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3 Cairo

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Past and present members of the staff of the Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian
Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings, especially R. L. B. Moss and E. W. Burney,
have taken part in the preparation of this list at the Griffith Institute, University of Oxford
This pdf version (situation on 15 August 2011):
Jaromir Malek (Editor), Diana Magee, Elizabeth Fleming and Alison Hobby (Assistants to the
Editor), Sue Hutchison and Tracy Walker

Volume i2 Part 1
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem.
i2.1, 3(5)
Door, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27303.
Inner face, Toda, Son Notm, pl. opp. 30. See Brief Descr. No. 2006; Maspero, Guide (1915), 510 [4912].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Outer coffin and sledge, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27301.
Schmidt, Sarkofager figs. 625-730. See Brief Descr. No. 2001; Maspero, Guide (1915), 393 [3797].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Inner coffin and mummy-board (as case in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27308.
Ramss le Grand (Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais. Paris 1976), Cats. xxxv-vi with col. pls. See Brief
Descr. No. 2003.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Masks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 452 [4273-4].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Canopic box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27307.
Name and title, ern Nbk. 77, 1 [bottom].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Two ushabti-coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48411-12.
Newberry, Funeral Statuettes and Model Sarcophagi (Cat. Caire), 348-51 pl. xviii (CG 48411).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Ushabti-coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Sabbahy, Ramses II No. 46 with fig.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Chair naming son Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27256.
Capart, Propos fig. 84. See Maspero, Guide 511[4925].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Bed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27254.
Detail, Shedid, A. Das Grab des Sennedjem 12, 15 Abb. 5 [upper]. See Maspero, Guide 525 [5255].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
6 walking-sticks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27310.
Mlanges Maspero i, 573-7 pl. [A, C-F, H].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Architectural-instrument. Instrument for verifying levels, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1934
(JE 27258).
Chron. dgypte xvi (1934), 200-1 fig. 5. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 542 [5515-17].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Architectural-instrument. Plumb-line, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1940 (JE 27260).
Nelson in Archologia 95 (June 1976), fig. on 39 [lower left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 542 [5515-17].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Architectural-instrument. Cubit-measure, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1941 (JE 27211).
Freed, Ramesses the Great 165 [30] fig. Text Carter MS. v. 2 [d]. See Maspero, Guide 542 [5518].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Dummy vase of Sennedjem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27248.
The great Pharaoh Ramses II and his time Cat. 49 fig.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of dec.
Canopic boxes (mummiform), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4249-52.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Reisner, Canopics 173-7 pl. xciii.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Wooden box of wife Iyneferti, with 2 gazelles, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27271.
Capart, Propos, fig. 85.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Canopic box of Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27306.
Name and title, ern Nbk. 77, 2 [left, upper middle]. See Maspero, Guide 524 [5229].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Stools of Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27255 A, B.
Bruwier, M.-C. in Cannuyer, Ch. and Kruchten, J.-M. (eds.), Mlanges Thodorids 30, 32, 39, 46-7 [3,4]
with 2 pls.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Vase of wife Iyneferti, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27286 (CG 2770).
See Bell, M. in Cahiers de la cramique gyptienne 1 (1987), 50 [2.7].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Coffin, mother Esi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27309.
Ramss le Grand (Galeries Nat. du Grand Palais, Paris, 1976), Cat. xxvii pl. See Brief Descr. No. 2000.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Canopic box of Esi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27304.
Name and title, ern Nbk. 77, 2 [left, upper middle]. See Maspero, Guide 524 [5227].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Outer coffin and sledge of Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27302.
Schmidt, Sarkofager figs. 628-9. See Brief Desc. No. 2002; Maspero, Guide (1915), 393 [3796].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Ushabti box of Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27299.
Turaiev, Jaikidlja egipetskich etc. 5 pl. v [1].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
3 walking-sticks of Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27310.
Mlanges Maspero i, 573-7 pl. [B, G, I].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
Ushabti-box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27282.
Mahmoud, A. in Hornung, E. and Bryan, B. M. (eds.), The Quest for Immortality. Treasures of Ancient Egypt
(National Gallery of Art, Washington, June 30 - Oct. 14, 2002, etc.), 72 (by B. M. Bryan), 145-6 [63]
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Canopic box of Tamaket, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27305.
Name and title, ern Nbk. 77, 2 [left, top]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 524 [5228].
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Stool of Mosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27290.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
Mask of woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Hawass, Z. Hidden Treasures of Ancient Egypt (2004), 45 fig. (as Iyneferti).
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other Finds.
[Ostracon with hieratic text of the beginning of the Story of Sinuhe, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Ushabti-boxes of Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27275.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Ushabti-box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27269.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Ushabti-box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27279.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Ushabti-box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27288.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Ushabti-box of Khons, dedicated by Iuti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27277.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Ushabti-box of Nakht, Sculptor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27273.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Ushabti-box of Iti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27274.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Ushabti-box of Iuti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27276.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Box of Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27297.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Box of Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27298.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27292.
Sabbahy, Ramses II No. 49 fig.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27296.
The great pharaoh Ramses II and his time Cat. 50 fig.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Box of Khabekhnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27300.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Box of Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27294.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Box of Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27295.
Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Other Finds.
i2. pt. 2, xix
Date-palm, fragment with Hathor-head and text of Sennedjem, used as lever, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bruyre, La Tomb No. 1, 2 fig. 1.
Thebes. Tomb 3. Peshedu.
Offering-table of Menna, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
P.S.B.A. xxxiii, 361 pl. 3.
Thebes. Tomb 5. Neferabet.
Two blocks from stela or wall, relatives before son Neferronpet and wife, and before deceased and wife, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp., 2.
Vandier, Tombe de Neferabou 50-1 [c, a (2-3)] pl. xxiv.
Thebes. Tomb 15. Tetiky.
Model ushabti-coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names, Davies in J.E.A. xi, 12-13 [8-15].
Thebes. Tomb 20. Mentuhirkhopshef.
Fragment with offerings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43369.
Davies, Five Theban Tombs pl. 3.
Thebes. Tomb 20. Mentuhirkhopshef.
Block with stags head from hunting-scene on recto, and text on verso, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
43367 a, b.
Davies, Five Theban Tombs 8 note 1pls. i [1], xi [5].
Thebes. Tomb 20. Mentuhirkhopshef.
Three fragments, with gazelle and wild ass from hunting-scene, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51952.
Davies, Five Theban Tombs pl. xii.
Thebes. Tomb 27. Sheshonk. Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Right jamb with Menkheper, Mayor of Memphis, [temp. Amenophis III], seated, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 66284.
Thebes. Tomb 32. Dhutmosi. Finds.
50A (moved from i2.786)
Statue of deceased with parents, seated, painted, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 549.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 94-6 pl. 91.
Thebes. Tomb 32. Dhutmosi. Finds.
Stela-fragment mentioning Paheb , [Royal] scribe, Scribe of Amun, with text of divine decrees, Ptol., in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, [not yet numbered].
Kkosy in OLP 23 (1992), 316-17 [III] pls. iv [C], vi [C].
Thebes. Tomb 32. Dhutmosi. Finds.
Stela-fragments of woman [He]reret, daughter of Paheb, Royal scribe, Scribe of Amun, wood, Ptolemaic,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, [not yet numbered].
Kkosy in OLP 23 (1992), 311-15 [I] pls. iv [A = left], vi [A].
Thebes. Tomb 32. Dhutmosi. Finds.
Stela-fragments of a Prophet of Hathor, with text of divine decree, wood, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, [not yet numbered].
Kkosy in OLP 23 (1992), 315-16 [II] pls. iv [B], vi [B].
Thebes. Tomb 33. Pedamenopet.
Remains of offering-scenes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
B.I.F.A.O. xlvi, p. 92, fig. 9.
Thebes. Tomb 34. Mentuemhet. Finds. Statues of guardian-demons.
1. Statue-group, Duamutf seated with Kebhsenuf, dedicated by deceased, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 39273.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 318-19 pl. lx.
Thebes. Tomb 34. Mentuemhet. Finds. Statues of guardian-demons.
2. Statue-group, two guardians, one standing, one squatting, black granite, dedicated by deceased, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39274.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Daressy, Statues de divinits 318-19 pl. lx.
Thebes. Tomb 34. Mentuemhet. Finds.
Stamped brick [Leclant, Doc. 36], (probably from here), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxxv, 213 [Doc. 41].
Thebes. Tomb 39. Puimre.
Stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34047 (JE 25792).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 80-2 pl. xxviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 191 [752].
Thebes. Tomb 39. Puimre.
Fragment of painted bas-relief with palms, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43368.
Thebes. Tomb 69. Menna.
Upper part of statue of wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36550.
Encyclopedia lArt pl. 88. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 129 [430].
Thebes. Tomb 71. Senenmut.
Two name-stones of deceased with incised texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66266-7.
Hayes, Ostraka and Name Stones 50-1 pl. xxxi [lxvi, lxxxvi].
Thebes. Tomb 71. Senenmut.
Three name-stones of deceased with painted texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66268-70.
Hayes, Ostraka and Name Stones 49, 51 pls. xxxii [lx], xxxiii [lxxxvii, lxxxviii].
Thebes. Tomb 72. Re.
Coffin of deceased (containing mummy of Ramesses VI), found in Royal tomb 35 (Amenophis II), in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61043 (JE 34566).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales 224-6 pl. lxix.
Thebes. Tomb 87. Minnakht..
i2.179 and pt. 2, xxi
Seat of statue of deceased, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36419.
See Guksch, H. Nacht-Min und Men-cheper-Ra-Seneb 69-70. Text, Rec. de Trav. xvi. 43 [xcii].
Thebes. Tomb 103. Dagi. Burial Chamber.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28024 (JE 25328).
Interior, L. D. ii. 147-8 [a, b], cf. Text iii, 251.; Coffin texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire
i, 56-61; Maspero, Guide (1915), 26-7 [34].
Thebes. Tomb 103. Dagi. Fragments from Walls. Various.
Ostrich, and part of boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48848.
Davies, Five Theban Tombs, 36 pls. xxx [2], xli [lower].
Thebes. Tomb 103. Dagi. Fragments from Walls. Various.
Fragment with spell 219 of Pyramid Texts in hieratic, probably from sarcophagus or stela, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp.
BIFAO 83 (1983), 209-12 pl. xlii and fig.
Thebes. Tomb 146. Nebamun.
Fragment of stela (?) with representations of ushabti of deceased and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34160 (JE 33495).
Northampton etc., Theban Necropolis 32 [22], 33 [43] pl. xxii [43]; Text, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i,
Thebes. Tomb 157. Nebwenenef.
Brick of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Philadelphia photo. 40064.
Thebes. Tomb 219. Nebenmaet. Chapel.
i2.320(1) and pt. 2, xxii
Outer lintel, Anubis jackal crouching, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63645.
Bruyre, Rapport (1933-1934), 118 fig. 53.
Thebes. Tomb 249. Neferronpet.
Fragment of jamb with deceased seated at bottom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Title, Legrain, Rpertoire gnalogique et onomastique du Muse du Caire No. 262.
Thebes. Tomb 253. Khensmosi.
Wooden birth-chair, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56353.
Ann. Serv. lii (1952), 90-1 fig. 8.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre.
Fragments of relief, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Vandersleyen, Das Alte gypten Abb. xxvi [a, b, c]; M.M.A. photos M. C. C. 1, 2.
<Notebook 1955, I, 22>>
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
i2.360 and cf. pt. 2, xix
Two canoes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46715.
Winlock, Models 67-8 [Y], 102-3 pl. 52 cf. 53. See Brief Descr. No. 6085.
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
Boat with paddles, and deceased and son Antef under canopy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46716.
Winlock, Models 59-64 [U] pls. 46, 49 [left] cf. 50, 79, 85-6. See Brief Descr. No. 6086.
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
Sailing-boat with deceased under canopy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46717.
Winlock, Models 59-64 [V], 99-100 pl. 47, V. See Brief Descr. No. 6079.
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
Kitchen tender, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46718.
Winlock, Models 57-8 [R] pls. 40, 42. See Brief Descr. No. 6078.
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
Sailing-boat with wicker cabin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46719.
Winlock, Models 45-57 [P], 94-5 pl. 36.
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
Sailing-boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46720.
Winlock, Models 45-57 [N], 92-3 pls. 33-4, 42. See Brief Descr. No. 6077.
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
House in garden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46721.
Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 132; Winlock, Models 17-19 [A], 83-4 pls. 9, 10, 12 [left]. See Brief Descr. No.
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Carpenters shop, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46722.
Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 133; Winlock, Models 33-5 [J] pls. 28-9. See Brief Descr. No. 6083.
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
Spinning and weaving, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46723.
Winlock, Models 29-33 [H], 88-9 pls. 25-7. See Brief Descr. No. 6084.
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
Inspection of cattle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46724.
Winlock, Models 19-22 [C], 84-6 pls. 6, 13-15. See Brief Descr. No. 6080.
Thebes. Tomb 280. Meketre. Models.
i2.362 and cf. pt. 2, xix
Female offering-bringer with drink, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46725.
Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 134; Winlock, Models 39-41 [K], 90-1 pl. 30 [left]. See Brief Descr. No. 6081.
Thebes. Tomb 300. Anhotp.
Magical brick of wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Silverman, D. P. in Der Manuelian, P. (ed.), Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson ii, 736 fig. 2;
Philadelphia photo. 40287.
Thebes. Tomb 308. Kemsit.
Coffins of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49892.
M.M.A. photos M.7.C. 46-50.
Thebes. Tomb 314. Harhotp.
Sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28023.
Maspero in Mm. Miss. 1, pls. xvii-xviii. Texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 44-56; See
Maspero, Guide (1915), 106-8 [300], fig. 41.
Thebes. Tomb 314. Harhotp.
Fragments from tomb and sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Maspero in Mm. Miss. 1, pls. xi-xvi.
Thebes. Tomb 316. Neferhotep. Dyn. XI.
Offering-table of Nebtiotef and Meryt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47713.
M.M.A. photo. M.4.C. 130.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Tomb 316. Neferhotep. Dyn. XI.
Statues of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47708-9.
M.M.A. Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1923, 20-2 figs. 13, 14.
Thebes. Tomb 316. Neferhotep. Dyn. XI.
Statuette of tattooed dancing girl, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47710.
M.M.A. Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1923, 20-2 fig. 15.
Thebes. Tomb 316. Neferhotep. Dyn. XI.
Fragment of blue faience hippo, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47711.
M.M.A. photo. M.4.C. 218.
Thebes. Tomb 319. Nofru. Blocks from walls.
Head of personified season, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49926.
J.N.E.S. xiii, pl. xix.
Thebes. Tomb 319. Nofru. Blocks from walls.
Two offering-bringers with bags on yoke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49927.
M.M.A. photo. M.7.C. 174.
Thebes. Tomb 319. Nofru. Burial Chamber.
Four ushabti-coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49086, 49088, 49090, 49092.
Thebes. Tomb 324. Hatiay.
Stela, two registers, I, dec. before Osiris, II, three daughters, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34138 (JE
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 188-9 pl. lvii.
Thebes. Tomb 324. Hatiay.
i2. 396
Triple-statuette, deceased, wife, and mother (heads lost), from niche, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Davies and Gardiner, Seven Private Tombs at K. urnah 43 pl. xli [right] (called F. 1965).
Thebes. Tomb 353. Senenmut.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Two shells of Hatshepsut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51835-6.
Dorman, The Tombs of Senenmut 154 [55], 154-5 [57] pls. 91 [c, f-g].
EM TO CHECK. This book was not on shelf 9-6-00 (370.1 Dor), so part of this ref. also refers to shell in
Thebes. Tomb 356. Amenemwia. Finds.
Jambs of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40367.
Texts, Bruyre, Rapport (1928), 118-19 (called 46367).
Thebes. Tomb 358. Queen Ahmosi-Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, wife of Amenophis II. Burial
Fragments of wooden sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55170.
Winlock, The Tomb of Meryet-Amun 21-4 pl. xxvii [D] fig. 8.
Thebes. Tomb 358. Queen Ahmosi-Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, wife of Amenophis II. Burial
Outer coffin, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55171.
Winlock, The Tomb of Meryet-Amun 21-4 pl. xxvii [A-C] fig. 7.
Thebes. Tomb 358. Queen Ahmosi-Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, wife of Amenophis II. Burial
Middle coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53140.
Winlock, The Tomb of Meryet-Amun 21-4 pls. xxii-xxvi, frontispiece. See Brief Descr. No. 6150.
Thebes. Tomb 358. Queen Ahmosi-Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, wife of Amenophis II. Burial
Inner coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53141.
Winlock, The Tomb of Meryet-Amun 21-4 pls. xxviii-xxi figs. 5, 6. See Brief Descr. No. 6151.
Thebes. Tomb 383. Mermosi.
Stela, upper part, deceased adoring Osiris and Western Hathor, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34139 (JE 25451).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 189-90 pl. lvii.
Thebes. Tomb 386. Antef. Temp. Mentuhotp Nebhetpetre.
Statue of deceased, sandstone, found in burial pit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 89858, 91169.
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 70 fig.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

<<See American Research Center Newsletter, li (March 1964), 13-14. >>
Thebes. TT 386. Antef. Temp. Mentuhotep Nebhepetre.
Statue base with name and title of Antef, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91170.
Arnold, Di. and Settgast, J. in MDAIK xx (1965), 60 pl. xix [a]. See Rummel, U. Meeting the Past. 100
Years in Egypt. German Archaeological Institute Cairo 1907-2007 (2007), 158.

Volume i2 Part 2
Thebes. Royal Tomb 8. Merneptah.
Four alabaster vases of Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46706, JE 46709-11.
Carter MSS. i. C. 169-73, 187-90, 193-200.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 8. Merneptah.
Two alabaster vases of Rameses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46708, JE 46712.
Carter MSS. i. C. 183-4, 201-3. JE 46712, Freed, Ramesses the Great 200 [65] fig.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 8. Merneptah.
One alabaster vase with hieratic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46707.
Carter MSS. i. C. 174-6, 180-2, 185-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.
Sarcophagus, red granite (as King), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37678 (also JE 52459).
Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst pls. xi, xii; Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer pl. 37 [a]; Maspero, Guide (1915),
173 [620] fig. 59.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.
Canopic-box of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38072.
Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst pl. xiii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.
Vase, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst pls. xiv [1].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Vase-fragment of Ahmosi Nefertere and Tuthmosis I, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst 106 fig. 1.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.
Vases, alabaster, of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55610-12, JE 55614-16.
Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst figs. 5, 7 (all except JE 55614).
Thebes. Royal tomb 20. Hatshepsut.
Three henu-vases of Hatshepsut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55609, 55613 and Temp.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 20. Hatshepsut.
15 blocks, with texts of Book of Imi-Duat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Johnson, G. B. in KMT 3 [4] (1992), 69, 72, 78 figs. on 80. See Davies, etc. Tomb of Htshopst 80.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 22. Amenophis III.
Box of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 3480.
Texts, Mariette, Monuments divers recueillis en gypte et en Nubie pl. 36 [a]; Legrain, Rpertoire No. 239.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 22. Amenophis III.
Fragments of another box (perhaps from same as preceding), round near Tomb 36, wood, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 36400.
See Carter in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 46.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 23. Ay.
Sarcophagus, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72131.
Eaton-Krauss, M. The Sarcophagus in the Tomb of Tutankhamun 5-8 fig. 3. Sketch, Hamza in Ann. Serv. xl
(1941), 542 pl. lvi [6]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 175-6 [624].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 23. Ay.
Fragment from sarcophagus (see previous), with winged goddess and prenomen, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. (formerly in Brit. Mus. EA 1002).
Wilkinson MSS. xl, 150 [bottom].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue (as statuette in Bibl.) of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24901 (JE 32246).
Daressy, Fouilles 281 pl. lv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Vase of wife Merytre Hatshepsut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24941 (JE 32271).
Texts, Daressy, Fouilles 290.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Faience plaques, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24917-19 (JE 32232 a, b, c).
Daressy, Fouilles 284 (Nos. 24917-19) pl. lv (CG 24917-18).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Sandstone fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24920 (JE 32223).
Text, Daressy, Fouilles 284-5 No. 24920.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Alabaster false vases, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24924-7 (JE 32230, 32258, 32229, 32606).
Daressy, Fouilles 285-6 Nos. 24924-7 pl. lvi (JE 24925-6).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Faience wands, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24933 (JE 32275, 32282, 32290, 32293).
Text, Daressy, Fouilles 288 No. 24933.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Boxes, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24937-8 (JE 32283, 32287, 32279).
Daressy, Fouilles 289 Nos. 24937-8 pl. lvi (CG 24937).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Small alabaster vase, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24942 (JE 32272).
Text, Daressy, Fouilles 290 No. 24942.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Fragment of sledge of Sennedjem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24965.
See Carter MSS. i. A.18; Daressy, Fouilles 293-4.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue of swan, wooden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24914 (JE 32239, 32274, 32284, 32277,
Daressy, Fouilles 283 pl. lv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 34. Tuthmosis III.
Model tools, bronze, from foundation deposit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24930 (JE 32231, 32233).
See Daressy, Fouilles 286-8.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Sarcophagus Chamber H.
Canopic box, alabaster, with human-headed lids, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 5029-30.
Daressy, Fouilles 243-4 pl. l. See Reisner, Canopics 403-4.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.
Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61035 (JE 34559).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxi (lid).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.
Merneptah-Siptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61038 (JE 34563).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxi
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.
Sethos II, (lid usurped from Amenophis III), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61036-7 (JE 34560-1).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxi.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.
Setnakht, cartonnage coffin, and fragment of wooden coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61039,
61044 (JE 34562, 34565).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxii (cartonnage).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.
Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61040 (JE 34560).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxiii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.
Ramesses IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61041 (JE 34567).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. lxiv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Cache. Coffins concealed here.
i2.555 See Theb. tb. 72
Re, containing mummy of Ramesses VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61043.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statues of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24598-605 (JE 32305, 32422, 32701, 32628,
32510, 32346, 32440).
Daressy, Fouilles 155-7 Nos. 24598-602, pl. xxxi (CG 24598, 24600, 24602. See Maspero, Guide (1915),
386 [3766 A-E].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Fragment of statue of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24635 (JE 32496).
Daressy, Fouilles 164 pl. xxxv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Fragment of statue of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24650.
Text, Daressy, Fouilles 167.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue group, fragments, [Amenophis II] purified by Horus and Thoth, with (perhaps) name of
Hatshepsut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24157 (JE 32411, 32523, 32674).
Daressy, Fouilles 79 pl. xxxiii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of Horus, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24606.
