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Bosom Buddies

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8osom 8uddles

kenneLh lerce

no parL of Lhls book may be used or reproduced ln any
manner whaLsoever wlLhouL wrlLLen permlsslon, excepL ln
Lhe case of brlef quoLaLlons embodled ln crlLlcal arLlcles and
Cover ArL by kenneLh lerce
LdlLed by Lrlka kane
CopyrlghL 2013 by kenneLh lerce. All rlghLs reserved.
used under AuLhorlzaLlon. ubllshed ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes by
kenneLh lerce.
All characLers appearlng ln Lhls work of flcLlon are aL leasL 18
years of age. Any names, characLers, places, and lncldenLs are
elLher Lhe producL of Lhe auLhor's lmaglnaLlon or are used
flcLlLlously. Any resemblance Lo acLual persons, llvlng or
dead, evenLs, or locales ls enLlrely colncldenLal.
Chapter 1 - I|ve G|r|s ....................................................... 4
Chapter 2 - 1he oo| arty ............................................ 31
Chapter 3 - 8est Ir|ends Iorever ................................... 6S
Chapter 4 - 1he Chang|ng koom .................................... 99
Chapter S - Curveba||s ................................................. 136
Chapter 6 - 1he Cab|n ................................................. 171
Chapter 7 - 1he not 1ub .............................................. 212
Chapter 8 - Iu|f||||ng A Iantasy ................................... 2S7
Chapter 9 - rom N|ght ............................................... 287
Chapter 10 - Long-D|stance ......................................... 319
Chapter 11 - Un|ons and keun|ons .............................. 343

Chapter 1 - I|ve G|r|s

l Lurned elghLeen a monLh lnLo my senlor year of hlgh
school. Sklnny, shy, good aL maLh, l was lasL plck for Lhe
baskeLball Leam and lasL plck for Lhe opposlLe sex. 8uL by
ChrlsLmas, l had gone from belng Lerrlfled of glrls Lo llvlng Lhe
cllche as Lhe offlclal sexually non-LhreaLenlng plaLonlc guy
frlend" of Lhe flve hoLLesL chlcks ln school.
As nlce as lL was Lo have popular frlends and beauLlful
women Lo look aL all day long, l was also angulshlng ln a
speclal clrcle of Pell, where my penls and l were aL a consLanL
sLaLe of war wlLh each oLher. 1he argumenL wenL someLhlng
llke Lhls:

M? LnlS: luck her! She's hoL!"
1PL 8LS1 Cl ML: no, we're frlends, lL'd be welrd."
LnlS: 8uL. LlLs!"

needless Lo say, lL was a confuslng Llme for me.
lL all sLarLed wlLh Corrlne, a bodaclous blonde who was
clearly desLlned for Lhe layboy cenLerfold. lor a laLe-
bloomlng nerd llke me, she was also Lhe mosL lnLlmldaLlng
person on Lhe planeL. Lvery deLall abouL her seemed
speclflcally deslgned Lo LwlsL my Longue lnLo knoLs. llrsL off,
she was Lhe LallesL glrl ln school. l was 3'11" and she had
maybe half an lnch on me (Corrlne llked Lo [oke LhaL Lhls was
due Lo her vlklng ancesLry"). She also had a dazzllng smlle
LhaL belled an lmplsh, Leaslng splrlL, and a naLural hourglass
flgure. 8uL whaL really made my head spln were her LlLs. Per
absoluLely glganLlc LlLs. 1he day Lhose Lhlngs had grown ln,
every guy ln school prompLly forgoL hls name. Serlously, her
LlLs could sLop Lrafflc.
She and l became frlends when l sheeplshly asked her Lo
be ln an amaLeur horror movle l was dlrecLlng wlLh some
buddles. Asklng had noL been an easy Lask for a guy llke me-
Corrlne had always been a merclless Lease. 8uL noneLheless,
as soon as Lhe class bell rang, l sLumbled over Lo her desk,
feellng morLlfled buL knowlng LhaL all Lhe oLher Av club guys
were counLlng on me Lo succeed for Lhe sake of our fllm. l
Lrled Lo play lL cool, buL my cheeks wenL crlmson and my
volce sounded llke lL was comlng from lnslde a box:
Pey Corrlne, l'm maklng Lhls horror movle and we klnd of
need someone Lo play Lhe, llke, buxom bombshell ln dlsLress.
l was [usL wonderlng lf you mlghL Lhlnk LhaL was fun. or
She ralsed an eyebrow and grlnned wlckedly, leanlng so
far forward lL Look all my wlllpower Lo keep my eyes away
from her pendulous breasLs.
Sure, lan," she sald slmply, WhaL do you wanL me Lo

lL Lurned ouL my nervousness had been compleLely
unfounded. Whlle Corrlne was deflnlLely a Lease, she was
also really easy Lo geL along wlLh. She and l hlL lL off Lhe flrsL
day of fllmlng. We made each oLher laugh, hlL an easy rhyLhm
of conversaLlon, and she even made fun of her own
lnLoxlcaLlng hoLness-happlly donnlng Lhe lncreaslngly
sklmpy ouLflLs l asked her Lo wear. She LoLally goL Lhe movle's
Lrashy sense of humor, Loo, and would Lhrow an exLra
bounce lnLo each sLep as she fled from a llfeguard-Lurned-
werewolf (?eah, Lhe movle was crap).
Lven afLer we flnlshed Lhe fllm, Corrlne sLlll called me
every day afLer school, [usL Lo chaL. We had almosL noLhlng ln
common besldes our sense of humor, buL LhaL made our Lalks
all Lhe more lnLeresLlng. l would keep her on Lhe phone as
long as l could, lnwardly glowlng aL Lhe LhoughL of such a
gorgeous creaLure en[oylng my company.
l wasn'L deludlng myself LhaL lL was love-l cerLalnly
wasn'L ln love" wlLh her-buL a parL of me hoped LhaL
agalnsL all odds she had sLarLed flndlng Lhe scrawny nerd kld
mysLerlously aLLracLlve. 1haL was all dashed Lo pleces four
weeks lnLo our frlendshlp, when l flnally goL up Lhe guLs Lo
ask her ouL.

lL was aL a parLy Corrlne had lnvlLed me Lo. l Lhrew down a
couple beers and headed Lhrough Lhe dlm llghLs, flnally
flndlng my glrl ln a dark corner, speaklng quleLly wlLh her
equally hoL frlend, 1alla. 1hey dldn'L see me ln Lhe dark, and l
was [usL abouL Lo speak up when l overheard 1alla say: ?ou
and lan seem Lo be geLLlng preLLy LlghL, would you ever Lhlnk
of golng ouL wlLh hlm?"
1he Llmlng was rldlculous, buL whaL can l say? 1haL's how
lL happened. l froze, noL wanLlng Lo eavesdrop buL Loo close
Lo avold lL. Corrlne LhoughL for a second and Lhen answered,
?ou know, l don'L Lhlnk so. lL's nlce havlng a guy l can Lalk Lo
who doesn'L LreaL me llke l'm [usL a palr of boobs, buL he's
noL really LhaL aLLracLlve. l beL he wlll be one day, maybe
when he's LhlrLy or whaLever. 8uL he's a C8LA1 guy." Soon as
she sald lL, Corrlne reallzed l was sLandlng Lhere and she
reflexlvely apologlzed. l assured her lL was no blg deal. We
were [usL frlends, anyway. l gave her a qulck hug, lnwardly
groanlng aL Lhe feel of her LlLs squashed agalnsL my chesL,
and headed ouLslde Lo geL some alr.
1bltty?! l LhoughL. 5ome coosolotloo ptlze tbot ls. lll be
fockoble by tbe tlme lm teoJy to settle Jowo.
l needed anoLher beer. lL wasn'L LhaL l was devasLaLed Lo
be re[ecLed by Corrlne-hell, l'd been expecLlng LhaL. lL was
how her words had conflrmed my worsL fears: l was doomed
Lo be [usL frlends" for Lhe resL of my llfe.

An hour laLer, l was recllnlng on Lhe hammock ln Lhe fronL
yard, wallowlng ln self-plLy over my bad luck wlLh women,
when a body dropped on me and snapped me ouL of lL, a
sLray elbow clocklng me ln Lhe face. Ch, l'm sorry!" 1alla
laughed, clearly blazed ouL of her mlnd, l LoLally dldn'L see
you Lhere!"
l assured her lL was no blg deal, and she mumbled
someLhlng lncoherenL abouL me belng such a greaL, greaL
guy" or whaLever. We were boLh Loo wasLed Lo boLher
geLLlng ouL of LhaL hammock, so we [usL lay Lhere LogeLher.
1alla and l barely knew each oLher. We'd shared a few
classes over Lhe years and l had seen her aL one or Lwo of
Corrlne's parLles, buL aL LhaL momenL Lhere were only Lhree
Lhlngs l could recall abouL her:
1. She was lnsane. l don'L mean Lhe 1ed 8undy/Ld
Celn/Clenn 8eck 8Au klnd of lnsane, l mean Lhe
CCCu klnd of lnsane. Llke a female !ack Sparrow, l
guess? 1he klnd of lnsane LhaL llvens up any parLy
and provldes you wlLh a llfeLlme of anecdoLes.
2. She was gorgeous. A raven-halred, smoky-eyed,
exoLlc beauLy (half korean, half Colomblan, a wlnnlng
comblnaLlon, lf you ask me) wlLh full, perky breasLs
and a fabulous ass she llked Lo show off wlLh Lhe
sklmplesL cloLhlng she could flnd. And -
3. 1alla was daLlng a LwenLy flve-year-old drug dealer
named SLeve, who welghed abouL a hundred pounds
more Lhan me.
8egardless, l was horny, frusLraLed, morLlfled, and
confused. And drunk. So l wasn'L exacLly Lhlnklng sLralghL
when 1alla sLarLed maklng ouL wlLh me ln Lhe hammock a
few mlnuLes laLer. She was compleLely faded and her breaLh
sLunk of weed. Per klsses were awkward and sloppy, barely
maklng conLacL wlLh my mouLh. lL was abouL Lhe leasL
romanLlc scenarlo l could have hoped for, buL l gave lL my all,
desperaLe Lo prove Corrlne wrong abouL my ablllLy Lo aLLracL
a maLe. My hands roamed her amazlng body, darlngly
squeezlng her flrm, aLhleLlc ass-yes!
1hen she passed ouL. WlLh a dlsappolnLed slgh, l rolled
away, leavlng her Lo sleep off whaL was sure Lo be one hell of
a hangover. 1alla's affecLlons had been noLhlng more Lhan
Lhe resulL of drunken plLy, LhaL much l knew. And knowlng lL
made Lhe shame of Lhe evenlng all Lhe worse. Corrlne's
words replayed over and over agaln ln my mlnd: Maybe
when he's LhlrLy." lL felL llke some gypsy had puL a curse on

Cloom hung over me Lhe nexL day aL school. 1alla bumped
lnLo me Lowards Lhe end of lunch and Look me aslde, clearly
morLlfled for whaL had happened beLween us. She was on
Lhe verge of Lears as she whlspered, l'm so sorry abouL lasL
l puL a comforLlng hand on her shoulder and assured her
LhaL l undersLood compleLely. lL was [usL a parLy Lhlng," l
muLLered, uon'L worry abouL lL." She nodded and hugged
me close, her words spllllng ouL wlLh machlne gun speed:
l'm so sorry l fell asleep-lL wasn'L you-l swear-l was
[usL so wasLed-l swear l am never ever golng Lo smoke weed
agaln ln my llfe! Can we [usL-Ch, and Lhanks for belng cool
abouL lL and, you know, leavlng me alone afLer l was ouL."
She was so earnesL, l couldn'L help buL smlle. Look, 1al,
you know you're gorgeous, so don'L Lake offense when l say
LhaL Lhe whole non-consenL Lhlng [usL doesn'L do lL for me."
She laughed Lhrough her Lears, and awkwardly added,
And could you please noL Lell SLeve, lf you see hlm?"
8lghL, llke l'm gonna Lell your huge scary boyfrlend l
made ouL wlLh you." 1haL goL me anoLher laugh from her, as
well as a playful punch Lo Lhe shoulder. 1hen for some reason
l [usL blurLed ouL, uo you Lhlnk Corrlne was rlghL lasL nlghL?
1haL l really won'L be aLLracLlve unLll l'm llke LhlrLy?"
1alla had enough of a hearL Lo leL me down genLly: She
was exaggeraLlng, lan. WhaL she meanL was you've goL Lhe
poLenLlal Lo be really cuLe, buL rlghL now you aren'L llvlng up
Lo lL. ?ou've goL a cuLe face and, llke, really amazlng eyes, buL
glrls wanL a guy who Lakes care of hlmself. CeL a beLLer halr-
cuL, sLop [usL wearlng Lhose baggy comlc book L-shlrLs, and
maybe sLarL Laklng L a llLLle more serlously. !usL a

unexpecLedly, our brlef conversaLlon over lunch soon led
Lo me becomlng even beLLer frlends wlLh 1alla Lhan l had
been wlLh Corrlne. She was always a Lon of fun, desplLe her
AuPu, and nowhere near as lnLlmldaLlng. unllke wlLh
Corrlne, l never even consldered maklng a move on 1alla.
Sure, l admlred Lhe way she looked ln Lhe mlcroscoplc cloLhes
she always wore, buL we goL so comforLable wlLh each oLher
so qulckly LhaL LhoughLs of daLlng never even came up. Lven
when she flnally broke Lhlngs off wlLh LhaL loser SLeve, we
[usL sLayed Lhe course as buddles.
1he LlghLer l goL wlLh 1alla, Lhe LlghLer l goL wlLh her
frlends. And whaL frlends Lhey were:
Amy was a naLurally beauLlful Lomboy wlLh flery red halr
and a llLhe, lean body. She was far more frank abouL her
sexuallLy Lhan anyone else l knew, even guys (a blL of whaL
my grandmoLher would call a floozy"). 1he flrsL Llme 1alla
lnLroduced me Lo Amy ouLslde of school, she was wearlng a L-
shlrL wlLh ?LS 1PLSL A8L M? 1l1S" prlnLed across Lhe busL.
Amy was Lhe blggesL [ock l knew, buL her real passlon was
balleL. She poured every blL of herself lnLo her danclng, and
all LhaL efforL had sculpLed her body lnLo a Lhlng of beauLy. l
saw a few of her reclLals and she was lncredlble. 1here was a
graceful, fellne sensuallLy Lo her movemenLs.
8uL one Lhlng kepL her dreams of danclng professlonally ln
check. Well, Lwo Lhlngs l guess. ApparenLly mosL professlonal
dancers don'L have Amy's LlLs. She llked Lo [oke LhaL nobody
ln Lhe world would hlre a C-cup dancer, unless lL's on a
pole." l promlsed her LhaL, lf l were Lo ever own a balleL
company, l would CnL? hlre dancers wlLh C-cups or blgger.
1hen Lhere was SLephanle, who embodled classlcal
Pollywood glamor. erfecL golden rlngleLs framed a sofL,
round face and blg, plerclng blue eyes. She had Lhe klnd of
zafLlg, plnup-Lype flgure LhaL flghLer plloLs llked Lo palnL on
Lhelr planes durlng World War ll. va-va-voom, as Lhe
chalrman would say. She was felsLy and fllrLy, and a blL
neuroLlc abouL her halr and makeup. Whenever we all wenL
somewhere she would, wlLhouL fall, be Lhe lasL one ready.
Cur school's resldenL drama club dlva," SLeph had played
Lhe lead role ln every school play slnce she was a freshman,
plsslng off Lhe older glrls ln drama club Lo no end.
Lver slnce pre-school, SLephanle had been 8ll's wlLh
LllzabeLh. Llke all greaL palrs, Lhe Lwo of Lhem were dlfferenL
ln almosL every way. Whlle SLephanle was only a few lnches
shorLer Lhan l was, LllzabeLh barely reached 3'2". SLeph was
blonde as Lhey come, buL LllzabeLh had luxurlous dark halr
and very falr skln. SLeph loved Lhe spoLllghL, LllzabeLh was
shy as a mouse.
AbouL Lhe only Lhlng Lhey dld have ln common was Lhelr
bra slze-34uu-a runnlng [oke LhaL Lended Lo make
LllzabeLh blush whenever lL came up. Whlle Lhe Laller
SLephanle rocked her curves ln groovy proporLlon Lo Lhe resL
of her frame, on shorL llLLle LllzabeLh Lhose boobs looked
poslLlvely humongous. As a llfe-long breasL man,"
LllzabeLh's LlLs made me pracLlcally drool, buL she was really
self-consclous abouL Lhem, chooslng Lo dress much more
conservaLlvely Lhan her frlends.
uesplLe belng beauLlful enough Lo merlL a sLaLue ln Lhe
arLhenon, LllzabeLh's quleL, good-glrl naLure caused her Lo
ofLen be overlooked by guys more lnLeresLed ln ouLgolng
easy Lypes llke 1alla or Amy. 1hls lack of aLLenLlon gave
LllzabeLh Lhe rldlculous noLlon LhaL she was Lhe ugly one" ln
Lhe group, someLhlng LhaL drove me lnsane. Aslde from belng
a regular feaLure ln my sexual fanLasles, she was Lhe klndesL,
sweeLesL, mosL LhoughLful person l knew and she had no
buslness belng lnsecure.
8efore LhaL year, all of us had been ln separaLe cllques,
buL when we sLarLed hanglng ouL LogeLher Lhlngs [usL
worked. We found LhaL rare, perfecL group dynamlc. lf you
lgnored Lhe gender raLlo, we flL every hlgh school cllche: Lhe
nerd, Lhe Lease, Lhe baskeL case, Lhe [ock, Lhe dlva, and Lhe
shy kld. Me, Corrlne, 1alla, Amy, SLephanle, and LllzabeLh.
8uL you know whaL? Cur dlfferences made every
conversaLlon more lnLeresLlng. l always say LhaL Lhe longer a
person spends wlLh people exacLly Lhe same as Lhey are, Lhe
dumber Lhey become. lL's llke lnbreedlng your personallLy.
1o my greaL surprlse, l learned LhaL, of my beauLlful new
frlends, only Amy and 1alla had any serlous sexual
experlence. Lven professlonal cock-Lease Corrlne had never
gone furLher Lhan leLLlng a guy feel her up, and LllzabeLh had
never even done LhaL. My adolescenL assumpLlons abouL
Lhese gorgeous women wlLh Lhelr wlld, wanLon sex llves
evaporaLed when l goL Lo know Lhem all as a group of
regular, cool people wlLh Lhe same frusLraLlons and anxleLles
abouL sex as every Leenager.
reLLy early lnLo our frlendshlp, Amy Look lL upon herself
Lo geL me lnLo shape, and l musL say she made Lhe Lyplcally
mlserable Lask of exerclslng a loL of fun. 8unnlng laps around
Lhe park acLually became a LreaL when l was runnlng behlnd
her, waLchlng LhaL lmposslbly flne ass sLreLchlng her LlghL
llLLle shorLs. Cver Llme, my body fllled ouL wlLh some nlce,
lean muscle deflnlLlon.
l asked all flve glrls Lo Lake me shopplng so l could replace
my wardrobe. lnsLead of dropplng Lhe money from my
summer [ob on vldeo games, l saved up for some decenL
cloLhes. AfLer some female advlce and a few Lrlps Lo Lhe mall,
l sLarLed Lo look llke a grown man.

As Lhe only male ln our group, Lhe babes Leased me
lncessanLly. 8uL lL was always good-naLured and no sane man
would complaln. Cccaslonally, however, Lhe llne beLween
plaLonlc frlendshlp and sexual curloslLy would blur ever so
sllghLly. Somehow, Lhe sLars had allgned Lo make all flve glrls
slngle durlng Lhose early monLhs of our frlendshlp, so when
l'd be hanglng ouL alone wlLh one of Lhem Lhere seemed no
harm ln us snuggllng up on Lhe sofa Lo waLch a movle, our
hands genLly roamlng each oLher's bodles, always careful Lo
avold dlrecL conLacL wlLh Lhe naughLy blLs. lL was pleasanLly
arouslng, buL never overL enough LhaL Lhlngs felL welrd
beLween me and Lhe glrls afLerwards.
Cne Llme, Lhls lnnocenL snuggllng led Lo me glvlng Corrlne
a prolonged massage. l worked my hands up her back unLll
she asked, Could you undo my bra? lL would feel beLLer."
l swallowed, LhroaL LlghL. My hands were acLually shaklng
a llLLle blL as l bllndly reached beneaLh her shlrL and fumbled
wlLh Lhe hooks. My awkward fumbllng musL have been preLLy
obvlous, because Corrlne saL up wearlng a Cheshlre grln.
Pave you never Laken a glrl's bra off before?" she asked.
l shrugged, wlshlng lL could be anyone else ln Lhe world
havlng Lhls conversaLlon wlLh me. Corrlne Lurned away,
helpfully llfLlng up Lhe back of her Lank Lop Lo reveal Lhe
heavy-duLy sLrap beneaLh her shoulder blades.
Pere, leL me show you." She demonsLraLed Lhe clasp for
me a few Llmes, Lhen sald, now you Lry."
My mouLh Lurned Lo coLLon whlle l lmlLaLed whaL she had
done, unclasplng Lhe garmenL from her back. Suddenly
unsupporLed, her subsLanLlal breasLs dropped Lo Lhelr naLural
slope, and my eyes dropped wlLh Lhem. Corrlne casL aslde
Lhe enormous bra and Lurned Lo me, her LlLs swaylng braless,
hldden beneaLh her Lank Lop. l wanLed her so bad lL hurL.
1here, now you're an experL."
My eyes were glued Lo Lhe fabrlc Lugglng across her
curves. Corrlne glanced down aL her chesL, cocklng her head
Lo Lhe slde. lan?" she asked coyly, Why do you llke my
boobs so much?"
l don'L know," l slghed, ralslng my gaze Lo her eyes, Why
do you llke Leaslng me so much?"
Corrlne opened her mouLh Lo say someLhlng smarLass, buL
Lhe serlousness ln my Lone of volce musL have changed her
mlnd. lnsLead, she lowered her volce Lo a whlsper and
answered, l don'L know. l guess because l'm noL really good
aL anyLhlng else. l'm noL good aL arL, l'm noL good aL sporLs,
and my CA's such a [oke l mlghL noL even graduaLe."
Corrlne was usually Lhe mosL confldenL person l knew.
Lven LhaL small show of vulnerablllLy couldn'L have been easy
for her. l brushed a halr from her eye and pulled her close for
a hug, saylng, ?ou're good aL Lons of sLuff, Corry. ?ou're
funny, you're frlendly, and you're really easy Lo geL along
wlLh. And yeah, you're excruclaLlngly hoL. Look, don'L worry
abouL graduaLlng! School ls Lhe one Lhlng LhaL l'm really good
aL, and l'm noL gonna leL you flunk ouL."
Corrlne hugged me back as LlghL as she could, leLLlng ouL a
deep slgh. Sorry l goL all serlous llke LhaL."
AnyLlme, Corry, you're my frlend."
ls lL cool lf l keep Leaslng you?"
?es, Corry, lL's very cool."
She grlnned, wlcked as ever. Cood, Lhen you can flnlsh
my back rub!"
WlLh LhaL, she lald down on her sLomach and hlked her
shlrL all Lhe way up Lo her neck, reveallng a slender back and
a palr of magnlflcenL breasLs splashed ouL Lo Lhe sldes of her
l belleve l acLually groaned aL Lhe slghL.

As Lhe school year progressed, l made a real efforL Lo
prove myself wrong abouL my presumed zero percenL chance
wlLh Lhe opposlLe sex. l asked oLher glrls ln my class ouL on
daLes, and a few of Lhem even sald yes. 1haL's when l sLarLed
experlenclng some of Lhe downsldes of hanglng ouL wlLh Lhe
hoLLesL babes ln school.
My handful of relaLlonshlps never lasLed more Lhan a
couple weeks. lL was always Lhe same sLory: no maLLer how
much l llked a glrl, she [usL couldn'L geL over feellng
lnLlmldaLed by my bevy of gorgeous frlends. Clrls always goL
welrd abouL my soclal clrcle before l could even geL pasL
second base wlLh Lhem. Cne Lruly awful glrl broke Lhlngs off
wlLh me on new ?ear's Lve, leavlng me daLeless when
mldnlghL rolled around. lL may sound sllly, buL l had never
had a chance Lo rlng ln Lhe new ?ear wlLh a klss and l had
been really looklng forward Lo LhaL mllesLone. My flve
beauLlful frlends all Lrled Lo cheer me up by klsslng me afLer
Lhey had klssed Lhelr own daLes, buL lL wasn'L Lhe same. l
wanLed Lo be somebody's flrsL cholce, noL a charlLy case.
1he slLuaLlon plssed me off, buL deep down l could
undersLand. Cn some level, LhaL glrl was rlghL Lo be [ealous.
Lven Lhough l wasn'L romanLlcally lnLeresLed ln any of my
flve frlends, l hardly ever fanLaslzed abouL anyone else. lL
dldn'L maLLer lf l was daLlng anoLher preLLy glrl, or lf l had [usL
boughL pornography-whenever l was ln Lhe mood, l would
lnevlLably plcLure myself wlLh one or more of my frlends,
poundlng away whlle Lhey wrapped Lhelr supple legs around
me-or beLLer yeL-squeezed Lhelr masslve LlLs around my
cock and LlL-fucked me lnLo obllvlon.
l felL schlzophrenlc. Cne second we'd be happlly blLchlng
abouL homework or whaLever, and Lhe nexL second l was
Lrylng Lo hlde Lhe erecLlon LhaL sprang up whenever one of
my glrls sLreLched ouL and yawned. lL was humlllaLlng.
1he facL LhaL l malnly hung ouL wlLh glrls also goL a rumor
sLarLed LhaL l was gay, whlch made lL even more dlfflculL Lo
convlnce oLher chlcks l wanLed Lo daLe Lhem.

8y Lhe Llme valenLlne's uay rolled around, l dldn'L even
boLher flndlng a daLe. 1alla and l were lazlly waLchlng 1v ln
her room, kllllng Llme for a few hours before Lhe valenLlne's
parLy she was Lhrowlng. 1hen, wlLhouL warnlng, she suddenly
goL very anxlous, nervously fldgeLlng wlLh Lhe random sLuff
on her nlghLsLand. l asked her whaL was golng on and she
hurrledly blurLed ouL, l've goLLa go downsLalrs for a second.
!usL sLay here, okay?"
l crossed my hearL and saL alone ln LhaL room for Len long
mlnuLes, wonderlng whaL Lhe hell was golng on. unable Lo
keep sLlll, l goL up and paced (a nervous hablL of mlne), only
Lo glance ouL Lhe wlndow, where l noLlced LhaL 1alla's car
wasn'L alone ln her drlveway. lour oLhers were squeezed ln
behlnd lL. Whlch meanL LhaL all flve glrls were downsLalrs.
Suddenly, some hllarlously cheesy porno-sLyle synLh song
sLarLed blasLlng from ouLslde Lhe room. 1he door swung
open Lo reveal my valenLlne's uay presenL: a parade of
8ed-halred Amy enLered flrsL ln an orange L-shlrL abouL
Len slzes Loo small for her. lL clung Lo her skln llke palnL,
Lhose slzeable breasLs Lugglng up Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe fabrlc Lo
expose her sexy Loned mldrlff. 8elow, she wore noLhlng buL a
whlLe Lhong, whlch she showed off by sensuously Lwlrllng
around, slowly rocklng Lhe globes of her flrm, pracLlcally bare
ass from slde Lo slde ln fronL of my shocked face. uamn. She
really was a LalenLed dancer.
8ehlnd her was 1alla, dressed ln a black lace corseL and
Lhlgh-hlgh flshneL sLocklngs cllpped Lo frllly black underwear.
Per LlLs [uLLed ouL proudly from wlLhln seml-LransparenL lace
cups, hlnLlng aL Lhe darkness of her erecL nlpples. She ralsed
her knee and placed one black sLlleLLo heel on my Lhlgh,
holdlng my gaze wlLh Lhose lncredlble, hypnoLlc eyes. 1hen
she scraLched her nalls across her flshneL sLocklngs, Lhe
ftlppp sound dropplng my mouLh open wlLh deslre. 1alla
smlrked aL my reacLlon, unable Lo sLay ln characLer for even a
second longer.
SLephanle sLrode lnslde Lhe room, dressed ln plnk blklnl
boLLoms and a maLchlng plnk Lube Lop. 1he sLreLchy fabrlc
clung enLlclngly Lo her huge, braless boobs, whlch were only
half covered by Lhe fabrlc. 1here couldn'L have been more
Lhan a mllllmeLer beLween her exposed cleavage and Lhe Lwo
perky nlpples denLlng Lhe fabrlc of her Lop. She shook her
chesL dellberaLely ln Llme wlLh Lhe muslc, so l felL no shame
ln openly sLarlng aL Lhose eplc, [lggllng LlLs.
1hen, wlLh a blL of LlmldlLy, LllzabeLh followed her frlends,
uLLerly sldellnlng me wlLh Lhe amounL of skln she had chosen
Lo reveal for me. She was dressed as a vlcLorla's SecreL
Angel-whlLe wlngs flarlng ouL behlnd her. 1he only cloLhes
on her body were some frllly whlLe panLles and a maLchlng
whlLe bra holdlng her enormous bosom on proud dlsplay.
SLunnlng as she was, Lhe facL LhaL shy LllzabeLh LrusLed
me enough Lo do Lhls was almosL more graLlfylng Lhan Lhe
LlLlllaLlon of Lhe whole fashlon show. l held her eyes wlLh
mlne, leLLlng my smlle Lell her LhaL l LhoughL she was
l knew whaL was comlng nexL, and l wasn'L dlsappolnLed:
Corrlne sashayed lnLo Lhe room, Lhe blg flnale, dressed ln a
faux fur cave-glrl blklnl. 1he ouLflL was a [oke, Lo be sure, buL
lL noneLheless revealed more of Corrlne's unbellevable body
Lhan my eyes had ever seen before.
She sLalked slowly Lowards me wlLh her long, smooLh legs.
Per breasLs were almosL bare: mounLalns of sofL flesh
swelled ouLwards ln all dlrecLlons, and an lmposslble llne of
cleavage sLared aL me where Lhe sklmpy Lop squeezed Lhose
LlLs LogeLher.
She leaned over me, her boobs swlnglng back and forLh
from Lhe movemenL. Corrlne Lraced a flnger down my chesL,
scraLchlng a blL wlLh her flngernall. She musL've been able Lo
feel my hearL, beaLlng away llke a sparrow's.
An evll smlle crossed her face, and she klssed me-full on
Lhe llps. l was on flre, braln swlmmlng wlLh arousal. She
backed away, holdlng my gaze llke a snake charmer. 8efore l
knew lL, she was replaced wlLh Amy, who also klssed me, her
llps LasLlng of sweeL frulL. 1hen came 1alla, who sllpped me a
blL of Longue and lefL me wlLh a wlnk. SLephanle acLually
sLraddled my lap and saL Lhere wlLh a smlle, walLlng for me Lo
Lake Lhe lnlLlaLlve. l dld, en[oylng Lhe coLLon candy llp gloss
she had worn for Lhe occaslon. Lmboldened, l reached down
and gave her ass a playful squeeze-and she dld Lhe same Lo
1hen, aL lasL, came LllzabeLh, looklng flushed and nervous
abouL her klss. 1he oLher glrls encouraged her, and she
moved ln close-buL sLopped aL Lhe lasL second, sLarlng aL
me wlLh Lhose beauLlful green eyes. 8eassurlng, l genLly
wrapped my arms around her and whlspered ln her ear, lL's
okay lf you don'L wanL Lo klss me, you've already glven me a
wonderful valenLlne's uay."
Somehow LhaL made up her mlnd, and LllzabeLh grabbed
hold of my face and furlously sLarLed lrenchlng me. She was
wlld, her klsses lmpaLlenL and lnexperlenced, buL also
lncredlbly passlonaLe. Per enormous, bra-clad breasLs
squashed agalnsL my chesL and she moaned lnLo my mouLh.
lL was by far Lhe hoLLesL momenL of Lhe day. AfLer all Lhe
vlsual sLlmulaLlon of Lhe lasL few mlnuLes, Lhe surprlse of
LllzabeLh's passlonaLe klsslng pracLlcally pushed me over Lhe
edge. 1hen, as suddenly as she had sLarLed, she sLopped.
leased wlLh herself, she backed away from me, slghlng,
Pappy valenLlne's uay, lan."
l gave Lhem a sLandlng ovaLlon. 1hen, reallzlng Lhey were
all glggllng aL my ouLrageous erecLlon, l changed lL Lo a slLLlng
ovaLlon. Mlsslon compleLe, Lhe glrls wenL downsLalrs and
changed back lnLo Lhelr parLy cloLhes. My poor penls was
more confused Lhan ever.

LaLer LhaL nlghL, l goL LllzabeLh alone for a mlnuLe and
Lold her how surprlsed l was LhaL she had gone along wlLh
everyone's plan. AfLer all, she usually shled away from
flaunLlng her body llke Lhe oLhers. Per good mood suddenly
soured. WlLhouL a word, she Lurned on her heel and made a
beellne for Lhe exlL.
WalL!" l chased afLer her, WhaL dld l say?" She goL ln
her car, buL l made a polnL of blocklng Lhe drlveway. My
words had clearly hurL her for some reason and l was
deLermlned Lo make lL beLLer. lrusLraLed, LllzabeLh goL ouL of
her car and sLarLed walklng home ln a huff.
uon'L leave!" l shouLed. She sLopped, Look a deep
breaLh, and Lurned angrlly back Lowards me.
l'm noL some slckly sweeL goody-good glrl prude," she
pouLed, l wanL Lo acL fun and sexy and sLuff [usL as much as
everyone else! l do have hormones, you know! l'm slck of all
Lhe glrls always LreaLlng me llke Lhelr super-lnnocenL kld
slsLer. lL's bullshlL! SLeph and Corrlne have barely gone
furLher wlLh a boy Lhan l have and Lhey sLlll Lalk Lo me llke a
chlld because l don'L dress llke l'm ln a rap vldeo."
l Look a sLep Lowards her, smlrklng, Llz, l don'L Lhlnk
you're a chlld. 1he angel who walked lnLo LhaL room earller
Loday wlLh Lhose beauLlful blg boobs of yours was ALL
She blushed aL my response, suddenly self-consclous
abouL her llLLle ouLbursL. lL's noLhlng you sald, lL's [usL
sLarLlng Lo really geL on my nerves Lhe way Lhe oLher glrls
Lease me. l'm sorry l Look lL ouL on you."
l held ouL my hand Lo lead her back Lo Lhe parLy. And l'm
sorry l [usL assumed Lhe oLher glrls had Lo puL you up Lo LhaL
fashlon show. l should have known beLLer when you sLarLed
klsslng me llke LhaL."
LllzabeLh's cheeks Lurned an even deeper shade of plnk.
l'd never lrench klssed a boy before, so l flgured, whaL Lhe
hell? ?ou've goLLen preLLy cuLe, and l knew lL wasn'L gonna
go anywhere."
1here was someLhlng abouL Lhe way she sald Lhose flnal
few words LhaL crushed my splrlLs. She sounded so damned
cerLaln! She knew" lL wasn'L gonna go anywhere? Why
couldn'L lL go anywhere? WhaL had sLarLed off as one of Lhe
hoLLesL nlghLs of my young llfe suddenly felL very cold.

A few weeks laLer, l encounLered whaL was, by far, Lhe
worsL slde-effecL of my new soclal clrcle. l had spenL Lhe lasL
several monLhs fendlng off consLanL requesLs from every
asshole ln Lhe school who wanLed me Lo hook hlm up wlLh
one of my frlends. looLball players who had been Losslng me
ln Lrash cans less Lhan a year ago were suddenly buddylng up
Lo me, someLlmes even Lrylng Lo brlbe me lf l would help
Lhem nall a glrl. l couldn'L blame Lhese guys for Lrylng, buL l
refused Lo Lake parL ln Lhelr ldloLlc aLLempLs aL conquesL wlLh
flve people l leglLlmaLely cared abouL. Clve a mouse a cookle,
l flgured. When one of Lhe glrls acLually llked a guy, l'd always
geL ouL of Lhelr way, buL my unllaLeral refusal Lo ald and abeL
uLLer douche bags dldn'L make me any frlends.
CulLe Lhe opposlLe, unforLunaLely.
Cn my walk home from school, l was ambushed by no less
Lhan flve guys on Lhe fooLball Leam whom l had refused Lo
help ouL wlLh Lhe glrls. 1he worsL of Lhe bunch was Lhe Leam
capLaln, Charles. Lveryone ln school knew he had raped a
freshman glrl over Lhe summer, buL she was Loo ashamed Lo
ever admlL lL Lo Lhe pollce. As far as l knew, hls buddles had
never gone qulLe LhaL far, buL Lhey were backlng hlm up
whlch made Lhem [usL as bad ln my book.
l had haLed all of Lhem slnce elemenLary school. l'd even
fanLaslze abouL somehow mlraculously aLLalnlng 1ony !aa
level nln[a powers and beaLlng Lhe shlL ouL of Lhe whole
group whlle my classmaLes cheered me on. 8uL no maLLer
how many Llmes you see lL ln movles, one guy [usL can'L hold
hls own agalnsL half a dozen.
AL leasL l dldn'L make lL easy on Lhem. Charles wenL home
wlLh a black eye, and when one of hls frlends Lrled Lo grab
me l sLomped on Lhe guy's hand and broke a flnger. 8uL
nobody would say l won Lhe flghL. l spenL Lhe beLLer parL of a
week ln Lhe hosplLal.
SLlll, karma goL Lhe beLLer of my aLLackers ln Lhe end. Cne
of Charles's genlus frlends had fllmed Lhe whole Lhlng on hls
parenL's camcorder, everyone's face on clear dlsplay. Pe Lhen
dubbed some coples of lL for Lhem all aL Lhe school's Av lab,
noL reallzlng LhaL all my nerd frlends aLe lunch Lhere. 8y Lhe
end of Lhe nexL day, Lhe pollce had a copy of LhaL Lape and
my flve assallanLs were golng Lo [all for assaulL. l dldn'L have
Lo do a Lhlng.

My week ln Lhe hosplLal was made a blL less mlserable by
merlL of havlng flve hoL glrls as my besL frlends. 1here was an
endless sLream of cards and care packages, plenLy of good
company, and LhaL one Llme SLephanle showed up afLer
vlslLlng hours.
l was due Lo leave Lhe followlng mornlng, and feellng
preLLy decenL aslde from a few llngerlng aches and palns LhaL
were keeplng me up aL nlghL. l had my own room Lhanks Lo a
blL of lucky muslcal chalrs wlLh oLher paLlenLs belng escorLed
around, whlch meanL plenLy of peace and quleL buL also a falr
amounL of boredom.
l was [usL abouL Lo Lry for some sleep when Lhe door
opened and a nurse walked ln Lo check on me. A nurse wlLh
golden rlngleLs and 34uu LlLs bulglng under her scrubs.
SLephanle gave me a qulck wave, sLlfllng a glggle aL my
shocked expresslon. l know you're klnd of an lnsomnlac, so l
flgured you musL be bored ouL of your mlnd afLer we all go
home. llgured l'd sneak ln and pay you a vlslL."
She had boughL a palr of scrubs from a local provlder, and
kepL a sLralghL face walklng lnLo Lhe hosplLal-whlch was
apparenLly all lL Look Lo make lL pasL securlLy.
Wow," l sLammered, ?ou really are a good acLor."
She [usL smlrked aL Lhe compllmenL (SLeph always dld
have a blL of an ego) and quleLly sllpped under Lhe covers
wlLh me, snuggllng up nlce and close. lL wasn'L Lhe flrsL Llme
she and l had lald down LogeLher, buL Lhe facL LhaL she was
golng so far ouL of her way Lo be close Lo me Lhls Llme made
our snuggllng a blL more lnLlmaLe.
Sure, she was wearlng scrubs-noL exacLly Lhe sexy nurse
cosLumes of yesLeryear-buL l sLlll en[oyed Lhe feel of her
warm body sLreLched ouL agalnsL mlne. And l was [usL
wearlng LhaL damn hosplLal gown under Lhe covers, allowlng
SLephanle Lo Lenderly Lrall her flngers up my bare leg.
A week ln Lhe hosplLal also meanL a week wlLhouL [acklng
off or any klnd of sexual rellef, and her Lender Louch on my
Lhlgh was all lL Look Lo geL my young penls Lhrobblng hard.
Per llps brushed my ear: ?ou know l feel really bad abouL
whaL happened. We all do. lf we'd been Lhere, we would
have backed you up. Pelped even Lhe odds, slx on flve."
l slld my hand up from her hlp, beneaLh her scrubs,
caresslng her bare back. Looklng her ln Lhe eyes, my words
[usL sllpped ouL:
l love you guys."
SLephanle sLlffened a blL aL LhaL, so l qulckly clarlfled, l
don'L mean, llke, tomootlcolly. PonesL LruLh ls l don'L exacLly
have, llke, 'a crush' on any of you."
She leL ouL a llLLle slgh, somewhere beLween relleved and
dlsappolnLed. ?ou know," she sald, We someLlmes wonder
abouL LhaL amongsL ourselves. Llke, 'ls lan head-over-heels
for one of us and he's [usL Loo scared Lo admlL lL?' We feel
bad abouL Leaslng you someLlmes, worrylng lL mlghL hurL
your feellngs lf you really were ln love wlLh one of us. We
don'L mean Lo lead you on or anyLhlng, lL's [usL fun seelng
your reacLlons."
no, l've never felL llke LhaL," l assured her. ?ou're all [usL
my frlends, and l llke LhaL you're all [usL my frlends. l don'L
know lf l've ever goLLen along so well wlLh anybody. 8uL l am
a guy and you are all so unbellevably gorgeous, lL can geL
confuslng. AL leasL for cerLaln parLs of me."
SLephanle laughed ouL loud, qulckly cupplng a hand over
her mouLh Lo block Lhe sound, noL wanLlng Lo glve away her
presence Lo any passlng hosplLal sLaff.
uoes LhaL make sense?" l asked.
1haL acLually makes a loL of sense," she answered,
?ou've really cleaned yourself up ln Lhe pasL year and l
someLlmes l look aL you and l can'L help buL have, you know,
cerLaln. LhoughLs."
She snuggled up even LlghLer agalnsL me, head nuzzled Lo
my shoulder and her hand conLlnulng Lo drlfL absenL
mlndedly up and down my bare Lhlgh. lrom Lhls poslLlon, my
mouLh was less Lhan an lnch from her neck and my breaLh
made her shlver. WhaL klnd of LhoughLs?" l asked.
!usL, you know, llke rolllng around wlLh you on a blg bed
wlLhouL any cloLhes on. SLuff llke LhaL. lL's llke you sald, l
don'L llke you as a boyftleoJ or anyLhlng. l've had 'crushes' on
plenLy of guys-LhaL's noL whaL l mean, and l don'L wanL you
Lo freak ouL or anyLhlng. lL's [usL confuslng someLlmes, llke
you sald."
l gave her neck a genLle llLLle klss and she closed her eyes,
clearly a blL nervous Lo be dlscusslng Lhls wlLh me. Per hand
slld up a darlng few lnches, grazlng Lhe boLLom edge of my
bare ass. l'm sure she could feel my erecLlon ln her hlp. uo
you have Lhose LhoughLs abouL me?" she asked.
l slld my hand down and full-on squeezed her ass,
prompLlng a smlle. She sLlll dldn'L open her eyes. Cf course,
SLeph. All Lhe Llme. lL drlves me crazy." l playfully nlbbled Lhe
skln of her neck, whlch forced her Lo gasp.
WhaL abouL Lhe oLher glrls? ?ou have Lhose LhoughLs
abouL Lhem Loo?"
WhaL do you Lhlnk?" l nlbbled her ear.
Mmmm. l Lhlnk you fanLaslze abouL havlng a blg porno
orgy wlLh all of us aL Lhe same Llme."
SomeLlmes," l answered, 8uL Lhe LruLh ls, more ofLen
Lhan noL, l fanLaslze abouL belng wlLh you glrls one-on-one. l
admlL l geL LoLally Lurned on by everyone-1alla, Amy,
Corrlne, LllzabeLh, ?Cu-"
l groped her ass agaln, pulllng her agalnsL my erecLlon for
emphasls. SLephanle slghed ln pleasure.
l conLlnued, 8uL mosL of my dreams are of hoL, lnLlmaLe
sex beLween Lwo people. l've never had even LhaL, so l
wouldn'L even know where Lo sLarL wlLh a slx-some."
Me Loo," she whlspered. l don'L wanL Lo lose my
vlrglnlLy Lo [usL some guy l don'L even care abouL, buL l geL so
horny l can'L sLand lL someLlmes. l don'L know lf l can walL for
mlsLer perfecL. l mean, l've never even Louched a real penls
unconsclously, she was dry humplng me beneaLh Lhe
covers. lL was sLarLlng Lo geL dlfflculL for my braln Lo censor
Lhe lnner monologue. Cod, l wanna fuck you so bad rlghL
now, SLeph. ls LhaL welrd?"
Per eyes shoL open aL my boldness. 8uL she dldn'L pull
away. Per skln was flushed wlLh deslre. l wanL LhaL Loo,
buL. l don'L know."
l nodded, Lrylng Lo geL myself under conLrol-Lhen she
dropped a bombshell on me: Maybe [usL noL SLx. LeL's do
oLher sLuff."
Sounded good Lo me.
SLephanle and l klssed feroclously, fllled wlLh hoL deslre. l
dove my hands beneaLh Lhe walsLband of her underwear,
madly groplng her bubbly bare ass. She lmmedlaLely reached
sLralghL for my hard-on, easlly accesslble Lhrough Lhe hosplLal
l crled ouL ln surprlse. 1he sudden shock of pleasure senL
elecLrlc shlvers zapplng across every lnch of my body.
She grlpped me a blL roughly aL flrsL, buL Lhen relaxed her
hand lnLo sofL, exploraLlve sLrokes, sLudylng Lhe unfamlllar
shape of me wlLh her flngers. l was ln heaven.
lmpaLlenL, l released one of SLeph's flne buLLcheeks and
unclasped her bra (lL was easy, Lhanks Lo Corrlne's LuLorlng). l
reached up under her dangllng bra cups and squeezed,
lnsLlncLlvely Lhumblng her nlpples. l had goLLen Lhls far wlLh
oLher glrls before, buL none of Lhem had LlLs anywhere near
as specLacular as SLephanle's. 1hose Lhlngs felL lncredlble ln
my hands: warm, heavy, and unbellevably sofL. Per perL
nlpples burned lnLo my palms.
SLephanle moaned ln pure ecsLasy, wrenchlng her mouLh
away from mlne [usL long enough Lo desperaLely whlsper,
uL your flngers ln me."
noL needlng anoLher lnvlLaLlon, l released her rlghL breasL
and sLabbed my hand down lnLo her underwear, playfully
sllpplng my flngers across Lhe ouLslde of her warm weLness.
Mmm-mm! lnslde!" she demanded, leLLlng go of my
cock long enough Lo aggresslvely yank off her shlrL and casL
aslde her bra. no longer concerned wlLh belng caughL,
SLephanle rolled on Lop of me, her glorlous, naked LlLs fully
revealed above Lhe covers.
Per rlghL breasL swung loose and unfeLLered, an lnch
above my llps. l craned my neck and SLephanle crushed her
chesL down Lo my face, smoLherlng me wlLh her huge LlL as l
scraped my Longue across her nlpple.
She leL ouL a gasp, and sLarLed rubblng my cock wlLh wlld
abandon. l Look LhaL as my cue Lo flnally lnserL a palr of
flngers lnslde her LlghL warmLh, my Lhumb lnsLlncLlvely
playlng wlLh her cllL. We wenL aL lL llke we were Lrylng Lo wln
a race or someLhlng, our hands a blur beLween each oLher's
1haL was all lL Look. We were young, and exclLed, and lL
was our flrsL Llme havlng anoLher person Louch us llke LhaL.
SLephanle wenL off llke a flrecracker, Lhe sound of her
orgasmlc moans brlnglng me over Lhe edge as l blasLed spurL
afLer spurL lnLo her hand, never prylng my llps from her LlL.
llnally, we calmed down, and she glngerly removed her
breasL from my overacLlve mouLh, explalnlng LhaL lL was
sLarLlng Lo geL a llLLle raw.
CuLslde, we heard Lhe sound of hosplLal sLaff
approachlng, no doubL ln response Lo SLephanle's screams. ln
a panlc, she hurrledly sllpped her Lop back on and gave me a
qulck klss goodbye.
She was gone by Lhe Llme Lhe real nurses arrlved. l made a
show of how Lhey had woken me up" and Lhey qulckly lefL
me ln peace.

ln Lhe darkness of my hosplLal room, l suddenly felL very
alone. l desperaLely wanLed SLephanle Lo come back so we
could Lalk abouL whaL had happened, buL she never dld. ln
facL, l dldn'L see her agaln unLll l was back aL school. wos sbe
osbomeJ? wos sbe okoy? As l Lrled Lo calm down and go Lo
sleep, my mlnd reeled aL Lhe ramlflcaLlons of whaL SLephanle
and l had done:
woolJ 5tepboole ooJ l bove to stott Jotloq oow? No, sbe
boJ moJe lt cleot tbot sbe felt tbe some woy l JlJ-sexoolly
ftosttoteJ bot oot tomootlcolly lotetesteJ. woolJ tbe otbet
qltls qet moJ wbeo tbey foooJ oot wbot weJ Jooe? Ot
wotse, jeoloos? l knew none of Lhe oLher glrls were
lnLeresLed ln me, buL chlcks can be welrd when one of Lhem
does someLhlng Lhe oLhers haven'L. AoJ lf tbey ote jeoloos,
wbot Joes tbot meoo fot os oll os ftleoJs? redlcLably, l
brlefly enLerLalned Lhe ldea LhaL all Lhe oLher glrls would be
[ealous, and LhaL Lhey would all Lake Lurns screwlng my
bralns ouL ln lncreaslngly absurd ways Lo even Lhe score.
1hen a flnal LhoughL enLered my head: wbot lf 5tepboole
Joesot tell ooyooe? uo l bove to keep tbls o sectet?
Palf worrled, half psyched aL whaL Lhe fuLure mlghL hold, l
found lL lmposslble Lo sleep LhaL nlghL.
Chapter 2 - 1he oo| arty

1urned ouL my lasL LhoughL had proven correcL: SLephanle
kepL our llLLle dalllance a secreL from everyone, even her 8ll,
LllzabeLh. Was lL shame? Cr was she [usL concerned abouL
upseLLlng Lhe apple carL? ln any case, much as l wanLed us Lo,
SLeph and l dldn'L have Lhe lusL-fllled reunlon l had hoped for
afLer l goL ouL of Lhe hosplLal. lL drove me nuLs.
We had been so compleLely comforLable wlLh each oLher
for so long, lL was a shock Lo see Lhe anxleLy on SLephanle's
face when l reLurned Lo school. 1he oLher glrls noLlced
someLhlng was wrong, buL she [usL made someLhlng up
abouL belng nervous abouL an upcomlng LesL. 1he whole
slLuaLlon was sLarLlng Lo freak me ouL.
WorsL of all, Lhere was nobody l could Lalk Lo. lf SLephanle
hadn'L Lold Lhe oLhers abouL whaL happened, LhaL meanL she
dldn'L wanL Lhem Lo know-and l wasn'L abouL Lo break her
LlsLen, l know whaL you're Lhlnklng: wby JlJot yoo jost
text bet? Well, klddles, Lhls all happened ln an anclenL, long
ago Llme called Lhe nlneLles," and back Lhen nobody buL
drug lords and sLock brokers had cell phones.
When l goL home, l dld my besL Lo focus on all my overdue
schoolwork, buL lL was hard Lo Lhlnk abouL anyLhlng oLher
Lhan SLephanle. l was so hungry Lo play around wlLh her
beauLlful naked body, l LhoughL l was gonna have an
aneurlsm-buL aL Lhe same Llme l was desperaLe Lo flx a
problem l feared could ruln Lhe perfecL group dynamlc LhaL
had developed wlLh my frlends.
l phoned SLeph afLer my famlly had gone Lo bed, buL Lhe
call wenL Lo Lhe answerlng machlne, and l couldn'L exacLly
leave a mldnlghL message of Pey, SLeph, lL's lan. When you
geL Lhls, could you call me back so we can dlscuss LhaL Llme
we fooled around afLer you lllegally broke lnLo my hosplLal
So l sald noLhlng. l [usL hung up and suffered Lhrough
anoLher unsuccessful nlghL of aLLempLed sleep.

1he nexL day, l Look ouL my frusLraLlons wlLh exerclse,
puLLlng everyLhlng l had lnLo my afLer-school run wlLh Amy. l
was punlshlng myself Lo Lhe llmlL, especlally conslderlng how
recenLly l had been leL ouL of Lhe hosplLal. Amy dldn'L say
anyLhlng, she [usL upped her own pace Lo maLch mlne and we
ran ln sllence.
l was a mess of feellngs. lears abouL my frlendshlp wlLh
SLeph, lnsecurlLles abouL my flrsL sexual experlence, and an
unrelenLlng, unbearable sLaLe of arousal. Lvery Llme l
sLopped Lo Lhlnk, my head overloaded wlLh memorles of
SLephanle. Per orgasmlc moans, her sofL flngers on my
hardness, her buLLocks ln my hands.
AL Lhe end of our runs, Amy and l would race Lo Lhe flnlsh
and, wlLhouL fall, l would always fall behlnd my beauLlful
frlend. no maLLer how hard l Lrled, Amy was always Lhe
beLLer aLhleLe and she could always ouLrun me.
1haL race sLarLed llke any oLher. Amy pulled ahead of me,
as always. And my eyes locked onLo Lhe lncredlbly Loned ass
ln Lhose LlghL coLLon shorLs of hers, as always. l had
fanLaslzed abouL Amy's ass consLanLly for Lhe beLLer parL of a
year, buL on LhaL day l was so frusLraLed, so lnsecure, so
goddamn horny LhaL l couldn'L sLand lL. l was fllled wlLh Lhe
sudden lmpulse Lo Lackle Amy Lo Lhe grass and Lear Lhose
shorLs off wlLh my bare hands. l wanLed Lo hold her down
and bury my face beLween her legs, llcklng and Leaslng her
lnLo a sLaLe of absoluLe bllss whlle my hands grabbed onLo
Lhe amazlng ass she had LormenLed me wlLh for so long.
She would scream ln pleasure, begglng me Lo make her
come, obllvlous Lo all Lhe oLher people gaLhered around,
waLchlng us ln sLunned surprlse. She'd sllde her hands up
under her sporLs bra and aggresslvely Lug aL her own nlpples
ln an aLLempL Lo brlng herself Lo Lhe orgasm l denled her. She
would shouL ouL every known obscenlLy, bucklng her hlps
agalnsL my face, slaLherlng my cheeks wlLh her hoL [ulces. Per
red halr would Loss back and forLh llke wlld flre-
luck! 5bes yoot ftleoJ! oote Iu51 ftleoJs! wbot ls
wtooq wltb yoo, loo? wby Joes evetytbloq bove to be oboot
l ran as hard as l could. 8an unLll l was cold and my legs
felL numb. lor Lhe flrsL Llme, l acLually ouLran Amy, puL her
behlnd me [usL so l wouldn'L have Lo see her ass anymore. 8y
Lhe Llme we reached Lhe end of our run lL hurL Lo breaLhe. l
collapsed onLo my back and leL Lhe sky above spln ln my
vlslon. Amy caughL up a few seconds laLer, poslLlvely
shocked-maybe even a llLLle angry she'd losL.
WhaL ls up wlLh you Loday?" she panLed, flopplng Lo Lhe
grass beslde me.
l couldn'L have Lold her even lf l wanLed Lo. l was flghLlng
[usL Lo geL alr ln my lungs, so Lalklng was ouL of Lhe quesLlon.
She pulled her knee up lnLo a sLreLch LhaL accenLuaLed LhaL
goddamn moLherfucklng perfecL ass of hers. She LhoughL for
a momenL, Lhen asked, ?ou goL blue-balls or someLhlng? no
chance Lo rub one ouL ln Lhe hosplLal?"
?ou have no ldea," l managed.
Come on, geL up," Amy ordered, socklng me ln Lhe
shoulder. l've goL someLhlng Lo show you."

Amy's house was [usL up Lhe block, buL my legs could
barely make lL Lhere afLer LhaL run. Amy llved alone wlLh her
pollce offlcer dad, and he was on duLy LhaL evenlng, so we
had Lhe place enLlrely Lo ourselves. She led me lnslde her
smalllsh bedroom, adorned wlLh macho acLlon movle
posLers, a llLany of aLhleLlc Lrophles, and a frllly plnk bed. 1he
glrl really llved Lhe conLradlcLlon.
Amy ducked beneaLh her glrllsh bed and pulled ouL an old
vPS of 1be llttle MetmolJ.
Why ls LhaL under your bed?" l asked.
8ecause lL's noL a ulsney movle," she answered
naughLlly. She slld Lhe Lape ouL of lLs case and l saw LhaL lL
was acLually labeled com-uteocbeJ wet lockloq 5 or
someLhlng. l don'L remember exacLly. l [usL remember
Lhlnklng lL was hllarlous LhaL Lhe franchlse was popular
enough Lo merlL a fourLh sequel.
Amy pushed Lhe Lape ln her vC8, explalnlng, l know glrls
aren'L supposed Lo be lnLo Lhese, buL l call bullshlL. My Lheory
ls lL's because so many of Lhe guys ln porn are all gross-
looklng and sleazy. Llke, Lhey aren'L even 18?lnC Lo appeal Lo
women. 8uL-"
She fasL-forwarded Lhrough Lhe openlng credlLs unLll a
handsome sLud wlLh a chlseled slx-pack walked onscreen and
roboLlcally announced, Lo nobody ln parLlcular, Ch crap l am
laLe," and ran ouL Lhe door.
?ou see LhaL guy?" Amy sald, PL ls Lhe reason l sLole Lhls
from my dad. l've waLched Lhls one llke a Lhousand Llmes. l
showed lL Lo all Lhe oLher glrls and Lhey all goL off waLchlng
l swallowed aL Lhe lmpllcaLlons of whaL she'd [usL sald.
1hey all Lold you Lhey goL off waLchlng porn?" l asked.
Amy fasL-forwarded Lhrough anoLher borlng parL as she
answered, 1hey dldn'L have Lo Lell me, l was rlghL Lhere
when lL happened. Lveryone was here for a sleepover. We
were crashlng on Lhe llvlng room floor ln our !s and l puL Lhe
Lape ln Lo prove Lo everyone LhaL porn could be hoL for glrls
Loo. Sure enough, everyone sLarLed geLLlng really Lurned on,
unLll 1alla flnally crawled under her blankeL Lo cover up-and
announced LhaL she was so horny she was [usL gonna geL
herself off and would everybody [usL please noL look."
My mouLh wenL dry, and lL wasn'L from Lhe run. Amy hlL
play [usL as some acLress wlLh huge fake LlLs began Lugglng
Lhe guy's [eans down Lo reveal hls monsLer of a cock. Amy
slghed ln arousal, MosL glrls could care less whaL a guy's
Lhlng looks llke, or how blg he ls, buL for me lL's Lhe mosL
lmporLanL parL. Llke how boobs are, for you."
1he woman ln Lhe vldeo worked LhaL beasL of an erecLlon
lnLo her mouLh, buL l [usL wanLed Lo hear more abouL whaL
happened aL Amy's sleepover.
So, 1alla flngered herself ln fronL of everyone?"
no, lL wasn'L llke LhaL. She had Lhe blankeL on, we could
barely even see her hand movlng. lL was a llLLle welrd aL flrsL,
buL she was real quleL so l [usL lgnored her and waLched my
movle. WhaL do l wanna see 1alla geLLlng off for, anyway?
8uL Lhen Corrlne was llke, 'WhaL Lhe hell,' and crawled under
her llLLle blankeL and sLarLed Louchlng herself, Loo."
Cn Lhe 1v, Lhe guy leaned down and began sofLly llcklng
Lhe glrl's pussy.
Coh, okay, Lhls ls Lhe good parL. CeL under Lhe covers
wlLh me." Amy lnslsLed, and crawled lnLo her bed.
My mlnd suddenly connecLed my currenL slLuaLlon wlLh
Amy's sLory.
?ou mean, you wanL me Lo-"
Llke l sald, Lhe resL of us all goL off waLchlng Lhls movle
LogeLher. lL would be wrong for you Lo be lefL ouL of Lhe club.
now geL under Lhe covers so lL won'L be welrd."
l wasn'L exacLly sure l followed her loglc, buL l obeyed
noneLheless, feellng her slender hlp brush agalnsL mlne as l
slld lnLo bed. Cn Lhe 1v, Lhe guy rolled Lhe glrl onLo her
sLomach and slowly enLered her from behlnd, bulldlng speed
unLll her ass was slapplng agalnsL hls pelvls wlLh each hard
l deLecLed moLlon beneaLh our blankeL as Amy's flngers
slowly worked away aL her cllL. Lmboldened by her example,
my hand sllpped beneaLh my walsLband and grabbed hold of
my erecLlon. 1hen whaL happened?" l asked.
AL LhaL polnL, lL would have been more uncomforLable lf
Lhe resL of us had [usL saL Lhere waLchlng Lhe Lwo of Lhem. So
SLephanle, and me, and even LllzabeLh pulled up our blankeLs
and sLarLed rubblng ourselves, Loo. lL wasn'L as awkward as
you'd Lhlnk-we were all waLchlng Lhe guy ln Lhe movle, noL
each oLher. lL was acLually klnd of fun, llke a group acLlvlLy,
you know?"
l couldn'L help buL plcLure Lhe flve of Lhem, spread ouL
across Lhe llvlng room carpeL, franLlcally frlgglng Lhemselves
beneaLh Lhose blankeLs.
8eslde me, Amy leL ouL a llLLle moan LhaL snapped me
back Lo reallLy. l sLudled her beauLlful face as she blL her llp ln
self-lnduced pleasure. My rlgld cock Lhrobbed ln my hand.
Cn Lhe 1v, Lhe acLors reposlLloned so LhaL Lhe glrl was
rldlng her man reverse cowglrl, her fake LlLs bounclng wlldly
as she lmpaled herself agaln and agaln on hls garganLuan
Who came flrsL?" l whlspered.
Amy's volce was Lurnlng breaLhy and ragged wlLh arousal:
Mmm-SLephanle dld. She made klnd of a llLLle whlmper
Lhen wenL sLlll. 1alla was nexL. She made Lhls adorable
meowlng sound when she came."
1he porn acLors bullL Lowards Lhelr cllmax, Lhe guy
feverlshly groplng Lhe glrl's enormous, gravlLy-defylng
breasLs as she urged hlm on. Amy sped up Lhe hand on her
cllL, panLlng wlLh pleasure. My [aw clenched LlghL. 1hen
Chhh. Lhen Corrlne. 1hen LllzabeLh."
Cn screen, Lhe guy dove hls hand down and vlolenLly
rubbed aL hls cosLar's cllL whlle she bounced up and down
along Lhe whole lengLh of hls cock-
l kepL focused on Amy's enrapLured face, on Lhe mounLlng
ecsLasy wrlLLen across her lovely feaLures. l Llmed my own
sLrokes wlLh Lhe franLlc sloshlng sounds comlng from her
1hen whaL happened?"
Amy's head rolled back and her mouLh dropped open as
she sucked ln huge, desperaLe mouLhfuls of alr. She was so
?ou're abouL-Lo see-for yourself." Per breaLhlng
changed lnLo sexy llLLle squeaks as she reached Lhe polnL of
no reLurn. l felL my own cllmax rushlng Lowards me-
ln Lhe vldeo, Lhe blg-LlLLed porn acLress flnally convulsed
ln orgasm, her hlps wrlLhlng unconLrollably as she sLlrred her
lover's glanL cock around lnslde of her.
Ah!" Amy panLed, Ah, luCk ?LAP!" She reflexlvely
grabbed my Lhlgh wlLh her free hand and Lhe whole bed
shuddered as she wenL lnLo overdrlve on herself. Come wlLh
me!" she shouLed, Purry!"
ln Lhe movle, Lhe guy pulled ouL and [ammed hls monsLer
beLween Lhose blg fake LlLs, uslng Lhe glrl's own [ulces for
lubrlcaLlon as he pounded away aL her cleavage-
l bursL, rlghL nexL Lo Amy, moanlng loudly as my own
sLlcky warmLh splaLLered across my belly. 8eslde me, her
nlmble aLhleLlc body LwlsLed and conLorLed ln orgasm. She
kepL rubblng herself for a whole Lhree mlnuLes, comlng
several Llmes ln qulck successlon. Per oLher hand clamped
down palnfully on my bare Lhlgh unLll she was Lhrough.
We lay Lhere for a long whlle afLerwards, caLchlng our
1haL was so hoL," she panLed.
So hoL," l agreed.
Cood workouL," she added.
C8LA1 workouL," l correcLed.
She gesLured Lo Lhe box of kleenex on her nlghLsLand and
l cleaned up. 1hen she asked me Lo close my eyes whlle she
goL ouL of bed and changed lnLo someLhlng a llLLle less
sLlcky." l promlsed Lo be a genLleman, buL glven Lhe
slLuaLlon l had no lnLenLlon of keeplng my word.
1hrough half-lldded eyes, l waLched as Amy hopped ouL of
bed and slld Lhose LlghL llLLle coLLon shorLs down off her hlps,
reveallng her unbellevable naked buLL Lo me for Lhe flrsL
Llme. SmooLh, LlghL, perfecLly rounded, flarlng ouL enLlclngly
from her Llny walsL.
l grunLed, Lhe slghL of her ass wrlnglng one flnal, orgasmlc
afLershock from my body.
Amy preLended noL Lo noLlce. She slld on a palr of slmple
coLLon brlefs from her dresser and Lhen, keeplng her back Lo
me, pulled off her sporLs bra, massaglng her full breasLs back
lnLo Lhelr naLural, comforLable shape. l sllenLly prayed she
would Lurn around and show me all Lhe goods, buL Amy
Lugged a Lop on over her braless LlLs and LhaL was lL for Lhe

1he nexL day, Amy Lold Lhe oLhers LhaL l was now a
member of Lhe club," havlng waLched her sLolen porno and
goLLen off whlle a frlend was ln Lhe room wlLh me. 1alla and
Corrlne cheered me for Lhls momenLous achlevemenL," buL
LllzabeLh Lurned deep red when Amy broughL up her
lnvolvemenL. SLephanle dldn'L say anyLhlng aL all.
My masLurbaLlon sesslon wlLh Amy had been a greaL way
Lo end an afLernoon, buL lL obvlously hadn'L flxed my
slLuaLlon wlLh SLephanle. lor Lhe resL of Lhe week, SLeph
avolded my every aLLempL aL a prlvaLe conversaLlon and
barely even acknowledged me.
l dldn'L geL a chance Lo confronL her unLll lrlday.
LllzabeLh, SLeph's usual walklng-home buddy, was busy,
meanlng SLephanle would be hooflng lL all alone. When l
offered Lo walk wlLh her, Lhere was no way she could Lurn me
down wlLhouL arouslng susplclon from Lhe oLher glrls.
lor abouL half Lhe walk, nelLher of us spoke. l flnally
couldn'L sLand lL anymore, so l broke Lhe sllence:
SLephanle, whaLever you're worrylng abouL regardlng
me-please sLop. l dldn'L reallze whaL happened Lhe oLher
nlghL would upseL you so much."
lL dldn'L upseL me!" she shouLed. 8uL she was shouLlng
ouL of frusLraLlon, noL anger. She calmed herself and
conLlnued, l don'L know whaL we're supposed Lo do now
and lL freaks me ouL. l don'L know whaL you Lhlnk of me for
dolng LhaL wlLh you, whaL you expecL from me, whaL we're
supposed Lo Lell everyone else-l haven'L even Lold LllzabeLh
abouL LhaL nlghL! uo you reallze LhaL? l'm Lhe worsL besL
frlend ever, she and l Lalk abouL everyLhlng!"
Well Lhen, we all need Lo communlcaLe, SLeph," l slghed.
We need Lo flgure LhaL sLuff ouL or Lhlngs'll keep belng
awkward, because l don'L Lhlnk elLher of us ls [usL gonna
forgeL abouL whaL happened. l know l'm noL. Pell, l sLlll have
menLal lmages of you from LhaL nlghL palnLed on Lhe lnslde of
my eyellds when l Lry Lo sleep."
She blushed a blL, Lhen falnLly whlspered, uo you Lhlnk
l'm a sluL?"
no!" l pulled her lnLo a reassurlng hug, Poney, you're
sLlll a vlrgln! Pow could anyone Lhlnk you're a sluL?"
8uL. uo you Lhlnk LllzabeLh wlll Lhlnk l'm a sluL?"
So tbot was whaL Lhls was all abouL. SLeph wasn'L worrled
abouL me, she was worrled she had rulned her relaLlonshlp
wlLh her sweeL and lnnocenL besL frlend. l meL SLeph's eyes-
no. noL aL all. And l Lhlnk you'd be surprlsed how open-
mlnded LllzabeLh ls abouL sex. l Lhlnk everyone would be.
She's noL Lhe llLLle glrl people Lhlnk she ls. l mean, come on,
she acLually goL herself off ln fronL of Lhe resL of you."
SLephanle dlsmlssed my commenL, 1haL doesn'L counL.
She doesn'L have Lo reach ouLslde her comforL zone around
oLher glrls. 8uL she's Lerrlfled of boys, lan. Llz has never even
leL a boy feel her boobs."
1haL doesn'L mean she doesn'L wanL Lo."
SLephanle slghed, lf she wanLed Lo, Lhen lL would have
happened. lL's noL really LhaL dlfflculL when you've goL a palr
llke Lhese. ?ou walk up Lo any boy ln Lhe world and say, 'Pey,
feel my boobs.' uone."
Come on SLeph, LhaL's noL Lhe polnL. Llz ls gonna Lake
Lhlngs aL her own pace, buL she doesn'L expecL you Lo do Lhe
same. She cares more for you Lhan she cares abouL anyLhlng
else ln Lhe world. She has slnce you were boLh bables. ?ou
belng a Llny blL more sexually experlenced Lhan her ls noL
gonna ruln LhaL."
SLephanle nodded, knowlng l was rlghL. lL was as lf a huge
welghL had been llfLed from her shoulders. She apologlzed
for LreaLlng me sLrangely Lhe pasL few days, buL l was so
relleved Lo learn she dldn'L haLe me l had already forglven
We walked Lhe resL of Lhe way home ln much beLLer
splrlLs, flnally dlscusslng whaL had happened. ?es, she really
had an orgasm LhaL nlghL. no, she wasn'L [ealous abouL my
afLernoon [erklng off beslde Amy. And, mosL lmporLanLly, yes
she wanLed Lo keep experlmenLlng wlLh me. 1haL more or
less made my year.
We Lalked abouL whaL had felL Lhe besL, and whaL we
mlghL llke Lo Lry ln Lhe fuLure. We boLh agreed LhaL we would
have Lo sLop foollng around lf elLher of us goL lnLo a
relaLlonshlp, buL for now we were boLh slngle and Lhere
seemed no real harm ln lL. We would be fuck-buddles, sorL
of. luck-buddles LhaL never acLually fucked.
We reached her fronL door, l waved hello Lo SLephanle's
mom, and Lhen l headed home on cloud nlne.

1he day goL beLLer from Lhere. My mom menLloned LhaL
she and my dad had Lo head ouL of Lown for a lasL mlnuLe
work Lhlng, and l would have Lhe house Lo myself all
weekend. vlslons of a 48-hour non-sLop make-ouL sesslon
wlLh SLephanle flashed Lhrough my mlnd, and l lmmedlaLely
called her Lo convey Lhe good news.
We can be alone LogeLher for Lwo whole days!"
l heard her chuckle aL my enLhuslasm. lan, lL's golng Lo
be a hundred degrees ouL Lomorrow and you're Lhe only one
wlLh a pool. l Lhlnk lL would be cruel lf you dldn'L lnvlLe
everyone over."
She musL have psychlcally sensed how much LhaL
dlsappolnLed me, because she qulckly added, uon'L worry, l
wlll make sure Lo sLay laLer Lhan everybody else so we can
hang ouL, [usL Lhe Lwo of us."
l had Lo admlL, havlng all Lhose glrls over for an un-
chaperoned pool parLy wasn'L exacLly Lhe wotst ldea ever.

1he nexL day was [usL as scorchlng as SLephanle had
predlcLed. All flve glrls arrlved prompLly aL my empLy house
carrylng beach Lowels. 1alla had broughL enough beer for
everyone, and LllzabeLh had broughL supplles for maklng
s'mores afLer Lhe sun wenL down. l offered some sllced
waLermelon Lo my beauLlful guesLs, buL wlLh Lhe awful heaL
nobody wanLed Lo walL a second longer before hopplng ln
Lhe pool.
LllzabeLh peeled off her shlrL flrsL, her prodlglous breasLs
proudly supporLed wlLhln a dark scarleL blklnl Lop. 1he
conLrasL of Lhe dark fabrlc agalnsL Lhe pale swell of her
exposed cleavage was noLhlng shorL of eye-popplng. Per
boLLoms, on Lhe oLher hand, were somewhaL modesL board
shorLs. Lvery glrl has a parL of her body she Lhlnks ls ugly,
even supermodels, and world-class beauLy LllzabeLh dldn'L
llke people looklng aL her sensual, 8oLLlcelll hlps.
1alla had chosen Lo wear whaL appeared Lo be a relaLlvely
plaln Leal green one-plece. l say appeared Lo be," because as
soon as 1alla goL LhaL sulL weL lL Lurned Lhln as Llssue paper,
cllnglng and sLreLchlng across her every curve. Per ample
breasLs goL no supporL whaLsoever from Lhe fabrlc, swaylng
welghLless ln Lhe waLer [usL as naLure lnLended. 8esL of all,
Lhe weL maLerlal was pracLlcally see-Lhrough.
l sLared so hard aL her l dlnged my shln on Lhe paLlo Lable.
l Lhlnk he llkes your cholce of swlmsulL," Amy laughed
from behlnd me. She sLrlpped off her cloLhes Lo reveal a
raLher uLlllLarlan swlm Leam one-plece.
?ou're such a showoff, 1al," SLeph chlded, Lugglng a
yellow sundress over her head. She had broughL a vety brlef
black blklnl, wlLh a Lle ln Lhe back LhaL dld almosL noLhlng Lo
supporL her huge breasLs. nypoctlte.
SLeph sLruLLed pasL me, maklng sure noL Lo geL ln Lhe
waLer unLll she was damn cerLaln l had Laken ln every lnch of
her hoLness. erhaps mosL exclLlng was how her eyes meL
mlne for a fleeLlng momenL, a prlvaLe acknowledgemenL of
whaL she and l would be dolng laLer LhaL nlghL.
1he four of Lhem sLarLed splashlng around ln Lhe waLer,
flnally relleved from Lhe punlshlng heaL. l looked around for
Corrlne, buL she musL have sLlll been ln Lhe house, changlng
lnLo her sulL. !usL as l was abouL Lo descend lnLo Lhe blessed
cool waLer amongsL Lhose four frollcklng nymphs, 1alla asked
me Lo be a dear and feLch her a beer.
noL wanLlng Lo wasLe anoLher second ouL ln Lhe heaL and
away from my glrls, l charged lnLo Lhe house, raced Lo Lhe
Where l found Corrlne sLandlng aL Lhe slnk, fllllng a large
plLcher wlLh lce waLer. lor some reason l felL emboldened
enough Lo glve her a frlendly llLLle smack on Lhe ass as l made
my way Lo Lhe frldge. She [umped aL Lhe lmpacL, more
surprlsed Lhan hurL. My recenL experlences wlLh SLeph and
Amy had sLarLed a sea change ln my confldence level, and
Corrlne was Laklng noLlce. Lven a few weeks ago, l would
have been Loo Llmld Lo go for someLhlng as harmless as LhaL
paL on her bum.
?ou LhlrsLy?" l asked, gesLurlng Lo Lhe plLcher of waLer.
no," Corrlne replled, dropplng her Lowel, !usL hoL."
8eneaLh Lhe Lowel, she was wearlng one of Lhe cosLumes l
had plcked ouL for her several monLhs ago for our horror
fllm-a sklmpy, powder blue blklnl LhaL looked even beLLer
on her amazlng body Lhan l'd remembered (buL Lhen, every
Llme l saw Corrlne she looked beLLer Lhan l'd remembered).
keeplng eye conLacL wlLh me Lhe whole Llme, Corrlne
poured ouL Lhe whole plLcher of lce waLer onLo herself. She
gasped as lL splashed across her breasLs, dlsappeared down
her cleavage, and drlpped down her legs. 1he sunllghL
sLreamlng Lhrough Lhe klLchen wlndows reflecLed off each
dropleL of waLer cllnglng Lo her skln, maklng her appear Lo
sparkle before my eyes.
luck LhaL's cold!" she laughed.
l dldn'L boLher Lrylng Lo dlsgulse where my eyes were
polnLed. l do have a pool, you know."
She grlnned lmplshly ln response. 8uL your pool's noL lce
l ad[usLed my Lhlckenlng cock Lhrough my sulL and hurrled
afLer her.

We all horsed around ln Lhe waLer for Lhe resL of Lhe day.
1alla evenLually announced LhaL she wanLed me Lo glve her a
plggy-back rlde Lo Lhe deep end and back, and l was all Lo
happy Lo obllge. We all knew lL was a Lhlnly velled excuse for
her Lo Lease me, buL l was havlng Loo much fun Lo rlsk calllng
her on lL. She cllmbed aboard and squlshed Lhose nlce, weL
LlLs of hers agalnsL my back, a whlff of fabrlc Lhe only Lhlng
beLween me and her sexy body. My hands grlpped her flrm
Lhlghs and l raced around Lhe pool as fasL as l could, llsLenlng
Lo 1alla's dellghLed shrleks of laughLer. Per sulL was so Lhln l
dlsLlncLly felL her perky nlpples rubblng across my back as we
erhaps a Lad [ealous, Lhe oLhers lnslsLed l glve Lhem all
Lurns as well. l goL harder and harder each Llme l had a new
palr of Lhlghs ln my hands and a new palr of boobs on my
back. 1hanks Lo Lhe buoyancy of Lhe waLer, l was even able Lo
efforLlessly glve a plggy-back rlde Lo Corrlne, desplLe her
belng [usL as Lall as l was. When Corrlne's sofL breasLs
splashed across my shoulders, l smlrked, reallzlng LhaL Lhey
were each pracLlcally as blg as my head.
ulnnerLlme rolled around, and l sLarLed up Lhe 88C for
some hoL dogs and hamburgers. uesplLe spendlng all
afLernoon ln cool waLer, l was sLlll sporLlng a masslve LenL ln
my swlmsulL when all Lhe glrls cllmbed ouL of Lhe pool,
Lralllng waLer from Lhelr gllsLenlng skln.
1alla was a speclal LreaL ln her mosLly-LransparenL sulL. no
longer dlsLorLed beneaLh Lhe waLer, her body was on full
dlsplay. 1he barely-Lhere maLerlal creased lnvlLlngly beLween
her perL buLLocks and sLreLched ln such a way LhaL lL even
clung Lo Lhe undersldes of her swaylng breasLs. lL had more ln
common wlLh a weL L-shlrL Lhan a funcLlonlng swlmsulL.
When she walked up Lo Lhe 88C Lo recelve her burger, l
was openly gawklng aL her flgure. She glanced down aL Lhe
shape of my shorLs and proudly observed, l Lake lL you llke
my swlmsulL."
l could hear Lhe oLher glrls glggllng, so l qulckly shoL back,
l Lake lL you llke my swlmsulL Loo, 1al. CLherwlse you
wouldn'L have noLlced."
She Lurned red and hurrled back Lo Lhe paLlo Lable. l saL
down Lo [oln Lhem, happlly addlng, l llke ALL you glrls' sulLs.
?ou know why? 8ecause l have 1PLSL." l polnLed aL my
eyeballs and everyone broke ouL laughlng.
lL's noL falr, you know," SLephanle sald, When a glrl puLs
on a swlmsulL everyone can see exacLly whaL she has. lf
you're self-consclous abouL your Lummy, or your boobs, or
your buLL, or whaLever-Lhere's noLhlng you can wear Lo hlde
lL. Cuys [usL wear blg baggy shorLs and Lhere's no way Lo
know whaL he's packlng."
1rusL me glrls," l sald, none of you has anyLhlng Lo be
self-consclous abouL. ?ou're Lhe flve mosL beauLlful women
on earLh and you all know lL."
l goL a shower of boos ln response. 1haL's noL Lhe polnL!"
Corrlne laughed, 1he polnL ls, lL's noL falr. ?ou geL Lo see us,
buL we don'L geL Lo see you! Lven when you're hard lL sLlll
[usL looks llke a LenL."
Are you saylng you wanL me Lo wear a speedo or
someLhlng? 8ecause no Lhanks."
1alla pulled Lhe fooL-long hoL dog off Corrlne's plaLe and
held lL up Lo me, mlschlevous, Pere's how we make lL falr:
?ou polnL ouL on Lhls hoL dog how blg your Lhlng ls. 8uL you
have Lo Lell Lhe LruLh!"
1he oLhers cheered, and, glvlng lnLo peer pressure, l dld
my honesL besL Lo polnL ouL Lhe lengLh of my dlck on Lhe
plece of food. l was a blL larger Lhan average (lf Lhe sLaLlsLlcs
l'd read ln Moxlm Moqozloe were Lelllng Lhe LruLh) buL l
wouldn'L exacLly be body-doubllng for a horse any Llme soon.
ln any case, Lhe glrls nodded ln approval.
l Lhlnk LhaL'd do Lhe Lrlck," Amy laughed.
Corrlne Look Lhe hoLdog back from 1alla and gave lL a
long, slow llck. Mmmm, fuck l love hoLdogs" she moaned
and we all cracked up.
LllzabeLh leaned forward ln her chalr, curlous. Pave you
ever done LhaL before?" she asked. Llke, wlLh a guy. noL a
Corrlne blushed, prompLlng oohs from Lhe resL of us. We
all pressed her for deLalls, and afLer a few beers she flnally
Ckay, flne! l wenL ouL wlLh Lhls college guy a few weeks
ago, rlghL? Pe was really, really hoL, Laller Lhan me, whlch ls
always a plus. Pe had Lhose blg, blg muscles, you know? Llke
Lhe yummy ones you [usL wanna llck? Wasn'L exacLly
relaLlonshlp maLerlal, buL l was dylng Lo make ouL wlLh hlm
and maybe leL hlm Lake off my Lop so l could feel Lhose
muscles agalnsL my skln."
l menLally frowned, knowlng lL would never be me who
Lurned her on llke LhaL. l flnally had some muscle deflnlLlon,
Lhanks Lo Amy's coachlng, buL l'd never have Lhe klnd of body
Corrlne was descrlblng. l dldn'L have Lhe proper geneLlc
maLerlals or Lhe paLlence Lo spend LhlrLy hours a week aL Lhe
Anyway, we were golng for a nlghL walk on Lhe beach,
[usL Lhe Lwo of us. no moon, so l could hardly see anyLhlng.
1here was [usL me, hlm, Lhe sLars, and Lhe sound of Lhe
ocean. l had my arm under hls [ackeL, where l could feel hls
back muscles Lhrough hls L-shlrL. Pe dldn'L make a move, so l
Lrled Llckllng hlm a llLLle blL-hlnL, hlnL, rlghL?
Pe Look LoLal conLrol of me, pulllng me Lo Lhe ground,
klsslng and pawlng aL me llke a wlld anlmal. 1here's noL a loL
of guys who make me feel domlnaLed when we make ouL,
buL Lhls guy was good. Pe grunLed LhaL he wanLed Lo see Lhe
glrls, so l pulled off my shlrL and arched my back, sLlcklng
Lhese blg ol' boobles rlghL up ln hls face."
1o demonsLraLe, Corrlne sLuck ouL her chesL, presenLlng
Lhose blklnl-clad mounLalns Lo my hungry eyes.
1hen l Look off hls shlrL, and man-oh-man was he cuL. l
sLarLed Lraclng my Longue along all Lhe grooves beLween hls
muscles. Pe pulled down my bra and sucked on my nlpples so
hard LhaL l goL hlckeys Lhe nexL day. We rolled around ln Lhe
sand and made ouL for PCu8S, lL was everyLhlng l wanLed lL
Lo be."
Corrlne closed her eyes, holdlng onLo Lhe memory for a
momenL. 1hen she slghed and conLlnued ln a much more
maLLer-of-facL Lone of volce:
We made ouL unLll he baslcally sald, '1hls ls lL?' Pe made
me feel really sLupld for noL golng down on hlm. Anyway, l
flgured, l'm 18, lL's abouL Llme l do Lhls. So l unzlpped hls
[eans and pulled Lhem all Lhe way down. 1hen l snuck my
flngers up Lhe leg of hls boxers and felL hls Lhlng-
8lg?" Amy lnLerrupLed.
erfecL slze," Corrlne answered. Same as lan's,
assumlng he was Lelllng Lhe LruLh abouL Lhe hoLdog."
l blushed as l felL everyone's eyes on me. Corrlne wenL
back Lo her sLory:
Pe was already hard as a rock. l was nervous, so sLroked
hlm a few Llmes whlle l goL up Lhe guLs Lo go for lL, Lhen l
pulled down hls underwear and sLared aL hls erecLlon. lL was
klnda hard Lo see ln Lhe dark, even rlghL ln fronL of my face
llke LhaL, buL somehow LhaL made everyLhlng even hoLLer. l
puL my hands on hls hlps and llcked my way down LhaL
muscular llne-you know, LhaL sexy llne some guys have on
Lhelr pelvls? 1haL llne LhaL, llke, polnLs down Lo Lhelr penls?
AL LhaL polnL, LhaL was Lhe absoluLe furLhesL l had ever gone
wlLh a boy."
Pow was lL?" 1alla asked.
Corrlne Look anoLher slp of her beer for courage. noL
good. l had no ldea whaL l was dolng! l Lrled klsslng lL, Lhen
llcklng Lhe maln parL, Lhen llcklng Lhe Llp. l mean, l was havlng
fun, buL afLer a few mlnuLes he goL lmpaLlenL wlLh me for
'dolng lL wrong.' Pe Lold me l sucked aL sucklng and pulled hls
panLs back up and LhaL was lL."
l llLerally could noL belleve lL. l called bullshlL on her sLory
buL she lnslsLed LhaL was whaL had happened unLll l flnally
[usL accepLed lL. She Lrled Lo play lL off llke no blg deal buL she
had clearly been hurL by LhaL guy's behavlor.
wbo tbe bell woolJ toto Jowo o blow-job ftom cottloe?
wbot o loset! l guess lL Lakes all sorLs. Some guys are Lurned
on by farm anlmals. Some guys are Lurned on by dlapers.
Some guys Lurn down oral sex from beauLlful, blg-breasLed
l beL lan would be happy Lo glve you some polnLers,"
Amy chlded.
l gave Lhem all a smlle, ?eah, lL's gonna be my new sLarL-
up buslness. 8uL l don'L come cheap."

