, 907, 909; 111 27, 29, 32, 206
215, 218, 256, 281, 285, 510, 533;
IV 9, 13, 128, 624, 768; of the Senuthouse, I 165; the great, I1 285; of
Pakht, I1 301.

HAPI, I 500; I11 289; great in Niles,

IV 887; temple of, at Heliopolis, I V
273; see also Index VI: Per-Hapi,
and the Nile-god.
I1 139, 425, 562, 633, 791,
792,812,915; 111159, 179, 237, 288,
370, 496, 499, 542, 5463 556 n. a,
560, n. a, 599, 600; IV 38, 463, 477,
510, 702, 703; lord of heaven, I11 3;
IV 247; great god, I11 3; IV 247;
lord of earth, I11 3; sun of darkness,
I11 3; only god, I11 18; king of the
gods, I11 18; king, the image of, I11
30; lord of Nubia, I11 499; worshiped in Amada, I1 791; stela for,
I 501; worshiped in the city of Wa-,
of Northern Syria, I1 458; throne of,
see Index VII; temple of, in Karnak,
I1 935; IV 706, 708.
(Horus, protector of his
father, Hr-n&yt-f), I1 95; IV 484;


in the temple of Min at Panopolis,

I1 181.
prophet of, I 533.
lord of Athribis, IV
360, 369; lord of Kemwer, IV 875.
I1 811, 814.
I1 815.
HARSAPHES:lord of Heracleopolis, I
675; divine fathers of, IV 787, 792;
lord of Heliopolis, IV 733; chapel
of, IV 733.
111 404.
HARSIESE,I1 192 n. c; I11 24, 32; IV
458, 563, 464; "house of Osiris and
Harsiese" ( =the temple of Osiris at
Abydos), IV 357.
I11 26j.
HATEOR,I1 192 n. c, 208,209,226,337;
I11 19, 210; blade of, IV 784; cowheaded, I1 210; cows of, I1 210;
daughter of Ptah, IV 331; residing in
the South of Memphis, IV 331; mistress of Cusae, I 500; temple of, I1
300; of Diospolis Pama, prophet of,
IV 726; (of Heliopolis), mistress of
Hotep, I1 1042; IV 247; mistress
of Hotep-em-Hotep, IV 733; chapel
of, IV 733; of the house of Atum,
I11 400; mistress of the Malachite
country, I 715, 720, 722, 723, 725,
738, 750; I1 450 n. a ; IV 409, 784;
temple of (in Buto?), IV 784, 956;
endowment of, IV 784; mistress of
Nun, I 178; mistress of Dendera, I
423H, 500; mistress of heaven, I
738; mistress of Punt, I1 252, 25.5,
288; mistress of Myrrh, I1 295; rmstress of Royenet, I 216 bis; mistress
of the Sycamore; I 165; mistress of
Imu, 1 351; sovereign of Thebes, I1
357; patroness of Thebes, I1 224;
procession of, I1 357; mistress of the
valley, IV 913; image of, IV 913;
temple of (in Tanis?), IV 956; residing in Zeme, IV 1002; shrines of,
in ths sun-temple, Sekhet-Re, I 159;
in Ro-she, I 159; shrines of, in the
a i
: " The-Soul-ofSahure-Shrines," 1 159; endowment
of, I I56, 159, 165; IV 784; minechambers at Sinai made for, I 723;
priests of, I 216, 217; prophetess of,
IV 792 ; temple of, at Aphroditopolis,
IV 366.
HAWK,11 115.

HEKET,I1 205, 302; goddess of birth,

11 206 n. f; frog-headed, I1 202;
mistress of Hirur, I1 205 n. a; white
one of Nekhen, I1 205 n. a; the
deliverer, I1 205 n. a.
HEKU:an obscure divinity, I1 210.
HERERET,I 396 n. c.
HIGHLANDGODDESS:mistress of the
Red Mountain, I 493.
I1 314.


HORUS,I 605; 11 70 bis, 73 bis, 120,

138, 143, 220, 279, 318, 430; 11128,
173,194,229, 259,266,270,497, 590;
IV 17,47,304, 720, 1011; son of Isis,
I1 808; 111 236, 272; IV 351; the
Mighty Bull, IV 351; who has numbered his limbs, I 502; receiving life
from Osiris, I 744; beloved of Mat,
IV 351; lord of joy, I11 136; on the
royal standard, I1 143; in the gold
sign, I1 145 bis; throne of, see Index
VII; hawk, symbol of, 111285; lord
of Alabastronpolis, I11 24, 27; lord
of Bek, I11 284, 285; lord of Bohen,
I11 643; of Edfu, I1 111, 114; I11
165, 195, 285; of He, 111496; house
of, I11 496, 498; lord of Letopolis, I1
95; IV 878; of Nubia, temple built
for, by Sesostris I in Apollinopolis
Magna, I 500; lord of Pe, IV 1017;
prophet of, IV 1017; of the South,
lord of Perzoz, IV 726; prophet of,
IV 726; lord of Sebi, I11 20; Image
of, IV 91j ; followers of, I1 73; I11
16; =the king, I 345, 346, 423C, et
passim; terror of, I 356; worshipers
of, I 78 n. a; I1 73; Two Regions of,
I 441, 448; Two Lands of, I 441;
Feasts of, see Index VII: Feasts (worship of Horus, Rekeh); Temples of,
see Index 11: Athribis, Heliopolis,
Apollinopolis Magna, Perwz, He,
Edfu, Letopolis.

H O R - W A ~ I ~1
, 1 303.

: king of the Two Lands,
IV 368;
IV 368'
HU (deity of taste), I 504.

IBIS:footsteps of, I11 25.
INhtUTEF, 111 155.
IR-AMON( =the king) : road of; I1 792.
I11 285.
ISIS,1441; I1 111, 192 n. c, 318; 111
28, 173, 194.; Iv 471 463, 895? 896;
goddess of b ~ r t hI1
, 206 n. f; mistress
of heaven, I V 458; "mistress of the
pyramid," I 177, 179, 180; divine
mother, 1178; 111227; the late date
of her cult, I 177; "the great one,"
I1 293 n. e; Horns, son of, I1 808;
111224,236; IV 47,62,103,351,895 ;
temple of, IV 706,916; called: "TheGreat-Ka-of-Harakhte," IV 706; lake
of, IV 916.

KAYEPHIS,11 831; I11 623; the selfbegetting sun-god, I1 314 n. b; "bullof-his-mother," I1 225, 314.
KEB, I1 192 n. c, 285; IV 400; throne
of, see Index VII; god of earth, I11
I 16; divine begetter, I1 71 ; controller
of minerals and metals, I 726; I1 91;
inheritance of, IV 942.
endowment of, I 159.
KHEPIRI,11299, 314,812,907; IT1 281,
288, q I I ; office of, I1 595; statue of
(=the Sphinx), I1 814.
KHESETI,11 240, 241.
KHNUM,I 747; 11 302, 328, 795 n. d;
111203,265,404; lord of the cataract,
1317, 500,611,615; 11953 2243 360,
794 n. a, 796 n. j, 844; 111 479; I V
655, 969,991, 1002; 11 205, 207, 212;
creator of man, 11 199, 202; god of
birth, I1 206 n. f; at the potter's
whesel, I1 202; the potter, I1 203;
father of all gods and goddesses, I V
148; binder of the Nine Bows, I1
170, 171; smiter of the Shasu, I1
170, 171; of Elephantine, I1 89; field
of Dodekaschoinos belonging to, IV
146; lord of Hirur, I 637 n. a; 11 95,
202; dwelling in Abydos, I1 95; lord
of Sheshotcp, I V 366; temples of, see
Index 11: Elephantine, Semneh,
: temple of, IV 367.
KHNUM-RE, of Elephantine: temple
of, IV 925; lord of the cataract, IV
KHONSU,I 1 216; I11 34, 155, 452, 560
n. b, 623; I V 78, 125, 126, 185, 463,

468, 483, 616, 639, 663, 668; of the

Theban triad, I 24; I1 244; IV 183,
184, 222, 230, 236; priests of, 111341;
the two sacred barques of, I11 431;
residing in Themet, IV 914; image of;
I V 914.
s T,
111 136, 150, 156, 431, 440, 447; Iv
184, 225, 602, 617, 620, 671, 911;
Horus, lord of joy, I11 136, 150; IV
225; lord of Thebes, IV 602; temple
of, in Thebes (Karnak), IV 214, 225,
472, 602, 603, 660; statues of, IV
214; third prophet of, IV 665; jmage
of, IV 911; name of, IV 911; Image
of, in Karnak temple, IV 204.
111 370.
K E O N S U - T H E - P L A NM- A K E R - I N THEBES,
111431, 440,441, 442, 447;
driving out evil spirits, 111443,444;
priest of, 432; in the form of a hawk,
I11 445; sent to Bekhten, I11 440,
445, 446.
image of, IV 909;
name of, IV 909; throne of, IV 909.
KHUYET, goddess of the temple of
Khentikhet in Athribis, IV 874.

MAT (goddess of truth), I1 154, 938;

111, 18, 19, 150, 556 n. a, 560 n. b;
IV 458, 463; prophet of, I 531; I1
352, 936; 111 556, 560; daughter
of Re, I1 939; beloved of Horus, IV
35 I ; mistress of heaven, I1939 ; ruler
of gods, I1 939; presider over the
palace, I1 939; temple of, in Karnak,
IV 660.
MEFDET: feast of birth of, I 115.
MENHYT,I11 88.
111 172.
MES: endowment of, I 159.
MESKHENET,11 207, 302; 111 400;
goddess of birth, I1 206 n. f; directing
the midwives, I1 206.
Mm, 1441,500; I1 30; IV 463; "Lofty
of the Two Feathers," I1 302; lovely
like, IV 49 ; lord of Panopolis, I1 181;
temple of, 11 181; feasts of, I1 181;
ithyphallic, I 296; I1 104, 302 n. a,
889 n. a; august god, I 437; lord of
C?ptos, I 296, 443, 6057 779, 780;
wine offered before him, I 435; I11


282; lord of the liighlands, I 437,441,

procession of, I1 357; the great sor443, 707; 111 282; IV 458; offering
ceress, reared for the dominion of the
of, to Mentuhotep IV, 1437; creator of
two regions of Horus, I 441; great-inthe pure, costly stone of the HammaMagic, 1468; belonging to the Themat Mountain, I 442; Hammamat,
ban triad, I1 244; IV 183, 184, 222,
the highlands of, I 442; head of the
230, 236; temple of, in Ishru, built by
Troglodytes, I 443; guarding the exSenmut, I1 351; IV 660; the sistrumpedition to Hammamat, I 448, 707;
bearer, IV 733; image of, in Karnak
his forms appeared in a rain storm,
temple, IV 204; eye of Re, IV 899;
I 451; image of "chief-of-heaven,"
of Napata, IV 897, 899; queen of
IV 916; shadow of, put on the temple
Nubia, IV 898; temple of, in Napata,
door, I1 104, 302 n. a, 889 n. a; likeIV 897-99; mistress of the Nine
ness of, in year of terror, I1 792, 918;
Bows, I1 891; mistress of heaven, I11
divine offerings for, I1 567; feasts of,
136; IV 898,899; queen of all gods;
see Index VII: Feasts (Birth of Min,
I11 136; IV, 899; mistress of Ba (in
Peret-Min); temples of, see Index 11:
Hauran), IV 716 n. b.
Coptos, Panopolis.
mistress of Thebes, I1
MIN,HORUS,AND ISIS:triad of, IV 365.
MIN-AMON,IV 26; residing in Bohen, MUT- KHENT- EBUI - NTERU IV 369;
temple of, IV 369.
I11 77, 79, 159, 161; temple of, 111
74, 77, 247; endowment of divine
offerings for, 111 77, 159; templepersonnel of, 111 78; store house of, NEFERTEM,
of the Memphis triad, IV
111 78; slaves of, 111 78; of Luxor,
320; defender of the Two Lands, IV
IV 909.
183: protector of the Two Lands,
IV 465.
IV 305, 306; statue of, in Medinet
Habu temple, IV 191.
a serpent-divinity: house
MIN-SI-ESE,111 76, 158.
of, IV 971; Nehebkew, I1 302.
MONTU,I 468, 471; I1 192 n. c, 412,
11 302.
844; 1x1 86, 94, 141, 152, 224, 285,
307, 312, 319, 4573 4799 490; Iv 37, NEIT, I 609; I1 630; I11 28; houses of,
I 609; IV 982; temples of, I1 358;
40, 41, 46, 49, 50, 51, 54, 56, 62, 65,
mistress of Sais, IV 830; prophet of,
72, 759 78, 91, 92, 98, 104, 105, 110,
IV 830.
124, 477, 4969 628, 721, 921, 945;
bull of the mighty arm, IV 880; god NEKHBET:endowment of, I 156, 159;
of Hermonthis, I1 352, 828, 831; IV
the white one of El .Kab, I1 828; 111
477; prophets of, I1 352; lord of
roo; mistress of Perwer, I 159; misErment, IV 547; house of, IV 547;
tress of heaven, I 741; 111 28; IV
lord of Thebes, I 510; I1 224, 430;
62; temple at El Kab dedicated to,
111 84, 147, 308, 326; IV 912; re111 504.
siding in Thebes, IV 82, 103; temple NEPETHYS,1500; I1 192 n. c; 11128;
of, in Karnak, IV 660.
goddess of birth, I1 206 n. f.
MONTU-RE,lord of Thebes, IV 886; NIBMARE: Lord of Nubia, I1 894;
sole lord, I1 goo; worshiped as god,
prophet of, IV 660.
I1 897.
111 486; Thoth, the, I11
NILE-&D: I1 210, 212 (?); father of
gods IV 296, 886, 888; books of,
MUT,I1 288,353,814,835; 11134,256,
IV 296, 297, 347; explanation of, IV
371, 452, 500 bis, 560 n. b, 623; IV
n. e; oblations for, IV 296, 303,
57, 78, 80, 126, 185, 463, 468, 483,
347; statues of, IV 302, 349, 395,
489, 616, 623, 634, 6499 663, 702;
738; the two, of North and South,
mistress of Ishru, I1 353, 357, 380,
I1 888.
627, 891; 111136, 370; IV 184, 623,
statues of, IV 303,349,
671; the great Bast, 111150; ruler of NILE-GODDESS:
Karnak, 111 150; mistress of amia395.
bility, I11 150; grants the going in NINE GODS,in Khereha, I 500; see
and out in the nether-world, I1 353;
also Ennead of Memphis.
NUBTI: presiding over the Southland, I V 880.
NUN, I1 887, 888; I V 62, 189, 308,
888 ; great council of, IV 330; shrine
of, I1 607; river of, in Heliopolis,
IV 870; costly stones, the products
of, 111 448 n. b; cavern of, at Elephantine, IV 925.
NUT,I1 192 n. c, 285; son of (=Osiris),
I 759; I1 318, 813,900; 11184, 139,
144, 148; IV 49, 854; stars in the
bod:( of, I1 164; Set, son of, I11 539,

pure electrum, I11 176; ceremonies a t

feast of, in Abydos, I 669; dead kings
called, I11 266, 272; IV 499, 593, 642;
burial of, applied to funerals of men,
111 212- IV 499, 593, 637-47, 668;
of Bubns, IV 484; of Coptos, I V 458.
O s w s AND HARSIESE: house of, in
Abydos, I V 357.
temple of (=Serapeum), I V 965.
&IRIS-WENNOFER, I 669; lord of
Tazoser, I11 17; temple of, in Karnak, IV 958K.

OMBITEGOD (=Set), I11 583.

ONOURIS, IV 458, 484; of the tall
plumes, I V 365; in Thinis, I 500;
IV 365; temple of, see Index 11,under
Thinis; highpriest of, I1 818; son of
Re, I11 261.
OSIRIS, 11 91, 92, 192 n. c; I11 173,
194, 232, 259, 266, 272, 280, 281,486,
529; I V 46, 182, 304, 382, 400, 675,
683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 1011, 1024;
giving.buria1, I1 358; first of Westerners, 1 500, 509, 608, 613, 66567, 669, 758-61, 763, 765, 11 9b,98,
186; I11 528; IV 1018, 1021; Apis,
son of, I V 780; ruler of the West,
I11 17; presider over the West, I11
17; great, mighty one residing in
Thinis, I 666; Lord of Abydos, I
500, 666, 669, 684, 758-59, 765; 11
96, 98, 186, 367, 840; 111 259, 528;
IV 365, 484; secret of, I1 180; district:; of, I11 260; mortuary endowments presented to, I1 839, 840;
lord of Rosta, I 177, 179, 180; lord
of Tazoser, IV 187, 357; the great
god of the dead, I 9; king of Upper
and Lower Egypt, I 759; the great
god, I 330, 338, 684, I1 98; lord of
heaven, I 338; (Vndy ymndylu), I
349; lord of life, I 684; lord of
eternity, I 613, 762; I1 293; ruler of
eternity, I11 17; I V 424; soul living
with, I1 378; sacred barge of, I 762,
763, 11 183; throne of, in the house
of gold, I 764; see also Index VII;
coming forth from the body of Nut,
I 759; appearance of, in procession,
I 763; ennead of, I 763, 764; oblation-tables of, I 764; symbol of,
I1 8'74; son of, I11 270; skin of

PAKHT,mistress of Benihasan, I11 249;

traversing the Eastland, I1 301;
ways of, are storm-beaten, I1 301;
ennead of, I1 301.
I V 496.
PTAH,11804,900; 11125,113,179,237,
371,428,537, 554 n. d, 555 n. e, 615;
Iv 94, 204, 3209 351, 625, 702, 7911
857, 868; of the Memphis triad,
IV 183, ;,c5, 306; "Ptah South-of
His-Wall, I1 164, 613, 619, 620,
812, 836, 885; 111 77, 159, 370,
510, 600; IV 1832 305,306, 307,313,
315,3313 336,337,338,342,346,347,
383, 463, 496, 781, 857, 866, 928;
lord of the white wall, I V 336; lord
of "Life-of-the-Two-Lands," I1 611,
929; 111 23, 77, 159, 370, 600; Iv
183, 305,306,3077 337,338, .3?2,3469
347,383, $63,496,628,977; beauhful-faced, I1 601, 611, 790; I V 47,
62, 307, 331, 382, 401; "lord of
truth," I1 619; father of the gods, IV
307; ready-horned, I V 307; loftyplumed, IV 307; Memphis, city of,
IV 310; temple in, I 167, 241, 288,
720; 11929; 111 537; Iv 183, 32330? 337-39; companions of, I11 400;
pnestesses of, I11 400; two high
priests of, at Memphis, I 212; had
built with his fingers the ancient
temple of Upwawat at Siut, I 403;
creator of handicrafts, I11 288; furnishing the temple-plan, IV 625; workshop of, I V 28; wine offered to, I1 612;
speaking, in the form of his statue,
111 582; blessings of, I11 394-414;
IV 132-35; feast of, I1 614; I11 23,
77, 159; lord of Thebes, I V 526,
528; temple of, in Karnak, I1 157
n. e, 611,614, 790; IV 526, 528, 960;


proceeding to the treasury of the

South, I1 614; throne of, see Index
PTAH-NUN:father of the gods, IV 330.
IV 928; statue of, in
Medinet Habu temple, IV 191.
I1 641; I11 397, 399,
411, 555 n. e, 556 n. a; IV 135;
stronghold of, I11 576.

QUEENOF THE LAND(a protecting goddess): district ("bend") of, 1401.

RAM-GOD:lord of Mendes, I11 542;
chief priest of, I11 542.
RAYET,11 325.
RE, 1198 bis, 120, 141, 144 bis, 198 n. j,
3142 407, 422, 792, 999,,1013; 111 18,
19, 172, 265, 270, 272, 281, 285, 287,
289, 3199 374, 517, 5907 598, 616; IV
256, 353, 382, 460, 836, 870, 958J;
bestower of the red crown, I1 229;
hawk-headed, I11 2; originally a king
of Egpyt, I1 187; became father of
every Egyptian king, I1 187. 222;
succeeded by Amon, I1 189; successor
of Atum, I1 222; Saosis mother of,
IV 251, 278; two mothers of, I1 318;
in oath, I1 121, 318, 422, 452; as
crowner of Pharaoh, I1 142; confers
his own titles on Pharaoh, I1 143 ff.;
lord of gods, IV 259; lord of Heliopolis, I11 546; lord of the eastern
bend, IV 479; offerings to, at early
morning, IV 256, 258; known by the
Puntites, by Libyans, I11 611; throne
of, see Index VII; musician (fem.)
of, 111 542.
RE-ATUM,IV 62, 401; gritstone mountain of, I1 917; the All-Lord, IV 249;
the creator, IV 249; of Thebes, I11
623; Great Sekr of, I11 623.
I11 246, 280; IV 183,
248, 249, 280, 284, 289, 383; temple
of, at Heliopolis, I1 642; IV 732.
IV 732.
RE-SEBEK,I11 556 n. a.
REKHET(goddess), I 609.
RENENET,I1 302; I11 265.

RESI-INEBEF (=Ptah), IV 305, 322;

meaning of, IV 305 n. a.

SAFT: shrine of, I1 889 n. a.
SAOSIS:mistress of Heliopolis, IV 247,
278; mother of Re, IV 278; of the
Heliopolis triad, mistress of Hotepet,
IV 183; mistress of Hetep, IV 248,
278; temple of, in Heliopolis, IV 278.
SATET: mistress of Elephantine, I 615,
646, 650; I1 360, 794 n. a; IV 991;
giving the symbol of life to Sesostris
111, 1 646; temple of, IV 991.
SEBEK,I11 554 n. d, 560 n. b; lord of
Silseleh, I11 208; temple at, I11 208;
Horns dwelling in Fayllm, IV 369,
temple of Shedet, IV 369; lord of
Mesha, IV 368; temple of, IV 368,
lord of Neshit-Crocodilopolis, IV 366;
temple at, I 709; IV 366; of Peronek,
IV -547.
SED: feast of, I 113.
SFFKHET:keeping records, I1 212, 231;
writing the names of kings, I1 230;
counts the numbers, 11 274, 279.
SEKHMET,I 747; I1 226, 829; I11 117,
360, 598; TV 90, 320, 655, 928; of
the Memphls tnad, IV 183, 305, 306;
limbs of, I1 52; presider (fern.) over
Khas, I1 814; beloved of Ptah, IV
183, 305, 306, 628; house ( ?) of, IV
445; mistress of Rehesu, IV 878;
house of, IV 878; mistress of Sais,
IV 878; house of, IV 878.
SEM: endowment of, I 159.
SEP: highway of, to Khereha, IV 870.
SEPA: endowment of, I 156.
I1 209.
IV 194, 268,333,
356, 407.
SESHAT:goddess, I 109; feast of, I I 15.
SET,I1 318; I11 28, 155; IV 38,47, 75,
79, 91, 103, 108; portion of, I1 70,
120; years of, I1 220; god of Kom
Ombo, I1 828; lord of Oxyrrhyncus,
IV 368; temple of, IV 368; son of
Nut, I11 539, 542; high priest of, I11
542; temple of, at Sesu, I V 369.
S w , I1 192 n. c; I11 245, 608 n. f; I V
62, 103, 105; Memphis abode of, IV
857; son of Re, IV 355; throne of,
see Index VII; Onouris-shu, IV 355.
SNEFRU:lord of the highlands, I 722.
SOKAR:in Shetyt, I 288; in Rosta, I1
814; lord of Sehez, IV 855; temple
of, in Mer-Atum (MedQm), IV 855;
feast of, see Index VII: Feasts.
11 904.
I1 900.
SOPED,I1 337; giving the symbol of
life to the king, I 617; lord of the
East, I 722, 750; IV 1014; divine
votress of, IV 784; Horus-Soped, I11
SUN-GOD:of Kheta, I11 386; of Emen,
I11 386, 391 bis.
SUTEKH,111 326, 338, 374, 386, 391,
419, 423, 491, 590, 599, 600; Iv 43,
104, 105, 578; lord of heavens, 111
386, 391; lord of the oasis, IV 726;
prophet of, IV 726; Urshu, feast of,
IV, 726; giving legal decisions, IV
727, 728; son of Nut, IV 726; temple
of, in Ombos, IV 359; temple of, in
the Residence city of Ramses 111,
IV, 362; of Khesesep, 111 386; of
Seres, 111 386; of Aleppo, I11 386;
of R.ekhsen, I11 386; of Sekhpen, I11
. 386;; of Tehenu, I11 611; of Kheta,
I11 386; of Emen, I11 386; of
Zepyerened, I11 386; of Perek, I11

I11 179; 399, 4x1, 608; IV
9,304,307,308,335,382,401; father
of the gods, I11 411; IV 307, 308;
source of artificer's materials, I1
91; Ram, lord of Mendes, I11 400;
double plume of, IV 62.
TEFNUT,I1 192 n. c; 111 245; Tafnut,
IV :254, 988J.
: Hittite divinity, I11 386.
11 95, 147, 193, 211, 230(?),
6.35, 664, 915; 111 18, 19, 25, 281,
288,404; IV 31,46,90,105,458,460,
630, 730, 734, 921; lord of Hermopolis, IV 733,848; dwelling in Hermopolis, temple of, in Hesret, the
sacred quarter of Hermopolis, IV
356:, 848; leader of the gods, I1 95;
keeping records, I1 231,275; balances
of, I1 280; IV 256; ape, sacred animal of, IV 33, 256; lord of divine


words, IV 496; records of, 111 448,

n. b; takes the place of Horus, in the
titulary of Khufu, I 176; founder of
the ancient temple of Upwawet at
Siut, I 403; writing of, I 531; accustomed to justice, I 531, 618; lord
of Khmunu, records in writing, I1
274; lord of Karnak, I11 136; presiding over Hatibti, IV 916; image of,
IV 916; divine boat of, I 669; eyeamulet for, IV 373, 386; temple of,
at Pauzy, IV 368; the moon-god,
priest of, I11 643.
of Heliopolis, IV 183, 247, 248;
of Memphis, 183, 305, 306, 320; of
Thebes, I1 224; IV 128, 222, 230,
2367 463.

lord of Siut, I 394 bis, 395,
403, 541; IV 358; the dead smell
the earth before, I 613; plan of, I 396;
ancient temple of, in Siut, I 398, 4 ~ 3 ;
procession of, I 540, 669; champion
of his father (Osiris), I 669; opening
the way before Osiris, I 763; lord of
Tazoser (cemetery of Abydos), I 767;
of the North, I1 95; of the South, I1
95; IV 358; temple of, in Siut, I 390,
403; IV 358; feast of Birth of Upwawet, 1150; goingforthof Upwawet,
I 669.

I 669; I1 815; I11 240,
271, 279, 525; IV 972; ceremony of
"That Day of the Great Conflict,"
I 669; lord of Tazoser, 111 17, 234;
soil of, I11 260; sovereign of eternity,
I11 272, 278.
WERERET:mistress of Punt, I1 288;
mistress, great in sorcery, I1 288;
mistress of all gods, I1 288.
WES, IV 912.

YAMET,goddess: feast of, I 98.
YOH (-Thoth as moon-god), I1 896.

ZEBUI: lord of Aphroditopolis, IV 366;
temple of, IV 366.

NOTE.-A~~temple inscriptions are listed in Indices VI and VII.
Abu SimbelGREAT
11, 111 44+
RAMSES11, 11 so0,
dedicated to Queen Nefretifi,
I11 500.
I 252 n. a,
qa3H n. a.
Aby dos-

OF OSIRIS,I 534; I1 185; IV
365, 1020; restored by Sesostris 1,
I 534; cleansed by Khenzer, I 784;
lower story of, I 784; upper story of,
I 7134; called: "house of Osiris and
Hairsiese," IV 357; temple "of First
of Westerners," IV 1020.
-Barque of, I 534, 613, 668, 669, 746;
I1 02; names of, I 669; chapel of,
I 668, 669; rudder of, I 613.
-Divine offerings of, I~ 676, Io2 I ;
altars of, I 746; IV 357, 686, 1020,
1021; amuletS of, IV 1020; feasts in,
I 6(j5 n. b; lake of, IV Io20; secrets
of @iris in, 1 746; oblation-table of,
1 787; offering-tables of, 1 534; IV
676, 1020; table vessels of, IV 357;
furniture of, 11 185; stairway of the
lorclof Ab~dos,I 52%673,684; 11 52;
IV 357, IoZ0; Wl'g

-Shrines in, I 787; IV 1020; portable

shrine in, I 667; names of, I 667,
-Stal.ue of Osiris in, I 668, 672, 759;
11 92,95; palace of, 1 669; regalia of,
I 668; tomb of, before Peker, 1 669;
cultus image, I1 92; called: "protecbDrof the oil tree," 1 785; statue
of the king in, IV 357; statue of
Thutrnose I11 in, I1 186; divine
offerings for, I1 186; lands of the
royal domain for, I1 186.
-Temple archives of, IV 1022.
-Officials of, IV 357; high ~riestsof,
Nebwawi, I1 179, 181; lay-priests of,
I 668, 765, 783.

-Palace of Ramses I11 in, IV 357.

-Estate of: arbors of, IV 1021; ferryboat of, IV 1024; barge of, I 762;
IV gr6, ''3;
IV 676, Iozl;
garden of*IV 676,6827 687; gardener
of, IV 682; gold house of, I 746, 764;
income of, IV 683-87; lands of, IV
681, 687, 1021; necropolis of, IV
1020; see also Index VI, Tazoser;
people of, IV 357, 365, 676; slaves
of, IV 680,682,687,1021; storehouse
of, I 783; treasury of, IV 683-86;
vineyards of, IV 1021.
O F MENMARE," mortuary
temple of Seti I; begun by Seti I,
111 174, 225, 226, 263; completed by
R~~~~~ 11, 111, 266; columns of,
111 263; statue of, 111 ~ 6 divine
~ ;
offerings of, I11 263.



I11 524-29; built of limestone, I11

525; dedicated to Wennofer, 111 525;
garden of* 'I1 5'7; panary
526; shrine-chamber, 111 529; store
house of, 111 526; portals of, 111 528;
magazine of, 'I1 5'7;
'I1 5'7.
'I1 sz6,
AkhetatonTEMPLEOF ATON,11 956, 975, 982;
broad hall of, I1 1018; dedicated to
Aton, I1 956; chamber of, I1 1017.
Endowment of, I1 952,954,958,966.
-Aton-house of Aton, 11 987.
-High priests of, 11 982,
seer" of, I1 982, 983, 985, 987, 988.
OF c ' S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~OF- THE
O ~ - R ~ "
KING,11 1018.
QuEENTIY, 119s6, 1016Io172 1018.
~ 11 1017.
m d a (read ~ ~ ~ d ~ ) TEMPLE,I11 606 n. a.
AphroditopolisTEMPLEOF HATHOR,
11 3 n. b; IV 366,
369; people of, IV 366, 369.


OF ZEBUI, IV 366; people of,
IV 366.
Apollinopolis MagnaTEMPLE
sculptured stone in the nome of
Apollinopolis Magna by Sesostris I,
I 500.
A r s i n o e S e e Crocodilopolis.
OF HORUS,I1 919; called temple of Harkhentikhet (=Horns), IV
360, 369, 874; restored by Ramses
111, IV 360; dedicated to Horus, IV
360,369,874; and Khuyet, a goddess,
IV 874; walls of, IV 360; decrees
for, IV 360.
-Estate of: herd of, IV 360, 369;
divine bulls of, IV 470; inspectors of,
IV 360; lake of, I1 919; flowers of,
I1 919; prophets of, IV 360; slaves
of, IV 360.


OF PAKHT,I1 296; I11
249; restored by Hatshepsut, I 15;
I1 296 n. c, 298, 300; and by Thutmose 111, I1 296; called Speos Artemidos by the Greeks, I1 296; modern
name: Stab1 Antar, I1 296 n. c; dedicated to Pakht, I1 301; offeringtable of, I1 301; chest of linen in,
I1 301.
-Priest of, I 624; I1 301.

OF BAST, IV 369; herd of,
IV 369; people of, IV 369.
Bet-el-Walli (read Bet-el-Wgli)-TEMPLE
OF RAMSES11, I11 458-77;
built in the rock, I11 458 n. b; forecourt of, excavated in the rock, I11
458 n. b.
BistaTEMPLE,IV 956.


OF BUTO,IV 956; shrine in,

Wadi Halfa.


OF BAST, IV 734; sh-vessel
presented to, IV 734.





IV 956.


OF MIN, I 776, 778, 780; IV
365; treasury of, I 778.
-People of, IV 365; scribe of, I 776;
inspection of, I 777; priest of, I 776;
deposition of a priest of, I 778; laypriests of, I 776, 777; prophet of, IV

-Sacred property of, I 779; temple
income of, I 780.
-Garden of, I1 567; maidens for, I1
567; pleasant trees in, I1 567; vegetables of, I1 567.
CrocodilopolisHOUSEOF SEBEK,I 709; IV 366, 818,
882; statutes of, I 709; Horus dwelling in, IV 369; people of, IV 366;
with inscription of Amenemhet I11in,
OF AMON-RE,IV 369; name
of, IV 369; people of, IV 369.

OF HATHOR,I1 300; was in
ruins, I1 300; restored by Hatshepsut,
I1 300.

D 1 el BahriTEMPLE
I1 375; colonnade of, I1 191; doors
of, I1 375; chapel of Amon in, I1 375;
floor of, I1 375; palace of the god in,
-Great Seat, the "Khkhet," in, I1 375;
doors of, I1 375.
-Shrine of Thutmose 11, I1 127; of
ebony, I1 127; dedicated to AmonRe, I1 127. .
-Temple-garden, I1 264, 295; equipment, I1 265; Punt in, I1 295.

Derr ( = Miam)TEMPLE
OF RE, I11 503; IV 474, 479;
chapel of Ramses I1 in, I11 503;
dedicated to Harakhte, I11 503; name
of, I11 503; statue of Ramses VI in,
IV 479; domains assigned to, IV 47983.

OF AMON,IV 751; jubilee-hall
of, IV 748, 751.
I1 45 n. b; called "house of Zeserkere," I1 45 n. b.
OF, I1 I 12; dedicated to Horns,
I1 I 11; door-keeper of, see Index V;
statue of Ahhotep in, I1 113, 114.
OF KHNUM:endowed by Ramses 111, IV 14650; field of, IV 146;
ships of, IV 147; people of, IV 147;
prophet of, IV 150; honey-collectors
of, IV 149; herd of, IV 150.
I1 798; IV 991, 992, built by Sesostris I , I 500; endowment of, IV 992;
storehouses of, IV 992.
111, I11 558
n. d.
11, I11 505; dedicated to Nekhbet, I11 505.
Fayam-See Crocodilopolis.
OF KHNUM,I V 367; people
of, IV 367.
He-See Hem.
OF ATUM,I 4 ~ 8 ;11 643; IV
183, 872, 955; Hathors of, I11 400:
called house of Atum-Re-Harakhte,
IV 256, 262, 281, 284; rebuilt by
Sesostris I, I 498-506.
-House of Re, I1 642; I11 547; I V
250, 252, 266, 735, 871; the "Great
House," I11 547; house of ReHarakhte, I V 296, 732; called, dwellingof the gods, I 504; seat of eternity,
111 545.
-Encircling wall of, I1 642; IV 250;
doorway of, I1 643; name of, I1 643;
forecourt of, IV 259, 269; court of,
IV 266: doorkee~ers of. IV 266:
dewat-chamber of, i~871 s a n c t u a j
of, IV 251; great seat in, IV 251;
double doors of, IV 251; dedicated
to mother of Re, IV 251; mysterious
seat of, IV 262.
-Vessels of, IV 269, 732, 735; barque
of, I11 542; balances of, IV 256;
altars in, IV 256, 735; dw-altars, IV
735; offering-tablets of, IV 735.
-Colossi in, I V 252.
-Obelisk of Sesostris I in, I 503.


-Pool of Kebeh in, IV 296; oblations

to the Nile-God in, IV 296.
-Shrines of, IV 250; of Atum and
Tefnut, IV 254; double doors of,
I V 254; divine fathers of, see Index


-Sphinxes in, IV 732.

-Statues in, IV 268; statues of gods in,
IV 250; statue of Re in, IV 253, 268;
amulets of, IV 253.
-Stel= in, IV 255.
-Chapel of Ramses I11 in, IV 277,281,
283; name of, IV 277; equipment of,
IV 277; people of, IV 281; under
- of the "Great Seer," IV
of Atum-Khepri in, IV
--gouse of Atum in (palace), I V 256,
262; temple treasury located within,
IV 256; groves in, IV 262.
-Divine offerings in, IV 256; endowment of, I 156, 159, 165, 166; I V
256; royal gifts to, IV 284-88, 732,
735 ; decree on administration of, IV
-Officials of, IV 281; priests (wc b)
of, IV 250; chief ritual priest of, IV
871; high priests of, see Index V;
great seer of, see Index V; personnel
of, IV 266.
-Estate of. IV 280 82: domains of. IV
265; cattle of, IV 280, 282; cattleyards of, IV 260; fattening-houses of,
IV 260; galleys of, IV 280, 282; gardens of, I\' 262, 280, 282, 288;
shedeh. IV 262; flower, I V 264;
granary of, IV 250, 267, 878; groves
of, IV 262, 264, 280, 282, 288; harbor
of IV 266; herds of, IV 251; income
of, IV 283; lake of, 1503; IV 261,
264; lands of, IV 251,265, 281,282;
olive lands of, IV 263, 288; gardeners
of, IV 263, 288; people of, IV 281;
poultry yard of, IV 265; property of
IV 251, 280; ships of, IV 270;
slaves of, IV 266; storehouses of, for
feasts, IV 257; slaves of, IV 257;
storehouse for temple income, IV 258,
270; oblation storehouses in, IV 259;
towns of, IV 280, 282; transportships of, IV 282; treasury of, IV 250,
256, 266, 270; vineyards of, IV 262;
workshops of, IV 280, 281.
OF SAOSIS,IV 278; called:
Hetep, Hathor, mistress of, IV 247,
248; and Hotepet, Saosis, mistress of,
IV 183; location of, IV 278; barge


of, IV 278; name of, 278; property

of, IV 278; settlement in, IV 278.
OF ATON, I1 1018; called:
"Exaltation-of-Re-in-Heliopolis," I1
HOUSEOF HAPI, IV 273; oblations for,
Iv 27%
OF HORUS,IV 271; name of,
IV 271; walls of, IV 271; grove of,
IV 271, 272; gardeners of, IV 272;
court of, IV 272; oblations i n , V
IV 274-76, 281, 283; name of, IV
274; restored by Ramses 111,IV 276;
forecourt of, IV 274; equipment of,
IV 2 7 A .
- ~ h i e i jnspector of, IV 281; scribe of,
- . 281.
-Gardens of, IV 274; herds of, IV
275; 283; names of, IV 275; people
of. IV 281.
-chateau of, IV 281.
Hem (H3 m)TEMPLE
OF HORUS,I11 496, 498 (in
both places read H m for H a, as
a subsequent collation of the original
at Abu Simbel shows).

house of Thoth in, I V
-Chapel of Ramses 111, built within
the court of Thoth's temple, IV 356,
367; dedicated to Thoth, IV 356;
people of, IV 367.
HOUSE: "The love of Thuthotep abides
in the Hare nome," I 706.
OF AMON,IV 216; built by
Ramses 111, IV 216.

OF AMON,I1 157, 389,
794, 1040; 111224; IV 183, 184, 222,
405,494,495,671, 706, 736,887,926,
945,949,95811988D, H, J ; name of,
11, 157; originally built of brick, I1
157; rebuilt by Thutmose 111, of
sandstone, I1 157, 794; completed by
Amenhotep 11, I1 794; repaired by
High Priest Amenhotep, IV 488 n. c ,
489, 494.
-Works of, I1 775; chief of, see Index


-Walls of, I1 794; IV 914; inclosure

wall of, I1 164, 794; IV 654.
-Endowment of, I1 163, 793; dues for,
I1 557, 559; IV 489;. gifts to, IV
Heracleopolis230-35, 736, 949; equipment of, I1
IV 972; fore29.
court of, IV 970; hall of, IV 971; -Forecourt
of, IV 195, 495, 531;
colonnade of, IV 970; doors of, IV
Lateran obelisk in, I1 627; vase stand
9 70in, IV 199; name of, IV 495.
-Lake of, I 111; IV 972.
-Jubilee-court of, I 49; IV 707, 764;
-Chief prophet of, IV 792; prophet of
built by Sheshonk I, IV 707; name
Neit of, IV 792; sistrum-bearer of,
of. IV 708: colonnade of. IV 707:
IV 792; divine fathers of, see Index
p;lon oi, IV 707.
-Court of, IV 198, 207, 496, 497;
NER: temple in Heracleopolis, IV 968;
planted with sycamores, IV 210.
restored by Hor, IV 968.
-Great house in, IV 904.
-Upper gate of, 11, 835; IV 958L.
-Bubastite gate of, IV 701. 7<6 n. a.
Hermonthis-J?lagstaves-of, I1 j76; 111.~4-Doorways of, I1 154, 564, 601, 794
OF MONTU,I1 389; IV 547,
n. b; great doors of, 11376, 755, 794;
912, 915; built by Senmut.
gate of, I1 309, 376; IV 889; name
OF ATON, I1 1018; called:
of, I1 154, 309; IV 889; see also
"Horizon-of-Aton-in-Hermonthis," I1
Portals; stela: at, IV 205; upper por1018.
tal of, I1 835.
Hermopolis-Pylon (interior), I1 155, 243; erected
by Thutmose 111, I1 155; of SheTEMPLE
shonk I, IV 707; see also Index VII :
848; court of, IV 356; people of, IV
367; wall of, IV 356; sh-vessel in, -Colonnaded hall of Thutmose I, I1
100, 103, 104; of Thutmose 111, I1
IV 733.

. ..


Great Temple oof Amon-under Amenhotop 111, I1 888, 889,

899-9039 917.
-under Ikhnaton, I1 932, 941.
Seti I (Great Hypostyle),
I11 222-24; name of, I11 222; columns of, I11 510.
-under Ramses I1 (Great Hypo-style),
I11 500-I?;
, ". name of Ramses IV in. I11
510,512; IV 665; servant of, IV 665.
Ramses 111, dedicated to
Amon, IV 197; name of, IV 197;
monolithic shrine of, IV 197, 198;
image of Amon in, IV 198; doorways
of, IV 197; cultus utensils of, IV 199;
sacrificial tablet of, IV 199; offeringtablet of, IV 199.
-Estate of, IV 222-45; captives for,
I1 918; IV 121, 208, 213; cattle of,
I1 354, 555, 912; IV 212, 222; overseer of, I1 354, 912; IV 212; scribes
of, IV 212; inspectors of, IV 212;
shepherds of, IV 212 ; overseers of the
horses of, IV 212; large cattle of, IV
225 ; small cattle of, IV 226; garden
of, I1 571; a Punt made in it,II 295;
loan-cows, from Zahi, I1 555; from
Kush, TI 555; gardens of, in South
and North, 11352, 354, 561; IV 222,
226; of Kanekeme, IV 216; gold
countries of, I11 647; grain of, I1
748, 749; IV 206; clean grain, I1
561; groves of, IV 226; herds of,
IV 212,224; honey for, I1 748; lakes
of, 11 164; IV 213, 488 n. c, 489;
planted, IV 213; southern lake of,
IV 489; lands of, IV 190, 222, 223,
226,948,950, 954,957,958; plowed
lands of, I1 561; fields of, I1 354,561;
milk for, I1 555; peasants of, I1 554;
overseer of, I1 554; in South and
North, I1 561; 555; peasant-serfs of,
I1 354, 554; chief of, I1 354; people
of, IV 223, 225; ship of, IV 209;
transports of, IV, 211, 226; galleys of,
IV 211,222, 226; archers of, IV 211;
captains of, IV 2 I I; towns given to,
IV 222; of Egypt, IV 226; Kham,
IV 226; Kush, IV 226; Retenu, I1
557; vineyards of, I1 386; IV 213,
216; chief of, I1 386; things of, IV
222 227; workshops of, I1 775; IV
222, 226.
the Empire, priests, IV 488
n. c, 489, 494; Twenty-second Dyn.,
IV 701, 708, 756 n. a, 764; Ethiopians, IV 889; Mentemhet, IV 901916; Saites, IV 935 ff., 988A ff.
I1 350,380,

627; IV 489,901 n. b; Mut, mistress

of, I1 357,380,891; built by Senmut,
I1 351; inspection of, IV 660; restored by Mentemhet, IV 910; doors
of, IV 910; hall of, IV 910; columns
of, IV 910; offering-tables of, IV 910;
sh-vessel in, IV 733; shrine in, I1
-Garden of, planted with trees, IV 489;
lake of, IV 910; storehouse of, IV
910; slaves in, IV 225.
OF ATON,I1932,941; name of,
11932,942; granary of, 11932; scribe
of, I1 932; overseer of the granary of,
624, 626,912; begun by Ramses 111,
IV 214; additions to, by Ramses IV,
IV 472; by Ramses XII, I V 602-3;
completed by Hrihor, IV 609-26; inspected by Menkheperre, IV 660;
barque of, IV 611 n. f; colonnade of,
IV 622; court of, IV 614, 619; flagstaves of, IV 626, 632; forecourt of,
IV 621; great seat of, IV 214 n. e;
great place of, IV 610; hall of, IV 214
n. e; name of, IV 602, 610; broad
hall of, IV 625; name of, IV 625;
hypostyle of, IV 614; image of Khonsu in, IV 913; offering-tables of, IV
610; portal of, IV 626; pylon of, I V
621; built by Paynozem I, IV 632;
shrine in, IV 609; sphinx in, IV 649
n. c; statues in, IV 214.
-Income of, IV 227-29; people, I V
225; slaves, IV 225.
OF PTAH,I1 790; IV 526, 528,
913; originally built of brick, I1 157
n. e, 611; inspected by Menkheperre,
IV 660; restored by Thutmose 111,
I 14; I1 157 n. c, 611,614; by Seti I,
I1 612; called house of the "Beautiful-of-Face," I1 790.
-Endowment of divine offerings for, I1
620; doors of cedar, I1 615.
-Image of Ptah in, IV 913; name of,
Iv 913.
-Vessels of, I1 615; clothing, I1 615;
linen, I1 615; ointments, I1 615;
offering-tables, IV 913.
-Seat of Ptah, I1 615.
-Lay priesthood of, I1 620.
lord of Thebes, IV
660, 912; offering-tables of, IV 912;
lake of, IV 912.
OF MAT, IV 660.
I1 935; IV 706,
708; names df, I1 935,940,942,959,
984; high priest of, I1 934; master of
secret things of, I V 706, 708.
OF BAST, IV 912.
IV 755
n. c, 958K; barque of, I V 958K;
portable image of, I V 958K; barge
of, IV 958K.
111,I V 195;
dedicated to Amon, IV 195; name
of, IV 195; income of, I V 227-29;
doors of, IV 195; people of, IV 223;
trea.suly of, IV 195; herd of, IV 223.
: dedicated
to Amon, IV 196; built by Ramses
111;IV 196; people of, I V 223; herd
of, I V 224; income of, IV 227-29.
Khammat (So1eb)TEMPLE
built by Amenhotep 111, I1 8go; of sandstone, I1
8gc, 895, 898; pylons of, I1 894; pmtals of, 11 890, 895, 898; divlne
shadow of, I1 895; floor adorned with
silver, I1 890; obelisks of, 11890,894;
flagstaves of, 11894.
Khereha (Babylon)TEMPLE
OF ATUM,I 165; IV 869, 870;
ennead of Atum in, IV 869; lords of,
I1 814; endowment of the gods of,
Kom el-HisnTEMPLE,I V 95.
111, built of
"good white stone of Sha," I 510.

mortuary temple of Seti I , I11 114, 210; name of,
111212, 214, 217, 219, 229, 232, 236;
begun by Ramses I, 211-13; completed by Seti I, 210; and Ramses 11,
I11 448 n. b. 5 16-22 ; used by Ramses
11, I11 51622; built of sandstone,
111, 114,216,217, 220; barque of, I11
212; silver-house of, 111 213; palace
of, I11 213; dedicated also to Ramses
I, 111 521; sphinx in, I11 114; list of
captured cities in, I11 114.
OF AMON,111187-2 12; 215-42,
351, 841, 886; 111 5ok8, 533, 567;
IV 223; restored and Inspected by
Mcnkhepeme, IV 659, 660; built of
sandstone, I1 886; walls of electrum,
I1 886; floor of silver, I1 886; portals


of, I1 886; garden of, I11 567; towers

of, I1 886; lake of, I11 567 n. c; inclosure wall of, I1 887; IV 628;
stairway of, I V 913; hypostyle of,
IV 742 n. a.
-Barque of, IV 743; great house of,
IV 743; portable image of, IV 743.
-Chapel of Thutmose I11 in, I11 506.
-People of, IV 223; herd of, I V 224;
income of, IV 227-29.
11, within the temple inclosure of Amon, I11 507.
MadTEMPLE,I V 915.
Medinet HabuTEMPLE
begun by Thutmose I, I1 637; completed by Thutmose 111, I1 637-41;
names of, I1 638; I V 179; restored
by Ramses 111,IV 179; by Paynozem
I, IV 634.
111, IV I ff.; name
of,.IV 5, 7, 19, 1899 523, 532, 545;
bmlt of sandstone, IV 4, 7, 9 , 189;
gritstone, IV 189; black granite, I V
189; doors of electrum, IV 4, 189;
dedicated to Amon, IV 189; divine
offerings for, IV 190; wall of, I V
189; with ramps, IV 189; towers,
IV 189; portal of, IV 191.
-First court of, IV 12, 13, 14; name
of, IV 14; great seat of, IV 14; doorways of, IV 14; doors of, IV 14; inlay figures of, IV 14; pylon of, IV 15,
85-92, 93-99; flagstaves of, IV 15.
-Second court of, IV 6; built of sandstone, IV 7; great seat of, IV 7;
festival of Min celebrated in, IV 9.
-Inlay figures in, IV 7, 9; doorposts
of, I V 9.
-Images in, IV 9; scarabs in, IV 191;
statues in, IV 191.
-Statue of Amon in, IV 190; name of,
I V 190.
-Ptah-Sokar in, IV 191.
-Nefertem in, IV 191.
-Pylon of, IV 10, 60, 61; portal of, IV
11; name of, I V 11.
-Chapel of Khonsu in, I V 5; great
seat of, IV 5; door of electrum, IV 5;
chapels in, IV 191.
-Pavilion of, IV 17, I I I n. a, 192;
balconv of. IV 102: columns of. 1V
192; doors of, IV 1'92; doorposts of,
IV 192.
-Double fafade of, I V 16; colonnade
of, IV 16; roof, of, I V 16.


for, I V 194; lake of, I V
-Estate of, I V 190; captives in, I V
190; garden of, IV 189, 194; arborareas of, IV 194; granary of, IV 9,
190, 193; herd of, IV 190, 224, 466;
income of, IV 227-29; lake of, IV
189; lands of, IV 190; people of,
IV 223; property of, I V 140, 190;
ships of, I V 19, 193; storehouse of,
I V 9; coppersmiths of, IV 533; treasury of, IV 9, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 1903
193, 545, 547; treasury chambers of,
IV 25.
OF SOKAR,lord of Sehez, IV
OF PTAH,I 167, 241, 288, 720;
I1 929; I11 537; IV 183, 987; Hatkeptah, ancient name of, IV 865,868;
also called temple of "Ptah-South-ofhis-Wall," I 167, 241, 288, 720; I1
929; IV 183, 311, 319, 321, 322, 342,
866, 928, 1011; restored by Ramses
11,I11 537; by Ramses 111,IV 314.
-Decrees of, IV 321; divine offerings
in, I V 320; feasts of, IV 329, 330;
gifts to, IV 342-45.
-Court of, I V 311, 327, 330, 333, 335;
name of, IV 330; garden in, IV
-Holy of holies of, IV 865; dewatchamber of, IV 866.
-Shrine of, IV 32.0; statues in, I V 320;
portable shrine of, IV 315; processional image of, IV 315; barque of,
IV 315; great seat in, IV 315; statues
in, IV 326, 338 n. a; barge of, I V
330; tablets of, IV 317, 318; great
seat of, IV 319,334; table-vessels of,
I V 334; mysterious seat of Sokar in,
IV 857; house ( =palace) in, I V 338,
340; granaries of, IV 314, 325; storehouse of, IV 314, 324, 328; for the
feasts, IV 322; treasuries of, IV 340.
-Officials of, IV 324; high priests of,
I 211, 212, 239, 258, 283, 286, 287,
288; 111552 n. e; IV 338; sem-priest
of. see Index V: Priests; women of,
IV 321; administration of, IV 321.
-Estate of, IV 337-39; cattle of, IV
323,334,337; cattle yards of, IV 323;
fattening-houses of, IV 323; galleys
of, IV 328, 337, 339; gardens of, I V
337,339; groves of, IV 339; herd of,
IV 338, 340; income of, I V 340, 341;
lands of, IV 337, 339; magazines of,

I V 324; people of, I V 338; poultry
yards of, I V 323; slaves of, IV 322,
338; towns given to, I V 337, 339;
transports of, IV 328, 339; workshops of, IV 337.
OF ATON, I1 1018; name of,
I1 1018.
OF AMON,111 530.
412, 530-37; Thoth, 111 531; forecourt of, 111 412; double fasade of,
I11 412; endowment of, I11 413;
sphinx in, I11 531; Ineb-Sebek, a
sanctuary in, IV 315, 330, 333.
OF SETI I, 111 214 n. d; name
of, I11 214 n. d.
111,IV 31I; name
of, Iv 311, 33% 340;'
-Doors of, IV 311; great seat" of,
I V 311; shrine of, I V 312; image of
Ptah in, IV 312; towers of, I V 311;
personnel of, IV 313.
-Estate of: cattle yards of, I V 313;
fattening-houses of, IV 313; gardens
of, IV 313; herds of, I V 313; lands
of, I V 313; magazine of, IV 313;
storehouses of, IV 313; serf-laborers
of, IV 313.
I 22; located in "the western
desert of Memphis," IV 977; called
temple of Osiris-Apis, IV 965; restored by Psamtik, IV 966; Apis
buried in, IV 771, 778, 780, 786, 791,
884,917,918,961; troops of, I V 966;
stela: of Pediese, IV 771-74, 778-81;
Harpeson, I V 785-92; Bocchoris, IV
884; Senbef, IV 917,918; Psamtik I,
I V 959-62, 963-66; Necho, I V 97479; Apnes, IV 984-88; Amasis, I V
Mer-Atum-See Mediim
OF SEBEK,I V 368; people of,
I V 368.
I V 956.
OF AMON, I V 368; people of,
IV 368.
OF MUT, I V 897-99; and of
Amon, I V 929; restored by Taharka,
I V 897-99; by Tanutamon, IV 929;
adyturn of, I V 899; cells of, I V 899;
halls of, IV 898, 929 bis; doors of,
IV 929; herd of, IV 929.


laborers of, IV 362; treasury of, IV

OF ANUBIS,IV 296; "books
of the Nile-God" presented in, IV Redisiyeh296.
OF SETI I, I11 162 n. c, 172-95.
IV 878.
stored by Ramses 111, IV 359.
of Ramses I11 in, IV 359; Rostaname of, IV 359.
OF ANUBIS(see Sphinx), I11
-Herds of, IV 359; lands, IV 359;
230; IV 4.
islands given to, IV 359; people, IV Royenet365; slaves, IV 359; treasury, IV 359.
mistress of RoyeOryx Nomenet, I 219.
OF KHNUM,lord of Hirur,
adorned by Kheti in his city of the SaisTEMPLE
OF S E ~ M E T
IV, 878, 956.
Oryx nome, I 637 n. a.
SebG c aOxyrrhiyncusTEMPLE
11, I11 504; dediTEMPLE
OF SET,IV 368; people of, IV
cated to Amon, I11 504.
OF MIN, I1 181; IV 366; prophTEMPLEOF DEDUN,rebuilt by Thutetsof,II 181; people of, IV 366; feasts
mose 111, I1 61 n. a, 167; of sandof, I1 181.
stone, I1 167, 176.
-Chapel of Ramses I11 in, IV 366.
-Originally built by Sesostris 111, I1
-Harendotes, in temple of Min, I1 181.
167; within the fortress, I1 167; of
hick, I1 167.
PauzyTEMPLEOF THOTH,IV 368; people of, -Sacred to Khnum and Dedun, I1 167;
located inside fortress at Semneh, I
IV 368.
653 n. C; feasts of, 1655, 655 n. b.
TEMPLEOF ANUBIS,IV 368; people of,
Per-ManuIV 368.
~ e r r e h(Aksheh)PerneserTEMPLEOF RAMSES
11, I11 502; name
of, 111 502.
OF BUTO,I 156.
TEMPLEOF SET,IV 369; people of, IV
I 159.
OF HORUS,IV 726; prophet
of, TV 726.
IV 366; people of,
IV 366.
11, at Thebes, I11 329, 335,
365, 448 n. b, 514,515; of sandstone, SilsilehOF SEBEK,
I11 208; built
I11 5 15; nave of, I11 515; barque of, ROCK-TEMPLE
by Harmhab, IIIJ552-560.
I11 515; treasury of, I11 515; columns of, I11 5 15; granary of, I11 515. SiBt-RamsesTEMPLEOF UPWAWET
AT SIOT, I 398,
IN THE RESIDENCE 403; IV 358, 366, 367; of ancient
foundation, I 398, 403; ancient walls
CITYOF RAMSES11, IV 362; grain
of, I 403; built by Ptah, 1403; foundof, TV 362; granary of, IV 362; herds
ed by Thoth, 1403; restored by Kheti,
of, IV 362; people of, IV 369; serf-


1398,403; by order of King Merikere,

I 403; monument for the souls of
Anubis in,I 403; colonnade of, I 403.
-Wall of, IV 358; barge of, IV 358;
royal palace in, IV 358, 367; people
of, IV 367; storrhouse of, IV 358.
of official body of, I 550; laypriests of, I 539, 544.
OF ANUBIS,LORD OF REKRERET, I, 583; w c b-priests of, I 540;
great w C b-priest of, I 572, 583; fire
kindled in, on New Year's night, I
573; lay-priests of, I 576.
Soleb-See Khammat.

SphinxHOUSEOF THE SPHINX,I 180; Osiris,

lord of Rosta, I 177, 180, 509; Sokar
in, I1 814; Anubis, lord of, I11 17;
identical with the temple of the
Sphinx, I 180 n. h.
OF ISIS, near the Sphinx, I 177
n. e, 179; IV 706; built by Pesebkhenno, I 177 n. e.
OF AMON,IV 217 n. i, 956;
granary of, IV 217; cattle yards of,
IV, 217; poultry yards of, IV 217;
gardens of, IV 2 17; herd of, IV 2 1 7;
statue of Amon in, IV 217; slaves of,
IV 217; treasury of, IV 217; divine
offering of, IV 217.
OF RE, 1 159, 165.
IV 956.
ThebesI1 374.
See also Karnak, Luxor, Mad.
Thebes, WesternFor temples on the west side of Thebes,
see also Kurna, Der el Bahri, Drah
abu-'n-Neggah, Medinet Habu, and
built by Thutmose 111, I1 552, n. i;
Amenhotep 111, 1 14; I1 883-85;
name of, I1 918 n. a; located on the
west of Thebes, I1 883.
-Portals of, I1 883; floor of, I1 883;
flagstaves of, I1 883; station of the
king in, I1 883; lake of, I1 883; fish
and fowl in, I1 883.
-Storehouse of, I1 884; slaves of, I1
884; captives in, I1 884; cattle of,
I1 884.

I1 821, 823; tablet erected in, by
Thutrnose IV, I1 821, 824; fortress
of, I1 821, 823..
111, I1 904, 905; built of sandstone,
I1 905; offerings for, I1 907, 908;
double pylon of, I1 906; statues of,
I1 906; priests of, I1 908; obelisks
of, I1 908; prophets of, I1 908.
I1 856 n. b; I11 602 n. d.
I1 928.
IV 355, 365,484;
wall of, IV 355, 365; built by Ramses
111, IV 355; name of, IV 355; completed by Ramses 111, IV 355; estate
of, IV 355; people of, IV 365.
Wadi Half aTEMPLE
by Thutmose 111, I11 639 n. a; I11 74,
157; endowed by Ramses 1, I11 17,
18; Seti I, I11 159,160; divine offerings for, I11 77, 159; personnel of, I11
78, 160; storehouse of, I11 78, 160.
OF AMON-RE,IV 368; people
of, IV 368.

OF AMON,IV 219; name of,
IV 219; built by Ramses 111, IV 219;
statue of Amon in, IV 219.
Of Uncertain LocationHOUSE (called) " M I G H T Y-0 F-T H EGODS,"197.
IV 369; people of, IV 369.
HOUSEOF r-1 OF HORUS:endowment of,
I 156.
IV, 368; people of, IV 368.
(SUN) OF SEPRE:endowment
of, I 156.
SAW,temple of, I 103.
DOUBLE:endowment of, I 141, 159,
TEMPLES,built by Intef I, I 421.

nology of, I 64, 460-62; expeditions
to Hammamat, I 707-12; to Sinai,
I 713-28;
temple-inscription at
Arsinoe, I1 233.
-Nematre (=Amenemhet 111), I 673,
708, 713, 718, 719, 721, 728, 747.
IV (xII Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, I 749-50; chronology
of, I 64, 460--62.
-Makhrure (=Amenemhet IV), 1749,
(XXI Dyn.), IV 663;
chronology ~ f I, 70.
-usermare-Setepnamon c=Ame'nemo
pet), IV 663,
A M E N H I R ~ E p E S H E p - ~ ~ET
s ~R s- S N
HERON: see Ramses V.
I (XVIII Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, I1 38-53; chronology
of, I 66; Sothic date of, I 46, 51;
succession of, I 43; 11 I ; rewards of
Ahmose-Fen-Nekhbet under, 11 22;
Nubiancampaignof, 11351~41;Libyan
war, I1 42; Karnak gate of, I1 44;
career of Ahmose, son of Ebana,
under, I1 38, 39; career of AhmosePen-Nekhbet under, I 1 44-46; service
of Thure under, I1 63; death of, I1 45;
mummy of, IV 638, 647; tomb of, I V
513, 665, 667, 668, 691, 692, 699.
-2eserkere ( =Amenhotep I), I1 25,39,
41, 42, 5 I, 63; IV 513, 638, 9:s.
11 (XVIII Dyn.): lnscriptions of reign of, 11 7g0-gO9; chronology of, 166; coregency with Thut.
111, I 66 n. a; 11 Ig4 n. d;
Asiatic campaignsof, I 16; I1 780-98;
date of campaigns of, 166; 11 7g0;
Amgda and Elephantine stelz of, I
16; I1 791-98; Karnak chapel of,
I1 798A; reliefs of, I1 781, 791, 798A,
799, 801, 802.
-0kheprure ( =Amenhotep 11), I1 186,
782, 7957 797, 800, 804, 808, 809.
111(XVIII Dyn,): inscripAMENI~OTEP
tions of reign of, I1 841-931; chronology of, I 66; birth and coronation
of, I 13; I1 187-212, 215-42, 841;
Nubian war of, I1 842-55; tablet of

predynastic king of Lower Egypt,
AHMOSEI (XVIII Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, I1 1-37; chronology of,
I 66; accession of, 1 51; successors
of, 11 1; siege of Shamhen by, 11 4;
ships of, 117; grandmother of, 1133;
servimce of Thure under, 1162; Phoenician campaign of, I1 20; building
designs of, 1134; mo*uarY endowmerit of, 11 840; mummy of IV
-Nebpehtire ( =Ahrnose I), 11 7, 20,
21, 25, 34, 62, I I I t Ig2, 840; IV,6 4 5
AHMOSEI1: See Amasis.
oasis of Amon, I1 189.
(XXVI D ~ ~: .inscriptions
reign, of, IV 99k1029; chronology
Of, I 751 IV 935-41, 99-9,
Khnemibre ( -Amasis), IV 1009.
- ~ m ~ ~ i ~ (- b ~a s i s -) , ~ IV~ irooo,
1012, 1025.
AMENEMRETI (XI1 Dyn.) : inscriptions of reign of, 463-97; chronoloU
of, I 64, 460-62; Nubian war of, I
8, 472-73,483; expeditions to Hammamat, I 466-68; to the Sand-dwellers, I 469-71; teaching of, 474-83;
insurrection against, I 479-81; coregency with SesOstris I , I
reorganization of EUpt, I 482; death of,
-Sehete~ibre (=Amenemhet I), I 465,
473, 47% 4919 597.
AMENEMHET11 (XI1 Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, I 594-613; chronology of, I 64, 460-62, 594.
( =Amenemhet II), I
-Nubkure (-Amenemhet I1)? I 595,
600, 679 bis, 685.
111 (XI1 Dyn.) : inscriptions of reign of, I 707-48 (title of
reign overlooked by printer); chro-A,



victory of, I1 856-59; commemorative

scarabs of, I1 86048; queens of, I1
861-62, 866-67; jubilee celebrations
of, I1 870-74; building inscriptionsof,
I1 878-910; campaigns of, I1 844,
582-85; celebration of the coronation
day of, I1 849; deification of, I1 893,
894; tomb of, IV 556; reliefs of, I1
187-212, 215-42, 843, 845, 856, 857,
-~ibmare (~Amenhotep111), I1 844
bis, 853, 886, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892,
894,897, 898, 915,916, 922.
~ ~ E N H O T EIV
P : see Ikhnaton.
AMENI: crown prince ( =Amenemhet
11), I 520.
AMENISRU,I1 866 n. c.
(XIXth Dyn.) : chronology
of, 167; I11 641.
APOPHIS, Hyksos king, mentioned in
Pap. Sallier, I1 4.
APRIES ( H o ~ h r a )(XXVI Dvn.). IV
1015; insc;iptioniof reign of; 1\ibg495; chronology of, I 75; IV 935-41,
984-85, 1026-27; minimum length of
reign of, IV 985; war against Amasis,
Iv 996-1007.
-Wahib (=Apries), IV 988F.
-Wahibre (=Apries), IV 988, 988F,
990, 1000.
IV 405 n. g.
ATHOTHIS(I Dyn.) : history of ( ?), on
Palermo stone, I 91 n. b, 93 n. e, 102
n. a.

BEKERE: see Tanutamon.
(XXIV Dyn.) : inscriptions of, IV 884; chronology of, 72
n. d, 73; son of Tefnakhte, IV 884.
-Bocchoris (Bekneranef), IV 884.
-Wohkere (=Bekneranef), IV 884.
BESH,I 81.
see Merneptah.
see Bekneranef, IV 884.
CHU-EN-ATEN:see Ikhnaton.

tions of reign of, I 264--81; length

of reign, 1 6 0 ; titles, I 264-67.
(Horus-name of DedkereIsesi), I 264, 266.
(Golden-Horns-name of Dedkere-Isesi), I 266.

EYE (XVIII Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, I1 1042-43; tomb of, I198996; Tiy, wife of, I1 989; servants of,
I1 989; chronology of, I 66.

HARMHAB(XIX Dyn.) : inscriptions
of reign of, I11 1-73; chronology of,
I 6 6 n. e, 67 n. g; tomb of, I11 1-21;
coronation inscription of, I11 22-32;
warsof, I11 33-44; edict of, I 18; I11
45-67; legal proceedings in time of, I
66 n. e; wife of, I11 22 n. b; reliefs of,
111 2, 5-99 10-13, 15, 18, 20, 34, 37.
( = Harmhab),
.- I11 29,
-Setepnere (=Harmhab), I1 573; I11
249 29, 32, 32B, 71.
-Zeserkheprnre ( ~ H a r m h a b )1
, 1573;
1x1 12,24,29,32,32B, 42, 71.
HATSHEPSUT,chronology of, I 66;
divine paternity of, I1 188, 190, 192,
196-201, 203-5; pictured in the
birth-reliefs as a boy, I1 188 n. c;
birth of, I1 206-8; nursing of, I1 210;
called king by Khnum and Amon,
I1 203, 208; Thutmose I11 called her
brother, I1 213; maidenhood of, I1
223; coronationof, I 150 n. f; 1121542; wearing king's costume, 11 231;
expedition to Punt, I1 246295; her
temple at Der el-Bahri, I1 215-295;
pylon-inscription of, I1 243-45; restoration of temple of Pakht at Benihasan, I 15; I1 296-301, and other
temples, I1 302-3; the two Karnak
obelisks, I 16; I1 304-21; reliefs of,
at Der el-Bahri, I1 322-36; daughter
of, I1 344; vizier of, I1 388-90; prominent officials of, I1 340-87; usurpation of her monuments by Thutmose
I and 111. I1 126: ebonv shrine of.
I1 126-2;; relation with ~ h u t m o s e
111,I1 136.
-Khnemet-Amon (=Hatshepsut), I1

DED: see Dedkere-Isesi.

DEDEFRE: chronology of, I 55, 59.
DEDKERE-ISESI(V Dyn.) : inscrip-
3109 3'4, 329, 339, 344, 350,35793657
368, 370, 377 bls, 380.
-Wosretkew (=Hatshepsut), I1 239,
268,285,308,309> 325,339,354.
see Amenemhet 11.
see Ramses IV.
HOPHRA:see Apries.
HRIHOR (XXI Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, IV 608-26; chronology of
I 70; IV 604-7; high priest of Amon,
IV 566, 580, 593, 5947 609, 610, 611,
612, 615, 617, 621, 622, 624, 626;
vizier, IV 593; king, I V 607, 620,
622-26; building of the temple of
Khonsu, IV 611-26; reliefs of, IV 61114, 621, 626.
-Siamon-Hrihor (=Hrihor), I V 620,
623, 626.

(XVIII D~;.): inscriptions
of reign of, I1 932-1018; chronology of, I 66, 67 n. g; temple of
Harakhte in Thebes, I1 931-35; nzier
of, I 1 938-48; landmarks of Tell elAmarna, I1 949-72; the Tell elAmarna tombs, I1 977-1018; change
of name, I1 932; Aton-faith of, I1932,
943,949,979; queen of, 9437 9587 959,
961; daughters of, 958, 961; estate
of, I1 1004; reliefs of, I1 933.
-Amenhotep IV ( =Ikhnaton), 1 66;
11 934, 939.
-Chu-en-Aten, I11 2.
( =Ikhnaton),
11 9347 9427 959, 971, 9847 985, 987,
991,992,994,999, 1001, 1002, 1003,
1004, 1007, 1010, 1012.
-Wanre (=Ikhnaton), I1 975, 984,
993, 995, 1003, 1013.
see Siptah.
I (XI Dyn.), (Horus-Wahenekh) :
inscription of reign of, 1421-23; his
tomb-stela, I 42 I ; chronology of, I 63,
415-18, 529; the conquests on the
northern frontier of Thebes, I 422-23;
king of Thebes, I 421-23; chief treasurerof, I423A-F.
-1ntef0, IV 514; pyramid of, IV 514;
hound of, IV 514,
(Intef I), I 423, 423B,
423D 423F, 529.
I1 (XI Dyn.), (Horus-Nakhtneb-Tepnefer): inscriptions of reign
of, I 23A-G; chronology of, I 63,


415-18; chief treasurer of, I 423A,

423G; son of Intef I , I 423G.
-Nakhtneh-Tepnefer (Intef 11), I 423
I11 (XI Dyn.): chronology of,
163, 415-18, 424; vassal of Mentuhotep 11, I 424, 425.
(Nubkheprure), (XIII Dyn.):
pyramid of, IV 515.
I N T E F ~see
: Intef I.
(Sekhemre-Upmat) : pyramid of,
IV 516; stela of, IV 516.
ITY(VI Dyn.): inscription of, I 61 n. a,
386-87; pyramid of, I 387.

( I Dyn.): cult of "Runningof-Apis," I 114 n. a.
KEMOSE:queen of, I1 33; pyramid of,
IV 519.
( =Kemose) : pyramid
of, IV 519.
KHAFRE (IV Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, I 188-209; chronology of,
I 54, 55, 59, 190; son of, I 190; referred to, I1 815.
chronology of, I 55, 60.
KHASEKHEMUI(11 Dyn.): birth of,
1 86, 136.
KHAW: predynastic king of Lower
Egypt, 1 90.
KHEKURE:see Sesostris 111.
KHENZER(XIII Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, 178147; cleansing of
the temple of Abydos, I 783-87.
-Nematre-Nekhere (=Khenzer), I 786.
see Sheshonk I.
see Takelot
see Sesostris I .
see Paynozem I.
see Hatshepsut.
see Amasis.
KHUFU (IV Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, I 176187; mentioned, I 189,
chronology of, I 54, 55, 59; his relief
at Wadi-Maghara, I 176; history of,
on the Palermo stone, I 86; his full
name, I 176; his Horus-name, I 176,


180; sphinx and temple of, I 177;

daughter of, I 180; pyramid of, I 180.
("Khnum protects
me "), full name of Khufu, I 176,
176 n. c.

MAKERE:see Hatshepsut.
see Amenemhet IV.
MEKH, predynastic king of Lower
Egypt, 190.
see Psamtik 11.
MENES ( I Dyn.): accession of, I 53,
58, 79, 88; history of, on Palermo
stone (?), 191, n. b.
see Thutmose 111.
see Thutmose IV.
(V Dyn.): inscription of,
1263; length of reign of, I 60; titles
of, I 263.
-Menkhu (Horns-name of Menkuhor),
I 263.
MENKURE(IV Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, I 210--12; chronology of,
I 54 his, 55, 59, 254>'5.5;
I 211; mentioned, I 213, 217; educated Ptahshepses, I 256.
see Seti I.
see Ramses
see Ramses I.
I (XI Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, I 423H; chronology
of, I 63, 415-18, 423H; wars of, I
-Nibhote~ ( =MentuhOte~I), I 4
MENTWOTEP11 (XI Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, I 424-26; chronology
of, I 63,415-18, 425; chief treasurer
of, I 425-26; first great king of the
Theban line, I 426; pyramid of,
IV 520.
-Nibhepetre (=Mentuhotep II), pyramid of, IV 520.
-Nibkhrnre (=Mentuhotep II), I 426;
name to be read Nibhepetre, p. 344,
MENTWOTEPI11 (XI Dyn.): inscnptions of reign of, 1427-33; chronology
of, 1 63, 415-18, 427; mortuary
temple of, IV 520 n. b.
MENTWOTEPIV (XI Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, I 434-59; Hammamat inscriptions, I 434-53; sarcopha-

gus of, I 448; expedition of, I 447;

vizier of, I 438, 445; chronology of,
I 63,415-18,434; mother of, 1450.
-Nibtowere (=Mentuhotep IV),I 437,
440, 441,446, 4509 455,456.
MERERI: see Pepi I.
: see
Pesibkhenno 11.
: see Osorkon I.
see Osorkon 111.
see Paynozem I.
see Pedibast.
see Pemou.
: see Piankhi.
: see Ramses 11.
: see Sheshonk I.
see Sheshonk
: see Sheshonk
see OsorkOn 11, IV 747.
: see Pemou.
: see Takelot .'
: see Yewepet.
MERIKERE(King of Heracleopolis), I
3987 399; titles'Jf, I 3 9 9 ~ 4 ~restoration of the temple of Upwawet, I
see Harmhab.
(XIX Dyn.) : inscriptions
3 of ~
reign of, 111 569-ij38; chronology
of, I 67, n. b; accession of, I11
578; Libyan-Mediterranean invasion
against, 111572-617; prominent officers of, I11 618-38; reliefs of, 111594,
597, b28.
-Binre-Meriamon (-Merneptah), I11
575, (j07, 610, 635.
-Merneptah-Hotephirma ( Merneptah), III 575,588, 598, 600, 607, 610,
631, 633, 634, 638.
see SiptahMERNERE
I (VI Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, I 316-36; chronology of,
I 61; inscriptions at the First Cataract, I 8, 316-18; sarcophagus of, I
321; pyramid of queen of, I 321-22;
expeditions to the Negro tribes, I
11 (VI Dyn.): chronology
of. 1 61.
MIEBIB(I Dyn.): name last on Palermo stone, I 103 n. b, 148 n. c.
see Intef 11.
NAMLOT:king, IV 814, 830, 833, 849,
882; prince of Hatweret, IV 820.
NEBE: see Psamtik I.
NEBKIIEPRURE: see Tutenkhamon.
: see Ahmose.
NECHO (XXVI Dyn.): IV 1028; inscriptions of reign of, IV 974-80;
chronology of, I 75; IV 935-41,97475, 1026-27.
-Uhemibre (=Necho), IV 976, 980,
NEFEXEFRE(V Dyn.): chronology of,
I25!j, 261.
NEFERHOTEP(XI11 Dyn.) : inscriptions of reign of, I 753-72; restoration of the temple of Osiris at Abydos,
I 755-65; decree concerning the necropolis of Abydos, I 766-72.
NEFERIBRE:see Psamtik 11.
(V Dyn.) : inscriptions
of reign of, I 242-49; chronology of,
155,60,254-56,260, history on Palermo stone, I 163-67; vizier of, I 243-48.
: see Pepi 11.
NEFERKERE:see Shabaka.
see Ramses
see Taharka.
N E ~ H E Bpredynastic
king of Lower
Egypt, I 90.
NEMATRE:see Amenemhet 111.
: see Khenzer.
(XXI Dyn.) ( =Smendes) : inscriptions of reign of, IV 62730; .Living at Tanis, IV 564, 565, 566,
574; w&lthy ship-owiie< -IV 574;
ruler of the Northland, IV 581, 582;
king. IV 627-10: chronolow of. I 70:
IV '%04-~;'restoration of ;he wall' of
Luxor, IV 627-30.
-Smendes (-Nesubenebded), IV 564
n. c.


NETERIMU (I1 Dyn.): reign of, on

Palermo stone, I 117.
NIBHEPETRE:see Mentuhotep 11.
NIBHOTEP:see Mentuhotep.
NIBKHRURE:see Mentuhotep 11.
NIBMARE:see Amenhotep 111.
: see Ramses V.
see Mentuhotep IV.
inscription of,
I 773-80; insurrection in time of,
I 773-74; deposition of the count of
Coptos, I 775-80; pyramid of, IV 515.
NUBKURE:see Amenemhet 11.
NUBTI: a Hyksos king, I11 542.
NUSERRE (V Dyn.): inscriptions of
reig uof, I 250-62; chronology of,
I 5 4 ter, 55, 60, 167 n. a; relief of, I
250; titles, I 250; sun-temple of, at
at Abusir, I252 n. a, 423H n. a.

see Thutmose I.
see Thutmose 11.
OKHEPERRE:see Sheshonk IV.
see Amenhotep 11.
(=Nubti): a Hyksos king,
with whom a new era began, I11 549.
I (XXII Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, IV 729-37; records of
Nile levels under reign of, IV 695;
chronology of, I 71 ; IV 694-95 ; temple gifts of, IV 729-37; wife of, IV
739,. 740.
-Menamon-Osorkon (I), IV 740.
I1 (XXII Dyn.), IV 771,774;
inscriptions of reign of, IV 742-51;
records of Nile levels under reign of, I
43 n. b; IV 696-97; chronology of, I
71, 71 n. a; IV 694-95; flood inscription of, IV 742-44; reliefs of,
IV i49-50,757-70.-0sorkon
(11) Siese-Meriamon, IV
-Usermare - Sete~namon( = Osorkon
11)* IV 7437 774.
I11 (XXIII Dyn.), IV 830,
872; inscriptions of reign of, IV 795;
records of Nile levels under reicn
" of.,
IV 794; chronology of, I 72, 72 n. d;
IV 793-94; living in Bubastis, IV 878;
son of, IV 794.
-Menamon-Osorkon (111), IV 795.


I (XXI Dyn.) : inscriptions
of reign of, IV 631-49; chronology
of, I 70; IV 604-7; high priest of
Amon, IV 631-42; king, IV 642-49;
temple buildings of, IV 632-35; restoration of mummies by, IV 63647.
-Kheperkhare-Setepnamon (=Paynozem I), IV 645, 649.
-Merimon-Paynozem (I), IV 659.
( =Paynozem
I), IV 645, 649, 652, 660.
PEDIBAST(XXIII Dyn.): records of
Nile levels under reign of, IV 794;
chronology of, I 72.
-Menamon-Pedibast, IV 794.
IV 814. The Demotic,
from a recent obsewation of Spiegelberg, shows we should read Pefthewowebast (PfiD w-C wy-BDstt).
PEMOU(XXII Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, IV 778-81; records of Nile
levels under reign of, IV $8; chronology of, 171; IV 69495,778.
-Merimon-Pemou, IV 780.
-MeSamon-Siese-Pemou, IV $8.
-Usermare-Setepnamon (-Pemou), IV
698, 780.
PEPI I (VI Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, I 295-315; chronology of, I
61; expedition of, I 295, 297-98;
queen of, 310; army of, I 311-12;
war against Sand-dwellers, I 311-14;
campaign in Southern Palestine,
1 ~ 1 5 .,-

-Merire (=Pepi I), I 298, 302

PEPI I1 (VI Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, I 337-85; chronology of, I
61; queen-mother of, I 339, 341;
queens of, I 344; vizier of, I 347-49;
letter of, 350-54; grandees of his
reign: Pepi-nakht, I 355-60; Khui,
1361; Sebui, T36z-74; Ibi, 1375-79;
Zau, I 380-85.
-Neferkere (Pepi 11), 1340,382.
PESIBKEIENNOI (XXI Dyn.): chronology of, I 70; IV 604-7.
PESIBKEENNO I1 (XXI Dyn.): chronology of, I 70; IV 604-7; daughter
of, Iv 740.
Iv 740.
PIANKHI, I 22; stela of, IV 796883;
reliefs of, IV 814, 815.
-Merimon-Piankhi, IV 816, 817,834.

PSAMMWS(XXIII Dyn.?), I 72 n. d;
IV 812; inscriptions of reign of, IV
chronology of, I 75 ; IV 935-41 ; stela
of adoption, I 23; IV 935-58; the
Serapeum stelre, IV 959-66.
-Nebe (=Psamtik I), IV 945.
-Wahibre ( = P s m t i k I), IV 943, 945,
PSAMTIKI1 (XXVI Dyn.), IV 987,
988A, C, E, I ; inscriptions of reign
of, IV 981-83; chronology of, 175;
Iv935-41,984-85, 1026-27.
-Menekhib (=Psamtik 11), I V 988C.
-Neferibre (=Psamtik 11), IV 982,
PSAMTIK I11 (XXVI Dyn.): chronology of, I 75.
11, I1 91 2.
- - PU: predynastic king of Lower
Egypt, 1 90.

tombs of, in the "valley of
the kings," IV 473,490,491.
RAMSESI (XIX Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, I11 74-9; chronology of,
I 67; coffin of, IV, 667.
( =Ramses I), I11 76,
77, 78, 213, 373, 521; IV 667.
RAMSESI1 (XIX Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, I11 251-568; chronology
of, I 6 7 n. a; length of reign of, IV 471;
lost calendar of, I 43 n. b; date of
campaigns of, I 43; erasure of inscriptions of Hatshepsut, I1 192 n. d,
193; restoration of temple at Der elBahri, I1 192 n. d; coregency with
Seti I, I11 268; mortuary temple in
Abydos for Seti I, 111 251-81; the
well of Akita, I11 282-93; the Asiatic
war, I11 294-391; treaty with the
Hittites, T 18, -36; I11 367-91; subsequent relahons with the Hittites,
I11 392-447; Nubian wars of, I11
448-91; buildings of, I11 492-542;
jubilees of, I11 543-60; birth of,
111400; youth of, I11 267; mamage
of, 111 415-24, 428, 432-47; SOnS
of, 111 350, 362, 456, 474, 477,
482; daughters of, I11 482 n. c; coffin
of, IV 665,691 ; tomb of, IV 545,594;
mummy of, IV 642; reburial of, IV
665; obelisks of, I11 392, 543 n. C, 567;
reliefs of, I11255-539.


Ramses 11-Merimon-Ramses (II), 111271, 281,

( = R a s e s 11),
111317, 336, 360, 3652 370, 375, 376,
389,390,433,486, 501, 504, 507, 520,
522, 527,5481 553, 554, 556, 560.
-Usermare-Setepnere ( =Ramses 11),
I1 192 n. d; I11 259, 271, 279, 281,
442,447, 502, 507, 552, 5539 554, 556,
560; IV 524, 545, 642, 665.
RUSES I11 (XX Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, IV 1-456; inaccurate
publications of I 29; chronology of,
I 69; length of reign of, I 48; accession of, IV 63; calendar of, I 43 n. b;
IV 139-45; buildings of, IV 1-34
(see also Papyrus Hams passim);
first Libyan war of, IV 35-58; northern war, IVgg-82; second Libyan war,
1V 83-114; Syrian war, IV I 15-135;
Nubian war, IV 136-38; endowment
of temples, IV 146-50, 231-35, 28488, ,342-45, 372-81 ; Papyrus-Hams,
IV 151-412; harem-conspiracy, IV
416-53; practice of magic, IV 454-56;
munnmy of, IV 640, 641; reliefs of,
IV :L5, 29-34, 45-57, 69-82, 99-114,
117-30, 132-35, 137-38, 184, 246,
305-Uselmare-Meriamon ( =Ramses III),
IV :;7,49, 55,62, 75, 79,949 1039 1059
106, 110, 1 2 2 , 126, 128, 130, 182, 230,
248, 249, 284, 289, 290, 297, 306, 307,
342, 346, 3477 352, 353,364, 372,3839
397, 455, 491, 523, 545, 547,640.
RAMSES IV (XX Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, IV 457-72; chronology of,
169, 69 n. a; first expedition to Hammamat, IV 457-60; second expedition
to Hammamat, IV 461-68; completion of the temple of Khonsu, IV 472;
reliefs of, IV 458,463.
( =R a m s e s
IV), IV 463, 472.
( =Ram-Ramses-Hekma-Meriamon
ses IV), IV 246, 304, 351, 382, 411,
( =Ramses IV),
IV 4.63, 472.
( =Ramses
IV), IV 246, 304, 351, 382, 411, 412.
RAMSESV (XX Dyn.): inscriptions


of, IV 473; chronology of, I 69;

tomb of, IV 473.
-Amonhirkhepeshef-Rarnses-Neterhekon (=Ramses V), IV 473.
( =Ramses V),
IV 473.
RAMSESVI (XX Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, IV 474-83; chronology
of: I 69; tomb of Penno, IV 474-83;
reliefs of, IV 476, 477.
RAMSESVII (XX Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, IV 484-85; chronology
of, I 69; scribe of, IV 485; reliefs of,
IV 484.
-Ramses - Menthirkhepeshef Meriamon ( = Ramses VII), IV 484.
-Usermare-Ikhnamon ( =RamsesVII),
IV 484.
RAMSESVIII (XX Dyn.): chronology
of, 169.
RUSES I X (XX Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, IV 486-556; chronology
of, I69,69 n. a; high priest of Arnon
in reign of, IV 48&98; tomb-robberies in time of, IV 499-556; reliefs of,
IV 493.
-Neferkere-Setepnere ( =Ramses IX),
IV 510.
-Ramses-Meriamon ( =Ramses IX),
IV 510.
RAMSESX (XX Dyn.): chronology
of, 1 69; coregency with Ramses IX,
IV 544.
-Uhem-mesut ( = R a s e s X), IV 545.
RAMSESX I (XX Dyn.): chronology
of, 169.
RAMSESXI1 '(XX Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, IV 557-603; chronology
of, I 69 ; report of Wenamon, IV 55791; affairs in the South, IV 595600; building the temple of Khonsu,
IV 601-3, 609-15; restoration of
mummies, IV 592-94.
( =R a m s e s
XII), IV 596, 609, 611, 612.
-Ramses (XI1)-Khamwese-MeriamonNuterhekon, IV 596, 609.
: see Ramses IV.
MERIAMON: see Ramses VII.


see Ramses 11.
: see Ramses IV.
see Ramses IX.
see Siptah.

SAHURE (V Dyn.): inscriptions of

reign of, I 236-41; chronologv of,
I 54 bis, 55, 60, 254-56; history on
Palermo stone, I 159-62; titles of,
1236; privy councilor of, 1 259.
SAKERE(XVIII Dyn.) : chronology of,
1 66.
' SEBEKEMSAP(Sekhemre-Shedtowe):
queen of, IV 517; pyramid of, IV
517, 528-Sekhemre-Shedtowe ( Sebekemsaf),
IV 517; queen of, IV 517; pyramid
of, IV 517, 528.
(XI1 Dyn.) : chronology
of, 164.
see Shabaka.
: see Arnenemhet I.
SEKA: predynastic king of Lower Egypt,
: see Tao.
: see Taoo.
(XI11 Dyn.) :
inscriptions of reign of, I 75 1-52.
pyramid of, IV 5 16.

S E S H ~ T O Wsee
E : Sesostris 11; I 616.
I (XI1 Dyn.) : inscriptions
of reign of, I 498-593; chronology of,
I 64, 460-62, 487-88; coregency of,
I 487; building inscription of, I 14,
498-506; Nubian expeditions, I 51012, 518-21; appointments of, I 627;
buildings of, IV 489.
(-Sesostris I), I 501,
512, 520, 525, 5291 598, 784; Iv 489SESOSTRISI1 (XI1 Dyn.): inscription of reign of, I 614-39; chronology
of, 1 64, 46062; coregency of, 614.
SESOSTRISI11 (XI1 Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, I 640-700; chronology of, I 64, 460-62; conquest of
Nubia, I 10; queen of, I 655 n. b;
made god, I1 169; hymn to, I 17;
treasurer of, I 9, 661-70.

-Khekure (=Sesostris 111), 1644,647,

650, 652, 663, 672, 675, 686; I1 170,
171 174, 175SETEPNERE:
see Harmhab.
SETI I (XIX Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, I11 80-250; chronology of,
I 67; Karnak inscriptions of, I11 80156; other temple inscriptions, I11
162-98; buildinginscriptions, I11199250; wars in Asia, I11 80-119;
in Libya, I11 120-56; queen of, IV
555; her tomb, IV 555, 593; restoration of monuments by, I 13, 15; I1
312; reliefs of, I11 80-156, 163, 165,
203; obeliskof,III 544; tomb of, IV
545, 642, 665, 666, 667; mummy of,
IV 639,661; coffin of, IV 666, $I.
-Menmare (=Seti I), I1 612, 878;
I11 82 n. b, 83, 86, 88, 100, 101, 105,
110, 116, 122, 132, 134, 136, 143, 144,
146,150,1549 155, 160,169, 171, 175,
179, 195, 223, 260, 2631 2679 270,
271,272,280,289, 373, 541; I v 545,
555,593, 642, 661,.665,666,667.
-Merneptah (=Set1 I), I11 266, 272.
-Seti-Merneptah ( =Seti I), I1 312,856;
I11 86,88, 94, 100, 1 2 2 , 132, 134, 143,
144, 146, 150, 154, 169, 175, 195, 270,
271, 541,545, 547, 645; IV 665, 664
--Udem-~esut(=Seti I), I11 94, 101,
108, 169, 223.
-Hartema (=Seti I), I11 96, 122, 132.
SETI I1 (XIX Dyn.): chronology of,
I 67; succeeding Siptah, I11 641;
viceroy of Kush, I11 639, 640, 642,
643, 646, 647.
see Seti I.
(XX Dyn.) : chronology of,
I 69; rule of, IV 399; death of, IV
-Setnakht-Mererre-Meriamon ( -Setnakht), IV 399.
Setnakht), IV 399.

SETNEH,an ancient king, I 166.

(XXV Dyn.): inscription of
reign of, IV 889 ; records of Nile levels
under reign of, IV 886; chronology
of, I 74; IV 885.
-Neferkere (-Shabaka), IV 886.
-Sebektowe (-Shabaka), IV 886.
(XXV Dyn.):

record of
Nile levels in reign of, 143; I V 887;
chronology of, 174; IV 885.
SHEPBESKAF(IV Dyn.) : chronology
of, I 54 his, 55, 59, 254, 255, 257;
daughter of, I 257; son-in-law of, 154,
257; pyramid of, I 151;
SHEPSESKERE:chronology of, I 55,
SHESHONKI (XXII Dyn.), I 26, 49;
IV 787, 792; inscriptions of reign of,
I V 699-728; records of Nile levels
under reign of, IV $5; chronology
of, I 71; IV 694-95; quarrying at
Silsileh, IV 701-8; buildings in Karnak temple, IV 701-24A; campaign
in Palestine, IV 709-24; rebellion in
the oasis in reign of, IV 729; reliefs
of, IV 702, 709-18.
( =Sheshonk
I), 10 700, 703, 724.
-Merimon-Sheshonk (I),
. . . IV 700.
. . 704,
. ..
705, 721, 724.
I1 (XXII Dyn.) : chronology
of, I 71; IV 694-95.
SHESHONKI11 (XXII Dyn.): inscnptions of reign of, IV 756-77; records
of Nile levels under reign of, IV 698;
chronology of, I 71; IV 694-95, 778;
annals of high priest Osorkon, IV
(111), 1V $8.
-Nleriamon - Sibast - Sheshonk- ( 111)
Nuterhekon, I V 774.
( =Sheshonk
IW, IV 698, 774.
SHESHONKIV (XXII Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, IV 782-92; records
of Nile levels under reign of, IV $8;
chronology of, I 71; I V 694-95.
-Menamon-Sheshonk (IV), IV 698.
-0kheperre (-Sheshonk IV), IV 784,
-Usermare-Meriamon ( =S h e s h o n k
IV), IV 698.
SIAMON:Tanite king, IV 663; chronology of, I 70; IV 604-7.
see Hrihor.
SIPTAH (XIX Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, 111 639-5 I; chronology of,
1 67; viceroys of Kush in time of,
I11 639, 643, 646; queen of, IV 400
n. c; reliefs of, I11 647, 648.
( =Siptah) 111,
(548, 650.
-Merneptah-Siptah ( -Siptah), 111650.