Daressy, Fouilles 157 No. 24606 pl. xxxii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of Ptah, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24607 (JE 32511, 32522).
Daressy, Fouilles 157-8 No. 24607 pl. xxxii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of Osiris, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24608 (JE 32441).
Daressy, Fouilles 158 No. 24608 pl. xxxii.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of Osiris, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24609 (JE 32501).
See Daressy, Fouilles 158 No. 24609.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of Osiris, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24610 (JE 32410).
See Daressy, Fouilles 158
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of Anubis or Duamutf, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24611 (JE 32471).
Daressy, Fouilles 158 pl. xxxii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of Osiris, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24616 (JE 32368).
See Daressy, Fouilles 159.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of Osiris, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24617 (JE 32702).
See Daressy, Fouilles 159-60.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of deity wearing atef-crown, carrying two vases, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24618 (JE
Daressy, Fouilles 160 pl. xxxiii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of mummiform deity, hollowed to contain papyrus, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24619
(JE 32475).
Daressy, Fouilles 160 pl. xxxiii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of seated mummiform loin-headed deity, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24620 (JE
Daressy, Fouilles 160 pl. xxxiii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statues of uraeus and Neith as serpent, wooden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24628-9 (JE 32409,
32408, 32438, 32530).
Daressy, Fouilles 162-3 pl. xxxv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 384 [3764 D].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Leather mummy-wrapping, Setnakht, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24737 (JE 32596).
See Daressy, Fouilles de la Valle des Rois 182-3; Maspero, Guide (1915), 406 [3871].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of panther wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24621 (JE 32632, 32531).
Daressy, Fouilles 160 No. 24621 pl. xxxiv. Maspero, Guide (1915), 386-7 [3766, F, G], fig. 114.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Statue of panther, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24622 (JE 32494).
Daressy, Fouilles pp. 161 No. 24622 pl. xxxiv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Part of head from statue of panther, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24623 (JE 32656).
See Daressy, Fouilles 161 No. 24623.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Fragments of statues of panther, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24624 (JE 32531, 32549, 32557,
32598-9, 32657).
See Daressy, Fouilles 161 No. 24624.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Magical bricks with statues of Anubis jackal and two others, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24101-4 (JE
32370, 32371).
Daressy, Fouilles 63-4 pl. xviii (CG 24101-2).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Sticks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24111-13, 24119 (JE 32583, 32896, 32360 a, b, 32499).
See Daressy, Fouilles 65-8 pl. xix (CG 24119). CG 24112, text, Helck, Urk iv, 1368 (406, 2).
CG 24113, 24119, Helck Urk iv, 1364 (400, 7), 1362-3 (400, 1).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Bow, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24120 (JE 32612).
Daressy, Fouilles 68-9 pl. xix.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Four model boats, with scenes on sides, one reconstructed from fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 4944-6, 5037 (JE 32219, 32217-18, 36688).
Daressy, Fouilles 239-43, 246-7 pls. xliii-l. See Reisner, Model Ships 96-9, 114.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Clay sealings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 11494-6 (JE 32342, 32341).
Daressy, Fouilles 277-8 pl. xlvii; Quibell, Archaic Objects 102 pl. 18.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Faience vases, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3859-3943.
Daressy, Fouilles pp. 218-33, 236-9. Some pls. xlvi, xlvii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Faience boxes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3945-62.
Daressy, Fouilles 218-33, 236-9 pls. xlvi, xlvii (some).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Magical wands, faience and wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24331-47.
Daressy, Fouilles 115-18 pl. xxvii (some).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Fragment of box with hieratic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24678.
See Daressy, Fouilles 173.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Glass vases, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24801-2, 24804.
Daressy, Fouilles 201-2 pl. xliv (CG 24804).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
False vase, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24857 (JE 32700).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Daressy, Fouilles 211 pl. xlv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Alabaster vases and lids, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24862-74.
Daressy, Fouilles 213-15.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Naos lids, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24313-29.
Daressy, Fouilles 111-14 pl. xlvi (CG 24313, 24329). Texts of CG 24313, 24321, 24326-7, Helck, Urk iv.
1364 (400, 3-6).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 35. Amenophis II. Finds.
Canopic jar of son Webensennu, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 5031.
Lilyquist, C. in JARCE 30 (1993), 112 fig. 10. Text, Daressy, Fouilles 244. Name and titles, Legrain,
Rpertoire on 183.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.
Sarcophagus, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24001 (JE 33833).
Daressy, Fouilles 1-3 pl. i. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 394 [3800, 3800 A].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.
Three coffins, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24002-4 (JE 33833, 33831, 33830).
Daressy, Fouilles 4-8 pl. ii (CG 24003-4). See Maspero, Guide (1915), 396 [3819, 3821].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.
Cartonnage mask, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24096.
Daressy, Fouilles 57 pl. xvi.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.
Canopic box on sledge, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24005 (JE 33829).
Daressy, Fouilles 8-11 pl. iii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 395 [3818].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.
Four canopic jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24006 (JE 33780).
Daressy, Fouilles 11-12 pl. iv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 396 [3823, A-D].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.
Mummy-cloth with cartouche of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24099.
Text, Daressy, Fouilles 58.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.
Faience bowl with gazelle, fish, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24058 (JE 33825).
Daressy, Fouilles 24 pl. vi.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 36. Mahirper. Temp. Hatshepsut. Finds.
Two leather dog-collars, one with name of dog and hunting-scenes, the other with horses, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 24075-6 (JE 33777, 33774).
Daressy, Fouilles 33-4 pl. xi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 395 [3802, 3809].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Walls. Book of Imi-Duat, 7th and 8th divisions. Fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Myliwiec, Studien zum Gott Atum i, 183 [15] Taf. xix, xx.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Walls, Book of Imi-Duat, 12th division. Fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24990
(JE 33863).
Daressy, Fouilles 303-4 and on pl. lvii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Sarcophagus, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52344.
Hayes, Royal Sarcophagi 52-4, 104-10, 163-5, 184-204 [E] pl. vii. See Daressy, Fouilles 303-4; Maspero,
Guide (1915), 172 [619].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Canopic-box, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36416.
Winlock in J.E.A. xv, 58 pl. xiv [upper].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Alabaster jar of the King, dedicated by Tuthmosis II, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 24976 (JE 33864).
Text, Daressy, Fouilles 300.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 38. Tuthmosis I. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Three alabaster jars of the King, two dedicated by Tuthmosis II, and one by Hatshepsut, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 55608, 55617.
Davis, Tomb of Htshopst 108-9 figs. 3, 4, 6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 42. Tuthmosis II.
Foundation-deposits of Merytre Hatshepsut, wife of Tuthmosis III, three alabaster vases, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Gunn Notebook 45a, p. 47.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Foundation-deposit, found in situ, vases (one, CG 46004, usurped from Hatshepsut), tools, and faience
plaques, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46001-19.
See Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 1-4 pl. ii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 382-3 [3730-8].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Canopic box of the King, alabaster, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46041.
Lilyquist, C. in JARCE 30 (1993), 115 fig. 13. See Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 8 [8].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Canopic jar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46036.
See Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 6 [2].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Three canopic jars of son Amenemhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46037-9.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 6-7 [3-6] pl. iii [right] (CG 46037). CG 46037-8, Lilyquist, C. in JARCE
30 (1993), 116 figs. 11-12.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Canopic jar of daughter Tentamun, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46040.
Text, Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 7 [7].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Statuettes of the King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46046-50.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 11-12 pl. v.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Chariot, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46097.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 24-33 figs. pls. ix-xii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 273-4 [3000] fig. 97.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Wooden panels from sides of throne. Fragments of back, with sma-symbol, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 46096.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 23 pl. viii [lower].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Stone vases, some of Tuthmosis III and IV and Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 46071-94.
See Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 16-19.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Cylindrical vases, faience, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46203-25.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 58-67 pls. xvii, xviii, xix [left], xx [left].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Hes-vases, faience, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46226-82.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 68-81 pls. xxi, xxii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Libation vase, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46323.
See Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 93 [5].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Other vases, faience, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46329-55.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 95-101 pl. xxiii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Four magical bricks with emblems, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46042-5.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 9-10 pl. iv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Box and axe-handle, fragments, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46127-8.
Cartouches, Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 41.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Fragments fan-handle, with King in boat, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46095.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 22-3 pl. viii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Panther, probably support for statuette, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46066.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 15 pl. vi.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Throw-sticks, faience, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46404-18.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 110-13 pl. xxv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Garment of Amenophis II, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46526.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 143-4 pl. i.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Ushabti-coffins, etc., faience, some inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46181-95.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 53-5 pl. xv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Linen with Horus-name of Amenophis III, two fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46527-8.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 144 pl. xxviii (called Tuthmosis III).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 43. Tuthmosis IV. Finds.
Clay sealing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46159.
Carter, Tomb of Thoutmsis IV, 44 fig. 40.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Sarcophagus of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51001.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 1-3 pl. i. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 374 [3668].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Outermost (second) coffin of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51002.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 4-5 pl. ii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 373-4 [3667].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Middle (third) coffin of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51003.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 5-10 pls. iii-iv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 373, 374 [3666].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Innermost (fourth) coffin of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51004.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 10-17 pls. iii-vi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 374-5 [3669].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Mask of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51008.
D. C. F[orbes] in KMT 7 [2] (1996), 41-2 figs. on 40-1, 43 [right], front cover [right]. See Quibell, Tomb
of Yuaa and Thuiu 28; Maspero, Guide (1915), 372 [3640].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Canopic box of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51012.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 30-2 pl. xiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3694].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Ushabti-boxes of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51041, 51043-4, 51053.
Two boxes, Osman, A. Stranger in the Valley of the Kings 2nd [lower] pl. after 64. Texts of all, Quibell,
Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 39-41.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Wooden boxes of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51115-16.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 55-6 pl. xliv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Staff and whip-handle of Yuia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51132-3.
See Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 59.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Model coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51054.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 41 pl. xix.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Model vases, two sets of four, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51102-3.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 48 pls. xxiv-v.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Wooden statuette from magical brick, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51035.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 38 pl. xviii [left].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.
Wooden sarcophagus, on sledge, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51005.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 17-20 pls. vii-viii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 381 [3705].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.
Second and third coffins of Thuiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51006-7.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 20-8 pls. ix-xii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3704], 375 [3671].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.
Mask of Thuiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51009 (JE 95254).
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 28 pl. xiii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 379-80 [3685].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.
Canopic box of Thuiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51013.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 22-3 pls. xv-xvi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3695].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.
Canopic jars of Thuiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51018-21.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 34-5 pl. xvi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3690-3].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Thuiu.
Sistrum-handle of Thuiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51174.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 63 pl. l.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Chair of Teye, with Bes and Tueris on sides, and boat containing Princess Sitamun offering bouquet to
the Queen (cat under chair) and princess, on back, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51112.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 52-3 pls. xxxv-vii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 376 [3673].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
Chair of Princess Sitamun, with Tueris, Bes dancing holding knives and tambourines, and concubines
bring gold rings, on sides, Hathor-heads in front of arms, and double-scene on back, necklaces offered to
the Princess, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51113.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 53-4 pls. xxxviii-xliii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 375-6 [3672] fig. 111.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
Chair with ibexes, Bes, and two figures of Tueris, on sides and back, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 51111.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 52 pls. xxxii-iv; Maspero, Guide (1915), 376-7 [3764] fig. 112.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
Bed with Bes panels, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51109.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 50-1 pls. xxviii-xxx.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
Bed with Bes and Tueris panels, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51110.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 51 pl. xxxi
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
Jewel-box of Amenophis III and Teye, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51118.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 56-7 pls. xlvi-vii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 378 [3678].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
Jewel-box of Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51117.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 56 pls. xlv, xlvii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 378 [3677].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
Box of Amenophis III and Teye, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51114.
Davis, Tomb of Iouiya and Touiyou pl. xi; See Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 54-5.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Vase of Amenophis III and Teye, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51104.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 48-9 pl. xxvi [left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 373 [3652-3].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
Kohl-tube of Amenophis III, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51175.
Davis, Tomb of Iouiya and Touiyou 34 pl. xliii [bottom right]. See Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 63.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
Vase of Taemwazes, pottery in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51083.
Davis, Tomb of Iouiya and Touiyou pl. xxviii [middle]. See Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 45-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Other objects.
Clay seal of Ramesses III, attached to linen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51179.
See Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 64.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 47. Merneptah-Siptah.
Wooden fragment (possibly adze) of the Kings mother Queen Tia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 38778.
Aldred in JEA xlix (1963), 42-3 fig. 2. See Davis, etc. Tomb of Siphtah 13 (called Thiy).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV.
Coffin lid made for Amenophis IV [by Nefertiti], in Cairo Mus. JE 39627.
Davis, etc. Tomb of Queen Tyi 16-19 pl. xxx. Lid see, Maspero, Guide (1915), 407 [3873].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV.
Restored case from coffin of Smenkhkare, formerly in Koutoulakis colln., then in Munich, Staatliche
Sammlung gyptischer Kunst, now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ares, N. in Revista de Arqueologa xxiii [253] (2002), 35-6 fig. on 35 [upper].

Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV.

Three canopic jars [A-C], anonymous, originally probably made for Kiya and later re-used for Amenophis
IV, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39635-7.
Davis, etc. Tomb of Queen Tyi 24-5 pls. vii-ix [except upper left], xi, xiii-xv, xvii-xix . See Maspero Guide
(1915), 370 [3610-12].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Shrine, made for Teye by Amenophis IV, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57175.
Davis, etc. Tomb of Queen Tyi 13-15 pls. xxiii, xxvii-ix, xxxi-iii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV. Finds.
Four magical bricks with text of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Davis, etc. Tomb of Queen Tyi 10, 26-7 pl. 22.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.
Gold diadem with cartouches of Tausert and Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52644
(JE 39674).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 204 pl. xli. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 441 [4192].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.
Ear pendants of Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52397-8 (JE 39675).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 137-8 pl. xxviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 441.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.
Ear-ring of Queen Tausert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52331.
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 119-20 pl. xxvi.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.
Pair of silver bracelets, with scenes of Tausert before Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 52577-8 (JE 39688).
Davis, etc. Tomb of Siptah 39-40 [15] 9th and 10th pls.; Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 184-5 pl. xx. See
Maspero, Guide (1915), 442 [4197-8].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.
Gold plaques with cartouches of Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52684.
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 227-8 pl. lvi [C].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.
Vase of Sethos II, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39712.
Davis, etc. Tomb of Siphtah 45 [i] 21st pl. [left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3701].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 56. Gold Tomb.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Alabaster vases of Ramesses II and Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39713-18.
Davis, etc. Tomb of Siphtah 31-2, 45-6 [ii, iii] 22nd pl. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 380 [3700,
Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Fragments of wooden coffin or sledge, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 24912.
Text, Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 97 [l].
<<this number probably wrong>>
Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Canopic box of the King, alabaster, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 97-100 [3] pl. lxxiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915),
398-9 [3839].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Heads of canopic jars of the King, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46809, 46826, 55369.
Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 100 [4] pls. lxxv, lxxvi.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Two statues of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46888, 46944.
Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 101-2 [6, 7] pl. lxxix (one statue). See Maspero,
Guide (1915), 398 [3834, 3834 A].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Base of another, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55331.
See Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 103 [11].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Wooden seated statuette of Harpocrates (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55351.
Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 102 [9[ pl. lxxx.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Lion libation-altar of the King, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46867.
Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 100-1 [5] pl. lxxviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 399

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Wooden panther, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55368.
Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 103 [14] pl. lxxxii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Wooden dovetail with cartouche, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55321.
See Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 97 [2].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Remains of two magical bricks with hieratic texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46817, 46832.
See Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 106 [29].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 57. Haremhab.
Three wooden plaques, one with remains of winged gods, possibly of Assyrian origin, one with name of
Hapi, and one with a cartouche, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46853-5.
Davis, etc., Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 107 [33] fig. 1 (JE 46853).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Corridor. Entrance.
Sealings (4), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Burton photos. 274, 276-9, 282.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Antechamber. Entrance.
Sealings (13), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Carter i, 95.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Annexe. Entrance.
Sealings (171), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Burton photos. 275, 294, 296.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Sealings of entrance (28), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Burton photos. 283, 288
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Ka-statue of the King (22), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60707.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Burton photos. 280, 292-3, 320-1, 491-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Ka-statue of the king (29), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60708.
Burton photos. 280, 292-3, 497, 499-500\2, 652-5.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Magical brick with Osiris figure, from niche (257), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61378.
Burton photo. 884a.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Magical brick with Anubis-dog, from niche (258), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61376.
Burton photo. 884.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Magical brick with ushabti-like figure, from niche (259), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61377.
Burton photo. 884b.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Magical brick with djad emblem, from niche (260), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61379.
Burton photo. 884c.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.
First outermost shrine (207), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60664.
Burton photos. 592a, 602-9, 611, 613, 629-30, 634, 637, 1543.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.
Framework for pall (208), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60665.
Burton photos. 611-12, 618-20, 1911-13.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.
Pall (209), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62745.
Burton photos. 611, 614-17, 621-3.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Second shrine (237), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60666.
Burton photos. 625-8, 632a, 1571, 1588, 1619, 1716, 1920-7.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.
Seal from door of second shrine (237a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60666.
Burton photos. 612, 624.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.
Third shrine (238), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60667.
Burton photos. 632-33b, 642, 1717, 1928-32 .
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.
Seal from door of third shrine (238a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60667.
Burton photos. 631, 631\2, 703-4a.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sarcophagus Chamber. Four wooden shrines.
Fourth innermost shrine (239), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60668.
Burton photos. 638-38b, 640-1, 643, 1723-5, 1933.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.
Bier, gilt, with lions heads and feet (253a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60669.
Burton photo. 885.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.
Middle coffin, wooden (254), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60670.
Burton photos. 717-21, 723-6, 730-30\3, 1568, 1589-90, 1852-4.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.
Inner coffin, gold (255), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60671.
Burton photos. 719c-d, 731, 731\4, 740-40c, 743, 770, 770\3, 1589, 1712, 1712\2, 1760, 1855-60.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.
Mask gold (256a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60672.
Burton photos. 744, 749-55, 757-62, 1545, 1616-18, 1620, 1699, 1700.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Trappings (256b(3)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60673.
Burton photos. 1909-10, 2003.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.
Girdle, sheet gold (256l), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60677.
Burton photos. 875-7, 2013.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.
Girdle, sheet gold (256ee), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60676.
Burton photos. 875-7.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.
Diadem, gold (256,4,o), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60684.
Burton photos. 825-31, 1892-3.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Coffins.
Dagger, gold, and sheath with lions and gazelle (256dd), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61584.
Burton photos. 869, 872-4, 1865.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.
Canopic-canopy on sledge, wooden (266), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60686.
Burton photos. 1144, 1151, 1552.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.
Canopic-shrine, with statues of goddesses, etc. (266a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60686.
Burton photos. 938b-g, 1144-50, 1550, 1552, 1849-50.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.
Canopic-chest, alabaster, goddesses at corners (266b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60687.
Burton photos. 1151-3, 1155-9, 1166a, 1835-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.
Canopic-jars, head of King as lids, alabaster (266c-f), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60687.
Burton photos. 1160-3, 1837-42.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.
Four miniature coffins, usurped from Smenkhkare (266g), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 60688-91.
Burton photos. 1164-6, 1554-5, 1701, 1708, 1718-19, 1750, 1752-9, 1843-8.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.
Anubis-jackal on portable pylon (261), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61444.
Burton photos. 1110-12, 1113\2, 1117-19.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Additional objects.
Inscribed linen (from Anubis-shrine) (261a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62706.
Burton photo. 1480a.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Wooden head of young king in lotus-flower (8), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60723.
Burton photos. 479-80, 1705, 1745, 1879-81.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Statuette of the King, wood, with stick (275b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60712.
Burton photos. 999, 1607, 1951.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Statuette of the King, wood, with stick (275d), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60713.
Burton photos. 1006-6a, 1055, 1952.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Statuette of the King, wood, with stick (296b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60711.
Burton photos. 1016, 1709, 1953.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Statuette of the King, harpooning on reed-float, wood (275c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 60709.
Burton photos. 999-99a, 1004-4a.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statuette of the King harpooning on reed-float, wood (275e), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 60710.
Burton photo. 999.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Statuette of the King on black panther (289a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60714.
Davison, The Splendors of Egypt pl. on 19 (only ref., book not in G.I. Library).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Statuette of the King on black panther (289b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60715.
Burton photos. 1010, 1010c, 1519, 1707, 1785.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Statuette of a King (Amenophis IV?), blue glass (54ff), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60718.
Burton photos. 323, 1217.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Statuette of a King (Amenophis IV?), limestone (54ee), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60719.
Burton photos. 322, 324.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Statuette of a King (Amenophis IV?), glazed stone (54vv), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60717.
Burton photo. 324.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of the King.
Bust, used as mannequin (116), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60722.
Burton photos. 43, 325-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Chariot (120), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61989.
Burton photos. 43, 517-28, 532-3.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Chariot (121), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61991.
Burton photos. 43, 1775.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Hawk, wood, gesso and gilt, from Chariot 121 (112), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61991d.
Burton photo. 516.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Chariot (122), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61990.
Burton photos. 535-42a.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Pair of blinkers (122i), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61990h.
Burton photos. 544, 1780.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Pair of blinkers (122j), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61990i.
Burton photos. 555, 1780.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Pair of blinkers (122k), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61990h.
Burton photos. 556, 1780.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Harness, embossed sheet gold (122v), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Burton photo. 1197a.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Five incised strips of wood, part of chariot (?) (150), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61998.
Burton photos. 529, 559.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Hawk, wooden, gesso and gilt (157=120f), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61989d.
Burton photo. 561.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Hawk, wooden, gesso and gilt (160=122f), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61990d.
Burton photos. 573-4.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Chariot (161), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61993.
Littauer and Crouwel, Chariots 26-7 [A4] with pls. xxx-xxxii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Chariot (332), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61994.
Littauer and Crouwel, Chariots 53-5 [A5] with pls. liv, lv; Burton photo. 1498.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Chariots.
Chariot (333), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61992.
Littauer and Crouwel, Chariots 55-7 [A6] with pls. lvi-lix.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Couch with hippopotamus-heads (137), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62012.
Burton photos. 15, 166, 1540\2.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Couch with Hathor-cow heads (73), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62013.
Burton photos. 513-15.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Couch, with lion-heads (35), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62011.
Burton photos. 512, 512a.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Bed, ebony, with Bes and Tueris panels, etc. (47), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62016.
Burton photos. 23, 63-5.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Bed, ebony, with Bes and Turis panels, etc. (377), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62015.