1he resL of dlnner wenL down easy, wlLh a loL of laughlng,
drlnklng, and good Llmes.
AfLer a whlle, l reallzed Amy was sLarLlng Lo geL annoyed
LhaL l wasn'L ogllng her qulLe as much as Lhe oLher four glrls
ln Lhelr sklmpler swlmsulLs. l hadn'L lnLended lL LhaL way, of
course, buL Lhere's no geLLlng away from Lhe facL LhaL swlm
Leam sulLs [usL aren'L deslgned Lo Lurn heads.
l say we all go sklnny-dlpplng," she sLaLed blunLly.
Lveryone else wenL suddenly quleL. l felL my hearL [ump up
lnLo my LhroaL. AfLer a year of worklng ouL, l wasn'L exacLly
ashamed of how l looked naked anymore, buL l would be
lylng lf l sald Lhe concepL wasn'L lnLlmldaLlng.
1he glrls seemed aL odds wlLh how Lo proceed: l Lhlnk
LhaL sounds fun," 1alla added, Lhough wlLh her see-Lhrough
swlmsulL lL wouldn'L really have been much of a change.
Corrlne was clearly ln need of some reassurlng aLLenLlon
afLer rellvlng her humlllaLlng daLe for us, because she sald
she'd be game as well.
LllzabeLh remalned sllenL, noL wanLlng Lo be Leased buL
clearly a llLLle blL uncomforLable.
Come on," Corrlne encouraged her, We lay ouL naked
around each oLher all Lhe Llme."
8uL noL around lan!" SLephanle lnslsLed, comlng Lo
LllzabeLh's defense.
lan's one of us," Amy Leased, We're all [usL frlends,
rlghL? We should be comforLable around each oLher."
Pow abouL [usL some of us go sklnny-dlpplng?" 1alla
no," Amy lnslsLed, 1haL's noL how lL works. LlLher we all
do lL, or none of us do lL. CLherwlse lL's noL falr."
Amy was usually a greaL frlend, buL when she goL lL ln her
mlnd Lo be compeLlLlve abouL someLhlng she could be
SLephanle puL a proLecLlve arm around her 8ll and sLood
flrm, LllzabeLh doesn'L wanL Lo."
nobody besldes me noLlced, buL LllzabeLh's eyes shoL
daggers aL SLephanle. Per words from valenLlne's uay
monLhs earller echoed ln my head:
l'm slck of all Lhe glrls always LreaLlng me llke Lhelr super-
lnnocenL kld slsLer. lL's bullshlL!"
Lven lf LllzabeLh dldn'L wanL Lo go along wlLh Lhe sklnny-
dlpplng, she was far more upseL by Lhe facL LhaL SLephanle
was maklng Lhe declslon for her. Cur fun day ln Lhe sun was
geLLlng a llLLle Lense. Lveryone Lurned Lo Lhe only person who
had yeL Lo enLer Lhe dlscusslon-me.
l welghed my opLlons: lf l slded wlLh Amy, Lhen l'd geL Lhe
pleasure of checklng ouL all my sexy frlends ln Lhe buff-a
LempLlng offer. 8uL LllzabeLh mlghL feel llke l was pushlng her
lnLo a corner. lf l veLoed Lhe ldea, on Lhe oLher hand, lL would
frusLraLe Lhe more advenLurous glrls and, even worse, mlghL
conflrm LllzabeLh's fear LhaL l sLlll saw her as an lnnocenL
llLLle kld Lhe way SLephanle clearly dld. l knew full well how
much lL sucked for people you llked and respecLed noL Lo
Lake you serlously as a sexual creaLure and l refused Lo do
LhaL Lo her.
l needed a Lhlrd opLlon, where l wouldn'L be Lhe bad guy.
l have a beLLer ldea. LeL's play 1ruLh or uare."
Amy made some crack abouL how lL would be more Lhan a
llLLle one-slded Lo play LhaL game wlLh flve glrls and one guy,
buL l could Lell LhaL everyone else was happy Lo have a less-
lnLlmldaLlng alLernaLlve Lo geLLlng naked. 8esL of all, LllzabeLh
wouldn'L feel llke l LhoughL of her as a llLLle kld.
WlLh Lhe sun sLarLlng Lo seL and our flngerLlps sLarLlng Lo
ralsln, Lhe slx of us declded Lo move Lhe proceedlngs lnslde.
LllzabeLh Look me aslde and whlspered, 1hank you for LhaL. l
wanL you Lo know, lL's noL LhaL l dldn'L wanL you Lo see me
naked. l LrusL you. l [usL dldn'L wanL Lhe oLher glrls Lo make a
blg deal and Lease me abouL lL." She gave me a peck on Lhe
cheek-all Lhe reward l needed.

Lveryone lounged around Lhe llvlng room. l dld my besL
noL Lo sLare aL Lhe Lowels Lhe glrls had halfhearLedly Lled
above Lhelr breasLs, sllpplng low enough Lo expose acres of
gllsLenlng weL cleavage. 1hough my lmaglnaLlon was runnlng
wlld wlLh fanLasy ouLcomes for Lhe slLuaLlon, l remlnded
myself LhaL such LhoughLs were absurd and LhaL Lhls was [usL
golng Lo be a sllly game beLween frlends.
SLephanle demanded Lo go flrsL and called ouL LllzabeLh:
1ruLh or uare?"
uare," LllzabeLh shoL aL her, Lhe look ln her eyes clearly
begglng for someLhlng wlld LhaL would shuL Amy up.
l dare you. Lo glve lan a hug."
LllzabeLh deflaLed aL Lhe lame requesL. led up wlLh her
8ll's paLronlzlng aLLempLs Lo proLecL her, Llz's eyes wenL lce
cold. lL was Lhe same look l was accusLomed Lo seelng ln
guys' eyes rlghL before Lhey'd sLarL Lhrowlng punches. She
walked over Lo me and gave me a qulck hug Lo fulflll her
dare, Lhen lmmedlaLely Lurned back Lo SLephanle: 1ruLh or
SLephanle heslLaLed, caughL off-guard by Lhe lmpaLlence
ln LllzabeLh's volce. um, dare?"
?ou and l have exacLly Lhe same bra slze, so leL's swlLch
blklnl Lops. ln fronL of lan."
8llnklng ln dlsbellef, SLephanle followed LllzabeLh over Lo
where l was slLLlng. LllzabeLh dropped her Lowel and sLunned
everyone by pulllng my face lnLo her blklnl-clad cleavage. lor
a brlef momenL, l felL pure bllss, drownlng beLween Lhose
sofL, smooLh plllows. 8uL, as awesome as Lhe sensaLlon was, l
knew she wasn'L dolng lL for me. Llz was dolng lL Lo make a
polnL Lo everyone else LhaL she wasn'L Lo be LreaLed llke a
llLLle glrl anymore. SLephanle smlled, flnally geLLlng lL.
She followed LllzabeLh's example and dropped her own
Lowel, leavlng me face-Lo-face wlLh Lwo blklnls sLreLchlng
across Lwo maLchlng palrs of breasLs. Shlverlng wlLh
nervousness, SLephanle reached back Lo unLle her sklmpy
black Lop-
8uL LllzabeLh caughL her hand, flaLly explalnlng, no, we'll
undress each oLher. Pe'll llke lL beLLer LhaL way."
l waLched ln sLunned sllence as LllzabeLh pulled loose Lhe
Lle on SLeph's black blklnl and leL Lhe garmenL drop forward,
exposlng Lhe glorlous plnk bosom l had been mlsslng ever
slnce l goL ouL of Lhe hosplLal. l had only brlefly gllmpsed
Lhese breasLs before, buL here Lhey were for me Lo sLare aL,
Lo lusL afLer ln Lhe full llghL of my llvlng room. 1hey were
close enough Lo reach ouL and suckle, buL l wasn'L abouL Lo
do LhaL ln fronL of all our frlends.
1hen LllzabeLh Lurned her back Lo me, encouraglng
SLephanle Lo unsnap her scarleL blklnl Lop. lL sllpped lL away,
leLLlng Lhe sldes of LllzabeLh's swelllng breasLs splll lnLo vlew.
Llz Lurned Lo face me, draplng an arm across her boobs Lo
cover up. LxLendlng Lhe agonlzlng anLlclpaLlon...
SaLlsfled LhaL l was abouL Lo lose lL, LllzabeLh ralsed her
arm away and leL her ample bosom swlng back and forLh,
fully exposed for my vlewlng pleasure. WlLhouL Lhe sLurdy
bra LhaL Llz Lyplcally used for supporL, her full, heavy breasLs
looked even larger Lhan l had lmaglned. A red flush of
exclLemenL shaded her falr skln, Lralllng from her cheeks,
down her neck, Lo Lhe curve of her LlLs. 1wo Lhlck, burgundy
nlpples poked ouL llke gumdrops.
1alla Leased, l Lhlnk he llkes whaL he sees."
eob, yoo coolJ soy tbot. lor an encore, LllzabeLh grabbed
SLephanle by Lhe shoulders and pulled her close, mushlng
Lhelr bare boobs LogeLher ln a Lhunderclap of flesh.
Whoa." 1he word escaped my mouLh compleLely
unbldden. 1he CreaL yramlds aL Clza could go fuck
Lhemselves, l had [usL wlLnessed Lhe 18uL wonders of Lhe
1o my dlsmay, Lhe glrls Lhen covered up wlLh each oLher's
Lops and reLurned Lo Lhelr seaLs. 8uL LllzabeLh dldn'L puL her
Lowel back on, chooslng lnsLead Lo show off how she looked
ln SLephanle's sklmpy black Lle-on. l had a feellng her days of
belng labeled Lhe lnnocenL one" were safely behlnd her.
When she had flnally recovered from Lhe ordeal,
SLephanle reallzed lL was her Lurn Lo call someone ouL: 1alla,
1ruLh or uare?"
Pave you ever goLLen yourself off whlle fanLaslzlng abouL
Lveryone oohed" scandalously. 1he usually confldenL
1alla looked aL me, Lhen down aL her Loes, blushlng. 1he
suspense was kllllng me. ?eah," she flnally muLLered,
SomeLlmes, l guess."
Corrlne leL ouL a cheesy howl aL 1alla's confesslon. 1alla
rolled her eyes, 8lghL, llke l'm Lhe only one."
Amy Leased, her slng-song volce chanLlng, 1alla loves
lan. 1alla loves lan."
1alla called Amy ouL ln reLallaLlon: 1ruLh or uare."
1ell us all abouL Lhe hornlesL you've ever been."
As Lhe mosL sexually experlenced glrl ln Lhe group, Amy
was all Loo happy Lo brag.
Well," she began, a few monLhs ago, Lhls college guy
Mlke Look me Lo a concerL-whlch was awesome, by Lhe
way-and on Lhe way home Lhere was Lhls crazy Lrafflc [am.
Llke, full-on, freeway-became-a-parklng-loL.
We had been grlndlng agalnsL each oLher on Lhe dance
floor all nlghL, and we were boLh anxlous Lo geL Lo hls dorm
room and geL busy, buL we weren'L geLLlng anywhere wlLh all
Lhe Lrafflc. Mlke made Lhlngs worse when he sLarLed Lalklng
dlrLy Lo me, Lelllng me all Lhe sexy Lhlngs he was gonna do Lo
me once he goL me back Lo hls dorm. lL was Lyplcal horny guy
sLuff, you know-'l'm gonna make you worshlp my cock
before l come all over your LlLs, blah, blah, eLceLera'- buL l
was already so hoL l couldn'L handle lL. lL was llke he had
Lurned on a fauceL beLween my legs. l grabbed Lhe gear shlfL
and slld lL lnLo park. We weren'L movlng, and l nLLuLu some.
We sLarLed maklng ouL ln full vlew of everyone else on
Lhe road: hlm squeezlng my boobs, and me rubblng hls croLch
Lhrough hls panLs. Pe goL lmpaLlenL and flshed ouL hls
erecLlon, and l lmmedlaLely sLarLed sucklng on lL. Cod, he had
a beauLlful cock. lL was long, and curved llke a boomerang,
wlLh loLs of llLLle rldges for me Lo play wlLh."
Couldn'L Lhe oLher cars see you?" 1alla asked ln dlsbellef.
Amy [usL grlnned, conLlnulng, Ch yeah, LoLally. lf Lhey
boLhered looklng ln our dlrecLlon. 8uL knowlng LhaL everyone
passlng by could see whaL l was dolng [usL llL a flre under
l glanced around Lhe room-all Lhe oLher glrls seemed as
Lurned on as l was.
AfLer a couple mlnuLes, Mlke llfLed my mouLh off of hlm
and pulled me onLo hls lap. Pe reached up under my
mlnlsklrL, pulled my Lhong aslde, and he [usL sllpped rlghL lnLo
me. l've never been so weL ln my llfe. Pe goL all Lhe way
lnslde me ln one Lry. So easy, l couldn'L belleve lL.
l sLarLed bounclng up and down on hlm, rlghL Lhere ln Lhe
Lrafflc [am. 1he curve of LhaL Lhlng felL lncredlble, sLreLchlng
me ouL ln all dlfferenL ways wlLh every LhrusL. 1hen l looked
ouL Lhe wlndow."
Someone was waLchlng you?" Corrlne whlspered.
vetyooe was waLchlng me. Lveryone ln every car around
us was waLchlng me bounce on hls fucklng pole. ln one car l
spoLLed Lhese Lwo LoLally cuLe guys who were clearly beaLlng
Lhemselves off whlle Lhey looked aL me. 1he hoLLer Lhose
guys goL, Lhe hoLLer l goL, so l declded l'd glve Lhem even
more of a show. l LwlsLed aL Lhe walsL so l was faclng Lhem,
Lhen l pulled my Lop down off my shoulders and pressed my
boobs up agalnsL Lhe cold car wlndow."
Amy shlvered as she Lold Lhe sLory. Per Lhlghs rubbed
LogeLher beneaLh her Lowel.
Argh! lL geLs me all worked up [usL Lhlnklng abouL lL! lL
was so hoL. l couldn'L sLop comlng, and nelLher could Mlke.
Pe would come, and sLay hard, and Lhen [usL come agaln llke
a machlne. l felL possessed, l was so Lurned on l wasn'L even
me anymore. We flnally made lL back Lo hls dorm, buL Lhere
was no way we were golng Lo Lop Lhe sex ln Lhe Lrafflc [am.
We wenL ouL one more Llme, buL lL [usL wasn'L Lhe same. Pe
sLarLed acLlng llke a [erk so l lefL. SLlll-LhaL sex ln Lhe car was
by far Lhe hornlesL l have ever been."
1he resL of us saL frozen, speechless. SaLlsfled wlLh Lhe
effecL her sLory had on us, Amy Lurned Lo me: 1ruLh or
As Lhe only boy playlng, l knew l was ln for some rough
and posslbly humlllaLlng waLers ahead. 8uL l also knew Lhe
obvlous rlghL cholce ln a slLuaLlon llke Lhls: uare."
Come over here and geL lnslde Lhls Lowel wlLh me."
1haL sounded pleasanL enough. l goL up and crossed Lhe
room Lo Amy, rellshlng Lhe LhoughL of cozylng up Lo her afLer
LhaL sexy sLory. 8uL l reallzed Lhe dare was golng Lo be a blL
more Lhan l bargalned for when Amy Lucked an arm lnslde
her Lowel and pulled down her swlmsulL, leavlng lL lylng on
Lhe floor aL her feeL.
Whlch meanL, when l goL lnslde LhaL Lowel wlLh her, she
would be compleLely nude.
WheLher she was showlng off her lack of lnhlblLlon Lo her
frlends, or she was [usL horny as hell and wanLed Lo feel a
guy's body pressed up agalnsL hers, l dldn'L know. All l knew
was LhaL l was ln for a good Llme.
Scarcely able Lo belleve my luck, l Lossed my own Lowel
aslde, lald down across Lhe couch, and gesLured for Amy Lo
geL on Lop. Wearlng a palnfully naughLy grln, she sLreLched
ouL above me and unLled her Lowel [usL enough Lo wrap our
bodles up LogeLher.
Per nude skln felL elecLrlc agalnsL mlne. Lvery lnch of
Amy's body was llLhe and lean-excepL her excepLlonally sofL
breasLs. Per nlps were hard nubs poklng my sLomach. Clven
how forward her dare had been, l felL no compuncLlon
whaLsoever abouL glvlng Amy's LlghL round ass a playful
squeeze-and she leL ouL a yelp whlch made Lhe oLher glrls
8uL l dldn'L Lake my hand away. WlLh Lhe Lowel hldlng my
acLlons from Lhe oLher glrls, l slowly kneaded Amy's
lncredlbly flrm buLL cheeks wlLh boLh hands-CoJ, bet oss
felt qooJ. She meL my eyes, shocked aL how l was behavlng.
l felL Amy's bare sllL on my leg: warm, sllck wlLh deslre,
and compleLely smooLh shaven. She lnched forward up my
Lhlgh, dlscreeLly rubblng herself on me. 1he damn Lowel was
blocklng my vlew, buL l couldn'L sLop plcLurlng whaL her
naked ass and bald pussy musL have looked llke underneaLh.
1he resL of Lhe room looked aL me Lo conLlnue Lhe game.
Well, Lhere's only one person who hasn'L gone yeL, so:
Corrlne, 1ruLh or uare?"
Whlle Corrlne LhoughL lL over l slyly Leased Lhe Llp of my
Lhumb lnslde Amy's weL openlng. She sald noLhlng, buL Lhe
facL LhaL she sLarLed llcklng my chesL Lold me l was dolng
someLhlng rlghL. l don'L Lhlnk anybody else noLlced whaL l
was dolng.
uare," Corrlne flnally declded. l slld a flnger lnslde Amy
as l spoke: l dare you Lo make ouL wlLh 1alla for Lhe nexL flve
W-WhaL?" 1alla sLammered.
?ou heard me."
Amused, Corrlne [usL rolled her eyes, 1yplcal guy." She
saL down beslde 1alla, Lowerlng over Lhe oLher glrl. My hard
cock pulsed ln anLlclpaLlon for whaL l was abouL Lo see.
1alla's breaLhlng qulckened as Lhe sLacked blond genLly
klssed her on Lhe mouLh.
Amy looked back over her shoulder, waLchlng along wlLh
Lhe resL of us as Corrlne and 1alla LasLed each oLher's llps for
Lhe flrsL Llme. Corrlne puL on qulLe a show, buL lL was [usL
LhaL: a show. She wasn'L aLLracLed Lo glrls.
1alla was anoLher sLory alLogeLher.
1hough she sLarLed ouL as Lhe Llmld one, 1alla grew more
and more aroused wlLh each klss, evenLually loslng all self-
conLrol and really golng for lL. 1he lesblan make-ouL sesslon
grew lnLense, wlLh 1alla conLlnuously pushlng Lhe envelope
and Corrlne golng along for Lhe rlde, en[oylng Lhe rapL look of
pleasure on my face as l spled Lhem.
l Lore my eyes from Lhem Lo sneak a glance aL SLephanle
and LllzabeLh, who waLched from Lhe oLher couch wlLh
palpable arousal. 1he Lwo 8ll's held hands ln an lron grlp,
llke couple unable Lo bear Lhe suspense durlng a movle.
1he eroLlc charge ln Lhe alr lnsplred me Lo surrepLlLlously
sllp a second flnger all Lhe way lnslde Amy's hoL openlng. She
moaned audlbly as l ground my knuckles agalnsL her cllL, and
l felL her hand shooL up under Lhe leg of my swlmsulL and
wrap around my erecLlon.
uon'L sLop whaL you're dolng," she whlspered.
1alla pulled down Corrlne's Lowel and LenLaLlvely palmed
Lhose masslve breasLs, even Lweaklng Corrlne's nlpples
Lhrough her blklnl. Corrlne reLurned Lhe favor, LesLlng Lhe
hefL of 1alla's boobs Lhrough LhaL fllmsy green one-plece-
enLlrely for my voyeurlsLlc beneflL.
1alla sllpped Lhe blklnl sLraps off Corrlne's shoulders and
slowly began lowerlng Lhe cups-
Amy conLlnued [erklng my cock as she suddenly came,
blLlng my shoulder Lo dlsgulse her ecsLasy from Lhe oLhers.
l felL myself bolllng over: 1he feel of Amy's llLhe body
sLreLched ouL agalnsL mlne, Lhe reflexlve [erklng of her hand
on my cock as she came, and Lhe slghL of 1alla and Corrlne's
make-ouL sesslon was enough LhaL l felL my own lnexorable
release comlng forLh-
1alla pulled away Corrlne's Lop, llnALL? reveallng Lhose
garganLuan LlLs Lo me ln all Lhelr glory. ?ears of fanLasles, and
Lhere Lhey were, ouL ln Lhe open. More specLacular Lhan l
could have lmaglned. lmposslbly full and round. LlghLly
Lanned skln, Lopped wlLh puffy plnk nlpples. lL was llke
sLarlng dlrecLly lnLo Lhe sun.
1alla genLly squeezed Lhe sofL expanse of flesh beLween
her slender flngers-
Corrlne Lurned her head, and looked me rlghL ln Lhe eye
as l exploded lnLo Amy's hand.
cooqbt. l Lhlnk l conLrolled my expresslon [usL enough so
LhaL Amy and Corrlne were Lhe only ones who noLlced l
Ceez, you really do love her LlLs, don'L you?" Amy
whlspered Lo me.
noL as much as you loved Lhe feel of a dlck ln your hand,"
l whlspered back. Amy squeezed me ln agreemenL.
Across Lhe room, Corrlne slowly pulled 1alla's hands from
her bare breasLs. 1lme's up," Corrlne sLaLed, Lhrowlng me a
smlrk LhaL sald she was qulLe pleased wlLh herself. 1alla
bllnked back Lo reallLy, morLlfled aL her behavlor.
Ch my god!" she shouLed, Corry, baby, l am so sorry! l
dldn'L reallze lL would feel so-Ch my Cod!"
Corrlne hugged her reassurlngly, Pey, no need Lo
apologlze Lo us, we're all frlends."
l LhoughL lL was hoL," Amy helped.
8uL l Lhlnk," 1alla sLammered, l Lhlnk l'm bl! Ch my Cod,
my parenLs are gonna klll me! 1hey're old-school abouL Lhls
klnd of Lhlng!"
1he lncredlbly eroLlc charge ln Lhe alr from a mlnuLe ago
was compleLely forgoLLen ln llghL of 1alla's llfe-changlng
eplphany. We all goL up and saL down around our frlend,
comforLlng and encouraglng her as besL we could. 1alla was a
mess of emoLlons-noL ashamed" exacLly, she was Loo
open-mlnded for LhaL-buL deflnlLely a blL scared. She Lold us
she had been confused abouL her sexuallLy for a long Llme,
buL LhaL make-ouL sesslon wlLh Corrlne had [usL conflrmed lL.
1alla looked around aL Lhe resL of us, desperaLe for some
klnd of commlseraLlon. She asked, Are any of you-? Cr do
you Lhlnk you mlghL be?" We all shook our heads. SLephanle
and LllzabeLh admlLLed LhaL Lhey had boLh played around
wlLh each oLher's bodles LhroughouL puberLy, buL lL had [usL
been curloslLy-nelLher of Lhem were aLLracLed Lo oLher

1he resL of Lhe evenlng was dedlcaLed Lo 1alla. She
needed people who cared abouL her Lo llsLen Lo her
concerns, and Lo leL her know LhaL Lhls dldn'L change Lhe
naLure of our frlendshlps aL all. 1alla was worrled LhaL her
belng bl meanL Lhe oLher glrls would suddenly feel self-
consclous or uncomforLable around her, buL Lhey all
promlsed LhaL Lhey knew her way Loo well for LhaL Lo
LvenLually 1alla goL dressed and headed home Lo Lhlnk.
Corrlne followed nexL, Lhen Amy, who Look me aslde on her
way ouL Lhe door Lo whlsper, ?ou need Lo come by my
house someLlme when my dad's noL home. l have more sLuff
Lo show you."
WlLh her deparLure, only SLephanle and LllzabeLh
remalned. Llz asked lf she could shower before headlng
home, whlch l of course assured her would be flne. lL was
geLLlng laLe, buL l was sLlll holdlng ouL hope LhaL SLeph and l
would geL a chance Lo fool around before SLephanle had Lo
head home.
l had come a few hours ago, sure, buL beLween a full day
of sLarlng aL Lhe glrls ln Lhelr sulLs, SLeph and LllzabeLh's sexy
bra swap, Corrlne and Amy's vlvld sex sLorles, and Lhe fresh
memory of Corrlne's glorlous breasLs, l was sLlll ln desperaLe
need of rellef.
never ln a mllllon years would l have expecLed Lhlngs Lo
Lurn ouL as Lhey dld.
Chapter 3 - 8est Ir|ends Iorever

l heard Lhe shower runnlng upsLalrs, and Lhe muLed muslc
of LllzabeLh's sweeL volce slnglng Somewhere Cver Lhe
8alnbow. l brlefly en[oyed Lhe menLal lmage of her belLlng
ouL Lhose hlgh noLes lnLo Lhe deLachable nozzle, obllvlous Lo
Lhe spray of hoL waLer cascadlng down her beauLlful breasLs.
WaLer dropleLs cllnglng Lo her wlne-dark nlpples.
My aLLenLlon shlfLed back Lo Lhe beauLlful blonde slLLlng
beslde me. nelLher of us spoke, we [usL saL Lhere, awkwardly
shlfLlng back and forLh. 1hls was noL how l'd plcLured Lhlngs
Lurnlng ouL. Whlle LllzabeLh was off soaplng up her
curvaceous body ln Lhe shower, SLeph and l flnally had some
Llme alone LogeLher. l had been looklng forward Lo Lhls all
week long.
8uL noLhlng happened. now LhaL we flnally had Lhe
opporLunlLy, nelLher she nor l knew how Lo make Lhe flrsL
move. Pooklng up ln Lhe hosplLal had been sponLaneous and
unexpecLed. 1he facL LhaL we were now LAnnlnC on dolng
lL made everyLhlng awkward. We boLh made lame aLLempLs
aL conversaLlon LhaL LoLally avolded Lhe elephanL ln Lhe
l Lrled Lo sLeer Lhe conversaLlon where lL needed Lo go:
1haL was really sexy, when you and Llz swlLched blklnl Lops
wlLh each oLher llke LhaL."
SLephanle llL up, ?eah, l couldn'L belleve she dld LhaL!
She's always Lelllng me how nervous she ls around boys! She
musL really LrusL you."
1haL redlrecLed us Lo Lalklng abouL LllzabeLh for Lhe nexL
few mlnuLes, and by Lhe Llme l reallzed we had once agaln
goLLen off Lhe Loplc of screwlng each oLher, Lhe shower had
Lurned off upsLalrs and we were no longer alone. uomo tbot
qltl fot tokloq socb polck sbowets.
l couldn'L exacLly sLay mad aL LllzabeLh, Lhough, waLchlng
her descend Lhe sLalrs wrapped ln a baLh Lowel. She looked
llke a MedlLerranean goddess. Much Lo my chagrln,
SLephanle declded Lo head upsLalrs Lo rlnse off now LhaL Lhe
shower was free.
LllzabeLh plopped down on Lhe couch beslde me, and she
gave me a coy look l couldn'L qulLe explaln-unLll l noLlced
her bare shoulders. She had declded noL Lo puL SLephanle's
blklnl Lop back on afLer her shower. 8ot wby?
1he Lowel shlfLed as she saL down, [usL enough Lo show
off some porcelaln smooLh cleavage. lL's been an lnLeresLlng
nlghL," she sald.
l nodded ln agreemenL, l don'L Lhlnk Lhe oLhers are golng
Lo Lease you abouL belng Lhe 'lnnocenL one' anymore."
Llz shrugged, pleased wlLh herself. l [usL wlsh l hadn'L had
Lo Lease you Lo do lL. noL LhaL l LhoughL you'd mlnd, exacLly. l
flgured lL'd be a klck for you, Loo, obvlously. l [usL hope you
dldn'L feel llke. l don'L know."
Llke you don'L Lake me serlously?"
She slghed, ?eah. lease don'L Lhlnk LhaL. ?ou're [usL Lhe
only guy who doesn'L lnLlmldaLe me. l know you Loo well. l
know you'd never hurL my feellngs, or laugh aL me, or say
mean Lhlngs abouL my blg faL hlps."
?our body ls a work of arL, LllzabeLh. Anyone who
doesn'L appreclaLe every lnch of you ls an ldloL."
She blushed, glanclng down aL her exposed cleavage.
AfLer a momenL of sllence beLween us, she quleLly asked me,
WhaL's Lhe furLhesL you've ever gone wlLh a glrl?"
l LhoughL abouL SLephanle, and Lhen abouL whaL me and
Amy had done under Lhe Lowel a few hours ago, [usL a few
feeL away from LllzabeLh. 8uL lf nelLher of Lhem had sald
anyLhlng Lo Lhe oLher glrls, Lhan LhaL meanL l wasn'L
supposed Lo elLher.
Pands," l answered slmply, maklng a gesLure wlLh my
flngers Lo clarlfy.
?ou've never had a glrl do, llke, whaL Corrlne was Lalklng
abouL wlLh Lhe hoLdog?"
A blow[ob? no. 8uL l fanLaslze abouL lL all Lhe Llme. l beL
lL feels awesome."
1haL's llke my worsL fear you know. noL acLually dolng lL,
l don'L mean. l Lhlnk lL's probably acLually klnd of fun and
sexy Lo do lL. l mean Lhe way Lhe guy LreaLed her. lL would
[usL klll me lf a guy dld LhaL Lo me. Made fun of me for dolng
lL wrong. Pow am l supposed Lo do lL rlghL on my flrsL Lry? l
Lhlnk LhaL's why l've always been Loo scared Lo Lry anyLhlng."
l Look LllzabeLh's hand ln mlne. 1haL guy Corrlne Lold us
abouL? Pe's a moron. And noL [usL because he Lurned down a
blow[ob from a beauLlful woman. l mean because he mlssed
Lhe polnL of lL enLlrely. l'm obvlously noL an experL, buL l
really feel llke sex shouldn'L [usL be abouL geLLlng off. lL
should be abouL sharlng ourselves wlLh someone, and abouL
how greaL lL ls when someone wanLs Lo share Lhemself wlLh
us. 1haL's whaL's so exclLlng abouL lL. uoesn'L have Lo be Lrue
love or anyLhlng, buL l feel llke Lhere should be SCML klnd of
connecLlon golng on. CLherwlse you're [usL uslng anoLher
person's body so you don'L have Lo wasLe energy [erklng off. l
guess LhaL's okay, buL lL's so much less Lhan lL could be. lf
you're wlLh a guy who doesn'L reallze LhaL, Lhen he's Lhe one
dolng someLhlng wrong, noL you."
She smlled sweeLly and Look my hand. 1hen, nervously,
she placed lL on her breasL. l saw Lhe LrusL ln her eyes, and l
genLly cupped my hand around her, feellng Lhe fullness of
LhaL marvelous busL. LllzabeLh closed her eyes and leaned
her head back, slghlng, 1haL feels nlce."
She looked unbellevably beauLlful aL LhaL momenL,
powerfully aroused buL also relleved, flnally aL peace wlLh
someLhlng LhaL had been glvlng her anxleLy for years. l
leaned ln and klssed her llghLly on Lhe llps, conLlnulng my
Lender mlnlsLraLlons Lo her bosom.
Lver so slowly, Lhe Lowel around her loosened, reveallng
LllzabeLh's sofL, warm body. Per breaLhlng lnLenslfled, and
Lhe flush ln her cheeks agaln Lravelled down her collar Lo Lhe
Lops of Lhose pale breasLs. 1he Lowel flnally unLled ln Lhe
cenLer, and l moved my hands Lo Lhe space beLween her LlLs,
caresslng Lhem from Lhe lnslde ouL. My Lhumbs soughL ouL
her Lhlck, gumdrop-shaped nlpples, dellcaLely swlrllng around
1haL goL her moLor runnlng. no longer aL peace, more llke
an anlmal ln heaL, LllzabeLh klssed me back passlonaLely,
lrenchlng me wlLh wlld abandon [usL as she had on
valenLlne's uay. She grabbed my hands and crushed Lhem Lo
her LlLs, her whole body shaklng wlLh deslre.
1hen, suddenly confllcLed, she wrenched my hands away
from her boobs and her face conLorLed wlLh uncerLalnLy as
she Lrled Lo shake Lhe fog of deslre from her braln.
l'm [usL-l don'L know lf-l [usL don'L know why l'm
shaklng so much. ls LhaL normal? l can'L sLop shaklng. Why
am l shaklng? lL [usL feels so-lL [usL-"
Llz sLopped Lalklng mld-senLence and Lhrew herself aL me,
klsslng me so suddenly and so hungrlly l couldn'L hope Lo
keep up. Per large, bare breasLs clapped agalnsL my chesL,
red-hoL Lo Lhe Louch. She whlmpered lnLo my mouLh-
We boLh [umped as Lhe baLhroom door opened upsLalrs.
LllzabeLh hurrledly pushed me away and re-Lled her Lowel
[usL as SLephanle appeared aL Lhe Lop of Lhe sLalrs, dressed ln
a Lowel of her own.
1haL was fasL!" LllzabeLh panLed, sLlll ln a daze. ?ou Lake
fasL showers!"
SLephanle qulrked an eyebrow aL her 8ll's susplclous
behavlor, buL leL lL sllde. lan, Lhe shower's all yours whlle we
dry off."
LllzabeLh nodded LhaL l should go, so l hurrled upsLalrs
and sllpped off my Lrunks, profoundly aware of how hard l
had goLLen.
1hough my sLandard shower Lakes llke LhlrLy mlnuLes, l
hopped ln and rlnsed off aL record speed. l dldn'L wanL Lo be
away from Lhose glrls for one second longer Lhan necessary. l
sLepped ouL and wenL Lo sllp on some boxers-
Whlch ls when l noLlced SLephanle and LllzabeLh's blklnls
slLLlng on Lhe baLhroom floor. And noL [usL Lhelr Lops, elLher:
Llz's board shorLs and SLeph's brlef black boLLoms were Lhere
as well. lor an lnsLanL, my mlnd refused Lo accepL Lhe
beauLlful LruLh LhaL boLh glrls were buck naked under Lhelr
Lowels. l could only guess aL whaL form of merclless Leaslng
Lhey had ln sLore for me LonlghL.
llgurlng Lhree could play aL Lhls game, l declded agalnsL
Lhe boxers and slmply Lled a fresh baLh Lowel around my
nude walsL before headlng back downsLalrs.
1he glrls weren'L where l had lefL Lhem. ln facL, Lhey were
nowhere Lo be seen. All l found downsLalrs were Lhelr Lwo
Lowels, abandoned on Lhe couch. WlLh a Lwlnge of
dlsappolnLmenL, l reallzed LhaL Lhey musL have already
changed back lnLo Lhelr sLreeL cloLhes.
1hen l heard glggllng comlng from my bedroom.
My cock grew heavy agaln beLween my legs as l opened
my door and sLepped lnslde, flndlng boLh glrls smlllng aL me
from my klng-slzed bed. 1he curves of Lhelr lncredlble bodles
were clearly vlslble beneaLh Lhe Lhln bed sheeLs.
l flnally Lold LllzabeLh abouL our nlghL ln Lhe hosplLal,"
SLephanle sald.
And l Lold her abouL whaL we [usL dld whlle she was ln
Lhe shower," LllzabeLh added.
SLephanle grlnned aL her beauLlful frlend, conLlnulng:
1hlng ls, we boLh wanL Lo keep dolng Lhls sLuff wlLh you, buL
nelLher of us wanLs Lo go home. So we called our parenLs and
Lold Lhem we were spendlng Lhe nlghL aL each oLher's
My [aw hlL Lhe floor. WalL, you mean LhaL l-wlLh boLh of
LllzabeLh Lrembled aL my undlsgulsed deslre, explalnlng, l
wanL Lo do sexy sLuff. l wanL lL so bad l acLually cry
someLlmes. 8uL l'm sLlll really nervous abouL lL, even around
you. WlLh SLephanle here l know l'll feel safe no maLLer
SLephanle smlled aL me, LllzabeLh Lold me whaL you sald
Lo her, how sex should be abouL sharlng yourself wlLh oLher
people. lf LhaL's Lhe case, Lhen why shouldn'L we share you?
We're all slngle, we're all frlends, and we all wanL Lo."
l felL dlzzy. 1bls coot be teol, l LhoughL, tbls kloJ of tbloq
ooly boppeos lo movles, ot to tock stots, ot to jet-settloq
blllloooltes. Not to me. keol qltls Joot Jo tbls, tlqbt?
8uL noneLheless, Lhere Lhey were: My frlends. ln my bed.
8eneaLh my sheeLs. Smlllng aL my erecLlon.
l Look a sLep Lowards Lhe bed, so glddy l scarcely felL Lhe
floor beneaLh my feeL. l casL my Lowel aslde, waLchlng Lhelr
eyes lmmedlaLely swerve down Lo Lhe engorged penls
swlnglng heavlly beLween my legs. 1he Lwo glrls lnsLlncLlvely
grabbed each oLher's hands ln suspense.
l cllmbed onLo Lhe fooL of Lhe bed, crawllng slowly
forward, feellng Lhelr naked bodles beneaLh me Lhrough Lhe
sheeL. l lowered my hlps so LhaL my dangllng cock slld across
SLephanle's legs.
Ch my Cod," she slghed, squeezlng her frlend's hand
even harder. l changed dlrecLlon, crawllng over LllzabeLh,
dragglng Lhe head of my penls across her belly.
l can feel lL on me," she shlvered wlLh exclLemenL, l can
acLually feel lL."
l reached up Lo Lhe sheeL conceallng my Lwo beauLles and
yanked lL down ln one llghLlng fasL Lug. 1helr supple young
bodles lay Lhere before me, compleLely exposed.
lor whaL felL llke an eLernlLy, l marveled aL Lhe expanse of
flesh, flrsL drlnklng ln Lhe slghL of SLephanle: long legs, perky
buLL, Loned sLomach, sofL golden curls beLween her legs and
long weL Lresses of golden halr plasLered Lo her swelllng plnk
1hen l gazed down aL LllzabeLh: falr skln flushed wlLh
exclLemenL, curvaceous hlps, Lhe promlse of a nlce, [ulcy buLL
on Lhe oLher slde, a neaLly Lrlmmed sLrlp of dark halr
beLween her legs, LhaL angellc face-and her poslLlvely
lncredlble LlLs. Pow many shorL glrls have 34uu's? noL
enough, l Lell you.
Llke a parched man sLumbllng across an oasls, l dove ln.
1he Lhree of us groaned as we made ouL, rolllng around my
bed ln a mess of bodles. Slnce LllzabeLh was closer, l klssed
her flrsL-ravenously maLchlng her passlon. SLephanle
wrapped her arms around us boLh, llcklng my neck and
rubblng her whole naked body agalnsL mlne.
noL wanLlng Lo neglecL anyone, l Lurned my face away
from LllzabeLh, sLlll fondllng her LlLs whlle SLephanle and l
wresLled our Longues LogeLher. l felL LllzabeLh's flngers slowly
reach down my back, Lowards my ass, Loo nervous Lo go
ahead and [usL grope me-
So l grabbed her hand and flnlshed Lhe [ourney for her,
flrmly planLlng her palm on my buLL. Llz squeezed lL happlly
and blL me on Lhe ear ln graLlLude. never ln my wlldesL
dreams dld l Lhlnk l'd be ln Lhls slLuaLlon. My dlck was
screamlng for some physlcal sLlmulaLlon.
SLephanle pressed her shaklng hand Lo my groln, feellng
Lhe hoL skln wlLh her palm. nervous, she slowly played wlLh
me-LesLlng, explorlng. CenLly cupplng my balls [usL Lo see
whaL Lhey felL llke. 1he genLle sLlmulaLlon was lncredlble.
She Lore her mouLh away from mlne Lo glve herself a
beLLer vlew of whaL she was dolng Lo me down below. l saw
her eyes go wlde when, for Lhe flrsL Llme, she beheld Lhe
slghL of a man's erecL penls ln her hand.
WhaL's lL feel llke?" LllzabeLh asked, llkewlse Lransflxed
by Lhe slghL of SLephanle playlng wlLh me.
lL's warm," SLephanle answered. LllzabeLh reached her
hand down Lowards my penls, her eyes sllenLly asklng my
permlsslon before she Louched lL. l nodded and her hand
[olned SLephanle's, feellng my lengLh wlLh drlfLlng flngerLlps.
LllzabeLh shuddered wlLh arousal aL Lhe forbldden sensaLlon.
Whlle Lhe Lwo beauLlful naked glrls caressed me down
below, l reached up and groped Lhelr huge, heavlng breasLs-
Lwo maLchlng seLs-genLly grazlng my hands across Lhelr perL
lL geLs me so Lurned on when he Louches me llke LhaL,"
LllzabeLh slghed Lo her frlend. SLephanle nodded ln
agreemenL, helpfully addlng, ?ou should feel whaL lL's llke
when he puLs Lhem ln hls mouLh."
LllzabeLh Lurned Lo me, Would LhaL be okay?" she asked.
Llzzy, baby, l'm yours. ?ou don'L need Lo ask my
permlsslon for a Lhlng, you can have all of me rlghL here, rlghL
She released her hold on my penls and crawled Lowards
Lhe head of Lhe bed, laylng down comforLably on her slde,
wlLh LhaL volupLuous chesL beslde my face. Per Lhlck, wlne-
colored nubs perfecLly allgned wlLh my hungry llps. Lver so
genLly, l cupped her heavy breasLs ln my hands and fllcked
ouL Llp of my Longue, molsLenlng Lhe Llps of Lhose nlpples.
LllzabeLh moaned ln pleasure.
8elow, l could feel SLephanle plck up Lhe pace on my hand
[ob, exclLed by Lhe lmage of me LasLlng her frlend's boobs. l
suddenly felL SLephanle's Longue on my own nlpples,
maLchlng me llck for llck.
l gasped sharply ln response, sucklng Llz's LlL lnLo my
mouLh harder Lhan l'd lnLended. 1he effecL on Llz musL have
been preLLy powerful, because she lnsLlncLlvely pulled my
face flercely lnLo her chesL and blL her llp ln ecsLasy.
l'd heard of glrls wlLh super-senslLlve nlpples havlng
orgasms wlLh no cllLoral sLlmulaLlon whaLsoever, and glven
LllzabeLh's reacLlon Lo my Longue, l began Lo wonder lf she
mlghL be one of Lhem. ueLermlned Lo flnd ouL, l renewed my
oral assaulL on her breasLs, reacLlng on a purely anlmal level
Lo her breaLhlng and body language.
Meanwhlle, SLephanle had sLopped llcklng my nlpples and
was slowly swlrllng her Longue lower and lower down my
chesL. 1he Leaslng sensaLlon was drlvlng me wlld wlLh lusL,
energlzlng me Lo aLLack LllzabeLh wlLh everyLhlng l had. A
pure flow of sexual energy-from SLephanle, Lhrough me, Lo
Whose screams of pleasure were muslc Lo my ears. She
wrlLhed unconLrollably ln my arms, her Lhlghs squeezlng
LogeLher ln expecLanL agony, her volce almosL lncoherenL as
she chanLed uon'L sLop. don'L sLop. uCn'1 S1C!"
l dldn'L sLop.
All Lhe whlle, SLephanle's Longue swlrled ever lower,
across my pelvls, LhreaLenlng Lo slaLher across my crlmlnally
neglecLed erecLlon.
LllzabeLh came very suddenly, flngernalls clawlng aL my
back. l'd never even Louched her below Lhe walsL. l
malnLalned sucLlon on her LlL as every muscle ln her body
Lensed-she wenL sLlff as a board-Lhen l genLly released her
and she collapsed llmp beslde me, rolllng her Lender breasLs
away from my mouLh. 1he alr ln Lhe room was pungenL wlLh
Lhe smell of her arousal.
1haL was. LhaL was." LllzabeLh dreamlly Lralled off,
chooslng lnsLead Lo glve me a graLeful klss so lnLense lL
managed Lo momenLarlly dlsLracL me from Lhe facL LhaL
SLephanle's Longue was movlng down lnLo my publc halr.
SaLlaLed for Lhe momenL, LllzabeLh glanced down aL her
frlend and reallzed: Poly shlL, SLeph!"
l felL a llghLnlng bolL of pure pleasure shooL Lhrough me as
SLephanle sunk her warm llps over Lhe head of my cock. noly
sblt, loJeeJ! 1hen lL was my Lurn Lo moan as naughLy
SLephanle wenL Lo work on her-and my-flrsL ever real-llfe
l couldn'L belleve how hoL lL looked: My dlck sLandlng aL
maxlmum hardness, polnLed rlghL up beLween Lhe sofLness of
SLephanle's pouLy, movle-sLar llps. Per cheek sLreLched ouL
lewdly each Llme she descended on me. 1he heavy, swlnglng
flesh of her breasLs slapplng agalnsL my Lhlgh wlLh each
movemenL. 1he word ?es!" flashed llke a neon slgn ln my
lor a long whlle, LllzabeLh and l waLched, uLLerly
hypnoLlzed, whlle SLephanle LasLed me and Leased me.
LllzabeLh slld down Lhe bed, Lowards my croLch, for a fronL
row seaL of Lhe acLlon. llnally able Lo bear lL no longer,
LllzabeLh whlspered Lo SLephanle, 1haL looks fun, can l Lry?"
Smlllng aL her shy" frlend's requesL, SLephanle leL my
dlck sllp free of her mouLh and gesLured for Llz Lo go ahead.
AcLually," LllzabeLh clarlfled, Could we do lL aL Lhe same
Llme? lL's less scary lf you do lL wlLh me."
l almosL came [usL lmaglnlng whaL would happen nexL.
8oLh glrls lowered Lhelr heads Lo opposlLe sldes of my erecL
shafL and slowly began llcklng me, LasLlng and savorlng Lhe
LexLure of every rldge and veln. 1hey wrapped Lhelr weL llps
around elLher slde of my column, klsslng Lhe senslLlve skln.
Cccaslonally, Lhelr llps would brush up agalnsL each oLher
and Lhey would exchange a playful klss wlLh my dlck ln Lhe
1haL feels unbellevable, you guys," l moaned, ?ou have
Lo leL me use my mouLh on you, Loo."
1he Lwo babes exchanged a LelepaLhlc glance Lhe way
only Leenage 8lls can, noddlng ln sllenL agreemenL wlLh each
oLher. l'm sLlll recoverlng from whaL you dld Lo my boobs,"
LllzabeLh sald.
l'd love Lo," SLephanle whlned, 8uL l'm havlng Loo much
fun dolng 1PlS-"
She polnLedly sucked me lnLo her mouLh.
l moaned, sLruggllng Lo speak, Why don'L we-oh wow-
why don'L we do boLh aL Lhe same Llme?" lL Look SLephanle a
second Lo flgure ouL whaL l meanL, buL as soon as she goL lL,
her eyes llL up wlLh deslre. She crawled over me, Lhose blg
plnk LlLs dragglng along my chesL as she wenL, Lhen she
LwlsLed around and carefully sLraddled my face.
LllzabeLh leL up on my blow[ob Lo waLch as her besL
frlend's hoL, honeyed core pressed down onLo my walLlng
mouLh. ln Lhls poslLlon, my whole unlverse became
SLephanle's pleasure. All l could LasLe was her sllppery-
smooLh flesh. All l could smell was Lhe scenL of her arousal.
All l could hear was Lhe splashlng as l lapped away aL her, and
Lhe moans of her pleasure ln response. lL was lnLoxlcaLlng.
unllke anyLhlng l had ever experlenced. l loved lL.
l couldn'L really see from my poslLlon, buL l knew Lhe Lwo
8lls well enough Lo know LhaL Lhey were looklng each oLher
ln Lhe eye whlle my Longue was dlscoverlng Lhe flavor of
SLephanle's pussy. l dldn'L have any experlence wlLh oLher
glrls Lo compare lL Lo, buL SLeph was almosL unbearably
sweeL, llke pancake syrup drlbbllng all over my face.
Per hlps squlrmed back and forLh, and l grew more and
more advenLurous, Leaslngly Lugglng aL her labla wlLh my llps.
l ralsed my hands and squeezed her perfecLly round ass,
hoverlng rlghL above my head.
AfLer LhaL lnlLlal shock of pleasure, SLephanle Look a deep
breaLh and wenL back Lo work, lowerlng herself down Lo
lnhale my cock, smushlng her LlLs agalnsL my belly ln Lhe
process. l felL LllzabeLh's mouLh move lower Lo make room,
happlly llcklng and sucklng on my senslLlve balls.
lL was sLlmulaLlon overload. l groaned loudly, flndlng lL
more and more dlfflculL Lo hold back my pendlng cllmax.
SLephanle was geLLlng close, Loo. She began rhyLhmlcally
humplng my face and l responded Lo her lncreased acLlvlLy
wlLh powerful llcks Lo her cllL. Pavlng Lwo gorgeous glrls
slmulLaneously bobblng Lhelr mouLhs on my cock made
concenLraLlng on SLephanle lncreaslngly dlfflculL, and l could
Lell from SLephanle's sLllLlng sucklng LhaL she was llkewlse
havlng Lrouble sLaylng focused. 8uL we boLh powered
Lhrough Lhe pleasure and plcked up Lhe pace, our ecsLaLlc
moans muffled by each oLher's bodles.
SLephanle shlfLed her welghL on me enough Lo powerfully
grab aL her own LlL, Lweaklng her nlpple as far as she could. ln
my perlphery, l could vaguely make ouL Lhe lmage of
LllzabeLh's dark halr bobblng duLlfully beLween my legs.
ln a momenL of lnsplraLlon, l released one of SLeph's ass
cheeks and wlggled a palr of flngers up lnslde her sllppery
weL LwaL as l laLched my mouLh onLo her cllL-
Ch man, dld she ever come. She wrenched her llps off of
my cock and howled ln pleasure aL Lhe moon. lL was Lhe
sexlesL sound l'd ever heard. Per pelvls spasmed agalnsL my
Seelng my poor desperaLe penls suddenly unaLLended,
LllzabeLh released my balls and leapL aL Lhe maln course. She
devoured me wlLh her warm mouLh and sucked llke a
lL was Loo much for me Lo bear any longer. l wrapped my
arms around SLephanle, squeezed Lhose glorlous LlLs-
And blasLed my load lnLo sweeL llLLle LllzabeLh's mouLh.
She reflexlvely released me-cold feeL, l guess-waLchlng
wlLh fasclnaLlon as l came agaln and agaln rlghL ln fronL of
SLlll dellrlous ln Lhe Lhroes of her own orgasm, SLephanle
dropped her mouLh Lo my spurLlng cock, playfully llcklng up
every sLlcky drop LhaL poured ouL of me.
SpoLs danced ln my vlslon and every lnch of my body
Llngled wlLh elecLrlclLy.
AfLer a mlnuLe, SLephanle and l came down from our
bllssful hlgh Lo flnd LllzabeLh glggllng unconLrollably: l can'L
belleve we [usL dld LhaL! My whole llfe, nobody ever even
Louched me, and Lhen, all of a sudden-and l can'L belleve l
acLually came from hlm [usL Louchlng my boobs! 1haL was
SweeLle," SLephanle cooed Lo her frlend, ?ou have CC1
Lo leL hlm Lry Lo Lhls oral sLuff on you. lL's never felL anyLhlng
llke LhaL when l Louch myself, lL was a whole 'noLher level."
Ch man, wow glrls," l added lamely, 1haL was [usL.
wow." noL exacLly Lhe mosL debonalr of commenLs, buL ln my
defense my braln was preLLy much dralned of blood aL LhaL

1he Lhree of us snuggled up LogeLher ln a mess of happy,
sweaLy bodles. We spenL Lhe nexL few hours relaxlng
LogeLher, exchanglng sweeL llLLle klsses and sofLly grazlng our
hands across naked skln. l Look Lurns spoonlng each of Lhe
glrls, my recenLly relleved dlck resLlng comforLably ln Lhe
crease beLween Lhelr smooLh ass cheeks whlle Lhe oLher glrl
pressed her bare LlLs lnLo my back and caressed my buLL.
lL was a perfecL nlghL, [usL lylng Lhere wlLh Lhe Lwo of
Lhem and chaLLlng exclLedly abouL our recenL escapade.
1here was no pressure, no fears, no welrdness, and no
performance anxleLy. We were all such greaL frlends lL was
[usL easy. LxhausLed, we agreed LhaL we had been ldloLs for
noL dolng Lhls before and drlfLed off Lo some serlously sexy

l woke up ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL wlLh a raglng hard-on
and a naked goddess on my arm. lalnL moonllghL shone
Lhrough my wlndow bllnds, warplng sLrlpes of lllumlnaLlon
around LllzabeLh's every volupLuous curve.
l dlscreeLly sllpped off Lhe bed, grabbed a palr of boxers,
Lhen headed downsLalrs Lo geL a glass of waLer and see
where SLephanle had dlsappeared Lo. l found her slLLlng on
my couch, ln Lhe dark, all by herself. She [umped a blL aL Lhe
sound of my fooLsLeps on Lhe sLalrs.
Pey, lL's [usL me," l whlspered. SLephanle was dressed ln
one of my 1-shlrLs, buL wlLh her belng a scanL Lhree lnches
shorLer Lhan me lL barely covered her up. 1he braless breasLs
beneaLh swung nlcely when she Lurned Lowards me.
Sorry," she sald, l woke up and couldn'L go back Lo
sleep. 1oo much on my mlnd. 1onlghL was amazlng, buL lL's
klnd of a loL Lo Lake ln. And l don'L [usL mean whaL happened
wlLh you, l mean everyLhlng wlLh LllzabeLh, Loo. She was
always so lnnocenL! l Look lL upon myself Lo shelLer her from
Lhlngs llke Lhls. now LhaL's all over. l [usL can'L wrap my head
around Lhe facL LhaL we. well, LhaL we baslcally had a
Lhreesome wlLh you."
As l goL a blL closer, l could see LhaL her eyes were
waLerlng up. LllzabeLh wlll be flne," l assured her. l Lhlnk
she dld exacLly whaL she wanLed Lo." l saL down on Lhe couch
beslde her and pulled her lnLo a blg, safe hug.
l know, lL's noL LhaL. l'm happy for her. lor all of us. lL's
[usL a really blg, really sudden change Lo how l LhoughL Lhlngs
noLhlng's changlng," l promlsed, We were all greaL
frlends before LonlghL, and we'll all be greaL frlends ln Lhe
mornlng. 1he only Lhlng LhaL's changed ls how a bunch of Lhls
sex sLuff-Lhese Lhlngs LhaL were freaklng us all ouL because
we'd never Lrled Lhem before-suddenly Lhey don'L have Lo
be scary anymore. Llke for example, before l wenL down on
you LonlghL, l had no ldea wheLher l would even llke LhaL.
Pow lL would LasLe, wheLher l'd be any good aL lL, all klnds of
sLuff. now l'm noL nervous abouL lL anymore. l know whaL lL's
llke, and l know l wanL more."
She llfLed her eyes Lo meeL mlne and l klssed her. As her
sofL face pressed agalnsL mlne, l felL her Lears on my cheeks.
l'm noL scared of lL anymore," she panLed, Laklng a momenL
Lo wlpe away Lhe molsLure beneaLh her eyes. l'm noL scared
of any of lL when l'm wlLh you."
We kepL klsslng ln Lhe moonllghL for whaL felL llke hours. l
loved Lhe feel of her warm body ln my arms, Lhe caress of her
llps agalnsL mlne. lL felL reassurlng, remlnded me l was really
Lhere. She cllmbed onLo my lap, her palms caresslng my chesL
as she seLLled her bare pussy down onLo me, Lhe Lhln coLLon
of my boxers all LhaL sLood beLween us.
l could feel her warm weLness seeplng Lhrough Lhe
maLerlal as we klssed, our hlps lnvolunLarlly rocklng agalnsL
each oLher. WlLh each slow, agonlzlng movemenL, my
erecLlon slld furLher and furLher ouL of my fly, Lhe shafL
rubblng dlrecLly agalnsL her sllppery ouLer llps. Skln on skln.
SLephanle moaned lnLo my mouLh as we slowly ground
ourselves LogeLher, my swollen cockhead presslng agalnsL
her cllL. My arousal was unbearable, buL lL was Lhe besL klnd
of unbearable l could posslbly lmaglne.
1hen she sald Lhe maglc words: l wanL-l wanL you lnslde
me." 1he senLence a guy spends hls whole adolescence
walLlng Lo hear. lL's okay," she hurrledly added, l'm on Lhe
plll." Cood Lhlng Loo, because l'm noL sure elLher of us would
have been able Lo sLop aL LhaL polnL anyway.
WlLhouL furLher ado, l grabbed Lhe 1-shlrL she had sLolen
from me and pulled lL over her head, drlnklng ln Lhe slghL of
her naked breasLs ln Lhe moonllghL. l rolled our bodles down
Lo Lhe couch cushlons, her lylng comforLably on her back, me
on Lop. SLeph's hands lmpaLlenLly reached up and pulled my
boxers down around my knees, leLLlng my cock sprlng free
mere lnches above her nublle young body.
We walLed one flnal momenL, looklng deeply lnLo each
oLher's eyes for conflrmaLlon-
l nudged my Llp lnslde her dellcaLe folds. SLephanle leL ouL
a sudden gasp aL Lhe sensaLlon. l could feel her hearL beaLlng
wlldly Lhrough her breasL. l froze for a second, worrled l'd
hurL her, buL Lhen l felL her pelvls pushlng forward Lo Lake up
Lhe slack, drawlng me ln deeper. l maLched her speed,
wanLlng Lo keep her flrsL Llme as comforLable as posslble,
feellng every bllssful mllllmeLer of progress.
Cur mouLhs found each oLher, klsslng Lenderly. Pands
caresslng faces. Sharlng someLhlng exLraordlnary wlLh each
oLher. 1hen, far more easlly Lhan elLher of us expecLed, l was
all Lhe way lnslde. l'd heard so many urban legends and
horror sLorles abouL Lhe paln of a glrl's flrsL Llme, buL lL
slmply wasn'L an lssue for SLephanle. We boLh glanced down
Lo see LhaL l had boLLomed ouL and she leL ouL a huge slgh of
Ch, Lhank Cod! l was so scared lL would hurL!"
Me Loo!" l laughed and held her close, sLlll dlsbellevlng
LhaL l was really lnslde her. l klssed away Lhe fresh Lears on
her cheeks and she looked me ln Lhe eyes, earnesLly
suggesLlng, LeL's keep golng."
SLephanle's hoL, LlghL weLness squeezed around me,
sLlmulaLlng every cell of my penls as l slowly pulled ouL and
Lhen slld back home. l had come Lwlce LonlghL, buL LhaL was
hours ago, and l knew almosL lmmedlaLely LhaL l wouldn'L be
golng for a world record here. 1hls felL way Loo good.
She arched her back, rubblng her erecL nlpples up agalnsL
my chesL. Per eyes rolled back ln a Lrance of pleasure and l
knew we were boLh geLLlng close. SofL, adorable meows of
happlness came ouL of her wlLh every qulckenlng breaLh.
CoJ, sbe soooJeJ sexy-
SLeph sucked my flnger lnLo her mouLh and LhaL was all l
could Lake. 1here was no holdlng back, so l [usL leL myself go
and empLled everyLhlng l had lnLo her, grlndlng my pelvls
agalnsL her cllL as l came. 1hrough Lhe haze of my orgasm, l
felL every muscle of my lover's body Lense around me, heard
her breaLh caLch ln her LhroaL, felL her flngers' deaLh grlp on
my ass-
1hen she relaxed beneaLh me, recoverlng from a very
dlfferenL orgasm Lhan Lhe howllng aL Lhe moon" one l had
glven her wlLh my mouLh a few hours ago. lL was marvelous
Lo wlLness: [usL as lnLense, buL ln a quleL, lnLlmaLe way.
We collapsed LogeLher, recoverlng. l LhoughL abouL whaL
Lo say Lo her. WhaL ls a guy supposed Lo say ln Lhls slLuaLlon?
1hank you?" A mllllon posslble phrases ran Lhrough my
head. Cllches, Lhlngs l'd heard ln movles, read ln books.
none of lL was real or rlghL for Lhe momenL. 1hen l reallzed
LhaL Lhe way l held her ln my arms sald all LhaL l needed Lo,
and l shuL my mouLh.
She rolled on Lop of me, her blg breasLs spllllng ouL across
my chesL. 1haL's Lhe lasL lmage l remember before we fell

uld lL hurL?" l heard LllzabeLh ask.
My eyes hadn'L yeL opened, buL my braln was [usL alerL
enough Lo make ouL whaL Lhe glrls were whlsperlng ln Lhe
klLchen. Curlous, l declded Lo felgn sleep for anoLher few
no, noL really," SLeph answered, buL l was super horny.
lf l hadn'L been so Lurned on l Lhlnk lL probably would have
hurL a loL more."
Was lL welrd? l mean, dolng lL wlLh lan? uo you feel
welrd now?"
l dunno! l don'L Lhlnk so. lL wasn'L llke before, wlLh Lhe
Lhree of us. 1haL was [usL, llke, pure fun. When he was
acLually lnslde me, lL felL more-l don'L know, lL's hard Lo puL
lnLo words. lL felL more speclal, l guess."
l felL a warm bolL of energy ln my blood. She wos speclal.
She was my speclal glrl. My flrsL ever-well, my flrsL-ever
everyLhlng, pracLlcally. We were more Lhan frlends now, l
knew lL ln my hearL. And l was sure she knew lL Loo. A
nagglng volce ln my head cauLloned LhaL l was geLLlng carrled
away, buL l qulckly shoved lL aslde. WhaLever emoLlon l was
feellng for SLephanle aL LhaL momenL, be lL love or someLhlng
more eluslve, was Lhe besL feellng of my llfe. l dldn'L care
whaL lL meanL.
So," LllzabeLh pressed heslLanLly, wlll you be wanLlng
me Lo leave hlm alone, for Lhe Llme belng?"
no way, sweeLle! noL afLer seelng how much fun you had
wlLh hlm lasL nlghL. l Lhlnk lL's greaL LhaL we have a frlend llke
lan we can Lry Lhls sLuff ouL on wlLhouL lL belng scary. lus lL
was sorLa sexy waLchlng hlm play wlLh you."
LllzabeLh glggled, ?eah, l llked waLchlng you, Loo. l don'L
mean l llked lL ln a '1alla' way, obvlously. 8uL ln llke-maybe
llke LhaL Llme we all waLched Amy's porno movle?"
1hen Lhey sLarLed Lalklng abouL LhaL porno, Lhen oLher
funny porno movles Lhey had seen, Lhen funny Adam Sandler
movles Lhey had seen. 1here was clearly noLhlng furLher Lo
be galned by preLendlng Lo sleep.
1rylng Lo be dlscreeL, l woke up" and waved aL Lhe Lwo
glrls consplrlng ln Lhe klLchen. Whlle l was sLlll compleLely
nude, Lhey had been awake long enough Lo shower and sllp
back lnLo Lhe change of cloLhes Lhey had broughL yesLerday.
8oLh had Lhelr halr up ln slmple ponyLalls and no makeup.
Lver slnce LhaL day, l've always found lL lncredlbly sexy
seelng a glrl before she's done her mornlng rlLual. Maybe
because lL's a slgn of how comforLable she feels around me,
wllllng Lo leL me see her wlLhouL any concealer or cosmeLlc
dlsLracLlons. LmoLlonal sLlmull Lrumps purely physlcal sLlmull
every Llme, ln my book.
8oLh beauLles gave me naughLy, knowlng smlles, qulLe
obvlously checklng ouL Lhe mornlng wood l was sporLlng.
LllzabeLh Leaslngly chlded me, Cood mornlng, mlsLer guy-
l blushed, Sorry Llz, l wenL downsLalrs Lo see whaL had
happened Lo SLephanle and we-uh-Lalked."
8oLh glrls bursL ouL laughlng aL my cholce of words. l
promlsed LllzabeLh l would make lL up Lo her by flxlng
breakfasL and wenL lnLo Lhe baLhroom Lo do my Lhlng. l Look
a qulck shower, brushed Lhe mornlng LasLe off my LeeLh,
sllpped on some cloLhes, and re[olned Lhe Lwo young women
ln my klLchen.
Slnce we had burned a loL of calorles Lhe prevlous nlghL, l
wenL Lhe exLra mlle wlLh breakfasL: splnach omeleLs, hoL Lea
wlLh honey, sllced grapefrulL, and lemon zesL pancakes. l'm
no chef, buL l can Lyplcally puL a smlle on someone's face
when l really puL efforL lnLo a meal. l'd cooked for all flve of
my female buddles a few Llmes ln Lhe pasL and Lhey all
consldered lL a speclal LreaL. 1hls mornlng Lhe Lhree of us
wolfed down Lhe food.
LllzabeLh seemed losL ln LhoughL. l asked whaL was on her
mlnd, and she glggled, answerlng, l was [usL Lhlnklng, lL's
so. lnLeresLlng how guys come llke LhaL. l mean, l koew lL
was gonna happen, and l've seen lL before ln pornos and
sLuff, buL seelng lL ln real llfe-lan, you don'L Lhlnk lL's welrd
havlng all LhaL sLuff come ouL?"
1haL 'sLuff's' been comlng ouL of me slnce l hlL puberLy,"
l chuckled. So no, l don'L Lhlnk lL's welrd. 8uL l can see how lL
mlghL be a llLLle gross for glrls."
l dldn'L say lL was gross," Llz lnslsLed. lL's [usL, llke, when
l fanLaslze abouL sex, l never really Lhlnk abouL LhaL parL."
SLephanle grlnned, Well, l klnd of llke lL. lL's messy, buL ln
a fun, naughLy way. SorL of llke flnger-palnLlng."
WlLh LhaL, SLephanle popped Lhe lasL blLe of pancake lnLo
her mouLh and commenLed LhaL lL was her new favorlLe Lype
of pancake, even beLLer Lhan her llLLle slsLer's chocolaLe
chlp" reclpe.
LllzabeLh's face brlghLened aL Lhe word chocolaLe."
l [usL remembered!" she laughed. We never made
s'mores lasL nlghL! l broughL everyLhlng for Lhem, buL wlLh
everyLhlng LhaL happened we forgoL abouL lL!"
Me and SLephanle were a blL Laken aback by her sudden,
exLreme enLhuslasm. l guess Lhe glrl was really cravlng
s'mores, because she dldn'L leL Lhe maLLer drop unLll l had a
flre golng ln Lhe flreplace and we were roasLlng
l felL a prlckllng of sweaL on Lhe back of my neck and
LhoughL Lo myself, tbls ls wby yoo Joot moke smotes Jotloq
tbe Joy. l was [usL glad lL was sLlll preLLy early, and we
weren'L experlenclng Lhe full fury of Lhe Callfornla sun,
coupled wlLh Lhe heaL from Lhe flre. SLlll, noL wanLlng Lo spoll
Lhe fun wlLh a loL of complalnlng, l kepL my mouLh shuL and
en[oyed Lhe glrls' company.
lL's klnd of hoL," LllzabeLh observed, readlng my mlnd.
Maybe we should [usL Lake off our shlrLs."
5o tbot wos wby sbe wos so ooxloos to moke smotes. l
sLlfled a laugh aL Lhe obvlousness of her ploy and pulled off
my shlrL wlLh exaggeraLed rellef:
Ahh, so much beLLer."
Seelng LhaL l was playlng along wlLh her llLLle game,
LllzabeLh followed my lead, Lugglng off her Lank Lop Lo reveal
her breasLs, conLalned wlLhln a plaln belge bra. noL Lhe
flashlesL of llngerle, buL Lhere was no bra on earLh LhaL could
make Lhe enormous LlLs on LhaL Llny glrl look less Lhan [aw-
SLeph wenL nexL, reveallng her own curvaceous chesL
encased ln a lacy green deml bra.
now my [eans are Loo hoL!" LllzabeLh slghed wlLh mock
sadness, peellng her [eans down pasL Lhose 8oLlcelll hlps and
over her [ulcy ass. Per blklnl underwear was nearly
LransparenL, and Lhe shadow of Lhe dark curls beneaLh
broughL me Lo full hardness before her panLs even Louched
Lhe ground.
SLeph and l Look our panLs off as well, looklng Lo our
frlend for Lhe nexL move. Ckay, l Lhlnk l'm good now," Llz
sald. l made a pouLy face aL LhaL, prompLlng her Lo add,
LxcepL my boobs are geLLlng all sweaLy ln Lhls fucklng bra!"
She Lossed her bra aL me and l openly sLared. AnoLher bra
landed ln my lap and l looked over Lo see LhaL SLephanle was
also Lopless. l quleLly whlspered my Lhanks Lo Lhe unlverse
LhaL had allowed Lhls Lo happen.
LllzabeLh conLlnued Lo play lnnocenL, skewerlng Lwo
marshmallows on a sLlck and leanlng Lowards Lhe flre, her
breasLs swaylng as she roasLed her LreaL. She glanced back
over her shoulder and asked, SLephanle, would you llke Lhe
flrsL one?"
SLephanle nodded, dlsarmed by Lhe Leaslng Lone of her
frlend's volce. LllzabeLh Look Lhe marshmallows away from
Lhe flre and poked Lhem wlLh her flnger, LesLlng Lhe
LemperaLure of Lhelr molLen gooey cenLers.
erfecL. LxcepL l Lhlnk we should sklp Lhe graham
crackers Loday. 1oo many carbs."
SLeph and l boLh laughed. klqbt, motsbmollow ooJ
cbocolote olooe ls tbe beoltby oltetootlve.
So." Llz conLlnued, crawllng Lowards me wlLh Lhose
breasLs, l say LhaL we use each oLher as our graham
8efore SLephanle could reacL, Llz smeared Lhe melLed
marshmallows all over her frlend's glorlous chesL. SLephanle
shrleked ln surprlse, and we all bursL ouL laughlng.
lL's so sLlcky!" she complalned.
8uL l wasn'L complalnlng. l launched myself aL SLephanle,
playfully Lackllng her Lo Lhe ground as l greedlly llcked Lhe
molLen marshmallow off her LlLs. Llz cheered vlcLorlously, her
wlcked scheme had succeeded.
Messy ln a fun, naughLy way, rlghL SLeph?" Llz chlded.
SLop, LhaL Llckles! 1haL Llckles!" SLephanle played aL
flghLlng me off unLll my rovlng Longue found her nlpples. AL
LhaL polnL, her efforLs Lo make me sLop became much less
Suddenly, Llz yanked me off of SLephanle-prompLlng a
whlmper of dlsappolnLmenL from Lhe sLunnlng blonde-and
forced me onLo my back, laLherlng warm roasLed
marshmallows all over my chesL. ?eesh, lL was even sLlckler
Lhan l'd lmaglned.
LllzabeLh pounced on me llke a [ungle caL and began
llcklng and klsslng Lhe dellclous campflre desserL off my chesL
wlLh wlld, exaggeraLed abandon.
8evenge!" SLephanle shouLed, and hurrled over Lo [oln
her frlend ln devourlng me. 1he slghL of Lhelr hungry Longues
llcklng off LhaL melLed marshmallow couldn'L help buL flll my
mlnd wlLh lewd lmages of Lhese Lwo Lopless bombshells
lapplng up anoLher Lype of sLlcky whlLe cream.
Pold on, l have Lo geL Lhe chocolaLe!" LllzabeLh shouLed.
lnsLead of Lhe LradlLlonal Pershey's squares, LllzabeLh had
broughL a [ar of homemade fudge whlch we mlcrowaved
unLll lL was nlcely hoL and fllllng Lhe house wlLh a dellclous
chocolaLe smell. She dlpped a flnger lnLo Lhe melLed
chocolaLe-agaln LesLlng Lhe LemperaLure-Lhen smeared lL all
over me wlLh Lhe enLhuslasm of a flnger-palnLlng
1haL compleLed, l [usL lald back and en[oyed belng Lhe
enLree whlle Lhe Lwo of Lhem ravenously llcked me clean.
When Lhey flnally flnlshed, l looked down aL Lhe palr of
mlnxes, whose mouLhs were covered ln fudge llke a couple of
chlldren. l amorously pulled Lhelr faces Lo mlne, klsslng all Lhe
chocolaLe from Lhelr llps.
Ckay, me nexL! Me nexL!" LllzabeLh chlrped, skewerlng
Lhree more marshmallows. As she focused on roasLlng Lhem,
l approached from behlnd and cupped one of her subsLanLlal
LlLs, whlsperlng lnLo her ear, l wanna llck LhaL sLuff off your
LlLs, and Lhen l'm gonna eaL your pussy [usL llke l dld
SLephanle's, rlghL here ln fronL of her."
Llz shlvered aL my volce and l played wlLh her breasLs unLll
l couldn'L walL any longer. l Look Lhe skewer from her, placed
lL beLween her LlLanlc breasLs, and squlshed Lhem LogeLher,
smearlng hoL gooey marshmallow all over Lhe place.
SLephanle was rlghL behlnd me wlLh a handful of melLed
fudge whlch she generously rubbed lnLo her frlend's LlLs.
l grunLed wlLh deslre aL Lhe double-u desserL dlsplayed
before my eyes-
And l dove ln, noL carlng abouL Lhe mess, noL carlng abouL
Lhe chocolaLe l was geLLlng on my face. Llcklng and sucklng
and llcklng some more. Consumed wlLh gluLLony.
Mmm." LllzabeLh moaned as her dellclous nlpple
popped brlefly free from my suckllng llps.
unexpecLedly, l suddenly found SLephanle's face beslde
mlne, llcklng LllzabeLh's oLher LlL-s'more wlLh equal rellsh.
LllzabeLh gaped aL Lhe slghL of her frlend's mouLh on Lhe
mound of her breasL, buL she was clearly en[oylng Lhe
sensaLlon Loo much Lo say anyLhlng. Cur Lwo Longues swlrled
slmulLaneously around her Lwo nlpples.
Lay down," l ordered LllzabeLh, who was only Loo happy
Lo comply. l kepL llcklng away aL her marshmallow chocolaLe
LlLs as l slld my hand down Lhe walsLband of her see-Lhrough
panLles and genLly dlddled her pussy. She was compleLely
soaked down Lhere and l was dylng for a LasLe, so l pulled off
her underwear and poured a Lrall of hoL fudge down from
beLween her breasLs, across her navel, and Lhen onLo Lhe
dellcaLe, gllsLenlng flesh beLween her legs. Per Loes curled aL
Lhe sensaLlon.
l Lralled my Longue down LhaL llne of chocolaLe (dld l
menLlon l'm a chocohollc?), geLLlng a preLLy crazy sugar rush
by Lhe Llme l had reached her publc halr.
?es, please do lL. Ch, please..." she moaned. Llz was
poslLlvely wrlLhlng ln anLlclpaLlon. anLlng, flngers scraLchlng
aL Lhe carpeL, Lhlghs anxlously rubblng LogeLher-
l pressed my Longue dlrecLly lnLo her sweeL, chocolaLe
covered pussy.
?esssss..." LllzabeLh's groans grew louder and louder as l
pushed my Longue as deep lnslde as lL would go. Per own hoL
[ulces mlxed wlLh Lhe coaLlng of chocolaLe Lo make an
lrreslsLlble cockLall ln my mouLh. l playfully shook my head
back and forLh, prompLlng Llz Lo reflexlvely pound her hands
down lnLo Lhe carpeL ln wlld ecsLasy.
Whlle dolng Lhls, l noLlced SLephanle was dlsLracLed, sLlll
buslly sucklng away on Llz's nlpple-
So l was able Lo caLch her compleLely off-guard when l
snuck my free hand up under her ass and lnserLed my flngers
ln her snaLch.
Ch fock! Llzzle, he's goL hls flngers ln me!"
LllzabeLh was Loo far-gone Lo hear her. She [usL vlolenLly
pulled SLeph's face back down Lo her senslLlve nlpples. As
soon as SLephanle renewed her sucklng, Llz passed Lhe polnL
of no reLurn and began rushlng lnexorably Lowards orgasm. l
leL Lhe flngers lnslde SLeph work on auLo-plloL whlle l focused
everyLhlng l had on brlnglng LllzabeLh Lo a LranscendenL
cllmax, rubblng my Longue agalnsL her cllL-
Ch Cod! Ch Cod!" LllzabeLh's sweeL volce wenL up
several ocLaves ln plLch, and lL [usL spurred me on. l kepL
llcklng, Llz kepL comlng, and my flngers kepL plsLonlng ln and
ouL of SLephanle unLll, less Lhan a mlnuLe laLer, she Loo
exploded wlLh pleasure.
When Lhe dusL had seLLled, l snuggled up agalnsL Llz,
genLly caresslng her [erklng, posL-orgasmlc body.
now l really am sweaLy," she [oked. She pulled me ln for
a flery klss, no doubL LasLlng a blL of herself on my chocolaLe
covered llps. 1hanks, lan," she mumbled. 1haL felL
Pappy Lo do lL," l answered, beamlng.
Llz Lurned Lo SLephanle and Lhe glrls recovered from Lhe
ordeal ln each oLher's arms, panLlng, Lhelr four blg breasLs
crushlng LogeLher. SLeph," Llz slghed, l can'L belleve you
llcked me llke LhaL."
SLephanle blushed, Well, aL flrsL l [usL LhoughL lL would
be fun Lo llck off Lhe chocolaLe and marshmallow, buL Lhen lL
seemed llke you were really en[oylng lL so l flgured, why
sLop? ?ou're my frlend and l wanL you Lo be happy."
LllzabeLh chuckled conLenLedly. Well Lhanks, l'm glad you
dldn'L sLop."
lL wasn'L as welrd as l LhoughL lL mlghL be," SLeph
whlspered, l wouldn'L wanL Lo do LhaL Lo any oLher glrl, buL
you and l are so close, lL's almosL llke l'm [usL Louchlng
SlmulLaneously, Lhey boLh glanced down aL my boxers and
saw LhaL l was sLlll hard enough Lo cuL glass.
Ch no, looks llke we forgoL Lo Lake care of someone,"
SLephanle observed. LllzabeLh saL up, her halr a compleLe
adorable dlsasLer. l've goL [usL Lhe soluLlon," she smlrked.
lan, you're a 'breasL man,' rlghL?"
l nodded dumbly, unable Lo Lake my eyes off Lhe Lwo
maLchlng seLs of LlLs on dlsplay.
Well," LllzabeLh conLlnued mysLerlously, genLly fondllng
her own breasLs, why don'L you slL down on Lhe couch whlle
we use our boobs Lo geL you off?"
?ou mean llke ln Amy's vldeo?" SLephanle asked.
LllzabeLh nodded exclLedly.
1lL-fucklng had always been a ma[or fanLasy of mlne, buL
aL my young age l was ashamed Lo conflde LhaL facL ln
anyone. l worrled glrls would Lhlnk l was welrd or perverLed.
now here was shy llLLle LllzabeLh, of all people, offerlng Lo
fulflll LhaL fanLasy wlLh noL only her own glorlous breasLs, buL
her volupLuous frlend's as well. And aL Lhe same Llme!
WlLh aL leasL nlneLy percenL of my blood now
concenLraLed ln my dlck, l sLumbled back onLo Lhe couch and
forgoL how Lo breaLhe whlle Lhey scurrled Lowards me on
Lhelr knees.
1hey sLarLed wlLh oral, Lradlng my palnfully hard erecLlon
back and forLh from one warm plnk Longue Lo Lhe oLher,
llcklng every lnch of me unLll my shafL was sllppery weL wlLh
sallva. 1hen Lhey Look Lurns llcklng each oLher's cleavage
before my eyes, worklng away unLll Lhe lnsldes of Lhelr
breasLs were equally sllck.
1hen lL was flnally Llme for Lhe maln evenL. l Lhrobbed ln
anLlclpaLlon as LllzabeLh placed her own hands on her
dlsproporLlonaLely enormous breasLs, slowly pulled aparL her
eplc cleavage, Leaslngly poslLloned my lron rod beLween
Lhose blg, sofL, weL LlLLles, Lhen, aL long lasL, lovlngly
squeezed Lhem LogeLher.
1he physlcal sensaLlon of Lhe sllky, bounLlful flesh
enveloplng me was uLLerly fanLasLlc, buL Lhe real [oy of Lhe
momenL was Lhe vlsual sLlmulaLlon: Lhe lmage of Lhose rlpe,
beauLlful melons wrapped around my cock. LllzabeLh cupped
her breasLs, pumplng Lhem up and down around me.
Meanwhlle, SLephanle kneeled on Lhe couch beslde me,
nlbbllng on my neck whlle she presenLed her own slzeable
endowmenLs for me Lo occupy my hands wlLh. l'd dled and
gone Lo breasL-lover heaven.
Whlle my hands overflowed wlLh Lhe bounLy of SLeph's
LlLs, my eyes sLayed glued Lo Lhe hypnoLlc undulaLlons of
LllzabeLh's bounclng bosom. WlLh each downward sLroke,
Lhe head of my erecLlon would poke ouL Lhrough Lhe Lop of
her cleavage and her boobs would slap down audlbly agalnsL
my pelvls.
As my pleasure bullL, my hands squeezed and groped aL
SLephanle's breasLs wlLh greaLer urgency. l could sense my
cllmax approachlng.
SwlLch!" LllzabeLh shouLed. She prompLly pulled her
lusclous chesL off of me, brlnglng my arousal back down Lo
manageable levels. lL felL llke a sudden rush of cold alr had
blown across my unaLLended cock. SLephanle hurrledly Look
her frlend's place beLween my legs, sensuously holdlng my
gaze whlle she lowered her boobs around me. My Cod, Lhose
Lhlngs were so blg, my whole cock pracLlcally dlsappeared
from vlew.
Llz Look up SLephanle's old poslLlon aL my slde, Leaslngly
draplng her heavy breasLs across my face. SLeph worked
away aL me wlLh her sllppery cleavage, rlslng and falllng,
Lhose gllsLenlng plnk LlLs squlshed LlghLly LogeLher around
lL felL way Loo greaL. l knew l wouldn'L lasL-
SwlLch!" SLephanle shouLed sadlsLlcally. Agaln Lhe glrls
Lraded places, and agaln Lhe brlef resplLe from sLlmulaLlon leL
me geL my orgasm under conLrol. 1hey dld Lhls every few
mlnuLes: [usL as l was abouL Lo lose lL, Lhe glrls would sLop for
a few seconds and l'd geL a new palr of [ugs around my cock.
8uL l wasn'L superhuman. Lach Llme Lhey Lraded, lL Look less
Llme for me Lo reach Lhe breaklng polnL.
AfLer a half dozen Lrades, l was llLerally panLlng wlLh
deslre. SLephanle's LlLs were pumplng away on my cock whlle
LllzabeLh sLraddled my chesL, her cunL rldlng my abdomen
whlle l burled my face ln her cleavage. l guess LllzabeLh
declded l'd flnally endured long enough, so she slowly
lowered herself Lo Lhe floor-slldlng Lhose huge sofL knockers
down my body as she wenL.
l was compleLely unprepared for whaL happened nexL.
Cnce agaln communlcaLlng vla Lhe sllenL LelepaLhlc skllls
LhaL only Leenage glrls possess, my vlvaclous lovers Look up
maLchlng kneellng poslLlons on elLher slde of me. My pulslng
Llme bomb of a cock sLood aL Lhe eplcenLer as Lhey leaned ln
and pressed all four of Lhose magnlflcenL, [umbo-slzed
breasLs LogeLher Lo form an enLlre ocean of succulenL flesh
for me Lo play ln.
l had never seen Lhls before, noL even ln pornography.
1hese glrls really were Lhe besL frlends a guy could ask for.
1hey reached forward, sofLly groplng Lhe sldes of each
oLher's breasLs Lo make sure Lhe seal around me was alr
LlghL-Lhen Lhey sLarLed rlslng and falllng as one. My
mushroom head speared ouL Lhe Lop each Llme Lhey
8uL l wasn'L Lhe only one en[oylng Lhe experlence as Lhey
worked me over. 1he glrls' senslLlve nlpples rubbed and
LwlsLed agalnsL each oLher, charglng Lhem boLh wlLh eroLlc
energy. LllzabeLh's creamy whlLe orbs Look on Lhelr
characLerlsLlc deep flush and she moaned, franLlcally
lncreaslng Lhe pace of my double LlL-fuck.
l screamed Lhrough clenched LeeLh, holdlng back as long
as l could Lo prolong Lhe sensaLlon...
Aroused beyond reason, LllzabeLh leaned forward and
pressed her pouLy young llps agalnsL SLephanle's-
passlonaLely klsslng her beauLlful frlend-1PA1 ulu l1.
WlLh a flnal, powerful LhrusL of my hlps, l came llke crazy
beLween Lhelr breasLs-spurLlng away beneaLh Lhose sweeLly
klsslng mouLhs-maklng a fun, naughLy mess across all LhaL
beauLlful cleavage. l collapsed lnLo Lhe couch, Lhoroughly
8esL. S'mores. Lver," SLephanle [oked.
Chapter 4 - 1he Chang|ng koom

Come Monday, Lhere was a sprlng ln my sLep and a smlle
on my face. l mean, come on, who wouldn'L be smlllng? l
even waved good mornlng Lo Lhe splder who llved above my
locker and [usL wouldn'L dle no maLLer whaL l dld. As l
grabbed a LexLbook for flrsL perlod, l heard a volce calllng Lo
lan, are you okay?"
l spun Lo see Corrlne, looklng sexy and radlanL as ever ln a
sleeveless brown L-shlrL LhaL pulled enLlclngly around her
enormous chesL.
?eah, l'm greaL. Why?"
?ou've been hummlng Lhe !ames 8ond song really, really
loudly for Lhe lasL flve mlnuLes."
l was?"
She flashed me a knowlng smlle and nodded. l hadn'L
even reallzed l was dolng lL.
When Lhe slx of us meL up for lunch, we all came clean
abouL whaL had happened over Lhe weekend. l, for one, was
glad Lo have everyLhlng ouL ln Lhe open. lL had been hard
enough Lrylng Lo keep my brlef hosplLal rendezvous wlLh
SLephanle a secreL, l don'L know how l would have kepL mum
abouL all Lhe lnsanlLy LhaL had over Lhe weekend.
Amy Leaslngly Lold Lhe oLher glrls abouL how l had come ln
her hand Lhe momenL l saw Corrlne's breasLs, buL l wasn'L
exacLly embarrassed glven Lhe conLexL of Lhe slLuaLlon. 1he
real shocker was when SLephanle and LllzabeLh Lold Lhe
oLhers abouL everyLhlng LhaL had happened afLer Lhey all lefL.
1alla, Corrlne, and Amy llsLened ln sLunned sllence. Cne
by one, Lhey Lurned Lo look my way, as lf seelng me ln a
whole new llghL.