(=Siptah), I11 642,
SMENDES:see Nesubenebded.
SNEFRU (I11 Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, 1168-75; mentioned, I 176,
189, 731; chronology of, I 54 bis, 55,
56, 58, 86; placed in I11 Dynasty by
Palermo stone, I 86; became god of
the Sinai region, I 168, 722; commemorated by roads and statues in
the Delta, I 168, 493; regarded as
god, I 722; founder of mining, I 168;
smiter of barbarians, I 169; dispatched a fleet to bring cedar from Lebanon
I 89; gates of, I 148; his relief a t
Wadi Maghara, I 169.


(XXV Dyn.),
IV 942, 962; inscriptions of reign of,
IV 892-918; records of Nile levels
under reign of, IV 888; chronology of,
I 74; IV 885; fleeing before Ashurbanipal, IV 405 n. g, 917; Piankhi,
father of, IV 892; death of, IV 919.
( ~ T a h a r k a ) , IV
I (XXII Dyn.): inscriptions
of reign of, IV 738-40; r~cordsof
Nile levels under reign of, IV $5;
chronology of, I 71, 71 n. g; IV 69495; queens of, IV 696, 792.
I1 (XXII Dyn.), I 35; I V
777; inscriptions of reign of, IV 75255; chronology of, I 71; IV 694-95;
coreeencv with Osorkon 11. IV 607.
- ~ h e i e r h L z r e - ~ e t e ~ n e r(e-T a k e l6't
11), IV 762.
-Menamon-Siese-Takelot (11), IV 753,
T ~ K E L O T I11 (XXIII Dyn.): chronology of, I 72, 72 n. d; coregency
with Osorkon 111, I 72 n. d.
(XXV Dyn.): inscription of, IV 919-34; coregency with
Taharka, IV 920; conquest of the
Delta IV 927-34.
-Bekere (=Tanutamon), IV 921, 934.
TAO(Sekenenre): pyramid of, IV 518.
~Sekenenre-Tao,pyramid of, IV 518.
an officer of, I 1 7; queen of, 1133.
(Sekenenre): pyramid of, IV 518.
-Sekenenre-Taoo, pyramid of, IV 518.
TETI(VI Dyn.): inscriptions of reign
of, 1282-94; chronology of, I 61.



TEYEN:predynastic king of Lower

Egypt, I 90.
THESH: predynastic king of Lower
Egypt, 1 90.
I, I1 25, 74, 114; inscriptions of reign of, I1 54-114; chronology of, 1 66; rewards of AhmosePen-Nekhbet, under I1 23; coronation
decrees of, I 18, I1 54-60; full titulary
of, I1 56, 69; feast of coronation of,
11 60; service of Thure under, I1 64;
Tombos inscription of, I1 67-73; fortress on Tombos, built by, 11 72, 121;
Nubian frontier of, I1 67; comparative dates of Asiatic and Nubian campaigns, I1 67,79; tribute of South and
North, I1 70; boundaries of, I1 73;
clearing of cataract canal by, I1 75-76;
Nubian campaign of, 11 67-77,80,84;
Asiaticcampaignof, I1 73,81,85,125;
obelisks of, I1 86-89; first jubilee of, I
66 n. g; I1 89; works at Abydos of,
I1 90-98; tomb of, I1 105; old age of,
I1 64; death of, I1 108; still living
under Thutmose 11, I1 121; usurpation of monument of Hatshepsut
by, I1 126; succession of children of,
11 135.
-0kheperkere (=Thutmose I), I1 25,
64,709 75,80,849 87, 88,114,121, I949
196, 224, 238, 311, 3179 478, 778.
I1 (XVIII Dyn.), I1 25;
inscriptions of reign of, I1 115-27;
chronology of, I 66; rewards of Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet under, I1 24; service of Thure under, I1 65; biography
of Ineni, I1 115, 118; accession of,
I1 116; death of, I1 118; Nubian war
of, I1 119-22; first campaign of,
campaign against Shasu, 11 123-24;
campaign in Syria (now known to belong to Thutmose I), I1 125; usurpation of monument of Hatshepsut by,
I1 126; death of, 11 363,368; mummy
of, IV 637.
-0khepernere (=Thutmose 11), I1 21,
24,25, 65,116,122, 124,125, 127,332
n. d, 389, 3901 595; IV 637.
THUTMOSEI11 (XVIII Dyn.); later
inscriptions, of reign of, I1 391-179;
(for earlier inscriptions, see Thutmose I11 and queen); chronology of,
I 66; length of reign of, I 48; I1 592;
Sothic date in reign of, I 43, 46, 51;
service of Thure under, I1 66; coronation of, I1 131 ff., 594; power in Syria

before his campaigns, I1 137, 184;

receives homage of all foreign princes,
I1 148; capture of Joppa, I 24; campaigns in Syria, I 43; I1 391-540;
offerings from conquests of, I1 54172; buildingsof, I1 131 ff., 593-643;
Nubian wars of, I1 644-54; hymn of
victory of, 11 655-62: annals of, I 3
bis, 13, 14,66 n. h; 11 391-540; vizier
of, I 20; I1 663-762; prominent officials of, I1 763-79; called a brother of
Hatshepsut, I1 213; ascension to
heaven of, I1 222; death of, I1 592;
son of Thutmose 11, I1 595; wife of,
I1 779; sonof, I1 780; coregency with,
I1 184 n. d; mortuary temple of, I1
552 n. i; statues of, I1 164, 165, 186;
obelisks of, I 16; I1 563,571,62636,
776; temple at Medinet Habu, I1 63741; reliefs of, I1 450 n. a, 543-46,
645, 646,653, 655-Menkheperre (=Thutmose III), I1

Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, I1
THWTMOSE IV (XVIII Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, I1 810-40; chronology of, 1 66; youth of, I1 813-15; accession.of, I 24; I1 812; Asiatic campaign of, I1 816--22; Nubian campaign of, I1 823-29; buildings of, I1
830-38; obelisk of; I 16; I1 830;
mummy of, I1 15; sphinx stela of,
1 15; I1 810-15; palace in Abydos,
I1 839.
-Menkhepmre ( ~ T h u t m o s eIV), I1
812,821,825, 83z1834,836,837,838,
840; I11 32B; IV 539.
feud of the, I1 128-30.
see Taharka.
(XVIII Dyn.): inscriptions of reign of, I1 1019-41;
chronology of, I 66; restoration of
inscriptions by, 11 897, 1019; reliefs
of, 11 1021, 1028, 1035.
-Nebkhepmre ( =Tutenkhamon), I1
897, 1 0 ~ 610~1..
(Tutenkhamon), I1

UHEMIBRE:see Necho.
see Ramses X.
see Seti I.
UNIS ((V Dyn.): length of reign of,
160; Sabu, official of, I 282, 283.
: see
USERKAF(V Dyn.): inscriptions of
reign of, I 213-35; chronology of, I
54 bis, 55, 60, 231, 255; history on
Palermo stone, I 153-58; coronationfeasts of, I 258.
USERXERE(VI Dyn.): chronology of,
I 61; probably identical with Ity, I
61 n. a.
: see RamsesVII.
: see Ramses 111.
: see Sheshonk
: see Osorkon
: see Pemou.
see Ramses
: see Sheshonk


: see Ramses 11.
: see Kamose.

WAHENKH:see Intef I.
WAHIB: see Apries.
WAHIBRE:see Apries.
WAHIBRE:see Psamtik I.
WANRE: see Ikhnaton.
WAZENEZ:predynastic king of Lower
Egypt, 1 90.
: see Bekneranef.
: see Hatshepsut.

: high-priest of Amon, IV 607,
700, 705 ; called "king," IV 814, 830,
868; of Tentremu, IV 878.
-Menamon-Yewepet, IV 794.

ZESERKERE:see Amenhotep I.
see Harmhab.
ZET (XXIII Dyn. ?), I 72 n. d; 1V812.
ZOSER(I11 Dyn.): gift to Khnum, I
24,201; chronology of, 158; terraced
pyramid of, I 170.

AABU, I 707.
visit to Egypt of, 1(jZ0
n. d;
I11 ro.
ABRAM:field of, I V 715.
I 72 n. e; I V 884.
of King
parentage of, 1133; age of, 1149,s';
restoration of Princess Sebekemsaf's
tomb by, I1 112; Yuf, favorite of,
11, 109-14; Edfu estate belonging to,
11, 113.
AHMOSE(officer of Ikhnaton): inscription of, 11 1004-8; tomb of, 11 1004.
AHMOSE: queen of Thutmose I, Yuf,
favorite of, 11 114; coition with
Amon, I1 194,195,203; confinement,
I1 204-5; birth of Hatshepsut, I1
206, 210.
AHMOSE(son of Ebana), biography of,
I1 1-16, 38, 39, 78-82.
AHMOSE(Saite general), IV 1013, 1014.
queen of Ahmose
I, I1 26, 34.
biography of,
11 17-25, 40-42, 123-24, 344.
&MO(;E-~EPIR,pyramid of, IV 519.
queen, IV Fj44
AHUBEN: father of Psamtik, the priest,
I V 1029.
AKENESH,chief of Me, I V 815,868,878.
AMENEMHAB:inscription of, 11 57892; biography of, I1 574-78; tomb
of, I1 574 n g; adventures
peasant, I V 539.
( =Ameni) : inscription of,
1 515-23; biography of, 515, 516;
titles of, I 518; three expeditions of
I 5T9-21;
of, I
character of, I 523; also called Arneni,
I 5x8 n. a; son of Khnumhotep I,
inscription of, I 730-32.


AMENEMHET(official of Arnenemhet
111): inscription of, I 7 0 7 3 ; expedition to Nubia, I T07;
I 7'7;
expedition to Hammamat, I 709.
AMENEMHET,third prophet of Amon,
11 931.
vizier of Mentuhotep IV:
tablet of, 1 444-48; titles of, 1 438,
442,445; expedition of, I 442-47.
I1 689 n. d.
first prophet, IV 480.
AMENEMOPET:tomb of, I1 671 n. e;
tomb-inscription of, I1 671 n. e.
viceroy of Kush, 111 204
n. b, 477 his.
son of Ramses 11,111362.
brother of Neferhotep,
'I1 73'
son of Ramses 11,
4569 482.




111, 467, 471, 474, 477.

Thutmose IV: inscription of, I1 818.

high priest of Amon, I 69
1' 4877 489? 4949 4959 4g8, 5'3,
531.534; inscriptions of, IV, 488-98.
~ son of Hapi:
~ inscriptions
of, I1 911-27; deification of, I1 911promotions of, 11 914-17; martuary temple of, 11 921-27; also
called Huy, I1 924.
treasurer, I V 495.
viceroy of Rush, brother
of Huy, I1 1028.
workman, IV 526.
A~~~~ ( = b e n e m h e t ) , I Ig n. a; inscription of, I 515-23.
AMENI,father of Sisatet, I 671.
AMENI,magnate of the south: inscription of, I 649-50.
AMENI(under Amenemhet 111): rockinscription of, I 721-23.

chief commander of Heracleopolis, IV 777.
chief of police, IV 512.
I 716.
queen of Seti I, IV 555.
inscriptions of, I 781-87; BEKUREL,
titles of, I 782; commission to, I 783- BENTRESH,
I11 436, 438, 443.
84; rewards of, I 785-87.
BERKET-EL,rich shipowner of Sidon,
AMENKEN:inscriptions of, I1 801-2;
IV 574.
tomb of, I1 801.
, 443.
IV 449.
slave, IV 682.
IV 466.
BURDED,I 351, 353.
scribe, IV 526, 529.
scribe, IV 640.
AMENOPET:district of, IV 539; house B U ~ W A WaALibyan,
IV 787, 792.
of, IV 539.
I 777.
AMU,father of Mentuhotep, the general,
11 977.
ANI, I11 634.
DEBHEN: inscription of, I 210--12;
father of Methen,
tomb of, I 210--12.
I 171, 172.
DED, king of Libya, I11 579; IV 43.
APOPHIS,a Hyksos king, I1 4.
DENE,slave, IV 682.
king of Mitanni, I1 866 n. h.
DENEREG,11 114.
IV 884 n. a.
DISNEK,wife of Idu-Seneni, I 338 ter.
BABA,father of Ahmose of El-Kab,
king of Mitanni, I1 866
I1 7.
n. h.
BAHU,herdman, IV 481.
BAY,I11 647, 648.
BEDEL,king of Dor, 1V 565.
EBEK,slave, IV 682.
BEHKESI,1 365.
prophet, IV 692.
BEK,architect of Ikhnaton: inscription
of, I1 973-76; reliefs of, 11974,976. EGEM,Hittite chief of archers, I H 337.
workman, IV 551.
BEK, king's-scribe, IV 668.
BEKET,architect of the tomb of Khnum- EHENEFER,a negro slave, IV 539.
EKPTAH,slave, IV 680.
hotep 11, I 639.
BEKET,matron: daughter of a count, EMKU,father of Ameniseneb, I 782.
I 622; mother of Khnumhotep 11, EMUIENSHI,
sheik of Upper Tenu, I 494.
I 622, 639; titles of, I 628.
ENEBNI,nobleman, I1 213; statute of,
daughter of Ikhnaton, I1
BEKI, IV 547.
commander, IV 878.
BEKI, IV 665, 667.
priest, IV 958B.
inscription of, I11 561- ENEKHNEFERIBRE,
I1 896 n. d.
68; statue of, I 20; 111 561 n. d ;
I, wife of Pepi I
titles of, 111563; career of, I11564,565. ENEKHNES-MERIRE
and queen-mother of Mernere I, I
IV 466.
344; titles of, I 345.
IV 665.
11, wife of Pepi 1
prince, IV 830.
and queen-mother of Pepi 11, I 341,
344, pyramid of, I 341;titles, I 346.
captain, I 343.
divine consort,
111 988A, C, G, H I I ; stela of, IV
g88A-J; statue of, IV 9881 n. a.
father of Senbef,
IV 918.
I 360.
ENKHETESI,mother of Psamtik the
priest, IV 1029.
prophet, IV 665, 667,
ENKKU,vizier, I 783; stelie of, I 783
n. d; statue of, I 783, n. d.
ENROY,wife of Teshere, IV 553.
charioteer, I11 635.
ERO-EKH, IV 682.
IV 438.
ETI: inscription of, I 457-59; stela of,
I 457; biography of, I 457-58; titles
of, 1459.
ETI, wife of chief of Punt, I1 254, 258.

Singer of Amon-Re, IV
64 I:.

Hittite chariot-wamor, I11
GILUKHIPA,queen of Amenhotep 111,
11, 866 n. h; see also Kirgipa.

HAPI, IV 537, 539.
HAPI, father of Amenhotep: I1 912;
burial of, I1 920; written Hapu, I1
9249 925.
HAPI, mother of Khui, I 675.
HAPU: inscription of, I 614-16; inspection of the fort of Wawat, I 616.
HAPU,vizier of Thutmose IV, I1 665.
vizier under Hatshepsut:
inscxiptions of, I1 388-90.
chief of works, IV 706, 708.
I1 110.
high priest of Arnon, IV 952.
HARKHUF:inscriptions of, I 325-36,
350-54; nobleman of Assuan, 1325;
titles of, I 326, 332; home-life of, I


328, 331; tomb of, 1325, 329, 330;

journeys of, I 333-36, 356; father of,
1 333; son of, I 336 n. a; letter to,
I 35-54; rewards of, I 352.
HAWI: stela inscription of, I1 47, 48.
gardener, IV 682.
HARNAKHT:inscription of, 1 717, 718;
surname of, I 718.
surname of Harnakht,
I 718.
HARNURE:inscription of, I 733-38;
biography of, I 733-34; expedition to
Sinai, I 735-38.
high priest of Heracleopolis,
IV 787, 792.
prophet of Neit, IV 787, 792.
I, high priest of Amon, IV 698.
HARSIESE11, high priest of Amon, IV
698, 794.
HARSIESE,Sem-priest, IV 779.
slave, IV 682.
HATEY,111 32C, 513.
statue of, I1
HEKIB, "beautiful name" of Pepinakht, 1356.
see Enekhnesneferibre.
I 343.
HENEMI,1 343.
son of Nekonekh: scribe,
I 218, 221; prophet, I 221; chief
heir of Nekonekh, I 225.
HENKU: t~mb~inscriptionof, I 28081; nomarch of the CerastesMountain, I 281; brother of, I 281.
HENOFER,mother of Senmut, I1 358.
I. high priest of Heracleopolis,
IV 787, 792.
HENPTAH11, high priest of Heracleopolis, IV 787, 792.
queen of Paynozem I, IV
H ~ m r :inscription of, I, 428-33; titles
of, I 428; expedition to Red Sea,
1429; equipment of his army, 1430;
improvement of the Red Sea territories, I 431; shipbuilding at Red
Sea, 1432; quarrying at Hammamat,


HENUT,mother of Kheye, I 750.

HENa, mother of Sebek-hir-hab, I 725.
IV 448.
mother of Tewhenut,
Iv 727.
HENUTSEN,daughter of Khufu, I 180;
king's-confidante, I 185.
HEPT,treasurer of the God, I 342.
HEPZEFI: inscriptions of, I 535-93;
prince of Siut, I 535; contracts of,
539-93; titles of, I 537-38; statue of
in temple of Anubis at Siut, I 540.
IV 774.
divine votress, IV 784.
123, 24, 75 n. h, 180 n. i;
I1 792 n. d; I11 56 n. c, 171 n. b;
IV 989, 998.
father of Penno, IV 482.
prophet, IV 660.
HETEB,queen of Alasa, IV 591.
king's-confidant, I 196.
chief of Libya, IV 784.
wife of Nekonekh, I 216,
217, 218, 221, 224.
inspector, IV 593.
HOR, I1 229 n. e.
HOR: commander of Heracleopolis, IV
967; statue of, IV 967; inscription
of, IV 968-73.
HORI, IV 957.
HORI, deputy, IV 531.
HORI, inscription of, I11 82 n. b.
HORI: king's-messenger, I11 645; son
of Ubekhu, I11 650.
HORI, king's-scribe, IV 485.
HORI, scribe, IV 465.
HORI,standard bearer, IV423,426,453.
HORI, standard bearer, IV 531.
HORI, temple scribe, IV 281.
scribe, IV 526, 529.
HOTEP,son of Kam, I 187.
of, 1251-53; priest at Abusir, 1251;
judge, attached to Nekhen, I 252;
eldest of the hall, I 253; his intercession, I 252; given a sarcophagus
by the king, I 253.
H a , 11929.
Hm, I11 210.
prince, IV 878

HUY, beautiful name of Amenhotep,

son of Hapu, I1 924.
HUY, chief, IV 338.
HUY (of Amarna), inscription of, I1
1014-16; tomb of, I1 1014; reliefs
of, I1 1014, 1016.
HUY, overseer of herds, IV 338.
H w , viceroy of Kush: inscription of,
11 rorg-41; tomb of, I1 1019; family
of, I1 1026,1040; reliefs of, I11022-24,
1028, 1035, 1039, 1040.
HUY, IV 524.

commander, I 303.
IBE, steward of Nitocris, inscription of,
IV 958A-M.
father of Amenernhet, I 707.
I 282, 283; see Sabu-Ibebi.
IBI, probably the son of Zau of Abydos:
inscriptions of, I 375-79; biography
of, I 375; titles of, I 376-77; wife to,
I 375; son of, 1376, 380; career of,
I 377-78; tomb of, I 378; mortuary
endowment, I 379.
(=Nesuhor), IV
IBSHE,I 620 n. d.
IDI, I 466 n. c.
IDU,also called Seneni: inscription of,
1338; tomb of, 1337; wife of, 1338.
father of Nesuhor, IV 990.
IHE, nomarch of the Hare nome. I
688 n. a.
IHI, statue of, I 165.
IHU, treasurer of the god, I 298, 299.
IHY, 1 387.
slave, IV 680.
inscription of, I 661-70;
biography of, I 9, 661; commission
to Abydos, I 665-66; royal letter to,
I 664; the drama of Osiris, I 669;
temple of Osiris, I 667-68; titles of,
I 664; mother of, I 670; relatives of,
I 670.
nobleman of IV Dyn., I 183.
IKHI, ship-captain: son of the preceding, I 301; father of, I 301.
1-1, treasurer of the god (VI Dyn.):
I 298, 299; inscription of, I 301.
daughter of Nekonekh, I

inscriptionof,I 524-28; titles
of, 1526; prayerof, 1526; expedition
of, 1527; tomb of, at Abydos, 1528;
home of, at Thebes, I 527.
IKUI, father of Intef the nomarch, I
491INHOTEP,inscription of, I 388-90.
IYI,mother of Mentuhotep IV, I 450.
1529; great grandfather of, 1529.
IMTES,queen of Pepi I, I 310; legal
proceedings against, I 310.
biography of, I1 43-46, 99-108,
115-18, 340-43; career under Amenhotep I , I1 44-46; under Thutmose I,
I 99--108; under Thutmose 11, I1
115-18; under Thutmose I11 and
Hatshepsut, I1 340-43.
queen, tomb of, IV 665, 666,
INI,chief judge, I 373.
INI,inscription of, I11 198.
INI, steward, IV 546.
INTEF, inscriptions of, I 466-68, 466
n. c.
INTEF,nomarch: inscription of, I 420;
biography of, 1419; ancestry of 1419
n. c; mortuary stela of, I 419-20;
founder of the Theban line, I 419;
son of, I 419; statue dedicated to,
I 419; titles of, I 420; father of, I
419; also called "Intefo" (Intef the
great), I 419 n. d.
palace-overseer, I 390.
ship-captain, I 365.
INTEF, the Herald: inscription of, I1
763-71; titles of, I1 763; duties of the
royal herald, I1 764, 767; character of, I1 768; tomb of, I1 763 n. e.
inscription of, I 529,
423 n. a; lineage of, I 529.
IPI, ship-captain, 1 387.
artisan, IV 539.
daughter of king
Amenmd, IV 852 n. c.
prophetess of Hathor, IV 787,
( =Neferibre-nofer), IV 981.
IRI,father of Harkhuf, I 333.
IRI, royal attendant, I 369, 370, 371.
IV 445.
ISES1, I 351, 353.
ISIS,wife of Ramses 111, IV 523, 543.


~ n.~b. =

-KA, I 731.
KAM,governor, I 187.
KARA,IV 423, 426.
KARU,watchman, IV 550.
IV 423, 443, 446.
KEKSIRE,mortuary priest, I 218.
KEM, father of Hori, I11 645.
KEMETH,Hittite chief of warriors, 111
337KEYI, mother of Neferhotep, I 755.
water-camer, IV 539.
king's-confidant, I 197.
KENOFER(Zaty-), crown prince, 1389.
KEPER,king of Meshwesh, IV9o; captured by Ramses 111, IV 97, 109;
fettered, IV 103.
KEPES,queen of Takelot I, IV 792.
KERES,stela inscription of, I1 49-53.
KEROME,king's-daughter, IV 755.
KEROME,queen of Sheshonk I, IV 792.
queen of Takelot I, IV 696,
747, 760.
IV 948.
KEY, cattle-overseer, IV 224.
KEY, father of Thuthotep, I 692 n. c.
KHAMHET:inscription of, I1 819; titles
of, 11 872; tomb of, I1 819, 870,
reliefs of, I1 819, 870, 871, 872.
IV 434.
chief, IV 466.
IV 433.
Iv 532.
KHAMPET,11 929, 930, 931.
deputy of the army, IV 466.
KHAMTIR,overseer, IV 466.
prophet of Amon, IV 795.
son of Ramses 11, I11 350,
362, 474,482, 552, 553, 554, 557,558.
vizier, IV 511, 513, 522,
523, 5317 532, 5409 543, 585, 586.
KHARU,IV 523, 532.
KHAY,captain of infantry, I11 630
KHAY,vizier, 111 556, 559, 560.


son of ~ekonekh,'I
218, 221.
rockinscriptions of, I 713-16.
inscription of, I 607613; titles of, 1608; honors of, I 609;
temple-inspection by, I 610-12; stela
of, I 613.
I 2 18, 221.
see Khenemsu.
: inscription of, I
604-5; expedition to Punt of, I 605.
KHENU,inferior scribe, I 299.
a nobleman: inscription of,
1231-35; his titles, 1 2 2 0 , 222; mortuary priest of, I 213.
Hittite scribe, I11 337.
king of Kheta, I 18; I11
371, 3721 3739 374, 3759 391.
KHETII, nomarch of Siut: inscription
of, I 398-404; biography of, I 39899; ancestry of, I 398,400; career of,
I 401,404; old age of, 402; restoring
the temple, I 403; titles of, I 400.
KHETI 11: inscriptions of, I 405-414,
426 ( ?); biography of, I 405-6, 426;
wealth and generosity of, I 408; digging the canals for Siut, I 407; monuments of, 1409, 426; army of, I 410;
fleet of, 1411; tomb of, 1412; childhood of, 1413; grandfather of, 1414;
mother of, I 414, 426(?).
KHETI, nomarch of Oryx nome, I 637
n. a; temple of Khnum, I 637 n. a.
KHETI, wife of Khnumhotep 11, I 633.
1 750.
&rp-sh, I 361; expediK~NEEKEOTEP,
tion to Kush and Punt, I 361.
1 343.
I: inscription of, I 46365; biography of, I 463; titles of, I
464; career of, I 465; grandfather of
Khnumhotep 11, I 464; made count
of Menet-Khufu, I 465; of the entire
Oryx nome, I 625-26; sons of, I 627;
daughter of, I 628.
11: inscription of, I 61939; biography of, 619-21; titles of, I
622; tomb of, I 623; count of MenetKhufu, I 624, 629; grandfather of
I 625-26; uncle of, I 627; mother of,
I 628; buildings of, I 630, 637-39;
honors of, I 631; sons of, I 632-33;

ancestry of, 1625-26, 634-36; official

staff of, I 623; wife of, I 633.
111: son of Khnumhotep
11, I 620 n. a, 633; made ruler of
Menet-Khufu, I 620 n. a; titles of,
I 633; mother of, I 633; his son( ?),
I 620 n. a; ruling in ( ?), I 620 n. a.
the treasurer: inscription of, I 617-18; titles of, I 618.
priest, I11 432.
-KHUF, I 343.
KHUI, 1361.
RHm, father of the queen of Pepi I,
I 344; of Zau, I 349.
KHUI: inscription of, I 674-75; titles
of, I 675.
KHUI, judge, I 299.
KHUNI,master of bath, I 336.
KHW, father of Nenekhseskhnum, I
KINEN, I 776.
KIRGIPA: wife of Amenhotep 111, I1
867; daughter of Satirna of Naharin,
I1 867; harem ladies of, I1 867;
chief of harem of, I1 867.
son of Nekonekh, I 218,

commander, IV 82 I.

IV 423, 443, 446.
MAW, I1 809.
MAI, IV 423, 426, 452.
MAI: tomb of, I1 997; inscription of,
I1 997-1003; titles of, I1 997; hymn
of, I1 999; prayer of, I1 1003.
MAKERE,queen of Osorkon I, IV 740.
MANETHO,I 24, 53, 61 n. b, 62 n. d,
78 n. a, 79 n. a, 86; I1 296, 912.
high priest of Amon, IV
MATKHA,daughter of Shepseskaf and
wife of Ptahshepses, I 257.
queen of Ramses 11, I11
wife of Sheshonk,
IV 676, 679, 684, 685, 686, 687, 787,

IV 958C, M.
MEHI, :son of Senezemib, I 274, 277.
daughter of Ikhnaton, I1
MEKHU,father of Sebni, I 363; expedition to Nubia, I 363; death of, I 364;
emba.lment of body of, I 370; burial
in Nekheb, I 373.
MEKMEL,Syrian prince, IV 566.
MEN, captain, son of Mut, I 606.
MEN, f,ather of Bek, I1 975, 976.
MENGEBET,shipcaptain, IV 565.
high priest of Amon,
IV 650, 652, 653, 654, 655, 657, 658,
660, 661, 663, 668, 671; inscriptions
of, IV 650-61.
inscriptions of,
I1 772-76; offices of, I1 772-74; reliefs 'of, I1 773, 774.
MENKHET,mother of Meri, I 508.
overseer, IV 546.
prince of Thebes, IV 901,
904, ,949: 951; inscription of, IV 901916; buildings of, IV 902, 909916;
wife of, IV 951; relief of, IV 903,
IV 423, 426.
IV 692.
chief of police,
IV 512.
(general): inscription of,
I 510-14; titles of, I 512;*relief of,
I 514; son of, I 512; degradation of,
I 51'1.
inscriptions of, I 53034; copied by, I 530; titles of, I 531;
character of, I 532; building operations of, at Abydos, I 534.
MER, mortuary priest, I 218.
king of Kheta, I11 373, 391.
MERETATON,daughter of Ikhnaton,
I1 9151; temple of, in Akhetaton, I1
MERERI,scribe of the marine, I 390.
mother of King
[Miebis ?I, I 103.
IV 957.
MERI: inscription of, I 507-9; titles of
I 508; builder of the pyramid-chapel
of Sesostris I, I 509; son of Menkhet,
I 508.
MERI, deputy of Wawat, IV 481.

son of Ramses 11, I11 350,
high priest of
Amon, grandson of Sheshonk I, IV
IV 487.
11 923, 929, 930, 931.
MERIREI: inscription of, I1 982-88;
wife of, I1 984; office of, I1 985;
tomb of, I1 982, 1018;
MERIRE11, I1 981.
MERIRE,scribe, I1 1043.
I, chief architect of Pepi I: inscription of, I
299; titles of, I 298, 299; son of, I
11, son of
the preceding, ritual priest, I 298.
1 343.
commander, I 303.
viceroy of Kush, I1 855; inMERMOSE,
scription of, I1 851-55.
eldest son of Weshptah, I 243.
mother of Teperet,
IV 1000.
MERSEGER,queen to Sesostris 111, I
655 n. b; I1 171.
prophet, IV 665.
royal favorite of Snefru,
Khufu, and Khafre, I 54,. 55; stelainscription of, I 188-89; titles, I 189.
IV 446.
MERU,hereditary prince, I 370.
MERYEY,king of Libya, I11 579, 586,
610, 612, 615; IV 43.
IV 428, 429.
king of Meshwesh, IV go.
MESHKEN,king of Libya, IV 43.
M ~ s s v r ,IV 445.
METELLA,king of Kheta, I11 374, 375,
377METENU,father of Sebeko, I 716.
METHDET,I11 632.
METHEN: inscriptions of, I 170-75;
biography of, I 170; activity in the
Delta, I 170; ruler of Fayum and
Anubis nome, I 170; died in reign of
Snefru, I 170; son of Anubisemonekh
I 17 I ; and Nebsent, I 176; career of,


I 172; honors and gifts to, I 173, 175;

offices, 1174; family of, 1175.
METHREM,a Hittite, I11 337.
ME\..,, 111 32B.
MINEMHET,1 776, 780.
1 776.
I1 800.
MONTU-, son of Ramses 11, I11 362.
MUSEN,chief of Me, I V 787, 792.
M a , mother of Men, I 606.
MWTEWA, I V 486.
MUTEWYA,queen of Thutmose IV,
I1 866 n. h.
M U T N E Z ~wife
T , of Harmhab, I1 1043;
I11 22 n. f.
queen of Ramses 11, I11

NAKHTI, eldest son of Khnumhotep I,
I 627; ruler of Menet-Khufu, I 627.
NAKHT11, eldest son of Khnumhotep
11, I 632; ruler of the Jackal nome,
I 632.
I11 633.
artificer, I V 466.
butler, IV 466.
charioteer, I V 466.
I V 528.
I V 539.
NAMLOTI , chief of Me, I V 676, 679,
683, 685, 686, 687, 787, 792; statue
of, IV 678, 680.
N A ~ O11
T,high priest of Heracleopolis,
I V 787, 792.
mother of Senbef, I V
overseer, I V 517.
NEBET,mother of the queen of Pepi I,
I 344; of Zau, I 349.
NEBETU,wife of Thutmose 111, I1 779.
mother of Ameniseneb,
I 782.
NEBNESHI,I V 787, 792.
NEBSENT,mother of Methen,. I 175.
I11 255-57; inscription of,
I11 256.
NEBWAWI: biography of, I1 177-78;

statue of, I1 178-83; stela of, I1

184-86; career of, I1 179-86; offices
of, 180-83, 185-86.
NEFERHER,of Bista, I V 957.
NEFERHET,stela of, I1 839 n. d.
king's-messenger, I11 643.
scribe of the archives, I11
king's-butler: inscription
of, I11 68-73; reliefs of, I11 69, 73.
tomb of, I11 68 n. c.
king's-mother, I 241.
I 776.
overseer of magazine,
I V 981; statue of, I V 981-83.
king's-butler, I V 495, 511, 513, 522, 531.
of Ikhnaton, I1 959, 984, 991, 1010,
NEFERPERET,chief treasurer under
Ahmose I, I1 28.
NEFRETIRI,queen, I V 479.
NEFRETIRI,queen of Rarnses 11, I11
482 n. c, 499, 500, 501.
NEFRTJRE,eldest daughter of Hatshepsut, 11 344, 362, 363, 364.
NEFRURE,queen of Ramses 11,111435.
I V 968.
NEHI, viceroy of Kush: temple-inscription at Semneh of, I1 65 I ; pillar-inscription of, I1 412-13; grotto-inscription of, 11652; confusion with Thure,
I1 61.
NEHRI, 1628; married to Beket, I 628;
son of, I 636; Khnumhotep 11, son
of, I 622, 631, 633, 634, 639; led
as a babe, I 636; ka-house in Mernofret, 1 635.
NEHRI, father of Key, I 692 n. c, 692
n. a.
NEHSI, I1 290.
king's-confidant, I 194.
1 343.
chief of Me, I V
a nobleman: inscriptionsof,
1213-30; titles andofficesof, 1213;
216, 230; wife of, I 216, 224; children of, I 214, 228-30; tomb of, I
215; testamentary enactments of, I

will of, I 223-25; priest of

Hathor I 219; enactments for the
mortuanr ~ r i e s t h w dof. I 226. 2 2 7 ;
mortuaG dtatues of, I 218-30
NEW, I1 I n. c.
NEWBE, prince, I 19099.
NEKURE,son of preceding, I ryj.
queen ( ?), I '73.
ship=aptain, I
inscription of, I
237-40; chief physician of Sahure, I
238; his tomb, I 238; its false door,
to, I
N E N E K K S E S K ~commissim
305,: SO" of, 1305.
NENESBAST,mother of Pefnefdineit,
IV 1025.
NEsE~h-naaeU,slave, IV 682.
wife of Paynozem 11, IV
I V 555.
N E S ~ E T Aslave,
IV 682.
NESNEKEDI,chief of Me, IV 830.
1218, 221.
N ~ s s u x o ~ ~ rstela
v : inscription of, I
469-71; career under Amenemhet I
and Sesostris I, 146911.
NESTENI, queen of Namlot, IV 844.
IV 547.
chief of police, IV 545,548,
high priest of Amon, IV



king's-butler, IV 495, 5 n ,
5 1 3 , 5~a 3~. 5 ~ 6~~ 5 2 8
, 533. 540.
NESTJAMON,master of hunt, IV 539.
N~sunaros,priest, IV 5 S r
prophet, IV 531.
scribe, IV 486.
N ~ s u a a r o Sem-priest,
I V 541.
N~sunAsT,prophet, I V 716, 728.
high priest of Amon,
IV 7Y4.
N ~ s u a o n ,IV 652.
NESUHOR,governor, 9g0, 993: statueinxription of, IV 989-95.

N E S ~ ~ O N TIV
N~smEUsRNElalrr,prophet, IV 660.
scribe, IV 665, 668,
689, 692.
NESUPTAH,prince of Thehes, IV yor,
904. 908.
N E S ~ T A Echief
of prophets, IV 9 5 0
IV 784.
NEZEMTB,a private citizen: inscription
of, 1278-79.
NIBAMON:inscription of, I1 777-79.
IV g a s 535,
N r r o c ~ l s ,daughter of Taharka, I 61
n. c.; IV 942, 958D; adopted by
Psamtik I, IV 943, 945; beautiful
name of, IV 943; divine votress, IV
942,946, 958D, M, 988D; death and
burial of, IV q88G.
NOFER,watchman,. IV "ICI.
NOIRETETE,queen of Ikhnaton, I1 961.
wife of Zezernonekh, I 186.
N u B K H A s , ~IV
~ ~517,
~ ~528,
, i38.

high priest of Amon, IV 698,
7533 755. 76% 769, 77% 777.

PaKai, grandson of Ahmose, son of
Ebana, I1 3; titles of, I1 3 n. c.
P A K A ~ king's-scribe,
IV 485.
111 2 2 ; tomb of, 111 2 2
n. a; high priest of Re, 111 22 n. a.
PAY,steward, IV 2 2 4 .
PAY-, overseer, IV 638.
IV 550. 551.
PAYESNU,I v 413.
IV 547, 548.
PAYNEFEREIR,chief ovemeer, IV 637.
PAYNEUSI, viceroy of KWh, IV 597.
scribe, IV 512.
scrib~,IV 527.
11, high p~iestof Amon, IV
663, 668, 671, 672, 688, 689; inscriptions of, IV 662-67.


high priest of Amon, IV
631,6321 633,634,635,637,638,639,
inscription of, I1 839-40.
IV 427, 428, 429, 430,
439, 440, 444, 454.
PEBES,IV 423,426,452.
PEBES,prince in Per-Hapi, IV 878.
PEBES,scribe, IV 526, 529.
third prophet
of Amon, IV 953.
ritual priest, IV
chief of workmen, IV 668.
IV 852 n. c.
chief of Me, IV 774, 779;
relief of, IV 779.
prince of Athribis, IV 868,
874, 875, 879.
prophet, IV 878.
high priest of Ptah,
IV 774, 781.
ruler of Heracleopolis,
IV 852; decendants of, IV 852 n. c.
chief physician, IV
1017,1025; statue-inscription of, IV
IV 423, 426.
IV 550.
PEHETI,father of Nesubast, IV 726,
coppersmith, IV 532.
IV 784.
coppersmith, IV 523, 532.
hereditary prince of Per-soped,
Iv 932.
IV 439.
steward, IV 546.
I11 634.
IV 815,878; prince of Busiris,
IV 878.
PEN,11 682.
111 633.
butler, IV 584.
scribe, IV 647.
IV 541.
IV 430.
PENE-, IV 682.
scribe, IV 512.
IV 442, 455.

called Ahmose:

11 1041.
PENNO: inscription of, IV 474-83;
titles of, IV 474; tomb of, IV 474-83.
IV 423.
IV 444, 447.
chief of Me, IV 878.
scribe, copyist of Papyrus
Sallier 111, I11 315.
: inscriptions of, I 355-60;
titles of, I 356; character of, I 357;
expeditions to Nubia, I 358-59; expedition against Asiatics, I 360.
steward, IV 338.
vizier, I11 542.
PERE,IV 442.
PERE,Scribe, IV 450.
son of Rarnses 11, I11
chief of Punt, I1 254, 258;
family of, I1 254.
IV 445.
IV 423,
captain, I11 634.
deputy, I11 634.
I11 73.
officer, IV 593.
PERSEN:tomb-inscription of, I 241;
title of, I 241.
IV 784.
PESER,father of Amenemapet, I11 477
mayor of Thebes, IV 513,526,
527, 5289 531.
high priest of Amon, IV
IV 43I.
prince, IV 815,878.
chief of Me, IV 787,792.
princess ( =queen) of Kheta,
I11 391; born in the land of Kezweden, I11 391.
priestess of Harsaphes,
IV 787, 792.
slave, IV 682.
mayor of Western Thebes,
IV, 511, 512, 522, 5279 528, 535.
PEYES,IV 444, 445, 451.
PEYES,Hittite charioteer, 111 337 bis.
IV 429.
PIRSUN,IV 443, 446.
PIYAY,I11 644.
PLINY,IV 878 n. e.
see Patonemhab.
PSAMTIK,chief of militia, IV 968.
PSAMTIK,priest, IV 1029; mortuary
stela of, IV 1026-29.
IV 957.
PTAH,nobleman of IV Dyn., I 182.
brother of Senbef, IV 918.
deputy, IV 338.
inscription of, I 254-62;
importance thereof on chronology,
I 54 bis, 55, 254, 255; education of,
I 256, 257; marriage of, I 257; career
of, I 258-62.
inscription of, I 728.
PUEMRE:inscriptions of, I1 379-87;
statue of, I1 380; tomb of, I1 382;
relief of, I1 385.
PUREM,commander, IV 821.
commander, IV 881; probably
identical with Purem, q. v .
I 466 n. c.
IV 948.

wife of Ibi, I 375.
father of Senmut, I1 358.
king's-scribe, I1 1043.
messenger, I11 372.
of Amarna, I1 947 n. a.
RAMOSE,the vizier: inscription of, I1
936-48; titles of, I1 936; tomb of,
I1 936-47; reliefs of, I1 938,941,944;
burial of, I1 947.
son of Ramses 11, I11 456,482.
I11 496, 498.
scribe, IV 465.
I11 647,648.
I11 633.
high priest and first
prophet of Amon, I 69 n. a; IV 466,
487:, 489, 494, 495.
scribe, IV 466.
RAY,chief treasurer of Thutrnose 111,
I1 4.50 n. a.
RE, a.ttendant, I1 1043.


RE-AM,brother of Henku, I 281; titles

of, I 281.
I11 337.
king of Aleppo, I11 337.
REDEDET,mother of the first kings of
the V Dyn., I1 198 n. j.
REKHMIRE,vizier of Thutmose 111:
ancestry of, I1 663; office of, I1 665.
tomb of, I 20; I1 663; inscriptions
of, I1 663-762; reliefs of, I1 712, 714,
717, 7479 752, 7539 756, 761, 762.
REKHPEHTUF,king's-messenger, I11
1 752.
ROME,high priest of Arnon, I11 621,628.
ROY,frontier official, I11 630.
ROY,high priest of Amon, I11 623, 626;
inscription of, I11 618-28; titles of,
111 623; reliefs of, 111 626 n. c, 628.
I1 7.
mother of Bek, I1 975.
RUMA,IV 442.
SABU,also called Ibebi: inscriptions of,
I 282-86; titles of, 283-86; career of,
I 283-286; son of, I 287.
SABU,also called Thety: inscription of,
I 287-88; office of, I 288; son of
Sabu-Ibebi, I 287.
SABU"the black," I 287 n. b.
SATIRNA,king of Naharin, I1 867;
Artatama, father of, I1 866 n. h;
Dushratta, son of, I1 866 n. h; Gilukhipa (=Kirgipa), daughter of, I1
866 n. h, 867.
rock-inscription of, I 719-20.
(sic! for Sebekemsas, wife
of one of the XI11 Dyn. Intefs), queen
Ahhotep restores tomb of, I1 109-1 12.
father of Nehri, I 636.
SEBEK-HIR-HAB,rock-inscription of,
1 725-27.
I 665 n. b.
called Zaa: inscription of,
I 676-87; biography of, I 677-79;
Asiatic campaign of, I 680; honors
of, I 681-82; titles of, I 683; tomb
of, I 684; career of, I 685-86; campaign in Nubia, I 687.
I1 931.


SEBNI:inscriptions of, I 362-74; biography of, I 362-64; death of father

of, I 365; expedition to Nubia, I
366-70; king's letter to, I 371;
honors and reward of, I 372.
SEHETEPIBRE:inscription of, I 743-48;
titles of, I 745; tomb of, I 746; instruction of, I 747-48.
prince, 1 54, 55.
SEMEN,I1 822.
SEMRETES,a Hittite, I11 337.
SENBEF,hereditary prince, IV 918.
SENEB,son of Enkhu, I 783.
SENEKH:inscription of, 1454-56; titles
of, I 455; career of, I 456.
chief scribe, I 343.
leader of recruits, I 343.
vizier: inscriptions of, I
268-77; career of, I 270; royal letters
to, I 271,273; son of, I 274.
SENISENEB,mother of Thutmose I, I1
S E ~ T biography
of, I1 345-68; architect of Hatshepsut, I1 304, 345;
took part in the Punt expedition, I1
290, 346; statues of, I 20; I1 345,
349-58, 363-68; tomb of, I1 348;
titles of, I1 354; tombstone of, I1 348.
inscriptions of, I 231-35;
priest under Userkaf and Sahure,
I 231; tomb of, I 231; endowment
of mortuary priests of, I 232-35.
SENY,IV 485.
SEPLEL,king of Kheta, 111373, 377.
SEPTHER,brother of the Hittite king,
111 337.
SESI, official titles of, I 299.
SETAU,high priest of Nekhbet, I 6 9 n. a;
IV 414-15; tomb at El Kab, IV 41415.
IV 19.
son of Ramses 11, I11 362.
SETI, son of Ramses 11, I11 350, 362.
SETI,viceroy of Kush, afterward King
Seti 11, I11 642, 643, 646, 647.
SETI,vizier, I11 538, 539, 542.
IV 436.
IV 435.
artisan, IV 537, 541.
IV 445.

I, daughter of Osorkon,
Iv 940.
SHEPNWET11, daughter of Piankhi,
IV 940, 946; (=Nitomis), IV 943,
priest, I 218, 221.
chief of Me, IV 675, 677,
683, 687, 787,792; stela of, IV 67587.
hereditary prince, IV 774.
king of Mitanni, I1 866
n. h; see also Satirna.
I 777.
SIAMON,king's-son, IV 646.
SIHATHOR:inscription of, I 599-603;
title of, I 599; commissions of, I 600;
expeditions of, I 602-3.
inscription of, 594-98; childhood of, I 597; career of, I 598;
death of, I 595; birth of, I 596.
I 785.
SINWE: tale of, I 486-97; biography
of, I 486-89; titles of, I 490; death
of Amenemhet, I 491-92; flight to
Palestine, I 493-94; return to the
court of Egypt, I 495-97.
nomarch of Elephantine,
I 510 n. b.
SISATET: inscriptions of, I 671-73;
relatives of, I 676-71.
SISEBEK,prophet, IV 1017.
S ~ T ]mother
of Kheti 11, I414and n. a.
mother of Ikhernofret, I 670,
daughter of Amenhotep 111,
I1 912.
queen, IV 644; mummy of
IV 644.
SITRE,I 426.
SITYOH,I1 612.
nomarch of
Heracleopolis, IV 944.
STIRA,I 716.
I11 51 n. b.
SUDIAMON,IV 672, 673.
S ~ Escribe,
IV 466.


Hittite chief of archers
111 337.
mother of Nesuhor, IV
TESHERE,priest, IV 547, 550, 553.
TA, viyier, IV 414.
tomb of, robbed, IV 499.
of Amenhotep IV, TESITNAKHT,
TETI, I 777.
I1 866 n. h.
chief of Me, father of Pediese, TETI, IV 547.
IV 774; chief of Meshwesh, IV 779, TETI, mother of Thutnakht, I 689.
TETISHERI,grandmother of Ahmose I,
high priest of Amon, IV 698,
I1 33, 36.
794TEWHENUT,mother of Nesubast, IV
TAKELOT,Sem-priest, son of Pediese,
727, 728.
IV, 774.
TEWOSRET,queen of Siptah, IV 400
royal Hittite messenger, I11
n. c.
371, 372TEYEDER,Hittite chief of bodyguard,
princess, IV 795.
111 337.
TEDER,Hittite chef of wamors, I11 TEYNAKHTE,
IV 452.
THANENI,campaign-recorder of ThutTEDIESE,IV 682.
mose 111, I1 392; tomb of, I1 392;
TED^, slave, IV 682.
inscription of, I1 820; referred to,
I1 451 n. d; titles of, I1 820.
TEFIBI, nomarch of Siut: inscriptions
of, I. 393-97; kind rule of, I 395; THARA, I11 633.
war mth the South, I 396; mortuary THAROY,
coppersmith, IV 532.
prayer of, I 394; titles of, I 395; son
of, ruling while a minor, 1395; father m y , 11 1043.
111 632.
of Kheti I, I 403 bis.
king of Libya, IV 43.
chief of the West, IV 818, THEMER,
819, 830; chief of Sais, IV 859, THENEKEMET,
priestess of Harsaphes,
chief' of Me, 838, 854, 880; father of
IV 787, 792.
Bocchoris, IV 884.
THENTI,tomb of, at Giseh, I 182 n. a.
IV 539.
THESHEN,eldest son of Zezemonekh,
queen of Osorkon I , IV
I 186.
king's-daughter, IV
TENR,wife of Merire I, I1 984.
771, 774.
IV 564, 565, 574, 581,582. THETEU,I 361.
mother of Weshtehet, THETHI, nobleman, I 184; master
IV 784.
pyramid builder, I 301.
divine mother, IV 792.
THETHIST (treasurer, X Dyn.): inTENTSEPEH,
priestess of Harsaphes, IV
scription of, I 423A-G; stela of, I
423A n. a; titles of, I 423C; career
7877 792.
of, 1 423D.
king's-daughter, IV 787,
THEWETHES,king of Tenes, I11 337.
IV 695.
THURE, viceroy of Kush, I1 54-55;
TENTTO,a singer, IV 589.
temple-inscription of, at Semneh, I1
61-66; rock-inscriptions of, on Sehel,
TEPERET,king's-confidante, IV 1000.
I1 75-76; rock-inscription of, a t
Assuan, I1 77.
TERE, sister-wife of Pediese, IV 774.
I11 437.
Hittite officer, I11 337.
TERGENENES,Hittite charioteer, I11 THUTEMHAB,commander, IV 367.
tomb-inscriptions of, I


688-706; ancient family of, I 688,

692-93; his great statue, I 694-706.
THUTIY, attendant, I11 632.
general under Hatshepsut and
Thutmose 111, I 24; I1 275; inscription of, I1 369-78; tomb of, I1 369
n. c; titles of, I1 371.
I11 32C.
THUTMOSE,chief scribe, IV 281.
major-domo, IV 672, 673.
T J ~ T N A KI H
IV 423, 443, 446.
TWYA, mother of Tiy, I1 862, 867.
TIY,great queen of Amenhotep 111,
I1 861, 862, 904, 1014, 1016; parents
of, I1 862, 864, 865, 867, 869; pleasure lake of, I1 869; Zerukha city of,
11 869.
TIY,queen of Ramses 111,IV 427, 447.
TIY,wife of Eye, I1 989; nurse of
Ikhnaton, I1 989.
TUTU: inscription of, I1 ~oq-1013;
tomb of, I1 1009.

Urn: inscriptions of, I 292-4; 306-315,

319-24; biography of, I 6; childhood
of, I 292-94; 05ces of, I 293; judge,
I 307; equipment of tomb of, 1 308;
superior custodian, I 309; prosecution of the queen, 1310; war against
the Bedwin, I 311-14; against Palestine, I 315; governor of the South,
1320; expedition to the Ibhet quarry,
142, 321; to Elephantine, 1322; to
Hatnub, I 323; to the Southern Quarries, I 324.
prophet, IV 512.
USERKHEPESH,chief workman, IV
526, 528.
prophet of Min, IV
butler, I V 466.
governor of the door of south
countnes, IV 980.
UZAI, 1 343.
wife of Mentemhet, IV 951.
queen of Osorkon 11,
IV 792.
high priest of Heracleopolis, IV 787, 792.

prophet, IV 726, 727, 728;
stela of, IV 725-28.
son of Nekonekh, I
218, 221.
envoy to Syria, I 18; report
of, IV 557-9'.
divine father, IV 668.
WENPEHTI,weaver, IV 552.
WERET,mother of Meya, I11 3zB.
WERET,Syrian prince, IV 566.
WERMER,king of Libya, IV 43.
vizier of Neferirkere: tombinscription of, I 243-48; untimely
death of, I 246; his ebony coffin,
I 247; buried by the king, I 248;
beside the pyramid of Sahure, I 249.
WESTEHET,chief caravaneer, IV 784;
relief of, IV 783.
WOSER,vizier, uncle of Rekhmire, I1
663,665; tomb of, I1 671 n. e; tombinscription of, I1 671 n. e.

I 387.
YARSU,a Syrian chief, IV 398.
YATA,mother of Ptahwer, I 728.
YATU,1 723.
YATU,mother of Amenhotep, I1 912;
burial of, I1 920.
high priest of Amon, I V 794;
will of, IV 795.
Ym, stela inscription of, at Edfu, I1
Yw, 11132c.
Ym, judge, I11 32B.
YUYA,father of Tiy, I1 862, 867; tomb
of. I1 861 n. c.

ZAA, surname of Sebek-khu, I 676, 683.

prince of Byblos, IV 566,
ZATY,I 343.

. i

ZATY,called Kenofer, crown prince, I

ZAU,son of Zau-Shemai: inscription of,
1380-85; biography of, I 380; titles
of, I 381; burial of his father, 1382;
tomb of, I 383; prayer of, I 384;
succession of, I 385.
ZAU,vizier, brother of queen of Pepi I,
1347; relief of, 1344; titles of, 1348;
his five brothers of the same name,
son of Ibi, 1380, 382, 383.
of Mendes, IV 878.

prince, IV 815, 830.
ZEDI, divine father, IV, 547, 553.
ZEDKHIW, prince in Khentnofer, I V
high priest of Amon,
IV 650, 668, 689, $1, 692.
ZEMI,SOX of Harkhuf, I 336 n. a.
ZEPER,I11 630.
prophet, IV 699.
treasurer of the god, I
186 bis.
scribe, IV 640.


ADL[INISTRATOR,IV 525, 671, 676;

Methen, I 173, 174.
SEAT,OF: Thethi, I 423C,
423D, Amenemhet, 1445.
OF THE PEOPLE: Mentuhotep, I 533.
second in rank in the
temple, I 550.
ARCEITECT:see Chief of works.
ARTIFICER,1262, 285, 447; I1 92, 436;
IV 488 n. c; rank of, I11 271.
Chief artificer, Nakhtamon, IV 466.
ART1sAN, 'I1 '75; IV 539, 54IB 5S1,
600, 858.
-Assistant artisan, I 298, 301.
Nefer~eret,11 28;
Bek, 11 975; Thutmose, 111 32C;
BrknekhOnsu, II1 566; Amenhote~,
IV 489.
to Dep, Mentuhotep, I 5 I 2.
-to the Double House, Sabu-Ibebi, I
284, 285; Merire-Meriptah-Onekh,
I 298, 29.9; Sesi, I 299.
-to the lung: Ptahshepses, I 258-61;
Sabu-Ibebi, I 283.
-Attached to Nekhen: Uni, I 293;
Kknumhotep 1, I 464; Amenemhet,
I 518; Mentuhote~,I 531, 533; Senmut, 11352; Ramose, 11936; Khay,
I11 556; see also, Judge.
-Attached to the pyramid: EnekhnesMerire 1, I 345; Enekhnes-Merire
11, 1 341, 346.
I1 53, 474; I11 69; IV
124, 402, 405, 407; Sinuhe, I 490;
Re, I1 1043; Thutiy, I11 632; Nakhtamon, I11 633.
attendant: Uni, I 293;
Harkhuf, I 332.
-Commander of attendants, q. v.
-Feast-day attendant, Sabu-Ibebi, I
284, 285, 286.
-King's attendant, Iri, I 369; Zaa,
I 687; Mai, I1 997; Neferhotep, I11

BELOVED,KING'S, I11 102; SabuIbebi, I 285; Thethi, I423C; Sinuhe,

1 490; Khnumhotep, I 618; Rhui,
I 675; Enebni, I1 213; Ahrnose, I1
1004; Hamhab, 111 16.
- o f Buto, Dedkere-Isesi, I 264.
god, Merikeref I 399.
-of Khnum, Mernere, I 317.
- o f the lord of Coptos, Pepi I, I 296.
---of Upwawet, Mother of Kheti 11, I


South and
North, IV, 460.



of quern, Enekhnes-Merire 11,

I 34
BuTLER, IV 409, 466, 522, 524, 543,
585; Pebes, IV 423,426,452; Kedendenna, IV 423; Maharbaal, IV 423;
Payernu, IV 423; Thutrekhnefer, IV
423; Mesedsure, IV 428; Weren, IV
437; Peluka, IV 439; Yenini, IV 440;
Nebzefai, 1V 445; Henutenamon,
IV 448; Nakhtamon, IV 466; Penamon, IV 5S4.
-Butlers of the palace, IV 402.
-Constituting a lower court, IV 443,
446, 448, 449, 450.
-King's butler, 111 371; IV 54, 55,
67, 77, 497, 511, 598; Neferhotep,
111 70; Ramses-eshahab, I11 496,
498; Usennare-sekhepersu, IV 466;
Amenhotep, IV 495; Nesuamon,
IV, 495, 511, 513, 522, 526, 528, 531,
533, 540; Neferkere-em-Per-Arnon,
IV 495, 511, 513, 522, ~ 3 ~~n i ,IV
546; Pemeriamon, IV 546.

CAPTAIN: Merire-onekh, I 343; Nekeonekh, I 343; Yekerib, I 343;
Khnumenkhef, I 343; Hemukhrow,
--of archers, I11 484, 587, 631; IV 405,
552; Perehimnamef, I11 482; Binemwese, IV 443.
- o f infantry, IV 65; Khay, I11 630,
632; Penamon, I11 633; Peremhab,
I11 634.
--of gendarmes of Coptos, I1 774.
--of marines, IV 407.



Captain--of police, Oneney, IV 452.

-Fleet-captain, I1 750.
-Ship captain, IV 211, 572; NenekhKhentikhet, I 266, 276; Ikhi, I 301;
Intef, 1365; Ipi, I 387; Men, I 606;
Nibarnon, I1 779; Mengebet, IV
565, 566.
I 312, 334, 336;
Harkhuf, I 332, 334; -khuf, I 343;
Menre-onekh, I 343; Neke-onekh,
-1343; Pepi-nakht, I 356; Enenkhet,
-Chief caravaneer: Weshtehet, IV 784.
CHIEFS(in Egypt), I1 172, 385, 1023;
111 405; Iv 65, 281, 398, 468, 489,
873,875; Thutiy, I1 372; Perekamenef, IV 445 ; Osorkon, IV 777.
-ofarchers: Enebni, I1 2 13; Peramses,
I11 542; Seti, I11 542.
-ofthe army, Ramses 11, I11 288.
-Builders, IV 858.
- o f the chamber, IV 437; Pebekkamen
IV 427, 428.
- o f chiefs: Sheshonk, IV 675, 677;
Namlot, IV 678, 683, 687.
- o f the royal council halls,Ahmose-SiNeit, IV rooo n. a.
- o f a district: Zeptahefonekh, IV 699;
Wayeheset, IV 726; Kharnwese, IV
-Fowler, Harnahkt, I 718;
- o f gendarmes, IN, I11 198.
-of foreign gendarmes, Sefi, I11 542.
--of police, IV 522; Beknurel, IV 512;
Menthirkhepeshef, IV 512; Nesuaman, IV 545, 548, 552.
-ofpolice of the necropolis, in Western
Thebes, Pewero, IV 511, 512, 522,
--of the harbor. Somtous-Tefnakhte,
IV 944.
- o f harem-ladies. I1 867.
necropolis official),
-of the highlaid
1584, 58.5.
-of the house of Pharaoh, Senebtefi.
1 723.
- o f irrigation, Wayheset, IV 726.
- o f king's estate, Senmut, I1 386.
- o f the land: Senmut, I1 357; Harmhab, I11 25, 26.
--of militia in Busiris, Psamtik, IV 968.
- o f the New Towns, 1 354; see also
Governor of.
- o f all nobles of judicial office: Amenemhet, I 438. --of oblation-bearersof House of Amon:
Yuroi, IV 515.



the palace: Ahmose-Si-Neit, IV

Pefnefdineit, IV 1017.
- o f the peasantry, I11 322.
- o f the peasant-serfs of Amon: Senmut,
11 354.
-ofthe people (r&y.t), I1 236, 238.
-ofthe phyle, Nesuptah, IV 908.
- o f the priestly phyle of Abydos:
Ameniseneb, I 782, 787.
- o f quany service, I1935; Amonmose,
IV 466; Beknekhonsu, IV 466.
- o f the sailors: Ahmose, son of Ebana,
I1 80.
-ofsculptors: Bek, 11975; Men, 11976.
-Sistrum-bearer of Harsaphes, Tentsepeh, IV 787, 792; Thenekemet, IV
787, 792; Petpetdedes, IV 787, 792.
- o f the stable: Amenhotep, I1 818;
Ini, I11 198; Pemerhketem, I11 634.
- o f the court stables, I V 466.
- o f strongholds: Sisebek, IV 1017.
- o f the temples: Ahmose-Si-Neit, IV
1000 n. a.
- o f temple-palace: Huy, IV 338.
- o f the White House : AmeN, I 722.
- o f works, 1646; I1 384; I11 264,271;
Senezemib, I 271-73; Merire-Meriptah-onekh, I 298, 299; Amenemhet,
I 442, 445; Mentuhotep, I 531; Simontu, 1598; Ineni, I143,106; Rekhmire, I1 757; Hui, I11 210; Hatey,
I11 513; Ramses-nakht, IV 466;
Amenhotep, IV 491; Haremsaf, IV
706, 708.
- o f chiefs of works: Senmut, I1 368.
- o f works of Amon: Intef, I1 775.
- o f works in the "Eternal Seat": .
Meya, I11 3zB.
- o f the king's work: Amenhotep, I1
912, 917;
Ramose, I1 9.36;
. .
.- Mai, I1
997--of works in the Red Mountain: Bek,
I1 975; Men, I1 976.
-workmen: Userkhepesh, IV 526.
- o f workmen: Pediamon, IV 668; see
also under Commander, Deputy
Door-keeper, Fan-bearer, Favontes,
Inspector, Judge, Justice, Measurer,
Mayor, Physician, Priest, Prophet,
Mortuary priest, Ritual priest, Scribe,
--Chiefs of Heracleopolis, Karnak, two
lands and two towns of the Oasis,
Sais, Two Lands, the West, see
Index VI.
-Chiefs of Kush, Libya, see Index VI.
chief of the chamber,
Eshehebsed, IV 438.
Chiefs-The Great Chief of Me: Musen, IV
787, 792; Pethut, IV 787, 792; sheshonk, IV 675,677,678,680,787,792;
Namlot, IV 676, 678, 683, 685, 686,
687,. 787, 792; Takelot, IV 774, 779;
Pedlese, IV 774, 779; Heaenker,
IV 784; Akenesh, IV 815, 868;
Zeamonefonekh, IV 815, 830; Sheshonk, IV 830; Nesnekedi, IV, 830,
878; Tefnakhte, IV 838, 854, 880;
Pethenef, IV 878; Pemou, IV 878;
Nekhtharneshenu, IV 878; Pentewere,
IV 878; Pentibekhenet, IV 878.
Great Chief of Meshwesh:
Ta.kelot, IV 779, 781; Pediese, IV
IV 111, 129.
regulations of, I1 298;
chief of: Khamale, IV 466.
-Commandant of Coptos, Kinen, I
776; of fortress, I1 718,719; I11 586;
of Tham: Peramses, 111 542; %ti,
111 542; of infantry, IV 466; of
ruler's table, I1 695;
. - of towns, I11
-Great commandant of the residence
city: Zaa, I 683.
C O ~ E A N D IV
E R824,
, 825; Inushefenu,
IV 366, 367.
- o f the army, I1864; I11264,332,484;
IV 810. 821: Ibdu. I zoz: Yakhetirni,
3871 ~ a t ~ - ~ e < o f I& 389;
(CrownPrince)Sesostns I, 1qgz;MenI
mose, I1 947 n. a; Mai, I1 997,
1oo2 ; Ramses, I11 482 ; Inushefenu,
IV 366, 367; Thutemhab, IV 367;
Peyes, IV 445; Paynozem (I), IV 643;
Purem. IV 821: Lemersekenv, IV
821; ~ n e k h o r IV
, (830), 878; ~ k r m e ,
IV 881; Ahmose, IV 1014.
-in chief of the army, IV 109, 121, 124
n. 1); Amenmose, I1 81I ; Hannhab,
I11 4, 16; Amenhirkhepeshef, I11
350, 482; Hrihor, IV 609, 612;
Menkheperse, IV 652, 653, 654, 655;
Paynozem, IV 671; Yewepet, IV
700, 705; Osorkon, IV 753, 760, 762;
Yewelot, IV 795; Somtous-Tefnakhte
IV 944.
- o f Ithe whole land: Kheti I, I 398
(Herakleopolitan kingdom) ; Ramses (111). IV 400.
- o f the &my of Heracleopolis: Namlot, IV 787, 792; ~ z ~ i a h e n k h oIV
787, 792; Henptah, IV 787, 792;


Harpeson, IV 787, 792; Hor, IV

--of attendants, Zaa, I 687.
- o f commanders, Amenemhet, I 445,
--of followers, Amenemhet, I 707,
--of infantry, I11 484. .
- o f Middle Egypt, Kheti 11, I 4x0.
- o f the official body of the king, I 445.
- o f recruits, Mentuhotep, I 512.
- o n the river, Senekh, 1 455.
--of sailors, Enenkhet, I 360.
- o f strongholds, I 312; Ibi, I 377;
Zau, I 381, 384.
- o f the stronghold of granary, Ibi, I
- o f the troops: Merire-onekh, I 303;
Amenemhet, I 707; Thaneni, I1 820;
Mermose, I1 852.
--of troops in the highlands, Senekh,
1 445.
- o f the troops of a village, I1 852.
-in chief of the troops of Oryx nome,
Amenemhet, I 519.
- o f works upon the mountain, Uzahor,
IV 980.
--chief commander of the army of
Heracleopolis, Bekneptah, IV 777.
-naval commander. I 2 I I. 276: Amenemhab, I1 591.


I 334, 336, 355; I1 1008;
111 270; Iv 611, 652; uni. I 307;
Senmut, I1 352, 361, 366; Thutiy,
I1 371; Amenemhab, I1 579; Nehi,
I1 652; Rekhmire, I1 713; Intef, I1
--of the feet: Amenhotep, I1 818;
Harmhab, I11 20; Rekhpehtuf, I11
--of Horus (queen's title) : EnekhnesMerire I, I 345; Enekhnes-Merire 11,
--of the palace, I 312; Amenemhet, I
-Companions, I 246, 312, 755, 757,
758, 761; 11 236, 292, 335, 353,8731
935,993; 11120,484; IV 52, 54, 71,
77, 147, 398, 460, 494, 629, 765, 958
D, 988H; counted by the herald,
I1 767; permitted to "enter in" to
his majesty, IV 460.
--of the court, I1 290, 292.
- o f Ptah, I11 400.
-Female companions, I11 267.
--of the king, I 201; IV 958D, 966,
-Sole companion, I 505; Kam, I 187;
Re-am, I 281; Uni, I 293, 309;
Merire-meri~tah-onekh. I 208., zoo:
~enekhsesGnum,I 305; Iri, I 333;
Harkhuf, I 326, 332, 336, 352;
Khuni, I 336; Pepi-Nakht, I 356 bis;
Enenkhet, I 360; Sebni, I 364;
Mekhu, I 365, 368, 370; Ibi, 1 377
bis; Zau, I 381, 384; Tefibi, I 395;
Kheti I, I 395; Kheti 11, I 395,426;
Henu, I 428 bis; Eti, I 459 n. a;
Khnumhotep I, I 464; Intef, I 467;
Idi, 1466 n. c; Putoker, I 466 n. c;
Sinuhe, I 490; Mentuhotep, I 512;
Mentuhotep, I 533; Simontu, I 596;
Khnumhotep 11, I 631; Nakht 11,I
632; Khnumhotep 111, I 633; Kheti,
I 627 n. a: Ikhernofret. I 664: Neferp"e;et, 1128; Keres, 11 52; ' ~ h u r e ,
II17on.c( ?); Nehsi,IIzgo; Senmut,
I1350; Puemre,II 385; Nehi,II 652;
Rekhmire, I1 713; Intef, I1 763, 767;
Amenhotep, I1 912; Ramose, I1 936;
Mai, I1 997, 1002; Amenhotep, I1
1040; Harmhab, I11 8, 16, 20; Somtous-Tefnakhte, IV 944; Neferibrenofer, IV 981; Nesuhor, IV 995;
Ahrnose - Si Neit, IV 1000; Pefnefdineit, IV 1017.
of overseers, Amenemhet,
--of the palace, Amenemhet, I 445.

KING'S: I 298; IV 873;
Thethi, I 184; Nekennebti, I 194;
Nekure, I 195; Hetephires, I 196;
Kennebtiwer, I 197; Nekonekh, I
216, 217, 224; Khenuka, 1 2 2 0 , 222;
Nonekhsesi, I 230; Kheti I, I 403;
Kheti I1 (?), 1413; Ikudidi, 1527;
Khnumhotep 11, I 622; Ibe, IV
-Real confidant of the king: Sinuhe,
I 490; Men, I 606; Khentemsemeti,
I 609; Senmut, I1 352; Harmhab,
I11 20; Khnumhotep, I 618; Khui,
I 675; Sebekdidi, I 720.
-Confidant of the princes of the king:
Kheti 11, I 413.
KING'S: Henutsen, I
185; Nekennebti, I 199; Hezethekenu,I 217,218,221,224; Ikhnoubet,
1230; Teperet, IV 1000.
DIVINE: see Divine consort.
I1 666.
Khnumhotep, I11 I 663.
COUNT,I 312, 336, 414; I11 484; Uni,
Izg3,320; Harkhuf, 1326,332,336;

Zau, I 348; Khui, I 349; PepiNakht, I 356; Thethi, 1361; Khui,

I 361; Sebni, 1364, 372; Mekhu, I
370; Ibi, I 377; Zau, 1384; Tefibi,
I 391, 395; Kheti I, I 391; Kheti 11,
I 391; Intef, I 419; Amenemhet, I
438,445; Khnmhotep I, 1464, 625,
626; Intef, 1467; Mentuhotep, 1512;
Amenemhet, I 518; Crown Prince
Ameni, I 520; Crown Prince Sesostris
(11), I 521; Mentuhotep, I 531, 533;
Hepzefi, 1537-39,541,544,549,554~
Sirnontu, I 596; Khentkhetwer, I
605; Nehri, I 628; Khnumhotep 11,
1622, 624, 629, 631, 639; Nakht 11,
1632; Kheti, I637 n. a; Ikhernofret,
1664; Sebek-khu, Zaa, 1683; Thutnakht, I 689; Sehetepibre, I 745;
Minemhet, I 776; Ahmose-PenNekhbet, I1 20; Ineni, I1 43; Keres,
I1 52; Nehsi, I1 290; Senmut, I1 350,
354,362,366; Thutiy, I1 371; Puemre, I1 383, 385; Hapuseneb, I1 389;
Nehi, I1 652; Rekhmire, I1 713, 754,
757; Intef, I1 763, 767, 775; Minhotep, I1 800; Khamhet, I1 872;
Amenhotep, I1 912; Ramose, I1 936;
Mai, I1 997, 1002; Huy, I1 1036;
Amenhotep, I1 1040; Harmhab, 111,
8, 16, 20; Beknekhonsu, I11 563;
Amenhotep, IV 495; Namlot, IV
787, 792; Uzptahenkhof, IV 787,
792; Henptah, IV 787, 792; Harpeson, IV 787, 792; Henptah, IV 787,
792; Harpeson, IV 787, 792; Uzahor
IV 980; Neferibre-nofer, IV 981;
Nesuhor, IV 995; Pefnefdineit, IV
-Appointment of, by the king, I 385;
given as a mortuaq honor, I 385 n. c.
-Daughter of count, Beket, I 622.
-Son of count: Amenemhet, I 519;
Khnumhotep 11, I 629.
-Counts of Abydos, Coptos, Middle
Egypt, Thinis, see Index VI.
COUNTESS:Beket, I 628.
IV 992.
--of the domain of Pharaoh, I 382;
Pepi-nakht, I 356;
-Inferior custodian of the domain of
Pharaoh, Uni, I 294;
-Superior custodian of the domain of
Pharaoh, the four, I 309; Uni, I 300.
310, 312.
DARLING:Zau, I 381; Khnumhotep,
I 618.
OF THE GOD(queen's title) :
Enekhnes-Merire 11, I 346.
IV 042; Shepnupet 11, IV 946;
Amenirdis I, IV 949.
DEPUTY,111 371; collecting dues, I11
51, 54; Methen, I 172, 174; Mahu,
I1 809; Peremhab, I11 634; Ptahmose, IV 338; Hori, IV 531.
-of the army, IV 466; Amenemhab,
I1 809; Khamtir, IV 466; the two
of, collecting dues, I11 54.
- o f fortress: Penno, I1 1041.
- o f the harem: Amenkha, IV 449.
-of the king: Harmhab, I11 17.
- o f nomes: Methen, I 172.
- o f Rush, 11 1041.
-of Wawat, IV 480; Penno, IV 474,
477, 482, 483; Men, IV 481; see
also Treasurer.
-Chief deputy, IV 466; scribe of, I V
: Mertityotes, I 189.
OF THE KING,11236, 238,
290, 292, 335, 343.
DISTRICTOFFICIALS,I1 717, 729; recorders of, I1 717, 729.
DIVINE CONSORT: Ahmose-Nefretiri,
I1 34; Ahhotep, I1 110; Hatshepsut,
I1 314, 360, 361, 362; Nefrure, I1
364; Nitrocris, IV 942, 943, 988D;
Mehetnusekhet, IV y58M, Enekhnesneferibre, IV 988D, G, H ; ornaments of, IV 988H; steward of, IV
DIVINE FATHER (priestly title of low
rank, also king's father-in-law) II,97;
292, 302, 925; I11 270, 958D; inspection of, I 610; acting as judge,
I11 65; Puemre, I1 383; Eye, I1 989,
992, 993; Senbef, IV 918; Psamtik,
IV 1029.
-Divine father of Amon, I V 988H, J;
Neferhotep, I1171; Perennefer, 11173;
Bekinekhonsu, I11 566; Roy, I11 623;
Zedi, IV 547; Zekhonsefonekh, IV
668, 689, 691, 692; Nesupekeshuti,
I V 668, 689; Wennofer, IV 668, 692;
Efnamon, IV 692; Haremsaf, IV
706, 708.
--of Harsaphes: Musen, IV 787, 792;
Pethut, IV 789, 792; Sheshonk, IV
787, 792; Namlot, IV 787, 792.


--of Sekhetre : ~nekhwennofer,IV 718;

Senbef, IV 718; Ptahhotep, IV 718.
DIVINE HAND(=divine votress), I V
DNINE MOTHER: Tentsepeh, I V 792;
Kerome, IV 792; Temekhonsu, I V
792; Kepes, IV 792.
-of Amon-Re, IV 511, 513, 521, 522;
Nitocris, IV 942, 945, 958D, M,
988G; induction into office of, I V
958D, 986H; ornaments of, I V
: of judgment-hall, I1711.
--of the templeof Edfu: Yuf, I1 112.
-Chief of the door-keepers in the temple of Hathor, Pese'eke, IV 784; see
also "Keeper of the door."
(priestly title), I 1 97.

- Eldest of the hall" of the temple of
Amon: Wenamon, IV 563.
ENVOY:Wenamon, I 18; see King's
EPER, IV 466.
EPRU, IV 281.
Enebin, I1 213.

111014; 11141, 94, 332,
65 I ; IV 76, I 24; Mentuhotep, I 514;
Amenhotep, I1 9 12 ; Merire I, 11988;
Eye, I1 989, 992; Ahmose, I1 1004;
Huy, I1 1029; Harmhab, I11 16, 17;
Meya, 111328; Amenemopet, I11 204
n. b; Amenhirnnamef, 111 467, 471,
477; Seti, 111 542; Piyay, I11 644;
Seti, I11 646, 647.
-Chiefs of fan-bearers, I1 935.
qiven to Harmhab, 111 26.
-Great father (=teacher), Senmut, I1
FAVORITE,11 994, 996; were a prey to
the terror of Heracleopolis, I 401.
--Of Horns: Simontu, I 596; Harmhab, I11 17.
- o f the king: Mertitybtes, I 55, 189;
Senezemib, I 270; Harkhuf, I 332;
Zau, I 381; Kheti 11, I 409, 413;


Thethi, I 423 ter, 423E; Henu, I

428; Amenemhet, I 442, 445; Men,
I 508; Mentuhotep, I 512; Mentuhotep, I 531; Khnumhotep, I 618;
Khui, I 675; Sebekdidi, I 720; Senmut, I1 352; Thutiy, I1 371; Intef,
I1 767; Rekhpehtuf, I11 642; Amenhotep, IV 498; Ahmose-Si-Neit, IV
1000 n. a.
-Chief of favorites, Nesikhonsu, IV
-Favorite of the king (lady's title) : Nebet, 1349.
-Favorite of the Two Goddesses (one of
the oldest of the Pharaoh's five titles,
designating him as the protege of
Buto, serpent-goddess of the North,
and Nekhbet, vulture-goddess of the
South, the patron-goddesses of the
kingdom; it stands second in the
Pharaoh's fivefold titulary), I 169;
I1 120 et passim.
FELLOWOF THE KING, in counseling,
Mentuhotep, I 531.
UNDER THE KING: Sesi, I 299;
Nenekhseskhnum, I 305; Thethi,
THE KING,I1 993; Thethi,
I 423C; Enebni, I1 213; Eye, I1
993; Ahmose, I1 1008; Harmhab,
I11 20.
FOREMEN,I 697; foreman of the:
Ineni, I1 343; Senmut, I1 352.
--of the Tomb, Beket, I 639.

GENERAL: Thutiy, I 24; Harmhab,
I11 16.
- o f the army, I1 925.
Uni, I 294; Simontu, I 597.
GOD(=king), I 262, 273 et passim.
-Great god, I 169, 176, 236 et passim;
writing of, I 264.
GOLDENHORUS(one of the five royal
titles), I 250 et passim.
I11 322, 323; Kam I 187.
- o f Dep, Methen, I 172, 174, 201;
Sinuhe, I 490; Mentuhotep, I 512;
Sisebek, IV 1017.
--of the door of the southern countries;,
Uzehor, IV 980; Nesuhor, IV 990,
- o f the eastern highlands: Khnurnhotep I I 625; Khnumhotep 11, I
622, 624.

- o f foreign countries: Pepi-nakht, I

356; Seti, I11 542; Peramses, I11 542.
- o f the gold countries of Amon: Seti
(11), I11 647.
- o f the gold country of Coptos, I1 774.
- o f the palace: Nenekhseskhnum, I
305; Mentuhotep, 1533.
--of the pyramid city: Zau, I 348;
Pepinakht, 1356.
- o f the new towns: Nekonekh, I 216.
- o f the northern countries, I11 484.
-Governor of the residence city, I11
484; IV 777; Amenemhet, I 438,
442,445 ; Crown Prince Sesostris(11),
I 521; Nehri, I 628; Enkhu, I 783;
Hapuseneb, I1 389; Rekhmire, 11
675, 754; Amenhotep, I1 923; Ramose, I1 936,937 n. a, 940; Seti, 111
542; Peramses, 111, 542; Khay, I11
556, 560; Ta, IV 414; Khamwese,
I f 7 5;1,.513, 522, 523, 531, 532, 540,
543; Nlbmarenakht, IV 546; Pay
nozem I, IV 634; Paynozem 11, IV
-Governor of the South, IV 753; UN,
I 293, 320 bis; Harkhuf, 1326, 533;
Sebnl, I 364; Ibi, I 377; Amenemhet, 1445; Putoker, I466 n. c; Thutnakht, I 689; Osorkon, IV 765, 767,
777; Namlot, IV 787, 792; Uzptahenkhof, IV 787, 792; Henptah, IV
787, 792; Harpeson, IV 787, 792;
Mentemhet, IV 904, 949.
-Governor of the Southern Countries,
I11484; Thure, I1 170 n. c ( 7); Nehi,
I1 651, 652; Huy, I1 1029; Amenhotep, I1 1030; Amenemopet, I11
204 n. b; Seti (II), 111 646.
of Elephantine of the
South, I1 172.
-Real governor of the South: Nenekhseskhnum, 1305; Ibi, 1378.
-Governor of the two doors in the
northern countries: Ahmose, IV 1014.
Simontu, I 598.
I1 292 bis; I11 264, 484.
- o f the palace, head of: Thethi, I
423C, 423E.
(queen's title) :
Enekhnes-Merire I, I 345 ; EnekhnesMerire 11, I 346.
EGYPT: Amenemhet, I 445; Sehetepibre, I 745.
GREATONES, of Heracleopolis, I 401.
Eti, 1: 459.
GREATSEER,IV 281; Merire I, I1 982,
9831 985, 987, 988.
- o f Re-Atum in Thebes, Roy, I11
OF THE GREAT:Senmut, 11
355; Harmhab, I11 20.
Thethi, I 423C.
KING'S: Neferibre-nofer, IV

IV 572.
I11 27.
HEIR OF A RULER:Kheti I, I 400.
I1 925 n. a; duties of, 11 52,
764, 767; departments of office of:
mana.ger of court and palace ceremonies, I1 764, 767; communications to the people by, I1 764, 767;
communications from the people to,
I1 764, 767; messenger of the judgmenbhall, I1 764, 767; communication i:o foreign lands by, I1 764, 767.
- o f the judgment-hall, Intef, I1 763.
-King's herald, I1 9, 11; Intef, I1 763,
767, 768; Penrenut, IV 423; Neferkere-em-Per-Amon, IV 495, 511, 513,
522, ,j31; IN, IV 546.
-Queen's herald: Keres, I1 50, 52.
HIGHPRIEST,see Priest.
Henu, I 428.
Ibi, I 378.
-by the king, Sabu-Ibebi, I 283, 284,
285, :286.
H o ~ u (the
oldest of the Pharaoh's five
titles, and the one identifying him
with the sun-god; it stands iirst in
the fivefold royal titulary), e. g., I1
120 et passim.
HORUS,GOLDEN(third title of the
Pharaoh in his fivefold titulary; the
Greek rendering cEvrtudrXov h 4 p r e pos suggests that the gold-sign (nb)
on which the Horus-hawk stands, js
but a symbol for Set, whose name 1s
written with this sign. The Hornshawk surmounting the symbol of Set
would then mean, "Horus Victor over
Set." Butagainst this is the early
literal rendering of the gold-sign, in
I1 145), e. g., I1 120 et passim.
-hry ydb: Mentuhotep, I 533.


IMI-KHENTIT:Tutu, I1 1009.
I1 1026; IV 208,360,361,
407, 466, 652, 671, 676, 751, 958G;
Impost from, IV 225; laws on, I11 58.
- o f the cattle of Amon, IV 212.
--of the fields, I1 437; I11 275; IV 149.
--of the necropolis, IV 511, 512, 517,
522, 5253 533, 593.
--of the harem, IV 455; Petewnteamon,
IV 43 I ; Kerpes, IV 432 ; Khamopet,
IV 433; Khammale, IV 434; Setimperthoth, IV 435; Setimperamon, IV
436; Errem, IV 455.
--of the highlands, 111 192.
-Chief inspector: Perehotep, IV 281;
Hori, IV 281; Nesupekeshuti, IV
665, 668.

JUDGE: Anubisemonekh, I 171; Methen, I 172; Hotep, I 187; Zaty, I 343;
-khet, I 343; Zau, I 348; Sinuhe,
I 490; Ramose, I1 936; Yui, I11
32B; Khay, I11 556, 560; receiving
bribes, 111 64.
-Attached to Nekhen, I 310; Hotephiryakhet, I 252; Sesi, 1299; Khui, I
299; UN, 1307,309; Harkhuf, I 332;
Pepl-nakht, 1356; see also "Attached
to Nekhen."
-Chief judge, I 307; IV 777; Senezemib, I 271,273; Ini, I 373; Amenemhet, I 445; Mentuhotep, I 531.
-Field judge: Methen, I 174; son of
Henutsen, I 185; see also "Highvoiced."
-Judging the people and the inhabitants, Amenemhet, I 445.
-Justice, chief: Zau, I 347, 348; Ramose, I1 936; Khay, I11 556, 560.
-Chief of the six courts: Nenekhseskhnum, I 305; Henu, I 428; Amenemhet, I 445; Rekhmire, I1 713, 754.


Zau, I 380; Intef, I 420; Henu, I
428; Amenemhet, 1445.
- o f the door of the highlands, Khnumhotep 111, I 633.
- o f the house of rolls, I11 264.
- o f the wardrobe of the temple (fourth
in rank), I 550, 559; in charge of the
wicks, I 560, 566.
- o f the wide hall of the temple (sixth


in rank), I 550; see also Door-keeper,

KENBETI, 11 719, 720, 722, 7233 727,
733, 734, 738, 745.
I11 66.
KING, EGYPTIAN:divine birth of, I1
122, 187, 189 et passim; choice. of,
by oracle, 11 134-36; offers incense,
I1 139; station of, in temple ritual,
see Station of the king; as Bull, Lion,
Panther, see Index VII; mourning
for nomarch, Kheti 11, I 414.
-Names of, see H o w , Golden Horus,
Two Goddesses, King of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Son of Re.
-Titles of: the double lord, I11 285;
enduring in monuments, I 441 et
passim; excellent god, I 441 et passim; fashioner of beauty, I 423B;
I 423G et passim; first in thrones,
1411 et pjzssim; good god, I 492 et
passim; great in love, I 441 et passim; "Great Pillar," I 420 n. d et
passim; heir of Homs in his Two
Lands, I 441 et passim; living forever, I 437, 440, 450, 456 et passim;
living like Re forever, 423B, 423F
323G I 441, 443 et passim; lord of
joy, I 441 et passim; mighty in fear,
I 441 et passim; son of Hathor, I
423H; Sun of Egypt, IV 79,82,127;
"who makes his Two Lands to live,"
I 420, and n. f, et passim; shade of
the whole land, I 399 et passim;
"Star of the South," I ~ I I White
Bull, I 511 et passim; king among
the Bedwin, Sinuhe, I 490.
K m c OF LOWEREGYPT,I 95, 145; 111
175; appearance of, I 105, 114, 121,
123, 127, 129, 131, 134, 140, 141, 143,
150, 167.
of, 1 99, 105, 116, 119,
121, 134, 14% 141, 143, 150, 167;
magnates of, I 445, 745.
(early title of the Pharaoh, the fourth
in his fivefold titulary: assumed by
by Menes as ruler of both kingdoms),
e. g., I1 120 et passim.
KING'SCHILDREN,I 246, 256, 413; I1
IV 844.
IV 844, 849; Ahmose-Nefretiri, 11 34; Sebekemsaf,

I1 112; Nefrure, I1 344; Hatshepsut,

I1 360; Sitamon, I1 912; Meretaton,
11 961, 1017; Meketaton, 11 961;
Amose-Sitkamose, IV 644; Makere,
IV 740; Kerome, IV 755; Thesperebast, IV 771, 774, 781; Tentsepeh,
IV 787, 792; Tedenetnebast, IV 795;
Nestent IV 844; Nitocris, IV 942;
Amenirdis I, IV 946; Eneknesneferibre, IV 988C, D, H.
KING'S ELDESTSON,I 66 n. g; A m e ~ ,
I 520; Zaty-Kenofer, I 389; Amenmose, I1 81 I ; Amenhirkhepeshef, I11
482; Nesuhor, IV 990.
KING'SHOUSE,see Index VII. .
KING'SMOTHER,IV 523,525, 528,696,
895; Neferhotepes, I 241; EnekhnesMerire I, I 345; Enekhnes-Merire 11,
I 341, 346; Tetisheri, I1 33, 36;
Ahhotep I, I1 52, 111; Seniseneb, I1
58; Ahmose, I1 196; Mehetnusekhet,
I V 792; Tentsey, IV 695, 787, 792;
Kerome, IV 696, 787, 792.
KING'SSISTER,IV 844, 895; AhmoseNefretiri, I1 34; Sebekemsaf, I1 110;
Hatshepsut, I1 360:
KING'SSON(of his body), 111 102, 124;
IV log, 121; Nekure, I 190, 193;
Ameni, I 520; Kinen, I 776; Thutmose (IV), I1 815; Ramses (11), I11
132; Khamwese, I11 350, 362, 474,
482, 55% 553, 554; Merimon, 111
350, 362; Seti, I11 350, 362; Amenhirkhcpeshef, I11 350, 456, 482;
Montu, I11 362; Amenemuya, 111
362; Setepnere, I11 362; Ramses,
I11 456,482; Perehi~namef,111456,
482; Amenhirunamef, I11 467, 474,
477; Siamon, IV 646; Yewepet, IV
705; Meriamon-Sheshonk, IV 740;
Osorkon, IV 753; Sheshonk, IV 774;
Yewelot, IV 794; Nesubenebded, IV
of Kush: Thure, I1 64,
170 n. e; Enebni, I1 213; Nchi, I1
651, 652; Mermose, I1 852, 855;
Huy, I1 1023, 1025,1026, 1029,1036,
1038; Amenhotep, I1 1030, 1038.
Amenemopet, I11 204 n. b, 477 bis.
--of Kush, I11 289, 291, 292; IV 476;
Huy, 111023, 1025, rozg, 1036, 1038;
Amenhotep, I1 1030, 1038; Ini, I11
198.; Amenemopet, I11 477 bis;
SeB (11), I11 642, 643, 646, 647;
Hori, 111 650; Paynehsi, IV 597;
Hrihor, IV 615.


- o f gods, 11 288, 294 et passim.

- o f the palace, I1 72; Simontu, I 596.
-ofreverence: Khentemsemeti, I 613.
-oftruth, royal title of Snefm, I 169.
-of the Black Land: Mentuhotep, I
-ofthe Red Land: Mentuhotep, 1532.
-ofNekheb: Uni, I 293; Pepi-nakht,
1356; Ini,I373; Ameni, 1518.
-of Nekhen, I 201.
- o f the South, I 359.
-of the Two Lands (a royal title),
I 250 et passim.
-ofthe two regions, Merikere, king of
Heracleopolis, 1 399.
- o f Kadesh, I1 585, 590.
-ofthe Lebanon cities, taken as captive, I1 436.
-king, the double lord, I11 285.
-mother of Kheti I1 acted as lord of
Siut, I 414.
-great lord of the Cerastes Mountain:
Ibi, 1377; Zau, 1381.
-ofthe Hare nome, Nenekhseskhnum,
Mentuhotep, I 531.
- o f Middle Egypt, Kheti I, I 403.
see Priest.
- o f Nekheb: Khentemsemeti, I 609;
LEADER,IV 55, 123, 124; Hrihor, IV
Royenet, I1 7; Baba, I1 7; Ahmose,
612; Paynozem 11, IV 668; Meriason of Ebana, I1 7.
mon-Sheshonk, IV 740; Osorkon, - o f the Oryx nome: Khrmmhotep I,
IV ,760.
1 464, 626; Ameni, I 518; Kheti,
- o f tlne archers of Pharaoh: Paynehsi,
1637 n. a.
IV 597.
- o f the South, Hapuseneb, I1 389.
- o f the army: Intef, I1 767; Yewepet, -ofthe Theban nome, Intef, I 420.
IV 705 ; Meriamon-Sheshonk,IV 740. - o f the royal wardrobe, Mentuhotep
--of bowmen, I11 581.
J 533.
- o f the crew of recruits: Henemi, I
343; Senezem, I 343; Amenemhet,
IV 124, 566.
- o f the palace, I1 64.
- o f chariotry, IV 54, 71, 92, 397.
-ofthe king of Upper Egypt : Amenem- o f infantry, IV 54, 71, 92, 397.
het, 1445; Sehetepibre, I 745.
- o f the feasts of Amon: Meya, I11 3zB.
-ofthe South: standing in the two
- o f the king's workmen, I11 173.
aisles before the vizier, I1 675, 712;
- o f leaders, 111 484.
Arneni, I 650.
- o f the Magnates of South and North,
- o f the South and North: Senmut, I1
Mentuhotep, I 533.
-of the palace: Thutiy, I1 377.
--leader of magnates, I 533.
- o f the palace-hall: Ram, I 187.
- o n the two sides, I1 925.
I 21 I et passim.
IV &8; Thutmose IV,
IV 672, 673.
: Ramses (11) ,111 - o f the house of the Divine Votress of
Amon-Re: Neferkere-em-Per-Amon,
--of infantry: Ramses (11), 111 267.
IV 511, 513, 522, 531.
IV 944.
- o f the double gold-house: Ikhernofret,
- o f the two thrones, I11 484; NenI 664.
ekhseekhnum, I 305; Thutnakht, I
- o f the double silver-house: Ikherno689.
fret, I 664.

King's Son- o f Ramses, Zeptahefonekh, IV 699.