Burton photo. 1288.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Bed, gilt and ebony, with floral decoration (466), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62014.
Burton photos. 1285-6.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Folding bed (586), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62018.
Burton photos. 1287, 1479-79a.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Head-rest, with Bes on each side of base, wood (101o), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62025.
Burton photo. 195.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Head-rest, blue glass with text (403a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62022.
Burton photos. 200a, 1565.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Head-rest, blue faience, with cartouche (403b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62021.
Burton photos. 1092a, 1535, 1728, 1884.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Head-rest, ivory, with Shu and lions (403c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62020.
Burton photos. 1236-8, 1736, 1862-3.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Head-rest, ivory, with Bes-heads (403d), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62023.
Burton photos. 1239, 1703-4.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Throne, with scene on back of seat (91), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62028.
Burton photos. 154, 154a, 154h, 155-64.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Footstool (to throne 91), with prostrate captives (90), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62046.
Burton photos. 357-8.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Chair, cedarwood, with Heh-figure, etc. (87), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62029.
Burton photos. 147-53.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Ceremonial folding chair, ebony and ivory (351), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62030.
Burton photos. 1289-91, 1720-2, 1729, 1863.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Footstool with captives (378), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62045.
Burton photos. 1290-90a.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Chair, white wood, with hawk on back (349), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62032.
Burton photos. 1293, 1734, 1737-8, 1851.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Stool, four-legged, wood, painted white and gold (467), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62038.
Burton photos. 1295, 1957-8.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Child's chair, ebony, with ivory panels (39), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62033.
Burton photos. 143-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Chair-seat, with captives (457), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62034.
Burton photo. 1325.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Stool, four-legged, wood (78), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62039.
Burton photos. 351, 2022.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Stool, three-legged, with bound lions, etc. (412), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62043.
Burton photos. 1294, 1532-3, 1670.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Footstool, wooden, with captives (30), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62047.
Burton photos. 345-6, 2018.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Footstool, wooden, with captives (88), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62048.
Burton photos. 355-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Footstool, wood, with captives (511), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62044.
Burton photos. 1305, 1732, 1877.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Furniture.
Hassock, beadwork, with captives (354), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62056.
Burton photos. 1217, 1740.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, wooden, with painted scenes (21), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61467.
Burton photos. 76, 78-87, 1468, 1611, 1807-18.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, wood and ivory, with painted scenes (540), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61477.
Burton photos. 1298, 1465, 1467, 1467b, 1831.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Lid of box 540, wood and ivory (551), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61477.
Burton photos. 1465, 1467, 1467a, 1467c-e, 1467e(a),1831.
Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, faience and gilt panels, with Heh-figures (44), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61476.
Burton photos. 101-7, 1220a-d, 1684, 1751.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, cedarwood and ivory, with carrying-poles (32), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61445.
Burton photos. 88-94, 1223, 1557.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, painted alabaster, with floral decoration (40), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61466.
Burton photos. 95-7, 1220-1.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, for jewels, ivory, with Horus-name of King (54ddd), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61449.
Burton photos. 123-7.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box for linen, vaulted, ebony and painted wood (101), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61468.
Burton photos. 137-40, 171.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, on tall legs, ebony and cedar (403), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61446.
Burton photos. 1307, 1587, 1702, 1766.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, on tall legs, ebony and cedar (388), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61447.
Burton photos. 1308, 1832.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Piece of board, belonging to lid 537 of box 388 (386), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61447.
Burton photos. 1546, 1833.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, wood and ebony, cartouche-shaped (269), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61490.
Burton photos. 1176a-81.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, cedarwood and ivory, with 16 compartments (271), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61458.
Burton photos. 987a-c, 1109, 1765, 1827.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box for playthings, with automatic lock (585), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61456.
Burton photos. 1302-3, 1764.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box for the King's headwear (lid = 615) (547), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61457.
Burton photos. 1309-10.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Lid of box 547 (615), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61457.
Burton photos. 1299, 1309.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box for perfume, in form of double-cartouche, gold (240bis), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 61496.
Burton photos. 713-16, 987, 1749, 1826.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, ebony and red wood veneer, semicircular (79), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61495.
Burton photos. 133-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Lid of box 79, ebony and red wood, semicircular (574), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61495.
Burton photos. 1300-1.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, inlaid, with four compartments (268), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61461.
Burton photos. 1098-99, 1100, 1824.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, rectangular, wood (546), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61450.
See Killen, G. Ancient Egyptian Furniture ii, 69.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Lid of box 546, with cartouches, wood (550), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61450.
See Killen, G. Ancient Egyptian Furniture ii, 69.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Fragments of box with cartouche of Smenkhkare (1k), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61500 A, B.
Burton photos. 167-8, 1806.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box-lid, glass, with Princess Neferneferure (54hh), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61498.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Burton photos. 122, 175.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box-panel, with geese and flower decoration (620(121)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61499.
Burton photo. 1297.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Boxes.
Box, hinged, wooden (50), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61454.
Burton photos. 108-11.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Alabaster cup with lotus-flowers and Heh-figures (14), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62125.
Burton photos. 455-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase for perfume, alabaster, with Nile-gods (210), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62114.
Burton photos. 667-72, 1660.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Jar for cosmetics, alabaster, with lion on lid (211), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62119.
Burton photos. 660-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, alabaster, held by standing Nile-god (360), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62113.
Burton photos. 1323, 1615, 1651-2.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, alabaster (58), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62115.
Burton photo. 469.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, alabaster, on stand (60), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62118.
Burton photos. 470, 475-7, 1641.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Vase, alabaster, on papyrus and lotus stand (61), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62117.
Burton photos. 471, 475-7, 1641.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, alabaster, on stand (57), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62116.
Burton photos. 468, 475-7, 1641.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, with cartouches of the King and Queen (367d), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62256.
Text Corpus 175.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase for ointment, alabaster, lion-shaped (579), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62124.
Burton photos. 1216, 1254, 1526, 1650.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase for oil, alabaster, in form of ibex (584), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62122.
Burton photos. 1255, 1614, 1658-9.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, openwork (420), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62121.
Burton photos. 1256, 1642-3, 1655-6.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase for oil, cartouches (520), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62123.
Burton photos. 1527, 1676-7.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, with cartouches (385), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62132.
Burton photos. 1743, 1748.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Lamp, alabaster, with scene, King and Queen (173), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62111.
Burton photos. 657-57b, 659-59d.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Jar, alabaster, of Tuthmosis III, of 14 hin (404), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62164.
Burton photos. 1263, 2023.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Jar, alabaster, of Tuthmosis IV, of 16 hin (410), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62131.
Burton photo. 1261.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Jar, alabaster, of Amenophis III and Teye (588), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62144.
Burton photos. 1520, 1746.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Jar of Amenophis III, alabaster (483), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62143.
Burton photos. 1536, 1744.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Drinking cup, blue faience (54n), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62257.
Text Corpus 28.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Cup, blue glaze (54t), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62262.
Burton photos. 177-8.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Cup, blue glaze (54u), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62263.
Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamun fig. on 200 [middle, upper left].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Wine cup, blue faience (54qq(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62259.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Wine cup, green faience (54rr(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62265.
Text Corpus 29.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase of king, faience (31), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62252.
Burton photo.173.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Cosmetic vase, faience (54ccc), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62248.
Burton photos. 176, 181.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, green faience (54w), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62249.
Burton photos. 176, 181.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, blue faience (63), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62253.
Burton photos. 183.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Unguent vase, faience (399a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62247.
Burton photo. 1280.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase of Queen Ankhesenamun, faience (25), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62250.
Burton photo. 172.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Ewer, blue faience (54z), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62204.
Burton photos. 179, 182.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Ewer, blue faience (54aa), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62205.
Burton photos. 179, 182.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Ewer, blue faience (54oo), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62203.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Ewer, dark blue faience (54bbb), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62202.
Echnaton och Nefertiti (Stockholm 1976), No. 66 with pl. 63.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Bowl with cartouche, wooden (44s), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62437.
Burton photo. 226.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Hes-vase, blue faience (620(31)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62240.
Burton photo. 1280.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, with razed inscription of Amenophis IV and Smenkhkare (405), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Burton photos. 1271, 1747, 1980.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Vases and lamps.
Vase, with razed inscription of Amenophis IV and Smenkhkare (448), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Text Corpus 185.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Bow-case, with hunting-scenes (335), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61502.
Burton photos. 1120-6, 1472, 1511, 1582, 1584-6, 1612-13.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (48f), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61545.
Burton photos. 484-5, 487.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (48g(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61524.
Text Corpus 22.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Composite-bow (48g(2)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61520.
Text Corpus 21-2.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (48h), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61517.
Burton photos. 484-8.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow, with string round neck of captive (48i(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61544.
Burton photo. 484.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (48i(2)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61537.
Text Corpus 22.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (48j(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61525.
Burton photos. 484, 486, 488.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (48j(2)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61533.
Text Corpus 23.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (48k(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61526.
Burton photos. 484, 486, 488.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (48k(2)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61523.
Text Corpus 23.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (77b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61519.
Text Corpus 31.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Composite-bow (135z), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61527.
Text Corpus 60.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (153), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61522.
Text Corpus 62.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (370gg), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61521.
Burton photos 1209, 1996-7.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Composite-bow (370kk), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61538.
Text Corpus 176.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Archer's guards, leather (619), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61658-60, 61664.
Burton photo. 1200.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Shield, cheetah-skin, cartouches (488a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61581.
Burton photo. 1629.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Shield, antelope-skin with cartouches (492), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61580.
Burton photo. 1630.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Shield, cheetah-skin (545), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61582.
Burton photo. 1204.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Shield, cheetah-skin (566), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61583.
Burton photo. 1628.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Shield, King in heb-sed ceremony (488b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61578.
Burton photo. 1203.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Shield, King in shrine (350), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61579.
Burton photo. 1513.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Shield, King as sphinx trampling captive (379a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61577.
Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamun fig. on 177 [upper left].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Weapons.
Shield, King smiting lion (379b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61576.
Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamun fig. on 176 [upper right].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick with statuette of boy-King as handle, gold (235a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61665.
Burton photos. 684-93, 1954-5, 2019.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick with statuette of boy-King as handle, silver (235b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61666.
Burton photos. 690-3.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick, bound African prisoner as handle (48a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61732.
Text Corpus 20.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick, bound Asiatic and Nubian prisoners as handle (48b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61733.
Burton photos. 327b, 335.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick, bound Nubian prisoner as handle (48c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61734.
Burton photo. 335.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick, bound prisoner as handle (48d), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61735.
Burton photos. 336-7.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick with Asiatic and Nubian prisoners as handle (50uu), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61736.
Burton photos. 338-41.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick, with Nubian prisoner as handle (100a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61737.
Burton photo. 342.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick with incised captives, gold and ivory (50jj), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61673.
Burton photos. 328, 343.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick with incised captives, gold and ivory (50nn), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61754.
Text Corpus 26.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick with incised captives, gold and ivory (50xx), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61653.
Burton photos. 329-32.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick with text mentioning Monthu (50oo), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61727.
Burton photos. 328, 343 .
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick with text mentioning Monthu (50pp), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61638.
Text Corpus 26.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick, 'beautiful stick of His Majesty', gold and glass inlay (224), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 61674.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Burton photo. 683.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick, gold with lapis-lazuli top and text concerning an electrum stick (227e), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 61726.
Burton photo. 683.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Stick, plain reed with gold electrum mount, and text stating that it was cut by the King himself (229), in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61728.
Burton photos. 588, 680-2.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Whip, with long text (50ss), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61995.
Burton photo. 328.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Whip of Dhutmosi (333), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61997.
Text Corpus 167.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sekhem-sceptre, gold-leaf (577), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61759.
Burton photos. 1243-5.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sceptre (135aa), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61741.
Burton photo. 327b.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sceptre (227d), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61743.
Text Corpus 67.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sceptre, ebony (468c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61750.
Burton photos. 1198.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sceptre, ebony (468d), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61752.
Text Corpus 191.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sceptre, ebony (468e), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61747.
Text Corpus 191.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sceptre, ebony (468f), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61751.
Text Corpus 191.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sceptre, ebony (468g), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61746.
Burton photo. 1198.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sceptre, ebony (468h), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61744.
Text Corpus 191.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sceptre, ebony (468i), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61748.
Text Corpus 191.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Sceptre, ebony (468j), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61745.
Burton photo. 1198.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Baton, curved, wood (227a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61756.
Burton photos. 680-2.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Baton, curved, with hunting devices, wood (227b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61755.
Burton photos. 677-9.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Baton, with captives (227c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61753.
Burton photos. 677-9.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Club, wood, inscribed (370a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61639.
Text Corpus 176.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Sticks, whips and sceptres.
Staff, inscribed (582b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61652.
Burton photos. 1198, 1521, 1956.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Garments.
Tunic, with decoration (367j), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62626.
Burton photo. 1221.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Garments.
Corslet, with two pectorals (54k), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62627.
Burton photos. 210-13, 2011.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Garments.
Shawl, with cartouche of Smenkhkare (101s), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62662.
Burton photo. 399.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Garments.
Sandals with captives and bows (397), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62685.
Burton photos. 1218-18a.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Garments.
Remains of tapestry woven garment with remains of cartouche of Tutankhamun (21m), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 62642.
Germer, R. Die Textilfrberei 28 fig. on 28.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Garments.
Two ends of a tasselled belt, with cartouches of Amun and Tutankhamun (21ff), in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Museum, JE 62645.
Burton photo. 438.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Garments.
Linen belt with cartouches of Tutankhamun (100f), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62647.
Germer, R. Die Textilfrberei 44-5 fig. 26 and fig. on 45; Burton photo. 441.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Garments.
Linen garment decorated with gold sequins, some with cartouches of Smenkhkare and Merytaten (46gg),
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62654.
Burton photo. 431.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Garments.
Linen scarf or sash with cartouche of Tutankhamun (44b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62663.
Burton photo. 242.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Palettes, etc.
Palette, ivory (271b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62081.
Burton photo. 1085.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Palettes, etc.
Palette, wood and gold (271e(2)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62080.
Burton photo. 1085.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Palettes, etc.
Reed-case (271e(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62094.
Burton photo. 1085.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Palettes, etc.
Burnisher, ivory (271g), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62095.
Burton photo. 1085.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Palettes, etc.
Palette of Merytaten, ivory (262), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62079.
Burton photo. 1085.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Games-boards.
Games-board, ebony and ivory (see also no.580) (345), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62058.
Burton photos. 1248-53, 1569.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Games-boards.
Sledge, belonging to games-board 345 (580), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62058.
Burton photos. 1248, 1569.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Games-boards.
Games-board, wood, ivory, and gold (593), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62059.
Burton photo. 1247.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Games-boards.
Games-board, ivory, with texts (585r), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62061.
Burton photo. 1246.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Games-boards.
Games-board, ivory, with texts (393), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62060.
Burton photo. 1246.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Ornament of the King, bead and gold (269o), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61961.
Burton photos. 1182, 1186, 1899.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Bracelet with scarabs, uraei, and cartouches (256qq), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62361.
Burton photos. 863-63a, 866-7.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Bracelet, gold, etc. (269g), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61917 or 62374.
Burton photos. 1139, 1176, 1182, 1185.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Bracelet with cartouche of Neferneferuaten (620(41)), faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Beinlich and Saleh, Corpus 222.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Bracelet of the King, ivory (620(43)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62405.
Burton photo. 1888.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Bracelet of Amenophis IV, limestone, gold, etc. (620(44)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62415.
Burton photo. 1888.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Bracelet of Neferneferuaten (as Smenkhkare in Bibl.), faience (620(42)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Burton photo. 1887.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Bracelet, with animals, ivory (585q), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62406.
Burton photos. 1233-4.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pendant, gold squatting figure of Amenophis III (320c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60702.
Burton photos. 1072, 1597-8.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pendant, serpent goddess suckling young King (108c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61952.
Burton photos. 48-9.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pectoral with three scarabs and cartouche (256ooo), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61900.
Burton photos. 854-6, 1894-5.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pectoral, zad-pillar between Nephthys and Isis (261i), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61945.
Burton photos. 1114-15, 1137.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pectoral, winged scarab (261j), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61949.
Burton photos. 1114-15, 1131, 1136.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pectoral, scarab between Nephthys and Isis (261m), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61948.
Burton photos. 1114-15, 1131, 1134-5.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pectoral, scarab between Nephthys and Isis (261n), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61947.
Burton photos. 1114-15, 1131, 1135.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pectoral, King between Isis and Nephthys, etc. (261o), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61946.
Burton photos. 1114-15, 1137.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pectoral, winged Nut (261p(1)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61944.
Burton photo. 1132.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pectoral, Nut as vulture (261p(3)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61943.
Burton photos. 1132, 1136.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pectoral, scarab surmounted by a cartouche, etc. (267k), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61899.
Burton photo. 1128.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pectoral with cryptographic form of Kings prenomen, 267n, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61890.
Hawass, Z. Hidden Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (2002), fig. on 51 [upper]; Burton photos. 1133,
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Pectoral, King between Ptah and Sekhmet, etc. (267q), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61941.
Burton photos. 1138, 1564.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Fan, wood covered with gold, scenes (242), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62001.
Burton photos. 597, 695-7.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Fan, gold covered ebony, cartouches ... vultures (245), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62000.
Burton photos. 598-98a, 698-9.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Fan of the King (272a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61999.
Burton photo. 997.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Fan-stock (596a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62002.
Burton photos. 1241, 1573.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Fan-stock (415), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62003.
Burton photos. 1240-1.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Fan-stock (389), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62004.
Burton photo. 1241.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Fan-stock (599), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62005.
Burton photo. 1241.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Fan-stock (600), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62006.
Burton photos. 1240-1.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Handle of (?) mirror, ivory (54ddd(3)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62347.
Burton photos. 228.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Mirror-case in form of ankh-sign (269b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62349.
Burton photos. 1176, 1713, 1902-3.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Mirror-case (271c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62348.
Burton photos. 1713, 1902-3.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Jewellery, fans, etc.
Mirror-case (271d), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62348.
Burton photos. 1713, 1902-3.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Musical instruments.
Trumpet, silver, with scene of Re, Amun and Ptah (175), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62007.
Burton photo. 700.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Musical instruments.
Trumpet, with scene of King with deities, copper or bronze (50gg), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 62008.
Burton photos. 227, 482.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Musical instruments.
Clappers of Queen Teye and Merytaten, ivory, (620(13, 1st item)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 62064.
Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamun fig. on 163 [right].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (273), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61341.
Jones, Model Boats 28-9 [17] with pl. xi [left, 3rd from top].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model ship with rigging and sails (276), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61329.
Burton photos. 1076, 1093, 1172-3.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Model boat (284), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61334.
Burton photos. 1077.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (solar bark) (285), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61343.
Jones, Model Boats 44-6 [32] with pl. xi [right, 2nd from top].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (solar bark) (286), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61345.
Jones, Model Boats 46 [33] with pl. xi [right, 2nd from bottom].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (287), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61340.
Jones, Model Boats 31-2 [19] with pl. xi [left, 2nd from bottom].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (306), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61338.
Burton photo. 1080.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (solar bark) (307), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61346.
Jones, Model Boats 46-7 [34] with pl. xi [right, bottom].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (solar bark) (308), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61347.
Burton photo. 1078.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (309), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61335.
Burton photo. 1082.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (310), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61339.
Burton photo. 1975.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Model boat (solar bark) (311), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61344.
Burton photo. 1070.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (solar bark) (312), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61348.
Burton photo. 1071.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model canoe (313), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61350.
Burton photo. 1073.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (314), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61336.
Burton photo. 1081.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model ship with rigging and sails (321), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61330.
Jones, Model Boats 39-40 [26] with pls. xi [left, bottom], xxiv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model ship (334), formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61331, now in Luxor, Museum of Ancient
Egyptian Art, J.6.
Burton photo. 1079.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model ship with rigging and sail (336), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61328.
Burton photo. 1074-74b.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (352), formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61332, now in Luxor, Museum of Ancient
Egyptian Art, J.7.
Jones, Model Boats 24-6 [15] with pl. xiii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (375), now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61360.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Jones, Model Boats 17-18 [1] with pls. x [top left], xxx.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (437), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61337.
Jones, Model Boats 26-8 [16] with pls. xi [left, 2nd from top], xiv, xv.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (460), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61355.
Jones, Model Boats 18 [2] with pl. x [left, 2nd from top].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (462), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61352.
Jones, Model Boats 18 [3] with pl. x [left, 3rd from top].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (463), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61361.
Jones, Model Boats 19 [4] with pl. x [left, 3rd from bottom].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (reed float or canoe) (464), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61349.
Jones, Model Boats 43 [29] with pls. xi [right top], xxvi [lower right], xxvii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (481), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61362.
Jones, Model Boats 19 [5] with pl. x [left, 2nd from bottom].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (491), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61354.
Burton photo. 1337.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (513), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61333.
Jones, Model Boats 23-4 [14] with pl. xi [left, top].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Model boat (556), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61359.
Jones, Model Boats 20 [7] with pl. x [right, top].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat, portion of (572), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61333.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (581), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61351.
Jones, Model Boats 20-1 [8] with pl. x [right, 2nd from top].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (597), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61342.
Jones, Model Boats 36-7 [24] with pls. xxi, xxii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat, portion of (598), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61332.
Text Corpus 210.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (609), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61356.
Jones, Model Boats 21 [9] with pl. x [right, 3rd from top].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (610), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61358.
Jones, Model Boats 21 [10] with pl. x [right, 3rd from bottom].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (612), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61353.
Jones, Model Boats 21-2 [11] with pl. x [right, 2nd from bottom].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model boat (617), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61357.
Jones, Model Boats 22 [12] with pl. x [right, bottom].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Model, granary (277), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61327.
Burton photos. 1493, 1666.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model, adze of Amenophis III and Teye (44p), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61294.
Burton photo. 199.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model, swan, with cartouche on base (176), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60755.
Burton photos. 580-80a, 675.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Model, sarcophagus containing effigy of the King and ba, dedicated by Maya, wood (331, 331a), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 60721.
Burton photos. 1051-51a, 1539, 1609, 1741.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Models.
Four coffins nested together (4th of Queen Teye) (320), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60697-700.
Burton photos. 1067, 1069, 1862.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Shrines.
Shrine on sledge, wood and gold (108), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61481.
Burton photos. 312-19, 1551, 1558.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Shrines.
Stand for statuette of King (108a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61481.
Burton photo. 235.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Shrines.
Shrine (containing object no. 37a), wooden (37), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60751.
Burton photos. 302-5.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Shrines.