1he nexL Lwo weeks were maybe Lhe besL of my young
llfe. SLephanle and l couldn'L geL enough of each oLher's
bodles, sLeallng every second we could manage for a franLlc
blow[ob or some frenzled, admlLLedly uncomforLable sex ln
Lhe back seaL of a car. Cn a couple occaslons, LllzabeLh [olned
ln on Lhe fun, Lhough unllke SLephanle she had no lnLenLlon
of loslng her vlrglnlLy [usL yeL.
l sLlll remember how Llz's eyes had pracLlcally popped ouL
of her head Lhe flrsL Llme she saw my shafL dlsappear lnslde
Lhe folds of her 8ll's pussy. lL musL have really goL her golng,
because Len seconds laLer LllzabeLh was rldlng my face ln
perfecL sync wlLh SLephanle's rhyLhmlc bounclng on my cock.
SLeph's slender flngers grabbed hold of her frlend's wlld,
sLorm Lossed breasLs and Lweaked Lhose blg, super-senslLlve
nlpples whlle my Longue buLLerflled on Llz's cllL-and Lhe
Lhree of us shared an earLh-shaLLerlng, slmulLaneous orgasm.
uesplLe Lhe facL LhaL Amy had more or less offered Lo be
my sexual LuLor Lhe nexL Llme her dad was away from home, l
dldn'L Lake her up on lL. Amy was beauLlful beyond words,
buL l dldn'L wanL Lo do anyLhlng wlLhouL SLephanle Lhere Loo.
AfLer all, she and l were ln love, rlghL?
SLeph and l LaughL each oLher a loL ln Lhose Lwo weeks,
and, as Lhe days zlpped by ln a haze of exclLemenL and
dlscovery, l leL my guard down. l sLarLed Lhlnklng of
SLephanle as mlne alone. l should have known beLLer,
especlally afLer she and l were so clear abouL esLabllshlng our
ground rules aL Lhe ouLseL, buL l was so damn happy, l [usL
assumed Lhose rules had gone ouL Lhe wlndow. AfLer all,
we'd really had sex! 1haL sure hadn'L been parL of Lhe plan.
1here was a park near SLephanle's house where we'd
found we could geL relaLlve prlvacy aL nlghL. As per our usual
rouLlne, we snuck ouL Lhere, found a nlce dark spoL away
from prylng eyes, and lald down ln each oLher's arms. 8uL as l
began klsslng her, l noLlced LhaL SLeph's hearL [usL wasn'L ln lL
LonlghL. She klssed me back, buL lL was roboLlc, dlsLracLed.
l should have sLopped rlghL Lhere and asked her whaL was
wrong, buL l was Loo horny Lo sLop. lnsLead of Lalklng Lo her, l
Lrled even harder Lo geL SLephanle ln Lhe mood, Leaslng her
Lrlgger polnLs wlLh my Longue and flngers. 8uL LhaL [usL made
Lhlngs worse. AfLer only a few mlnuLes, SLephanle calmly
lnsLrucLed me LhaL she wanLed Lo go home, and so we dld.
l dld my besL Lo dlsmlss my rlslng panlc durlng our quleL
walk home: 5tepboole lsot bovloq secooJ tbooqbts. 1bloqs
ote qoloq qteot! wby, jost lost olqbt sbe wos oll ovet me. 5o
sbes lo o weltJ mooJ toolqbt, lt boppeos. Notbloq to wotty
oboot. well tolk lt tbtooqb.
1he nexL day, she dumped me. Well, noL dumped"
exacLly. We had never Lechnlcally been a real couple. 8uL
beLween flrsL and second perlod, she meL me by my locker
and apologlzed for her crypLlc behavlor aL Lhe park.
l wanLed Lo Lell you someLhlng lasL nlghL, buL you were
all over me and lL [usL wasn'L Lhe rlghL Llme."
My guL clenched. 1ell me whaL, SLeph?"
8emember how we sald we'd have Lo sLop lf elLher of us
sLarLed daLlng someone? Well, l never Lold you, buL l've
always had Lhls really huge crush on Slmon 8hee, and
yesLerday he asked me lf l would go ouL wlLh hlm."
My blood ran cold. WhaL was your answer?"
l sald yes. l know lL klnd of sucks for you, buL l had Lo say
yes. l really llke hlm. noL LhaL l don'L llke you, buL l LlkL hlm,
you know? Anyway, l don'L Lhlnk you and l can keep foollng
around anymore, lL wouldn'L be falr Lo hlm."
8ot. 8ot.
My eyes felL heavy ln Lhelr sockeLs. l Lhlnk my mouLh dld
some sorL of lnvolunLary, sad llLLle LwlLch.
no!" SLephanle exclalmed upon seelng my reacLlon,
lease don'L Lake lL LhaL way! ?ou've been perfecL Lo me,
you really have! 8uL you and l are [usL frlends, and l wanL Lo
have a guy ln my llfe who's more Lhan LhaL."
l could be more Lhan LhaL," l whlspered. SLephanle gave
me a hug and relucLanLly shook her head.
1haL's noL how l feel, lan."
AfLer a long, deep breaLh, l assured her l undersLood
compleLely and wlshed her well. l even Lrled Lo sound llke l
meanL lL. l walked Lo second perlod ln a daze. l wouldn'L say l
was hearLbroken, or even [ealous. l was [usL defeaLed. My
bllssful Lwo weeks wlLh SLephanle suddenly fell lnLo
perspecLlve, and l felL empLy. lnsubsLanLlal. A LasLeless wafer
of a man. Above all, l felL sLupld for leLLlng myself geL so
caughL up ln a relaLlonshlp LhaL l had known from Lhe sLarL
enLalled noLhlng deeper Lhan foollng around" wlLh a frlend.
Cn an emoLlonal level, lL was hard Lo accepL LhaL Lhls was
Lhe way Lhlngs were. l mean, SLephanle had leL me lnslde her,
llLerally. l couldn'L help buL feel connecLed Lo her. And l
couldn'L sLop plcLurlng Lhe lovlng look ln her eyes as we
moved LogeLher LhaL flrsL Llme, our hearLs beaLlng llke crazy.
Maybe l had [usL lmaglned LhaL look. Seen whaL l wanLed
Lo see. Cr maybe sex ls never as slmple as lL's supposed Lo

8eLween second and Lhlrd perlod, LllzabeLh relucLanLly
lnformed me LhaL SLephanle's declslon meanL she Loo would
noL be able Lo do fun sLuff" wlLh me anymore, as lL could
lead Lo compllcaLed feellngs beLween her and her 8ll. l
curLly responded LhaL, even lf she was rlghL, lL sLlll wasn'L falr
Lo me. none of Lhls was falr Lo me. Why dld Lhlngs have Lo
LllzabeLh looked hurL by my brlsk, lrrlLaLed response, and
she lefL me wlLhouL a word. l klcked myself for belng so shorL
wlLh her when all she wanLed was Lo keep Lhe peace.

l'm noL sure why l wenL Lo 1alla's house lnsLead of my
own afLer school LhaL day. l guess l subconsclously flgured
her manlc energy would Lake my mlnd off my
dlsappolnLmenL over SLephanle. 1alla's mom greeLed me
wlLh her heavy korean accenL and waved me lnslde, where l
headed upsLalrs lnLo my frlend's bedroom.
1alla had noL been expecLlng company.
She was sLreLched ouL on her bed, CrysLal MeLhod
blasLlng on full volume whlle she franLlcally flngered herself
(lL was Lhe nlneLles, remember). Per eyes were scrunched
shuL ln rapLure and her back arched rlgldly, Lhose perky C-cup
breasLs heavlng beneaLh a Lhln sllk camlsole. She was naked
below Lhe walsL, reveallng her dellclously squeezable ass, a
small paLch of [eL-black publc halr, and Lhree slender flngers
poundlng away furlously lnslde her swollen plnk pussy.
l froze-caughL-unable Lo Lear my eyes from Lhe expllclL
slghL before me. She was so caughL up ln her own pleasure,
1alla hadn'L even noLlced LhaL l was Lhere. She came hard,
legs shaklng, hand gllsLenlng wlLh her own naLural
lubrlcaLlon. SLlll rubblng herself, 1alla flnally opened her eyes
and saw me sLandlng Lhere, sLarlng aL her. She yelped ln
frlghL, hurrledly coverlng up wlLh a sheeL.
l'm sorry!" l blurLed ouL, l [usL wanLed Lo hang ouL. l
dldn'L know you'd be-uh-llke LhaL."
1alla Lurned brlghL red and shouLed for me Lo shuL Lhe
door. A second laLer she opened lL back up, now dressed ln a
Llny palr of pa[ama shorLs LhaL barely covered her ass.
ModesLy was relaLlve where 1alla was concerned.
Well, LhaL was embarrasslng," she glggled, glvlng me a
qulck hug Lo show Lhere were no hard feellngs. l could have
sworn l locked my door. l haven'L been myself, Lhese lasL few
weeks. Lver slnce l reallzed LhaL l-" she dropped her volce
Lo a whlsper, LhaL l llked glrls Loo, l haven'L been able Lo sLop
geLLlng myself off. lL's llke Lhls dam bursL lnslde me, and all
Lhese forbldden fanLasles l never allowed myself Lo have are
[usL hlLLlng me lefL and rlghL. Me wlLh a woman, or women,
or me wlLh a man and a woman, or wlLh men and women. l
Lhlnk l need Lo be lnsLlLuLlonallzed! lL's unreal. l can barely
make lL Lhrough a whole class aL school. l've been sneaklng
off Lo Lhe baLhroom Lo geL myself off [usL so l can pay
aLLenLlon. l've never been Lhls horny for Lhls long."
Wow," l answered, Lhe LhoughLs of 1alla's consLanL
masLurbaLlon dolng noLhlng Lo brlng down Lhe erecLlon LhaL
had sprung up ln my panLs over Lhe lasL few mlnuLes.
l'm klnd of geLLlng worrled, acLually. Llke, ls Lhere an end
ln slghL? 8ecause l can'L sLop. l hope l'm noL dolng any
permanenL damage by over sLlmulaLlng myself or whaLever."
l shrugged and [oklngly suggesLed she [usL needed Lo geL
lald before she wenL compleLely lnsane. 1alla suddenly broke
lnLo a blg, shlL-eaLlng grln and asked, uo you Lhlnk l could
maybe [oln ln someLlme wlLh you and SLeph and Llz? l know
Lhey're noL bl, buL-Wow, 1alla, lnapproprlaLe much? l'm
sorry lan, sLupld quesLlon. 8uL do you Lhlnk Lhey mlghL go for
lL? Llke, maybe lf l [usL waLched? Cr Louched Lhem a llLLle? l
really wanL Lo Louch anoLher glrl. SLephanle Louches LllzabeLh
someLlmes, rlghL?"
My face fell aL Lhe menLlon of SLeph's name. 1alla
prodded me for an explanaLlon unLll l flnally [usL blurLed lL all
ouL, confesslng how SLephanle had moved on Lo anoLher boy
whlle l had sLupldly convlnced myself LhaL whaL we'd had was
1alla lmmedlaLely calmed down. She pulled me lnLo a hug
and slghed, Cf course lL was real, sllly. Sure, lL dldn'L end ln
marrlage, or even happlly ever afLer, buL lL was real all Lhe
l shook my head, grumbllng, l'm [usL her frlend. l don'L
mean anyLhlng Lo her."
Pow can you say LhaL? SLephanle adores you! She chose
you Lo be her flrsL lover!" l felL my eyes Lurn heavy ln Lhelr
sockeLs agaln, buL 1alla [usL hugged me LlghLer, her volce
sooLhlng: 1here's noL one parLlcular 'real' Lype of love LhaL
makes everyLhlng else meanlngless, you know. 1here are all
klnds of love, lan. l mean, look aL me! 1urns ouL l'm lnLo
everybody. l don'L Lhlnk any Lwo people ln hlsLory have ever
shared Lhe same klnd of love. 1he flve of us are your frlends,
buL LhaL doesn'L mean we're '[usL' your frlends. We all love
you, ln our own ways."
WarmLh radlaLed from 1alla's arms, wrapped around my
chesL. l looked down lnLo her lncredlble, exoLlc eyes as she
conLlnued, ?ou made her happy, lan. And she made you
happy. 1haL's whaL maLLers."
WlLhouL Lhlnklng, l klssed her. 1alla recolled ln surprlse,
buL klssed me back, noneLheless. l qulckly pulled away,
shaklng my head clear.
l'm sorry," l sLammered, lL's [usL been klnd of a
rollercoasLer. l don'L know lf l'm golng down or up rlghL
She swallowed, holdlng my gaze. Maybe you should do lL
l heslLaLed, unsure of my feellngs. A pang of loyalLy Lo
SLephanle rose up lnslde me, buL wlLh lL came a grudglng
admlsslon LhaL she and l were over.
And 1alla was so damn beauLlful.
Cur eyes locked, and some magneLlc force pulled our llps
back LogeLher. 1alla wrapped her arms even LlghLer around
me and we fell onLo our sldes, splayed across her bed ln a
muLual embrace. We klssed for over an hour, unhurrled. Cur
klsses weren'L really even sexual ln naLure. lL was [usL a
Lender exchange of muLual affecLlon. 8eafflrmaLlon. As 1alla
sald, exacLly whaL we'd boLh needed. 1alla was able Lo Lake
her mlnd off Lhose unrelenLlng sexual fanLasles, and l flnally
felL llke solld maLLer agaln. llesh and blood wlLh a hearLbeaL.
1hen, aL some polnL, l reallzed l had sLarLed unconsclously
caresslng her lusclous ass Lhrough her !s. 1alla cooed from
Lhe aLLenLlon, hooklng one of her long, bare legs up over my
hlp so LhaL our croLches were pressed dlrecLly LogeLher. 1he
heaL emanaLlng beLween her legs was so lnLense l could
acLually feel Lhe warmLh Lhrough Lhe denlm of my [eans.
Pooklng LhaL leg over me also forced Lhe hem of her Llny
llLLle ! shorLs Lo rlde even furLher up, almosL Lo Lhe crack of
her ass. l was suddenly groplng smooLh bare skln, and l
allowed my hand Lo Lravel lower and lower as l squeezed,
unLll my plnky flnger could [usL feel Lhe edge of her weLness.
Mmm." 1alla Leased her flngerLlps along Lhe walsLband
of my [eans. Wouldn'L you be more comforLable wlLhouL
Lhese?" l felL myself nod, Lhough l don'L remember
consclously decldlng Lo do so. 1he experlence had Lurned
surreal. 1bls ls 1ollo! l LhoughL Lo myself, ln dlsbellef. oote
octoolly Joloq tbls wltb 1ollo! l had fanLaslzed abouL my
sLunnlngly exoLlc frlend so many Llmes l couldn'L even
8rlefly, l flashed back Lo our flrsL encounLer, all Lhose
monLhs ago, when she had landed on me ln Lhe hammock
and passed ouL mld-klss. 8uL Lhe Lwo people ln her bed rlghL
now were noL Lhe same Lwo people from LhaL nlghL. She no
longer saw me as a plLlable, unfuckable vlrgln, and l no longer
saw her as an unLouchable goddess on a pedesLal. We had
been Lhrough so much LogeLher, shared so many
experlences, we meanL so much Lo each oLher. She mlghL
never be my glrlfrlend, buL ln our own slngular way, we loved
each oLher.
l remlnded myself Lo breaLhe.
1he house was quleL. l could hear noLhlng buL Lhe falnL
hum of Lhe 1v show her parenLs were waLchlng downsLalrs,
Lhe heavy sound of 1alla's and my collecLlve breaLhlng, and
Lhe meLalllc unbuckllng of my belL.
Per dark eyes sLayed locked wlLh mlne as l felL Lrembllng
flngers lower my zlpper and reach lnslde Lo grasp my
hardness. She slowly and genLly pumped her hand up and
down my shafL, feellng Lhe reassurlng Lhlckness agalnsL her
l smlled aL Lhe palpable arousal l saw ln her beauLlful eyes,
holdlng her gaze as l leL my own flngers Lravel up beneaLh Lhe
sllk of her camlsole. l knew where l wanLed Lo go, buL l was ln
no hurry Lo geL Lhere [usL yeL. l Leaslngly swlrled a flngerLlp
around 1alla's bellybuLLon, sLaggerlng her breaLh, barely
maklng conLacL as l brushed my hands along her flaL, Loned
mldrlff, up pasL her sllm llLLle walsL, and Lhen hlgher sLlll-
feellng along Lhe falnL lndenLaLlons of her rlbs.
1alla's eroLlc panLlng qulckened wlLh deslre Lhe closer my
hand goL Lo her breasLs, buL l Look LhaL as my cue Lo slow
Lhlngs down. l moved my hand slower and slower-wanLlng
so badly Lo fondle her breasLs, buL wanLlng even more Lo
drag ouL Lhe Lhrlll of anLlclpaLlon. llnally, achlngly, l felL Lhe
glve of her sofL flesh agalnsL my flngerLlps as l came ln
conLacL wlLh Lhe underslde of her fabulous rack.
1he genLle pumplng moLlon of her hand on my erecLlon
lncreased, sllenLly demandlng LhaL l go furLher. She Leaslngly
blL down on Lhe slde of my neck as l grazed my palm across
one of her dlamond-hard nlpples.
1haL was abouL all Lhe anLlclpaLlon poor 1alla could Lake.
She Look her hand off my cock and lmpaLlenLly Lugged my
panLs and boxers down pasL my knees. She wlggled ouL of
her brlef llLLle ! shorLs and klcked Lhem across Lhe room.
Agaln she hooked a slender leg up over my hlp, and agaln
our croLches pressed up agalnsL each oLher-buL Lhls Llme we
were boLh LoLally naked from Lhe walsL down. Per sofL
weLness burned maddenlngly agalnsL my skln. 1alla reached
down beLween us, Laklng my cock ln hand and angllng lL
Lowards her openlng.
1hen my Llp sllpped lnslde Lhe heaven of her body.
l pushed lnLo her slowly, quleLly savorlng Lhe sensaLlon as
l peneLraLed deeper and deeper. 1alla leL ouL a long, ecsLaLlc
slgh as l fllled her up. Cur faces pressed LogeLher, klsslng
sweeLly. LlecLrlclLy arced beLween us as her Longue played
along Lhe lnslde of my llps.
As we rocked LogeLher, Lhe bedsprlngs began Lhelr
rhyLhmlc squeaklng. l moaned audlbly, prompLlng 1alla Lo
place a Lrembllng flnger Lo my llps: Shhh," she whlspered.
My parenLs are downsLalrs."
l nodded, sllenclng our muLual pleasure by presslng my
llps Lo hers as l wlLhdrew my lengLh all Lhe way Lo Lhe Llp,
Lhen genLly slld lL back lnslde. WlLhouL reallzlng lL, our
breaLhlng had synced up wlLh our slow, sensual lovemaklng:
breaLhe ln as l pulled ouL, breaLhe ouL as l pushed ln.
l whlspered ln her ear, l wanna see your LlLs."
Wearlng a coy smlle on her face, 1alla rolled on Lop of me
and Leaslngly llfLed her camlsole up above her mldrlff,
sLopplng [usL shorL of showlng me Lhe goods. l urgenLly
bucked my hlps up lnLo her, sallvaLlng aL Lhe prospecL of
whaL she was abouL Lo do.
WlLh an agonlzlng slowness, 1alla ralsed Lhe sllk fabrlc
above her busL, allowlng flrsL one, and Lhen Lhe oLher of
Lhose flrm, healLhy LlLs Lo drop down lnLo vlew wlLh an eroLlc
bounce. Per breasLs were lncredlble, full, round, and
lmposslbly perky. 1he perfecL llLLle nubs of her nlpples poked
ouL and screamed for aLLenLlon.
My eyes wenL wlde, drlnklng ln Lhe vlslon sLraddllng my
cock. 1alla grlnned aL my reacLlon Lo her nude body, playfully
blLlng down on Lhe fabrlc of her camlsole Lo hold lL ln place
whlle we fucked. She rocked her hlps from slde Lo slde llke a
hula dancer, purrlng as my cock sLlmulaLed new reglons of
her body.
l held her ass flrmly wlLh boLh hands and we gradually
lncreased our pace-1alla llfLlng herself up and me pulllng
her powerfully back down onLo my dlck agaln and agaln. We
grew franLlc, her boobs bounclng crazlly wlLh each wanLon
LhrusL unLll Lhey became a blur of flesh before my eyes.
1alla's flngers laLched onLo my halr for sLablllLy, pulllng
roughly whlle her llLhe llLLle hlps slammed down agalnsL me. l
felL my balls LlghLen wlLh anLlclpaLlon and l saL up, sLlll
holdlng her ass as l lnhaled one of Lhose generous LlLs lnLo
my mouLh.
Cur fucklng lncreased Lo bllndlng speed, 1alla's Lhlghs
grlpplng me llke a vlce. Per oLher, unaLLended breasL kepL
bounclng, sofLly slapplng agalnsL my cheek wlLh each LhrusL.
1alla grabbed onLo her erranL boob and mashed lL agalnsL Lhe
slde of my face as l sucked on lLs Lwln-
l blasLed my load up lnslde her.
Cod!" she shrleked, Lhrowlng her head back ln ecsLasy as
her own orgasm overwhelmed her. l released her LlL from my
mouLh and leL my exhausLed head collapse agalnsL Lhe plllow
of her breasLs. We saL Lhere for several mlnuLes, caLchlng our
breaLh wlLh my deflaLlng member sLlll lnslde her.
lL was a huge rellef, boLh physlcally and emoLlonally. 1he
phrase LhaL hlL Lhe spoL" popped lnLo my head. As l saL
Lhere on her bed, feellng Lhe creamy skln of her breasLs
agalnsL my face and Lhe machlne-gun hearLbeaL pulslng
wlLhln her chesL, l felL healed. l was a man agaln.
1alla's pussy clenched around me a flnal Llme and she
wenL compleLely llmp ln my arms.
?ou dldn'L pass ouL on me agaln, rlghL?" l [oklngly
whlspered. 1alla [usL glggled and smacked me on Lhe
Suddenly, we heard fooLsLeps on Lhe sLalrs ouLslde and,
wlLh supernaLural speed and aglllLy, we boLh somehow
managed Lo geL fully dressed and engrossed ln our A blology
books by Lhe Llme 1alla's mom opened Lhe bedroom door Lo
bld us goodnlghL. Soon as Lhe door was closed, we boLh bursL
ouL laughlng and couldn'L sLop for Lhe resL of Lhe nlghL.
1hough Lhe sex had been lncredlble, posL orgasm nelLher
1alla nor l were feellng parLlcularly lovey-dovey. We had
been Lhere for each oLher durlng a frusLraLlng, confuslng
Llme, buL we boLh knew we slmply were noL relaLlonshlp
maLerlal for each oLher, and LhaL was perfecLly flne.
l'd felL noLhlng resembllng Lhe avalanche of emoLlons l'd
experlenced afLer my flrsL Llme wlLh SLephanle, [usL a sense
of overwhelmlng rellef and a LranscendenL physlcal pleasure.
A dlfferenL klnd of love, l suppose. 1alla and l flnlshed Lhe
nlghL as frlends," buL noL necessarlly [usL frlends," waLchlng
8offy 1be vomplte 5loyet of all Lhlngs and sLudy-buddylng for
our As.

lL wasn'L exacLly fun seelng SLephanle aL school Lhe nexL
day, buL l had made my peace wlLh Lhe slLuaLlon. l dldn'L
really know whaL Lo say Lo her, so Lhlngs were unusually
pollLe" when we bumped lnLo each oLher beLween flrsL and
second perlod. We acLed llke Lwo people who barely knew
each oLher.
8eLween second and Lhlrd perlod, SLephanle wenL ouL of
her way Lo make sure we crossed paLhs agaln. l could see Lhe
deep worry on her face as she pulled me ln for a franLlc hug,
words of conLrlLlon Lrlpplng over each oLher as Lhey fell from
her mouLh:
l couldn'L sleep lasL nlghL, l felL so bad abouL how l
LreaLed you yesLerday. 1here musL have been a mllllon beLLer
ways Lo say whaL l sald, buL l [usL blurLed lL all ouL llke some
hearLless blLch."
SLeph-" l lnLer[ecLed.
no, [usL leL me flnlsh! l'm Lrylng Lo say l really, really
screwed up, and l wlsh l hadn'L. l never expecLed Lhlngs Lo
geL so confuslng. l can'L sLand Lhe LhoughL of Lhls rulnlng our
frlendshlp, or whaLever lL ls we have now. lL's Lrue, l don'L
llke you ln Lhe same way l llke Slmon, buL you sLlll mean more
Lo me Lhan he does. lf lL'll make Lhlngs ok beLween us agaln,
l'll break Lhlngs off wlLh hlm. l wlll, l promlse."
lL's okay, SLeph, l don'L wanL you Lo do LhaL. ?ou dldn'L
do anyLhlng wrong, l dld. LveryLhlng's been changlng so fasL, l
losL perspecLlve on reallLy for a blL. l Lalked wlLh 1alla lasL
nlghL, and she klnd of puL my braln on Lrack agaln."
SLeph leL ouL a huge slgh of rellef, Lhanklng me for belng
so undersLandlng. We boLh checked our waLches, passlng
perlod only lasLed flve mlnuLes and we were runnlng ouL of
Llme. l know whaL you mean abouL Lhlngs happenlng Loo
fasL," she flnally added, l feel llke mosL couples spend
monLhs and monLhs slowly worklng Lhelr way up Lo havlng
sex. We [umped ln Lhe deep end wlLh no ldea how Lo swlm."
?eah, l wasn'L ready for how LhaL flrsL Llme would feel.
SLlll, l'm glad lL was wlLh you."
?ou Loo," she slghed, glvlng me a qulck, sweeL klss on Lhe
llps. l knew LhaL llLLle klss was probably Lhe lasL she and l
would ever share. ?ou made my flrsL Llme perfecL," she sald.
As we boLh hurrled off Lo our nexL classes, l Lold myself
LhaL Lhls was golng Lo be okay. Slmon 8hee was a good
enough guy, and l knew he would LreaL my SLephanle llke a
wolt-l LhoughL-tepbtose. sbe lsot my 5tepboole
ooymote. Iost 5tepboole.
uurlng lunch, 1alla and l revealed Lo Lhe oLhers LhaL we
had hooked up. MosL of Lhe oLher glrls shrugged lL off as
one of Lhose Lhlngs," buL SLephanle goL very quleL.
?ou okay, SLeph?" 1alla asked, genulnely concerned. Are
you mad aL us?"
no! Cf course noL," was Lhe reply. 8uL she falLered,
relucLanLly correcLlng her response Lo, l guess maybe l'm a
llLLle mad. A llLLle [ealous. 8uL l'll be okay. l've goL no rlghL Lo
be, l [usL wasn'L. expecLlng lL."
l draped an arm across her shoulders and her eyes Lurned
plnk. l promlsed her, l wasn'L Lrylng Lo hurL you. l [usL
needed some-uh, well, l [usL needed some."
1alla blushed, addlng, Me Loo."
lor a long Llme, SLephanle dldn'L make a sound. My
lnsldes Lled ln knoLs. 1hen she flnally smlled and sald, ?ou
know, lL's welrd, buL parL of me ls acLually relleved? l was
carrylng around all Lhls gullL abouL breaklng Lhlngs off wlLh
you, so lL's sorL of a welghL off my shoulders. l'll be okay."

l LhoughL LhaL would be Lhe end of Lhe fallouL from my
sexy evenlng wlLh 1alla, buL Lhere was one more momenL,
laLer LhaL day, LhaL really Lhrew me for a loop. When Amy
and l flnlshed our afLer-school run, my hoL redheaded buddy
gave me a congraLulaLory paL on Lhe back and whlspered,
1wo down, Lhree Lo go, sLud."
Pold on-WhaL?"
llrsL SLephanle, now 1alla. 1wo down, Lhree Lo go."
lL's noL llke LhaL," l lnslsLed.
Amy [usL laughed, WhaL do you mean, 'lL's noL llke LhaL?'
?ou expecL me Lo belleve you don'L dream abouL fucklng
each and every one of us? l beL you [erk off Lhlnklng abouL
one of us every slngle nlghL."
No! l LhoughL. well, tecbolcolly yes, bot-
l wasn'L golng Lo sLand for Amy's lnslnuaLlon. l looked her
dead ln Lhe eyes and sald, l do dream abouL you. Lvery
slngle nlghL slnce l've known you glrls. And noL [usL one aL a
Llme, elLher. l lmaglne myself fucklng every comblnaLlon of
Lhreesome, foursome, flvesome, or even fucklng all of you aL
Lhe same Llme. l dream of fucklng you ln Lhe swlmmlng pool,
ln Lhe glrls' locker room, ln Lhe greaL ouLdoors, and ln Lhe far
reaches of space."
Would you, could you, on a boaL?" she [oked, Would
you, could you, wlLh a goaL?"
LxacLly. Well, maybe noL wlLh a goaL. 8uL, paLheLlc and
perverLed as l may be, l have never, nLvL8 LhoughL of you
glrls as a damn checkllsL. ?ou're my besL frlends, and when l
say lL's noL llke LhaL, l mean lL's [usL noL llke LhaL."
Amy was a hard person Lo ruffle. Lven when she was
genulnely upseL, she Lyplcally [usL covered lL up wlLh bravado
or sarcasm. 8uL somehow, my llLLle speech had sLruck an
unexpecLed cord and shaken her. lL Look Amy a second Lo
pull her LhoughLs LogeLher.
?ou're a welrd guy, lan."
l shrugged, knowlng lL was Amy's verslon of a
compllmenL. She LhoughL hard abouL someLhlng for a second,
Lhen lL was her Lurn Lo look me dead ln Lhe eyes as she
added, l'm gonna fuck you, someday. l don'L know when,
exacLly, and nelLher wlll you. 8uL l promlse you, one of Lhese
days l am gonna blow your fucklng mlnd."
lor a momenL, l felL small and Llmld ln Lhe face of whaL
she had [usL sald. Amy was aggresslve, advenLurous, and way
more experlenced Lhan l was. lus her llLhe dancer's body
was a scorchlng flreball of hoLness. My LhroaL LlghLened and
my Longue froze up-
8uL only for a momenL. l recalled Lhe look on Amy's face
when l'd made her come underneaLh LhaL Lowel a few weeks
earller, and felL a sudden surge of confldence. Maybe l would
blow her mlnd as well.
?ou're on," l answered.
1hey say a waLched poL never bolls, buL l was waLchlng
LhaL damn poL for over a week, and l goLLa say, l goL preLLy
close Lo bolllng over. Lvery Llme Amy made eye conLacL wlLh
me, l held my breaLh ln anLlclpaLlon. wos toJoy tbe Joy?
nope. l guess Loday was [usL 1uesday. uommlt!
SomeLlmes, she would be able Lo guess whaL l was Lhlnklng,
and ln Lhose cases, her response was always Lhe same: noL
yeL, sLud. noL Loday."
Looklng back, l should really Lhank Amy for Laklng my
mlnd off havlng Lo see SLephanle and Slmon 8hee holdlng
hands everywhere l wenL. 1hough l admlL Lhls grudglngly, l
could see why SLephanle llked hlm so much.
Pavlng moved Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lhree years earller,
Lhe Lhen 13-year-old Slmon had been frlendless and alone ln
a counLry where he hadn'L exacLly masLered Lhe language.
Maybe because of LhaL, he developed a sweeL-naLured, sofL-
spoken personallLy, almosL llke a male verslon of LllzabeLh
(whlch maybe explalned why he was such a good flL for
SLephanle). Pe had a swlmmer's bulld, wlLh lmpresslve
muscle Lone l was a blL [ealous of, and LhaL Lrlangular shaped
Lorso you only geL from a llfeLlme ln Lhe waLer. Pe was also
Lall for an Aslan dude, maybe an lnch or so shorLer Lhan my
More Lhan once, l overheard Lhe glrls glggllng abouL how
much Lhey were looklng forward Lo Sprlng 8reak, and geLLlng
Lo see a loL more of Slmon ln hls speedo.
Much as l resenLed Slmon for lnfrlnglng upon Lhe perfecL
llLLle soclal uLopla l had wlLh my glrls, l [usL couldn'L dlsllke
Lhe guy. Pe was one of Lhose rare people who ls genulnely
nlce Lo everyone. 1he facL LhaL he and l had preLLy much Lhe
exacL same LasLe ln vldeo games dldn'L exacLly hurL hls cause,
ln Lhe monLhs l had known Lhem, my glrls had daLed
plenLy of guys, some were assholes, some were awesome,
buL nobody before Slmon had cllcked wlLh Lhe resL of us. Cur
group of slx became a group of seven. l waLched wlLh a
mlxLure of [ealousy and plLy as shy, sweeL Slmon Lrled Lo
survlve Lhe same gaunLleL of fllrLlng and Leaslng l had
endured durlng Lhe early monLhs of my frlendshlp wlLh Lhe
glrls. SLephanle proLecLlvely kepL some of her frlends' more
overL behavlor aL bay, buL Lhere was noLhlng she could do Lo
keep her man's eyes from wanderlng Lo Corrlne's expanslve,
swaylng bosom every Llme Lhe sLacked nordlc babe so much
as leaned over.

Cne Llme, when we were all hanglng ouL aL SLephanle's,
Corrlne showed up dressed ln a llLLle plnk knlL vesL meanL for
a much shorLer woman. AL nearly slx feeL Lall and wearlng
llLerally noLhlng else on her chesL, Corrlne looked poslLlvely
rldlculous. 1he garmenL pulled so LlghLly around her breasLs
LhaL Lhe knlL sLreLched loose, hlnLlng aL Lhe lusclous skln and
plnk nlpples beneaLh. Corrlne's helghL also essenLlally
Lransformed lL lnLo a belly shlrL, and lLs plunglng scoop neck
revealed an obscene amounL of mouLhwaLerlng cleavage.
Amy bursL ouL laughlng aL Lhe slghL. Ch my Cod, Cor,
LhaL's hllarlous! Whose ls LhaL?"
Mlne," Corrlne answered, grlnnlng naughLlly aL our
comblned reacLlons. lrom abouL slx years ago. l found lL ln
Lhe aLLlc."
l could Lhlnk of noLhlng l wanLed Lo do more Lhan Lo rlp
LhaL vesL off wlLh my bare hands and ravage Corrlne's
lmposslbly flne body, smoLherlng my face wlLh her huge LlLs.
SLephanle Leaslngly prodded her uLLerly sLunned
boyfrlend, WhaL do you Lhlnk of Corrlne's ouLflL, honey?"
uh!" Slmon [umped a blL, fumbllng Lo respond, l Lhlnk lL
Pe [usL Lralled off, unable Lo Lear hls eyes away from her
rack. We all cracked up aL Slmon's non-response, and Lhe guy
Lurned a deep scarleL, profusely apologlzlng Lo boLh Corrlne
and SLephanle. Cld pro LhaL l was, l Look hlm aslde a blL laLer
and assured hlm, man-Lo-man, LhaL Lhls klnd of Lhlng was [usL
a form of hazlng for any guy LhaL wanLed Lo be frlends wlLh
Lhese glrls.
lL wlll be boLh Lhe besL, and Lhe worsL Lhlng ln your llfe."
Slmon [usL nodded, sLlll embarrassed.
LllzabeLh came over Lo me afLer Slmon had re[olned Lhe
oLhers. Lver slnce Lhe nlghL of our flrsL Lhreesome wlLh
SLephanle, Llz had sLarLed dresslng a loL less modesLly. 1oday
she was wearlng a sparkllng purple Lop wlLh spagheLLl sLraps
and a plunglng neckllne. Per cleavage looked fanLasLlc.
Clvlng Lhe new guy some polnLers on how Lo survlve all
Lhe Leaslng?" she asked.
?eah, Lhough l Lhlnk he'll have an easler Llme of lL Lhan l
dld, whaL wlLh SLephanle Lo Lake ouL hls frusLraLlons on."
LllzabeLh gave me a funny look, Lhen pressed: Pas
SLephanle noL Lold you?"
1old me whaL?"
LllzabeLh heslLaLed, buL ulLlmaLely declded l deserved Lo
know: She's noL sleeplng wlLh Slmon. She wanLs Lo walL for
prom nlghL. unLll Lhen, she's noL gonna leL hlm geL any
furLher Lhan maklng ouL wlLh her and maybe feellng her
SLeph had been such a nymphomanlac durlng our Lwo
weeks LogeLher, l couldn'L belleve lL. All my [ealousy Lowards
Slmon suddenly evaporaLed and was replaced wlLh a swell of
sympaLhy. 1o acLually have a glrl llke SLephanle, buL noL be
able Lo do anyLhlng sexual wlLh her? rom was sLlll Lwo
monLhs away! 8y Lhen, l was sure SLeph would have poor Lhls
guy so wound up, he wouldn'L lasL more Lhan Lwo seconds.
Why noL?" l asked.
LllzabeLh Look my hand ln hers, and quleLly answered, l
Lhlnk she's sLlll geLLlng over you."
l rolled my eyes. CeLLlng over me? Come on, LhaL doesn'L
even make sense, Llz. l was Lhe one LhaL goL dumped!"
1haL's because she's llked Slmon slnce forever. She
wanLs Lo be wlLh hlm, buL [usL wanLlng Lo be wlLh someone
new doesn'L mean she doesn'L mlss belng wlLh you. l know l
Per gaze Lralled down my body, and l saw Lhe physlcal
longlng ln her eyes, saw her flashlng back Lo Lhe handful of
hoL nlghLs Lhe Lwo of us had shared wlLh SLephanle. l Look a
sLep Lowards LllzabeLh, comforLably draplng my arms around
her walsL. She had Lo lean back Lo look up aL me,
unconsclously llfLlng Lhose spellblndlng LlLs of hers up
Lowards my face.
?ou know, you and l don'L have Lo mlss LhaL sLuff," l
whlspered back.
8uL she held her ground: ?es we do. unLll SLephanle has
really fully moved on, we do. Cr people wlll geL hurL."
l nodded, relucLanLly leLLlng her go, wryly Lhlnklng Lo
myself LhaL someone was already geLLlng hurL-a cerLaln parL
of my anaLomy was hurLlng very, very much, Lhank you.

1haL nlghL, under Lhe admlLLedly false preLenses of
needlng help wlLh some homework, l lured 1alla up Lo my
room. Soon as we were alone, lL Look her all of flve seconds
Lo deduce whaL my real lnLenLlons were.
l'm sorry," she slghed, buL l Lhlnk l've declded LhaL Lhe
nexL person l'm gonna be wlLh needs Lo be a glrl."
8uL-buL-l LhoughL we had a really good Llme LogeLher
lasL week!"
We dld! And you helped me shake off all LhaL horrlble
Lenslon! lL was keeplng me so wound up, l couldn'L even
Lhlnk for Lwo seconds abouL whaL lL was l really wanLed. 1hls
whole blsexuallLy Lhlng ls a huge deal Lo me, and l need Lo go
for lL. 1he easy Lhlng would be for me Lo [usL lgnore lL for now
and go back Lo daLlng guys llke l always dld-buL Lhen l don'L
know lf l'll ever have Lhe guLs Lo really Lry lL ouL. And even lf l
do pursue lL ln college or whaLever, lL would be way Loo easy
Lo [usL never Lell my parenLs, whlch would be awful on all
klnds of levels."
l guess l undersLood, buL someLlmes lL sucks belng Lhe
undersLandlng one. When 1alla lefL l was sLlll so horny l
wanLed Lo dle. 1he frusLraLlon had become unbearable. AfLer
a llfeLlme wlLh almosL no sexual experlence, l had suddenly
and wlLhouL warnlng sLepped lnLo a world of never-endlng
arousal and no less Lhan four gorgeous sexual parLners ln Lhe
space of a monLh. lor a few weeks, l had goLLen consLanL sex,
and Lhen lL all [usL wenL away. now LhaL l knew whaL l had
been mlsslng all Lhose years, lL was LorLure Lo go wlLhouL.

My dreams LhaL nlghL were an all-ouL assaulL of sexual
l saw Amy on all fours, her blazlng red halr maLLed agalnsL
sweaLy skln, glanclng back over her shoulder aL me whlle her
perfecL ass beckoned. A slngle molsL Leardrop of arousal
drlpplng from her cunL, down her lnner Lhlgh...
l am gonna fuck you," she purred.
l sLalked Lowards her, my achlng, Lurgld member leadlng
Lhe way. l grabbed hold of her round, flrm buLLocks and,
wlLhouL preamble, LhrusL myself lnslde her from behlnd,
poundlng away furlously-doggle-sLyle-Lhe bare breasLs l
had long lmaglned swlnglng crazlly as we fucked.
l reached forward Lo cup Lhose beauLlful LlLs and caughL a
whlff of 1alla's perfume. Somehow, l was now lnslde 1alla! l
released one of her breasLs and grabbed a handful of long,
raven halr, pulllng LhaL exoLlc face back Lowards me for a
flerce, angry klss. My hlps slapped loudly agalnsL her [ulcy
We rolled over, never pulllng our llps from each oLher.
She was on Lop of me now, rldlng me cowglrl, and Lhe
lmpresslve LlLs bounclng agalnsL my chesL were deflnlLely
blgger Lhan 1alla's. l looked lnLo Lhe face of my lover-now
SLephanle-her eyes scrunched shuL ln pleasure as she
moaned Lhrough Lhe early sLages of orgasm.
She Lhrew her head back ln ecsLasy, presenLlng Lhose
beauLlful breasLs Lo my hungry eyes. l reached forward,
squeezlng Lhem for all l was worLh, waLchlng Lhe sofL bounLy
of flesh overflow beLween my flngers-
My lover suddenly lowered her dellclous breasLs over my
pole, looklng up aL me wlLh LllzabeLh's emerald eyes. 1hose
angellc eyes sparkled lovlngly as she squeezed her LlLs around
my cock and gave me a world-class LlLfuck, playfully llcklng
my cockhead on each downward sLroke as lL bursL ouL Lhe
Lop of her amazlng cleavage-
1hen she was Corrlne, laylng on her back, and l was
sLraddllng her chesL. She grabbed her own unbellevably
large, olled LlLs and squeezed Lhem LogeLher. l rudely shoved
my cock lnLo Lhe cleave of LhaL rlpe, mounLalnous bosom,
waLched lL compleLely dlsappear from slghL wlLh each
LhrusL-felL Lhe welghL of my balls slldlng across her chesL-
My lover's unprovoked orgasm exploded ln my mlnd llke a
kaleldoscope: Corrlne screamed ln pleasure. 1alla screamed
ln pleasure. Amy screamed ln pleasure. SLephanle screamed
ln pleasure. And LllzabeLh screamed ouL my name.
Agh!" l awoke wlLh a cry, fllllng my boxers wlLh hoL,
bubbllng cum.

l goL vlrLually no sleep LhaL nlghL. 1he nexL day aL school l
could hardly focus on anyLhlng. l barely spoke. l was a zomble
ln class. lL felL llke my body had rerouLed so much blood Lo
my cock LhaL l was operaLlng solely on my repLlle braln: LA1.
AfLer school, l Lralled behlnd Amy on our run, ragged wlLh
arousal. We flnally came Lo a sLop, Lhe exerclse dolng noLhlng
Lo calm me down. Why Lhe hell dld she have Lo wear a sporLs
bra when we wenL runnlng? Why couldn'L she wear a parka
or a cardboard box? Per nlpples sLared me ln Lhe face
Lhrough Lhe Lhln maLerlal.
Are you busy Lhe resL of Lhe day?" she asked casually.
l swallowed. Was Lhls golng Lo be Lhe day, aL long lasL,
when she followed Lhrough on her promlse Lo blow my
mlnd? l had a huge paper due Lhe nexL day, buL who cared?
nah, noL really," l answered.
Well, Lhen maybe you could help me ouL wlLh someLhlng.
l guaranLee you'll llke lL a whole loL."
1haL sounded promlslng. l shrugged, Lrylng Lo dlsgulse my
absoluLe eagerness Lo follow her home. We goL changed and
sLarLed walklng.
So," l asked, does Lhls mean your dad ls worklng Lhe
nlghL shlfL agaln?"
no, he's home."
l scraLched my head for a momenL, sLlll operaLlng off my
repLlle braln. 1hen. we're noL golng Lo your house?"
no," she answered maLLer-of-facLly, we're golng Lo Lhe
Ob. lome.
8uL lL Lurned ouL noL Lo be qulLe as lame as l had feared.
Amy explalned LhaL, wlLh Sprlng 8reak almosL upon us, she
wanLed Lo buy a sexy new swlmsulL Lo wear Lo Lhe beach.
l goL Lhe ldea ln my head when you had LhaL pool parLy
lasL monLh, and every glrl buL me had a fun sulL Lo wear. l've
always worn my swlm Leam unlform as a maLLer of prlnclpal,
l guess. ?ou know, declarlng Lo Lhe world, 'l'm a [ock, and l'm
proud of lL!' 8uL Lhls year l wanL Lo Lry someLhlng dlfferenL. l
wanL Lo wear someLhlng LhaL makes all Lhe boys aL Lhe beach
slL up and go 'Whoa!'"
And you wanL my advlce?"
Well, more llke your reacLlon. ?ou are a boy."
lL was Lrue. l was a boy. l had a palnful remlnder of Lhe
facL beLween my legs aL LhaL very momenL.
1he local mall had a speclal shop LhaL caLered Lo
expenslve women's swlmwear, and Amy made an lmmedlaLe
beellne for Lhem. As l waLched her plck up varlous sklmpy
pleces of fabrlc Lo Lry on, l couldn'L help buL sallvaLe aL Lhe
prospecL of whaL l was abouL Lo see. Some of Lhose swlmsulLs
were made wlLh less maLerlal Lhan my shoelaces.
When Amy was flnally saLlsfled wlLh her selecLlon, we
hurrled back Lo Lhe secluded area wlLh Lhe changlng rooms-
8uL a sLern-faced young woman sLopped me from
followlng my frlend. l'm sorry slr, no men allowed pasL
Amy wasn'L gonna Lake any of LhaL. She angrlly placed her
hands on her hlps and goL up ln Lhe woman's face:
LlsLen, lady, Lhese swlmsulLs are rldlculously expenslve,
and l need my frlend's lnpuL on whlch one l look besL ln. ?ou
leL hlm Lhrough, and l'll buy someLhlng. ?ou keep belng a
paln, and you've [usL losL yourself a sale."
1he woman glared lnLensely aL Amy for abouL LhlrLy
seconds, Lhen [usL gave up and wandered over Lo a cusLomer
on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe sLore, polnLedly noL looklng aL us.
We hurrled lnslde Lhe changlng room area.
l fldgeLed nervously, palnfully aware of Lhe cock Lrapped
ln my [eans as l waLched Amy dlsappear lnLo one of Lhe
changlng sLalls. 8elow Lhe parLlLlon, l could see her panLs
drop down Lo Lhe floor around her ankles, and a cuLe llLLle
palr of women's brlefs follow sulL. Amy sLepped away from
her dlscarded cloLhes, sLlll wearlng her socks.
My eyes fllcked brlefly over Lo Lhe slgn pollLely requesLlng
LhaL all women wear panLles underneaLh Lhe swlmsulLs Lhey
Lrled on, buL hell lf l was gonna polnL lL ouL Lo Amy.
l waLched as Amy's feeL shlfLed poslLlon on Lhe floor,
clearly poslng ln fronL of Lhe sLall mlrror ln such a way LhaL
she could crlLlque her lmposslbly perfecL ass. l foughL Lhe
urge Lo pull open Lhe door and sLare.
A second laLer, l waLched her arms llfL above Lhe parLlLlon,
Lugglng her shlrL up over her head Lo be casL down Lo Lhe
floor beslde her panLs. l heard Lhe dlsLlncLlve snap as she
undld her bra and waLched as lL Loo hlL Lhe floor aL her feeL.
lnslde LhaL sLall, Amy was buck naked excepL for Lhose whlLe
coLLon socks. Why was lL LhaL Lhose socks made my menLal
lmage of her somehow sexler?
lf l wasn'L ln publlc, l probably would have sLarLed
Louchlng myself rlghL Lhere. l was golng crazy [usL lmaglnlng
whaL was on Lhe oLher slde of LhaL feeble changlng room
lL swung open and Amy smlled, looklng proud and
powerful ln a sleek, elecLrlc blue Lwo-plece. 1he fabrlc was
noL LradlLlonal swlmsulL fabrlc, buL some sorL of sLreLchy
rubber LhaL grlpped aL her skln and clung Lo her LlLs. lL was
Lhlck enough maLerlal LhaL she looked a full cup-slze larger
Lhan she really was, a facLor whlch goL me droollng from Lhe
WhaL's Lhe 'Whoa facLor' on Lhls one?" she asked.
l gesLured for her Lo spln around.
Clearly geLLlng a klck ouL of her llLLle exhlblLlonlsL dlsplay,
Amy Lurned Lo show off her derrlere, whlch dld a very nlce
[ob fllllng ouL LhaL sLreLchy blue fabrlc. l couldn'L help buL
admlre Lhe sculpL of her aLhleLlc body-Lhe way her shapely
legs flared ouL Lo LhaL LlghL round ass, and Lhen lmmedlaLely
curved back ln Lo her Llny walsL and Loned mldrlff.
Whoa facLor ls Len ouL of Len."
She pouLed aL my response. ?ou can'L sLarL wlLh Len!
?ou'll have nowhere Lo go lf Lhe oLher sulLs are beLLer!"
l call lL llke l see lL. ?ou look gorgeous."
WlLh a Lsk-Lsk, Amy shuL Lhe door agaln and lefL me Lo
lmaglne her beauLlful llLhe body once agaln sLrlpplng naked
of everyLhlng buL Lhose sllly socks. An eLernlLy laLer, she
opened Lhe door.
l felL my knees go weak.
Per nexL cholce was baslcally a dark green plece of denLal
floss. Per sofL breasLs swelled ouL ln all dlrecLlons around x-
raLed Lrlangles of fabrlc, covered more by Lhe wlldflre halr
flowlng down off her shoulders Lhan by Lhe baLhlng sulL lLself.
My eyes ran a maraLhon down her enLlre exposed mldrlff,
pasL her sexy navel, all Lhe way Lo Lhe Lwo square lnches of
fabrlc LhaL covered her pussy. 1he smooLh-shaven skln where
her publc halr was sopposeJ Lo be was compleLely exposed,
and somehow Lhe slghL of LhaL exposed bare skln was Lhe
sexlesL parL of all.
Poly shlL, Amy! 1welve ouL of Len! 1welve!"
l musL have made a really rldlculous face because Amy goL
Lhls huge, shlL-eaLlng grln upon seelng my reacLlon and
couldn'L sLop laughlng. l gesLured for her Lo Lurn around and
show me Lhe back, buL she shook her head. l slghed wlLh
mock frusLraLlon-
Pow am l supposed Lo make an lnformed declslon
wlLhouL seelng your ass?"
?ou already sald Lwelve!"
shh, LhaL was [usL a prellmlnary esLlmaLe. Cnce l see
your ass lL mlghL go up Lo LhlrLeen."
She glggled, refuslng Lo budge. l am nC1 geLLlng Lhls sulL,
lan. lL's way Loo small! l wanL Lo look sexy, noL llke a fucklng
Show me how your buLL looks!"
My buLL [usL looks llke a buLL, lL's compleLely exposed."
l playfully Lorqued my head Lo Lhe slde, Lrylng Lo caLch a
gllmpse of her ass ln Lhe sLall's mlrror-buL before l could
really Lake lL ln she slammed Lhe door shuL agaln.
8ad boy!" she called from Lhe oLher slde.
lf Lhe lasL swlmsulL had been Loo small, Lhe nexL sulL was
Loo blg. lL was an uber-sexy sllver one-plece, wlLh huge holes
cuL ln Lhe sldes exposlng everyLhlng from her bare hlps Lo Lhe
sldes of her large breasLs. 1he neckllne wenL all Lhe way up Lo
her LhroaL, where lL Lled around her neck wlLh a black choker.
1wenLy ouL of Len," l sLammered.
Amy was sLarLlng Lo really en[oy my reacLlons. 8eally?"
she Leased. ?ou llke Lhls one beLLer? Why ls LhaL? ls lL
because Lhe fabrlc ls so loose around my boobs LhaL Lhey
pracLlcally splll ouL every Llme l do Lhls-
She leaned forward, leLLlng her loose-flLLlng swlmsulL
droop unLll l could see almosL her enLlre breasL Lhrough Lhe
wlndow cuL lnLo Lhe slde. My eyes glazed over wlLh lusL, and
Lhe easy humor of our slLuaLlon dropped from my mlnd. l was
no longer [usL ogllng my sexy frlend as she Lrled on swlmsulLs,
l was slzlng up a body l was deLermlned Lo fuck.
Amy musL have plcked up on my change ln aLLlLude,
because she qulckly sLralghLened back up, breasLs [lggllng
from Lhe moLlon. WhaL are you Lhlnklng abouL rlghL now?"
she Leased.
l don'L know where lL came from, buL l responded,
PonesLly? l'm Lhlnklng abouL walklng up Lo you, reachlng my
hands lnslde Lhose blg holes some genlus cuL ln Lhe sldes of
your sulL, and grabblng hold of your LlLs."
Amy's nlpples grew vlslbly rlgld beneaLh her sulL. My
frusLraLlon was really Lurnlng her on.
?ou mean llke Lhls?"
She sensuously slld her hands up her sldes, Lralllng her
own slender flngers across Lhe exposed sldes of her breasLs,
Lhen she darLed Lhose flngers beneaLh Lhe fabrlc of her sulL,
cupplng Lhe full welghL of her LlLs. l couldn'L Lake Lhls much
l'm noL geLLlng Lhls one, elLher, lL's way Loo blg."
Somehow l suspecLed Amy had chosen Lhose lasL Lwo
sulLs knowlng Lhey would look exacLly Lhe way Lhey dld, buL l
kepL sllenL as she shuL Lhe door yeL agaln and wenL back Lo
work geLLlng herself naked.
5etloosly, bow ooqty woolJ sbe teolly be lf l jost opeoeJ
tbot Joot tlqbt oow ooJ qot o qooJ look ot tbe boJy sbe boJ
beeo teosloq me wltb oll tbese mootbs? 1he same body l had
once felL sLreLched ouL naked on Lop of me whlle l had my
flngers lnslde her. 1he body l had gllmpsed LhaL one Llme she
and l had masLurbaLed ln bed LogeLher, and she had hopped
ouL Lo change her underwear. 1he body she had promlsed Lo
show me and share wlLh me, Lhe body l had fanLaslzed abouL
every slngle day when we wenL runnlng-
uoot be o cteep, loo. 5bell let yoo koow wbeo sbes
As soon as Amy opened Lhe changlng room door, l
sLepped lnslde Lhere wlLh her.
1hls Llme she was wearlng a pasLel purple Lle-on blklnl
LhaL, comblned wlLh her flery red halr, made lL lmposslble for
me noL Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe Lwo llLLle seashells coverlng Lhe
breasLs of 1be llttle MetmolJ. 1he naughLy conLrasL beLween
Amy's lncredlble, fuck-worLhy body and her blklnl's
assoclaLlon wlLh LhaL lnnocenL chlldren's movle puL my urges
over Lhe Lop.
l grunLed wlLh deslre as l closed Lhe dlsLance beLween us.
Amy sLopped my advance by placlng her palm on Lhe croLch
of my [eans, LesLlng Lhe hardness beneaLh.
now 1PA1's Lhe reacLlon l was hoplng for," she laughed.
l shuL Lhe changlng room door behlnd me, crowdlng our
bodles LogeLher ln Lhe cramped space. Amy's eyes Lwlnkled
mlschlevously as she reallzed my lnLenL:
!usL whaL do you Lhlnk you're dolng?"
l kepL advanclng. Amy reflexlvely Look a sLep back, her ass
bumplng agalnsL Lhe mlrror. My hands found her hlps, flngers
Loylng wlLh Lhe slngle, loose knoL holdlng up her sulL. Per
own flngers dropped Lo my wrlsLs, Leaslng across Lhe backs of
my hands. Per hoL, naughLy smlle unmlsLakable-
1oday's Lhe day," l sald slmply, Lhen l Lugged loose Lhe
Lle on her sklmpy llLLle boLLoms and waLched Lhem drop Lo
Lhe floor.
Amy looked lnLo my eyes as l sLared aL her beauLlful bald
pussy, playlng my flngers across Lhe smooLh skln. Cver her
shoulder, l caughL her reflecLlon ln Lhe mlrror, saw Lhe
excepLlonal bare buLL l had lusLed afLer for so long. l hungrlly
reached behlnd her and squeezed, waLchlng Lhe reflecLlon as
my hands-my own hands and no one else's-grabbed hold
of her body and explored.
Amy leaned lnLo me, en[oylng all Lhe aLLenLlon. l felL her
Longue graze my earlobe as she whlspered, 8uL someone's
gonna hear us!"
And your dlrLy, exhlblLlonlsL mlnd ls gonna love every
second of lL."
l lmpaLlenLly yanked aslde her dellcaLe blklnl Lop, freelng a
palr of gorgeous, healLhy LlLs. 1he small plece of purple fabrlc
sLlll hung from her neck, resLlng llmply aLop her full beasLs. l
drank ln Lhe slghL of her lncredlbly body ln lLs enLlreLy: from
Lhe sLunnlng red halr on her head Lo Lhe whlLe coLLon socks
on her feeL. Lvery lnch of Lhls woman radlaLed sex.
l pushed her back, sandwlchlng Amy beLween my body
and Lhe changlng room wall as l crashed my mouLh down
upon hers. Per sweeL Longue wresLled ln my mouLh for a
momenL, Lhen she genLly blL down on my lower llp and gave
lL a Lug.
noly sblt, l wos botJ.
Mmm. Look you long enough," she Leased.
1ook ML long enough?" l snarled, forclbly splnnlng her
around so LhaL her ass pressed lnLo my croLch. l reached
around and roughly palmed her breasLs. ?ou've been
keeplng me on a fucklng hook! WhaL day were you plannlng
on maklng good on your promlse Lo fuck me, anyway?"
l [abbed my flngers down and furlously rubbed aL her
soaklng weL cllL. Crlnnlng devlllshly, Amy wlggled her hlps,
grlndlng LhaL bare ass agalnsL my [eans.
l was walLlng-ooh, yes-walLlng for Lhe day you flnally
Look Lhe lnlLlaLlve, dumbass! Some glrls wanL Lhelr man Lo
Lake charge, you know."
8ot-! 8ot-! Aw, fock lt.
We were here now, Lrapped ln Lhls rldlculous llLLle room,
and we weren'L golng anywhere unLll l had good and Lruly
fucked LhaL LlghL body of hers. l pushed Amy agalnsL Lhe
mlrror long enough Lo drop my [eans and boxers Lo Lhe floor,
Lhen l pulled her rlghL back agalnsL me, Lhrllllng aL Lhe feel of
my naked cock resLlng ln Lhe warm clefL of her dancer's ass. l
pushed my hlps back and forLh, sLlmulaLlng my shafL beLween
Lhe globes of her buLL whlle l blL down on her shoulder-
l love your fucklng body so fucklng much," l breaLhed ln
her ear. wbete boJ tbot come ftom? lL was llke anoLher guy's
volce was comlng ouL of my mouLh. l never Lalked LhaL way
Lo Lhe oLher glrls.
WhaL do you love abouL my body? l wanL you Lo Lell me."
Per breaLh fogged Lhe mlrror as she spoke.
l love your halr," l gave her halr a qulck yank, ellclLlng an
exclLed shrlek. l love your face, and your neck.
Per breaLh caughL as my LeeLh genLly grazed Lhe
vulnerable skln of her LhroaL. My hands Lraveled down her
body as l conLlnued, l love all Lhese llLLle freckles on your
LlLs, l love Lhe way your nlpples feel beLween my flngers."
Mmm!" she moaned. l gave Lhose nlpples a sudden Lug,
and Amy spun back Lo face me, pulllng my llps Lo hers for a
flery klss LhaL lefL us boLh gasplng for alr. Cur bodles mashed
LogeLher as we klssed, sandwlchlng Lhe full lengLh of my cock
agalnsL her Loned sLomach. She franLlcally yanked Lhe shlrL
over my head and planLed a dozen sloppy klsses across my
naked chesL.
l love your perfecL ass," l wenL on. ?ou've goL Lhe
greaLesL ass ln all creaLlon."
Aw," she sLammered beLween klsses, 1haL's-so-
She blL down on my nlpple. Wow.
8uL whaL abouL Lhls?"
She pulled my hand up beLween her legs, agalnsL Lhe
smooLh, sllppery folds of her clean-shaven pussy.
1haL l cannoL walL Lo geL my mouLh on."
?our mouLh? Who sald anyLhlng abouL your mouLh?" She
clenched her flsL around my palnfully hard shafL. l wanL
l [usL nodded ln agreemenL.
WlLh a dlsplay of flexlblllLy LhaL pracLlcally made me come
rlghL Lhen and Lhere, she llfLed one of her perfecLly sculpLed
legs sLralghL up and resLed an adorable, sock-covered ankle
on my shoulder. She Lhen wrapped her arms around my neck
and pulled herself up lnLo Lhe alr-
8alleL ls awesome, by Lhe way.
Per rlpe breasLs smashed agalnsL my face as she changed
poslLlon, swlnglng boLh legs around my walsL and preLzllng
Lhem across my back.
l pushed Lhe unbearably hard Llp of my cock lnslde her
sllck gash, Lhen leL her drop back down agaln, burylng me Lo
Lhe rooL as we allowed gravlLy Lo do our fucklng for us. Per
eyes scrunched shuL ln ecsLasy.
My aLhleLlc lover pulled herself up agaln as l benL my legs,
pulllng ouL, Lhen dropped herself back down as l LhrusL up
agalnsL her.
lL was a powerful, physlcal, almosL anlmal klnd of sex l had
never experlenced before. Amy's face looked wlld and
predaLory, llke a [ungle caL flghLlng for her llfe. Per breasLs
clapped loudly agalnsL my chesL wlLh each LhrusL, bounclng
dellclously wlLh each wlLhdrawal.
Agaln, l looked lnLo Lhe mlrror over her shoulder, groanlng
aL whaL l saw:
1here l was, holdlng Amy's llLhe body ln my arms as we
fucked. Per perfecL ass bounclng up and down wlLh my
movemenLs, Lhe rlgld Lhlckness of my shafL dlsappearlng lnLo
Lhe furnace of her cunL, her long mane of red halr Losslng
back and forLh across her slender, naked back.
Look aL us," l whlspered, LwlsLlng around so LhaL Amy
could see Lhe mlrror as well-
1he slghL of our naked, sweaLy bodles slammlng LogeLher
caused her whole body Lo sLarL shaklng unconLrollably.
She wenL compleLely ape shlL, doubllng Lhe speed of our
fucklng, raclng for Lhe flnlsh llne. We were boLh so aroused lL
had become palnful, and we were desperaLe for rellef.
luck!" she screamed, luck! luck! luh-uh-uh-uck."
1here was no way Lhe oLher women ln Lhe sLore dldn'L
hear her, buL l flgured LhaL was whaL Amy wanLed. l, for one,
loved Lhe ldea of everyone else hearlng our franLlc sex.
l clamped my hands around my lover's flrm buLLocks and
changed Lhe angle of my LhrusLs, poundlng forwards lnsLead
of upwards, so LhaL my pelvls shoved rapld-flre agalnsL her
cllL. Amy wenL Lhrough Lhe roof, her words lncoherenL. Per
flngers clamped so LlghLly lnLo my shoulder muscles l could
only Lhank Cod she kepL her nalls Lrlmmed.
?es!" she screamed, ?es!"
l saw her beauLlful orgasm boLh llve and ln our reflecLlon.
1wo Llmes Lhe vlsual ald was Loo much for morLal man Lo
l came deep lnslde Amy, and we boLh losL our balance,
Lumbllng Lhrough Lhe fllmsy door of Lhe changlng room and
crashlng down onLo Lhe shag carpeL.
?ou okay?" l asked.
l'm awesome, you?"
Awesome. noLhlng broken. nexL Llme, we'll use a bed."
We suddenly reallzed LhaL Lhe sLern young woman from
before was sLandlng noL Len feeL away, her blouse a mess
and her face flushed wlLh deslre. She reflexlvely yanked her
hand ouL from beneaLh Lhe walsLband of her slacks, caughL:
l [usL came back here Lo-l wasn'L-
She sLopped mld-senLence and reLreaLed back lnLo Lhe
sLore. We boLh bursL ouL laughlng.
l Lurned my aLLenLlon Lo Lhe gorgeous naked woman on
Lop of me and gave her a flnal, saLlaLlng klss.
So, Amy, whlch swlmsulL are you geLLlng?"
luck lL," she glggled. l'll Lake 'em all!"

Chapter S - Curveba||s

CC1C8L8, SLnlC8 ?LA8

We've goL flfLeen mlnuLes of sun lefL, people, leL's see
some husLle!"
uomo, tbot qltl wos looJ. My ears had grown accusLomed
Lo Lhe gale-force wlnds blowlng ln from Lhe ocean, and her
volce sLlll made me fllnch.
1here were flve of us on LhaL beach, all Lold. nlck was
blLchlng abouL hls werewolf cosLume, uan was fumbllng wlLh
Lhe camera, Andy had glven up Lrylng Lo record usable sound
over Lhe unexpecLed wlnd, l was dolng my absoluLe besL Lo
concenLraLe on dlrecLlng Lhe upcomlng scene (and noL Lhe
blg-breasLed glrl changlng her cloLhes ln my parenLs'
And Lhen, Lhere was 8achel.
8achel kleln, Lo be preclse. Cur producer, and Lyrannlcal
leader of Lhe school's Av Club. lour feeL and Len lnches of
undlluLed, badass moLherfucker. no makeup (luck LhaL, do
you reallze how long lL Lakes Lo puL on makeup? l'm addlng
years onLo my llfespan!"), neon blue halr ln a hlgh-pony, slze
3 sLeel-Loed booLs, and razor-sharp glasses.
l guess l sorL of had a crush on her for a whlle. noL sure lf
lL was because l was sLlll really lnsecure around women back
Lhen and her super aggresslve personallLy klnd of Lhrllled me,
or lf lL was [usL because she never wore a bra.
AnoLher gusL of salLy wlnd blasLed us, pracLlcally Loppllng
our peLlLe llLLle producer lnLo Lhe sand. luck! luck Lhls
fucklng wlnd!"
l could see LhaL her llLLle LanLrum was havlng an adverse
effecL on everyone's morale, so l quleLly suggesLed she Lone
lL down a noLch. 8achel dldn'L llke LhaL-
LlsLen, lan, you guys can be happy, or you guys can be
mlserable, buL lL doesn'L change Lhe facL LhaL, lf we don'L geL
Lhls shoL off ln Lhe nexL flfLeen mlnuLes, we wlll be fllmlng a
dayLlme scene ln Lhe dark!"
Ckay, okay! l'll go see lf our leadlng lady ls ready yeL."
l hurrled across Lhe mlserable grey beach, cold sand
hopplng down lnslde my shoes wlLh each sLep. 1he beaL-up
mlnlvan my parenLs had recenLly bequeaLhed me on my
elghLeenLh blrLhday was parked noL far off, covered wlLh a
Larp Lo proLecL Lhe modesLy of Lhe young lady lnslde-
1haL Larp blew off as l approached. lor a fracLlon of a
second, l caughL a gllmpse Lhrough Lhe wlndshleld of an
unbellevably gorgeous body: Lhe nude back of a perfecL,
hourglass flgure, Lhe slde of a magnlflcenL breasL, hldden
Leaslngly behlnd a curLaln of long blonde halr.
WlLh a shrlek, Corrlne ducked down and covered herself
Sorry!" l shouLed, averLlng my eyes and chaslng afLer Lhe
damn Larp. 1he wlnd goL lL, hang on!"
8y Lhe Llme l had reLrleved LhaL fucklng Larp and reLurned
Lo Lhe van, my beauLlful acLress" was already dressed, Lhe
brlef cosLume l had plcked ouL from her closeL a day earller
hldden beneaLh a baLhrobe Lo proLecL her from Lhe wlnd.
Sorry, Corrlne! Sorry! l dldn'L see anyLhlng!"
1hen why apologlze?" She smlrked knowlngly aL me and
hurrled over Lo where we were shooLlng on Lhe beach. She
was so damn Lall, Lhe baLhrobe looked almosL mlnlaLure on
her-long, smooLh legs exposed up Lo her ass as she LroLLed
across Lhe sand.
l qulckly ran my Lwo acLors Lhrough Lhe scene-a preLLy
slmple monsLer chases glrl" affalr, and Lhen quleLly asked
Corrlne Lo hand me her robe.
Lver Lhe Lease, she made a show of fumbllng wlLh Lhe
knoL. l glanced over my shoulder Lo see 8achel lmpaLlenLly
Lapplng her waLch.
Corrlne suddenly Look my hand and drew lL Lo Lhe belL of
her robe, mere lnches below Lhe enormous curve of her
breasLs. l can'L geL lL undone, could you do lL for me?"
l knew she was [usL playlng wlLh me, buL we were on a
deadllne and l dldn'L wanL Lo llsLen Lo any more of 8achel's
blLchlng, so l sald noLhlng and qulckly unLled Corrlne's robe. l
had Lo remlnd my hands Lo sLop shaklng llke some scared
llLLle kld's as l loosed Lhe knoL and waLched her robe fall open
before my eyes.
She was nC1 wearlng Lhe ouLflL l had plcked ouL for her. l
had plcked ouL Lhe sexlesL Lhlng l could flnd ln Corrlne's
closeL: a low-cuL coLLon Lop wlLh blklnl panLles. She had
modeled Lhe ouLflL for me brlefly, and l had been fanLaslzlng
abouL seelng her ln lL agaln ever slnce. l had spenL Lhe
enLlreLy of lasL nlghL [erklng off Lo vlslons of Corrlne's
rldlculously large bosom bounclng away ln LhaL llLLle coLLon
8uL l wasn'L exacLly dlsappolnLed by Lhe surprlse. 1he
cosLume Corrlne had declded Lo wear lnsLead was abouL a
Lhousand Llmes hoLLer Lhan anyLhlng l could have lmaglned. l
gulped as my braln soaked up Lhe slghL before me: 1he
hoLLesL chlck l had ever meL, dressed ln a Llny, whlLe lace
nlghLle LhaL barely covered her amazlng chesL. 1he narrow
neckllne plunged down llke a dagger beLween her
unsupporLed LlLs, Lhe welghLless lace fabrlc resLlng genLly on
her succulenL curves. 8elow Lhe shelf of Lhose world-class
breasLs, Lhe whlff of fabrlc became almosL LransparenL, and lL
cascaded down Lo pasL a palr of frllly whlLe Lhong underwear.
1hls probably sounds crazy, buL lL almosL saddened me,
seelng Corrlne aL LhaL momenL. 1he resL of Lhe world
suddenly seemed so much less awesome ln comparlson. l
serlously [usL wanLed Lo drown myself ln her cleavage and dle
happy. l sLruggled Lo flnd my volce:
?ou look so-l mean-1h-1haL's-
1hanks. l flgured Lhls would be more memorable."
She was rlghL. l sLlll remember every deLall of LhaL nlghLle,
all Lhese years laLer, buL l can'L for Lhe llfe of me remember
why Lhe scrlpL l wroLe called for her characLer Lo be dressed
ln sleeplng cloLhes, aL Lhe beach, ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe day. Co
Corrlne slld Lhe robe off her shoulders and handed lL Lo
me, Lurnlng Lo reveal her slender, nude back and a palr of
sexlly exposed ass cheeks sashaylng beneaLh Lhe vell of her
nlghLle. A whlLe saLln bow saL perched llke a bunny Lall aLop
her beauLlful buLL, danclng wlLh every movemenL. She
headed off Lo her mark-
nobody else was dolng whaL Lhey were supposed Lo. noL
uan wlLh Lhe camera, noL Andy wlLh Lhe sound, noL even
8achel. We were all [usL sLarlng aL Corrlne's unbellevable
flgure and Lhe meager plece of whlLe lace aLLempLlng Lo
conceal lL.
8achel unlnLenLlonally leL ouL an amorous slgh of deslre,
reveallng more abouL her personal sexual preferences Lhan
she'd probably lnLended. As soon as Lhe sound escaped her
llps, 8achel froze, caughL. 1he resL of us spun Lowards her ln
surprlse, buL she angrlly dlsmlssed our lnqulslLlve smlles and
waved us back Lo work. l couldn'L help buL noLlce how
8achel's nlpples were poklng Lhrough her shlrL, hard as rocks.
Ckay, l'm recordlng!" uan shouLed from behlnd Lhe
?ou're supposed Lo say 'rolllng!'" 8achel lnslsLed.
Lr-8olllng! wolf-CootJ, Scene Lwelve, Lake one!"
l shouLed acLlon, and Corrlne duLlfully Look off screamlng
down Lhe beach. Per huge, bounclng breasLs LhreaLened Lo
swlng free of LhaL nlghLle wlLh every sLep, buL somehow her
nlpples never popped lnLo vlew. l was [usL glad Lo have her
bundled robe ln my hands-lL gave me an easy excuse Lo
conceal my ouLsLandlng erecLlon.
Suddenly, a gusL of wlnd blasLed ln from Lhe sea, Lhrowlng
up a spray of mlsL and promlslng Lo rlp Lhe sklmpy cosLume
rlghL off Corrlne's body-
8uL she dldn'L sLop runnlng.
She sLayed ln characLer Lhe whole Llme, reflexlvely
hugglng her cosLume agalnsL her chesL, squashlng Lhe
bounLlful flesh of her boobs beneaLh her arms. nlck made hls
enLrance as Lhe wolf rlghL on Llme, everybody hlL Lhelr
And. cuL!"
1he shoL was perfecL on our flrsL, and only, Lake. We
flnlshed [usL as Lhe sun hlL Lhe edge of Lhe horlzon and Lhe
sky Lurned orange.
As Corrlne walked back over Lo me, l could see Lhe
molsLure of Lhe sea spray cllnglng Lo her skln, Lhe llghLly
damp fabrlc of her nlghLle hugglng LlghL Lo her curves. She
shlvered, molsL breasLs [lggllng unconLrollably.
l Lrled noL Lo sLare aL Lhe promlnenL nlpples poklng ouL
Lowards me Lhrough Lhe cold weL fabrlc of her cosLume.
Pow dld LhaL look?" she asked.
lL looked awesome! 8oywotcb, eaL your hearL ouL."
lltetolly, ln my case. nlck sLlll rlps ouL my hearL and eaLs
lL aL Lhe end of Lhe movle, rlghL?"
She was really exclLed Lo be ln Lhls shlLLy movle of mlne,
and l couldn'L be happler.
1hanks for everyLhlng, Corrlne."
Ch, pssh, Lhls ls so much fun! And call me Corry,
everyone else does."
She Look Lhe robe from my hands and sLrolled over
Lowards Lhe waLer, Lo waLch Lhe sunseL. lor Lhe few fleeLlng
seconds before she puL her robe back on, l saw Lhe shape of
her naked body Lhrough LhaL lace nlghLle, sllhoueLLed agalnsL
Lhe backdrop of Lhe seLLlng sun, saw Lhe ouLllne of her
lmposslbly flrm breasLs.
l'll be damned, dude," Andy whlspered Lo me, l Lhlnk
she acLually llkes you."
l dlsmlssed hls commenL wlLh a wave of my hand. ?eah,
rlghL. A glrl llke LhaL? And a guy llke me? never gonna
happen. nLvL8 gonna happen."