KING'S WIFE, IV 523, 525, 528, 844,
849; Enekhnes-Merire I, I 345;
Enelkhnes-Merire 11, I 341, 346;
Sebekemsaf, I1 110; Ahmose, I1 196,
197; Nebetu, 11 779; Nefretiri, IV
479; Isis, IV 523; Nesimut, IV 555;
Bekiurel, IV 555; Nestent IV 844.
GREATKING'SWIFE: Tetisheri, I1 33,
36; Ahmose-Nefretiri, I1 34; Ahhotep, I1 110, 111, 113; Merseger,
I1 171; Ahmose, I1 214; Hatshepsut,
I1 214, 232, 344, 360; Tiy, I1 862,
864, 865, 867, 869, 1014, 1015, 1016;
Nefemefmaton-Nofretete, I1~59,961,
984, 991, 995, 1010, 1015; Matnefmre, 111 417; Nefrure, 111 435;
Nefretiri, I11 500 bis, 501; Nubkhas,
IV. 517; 538; Ahmose-Sitkamose,
IV 644; Kerome, IV 696, 760.


Marshal-Court marshal, I11 69.

- o f the Double Cabinet: Khnumhotep,
I 618; Sisatet, I 672 n. a, 673; Khenemsu, I 713, 716; Sebeko, I 716;
Ameni, 1722; Sebek-hir-hab, I 725,
726; Ptahwer, I 728; Amenemhet,
I 731; Harure, I 735.
- o f the footstool of the palace: Uni,
I 320 bis.
- o f the harbor, IV 572.
- o f horse: Peramses, I11 542; Seti,
111 542.
- o f the hoses of the king: Eye, I1989,
992; Perehirunamef, 111 482.
--of the hunt: Nesuamon, IV 539.
- o f the judgment-hall: Khentkhetwer,
I 605; Ahmose, I1 1004; AhmoseSi-Neit, IV 1000.
- o f the royal weapons: E n e b ~I1
, 2 13.
- o f the king's writings: Mentuhotep,
- o f the palace: Senmut, I1 352.
- o f all people: Senmut, 11357.
--of the privy chamber, sitting on the
right of the vizier, 11 675.
- o f all secrets, I 755.
--of secret things: Senezemib, I 270;
Sabu-Ibebi, I 285; Nenekhseskhnum,
I 305; Mentuhotep, I 533 bis, 534;
Ikhernofret, I 668; (to this office
belonged the duty of clothing the god
at his processions, I 745).
--of secrets of heaven, earth, and the
nether world: Roy, I11 623.
- o f the secret things of the king: Ahmose-Si-Neit, IV 1000 n. a.
--ofthe secret things of the king's wardrobe: Khentemsemeti, I 608.
- o f the secret things of the palace : Ramose, I1 936.
-of secret things of the temple, third
in rank, I 550: Sehetepibre, I 745;
Haremsaf, IV 706, 708.
- o f the secret writings of the temple:
Senmut, I1 355; Rekhmire, I1 748.
- o f the suite, Mai, I1 997.
- o f the throne: Ahrnose-Si-Neit, IV
1000 n. a.
- o f all wardrobes: Zau, 1348; Mentuhotep, I 533; Rekhmire, I1 713; Ramose, I1 936; Senbef, IV 918.
-Master-builder, I 212, 289, 298; I11
484; IV 629; Merire-meriptahonekh, I 298, 299; Thethi, 1301.
-Master-workmen, IV 466.

MAYOR:official head of a town or city,

under the Empire, the successor of
the count ( h ty- c) of the OK and
MK., I1 53, 692, 699, 701, 721, 722,
729, 7359-739,~742,743,768, 927 his,
1041; I11 82 n. b; IV 147, 533.
-Tribute from, I1 708; taxes from, I1
- o f Nekhen: Hamini, 11 47, 48.
- o f Thebes: Arnenmose : 1 V ~ 6,6Peser.
IV 5133 526, 527, 531.
- o f Western Thebes: Pewero, IV 511,
512, 522, 527, 528, 535.
-Chief mayor, 111484.
CHIEF, Hui, I1 929.
I 283, 285, 286.
see Priest.
I 429; 11 667, 926; 111
616; IV 42, 582, 585, 586, 678, 843,
880, 944- o f Amon: Wenamon, IV 570, 586,
5907 59':
- o f the lung's house. I1 602. 710.
- o f the vizier, I1 675, 676;68d; duties
of, I1 682.
--of Bekhten, I11 436.
--circuit messenger,-11 692.
--divine messenger, said of a portable
statue, IV 586.
-king's messenger, I 492; I1 1 2 0 , 206,
207,254, 255, 260, 261, 2629337,3719
423, 651; IV 408; duties of, I11 642;
Intef, I 467; Amenhotep, I1 1030;
Harmhab, I11 13, 20; Ramose, I11
372; Rekhpehtuf, I11642; Neferhor,
I11 643; Hori, I11 645 ; Ubekhu, 111
650; Hori, IV 485; Ahmose, IV 1014.
- o f Kheta, Terteseb, 111 371, 372;
second messenger of Kheta, I11 371.
M O U N T ~ N E E(necropolis
official), I
5843 585.

NEHEBKAUF( ="who controls his

ka's") in the upper country: Eti, I
459; also applied to a well-known
mortuary divinity, I 459 n. b.
NOBLES,1 6 , 307, 349; I1 236,238,288,
289,353,368; 111101; IV 52,549 55,
65, 123, 124, 281, 425, 427, 428, 429,
430, 431, 432, 4339 4347 4357 4367 437,
5x1, 513, 517, 521, 522, 524, 531, 533,
5349 765, 9447 101%
-Conducted by the herald. I1 767;
. .of court of examination, IV 425,427,
428, 429,430, 4319 432, 433, 4347 435,
436,437,. 438,439>440,441,442,444,
456; of judicial office, chief of, q. v.;
of Elphantine, I 6; of Kheta, 111419.
-Great nobles: Hrihor, IV 612.
-Nobleman: Uni, I 42; Kheti I, I 400.
of the noble: Senmut, I1
I 312, 398; functions of,
I 398; Methen, I 172, 174; Kheti,
- o f Heracleopolis: Somtous-Tefnakhte,
IV 944.
- o f 13ermonthis: ancestors of Intef, I
419 n. c.
- o f 'rhebes: Intef, I 419.
NURSE:Eye, I1 989.
- o f the god (=Pharaoh) in the private
chamber: Khentemsemeti, I 609.
I V 515; chief of,
see under Chief.
OFFICER,I1 667, 987; I11 51, 52, 54,
55; IV 40, 521 65, 717 1241 147, 149,
- o f the army, I11 340; IV 70.
--of cavalry, I11 584.
- o f the court, I1 236.
- o f court fishermen, IV 466.
--of the gendarmes, I1 927.
- o f the infantry: Tefnakhte, IV 452.
-of marines, I11 197.
-Navy officer: Amenemhab, I1 579,
commander of, I 445.
OFFICIALSTAFF( =local court), consisting of divine fathers, I11 65 ; prophets
of tihe temple, I11 65; officials of the
court, I11 65; priests of the gods, I11
65; connivance of, I11 58; remittance
of impost from, 11163; bribery of, I11
OFFICIALS,I 165, 206, 281,307; I1 335,
384, 666, 667, 935, 990, 993, 1002,
1059; 111IO,12,59,61,101,27I, 272,
322, 323; IV 71, 281, 283, 338, 409,
525, 958H; duties of, I1 666, 667,
668; I11 58.
- o f the court, I11 65, 437.


--of the treasury: Harnakht, I 718.

- o f Nubia, I11 643.
-District officials: see District officials.
-Frontier officials. I11 629, 6.36;
- im~ o sfrom.
IV 22;.
-hsb-officiil, 1188;.
-k/ a -yb-officials, I 1 708.
IV 281.
-of his majesty, 111 450; Nekri, I1 I
n. c.
OVERSEER,I11 210; I V 583; Behkesi,
1 365.
- o f the administration of divine offerings: Sesi, 1299.
- o f the bounty of the king's field of
offerings: Kam, 1 187.
- o f cattle, I1 1041; I V 150.
- o f the cattle of Amon, IV 212, 547,
548; Senmut, I1 354, 356; Amenhotep, I1 912; Pay, IV 224.
- o f the castle of Pharaoh, I11 57.
- o f commissions: Methen, I 173.
- o f craftsmen, chief of: Intef, I1 775.
- o f the crown-possessions, I 312.
- o f the fields of Amon: Senmut, I1 354.
-of flax: Methen, I 172.
- o f the gardens of Amon: Senmut, I1
3527 354, 356.
- o f the gold-house, I11 484; Keres, I1

-4f the double gold-house: Mentuhotep, I 533; Thutiy, I1 371.

--of the granary, I1 872; IV 498; Henu,
I 428:
. Ineni, I1 4.2: Nebamon, I V
517; ~enmarena!&t, IV 546; Paynehsi. I V <a7.
--of thk do<& granary: Mentuhotep,
I 533; Intef, I1 768.
--of the granary of Amon: Senmut, I1
3509 367.
-of the double granary
. of Amon: Ineni,
11437 343.
-of the eranarv of the temde of Aton:
- o f the granaries: Hrihor, IV 615.
- o f grain: Henku, I 281.
--of every handicraft: Thutiy, I1 371.
- o f the royal harem: Huy, I1 1014;
Peynok, IV 429; Mesedsure, I V 430.
- o f herds, IV 466; Hori, I11 82 n. b;
Huy, IV 338; Penhuibin. I V 455;
Beknekhonsu, IV 466.
- o f the highland, I 589.
- o f the horn of the cattle of Amon, I V

- o f horn and hoof: Henu, 1428.

--of horn, hoof, and feather, I11 486;
Sehetepibre, I 745.


Overseer- o f hundred, I1 617, 700; reporting to

the vizier, I1 676,708.
--of land, I1 686.
--of the ka-house, sevepth in rank in
the temple, I 550.
- o f the king's hall: Nibamon, I1 778.
- o f the kine's house: Thutnakht. I 680.
- o f the kinug's records: Zau, I 3&.
--of the necropolis of Siut, I 582, 584,
- o f palace: Intef, I 390.
- o f the palace-baths :Kam, I 187.
--of the two pleasure-marshes: Sehetepibre, I 745.
- o f royal property: Sehetepibre, 1745.
- o f the provision magazine: Methen, I
--of the pyramid: Thethi, I 184.
- o f the r 1of Sekhmet : Iroi, IV 445.
--of the silver-house, I1 987; I11 484;
Keres, I1 52.
- o f all works of the house of silver:
Senmut, I1 352.
- o f the double silver-house, Mentuhotep, 1533, Thutiy, I1 371.
- o f stone-work: Uzai,I 343.
--of the storehouse, fifth in rank in the
temple, I 550.
--of the storehouse of Amon: Senmut,
11352, 356.
- o f that which is and that which is not:
Henu, I 248.
--of that which heaven gives, earth
creates, and the Nile brings:
- Amenemhet,'~438.
- o f the temples: Henu, I 428; Hapuseneb, I1 389.
--of the temples of Neit :Senmut, I1358;
Mai, I1 997, 1002.
--of S t y: Wayeheset. IV 726.
--of ten, -1 276.--of the treasury, I1 925; Meriptah, I1
923; Meya, I11 32B; Thutmose, I11
210; Piyay, I11 644; Pay, IV 638.
--of the gold treasury, Pefnefdineit, IV
-of the western highlands, Mentuhotep, 1533.
-of the m t e House, I1 1020; IV 495,
511,512,522; Henu, I 428; Ramose,
11947 n. a; Huy, I1 1014; Setemhab,
IV 10.20: Mentemtowe. IV 427, 426;
~ e f r o i ,IV 423, 426;
Khamtir, IV 466; Menmarenakht,
IV 546; Zekhonsefonekh, IV 668,
689,691,692; scribe of --, IV 512,

ere, 1v

- o f the double White House, I 505.

- o f works in the mountain of Gritstone: Harmhab, I11 I 7.
- o f works in the temples: Minhotep,
I1 800.
- o f workmen, I1 383.
overseer: Yekerib, I 343;
Khnumenkhef, 1 343; Hemukhrow,
1 343.
-Chief overseer of the estate, I1 925.
-Chief overseer of the White House:
Payneferhir, IV 637.
-Chief overseer of works in the temple
of Amon: Beknekhonsu, I11 564,566,
-Conductor of overseers : Amenemhet,
-Gang-overseer of the crown possessions in the Oryx nome, 1522.

see King.
PHYSICIANS: chief, I 246; Nenekhsekhmet, I 238, 240; Pefnefdineit,
IV 1017.
PILLAR,of his mother (a priestly office),
I1 133,240; I11 155 n. b; Prince Thutmose (111), I1 138.
- o f the South: Sehetepibre, I 745.
PILOT,11 252.
--of the people: Mentuhotep, I 531.
POLICE,captain of, p. v.; chief of, q. v.
OF LOVE:Ibi, I 378.
PREFECTSOF EGYPT, Roman, Momsen's theory of, I 28.
PRIEST,I1 766; I11 413; IV 124, 468,
90.6,. 927, 1025; see also Prophet;
Divlne father; Shepseshathor, I 218,
221; Tetheri, IV 547,550, $53; Nesuamon, IV 551;
- - acting as judges, I11
64, 65.
- o f Amon, 925; I11 624.
- o f Edfu: Yuf, I1 112, 11.3.
- o f Horus: ~ h n u m h o t e ~ ~ 1I 1624.
' - o f Khnum: Khentemsemeti, I 609.
of Khonsu-the-Plan-Maker-in-T h e bes; Khonsu-hetneterneb, I11 432.
--of Min, Neferhotepur, I 776.
- o f Pakht, I1 301; Khnumhotep 11, I
- o f goddess Seshat, I 109.
- o f Thoth: Neferhor, I11 643.
--of the northern crown: Khentemsemeti, 1609.
- o f the southern crown: Khentemsemeti, 1609.
Priest-Priestesses of Ptah, 111 400.
Hariesese, I V
IV 539, 574, 587, 747; revolt by, IV
486; succession of, I 69 n. a; I11 622,
626; title carried by divine consort,
Enekhnesneferibre, IV 988D, G, H ;
Rise as King, I V 25-34, 139-45,
405,486-98, 592-94, 601-3,608-626;
see also "First prophet of Amon."
-Meriptah, I1 929, 930, 931; Nebunnef, I11 255, 257; Beknekhonsu, I11
563, 565, 566, 568; Rome, I11 618,
621; Roy, I11 618, 623, 626; IV 487;
Beknekhonsu, I11 618; IV 487; Ramse.snakht, IV 487,489,494,495 ; Nesuamon, IV487; Amenhotep, IV 487,
489, 494, 495, 523, 531, 532, 534;
Hrihor, IV566,580,593,594,609,610,
Payonekh, IV 631,632,633,634,640,
641; Paynozem I, IV 631, 632, 633,
6343 637, 638, 6399 640, 642; akhonsefonekh, IV 650; Masaheret, I V
647; Menkheperre, IV 650, 652, 653,
654, 655, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661;
Nesubenebded, IV 662; Paynozem 11,
IV 663, 668, 671; Pesibkhenno, IV
688; Yewepet, IV 607, 700, 705;
Harsiese, IV 698; Osorkon, IV 698,
75.3>.755>760, 762, 769, 7709 777;
Menamon-Sheshonk, IV 740; Harsiese, IV 698, 753, 794, Takelot, IV
698, 794; Yewelot, IV 794, 79j ; Nesubenebded, IV 794;
Harkheb, I V
-of Aton, Merire I, I1 982, 985; see
also "Great seer."
- o f Nekhbet: Setau, IV, 414.
- o f Onouris: Amenhotep, I1 818.
-of Osiris: Nebwawi, I1 179, 181.
- o f Ptah at Memphis, IV 338; Ptahshepses, 1258; Sabu-Ibebi, 1283,286;
Sabu-Thety, I 287; Khamwese, I11
552 n. 1; Takelot, I V 781; Pediese,
I V 781; Pefnefdibast, I V 774; ; the
two, of Memphis, 1211,212,239,288;
sacred possessions and duties of, I 288.
- o f Re, at Heliopolis, Patonemhab, I11
22 n. a; the two, I 165.
of Set: Seti, I11 542.


(Wnwt-or "hour-priests,"
laymen who served periodically in the
temples), IV 906, 958D.
- o f Amon at Karnak, I1 353; IV 926,
988H, J; at Tanis, IV 217.
- o f the temple of Anubis, 1576, 580.
- o f Min at Coptos, I 776; complaint
by, 1 777.
--of Osiris at Abydos, I 668, 783; I1
97; I11 263.
--of Upwawet, lord of Siut, I 539, 544,
547, 554.
Putoker, I 466 n. c; Mentuhotep,
1533; Rekhmire, I1 713; Ramose, I1
936; Huy, I1 1036; Khay, I11 556,
560; Enekhhor, IV 958 B.
PRIEST (k>-servantj,I 201,
204,205, 538; I1 908, 996; 111 271;
Mer. I 2 18; Keksire, I 2 18; of Senuonekh, 1232-35; of Senezemib, I 274.
--of Menet-Khufu, endowment of, I
630; duties of, I 630.
- o f Siut, duties of, I 538,562; in charge
of the statue of Hepzefi, I 542, 544,
555, 562, 574; kindling the fire on
News Year's night, I 562.
-Mortuary priests divided into phyles,
I 274; chief of, see Index V.
-Mortuary lay-priests, I11 277.
-Assistant mortuary priest, I 202.
-Inferior mortuary priest, I 202.
-Chief mortuary priest, Ptah, I 182.
RITUALPRIEST (bry-hb), I 246; I1 97,
239, 766; I11 31, 78, 160; Re-am, I
281; Merire-Meriptah-onekh 11, I
208; Isi, 1333; Harkhuf, 1326, 332,
336; Pepi-Nakht, 1356; Sebni, 1364;
Mekhu, I 365, 370; Putoker, I 466
n. c; Neferhotep, I11 72; duties of,
I1 239; tenth in rank in the temple,
I 550:
- o f Amon, I V 988H.
- o f Buto-U~et-Towe:Seti, 111 q42.
-Chief ritual ~ i i e s t .I 7 7 0 ; IV '871.
958D; Zau, ' I 3&3; "~ediamene'st;
towe, IV 881; "stretched the cord"
at the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone for the temple in Heliopolis,
1 506.
SEM-PRIEST:Zau, I 348; Mentuhotep,
I 533; Ikhernofret. I 668; Sehetepibre, I 746; Hapuseneb, I1 389
Rekhmire, I1 713; Ramose, I1 9\36
Khamwese, 111 552, 553, 554; ROY,


I11 623; Nesuamon, 1V541; Senbef,

IV 918.
--of Ptah. Khamwese, I11 557; Takelot, IV 781; Pediese, IV 781; Takelot, IV 774; Harsiese, IV 779; Tefnakhte, IV 830.
w a b-PRIEST, I1 97 bis, 283; I11 31, 78,
160; IV 250, 958D, F, 1018; regulations of, IV 250.
- o f Amon, Beknekhonsu, I11 565; IV
- 4 f Heliopolis, 1V 250.
- o f Siut, I 538, 563, 564; endowment
of, I 538; Hepzefi, 1552.
-Great w 6 b-priest of Amon, Harsiese,
IV 753wtb-PRIEST(or wdb; perhaps better
Sm D; see Schaefer, Mysterien, Sethe,
Untersuchungen IV, 63); Ikhernofret,
I 668.
later, 124.
I 216.
PRINCE,I1 185,993,1006; I11 174,287,
290,291,322,325,422,466,471, 613;
IV 71, 77, 92, 147,208,238,343,360,
397,402,460,494,4971 583,818,819,
821, 822, 830, 868, 873, 881; august
office of, I1 669; supplies for, furnished by the herald, I1 767; Sekhemkere, 1 54; Tefibi, I 394; Mentuhotep, I 533; Kheti, I 637 n. a;
Senmut, I1 350; Harmhab, I11 13,
27; Amenhirunamef, I11 467, 471;
Paynozem 11,IV 668.
h ty- c, only from Nubian time on
(in Empire "mayor,"
v., and
before Empire, "count,
q. v.):
Pethenef, IV 815, 878; Pemou, IV
815, 878; Zeamonefonekh, IV 878;
Akenesh, IV 878; Nektharneshenu,
IV 878; Hurabes, IV 878; Zedkhiyu,
IV 878; Pebes, IV 878; Ahmose-SiNeit, IV 1000 n. a.
--of Esneh: Pahri, I1 n. 3b.
--of the greatest of companions: Harmhab, I11 20.
--of the king: confidant of, q. v.
--of the palace, Zau, I 381.
--of Thebes, Nesuptah, IV 904; Mentemhet, IV 904, 948.
PRINCE,see King's eldest son.
PRINCE(rp c -ty), I11 102,
124; IV 110, 121, 124 n. b, 304, 347;
administration of law executed by, I11
25; Zau, 1348; Khui, I 349; Meru,

I 370; Tefibi, I 391, 395; Kheti I,

1391; Kheti 11, 1391; Intef, 1419,
420; Amenemhet, I 438, 442, 445;
Khnumhotep I, 1464,625,626; Intef,
I 467; Putoker, I 466 n. c; Sinuhe, I
490; Mentuhotep, 1512; Amenemhet
1 518; Crown Prince Arneni, 1 520;
Crown Prince Sesostris (11), I 521;
Mentuhotep, I 531, 532; Hepzefi, I
537, 538, 539; Simontu, 1 596;
Khentkhetwer, I 605; Nehri, I 628;
Khnumhotep 11,1622, 624, 631,639;
Nakht 11, I 632; Ikhernofret, I 664;
Sebek-khu-Zaa, I 683; Sehetepibre,
1745; Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet, I1 20;
Neferperet, I1 28; Ineni, I143; Keres
I1 52; Nehsi, I1 290; Senmut, I1 350,
354,362,366; Thutiy, I1 371; Puemre,
I1383,385; Hapuseneb, I1 389; Nehi,
I1 652; Rekhmire, 11 713, 717. 729,
748,754,757; Intef, I1 763,767,775;
Minhotep, I1 800; Khamhet, I1 872;
Amenhotep, I1 912, 923, 9?4, 925;
Ramose, I1936,937 n. a; Mal, I1997,
1002, Huy, I1 1036; Amenhotep, I1
1040; Harmhab, I11 8, 16 bis, 20,
25, 27; Ramses (11), I11 132, 267;
h e n h i ~ n a m e fI,11 474,477; Amonhirkhepeshef, I11 482; Seti, I11 542;
Peramses, I11 542; Khay, I11 556,
560; Beknekhonsu, I11 563, 568;
Roy, I11 623; Seti (11), I11 646 n. i;
Ramses (111), IV 400; Amenhotep,
IV 495; Hrihor, IV 612; Sheshonk,
IV 774; Beknenef, IV 830; Pediese,
IV868,874,875,879; Senbef, 1Vg18;
Pekrur, IV 932, Uzahor, IV 980;
Neferibre-nofer, IV 981; Nesuhor,
IV995; Pefnefdineit, IV 1017.
PRINCESS:Beket, I 628;
Ahmose-Nefretiri, I1 34; Hatshepsut,
I1 360; Nefernefruaton-Nofretete, I1
959; Enekhnesneferibre, IV 988 I.
PRINCESSOF KHETA:Petkhep, I11 391.
-of Kus~1
, 1 1035.
I 505; Ptahshepses, I 259; Harkhuf, I 332, 336;
Harmhab, I11 16, 20.
--of the right hand: Senmut, I1 358.
- o f the treasurer of god: Idi, I 466 n. c.
(a priestly office), I 165, 217,
349; 111 77, 103, 160; IV 360, 466,
906, 908, 958D, F; in charge of the
sacred writings, I1 353.
--of the temples, acting as judges, I11


of, I1 754.
Prophets- o f Abydos, I 535, 746.
- o f the house of King Amenhotep:
Pe c enkhew, IV 512.
--of Amon, IV 753, 988H, J; Prince
Thutmose (111), I1 138; Senmut, I1
351; Intef, I1 775; Nesuamon, IV
531; Enkhofnamon, IV 665, 689;
Khamwese, IV 795; Nesuptah, IV
- o f Anubis: Mentuhotep, I 533.
--of the gods of Buto, Zau, 1348.
--of dues: Harhotep, I1 110.
--of Harkefti: Mentuhotep, I 533.
--of Harsaphes: IV 747.
--of Hathor of Diospolis Pama: Wayehl-set, IV 726.
- o f Horus: Mentuhotep, I 533.
- o f Horus of Letopolis: Pediharsomtons, IV 878.
--of Horus of the South, lord of Perzoz:
Wayeheset, IV 726.
- o f Horus, Amenhotep, chief of, I1
- o f Isis: Ahmose-Si-Neit, IV 1000.
--of Khnum, IV 150.
--of " Khonsu-t h e-P 1a n-M a k e r-i n
Thebes" : Khonsuhetneterneb, I I I
--of Mat: Mentuhotep, I 531, 533;
Senrnut, I1 352; Ramose, I1 936;
Khay, I11 556.
- o f Min-Harsiese: Usermare-Nakht,
IV 465.
- o f Montu: Nesupehernemut, IV 660;
Hetamenthenofer, IV 660.
-of Neit: Harpeson, IV 787, 792; Tefnakhte, IV 830.
--of Ptah, I11 413; Sabu-Ibebi, I 284;
Senbef, IV 918.
- o f Sebek of Peronekh: Paynehsi, IV
--of Sokar: Sabu-Ibebi, I 284; SabuTl~ety,1288.
- o f Soped: Ahmose, IV 1014.
- o f Sutekh. lord of Oasis: Wavheset.
-in Heracleopolis: Namlot, IV 787,
792; Uzptahenkhof, IV 787, 792;
Henptah, IV 787, 792; Harpeson, IV
787, 792; Henptah, IV 787, 792.
- o f Horus, lord of Sebi: Harmhab,
I11 20.
CHIEFS:of the prophets, IV 466.
- o f Thebes: Nesuptah, IV 950.
- o f North and South: Ramose, I1 936.


-in Hermopolis: Thutiy, I1 371.

-in temple of Min, at Panopolis: Nebwawi, I1 181.
--of Montu of Hermonthis: Senmut, I1
-First prophet of A m o n ( = h i g hpriest of Amon): Meriptah, I1 931;
Beknekhonsu, I11 565 n. c; Roy, I11
623 n. e; Ramses-nakht, IV 466;
Amenemopet, IV 480.
-Second prophet of Amon, Enen, I1
931; Beknekhonsu, I11 565; Roy,
--of dues: Yuf, I1 112.
-Third prophet of Amon: Amenemhet, I1 931; Beknekhonsu, I11 565;
Roy, 111623; 7xptahefonekh, IV 699;
Pediamennebnesttowe, IV 953.
- o f Khonsu: Merthoth, IV 665, $1;
Efnamon, IV 492.
-Fourth prophet of Amon: Simut, I1
931; Nesupehernemut, IV 660; Hetamenthenofer, IV 660; Mentemhet,
IV 904, 949, 951INFERIOR
PROPHET:Ini, I 373; Idi, I
466 n. c.
- o f the pyramid-city : Uni, 1307.
PROPHET,I1 908; I11 271.
I 312,349; I11484;
a procession due to, I 569; highest in
rank in the temple, I 354, 550; Intef,
I 420; Putoker, I 466 n. c; Hepzefi,
1538-39,544,549,554,559, 568&,
576,582,589; Thutnakht, 1689.
- o f all gods: Seti. I11 q42.
- o f ~atlhor: ~ e k o n e k 6'I 216.
--of Min: Intef, I 467; Putoker, I 466
n. c.
- o f Upwawet, lord of Siut, I 550, 551;
Tefibi, 1395; Kheti I, 1395; Kheti
11, I 395, 426; Hepzefi, I 568.
PROPHETESSOF HATHOR(in Heracleopolis): Ireteru, IV 792.

QUEEN:see King's wife, Great king's
wife; table-scribe of, I11 58.
-Very favored: Enekhnes-Merire I,
I 345; Enekhnes-Merire 11, I 346.
amiable: Enekhnes-Merire I.
I 345; Enekhnes-Merire 11,1346 '
-Queen of the land: see Index I.
Q ~ E N - M O T H EIV
R ,895; Tiy, I1 1016.

rank of, I1 675.



719, 720,724, 7271 728, 736, 737, 7382
741,. 745.
- o f dlstnct officials, I1 717, 729.
- o f the troops: Harmhab, 111 20.
REVERED: Nenekhsekhmet, I 240;
Re-am, 1281; Harkhuf, 1336; Men,
I 508; Imsu, I 529; Simontu, I 598.
-by the god: Zau, 1348.
-by the great god, Henutsen, I 185;
Pepi-nakht, 1356; Ikudidi, 1526.
Hathor: Eezethekenu, I 216;
Ikhnoubet, I 230.
-by Ptah: Ptahshepses, I 262; SabuIbebi, 1285.
-by OSiris: UN, 1293, 324.
RULER,an unprecise rendering of the
unprecise hk 2, which signifies, ruler,
prince, nomarch, I400 n. a; I11 175;
IV 818 et passim; Methen, I 174.
-in the Cerastes-Mountain: Henku, I
- o f fields: Methen, I 174.
- o f Southern Perked: Methen I, 172,
- o f towns, IV 398.
- o f the "New Towns" : Nehri, I 628.
- o f rulers: Kheti I, I loo.
-heir of a ruler: I im. '
-palace ruler: Methen I, 172, 174.

Uni, I 320 bis.
THE KING:Intef, I 420 et


SCRIBE:15; I1 385, 766; IV 581, 784.

I1 53,717,986; IV 52,466,652,
671, 676, 958G; Anubisemonekh, I
171; Ptah, I 182; Zaty, 1343; -khet,
I 343; Imsu, 1529; Thutiy, I1 275;
Inem, 11 343; Thutiy, I1 371; Intef,
11767; Hatey, I1 932; Merire, I1
104.3; Hui, I11 210; Amenhirkhepeshrf, 111350; Neferhor, I11643; May,
IV 423; Arnennakht, IV 526; Nesupekeshuti. IV 665.
- o f the army, I1 925; IV 466.
- o f the army-lists: Sule, IV 466.
- o f the deputy of the army: Ramsesnakht, IV 466.
- o f the archives: Neferhor, 111 643;
Piyay, 111 644; Peremhab, IV 423;
Mai, IV 426, 452.

- o f computation: Intef, I1 763.

of the crown-possessions: Hori, IV
- o f the district, I1 719, 723, 725, 726,
727, 729, 73Ij 738, 740, 744; Iv 529.
- o f the doma~n:Penno, IV 482.
- o f the harem: Simontu, I 598; Pere,
Iv 450.
- o f the great harem: Simontu, I 598;
Pendua, IV 430.
- o f the hieroglyphs, 1755.
- o f the kine's records: Henhathor. I
218, 221, G25; Khenu, I 299; Skti
(11), I11 647.
- o f rolls of Pharaoh, IV 498.
--of the marine: Mereri, I 390.
- o f the mayor, I1 721; IV 529.
- o f the necropolis, IV 530; Horishere,
IV 526,529; Pebes, IV 526, 529.
- o f the Theban Necro~olis: Butehamon, IV 640.
- o f the pryamid-phyle: Pepi-nakht, I

- o f the recorder, I1 719, 720, 727, 729,

736, 737? 738, 741. 735.
- o f recnuts: Thaneni. I1 820; Harmhab, 111 17.
- o f the sacred book: performed the
"stretching of the cord" at foundation
ceremonies, I 506.
--of the house of Sacred Writings, IV
460; Messui, IV 445; Shedmezer,
IV 445; Ramseseshehab, IV 465.
- o f the temule: eighth in rank in the
temple, I t50; ~ g f e r h o t e ~ uIr ,776;
Perehotep, IV 281; Hori, IV 281;
Zosersukhonsu, IV 640; Penamon,
IV 647.
- o f the altar: ninth in rank in the
temple, I 550.
- o f the cattle of Arnon, IV 212.
- o f the House of Amon, I11 624; IV
531; Merithoth, IV 665.
- o f the Sacred Treasury of Arnon:
Siamon, I 777.
--of the overseer of the treasury: Paynozem, IV 527.
- o f the assistant treasurer: Yuf, I1
- o f the vizier, I1 675,712; Seneb, 1783;
Penehik, IV 512,522; Nesupekeshuti,
IV 668.
- o f the White House: Peluka, IV 439;
Penamon, IV 647.
- o f the oversecr of the White House of
Pharaoh, IV 5 I I.
CHIEFSCRIBE:Senezem, I 343; Thutmose, IV 281.
Chief Scribe- o f the king's writings: Senezemib, I
271, 273:
-ofthe hng, I11 291.
- o f fhe provision magazine:
- o f the vizier, I1 670; I V 5 I I.
- o f the overseer of the White House:
Paynofer, IV 512, 522.
- o f the waters of Abydos, I 529.
- o f Horns of Edfu: Denereg, I1 I 14.
SCRIBE: Hotep, I 187; Sesi,
I 291).
KING':;-SCRIBE: Nonekhsesi, 1 230;
Amenhotep, I1 915; I11 50,102,332;
I V 121, 124 n, b, 491; Simontu, I 596,
598 bis; Thaneni, I1 820; Mermose,
i1855; Khamhet,,II 872; Amenhotep,
931; Eye, I1 989, 992; Ahmose, I 1
1004; Amenhotep, I1 1038, 1040;
Ramose, I1 1043; Harmhab, I11 8,
16, 17; Meya, I11 32B; Thutemhab,
I11 437; Amenhirunamef, I11 467,
471,477; Peramses, I11 542; Seti, 111
542; P~yay,I11 644; Seti (11), I11
647; Setemhab, IV 20; Pakauti, IV
485; Hori, IV 485; Neferkere-emPer-Amon, IV 495, 522; Nesuamon,
I V 511, 513, 5239 526, 528, 531, 533,
540; Pemeriamon, IV 546; Bek, IV
- o f the army, I1 923;
. . Paynehsi, IV
- o f the Hittite king, I11 337.
SEAL-SCRIBE,Amenemhet-Ameny, I1
686 n. d.
I1 916;
-Table scribe : Ani, I1 977.
- o f h,arem, I11 58.
- o f queen, I11 58.
OF AMON:Ineni, I1 43.
SEER,THE GREAT:see Great seer.
: see Priest.
royal, 1307; Thethi, 1423D.
--of the royal harem of the queen:
Sinuhe, I 490.
--of Neit: Khentemsemeti, 1609.
- o f the royal toilet, Khentemsemeti, I


servant, Meri, I 508; Khentemsemeti, I 608.
I1 1014; I11 40; see
also Sunshade-bearers.
Ibshe, I 620
n. d.
- o f the Red Land, 1423 D, 429.
- o f Upper Tenu, I 494.
--of villages, I1 692, 699, 701, 768.
-Tribute from, I1 708.
of, q. v.
SMALLLORD,I 458, 459.
2.36, 250,267.
SONOF RE (fifth title of the Pharaoh in
his fivefold titulary; it was introduced
at the close of the Fifth Dynasty on
the triumph of the Heliopolitan priests
of Re, the sun-god), e. g., 11 2 0 et
passim; origin of title of, I1 187.
-"Son of Re" put within the cartouche,
I423H, n. b.
SON OF A RULER: Kheti I, 1400, 401,
- o f a daughter of a ruler: Kheti I, 1400.
I11 208; IV 70;
Pe'aoke, I1 839; Kara, IV 423, 426.
- o f the infantry, Hori, IV 423, 426,
- o f the marines: Hori, IV 531.
STEWARD,111 484; IV 491; Henu, I
428; Ikudidi, 1526; Thutiy, I1 275;
Khampet, I1 929, 930; Sebeknakht,
I1 931; Ramose, I1 1043; Ramsesnakht, I11 633; Penithowe, I V 338;
IN, IV 546.
-Collecting taxes, I11 55.
-in charge of herds, I V 224.
- o f Amon: Semut, I1 290, 350, 352,
11, 644;
353, 354, 357, 366; P ~ Y ~1Y
Pay, IV 224.
- o f the court: Pemeriamon, IV 546.
-in Egypt: Senekh, 1455.
- o f estates of Pharaoh, I1 871; Ahmose, I1 1004.
- o f Horns: Penno, IV 474.
- o f the House [of Shadow-of Re]: Huy,
I1 1014.
- o f the king's daughter: Amenhotep,
11 919.
- o f the king's wife: Nibamon, I1 779.
- o f the palace: Nekonekh, I 216, 217,
- o f the storehouse of the leader of
works: Khui, I 675.


Steward- o f the southern city (=Thebes):

Thutmose, I11 3zC.
CHIEF STEWARD,I1 706. Senmut, I1
351,361; Intef, I1 768; Harmhab, I11
20; Pefnefdineit, IV 1017, 1025.
- o f Amon, Senmut, I1 354,356.
--of the divine consort: Ibe, IV 958B, G.
- o f the king: Senmut, 11354,357.
- o f the king's mother: Keres, I1 52.
- o f the princess: Senmut, I1 362.
KEEPER:Yatu, I 723.
- o f the palace, Kheye, I 750.
506; Amenemhet, 1445.
OF BOW,Kheti 11, I 410.
: administrative position, having to do with lands, Methen,
OF THE KING, Thethi: I
IV 56, 70, 72, 76,
109, 110, 123, 124, 405 n. g; see also
I1 925.
- o f the royal domain: Neferhotep, I11
Uni, I 294.
- o f everything of the whole land,
Amenemhet, 1438.
- o f fields in Thinite nome: Imsu, I 529.
-District supervisor, I1 708.

see Great Father.
11 717, 721, 723, 729.
I1 708; Sebekdidi, I 720;
Sebekhotep, 1.723.
- o f the god: Hepi, I 342; Burded, I
351,353; Thethi, 1361; Khui, 1361;
Zaty-Kenofer, I 389; Khnumhotep,
I 618: Zezemonekh. I 186: Theshen.
I =86;1khi, 1298, 2b9, 3 0 {~~ h u12518;
299; Harkhuf, I 336; Khenemsu, I
713, 716; Amenemhet, I 731; Harure,
I 735, 736; privy councilor of, q. v.
-Two treasurers, I 212.
- o f the palace, I11484.
- o f Pharaoh, I 447; Amenhotep, IV
-Assistant treasurer, I1 114; Eti, I
459; Meri, I 508; Sihathor, I 603;

of the chief treasurer: Sebekdidi, I

720; Sebekhotep, I 723.
treasurer, I 646; I11 484;
Thethi, I 423C; Kheti 11, I 426;
Henu, 1428; Mentuhotep, I 532,533;
Beket, I 637; Ikhernofret, I 664,
672; Neferperet, I1 28; Khenemsu, I
713, 716; Ptahwer, 1728; Neferperet
I1 28; Nehsi, I1 290; Ray, I1 450 n, a;
Meriptah, I1929,931; Rarnses-Khenenter-Bay, I11 647; Nesupekeshuti,
IV 689; of the Theban necropolis:
Merithoth, IV 665; daily reporting to
the Pharaoh I1 678; to the vizier, I1
679; ranks of, I1 675, 678; in charge
of the gold-house, I1 706.
of the chief treasurer:
Ameniseneb, I 716; Sionouris, I 785;
see also under Official.
TUTOR,royal: Senmut, I1 364; Neferibre-nofer, IV 981; see also Great

VICEROYOF RUSH, I 18; residence of,

I1 54, 62; earliest known, I1 61;
appointment of earliest known, I1 64;
territory of, extending from Nekhen
to Napata, I1 1022, 1025; investiture
of, I11020; two of them holding office
at the same time, I1 1027, 1028; see
also King's son, and King's son of
VIZIER,1307; 11925; 11169, 324,333,
470, 484; IV 76, 110, 147, 150, 511,
5179 522,.524,527,543, 547, 7771 873;
Senezemib, I 271, 273; Khety, I1 689
n. d; Zau, 1347, 348; Amenemhet,
1438,442, 445; Crown Prince Sesostris (11), I 521; Mentuhotep, I 531;
Enkhu, I 783; Hapuzeneb, I1 388,
389; Woser, I1 663, 665; Rekhrnire,
I 20; I1 663,665,666,748,754; Hapu,
I1 665; Amenhotep, I1 923; Ramose,
11r3i6, 9937 n. c, 940; 3eti, 111 542;
Perarnses, I11 542; Khay, I11 556,
559, 560;. Ta, f~ . 4 ~ 4 ;~ h a m n & e ,
IV 5119 513, 522, 5231 531, 5329
540, 543; Nibmare-nakht, IV 523,
535,546; Hrihor, IV 593; Paynozem
(I), IV 634; Paynozem (11), IV 668.
-Archives of, IV 534; impartiality of,


TT hfiX

-Departments in office of: judiciary, I1

675, 681, 685-86, 688-91, 700, 704,
705; treasury, I1 676, 680, 706, 708;
war, army, 1159375,702 ; war, navy,
I1 687, 710; Intenor, I1 677, 687,
697, 707; agriculture, I1 698, 699;
general executive, I1 692, 701, 703;
advisory, I1 678, 679, 682, 684, 696,
709, 711Duties of, I1 666, 670, 671-711; reporting daily to Pharaoh, I1 678; to
the chief treasurer, I1 670: takine:
counsel from pharaoh, 1fTi578,$4;
697; receiving daily report from
the chief treasurer, I1 679; mustering of king's body-guard, I1 693;
garrisons for residence city, I1 694;
garrison for coprt, I1 694; gives regulations for the council of the army, I1
9 5 ; ; in charge of herds, IV 224;
j u d p ~ e n t s reported to, I1 681 ;
"hears" criminal cases, I1 683; decides real-estate cases, I1 686, 689-91;
keeps registers of wills and gifts, I1
688-89; appointments by,
I1 697,
698, 6 9 , 700, 703, 705.
-Reports to: from the treasurv, I1 676,
679; fortresses, I1 676, joz; the
king'shouse, I1 676; the court, I1 676;
overseers, I1 677; district officials, I1
687, 708; mayors, I1 692, 708; village sheiks, I1 692,708; great council,
I1 706; navy officers, I1 710; doorkeeper of judgment hall, I1 71 I ; concerning rising of Sirius, I1 709; concerning high Nile, I1 709.
-Hal.l of, I1 666,681,682,688 n. d, $5,
696, 712, 713, 717, 729; importance
of, I1 666; "hearing" in, I1 670; arrangement of the sitting- in, I1 675,
-Chief scribe of, I1 670; scribes of, I1
675, 712; records of, I1 684; messenger of, I1 675, 676, 680, 685.
-Vizier: of the South, IV 224.


-Deposition of vizier, IV 361.

of the goddess, I11 391.
-of Amon-Re, IV 5I I ; see also Divine
OF THE RULER:Ahmose, son
of Ebana, I1 39.
I11 616; IV 266.
--of the temple of Amon: Paykamen, IV
548; Ram, IV 550; Nofer, IV 551.
I11 264; Harkhuf, I 326, 332, 336;
Zau, 1348; Pepi-nakht, 1356; Sebni,
1364; Mekhu, 1370; Ibi, 1377; Zau,
1381; Tefibi, 1391, 395; Kheti I, I
391; Kheti 11, I 391, 426; Henu, I
428 bis; Eti, 1459; Khnumhotep I,
1464; Intef, I 467; Idi, I 466 n. c;
Sinuhe, I 490; Mentuhotep, I 512;
Amenemhet, I 519; Mentuhotep, I
531, 533; Simontu, I 596; Khentkhetwer, I 605; Ikhernofret, I 664;
Sehetepibre, I 745; Renseneb, 1752;
Minemhet, I 776; Neferhotepur, I
776; Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet, I1 20;
Neferperet, I1 28; Keres, I1 52;
Thure, I1 170 n. c ( ?); Nehsi, I1 290;
Senmut, I1 350, 351, 361; Thutiy, I1
371; Puemre, I1 385; Nehi, I1 652;
Rekhmire, I1 713; Intef, I1 763, 767;
Ramose, I1 936; Mai, I1 997, 1002;
Harmhab, I11 I 6,zo; Ramses-Khementer-Bay, I11 647; Neferibre-nofer,
IV 981 ; Nesuhor, IV 995; AhmoseSi-Neit, IV 1000; duty of, I11 264,
OF HORUS,I 78 n. a.

nt-district of, I1 744; scribe of, I1 744;
products of, I1 744.
ABD EL-KURNA: ( h i 11 o f Western
Thebes), mortuary temple of Seti I,
see Index 11.
-Temple inscription: by Ramses 11,
I11 488 n. b.
-Tomb inscription: by Ineni, I1 43-46,
I1 383-87; Rekhmire, I1 666-762;
Menkheperreseneb, I1 773-76; Amenken, I1 801-2; Khamhet, I1 819,
871-72; Hatey, I1 932; Ramose, I1
-Tombs of: Ineni, I1 43 n. c; Puemre,
I1 382 n. c; Amenken, I1 801 n. d ;
Khamhet, I1 819,872; Hatey, I T 932;
Rekhmire, I1 663 n. d ; Menkheperreseneb, I1 772 n. a ; Ramose, I1 936
n. b; Neferhotep, I11 68 n. c.
ABU SIMBEL: great temple of Ramses
11, 111 449, 495.
-Small temple of Ramses 11, I11 500,
-Stela of Ramses 11,111392, 394-414;
415-24; cf. IV 132-35.
-Temple inscription by Ramses 11,I11
449-57' 496-99' 500-1; Rekhpehtuf, I11 642.
ABUKIR,IV 405 n. g.
ABUSIR: city of Sun-barques at, I 167,
n. a, 251; tomb of Weshptah, I 242
n. a; of Hotephiryakhet, I 251; temple of Nuserre, I 252 n. a, 423H n. a.
ABYDOS:city of Thinite nome I 349,
396 nn. d, h, 529; I1 692; I11 281;
IV 485, 675, 676, 678, 679, 1019,
-Nome of, IV 1020; fields of, IV 1021;
desert of, IV 1023; district of, I1 738;
scribe of, I1 738; tower in, I11 260;
IV 357; "Eternity of the Kingdom,"
a distnct south of, IV 681; canal of,
I 763; I11 261.
-Bends (=promontories) of: "Lord of
offerings," I 684; "Mistress of Life,"
I 684; region of eternity, I11 436.

-Cemetery of: see Tazoser.

-Pool of, I V 681.
-Palace of, I V 1019; palace of Thutmose IV in, I1 839; royal residence
in, of Sesostris 111, I 665 n. b; of
Ramses 111,IV 357.
-Fortress of, I11 82 n. b.
-Temples of: see Index 11.
-Feasts of: monthly, I 663 n. b; halfmonthly, I 665 n. b; beginning of
seasons, I 668; great
- feast of Osiris,
I 669.
-Mortuary chapel of Tetisheri, I1 36.
-Tombs of, I11 266; tomb of Tetisheri,
I1 36.
-Count of, IV 1024; mayor of, I11
82 n. b.
-Priestly phyle of, I 782; .prophets of,
contracts for remuneration of the, I
536, 746, 765.
-Officials of: field scribe of the waters
of, 1529; recorder of, I1 738; scribe
of the recorder of,. I1 718;
.- . kenbeti
of, I1 738.
-Gods of: see Index I under Osiris.
of the Westerners.
-Statues for gods
'I 95'
-Products of, I1 738.
-Temple inscriptions: by Seti I, 111
Ramses 11, 111251-81; 485-


-Inscription on Mastaba-tomb of Uni,

I271 n. a; tomb of Ikudidi, I 524-28;
memorial tablet of Ikhernofret, I 661
n. d.
-Stel= of Enekhnes-Merire, I 344 n. a;
Ikudidi, I 524 n. d; Mentuhotep, I
530 n. c; Sihathor, I 599 n. e; Khentemsemeti, I 609 n. a; Sisatet, I 671
n. e, 673; Sebek-khu, I 676 n. c;
Sehetepibre, I 743 n. C; Neferhotep,
I 753 n. a, 766 n. h; Arneniseneb, I
781 n. a, 786 n. i; Ahmose I, 1133 n. f.
Harmini, I 1 47 n. c; Thutmose I , I1
90 n. g; Nebwawi, I1 184 n. c; Neferhet, I1 839 n. d; Hori, I11 82 n. b;
Ramses IV, I V 469-71; Hori, I V 48485; Sheshonk, I V 669 n. d.


ADAMAH:city in Naphtali, IV 714 n. b.

ADDAR: city in Judah, conquered by
Sheshonk I, IV 716.
ADEL: city in Palestine, IV 712 n. c.
ADORAIM:city in Judah, conquered by
Sheshonk I, IV 712 n. f.
AJALON: city of Israel, in Dan, conquered by Sheshonk I, IV 712.
I1 949, 957, 958, 1000;
founded by Ikhnaton, I1 960; deeded
to Aton, I1 954,966; made the capital,
-Boundaries of, I1 961-64, 966-69;
-Landmarks (=stel=) of, I1 949-72;
area of, I1 965.
-Mountains of, I1 962, 963, 964, 965,
966, 969,971, 9721 994, 1003, 1013;
highland of, I1 1008.
-Pavilion in, I1960; houses of, I1978;
gardens of, TI 978; palaces of, I1 978;
temples of, I1 978; storehouse of, I1
1015; tombsof, I1 977-1018.
AKHMIM:called district of the city of
Min, I1 740; in the Panopolite nome,
1529; location of, 1423 n. a, 529.
-Officials of: nomarch, Intefyoker, I
423 n. a; scribe of, I1 740.
-Products of, I1 740.
AKITA: Nubian country, written Akati,
IV 477; gold in, I11 286; lacking in
water, I11 286, 289; road to, I11 291;
well dug for, I11 292.
AKKO: captured by Seti I, I11 114.
IV 818 n. g; Harmhab, nomarch of, I11 20 n. c; Horus,
lord of, I11 24, 27.
ALASA:land of, IV 591; captured by
Seti I, I11 114; invaded by the Northerners of the Isles, IV 64; Heteb,
queen of, IV 591; crews of, IV 591.
ALEPPO,I 3; land of, 111319, 320, 321,
322; ally of Kheta, I11 312; located
north of Tunip, I11 319; under the
Hittites, I11 386; Wan, west of, I1
582; prisoners from, 11 798A; Rebeyer, king of, I11 337; Sutekh, god of,
I11 386.
A ~ D Astela
of Amenhotep 11, I1 791
n. f; temple of, I11 606 n. a.
AMOR,CITY OF, IV 117; citadel of, I V
I 17; fortress of, I V 117; banner of,



AMOR,LAND OF: Kadesh in, I11 141,

310,340; Deper in, I11 356; shore of,
I11 310; captives of, IV 39, 129;

chief of IV 39, I 17,127,rzg; seed of,

IV 39; the Northerners of the Isles
camp in, IV 64.
IV 1004,
ANTIOCH,I1 582 n. c.
ANUBIS: nome of (XVII), ruled by
Methen, I 170, 173.
nome of, I1 327; IV
818 n. h, 948; two mountains of, I11
510; northern frontier of the South
in time of Uni, 1311,320; also in time
of Tefibi, I 396 n. h; in time of Intef
I, I 423; just north of the Thinite
nome, I 423 n. a; across the river
from Akhmim, I 423 n. a; made the
door of the North .by Intef I, 1423;
serpent and feather signs of nome of,
1423 n. a.
-Gods of: Zebui, lord of, 1V 366;
temple of, IV 366; Hathor, temple of,
IV 366.
MAGNA:nome (11) of
Upper Egypt, temple of Horus of
Nubia, built by Sesostris I, 1500.
ARAINA:city of or near Naharin, battle
at, 11496,498.
ARAM:district of, I11634.
ARANAMI:city on east side of Orontes,
south of Kadesh, I11 310.
ARASA:field of, in Wawat, IV 482.
AREK: Nubian region, captured by
Amenhotep 111, I1 845 n. f.
ARKO: island of (near third cataract),
inscription of Thutmose I, I1 67 n. a.
country of, I1 512; IV
131; tribute of, I1 512.
ARSINOE: temple inscription of Amenemhet 111, I1 233.
ARUNA(city south of Megiddo), I1 421,
425, 426, 427; road of, I1 422; conquered by Sheshonk I, IV 713.
ARVAD:land of, I11 306; ally of Kheta,
111 309, 312; a city of Zahi, I1 461;
captured by Thutmose I I 1 , I I 461; by
Ramses 11, I11 306, 366; invaded by
the Northerners of the Isles, 1V 64.
of: grain, I1 461, 465;
pleasant trees, I1 461; gardens, 11461;
fruit, I1 461; wines, I1 461; winepresses, I1 461; groves of, I1 465.
ASIA,I 728; marshes of, I1 321; eastern
boundav of Egypt, I1 321; strongholds of, IV 141; tribute from, I1 385.
ASIA,ends of: tribute from, I1 386.
I 25.
ASIATICS,I 6 2 0 n. d, 680; I1 296, 321,
412, 440, 657, 658, 837, 916; 111 7,
9, 10, 1 2 , 84, 118, 139, 141, 144, 151,
165, 457, 479, 484, 486, 490; I V 62,
72378,803 103,104,105>119,355,356r
720, 721, 840, 994.
-in A~raris,I1 4, 14, 303; Shamhen,
I1 416; Yeraza, I1 416; Megiddo, I1
441; Negeb, I1 580; Wan, I1 582;
Tikhsi, I1 587; Orontes region, I1
784; Niy, I1 786; Retenu, I1 658; I V
219; Kham, I11 101; Ikathi, I1 787;
of the army of Mitanni, IV 722.
-Campaigns against: by Sahure, 1236;
Nuserre, I 250; Isesi, I 267; Pepinakht, I 360 bis; Mentuhotep I, I
423H:; Amenemhet I, 1465; Sesostris
111, 1 681 bis, 707; Ahmose, I1 30;
Thutmose I, I1 101; Harmhab, I11
20; IRamses 11, I11 453,490; Ramses
111, :[V 119, 122.
-Chiefs of, I11 490; slaves of, for
temple of Amon, I1 555.
Bringing eye-paint, I 620 n. d; tribute
from..I1 1 2 0 : I11 4 q 7 .
- ~ h e i k abode's dest'<.'yed, I11 I I ; famine of, IIT 11; asking to live in Egypt,
IT1 11; revolt amongst, I1 416.
city of, 111355; rebellion of,
I11 355; captured by Ramses 11, I11
355; by Merneptah, I11 617.
Ass~sfi?(Thebes). cliff-tomb of Neferhotep, 'I11 68
-Tomb inscription, by Neferhotep, I11
ASSIUT(see Siut), I 398, 401 n. a.
ASSWAN:field of dodekaschoinos, I V
-Granite quarry of, I 42; I1 304, 876.
-Rock, inscriptions: by Hapu, 1614-16;
Sesostris 111, I 653; family of Neferhotep, I 753 n. b; Thutmose I, I1 77;
Thutmose 11, I1 119 n. c; Senmut, I1
359; Amenhotep 111, IT 844 n. b;
officer of Amenhotep 111, I1 876;
Bek, I1 973-76; Seti I, I11 202;
Ramses 11, I11 478 n. a.
-Tomb inscription of Harkhuf, I 325,
-Tomb of Harkhuf, I 325.
-Trading post on the Nubian frontier,
I493 n. i.
-See also Suan.
ASSUR: tribute from, 11 445, 446, 449;
chief of, I1 446, 449; captured by
Ramses 11,I11 366 n. c.



of: lapis lazuli, I1 446;
vessels of hrtt-stone in colors, I1 446;
horses, I1 449; wagons, I1 449;
m-b -w-skins, 11 449; nhb-wood,
I 1 449; kanek wood, I 1 449; carob
wood, I1 449; olive wood, I1 449;
meru wood, I1449; nebi wood, I1449.
ATFIH, IV 818 n. h.
ATHRIRIS: nome of, IV 873; reached
by ships from Heliopolis, I V 873;
harbor of, IV873; treasury of, I V 874.
-Gods of: Homs, IV 360, 874, 956;
Khuyet, goddess, I V 874.
-Temple of Horns in, IV 360, 956;
called Khenti-khet, IV 360, 369, 874.
-Stela of Merneptah, I11 596-601.
-Vizier deposed in, IV 361; Amenhotel', lord of, I1 912.
ATIKA: copper mines of, I V 408;
messengers sent to, IV 408; reached
both by land and sea, IV 408.
IV 989.
AVARIS,I1 4, 296; siege of, I1 4, S, 9,
11 n. d; capture of, I1 12; of the
Northland, I1 ,zag.
AYAN,IV 818; see-also Tayan.
AYAN: limestone of, I 534, 635, 740;
11 27, 44, 103, 302, 339, 345 n. (: bis,
380, 390, 603, 604, 799, 800, 875;
111 240, 525; I v 7, 216, 355, 354
358, 970) 9799 982.
-Eper of foreigners of, IV 466. See
also Troja and Turra.
-Well in, built by Ramess 111, IV 406;
foundation of, I V 406; battlements
of, IV 406.

BA, locality in Hauran: Mut, mistress
of, IV 716 n. b.
IV 407 n. c.
I11 479; lapis lazuli of, I1
446, 484.
ancient reckoning of years
in, 1 81.
I1 797.
864; meaning of, I V 864 n. a.
(b ' t . t y ) , 1 532; 11 303,
427; IV 106; slain by Snefm, I 169;
by Uni, I 315.
-Four (Nubian tribe's) slain by Sesostris I, 1519; by Thutmose 111, I1 413.
an estate in the district of Thebu, IV 597.



: city in nome
of the Cerastes Mountain, I 199.
REGION,"a district northwest of Thebes, IV 795.
BEDWIN,111 10; IV 246; lands of, IV
king among the, I 490;
"walls of the ruler" made to repulse
the Bedwin, I 493; chief of, I 493.
-Slain by Snefm, I 168; by Sahure,
I 236; by Nuserre, I 250; running
like hounds before Amenemhet I,
I 483.
-Southern Bedwin, in the district of
Sais, IV 957.
BEHBEIT,in central Delta, IV 818 n. a,
878 n. a.
BEHNESA(Oxyrrhyncus), IV 818 n. b.
BEE: Nubian region, also written Beki,
I1 852; Horus, lord of, I11 284, 285;
fortress of, I1 852.
BEKEN: Libyan people, slain by Ramses 111, IV 405.
BEKBEN: name given the Hammamat
region, IV 460, 465, 467; reached
from Egypt by ox-carts, IV 467.
BEKHTEN:chief of, I11 435, 439, 440,
444, 445, 446.
-Bentresh, second daughter of, was
possessed of an evil spirit, 111 436,
438, 443.
-Nefrure, oldest daughter of chief of,
became queen of Ramses 11, I11 435.
-Nobles of. I11 adz:
. . . soldiers of. 111
i 4 2 , 444, i46; messenger of, 111'4~6,
-Transportation of Khonsu to, I11 442.
-Tribute of, 111 435; horses from, 111
BEKHU,I1 597.
BELMEM:city of Palestine, IV 713 n. f.
- o f Naharin (=Euphrates), I1 479 n.
a, 631, 656.
-of the Sea, I11 I 18.
temples of, see Index 11.
-Tombs of: Khnumhotep I, I 463
n. a; Amenemhet, 1515 n. a; Khnumhotep 11, I 119 n. c, 619 n. d.
-Pakht, mistress of, I11 249.
-Temple inscription: by Hatshepsut,
11 297-303; Seti I, I11 249.
inscriptions: I 10, 34; by
Khnumhotep I, I 465; Amenemhet, I
518-23; Kknumhotep 11, I 622-39.


BERBERDOGS,I 421 n. b.
BERSET:located on the "Water-of-Re,"
IV 369; Bast, mistress of, IV 369;
temple of Bast in, IV 369.
BERSHEH: tomb inscriptions of Thuthotep, I 688-706.
(correct form: Bet-etWhli), temple of Ramses 11, 111 458.
-Temple inscriptions by Ramses 11, I11
' 458-77.
BETH-ANATH:captured by Seti I, I11
114; mount of, I11 356.
BETHANOTH:city in Judah, conquered
by Sheshonk I, IV 716.
city of Israel, in Ephraim,
conquered by Sheshonk I, IV 712.
BETH-SHAEL:captured by Seti I, I11
city of Israel, in Manasseh,
conquered by Sheshonk I, IV 712.
BETH-TELEM:city of Palestine, IV 713
n. h.
BEWEY: Syrian locality on southern
Orontes, 111 340.
OF, IV 867.
BIGEH (Snmw't), fortress of, I1 718;
commandant of, I1 718.
-Products of, I1 718.
-Rock inscriptions, by Ramses 11, I11
BISTA: temple of, IV 956; district of,
IV 957BLACKLAND,I1 245; I11 471; Mentuhotep, lord of, I 532; Thutmose 11,
king of, I1 116; Hatshepsut, ruler of,
11 299, 319, 321.
BOHEN (=Wadi Halfa) :Min-Amon,
residing in, I11 77, 159, 248; temple
of, I11 74; 159; endowment of divine
offerings for, I11 77, 159; Homs,
lord of, I11 285, 643.
: city in the
Upper nome, I 199.
BUBASTIS: Bast, mother of, I 485;
Osorkon I11 living in, IV 878.
-Temples of, I1 846; IV 734,
..956. -Inscription of Amenhotep 111, I1 84650.
BUSIFJS: nome of, I 159; IV 830 n. a ;
called Per-Osiris, IV 830, 878; district of, IV 968; city of, IV 485, 830;
Osiris, lord of, IV 485; militia of,
IV 968.
BUTO: city in nome of Xois, I 156, 174;
g0d.s of, I 348; temple of Buto in,
IV 956; temple of Hathor of the
Malachite in (?), IV 956.
BYBLOS:ships of, I1 492; Zakar-Baal,
prince of, IV 566, 567; harbor of,
IV 569, 591; nobles of, IV 570.
-Jonrnal of former kings of, IV 576.
-Ruled Lebanon, IV 577; fortress of,
IV 573; butler of, IV 585; letter
scribe of, IV 588, 589.
-Tribute to Egypt never paid by, IV
577; storehouses of, IV 576; agents
of, IV 576.

CAIRO,MUSEUMOF, IV 1014 n. a, et
IV 405 n. c.
CARCHEMISH:expedition of Thutmose
I11 to, I1 583; conquered by Ramses 11, I11 306; by Ramses 111, IV
-Ally of Kheta, I11 309; battle at, I1
58:;; invaded by Northerners of the
Isles, IV 64.
-Not included in Kheta, I11 306; IV
64, 131; located by the waters of
Naharin, I1 583.
-Prisoners from, I1 583.
FIRST,1 24; I1 15 n. e.
-Canals dug by Uni, I 324; by Sesostris 111, I 643-48; cleared by Thutmose I, I1 75-76; by Thutmose 111,
I1 649-50.
-Khnum, lord, 1 317, 500, 611, 615;
I1 95, 224; Khnum-Re, lord of, IV
-Rock inscriptions, by Mernere, I 8,
21, 317 n. a, 318 n. h; Amenhotep
111, I1 843.
FOURTH:cartouches found
at, I 21.
Upper Egypt, I 199; rise to power of,
I 375; Henku, nomarch of, I 280,
281; hawk, sacred animal of, I 281
n. c: great lords of: Ibi, I 377;
Zaiu, I 381.


CIRCLE,THE GREAT(Okeanos), I1 73,

220, 325, 661, 804; I11 480; IV 45.
COFTOS, I 7; I1 729; road of, I 429;
highland of, IV 407; haven of, IV
407; landing place for expeditions to
and from Punt, IV 407.
-District of, I1 733; gold country of,
I1 774; highlands of, I1 774.
-Min, lord of, I 296, 443; Min-Hor
of, I 675; triad of: Min-Horus-Isis,
IV 365.
-Officers of: commandant of, king's
son, Kinen, I 776; captain of gendarmes of, I1 774; governor of the
gold country of, I1 774; count of,
I 776; a culprit, I 777; punishment
of I, 778-79; office given to Minemhet, I 778; kenbeti of, I1 733; gqndames of, I1 774; priest of Min,
scribe of the temple, wearer of the
royal seal, Neferhotepur, I 776; army
of, 1 776.
-Products of, I1 733; gold from the
highlands of, I 521 ; I1 774.
-Stela of Ramses 11, I11 427-28.
-Temple of Min: see Index 11; house
of Min-Harsiese, IV 465.
city of, I 174, 187.
NOME: northern boundary
of, I 529.
capital of Fayum,
IV 818 n. a; House of Sebek in, I
7 9 ; IV 366, 818, 882.
C u s a (XIV nome of Upper Egypt):
Hathor, mistress of, I 500; I1 300;
temple of, I1 300; products of, I1 732.
CYPRUS,LANDOF, I1'659; see also Isy.

DAKHEL(=Southern Oasis): stela of

Wayeheset in, IV 725; village of Mut
in, IV 725 n. a.
I1 476 n. b.
DAN: cities of, IV 712 n. b.
DED: chief of Me, lord of, IV 830;
Pemou, lord of, IV 878.
DELTA,1 22, 25, 170; I11 10; IV 189,
780 et passim; see North, Northland; marshes of, IV 271; rising of
Sothis in, I 45; predynastic kings of,
I 78; governed by Amenemhet I, I


DENDERA:district of, I1 734; Kenbeti

of, I1 734; products of, I1 734; Hathor, mistress of, I 423H, 500.
of the northerners, IV 64; slain by
Ramses 111, IV 403; captives of, IV
81, 82, 403.
DEP (Buto): local governor of, I 172,
174, 175 n. a, 512; IV 1017; see also
Index V: Governor; Buto, mistress
of, 1 500; 11 224,
DEPER: city of Amor, captured by
Ramses 11, I11 356.
DERDEN,I11 306, 349.
D&REL-BAHRI,I1 187; Temple of: see
Index 11.
-Cliff tomb of Amenhotep I, IV 668,
-Temple inscription: by Thutmose 11,
I1 125; patshepsut, I1 192, 194, 19698, 200-1, 203, 205, 208, 213, 214,
216, 219-20, 223-25, 227, 229, 230,
2339 235-41.
-Tomb inscription in, IV 668, 689,
cliff tomb of Henku,
I 280; tomb of Ibi, in the southern
necropolis of, I 375 n. f.
-Tomb inscriptions by Henku, I 281;
Ibi, I 377-79.
DERR (in Nubia, also called Miam):
temple of Re in, I11 503; IV 474,
DESERT: Methen, local governor in,
I 174.
I1 336.
DIOSPOLISPARVA:recorder of, I1 737;
scribe of the recorder of, I1 737;
products of, I1 737; Hathor of, IV
726; product of, IV 726.
DOGRIVER,111 297.
DOOR (=Elephantine) : "people who
were in the door," I 367.
(=Elephantine), IV 980; door of the southern
countries, IV 990, 995; Governor of:
see Index V.
DOOROF THE NORTH:Intef I of Thebes
made the Aphroditopolite nome the,
1423; see also Two Doors of the
Northern Countries.
DOOROF THE SOUTH(Elephantine), I

367 n. d; keeper of, Zau, I 380;

Intef, I 420; see also IV 990.
DOR: city of Thekel, IV 565; Bedel,
king of, IV 565; harbor of, IV 566;
treasury of, IV 566.
brick pyramid
of Intef I1 in, I 421 n. a. ,
-Mortuary temple of Amenhotcp I in,
45 n. b.
-Tombs of Thutiy, I1 369 n. c; Nibamon, I1 777 n. e.
-Stela of Intef, I 419 n. a; Intef I, I
421 n. a; Keres, I1 49 n. a; Thutiy,
I1 369 n. c; Nipamon, I1 777 n. e;
stelae of Thutiy, I1 369-78; Nibamon,

EAST LAND,I 159; Eastern land, I1

658; applied to God's Land, I1 658.
I1 656.
EDFU: property of Queen Ahhotep in,
I1 113.
-District officials of, I1 72 I ; mayor of,
I1 721; scribe of mayor of, I1 721;
recorder of, I1 721.
-God of: Horus of, I1 I I I ; called beautiful god of, I1 828.
-~rod;cts of, I1 721.
-Stela of Yuf, I1 109 n. b.
-Temple of, I1 I 12; tomb of Sebekemsaf in, I1 109, 112.
EDOM:the Shasu of, I11 638; conquered
by Sheshonk I, IV 714
EGWOWE:cities of, plundered by the
Libyans, IV 405; probably identical
with Canopus, IV 405 n. o.
E ~ y m . 26,
1 32, 33, 451, 453; 1139 his,
98 bls, 294, 3149 341, 460, 462, 900,
1032, 1033; 111 38, 50, 84, 101, 107,
112, 136, 144, 148, 152, 155, 265, 270,
281, 285, 374, 375, 378, 381, 409, 4111
435, 479, 489, 580, 581, 585, 590, 591s
592, 608, 612, 614,616; IV 37,40, 42,
43, 45,47, 52, 54, 55, 62, 63, 66, 67, 71,
779 86, 90, 91, 92, 99, 103, 1053 1099
110, 112, 124, 126, 130, 183, 190, 202,
220, 229, 233, 246, 250, 255, 263, 282,
310, 313, 335, 341, 351, 353, 382, 387,
397, 3989 3997 400, 408, 410, 464, 466,
467, 471, 569, 571, 578, 582, 586, 588,
655, 720, 821, 822, 869; see also Two
Lands, Two Regions, Kem, South
and North.
-Called daughter of Re, I11 612; home
of civilization, IV 579.

-Boundaries of, see Index VII : Boundaries.

-Reorganization of, by Amenemhet I,
I 482-83; Harmhab, I11 31; captured by Osorkon I , I V 740; invasion
of, by {he ~ i b ~ a nIII's7;-6~7;
the northerners, IV 64, 77; by Meshwesh, IV 88, 95.
-Foes of, south, east and west (Nubians,
Asiatic, Libyans), I 423H.
-Cla:sses of, IV 402; see also Index VII;
districts of, IV 220; feudal principalities of, IV 746.
-Gods of, I11 77, 159, 206; see also
Index I.
-Laws of. 111 64: see also Index VII.
IV 5;4, 576, 580, see also
Index VII.
-Strongholds of, I1 467; IV 141; see
also Index VII: Fortresses, Strongholds.
-Temples of, I11 585; see also Index 11.
of, given for support of
temples, IV 226; see Index VII;
waters of, I1 420.
-Egyptians, I1 267; smitten by Mentuhotep I, I 423H.
EHNAS (=Heracleopolis) : nobles of,
I 398; see Heracleopolis.
EKBET: unknown people, I1 70.
EKERETH:Syrian land of, captured by
Ramses 11, I11 306; ally of Kheta,
111 309.
I11 312; see also Ekereth.
EKWESH:a northern people in alliance
with Libya, invading Egypt, I11 574,
-Captives from, I11 588, 601.
-HLnds of, 111 588, 601; who had no
foreskins, I11 588 bis.
--of the countries of the sea, I11 588,
601; slain by Merneptah, I11 588.
.-- of the South,
'72, 717.
-Frontier of the South: in time of Uni,
I 31r1, 320; in time of Tefibi, I 396;
of P~menemhetI, I 482; of Thutmose
I, 1.1 101.
-the two caves of, I11 171; IV 125;
quay of, IV 146 n. c; inscription on,
-Temples of Satet and Anuket, I 500;
IV 991, 992; endowment of, IV 992;
temple of Khnum, IV 146-50, 925.
-Buildine of the crown ~ossessionsof
the ~ o u F hin, I 650.



-Fortress of, I 650, 650, n. e; I1 719;

doorway of, I 650.
-Governor of, I1 I 72; chiefs of, I1 I 72;
nobles of, I 6; nomarch of, Sirenpowet, I 510 n. b; city officers of, I1
719; commandant of the fortress of,
I1 719; recorder of, I1 719; scribe of
the recorder of, I1 719; kenbeti of,
I1 719; scribe of, I1 719; fishermen of,
I 1 650; IV 148; fowlers of, IV 148;
honey collectors of, IV 149; natrongatherers of, IV 148; salt gatherers
of, IV 148.
-Gods of, I1 798; sailing on the river,
I1 798; Khnum-Re, lord of, IV 925;
Satet and Anuket of, I 500; IV 991,
992; Satet, mistress of, 1 615, 646,
649; I1 360; offering-tables were given
to the southern gods
in, by Sesostris I,
I 500.
-Products of, I1 719; granite from, I
322; IV 679; Hatshepsut's obelisks
from, I1 327; obelisk of Thutmose I,
I1 89.
-Stela of Ameni, I 649; Amenbotep 11,
I1 791 n. g; Seti I, I11 203-4.
EL-HESSEH:island of, I 317 n. a.
EL KAB(modern name of Nekheb), I1
3 n. b; nomarchs of, I1 I; Ahmose,
son of Ebana, nobleman of, I1 7.
lords of: Khentemsemeti, I
609; Royenet, I1 7; Baba, I1 7;
Ahmose, son of Ebana, I1 7; Setau,
high priest of, I 69 n. a; I11 558 n. d;
Iv 414, 41.5.
-Temple of Ramses 11,111505; temple
of Amenhotep 111, I11 558 n. d.
-Cliff tombs : of Ahmose, son of Ebana,
I1 I n. a; Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet, I1
25 n. f; Pahri, I1 3 n. d; Setau, IV
414, 415; tomb of Ini, north of, 1373.
-Nekhbet, the white goddess of, I1 828.
-Temple inscription, by Ramses 11,
111 5059 558.
-Tomb inscription: of Ahmose, son of
Ebana, I1 &16,39,80-82; of AhmosePen-Nekhbet, I 1 25; Setau, IV 414.
-Stela, I 741.
EL-KHARGEH:the southern oasis, I V
725 n. a.
ELLESIYEH:grotto inscription, by Nehi,
I1 652.
EMU: green gold of, I 1 265; electrum
from, I1 298, 387.
ENDS, or ends of the earth (lit.
" hinder-ends, " meaning the extreme



North, always "behind" to the Egyptians, as far as known to them), I1

120, 498, 586, 761 n. a, 771; I11 34.
ENDSOF ASIA: tribute from, I1 ~86,891.
ENENES:Syrian land, I11 337; archers
of, I11 337.
ENI: probably the same as Esneh, I
IV 716.
EPHRAIM:cities of, IV 712 n. a, 714 n.b.
ERETH:a Hittite fortress, IV 118.
EREATU:city north of Fenkhu, captured
by Thutmose 111, I1 529.
Montu, lord of, IV 547; temple
of, IV 547; see Hermonthis.
ERNEN:Hittite city, sun-god of, I11
386, 391 bis; Sutekh, god of the city of,
I11 386.
ERWEN:Syrian land, ally of Kheta,
I11 309 n. d, 312.
ESBET: a Lybian people captured by
Ramses 111, IV 405.
(=Khmunu), I 695.
ESNEH:islands of, I1 723.
-Prince of: Pahri, I1 3 n. b; town ruler
of, I1 723; scribe of the islands of, I1
723; Kenbeti, I1 723.
-Products of, I1 723.
I 22; see Kush.
ETI: a canal of the Nile, by Heliopolis,
I11 576, 870.
ETJP'HRATES:earliest reference to, I1 68,
73; boundary stone set up at, by
Thutmose I and 111, I1 478; crossed
by Thutmose 111, I1 479 n. a; see
also Inverted water.
EYE OF RE (=Thebes), IV 906.

FARAFRAH:oasis of, I11 580 n. c.

I 170, 174; I11 580 n. a; IV 818
n. g.
-Back lands of, IV 369.
-Temple of Amon-Re in, IV 369;
Horus dwelling in, IV 369; temple
of Sebek of Shedet in, IV 369.
lands of, I1 27 n. a, 30, 120,
439, 529; disturbing the boundaries of
Thutmose 111, I1 439; conquered by
Sheshonk I, IV 719; of marshes of
Asia, I11 118; oxen from, I1 27.
FIELDOF ABRAM,THE: city in southern

Palestine, conquered by Sheshonk I,

IV 715.
COUNTRIES:Governors of:
see Index V.
-Four eastern countries, I 675.

GAD: cities of, IV 712 n. g.

a district, I 312.
GAZA:city of, I1 417; Zeper and Roy
from, I11 6.30.
land of, I 315.
1401 n. a.
(Napata): stelae of, I 22;
of Piankhi, IV 796 n. a.
GEBEL MARAG:near DQ el-GebrAwi,
north of Assiut, tomb of Zau in, I 380
n. d.
gritstone quarry of,
I1 493 n. b, 906 n. a.
1427,459; quarry of, IV 629.
-Temple fragments of Mentuhotep I
from, I 423H.
-Recorder of, I1 724.
-Products of, I1 724.
-Rock inscription of Hui, I11 209-210.
-Pillar inscription, by Nesubenebded,
IV 628-30.
-Stela of Eti, I 457 n. d.
GEKET:city of Syria, I11 632, 632 n. b.
-Men of: Thutiy, I11 632; Thekeran,
111632; Methdet, I11 632; Shew-Baal,
I11 632; Sutekhmose, I11 632; Eperdegel, I11 632.
tribute from, I1 474.
-Products of: oxen, I1 474; calves, I1
474; bulls, 11 474; ivory, 11 474;
ebony, I1 474; panther sluns, I1 474.
GEZER: people of Kharu, captured by
Thutmose IV in, I1 821; revolt by, 111
606; subdued by Merneptah, 111606,
GIBEON: city of Israel, in Benjamin,
conquered by Sheshonk'I, IV 712.
GIZEH: tombs at, I 180 nn. i, j, 268 n. i.
-Stela of Khufu, I 177 n. e.
-Tomb of Thenti, I 182 n.a; mastaba of
Thethi, I 184; tomb of Nekure, I 190;
of Debhen, I 210; mastaba-tomb of
Senezemib, I 268.
-Vase inscription of Hatshepsut, I1

341, 3879 883.

--Name applied to Naharin, I11 434; to
countries in the North, I11 116; to
the eastern land, I1 658; to Retenu,
I1 4.51, 773, 820, 888; to Punt, I1 253,
255, 264, 265, 271, 286; Iv 407.
-Marvels of. I1 2 8u,~ 288:
. , I11 ma.
-Sea of, 11 iS7.
-Treasurer of, 11 271, 277.
-Located near Red Sea, I 433; stela of
Khnumhotep, executed in-,
a t Wadi Gasus ("Sewew"), I 618;
costly stones from I 764; I11 448 n. b;
Hammamat in front of, IV 460; on
the way to, IV 463.
-Chiefs of, I11 448 n. b; IV 407.
-Pro,iucts of, IV 270; myrrh tree, I1
264; fragrant wood, I1 265; malachite, I1 450 n. a; cedar from, I1 888;
southerns of, 11288; trees taken from,
I1 294, 295; myrrh-sycamores from,
IV 333; sweet wood from, I1 321.
of, see Index V.
"GREAT IS KHAFRE": pyramid city of
Khafre, I 199, 202.
city of, I 197.
I 25.
-Greeks, I1 296 n. c; IV 994, 1003.
GREEN,THE GREAT (=Sea), 11 660,

I1 695.
I1 584 n. c.
I 433; the august primeval mountain, I 441; the pure,
august stone, whch Min has made,
I 442; the highlands of Min, I 442;
in front of God's Land, IV 460.
-Black basalt from, I 675
of: Isis, Min, Mut, I 441;
Min, Mut, I 468.
-Rock inscriptions of, Isesi, I 7; inscriptions from Middle Kingdom,
I I:O; quany inscription of, I 61
n. a; inscription of Ahmose 11, I
75 n. h; rock inscriptions of Pepi I,
I 295-301; Ity, I 386-87; Imhotep,
I 388-90; Henu, I 428-33; Mentuhotep IV, I 434-53; Amenemhet,
I 444-48; Senekh, I 454-56; Intef,
I 466-68, 466 n. c; Khui, I 674-75;


Amenemhet, I 707-9; Ramses IV,

IV 457-60; 461-68.
HAPHARAIM: city of Israel, in Issachar,
conquered by Sheshonk I, IV 712.
HAPI: city of Delta, IV 818.
town by the well of, I11 84.
HARENOME,I 700-6; IV 821, 948.
-Location of, I 626; youths of, I 700,
703; army of, IV 848; warriors of,
I 701.
( =Khnum-Eshmunen) :
chief city of, I 688; IV 840; priests
of, I 702.
-Cemetery of, at Bersheh, I 688; a t
Shrkh Sac Id, I 688.
-Harbor of, IV 833.
lords of: Nenekhseskhnum,
1305; Nehri, I 692 n. c; Key, I 6 9 2
n. c; Thuthotep, I 688, 692, 693;
Thutnakht, 1689; Ihe ( ?), I 688 n. a.
NOME,1 174.
HATBENU,IV 818, 839.
HATIBTI: Thoth presiding over, IV 916.
HATKEPTAH:ancient name of the temple of Ptah at Memphis, IV 316.
HATNUB(alabaster quany in the desert
behind Amarna): location of, I 695.
-Alabaster from, I 7, 305, 323, 696;
1145, 302, 375, 546 n. b.
-Expedition to, by Uni, I 323.
-Rock inscription by Nenekhseskhnum
1 7, 305.
-Hieratic graffiti from, I 695 n. b.
HAT-SEHETEPIBRE:residence city of
Nehri, I 628; probably identical with
Ithtowe, the residence city of Amenemhet, I, I 628 n. c.
HATSEICHEM(Diospolis parva), I1 762.
IV 818.
HATSHO,IV 102; location of, IV 102
n. d; fortress of, IV 107.
mayor of, I1
735; products of, I1 735.
see Avaris and H 't-w a r't.
HATWERET:in XVI nome of Upper
Egypt, IV 820; Namlot, prince of,
IV 820.
-Khnum, lord of, IV 367; temple of,
IV 367.
HAUNEBU( ~ e o d e of
s the distant North
in the ~ g d i t k a n e a n ) :conauered bv
Henu, I 447; by ~ & h a h : I11
Ramses 111, I V 130.
-Hands of, I1 120; people of, I1 70.



Haunebu-Impost of, I1 953; tribute of, 11953.

Hauran: Y u t worshiped in, IV 716
n. b.
HE: a Nubian land, I 602; islands
around, I 602; see also Hem.
HEBENU,IV 820 n. b.
HEBREWS,IV 281 n. e.
HEFAT,I 459.
HEH (=Semneh), I 652.
HEKA,1 103.
HELIOPOLIS,I1 628; I11 28, 32, 271,
545; IV 263, 265, 471, 870, 871;
nome of, I V 955; land of, IV 257,
262; the two lands of, I V 183 et
-Middle district of, IV 957; names of,
IV 957.
-Besieged in the Libyan-Mediterranean invasion, I11 612, 613.
-Kings crowned in, by Atuxn, I1 221,

-Sand hill of, IV 870.

-Canal of, I V 266, 278, 394.
-Harbor of, I V 873; pool of Kebeh,
I V 870; river of Nun, IV 870.
-Cleansed by Thutmose 111, I1 642;
Thutmose IV, I1 812; Ramses 111,
I V 250.
-Offering ceremonies of, I1 562.
-As place of future punishment, I11
180.-Temple model of, 111 240.
-Temples of Atum-Re (=Harakhte),
Aton, Horus, Saosis, Hapi, Re (in
north Heliopolis): see Index 11.
-Two pylons in, I11 246; two obelisks
in, I11 246; two pairs in, TIT 246;
London obelisk, I1 632-33; New
York obelisk, I1 634-36; obelisk of
Seti I, I11 544.
-Amenhotep 11, divine ruler of, I1
782, 796, 797, 806; Harmhab,
sovereign of, before becoming king
of Egypt, 1114; Ramses 111,ruler of,
I V 5, 37, 62, 94, 105, 182, 2'5, 2'7,
218, 219, 423.
-Lords of, I11 16, 614; table of, I11
I 6.
-High priest of Re: Patonemhab, I11
22 n. a; Sem-priests of, I1 389.
-Gods of, I11 245, 246, 545; I V 183,
247, 248; Atum, lord of: see Index I ;
Re, lord of: see Index I: Harsaphes,
lord of, IV 733; Horns, I11 I ; Osiris,

I11 I ; Isis, I11 I ; Nephthys, 111 I;

Hathor, I11 I; I V 247; ennead of,
I11 16, 545, 547; IV 250, 261, 262,
265. 269; triad: of Atum, Saosis, ReHarakhte, IV 183, 247. 248; spirits
of, 1155, 159, 165, 167; I1 314.
-Obelisk inscriptions, by Thutmose
111. I1 633, 635-36; Ramses 11, I11
-Stela of Thutmose 111, I1 642.
-Northern Heliopolis, IV 72 I ; temple
of Re in, I V 274-76.
south of ~ h e b e s ) ,I1 906 n. a, 9341
I V 721, 768.
HEM (read so instead of He): Horus
of, I11 496, 498; temple of, I11 496,
HEMY:in the Delta, wine of, IV 734.
HENEM:city in Palestine, I V 713 n. e.
HEPEN: pool of, I11 100.
IV 968; kingdom of,
invasion of, by Thebans, I 396 n. d;
insurrection within, I 398; consisting
of the Northland and Middle Egypt,
I 407 and n. b; end of (Dynasties
I X and X), I 416; defended by the
princes of Siut, I 422; conquered by
Intef I of Thebes, 1422; finally overthrown by Mrntuhotep I, I 423H.
-District of, IV 948.
-City of, 1401, 403; b-sieged by Tefnakhte, IV 818; by Pianchi's army,
I V 825; streets of, IV 968.
-Merikere, king of, I 399; Tefnefdibast, ruler of, IV 852.
of, IV 777, 787, 797, 868;
Commander of, Commander in chief
of, see Index V.
- G r e a t ones of, I 401; Somtous-Tefnakhte, nomarch of, I V 944; Hor,
chief of, IV 968.
-Temple of Harsaphes of, I 11I ; I V
792, b56, 068, gjo, 97~-72; temple
of Bast. IV 072.
-Gods of: ~&&hes, lord of, I 675;
IV 792; Divine father of: see Index


I V 4oj n. g.
HERENKERU:city in southern end of
Libanon, under the rule of Kadesh,
I1 436; plundered by Thutmose 111,
11 436; called a city of Retenu, I1
557; impost of, I1 557.
HERMONTHIS,I11 615; nomarchs of,
the Intefs, I 419 n. c; recorder of,
I1 727; scribe of the recorder of, I1
727-District of, I1 727; scribe of, I1 727;
kenbeti of, I1 727.
-Temples of: see Index V; throne of
Amon in, I1 314.
-Montu, god of, I1 352, 828; see Index I:; prophets of Montu, I1 352.
-Products of, I 1 727.
-See also Erment.
(Khmunu), IV 842, 848,
948; captured by Pianchi, I V 833,
-Hernopolis (wnw), I V 833, 843 bis.
-Hesret, a sacred quarter of: Thoth,
presider over, 11 95, 147; I V 356;
temple of Thoth in, IV 356, 848;
Thoth, lord of, IV 848.
-Prophets of, I1 371; chief of, I1 371.
-Royal1 palace of, IV 849; granary of,
IV 851 ; treasury of, I V 849; magazines of, IV 849; stables of, IV 850;
colossus of, I 695.
PARVA,IV 830 n. b.
HERUR: see Hirur.
IV 867.
HES: Libyan people, slain by Ramses
111, I v 405.
(XI nome of Lower Egypt),
IV 830,
- 878.
HESEN: stronghold in the Harpoon
nome, I 174.
HESRE:~(a sacred quarter of Hermopolis), I1 95, 147; IV 356; lord
of, I11 25.
HESWER: city in the Saitic nome,
Methen palace-ruler of, I 174.
HIGHLAND(upper lands back from the
river, along the foot of the cliffs),
I1 80, 113, 114.
HIGHLANDS:captured by Mentuhotep
I, I q23H; cleared of Troglodytes
by Henu, 1429 n. g; beasts of, I 436;
mountain of Hammamat, the highlands of Min, I 442; commander of
troops in, 1 455.
-Extending southward to Thau and
northward to Menet-Khufu, I 456.
-Source of ebony, 11 127; gold from,
I1 373; I11 195; electrum from, I1
-Door of: see Door of the Highlands.
-Inspectors of: see Index V.
- o f Akhetaton, I1 1008; of Coptos, I1


-The eastern, governors of: see Index V.

-The western, I 533; overseers of,
see Index V.
HILL COUNTRY(=First Cataract), I
-HiU countries, the two, I 1 297.
HIPPONON,IV 818 n. e.
HIRUR (Hemr) (town by Benihasan):
Khnum, lord of, I 637 n. a; I1 95;
Heket mistress of, I1 205 n. a.
OF HORUS:a part of the Oryx
nome, I 619; on the east of the river,
I 625; up to the eastern highlands,
I 625; detached as aseparate principality, I 619; Menet-Khufu, chief
city of, I 619.
HORNSOF THE EARTH: in the South,
I1 101, 120, 631, 652; 111 115, 118,
204 n. b, 588 n. c, 600; on the Nubian
border, IV 102; mountain of, IV
102; in Asia, I1 412.
HOTEP (sacred quarter of Heliopolis) :
Hathor, mistress of, I1 1042.
Hou, city of, I 401 n. a.
HOUSEOF HATHOR:recorder of, I1 728.
: district
of Memphis, I1 1043.


town west of Memphis, IV 338, 340.

: district
of Memphis, I1 1043.
: district of Memphis, I1 1043.
" : see
Ramses, ctiy of.
: city of, I
HUA, HEIGHT OF: a Nubian region,
I1 849, 850; captives from, I1 850.
HYKSOS:their neglect of the Egyptian
temples, 1 15; I1 296; chronology
of, 165; war with, I 24, 774; I1 4 n. a;
length of reign, I 52; expulsion of,
I1 I, 4; resumption of building after,
I1 26; they ruled in ignorance of Re,
-Era begun by, 111 538, 542.
-Kings of: Opehtiset-Nubii, I11 538,
542; Paophis: see Index 111.
IBHET: Nubian region: revolt of,
I1 8 j z ; capture of, I1 853.


-Archers of, I1 854; servants of, I1
854; captives of I1 854.
-Campaign in, by Amenhotep 111,
I1 852-55.
-Cattle of, I1 853.
-Harvest of, I1 852.
-Quarry of, I 321, 322.
mayor of, IV 474.
-Cliff tomb of Penno in, IV 474 n. a.
-Tomb inscription, by Penno, IV
two wells dug in, by Henu
I 431.
a well dug there by Henu,
I 431.
city near Niy in Syria, Egyptian infantry in, I1 787; revolt of,
I1 787; captured by Amenhotep 11,
I1 788; booty from, I1 788.
IKEN, Nubian city, I 652.
Nubian land, I 510.
ILION, I11 312 n. c.
ILLAHBN:at the mouth of FayQm, IV
818, 853.
city of, I 173.
IMU:Hathor, mistress of, I 351.
: probably a Libyan region,
war of Amenhotep I in, I1 42.
WATER"(=the Euphrates),
I1 73; IV 407; the sea of (=Indian
ocean), IV 407 n. c; fleet of Ramses
I11 sailing thereon to the land of
Punt, IV 407.
IREM:Nubian region.
by Hatshepsut, I1 26;
Thutmose 111, I1 494; Amenhotep
111, I1 845 n. f.
-Chiefs of, I1 267; son of chief of,
sacred quarter of Mut in
p. Karnak; see Index 11: Karnak,
Temple of Mut.
negro tribe, I 311, 317, $334
bis, 336; chief of, I 324, 336 bls.
negro land, 1 334.
(=Neter), modern Behbeit, IV
818 n. a, 878 .n. a.
ISIDISOPPIDUM (=Neter, modem
Behbeit), IV 818 n. a.
IV 830, 873, 880, 882.
1312, n. d, 492.
Northerners of the, IV 75;

invading northern Syria, IV 64;

camping in Amor, IV 64; intending
to attack Egypt, IV 64, 77.
ISLES, (the Greek Islands): I1 73;
isles in the midst of the sea, I1 1006;
IV 880.
desolated by Merneptah, I11
615; captured by Sheshonk I, IV
-Towns of, IV 712.
cities of, IV 712 nn. c, f.
ISY(=Cyprus), I1 659; captured by
Thutmose 111, I1 493, 511; Ramses
11, I11 366 n. c.
-Prince of, I1 511; chief of, I1 521.
-Tribute of, I1 493, 511, 521.
-Products of: copper, I1 493, 521;
lead, I1 493, 521; lapislazuli, I1 493;
crude copper, I1 511; ivory, I1 493,
521; horses, I1 511.
ITFIT(see also Atfih): recorder of,
I1 741; scribe of the recorder of, I1
741; products of, I1 741.
between MedQm and Memphis, IV 818, 856.

NOME: location of, I 626, 632.
-Ruler of, Nakht 11, I 632.
JONIANS,I11 312 n. c.
JOPPA: capture of, I 24; I1 577.
JUDAH: kingdom of, IV 713 n. d.