Shrine (containing object no. 38a), wooden (38), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60753.
Burton photos. 306-11.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Shrines.
Statuette of serpent (emblem of the 10th nome) (37a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60750.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Shrines.
Statuette of serpent (emblem of the 10th nome) (38b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60752.
Burton photo. 308.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Plaques.
Three plaques, gold plate, openwork (44a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61982-4, 87847.
Burton photo. 207.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Plaques.
Plaque, with hunting-scene (50tt), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61986.
Schaeffer, Ugaritica ii, fig. 8.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Uraeus with text mentioning the goddess Menkaret (74), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text Corpus 31 (as JE 62039).
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Ihy, wood gilt (275a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60731.
Burton photos. 1058a, 1934.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Ihy (289c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60732.
El Mallakh and Brackman, The Gold of Tutankhamun col. pl. 70 [left].
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Imset (280a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60727.
Burton photos. 1019, 1940.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Mamu (281a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60738.
Burton photos. 1019, 1190b, 1940.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Shu (282a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60733.
Burton photos. 1019a, 1784.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Neterankh as uraeus (283a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60754.
Burton photos. 1023, 1945.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Hawk-standard of Sopt (283b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60747.
Burton photos. 1024, 1947.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Hawk-standard of Gemehsu (283c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60748.
Burton photos. 1025, 1946.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Atum (290a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60734.
Burton photos. 1030a, 1783.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Ptah (291a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60739.
Burton photos. 1029-29a, 1935, 1960.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Thenent (292a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60742.
Burton photos. 1518a, 1941.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Haroeris (293a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60746.
Burton photos. 1033, 1936.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Send (294a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60740.
Burton photo. 1937.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Isis (295a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60724.
Burton photos. 1518, 1518b, 1942.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Menkaret carrying statuette of the King (296a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60716.
Burton photos. 1014, 1014b, 1768, 1786.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Khepri (297a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60737.
Burton photos. 1518-18a, 1941.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Horus-khent-sekhem (298a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60745.
Burton photos. 1016b, 1938.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Geb (299a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60735.
Burton photos. 1016b, 1664.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Sekhmet (300a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60749.
Burton photos. 1040, 1939, 1959.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Hepy (301a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60726.
Burton photos. 1516, 1943.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Duamutf (302a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60729.
Burton photo. 1516.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Tata (303a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60741.
Burton photos. 1043, 1515, 1943.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Kebhsenuf (304a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60730.
Burton photos. 1514, 1944.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Duamutf (304b), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60728.
Burton photos. 1514, 1944.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Statuettes of Deities.
Statuette of Nephthys (305a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60725.
Burton photo. 1942.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Ornamental boat, on tank, alabaster and gold (578), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62120.
Burton photos. 1222, 1257-60, 1570, 1644-9.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Head of Mehitwert-cow (264), formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60736, now in Luxor, Museum
of Ancient Egyptian Art, J.5.
Burton photos. 1084, 1878.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Two miniature coffins (containing mummies of premature children) (317), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 60692-3.
Burton photos. 1059-61, 1064, 1861.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Ushabti-box (325), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61485.
Burton photo. 1046.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Ushabti-box (326), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61486.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Papyrus-basket, with scenes of King before deities (271a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61380.
Burton photo. 1105.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Case, wooden, for cubit-measure (487), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61482.
Burton photos. 1706, 1828.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Anubis-emblem, gold on alabaster base (194), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61374.
Burton photos. 590, 673.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Anubis-emblem, gold on alabaster base (202), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61375.
Burton photos. 673.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Magical (north) brick with emblem (263), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62357.
Burton photos. 1087-8.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
i2.586 and i2.586A
Jar-sealings and stamp impressions (10), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62300, 62303-8, 62313, 62317,
62318, 62324b, 62331-7, 62345 and unnumbered.
Hope, C. in Baines, J. (ed.), Stone Vessels, Pottery and Sealings from the Tomb of Tutankhamun 116-30 [14-23,
25-33, 37, 40-58] pls. 27-8, 30-1, 38-9. Texts Corpus 5.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Adze-handle, bronze (402), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 61292.
Burton photo. 1196.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Seal from box 304 (304), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62620.
Krauss in Mitt. D.O.-G. 118 (1986), 170-1 Abb. 4.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 62. Tutankhamun. Various.
Model persea fruit with cartouche of Tuthmosis III, glass (585u), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 61870.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lilyquist, C. and Brill, R. H. Studies in Early Egyptian Glass 25-6 fig. 32.
Thebes. B. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Groups of Objects. Embalmers cache (of Tutankhamun).
Cartonnage mask, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39711.
See Reeves in Bull. Soc. dg. Genve 8 (1983), 82-3.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Vases of Sennufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36372.
Text, Carter in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 200 [2].
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Vases of Sentnay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24974 (JE 33847).
Text, Daressy, Fouilles de la Valle des Rois 299-300; Carter in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 200 [2].
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Four canopic-jars of Sentnay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36369.
Texts, Carter in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 199 [1].
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Two canopic jars of Beketre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4506 (JE 3399), JE 3400.
Texts, Mariette, Monuments divers 10 pl. 36 [b, c]; CG 4506, Reisner, Canopics 282.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Canopic-jar of Beketre, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Carter in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 200 [3, left].
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Alabaster offering-table of Beketre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36368.
Text, Carter in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 200 [3 right].
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Various.
Statue, Tuthmosis III, base-fragment, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24978 bis.
Text, Daressy, Fouilles de la Valle des Rois 300-2.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue, man, squatting, holding Hathor-head, unfinished, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Various.
Stela, Rameses-set-hirkhopshef with fan before Ramesses IV, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Reeves, N. in MDAIK 40 (1984), 234 Taf. 34 [c].
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Stela Mertesger, serpent-headed, facing Mertesger as serpent on pylon, with Nebnufer, Harmin, and
Nekhtamun, kneeling below, dedicated by their father Hori, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38792.
Bruyre, Mert Seger fig. 53.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Various.
Stela, Ipuy adoring Mertesger as sphinx, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum JE 38790.
Reeves, N. in MDAIK 40 (1984), 234 Taf. 34 [b, left].
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Rough stela of Inumosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Carter MSS. i. J. 386, No. 320.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Block, official adoring, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
See Davis, The Tomb of Siptah 16.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Lintel, double-scene, Kenhirkhopshef before Sobk, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Kuentz in B.I.F.A.O. xxviii (1929), 113-16 pl. i.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Fragments of coffin of In, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Name, Carter in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 176-7.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cartonnage of Tentkerer-sherit (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35055.
Carter in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 145 pls. i-ii (cartonnage); Maspero, Guide (1915), 291-2 [3040] fig. 99.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Leather tabs of Osorkon I with scenes of King before Amun-re, and before Min, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 35056.
Text, Carter in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 145 [bottom].
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Vase of Tutankhamun, blue glaze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38330.
Davis, The Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 2, 135 [21] pl. xcii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 379
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Vase-fragments with hieratic text of Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33861.
See Bull. Inst. g. 3 Sr. x (1899), 253.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Various.
Piece of cloth of Kenamun, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24989.
Daressy, Fouilles de la Valle des Rois 302-3 pl. lvii.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Various.
Piece of cloth , captives and remains of text, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 24987.
Daressy, Fouilles de la Valle des Rois 302-3 pl. lvii.
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Various.
Pieces of cloth with Asiatic and Negro captives and large bows, and another small piece with head of
Negro, probably from tomb of Tutankhamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Capolevori nei secoli i No. 11 (March 27, 1963), fig. on 183 [lower left].
Thebes. Finds from the Valley of the Kings. Miscellaneous.
Gold-leaf fragments, including scenes of captives, Ay in chariot shooting at Asiatics, Tutankhamun smiting
a Libyan between Ay and Queen Ankhesenamun, and foreigners before cartouches of Ay, found in Royal
Tomb 58, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57438.
Davis, The Tombs of Haremhabi and Touatnkhamanou 125-33 [2-15] figs. 2-14. See Maspero, Guide (1915),
379 [3681].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Rest-Houses and Shrines. Workmens Rest-Houses. Workmens huts.
Seat of [Amennakht], Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68802.
Bruyre, Rapport (1934-1935), Pt. 3, 356-7 [U (E)] pl. xl [upper right].
Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Rest-Houses and Shrines. Workmens Rest-Houses. Stelae.
Kenro kneeling before Mertesger suckling child, with serpents below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72019 and JE 65059.
Upper part, Bruyre, Rapport (1934-1935), Pt. 3, 361 [top] fig. 210.
Thebes. South-West Valleys. South Tomb of Hatshepsut.
Sarcophagus as Queen consort, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47032.
Hayes, Royal Sarcophagi of the XVIII dynasty 184-204 [A] pl. i [A].
Thebes. South-West Valleys. Tomb probably Princess Neferure, daughter of Hatshepsut.
Statue-fragment of deceased with cartouche, found near, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45930.
See Carter in J.E.A. iv, 109.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Tomb 4. Antef (Wahankh).
i2.595 & 596
Stela, lower part, King with five dogs, year 50, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20512 (JE 2101).
Mariette, Mon. Div. 15-16 pl. 49 (reversed). Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 99-103.
See, Maspero, Guide (1915), 110-11 [311].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Stelae.
1. Nomarch Antef, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20009.
Maspero, Guide (1915), 113 [322] & fig. 35. Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 8-9.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Stelae.
5. Zari, temp. Antef (Wahankh), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41437 (Temp.
Petrie, Qurneh 16-17 pls. ii [lower], iii [lower].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Stelae.
10. Henun, temp. Antef (Wahankh), [Antef (Nekhtnebtepnufer)], and [Mentuhotp]-Sankh[ibtaui], in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36346.
Text, Clre and Vandier, Textes de la premire priode intermdiaire et de la XIme dynastie 20-1 [24]; part,
Gauthier in BIFAO v (1906), 39.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Stelae.
11. Man (name lost) and butchers, temp. Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Detail, Clre, J. J. Les chauves dHathor 44 [3.1] fig. 17. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 242-4 [i].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Stelae.
12, Antefnakht, temp. Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 244-5 [ii].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Stelae.
16. Mentunakht and wife Benert, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 246-7 [iv].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Stelae.
17. Antefnekhen, good name Sabeha, with wife, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., and another fragment that probably belongs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 245-6 [iii].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Finds probably from here. Stelae.
Antef, son of Khuu, dedicated by son Antef, with Address to the living, 1st Intermediate Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20003 (JE 27643).
Grbaut, Le Muse gyptien i, 15-16 pl. xviii. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 3-4. See
Maspero, Guide (1915), 112-13 [321].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Finds probably from here. Stelae.
Thebu, fragment, 1st Intermediate Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20005.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, 4-5 pl. i.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Finds probably from here. Stelae.
Henenu, 1st Intermediate Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20011.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, 10-11 pl. ii.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Finds probably from here. Stelae.
Antef, son of Nessonb, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20150 (JE 27695).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, 177-8 pl. xiv.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Finds probably from here. Stelae.
Dagi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20007.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, 6-7 pl. i.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Finds probably from here. Stelae.
H[ep]u-ikert and another woman, part, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20505.
Evers, Staat aus dem Stein ii, pl. iii [38]. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 95-6. See
Maspero, Guide (1915), 113 [322 A].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Finds probably from here. Stelae.
Iutheni, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20476 (JE 29262).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. xxxiii, see ii, 73-4.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Finds probably from here. Stelae.
Nefermedehu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20002.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 2-3.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Antef Cemetery. Finds probably from here. Stelae.
Theftenen, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20004.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 4.
Thebes. Draa Ab el-Nagaa. D.A.I.K. excavations. Tomb K.93.11. Late Second Int. Period or early Dyn.
XVIII. Reused Dyn. XX by Ramesesnakht.
Two adjoining relief fragments, upper part of almost certainly Ramessesnakht (called Hori of
Hermopolis), followed by father Merubaste, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 99077.
Rummel, U. Meeting the Past. 100 Years in Egypt. German Archaeological Institute Cairo 1907-2007 (2007),
53 [37] fig.; Sheikholeslami, C. M. The Egyptian Museum at the Millennium. A special exhibition in honor of the
VIIIth International Congress of Egyptologists, 28 March-3 April 2000, 115 pl. 28 (as KS 3678).
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Kamosi (Wazkheperre).
Rishi coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Winlock in J.E.A. x (1924), 260-1 with notes pl. xxi [right]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 412 [3886].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ahhotp, wife of King
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28501 (JE 4663).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Winlock in J.E.A. x (1924), 251 pl. xvi [right]; Maspero, Guide (1915), 413 [3888] fig. 118.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ahhotp, wife of King
Armlet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52068 (JE 4679).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 9. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 432 [4046].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Queen Ahhotp, wife of King
Jewellery, etc. , in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52073-88 (JE 4696-7, 4703-4, 4701-2) (see below for
concordance of CG and JE numbers).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pls. x, xi.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Queen Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 (twice)
Armlet (often called hair-ornament) of deceased, with cartouche between two sphinxes, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 52642 (JE 4680).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 202-3 pl. xxxix. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 431-2 [4040].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Queen Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 & 601
Bracelet with King kneeling and divinities, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52069 (JE 4684).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 34-5 pl. ix. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 430-1 [4049].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Queen Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 & 601
Bracelets, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52070-2 (JE 4685, 468?, 4687).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 35-8 pl. ix.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Queen Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 & 601
Axe of Amosis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52645 (JE 4673).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 205-7 pls. xlii, xliii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 428 [4035] fig. 123.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 & 601
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dagger and sheath of Amosis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52658-9 (JE 4666).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 209-11 pl. xlv; Maspero, Guide (1915), 434 [4055], fig. 123.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 & 601
Pectoral with Amosis purified by Amun and Re, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52004 (JE 4683).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 6 pl. iii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 430 [4038].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 & 601
Axe of Kamosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52647 (JE 4675).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 208 pl. xliv; Maspero, Guide (1915), 428 [4033], fig. 123.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 & 601
Axe, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52648 (JE 4677).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 208-9 pl. xliv.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 & 602
Fan-handle with scenes of Kamosi before Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52705 (JE 4672).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 236-7 pl. xlvi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 432 [4042].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 & 602
Gold boat of Kamosi on wooden chariot, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52666, 526668
(JE 4681, 4669).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 216-17, 218-19 pl. xlix; Maspero, Guide (1915), 432-3 [4049], fig. 125.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ahhotp, wife of King
i2.600 & 602
Boat, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52667 (JE 4682).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 217-18; Bissing, Ein thebanischer Grabfund, pl. x [left]. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 428 [4030].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Neferhotep. Probably temp.
Ahhotp (Nubkheperre).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Rshi coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Mariette, Les Papyrus gyptiens du Muse ii, 6-7.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Neferhotep. Probably temp.
Ahhotp (Nubkheperre).
Faience hippopotamus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6156 (Temp. No.
Strouhal, Life in Ancient Egypt fig. 154. See Mariette, Les Papyrus gyptiens du Muse ii, 7.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Neferhotep. Probably temp.
Ahhotp (Nubkheperre).
Walking-stick of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6157.
Mariette, Les Papyrus gyptiens du Muse ii, 6 (1).
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Neferhotep. Probably temp.
Ahhotp (Nubkheperre).
Wooden head-rest of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Les Papyrus gyptiens du Muse ii, 6-7.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Neferhotep. Probably temp.
Ahhotp (Nubkheperre).
Ivory disks of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Les Papyrus gyptiens du Muse ii, 6-7.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Neferhotep. Probably temp.
Ahhotp (Nubkheperre).
Ivory wand with mythological animals, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9437 (JE 6155).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 46 pl. xii.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Neferhotep. Probably temp.
Ahhotp (Nubkheperre).
Wooden tablet used as mould (?) for mirror-handle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 44102.
Lilyquist, C. Ancient Egyptian Mirrors 42 fig. 66. See, Bn, Miroirs 53.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ak-hor. Dyn. XVII.
Throwstick of Thuiu, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21461.
Mariette, Album du Muse de Boulaq on pl. 37; Mariette, Monuments divers recueillis en gypte et en Nubie pl.
51 [b].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ak-hor. Dyn. XVII.
Model linen-chest, with name of Minemhet, wood and ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 44737 (JE
Mariette, Mon. div. pl. 51 [h].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ak-hor. Dyn. XVII.
Perfume vase of Idi, alabaster, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14735 (JE 21464).
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 51 [m]; Quibell, Archaic Objects pl. 66.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Ak-hor. Dyn. XVII.
Games-board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 68005 (JE 21493).
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 51 [j]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 532 [5388].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Finds.
(b) Statuette of standing hippopotamus, faience, found in tomb of Antef (Nubkheperre), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 21365.
Wallis, Ceramic Art (1900), pl. 1 [1]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 447 [4221].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga and el-Taraf. Dyn. XVII Cemetery. Burials. Finds.
(c) Recumbent hippopotamus, faience, found in tomb of Antef (Nubkheperre), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 21366.
Wallis, Ceramic Art (1900), 3 fig. 5. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 447 [4222].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. F. Gauthier and Chassinat Excavations. Finds.
Three bricks of Setau, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Gauthier in BIFAO vi (1908), 42 [A].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations.. North-East area. From Dyn. XVIII tombs.
Kneeling statue holding stela of Mesu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33475.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Theban Necropolis 10-11 pls. vii, xvii [7].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. Main Hill. Near TT11.
Statuette, Rensonb, headless, 2nd Intermediate Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33481.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Theban Necropolis 17 [3] pls. xv [4], xvi [10, 11].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Statuette, Neferhotep, 2nd Intermediate Period (text now completely altered), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 33480 (now in a private collection)..
Northampton, Spiegelberg, Newberry, .. Theban Necropolis pls. 15 [2,5], 16 [1,2], cf. p. 17 [2].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Double statuette, Tetisonb, 2nd Intermediate Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33479.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Theban Necropolis 17 [1] pls. xv [1, 3], xvi [12].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Statue-base, Ia(t)-ib, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33507.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis 17 [5] pl. 16
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Statue-base, Ia(t)-ib, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33509.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis 17 [6] pl. 16
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Statue-base, Dhout, 2nd Intermediate Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33510.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis 17 [9] pl. 16
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Statue-base, Dhout, 2nd Intermediate Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33511.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis 17 [10] pl. 16
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Statue-base, Henenib, 2nd Intermediate Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33512.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis 17 [8] pl. 16
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Statue-base naming Ahmosi, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33508.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis 17 [7] pl. 16
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Stela or statue, fragment, mentioning Queen Ahmosi, early Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
34159 (JE 33499).
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis 17 [4] pl. 16
[3]. See, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 202.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Stela of Ked and his son Siamun, dedicated to Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre and Queen Ahmosi Nefertere,
New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis 38 [1] pl. ix
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Situla of Zeho, bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33468.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis 17-18 [11]
fig. 18.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. G. Northampton Excavations. North-east Area. Main Hill.
Model coffins of Dedi and Ahmosi, Dyn. XVIII (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33494, 33493.
Northampton, Spiegelberg and Newberry, Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis 30 [2, 1] pl.
xviii [2, 1].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. H. Philadelphia Excavations. Upper Cemetery.
Stela of Zedhutefankh, before divinities, wood, Late Period, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp., now in Philadelphia (Pa.), The University Museum, 29.86.422.
Philadelphia Photos. on 34990. See Munro in MDAIK 41 (1985), 149-87.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. H. Philadelphia Excavations. Upper Cemetery.
Fragments from offering table of Sirennutet Thaui, temp. Amenophis III, (a) in Philadelphia (PA), The
University Museum, 29.86.717; (b) Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27987 (moved from v.93), (c) formerly
with a dealer in Luxor, now in Marrakesh, le Muse de Marrakesh.
Clre in BIFAO 81 (1981), 213-34 figs. 1, 2 pls. xxv-xxviii.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. H. Philadelphia Excavations.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue of Iufni, squatting, headless, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47585.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 416; Philadelphia Photos. 40241, 34979.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. H. Philadelphia Excavations.
Stela of Merymaet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47584.
Philadelphia Photo. 34869.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. H. Philadelphia Excavations.
Stela of Kenna with flowers before god, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47583.
Philadelphia Photo. 34882.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. I. Carnvarvon-Carter Excavations. Pyramid-Tomb.
Block-statue, Inmu, black granite, Dyn. XX or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45059.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 478; Carter MSS. I.J. 294, 297 with photo.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. I. Carnvarvon-Carter Excavations. Tombs in el-Mandara.
Stela of Ahmosi and wife Thesh, early Dyn. XVIII, from tomb 69, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45056.
Gardiner in JEA. iii (1916), 256 pl. xl.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Carnvarvon-Carter Excavations.
Wooden tablet with hieratic text of Teaching of Amenemhet, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 51971.
Transcription, Maspero, Les Enseignements dAmenemhat [etc.] in Bibliothque dtudes vi (1914), 33-4 pls.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Statues.
Statue of Tetisheri, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 256 (JE 26564).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 164.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Statues.
Statue of Niay, woman, wood, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47591.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Stelae.
Kares, with decree of Queen-mother Ahhotp for deceased, year 10 Amenophis I, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34003.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 7-9 pl. iv.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Stelae.
Stela of Neferhabef, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34035 (JE 36421).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 68-70 pl. 23.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Stelae.
Second stela of Neferhabef, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Carter in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 48.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Coffins.
Rshi-coffin, Houkitari, Dyn. XVII , in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 306-7 [3102].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Coffins.
Two coffins, names illegible, rectangular, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28031-2
(JE 21380, 21411).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 82-6 pl. xvi.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Coffins.
Wooden sarcophagus of Saa, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Daressy in Bull. Inst. g. 3 sr. vii (1896), 149-50.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Saa, with Book of Dead, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33984.
Rec. de Trav. xx, 73-4 [cl (8)].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Various.
Four canopic jars of Debeh (as Sobk in Bibl.), alabaster, New Kingdom , in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
4281-3, 4512 (JE 21503-4, 21506, 21505).
Reisner, Canopics 191-2, 284-5 pl. xli.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Various.
Games-board of Ibay, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 68002 (JE 21492).
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 52 [a].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Various.
Alabaster plaque of Sankhkare Mentuhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Historical Scarabs (1899), pl. 6 [165].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Various.
Box-fragments Nubemyunu, woman, with cartouche of Ameny (i.e. Amenemhet) and lion trampling
antelope, faience, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6314.
See Mariette, Notice (1874), 207-8 [518].
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Various.
Faience kohl-pot of Amosis, in form of hawk with captives on base, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 3667 (JE 18960, 21554).
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 52 [d, 1-3]. See Bissing, Fayencegefsse 17-18.
Thebes. Dra Ab el-Naga. Finds. Various.
Alabaster vase of Amosis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18483 (JE 21005).