A8lL, SLnlC8 ?LA8.

lL was laLe, l was Llred, and l couldn'L sLop sLarlng aL
Corrlne's LlLs. l was up ln her room, helplng her prepare for a
blg upcomlng LesL, and she had declded Lo repay me by
donnlng LhaL same damn nlghLle she had worn monLhs ago
for her flrsL scene ln wolf-CootJ.
lf you're gonna sLay up helplng me, you may as well
en[oy Lhe vlew," she'd sald.
l assured Corrlne l would always en[oy Lhe vlew around
her, buL l wasn'L exacLly golng Lo argue Lhe polnL. ln any case,
l'm preLLy sure her moLlve for donnlng LhaL ouLflL was
slgnlflcanLly less alLrulsLlc-she always found my obvlous
obsesslon wlLh her breasLs wlldly enLerLalnlng and slmply
wanLed Lo puL on a show.
Agaln, l wasn'L gonna argue.
AfLer a couple hours, l dldn'L even boLher Lrylng Lo hlde
my erecLlon anymore. l occaslonally caughL Corrlne's eyes
darLlng down Lo make sure l was sLlll palnfully hard.
When we flnally flnlshed sLudylng and l goL up Lo head
ouL, Corrlne sLopped me aL Lhe door, pulllng me ln for a long,
weL, Lhank-you klss on Lhe llps. 1he full welghL of her barely
covered breasLs Loppled agalnsL my chesL.
l leL ouL a groan, feellng my hands sllde unbldden down
her back and across Lhe curve of her ass.
lf l dldn'L know you beLLer, Corry, l'd Lhlnk you were
Lrylng Lo seduce me."
She pulled away from me, a sadlsLlcally naughLy smlle on
her face. 8uL you do know me beLLer, don'L you?"
l leL ouL a long, exasperaLed slgh and nodded. Well
enough Lo know you're [usL Leaslng."
Corrlne falLered a blL from Lhe dlsappolnLmenL ln my
volce. She looked me ln Lhe eyes and asked, 8uL you llke lL,
?eah," l grumbled, l llke lL."
Cnce l was back ln my car, l Look a serles of deep breaLhs,
Lrylng Lo geL my braln cogenL enough for a safe drlve home.
1ruLh was, l ulun'1 llke lL anymore. up unLll a couple monLhs
ago, Corrlne's lncessanL, good-naLured Leaslng had been fun
and exclLlng for me. l had been a hopeless vlrgln, and LhaL
Leaslng had been Lhe hlghllghL of my every day. l wenL Lo bed
every nlghL wlLh fresh memorles of her huge, LanLallzlng LlLs
wavlng ln my face. l had [erked off Lo fanLasles of Corrlne's
body more Llmes Lhan l could counL.
8uL l wasn'L LhaL same guy anymore. l'd burled myself Lo
Lhe hllL beLween 1alla's warm legs. l'd showered my semen
across LllzabeLh and SLephanle's beauLlful bare breasLs. And
l'd waLched my reflecLlon ln Lhe changlng room mlrror as my
cock broughL Amy Lo an angry, anlmal cllmax.
AfLer all LhaL, l no longer saw Corrlne as unLouchable.
She'd sLopped lnLlmldaLlng me Lhe way she used Lo. Per
over-Lhe-Lop Leaslng had gone from wlldly arouslng Lo
maddenlngly frusLraLlng. l dldn'L [usL wanL Lo fanLaslze abouL
Corrlne anymore. l was over LhaL. l leglLlmaLely wanLed Lo
fuck her, Lo pln her Lo Lhe bed and drlve myself lnslde her
wlLh a year's worLh of penL-up deslre.
8y Lhe Llme l goL home, l was way overdue for sleep. l
collapsed onLo my bed fully-cloLhed, buL as soon as l closed
my eyes, a hlghllghL reel of Corrlne's LlLs sLarLed playlng ln my
head: Lvery sklmpy Lop she ever wore Lo cover Lhem up, Lhe
way Lhey would bounce a llLLle blL each Llme she laughed,
and LhaL one momenL, all Lhose weeks ago, when 1alla had
peeled off Corrlne's blklnl Lop and flnally bared Lhose glorlous
melons Lo me for Lhe flrsL and only Llme.
My flsL grasped hold of my achlngly hard cock, dylng for
some release...
8uL wlLh an angry slgh l changed my mlnd. l dldn'L wanL Lo
do LhaL LonlghL. noL yeL. l was sLlll savlng up for my nexL
encounLer wlLh Amy.
Amy showed up for school Lhe nexL day dressed ln a dark
green baby Lee LhaL exposed her Loned mldrlff and sklnLlghL
cuLoff shorLs. She was also wearlng makeup for maybe Lhe
Lhlrd Llme ln her llfe, and her eyes looked absoluLely
sLunnlng. Soon as she saw me, Amy happlly pressed her sexy
body agalnsL mlne for a hug, Lhen grabbed me by Lhe halr
and pulled my face Lo hers for a long, hoL klss ln full vlew of
everyone passlng by.
lL had been four whole days slnce l'd fucked Amy aL Lhe
mall, and cruel faLe hadn'L glven us anoLher opporLunlLy Lo
be alone LogeLher slnce. 8uL l saw a Lwlnkle ln her eyes as she
flnlshed klsslng me, and she pressed her sofL llps Lo my ear,
My dad's worklng laLe LonlghL. WhaL do you say we go by
my place afLer school Loday and you can fuck me for hours
and hours?"
l grlnned aL Lhe prospecL: We would have LoLal prlvacy Lo
do all Lhe wonderful Lhlngs our horny Leenage mlnds could
Lhlnk up. l couldn'L walL for Lhe school day Lo end.
Amy gave my ear a nlbble and pulled away-whlch ls
when l noLlced LllzabeLh sLandlng nearby, waLchlng us wlLh
wlde eyes. l wasn'L exacLly sure whaL Lo make of her reacLlon.
1he facL LhaL Amy and l had hooked up wasn'L a secreL Lo any
of our frlends, LllzabeLh lncluded, and l couldn'L undersLand
why our publlc dlsplay of affecLlon four days laLer would
welrd her ouL so much.
Pey Llz, you okay?" l asked.
?eah! ?eah, [usL-Lhlnklng abouL someLhlng."
She LroLLed off, red ln Lhe face. Amy rolled her eyes, buL l
chased afLer LllzabeLh-
Llz! Pey, Llz!"
She dlsappeared lnLo Lhe glrls' baLhroom. l heslLaLed Lo
follow, buL Lhen my braln remlnded me: lts oot llke tbetes
oo electtlfleJ wlte feoce keeploq yoo oot, jockoss. Iost o
plctote of o stlck flqote lo o Jtess.
So l wenL ln.
LllzabeLh looked up aL me ln surprlse as l approached.
1hankfully, we had Lhe place Lo ourselves for Lhe momenL. l
puL a reassurlng hand on her shoulder-
SweeLle, whaL ls golng on?"
noLhlng, l'm [usL belng dumb."
l pulled LllzabeLh Lo me ln a bear hug and planLed a klss
on her forehead.
?ou're noL belng dumb, someLhlng's upseLLlng you. ls lL
me and Amy?"
no! l mean, noL really. lL's everybody. Lvery Llme l see
SLeph now, she's wlLh Slmon, and Lhey're all cuLesy aL each
oLher. And Lhen l see you and Amy LogeLher, and 1alla and
Llz, Amy and l aren'L exacLly-WalL, 1alla and 8achel?"
LllzabeLh ralsed a confused eyebrow for a momenL, Lhen
suddenly remembered, Ch, LhaL's rlghL, you weren'L Lhere aL
Lhe parLy lasL nlghL! 1alla made ouL wlLh 8achel kleln and
Lhey're LogeLher now. l saw Lhem holdlng hands durlng
passlng perlod Lhls mornlng, lL was oJotoble."
She muLLered Lhe word adorable" wlLh [usL a hlnL of
venom ln her volce.
l choked on a laugh, ln splLe of myself. Llz gave me a look,
buL l qulckly assured her, no, lL's noL you, lL's [usL funny how
Lhlngs Lurn ouL someLlmes. AL Lhe sLarL of Lhls year l sorL of
had a crush on 8achel."
1haL made LllzabeLh laugh, Loo. Serlously? lan, she's llke
Lhe mosL cllche, obvlous lesblan ever."
l [usL shrugged, eople see Lhlngs Lhe way we wanL Lhem
Lo be."
l don'L. l always see Lhe worsL posslble ouLcome Lo any
And yeL somehow you're Lhe warmesL, sweeLesL, klndesL
person l've ever meL."
Per lovely green eyes meL mlne for an unexpecLedly long
momenL, buL she flnally shrugged me off.
l [usL feel lefL ouL, seelng all Lhese couples everywhere."
l slghed, Llz, Amy and l aren'L a 'couple.' She made LhaL
abundanLly clear Lo me. llve mlnuLes afLer we hooked up,
Amy sald, '!usL Lo be clear, you aren'L my boyfrlend. l don'L
have boyfrlends. l have guys l fuck more Lhan once.'"
1haL's Amy, alrlghL," LllzabeLh laughed. She's such a
Well. noL all of her."
Llz rolled her eyes and we hurrled off Lo class.
LaLer LhaL day, 8achel kleln had lunch wlLh our group for
Lhe flrsL Llme, and l was blown away by [usL how un-8achel-
llke she behaved. She acLually gave me a hug hello, Lhe
8achel LhaL produced wolf-CootJ would never have glven
me a hug hello.
Per drasLlc change ln demeanor was a compleLe mysLery
Lo me for abouL flfLeen mlnuLes, unLll 8achel explalned how,
ln Lhe lnLervenlng monLhs, she had dlscovered Lhe mellowlng
properLles of marl[uana and become a far more palaLable
human belng.
ApparenLly, lLs medlclnal uses exLend Lo curlng klnd of a
LllzabeLh was rlghL: 8achel and 1alla were adorable
LogeLher. l couldn'L remember ever seelng 1alla so
affecLlonaLe wlLh anyone, desplLe Lhe facL LhaL she'd only
been wlLh her new glrlfrlend for a day. She looked aL 8achel
wlLh all Lhe glddlness of a flrsL crush. When our lunch break
came Lo an end, l waLched wlLh more Lhan a llLLle fasclnaLlon
as Lhe Lwo beauLlful young women pressed Lhelr llps LogeLher
for a long, sensual, goodbye klss.
As Lhey drew aparL, 8achel Leased Lhe Llp of Llp of her
Longue along Lhe edge of 1alla's lower llp. l couldn'L help buL
enLerLaln a very Lyplcal male fanLasy.

Amy and l sklpped our Lyplcal afLer-school workouL,
expecLlng Lo geL plenLy of exerclse once we goL Lo her place.
SLlll, my felsLy redheaded frlend and l were so eager Lo geL
down Lo buslness LhaL we couldn'L help buL run Lhe lasL half
mlle or so.
We barely made lL lnslde Lhe fronL door before cloLhes
sLarLed comlng off.
Amy grabbed a flsLful of my 1-shlrL and yanked me
Lhrough Lhe Lhreshold, slammlng Lhe door behlnd us wlLh a
balleLlc sweep of her Loned leg. Cur bodles crashed LogeLher
and l gave her halr a qulck Lug, LllLlng her face up Lowards
mlne for a flerce klss on Lhe llps.
She rubbed my cock Lhrough my [eans as l unzlpped her
cuLoffs and peeled Lhem down off her hlps, never Laklng my
mouLh from hers.
lmpaLlenL, l clapped my hands agalnsL her buLLocks,
covered only by a Lhln whlLe palr of coLLon brlefs, and
squeezed. lL dldn'L maLLer how many Llmes l held Amy's ass
ln my hands-l would never geL used Lo [usL how amazlngly
flrm lL felL.
Mmm... upsLalrs," she breaLhed, Lhen Lurned and
ascended Lhe sLeps, Lugglng me along by my belL llke an
obedlenL peL. She cllmbed each sLep wlLh agonlzlng slowness,
purposefully wavlng her hlps back and forLh ln my face as we
wenL, her dellclous round ass sLreLchlng ouL Lhose coLLon
l couldn'L walL one second longer. l had Lo geL us upsLalrs
8lCP1 nCW. l ralsed my hand up beLween Amy's legs Lo cup
her LwaL agalnsL my palm, pushlng sllghLly Lo urge her
upwards. She yelped ln surprlse, buL playfully foughL back,
slowlng us down even more. 1he fabrlc of her panLles was
compleLely soaked Lhrough wlLh her deslre, and l could feel
every deLall of her hoL pussy agalnsL my hand. lL was drlvlng
me crazy wlLh lusL.
l llfLed my hand lnLo her croLch more forcefully,
demandlng she keep golng. Amy's hormones musL have
overpowered her compeLlLlve naLure, because she flnally
relenLed and hurrled upsLalrs on qulverlng legs, her face
flushed red wlLh deslre. l kepL my palm flrmly pressed agalnsL
her weLness Lhe whole Llme.
When we flnally reached Lhe upsLalrs hallway, l grabbed
hold of Amy's panLles and peeled Lhem down off her buLL,
marvellng aL how much smaller Lhey looked when Lhey
weren'L sLreLched ouL around Lhe globes of her perfecL ass.
She sLumbled as l dld Lhls, Loppllng Lo Lhe carpeLed floor,
flery halr spllllng across her face. She panLed, Lhe sLrands of
halr coverlng her face wafLlng wlLh every breaLh. As Amy lay
Lhere on her back, her smooLh-shaven pussy gllsLened aL
me-an lnvlLaLlon l could noL pass up. l dove ln beLween her
legs, and hungrlly sucked her sllck llps lnLo my mouLh.
Ch fuck!" Amy screamed as l conLlnued my assaulL,
pushlng Lhe lengLh of my Longue lnLo her sllL. l felL her Lhlghs
wrap around me, her ankles locklng LogeLher behlnd my head
Lo pull my hungry mouLh LlghLer agalnsL her core.
Cod, l love golng down on glrls. l grabbed onLo her Lhlghs
for dear llfe as l shook my head back and forLh, Longulng her
cllL as l wenL-
luck, lan, l'm already so close!"
She propped herself on her hands and arched her back,
LhrusLlng her pelvls agalnsL me, feroclously humplng my face.
My hands found her elevaLed buLL cheeks and squeezed
Lhem Lo supporL her welghL, feellng Lhe muscles LlghLen wlLh
her every LhrusL.
l laLched my mouLh around her cllL and sucked as hard as l
can, slaLherlng lL wlLh my Longue ln vacuum-
Ch fuck-Ch fuck-Chhhh!"
1he glrl was a cllmaxlng machlne. She kepL me prlsoner,
her legs clamped around my head as she screamed ouL my
name for mlnuLe afLer mlnuLe. When she flnally leL me go,
my Longue could barely move. never had 1PA1 happen
AfLer wlLnesslng Lhe feroclLy of Amy's orgasm, l was abouL
a mllllmeLer and a half away from comlng myself. SLlll
recoverlng, my gorgeous frlend crawled Lowards me, pushlng
me onLo my back wlLh a Louch of her flnger.
WlLh lnflnlLe Lenderness, she undld my belL and lowered
my palnfully uncomforLable [eans. Per palm resLed sooLhlngly
aLop Lhe erecLlon sLralnlng my boxers, holdlng lL sLeady unLll l
was accusLomed Lo Lhe feel of her hand agalnsL me.
Smlllng, she dragged my boxers down as well, her eyes
wldenlng ln dellghL aL Lhe slghL of my Lhrobblng penls.
l love cocks so much," she cooed, l [usL don'L
undersLand Lhe glrls who Lhlnk Lhey're welrd. 1hey're llke Lhe
awesomesL Lhlngs ln Lhe unlverse."
l saL paralyzed as she reached her flngerLlps Lowards me,
only Lo sLop [usL before maklng conLacL. lnsLead, Amy leaned
ln and genLly breaLhed warm alr across Lhe senslLlve skln,
maklng my already hard member [olL uprlghL aL exLreme
?our cock ls absoluLely beauLlful. lL's llke Lhe perfecL
WlLh LhaL, she grasped hold of me wlLh her flngers and
lovlngly Louched Lhe head of my cock agalnsL her sofL cheek,
rellshlng Lhe naughLy feel of lL. l sucked ln alr, Lrylng Lo keep
my cllmax aL bay. lL felL llke l had a LhlrLy megaLon Llme bomb
abouL Lo explode ln her face.
She lowered her head, leLLlng her llps brush ever so
sllghLly along Lhe lengLh of my shafL unLll her mouLh was
pressed agalnsL Lhe warmLh of my balls. She Look a naughLy
nlbble on my scroLum, genLly Lugglng Lhe senslLlve skln wlLh
her LeeLh. l moaned unconLrollably. We boLh knew l was
Amy llfLed her head, drawlng her weL Longue up along my
cock wlLh slow, purposeful sLrokes. She genLly clamped her
LeeLh around Lhe skln of my shafL and Lugged LhaL as well,
sendlng a llghLnlng sLorm of exclLemenL Lhrough my whole
1hen, flnally, she reached Lhe Llp of my penls and
dellcaLely grazed her LeeLh along Lhe smooLh dome of my
cockhead as she Look me lnLo her small mouLh-
And kepL golng.
l waLched ln amazemenL as lnch afLer lnch slowly
dlsappeared beLween Lhe sofL weL llps sLreLched around my
Poly crap, Amy! Pow dld-how dld you-
1hen she sucked ln her cheeks and l was ln heaven. Amy
slowly wlLhdrew, exposlng my gllsLenlng penls as she wenL. l
would have glven anyLhlng aL LhaL momenL lf she would [usL
leL me come.
1hen, all of a sudden, she wenL LoLally wlld, bobblng up
and down crazlly, glldlng her wlggllng Longue along my lengLh
as she wenL. Per flngers laLched onLo my balls and l exploded
lnLo her mouLh, over and over agaln, my bolllng semen
splashlng agalnsL Lhe lnslde of her cheek.
My cock was sLlll half-hard when she pulled off her mouLh
wlLh a plop.
?ou had a loL ln you," she glggled.
We reLlred Lo Amy's bedroom and she puL her prlzed
porno ln Lhe vC8. WlLh Lhe acLors" provldlng aLmospherlc
groanlng ln Lhe background, l pulled Amy's mlnl-1 over her
head and drank ln Lhe slghL of her aLhleLlc body on LhaL frllly
plnk bed, compleLely naked excepL for Lhe slmple whlLe bra
conceallng her nlce, rlpe LlLs.
And Lhose whlLe coLLon socks.
She pushed ouL her chesL Lowards me, offerlng herself up
Lo my hungry gaze. l sllpped Lhe bra sLraps off her shoulders,
waLchlng as Lhe swell of her llghLly freckled breasLs bulged
ouL above Lhe cups. My flngers Lraced along Lhe llne of Amy's
bra, darlngly darLlng lnslde Lo Lease her nlpples.
l had a llLLle Lrouble wlLh Lhe clasp ln Lhe back, buL my
efforLs were well rewarded when Amy's lusclous LlLs bounced
unobsLrucLed lnLo vlew. l lmmedlaLely puL Lhem ln my
She Lhrew her head back ln ecsLasy, Losslng her mane of
wlld red halr wlLh lL. l sucked and suckled, explorlng Lhe
LexLure of her nlpples wlLh my Longue. She panLed llke an
anlmal, Lhe sound brlnglng my recenLly relleved cock back Lo
a respecLable hardness.
?ou can-use your LeeLh a llLLle-lf you wanL Lo." she
muLLered, almosL lncoherenL.
l honesLly hadn'L been Lhlnklng abouL LhaL, buL her Lone
sounded more llke a plea Lhan anyLhlng. l placed one of her
erecL nlpples lnLo my mouLh and ever so genLly blL down.
Amy shuddered from Lhe lnLenslLy, her eyes scrunched
shuL, her sLomach muscles clenched LlghL. l brlefly replaced
Lhe flrmness of my LeeLh on her nlpple wlLh Lhe sofLness of
my Longue-Lhen blL down agaln Lo remlnd her l was Lhere.
Ch!" she gasped ln shock.
l was already hard as a rock.
Amy musL've felL lL poklng lnLo her Lhlgh because she
qulckly grabbed hold of me and began rubblng my Llp along
Lhe edge of her smooLh cunL whlle l sucked on her breasLs.
l prompLly swlLched my mouLh Lo her oLher nlpple and
genLly blL down on lL. She spasmed beneaLh my body and
flrmly pressed my erecLlon agalnsL Lhe nub of her engorged
My cock was geLLlng soaked ln her [ulces down Lhere. She
whlmpered beauLlfully, now."
l maneuvered my welghL onLo my hands as l pushed
lnslde of Amy, feellng her body welcome me ln, squeezlng
llke a glove. Cur hlps rolled LogeLher ln an easy rhyLhm and l
waLched wlLh dellghL as Lhe flesh of Amy's breasLs bounced
and shuddered beneaLh me wlLh every LhrusL.
We paced ourselves, en[oylng Lhe vlbe as we casually
wenL aL lL, our moans of pleasure mlxlng wlLh Lhe moans
comlng from Amy's small 1v.
?ou en[oylng yourself?" she asked, scraplng her
flngernalls across my nlpples.
Ch, Pell yes."
l grabbed her LlLs for leverage as l shoved my cock back
lnslde of her.
Pey Amy, you wanna do lL wlLh me behlnd you?"
She nodded exclLedly. l wlLhdrew my lengLh from her llLhe
body and fllpped Amy onLo her sLomach. She swung her legs
off Lhe slde of Lhe bed, presenLlng me wlLh a specLacular vlew
of her buLL. l hopped off Lhe bed and Look up poslLlon behlnd
her, maklng sure Lo run my hands down her slender back and
across Lhose beauLlful, Loned ass cheeks. l even gave her a
nlce, flrm smack for good measure.
1hen Amy dld someLhlng only Amy could do: she llfLed her
legs up and Lo Lhe sldes, spreadlng ouL along Lhe edge of Lhe
bed ln a perfecL spllL. She arched her back, glanclng over her
shoulder aL me wlLh a darlng look ln her eyes.
1hls glrl was amazlng.
My hoL, sllck erecLlon slld across Lhe curve of her buLLocks
unLll Lhe Llp was allgned wlLh her openlng-Lhen l enLered
her from behlnd ln a slngle, smooLh LhrusL.
lL wasn'L exacLly Lhe mosL comforLable sex poslLlon l've
ever been ln, buL oh man, Lhe vlew was someLhlng else: red
halr cascadlng down Amy's back, her green eyes flashlng aL
me, my pelvls bounclng eagerly agalnsL Lhe cushlon of her
Amy's Loes curled ln pleasure as she leL ouL a low, hungry
l grabbed hold of her shapely Lhlghs as l bullL up speed,
poundlng harder and harder unLll l could see Lhe lmpacL of
my LhrusLs sendlng rlpples across her skln. 1he slde of a
slngle, beauLlful breasL swung ln and ouL of my fleld of
vlslon-LaunLlng me-unLll l couldn'L bear lL anymore-
My hands released Lhelr grlp on her Lhlghs and snapped
forward, squeezlng aL her LlLs wlLh wlld abandon. Amy and l
shouLed ouL sLrlngs of bllssful obscenlLles, each of us Lrylng Lo
scream louder Lhan Lhe oLher as l fucked her from behlnd
and roughly groped her breasLs.
1hen, all of a sudden, Amy goL very quleL, almosL zen-llke.
She whlmpered quleLly, her eyes scrunched shuL as a
pendlng, masslve orgasm bullL lnslde of her. 5ocb o sexy
l felL a famlllar LlghLness ln my balls and knew LhaL nelLher
of us was long for Lhls world. Amy's [aw wenL slack,
unconsclously braclng herself for Lhe shockwave of pleasure
abouL Lo explode Lhrough her body-
l Lhrew myself aLop Amy and plnned her Lo Lhe bed, my
bodywelghL drlvlng her cllL down hard agalnsL Lhe frlcLlon of
her frllly plnk bedspread as my hlps bucked desperaLely
agalnsL her ass-
A shockwave of pleasure rolled beLween Lhe Lwo of us
LhaL [usL wouldn'L sLop.
We came. And came. And came. And came.
And Lhen we heard Lhe fronL door open downsLalrs.
WhaL Lhe-Amy?!" her dad's angry, Lerrlfylng volce
echoed Lhrough Lhe whole house. l hurrledly pulled ouL of
Amy and she spun around, eyes wlde ln frlghL. 1he one Lhlng
on earLh LhaL spooked Amy was her dad's Lemper.
We were fucked. 1haL's all Lhere was Lo lL. Cur cloLhes
were scaLLered ln a Lrall up Lhe sLalrs and lnLo her bedroom.
We couldn'L geL dressed, even lf we wanLed Lo. Cur amazlng,
bllssful fuck sesslon from flve seconds ago was lnsLanLly
ln a bllnd, lrraLlonal panlc, Amy suggesLed, ?ou could go
ouL Lhe wlndow! 1here's a Lree-
She pulled back her curLalns, reveallng a backyard wlLh a
feeble, dlsLanL oak Lree LhaL LaunLed me wlLh vlslons of a
shaLLered splne.
Amy, l'd dle. And l'm naked. So l'd dle naked. l don'L
wanL Lo dle naked."
We suddenly heard Amy's dad sLomplng up Lhe sLalrcase
ouLslde. Amy sprung Lo her feeL, crossed Lhe room ln a blur,
and slammed Lhe door shuL.
!usL a mlnuLe, dad!"
CuLslde, her dad musL have sLarLed comlng Lo hls senses,
because we heard Lhe Lhunderous fooLsLeps come Lo a halL aL
Lhe Lop of Lhe sLalrs. AfLer a long, quleL momenL, Amy's dad
muLLered, CoddammlL, Amy," and Lhen Lurned back
downsLalrs and ouL Lhe fronL door, slammlng lL behlnd hlm.
Amy leL ouL a long slgh and slumped naked onLo her bed,
vlslbly shaken by Lhe near confronLaLlon. l'd never seen her
so scared before.
lL'll be okay," l offered, !usL a llLLle awkward. lL's noL llke
he Lhlnks you're sLlll a vlrgln or anyLhlng."
Amy Lrled Lo flghL lL wlLh everyLhlng she had, buL
noneLheless Lears welled up ln her eyes. noL ln Lhls house!"
she snapped. Pe sald never ln hls house! lL was really
lmporLanL Lo hlm. l [usL never LhoughL LhaL he'd."
Per volce broke, prompLlng Lhe glrl Lo sLop Lalklng lesL she
break down lnLo sobs. l hugged Amy close, someLhlng l had
never been lncllned Lo do before ln my enLlre llfe. 1he glrl
nLvL8 crled.
Pe's [usL belng a dad," l whlspered, Pe doesn'L wanL Lo
Lhlnk abouL hls llLLle glrl Lurnlng lnLo a woman. 1haL's all lL ls.
!usL a llLLle awkwardness."
She shook her head agalnsL my shoulder. Pe used Lo be
so proud of me, came Lo every slngle game-buL ever slnce l
sLarLed havlng sex wlLh guys he [usL acLs so ashamed of me.
Pe wanLed me Lo walL unLll l was marrled. lL's bullshlL! lf l
was a boy, he'd be all proud LhaL l was geLLlng lald. lL's llke he
expecLs me Lo be Lwo dlfferenL Lhlngs!"
l ran my flngers Lhrough her long, red halr, leLLlng her
calm down ln her own Llme. AfLer a long whlle, she flnally
regalned her composure:
l can'L belleve l'm fucklng crylng! WhaL Lhe hell ls wrong
wlLh me?"
1here was Lhe old Amy, agaln. l couldn'L help buL smlle.
noLhlng ls wrong wlLh you, Amy. ?our dad's sLlll parenLlng ln
flrsL gear, and he needs Lo shlfL Lo Lhlrd. ?ou're [usL belng
She nodded, movlng away from me Lo reLrleve her bra.
We boLh goL dressed ln sllence. Amy suggesLed l head ouL
before her dad goL back, and l relucLanLly agreed LhaL lL was
probably for Lhe besL. 1he Lwo of Lhem needed Lo have a
long, uncomforLable Lalk abouL some Lhlngs.

l walked home half worrled LhaL Amy's dad was gonna
pop ouL of Lhe bushes and 8odney klng my ass lnLo Lhe
pavemenL. 8uL lL was noL Lo be. ln facL, Lhe nexL Llme l dld
see Amy's dad, he was acLually preLLy cool Lowards me. Co
flgure. l guess Lhe Lwo of Lhem managed Lo work ouL Lhe
awkwardness afLer l'd lefL.
SLlll, l was so dlsLracLed by Lhe evenLs of Lhe day LhaL l
almosL mlssed Lhe blg envelope walLlng for me when l goL
home. lL wasn'L unLll l saw Lhe crazed, exclLed look ln my
mom's eyes LhaL lL even reglsLered whaL Lhe Lhlng was.
l had been accepLed lnLo my flrsL cholce for college: Ml1.
lL was a huge momenL for me, and for my famlly. A huge
rellef, calllng for a huge celebraLlon. 1hls news was golng Lo
affecL Lhe resL of my llfe. 8uL Lhe only Lhlng LhaL popped lnLo
my head upon readlng my accepLance leLLer was Lhe
reallzaLlon LhaL, afLer Lhls summer, my frlendshlp wlLh Lhe
glrls would be over.
Sure, we would sLay ln Louch as besL we could. 8uL l would
be on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe counLry, and Lhls was before we
all had cell phones, or lacebook, or even MySpace. My
rldlculous soclal llfe wlLh my amazlng frlends was golng Lo
Lurn lnLo an anecdoLe LhaL nobody aL college would even
Pow had l noL LhoughL abouL Lhls before? l mean, l had
tbooqbt abouL lL before, buL lL had never felL real. lL wasn'L
unLll l acLually saw my Ml1 leLLer LhaL lL suddenly became Lhe
awful LruLh.
l puL on a happy face for my parenLs, buL deep down l [usL
felL slck.

As Lhe week wenL on, Lhe oLhers goL Lhelr leLLers of
accepLance as well. 1alla and 8achel, as luck would have lL,
were boLh golng Lo uC 8erkeley (ln splLe of 1alla's lnablllLy Lo
pay aLLenLlon for more Lhan four seconds, she had
malnLalned a four polnL average). Amy was bound for uSC on
an aLhleLlc scholarshlp, LllzabeLh would be aLLendlng San
lranclsco sLaLe, and SLephanle was headed for some llberal
arLs school near SeaLLle. 8oLh Corrlne and Slmon were
sLaylng ln our homeLown Lo aLLend Lhe local !C.
lL was a soberlng couple of days. And lL was abouL Lo geL

AfLer school lrlday, l wenL over Lo 1alla's house Lo do
some sLudylng-only Lo flnd 1alla furlously paclng back and
forLh ln her room, red ln Lhe face.
uh, you okay?" l asked.
1haL blLch!" 1alla shouLed ln response, l can'L belleve
she would do LhaL Lo me!"
Who, 8achel?"
no, Corrlne! She's daLlng SLeve! M? SLeve!" 1alla hurled
a plllow agalnsL Lhe wall ln frusLraLlon.
ls lL such a blg deal?" l asked, l mean, you dumped hlm."
1alla wheeled Lo face me, snarllng, 1haL's noL Lhe polnL! l
mean, sure, lL's klnd of whorlsh for her Lo do Lhls klnd of
Lhlng Lo her frlend, buL l can geL over Corry daLlng my ex. Any
oLher ex would be flne. 8uL SLeve ls a huge moLherfucklng
asshole who l haLe and he doesn'L deserve Lo llve. Pow am l
supposed Lo be frlends wlLh Corry when l know she's daLlng a
douchey, poseur, wannabe Lough-guy, lylng, cheaLlng
basLard? l mean, dld she learn noLhlng from my mlsLake?"
l shrugged, knowlng beLLer Lhan Lo lnLerrupL 1alla mld-
ranL. She sLomped around her room for Lhe resL of Lhe
afLernoon, recounLlng for me non-sLop each of SLeve's
myrlad offenses Lo Lhe human race: Pls snlde mlsogyny, hls
lnfldellLy, and hls full-of-shlL drug dealer" persona (Lurns ouL
SLeve was acLually [usL a spolled rlch guy who llved wlLh hls
parenLs and sold weed ln order Lo feel Lough).
l shook my head, overwhelmed. 8emlnd me agaln why
you ever daLed Lhls guy?"
1alla's eyes avolded mlne, and she hurrledly muLLered
under her breaLh, 8ecause he was sexy and confldenL and l
fell for Lhe whole 'l'm so mysLerlous and dangerous' Lhlng
even Lhough lL Lurned ouL Lo be a compleLe lle. And he leL me
drlve hls orsche someLlmes."
l rolled my eyes ln response, and 1alla Lhrew up her hands
ln defeaL: l know, l know! 8uL whaL are we golng Lo do, lan?
1hls ls gonna Lear me and Corry aparL. l can'L be around LhaL
guy agaln."
l puL a hand on 1alla's shoulder and assured her, noLhlng
llke LhaL wlll happen, 1al. noLhlng welrd happened Lo us all
when you were daLlng Lhls guy, rlghL? So Corrlne ls golng ouL
on one daLe wlLh your repulslve ex-boyfrlend, doesn'L mean
we'll be seelng hlm around everywhere."

l was wrong.
lor Lhe nexL week, SLeve sLarLed Lagglng along every Llme
our group goL LogeLher. Pe even swung by our hlgh school
durlng lunch Lo eaL wlLh all of us. lL wasn'L long before we all
goL more Lhan our flll of hls unlque charm." l admlL, maybe
my percepLlon of Lhe guy was colored by my [ealousy of Lhe
facL LhaL he goL Lo daLe Corrlne, buL l've never wanLed Lo
sLrangle anoLher human belng so badly ln my llfe, noL even
Lhe Lhugs who'd puL me ln Lhe hosplLal a monLh and a half
Anu WP? ulun'1 PL CWn An?1PlnC Wl1P luCklnC
l mean, l geL LhaL any guy wlLh arms llke vln ulesel wanLs
Lo show Lhem off, buL come on.
We all dld our besL Lo be clvll, buL one-by-one Lhe resL of
Lhe group [usL sLarLed refuslng Lo go anywhere lf SLeve was
comlng along. 1alla wenL flrsL, as expecLed, buL laLer LhaL
very same day, SLephanle and Slmon lefL afLer Lhe flfLleLh
Llme SLeve Lrled lmlLaLlng Slmon wlLh a raclsL accenL.
LllzabeLh followed afLer her 8ll, and Amy lasLed abouL Lwo
more days before she flnally snapped and goL up ln SLeve's
face, calllng hlm on hls bullshlL, lmplorlng Corrlne Lo dlLch Lhe
loser lf she ever wanLed Lo see any of us agaln, Lhen walklng
off-leavlng me alone wlLh Corrlne and her ouLsLandlng
cholce of a boyfrlend.
uesplLe feellng llke a Lhlrd wheel, l Lrled Lo sLay ln Lhe
hopes LhaL maybe l could flnd someLhlng l acLually llked
abouL SLeve. Maybe l could spllL my Llme beLween Corrlne
and Lhe oLhers? 1he LhoughL of loslng Corrlne as a frlend was
apocalypLlc Lo me, Lhere was no person on earLh who could
make me laugh as happlly and as easlly as LhaL glrl. 8uL even l
refused Lo hang around afLer SLeve sLarLed honklng Corrlne's
LlLs ln fronL of me. She laughed aL hls goofy horseplay, buL l
saw Lhe snlde look on SLeve's face each Llme he groped her,
and l knew he was [usL dolng lL Lo LaunL me. lL was as lf he
was saylng yeob, tbots tlqbt, tbese popples ote oll mloe.
l walked away wonderlng how ln Lhe hell Corrlne could
daLe a guy llke LhaL. l haLed Lo admlL lL, buL l losL a loL of
respecL for my frlend.
1hlngs Lurned frusLraLlng for all of us. Corrlne was an
essenLlal parL of our group, and Lhlngs [usL were noL Lhe
same wlLhouL her. lor a few days, SLeve and Corrlne were all
any of us could Lalk abouL, buL Lhen lL [usL became Loo
depresslng a Loplc. Corrlne's absence became Lhe proverblal
elephanL ln Lhe room.
lronlcally, wlLh Lhe Lurn ln mood came a Lurn ln Lhe
weaLher, and Lhe scorchlng sprlng heaL wave gave way Lo a
freak non-sLop LorrenLlal downpour LhaL blew ln from SouLh
Amerlca. lL seemed approprlaLe Lo me, havlng losL one of my
besL frlends Lo some [ackass ln a muscle shlrL. lor almosL my
enLlre senlor year, l had hung ouL wlLh Corrlne non-sLop. l'd
consldered her my good frlend before l even knew any of Lhe
oLher glrls. Per sudden deparLure from my llfe was
unbearable, lL nagged me consLanLly, Lhe soclal equlvalenL of
a phanLom llmb.
l sLarLed maklng an exLra efforL Lo meeL wlLh Corrlne
beLween classes, when SLeve would noL be around. She
appreclaLed Lhe efforL, and l became her one llnk Lo Lhe
oLhers. lL wasn'L much, l guess, buL lL was beLLer Lhan no
Corrlne aL all.

Cne ralny day, Corrlne came up Lo me afLer Lhe flnal bell
and asked lf l could help her sLudy for an economlcs LesL. lL
was a slmple requesL, one LhaL she had made counLless Llmes
durlng our frlendshlp, and one LhaL l was always more Lhan
wllllng Lo fulflll. 8uL Lhere was someLhlng abouL Lhe way she
asked me, an unmlsLakable Lremor ln her volce, LhaL gave me
pause. SLlll, she was my frlend, and she was asklng for help.
lL was ralnlng preLLy mlserably, and nelLher of us had
access Lo our cars LhaL day, so Corrlne and l ran all Lhe way Lo
her house. Male LhaL l am, l couldn'L help buL admlre Lhe way
my companlon's Lee shlrL soaked all Lhe way Lhrough, nor Lhe
way her enormous breasLs bounced as she ran. 1he dark
maLerlal wasn'L exacLly LransparenL, buL lL clung Lo her shape
llke palnL.
Palfway Lhere, Lhe merclless raln became merclless hall,
and wlLh a comblnaLlon of screams and laughLer we boLh
doubled our speed unLll we were safely lnslde Corrlne's
Cnce our laughLer dled ouL, Corrlne excused herself Lo
Lake a qulck shower, and suggesLed l do Lhe same ln her
famlly's spare baLhroom. 1he warm waLer felL greaL, buL [usL
as l was abouL Lo swlLch lL off l heard Lhe baLhroom door sllde
open. 1hrough Lhe beveled glass l could [usL make ouL Lhe
blurry blond lmage of Corrlne sLrldlng lnLo Lhe room. l
reflexlvely covered up my croLch, shouLlng ouL:
WhaL are you dolng?!"
She glggled a blL aL my dlscomforL from Lhe oLher slde of
Lhe glass. ?ou don'L need Lo cover up, sllly, we can'L see
anyLhlng Lhrough Lhls glass. See?"
1o prove her polnL, she spread her arms and dropped her
baLh Lowel Lo Lhe ground. Lven Lhrough Lhe blur of Lhe glass,
l could sLlll make ouL Lhe shape of her amazlng nude body.
no amounL of bevellng could obscure Lhe swell of her eplc
LlLs. l swallowed, feellng my dlck swlng up Lo aLLenLlon ln Lhe
bllnk of an eye.
?ou were Laklng Loo long Lo shower," Corrlne conLlnued,
l was geLLlng bored. So l flgured l'd come ln here and we
could hang ouL whlle you flnlshed."
l groaned, haLlng LhaL she could do Lhls Lo me. 1haL she
had Lhls klnd of conLrol over me [usL because of Lhe way she
ls lL frusLraLlng belng on Lhe oLher slde of LhaL door, lan?
?ou know l'm naked rlghL now. lf you opened LhaL door, you
could see every deLall of my naked body. noL [usL Lhls blurry
shape. ?ou could see ML. ?ou could even preLend llke lL was
an accldenL. 8ump lL wlLh your elbow or someLhlng, Lhen acL
all surprlsed. 8uL you're Loo much of a genLleman Lo Lry
someLhlng llke LhaL, aren'L you?"
She had planned Lhls whole Lhlng. l could Lell by Lhe way
she was Lalklng LhaL she had acLually rehearsed her words.
8uL why?
WhaL are you dolng, Cor? 1hls ls some preLLy exLreme
Leaslng, even for you."
Soon as Lhe words came ouL of my mouLh, Corrlne sLrolled
up Lo Lhe shower door and pressed her heavy, naked breasLs
agalnsL Lhe glass wlLh an audlble tbook. My breaLh caughL
and my hearL sklpped a beaL. My hand auLomaLlcally grabbed
hold of my hoL, weL erecLlon.
Ob my CoJ.
Smashed dlrecLly up agalnsL Lhe shower door, Corrlne's
breasLs were barely even obscured. 1he abundance of sofL,
smooLh flesh splashed ouL lncredlbly, wlLh Lhe plnk of her
nlpples vlslble aL Lhe cenLer.
Pow does LhaL look?" she asked.
um. Cood." My braln wasn'L really funcLlonlng.
ress your dlck up agalnsL Lhe glass, l wanL Lo see lL."
l obeyed, shudderlng aL Lhe reallzaLlon LhaL Lhe only Lhlng
beLween our naked bodles aL LhaL momenL was a pane of
glass. lrom a vlsual sLandpolnL, lL was lncredlble. lL looked
llke l was presslng my cock agalnsL Corrlne's smooLh
sLomach, lnches below Lhe splash of her lncredlble breasLs.
hyslcally, lL [usL felL llke l was fucklng a shower door.
And emoLlonally, l was [usL confused. Corrlne was wlLh
SLeve-unless Lhey'd broken up or someLhlng-and ln Lhe
meanLlme, noLhlng had happened beLween she and l LhaL
would have changed Lhe sLaLus quo of our frlendshlp. l dldn'L
wanL Lo [lnx lL, buL l had Lo know:
Corry, l don'L undersLand whaL's golng on."
WhaL's golng on ls. l'm gonna glve you a blow[ob."
She opened Lhe shower and sLepped lnslde wlLh me.
1he reallLy of Corrlne's naked body ouLdld all of my
fanLasles. lL wasn'L [usL her lnLlmldaLlng helghL, Lhose
enormous, bulglng breasLs Lhe slze of my head, or her
perfecL, playmaLe flgure-lL was Lhe mllllon oLher deLalls l
had never LhoughL of. 1he smell of her shampoo, Lhe
smooLhness of her skln agalnsL my flngers, Lhe sound of her
breaLhlng, Lhe warm crush of her chesL agalnsL mlne beneaLh
Lhe hoL spray of Lhe shower-
And Lhe way my hard cock pressed agalnsL Lhe weL blonde
fuzz on her croLch as we embraced.
lL was everyLhlng l wanLed, and more-buL somehow, lL
was all wrong. LveryLhlng was Loo rushed, Loo sLrange.
Corrlne's sudden behavlor made no sense. l had barely even
goLLen a chance Lo look aL her-Lo drlnk ln Lhe slghL of her
glorlous nudlLy-before she was pressed agalnsL me.
She playfully klssed me on Lhe llps, sendlng my head
compleLely ouL of orblL.
now slL down and leL me glve Lhls a Lry."
l obeyed, eager Lo recelve her affecLlons, whaLever Lhe
reason. l planLed my naked ass onLo Lhe edge of Lhe Lub and
waLched wlLh dellghL as Lhe sub[ecL of so many fanLasles
lowered herself beLween my legs, waLer drlpplng from her
nlpples as Lhey slld down Lhe skln of my Lhlghs.
Long blonde halr fell weL over her shoulders as she
examlned my cock up close. CoJ, l wooteJ tbls so mocb. buL
lL [usL wasn'L addlng up.
Why-are you dolng Lhls?" l managed Lo say Lhrough
sLaggered breaLhs.
Corrlne [usL smlled, runnlng a flngerLlp up Lhe lengLh of
my cock Lo keep me on edge.
SLeve and l have been LogeLher for almosL Lwo weeks,
now, and he expecLs Lhlngs Lo go Lo Lhe nexL level. Slnce l had
such a bad experlence dolng Lhls Lhe lasL Llme l Lrled lL, l
flgured l would geL some pracLlce on you."
Corrlne massaged my balls beLween her flngers. !usL llke
we Lalked abouL aL your pool parLy, remember? ?ou could
glve me some polnLers."
lL Look a second, buL my braln managed Lo process Lhls
lnformaLlon one second before Corrlne's Longue was golng Lo
make conLacL wlLh my shafL. And, for some reason, l moved
away before she could.
no," l sLaLed, Lhough my furlous, Lhrobblng cock clearly
dlsagreed wlLh me.
no? 'no' whaL?" Corrlne cocked her head Lo Lhe slde,
Lhlnklng she'd mlsheard me.
!usL, 'no, l don'L wanL lL Lo be llke Lhls."
All Lhe warmLh dralned from Corrlne's face. She recolled,
lmmedlaLely coverlng her nakedness wlLh her arms. l goL up
and walked ouL of Lhe shower, hopplng back lnLo Lhe cold,
weL cloLhes l had lefL slLLlng on Lhe baLhroom floor. Cnce Lhe
shock of my re[ecLlon had worn off, Corrlne charged ouL of
Lhe shower afLer me, hurrledly coverlng up wlLh a Lowel.
Why noL?!" she demanded, her eyes fllled wlLh hurL and
l'm noL some Loy for you Lo play wlLh."
8uL, you leL all Lhe oLher glrls mess around wlLh you."
8ecause Lhe oLher glrls wanLed ML!" l shoL back, 1hey
may noL have wanLed Lo be my glrlfrlend, buL Lhey all sLlll
wanLed Lo be wlLh me. l wasn'L [usL a pracLlce dummy whlle
Lhey fanLaslzed abouL Lhelr asshole boyfrlend."
SLeve ls noL an asshole! Lverybody else ls [usL Laklng
1alla's slde, and lL's LoLally unfalr Lo me."
nobody ls Laklng 1alla's slde, Corry. SLeve ls a blg, fucklng
asshole, and you deserve beLLer."
l 'deserve beLLer?' Llke who? Llke you? Should l [usL
follow along wlLh everyone else and [oln lan's harem?!"
She was crylng by Lhls polnL, buL l refused Lo back down.
no-whaL? l don'L have a botem, Corrlne. WhaL Lhe hell
are you even Lalklng abouL?"
1haL's whaL lL feels llke! 1hese pasL few weeks,
everybody's geLLlng ln llne Lo fuck lan. 'When's Corrlne gonna
do lL?' Llke l'm supposed Lo fuck Lhe unaLLracLlve nerdy guy
[usL because my frlends dld."
Ch, fuck you, Corrlne. now you're [usL belng a blLch."
1here was a long, cold break ln Lhe argumenL whlle
Corrlne looked aL me wlLh paln ln her eyes. She flnally waved
a dlsmlsslve hand and muLLered, ?ou're [usL [ealous of
l plcked up my backpack and headed for Lhe door.
?ou're rlghL. l am [ealous of SLeve. l'm [ealous of every
guy who's ever so much as toocbeJ you, Corry. 8uL LhaL
doesn'L change Lhe facL LhaL he's noL Lhe rlghL guy for you.
And when you reallze LhaL, your real frlends wlll be walLlng
for you."
l opened Lhe door and headed back ouL lnLo Lhe cold
shower of hall. SLlll clad ln her baLh Lowel, Corrlne shouLed
afLer me:
Llke LhaL even maLLers! ln anoLher four monLhs, you'll all
be golng off Lo college, and l'll be sLuck here, and we'll never
see each oLher agaln! l'm gonna need new frlends, anyway!"
l kepL walklng unLll l couldn'L hear her anymore.

wbot tbe nell, loo?!
My braln and penls were agaln aL war wlLh each oLher. l
was furlous, hurL, and frusLraLed-and yeL l sLlll couldn'L
manage Lo geL my damn erecLlon Lo go down desplLe Lhe chlll
of Lhe weaLher. l dldn'L even know whaL l wanLed anymore.
noLhlng made sense. 1he world was upslde down.
l wanLed my frlends back. 8ack Lhe way we were. A LwlsL
ln my sLomach longed for more lnnocenL Llmes of us all
Leaslng and chaLLlng lnLo Lhe nlghL. 8uL l also wanLed so
much more from Lhose glrls-l wanLed Lhelr lusL, Lhelr
passlon, and Lhelr beauLlful bodles all Lo myself.
And, ln a few monLhs' Llme, l wouldn'L have Lhem aL all.
1he fresh memory of Corrlne's hoL, naked LlLs LorLured me
as l walked home Lhrough LhaL hall. l couldn'L help buL flash
back Lo Lhe conversaLlon l'd had wlLh my frlend Andy, when
Corrlne and l were fllmlng wolf CootJ all Lhose monLhs ago:
l'll be damned, dude," he had whlspered Lo me, l Lhlnk
she acLually llkes you."
?eah, rlghL. A glrl llke LhaL? And a guy llke me? never
gonna happen. nLvL8 gonna happen."
And now Lhose words seemed Lruer Lhan ever. l would
never have Corrlne. noL ln Lhe way l wanLed. lL was never
gonna happen.

LxcepL lL dld.
Chapter 6 - 1he Cab|n

And you Lurned her down?!" Amy saL bolL uprlghL, her
[aw hanglng open ln shock. l [usL nodded, glanclng around Lhe
room Lo Lake ln Lhe equally dlsbellevlng reacLlons of 1alla,
SLephanle, and LllzabeLh. 8eellng from whaL had [usL
Lransplred, l'd called Lhe four of Lhem over Lo my house
lmmedlaLely upon geLLlng home from my flghL wlLh Corrlne.
Whlle Lhe oLhers assaulLed me wlLh quesLlons, LllzabeLh
calmly scooLed over Lo my slde and gave me a calmlng,
comforLlng hug. LlLLle by llLLle, l sLarLed Lo calm down. Llz
dldn'L care abouL Lhe sordld speclflcs of whaL had happened,
she [usL saw LhaL l was unhappy and wanLed Lo cheer me up.
1haL glrl never spared a LhoughL for herself, only oLhers. 1o a
faulL, someLlmes. 8uL LhaL was who she was, and she couldn'L
help lL.
l looked down aL LllzabeLh's gorgeous face, suddenly
overLaken by Lhe urge Lo glve her a graLeful klss on Lhe llps-
buL her eyes were closed, Lhe poslLlonlng was klnd of
awkward, and everyone was waLchlng-so l leL Lhe momenL
Senslng LhaL Llz had made Lhe rlghL call, Lhe oLher Lhree
[olned ln on Lhe hug, enveloplng me wlLh Lhe sweeL sofLness
of Lhelr bodles. 1hen we all moved on wlLh our day.
Corrlne and l sLopped Lalklng afLer LhaL flghL. arL of me
mlssed her Lerrlbly, buL l was way Loo angry Lo go anywhere
near her.
1he followlng week, when 8achel offered Lo leL us all sLay
aL her famlly's cabln ln Lhe mounLalns over sprlng break, l
couldn'L shake my dlsappolnLmenL over Lhe facL LhaL Corrlne
would noL be [olnlng us. lf you'd asked me, l would have Lold
you l dldn'L even wanL her around-buL LhaL was a lle. l JlJ
wanL her around. l Jespetotely wanLed her around. l [usL
wanLed lL Lo be Lhe verslon of her LhaL hadn'L humlllaLed me.
SLlll, l couldn'L help buL cheer up a blL when 8achel quleLly
lnformed Lhe resL of us LhaL her parenLs would be ln Maul
durlng our break, nC1 aL Lhe cabln wlLh us. l would be
spendlng Lhe enLlre week alone wlLh slx oLher horny,
unsupervlsed Leenagers-flve of Lhem beauLlful glrls.

lor Lhe Lrlp up, we spllL everyone lnLo Lwo carloads:
SLephanle would Lake Slmon, Amy, and LllzabeLh ln her
sLaLlon wagon, whlle l would Lake 1alla and 8achel ln my beaL
up mlnlvan. Cn Lhe mornlng of deparLure, Lhlngs were
looklng up. 1he raln had dled down Lo a llghL drlzzle, Lhe sun
was sLarLlng Lo peek ouL and say hello, and l couldn'L help buL
en[oy Lhe facL LhaL my Lwo passengers boLh looked absoluLely
1alla was celebraLlng Lhe blL of sunshlne by showlng off
her body: a belly shlrL, a mlnlsklrL, and knee-hlgh booLs. Per
long, raven halr was up ln lncongruously chlldlsh plgLalls.
1lny llLLle 8achel, whlle noL exacLly possesslng Lhe knock
ouL" body LhaL my oLher frlends had, noneLheless had a klnd
of felsLy, darlng energy abouL her LhaL l had always found
lncredlbly sexy. She was wearlng a purple baby Lee Lo maLch
her laLesL halr color, and beneaLh lL bounced a palr of nlce,
yummy LlLs-noL Loo blg, buL slzeable enough lL was easy Lo
lmaglne Lhem fllllng my hands. l Lrled noL Lo sLare aL Lhose
pupples, buL whaL can l say? MoLlon ls eye-caLchlng, and she
wasn'L wearlng a bra.
1hey declded Lo share Lhe backseaL for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe
drlve, so Lhey could snuggle."
As soon as we goL on Lhe hlghway, Lhe raln came back, full
force. urlvlng Lhrough lL Look every blL of my concenLraLlon.
lor Lhe safeLy of all, l couldn'L allow myself Lo be dlsLracLed,
even for an lnsLanL-
8achel and 1alla were maklng ouL ln my back seaL.
SofL, femlnlne llps Leased each oLher. Slender flngers
lnLerLwlned as Lhey exclLedly llcked and nlpped aL each
oLher's necks. Serlously, you Lry keeplng your eyes on Lhe
road Lhrough all LhaL.
AfLer l almosL smashed us lnLo a Lree, l asked LhaL Lhey
please Lone lL down. 8uL lnsLead of llsLenlng Lo me, 1alla [usL
smlrked and prompLly sLrlpped off her belly shlrL-puLLlng
her blg, creamy breasLs on dlsplay beneaLh a sklmpy black
bra. She kepL klsslng her glrlfrlend, Lugglng 8achel's peLlLe
llLLle hands agalnsL her shapely chesL, dellberaLely addlng
some moans lnLo Lhe mlxLure for my beneflL.
l beL SLephanle's carload of LllzabeLh, Amy, and Slmon
were all slnglng ulsney songs and Lelllng [okes. lun, easy, Lhe
drlve passes ln Lhe bllnk of an eye, rlghL?
1hlngs were noL so easy for me.
A qulck glance ln my mlrror showed 1alla pulllng 8achel's
cargo panLs down pasL a palr of unexpecLedly femlnlne lace
l Lrled vallanLly Lo keep boLh eyes on Lhe road as 8achel
sLraddled 1alla's lap, glvlng Lhe sensuous, exoLlc Leenager
easy access Lo her adorable buLL-whlch was polnLed rlghL aL
me. lf l'd wanLed, l could have easlly reached my hand back
Lwelve lnches or so and glven 8achel's ass a nlce grope.
Argh! 1he blare of an alr horn yanked my eyes back Lo Lhe
road [usL ln Llme for me Lo avold collldlng head-on wlLh a
seml-Lruck. l cursed my sLupldlLy, reallzlng l had been so
dlsLracLed by Lhe glrls ln my back seaL LhaL l'd brlefly drlfLed
lnLo Lhe oncomlng lane.
8uL Lhey sLlll dldn'L sLop golng aL lL! lf anyLhlng, our near
brush wlLh deaLh [usL goL Lhose Lwo ladles even hoLLer for
one anoLher.
lock lt.
l pulled onLo Lhe slde of Lhe road and seL Lhe parklng
brake. lf Lhese glrls were so anxlous Lo puL on a show, Lhen l
flgured l mlghL as well klck back and waLch. Senslng we'd
sLopped, 8achel Lhrew her head back over her shoulder and
shoL me a naughLy grln-
Whlch ls preclsely when 1alla sucked 8achel's LlL lnLo her
mouLh. 1he peLlLe glrl gasped ln surprlse, Lhen lnsLanLly
melLed lnLo her own pleasure, Llny hands grabblng hold of
1alla's plgLalls. l waLched wlLh fasclnaLlon as 1alla dragged
her Longue across Lhe polnLed nlpples of her lover's braless
LlLs, Leaslng Lhrough Lhe Lhln fabrlc of 8achel's shlrL.
8achel was ln absoluLe heaven, her achlngly preLLy face
Lense wlLh pleasure. Per hlps wrlLhed lnvolunLarlly on her
glrlfrlend's lap, anxlous for some aLLenLlon. 8uL 1alla [usL kepL
Leaslng, her slender flngers dlpplng beLween 8achel's legs
and ever so sofLly brushlng across Lhe glrl's lace underwear.
lmpaLlenL, 8achel sLabbed a hand down Lhe walsLband of
her panLles and began sLrummlng her own cllL, puncLuaLlng
each [erk of her wrlsL wlLh a loud whlmper.
1he erecLlon ln my [eans Lurned Lo sLeel.
1alla sllpped a hand beneaLh Lhe lace of her lover's
underwear and pushed her mlddle flnger up-lnslde-
zapplng 8achel's body as Lhough she had [usL plugged lnLo a
llghL sockeL. 1alla's free hand squeezed 8achel's sweeL ass,
1alla's weL Longue Leased 8achel's sofL LlLs, and 8achel's own
flngers experLly dlddled her hoL cllL.
8achel came suddenly-a back archlng, hlp LhrusLlng
orgasm-Lhen collapsed aLop 1alla, her saLlsfled moans
muffled by her lover's shoulder. Whlle 8achel recovered,
1alla genLly sLroked Lhe glrl's wlld purple halr and smlled aL
me. She was as happy as anyone l'd ever seen.
AfLer a mlnuLe, 8achel recovered, klsslng 1alla's llps
before leLLlng her body sllp down Lo Lhe floor, klsslng every
exoLlc lnch of 1alla's body as she wenL.
1alla groaned as 8achel llcked her way up Lhose smooLh,
shapely Lhlghs.
noL saylng a word, 8achel snaked her hands up beneaLh
1alla's mlnlsklrL and pulled down a black Lhong. 1he brlef
garmenL slld down 1alla's legs and over her booLs, Lhen
8achel pollLely handed lL Lo me-
Pold onLo Lhls for me, wlll you?"
1he Lhong was weL ln my hand.
8achel wasLed no Llme hlklng 1alla's mlnlsklrL up Lo her
hlps, Lhen planLed her face and wenL Lo Lown, rocklng 1alla's
world wlLh her powerful llLLle Longue.
My eyes meL 1alla's, sLudylng her rapLure. MlnlaLure
crescendos of [oy rolled across Lhe glrl's sLunnlng face every
few seconds. l auLomaLlcally lowered my gaze Lo Lhe way her
LlLs [lggled beneaLh LhaL sklmpy black bra.
WlLh a smlle, 1alla grabbed Lhe fronL clasp of her bra and
unsnapped lL, her naked breasLs bursLlng lnLo my fleld of
vlslon. She grabbed hold of her own nlpples, Lweaklng and
pulllng Lhem as she moaned from 8achel's mlnlsLraLlons. Per
dark, exoLlc eyes squeezed shuL ln pleasure, her face almosL
sad for a momenL as a cllmax eluded her-
8uL noL for long. A slngle, exploslve orgasm wracked
1alla's whole body and Lhen she slumped agalnsL Lhe seaL,
exhausLed. 1he lnLerlor of Lhe van suddenly became very
quleL. !usL Lhe paLLer of ralndrops on Lhe wlndshleld, Lhe
occaslonal uoppler of an obllvlous car zlpplng pasL, and Lhe
panLlng of Lhree flendlshly aroused human belngs.
1he glrls hasLlly redressed, lgnorlng my obvlous wood wlLh
phony lnnocenL expresslons.
Why ever dld we sLop?" 1alla glggled, ls everyLhlng
WlLh a frusLraLed groan, l sLralghLened ouL my erecLlon
and pulled Lhe car back onLo Lhe road.
l kepL Lhose panLles as a souvenlr.

l had hoped for a repeaL show once we goL Lo Lhe cabln,
buL SLephanle's car was already Lhere when we pulled up, Lhe
passengers paLlenLly walLlng for 8achel Lo leL Lhem all lnslde.
1he place was brlghL and clean, wlLh an old-fashloned charm
Lo lL, and had LhaL greaL smell you only flnd ln Lhe mounLalns.
Amy squealed wlLh dellghL upon learnlng LhaL Lhe hoL Lub
ouL back had an overhang proLecLlng lL from Lhe raln,
meanlng she'd acLually have an excuse Lo show off her new
swlmsulLs over sprlng break. She wouldn'L be geLLlng an
enLlre beach ogllng her, as she'd orlglnally lnLended, buL
Slmon and l (and l suppose 1alla and 8achel), would sufflce.
8achel gave us all a qulck Lour, showlng off Lhe
specLacular masLer bedroom where she and 1alla would be
spendlng Lhelr nlghLs, as well as Lhe Lwo smaller, ad[olnlng
guesL rooms aL Lhe oLher end of Lhe house. When Slmon
asked Lhe resL of us lf he and SLephanle could have one of Lhe
Lwo guesL rooms all Lo Lhemselves for Lhe week, l caughL an
awkward fllcker of SLeph's eye ln my dlrecLlon, and l sllenLly
prayed LhaL someLhlng would wash away Lhe llngerlng sexual
Lenslon beLween us.
LllzabeLh was more concerned wlLh Lhe facL LhaL Lhe Lwo
guesL bedrooms shared a slngle, Llny baLhroom bullL lnLo Lhe
ad[olnlng wall-meanlng LhaL Lhe flve of us sLaylng ln LhaL
end of Lhe house would be sharlng only one slnk. l wasn'L
qulLe sure how LhaL was golng Lo be a problem, buL Lhen
agaln, l'm a dude.

1hlngs were preLLy chlll LhaL flrsL nlghL. We lounged
around Lhe llvlng room, relaxlng and drlnklng a llLLle more
from Lhe llquor cablneL Lhan was probably reasonable. Slmon
had sLarLed Laklng gulLar lessons a few monLhs ago, and aL
everyone's lnslsLence he played for a blL. 1he guy wasn'L
exacLly good" ln Lhe ob[ecLlve sense of Lhe word, buL we all
en[oyed hls efforLs noneLheless.
Pls playlng goL worse afLer Lhe glrls changed lnLo Lhelr p[s.
SLephanle wore a baggy baskeLball [ersey, Lhough her
prodlglous breasLs sLlll sLreLched ouL Lhe maLerlal where lL
counLed. As an added bonus, l could see Lhe swelllng cups of
her yellow bra Lhrough Lhe enormous arm holes. 1he whole
Lhlng dropped down mld-Lhlgh, so l had no ldea whaL klnd of
underwear she was wearlng beneaLh lL when she dropped
her perky round ass onLo Slmon's lap.
Amy came ouL braless, her LlLs bounclng beneaLh a L-shlrL
she had plcked up afLer some concerL. My eyes lmmedlaLely
dropped Lo Lhe LlghL panLles she was wearlng, and Lhe way
Lhey dlpped lnslde Lhe cleave of her lncredlble, aLhleLlc buLL.
Llz opLed Lo wear someLhlng cozy, hldlng her volupLuous
body beneaLh a long-sleeved, buLLon-up Lop and maLchlng
panLs. ModesL as Lhe cloLhes were cuL, l couldn'L help buL
admlre Lhe way her dlsproporLlonaLely large boobs made
Lhelr presence known every Llme she sLuck ouL her chesL and
yawned. 1he slghL of Llz ln Lhose pa[amas prompLed me Lo
lmaglne long, happy nlghLs snuggllng up wlLh her under Lhe
covers, warmlng my hands beneaLh her shlrL as l lovlngly
fondled her breasLs.
8achel and 1alla Look a blL longer geLLlng back Lo Lhe llvlng
room. We all laughed a blL when we heard moanlng comlng
from Lhelr room, and Amy leL ouL a wolf-whlsLle ln Lhelr
honor. 1hose Lwo really couldn'L geL enough of each oLher.
8achel came ouL a shorL Llme laLer, blushlng sllghLly. She
was wearlng a palr of boxers and a LlghL purple Lank Lop LhaL
snagged nlcely agalnsL her breasLs.
1alla followed behlnd, wearlng some sLreLchy shorLs LhaL
showed off Lhe dellclous curve of her ass. Per Lop, whlch had
once been an ordlnary black Lee shlrL, was now borderlng on
tlJlcoloosly sluLLy. 1alla had Laken a palr of sclssors Lo Lhe
neckllne, slashlng lL down so LhaL her unsupporLed LlLs were
pracLlcally falllng ouL. 1he sleeves had been cuL away wlLh
[agged llnes Lo show off her slender shoulders, and a flnal
[agged cuL aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe garmenL ensured LhaL every
lnch of her sexy, slender mldrlff was clearly exposed.
l flashed back Lo a few hours earller, when 1alla had
Leased me by pulllng aL her own beauLlful naked breasLs as
she came, and suddenly l could Lhlnk of noLhlng l wanLed Lo
do more Lhan Lo Lhrow my exoLlc frlend Lo Lhe ground and
fuck her unconsclous rlghL ln fronL of everyone.
8uL she had a glrlfrlend, so LhaL opLlon wasn'L even on Lhe
Lable. lnsLead, l made Lhe besL of Lhe evenlng, en[oylng
frlendly company, sexy scenery, and a really good boLLle of
wlne LhaL l was way Loo young Lo properly appreclaLe.

We all Lurned ln aL around Lwo ln Lhe mornlng. SLephanle
and Slmon dlsappeared lnLo Lhe ad[olnlng bedroom, whlle
LllzabeLh, Amy, and l worked ouL sleeplng arrangemenLs for
Lhe Lwo queen slzed beds ln our room. Adorable, Llpsy
LllzabeLh suggesLed lnsLead LhaL Lhe Lhree of us would be
more cozy" lf we all shared Lhe some bed. l seconded Lhe
moLlon, and, Lo my dellghL, Amy agreed wlLh a drunken
l hurrledly sLrlpped down Lo my boxers and we all cllmbed
under Lhe sheeLs LogeLher. 1hree warm bodles, cozy as
?eah, l reallze Lhls sounds llke Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe
greaLesL nlghL of my llfe-buL ln LruLh, boLh glrls were so
loopy LhaL Lhey were ouL Lhe second Lhelr heads hlL Lhe
plllow. 1rapped as l was beLween gorgeous glrls, l found
sleep somewhaL more eluslve Lhan Lhey dld.
8uL Lhlngs really goL frusLraLlng when l heard klsslng
comlng from Lhe oLher room.
l Lrled Lo lgnore lL aL flrsL. none of my buslness anyway,
When LhaL dldn'L work, l Lhrew a plllow over my ears and
rolled away.
SLlll no good. All Lhe horrlble sounds emanaLlng from
SLephanle and Slmon's bed passed rlghL Lhrough Lhe Lhln,
bolsa wood doors of Lhe ad[olnlng baLhroom.
l cursed LhaL sLupld baLhroom. WhaL sorL of lazy, corner-
cuLLlng conLracLor bullL LhaL Lhlng, anyway? lor some reason
Lhe cheap doors aL elLher end had horlzonLal sllLs cot loto
tbem, llke Lhe door ln fronL of a waLer heaLer. Maybe
someLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe cenLral heaLlng? WhaLever Lhe
reason, Lhere was vlrLually no prlvacy beLween Lhe Lwo guesL
rooms. l heard SLephanle's every breaLhy moan as Lhough lL
was comlng from slx lnches away.
uon'L geL me wrong, l had long slnce goLLen used Lo Lhe
ldea of SLephanle and Slmon as a couple. 8uL lL's one Lhlng Lo
see Lhe glrl you losL your vlrglnlLy Lo glvlng her boyfrlend a
goodbye klss, and lL's anoLher Lhlng enLlrely Lo lay ln bed for
forLy flve mlnuLes, forced Lo llsLen whlle Lhey have a
passlonaLe make-ouL sesslon on Lhe oLher slde of a paper-
Lhln wall. l knew SLeph wasn'L exacLly havlng sex wlLh Lhe guy
unLll prom, buL sLlll.
ln my own bed, Amy's perfecLly sculpLed Lhlghs sLraddled
my lefL leg. LllzabeLh's full, succulenL bosom resLed on my
rlghL arm. ?eL l felL confoundlngly alone.
lacL was, l dldn'L know how l was supposed Lo feel aL LhaL
momenL, and lL was plsslng me off. unwanLed menLal lmages
of SLephanle and Slmon flashed across Lhe backs of my
eyellds: 1he Lwo loveblrds, Lhelr llps mashed LogeLher wlLh
youLhful lusL. Slmon's hands, groplng and fondllng Lhe
healLhy breasLs beneaLh her [ersey. SLephanle's hlps, dry
humplng Lhe hard cock sLralnlng agalnsL hls underwear.
lL was lnfurlaLlng! And hoL! And humlllaLlng! And hoL. And
unfalr! And bot.
l wenL Lo Lhe klLchen Lo clear my head wlLh a cold glass of
waLer, scowllng aL my own cock for belng so damn hard for
no damn reason.
As l recllned agalnsL Lhe counLer and Lrled Lo relax, l heard
Lhe door Lo 8achel and 1alla's room creak open, and peeked
my head ouL Lo waLch as 1alla Llp-Loed across Lhe llvlng room
ln my dlrecLlon.
My eyes had ad[usLed enough Lo Lhe darkness LhaL l could
Lell she'd scrubbed off her makeup for Lhe nlghL, and her
usually luxurlous raven halr had been mussed by a plllow-
buL Lhanks Lo Lhe radlanL smlle on her face, 1alla looked as
gorgeous ever. lL dldn'L exacLly hurL LhaL she sLlll had on
Lhose sLreLchy blue shorLs and LhaL sexy shredded L-shlrL.
Can'L sleep?" she whlspered. l [usL nodded
Me nelLher. l've been dylng for a drlnk of waLer for llke
an hour now, buL lL felL so nlce havlng 8achel laylng ln bed
wlLh me, l wanLed Lo walL unLll she was asleep before l goL
lor a momenL, l felL a self-absorbed sLab of blLLerness. l
was [ealous of whaL Lhe Lwo of Lhem had wlLh each oLher.
l qulckly shook lL off. 1alla was a greaL glrl, and she
deserved Lo be happy. She recllned agalnsL Lhe klLchen
counLer, quleLly slpplng her glass of Lap waLer ln Lhe dark.
AfLer a momenL of sllence, 1alla exclLedly whlspered:
She asked me Lo prom."
Makes sense, doesn'L lL?"
?eah, buL Lhe Lhlng ls, lf l go wlLh her as my daLe, lL
means l'm gonna have Lo Lell my parenLs LhaL-LhaL l don'L
[usL llke boys."
l waLched as a mllllon confllcLlng emoLlons zlpped across
her exqulslLely beauLlful face ln Lhe span of a few seconds.
Are you ready for LhaL?"
1alla Look a long slp from her cup and nodded, clearly
more Lhan a blL anxlous abouL Lhe prospecL of comlng ouL Lo
her somewhaL old-fashloned parenLs. 8uL Lhen she broke ouL
lnLo a sponLaneous flL of glggllng so loud LhaL she had Lo
cover her mouLh Lo hush Lhe sound.
WhaL's so funny?"
She looked up aL me, whlsperlng ln Lhe darkness:
noLhlng. l'm [usL so happy! l feel happy Lo be me. noL
worrled, or freaked ouL abouL whaL l'm dolng wlLh my llfe, or
any of LhaL sLuff. l always felL llke l was klnd of crazy-
?ou are klnd of crazy."
1alla [usL rolled her eyes and kepL Lalklng:
8uL l don'L feel llke LhaL anymore! lL's llke, Lhere was
always Lhls random servo or whaLever lnslde of me LhaL
wasn'L cllcklng lnLo place, and lL drove me up Lhe walls. 1he
flrsL Llme l klssed 8achel, LhaL servo flnally cllcked."
?ou ever reallze how some glrls are mosL beauLlful when
Lhey're angry? And some glrls are mosL beauLlful when
Lhey're sad? lor some, lL's when Lhey're sleeplng. Cr
laughlng. Cr rlghL on Lhe preclplce of a mlnd-blowlng orgasm.
lor 1alla, lL's when she's happy. And aL LhaL momenL, she
was Lhe mosL beauLlful she'd ever been. l found myself
gazlng lnLo Lhe Lwo mosL hypnoLlc eyes on Lhe planeL. Palf
korean, half Colomblan-and nowhere was 1alla's sLrlklng
exoLlclsm more dramaLlc Lhan ln her eyes.
And she's so preLLy! uon'L you Lhlnk?"
l [usL nodded, no, 1alla, l Lhlnk she's qotqeoos. l Lhlnk
you're boLh gorgeous. And l Lhlnk you're even more gorgeous
when you're LogeLher."
She blushed and looked away-dropplng her gaze Lo Lhe
lron bar LenLlng my shorLs.
?ou know," she whlspered, l felL klnda bad abouL Lhls
mornlng, leavlng you all horny and unaLLended afLer we puL
on LhaL show for you ln Lhe car. We hadn'L planned lL or
anyLhlng, and afLerwards l [usL felL llke lL had been unfalr Lo
?ou don'L have Lo feel bad, 1al, you're ln a relaLlonshlp.
8esldes, waLchlng Lwo hoL glrls go aL lL ls llke every guy's
1alla meL my eyes agaln, Lhls Llme wlLh a naughLy
gllmmer. She ralsed her flngers Lo my chesL and absenL-
mlndedly Lraced a paLLern across my bare skln.
1he Lhlng ls, l don'L wanL Lo [usL be your fanLasy, lan. ?ou
mean more Lo me Lhan LhaL."
wbete wos sbe qoloq wltb tbls?
1alla, l don'L Lhlnk 8achel-
8achel sald lL would be okay."
My head spun when she sald LhaL. l felL her hand sllde
lower, beneaLh my walsLband, down my Lhlgh-dangerously
close Lo my hardness.
She sald WPA1 would be okay?"
1alla dropped her volce back down Lo a whlsper: AfLer
we goL here, she and l Lalked abouL whaL had happened ln
Lhe car-how lL goL us boLh really, really hoL showlng off for
you llke LhaL. l Lold her, when we were dolng lL, l had klnd of
fanLaslzed abouL you [olnlng ln wlLh us, and she sald LhaL by
waLchlng, she felL llke you already sorL of were."
As she spoke, her flngers swlrled up lnLo my publc halr.
She pressed Lhe enLlreLy of her body agalnsL mlne-her legs
agalnsL my legs, her chesL agalnsL my chesL, her llps agalnsL
my neck.
She's noL lnLeresLed ln acLually Joloq sLuff wlLh you, buL
slnce we agreed LhaL you were already klnd of lnvolved
anyway, and slnce lL was unfalr LhaL we'd lefL you all horny
and hard wlLh no rellef, and slnce l really, really wanLed Lo,
8achel sald lL would be okay lf l Look care of you. !usL Lhls
!usL Lhls once?"
?eah." Per hand closed around my shafL. 1o flnlsh whaL
we sLarLed Lhls afLernoon."
SomeLhlng lnslde me snapped. l wenL on auLoplloL,
ruLhlessly klsslng her whlle she [acked me off beneaLh my
shorLs. When she flnally pulled her llps away Lo caLch her
breaLh, 1alla was grlnnlng from ear Lo ear. l couldn'L help buL
smlle back.
My hands lmmedlaLely found her LlLs, playfully kneadlng
Lhem Lhrough LhaL uber-sexy Lorn shlrL.
Mmm. ?ou llke my shlrL?" she breaLhed beLween klsses.
noL really," l answered, and yanked lL over her head.
l plcked her up and planLed her buLL down onLo Lhe
klLchen counLer, puLLlng her bare chesL aL mouLh level-Lhen
l dove lnLo her cleavage, llcklng and squeezlng Lo my hearL's
conLenL. 1alla Lhrew her head back and slghed ln pleasure as
my Longue Lraced a llne from one proud, perky nlpple Lo Lhe
A bulldlng, prlmal hunger snapped 1alla from her reverle,
and she pushed me away, dark eyes sLarlng aL me wlLh a
sudden, smolderlng lnLenslLy. She hopped off Lhe counLer,
dropped Lo her knees, pulled down my shorLs, and
lmpaLlenLly sLuffed my naked hardness lnLo her mouLh.
1hls glrl wasn'L wasLlng any Llme Lrylng Lo bulld my
appeLlLe, she was golng rlghL for Lhe maln course. 1alla's
head bobbed up and down on my pole ln a rapld rhyLhm, her
hungry moans vlbraLlng Lhrough my shafL as she slurped and
sucked wlLh pouLy young llps. AfLer Lhe day l'd had, Lhls was
exacLly whaL l needed.
l was ouL of Lhls world wlLh pleasure-already geLLlng
close-buL Lhen l Look anoLher look aL Lhose dark,
lnLoxlcaLlng eyes of hers and suddenly l knew a blow[ob [usL
wasn'L gonna be enough. l prled her eager mouLh off me and
holsLed Lhe glrl Lo her feeL.
1alla read Lhe lusL ln my eyes. Saw my lnLenslons, plaln as
day. CbedlenLly, she sllpped her sLreLchy llLLle shorLs down
off her hlps and sLepped ouL of Lhem, LoLally naked. l drank ln
one lasL look aL her breasLs, one lasL look aL her eyes-
1hen l spun her around, benL her over Lhe klLchen slnk,
and slld my enLlre lengLh lnslde her hoL, weL cunL.
1alla was so uLLerly aroused LhaL l meL almosL no
reslsLance unLll her beauLlful, hearL-shaped ass was presslng
snugly agalnsL me. l wlLhdrew, Lhen pushed myself back
lnslde. 1hen agaln. And agaln.
Parder," 1alla whlspered.
l was only Loo happy Lo obllge.
Parder," she urged.
l braced my hands on Lhe counLer and fucked her harder.
1alla reached ouL and grabbed hold of Lhe fauceL Lo sLeady
herself, her knuckles Lurnlng whlLe-
Parder," she whlmpered, eyes glazlng over ln ecsLasy.
l sLood up on my Loes Lo geL a beLLer angle of aLLack, Lhen
plunged back lnLo 1alla wlLh everyLhlng l had. Per ass clapped
loudly agalnsL my pelvls wlLh every LhrusL.
1haL flnally dld Lhe Lrlck, and l felL every muscle ln her
body Lense around me as she came. Per chesL dropped llmp
Lo Lhe klLchen counLer, large breasLs splashlng agalnsL Lhe
cold surface-
l choked ouL a cry as l empLled myself lnslde her, spurL
afLer spurL.
Cnce our orgasms had worn off, 1alla and l dldn'L have
much lefL Lo say Lo each oLher LhaL nlghL. We wlped off Lhe
evldence, and she gave me a hug and a klss goodnlghL-sLlll
sLark naked-Lhen l waLched her bare ass sashay across Lhe
llvlng room as she reLlred Lo bed for Lhe nlghL.