KADER: city in land of Pemehtem,

in Syria, captured by Seti I, I11 94.
KADESH,1 3; 111 310, 311, 322, 325,
336; extent of its dominion, I1 420.
-Located in the land of Amor, I11
141, 310; of Zahi, I11 318.
-District of, I1 531; Syria, a dependency of, I1 420; ally of Kheta, I11
3099 312.
-Captured by: Thutmose 111, I1 465,
585; Amenhotep 11, I1 798A; Seti I,
I11 141 bis; Ramses 11, 111306.
-Siege of, I1 589; great battle at, I11
306-312, 317-27; assault on, I1 590.
-Hiehland of. I11 108. 718.
-~iZes of, capturedYby'~Yhutmose111,


Sheshonk I, IV 709-724; Osorkon,

I1 531; groves of, I1 465; harvest of,
I1 465.
Iv 753, 756-70 777.
-Prince of, I1 589; lords of, I1 585, -In
temple of Khonsu: inscriptions
by Ramses XII, IV 602-3; Hrihor,
590; chief of, I 1 420, 430, 435, 596,
I V 609-26; Paynozem I, I V 632-33,
-Tribute from, I1 773.
-Prisoners of, 11 585, 798 A.
temple of Ptah; inscription of
Thutmose 111, in I1 611.
-Booty from, I1 435, 436, 532, 585;
chariot, I1 435; suit of bronze armor, -Column inscription: of Thutmose 111,
I1 435; meru wood, I1 435; chairs,
I1 601; Amenhotep 11, I1 804-6.
I1 436; staff, I1 436; statue, I1 436; -Obelisk inscriptions: by Thutmose I,
clothing, I 1 436.
I1 86-88; Hatshepsut, I1 308-321.
inscriptions: by Senmut, 11
captured by Thutmose 111, 11 -Statue
350-58; Puemre, I 1 380-81; Amen529.
hotep, son of Hapi, I1 912, 914-20.
RANEKEME (in the Delta): a vineyard -Stela3 of: Ahmose I, I1 n. d; Thutof Amon, IV 216; temple of Amon
mose 111, I1 599 n. d; Thutmose 111,
in, I V 216.
I1 609 n. e; Thutmose 111,I1 655 n. b;
Amenhotep 11, I 1 781 n. b; RamKARB~WITI
(Kerben), I V 405 n. g.
ses 11, 111 429-47; Sheshonk I, I V
KARNAK,I1 43, 63, 80, 105, 383, 390,
724A; Kerome, I V 755; Yewelot,
606, 832, 833, 834, 835, 837, 838,
I V 795; Psamtik I, IV 935-58;
881; I11 27, 28, 215, 216, 220, 261,
Enekhnesneferibre, 1V 988A-J; for
other inscriptions, see Thebes, and
511, 512, 517; IV 9, 201, 495, 616,
Index 11: Karnak, Temple of Amon.
624, 635, 768, 823, 851, 855, 945,
-Stela in temple of Ptah: of Thut958c.
-Quay of, I 22; I V 693 n. a, 914.
mose 111, I1 609 n. e; Seti I, 111 82.
chief in, 11 389; for KAROY: region of Kush, 11 889; 111
other officials see Thebes (eastern),
285; region of Napata, 11 1020, 1025;
and Index 11: Karnak, Temple of
gold from, 11 8g9; 111 2g5.
Amon, and Index V.
-Tablet erected in, by Amenhotep 11,
-Gods of: see Index I : Amon, Amon11goo.
Re, Harakhte, Aton, Mut, KhOnsu, -Campaign of Thutmose IV to, I1 818.
Montu, Mat, Horus, Ptah, Osiris- -Southern boundary of Egypt at, 11
Wennofer, Hathor.
-Temples of: see Index 11: Temples K~~ ( K ,i) : ~
~ land, bI 10;i see ~
of Amon, Mut, Khonsu, Ptah of
also Kush.
Seti I, Ramses 11, Osiris-Wennofer: KASR-ESSAIYAD:cliff tomb of IduSeneni in, I 337 n. a.
and Index 11: Thebes (eastern).
-Obelisks : of Thutmose I (Nos. I and KAU: n e e 0 tribe, I 3 11.
2), I1 86; Hatshepsut (Nos. I and 2),
KAY: town of, IV 948.
11 3047 erected by Senmut I1 351; KEBEH: pool of, in Heliopolis, I V
Thutmose 111, 11624-25; Ramses 11,
296, 870.
I11 543 n. C.
(probably a region of upper
-Statues: of Senmut, 11 349; Puemre,
Euphrates)7 'I Iol.
I 380 n. e; Amenhotep, son of Hapi,
I1 912, 913.
KEBES: a Syrian locality, I11 337;
inscriptions: by Thutmose
Tergetetethes, chief of archers of, 111
111, 11 131-66, 415-37, 439-43, 445KEDEMbordered on Yaa, I 496.
49, 451-52, 455-62, 464-67, 469-75,
747-87,489-95,497-503,507-515,515- KEPTYEW: land of, I1 659; ships of,
19, 529-40, 654; Hatshepsut, I1 305;
I1 492; vessels of the make of, I1
Amenhotep 11, I1 798A, 804-6;
537; tribute of, I1 761, 773; classed
with "all the Isles in the midst of the
Seti I, 111 82-150, 223-24; Ramses
sea," 11 761 n. a.
11, I11 348-51, 355, 36731, 509-513;
Merneptah, I11 574-92; Ramses IV, -Captured by Thutmose 111, I1 761;
I V 472; Ramses IX, I V 492-98;
Ramses 11, I11 366.
Keftyew-Chief of, I1 773.
KEHEK: captives of, I11 588.
into an Egyptian class, IV
402, 410.
KEHENI:near Athribis, IV 873.
111306, 349; ally of Kheta,
111 309.
KEMED:captured by S ~ tI,
i I11 114.
KEMWER:lake of, I 493; shore of, IV
724A; Harkhentikhet, lord of, IV
I1 808.
KENOFU:pyramid city of Amenemhet
I , I 490 n. a.
KERBEN:city of Egypt, IV 405; location of, IV 405 n. g.
KEREKHEN:n. -, Hittite city, I11 386.
captured by Seti I, I11 114.
KERET,11 925.
KERPET:city on mount of Bethanath,
111 356; conquered by Ramses 11,
I11 356.
KERZET:Hittite city, I11 386.
KESHKESH:Svrian land of., allv
, of
Kheta, 111 jog, 312; captives from,
111 428.
KETNE: place in Syria, I1 598; captured by Thutmose 111, I1 598; by
Amenhotep 11, I1 798A; by Ramses 11, I11 366; prisoners from, I1
KEYKESH: Libyan people, slain by
Ramses 111, IV 405.
KEZWEDEN:Syrian locality, ally of
Kheta, I11 309, 312; land of, I11 386;
dependency of Kheta, 111 386; queen
of Kheta from, I11 391.
KHAPRE:cities of, I 195-98.
necropolis in
western Thebes I1 927; goddess, I1
70, 3397 606, 655.
KHAMEHEM:captured by Seti I, I11
I 14.
modem Soleb, in Nubia;
temple of, I1 890 894-98; fortress of,
I1 894, 896, 897; mayor of, 11 1041.
-Captured by Kadesh, I1 420; Amenhotep 11, I1 798A; Thutmose IV, I1
822; Seti I, I11 84, 101; Ramses 11,
111 457; Merneptah, I11 617; Sheshonk I, IV 724.

-Sea of (the Mediterranean), IV 565.

-Asiatics of, I11 101.
-King's messenger to, I11 651.
of, given for support of
temples, IV 226; Gezer, city of, I1
821; Tyre, city in, I11 630, 633.
-Chiefs of, I11 84; Yarsu, chief of,
ruling Egypt, IV 398.
-Tribute of, I1 1015; IV 724; impost
of, IV 229.
-Vases of, called 3 -k 3 -n vases, I1 436;
bows of, I1 501; prisoners from, I1
798A, 821, 884; IV 225; oil of, IV
33; see also Syria.
G A S : Sekhmet presider over, I1 814.
KHASEY:Nubian land, I 510.
tribe of, I1 789; city of,
I1 789; raptured by Amenhotep 11,
I1 789; belonged to Retenu, I1 790.
IV 9 15.
KHEMMIS:Horus in, I1 138, 814; IV
KHENBET:Hittite city, 111 386.
KHENT:nome of (XIV), 1 159, 165.
Mut of, IV 369;
temple of, IV 369.
Nubian region, I1 14,
30, 80, 121; 111 270, 285; captives
from, I1 162, 646; Nubian Troglodytes from, I1 268, 646; youths
(=recruits) of, I11 332; under the
authority of the viceroy of Kush, I1
--Fine gold from, IV 770.
-Gods of. I11 448
. . n. b: Nibmare. lord
of, I1 &8.
-Nomes of, I11 448 n. b.
KHENTIRHET:see under Temples of
Athribis: Index 11.
IV 878.
KHEREHA(modern Babylon), I1 814;
cavern of, IV 869.
-Mount of, IV 870; highway of god
Sep to, IV 870; located in Per-Hapi,
IV 878.
-Nine gods in, 1500; temple of, I 165;
lords of, I1 814; ennead of Atum in,
IV 8%.
Hittite city, 111386.
Nubian region, I1 849.
KHESEP:Hittite city, Sutekh, god of,
I11 386.
KHETA:field of, a district in Memphis,
11 1043.


KHETA: land of, I11 34, 374, 375, 380,

111, 386; Aleppo, I11 386; Rekhsen,
111 386; Sekhpen, I11 386; Zeyeth381,3831 3841 386,387,388,389, 390,
ekhrer, 111 386; Kerzet, I11 386;
391, 410, 415, 479.
-Districts of, I11 321.
Kherpenteres, I11 386; Kerekhen,
-Wars with: by Seti I, I11 114, 143,
I11 386; Khewek, I11 386; 7 ~ n I11
386; Zen-wet, I11 386; Serep, I11386,
144, 147, 148, 151, 152; Ramses 11,
111 306-312, 317-27, 392, 448 n. b;
Khenbet, I11 386.
by Merneptah, I11 617; Ramses 111, -Fortresses of Ereth, I V 120.
I V 129.
-Go& of, I11 386; Sun god, I11 386;
-the great coalition of prince of, I11
Sutekh, 111 386; Antheret, I11 386;
309; treaty of Egypt with, I 18, 36;
Tesker, 111 386.
I11 367-91; invasion into, by the -Products of: silver, I1 485; 111420;
people of the Isles of the Northerners,
white precious stone, 11485; 4 -pI V 64.
wood, 11485 ; gold, 11525; 111 420;
--Grain transported by ships from
horses, I11 420, 428; goats, I11 418;
Egypt to, I11 580.
large cattle, 111428.
-Kings of, I11 375 n. C; Seplel, I11 373, KHEWEK:Hittite city, 111386.
K ~ m (m Eshmunen, Hermopolis) :
111374, 375, 377; Khetasar, 111371,
chief city of the Hare nome, I 688;
372, 373, 3747 375, 391; queen of,
Thoth, lord of, I1 274; see Eshmunen,
Petkhep, I11 391; Matnefrure, eldest
daughter of King Khetasar, given
KIKKAR:locality in Palestine, I V 713
as queen to Ramses 11, I11 410, 415,
n. h.
417; second daughter of Khetasar,
KINA: brook of, I1 428,430.
I11 428.
-Chief of, visiting Egypt, I11 421, 424, RODE: captured by Kadesh, I1 420;
426; chiefs of, I1 525, 773; I11 144,
by Ramses 11, I11 306; located north
of Megiddo, I1 434; ally of Kheta,
309,3109 319,321,322,323,325,335,
111 300, 321; invaded by the North33c, 336,337,338,340,346,3499 359,
erners of the Isles, I V 64.
360, 3719372,3737 374, 375, 376, 378,
379,380,381,382, 383,384,385,386,
-All Kode, I11 321; not included in
389,3901 301, 417, 418,419>421,424,
the districts of Kheta or land of NaIV 129; Thewethes, I11337; Rebeyer,
harin, I11 321 ; IV 64.
I11 337; Septhrr, I11 337.
-Chief of, I11 421; visiting Egypt, I11
the Great: tribute from, I1
421, 426; folk of, "curly-haired,"
485, 525, 773; 111 151, 421; gifts
I1 657.
from, I11 420.
KOMEL~HISN: temple of, IV956.
-Officers of, TI1 337; nobles of, I11 419;
: god of, I1 828.
people of, I11 421; prisoners from, I11 KOMO M B ~Set,
OF : rock inscription
341; regulars of, I11 424; warriors K o ~ o s s oISLAND
by Mentuhotep I, I 423H n. d;
of 111, 424; chariot warrior of, GerThutmose IV, I1 823 n. b; Amenhobetes, I11 337; charioteers: Tergen,
tep 111,I1 845.
111 7x7: Tergenenes, I11 177: Peves.
111i i j j soldi&sof: ~ e r n r c % & , ' 1 1 1 j ~RUBBAN:
stelae of Thutmose I, I1 54 n. a;
Methren, I11 337; chief of the war- '
Ramses 11, I11 282--93.
riors of, Teder, 111337; chief of the KIJMMEH(37 miles above Wadi Halfa) :
archers of, Tergetetethes, 111 337;
temple of, built of "good white
%em, 111 337; Rebesnen, 111 337;
stone" from Shat, I 510.
scribe of chief of, Kher~esar,111337; -Rock inscription by Amenemhet IV,
chief of the bodyguard, Teyeder, I11
337; king's messengers> Tarteseb, II1
KURNA:Temple of Seti I, see Index 11.
JI', JI"
(west side of Thebes):
-Ch.ariotry of, 111 309, 310, 312, 320, KURNET-M~RAT
cliff-tomb of H ~ Y11
, 1019 n. a.
321, 338, 424; infantry of, 111 320,
K m u s ~ o(half.-way between first and
321, 338, 424; army of, I11 419, 424.
-City of, I11 365; cities of: Ernen, I11
second cataract) : inscription of, I 412
3886; Zepyerened, I11 386; Perek,
n. b.
I11 386; Khesesep, I11 386; Seres, RUSH: land of, I1 121 bis, 122, 858;




-Products of, 11 436; birds of, I1 483;

wild fowl, I1 483; horses, I1 783;
cedar from, I11 94; IV 577.
Homs lord, IV 878; presider over, 11 95; prophet of, IV
LIBYA: land of, I11 581, 586, 611;
IV 40; people of, I qz3H, 492; I11
590; IV 822, 994.
-Invasion by, into Egypt, I11 572-617;
IV 91; plundering western Egypt,
I v 405.
-jR'ebellion of, I1 844.
-Colony from, I1 824; Troglodytes of, -Conquest of, by Mentuhotep I, I
423H; Amenemhet I, I 492; Ramses
I11 490; Negro people of, IV 114;
11, I11 448 n. c; Merneptah, I11
Negro slaves from, I1 494, 502, 514,
522,526; prisoners from, I1 857.
574,584,591,594,598, 608; R a s e s
111, first war, IV 35-58; second war,
-Tribute from, I1 891, 1015; I11 42,
IV 83-114.
453,590,644; impost of, 11 127,494,
502, 514, 522, 526, 538; harvest of, -Kings of: Ded, I11 579; IV 43;
Meshken, IV 43; Meryey, I11 579,
11 494, 502, 514, 514, 5383 871586, 610, 612, 614; IV 43; Werner,
-Towns of, given for support of
IV 43; Themer, IV 43.
temdes. IV 226.
-~oc'alities of: Pool bf H o w , I1 845; -Chief of, Hetihenker, IV 783, 784;
chiefs of, I11 579, 580, 583, 584, 586,
Karoy, I1 889.
588, 589, 590, 594, 595, 610, 615;
-Viceroy of, I 18, called "King's son,"
IV 114,127,783, 78411 47; see Index V: first a~nointed
-Uncircumcised phalli of, I11 587, 588,
ter; IV 52, s4i seed of, I11 604;
1i 61; appdintn&t
of earliest
IV 91; families of, I11 598.
known, I1 64; residence of, I1 54,62 ;
called "King's son of Kush," I1 1023; -Chariotry of, I11 583; infantry of,
I11 583; archers of, I11 609; bowmen
see Index V.
of, 111 579; captives from, I11 584,
-Chief of I1 122; 111 590; IV 114;
58% 600; 1v 52>54,57,78,79.
chiefs of, I1 844, 857, 891, 1035,
1036; 111 164; princess of, I1 1035; LIBYAN
NOME,I 159.
deputy of, see Index V; king's
LISHT: pyramid of Sesostris I in, 1
messenger to, I11 651.
507 n. b.
-Products of: gold, I1 522, 526; bulls, LOWEREGYPT:kings of, I 78, 78 n. a,
I1 514; oxen, I1 494, 502, 514, 1035;
90; I1 287; I11 577, 585.
calves, I1 494, 502, 514: ivory, I1
LUKA:ally of Kheta, I11 309, 312;
494, 502, 514; ebony, I1 ~ 9 4 502,
ally of Libya, invading Egypt, I11
514; ships, 11 494, 5027 514, 538;
574,579; uncircumcised ( ?), I11 588.
chariot, I1 1035, 1039.
LUXOR,11 187, 190, 226, 230, 351, 554;
111 27,30; I v 836,909.
-Wall of, built by Thutmose 111, IV
628: restored by Nesubenebded, IV
LEBANON:expedition to, I 146 n. a;
capture of Tripolis of, by Thut628i30.
mose 111, I1 236; by Amenhotep 11, -Feast of, I1 809, 887, 888; see Index
VII: Feasts, of Southern Opet.
I1 783.
-Owned by Byblos, IV 577; claimed -Obelisk of Ramses 11, I11 543 n. C,
by Arnon, IV 580.
-Fortress, built by Thutmose 111 in, I1 -Temple reliefs and inscriptions of
Amenhotep 111, I1 187-212, 215548; name of, I1 548.
42, Ramses 11, I11 480-84, 506-8;
-Imposts of, I1 483, 510; chiefs of,
11 483, 548; I11 94; harvest of, I1
Menkheperre, IV 659; see also Opet,
the Southern.
519; booty of, I1 783.

111 44, 498; IV 373, 341, 387,.+1o;

passed by Sesostns 1's expehbon;
sailing southward, I 519.
-Campaigns against, by: Pepi 11, I
361; Sesostris I, I 510 n. b; Sesostris
111, I 647, 650, 653, 661, 672; Amenhotep I, I1 39, 41; Thutmose I,
I1 76-77,84; Thutrnose 11, I1 119-22;
Thutmose 111, 11 648; Thutmose
IV, I1 824; Amenhotep 111, I1 844,
845, 857; Harmhab, I11 42; Seti I,
I11 164 bis; Ramses 11, I11 285, 392,



26-34, 37-58, 70-82, 107-14, 11729, 14-45.

of Thutmose I11 in: see
Index 11; Temple of Ramses 111,
IV I ff.; see Index 11.
, 818, 855; see also MerM AC SARA (quarry), 1 8; 11 26.
-Rock. inscriptions, by Neferperet, I1 MEHENET: sacred district of Sais, I V
26 n.c. See Ayan.
1011; temple in, I V 982; mysterious
MACHANAIM:city of Israel, in Gad,
linen from, IV 101I.
conquered by Sheshonk I, IV 712.
MEGIDDO,11 439.
MAD: sacred precinct near Karnak, -Campaign against, by Thutmose 111,
I V 915; bull of, I V 915; house of,
I1 412-43; by Sheshonk I, IV 712.
-In the land of Retenu. I1 402; seized
I V 91s.
Kadesh. I1 420; brook of Kina
I 161; IV 409;
products of: silver, IV 409; gold, IV , south of, fi 428; chief of, I1 435;
Asiatics in, I1 441; surrender of, I1
409; royal linen, IV 409; mek-linen,
434, 441; harvest of, I1 437; plain
IV 4139; malachite, IV 409; Hathor,
of, I1 429; cattle of, I1 430; siege of,
mistress of: see Index I.
-11 432, 440.
FIELD,IV 1003.
-Spoil of: mares, I1 431, 435; foals, I1
MANASSEH:cities of, IV 712 n. d.
435; stallions, I1 435; chariot, I1 435;
OF: western boundsuit of bronze armor. I1 A ? < ; bows.
11 435; meri wood,' 11
ary of Egypt, I1 321,905; IV 12, 13,
cattle, 11 435; small cattle, I 1 435;
white small cattle, I1 435.
MARSHES,OF ASIA (exact rendering of
the word translated " Marshes" is MEKHER: negro land, 1 334.
unceitain, but the lands of the upper MEMPHIS,11 790; 111 28, 77, 159, 260,
Euphrates are meant), I1 120, 321,
271, 286, 608, 610, 612, 613, 615; I V
402, 657; I11 480; IV 90.
328, 471, 4911 724! 787, 818, 859, 861,
-Applied to the Kode-folk, I1 657; of
930, 956; beautified by Thutmose
the lands of Mitanni, I1 659; of
IV, I1 812; latitude of, I 45; fall
Fenkhu, I11 118.
of supremacy of, I 53, 56.
-Marshes of Asia, I1 321; eastern -Called "Life-of-the-Two-Lands," IV
boundary of Egypt, I 1 321; tribute
977; "the wall," I 372; the white
from, I1 385; I11 434.
wall, IV 336; a walled city, I11 608.
-Marshes of the earth, revolt in, I1 -Besieged in the Libvan-Mediterra416; as far as Naharin, I1 631; I11
nean ynvasion, I11 608; 610, 612, 613;
115, 118, 434.
besieged by Piankhi, IV 857-64;
MAZOI: negro tribe, I 311, 317; chief
captured by Piankhi, IV 865; capof, 1324; people of, captured by Amentured by Tanutamon, IV 928.
emhet I, I 483; gendarmes of, I V -Nome of, I 159; hunting on the high466.
lands of, I1 81.3; lions of, I1 81.3;
-. wild
goats in, I1 8$;
675, 677, 678, 680; Namlot, IV 676, -Temples: of Ptah (Hatkeptah), Ramses 11, Aton, Amon, Seti I, Ramses
678, 683, 685, 686, 687; see also
111, Serapeum: see Index 11.
MesEiwesh and Index V: Chiefs.
-Gods of: city of Ptah, IV 310; mysMEBER, I11 578.
terious seat of Sokar in, IV 857;
MEHAY: dom palm of, IV 234.
abode of Shu, IV 857; sanctuary of
MEDINETHABU: Themet, a region of,
Ineb-Sebek, IV 315, 330, 333; enIV 634 n. b.
nead of: see Index I ; triad of: Ptah,
-Pylon inscriptions by Ramses 111,
Sekhmet, Nefertem; IV 183, 305,
101-6.. 120.
IV 61-68.. 8q-02,
, . 04-00.
,. ,,.
-6ated stelae of, I 22.
13-35? r37-$3,.
-Temple inscnphon by Thutmose 111, -Quarters of, I1 814; districts of: "fie1
I1 638-41, Ramses 111, IV 4-17,
of-the-Kheta," I1 1043; "House-o
X I I I nome of Upper Egypt,
I 280, 396; jackal, sacred animal of,
I281 n. c.



Okheperkere," I1 1043 ; "House-ofMenkheprnre" 11 1043; "House-ofPtah," I1 1043.

-Westem road of, IV 338; western
canal of, IV 338.
-Harbor of, IV 858, 863; stronghold
of, IV 858; treasury of, IV 868;
granaries, IV 868, 878.
-High priests of: see Index V: Priests.
MENDES (=Per-Benebded), IV 830,
878; Ptah-Tatenen, as a ram, lord of,
I11 400; the ram-god, lord of, I11

-gome of, Methen, overseer of, I 173,

174; cities of, I 197, 198.
northern point of the
Highlands, I 456; located in the
Benihasan region, I 624 n. a; was
the chief city of "Horizon of Horns,"
I 619; birthplace of Khufu (IV
Dyn.), I 619.
-Colonnaded hall, rebuilt by Khnumhotep 11, 1 637.
-Rulers of: Khnumhotep I, I 465,
625; Nakht I, I 627; Khnumhotep
11, I 624, 629.
MER-ATUM:modern Medbm, IV 818,
855; house of Sokar in, IV 855.
MEREM: city in northern Palestine,
conquered by Ramses 11, I11 356.
city of, I 165.
city of, I11
634; located in the land of Aram,
I11 634; fortress of, I11 638; in
Theku, I11 638; stronghold of, I11
633; well of, I11 631; p o l s of Pithom
of, I11 638.
city of, I 635; ka-house
of Nehri in, I 635.
M E R ~ city
: of Tikhsi, I1 587.
MESA: Syrian land of, conquered by
Ramses 11, 111 306; ally of Kheta,
111 309, 312.
MESBET:see Esbet.
(of the Saitic nome): city of,
I 174 n. f.
M E S ~ A :Sebek, lord of, IV 368; temple
of,. IV -168.
MESHENETH:Syrian locality, captured
by Ramses 11, I11 306; ally of Kheta,
111 309.
MESHWESH:a Libyan land, IV 90,
103, 108, 113.

-Captured by: Memeptah, I11 580,

598, 608; Ramses 111, IV 40, 43, 52,
58, 84: 91, 929 103, 104, 107, 224, 405.
Tehenu, IV 87; Egypt,
IV 88, 405; in alliance with Temeh,
-. 7-.
-Kings of: Keper, IV 90, 97; Meshesher. IV 00.

779, 78'.
-Amy of, IV 90; wamors of, IV 90,
97; men of, IV 111; chiefs of, IV go;
chieftains of, IV 111; leaders of, IV

-Hands of (indicating that circumcision was practiced in), IV 58, 54 ( ?),

111: seed of., IV AZ.
-Captives from, IV 90, 92, 111, 405;
impost from, IV 92.
--Feast of "slaying the Meshwesh,"
IV 145; herd named after conquest
of, I V - ~ 2 ~ .
-Cattle from, I11 589; IV 110, 111;
herds of, IV 90; horses of, IV 86, go,
I I I ; asses of, IV I I I ; copper swords
from, I11 589; swords from, IV 111;
bows from, IV 11I ; quivers from,
IV I I I ; spears from, IV I I I ; chariots
from, IV I I I ; see also Me.
METENU,IV 818 n. h, 882.
METHER:Nubian country, I 368.
MEWETKHENT:temple of Amon in,
IV 368.
MIAM(see also Derr): chief of, I1 1037;
Horus, lord of, I11285; IV 474; Penno,
chief of the quarry service of, IV 474;
statue of Ramses VI in, IV 479;
domains of, IV 479-83.
-Treasurer of, IV 474; mayor of, IV
474; scribe of the White House of,
IV 474.
MIDDLEEGYPT,I 10; boundaries of,
in the Middle Kingdom, I 396 n. h;
rebellion of, chastised by Merikere,
I 400; counts of, I 401, 414; belonging to the Heracleopolitan kingdom,
1 3 9 4 401, 407, 413, 414.
-Kheti I, great lord of, I 403; Kheti
11, commander of, I 410; Nakht 11,
forefront of,. 16.72.
MIN: city of, I1 740; see Akhmim.
MINIEH: province of, I p. 48.
MIN-SI-ESE,I11 76.
GEOGR APHICAL MIPER: (in Saite nome) Methen palace
ruler of, I 172, 174.
MIRAMILR:stela at, I 281 n. c.
MITANNI,I 3; lands of, I1 659, 773.
-Asiatics of the army of, IV 722.
-Called Naharin, I1 867.
-Caves of, I1 773.
-Chiefs of, I1 773, 804.
-Cities of, I1 773.
-Kings of: Artatama, I1 866 n. h;
Shuttarna, I1 866 n. h; Dushratta,
I1 866 n. h.
-0vert:hrown by Thutmose 111, I1 773;
Ramses 111, IV 131.
of: Mutemuya. I1 866
n. h; Gilukhipa, I1 868 n. h, 867;
Tadukhipa, I1 866 n. h.
-Tribute from, I1 804.
MIYU: district of Wawat, IV 480.
MUT, VILLAGEOF: in Dakhel of the
southern oasis, IV 725 n. c.

NAHARIN,LANDOF, I11 321, 434; not

included in the districts of Kheta or
Kode, I11 321, 344, 346; Mitanni
designated as in, I1 867; great bend
of (==Euphrates), crossed by Thutmose 111, I1 479 n. a, 631; waters of
(=Euphrates), I1 583; located between Carchemish and Naharin, I1
583; imarshes of, I1 631; I11 I 15, I 18;
boundary of, I1 871.
-Campaigns to: by Thutmose I, I1
81, 85; Thutmose 111, I1 476-82, 485,
496-503, 532; Amenhotep, I1 I1 800;
Thutmose IV, I1 817-19; Amenhotep 111, I1 858; Ramses 11, I11
-Captiired by: Kadesh, I1 420; Thutmose 111, I1 479, 498; Amenhotep
11, I1 800; Thutmose IV, I1 817-19;
Amenhotep 111, I1 858; Seti I, I11
114,115,118; Ramses 11,I11 306312,
317-279 344.
-Revolt of, I1 498; coalition of, with
Kheta, I11 309; sent auxiliary troops
to Kadesh, 11 532.
-Tablet erected there by Thutmose I,
I1 478; by Thutmose 111, I1 481;
boundarv stone of Thutmose I11
placed east of Euphrates, I1 478;
tablet erected by Amenhotep I1 in,
I1 800.
-King of, I X 81,479; princes of, I1 480,


819; Satirna, chief of, I1 867; Kirgipa, princess of, I1 867.

-Populations of, I1 858; harem ladies
of, I1 867.
-Tunip in the land of, I11 365; towns
of, I1 479; settlements of, I1 479;
prisoners of, I1 581.
-Tribute of, X I 482, 819; harvest of,
I T 480; booty from, I1 480, 500, 501,
532, 817.
-Products of: oxen, I1 482; calves,
I1 482; bullocks, I1 482; bulls, I T
482; incense, I1 482; sweet oil, I1
482; green oil, I1 482; fruit, I1 482;
grain, I1 480; horses, I1 482; gold,
I1 482 ; silver vessels, I1 482 ; chariots
I1 482; weapons of war, I1 482.
NAHR EL-KELB,stela of Ramses 11,
I11 297; see Dog River.
NAPATA,I 22; I1 647; IV 895, 923;
city of Nubia, I1 797; a prince of
Tikhsi hanged on its wall, I1 797;
southern boundary of the territory of
the viceroy of Kush, I1 1022, 1025;
also called Karoy, I T 1020, 1025.
-Cliff temple of, IV 897-99, 924; pure
mountain of, IV 924, 932; see Gebel
-Amon of, IV 921, 924, 929, 932.
-Stela of Tanutamon, IV 919-34.
NAPHTALI:citirs of, IV 714 n. b.
NEDYT:flats of, where the enemies of
Osiris were ceremoniously slain, I
city of, I 165.
- OF - T H E
: city of, I
NEFRUS:wall of, IV 820.
Ng w (ox), city of, 1493.
NEGEB, IV 715; battle in, I1 580;
prisoners of, I1 580; people of, called
Asiatics, I1 580.
NEGRO:land of, I 146; I1 797; I11 285,
457; 490; IV 477, 724.
-Negroes, I1 71, 849, 1035; I11 448
n. b, 45 I ; IV 338; slain, I 465, 707;
chief's children and commanders
slain, I 358; prisoners taken, 1538;
I T 648; chirfs of, I 359; I1 648.
-Revolt of, I1826.
-Imported to Egypt for attendants, I1
4949 526.
-Captives, 111 40, 44, 452; IV 225;
servants, I1 854; slaves, IV 539.


Negro-Negro tribes, 1311, 333-36, 510.

-Products of, 1336; baskets of, I1 271;
ships, I 652; bulls, I 658; herds, I
652; grain, I 658; trading, I 652;
wells, I 658; I1 850.
words: "urum"=black. IV

--Great, Nile, I1 883, 887; I11 404; IV

-High Nile, IV 470; to be reported to
the vizier, 11 709; as epithet of the
king, 11994.
-Nile levels, I 22, '95, 97, 98, 99, roo,
101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,


121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128,

-Negresses, I1 854.
1299 130, 131, 133, I341 135, 136, 137,
NEKHEB: ancient name of El Kab, I
138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146,
293, 373, 609; I1 7; Lords of: see
147, 148, 152, 157, 159, 165, 7499 752;
Index V; for further references see
IV '5957 696, 697, 698, 743, 7939 794,
El Kab.
886, 887, 888.
NEKHEN( Hieraconpolis): city of, I -Shores of, IV 72; sources of, I11 171
201, 252, 293; I1 47; northern bounn. b; valley of, I I, 8; I11 290.
dary of the territory of the viceroy of -"
I was a Nile [to my people]," Tefibi,
Kush, I1 1020,1022, 1025.
. .
-Lord of: see Index V; district officials
of, I1 722; mayors of, I1 722; Har- NINE BOWS,1423H; 11 72, 120, 148,
656, 792,828,836,887, 1029; I11 30,
mini, 11 47, 48; kenbeti of, I1 722;
77, 103, 110, 114, 132, 346, 408, 414,
"Attached to," see Index V; Judge
457,465, 474, 479,489,498, 510, 577,
attached to, see Index V.
580, 590, 600, 607, 617; IV 38, 49,
-Gods of, I1 888; Heket, white one of,
52, 54, 55, 57, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 71,
I1 205 n. a; Nekhbet, the white
72, 779 78, 81, 103, 104, 105, 110, 123,
goddess of, I11 100.
124, 126, 246, 259, 304, 351, 620, 712,
-Productsof, I1 722.
718, 720.
NEMYEW:chiefs of, I1 267.
-Chiefs of, I11 26; captives from, IV
NER: temple of, in Heracleopolis, IV
968; restored by Hor, IV 968.
-Sun of, royal title, I1 1037; I11 38,
44, 152; IV 1 2 2 .
NERU: see Index 11.
-Thebes, mistress of, IV 7s I ; Khnum,
NETER: in central Delta, Tefnakhte,
binder of, I1 170, 171; Mut, mistress
great prince of, IV 818.
of, I1 891.
NETHERWORLD,1378; I1 95,293,664, NIY, city in upper Retenu: gifts from,
936; I11 259, 272, 278; IV 4, 182,
I1 125; south of Naharin, 11481; ele309, 353, 4.11, 485, 852; the glorious
phant hunt at, I1 588; south of Oronones entenng the, I11 17; going ln
tes, I1 786; walls of. I1 786.
and out of, I1 353, 378; IV 187;
door of, I11 240; gates of,II 378; gods -Asiatics of, I1 786; prisoners from, I1
of, 111280; IV473; water of, 111291,
(Asiatic) : strongholds of, over292; king of, IV 182.
thrown by Nessu-Montu, I 471.
NEW ISLES: domains of Re in, IV 265.
Nekonekh, governor of, NORTH, the, 111 155; IV 47, 729 130,
359, 864; Feat lake of, 111 479;
1216; Nehri, ruler of, 1628; chief of,
countries of, I11 457; chiefs of, IV
860, 93O; gods
'I "7'
NIBMAT: bend of Horus, a district, I
NORTHAND SOUTH,1 161, 274, 340;
genii of, 206; union of, 178; numberNILE, 1483; 111587; IV 354,407,479,
4g0, 481, 4g2; flooding ancient land- . ing of cattle in, I 81; building the
marks through irrigation, in time of
-Prophets of, I1936.
Kheti 11, 1407.
I11 351; chiefs of,
-Rising of, in time of Uni, I 42; of NORTHCOUNTRIES,
I1 1032; captives of, I11 351.
Shabataka, I 43.
countries: two doors of,
-Connected with Red Sea, I1 248.
-Full Nile, royal title, I1 992, 1003;
IV 1014; Governor of, see Index
I11 486.
ISLE:probably the same as
Isle of Snefru, I 312.
NORTEERNERS,1 81; I1 656, 797, 835,
887; 111 273, 574; IV 722, 845,934.
attacking Northern Syria, I V 64; camping in
Amor, I V 64; intending to invade
Egypt, IV 64; allies of, IV 64.
1156, 158, 212, 311, 407;
I1 224,341,355; I11 281; IV 189 n. c,
190,780,825,830, 832,835,838,841,
853,859,876, 882,883, 895, 922,925,
927, 9349 1003-Avaris of the, I1 296, 303; city of, IV
to the Heracleopolitan
kingdom, 1407 n. b, 413, 414.
-Wine gardens of Amon in, IV 213;
stern-rope of, T I 885; Busiris, city of,
IV 485; princes of, IV 868, 873.
NUBIA(T>-pa'&),11131, 179, 479, 500,
501~502;IV 443,929,9949 1014.
-Regions of, I 311,
510; I1 843,
845 n. f, 849.
-Cannpaigns to: by Pepinakht, I 355,
358,359; Mekhu, 1363, 365; Sebni,
1363,366,368; Mentuhotep I, 1423
H: Sesostris 111. I 6 ~ 8 :Ahmose I.
11' 5; Thutmose 'I, 1f 67-77, 78-80;
84; Thutmose 11, I 1 122; Thutmose 111, I1 446-48; Thutmose IV,
I1 826-29; Amenhotep 111, I1 842-55
Rarnses 11, I11 448 n. b, 457; Ramses
111, IV 136-38; Sheshonk I, IV 723.
-Towns of, conquered by Thutmose
111,I 1 645, 646, 647; Napata, city of,
-Chief of, 1317, 602; 11 71, 80; Officials of: see Index V.
-Temple of Amon in, IV 218.
-Gods of, I11 290; HONS of, I 500;
Anuket, mistress of, I 644; Dedun,
presider over, I1 170, 171, 176; Nibmare, lord of, I 1 894, 897; Harakhte,
lord of, I11 499.
-Impost of, IV 190; reckonings of, I11
448 n. b.
Nubia, products of: gold
brought from, I 665; fine white stone
of, I1 176.
-Inscriptions in, I 8, 10; under the
empire, I 21.
I1 11, 268, 646,
NUBIPINS,I 423H, 658; I1 71, 101,
916; sacrificed to Arnon, I1 645.

NUGES: city in southern Lebanon, ally

of Kheta, I11 309; under the rule of
Kadesh, I1 436; called a city of Retenu, I 1 557; plundered by Thutmose
111, I1 436; district of, I1 490, 508.
-Booty of, I1 436,490, 508; impost of,
I1 557; products of, I1 490.
NUN (the primeval celestial ocean) :
Hathor, mistress of, I 178; dwellers
in, I1 95.

OASIS: hills of. I11 ~ 8 0 : district of
Toyeh in, I11 580; c$tu;ed by Libya,
I11 580.
OASIS, northern, I11 580 n. c; tribute
from, I1 385, 386; wine-gardens of
Amon in, IV 212; products of, IV 229,
: land of, expedition of
Sesostris I to, undcr Ikudidi, 1527.
OASIS REGION: tribute from, I1 386;
Intef, lord of, I 1 763, 767,; Thebans
banished to, IV 655, 656.
OASIS, SOUTEERN:also called oasis of
Dakhel, IV 725 n. a, 726 n. c, 734;
and oasis of el-Khargeh, IV 726 n. C,
734; known by ancients as Oasis
Major, IV 726 n. c ; two towns of,
IV 726; two lands of, IV 726;
Sutekh, lord of, IV 726; land of, IV
726; rebellion of, IV 726; organization of, IV 726.
-Wine and shedeh from, IV 734, 992;
tribute from, 11 385, 386; wine-garden of Amon in, IV 213.
OKEANOS:see Circle, Great.
OMBOS:district officials of, I1 720; recorder of, I1 720; scribe of the recorder of, 11 720; kenbeti of, I1 720.
-Temple of Sutekh in, IV 359.
-Set, god of, I11 583; Sutekh, lord of,
I V 359.
-Products of, I1 720.
O N (=Heliopolis), I1 814; two lands
of, I11 600.
OPET, SOUTHERN(=Luxor), I1 886;
IV 671, 743; restored by Senmut, 11
279 351.
-Ceremony of the voyage to, I1 554;
feast of, I1 591,809,887,888; I11 58;
IV 671.
-Inclosure wall of, I1 887; see also



OPXIEION,I 459 n. e; see Hefat.

ORONTES,I11 311, 326, 336; ford of,
I1 784; cattle at the, I1 784; booty
taken in, I1 784, 785; channel of, I11
0&x NOME(XVT of Upper Egypt), I
518; location of, 1619,626; horizon of
Horus, a part of, I 619; bordering on
the South to the Hare nome, I 626;
North to the Jackal nome, 1 626; extending in west to the western highlands, I 626; troops of, I 519; Commander in chief of: see Index V.
-Fields of, I 523, 626.
-Great lords of: Khnurnhotep I, 1464,
626; Amen(emhet), I 518, 522 bis;
Kheti, I637 n. a; shepherdsof, 1522.
-Temple of Khnum, lord of Hirur, I
637 n. a.
OTHU: captured by Seti I, I11 114.
Ox (Ng w ) , city of, I 493.
( = Behnesa): XIX
nome of Upper Egypt, I 427; IV 818
n. b, 820, 837; district of, IV 948;
army of, I 429, 442; boundaries of, I

as part of a temple name,
according to which Zahi would be a
part of Pekanan, IV 219.
PEKER (district at Abydos): feast of,
11 94.
PELESET: a Palestine people, conquered by Ramses 111, IV 44, 129,
403; chieftain of, IV 129; soldiers.
of, by land and sea, IV 44; ally of
the northerners, IV 64; towns of,
IV 71; captives of, IV 81, 82, 129;
headdress of, IV 73.
(Oxyrrhyncus), IV 818 n. c.
PEKEHTEM:land in Syria; captured
by Seti I, 111 94.
PER-BAST(=Bubastis) : residence of
Osorkon 111, IV 830.
(=Mendes) : I V 830;
Zeamonefonekh, prince of, IV 878.
PER-BERSET:a Delta city, I11 576.
PEREK: Hittite city; Sutekh, god of
111 386.
PER-G~RER, IV 878.
PER-HAPI: Khereha in, IV 878; Pebes,
-Set, lord qf, IV 368; temple of, IV
prince of, IV 878.
I 373.
PER-HOR: mayor of, I1 742; products
PALESTINE:inscriptions in, I 8; civiliof, 11 742.
zation of, I 20; campaign in southern PERIRE,I11 588, 600; fields of, on the
Palestine by Uni, I 315; people from,
western boundary of Egypt, I11 579;
settling in Delta, I11 10; conquered
district of, I11 583.
by Ramses 11, I11 471. See also
Methen, ruler of,
Syria, Kharu Zahi, Retenu.
1172, 174.
nome of, north of Thinis,
I 529 n. e; Min, lord of, I1 181; PER-MANU: temple of, IV 956.
Min, Horus and Isis of, IV 366; Pr-mr-yw: town of, I1 721; town
ruler of, I1 721; products of, I1
temple of Min in, I1 181; IV 366.
PATORIS:nomes of, IV 905.
IV 818.
PAUZY:temple of Thoth in, IV 368.
PERNESER:temple of Buto in, I 159.
PE: souls of, I 264; temple of Buto in,
I 500; gods of, I1 888; Horus, lord PERNEZED: capital of OxyrrhyncusBehnesa, IV 818, 837.
of, IV 1017; Buto, mistress of, I 500;
royal statue of Sesostris for, I 500; PERNUB,near Sais, IV 818.
Mentuhotep, lord of, I 512.
PERONEKH:Sebek of, IV 547.
PEDES: I11 306, 349; ally of Kheta, I11 PER-OSIBIS(=Busiris) IV 830; She309 n. d, 312.
shonk, chief of Me, lord of, IV 830;
Pemou, prince of, IV 878.
PEDETISHEW: transporting grain in
ships to Kheta, I11 580.
PER-PEG, IV 831.
PEHER: captured by Seti I, I11 114.
near Illahun.
IV 818, 853; wall of, I V 853; stron&
PEKANAN: city in Palestine, I11 88;
hold of, IV 853.
plundered by Merneptah, I11 617.
PERSEPA: Methen, palace-ruler of,
I 172.
PERSBESTHET: Methen ruler of, I
PERSIANS: accession of, I 47, 48, 50.
PER-SOPED, IV 878, 956; Pekrur,
hereditary pnnce of, IV 932.
PER-THUTUPREHUI(Hermopolis parva): army of, IV 830, 878; Enekhhor, commander of, I V 878.
PERWEN: Nubian land, I 510.
PERWERSAH:Methen, ruler of, I 174.
PERZOZ:HONS of the South, lord of,
IV ,726; prophet of, I V 726.
PESEBEK: town of, IV 784.
PETEN, I 493.
PEZEDKU:canal near Avaris, I1 g.
PHILA'E, I 459 n. e.
PHOEI\IICIA:invaded by Ahmose I, I1
4, 19-20.
PITHOM: pools of, I11 638; located in
Theku, I11 638.
PORT OF THE SOUTH: northern frontier city of the South in the time of
Tefibi, I 396.
PUNT, 11 253, 290; gods of, 11 286;
known by hearsay to ancestors, I1
287; Wereret, mistress of, I1 288;
called the Red Land, I 429; called
God's Land, I 433; I1 253, 255, 265,
271, 286; 111 116; IV 407; Hathor,
mistress of, I1 252, 255; called the
land of rest, I11 116.
-Location of, I1 249; in the east, I1
892; southern boundary of Egypt,
I1 321.
-Myrrh terraces of, I1 260; ways to,
I1 285; IV 130; highways of, I11
-Expeditions to: by Khufu (?), I1 247;
Sahure, I 161; I1 247; Isesi, I 351;
I1 247; under Pepi 11, by Enenkhet,
I 360; I1 247; under Pepi I1 by
Thethi, I 361; I1 247; Mcntuhotep
111, I 429; I1 247; Amenemhet 11,
I 60s; I1 247; Sesostris 11, I1 247;
Hatshepsut, I1 246-95, 296, 299;
Harmhab, I11 37-39; Seti I, I11 116;
Ramses 111, IV 407.
-Chiefs of, I1 255, 256, 260, 261, 262,
267; I11 37, 38; Perehu, I1 254,
-Tribes of: Irem, I1 267; Nemyew,
I1 267.

Punt, made in the garden of Amon

at Thebes, I1 295.
-Puntites, I1 288; called "Southerns
of God's Land," I1 288.
-Tribute from, I1 261, 262; 111 37;
IV 407; gifts from, I 351; slaves
from. I1 486.
of, I 1 750; dwarf from,
I 351; marvels of, 11 265, 266, 271,
272, 274, 277-78, 3211 377, 486, 513;
odor of, I 762; 11 196, 274; gold
from, I1 486; gold dust from, I11 37;
ivory, I1 265, 272, 486; shells, I1 272;
green gold of Emu, I1 265; electrum,
I 161; I1 272; throw sticks, 11 272;
ebony, I1 265, 272, 486; dried myrrh,
11 486, 513; fragrant woods, 11 265;
I11 527; myrrh resin, I1 265; khesy t
wood, I1 265; myrrh trees, I1 265;
cinnamon wood, I1 265; myrrh, I
161, 429; 11 260, 3.21; IV 130, 210,
333, 929; ihmut incense, I1 265;
sonter incense, 11 265; incense, IV
130; eye cosmetic, I1 265; asses,
I1 258; apes, I1 265; monkeys, I1
265; dogs, I1 265; southern panther,
I1 265, 272; panther skins, I1 265,
272, 486; small cattle, I1 272; oxen,
I1 486; calves, I1 486; bulls, I1 486;
ostrich feathers, I11 37; manna, IV
286, 390.
PUNTRELIEFS: by Hatshepsut in
temple at D6r el-Bahri, I1 246R.;
by Harmhab on his Karnak pylons,
I11 37.


RABBITE:town of Israel, in Issachar,
conquered by Sheshonk I, IV 712.
" city of Ramses, I11 261, 371; I V 362, 369, 414;
Amon, god of, 111371; Ptah, god of,
I11 371; temple of Sutekh In, IV
362; people of, IV 369
-The city of: Palace of, in the city
of the Northland, I V 215; name of,
I V 215; built by Ramses 111, IV 215;
gardens of, 1V215; boulevards of,
IV 215; sacred avenue of I V 215;
people of, IV, 225.
RANOFER:district of, I V 830; Yewepet, king of, I V 878.
RED LAND,11 245, 297; 111 179, 270,
471, 598; expedition to Punt by
Henu to bring myrrh from the sheiks
of, 1 429, 430.


-Mentuhotep, lord of, I 532; pillar of,

450-52; 4th campaign, I1 453; 5th
I 533; Thutmose 11, ruler of, I1 116;
campaign, I1 455-62; 6th campaign,
Hatshepsut, ruler of, I1 299, 319, 321.
I1 463-67; 7th campaign, I1 468-Chiefs of, executed, I1 808; sheiks
75; 8th campaign, I1 476-87; 9th
of, 1 423D.
campaign, I1 488515; 10th campaign, I1 496-503; 11th campaign,
RED MOUNTAIN: quarry of, I 493;
I1 504; 12th campaign, I1 505; 13th
I1 975, 976; highland goddess, miscampaign, I1 506-5 15; 14th campaign,
tress of, I 493; I1 297; sandstone
I1 516-19; 15th campaign, I1 520from, I1 153; gritstone from, 11
23; 16th campaign, 11524-27; 17th
917 n. c; Chief of works in: see
campaign, I1 528-40; Amenhotep
Index V.
11, I1 790, 798A; Seti I, 111 94, 139,
RED SEA, I 7, 433; ship-building at,
147; Ramses 11, I11 392, 448 n. b,
by Enenkhet, I 360; by Henu, 1432;
battle a t northern end of, I 360;
4519 457.
hunting at, I 456; oblation at, I 432; -Princes of, I1 413, 471; nobles of,
connected with the Nile, I1 248.
I1 790; chiefs of, I1 162, 225, 445,
447, 466, 467, 491, 525; 111 94, 97,
REDESIYEH:temple of, I11 162; built
106, 107, 139, 151, 392, 448 n. b,
by Seti I, I11 172-74; town of, settled
451; Iv 623.
by Seti I, I11 172; gods of, I11 173;
-Captives from, I1 162, 402, 467, 790;
stronghold of, I11 174.
111 97, 392, 448 n. b; slaves from,
inscriptions, by Seti I, I11
4369 447, 467, 4719 491, 518.
-Temple inscriptions, by Seti I, 111 -Tribute from, 11 445, 447, 448, 466,
471, 491, 518, 533(?)9 534(?), 761,
820; I11 106, IIO; presents from,
REHESU:near Letopolis; Sekhmet, misI1 1030; dues of, I1 596; plunder
tress of, IV 878; house of, IV 878.
from, 11 790; impost from, IV 28;
REHOB: city of Israel, conquered by
harvest of, I1 473.
Sheshonk I, IV 712.
-Cities of: Nuges, 11 557; Yenoam,
REKHSEN: Hittite city, Sutekh, god
I1 557; Herenkeru, I1 557.
of, I11 386.
-Products of: gold from, I1 447, 471,
491; I11 I I I; chariots, wrought unth
REKRERET: sacred district of Anubis
in SiQt; Anubis, lord of, I 540, 572,
gold, I1 413,447,467,491; gold horn
from, I1 447; flat dishes from, I1 447;
silver from, I1 447, 491; I11 111;
Rs-nf.t: district of, I1 731; scribe of,
malachite from, 111 111; lapis lazuli
11 731; products of, I1 731.
from, I11 111; copper from, I1 447,
RESENET: a sacred district of Sais;
471, 491; vessels of copper from, I1
mysterious linen from, IV 1011.
491; lead from, I1 471,491; feldspar
RESHET: malachite from, I1 321.
from, I149 I; colors from, I149 I; green
stone, I1 473,491; sparkling stone, I1
RESHU: land of, under rule of Hatshepsut, I1 299.
473; costly stone, I1 473,491; I11 111;
incense from, I1 447, 472, 491; dried
RESIDENCECITYof Ramses 111; temple
myrrh from, I1 49 I ; plants of, I1 45 I ;
of Sutekh in, IV 362.
flowers of, I1 452; honeyed wine, I1
RETENU, 11 413, 439, 477, 596, 616;
447; c g.t-wood from, I1 447; ivory,
I11 102, 103, 270, 476, 498; IV 219,
I1 447; carob wood, I1 447; mrw709 n. b; called God's Land, I1 451,
wood, I1 447; psgw-wood, I1 447;
820, 888; "Retenu and all the
fire wood, I1 447; cedar, I1 838, 888;
northern countries of the ends of
grain, I1 473; clean grain, I1 473; barthe earth," I1 761 n. a; cities of
ley, I1 473; green oil, I1 473; wine,
K h a n not included in, I1 798A;
I1 473; fruit, I1 473; oxen, I1 491;
Lebanon located within, I1 548.
horses, I1 403, 447, 467, 491; asses,
to, by: Sesostris 111, I
11 491; bulls, 11 447; bullocks, 11
680; Thutmose I, I1 81; Thutmose
447; small cattle, 11 447; calves, 11
11, I1 125; Thutmose 111, 1st cam447, 471, 491.
pegn, I1 402, 408-443; zd campagn, I1 444-49; 3d campaign, I1 RETENU, THE LOWER: subject to
Amenhotep 11, I1 789A; Amenhotep
111,I1 858; Seti I, I11 116; Osorkon
11, IV 749.
-Prisoners from, I1 798A.
RETENU,THE UPPER, I V 749; subject
to Thutmose 11, I1 125; Thutmose
111, I1 451; Amenhotep 11, I1 766,
798A; Amenhotep 111, I1 858; Seti
I, I11 I 12, I 16; Ramses 11, I11 366;
Oso8rkon11, IV 749.
-Prisoners from, I1 798A; chiefs of,
11 1033; 111 112.
I11 51 n. b.
RIDGE: north of the sanddwellers
(southern Palestine), I 315.
RIVER.,IV 823, 831; the great (=Nile),
I11 580; IV 405; the Conopus branch
of the Nile, IV 405 n. a.
ROSTA,I11 230; Anubis, lord of, I V 4.
ROVENET(=Tehneh), I 213, 218, 221;
Hathor of, I 213.

3-y-wt: land of, north of Kadesh, I1465.

SAFT-]EL-HENNEH (=Per-S~ped), IV
OF, I1 652.
SAIS, DISTRICI. OF, IV 957; southern
Bedwin in, IV 957; Mehenet, a district of, I V 982; Resenet, a district
. of, IV 1011; nome of, Methen, local
governor of, I 172, 173, 174.
-Chiefs of: Khentemsemeti, I 609;
Tefnakhte, IV 859.
-Neit, mistress of, I V 830; Sekhmet,
mistress of, IV 878; house of, IV
878, 956.
-Royal statue for, I 500.
OF, I 289.
-Ma!jtaba-chamber of Methen, I 170
n. c; mastaba of Nenekhsekhmet, I
237; Ptahshepses, I 254; mastabatomb of Sabu-Ibebi, I 282; pyramid
of Mernere, I 321 n. a.
-Stela of: Nenekhsekhmet, I 237 n. c;
Haxmhab, I11 2.
-Tomb of Harmhab, I11 I n. a.
SAMHUDET:city in the Delta, 11 935;
IV 878.
SANDDWELLERS:Asiatic, I 311; I1
321 ; I11 155; I V 130; five rebellions
of, in time of Pepi I, I 314; hacked
up 'by axmy of Uni, I 313 bis; cap-


tives taken by Uni, I 313; their

strongholds overturned, I 313; figs
and vines destroyed, I 313; numerous troops of, I 313; ridge north of,
I 315; slain by Pepi-nakht at the
northern end of Red Sea, I 360; expedition against, by Nessumontu, 1471;
=Asiatic Troglodytes, I 47 I ; silenced
by Mentuhotep, 1532; slain by Thutmose 111, I1 661.
-Chiefs of, I 1 70; tribute given by,
I1 ro1.
SANDRANGERS,I 493; I1 9 1 6
reached by sea,
I1 877.
-Rock inscriptions by: Amenemhet 11,
I 606 n. b; Khenemsu, I 715, 715A;
Sebek-hir-hab, I 725 n. d; Ptahwer,
1728; Amenemhet, 1730; Amenemhet IV, I 750; Thutmose 111, I1 450
n. a.
--Stela of Harure, I 733 n. b; officer
of Amenhotep 111, I 1 877.
city of:
mayor of, I1 1041; fortress of, I1
1041; Penno, deputy of, 1041; Mermose, prophet in, 11 1041; priest in,
I1 1041.
SEA,I 1 220; I11 480.
-The great lake of the North, I11 479.
I11 588, 601; Sherden of, IV 129;
Teresh of, I V 129.
SEA OF SYRIA(Kharu), I V 565.
SEBENNYTOS:Akenesh, prince of, I V
SEBI: probably identical with Alabastronpolis, I11 2 0 n. c; Horus, lord of,
I11 20; Harmhab, chief prophet of,
I11 20.
S E BC ~A: temple of Ramses 11, I11 504.
OF, I 642.
-Rock inscription of: Sesostris 111,
I 6.12-48; the family of Neferhotep,
I 753 n. b; Thure, I1 75, 76; Thutmose 111,I1 649 n. d; Ramose, I1 937
n. a; Ramses 11, I11 553 n. b, 557;
Seti (11), I11 646.
SEHEZ: Sokar, lord of, I V 855; Menhy
of, IV 8 5 5
SEIR: people of, IV 404; a tribe of the
Shasu, I V 404; captured by Ramses
111, I V 404; tents of, IV 404; cattle
of, IV 404.


SEKHEMITENOME(I1 of Lower Egypt),

1173, 775SEKHEMW:city of, in Xois nome, I
SEKHPEN: Hittite city, Sutekh, god
of, I11 386.
SEKMEM:city in Syria, I 680.
SEKTU:Ships of, 11 492.
SEMNEH:southern boundary of Egypt
in the time of Sesostris 111, I 652;
fortress of, I 653 n. c, 752; temple
of Thutmose 111, I 653 n. c; I1 61
n. a, 651.
inscriptions by SekhemreKhutowe, I 751 n. a.
-Stelae of: Sesostris 111, I 651-60;
Mermose, IT 851-55.
-Tem~le inscrintion of Thure, 61 n. a:
of ~hutmose'111, I1 167-~6; of
Nehi, I1 651.
SENT, a stronghold: Methen, ruler of,
I 172.
SENZAR:battle in, I1 584. See Sezar.
SEP: district of, IV 948; Anuhis, lord
of, IV 368; temple of, IV 368.
SEPED: Libyan people, captured by
Ramses 111, IV 52-91; seed of, I11
91; circumcisioil practiced among ( ?),
IV 52, 54 ( ?I.
SEREP: Hittite city, I11 386.
SERES: Hittite city, Sutekh, god of,
I11 286.
SERREH:temple of Ramses I1 in, I11
SESU:temple of Set in, IV 369.
SETHU,Negro land, I 336; chief of,
I 334, 336 his.
SEWEW( =Wadi Gasus) : on the coast
of the Red Sea, opposite Coptos, 1605.
SEZAR( =Senzar) : prisoners from, I1
SHABTUNA:city on the w;st side of
Orontes, south of Kadesh, I11 310,
319, 324; I v 131SHAI: L~byanpeople, slain by Ramses
111, IV 405.
SEARUHEN:flight of Hyksos to, I1 4;
siege of, 11 4, 1 2 n. g, 13 n. b ; revolt
in, I1 416; captured by Sheshonk I,
IV 716.
IV 994.
SHASU(Bedwin of Sinai and vicinity,
especially north of it), I1 124;
Khnum, smiter of, I1 170, 171.

-Conquered by Thutmose 111, I1 517;

Seti I, I11 86, 88, 101; Ramses 11,
I11 457; Ramses 111, IV 129, 403;
conquest of, from the fortress of
Tharu to Pekanan, 111 88.
-People of Seir, a tribe of, IV 404; of
Edom, I11 638; in army of Kheta,
111 319.
-Rebellion of, I11 101; captives from,
I11 108, 457; IV 129; chieftain of,
IV 120.
SHAT: Nubian land, I 510; "good
white stone" of, temple of Kummeh
built of, I 510.
SHATB: modern city just south of
Assiut, I 401 n. a.
(near Assuan) : relief
of Mentuhotep I1 in, I 425.
SHEDET:in Faybm, IV 369.
a northern people, invading Egypt, 111 574, 579, 595; slain
by Merneptah, I11 588; ally of the
northerners, IV 64; captives from,
I11 588; IV 81.
SHEKEN:canal of, I11 576.
f ~ tombs
of the princes
of the VI Dyn., I 688; restored by
Thutnakt, I 689.
-Tomb inscription of Thutnakt, I 688
n. a.
captured by Amenhotep 11, I1 783; located in the
Lebanon region, I1 783; booty from,
11 78.3.
. SHEMIK:Nubian land, I 510.
SHEM-RE: city of, I 125.
SHERDEN:a northern people of the sea,
IV 129; captives from, I11 588, 601;
IV I 29, 403 ; rebellious-hearted, I11
4 ~ 1 ; infantry of, IV 72; invading
Egypt, I11 574, 579; slain by Mrrneptah, I11 588 bis; Ramses 111, IV
SHERDEN:a foreign class of mercenary
troops, 111 307; IV 50, 51, 397, 402,
SHEREM: city in northern Palestine,
conquered by Ramses 11, I11 356.
city of, I 172, 173.
SHESHOTEP(modem Shatb, south of
Assiut): city of, 1401; Khnum, lord
of, IV 366; temple of, IV 366.
SHETA:wild cattle hunt in, I1 864.
SHET-METHEN: in the Saitic nome, I
173 bis.
SHETYT:Sokar god of, I 288.
SHINAR: captured by Amenhotep 111,
I1 859; Ramses 11, I11 366 n. c.
of, I1 484.
of: lapis lazuli, I1 484;
artificial lapis lazuli, I1 484; lapis
lazuli of Babylon, I1 484; ram's
head (artificial) of lapis lazuli, 1484.
SHORE: western (of the Nile ?), I V
405; plundered by Libyans, IV 405.
SHUNEM: city of Israel, in Issachar;
conquered by Sheshonk, IV 712.
SIDON: 10,000 ships in harbor of, IV
IV 706; Sebek, lord of, I11
208; rock temple of, I11 208; built
by Harmhab, I11 552-60.
-Sanmdstone quarry of, I 49; I1 935;
I11 205 n. c; IV 18, 701 n. d. '
inscription, by official of
Ikhnaton, I1 934-35; Seti I, I11
206-8; Ramses 11, I11 552, 554,
555, 556, 559, 560; ROY,111 627-28;
Siptah, I11 648; Setemhab, I V 19,
20; Haremsaf, IV 701-8.
SIMYRA: city of, I1 476, 528 n. h;
captured by Thutmose 111, I1 465;
by Seti I , I11 114.
SINAI: peninsula of, I 7, 10, 42, 728;
copper min& of, operated in I Dyn.,
I 168; by Snefru, I 168-69; mine
land of, visited by Sihatbor, and
malachite brought from, I 602;
reached by sea, I 718; I1 877.
-Gifts of (=mining products), I 353;
expedition of Ramses I11 to, IV 409.
SIOT, I1 729; IV 358, 795; see also
Assiut; canal of irrigation dug by
Kheti 11, I 407; its princes defended
the kings of Heracleopolis against
Thebes, 1396, 401, 411, 422.
-Princes of: Tefibi, I 393-97; Kheti
I, I 398-404; Kheti 11, I 405-414;
mother of Kheti I1 "lord" of Siut,
1 414; Hepzefi, 1 535-93.
-Cou.nts of, I 538, 547, 557.
-Officials of, I 547, 579; recorder of,
I1 ,745; scribe of the recorder of,
I1 745; kenbeti of, I1 745.
-Citizens of, I 546, 547, 578, 579.
-Temple of Upwawet, I 398, 403, 541;


official body of, 1550; gifts to, 1404,

407; lay priests of, I 539.
-Temple of Anubis, lord of Rekreret,
w c b-priests of, I 540; great w c bpriest of, I 572.
-Necropolis of: overseer of, I 582;
official body of, I 584.
-Products of, I1 745.
-Tomb inscriptions at, I 10, 391-92;
tomb 111, 1393-97; tomb IV? I 398404; tomb V, I 405-414; cliff tomb
of Hepzefi, 1535-93.
S o c o ~ : city of Judah, conquered by
Sheshonk I, IV 713.
SOLEB: fortress of, I1 894, 895, 897;
temple of, I1 890, 894-98.
SOUTH,11 341; 111 155; I V 47, 310,
652, 864, 907, 944.
-Nomes of, IV 857; war with, by
Tefibi, I 396; Henu, overseer of the
administration of, I 428.
-City of (=Thebes), I1 1038.
-Vizier of, IV 224.
-Governor of Uni, I 293, 320 ter;
extrnt of, in time of Uni, I 311;
real governor of, Nenekhseskhnum,
1 305
-Grrat lord of: Hapuseneb, I1 389;
Lords of: see Index V.
of: their rank, I1 675;
Pillar of: see Index V.
-Affairs of, I 332; boundaries of: in
the Middle Kingdom, I 396, 396 n. h;
gods of, I1 217, 828; granite of, I1
315; elephantine of the, I1 171; door
of: see Door of the South; treasury
of, I1 614; wine-gardens of Amon in
IV 212.
I1 646; princes of,
I1 887.
i m ~ o s of.
-Tribute of, I1 6 ~ 2 10x8:
I 1 652, 65j; gi&s'of, "11 z71:
from, I1 654.
SOUTHAND NORTH,1 152, 423D, 451;
I1 161, 203, 285, 352, 578, 715;
111 20, 268, 286, 404; IV 67, 313,
359; captured by Mentuhotep I,
I 423H; recruits of, I1 332; infantry
of, 11 429.
great authorities of, IV 460;
chiefs of, I1 871, 872; I11 448 n. b;
mayors of, 11 701, 768.
-Gods of, 11 219, 224, 800, 812; I V
183, 335, 3527 353, 363, 364, 383,
470, 731; goddesses of, I V 352, 363,
364, 3837 470s 731-


South and North-Tribute of, I11 13, 554; harvest of,

I1 871.
-Fortresses of, I1 675.
-Cattle of Amon in, I1 912; IV 212.
213; captives from, I1 162; expeditions to, I1 818.
SOUTHERNCITY (=Thebes), I1 706,
826; 111 82, 206, 256, 261; IV 414,
467, 708.
-Vizier of, I1 675, 717; garrison of,
I1 694.
-Steward of, I11 3zC.
I11 285, 480;
tribute of, I11 116; governor of, I1
170; imposts of. I1 281; marvels of,
I1 282; door of, IV 990, 995.
scribe of, I1 726;
products of, I1 726.
LAKE: next to Nomes XX
and XXI of Upper Egypt, I 172.
I1 341, 797, 835, 887;
111 204 n. b, 272; I V 722, 845, 934.
-Of God's Land, I1 288.
I11 281; IV 190, 819, 880,
905,907,922,934,948,958F; bowrope of, I1 885; gods of, IV 34;
products of, IV 34..
1 179.
SUAN,I 493; see Assuan.
I11 638 n. a.
castle in Thebes, I1
region of, I 493; fields of,
I1 299; bearing myrrh, I1 299.
SYENE:in the Delta; wine of, IV 734.
SYRIA(aF-rw) 1 33 2 0 9 43; IV 3f3,
341,383, 387, 410, 582, 883; 1scnPUons in. I 8: envov to. I 18: sea of.
IV 5 6 5 7 j
-Barley from, IV 287, 344, 391; oil
from, IV 376; impost of, IV 229,
387; tribute from, IV 724.
--Syrian, 111 454, 468; IV 338, 398;
crew, IV 574; Synan chief mllng
Egypt, IV 398; slaves of, for temple
of Amon, I1 555; for temple of
Osiris, IV 680.

I1 426; road of, I1 421;
conquered by Sheshonk I, IV 712.

TABOR,I11 356.
IV 818 n. c.
IV 146.
TANGOR(seventy miles south of the
second cataract): inscription by Thutmose I, I1 67 n. b; Nubian expedition
of Thutmose I to, I1 74.
TANIS: called city of the northland,
IV 215(?).
-Residence of Ramses 11, I11 406;
Ramses III(?), IV 215, 217 n. i (7);
Smendes, IV 564.
-Amon temple of, IV (215, 217(?)),
-Palace of, IV 215.
-Colossus of Ramses 11, I11 417;
obelisk of Ramses 11, I11 392,
543 n. c.
-Colossus inscription, by Ramses 11,
111 417.
-Obelisk inscription, by Ramses 11,
I11 392, 448 n. b.
-Stelre of: Ramses 11, I11 487-91;
Seti, I11 538-42; Osorkon 11, IV
745-47; Taharka, IV 892-96.
Nubian region: fortress of,
I1 852.
TAYAN:Yewepet king of, IV 878.
TAZOSER(cemetery of Abydos) : Wennofer, lord of, I11 17, 234; Upwawet,
lord of, I 767, 768; lords of, I11 234;
located south of Abydos, I 768;
addition to, for other tombs, I 771;
boundary stelae set up, I 769; precinct of, I11 240; sanctity of, 1 770;
custodian of, I 770; Anubis, lord of,
IV 1029.
-House in, I1 36; ennead of, I11 218;
lord of, I11 237.
TAZOSER:in western Thebes, IV 91,
309, 382; court of the lord of, IV 4;
sacred district of lord of life of, IV
4; place of rest, IV 246.
TAZOSER:lords of, I11 240; districts
of, I11 240; nome of, I11 240.
lapis lazuli from, I11 448 n. b.
11 225, 413; 111 134, 457,
600; IV 56, 355, 356; a land to the
west, I11 116.
by Libya, I11 579; by
Meshwesh, IV 87.
-Captured by Mentuhotep, I 423H;
Amenhotep 111, I1 892; Seti I, I11
116, 147; Ramses 11, I11 448 n. b,
457, 465; Merneptah, I11 588, 611,
616, 617; Ramses 111, IV 37, 54.
-Fortress of, I1 892.
--Chiefs of, 111116, 132, 139.
-Seed of, IV 87.
- 4 u t e k h gods of, I11 611.
of, I1 321.
-Products of, I 675; ivory, I 1 321;
tusks, 11 321.
nome of, IV 482; domain
of, I V 482; located in Wawat, I V
IV 838; tomb in, I 172;
tomb of Nekonekh, I 213; Hathor
of, 1 213.
TELLEL-AMARNA,I 7, 304, 695;
inscriptions of, I 20, 33.
-Clifl tombs of: Ani, I 1 977; Merire
11, I1 981; Merire I, I1 982-88;
Eye, I1 989-96; Mai, I1 997-1003;
Ahmose, I1 1004-8; Tutu, I1
1009-1013; HUY,11 1014-17.
-Rock inscriptions of, by Ikhnaton,
1 949-72.
inscriptions bv: Ani, I1 977;
Merire I , 11^98~-88,- 1018; Eye, -11
000--06: Mai. I1 007,
,,.. qqo-1003;
khmbse. 11 1006-8: Tutu. I 1 IOIO13; H u ~ 1
, 1 1015-17.
Libyan land, I 311, 335 bis;
IV 91; soldiers of, in the army of
Uni, I 311; attacked by the people
of 'Cam, I 335.
-Captives from, I V 92; impost from,
IV 92.
by Merneptah, I V 580,
586, 598, 608; by Ramses 111, IV
40, 42, 43, 49, 50, 52, 58, 71, 84, 917
92, 1039, IO4.
-Cir~cumcision practiced in (?), IV
52, 54; seed of, IV 50, 58.
alliance with Meshwesh, IV 91.
-Timhy stone, from Wawat, IV 373,
TENES:Syrian locality, I11 337;
Rebesnen, chief of archers of, I11
Negro land, I 334.
a northern people of the
sea, IV 129; invading Egypt, I11 574,
579; slain by Merneptah, 111 588;
captives from, I11 588, 601; I V 129.
a negro people, chief of, IV I 14.

--Cedar, 11 32, 94, 103, 611, 614, 755,
794. n. b; IV 904.
-Malachite, I 266, 342.



-Myrrh, I1 260, 284, 285, 287, 288,

291 n. a, 294.
TERSES:a Negro people, chief of, IV
-Tetehen (modem Tehneh), IV 838.
district of, I1 641.
city of, I1 415; fortress of, I11
88, roo, 307, 542 bis, 631.
-Robbers to be sent to, I11 51; extortioners sent to, I11 54; slave-thieves
sent to, I11 55; hide-thieves sent to,
I11 56.
-Temple of, IV 956.
southern point of the highlands,
(=in the original "Thrones
of the Two Lands," nS.wt-t wy; or
w s"t, the name of the Theban
nome), I 459; I1 36, 101, 143, 149, 266,
295, 402, 549, 832, 834, 835, 881, 882,
889,890, 891, 892, 896, 900, 917; I11
23, 30, 144, 154,165,260,261,271,436,
507, 515, 566, 580; IV 26, 141, 195,
207, 466, 471, 591, 609, 612, 615, 6242
626, 634, 652, 653, 697, 705, 707, 721,
743, 760, 764, 768, 769, 777, 823, 825,
840, 883, 906, 908, 926, 944, 945.
-Titles of: the mysterious city, IV 187,
220; city of the lord of eternity, I11 27;
of the hidden name, I V 753; victorious
(=Thebes on the east bank), I1 329;
IV 8, 197, 2x1, 213, 216, 753,912; eye
of Re, IV 753, 899, 906; mistress of
might, IV 912; mistress of temples,
IV 753; mistress of the Nine Bows,
IV 751.
-Glory of, like a splendid sea, I 423;
land of, bequeathed by Intef I to his
son, I 423.
-Wall of: the princes of Tikhsi hanged
before, I 1 797.
-Planted with trees by Ramses 111, I V
-Exempt from inspection, I V 750, 751.
-Invasion of, in the Heracleopolitan
kingdom, I 396 n. d; length of this
war, I 415, 420 n. d.
-Intef, founder of Theban line, I 419;
Mentuhotep 11, first great king of, I
426; Ikudidi of, I 527; Eti, great
pillar in, I 459; Intef, nomarch of, I
of: Amenmose, IV 466;
Peser, IV 513, 516, 527, 531.
-Youths (=recmits) of, I1 332.
-Products of, I1 730.
-Obelisks of, I1 627.
mc~ntu,I 471; smiting of, I 81, 104;
I1 225; Khufu, smiter of, I 176; the
highlands cleared of, by Henu, I 429
n. h; by Sesostris I, I 5I I; Min, head
of, I 443; sarcophagus stone, concealed from, I 451.
NUBIAN,I 654; I1 646,
656, 892.
-Bringing tribute, I1 120.
--of Khenthennofer. I1 268.. 646;
. - of
K u s ~ ,111 490.
-Slain by: Zaa, 1687; Ahmose, I1 14;
Amenhotep I, I1 39; Thutmose I,
I1 71; Thutrnose 11, I1 121; Thutmose 111, I1 646, 661 ; Thutmose IV,
I1 837; Seti I, I1 116, 118; Ramses
11, 111 285, 490; Sheshonk I, IV 719,
TROJA:limestone quarry of, I 210, 212,
239, 274, 289, 290, 307, 509; 11 800,
875; see also Ayan.
city of, I11 365; districts of, I11
365; located in the land of Naharin,
I11 365.
-Aleppo, north of, I11 319.
--Captured by Thutmose 111, I1 530.
-Infantry of, I1 459; harvest of, I1 530;
groves of, I1 530; chief of, I1 773;
tribute from, I1 534 ( ?), 773.
-Under rule of Kheta, I11 319.
I 4 5 9 n. e: see Hefat.
TURIN, I 69 n. j.
rock inscription, I 181; by
Amenemhet 111, I 740; Amenhotep
11, I1 799; Amenhotep 111, I1 875;
see also Troja and Ayan.
COUNTRIES, IV 1014; Governor of: see
Index V.
T w o HALVES (=Upper and Lower
Egypt), I 502; I1 318, 805.
T w o HOUNDS(of Mendesian nome), I
T w o LANDS,I 420; 1153, 1.51, 164, 170,
192 n. d, 198, 208, 225, 235, 266, 271,
285, 286, 305, 309, 315, 319, 325, 328,
3417.352, 361, 374, 37% 3779 412 e*
passzm; Amon, lord of, 11198.
-Chiefs of: bound by Mentuhotep I,
I 423H; captured by Mentuhotep I,
423H; bowing before Henu, I 428.
-Queen of, I1 53.
-King, heir of Horus in his Two Lands,
Judged by the hereditary prince, I
5:i 1.


-Head of: see Index V.

-Chief of the Two Lands, I 4a3H et
T w o MOUNTAINS:costly stones from,
I11 448 n. b.
T w o REGIONS,I 552; I1 116, 176, 341;
111 16; IV 304; captured by Mentuhotep I, I +3H; by Amenemhet I,
--of .H&US,11353.
-Lord of : see Index V.
IV 567; captured by Seti I, I11
-Chief of: Baala1.-Remeg, I11 630.
-Upper Tyre, in Kham, I11 633.
UHET(=quarry ?): road of, I 335.
ULLAZA:city near Tunip, I1 470; Iocation of, I1 470; captured by Thutmose 111, I1 470; by Seti I, I11 114;
booty from, I1 470.
UNESHEK:Nubian region south of Hua,
I1 850.
UPPER EGYPT,I 25; kings of, I 90; I1
287; I11 577, 580.
UPPER NOME (XX nome of Upper
Egypt), 1 199.
UPPER TENU:Emuienshi, sheik of, I
494; see Retenu.
UREM: Nubian region, captured by
Amenhotep 111, I1 845 n. f.
URONARTI:island of, below Semneh,
I 654, 655; fortress of, I 654 n. a, 655.
city in Nubia,
IV 102; location of, IV 102 n. a.
city in Syria,
I11 308.
UTENTYEW:isles of, I1 660.
UTHEK: Nubian country, I 369.
UTHETH: Nubian region, expedition of
Sebni to bring back his father, I 367.

Thebe% 111 32 n. a; IV 400 n. c,
Ramessids in, IV
473, 524; tombs
473 n. a.


WA-: city in northern Syria, I1 457;
plunder of, I1 459; storehouse of
offerings, I1 458.



wa-Gods of: Amon, I1 458; Harakhte,

-Chef of, I1 459; t-h-r-wamors of,
I1 459; slaves of, I1 460.
-Ships of, I1 460.
-Products of: gold, I1 459; silver,
I1 459; lapis lazuli, I1 459; malachite, I1 459; vessels of bronze, I1
459; vessels of copper, I1 459; COPper, I1 460; lead, I1 460; emery, I1
W h-ys't: recorder of, I1 736; scribe
of the recorder of, I1 736; products
of, I1 736.
WADIc ALAKI, I11 282.
WADIGASUS:stel= of: Khentkhetwer,
I 604 n. b; Khnumhotep, I 617 n. a.
-Temple of Thutmose 111, I11 639.
-Temple of Horus, I11 74; built and
endowed by Ramses I, I11 54; endowed by Seti I, I11 159-61.
-Temple inscription by: Seti I, I11
248; Neferhor, I11 643; Piyay, I11
644; Hori, I11 645; 650, 65 I( 1).
-Pillar inscription of Nehi, I1 412-13.
-Stelae of: Mentuhotep, I 510 n. a ;
Thutmose I, I1 54 n. a; Rarnses I,
I11 74-79; Seti I, I11 157-61.
WADI MAGHARA:malachite and copper brought from, I 713; reached by
sea, I 718.
-Rock inscriptions of: Snefru, I 168
n. a; Khufu, I 176 n. a; Sahure, I
236 n. a; Nuserre, I 250 n. a; Menkuhor, I 263 n. a; Dedkere-Isesi, I
264 n. a, 265 n. C,267 nn. e, g; Pepi I,
I302 n. C; Pepi 11, I339 n. e; Khenemsu, I 713 n. i; Harnakht, I 717
n. d; Sebekdidi, I 719; Ameni, I
721; Amenemhet IV, I 750; Hatshepsut and Thutmose 111, I1 337.
WAG: land between Red Sea and Hammamat, 1433 n. d.
district of Heliopolis,
IV 957.
"WALL-OF-PSENWT,"a district of
Heliopolis, IV 95 7.
mistress of, I1 814.
WALLSOF THE RULER:made to repulse
the Bedwin, I 493.
a name
of Memphis, I11 615.

WAN,HEIGHTOF: expedition to, I1582;

located west of Aleppo, I1 582; prisoners of, I1 582; Asiatics of, I1 582;
products of, I1 582.
WATEROF RE: a canal, IV 83,224,369.
WATET-HOR:tribute of, I1 385,386.
WAWAT:region of, given to temple of
Amon, IV 950; the great mountain
of, IV 480, 481; water of, I1 170;
ships to, I 426; fortress of, inspected
by Hapu, I 616.
-Expeditions to, by Harkhuf, I 311.
317, 336; Pepi-Nakht, 1358; Sebni,
I, 367, 369; Mentuhotep 111, I 426;
Arnenemhet I, 1473-83; Sesostris I, I
510; Thutmose IV, I1 826; Merneptah, I11 606 n. a.
-Revolt in, I1 826; I11 606 n. a.
-In charge of mayor of Nekhen, I1
47; Penno, deputy of, IV 474, 477,
480; Men, deputy of, IV 481; Hemnofer, IV 482; Bahu, herdsman of,
IV 481.
-Impost of, 11475, 487, 495, 515, 523,
527, 539; tnbute of, I1 48; ships of,
11 475, 487, 495, 515, 527; harvest
of, I1 475,487, 503,539; slaves from,
I1 487; negro slaves from, I1 495,
5039 5'5.
-Gods of, I11 448 n. b.
-Products of: acacia wood, I 324;
oxen, I1 475,487,495, 503, 515, 527;
calves, I1 475,487,495,503,515,523,
527; bulls, 11475,4879 503, 5239 527;
gold, 11 .sIS, 527, 539; ebony, 11
[523?]; ivory, 11 [523?1, 527(?);
tirnhy stone, IV 373, 389.
WAYET: Nubian country, chief of, I1
WERKA:smiting of, I 112.
WESHESH:ally of the northerners, IV
64; slain by Ramses 111, IV 403;
captives of, IV 403.
WEST: the countries of, I11 491 ; cities
of, IV 818; fortress of the, I11 586;
chief of, Tefnakhte, IV 818, 830.
WEST (=cemetery), I1 926; the beautiful, IV 249, 304, 918, 961, 986,
10x0, 1029.
WESTSIDE (=Libya), I 492.
WESTERNLAND, I1 659; applied to
Keftyew and Cyprus, I1 659.
I 293; I1 656.

X01s ((Oxnome): nome of, 1 156, 159,
IV 818; Methen, local governor of,
1172,173, 174.

YAA: a land in Palestine, on the border

of Ktedem, I 496; very fruitful, I 496.
YAM: Negro tribe, I 311, 351, 510;
chief of, I 324, 336 ter; road to country,of, 1 333, 3349 335, 352;
dwarf from, I 35 1; a land of spmts,
1 R51[.
-YARU: fields of, I11 21; plowing in,
I11 21.
YAT-SEBEK:city of, I 173.
YAWAN,I11 312 n. c.
city of Palestine, I1 419.
YENOAM:at southern end of Lebanon,
under the rule of Kadesh, I1 436;
called a city of Retenu, I1 557; impost of, I1 557.
-Captured by Thutmose 111, I1 436;
Seti I, I11 90, 114; Merneptah, I11
YERAZA:city of the Asiatics, in Judah,
revolt in, I1 416; conquered by Sheshonk, IIV 714.
YERED: temple of Amon-Re, lord of,
IV 368.
Yu, LP.NDOF: under rule of Hatshepsut,
I1 2'99.
YUNA: nome of, IV 948.
ZAHI: (primarily western Syria, especially Phoenicia, but applied also
more widely), I1 497; I11 423; IV 72,
-Campaign of Ahmose I in, I1 20; of
Thutmose I11 in, I1 456-62, 488-95.


-Chiefs, I1 392; taken as prisoners, I1

392.; princes of, I1 658.
-C~t~esof, I1 392, 490; Kadesh, city of,
I11 318; Wa, I1 457; Amad, I1 461 ;
Nuges, I1 490.
-Egyptian frontier in, IV 65 ; allied
countries of, I1 616; highlands of, I1
658; gardens of, I1 461 ; groves of, I1
392; furnishes supplies for the garrisons in the harbors, I1 468, 472, 483,
492; harvest of, 11 510, 519.
-Products of, I1 461; IV 2 1 I; wines
of, 11 461; grain of, 11 46; asses, 11 490;
heifers, I1 490; white goats, I1 490;
small goats, I1 490; horses, I1 462,
490; chariots of, I1 490; golden vessels, I1 490; gold, I1 459, 490; silver
vessels, I1 490; silver, I1 459, 490;
copper, I1 459, 460, 462, 490; black
wbod, I1 490; carob wood, I1 490.
-Ships of: Byblos-ships, I1 492; Keftyew-ships, I1 492; Sektu-ships, I1
-Silver vessels of the workmanship of,
I1 482.
-Temple of Amon in, IV z 19.
-Tribute from, I1 462, 536 (?); impost of, IV 190, 328.
ZIDPATH-EL:city of central Palestine,
I v 713.
ZEFTI: road of, I1 421.
ZEN: Hittite city, I11 386.
ZEN-WET:Hittite city, I11 386.
Hittite city, Sutekh, god
of, I11 386.
ZEREN: shore of, I1 470.
ZERUKHA:city of Queen Tiy, I1 869;
pleasure lake of, I1 869.
ZESERET:a part of the Theban necropolis, IV 520.
Hittite city, I11 386.
Z u ~ f x :city in southern Palestine, IV

practice of magic regarcled as, IIJ 454, 455, 456.
IV 226, 282, 387.
-Barges of, IV 9 16, 1023; canal-boats
of, IV 229, 387; cargo-boats of, I
323, 324; kara-boats of, IV 229, 283,
387, tow-boats of, IV 229, 387;
transport-boats of, I V 229, 283, 387;
warships of, IV 229, 387.
Acacia-wood, from Hatnub, 1 323;
from Wawat, I 324.
ACcol,NTING:Of divine offerings, 1274;
of tribute, 1 4 2 3 D.
ACCOlrNTS, I 10, 20.
I V 526, 529.
ADDRESS,I11 265, 270, 288.
of canals, IV 266; of
the sacred cattle of Apis, IV 332; Of
temples, IV 202, 255, 317, 321, 354,
360, 363, 665; of temple-women, IV
321; Of Egypt, 11126; of law, 11125;
of divine offerings, I 299; overseer
of, see Index V; see also Index V,
IV 1020; of war, I11
312 326; of Re, I11 28; of king, I V
876; of Montu, I11 319.
I1 42 I.
'I 639, 806; 'I1 '4';
IV '31
634' 899; see
AEOX:;, both, I1 317, 759.
AISLE, IV 971.
ALAB~isTER? 'I go6; 'I1 5'9;
IV 234>
of Hatnub, I1 302, 375,
546 n. b.
-Alabaster quarry, at Hatnub, I 7,
305, 323, 695 n. b, 696; location of,
I $15.
-Art~~cles of alabaster: stela, IV 988A
n. b; colossi, IV 191 n. j; great seat,

I11 525, 529; offering table, I323 bis;

shrine-stair, I1 375; statue, IV 302,
9881 n. a; altar, I1 546 n. b; jar,.
I1 544.
ALLIANCE:defensive, I11 378, 380.
Hittite, I11 306, 309, 312, 336.
--of Libya and Mediterranean peoples,
I11 574.
-Libyan, IV 35-58.
-Meshwesh. IV 83, 114.
-Northerners, I V 64.
ALLOY, TV 202 n. a, 318 n. a.
1 165; 1135, 1499 163,2981 795,
974; I11 260; I V 256, 357, 686,
763, 823, 958J, 1020, 1021.
-Rank of the scribe of, I 550.
--of temple of Osiris at Abydos, I 787.
-for mortuary offering, 11 571.
-Made of
IT 546 '. b;
cedar, I f87;
gold, IV 735;
granite, IV 900; of silver, IV 735,
7369 737'
IV 735.
--dw-altars, of gold, I V 735.
IV 334.
"AMON-OF-THE-WAY,"an image of
Amon, IV 569, 586.
I1 544; IV 538, 876, 988H,
1011, 1020.

--Eye-amulets, IV 29, 373, 377, 386,

390; of Thotb, IV 373, 386.
-Made of
11 376, 654; of
costly stones, I1 376; IV 29, 2.33, 277,
390; of fine gold, IV 253; of gold,
IV 201; of Hirset stone, IV 233; of
Ketem gold, IV 319; of lapis lazuli,
IV 233; of rock-crystal, IV 377; of
silver, IV 319, 373, 386.
in Egppt, IV 398, 764.
ANASTASI17, stela of Simontu, I 594
n. a.
I1 287, 293, 377, 611, 628,
805; IV 629, 630, 817, 914.
-Writings of, I1 364.
-Offerings for, I11 23.
-Regulations for, I11 536.




-Tomb-chambers of, I V 4.
ANCIENT STOCK:Kheti's family of, 1399.
ANIMALS:see Antelope, Apes, Beast,
Birds, Bugs, Bull, Bullock, Calves,
Cat, Cattle, Cow, Crocodile, Dogs,
Fishes, Elephant, Gazelle, Giraffe,
Goat, Heifer, Hippopotamus, Horse,
Hound, Ibex, Lion, M-lt -w, Mice,
Monkey, Oryx, Oxen, Panther, Serpent, Sheep, Wolf.
-Sacred animals, feeding of, I 281,
281 n. c.
ANNALS,I1 151, 310, 940; I11 585;
IV 460, 756.
--of Thutmose 111, I1 391-540.
ANTELOPES:for oblation, 11,553; I V
APES: from Punt, I1 263, 265.
-as taxes from B i ~ e h .I1 718.
-Sacred apes, I1 Go7' bis;' I11 16; of
Thoth, IV 33, 256.
-Thoth apes of gold, I V 256, 735.
APOTHEOSIS:of Sesostris 111, I1 167;
see also Deification.
APPEALS:from local land office to vizier,
I1 686.
"APPEARANCE"(of a god, in procession), I1 158; IV 217; see also Feast.
-Temple as place of, I11 2 I 7, 218, 224,
508, 522.
APPLES(dph ' t-1,' I V 301,
put into writing, I 274,
780; engraved by artists, I 174; of
mortuary priests, I 274.
--of local courts, 111 65.
-Made by vizier: see under Vizier.
-Temple appointments, I1 928.
ARBOR-AREAS: arbors for temple, IV
194, 264, 1021.
Egyptian, I V 15 I.
ARCHER,11213, 900; 11184, 147, 224;
IV 71, 74, 118, 397, 842.
-Leader of, I V 597.
-Captain of, I11 484, 587, 631; IV
405, 407.
-Chief, I11 192; see also Index V;
of gold-washing, I11 193.
-Assistant chief of, see Index V.
-Naval archers, IV 313; galley archer,
Iv 407.
-Temple archers, IV 211,266,313,324.
-Mercenary archers, I V 50.
-Archers from Ibhet, I1 854; Lybia,

I11 609; Kheta, I11 337; chiefs of,

I11 337; from Enenes, I11 337; chief
of, I11 337; Tint-to-emu, I1 15.
ARCHITECT:see Index V: Builder,
Chief of Works, Leader of Works,
Master of Works, Overseer of Works.
I11 222,226,
502, 513, 514, 602, 603, 621, 626.
ARCHIVES,ROYAL,at Thebes, I 18.
-of Pharaoh, I11 643.
- o f the ancestors, I1 73.
--of the vizier, IV 534.
-State archives: see under Hall of
-Temple archives: see under House of
Sacred Writing.
-Scribes of: see Index V.
ARMLET,11 22, 23, 24.
--of gold, I1 64, 545.
- o f rock-crystal, IV 303.
ARMOR,coats, scale, I1 802.
-Suits of, 11 435; 111 589; made of
bronze, I1 435, 500, 501, 534.
ARM-RINGS:of gold, I1 585, 587.
ARMS(=weapons), I V 65, 97.
ARMY,IV 678, 832, 837, 854; 858, 859,
861, 863, 864, 879, 1004.
--of Egypt, 1303, 311, 358; 1139, 122
ter, 253, 256, 260 bis, 285, 288, 290,
327,337, 4137 424, 4343 461, 472, 813,
908, 917; 11120, 141, 224, 320, 324,
3251 340, 422, 423,455,461,489; I V
709 71, 747, 767, 818, 821,.822, 825.
-Equipment of, 1456; organization of,
in time of Uni, I 312; inspection of,
by Uni, I 312.
-Affairs of the army, I1 429; army
drunk, 11 462.
-Mustering of, by the vizier, I1 693;
viceroy of Kush, I1 852.
-Council of, I1 $5; regulation of, I1
-Rearguard of, I 680; I1 42 I ; advance
guard of, I1 421; citizens of, I 681;
I1 53, 864; watch of, I 1 425, 864.
wing of, I1 426, 430.
-Southern wing of, I1 426, 430; center
of, 11 430.
-Divisions: of Amon, 111308,310,332;
of Ptah, 111 310 n. f, 334, 33:;
Re, I11 310, 311, 340; two d~vlsions
of, I11 56.
-Men of, I V 19.
-of the South, 1429,442; IV 705, 795.
-of the Northland, I 453.
- o f Middle Egypt, I 411, 442.
Arma y- o f ' Oryx nome, I 519; of Coptos, I
776; of Heracleopolii, I V 777, 792;
of'Hare nome, IV 848; of Per-Thutuprehui, IV 830.
- o f ' the temples, I11 31.
penalty for stealing
hides by, I11 56; standard-bearer of,
111 208; two deputies of, who collescted the dues, I11 54; chief of:
cc~mmandantsof, commander of, commander-in-chief of, deputy of, general
of, leader of, officers of, scribe of,
king's scribe of, see Index V.
-Army: of Kheta, I11 419; Rush, I1
38, 852; Mitanni, IV 722; see also
Archers, Bowmen, Cavalry, Chariotry,
Citizens, Infantry, Soldiers, Troops,
WOOD,I V 329.
I 522.
ARREST,I1 702; IV 523, 5 8 8
ARROW,I1 785, 865; I11 360, 454, 584;
IJr 50, 707 75, 77, 96, 823, 845, 1004-Li.byan, I11 584.
Karnak, the august, of the beginning, I1 316.
I1 925 n. a.
Assizs, 1366,430; I11 286; IV 407,408.
-from Zahi, I 1 490; from Punt, I1 258;
from Retenu, I1 491, 509; from Wan,
I1 580; from Hua, I1 850; from
Libya, I11 584, 587; from Meshwesh, IV 111.
Greek, I 39, 44.
D A T E s : in XVIII
Dynasty, I 51; in XI1 Dynasty,

IV 308.
I V 859.
AUDIENCE,I1 955; I11 66.
-Audience-hall, I 239, 423E n. d, 501;
I1 236, 292, 666; I11 240.
-Audience, place of, I 320.
AXE: of gold, I1 23; of silver, 1124.
-Battle-axe, I1 802; I11 461, 468; I V
I 18.