Bissing, Steingefsse 94-5 pl. v. Text, Legrain Rp. 1-8.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tomb 37. No name. Late Middle Kingdom. Burials.
Five rshi-coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43634, 43637-40.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 68 pls. lvii (No. 2), lviii [2] (No. 70), lxii [1] (Nos. 2, 11, 66).
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tomb 37. No name. Late Middle Kingdom. Burials.
Four rectangular coffins, Hyksos Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43642-5.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 66 pl. lx [1].
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tomb 37. No name. Late Middle Kingdom. Burials.
Inscribed coffin (no name), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 69, 73 [18] pl. lxii [2 upper].
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tomb 37. No name. Late Middle Kingdom. Burials.
Wooden stela Ihy with hieratic text, Hyksos Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43215.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 87 [88] pls. lxxv, lxxvi [3].
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tomb 37. No name. Late Middle Kingdom. Burials.
Two wooden stelae with hieratic text, Hyksos Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43218-9.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 87 [89-90] pls. lxxv, lxxvi [3].
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tomb 37. No name. Late Middle Kingdom. Burials.
Two hieratic tablets (Tablets 26 and 27), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43216-7.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 77, 78 [26, 28 (7)], with texts, 90-3 (by Mller) pls. lxxvi [1, 2]-lxxviii.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tomb 46. No name.
Wand of Nensemekhtuf, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 69247.
Hickmann, Instruments de musique 22 pl. viii [B] (called Deir el-Medna).
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tomb 65. Khety. Dyn. XI. Faade.
(b) and (c) Two stelae of Khety, from recesses right and left of doorway, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Gardiner in JEA iv (1917), 33-8 pls. viii, ix.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tombs, etc., in New York, M.M.A. Concession. Brick shrines.
Tiny stela of Ahmosi and wife Ahmosi, dedicated by Kyky, steatite, in niches of pyramidion, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 45670.
Lansing in MMA Bull. ii (May 1917), 15, 20 fig. 13.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tombs, etc., in New York, M.M.A. Concession. Brick shrines. Pit 3.
Burial in Room E. Rshi mask, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45629.
Lansing in MMA Bull. ii (May 1917), 24 figs. 16, 28.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tombs, etc., in New York, M.M.A. Concession. Brick shrines. Pit 3.
Ivory inlay-fragments from box of Mosi, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45696.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

MMA. photo. 5A, 565. See Winlock in JEA x (1924), 262 with note 3.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tombs, etc., in New York, M.M.A. Concession. Subsidiary Tombs. R. 1-12.
Painted stela of Amenemhet and wife Iy, with Antef and wife Hepyt, Dyn. XI, from R. 4, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 45626.
Lansing in MMA Bull. ii (May 1917), 12-13 fig. 9.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tombs, etc., in New York, M.M.A. Concession. Subsidiary Tombs. R. 1-12.
Statuette, monkey playing harp, Dyn. XII, from R. 5, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45685.
Hickmann in Bull. Inst. g. xxxv (1954), 326, fig. 18.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tombs, etc., in New York, M.M.A. Concession. Subsidiary Tombs. R. 1-12.
Stela of Nit-ptah, painted, Dyn. XI, from R. 6, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45625.
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 85 fig. (as Dyn. XII-XIII); MMA photo. 5A, 295-6.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tombs, etc., in New York, M.M.A. Concession. Subsidiary Tombs. R. 1-12.
Vase with hieratic text, from R. 8, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58761.
MMA photo. 5A, 830.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Kingdom Tombs.
Tombs, etc., in New York, M.M.A. Concession. Subsidiary Tombs. R. 1-12.
Kneeling statue Amenemhet holding stela with text, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, from R. 12, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 34583.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 630.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Dyn. XVII-XVIII Cemetery. 9.
Tablet Tomb.
Carnarvon Tablet I, with proverbs of Ptahhotp on recto and text of year 7 of Kamosi on verso, Dyn.
XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41790.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 4, 36-7 (by Griffith) pls. xxvii, xxviii.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Dyn. XVII-XVIII Cemetery. 9.
Tablet Tomb.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Carnarvon Tablet II, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43261 D, 56802.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 37 pl. xxix.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Dyn. XVII-XVIII Cemetery. 9.
Tablet Tomb.
Canopic-box of Katinakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43835.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 34-5 pl. xxv [1, 2].
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Dyn. XVII-XVIII Cemetery.
27. Nenen (?).
Stela of Iuyres, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20787 (JE 42824).
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 61 pl. liv.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Dyn. XVII-XVIII Cemetery.
27. Nenen (?).
Stela of Antef, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44265.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Ptolemaic Vaulted Tombs.
Family stela of Zeamunef ankh, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43197.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years 49 [1] pl. xli.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Ptolemaic Vaulted Tombs.
Stela of Akhamenerau, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44268.
Carter MSS. i. J. 236.
Thebes. Assf. At foot of Causeways. Near Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Ptolemaic Vaulted Tombs.
Stela, Antef and wife Hepyt, Dyn. XI ?, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36422.
Thebes. Assf. Near Tuthmosis III Causeway. Cemetery 700. 729. Family-tomb of Neferkhaut. Temp.
Tuthmosis I-III and Hatshepsut. Burial of deceased.
Canopic-jars of Neferkhaut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65345-8.
Hayes in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1935, 25 fig. 7.
Thebes. Assf. Near Tuthmosis III Causeway. Cemetery 700. 729. Family-tomb of Neferkhaut. Temp.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tuthmosis I-III and Hatshepsut. Burial of deceased.
Two alabaster vases of Neferkhaut, with name of Hatshepsut as Kings daughter, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 65370-1.
Hayes in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1935, 18, 30 fig. 15.
Thebes. Assf. Near Tuthmosis III Causeway. Cemetery 700. 729. Family-tomb of Neferkhaut. Temp.
Tuthmosis I-III and Hatshepsut. Burial of wife Rennufer.
Games-board, with scenes on inlaid faience squares, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65372.
Hayes in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1935, 32-4 fig. 18.
Thebes. Assf. Near Tuthmosis III Causeway. Cemetery 700. 729. Family-tomb of Neferkhaut. Temp.
Tuthmosis I-III and Hatshepsut. Burial of son Amenemhet.
Bronze knife of Neferkhaut, with inlaid text in gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65359.
Hayes in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1935, 34 fig. 19.
Thebes. Assf. Near Tuthmosis III Causeway. Cemetery 700. Various.
Stela-fragment, seated man, from tomb 733, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
M.M.A. photo. M.17.C. CA, 3.
Thebes. Assf. Near Tuthmosis III Causeway. Cemetery 700. Various.
Statue (headless), Dedusheriu seated, with wife Shepset in relief on side, sandstone, from tomb 736,
Second Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
M.M.A. photos. 8A, 137; M.17.C. CD, 10, 11, CC, 20.
Thebes. Assf. Near Tuthmosis III Causeway. Cemetery 700. Various.
Two coffins and canopic box of Ibu (woman), Dyn. XII-XIII, from tomb 738, in Cairo, Egyptian
M.M.A. photos. M. 17.C. Z, 1-13, CG, 15.
Thebes. Assf. Near Tuthmosis III Causeway. Cemetery 700. Various.
Coffin, mask, and canopic box of Reet (woman), Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
M.M.A. photos. M. 17.C. Z, 15-21.
Thebes. Assf. Near Tuthmosis III Causeway. Cemetery 700. Various.
Faience bottle of Queen Ankhnesneferebre, from tomb 740, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66274.
Lansing and Hayes in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Jan. 1937, 4 fig. 2.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Assf. Near Tuthmosis III Causeway. Cemetery 700. Various.
Base with two kneeling statuettes holding pots, serpentine, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 66273.
Lansing and Hayes in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Jan. 1937, 4 fig. 1.
Thebes. Assf. Causeway Area. Near Theban Tomb 279. Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate
Period Burials.
Coffin of Dedtuamun, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58819.
MMA photos. 6A, 199 and 306-8.
Thebes. Assf. Causeway Area. Near Theban Tomb 279. Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate
Period Burials.
Rshi-coffin, Dyn. XVII,, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55189.
MMA photos. M.11.C. 122, 131.
Thebes. Assf. Causeway Area. Near Theban Tomb 279. Dyn. XXVI Burials. Six embalmers caches, AF.
Panel from Coffin of Haremakhet, from cache C, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55194.
MMA photos. M.11.C. 106-7. See Brief Descr. No. 6194.
Thebes. Assf. Causeway Area. Near Theban Tomb 279. Dyn. XXVI Burials. Six embalmers caches, AF.
Coffin of Harkhebi (Pashenkhebi in Bibl.), Dyn. XXVI, from cache A, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
MMA photo. M.11C 115. See Kees in AZ lxxxvii (1962), 62.
Thebes. Assf. Causeway Area. Near Theban Tomb 279. Dyn. XXVI Burials. Six embalmers caches, AF.
Jar with hieratic text from Cache B, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65385C.
Thebes. Assf. Near Mentuhotp and Hatshepsut Causeways. Tomb VII.
Outer rectangular and two inner anthropoid coffins of woman Kher, late Dyn. XXV or early Dyn. XXVI,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bietak, Theban-West (Luqsor), 33-4 Taf. xx-xxii.
Thebes. Assf. Near Mentuhotp and Hatshepsut Causeways. Austrian Excavation. VII. Late Dyn. XXV
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or early Dyn. XXVI. Burial Chamber 2.
Shabti box of woman Kher, late Dyn. XXV or early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 94312.
See Aston, D. A. in OMRO 74 (1994), 35, 45 [Type VII].
Thebes. Assf. Senenmut Quarry.
Wooden Hathor-emblem, inscribed, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47740.
Grdseloff in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 196-7, fig. 31.
Thebes. From tombs in Assf. Finds.
Two alabaster vases Tuthmosis III from tomb of Ram, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 522 [5161-2].
Thebes. From tombs in Assf. Finds.
Two sandstone reliefs, officials in funeral procession, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Von Bissing, Einfhrung in die Geschichte der gyptischen Kunst, pl. viii [3]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 163
Thebes. From tombs in Khkha. Objects found in or near Theban tomb 48.
Bust of Tuthmosis IV, black granite, found in Court, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45330.
Davies in MMA Bull. x (1915), 234 fig. 3.
Thebes. From tombs in Khkha. Objects found in or near Theban tomb 48.
Stela, man offering to Tuthmosis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Sve-Sderbergh, Four Eighteenth Dynasty Tombs 34 n. 3 pl. lxvii [A]; M.M.A. photo. T. 433.
Thebes. From tombs in Khkha. Objects found in or near Theban tomb 48.
Coffin of Nebinufer, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Sve-Sderbergh, Four Eighteenth Dynasty Tombs 34 n. 1pl. lxv [A].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Priests Tombs. 57. Harua. Dyn. XXIII.
Outer coffin of deceased, with Maet in interior, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Exterior, Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1924, 30 fig. 37.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Priests Tombs. 60. Three Princesses. Dyn. XXI.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Two broken sealings of King Menkheperre, found in tomb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49084-5.
MMA photo. M.5.C. 212. See Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1924, 26.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Priests Tombs. 60. Three Princesses. Dyn. XXI.
Coffins and lid of Henuttaui, daughter of King Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49100-2.
MMA photos. M.6.C. 291-302. See Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, March 1926, 19.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Priests Tombs. 60. Three Princesses. Dyn. XXI.
Mummy-cloth of Henuttaui, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
MMA photos. M.6.C. 94-8.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Priests Tombs. 65. Ahmosi Merytamun, wife of Amenophis II.
Two ushabti-boxes of Princess Entiuny, daughter of King Pinezem, from intrusive burial, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 55044, 55080.
See Desr.somm. No. 6187.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Priests Tombs. 65. Ahmosi Merytamun, wife of Amenophis II.
Linen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55181.
Winlock, The Tomb of Queen Meryet-amun 89, cf. pl. xl [A].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Priests Tombs. 65. Ahmosi Merytamun, wife of Amenophis II.
Original linen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55155.
Winlock, The Tomb of Queen Meryet-amun pl. xv [C].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Priests Tombs. 65. Ahmosi Merytamun, wife of Amenophis II.
Shawl, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55182.
Winlock, The Tomb of Queen Meryet-amun pl. xli [c].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Coffin, no name, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6001 (JE 29696).
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 1-3 figs. 1-6. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907),
A 124.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Espaneferhor, coffin (re-used by Khensemhab), and board probably belonging, in Cairo, Egyptian
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Museum, CG 6002-3.
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 3-10 pl. i [left] (coffin).
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Khensemhab, coffin and mummy-cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6004.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.106 and p. 30. Texts, Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari
10,11. See Maspero, Guide (1895), 1136.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Coffin of Peshedkhons, usurped by Esiemkhebi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6005 (JE 29717).
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 11-16 pl. i [right], figs. 14-15. Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii
(1907), A.62.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Coffin of Iusenmut, usurped by Esiemkhebi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6006, 6142-3
(JE 29671).
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 17-22 figs. 16-23. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907),
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Esmut, board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6007 (JE 29634).
Texts, Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 22-3. See Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 25-6.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Tabs of Paseba-khaennet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 22-3. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.48, pp. 25-6.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Coffin and board of Pameshem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6008-9 (JE 29718).
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 23-33 pl. ii, figs. 24-31. See Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii
(1907), A.95. Board, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 281 [3008].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Gautseshen, coffins, one usurped from Esamun-nesuttaui, and board, and mummy-cloth, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 6010-13.
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari pl. iii [left] (No. 6011), figs. 32-3. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv.
viii (1907), A.139 and p. 36.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Espekashuti, two coffins and mummy-cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6014-15 (JE 29641).
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 45-50 pl. iii [right], (No. 6014). See, Daressy in Ann. Serv.
viii (1907), A.43 and p. 25.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
No name, coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6016 (JE 29641).
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 51-4 pl. iv [left] - vi figs. 34-6.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Coffin of Nezemmut(en)-pairnesgereg, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6017 (JE 29710).
Texts, Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 54-5. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.79.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
No name, coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6018.
Texts, Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 55-7 cf. fig. 37.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Pedeamun, coffin and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6020-1 (JE 29683).
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 58-70 pl. iv [right] and vii-ix (coffin) figs. 38-47. See,
Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.84 and p. 29.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Shebty, coffin and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6022-3 (JE 29711).
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 70-5 pl. x (coffin). See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907),
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Eskhons, woman, inner coffin and board, mummy-cloth, and tabs with King Amenemopet before Ptah,
dedicated by Pinezem, son of Menkheperre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6024-5
(JE 29713).
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 75-81 pls. xi-xiii (coffin) figs. 48-53. Daressy in Ann. Serv.
viii (1907), A.42 and p. 25. Names from tabs, Daressy in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 154-5 [I] (called A.98).
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Coffin and board of Ankhesenesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6026-7 (CG 6026 = JE 29708)
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Texts, Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 81-5; See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.78;
Maspero, Guide (1895), 1140.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
No name, coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6028.
Texts, Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 85-8.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Coffin of Thaenufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6029.
Chassinat, La Second trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari 88 pl. xiv. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.145.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Coffin of Paseba-kha ennet, with tabs of Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6031-3.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 15 and 29 [85] and A.85.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Es-henuttaui (or Henuttaui), two coffins; Estanebttaui, two coffins and board; mummy-cloth with King
Menkheperre before Monthu, shroud of Henuttau, and tabs of Menkheperre, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 6036-7 (JE 29656).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.64 and p. 27.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Deamun, coffin with lid, and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6041 a, b, 6042 (JE 29727).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.31.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Esnebttaui, coffins, and mummy-cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6043-4 (JE 29685) (coffins).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.77 and p. 28; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1142.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Tennebttaui, woman, coffin and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6045-6.
See, Maspero, Guide (1895), 1142.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Two coffins of Pinezem, and board of Shedkhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6047-9
(JE 29637).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.55.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Two coffins and board of Pedeamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6050-2 (JE 29623).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.24 and p. 23; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1148 bis.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Tabs of King Amenemopet and Pinezem, son of Paseba-khaennet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 6107-8.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.24 and p. 23; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1148 bis.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Two coffins, lid and board of Zekhensesankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6053-5 (JE 29658).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.83.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Coffin and board of Pesesh-hor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6056-7 (JE 29715).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.97.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Usermontu, coffin and lid, usurped by a woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6058 (JE 29691).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.122.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Khaes, two coffins, lid and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6059-61 (JE 29665).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.102 and pp. 30-1.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth with Zekhensesankh before Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.102 and pp. 30-1.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Tomb of Priests and Priestesses of Amun. Dyn. XXI. Coffins.
Pedeamun, coffins and boards, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6062-4 (JE 29705).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.87; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1144.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Coffins and boards of Pedeamun, usurped by Espahorentahet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 6119-20, 6144, 6154-5.
Coffins with funeral scenes and lid of 6120, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 281-2 [3007, 3011-12]. See,
Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.28 and p. 23.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Espahorentahet, mummy cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.28 and p. 23.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Ahaneferamun, called Pakharu, four coffins and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6121-2, 6139-41
(JE 29670).
See, Bruyre, Mert Seger 198-200; Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.115.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Ahaneferamun, called Pakharu, mummy cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Bruyre, Mert Seger 198-200; Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.115.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Tabs of Menkheperre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Bruyre, Mert Seger 198-200; Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.115.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Derepu, coffins and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6065-7 (JE 29669).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.123 and p. 32; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1145.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Derepu, mummy cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.123 and p. 32; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1145.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Zemutesankh, coffins and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6070-2 (JE 29652).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.45.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mummy-cloth of Zemutesankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.45.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffin of Tentmerpare, woman, usurped by Ankhefenmut, and inner coffin of latter, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 6073-4. (JE 29730, 29741).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.140 and p. 36. Outer coffin, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 281
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Board of Pedeamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6075.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Espakaf, outer (no name) and inner coffins in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6077-8 (JE 29624).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.23.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Espakaf, mummy cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names on mummy cloth, Daressy in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 150-2 [i].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Ankhefenmut, coffins with text mentioning Amenophis I and Queen Ahhotp and Ahmosi Nefertere, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6098-9, CG 6109-10 (JE 29692).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.16; Maspero, Guide (1915), 281 [3009].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Esiemkhebi, board and coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6123-5.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.100.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins of Menkheperre, usurped by Pedeamun,, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6127-8.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffin of Tashedkhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6131 (JE 29625).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.137.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Senenu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6132, 6134-5 (JE 29651).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.46 and p. 25.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Senenu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.46 and p. 25.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Four coffins of Pefazar, and text mentioning Queen Ahhotp, Queen Ahmosi Nefertere, and Amenophis I,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6137-8, 6156-7 (JE 29616).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.99. Lid of inner coffin, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 284 [3010].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins of Ankhes(en)mut (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6147-8.
Part of funeral procession on 6147, Bruyre, Mert Seger 81-2 fig. 38.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Outer coffins of Ankhes(en)mut (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6158-9 (JE 29675).
Tree goddess scene on 6158, Keimer in BIFAO xxx (1931), 314 pl. iv [b]. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii
(1907), A.38 and p. 24.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Board of Ankhes(en)mut (woman), usurped by Esmut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6161.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.38 and p. 24.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Inner coffins of Ankhes(en)mut (woman), usurped by Esi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6164-5.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.38 and p. 24.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Ankhes(en)mut (woman), and tabs of Pinezem, and bandages of King (?), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.38 and p. 24.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Coffins of Esi (woman), and tabs of Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6162-3 (JE 29672).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.127 and pp. 33-4.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins of Espaneferhor, inner usurped from Harhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6166-9.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.98, A.117; Maspero, Guide (1915), 3014.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Espaneferhor, with bandages of Menkheperre and tabs of Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.98, A.117 and p. 30; Maspero, Guide (1915), 282 [3014].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Amennetnakht, coffins and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6173-4, 6196 (JE 29649).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.81 and p. 28. Board, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 282 [3015].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Amennetnakht with tabs of King Amenemopet and cloth with latter before Mut, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.81 and p. 28.
Thebes.Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Mer[t]amun, daughter of Menkheperre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6175-6,
6197 (JE 29704, 29734).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.71 and p. 28; Maspero, Guide (1915), 282-3 [3016-17].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Mer[t]amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 282-3 [3017 bis].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Four coffins and board of Tentp(en)herunufer (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6177-9, 621819 (JE 29699).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.17 and p. 23.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mummy-cloth and tabs of Pasebakhaennet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.17 and p. 23.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Esamenopet, four coffins (three usurped from Imiseba), and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 6180-1, 6215-17 (JE 29659).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.113 and p. 31; Coffins, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 283 [3018].
Tree goddess scene with Nut and Khefhernebes on 6180, see Bruyre, Mert Seger 197.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Esamenopet and tabs of King Amenemopet adoring Amun, and Menkheperre before
Amun-Re, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.113 and p. 31.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Four coffins and board of Zemaetesankh (woman), usurped from Tentwenem-hertib, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 6182-4, 6213-14 (JE 29660, 29687).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.109, A.73 (probably) and p. 31. One coffin, see Maspero, Guide
(1915), 3019. Scene from board 6184, Bruyre, Mert Seger 198 (called Iusankh).
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Zemaetesankh (woman) with tabs of Menkheperre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.109, A.73 (probably) and p. 31.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and boards of Userhetmosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6185-7, 6211-12 (JE 29661).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.105 and p. 30.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Userhetmosi with tabs of Pinezem, and cloth, year 48 of Menkheperre, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.105 and p. 30.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Tentopet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6188-92 (JE 29662).
Scene from 6191, see Bruyre, Mert Seger, 197-8. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.119 and p. 32.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Tentopet with tabs of Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.119 and p. 32.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Ankhefenkhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6193-4, 6208-10 (JE 29663).
Scene before Hathor cow from 6193, Bull. Inst. g. xxxvii (1956), 226 figs. 9, 11. See, Daressy in Ann.
Serv. viii (1907), A.108 and p. 31.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Ankhefenkhons, with deceased before Osiris and Anubis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.108 and p. 31.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins of Esy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6198-9 (JE 29654).
Upper part of coffin, Vernier in BIFAO viii (1911), 18 pl. ii. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.66
and pp. 27-8.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Esy with tabs, Psusennes I before Khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.66 and pp. 27-8.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Shedsuamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6200-4 (JE 29678).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.30 and p. 23; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1143.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Shedsuamun, mummy-cloth with tabs of King Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.30 and p. 23; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1143.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Khensemrenep, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6256-9, 6220 (JE 29613).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.120 and p. 32; Maspero, Guide, (1895), 1164; board, see id. ib.
(1915), 289 [3032].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Khensemrenep, mummy-cloth with text of deceased and tabs of King Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.120 and p. 32; Maspero, Guide, (1895), 1164.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Espahoran, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6221-4, 6240 (JE 29722, 29677).