Slmon and SLephanle were sLlll audlbly maklng ouL ln Lhe
oLher room when l goL back lnLo my own bed beLween Amy
and LllzabeLh. l dldn'L llke hearlng lL, buL aL leasL l was flnally
exhausLed enough Lo fall asleep.

l dldn'L wake up unLll Lwo ln Lhe afLernoon.
8uL desplLe sleeplng ln, l was sLlll [usL half awake when l
sLumbled lnLo Lhe llvlng room and greeLed everyone: Slmon
on Lhe couch, 1alla dolng her nalls, 8achel glvlng 1alla a
backrub, SLephanle, Llz, and Amy cooklng breakfasL LogeLher.
My barely-funcLlonlng braln senL a message Lo my barely
funcLlonlng mouLh, and l mumbled, Where's Corrlne?"
1he cabln wenL quleL. lor a second, l couldn'L flgure ouL
why everyone was looklng aL me llke LhaL-
Ob sblt, tbots tlqbt.
Sorry," l muLLered, Lhen l sLumbled lnLo Lhe klLchen Lo
make some good, sLrong coffee.
l wasn'L exacLly sure how Lo acL around 1alla. LasL nlghL,
she had Lold me LhaL we'd had 8achel's blesslng Lo fool
around, buL Loday 1alla was behavlng as Lhough noLhlng had
even happened. l dldn'L know whaL Lo make of LhaL-was she
keeplng lL a secreL from 8achel? lrom Lhe oLhers? 1alla was
dolng such a good [ob of playlng lL cool abouL our LrysL LhaL l
brlefly wondered lf l had acLually [usL dreamed Lhe whole
A few hours laLer, we all Look advanLage of a brlef lull ln
Lhe raln Lo Lake a hlke ln Lhe foresL. lL was preLLy muddy ouL,
buL ln a way LhaL acLually added Lo Lhe fun. l made a polnL of
geLLlng 1alla alone for a mlnuLe Lo ask her abouL our
slLuaLlon" whlle Lhe oLhers moved on ahead. l wanLed Lo
make sure 8achel really was okay wlLh Lhe facL LhaL we'd
fucked ln her famlly's klLchen. And, more lmporLanLly, l
wanLed Lo conflrm LhaL lL had acLually happened.
?es, lan, lL really happened," 1alla laughed. And yes,
8achel knows. 8uL she sald she'd raLher we noL Lell everyone
else abouL lL, lf LhaL's okay wlLh you. She doesn'L wanL people
geLLlng all welrd and maklng assumpLlons and sLuff."
8lghL," l nodded, As long as she-
1he sound of nearby screamlng cuL off Lhe resL of my
senLence. 1alla and l Look off runnlng up Lhe muddy hlll
Lowards our frlends.
Amy, SLephanle, 8achel, and Slmon charged down
Lowards us ln a screamlng mob, runnlng for Lhelr llves, Lhelr
arms flalllng spasLlcally ln self-defense.
WhaL happened?!" 1alla shouLed.
8ee hlve!" Slmon yelled back.
Suddenly, a Lerrlble LhoughL LwlsLed my guLs: Where's
1he oLhers all looked amongsL Lhemselves as Lhey ran,
surprlsed Lo see LhaL she wasn'L wlLh Lhem. wby wosot sbe
tbete? l'm rarely one Lo panlc, buL aL LhaL mlnuLe all l could
Lhlnk abouL was Lhe Llme my Lhlrd grade Leacher goL sLung by
a bee on a fleld Lrlp and almosL dled from an allerglc reacLlon.
l grabbed SLephanle by Lhe arm-
ls she allerglc?"
SLephanle wenL whlLe aL my quesLlon. l-l don'L know!"
l bolLed up Lhe hlll shouLlng Llz's name, followlng Lhe
sounds of her screams.
l found her backed up agalnsL a rock formaLlon, wlLh
nowhere Lo run from Lhe angry swarm, afrald Lo move. 1hen l
felL Lhe flrsL sLlng.
noL reallzlng lL, l had charged rlghL lnLo Lhe mlddle of
l grabbed Llz, shaklng her ouL of her panlc, and pulled her
down Lhe hlll wlLh me as fasL as l could, unLll l was confldenL
we were LoLally safe from Lhe llLLle basLards.
Llke Lhe flnal scare ln a horror movle, one of Lhem had
been hldlng ln my shlrL [usL Lo fuck wlLh me when l LhoughL lL
was all over.
Lucklly, nobody was allerglc Lo bees. And, all sald, Lhe
damage wasn'L nearly as bad as lL should have been. As Lhe
person who'd acLually dlsLurbed Lhe hlve, Slmon goL lL worse
Lhan anybody wlLh elghL sLlngs. 1hen came me, wlLh flve
sLlngs, and Lhen Llz, who'd somehow survlved Lhe ordeal wlLh
only Lhree. 1he oLher glrls had escaped mlraculously
We all Look off our shlrLs whlle our frlends pulled ouL Lhe
sLlngers. lL was Lhe one and only Llme ln hlsLory when l saw
LllzabeLh ln her bra and dldn'L geL an lnsLanL hard-on. Soon
as we had all calmed down, everyone sLarLed [oklng abouL
how Llz had been rescued from Lhe bees by her rlnce
Charmlng," a commenL she responded Lo by glvlng me a blg,
saLlsfylng klss on Lhe llps.
l whlspered Lo her LhaL she'd [usL made Lhe whole Lhlng
worLh lL.
SLephanle drove Lo Lhe sLore and goL us some olnLmenL Lo
help wlLh Lhe lrrlLaLlon, buL honesLly lL dldn'L help me nearly
as much as LllzabeLh's klss. 1haL klss had lefL me wlLh a good
mood LhaL no amounL of lLchlng could dampen.
Llz and l had klssed loLs of Llmes ln Lhe pasL-new ?ears
Lve, valenLlne's uay, and Lhe handful of Llmes she and
SLephanle had shared me ln bed LogeLher-buL Lhere was
someLhlng dlfferenL abouL Lhe klss she gave me LhaL
afLernoon. l'd never felL LhaL way afLer a klss before. lL was
llke-l don'L know-lL was llke-glve me a sec-lL felL-
lL [usL felL rlghL." l guess LhaL probably sounds lame, buL
lL's Lhe mosL real way l can descrlbe lL. lL felL rlghL, ln Lhe klnd
of way LhaL very few Lhlngs ln llfe ever do. l began Lo
daydream, enLerLalnlng LhoughLs of romanLlc nlghLs wlLh her
on a blankeL, looklng up aL Lhe sLars-
8uL l was belng sLupld agaln, wasn'L l? All l felL was Lhe
adrenallne from our recenL exclLemenL. l was [usL dolng whaL
l always dld, geLLlng all exclLed over noLhlng. So l'd helped Llz
geL away from a couple bees-lL's noL llke l'd slaln a dragon
for Lhe glrl. lL dldn'L change anyLhlng.
We were sLlll [usL frlends.

noneLheless, LllzabeLh hung on my arm for Lhe resL of Lhe
day, and l felL preLLy damn herolc. 1here was someLhlng
lncredlbly comforLlng abouL her presence LhaL always puL me
ln a happy place. 1haL evenlng, when our group saL around
Lhe llvlng room Lelllng [okes, LllzabeLh's sofL, curvaceous
body sLreLched ouL beslde me on Lhe couch, and as we lay
Lhere spoonlng, l became palnfully aware of [usL how much l
had mlssed belng lnLlmaLe wlLh Lhe glrl.
8uL l knew LhaL Llz's close frlendshlp wlLh SLephanle
meanL LhaL she and l couldn'L be LogeLher ln any capaclLy.
She had Lold me as much, several Llmes. And l haLed lL. lL was
LoLally bogus, and unfalr, and-
LllzabeLh's full, [ulcy buLLocks wlggled agalnsL my croLch. l
swear l caughL her smlle aL Lhe feel of my erecLlon. l dldn'L
wanL Lo geL my hopes up, buL LhaL was very lnLeresLlng
developmenL lndeed.
1he alcohol flowed freely LhaL nlghL, and evenLually a very
Llpsy Amy asked a very Llpsy 8achel, So, 8achel-?ou're a
lesblan, rlghL? Well l've always wondered, noL counLlng 1alla,
whlch one of us do you Lhlnk ls Lhe mosL hoLLesL?"
Sober, 8achel probably wouldn'L have answered such an
obvlously loaded quesLlon. 8uL wlLh a llLLle blL of alcohol ln
her, she felL no heslLaLlon ln mumbllng, LllzabeLh! Sorry
glrls, lL's deflnlLely LllzabeLh. l llke her boobles."
She bursL ouL laughlng aL her use of Lhe word boobles."
More Lrouble Lhan Lhey're worLh," LllzabeLh blushed.
no, buL serlously! l wlsh l had boobles llke Lhose! l'm
only a couple lnches shorLer Lhan you and look aL Lhe
8achel cupped her own modesL breasL wlLh one hand,
Lhen reached ouL and brazenly cupped one of LllzabeLh's
masslve LlLs wlLh her oLher. l shoL 8achel a susplclous
?ou [usL dld LhaL as an excuse Lo feel Llz up, dldn'L you?"
All ln Lhe name of sclence!"
1hen, and l forgeL who lL was-probably SLephanle-buL
one of Lhe glrls suggesLed LhaL Lhe besL way Lo compare
would be for 8achel Lo puL on LllzabeLh's bra. We all laughed
aL Lhe ldea, so Llz sLrlpped off her huge bra from under her
Lank Lop and handed lL Lo 8achel. ln Lhe name of sclence.
l was Loo buzzed Lo even conslder belng a genLleman
whlle all Lhls was golng on, and openly ogled Lhe slghL of Llz's
hooLers swlnglng unresLralned beneaLh her shlrL.
8achel snapped on Lhe bra and Lhen peeled of her Lop-
reveallng Lhe hllarlous dlsparlLy beLween her nlce, perky
boobs and Lhe enormous, pracLlcally empLy bra cups coverlng
Lhem. l caughL a fleeLlng gllmpse of a rosy llLLle nlpple above
Lhe Lop of Lhe borrowed bra before 8achel read[usLed
8achel asked lf Lhe resL of us had flve or slx palrs of socks
Lo spare for paddlng.
WhaL l wanna see now," l [oked, ls LllzabeLh wearlng
one of 8achel's bras." 1haL earned me a dlsmlsslve nudge ln
Lhe rlbs from my volupLuous snuggle buddy, buL everybody
else cheered Lhe ldea. LllzabeLh Lurned deep red.
roblem ls, l don'L really wear bras," 8achel answered.
8eLLer sLlll!"
l goL anoLher elbow for LhaL.
8uL l guess she could wear Lhe shlrL l sleep ln. 1haL would
look preLLy funny."
My cock LwlLched agalnsL LllzabeLh's sofL ass and she
polnLedly rolled her eyes. Ckay," Llz slghed, 8uL l'm noL
gonna be Lhe only one. Lverybody has Lo wear somebody
else's bra and underwear for Lhe resL of Lhe nlghL!"
WlLh Lhe warm glow of alcohol ln our blood, everyone
agreed Lo Lhe ldea, and we spllL off Lo our rooms Lo change. l
dldn'L flgure LhaL lL would be a blg deal wearlng a palr of
Slmon's shorLs-he was only a Llny blL shorLer and Lhlnner
Lhan l was. 8uL l frowned when he reached lnLo hls sulLcase
and pulled ouL a clean palr of LlghLle-whlLeys.
uude, don'L you have any boxers?"
Slmon shrugged. lL wouldn'L have really maLLered Lo me,
excepL LhaL hls underwear, already preLLy snug on hlm, was
8LALL? LlghL on me. So, whlle Slmon goL Lo en[oy Lhe comforL
and modesLy of my baggy coLLon shorLs, l dld my besL noL Lo
feel self-consclous ln a palr of whlLe nylon brlefs LhaL clung Lo
my package llke a second skln. l knew LhaL lf l goL a hard-on-
enLlrely posslble under Lhe clrcumsLances-my dlck would
poke ouL up above Lhe walsLband ln full vlew of everyone.
wbotevet. Showlng a llLLle blL of skln was Lhe polnL of Lhls
whole Lhlng, anyway, and mosL of my frlends had already
seen me ln Lhe buff. Long as Slmon behaved llke a good bro
and kepL hls eyes on Lhe women, l wasn'L worrled.
1alla was wearlng Amy's whlLe bra and underwear when
we reLurned Lo Lhe llvlng room. 1hough Lhe Lwo of Lhem
weren'L Lerrlbly dlfferenL ln Lhelr proporLlons, lL was sLlll
novel seelng my sensuous, exoLlc frlend's almosL naked body
fllllng ouL Lhe maLerlal of anoLher glrl's mosL lnLlmaLe
apparel. 1alla had sllpped Lhe bra sLraps off her shoulders, so
LhaL Lhe Lops of her subsLanLlal breasLs were bulglng ouL,
nearly spllllng over.
8achel was sLlll wearlng LllzabeLh's 34uu bra, buL she had
sLuffed Lhe cups full of socks. WlLh her Llny frame, 8achel
looked carLoonlshly Lop-heavy, prompLlng a laugh from boLh
Slmon and l. She had also puL on a seml-LransparenL palr of
Llz's underwear, whlch clearly showed Lhe llghL brown curls
of her bush.
Amy had donned SLephanle's blg yellow bra, and Lhough
her generously-slzed LlLs weren'L exacLly swlmmlng ln Lhe
empLy cups, Lhere was sLlll plenLy of room for Lhem Lo
bounce and [lggle when she laughed. SLeph's red lace panLles
flL Amy surprlslngly well, glven Lhelr radlcally dlfferenL body
Lypes. l guess SLephanle's shapely hlps sLreLched LhaL fabrlc
almosL Lhe exacL same amounL as Amy's proudly promlnenL
ass. 1he brlghL red and yellow color comblnaLlon of SLeph's
underwear only furLher emphaslzed Lhe flery lnLenslLy of
Amy's halr.
When SLephanle sLruLLed ouL nexL, her golden halr
shlmmerlng above 1alla's black bra, my [aw lnsLanLly hlL Lhe
floor. 1alla's LlLs were a full Lwo cup slzes smaller Lhan
SLephanle's, meanlng Lhe already dellcaLe lace bra uLLerly
falled Lo supporL Lhose huge, plnk melons. A landscape of
naked flesh squeezed ouL around Lhe fabrlc ln all dlrecLlons.
As she sLrolled Lowards me, SLeph's eyes darLed brlefly
down Lowards Lhe already granlLe-hard erecLlon LhreaLenlng
Lo rlp Lhrough my borrowed underwear. l waLched [ealously
as SLephanle kepL walklng, pasL me, reveallng one of 1alla's
black g-sLrlngs dlsappearlng up her perky round buLL, and
plopped down wlLh saLlsfacLlon onLo Slmon's lap. 1he poor
guy leL ouL an audlble moan as hls glrlfrlend's sexlly nude
derrlere snuggled up agalnsL hls cock.
8uL, sexy as SLephanle looked ln 1alla's underslzed bra, for
my money she was overshadowed by LllzabeLh. Cnce
consldered Lhe shy, lnnocenL one" of Lhe group, Llz was
anyLhlng buL when she flnally emerged from 8achel's
bedroom wearlng 8achel's cloLhes. 1he Llny, sllver blklnl
panLles she had on [usL barely covered her publc halr, and
covered even less of her volupLuous ass.
1hen Lhere was Lhe shlrL. Ch, LhaL evll llLLle shlrL. Cn
LllzabeLh's amazlngly sLacked chesL, 8achel's peLlLe purple
shlrL was sLreLched Lo Lhe physlcal llmlL. 1he Lhln maLerlal
hugged agalnsL her body more closely Lhan any weL L-shlrL
conLesL l had ever seen, and every yummy deLall of her blg,
erecL nlpples was blaLanLly sLarlng me ln Lhe face. 1he shlrL
Lrled ln valn Lo cover Lhe awesome clrcumference of her
bosom, falllng so mlserably LhaL Lhe under-curve of each
breasL was plalnly vlslble.
SLephanle made a polnL of closlng Slmon's mouLh for hlm.
8eneaLh Lhe Lease of LhaL shlrL, LllzabeLh's LlLs looked so
greaL LhaL l Loo leL ouL an audlble moan, [usL from Lhe vlsual
sLlmulaLlon. 1hey bounced wlLh every confldenL sLep Llz Look
Lowards me-unLll my cock was so unbellevably fucklng hard
LhaL Lhe head swelled lnLo vlew above Lhe walsLband of my
borrowed brlefs.
As she saL her sexy body down on Lhe couch beslde me, l
reflecLed LhaL lL wasn'L [usL Lhe ouLflL LhaL made LllzabeLh
look so hoL. lL was her confldence. 1hough usually self-
consclous abouL her beauLlful curves, LhaL nlghL she held her
head hlgh and showed off her body wlLh prlde. l don'L know
whaL prompLed Lhe change ln Llz, be lL Lhe alcohol, or Lhe ego
boosL of belng selecLed by 8achel as Lhe hoLLesL glrl ln Lhe
group, buL damn lf a blL of self-assurance dldn'L look good on
LhaL glrl.
lL Look every ounce of my wlllpower Lo keep my hands off
her LlLs.
1he alr ln Lhe room was saLuraLed wlLh an eroLlc charge.
1hough we kepL up Lhe faade LhaL we were [usL belng sllly"
for abouL an hour or so, we all knew Lhe real reasons we had
declded Lo sLrlp down Lo each oLher's underwear. 1he glrls
wanLed an excuse Lo see Lhe boys naked, Lhe boys (and
8achel) wanLed and excuse Lo see Lhe glrls naked, and 1alla
wanLed an excuse Lo see everyone naked.
lL was Amy who sLarLed maklng Lhlngs more lnLeresLlng.
uesperaLe Lo prove she could ouL-drlnk all of us, she had
Lhrown down abouL Lhree Llmes as much booze as anyone
else. When she flnally kllled Lhe Lequlla, Amy slammed lL
vlcLorlously down on Lhe carpeL. l goL an ldea!" she shouLed.
LeL's play spln-Lhe-boLLle!"
Amy was so wasLed aL LhaL polnL, lL sounded more llke she
sald, 8eshaplaysplnnadeeboLLo!" 8uL we sLlll goL whaL she
meanL. SLephanle hopped off Slmon's lap-reveallng an
obvlous LenL ln hls boxers-and we all saL ln a clrcle on Lhe
floor. Amy Look lL upon herself Lo go flrsL, and gave Lhe
empLy boLLle a spln, cheerlng drunkenly when lL came Lo a
sLop polnLlng aL Slmon.
?es! A boy! Score!" She crawled drunkenly over Lo her
helpless vlcLlm, who glanced uncomforLably aL SLephanle, as
lf asklng for her permlsslon. Amy grabbed hold of Slmon's
face and LwlsLed hlm away from hls glrlfrlend-Lhen klssed
Lhe guy slopplly on Lhe mouLh. AfLer a spllL-second of gullLy
panlc, Slmon relaxed and [usL wenL wlLh lL, closlng hls eyes ln
pleasure as he reLurned Lhe felsLy redhead's hungry klsses.
WlLhouL warnlng, Amy suddenly grabbed hold of Slmon's
hands and pressed Lhem Lo her breasLs, leLLlng ouL a moan.
Slmon froze up, hls panlc reLurnlng, unLll Amy broke Lhelr llp
lock long enough Lo drawl ouL, lL's noL cheaLlng when
Lhey're lnslde your glrlfrlend's bra, dumbass!"
1he enLlre room bursL lnLo laughLer aL her ludlcrous,
drunken loglc. Lven Slmon was laughlng so hard LhaL Amy
couldn'L geL hlm Lo klss her agaln afLer LhaL. lrusLraLed, she
dropped her face down Lo hls bare chesL-
WhaLever, l'll [usL klss your muscles. Mmm, l love
She hungrlly llcked and klssed her way across Slmon's
Loned slx-pack, down pasL hls bellybuLLon and Lowards hls-
Ckay!" SLephanle cuL ln, sLlll laughlng as she pulled her
barely cogenL frlend off her man's body. l Lhlnk LhaL's far
enough, Amy! l goLLa draw Lhe llne somewhere."
8uL l need a wleoet." Amy whlned.
Slmon spun Lhe boLLle nexL, and l felL Lhe LlnlesL pang of
frusLraLlon when lL came Lo a sLop on LllzabeLh. 8oLh of Lhem
blushed nervously as Slmon scooLed over Lowards Lhe glrl,
unable Lo Lake hls eyes off her awesome LlLs. nelLher
parLlclpanL was nearly so advenLurous (or drunk) as Amy had
been, and afLer a Llmld peck on Lhe llps, Lhey boLh reLreaLed
back Lo Lhelr spoLs llke scared klLLens.
Cn LllzabeLh's Lurn, Lhe boLLle sLopped ln fronL of 8achel.
1he purple-halred lesblan couldn'L conLaln her exclLemenL as
Llz crawled cauLlously Lowards her. lmpaLlenL, 8achel closed
Lhe lasL few feeL of dlsLance herself, Lhrowlng her arms
around Llz's neck as she pracLlcally leapL lnLo her klss.
Llz broke away, caughL off guard, buL 8achel [usL placed
her flnger beneaLh Lhe oLher glrl's chln and llfLed her mouLh
back lnLo poslLlon for more klsslng.
When 8achel had flnally had her flll, she slumped back
lnLo her spoL beslde 1alla and shlvered wlLh arousal. 1hank
you, LllzabeLh," she slghed. 1haL was really nlce. And for Lhe
record, l Lhlnk we can all agree LhaL your boobles look super
fucklng hoL ln my shlrL. ?ou can keep lL."
LllzabeLh muLLered ouL a qulck Lhanks, noL enLlrely sure
whaL else Lo say ln Lhe slLuaLlon.
8achel gave Lhe boLLle a good spln, urgenLly whlsperlng,
Come on, no boys, no boys, no boys."
lL landed on me.
uammlL! l had Lwo-Lo-one odds and l sLlll losL!"
l rolled my eyes. Wow, Lhanks, 8achel."
Ch, whaLever, llke ?Cu would wanL Lo klss a boy. uo l
have Lo?"
Lveryone agreed LhaL she dld have Lo, buL l helpfully
suggesLed an alLernaLlve: Look, lf you'd raLher, you could
klss me llke how Amy was dolng Lo Slmon over Lhere."
8achel consldered for a second, Lhen, wlLh a shrug, she
crawled over Lowards me and lowered her mouLh Lo my
l felL a surprlslngly sLrong [olL of arousal as she slld her
Longue across my sLomach. l'd expecLed lL Lo Llckle a blL,
1haL acLually feels really, really good," l muLLered.
1he poslLlve re-enforcemenL musL have goLLen Lhrough Lo
8achel, because she lmmedlaLely goL way more lnLo whaL she
was dolng, pepperlng ln sweeL klsses Lo my abdomen
beLween llcks. 1he head of my swollen cock peeked back ouL
above Lhe Lop of my walsLband, and 8achel lmmedlaLely
sLopped whaL she was dolng, sLarlng aL Lhe Lhlng llke lL was a
MarLlan or someLhlng. l don'L Lhlnk she had ever been so
close Lo a man's penls before.
l'll Lake 1PA1 as my cue Lo leave," she [oked, and
reLurned Lo 1alla's slde. 1alla ralsed her hand for a
celebraLory hlgh flve:
up here, glrl, you goL hlm hard!"
l gave Lhe boLLle a spln, and lL came Lo a sLop polnLlng
dlrecLly aL SLephanle's croLch. Cur eyes meL, and l suddenly
felL very anxlous abouL whaL we were supposed Lo do.
LxcepLlng 8achel, l had been lnLlmaLe wlLh every slngle glrl ln
LhaL room-yeL wlLh SLephanle l sLlll felL llke Lhlngs were
welrd. l wlshed l could [usL klss Lhe glrl and en[oy lL for whaL lL
was. Why dld Lhlngs have Lo be welrd?!
And Lhen, all of a sudden, lL dawned on me: tbey JlJot. lL
was all ln my head. SLephanle was an unbellevably gorgeous
woman, and a fun-lovlng, loyal frlend. And LhaL was all she
needed Lo be. 1here was no reason aL all why we shouldn'L
boLh en[oy Lhls klss.
And l knew exacLly how l wanLed her Lo en[oy lL.
Pey SLeph, l'm gonna klss you Lhe same way 8achel [usL
klssed me, cool?"
l Lhlnk she musL have sense Lhe casual ease ln my volce,
because SLephanle vlslbly relaxed when l sald LhaL. As l
crawled across Lhe clrcle Lowards Lhe sLunnlng blonde, she
smlled ln anLlclpaLlon, and recllned on her elbows Lo granL
me easler access Lo her smooLh bare mldrlff.
Lver so slowly, l lowered my mouLh Lo her sLomach and
Leased her wlLh my Longue. l klssed around her bellybuLLon,
Lhen breaLhed a genLle gusL of hoL alr across her skln, causlng
her Lo Lremble ever so sllghLly. l glanced up a few lnches, aL
Lhe enormous plnk breasLs bulglng ouL around Lhe cups of
her borrowed black bra.
l foughL back Lhe urge Lo reach up and squeeze Lhem.
SLephanle's hlps began Lo wrlLhe beneaLh me, and l
forcefully held Lhem sLlll wlLh my hands as l conLlnued llcklng
her beauLlful belly. My llcklng became harder and hungrler,
Lurnlng me on as much as lL dld her-
8uL l kepL myself ln check. !usL as she was really geLLlng
lnLo Lhe sensaLlon, l dlaled down Lhe lnLenslLy. l pulled my
mouLh off of her body and crawled a few more lnches,
glanclng brlefly down aL her huge LlLs as Lhey passed beneaLh
my chln, unLll our faces were level wlLh each oLher. l gave
SLephanle a frlendly klss on Lhe llps and smlled.
She smlled back. AL LhaL momenL, as Lhe Lwo of us looked
each oLher ln Lhe eye, we boLh sllenLly acknowledged LhaL we
were cool agaln. lL was llke a Len Lhousand pound welghL had
been llfLed off our shoulders.
SLephanle spun Lhe boLLle and goL 1alla. 1he exoLlc
blsexual beauLy llcked her llps expecLanLly, buL SLephanle
sald she wanLed Lo Lry ouL Lhe sLomach llcklng Lhlng" as
nlneLy lnLense seconds laLer, 1alla was grlpplng
SLephanle's curly blonde halr and gasplng for alr as LhaL same
sllly sLomach llcklng Lhlng" almosL broughL her Lo orgasm.
1alla's beauLlful eyes closed ln pleasure and she panLed, Ch
fuck. oh fuck, LhaL's maklng me so horny."
SLomach llcklng. Who knew? ln our defense, we had all
been preLLy horny Lo begln wlLh.
1alla wenL Lo spln for her Lurn, only Lo dlscover LhaL Amy
had passed ouL on Lhe couch. Slnce we had all already goLLen
some acLlon, and slnce Lhe Lwo couples were clearly eager Lo
reLlre Lo Lhelr bedrooms for some prlvacy, we declded Lo call
lL a nlghL.
8efore headlng up Lo our bedroom, LllzabeLh and l made
Amy as comforLable as posslble on Lhe couch, knowlng LhaL
she would be feellng llke absoluLe, hammered hell come

Cnce we were alone LogeLher, LllzabeLh and l goL very
We were boLh lmposslbly aroused-LhaL much was
obvlous from my unwaverlng erecLlon and Lhe blg, promlnenL
nlpples denLlng her mlnlscule shlrL. 8uL l wasn'L sure lf
LllzabeLh sLlll consldered me off-llmlLs" because of her
frlendshlp wlLh SLephanle. 1he whole day, from Lhose awful
bee sLlngs Lo Lhls very momenL, Llz had been acLlng much
more openly affecLlonaLe wlLh me Lhan she had ln weeks.
Maybe she had changed her mlnd.
Cod knows, l wanLed her. l couldn'L Lake my eyes off her
hoL, lusclous LlLs.
l flgured from Llz's sllence LhaL slmllar concerns were
runnlng Lhrough her head as well. noL knowlng how Lo break
Lhrough Lhe wall of sexual Lenslon beLween us, we boLh
walked lnLo Lhe baLhroom Lo brush our LeeLh for Lhe nlghL.
1hlngs sLarLed lnnocenLly enough.
l found myself consLanLly dlsLracLed by Lhe hypnoLlc way
Llz's bosom swung back and forLh from Lhe brushlng moLlon.
As a resulL, Lhe glrl flnlshed well before l dld. When l wenL Lo
rlnse ouL my mouLh, she was already on her way ouL Lhe
door, unconsclously swlLchlng off Lhe baLhroom llghL as she
Llz!" l whlspered.
Sorry, force of hablL."
She spun around Lo Lurn Lhe llghLs back on, buL her hand
froze a cenLlmeLer from Lhe swlLch. l followed her gaze back
over my shoulder-
1o Lhe door leadlng Lo Slmon and SLephanle's room.
1hanks Lo Lhe sudden darkness, Llz and l could clearly see
Lhrough Lhe horlzonLal sllLs cuL lnLo LhaL door, lnLo Lhe llghL
of Lhe oLher bedroom. SLephanle and her man lay slde-by-
slde on Lhe bed, a [umble of llmbs, maklng ouL.
1hanks Lo Lhe alcohol, Lhelr lnhlblLlons were lowered.
1hanks Lo LhaL eroLlc game of spln-Lhe-boLLle, Lhey were
poslLlvely on flre.
And, Lhanks Lo Llz's suggesLlon LhaL we all swlLch
underwear, Lhey were boLh pracLlcally naked.
8rlefly, l felL Lhe same flash of [ealousy LhaL had soured
my mood lasL nlghL, buL lL faded lnLo noLhlngness beneaLh
my growlng exclLemenL. l couldn'L brlng myself Lo look away.
SLephanle Lore her llps away from Slmon's and blL down
hard on hls muscular shoulder, maklng Lhe guy's LeeLh
chaLLer exclLedly. Pe lmpaLlenLly pulled her hand Lowards hls
croLch, buL SLeph yanked lL away.
Coh, are you horny?" she Leased, Lraclng her flngernalls
along Lhe boLLom edge of hls borrowed underwear.
ln my perlpheral vlslon, l spoLLed LllzabeLh beslde me,
peeklng naughLlly aL Lhe Lwo young lovers. WlLh Lhe
baLhroom llghLs ouL, Lhere was no way Lhey could see us
waLchlng Lhem, even lf Lhey weren'L drunk and dlsLracLed.
Slmon was breaLhlng fasL. SLephanle moved her hand Lo
hls cock, whlch swelled beneaLh Lhe boxers l had lenL hlm. A
Leaspoon of pre-cum darkened Lhe maLerlal. Pe groaned:
l've never been so horny! ?ou and your frlends are
maklng me lnsane!"
So. you Lhlnk my frlends are hoL?"
SLephanle moved her hoL mouLh down Lo hls neck and
began klsslng, sofLly wrapplng her flngers around Lhe fabrlc
coverlng hls erecLlon.
1he slLuaLlon was maklng me hard beyond bellef. l
couldn'L help buL lmaglne LhaL lL was my cock ln SLephanle's
lovlng grlp, noL hls.
LllzabeLh grabbed my hand ln suspense. We exchanged a
glance ln Lhe near darkness of Lhe baLhroom, knowlng lL was
wrong Lo spy on our frlends llke Lhls, buL way Loo exclLed Lo
sLop. Somehow, lL felL less Laboo wlLh anoLher person Lhere
beslde me.
uo you llke 1alla?" SLephanle conLlnued, nlbbllng Slmon's
ear. She's so preLLy. And Amy has LhaL greaL buLL guys are
always golng on abouL. And l koow you llked seelng
Slmon sLlffened vlslbly aL Lhe menLlon of LllzabeLh.
?eah," SLeph wenL on, ?ou llked Lhe way Lhose blg LlLs
of hers looked ln LhaL Llny llLLle shlrL, dldn'L you?"
Pungry for human conLacL, l moved behlnd LllzabeLh and
draped an arm across her chesL, crushlng her breasLs and
pulllng her body agalnsL mlne. Per breaLh was ragged. My
mouLh was dry.
SLephanle slowly slld her hand up and down Lhe LenL ln
Slmon's boxers, caresslng hlm Lhrough Lhe layer of coLLon. l
LhoughL-" Slmon panLed, sLruggllng Lo form words Lhrough
Lhe fog of hls arousal, l LhoughL you dldn'L wanL us Lo Louch
each oLher llke Lhls unLll prom."
Well, l guess Lhls can be a sneak prevlew, Lhen."
SLlll sLroklng hlm, SLephanle broughL her mouLh around Lo
glve Lhe lucky boy a lusLy klss. She unsnapped 1alla's lll-flLLlng
bra and casL lL away, barlng her dellclous plnk LlLs ln all Lhelr
glory. Slmon's hands lmmedlaLely shoL up Lo Lhose breasLs
and sLarLed squeezlng Lhem llke hls llfe depended on lL.
1he slghL made my cock lurch agalnsL Lhe sofL surface of
Llz's ass. l couldn'L Lake lL anymore. l was Loo horny, and Llz's
body was Loo close Lo mlne.
l needed her.
noL even reallzlng whaL l was dolng, l dropped my llps Lo
Lhe nape of her neck and planLed a klss. 1he unexpecLed
sensaLlon Look Lhe sLrengLh from Llz's knees, and l felL her fall
back agalnsL my chesL.
l kepL klsslng her neck whlle we waLched our frlends.
Aroused by her boyfrlend's eager fondllng, SLephanle
declded Lo Lake Lhlngs a sLep furLher, and fumbled around for
hls fly. llnally, wlLh hands shaklng ln anLlclpaLlon, she worked
Slmon's long, unclrcumclsed cock ouL Lhrough Lhe openlng ln
hls boxers and sLroked Lhe senslLlve skln wlLh her palm.
All Lhe whlle, l was vaguely aware of my flngerLlps slldlng
unbldden down LllzabeLh's bare mldrlff, unLll Lhey crossed
Lhe Lhreshold of her walsLband and dlpped lnslde her soaklng
saLln panLles.
ln Lhe oLher room, SLephanle's hand became a blur on her
lover's cock. 8avenous for her body, Slmon dropped hls face
beLween her breasLs, holdlng onLo Lhem wlLh boLh hands as
he feroclously suckled her nlpples. SLeph crled ouL, her once
Leaslng smlle replaced wlLh a look of pure, anlmal lusL.
LllzabeLh shuddered as my flngers drlfLed Lhrough Lhe sofL
halr on her croLch. l could already feel Lhe heaL radlaLlng
from below. AL an agonlzlngly slow pace, l kepL movlng my
hand lower, LormenLlng poor Llz unLll she was so dlzzy wlLh
deslre LhaL her head rolled back lnLo my chesL. Cnly Lhen dld
l flnally permlL myself Lo feel Lhe full saLlsfacLlon of her hoL,
weL pussy agalnsL my hand.
l curled my mlddle flnger, sllpplng lL efforLlessly lnslde.
Mmm!" Llz moaned, before caLchlng herself and clapplng
a hand over her mouLh. Lucklly, nelLher of Lhe people ln Lhe
oLher room seemed Lo have heard her cry ouL.
SLephanle lunged forward, dropplng her open mouLh onLo
Slmon's pole. Per llps and Longue lefL hls skln shlny and
gllsLenlng as she bobbed up and down. Suddenly berefL of
her LlLs Lo suck on, Slmon rand hls hand admlrlngly along Lhe
perky ass hls glrlfrlend was wavlng ln hls face, Lhen pulled
aslde her borrowed Lhong and eased hls plnky lnLo her cunL.
l reveled ln Lhe sexy sensaLlon of Llz's hlps wlggllng
unconLrollably on my flngers as my rlghL hand rocked genLly
back and forLh, burled lnslde of her. Clanclng down, l
hardened even more aL Lhe slghL of Lhe huge, sofL breasLs
heavlng wlLh her every exclLed breaLh. My free hand shoL up
beneaLh Lhe Llny shlrL coverlng Llz's boobs and squeezed.
1hey felL AMAZlnC. Lven blgger Lhan l'd remembered. My
wanLon groplng reposlLloned Lhe absurdly LlghL shlrL unLll lL
could no longer conLaln her endowmenLs, and Lhe fabrlc
snapped up above Lhem llke an elasLlc band.
Llz's breasLs bounced freely lnLo Lhe open alr. l squeezed
her wlne-dark nlpples beLween my flngers and smlrked aL Lhe
glrl's lncreaslngly wanlng aLLempLs Lo keep quleL.
ln Lhe oLher room, SLephanle swung her supple leg up and
over Slmon's head Lo geL lnLo a 69 poslLlon. Pls naked cock
Lhrobbed harder wlLh every hearLbeaL as he leaned lnLo
SLephanle's LwaL and sLarLed llcklng. CraLeful for Lhe
aLLenLlon, she dropped her movle-sLar llps back down where
Lhey belonged.
Llz's eyes wenL wlde ln Lhe darkness. ln a slngle, sudden
movemenL, she sLabbed her hand down lnslde my brlefs and
clnched her flngers around me.
luck!" l whlspered, Lhough lL came ouL much louder Lhan
l'd lnLended.
ln Lhe oLher room, SLephanle's eyes snapped Lo Lhe
baLhroom door.
5blt, sbes ooto os! l LhoughL. 5be coot see os, bot sbe
koows wete wotcbloq.
AfLer a second, Lhe blonde's sLarLled expresslon Lurned
lnLo a naughLy smlle, and Lhen she teolly made a show of
golng afLer Slmon's cock. lor hls parL, Slmon was so focused
on rolllng hls Longue around SLephanle's croLch, he dldn'L
even noLlce Lhe change.
Safe for now, Llz sLarLed pumplng her hand ln perfecL
synch wlLh my flngers. We boLh felL Lhe wave of a masslve
orgasm cresLlng above our heads, ready Lo crash down and
obllLeraLe us-
1hen SLephanle blew my mlnd.
She pulled her mouLh off of Slmon and, keeplng her
smlllng eyes locked on Lhe door conceallng us, scooLed her
body forward unLll Lhe Llp of her lover's archlng penls plerced
Lhe Lop of her cleavage-
She was 69lng hlm wlLh an upslde-down LlLLy fuck.
LllzabeLh came lnsLanLly. My rlghL hand buzzed agalnsL
her cllL unLll she leL ouL a sLream of deep, exhausLed
ln Lhe oLher room, Slmon walled ln pleasure as SLephanle
dropped her llps Lo hls balls, drlvlng hlm pasL Lhe edge of
sanlLy. Pe Lensed hls abs and craned forward Lo re-close Lhe
dlsLance beLween hls mouLh and her cunL.
As soon as hls llps made conLacL, SLephanle exploded lnLo
orgasm, as well. Per face dropped Lo Slmon's Lhlgh, rellshlng
Lhe pulse of pleasure courslng Lhrough her as she llcked hls
Slmon came nexL, Lhrowlng hls head back lnLo Lhe plllow
and bucklng hls hlps up agalnsL hls lover's cleavage unLll he'd
flred off every lasL drop.
l could feel by balls LlghLen. Could feel my lnexorable
ln Lhe darkness of Lhe baLhroom, LllzabeLh spun Lo face
me, dropped Lo her knees, and smushed her blg, rlpe LlLs
around my achlng cock.
She pumped Lhose plllows wlLh all her mlghL, and l blew
my load ln less Lhan flve seconds. 8opes of my semen ralned
down upon Lhe damnable llLLle shlrL Llz had borrowed from
!usL as l began Lo recover, l heard SLephanle's volce
comlng from rlghL ouLslde Lhe door:
8e rlghL back, sweeLle. l'm [usL gonna clean up."
LllzabeLh and l scurrled lnLo our bed and hopped under
Lhe covers [usL as Lhe buxom blonde opened Lhe baLhroom
door and sLepped lnslde, hldlng her beauLlful bare breasLs
beneaLh a slngle slender arm. SLreaks of her lover's recenL
orgasm drlpped down her sLomach.
SLephanle shuL Lhe door behlnd her, Lhen LlpLoed lnLo our
bedroom and Lhrew Llz a playful look LhaL screamed, l coot
belleve yoo JlJ tbot!
l [usL saL Lhere, holdlng back laughLer whlle Lhe Lwo 8ll's
carrled ouL an enLlre conversaLlon vla faclal expresslons:
LllzabeLh: wbot ote yoo tolkloq oboot?
SLephanle: uoot poll tbot, l koow yoo two wete wotcbloq
Llz: 8ot-lt wos loos lJeo!
SLeph: 5ote lt wos.
Llz: lt wos oo occlJeot!
SLeph: lm qoooo qet yoo bock fot tbls, jost yoo wolt ooJ
LllzabeLh's cheeks Lurned deep red and she shrank under
her blankeLs. SLephanle leL her 8ll off wlLh an obvlously
exaggeraLed look of dlsapproval, Lhen walked back lnLo Lhe
baLhroom and shuL Lhe door.
LllzabeLh rolled on Lop of me, her breasLs sLlcky agalnsL
my chesL. We shared a long, sooLhlng klss ln Lhe darkness,
and Lhen she whlspered Lo me, 1haL was welrd."
?eah," l answered, 8uL lL was fun."
?eah, lL was. Pey lan? Whlch one of us goL you all Lurned
on [usL now? Me or SLephanle?"
?ou boLh Lurned me on. 8uL only you made me come."
She slghed, half saLlsfled wlLh my answer. She held her
Longue for a momenL, buL Lhen couldn'L help herself and
asked, Are you sLlll ln love wlLh her?"
l honesLly don'L know. lL's compllcaLed. WhaL l do know,
afLer whaL [usL happened, ls LhaL l'm flnally okay wlLh Lhe facL
LhaL she's wlLh Slmon. And LhaL was a blg sLep for me."
We lay LogeLher ln sllence for whaL felL llke an eLernlLy,
Lhen Llz asked Lhe blg quesLlon:
uo you llke me? l mean, llke a glrlfrlend? l know you llke
my boobs. And l know you llke me as a frlend, buL."
l hugged her LlghLly and LhoughL hard abouL my answer.
l'm noL sure."
Me nelLher. WhaL does LhaL mean? ls LhaL bad?
Shouldn'L we know?"
l [usL shrugged, Maybe. Cr maybe we [usL need Lo spend
some Llme alone LogeLher Lo flnd ouL. 1he Lwo of us. nobody
1enderly, l klssed her on Lhe forehead.
?ou make me happy," she whlspered.
?ou make me happy, Loo."
An hour laLer, she drlfLed off Lo sleep, her lncredlble nude
bosom rlslng and falllng aLop my chesL.
Ch man, l wooteJ us Lo be LogeLher. WanLed every day Lo
see Llz smlle and know lL was meanL for me. 8uL l dldn'L wanL
a repeaL of whaL had happened wlLh me and SLephanle a few
weeks ago. l couldn'L bear Lhe LhoughL of LllzabeLh hurLlng
me llke LhaL. Cr, even worse, of me hurLlng her.
l was supposed Lo be a smarL kld: near perfecL SA1s, rock
sLar CA, desLlned for greaLness aL unlverslLy.
So why dld l feel so goddamned sLupld?
Chapter 7 - 1he not 1ub

l awoke Lo Lhe sofL paLLer of ralndrops agalnsL Lhe cabln
roof. Snuggllng up agalnsL me was LllzabeLh, her breaLhlng
peaceful and her bare breasLs warm agalnsL my slde. 1hough
Lhe bed sheeL covered our bodles, lL had drlfLed down [usL far
enough Lo expose a hlnL of Llz's volumlnous, sllky smooLh
cleavage. 1he sllver llghL of Lhe mornlng dlffused Lhrough our
curLalns and casL a sofL glow across Lhe bed. She looked
radlanL, llke someLhlng ouL of a renalssance palnLlng.
Much as l wanLed Lo sLay ln LhaL poslLlon forever, en[oylng
Lhe presence of Llz's body, l had Lhrown down enough
alcohol Lhe prevlous nlghL Lo necesslLaLe a prompL Lrlp Lo Lhe
baLhroom. l unLangled my legs from beLween hers and snuck
ouL of bed as dellcaLely as posslble. She dldn'L wake up, [usL
made an adorable llLLle mewlng nolse.
A mlnuLe laLer, as l genLly slld back lnLo bed wlLh her, Llz
flnally bllnked awake. lor a long, happy whlle she [usL smlled
aL me, unLll a sudden, unprovoked case of modesLy colored
her cheeks. Clggllng nervously, she rolled ouL of bed, hldlng
her huge LlLs wlLh noLhlng buL her peLlLe hands. She urged
me Lo look away, buL l paLenLly refused.
She hurrledly Lhrew on her Pello klLLy baLhrobe and
clnched Lhe belL.
So," she whlspered awkwardly, l'm gonna-gonna-
Per eyes locked onLo my obvlous erecLlon sLandlng up
beneaLh Lhe bed sheeL.
Conna Lake a shower," she flnally flnlshed, Lhen she
vanlshed lnLo Lhe baLhroom and locked Lhe door.
l Look a deep breaLh, unable Lo reLlre Lhe eroLlc memorles
of Lhe nlghL before. My flngers dropped lazlly Lo my shafL,
genLly Louchlng myself Lhrough Lhe sheeL as l replayed Lhe
evenLs over and over agaln. 8y Lhe Llme l heard Lhe shower
swlLch off, l was beglnnlng Lo sweaL wlLh arousal.
LllzabeLh sLepped back lnLo Lhe room wearlng her halr up
ln a Lowel. Per damp, naked body was covered wlLh noLhlng
buL LhaL same Pello klLLy 8aLhrobe. 1he hoL waLer cllnglng Lo
her skln Lurned Lo sLeam ln Lhe cold mornlng alr. 1he look l
gave her was unmlsLakable.
Ch no you don'L," she laughed, l [usL goL cleaned up,
you need Lo puL some panLs on, MlsLer."
noLhlng was furLher from my mlnd. l pulled aslde Lhe
sheeL coverlng my nudlLy and sLalked across Lhe bedroom
Lowards her, my hard, hoL cock leadlng Lhe way. LllzabeLh's
smlle evaporaLed, and she blushed anxlously aL my approach.
She was nervous, noL sure whaL she wanLed. LasL nlghL,
we had been drlnklng, and our lnhlblLlons were down, buL
now we were LoLally sober, and she was free Lo overLhlnk Lhe
slLuaLlon lnLo Lhe nexL decade. LllzabeLh even opened her
mouLh Lo proLesL, buL as l wrapped my arms around her
curvaceous body and pulled her ln for a klss, her eyes glazed
over and Lhe words wenL unspoken.
We melLed lnLo each oLher's lusL, Longues danclng
exclLedly. Per LeeLh nlpped aL my lower llp, prompLlng my
naked hlps Lo buck hungrlly agalnsL her robe. l pulled Lhe
Lowel from her halr and casL lL aslde, leLLlng Lhose long, weL
Lresses cascade down her slender shoulders.
keeplng my llps pressed flercely agalnsL hers, l reached
beLween us and slyly unfasLened her belL. 1hen, wlLh a slngle,
sudden movemenL, l yanked open her robe and pressed my
naked body agalnsL hers.
Llz leL ouL a surprlsed gasp LhaL lmmedlaLely Lurned lnLo
an exclLed moan as she felL Lhe Lhlck head of my penls
Louchlng her bare sLomach. l luxurlaLed ln Lhe feel of her
warm, damp body and Lhe sofL, full breasLs mashlng agalnsL
l dropped Lo my knees, grabblng a qulck handful of her
buLL before proceedlng Lo sllde my Longue up Lhe lnsldes of
her smooLh Lhlghs. My Leaslng musL have gone on for Loo
long, because LllzabeLh grabbed me by Lhe halr and
lmpaLlenLly pulled my face up lnLo her scorchlng hoL sllL.
Aw, yeah! Aw, yeah." she panLed, her words husky as
Lhey Lumbled ouL.
l looked her ln Lhe eye as my Longue flnally peneLraLed
her cunL.
1he flngers ln my halr clenched LlghL, and her breaLhlng
grew franLlc. My gaze dropped Lo Llz's mouLhwaLerlng
breasLs, heavlng and bounclng wlLh every exhalaLlon. l
reached up and grabbed hold of Lhem, glvlng each one a
saLlsfylng squeeze.
As my Longue splraled ever closer Lo her cllL, Llz rocked on
weakenlng knees, dlzzy and off-balance. She leaned forward,
crushlng her huge rlpe LlLs agalnsL my palms. l moaned loudly
lnLo her cunL, uLLerly lnLoxlcaLed by Lhe scenL and Lhe
weLness splashlng agalnsL my cheeks. My Lhumbs and
foreflngers found my lover's happy, gumdrop shaped nlpples
and genLly squeezed-
A mlnl-orgasm rlppled Lhrough her body.
l leL her rlde ouL Lhe sensaLlon, Lhen l pulled my mouLh
away from her croLch and ordered her onLo Lhe bed for some
?ou mean you're noL done?"
Pell no, l'm noL done. 1haL was way Loo fasL, l wanL Lo do
Lhls properly."
LlaLed, Llz flopped onLo her back, Lhose breasLs bounclng
crazlly upon lmpacL. l scooLed comforLably beLween her legs
and seL ln for Lhe long haul, genLly and Leaslngly playlng my
Longue across her mosL lnLlmaLe reglons. She grabbed up
handfuls of Lhe bed sheeL and whlmpered nolslly, clearly noL
carlng lf anyone could hear us.
SecreLly, l hoped LhaL our nelghbors wete llsLenlng ln. l
lmaglned SLephanle and Slmon rouslng from Lhelr naked
slumber, followlng Lhe sounds of LllzabeLh's pleasure unLll
Lhey were sLandlng behlnd Lhe baLhroom door, spylng on us
Lhrough Lhe slaLs [usL as we had spled on Lhem Lhe prevlous
1he LhoughL spurned me on, and l slowly walked Lwo of
my flngers up Llz's lefL leg and slld Lhem lnLo her cunL. As l
pushed forward, l crossed Lhose flngers one on Lop of Lhe
oLher Lo creaLe a new and exclLlng shape lnslde of her, Lhen
rolled my wrlsL back and forLh, LwlsLlng LhaL shape whlle l
hearLlly llcked aL every senslLlve mllllmeLer.
Per moans of pleasure became sLaggered and lncoherenL,
and l sensed lL was flnally Llme Lo glve Lhe glrl some rellef. l
dragged my Longue upwards and baLhed her poor, desperaLe
cllL ln lovlng aLLenLlon. 8elow, my LwlsLlng flngers uncrossed
and began pumplng lnLo her, slmulaLlng sex wlLh rhyLhmlc,
powerful LhrusLlng.
Colng down on Llz was drlvlng me wlld as well. My
hardness Lhrobbed palnfully beLween my legs, furlous abouL
belng lefL ouL of Lhe acLlon.
uon'L sLop!" she screamed, as lf l would ever dream of
dolng such a Lhlng. uon'L sLop! uon'L sLop! uon'L-
She arched her back, Losslng Lhose beauLlful LlLs up
Lowards Lhe celllng as her breaLh selzed for a few, bllssful
LllzabeLh purred ouL a long, saLlsfled slgh. l conLlnued Lo
Longue her pussy for a couple mlnuLes afLer, en[oylng Lhe hell
ouL of Lhe llLLle orgasm-afLershocks she kepL havlng.
llnally spenL, she moved away from me and propped
herself up on her elbows-causlng Lhe Lwo ample
endowmenLs on her chesL Lo sway ln a manner l found mosL
lnvlLlng. l wanLed her so badly l couldn'L belleve lL.
1haL was-mmm. l mlssed LhaL."
l beamed aL Lhe compllmenL.
Should l do you, now?" she asked.
l kepL eylng her enormous rack as l slowly shook my head
back and forLh, llLerally sLammerlng wlLh deslre: A-AcLually,
AnLlclpaLlng whaL l was golng Lo say, she Lurned deep
red-suddenly embarrassed-and blurLed ouL, l'm noL on
Lhe plll! l'm sorry, l [usL-my mom doesn'L wanL-
1he smlle on my face shuL her mouLh.
?ou don'L need Lo worry, Llz. l wasn'L gonna suggesL LhaL.
l would [usL really llke Lo fuck your LlLs agaln. lf LhaL's okay
wlLh you."
A wave of rellef washed over her. Per smlle was adorable.
Cf course!"
She qulckly hopped off Lhe bed and ran naked across Lhe
room Lo reLrleve a boLLle of loLlon from her sulLcase. As she
crawled back lnLo bed beslde me, Llz handed Lhe loLlon Lo
me, LhrusLlng her chesL ouL for emphasls:
Would you care Lo do Lhe honors?"
l would lndeed. Llz recllned comforLably on her back and l
sLraddled her chesL, her eyes Lwlnkllng proudly aL Lhe slghL of
my unconLrollable deslre. Per hands pressed up agalnsL Lhe
sldes of Lhose bounLlful [ugs and squeezed Lhem LogeLher,
creaLlng an awe-lnsplrlng monumenL Lo cleavage.
My cock gave a llLLle [ump ln anLlclpaLlon of whaL was
abouL Lo happen. l scooLed forwards along her body, my balls
dragglng across Lhe smooLh skln of her belly as l lnched
Lowards my goal. !usL as my cock was abouL Lo peneLraLe Lhe
boLLom of LllzabeLh's rack, l held back, Laklng a momenL Lo
savor Lhe reallLy of Lhe slLuaLlon.
l squlrLed a handful of Lhe vanllla-scenLed loLlon lnLo my
hands and spread lL llberally across Lhe sofL flesh of her LlLs
unLll Lhey were sllck as a soaped-up sllp n' sllde. l lubed up
my cock wlLh Lhe sLuff, Loo, for exLra fun.
1hen l scooLed forward, Lhe Llp of my penls rubblng up
agalnsL Lhe plllowy undersldes of her breasLs. l felL my
resolve wanlng.
Llz blL her llp ln anLlclpaLlon. l could walL no longer.
Croanlng, l pushed my hlps forward and slld my
lmposslbly hard dlck beLween her lmposslbly sofL breasLs.
LllzabeLh never sLopped smlllng as l LhrusL harder and harder
lnLo her LlLs. 1he vlew was lncredlble: Lhose huge, rlpe plllows
bounclng hypnoLlcally as Lhey crashed agalnsL my pelvls, each
lmpacL sendlng shocks of pleasure dlrecLly Lo my shafL.
l knew l would noL be able Lo endure Lhls new sensaLlon
for very long. LllzabeLh was [usL way Loo fucklng hoL. Per face
was beauLlful and her LlLs were specLacular.
ln a daze, l fell forward onLo my hands and looked back,
waLched Lhe upslde-down lmage of my penls bursLlng lnLo
vlew Lhrough Lhe Lop of Llz's cleavage.
Lager for more Lo do, LllzabeLh llfLed her head up Lowards
my abdomen and sensually llcked Lhe senslLlve area beneaLh
my naval. As my cllmax approached, she upped Lhe lnLenslLy,
slaLherlng hoL sallva across my skln-
l'm gonna come!" l screamed.
Per boobs bounced wlldly all along my cock.
l'm gonna come! Ahh!"
LllzabeLh mashed her LlLs LogeLher-
l came, powerfully blasLlng my load up agalnsL Lhe boLLom
of her chln. Warm, sLlcky sLreams drlbbled down my lover's
neck and seLLled ln Lhe valley beLween her breasLs. She
glggled aL Lhe odd sensaLlon.
Cuess l need Lo Lake anoLher shower, now."
l graLefully klssed her forehead.
l'll help."

Cur naked bodles had Lo squeeze LogeLher [usL Lo flL ln
Lhe closeL-slzed shower. AfLer LllzabeLh had genLly soaped up
my cock, and l'd made sure her breasLs were sparkllng clean,
she pulled me close and we klssed beneaLh Lhe sLeamlng
spray. AfLer only a few mlnuLes, my renewed hardness
rubbed agalnsL Lhe hoL skln of her belly, and Lhe sllpperlness
of her soapy LlLs flopped agalnsL my chesL. l wanLed Lo fuck
her so badly-
8uL an even more powerful deslre overwhelmed LhaL one:
l [usL wanLed us Lo keep klsslng.
So we dld. We klssed unLll Lhe waLer ran cold.

Leavlng LhaL bedroom was llke crosslng a flrlng range. Any
hopes we had harbored LhaL Lhe oLhers hadn'L heard our
earLh-shaklng orgasms were dashed Lo pleces Lhe second we
opened Lhe door and heard Lhe cbeetloq. noL only had we
been obnoxlously loud, we had also been Lhe flrsL Lwo people
up LhaL mornlng. Cur moanlng had llLerally woken every
oLher person ln Lhe cabln.
We flelded a merclless barrage of good-naLured Leaslng.
Cddly enough, lL acLually seemed llke our frlends had been
rooLlng for LllzabeLh and l Lo hook up, whlch frankly mysLlfled
boLh of us. l'd screwed around wlLh pracLlcally every glrl
Lhere, buL our frlends had never before made such a blg deal
abouL lL.
Cnly Amy gave us a free pass, and LhaL was [usL because
she was so focused on survlvlng her hangover.

oor Amy. 1he glrl really wenL Lhrough hell LhaL mornlng.
She spenL hours hugglng Lhe LolleL, sLlll dressed ln
SLephanle's overslzed underwear from Lhe nlghL before. We
all Look Lurns slLLlng on Lhe floor beslde her for company,
admlnlsLerlng a meLrlc Lon of drlnklng waLer for medlclnal
When my Lurn came Lo play nurse, Amy seemed especlally
morLlfled. She proLesLed LhaL she dldn'L llke Lhe ldea of a boy
seelng her when she looked noL awesome" (her words), buL
l remlnded Amy LhaL she and l had hung ouL LogeLher plenLy
of Llmes afLer our runs, when she was covered ln sweaL and
8.C. lf l could handle her smelllng noL awesome," l could
easlly forglve Lhe facL LhaL her eyes were a blL puffy and her
skln was a Lad pale.
My sexy redhead frlend, usually so full of self-confldence,
draped a plLlably weak arm across my shoulder and swore off
alcohol forever. lor Lhe record, LhaL lasLed abouL Lwo
When she was flnally sLarLlng Lo feel a blL beLLer, Amy
leaned lnLo my ear and whlspered So, whaL wenL down wlLh
you and Llzzle Lhls mornlng?"
l blushed a blL. WhaL, you wanL deLalls or someLhlng?"
Pell yes, l wanL deLalls. All Llz was wllllng Lo Lell me was,
'lL was nlce.' ?ou dldn'L fuck her, dld you? She's noL on Lhe
no, l dldn'L fuck her. We messed around ln bed for a
whlle and Lhen we Look a shower LogeLher. And she was
rlghL, lL was nlce."
Amy gave me a congraLulaLory paL on Lhe back. 8eL you
guys had all klnds of fun ln LhaL shower. WhaL'd you do?"
We klssed."
And whaL else?"
l frowned aL her. And we goL clean. We klssed and we
goL clean."
Amy recolled from me, surprlsed and lnLrlgued by Lhls
developmenL. l dldn'L undersLand whaL Lhe blg deal was and l
Lold her as much.
?ou [usL klssed? 1haL was all? ?ou guys were ln Lhere for
llke flve days. ?ou dldn'L go down on each oLher, or glve each
oLher hand [obs, or anyLhlng? Were you [usL spenL or
l shrugged. no, we were boLh preLLy Lurned on. We [usL
wanLed Lo klss, l don'L see whaL's so welrd. eople klss."
An lmplsh grln crossed Amy's face and she chuckled, sLlll
weak from all Lhe alcohol. She polnLed an accuslng flnger aL
my nose and chlded, ?ou're falllng for her."
WhaL? lL's Llz, we're frlends. l've screwed around wlLh
everybody, now. Well, everybody excepL. you-know-who."
1he memory of Corrlne LasLed blLLer ln our mlnds, so l
qulckly pushed pasL lL. l llke Llz a loL, buL lL's noL llke we're a
couple or someLhlng."
Amy frowned aL me, lf lL was me ln LhaL shower wlLh you,
lnsLead of Llz, you're saylng LhaL all we would have done ls
klssed? Come on! ?ou'd have been lnslde me ln less Lhan a
mlnuLe. lrlends-wlLh-beneflLs don'L Lake a long, hoL, soapy
shower LogeLher and [usL klss. 1haL's someLhlng else
She was rlghL. Cr aL leasL parLlally rlghL. l had always
lusLed afLer LllzabeLh, [usL as l'd lusLed afLer all my beauLlful
frlends, buL Lhere was someLhlng abouL whaL had happened
beLween us LhaL mornlng LhaL was LwlsLlng me up. Sure, l
was happy-damn, l was qlJJy-buL LhaL wasn'L lL. Clddy, l
could handle.
no, Lhere was also anoLher, sLranger sensaLlon LhaL l
dldn'L recognlze aL all. lanLasLlc, Lhrllllng, and Lerrlfylng all aL
once, llke Lhe unlverse had suddenly Laken Lhe Lralnlng
wheels off my blke and pushed me down a hlll. Llke some
phanLom hand had reached lnslde me and made a flsL.
lL scared Lhe shlL ouL of me.
Sucks for me," Amy whlned, scurrylng back over Lo Lhe
LolleL. no parenLs around for a whole week, and Lhe only
Lwo guys here boLh have glrlfrlends. l'm noL gonna geL lald
Amy, Llz ls noL my glrlfrlend. l don'L know whaL she and l
are, exacLly, buL we aren'L LhaL. noL yeL, anyway. noL unLll we
declde we are."
A shorL whlle laLer, SLephanle relleved me of my posL aL
Amy's slde, and l soughL ouL LllzabeLh Lo dlscuss whaL was
happenlng. l could see ln her blg, green eyes LhaL she was [usL
as confused as l was.
Lven Lhough lL had been me who had sald l wanLed Lo
Lalk, l was aL a compleLe loss as for where Lo begln. We Look
a walk ouLslde, ln Lhe raln, huddllng beneaLh our umbrella for
a surreal forLy-flve mlnuLes, durlng whlch Llme nelLher of us
sald a word.
llnally, [usL as we were almosL back aL Lhe cabln l blurLed
ouL, Are we a couple now?"
l don'L know. Lverybody's acLlng llke we are and lL's klnd
of plsslng me off."
l nodded ln agreemenL. l feel Lhe same way, buL l've
goLLa admlL, l really, really llked maklng ouL wlLh you Lhls
Me Loo."
l reached Lo Lake her hand ln mlne, buL she pulled lL away
from my grasp.
l [usL don'L know lf l wanL a boyfrlend rlghL now. noL a
serlous one. And lf l was wlLh you, lL would be serlous. lL
would have Lo be. And l don'L wanL LhaL welghlng on me
when we go away Lo college."
1here lL was. College. 1he loomlng apocalypse LhaL
promlsed Lo annlhllaLe every hlgh school relaLlonshlp, no
maLLer how bllssful. lL was [usL four monLhs away. We'd all
sLopped Lalklng abouL lL because lL was so damn depresslng,
buL Llz had a polnL: uld l really wanL Lo leL myself fall for her,
only for us Lo be rlpped aparL agalnsL our wlll?
ueep down, l knew Lhere was no way l would be able Lo
hang onLo Llz as my glrlfrlend whlle she was away aL college.
She was unbellevably gorgeous, and Lhere was sure Lo be an
army of sLudly young guys woolng her, day and nlghL. l
wouldn'L be around Lo deLer Lhem. We wouldn'L even be ln
Lhe same sLaLe.
l frowned, So, whaL do you wanL Lo do?"
LeL's [usL keep belng frlends, l guess."
l nodded, she hugged me, and we boLh leL ouL a huge slgh
of rellef. l felL a Lremendous welghL llfLed from my shoulders,
yeL aL Lhe same Llme l couldn'L shake Lhe noLlon LhaL l had
[usL dlscarded someLhlng l wasn'L supposed Lo. Llke l had [usL
gone back ln Llme and changed Lhe fuLure from lLs proper

A few hours laLer, 8achel polnLed ouL how odd lL was LhaL
Lwo whole days had gone by wlLhouL us Laklng advanLage of
her parenLs' hoL Lub, so we all changed lnLo our baLhlng sulLs
and relaxed beneaLh Lhe warm, bubbllng waLer. Cn any oLher
day, l would have been bug-eyed when my gorgeous frlends
paraded ouL ln Lhelr colorful blklnls, buL my mornlng wlLh
LllzabeLh had lefL me so confused LhaL Lhe slghL of all LhaL
volupLuous female flesh [usL puL me ln a funk.
l was sLlll rock hard beneaLh my Lrunks, however. 1here
was no sLopplng LhaL.
Llz walked ouL wrapped ln a Lowel, whlch she qulckly
dlscarded and sllpped beneaLh Lhe concealmenL of Lhe
waLer-suddenly berefL of all Lhe sexy self-assuredness she
had shown Lhe nlghL before. l expecLed her Lo slL nexL Lo me,
buL for some reason Llz chose lnsLead Lo planL herself down
on Lhe opposlLe slde of Lhe Lub, nexL Lo Slmon and SLephanle.
1he move dld noL go unnoLlced by our frlends, Lhough
everyone was Loo pollLe Lo say anyLhlng.
l looked over aL Slmon, who, unllke me, had noL had a
confuslng mornlng aL all. Pe had flnally screwed around wlLh
hls hoL glrlfrlend, and now he was geLLlng Lo see more
exposed skln Lhan he ever had ln hls llfe. 1he guy was
probably Lhe happlesL and hornlesL he'd ever been.
now come lt coolJot be llke tbot fot me? Slmon had
gllded ln efforLlessly lnLo our group, snagged a hoL
glrlfrlend-M? hoL glrlfrlend-and Lhen he goL Lo en[oy Lhe
company of her awesome, gorgeous frlends. l, on Lhe oLher
hand, had been buddles wlLh everyone for so long LhaL Lhlngs
goL welrd any Llme we crossed Lhe frlend" llne.
1he glrls were all predlcLably fllrLy and Leaslng Loward us
boys, buL whlle Slmon lapped lL all up, l [usL sunk lnLo a
deeper and deeper funk. Llz acLed welrdly dlsLanL Lowards
me, forclng herself Lo fllrL wlLh Slmon, lnsLead-lnnocenLly
leLLlng her glganLlc LlLs bump up agalnsL hls arm from Llme Lo
Llme whlle we all [oked.
llnally, l couldn'L Lake lL anymore, so l excused myself
under Lhe ausplces of havlng a headache, leavlng Lhe sounds
off splashlng and glggllng behlnd as l walked lnslde. l
collapsed onLo my bed and Lhrew an arm over my eyes Lo
block ouL Lhe dayllghL.
A momenL laLer l heard Lhe bedroom door open. l saL up
and spun Lo see LllzabeLh walklng Lowards me, sLlll drlpplng
wlLh waLer from Lhe hoL Lub. She was so gorgeous lL hurL [usL
looklng aL her. Per expresslon was dead serlous as she locked
Lhe door behlnd her, Lhen unLled her sLrlped blklnl Lop and
leL lL fall Lo Lhe floor. l opened my mouLh ln confuslon-
She sllenced me wlLh a flnger Lo her llps and crossed Lhe
space beLween us, her breasLs heavlng, her dark, dellclous
nlpples polnLlng rlghL aL me. As soon as she reached Lhe bed
she Lhrew herself on Lop of me, Lhe flesh of her LlLs clapplng
audlbly upon lmpacL wlLh my chesL.
LllzabeLh aLLacked me wlLh klsses, LoLally on flre. She
lowered her mouLh Lo my neck, Longulng Lhe senslLlve skln of
my collarbone. l was flabbergasLed, LoLally confused as Lo
whaL she was dolng or why-buL l couldn'L manage Lo croak
ouL a slngle word.
1hen her hand slld beneaLh my walsLband, and any
concerns l had flew ouL Lhe wlndow. SofL flngers enclrcled my
rlgld shafL and began pumplng. She slld down Lhe bed as she
[acked me off, dragglng boLh her Longue and Lhe fullness of
her breasLs across my chesL.
1wo wonderfully erecL nlpples Llckled my skln as Lhey
Lralled down my belly.
1hen, wlLh a genLle Lug, my sulL was around my ankles
and my frlend's mouLh had enveloped my penls. l Lhrew back
my head and moaned ln graLlLude, qulckly drownlng ln my
own pleasure.
Llz scooLed her hands underneaLh me and grabbed hold of
my ass, squeezlng and groplng. Per breasLs splashed agalnsL
my Lhlghs each Llme she lowered her llps down my cock-
lL was so fasL, so unexpecLed, so lnLense-l wasn'L
prepared. 8efore l even reallzed whaL was happenlng, l was
comlng ln Llz's mouLh, moanlng unconLrollably LhroughouL
Lhe enLlreLy my orgasm.
8y Lhe Llme l recovered, Llz had already reLled her blklnl
Lop and was laylng ln bed beslde me.
us belng 'frlends' doesn'L mean l don'L sLlll care abouL
you," she whlspered Lo me. And lL doesn'L mean l'm noL sLlll
aLLracLed Lo you."
8uL you were acLlng so welrd ln Lhe hoL Lub [usL now.
And you were all over Slmon."
l'm sorry lf l hurL your feellngs. l was [usL Lrylng Lo make
lL so Lhlngs beLween us weren'L such a blg deal. Come on, you
know l'm noL gonna do anyLhlng wlLh Slmon, he's daLlng my
besL frlend."
1hls sucked. 1he feellngs l had were way Loo dlfflculL and
way Loo compllcaLed for me Lo make sense of. AfLer a long,
palnful momenL of sllence, l leL ouL a reslgned slgh:
uon'L worry. l'm over all Lhls. l'm over Lhe hearLache, l'm
over Lhe mlxed messages, and l'm over geLLlng myself
Langled up ln a neuroLlc mess every Llme l geL an erecLlon. no
more. ?ou guys are my frlends, and LhaL's lL. lL's slmple.
?ou're all hoL, and l'm a guy, and Lherefore l wanL Lo have sex
wlLh you. 8lology 101. lrom here on ouL, we'll [usL keep
Lhlngs fun, okay? l'll [usL walL unLll college before l sLarL
looklng for a serlous glrlfrlend."
My llLLle ranL caughL Llz off guard-she wasn'L expecLlng
Lo suddenly flnd herself on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe argumenL.
She agreed wlLh me, Lhough l deLecLed a Louch of sadness ln
her volce. We boLh reLurned Lo Lhe hoL Lub and spenL Lhe
resL of Lhe day relaxlng.

Come dlnnerLlme, Lhe phone rang. l had wanLed my
parenLs Lo glve me compleLe auLonomy over Lhe week-l was
legally an adulL, afLer all-buL Lhey lnslsLed LhaL as long as l
was llvlng under Lhelr roof, Lhey were sLlll golng Lo worry
abouL me. 8efore l'd lefL for Lhe cabln, we reached a
compromlse where Lhey would only call Lo check up on me
Lwo Llmes durlng Lhe week.
l guess lL could have been worse. Llz's mom called her Lwo
Llmes every day.
WlLh a roll of my eyes, l plcked up Lhe phone and qulckly
assured my folks LhaL everyLhlng was flne and LhaL, no,
nobody had dled.
1hank you honey," my mom answered, glad Lo hear lL."
We Lalked for anoLher flve mlnuLes, Lhen l wenL Lo hang
up Lhe recelver-
Ch, honey? ?our frlend Corrlne called."
l Lold you mom, she and l aren'L really frlends, anymore."
l know, sweeLle, buL she sounded so upseL over Lhe
phone. She was crylng, and she kepL saylng Lo Lell you how
sorry she was. She's called abouL flfLeen Llmes, lL feels llke. l
don'L know whaL happened beLween Lhe Lwo of you, buL you
shouldn'L sLay mad aL your frlends. Lven lf lL's Lhelr faulL."
A knoL formed ln my LhroaL. cottloe wos ctyloq? wbot boJ
boppeoeJ to bet? l reallzed, Lo my chagrln, LhaL l sLlll cared
abouL Lhe glrl. knowlng whaL a shlLLy boyfrlend she had, l
could only lmaglne whaL klnd of Lrouble she was ln.
1hanks, mom."
WlLhouL even pauslng Lo conslder whaL l was dolng, l
hung up and dlaled Corrlne.
Pello?" 1he volce aL Lhe oLher end was raspy and
sLralned, as Lhough lL was comlng off Lhe end of a long crylng
sesslon. lL had been maybe Lwo weeks slnce l'd heard her
volce (l mean teolly heard her volce, noL [usL ln class), buL lL
felL llke years.
lL's me."
lor a long whlle, all l could hear was her breaLhlng. llnally,
she whlspered, Can l see you?"
Corry, l'm Lwo hours away, ln Lhe mounLalns. none of us
are comlng back unLll nexL week."
Ch. Sorry, l dldn'L know. l [usL wanLed Lo-l need Lo
apologlze Lo everyone. Lspeclally Lo you. l dldn'L mean Lo
lnLerrupL your vacaLlon. Could we Lalk when you geL back?"
?eah, we can Lalk. ?ou sure you're okay?"
l'm okay, l dldn'L mean Lo scare you."
l slghed, somewhaL relleved by her answer. SLlll, Lhe paln
ln her volce was unmlsLakable. lL broke my hearL.
Ckay," l flnally answered, Lake care."
lan? 1hank you for calllng me back. l would have
undersLood lf you dldn'L."
l snarled aL Lhe phone, Lrylng Lo sLay proud and angry buL
knowlng full well LhaL l had already forglven her.
Corry? l'll be Lhere ln Lwo hours."
l hung up before she had a chance Lo respond.
l don'L remember whaL l Lold my frlends ln Lhe cabln as l
grabbed my car keys and headed for Lhe door, buL Lhey could
see how lmporLanL lL was Lo me and nobody breaLhed a word
Lo keep me from golng.

1he ralnsLorm LhaL was blankeLlng all of Callfornla LhaL
sprlng was parLlcularly mean ln Lhe dark. l drove fasLer Lhan
was safe, buL l reasoned LhaL my braln was feellng exLra alerL
and focused.
SLlll, belng alerL and focused won'L sLop you from
hydroplanlng, and afLer one bllnd curve, l couldn'L sLop
myself from rear-endlng Lhe sLalled Lruck ln fronL of me.
Lucklly, nobody was hurL (well, nobody excepL my poor
mlnlvan. 1he grlll and bumper looked llke a crlnkled gum
wrapper). 1he oLher drlver was acLually preLLy reasonable
abouL Lhe whole Lhlng when l explalned LhaL Lhere was a glrl
lnvolved. Pe Look my lnformaLlon down and we boLh wenL on
our way.

l pulled up ln fronL of Corrlne's house an hour laLer, less
concerned abouL my recenL car accldenL Lhan l was abouL
confronLlng my esLranged frlend. She answered Lhe door,
uLLerly dlsbellevlng LhaL l was acLually Lhere.
?ou drove all Lhe way back? !usL llke LhaL?"
l nodded, hearL raclng ln my chesL. 1hen she saw my
mangled car parked on Lhe sLreeL.
Ch my Cod, lan! WhaL happened?!"
l, uh-l rear-ended a guy on Lhe way here. lL's no blg
deal. lL's sLlll drlvable, and Lhe headllghLs work, and-uh-
Corrlne's beauLlful blue eyes Lurned weL wlLh worry, and
she spun Lo shouL Lo her dad LhaL she was headlng ouL for
Lhe nlghL.
We Look her car.
uo you need Lo see a docLor?" she demanded.
no-look, l'm flne, l promlse."
lan, l am so sorry abouL your car."
l dldn'L drlve down here Lo Lalk abouL my car."
We passed under a sLreeLllghL, and l couldn'L help buL
smlle when lL lllumlnaLed her aL my slde: she was such a
goddamn knockouL. no makeup, no [ewelry, blonde halr up
ln a slmple bun, she was sLlll Lhe hoLLesL glrl l had ever seen.
She had on a burgundy, flowy sLrapless dress LhaL showed off
her slender shoulders and Leased aL Lhe unbellevable curves
beneaLh. l could only lmaglne how hard lL musL have been for
a glrl of Corrlne's proporLlons Lo flnd a funcLlonal sLrapless
bra Lo go wlLh lL.
We had no desLlnaLlon ln mlnd, we [usL needed a few
mlnuLes Lo geL used Lo belng around each oLher agaln. l could
sense LhaL, whaLever Corrlne wanLed Lo say Lo me, lL wasn'L
gonna be easy for her.
She flnally pulled over near Lhe beach-Lhe same beach
where we had fllmed her flrsL scene for LhaL sLupld werewolf
movle back ln CcLober. She looked surprlsed when she
reallzed she had drlven us Lhere, leadlng me Lo belleve lL had
been enLlrely subconsclous on her parL. l couldn'L help buL
Lhlnk LhaL Lhls beach meanL Lhe same Lhlng Lo her LhaL lL dld
Lo me: lL represenLed Lhe momenL LhaL she and l became
frlends. lf LhaL unllkely momenL-LhaL mlracle-hadn'L
happened, our senlor years would have boLh been very
8aln hammered Lhe wlndshleld, casLlng sLrange, fluld
shadows across Lhe Lwo of us as we saL Lhere. llnally,
shamefully, she muLLered, l had sex wlLh SLeve."
lL was Lhe lasL Lhlng l wanLed Lo hear. My lnsldes bolled.
l dldn'L respond, so she [usL conLlnued, lL was Lwo nlghLs
ago, when you all lefL for Sprlng 8reak wlLhouL me. l was
angry, and losL, and l LhoughL lL would make me feel beLLer."
uld lL?" l spaL ouL. Per head drooped, eyes avoldlng
no. lL was awful. Pe acLed llke l wasn'L even Lhere. Llke l
was [usL a Loy for hlm Lo play wlLh. l broke up wlLh hlm Lhe
nexL mornlng."
1ears were runnlng down her cheeks, now, buL l couldn'L
brlng myself Lo comforL her. 1here was sLlll an lnvlslble wall
beLween us. Corrlne managed Lo llfL her head and meeL my
eyes as she choked ouL words:
l am sorry for all Lhe horrlble Lhlngs l sald Lo you, lan. And
l'm so, so sorry abouL, you know, abouL whaL l dld."
?ou mean, when you Lrled Lo blow me as pracLlce for
your boyfrlend?!"
l dldn'L mean Lo humlllaLe you."
Well you dld! ?ou can'L even lmoqloe how humlllaLlng
LhaL was."
Per eyes meL mlne, and ln a flash l reallzed LhaL she could
do beLLer Lhan [usL lmaglne lL. She could remember lL. 1hanks
Lo SLeve's bungled, selflsh lovemaklng, Corrlne knew exacLly
how she had made me feel.
l was losL," she pleaded, All you guys were geLLlng Lhese
college accepLance leLLers and golng off Lo have Lhese
amazlng llves. Well, how abouL me? l've goL noLhlng walLlng
for me once l graduaLe. WhaL's my fuLure look llke? All l had-
ALL l had-was you guys. And you're all leavlng me behlnd."
SomeLhlng ln her volce made me snap. lurlous, l opened
Lhe door and goL ouL of Lhe car. Corrlne hurrled ouL afLer me,
Lhrough Lhe darkness and Lhe raln, our feeL splashlng across
Lhe grassy area overlooklng Lhe beach.
lan, walL!"
l spun, grabblng her flrmly by Lhe shoulders, and meL her
none of us are leavlng you behlnd, Corry! SLop feellng
sorry for yourself! We're [usL sLarLlng Lhe nexL chapLer of our
llves. news flash: All frlendshlps end, evenLually. WheLher by
deaLh or by dlsLance. 1haL doesn'L mean Lhls lsn'L worLh
holdlng onLo as long as we can. We should all be en[oylng
every second we have lefL LogeLher, noL grumbllng abouL Lhe
fuLure. 8uL you? ?ou declded lL would be easler Lo [usL burn
every brldge and be done wlLh lL!"
l was shouLlng now, and each successlve word shrunk my
Lall, lnLlmldaLlng, vlklng" frlend lnLo a smaller and smaller
huddle ln fronL of me. 1he world around us was losL Lo Lhe
darkness. 1here was no moon, no sLreeLllghLs, no sLars. 1hey
dldn'L exlsL. We could only see each oLher, lllumlnaLed by Lhe
headllghLs of her beaL-up old volkswagon.
l [usL wanLed someone ln my llfe who would sLlll be Lhere
when summer came Lo an end. l dldn'L wanL lL Lo be llke
Well, whaL Jo you wanL, Corry?"
l wanL Lhlngs Lo be llke Lhey were! l wanL my frlends
back. l wanL you back." Per head fell agalnsL my shoulder,
sobblng lncoherenLly. And-and l wanL Lo be a vlrgln agaln.
8uL slnce LhaL's noL gonna happen. Can you aL leasL [usL
forglve me?"
We were boLh soaked Lo Lhe bone. My sLomach LwlsLed,
my [aw muscles clenched, and l flnally exploded, angrlly
shouLlng, Cf course l forglve you!" l leL ouL a long, Llred slgh.
Saylng Lhose words had exhausLed me. ?ou're my besL
frlend, Corry. ?ou don'L even have Lo ask."
1hen she klssed me.
l felL a flre ln my chesL as we collapsed LogeLher onLo Lhe
weL grass, obllvlous Lo Lhe merclless raln hammerlng down
on us. Cur bodles locked LogeLher, wrlLhlng on Lhe ground as
we klssed, desperaLe for each oLher's llps. 8avenous for each
oLher's bodles.
My hands clasped agalnsL Lhe small of her back, senslng
Lhe warmLh of her skln Lhrough Lhe cold weL dress. 8efore l
reallzed lL, l was holdlng onLo her bare Lhlghs, Lhen
lmpaLlenLly movlng my flngers up, beneaLh her dress, groplng
Lhe flrmness of her ass Lhrough her fllmsy, raln-soaked
She pulled me LlghLly agalnsL her body, sLlll crylng as she
covered my face ln klsses. She grabbed Lwo greaL handfuls of
my shlrL and yanked lL over my head, happlly runnlng her
hands up and down my naked chesL, reassurlng herself LhaL l
was really Lhere.
l rolled over, plnnlng her volupLuous body beneaLh me as l
broughL my mouLh down onLo her shoulder. 1hlck, cold
ralndrops whlpped down aL Lhe skln of my back-buL no
amounL of bad weaLher was golng Lo keep us aparL. noL now.
1he Lhln fabrlc of her dress was plasLered Lo Lhe shape of
her body, and when my vlew flnally dropped from her
beauLlful face Lo Lhe LhrusL of her breasLs, l could feel myself
panLlng ln anLlclpaLlon. 8eLween Lhe raln and Lhe passlon of
our klsslng, her neckllne had dragged down low enough Lo
expose a poslLlvely lndecenL amounL of cleavage. WeL
maLerlal dlpped down beLween her LlLs, cllnglng Lo her skln.
1he reallLy of lL was almosL scary. AfLer all Lhese monLhs
of maddenlng, unconLrollable deslre, l would acLually be
holdlng Lhose breasLs ln my hands. lor a brlef momenL, l
froze up-
1hen Corrlne Look my hand and planLed lL flrmly on her
chesL. l meL her eyes, and squeezed.
neoveo. l had never ln my llfe deslred anyLhlng so much as
l deslred Corrlne's body. Per golden halr, her glowlng skln,
her slender walsL, her long, shapely legs, her smooLh, sexy
ass. And, above all else, Lhose bteosts.
l squeezed and squeezed Lhrough her bra, klsslng Lhe
warm, exposed cleavage above. She llfLed her head up off Lhe
grass Lo waLch me work-geLLlng even more aroused by Lhe
slghL of how happy she was maklng me.
8een walLlng a long Llme for LhaL," she cooed, haven'L
ln response, l darLed a flnger underneaLh Lhe cup of her
bra and llghLly fllcked lL across a plump, [ulcy nlpple.
Slowly, her hands drlfLed down Lo my belL, whlch she
quleLly unbuckled. My zlpper came nexL, and Lhen l felL Lhe
raln sLlnglng my legs as she pulled my [eans down pasL my
knees. l froze, unable Lo Lake my eyes off her hand as lL
searched for Lhe fly on my boxers-Lhen reached lnslde,
sLeallng my breaLh as she grasped my hoL, lron hardness.
My dlzzy head dropped Lo Lhe sofL cushlon of her bosom,
panLlng and groanlng from her Louch unLll l was longer and
Lhlcker Lhan l'd ever been ln my llfe. 1he conflnemenL of my
boxers became Loo much Lo bare, so l yanked Lhem down
and leL my cock sprlng free lnLo Lhe nlghL alr for Corrlne Lo
She llfLed and spread her knees beneaLh me, Lhe moLlon
hlklng her dress up above her hlps and reveallng Lhe adorable
whlLe panLles she had on: lace fabrlc cuL lnLo Lhe shape of
buLLerfly wlngs.
1he resL of my body froze ln place as l dropped my hlps
down and pushed my naked cock agalnsL her, feellng Lhe
scaldlng heaL of her cunL burnlng Lhrough Lhe dlaphanous
layer of weL lace.
Mmm." Corrlne moaned.
l slowly screwed my hlps, dragglng Lhe flrmness of my
penls across her panLles. 1he sLlmulaLlon drove Corrlne crazy,
and l waLched wlLh saLlsfacLlon as she arched her back ln
pleasure, unconsclously swaLLlng aL Lhe ground wlLh her
hands ln bulldlng ecsLasy.
A deep, guLLural groan escaped her llps, and Lhen
Corrlne's eyes were suddenly locked onLo me wlLh laser
focus. She clamped her Lhlghs around me, holdlng my cock ln
place agalnsL her body as she rolled us over, unLll lL was my
back splashlng agalnsL Lhe grass and her body belng
pummeled by Lhe raln.
She leaned back, her hlps undulaLlng unconLrollably
agalnsL mlne. Per half-lldded eyes fluLLered ln pleasure, and
one of her hands lmmedlaLely wenL Lo Lhe mound of her own
breasL, squeezlng lL Lhrough Lhe fabrlc of her bra.
WlLh her oLher hand, Corrlne reached down ln Lhe space
beLween us and grabbed hold of my cock agaln, grazlng Lhe
Llp back and forLh across her buLLerfly panLles. 1hrough Lhe
brevlLy of Lhe lace, l could feel noL only her heaL, buL Lhe
exacL shape of her enflamed llps rubblng agalnsL me.
Somehow, l was sLlll cogenL enough Lo search ouL Lhe
zlpper on Lhe slde of her dress. As l slld lL down, her dress
crumpled Lo a halo aL her walsL-and l was rewarded wlLh a
vlew of Lhe heavy-duLy sLrapless bra sLruggllng Lo supporL her
huge, naLural LlLs.
8alndrops showered down upon acres of exposed
cleavage, gllLLerlng as Lhey refracLed Lhe headllghLs from
Corry's car. Cur eyes meL one flnal Llme before Corrlne
reached down Lo Lhe croLch of her dellcaLe panLles and
pulled Lhem aslde Lo allow my desperaLe hardness access Lo
her wllllng cunL.
l knew Lhls was only her second Llme havlng sex, so l leL
Corrlne go aL her own pace as she fed Lhe Llp of my cock up
lnslde her folds. lnch by lnch, she Look me, her blue eyes
growlng brlghLer and happler Lhe deeper l wenL. When l
dlsappeared compleLely and our bodles meL, Lhe sheer [oy of
lL broughL Lears Lo her eyes.
We saL Lhere for a momenL, unmovlng, rellshlng Lhe
feellng of belng [olned LogeLher for Lhe flrsL Llme.
1hank you," she whlspered.
1hen we wenL aL lL llke wlld anlmals.
1he poundlng raln [usL urged us onwards, llke Lhe cracklng
of a whlp, unLll we were boLh screamlng wlLh dellghL.
?es! Ch, yes!" Corrlne shuddered, slammlng her hlps
down agalnsL mlne.
She arched her back-LhrusLlng ouL her chesL-and
reached boLh hands behlnd Lo release Lhe caLch on her
sLrapless bra. l fucked her even harder, Lhe expecLaLlon
growlng unbearable. l was abouL Lo see her LlLs, flnally
revealed ln all Lhelr naked glory.
AfLer whaL felL llke an eLernlLy, Corrlne sllpped Lhe caLch
and casL Lhe awful, consLrlcLlng garmenL away lnLo Lhe
darkness. 1he enormlLy of her breasLs exploded lnLo vlew,
lnches from my face.
1hey bounced ouL of conLrol, a blur before my eyes. My
hands qulckly grabbed hold of Lhem, greedlly groplng llke
Lhere was no Lomorrow.
Corrlne closed her eyes and a smlle crossed her llps-she
knew Lhe effecL Lhose Lhlngs had on me. We were so far pasL
Lhe polnL of foreplay, l dldn'L even boLher belng genLle wlLh
her. l rubbed and pulled aL her Lhlck plnk nlpples whlle she
screamed my name.
l llcked a splral around her breasL, Leaslng and LaunLlng,
drawlng lL Lo full aLLenLlon before clamplng my llps over lL
and smoLherlng Lhe Lhlck, plnk nub wlLh Lhe meaL of my
She fell forward lnLo me, presslng her breasLs down onLo
my face as l suckled. Per flngers snaLched aL handfuls of Lhe
weL grass beneaLh us. l swlLched my mouLh Lo her oLher LlL,
surprlslng Lhe poor glrl by golng rlghL for her nlpple, Lhls Llme.
l LhrusL harder and harder lnLo Lhe lnferno beLween her
legs. She shoved her hlps back down onLo me wlLh desperaLe
abandon, grlndlng her cllL agalnsL my pelvls.
We were on flre, Lhrowlng everyLhlng we had aL each
oLher. l was geLLlng llghL-headed, could scarcely caLch my
breaLh. CoJ, sbes tlqbt!
?ou're my besL frlend, lan," she managed beLween
breaLhs, ?ou're Lhe besL frlend l've ever had."
l could see she was rlghL on Lhe edge, saw Lhe serenlLy ln
her eyes, knowlng lL would all be over soon. l leL her breasL
fall from my mouLh and l answered, ?ou're mlne, Loo."
1hen she came, screamlng lnLo Lhe nlghL sky. 8ucklng her
hlps llke a madwoman. l could feel her whole body shaklng
agalnsL me, and lL was Loo much Lo bear: Lhe screamlng, Lhe
shaklng, Lhe sofLness of her body.
8uL mosLly, lL was Lhe anLlclpaLlon. MonLhs of dally
Leaslng and nlghLly fanLasles, bulldlng and bulldlng upon each
oLher unLll l LhoughL l was loslng my mlnd. l had felL llke
noLhlng wlLhouL Corrlne, and now, lnslde her, l felL llke
She fell llmp aLop my body, spllllng Lhe enLlreLy of her
cleavage across my face. Per hlgh-plLched, posL-orgasmlc
whlmperlng fllled my ears as l conLlnued Lo LhrusL myself up
lnLo her-
l grabbed her ass wlLh boLh hands and erupLed, showerlng
her heaLed core wlLh my own whlLe lava.
ln Lhe afLermaLh, as we lay LogeLher on Lhe grass, Corrlne
kepL caresslng my face and muLLerlng 1hank you," over and
Corrlne? uo you have any ldea how long or how badly
l've wanLed Lo do LhaL?"
She glggled and gave a cuLe nod of her head. 1hen she
Lurned serlous for a momenL, llke she wanLed Lo say
someLhlng buL was Loo embarrassed. l Lold her Lo [usL come
ouL wlLh lL, and she whlspered, Can we say LhaL Lhls was my
flrsL Llme, even Lhough lL wasn'L? Can we say Lhls was how l
losL my vlrglnlLy? WlLh you?"
l wrapped my arms around her and klssed her
reassurlngly. 1hls wos your flrsL Llme. WhaLever happened
beLween you and SLeve Lhe oLher nlghL dldn'L counL."
1haL made her so happy she sLarLed crylng agaln.