I V 818.
BAGS,I1 750.


BAKER,I11 624, 625.

1531; 1153, 279, 280, 900,
995; I11 288; I V 33, 256, 285, 288,
--of electrum, I V 256.
-Thoth, guardian of, IV 256.
BALCONY,I1 985, 989; I11 69, 587;
I V 42, 52, 70, 76, 124, 408.
--of fine gold, IV 192.
BALE,IV 229, 283, 387.
--n c b-bale, IV 371.
IV 378, 395.
BARGEOF A GOD (a large and magnificent craft, in which the god sailed
on the Nile, or on the temple lake,
at festal celebrations; not to be confused with the portable chapelbarque, q. v.), 11 304; I11 275; IV
65, 407. See also Temple barges
barge, I 283, 286, 423F; I1
373, 5961 797,809,8389864, 869,997;
I V 209, 400; names of, I1 373, 596,
797, 809, 838, 864, 869; IV 209.
-Sun barge, IV 209, 278.
-Temple barges, I 261; I1 32,94, 304,
888; I11 568; IV 209, 211, 278, 331,
354, 358, 563, 575, 904, 916, 958K,
1023; names of, I1 32, 888; IV 278,
563; shrine of, I1 888; IV 209, 331;
bows of, I1 888; IV 3 1 ; crowns of,
I1 888; IV 209; flagstaves of, I1 888;
obelisks of, I1 888; stern of, IV 331;
"great house" in, IV 331, 359, 904.
-Barges made of cedar, I1 32, 94,838,
888; IV 278, 331, 904, 916, 1023; of
acacia, IV 1023.
BARK,IV 288.
BARLEY.I 406; I1 140; I11 66; I V
190, I $ ~;g7,
, 250, 259, 265, 266, 314,
from Retenu,
3 ~ 5 , 3 5 4 , 3 5 9363,859;
I1 473; as impost of peasants, IV
229; divine offering, I1 562.
-Syrian barley, IV 287, 344, 391.
BARQUE(a portable chapel carried on
poles and bearing a shrine, containing the cultus image of the god; it
was never placed in the water), I
1597 167, 534, 613, 66% 669; 11 92,
318; 111 212, 431, 515, 542; I V 91,
3:$, 3531 611, 743, 958K; bow of,
l v 414.
-Barque, celestial, IV 73.
-Barque made of electrum, I11 212.


Barqw-Barque-shrine of fine gold, IV 982.

-Morning barque, I1 832; I11 281;
of Re, I1 318; I11 16; IV 358, 871;
bow of, IV 67.
-Sun-barque, evening, I 167; I1 318;
I V 331; of Re, I1 318, 832; I11 16;
of Atum, IV 871,
BARS: of copper, IV 408.
BASALT, BLACK: statue of, I 675;
obelisks of, I11 246.
BASE: of pyramid, IV 517.
BASIN:libation, IV IOO n. a.
BASKET,IV 41, 301, 378
-Negro, I1 120, 271; 111 475.
BASTINADO:on feet, IV 548, 549.
--on feet and hands, IV 549, 550, 552,



BATH: master of, I 336; overseer of

palace baths, see Index V.
BATON(brp-): royal, I 646; I1 849;
official's, 11 385; vizier's I1 675.
RAM,IV 838.
I11 141,455,461; IV 821,822,
825, 852; plan of, 111307.
-Battles at Avaris, I1 8, 9, 10; at
Kadesh, I11 306-12, 317-27, 335;
with Kheta, I11 144, 317-27, 335; on
Lebanon, I1 783; in Libya, I11 120,
123, 584; at Mcgiddo, I1 430; with
Meshwesh, IV 90, 103; on the
Orontes, I1 784; in Naharin, I1 479,
499, 581; in Negeb, 11580; in Wan,
I1 582; in Carchemish, I1 583; in
Senzar, I1 584; in Kadesh, I1 585,
589-90; with northerners, IV .73;
against Shasu, I11 86; in Tikhsi, I1
-Sea battle, IV 66.
BATTLEARRAY,I1 426; I11 310, 578;
IV 43.
I11 44, 479.
I1 578, 579, 792, 818,
916, 918; I11 20; IV 49, 106.
I11 86.
T I 894; I11 616; IV
117,355,356,357,358,406,859, 861.
BEADS: clusters of, IV 377.
-Made of lapis lazuli, 1V 343; of rock-

crystal, IV 233, 287, 345, 377; of

whte gold, IV 231.
BEAK: golden, IV 345.
BEANS: shelled, IV 301, 350.
- o f the highlands, I 436.
BEATENWORK,I1 436; I11 528; IV
14, 189, 191, 202, 2031 268, 285, 319,
326, 334, 343, 732, 733.
BEATING:of witnesses with rod, IV
548, 5492 550, 551, 552, 553, 555.
BEEF: shoulders of, I1 571; joint of,
IV .,q65.
BEER: for divine offering, I1 620, 621
622, 792, 798; I11 77; IV 190, 200,
238, 239, 292, 297, 309, 326, 393, 924,
925, 9443 9493 950, 9522 9539 9541
958 M.
-for evening offering, I1 565.
-for food, T I 7q8; I11 71.
-for mortua jVokering; I 252, 329,
518; I1 111 113, 114, 117, 356, 365,
378; 111 17; IV 485.
-for oblation, I1 553, 571, 960; I V
199, 208? 329, 335, 347, 468.
-for offenngs to obelisks, I1 563.
-Sweet beer, IV 498.

BEGGAR:mercy to, I 479.

BEGINNING(of the world-p'wt),
122, 151, 158, 305, 353; 111 11, 311
436; IV 743, 795, 836, 857, 958J9
958J; Karnak, the august ascent of,
I1 316.
-Feast of, see Feasts.
BEKHEN(a measure), IV 235, 379BENI PLANT,IV 380, 395.
BENUTSTONE:doorway of, I1 643.
BERRIES,IV 295; Seneb, IV 301, 350.
BEWITCHING,IV 455; see Magic,
BILLS, I 10, 20.
BIOGRAPHIES:first appearance of, in
I11 Dynasty, I 6, 170; of Uni, I 6;
of nobles of Elephantine, I 6; numerous in Middle Kingdom, I 10; see
also Indexes 111, IV.
BIRDLET,IV 54, 106.
BIRD-POOLS,IV 9; see also Pools.
BIRDS: see Cranes, Doves, Ducks,
Fowl, Geese, Hawk, Ibis, Ostrich,
Pedet birds, Sesha birds, Shed birds,
Urdu birds, Vulture.
- o f Lebanon, I1 483.
-Ships of Thekel called birds, IV 588.
BIRTH-HOUSE:of Amon, I11 161.
chairs of, I1 490; from
Zahi, I1 490.
I1 237, 343.
BLESSINGS:on observers of treaty, I11
- o f Ptah, I11 394-414; IV 132-35.
BLOCK,I1 493, 509, 512, 525, 536; IV
231, 234, 245, 285, 288, 3903 39'.
-Blocks, august, from Hammamat, for
the statues of Mentuhotep 111, I
-Bbock inscription, at Bubastis, of
Arnenhotep 111, I1 846-50.
-Death penalty paid at the block, IV
BLOSSOMS,IV 244, 295, 301, 350,
IV 600.
BOATMEN:of the temple, IV 266.
BOATS,IV 229, 283, 387; for king's
journeys, I 423F; for transporting
obelisks, I1 105, 326.
-Divine boat, I1 741; of Thoth, I
also Canal-boat, Cargo-boat,
Ferry-boat, Kara-boat, Tow-boat.
BODY,or belly, as seat of mind, I 240.
OF KING,I11 310; IV 117,
120, 123; mustered by the vizier, I1
-Hittite, I11 337.
BOLTS,IV 871, 910.
-for target shooting, I1 813.
- o f black copper, IV 41 I .
- o f bronze, I 483.
- o f copper, I 873; IV 406, 489.
- o f tin, IV 929.
BOLTS,LARGE(a measure), I 719,720,
- o f d 3 -w-linen, I1 736.
-pdi', I1 722.
-Sm! 3.t I1 722.
BONES: king's, of copper, I11 403.
297, 347, 383, 388; explanation of,

IV 296 n. e; presented in the pool

of Kebeh, in the House of Re-Harakhte
in Heliopolis, IV 296; in the House
of Anubis, in Neru, IV 296; founded
for Ptah in Memphis, IV 347.
-House of books, I11 410; see also
-Sacred book, 11 915; scribe of, I 506;
"of the dead," I1 807; secrets of,
11 915.
BOOTY,I1 761; IV 126.
-from Megiddo, I1 431; Naharin, I1
480, 500, 501, 532, 816; Nuges, I1
508; Kadesh, I1 532; Lebanon, I1
783; Orontes, I1 785; Ikathi, I1 788.
BORDERSOF EGYPT, I 407; I11 580;
IV 80, 130, 405.
BOTANYOF EGYPT,IV 151; see also
Flowers, Fruit, Grain, Herbs, Plants,
Trees, Vegetables, Wood.
BOTTLE: leathern, I 430; of waterskins, I 456.
OF EGYPT,I1 225, 319,
415,418,439,478,549,596,636, 796;
I11 82,86,94, 107, 112, 118, 155,165,
360, 421, 428, 474, 476, 479, 575;
IV 41, 43, 46, 56, 57, 58, 63, 66, 72,
88, 91, 103, 104, 105, 106, 124, 126,
128,246, 403, 722; northern, 11 321;
eastern, I1 321; southern, I1 321,
862; of the south, I 311, 320, 396
n. h, 423, 652, 657; western, I1 321;
I11 579; in the fields of Perire, I11
-Boundaries of fields: registered, settlement of, I1 689, 703; unregistered,
I1 690; of the fields of the sacred cattle
of Apis, IV 332; of domains, IV 479,
480, 481, 482, 483.
-Boundaries of nomes, I1 703; of the
Jackal nome, I 626, 632; Hare nome,
I 626; oryx nome, 1626; Oxyrrhyncus, 1 632; Akhetaton, I1 961-64.
-Boundaries of the Asiatics, I11 12;
of Askalon, I11 355; of the Nine
Bows, IV 351; of Naharin, I1 871;
STELB, I 766.
STONE,inscription of, I1 I
n. c.
on Euphrates, I1
478; in Naharin, I1 800; in Karoy
(region of Napata), I1 800.
11 974; IV 244,295,301,350,
I 10


Bow, I 682; 11 435, 785; I11 42, 360,

450, 4511 454, 468, 473, 475, 489;
IV 50, 51, 70, 73, 225,410,823! 1004;
gven as taxes, I 1 718; dramng of,
11 792.
made in Kketa, I11 343;
Kharu, I1 501, 509; Libya, I11 584
bis, 601, 609; Meshwesh, IV 111.
Bow (of ship), IV 65, 66, 331, 582;
adorned with crowns, I 1 888; m t h
hawks, IV 331.
BOWL,IV 269; of copper, I 500; of
silver, IV 735.
-A wy-bowl, IV 2 6 9
BOWMEN:of Egypt, I11 577, 578, 584;
IV 74; leader of, I11 581.
--of Libya, I11 579.
IV 130.
IV 863.
-as title of Hatshepsut, I1 341; of the
Southland, I1 885.
11 22, 23, 24; of gold, 11
64, 471; I11 69; IV 876; of rock.
cryst-al, IV 303, 349, 377.
-from Retenu, I1 471; from Naharin,
I1 501.
BRANDING,I 770; I11 56, 414; of
captives, IV 405.
BREAD,IV 382,467,565,925,944,949,
950, 951, 9529 953, 954, 9 5 4 957,
958 M ; for food, I 336; I T 260, 758,
925; I11 71, 207, 208; divine offering, I1 620; I11 71; IV 190, 200,309,
326; mortuary offering, I 252, 329,
11 111, 113, 1x4, 117, 356, 365, 378,
920; I11 17, 526; IV 485; oblation,
11 553, 554, 798, 960; IV 208, 329,
335; even~ngoffenng, I1 565; offerine to statue. I1 618.
- ~ & e bread, I'V 2.38, 291, 393.
--of the divine oEerings, IV 238, 297,
-Kunek bread, IV 238, 291, 297.
-p A-bread, I 577.
-White bread, I1 553; see also Cakes.
I11 51, 59.
BRIBERY:laws on, I11 64; penalty for,
I11 64.
BRICK, I V 916, 958M; walls of, I V
489, 914, 1020; temples built of, I1
157 n. e, 176, 611, 614; 111 517, 520;
temple inclosures made of, I1 614.
-Mud brick, I1 607.

BRICK(as a measure), I1 521 bis, 534;

IV 235, 241, 379, 392.
I1 758, 759; Syrian captives as, I1 758 nn. d, g.
I1 759.
BRIDGE.I11 100; IV 861.
BRONZE,I 534; I1 45, 162, 165, 558;
IV 358, 847.
-Mixture of, IV 202, 318, 320, 343,
-in scraps, IV 343.
-Articles made of bronze: corselet,
I1 447; tablets, IV 231, 318, 343;
bolts, I 483; vase, I 500; I1 164;
IV 538; offering-tables, I 534; I1
175; IV 912; temple doors, I1 375;
I11 528; scarab, IV 233; vessels, I1
436, 459, 795; 1x1 584; IV 343;
shnne doors, IV 320; doorway, I11
246; wall (royal title), I11 224; helmets from Naharin, I1 501; suit of
armor from Megiddo, I1 435 bis;
from Naharin, I1 500, 501; from
Retenu, I1 534(?); spears from
Retenu, I1 509, 525; from Wan, 11
582; swords, I1 802; daggers,
-802.-Articles wrought with, I1 490.
-Bronze: from Naharin, I1 500; from
Retenu, I1 518.
I11 373, 375.
BROW,IV 922.
BUILDERS,I1 758, 759; IV 275, 858;
for Chief of, Master of, see Index V.
BUILDING: of houses, I 147, 328; of
Temples, I1 33-37, 97, 90-98, 99106; see also Houses, Palaces, and
Index 11.
: see Inscriptions.
BUI.L, IV 242, 260, 272, 278, 283, 203,
298, 3139 323, 341,345, 347,360, 387,
392, 883, 906; yokes of, 1 522; from
Negro lands, I 336; army of Tefibi
like a, I 396; Kheti I1 rich in, I 408.
-Bull of Mad, IV 915 ; divine bulls of
Athribis, IV 470; Pharaoh as a bull,
I1 143, 659, 853; 111 117, 144, 147,
285, 360, 372, 455, 489, 507, 608;
IV 40, 41, 46, 56, 62, 67, 81, 94, 103,
105, 246, 852; Amon-Kamephs as a
bull, I1 225, 314, 317; "Bull of his
mother," I11 24.
-Epithets of, 11 659.
-Bulls for mortuary offering, I 540,
542, 556, 559, 584, 591; 11 840; 111
526; for oblation, 1432, 556, 5%; I1
553,554; IV 335, 468, ~ 6 8 , 8 4 8 , 8 5 6 ,
866, 869, 874, 875; &vlne offering,
I1 160, 171, 562, 621; 111 413; IV
-Bulls from Egypt, I V 229; Kham,
IV 229; Meshwesh, I V 111; Retenu,
I1 447, 518; Naharin, I1 482; Punt,
I1 486; Genebteyew, I1 474; Wawat,
11 475, 487, 503, 523, 527; K u s ~ 1
5 14-4pw-bulls, IV 242.
BULLCALVES,I1 553, 554, 562.
BULLOCKS,IV 9, 190, 260, 272, 313,
323, 335, 341, 3451 360, 958H.
-from Retenu, I1 447, 471, 491; Naharin, I1 482.
-Bulllocks of the bulls, IV 229, 242,
283, 293, 298, 387, 392; of the Negebulls, IV 229.
BUNCH(a measure), I V 234.
BUNDLE(a measure), I11 77, 159, 207;
Iv 229, 2341 241, 283, 341, 344, 378,
379. 387, 391, 3929 395, 954.
-htP-bundle, IV 350, 949, 950, 952,
t-bundles, IV 301.
-hrS-bundles, IV 301.
-Sehetep-bundles, IV 295.
SERVICE,1 295; officials of,
BURIAL,I 1 358, 977, 994, 1003, 1006,
1008; IV 668; offices for, IV 966;
cov(-ringsfor, IV 521, 538.
-Butial (of Osiris), I11 212; IV 499,
5939 637-47; of Apis, I 22; IV 771,
778, 780, 786, 791,884,917,918,961,
977, 986, 1010,
BUTTER,I V 233, 301, 344, 350, 376-

IV 240, 393.
CABINET:double, 1618, 672, 713, 716.
--of the office of the chief treasurer, I
672 n. a, 673.
--of the treasury, I 716.
CABINETCHAMBER:plan of rebellion
conceived in, I 492.
CAKES,I 336; I 1 114; I11 71; I V 238,
291, 297, 300, 347, 350, 467; makers
of, I11 624.
-Ru'LI cakes, I1 572.
-Dressed-geese cakes, I1 572.


-Obelisk cakes, I1 572.

-Rahusu cakes, IV 238, 291, 393.
-White-loaf cakes, I1 572, 621.
-s ' -i ' -cakes, IV 240, 378, 392.
c-cakes, IV 949, 950, 952, 953, 954.
of fields, I11 275.
of, I 58, early existence of, I 45;
oldest fixed date in history, I 45.
-Gregorian, I 40; Julian, I 40; I p. 40.
OF FEASTS:of Ramses 111,
I 4 3 n. b; IV 139-45.
CALVES,1 408; 11 139, 149, 160, 723,
7339 739, 740; Iv 242, 283, 293, 298,
341, 345, 3877 3927 906, 929.
-for divine offerings, I1 458, 793; I V
190; mortuary offering, I11 526;
oblation, I1 960; IV 335, 468, 848,
856, 866, 869, 874, 875.
-Calves: from Kham, IV 229; Naharin,
I1 482; Retenu, I1 447, 458, 471;
Punt, I1 486; Genebteyew, I1 474;
Wawat, 11 475, 487, 495, 503, 515,
523, 527; Kush, 11 494, 502, 514.
CAMP,111 579, 589, 598; IV 64, 870,
873; royal, 11429; 111320,331, 332,
CANAL, 11 775; IV 412,853, 957.
IV 266.
CANALBOAT:of acacia, IV 229, 387.
WALL: of Luxor, I V 628.
Sheken, I11 576; Water of Re, IV
83, 224; of Heliopolis, IV 266, 278,
-Canal of the first Cataract, I1 75;
begun by Uni, I 324; cleared by
Sesostris 111, I 643-45; repaired by
same king, I 646-48; names of, I
644; I1 650; length, width, depth of,
I 647; again cleared by Thutmoses I
and 111, I 648; I1 75, 76: 649-50.
-Canal, for irrigation, in Slut, dug by
Kheti 11, 1 407.
-Canal of Wadi TumilLt, I1 248.
of silver, I V 735.
CAPTIVES,I1 225, 387, 402, 413, 656,
900; I11 34, 82, 96, 101, 119, 148,
1557 3447 349,351,448 n b, 597,598;
IV 42, 56, 106, 121, 362, 825, 865.
-Building the temple of Arnon, I1 758,
759; settled in Egyptian strongholds,
IV 403, 405 n. g; distributed to
Egyptian families, I1 916; as slaves
in the temples, I1 918; I V 121, 126,


128, 137 n. a, 190, 207, 213; IV 359,

404, 1021.
-Captives from Amor, IV 39, 129;
Asiatics, IV 122; Denyen, IV 81, 82,
403; Ekwesh, I11 588; Hua, I1 850,
Ibhet, I1 854; Ikathi, I1 788; Kehek,
I11 588; Keshkesh, 111 428; Kharu,
I1 884; Khatithana, I1 789; Khenthennofer, I1 11, 162, 646; adventure
with, I1 11; Kheta, IV129; Lebanon,
I1 783; Libya, I11 584, 588, 600; IV
52, 54, 57, 78, 79, 405; Meshwesh,
IV 90, 92, 111, 405; Naharin, I1 480,
532, 111344; Negro% 11140, 449 452;
IV, 477; Nine Bows, IV 190, 207;
Nuges, I1508; Peleset, IV 44, 76, 129,
403; Retenu, I1 162, 402, 467, 790;
I11 97; Sand-dwellers, I 313; I1 661;
Seir, IV 404; Shasu, I11 108; IV
129; Shekelesh, I11 588; IV 81;
Sherden, I11 588, 601; IV 129, 403;
Temeh, I V 92; Teresh, I11 588; 1V
129; Thekel, IV 44, 78, 79, 129,403;
Tintto-emu, I1 15; Ullaza, I1 470;
Weshesh, IV 403; Zahi, I1 490.
CAuvAN, I 312, 332, 334, 336, 343,
352, 356, 360; negro, I 368; conductors of, see Index V.
I11 178 bis, 192, 286.
I11 88; IV 1004.
POINTS:genii of, 11228, 231.
CARGO,11 266; 111 53, 274.
CARGOBOATS,1 322, 323; IV 863; of
acacia wood, I 323, 324.
CAROBPODS,IV 295, 301, 350.
CAROBWOOD,1 372; IV 391.
-Articles made of carob wood: chairs,
I1 436, 490; chest, I1 755; chariots,
I1 491; shrine, I 667; staff, I1 436;
table, I1 436, 509.
-Carob wood from Arrapachitis, I1
512; Assur, I1 449; Retenu, I1 436,
447, 491, 509, 525; Zahi, 11 490.
IV 451.
found at fourth cataract,

of silver, IV 735.
CARTS,Ox, IV 73, 467.
I11 271.
IV 489.
CASES: criminal, I1 683; real estate,
I1 686, 689, 690.

CASES:of wrought WOO^, IV 390.

CASKETS:of silver, IV 231.
IV 234, 344, 379.
CASTLE,IV 76; names of, IV 77; royal,
I 532; see also Palaces.
CAT: sacred animal, I 281 n. c.
CATTLE,I 496; I1 736, 829, 884, 887,
984; 111577; I V 229, 235, 242, 275,
280, 282, 283,336, 337, 339, 341, 342,
345,360, 362,363,364,370,372,379,
383, 384, 387, 423, 470, 676, 821,
9 5 8 N 99.2-Importation
of, I 146, 147, 281;
small cattle and bulls, brought from
Negro lands, I 336; numbering of,
I 81, 157; raising of, I 408; colors
of (=breeds of ?), I 408.
-Overseer of cattle, I1 1041.
-Cattle of Amon: see Index 11: Karnak, Temple of Amon; Inspector of,
Overseer of, Scribe of, see Index V.
-Sacred cattle of Apis, IV 332.
-Branded for the royal house, I11 56;
overseer of, I11 57; see also Index


-Cattle, curiously decorated, I1 1035.

-for divine offering, I1 793; 111 413;
mortuary offering, I11 271; oblation,
1 432; 11960.
Ibhet, I1 853; Hua, I1 850;
Meshwesh, I11 589; IV 110, 111,
405; Seir, IV 404; of Egyptian
colonists in Kush, I1 121.
-Breeds of cattle, I 408 n. g.
-Cattle (y >.t), IV 242.
-Large cattle, IV 212, 220, 226, 795;
from Retenu, I1 434, 525; Megiddo,
I1 435; Zahi, I1 462; Kheta, I11
-Small cattle, I11 276; IV 2 1 2 , 220,
226, 795, 1021; from Punt, I1 272;
Retenu, I1 434, 447, 471, 518, 525;
Megiddo, I1 435; Zahi, I1 462;
Naharin, 11 482.
cattle, I11 598; for mortuary
offering, I1 840; hunt of, I1 863-64.
-Black cattle, IV 278.
-Mountain cattle, IV 272.
cattle from Nemo
- lands, IV
-White, small cattle, from Megiddo,
-Firstlings of the year, I1 727; yearlings, I1 723, 726, 727, 730, 731, 735,
739, 743; two-year-olds, 11 722, 725,
730, 731, 734, 735, 736, 738, 739, 740,
742; IV 242.
CATTLEYARDS,IV 9,217,260,313,323,
330, 859,958H.
I V 861.
IV 1004; officers of, I11 584.
CAVERNS:of Libya, I11 611; of Elephantine, IV 925; of the ennead of
Khereha, I V 869.
-Cavern ( -tomb), IV 958M.
CAVES,111 134; of Elephantine, I11
171; I V 925; Mitanni, I1 773.
-Anubis, lord of, I 394.
CEDAR,11 321; IV 226, 234, 245, 282,
345, 379>-385, 391-Articles made of cedar: ferry boats,
I V 229, 283, 387; barges, I 1 32, 94,
838,888; I V 278, 331,904,916,1023;
tow boats, IV 229, 387; ships, I 146,
465; I1 492; I V z q , 574; palace
doors, I 148; shrine doors, I1 156;
tomb doors, IV 958M; temple doors,
11 155, 157, 375, 611, 614, 749 n. b,
903; 111 217, 245, 505, 537, 625; IV
11, 355, 356, 357,358, 362, 9103 970;
doors, IV 406, 489; doorposts, I V
406;' altars, I 787; flagstaves, I 1 103;
I11 94, 537; IV 15; staves, I1 718;
chests, I1 755; mortuary chests, I V
966; panels, IV 929;
. . columns, I1 32,
600, 601.
-Cedar ( 1 ) from Bigeh, I1 718; God's
Land. I T 888; Lebanon, 11104: IV
577; ' ~ e t e n uI1
, 838, 888; ro&l domain, I1 157, 903; IV 15, 209, 278,
3319 970.
see Terraces.
of lazuli, I 483; of electnun,
I V 958J.
CELLA, I V 899.
CELLAR:beer, I V 238; wine, IV 512.
CEMETERY,1 202, 208, 209, 238, 243;
I11 260; IV 182; children of, I V 499;
thieves of, 554, 556; see also Necropolis, and Index VI: Abydos, Serapeum, Memphis, Thebes (Western),
Tazoser (West), and Highlands.
CENSER, I1 93; I V 269; of ebony,
I 500; silver, I 500; I V 334; fina
gold, IV 334; gold, I V 735, 736.
-Fourfold censer: of gold, IV 735.
IV 299, 348.
CENTER: of the army, I1 430.

I11 286, 371, 564; I V

836, 958D, 988J; of Amon-Re, I11
206, :56, 436; of Aton, I1 994; of
erechng the symbol of Osiris, I1 874;
at feast of Ptah, I11 77, 159; of New
Moon, I1 562, 608; at the voyage to
the southern Opet, I1 554; of court
and palace in charge of the herald,
I1 764, 767; of investiture, I1 1020;
ceremony, I 445, 506,
669; 11 152, 157, 608,.614,. 795; See
also Cord and Measuring-llne.
ceremony: benefit of, I1
-Temple ceremony, I1 826; I11 82.
CHAIR,I1 802.
--of black wood, from Zahi, I1 490.
--of carob wood, from Kadesh, 11436;
Zahi, I1 490.
--of ebony, from Kadesh, I1 436.
--of ivory, from Kadesh, I1 436.
-Sedan chair, I1 981; vizier's chair,
I1 675.
I 307; I1 771; I V 849; royal,
11 237; Dewat, IV 866, 871; fire
I11 28; hidden, I11 278; Meskhent,
I11 525; privy, I 256, 286, 290; I1
675; quarry, see under Quarrychamber; sepulcher, IV 540; shrine,
111 529; store, I11 roo; tomb, IV
4, 515, 517; treasure, IV 25.
Chamber Attendants, Chief of
Chamber, Eldest of the Chamber,
see Index V.
-Secret chamber of the mountains,
I1 946.
-Sacred chamber: in temple of Karnak, I1 795;
. . . the august dwelling, I1
sealed chamber ( =treasury) :
sealing of, reported to vizier, I1 676,
-Temple chamber, I1 164, 390, 1017;
names of, I1 1017; for oil, I1 165.
-Upper chamber of pyramid, I 322;
of tomb of Kheti 11, I 412.
11 431; 111 400.
I11 325; the inaccessible, I1 288.
CHAPEL,I1 908; I V 57, 78, 125, 191,
356; IV 732, 7333 7367 737, 755 n. c;
of Thutmose 111, at Luxor, I11 506;
of temple of Seti I at Abydos, 111226,
231-34; of Ramses I11 in temple of
Re at Heliopolis, IV 277; of Pesibkhenno, by Great Pyramid, stela of
1 I4


Eye in, I1 1042 n. a; in Thebes, of

Prince Wazmose, I1 928; of AtumKhepri, IV 732; of Khonsu, in Ramses 111's temple at Medinet Habu,
I1 5; Ptah-Tatenen at Medinet
Habu, I1 461; chapel in temple of
Medinet Habu, I1 641.
-Mortuary chapel, I1 36.
-Secret chapel, I11 412.
-Tomb-chapels, I 19, 20.
CHAPLETS,IV 876; of gold, I1 32.
IV 295, 303, 380, 394.
CHARIOT,I1 7, 813, 857, 858; I11 84,
10223609441r 4507 454,455,461,473;
IV 49, 50, 53, 72, 73, 74, 76, 840,
860, 1004.
-Wrought with electrum, 11 430, 447
960, 969; wrought with gold, I1 413,
435,447,501; wrought with gold and
silver, I1 430, 431, 467, 490, 491,501,
509, 801; pole of, I1 435.
-Chariot: from Assur, I1 449; Kheta,
111 343; K u s ~ , 11 1035, 1039;
Megiddo, I1 430, 431, 435; Meshwesh, IV I I I ; Naharin, I1 81, 85,
482, 501; Nuges, I1 508; Retenu,
I1 413, 447, 467, 491, 509, 518, 790;
Zahi, I1 490; Ullaza, I1 470; Orontes, I1 784, 785; Ikathi, I1 788.
-Chariots of carob wood, from Retenu, I1 491; of t > -gw-wood, I1 491.
(Egyptian), IV 65, 77,
106, 405 n. g; Enwau, I11 635.
Perehirunamef, 111 482 n. C;
Rekhpehtuf, I11 642; Hori, I11 645;
Uhekhu, I11 650.
-Charioteer of the court: Nakhtamon,
IV 466.
-Charioteers of the chariotry, I V 466.
-Hittite charioteers, I11 337.
-King's charioteer, Ini, I11 198.
CHARIOTRY:Egyptian, I11 267, 307,
311, 325, 327, 3423 365,380,428, 578,
583, 587; Iv 71, 89, 354, 402, 410,
822; leader of: see Index V; lord of:
see Index V.
-Hittite, 111 310, 312, 320, 321, 337,
378; Libyan, I11 583.
-Syrian, I11 309; IV 118.
CHARM:knowledge of, I 378.
divine, IV 907.
CHATEAU,I11 588, 600; IV 194, 281.
CHEST,I1 376, 802; IV 27, 29, 843.

7277 730, 731, 744.

-Made of carob wood, I 372; 11 755;
cedar, I1 755; ebony, I1 755; ivory,
I1 755; meru wood, I1 755.
-Mortuary chest: of cedar wood, IV
066; ked wood, IV 066; meru wood
CHILDREN:playing, I1 300; length of
new-born, I 395; see also education.
CHISEL, I11 271; of copper, IV 552.
I 58-75; IV
607, 693, 812, 940CHRONOLOGY,
EGYPTIAN,I 38-75,41518, 423% 424, 434, 460-62; IV
604-7, 693-94, 7931 811-13, 885,
935-41; addendum to, I p. 48; length
of year discovered in the fifth millennium B. C., I 39; Julian chronology,
I 40; Gregorian, I 40; of the X I
Dynasty, I 415-18.
IV 234, 240, 378, 391, 394;
from Punt, I11 116.
WOOD,IV 287,300,344,348,
378, 391; from Punt, I1 265.
CIRCUIT, 11 294, 661, 804, 954; IV
818; of Aton, I1 795, 1007, 1010;
IV 62; of the sun, I1 70,98,308,319;
IV 40, 71, 249, 623, 988H; of
heaven, I1 657.
I1 692.
practiced by the people
of Ekwesh, 111 588; see also under
Hands cut off.
CISTERNS: of the Oasis, IV 726, 727,
728; name of, IV 727, 728.
CITADEL,I11 463; IV 117.
CITIZEN,111 61; IV 410.
-Citizen (crib), I11 51, 57, 59; I V
( d s ) , IV 863; duties of,
I 536; ka of, I1 353.
-Citizen (Sw a), I1 920.
-Citizens of the army, I 681 bis; I1
53, 864;. 111. 57, 59, 5-36; penalty
for steahng hldes by, I11 57.
-Citizen's cistern, IV 727.
CITY OF ETERNITY:tomb of Kheti I,
I 402.
CIVILIZATION:Egypt the home of, IV
5 78.
CLASSES:of people, I1 916; IV 190,
197, 251, 278, 402, 403; established
by R-amses 111, I V 402; consisting
of, Iv 402.
CLAY, I V 871; for plastering tombwalls, I1 106; field of clay, for bricks,
I1 758.
CLEANSING:of temples, I1 642; of
persons, IV 866, 876, 880, 881; see
also Index VI: Memphis, cleansing
CLIFF, I1 966.
CLIFF 'TEMPLE:at Napata, IV 897-99.
CLIFFTOMB:at Abd el-Kurna, of Rekhmire, 120; I1 663 n. d; Menkheperreseneb, I1 772 n. a ; Ramose, I1 936
n. b; Neferhotep, I11 68 n. c.
-Assasif (Thebes), of Neferhdtep, I11
-Assiut, of Hepzefi, I 535 n. a.
-opposite Assuan: of Thethi, I 161
n. d ; Pepinakht, I 355 n. f; Khui,
I fhr n. c; Sebni, I362 n. f.
of Amenemhet, I 515
n. a.
-D6r el-Bahri: of Amenhotep I, IV
668, 690-92.
-D&r el-Gebrawi: of Henku, I 280;
Ibi, I 375 n. f.
-El Kab: of Ahmose, son of Ebana, I1
I n. a; Pahri, I1 3 n. d.
-Gebel Marag: of Zau, I 380 n. d.
-1brim: of Penno. IV 474 n. a.
-Kssr-es-Saiysd: bf 1du-~eneni,1337
n. a.
-Kurnet-Murrai: of Huy, I T 1019.
-Tell el-Amama: of Ani, I1 977; Merire TI, I1 981; Merire I, I 1 982-88;
Eye, I1 989-96; Mai, I1 997-1003;
Ahmose, 11004-8; Tutu, I1 1009-13;
Huy, I1 1014-17.
-Thebes: of Thutmose I, I1 97; excavation of, I1 106; secrecy in excavation of, I1 106; Thutmose 11, I1 389.
IV 843, 859, 875, 880, 881,
88.3; changes of, I1 588; as mortuary
offering, I 252; for embalmment, I
366, 382; presented to the court, I
369; for the gods, I V 335; for taxes,
Iv 150, 403.
-Clothing from Kadesh, I1 436; see
also Garments.
-Clothing the god at his processions:
done by the master of secret things,
I 745; by queen, I1 239.
-Temple clothing, I1 615.

CLUSTERS,I V 295, 301, 350, 378; of

beads, I V 377.
COALITION:the Hittite, I11 309; the
Libyan, I11 579.
COATOF MAIL, I11 312, 326, 365; I V
99; from the Asiatics on the Orontes,
I1 785; see also Bronze.
COFFIN, IV 521, 538, 665-67, 852
n. c, 979, 988; name on, IV 499; pit
of, IV 972.
f Mekhu, 1368; of Zau, 1382;
coffin made of ebony, I 247; of wood,
-Coffin inscriptions: see under Inscriptions.
COITION:of god with queen, I1 196;
I11400 n. c.
COLLARS,11 45; of real malachite, I
534; gold, I1 944,986,989; 111 7, 8,
9, 69, 73; IV 201%204, 493; of gold,
and rock-crystal, IV 373; of gold and
costly stone, IV 386, 876.

C ~ L L ~ ~crime
I ~ Nof,: IV 427, 428, 429,
438, 4391 440, 4427 444, 447.
COLONNADE,IV 622; of temple of
Upwawet at Siut, I 403; of temple of
Harsaphes at Heracleopolis, IV 970;
of templc at DCr el-Bahri, I1 191; of
temple of Karnak, I1 305, 317, 775;
IV 707, 767; of temple of Ramses I11
at Medinet Habu, IV 16.
COLORS,I1 558; from Retenu, I1 491,
- - 7)..
in temple of Re at Heliopolis,
IV 252; of Medinet Habu temple,
IV 191 n. j; at Tanis, of Rarnses 11,
-Colossus of Memnon, I 16; TI 878,
879, 880, 883 n. e; made of gritstone,
I 1 883 n. e, go6 n. a ; temple of
Memnon colossi, I1 883.
IV 467; districts of,
I11 172.
COLUMNS,111 510, 512, 513; IV 489,
748, 889.
-Columns made of electrum, 111 512,
515; I V 192; cedar, I1 32, 600, 601 ;
gold, IV 315; wood, I 1 614; sand;
I V 889.
stone, I1 795; I V ~ I O lipsof,


Columns-Column inscriptions: see under Inscriptions.

-Bud columns, I11 515.
-Flower columns, I11 515.
-Temple columns, I 509; I1 614, 795,
805, 917; 111 263, 593; IV 315.
OF A GOD, I1 253; royal, I
271,273, 354; I1 52; 111 32B, 67,586;
IV 597, 629, 706, 817, 943.
I1 625,860.
I 263, 264, 266, 298, 301,
303, [3051, 342, 445, 508; I1 985; 111
32% 271; IV 147,412,414, 466, 511,
512, 522, 676, 784; to a court, IV
423; overseer of, see Index V.
I11 29 I ; from people
to Pharaoh, I1 767; from Pharaoh
to people, I1 767; to foreign lands,
I1 767.
. .
by the lay priesthood of
the temple of Min at Coptos, I 777;
by the Mayor of Western Thebes,
IV 527; by Wenamon, IV 566.
OF COURT,IV 426, 531,
I1 763.
I11 267; king's, IV 844.
I11 624.
OFFICE: in charge of,
Thethi, I423D.
IV 1024.
laws on, I11 58.
harem, 1V416-56; crime
of, IV 430, 443, 447.
OBELISK,I1 629-31.
(=treaty), I11 386.
registered with the vizier
I1 703; for the remuneration of the
prophets of Abydos, I 536; IV 679;
of Hepzefi of Siut, I 539-93; for
of harbor garrisons, I1 483,
510, 519, 535; for endowing divine
offer in^ for Mut-Hathor of Thebes.
11 622; for endowment of the lay
priesthood of Ptah of Karnak, 11 620;
for offerings, IV 1022.
I 5; IV 946; see also

-- -

31, 32, 228, 230, 245, 283, 285, 342,

355, 3561 372, 373,385,386,3887 389,

958G; In scraps, 1.V 373, 385, 389.

-Objects wrought wth, I1 157, 376,
794 n. b; I11 505, 528; IV 11, 216.
-King's bones of, I11 403.
-Articles made of copper: chisels, IV
552; bars, IV 408; shrine doors, IV
198, 254; temple doors, I 483; I1 45,
104, 302, 390; 111 525; I v 311;
vase, I 500; I1 164; bowl, I 500;
Karnak gate, I1 376; offering-tables,
IV 911; statue, IV 302, 395;
table vessels, IV 190, 354; swords
from Meshwesh, I11 589; vessels, I1
459; bolts, I1 813; IV 406,, 489.
-Copper from God's Land, I11 274;
Retenu, I1 447, 471, 491, 509, 790;
Zahi, 11 459, 460, 462! 490, 536(?);
Isy, I1 493, 521; Sinai, I 713.
-Crude copper: from Retenu, I1 509;
from Isy, 11 5I I ; from Arrapachitis,
I1 512.
-Asiatic copper, I1 45, 104, 614, 755;
I11 217, 537, 910; offering tables of,
11 175.
-Black copper, I1 92,390; IV 245,284,
285,342,373,385,389, 7321 734,736;
door-mountings of, I1 155; temple
doors of, I1 375; decorations made
of, I1 164; bolts of, IV 411; corselet
of, IV 373, 389; shrine doors of, I1
889 n. a.
COPPER MINES: in Atika, IV 408; at
Sinai, I 168.
11 755; IV 523, 524,
532, 533, 534; succession of the craft,
I v 532.
COPYOF LETTER,IV 527; of records,
I 445.
-Cord made of palm-fiber, IV 235; of
gold and costly stones, IV 386.
-Stretching of the cord at the foundation ceremony, I 506; I1 152, 608,
614; feast of, I1 157.
IV 578.
in XI1 Dynasty, I 64,
460, 462; of Amenhotep 11, I 6 6 n. a;
11 184 n. d; of Ramses IX, I 69 n. C;
of Osorkon 11, I 71; of Takelot 111,
I 72 n. d; of ~ a m s e I1
s with Seti I;
111 268; see also I 58-75, and 1ndet


444; of butlers, IV 443,446,448,449,
I1 151, 594, 849; IV 142,
-the great court of Thebes, IV 531,
887, 922, 958D.
I, 1 18; I1 131-66; feast of, I 258. -Court of examination, IV 425.
-Court =decree of court, I1 290.
of Harm- -Court-marshal, I11 $.
hab, I11 22-32.
-Court-fishermen, IV 466; divisions
of, IV 466; officers of, IV 466.
I11 267.
-Corselets made of black copper, IV COVERINGS,
373, 389; bronze, I1 447.
Cow, IV 229, 242, 283, 293, 298, 3411
-Corselet from Retenu, I1 447; from
347, 387, 392.
Orontes, I1 785.
-. IV 100; for ob-Corselets, inlaid, from Naharin, I1 -for divine offering.
lation, IV 335.
-Cow speaking, I 408.
C O R V ~. ~IE"120.
-Cows from Kham, IV 229; Retenu,
EYE:from Punt, I1 265,272;
11 471.
Naharin, I1 501.
-Cows of Hathor, I1 210.
11231; 11134.
-Loan-cows from Kush, I1 556; from
Zahi, I1 556.
IV 875, 876.
COUNCIL:of army, I1 $5; of gods, Cow HIDES,IV 379, 395.
CRAFT,111 51, 52; succession of, see
I1 192; of Nun, IV 330; of underCoppersmiths.
standing, I1 914; of war, I1 420;
11371, 372, 753, 775,801,
-the Great Council: reports to the
833; overseer of, see Index V; see
vizier, I1 706.
also Handicraft.
-Local council of a district, I1 686.
HALL: royal, IV IOO n. a.
CRATE,IV 234, 241, 379.
COURBE(of a wall), IV 355, 356, 358, CRENELATED
OVAL,IV 718.
406, 489.
CREW,I1 328; 111 275; I V 212, 407,
COURT,ROYAL,I 239, 246, 248, 309,
320.~353; 11 107, 151, 205, 232, 236, -Crews:
of Egypt, IV 574; Byblos, IV
~ 3 8255,
, ~ 260, 292, 371,620, 622, 675,
586, 591;
IV 574; Alasa, IV
706, 769, 1026; IT1 264, 580, 590;
f V 63, 147,477, 724A, 767,933,966; -Galley
crew, IV 328.
in nnourning, I 491 ; ships of, I 258; --of recruits, I 343; leader of, see
garrison of, I1 694; officials of, I11
Index V.
65, 437; princes of, I11 287; going
CRIME,111 62, 389, 390; IV 425, 426,
in and going out of, reported to the
427, 428,429,430,431,446r 4512 530,
vizil-r, I1 676; affairs of, reported
by the chief treasurer, I1 679; stable
crime, 111 64; IV 529; of
of, 111635, 645; chiefs of stables of,
death, IV 454, 456.
IV ,166.
insurrection, IV 42 7, 428,
-companions, Members, Nobles, Offi- -Crimes:
429,430,442,443; collusion, IV 427,
cers, Officials, Steward of Court: see
428, 429,438,439,440,442,444,477;
Index V.
conspiracy, IV 430, 443, 447; not
-Temple court, IV 198, 207, 272, RII,
reporting conspiracy, IV 431, 432,
327: 330,333, 335,363, 614, 6;9, 707.
4339 4349 435,436,4379 438,439,4409
-Penstyle of, at Luxor. I11 q06.
448, 449, 450.
- ~ e ~ a l - c o u r t : appointment if, 11165;
s IV 424; com- CRIMINALCASES: docket of, I1 670,
IV 423; i n s t ~ c t i o n to,
683; entry of, I1 683.
position of, IV 426, 531, 546.
-Legal court: great nobles of, IV 425, CRIMINALS,
I1 683, 767; I V 427, 428,
427,428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433,434,
429, 430, 4317 432, 4337 4341 4359 436
435,436, 4377 438, 439, 440, 441, 442,
437,438, 439, 440, 442, 443, 4459 448,
- -

I 18


449, 450, 45?, 453, 456; procedure

of cases aganst, I1 683; IV 42356.
CROCODILE,I11 615; captured by
Amenemhet I, I 483; Pharaoh as,
11 659; 111 117.
nome, 1523; of the south, building of,
in Elephantine, I 650; of Thinis of
the South, in Abydos, I 665 n. b;
tributes distributed to, I1 706.
-Overseers of, I 312 ; gang-overseers
of, I 522; people of, IV 466; scribe
of, IV 465.
CROWN,ROYAL,11 235, 239, 314; 111
267, 270, 406; of Amon, I1 198; IV
"Great in Magic," I 609;
cf. the same title of goddess Mut.
double crown, I 500; I1 229;
111 286, 486; IV 304.
-Etefcrown, I 168; I1 292; IV 104,
186, 209, 351, 401, 411.
-Northem crown, I 609.
-Red crown, I 609, 779; I1 229, 318,
815; 111 414; IV 62, 104.
-Serpent crown, IV 62.
-Southern crown, I 609.
-White crown, 1609, 779; I1 229, 235,
318, 636, 815; I11 414; IV 62, 104,
182, 304.
-Crowns: as adornment, I1 888; see
also Diadems.
ROCK, IV 373; cut, IV 233,
287,345; beads of, IV 233,287,345,
377; seals of, IV 233, 303, 345, 349,
377; pendants of, IV 287; armlet of,
IV 303; semdets of, IV 377; scarab
of, IV 377; bracelet of, IV 303, 349,
377; finger rings of, I V 377; eyeamulets of, IV 377.
CUBE,IV 378, 395CUBICMEASURES:see Measure.
CUBIT,ONE: indicates the length of a
newborn child, I 395 n. f; was the
length of Tefibi's son, when he began
to rule, I 395; of Kheti, I11 413;
see also Measures, Linear.
CUP BEARER:see Index V.
epithet for Negro, I1
71, 657 (see corrigenda); I11 155; for
Kode Folk.
CURSE: on violators of endowment, I1

925; 111192, 194; IV 483; of treaty,
I11 386.
CUSHION,I1 675 bis.
CUSTOM:practiced upon a king, IV 866.

I1 22, 254; wrought with electrum, I 682; of bronze, I1 802.
11 1034. 1039.
DAIS, I1 675, 981; 111 13.
DAMAGE,IV 149, 543.
DANCESOF THE GOD: by the dwarf
from Yam, I 353.
DARKPERIOD:the second, between the
Ol_dand Middle Kingdoms, I 52,57.
DATEPALM:fiber of, IV 380, 395.
DATETREES, IV 264, 1021.
DATES,IV 244, 295, 347, 944; dried,
Iv 299, 347.
-for divine offering, I1 159; food, I
785; oblation, I1 571.
I11 629.
DEBEN,I 785; I1 377, 436 bis, 446 ter,
459 bis, 482, 486, 490, 491, 493 his,
500, 502, 509, 514, 515, 518 his,
522,526, 527, 534, 536, 718, 719, 720,
721, 722, 723, 724, 72% 727, 7307 732,
733, 734, 735, 736, 7379 738, 739, 740,
744, 761, 903; I11 207; IV 30, 228,
231, 232,283, 285,286, 287, 341, 343,
344, 345, 373, 3771 385,386,3891 390,
391, 566, 568,576,680, 681,682, 732,
733, 734, 735, 736, 737,949,9509 9529
953, 9541 956, 957.
1 22, 23.
DECEASED:honors for, I 6; daily intercourse with king, I 6.
I11 25.
CIALS WITH GOLD,1372; 116, 9, 10,
11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 39, 64, 81, 584,
585, 587, 588, 986, 1009, 1036; I11
6, 73.
ON CATTLE,I1 1035.
DECREE,IV 630, 653, 656, 679, 992;
myal,*I 351; of Ramses 111, IV 14750-
Decree--Coptos decree, by NubkheprureIntef, I 773-80; dealing with a culprit, 1 777.
-Coronation decree of Thutmose I,
I 18; I1 54-60.
-Decree for Harmhab's reforms, I 18.
-Endowment decree, I 349.
-Sealing of decrees, I 274; privy councilor of, I 336.
-Temple decrees, engraved on tablets,
IV 5!02, 255, 265, 317, 321, 354, 360,
363, 656; concerning the sacred
cattle of Apis, IV 332.
STELE, 1 15; I1 904--910;
roya.1 (of buildings and monuments),
11 127, 301, 905.
DEDMETFLOWER,IV 215, 264, 345,
379, 393.
DEED, I1 966.
DEIFICATION:of Snefru, 1722; Amenhotep, 111, I1 893-98, 900; Amenhotep, son of Hapi, I1 911-12; Menmare, 111 173; Ramses 11, 111 502,
504.; see Apotheosis.
of a priest of Min, I 778;
of vizier, IV 361.
DEPOSITIONS:of legal documents, IV
534; taken by the vizier, I1 704;
IV 534.
IV 525, 526.
DESERT,IV 479; of Abydos, IV 1023.
DETENTION:unlawful, of slaves, 111
55; penalty for, I11 55.
DEW, DIVINE,11 197, 274, 829.
IV 866, 871.
SHIPS: see Ships.
DIADEM,11 142, 145 bis, 226, 229, 231,
312 n. b, 314, 812, 831, 832-36, 838;
111 16, 535, 536; IV 47, 382, 843,
988H; magic power of, I1 220; king
crowned in, when performing the
foundation ceremony, I 506; of Re,
IV 895.
-Double diadem, I 686; 11 255; 111
267; IV 304; double plumed, IV 401.
-Serpent diadem, I1 245, 657, 925;
IV 66, 127, 130.
Egyptian, I 33.
IV 980.
DISTRICT,I1 686; 111 580, 583; IV
265; of Abydos, IV 681; Aphroditopolis, IV 948; Amenopet, IV 539;


Bista, IV 957; Busiris, IV 968; Gate

of Ihotep, 1312; Middle of Heliopolis,
IV 857; Hare norne, IV 948; Heracleopolis, IV 948, 968; Oxyrrhyncus,
IV 948; town of Pesebek, IV 784;
Ranofer, IV 830; Sais, IV 957; Sep,
IV 948; Thebu, IV 957; see also
-Districts of the colporteurs, I11 172;
in Wawat, IV 479,480,481,482,483.
-Sacred districts of Mehenet (of Sais),
IV 982, 1011; Resenet (of Sais), IV

-For Chief of, Officials of, Scribe of,

Supervisor of, see Index V.
IV 888.
446, 492.
-For Divine consort, Divine father,
Divine hand, Divine mother, Divine
votress, see Index V.
"DIVINEWORDS"(Hieroglyphs), I 533.
(when they divided the kingdom between them), I1 120.
DOCKET,I1 670; IV 535; criminal,
I1 683.
written, I I, 2, 5; mutilated state of, I 26; state, I 18; religious literature, I 2, 20; legal, I 20;
IV 534; administrative, I 10; memoranda, I 20.
gift of, I 24; IV 146.
DOGS,11 413; 111 475; IV 818, 1004.
--of Berber breed, I 421 n. b; from
Punt, I1 265.
--of King Intef I, I 421.
-Chief of Libya like a, I11 580.
DOX PAN: fruit of, IV 234, 241, 294,
378, 391; from Mehay, IV 234.
1 294,
- . 310,
312, 3561 382.
-for Custodian of, Scribe of, Superintendent of. see Index V.
-Royal domain, cedar from, I1 157,
903; IV 15,209, 278,331,970; lands
of, I1 186; superintendent of, I11



-Domain of a statue, IV 479, 480, 481,

482,483; boundaries of, IV 479,480,
481, 482, 483.
-Domain of Tehenut, IV 482 ; of pyramid, I 373; of temple, IV 141,
DOORPOSTS,I11 14, 15, 236, 625; IV
311, 489; made of limestone, IV 355;
356; sandstone, I11 625; stone, I V
357, 358, 362; wood, I11 625; cedar,
IV 406; electrum, IV 192; gold, IV
97 197, 214, 216.
DOORS:setting up of, I 328; made of
cedar, IV 406, 489; door-keeper, see
Index V; see also Doorpost, Doorway, Lintels, Portals.
-Palace doors: of cedar, 1 148.
-Shrine doors: of cedar, I1 156; of
copper, IV 198, 254; of electrum, IV
5; of ketem gold, IV 25 I; of bronze,
IV 320.
-Temple doors, I11 412, 517, 528; of
black granite, IV 7; of cedar, I1 155,
157,375,611,614, 794,903; 111217,
245, 505, 520, 537, 625; IV 11, 355,
356, 357, 358, 362, 910,970; of gold,
IV 7, 1.95~197, 214, 216; wrought
with Asiatic copper, I11 217; of copper, 1483; I1 45, 104, 302, 390; 111
525; IV 7, 14, 189, 311; of black
copper, I1 375; of bronze, I11 528;
of electrum, I11 567; IV 4, 189, 191,
929; gilded with electrum, I11 237;
meru wood, IV 488 n. c;
-Tomb door of cedar, IV 958M.
great door, I 109; I1 376; of
temple, I1 157; I11 502; IV 195.
-the great double doors, of the palace
were closed at death of king, I 491;
of heaven, IV 216; of temple, IV
871, 929.
I 634, 706; I1 643; of tomb,
I 637 bis; I1 947 n. a; of fortress,
I 650; of temple, I1 44,643,662; I11
227, 260, 528; IV 11; names of, I1
104, 643; I11 227; inscriptions of,
see Inscriptions.
-Doorways: made of Benut stone, I1
643; sandstone, I1 794; granite, IV
197; black granite, I11 528; red
granite, I11 528: electrum, I1 903;
I11 227, 230, 237; bronze, I11 246;
gold, IV 14, 311; granite, IV 11; see
also Portals.
DOUBLECABINET: see Cabinet; for
Master of, see Index V.

I 533, 664; I1
371; see also Gold-house; for Lord
of, Overseer of, see Index V.
DOUBLEGRANARY:see Granary; for
Overseers of, see Index V.
dex I ; for Overseer of, see Index V.
DOUBLEHOUSE: see House; for Attached to, see Index V.
see Serpentcrest.
DOUBLE SILVER-HOUSE;see SilverHouse; for Lord of, Overseer of, see
Index V.
see Staircase.
DOUBLEw C b.t-HOUSE: see House.
House; for Overseer of, see Index V.
DOUGH,1 312.
DOVES,IV 106, 242.
DRAGGING:of timber from Lebanon
to the seacoast, IV 583.
I 447; I11 271; IV 466.
DREAM,I11 582; IV 922, 923.
I1 436; of silver,
I11 589.
-Drinking-vessel for the ka, I1 32;
made of gold, I1 32.
DUES,1556; 11110, 1497 172,483, 543,
596, 774, 798; 111 51, 53, 273, 481;
IV 878; for harem, I11 54; to the
gods of the deep, IV 330; to the
temples, 11 112, 557, 559, 597, 648;
111 54; IV 283, 340, 386, 489; of
local officials, I1 716, 718-45; I11
481; IV 958H; of Egypt, I11 484;
of negro lands, IV 34.
-Laws on dues, I11 53, 54.
OF THE GATE,I11 180.
1351, 353; brought
fromyam, 1351.
AMON,IV 489; see also Building,
House, Palace.
DYKE,111 598; IV 724A, 795.
-First: records of, I 7; length of, I 56,
58, 85 n. a; chronology of, I 57; history of on the Palermo stone, I 79,
84, 91-116.
length of, I 56, 85 n. a;
chrc~nologyof, I 58; history of, on
the Palermo stone, I 84, 117-44;
inscriptions of, I 168-75;
recordsof, I 6,24; length of, I 55, 85,
85 n . a, 86; chronology of, I 58; history of on the Palermo stone, I 79,
84, 145-48.
-Fourth: length of, I 54, 55; inscriptions of, I 176-212; chronology of
I 59; accession of, I 79, 88; history
of on the Palermo stone, I 79, 84, 87,
-Fifth: records of, I 3, 7, 24; inscriptions of, I 213-81; chronology of,
1 6 0 ; length of, 1 5 4 , 55; history of
on the Palermo stone, I 78, 84, 87,
146 n. a, 153-67; introduction of the
title, "Son of Re," I1 187.
inscriptions of, I 282-390;
records of, I 6, 8; chronology of, I
61; length of, I 54.
-Seventh: chronology of, I 53, 57, 62.
-Eighth, 1 53, 62.
inscriptions of, I 391-414;
chronology of, I 53, 62.
-Tenth: inscriptions of, I 10,391-414;
chr~>nologyof, I 53, 57, 62.
inscriptions of, I 415-59;
of, I 63, 415-18, 423A,
424, 434; minimum length of, I 52.
inscriptions of, I 460-750;
their importance, I 8, 14, 17; chronology of, I 64, 460-62; rising of
Sothis in, I 42, 46, 57; .partially contemporary reigns of lungs in, I 52;
maximum length of, I 52.
-Thirteenth: inscriptions of, I 751-87;
chronology of, I 65.
-Seventeenth: chronology of, I 65.
-Eighteenth: inscriptions of, I1 1-1043;
records of, I 13, 14, 20; succession of
early kings of, I1 17; dates of, I 47,
5 I ; rising of Sothis in, I 43, 46; minimum
- . length of, I 50; chronology of,
1 65.
-Nineteenth: inscriptions of, I11 1-651;
importance of records of, I 13, 1 8 , ~ s ;
minimum length of, I 50; chronology
of, 1 67.
-Twentieth: inscriptions of, IV 1-603;
importance of records of, I 13, 22, 23;
minimum length of, I 50; chronology
of, I 69.


-Twenty-first, 1 22, 23; inscriptions

of, IV 604-92; minimum length of,
I 50; chronology of, I 70; I V 604-7.
-Twenty-second, I 22; inscriptions of,
IV 693-792; minimum length of, I
50; chronology of, I 71, 72; I V 69394.
-Twenty-third, I 22; inscriptions of,
I V 793-883; minimum length of, I
50; I V 793-94.
-Twenty-fourth, I 22; inscriptions under, IV 884; minimum length
of,, I
50; chronology of, I 73.
-Twenty-fifth, I 22; inscriptions of, IV
885-934; minimum length of, I 50;
chronology of, I 74; IV 885.
-Twenty-sixth, 1 22, 23, 48; inscriptions of, IV 935-1029; minimum
length of, I 50; I V 1026; accession
of, I 57; chronology of, I 75; I V

EARS: of grain, I V 244.
-Ears and nose cut off, as punishment,
IV 451, 452, 524EARTH,11 139, 288, 570 et passim.
-Kissed, I1 238, 268 et passim.
EBONY,I 1 387, 390; I11 475; of best
of the highlands, I1 127.
-Brought from Negro lands, I 336;
Punt, 11265, 272,486; Nubia, I1 375;
Genebteyew, 11 474; Kush, I1 494,
502: 514; the south countries, I1 652.
-Articles made of ebony: billets, I11
475; chairs, I1 436; chest, I1 755;
coffin, I 247; harp, I1 32; shrines,
11 127, 375, 388, 390; staff, IV 288;
staves, I1 802; IV 391; statue, I1
436, 801; whips, I1 802.
ECLIPSE, inscription of Takelot 11,
EDICTS, I1 705, 710; I V 354; of Harmhab, I 18; I11 45-67; of mortuary
endowment, I1 922-27.
I 256, 257; Amenemhet I, I 474-83;
see also Teaching.
EGG, KING IN THE, 111 267, 270, 288;
I V 657, 817, 850; of Harakhte, IV
62; king, the pure egg, I1 314.
ELDERS,I1 916.
I 165, 167; I1 155, 157, 274,
281, 302, 309, 315, 317, 319, 377, 390,



594-608, 761; 111176, 230, 237, 285,

403; IV 72 29,632,6339 721,909,911;
in bars, 11279; in nngs (commercial),
I1 279; weighing of, I1 281.
-Articles made of: armlets of, I1 376,
654; balances, IV 256; jar, I1 556;
vase, I1 164; vessels, I1 902; necklace,
11 654; pendant, I1 654.
-Articles decorated with, I1 164, 298,
305, 309, 317, 3199 447, 775, 774 805,
890; I11 517, 525, 528, 970; barque,
I11 212; chariots wrought with, I1
'430, 447, 960, 969; ceiling, IV 958J;
roof, IV 16; columns, I11 512, 515;
shrine door, IV 5; temple doors, I11
567; IV 4, 929; doorway, I1 903;
I11 227; great house, IV 904; great
seat, IV 14, 610; image, IV 958K;
portals, I1 883, 895, 898;, offeringtables, I 534, 610; I1 164, 376;
statue, I 165, 668; IV 633,913, 958K;
dagger wrought with, I 682; staff of,
I 682; pyramidion, I1 624, 630, 633,
834; staves, IV 912; temple walls,
I1 886; IV 748; shrines, I1 374 bis,
776, 888; IV 1020; inlaid figures, I1
375, 376; IV 910; amulets, I1
376, 654; bow and stern of sacred
barge, I1 94; parts of doors, I1 45;
statue standards, I1 95; flagstave
tops, I1 103, 883, 888, 889; the great
throne, I1 292; interior of holy of
holies of Amon Temple, finished with,
I1 153, 596; portals of Amon Temple
at Karnak wrought with, I1 153.
-Brought from Emu, I1 298, 387; the
mountains, IV 28; Punt, I 161; I1
272; the south countries, I1 654;
the highlands, I1 374, 377.
-King's limbs of, I11 403.
-Mine of electrum east of Redesiyeh,
I11 170.
ELEPHANT: from Kush, I 510 n. b;
from Retenu, I1 125.
EMANATION,I1 991, 1000, 1029; IV
246, 817, 9099 9112 912, 91.3, 914, 915,
I 370.
of Mekhu's body, I 370.
material: festival oil,
from the double White House, I 370;
secret things from the w b .t-house,
1 370; --, from the 'k house,
I 370; clothing of the double White
House, I 370; burial equipment from
the court, I 370.

-House of embalming, IV 1029; name
of, IV 1029.
IV 842.
EMERY,I1 558; IV 600; from Zahi,
I1 460; from Retenu, I1 534 ( 1 ) .
extradition of, 111383, 385.
EMORY:see Emery.
EMPIRE: inscriptions of, I 8, I I; minimum length of, I 50.
I1 568; of Harmhab,
I11 45-67; form of, I11 45.
ENBUPLANT,IV 379, 395.
-Enbu fruit, IV 240, 393.
TEMPLE,I1 164; see also
Wall, and Index 11.
of Aton, I1 952, 954,
958, 966; daily offerings, 11131, 515;
IV 355, 1021; divine offerings, I1
622, 792, 806, 900, 908; 111 77, 159,
268; IV 256, 320, 335, 354, 3552 359,
654, 958M; feasts, I1 569, 571, 798,
908; TV 208, 2.37, 290, 329, 924; the
lay-pnests of Amon, at Karnak, I1
618; mortuary offerings, I zoo, 269,
379, 562, 577, 630; 11 839, 840, 908,
921, 926; I11 526; IV 679, 1007;
mortuary priests, I 200--9, 274, 630;
I1 32, 569, 571; oblations, IV 296,
329, 347; offerings for ancestors, I11
23; temples, I 156, 159-61, 165-67,
213; 11 163, 295, 571, 616, 617, 793;
11131,413; Iv 146-50, 755, 784,992;
tomb, I 213.
ENEKH OF THE WEST (=life, euphemism for the dead), I1 907.
ENEMY,IV 1006.
EPIPHI: see Months.
I11 538, 542.
I1 52, 126,
190, 192 n. d, 193, 205, 218, 290, 306,
312, 320, 612, 968.
of the field [- -1,
I 302; of Osiris, IV 1021.
ESTATE: regulation of, I 536; private,
of Sebni, I 366, 368; of Yewelot, I V
795; of Putowe, I V 948; of Kewkew,
I V 948; bf Nesumin, I V 948; of
Harniese, I V 948.
-Count's (pr-h t y -c), I 536, 551, 552,
5659 570,- 574.
-Divine estate, I V 386; of Amon, I V
222--45; Ptah, I V 337-39; Re, I V
280--82; of the gods, I V 364-69;
-Estate of Pharaoh. I1 760. 871; I V
147; stewards of,. I1 '8;;;
from, I1 871; harvest of, 11 871;
chief overseer of, I1 925.
-Paternal estate (nw-pr-yt), I 536, 551,
55% 5659 570, 574.
-(pr-at), 1 546.
I 610.
-Dwelling (=pyramid) of Sesostris
1, I 509.
-Horizon (=tomb), I V 513.
-Seat (=necropolis), I11 3zB.
ETERNITY,CITY OF (=tomb), I 402;
temple of, I11 233, 240; horizon of,
I11 240.
~ T H I O P I A N PERIOD,I 22; I V 796-934.
ETUI, 11 1024.
EVIL SPIRIT, 111 438.

I V 266, 283, 323, 340, 341,
386, 387, 497, 958H.
of witnesses, I V 424,
486; of culprits, I V 426-56, 524, 540,
547-55; tortures used at, I V 546, 548,
549, 550, 551, 552,. 5539 555.
-Court of examinahon, I V 425.
ONES, I 623.
I1 818; I11 20; records
of, I1 407, 455; to Wan, I1 582; to
Carchemish, I1 583.
!sea: to Lebanon, I 146 n. a; to
southern Palestine, time of Uni, I 315;
to Punt, 1429; to Hammamat, 1442,
446; personnel of, I 447.
I1 294; to Yam, by
Harlkhuf, I 333; to Sethu and Irthet,
I 334; of Akhetaton, I1 960
EXTORTION:laws on, I11 54; penalty
for, I11 54.
of political fugitives, I11
382, 384; of emigrants, 111 383, 385.
EYE: Karnak, the eye of the All-Lord,
I1 316.
EYECOSMETIC:from Punt, I1 265,272;
from Naharin, I1 501.


EYE PAINT, I V 348, 391; from the

Asiatics, I 620 n. d.

I1 374.
great double fapde, I11 412;
I V 16; gate of, I1 678.
FALSEDOOR:of tomb, I 212, 238, 239,
290, 405 n. e; of mastaba, 1254, 308;
made of limestone, I 212, 238, 239,
254, 290, 308, 405 n. e; of granite,
I 322.
FAME (b W, lit. souls) OF THE KING,
I1 120, 413 et passim.
FAMINE: of Joseph, I 483 n. b; 111 10;
in Lebanon districts, I1 436; among
Asiatics, I11 11, 636, 638 n. b; in
Egypt, I V 398.
FAN, I1 22; as insignium of office, I11
15; fan-bearers: see Index V.
FAT, 111 208, 413; I V 286, 344, 394.
FAT: goose, I V 232, 376; white, I V
233, 239, 299, 300, 350; roasts of,
for mortuary oblation, I1 571.
I V 2 17, 260, 313,
see Index V.
FEASTS,I1 298, 462; I V 275, 359, 675,
926; calendar of, IV 139-45.
-Feast of New Year's day, I 40, 42,
545, 573, 5832 585, 630; 11 1717 233,
239, 240; 111 224; I V 144, 654, 836;
fire kindled in the temple on n i-~ h t
of, 1 562, 5737 583.
of the great year, I 630; the
little year, I 630; the great feast, I
-Feast of beginning of the seasons, I
668; I1 45, 171, 569, 571, 615; 111
526; I V 259, 289, 346, 356, 381, 396,
906; offenng for, I1 569; I V 208,
236; endowment of, 11 571, 908; I V
of "Beginning-of-the-River,"
1132, 373, 596, 798, 838,888; 11194,
568; I V 330 n. a, 358.
--of New Moon, I 46; I1 430, 562, 608;
the twelve monthly, I 630, 665 n. b;
I1 35; the twelve mid-monthly, I 630,
665 n. b.
-Fifth of the month, I1 35.
-Sixth of the month, I1 35, 149, 562;
a feast of Amon, I V 958L.


Feasts-of the five intercalary days, I 630.

- o f the Birth of the Gods, I 164.
I 261; I1
544, 569; IV 200, 257, 3227 3541 356;
storehouses for, IV zoo, 257, 322,
$54, 356.
- Coming Forth," bread of, I1 618.
--Feasts of Amon, I11 p B , 439; IV
652, 777, 840; leader of, see Index V;
" Gift-of-Life,"
IV 552; "Day-ofBringing-in-the-God," I1 551 ; IV
836; celebrated in the second day in
the third month of the first season,
IV 836; "Abiding in Thebes,". IV
836; "Feast of the Valley," I11 212,
215, 218, 515, 517, 522; IV 17;
Tenth feast of Amon, I1 608; date
of I1 608. See Feast of Opet.
-Birth of Anubis, I 91, roo.
-Feast of Anuket, celebrated for three
days in the ninth month, I1 798; extended to four days, I1 798; "Feast
of Nubia," a feast of Anuket, I1 798;
endowment of, I1 798.
--Feast of Apis, I 212; of Running-ofApis, I 114, 121, 127.
-Feast of Bast, IV 973; celebrated on
the fifth day of the fourth month of
the second season, IV 973.
-"Coming Forth of Harakhte," I1 139.
-Worship of Horns, I 91, 94, 96, 98,
100, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130,
132, 133, 135, 137, 142, 144; "WOP
s h i p-of-Horus-of-Heaven," I 125;
feast of the great Rekeh, I 630; IV
768; the little Rekeh, I 630; a feast
of Horus, IV 768.
-Feast of Khonsu, IV 753 n. C; celebrated in the first month of the third
season, IV 753.
-Birth of Mefdet, I 115.
-Birth of Min, 199, 142.
-Peret-Min ( = "Going-forth of Min"),
I1 566; offering for, I1 566.
of Mut-Hathor
of Thebes, I1 622; date of, I1 622.
-Feast of the Nile-god, IV 296; celebrated semi-annually at Silseleh, IV
296 n. e.
of Osiris, I
-Feast of Ptah "South-of-His-Wall,"
111 23, 77, 159.
-Feast of Ptah, "Bringing-in-the-God,"
I1 614, 617.
-" First-of-the-Flood," a feast of Ptah
at Memphis, IV 330.

-Birth of Sed, I 113.

-Birth of Seshat, I I 15.
-Feast of Seshed, I 150.
-Feast of Shed, I1 240.
-Feast of Sokar, I 97, 108, [ I I ~ ] ,123,
-Urshu, feast of Sutekh, IV 726; celebrated on the 25th day, fourth month
of the second season, IV 726.
-Feast of Thoth, 1222; I1 35, 302.
-Birth of Upwawet, I 150; procession
I 540; "Going Forth of Upwawet,"
- ..
-Birth of Goddess Yamet, I 98.
-Feast of Zet, I 101, 107, 131.
-Feasts of Heaven, I1 35; IV 236, 289,
346, 381, 396; eight in number, IV
144; minor feasts of heaven, IV
-Feast of the Earth, I1 35.
-Feast of the union of Two Lands, I
94, 140, 150, 164-Feast of circuit of wall, 193, 140, 150,
164, 166.
-Feast of stretching the cord, I 109,
119, 143.
-Feast of bringing the wall of Dewazefa, I 138.
-Feast of "Binding-of-the-Barbarians,"
I655 n. b; I1 171.
of " Repulse-of-the-Troglodytes," I 655, I1 171; occurs on the
twenty-first day of the fourth month
of the second season, I1 171.
-Feast of Coronation, Shepseskaf, I
258; Sabu-Ibebi, I 286; Thutmose I,
I1 60; Thutmose 111, I1 317, 430;
Ramses 111, IV 237.
-Feast of Desher, I 94.
-Feast of Hakro, I 746; I1 35.
-Feast of happy living, I 630; of the
dead, I 630.
(probably a festival of D&r el-Bahri), I1 333, 362,
- Occurrence of Jubilee,"II 307, 310,
311. See Jubilee.
-Feast of Opet, I1 591, 809, 887, 888;
111 58, 256, 4.76; IV 2.37, 671, 8.36,
840,-909 ;celeiirated on-the G t h day
ofthe 2d month, IV 144.
. .- 2.37.
-. See
Feasts of Amon.
-Feast of Victory, I1 549,550,551,552,
-Feast of Wag, 1222; I135; celebrated
on the 18th day of the first month of
the first season, 1550, 555, 564; night
of, celebrated on the 17th day of the
first month of the firstseason, I 573,
577, 590.
IV 873; serpent and feather,
signs for Aphroditopolis, I 433, n. a.
FEET (king's) : companions of: see Index


from Retenu, I1 491.
-Green feldspar, I V 287, 343, 389;
statue of, IV 302; from Zahi, I 1
FERRYBOAT,I 275; IV 863; of cedar,
IV 229, 282, 387.
FESTIVALHALL,I1 288, 377; offerings,
I1 298.
FICTI:ON:state, 11 187-90; see also
Po'etry, Hymn.
FIEL:D,I 1 966; IV 332, 893, 948! 957,
958, 1021; given away by the lung to
temples; 11 I n. c, 966; IV 141; for
mortuary endowment, I1 925, 926;
111: 526.
-Fields of Dodekaschoinos. IV 146:
belonging to Khnum, IV 146; extent
of, IV 146.
-Fields of Egypt, I11 580.
-Fields of Amon, 11 354;
-. overseer of:
see Index V.
-Fields: calculations of. I11 27<; inspectors of, 11437; 111 275; .&ting
of, IV 482; ritual roll of, I11 271.
-Flax fields of Pharaoh, in Miam, IV
-for Inspectors of, field judge of, Ruler
of, Palace ruler of, Scribes of, Supervisor of, see Index V.
1496; planting of, I 173; of
sand-dwellers, I 313.
I11 208; I V 240, 294, 391; impost of, IV 240.
FIGURE,111525; of gods, 111233, 391;
IV 24<, 384; impost paid to, IV 225;
of kink,
made of gold, I V 26,
- IV 514;
-Figures outlined, I V 255.
-Inlay figures, IV 909; of costly stone,
I V 7 9, 216; of electrum, I1 375; I V
7, 11, 14, 214, 910; of gold, IV 205,
488 n. c, 489; ketem-gold, I V 199,
205,31 I ; s~lver,IV 489.
skilled in, 1531; see also Measures, linear.


FINGERRINGS: of fine gold, IV 231;

gold of two times, IV 231; white gold,
IV 231; malachite, IV 377; rockcrystal, IV 377; red jasper, IV
-. .
FIRE: day of kindling in the temple, I
545; on New Year's night, I 552; on
night of Wag-feast, I 573.
FIRE CHAMBER:an apartment of the
temple, 111 28.
FIREWOOD,IV 295, 303, 380, 394;
from Retenu, I1 447; Naharin, I1 502.
FISH, 111 207, 208, 291, 404; I V 243,
3949 582, 1005; cut UP, IV 243, 3g0;
whole, IV 243, 380; in temple lakes,
I1 883; eating of, an abomination
for the palace, IV 882.
-Champions like fishes, I1 431.
-Shene fish, IV 243.
-White fish, IV 243.
FISHERMEN,I11 62, 3761 of Elephantine, I1 650; IV 148; impost of, IV
229, 283.
-Court fishermen, I V 466; divisions
of, IV 466; officers of, IV 466.
the northern, in the palace,
I1 678.
temple, I1 103, 624, 776,
88.3, 888, 889, 894; 111508, 567; IV
15, 626, 632; made of cedar, I11 94,
537; IV 1.5.
FLAT DISH, I1 32, 93, 436; of costly
stones and gold, I 436; gold, I1 32,
447, ,518, 533; of silver, I1 447, 462,
51% 533.
-from Retenu, I1 436, 447, 509, 518,
533 ( ?), 536( 1); from Zahl, I1 462.
FLAX,1172; IV 229, 235,241,283,295,
371, 379,387: 392.
-Southern, It 379, 392.
-Overseer of: see Index V.
FLAXFIELDS: of Pharaoh, in Miam,
IV 479, 480, 482.
FLEET,I1 304; IV 863; enormous fleet
of Kheti I , I 398, 401; of Kheti 11,
1405, 411; of Snefru to Syria, 1 8 9 ;
of Amenemhet I, 1465; Hatshepsut's,
to Punt, I1 251; northern, I 1 7; captain of, see Index V.
FLINT: sword of, I1 525; from Retenu,
I1 525.
FLOCKS:of geese, I1 559; IV 380.
-birds, I1 571; IV 768.
- - -


IV 743; flood inscription, IV
FLOOR:temple, 11375,883; of adytum,
I1 806; adorned with silver, I1 806,
FLOWERS,IV 244, 272, 274, 350, 394.
871; impost of, IV 244.
-Beautiful flowers, I1 902, 903; in
temple garden, I 1 167, 881, 887, 903;
in temple lakes, I1 919; IV 194.
-Flower gardens of temple, I1 167,881,
887, 903; Iv 264.
-Flower offering, 111 16, 626, 648;
IV '194, 200, 217, 633; for oblation,
I1 960, 1042; IV 768; see also Blue
flower, Dedmet flower, Garden fragrance, Isy flowers, Katha flowers,
Lotus flower, Menhet flower, Papyrus
flower; see further, Blossom, Bouquets, Clusters, Garland, Sunshade.
FLY: golden, as decoration of honor,
11 23, 585, 587.
FOALS,I1 435; I V 850.
FOLDS:cattle, I 281; calves, I 408.
124; 11 188.
OF THE KING, I 492; I1
423; commander of, see Index V.
of Upwawet, I 394.
FOOD:royal, I 423E.
-Food offering, I1 355,976; IV 906.
from Kedesh, 1436.
-Footstool of the palace, 1320; master
of, see Index V.
, I1 4x7.
of Orontes, I1 784.
I 49; I 1 627; I11 412, 458
n. b, 504, 545,567; IV 259, 269, 274,
495, 531, 621, 970FOREIGNERS,
I V 994; of Ayan, Eper of,
IV 466; unclean, IV 905.
I V 42,52; people of Ekwesh
had none, I11 588; see also Hands
cut off.
FORT: of Thutmose I, at Tombos, I1
72, 121; on the eastern border, I 493;
see also Fortress, Stronghold, Building.
I1 433.
FORTRESS. I11 :80: see also Fort.
~ t r o n ~ h b l d sfGr
; commandant of;
Deputy of, see Index V.
-The Tower of Ramses, "a fortress of

Abydos," ( 7 ) IIT 82 n. b; of city of

Amor, IV 117; Beki, I1 852; Bigeh,
718; Butoof Seti-Merneptah,a fortress
of Seti I, I11 roo; Byblos, IV 573;
Elephantine, I 650; I1 719; Ereth, in
Kheta, IV 120; Hatsho, IV 107;
Khammat, I1 894, 896, 897; Lebanon, I1 548; Port of South, I 396;
Merneptah-Hotephirma, I11 638;
"Satisfier of the Gods," I 1041;
Semneh, I 6 5 3 n. c, 752; "Seti-Merneptah," 111 86; Taroy, I 1 852;
Tehenu, I1 892; Tharu, TI1 88, 100,
307, 542, 631; Southern (=Thebes),
702; "Khaftet-hir-nebes,"
in the
necropolis of Western Thebes, I1
339; Thinis, I 396, 423; Tombos, of
Thutmose I , called "None-FacesHim," I1 72; "Repulse of the Troglodytes," a t Uronarti, 1654, n. a, 655;
Wawat, I1 616; of the West, I11 586.
of Menkhepmre" : name
of the inclosure of the mortuary temple of Thutmose IV in Thebes, I1 821;
peopled with captives from Kharu,
I1 821; from Nuhia, I1 823.
called fortresses, I1 883,
to be sent to vizier from
southern fortress, I1 702; from fortresses of the South and North, I1
IV 946.
IV 355, 356, 358, 406;
for ceremony of: see Ceremony.
STONE,I11 269.
FOUNDING:see Endowment.
FOWL,111404; IV 62,514, 98, 212, 230,
298, 329, 342,345, 347, 363, 372, 3889
958M; for divlne offenngs, I1 458,
562, 621, 629, 793; IV 200; evening
offering, I1 565; feast-offering, I 1
566; IV 208; oblation, I 1 553, 554,
960; IV 848,856,866,869,874,875;
mortuary offering, I1 840; I11 17; in
temple lake, I1 883.
-Hatching-fowl, IV 293, 298, 347.
-&- c -fowl, for divine offering, I1
159, 793; IV 242; for oblation, I 1
571; IV 298, 347; mated, for mortuary offering, I1 571; fattened, for
mortuary offering, I1 571.
-Table fowl. I1 621. 622.
d-iowl. 'I 720.
-Water fodl, i ~229,
' 235, 283, 293,
29% 345, 347, 380,3879 392.
-Wild fowl, I11 276; IV 41, 44, 65,
141,217,265,323, 768; fron~Lebanon, I1 483; tomb-robbers to be slain
like, I 330, 338, 378.
FOWLERS,I 281; of Elephantine, I V
148; impost of, I V 229, 283; chief
of: see Index V.
I V 843; of a god, 11 196;
of Punt, IV 333; see also Gardenfragrance.
WOOD,IV 264; shrine of, I
667; from Punt, 11 265; III 527;
Retenu, I1 471.
FRAUD:condemned by Amon, IV 671.
OF THE ARMY,11427.
FROXTIER:southern, gods of, IV 34;
Egyptian, in Zahi, IV 65; of Hare
nome, IV 821; of Heracleopolis, IV
OFFICIAL:see Index V; daybook of, I11 629; letter of, I11 636.
FRurT, 'I 117, '59, 260; 'I1 268; Iv 34,
2'5, 217, 2349 24O9 294, 307 3'99 344,
3S0, 3639 37% 379, 89'9 3941 9sgH;
from Zahi, I1 461, 462. ,372; from
Rrtrnu, I1 473,616; Naharin, 11482;
of Arvad, I1 461.
-Best fruit, IV 350; first-fruit, IV 906;
see also Apples, Banu, Berries, Cinnamon, Cumin, Dates, Dom-palm fruit,
Enbu, Figs, Grapes, Ibenu, Katha,
Khenti, Khithana, Manna, Mehiwct,
~ i ~ ~ i ~~ olives,
~ ~ ,
granatrs, Raisins, Shesa-fruit, Southern fruit, White fruit.
-Fruit for divine offering, I1 562,616,
621,622,798; IV 194,200; mortuary
offering, I1 571; I11 526; oblation,
553; Iv 208.
FURL,1556, 557.
FUGITIVES:political, extradition of,
I11 382, 384; treatment of, I11 389,
FUNERAL: splendor of, I 382; expenses for, I 382; IV 1016, 1024.
of Mekhu, I 370; Zau
Shemai, I 382; grandfather of Kheti
IT, I 413.
-Funeral functionaries: embalmers I
370; chief ritual priest, I 370; YmYW b, 1370; - ~ h dI, 370; mourners,
temple, I1 32; mortuary,
IT 861 n. c; IV 521, 538.
-from Rush, 11 1035; 111 475; from
Libya, I11 584.


in Heliopolis, I11 180, 192.

I1 974.
I 1 304; IV 9,65,66,282, 407,
-Galley archers, I V 407 n. a.
-Temple galley, I V 211, 226, 270, 282,
328, 337, 339, 354, 364, 383, 384;
archers of, IV 211; captains of, I V
211 ; crews of, I V 328.
11 263.
palace, IV 215;
garden, 11 36, 295, 161, 352, 978;
111 527, 567; IV Iqr, 189, 194, 217,
220, 226, 262, 274, 280, 282, 288, 313,
337' 3399 364, 37O, 383, 384, 394, 6767
682, 687.
-Garden of Min, I1 566.
-Gardens of Amon: overseer of, 11352;
a punt made in it, 11 295.
-Gardens: of Arvad, 11461; Akhetaton,
s gardens,
~ IV 3g0.~
-Shedeh gardens of Re, IV 262.
-vine gardens, IV 380.
-Wine gardens of A
~ IV 213.
FRAGRANCE" (a flOwer)~
'447 301>3.5'.
of Amon, I V 213; of Re,
IV 263; of Horus, I V 272; of Osiris,
I V 682.
of flowers, IV 244, 295, 301,
350, 491, 871, 924, 926; of gold, I V
373; of grapes, IV 379.
11722; 11171; IV 228, 272,
283, 284, 285, 341, 344, 374, 375, 387,
statues, I1 57'; IV 232; of
youth, I T7.
-Garments made of linen, 111207,208;
of colored linen, IV 2 3 0 , 2 8 4 , 3 ~ ~ , 3 7 2 ,
388; mek-linen, IV 284, 342, 388;
royallinen, IV 284,342,372,374,375,
388,582,876; southern linen, IV 284,
342, 372, 375, 388; fine southern
linen, IV 284,342,372,374, 375,388.
-dw-garments, IV 232, 239, 241, 374,
375; of thick stuff, IV 394.
-hm-brd-garments: of royal linen, I V
-&nky-garments: of royal linen, IV 374.
-Hamen garments, IV 232, 237.
-d -m-r -garment of southern
linen, IV 375.


Garments-raw-garments, IV 239.
-Sedeb garment, IV 871.
-garments: of royal linen, IV
232, 374; fine southern linen, IV
232, 374; southern linen, IV 375.
yfd-garments, of southern linen, IV
375; colored linen, IV 239, 375; see
also Clothing, Kilts, Mantles, Raiment, Robe, Tunic, Wrapping.
of residence city (Thebes),
11$4; of court, 11$4; stationed by
the vizier, I1 694.
-Egyptian garrison in the city of Ikathi,
I1 787.
GATES: temple, I 148,421,509; I1 309,
376; IV 701, 756 n. a, 958L; names
of, I 148; 11 376; made of copper,
I1 376; of gritstone, 111245.
-Dungeon of the gate, I11 180.
-Gate of harem, IV 441.
-Gate of life, IV 853.
-Gates for the canal at Siut, I 407.
'I 378'
IV 160, 190, 242, 392, 553;
IV 768; male, IV 242, 392; from
negro lands, IV 724.
-the remarkable gazelle at Hammamat, 1436.
GEESE,IV i29, 235, 283, 293, 298, 341,
345, 347,380, 387, 392,944,949,954,
-for divine offering, I1 616, 621, 622,
798; IV 190.
-for mortuary offering, I 512; 11 11,
356, 365; I11 276, 526.
-Fat geese, IV 217, 235, 260, 298, 323,
380, 392, 768.
mnyt-geese, I 729.
--r a -geese, IV 242.
-Tw-7-pw-geese, IV 235, 242, 345.
I1 g27;
of, see Index
V; chief of, 'I
9T8; 'I1 1 9 ~ ;of Mami, IV 466;
foreign, 111542.
GENII:of North and South, I1 206; of
the cardinal points, I1 228, 231.
LIST,I 26.
G E O G R A p ~ y : OF 'OUTHERN

529 n. e.
GIFT LANDS,administered by the vizier,
I1 689.
GIFTS, I11 632; IV 412; from foreign
princes, I1 820, 1028; I11 273, 420,
436,446; IV 207; of the king, I1986;

111 66; IV 230; New Year's, I 545,

563; 11801.
-Gifts to Amon, IV 230-35; Ptah, IV
342-45; Re, IV 284-88; the gods, IV
372-80, 388-96.
GILDING,111 179.
~ 111475.~
GIRDLE,"94, 597; See also Index V,
IV 'I1.
"GO IN AND GO OUT" (in the Netherworld), I1 353,378; IV 187,382.
GOAT,I 312; IV 298, 347, 392 ; for
mortuary offenng, 1556; from Kheta,
111 428; from Libya, I11 584; from
Meshwesh, see Index VI.
--Mountain goat, 11139,479; 11111.
-Small goats from Zahi, I1 490.
-White goats from Zahi, I1 490.
-Wild goats, I 496; IV 91; from Naharin, I1 501; on the highlands of
Memphis, 11 813.
GOLD,II 280, 281, 318, 342, 383, 389,
390,434,558,596,666,718, 719, 720,
721, 722, 723, 724, 725,726, 727, 730,
731, 73-29 7337 734, 735, 736, 7379 738,
739, 740, 743, 744, 754, 771, 773,838,
881,887,902,906,987,992, 993; 111
63* 79
' '37, 1519^176>
'g2, '931 204*
"97 268, 286, 3097 4019 4209 428t
434, 4537 5121 515, 527, 601; IV 27,
31, 32, 33, 126, 141, 150, 190, 230,256,
259,272,284,2853 335,342,349,354,
3% 372r373,383,386,388,389,4949
5219 551, 577,580,582,635, 708, 732,
733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 843, 847, 852,
859,874,875, 876, 878, 880,881,883,
889,909,910,911, 915, 9299958_E,G ,
970; as adornments of other objects, 11 32, 92, 104, 155, 165, 185,
300, 301, 373, 375, 390, 413,436, 582,
755, 775, 790, 838, 888, 889, 890; 111
412; 1V 191, 199, 203, 254, 278, 287,
311, 312; 315, 343, 377, 538, 970;
commerc~al,in nngs, I1 279,436,490,
501,518,1035; 111475; in scraps, IV
373, 386, 389; as decoration or reward of honor, I 372 ; I1 6, 9, 10, I I,
13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 39, 64, 81, 584, 585,
587, 588, 986, 1009, 1036; I11 6, 73;
color of, IV 202, 408; numbering of,
I 81; palace of Amenemhet I, decked
with, I 483; for oblation, I1 960 (?).
-Articles made of gold: altars, IV
735; dw-altars, IV 735; Thoth apes,
IV 256, 735; arm rings, I1 585, 587;-
censers, I V 735, 736; fourfold censer,
I V 735; chapel, IV 732; chariots
wrought with, I1 430,431,490; bracelets I1 64, 471; IV 876; chaplets, I1
32; tables, I1 32; 175, 390; necklaces,
I1 32, 585,. 587; collars, I1 944, 986,
989; 111 7, 8, 9, 69, 73, IV 201, 204,
493; columns, IV 315; drinking-vessel for the ka, I I 3 2 ; flat dish, I1 32,
447, figure, I V 26; finger rings, IV
231, flies, I11 28, 585, 587; garland,
IV 373; great seat, IV 7, 251; horn,
I1 447; lion, I1 585, 587; offeringtables, 11, 32; IV 610, 911, 912,
958, 1020; ornaments, IV, 231, 285,
343,373,386,389,538,1011; pitcher,
IV 735; portals, I1 890; shrine, 1667;
I V 209, 331; axe, I 1 23; armlet, I1
64; sphinxes, IV 732; statue, IV 250,
268, 302, 316, 326, 349, 395; table
vessels, IV 190, 269, 354, 357; temple
doors, IV 7, 311; throne, I11 321;
vase, 1500; I1 164,754; IV 231,269,
327, 538; vessels, 11 32, 64, 162,
436, 615, 989, 1028, 1031, 1035; IV
285, 343, 497, 566, 730; whips, 11
-Gold from Akita, I11 286; Coptos, I V
30, 228; Edfu, IV 30; Emu, IV 34;
God's Land, I11 116, 274; the Malachite country, IV 409; Karoy, I1 889;
I11 285; Kush, I1 502, 514, 522, 526
(?), 774; IV 30; Libya, I11 584;
Ombos, IV 30; of the south countries, I1 652; of the highlands, I1
-Articles of gold from: Retenu, I1 447,
4% 491, 578,820; Zahi, 11459,490;
Naharin, I1 482, 501; 111 434; Kadesh, I1 585; Punt, I1 486; Wawat,
I 1 IS?], 527 (?), 539; Tikhsi, I1
-Gold, doubly refined, I1 155 bis.
-Gold of two times, IV 231, 285, 343,
386, 389.
-Gold of three times, I V 408.
--Fino gold, IV 228, 231, 245, 327, 331,
343, 3859 3899 491, 49% 610: 389;
amulet of..IV 2qz: baraue shnne of.
IV 982; in lay &&res ofT IV 488 n. c;
489; image of, IV 737; from Emu,
IV 31; Khenthennofer, IV 770.
-Asiatic gold, IV 26.
-Green gold,
from Emu; from Punt, I1
-Ketem gold, I V 199, 201, 204, 205,
231,~311; amulet of, IV 319; shrine
doors of, IV 251.