Scene from 6222, Bruyre, Mert Seger 198-9. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.35 and p. 24;
Maspero, Guide (1895), 1165.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Espahoran, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.35 and p. 24; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1165.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Three coffins of Kabesnub, two usurped by Henutneteru and Tadekhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 6225, 6254-5 (JE 29725, 29732).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.1
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Board of Kabesnub, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6239.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.1
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Pennesuttaui, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6226-8, 6243-4 (JE 29698).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.11 and p. 22; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1162.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Pennesuttaui, mummy-cloth and tabs of Menkheperre, First prophet of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.11 and p. 22; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1162.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Mashasebek (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6229-32, 6238
(JE 29667).
Inner coffin, CG 6230, Tarchi, LArchitettura pl. 71 [middle]. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.111;
Maspero, Guide (1915), 289 [3031].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Pedeamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6233-5, 6241-2 (JE 29666, 29668).
Scene from 6234, Bruyre, Mert Seger figs. 101-2, 104. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.114 and p.
31; Maspero, Guide (1915), 289 [3030].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Pedeamun, mummy-cloth with tabs of Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.114 and p. 31; Maspero, Guide (1915), 289 [3030].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Estanebttaui, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6245-8, 6237 (JE 29724, 29716).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.88; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1142.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Estanebttaui, and bandages of Esamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names from cloths, Daressy in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 152-3 [ii]. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907),
A.88; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1142.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Thonufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6249-53 (JE 29682).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.69; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1163. Scene from 6253, Bull. Inst.
g. xxxvii (1956), 226 fig. 10.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Thonefri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6260-2, 6284-5 (JE 29736), and tabs of
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.151 and p. 38; Maspero, Guide (1915), 290 [3033].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Dekhensiri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6363-7 (JE 29733).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.49 and p. 26..
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Dekhensiri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.49 and p. 26.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Menkhperre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6268-72 (JE 29628, 29735).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.147; Maspero, Guide (1895), 1170.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Hertwebekht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6273-7 (JE 29738).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.133 and p. 35; Maspero, Guide (1915), 290-1 [3036].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Hertwebekht with tabs of Paseba-khaennet and bandages of Pinezem, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.133 and p. 35; Maspero, Guide (1915), 290-1 [3036].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Tauzatre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6278-82 (JE 29737).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.144 and p. 37.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of Tauzatre and tabs of Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.144 and p. 37.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins of Makare (woman), usurped from Ankhesenesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6286-9
(JE 29612).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.132 and pp. 34-5; Maspero, Guide (1915), 290 [3034, 3034 bis].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth of of Makare (woman), with tabs of Paseba-khaennet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.132 and pp. 34-5; Maspero, Guide (1915), 290 [3034, 3034 bis].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins and board of Esamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6290-4 (JE 29611).
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.148 and p. 37. Bark of Re drawn by jackals and donkeys from
exterior, see id. ib. xx (1920), 165-6.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mummy-cloth with text of Esamun and tabs of Paseba-khaennet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.148 and p. 37.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Three coffins of Hori, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29619.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.143 and pp. 36-7; Maspero, Guide, (1895), 1168.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Mummy-cloth and bandages of Hori with name of Ahmosi and others, and bandages with name of
Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29619.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.143 and pp. 36-7; Maspero, Guide, (1895), 1168.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Coffins of Gautseshen, daughter of Menkheperre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29635, and tabs of King
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.152 and p. 38; Maspero, Guide, (11915), 290 [3035].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins.
Other coffins, no names, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6019, 6030, 6034-5, 6068-9, 6076, 6100-1,
6126, 6129-30, 6133, 6136, 6145-6, 6170-2, 6195, 6205-7, 6236, 6283.
CG 6019, 6030, 6034-5, see, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.89.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Pedeamun, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Part of text, Maspero in Trav. xxiii (1901), 196-7.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Mentuardais, board with Atum and adoring bas and baboons, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Sketch, Wilbour MSS. 2 A. 46 (with dealer at Luxor).
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Karo, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29644.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.56.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Pinezem, with mummy-cloth, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.146 and p. 37.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Zemutesankh, with mummy-cloth, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.150 and p.37.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Tashedkhons, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.138.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Zekhensefankh, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29620, 29626.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.141.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Ankhefenkhons, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.112.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Estanebttaui, two (one anonymous), probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.6.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Roro (woman), probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29694.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.14.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Coffin of Espaneferhor, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.21.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Pedeamun, usurped by Amenempermut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6253 (case), 6152
(lid), 6160 (mummy board).
Guilhou, N. in gypte. Vision dEternit. Muse de lEphbe, Le Cap dAgde, 10 Septembre 1999 - 8 Janvier
2000 [1999], 110-14 [74-6] figs. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.93.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffin of Zemutesankh, usurped from Shedsutaopet, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29679.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.110.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Coffins. Probably
in Cairo Museum.
Coffins of Akhmut, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29707, now in Berlin, gyptisches Museum,
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.91(?).
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Statues.
Two wooden statuettes of female mourners, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29263-4.
Fischer, Varia 43 pl. xiv [9].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Stelae.
Stela of Gautseshen, with deceased before Osiris, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29308.
Zayed in Rev. dEg. xx (1968), 152-3 pl. 8 [A]. See Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 17 [bottom].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Stelae.
Stela of Userhetmosi, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29309.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), p. 17 [bottom].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Stelae.
Wooden stela of Tentdetmut, Songstress of Amun, with deceased before Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Museum, JE 29310.
Zayed in Rev. dEg. xx (1968), 154-6 pl. 9. See Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 17 [bottom].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Stelae.
Wooden stela of Taroway, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29312.
Abdalla in Varia Aegyptiaca 4 (1988), 5, 7 figs. 2, 3. See Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 17 [bottom].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Stelae.
Stela, Dekhensiri before Atum-Harakhti seated, wood, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29313.
Egypte. Vision dEternit. Muse de lEphbe, Le Cap dAgde, 10 Septembre 1999 - 8 Janvier 2000 [1999], 76
[36] fig. [upper] (as CG 37691 and bibliography given not for this monument). See Daressy in Ann.
Serv. viii (1907), 17 [bottom].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Stelae.
Wooden stela of Khensemreneb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2911.
Zayed in Rev. dEg. xx (1968), 153-4 pl. 8 [B]. See Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 17 [bottom].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Stelae.
Wooden stela of Thonefri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Zayed in Rev. dEg. xx (1968), 160-1 pl. 12 [B]. See Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 17 [bottom].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Amennetnakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29278.
Text, Spiegelberg in Rec. de Trav. xxi (1899), 53-4 [xlvii].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Tabek(en)khons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29279.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Pedeamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29280.
Erler, Das Symbol des Leben in alten gypten Abb. 9a (probably this box - should be checked if published
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Derepu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29281.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Derepu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29291.
See Aston, D. A. in OMRO 74 (1994), 31, 45 [Type VI].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Panebenkemtnakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29282.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), B.80.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Esamenopet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29283.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Esamenopet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, [Exhib. no. 9099].
See Aston, D. A. in OMRO 74 (1994), 30, 45 [Type VI].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Thonufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29284.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Espaper(en)ub, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29285.
??? See Daressy in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), A.142.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Two of Zekhensefankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29286-7.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Two of Shedhor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29288-9.
Lieblein, Dict. Supp. 2544.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Takhons (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29290.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti-boxes.
Tabekenkhons (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29292.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Espahorentahet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29293.
Lieblein, Dict. Supp. 2544.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Pakharu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29294.
Scene, Maspero, gypte, fig. 526.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Khensemrenep, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29295.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Tentruz(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4179-82 (JE 29296).
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Tashedkhons, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ann. Serv. viii, B.18.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Esiemkhebi, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ann. Serv. viii, B.19.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Tentuserken, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ann. Serv. viii, B.20.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Amenhotp, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ann. Serv. viii, B.45.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Ankhesenmut, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ann. Serv. viii, B.46.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Shedsuamun, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ann. Serv. viii, B.47.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Esmut, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ann. Serv. viii, B.69-70.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Sit-khons, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ann. Serv. viii, B.81.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Mummy-cloths.
Gautseshen, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Part of text, Rec. de Trav. xvii (1895), 114 [cxxviii].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Ushabti Boxes.
Wax plaque of Tauhenut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36355.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Mummy-cloths.
Tentdetmut, one with six lines of Book of the Dead, and one with Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
35409-10, and tabs with Ramesses XI before Min, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35408, all found in
coffin usurped from Akhmut.
Ann. Serv. iii, 152, 153 [1], 155-6.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Mummy-cloths.
Tabs of Pinezem. (b) Others (found with coffins in London, British Museum, EA 24793, 24798-9
(i2.638)), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Ann. Serv. vii, (1905), 156.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Various.
Four canopic-jars of Ruztaentay, songstress of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4179-82 (JE
Reisner, Canopics, 129-32, pl. xxvi.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Amun. Various.
Model ship, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4929 (JE 29265).
Reisner, Models ... ships and boats (Cat. Caire), 88-91, pl. xix.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Monthu.
Sarcophagus of Zekhy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41011.
Moret, Sarcophages .. . Bubastite ... Saite pp. 139-50.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Monthu.
Sarcophagus of Irtharerau, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41016.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 168-74.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Monthu.
Sarcophagus of Hor II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41017.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 174-87.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Monthu.
Coffin of Hor II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41062.
Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pl. xxx, xxxi.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Monthu.
Sarcophagus of Gautseshen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41018.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pl. 19.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Monthu.
Outer coffin of Gautseshen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41063.
Gauther, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pl. xxxii.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Monthu.
Coffin of Espasefi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See P.S.B.A. xi, 70.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Monthu.
Sarcophagus of Nekhtubasteru, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41005.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 88-92.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. In and near Temple of Hatshepsut. Tombs of Priests of Monthu.
Coffin of Nekhtubasteru, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41050.
Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pl. xii.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Outer and inner sarcophagus of Ankhefenkhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41001, 41001 bis.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pls. 1-6.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Two coffins of Ankhefenkhons I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41042-3.
Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pls. 1-3.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Esamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41002.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pls. 7-9.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffins of Esamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41044-5.
Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pls. 4-7.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Foot of coffin of Esamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Eskhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41003.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pls. 10-11.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Ankhefenkhons II (another fragment in Olomouc Mus. 6220), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 41004.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pl. 12.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Inner coffin and lid of Ankhefenkhons II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41048-9.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pl. 11 (coffin), pp. 138-69.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Unnufer II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41006.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pls. 13-14.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Inner coffin of Unnufer II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41046.
Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pl. 8.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Nimenkhpare, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41010.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 135-9.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Naneferheres, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41012.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 150-2.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Harsiesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41013.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 153-8.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffin of Harsiesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41051.
Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pls. 13-14.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Thesmutpert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41014.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pl. 18.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffin of Thesmutpert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41053.
Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pls. 15-16.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sarcophagus of Takhentmin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41015.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 166-8.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffin of Takhentmin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41052.
Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pp. 216-20.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Dedetmut-shepenankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41019.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 194-9.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Two coffins of Dedetmut-shepenankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41060-1.
Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pls. 26-29 [left].
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffin of Eskhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Lieblein, Dict. No. 1113.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffin of Besenmut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Lieblein, Dict. No. 1117.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Fragments of sarcophagus of Besenmut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41007.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 99-101.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffin of Besenmut II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41047.
Gauthier, Cercueils anthropodes des Prtres de Monthu pls. 9-10.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Pedeamun II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41008.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 101-17.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Coffin of Pedeamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41057.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pls. 21-2.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Tabethet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41009.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pls. 15-17.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Two coffins of Tabethet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41058-9.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pls. 23-5.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Lid of inner coffin of Khamhor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41068.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pl. 39.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Titenesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41020.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pls. 20-22.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffins of Titenesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name and title, Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxxiv (1912), 102 [Doc. 15]; Mariette, Notice etc. (1864), 196 [9].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Khahor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41021.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pls. 23-4.
Thebes.Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Anthropoid outer and inner coffins of Khahor, wooden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Notice (1864), 241 [37], 194 [2].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Esamenopet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41022.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 219-26.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffin of of Esamenopet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41067.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pl. 38.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Amenardais, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41023.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 226-9.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Two Coffins of Amenardais, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxxiv (1912), 103 [Doc. 17 and 18]; Mariette, Notice etc. (1864) 195 [7] (inner
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Fragments of sarcophagus of Pedesi, Vizier, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41029.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pls. 31-2 and fig. 36.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Esiemkhebi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41033.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 284-7.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffin-lid of Esiemkhebi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41072.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pp. 533-5.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Meresament in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41035.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pl. 36.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Pemu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41036.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 298-301.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
i2.645A (Moved from i2.644)
Sarcophagus fragment of Besenmut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41024.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pl. 25, pp. 229-37.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Harsiesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41026.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pl. 28-30.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus, no name, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41027.
Nut, Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite 264 pl. xl (called 41041).
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Irtharerau, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41028.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 264-9.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Pefteuaumin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41030.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pl. 33.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Esmin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41031.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pls. 34-5.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Amenardais, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41032.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 283-4.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Taba, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41034.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 287-90.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Tashenesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41037.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pp. 301-12.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Coffins of Tashenesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41065-6.
Gauthier, Cerc. pls. 35-7.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Uzai, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41038.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pls. 37-8.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus of Hor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41039.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite p. 317.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Sarcophagus, no name, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41040.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite pl. 39.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Fragments of sarcophagus of Roroiu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41041.
Moret, Sarcophages ... Bubastite ... Saite p. 320.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Inner coffin of Uzarenes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41054.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pl. 17.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Inner coffin of Eskhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41055.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pl. 18.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffin of Unnufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41056.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pls. 19-20.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Coffin of Hahet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41064.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pls. 33-4.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Inner coffin of Besenmut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41069.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pp. 497-502.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Inner coffin of Irtierthau, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41070.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pl. 29 [right].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Coffins, etc.
Inner coffin of Tadeamun in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41071.
Gauthier, Cerc. I, II, pl. 40.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Unnufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. (prob.).
Lieblein, Dict. 1104; Piehl, Inscr. hiro l Sr. lxi [C].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Eskhons, daughter of Unnufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Lieblein, Dict. 1106; Gauthier, Cerc. p. 266 [bottom]; Rev. dEgyptologie xx (1968) p. 169-70 pl. 16 [B].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Tabethet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Munro, Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen Taf. 5 [20], pp. 18, 202 [A 9915]; Rec. de Trav. xxxvi, pp. 147-8
[Doc. 69].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Pedeamun II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 1 Sr. lx [A].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Besenmut, son of Ankhefkhons I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Rev. dEgyptologie xx (1968) pp. 156-8, pl. 10. Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2301.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Eskhons, daugther of Harmaet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Munro, Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen Taf 2 [6], pp. 16, 187 [A9449].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Irtharerau, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Ankhefenkhons, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Rev. dEgyptologie xx, pp. 150-2 pl. 7 [A,3].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Esamun, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Revue dEgyptologie xx (1968), pp. 166-7, pl. 15 [B].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Nehktubasterau (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Rev. dEgyptologie xx (1968) pp. 162-4 pl. 14 [A].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Eskhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Burials of Priests of Monthu. Stelae.
Ankhefenkhons II, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, now in Istanbul, Archaeological Museum, 842.
Prtner, Aeg. Grabsteine [etc.], pl. vii [21].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Tombs of Priests of Monthu. Various.
Canopic box of Amenardais, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Rec. de Trav. xxxiv, 103-4 [Doc. 19].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Tombs of Priests of Monthu. Various.
Ushabti boxes of Esamenopet and Khahor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
See Rec. de Trav. xxxiv, 98 [Doc. 9], 101 [Doc. 13]; Aston in OMRO 74 (1994), 34 (as c.650 B.C.).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Tombs of Priests of Monthu. Various.
Canopic(?)-box of Eskhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Lieblein, Dict. No. 1265.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact location unknown. Tombs of Priests of Monthu. Finds.
Statuette Amenemhet called Kerabi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years pl. xix [2].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. North
Cemeteries. Cemetery 500. Tomb 507. Communal Tomb of Soldiers. Dyn. XI.
Inscribed linen with names of (presumably) weavers or owners in hieratic, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 51867-9.
Winlock, The Slain Soldiers... pls. 16-20, cf. pp. 28-31.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. North
Cemeteries. Cemetery 500. Various.
Pottery label of Hetep, from tomb 512, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49925.
M.M.A. photos. M.7.C. 209.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. North
Cemeteries. Cemetery 500.
Coffin of Pedeamun, from Site 5, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43636.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years pls. 16, 17 [3], cf. pp. 24-6, and pl. 15.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. North
Cemeteries. Cemetery 500.
Coffin of Pedekhons from Site 5, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43635.
Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years pls. 16, 17 [3], cf. pp. 24-6, and pl. 15.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. North
Cemeteries. Cemetery 500.
Shroud and linen of Nofru from Tomb 319, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 492131-2.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. North
Cemeteries. Cemetery 500.
Coffin of Shedi, Middle Kingdom, from tomb 105, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51875.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. North
Cemeteries. Cemetery 811-26, 831-9.
Embalmers pot with cursive text, Late Period, found in front of 820, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 56283.
NYMMA Bull. ii (March 1932), 32 fig. 40; M.M.A. Photo. M.12.C.9-12, 13-17.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. North
Cemeteries. Cemetery 811-26, 831-9.
Ivory magical wand, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56273.
NYMMA Bull. ii (March 1932), 35 fig. 39 [top].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. Pits in Temple
Area. Pit 25. Ament. Temp. Mentuhotp Nebhepetre.
Outer sarcophagus of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28025.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 61-2.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. Pits in Temple
Area. Pit 25. Ament. Temp. Mentuhotp Nebhepetre.
Inner sarcophagus of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28026.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 62-5 pl. 5. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 308 [3105].
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. Pits in Temple
Area. Pit 28. Mentuhotp called Buau.
Coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28027 (JE 31342).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pp. 66-73.
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. Pits in Temple
Area. Pit 28. Mentuhotp called Buau.
Two models, granary and butchers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31345-6.
See Maspero, Guide, (1915) 320 [3167-9].
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. Pits in Temple
Area. Pit 28. Mentuhotp called Buau.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Models, two pairs of female offering bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31349-50.
See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 320 [3167-9].
Thebes. Deir el-Bahri. Cemeteries connected with Temple of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. Pits in Temple
Area. Pit 28. Mentuhotp called Buau.
Two model boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4909-10 (JE 31347-8).
Reisner, Models of Ships pls. 15, 16.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact position unknown.
Coffin of Nubhererdi, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28030 (JE 31632, 31895).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 16. See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 307 [3103].
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact position unknown.
Mummy-mask of Nubhererdi, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28109 (JE 31632).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 23.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact position unknown.
Lid of wooden sarcophagus of Hemenhotp, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28126
(JE 31632).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 16.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Burials exact position unknown.
Canopic jars and chest of Hemenhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4727-31.
Reisner, Canopics pp. 364-5.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 1. Sekenenre-Taa.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61001 (JE 26209).
Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales pls. i, ii. See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 415-16 [3893].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 2. Rei.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61004 (JE 26205).
Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales pls. v, vi [left]. See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 400 [3847].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 3. Amosis.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61002 (JE 5228).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales pls. iii [left], iv; Maspero, Guide, (1915), 416 [3894] fig. 120.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 4. Ahmosi
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61003 (JE 26208).
Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales pl. iii [right]. See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 414-15 [3892].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 4. Ahmosi
Canopic jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26255 A-D.
.Z. xxxvii, fig. 4 [b], cf. pp. 65-6. See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 391 [3787].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group.
5. Amenophis I.
Coffin, re-used by Dhutnufer, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61005 (JE 26211).
Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales pls. vi [right], vii; Maspero, Guide, (1915), 405 [3868], 407-8 [3874],
fig. 116.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group.
5. Amenophis I.
Wooden mask (on mummy), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61058.
Elliot Smith, Royal Mummies pl. xiii.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 6. Siamun, son of
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61008 (JE 26219).
Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales pl. ix [left and right]. See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 416 [3895].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 7. Sitamun,
daughter of Amosis.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61009 (JE 26226).
Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales pl. xi [left]. See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 399 [3843].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 8. Seniu.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61010 (JE 26206).
Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales pls. xi [middle], xv [left]. See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 398 [3837].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 8. Seniu.
Mummy-cloths dedicated by Mentuhotp, son of Hepu and Ipu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp., 2.
Texts, Maspero, Momies royales 539.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 9. Pedeamun.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61011 (JE 26220).
Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales pl. xii.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 10. Ahmosi
Henut-temehu, daughter of [Amosis] and Tenthapi.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61012 (JE 26224).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. x [left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 412 [3885].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 11. Bakt. Dyn.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61015 (JE 26224).
See Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales 20.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 12. Ahhotp, wife
of Amenophis I.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61006 (JE 26207).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pls. viii, ix [middle]. See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 406-7 [3872].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 14. Tuthmosis II.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61013 (JE 26212).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. xiii; Maspero, Guide, (1915), 414 [3890], fig. 119.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 15. Hatshepsut.
Box of Hatshepsut, re-used as canopic-chest for Queen Makare Mutemhet, Dyn. XXI, wood and ivory,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26250.
Maspero, Momies roy. pl. 22[A]. See Maspero, Guide, (1915), 391-2 [3792].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 16. Tuthmosis III.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61014 (JE 26203).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. xiv. See Maspero, Guide, (1915) 412-13 [3887].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 16. Tuthmosis III.
Mummy-cloth with Book of the Dead and dedication text of Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 40001, and another fragment, JE 26203 bis.
Ann. Serv. xlix pp. 320-1, pls. I, II.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 17. Ramesses I.
Fragment of coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61018 (JE 26225).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pls. xvi [left], xvii, xxiii [upper]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 410
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 18. Sethos I.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61019 (JE 26213).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pls. xvi [right], xviii, xix. See Maspero, Guide, (1915) 408-9 [3875].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 19. Ramesses II.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61020 (JE 26214).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pls. xx [left]-xxiii [lower]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 409-10
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 20. Ramesses III.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61021 (JE 26208).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. xx [right].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 20. Ramesses III.
Mummy-cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26267.
See Maspero, Momies Roy. 565.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 20. Ramesses III.
Pectoral found on mummy of Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52005 (JE 26298).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. iv.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. 20. Ramesses III.
Pectoral of Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52006 (JE 26298).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. v.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. Various.
Box of Ramesses IX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26271.
See Maspero, Momies roy. 584 [7]; Maspero, Guide (1915), 391 [3785].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. Various.