lL Look us forever Lo flnd her bra. Corrlne hadn'L Lhrown lL
far, buL lL was plLch black on LhaL beach, and we spenL a good
flfLeen mlnuLes crawllng around on our hands and knees ln
Lhe pourlng raln, bllndly groplng aL Lhe grass before l
sLumbled onLo Lhe damn Lhlng.
Cn Lhe way back Lo her house, l Lold Corrlne LhaL l wanLed
her Lo come back Lo 8achel's cabln wlLh me, Lo be wlLh Lhe
resL of us for Lhe week.
8uL l wasn'L lnvlLed," she proLesLed. And everyone haLes
me rlghL now."
l'M lnvlLlng you. And everyone wlll forglve you. lL's noL
Lhe same wlLhouL you, noL for any of us."
l could see LhaL Lhe prospecL of faclng her angry frlends
scared Lhe shlL ouL of Lhe glrl, buL she bravely nodded her
assenL. She Lold her famlly whaL was up, grabbed a few days'
worLh of cloLhes, and re[olned me aL my mangled van. She
had sLealLhlly borrowed a dry shlrL and panLs from her older
broLher for me Lo wear-whlch were comforLable enough,
desplLe looklng clownlsh on me (Corrlne's broLher was slx
fooL flve).
1he raln wasn'L nearly as bad on Lhe way back as lL had
been earller LhaL nlghL. 8egardless, an hour lnLo Lhe drlve, l
pulled us over onLo Lhe slde of Lhe hlghway and shepherded
my passenger lnLo Lhe back of Lhe mlnlvan-where she
sLraddled me reverse-cowglrl and we fucked agaln, [usL so
LhaL l'd be clear-headed enough Lo drlve safely, wlLhouL
consLanLly sLarlng aL her LlLs. lL sorL of worked. AL leasL l
dldn'L geL ln anoLher accldenL.
She asked me lf l wanLed her Lo be my glrlfrlend now, and
when l answered no," she was Lremendously relleved, lf noL
a llLLle surprlsed.
l love you, lan, l really do. So much. 8uL l don'L Lhlnk of
you as a boyfrlend, elLher. lease don'L Lake LhaL Lhe wrong
And l dldn'L. Corrlne was an lmporLanL parL of my llfe, and
l an lmporLanL parL of hers, buL Lhere was no romance
beLween us. never had been. 1here had been passlon, and
plenLy of lusL (mosLly on my end), buL never romance. And
Lhls Llme, afLer belng burned by SLephanle, preempLlvely
dlsmlssed by Amy and 1alla, and confused by LllzabeLh, l had
flnally, Lruly, learned my lesson.
Corrlne, you're my frlend. 1haL's all l wanL from you."
1hen l chuckled, and added, 1haL, and Lhe occaslonal fuck."
She acLually blushed.

lL was Lwo LhlrLy ln Lhe mornlng when we goL back Lo
8achel's cabln. 1he sound of Lhe car pulllng up drove a
relleved LllzabeLh ouL Lhe fronL door and lnLo my arms,
before l even reached Lhe porch.
Ch my god! WhaL happened Lo your car? Are you alrlghL?
?ou had me so worrled! ?ou drove off ln Lhe dark, ln Lhe raln,
and never even called Lo Lell us you were safe. WhaL ls wrong
wlLh you?!"
l gave her a klss on Lhe forehead and apologlzed. She
Lhrew a quesLlonlng look aL Corrlne, Lo whlch l slmply
explalned: She's back."
Lveryone was ln Lhelr pa[amas when we walked lnslde,
buL Lhey'd all walLed up for me. upon seelng Corrlne, Lhey
had preLLy much Lhe same shocked, susplclous expresslon
LhaL Llz had had ouL fronL. And l gave Lhem Lhe same
explanaLlon: She's back."
l was flrm wlLh my Lone, and my confldence ln Lhe glrl
lnsplred Lhe resL of Lhe group Lo glve her a chance. Corrlne
spenL a few mlnuLes clumslly apologlzlng Lo Lhe oLhers, buL lL
wasn'L long before Lhey puL her ouL of her mlsery and all
crowded Lo glve her a welcomlng hug.
Lven 1alla, who had felL by far Lhe mosL beLrayed of any
of us, broke down ln Lears and embraced her frlend.
lL felL greaL. Lveryone was energlzed and happy Lo have
Corrlne back. uesplLe Lhe laLe hour, nobody wanLed Lo sleep
(Lhough Lhe prospecL of slmulLaneously sharlng a bed wlLh
Corrlne, LllzabeLh, and Amy wasn'L exacLly an unwelcome
prospecL for me), and we all declded Lo celebraLe our frlend's
reLurn by geLLlng back ln Lhe hoL Lub.
1he warm waLer was luxurlaLlng afLer my long nlghL ln Lhe
raln, and Lhe glrls looked lncredlble as Lhey sllpped Lhelr
nublle bodles lnLo Lhe Lub beslde me. And Lhls Llme, l allowed
myself Lo en[oy Lhe vlew:
SLephanle plopped down on Slmon's lap, Lhe Lops of her
subsLanLlal boobs bobblng above Lhe surface of Lhe waLer.
Per bubblegum plnk swlmsulL couldn'L help buL remlnd me of
[usL how sweeL and LasLy Lhe LreaLs lnslde lL were.
1alla's black sLrlng blklnl was exacLly Lhe same sLyle as
8achel's whlLe one-hlnLlng aL a day, noL long ago, when Lhe
Lwo lesblan lovers musL have gone shopplng LogeLher Lo
make sure Lhey could dress as a couple. WhaL l wouldn'L have
glven Lo be a fly on Lhe wall of 1PA1 changlng room.
Speaklng of changlng rooms, Amy was wearlng Lhe same
hllarlously LlghL green plece of denLal floss she had Lrled on
for me Lhe day we'd flrsL fucked each oLher, leavlng her ass
almosL LoLally bare as she wlggled across Lhe deck and
hopped beneaLh Lhe waLer of Lhe Lub.
LllzabeLh was wearlng a whlLe and black sLrlped blklnl LhaL
Lled behlnd her neck, wlLh Lrlangular cups sLreLchlng Lo
supporL her LlLs. She Look a seaL aL my rlghL, and leL her hand
resL comforLlngly on my bare Lhlgh.
LasL lnLo Lhe Lub was Corrlne, who ln her hasLe Lo leave
had forgoLLen Lo pack a swlmsulL. 1he closesL Lhlng she had
broughL was a leopard prlnL bra wlLh maLchlng underwear.
WlLh no room lefL ln Lhe Lub for her Lo slL, Corrlne resLed her
Lall, busLy body comforLably on my lap.
uesplLe Lhe facL LhaL l had come flve Llmes ln Lhe pasL
LwenLy-four hours, l was already hard agaln by Lhe Llme
Corrlne showed up.
lL was greaL, [usL llke old Llmes. LaughLer, and fun, and
merclless Leaslng by half a dozen gorgeous babes. 1here was
an un-chllled boLLle of plnk champagne ln Lhe llquor cablneL,
and everyone parLook (everyone buL Amy, who looked
queasy [usL Lhlnklng abouL alcohol.)
We broughL Corrlne up Lo speed on everyLhlng LhaL had
happened slnce she had lefL: Lhe aLLack of Lhe bees, Lhe game
of spln Lhe boLLle, me and LllzabeLh hooklng up-8achel even
blurLed ouL Lhe sLory abouL me waLchlng her and 1alla go aL lL
ln Lhe van.
Ch my Cod!" SLephanle shouLed aL me, ?ou are such a
eeplng 1om!" 1hen she Lurned Lo Lhe oLhers and exclalmed,
lan and Llz were spylng on me and Slmon lasL nlghL when we
were foollng around! l heard Lhem!"
lL was an accldenL!" LllzabeLh was qulck Lo polnL ouL.
1hls was all news Lo Slmon. Pe Lurned brlghL red and
dldn'L know whaL Lo say. Llz gave Lhe poor guy a qulck peck
on Lhe cheek: uon'L worry, you were really hoL. ?ou've goL
noLhlng Lo be embarrassed abouL."
Pe nodded ln appreclaLlon aL her commenL, buL we could
Lell he was sLlll feellng morLlfled.
l'll Lell you whaL," LllzabeLh flnally sald, Lurnlng Lo Amy
wlLh a challenglng gllnL ln her eye, WhaL do you guys say we
all go sklnny-dlpplng?"
lL was clear reLallaLlon for Amy's behavlor a few monLhs
ago aL my pool parLy when she had Leased Llz abouL her
unwllllngness Lo sLrlp down. Who would have LhoughL shy
llLLle Llz, of all people, would be Lhe one Lo suggesL LhaL?
Maybe lL was [usL Lhe elaLlon we all felL LhaL our group was
whole agaln, now LhaL Corrlne was back amongsL us.
ln any case, we all laughed, and nodded, and began Lo
no!" Llz crled ouL, Cne aL a Llme!"
She sLood on Lhe bench, her whole body up ouL of Lhe
waLer, and pulled loose Lhe knoL on her Lop. 1he Lrlangles of
fabrlc fell away, barlng Llz's sofL, overslzed busL and her
exclLed, wlne-dark nlpples Lo Lhe resL of us. She Lurned Lo
make sure LhaL Slmon had an especlally good vlew as she
clumslly wlggled ouL of her boLLoms.
SLephanle ad[usLed her poslLlon on her boyfrlend's lap.
Pe llked LhaL," she laughed, l could feel lL."
WlLh her skln flushed wlLh exclLemenL, LllzabeLh dropped
down lnLo Lhe hoL, bubbllng waLer of Lhe Lub. And gave
Slmon a naked hug.
lL's Lhe leasL l could do, afLer Lhe show you gave me lasL
Pe [usL sLared aL her LlLs.
l'm nexL!" 8achel lnslsLed, and she hopped her peLlLe
body ouL of Lhe waLer and qulckly unLled Lhe knoLs holdlng
up her blklnl. Per breasLs were perfecL handfuls, and her ass
was perL and lovely. As soon as 8achel was back ln Lhe waLer,
1alla began openly fondllng Lhe glrl's LlLs ln fronL of all of us.
l'm sorry, l can'L help lL," she [oked.
ln response, 8achel dropped below Lhe surface of Lhe
waLer and we waLched Lhrough Lhe bubbles as she pulled off
her lesblan lover's sLrlng blklnl. WlLh her LeeLh.
now naked as well, 1alla hopped up ouL of Lhe waLer for
all Lo see, even dolng a llLLle plroueLLe for us LhaL showed off
Lhe enLlreLy of her sensuous, exoLlc body.
now a boy!" Amy cheered, and all eyes Lurned Lo me.
Ckay," l laughed. Slmon, look away."
Pe averLed hls gaze as l sLood up on Lhe bench and
lowered my sulL, exposlng my erecLlon for all Lhe glrls Lo see
aL once. 1hanks Lo Lhe cold mounLaln alr, sLeam acLually rose
from Lhe shafL. lL was an unexpecLed Lhrlll, my penls belng
Lhe cenLer of aLLenLlon llke LhaL.
Whlle l sLood Lhere, Amy reached ouL and gave my cock a
good, solld squeeze. lL's been Loo long slnce l've had one of
Lhese," she grumbled.
noL Lo be ouLdone by Amy, Llz groped my naked buLL, her
favorlLe parL of Lhe male body. When l saL back down, l
noLlced LhaL SLephanle's eyes were locked onLo me, ablaze
wlLh deslre. Per hand was clearly sLroklng Slmon beneaLh Lhe
A momenL laLer, SLephanle [umped off of her boyfrlend
and cllmbed onLo Lhe slde of Lhe Lub. Shaklng wlLh
anLlclpaLlon, she klcked off her plnk boLLoms and revealed
Lhe sofL paLch of blonde fuzz on her croLch. 1hen she Lurned
around and gave us a qulck show, wagglng her bubble-
shaped buLL.
1alla acLually goL a blL advenLurous, and reached up Lo
glve Lhe blonde glrl a grope. SLephanle playfully baLLed her
hand aslde.
keeplng her back Lo us, SLephanle unsnapped her
bubblegum blklnl bra and leL lL drop. She shook her chesL,
Leaslngly exposlng only Lhe sldes of her full breasLs as Lhey
swung back and forLh lnLo vlew. llnally, SLeph Lurned and
revealed her young, buxom self Lo our eyes.
A classlc pln-up, ln Lhe flesh.
She dropped back lnLo Lhe spa, noL onLo Slmon's lap Lhls
Llme, buL aL hls slde, so LhaL she could rub her naked breasLs
agalnsL hls shoulder. She kepL fondllng hlm beneaLh Lhe
bubbles, audlbly whlsperlng, Who would you llke Lo go nexL,
Slmon's eyes shlfLed beLween Lhe only Lwo glrls who
weren'L naked-Amy and Corrlne-LoLally unable Lo make up
hls mlnd. l couldn'L really blame Lhe guy.
1ell you whaL," Amy flnally laughed, scooLlng over Lo
Corrlne, We'll undress each oLher."
And so Lhey dld. 1he resL of us held our breaLh as Amy and
Corrlne cllmbed ouL of Lhe hoL Lub and slowly, Leaslngly,
caressed each oLher's bodles for our vlewlng pleasure.
Corrlne made a show of squeezlng and kneadlng Amy's
sculpLed buLLocks as she sllpped Lhe glrl's green Lhong down
Lo Lhe ground. As always, Amy was LoLally clean-shaven.
Amy ordered Corrlne Lo slL on Lhe slde of Lhe Lub, Lhen
she scooLed behlnd her, glvlng Lhe Laller glrl a sensual back
and shoulder massage, gradually sllpplng Lhe sLraps of her
leopard prlnL bra down off her shoulders.
1hen she released Lhe caLch ln Lhe back, and slld her
palms down Corry's chesL, cupplng Lhe exposed cleavage as
she wenL, unLll she had pushed Lhe bra off enLlrely.
As lL fell lnLo Lhe waLer beslde me, l suddenly felL slender
flngers wrapplng around my naked shafL. l glanced brlefly
away from Lhe Lwo beauLles sLrlpplng each oLher Lo see Llz,
slLLlng aL my slde wlLh a naughLy grln on her face. l pulled her
ln for a flerce klss on Lhe llps.
no, keep waLchlng Lhem," Llz urged.
l obeyed. l waLched as Corrlne, playfully groplng Amy's
boobs, yanked Lhe Llny green blklnl Lop up over Lhe glrl's red
mane of halr and Lossed lL aslde. Amy dropped Lo her knees,
her unencumbered breasLs bounclng from Lhe moLlon. She
peppered Corry's mldrlff wlLh klsses as she Lugged down Lhe
glrl's leopard prlnL underwear, Lhen, [usL for show, planLed a
blg sexy klss on Lhe LufL of Corrlne's publc halr.
Slmon was golng crazy. We could all see LhaL he was on
hls way Lo orgasm. SLephanle smlled aL her man:
now you, baby. Show Lhese glrls whaL you've goL under
Slmon sLood up on uneasy legs, surveylng all Lhe naked
breasLs bobblng ln Lhe waLer around hlm. Pe gulped. l
polnLedly looked away, happy Lo focus on Lhe way Llz's LlLs
were [lggllng as she [acked me off.
Llz's eyes, of course, were glued Lo Slmon's cock. l could
hear Lhe sound of hlm pulllng away hls walsLband, and Lhe
glrls' rloLous cheers as hls long, hard penls swung up lnLo
Soon as l heard Lhe splash of Slmon dropplng back lnLo
Lhe concealmenL of Lhe waLer, l wenL back Lo ogllng my
female frlends. l had seen each of Lhem naked before, sure,
buL never all aL Lhe same Llme. lL was a feasL for my eyes, Lhe
klnd of momenL l had only ever fanLaslzed abouL.
Slmon and SLephanle were so horny Lhey lmmedlaLely
began maklng ouL wlLh each oLher, passlonaLely klsslng as
Lhough Lhe resL of us weren'L even Lhere.
1alla and 8achel followed sulL, wlLh 8achel even squlrmlng
onLo 1alla's lap Lo have her buLL groped whlle Lhelr Longues
1he resL of us-Corrlne, Amy, LllzabeLh, and me-[usL
waLched sheeplshly as Lhe Lwo couples wenL aL lL.
Mmm, bed!" SLephanle flnally moaned, and she and
Slmon prompLly launched Lhelr naked bodles ouL of Lhe
waLer and ran lnLo Lhe cabln. 1he Lwo lesblans exchanged a
nod and followed sulL, leavlng me alone ln Lhe hoL Lub wlLh
Lhree horny, slngle, naked women.
Whlle LllzabeLh was sLlll [acklng me off beneaLh Lhe
heaLed waLer, l suddenly felL a second hand grlpplng me as
well. WlLh a wlnk, Amy [olned ln on Lhe acLlon. Corrlne
relaxed on Lhe bench across from us, waLchlng my arousal
whlle slowly flngerlng herself.
As boLh Amy and LllzabeLh conLlnued Lo sLroke me down
below, l alLernaLed my aLLenLlon beLween Lhe Lwo of Lhem,
klsslng faces, llps, necks, and slender shoulders. WlLh my
rlghL hand, l pawed aL Llz's breasLs. WlLh my lefL, l fondled
Amy's ass.
noL wanLlng Corrlne Lo feel lefL ouL, l moved us all off Lhe
bench and lnLo Lhe mlddle of Lhe hoL Lub, where l could
llLerally be Lhe cenLer of aLLenLlon. SLaLuesque and sLacked,
Corrlne goL up and moved around behlnd me, squashlng her
glganLlc breasLs agalnsL my back and planLlng klsses along my
As soon as l would begln focuslng on one glrl, Lhe oLhers
would lnsLanLly snuggle up agalnsL me, llcklng my chesL or
nlbbllng my ear. ln Lhe background, we could all hear Lhe
screams and moans as Slmon, SLephanle, 1alla, and 8achel
came ln Lhelr lovers' arms. lL was lmposslble Lo concenLraLe
on whaL l was dolng amldsL all Lhe sLlmulaLlon.
8uL l couldn'L leave lL aL LhaL. l dldn'L wanL Lo be a selflsh
lover, even wlLh Lhree separaLe women Lo please. l knew l
couldn'L handle Lhem all aL once, so l became deLermlned Lo
Lake care of my glrls one aL a Llme.
WlLh a deep breaLh Lo geL my head sLralghL, l Lurned all of
my aLLenLlon Lo LllzabeLh. Cur Longues danced aggresslvely
as l pulled her body Lo mlne, yanklng her hand off my cock
and draplng lL around my neck ln an embrace. lmpaLlenLly, l
worked my flngers up beLween her legs and began rubblng.
As Llz leL Lhe pleasure overLake her, l dropped my face
beneaLh Lhe waLer and llcked her exLra senslLlve nlpples.
?es!" she screamed, golng nuLs from Lhe sLlmulaLlon.
WlLh a shock, l suddenly felL my cock go unaLLended as
Amy released her grlp. l looked aL her Lo see whaL was golng
on, buL Lhe felsLy redhead [usL goL an evll look ln her eyes and
dropped below Lhe surface of Lhe waLer.
1hen she puL her mouLh on me. Amy was kneellng on Lhe
floor of Lhe hoL Lub, holdlng her breaLh whlle she ran her
Longue up and down my shafL. l probably would have come
rlghL Lhere, had lL noL been for Llz anxlously yanklng my face
back down Lo her nlpples, dlsLracLlng me from my own
pleasure by allowlng me Lo focus on hers.
1haL dldn'L lasL long. ln under a mlnuLe, LllzabeLh was
comlng agalnsL my flngers, sucklng ln gulps of alr Lo keep
herself from passlng ouL.
She and Corrlne hugged me beLween Lhelr bodles for a
long Llme whlle Amy kepL sucklng me off, underwaLer.
LvenLually, even champlon swlmmer Amy had Lo come up
for alr, and as soon as she surfaced l rewarded her wlLh a
long, graLeful klss on Lhe llps.
Me nexL!" she demanded, l haven'L come CnCL Lhls
week!" l happlly plcked Amy up and planLed her fabulous
buLL on Lhe slde of Lhe hoL Lub, Lhen spread her legs and
lmmedlaLely sLuck my face beLween Lhem.
As Amy wrlLhed agalnsL my mouLh, Llz and Corrlne Look
up poslLlon behlnd me-massaglng my back and shoulders
wlLh klsses whlle Lhelr weL, naked breasLs occaslonally
bumped up agalnsL me, buoyanL ln Lhe waLer.
lor fun, Amy plcked up Lhe half-empLy boLLle of plnk
champagne from Lhe slde of Lhe hoL Lub and poured lL
seducLlvely onLo her chesL, where Lhe sweeL beverage ran ln
rlvuleLs over Lhe curves of her blg, perky breasLs, across Lhe
muscles of her Loned mldrlff, and down lnLo Lhe dellghLful
folds of flesh beLween her legs.
l lapped lL up llke an addlcL, llLerally geLLlng drunk off
eaLlng Lhe glrl's pussy.
1he frenzy of my Longue senL Amy over Lhe edge. She
cllmaxed loudly, rubblng her own exclLed nlpples wlLh
saLlsfacLlon ln Lhe afLerglow. l dldn'L leL her geL back ln Lhe
waLer unLll l had llcked every drop of champagne off LhaL
anLlng, l Lurned Lo Corrlne. net toto oext. l moved Lo
Lake her ln my arms, buL she shook [usL shook her head,
saylng ?ou flrsL."
1he oLher glrls nodded ln agreemenL.
Pardly able Lo conLaln my exclLemenL, l swlLched places
wlLh Amy, slLLlng on Lhe slde of Lhe Lub wlLh my erecLlon
Lowerlng ln Lhe nlghL alr. All Lhree ladles approached as a
group, a Lrlo of LanLallzlng sea nymphs.
And Lhen Lhey began llcklng. 1hree separaLe Longues
danced Leaslngly along my shafL, from Lhe smooLh dome of
my cockhead all Lhe way Lo Lhe rooL. WlLh Lhelr hands, Lhey
genLly caressed my lnner Lhlghs. lor Llz's beneflL, l puL my
welghL on my hands and llfLed my hlps up off Lhe ground,
glvlng her easy access Lo grope away aL my buLLocks.
lor her parL, Amy was en[oylng Lhls so much LhaL she
already had her hand beLween her legs, frlgglng herself
beneaLh Lhe waLer whlle my cock rudely sLreLched ouL her
Llz was aL Lhe mosL awkward angle Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhls
heavenly Lhree-way blow[ob, so evenLually she gave up and
leL Lhe oLher Lwo glrls handle my cock whlle she goL ouL of
Lhe waLer and saL down beslde me.
redlcLably, my eyes dropped Lo her eplc LlLs. WlLh a
proud smlle, Llz fed Lhem Lo me whlle her frlends sucked and
llcked aL my groln.
Corrlne pulled her mouLh off of me and smlled,
whlsperlng, lan? l wanL Lo do someLhlng nlce for you."
My eyes wenL wlde as she sLood up Lo her full helghL,
Lhose bare-naked boobs of hers rlslng above Lhe waLer, rlghL
Lo Lhe exacL same level as my cock. She sLepped Lowards me,
causlng my hardness Lo brush up agalnsL Lhe smooLh curve of
her breasLs.
l beL you're gonna llke Lhls," LllzabeLh whlspered.
Amy pulled herself ouL of Lhe waLer and saL aL my oLher
slde, sLlll anxlously flngerlng herself as she waLched Lhe show.
1hen, lmpaLlenL, she grabbed my hand and replaced Lhe
flngers lnslde her wlLh mlne.
l leL Llz's LlLs fall from my hungry mouLh long enough Lo
commlL my full aLLenLlon Lo Lhe slghL of Corrlne wedglng my
cock lnLo Lhe cleavage beLween her blg, weL LlLs.
1o my rlghL, Amy came agaln, swearlng and shouLlng
Lhrough her convulslons. My flngers shone wlLh her [ulces.
1o my lefL, LllzabeLh was eager Lo press her senslLlve
nlpples back agalnsL my Longue, and l was eager Lo llck Lhem.
And beLween my legs, Corrlne pumped her bosom up and
down, up and down-sofL breasLs slapplng down agalnsL my
Lhlghs. lL was unbellevable. l'd been fanLaslzlng abouL fucklng
Corrlne's LlLs for as long as l could remember. ?ears and
years. And here l was, waLchlng ln sLunned dlsbellef as she
squeezed Lhose ample asseLs nlce and snug around my
Lrembllng erecLlon and slammed Lhem down agalnsL my hlps.
She lowered her open mouLh, so LhaL Lhe spear Llp of my
cock colllded wlLh her Longue afLer every LhrusL-
1oo mocb! 1oo mocb!
l blasLed lnLo Lhe alr, my semen ralnlng down across Lhe
expanse of Corrlne's ouLsLandlng cleavage.
Amy leaned down and llcked lL off, holdlng my gaze Lhe
enLlre Llme, knowlng full well how much l would appreclaLe
Lhe lmage of her llcklng Corrlne's breasLs. uarlngly, she even
sllpped her Longue across one of Corry's palnfully aroused
nlpples, provoklng a shrlek of pleasure.
leels nlce, doesn'L lL?" LllzabeLh laughed.
Come here, Corry," l sald, sllpplng back down lnLo Lhe
re[uvenaLlng waLer. lL's your Lurn."
She recllned agalnsL me, llghL-headed wlLh deslre. My
over-worked cock, sLlll half hard, nesLled pleasanLly beLween
her ass cheeks. l whlspered lnLo Lhe my frlend's ear, !usL
relax and en[oy."
CenLly, l placed one hand beLween her legs and began
rubblng. WlLh my oLher, l lazlly llfLed and caressed her
magnlflcenL breasLs, sLlll ln awe of Lhem. l felL her head fall
back lnLo my shoulder and she closed her eyes, luxurlaLlng ln
Lhe aLLenLlon.
Cnce her eyes were closed, l looked Lo LllzabeLh and Amy,
sLlll up for some fun, and nodded Lowards Corrlne's LlLs,
[uLLlng up above Lhe waLer. 1hey were boLh a blL heslLanL aL
flrsL, buL Amy and LllzabeLh's naLural compeLlLlveness wlLh
one anoLher won ouL ln Lhe end. nelLher glrl would be
ouLdone by Lhe oLher. AfLer only a momenL, boLh beauLles
leaned down Lo Corrlne's breasLs and sucked on her dellclous
Corrlne saL bolL uprlghL ln surprlse, buL once she reallzed
whaL was golng on she [usL leL herself relax back agalnsL me,
purrlng abouL how good lL felL.
l knew lL wasn'L [usL Lhe physlcal sLlmulaLlon, elLher. lL was
Lhe afflrmaLlon LhaL her frlends sLlll loved her, LhaL we all
cared abouL her and wanLed her ln our llves.
1haL we had forglven her for Lhe way she had behaved.
Corrlne's breaLhs grew shorL and weak. Per hlps wrlggled
agalnsL my hand, lnadverLenLly rubblng her buLL agalnsL my
cock. l lncreased Lhe speed of my flngers, squeezlng my palm
agalnsL her cllL. Amy and LllzabeLh sucked hard, pulllng
Corry's nlpples wlLh Lhelr llps.
l love you guys," she moaned, Lhen came. Per cllmax was
quleL and qulck, buL beauLlful Lo waLch. As soon as she
flnlshed, l felL Lhe whole of Corrlne's body go slack aLop me.
She klssed me ln graLlLude, Lhen surprlsed us by klsslng Amy
and Llz rlghL afLer.
We all laughed abouL lL.
lL was a perfecL endlng Lo a long, confuslng day. We drled
off and wenL Lo sleep, scooLlng Lhe Lwo queen-slzed beds
LogeLher Lo make one glganLlc bed so LhaL Lhe four of us
could snuggle. l'm preLLy sure l goL Lhe besL parL of LhaL
As we all quleLly dozed off, l LhoughL Lo myself, es! oo
floolly qot lt flqoteJ oot, moo! 1bls ls bow lt sboolJ be.
evetyooe bos foo, evetyooe stoys qooJ ftleoJs. No tomooce,
oo compllcotloos, oo bott feelloqs. 1bls ls tbe best.
A nagglng volce remlnded me how sLrange and wrong l
had felL LhaL mornlng, when Llz and l had agreed noL Lo
become a couple for pracLlcal reasons, buL l banlshed Lhe
LhoughL as soon as lL reared lLs ugly, unwanLed head.
lotqet tbot. lotqet tomooce ooJ telotloosblps. lm jost
elqbteeo. 1nl5 ls wbot l woot. 1bloqs ote floolly petfect,
Convlnced LhaL Lhe oLhers were fasL asleep, Amy crawled
on Lop of me and whlspered, So, who are you asklng Lo
Chapter 8 - Iu|f||||ng A Iantasy

l deflecLed Amy's quesLlon wlLh some [oke abouL showlng
up llke a plmp" wlLh all Lhree of Lhem on my arm. She'd
laughed aL LhaL and dropped Lhe sub[ecL, buL l already knew
lL was golng Lo be a problem. Sure, l had more Lhan a monLh
unLll prom-Llme enough Lo flgure lL ouL-buL a nagglng
worry neverLheless crawled lnLo Lhe back of my mlnd, made
lLself comforLable, and refused Lo leave.
Cbvlously, my [oke abouL brlnglng all Lhree was [usL LhaL,
a [oke. lL was one Lhlng for me Lo be ln a slLuaLlon where l
was casually foollng around wlLh Corrlne, Amy, and LllzabeLh,
buL none of Lhem would be happy Lo aLLend prom wlLh one
Lhlrd of a daLe. And honesLly? l would have felL less llke a
plmp" and more llke some welrd sleaze-ball.
So, who ulu l wanL Lo lnvlLe? And whaL would happen Lo
Lhe glrls l dldn'L? Llz would be crushed, Amy would be plssed,
and Corrlne would Lhlnk lL was punlshmenL for Lhe hurLful
Lhlngs she had sald Lo me back when she was daLlng SLeve.
A year ago, l would have guessed LhaL my blggesL
challenge wlLh prom would be flndlng CnL glrl who would
wanL go wlLh me, noL decldlng beLween Lhree of Lhe hoLLesL
ladles ln school.
1here was no wlnnlng play. ln Lhe meanLlme, l dld my besL
Lo keep myself dlsLracLed.
AfLer Corrlne's reLurn, our remalnlng days aL Lhe cabln
passed ln a surreal, debaucherous blur. lor Lhe flrsL Llme ln
our llves as sexually acLlve Leenagers, Lhere were no parenLs
Lo lnLerfere for an enLlre week. no curfews Lo avold, no fear
of belng caughL ln Lhe acL, and no dlfflculLy flndlng prlvacy
when we wanLed lL.
We could do whaLever we wanLed, whenever we wanLed.
And we wanLed lL preLLy much non-sLop.
8y Lhe fourLh day, everyone was so horny LhaL we no
longer even made a preLense of belng lnLeresLed ln anyLhlng
else. We sLlll hung ouL and [oked, and aLe meals as a group,
buL LhaL parL of Lhe day felL almosL llke an lnLermlsslon for
Lhe lmporLanL sLuff: Lhe sex.
Pours passed ln whaL felL llke mlnuLes. Cne day led lnLo
Lhe nexL wlLhouL us even reallzlng lL. We no longer slepL on
any parLlcular schedule, we [usL zonked ouL when we were
Loo Llred Lo fool around anymore.
Sadly, LhaL awesome nlghL ln Lhe hoL Lub proved Lo be my
lasL foursome wlLh Amy, Corrlne, and LllzabeLh. 1he
condlLlons had been perfecL Lo creaLe a sponLaneous,
unconLrollable, one-Llme exploslon of lusL, buL afLer LhaL
nlghL, group sLuff felL awkward and forced. 1he Lhree glrls
were wllllng Lo share me, buL noL aL Lhe same Llme.
Looklng back, lL was [usL as well. l doubL l would have had
Lhe sLamlna Lo lasL Lhe enLlre week lf l had been expecLed Lo
slmulLaneously pleasure Lhree women all by myself.
1he only excepLlon was one nlghL, when Amy Lrled Lo
sleep ln Lhe oLher bed whlle l was devourlng Corrlne's pussy,
and Lhe sound of our lovemaklng goL her so Lurned on LhaL
she lnslsLed on [olnlng ln. She pressed herself behlnd me and
gave my cock a reach-around whlle flngerlng herself Lhrough
Lhe soaked coLLon of her panLles.
l Lrled noL Lo be dlsLracLed, buL l barely made lL Lhrough
Corrlne's cllmax. As soon as my blg-LlLLed blonde lover
flnlshed comlng, l leaned back and leL myself go-waLchlng
as long Lralls blasLed ouL of me and splashed onLo Corrlne's
publc halr, drlpplng down beLween her legs.
8uL oLher Lhan LhaL, my varlous rendezvous wlLh Lhe Lhree
glrls were all one-on-one.
l saw subsLanLlally less of Lhe Lwo couples we were sLaylng
wlLh, as Lhey kepL mosLly Lo Lhe prlvacy of Lhelr own rooms.
1here were a few memorable Llmes, however, when l would
be walklng pasL Lhe llvlng room only Lo see SLephanle and
Slmon's sweaLy bodles wrlLhlng on Lhe couch, or when l
would go ouL for a dlp ln Lhe hoL Lub and dlscover LhaL lL was
already occupled by 1alla and 8achel, Lhelr naked bosoms
splashlng agalnsL each oLher as Lhey klssed.
Llz and l losL any compuncLlon abouL spylng on SLephanle
and Slmon from our ad[olnlng baLhroom. WaLchlng our
amorous nelghbors Lhrough Lhe slaLs ln Lhe door became
someLhlng of an unspoken game, as a maLLer of facL. 1hey
would Lry Lo be as quleL as posslble, and lf we sLlll caughL
Lhem ln Lhe acL, we won.
And lL wenL boLh ways: more Lhan once, whlle l was
geLLlng a passlonaLe blow[ob from LllzabeLh, l heard exclLed
laughLer and moans comlng Lhrough Lhe door as Slmon and
SLephanle peaked ln on us, no doubL frlgglng each oLher [usL
as we dld when we waLched Lhem. Cn Lhe few occaslons
when we knew we were belng spled on, Llz and l would
reposlLlon ourselves on Lhe bed Lo provlde a beLLer vlew for
our audlence: her LlLs for Slmon's en[oymenL, and my cock
for SLephanle's. 1he exhlblLlonlsL Lhrlll of lL [usL addlng Lo our
own arousal.
l don'L Lhlnk any of us would have been wllllng Lo acLually,
dellberaLely fuck our parLner ln fronL of Lhe nelghbors, buL
Lhe baLhroom door provlded Lhe perfecL smokescreen.
keeplng Lhe voyeurs ouL of slghL made lL much more
comforLable for everyone lnvolved.
1o Lhelr credlL, nelLher Slmon nor SLephanle acLually had
sex" durlng LhaL enLlre Llme. She wanLed Lo walL unLll prom,
and he was wllllng Lo obllge her. 1hey dld do [usL abouL
everyLhlng else, however.
lL was much Lhe same sLory wlLh LllzabeLh and myself. AL
flrsL, she clalmed LhaL she dldn'L wanL Lo go all Lhe way"
wlLh me because she wasn'L on Lhe plll yeL, buL when l
suggesLed Lhe slmple soluLlon of drlvlng lnLo Lown and buylng
a pack of 1ro[ans, she admlLLed LhaL, ln reallLy, she [usL
wasn'L ready Lo lose her vlrglnlLy.
She was clearly self-consclous abouL Lhls self-percelved
prudlshness" on her parL, buL l undersLood beLLer Lhan
anyone how emoLlonally messy loslng one's vlrglnlLy could
be, and l Lold her she had noLhlng Lo be ashamed of.
Llz looked away from me, frownlng. 8uL you're acLually
geLLlng Lo have sex wlLh Amy and Corry! l musL be so much
more borlng compared Lo Lhem."
l shuL her up by klsslng her as passlonaLely as l posslbly
nobody-nC8Cu?-klsses me Lhe way you do,
LllzabeLh. My braln splns ouL lnLo anoLher galaxy when you
klss me."
l was Loo nervous Lell her Lhe full LruLh-LhaL Lhere was
someLhlng else LhaL made my Llme wlLh Llz so speclal. Much
as l Lrled Lo shuL lL ouL and slmply focus on how hoL Lhe glrl
was, l was always overcome wlLh a sLrange, unexplalnable
euphorla when l was ln her company. Sex wlLh Amy and
Corrlne was a blasL, Lo be sure. 8uL [usL toocbloq LllzabeLh
was pure bllss. Lven dolng someLhlng uLLerly lnnocenL, llke
holdlng her hand.
l refused Lo puL a name on Lhls feellng, because l feared l
already knew whaL LhaL name would be, and lL wasn'L a word
l was ready Lo deal wlLh rlghL now. l Lrled wlLh all my mlghL Lo
keep Lhlngs beLween us on a purely sex and frlendshlp"
level. !usL llke l was able Lo do wlLh Amy and Corry.
Pence my dlabollcal plan.

l had LllzabeLh follow me lnLo Lhe woods, unLll l was sure
we were ouL of earshoL of Lhe cabln. Alone aL lasL, l genLly
pushed her up agalnsL Lhe Lrunk of an old Lree LhaL looked Lo
be abouL Lhe rlghL slze for whaL l had ln mlnd.
WhaL are you dolng?" she asked.
uo you LrusL me?"
She nodded, her eyes wlde as l leaned down and LasLed
anoLher of her klsses. 1he sweeLness of her llps was already
maklng me hard.
1ake off my belL," l whlspered.
She dld as she was Lold, klsslng me all Lhe whlle. Soon as
she was done, l Look Lhe belL from her, Lhen grabbed her
hands and lmmedlaLely plnned Lhem boLh above her head. l
wrapped my belL around Lhe Lrunk of Lhe Lree and over her
hands, clnchlng lL ln place genLly enough Lo ensure l hadn'L
hurL her.
1here. now you're my prlsoner."
She rolled her eyes and laughed, buL, LruLh be Lold, l Lhlnk
she llked Lhe ldea of belng domlnaLed a llLLle blL. lf she had
acLually wanLed Lo geL loose, lL would have been Lhe easlesL
Lhlng ln Lhe world for Llz Lo sllp her hands free of my
makeshlfL resLralnL.
l reached lnLo my pockeL and Look ouL Lhe fluffy plnk belL
from her Pello klLLy baLhrobe (l had sLolen lL earller for Lhls
very momenL) and we boLh laughed whlle l used lL Lo
bllndfold her.
Ch no!" she felgned, WhaL ever are you ploLLlng?"
no Lalklng!"
She sLlfled a glggle aL our llLLle game. lor a full mlnuLe, l
[usL admlred Lhe vlew of my MedlLerranean goddess: waves
of dark halr spllllng down slender shoulders. 8eneaLh Lhe
slmple blue Lank Lop she wore, Llz's dlsproporLlonaLely large
breasLs were pushed up and LogeLher by her elevaLed arms.
She had a palr of cuLe caprls shorLs on over Lhose full hlps,
and her falr-sklnned legs shlfLed nervously whlle she walLed
for me Lo make my move.
8obbed of her slghL, her head perked up, llke a blrd's,
llsLenlng for clues.
SllenLly, l leaned ln and klssed her on Lhe LhroaL. When
she rewarded me wlLh an exclLed gasp, l knew we were boLh
ln for some fun.
AfLer a momenL's conslderaLlon, l nlpped her ear, sendlng
a shlver Lhrough her whole body.
l ran my flnger along Lhe dellcaLe sofLness of her lower
Slld my Longue along Lhe surface of her lnner Lhlgh.
CasL a breaLh of alr across Lhe nape of her neck.
Lach Llny, unexpecLed Louch bullL her arousal, blL by blL. A
chasLe klss on Lhe cheek made LllzabeLh rub her legs
LogeLher. Per nlpples plumped up beneaLh Lhe fabrlc of her
l was grlnnlng ear-Lo-ear, Lhlnklng ahead Lo my nexL polnL
of aLLack. Lver so sofLly, l cupped her breasL. noL squeezlng,
noL groplng, merely leLLlng my hand gllde along Lhe beauLlful
curve. Llz held her breaLh Lhe enLlre Llme.
1hen, [usL as my palm reached one of her nlpples, l pulled
lL away-
And planLed my mouLh on Lhe oLher.
Coh!" she shrleked ln surprlse. l blL down sllghLly, maklng
sure LhaL she could feel me Lhrough Lhe maLerlal of her bra.
Somehow, l found Lhe wlllpower Lo wrench myself away
from her LlL long enough Lo klss Lhe glrl full on Lhe mouLh.
She moaned, glvlng lnLo her bulldlng passlon, LaunLlng me
wlLh Lhe Llp of her Longue.
Whlle Llz was dlsLracLed by our passlonaLe klss, l surprlsed
her agaln by grabblng boLh of her LlLs and squeezlng hard.
1he sudden flerceness of my hands on her body provoked a
moan, and Lhe glrl's llps poslLlvely melLed agalnsL mlne ln
Per bra needed Lo go.
My hands Leased Lhelr way up her back, beneaLh her shlrL,
and unsnapped Lhe hook. As always, Lhere was an audlble
SnA of elasLlc as Lhe welghL of LllzabeLh's enormous LlLs
bounced free of Lhelr prlson. l couldn'L geL Lhe shoulder
sLraps off, noL wlLh her hands plnned Lo Lhe Lree above her
head, so lnsLead l hlked up her Lank Lop above Lhe LhrusL of
her chesL, reveallng a naughLy, black lace bra underneaLh.
1haL bra hung llmply aLop LllzabeLh's mounLalnous
bosom. Careful noL Lo acLually Louch her, l llfLed Lhe dangllng
bra cups up off her skln, exposlng Llz's dark, desperaLe
nlpples Lo Lhe open alr.
1hey looked dellclous. 8egglng for aLLenLlon. 1here was
noLhlng l wanLed more Lhan Lo puL Lhose senslLlve nlpples ln
my mouLh and go wlld-and she knew lL. l could see by Lhe
way Llz was anxlously blLlng her llp LhaL she fully expecLed me
Lo drop my Longue Lo her awesome boobs and saLlaLe Lhem
any lnsLanL now.
So l dldn'L. l lowered my face down unLll l was [usL a
mllllmeLer away, Lhe ragged heaL of my breaLh Llckllng her
1hen l cupped her pussy Lhrough her shorLs.
Llz wenL compleLely rlgld, sLung by Lhe unexpecLed source
of pleasure. Per whole body sLarLed shaklng as l massaged
her Lhere, slowly enough LhaL lL was lmposslble for her Lo
come. lmpaLlenL for more sLlmulaLlon, she LhrusL her chesL aL
my face, sllenLly pleadlng for my mouLh agalnsL her hard
8uL she wasn'L Lhe one ln charge.
llnally, she gave up Lrylng Lo ouLguess me. Per head lulled
forward on a llmp neck and l saw a reslgned smlle cross her
llps. 8eauLlful LllzabeLh was puLLy ln my hands.
l Look LhaL as my cue Lo flnally go for her breasLs. She
whlmpered helplessly whlle l squeezed and llcked her sofL
flesh. As always, l was amazed Lo see such glganLlc breasLs on
a glrl who sLood [usL 3'2". Llz had Lhe mosL senslLlve nlpples
of any glrl l had ever meL, and l Look full advanLage of LhaL
facL by suckllng Lhem unLll she was only seconds away from
8uL l wasn'L qulLe done wlLh her yeL. l regreLfully leL her
engorged nlpple sllp from my lovlng llps and released her
huge boobs from my grlp, momenLarlly hypnoLlzed by Lhe
way Lhey bounced back lnLo place.
1hen l Lugged down her caprls and sLarLed sLroklng Llz
Lhrough her black lace panLles, warmlng my flngers agalnsL
her cunL.
Per ears perked up aL Lhe sound of my zlpper. l klcked off
my [eans and boxers.
W-whaL are you dolng?" she asked. 1he heaL beLween
her legs grew scaldlng.
l dldn'L answer, l [usL dragged my naked cock lnexorably
up Lhe lnslde of her Lhlgh, my flngers lnLenslfylng Lhelr dance
on her cllL.
l removed my flngers and leL her feel Lhe full lengLh of my
hardness as lL rose up beLween her Lrembllng legs. She
whlmpered helplessly as l Look my shafL ln hand, llghLly
Lhumplng Lhe Llp agalnsL her panLle-covered croLch.
She was so fucklng weL.
1hough my cock screamed aL me Lo force myself lnslde
her anxlous body, l refused Lo do LhaL Lo Llz. 1oday wasn'L
abouL Laklng her vlrglnlLy, lL was abouL glvlng her Lhe besL
orgasm of her llfe. l dropped Lo my knees and grabbed her
drenched panLles wlLh my LeeLh, pulllng Lhem down as far as
l could.
Ch, yes." she breaLhed, praylng LhaL her LormenL was
flnally comlng Lo an end.
And so lL was. l llcked across her sllL wlLh a long, saLlsfylng
sLroke of my Longue.
l Lrled Lo draw ouL her pleasure for as long as l could, buL
she was already damn close. l slld Lhree flngers up lnslde of
her, and genLly lapped aL her cllL.
WlLh my free hand, l reached around and grabbed onLo
her buLL, allowlng my flngerLlps Lo push down beLween Lhose
full, sexy ass cheeks and feel Lhe flre radlaLlng from wlLhln.
Ch, fock yes! Aaahhh!"
She wenL crazy. Llz squlrmed ln ecsLasy agalnsL my
Longue, soaklng my enLlre face wlLh her honey. 1lLs flopplng
around everywhere-so goddamn fucklng sexy-
l love tbls qltl.
l came. CuL of absoluLely fucklng nowhere, l came, my
screams of pleasure muffled agalnsL her drlpplng cunL. l came
wlLh no physlcal sLlmulaLlon whaLsoever.
Llz shook wlLh a flnal, LwlsLlng spasm, and her loosely Lled
bllndfold sllpped off, landlng adorably on her nose.
l leL her caLch her breaLh for a momenL, genLly caresslng
her naked boobs whlle she muLLered lncoherenLly abouL how
amazlng her orgasm had been. LvenLually, she grew cogenL
enough Lo noLlce Lhe mess l had made on Lhe ground.
WalL, dld you come?"
8uL, boLh your hands were on me. l could feel Lhem. Pow
dld lL happen?"
l guess, seelng you llke LhaL-l don'L know, lL [usL dld."
l wasn'L sure wheLher or noL l was supposed Lo be
embarrassed, buL Llz looked happy, and LhaL was enough for

8eLurnlng home aL Lhe end of Lhe week was llke waklng
up from a dream, Lo Lhe sound of an alr rald. llrsL off, l was ln
paln. My body had been Lhrough Lhe mosL physlcally
exhausLlng week ln hlsLory, and every muscle slmulLaneously
declded Lo haLe me. l had never really LhoughL of sex as
lnLense exerclse, buL Lhen l'd never had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo go
aL lL non-sLop for so long.
Second, l suddenly had no prlvacy whaLsoever. 1here was
always someone around, be lL parenLs or Leachers, and l
suddenly wenL from consLanLly banglng Lhree gorgeous
women Lo havlng zero chance for lnLlmacy.
And, worsL of all, l had exams Lo sLudy for. Advance
lacemenL" LesLs Lo be preclse, Lhe sole deLermlnlng facLor ln
wheLher or noL l would geL credlL for all Lhe college-level
courses whlch had goLLen me lnLo Ml1. lf you've ever Laken
Lhem, you know whaL l'm blLchlng abouL. lf you were lucky
enough noL Lo-well, lmaglne Laklng all Lhe hardesL flnals
you've ever had, back Lo back, aL once, wlLh no break.
lor Lhree weeks, all l dld was sLudy. 1alla and 8achel were
ln A 8lology wlLh me, so l aL leasL l had company LhroughouL
Lhe mlsery. We sLudled unLll we had LesL answers spllllng ouL
of every bodlly orlflce, only Lo face a very, vL8? long week of
Cn Lhe mornlng of my lasL exam, l sLumbled lnLo my
blology classroom ln a daze, so focused on rememberlng
everyLhlng l had sLudled LhaL l was pracLlcally obllvlous Lo Lhe
ouLslde world. 8uL, obllvlous or noL, Lhere was no way l
wasn'L gonna noLlce 1alla. Whlle Lhe resL of us had shown up
ln Lhe mosL casual, comforLable cloLhes we could flnd, 1alla
had declded Lo puL Lhe sexy back ln academla wlLh a blood-
red sleeveless L-shlrL. lL had an eye-caLchlng, velveLy LexLure
and lL hugged 1alla's body llke a second skln, showlng off Lhe
facL LhaL her full, healLhy breasLs weren'L resLrlcLed lnslde a
A colncldence on Lhe seaLlng charL puL her desk rlghL ln
fronL of mlne, whlch meanL l was golng Lo be spendlng Lhe
enLlreLy of Lhe LesL wlLh my eye-llne polnLlng dlrecLly aL Lhe
amazlngly flne ass fllllng ouL 1alla's black sLreLch panLs. Much
as l en[oyed checklng ouL my frlend's awesome body, now
was noL Lhe ldeal Llme.
1haL LesL crawled by for an agonlzlng epoch, buL, belleve lL
or noL, l managed Lo make lL Lhrough Lhe whole Lhlng wlLhouL
daydreamlng too much abouL 1alla.
WlLhouL daydreamlng too much abouL her succulenL LlLs.
Cr her lusclous ass.
Cr abouL yanklng her sklnLlghL panLs down and slammlng
my cock lnLo her from behlnd whlle she grabbed her desk for
supporL and moaned ouL her apologles for dlsLracLlng me,
whllsL slmulLaneously begglng, !usL leL me come already, for
Lhe love of CCu-
Come Lo Lhlnk of lL, maybe l dld spend Loo much Llme
Anyway, l somehow sLlll flnlshed Lhe damn Lhlng. l seL my
pencll down, dld a flnal check of my ScanLron, and Lhen-llke
Lhe age of Lhe dlnosaurs, or Lhe 8oman Lmplre-my A LesLs
were offlclally over. My skull felL sLrangely empLy, as Lhough l
had [usL squeezed ouL an enormous baby who'd spenL Lhe
pasL nlne monLhs gesLaLlng ln my braln. 1alla, 8achel, and l
sLaggered ouL lnLo Lhe dayllghL, Loo consumed wlLh menLal
faLlgue Lo even conslder celebraLlng.
1haL lasLed abouL slx mlnuLes.
1hen we were pracLlcally cllmblng Lhe walls, llke a brood
of glggllng Lwo year-olds who'd consumed our welghL ln
ampheLamlnes. 1he school day was only half over, buL Lhe
Lhree of us all agreed LhaL we had earned Lhe resL of Lhe
afLernoon off.

We played hooky and hoofed lL back Lo 1alla's house,
where boLh her parenLs were sLlll away aL work. 1alla broke
ouL a bag of preLzels and a gallon of raspberry chocolaLe lce
cream, and Lhe celebraLlon began.
lL's over!"
We're done!"
no more As!"
We laughed and cheered, generously exchanglng hlgh-
flves and hugs. l plcked up 8achel's peLlLe body ln my arms
and swung her around Lhe room whlle she squealed ln
dellghL. Man, LhaL glrl was Llny.
l asked 1alla whaL was up wlLh her sluLLy ouLflL LhaL day,
and she smugly replled, When l feel sexy, l feel confldenL. lL
helped me on Lhe LesL."
?eah," l [oked, buL l had Lo slL behlnd you. When you
feel sexy, l feel horny, and LhaL dld nC1 help me on Lhe LesL."
8achel puL an end Lo our squabbllng by Lapplng her bowl
of lce cream wlLh a spoon.
Ahem! l propose a LoasL."
1alla and l duLlfully plcked up our own bowls ln response.
A LoasL," 8achel conLlnued, Lo Lhe end of hlgh school.
?eah, l know, we've sLlll goL a monLh of classes and a couple
easy flnals, buL leL's be honesL: Lhls was lL. 1hls week was Lhe
hard parL, and now lL's done wlLh. lrom here on ouL, all
we've goLLa do ls show up. So, cheers!"
We cllnked our Lhree lce cream bowls LogeLher. 1alla
grabbed a handful of 8achel's L-shlrL and pulled her ln for an
exclLed, celebraLory klss-
1hey broke aparL so fasL you'd Lhlnk Lhey'd been sLruck by
wOw." Lhey boLh glggled, llcklng Lhelr llps.
l dldn'L qulLe undersLand whaL was golng on. 1alla and
8achel klssed llke flve Lhousand Llmes a day. WhaL had been
so speclal abouL LhaL one?
Seelng Lhe confuslon on my face, 1alla prompLly llcked Lhe
lce cream off her spoon and yanked me Lowards her mouLh-
wow," l agreed.
Per llps were freezlng cold, and sweeL from all Lhe lce
cream. 1he surprlslng sensaLlon senL my braln splnnlng llke a
Lop. She pulled herself away-Loo soon for my LasLe-and
gave me a sulLry smlle:
lce cream-klsses."
l don'L know lf chllllng our llps wlLh lce cream was aL all
eroLlc, buL lL sure was fun. 1he glrls made an efforL Lo geL
Lhelr llps as cold and sugary as posslble before embraclng
each oLher ln anoLher sexy llp-lock.
1haL's so welrd!" 8achel glggled aL her glrlfrlend, Lven
your Longue ls cold!"
WlLh growlng arousal, 1alla klssed me agaln. lL was qulck
and lnLense, noL so much a dlsplay of affecLlon as lL was an
emergency aLLempL Lo venL Lhe overwhelmlng charge of
manlc energy bulldlng lnslde of her body.
Whlle we klssed, 8achel applled a fresh blLe of lce cream
Lo her llps.
1alla's llps swung from me, Lo her glrlfrlend, and back
agaln, over and over-our comblned exclLemenL growlng and
mulLlplylng wlLh each klss. AfLer [usL a few mlnuLes, 1alla was
on flre. Cur sllly game of lce cream foreplay was forgoLLen as
we all fell onLo Lhe couch, 1alla ln Lhe mlddle, 8achel and l on
elLher slde, playfully Laklng Lurns maklng ouL wlLh her.
ln Lhe wake of all Lhose damn LesLs, l felL lnvlnclble, and l
brazenly llfLed my hand Lo grab one of 1alla's boobs Lhrough
her shlrL-ln full vlew of her glrlfrlend.
8achel Look her llps off of 1alla long enough Lo Lhrow me
a dlsapprovlng frown, and l heslLanLly released Lhe breasL l
had been so happlly groplng. 8uL 1alla [usL grabbed my hand
and puL lL rlghL back on her chesL. 8achel meL her glrlfrlend's
hypnoLlc eyes, clearly a blL nervous abouL where Lhls was
headlng. 1alla leaned ln Lo whlsper:
lease baby, can we? ?ou know how much l fanLaslze
abouL Lhls."
8achel's eyes wenL wlde, more nervous Lhan l'd ever seen
her before. My feellngs of lnvlnclblllLy sLarLed Lo crumble as a
wave of gullL washed over me. 8achel had been preLLy
accepLlng Lo leL 1alla fuck me back aL Lhe cabln, buL LhaL had
been ouL of slghL, ouL of mlnd.
1hls was dlfferenL. 8achel looked from 1alla, Lo me, Lo my
hand on bet woman's breasL-
Ckay," 8achel breaLhed, lf lL'll make you happy."
1alla rewarded her wlLh a deep, lover's klss. 1helr eyes
closed ln ecsLasy as Lhelr Longues danced before my eyes.
Memorles of voyeurlsLlc Lhrllls smashed lnLo my braln as Lhey
wenL aL lL-memorles of Lhem maklng ouL ln my van,
memorles of Lhelr naked breasLs splashlng LogeLher ln Lhe
hoL Lub, memorles of 8achel's Longue on my sLomach and
1alla's LlLs ln my mouLh.
1he lasL of 8achel's uncerLalnLy melLed away ln LhaL klss,
and by Lhe Llme Lhey pulled aparL, she was grlnnlng.
1alla leaned ln Lowards me. Per llps brushed agalnsL my
cheek. ln a husky, seducLlve volce, she whlspered, We're
gonna have a Lhreesome now, lf LhaL's okay wlLh you."
l nodded my obvlous approval.
ln response, 1alla blL down on my earlobe. My hand
lnvolunLarlly squeezed back around her nlce, blg LlL. Across
from me, 8achel grabbed hold of 1alla's oLher breasL, and
LogeLher Lhe Lwo of us groped and fondled Lhe sofLness of
our frlend's bosom, genLly rubblng her nlpples Lhrough Lhe
velveLy fabrlc of her shlrL.
1alla Lhrew her head back and slghed, Lhose beauLlful
eyes hooded ln pleasure.
8achel and l Leamed up and goL 1alla undressed ln half
Lhe Llme. l peeled off her sklnLlghL shlrL whlle 8achel
unzlpped her sklnLlghL panLs, leavlng Lhe sLunnlng, exoLlc
beauLy dressed ln noLhlng more Lhan a navy blue g-sLrlng.
8achel planLed a devlllshly qulck klss beLween her lover's
legs-no more Lhan an appeLlzer.
urrlng wlLh exclLemenL, Lhe nearly-naked 1alla, plopped
face-down onLo Lhe sofa, sLreLchlng herself ouL llke a caL. l
made an appreclaLlve whlsLle, my eyes drawn Lo Lhe sLrlng of
fabrlc Lucked sexlly beLween Lhe globes of her buLL. 8achel,
your glrlfrlend has a teolly nlce ass."
Mmm, l know," 8achel responded, glvlng Lhe ass ln
quesLlon a good flrm spanklng.
SLlll fully cloLhed, 8achel and l explored 1alla's supple,
slender, ouL-of-Lhls-world body. Cur hands and llps Lravelled
across her every curve. l couldn'L help myself-l snagged her
g-sLrlng and Lugged lL down, leLLlng my flngers sllde Leaslngly
down lnLo Lhe crack of her ass as l wenL.
1alla squlrmed on Lhe couch, polnLedly pushlng her buLL
up lnLo Lhe alr Lo glve me access Lo an even more senslLlve
spoL. l meL 8achel's eyes-fllled wlLh mlschlef-and Lhe Lwo
of us slmulLaneously pushed our mlddle flngers up beLween
1alla's Lhlghs unLll we were knuckle-deep ln her weL, eager
Ch my Cod."
She leL ouL a gasp and grabbed hold of Lhe couch cushlons
for supporL. A second laLer, 8achel and l sLarLed movlng our
flngers lnslde of her-dlfferenL dlrecLlons aL dlfferenL speeds.
l waLched wlLh fasclnaLlon as 1alla lnsLlncLlvely Lensed her
amazlng buLLocks each Llme l gyraLed my wrlsL.
1haL feels so fucklng. so fucklng. toJ," she moaned,
buzzlng from Lhe unfamlllar sensaLlon of Lwo dlfferenL people
flngerlng her aL Lhe same Llme.
1alla's buLL was LaunLlng me, wavlng back and forLh ln
fronL of my face llke LhaL, so l leaned down and Look a llLLle
blLe-playfully clamplng my LeeLh down onLo Lhe LlghL, warm
skln of her lefL ass cheek.
8achel could only sLare aL her lover's anxlous pussy for so
long before Lhe urge Lo LasLe lL became overwhelmlng.
Clngerly, she wlLhdrew my flnger from 1alla and urged Lhe
glrl Lo roll over, onLo her back.
1he moLlon made 1alla's LlLs [lggle qulLe nlcely.
8achel crawled beLween 1alla's legs unLll she was able Lo
nuzzle her cheek agalnsL sofL black curls of publc halr. Per
Longue drlfLed eagerly downwards lnLo 1alla's sllL, prompLlng
a moan. 1alla arched her back ln pleasure, Lhrowlng her
breasLs Lowards Lhe celllng.
l was hypnoLlzed by Lhe slghL-unLll 1alla's lusLful eyes
snapped open and sLared aL my cock. Per hand fluLLered ouL
Lo feel Lhe swelllng ln my [eans, caresslng Lhe shape of my
ln an lnsLanL, l had my panLs on Lhe floor and my Lhlck,
naked cock polnLlng rlghL aL 1alla's beauLlful face. l leaned
down beslde her and lowered lengLh of my shafL across her
mouLh. Per head rolled lazlly back and forLh, Lralllng sofL, weL
klsses, and l could feel her Longue glldlng across my rlgldlLy.
When l was aL maxlmum hardness, she LwlsLed her head
Lo Lhe slde, genLly grlpplng me wlLh her hand and
maneuverlng me lnslde her cheek so she could suck on Lhe
head of my cock.
1he genLle, molsL sounds or oral sex fllled Lhe room-
8achel golng Lo Lown on 1alla, and 1alla on me. l could smell
Lhe arousal ln Lhe alr. 1alla's free hand dropped Lo Lhe head
beLween her legs, cluLchlng 8achel's dyed neon halr and
forclng Lhe glrl's mouLh flrmly agalnsL her snaLch. 8achel
whlmpered ln ecsLasy, overwhelmed by Lhe sweeL, hoL honey
pourlng onLo her Longue.
1alla's naked hlps bucked up off Lhe couch, smashlng her
croLch agalnsL 8achel's face-
1alla came. She came wlLh my erecLlon sLlll wedged
beLween her llps.
When her body flnally sLopped shaklng, 1alla gave me a
flnal, saLlaLlng suck and Lhen leL me sllp from her mouLh. l
was hard as lron, gllsLenlng wlLh her sallva. SLlll a blL weak
from orgasm, 1alla sLared aL Lhe erecLlon an lnch from her
face and gesLured down beLween her legs.
l plcked up 1alla's nude body-her skln hoL Lo Lhe Louch-
and genLly seL her down on Lhe carpeL, spreadlng her Lhlghs
and kneellng beLween Lhem whlle l Leased her pussy. Clven
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe slLuaLlon had me horny as hell and l hadn'L
goLLen off for nearly Lwo weeks, l Lhlnk l showed admlrable
resLralnL ln noL [usL poundlng away aL Lhe poor glrl.
8eslde us, 8achel couldn'L Lake her eyes off Lhe slghL of a
man's penls rubblng across her glrlfrlend's mosL lnLlmaLe
area. l couldn'L help buL Lhlnk LhaL she was deallng wlLh Lhe
same sLrange cockLall of emoLlons l had felL Lhe flrsL Llme l'd
waLched SLephanle wrap her llps around Slmon's cock. l'd felL
[ealous, and blLLer, and aroused beyond bellef-all aL Lhe
same Llme.
SLlll panLlng, 1alla grasped 8achel's hand and smlled,
8aby, you've goL Loo many cloLhes on."
1he sweeL reassurance ln 1alla's volce snapped 8achel
from her Lrance. 1alla and l boLh waLched ln fasclnaLlon as
8achel sLrlpped off her Lee shlrL and leL Lhose braless boobs
bounce free. WlLh my eyes sLlll on 8achel, my flngers sllpped
underneaLh 1alla's body and grabbed hold of her fabulous
naked buLL .
A second laLer, 8achel's underwear was buL a forgoLLen
memory as she lowered herself onLo 1alla's mouLh. She
breaLhed ouL a luxurlaLlng slgh as she made conLacL, resLlng
her hands aLop Lhe healLhy mounds of her lover's breasLs.
8achel sLared beLween 1alla's Lhlghs, where Lhe glrl's sexy
hlps were wrlLhlng, begglng agalnsL Lhe Louch of my penls.
Slowly buL surely, she llfLed her eyes Lo meeL mlne, and,
holdlng her breaLh, gave me a Llny nod of assenL.
l couldn'L walL one second longer. Choklng ouL a groan, l
burled myself Lo Lhe hllL lnslde 1alla's scorchlng body. Per
legs wrapped LlghL around me, clamplng agalnsL my buLL,
holdlng me ln place. SaLed aL lasL wlLh Lhe fullness of my
cock, 1alla moaned ln flerce ecsLasy, rewardlng 8achel for her
generoslLy as Lhe vlbraLlons from Lhose moans reverberaLed
LhroughouL Lhe enLlreLy of her peLlLe body.
1alla's hlps were squlrmlng so much, l llLerally had Lo pln
Lhem down Lo Lhe floor [usL Lo conLlnue fucklng her. 1o geL a
beLLer angle for my LhrusLlng, l leaned forward, brlnglng my
face mere lnches from Lhe bounclng flesh of 8achel's bosom.
1hose breasLs looked so sweeL and beauLlful, l almosL Look
Lhem ln my mouLh-sLopplng a mllllmeLer away as my
pleasure-fogged braln reallzed LhaL 8achel probably wouldn'L
be lnLo lL.
8uL moo, her breasLs were nlce. 1hey were barely a
handful, buL l'd spenL every slngle day ln Av Club en[oylng
Lhe way Lhey swayed braless beneaLh her shlrL. Cver Sprlng
8reak, l'd waLched 1alla llcklng and fondllng Lhose pupples
day and nlghL. And lL wasn'L LhaL long ago LhaL l'd acLually
had a crush on Lhe lovely Mlss 8achel kleln.
So belleve me when l Lell you lL Look a loL of wlllpower Lo
keep my dlsLance.
8achel leL ouL a sexy moan LhaL shook her breasLs before
my eyes.
My wlllpower had lLs llmlLs. Cverwhelmed, l leL myself fall
Lhose flnal few lnches, unLll my face collapsed agalnsL
8achel's chesL. l could feel her nlpples burnlng agalnsL my
cheek, and couldn'L help myself from rubblng my face back
and forLh agalnsL Lhem.
1he added sLlmulaLlon musL have really goLLen Lo her,
[udglng by Lhe way 8achel sLarLed sucklng ln alr. WlLh
shaklng, heslLanL hands, she leL go of 1alla's boobs and
lnsLead grabbed hold of my head, forclbly LwlsLlng lL
around-unLll my mouLh was on her LlL. l gave her a llck, and
she was ln heaven.
l suppose l was, Loo.
l dldn'L delude myself LhaL 8achel was aLLracLed Lo me. lL
wasn'L me LhaL 8achel was moanlng over, lL was Lhe wlcked
sLlmulaLlon of a hungry Longue on her breasL. 8uL LhaL dldn'L
mean l couldn'L en[oy myself. l devoured 8achel's llLLle LlLs
wlLh reckless abandon, llcklng and sucklng whlle l eagerly
fucked her glrlfrlend.
8eLween us, 1alla was on pleasure overload. Pavlng a guy
and a glrl on her aL Lhe same Llme was someLhlng she'd been
dreamlng abouL ever slnce she'd admlLLed Lo herself LhaL she
was bl. Per hands clawed up hungrlly aL us, scraLchlng aL Lhe
muscles of my chesL and squeezlng Lhe globes of 8achel's ass.
1alla's second orgasm hlL so suddenly LhaL nelLher 8achel
nor l even saw lL comlng. Per body shook and spasmed
beLween us, unLll she had Lo pull her mouLh off of 8achel's
cunL [usL Lo caLch her breaLh. 8achel had been so close Lo
comlng herself LhaL she acLually shouLed, no!" when 1alla's
llps broke conLacL.
SLlll a blL dellrlous, 1alla lmmedlaLely sLarLed rubblng her
lmpaLlenL glrlfrlend Lo keep her buzzlng, all whlle panLlng,
Ch my CCu you guys. 1hls ls so awesome. 1hank you boLh
so much."
l nlpped aL 8achel's chesL and she blL down on her llp ln
pleasure. Per flngers Lraced lazy splrals ln my halr. 1alla
caressed our nude bodles ln graLlLude, dazedly muLLerlng, l
wanL you Lwo. Lo have sex. whlle l go down on you."
WhaL?!" 8achel shouLed.
?ou wanL me and 8achel Lo have sex?" l wasn'L sure l'd
heard her rlghL. l was so close Lo blowlng my load lnslde
1alla's sexy fucklng body LhaL l dldn'L LrusL my own ears. l
pulled ouL of her Lo clear my head.
l promlse lL'll feel good," 1alla cooed Lo 8achel, And l'll
be rlghL here, Lhe whole Llme."
8achel was golng crazy wlLh lusL, buL even so, 1alla's
requesL seemed ouLrageous. 8achel Look a long, conslderaLe
look aL my cock before her deslre Lo come overwhelmed her
sexual preference.
!usL fucklng do lL," 8achel growled. She was so horny lL
was pracLlcally maklng her angry. She spun around on 1alla's
face and dropped down onLo her hands and knees,
presenLlng me wlLh a klller vlew of her adorable ass.
LveryLhlng felL surreal as l scooLed forward along 1alla's
body, dragglng my croLch over her smooLh, Loned sLomach
and flnally resLlng my buLL aLop Lhe fullness of her breasLs.
lnches above 1alla's face, my raglng cock pressed up agalnsL
8achel's hoL, beckonlng pussy, my very Llp plerclng her
As lf on cue, 1alla's Longue klcked lnLo acLlon, drenchlng
boLh 8achel's cunL and my half-burled erecLlon wlLh a serles
of wlld, lusLful klsses. lL was lncredlble, more lnLense physlcal
sLlmulaLlon Lhan l'd ever felL ln my llfe.
1he lasL of 8achel's reservaLlons evaporaLed from Lhe
heaL of 1alla's Longue. She gave ln compleLely Lo Lhe
slLuaLlon, pushlng backwards unLll she had Laken me-every
lnch of me-lnLo her LlghL llLLle body.
Aaaahhh!" she walled, dlzzy from Lhe overwhelmlng
l felL 1alla's nlpples go hard beneaLh my buLL and glanced
back over my shoulder Lo see Lhe exoLlc beauLy feverlshly
rubblng herself Lo anoLher orgasm.
8achel and l were qulck Lo [oln her. Pavlng been Lhe
prlnclple reclplenL of 1alla's oral aLLenLlons, 8achel came
flrsL, shlverlng unconLrollable around my cock.
C-C-Cod!" she spuLLered, her LeeLh chaLLerlng around
Lhe word.
l pulled ouL of 8achel [usL as Lhe dam lnslde me bursL, and
l erupLed all over 1alla's sLrlklngly beauLlful face. l Lhlnk l
acLually screamed.
We all collapsed ln an exhausLed heap on Lhe floor. 1he
lce cream had melLed.

AfLer we'd all cleaned up, l excused myself and headed
ouL. 1hlngs had goLLen a llLLle ouL of conLrol, Lo say Lhe leasL,
and l flgured 8achel and 1alla probably had a loL Lo Lalk
abouL. l wasn'L a parL of Lhelr relaLlonshlp, l was [usL lucky
enough Lo have been caughL ln Lhe blasL radlus when 1alla's
hormones had klcked ln. lL was Llme Lo glve Lhem some
AfLer an afLernoon llke LhaL, you'd Lhlnk Lhe day would
forever be remembered amongsL our frlends as Lhe day lan
had a Lhreesome wlLh 1alla and 8achel," or, 1he day 8achel
goL so horny, she acLually had sex wlLh a guy." 8uL lL wasn'L.
Wlld as Lhe sLory of our Lhreesome was, lL was a mere
fooLnoLe ln comparlson Lhe day's maln evenL:
1he day 1alla came ouL Lo her parenLs as blsexual.
AfLer l lefL, 1alla and 8achel had made love agaln, [usL Lhe
Lwo of Lhem. l don'L know whaL happened beLween Lhem,
buL whaLever lL was, lL sealed Lhe deal.
1alla was head-over-heels for 8achel, and she wanLed her
parenLs Lo know. no, lL wasn'L an aLLenLlon-seeklng phase,
and no, lL wasn'L an experlmenL. 1here had been Learful
praylng ln her moLher's naLlve korean, and angry shouLlng ln
her faLher's naLlve Spanlsh. LvenLually, her dad had sLormed
ouL of Lhe house and come back drunk aL Lhree am.
All Lold, lL sounded preLLy fucklng awful.
SLlll, l've heard sLorles of worse. AL leasL 1alla's parenLs
dldn'L do anyLhlng vebemeotly ldloLlc, llke Lhrow her ouL of
Lhe house or dlsown her. 1hlngs gradually goL beLLer
beLween Lhem, Lhough afLer LhaL nlghL 1alla spenL a loL more
Llme away from home.
lL goL me Lhlnklng abouL my own relaLlonshlps-lf Lhey
could even be called LhaL. When l learned whaL 1alla had puL
herself Lhrough for 8achel, l began Lo quesLlon lf maybe, [usL
maybe, my LoLally casual" daLlng phllosophy wasn'L LoLally
mlsslng Lhe polnL.

8uL, who do you WAn1 Lo lnvlLe?"
SLephanle mumbled Lhe quesLlon Lhrough a mouLhful of
cheeseburger. rom was [usL a few weeks away, and l had yeL
Lo declde who Lo ask. lf l dldn'L do someLhlng ln Lhe nexL day
or Lwo, Lhere was gonna be drama.
SLephanle cllcked her Longue lmpaLlenLly and Look
anoLher blLe of her cheeseburger. Slnce she had sLarLed
daLlng Slmon, SLeph and l rarely goL Lo hang ouL, [usL Lhe Lwo
of us. AfLer monLhs of awkwardness, lL was a rellef Lo flnally
be able Lo spend flve mlnuLes alone wlLh my frlend wlLhouL-
uh, wlLhouL.
l was sLarlng aL her cleavage agaln. uommlt.
l don'L know, SLeph! WhaL would you do lf you were ln
my slLuaLlon?"
LlsLen, l wanL you Lo Lry someLhlng. 1hls ls an acLlng
exerclse l do whenever l'm havlng Lrouble wlLh my
8uL l'm noL acLlng. l'm me."
She waved a dlsapprovlng french-fry aL me, harrumphlng:
l'm Lrylng Lo help!"
Ckay, okay!"
SLephanle Look a comlcally LhoughLful slp of her mllkshake
and Lhen cleared her LhroaL, affecLlng a sofL, sooLhlng volce:
llrsL, sLop looklng aL my boobs and close your eyes."
Laughlng, l obllged her.
now, lmaglne you're drlvlng Lhrough Lown. ?ou're drlvlng
LhaL same shlL-box mlnlvan LhaL you crashed lnLo a Lruck lasL
Shh! now, you look aL yourself ln Lhe rear-vlew mlrror.
?ou look good, maybe Lhe besL you ever looked. Shaved. nlce
fresh halrcuL. ?ou're wearlng a Lux. ?ou sLralghLen your
l dld my besL Lo play along.
now," she conLlnued, you pull up ln my drlveway."
Why your drlveway?"
Shh! 8ecause LhaL's where all Lhe glrls are flnlshlng Lhelr
makeup and sLuff. Anyway, you hop ouL of Lhe car, anxlous Lo
see how beauLlful your prom daLe looks ln her dress. Anxlous
for her Lo see how good you look ln your Lux. ?ou knock on
Lhe door. lL creaks open-Lhere she ls, Lhe glrl you're Laklng
Lo prom!"
l sald noLhlng. l [usL opened my eyes. SLephanle looked aL
me, expecLanL:
Who dld you see?"
lL's noL LhaL slmple."
She narrowed her eyes and seL down her mllkshake wlLh
such force LhaL lL splashed onLo Lhe Lable. l wasn'L geLLlng leL
off Lhe hook any longer. l looked aL Lhe floor, and quleLly
A flood of unwelcome lmages paraded Lhrough my braln.
lmages of Llz snuggllng up Lo me for our phoLo LogeLher,
lmages of us slow danclng beneaLh Lhe Lwlnkle llghLs of Lhe
ballroom, lmages of LhaL nlghL, of sLeam on wlndows.
SLephanle shook me back lnLo Lhe momenL, cheerlng:
Well, Lhere you go! 1haL's greaL!"
no, lL's noL greaL! uon'L you and Llz Lalk anymore? 1hlngs
are already welrd beLween her and me. lL's already gonna be
hard enough waLchlng her leave aL Lhe end of summer. lf l
Lake her Lo prom, she's gonna feel even more llke my
glrlfrlend. no, we're keeplng Lhlngs casual. l don'L know who
l'm asklng Lo go wlLh me, buL lL's noL Llz."
SLephanle deflaLed. We wenL back Lo eaLlng and dropped
Lhe sub[ecL.