-Gold of the mountains, I V 29,30, 32,

--Fine mountain gold, IV 285, 386;
color of, I V 318.
-Native gold, IV 28, 30.
-White gold, I V 231, 285, 343, 389;
beads of. IV 221.
-Gold, washed from rivers, I V 29, 30.
-Gold countries of Amon, I11 647.
-Gold dust from Punt, I11 37.
-Gold mines, in Akita, I11 286.
-Gold mining, I11 195.
-Gold ore, brought from Nubia, I 520;
from Coptos, I 521; I1 774; from
negro lands, IV 33.
-Gold washing, I11 192, 193, 285.
GOLD-HOUSE,I 609; I 52, 185; I11
71, 263, 484; IV 204, 214, 316, 35$,
363; overseer of, see Index V; in
charge of the vizier and chief treasurer
I1 706.
-Gold-house of the temple, IV 315.
-Double gold-house, I 533, 664; I1
43, 52.
I1 754.
GRAFFITI,I11 pA-C, 642-51; I V 660,
GRAIN,I1 225, 319, 437, 461, 462, 465,
621,622, 723, 727, 731, 733, 734, 738,
739, 740, 741, 743, 744, 745, 748; 111
271; IV 206,267, 362,403,550,685,
859; ears of, IV 244; ground, I1 462;
pounding of, I1 749; in the kernel,
I1 462, 473; transported by ship to
Kheta, I11 580.
-Grain for oblation, I1 571, 749; for
taxes, I11 61; as mortuary offering, I
252; stored up for times of need, by
Kheti 11, of Siut, I 408; cultivated
by Amenemhet, I 483.
-Grain : from Naharin, I1 480; Tunip,
I1 530.
-for Registrar of, Overseer of, see Index

v. .

-Clean grain, 11 434, 462, 473, 561,

806; I11 275; IV 236, 257, 283, 289,
297, 3'3, 314, 346, 947, 371, 3769 381,
387, 396; from Zahi, I1 510, 519.
-Southern grain, I1 171, 737 bis, 741,
742, 743, 987.
--dk-grain, I1 571.
-sw-t-grain, I1 737, 742.
-3 c -grain, I1 737.
-tb-grain, LI 737.
-Y b-grain, I1 733, 733, 748, 749.
-See also Barley, Corn, Spelt, Wheat.



GRAIN-HEAP, 111 404, 526; IV 9, 325,

I1 149; I11 66,271; I V 330,
403, 851, 854, 855, 859, 868; inspection of, IV 146 n. c.
of Amon: see Index 11,
Karnak; Overseer of, see Index V.
-Granary of the king's estate, I1 107.
-for Overseers of, Superintendent of,
see Index V.
-Stronghold of granary, I 379; Commander of: see Index V.
-Temple granaries, I1 43, 63, 343, 350,
806,932; I11 515, 527; IV 207, 217,
227, 250, 314, 325, 354,355, 362, 497,
878,906,9586, H.
-The double granary, 1533; I1 768.
I1 601; IV980,1020; obelisk
of, 11.89,304,315,318,336,624; 111
567, IV 980, 982; shrines of, I1 376,
775; IV 254, 320; portals of, I1 794
n. b; I11 525; chapel of, 111 506;
altar of, IV 900; door-lintels of, IV
31 1; sarcophagus of, IV IOI I ; stela
of, I1 605, 609 n. e; 111487, 538 n. f,
541, 596 n. d; IV 745 n. a, 919 n. a;
statues of, I 601; I1 876, 883; temple
foundation of, IV 311; block of, I1
846 n. a; IV 543; mountainof, IVg7;
of the South, 11315.
-Black granite, I1 906; temple of, 1V
189,214; temple doors of, IV 7; statue
of, I11 2 2 n. f; IV 967 n. a, 981 n. a;
doorway of, I11 528; stela of, I1 655
n. b, 878 n. a; IV 650 n. a
-Constantinople obelisk made of, 11
-Granite quarry at Assuan, I1 42; 1304,
876,980; at Elephantine, I 322; IV
311,319, 679, 982; at the First Cataract, I 324.
-Gray granite, IV 919 n. a; statue of,
IV 981 n. b.
-Pink granite, I1 905; jar of, I1 32;
doorway of, I11 528; colonnade of,
IV 970; lintels of, IV 970; stelae of,
I 651 n. c, 653 n. c; I1 781 n. b, 810
n. a; IV 669 n. d, 795 n. a, 746 n. a,
635 n. a.
GRAPES,IV 234, 240, 378, 379, 391.
I11 309, 455, 592; IV
46, 91, 893GRAVER'STOOL,
IV 189, 202, 255, 317,
318, 321.
GREATHOUSE(pr-wr), I 609; I1 240 bis,
288; of silver, 111 213.'

--of a 'barge, IV 331, 354, 904; made

of electrum, IV 904; of gold, IV 331.
--of a barque, IV 743.
I 40.
GRITSTONE,IV 246; the two Memnon
colossi of, I1 883 n. e; 906 n. a;
temple model of, I11 240 n. b; gate
of, I11 245; images of, IV 252; stela
of, IV 724A n. b; statues of, I1 883,
91 7; sanctuary foundation of, IV 25 I ;
temple of, I11 246; IV 189, 214;
mountain of, 111 17; IV 79, 82, 357,
406; overseer of works in, I11 17.
GROTTO: of Ellesiyeh, I1 652; Silsileh,
I11 648 n. d.
-Grotto temples, at Abu Simbel, I11
GROVES,IV 67, 470, 880; of Kadesh, I1
465; Arvad, I1 465; Tunip, I1 530.
-Date grove, IV 215.
-Temple groves, IV 220, 226, 262, 271,
272, 280, 282, 288, 339, 363, 384.
IV 40, 43, 46, 90.
GUIDE, I1 916.
"GUILTY": judgment of, declared by
court, IV 426, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432,
4337 434, 4351 436,437 438, 439, 4401
441, 442, 4437 444, 4467 4479 448, 4499
GUM,IV 378; of god's land, IV 29; of
Punt, IV 29,31; of myrrh from Punt,
I1 288; I11 116; from Genebteyew,
I1 474; ointments of gum, IV 476,
477; sweet oil of gum, IV 497, 498.
HAKRO:see Feasts.
HALL: Audience see Audience hall.
-Festival hall, 11288; IV 10.
-Judgment hall, I 605; I1 681, 705,
706, 707, 903; for Door-keeper of,
Master of: see Index V.
-Hall of the king, I1 778; IV 931, 1917;
of king's house, I1 700; overseers of
hundreds in, I1 700; of royal council,
IV 1000 n. a.
-Temple hall, I1 165, 304; IV 489, 602,
610, 764, 889, 898, 910, 929, 971-Shrine hall, I1 775.
-Hall of vizier, I1 666, 670.
-Hall of writings of Egypt, IV 255, 321,
354, 363, 679.
-Broad hall: of the palace, 111590; IV
17; of temple, I1 1018; I11 515, 522;
IV 7, 625; of temple militia, IV 972.
Hall-+b > ' t-hall, I11 154.
--dw 3' t-hall, I11 154.
-Beer-hall, IV 451 n. c, 880.
-Jubilee hall, IV 748.
-Hall of petitions, in Abydos, IV 678.
WORK, I V 198, 199, 201,
231, 317, 343, 732.
HANDCUT OFF: as trophy, 111 587; IV
42, 52, 54; act executed on captives,
who were circumcised, I11 588; this
was done to the following peoples,
who accordingly practiced circumcision: Hyksos at Avaris I1 10; Ekwesh., I11 588, 601; Ibhet, I1 854;
Imulrehek, I 1 42; Khenthennofer, I1
14; Kush, I1 59; Megiddo, I1 431,
4-35; Meshwesh, IV 52, 54 (?), 111;
Nah.zrin, I1 85, 532; Senzar, I1 584;
Seped, IV 52, 54 (?); Shamhen, I1
13; Shekelesh, I11 588; Sherden ( ?),
I11 588; Temeh, IV 52, 54 (?);
Teresh, I11 588; Tikhsi, I1 797.
-Hands of silver from Tinay, I1 537;
-Hands and feet of witnesses, tortured,
I\i, 545, 548, 5499 5502 552.
-D~vlne hand: see Index V.
HANDICRAFT,I1 352; overseer of, I1
371; Ptah, creator of, 111 288.
HANDLE:of wood, IV 288.
HANDWRITING:of Pharaoh, IV 1x0.
HANGING:head downward, I1 80, 797.
HANK(of yam), IV 375, 390.
HAPPINESS:Ptah, bestower of, I11 401.
MOUTH,IV 65, 66, 75, 77; dues
for, I11 54; for Deputy of, Inspectors of, Overseer of, Scribe of, Tablescribe of, Servants of, see Index V.
IV 944; of Dor, IV 566, 567;
Byblos, IV 569; the Hare nome, IV
833; Memphis, IV 858, 863; Heliopolis, IV 873.
of the coast harbors of
Zahi, 11 468, ~ 7 2 483,
492, 510, 519,
535; for Chief of, Master of, see
Index V.
HAREM,ROYAL:of Nussorre, I 256; of
Sesostris I, 598; of Pepi, I 307;
royal, of the queen, 1440; entered by
Uni, I 310; private prosecution in
Pepii I's, 1310; secret of, I 310.
-Hartem conspiracy: under Ramses 111,
IV 4.1 6-56; court of, IV 423-24; first
prosecution of, I V 425-43; second
prosecution of, I V 444-45; third

I3 I

prosecution of, I V 446-50; fourth

prosecution of, I V 451-53; prosecution of magic practicers, IV 454-56.
-Harem gate: people of, IV 441.
ladies of Naharin, I 1 867;
chief of, I1 867.
-The great harem, I 595; Scribe of:
see Index V.
HARP, IV 880; of ebony, I 1 32; for
temple of Amon at Karnak, I1 165.
HARVEST:I1 699; I1 404, 616; IV 497;
first of harvest given to the temple, I
546-47; 11 274.
-Harvest : of Wawat, 11475,487,503,
539; Naharin, I1 480; Kush, I 1 494,
502; Lebanon, I1 518; Megiddo, I1
437; Kadesh, I1 465; Arvad, I1 465;
Retenu, I1 473; Zahi, I1 510, 519,
535 (?); Tbhet, I1 852; Tunip, I1 530;
South and North, I1 871; in province
of Minieh, I p. 48.
-Divine, I11 144, 285; IV 47, 54, 62,
91; of fine gold, as ornament of
barge-bow, IV 331.
HAWK: sacred animal of the Cerastes,
mountain nome, I 281 n. c.
poetical designation of the
king, I 492; I 1 141, 145; I11 598;
IV '94, 106.
-Horns Hawk, I11 195.
I1 22; of Peleset, IV 73.
HEADS,IV 223, 224, 225, 28c, 338, 365
366, 367, 368, 369; of ways, I1 916;
river mouths, I1 916; of statue, I1
436 bis; of ram, made of lapis lazuli,
from Shinar, I1 484; of goat from
Retenu, I1 509; of lion, from Retenu,
I1 509; of ox, from Retenu, I1 518,
536 ( ?).
HEAP,I 785; I1 265, 274, 275, 276, 288,
387, 566, 617, 618, 761.
O F THE CALL,11 985.
CASES,by Uni,
I 307, 310; Amenemhet, I 445; Mentuhotep, I 531; Senmut, I1 352;
Rekhmire, I1 670.
of in the vizier's hall, I1 675;
of criminal cases, I1 683; depositions
of, 11 704;
HEARSAY,I 1 287.
HEAVEN,11 118, 139, 141 bis, 144 bis,
195, 220, 225, 285,288, 305, 570, 894
el passim; queen, mlstress of, I 1 269 ;



ways of, I1 257; circuit of, I1 269;

western corner of, I 335; doors of,
11 141.
HEIFERS,IV 229, 242, 283, 293, 345,
387,392; from Kham, IV 229; from
Zahi, I1 490.
I11 30, 69; of bronze,
I 501;from Naharin, I1 501.
RULE, I 53, 88;
length of, I 53, 63.
HERBS,IV 295, 301, 350, 394, 944.
2 h-herb, for divine offering, I1 159;
for oblation, I1 571.
HERD,I11 276,616; IV 229, 283, 341,
387; Overseers of: see Index V; in
charge of stewards, IV 294; in charge
of vizier, IV 224.
-Herds of large cattle, I11 428; IV 212,
small cattle, IV 89, 141,212; fowl;
IV 212; goats, 111 428; horses, I11
359, 428; Nubian, I1 645.
-Loan herds, I 522; I11 57; of mountain goats, I1 479; officials of, I11 66.
-Temple herd, I11 526; IV 141, 141
n. a, 150, 212, 217, 224, 251, 275,
2837 313,332,338,3407 354,3599 360,
362, 369,405,466,929.
111616;IV 275,481.
HERESY,ATON,I 66 n. e; I1 932-1018.
HIDDENNAME,IV 753, 906, 925, 926.
HIDES: penalty for stealing of, I11 56;
presented to the court, I 369; given
as taxes, I1 718; I11 56, 57.
-Hide of Panther, I1 265, 272, 321;
111 475;of cows, IV 379, 395;of OX,
VI 582.
captive women assigned
as, IV 128.
scribes of, 755.
HIGHLANDOF THE BLESSED (=necropolis), I1 378;porters of, I1 378;
see also Cemetery, Necropolis, and
Index VI, Highlands.
I1 285, 294, 299; of Punt,
111 155.
-HINDERING:by magic rolls, IV 454,
shooting of, I 110.
-Holy of holies, I1 153, 155,795; I11
244, 246; IV 201 n. c, 865; place of

stela in, I 16; "station of the king"

in, I1 140 n. b; of Amon at Karnak,
11 153; name of, I1 153; of "House
of Menmare," I11 215,219.
I1 238.
HONEY,I 496; I1 117, 727, 731, 733,
734, 736, 738, 739, 741, 743, 7453 748;
111 208; IV 228, 239, 272, 283, 286,
294, 300, 329, 3447 3507 360, 376,387,
3907 3949 491, 6837 770, 8597 992;
from Retenu, I1 518; Zahl, I1 462
472; for mortuary offering, 1 366
for oblation, I1 571; IV 768.
VI, 149,266, 313,324.
HOOF,I11 285;Overseer of, see Index V.
HORDE,I11 473; of rebels, I1 656.
( y '&w.t, more properly Lightsphere), I1 141,887, 991,999, 1001;
I11 3, 270; IV 622, 906; Karnak is
the - on earth, I1 316; journeying
to, by Intef I, I 423F; departing into,
1491; Iv 400.
-Horizon of Aton (=Akhetaton), I1
949-Horizon of eternity, I11 240; IV 187;
sem-priest of, I11 623; the eternal
(=pyramid), IV 513.
-Horizon of Harakhte, IV 251.
-Horizon of heaven, I1 604, 755, 883,
903, 905, 984, 999; 111 16, 79, 1 1 4
230, 246, 248, 281,412,521; IV 8,9,
10, 3151 356,609,6321 970.
-Horizon in the West, of Amon, I1 375;
I11 261; doors of, I1 375.
-Horizon of Re, I11 232, I V 198, 314,
-Horizon : palace of, IV 7.
-Eastern horizon, I1 972,984.
-Western horizon, I1 972.
-Mysterious horizon, IV 195,251.
HORN,I11 285; IV 46;Overseer of, see
Index V; lord of the two horns, a
royal title, IV 921.
--of gold, I1 447.
HORSE,EGYPTIAN,11 421, 424, 470,
813,864; 11184,88997,100,132,134,
1467 441,450,584; IV 40, 46, 49, 50,
51, 65, 72, 732 405, 724A7 822, 8327
878,880;Master of, see Index V.
-Horses, from Bekhten, I11 446;Kheta,
I11 343,420,428;Khatithana, I1 729;
Libya, 111589; Meshwesh, IV 86,90,
111; Retenu, I1 125, 413, 447, 467,
491,509,518,533 (?), 5973 790, 1028;


483, 510; Haunebu, I1 953; Kharu,

IV 229, 387; Sinai mines, I 731;
Syria, IV 229, 387; Retenu, IV 28;
Zahi, IV 190, 328.
of women for theft,
IV 556.
channels I1 88; valleys, I1 337; countries, I11 118; IV
I1 139,288; I11 268,270,613;
IV 228, 239, 266, 272, 283, 286, 294,
299,304, 309, 3'3,324, 329.3339348,
360,3639 373, 378,387, 390, 394,4912
611,612,678,684, 736,770,859,865,
870, 871.
-for divine offerings, I1 562, 572, 616,
621, 798; I11 40; IV zoo; evening
offering, I1 565; feast offering, I1
566, 569; mortuary offering, I1 365,
571; oblation, 1453, 468; I1 553,554,
571,960; IV 208,468, 768.
-Inflammable incense, IV 239; incense
from Punt, IV 130; Negro tribes, I
136, 369; Retenu, I1 447, 473, 491,
509, 518, 525,416; Zahi, I1 462,472,
510, 519; Nahann, I1 482.
-as tribute, I1 750, 771.
-1hmut incense from Punt, I1 265.
-Sonter incense from Punt, I1 265.
-White incense, IV 233>239, 299, 344,

of office, I1 925, 926;

of craft, coppersmiths, IV 532; of

priesthood, see under Succession.
from the mother: of
monarchy, 1398,405,414.
INK,I1132A n. a.
-Ink palette, 1 5 ; I11 50.
IV 201, 269; of stone, IV 199,
311; costly stone, IV 204, 209, 231,
331, 334, 538, 9043 910, 9583; J, K,
982; gold, IV 231, 311; malachte, IV
253; lapis lazuli, IV 253, 3 ~ 9 ;see
also Figures.
TEMPLE,12, 13; 11472;
I11 517, 5.19; Rock, see Rock inscriptions; Building, 14, 14, 22; Tomb, I
10; Hammamat, Ahmose 11, I 75 n.
h; Politarch, I 28; Greek and Latin,
127, 28; Eclipse: of Takelot 11,135;
magical, IV 455.
-Coffin inscriptions, by Paynozem 11,
IV 665-67.
-Colossus inscription, at Tanis, by
Ramses 11, I11 417.
-Column inscription, at Cairo, by
Merneptah, I11 59395; in temple of
Amon at Karnak, by Thutmose 111,
I1 601; Amenhotep 11, I1 804-6.
-Dedication inscriptions, I11 211-20,
227-42, 248-499 409, 508, 513, 514,
516, 521, 522,528;
IV 472, 602, 603,
-Green incense for divine offering, I1
-Doorway inscription: at Cairo, by
-House of incense, IV 238.
Thutmose 111, I1 64.7; Coptos, by
~ u b k h e ~ r u r e - ~ n tIe f-773-80;
I1 864; temple, I1 881; 111
kara, by Harmhab, I11 16-17; Soleb,
412; made of brick, I1 614; see also
by Amenhotep 111,I1 808.
-Grotto inscription at Ellesiyeh, by
IV 948; of Amon, IV 227-29;
Nehi, I1 652.Ptah, IV 340-41; Re, IV 283; of the
gods, IV 371, 386-87; of official, I1 -Mummy inscriptions,by Paynozem I,
IV 637-42, 644-47; Menkheperre,
108, 117; taxes of, I1 706, 716; rank
IV 661: Pavnozem 11, IV 663; Pesibof receiver of, I1 675.
khennd, IV 688; yewepet,
ceremony of, IV 988H; see -0beliskinscriptions: of Thutmose 111,
also Investiture.
Constantinople obelisk, I1 479 n. a;
111307, 311, 325,
I1 630-31; London obelisk, by Thut327,342,365,380,428,578,583,587;
mose 111, 633; New York obelisk, by
IV 71, 72, 89, 354, 402, 410,822, $592
Thutmose 111, I1 635-36; Lateran
1004; of the South and North, I1 429;
obelisk, by Thutmose 111, I1 627-28;
of Tunip, I1 459; Egyptian, in city
Thutmose IV, I1 831-38; at Elephanof Ikathi, I1 787; of Libya, I11 683; of
tine, by Thutmose I. I1 89; at HeliopKheta, 111320, 321, 378; of Sherden,
olis, by Ramsrs 11, I11 545-48; at
IV 72, 118; for Capta~nsof, ComKarnak, by Thutmose I, I1 86-88;
mandants of, Commander of, Leader
Hatshepsut, I1 306,308-310, 314-19,
of, Lord of, Officers of, see Index V.
32 1; at Tanis, by Ramses 11, I11 392,
448 n. b.
OF EGYPT,distinguished
-Pylon inscriptions, in temple of Amon
from its people, I 445; see People.


Snefru, I 168-69; Khufu, I 176;

at Kamak, by Thutmose I, I1 245;
Sahure, I 236; Nuserre, I 250; MenThutmose 111, I1 521-23, 541-73,
kuhor, I 263; Dedkere-Isesi, I 264594-98, 645-47; Amenhotep 111, I1
899-903; Roy, I11 621-26; high
67; Pepi I, 1302-3; Pepi 11, I 34043; Khenemsu, 1713-14; Hamakht,
pnest of Amon, IV 671-73; Taharka,
IV 8'89; Temple of Khonsu, Karnak
I 717-18; Sebekdidi, I 719-20;
by F'aynozemI, IV 632-33; Medinet
Ameni, I 721-23; Amenemhet IV, I
750; Hatshepsut and Thutmose 111,
Habu, by Ramses 111,IV 61-68; 85929 94-99? 101-6, 130, 132-35, 13711 337.
38; Ramesseum, by Ramses 11, I11 -Shrine inscription, I1 126-27, 775.
-Statue inscription: of Enebni, I1 213;
329-30, 356.
-Quay inscriptions, at Elephantine,
Harmhab, I11 23-32; Sheshonk, I V
IV 147-50; by Ramses 111,IV 146-50;
740; Hor, IV 967-73; Uzahor, I V
980; Neferibre-Nofer, IV 981-83;
Karnak, IV 695-98, 794,886-88.
-Rock inscription, at Assuan, by Hapu,
Nesuhor, IV 989-95; Ahmose, I V
1614-16; Sesostris 111,1653; family
1014; Pefnefdineit, IV 1017-25; a t
of Neferhotep, I 753 n. b; Thutmose
El Kab: by Ahmose Pen-Nekhbet, I1
20--24, 41-42, 84-85, 344; Karnak:
I, I:[ 77; Thutmose 11, I1 119-22;
Senrnut, I1 360--62; Arnenhotep 111,
by Senmut, 11 350-58; Puemre, I1
I1 ~ A An. b: officer of Amenhote~
380-81; Amenhotep, son of Hapi, I1
111, '1'1
Bek, I1 973-76; ~ e h 912,914-20; Luxor: by Nehwawi, I1
I, 111 202; Ramses 11, I11 479;
179-83; Ibr, IV 958A-M; Thebes:
the First Cataract, by Memere, I
by Senmut, I1 364-68; Hapuseneb, I1
317, 318; Amenhotep 111, I11 844;
389-90; Nebnefer, I1 929-31.
Bigeh, by Ramses 11, I11 553; -Stela of Khufu, I 177-80; MertityGtes,
Gebelen, by Hui, I11 210; HamI 188-89; Nenekhsekhmet, I 237-40;
mamat, by Khui, I 674-75; AmEnekhnes-Merire, I 344-49; Intef,
enemhet, I 707; Ramses IV, IV
I 4~9-20; Thethi, I 423A-G; Eti,
457-60,461-68; Hatnub, by NenekhI 457-59; Nessumontu, I 469-71;
seskhnum, I 304-5; Island of KonMeri, I 507-9; Mentuhotep, I 510osso, by Mentuhotep I, I 423H n. d;
14; Ikudidi, I 524-28; Intefyoker, I
Thutmose IV, I1 825-29; Amenhotep
529; Mentuhotep, I 530-34; Simon111, I1 845; Kummeh, by Amenemtu, I 294 n. a, 594-98; Sihathor, I599
het IV, I 749; Korusko, of Amenem603; Khentkhetwer, I 604-5 ; Khenthet I, I 472-73; Ma c Sara, by Neferemsemeti, I 607-613; Khnumhotep,
peret, I1 27-28; Redesiyeh, by Seti I ,
I 6r7-18; Ameni, I 649-50; SesosI11 197-98; Sarbbt el-Khadem, by
tris 111, I 651-52; 653-60; Sisatet,
Amenemhet 11; I 606; Sebek-hir-hab,
I 671-72, 673; Sebek-khu, I 676I 725-27; Ptahwer, I 728; Amenem87; Harure, I 733-38; Sehetepibre,
het, I 730-32; Amenemhet IV, I
I 743-48; Neferhotep, I 753-65; I
750; Thutmose 111, I1 450 n. a;
766-72; Ameniseneb, I 781-87;
Island of Sehel, by Sesostris 111, I
Vizier of King Khenzer, I 783 n. d;
644, 647; importance of, I 28; family
I, I1 29-32,
of Neferhotep, I 753 n. b; Thure, I1
Harmini. I1 47-48; Keres, I1 49-53;
Thutmose I, I1 54-60, 54 n. a,
75, 76; Thutmose 111, I1 649, n. d;
Ranlose, I1 937 n. a; Ramses 11, I11
90198; Yuf, I T 109-114; Nebwawi,
553 n. b, 557; Seti (11), I11 646;
I1 184-86; Hatshepsut, I 1 338-39;
Semneh, by Sekhemre-Khutowe, I
Thutiy, I1 369-78; Thutmose 111,
751--52; Silsileh: by official of IkhI1 599-608, 609-22, 642, 655-62;
naton, I1 934-35; Seti I, I11 206--8;
Intef, I1 763-71;Ni bamon, 11777-79;
Amenhotep 11, I1 781-97, 791-98,
Ramses 11, 111 552, 554, 555,. 556,
818, Thutmose IV, I1 810-15;
559, 560; Roy, I11 627-28; Siptah,
I11 648; Setemhab, IV 19, 20;
Semen, I1 822; Pe aoke, I1 839-40;
Haremsaf, IV 701-8; Tell el-Amarna,
Neferhet, I1 839 n. d; Mermose, I1
by Ikhnaton, I1 949-72; Tombos: by
851--55; Amenhotep 111, I1 856-58,
Thutmose I, I1 67 n. d; Turra: by
877, 87832,904-910; Amenhotep, I 1
Amenemhet 111, I 740; Amenhotep
921 -27; Eye, I1 1042-43; Harmhab,
111, I1 875; at Wadi Maghara: by
I11 2-5; Ramses I, I11 74-79; Hori,



I11 82 n. b; Seti I, I11 82,

Paynozem I, IV 632-33, 649; Luxor,
by Amenhotep 111, I1 187-212, 215157-61,203-4; Ramses 11, I11 28242, 841; Ramses 11, I11 480-84,
93, 297, 392, 394-4147 415-24, 427506-8; Menkheperre, IV 659; Osor28, 429-47,487-91; Seti, I11 538-42;
kon 11, IV 743; Medinet Habu: by
Memeptah, I11 596-601, 602-617;
Roy, I11 627-28; Ramses IV, IV 457,
Thutmose 111, I1 6323-41; Ramses
461,469-71; Hori, IV 484-85 ; Men111, IV 4-17, 26-34, 37-58, 70-82,
107-114, 117-29, 14-45; Paynozem
kheperre, IV 650-58; Sheshonk, IV
I, IV 634; Rarnesseum: Ramses 11,
675-87; Sheshonk I, IV 724A; Wayeheset, IV 725-28; Osorkon 11, IV
111 329-32, 335-40, 365, 448, n. b,
745-47; Kerome, IV 755; Pediese,
514-15; Redesiyeh: by Seti 1,111 162IV 771-74, 778-81; Weshtehet, IV
95; Sebllca: by Ramses 11, I11 504;
Semneh: by Thure, I1 62-66; Thut782-84; Harpeson, IV 785-92; Yewemose 111, I1 169-72, 174-76; Nehi, I1
lot, IV 795; Piankhi, IV796-883; Boc65 1; Serreh: by Ramses 11, I11 502;
choris, IV 884; Taharka, IV 892-96;
Soleb: by Amenhotep 111, I1 894-98;
Senbef, IV 917-18; Tanutamon, IV
Wadi Halfa: by Seti I, I11 248; Ne919-34; Psamtik I, IV 935-58, 959ferhor, I11 643; Piyay, 111 644; Hori,
67, 963-66; Necho, IV 974-79; Apnes, IV 984-88; Enekhnesneferibre,
I11 645, 650, 651( 1).
-Tomb inscription : Senuonekh, I 232IV 988A-J; Amasis, IV 1008-1012;
35; Persen, I 241; Nezemib, I 279;
Stela at El Kab, I 741-42.
Khemf, I1 873; at Abd el-Kurna:
-Temple inscriptions, at Abu Simbel:
Ineni, I1 43-46,99-108, 648; Puemre,
by Ramses 11, I11 449-57, 496-501;
I1 383-87; Rekhmire, I1 666-762;
Rekhpehtuf, 111 642 ; Abd el-Kurna :
Menkheperreseneb, I1 773-76; Khamby Ramses 11, I11 448 n. b; Abydos:
het, I1 819, 871-72; Hatey, I1
by Seti I, I11 227-43; Ramses 11, 111
932; Ramose, I1 936-48; Abusir: by
251-81, 485-86; AmLda: by MerWeshptah, I 243-49; Hotephiryakhet,
neptah, I11 606 n. a; Arsinoe: by
I 252-53; Abydos: by Uni, I 293Amenemhet 111, I1 233; Benihasan:
94, 307-315, 320-24; Assasif: by
by Hatshepsut, I1 296-303; Seti I,
Neferhotep, 111 70-72; opposite
I11 249; Bet el-WLli : by Ramses IT,
Assuan: by Harkhuf, I 328-36,
I11 458-77; Bubastis: by Osorkon 11,
351-54; by Pepinakht, 356-60,
I V 748-5 I ; D&rel-Bahri by ThutKhui, I 361; Thethi, I 361 n. d;
mose I, I1 125; Hatshepsut, I1 192,
Sebni, I 365-74; Assiut: by Tefibi, I
194, 196-98, 200-1, 203, 205, 208,
213, 216, 219-20, 223-25, 227, 229,
394-97; Kheti I, I 399-404; Kheti
11, I 407-14; Hepzefi, I 538-93;
230, 2331 235, 253, 255-58, 260-62,
Benihasan: by Khnurnhotep I, I
264-66, 268-69, 271-72, 274, 276,
465; Amenemhet, I 518-23; Khnum278, 280-82, 285-88, 290, 292-95;
hotep 11, I 622-39; Thuthotep, I
Derr: by Ramses 11, I11 503;
688-706; Cairo: by Kam, I 187;
El Kab: by Ramses 11, I11 505,558;
unknown builder, I 290; D6r elin temple of Amon at Karnak: by
Bahri, IV 668, 689, 691-92; DQ elThutmose 111, 131-66, 415-37, 439GebrLwi: by Henku, I 281; Ibi, I
43, 445-49, 451-52, 455-62, 464-67,
377-79; El Kab: by Ahmose, son of
469-75,477-873 489-957 497-5033 507Ebana, I1 6-16, 39, 80-82; Pahri,
515, 517-19, 529-40,654; Hatshepsut,
I1 3 and n. b; Ahmose-Pen-NekhI1 305; Amenhotep 11, I1 798A, 804bet, I1 20, 25, 344; Setau, IV 414;
6: Seti I. I11 82-ICO. 221-24;
Gebel MarLg: by Zau, I 381-85;
~ a m s e II,'III
348-51, j5j, 36'j-9;;
Gizeh: by Thenti, I 182; Ihi, I 183;
509-13; Merneptah, 111 574-92;
Thethi, 1 184; Henutsen I, 185;
Ramses IV, IV 472; Ramses IX, IV
Zezemonekh, I 186; Nekure, I 192492-98; Sheshonk I, IV 709-724;
99; Debhen, I 211-12; Senezemib,
Osorkon, IV 753, 756-70, 777; TaI 27-74; Hermonthis: by Intef, the
harka, IV 900; Mentemhet, IV 901monarch, I 419 n. c; Ibrim: by
16: in t e m ~ l eof Ptah. at Karnak: by
Penno, IV 476-83; Kasres-Saigil :
I1 611; in temple of
~ h u t m o s e111,
by Idu-Seneni, I 338; Kumet-Marrai :
Khonsu at Karnak: by Ramses XII,
by Huy, I1 1010-41; Sakkara: by
Hrihor, IV 609-626;
IV 602-3;
Methen, I 171-75. Ptahshepses, I
255-62; Sabu-Ibebi, I 283-86; SabuThety, I 288; Harrnhab, 111 3-4, 8,
11-13, 16-17, 20; Shekh SacEd: by
Thutnakht: I 689; Tehneh, by
Nekonekh, I 216-30; Tell el-Amama:
by Ani, I1 977; Merire I, I 1 98388, 1018; Eye, 11 990-96; Mai, I1
997, 999-1003; Ahmose, I1 1006-8;
Tutu, I1 1010-13; Huy, I1 1015-17;
Western Thebes: by Thaneni, I1 392,
820; Amenemhab, I1 57-2;
I1 671 n. e; Amenemopet, I1 671 n. e;
Ramses V, IV 473; Hrihor, IV 59394; vase inscription of Hatshepsut, a t
Gizeh, I1 214.
see Fly, Grasshopper.
INSPECTION,111 94; IV 909, 913; of
boundaries, I 528; 11969; cisterns,
IV 726; craftsmen, I1 753, 754, 775;
divine fathers, I 610; flagstaws, I1
776; food for divine offerings, I1 752;
granaries, IV 146 n. c; land, I 482;
I11 58; mines, I11 170; obelisks, I1
776; sepulchers, IV 51 I; shrines, I1
775, 776; statues, 11 752; taxes, 11
717, 729; temples at Coptos, I 777;
temple of Osiris at Abydos, I 787;
temple of Amon at Karnak, I1 383;
temples of Karnak, IV 660; tombs,
IV 511, 513, 514, 516, 517, 518, 519,
520, 533, 543; treasuries, IV 146 n. c;
water supply, I1 707; weighing, I1
387; Wawat by Hapu, I 616; wells,
IV 726; works of divine offerings, I1
IV 775,865,958D, 1012.
to the court, IV 424;
of children, 1413; of a king, 1413.
crime of, IV 427, 428,
429, 430, 442, 443.
DAYS, I 540, 561; see
also Feasts.
OF THE DEADFOR LNwc PEOPLE: by Hotephiryakhet, I
252; by Harkhuf, I 329; by Seti I,
I 251; I11 253; by Ramses 111, IV
REIGNS: between XIX and
XX Dynasties, I 50, 68, 68 n. e;
of obscure period, 1 52; of dark
period, 1 52, 57.
AFFAIRS:overseers of, I1 677;
reports to the vizier, I1 687, 697, 707.
INTERMENT,IV 966, 977, 986; see also
Burial, Funeral.

I 83, 523; I1 871; IV 47,
628, 743; to be reported to vizier, I1
709; see also Index VI: Nile Levels.

OF EGYPT,I11 580, 594, 595,
608; IV 1006; Libyan-Mediterranean,
I11 572-617; Northerners, IV 64; by
Meshwesh, IV 88, 95; by unclean
foreigners, IV 905, 907.
IV 947; of temples, engraved on tablets, IV 202.
of official acts, 111 58;
of pyramids, IV 513; of sepulchers,
IV 513; of tombs, IV 513; of theft
IV 566; of fraud, IV 673; of writings,
I 178, 179, 756.

statue of, IV 302; vessels of, from
Tinay, I1 537.
-King's organs of, I11 403.
canal of, in Siut, I 407;
chief of, IV 726.
IS1 PLANTS,IV 213, 215, 244, 295, 301,
350, 394.
-1si Bowers, IV 264.
ISLANIE.: given for the support of
temples, IV 359.
STELA,I11 602-617.
I1 104, 302 n. a, 889 n. a;
Min, I 296.
IVORY, 11 387, 601; 111 471; IV 344,
391; brought from negro lands, I 336;
Punt, I1 263, 265, 272, 486; God's
Land, 11 265; from Tehenu, I1 321;
Genebteyew, I1 474; Kush, I1 494,
502, 514; the south countries, I1 652;
Retenu, 11447, 509, 525; ISY,
I1 493,


-Articles made of ivory: chairs, I1

436; tables, I1 509; chest, I1 755;
statues, I1 801; whips, I1 802; see
also Tooth ivory.

sacred animal of Lycopolis, I

281, n. c; southern army like, I 396.
-Southern jackal, Pharaoh like, I1
661, 829.
JAR, I 430; 11 1.59, 509, 518; IV 230,
238, 239, 243, 2843 297, 342, 388, 394,
498, 565, 589, 954.
-jar, IV 299,300, 301, 347,348,350.
-jar, IV 228, 233, 283, 286, 344,
374 387, 390.



Jar-bw-jar, IV 294, 299.

-"ch c -jar, I1 571.
-"c5-jar, IV 924.
- b p > -jar, IV 300, 348.
-pw-g > -jar, IV 300, 350.
-by-jar, IV 233.
--m > dydy-jar, IV 376.
e n - j a r s , I1 447 bis, 462 bis, 482, 491,
501 bis, 509, 518, 571 bis, 572, 621;
I V 233, 239, 292, 299, 341, 348, 376
378, 390, 393.
m n . t - j a r , IV 395.
m r s w - j a r , IV 376.
m h n - j a r , IV 301.
IV 350.
--nms.t-jar, IV 301, 350.
-hbn(.t)-jar, I 590; I 1 159, 164, 509,
5673 734, 734 738, 739, 741, 743, 745;
IV 950,9529 953.
-bb&h-jar, IV 875, 878.
-sny-jar, IV 378, 395.
-st '-jar, I 569.
-kby-jar, 1550, 556.
-k 3 -bw-jars, I V 233, 239, 292, 299,
376, 390.
-k -hr-k > -jar, I V 294.
-g 3 y-jar, IV 238, 241, 294, 300, 301,
350, 393.
-t > b-jar, I1 621, 622.
-lbw-jar, IV 294.
-ds-jar, 1569,585; I1 113, 114,563 bis,
620,621; 11177, 159; Iv 347.
-Jars made of alabaster, T I 544; electrum, I1556; pink granite, I1 32.
JASPER, RED,I V 287,377; scarabof, I V
233, 377; statue of, IV 302; fLnger
nngs of, IV 377; semdets of, IV 377.
JOINT (of meat), I 1 113, 114; I V 565.
JUBILEE, Sed, I 105, 296, 298, 300,
302, 305, 403, 435, 437, 443; 11,
431, 8737 940, 9913 995, 1006, 1007,
1029; 111 195, 240, 279, 281, 371,
399, 406, 414, 550; IV 569 304, 331,
335,382, 41474689473,485, 6201 653,
748, 751,. 768, 848, 927; same as
Royal jubilee, q. v .
-Explanation of, IV 750, 751, 848.
--of Re, I11 28; IV 31, 704; jubilee
court, IV 707; jubilee hall, IV 748;
jubilee houses, I V 335, 414.
-Royal jubilee, I1 608; I11 28, 32;
of Thutmose I, I 66 n. g; I1 89; Hat->

c c

shepsut, I1 221, 233, 239, 241, 307,

310, 311, 328; Thutmose 111, I 1 628,
630,633; Amenhotep 111, I1 870-74;
Ramses 11, I11 550-60; same as Sed
jubilee, q. v.
JUDGES: impartiality of, 1357; of a god
I1 668.
-Corrupt judges, laws on, I11 63-65.
307; in criminal cases, 11683.
JUDGMENT-HALL, I 605; I1 681, 705,
706, 707, 769, 903; I11 63; appointments to, I1 705; doorkeeper of, I1
711; laws of, IT1 63; mastersof, Index V; herald of, I1 763, 767, 768.
JUDGI~ENTS: reportea to the vizier,
I1 681; stay of, TI 686; not to be passed by an official on a superior, IT 681.
-Rendered by Amon, IV 650-58, 673,
676; by Sutekh, IV 727, 728.
JUDICIARY OFFICE: chief, vested in the
vizier, I1 675, 681, 685-86, 688-91,
700, 704, 705.
140, p. 48.
JUNIPER, 11321.
JUSTICE: courts of, I V 147; crime
against, I11 64.
-Six courts of justice, 1305, 307, 428,
445; I1 713, 754; Chief of, see
Index V.

KA,11111,235,298; 111622 et passim;

shaped by the god, I1 202; twelve of
them nursed for Hatshepsut, I1 210;
journeying to, I 187, 253; ka of the
living king, I 324, 351, 423E, 448.
KA CHAPEL: of Amenhotep, I1 923,
924, 925, 926; slaves of, I1 924, 925,
926; fields of, I1 925,926.
KA HOUSE,I 550; Overseer of, see Index
V; of Khnumhotep 11, at MenetKhufu, I 630; at Nehri at Mernofret,
I 289, 290, 550; rank of
the overseer of, 1550.
KARABOATS:of Acacia, I V 229, 283,
KATHAPLANT,IV 600; given as taxes,
I11 55 bis.
-Katha flowers, IV 294,600.
-Katha fruit, I V 294.
KEDWOOD,I V 910; mortuary chests of,
I V 966.
KEEL, IV 582. ,
KETTLE,I1 436; I11 589.
KHESYTWOOD: from Punt, I1 265.
FRUIT,IV 240,393.
KIDET, I1 436, 446 bis, 482, 484, 486,
490:s 491, 502, 509, 5:4, 5'51 5'8 b ' ~ ,
522, 526, 527, 536 bis; 1V 228, 231,
283,285,341,343,373,377,385, 386,
389, 682, 685, 686, 880.
-Kidet weight, IV 880.
KILTS: of Southern linen, I V 303, 350,
374; fine Southern linen, IV 232, 375.
OF AMON": a greeting, I V
KING: see Index V; archives of, I11
-King's estate: Chief of, Chief overseer
of, Steward of: see Index V; granary
of, I1 107; chief of, I1 368.
-King's hall, I1 778;
Overseer of, see
Index V.
-King's house, I 533; I1 342, 389;
IV 849,958J; see also Palace; offices
of, I 447; going into and out of, re~ o r t e dto vizier.,I1 676.
, , 680:, affairs of
I1 679; intercourse between court and
local authorities, I1 692; gates of,
opened by command of vizier, I1 680;
edicts from, received by vizier, I 1 705,
710; messengers of, I1 692.
-King's horses, master of, see Index V.
-King's property, I 745; Overseer of,
see Index V.
-King's records, 1218, 221, 225, 299;
I11 647; Scribe of, see Index V.
-King's rolls, IV 498; Scribe of: see
Index V.
-King's wardrobe, great lord of: see Index V; secret things of the king, I
608; Master of: see Index V.
-King's weapons, I1 213; Master of:
see Index V.
-King's works, chief of: see Index V.
-King's workmen, leader of: see Index


-See also Body guard, Brand, Brewery,

Cattle, Domain, Chamber, Command,
Concubine, Council hall, Court,
Crown, Divine office, Domain, Estate,
Family, Feet, Flax field, Food, Hall,
Helmet, Iron.
-King's o5cials: see Index V, under
Attached, Attendants, Beloved, Butler

Companion, Confidant, Confidante,

Cup-bearer, Deputy, Dignitary, Fellow, First, Following, Great Ones,
Guardian, Herald, Honored, Messenger, Orderly, Prince, Scribe, Servant, Steward, Subordinate, Sunshade bearer, Treasurer, Vizier.
I1 996 et passim.
KITCHENOF PHARAOH,111 51, 59; of
temple of Amon, I11 624 n. a.
KNEADERS,I11 624 n. g.
KNIFE, I1 436; I11 589.
KROPHI: name of a cave at Elephantine,
I11 171 n. a.

IV 147.
LAKE GARDEN,I 173, 272; Isesi's,
called Nehbet, I 273; Harkhuf's, I
--Pleasure lake of Queen Tiy in Zerukha, I1 869.
-Temple lake, I 111, 268, 503, 509,
534; I1 36, 164,883,919; I11 567 n. c;
IV 184, 194, 213, 261, 264, 363, 488
n. c, 489, 910, 912, 916, 1020; constructed of sandstone, I V 910, 912.
LAMPS:Temple, IV 992.
LANCE,I1 80.
LANDCASES: first "heard" by land
overseer, I1 686; appealed to vizier,
I1 686.
of the sacred cattle of
Apis, IV 332; of Menet-Khufu, 1624,
I 626; Hare nome,
625; Oryx
I 626; Jackal nome, 1626, 632; Oxyrrhyncus, I 632; Tell El-Amama, I1
949, 10?2.
-the anc~ent,I 625; flooded by the
Nile. I 407: restored after rebellion
according old writings, I 625.
LANDS,I V 948, 957, 958; numbering
of, 1 81.
-Lands, citizen: IV 755, 795.
-Flax land: see Flax.
-Olive land, IV 216,263,288,394.
-Gifts of, I1 I, 6, 15, 16, 113, 114; for
endowment of mortuary offerings, I
156, 159, 165, 202, 205, 206, 209, 5462
574,584,586,591,592; 11840; for a
statue, IV 479-83; to temples, I 1 102,
149; 111 31, 413; I V 200, 222, 226,


251, 265, 2801 282, 3139 337, 339, 354,

948,950, 9541957, 9582 972,1021.
-Land overseer, I1 686; hearing of
real-estate cases by, I1 686.
the whole: Chief of, Commander of, Supervisor of, see Index
RELIEF: of Punt, I1 254,
I1 280,434,558,773,775,
838, 881, 889,902,903; 111 137, 151,
204,453; I v 29, 31,329 34,126, 230,
231,284, 285, 342, 343, 3541 372, 3731
383, 3853388,389,491, 732, 735,8471
-Arhcles made of lapis lazuli: amulet
IV 233; beads, IV 343; inlay, IV
253; offering-tables, I 534; I1 390;
rosettes, I1 32; scarab, IV 233, 285,
343, 389; statue, I 668; IV 302, 395;
stela, I1 889; ceiling, I 483; shrine,
I 667; necklace, I1 509; sphinxes, IV
-Artificial lapis lazuli, from Shinar, I1
-Lapis lazuli from God'sLand, I11 116;
Naharin, I11 434; Retenu, I1 447,509,
518,536 ( 1); Zahi, 11 459,462; ISY,
I1 493; Babylon, I1 446,484; Assur,
I1 446 bis; Shinar, I1 484; Tefrer,
111 448 n. b; IV 30.
-Sparkling lapis lazuli, IV 377.
-Vessels ornamented with, I1 32, 92,
165,185,436,447,1o31; IV 315LARGESSES
OF THE KING,111 65.
OBELISK,I1 626--28, 830-38.
, 992.
LAW,I1 568; IV 38, 62; see also Legal
petitions handled according to, I1 667;
concerning vizier's duties, I1 673;
the 40 skins, containing, I1 675, 712;
in the temples of the gods, I1 757;
concerning land cases, I1 686.
-Administration of, I11 25; by the
hereditary prince, I11 25.
-Laws of Harmhab, I11 51-66; of
Egypt, I11 270; of the palace, I11 101;
of the judgment hall, I11 63.
-Laws on robbery, I11 51-52; dues,
I11 53-54; slave service, I11 55; stealing, I11 5659; connivance, I11 58;
tax collectors, I11 58; inspectors, I11
58; judges, I11 63-65; bribery, I11 64.
-Lawgiver, see Index V.
LEAD,11 558; IV 32,245,373,385,389;

from Zahi, I1 460, 462; Retenu, I1

471, 4919 509, 534 (?); I ~ Y11
, 493,
521; statue of, IV 302, 392.
LEATHER:roll of, I1 392, 433; sandals
of, IV 241, 394; shields of, I1 802;
tents of, I11 589; for taxes, IV 150.
1 194-99, 423E.
I 5; I11 45-67;
records, I 18.
I 6 6 n. e, 204, 310;
IV 423-24; protocol of, I 310.
OF HARMHAB, I11 45-67.


636; copies taken of, IV 527.

-Royal letters: to Harkhuf, I 6, 35154; Ikhernofret, I 9, 664; Sebni, I
371 ; Senezemib, I 271, 273; Paynehsi,
I v 595-600.
-Letter scribe, IV 588, 589.
LEVY,I1 916.
LIBATION,I1 35, 150, 288; I11 626; IV
269, 272, 612, 871; vases for, 1 421;
for feast offerings, I1 569; mortuary
offering, I11 17.
BASIN,IV 1000 n. a.
LIBRARIES:at Heliopolis, I 757; see
also Archives, House of Rolls, House
of Writngs.
LID OF JAR, IV 231, 243, 394; of sarcophagus, 1266, 308, 321, 436, 451.
LIE: none in Pharaoh's records, I1 97
et passim; punishment for, I1 670,
LIFE, SYMBOLOF, 11 195, 202, 241.
LIFETIME:of 110 years, I1 926.
LmBS, 11 197, 294, 299, 5441 6529 754;
Horus who has numbered his, I 502;
king's, of electrum, I11 403.
OF AYAN,I 534, 635, 740;
11 27, 44, 103, 302, 380, 394 603, 604,
799, 800, 812, 875; I11 240, 525; IV
7, 355, 356; 358, 970; temple of, 11
345 n. C, bls, 390; 111 240, 525; IV
216, 311, 355, 970; pylons of, I1 103;
hypostyle of, 11 603; pyramid clothed
with, I 212; sarcophagus of, I 308;
gates of, I 509; temples clothed with,
I 534; I1 27, 44; IV 251; mortuary
chapel of, I 635; doorposts of, IV 355,
356; lintels of, I V 355, 356; broad
hall of, IV 7; pyramidion of, IV 982;
false door, I 88 n. a; slab, I 241 n. f;
stela: of, I419 n. a, 421 n. a, 457 n. d,
676 n. c, 766 n. b; I1 29 n. d; 49 n. a,
642 n. b, 856 n. b, 921 n. b; I11 2;
I V 725 n. a, 782 n. a; tombs of, I11
n. a,IV 979; statue of, IV 958A, n. a.
-Limestone cliffs at Amarna, I1 949
n. b~.
LINE: extension of (=the foundation
ceremony), I1 152; see also Cord and

LINEN,I 722, 723, 725; IV 582, 639,


IV 284, 342, 3751 388, 390; kilts of;

303, 350, 375; dw-garments, IV 375;
ydg3 -garments, IV 375; tunics, IV
k 3 - r j m-r >-garments, IV 375; yfdgarments, IV 375.
-Colored southern linen, IV 228.
-Fine southern linen, I 382; I V 228,
230, 283, 285, 329, 341, 3421 344. 3601
371, 372, 375, 387; dw-garments of,
IV 232, 284, 374, 388, 390; kilts of,
I V 232, 374; tunics of, IV 232, 374;
upper garments of, IV 232,374; ydg>
garments of, IV 232, 374; hamengarments, IV 374.
-Double fine southern linen, I V 283.
-3h.r.w-linen, I1 554.
-White ( p k ' t ) linen, I 727; I1 554,571,

661, 663, 668, 688, 958M; for mortuary offering, I1 365; for statues, I1 571;
for temple, I1 301, 376, 544, 615; garments of, I11 207, 208; I V 228.
- d m ' t-linen, I1 554.
-Colored linen, IV 239, 283, 286, 341,
LINTELS,IV 489; of granite, I V 311;
344, 375, 387, 388; garments of, I V
of red granite, IV 970; of limestone,
284, 342, 372, 3758 388, 390;
IV 3553 356.
mantles of, IV 232; tunics of, IV 232,
375; dw-garments, IV 375; yfd-gar- LION,IV 580; captured by Amenemhet,
I 483; hunted by Thutmose 111, I1
ments, IV 375.
813; on the highlands of Memphis, I1
-4'-7u-linen, I1 722, 727 bis, 736,
744 bis.
-Fine linen, I1 615; I V 700 bis, 823, -Tame, 111450, 470; I V 49, 112, 122.
-Golden, as a decoration of honor, I1
878, 944.
23, 585, 587.
I V 230, 283, 286, 329,
adornment of temples, I1 896,
344, 387, 390; clothing of gods of,
I V 335; garments of, IV 284, 342, -Pharaoh
as a, I1 660, 783, 844, 853,
388; robe of, IV 232; mantle of, IV
896 n. d, 901; I11 88, 117, 144, 147,
232; from the Malachite country,
. 465, 479, 489, 580; I V 40, 41, 46, 49,
IV 409.
51, 54, 62, 75, 104, 921, 1005.
I1 719, 721, 722, 723, 726,
IV 889.
727 bis,.730, 7313 736, 738, 744 his.
- m n b . t - h e n , I1 165.
LIST,I V 269, 279, 283, 328, 336, 364,
-Mysterious linen: shroud of, IV I O I I;
383, 387, 770, 832; army, IV 466;
from Mehenet, I V 1011; Resenet,
tax, I1 718-45, I11 57.
IV 1011.
-of Asiatic cities, 11402 n. a, 403 n. b;
-Prime linen, I 382.
111 34 n. a, 114, 366; IV 712-16;
-Royal linen, I1 171, 544, 571; I11 515;
booty, 11480, 500, 501, 508, 532, 790;
I V .31, 228, 230, 232, 272, 283, 286,
captives, I 1 788; 111 156, 588; countries, I1 402,798A; I11 1-19, 156, 342;
329, 3449 360, 974, 3759 387, 875;
from the Malachte country, IV 409;
IV 138; food for the kmg, I 423E;
clothing of gods of, I V 335; garHittite lands I11 321; Hittite officers,
ments of, I V 232, 284, 342, 372, 374,
I11 337; Hittite chief, I11 349; monu388, 390, 582, 876; hamen-garments,
ments I V 731; Nubian regions, I 311,
I V 232; mantles, IV 232, 374; statue
336, 510, I 1 843, 845 n. f, 849; ornagarments, I V 232; tunics, I V 232,
ments, IV 538; plunder, I1 459, 469;
I11 589; princes, I V 830, 878; prop374; upper garments, I V 232, 374;
wrappings of, I V 966; wrappings of
erty, I1 688; IV 140, 948; rewards,
Horus, IV 232, 374; bnky-garments,
11 583, 584, 584, 585, 587; supplies,
I V 374; ydg>-garments, IV 374;
I1 472; temple dues, IV 160, 227,
hm-.@rd-garments,IV 582.
283, 340, 386; temple estates, I V 159,
-Southern linen, IV 230, 239, 283, 286,
222, 280, 337, 364; tombs, I V 513;
towns, I1 490; in Nubia, I1 645, 646,
341, 344, 372, 375, 387; garments of,


647; tribute, I1 445, 448, 462, 466,

482, 518, 5251 533, 534-Karnak list. I 410. and n. d: I1 601:
n. i; list of ~ a ' m s e sI1 at ~ b ~ d o s ,
529 n. e; Abydos list, I 59, n. a, 60
n. f, 61 nn. a, c, 62 n. d; Sakkara list,
I1 916.
I 90.
LIVINGSTREAM(or river) : water from,
for the ka, I1 356, 378.
LOAD,I1 264; loading, IV 407.
LOANCATTLE:see Cattle.
LOANCOWS: see Cow.
LOANHERDS: see Herds.
LOAVES:for food, I 430; I1 462; for
divine offering, I1 559, 560, 562, 571,
620, 621, 622, 792; for evening offering, I1 565; for feast offering, I1 566;
for mortuary offering, I 329, 518; for
obelisks, I1 563; for oblation, I1 749;
of the fire, IV 291; makers of, I11
k-loaves, I V 238.
k-loaves, I V 238, 291, 393.
ludnw'nt-loaves, IV 238, 291, 297.
-by a't-loaves, I1 113; I11 77, 159, 624
n. h; IV 238, 291, 297, 347.
-bh-loaves, IV 238, 393.
-p c. t-loaves, IV 238.
- c k-loaves, TV 2.38.
-pr't-s-loaves for divine offering, I11
--njr t-loaves for food, I1 462, 47:.
- -rrt-loaves for mortuary offenng, I
-syd-loaves, IV 238, 3 9 3
-Sweet s c b-loaves. IV 218.
-s&-loaves, I1 735.
11 735, 739, 743.
Admt-hr-t -loaves, IV 238.
-Flat loaves: for mortuary offering, I
555, 556, 5857 590-Heth loaves: for mortuary offering,
- I
-Kyllestis loaves, I V 238, 291.
-Oblation loaves, IV 238; large oblation loaves, IV 291, 393; white oblation loaves, I 1 571; IV 238, 291.
-Pesen loaves: for mortuary offering,



-Persen loaves, I1 11.7; I11 624 n. h;

I V 238, 297, 347.
-Pyramidal loaves, I V 238, 347; white
pyramidal loaves, IV 291; white pyra-

midion loaves for divine offerings, I1

572 n. c.
-Round loaves, I V 291.
-Senu loaves, for divine offerings, I1
378; 111624 n. h; for mortuary-offering, 11 353.
-Seshu loaves, I V 297.
-White loaves, 1540,542, 544,547, 550,
555, 556, 5773 585, 590; 11 159, 5659
571,572,621, 622; I V 238, 297; for
mortuary offering, I 540, 542, 544,
547, .550, 555? 556, 577,585, 590; for
evening offenng, I1 565; for d~vlne
offerings, I1 159,572,62r, 622.
-Tall white loaves, IV 291.
-White t a -loaves, IV 238.
LOGS, Iv 232, 234, 245, 286, 288, 295,
300, 3039 34% 3799 3809 3859 39% 391,
394, 577, 578; from Relenu, 11 491,
525; Arrapachitis, I1 512.
LOINS, IV 634.
LOTUSFLOWER,I V 194, 213, 244, 264,
11 113, 114, I V 95; M-b a -W,
skin of, from Assur, I1 449.

MACE, I1 225; I11 117, 489; war, I V

130, 246, 718, 720.
I 172; I1 356,986; I11 208;
I V 330, 410, 849; Overseer of: see
Index V; Scribes of: see Index V;
temple, IV 313, 324, 1021.
--of the overseer of the White House,
1V512; chief scribeof, IV5rz.
MAGIC: practice of, I V 454-56; prosecution for, IV 454,455,456; regarded
as a capital crime, I V 454,455, 456;
ordered by the gods, IV 455.
-Magic power, I1 235; of diadem, I1
220; of agod, IV455.
-Magical inscriptions, I V 455.
-Magical prayer, I11 18.
-Mut, great in magic, I 468.
MAGICROLLS,TV 454; for hindering,
I V 454; for bewitching, IV 455; for
terrifying, I V 454; for enfeebling, I V
454, 456; for extraordinary power,
I V 455.
rolls deposited with dead
kings, I V 455.
MAIDENS: for the garden of Min, I1
-Maid servants: temple, I V 751, 992.
I1 280, 390, 430, 558, 773,
775,838,881,902,903; 111 137, 151,
204,453; IV 29,32,126, 230,284,285,
3429 343, 354, 372,373, 383,385,3882
389, 491, 847,874,875, 944.
-Articles made of: finger rings, IV 377;
collars, I 534; inlay, IV 253; scarab,
IV 233, 285,343,389; statue, I 1 668;
Iv 3029 395.
-Brought from the mine-land (of Sinai)
I 602, 713, 731, 736; God's Land (at
Sinai), I1 450 n. a, 820; I11 116;
the Malachite country IV 409;
Naliarin, I11 434; Reshet, I1 321;
IV 3 1 ~ 3 4 ;Zahi, I1 459.
-Sparkling malachite, I V 377.
-Vessels ornamented with, I1 32, 165,
185, 1031; IV 315.
I 161; IV 409;
Hathor, mistress of, I 715, 720, 722,
723, 725, 750; I1 450 n. a; IV 409.
I 266, 342.
MALES,CAPTNE:assigned for the storehouse, IV 128.
MANNA,I V 378, 390; from Punt, I V
286, 390.
MANTLES:of royal linen, I V 232, 374;
mek-linen, IV 232; colored linen I V
MARES,11 435, 589, 875.
MARINE,1390; IV407.
-Marines, I1 328, 332 n. d; IT1 197;
royal, I1 332, 916; for Captain of,
Officers of, Scribes of, see Index V.
I1 7; I11 28.
MARSHES,I1 966; IV 895; inclosed,
I11 276; temples of Thebes like, I V
743; of Delta, I11 291; see Index VI:
MARVELS,T I 139, 253, 265, 271, 272,
2747 277-78, 282, 285, 288, 377, 4861
51.3, 608, 804, 864, 867; 111 274, 288,
420; IV 197, 407, 491, 618, 635.
I1 306; 1V515.
of old kingdom, I 181.
-at Abydos, of Uni, I 291 n. a.
-at Gizeh, of Ikhi, I 183 n. b; Thethi,
I 184 n. d; Kam, I 187 n. d; Senezemib, I 268 n. i.
Sakhara, of Methen, I 166 n. c,
170 n. C; Nenekhsekhmet, I 237 n. c;
Ptahshepses, I 254 n. a; Sabu-Ibebi,
1282, n. a; Sabu-Thety, I287 n. a.


-Mastaba inscription: see under Inscriptions, Tomb.

MASTS,11492; IV 861.
I 20.
I 398, 405, 413~14;
rule of the mother of Kheti TI at Slut,
I 414, and she acting as lord, I 414;
Nakht I1 inherited the Jackal nome
from his mother, I 632; Kbnumhotep I1 inherited Menet-Khufu from
his mother's father, I 624, 628.
MEALS,1493, 496.
MEASURE,11 734, 7377 741, 742, 743;
IV 582; see also Bales, Basket, Bekhen, Bolts, Bunch, Bundle, Censerfuls, Coil, Hank, Jars, and the following:
measures: cubit, I 83 n. a,
93, 95, 977 989 90, 100, 1 0 1 3 103, 104,
105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,
113, 114, 115,119, 120, 1 2 1 , 1 2 2 , 123,
124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131,
1338 1349 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141,
142, 143, 144, 146, 1471148, 152, 157,
1551, 165, 212; I1 965 bis; IV 288,
330, 343, 355, 356, 358, 406, 513, 515,
886,887,904,916, 958J; finger, I 8 3
n. a, 47, 103, 10.5, 108, 113, 115, 119,
120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129,
130, 133, 134, 136, 137, 140, 1422 1439
146, 147, 148, 152, 157, 159; IV
343, 886; iter, I1 479, 852, 965 bis;
IV 46, 216; palm, I 95, 97, 98, 100,
103, 107, 108, 109, 113, 115, 114, 121
122, 123, 127, 128, 133, 134, 136, 137,
138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 1477 14% 152,
157; IV 288, 343, 886, 887; span, I
101, 104, 106, 112, 114; ipet-rod, I 1
-Square measures: h > ' t , I 574, 584,
586; khet (land-measure), I1 965 ter;
IV 479, 480, 481, 48?, 483; stat (a
land-measure containing loo square
cubits I aioura, or about
more exactly t%
acre), I 156, 158, 159,
161,165,166; 11 15,16,840; IV 226,
282, 288, 339, 370, 380, 384, 3941 681,
755,7847 795,9489 950,9541957, 1021.
-Cub~c measures: heket, I 545; I1 171
his, 319%3777 4377 486, 513, 5721 733,
737, 7399 740, 742, 743, 744, 761;
IV 229, 231, 234, 236, 240, 241, 283,
286, 287, 289, 294, 297,313, 341, 344,
346, 347, 371, 3789 379, 381, 3879 390,
391, 392,396; bin, IV 232, 239, 287,


I11 428; IV 994; mer299,300,3451 3939 4982 683,949,950,
cenary troops, I11307; IV 117.
952,953,954,1021; khar, 1556; IV
955; nd I1 159 bis, 571 bis; pedet, MERCHANTS,
111274; IV 313.
I1 572, 719, 722; pg-vessel, I1 571;
MERCY: to poor, 1328, 357, 479; to
pyramid, IV 294; uhet, 1556; yp't,
orphans, I 479.
Iv 232, 234, 238, 239, 240, 241, 244,
286,294,295~297,301,350, 380, 390,
MERUWOOD,I 146; I1 321; IV 378;
shrine of, I 667; tent poles of, I1
392,393; -measure, IV 299,348,394;
ps -measure, IV 378, 395 ; mst y435; chest of, I1 755; mortuary
measure, IV 234, 235, 240, 287, 301,
chests of, IV 966; st& of, IV 288;
staves of, IV 391; temple doors of,
3441 350,378*390939'>392,3959 582;
2 -measure, IV 295, 347; md JywIV 488 n. c; from Assur, I1 449;
measure, IV 244; htp-measure, IV
from Retenu, 11435, 447.
238,240, 244, 291,2949 379, 392,393; MESDETSTONE:pairs of, I11 246.
htp-hr-nmtt-measure, IV 294; sbb'tmeasure, IV 241, 379; spr-measure, MESNETSTONE:offering tables of, I
727; necklace of, 1500.
IV 299, 348; k a -t 3 -rut-ty-measures,
IV 378; k -bw -s 3 -measure, IV 240; MESORE: see Months.
gs-r >-measure,IV 295, 303, 380, 394; MESSAGE,IV 819; royal, I1 929; see
1 y-measure, IV 238, 240, 294, 378,
also Index V: Messengers.
393; [mtm-measure, IV 238, 291; METAL,WALLOF, IV 66.
&/-measure, IV 292 ; d -w '-r -measEGYPTIAN,
IV 15I.
ure, IV 294; d mw-measure, IV 240; METROLOGY,
dm w-measure, IV 345; dm mw- MICE, I11 598.
measure, IV 379; dydy-measure, IV MIDDLEAGES,I 3.
295; dny-measure, IV 294, 295; MIDDLEKINGDOM:inscriptions of, I 8,
dny.t-measures, I1 621, 622; IV 240,
9,1o; chronology of, 142, 57; temples
294, 299, 300; &!m't-measure,
of, 1442
244,294,301,394,768; zawet, 11995.
-Loaf-measure: .of the court, IV 393; MIDWIFE:goddess acting as, I1 206.
of gold, IV 393; for eating, IV 393; MILITARYCOMMANDER:
see Index V.
for the mouth of the eater, IV 393.
: chief of,
-Measuring, I 8 3 n. a; I1 ~ 7 3 ~ 7 6 , 3 7 7 .
IV 968; broad hall of, IV 972.
at foundation cereMILK,1493; I1 162, 566; IV 295, 301,
monies, I 506, 609; I1 152, 608, 795.
350, 394, 870, 929, 958M; for marMEAT, 11 117, 260; 111 71; IV 238,
tuary offenng, I1 571; I11 17.
393, 467; roast of, for the altar, I
MINERALS:see Bronze, Copper, Elec569, 571.
trum, Emery, Feldspar, Gold, Iron,
MECHIR: see Months.
Lapis lazuli, Lead, Malachite, Metal,
I 246.
Menit-uz, Natron, Silver, Stones,
Stones (costly), Tin.
MEHIWETFRUIT,IV 240,378, 392.
MINES OF COPPER:in Atika, IV 408.
MEKHTEBET:an uncertain adornment,
-at Sinai, I 10, 12; operated in the
1122, 24.
First Dynasty, I 168; by Snefm, I
168; of Ka, 1731.
stones, I1 376.
-Mine of electrum, east of Redesiyeh,
MEMORIAL,I1 150, 286; memorial
stelae, at Abydos, I 9; memorial -Mines of gold, in Akita, I11 286.
tablets, 1 661 n. d.
-Mine land (Sinai), 1 353 n. C, 725,
735,736,737; the eternal mountain in,
monument in, I1 175.
I 736; malachite in, I 736.
I1 378.
-Mine chamber excavated at Sinai
IV 213.
by men, I 606; made for Hathor, at
Sinai, 1723; name of, 1725.
MENIT-uz(metal) : statue of, IV 302.
-Miners, I 447; necropolis miners,
MERAWOOD,IV 288,379,391.
Mines of Copper-Mining: Snefm regarded as founder
of, :[ 168; of gold, 111 195.
-Mining work, IV 5 I 7.
MIXERS,I11 624,625.
IV 202, 318, 320, 343, 358.
MOAT,IV 118.
MONEY,IV 683, 685, 686; of Thekel,
IV 568.
M O N ~ E YI11
S , 375; from Punt, I1 265.
SHRINE,I1 775; IV 198,
MONTHS:Thoth, first month, I1 933;
IV 296 n. e; Paophi, second month,
I1 591 n. b; IV 144, 791 n. a; Tybi,
fifth month, I1 874; Mechir, sixth
month, I1 304, 318, 602; Phamenoth,
seventh month, I1 592 n. c, 823; IV
296 n. e; Pharmuthi, eighth month,
I 655; Pakhons, ninth month, I1 592
n. c ; IV 144, 9581.; Epiphi, eleventh
month, I1 410 n. a; IV 296 n. e;
Mesore, twelfth month, I1 304, 318.
MONUMENT,1 12, 19, 154, 158, 159,
160, 161, 165, 166, 409; 11 149, 150,
152, 154, 157, 158, 164, 174, 1752 1761
192 n. d, 309, 311, 312, n. b, 317, 318,
3397 351, 383, 548, 558, 568, 5719 5961
601, 603, 605, 606, 608, 611, 624, 627,
628, 633, 638, 639, 643, 651, 654, 662,
7527 755, 759, 775, 800, 805, 8321 836,
838, 856, 883, 887, 888, 889, 890, 892,
894, 896, 897, 898, 903, 909, 912, 917,
936, 946, 960; 111 17, 1749 I779 1951
200, 206, 210, 213, 215, 216, 217, 219,
223, 224, 227, 229, 232, 236, 242, 246,
248, 249, 259, 260, 269, 270, 281, 405,
414, 499, 500, 501, 502, 5039 504, 505,
510, 511, 512, 513, 515, 519, 5207 521,
522, 528, 529, 537, 544, 566; I v 4, 5,
7, 8 , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 27, 28,
62, 110, 179, 191, 197, 252, 311, 3571
412, 460, 464, 465, 473, 528, 602, 603,
609, 610, 612, 620, 622, 625, 626, 632,
633, 634, 635, 649, 704, 706, 721, 737,
889, 897, 898, 899, 900, 943, 9452 980,
1011 n. c.
IV 566, 861, 863.
-Mooring stake, I 423, 612; Intef I
drove it in the sacred valley, I 423;
as title of Hatshepsut, I1 341.
MOPEFI:name of a cave at Elephantine,
I11 171 n. a.

ceremony of the righteous,
benefit of, I1 925.
-Customs, I 536.
-Endowment, I zoo, 269,379, 562,577,
630; I1 839, 907, 921; IV 679, 1007;
by Hepzefi, I 535-93; by Amenhotep,
I1 921-27; for Osiris, I1 840; for
Ahmose I, I1 840; edict of, I1 92217;
contracts of, I 538-93.
-Furniture, I1 861 n. c; IV 521, 538.
-Gods, I11 278.
-Mortuary oblations, I1 571, 1001.
-Mortuary offerings, I 155, 159, 161,
165, 173, 185, 201, 206, 207, 208, 209,
22% 227, 232-352 241, 252, 349, 379,
3947 11 35, 36, 52, 1709 356, 3659 389;
I11 271; IV 187, 485, 927, 1018.
-Mortuary priest, Mortuary prophet;
see Index V.
-Mortuary prayer, I 384; I1 97, 111;
I11 21, IV 484, 995, 1018, 1025;
quaint claim of, I 278; posture in,
11 37.
-Mortuary statues of: Hepzefi, I 540;
Thutmose 111, I1 97; Seti I, I11 271;
placed in the temples, I 500, 540; I1
52, 156, 604, 605 n. i.
-Mortuary stelie, I 469, 507, 529, 530,
5997 671, 743; 11 47, 839; IV 1026-Mortuary temples: see Index 11; of
Nemathap, I 173; at Abydos, of Seti
I, I11 174, 225, 226, 263, 266; at
Kurna, of Seti I, I1 210, 212, 213, 21520; at Thebes, of Thutmose IV, I1
821, 823; Merneptah, I1 856 n. b;
Amenhotep, I1 921; Amenhotep 111,
I1 904-8; of Thutmose 111, I1 552
n. i; of Mentuhotep 111, IV 520 n. b;
Ramesseum: see Index 11.
I1 995; secret chambers of,
I1 946; of gritstone, overseer of
works in, I11 17; of Bethanath, I11
356; of Akhetaton, I1 962, 963, 964,
965, 966, 969, 971, 975 994; of electmm, east of Redesiyeh, I11 170;
" Lord-of-Life," name of the mountain on the west of Thebes, I11 210;
the great, of Wawat, IV 480, 481.
-Obelisk, called, I1 318; statue called,
I1 917.
I11 I 78.
11 155; 1V 254, 287, 343,
355, 356, 358, 377, 406,489, 910, 929.
MOURNING:for grandfather of Kheti
I I , I 414; for a king, 1491; mourners,
1 370.
I A ~


MUD BRICK, I1 607.

MUMMY,IV 538; of Thutmose 11, IV
637.; Amenhotep I, IV 638, 647;
Set1 I, IV 639, 661; Ramses 111, IV
640, 641; Ramses 11, IV 642; Ahmose I, IV 645; Sitkamose IV 644;
Siamon, prince, IV 646; Thutmose
IV, I 15; restorations of, I 22; IV
592-94, 636-47, 661, 662-67.
inscriptions, IV 637-42,
644-47, 661, 663, 688.
MURDER:punished with death, IV 658.
: temple, I1 1018.
-Musician (fern.) of Re: Teya, I11
MUSTERING,IV 1004; of troops, I1
693; of workmen, I1 935; of young
men, I1 329, 332.
MYRRH,I 763; I1 283, 288, 387; I11
475; IV 26, 232, 264, 286, 304, 333,
344, 348, 372, 3909 685, 770,870,875,
878; from Genebteyew, I1 474; Red
Land, I 429; fields of the sycamore,
11 299; Punt, I 161; 11 260, 263,
265,274,275, 276, 277,. 321,486;. IV
130, 210, 407, 929; dlwne offenng,
I1 572; gum of, I1 288; Hathor,
mistress of, I1 295.
myrrh, IV 299, 329; from
Punt, I1 486, 513; Retenu, I1 491.
-Myrrh fruit, IV 232, 286, 390.
-Myrrh resin from Punt, I1 265.
-Myrrh sycamores, IV 333.
-Myrrh terraces of Punt, I1 260, 284,
285, 287, 288, 294.
-Myrrh trees from Punt, I1 263, 264,
265, 272, 288; Iv 390.
-Myrrh-wOOd, IV 232, 286, 390.
MYTH: of HONS and Set, 11 70 n. d.

NAME: beautiful, I 676; IV 943, 990,

1014;. hidden, see Hidden; royal,
used in oath, I1 58; see Oath.
NAOPHORS:of costly stone, IV 377;
explanation of meaning of, IV 377
n. c.
NATRON,IV 235, 241, 2999 345, 350,
379, 392, 865; from Retenu, I1 518.
-Natron gatherers of Elephantine, IV

NAVY,I 405; I1 591; see also Fleet,

Warships; administration of, under
the vizier, I1 667, 710; officials of
report to vizier, 11 710.
-Commander of, Officers of: see Index


11 22, 23, 24, 45, 254, 288,
376, 390, 544, 654; of MSn.t-stone,
I 510; hm 3g.t-stone, I 500; gold
and silver, I1 32; lapis lazuli, I1
509; electrum, I1 654; costly stone,
11 545, 801, 802; IV 876; gold,
11 585, 587.
-Necklaces : from Retenu, I1 509; Kadesh, I1 585.
-Necklace-rattles, I1 93.
-Bead necklace, I1 725, 731; of gold,
11 ?22r 723, 727, 738, 740.
necklace, I11 2.
I 371; I1 378; I11 32B,
259; the gods, lords of, I11 17; cliff,
I 613; the highlands of the blessed,
I1 378; officer of the tomb in the, I1
378; inspectors of, see Index V;
soldiers of, I 710; scribes of, see
Index V.
-Necropolis of Abydos, IV 1020, 1029;
see Tazoser, Index VI.
of Benihasan, I 623;
feasts of, I 630.
-Necropolis, southern, of, D&r elGebrLwi, 1 375 n. f.
of Heliopolis, I1 814;
sacred road to, I1 814; Gizeh, probably the, 11 814 n. c.
-Necropolis of Memphis, the Serapeum, IV.977, 979,986, 1010; tomb
of Apis in, IV 979; called "the
western desert of Memphis," IV 977,
-Necropolis of Siut, I 582; official
body of: overseer, I 582, 584; chief
of the highland, I 584; eight mountaineers, 1 582, 584.
-Necropolis at Western Thebes, I1
338; fortress of, I1 338-39; goddess of,
I1 338-39; chief treasurer of, IV 665;
inspectors of, IV 511, 512, 517, 522,
525, 533, 665; chief of police of, IV
511, 512, 525, 527; administrators of,
IV 525; scribes of, IV 526, 529, 530,
640; police of, IV 525; workmen of,
IV 524, 525, 526, 528, 530, 533, 543;
serf-laborers of, IV 525.
-Necropolis thieves, IV 511, 513, 515,
516, 517, 521, 522, 535.
NEGE BULLS: from Khara, IV 229.
CONSPIRACY: crime of, IV 431, 432, 433,
434,435,436,437,438,439, 440,448,
449, 450.
NENYBUWOOD, IV 344, 391.
NEST (of HONS hawk), I1 138.
NET, IV 41, 44, 77.
NEW MOON:dates of, in reign of Thutmose 111, 1 46, 51.
NEWYEAR:gifts of, I 545, 563; TI 801.
NEW YEAR'SDAY,1 4 2 , 545, 563, 573,
583, 585; 11 925; New Year's
Night, I 573, 583; New Year's feast,
19th of July, I 40; see also Feasts.
NEYBUWOOD, IV 234; from Assur, 11
'I1 44Ot
444, 580; IV 615, 617, 655, 656, 658.
NOMES,IV 905,906,948,957; order of
southern, I 529 n. e; records of, 11
of, 11 7O3; Deputy
of, see Index V.
-Nomes of: Abydos, IV 1020; Aphr0ditopolis. I 423; A ~ ~ l l i n o ~ oMaglis
na, I1 nome
I 500; Athribis, IV 873; Budris, I
159; IV 830 n. a ; Cerastes mounnome
Upper Egypt, I
199; Crocodile nome, I 529; Cusre,
Of Upper Egypt, I
I1 300; Hare, I 700-6; IV 821, 848,
948; Harpoon, I
Heliopolis, IV
955; Hesebkap
IV 830; Jackal, Of
I 626,Lower
Khent? I '599 1 ~ 5 ;
I '59;
Lycopolis, XI11 nome of Upper
I 280, 3g6; see Jackal nome;
Memphis, I 159; Mendes, I 173, 174,
197, 198; IV 830; Oryx, XVI of
Upper Egypt, I 518; Oxyrrhyncus,
IV818nn.b, c,820,837,948, Patoris,
IV 905; Sais, I
174; Sekhern I1 of Lower Egypt, 1. '73,
1 7 ~ ;Thebes, 1 420, 459; ThlnIS, 1
349; I1 181, 763, 767; Upper nome,
1 199; Xois, 1 156, 1 5 ~ ; IV 818;
Yuna, IV 948.
-Nome of Tehenut, IV 482; see also
Wawat and Libya, Index VI.
a sweet, for the ka,
of the king, 11 994.
IV 485; as
NOSETO BE CUT OFF: as penalty for


robbing, I11 51; extortion, I11 54;

slave stealing, I11 55; stealing hides,
111 56.
-Nose and ears cut off, IV 4511 45%
NUMBERING:occurrence of, I 84, [I 181,
1 2 0 , 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 133,
1459 147, 148, 161, 166, 298, 303,
305, 320, 387; of large cattle, I 157,
267; of large and small cattle, I 81,
192, 266, 340; of gold and lands, I
81, 137; of all people, I 106.

IV 33Ip 845.
OATH: form of royal name for legal,
11, 58; in foreign lands in Pharaoh's
name, I1 68; by Pharaoh, I1 121,
318,422,452, 570,601; 111 327,365;
IV 835, 850, 862, 875, 880, 881, 932.
-Oath of the king, IV 486, 524, 526,
y 9 , 547, .548,. 549, 550, 5,!j2r 553;
as the lung llves for you, I 349;
"as Upwawet, lord of Siut and Anubis, lord of the cave, live for you,"
1 394; "as my father lives for me,"
1 (j58; 1 1 as Sesostris lives," 1 682;
"as Re loves me, as my father Amon
favors me," I1 121, 318, 422, 570;
"as Re loves me, as my father Atum
favors me," 111 327, 365.
OBELISK, 11 903, 908; of Seti I, 111
of Thutmose I, I1 89.
-in Heliopolis, erected by Seti I, 111
246, 544; inscribed by Ramses 11,
111 545; New York ob~lisk,I1 634;
London obelisk from, 11 632-33.
II the
890.temple of Khammat in Soleb,
Ramses 11 at Tanis, 111 392, 543
n. C; Luxor? 'I1 543 n- c, s67;
Karnak 'I1 543 "' C.
-at Karnak:
'I 86;
two of them, I1 86; only one inscribed by Thutrnose I, I1 86; the
ThutmOse II1,
1 16; I1 86; obelisk, Lateran, from
ThutmOse II1, I1 626?
and Thutmose IV, I1 833-34;
I1 834; Constantinople obelisk of Thutmose 111,
I1 479 n a, 629-31; four obelisks of Thutmose 111, I1 563, 571,
776; divine offerings for, I1 563, 572;
obelisks at Karnak: of Hatshepsut,


I1 304-21, 376; two of them, I1 304,

309; one standing, 11304-319; one
fallen, I1 320-21; history of, I1 304,
319; location of, I1 304, 319; dimensions of, I1 304.
-Obelisks on the sacred barge, I1 888.
-Divine offerings for obelisks, I1 563,
572-Obelisks made of black basalt, I11
246; of granite, I1 89, 304, 315, 318,
336, 624; I11 567; IV 980, 982; of
red granite, I1 630.
inscription; see Inscriptions.

874, 958D.
-Festival oblation, IV 329, 330, 335,
of oblations, I1 908;
Iv 329.
-MortuiUy oblation, I1 571, 1001.
-Oblation of vessels, I1 654.
-Storehouse of, IV 259.
OBLATIONBEARER:chief of, IV 515.
I1 795.
OBLATIONTABLE,I1 795; of costly
stones, I 764; the great, of Osiris at
Abydos, 1 787.
I1 795.
PERIOD: minimum length of,
I1 935; of numbering,
I 81, 82; of royal jubilee, I1 89; I11
552, 553, 554, 556; of ''Runningof-Apis," I 114; of Sed-jubilee, 1296,
298, 300,302, 305,435; IV 414.
ODOR:of a god, I1 196; of Punt, 1762;
I1 196, 274, 288; of king, I11 148.
OFFERING,I 409; 11 954; I11 16, 259,
260; IV 382, 678, 767, 869, 1021;
records of, IV 1022; for Aton, I1
996; of the ancestors, endowments
for, by Harmhab, I11 23; of images,
IV 458, 63; for the ka, 11 333, 353,
355; see also Mortuary offerings; on
king's behalf, I1 57; "Offeringwhich-the-king-gives," I1 213, 766;
royal, which Amon-Re and the king
give, I1 365; royal, which Osiris gives,
I1 367; of Pharaoh's house, I11 55;
tax collection for, I11 55; of Min to
Mentuhotep IV, I 437.

-Aton-offering of Aton, I1 987.

-Daily offerings, I1 919; I11 31, 272,
526; IV, 141,216,217,236, 262, 289,
313,3359 346,3559 359,3639381,396,
609, 763, 958M.
offerings (usual term for
temple income), I 156, 159, 163, 161,
165, 166, 167, 2749 299, 4377 756;
of Amon I1 102, 149, 159, 160, 170,
186, 225, 286, 293, 298, 302, 352,

309, 3'3, 320, 321, 324, 326, 327,

334, 341, 346, 347, 356, 357, 358,
363, 362, 3632 381, 3879 396,
399, 470, 471, 573, 676, 857, 854,
855, 856, 868, 906, 910, 927, 972,
1007, 1021; dues for, collected by
two deputies of the army, I11 54;
endowment of, I1 622, 792, 806, 900,
908; 111 77, 159, 268; Iv 256, 320,
335, 354, 355, 359, 6549 958M; fields
of, 11 102, 161, 186; grain of, 1 274;
overseer of, I 299; "hearings" of,
conducted by vizier, I1 706; storehouses of, IV 258; works of, I1 757;
in temple of Amon, established by
Intef I, I 421; for Harakhte, I1 562;
for Min, 11 567; for Min-Amon in
Bohen, 111 77, 159; for Mut-Hathor
of Thebes, I1 622; for Ptah, I1 619,
620, 621; I11 413; for Wennofer,
I11 526; for obelisks, I1 563, 571;
for statues, 11564, 571, 604, 618, 619,
620; I11 272, 626.
-Evening offering, I1 565.
-Festival offering, IV 383, 388, 763,
924, 925; for the feast of the "Appearance," I1 569; for the feas; of
the "Beginning of the seasons, I1
569; for feast of Peret-Min, I1 566;
-Food offering, I11 150, 179, 204.
I1 93, 225, 301,
390; IV 676, 910; given to the
southern gods in Elephantine by
Sesostris I, I 500; for temple of
Abydos, . I 534; made of alabaster,
1 323 bls; gold, 11 175, 390; IV
610, 611, 612, 958M, 1020; Asiatic
copper, 11 I 75 ; copper, IV 9 I I ; costly stone, IV 958M, 1020; marvelous stone, IV 287; lapis lazuli, I
534; I1 390; bronze, I 534; 11 175;
IV 912; electrum, I 534,610; I1 164,
376; silver, I 534; I1 175, 390; IV
610, 911, 912, 958M, 1020; mesnet
stone, I 727.
I 308; I1 35, 97;
IV 199, 326; of silver, IV 735; white
stone, IV 972.
OFFICE, I' 926, 1040; IV 321, 357,
534, 747; inheritance of, I1 53, 766,
925, 926; I11 622, 626, 647, 648;
assigned, I1 1025; divine offices, IV


I 5 , 4 2 ; length of, 156;

Sothic date, I 44; calendar existed
I 45.
OLIVE LAND, IV 216, 263, 288, 394.
OLIVEWOOD:from Assur, I1 449.

IV 239, 241, 379, 393.

ONIONS,IV 296, 348.
OPPRESSION,111 50, 67.
OFACLEOF THE GOD,I1 151, 250, 284,
OFFICIAL BODY: of the temple of
285, 606, 823, 827; I11 174, 534.
Upwawet, I 550; of the necropolis
KING'S: of iron, I11 403.
of Siut, I 584, 589; of the palace,
I1 544; IV 521, 538,
I 631.
988H; of costly stones, I 534; I1
-Official body of Khnumhotep 11, I
545; IV 1011; gold, IV 231, 285,
623; excellent ones, I 623; officers,
I 623; artificers, I 623; peasallt
343; IV 1011; of prince, IV 343; of
divine consort, IV 988H; of divine
slaves, I 623.
votress, IV 988H.
OIL, 1496; I1 117; IV 216, 228, 263,
272, 283, 286, 299, 329, 344, 360, ORYX: for oblation, IV 768.
387, 497, 770, 859, 992; of E g ~ p f , -White oryx, IV 190, 242, 266, 392;
male of, IV 242, 293.
IV 233, 3761 Kharu, IV 233; Zahl,
I1 462; as tnbute, 11750, 771.
OSTRACA,I 20; ostracon in Turin,
-Best oil, IV 300, 348, 394.
I 69 n. j; in British Museum, 5623,
-bk-Oil, IV 376; bk -oil, IV 390; red
5638, I 474 n. d, 45.
bk-oil, IV 239, 376.
OSTRICH,I11 475; eggs of, I11 475.
-Festival oil: for embalming, I 370.
-Ostrich feathers, I11 475; from Punt,
-Green oil: from Retenu, I 1 473, 491,
I11 37.
509, 518; Naharin, I1 482; Zahi, I1
OVALS:containing names of a country,
5107 519.
IV 130, 137, 718.
-Olive oil, I11 208.
IV 889, 909, 970.
IV 239, 376, 390, 394; of OVERLAY,
O x CARTS,IV 73, 467.
Egypt, IV 376; of Syna, IV 376.
-Sefet oil, I 241, 382; IV 376; from
O x HIDES,IV 582.
Retenu, I1 509, 518.
OXEN,11 719; IV 242, 293, 392, 482,
-Sweet oil, I11 208; IV 239; from
583, 859, 924, 944, 949, 954; for
Naharin, I1 482; Retenu, I1 491,
oblation, I1 815, 960; IV 208, 329;
509, 518; of gums, IV 497, 498.
mortuary offenng, I 518; I1 11I,
I 366.
113, 114, 1397 149.9 3567 3651 840;
OIL TREE,IV 216; Osiris, protector
111 17, 526; for &vine offenng, 11
of, 1 783.
160, 4587 6167 793, 198; IV 9, 190,
zoo; for feast offenng, I1 566; for
OINTMENT,I1 185, 288, 918; I11 71,
I1 719, 720, 721, 722, 72.3, 726,
207; IV 335, 497, 875, 958M;
727,731,734,738.739,740,74;, 743;
choice, I 1 294; prime, of the pure
flesh of, I11 207, 208; from Punt,
ox, I1 293; for taxes, IV 150; for
I1 468; Naharin, I1 482; Retenu, I1
oblation, I1 612; for m o r t u a j offer4 9 ~ ;616; with carved hbrn, I11 475;
ing, I 1 365; for embalming, I 366;
used to drag stones, I1 27; Libya, I11
IV 966; presents of, I 372; for the
584; Genebteyew, I1 474; Wawat,
temple, I1 165,615; of gums, IV 476,
477; of divine things, I1 544, 615.
11475,487,4953 503,515,527; K U S ~ F
11 494, 502, 5149 522OKEANOS,I1 325; see also Index VI, -the
pure, prime ointment of, I1 293.
the Great Green.
'-OX, 11 723.
--%-~w-ox, 11 723, 742; 111 413.
-White ox: offered to Re in Heliopolis,
IV 870.


PAINT, I11 625.
-Painted chariots, I1 467, 491, 509;
figures, I1 601.
-Painters. . I 784.
. .
PAIR,IV 241, 394.
(xflagstaves), I11 244; of
msd .t-stone, 111 246.
PAKHONS: see ~ o n t h s .
PALACE,I1 64, 72, 107, 120, 235, 236,
237, 292, 3177 337, 3439 3527 3779
389, 771, 801, 978, 9909 1013, 1026,
111 16, 20, 24, 28, 30, 71, 101, 213;
219, 230, 240, 3651 421, 577, 584,
642; IV 52, 91, 99, 209, 412, 678,
749, 848, 882, 932, 944, 95839 966,
1019; master of, I1 352; daily
register of, I1 393; men of, I 390.
-Footstool of, I 320; Master of: see
Index V.
-Palace baths, I 187; Overseer of: see
Index V.
-Palace hall, I 187:, Leader of: see
Index V.
-Secret things of, I1 936; Master of:
see Index V.
-Laws of, I11 101.
of Amenemhet, I 483;
decked with gold, 1 483; ceiling of
lazuli, I 483; doors of copper, I 483;
bolts of bronze, I 483; of Ikhnaton, I1
987, 989, 990; " Sahure-shines-withcrowns," audience hall of, I 239;
House of Amenopet, IV 539; Housesof-Snefm, wall of southland and
northland, I 146; "Stmcture-ofBeauty," palace of Neferhotep, I
-for palace officials, see Index V under
Butlers, Chief, Companion, Conductor, Grandees, Governors, Leader,
Lords, Magnates, Master, Overseer,
Princes, Ruler, Steward, Storeroomkeeper, Treasurer.
a god, I11 240; IV 192, 215;
at D&r el-Bahri, I1 375.
-Door of the dwellers of the netherworld, I11 240.
-Temple palace, IV 338; Chief of:
see Index V.
PALANQUIN,IV g58E; poles of, IV
I 31.
STONE,I, 76-167; descripPALERMO
tion of, I 76 n. a, 78; location of,
I 67 n. a; archaic character, I 77;
importance of, I 3, 56, 88.

PALETTE,I11 SO; see also Ink.

PALM: see Measures, linear.
PALMGROVE,I11 473; leaves IV 378,
-Palm fiber, IV 235, 301, 350, 379,
392; see also Date palm, Dom palm.
PANELS:of cedar, IV 929.
PANNIER:of silver, IV 231.
I1 80; I11 475; IV 46; rage
of, I1 72, 80, 121, 792; IV 835, 841,
862; from Negro lands, I 136; I V
724; from Genebteyew, I1 474.
panther, I1 321; from
Punt, I1 265, 272; skins of, I1 265,
272, 321; 111 475; Iv 724.
PAOPHI: see Months.
PAPYRI:Abbott, I 421; inscription of,

-Anastasi VI, ' I11 636-j8:-Berlin, No. 3019; I 474 n. d 6.