Coffin of Prince Ahmosi Sipaar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61007 (JE 26221).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. x [right].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. Various.
Coffin of Paheripezet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61022 (JE 26223).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. xxiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 401 [3851].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. Various.
Coffin of Henutempet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61017 (JE 26222).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. xv [right]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 398 [3836].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. Various.
Box and model coffin of Sutimosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Maspero, Momies roy. pl. xxii [A].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. Various.
Canopic jars of Wepmosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4324 (JE 26257).
Reisner, Canopics 229 pl. lx.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. Various.
Canopic jars of Wepwautmosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26258.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. Various.
Canopic jars of Siesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. Various.
Canopic jars of Merymosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4086 (JE 31916).
Reisner, Canopics 53-4 pl. lx. See Maspero, Momies roy. 583 [5].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 1st Group. Various.
Wig box sealed by Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26270.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 1. Nezemt, wife
of King Herihor.
Two coffins of Queen Nezemt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61024 (JE 26215).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales 40-50 pls. xxv-xxvii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 402-3 [3858]
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 1. Nezemt, wife
of King Herihor.
Canopic box of Queen Nezemt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Maspero, Momies roy. pl. xxi [A].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 2. Pinezem.
Outer coffin and lid, usurped from Tuthmosis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61025.
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pls. xxviii-xxxi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 413-14 [3889].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 2. Pinezem.
Lid of inner coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61025.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 403 [3860].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 2. Pinezem.
Mummy-cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46881, 46914.
Texts, Maspero, Momies roy. 570.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 2. Pinezem.
Two ushabti boxes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26253, 46943.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 390 [3782], 391 [3789].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 2. Pinezem.
Four more ushabti boxes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 3. Pinezem, son
of King Menkheperre.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Outer and inner coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61029 (JE 26197).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pls. xlii-xliv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 402 [3855], 403 [3859].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 3. Pinezem, son
of King Menkheperre.
Mummy-cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46872.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 4. Henuttaui,
wife of King Pinezem.
Two coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61026 (JE 26204).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pl. xxxv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 401 [3850].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 4. Henuttaui,
wife of King Pinezem.
Gold plaque, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Elliot Smith, Royal Mummies pl. lxxvi [2].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 4. Henuttaui,
wife of King Pinezem.
Mummy-cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46876.
Maspero, Mom. Roy. 576.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 4. Henuttaui,
wife of King Pinezem.
Ushabti box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26272.
Maspero, Mom. Roy. pl. xxi [c].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 4. Henuttaui,
wife of King Pinezem.
Ushabti box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Aston, D. A. in OMRO 74 (1994), 30, 45 [Type VI].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 4. Henuttaui,
wife of King Pinezem.
Mirror-case with nude girl holding bouquet, wood and ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 44101.
Bndite, Miroirs (Cat. Caire), 50-3 pl. xxiii.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 5. Mesehert, son
of King Pinezem.
Outer and inner coffins, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61027 (JE 26195), now in Luxor,
Museum of Mummification.
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales 66-82 pls. xxxvi-xxxviii. Maspero, Guide (1915), 398 [3835].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 5. Mesehert, son
of King Pinezem.
Mummy-cloth, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46878, now in Luxor, Museum of
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 5. Mesehert, son
of King Pinezem.
Mummy-cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46953.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 6. MakareMutemhet, daughter of Psusennes I, wife of King Pinezem.
Outer and inner coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61028 (JE 26200).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales 82-95 pls. xxxix-xli. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 401-2 [3856, 38523].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 6. MakareMutemhet, daughter of Psusennes I, wife of King Pinezem.
Ushabti-box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26264A.
Maspero, Mom. Roy. 590 [7] pl. xxi [D].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 6. MakareMutemhet, daughter of Psusennes I, wife of King Pinezem.
Ushabti-box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26264B.
See Aston, D. A. in OMRO 74 (1994), 31, 45 [Type VI].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 6. MakareMutemhet, daughter of Psusennes I, wife of King Pinezem.
Ushabti-box, with cartouche of Mutemhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26268.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 7. Esiemkhebi,
daughter of King Pinezem, wife of King Menkheperre.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Two coffins and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61031 (JE 26198).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales 134-71 pls. l-liii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 403-4 [3862, 3864].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 7. Esiemkhebi,
daughter of King Pinezem, wife of King Menkheperre.
Leather canopy (middle part belonging to Mesehert, supra, No. 5) with lotus and antelope decoration and
cartouches of Pinezem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26276.
Maspero and Brugsch, Trouvaille pl. 17. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 400-1 [3848].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 7. Esiemkhebi,
daughter of King Pinezem, wife of King Menkheperre.
Four canopic jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26254.
Reisner in .Z. xxxvii (1899), 68 [26] fig. 6.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 8. Tauhert, wife
(?) of Mesehert (cf. supra, No. 5), usurped from Hatshepsut.
Two coffins and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61032 (JE 26196).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales 171-96 pls. liv-lvii [left and middle]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 399
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 8. Tauhert, wife
(?) of Mesehert (cf. supra, No. 5), usurped from Hatshepsut.
Mummy-cloth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46951.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 8. Tauhert, wife
(?) of Mesehert (cf. supra, No. 5), usurped from Hatshepsut.
Canopic jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 389 [3778].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 9. Nebseny.
Coffin of Nebseny, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61016 (JE 26216).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales 20-4 pls. xi [right], xv [middle]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 400
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 10. Eskhons,
Vicereine of Kush, wife of Pinezem, High priest.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Two coffins, usurped from Prince Esiemkhebi, daughter of Menkheperre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 61030 (JE 26199).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pls. xlv-xlix. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 402 [3857], 405 [3867].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 10. Eskhons,
Vicereine of Kush, wife of Pinezem, High priest.
Mummy-cloth of Eskhons I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26266.
See Maspero, Mom. Roy. 567.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 10. Eskhons,
Vicereine of Kush, wife of Pinezem, High priest.
Three faience goblets, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Maspero, Mom. Roy. pl. xxii [A]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 391 [3786 A-C].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 10. Eskhons,
Vicereine of Kush, wife of Pinezem, High priest.
Decree of Amun, on papyrus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 58032.
Golenischev, Papyrus hieratiques 169-96. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 507 [4887].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 10. Eskhons,
Vicereine of Kush, wife of Pinezem, High priest.
Wooden tablet with hieratic decree of Eskhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46891.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 390-1 [3783].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 10. Eskhons,
Vicereine of Kush, wife of Pinezem, High priest.
Ushabti-box usurped from Esiemkhebi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26275.
Edwards in JEA xli (1955), 96-105 pl. xx. Text, Maspero, Mom. Roy. 590 [7].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 10. Eskhons,
Vicereine of Kush, wife of Pinezem, High priest.
Bronze stand with four libation-vases usurped from Esiemkhebi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 26265.
See Maspero, Mom. Roy. 589 [2].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 11.
Zeptahefankh. Second or Third prophet of Amun-re, Kings son of Ramesses.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Outer and inner coffins, outer coffin usurped from Esshuenopet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 61034 (JE 26201).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales pls. lviii-lx. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 401 [3849].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 11.
Zeptahefankh. Second or Third prophet of Amun-re, Kings son of Ramesses.
Leather tabs with Yewepet, son of Sesonchis I, adoring Amun-re, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 401 [3849 at end].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 11.
Zeptahefankh. Second or Third prophet of Amun-re, Kings son of Ramesses.
Ushabti-box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46886.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 12. Estanebasher,
daughter of Pinezem, High priest, and Esiemkhebi.
Two coffins and board, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61033 (JE 26202).
Daressy, Cercueils des Cachettes royales 196-200, pl. lvii [right] (inner coffin). See Maspero, Guide (1915),
402 [3854].
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 12. Estanebasher,
daughter of Pinezem, High priest, and Esiemkhebi.
Four canopic-jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26256.
Reisner, in .Z. xxxvii (1899), 68 [25] fig. 6 [left] (one).
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 12. Estanebasher,
daughter of Pinezem, High priest, and Esiemkhebi.
Two ushabti boxes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46887, 46892.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group. 12. Estanebasher,
daughter of Pinezem, High priest, and Esiemkhebi.
Two bronze stands, with four vases and one vase respectively, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 46889-90.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. Third Valley. Near unfinished Royal Temple, Dyn. XI.
Pits round Platform. Pit 1002.
Canopic-jar of Puia, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37620.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Ann. Serv. vi, 80-1, 89-90 figs. 24, 25.
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. Third Valley. Near unfinished Royal Temple, Dyn. XI.
Pits round Platform. Pit 1019.
Mummy-cloths of Princess Ahmosi-Tumerisi, daughter of Amenophis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Burials on N.E. face of the Hill. Family of Senenmut. Ramosi and
Hatnefert, parents.
Coffin of Ramosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66196.
M.M.A. Bull. Pt. ii. Jan. 1937, 17-19.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Burials on N.E. face of the Hill. Family of Senenmut. Ramosi and
Hatnefert, parents.
Coffin of Hatnefert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66197.
M.M.A. Bull. Pt. ii. Jan. 1937, fig. 30.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Burials on N.E. face of the Hill. Family of Senenmut. Ramosi and
Hatnefert, parents.
Shroud of Hatnefert with Book of Dead, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66218.
M.M.A. Bull. Pt. ii. Jan. 1937, 28 fig. 33.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Burials on N.E. face of the Hill. Family of Senenmut. Ramosi and
Hatnefert, parents. Finds.
Linen-chest with hieratic inventory inside lid, mentioning Minhotp, brother of Senenmut, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 66002.
M.M.A. Bull. Pt. ii. Jan. 1937, 24.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Burials on N.E. face of the Hill. Family of Senenmut. Ramosi and
Hatnefert, parents. Finds.
Alabaster jar, with sealing of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66206.
MMA photos. M.16.C, 244 [right], 245. See M.M.A. Bull. Pt. ii. Jan. 1937, 30.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Burials on N.E. face of the Hill. Family of Senenmut. Ramosi and
Hatnefert, parents. Finds.
Pottery amphorae with hieratic text, temp. Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mitt. Kairo xv (1957), 79-80 pl. x, fig. 1 [B-F].
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Burials on N.E. face of the Hill. Family of Senenmut. Ramosi and
Hatnefert, parents. Finds.
Five pottery jars with hieratic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66208.
Mitt. Kairo xv (1957), 79-80 pl. x, fig. 1 [B-F].
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Burials on N.E. face of the Hill. Family of Senenmut. Ramosi and
Hatnefert, parents. Finds.
Perfume vase of Senenmut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51830.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Burials on N.E. face of the Hill. Family of Senenmut. Ramosi and
Hatnefert, parents. Finds.
Stamped brick of Senenmut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
M.M.A. photo. M.16.C.57.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Burials on N.E. face of the Hill. Family of Senenmut. Various.
Two name-stones of Wazronput, temp. Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66271-2.
Hayes, Ostraka 45 with n. 171.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs of East face of hill. Hatiay. Temp. Amenophis III or IV.
Coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31378.
Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 3-5 [1].
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs of East face of hill. Hatiay. Temp. Amenophis III or IV.
Vases of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31397-31401.
Brief Descr. (1956), 12-13.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs of East face of hill. Hatiay. Temp. Amenophis III or IV.
Bronze dish with animals in marsh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3553 (JE 31383).
Bissing, Metalgefsse 60-2 with fig.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs of East face of hill. Hatiay. Temp. Amenophis III or IV.
Wooden kohl-pot in form of man with vase on head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 44745
(JE 31382).
Brief Descr. (1956), 5323 and pl. opp. 117. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 528 [5323].
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Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs Position Unknown. Khons or Meres and Senebni. Temp.
i2.672 (moved here from i2.823)
Coffin of Khons (also called Meres), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28028 (JE 29340).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 75-6.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs Position Unknown. Khons or Meres and Senebni. Temp.
i2.672 (moved here from i2.823)
Coffin of Senebni, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28029 (JE 29339).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 77-8 pl. xv.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs Position Unknown. Burial of Ity. Dyn. XIII.
Wooden bed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Schmidt, Sarkofager 71 fig. 369. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 309 [3108].
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs Position Unknown. Burial of Ity. Dyn. XIII.
Painted uninscribed statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 475 (JE 25740).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 79.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs Position Unknown. Family tomb of Amenkha and others. Temp.
Bocchoris and Tefnakht.
Ten coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Birch in Trans. Roy. Soc. Lit. 2 Ser. x, 185-213.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Intrusive Burials. From Mond Excavations.
Ushabti-box of Ru, temp. Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37694.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Intrusive Burials. From Mond Excavations.
Head of Libyan, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37625.
Bates, Eastern Libyans pl. vi [1, 2].
Thebes. Sheikh aAbd el-Qurna. Intrusive Burials. From Mond Excavations.
Stela of Namenkhetamun, Servant of the pillared hall of Amun, son of Harutaha, wood, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37691.
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Revue dgyptologie xx (1968), 165-6 pl. 15 [A]; Egypte. Vision dEternit. Muse de lEphbe, Le Cap dAgde,
10 Septembre 1999 - 8 janvier 2000 [1999], 76 [37] fig. [lower].
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Intrusive Burials. From Fakhry Excavations.
Wooden stela of Iufawa, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65757.
Ann. Serv. xliii, 410-11 pl. xxvi.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Intrusive burials. Fakhry Excavations. In Theb. tb. 367.
Stela of Harwoz, as harpist before Re-Harakhti (?), wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65756.
Ann. Serv. xliii, pl. xxvii.
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Intrusive burials. Fakhry Excavations. In Theb. tb. 367.
Linen fragments with titulary of Taharqa, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65758-60.
Ann. Serv. xliii, p. 412 [45].
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Various.
Two bowls, each with Hathor-cow in centre, bronze, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 34738-9.
Winlock in Met. Mus. Studies v, 147-56 figs. 1, 3-6.
Thebes. Ramesseum Area. Petrie and Quibell Excavations. Tombs of Priests and Songstresses of Amun.
Dyn. XXII-XXV. Chapel of Harsiesi. Dyn. XXII.
Bowl of Shepensopdet, daughter of Nemareth (son of Osorkon II), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 18496 (JE 31410).
Bissing, Steingefsse 100 pl. c.
Thebes. Ramesseum Area. Petrie and Quibell Excavations. Tombs. Various.
Lid of ushabti-box of Ahmosi, probably Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40425.
Thebes. Ramesseum Area. Petrie and Quibell Excavations. Finds in Ramesseum area.
Stela of Penpa... before Amenophis I and Queen Sit-kamosi, upper part, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. (S.R. 14029).
Rec. de Trav. xxii (1900), 142 [clxxiii]; Legrain, Rpertoire No. 49.
Thebes. Ramesseum Area. Petrie and Quibell Excavations. Finds.
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Block, Nebneteru, temp. Osorkon II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29248.
Rec. de Trav. xxx (1908), 161-2 [Doc. 10].
Thebes. Ramesseum Area. Petrie and Quibell Excavations. Finds.
Four canopic jars of Tanekht-ubasterau, Dyn. XXI-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40435.
Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 152-3.
Thebes. Ramesseum Area. Berlin Museum Excavations. In 1911 and 1913. Cemetery, Dyn. XXIII-XXV.
Tomb of Ankhpekhrod. Temp. Takelothis II.
Canopic jars of deceased, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mitt. Kairo xii (1943), pl. 13 [c], cf. p. 37.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Tombs of Saite Princesses. 2005. Nitocris, daughter of Psammetikhos I and
Sarcophagus of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Schmidt, Sarkofager fig. 1172. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 3 [B].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Numbered Pits. 1159A Sennufer. Late Dyn. XVIII.
Pained linen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54885.
Bruyre, Rapport (1928), on pl. iii.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Numbered Pits. 1159A Sennufer. Late Dyn. XVIII.
Fan handle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54859.
Bruyre, Rapport (1928), on pl. viii.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Numbered Pits in West Cemetery. 1159A Sennufer. Late Dyn. XVIII.
Four wooden wedges and cubit measure, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54861-4, 54860.
Bruyre, Rapport (1928), pl. viii.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Numbered Pits in West Cemetery. 1200. Amenemhet. Middle Kingdom.
Coffin of deceased, wood, head end, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66867.
Bruyre, Rapport (1929), fig. 46.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Numbered Pits in West Cemetery. 1268.
Wooden scribe statuette, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63647.
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Bruyre, Rapport (1931-2), fig. 27, p. 35 [4].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Numbered Pits in West Cemetery. 1352. Setau. Temp. Amenophis IV.
Head-rest of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63791.
Bruyre, Rapport (1933-4), 101 [10].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Great Pit. Finds.
Block-statuette of Peshedu holding Hathor-head, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Bruyre, Rapport (1948-51), pl. ix.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Temples and Chapels North of Ptolemaic Enclosure. Temple of Amenophis I.
Found by Baraize.
Statue of Tuthmosis III holding jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43507A.
Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. pl. xiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 129 [428].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Temples and Chapels North of Ptolemaic Enclosure. Ramesside Chapels. Chapel
Stela Newau and Takha before Mertesger, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, pl. viii.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Khenu of Ramesses II. Finds.
Sandstone lintel, double-scene, Amenophis I and II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72032.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. i, fig. 10; fasc. ii, fig. 119.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Khenu of Ramesses II. Finds.
Three foreign heads, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72002-4.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), ii, figs. 146-8.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Khenu of Ramesses II. Finds.
Stela with Ramesses I, Haremhab and Sethos I, dedicated by Ramosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72023.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), pls. 12 [79], 38 [left].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Khenu of Ramesses II. Finds.
Stela, Khawi (TT214) with Ramesses II and Paser, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72021.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), pl. 37 [63], fig. 157.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Khenu of Ramesses II. Finds.
Relief, Ramosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72017.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), pl. 36 [lower].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Khenu of Ramesses II. Finds.
Kneeling statue of Ramosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72000.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), pl. 35 [115], fig. 166.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Khenu of Ramesses II. Finds.
Stela, Ramosi and Shed with scorpions, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72024.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), pl. 39 [118].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Khenu of Ramesses II. Finds.
Statue, lion holding Asiatic head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72001.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), pl. xxxi [116].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Khenu of Ramesses II. Finds.
Stela, Ioh as baboon in boat, with Penamun below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72025.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, pls. 10, 11 [111].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Fragment of statue vizier holding rams head, and figures of Amenophis I and Queen on sides, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 43692.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, fig. 84.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Kneeling statue Amenemonet holding altar with hawks head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43576.
Bruyre, Mert Seger 274 [bottom], 275 figs. 135-6.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Stela, Amenophis I standing with text of Ramesses IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43568.
Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. 3 [4].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
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Stela, fragment of Amenophis I before Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43694.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-1940), fasc. ii, fig. 85.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Lower part of stela with chiefs of Mezay, temp. Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43693.
Ann. Serv. xiii, p. 42.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Stela, man before Ptah, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43570.
Ann. Serv. xxv, p. 78.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Broken family-stela of Ipuy, Late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43590.
Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. iv.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Two fragments of stela of Mentumin with 6 ears, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43691.
Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. 2 [2].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Stela, Khaemweset, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43564.
Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. 1 [1].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Stela, Haremwia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43565.
Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. 1 [2].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Stela, Bay kneeling adoring six ears, with two rams of Amun as the god Rehni above, Dyn. XIX-XX, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43566.
Bruyre in Ann. Serv. xxv (1925), pl. ii [1].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Fragment of stela with baboon, dedicated by Roma, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43567.
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Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. 2 [4].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Stela, Nebnufer before Thoth as baboon, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43571.
Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. 2 [3].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Stela, Amenophis I before altar, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43572.
Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. 3 [3].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Fragment of stela, Sheritre with flowers before Tueris-hippo, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. 3 [2].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Fragment of stela, Min standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43574.
Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. 3 [1].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Votive stela of Neferhotep, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43656.
Ann. Serv. xxv, pl. 1 [3].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Stela, Paheripezet before four deities, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43569.
Ann. Serv. xvi, p. 175 and pl.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Bas-relief, man sailing in marshes, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43664.
Ann. Serv. xiii, p. 41.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Relief, Ramesses II with Paser and Amenemopet, before bark of Amun, with Amenemopet kneeling
before bark of Amun below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43591.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, fig. 76.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Base fragment with Asiatic head, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43697.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, fig. 86.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Offering table of Hori, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43586.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, pl. i, fig. 72.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Offering table of Amak and Amenemonet, dedicated to Amenophis I and Ahmosi-Nefertere, temp.
Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43587.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, pl. i, fig. 73.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Offering table of Nefersenut and Iuy, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43588.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, pl. i, fig. 74.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Offering table with cartouches of Amenophis I and Ahmosi-Nefertere, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43677.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, pl. i, fig. 80.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Offering table with cartouches of Amenophis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43577.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, fig. 71.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Offering table of Tuy, wife of Kaha (TT360), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43585 (probably = Temp.
Ann. Serv. xiii, p. 40.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Part of circular libation-basin dedicated to Hathor, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43589.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, fig 75.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Five model axes, two of them with name of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43533-4,
See Davies, W. V. Tools and Weapons, i. Axes 62 [18].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. East Cemetery. Finds.
Coffin of Nub, woman, Dyn. XVIII, from Pit. 1379, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66869.
Bruyre, Rapport (1934-35), fasc. ii, figs. 10 [middle right], 12.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. East Cemetery. Finds.
Coffin (no name), with funeral scenes, Dyn. XVIII, from Pit. 1379, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 63642.
Bruyre, Rapport (1934-35), fasc. ii, fig. 18.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. East Cemetery. Finds.
Coffin of Sitre from Pit. 1388, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66868.
Bruyre, Rapport (1934-35), fasc. ii, figs. 13 [right], 16.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. East Cemetery. Finds.
Wooden statue of woman Ibentitina in naos, from Pit. 1379, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
63646 B, A.
Bruyre, Rapport (1934-35), fasc. ii, figs. 70-1.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Village. Harnufer. S.E. II.
Lintel of house shrine, dedicated to Termuthis by deceased and father Nebzefau, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 63644.
Bruyre, Rapport (1934-35), fasc. iii, fig. 139.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Village. House shrines, etc., in other houses.
Side of house-shrine of Neferhotep, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68800.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, pl. xvii [1], p. 268.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Village. House shrines, etc., in other houses.
Bust of Khanes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43980.
Mitt. Kairo xii, p. 16 [c, d], cf. pp. 58-9.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Village. Finds from houses.
Votive stela with god Reshef, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63654.
Bruyre, Rapport (1931-2), fig. 54.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Village. Finds from houses.
Offering table of Nebzefa, dedicated to Tueris, from House S. O. III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72008.
Bruyre, Rapport (1934-5), fasc. 3, fig. 96.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Village. Finds from houses.