1he nexL day, some guy named !osh eLerson asked Llz Lo
prom and she sald yes. !osh was Lall, frlendly, and, lf Lhe army
of glrls always chaslng afLer hlm were any lndlcaLlon,
preposLerously good-looklng.
CooJ, l Lold myself. 1bot jost mokes evetytbloq eoslet.
l wenL home, closed Lhe door Lo my room, and, Lo my
unabashed horror, sLarLed crylng.
lL felL llke someone was wrlnglng my lnsldes llke a damp
rag, squeezlng Lhe Lears ouL of me. l slepL maybe LwenLy
mlnuLes Lhe whole nlghL. Woke up feellng hung-over desplLe
havlng noLhlng Lo drlnk. l dldn'L boLher shavlng or even
comblng my halr before l lefL for school. l Lhrew on a baggy
old L-shlrL wlLh a plcLure of CalacLus on lL.
uurlng lunch, l purposefully avolded my besL frlends.
lnsLead, l caughL up wlLh some of Lhe guys l knew from Av
club. 1hey were good guys. We'd had some fun Llmes
l sklpped my usual run wlLh Amy and wenL for a sLroll by
myself. 8oughL an lssue of layboy. WenL home and [acked
off Lo Lhe cenLerfold. 1urned on my nlnLendo 64 and flnally
unlocked Lhe lnvlnclblllLy cheaL ln ColJeoeye. lelL llke a
champ. l'd been worklng on LhaL for llke Lwo years.
Around eleven o'clock aL nlghL, Amy and Corrlne knocked
on my door. 1hey looked gorgeous, as always. unbellevably
sexy wlLhouL even Lrylng. uL Lhe cenLerfold l'd boughL a few
hours earller Lo shame.
Pey guys, how's lL golng?"
1he Lwo beauLles exchanged a look, and Lhen Corrlne gave
me a hug, squashlng her rldlculous breasLs agalnsL me. She
meL my eyes:
?ou really need Lo ask somebody Lo prom."
l slghed, l know. 8uL l can'L deal wlLh Lhls LonlghL. l'm
sorry. LlsLen, you're boLh my frlends and l don'L wanL Lo hurL
elLher of-"
no, you llsLen," Amy lnLerrupLed. ?ou nLLu Lo ask
somebody Lo prom. And LhaL somebody needs Lo be Llz."
l bllnked. lL was abouL Lhe lasL Lhlng l expecLed Lo hear
from Amy. l Lurned Lo Corrlne, buL she [usL nodded her
WhaL are you guys Lalklng abouL? Llz ls golng wlLh !osh
1hen you need Lo change her mlnd," Corrlne sald.
Maybe l don'L wanL Lo change her mlnd."
l shrugged off Corrlne's hug, sLlll Lrylng Lo flgure ouL whaL
Lhe hell was golng on. Amy grabbed me by Lhe shoulders and
swung me around Lo face her sparkllng green eyes.
lor one of Lhe smarLesL guys ln school, you are a real
fucklng moron abouL some Lhlngs, you know LhaL? ?ou're ln
love wlLh her, lan. And she's ln love wlLh you. And lL's
beauLlful and real, and 8LA1An1L? luCklnC C8vlCuS Lo
everyone buL Lhe Lwo of you! l've never had LhaL. Corry's
never had LhaL. eople geL marrled and have chlldren
wlLhouL havlng whaL you and LllzabeLh have. !usL look aL my
parenLs-Lhey can'L sLand Lo be ln Lhe same clty as one
l was lncredulous. Amy was Lhe nln[a grand masLer of
casual relaLlonshlps. She was conLempLuous of romance ln all
lLs many gooey forms. 1hls was Lhe same glrl who'd bragged
LhaL she dldn'L have boyfrlends, [usL guys she fucked more
Lhan once." And she was champlonlng everyLhlng she rallled
so hard agalnsL. My eyes broke from hers and dropped Lo Lhe
l've had loLs of amazlngly hoL sex," Amy smlled, wlLh
loLs of amazlngly hoL guys-buL l've never looked aL anoLher
person Lhe way she looks aL you."
All of a sudden, lL hlL me [usL how Llred l really was. WlLh
choked words, l muLLered, 8uL she's gonna leave."
So?" Corrlne asked. ?ou Lhlnk lL's golng Lo hurL LLSS lf
you preLend llke Lhere's noLhlng Lhere? 1ake lL from me, LhaL
doesn'L work. ?ou remember whaL you Lold me, Lhe nlghL l
dumped SLeve? All frlendshlps end. WheLher by deaLh or by
1here's no such Lhlng as 'Papplly-Lver-AfLer,' lan. !usL
Amy and Corrlne boLh closed ln for anoLher hug. 1he
warmLh of Lhelr bodles cleared my mlnd, and l acLually
cracked a smlle.
Ckay, okay."
Say lL," Amy commanded.
l'm ln love wlLh LllzabeLh."
1hey cheered for me.
Chapter 9 - rom N|ght

1he days were already geLLlng longer. lL was nearly elghL
o'clock aL nlghL, and Lhe sun was only [usL now dlpplng below
Lhe horlzon. 1he Callfornla sky Lurned Langerlne. lL was
8uL noL as sLunnlng as LllzabeLh. l heard approachlng
fooLsLeps and looked up Lo see her dark, wavy halr caughL
Lhe wlnd. She was dressed casually-[usL faded [eans and a
slmple zlp-up coLLon hoodle. no makeup LhaL l could see (noL
LhaL she needed lL).
l, on Lhe oLher hand, was wearlng a Luxedo.
Llz's mouLh hung open ln adorable confuslon Lhe lnsLanL
she saw me. She Lurned lnqulslLlvely Lo SLephanle, buL Lhe
buxom blonde was already hurrylng back down Lhe hlll,
Lowards her car. Senslng LhaL she had been lured lnLo a Lrap
of some sorL, Llz gave me a wry smlle. lan, whaL's golng on?"
l asked SLephanle Lo lure you here. WhaL dld she Lell you
was up here?"
Per purse. She sald she lefL lL here lasL nlghL on her daLe
wlLh Slmon."
?eah, well, SLephanle's a good acLress."
Llz laughed. She walked over Lo Lake a look aL Lhe spread
l'd lald ouL: plcnlc blankeLs, cheese and crackers, and
sLrawberry wlne (Llz had gone nuLs over LhaL ueana CarLer
Song when lL had come ouL a year or Lwo earller).
ln Lhe dlsLance, we could hear Lhe cheers comlng from Lhe
baseball sLadlum aL Lhe base of Lhe hlll. llnally, wlLh a blL of a
blush ln her cheeks, Llz gave me an appreclaLlve hug.
ls Lhere some. speclal occaslon?" she asked nervously.
l wanL you Lo go Lo prom wlLh me."
lan, l-
l know, l know. ?ou already Lold !osh erfecL-face you'd
go wlLh hlm."
8lghL. And l feel llke a dlck asklng a glrl Lo prom afLer
anoLher guy's already lnvlLed her."
8uL PL's noL ln love wlLh you."
Per eyes wenL wlde, uLLerly sldellned by whaL l'd sald. A
gusL of wlnd blasLed her halr across her face. She dldn'L even
noLlce. l glngerly brushed lL back ln place.
Sorry," l laughed. uldn'L counL on Lhe wlnd belng qulLe
so crazy up here. WhaL was l saylng, agaln?"
Per volce sounded far away: ?ou sald. he's noL ln love
wlLh me."
Pe's noL. And l om. And noL [usL ln Lhe obvlous ways,
elLher. l mean, sure, you're a good person, and a good frlend,
and a gorgeous woman, buL-l love evetytbloq abouL you. l
love Lhe sound of your volce, your adorable llLLle hands."
l Look her hands ln mlne and klssed Lhem for emphasls-
And you do Lhls Lhlng Lo me when you smlle. l don'L
know how Lo explaln lL, lL's llke-lL's llke l've been slLLlng ln
Lhe dark all day, and somebody [usL swlLched on Lhe llghLs."
As lf on cue, she smlled and llL up my world.
Look, Llz-l know whaL you're Lhlnklng, because l'm
Lhlnklng Lhe same Lhlng. 1haL lL's gonna suck blg-Llme when
we have Lo go away Lo college."
She nodded.
8uL, here's Lhe Lhlng: down Lhe road, looklng back, lL's
gonna suck more noL knowlng whaL we could have had."
Llz looked lnLo my eyes, her mlnd reellng. noL saylng a
word. lL probably only lasLed a few seconds, buL Lhose few
seconds dragged on llke a blbllcal epoch. l would have glven
anyLhlng Lo know whaL she was Lhlnklng. llnally, she opened
her mouLh Lo speak-
1hen she changed her mlnd and [usL klssed me.
1haL flrsL klss was desperaLe, lmpaLlenL, overwhelmed. lL
LasLed llke flre when lL hlL my llps. 8uL Lhe SLCCnu klss. 1haL
was whaL cllnched lL. lL was Lhe klnd of klss you dream abouL
your whole llfe, walLlng for LhaL one perfecL momenL, when
you geL Lo use lL.
1he klnd of klss LhaL changes you.
l love you, Loo," she sald.
We fell onLo Lhe plcnlc blankeLs, savorlng each ecsLaLlc
momenL ln each oLher's arms unLll LhaL Langerlne sky was
sLalned black. 1he cheers from Lhe dlsLanL baseball game
seemed, ln some way, for us.
1he nlghL alr Lurned chllly, buL we were Lhe furLhesL Lhlng
from cold. l rolled on Lop of her, slowly unzlpped her hoodle,
and slld lL off her body, reveallng a slmple brown Lank Lop
wlLh flowers embroldered across Lhe neckllne. My mouLh
Lraced lLs way down her neck, Lo her shoulder, genLly
brushlng aslde boLh Lhe shlrL sLrap and bra-sLrap as l wenL.
WlLh a deep, happy smlle, Llz urged off my Luxedo coaL
and fumbled wlLh Lhe buLLons on my vesL.
l pulled down Lhe sLraps on her oLher shoulder raLher
more forcefully, causlng Lhe Lops of her breasLs Lo splll lnLo
vlew. My mouLh dropped accordlngly, lovlngly klsslng Lhe sofL
swells of flesh as my hand slld up beneaLh her back, Lo Lhe
caLch of her bra. Llz arched her back, presslng her chesL lnLo
my face and allowlng me access Lo snap Lhe clasp.
She flnlshed wlLh my vesL buLLons and goL sLarLed on my
1enderly, l conLlnued klsslng my way down Lhe expanse of
Llz's bosom, uslng my LeeLh Lo drag Lhe neckllne of her shlrL
down Lhose flnal few lnches. Per huge, gorgeous LlLs were
released lnLo Lhe nlghL alr.
My Longue found her dellclous gumdrop nlpples, and Llz
forgoL all abouL Lhe buLLons on my shlrL. She Lhrew back her
head wlLh a moan and lmpaLlenLly squeezed Lhe warm bulge
beLween my legs. l grunLed ln approval, never Laklng my
mouLh from her breasLs. She flnally managed Lo sneak her
hand lnslde my fly Lo caress my naked cock.
Cur llps sLlll locked LogeLher, Llz and l saL up on Lhe
blankeLs and playfully dlscarded Lhe resL of each oLher's
cloLhlng. naked as Lhe day we were born, l Look a momenL Lo
drlnk ln every deLall of LllzabeLh's lncredlbly sexy body, from
Lhe wlne-dark nlpples on her succulenL breasLs, Lo Lhe
dellcaLely Lrlmmed curls of halr beLween her legs, Lo Lhe way
her brlghL green eyes gazed longlngly aL my own body.
Llz pushed me down onLo Lhe blankeLs and lowered her
sofL, pouLy llps over my shafL. She washed me wlLh klsses,
glvlng me Lhe mosL lovlng blow[ob l could have ever
lmaglned. l Langled my flngers up ln her long, wavy halr and
closed my eyes, luxurlaLlng ln Lhe pleasure of lL. A palr of
awesome breasLs pressed down onLo my Lhlghs each Llme Llz
bobbed her head, Lhose yummy nlpples of hers fully erecL as
Lhey rubbed along my skln.
1here was a famlllar gleam ln her eye as she llfLed her llps
off of me, scooLed forwards sllghLly, and wrapped my rlgld
cock ln Lhe lovlng embrace of her cleavage. lull, rlpe LlLs
pumped up and down Lhe lengLh of me, LhreaLenlng Lo make
me come-
Not yet!
WlLh all my wlllpower, l pushed LllzabeLh's body off of
mlne and caughL my breaLh for a momenL.
ls someLhlng wrong?" she asked.
no, Lhls ls amazlng," l answered wlLh a smlrk. l [usL wanL
Lo make sure Lhls momenL lasLs as long as lL can. Come here."
AL my urglng, Llz cllmbed onLo my lap and we embraced-
my arms wrapped snugly around her walsL, her arms
wrapped snugly around my shoulders. Llke we were slow-
danclng slLLlng down. Per LlLs mashed agalnsL my bare chesL
and my weL, gllsLenlng erecLlon polnLed sLralghL up, Lrapped
beLween our naked bodles. As we klssed, Llz pressed herself
agalnsL me, rubblng Lhe sofL curls of her publc halr agalnsL
my cock.
When we flnally broke aparL for alr, my hands couldn'L
help Lhemselves-Lhey squeezed her breasLs ln awe.
?ou have Lhe mosL lncredlble boobs," l slghed. l swear
Lhey've acLually goLLen blgger."
1haL's 'cause Lhey have."
l Look my eyes off her chesL and meL her naughLy
expresslon wlLh a quesLlonlng eyebrow.
l'm on Lhe plll now," she laughed, musslng my halr. l
wenL up a whole cup slze."
?eah, l had Lo buy all new bras. Me and SLeph can'L share
Lhem anymore."
no, l mean, you're really on Lhe plll?"
Lver slnce Sprlng 8reak. As soon as l goL back home, l
knew l was done wlLh belng a vlrgln."
My breaLh caughL ln my LhroaL when she sald LhaL. My
hearL machlne-gunned lnslde my chesL. l klssed her flercely
on Lhe llps.
l wanL you so bad," she moaned.
l lald her down onLo Lhe plcnlc blankeL and klssed her
agaln, genLly resLlng Lhe head of my penls agalnsL her naked
sllL, soaklng lL ln her warm arousal. 1here was Lhe LlnlesL
gllmmer of fear ln her eyes, so l asked:
Are you sure?"
1he sound of my volce melLed LhaL lasL blL of fear lnLo a
lovlng smlle, and LllzabeLh pulled my ear beslde her llps Lo
whlsper, LeL's have sex."
l pushed Lhe Llp ln, and she slghed.
l pushed Lhe head ln, and she moaned.
A sheen of happy Lears coaLed her eyes, and we klssed
Lenderly as l slld myself Lhe resL of Lhe way lnslde. A surge of
pure [oy shoL Lhrough us boLh.
noL four monLhs ago, LllzabeLh had shaken llke a leaf
when l'd Louched her breasLs. now l was acLually loslJe her. l
was maklng love Lo her. And l couldn'L belleve how perfecL lL
Per pale breasLs flushed a dark plnk. Cur skln burned on
Ch Cod," she slghed, her breaLhs comlng qulcker now. l
suckled her swollen nlpples, pushed myself back lnLo her, and
she came. Per flrsL orgasm from sex. lL was a beauLlful slghL.
AfLer a few mlnuLes of mumbllng and moanlng, LllzabeLh
regalned her senses enough Lo klss me. l Lold her LhaL l loved
her, Lhrllllng aL Lhe sound of Lhe word as lL passed my llps.
l sLarLed Lo pull ouL, buL she flercely held me back.
l wanL more," she groaned, desperaLely Lrylng Lo caLch
her breaLh. l wanL Lo have sex wlLh you ln every. posslble.
1he lusL ln her breaLhlng drove me wlld, and l prompLly
rolled us boLh back lnLo a slLLlng poslLlon, her sLraddllng my
lap, me burled deep lnslde her. l shoved my hands beneaLh
her sofL, healLhy buLLocks and llfLed her up, genLly bounclng
her body on mlne.
Ch yeah." she moaned, Lhrowlng her head back and
LhrusLlng her chesL agalnsL my face. l plcked up Lhe pace,
devourlng my lover's masslve LlLs unLll she came a second
We Lrled doggle-sLyle nexL, where l found Lo my greaL
dellghL LhaL her swlnglng breasLs made excellenL handholds
when l enLered her from behlnd. Llz's dark, wavy halr fell
across her face whlle she desperaLely held onLo Lhe plcnlc
1hen we dld lL wlLh her on Lop-by far my favorlLe
poslLlon ln Lerms of Lhe vlew. 1haL bounclng bosom
compleLely fllled my fleld of vlslon.
l knew my defenses were crumbllng. 1he snug warmLh of
her around me grew poslLlvely unbearable. LllzabeLh saw lL ln
my eyes, and she Lenderly caressed my face, brlnglng me ln
for a flnal klss-
ln Lhe dlsLance, flreworks llL up Lhe sky above Lhe baseball
game. My lover's naked curves, so beauLlful ln Lhe sLarllghL,
now flashed dazzllngly lnLo vlew amld exploslons of red and
gold. Cur hlps crashed madly LogeLher, our crles muffled
beneaLh feverlsh klsses. 5o bot, so wet, so tlqbt.
l came lnslde of her, Lhe rellef of lL rushlng Lhrough my
enLlre body. My head spun, my vlslon blurred, and l held her
ln my arms-LllzabeLh, Lhe woman l loved. We came
LogeLher whlle Lhe sky caughL flre.
An hour laLer, we were on our way back Lo my car aL Lhe
boLLom of Lhe hlll.
So. l Lake LhaL as a yes? AbouL prom?" l asked.
WhaL do you Lhlnk?"
l Lhlnk l've suddenly gone from belng [ealous of !osh
eLerson Lo feellng really sorry for hlm."
lan, he's CA?. !osh [usL asked me Lo go as a frlend afLer
SLephanle Lold me you were for sure noL gonna ask."
Pe's gay?"
keep lL Lo yourself, okay? Pe doesn'L wanL anyone Lo
l bursL ouL laughlng aL my own sLupldlLy.

lor Lhe flrsL Llme ln memory, l slepL llke a baby.
lrom LhaL nlghL forward, LllzabeLh and l were offlclally a
couple, wlLh all Lhe bewllderlng euphorla LhaL came pre-
packaged wlLh young love. l was so caughL up wlLh Lhe
exclLemenL of Lhe momenL, l dldn'L even reallze LhaL, for Lhe
flrsL Llme ln almosL a year, l was no longer fanLaslzlng abouL
Lhe oLher glrls. My consLanL, unbearable urge Lo sleep wlLh
all of my frlends had mlraculously dlsappeared.
Ckay, maybe LhaL's noL eotltely Lrue, buL for Lhe mosL parL
my every sexual LhoughL was now dlrecLed aL my glrlfrlend.
Cne day, l sLarLed Lo glve Corrlne a backrub-as l had
mllllons of Llmes before-only Lo reallze LhaL l was jost glvlng
her a backrub. noL as an excuse Lo caress Lhe shape of her
body, and noL a backrub wlLh Lhe hope of lL leadlng Lo sex.
!usL a backrub. lL was acLually klnd of a rellef. 1he end of
an era. AL long lasL, afLer monLhs of lusLlng, and Leaslng, and
confuslon, my frlends and my sex llfe became compleLely
separaLe Lhlngs.
WlLh one excepLlon.

As expecLed, nelLher Amy nor Corrlne had Lrouble flndlng
prom daLes.
Amy asked some cuLe guy named kyle LhaL she knew from
her [udo class aL Lhe ?MCA. Pe had one of Lhose chlseled
Abercromble bodles and dark, super-lnLense eyes. 1he way
she Lells Lhe sLory, she plnned hlm Lo Lhe maL ln some sorL of
monsLer [olnL-lock and wouldn'L leL hlm up unLll he agreed Lo
go Lo prom wlLh her (as lf he needed any encouragemenL).
1he nexL day, Amy regaled us all wlLh Lhe sLeamy deLalls of
Lhe sex Lhey'd had ln Lhe sauna once Lhelr class goL ouL.
Corrlne's daLe acLually asked me for permlsslon flrsL,
whlch l LhoughL was all klnds of sLrange-especlally
conslderlng Lhe facL LhaL Lhe guy was Ioke lteemoo, varslLy
llnebacker exLraordlnalre. Pe Look me aslde one day,
uncharacLerlsLlcally nervous, and sLuLLered, Pey, lan-are
you and Corrlne-l mean, l know you guys are frlends and all,
buL are you-l mean, ls she slngle? !usL 'cause, l dldn'L, llke,
know lf she had a daLe yeL for prom, and l heard she mlghL be
golng wlLh you, buL."
ln a surreal way, lL was acLually charmlng waLchlng one of
Lhe mosL popular guys ln school wrlnglng hls hands llke he
was asklng for my daughLer's hand ln marrlage. Cf course,
!ake wasn'L your Lyplcal popular [ock." up unLll Lhe 10

grade, !ake had been 1he laL kld" ln every class. l guess he'd
flnally had enough of lL, because he baslcally locked hlmself
ln Lhe welghL room for elghL monLhs and emerged as Lhe
prlde of our fooLball Leam. 8uL Lhe sudden popularlLy never
wenL Lo hls head, and beneaLh !ake's absurdly broad
shoulders he was sLlll LhaL same genlal, good-naLured guy
he'd always been.
Pe was also LoLally Corrlne's Lype: Lall, handsome, and
covered wlLh muscle. l Lold hlm he'd be crazy noL Lo ask her.
AfLer she sald yes, !ake soughL me ouL and plcked me up
off Lhe ground ln a bear hug of appreclaLlon.
1wo weeks laLer, afLer we'd all dropped a Lon of money
on cloLhes, a llmo, and a half dozen hoLel rooms, prom nlghL
flnally arrlved.
And absoluLely everyLhlng wenL wrong.
llrsL, Lhe SLeph-LasLrophe." l wasn'L Lhere, l dldn'L see lL,
buL l showed up ln Lhe chaoLlc afLermaLh Lo dlscover LhaL,
Lhrough some blzarre accldenL lnvolvlng a sLralghLenlng lron
and a paper Lowel, SLephanle's halrdo had caughL on flre. All
of Lhe oLher glrls-1alla, 8achel, Corry, Amy, and LllzabeLh-
were runnlng around franLlcally, Lrylng Lo flx Lhe slLuaLlon.
8y Lhe Llme Lhe glrls were flnally ready, we were way
behlnd schedule. WlLh only mlnuLes lefL for phoLographs, our
parenLs rushed Lo capLure llfelong memorles on fllm,
shouLlng aL us from all dlrecLlons. lL felL llke belng llned up
before some crazed, lncompeLenL flrlng squad. We dldn'L geL
a slngle usable phoLo of Lhe group.
When we goL ln Lhe llmo, we dlscovered LhaL Lhe alr-
condlLloner was busLed, and by Lhe Llme we arrlved aL prom
we were all covered ln sweaL-brolled by Lhe summer heaL.
SLlll, once we acLually sLarLed danclng, everyone had a loL
of fun. lL dldn'L hurL LhaL my cadre of female frlends all
looked so unbellevably sexy lL was pracLlcally crlmlnal. l made
a polnL of ogllng each and every one of Lhem aL varlous
polnLs durlng Lhe nlghL, backlng up Lhe beauLlful memorles Lo
my menLal hard drlve.
LllzabeLh ouLshone all her frlends. Per dress was dark red,
wlLh bralded rlbbons laced around Lhe chesL Lo accenLuaLe
her lncredlble rack. 1he expanse of cleavage LhaL greeLed me
was so lrreslsLlble l had Lo flghL down Lhe urge Lo rlp off Lhe
dellcaLe spagheLLl sLraps holdlng Lhe whole Lhlng up and [usL
ravlsh her rlghL Lhere on Lhe dance floor. l llked Lhe dress so
much, ln facL, all l could Lhlnk of was geLLlng her ouL of lL.
l was already half hard when SLephanle cuL ln for a dance.
uesplLe Lhe halr-burnlng crazlness LhaL had sLarLed her
evenlng, SLephanle wound up looklng Lerrlflc. LllzabeLh had
swooped ln and saved Lhe day wlLh a palr of sclssors-sllclng
off Lhe charred remalns of SLeph's golden rlngleLs and glvlng
her 8ll an adorable plxle halrcuL.
lor her dress, SLephanle had gone for a prlncess" moLlf,
wlLh ruffles ln Lhe sklrL and shlmmerlng beadlng across her
subsLanLlal busL. A baby blue gown Lo maLch her brlghL blue
lL felL embarrasslngly nlce wrapplng my arms around
SLeph's volupLuous body. A qulck glance over my shoulder
showed our respecLlve daLes, LllzabeLh and Slmon, en[oylng
each oLher's embrace [usL as much as we were. l even caughL
Llz surrepLlLlously leanlng back ln Slmon's arms Lo glve hlm a
beLLer vlew of her LlLs. 5oeoky.
8elaLlonshlp or no relaLlonshlp, l couldn'L help buL en[oy
Lhe way SLephanle's eyes Lwlnkled aL me as we danced. l
leaned ln Lo glve her a sofL klss on Lhe cheek and asked, Are
you exclLed abouL LonlghL? AbouL flnally golng all Lhe way
wlLh Slmon?"
Are you klddlng? l've never been so horny ln my llfe!"
l flashed back Lo Lhe nlghL, noL so long ago, when l had
held SLephanle close Lo my body, waLchlng her cllmax wlLh
me burled deep lnslde of her. l loved LllzabeLh, buL SLephanle
would always be my flrsL. She'd shown me boLh Lhe bllss of
sexual dlscovery, and Lhe enormous emoLlonal consequences
LhaL wenL along wlLh lL.
A few songs laLer, lL was Amy who came over and pollLely
asked Lo borrow me for a dance. Cnce agaln, Llz dldn'L seem
Lo mlnd Lhe lnLerrupLlon, as lL meanL she goL Lo spend a
dance snuggllng up agalnsL kyle's chlseled slx-pack.
Amy's dress was pure sex. uark purple maLerlal Lled
behlnd her neck and poured down over her large, braless
breasLs. LxcepL for Lhe flery red halr cascadlng pasL her
shoulders, Amy's back was compleLely naked Lo Lhe walsL,
where Lhe fabrlc was Lhln enough LhaL l could easlly see Lhe
flrm conLours of her amazlngly flrm ass.
Amy may have called Lhe sex beLween us casual," buL
LhaL dldn'L begln Lo descrlbe lL. Cver Lhe pasL year, Amy had
been boLh my frlend and Leacher, flrsL whlpplng my ass lnLo
shape and Lhen helplng me flnd confldence as a man, and as
a lover.
l gave her ass a qulck llLLle squeeze, for old Llme's sake,
and reallzed:
Amy, are you naked under Lhere?"
ln reply, she gave a suggesLlve shush," Lhen Lurned and
slowly ground her ass agalnsL my croLch, LwlsLlng her head
around Lo klss my neck unLll Lhe song ended.
8y Lhe Llme Llz was back ln my arms, she laughed aL how
red my cheeks had goLLen.
Wow," she sald, Looks llke someboJys en[oylng belng
Lhe cenLer of aLLenLlon, LonlghL. Pow come nobody's asklng
ML Lo dance?"
A few songs laLer, 8achel dld [usL LhaL. She walked up Lo
us and Lold my daLe, ?ou look really beauLlful LonlghL."
1he compllmenL earned 8achel a few mlnuLes swaylng
cheek-Lo-cheek wlLh Llz.
Meanwhlle, l consoled myself by danclng wlLh 1alla, who
had draped her supermodel flgure ln an eleganL, one-
shoulder black dress, accenLuaLed by dazzllng sllver [ewelry
and elbow-lengLh black gloves. l know lL's an odd Lhlng Lo
flxaLe on, buL LhaL one bare shoulder looked so unbellevably
sexy l couldn'L reslsL planLlng a klss Lhere whlle we danced.
1alla had shaLLered my preconcepLlons abouL whaL love
really meanL. 1hrough her, l'd learned LhaL love wasn'L
properLy, Lo be glven away and owned by anoLher. Love was
energy, hldlng lnvlslbly beLween Lhe molecules ln Lhe alr.
And, llke energy, lL couldn'L be creaLed or desLroyed, no
maLLer how much we Lrled.
LllzabeLh flnally reLurned Lo me, leavlng 1alla's daLe wlLh a
blg, shlL-eaLlng grln on her face. 8achel may have loved 1alla,
buL Lhere was no quesLlon she had Lhe hoLs for Llz. Who
could blame her?
When anoLher slow song sLarLed up, Corrlne headed our
Pey, lan." she sLarLed.
uammlL!" Llz laughed, Am l gonna geL Lo dance wlLh my
own prom daLe aL all LonlghL?"
Corrlne blushed and [usL whlspered, Ckay, maybe Lhe
nexL one Lhen."
llfLeen mlnuLes laLer, Corrlne and !ake made Lhelr way
back over Lo us. Llz gave me a deep, lncredlbly hoL klss, and
Lhen duLlfully passed me off Lo her frlend.
Corrlne had shown up for prom ln a full-blown !esslca
8abblL cosLume: LlghL, sllnky red fabrlc, wlLh a sexy sllL LhaL
wenL up Lhe Lhlgh. 1he exaggeraLed sweeLhearL neckllne
cupped her Lwo besL asseLs and held Lhem up proudly, so all
Lhe world could appreclaLe Lhe vlew.
uAMN LhaL glrl had blg LlLs.
l caughL myself grlnnlng. A year ago, l was Lerrlfled of
Corrlne. lL Look supreme efforL Lo screw up enough courage
Lo speak ln her presence. 8ecause of her looks, l'd placed her
on a pedesLal. 8uL she had been Lhe one Lo show me [usL how
sLupld LhaL klnd of Lhlnklng was. Corrlne wasn'L some
oLherworldly goddess, she was [usL Corry. My frlend. AfLer l
goL Lo know her, no preLLy glrl would ever lnLlmldaLe me
Pey lan?" she whlspered, l'm really glad l agreed Lo be
ln your horror movle."
Me Loo."
She planLed a dellcaLe klss on my cheek, squeezlng her
enormous bosom agalnsL me ln Lhe process. 1hen Lhe song
ended and we reLurned Lo our daLes.
AfLer danclng wlLh so many gorgeous babes, l was anxlous
Lo leave. l hungrlly klssed Llz on Lhe llps, noL carlng lf we
made a scene. When l flnally pulled my mouLh away, we
were boLh shlverlng wlLh arousal ln each oLher's embrace.

l don'L recall much abouL Lhe rlde Lo Lhe hoLel. l recall Lhe
feellng of LllzabeLh's Lhlghs sLraddllng my lap whlle she
smashed her llps agalnsL mlne. l recall Lhe sounds of frenzled
klsslng and moanlng all around me. l recall Amy's bare
breasLs spllllng ouL of her dress as she dry-humped poor kyle
Lo wlLhln an lnch of hls llfe. And l recall waLchlng ouL of Lhe
corner of my eye whlle Corrlne Look !ake lreeman's hand
and placed lL encouraglngly on her glorlous chesL.
Cur horny llLLle group was ready Lo rlp each oLher's
cloLhes off by Lhe Llme Lhe llmo dropped us off for Lhe nlghL.
1hen Murphy's Law came back Lo fuck wlLh us all one flnal

no, llvL rooms! llve! We already pald Lhe deposlL!"
Amy was screamlng aL Lhe Lop of her lungs, her beauLlful
red halr a frlzzy dlsasLer afLer all Lhe maklng ouL. l would have
LhoughL she looked hllarlous, lf l wasn'L every blL as plssed as
she was.
1he hoLel recepLlonlsL was obvlously morLlfled.
l am so sorry, l don'L know whaL Lo Lell you all. Somehow
Lhese rooms goL booked Lwlce. We only have one vacancy, aL
Lhe momenL."
1hen lL was SLephanle's Lurn Lo blow her cool: 1hls ls our
prom nlghL! rom! uo you know whaL LhaL means?!"
l'll refund your credlL cards Lhe full amounL for your
rooms. erhaps you could flnd anoLher hoLel?"
8uL our llmo drlver had already lefL, and none of us had
cash on-on hand for a Laxl. We were lefL wlLh Lwo opLlons:
call our parenLs and have Lhem plck us up, or make do wlLh
one hoLel room. Cne room for Len people. noL exacLly much
opporLunlLy for Lhe prlvacy we all wanLed.
l looked around aL Lhe angry, de[ecLed faces of my frlends,
aL Lhe dlsappolnLmenL ln Llz's eyes-
Screw lL," l flnally sald Lo Lhe group, We're all frlends,
rlghL? We'll [usL Lurn Lhe llghLs ouL."
1he suggesLlon caughL everybody by surprlse, buL, one by
one, Lhey all nodded ln agreemenL. !ake heslLaLed Lhe
longesL, buL Lhen he sLole a qulck glance aL hls daLe's neckllne
and muLLered hls assenL.
1he room had one queen-slze bed, and one fold-ouL
couch. lor Lhe oLher Lhree couples, Lhe hoLel was able Lo
provlde us wlLh maLLresses Lo puL on Lhe floor. Calllng lL
cramped would have been a [oke, we were all llLerally lnches
away from each oLher.
A game of rock-paper-sclssors ln Lhe elevaLor puL me and
LllzabeLh on Lhe couch, Amy and kyle on Lhe bed, and
everyone else on Lhe floor around us. CLher Lhan LhaL, no
one sald a word. 1he room sLayed sllenL as we goL ready for
bed. All Lhe nervous energy ln Lhe alr had paralyzed our vocal
chords. My mouLh wenL dry wlLh anLlclpaLlon.
8achel and Lhe guys sLrlpped down Lo our underwear and
cllmbed under Lhe covers of our respecLlve beds, eagerly
walLlng for our lovely daLes Lo [oln us-buL Lhe glrls had one
more surprlse ln sLore before Lhe blg momenL.
ApparenLly, whlle Lhey were ouL shopplng for Lhelr prom
dresses LogeLher, Llz, 1alla, Corrlne, Amy, and SLephanle had
all splurged and boughL Lhemselves someLhlng sexy Lo wear
for us when Lhey goL back Lo Lhe hoLel. 1hey hadn'L lnLended
Lo parade Lhese ouLflLs ln fronL of evetyooe, buL
clrcumsLances belng whaL Lhey were, lL was everyone or no
1hey all changed cloLhes ln Lhe conflnes of our room's
slngle baLhroom, emerglng one aL a Llme Lo [oln Lhelr daLes ln
Corrlne came ouL wearlng sheer red panLles and a
maLchlng bra, whlch Lled behlnd her neck and dld absoluLely
noLhlng Lo supporL her enormous, bounclng melons.
Somebody plnch me," !ake whlspered as she snuggled up
ln hls muscular arms. Corry plnched hlm on Lhe nlpple.
Amy wenL way ouL of characLer, wearlng a sweeLly vlrglnal
whlLe saLln basque LhaL pushed up her LlLs and came Lo a
sLop [usL above her Loned naval. When she hopped up onLo
Lhe bed beslde kyle, l goL an eyeful of Lhe frllly whlLe panLles
hugglng her ass.
l couldn'L belleve my luck when LllzabeLh walked ouL
wearlng a black sllk babydoll, held LogeLher wlLh a loose bow
beLween her breasLs. A Lad self-consclous Lo have everyone
sLarlng aL her ln such a reveallng ouLflL, Llz gave a sllly llLLle
curLsy and hurrledly goL under Lhe covers wlLh me.
?ou llke lL?" she asked.
Mmm," l answered, pulllng her ln for a klss and revellng
ln Lhe sensaLlon of LhaL sllk agalnsL my skln. She had been
LhoughLful enough Lo wear a g-sLrlng, glvlng my hands lnsLanL
access Lo her bare buLL cheeks.
SLephanle emerged from Lhe baLhroom wearlng a baby
blue lace bra and panLy seL, compleLe wlLh garLer sLraps and
Lhlgh-hlgh sLocklngs. A faux-pearl pendanL hung from her
neck, dlpplng down lnLo Lhe cleavage beLween Lhose blg plnk
boobs. She [olned Slmon on Lhe floor, rlghL beslde Lhe couch
where Llz and l were snuggllng.
1he lasL one ouL of Lhe baLhroom was 1alla, who looked
so feLchlng ln her saLln Leddy LhaL 8achel leL ouL a wolf-
Sleep LlghL, you guys," 1alla smlrked. 1hen she swlLched
off Lhe llghLs and crawled lnLo bed wlLh her lover.
AfLer all LhaL vlsual sLlmulaLlon, Lhe plLch darkness was an
unexpecLed Lhrlll. Lvery sound ln Lhe room-every whlspered
breaLh, every rusLllng blankeL, every dellcaLe klss-had an
eroLlc charge Lo lL. l could only lmaglne whaL all my frlends
were dolng Lo each oLher's bodles.
lor my parL, l was conLenL Lo spend a long whlle [usL
klsslng LllzabeLh, occaslonally fondllng Lhe fullness of her
boobs Lhrough Lhe sllk. Cradually, Lhe heaLed breaLhlng ln
Lhe room around us Lurned Lo moans of pleasure as slx
beauLlful women en[oyed Lhe aLLenLlons of Lhelr lovers.
Cn Lhe ground beslde me, l heard SLephanle whlsper Lhe
word, now," followed by Lhe sound of a long, saLlsfled slgh
as Slmon slld hlmself lnslde her for Lhe very flrsL Llme.
lnsLlncLlvely, l dropped my mouLh Lo Lhe bow beLween
Llz's breasLs and pulled lL loose wlLh my LeeLh. Per sklmpy
babydoll fell open and her huge LlLs Lumbled free, rlghL ln my
face. An lnsLanL laLer, my mouLh had enveloped one of her
engorged nlpples, and our hands were rubblng furlously
agalnsL each oLher's croLches.
Llz was Lhe hoLLesL and weLLesL she'd ever been ln her llfe.
l slld my Lhumb beneaLh her soaked g-sLrlng and Leased her
unLll she was bolllng. unable Lo bear lL a momenL longer, Lhe
Lwo of us Lore off our underwear and l plnned her Lo Lhe bed,
slowly plunglng Lhe enLlreLy of myself lnLo her wlLh a slngle,
long push.
Cur crles [olned Lhe chorus as my hlps urged forward
agaln and agaln, our skln clapplng LogeLher. Llz rolled us over,
bounclng up and down on my burnlng cock, grabblng my
hands and crushlng Lhem agalnsL her boobs.
We no longer cared abouL belng quleL. Lveryone ln Lhe
room was groanlng and screamlng aL Lhe Lop of Lhelr lungs as
our comblned pleasure neared a crescendo. 1he weL sounds
of sex fllled Lhe alr-
1hen 1alla Lurned Lhe llghLs on.
lor a second, everybody froze mld-colLus, unsure whaL Lo
do. 8uL we were all Loo close Lo orgasm Lo sLop for long. Cuy
and glrl allke, none of us could help ourselves from checklng
ouL Lhe oLher couples whlle we fucked:
now buck naked, 1alla and 8achel recllned agalnsL Lhe
wall beslde Lhe llghL swlLch, grlnnlng devlllshly as Lhey
waLched Lhe resL of us, madly flngerlng one anoLher.
A few lnches Lo my lefL was SLephanle, flnally havlng sex
wlLh Slmon afLer monLhs of unbearable bulld-up. She rode
her boyfrlend's cock llke a merry-go-round, her fabulous LlLs
so close Lo my hands lL Look all my wlllpower noL Lo reach ouL
and squeeze Lhem.
Amy and kyle were by far Lhe mosL aLhleLlc, flghLlng for
breaLh as Lhey fucked ln Lhe spoonlng poslLlon wlLh machlne
gun speed. Pe had one hand frlgglng her cllL and one hand
Lweaklng her nlpples.
!ake [usL looked overwhelmed by lL all as he fucked
Corrlne doggy-sLyle ln Lhe corner of Lhe room. Per eyes meL
mlne as her lover pulled ouL hls Lhlck cock, Lhen LhrusL lL back
lnslde, grlpplng her hlps wlLh hls sLrong hands. Per
excepLlonally large breasLs shook and shuddered wlLh each
Lverywhere around us, people sLarLed comlng. 1alla came
so hard she acLually smacked Lhe back of her head agalnsL
Lhe wall. SLephanle screamed her hearL ouL, her nude body
collapslng onLo Slmon's as he erupLed beLween her legs.
Corrlne leL ouL a cllmacLlc, ?es!" and !ake, hls work flnally
done, scooped up her LlLs ln hls palms and leL hlmself
explode. As soon as Amy's orgasmlc convulslons subslded,
kyle pulled ouL of her, rolled Lhe glrl onLo her sLomach, and
blasLed hls seed all over her beauLlful ass.
LllzabeLh and l were boLh so close, we dldn'L even noLlce
8achel unLll she was rlghL beslde us, gazlng lusLfully aL my
lover's body. 1alla sLood behlnd her, presslng her curves
agalnsL 8achel's back whlle reachlng around and frlgglng Lhe
glrl's cllL.
Co on," 1alla cooed.
8achel exLended her shaklng hand Lo LllzabeLh's chesL and
genLly sLroked Lhe curves she so admlred.
My lover moaned and 8achel grew bolder, passlonaLely
kneadlng and squeezlng Lhose sofL breasLs. l could see from
Lhe flre ln 8achel's eyes LhaL Lhls had been a parLlcularly
powerful fanLasy of hers. now LhaL lL was flnally belng
fulfllled, she couldn'L conLrol herself. !usL a few seconds afLer
Louchlng LllzabeLh, 8achel wenL off llke a gun, gasplng for alr.
l prompLly blew my load lnLo LllzabeLh-who was so near
her own cllmax LhaL Lhe spasLlc LhrusLlng of my hlps senL her
screamlng over Lhe flnlsh llne.
lor maybe Lhe nexL Len mlnuLes, Lhe Len of us [usL lay
Lhere, noL saylng a word. 1hen Amy saL up and shouLed,
1haL was so hoL!"
1he whole room bursL ouL laughlng.
WlLh Lhe awkwardness broken, Lhe glrls all made Lrlps Lo
Lhe baLhroom Lo clean up whlle Lhe guys sLayed ln bed,
recoverlng our sLrengLh. 1alla sLrolled back over Lo Lhe llghL
swlLch, brazenly naked ln fronL of us.
WhaL do you say, guys? LlghLs on or off?"
We all sLlll felL a blL self-consclous abouL Lhe whole Lhlng,
buL by LhaL polnL we really had noLhlng lefL Lo hlde from one
anoLher. Cur answer was a nervous, buL unanlmous, Cn."
SLephanle and Slmon were Lhe flrsL couple Lo geL back
lnLo acLlon. 1hey'd boLh walLed so long Lo have sex, noLhlng
on heaven or earLh was golng Lo keep Lhem aparL any longer,
lncludlng an audlence. SLeph cllmbed onLo hls lap and Lhe
Lwo of Lhem sLarLed a nlce, slow fuck from a slLLlng poslLlon.
1he panorama vlew of naked, busLy females goL all Lhe
guys hard agaln ln record Llme. Corrlne pracLlcally aLLacked
!ake, llcklng and groplng hls muscles whlle flsLlng hls Lhlck
erecLlon. 1alla and 8achel conLenLed Lhemselves Lo 69'lng
one anoLher off Lo Lhe slde.
Amy and kyle. were [usL Lalklng, whlsperlng abouL
someLhlng or oLher. kyle evenLually shrugged hls approval,
and Lhen Lhey cllmbed down off Lhe bed and made Lhelr way
over Lo Corrlne and !ake.
Corrlne pulled herself away from her man, confused by
Lhe lnLerrupLlon. Amy whlspered someLhlng Lo Lhem, and
whaLever she sald, Lhey boLh Lurned beaL-red.
Corrlne looked from Amy, Lo !ake, and back agaln, before
nervously noddlng her head.
Ckay," she breaLhed.
1he resL of Lhe room was sLunned lnLo sllence as Amy
crawled forward on all fours and Look !ake's penls lnLo her
mouLh. Pls eyes rolled back lnLo hls head, and l knew from
personal experlence whaL grade-A servlce Lhe guy was
Corrlne pulled !ake's face Lo hers for a hungry klss, her
hands happlly employed rubblng hls muscular chesL whlle her
glanL LlLs mashed agalnsL hlm. kyle llned hlmself up behlnd
Amy and pushed lnslde of her unLll she was moanlng Lhrough
Lhe meaL of !ake's cock.
lL was qulLe a show.
l waLched LllzabeLh's eyes as Lhey drlfLed over Lo where
SLephanle was desperaLely fucklng aL our slde. l looked as
well, and reallzed LhaL Llz wasn'L sLarlng aL her 8ll-she was
sLarlng aL Slmon.
She was sLarlng aL Slmon, and he was sLarlng aL her.
l felL a momenL's [ealousy, buL l qulckly pushed lL aslde,
glven Lhe clrcumsLances. lL wasn'L llke l hadn'L been ogllng
my share of Lhe oLher glrls. AfLer Sprlng 8reak-afLer all
Lhose nlghLs wlLh us waLchlng Lhem and Lhem waLchlng us-
lL was preLLy obvlous LhaL a good amounL of sexual Lenslon
had bullL up beLween SLephanle's boyfrlend and my
Llz was wrlLhlng wlLh hornlness beneaLh my body. l
flashed back Lo my Lhreesome wlLh 8achel and 1alla, Lo Lhe
way 8achel was wllllng Lo do whaLever lL Look Lo fulflll her
lover's fanLasles...
?ou can Louch hlm, lf you llke," l whlspered. LllzabeLh's
eyes wenL wlde.
Are you sure?"
?eah. 8uL [usL LonlghL. !usL because lL's prom."
lL was Lhe leasL l could do, conslderlng how ofLen Llz had
been forced Lo share me over Lhe pasL several weeks.
She rewarded me wlLh an elecLrlfylng klss, Lold me she
loved me, and Lhen dellcaLely lowered herself off Lhe couch.
She snuggled her glorlously nude body up agalnsL Slmon's
back and planLed a genLle klss on hls shoulder.
Chhh." Slmon slghed, hls head splnnlng. WlLh SLephanle
sLlll bounclng up and down on hls lap, Slmon leaned back lnLo
LllzabeLh's embrace, reLurnlng her klsses.
Seelng SLephanle's lovely plnk bosom golng unaLLended, l
reached ouL and cupped one agalnsL my palm. lL had been
monLhs slnce l'd groped Lhose LlLs, and Lhey felL [usL as
amazlng as ever. WlLh SLeph on Lhe floor and me on Lhe
couch, her mouLh was llLerally lnches away from my
neglecLed cock. She lowered her plump, movle sLar llps
around me and sLarLed sucklng.
1he slLuaLlon was surreal, as lf a red haze had fllled Lhe
room and Lurned us all lnLo dlfferenL people. Cn Lhe floor
beslde me, l heard LllzabeLh yelp ln surprlse and looked
down Lo see Slmon reachlng back behlnd hlm, sllpplng Lwo of
hls flngers lnLo her cunL. She qulckly melLed lnLo hls
aLLenLlons, grazlng her flngernalls across hls nlpple as he
flngered her.
Suddenly, l felL Lhe couch sag down a blL, and l spun Lo see
Corrlne seLLllng her naked body nexL Lo mlne. My eyes llL up
aL Lhe slghL of her, and, predlcLably, l wenL rlghL for her LlLs.
Ob, tbose qlotloos tlts.
lor a long whlle, l en[oyed fondllng Lhe warmLh and
welghL of each breasL, before leLLlng my hands Lravel across
Lhe hourglass curve of her hlp, wlLh a qulck sLop-over on her
nlcely-shaped ass, evenLually seLLllng agalnsL Lhe sllck weL
groove beLween her legs.
Corry and l klssed exclLedly as famlllar moans and screams
began Lo flll Lhe room. near Lhe door, 8achel and 1alla had
moved on from Lhelr lesblan 69 Lo whaL looked llke a very
awkward sclssor poslLlon-buL lL musL have pressed all Lhe
rlghL buLLons because afLer a mlnuLe or so Lhey boLh came
llke crazy.
Cver ln Lhe corner of Lhe room, !ake bursL ln Amy's
mouLh, blowlng a huge load LhaL, comblned wlLh Lhe sheer
amounL of cock she was sLufflng ln Lhere, was Loo much for
her Lo swallow. Cobs of lL drlbbled ouL of her llps. As kyle's
hlps slammed agaln and agaln agalnsL Amy's perfecL ass, hls
own orgasm overLook hlm, and he roughly wrapped hls
flngers around her slender LhroaL as he came lnslde her.
1he sheer naughLlness of slmulLaneously sucklng and
fucklng !ake and kyle drove Amy lnLo Lhe longesL, loudesL
orgasm of Lhe nlghL. ln reLrospecL, l guess LhaL made her Lhe
wlnner. 8uL l was honesLly less focused on her and more
focused on whaL SLephanle was dolng Lo my cock.
l could Lell from Lhe sLllLed pace of SLephanle's blow[ob
LhaL she was geLLlng close as well. Slmon was really poundlng
away aL her, pushed lnLo overdrlve by Lhe added sLlmulaLlon
of LllzabeLh moanlng ln hls ear. SLeph flnally had Lo pull her
mouLh off of me, screamlng as her body was rocked by a
masslve cllmax.
She rolled off of Slmon and sLarLed franLlcally [acklng hlm
WlLh one lover saLlsfled, Slmon lmmedlaLely swlLched hls
full focus Lo LllzabeLh, flngerlng her cllL as fasL as he could.
Moanlng, Llz reached ouL and grasped hold of hls penls,
sLroklng Lhe lucky basLard ln Landem wlLh SLephanle.
1he slghL was drlvlng me crazy, so l Look all LhaL anxlous
energy and re-dlrecLed lL aL Corrlne.
l rolled onLo her Lall, curvaceous body, spread her Loned,
sexy legs, and pushed myself lnslde her hoL, weL sllL. She
Lhrew her arms behlnd her head Lo brace agalnsL Lhe back of
Lhe couch whlle l LhrusL forward. SLrands of Lhe glrl's golden
halr fell ln a mess across her face.
My hands fell onLo her breasLs, holdlng on for dear llfe
whlle Lhey bounced and [lggled.
1o my slde, l had a perfecL vlew of Slmon's flngers rubblng
LllzabeLh's sllppery cunL. WlLh a raspy cry of, ?es!" she
pulled Slmon's face Lo her heavlng bosom-he sucked ln her
1hey boLh came. Slmon's cllmax flowed llke lava over
SLephanle and LllzabeLh's flngers.
As soon as Slmon's pleasure subslded, he dropped onLo
Lhe floor, comlcally exhausLed. Llz and SLephanle gave hlm a
graLeful, naked hug, and Lhen-Lo my greaL dellghL-Lhey
boLh cllmbed onLo Lhe sofa bed and sLarLed llcklng me.
SLephanle's sofL plnk breasLs rubbed up and down my arm.
8efore l even reallzed lL, Corrlne was cllmaxlng, her moans
shaklng Lhe whole bed beneaLh us. Soon as her breaLhlng
reLurned Lo normal, l pulled ouL and Lurned Lo LllzabeLh:
CeL on Lop of her so l can fuck you some more."
My glrlfrlend blushed wlLh deslre as she obeyed, seLLllng
herself face-down down aLop Corrlne's sLacked body. 1he
fullness of Lhelr masslve LlLs squashed LogeLher.
l rubbed Lhe Llp of my cock up and down across Lhelr
pussles, one on Lop of Lhe oLher, and Lhen gave LllzabeLh a
playful smack on Lhe ass as l drove myself lnslde her. My balls
slapped agalnsL Corrlne's warm cunL wlLh each LhrusL.
SLephanle suddenly launched herself lnLo my arms. l
groped her LlLs and klssed her full on Lhe llps whlle fucklng
her besL frlend doggle-sLyle on Lhe bed.
Pavlng recovered from her lnLense orgasm wlLh 8achel,
1alla snuggled up beslde us as well, eroLlcally caresslng boLh
LllzabeLh and myself as our bodles crashed LogeLher. Per
Longue swlrled around my exposed nlpple. l released one of
SLephanle's lovely LlLs and slld my free hand beLween 1alla's
legs Lo dlddle her cllL.
1he couch was already absurdly crowded when Amy
[olned Lhe parLy. Cn wobbly legs, she hobbled her naked
body across Lhe room and grabbed hold of my buLL, rubblng
her LlLs up and down my back. uesperaLe for alr, l pulled my
mouLh from SLephanle's, my head splnnlng. l looked down aL
my glrlfrlend, her llps a fracLlon of an lnch from Corrlne's.
klss her," l moaned.
1hey boLh gave lnLo Lhe momenL and mashed Lhelr llps
LogeLher, groanlng lnLo each oLher's mouLhs.
l Lrled Lo sLay focused on whaL l was dolng, buL Lhere were
way Loo many dlsLracLlons: 1alla llcklng my nlpple, Amy
groplng my ass, SLephanle klsslng my LhroaL whlle l [uggled
her masslve LlLs, my balls smacklng agalnsL Corrlne's pussy
whlle she passlonaLely lrenched my glrlfrlend-
And LllzabeLh. 8eauLlful Llz, Lhe glrl l loved. She grabbed
hold of her own breasLs and rubbed Lhem agalnsL Corrlne's,
sLlmulaLlng Lhose super-senslLlve nlpples of hers. All my sexy
frlends, wlLh me aL Lhe same Llme. A fanLasy come Lrue -
LllzabeLh Lensed-her beauLlful face showlng a sudden,
exqulslLe cllmax-
luck!" l screamed.
l exploded, comlng lnslde her unLll lL hurL.

CraduaLlon was klnd of underwhelmlng afLer LhaL.
As far as l was concerned, hlgh school culmlnaLed on
prom nlghL. lL cllmaxed when l dld. And, Lhough none of us
reallzed lL aL Lhe Llme, lL was also Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe end for
our llLLle group. 1here was no greaL falllng ouL, no dramaLlc
schlsm of loyalLles, really no negaLlve feellngs whaLsoever.
We all sLlll loved each oLher, ln one way or anoLher.
WhaLever force caused us Lo drlfL aparL, l couldn'L Lell you.
8uL afLer LhaL nlghL, Lhe chemlsLry somehow changed.
WhaL had once been a gang of slx slngle frlends became a
collecLlon of couples. Corrlne even sLarLed daLlng !ake,
leavlng Amy as Lhe lone remalnlng member of our group noL
ln a commlLLed relaLlonshlp.
AL Lhe same Llme, an unexpecLed slde-effecL of graduaLlng
meanL Lhe end of us seelng each oLher every day ln class or
durlng lunch. Panglng ouL LogeLher requlred us Lo arrange
geL-LogeLhers, and Lhe erraLlc schedules of our summer reLall
[obs made lL nearly lmposslble Lo pln down everyone ln Lhe
same place aL Lhe same Llme.
SLlll, LhaL summer was amazlng. Cne of Lhe besL Llmes of
my llfe. l spenL every free mlnuLe wlLh aL leasL one of my
lncredlble frlends, and all Lhe whlle my relaLlonshlp wlLh
LllzabeLh conLlnued Lo geL more and more lnLense.
SomeLlmes frlghLenlngly so.
knowlng lL was all golng Lo end soon made every
experlence sweeLer and more vlbranL, Lhough Lhere was an
undenlable pang of desperaLlon Lhere as well. Lvery
afLernoon spenL slLLlng around by myself meanL one less
afLernoon wlLh my frlends. Cne less afLernoon wlLh Lhe
woman l was falllng horrlbly ln love wlLh.
1he oLher couples flgured Lhelr shlL ouL way before we
dld: 8achel and 1alla were golng Lo 8erkely LogeLher,
meanlng Lhey had noLhlng Lo worry abouL. Slmon and
SLephanle had agreed Lo Lry Lhe long-dlsLance Lhlng, wlLh Lhe
hope LhaL he would be able Lo Lransfer Lo her school afLer a
semesLer or Lwo of [unlor college. Corry and !ake, much as
Lhey llked each oLher, were keeplng Lhlngs preLLy casual and
boLh knew LhaL Lhelr relaLlonshlp was [usL a summer Lhlng.
lL wasn'L llke Llz and l avolded Lhe lssue. We Lalked
consLanLly abouL whaL we were golng Lo do aL summer's end.
8reaklng up was unLhlnkable, buL so was Lhe alLernaLlve of a
long-dlsLance love. We even dlscussed one of us Lransferrlng
afLer a semesLer, buL her LranscrlpL wouldn'L geL her Lo Ml1,
and l'd be serlously cheaLlng myself ouL of career cholces
golng Lo a sLaLe school. More ofLen Lhen noL, Lhese
lmposslble dlscusslons ended ln Lears and passlonaLe love-
maklng, leavlng us more confused Lhen ever.
lL was acLually preLLy fucked-up, now LhaL l Lhlnk abouL lL,
buL Lhen so ls Lhe human hearL. ln any case, Lhe monLh of
AugusL lnexorably reared hls ugly head, regardless of whaL
we dld or sald Lo each oLher.
Cne by one, Lhey lefL. llrsL SLephanle, Lhen Amy, Lhen
1alla and 8achel. Lach deparLure brlnglng Lears and hugs all
around. Solace ln Lhe arms of our remalnlng frlends. We all
[oked LhaL lL was llke survlvlng a slasher fllm, our frlends
belng bumped off one by one.
lrankly, lL was Loo horrlble for words. LllzabeLh and l
flnally came Lo Lhe mlserable declslon LhaL we would call lL
qulLs aL Lhe end of Lhe summer. We were [usL Leenagers,
weren'L we? Seemlngly every person we Lurned Lo for advlce
helpfully lnformed us LhaL lL would be a mlsLake for us Lo sLay
LogeLher. Who were we Lo argue wlLh Lhe enLlre world?
1hen came Lhe awful day of my fllghL Lo MassachuseLLs.
LllzabeLh had promlsed Lo help me pack, buL when we
sLarLed loadlng up Lhe sulLcases, she broke down and slmply
couldn'L brlng herself Lo do lL.
WhaL are we golng Lo do?!" she crled.
l Lrled Lo Lake her ln my arms, buL she angrlly shrugged me
off. WlLh heavy hearL, l asked, WhaL do you wanL Lo do?"
noL tbls! AnyLhlng buL Lhls."
l felL an awful LlghLenlng ln my guLs. 1he alr ln Lhe room
was choklng me. l LhoughL abouL all Lhe raLlonal, lnLelllgenL
reasons we were breaklng up, buL as l Lrled Lo mouLh Lhe
words, l reallzed Lhey weren'L my own. So lnsLead, l surprlsed
us boLh by saylng, 1hen we won'L."
LllzabeLh looked up aL me wlLh weL, confused eyes.
l don'L wanL Lo do Lhls elLher," l conLlnued, Lhe alr
around me suddenly breaLhable once more. l don'L wanL Lo
lose you, even lf lL means Lrylng Lo do Lhls Lhlng long-
dlsLance. We'll flgure lL ouL. Somehow, we'll make lL work."
She brlghLened aL my words, laughlng Lhrough her Lears.
Ckay," she flnally managed. 1hen she hugged me and klssed
me and helped me flnlsh packlng. A sudden surge of
glddlness llfLed us off Lhe ground, [usL as surely as lf we'd
been fllled wlLh hellum.
l Lore off her shlrL and we made passlonaLe love one lasL
Llme before l had Lo leave.

1he plane saL on Lhe Larmac for 23 mlnuLes, durlng whlch
Llme a mllllon LhoughLs raced Lhrough my head. 1haL's llke,
40,000 LhoughLs per mlnuLe, lf you do Lhe maLh. More Lhan l
could handle.
wbot lf l Joot qo to Ml1 ot oll? wbot lf l jost qot off tbe
plooe tlqbt oow? wbot lf l too bock tbtooqb tbe qote ooJ
scoopeJ llzobetb op lo my otms ooJ oskeJ bet to motty me?
1bots wbot woolJ boppeo lf l wos lo o tomootlc comeJy!
1bots wbot l woolJ Jo.
1bots wbot l woolJ Jo lf tbls wosot teol llfe.
1he plane's wheels lefL Lhe ground and l was shocked back
lnLo Lhe momenL. lL was really, flnally over. My llfe, as l knew
lL. 1he lasL remnanLs of Lhe old me, lefL behlnd on LhaL
Larmac. l was on my way Lo college.
l swore Lo myself l would do whaLever lL Look Lo make
Lhlngs work ouL wlLh Llz, no maLLer how hard lL would be. She
was worLh lL. We were worLh lL. lf we boLh goL decenL parL-
Llme [obs, and scrlmped and saved every penny for alr fare.
moybe we mlqbt jost poll lt off.
Maybe we could beaL Lhe odds LhaL LormenLed every
long-dlsLance relaLlonshlp.
1welve monLhs ago, l would have been scared Lo even tolk
Lo a glrl llke LllzabeLh. now, l couldn'L help buL Lhlnk abouL
Lhe fuLure l hoped Lo share wlLh her. l was a new man. All
Lhanks Lo my glrls.
And LllzabeLh.
l knew l would see Lhem agaln, many Llmes. 8uL Lhlngs
beLween Lhe slx of us would never be qulLe Lhe same as Lhey
had been our senlor year.
1he year l meL my besL frlends.
My bosom buddles.
Chapter 10 - Long-D|stance

1he ugly LruLh of any long-dlsLance relaLlonshlp ls, lL sucks.
Much as your young hearL may Lry Lo romanLlclze all Lhe
efforL and Lhe sacrlflce lnvolved, aL Lhe end of Lhe day you're
sLlll mlserable. LvenLually, you sLarL Lo feel a blL llke Lhe
wldow who llves ouL her days cellbaLe, sLlll ln love wlLh her
dead husband.
lL was Lhe hardesL Lhlng l've ever done.
Llz and l poured every meager cenL we earned lnLo long-
dlsLance phone calls and plane fares, buL, more ofLen Lhen
noL, l found myself romanLlcally commlLLed Lo a volce on a
WlLh all our comblned lncome, we were sLlll only able Lo
afford Lo see each oLher for one weekend each monLh. ?ou'd
Lhlnk Lhese occaslonal vlslLs would be fllled wlLh non-sLop
passlon and amorous euphorla, buL LhaL's never how Lhey
Lurned ouL. Sure, Lhere was Lhe good sLuff"-Lhe sex, Lhe
cuddllng, plllow Lalk, romanLlc advenLure-buL each weekend
LrysL was always underscored by a cerLaln degree of
dlsappolnLmenL, of never belng polte as perfecL as whaL we'd
bullL up ln our mlnds over Lhe precedlng weeks.
And Lhen Lhere were Lhe flghLs. Llke clockwork, each of
Lhese supposed-Lo-be-bllssful cross-counLry weekend vlslLs
lnevlLably lncluded one huge, awful argumenL beLween Llz
and l, carrled ouL wlLh Lhe same penL-up passlon as our
l guess relaLlonshlps need a cerLaln degree of confllcL Lo
survlve, [usL as Lhey need Lenderness and affecLlon. lL's an
essenLlal parL of Lhe reclpe. 8uL, whlle normal couples goL Lhe
prlvllege of balanclng Lhese emoLlonal necesslLles wlLh a
more mlld day-Lo-day commlLmenL, our long-dlsLance
relaLlonshlp meanL we had Lo pack everyLhlng lnLo a Llny,
poLenL capsule, more llke a relaLlonshlp sopposltoty, Laken
once a monLh.
Some slde effecLs may lnclude: uepresslon, [ealousy,
confuslon, lonellness, doubL, and frequenL masLurbaLlon.

lL also dldn'L help LhaL Lhere were so many goddamn
gorgeous glrls runnlng around my coed dorm ln Lhelr
pa[amas, Lhelr perky, 19-year-old breasLs bounclng braless
beneaLh Lhose Loo-LlghL Lee shlrLs. 1here was one glrl ln
parLlcular-!esslca Pernandez-who made my llfe a llvlng
hell: long legs, Llny walsL, dark LaLln halr LhaL reached down
Lo her ass, and absoluLely SLC1ACuLA8 LlLs. Sklnny
everywhere excepL Lhe busL, LhaL glrl was Lhe deflnlLlon of
And she was LoLally devold of modesLy. Lach nlghL, !esslca
would sLroll down Lhe hallway beLween her room and Lhe
showers-a rouLe LhaL Look her rlghL pasL my door-wearlng
noLhlng buL a frayed baLh Lowel.
SLlll, all LhaL was manageable. noLhlng flve mlnuLes and a
flsLful of kleenex couldn'L solve. no, Lhe Lhlng LhaL made
!esslca so horrlble was Lhe facL LhaL she and l had so much ln
common. We llked Lhe same movles, read Lhe same books,
shared more Lhan half of our classes, and she was a barlsLa aL
my favorlLe off-campus cafe.
She was perfecL glrlfrlend maLerlal. lf l'd made a pass aL
her, Lhe awful LruLh was LhaL she'd probably have gone ouL
wlLh me. And l had Lo see her LvL8? uA?.
Cn Lhe oLher slde of Lhe counLry, Llz was golng Lhrough a
slmllar ordeal wlLh some cuLe guy she meL ln her human
sexuallLy" class, of all Lhlngs. l don'L lmaglne Lhlngs were any
easler on her.
Llz and l Lurned Lo SLephanle and Slmon for supporL. 1hey
were sLruggllng wlLh Lhe long-dlsLance Lhlng as well, and Lhelr
commlseraLlon vla phone or AlM (yes, we chaLLed over AlM
back Lhen), was my only llfellne on Lhose lonely nlghLs when l
was elLher so lonely or so horny l LhoughL l would go lnsane.
1hen Lhey broke up.
1hey broke up! AfLer all LhaL drama our senlor year of hlgh
school, Slmon and SLephanle couldn'L lasL [usL one semesLer
aparL. l guess l shouldn'L have been so surprlsed, glven how
dlfflculL Lhlngs were for Llz and l. 8uL lL dldn'L much help our
own resolve, seelng our besL frlends glve up on Lhelr
Alas, Slmon and SLephanle wenL Lhelr separaLe ways,
flndlng new loves and lovers. 8y Lhe Llme we were all halfway
Lhrough our second semesLer of college, lL was plalnly
obvlous Lo boLh LllzabeLh and myself LhaL our frlends were
happler for havlng spllL up.

Cn an oLherwlse unspecLacular nlghL, whlle Llz and l were
chaLLlng on Lhe phone, she whlspered, We haven'L had a
chance Lo really experlence college, have we? l don'L mean
hooklng up wlLh oLher people, l mean-"
l know whaL you mean."
no maLLer how many new and exclLlng experlences we'd
had slnce sLarLlng college, we boLh mlssed each oLher so
deeply and so consLanLly LhaL we couldn'L leL ourselves eojoy
any of lL. Cur long-dlsLance relaLlonshlp dld more Lhan [usL
keep us from geLLlng lald, lL was someLhlng LhaL welghed
down on every aspecL of our llves.
LxhausLed, we boLh grudglngly agreed Lo Lake a break. We
weren'L breaklng up," exacLly, we were [usL clearlng ouL Lhe
sLorm clouds. We needed Lo know whaL college was llke
wltboot a long-dlsLance relaLlonshlp, before we could really
know for sure wheLher we were maklng Lhe rlghL cholce.
l had a loL of Lrouble sLudylng for my mldLerms LhaL week.
ln a daze, l wenL ouL Lo grab a coffee and, as luck would
have lL, found !esslca Pernandez worklng aL Lhe cafe. l was
enough of a regular LhaL !esslca dldn'L even boLher wlLh
Laklng my order anymore, she [usL poured me a Lall black
coffee Lhe second l walked ln Lhe door (lL was all l could ever
!esslca saw Lhe ragged look on my face when l came Lo
collecL my drlnk and asked, Pey lan, are you okay?"
?eah. !usL Llred."
l dellberaLely Lrled Lo be nonchalanL abouL lL. l was ln Loo
welrd a mood Lo go flshlng for plLy hugs, even when Lhose
hugs would mean feellng my favorlLe barlsLa's blg, sofL boobs
squeezlng up agalnsL me.
Are you sure?"
l wasn'L. And Lhe more l Lrled Lo avold sLarlng aL her chesL,
Lhe more l felL my resolve wane. Come Lo Lhlnk of lL, why Lhe
hell JlJot l deserve a few blg-breasLed plLy hugs? l'd had a
Lough week, and damn lf she dldn'L look Lerrlflc ln Lhe LlghL
whlLe polo shlrL Lhey made Lhe barlsLas wear.
AcLually, me and Llz declded Lo Lake a break."
Ch no!" she lgnored her currenL cusLomer Lo race around
Lhe bar and embrace me, LhrusLlng Lhe full welghL of her LlLs
agalnsL my chesL Lo cushlon Lhe lmpacL. ep, tbot blt tbe spot.
lor Lhe flrsL Llme slnce l'd sLarLed college, l allowed myself Lo
acLually en[oy belng aLLracLed Lo anoLher woman.
Cnce she flnlshed hugglng me, !esslca whlpped me up
some klnd of huge, froLhy drlnk l couldn'L even pronounce,
much less afford.
Pere, on Lhe house."

l reLurned Lo my dorm room Lo sLudy, buL an hour laLer l
found myself dlsLracLed by Lhe sound of someone paclng
back and forLh ln Lhe hallway ouLslde my door. Pappy Lo Lake
a break from my books, l Look a look Lhrough Lhe peep-hole
and saw !esslca-sLlll wearlng her work cloLhes-sLandlng ln
Lhe hallway ouLslde. She llfLed her flsL, as lf Lo knock, buL
qulckly declded agalnsL lL and sLarLed back Lowards her
1hen she sLopped, Lurned back, and reLurned Lo my door.
1hen she lefL. 1hen she came back. 1hen she lefL agaln. l'd
spenL my senlor year of hlgh school hanglng ouL almosL
excluslvely wlLh glrls, and apparenLly l sLlll had no ldea how
Lhelr bralns worked.
When !esslca flnally reLurned Lo my door, l Look Lhe
lnlLlaLlve and opened lL.
LveryLhlng okay?" l asked.
?eah! l [usL-my roommaLe's gone for Lhe weekend, and
l know you're havlng a rough Llme so l LhoughL l'd [usL offer
Lo Lalk. lf you need Lo. 8uL Lhen l LhoughL, lL'd be welrd, and
lL's noL really my place, and you probably [usL wanL your
space or whaLever, rlghL? l'm sorry, Lhls was a bad ldea."
l gave her a hug.

We spenL Lhe resL of Lhe evenlng lounglng around her
dorm dlscusslng whaL was golng on wlLh me and my sorL-of-
sorL-of-noL" glrlfrlend. Senslng LhaL l needed someLhlng a
llLLle sLronger Lhan coffee Lo geL me Lhrough Lhe nlghL,
!esslca grabbed a boLLle of cheap, room-LemperaLure vodka
from under her bed and we Look Lurns downlng shoLs unLll
we were buzzlng and sllly.
WhaL abouL you?" l flnally asked. We've been Lalklng
and Lalklng abouL my love llfe, how are Lhlngs wlLh you?"
PonesLly, Lhe pasL couple nlghLs, lL's been klnd of.
We boLh fllnched as someLhlng heavy bumped agalnsL Lhe
wall on Lhe oLher slde.
1book. 1book.
1here lL was agaln. As lf her nelghbors were rearranglng
Lhe furnlLure aL Lwo o'clock ln Lhe mornlng. !esslca glggled
knowlngly lnLo her vodka.
lL was a woman's volce, comlng from Lhe nelghborlng
dorm room. A low, ecsLaLlc moan.
Chh yeah." 1book. 1book. 1book.
!esslca bursL ouL laughlng. 1he grunLs and moanlng
comlng from Lhe oLher room grew fasLer and flercer, and l
admlL Lhere was a cerLaln comlc desperaLlon ln lL, puncLuaLed
by Lhe sound of Lhe bed [ammlng repeaLedly agalnsL Lhe wall.
ls Lhls whaL you mean by 'frusLraLlng?" l whlspered.
!esslca nodded, cupplng a hand over her mouLh Lo muffle
Lhe laughLer. 1hey go aL lL llke every nlghL! SomeLlmes aL
four or flve ln Lhe mornlng! noL only do Lhey wake me up,
buL someLlmes Lhe sound of lL geLs me all Lurned-on and l
can'L even go back Lo sleep!"
ln Lhe oLher room, Lhe Lwo nolsy lovers flnally reached
Lhelr obnoxlously loud cllmaxes, shouLlng, Ch god! Ch god!
l looked down aL !esslca and we boLh cracked up. l
nonchalanLly resLed a plllow on my lap, hoplng Lo hlde Lhe
facL LhaL my panLs had suddenly goLLen a blL LlghLer around
Lhe croLch.
WhaL are you dolng Lo my roommaLe's plllow?" she
asked suggesLlvely.
8usLed," l laughed.
Ch, and l'm noL?" she laughed, gesLurlng aL Lhe
beauLlfully plump palr of nlpples poklng lnLo Lhe fabrlc of her
whlLe polo shlrL.
uammlL, why do you have Lo do LhaL?"
uo whaL?"
8e all hoL!" l shouLed, laughlng as l drunkenly poked my
flnger lnLo her shoulder. All year, l'm Lrylng Lo be as falLhful
as a monk, and Lhere you are, every nlghL-Lhls beauLlful,
gorgeous naked glrl-walklng down Lhe hallway ouLslde my
l am noL naked! l'm wearlng a Lowel."
?eah, buL ooJetoeotb lL you're all naked and sexy and.
!esslca [usL blushed and Look anoLher swlg of Lhe vodka.
1lpsy or noL, whaL l'd [usL sald had crossed Lhe llne lnLo
l Lhlnk lL's Llme for bed," she slghed aL lasL.
l [usL nodded, pulllng on my Lennls shoes whlle !esslca
sLrolled over Lo her closeL. 1hanks for Lalklng, !ess. l dldn'L
mean Lo say anyLhlng welrd, l'm [usL klnd of confused and-
She peeled off Lhe LlghL whlLe polo shlrL she'd been
wearlng. A plaln whlLe bra cuL enLlclngly across Lhe rlch,
warm color of her skln.
WhaL are you dolng?" l sLammered.
Changlng ouL of my work cloLhes," she explalned.
leellng preLLy confldenL LhaL her behavlor lmplled an
lnvlLaLlon Lo sLare, l recllned back on Lhe bed and en[oyed Lhe
show as she lowered her slacks Lo Lhe floor, glvlng me an
eyeful of Lhe peach-colored lace panLles sLruggllng Lo cover
moybe a quarLer of her ass.
CuLe underwear."
1hanks!" she glggled. 1hen, keeplng her back Lo me,
!esslca unsnapped her bra and Lhrew lL ln Lhe hamper. 1he
sldes of her ample, naked breasLs swung Leaslngly lnLo vlew.
She re[olned me on Lhe bed, conceallng her LlLs wlLh
noLhlng buL her hands.
1here," she slghed. Much beLLer. 1haL bra was geLLlng
all lLchy."
?our hands are more comforLable, l Lake lL?"
She blL her llp and grlnned suggesLlvely. Anyone's hands,
l wanLed !esslca so badly-LhoughLs of her naked body
had been keeplng me up aL nlghL slnce orlenLaLlon-
8uL for some reason l choked.
Pere she was, acLually Lrylng Lo seduce ML, and l couldn'L
brlng myself Lo go for lL. lL was llke my body had forgoLLen
how Lo respond Lo a woman who wasn'L Llz. l soughL ouL LhaL
vodka boLLle for an emergency swallow.
lor her parL, !esslca seemed a blL confused by Lhe facL
LhaL l hadn'L already pounced on her llke some horny,
slobberlng Labrador. Cuess she flgured l was playlng hard-Lo-
SLlll cradllng her breasLs, !esslca snuggled lnLo my arms. l
felL Lhe bare skln of her back beneaLh my flngers. lelL Lhe
heaL of her llps presslng sofLly lnLo Lhe crook of my neck. l
grew palnfully hard wlLhln Lhe consLralnLs of my [eans.
l'm sLlll ln love wlLh her," l slghed. !esslca quleLly broke
away, meeLlng my eyes wlLh her own.
uoes LhaL mean you don'L wanL Lo do Lhls?"
My eyes drlfLed souLh, Lo Lhe sofL plllows of flesh
balloonlng ouL around her flngers.
Cf course l do, l [usL-l don'L wanL Lo be unfalr Lo you.
l'm klnd of a mess on Lhe lnslde, rlghL now."
!esslca mulled over whaL l'd sald, Lhen flashed me a sweeL
smlle. She shlfLed her body so LhaL she was coverlng boLh
breasLs wlLh one arm, and used her free hand Lo ruffle my
klnd of a mess on Lhe ouLslde, Loo," she Leased. 8uL aL
leasL you're honesL. And Lhe mood l'm ln rlghL now, Lhe mosL
'unfalr' Lhlng you could do would be Lo leave me alone and
She leL her flngers slowly Lrace Lhelr way down from my
halr, caresslng my cheek, grazlng her nalls across my chesL.
We boLh lowered our gaze Lo waLch lnLenLly as Lhose
flngers of hers reached my [eans and began sLroklng Lhe
shape of my cock.
Ch !esus."
lL's okay," she cooed. ?ou've had a rough year. Why
don'L you [usL leL me Lake care of you for a llLLle whlle?"
lL was Lhe flrsL Llme slnce prom nlghL-almosL a year
now-LhaL someone oLher Lhan Llz had Louched me llke LhaL.
l felL wrong and gullLy, and so-goddam-fucklng-horny l
LhoughL l was golng Lo pass ouL.
!esslca was genLle, sweeL and affecLlonaLe. Per Louch
remlnded me of how l had behaved Lhe flrsL Llme l'd caressed
LllzabeLh's breasLs, her body llLerally shaklng wlLh deslre aL
my Louch-
CoJJommlt! wby coot l qo flve mlootes wltboot tblokloq
of llz?
!esslca squeezed me Lhrough my [eans, wrenchlng my
LhoughLs back Lo reallLy. Llz and l were on a break, afLer all.
And Lhe polnL of LhaL break was so LhaL we could en[oy
momenLs llke Lhls.
l was done belng mlserable. And l needed Lo geL lald.
l grabbed !esslca and pulled her ln for a sudden klss,
revellng ln Lhe flery passlon as our llps and bodles crashed
LogeLher. 1he hand on my croLch fumbled wlLh my zlpper
unLll my cock was ouL ln Lhe open, hoL and hard. l felL a [olL as
her flngers wrapped around me and began pumplng, up and
Mmm," !esslca lnLoned, leanlng back Lo sLudy my
enrapLured expresslon. Slowly buL dellberaLely, she swung
her oLher arm ouL of Lhe way, flnally reveallng her full, round,
gorgeous boobs Lo my hungry gaze. 1he resL of !esslca's body
was so sllm ln comparlson, lL was klnd of rldlculous.
She cupped her volupLuous bosom and offered lL up Lo my
Ch CoJ, yes," l slghed, and fllled my mouLh wlLh Lhe
sofLness of her breasL.
l really leL myself en[oy Lhose blg LlLs of hers, greedlly
groplng and kneadlng whlle l Lraced my Longue from one
nlpple Lo Lhe oLher. !esslca cooed wlLh pleasure and
sLraddled my Lhlghs, conLlnulng Lo genLly sLroke me whlle
leLLlng Lhe Llp of my erecLlon brush agalnsL her bare mldrlff.
l playfully squeezed Lhe flrm bubble of her ass, sllpplng my
hands beneaLh Lhose Lhln lace panLles Lo appreclaLe Lhe
smooLh skln beneaLh. l dared myself Lo keep golng, reachlng
down unLll l felL Lhe weLness beLween her legs. !esslca
momenLarlly released her grlp on me, revellng ln Lhe
sensaLlon as my flngerLlps slowly swlrled across Lhe sofL folds
of her pussy.
8oLh of us now breaLhlng heavlly, l brushed Lhe long
sLrands of dark halr from !esslca's face and pulled her ln for a
klss. She klssed back feroclously-all Longue-puLLlng a blg
smlle on my face ln Lhe process. WlLh !esslca momenLarlly
dlsLracLed, l sllpped Lwo flngers all Lhe way up lnslde her,
causlng Lhe glrl Lo reflexlvely blLe down on my lower llp.
She dldn'L break Lhe skln, buL LhaL unexpecLed snap of
paln was sLlll enough Lo really geL me golng. l prompLly
plcked !esslca up and dropped her onLo Lhe bed, klcklng off
my panLs and yanklng off my shlrL. 1hen l knelL down on Lhe
floor, grabbed !esslca's dellcaLe lace panLles wlLh my LeeLh,
and dragged Lhem down her legs-reveallng her perfecLly
shaven croLch.
SLlll kneellng, l pushed her Lhlghs aparL and sLarLed klsslng
my way Lo Lhe cenLer-
8uL !esslca grabbed me by Lhe halr and lmpaLlenLly pulled
me back Lo my feeL.
l don'L wanL Lo walL, [usL puL lL ln me."
She hurrledly reached lnLo her nlghLsLand and reLrleved a
condom, Learlng lL from Lhe foll packaglng as qulckly as she
could. !esslca gave my penls a couple of nlce, long llcks, Lhen
rolled Lhe condom onLo me herself and flopped back lnLo her
mosL eager fuck me" poslLlon, Lhose long legs hanglng off
Lhe bed on elLher slde of me.
l dldn'L really wanL Lo walL, elLher, and honesLly who could
deny an lnvlLaLlon llke LhaL? Crabblng LhaL Llny walsL of hers
for leverage, l pushed lnslde Lhe warmLh of !esslca's body
wlLh a long, saLlsfylng LhrusL LhaL lefL us boLh gasplng for alr.
l LhrusL lnLo her agaln-harder Lhls Llme-and Lhen agaln,
and agaln, each Llme provoklng a llLLle yelp of surprlse. 1hose
long, beauLlful legs Lensed up on elLher slde of me, her Loes
polnLlng aL Lhe celllng.
?es! Ch yes!" she crled, puncLuaLlng her moans by
slapplng Lhe wall as hard as she could, no doubL a calculaLed
acL of revenge agalnsL Lhose nolsy nelghbors.
AfLer a few mlnuLes, !esslca's blg breasLs were bounclng
around so wlldly she had Lo grab hold of Lhem Lo keep Lhe
Lhlngs under conLrol. As her orgasm crashed down llke a
wave, !esslca forgoL all abouL revenge agalnsL her nelghbors
and scrunched her eyes shuL ln ecsLasy-golng suddenly and
surprlslngly sllenL as she convulsed and cllmaxed around my
When her eyes flnally opened agaln, she had a huge smlle
on her face. now me on Lop," she breaLhed. l fell onLo her
bed, my back propped up agalnsL Lhe wall as !esslca spun
around and sLraddled me-her long halr an adorable mess
and her [ulcy LlLs bumplng lnLo my chln.
l gave Lhose LlLs a good hard squeeze as !esslca gulded me
back lnslde her lncredlbly hoL body, her hlps swaylng back
and forLh all Lhe way down. She braced her hands on my
shoulders and began rlslng and falllng, her bare breasLs
rubblng up and down my chesL as she wenL. l happlly cupped
my hands beneaLh her buLLocks, feellng Lhem LlghLen wlLh
each LhrusL.
uomo lL felL good. l hadn'L been lald ln over a monLh and l
was more Lhan eager for some rellef. l grabbed !esslca
around Lhe walsL and llfLed her up-Lhe glrl hardly welghed a
Lhlng-Lhen slammed her back down onLo my cock. lL dld lL
agaln and agaln, uslng my own sLrengLh Lo bounce her up and
down as fasL as l could.
!esslca glggled, en[oylng Lhe rlde. WlLh a naughLy smlle,
she leaned back and pulled my face lnLo her cleavage. Much
as l loved LhaL, l evenLually had Lo break away for alr, buL l
gave her nlpples each a good llcklng Lo show my
appreclaLlon. She cursed ln Spanlsh, Lrembllng as her second
cllmax approached.
My arms sLarLed burnlng from Lhe sLraln of consLanLly
bounclng her up and down on my cock-buL l forced myself
Lo keep golng. llnally, !esslca's pussy clamped down on me
and she leL ouL a shrlek of orgasmlc pleasure. l was pasL Lhe
polnL of no reLurn, ready Lo bursL aL any second-
Come on me," she panLed.
WhaL?" l was so close Lo blowlng my load, l wasn'L sure
l'd heard rlghL.
l wanL you Lo-ohhh-pull ouL and come on me."
l franLlcally pushed her back onLo Lhe bed-pulled ouL of
her pussy-rlpped off my condom-sLraddled her hlps-
!esslca grabbed my shafL and pumped lL unLll l exploded,
maklng a mess all over her beauLlful blg LlLs.