-Berlin, No. 3029, I 498 n. a.
-British Museum, No. 10053, IV 486;
-Ebers, I 43 n. b.
-Harris 500, I 24, 31, 68 n. e; 11 547;
IV 35, 60, 84, 145, 151-412; discussion of, IV 151-81.
-Kahun, I 10, p. 48, 67 n. d.
-Lee, IV 416 n. a, 423-56.
IV 544-56.
-Millingen, I 474, n. d I.
-Rollin, IV 416 n. a, 423-56.
-Sallier I, I 24, 67 n. b, 69 n. g, 474
n. d 2, 3; 11 4 n. b.
-Sallier 111, I11 305 n. c, 315.
-Sinuhe, I 486 n. d.
-Turin, 152, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, nn. a,
86, 88, 161 n. b, 190, 416, 427, 460,
461; IV 41656, 595-600.
-Turin fragment, IV 542-43.
-Wenamon, IV 55731.
-Westcar, I 24, 67 n. b; I1 187, 188,
198 n. j; date of, I1 188.
PAPYRUS: sandals of, IV 241, 393;
rolls of, IV 582.
-Papyrus flowers, IV 244, 264, 295,
-Papyrus plants, IV 215, 271.
-Papyrus rind, IV 238, 241, 294, 393.
-Papyrus stems, IV 244.


a n abomination to show, -People of the court (c nbw), I 286.
-People (hnmm.t), IV 47, 188; comI1 668.
mands laid upon, I1 767; of Naharin,
I 408; pasturage, 111 577.
I1 858.
PROPERTY,I 423; IV 874.
-hsb .w-people, I11 192.
-People (p .t),. I 445 ; I11 5 78.
(S 't w), 11 13; I V 958J, M.
-People (rmt), impost from, IV 225,
-Temple, of silver, IV 7, 671, 672.
-People of wax inscribed, for magical
purposes, IV 455.
Akhetaton, I1 960; name of,
I1 960; in Medinet Habu, I V 17; PEOPLE'SBUREAU,I1 689 n. d.
namse of, I V 17 n. c.
PERFUME:festival, for embalmment, I
382 bis; from Retenu, I1 518.
IV 880, 9 5 8 6
PEASANTSERFS,I1 536; I1 107,354; IV PERISTYLECOURT: at Luxor, I11 506.
125; given as endowment to a mor- PERSEATREE, I1 294 n. C; IV 385;
tuary priest, I 630; I11 413; made
the hidden, I1 298; cut, IV 288.
officials, I 281; meaning of name, PESGU WOOD: from Retenu, I1 447.
I 5315; duties of, I 536.
I1 667; right of, to appeal,
--of Amon, I1 354; Chief of: see PETITIONER,
I1 668, 689, 691; summons of, I1 685.
Index V.
PETITIONS:to the king, by Nakht 11,
PEASANTSLAVES,111 271, 277, 526.
concerning landmarks, I 632; to the
PEASANTRY,I11 322; Chiefs of: see
vizier, I1 714, 715; to be in writing,
Index V.
I1 691; Hall of: see Hall.
PEASANTS,IV 539, 821; impost of
PHALLI:uncircumcised, IV 52, 54;
I V :229.
from Libya, I11 587, 588, 601 ter.
: Months.
PEN, 1 5; I1 916.
PHARAOH:annals of, I 3, 6, 13, 20;
PENALTIES,I11 193; for robbing; 111
I1 621; title applied to the Hera51; extortion, I11 54; stealing of
cleopolitan kings, I 401; officials of,
slaves, I11 55; stealing of hides by
I 401; lineal descent of, from Re,
army officers, I11 56; by soldiers,
I1 187; daily report to, from vizier,
111 57; bribery, I11 64; for stealing
I1 678; from chief treasurer, I1 678;
from the temples, I V 676; for murcrown possessions of, IV 466; see
der, IV 658.
also, King's house, and Index V:
-Penalty on father entailed upon his
post(erity, 1 778.
-Domain of, 1 294, 309, 310, 312,
of electrum, I1 654; rock
356, 382; Custodian of: see Index V.
crystal, IV 287; costly stones, I V
PHARMUTHI:see Months.
287, 377.
PEOPLE, I V 821, 958; given by the PHOENIX,HOUSEOF, IV 818 n. e.
king to Methen, I 175; for endow- P m ~ e :pyramid, I 356; Scribe of:
see Index V; of priests, IV 468,
ment of mortuary offerings, I 202,
205, 206, 209; deeded to a god, I1
966; distinguished from the inhabi- PIETY: for departed parents, I 18185 ; toward parents, 113 7.
tants, I 445; listing the number of,
I1 916; of the Harem gate, I V 441; PIG (lead), I 1 493.
of the infantry, IV 466; Advocate of:
see Index V; belonging to the temple, PIGEON,I1 726, 727, 735, 737; IV 298.
IV 146 n. c, 150, 223, 277, 281, 338, -Pigeon (mny't), IV 242.
354, 3557 357, 359, 365, 364 3677 PILLAR, I11 504; four, I1 1029; of
heaven, I1 376, 601, 656, 889; I11
368, 369, 676, 1021.
406, 480, 545; IV 720.
-People (r&y.t), I 445 bis; I1 236,
766, 767, 768, 805, 840, 85% 993, -Pillar of heaven (royal title), I11 265;
see also Index V: Great Pillar.
1002; I11 59, 174, 175, 265, 268,
: at GebelCn, by
578, 580; I V 43, 47, 398, 921; for PILLAR INSCRIPTION
Chief of, Master of, see Index V.
Nesubenebded, IV 628-30.



Pillar Inscription-at Wadi Halfa, by Nehi, I1 412-13.

a, by Ramses 11, I11 504.
PITCHER:of gold, IV 735; silver, IV
PLACE:the great, a part of the Theban
necropolis, IV 533, 665, 667; Mut,
guardian of, IV 665.
-"Place of Beauty, " part of the Theban necropolis, IV 523, 525, 528,
Place of Truth, " IV 455; meaning
of, IV 465 n. f.
which he knows," IV 272.
PLAN: of battle, I 312; I11 307.
--of the Punt reliefs, I1 252; of the
reliefs of Seti I, I11 81; Ramses 111,
IV 4.
-Plans, I1 368, 371, 914, 916; I11
24, 50, 180, 207, 266, 270, 510; IV
38, 41,58, 63, 64, 65, 105, 308, 354,
485, 625.
PLANK,IV 345; see also Gang plank.
PLANTS,IV 262, 272.
-b 2 -k '-y '-plant, IV 234.
-See also, Beni plant, Cyperus, Enbu
plant, Flax, Hezet plant, Ideninu
plant, Katha plant, Menhet plant,
Papyrus, Reeds, Semu plants, Sebkhet
plant, Storea, Yufiti plant.
PLASTER:clay as, I1 106.
PLEA, IV 351.
LAKE,11 869.
PLUME,I11 610.
-Plumes, the two, I11 535; IV 988H;
of Onouris, IV 365; of Tatenen,
IV 62.
diadem: see Diadem.
PLUNDER:by the army, I1 430, 455,


POEM:of Pentaur, I11 305-315;Ramses

111, IV 93-99.
POETRY,EGYPTIAN:teaching of Amenemhet I, I 476; tale of Sinuhe,
I 486; building inscription of Sesostris I, I 499; teaching of Sehetepibre, I 747-48; hymn of victory
by Thutmose 111, I1 655-62.
poetry, I1 188; see also
Hymns, Literary.

POLE, IV 379, 391; chariot, I1 435,

447; tent, I1 435, 490; palanquin,
IV 9583; carrying, I 430; IV 315.
POLEHOUSES,in Punt, I1 254.
of, IV 511, 512, 525; see
also Index V.
I 28.
IV 234, 241, 301,
379, 391.
POOL,I11 84, 86, 100, 276, 291, 404;
IV 141, 265, 295, 588, 681, 870,
- Ibsekeb," name of pool, I11 86;
" Sweet, " name of a pool, I11 84.
-Pools of Pithom of Merneptah, Hote~hirma.I11 611.
-" $001 of ' ~ o r u s ya place in Kush( ?),
tablet placed there by Amenhotep
111, I1 845.
-Pool of Nun, I1 887.
of the marshes (=Delta),
I11 ?I.
POOR: mercy to, I 328, 357; I1 767,
-Poor man, laws on robbery of, I11
51, 52, 58, 59, 61; on stealing from
I11 53; extortion from, I11 54, 58, 59.
PORT,11 254.
11 889, 903; IV 191.
-Temple portals, I1 154, 564, 601,
835, 883, 886; 111 525, 528, 567;
IV 10, 205, 626;see also Doorways.
-Portals of gold, I1 890; electrum, I1
883, 895; granite, I11 525.
PORTIERS:guarding the gates of the
nether world, I1 378.
I1 314; of the king: sphinx,
I1 802.
IV 851, 874, 876, 958.
-Great in, a title, see Index V.
POST,for balances, 1V 288; for scales,
I v 391.
YARDS,IV 9, 217, 260, 265,
323, 331.
POWER: Ptah, bestower of, I11 403;
extraordinary, given by magic rolls,
IV 455.
forbidden by the gods, IV 455; forbidden in the sacred writings, IV
456P ~ Y E R11
, 245, 353, 994, 995, 996,
1003, 1008,1013; 111 204, 279, 423,
648; IV 186, 246, 249, 485, 942,
969, 973, 991; inscribed on tablets,
IV 202; magical, I11 18.
-Mortuary, I1 111; I11 648, of Zau,
I 384; for the Pharaoh, I1 97;
posture in, I1 37.
PREDYNASTICAGE, I 3; kings of, I
78, 79, 90.
also Gifts.
PRISON: the great, criminals in, I11
OF WAR: brought to Egypt,
from Naharin, I1 81, 501, 581; I11
344; Shasu, I1 124; Zahi, I1 392;
Megiddo, TI 402, 431, 435; Negeb,
I1 580; Tintto-emu, I1 15; Negro
lands, I 146; I1 39, 645; Kush, I1
41, 84, 122, 857; Khenthennofer, I 1
80; prisoners of war from Egypt,
I1 11; Aleppo, 11 798A; Carchemish, I1 583; Kadesh, I1 585,
798A; Ketne, I1 798A; Kham, I1
798A, 821; Kheta, 111 342, 344;
Niy, I1 798A; Retenu the Lower, I 1
798A; Retenu the Upper, I1 798A;
Se(n)zar, 11 798A; Tehenu, I11 134;
Thenew, I1 798A; Tikhsi, I1 487;
Wan, I 1 582.
-Slain before Amon, 111 113; see
also Captives, Slaves.
423C; private matter (judicial cases
of), 1 307.
PRIVY CHAMBER,I 290; entered by
Ptahshepses, I 256; Sabu-Ibebi, I
286; rank of the master of, I1 675.
-Privy council, I1 352.
-Privy office in charge of Thethi, I
PROCEEDINGS:legal, I V I 204, 310;
Iv 423-43.
PROCESSION,I 540, 669; I1 357, 571,
618; 111 212; I V 611, 727, 749,
761, 768, 836, 988J.
-Procession of a god, I1 133, 139,
300; of Harendotes, I1 181; Amon,
I1 608; of Hathor, I1 357; of Mut,
I1 357; of Ptah, I1 615; at feast:
"Beginning-of-the-Seasons," I1 615.
PRODIGIES,I1 187; see also Wonder.
1 551, 570; I1 840; IV
767, 946i temp!e, I V 251, 277, 280,
927; regstered in the office of vizier,

I1 688; confiscation of, I 779; I V

PROSECUTION:of the queen of Pepi
I , I 310; in the harem conspiracy,
IV 425,. 444, 446, 451; of practicers
of magc, I V 454-56.
PROSTRATION(in prayer), I V 1018;
see also Kissing the ground.
PROVERB,I11 611.
PROVISION,I11 230; I V 944; see also
PROW, I1 251, 797.
PERIOD,I 24; I1 189.
PUBLICARCHIVES:(place of writings),
I 270.
PUNISHMENT: to be inflicted when
cause is given for, I1 668; IV 424;
-Punishment, executed, I V 426, 427,
428, 4299 430, 431, 4323 4339 435,
436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442,
443, 452; punishment not executed,
IV 444, 453; punishment of death,
IV 454:
-Consisting of: placing upon the rack,
IV 524; cutting off the noses and
ears, IV 451, 452, 524; see also
PURE HOUSE: of Debhen, I 212; see
also House.
I1 568; at coronation,
I1 216, 240; of temples, I V 905
et passim; of kings, I V 843 et passim; endowment for, I 209.
PYLON,I 1 889, 894, 917; I11 505, 508;
IV 621, 626, 632, 707; double, I1
906; 111 525.
-Pylon 111: in Karnak, erected by
Amenhotep 111, I1 885, 889, 903.
-Pylon IV, IV 889 n. a.
-Pylon VI, I1 402 n. a, 520 n. f,
541 n. a, 646.
-Pylon VII: at Karnak, I1 404,647;
fragment of, I1 593-98.
-Pylon VIII, 403 n. b.
-Pylon XI, I11 34 n. a.
-Pylon: in temple of Karnak, erected
by Amenhotep 11, I1 795; made
of sandstone, I1 795.
-Pylons: at Karnak temple, the two
of Thutmose I, I1 103, 304, 317;
of Hatshepsut, I1 243.
-Pylon: western, built by Amenhotep
111, I1 885.
-Pylons: at Abydos' temple, I1 246.
-Pylon towers, I11 269, 356 n. a.



Pylo?z-Pylon inscriptions: see under Inscriptions.

PYRAMID,I11 577; I V 539; base of,
I V 517; investigation of, IV 513;
upper chamber of, I 322; Attached
to, Overseer of: see Index V.
"Shelteraf-Shepseskaf," I

- o f Zoser, terraced, I 170; Methen
buried beside it, I 170.
--of Khufu, I 180.
- o f Henutsen, daughter of Khufu,
I 180.
Great-is-Khafre," 1 184.
I 202, 20.5, 206,
208, 209.
Divine-is-Menkure. " I 2 1 I bis.
-Temple of ~ e n k u r e ;I 212.
- o f Hir, I 2 1 2 , 212 n. c.
Isesi-is-[Beautiful]," I 274.
I 275.
-Tcti, at Sakkara, I 289.
- o f the queen of Mernere: "Mernere-Shines-and-is-Beautiful," I 321,
322 his, 323, 324, 345.
Pepi-Remains-Beautiful, " ,: 356.
I 341,
346, 356; domain of, I 374.
-"Menre-Remains-Beautiful, " I 341,
3451 346.
I 387.
--Brick ~ v r a m i d of Intef I. on the
of Thebes, 'I 423C
n. f; containing the mortuary stela
of Intef I, I 423, 424; investigated
by the Ramessid inspectors, IV 514;
now disappeared, I 423G n. f; of
Amenemhet I, in Kenofer, T 490 n. a.
- o f Sesostris I, at Lisht, I 507 n. b;
pyramid chapel, of Sesostris I, a t
Lisht, I 507, 508 n. b; columns,
lake, gates of, I 509; stairway of
of Amenemhet 11,


~ h m o s e - ~ e ' ~IV
i r , 51;.
Kemose, IV 519.
Sekenenre-Taoo, I V 518.
Sekenenre-Tao, I V 518.
Iv 517.
--of Sekhemre-Upmat-Intefo, I V 516;
stela of, I V 516.


--of Nubkheprure-Intef, I V 515.

- o f Intefo, I V 514; stela of, I V 5x4;
king's figure of, I V 514.
city, governors of: see
Index V.
I 321; I1 313, 624, 630.
633; of electrum, 11 624, 630, 633,
834; limestone, I V 982.
Mehenet of Sais, I V 982; of
Sesostris I, I 503.
HOUSE: of Heliopolis, I V

QUARRY:opened, I V 704, 70s.
- o f Gebelen, I V 629;
- o f Miam, IV 474.
- o f alabaster, at Hatnub, I 7, 305,
323, 695 n. b, 696; location of,
1 695.
--of black basalt, a t Hammamat, I
- o f granite, at Assuan, I 42; I1 304;
at Elephantine, I 322; at First Cataract, I 324; Ibhet, I 321, 322; a t
Silseleh, 1 49.
- o f gritstone, at Gebel el-Ahmar,
near Cairo, I1 906 n. a.
- o f limestone, at M a c Sara: see Index
VI; at Troja, I 210, 212, 239, 274,
289, 290, 107, 509; 11 800, 875.
--of sandstone, at Silseleh, I 49; I1
935; 111 205 n. C; I V 18, 701 n. d.
-Quarry inscriptions: see under Inscriptions, Rock.
111 27, 799, 800, 875QUARRY
SERVICE,I 390; 11 935; men
of the palace, I 390; soldiers, I 390;
quarrymen of, I 390; I V 19, 537;
chiefs of, I1 935; I V 466, 474.
QUARRYMEN,I 390, 447, 697, 710;
111 172; TV 466; works of, TV 466;
master workmen of, I V 466.
QUARTERS:temple, IV 992; of foals,
IV 850.
QUARTZOSE:black, stela of, I11 427
n. a.
QUAY: of Elephantine, I V 146 n. c;
of Karnak, 1 22; I V 693 n. a.
QUEEN: titles of, I 341; herald of:
see Index V.
QUIVER, I1 785; I11 450; IV 70;
Libyan, I11 584; from Meshwesh,
I V 111.

RACE:: witness placed upon, I V 524.
RAIMENT,11 719; of a god, I V 966.
I V 231, 302, 319; of
costly stones, I V 315.
RAISINS,I V 301, 350.
RAM,I V 589; divine shadow in form
of, I1 596, 889 n. a; Ptah-Tatenen,
lord of Mendesin form of a, I11 400;
as adornments of temples, I1 894,
895; I V 635 n. d, 649.
heads: as adornment of
sacred barge, made of gold, I V
RAMP,I V 189, 355, 356, 357, 358.
RANK,1 307, 312, 332; 11 1040; I V
995; of the official body of the
temple, I 550; I11 565, 623.
RATIONS: daily, for the soldiers, I
431; I11 207, 208; of meat and
f o ~ d ,1 372.
REAL ESTATE: cases of, I1 686, 688;
see also Estate, Property.
REAP, I V 893; see also Harvest.
REAR: of the army, I1 427.
- o f foreign armies, I V 46; rearguard,
I 680; I1 421.
REBELLION: in Memphis, I V 928;
Heracleopolis, I 399; Menet-Khufu,
I 625; of Egyptians, I1 11, 15, 16;
Kush, I1 844; Shasu, I11 101; Oasis,
I V 726; Askalon, I11 355. See also
Revolt, Insurrection.
REBE.LS,111 580; I V 62, 130, 857,
871, 990.
I1 555; I V 679.
I11 580; I V 178, 460;
Assyro-Babylonian, I 3; Egyptian,
I 3; of nomes, kept by vizier, I1 703;
legal, copy of, I V 535; the mysterious, I11 410; in temple at Thebes, of
XXI Dyn., 1 22; boundary, I 531;
daily, kept by Thutmose 111, I1 392,
433, 455, 540; for the future, I1 568;
- o f Pharaoh, I11 647; overseer of,
I 348.
- o f the vizier, I1 684; loan of, I1 684.
- o f Thoth, I11 448 n. b.
-Records of Restorations : of Hatshepsut at Benihasan, I 15; of mummies,
I V 592-94-


--of Nile levels, I 22, 95-169; I V 69598; 793-94, 886-88.

- o f offerings, I V 1022.
RECRUITS: crew of, I 343; I1 332;
I11 340; I V 70; commander of,
512; youth of, I 527, 697; scribe of,
I1 916; I11 17.
from the Red
Mountain, I493 n. b. See Gritstone.
REEDS,I V 234, 287, 378, 391.
-Reed grass, I V 241.
I11 624; I V 958J.
REFORMS:of Harmhab, I 18; see also
Laws, Enactments.
REGALIA,I1 788; I V 29, 142, 401;
of Horns and Set, I V 62; of Re, I V
142; made of costly stone, I V 9.
REGISTER: of property, I1 688; of
boundaries, I1 689; daily, in the
palace, I1 393, 472.
I1 568, 666; petitions
handled according to, I1 667; of
the ancestors, I11 536.
--of impost, I11 210; of temple plans,
I11 263; of army, I1 695; of prophets,
I1 754; of priests, IV 250; of Sed
jubilees, IV 414; of commandant,
11 298.
-House regulations engraved on tablets, I V 202.
RELEASE:from taxes, I11 57, 63.
-Snefrn, I 169.
-Khufu, I 176.
-Nekonekh, I 226.
-Sahure, 1 236.
-Persen, I 241.
-Nuserre, I 250.
-Menkuhor, 1 263.
-Isesi, 1 264.
-Senezemib, I 276.
-Pepi, 1 302.
-Mernere, I 317, 318.
-Mentuhotep 11, I 425.
-Mentuhotep IV, I 435.
~Mentuhotep,I 514.
-Sesostris I, I 510.
-Sesostris I , I 510.
-Sesostris 11, 1 617.
-Sesostris 111, 1 643, 646.
-Thuthotep, I 694, 695, 699, 704-6.
I 744.
-Yuf, I1 110.
-Thutmose I, I1 244.
-Thutmose 11, I1 125 n. e, 168, 173.
-Hatshepsut, 1 13; I1 192, 193, 195,

t 56


204, 205, 206, 208, 209,

REPORT: on battles, IV 834; on har212, 216, 217, 226, 228,
vest, I1 871; on judgments, I1 681;
of Wenamon, IV 557-91; from the
231, 234, 240, 241; the Punt reliefs,
overseers of the interior, I1 677, 708.
11 246-51, 252, 254, 259, 2633 266,
267, 270, 273, 275, 279, 283, 289, - o f chief treasurer, I 423D; I1 676,
678, 679; to chief treasurer, I 428,
305; obelisk, I1 312, 323, 330, 336;
bas-relief, I1 337; stela, I1 338.
M. .".
4 : 11 670.
-Senmut, I1 359, 363.
-from vizier, I1 678, 679; to vizier,
I1 382, 385.
11 676, 677, 679.
-Thutmose 111, I1 450 n. a, 543-46,
-from doorkeeper of judgment hall,
I1 711.
645, 646, 653, 655.
I1 712, 714, 717, 747, -from the fortresses, I1 676, 702.
-from navy officers, 11 7i0.. '
7521 753, 756, 761, 762.
-from the court, I1 676, 679; from the
-Menkheperreseneb, I1 773, 774.
king's house, I1 676, 679.
-Amenhotep 11, I1 781, 791, 798A,
-Thutmose IV, I1 811, 819.
111, I1 187-212, 215-"
House-of-Ramses-Meriamon-Given42, 841, 843, 845, 871, 872, 874,
Life," name of residence of Ramses
876, 879, 904.
11, I11 406.
-Khamhet, I1 870, 871, 872.
-Residence city, I 628; garrison of,
I1 933, 978, 981, 982,
I1 694.
986, 989, 1of4, 1016. ~ J ~ , - T . I ? I ~
of myrrh, I1 265.
-Ramose, I1 938, 941, 944.
of a god, I11 213, 215,
-Bek, 11 974, 976.
224,246,510,515; of noblemen, I V ~ I I .
-Huy, I1 1014, 1016.
RESTITUTION:ordered in cases of rob-Tutenkhamon, I1 1021, 1028, 1035.
bery and theft, I11 53.
- H u ~ , 11 1022-24, 1035, 1039-40.
of temples, I1 152, 157,
-Harmhab, I11 2, 5-9, 10-13, 15, 18, RESTORATIONS:
612; I11 31, 537; IV 178, 179, 276,
357, 358, 359, 360, 6341 659, 897-99,
909-916, 966, 968, 1022; of tomb, X
112; I11 32B; of inscription, I 15;
I1 192 n. d; I1 573,856, 878,896,968;
51, 3.54, 397, 41.5, 431, 450, 452, 4542
I11 zoo; wall of Luxor, IV 627-30;
457, 460, 4627 464, 468, 470, 473,
mummies, IV 592-94, 637-47.
475, 481, 485, 496, 539.
-Merneptah, I11 594, 597, 628.
IV 949; for the gods, I1 793.
-Roy, I11 626 n. c, 628.
REVOLT:by Negroes, I1 826; by Nubia,
-Siptah, I11 647, 648.
I1 121; Kush, I1 844; Ibhet, I1 853;
111, IV 25, 29-34, 49-57,
Gezer, I11 606; Wawat, I11 606 n. a.
69-82, 99-114, 117-30, 132-35, 137- - o f high priest of Amon, IV 486.
38, 184, 246, 305.
REWARDS,I1 583, 584, 585, 587, 588,
-Ramses IV, IV 458, 463.
872, 926, 944; 111 6, 73, 486, 643;
-Ramses VI, I V 476, 477.
IV 471, 492, 494, 611, 633, 708, 879-Ramses VII, IV 484.
RINGS: of silver, I1 584; of b '-b '-y :
-Ramses IX, IV 493.
IV 377.
-Hrihor, IV, 611, 612, 613, 614, 621,
-Commercial: see Gold, Silver.
-Earrings, IV 876.
-Sheshonk I, IV 702, 709-718.
-Seal rings of Thethi, I 423D.
-0sorkon 11, IV 749-50; 757-70.
-Pediese, IV 779.
-Ritual roll of fields, I11 271.
-Weshtehet, IV 783.
RIVER,THE LIVING, I1 378; water of,
-Piankhi, IV 814, 815.
I1 925; see Living stream.
-Mentemhet, IV 903, 909.
-River-mouths, IV 44; see also Index
I 2, 20.
ROAD,IV 1004, 1006, 1007; to Yam,
I 333; of Elephantine, I 334; of

Uhet, I 335; from Yehem to Aruna,
I1 42 I ; to Taanach, I1 421; to Zefti,
ROAST:for food, I11 207; for mortuary
ofhering, I 569, 571; I1 571.
IV 147, 150, 566; laws on,
I11 51, 52; by soldiers, forbidden by
Uni, I 312.
see Inscriptions.
ROD,I1 758; beating with, IV 548, 549,
5507 551, 552, 5539 555.
-1pet-rod, I1 995.
ROLL,I11 50; IV 483; of papyrus, IV
582; of names, IV 545; of testimony,
IV 534; of the house of Osiris,
-House of rolls, I11 264, 410.
-Leather rolls for daily records, I1 392,
-Ritual roll of fields, I11 271.
-Sw-rolls, I1 742.
ROPEOF PALMFIBER,IV 235, 379, 392;
coils of, IV 582.
IV 234, 344, 378, 392.
I1 809.
RUDDER,I 493; I11 291.
RUG: under the feet of the vizier, I1 675.
RULER'STABLE,IV 695; Commandant
of: see Index V.
RULES,IV 908; obsolete, IV 908; of
war IV 861.

I1 263, 735, 750; I11 37; IV 32;
of myrrh, I1 263; of grain, I1 319;
IV 550; of gold dust, I11 37; silver,
IV 566.
-Sacred writing, I1 353; forbidding
practice of magic, IV 456; house of,
1 533; IV 445, 460.
SACRIFICE,IV 857; of the gazelle at
Ha,mmamat, I 436; of goats, I 453;
of cattle, I 453. See Offering.
IV 199.
I 275, 360; IV 825, 858, 859;
for Captain of, Chief of, Commander
of, see Index V.
SAILS,11 798; Iv 578, 944.


"SALAM": said by Libyans, I11 617;

IV 43; by Meshwesh, IV 97.
SALT,IV 235, 241, 379, 392.
-spr-salt, IV 299, 348.
of Elephantine, IV
11 298, 300, 540, 555, 758,
935, 987, 994; 111 16, 178, 240; Iv
141, 251, 4712 678.
--of the South, endowment of, I 156,
1312, 430; I1 148, 245, 268,
303, 451, 656; 111 84, 156, 159, 204,
359, 371, 450,465, 471, 584; IV 412.
-Made of leather, IV 241, 394; of
papyrus, IV 241, 393.
I1 389, 601, 775, 903; IV
g14i chapel of, I1 152; Holy of
Holies of, I1 153; pylon of, I1 795;
111 505; columns of, I1 795; IV 910;
lakes constructed of, IV 910, 912;
temple of, I1 157 n. c, 611, 614, 883,
886, 890, 895, 898, 905; I11 216, 217,
220,500,507, 510, 5121 515, 521, 522;
Iv 47 7, 9, 14, 189, 195, 214, 602, 6031
610, 625, 649, 897, 898, 899; adytum
of, I1 639; IV 14; doorways of, I1
792; doorposts of, I11 625; great seat
of. IV 5, 14; tower of, IV 189; stelse
of, I 510 n. a, 753 n. a; I1 54 n. a, 90
n. g; 109 n. b, 904 n. a; I11 157 n. a.
-Sandstone from Red Mountain, I1
-Sandstone mountain, at Abu Simbel,
111 500.
-Quarry of, at Silsileh, I1 935; I11
205 n. C; IV 18, 701 n. d.
I 253; presented by the
king, I 269, 273, 275, 307; of Mernere:
" Chest-of-the-living," I 321 ; of ancestor of Kheti, I 402; of Mentuhotep IV, I 436, 448; of Apis, IV

IV 391; post for, IV 391.
SCARABS:of Thutmose 111, I1 625
n. f; Amenhotep 111, I1 859, 861-62,
863-64, 865, 866-67, 868-89.
of black granite, IV 191;
bronze, IV 233; costly stone, IV 377,
390; lapis lazuli, IV 233, 285, 343;
malachite, I1 233, 285, 343; minu
stone, IV 233; red jasper, IV 233,
377; rock crystal, IV 377.
SCEPTER(w e, s), ROYAL,I 646; I1 436;
Iv 493.



cine, 120; mathematics, I 20; astronomy, I 20.

ROYAL,I11 69; IV 62.
-Scourging as penalty on soldiers for
stealing hides, I11 57.
SCOUT, BORDER,I11 616; Egyptian
I11 321, 330, 334, 578; Hittite, I11
321, 322, 330.
-Scouting, I1 916.
SCRAPS: of bronze, IV 343; copper,
IV 373,385, 389; gold, IV 373, 384
389; silver, IV 231, 343, 373, 386,
S ~ L P T O R IV
S , 466; Chief of: see Index
111517, 519; Iv 311.
-Sculptured stone, I 500; IV 191.
SEAL,11 182, 185, 239, 352; Iv 353,
689, 871, 908.
-as pendant, of costly stone, IV 233,
3777 290.
-Hittite seal, I11 391.
-Made of gold, I1 32; rock crystal,
IV 233, 303, 345, 349, 377; ubat
stone, IV 287, 377; wrought wood,
IV 2347 284, 345, 391.
-Seal of writings, I 274; royal, I 351;
I1 1022; of privy office, I 423C;
of office, I1 1024, 1025.
-Seal of sdm'w-officers, I1 684.
-Seal ring, I 423 D; I1 32 n. a.
see Index V.
I1 371; of treasury, reported
to vizier, I1 676; of property lists by
vizier, I1 688; of boundaries by vizier,
I1 689; edicts to navy, I1 710.
OF THE YEAR, I 387 et passim.
SEAT,THE GREAT: of a god, I1 640,
901, 908, 987; 1112301 233, 237, 240,
242, 260, 269, 525; IV 5, 7, 14, 201,
251, 311, 315, 319, 331; =tomb, IV
5239 533.
-Made of alabaster, I11 525, 529;
electrum, IV 14, 610; gold, IV 7, 250;
sandstone, IV 5.
SECRETS,I 755; of court, I 377; of
heaven, I1 936; of heaven, earth, and
nether world, I1 936; I11 623; of the
divine book, 11915; Masters of: see
Index V.
-Secret chambers of the mountains,
I1 946.
-Secret chapel, I11 412.
-Secret mine of Sinai, I 266.

-Secret things of his majesty, I 270,

285, 305, 423C, 533 his, 534, 668;
from the double w c b.t-house, for
Mekhu's funeral, I 370; of the
palace, 11 936; of the temple, I 550,
745; IV 706, 708; of the king's
wardrobe, I 608.
-Secret words, IV 321.
-Secret writings, I1 355, 748.
"SEED IS NOT": said of Libyans, I11
604; IV 91; Seped, I11 604; IV 91;
Tehenu, IV 87; Meshwesh, I11 604;
IV 43; Amor, I11 604; IV 39; Israel,
I11 603, 617; Temeh, IV 50, 58;
northerners, IV 66.
SEMDETS:of irer stone, IV 377; rock
crystal, IV 377; hirset stone, IV 377;
red jasper, IV 377; hukamu stone,
IV 377; costly stone, IV 377.
SEMUPLANT,IV 240, 344, 378, 392.
SEPULCHXRS:inspection of, IV 511,
521; investigation of, IV 513.
-Sepulcher chamber, IV 540.
SERF LABORERS,I11 566; IV 402; of
necropolis, IV 525; of temple, IV
313, 321, 354, 3.58, 360, 362, 386.
SERFS, IV 932.
SERFS, PEASANT,I 281, 536, 630; I1
107; I11 277; IV 933.
SERPENT,I1 300; IV 922; as adornments, I1 888; as sign for Aphroditopolis, I 423 n. a.
SERPENTCREST,IV 38, 130, 335, 721,
814, 882; the double, IV 89s.
THERE (=myself), I 372 ct
I1 989; I11 9; of the Negroes,
I1 854.
SESHABIRDS,IV 242, 298, 347.
111141, 270; IV 147, 278,
281; of Naharin, I1 479; of Kharu,
I1 884; of Tehenu, I11 611; of women in temples, IV 321.
SHADOW:king as, IV 47, 71, 72, 103,
850, 854.
-Divine shadow (term for the manifestation of a god), I1 104, 302 n. a,
596, 889, 890, 907.
-Shadow of Re, name for "temple of
Aton" in Akhetaton, I1 956, 1016,
1017, 1018; IV 363.



SaEm, 111 404.

197, 8.98, i d ~ 375.
376. 3 8 4 3 9 4
SEEDER (=wine), IV 213, 228, 233,
606, 607, 889 n. a; I11 237; I V 150.
239. 262, 269, 272. 283, 186, 292, 299.
254. 3'2, 320, 539, 908; the seat of
309, 3131329. 335. 344. 376, 387, 390.
a god, I1 374; monolithic, IV 198,
468, 734. 768.
-Shedeh gardens of Re, I V 262.
of a barge, called ' , p a t
house," I V 331. 354; in the sacred
SHELLS:from Punt, I1 $72.
baree of Amon. I1 888: IV 900.
- ~ u G u e shrine,'of fine gold, IV 982.
-Portable shrine, I 667; I1 173; IV
315, 599.
S a ~ ~ a e n THE
o , GOOD: royal title, I1 -"The
Horizon of the God," probably
900; 111 r95, 580; of the cattle of
in Drel-Bahri temple. I1 374; SekhAmon, IV 212.
r t Re, a shrine in the -temple of
SEES* h u m , IV 378, 395.
Atum in Heliopolis, see Index 11; in
temole of Khonsu at Karnak. I V 600.
SHIELD,I11 475, 489; IV 74, 105; fmm
of, I1 156,88g n. a ; 'IV rgB;
Retenu, I1 509; K u s ~ I1
, 1035.
hall of, I1 775; statues of, I1 156,
-Amon as, 111 558; IV 72, 246.
889 n. a.
-King ils, I V 57, 62.
-Made of carob wood, I 667; ebony,
-Made of leather, 11 802.
I1 127; electrum. I1 .374, 776. 888:
SHIP, I V 354. 566. 571, 576, 578, 586,
fragrant wood 16%; gold;
599. 678, 767, 821,815,831, 840, 861,
1667; 1V zag, 331; granite, I1 376,
863, 864, 873, 879, 883, 1003, 1 w 5 ,
775; IV 198, 254, 319; lazuli, 1667;
1006, 1007; royal, 11 7, 332; capmcru wood, I 667;
.. silver. I 667:tives taken in. I1 IF: cabin of, IV84o:
stone, IS 156.
Captain of, see fddex V ; made o
-Water carrier of, I V 539.
ced~r,I 146, 465; 11 32, 94, 492; -Shrine chamber, 111 529.
I V 209, 574.
-Temple ship, I V 19, 147, 193, 109. -Shrine inscriotian: see Inscri~tians.
-Ship (=sacred barge of Osiris), I1
SIECF.,I V 861.
-Ships of Ahmose I: "The Offering," SIEVEO F SILVER,1 V 103, 231.
I1 7 ; "Shining in Memphis," I1 8. SIFTIXGVESSEL OP SILVER,IV 203,13T.
I1 332
Sx~vEn,11 280. 342,383,390,434,5~8.
n. cl.
601,720, 722, 723, 7271 734 732, 733,
-Byblos ship, IV 574; made of cedar,
I1 492.
99% 993; 111 63, 71, 137. 151. $04,
-Keftycw ship i n Zahi, I1 492.
-Ships of Sidon, I V 574.
I V 7, 27, ~ 9 ~ 3 304,32. 126, 14x1150,
-Thekel ships, I V 588.
-Ships from Zaht I1 460, 491.
284, 285. 31.5. 335. 341. 342, 349, 354,
-Large ship, I 308; 111 441.
36% 37223731383,3852
-Dewatowe ships, 1 146, 147.
3% 494, 521, 568, 576, 577, 580,
-Sinteen barges, I 146.
582, 635,680,68~,682,683,684,68,
-Sektu ship, in Sahi, I1 491.
686,687, 708. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736,
IV 19.
111 274.
889, 9 9 , 9s8E, G.
also Barges, Barques, Boats, -Commercial:
in rings, I1 436, 485,
Treasum-ship, Troopship, Vessels,
490. 5r8, 1035: sack, IV 566; crude,
IV 285; in scraps, IV 23', 343, 373,
1 138, 146: at Red Sea
by Enenkhet, I 360 n. e: by Henu, -as matenal
for vessels, I1 162.
-as ardornment of other objects, I1
I V 841.
32, 92. 165, 185, 301, 375, 435, 883,

.. . ..



888; I V 312, 315, 538; temple floors

adorned with, I1 806, 886, 889, 890.
-as reward of honor, I11 6, 73.
-Articles made of silver: altars, I V
735, 7363 737; amulet I V 3199 373,
386; bowls, IV 735; candelabra, IV
735; cartouche vessel, IV 735; casket,
IV 231; drinking-vessels (66.w), 111
589; I V 476,477; flat dishes, I1 447;
I V 735; hin-vessel, IV 735; spouted
vessel, IV 735; axe, I1 24; jars, I1
32; drinking-vessels for the ka, I1 32;
great pails, I1 32; sphinxes, I1 32;
inlay figures, I V 489; offering-tablets,
I V 735; pannier, I V 231; rings, I1
584; sieve, IV 203, 231; siftingvessel, I V 203, 231; censer, I 500:
offering-tables, I 534; I1 175, 390;
IV 61o,911,912,958M, 1020; shnne,
I 667; pitcher, IV 735; statues, I1
436; IV 2.50, 268,302, 316,326,349,
395; table vessels, IV 190, 269, 354,
357; tablet, 111 371, 372, 373, 386,
387, 388, 391; IV 202, 231, 285, 317,
343; temple pavement, IV 7, 671,
672; vase, I 500; I1 32, 164, 754;
I V 203, 231, 269, 327, 538; vessels,
11 615, 795, 1028, 1031, 1035; 111
106; IV 343,476,497,566,730,992;
dw-vessels of, I V 7.35.
-House of silver, 11352; Overseer of:
see Index V.
-Silver from the malachite country, I V
409; Naharin, I1 482; I11 434;
Kheta, I1 485; I11 420; Senzar, I1
584; God's Land, I11 116, 274;
Libya, 111 584; Retenu, I1 447, 491,
518, 533(?), 820; Assur, I1 446;
Zahi, I1 459, 490.
-Silver house, the double, I 533, 664;
11 43, 52, 377.
I1 754.
SINGER,IV 589; temple, I1 1018.
-Singing women: of the house of the
divine votress of Amon-Re. IV -q21,.
543; of Amon-Re, IV 641, 755.
SIRIUS(Sothis): reappearance of, I 40;
to be observed by the vizier, I1 709;
see also Sothic.
SISTRUM,I1 995; 111414; IV 847,943;
sbm, I1 93; Ssy.t, I1 93.
-Sist~m-bearer: Mut, the, IV 733;
of Harsaphes in Heracleopolis, IV
SITTING: of the court, I1 292; in the
vizier's hall, I1 675.

SKINS: of southern panther, 11,260,

321, 474, 486; IV 724; M-b -w-,
I1 449; see also Hides.
-Water-skins of Libya, I11 609, 610.
I1 675, 712; I11 45.
BLOCK,I1 149.
-Slaughter yards, IV 190.
SLAVES,I11 82; king's, IV 846; for
temples, I 1 402 n. c, 555 881, 884;
I11 78, 138, 160; I V zoo, 217, 220,
225,2577 322,3387 355,356,359,39
404, 680, 682, 687, 1021; mortuary temples, I1 924, 925, 926; I11
271; peasant slaves, I11 271.
from Khenthennofer, I1 14;
Tintto-emu, I1 15; Punt, I1 486;
Kush, 11 493, 5029 514, 522, ,526;
Wawat, 11487,494,503,515; Asiahc,
I1 555,587; IV 217; Syrian (&>--?w),
I1 555; Avaris, I1 12; Sharuhen, I1
13; Tikhsi, I1 587; Retenu, I1 436,
447,. 467, 471, 491, 509,. 518, 533;
Zahl, I1 460, 462; Nahann, I1 480,
482; Arrapachitis, I1 512.
-Slave service: laws on, I11 55.
-Stealing of slaves, I11 55; penalty for,
I11 ""
SLINGERS:slinging stones, I V 842.
SMITING: of the Northerners, I 81;
the Troglodytes, I 81, 104, 176.
SOCIETY,CLASSESOF: count (h c ty- c),
I 536; official (Sr), I 536; clt~zen
(rids), 1536; peasant ( Y hty), 1536;
see also these subjects in Index V
and under People.
SOLDIERS,1390, 410; 11299, 335; 111
40, 195, 271, 616; I V 55, 65, 71, 97,
822, 825, 838, 841, 858, 863, 878;
provision of, while on march, I 430;
heads cut off from, I1 225; penalty
for stealing hides bv, I11 q7.
-Soldiers ouf ~ e k h t & , 1 1 f ' ~ ~ z444,
SON-IN-LAW: Ptahshepses of Shepseskaf, I 54.
SORCERESS:Mut, the great, I 141; the
two great, I1 314.
Wereret, great in, I1 288;
see also Bewitching, Magic.
SOTHICCALENDAR:early existence of,
-Sothic cycle, length of, I 44.
-Sothic date: of Amenhotep I, I 51,
64; of Thutmose 111, I 66 n. h; of
Kahun Papyrus, I p. 48.
-Sothic year, longer than calendar
year, I 40.
-Sothis (Sirius), I 40; feast of, I 40;
difference between feast and heliacal
rising of, 141; late rising of, in XI1
Dyn., I 42, 53; Sothic date in reign
of Thutmose I I I , I 4 3 , 5 1 ; 1141on.a;
Sothic date in reign ,of Ramses 111,
I 43 n. b.
SOUL: living with Osiris, I1 378.
-Souls of Amon, 11 154.
-Soulj of Anubis: temple of Upwawet,
a monument for, I 403.
FRUIT, IV 240, 378, 393.
283, 286.
SPAN (of horses), I11 84, 88, 97, 100,
132, 134, 312, 330, 3373 361, 486;
I V 72.
-Roy.J, names of, I11 84 bis, 88, 97,
100, 132, 134, 312, 330, 347, 361;
Iv 72, 73, 77, 106, 107, 120, 123.
S P ~ see
: Measures, linear.
SPEARS,I1 784; I11 457; I V 70, 119;
from Meshwesh, I V 111.
--of bronze: from Retenu, I1 509, 525;
Wan, I1 582.
SPEECHOF EGYPT,I 494; correct in,
I 413; I1 571; throne, I1 291-95;
of Punt chiefs, I11 37.
SPELT, I 496; I T 149, 171; I11 66;
I v 2503 3'49 325, 3549 359, 550, 859,
955, 9 5 8 K 992.
SPHIXC,I 177; I V 649 n. e; of Harmakhis, I 179, 180; of Seti I , in his temple
in Kurna, I11 114; of Ramses 11,
in his temple in Memphis, I11 531.
-Sphinx portraits, I1 802.
-Sphinxes made of gold, IV 732; lapis
Iazuli, IV 732; silver, I1 32.
-Stela, of Thutmose IV, I1 810-15.
SPIRIT: land of, I 351; king to be a,
I11 511.
-Evil spirit, possessed of, I11 438, 440,
444; speech of, I11 444.
SPLENDORS,I1 292, 308; in heaven,
11 3
- "6 .
SPRINGS,I V 726, 727, 728.
SPY, I11 319; beating of, I11 330.
STABLANTAR: modern name of the

temple of Pakht at Benihasan, I1

296 n. c; names of, I11 337, 347;
Iv 123.
STABLE,ROYAL:111312,330,337, 347,
361, 635, 645; IVro6, 123, 822, 850,
852, 874, 875, 876, 877; filth of, IV
968; chief of, I1 818; I11 198; I V
466; charioteer of, IT1 6 3 5
STAFF,111 450; king's, I 296; I1 986;
official's, 11 385, 1039; 111 13; of
statue, I1 436
-Crook staff, IV 62.
-Made of carob wood, I1 436; ebony,
IV 288; of electrum, I 682; meru
wood, I V 288; T -gw-wood, I1 536.
-Staff of old age, I 692; I1 916.
-See also Staves.
OF KHETI 11, 1412; of
of shrine, of alabaster, I1 375.
I 421, 528,
673, 684; I1 150; I V 909, 915; of
tomb, I 577.
STAKE: for the ground plan of the
temple, 1506.
STALL,IV 874; see Stable.
I1 435, 8 7 5
STANDARD(containing royal Horus
name), I1 143.
-Standard (for supporting the image
of a god), I T 303; of electrum, I1 95;
of Amon, IV 49.
-Standard, of drinking-vessel, for the
ka, of silver, I1 32.
-Standard bearers : impost from, I V
225; see also Index V.
STARS,I1 886,894; I11 232; in the body
of Nut, I1 164; unresting, I11 278;
shooting, IV 62,91.
-Pole star, IV 304; Orion, 11 828;
circling star, I1 658; I11 117; "imperishable," I1 318; I11 378; I V 852.
-Star of electrum: royal title, I1 900.
-Star of the South, 1511.
11377,437,555, 788,864,
865, 872, 995; 111 600; I V 33; of
oracle, I1 606.
STATIONOF THE KING (in the temple
ritual), 11 140, 791, 796, 883, 904;
STATIONSOF RANK: making of, I 309.
STATUES,IV 268, 320, 326, 357, 927;
of Ikhi, I 165; Debhen, I 212; Intef,


1419; Mentuhotep, I 433; Sesostris

I, 1500; Hepzefi, 1540; Amenemhet
11, I 601; Khnumhotep 11, I 630;
Sesostris 111,1660; Thuthotep, 1694;
Vizier of King Khenzer, I 783 n. d;
Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet, I1 18 n. d;
Queen Ahhotep, I1 118, 114; Thutmose 111, I1 164, 165, 186; Nebwawi, I1 177, 178 n. a; Enebni, I1
213; Hatshepsut, I1 288; Hatshepsut
Meretre, I1 802; Senmut, I1 349, 353,
363; Puemre, I1 380; Hapuseneb,
11 388 n. f; Amenhotep 11, I1 802;
Khepri (=Sphinx), I1 814; AmenhotepIII, I1 876, 917; Amenhotep,
son of Hapi, II912,913; Nebnefer, I1
928; Harmhab, I11 2 2 n. f; Seti I,
I11 202, 260, 263, 271; Ramses 11,
111 406; Roy, I11 626; Ramses 111,
IV 26, 199, 201; Ramses VI, IV 477,
479; Namlot, IV 678; Osorkon 11,
IV 745 n. a; Amenhotep I, IV 913;
Ibe, IV 958A; Hor, IV 967; Uzahor
IV 980; Neferibre-Nofer, IV 981;
Irhoro, IV 981; Nesuhor, IV 980,
993; Enekhnesneferibre, IV 9881
n. a ; Ahmose, IV 1014; Pefnefdineit,
IV 1015.
-Mortuary statues of Hepzefi, I 540;
Thutmose 111, I197; Amenhotep 111,
I1 906; placed in the temples, I 500,
540; I1 52, 156, 604, 605 n. i; in
charge of the mortuary priest, I 542,
544, 555, 577,590; fire kindled before
it on feast-days, I 574; procession of,
11 571, 618; divine offerings for, 11
564, 571, 618, 619, 620; I11 626;
garments for, I1 571; domains of, IV
-Statues of gods, I V 250, 316; impost paid to, IV 225; of Amon, IV
190, 217, 219, 220, 245, 384, 736; of
the Nile god, IV 302, 349, 395, 738;
Nile goddess, IV 303, 349, 395; of
Ptah, I11 582; IV 315.
-Statue made of alabaster, IV 302;
black granite, I11 22 n. f; IV 967 n. e,
981 n. a; bronze, IV 302; copper, IV
302,395; costly stone, I1883; IV 190,
250,316,349,377,395; ebony, 11436,
801, 802; electrum, I 165, 668; IV
633,913; gold, IV 199, 201, 250,268,
302,316,326,349,395; granite, 1601;
I1 876, 883; IV 191; gray granite,
IV 981 n. b; green feldspar, IV 302;
grit-stone, I1 883, 906, n. a; IV 191;
hirset stone, IV 302; iron, IV 302;
ivory, I1 801; kenmet stone, IV 302;

lapis lazuli, IV 302, 395; lead, I V

302, 395; limestone, IV 958A n. b;
malachite, IV 302, 395; menit-uzmetal, IV 302; mesdemet stone, IV
302; minu stone, IV 302; red jasper,
IV 302; reher, IV 302; shesmet stone,
IV 302; silver, I1 436; I V 191, 250,
268, 302, 316, 326, 349, 395; sycamore wood, IV 303, 349, 395; tin,
IV 302; tur, IV 302.
-Statues: from Kadesh, I1 436; with
human face, I1 436.
-Statue inscriptions: see under Inscriptions.
STAVES,I1 493; IV 913; of ebony, I1
802; electrum, IV 912; meru wood,
IV 391; see also Staff.
STEALING,IV 486, 566, 676; laws on,
I11 54-59; penalty for, 11154, 55, 56;
IV 676; of slaves, I11 55; of hides,
111 56, 57.
STEED,I11 224, 360, 489; IV 103.
STEERINGOARS, IV 331, 845STELA,IV 321, 464, 531, 586, 618, 630,
656, 679, 761, 784; importance of, I
4, 9, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 24, 71 n. g, 72

-Bases of, IV 205.

-Erected to Min, I 441; Harakhte, I
501; Re, IV 255,265.
-Stela: made of alabaster, IV 988A n. b
granite, I1 605, 609 n. ei 111487,538
n. f, 541,596, n. d; 745 n. a, 919 n. a;
black granite, IV 650 n. a; red granite,
IV 669 n. d, 795 n. a, 796 n. a, 935
n. a; of granite of Elephantine, IV679;
gritstone, IV 724A n. d; lazuli, I1
889; limestone, IV 725 n. a, 782 n. a;
overlaid with gold, IV 205.
-Stela of Intefo, IV 514; SekhemreUpmat-Intefo, IV 516.
-See also Inscriptions, Stela.
STERN(=of ship), I1 251, 252; IV 65,
66, 582; of fine gold, IV 331.
STERNROPE:title of Hatshepsut, I1341;
of the Northland, I1 885.
for offerings, IV 678;
for building, IV 707, 916.
STONE,IV 958J et pas&.
-Hard stone (=alabaster) : statues
of, 1323, 601, 696.


-hrtt-stone: vessels of, from Assur, I1

-Hukamu stone: semdets of, I V 377.
-1rer stone: semdets of, IV 377.
-White stone: offering tablets of, I V
972; pylons of, I11 246; from Nubia,
I1 176; from Hittites, I1 485; from
Retenu, I 1 518.
--ybh't-stone from Naharin, I 1 501.
-Kenmet stone, IV 600; statue of,
IV 302.
-Mesdemet stone, IV 345; statue of,
I v 302.
-Minu stone: statue of, IV 302; scarab
of, IV 233; from Retenu, I1 491,
STONIE,COSTLY(rendering of c , . t , a
5 18; white menu stone from Retenu,
word applied to all rare and costly
11509, 518.
stones and minerals, like malachite,
lapis lazuli, turquoise, or amethyst, -Hirset stone, IV 287; amulet of, I V
233; statue of, I V 302; semdets of,
but not including pearls, rubies or
IV 377.
diamonds, which were unknown), I
-Shesmet stone: statue of, 1V.302.
731; 11 91, 92, 280, 376, 377, 383, -Uba stone, IV 303, 350, 395.
389,390,596,7739 838, 887,889,902,
906,912, 1028; I11 31,137, 151, 237, -Ubat stone: seals of, IV 287, 377.
stone: offering-table of,
405, 428, 453, 504, 512, 527, 537;
I V 287.
IV 7, 26 bis, 27, 29, 32, 33, 126, 128,
-Timhy stone from Wawat, IV 373,
190, 191, 214,230, 245,284,287,331,
335,3429 349, 372~383,385,386,388, -Uz389.mineral, IV 348, 377.
-,- 610, 847,852,876,880, 881,909,
. .
-1nkhu stone, IV 600.
911,912, 913, 1011.
-0biects ornamented with, I1 16;. 18<, -See also Crystal, Jasper.
STONEWORK:Overseer of: see Index
4361 490; 111412; Iv 312, 31$ 616,
V; workmen in stone, I11 171.
1447; IV 275,466,539.
-Articles made of costly stones: amu- STONECUTTERS,
lets, I 1 376; IV 233; eye amulets, -Stone cutting, I 239, 343.
I11 100; namc of, I11
I V 29, 377, 390; inlay, I V 204, 209, STORECHAMBER,
231,3317 3349538,904,9109 958E9 J,
K, 982; naophors, IV 377; necklace, STORECITIES: sustenance ordered out
I1 545, 801, 876; offering-tables, I V
therefrom by Pepi IJ, I 354.
958M, 1020; ornaments, I 534; I1 STOREA,
IV 393.
545; I V 1011; seal pendants, I V 287,
I1 356, 751; 11194, 204;
377; scarab, IV 377, 390; seal, I V
IV 330,403,576.
233, 377, 390; ~emdets, IV 377; -Storehouse of the count, I 556; of
statues, I 668; I1 883; I V 250, 315,
Akhetaton, 11 1015.
349, 377, 395; vase, I1 545; vessels, --of offerings
- of temple at Abydos, I
11 615, 1031; IV 730; from Retenu,
I1 491; God's Land, I 764; I1 280, -in the city of Wa, in Northern Syria,
820; 111 I 16, 448 n. b; IV 34; from
I1 458.
the Southland, IV 34; from Retenu,
11,473, 518, 534 (?), 820; in secret -Temple, 1550, I1 352, 402, 554, 645,
646, 751, 755, 884.929; 111 78, 111,
mlne at Slnai, I 266, 738; from the
119, 138, 152, 160, 351,453, 526; IV
Two Mountains, I11 448 n. b.
47, 227, 257, 258, 2599 27% 313, 314,
-B a -b -y >-stone: ringsof, IV 377.
324, 3547 355, 358, 489, 491, 4977 5501
-Sparkling stone: statues of, IV 395;
910, 992; overseer of, I 550; I1 352;
from Retenu, I1 473. 533 ( ?).
rank of, I 550; chief measurer of, I1
-Gr{-en stones from Retenu, I1 473,
929; captives assigned for, IV 128.
49 1; Kheta, I11 428.
I 723, 750; Keeper of: see
-hm 'g. t-stone: necklace of, I 500.
Index V; of dates, I1 749.


-Stone of Ayan (=limestone), I 534,

635,740; 1127,44>103~302,339.
STONE:enduring, stela of, I1 606.
-Good white stone of I c.t, in the
temple of Kummeh, I 510.
also Alabaster, Benut stone,
Quartzose, Basalt, Diorite, Flint,
Granite, Gritstone, Hus stone, Limestone, Mesdet stone, Mesnet stone,
Kecl Conglomerate, Sandstone and
the following:
I 64


I11 298-304; plan of, made
by Uni, 1312.
STREAM:the living, I1 356.
STRINGS:of flowers, IV 244; of beads,
IV 343.
I1 467; I11 86,270,457,
616; IV 141,818, 853, 854, 856,858,
867; Sent, I 172; Hesen, I 174; COW,
I 174, 187; of the Northland, I 311;
of the sand-dwellers, I 313; Redesiyeh, I11 174; the nomads (Asiatic),
overthrown by Nessumontu, I 471;
"Wall of Seshmu-towe," I 742; of
Ptah-Tatenen, I11 576; of Asla, IV
141; of Merneptah-Hotephirma, I11
-Captives settled in, IV 403, 405 n. g;
for Chief of, Commander of: see
Index V.
-Stronghold of granary, I 379; Commander of: see Index V.
SUBJECTS(nd.t): of Pharaoh, I 122.
SUCCESSION:of kingship from father
to son, I 423A; of high priests of
Amon, I11 622, 626; of officers, see
Office, Inheritance of; of Craft, see
SUICIDE, ENFORCED, IV 444, 446, 447,
448, 449, 450, 452, 454, 456.
SUIT, I1 997; IV 958D, F; Master of,
see Index V.
of petitioners, I1 685.
SUN, I1 303, 325 et passim; circuit of,
I1 70, 98, 308; be joined with, I 491.
-Sun of the Nine Bows: royal title, I1
1037; 111 38.
-Right eye of, IV 678.
-Sun-disk, I1 305,941.
-Sun-hymn of Sute and Hor, I1 299
n. e.
I1 802; IV 53, 583; of
flowers, IV 244.
("beautiful name"), 1676.
ordered out from the chief
of New Towns, I 354.
I 502,635.
11 390; IV 264, 870;
from Retenu, I1 509; Arrapachitis,
I1 5 9 ; God's Land, I1 321; Punt,
I1 892; I11 116, 527; Naharin, I11
434SWIMMING: instruction in, I 413.
1409; I1 225,858,925; I11 117,

450,4559 457,465,486,489,582,584,
5897 5979 598, 613; IV 28, 70, 719 80,
92, 246, 351, 362, 382, 405, 719, 720,
721, 823; of Horns, 111 607; from
Kheta, I11 343; from Meshwesh, I V
--of copper, from Meshwesh, I11 589.
--of flint, from Retenu, I1 525.
I11 117, 163; of bronze,
11 802.
I11 457; mercenary, IV 50.
1493; I 1 299,325; incense,
IV 210; sycamore-gardens, I V 380;
sycamores, myrrh, IV 333.
--Sycamore wood, statues of, IV 303,
OF OSIRIS, I1 874.

TABLE:of carob wood, I1 436, 509;

gold, I1 571; ivory, I1 436, 509;
silver, I1 571;
from Retenu, I1 436,
-Table of a god, I1 353, 355, 367;. I11
16; IV 958J; for mortuary offerings,
-Table of the king, I1 117; ruler's, I1
695; Commandant of: see Index V.
FOWL,I1 621, 622.
SCRIBE,I1 977; I11 58; of harem,
I11 58; queen's, IT1 58.
VESSELS,IV 334; of copper, I V
190,354; gold, IV 190, 269, 354, 357;
silver, IV 190, 269,354,357.
IV 586, 672, 673; of bronze,
IV 231, 318, 343; copper, IV 202;
gold, IV 202; silver, IV 202, 231, 285,
3171 343.
-Silver tablet from Kheta, I11 371, 372,
373, 386, 3877 388, 391.
-Tablets: erected at Abydos, by Ikhernofret, I 661 n. d; in Karnak temple,
by Thutmose 111, I1 407, 555; in
Karoy, by Amenhotep 11, I1 800; in
Naharin, by Thutmose 111, I1 480;
Amenhotep 11, I1 800; in Thebes, in
mortuary temple of Thutmose IV, I1
821, 824.
inscribed with prayers, IV
202; see also Prayers.
IV 77, 86, 90.
IV 241, 379, 392.
11 1039.
I1 813, 900.
OF GOLD,I V 201, 204; of gold
and rock crystal, IV 373; gold and
costly stones, IV 386.
TAX,111 481; I V 141, 266, 852; upon
officials, I1 716, 718-45; see also
Duel;, Imposts and Tribute.
-Taxes levied by the vizier, I1 706, 716;
inspection of, I1 717, 729; assessment
of, I 1 916.
-Tax lists, I 10; I1 716-45;
collected for funeral expenses, of Zau,
1 382; remitted by Kheti I1 of Siut,
I 408.
-Taxes, paid in natum, I11 55; consisting of Katha plant, I11 55 bis;
leather, IV 150; hides, I1 718; I11
56, 57; vegetables, I11 59; grain, I11
61; IV 403; gold, 11 71&45; IV 150;
silver, I1 720-40; IV 150; clothing, I1
716-46; IV 150, 403; ointment, I V
-Tax collectors: laws on, 111 55, 58,
61, (52.
-Tax officials, IV 266, 324.
of Amenemhet I, I 474-83;
of the great seer, I1 985; of the Aton
faith, I1 987, 990, 1002, 1003, 1013.
-Teaching cometh from Egypt, IV 579.
11 150,302, 315, 389, 4557 800,
910, 978; 111 178, 2047 232, 233, 234,
240, 248, 260, 269, 567, 585, 608, 613,
622; IV 62, 220, 283, 313, 354, 363,
386, 906, 908, 927; army of, I11 31;
captive women assigned as hierodules
in, 1V 128; decrees for administration
of, see Decrees; wide hall of, I 550;
workmen of, I1 181; records of, from
XXI Dyn., I 22; neglected by the
Hyksos, I 15; rank of the scribe of,
I 550; musicians, I1 1018; singers,
I1 1018.
-Wardrobe of, I 550, 559, 560, 566;
Keeper of: see Index V.
-Secret things of, I 550, 745; IV 706,
708; Master of: see Index V.
-Secret writings of, 11 355, 748; master of: see Index V.
-Temple model of Heliopolis, I11 244.
-Temple women: the pure settlement
of, I V 32 I ; administration of, IV 32 I .
-Temple-day : definition of, I 552, 561,
-Temple walls, used for commemoration of a king's victories, I 12, 13.


-Temple inscriptions: see under Inscriptions.

-See further, Doors, Double doors, the
Great Door, Field, Flagstaves, Fortress, Gate, Grove, Granary, Hall,
Herd, House, Inspection, Lake, Land,
Linen, Mortuary, Palace, Regulation,
Record, Restoration, Sanctuary, Storehouse, Stronghold, Treasury, Wall.
-See also Cliff temples and Index 11,
and for Temple officials, see Index V.
TEN:Overseer of: see Index V.
TENT, 1 353; 11 431; 111 576, 589;
royal, I1 425, 429,447; I11 318; poles
I1 435; of leather, I11 589; people of
Seir, living in, IV 404.
111, I 1 291 n. a; of Hatshepsut, I1
291 n. a.
as source of cedar, I1 32,94,
103, 611, 614, 755, 794 n. b; IV 904;
myrrh, I1 260, 284, 285, 287, 288, 291
n.a, 294; the "Malachite," I 266, 342;
of grain, at Arvad, I1 461.
by magic rolls, IV 454.
TESTAMENT,I 200-9; violation of,
I 204; of Nekonekh, I 213-30; of
Senuonekh, I 231-35.
T E s T l ~ o w ,I V 600; of witnesses, I V
THEFT, IV 552, 676; laws on, I11 54;
penalty for, I11 54; 1V 676; imprisonment for, IV 556.
THICKSTUFF: garments of, IV 241,
THIEVES, IV 511, 513, 515, 516, 517,
521, 522, 535, 537, 540, 543, 545, 548,
549, 550, 554, 556, 566.
THINGS(divine), IV 222, 227, 280, 283,
337, 340, 341, 364, 383, 3867 387.
PERIOD: Length of, I 56.
THOTH: see Months.
THROAT,I1 987; I V 538.
11 298, 341, 375; 111 525;
IV 62, 110, 399, 730, 896; of gold,
I11 321; speech from, I1 291-95;
the great, I11 412; of electrum, I1
292; I11 286; Master of, see Index V;
portable, I V 749, 751; Libyan, I11
584; royal, 11122, 138, 149, 151, 237,
808, 871, 959; I11 27, 40, 566; I V
9, 63, 188, 2-16, 304, 401, 411, 471,
649, 653, 677.
-Throne of a god, I 1 285; I V 9 9 ;
of All-Lord, IV 196; Amon, I1 314,


608, 805, 881; I11 27; IV 40, 124,

246, 777, 836; Atum, I1 832; 111
272; IV 5, 67, 103, 246, 399; Harakhte, IV 66, 401; Horus, 1686,779;
11 55, 120, 151, 203, 208, 242, 302,
308, 319, 332, 443, 662, 812, 826;
I11 76, 158, 281, 285, 370, 486 578;
IV 92, 142, 382, 411, 473, 624, 630,
895,923,934; Keb, 11595,815; 111
116, 267; IV 304,400; Khonsupekhrod, IV 909; Osiris, IV 188, 401;
Ptah, I1 615; I11 407, 615; IV 351;
Re, I1 303; I11 16, 65; IV 57, 198,
887; Shu, IT1 612.
--of chiefs, I11 645.
-Thrones, the two, marshal of, see
Index V.
THROWSTICKS: brought from Negro
lands, 1336; from Punt, I1 272.
THUNDER,produced by Amon, IV
TIMBER,IV 563, 5 ~ 5 ,582, 584, 586;
green, I1 433; felling of, by order of
vizier, I1 697; house, IV 380, 394.
TIN, IV 245, 385; bolts of, IV 929;
statue of, IV 302.
TITEE, IV 354.
TITULARY,11 226, 303, 808; I11 29,
435; royal, I1 56, 120, 143-47; IV
489; of divine consort, IV 988D, I.
TOILET,ROYAL,I 609;. Servant of, see
Index V.
TOMB,I 5, 19; 11 947; IV 585, 972;
of limestone, IV 979; inspection of,
IV 511; investigation of, IV 513;
Foreman of, see Index V; house
furniture in, IV 52 I ; ornaments in,
IV 521.
-Tombs of Senuonekh, I zfr; Persen,
I 241; Nezemib, I 278 n. b; Sebekemsaf, I1 112; Amenhotep, I1 818;
Kheruf, I1 873.
-at Abd el-Kurna of Ineni, I1 43 n. c;
Puemre, I1 382 n. c; Amenken, I1
801; Khamhet, I1 819, 870; Hatey,
-at Abusir, of Weshptah, I 242; Hotephiryakhet, 1251.
-at Abydos, of Ikudidi, I 528; Zer,
I 662; Osiris, I 669; Zaa, I 684;
Keres, I1 491, built by Queen Ahhotep, I1 49-53.
-at Assiut, of Tefibi, I393 n. a; Kheti
I, I 398 n. d; Kheti 11, I 405 n. c,
at Assuan, of Harkhuf, I 325.

Benihasan, of Khnumhotep I, I
463 n. a; Khnumhotep 11,1179 n. e,
619 n. d, 623, 637.
-at Drah-abu- a n-Neggah: of Thutiy,
I1 369 n. c; Nibamon, I1 777 n. e.
-at el-Bersheh, of Thuthotep, I 688
n. f.
-at El Kab, of Ahmose-Pen-Nekhbet,
I1 17 n. c, 25 n. f; Setau, IV 414,415.
-at Gizeh, of Thenti, I182 n. a; Henutsen, I 185 n. e; Zezemonekh, 1 186
n. a; Mertityotes, I 188 n. a; Nekure,
I 190 n. g; Debhen, I 210 n. a.
-at Hermonthis, of Intef, the nomarch,
1419 n. c.
-at Nekheb, of Ini, I 373.
-at Sakkara, of Harmhab, 111 I.
-at ~ehneh,'of~ e k o n e k hI; 213 n. a.
-at Thebes of Senmut, I1 348; Thaneni, I1 392, 820; Amenemhab, I1
574 n. g; Amenemopet, I1 671 n. e;
Woser, I I 671 n. e; Intef, I1 763
n. e; Yuya, II 861 n. c; Thutmose
IV, 1113zB; Ramessids, IV 473 n. a;
Amenhotep I, IV 513, 665, 667, 668,
691, 692, 700; Nebamon, IV 517;
Nubkhas, IV 517; singing women
of the Divine Votress, IV 521; Isis,
IV 523; Ramses 11, IV 545, 594;
Seti I, IV 545, 593; Nesimut, IV
555; Bekurel, VI 555; Amenhotep
111, IV 556. See also above Abd
el-Kurna and Drah-abu- n-Neggah.
-Peker, tomb of Osiris, I 669.
-Tomb inscriptions: see Inscriptions.
-Tombs of the lords of life, IV 4.
IV 4, 515,517.
CHAPEL,I 19, 20; of Tetisheri
in Tazeser, I1 36; lake of, I1 36;
garden of, I1 36; offerings of, I1 36;
endowment of, I1 36; mortuary priests
of, I1 36; ritual priests of, I1 36.
TIIEBES, IV 499-556.
I 15; I11 32; IV 499556; punishment threatened by the
great god (Osiris), I 330, 338, 378.
I1 348.
at examination, on hands
and feet, IV 545, 552,553; bastinado
of feet, IV 548, 549, 550; beating,
IV 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553TOW-BOAT,
1276,322; of acacia, I 324;
IV 229, 387; cedar, IV 229, 387.
IV 842, 861; of Menmare,
I11 100.
-Temple towers, I1 886, 889; I V 117,
189, 3x1, 355, 356, 357, 358.
I1 966; 111 62, 84, 86, 88, 90,
94, 141, 147, 613, 616; IV 54, 405,
410,479,948,957,958; of the Asiatics
I11 11; destroyed, I11 11; Naharin,
I1 479; Zahi, I1 490; Redesiyeh,
founded by Seti I, I11 172; of Tehenu ( ?), I11 588; given for mortuary
endowment, I 209; feeble towns
settled with people from other nomes,
I 281; given to temples, I1 557; I V
222,226,280,282,3397 364,383,384;
Commandant of, see Index V.
Tow-IZOPE,I1 328.
TRANSPORT:of monuments, I11 206;
transport (boat), IV 863; of acacia,
IV 229, 283, 387; ship, I11 441;
IV '9, 19.
-Temple transports, IV 211, 226, 270,
282, 328, 337, 339, 384.
I 276, 308.
TRAY, I V 33.
TREASURES:of God's Land, I1 271,
277; in king's house, sealing of, I1
-Treasure ship, I V 193.
11 182, 473, 750; 111 274;
I V 92, 566, 846, 849, 851, 852, 854,
under vizier's supervision, I1 676,
680, 706, 708; sealing of, 11 676;
captives for, I11 155.
treasury: order of business,
I 423E; chief of, I 713; double
cabinet of, I 716, 725; affairs of,
reported to the vizier, I1 676, 680,
706, 708; Overseer of, Scribe of:
see Index V; inspection of, I V 146
n. c.
-Gold treasury: overseer of, I V 1017.
-Temple treasuries, I 777, 778; I11
5'5, 527; Iv 9, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32,
190, 193, '957 211, 217, 227, 250,
25% 266, 270, 3409 359, 362, 489,
also White House.
-Treasury of the South, I1 614.
111 373, 374, 3757 391; of
Kheta m t h Egypt, by Seplel, I11 377;
Metella, I11 377; Khetasar, I11 36791.
I1 263; I V 795; deeded to a


god, I1 966; fruit, I1 433; planting

of, 1 173, 328; 11 294; 111 268; Iv
213, 216, 410, 489, 1020; cutting
down of, I1 697; enduring trees of
myrrh, I 1 288.
-1shed tree, I1 310.
-Mimusop tree, I1 294 n. c.
-Pleasant trees: for garden of Min.
I1 567; of ~ e ~ i d d Y oI,1 433; of
Arvad, I1 461.
-See also Acacia, Cedar, Date, Myrrh,
Fig trees, Juniper, Mastic tree, Oil
tree, Palm tree, Persea. Rosemarv.

11 225, 245, 325, 377, 385,
522, 525, 648, 657, 750, 1028, 1030,
1035; 111 13, 82, 137, 138, 273, 428,
481, 484, 527; IV 28, 91, 126, 130,
141, 215, 256, 333, 360, 407, 412,497,
734, 852, 868, 878; the heads and
hands, IV 497; distribution of, I1
706; inspection of, I1 706, 761;
reports on, to be made monthly, I1
from mayors, I 1 708; village sheiks, IT 708; rulers numbered
by Lhc herald, I1 771.
-Tribute from: Arrapachitis, I1 512;
Asiatics, I1 120; I11 453; Assur, I1445,
446, 449; Babylon, I 1 446; Bekhten
I11 435; never paid by Byblos, I V
576, 577; from Cyprus, I1 493, 511,
521; Egypt, I 423D; Genebteyew,
I1 474; Haunebu, I1 953; Isles, I V
34; Isy, 11 493, 511, 521; Kadesh,
11773; Keftyew, I1 761,773; Kham,
I1 1015; IV 724; Kheta, I1 485, 525,
773; 111 151, 421; Kush, 11 891,
1015; 111 42, 453, 590, 644; Mitanni, I1 804; Naharin, I1 482, 819;
Northland, I1 751; northern Oasis,
I1 ,385, $36; southern Oasis, I 1 385,
386; Oasis region, I1 386; Nubia,
I11 484; Punt, I 1 261, 262, 268;
11139; IV 407; Retenu, 11445, 447,
448, 466, 471, 491, 509( 11, 518, 525,
533(?), 534(?), 761, 820; 111 106,
111; I V 219; Sea, IV 34; Shinar,
I1 484; south countries the, I1 652
751, 761, 1038; I11 116; South and
North, I11 13; Syria, I 1 1015; I V
724; Tehenu, I1 321, 413; Tinay,
I1 537; Tunip, I1 773; Zahi, I1 462,
536(?); marshes of Asia, I1 385;
I11 434; Watet-Hor, I1 385, 386;
ends of Asia, I1 386, 891.

I 68

WEIGHT: see Weight.
TRIUMPHANT:epithet received by the
dead and constantly placed after
their names; literally "true of voice"
(m c -brw); later (from end of Empire on) placed also after the names
of the living. Passim.
1 303, 315, 410; 11 420, 916;
111 577; IV 767, 768, 825, 861, 864;
consultation with, I1 420; headed by,
I 312, 366; I1 852; IV 966; proscribed from Sebni's estate, I 366,368;
officers of, I1 433; two divisions of,
I11 56; recorder of, 111 20; Commander of, Commander in chief of,
see Index V.
-Elite troops of the king, I1 809; mercenary troops, I11 307.
-Temple troops, IV 966.
. I 315.
. T R U ~ EI1T981.
-Trumpeter, 11140; IV 70, 118.
TUNIC:of royal linen, IV 232, 374;
southern linen, IV 374; fine southern
linen, IV 232, 374; colored linen, IV
232, 239, 374.
IV 515, 516.
TUR:statute made of, IV 302.
TURBAN,I11 460.
TUSK,111 475; IV 344, 391; presented
to the court, I 369.
-from Retenu, I1 525(?); Tehenu,
I1 321; Isy, I1 493, 521; Niy, I1 588.
TYBI:see Months.


I11 587, 588, 601.
UNCLEAN:by eating fish, IV 882; foreigners, IV 905.
UPPER GARMENTS:of royal linen, IV
232 ; fine southern linen, IV 232.
URBUS,1170, 299; 1117, 12, 13, 15, 18,
21, 116; IV 209, 382, 401, 814, 815,
843,882; the two, I11 622.
-with golden beaks, IV 345.
USHERS,I1 925 n. a.
SYRIAN,I 68, 68 n. e; IV 398UTENSILS: of silver, IV 958C; gold,
IV 958G; copper, IV 958G.
of a god, I1 196, 198,
199, 207, 208, 220, 286, 656,891, 909,
910; 111 105, 110, 116, 136, 150, 155,

164, 165, 223, 399, 518; IV 34, 49,

57, 78, 126, 130, 611, 612, 620, 633,
,721; queen, I1 197; king, I11 259,
411, 486; IV 26 bis, 28, 29, 31, 32, 52,
54, 58, 63, 77, 78, 81, 109, 110, 11%
124, 128; officer, 11940; 111 16, 271;
IV 52, 55, 58, 71, 772 82, 110, 123, 124,
127, 128.

VALLEY,SACRED:Intef I landed there,
1 423.
IV 580.
VASE, I1 802; IV 326; given to the
temple of Amon for libation, I 421;
I1 164.
-Made of bronze, I 500; I1 164; IV
538; copper, I 500; I1 164; costly
stone, I1 545; electrum, I1 164;
gold, I 500; I1 32, 64, 164, 754; IV
199, 238, 269, 327,538; fine gold, IV
334; gold of two times, IV 231; silver,
1500; I1 32, 164, 754; IV 203, 231,
269, 327, 334,538.
d - k > - n > vase, I1 518; from Retenu,
11509, 533; Kham, 11436.
vase from Kham I1
436; from Retenu, I1 509,518,533 ( ?)-Denya vase, IV 238, 269.
-Enkhy vase, IV 269, 334.
-Gen vase. IV 224.
-Nemset v&e, 1?-2'6~, 334.
-Heset vase, IV 269, 334.
-Vase stand, IV 199, 269, 327.
-Vase inscription: see under Inscriptions.
11 117, 159, 161; IV 244,
283, 329, 3411 371, 387, 949, 9507 952,
953, 954, 958M; for oblation, I1 815;
IV 335; for divine offering, I1 567,
620, 621, 622; 111 77, 159; IV 200,
217; IV 229, 394; for food, 111 207,
'I1 59.
-Paid as
also Beans, Cabbage, Onions,
VESSEL(ship), IV 944; of Snefm's fleet,
189; of Hatshepsut, I1 252, 266, 288;
transport vessels, of Thuthotep, I 697;
temple vessels, I1 162; from Genebteyew, I1474; Wawat, I1 475,487,503;
515, 523; Punt, I1 486; Kush, I1 494,
502, 514.
-Eight vessel (a barge), 11 917.
VESSELS,IV 231, 285, 343, 373, 385,
386, 389, 394, 876.
Vesselsbronze, 11 436, 459, 795; copper,
I1 459; from Retenu, I1 491: costly
stones, I1 615, 103,; IV 730; gold, I1
490, 615, 989, 1028, 1031; 111 106;
I V 285, 343, 497, 566, 73% wrought
with gold, from Retenu, I1 790. 1031;
brfi-stone from Assur, I1 446; iron
from Tinay, I1 537; kpis lasuli, I1
; 111 106; malachite, I1 1031;
silver, I1 615, 795, 1028, 1031; I11
'ofi; IV 343. 476, 477, 497, 566! 730.
yq:!; from Zahi, I1 490; Nahirnn, I1
481; of workmanship of Zahi, I1 482,
490; from Retenu, I1 491, 518; 111
rob; of workmanship of, I1 qyr; of
the work of Kcftvew.
from Tina". I1
-the work of Zahi, from Retenu, I1
vessels, IV 9 j M ; for the
temple cult, IV 268.
-1Xin vessel of silver, I V 735.
-Spouted vessel of silver, IV 735.
--r -vessel, I V 238.
-Zkhu-vessck, IV 334.
-SF-vcsel, I V 732, 733, 734.
-k kmn-vessel, IV 582.
-( 2-pw-vessels, I11 5%.
-! b-vessel, IV 582.
--dm-vessek, of silver, IV 735.
VICTORY:commemoration of, in the
temple, I z z ; at Mrgiddo, 11 431;
see also Hymns.
V~LIAOE,I1 852; sheikof, I1 692,699,
VlOl.ATOns, of mortuary endowment, I1
9a5; 111 192, 194; IV483; of treaty,
I11 386.
VISION. of a gad, I11 445.
. .VINES: I 496; IV 216; planting of, I
'73; of sand-dwellers, 1313; gardens,
IV 180.

vinepdrd &ate, f nor.

-Vineyards of Amon, I1 386; I V 213,
216; lribute from, I1 386; of Re, I V
VornEss: of Pti~h,I V 321; divine votrer.sofAmon-Re,IVj11,513,Sar, 522,
514%946, yj8C, M; houne of, IV 511,
513, j z r , 522, y58F, G, K; major
durnoof,IVgxr, 513, jaz; granaryof,
IV 958G, H; singing women of, 11'
521; cattleyards of, IV y58(:, H ;
tombs of, I V 522, 958M; temple of,
I V 958K.


(fatal oi a god), I1 94.
VULTURE,I11 154.

WAGONS:from Assur, I1 449; see also
Ox-carts. Chariots.
WALL,11184, 141, 2 6 0 , 269, 567, 676;
IV 65, 189, ar6, 250, 271, 355, 356.
357. 358, 359, 360. 489, 654, 748, 818,
820, 853, 859, 861, 864, 879, 974, 970,
of fortress mclasure, I1 894;
king as, IV 72, 75.
-Canal wall, IV 628.
-Siege-wall: of Megiddo, I1 433.
-Temple walls: uf electrum, I1 886; 1V
748; metal, IV 66.
-Walled towns, IV 818, 830.
-Walls of lakes, IV yro, 9x2; of pools,
IV 9 7 2
WAND,111 43.
ROYAL,I 348, 533, 608;
Great lord of, Master of, sce IndexV.
-Wardrobe of the temple: rank of the
kecpcr of, 1 550.
WARES, 111276
Wnns, of Pepi I, 13"; H z m h a b , I11
33-44; Libyan, under Merneptah, I
13. ruleof, IV 861; see also Batlles.
-Warrior, I11 579; 1V 58, 65, 75, 8'.
879; of the sea, I11 479; I V 44; Hittite, I11 337.
-Warship: Egyptian, I 3zz; IV 65,
74; of Peleset, IV 74; Sherden, I V
74; made of acacia, IV zag, 387.
-Wrr club of Snefru, I 168; oi Prpi I,
1296; of Asiatics, 1,365 n.c.
-War mibce, IV 130, 246.
-Wir office: i n chaiee of the vizier.
11 69335, 702.
-War plan, I 312; 111307; council of,
11 420; 111 322.
-M.m of war., I11 ~ ? o .
WATCH,I1 9x6; of army, I1 425, 864;
rri 2~~~

-. .+,;

-Liballon of for mortuary offering, I11

-Water-supply, I 407; I1 rg n. e ; 111
r70; under chuge of vizier, I1 698,



of Akhetaton, I1 966; of
Egypt, 11410; Naharin (=Euphrates),
I1 583.



WATERFOWL: see Fowl.

WAYOF LIFE, I1 990; of heaven, I1 257;
of Re, I1 257; to Punt, I1 285, 294;
the Two, I1 299.
WAX, IV 240, 393.
-gods, made of, for magical purposes,
IV 454; people, made of, IV 455.
WEAPONS,IV 75, 91, 410, 944; royal,
I1 213,430, 784,801; sol&ers, I1 429;
IV 71; Asiatics, I1 784; of Ikathi, I1
788; of Kheta, I11 310, 343.
-Weapons of war, IV 825; from U1laza, I1 470; Retenu, I1 471, 534 (?);
Meshwesh, I11 589; Naharin, I1 482;
Nuges, I1 508.
-See also Arrow, *\xe, Baton, Bow,
Dagger, Hatchet, Knife, Lance,Mace,
Rod, Scourge, Shield, Spear, Sword.
WEIGHING,I1 273-74, 281,387; IV 256;
Thoth, guardian of, IV 256.
WEIGHT,1 531.
-COW, 11 279; Iv 29.
m b '-weight, IV 240.
-Karamti-weight. IV 286.
- ~ u s a - w e i ~ h t ,302,
~ ~ ~349,
, 395; tribute, 11719, 720, 721, 722, 735.
-Round, I1 279.
-See also Deben, Kidet.
WELL,I11 84, 86, 616.
--of Ayan, IV 406; Redesiyeh, I11 171,
197.; of Elephantine, I11 171; the
oasis, IV 726, 728; "Well of Meriamon-Ramses-Mighty-in-Victory," I11
293; " Menmare-is-Great-in-Victory,"
I11 84; Merneptah-Hotephinna, I11
631; located on the highland, I11631.
-Digging of, I 431 ; I11 171, 195, 286,
287, 289, 290, 291, 292; inspection
of, IV 726; seizure of, I 431; wonderful origin of, in Hammamat, I 45 1;
temple-well masoned, I 534.
-am-wells, IV 726.
-hbs-well, IV 726.
WHEAT,IV 9, 190, 193, 207, 259, 363,
WHIPS: of ebony, I1 802; gold, I1 802;
ivory, I1 802.
WHITE HOUSE,IV 958G; offerings of,
I 370; departments of, I 447; chief
of, I 722; overseer of, I1 1014, ~ o i o ;
IV 495, 511, 512; Scribe of, see Index V.

House of Miam (Ibrim):
scribe of, IV 474.
-Double White House, I 505; festival
oil from, for Mekhu's funeral, I 370;
clothing from, for Mekhu's funeral,
I 370; of the court, embalmment
equipment from, for Zau, I 382;
overseer of, I 505; see also Treasury.
TEMPLE,1560-64, 566,573-74,583.
the keeper of, I 550.
WIDOW: kindness to, I 395; K h a ~
a widow to Egypt, I11 617.
WIFE-SISTER,IV 774; violation of, I1
WILD FOWL:see Fowl.
WILDGOATS:see Goats.
I 5; of
Prince Nekure, I 190-9; Nekonekh,
I 223-25; Yewelot, IV 794; Shepnupet 11, IV 946.
WIND,THE NORTH:the sweet, I1 353.
WINDOW,IV 573, 871.
WINE, I 496; 11 117, 159, 26% 434,
887; 111 268; IV 216, 217, 228, 233,
239, 283, 2999 341, 3449 348, 363,376,
s87, 565, s89* 734? 9497 95P9 9529 953,
954, 972; for d n n e offenng, I1 562,
616, 621, 622, 793, 798; IV 190, 213,
262, 269, 272, 286, 292,3097 313,329,
390, 958M, 1021; for evening offering, I1 565; for feast offering, I1 566;
ohlation, 1435; 11553,554,571,612,
960; I11 284; IV 199, 208, 335, 468,
768; for mortuary offering, I1 571;
I11 17, 526; for food, 111208.
-as tribute, I1 750, 751, 771; IV 734.
--of Anad, 11461; Zahi, I1 462, 472,
510, 519; Retenu, I1 491, 509, 518,
616; southern oasis, IV 734, 992.
-Honeyed wine, from Retenu, I1 447,
-Hemy wine, IV 734.
-Syene wine, IV 734.
-Wine cellar, IV 512.
-Wine gardens of Amon, IV 213.
-Wine pressrs, I1 461.
-See also Date Wine, Shedeh.
WING,OF ARMY,I1 426, 430; Pharaoh,
lord of, I1 661.
OF, I11 402.
WISE MAN, I 697; 111 434,?.38, 439;
of the house of sacred writings, IV

d. n.-divine name.
P. n.=prronal name.
E. n.-efhnic name.
r. n.=royal name.
f . n.=teacfnamc.
g. n . = g ~ ~ m p h i cname.



r. n., I yo.

a-ywru-n,g. n., I V 712.

yr-nu, p. n. (?), IV 398 n. a.
. , , p. n., I1 6.
n d k , p. n., IV 681.
n - n z w a,
n., 111 310, 340, 356;
?V 64. 127; y m s (read
D a*-r), 111 141
n -r+n 3, g. n., 111 368, 391.
9 +-n-4, g. n., 111 308, 3
1 + 2 -m,
111 634.
> - 7 = l r J - m ,g. n., 111 310.
Ds,-r-p-E", I1 519 n. f.
a -r = -rb, g. n., I1 512.
=-r,-s=, g. n., 111 rr4; IV64,482, 59'.
8 + = 4y-wl, g. n., I1 461; "
I 2 -gal, I1
465; '+,-!w, 111 3og9 312; I V 64;
Y - r - W (read a+.-!w), 111 306.
+ = -8 >, g. n., I V 120.
-7y-y-m, p. n., I V 455.
-3 - 6 , -1 5 g. n., IV 4oj.
3 s-sws a , see Ys-sw-r 3
=-s-R-rwa=,g.n.,III355; 2-s-$,-,-my,
111 617.
a-k'-n)(vase), 11 436, soy1 518, 533.
-6'-Y-1: g. n., 111 286; a - k r - l y , IV
n - k - z - y f 5 g. n., 111 601; m-k=-wDJD7
- f 579; *-*'111574; ~ - k ~ - w ',.I11
y-u, -i =, 111 588 bis.
I .k, ..,.f,
p. ,., IV 878; = k. 2 +,.I,, IV
8x5; >-k ,-n-Sw, I V 869.
9 k
. > > .ty , g. n., 111 306; '- 6 , -ry-6,
111 309; ' - k a A+-y, 111 31%
b-ty, g. n., 111 576.
r, g. n., I V 7'4.



n.=*mp1c w e .

.4+)- 3, g. n., IV 716.

3 4 - n v , g. n., I V 7 0 n. e.
r - 6 n u - m ~-m, g. n., IV 712 n. f.
n t r (enemy ?), I1 r5 n. b.
y, r. n., I1 989.
( a title), IV 547 n. c.,
"'(-iar). I V 228, 233. 283. 286, 344,
376, 387, 390.
o r -bw (-jar), IV 194, 299.
r bw, g. n., IV 679 n. c.
' m y (or V n m y ) , P. n., 1343.
a n - ~ ~ - g g.
- ~n.,
D , 11 490, 507. 557;
Yn-yuv-g-r l , 11 436.
a n - n s a -!
, g. n., 111 1x4.
D n-7 1 -lw, g. n., I1 470.
W (~'iolence),1423 n. e.
a rk, g. n., I1 845 n. f.
((herb), 11 159.
11 I n. b.
b ' t (first season), I zr8 n, a.
'ly, p. o., II 358.


y r T, g. n,, 1510.
Y - y - I ) - y , p. n., IV 445,
g. n., 111 14r; seer.n.w-rD.
Y.ny,,y, p. "., IV 440.
Y-nw-, r +w, g. n., I1 436,557;I11 90,
rr4, 6r7.
Y+- = -s-t, g. n., I1 784 n. f.
Y + -lw, g. n., 111 306; see '-r3-tY-wt.
Y - I c - d c ,g. o., I1 416; Y-4, -,,IV
Y-&n, g. n., I1 419
Y-@p, g. n., I 312.
Y - k , -8 1, g. n., I1 787; Y-k -ly, I1 787.



Y 3 -rd, g. n., IV 368.

Y 3 -t 3, p. n., I 728.
Y 3 -tw, p. n., I 723.
Y a't (cattle), IV 242.
Y 3 g. n., I 496.
Y > w ' t (goats), I11 428 n. d.
Y>m,e.n.,1324; Y>m,g.n.,1333,
334,336; Y m > w ,g. n., 1510; Y m m ,
y > m ' t , d . n., I 98.
Y a mw-Khk, g. n., I1 42.
Y > nny, p. n., I1 343.
Y htb, g. n., I 431.
Y > E-n-Ytn, r. n., I1 959.
y > b (spirit), I11 510.
Y , b-nb't, p. n., I 230.
y a &wurt
(horizon), I1 316 n. c.
Y bwty, d. n., I1 325.
Y 3 &w.t-n-Ytn, t. n., I1 1018.
Y > bw't-htp-hr, p. n., I 252.
y , sr (tamarisk), IV 241; read D sr.
Y 3 t-Sbk, g. n., I 173.
Y 3 tw, p. n., I1 912.
Yy-mrs, g. n., I 173.
Yy-br-nfr.t, p. n., I 664.
Y c h , d. n., I1 896.
Y h (-grain),11 733, 737, 739,748, 749.
Y c h-wbn, p. n., IV 1029.
Y c h m S , p. n., I1 6.
Y c h-mf-nfr .t-yry, p. n., 11 26.
Y c h-ms-s > -p > -yr, r. n., IV 519.
y c hty (peasant, lit. "belonging to the
field"), I 536; see yhwty.
y bw-yS't, IV 520 n. b.
Y w - w -p-ty, p. n., IV 705.
Yw-w > -p. f, r. n., IV 830.
Y w - w > -r -t, p. n., IV 794.
Yw-p-ty, r. n., IV 794.
Yw-fy-ty (-plant), IV 234,344,378,392.
Yw-mytrw, g. n., I 459 n. c.
Y w - n g. n., IV 948.
Yw-r-d-n, g. n., IV 716.
Yw-d-h-m-rw-k, g. n., IV 713.
yw-t (where), I11 288 n. b.
Yw-iw, g. n., I11 114.
Y w ' f , p. n., I1 112.
11 224 n. b.


yw-ty ' sn, I11 I 74.

yw-tw hr bs'k, IV 730 n. a.
Y w y , p. n., I11 p B .
Y w y 3 , p. n., I1 862, 867.
y w c ' t y (peasantry), I11 322.
Y w w , g. n., I1 299 n. b.
Y w b , p. n., IV 991.
Y w h , p. n., I11 p C .
Yws- c > s, IV 278; Yws- c -st, d . n.,
IV 183.
Yb-s > -k -b 8, g. n., I11 86.
Yb-3 J, p. n., I 620 n. d.
Y b J, p. n., IV 958B.
Ybb, p. n., I 707.
Ybby, p. n., 1283.
Ybnw, IV 378, 395.
ybh ' t ( s t o n e ) , I1 501.
Y b h ' t , g. n., I1 852.
Y b h a't, g. n., I 321.
Ybdw, p. n., I 303.
y p t (measure), IV 232, 234, 238, 239,
240, 241, 244, 286, 294, 295, 2971 301,
350, 380, 385 n- a., 390, 392, 393.
Y p ' t - y s ' w t , g. n., I11 510.
y p ' w (dues), I1 716 ter, 717.
YPY, P. n., 1 387.
ypy ybt nb ypt n &nw m rs pn, 1 320,
n. b.
Y p w , d. n., 1 500.
ym, I 784 n. c.
Y m w , g. n., I 351.
Y m y , p. n., I 450.
F y - W b, 1 370.
ymy-wr't nt W > s e t , 11 905 n. d.
ymy-pr (fortune), IV 946.
y m y - r ~ys't m W 8 . t - j X r , I1 385 n. a.
ymy-bnty, I1 1009.
ymyw-bnty (courtiers), I11 267.
ymyw-si't, e. n., I1 658 n. d.
Ymn-ys-r-w 3, r. n., I1 896 n. d.
Ymn-wsr- C, p. n., I 777.
Ymn-m-yn't, p. n., IV 522.
Ymn-b c w , p. n., IV 449.
Ymnw-brp (pyramid name), I 601.
Y m w , p. n., I 529.
Y b't-yrny, p. n., I 387.
Y a bw-mnw, t. n., IV 753 n. a.

Y m t s , r. n., 1310.
y n ' w (tribute), I11 481 ; y n ' t w , I11 632.
Yn-y7u-g-s 3, g. n., I1 436; see 3 n-ywg-s 3.
Y n - m w . t ' f (pillar of his mother), I11
155; IV 761.
Y n - n - r 3 -y, p. n., I V 553.
yn-n-bw (-stone), I V 600.
Y n t f , p. n., 1365.
Yn-tu1.f- 2, r. n., I V 516.
Yn-tf.- c 3, r. n., I 423; IV 514.
Y ~ Yg. ,n., 1459.
Y ~ YP.,n., 1373.
y n y y (brought), I1 271 n. c.
Y n y . t , g. n., 1459, n. d; I1 I n. b.
Y n w - w 3 w w , p. n., I11 635.
Y n w - M n ' t ' y w , e. n., I11 118 (read
Ynw-Sfnw, p. n., I V 366, 367.
Y n w Sm c, g. n., I1 1018.
Y n b w - w , g. n., IV 857.
y n m ( ?), I 736 n. d.
ynr-n-m ' t (granite), 111 54.
ynr nfr n c n w , I1 339 n.b.
y&yW, 1 104.
Yr-wn, g. n., I11 309 n. d; Y r - w n ' t ,
I11 312.
Yr-my, d. n., I1 959 n. c, 985 n. b; I11
285 n. a.
Y r ' t - r w , p. n., I V 792.
Y r y , P. n., I 333.
Y r y , P. n., I 3 6 9
yry (to visit), I 602 n. d.
yry- c t-n-pr-hd (treasury official), I 718.
m rs pn, I 320 n. f.
yry srt yrt
yry.7~-pt (fowl), I11 404 n. e.
Y r y ' t - s . t , p. n., I1 112.
y r y t ' n ' y pw m w n ' m a c (in reality),
I 471 n. c.
Y r m , g. n., I1 494, 845 n. f.
yrr (-stone), IV 377.
Y r r t y , d. n., I1 828.
Y r i t , g. n., 1311, 317, 334 bis, 336.
Yrrit, g. n., I 324.
Yh 3, p. n., I 688 n. a.
Y h y , p. n., I 165.
Y h y , P. n., 1387.
Y b w , p. n., I 298.

yhwty (peasant), I V 229; see y c hty.

y b ' t (thing), I 652 n. a.
y b ' t (offering), 11 618.
yb't-ntr (divine offerings), I V 1020.
Y b y , p. n., 1 183.
Y b y , p. n., 1298, 301.
Y & k y n , g. n., 1510.
Y s - m - r >, g. n. (read 3 S-SUI-r>), I1 446
bis, 449.
ys-m 3 -r 3 (emory), IV 600.
ys-h3 k.t, I1 916 n. b.
y s ' t w r ' t nt W > s ' t , I1 905 n. d.
ys.t-m 3 c't (necropolis), IV 668.
YSY,g. n., I1 493, 511, 659.
Y s s y , r. n., 1351, 353.
yS (tomb), I1 36.
YS't-yb, r. n., I 250; YS't-yb-t 3 w y ,
r. n., I 250.
yS't-dsr't (cemetery), I 770, 771.
y i w y (chamber), I1 165.
Y k n , g. n., I 652.
Ykr-yb, p. n., 1343.
Ykul-dydy, p. n., 1526.
Y k w y , p. n., 1419.
Y t y , r. n., 1 387.
Y t y , P. n., 1459.
ytwr (aisle), IV 971.
ytr (measure), I1 479; y t r ' w , I1 852.
ytr (river), IV 831 n. f.
yth (fortress), I 396 n. h.
Yl-t 3 w y , g. n., I 628 n. c; IV 856.
yd (youth), 1 2.57.
Y d ' h t , g. n., 1431.
Y d y , p. n., I 466 n. c.
ydf (-garments), IV 239, 375.
Y d n y w y w (-plant), IV 235. 379, 392.
ydg a (-garments), IV 232, 374, 375.

(-jar), IV 279, 300, 301, 347, 348, 350.

(-measure), IV 299, 348, 394.
c (-vessel), I V 238.
a -mw (water-supply), I 407 n. c; I 1
15 n. c; I11 170 n. a.
c -n-p-rw-n, g. n., I V 716.
c -pu,-r >, IV 281.
c -pr-d-g a -r 3, p. n., I11 632.

-s-ty-r -1, d. n., IV 105.
-k- a g. n., I11 114.

cnn, p. n., I1 931.

nb (citizen), I11 51, 57, 59; IV 397;
c n b . w (people), I 286 n. e, 681 bis;
e-t (house), I11 625; I V 956, 957.
'I1 65; IV 397 n' a'
6.t nt & (arbors), IV 264 n. a, 1021 n. b.
c nb (wreath), I11 208 n. d.
c.t-hk't (beer-hall), IV 45 I n. c.
c nb-nfr-yb-R c, r. n., I1 896 n. d.
c (chieftain), I V 111, 129 bis, 726.
c nb-Hr, p. n., I V 958B.
4 D-phty-st,r. n., I11 542.
c nb'f-Ymn, p. n., I V 689.
c D m - k 3 w, p. n., I 782.
cnby (-vase), IV 269, 334.
-n-k c h (chief of a district), IV 699.
c nbw, p. n., I 783.
-n -n y, p. n., IV 452.
6 n&s, p. n., I V 1029.
5 -r 3 -n
g. n., IV 713.
c nty, d. n., I11 467; C n-t y-t, I11 84; c nt,
c 3 -r -ty (ramp), IV 189 n. a.
d. n., IV 105.
c D - m - n Jg.n.,
11 421, 422, 425, 426, c n t y (myrrh), 1 1 ~
r n-l-r -ty, d. n., I11 386.
c D -rw-d- >, g. n., IV 716.
c n& (safety), I1 105 n. f.
E 3 -bpr-n-R C, I1 116; IV 637.
c r-k 3 -tw, g. n., I1 529.
c 2 -&pr-RC ,r. n., IV 784.
c ry.t (hall, judgment-hall), I1 764, 767;
a -3 -k (to oppress), IV 188 n. a.
I V 931; crry't, I1 763.
c "g-m, p. n., I11 337.
c rk (measure), IV 231.
c 3 -ty-k :
g. n., IV 408.
ah 3 -itf7, p. n., IV 539.
c a . 1 (costly stone), IV 1011n. c.
c h B .w (warriors), I11 479.
2 m (-club), I 365 n. c.
c h 3 ty-nfr, p. n., I V 551.
* o m-hryw-S C, e. n., I 311.
c h c (standing), I 317 n. C.
c D m ' w ,e. n., I 3 6 0 bis, 681 bis; 11 4, . h c (heap), I 785 n. h.
296, 303, 657,658 n. e; 111 139, 457;
,It (-jar), II 571. +
IV 31, 72, 80, 994 n. a.
c h c (violence), I 423 n. e.
c 3 mw n Sw, e. n., I 620 n. d.
c h c (palace), IV 900, 966 n. b.
c 3 bw, p. n., I 707.
6 h c (magazine), I 370.
c d (stretch of land), I 430"n. h.
6 h c -stny, I1 292 n. C.
w ("doors"), I 322 n. e.
8 b (altar), IV 1020.
w 3 (to take), IV 1005.
a bw (-vessel), IV 334.
c w 9 (to reap), IV 893.
bm't~I1 339 n. a.
c yn ("to buildwithlimestone ofAyanJ1),
I 212 n. c; c y n (limestone), IV 'S (-jar), IV 924.
a S D -hb-Sd, p. n., IV 438.
216, 355, 356, 358.
c wt (tablets), IV 202 n. d, 231.
E k (-loaves), I V 238, 291, 393.
pr (equipment), 1 366 n. a; I V 466.
c k (-priest), IV 753.
m w , g . n., 11 387; IV 34; m mw, 6 k-hr (=enter upon), IV 460 n. c.
I1 298 n. c.; Cmw, I1 265.
c &.t, e. n., I1 70.
c mw, p. n., I 512.
c g ' t , I1 447 ter.
c n- c n&, p. n., I 360.
c tb (kneader), I11 624 n. g.
n'f-sw, p. n., IV 550.
6 &
(guily), IV 533 n. e.
a nu, g. n., 11 27, 103, 339; see also
dd (youth), IV 570.
c yn.
a nw (tablets), IV 202 n. d, 231.
c nb-fm J ' t ,I1 726, 727.
W B -, g. n., I1 457.
nbw (-plant), IV 379, 395.
W 3 -yw-h 3 -s -t J , p. n., I V 726.
c nbw (-fruit), IV 240, 393.


W -r 3 -n a , p. n., I V 437.
W 3 -r D -k 3 -ty+ D , p. n., I V 574.
W -3-3, e. n., IV 403; W -3 9 -3 a, IV
W -3 > -ty-h 2 -t =,p. n., IV 784.
w >'w (officer), I1 987.
W ~'urt-Hr,
g. n., I1 385 n. a.
w 3.t, (way), IV 75 n. b.
W >,tt-Hr,g. n., I1 385 n. a.
W > y"t, g. n., I1 1037.
W J W , ~ . I~ 510.
W > w ~ . e.
t , n., I 311, 317, 324, 358,
367; 11475,487.
W > rty, p. n., I V 566.
w h (wreath), 11 185.
W 2 h-.yb-Rc, r. n., IV 958D, 960, 988F,
990, 1000.
W h-ys't, g. n., I1 736 bis.
W 2 h.-cnb, r. n., I 396 n. h, 423, 529.
W h.-kJ-Rc, r. n., IV 811, 884.
w 2 h't (oasis), I 335 n. h.
w 3 hy't (station), I1 614.
w s (-scepter), 1 646.
W ~ s ' tg., n., I11 30; IV 913, 926.
w g, f. n., I1 35.
W > g, g. n., I 433 n d.
W d (-fowl), 1 729.
w d ((fresh),I 429 n. b.
l$J d - c nd, r. n., I 90.
w >d-wr (sea), I1 450 n. a; I11 118;
IV 921 n. e.
W > d-bpr-R c, r. n., IV 519.
W 2 d . t rnp.wt, r. n., I1 239.
W - c -n, g. n., I 1 582.
w c s 3 w c , I11 622, n. b.
w b I(-priest),1538, 552, 563, 564, 5723
583; I1 97; 111 31, 78, 160; I V 753,
95&D, 988H, 1018.
[W c b-k w]-Hthr, p. n., I 218.
w c b't (joint of beef), I1 114.
w c b't (pure), I 370.
w c b't (kitchen), I11 624 n. i; IV 958J.
W c7.t (bend), g. n., 1370, 509 n. f.
w c rtw (commandant), I 679, 683.
ww (.-well), I V 726.
wb > (forecourt), I1 627; IV 514.
wb (inspect), I312 n. e; wb (explore),
I 334 n. e; IV 720 n. e.


wb (-stone), IV 303, 350, 395; wb ~ ' t ,

IV 287, 377.
wb 3 -hr (instructed), I1 758 n. c.
Wbb'w, p. n., I11 650.
wp, IV 465 n. f.
Wp-w > wt, d. n., I 763 n. i.
Wpg, t. n., IV 1020.
wm't (-linen), 11 554.
wn (coffin), IV 965 n. e.
Wn-phty, p. n., I V 552.
wn-hr (appearance), IV zoo n. a.
wn-hr (experienced), I1 758 n. c.
wn[hrn]sS>rnyrw.t, I1 371 n. c.
wn-dw (-oxen), I 1 723, 742; I11 413.
Wny, p. n., I 293.
Wnw, g. n., IV 833, 843 bis.
WnSk, g. n., I1 848 n. a.
Wr-Ymn, p. n., IV 512.
wr- c 3 (great chief), I11 426.
zw pr hd (chief of the White House),
I 722.
Wr-k e. n., I 112.
zw.t (greatly), 1317 n. g, 493.
zw.t (princess), I11 391 n. c.
zw 't-hk w, d. n., IV 66.
Wr -m-r p. n., IV 43.
Wrm, g. n., I1 845 n. f.
Wriw, f. n., IV 727.
wrdw (-bird), IV 345 his.
Whm-yb-RC,r. n., I V 1028.
whm c n& nfr (repeating a happy life),
I 7. 2-5
Whm-mS'wt, r. n., IV 545.
whm-Stny (royal herald), I 1 764; whmn-Stny, I1 764 n. c.
whm kf c (repeating captures), I1 20 n. f.
whm'sn nj (they answered him), IV
922 n. b.
whm.w (heralds), I1 925 n. a.
wh 3 (to quarry stone), I 335 n. h.
wh -ny ("I reaped"), I 658 n. f.
W h ' ' t , g. n., I 335.
wh3.t (a measure), I 556.
wh c (to loose), I 1 148 n. a.
Wsr-m c't-R c -P- c nby, r. n., IV 941
n. a.
Wsr-h>'t,I1 888 n. b.
Wsr-bp3, p. n., I V 526.

J ,



Wsr't-k w, r. n., I 239.

wsb (-ship), IV 19, 720 n. d.
wsb-hb-Sd (jubilee-court), IV 707 n. d.
wsb't (castle), I 532 bis.
wslp.t (broad hall), I1 1018; I11 515.
Wfr-bC w, r. n., I 163.
wSmw (pail), I1 32.
wtwt (to stir), I1 616.
wtb (-priest), I 668.
Wtntyw, g. n., I1 660 n. e.
wts-nfr ' t (barque-shrine), I192; IV 982.
wis.t nfmf (bearer of his beauty), I1
316 n. d.
Wlk, g. n., I 369.
Wts-Hr, g. n., I 500.
Wit, g. n., I 367.
wd (put, place), I 423E n. c; wd'n. y
(have placed), I1 198 n. h.
wdn, I1 735.
wd (-mineral), IV 348, 377.
wdnw-nt (-loaves), IV 238, 291, 297.
wd (storehouse), I1 751; wd :11 751.
Wd -Hr, I. n., IV 980.
Wd-Pth-c nb'f, p. n., IV 792.
wd't-md't (command, edict), I 193 n. b.
wd 1 (prosperity), I1 105 n. f.
wd3 (sacred eye), IV 2 0 1 n. b.
Wd a -rn's, p. n., IV 951.
W d aY , P. n., 1 343.
wdb (pay), I 219 n. b.
wdh (offering-table), I 610; I1 32.
wdh (=sparkling), I1 533 n. g.

B- c -Ltw-R 3 -m-g-w, p. n., I11 630.
B-n-t-r-5, p. n., I11 436.
B a, g. n., IV 716 n. b.
b a (soul), IV 187.
B D -w-y, g. n., I11 340
B , -wr-dd, p. n., I 351, 353.
b 3 -b a -y 3 (-stone), IV 377.
b B -nw (-fruit), IV 378, 395.
B 3 -rw-m a -m, g. n., IV 713 n. f.
B 3 -hw, p. n., IV 481.
B J -k \ g. n., I11 285:
b a -k 3 -y 3 (-plant), IV 234.
B 2 -k a -n 2, g. n., IV 405.

B 3 -k 2 -R C , r. n., IV 921.
B -ty-&-wa -rw-n, g. n., IV 712.
g a -ty-f 3 -n-+ J, g. n., I V 712; Ba-l-f
-r ', I11 114.
B 3 -ty-t 3 a - m m, g.
- n., IV 713
. - n. h.
B 3 -t- c -n-t, g. n., I11 114; B ) -y-ty- c -nty, I11 356.
B a -dy-r 5 g. n., IV 565.
B 3 b 3, p. n., I1 7.
Ba stt nt tp-rfy, d. n., I 396 n. c.
B 1 k ' t , p. n., I 622.
B k, g. n., I11 284.
b k 3 y't (precinct), I11 31 n. b.
BY =,g. n., I 353 n. c. 735.
by a (iron), 11 537 n. C.
By a't (mine-land), I 602, n. d.
bya't (loaf), I1 113; I11 77, 159; IV
238, 291, 297, 347; by't, I11 624 n. h.
by a y't (gritstone), IV 287 n. c.
Byn, g. n., IV 867.
Byn-m-W 3 s.t, p. n., IV 443.
By2 s-t a, g. n., IV 956, 957.
b cny (-plant), IV 380, 395.
Bw-yw-w 3-w >, p. n., IV 792.
Bw-pn-Ymn-&a c, p. n., IV 682.
Bb-r :g. n., I1 446, 484.
bp 3 (-jar), IV 300, 348.
bp 3 -ny-ny, IV 234.
bnw't (-stone), I1 643.
bnbn (pyramidion, sanctuary), I1 572
n. e, 935; bnbn't, IV 982.
bnr (sweet), I1 433 n. h.
brk (tribute), IV 577 n. a.
brk (to hail), IV 122; b 3 -r a -k (gifts),
IV 207 n. e.
Bhny, g. n., I11 79;. Bhn't, 111 159;
Bwhn, I11 285.
Bhksy, p. n., I 365.
bh (-loaves), IV 238, 393.
Bh-hw-k 3, r. n., IV 514.
Bbw, g. n., I1 597.
bbn, IV 235.
bbn (black basalt), I 675 n. a; bbnw,
I11 246.
bbn - w (strongholds), IV 141.
bbn't (pylon), I11 508.
bsn't (tool), IV 189 n. d.
B f , r. n., 181.
bk (-oil), IV 239, 376; bk a (-oil), IV 390.
Bk, p. n., I1 975.
bk (tower), IV 842 n. b.
bk (serve, labor, pay taxes), IV 931,
932, 933.
Bk-wr-n-r 3, p. n., I V 555.
Bk-n-Wr-n-r', p. n., IV 512.
Bk-n-nfy, p. n., IV 830.
Bky, g. n., 11 852.
bk'w (imposts), 1731; I1 716; 111481.

P- c nby, r. n., IV 816.

P-w 3 -7-m p. n., IV 881.
P-w :,-r-m C, p. n., IV 821.
P-n-dw :,w, p. n., I V 430.
P 3 -y-yry, p. n., IV 442.
P 3 -y-:yS, p. n., I V 444.
P -y->; p. n., I11 337 bis.
P 3 -yf-.r wy, p. n., IV 423.
P :,-ynywk, p. n., IV 429.
P -yr-nw, p. n., IV 423.
P -yr-swn, p. n., IV 443.
P3-C-n-bywk,p. n., IV 512.
P - c = - c k, p. n., I1 839.
p - c - m-k C > -y -d- >, g. n., IV 715.
P - c n-b c W , p. n., I V 512.
Pa-un-c', p. n., IV 511.
P:, -wgly, g. n., I V 368.
P J - b ~ - y - Jg., n., IV 716 n. b.
Pa -B -3, p. n., IV 878; P a y-b 3 -s r,
p. n., IV 423, 452.
P -m 3, p. n., I V 815, 878.
P 8 mr-btm, p. n., I11 634.
P a -mry-Ymn, p. n., IV 546.
P , -mh-t -m g. n., I11 94.
Pa -7, -hw, r. n., 11 258.
P -r -k mn% p. n., I V 445.
P a -R [, 111542.
P a -Rc -p ' yw-yt, p. n., IV 593.
P 3 -Rc -m-hb, p. n., I11 634.
P B -R3 -m-hb, p. n., I V 423.
P :,-Rc -htp, p. n., I V 281.
P 3 -rw-k 3, p. n., I V 439.
P 3 -h-r 3, g. n., I11 114.
P -hw-k-rur- - -b -r -m, g. n., IV



P -s - c k 3, p. n., IV 784.
P 3 -sr, p. n., IV 513.
P -Sbk, p. n., IV 784.
P -+w, p. n., IV 784.
P , -krr, p. n., IV 932.
P :,-k :,-n c -n g. n., I11 88; P 3 -k 3
n c -n c, I11 617.
P r -k 3 wt-yw, p. n., I V 485.
P r -t :,w-mdy-Ymn, p. n., IV 431.
P -iwt, p. n., IV 792.
P -gnf, p. n., IV 878; P a -lnfy, p. n.,
IV 815.
P -dy-Hr-sm 3 -t a wy, p. n., I V 878.
P -drps, p. n., IV 937 n. b.
P -&dkw,g. n., I1 9.
P y-b -ky-k -mn, p. n., IV 427.
P , y-nfr, p. n., I V 512.
P y-r -k g. n., I11 386.
P r y-k mn, p. n., IV 547.
p :, k ( a bread), I 577.
P ,dy-Ymn-ns't-t wy, p. n., I V 881.
P h 3 t -y , p.
- n., 1V 726.
Py-d J - s : g. n., I11 306, 309 n. d, 312;
Py-d-s >, I11 349.
Pyy y, r. n., I11 644; Py :, y, IV 224.
pypy't (keel), IV 582 n. a.
p c't (people), I 445; I11 578.
p c . t, (-loaves) IV 238.



- -pw, r. n., I 90.

Pw-r -s 3 -ty, g. n., IV 44, 82, 403;
Pw-r - s ' - , g. n., IV 64, 71, 81.
pw-g' (-jar), IV 300, 350.
Pw-t wy, g. n., IV 948.
Pw-tw-by-PJ, p. n., I11 391.
Pwnt, g. n., I 353.
pws - c k (-loaves), I V 238.
Pf-nf-dyy-B 2 s't, p. n., IV 852.
pn ("this"), 1 353 n. C.
Pn-ylt-t wy, p. n., I V 338.
pn wntyw, I1 808 n. c.
Pn-nw't, p. n., IV 482.
Pn-Nbb.t, p. n., I1 20.
Pn-mwt, p. n., IV 423.
Pn-hwy-byn, p. n., I V 442, 455.
Pn-t -w7, p. n., IV 444.
Pn-t 3-wr't, p. n., I11 315.
Pny-n yn 3, g. n., IV 867.

I 80

pnsw (joint of beef), I1 113.

Pnty-Bbnn.t, p. n., I V 878.
Pr (house), 111 507, 567; I V 183, 195,
197, 215, 222, 223, 225, 227, 277,
2839 288, 340, 355, 357, 365, 366,
367, 369, 958J, 972, 988D7 H.
Pr-ynbw, g. n., I V 956.
Pr-yr, g. n., I11 579 n. d, 583; PI-yrr,
I11 588.
Pr-c>, I 148 n. c.
Pr-c nb, g. n., I V 547.
Pr-w, g. n., I 159.
pr-wr (great house), I 609.
Pr-w-s > h, g. n., I 174.
Pr-b 3 -r 3 -ys't, g. n., I11 576.
Pr-m, (chLteau), I11 588 n. c.
Pr-nw, g. n., I 156.
Pr-nb-tp-yh, g. n., I V 818.
Pr-nsr, g. n., 1 159.
PI-H.t-h-Mfk, g. n., I V 1003 n. e.
Pr-Ht-hr-rSyt, t. n., I 373.
pr-& ty- c (count's estate), I 536.
Pr-H c p, g. n., I V 8 7 8
Pr-Hr, g. n., I1 742.
Pr-sp 5 g. n., I 172.
pr-sn (-loaves), I1 113; I11 624 n. h;
I V 238, 297, 347.
pr-stny (palace), I11 20; I V 751, 958J.
Pr-Sslt, g. n., I 172.
Pr-kd, g. n., I 172, 174.
Pr-g-w -ty, g. n., I V 405 n. c.
Pr-G-rw-nu, g. n., I V 878
P r d > d :g. n., I V 726.
Pr-Dhwty-Wp-rhwy, g. n., I V 830, 878.
pr-dt (estate), 1 545.
pr.w (houses), I11 498.
pr't (second season), I 735.
pr.t-s (-loaves), I11 77, 159.
Prww, g. n., 1 510.
Ph- C n, g. n., I V 1003 n. d.
ph sw (foe), I V 921 n. a.
phrr, 111579; I V 58, 65, 75, 80.
p&r-w (the Great Bend), I11 118.
ps 2 (-measure), I V 378, 395.
Psmtk, r. n., I V 960.
psn (loaf), I 241.

psd.t (ennead), I11 533; I V 399.

pS (flax), IV 241, 379, 392; PS't, I V
pk3.t (-linen), I 727; pk't, I1 554, 571.
P ~ Yg., n., I1 94.
pg (-vessel), I1 571.
Ptn, g. n., 1493.
Pth-n-k > w, p. n., 1 387.
Pth-SpSS, p. n., I 256.
pd't, I1 572.
Pd'ty-Sw, e. n., I11 580.
Pd'tt, g. n., I1 798.
pdr (crate), I V 241.

(pay), I V 482 n. c; 577 n. a; 1' Y
(to deliver), I V 266; f 3 y ' n (we
bring), I V 933.
F 3.t-c >'t-nt-Mwt,p. n., I V 641.
f 2 k 3.t; see mf k >'t,I 602 n. e.
Fnbw, e. n., I1 27, 529.
Fk 3.t ("Malachite"), g. n., I 266 n. c;
see mfk 3.t.

m c y (in charge of), I 423D.
m ys-h 3 k (spoil), I1 431 n. f.
m c m c (unclean), I V 882 n. d.
m w 3 (from afar), I V 822 n. b.
m ws (in vain), I 637 n. a.
M-n-g-b-ty, p. n., I V 565.
m n&, I V 722 n. b.
m-r 2 -y-n 3 (lord), I1 436, 585, 590.
M-r D-ya-yw-y, p. n., I11 579; M-53y > -y, I11 612; Mw-r > -y -y, I11 586;
M-r>-y,-yw, IV43; M-w-r:,-y3-y,
I11 610; M-w-r 3 -wy-y, I11 615.
M-r -s -r 5 r. n., I11 373, 391.
m r&.t, I11 583 n. d.
m hb ' f nb n b c ("at the his every feast of
appearance"), I V 988J n. c.
m-&3 -w (an animal), I1 449.
m & (hereafter), I V 722 n. b.
M-s 3 -b 3 -t 3, g. n., I V 405 n. d.
m-s 3 &y (-jar), I V 233m sp n Sp (because of occasions of
shame), I V 880 n. f.
m sp tpy (at the first time), I V 988J n. b.
m sn't r (in likeness to), I1 755 n. b.

, n., I11 580, 589; I V

40,43,58,405; M-3 '-w ', I V 87 (90).
M-S > -3: 3 -r, p. n., I V 90.
M-3 3 -k-n, p. n., I V 43.
m-5 > -k 3 -bwy (tax-officials), I V 266,
m Srtr-1, I 315, n. b.
M-k-ty, g. n., I1 437; My-k-ty, 11402,
420 ter, 428, 430 ter, 431, 432; MYk-t, I1 437; M-k-d-yw, IV 712.
m-k-ty-r 3 (tower), I11 100.
M-k 3 -,m-rw, p. n., I V 566.
m k > ' tyb'y, I1 303 n. b.
m t y > i: (at this moment), I1 36 n. C.
m ty.t (as an emanation), I V 912 n. c.
My-;-n, g. n., I1 659; My-tn, I1 773;
My-tn, I1 804; M-t-n, I V 722.
M-t 3 -dw-ty-w, p. n., I11 632.
m ;> wt (secretly), I V 541.
m 3 (court), I V 393.
M 3 -b :I -r 3, g. n., I11 578.
M 3 -nzw, g. n., I1 905.
M 3 -s 3, g. n., I11 306, 312; M 3 -m, 111
m > yw (copper), I V 548.
m 3 c (offering), 1 437.
m > c -&nu (triumphant), I11 280 281,
626 n. c.
M > c - b m - R C , r. n., I 749.
M c.t-nfr'w-R c, p. n., I11 417.
M c.t-b c, p. n., I 257.
M 3c.t-k > -Rc, r. n., I1 344.
m 3 w (new), I V 910 n. b.
M 3 w > sn, p. n., I V 792.
M 2 wt-bnty, g. n., I V 368.
M >fd t, d. n., I 115.
M 3 d, g. n., I V 915.
m 2 dy w (officials), I11 272.
m 3 dytly (-jar), I V 376.
M y , p. n., I V 423.
My-yw, g. n., I V 480.
'My'-pr, g. n., I 172, 174.
My-! :,-ry-m, p. n., I11 337.
M y ' t - b y , p. n., I V 523.
M y : p. n., I11 32B.
M y m, g. n., 11 1037; I V 474, 477;
M y c m > m , I11 285; M y c ' t , I V
474, 479.
~ - . f > - ~ > - f g.



mynw (-stone), I V 233, 302.

myk, T I 11 n. f.
myg > (archer), I1 15 n. a bis.
M c y, p. n., I1 1002.
m c h c't (tomb or chapel), I1 36.
M br, 9. n., 1 334.
Mw-S>-n-_t,g. n., I11 306, 309.
Mw-;-n-r3, r. n., I11 374, 375, 377.
mf > k 2.t (malachite), I 602 n. e.
M n , p. n., I1 975.
m n (-jars), I1 447 bis, 462 bis, 482,
491 ter, 501 bis, 509, 518, 571, 621;
I V 233, 239, 292, 299, 341, 348) 3768
378, 390, 393; m n ' t (-lar), I V 395Mn-m3C.t-Rc, r. n., I11 169, 171.
mn-nfr ' t (ornament), 1 534.
Mn-b C w , r. n., I 263.
Mn-bpr-R c -P- c n&y,r. n., I V 941 n. a.
Mn-bprw-R C , r. n., I1 812.
Mn-k w-Hr, r. n., I 263.
mny.t (necklace), I 500; I1 93.
m n y . t (-geese), I 729.
mny.t (pigeons), I V 242.
mny't-wd (-metal), I V 302.
Mnc.l-@wfw, g. n., 1 624.
M n c. t - g f w , g. n., I 456.
mnw (:-stone), I1 491, 509, 518.
mnfy.t (troop, infantry), I 707; I11
484, 578.
mnmn (herd), I V 212 n. d.
mnh (officer), I V 593.
mnh (-plant), I V 295.
Mnb-yb, r. n., I V 988C.
M n b ' t , p. n., I 508.
mng.1 (-linen), I1 165.
mnk.2-ntr (clothing), I 369 n. j.
mnS (-ship), I11 274.
mnkb (shrine), I 787.
Mntw, g. n., I 728; M n ' t ' y w , e. n.,
I11 118; Mnty-St't, e. n., I1 14; I1
721; Mniw, e. n., I 236.
Mntw-m-t 3 w y , p. n., I V 423.
Mntw-hr-bp3: ' f , p. n., I V 512.
Mniw, d. n., I1 844.
mr (canal), I V 853 n. a.
mr (chief, properly ymy-r 3), I11 322;
I V 821.
mr (a wood), I 146; mr :I V 288, 379,


391; mry, 11435; IV 288,378, 391;

m m , 11 447, 449.
M r - p - , g. n., I1 487.
mr-c pnu (captain), I 606 n. d.
M r - w , p. n., IV 551.
Mr-Mw3-K D -m 3 -m 5 p. n., IV 696.
Mr-n-R c, r. n., I 320, 333.
Mr-sgr, p. n., I1 171.
mr't (peasant-slave), I 623; I1 881.
Mr't-wbb.t, p. n., IV 957.
mr't-ntr (-priest), I1 713, 936; mry-ntr
(-priest), I1 1036; IV 958B.
Mry, p. n., I 508.
Mry-Rc, r. n., I 302..
Mry-bt, r. n., I 302.
Mry-k ' - R c, r. n., I 399.
mry ' t (peasant-slaves), I11 271.
Mryy-t w y ("Beloved o f the Two
Lands"), r. n., I 302, 305.
mrsw (-jar), IV 376.
mrk (tribute), IV 577 n. a; see brk.
Mrty-wsy-Ymn, p. n., IV 446.
Mrtt-yt-f, p. n., I 189.
mhywt (-fruit), IV 240, 378, 399.
m h n (-jar), IV 301.
mhrw (vessels), I1 162.
mh-yb'f (favorite), IV 1007 n. b.
Mh't-m-wsb't, p. n., IV 958C.
Mhy, p. n., I 276.
mhtt (-jar), IV 350.
m&a (barge), I 123F n. c.
m b 3 (-weight), IV 240.
M b 3 -t 3 wy, g. n., IV 864 n. a.
M b , r. n., I 90.
Ms-swy, p. n., IV 445.
m s ' w (children), I 456 n. c.
m f w y I1 449 n. f.
mSn't (a stone), I 500.
Mid, g. n., IV 879.
mskt t (morning-barque), IV 67, 73.
mst a . (-measure), IV 582; msty, IV
234, 235,2407 287,301,344, 350,378,
390, 3919 392, 395.
Msd-sw-R c, p. n., IV 428.
msd't (-stone),III 246; msdm't, IV 302,
Ms&wt, g. n., I 174 n. h.
MS,d. n., I 159.

MS-t D, g. n., IV 956.

MS ', g. n., IV 368.
mS c (army), I11 298 n. a.
rn5d.t (channel), I1 784 n. f.
mk-r 3-dy-n (horn), I1 447.
mt (chief), IV 468 n. b.
mt (-linen), I1 719, 721, 722, 723; 726,
727 his, 730 731, 73% 738, 744 blsmty (customary), I1 798 n. a; I11 580
n. d.
Mtr, g. n., I 368.
M & J , e. n., I 311, 317, 324; Mda y,
e. n., IV 466.
m&a (-measure), IV 295, 347; m&9 yw,
Iv 244.
MHr], r. n., I 180.

N D C 2 -t 3 ys-nbt't, p. n., IV 918.

N - G nb-Sbm't, p. n., I 250 n. c, 266
n. a.
N - c nb-Sfy, p. n., I 230.
N - c nb-gnty-bt, p. n., I 266.
N - w -sa -ty-rw-ka-n3-yw, p. n., IV 784.
N - w f r - R c, r. n., I 250.
n-by y.t (marvelous stone), IV 287 n. c.
N - m 3 c t-R c, r. n., I 250 n. c, 673, 719.
N - m a c.t-R c N - b c , r. n., I 786 n. a.
N - m Jc't-h a p , p. n., I 173.
n-n-y-bw (-wood), IV 344, 391.
N-h-r-n, g. n., I1 479 n. a, 631 bis, 656,
800; I11 118, 434; N-h-r-n: I1
449, 867; N-h-r-ny, I1 858 bis; I11
114; N-h-ry-n, I1 420, 818, 871; 111
306, 309, 344; N-h-ry-n', I1 479,
481, 485, 498, 500, 532; N-hy-r*,
I11 321; N 3-h-ry-n', I1 85, 862;
N a -h -ry-n 2, I1 81.
N-rhbl, r. n., I 90.
n-bny-bny (necropolis), IV 526 n. b.
N - k 3 - c nb, p n., I 343.
N - k a - c nb, p. n., I 216.
N - k 3 -n-nbty, p. n., I 194.
N - k w, r. n., IV 1028.
N - k 3 w-Pth, p. n., I 250 n. c.
N - k w-R c, p. n., I 250 n. c.
N-g-b g. n., I1 580.
n f a wt (secretly), IV 541 n. c.
n(y)t Nfr-k 3 - R c m n c nb, I 341 n. b.

nw-pr-:vt (paternal estate), 1 536.
Nt-ykr't, p. n., IV 943.
nt bsf, 1 4 2 3 D n. b.
nty m &, IV 764 n. g.
nty s wt, IV 726.
n 3 -yy, IV 44 n. e.
n - c k., IV 44 n e.
N 9 y-Snw-mh, p. n., IV 682.
N y-b'W (-wood), IV 234.
N y y , g. n., I1 481, 588.
N C -nS-B s.t, p. n., IV 1025.
N c r, g. n., IV 968.
n c ryn (recruits), I11 302.
n a b, (-bale), IV 371.
Nw-g-s, g. n., I11 309.
nw't (city), IV 485.
N w ' t , g. n., I 423; see 3 n-yw- 3 -s J.
nws s (-weight), IV 302.
nb (to fashion), I 610 n. c.
Nb-c, r. n., IV 945.
Nb- c nb, I V 187 n. b.
Nb-wc'wy, p. n., I1 179.
Nb-wn-nf, p. n., I11 255.
Nb-ph'ty-Rc, r. n., I1 7.
Nb-m 3 c.t-R c, r. n., I1 884, 845.
Nb-hp.t-Re, r. n., I p. 344 Add; IV
Nb-bcs, p. n., IV 517.
Nb-bpr-Rc, r. n., I 773 n. b, IV 515;
Nb-bprw-R c, I 775.
Nb-brw-R c, r. n., I 426; p. 344 Add.
Nb-snt, p. n., I 175.
Nb-k D w-R c, r. n., I 595, 600.
Nb-t :wy-Rc, I 437, 446, 450.
Nb-df:' w, p. n., I V 445.
Nb't, 11. n., I 349.
nb't (all), I1 102 n. d.
Nb't-ytf, p. n., I 782.
Nb,t-m, p. n., I1 779.
nb.t-pr (lady), I11 542.
nby (-wood), I1 449.
NbnSy:,p. n., IV 792.
nbdw, IV 241.
NPt, g. n., I1 797.
Nf-wr, g. n., I V 675.
Nfw-wr, g. n., I11 281.
nfr, I1 233 n. c.


nfr (-loaves), I1 472.

nfr't (-loaves), I1 462.
Nfr-yr-k -R C, r. n., I 165, 244.
Nfr-h 3.t, p. n., I1 839 n. d.
Nfr-Hr, p. n., IV 957.
nfr htp (beautiful rest), IV 665 n. f.
Nfr-k 3 -R c, r. n., I 340, 351.
Nfr-k -R c -Stp-n-R C, r. n., IV 493 n. b.
Nfr-tnz, g w - R c, r. n., IV 888.
nfr.w (base), IV 517 n. d.
Nfr'ul-Rc, p. n., I 1 344, 362.
Nfr'ur-R C , p. n., I11 435.
Nfr'uf' s , g. n., IV 820.
nfr'wt (maidens), I1 567 n. b.
N m 3 yw, g. n., I1 267.
nms't (-jar), I1 32 ter; IV 269, 301,
334, 350.
nn sn' y ym (none equal thereto), I 471
n. a.
N r u ~g., n., IV 296.
nr w (gazelle), IV 242.
N h y (Negroes?), IV 477 n. b.
nhb (-wood), I1 449.
Nhry, p. n., 1622, 628.
lthh (-oil), IV 239, 376, 390, 395.
Nhsy, e. n., I 3 6 5 n. c.
Nbbt, d. n., I 131 n. a.
Nbb, g. n., I1 7.
Nbt-m-Mw' t, p. n., IV 539.
Nbt-Hr-n 3 -Snw, p. n., IV 878.
nbt-brw (strong-voiced), I 172.
Ns-n - c y, p. n., IV 830.
Ns-n -@-y, p. n., I V 830 n. c, 878.
Ns-sy-p -hr-n-Mw ' t , p. n., IV 660.
Ns-m-Ymn, p. n., IV 511.
Ns-sw-b -nb-dd, p. n., I V 564.
Ns-sw-p -k -Swty, p. n., IV 689.
Ns-m-b 2 -yS't, p. n., IV 726.
Ns'wf-t wy (Thebes), I 484; I11 223,
503, 510; IV 90% 913, 924.
Nstnt, p. n., IV 844.
nS (?), I 309 n. h.
nSm't (sacred barque), I 534, 613, 668.
n3m.t (feldspar), IV 287 n. b, 302, 243,
nSn (to rage), I1 828 n. g.
nSn c (great wrath), IV 764.


Nkry, p. n., I1 I n. c.
nkp ty (rosemary), IV 234.
ng D (ox), IV 242, 293; ng D'w, 11 719.
Ng 'w, g. n., I 493.
ngmgm (to plot), I1 787.
ntr w c nn ky hr sp.w. f , IV 969 n. b.
Ntr-&c w, r. n., I 340.
nty-dw ~ . (divine
votress), IV 942; See
also dw >' t-ntr.
Ntr 't-Ec> w, r. n., I1 239.
ntry (divine), IV 261 n. a.
ntry't (goddess), IV 261 n. a.
Ngr, r. n., I 250.
nPy (sanctuary), I 156, 159.
Nlry-mw, r. n., I 117.
Ndy't, I 669.
nd'f-r 9 hr'f, 11 134 n. b.
(oracle), I1 606 n. c.
$'ty (avenger), I1 660.
$ 3 (a measure of capacity), I1 159 bis,
571 bis.
N_dm-yb,p. n., I 278.
nds (citizen), I 459, 536; I11 565; IV

r -hw-sw (-cakes), IV 238, 291, 393.

R D -hn't, g. n., IV 853.
r 3 -hr (chief), I1 372; IV 398, 400;
r -hry, I11 25, 288 n. e.
R -b > -sy-n D, g. n., I11 386.
-St ' 9 g. n., I '77, I79, IgO.
R D -3, t. n., I 159.
R ' -1'-tY, g. n., 11 299 n. a; IV 3I;
RD-33-1, IV34; R > - j > w , I I 2 9 9 n . a .
R ~ Jml,
c p. n., I 281.
R c - m y ( ?), p. n., I 336 n. h.
R c -ms-sw- c S D -hb, p. n., I11 496; IV
R c -n-k r w, p. n., I 193.
Rc -nfr, g. n., IV 830, 878.
Rr -ndr, r. n., I 786 n. b.
Ra y , t , d. n., I1 325.
R c hmn, p. n., I 375.
Rw- D mr-s-k-n-y, p. n., IV 812; n. d.
Rw-b -ty, g. n., IV 712.
Rw-m D, p. n., IV 442.
Rw-h D -6 - a, g. n., IV 712.
Rw-k', g. n.9 111 309; Rw-k ' -t, 111
312; Rw-kw, 111 574, 579.
m ' t (false door), I 322 n. e.
rwy't (granite settings of doors in the
wall), I 322 n. e.
R-b, g. n., IV 784; R-b ', IV 783; ywy >.t (banks), IV 405 n. b.
R D -bw, I11 611.
Rwty, I 148 n. c, 239 n. a.
L-b-a-n, g. n., IV 716.
nud (shore), IV 405 n. f.
R-m-n-n, I1 783; R 3 mn-n, g. n., I1
rwd'w (inspectors), I1 1026.
483 bis, 510.
rwd't ("enduring or hard stone;" "alar-h 3 w (over against), I1 627.
baster," later "sandstone"), I 323
r &t (under charge of), IV 784 n. a.
n. d, 696 n. c; 11 153 n. e, 606 n. d.
r dr'f (to its extent), I 468 n. d.
rpy't (figure), 111 391 n. c.
r-d ~ . t I1
, 97 n. a.
rp c'ty (hereditary prince), I 419 and
r (-geese), IV 242.
n. d bis; I11 132, 288 n. c; IV 124
R ~ - ~ w , g . n . , 1 2 1 a , 2 3 9 , 3 0 7 ; R ~ - ~ w n.b,980.
I1 875.
rmf (people), 11257 n. e, 287, 288.
R D -y, p. n., I11 630.
Rn -Snb, p. n., I 752.
R D - y n ' t ,p. n., I1 975.
rn't pw (thy name, etc.), I1 288 n. c.
R>-yn.t,g. n., 1218, 221.
r p ' w (young men), IV 63 n. a.
R ~ - W Y - D -g.~n.,
D ,IV 131.
- r r t (-loaf), I 590.
R 2 -b D -yw-r, p. n., I11 337.
rhd't (kettle), I1 436; 111 589.
R 3 -b D -sw-n-n 3, p. n., I11 337.
RhS a wy, g. n., IV 878.
r D -pr (temple), IV 283, 340.
rb, I 634 n. b; rb'f (he knows), 11233
n. c.
R 9 -m, p. n., I11 621.
r D -h 2'wt (harbor-mouths), I1916 n. h; Rb-Phtw'f, P. n., 11 642.
rb stny, I 636 n. g.
IV 44 n. a,,65 n. h.
rby't (people), I 445 bis; I1 236, 776,
767, 768, 805, 840, 858, 993, 1002;
I11 174, 175, 265, 268, 578, 580 n. e;
IV 43, 47, 398, 921.
Rs-nf't, g. n., I1 731.
rS-rj,D 3 (watchful head), I1 28 n. c.
r f y (southern), 1396 n. h.
rfy (gr'gn), I 459.
B y ynb'f, d. n., I1 900 n. b; IV 866.
rkrk (to gallop), I1 784.
Rkh, f. n., IV 768.
rkb (heat), I 630 n. b.
Rinw, g. n., I 680; I1 548, 549, 616,
761; I11 94, 97, 102, 103, 106, 107,
111, 112, 139, 147; IV 28; Bnw, I1
888, 1030, 1033; 111 270, 457, 498;
IV arg; Rtnw.t, I1 413.
rdy't m. b3 h, IV 733 n. a.
rdyn ny yt'y, I1 616 n. a.
rdw (-garments), IV 239.

H I -s D, g. n., IV 405.
h 2 ' ) (he descended), I 283 n. d.
h y (l,aborer), I11 531.
h D w-m.n (-garment), IV 375.
H 3 n-wtn-Ymn, p. n., IV 448.
H 8 k-r I, f. n., I 746; I1 35.
hy't (hall), IV 889.
hbn (-jar), IV 950, 952; hbn't (-jar),
1 59"; 11 159, 1641 509, 567, 734,
736, 738, 739, 741, 743, 745.
hnn (head), I1 509 n. a.
H n e , p. n., I 281.
hnd (to charge), III 608 n. e.
Hrw-nfr, p. n., IV 482.
w ' t (-plant), IV 235.

:t (house or temple), I1 36; I11 229,

232, 528, 644 n. e; IV 219, 223, 227,
274, 281, 283, 3IJ9 338, 340, 3559
365, 366, 367, 958J; h'wt (temples),
I1 -158.
H't-ybty, g. n., IV 916.
h.t-6 ~ . t I11
229, 240.
g ' t - w a r ' t , g. n., 114, 8, 296; IV8zo.
a ' t - w ' t - Y m n - m - h ~ ' g.
t , n., I1 735.


B't-Bnw, g. n., IV 839.

I11 16.
h . t-bnbn (sanctuary), I1 987.
Ht-nb, g. n., I 323; I1 45.
h.t-ntr (temple), I11 244, 507; IV 751.
958K, 965 n. d.
g't-s&n, g. n., I1 737.
H't-stny, g. n., IV 818.
H't-S c.t, g. n., IV 102, 107.
Ft-k 3 (ka-temple), I 289.
H 't-k -Pth, g. n., I11 77; IV 724.
H g n., I 602 (in I11 498 read H-Jm).
a -y 3 -n-m, g. n., IV 713 n. e.
H 3 -pw-rw-m- a , g. n., IV 712.
@ 3 -nbw, e. n., I 428.
-nfr, p. n., I1 358.
8 -r -b -ty, g. n., I11 84.
3 -ty-b 3 , p. n., IV 591.
-ty-hn-k-r, p. n., IV 784.
h2.t (,land-measure), I 574, 584 bis,
586, 591, 592.
h 3.w-tyw (leaders), IV 55.
f l 3.t-Ymn-l' -nfr, p. n., IV 660.
h >'tyw (officials), I11 65, 103, 643.
H " t - y y, p. n., I1 932; I11 32C.
a PY, P. n., 1 675.
pw, p. n., I 616.
H > m , g. n., I11 498.
h t ~ - (count), 1 320, 348, 376, 377
385 n.c, 536, 622,629 bis; IV 815 bis;
815 n. a, 878, 881, 902 n. a, 980.
h "yw (prime linen), I 382.
h c y (rejoice), I11 607 n. c.
8 c c -yb-R c, r. n., IV 986, 988F, 990,
H c p , p. n., IV 818.
F w - p 3 -n ', g. n., 111 100.
Hw-r-n-k 3 -rw, g. n., I1 436, 557.
Hw-r -b 2 -s, p. n., IV 878.
hw-k -m -mu (-stone), IV 377.
&w-&-& (dom-palm fruit), IV 241.
Hwy, p. n., I1 1029.
H w C , g. n., I1 848 n. a ; H w c't, I1
848 n. a.,
hwn (young man), I 665; I11 565;
IV 895.
bb- c 3 (chief fowler), I 718 n.
hb-sd (jubilee), I1 630; IV 335; hb-fd,


I 86

I1 1029; IV 750 bis, 848; hb-st, IV

hbs (-well), IV 726.
hbf-bg't (tomb), IV 972 n. d.
Hbnw, g. n., IV 820 n. b.
H f > ' t ,g. n., I 459.
hm-brd, IV 582 bis.
6m.t-lztr (divine consort), I1 612; IV
988 H.
Hmy, g. n., IV 734 n. d.
emw-brw, p. n., I 343.
a n - H t b r , p. n., I 225.
hn' y (my majesty), I1 617 n. g.
hn.t (queen), I1 288 n. a; IV 958M,
988H; hnw't, I1 52.
hn e -k, I1 1007 n. a.
hnw (-measure), IV 393.
Hnw't-ntrw, p. n., IV 727.
Hnwt, p. n., I 725, 750.
Hnwt-sn, p. n., I 180.
Hnmy (or D my), p. n., 1 243.
hnmm't (people), I1 767, 858; IV 47,
Hnk't-c nb, t. n., I1 552 n. i.
hnty (period), IV 895, 909.
hntw (-dish), I1 436.
hr (upon), I1 I I n. f; hr ' f (upon it), I
438 n. d.
H r (name of a pyramid), I 211.
Hr-wr, I 637 n. a; I1 203.
H r - w - R r, p. n., I 735.
HI-m-y 8 &w.t,d. n. (Harmakhis), I 179.
Hr-mYmn-pn c, p. n., IV 593.
H r m - s > ' f ,p. n., IV 706.
Hr-myny, p. n., I1 47.
Hr-n-t 9 -mhw, p. n., I 718.
hr-nb (every man), IV 1003.
Hr-nb-m 9 c t, I. n., I 312.
Hr-nN, p. n., I 718.
Hr-rn, t. n., I 119.
hr r f w (watchfulness), I 320 n. b.
Hr-bwf, p. n., I 332.
Hr-@, p. n., IV 952.
Hr-bnt-bty, d. n., IV 369.
hr @r't (to overthrow), I 602 n. f.
hrd d: 11 621 n. d; I11 27.
hry (chief), I1 389; hry'w, IV 405.
H r y - $ f r ,r. n., IV 615.

Hry-S-f, d. n., I 111.

Hry-Sfyw, d. n., IV 368.
Hry-Sry, p. n., IV 526.
hryd 3 a - 6 9 ("great lord"), I381 n. b;
I11 267.
Hry.w-Sc, e. n., 1360; I11 155.
hry 't-yb (hypostyle), I1 603 n. d .
Hrrt, d. n., I 396 n. c.
hrst (-stone), IV 233, 302, 377; hrs,
IV 287.
Hh, g. n., I 652, 657.
hs (vase), I 500 n. b; h f ' t , I1 32.
Hs-wr, g. n., I 174.
hsywt (-vase), IV 269, 334.
hsb (to reckon), I 407 n. a.
hsb (dues), IV 34; hsb't (dues), I11
481, 484hsb (-official), I1 881.
Hsb-k 9, g. n., IV 830, 878.
hsb'w (-people), I11 192.
hsp (land), IV 972Hsn, g. n., I 174.
hk,t (measure of capacity), I 408 n. f;
11 274.
hk 2 (ruler, prince), I 400 n. a, 402, 627,
628 bis, 632, 636.
H k 3 -yb, p. n., I 356.
hk>'t (rulership), I 620 n. a, 629.
Hk a't-nfr'w-Mw't, p. n., IV 9881;
H k a't-nfr ' w m r y 't-Mw' t , IV 9881
n. a.
Hk 3 -, g. n., I 103.
H k 3 w, d. n., I1 210.
Hkn-mm D't, r. n., I 616.
ht (loaf), I 241.
Htp, g. n., IV 247.
htp (peace), I1 105 n. f.
htp (-bundle), IV 350, 949, 950, 952,
953; htp't (-bundle), IV 3or.
Htp (-measure), IV 238, 240, 244, 291,
2949 3799 3929 393.
htp-hr-nmtt (-measure), IV 294.
htr (dues), I1 543.
htry (span), I1 784 n. e.
Hat-hknw, p. n., I 216.

g. n., I 510.


-k 3 g. n., I11 386.
@-n-b D -t 2, g. n., I11 386.
@+-p 3 -n-ty-ry-s, g. n., I11 386.
@-t>,g. n., I1 485; a t > ,I11 114, 151,
152, 306, 309; IV 64; g t > ' w , I11
143, 144; g y - t < 111 148; g t > - t J ,
111 147.
@-t 3 4-r >, r. n., I11 37 I ; @-t 2 -s > -r 3,
111 372.
b3 (a measure of capacity), I 408 n. f.
b (hall), I1 778.
@ > -yw, r. n., I go.
&' -my-h-mw, g. n., I11 114.
b > -n-rw (corselet), I1 447; & > nr, I1 785
n. h.
@ 3 -r 3 -bw, g. n., I1 582; B y - r 3 -bw,
111 312,319; B y - r J - b : I11 321,337;
By-r > -b 3 y, I11 322; g y - r 3 $3, I11
g >-rw,g. n., I1 420,436,555,821,822,
884, 1015; 111 84,457,617, 630, 633;
IV 226, 229, 233, 398, 565, 723, 724,
883& > -tpy (commander), I 410 n. c.
b > m (people), 1 390.
b > s..iut (countries), I11 88; & 3 s't
(denert), IV 1024.
b ' f ' l y (barbarian), I1 849 n. c;
& > r . t p , I 532; 11 106.
g > s l p ' t , g. n., I1 848 n. a, 849 n. c.
@y-r -p -s > -r :p. n., I11 337.
g y - s > -s -p 3, g. n., I11 386.
By-l. 3 -n 3 (-fruit), IV 240.
@ c --b > w-Hthr, p. n., I 218.
g C -m-yp't, p. n., IV 433.
@ C -m-m J 3 -n-r >, P. n., IV 434, 466.
g c -m-m > c't, I1 864, 890.
g c -m-ty-r 2, p. n., IV 466.
C -@mwy, r. n., I 136.
8 c -k > w-R c, r. n., I 647.
bc't-(pcw my y>&.wty, 11 314 n. g.
Xf = ' Y , P. ".t 1 750.
y, p. n., I11 630, 632.
It C w (regalia), I 668.
@ a!-m-sbmw, r. n., I 163.
g aly, p. n., I 675.
@ ww, p. n., I 305.
@ c f-R c, r. n., I 189.
@ f-R -Eblc,g. n., I 199.
b a r (a measure), I 556.


&w-b k (protector of the oil tree), d. n.,

I785 n. e.
P. n.3 1 299, 349, 361.
&wy mky (protected and defended), I
768 n. e.
@wy.t, d . n., IV 874.
@wf, P. n., 1 387.
Z Z W ~ Y ,P. n., 1 336.
&b&b(-jars), IV 875, 878.
ZZPY, P. n., I 342.
&pr (cany out), I 322.
bpr hms.t, I1 138 n. d.
@pr-&-R c -Stp-n-R c, r. n., IV 724.
bpr-sh, I 361.
&pJ (-sword), I1 802; I11 117, 163.
2tpr.t bpw my Itpry, 11 314 n. g.
HAW],r. n., I 189.
&ft ((corresponding to), I1 614.
&It-hr (opposite), I1 795 n. f.
bjt hrs (nave), I11 515.
@It .I-hr-nbs, d. n., I1 655.
g m n w , g. n., IV 833, 842, 848 bis.
bn ("tent"), 1 353 n. b, 471 n. d.
bn n c b c ("without a lie"), I 658 n. h.
&n.t (prison, stronghold), I 471 n. d
bn.t (water-skin), I 471 n. d.
anal, p. n., I 299.
&nw (court), I11 65.
bnwtyw, 11 70 n. a.
gnm-cn&.f, p. n., 1 343.
@nm-n- nb-ss, p. n., I 305.
bnmt, I 431.
bns (to course), I471 n. e.
bns.t t a, I1 225 n. d.
gnmu-h t-ntr-nb.:, p. n., I11 432.
bnky (-garment), IV 374.
bnt, 11 903.
grit-y wtf, d. n., I 159.
g n t - c bwy-ntrw, g. n., IV 369.
@at-m-smy'ty, p. n., I 608.
ant-hn-nfr, g. n., I1 80.
bnt-hr'f (before it), I 436 n. d.
@nt-&-wr, p. n., 1 605.
ant-bty, d. n., IV 874.
bnty, 1442 n. f.
&ty (a substance), IV 378, 395.
&My (image), IV 988D n. b.


anty-hsr't, d. n., IV 730.

br, I 598 n. c.
br- c (assistant), I 383 n. g; 11 975.
br- c h B, g. n., I 165; I1 814; IV 878.
by-n-hay (necropolis), IV 530 n. a.
&y-sd't ("he-bearer"), IV 735 n. a.
brw (criminal), IV 427 n. a.
brw (lowland), I 632 n. b.
brp (-baton), I 646.
brp (leader), I11 172.
brp- c h c (chief of the palace), IV 1017.
brS (-bundles), IV 301.
brtw (one says), I11 580 n. d.
bsfy b' t (repulse the matter punish),
1311 n. e.
bsf- c (hostility), IV 764.
bsfyw (subjects), IV 933 n. c.
& (-measure), I1 965 n. a.
(-fowl), I1 159, 571 bis, 793; IV
242, 347.
&y (carving), IV 489.
&y (timber), IV 380.
&m (fortress), I11 100; IV 853.
@ ("to sail downstream"), I 353 n. a.

Haw-k 3, p. n., I 220.
Hnt-~Swt-Hthr,p. n., I 218.
Hnt-nfr, g. n., IV 878.
brd (child), I 256.
HS l y, g. n., I 510.

and S

(NoTE.-T~~ distinction has not

been maintained after Volume I, viz.,
the end of the Middle Kingdom, when
the Egyptian Scribe himself had entirely ceased to maintain it.)
S J, g. n., IV 878.
s (phyle), IV 468 n. b.
S 3 (-oxen), I1 723.
S a -y-by-p D y-n D, g. n., I11 386.
S D -yw-k m, g. n., IV 713.
Sa-yn-hr't, p. n., I 785.
S s - G. -r m, g. n., IV 404.
s 3 - c 3 3 (-bud), IV 242, 298, 347.
9D ww, g. n., I 605.


-p 3 -nu-YW,r. n., I11 373, 377.

-p 3 -_tJ -r 3, p. n., I11 337.

-my-r -tw-s 3, p. n., I11 337.

-Mnlw, p. n., 1 596.
-n-g-r,, g. n., I1 484; I11 479;
S 3 -n-g-r, I1 859.
S -r 3 -p 3, g. n., I11 386.
S ' - r 3 -m, g. n., I11 356.
s 3 -t 3 (-cakes), IV 240, 378, 392.
S 3 -ry-sw, g. n., I11 386.
S a't y c &, p. n., I1 612.
S = y w . t , g. n., IV 358.
S J bny, p. n., 1 364.
S , w (a temple), I 103.
S bw, p. n., I 283.
S bw km, p. n., I 287 n. b.
S ' h w - R c, r. n., 1 236.
S r (honor), I 382 n. d.
s3 r.t (counsels), I1 142 n. e.
hl-Stay, g. n., I 102.
s s (cube), IV 378, 395.
S J tw (precincts), I11 223 n. b.
S y : d. n., I 747, I1 316 n. a.
S y 3 -yb, r. n., IV 976.
syp (to investigate), I 179 n. c.
syp.t (title), IV 473 n. C.
syd (-loaves), IV 238, 393.
s c b (-loaves), IV 238.
s mw (-plant), IV 240, 344, 378,
S . ~ n b P, n., I 455, 459.
S . C n&t -t wy, r. n., I 420 n. f.
Scr't-mBC't, I1 374.
s.c rk (to end), I11 580 n. f.
S & c (sculptured(?)), I 500 n. a.
Sw-n-r 3, p. n., IV 466.
sw't (-grain), I1 737, 742.
Swn, g. n., 1 493.
swn (to trade), I 493.
Swny, g. n., IV 734 n. d.
swr.t (water-supply), I1 707.
Swkn m Y p ' t , g. n., I1 qoa n. b.
Sb 3 (gate), IV 889.
s b r & a w b > ' w r yr't, 11371 n. c.
sb -hry (upper portal), I1 835 n. a.
Sby, g. n., I11 20.
sby (to dispatch), I1 290 n. b.

~ 8 9

snds (?), I 324 n. b.

sbb.t (chamber), I1 164 n. f.
Sr (official), I 281, 536, 547.
sbb.t (:-measure),I V 241, 379.
sr (decree), I 173.
sbb't (-plant), I V 235, 392.
s.rwd-k, (cause to grow), I1 288 n. b.
sbb't (towers), I1 889.
shr, I V 309.
Sbk-t w y , r. n., I V 886.
sh (-vessel), I V 732, 733, 734.
Sbk-m.-s"f, r. n., I V 517.
shy (boat), I 423F n. d.
Sbk-hi.-hb, p. n., I 725.
shm (commander), IV 400.
S.bdS (quell), 1 428.
shn (-vessel); see sh (-vessel).
Sp (to bind), I 323 n. g.
shntw, I1 785 n. h.
sp (virtue), I11 626.
shtp (-bundles), I V 295.
Sp-R a, t. n., I 156.
S.htp-yb-RC,r. n., I 465, 473.
sp tpy (beginning), I V 958J.
sp .t (ifor S' yp' t)(-investigation), I 178. S.htp-ntr. w (name of fortress), I1 1041.
n. a:.
Shd (commander), I 677, 707.
Sp D, d. n., I 156.
- ~ h d , 1 370.
spr (-measure), I V 299, 348.
Sb-t-mfk, g. n., IV 1003 n. e.
spr (-salt), I V 299, 348.
sbwy (list), I11 343.
spr.n.f (he arrived), I V 1004.
Sbm-yrf (ruler), 1 779, n. d.
Spt (harp), I1 32 n. c.
S&-R c, t. n., 1 1.59; Sbt-R C, I V 918.
spd, I1 32 n. C.
s.&pr (create), I V 141 n. c.
sft (-oil), 1 241, 382; 11 509, 518; I V S.&pr (to train), I V 402 n. e.
Sbm, g. n., I V 878.
Snz (-priest), I 668; I1 936.
sbm (-sistmm), I1 93.
Sm D -.Hw$'t, g. n., 11935.
sbm (adytum), I1 806; I11 244.
sm > ' i ! (-bolt), I1 722.
Sbm-ntrw (name of a house: "Mightysmn'n's (she fastened), I1 828 n. c.
of-the-Gods"), I 97.
3.mnb-sw, I 420 n. f.
Sbm-R -Wp-m 2 c.t, r. n., I V 516.
m d ' t (-stone), I V 377.
Sbm-R c -bw-t w y , r. n., I 752.
Sn-Wsr't, r. n., I 720.
Sbm-R c -3d-t 3 w y , r. n., I V 517.
sn-t 3 ("smelled the earth" -did obei- Sbmw, g. n., 1 174.
sance), I 3r7 n. f, 468 n. e.
Sbmt-n- c lzb, p. n., I 238.
sn'w (loaves), I1 353, 378; sn't, 111 sbr (character), 1 665.
624 n. h.
s& ((loaves), I1 735.
Snwt, I 141 n. a, 159.
Shkr (deck), I 668.
Sn-ww't, p. n., I1 36s.
S . S B ("sustenance," lit. "a causing to
Sn-ww't, g. n., I1 718.
be satisfied"), I 354 n. e.
Sn-d 3 -r n, g. n., I1 584; see S a -dD-r m.
Ssy, p. n., I 299.
Sny, p. n., I V 485.
ssf (ashes), I V 67 n. a, 72 n. c.
sny (-jar), I V 378, 395.
Sssu, g. n., I V 369.
sny't, I 668 n. c.
Sxd, 1 150.
snb (-berries), I V 350.
S x ~ . td.
, n., I 109, 115.
Stair, r. n., I 189.
s'Sm'w (leaders), I1 925 n. a.
Snjr-RC-P-c nby, r. n., I V 941 n. a.
S'Smw-t w y , r. n., I 616.
snn (orderly), I1 I n. c; I11 584; I V sS-Stny-hry-d P d
(superior king's40, 65.
scribe), I1 916 n. d.
Snt, g. n., I 172.
sS-Stny-bry-d 3d 3 (inferior king's-scribe),
I1 915 n. b.
sntyy (chapel), I 668 n. c.


d-n :111 601; 3 > -r 3 -d-ny, e. n., 111

491; S ~ - r > - d > -,nIV
> 129, 397,
402, 410; 3 > -r 3 -d n, 111 574, 579;
S > -7 > -d-PZ-n
>, I11 588.
S > - r > - h > - ~ ~ , ~ . n . , 133-r>-h>-n,
g. n., I1 416.
S > -sw,e. n., II 124,517; 111 101,108,
457, 638; I v 404; S S > . W11
, 170.
3. - s >-n-k, r. n., IV 724.
3 . -k > -n 3, g. n., 111 576.
S > . t , g. n., I1 661 n. g.
S yi-hr.t, g. n., IV 994.
3 > c ym (beginning of), I 429 n. e.
$9 c.t, g. n., I 510 bis.
3. w (dues), I1 110.
S > wt (cabbage), IV 240.
S bt, g. n., I 429 n. f.
S s-htp, g. n., IV 366.
S > d (dig), 111 173; Sd't, 111 196.
3 (-cakes), IV 949, 950, 952, 953, 954.
S c (-grain), I1 737.
S c d-mSdr, p. n., IV 445.
SW, I v 929.
Sw (-rolls), 11 742.
Sw (sun), 111 198; IV 958D.
Sw 3 (citizen), I1 920.
3ps.w-stny, I1 292 n. c.
SpM (luxuries), I 718.
SPSS-k3 1, r. n., I 257.
S)w (doves), IV 106.
Sm-R C, g. n., I 125.
3m.t (go), I 423E n. d.
Smyk, g. n., I 510.
Smc (Middle Egypt), I 396 n. h, 407.
Srn c . w (Middle' Egypt, perhaps the
3-Y-wt, g. n., I1 465.
"South"), I 442 n. e.
g. n., I1 783; A>-my- Sms, 1 438 n. d.
Sa-y-t 2 -my, I1 783 n. b.
Sn-wr, g. n., I11 480; IV 45.
S-k-rw-s D, g. n., 111 574; S > -k-rw-S 3,
In c (-fmh), IV 243.
111 579, 595; IV 64; 3 -k a -rwJ >,
Snw't Ynbw-w (granary of M e m)his),
111 588 ter, 601; IV 81.
IV 878 n. d.
S > -y, g. n., IV 405.
Srt-Mtn, g. n., I 172, 173.
S > -W 9 -b-ty, I1 537.
Shr'w (-linen), I1 554.
S > -w 3 -bw (mastic tree), IV 245.
33-b-tw-n, g. n., 111 310, 319, 324; 3s (-linen), I1 554, 571.
. $ adw-dw-n: g. n., IV 131.
3s: IV 378, 3 9 5
3s > -hr (skilful), I1 758 n. c.
3 D -m-B- c -7 :p. n., 111 632.
3 s >.w, e. n., I1 170; see S>-SZU.
3 -n-m- :g. n., IV 712.
3 L+ -rdy-n 5 e. n., I11 307,588; 3 D -r - Ssy ' t (-sistrum), I1 93.

sSw (-loaves), IV 297.

sSd (window), IV 873 n. a.
Sknn-Rc, r. n., I1 7; IV 518.
sk (to line up), IV 864 n. d.
Sk-tw (-ship), I1 294.
Skmm, g. n., 1 678.
Sk >, r. n., I 90.
sksk (capture), I1 822.
st ("offering-tablet"), I 3 2 2 n. e.
Sty-m-pr-Dhwty, p. n., IV 435st hk > w nw (chiefs of), 1 317 n. d.
st >'t (a land measure), I1 840.
Sty-m-pr-Ymn, p. n., IV 436.
Sty-r p. n., I 716.
Bp-h ty- 6 (to begin), I1 303 n. c.
Stny-mr-ntr, p. n., I 243.
Stnh, r. n., I 166.
St'w, g. n., 1334,336; Sl't, g. n., 1728;
St'ty, e. n., IV 72; St'lyw, e. n., I
423 H; I1 784, 787; 111 20,479,490;
IV 119,122,246; Sty'w,e.n., IVnr7.
st' (-jar), I 569, 571.
sts (carrying pole), I 430.
sd'w ("broken"), I 657 n. e.
sd (pleasure), I1 813 n. g.
3 J -d D -r J, g. n., I1 798A; see Snd>-73.
s'&) (plenty), I11 404 n. a.
sdm, I 598 n. a.
s'dd't (proverb), I11 611 n. a.
sdm- c S (servant), I1 854, 985.
sdm-w (-officers), I 633; I1 684; 111, 55.
3sm.t (-stone), I V 302.
Sf (militia), IV 968, 972.
St (stone-cutting), I 239 n. c, 349 n. d.
St-Mln, g. n., I 173 bis.
S t g. n., I1 864 bis.
St 3.t (holy place), I V 857.
St y, IV 726 n. b.
Sit, t. n., I 288.
Sd (collect), I 382 n. e.
Sd (gift-lands), I1 689 n. e.
Sd (-bird), I1 571.
Sd (-skin), I1 675 n. d.
Sd-ybd, g. n., IV 780.
Sdw (water skins), I 456.
Sdh (-wine), IV 213.

& - b > . - c ~ - n >g., n., I V 712.
K-r .-k 2 -m-S \ g. n., I V 64. K-r P -kmy-S I11 306, 309; K 3 -ry-k -myc -5 .,I1 583.
k~ (be high), I11 607 n. c.
K > - y - k > - S > g.
, n., IV 405.
K > - y f w t - H t h r , p. n., I 218.
K -r -b -n g. n., I V 405.
K > -r -my-mw, g. n., I11 114.
k > -r :I -n -t y (foreskin), IV 52 ; see also
& -r -ky-S 3 C, g. n., I11 306; & -7 3 ky-kS
I11 309; Ky-r 3 -ky-S
349K J - r w , p. n., I V 550.
K 3 - b . C w , r. n., IV 942 n. d.
k -t > -mu-ty (-measure), IV 378.
K -dw-rw, g. n., I11 94.
11821; K > - & J - r 3 , I I I
606, 617.
6 3 -d 3 -w 3 -dn, g. n., 111 309; K 3 -& w > - d J - n J , g . n . , 1 1 1 3 1 2 ;Ky-&>-w3d > -n: 111 386; K y d -w > d-n, I11
k -d -m-r (-garment), I V 375.
k > . t , I 1 808 n. a.
K y., g. n., I V 948.
k y (tomb), IV 665 bis, 666 667.
K y - n J , g. n., I1 428, 430.
Ky-nn, p. n., 1 776.
k c h (district), IV 726.
(-loaves), I1 735.



&nk (-bread), I V 238, 291,.297.

kby (-jar), 1 556.
KbQ, g. n., I1 101, 844; IV 296.
Kbh-?z/rw, t. n., I 143.
Kbhzu-Hr, g. n., I 1 845.
K b m , g. n., I11 337.
-n-yb (conception of heart), I1 164
n. d.
k n y w (portable-shrine), I 667 n. b.
knb ' t (o5cial staff), I11 58 n. h, 63, 64,
65 bis.
knb.t c3.t (great court), I V 531 n. d.
& n ' t (foreskin), I11 587 n. h; see also
k ~ t y(bolt), I V 929.
K h k , e. n., I V 402, 410, 747 n. C.
k k ' t (transport ship), I11 441.
&d, g. n., I11 321; p d y , 111 306, 309;
I v 64; K d w , 11 420, 434.
q d - n >, g. n., I1 598.
Kd-S, g. n., I1 430; KdS, 111 141, 306,
308, 309; Kd-Sw, 11 420, 4659 531,
K d m , g. n., I 493.



K', 1). n., 1 731.

k -bw (-jar), IV 233, 239, 292,299,376,
k 3 -bw- s (-measure), IV 240.
K 3 -pw-r, p. n., I V 90; K 3 -@-r >,
IV 97.
K > - m - W ~ s ' tp., n., I V 539.
K - m y 4 p. n., I11 337.
K 3 -way-dw, g. n., I11 114.
K >-ms, r. n., IV 519.
K >-n-nbty-wr, p. n., I 197.
K -n :g. n., I 1 529.
K -nfr, p. n., I 389.
K J -?cfr, g. n., I 490 n. a.
K > -r-b-n- - -n - - -, g. n., 111 386.
K -r d 2 y-t - -, g. n., I11 386.
K -r p. n., I V 423.
K > -r (-boat), IV 387.
K >-1.' -y, g. n., I1 800, 862, 889; K 8
-7-y, I1 818.
K -r -pw-s p. n., IV 432.
K -r > -pw-t, g. n., I11 356.
k > -r 3 -rw-ty (-weight), I V 286.






k 3-r J-hw-ty (string, basket), IV 244,

K > -h-ny, g. n., IV 873.
k 3 -6r-k (-jar), IV 294.
K 2 -k >-rw-y,g. n., IV 713 n. h.
K >-km,g. n., IV 873 bis, 874.
k > - l >(-plant), I11 55.
K -d-l-m, g. n., IV 712 n. a.
k3.t (design), I1 303 n. b.
K 3 a w, e. n., I 311.
K 3 y, p. n., IV 224.
K > w-k w, g. n., IV 948.
K > m, p. n., I11 645.
k 1 nk (-wood), I1 449.
K35, g. n., 1510.
k 3 (shell), I1 272.
K 3 k-mn (-vessel), IV 582.
K 3 k-s 3 -Rc, p. n., I 218.
ky (form), I1 906 n. b.
Ky-r-gy-p 3, p. n., I1 867.
Kf-tyw, e. n., I1 659.
r-1-kf 2 -yb, I 616 n. c; I1 708.
Km-wr, g. n., 1493; IV 724A, 875.
Km't (Egypt), g. n., I 451; I1 11 n. d.
K ~ YP., n., I 755.
knm't (-stone), IV 302.
Knm'tyw, g. n., I1 808.
krty, I11 171 n. b.
KS,g. n., I1 39, 845 n. f.
KS-kS, g. n., I11 309, 312.
Kdndnn 3, p. n., IV 423.

t-h-r (-warriors), I1 459; t-h-r 3, IV 44;

tw-hy-r>I11 337 bis, 344.
T 3-yry, p. n., IV 774.
T B - C - % . ~, -g.>n., IV 712.
T a - c 2 -n 3 -k >, g. n., I1 421,426.
T s - c > ,r. n., 1V518.
Ta-c,-c: r. n., IV 518.
T B - cyn, g. n., IV 878.
T 3 -yh, g. n., I11 580.
T 3 - m , g. n., I1 692.
T > -pd't (Bowland,Nubia), g.n., 1500,
510, 602, 644; I1 122, 176 bis, 375,
794 n. a, 828, 894; 111 31, 479, 484,
4991 500, 501,502, 643; IV 898,900,
929, 994, 1014T -mry (Egypt), g. n., 1 451; 11 98;
111 77, 15-59 159T > -ny-s 5 g. n., I11 337.
T 3 -ntr, g. n., I1 451 n. d.
T a - r ~ - yg., n., I1 852.
T > -r 3 -ty-S-bw, p. n., I11 372.
T a -s>-9-r \ d . n., I11 386.
T 3 -S 3 .t-n&, p. n., IV 499.
T , -m't-Hr, p. n., IV 990.
T 3 -by, p. n., IV 547.
T 3 -ty, p. n., IV 547.
T 3 -d 3 -r p. n., I11 337.
T a y-n&'t, p. n., IV 452.
T yw-hnw.t, p. n., IV 727.
T 3 yzud a't, g. n., IV 818.
T 1 f-nbt-t, p. n., IV 818.
T>n-wa-ty-Ymn,r. n., IV 921.
T 3 dn't-n-B s't, p. n., IV 795.
G-wt-wt, g. n., IV 405.
T y - p. n., I11 542.
G-r-b 3 -tw-s >, p. n., I11 337.
Ty-y 3 -dw-r 3 , p. n., I11 337.
G > -k 3 -ty, g. n., I11 632.
Ty-m-h-nw, g. n., I11 379 n. C.
G -d 3 -tw,g. n., I1 417; G D 4 D-y,I11 Ty-n-r 3, p. n., I1 984.
Ty-n-r > -Ymn, p. n., IV 539.
g 3 Y (-jar), IV 238, 241, 294, 300, 301, Ty-n > -y, g. n., I1 537.
350, 393.
Ty-r > -y-w 3, g. n., IV 114.
P Y Y , 1334.
Ty-r 3 -g -n-, p. n., I11 337.
gn (-vase), IV 334.
gr (be silent), I 598, n. c; gr mdt Ty-r :,-g a -n-n 3 -s 2, p. n., 111 337.
Ty-r 3 -g 3 -ty-t-t 3 -s >, p. n., I11 337.
(silent in a matter), I 657 n. d.
Ty-9-sy, g. n., I1 487.
grg-hry (armed), IV 65 n. g.
T y y , p. n., 11862.
grg,t (establishment), IV 1021.
gs-7 D (-measure), IV 295,303,380, 394. Tyw, r. n., I 90.

Tyltt-nw't, p. n., I V 589.
Ty&-s 3 -h 2 -nu-yw, p. n., I V 784.
Tynt-t 2 - C -mw, g. n., I1 15.
tyhty (tin ?), I V 929.
Tyhnw, g. n., I1 892; I11 116, 132, 134,
139, 588; Tyhy, I11 147; Tyhn, I V
702; Tyhnwt,I V 482; Thnw,I V 822;
sic also Thnw.
tyt, I 784 n. c.
Tw-n,b,g. n., I1 459, 470, 530; Tw-n-p,
I11 365 bis; T n F , I1 773.
tw-r-pw (-geese), I V 235, 242; t w p
(-geese), I V 342.
Tw-r -ss, g. n., I V 114.
Tw-rw-3 3, g. n., I11 574, 588 bis, 601;
Tw-ry-5:I11 579; Ty-w-7 3 -5 3, I V
Tw-tw, p. n., I1 1009.
$w?, I V 302.
twt ny (shape for me), I1 zoo n. e.
twt . . . . wha m rnp.t tn ("a statue
. . . quarried in this year"), I 323
n. e.
tb (-grain), I1 737.
tp rSy (south), I 396 n. h, c, 529, 665
n. b; I1 614, 692, 717, 726; I V
Tp-ht, g. n., I 159.
tp't, irv 334.
tpy- c (first), I V 822 n. b.
tpW (bullocks), I V 242.
tph't (opening), I1 564, n. e; I11 171
n. 1).
Tf-yby, P. n.7 1 395.
tm ssdr ("not causing a matter to sleep")
1 657 n. c.
#ma,I1 735.
Tmh, g. n.,1 3 3 5 nn. h; Tmhw, 1 335
n. h.
tmhy (stone), 373, 389tny'w (offering vessels?), I1 93.
Tnpw, g. n., I1 773.
Tnt-s a y, p. n., I V 695.
Tnt-s,ph,p. n., I V 792.
tnl a ' t (throne), I V 401.
Trrs, g. n., I 334.
Thnul, g. n., I V 822; see also Tyhnw.
Tty, I-.n., I 294.
Tty- a n, p. n., I1 16.


T-k -n-S 9, g. n., I V 818.
T-kw, g. n., I11 638.
T -w -t 3 -s J, p. n., I11 337.
f -pw-r (-vessels), I11 589.
T D -m-r>,p. n., I V 43.
T 2 -mw.t, g. n., I1 641, 814 n. a; I V
6341 914.
T -n-m.t, p. n., I V 792.
T 2 -r 2, p. n., I11 633.
T 2 -r D -y, p. n., I V 532.
f -7 2 -ty (warship), I V 229 n. b.
T a -rw, g. n., I1 415; I11 54, 88, 100,
307, 5421 631.
f D-sr't(standard bearer), I1 839.
T>-k-k>-r>,g. n., I V 44, 64, 77;
T -kw-r3, I V 129; T 2 -k-r B, I V 403;
T a - k > - r ' ,I V 565.
f 3 -k -r > (tower), I V 189 n. a.
T3-k 3-rw-B-c -r:
p. n., I V 566;
T 3 -k 3 -r 3 -B- c -r, p. n., I V 567.
T -k -nu-m, p. n., I11 632.
a -p(-wood), 11 485, 490, 491.
f 3 -tkmw, IV 2 I 7 n. k.
4 a y (-measure), I V 238, 240, 294, 378,
T >c w, g. n., I 456.
_t 3 b (-jar), I1 621, 622.
Tw-r: p. n., I1 55.
Twy >, p. n., I1 862, 867.
Tb-nlr, g. n., I V 878.
b (-vessel), I V 582 bis; f b ' w (-jars),
111 589; I V 294, 476, 477.
T bw, g. n., I V 957.
fm 9 (district), I1 686, n. b.
lmc't, 11 743.
Tmh, e. n., I 311, 335; T-m-h, g. n.,
I11 580; Tmhw, I V 944 n. a; T y m-h-w, p. n., I11 586.

fnyw (flat dish), I1 32.

Tnw, g. n., I1 798 A.
Tnt-rmw, g. n., I V 8 7 8
Tnty, p. n., I 182 n. a.
Irf (measure), I V 292.
Trty, 1703.
Thnw, g. n., I11 465; see also Thnw
and Tyhnw.



thnt (oil), I 366.

Ts-hn, p. n., I 186.
4sw (flats?), I 323 n. h, 669 n. c.
4S (commander), IV 821 ter.
t f (command), IV 747 n. a.
T i - B 3 s't-pr't, p. n., IV 774.
T S - R c -m-ynw, t. n., I1 1018.
4S.t (troop), I1 916; IV 825 n. b.
T S , r. n., I 90.
T ~ Y1,184.
T t y , p. n., 1 361.
T t y , p. n., I 423C.

D 3 -y-n-yw, e. n., IV 64; D > -y-n-ywn >, Iv 81, 82, 403.

d > -w > -r > (-measure), IV 294.
D >-pw-r>, g. n., I11 356.
d 3 m w (-measure), I V 240; d m >w
(-measure), IV 345; d m > m w (-measure), IV 379.
D 3 -r-d-ny, g. n., I11 306; D-r > -d-n-y,
111 349.
dy-rsd > g! > (taskmaster), I1 758 n. f.
'dyl bd 5% I 459 n. g.
dy-itny-htp, I1 52.
Dy-d, p. n., I11 579; Dy-dy, p. n., IV
43Dyy.s-nk, p. n., 1338.
d y d y (-measure), IV 295.
d w (-altar), IV 735.
d w (-garment), IV 232, 239, 241 374,
375, 394.
d w (-vessel), IV 735.
Dw ,-Hr-pt (a feast), I 125.
DW 3 -t 3 w y , 1 146, 147.
d w > d w (early morning), I 468 n. b.
D w ,-df >, I 138.
d w >'t (-hall), I11 154.
D w > . t (nether world), I11 259, 272.
d w >.t-ntr (divine votress), IV 988G,
H bis.
d w d ' t , I 500.
dbh (to crave), IV 784 n. a.
dbh't-&p (offering table), I1 32.
Dbhn, p. n., I, 239, n. a.
d p h ' t (-apples), IV 301.

D n >, p. n., IV 682.

d n y (-measure), IV 294; d n y ' t (-measure), I1 621, 622; IV 240, 294, 299,
d n y > (-vase), IV 238, 269.
Dnrg, p. n., I1 114.
dni 3.t (palanquin), IV 958E.
d h n (forehead), IV 98PH n. b.
d h n ' n ' f w y r nb, I1 805 n. a.
Dhwty-rb-nfr, p. n., IV 423.
d b ' t ( = @ ' t ="to sail down stream"),
1 353 n. a.
ds (-jar), I 569, 585; I1 113, 114, 620,
621; 111 77, 159; Iv 347.
ds (-stone), IV 972.
DSr, f. n., I 94.
dk, 11 571.
dd ' t (flat dish), IV 735.
ddm't (-flower), IV 345, 379.

Da-y-n-, g. n., I11 386.
d 3 -w (-linen), I1 722, 727 bis, 736, 738,
744 bis.
D > -w 'd-wr, g. n., IV 921 n. e.
D > -pw-y>-r 3 -n-d 3, g. n., I11 386.
D > -pw+ :p. n., I11 630.
D 3 -my+ g. n., I1 465; I11 I 14.
D 3 -mw.t, g. n., IV 1002.
D >-n-- -nw-ty, g. n., I11 386.
D >-r>-Rw-m, g. n., 111 633.
D 3 -no,g. n., I11 114.
D 3 -rw-m > m, g. n., IV 714.

D 3 -d-p-t-t-rw, g. n., IV 713.

D > >, p. n., I 676, 683.

D > y-y '-!-by-r-ry, g. n.,

I11 386.
g? > m w (classes), IV 402 n. f, 1823 n. d.
d 3 d w (audience-hall), I 239 n. a, 423E,
n. d, 500.
D 3 t y , p. n., I 389D 3 t y y , P. n., 1 343.
d d > ' w (courses), IV 489, 654 n. b.
d > d 3.t (council), I1 686 n. a.
& 3 d 3 . t - w . t (great council), I1 706.
l ) C ur, p. n., I 347.
D U I , p. n., 1 381.
D c n, g. n., I V 564.
Z) c r.-wb g. n., I1 869.
db 3 (costume), I 366 n. a, 668.
&b3't (-hall), I11 154.
g. n., I1 421.
Dmy, p. n., I 336 n. a.
DT-n3, g. n., I1 470.
drw (masonry), I V 515.
&S, later d f (-jar), I 430 n. i.


DSr-k 3 -Rc, r. n., I1 39.

Dsr-t, g. n., I V 520.
Dt, f. n., I 101,131.
&t (endowment), I 217 n. a.
&, 11872 n. a; dd-ny (I have spoken),
I 658 n. g.
Dd-by-yw, p. n., I V 878.
Qd-&C w, r. n., I 264, 265.
Qd-k 3 -Rc, r. n., I 264, 265.
ddm.t (-measure), I V 244, 294, 301,
394, 768.
ddmt-br-t 3 (-loaves), I V 238.
Qdty, p. n., I V 957.



IV 715 n. a his.
~ 1 ~ 57 23~IV, 715 n. a.
P->>K, IV 715 n. a.
128 (J-k 3 -n J ) , I1 436 n. e.
(J -d-rw-m -m), IV 712 n. f.
5% -a-rw), IV 7x2 n. c.
J ()
, 1, Iv 714 n. d.
l I K (J -d-rw), IV 712 n. c.
178 ( J d - r 2 - J), I V 716.
P l I K , IV 712 n. f.
5i'Jk, I T 1 576 n. d.
3TYH (yw-t J ) , I11 288 n. b.
l i j : ~(J -yw-rw-n), I V 712.


nl-58 (J-r-ry-m), IV 455 n. d.

q b ~ i . ( ~ w d - h - m - r w - k IV


733, IV 410 n. d.
723 ( K 2 -k -nu-y), IV 713 n. h.
ng? (k -i -ty), IV 232 n. a.
Dr??, Iv I99 n. d.
'I7~n( M - ~ - ~ - Y WIV) , 712.
5 ~ inn
( ~ -' -r>
h -b- -r>), IV 423

n. a.

U'!;?n (M-h -n-m), IV 712.

nWn7n (r -hw-sw), IV 238 n. a.


IV 715.

713D (t -k -r J), IV 189 n. a.

1) D'Q, 1 745 n. g; 11 175211. c.
KT'Y (c -y -&- J ) , IV 715.
JTB'i'Y (c -n-p-nu-n), IV 716.

.5 .~

iiihnp ( B -ty-h-w -rw-n), IV 712.

(c -rw-dIV 716.
??@QV? ( B -ty-.t -n-r- ), IV 712.
~ 1 (c -r -ty), IV 189 n. a.

~ ) ~ i - n 9( 2
B -ty-t 3 -nu-m 3 m), IV 713

n. h.

un53 ( B . -rw-m. -m), IV 713 n. f.

$73 (b -r -k a), IV 127 n. a, 207 n. e.

7 1 ~ q 3( k - b

IV 712.
U'Tq (hdmw), I1 436 n. k.
533-73 (T -k 3 -rw -B- -r .), IV 566
n. b.
5%- BIT ( I ) >-a-p.t-t-r w ) , IV 713.
U38n (H 3 -y -n-m),IV 713 n. e.
P37lll (H -y -n-m), IV 713:n. e.
03n (Hera~leo~olis),
IV 790.
P???? (H 2 -pw-rw-m- a), IVj712.
5pr1, IV 715 n. f.
D73K jpTl,:(p -hw-k-rw- -b -r > m ) , IV 7'5.
&pn, IV 7x5 n. f.
?IF:!, I11 84 n. a.




KYY (c -y -&->), IV 715.

j?nY?, I V 715 n. d.
a579 (krn.t), 111 587 n. h.
719 (c -r > -n
IV 713.
~ W (c.
Y -3 3 -k), IV 188 n. a.
U"I'1Y( D 3 -r w-m m), IV 714.
3yy (d c k ) , IV 97 n. g.
~ ~ B I I(D
Y > -d-p-t-4-rw), IV 713.
n q ? (RW-b -ty), IV 712.

J ) ,


(Rw-h -b 3 - J ) , IV 712.
53, IV 410 n. d.
n#w, IV 715
U>?W(3' -n-m- J ) , IV 712.
njm (S -YW-K .), IV 713.
n 3 ~IV
, 715 n. f.
U ~ W IV
, 715 n. f.
3a?Q (T - c -n-k- J ) , IV 712.





831 & n.

& Jaa

F k h TI, N

460 n.

6 ~ n.
1 a.




R C C ~ ~ S

2, a

b, c

3-7, 120,a-e
112, e

157 b
391 d
11.5, a


I 17-75
1 689
I 689
I 689
1 190-99


I 210-12
I 264
I 263
I 27-75
1 338
I 301
I 301
I 298
I 299
I 266,302-3,34043
I 466-68
I 663-69
1 675
1 644
I 656-60
1 652
I 719-20
1723 n. f.
I 721-23
1721n. b
1 707
1 707
I 708-9
I 750 n. e
I 740


Taf. 144,g



1 731-32
I 435-38
1439-43s 452-53
I 433 n-e, 444-51
I 428-33
I 423Hn.d
I 752

I 749
ABT. 111

Taf. 3,a

I1 27-28
I1 69-73
I1 87-88
12,a, d
I1 6-16,39,78-82
12, c
11 6 n. a
I1 120-22
11 332 n. d
11 245
I1 308-319
11 321
24,a25 b ~ as
I1 348 n. b
11 337
I1 642
11 521-23
30,a, 11. 10-20 I1 529-40
11 543-73
I1 603
3 a 1 - 3 11 497-503
31,a, 11.3-10 II 507-515
31,a, 11. 1-14 I1 517-19
31,b, 1. 167;
32,11. 1-32 I1 412-43
32911.32-39 11 445-49
38,c. d
I1 638-40
11 18-20
43,a, 11.10-20 I1 25
I1 652
II 651
I1 62-66
11 174
11 169-72
I1 651
11 654
I1 801-2




Taf. 65, a
71, a-d
76, 77
81, g
81, h
82, a
62, a
62, c


92-97, d
98, a

103-6, a,
107, a
110, d
110, i
120, a
120, b
121, a-b
126, a
126, b
127, a
127, b
128, a, b
130, a
130, b
131, a
131, b
131, c, d
132, a
132, d
123, e
'32, 9, h
138, g
138, h
138, n
1399 a
140, a
140, b
140, C
140, d
141, h
1453 c
149, a
152, a
152, d
152, f
152, g

I1 812-15
I 66 n. c; I1 875
I1 819, 871-72
I1 843 n. C
IT 896
I1 982-88
I11 1007-8
I1 1014-16
I1 1010-13
11 1019-41
I1 844 n. b
I11 87-88
I11 83-84
I11 85-86
I11 109-112
I11 98-103
I11 153-56
I11 145-48
I11 114
I11 213
I11 215-16
I11 218
I11 217
I11 213
I11 2 0 0
I11 198
I11 163-64
I11 165
I11 169-74
111 175-94
I11 195
I11 204 n. b
I11 507
I11 217
I11 517-18
I11 218


Taf. 155
159, b
159, d
164, 165
174, d
275, b
175, f

182, b
183, a
187, a, b
187, c-e
188, a
189, a
192, b
192, C
192, d
195, a
'97, b
'977 c
' 199, a
200, a
201, C
202, a
202, b
202, C
209, b
209, c

213, b
213, d
213, e
219, f, A
219, e
120, C
223, e
229, 6
229, c
231, a
237, c
243, a
243, b
248, b
251, a
251, c
251, d
25'9 e-?z
252,?53, a

Taf. 256, a
258, a, b





I V 762-69
I V 760-61
Iv 770
I1 1019-41

I 74 n. a
I V 897
Iv 898
Iv 899
I V 900


Text 111, 64
111, 91, 92
111, 127, 128
111, 130
111, 134
111, 152
111, 156
111, 164
111, 170
111, 172
111, 174
111. I?<


I V 615-18
I11 64 n. a
I11 356
I11 641 n. c
111 515
IV 889
I11 356 n. a
I V 634
Iv 132-35
Iv 72
IV 85-92
I V 61-68

Taf. 231 8
Text I, 2 0
111, 43

I V 19
I1 799-800
111 574-92


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