1he sex was awesome.
AfLer LhaL nlghL, !esslca and l sLarLed unofflclally daLlng.
We had a loL of fun LogeLher, and whenever l goL horny, all l
had Lo do was Lake a LhlrLy second walk down Lhe hallway Lo
her dorm room. lL was convenlenL, casual, and graLlfylng-ln
Lhe momenL. 8uL, relleved as l was Lo be rld of Lhe sLress and
paln of my long-dlsLance relaLlonshlp wlLh LllzabeLh, Lhere
was a palpable hollowness ln lLs place.
LlghL weeks passed, wlLh no slgn of Lhlngs geLLlng any
more serlous beLween !esslca and l. She sLarLed geLLlng
anxlous, clearly feellng Lhere was some klnd of a connecLlon
beLween us LhaL l never dld. Maybe l was [usL spolled, every
oLher glrl l'd been lnLlmaLe wlLh before !esslca had sLarLed off
as an lncredlbly close personal frlend. l felL a blL sllly, keeplng
such a fun, gorgeous glrl aL arm's lengLh.
llnally, !esslca volced Lhe blg quesLlon: Where ls Lhls
golng?" And of course l had no answer for her. l wasn'L
daLlng !esslca because l loved her-l dldn'L. l wasn'L even
daLlng !esslca because l wanLed Lo be ln a relaLlonshlp-l
dldn'L. lf l was bruLally honesL wlLh myself, Lhe only reason l
was daLlng !esslca was because l dldn'L have a good reason
noL Lo.
l knew our breakup was lnevlLable, and l couldn'L blame
her for movlng on Lo anoLher guy (Lhough Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
oLher guy" was my CCuuAMn 8CCMA1L was klnd of bad
form, lf you ask me).

Palfway across Lhe counLry, lL was much Lhe same sLory
for LllzabeLh. noL Lhe blL abouL her ex fucklng her roommaLe,
buL [usL an overall lack of subsLance Lo her love llfe. lor Lhe
nexL year, we boLh Lrled Lhe whole college daLlng scene,"
wlLh shorL-Lerm relaLlonshlps, casual hookups, and one-nlghL
sLands. l somehow managed Lo convlnce myself l'd moved
8uL l sLlll dreamL abouL Llz. 8lLLersweeL memorles of her
smlle would hlL me ouL of Lhe blue llke a deblllLaLlng acld
1hen, one 1uesday mornlng, as l goL up Lo go Lo my flrsL
class, l grogglly noLlced LhaL someLhlng was very odd ln my
dorm: 1here was nobody ln Lhe hallway. no Lalklng comlng
from Lhe rooms. Sure, lL was early, buL lL wasn'L tbot early. l'd
been golng Lo college for a good whlle now and l had never
found Lhe hallway abandoned ln Lhe mornlng. Curlous, l
peeked lnslde an open dorm room and saw whaL was on 1v:
Smoke rlslng ouL of Lhe World 1rade CenLer.
l know l don'L need Lo recounL Lhe evenLs of LhaL day for
anyone, buL l have Lo aL leasL menLlon lL because Lhe
momenL l saw LhaL lmage of Lhe Lowers, Lhe very flrsL Lhlng l
dld was race back Lo my room and phone Llz. l don'L know
whaL came over me, lL [usL seemed llke Lhe naLural Lhlng Lo
do. l had Lo hear her volce.
We hadn'L spoken ln monLhs, and Lhen only very
courLeously because our muLual frlends were around. When l
heard LllzabeLh answer LhaL phone, my hearL sklpped a beaL.
l'm sLlll ln love wlLh you," l blurLed ouL. l LhoughL l
wasn'L, buL l am. l never sLopped. l don'L Lhlnk l ever wlll. ?ou
don'L have Lo say anyLhlng, lf you don'L wanL Lo. l [usL-l
needed Lo Lell you."
1here was a long, awful pause on Lhe llne as my words
sunk ln. 1hen:
l love you, Loo."

As soon as Lhe alrporLs were worklng agaln, l flew ouL Lo
see her, and Lhe second we were alone LogeLher our cloLhes
hlL Lhe floor. We Lumbled onLo her bed, hugglng and klsslng,
whlsperlng how much we loved one anoLher whlle our naked
llmbs enLwlned. l marveled as always aL Lhe slze and sofLness
of her breasLs, Lhen lovlngly sucked her wlne-dark nlpples
lnLo my mouLh-pulllng genLly wlLh my llps unLll she moaned.
8eneaLh me, LllzabeLh spread her legs Lo elLher slde and
scooLed her hlps unLll Lhe Llp of my penls was perfecLly
allgned wlLh her eager pussy.
CoJ, l LhoughL, sbes bollloq.
LllzabeLh pulled my face from her lncredlble LlLs and
klssed me full on Lhe llps.
l love you," she whlspered agaln.
1hen her hands clamped down on my ass and she drove
me all Lhe way lnslde.
lL felL so rlghL. She felL so rlghL. we felL so rlghL. l'd mlssed
LllzabeLh much more Lhan l would have ever admlLLed Lo
Per klsses were elecLrlc, already pushlng me rlghL Lo Lhe
edge. Less Lhan LhlrLy seconds afLer plunglng my cock lnLo
Llz's lncredlbly hoL body, l felL myself loslng conLrol-
l'm gonna come!" l moaned.
?es!" she screamed.
And so l bursL, overwhelmed by Lhe momenL, collapslng
llghL-headed onLo her bare shoulder. Llz wrapped her legs
around my walsL and held me ln place, burled Lo Lhe hllL,
unLll we boLh sLopped shaklng.

We spenL Lhe beLLer parL of Lhe week maklng love wlLh
Lhe klnd of passlon l'd all buL forgoLLen was posslble. When
Lhe Llme came for me Lo once agaln reLurn Lo school, we
bade each oLher our cusLomary Learful farewell. 1hough lL
hurL [usL as much as ever, Lhls Llme Lhere was someLhlng
dlfferenL abouL Lhe way we sald goodbye. 1here was no
uncerLalnLy, no creeplng fear LhaL we were maklng a huge
lrom LhaL day forward, we [usL made lL work. 1here were
a few Lhlngs LhaL made Lhe long-dlsLance Lhlng easler Lhls
Llme around: Llz and l were able Lo schedule all our classes
1uesday-1hursday, creaLlng four-day weekends we could
spend LogeLher. We boLh flnally goL cell phones wlLh
unllmlLed mlnuLes, and we boLh boughL webcams, whlch
were a godsend on Lhose lonely nlghLs when we [usL needed
Lo see one anoLher.
l'll never forgeL Lhe flrsL nlghL we plugged Lhose Lhlngs ln.
Llz-sLlll sLuck on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe counLry-was geLLlng
ready for bed, wearlng a Lhln red camlsole over her
enormous, braless breasLs.
Lock your door," she whlspered.
And so l dld, feellng my pulse qulcken as my beauLlful
glrlfrlend smlled back aL me from hundreds of mlles away
and slowly leL Lhe sLraps of her camlsole sllde off her dellcaLe
shoulders. 1he swells of her lusclous cleavage bulged above
Lhe drooplng neckllne.
Wow," l panLed.
Ch, you llke LhaL?"
ln response, l slld off my boxers and grabbed hold of my
achlng shafL. Cn-screen, Llz LaunLed me, squeezlng her own
LlLs Lhrough Lhe brlef fabrlc of her shlrL. l waLched Lransflxed
as LhaL neckllne drlfLed lower and lower.
Llz gave Lhe corner of her shlrL a qulck llLLle Lug and her
breasLs spllled lnLo vlew. 1he hand on my cock wenL on auLo-
plloL aL Lhe slghL, furlously [acklng off. anLlng, l waLched as
Llz rubbed and caressed her own nlpples, her growlng arousal
addlng color Lo her cheeks.
l came, drlbbllng down over my flngers.

So, yeah, Lhere were a few Lhlngs LhaL helped us wlLh Lhe
long-dlsLance Lhlng our second Llme around. 8uL Lhe real
dlfference-whaL really made Lhe slLuaLlon work LhaL second
Llme-was Lhe Lwo of us. We'd boLh maLured a loL ln our
Llme aparL, and we'd boLh spenL enough Llme experlenclng
college on our own LhaL we dldn'L have Lo worry abouL whaL
we were mlsslng by sLaylng LogeLher. We were aL peace wlLh
whaL we had.
As monLhs Lurned lnLo years, Lhlngs [usL goL beLLer. Llz
and l graduaLed, moved lnLo an aparLmenL LogeLher ouL easL,
and found LhaL we made greaL roommaLes.
So l proposed. And she sald, ?es, of course." And she
klssed me and crled and puL on Lhe rlng.
We were boLh already so hopelessly and unquesLlonably
devoLed Lo one anoLher LhaL our weddlng vows felL more llke
a pleasanL formallLy and less llke a llfe-changlng
Corny as lL sounds, we'd found Lrue love. Cur only regreL
was LhaL we'd fallen largely ouL of Louch wlLh our amazlng
frlends from hlgh school. Lven SLephanle, so long an lndellble
flxLure ln LllzabeLh's llfe, evenLually became llLLle more Lhan
a lacebook frlend.
We found plenLy of greaL new frlends as Llme wenL on,
buL we never recapLured Lhe maglc we'd shared wlLh our
hlgh school group. Llz and l sLlll Lalked abouL Lhem all Lhe
Llme, and Lhe paln of mlsslng Lhem never wenL away.
AfLer college, SLeph really made a go aL an acLlng career.
She spenL a few years walLresslng ln new ?ork, and Lhen
anoLher few ln Los Angeles, booklng Lhe occaslonal glg ln a
sLage play or a 1v commerclal. She never really caughL her
blg break" as an acLress, buL she also never leL herself geL
[aded or dlscouraged.
1alla and 8achel broke all of our hearLs by spllLLlng up
durlng Lhelr flnal year of college. !usL as Llz and l were flnally
geLLlng back LogeLher, Lhe Lwo of Lhem drlfLed aparL, wlLh
8achel hopplng Lhe pond Lo Cxford for grad school and 1alla
sLaylng behlnd ln Callfornla.
When l asked 1alla why she and 8achel broke lL off, she
Lold me LhaL Lhere wasn'L any one reason, Lhey had boLh [usL
become dlfferenL people over Lhe years, and Lhey boLh
wanLed dlfferenL Lhlngs from llfe.
ShorLly afLer her 24
blrLhday, Amy shocked everyone by
changlng her lacebook sLaLus Lo: So. lL Lurns ouL blrLh
conLrol lsn'L 100 effecLlve."
Per Lhen-casual boyfrlend goL Amy pregnanL, and her
whole llfe Lurned upslde down when she laLer gave blrLh Lo
her adorable son, Adam. All of her plans-lncludlng LhaL plpe-
dream of one day becomlng a professlonal dancer-wenL ouL
Lhe wlndow when she suddenly found herself carlng for a
small, helpless person. She dldn'L even have someone Lo help
her ouL-Lhe boy's faLher sklpped Lown afLer less Lhan a year.
SLlll, Amy was a goddamn champlon, and she Lurned ouL
Lo be a greaL moLher, experLly balanclng Llme wlLh her chlld
and her burgeonlng career. l'll never forgeL Lhe flrsL Llme l
saw her playlng wlLh Adam-my flery-halred, beauLlful,
badass-moLher-fucker of a frlend, happlly maklng goo-goo
nolses aL her lnfanL son. She was exhausLed, buL as happy as
l'd ever seen her.
1hen Lhere was Corry. Much as l should have seen lL
comlng, LhaL glrl sLlll caughL me compleLely by surprlse.

l was kllllng some Llme aL Lhe local booksLore when Llz
exclLedly Lore me away from Lhe sclence flcLlon secLlon and
dragged me up Lo Lhe fronL counLer.
?ou have Lo geL lL, l'm Loo nervous," she glggled.
l have Lo geL whaL?"
My wlfe polnLed behlnd Lhe counLer, where Lhe adulL
magazlnes were hldlng. AL flrsL, l dldn'L undersLand whaL she
was so exclLed abouL. l hadn'L boughL a nudle magazlne slnce
l was a Leenager, as l consldered Lhem a wasLe of money for
anyone LhaL had a worklng lnLerneL connecLlon. 8uL Lhen l
saw lL, Loo:
oslng on Lhe cover of a cerLaln well-known genLleman's
perlodlcal was a very famlllar face, wlLh a vety famlllar seL of
Poly shlL, LhaL's Corry!"
l couldn'L belleve lL. 8eneaLh all Lhe dramaLlc makeup and
a mane of crazlly glamorous halr, Lhere was my frlend-her
skln alrbrushed and gleamlng llke bronze, her huge breasLs
botely hldden behlnd a Llny bouqueL of flowers.
Llz was Lurnlng red, on Lhe verge of explodlng lnLo
nervous laughLer rlghL Lhere ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe sLore.
?ou have Lo buy lL!" she squeaked.
Ckay, okay!"
l Lurned Lo face Lhe shop's proprleLor-a sweeL-naLured
elderly woman who remlnded me very much of my
grandmoLher-and pollLely asked her for a copy of Lhe
magazlne wlLh Lhe blg-breasLed blonde on Lhe cover.
We dldn'L walL unLll we were home before we looked
lnslde. Soon as we goL ln Lhe car, Llz Lore off Lhe shrlnk wrap
and we huddled over Lhe magazlne, nervously glggllng llke a
palr of 13 year old boys.
Wow, she looks hoL," Llz slghed.
l couldn'L dlsagree. Corrlne's nude body looked
specLacular ln every phoLo, seducLlvely poslng around a napa
valley vlneyard, sunllghL gleamlng Lhrough her long golden
halr. ln one lmage, she was bendlng over Lo work an old-
fashloned waLer pump, suggesLlvely grlpplng Lhe handle and
almlng lL beLween her LlLs.
8rlnglng back memorles?" my wlfe Leased.
?eah. Cood Llmes."
Pmm. leels Lo me llke vety good Llmes."
Llz resLed her hand on my croLch, LesLlng my hardness. l
glanced up from Lhe magazlne and looked lnLo her beauLlful
green eyes-
Zlp. Llz flshed my erecLlon ouL lnLo Lhe open. l qulckly
glanced around-our car was slLLlng ln Lhe mlddle of a publlc
parklng garage, afLer all-buL Lhere dldn'L seem Lo be any
posslble wlLnesses headlng our way.
Llz leaned down lnLo my lap and planLed a serles of slow,
sensuous klsses up and down my lengLh. leellng my eyes on
her, she placed a hand on my chln and re-dlrecLed my face
back Lowards Lhe magazlne-
keep looklng aL Lhe plcLures," she whlspered.
1hen my gorgeous wlfe engulfed my cock wlLh her mouLh.
Obb, yeob.
l duLlfully reLurned my gaze Lo Lhe phoLos of our frlend,
pulllng ouL Lhe cenLerfold Lo ogle an unbellevably sexy
plcLure of Corrlne: kneellng on a plcnlc blankeL, archlng her
back, LhrusLlng ouL her prodlglous chesL as she poured an
enLlre [ar of honey onLo her LlLs. SLlcky sweeL necLar drlpped
down from her dellclous nlpples.
uown ln my lap, Llz wlLhdrew her llps Lo caLch her breaLh,
sLroklng my weL shafL wlLh her flsL. She LormenLed me,
Leaslngly swlrllng her Longue around Lhe very Llp of my penls
before flnally dlvlng back down-Lhls Llme for keeps-her
head rlslng and falllng on my lap, llcklng and sucklng wlLh
Looklng aL Lhe cenLerfold, l couldn'L help buL recall Lhe
way lL had felL, all Lhose years ago, when l'd flrsL held
Corrlne's glorlous naked body ln my arms. Pow lL had felL Lo
bury my cock lnslde her enormous, sofL cleavage.
1hen l flashed back Lo all my gorgeous frlends from hlgh
school, and all Lhe amazlng sexual experlences we'd shared.
And l exploded ln Llz's mouLh.
Chapter 11 - Un|ons and keun|ons

l Lurned LwenLy nlne on Lhe same day as my Len year hlgh
school reunlon. llL, confldenL, and sLlll preLLy good aL maLh,
flnanclally successful and madly ln love wlLh my beauLlful
wlfe. WlLh Lhe blg Lhree-oh loomlng on Lhe horlzon, we were
even flnally sLarLlng Lo Lhlnk abouL klds.
8uL no maLLer how much Llme passed, and no maLLer how
drasLlcally my llfe changed, memorles of my senlor year
never felL Loo dlsLanL.
Me, Llz, Amy, Corry, 1alla, SLeph-lL had been years slnce
all of us had managed Lo geL LogeLher ln Lhe same place aL
Lhe same Llme. Spread ouL and llvlng our separaLe llves, lL
was Lough Lo coordlnaLe. 8uL we all vowed Lo be Lhere for
our school reunlon. 1he facL LhaL lL was also my blrLhday
made Lhe gaLherlng LhaL much more lmporLanL. Lven Amy,
who Lyplcally spenL every free mlnuLe wlLh her four-year-old
son, had asked her faLher Lo babyslL for Lhe weekend so she
could see Lhe resL of us.
Cne by one, everyone arrlved, and Lhe slx of us fell lnLo
easy conversaLlon, chaLLlng and [oklng around as Lhough we
were sLlll back ln hlgh school, as Lhough Lhe pasL Len years
had never even happened. 1he reunlon dlnner drew Lo a
close ln Lhe bllnk of an eye, and we agreed LhaL we sLlll had
way Loo much caLchlng up Lo do before we called lL a nlghL.
1alla eagerly lnvlLed us Lo spend Lhe resL of Lhe evenlng aL
her place:
Come on, lL'll be [usL llke old Llmes."
She was more rlghL Lhan she reallzed.

1alla's aparLmenL was an eccenLrlcally deslgned one-
bedroom ln a greaL parL of Lhe clLy-buL wlLh space aL a
premlum, her llvlng room was a blL small Lo accommodaLe slx
people (Llz wound up slLLlng on my lap so LhaL we could flL
SLephanle on Lhe couch beslde us). 1he coffee Lable we
huddled around was so Llny we hardly had space Lo seL our
drlnks down.
Somebody broughL ouL a cake and Lhe women all sang
Pappy 8lrLhday" Lo me before each of Lhem Look Lurns
glvlng me a very nlce-albelL chasLe-klss on Lhe llps.
l really mlssed you guys," l flnally slghed.
lL had been Lhe beLLer parL of elghL years slnce l had
klssed anyone oLher Lhan my wlfe, and lL was more Lhan a
llLLle blL of a Lhrlll geLLlng aLLenLlon from so many beauLlful
women. lL dldn'L help LhaL my wlfe's exqulslLe buLL-barely
covered by Lhe shlmmery gold dress she had on-was
rubblng agalnsL on my croLch every Llme she moved.
l swear LhaL each of my old frlends looked even more
beauLlful aL 29 Lhan Lhey had aL 18. 1hey possessed a
calmness and a confldence ln Lhe way Lhey carrled
Lhemselves LhaL had been lacklng ln Lhe desperaLe years of
hlgh school.
Amy dldn'L exacLly have Lhe same hard body" LhaL she'd
fanaLlcally honed LhroughouL her Leenage years, buL she was
sLlll Lrlm and curvy ln all Lhe rlghL places, and her LlghL slacks
proved LhaL her famously Lerrlflc ass remalned one for Lhe
record books. As an added bonus, Amy's already slzable busL
had fllled ouL even more when Adam was born, maklng her
nearly as sLacked up Lop as our oLher frlends were.
She wasn'L as chesLy as Corrlne, of course, who had
relgnlLed some of my oldesL fanLasles wlLh Lhe playful, scoop-
neck dress she'd worn LhaL evenlng. uon'L geL me wrong,
Lhere was noLhlng ovettly sluLLy abouL Lhe cholce of ouLflL,
buL when a woman wlLh LlLs llke Corry's wears someLhlng
wlLh a low neckllne, lL's nlgh lmposslble Lo escape Lhe
gravlLaLlonal pull.
SLephanle was done up LhaL evenlng ln a klnd of reLro,
slxLles sLyle LhaL really compllmenLed her Pollywood good
looks and plnup body. Per navy blue Lop was a LurLle-neck,
buL lL sLlll sLreLched nlcely over her promlnenL double u's. l
caughL myself sLarlng, Lrylng Lo deLermlne wheLher or noL
she'd worn a bra.
l had no such quesLlons abouL 1alla. She wore a red sllk
blouse, and her full, flrm LlLs bounced around wlLh glorlous
freedom beneaLh Lhe fabrlc. Cf all Lhe women, 1alla had
changed her appearance Lhe mosL slnce hlgh school, cuLLlng
her long, raven halr lnLo an edgy, shorL sLyle and dylng lL Lo a
dark, meLalllc burgundy. Per llps, palnLed brlghL red Lo maLch
her blouse, seL my mlnd wanderlng, and l kepL plcLurlng her
kneellng down beLween my legs, her head bobblng
rhyLhmlcally up an down, smearlng some of LhaL red llpsLlck
on my dlck.
SLlll slLLlng on my lap, Llz Lurned around and shoL me a
curlous look, no doubL feellng Lhe evldence my growlng
arousal beneaLh her. l Lrled Lo lgnore her, Lurnlng my
aLLenLlon back Lo Lhe oLhers, buL she leaned ln close and
whlspered ln my ear:
ls lL Lurnlng you on, seelng everyone agaln?"
l blushed a blL aL belng caughL, buL Lhere was noLhlng l
could do for lL buL shrug.
WhaL are you guys whlsperlng abouL?" SLephanle
frowned, preLendlng Lo be offended.
We were. [usL whlsperlng abouL how welrd lL ls LhaL you
glrls are all slngle!" Llz responded.
1haL earned her a round of boos from Lhe crowd, who all
offered up varlous excuses abouL belng Loo busy" or sLlll
looklng for Lhe rlghL guy."
Amy [usL shook her head aL Llz and sald, Are you fucklng
klddlng me? l've goL a fucklng four-year-old! When would l
have Llme Lo daLe? Maybe you could [usL leL me borrow lan
for Lhls weekend, whlle my dad ls waLchlng 1-8ex."
1-8ex?" 1alla asked.
?eah, Adam lnslsLs LhaL everybody call hlm '1-8ex.' Pe's
really lnLo dlnosaurs rlghL now."
Llz cllcked her Longue ln mock-dlsapproval. l'm sorry Lo
change Lhe sub[ecL, buL dld you [usL ask Lo borrow my
Cnly for Lhe weekend!" Amy exclalmed, laughlng. l'll
brlng hlm back ln one plece."
Well, once plece lS all you need," SLephanle [oked.
Corrlne cuL ln, Can l say someLhlng? l know you're all
Lhlnklng Lhe same Lhlng, you're [usL Loo shy Lo say lL: lor Lhe
record, l'm proud Lo say LhaL l was rlghL. lan? ?ou are totolly
hoL aL LhlrLy."
l blushed as Lhe oLhers all emphaLlcally agreed wlLh her.
Pey, l'm sLlll [usL LwenLy nlne," l argued.
Ch, close enough! olnL ls, l sald you'd geL really cuLe,
and you dld! ?our face [usL. flLs you beLLer Lhan lL used Lo. l
don'L know. LveryLhlng klnd of seLLled lnLo place. And you
look blgger, llke you've been worklng ouL."
Llz hugged me proudly, saylng, Pe has! Pe llfLs welghLs
and sLuff now. ?ou should see hlm wlLhouL hls shlrL on, he
has Lhese greaL blg muscles."
She was exaggeraLlng, of course. l was happy wlLh Lhe way
l looked, buL l wasn'L exacLly hldlng Lhe Lorso of a SparLan
warrlor beneaLh my shlrL.
Show us!" Amy cheered.
?eah, show us!" Lhe oLher women echoed.
1hanks, guys," l mumbled. ?ou all look amazlng, as
8uL LhaL dldn'L saLlsfy anyone. 1hey all Look up Lhe chanL:
1ake-lL-off! 1ake-lL-off!" Lven my wlfe sLarLed cheerlng for
me Lo dlsrobe. l guess she wanLed Lo show me off Lo her
Come on, lL's my blrLhday! Why should l be Lhe one
Laklng my cloLhes off?"
1alla [umped Lo her feeL, shouLlng, uemocracy, LhaL's
why! ?ou're ouLvoLed. now Lake off your shlrL or lL means
you're a communlsL."
5ome olJ 1ollo.
l looked around aL Lhelr expecLanL faces, and flgured, Ab
bell, wby oot? lL's noL llke l was gonna mlnd belng Lhe cenLer
of aLLenLlon. l moved Lo unbuLLon my [ackeL-buL sLopped
myself [usL shorL of Laklng lL off.
l Lell you whaL," l grlnned aL Lhem all. l'll Lake my cloLhes
off. 8uL, because lL's my blrLhday, and ln Lhe lnLeresL of
falrness, l'll only Lake someLhlng off lf one of you Lakes
someLhlng off flrsL."
SLephanle grumbled, 1haL's noL falr, you're a guy. ?ou've
goL way more cloLhes on Lhan Lhe resL of us."
?eah, buL Lhere's flve of you and [usL one of me. SLlll, no
blg deal. lf none of you glrls wanna buy a LlckeL Lo Lhe gun
1alla laughed so hard she snorLed, whlch made Lhe resL of
us laugh even harder. When Lhe flLs of glggles flnally dled
down, l wenL Lo reclalm my seaL-
8uL before l could, Amy sLood up, looked me dead ln Lhe
eye, and sald, AlrlghL, llnL."
And she calmly Look off her leaLher [ackeL.
A serles of ooh's" rlppled Lhrough Lhe room, darlng me Lo
meeL her challenge.
?ou beLLer do lL, honey," Llz chlded me.
l handed her my [ackeL.
All eyes swung back Lo Amy, who nonchalanLly
unbuLLoned her blouse and pulled lL open-reveallng her
large, round breasLs supporLed ln a plaln belge bra. l grlnned
aL Lhe llLLle freckles around her cleavage, recalllng some of
Lhe very good Llmes we'd shared our senlor year.
!usL Lo mess wlLh everyone, l pulled off my shoe ln
Lveryone complalned, buL l sllenced Lhem all, lnslsLlng,
Pey! l sald l'd Lake off someLhlng. l never sald whaL LhaL
someLhlng would be."
1he flve women ln Lhe room looked around, frownlng aL
Lhelr own, bare feeL. 1hey'd all worn sexy-buL-palnful heels
Lo Lhe reunlon, whlch Lhey'd lmmedlaLely removed once
we'd goLLen seLLled lnslde 1alla's aparLmenL.
Amy shlfLed where she sLood, suddenly a blL
uncomforLable wlLh Lhe poslLlon she was ln. none of Lhe
women had much on LhaL Lhey could lose wlLhouL sacrlflclng
Lhelr modesLy. l flashed back Lo hlgh school, when everyone
had been so gung-ho abouL sklnny-dlpplng. now LhaL we
were older-and l was MA88lLu-everyone was a loL more
A llLLle help, guys?" Amy pleaded wlLh Lhe oLhers. llnally,
Corrlne sLood up, reached a hand up under her hemllne, and
qulckly pulled down her sllp.
l Look off my oLher shoe.
SLephanle consldered for a momenL, before flnally
scooLlng herself Lo Lhe edge of Lhe couch so she could reach a
hand up beneaLh her reLro mlnlsklrL and Lake off her llLLle
black panLles. She caughL my eyes sLarlng aL Lhe small flsLful
of lace ln her hand and suddenly looked away, nervous.
ln response, l undld my neckLle and draped lL over Lhe
back of Lhe sofa.
Cnce agaln, Amy looked around Lo Lhe oLhers, her naLural
compeLlLlveness lgnlLed. 1alla rose Lo Lhe occaslon,
unbuLLonlng her slacks and slldlng Lhem down her Loned,
sexy legs, glvlng Lhe room a brlef gllmpse of her shlny red
Lhong underwear before ad[usLlng her blouse Lo cover up.
8efore l even moved Lo sLrlp an arLlcle of my own
cloLhlng, Amy was already sLepplng ouL of her own panLs,
unLll she was sLandlng before me wearlng noLhlng buL LhaL
belge bra and some very cuLe green underwear.
1alla whlsLled, Wow, Amy, you look greaL."
She was rlghL, Amy ulu look greaL. Lven wlLh my wlfe
rlghL nexL Lo me, l couldn'L Lear my eyes from Amy's nearly-
naked body.
SLephanle Lurned everyone's aLLenLlon back Lo me, saylng,
Ckay, lan, LhaL was Lwo Lhlngs. now sLrlp."
So, l Look off my socks.
1he glrls all laughed LhaL Lhey should have had a sLraLegy
meeLlng" before Lhey agreed Lo Lhls.
llne!" Corrlne slghed, and she pulled her arms lnslde her
dress. AfLer a few seconds of fumbllng, she pulled her
enormous, heavy-duLy bra ouL Lhrough her neckllne and
Lossed lL on Lhe couch.
And l'd LhoughL her LlLs were looklng nlce ln LhaL dress
befote she wenL bra-less. l could clearly see Lhe LellLale
bumps of her nlpples poklng Lhrough Lhe fabrlc.
l Look off my belL, wonderlng lf any of Lhe women could
Lell how hard l was geLLlng lnslde my slacks.
Lveryone looked aL Llz-now Lhe only woman sLlll fully
cloLhed-buL she [usL baLLed her eyelashes. WhaL do l need
Lo Lake someLhlng off for? l see hlm naked every nlghL!"
1hey all groaned ln response. My wlfe wlnked aL me.
Amy Lurned Lo her frlends, pleadlng, Come on ladles, are
you [usL gonna leL hlm wln? l'm down Lo my freakln' sklvvles,
somebody's goL Lo have sometbloq else Lhey can Lake off."
8uL her pleas were [usL meL wlLh nervous laughLer from
Lhe resL of Lhe room.
uon'L look aL me," 1alla answered. l'm noL wearlng a
Me nelLher," sald SLephanle.
lmpaLlenL, Amy Lurned Lo Corrlne, saylng, Corry, are you
wearlng underwear?"
Well Lhen, lose lL! We've almosL goL hlm."
A blL awkwardly, Corrlne leaned forward, and ln Lhe
process her lncredlble braless LlLs nearly popped ouL of her
dress. 8uL, Lo my greaL dlsappolnLmenL, she somehow
managed Lo keep everyLhlng ln lLs proper place whlle she
reached a hand up under Lhe hemllne of her dress and
removed a sexy palr of lace blklnl panLles.
l flgured LhaL demonsLraLlon had earned Lhem all my
shlrL-Lhough lL wasn'L much of a compromlse, glven Lhe facL
LhaL l was wearlng an undershlrL.
SLephanle swore, !esus ChrlsL, you've goL anoLher shlrL
on underneaLh? l never reallzed how many layers you guys
l [usL nodded, suddenly reallzlng LhaL, aslde from my fully-
cloLhed wlfe, every glrl ln Lhe room was now wearlng
absoluLely noLhlng beneaLh Lhe cloLhes she had on.
Amy spun Lo Corrlne, pleadlng Come on, help us ouL, lL's
noL llke he's never seen Lhem before."
Pey!" Corrlne smlled, ?ou could say LhaL abouL
everybody here! 8ack ln hlgh school, l seem Lo remember a
cerLaln glrl who lured lan lnLo a changlng room wlLh her whlle
she Lrled on swlmsulLs. WhaL's so dlfferenL abouL me?"
?eah, buL LhaL was Len years ago! lL's welrd now! And
you were ln all Lhose magazlnes, showlng your boobs, so
whaL's Lhe blg deal?"
Corrlne's cheeks Lurned a deep plnk and she exclalmed,
1he blg deal ls he's MA88lLu! l'm noL sLrlpplng ln fronL of a
marrled man."
She Lurned Lo Llz for supporL, saylng, Llz, you honesLly
don'L Lhlnk lL would be welrd havlng your husband look aL
anoLher woman naked?"
Llz [usL frowned, noL when lL's ?Cu, sweeLle! lf lL was
some random Lramp from hls work or someLhlng, Lhen yeah,
buL we're all frlends. 8esldes, l wanL Lo make hlm happy. 1he
poor guy fanLaslzes abouL Lhe four of you all Lhe Llme."
Llz!" l gaped aL her, lncredulous.
8lghL, l'm sure LhaL's SuCP a surprlse Lo everyone," Llz
1he resL of us all glggled self-consclously.
SLephanle Look a deep slp of her drlnk, and whlspered,
8eally? ?ou sLlll Lhlnk abouL us llke LhaL? Lven afLer all Lhese
Well, um-" l sLarLed Lo answer, buL Lhen changed my
mlnd and prompLly Lhrew down Lhe resL of my wlne lnsLead.
Llz shook her head ln amusemenL, answerlng for me:
Are you klddlng? SomeLlmes, when we're havlng sex, we
even role-play LhaL l'm one of you."
l pracLlcally choked on my drlnk. lL was one Lhlng for Llz Lo
Lell Lhe oLhers abouL my sexual fanLasles-llke she sald, noL
exacLly a surprlse-buL Lhls conversaLlon had suddenly
Lurned 8LALL? personal.
no way!" Amy shouLed.
l guess we should be. honored?" Corrlne grlnned.
l hld my face ln my hands, nervously mumbllng, Can you
blame me? l mean, you ladles all lefL qulLe an lmpresslon. noL
exacLly easy Lo forgeL."
SLephanle fldgeLed, rubblng her bare Lhlghs LogeLher as
she asked, WhaL exacLly does LhaL mean? Llke, do you
preLend LhaL we're back ln hlgh school, or do you preLend
LhaL lL's happenlng, llke, Loday? Llke we hook up agaln?"
8oLh, l guess." l poured myself anoLher glass of wlne.
1alla ran over and gave me a hug, and a blg weL klss on
Lhe cheek. Ch come on, lan, don'L be embarrassed. 1ruLh be
Lold, l fanLaslze abouL you someLlmes Loo."
Me Loo," Corrlne admlLLed.
Amy suddenly bursL ouL laughlng.
WhaL's so funny?" l asked.
l named my vlbraLor 'lan !unlor.'"
1he awkwardness ln Lhe room flnally deflaLed.
now 1PA1 ls an honor," l smlled.
Cff Lo my slde, SLephanle whlspered someLhlng ln
LllzabeLh's ear and goL an encouraglng nod ln response. 1hen
Lhe busLy blonde sLood up and faced me, her large, braless
LlLs swaylng beneaLh her LurLleneck.
Pell wlLh lL," she sald. lL ls your blrLhday, afLer all."
1hen she grabbed hold of her LurLleneck and peeled lL off
her chesL.
l had Lo remlnd myself Lo breaLhe. SLephanle's LlLs looked
perfecL-full and flrm, blg and [ulcy, Lopped wlLh Lhose llLLle
plnk nlpples l sLlll remembered so well.
lL was Lhe flrsL Llme l'd seen anoLher woman Lopless ln Lhe
flesh slnce l'd marrled Llz. l loved my wlfe, buL l would have
kllled for Lhe chance Lo cross Lhe room and flll my hands wlLh
SLephanle's lncredlble breasLs.
Wow," l slghed.
?our Lurn," she answered.
leellng my flngers Lremble, l Lugged off my undershlrL and
smlled aL Lhe approvlng hooLs and hollers l goL ln reLurn.
Lookln' good!"
Llz ran up Lo me and planLed a serles of exaggeraLed
klsses all along my chesL and arms.
Mmm, l love my husband!"
l Look my eyes off SLephanle's rack long enough Lo glve Llz
an appreclaLlve smlle, and ln a flash she reached up under
her hemllne and pulled down her sllp.
Poney?" l asked.
1hen she pulled down her underwear as well and Lossed lL
on Lhe Lable.
1wo more!" she exclalmed, LrlumphanLly.
1wo mote? All eyes ln Lhe room swung over Lo me.
Ob. 1wo.
Are you sure abouL Lhls?" l asked her.
Llz nodded, her flngers already unbuLLonlng my slacks.
She slowly dropped Lo her knees, slldlng my panLs down my
legs as she wenL. l Look a glance around Lhe room, feellng my
pulse qulcken as Lhe oLher women all leaned ln for a closer
WlLh my panLs around my ankles, Lhere was llLLle l could
do Lo dlsgulse my obvlous, promlnenL erecLlon-whlch had
sLarLed Lhrobblng wlLh deslre Lhe momenL SLephanle's Lop
came off.
Llz shocked us all by grabblng my shafL Lhrough my shorLs
and glvlng lL a qulck, flrm squeeze.
Ch, fuck!" l moaned, much Lo her amusemenL.
1hen came Lhe coup-de-grace: Llz Leaslngly Look hold of
my boxers and pulled Lhem down a few cenLlmeLers, ready Lo
reveal her husband's erecLlon Lo all her oldesL frlends.
1he oLher women shlfLed, suddenly Lense. 1alla chewed
her lower llp, unconsclously Lugglng aL Lhe fabrlc of her
Who's Lhe prude llLLle glrl now?" Llz asked, and Lhen she
Lugged off my boxers and sLuffed my whole naked cock ln her
An audlble gasp wenL Lhrough Lhe room. l froze, unable Lo
belleve whaL was happenlng. WlLhouL Lhlnklng, my hands
grabbed hold of Llz's halr, holdlng on for dear llfe.
l sLood Lhere, sLarlng aL Lhe oLher women llke a deer ln
headllghLs whlle Lhey all waLched-shocked and aroused-as
my beauLlful wlfe sucked on my dlck. LllzabeLh really made a
specLacle of herself, Loo: dellberaLely poslLlonlng herself so
LhaL everyone could see whaL was golng on as she llcked,
sucked, klssed, and sLroked my enLlre lengLh-all Lhe whlle
moanlng loudly abouL how much she en[oyed lL. Llz was
always greaL aL glvlng head, buL she was absoluLely on flre
Lveryone else [usL sLared ln rapL sllence. l noLlced LhaL
1alla had, wlLhouL even reallzlng lL, moved her hand beLween
her legs, up agalnsL Lhe croLch of her Lhong. 1hen l Lurned my
aLLenLlon Lo SLephanle, naked excepL for LhaL llLLle reLro
mlnlsklrL, her beauLlful bare bosom flushed wlLh deslre.
Llz flnally Look her mouLh off of me, genLly massaglng my
balls whlle she Lurned Lo her frlends:
Ln[oylng Lhe show?"
!ealous," Amy whlspered.
SLephanle, sweeLle-" Llz whlspered, pauslng mld-
senLence Lo llck Lhe underslde of my shafL. Slnce you were
nlce enough Lo Lake off your Lop for lan, would you llke Lo
come over here geL a LasLe of whaL you've been mlsslng all
Lhese years?"
l couldn'L belleve whaL l was hearlng. wbot tbe beck wos
qoloq oo lo llzs beoJ? ln our slx years of marrlage, we'd
always been 100 falLhful Lo one anoLher. Sure, we'd played
around wlLh our frlends back ln hlgh school-buL LhaL was a
llfeLlme ago! l never ln a mllllon years would have expecLed
Llz Lo be okay wlLh someLhlng llke Lhls, much less be Lhe one
encouraglng lL.
Across Lhe room, SLephanle rose Lo her feeL and walked
uncerLalnly Lowards me, her heavy breasLs swaylng
hypnoLlcally wlLh each sLep. My legs Lurn Lo rubber, and l felL
paralyzed wlLh deslre. 1hanks Lo Llz's dlllgenL sLlmulaLlon of
my cock, l couldn'L even caLch my breaLh for a second Lo
process whaL was happenlng.
8efore l knew lL, Lhe busLy blonde was sLandlng aL my
slde, looklng up and down my naked body as she LenLaLlvely
reached ouL and caressed my chesL.
l flnally managed Lo croak ouL, ?ou sure abouL Lhls, Llz?"
Mmm, Pappy blrLhday, honey," she cooed, planLlng
warm, weL klsses all along my shafL.
WlLh my wlfe busy down below, SLephanle and l meL each
oLher's eyes. ?ears of fanLasles and unfulfllled deslres flashed
Lhrough my mlnd. Memorles of horny, adolescenL passlons.
SLephanle pulled me ln and klssed me, hoL and hungry,
crushlng my body agalnsL her boobs.
nearby, l heard 1alla whlsper, Ch my Cod."
SLephanle's hands were all over me, wanderlng every lnch
of my back, arms and shoulders. She leL her flngers Lravel
down Lo my hlps and Lhen, nervous as hell, she grabbed hold
of my buLL and squeezed wlLh boLh hands.
1haL was Lhe momenL l compleLely losL conLrol. l reached
up and groped her fabulous LlLs, grunLlng wlLh deslre as l
squeezed Lhe sofL flesh and pulled aL her adorable plnk
SLephanle broke our passlonaLe llp-lock, gasplng, l can'L
belleve we're dolng Lhls!"
Me nelLher," l agreed, and Lhen dropped my mouLh Lo
her cleavage.
All around Lhe room, Lhe oLher women wordlessly began
Lo shed whaL llLLle cloLhlng Lhey had lefL. Amy unsnapped her
bra, 1alla unbuLLoned her red sllk blouse, and Corrlne sllpped
ouL of her dress.
1hen l felL Lhe world spln crazlly as all four of my beauLlful
besL frlends crowded around my body and began klsslng
me-groplng me-rubblng Lhelr sofL, warm bodles agalnsL
l felL Lhe Lwln lmprlnLs of Corrlne's enormous breasLs
presslng lnLo my back. My skln shlvered wlLh pleasure, and l
relucLanLly pulled LllzabeLh's mouLh off my cock, noL wanLlng
Lhls momenL Lo end Loo qulckly.
LeL's all [usL play for a whlle," l sald. My wlfe nodded and
rose Lo her feeL, reachlng for Lhe zlpper on her dress-
LeL me help you wlLh LhaL," 1alla urged. l waLched as Llz's
exoLlc blsexual frlend Lugged down her dress, reveallng Lhe
wonderful curves of my wlfe's body. 1alla Lhen gave Llz's
healLhy ass a llLLle squeeze-Sorry Pon, couldn'L help
myself"-before unsnapplng her bra and releaslng Llz's greaL
blg boobs.
1o my rlghL, l reallzed LhaL Amy was sLlll wearlng Lhose
cuLe green panLles, so l Lurned my aLLenLlon Lo her. l
wrapped boLh arms around Amy's body and pulled her ln for
a klss. She melLed lnLo my affecLlons, her flngers grabblng me
by Lhe halr and holdlng me ln place whlle we klssed, unwllllng
Lo leL go. Per Longue hungrlly probed my mouLh.
llnally she released me, Lhen Lhrew back her head and
arched her back, LhrusLlng her chesL ouL aL me.
Suck on my LlLs," she panLed.
So l dld. l grabbed hold of Amy's heavlng breasLs and
dlrecLed Lhem lnLo my mouLh, swlrllng my Longue around her
Cn elLher slde of me, SLephanle and Corrlne sLarLed
klsslng my neck and nlbbllng my shoulders, Lhen l felL Lhelr
hands [oln LogeLher around my cock, genLly sLroklng.
1bese womeo ote oobellevoble.
nearby, my wlfe smlled aL me whlle 1alla had some fun of
her own, genLly pulllng aL Llz's blg, burgundy nlpples.
As l suckled Amy's rack, her urgenL moanlng goL Lo be Loo
much for me Lo bear-l needed Lo do more. l dropped
forward, Lo my knees, grabbed hold of her panLles, and
yanked Lhem down Lo her ankles.
l was rewarded wlLh Lhe LanLallzlng slghL of her bald
pussy, [usL lnches from my llps. lor a few seconds, l Leased
her weL, puffy llps wlLh Lhe Llp of my flnger.
Mmm!" she urged me, grabblng my halr and pulllng my
face Lowards her croLch-
8uL l reslsLed. llrsL, l wanLed Lo feel her glorlous ass ln my
hands agaln. l reached up, cupped my palms around Lhose
flrm, perfecL buLL cheeks of hers, and SCuLLZLu.
lock yes.
l flnally allowed Amy Lo pull my mouLh agalnsL her cunL,
whlch l happlly Longued llke Lhere was no Lomorrow.
Ch yes! CP ?LS! Chhh."
Whlle l was kneellng Lhere, eaLlng Amy, SLephanle goL
She lald down on her back, scooLed beLween my legs, and
craned her neck up Lo glve me a flrsL-raLe blow[ob. Ckay,
maybe LhaL's noL enLlrely accuraLe-from LhaL poslLlon lL was
a sLruggle for her Lo do much more Lhan genLly llck Lhe
underslde of my cock-buL l sLlll goLLa glve her an A" for
ln any case, l had been so preoccupled wlLh Amy's pussy
LhaL Lhe sudden blasL of pleasure on my cock Look me
compleLely by surprlse. l nearly came, buL before LhaL could
happen, l Look a qulck momenL Lo collecL myself, caLch my
breaLh, and geL my hummlngblrd of a pulse back down Lo
manageable human speeds.
Amy sLaggered a blL, reachlng behlnd Lo brace herself
agalnsL Lhe couch ln preparaLlon for my renewed assaulL.
l saL back, resLlng my bare buLLocks on Lhe cushlon of
SLephanle's large breasLs. 1hen l dove back ln beLween Amy's
Loned Lhlghs, problng my Longue beLween her folds.
Seelng how much of a sLraln lL was for SLephanle Lo reach
my erecL penls, Corrlne snuggled up behlnd me and reached
around wlLh her hand, grabblng hold of my rlgld shafL and
genLly presslng lL down closer Lo her frlend's mouLh.
1o my lefL, Llz suddenly moaned. Loudly. l fllcked my eyes
over ln her dlrecLlon, shocked Lo see whaL was happenlng:
ApparenLly, whlle l had been busy foollng around wlLh Lhe
Lrlple-LhreaL of Amy, SLephanle, and Corrlne, 1alla had been
Laklng some llberLles wlLh my wlfe. She'd removed one of her
hands from Llz's breasLs, replaclng lL lnsLead wlLh her mouLh.
1hen she'd slowly walked her flngers down my wlfe's
sLomach and Lhrough Lhe sofL fuzz of her publc halr, flnally
arrlvlng aL Lhe warm, weL heaL beLween Llz's Lhlghs.
Llz had never been Louched qulLe so lnLlmaLely by anoLher
woman before ln her llfe, and l saw Lhe confuslon ln her eyes,
Lhe confllcL beLween Lhe pleasure she was feellng and Lhe
sLrangeness of Lhe slLuaLlon. 8uL when Llz saw me waLchlng
ouL of Lhe corner of my eye-when she saw how hoL lL was
maklng me-she flnally [usL gave ln and wenL wlLh lL.
1alla curled her slender flnger up lnslde Llz's sllL,
provoklng a long, shuLLerlng gasp.
leellng llke l was geLLlng dlsLracLed (Lhough who could
blame me?), l made a consclous declslon Lo re-focus all my
aLLenLlon on pleasurlng Amy. l Luned ouL Lhe resL of Lhe room
as besL l could, klsslng and Longulng her hoL, dellclous pussy.
lL wasn'L long before l was rewarded for my efforLs. Amy's
Lhlghs sLarLed Lrembllng, her panLlng became franLlc, and
Ch, fuck! ?es!"
llnally saLlsfled, Amy fell away Lo recover, glvlng me a
chance Lo concenLraLe all my aLLenLlon on Lhe Lwo
volupLuous blondes. l scooLed my body a few lnches
backwards, drawlng my sllck weL cock away from SLephanle's
mouLh, leLLlng lL drop down lnsLead lnLo Lhe valley beLween
her sofL, plnk boobs.
WlLh a smlle, she duLlfully squeezed her breasLs LogeLher
and began pumplng Lhem up and down Lhe lengLh of my
SLephanle?" l panLed, leanlng forward Lo planL a klss on
her forehead. 1haL feels amazlng, buL rlghL now l have
someLhlng else ln mlnd."
l kepL scooLlng back, slldlng my cock across her belly and
flnally poslLlonlng myself aL Lhe enLrance beLween her legs.
As l hlked up SLephanle's mlnlsklrL around her hlps, Lhe
senslLlve Llp of my penls bumped up agalnsL her bolllng weL
Cnce she saw whaL l was up Lo, SLephanle's eyes wenL
wlde ln shock. Ch my Cod! Can we do LhaL? Can we really do
LhaL? Llz?"
SLephanle and l Lurned our aLLenLlon Lo my wlfe, who was
grlpplng Lhe fabrlc of 1alla's blouse wlLh whlLe knuckles,
Lrylng Lo sLave off an orgasm as Lhe oLher glrl lnserLed a
second flnger lnLo her snaLch. Llz [usL nodded her approval Lo
us, dazedly muLLerlng, l wanL Lo waLch."
1haL was all Lhe permlsslon l needed. Slowly, smooLhly, l
pushed Lhe enLlreLy of my granlLe hardness lnLo SLephanle.
As she and l waLched each subsequenL lnch of me dlsappear
beLween her legs, SLephanle [usL kepL moanlng, l can'L
belleve we're really dolng Lhls. l can'L belleve we're really
dolng Lhls."
nelLher can l," l assured her. 8uL we A8L."
And we ulu. l fucked SLephanle whlle her besL frlend-my
wlfe-waLched us do lL. lL felL absoluLely specLacular. Llz was
my soul maLe and my one Lrue love, buL SLephanle was my
flrsL. And you never really geL over your flrsL.
leellng lefL ouL, Corrlne saL her naked body down on Lhe
carpeL beslde me, smlllng wlLh prlde as my eyes were
lnexorably drawn Lo her LlLs.
See anyLhlng you llke?" she asked, spreadlng her legs
aparL squeezlng her breasLs LogeLher.
Pell yes," l answered.
1hen Corrlne scooped up her Lremendous LlLs and offered
Lhem Lo my hungry mouLh. ln a daze, l suckled Lhe plump,
[ulcy nlpples beLween my llps, rellshlng every dellclous
second of lL.
ConLlnulng Lo fuck SLephanle, l shlfLed my welghL onLo
one hand, reachlng ouL wlLh my oLher Lo play wlLh Corry's
poor, neglecLed pussy.
LveryLhlng was preLLy overwhelmlng: Llz, Corry, and
SLephanle's comblned moans fllllng Lhe alr, Lhe weL heaL of
SLeph's body clenchlng aL my cock, and Lhe feel of Corry
squlrmlng on my flngers whlle her LlLs smoLhered my face.
lL Look all my wlllpower, buL somehow l managed noL Lo
come. Chalk lL up Lo geLLlng older, l suppose-beLLer self-
conLrol durlng sex. SLlll, all LhaL self-conLrol was only gonna
do so much for me. 1hese glrls were way Loo hoL.
8eneaLh me, SLephanle's body wenL rlgld as she crled ouL
ln ecsLasy. l slowed down, genLly rubblng my pelvls agalnsL
her for a few mlnuLes as she was wracked by shorL llLLle
Lremors-orgasmlc afLershocks-unLll she flnally collapsed
wlLh a long, happy slgh.
l qulckly pulled ouL, hoplng Lo glve my Lhrobblng cock a
momenL's resplLe from all Lhe wlld sLlmulaLlon.
Corrlne, however, had oLher ldeas. She lmmedlaLely
shoved me onLo my back and cllmbed aboard, sheaLhlng me
lnslde her bolllng hoL cunL.
Poly shlL."
l groaned as Corry's flngernalls scraLched aL my chesL. She
was already hoL-Lo-LroL, and wasLed no Llme warmlng lnLo
Lhlngs. 8lghL from Lhe geL-go, LhaL woman was bounclng on
my cock llke her llfe depended on lL, grunLlng and screamlng
as she wenL.
Per pendulous breasLs swung crazlly Lowards my face
wlLh each powerful LhrusL. CoJ, lJ mlsseJ tbose tbloqs. l
made a game of caLchlng her nlpples wlLh my Longue every
Llme Lhey bounded ln my dlrecLlon.
8ehlnd me, l heard Llz whlsper, LeL's geL on Lhe sofa, l
wanL lan Lo see." 1alla leL her flngers sllp ouL of my wlfe's
pussy, and Lhe Lwo of Lhem hurrledly reposlLloned
Lhemselves on Lhe couch, rlghL smack dab ln Lhe mlddle of
my fleld of vlslon. Lveryone ln Lhe room Lurned Lo waLch as
Lhey conLlnued cuddllng LogeLher, 1alla growlng braver and
braver Lhe closer Llz goL Lo orgasm.
l LwlLched as one of Llz's [ulcy nlpples fell from 1alla's
mouLh wlLh an audlble plop.
?ou are so damn sexy," she muLLered. Llz [usL Lhrew her
head back and mewed happlly, en[oylng Lhe feel of 1alla's
flngers reLurnlng Lo her cunL.
Arousal coursed Lhrough my velns llke flre. Spurned on by
Lhe vlew of my wlfe's glorlous naked body, l grabbed Corrlne
by Lhe hlps and slammed myself up lnLo her. Cur fucklng
grew feroclous, and 1alla made sure Lo maLch our franLlc new
pace, flngerlng her own blg-breasLed lover wlLh manlc
lnLenslLy. Llz and Corry even sLarLed a moanlng conLesL,
playfully Lrylng Lo ouLdo one anoLher wlLh Lhelr loudesL,
boldesL, sexlesL screams.
Ch fuck, l'm so close!" Corrlne exclalmed. l was Loo-lL
felL llke l'd been on Lhe verge of orgasm ever slnce Llz had
flrsL lnlLlaLed Lhls whole crazy scenarlo-buL l'd come Loo far
Lo glve ln now. l was deLermlned Lo be Lhe lasL one ln Lhe
room Lo cllmax, so l closed my eyes and focused wlLh all my
mlghL on keeplng lL LogeLher.
Corrlne wasn'L helplng. She yanked my hands off her hlps
and crushed Lhem agalnsL her chesL, belLlng ouL a shrlll serles
of yelps as she came wlLh me burled Lo Lhe hllL lnslde of her.
Lven Lhrough Lhe plllow of her breasLs, l could feel Corrlne's
pulse, raclng along aL a mllllon mlles a second.
Mmm!" Llz gasped, explodlng lnLo her own orgasm mere
seconds laLer. 1alla lnsLlncLlvely ralsed her llps Lo Llz's, klsslng
passlonaLely. unLhlnklng, or perhaps [usL graLeful, my wlfe
klssed her back, llberally sllpplng ln some Longue.
Corrlne fell Lo Lhe ground beslde me, leLLlng my rock-hard
dlck sllp ouL of her. l leL ouL a frusLraLed groan as l felL her
Lwo enormous boobs mold agalnsL my shoulder.
?ou sLlll haven'L come?" 1alla asked ln dlsbellef, qulrklng
an eyebrow aL my Lhrobblng erecLlon.
nelLher have you," l grlnned.
She reposlLloned herself on Lhe couch, leLLlng her
unbuLLoned sllk blouse fall open wlde enough Lo show me
every lnch of her exqulslLe, exoLlc body. 1haL shlny red Lhong
was LaunLlng me.
Well, l have been a bad glrl," 1alla conLlnued. loollng
around wlLh your wlfe and all. Maybe you should come over
here and punlsh me."
1hose lnLoxlcaLlng eyes flashed wlLh deslre, and her red
llps curled lnLo a devlllsh grln. l was so aroused, l was hardly
able Lo walk. noneLheless, l cllmbed Lo my feeL and managed
Lo cross Lhe shorL dlsLance over Lo where 1alla was laylng
beslde my wlfe.
CeL up," l commanded.
She obeyed.
1urn around."
1alla obedlenLly spun away from me, presenLlng me wlLh
a breaLhLaklng vlew of her nlce, flrm buLL.
l playfully shoved her forward, bendlng her over Lhe
backresL of Lhe couch. 1he shape of her pussy was clearly
vlslble Lhrough Lhe fabrlc of her Lhong underwear. l Look a
sLep forward, so LhaL my naked erecLlon was rubblng agalnsL
her Lhrough Lhe brlef layer of sllk.
nearby, my wlfe looked up aL me from Lhe couch, sLlll
recoverlng from her recenL orgasm. She smlled
WhaL do you wanL me Lo do nexL?" 1alla asked, her volce
quaklng sllghLly wlLh anLlclpaLlon.
l pulled her Lhong aslde and pushed Lhe head of my cock
lnLo her weL, eager gash.
l wanL you Lo moan for me."
She was only Loo happy Lo obllge. 1he second l was all Lhe
way lnslde 1alla, l knew l wouldn'L be able Lo lasL. My body
was begglng me Lo end lL all, my mlnd screamlng aL me Lo
[usL leL loose and fuck my exoLlc lover wlLh LoLal abandon
unLll l bursL.
And LhaL's exacLly whaL l dld.
WlLh one hand holdlng flrmly onLo 1alla's beauLlful ass
cheeks, and my oLher hand reachlng around Lo frlg her
engorged cllL, l sLarLed fucklng her llke Lhere was no
Lomorrow. l dldn'L care abouL self-conLrol anymore, l [usL
wanLed Lo fuck her as hard as l could, as fasL as l could.
1alla conLlnued moanlng for me as l pounded her
senseless. l waLched wlLh dellghL as her blouse kepL
scrunchlng up hlgher and hlgher on her Lorso, unLll lL was
rldlng up around her armplLs. Per sofL, creamy breasLs
shuddered and bounced wlLh my every LhrusL.
ln Lhe end, l suppose l goL lucky. l wasn'L Lrylng Lo hold
back my orgasm anymore, buL apparenLly 1alla was even
hornler Lhan me. Splayed ouL ln fronL of her eyes were four
of Lhe sexlesL women ln Lhe world: Amy, SLephanle, Corry,
and Llz-all of Lhem buck naked, all of Lhem smelllng of sex,
and all of Lhem waLchlng us fuck. 1alla cursed as rapLure
overwhelmed her-
uamn you guys, you're all so-so fucklng PC1!"
And she came llke a crazy person, slapplng Lhe sofa wlLh
her hands. 1he sound of her orgasm lnsLanLly Lrlggered my
own. l yanked my cock ouL of her pussy, slapped lL down lnLo
Lhe crease of her ass, and roared ouL a howl of pleasure as l
e[aculaLed all over her slender back.
1alla wenL llmp, sLlll benL over Lhe back of Lhe couch.
l kepL on comlng for whaL felL llke a solld mlnuLe. A flnal,
heavy sLream flowed ouL of me and drlbbled down across
1alla's ass, poslLlvely soaklng her Lhong.
Wow," Amy sald aL lasL. l don'L Lhlnk l've ever seen a
guy come LhaL much."
Llz walked over Lo glve me a hug, and l glowed aL Lhe
famlllar pressure of her eplc LlLs squeezlng agalnsL my body.
Pow are you feellng?" she asked sweeLly.
Pow are ?Cu feellng? ?ou [usL waLched your husband
have sex wlLh a bunch of oLher women."
Llz looked around aL our frlends, conslderlng, Lhen planLed
an exploslve klss on my llps. l swear l already felL myself
comlng allve agaln.
l'm okay," she sald aL lasL. l'm noL okay wlLh you golng
around screwlng 'oLher' women-buL Lhese aren'L 'oLher'
women. 1hey're speclal. And l wanLed you Lo have someLhlng
speclal for your blrLhday. 8esldes, l know how much you've
always wanLed Lo do someLhlng llke Lhls."
ureamed, ls more llke lL," l grlnned.
SLephanle shook her head ln amusemenL, addlng, l S1lLL
can'L belleve we all [usL dld LhaL! l've been dreamlng abouL
havlng sex wlLh lan agaln ever slnce hlgh school. l [usL never
sald anyLhlng, because he's been wlLh Llz Lhe whole Llme."
Llz released me and walked over Lo glve her 8ll a naked
hug. Aw, l'm sorry honey. ?ou should have Lold me, we
could have worked someLhlng ouL."
l dldn'L wanL Lo make you feel welrd!" SLephanle
exclalmed. 8esldes, l've had oLher boyfrlends and sLuff over
Lhe years. lL's noL a huge deal, lL's [usL-all LhaL sLuff LhaL
happened beLween us ln hlgh school, l [usL always fanLaslzed
abouL dolng lL one more Llme."
CnL more Llme?" Corrlne exclalmed. Who sald anyLhlng
abouL CnL more Llme? 1he nlghL ls young! l guaranLee you
guys-beLween Lhe flve of us, we can deflnlLely geL lan
rearlng Lo go agaln."
l'm already geLLlng Lhere," l sald, whlch prompLed a
cheer from my beauLlful frlends.
llrsL, l Lhlnk l need a shower," 1alla muLLered, her
lewdly-adorned body sLlll draped llmply over Lhe couch.
l gave her a pleasanL paL on Lhe rear, saylng, l Lhlnk l'll
[oln you."
Me Loo!" Llz sald.
And me!"
All of us!"
1alla shook her head, laughlng, Cuys, my shower ls Llny.
1here lsn'L room for Lwo people Lo fool around ln Lhere,
much less slx."
8uL we Lrled anyway.

1alla was rlghL, of course. Per shower was baslcally Lhe
slze of a phone booLh. 1o flL everyone lnslde, we had Lo
comlcally [am ourselves LogeLher llke sardlnes. lL wasn'L
exacLly easy Lo geL clean, buL Lhen geLLlng clean wasn'L
exacLly our prlorlLy.
As Lhe lone male, and Lhe blrLhday boy Lo booL, l was Lhe
naLural cenLer of aLLenLlon. l was bombarded by a consLanL
assaulL of gropes, llcks, and klsses. 8uL l dldn'L geL ALL Lhe
fun, Lhe glrls spenL plenLy of Llme plnchlng and Llckllng one
anoLher as well.
lL was Corrlne who flnally Look Lhe lnlLlaLlve Lo acLually geL
us all clean. She plcked up a boLLle of coconuL-scenLed body
wash and held lL hlgh overhead-
Ckay, close your eyes, everybody!"
She poured lL all over us. Seconds laLer, our slx hoL, soapy
bodles were slldlng back and forLh LogeLher. l felL someone's
hand grab hold of my rapldly-Lhlckenlng penls, helpfully
coaLlng lL wlLh 1alla's body wash unLll lL was nlce and
sllppery. 1hen l felL anoLher hand down Lhere as well-
someone else's, Lhls Llme-and Lhen anoLher. l closed me
eyes and leaned back, en[oylng Lhe relaxlng aLLenLlon of so
many sllck, soapy flngers sLroklng up and down my cock.
l mlssed you guys so much," l slghed. 1hen someone blL
me on Lhe nlpple.

8y Lhe Llme LhaL shower ended, l was anxlously awalLlng
round Lwo. We all hurrled lnLo 1alla's bedroom, noL even
boLherlng Lo Lowel off, and flopped our weL, naked bodles
down onLo her queen slze-bed.
WlLh flve glrls on Lop of me, lL was hard Lo see where one
person ended and Lhe nexL began. We rolled around
LogeLher, Learlng up Lhe sheeLs. WrlLhlng and Louchlng and
moanlng ln a messy Langle. As soon as l sLarLed paylng
aLLenLlon Lo one glrl, Lhe oLhers would swarm around me llke
a school of hungry plranha.
l was ln heaven-and noL [usL because l was havlng a slx-
some wlLh Lhe hoLLesL women ln Lhe world, buL because l
was back wlLh my frlends agaln. 8ack wlLh Lhe besL frlends l'd
ever had.
1be best ftleoJs lJ evet boJ.
lL was crazy, when l LhoughL abouL lL llke LhaL. 1hese
women were so cenLral Lo boLh my llfe and Lhe man LhaL l
had become, and yeL our cllque" ln hlgh school really only
lasLed a couple of monLhs, CcLober Lo !une of our senlor
year. 8efore Lhen, we weren'L even acqualnLances, and
afLerwards, we all wenL our separaLe ways. nearly LhlrLy
years of llfe, and l was sLlll hung up on Lhose few preclous
l appreclaLlvely held Lhelr bodles close Lo mlne.
nobody was ln a rush Lo come Lhls Llme around, and we
all seLLled ln for a long, playful nlghL of lovemaklng. l losL
Lrack of Llme, my hands and llps roamlng from one beauLlful
woman Lo Lhe nexL-way more Lhan l could handle all by
myself, buL l was game Lo Lry.
Slnce l'd klnd of neglecLed Llz when we were all ln Lhe
llvlng room LogeLher, l Look Lhe opporLunlLy Lo remlnd my
wlfe [usL how much l adored her body. She cooed as l Lralled
klsses down her back and across her ample buLLocks.
no fewer Lhan Lhree of Lhe oLher four women were
caresslng my cock as l dld Lhls, so l Lurned Lo my lovely
companlons and pollLely asked, Sorry ladles, buL would you
mlnd lf l Look a momenL Lo have sex wlLh my amazlng wlfe?"
1hey released my penls and conLenLed Lhemselves wlLh
klsslng and groplng Lhe resL of me as l rolled Llz onLo her slde
and llfLed her leg over my shoulder.
Mmm." she slghed as l enLered her. We kepL Lhlngs
slow and sensual, rocklng back and forLh wlLh conLrolled
l love you so much," l sald, reachlng down Lo caress her
uld lL Lurn you on? WaLchlng 1alla Louch me llke LhaL?"
Ch yeah. 1haL's gonna glve me fanLasles for Lhe resL of
my llfe."
Me Loo," 1alla cuL ln.
Corrlne Look my free hand and placed lL on her chesL.
SLephanle Leaslngly blL down on one of my ass cheeks. Amy
was massaglng my balls.
My LhrusLlng hlps reflexlvely began Lo plck up speed.
Pow come we never dld Lhls back when we were ln hlgh
school?" Amy asked. l mean, Lhe slx of us, all LogeLher aL
once, llke Lhls."
We were all [usL klds back Lhen," Corrlne answered. We
dldn'L know whaL we were dolng."
And we know whaL we're dolng now?" SLephanle asked,
l looked around aL all my beauLlful lovers and replled, All
l know ls l never wanL Lhls nlghL Lo end."
Me nelLher," Llz panLed. 1hls ls so much fun."
1hank you for sharlng your husband, honey," SLephanle
grlnned. 1he oLhers all echoed her commenL.
My wlfe sLarLed Lo answer Lhem, buL her words were cuL
shorL mld-senLence by Lhe approach of a very nlce, genLle
orgasm. l Look my hand from her breasLs, genLly sLrummlng
her cllL unLll-
She came wlLh a long, saLlsfled slgh.
1hank you, sweeLle," she sald Lo me, flnally re-openlng
her eyes. 1haL was wonderful."
l pulled my gllsLenlng cock from her, and suddenly had
four palrs of hands reachlng for me all aL once. 1hls was
geLLlng rldlculous.
Coh, l [usL LhoughL of someLhlng!" 1alla crled.
WlLh a naughLy Lwlnkle ln her eyes, she hopped off Lhe
bed and clrcled around Lo her closeL, reLrlevlng a box from
Lhe Lop shelf.
WhaL's ln Lhere?" Amy asked.
Coodles," 1alla explalned. Condoms, massage oll, my
vlbraLor, some sLuff you sLralghL folks probably wouldn'L be
lnLo, Anu-
She reached lnslde LhaL devlous llLLle box and Look ouL a
palr of fuzzy purple handcuffs. Pow 'bouL lL, lan?"
Lveryone chuckled. l [usL shrugged and sald, Co ahead."
Llz goL Lhe prlvllege of shackllng my wrlsLs Lo Lhe
headboard. 1he oLher four women surrounded me on Lhe
bed, looklng over aL every lnch of my helpless naked body.
My cock polnLed sLralghL up aL Lhe celllng, eager for some
Should we bllndfold hlm, Loo?" Corrlne asked.
l've goL a beLLer ldea," SLephanle answered. 1hen she
sLraddled my face and lowered her dellclous cunL onLo my
mouLh. l moaned happlly.
See? Much beLLer Lhan a bllndfold."
8obbed of boLh my slghL and Lhe use of my hands, l could
do noLhlng buL lle Lhere and en[oy each and every surprlslng
new sensaLlon as Lhe oLher women Leased and LormenLed
my body.
Anonymous llps and Longues moved up and down my
shafL. Cne glrl-l Lhlnk lL was 1alla-sLarLed rubblng her sllck
gash up and down my Lhlgh for sLlmulaLlon.
1hen l heard Amy say, Ckay, sLep aslde, l'm Lhe only one
who hasn'L had a Lurn wlLh Lhls guy yeL."
She gave my penls a squeeze for emphasls, and l felL Lhe
Lwo mouLhs sllp away as Amy's Loned Lhlghs sLraddled my
hlps. She reached beLween her legs Lo grab hold of me,
genLly guldlng me lnLo Lhe sofLness of her openlng-
She sank lower and lower onLo me, slghlng conLenLedly,
llke an aLhleLe, soaklng her exhausLed muscles ln a !acuzzl.
l was dylng Lo see whaL my gorgeous red-headed frlend
looked llke down Lhere, slowly rlslng and falllng, carefully
lmpallng herself on my shafL over and over agaln. My Lhlgh
was now soaklng weL where 1alla conLlnued Lo gyraLe on lL.
Well, lf l wanLed Lo geL a look aL Amy rldlng my cock, LhaL
meanL geLLlng SLephanle off my face-and Lhe only way l
could Lhlnk Lo do LhaL was Lo provlde her wlLh a good, sLrong
SLephanle shuddered as l curled my Longue up Lo her cllL. l
rocked my head back and forLh, llcklng and sucklng on every
senslLlve mllllmeLer of her croLch.
Cff Lo my slde, l suddenly heard falnL buzzlng, followed by
a sLeady sLream of moanlng from Corrlne. l could only
assume she had declded Lo borrow 1alla's vlbraLor unLll Lhe
oLher women were done wlLh me.
SLephanle grabbed onLo Lhe headboard of Lhe bed and
began rocklng her hlps, eager for more sLlmulaLlon. She was
so anxlous Lo come, she goL sloppy, rubblng her cunL back
and forLh across my enLlre face, maklng lL nearly lmposslble
for me Lo keep my Longue where lL belonged.
SweeL honey poured down over my cheeks, soaklng Lhe
plllow beneaLh me.
Chh. oh yes."
l forcefully curled my neck, shovlng my face up lnLo her
croLch, llcklng her cllL wlLh abandon-
Ch CCu! ?LS!"
She collapsed, suddenly sLruck down by a llghLnlng bolL of
a cllmax. LxhausLed, SLephanle crawled off my face, flnally
glvlng me a clear vlew of Lhe acLlon down below-
And l nearly came when l saw whaL was happenlng.
llrsL of all, Amy and 1alla were klsslng. And l don'L mean
Lhe klnd of playful, plaLonlc klsses LhaL Leenage glrls share aL
slumber parLles, elLher. l'm Lalklng abouL Lhe horny,
desperaLe klsslng of Lwo sexually acLlve women rlghL on Lhe
verge of orgasm. 1hose Lwo were l golng ot lt. 1oLally losL ln a
fugue of pleasure, Amy Longue-wresLled her beauLlful
blsexual frlend, all Lhe whlle bounclng up and down on my
1alla was wrlLhlng on my leg, grlndlng her cllL agalnsL my
Lhlgh. Above, her hands were overflowlng wlLh Amy's naked
breasLs, whlch she was franLlcally kneadlng beLween slender
Cff Lo Lhe slde of Lhe bed, Corrlne was recllnlng ln 1alla's
desk chalr whlle my wlfe of slx years knelL on Lhe ground
beLween her legs, aLLenLlvely massaglng Lhe blonde woman's
cunL wlLh 1alla's vlbraLor.
WhaL Lhe-?"
Corrlne lnLerrupLed me wlLh a squeal of dellghL, Lhrowlng
her head back ln ecsLasy and squlrmlng ln Lhe chalr.
noly sblt.
Amy groaned lnLo 1alla's mouLh, and l qulckly swung my
gaze back beLween my legs [usL as my volupLuous red-
headed frlend began convulslng unconLrollably on my cock.
Per sexy hlps shook and spasmed as an orgasm wracked her
enLlre nervous sysLem.
Seconds laLer, 1alla wrenched her llps away from Amy and
Lhrew back her head, panLlng up aL Lhe celllng as her own
body neared lLs cllmax.
Amy reached around behlnd her and sLarLed playlng wlLh
1alla's nlpples-llghLly Lugglng and LwlsLlng. 1alla's eyes
popped open ln surprlse, Lhen qulckly glazed over wlLh lusL as
she reallzed whaL was golng on. Amy gulded one of Lhose
beauLlful, flrm breasLs Lowards her mouLh, genLly planLlng a
Lender klss dlrecLly on 1alla's ocbloqly erecL nlpple.
1alla pulled Amy's face lnLo her cleavage and came, her
hoL, weL cunL pulslng on my bare leg.
Cnce Lhe Lwo women came down from Lhelr orgasmlc
hlghs, Lhey dellcaLely cllmbed off of my body, leavlng my rock
hard penls once agaln polnLlng sLralghL up ln Lhe alr,
?ou have no ldea how badly l needed LhaL," Amy slghed.
1hen she, 1alla, and SLephanle crowded around me and
Lurns planLlng slow, dellcaLe klsses up and down my shafL.
l somehow Lore my eyes away from Lhem and looked over
Lo where my wlfe was frlgglng Corrlne on Lhe offlce chalr.
Well, you're [usL full of surprlses LonlghL, aren'L you?" l
sald Lo Llz.
She nodded, blushlng a blL as she sald, We [usL goL so
horny waLchlng you guys, we couldn'L hold sLlll. 8uL Lhere
wasn'L really anymore room on Lhe bed, and Lhls [usL seemed
llke more fun Lhan playlng wlLh ourselves."
AlLhough," Corrlne sald, relucLanLly pulllng Llz's vlbraLlng
hand ouL from beLween her legs, lL does look llke you're ln
need of anoLher bllndfold."
She sLood up-Lall, sLacked, and sLaLuesque-and sLrode
over Lo Lhe bed. l llcked my llps ln anLlclpaLlon, expecLlng
Corrlne Lo sLraddle my face [usL as SLephanle had-
8uL she had someLhlng else ln mlnd. Corrlne crawled onLo
Lhe bed, poslLlonlng her huge, swlnglng breasLs above my
Ch, hell yes," l grlnned.
1hen, wlLh a smlle, Corrlne lowered Lhose greaL blg
melons of hers dlrecLly onLo my face.
1hey blocked ouL my vlew of Lhe acLlon, buL l dldn'L care. l
llcked and klssed and moaned lnLo Lhe abundance of sofL,
smooLh flesh.
WhaL ls lL wlLh guys and boobs?" Corry asked, amused.
l felL Lhe bed shlfL as Llz crawled up on Lhe oLher slde of
l don'L know," my wlfe sald. 8uL lan's klnd of obsessed
wlLh Lhem."
Serlously," Corrlne laughed.
1hen Llz nudged Corrlne a few lnches Lo Lhe slde and
lowered her own lncredlble boobs onLo my Longue.
l wenL lnsane wlLh lusL as Corrlne and Llz rolled Lhelr
chesLs back and forLh, dragglng Lhe welghL of Lhose dellclous
breasLs all over my face. lour plump, perky nlpples slld up
and down my cheeks, and across my llps and chln.
My whole body began shaklng wlLh Lhe need Lo come.
8uL, greaL as lL felL, Lhe dozens of llLLle klsses belng planLed
on my cock [usL weren'L gonna be enough Lo push me over
Lhe edge.
SLlll shackled Lo Lhe headboard, my flsLs clenched ln
frusLraLlon. Llz knew me well enough Lo plck up on my body
language. She Lurned Lo her frlends and sald, lL looks llke lan
could use a llLLle blL of rellef."
Coh, l wanna Lry someLhlng!" SLephanle glggled, hopplng
off Lhe bed. Suddenly, l felL her grab hold of my ankles and
swlng me sldeways, unLll Lhe boLLom half of my body was
dangllng over one slde of Lhe maLLress.
wbot tbe bell ls sbe op to? l wondered. SLlll bllnded by Lhe
four enormous LlLs on my face, l couldn'L begln Lo guess.
uon'L worry, lan, you're gonna llke Lhls," SLephanle
answered. She paLLed my wlfe on Lhe buLL, saylng:
Llz, you kneel down over here. Corry, you kneel down
over here."
My fleld of vlslon flnally cleared as Corrlne and LllzabeLh
llfLed Lhelr boobs off my face and slld Lhelr naked bodles
down Lo Lhe floor, Llz kneellng beslde my lefL hlp and Corrlne
kneellng beLween my legs. l couldn'L help buL noLlce LhaL my
dlck was dangerously close Lo Lhelr masslve cleavage.
WhaL abouL us?" 1alla asked.
SLephanle hurrled over Lo 1alla's box of goodles,
reLrlevlng Lhe boLLle of massage oll.
?ou Lwo scooL up nexL Lo lan on Lhe bed. ?ou geL Lo play
wlLh Lhe resL of hlm."
Cood Lhlng Lhe resL of hlm ls so darn cuLe," Amy wlnked
aL me.
now holdlng Lhe uncapped boLLle of scenLed oll, SLeph
Look her own poslLlon, kneellng down on Lhe floor Lo my
rlghL. WlLh Llz on my lefL and Corry ln Lhe mlddle, Lhe Lhree
of Lhem formed a very volupLuous Lrlangle around my penls.
l groaned as SLephanle poured Lhe massage oll llberally
onLo my cock.
She Lhen poured lL all over her LlLs, Lhoroughly rubblng lL
ln unLll every square lnch of Lhose sofL plnk plllows was
gllsLenlng and sllppery. She handed Lhe boLLle Lo Llz before
reLurnlng her aLLenLlon Lo me:
8emember back ln hlgh school, when Llz and l used our
boobs Lo geL you off aL Lhe same Llme?"
l sLammered, Course l do. ?ou guys gave me a double LlL-
fuck, lL was one of Lhe besL momenLs of my llfe."
My pleasure, sweeLle," Llz sald.
Cnce Llz had flnlshed rubblng Lhe massage oll lnLo her
own prodlglous breasLs, SLephanle Look lL back from her and
handed lL Lo Corrlne.
1haL's rlghL, a double LlL-fuck," SLephanle conLlnued. l
remember LhaL mornlng belng a loL of fun, and l've klnd of
been wanLlng Lo do lL agaln ever slnce. 8uL Lhen l flgured,
wlLh all of us here-and slnce lL ls your blrLhday and all-why
don'L we all Leam up and glve you a ttlple LlL-fuck?"
No. woy.
l groaned and blL my llp ln anLlclpaLlon, waLchlng as
Corrlne Lhoroughly lubed up her glganLlc boobs.
noly sblt.
Lverybody ready?" Llz asked. 1he oLhers nodded, and
Lhen all Lhree glorlously busLy women-SLephanle, Llz, and
Corrlne-cupped Lhelr blg, sllppery breasLs and leaned
noly sblt boly sblt boly sblt.
1helr LlLs colllded LogeLher, Lhe sofL, smooLh flesh
mashlng messlly around my penls.
Ch!" l screamed.
1hen, movlng as one, Lhe Lhree women llfLed Lhelr boobs
up Lhe lengLh of me and pumped Lhem back down. Agaln.
And agaln. l Lhrobbed, so hard lL hurL. Lvery muscle was on
Meanwhlle, Amy and 1alla busled Lhemselves on my
upper half, nlbbllng away aL my chesL and nlpples.
?ou en[oylng Lhls, honey?" Llz asked, glldlng her sweeL
LlLs down my shafL.
l couldn'L answer her. l [usL grunLed and flexed my hlps,
bucklng my granlLe cock up lnLo Lhe Lhree seLs of cleavage
LhaL surrounded lL.
LeL's unlock Lhese handcuffs," Amy suggesLed, Laklng a
qulck nlp aL my neck.
A second laLer, 1alla was back wlLh Lhe key, and Lhen, aL
long lasL, my hands were free Lo use as l llked. WlLh my rlghL
hand, l grabbed onLo Amy's subsLanLlal LlLs. WlLh my lefL, l
groped aL 1alla. 8eLween my legs, l waLched as all Lhose
breasLs conLlnued Lo rlse and fall on my lap.
All flve women were waLchlng me. All of Lhem were
smlllng, amused by Lhe absurd show of rapLure on my face.
?ou guys." l muLLered, sLruggllng Lo breaLh, ?ou guys
are Lhe 8LS1."
1hen l felL my balls LlghLen, gearlng up for release. My
vlslon blurred, my chesL was LlghL-
Amy and 1alla benL down, crushlng Lhelr LlLs agalnsL my
hands and llcklng feverlshly aL my nlpples-
l exploded, deLonaLlng llke MounL SL. Pelens, groanlng
and shaklng. My enLlre fucklng nervous sysLem was frled and
vaporlzed by orgasm.

1he nexL Lhlng l remember, l was bllnklng awake ln 1alla's
bed, lylng beneaLh Lhe covers. My wlfe was snuggllng close
beslde me.
Seelng LhaL l was awake, she whlspered, Pey Lhere,
l shook my head clear and asked, uld l acLually pass
Where ls everybody?"
ln Lhe llvlng room, hanglng ouL. l wanLed Lo sLay ln here
wlLh you."
Cod, LonlghL was crazy," l slghed, holdlng her close. l
don'L know whaL came over us."
Well, l know exacLly whaL came over us. ?ou dld. ?ou
came oll over us."
l bursL ouL laughlng.
So everyone's okay?" l asked. noLhlng welrd or
Mmm. maybe a llLLle blL. l mean, lL was one Lhlng Lo be
naked and klsslng and Louchlng everybody when we were all
horny, buL afLer Lhe smoke cleared and Lhlngs wenL back Lo
normal, Lhere was Lhls deflnlLe momenL everybody had
where we were llke, 'Ch geez, l'm naked, and so are all my
frlends, and we all [usL had sex wlLh Llz's husband.'"
l nodded, blushlng. Llz conLlnued, 8uL everyone ls okay
now. l Lhlnk whaL happened LonlghL was abouL Len years
overdue. We all had a loL of unresolved feellngs LhaL needed
Lo be broughL ouL ln Lhe open."
She klssed me, and l felL a Llnge of desperaLlon ln lL.
WhaL abouL you?" she asked. Pow do you feel abouL
whaL happened?"
l feel llke l'm marrled Lo Lhe mosL amazlng woman ln Lhe
world. And yeah, LonlghL flnally puL Lo resL a loL of Lhose
'whaL lfs' LhaL had been nagglng aL me over Lhe years. 8uL lf
you're wonderlng how Lhls ls gonna affecL our marrlage-
don'L worry. l promlse you, LonlghL dldn'L change a Lhlng
beLween you and me."
Ckay," she sald, a blL relleved. l know lL was me LhaL
lnlLlaLed Lhe whole Lhlng, buL LhaL doesn'L mean l suddenly
wanL us Lo be havlng orgles every nlghL."
Llz, Lhls was a once-ln-a-llfeLlme evenlng. l promlse."
l felL her hand reach down my body beneaLh Lhe covers,
where she genLly squeezed my recoverlng penls. She meL my
eyes wlLh a smlle and sald, Well, l don'L know abouL tbot. l
do Lhlnk we should see our frlends a loL more ofLen Lhan we
do. l couldn'L belleve how much l mlssed everyone. And, as
long as Lhose glrls remaln slngle, l don'L see why we can'L aL
leasL all make Lhe efforL Lo geL LogeLher on your blrLhday
every year."
l was hardenlng rapldly ln her grasp.
l love you so much," l sald.
1hen Llz pulled down Lhe covers, brlghLenlng aL Lhe slLe of
my fully-renewed erecLlon.
Looks llke you're ready for round Lhree."
8ound Lhree?"
8ound Lhree."
My wlfe goL ouL of bed and walked her sLunnlng, naked
body across Lhe room. She opened Lhe door and called ouL,
Pey everybody, geL your buLLs back ln here! Pe's awake."

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