Double offering table of Irnufer, from House C. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72007.
Bruyre, Rapport (1934-5), fasc. 3, fig. 181.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Village. Finds from houses.
Head-rest of Baki, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65832.
Bruyre, Rapport (1934-5), fasc. 3, fig. 118.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Village. Berlin Museum Excavations.
Votive cloth of Suro and wife ...nezem before Tueris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43983.
Mitt. Kairo xii, 60 pl. 18 [a].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Village. Graeco-Roman Family Tomb.
Cartonnage mask, Graeco Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66882 (prob.) and /or 68803.
See Parlasca, Mumienportrts 208, n. 83; BIFAO xxxvi, pls. i-v, pp. 153.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Abnena, Songstress(?) of Amun, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21507.
Radwan in Studien ... Westendorf ii, pp. 826-7 [5] with Taf. 4.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Fragment stela Inherkha (Theban tomb 359), kneeling before Mertesger, temp. late Ramesses III, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Mert Seger fig. 133.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
i2.721 (moved from v.93)
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Ipuy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Hathor, dedicated by Nakhtsu, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26918 (Temp.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Neferhotep, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Wildung in Festschrift gyptisches Museum Berlin (1974), 263 [15], cf. Abb. 15 (probably this).
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Mertesger and serpents before Hathor dedicated by Paser, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72018.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, 78 fig. 156.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela, dedicated to Seth by Penamun and Amenshed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72020.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, 101-2 [228] fig. 173 and pl. xvi.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Ramosi (TT 7, 212, 250) dedicated by Penbuy (TT10), Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 21064 (Temp.
Bruyre, Rapport (1926), fig. 54.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Zazay, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
cf. Rec. de Trav. iii, 105 [vi].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Fragment, winged Maet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
BIFAO xxvii, pl. 8 [1], cf. p. 188.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Upper part of bark of Re and name of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72022.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, pl. xlii [bottom], cf. pp. 50 [203], 99 [203].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Relief, head of Amenophis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Legrain, Rp. 23. See Maspero, Guide (1906), 247 [693].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Cornice fragments, of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Legrain, Rp. 35.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Relief, [Amenemopet (?)] before Snefru, Amenophis I, Ahmosi-Nefertere and Mertesger, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 41469.
Bruyre, Mert Seger fig. 109.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Jamb of Hay, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Jamb dedicated by Huy to Amenophis I, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum..
Text, Bruyre, Rapport (1924-5), 53.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Column-base of Ken (TT4) and others, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51512 (= JE 25111).
BIFAO xxvii, pl. ix, cf. pp. 194-5.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Two blocks of Queen Nefertari, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72015-16.
Ann. Serv. xxxix, pls. 13, 14.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Block, deceased (name lost) and wife Tawert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Forman and Vilimkova, Eg. Art. pl. 115.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Coffin of Prince, possibly Khaemweset, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49549.
BIFAO xxv, pls. 1, 2.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Offering-table, Dhutihirmaktuf, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23076 (JE 39606,
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 16, pp. 63-4.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Offering-table, Ken (TT4) and Nefertere, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23075 (JE 25583).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 16.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Various.
Libation-basin of Usersatet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54889.
Bruyre, Rapport (1923-4), fig. 9.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Various.
Fragments of bowl of Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72010.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, pl. viii [130], figs. 139-40.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Various.
Painted pottery vase of Huynufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63657.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, 53 [6] fig. 28.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Various.
Linen, Peshedu seated before offerings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63757.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Various.
Wooden latch of Neferabet (TT5) and son Neferronpet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45514.
Vandier, Tombe de Nefer-abou 50 [C, a 1].
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Various.
Wooden knob, Nebenmaet (TT219), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Various.
Phallus dedicated to Hathor by Ramosi (TT7), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Bruyre, Rapport (1934-1935), pt. iii, 90.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Miscellaneous. Various.
Brick of Senenmut, temp. Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 71999.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), pt. ii, fig. 98.
Thebes. Valley of the Queens. Tomb 44. Khaemweset, son of Ramesses III. Inner Room.
Two canopic-jars of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4085 (JE 3401-2, 31915).
One, Reisner, Canopics 52-3 pl. lxi. Both, see id. in Z xxxvii (1899), 66-7 [20].
Thebes. Valley of the Queens. Tomb 55. Amen[hir]khopshef, son of Ramesses III. Finds.
Fragment of stela, 22 people offering libations, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28945.
Thebes. Valley of the Queens. Tombs 55. Amen[hir]khopshef, son of Ramesses III. Finds.
Fragment relief, bark of Khons carried, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28946.
Thebes. Valley of the Queens. Tomb 71. Bentanta, daughter of Ramesses II. Inner Room.
Sarcopahagus and lid, granite, re-used by deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47370.
See Brief Descr. 6023, 6253; Groff in Bull. Inst. g. 3, Sr. vi (1895), 320-2, vii (1896), 59-63, 87.
Thebes. Valley of the Queens. Tomb of Princesses. Temp. Amenophis III. Position Unknown.
Canopic-jars of Queen Henut, Queen Nebt-nuhet, Prince Menkheperre, Princess Tia, and royal
concubines, and Nebamun, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36164-79.
Texts, Legrain in Ann.Serv. iv (1903), 138-49. Names, Legrain, Rp. No. 216.
Thebes. Valley of the Queens. Finds.
Middle coffin of Irtierau, Dyn. XXII-XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Schiaparelli, Relazione i, 187 [4].
Thebes. Valley of the Queens. Finds.
Middle coffin of Tahotp (good name Thaenhotp), Dyn. XXII-XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Schiaparelli, Relazione i, 188-9 [6].
Thebes. Valley of the Queens. Finds.
Middle coffin of Hor, Late Dyn. XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Schiaparelli, Relazione i, 192 [11].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Valley of the Queens. Finds.
Middle coffin of Mosi, Late Dyn. XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Schiaparelli, Relazione i, 193 [12].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Tombs inside Enclosure. 1. Harsiesi, co-regent with Osorkon II.
Cuve of sarcophagus of deceased, usurped from Queen Henutmare, wife of Ramesses II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 59896.
Hlscher, Excavations 34-6 figs. 22-3. See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches 6251-2.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Tombs inside Enclosure. 1. Harsiesi, co-regent with Osorkon II.
Lid of sarcophagus of King Harsiesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60137.
Hlscher, Excavations 34-6 figs. 22-3. See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches 6251-2.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Tombs inside Enclosure. 1. Harsiesi, co-regent with Osorkon II.
Canopic jars of King Harsiesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59900.
Hlscher, Excav. Medinet Habu v, pl. 10 [C].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Tombs inside Enclosure. 13. Desnub (woman). Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Canopic-jars of Desnub, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59899.
Hlscher, Excav. Medinet Habu v, pl. 22 [C, E].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Tombs inside Enclosure. 21. Esteruy, daughter of King Rudamun.
i2.773 (formerly Bibl. ii.187)
Block, deceased and two figures of Osiris, re-used in Great Temple in Ptolemaic Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 33902.
Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xix (1897), 20 [cxliii, 1st text].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Tombs inside Enclosure. Thatienkemet. Divine wife. Dyn. XXVI.
Three canopic jars of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4183-5 (JE 31893).
Reisner, Canopics 132-4 pl. xxvi.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area.
Head of Osiride statue of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38386 bis (JE 34143).
Daressy, Statues de divinitis 104.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Seated statue of Tuthmosis III, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59873.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area.
i2.774 (formerly Bibl. i.192)
Statue group of Amenophis III, Queen Teye, and three daughters, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 102. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 170-1 [610].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area.
i2.774 (formerly Bibl. i.192)
Statue Henuttaneb, from previous group, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33906.
Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 102. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 170-1 [610].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
i2.775 (see also, Bibl. ii2.474)
Head, presumably Tuthmosis III, granite, found in tank, south of the Temple, perhaps from Room VI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59880.
Hlscher, Excavations ii, 9 n. 8 fig. 9.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Statue of Amenophis I as Amun with Ahmosi-Nefertere in relief, dedicated by Sethos I, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1244.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 172, p. 127. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 153-4 [511].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Head of Amun, dedicated by Sethos I, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp., now in
Port Said, Port Said National Museum, P.4035.
Brand, P. J. The Monuments of Seti I (2000), 255 [3.101] fig. 132.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Statue Merneptah slaying prisoner, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1240.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 172. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 185 [702].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Statue of Nufer, in niche, black granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59868.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Four kneeling headless statues of Amenemonet, back to back, with text on one, New Kingdom, in Cairo,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Lower part of kneeling statue of Hapi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 59871.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Statue of Amenardais I, lower part, black granite, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 611.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten, ii, pl. 111. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 215 [931].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
i2.775 and ii2.478
Statue of Anubis jackal, with remains of text of Amenardais I, black stone, temp. Amenardais I, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp., (head in London, British Museum, EA 64400).
See Leclant, Mon. thb. 168 [45, D12].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Statue of Shepenwept II, daughter of Piankhy, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59870.
Hlscher, Excavations v, pl. 21 [B, C].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Statue of Pedehor(pa)re, [temp. Ptolemy II], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 969.
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 8 (texts).
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Block statue of Esmin, son of Pedehorpare, grey granite, temp. Ptolemy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 680.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 124. See Chron. dg. xxxiv, 247 [III].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Statue of Harmakheru, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 660.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 8-9.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Royal bust, probably Achoris, black granite, perhaps from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 601.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 108.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Ken, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25300.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Stela of Hor and Amennakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59858.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Upper part of ...nakht, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59862.
Valbelle in BIFAO 75 (1975), pl. xx, pp. 140-1 [9].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Stela of Amenhotp, dedicated to ram of Amun as living Rehni, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34153 (JE 36263).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, pl. 61.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Wooden stela of Zemutesankh, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Revue dEg. xx (1968), 159-60 pl. 12.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Stela, year 3 of Taharqa, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36410.
Ann. Serv. iv, 178-80, fig. 4.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Stela of Shepenwept I and Amenardais I, dedicated by Nebtimautmehyt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Ann. Serv. ix, 277-80.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Stela with bark of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59859.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Stela with two Hathor-heads, dedicated to Hathor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59863.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Top of stela, couple before Ptah and Seth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59864.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Small stela, god before altar, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33910.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Lintel of Amenophis III re-used in Roman town, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
See Hlscher, Excavations v, 37.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Lintel with cartouches, Amenophis I, Ramesses II, Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 59895.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Jambs usurped by Dhutmosi, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48832-3.
Text, Rec. de Trav. xx, 75-6 [cliii].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Reliefs with divinities, etc. Late Roman, (one with king before Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 59888).
Hlscher, Excavations pl. 34 [G-K].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Block , two ibises at top, and three golds holding zad-pillars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59865.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Block, Emperor before Amen-re and Mut, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33911.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Inner sarcophagus Ramessu (i.e. Paramessu, afterwards Rameses-meryamun), probably son of Sethos I,
grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72203.
Ann. Serv. xliii, 33-5 pls. 7-10. See Descr. somm. No. 6312.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment of sarcophagus of Amenemonet, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38338.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Offering-table of Shepenwept II and Amenardais I, black granite, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 23100 (JE 40495).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 21, pp. 85-6.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Offering-table of Taneferu(?), daughter of Tashenmin, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 23134 (JE 40523).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 105-6 pl. 33.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Head-rest of Amenemopet with dancing Bes, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59878.
Hlscher, Excavations v, pl. 6 [F].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Fragment of canopic-box with kneeling female mourner in relief, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 59866.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Canopic-jar of Ubasteardais (woman), fragments, 3rd Intermediate Period or Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 4711.
See Reisner, Canopics 355 (text).
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Canopic jar of Tamenkhamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59898.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Rectangular libation-basin of Akhamenerau, temp. Shepenwept II and Amenardais II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 31885.
Leclant in JNES xiii (1954), 157-9 [viii] pls. viii [upper]-x.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Embalmers table in form of couch with lions head, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
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JE 69416 or 69417.
Mitt. Kairo xxii, 44 pl. xii [a]; Ann. Serv xxx, 102-4 with pl.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Faience plaque with eight ears, of King Menkheperre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59751.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Flint palette, Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59844.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Brick of Paser (TT106), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33874.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Temple Area. Finds.
Bronze knife (inscribed), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33872.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Palace-City of Amenophis III.
Six hieratic jar-labels, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
JNES x, fig. 9 [A-F].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Palace-City of Amenophis III.
Jar-sealings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 11424-93 (CG 11460 (JE 32757); CG 11465
(JE 30132)).
Quibell, Archaic Objects (Cat. Caire), 90-102 pls. 16-18.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Palace-City of Amenophis III.
Five stamped bricks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 92518.
See Leahy, Excavations at Malkata and the Birket Habu 1971-1974. The Inscriptions 46.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Palace-City of Amenophis III. Palace of the King with South Palace. AudienceHall E.
Pavement fragments, Asiatics and Nubians captives, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28840, 31353, 28922.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 166, 170 with pl. Nubian, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 521 [5155].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Palace-City of Amenophis III. Palace of the King with South Palace. AudienceTopographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Hall E.
Pavement fragment with duck flying in swamp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Paris, Toutankhamon et son temps Petit Palais Cat. No. 10, fig. on 59.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Palace-City of Amenophis III. Palace of the King with South Palace. AudienceHall E.
Pavement fragment with duck flying in swamp (not the same as the preceding), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp.
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 147 with fig. [lower].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Palace-City of Amenophis III. Palace of the King with South Palace. WaitingRoom.
Bench-panel with fresco of bull in papyrus-swamp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43209-10.
Frankfort, The Mural Painting of El-Amarneh pl. xiii [middle].
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Palace-City of Amenophis III. Palace of the King with South Palace. Room east
of Kings Bedroom.
Fragment of boukrania ceiling, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43211.
Thebes. Mednet Habu. Palace-City of Amenophis III. Finds.
Stela-fragment, tree between goats, from small building in Palace enclosure, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43592.
Winlock in MMA Bull. vii (1912), 188 fig. 1.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Dedusobk (headless), Scribe, Head of recruits, temp. Mentuhotp (Nebhepetre), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 887 (JE 25636).
Borchardt, Statuen and Statuetten iii, 137-9 pl. 155.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Nakht (headless), son of Bik (mother) Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 460
(JE 25755).
Borchardt, Statuen and Statuetten ii, 53 pl. 76.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Sebknakht, Steward, two fragments, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 390
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(JE 27655).
Borchardt, Statuen and Statuetten ii, 8 pl. 62.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Statue-base of a chief physician and magician (name lost), wooden, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 447 (JE 25954).
Borchardt, Statuen and Statuetten ii, 45-6.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Teti, Overseer of leather-workers of the King, squatting, temp. Tuthmosis II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1108 (JE 28971).
Borchardt, Statuen and Statuetten iv, 61-3.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Mayor, Royal scribe, seated, two fragments, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1057 (JE 28511).
Borchardt, Statuen and Statuetten iv, 42.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Bust, painted sandstone, with cartouche of Tuthmosis III on breast, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 899.
Borchardt, Statuen and Statuetten iii, pl. 156.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Nekhtmin, Royal scribe, General and Kings son, head from double-statue with upper part of wife, late
Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 779 (JE 31629-30).
Borchardt, Statuen and Statuetten iii, pl. 143. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 190-1 [745-6].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Nekhtmin, General, lower part of seated group, late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36526.
Rec. de Trav. xxviii, 177 [bottom]-178 [top].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Double-statue Simut and Baky, dedicated by grandson Paser, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1107.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 163.
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Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Amenemhet (block statue), son of Ahmosi, Judge, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 593.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 107.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Amenhotp (as scribe), Scribe of documents of the chief prophet of Amen-re, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 592 (JE 28827).
Le Muse g. i, 27 pl. xxx; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 106. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 146
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Statue (headless) of Imhotep, squatting, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38337.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Minnakht and wife Mert, statue-group, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 613 (JE 27970).
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 160-1.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Minnakht, Divine father of Mut, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 624 (JE 27585).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 114.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Tenro and wife Mut, statue-group, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 588.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 106.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Fragment of block-statue of a Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, Eyes of the King in the Southern
Cities, etc., name lost, son of Sennufer, Nurse of Siamun (son of Amosis), black granite, Dyn. XVIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1112.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 64.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Sennufer (TT99), double-statue (deceased twice represented ?), fragment, black granite, temp. Tuthmosis
III, re-using Middle Kingdom statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1013.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 25-6 pl. 160.
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Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Man and wife Amenhotp, daughter of Tahu, fragments from statue-group, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1255.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 131-2.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Double-statue, man with mother Takha, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 816
(JE 25969).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 109-10 pl. 151.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Seated group, Iniy, Guardian of the nome on the west of Thebes, and wife Tentamentet, Dyn. XVIIIXIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 772 (JE 31053).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 142.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Man with wife Roy, statue-group, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 635.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 117.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Group, Huy wab - priest of Maet, with wife and parents, Ramosi and Maet..., Dyn. XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 621 (JE 11253).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 113 pp. 166-7.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Minmosi, sem-priest, kneeling with stela, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 625 (JE 25629).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 114.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Hekaneheh, eight fragments, granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1014.
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 27. Titles, Lieblien, Dict. Supp. No. 1926.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
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Mentuemhet (TT34), kneeling with stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Leclant, Montouemhat pls. vii, viii, pp. 39-47 [Doc. 6].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Statue-base, Deesihebsed, black granite, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1219 (JE 25285,
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, p. 114.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Ibi, lower part, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36158.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 94-6.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Shepenwept III, granite, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25581.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Harua, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1056 (JE 26515).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, p. 41.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Divinities.
i2.786 (see ii2.480)
Fragment statue of Osiris, dedicated by Shepenwept I, Amenardais I, and Yunaiaiu, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43653.
Ann. Serv. vii, 43-5 [xxxiv].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Divinities.
Osiris dedicated by Pedehorresnet, greywacke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38372, adjoins torso in
Sydney, Macquarie University; Ancient History Teaching Collection.
Daressy, Statues de divinits pp. 100-1.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Divinities.
Crocodile, dedicated to [Mut] of Asher by Penpare, Divine father of Amun, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Text, Ann. Serv. xviii, 282-3.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Location Unknown.
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Block statue of Sety, headless, black granite, Dyn. XIX, found near Deir el-Shelwt, perhaps in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Text, Ann. Serv. viii, 282-3.
<<> >
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hasi, 1st Intermediate Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1649.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches Bl. 86, pp. 110-11. Text, Sethe, Urk i, 151-2 [40].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nofru, 1st Intermediate Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1759.
Text, Sethe, Urk i, 151 [39].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Simontu, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20712 (JE 29256).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 337-8.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Anmertes, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20754 (JE 29240).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. lix.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Bebi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20626 (JE 25966).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 265.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ibia-Antef (same man as following entry), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20429 (JE
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 25-7.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ibia-Antef (same man as preceding entry), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20430 (JE
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 25-7; iv, pl. xxx.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
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Neferhotep and father Senebtefi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20491.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, pp. 84-5; Rec. de Trav. vii, 126 [xiv].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Neferhotep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20647 (JE 25967).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 282-3.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
False-door of Sebmenti... and wife Kek, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20047.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 56-7.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Amenophis III offers to Osiris and Sokari, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49113.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Fragments with list of slaves, probably temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Rec. de Trav. x, 150 [xiv].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Kenres, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34004.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. iv, pp. 9-10.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Mosi, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34030 (JE 27743).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. xxii, pp. 64-5.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Smentaui and Huy, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34037 (JE 27573).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. xxiv, pp. 70-2.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
i2.800A (moved from iii2.46)
Stela-niche of Nakht, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2021.
Hassan, The Great Sphinx pl. lxii, p. 239.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
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Hednakht, dedicated to father (name lost) and mother Nebtta, top missing, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 34039 (JE 29330).
Rec. de Trav. xiv. 27 [xxxxiv]; Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. xxv, pp. 73-4.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Amenopet-Nakht, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43134.
Bruyre, Mert Seger fig. 79.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Amenemopet and Tabak, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Amenhotp, dedicated to ram of Amun as Rehni, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34152.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. lxi, pp. 198-9.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Amenmosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28952 (Temp. No.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Bena(n)ti, offering flowers to ram head of Amun, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Bay, Overseer of the royal harm, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum (?).
Lieblien, Dict. No. 2116.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nebamun, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34107 (JE 25604).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. li, pp. 162-3.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Neferhotep, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34057.
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Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. xxxiv, pp. 101-5.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Userhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34045 (JE 4746).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. xxvii, pp. 78-9.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name lost, three registers, I and II, man offering to deceased and wife, III, text, including Address to the
living, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34169.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. lxiii, pp. 207-8.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ankhpekhrod, son of Harnufer, before Re Harakhti, wood, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Maspero, gypte fig. 527.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Zeamun(es)ankh, daughter of Zedhutefankh, before Re-Harakhti, and scene below, female mourner
before pyramid tomb, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Mariette, Album on pl. 14. Mourning scene, Maspero, Guide (1915), 342 [3365] fig. 108.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Naneferheres, daughter of Harsiesi, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Rev. dEgyptologie, xx (1968), 161-2 pl. 13. Text, Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 3 Sr. lxxxiv [v].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Sai-duatneterenhebu, wood, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 3307.
Zayed in Rev. dg. xx (1968), 168-9 pl. 16 [A]. Names, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. lvi [middle lower].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Bes(en)mut, with deceased before deities in double scene, year 28 of Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 2747.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 47 [B]. See Maspero, Guide (1884), 147 [1530].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pakharkhons, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22071.
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Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 66-7 pl. xxiii.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Panefer-ahaf, son of Tadeusiri, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 5388.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 47 [D]. See Maspero, Guide (1883), 40 [19].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Unnufer, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 5387.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 47 [C]. See Maspero, Guide (1883), 39 [3].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Zeubaste-anoksi, h_ek. a of the divine adoratress, son of I..., Vizier, wooden, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in
Huber colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4886.
Names, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. lvi [lower middle].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Beketkhons, daughter of Tefbes, wooden, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Names, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. lvii [top].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tairi, daughter of Amenhotp and Khasenesi, with hymns to Re, wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp.
Text, Piehl, Inscr. Hiro. 3 Sr. lxxxv [x]. Names, Lieblein, No. Supp. 2281.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Namenkhamun, daughter of Besenmut, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Rev. dEgyptologie xx (1968), 164-5 pl. 14 [B].
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Khentestuser (?) adoring Re, wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 3394.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nehemse-ubaste adoring Re, wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 3389.

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Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Paesi (?) adoring Re, wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 3390.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harnakht before Osiris and sons of Horus, with six lines of text, wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 18651.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Merefsi, Child of the nursery, wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28430.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Amenwah before Amun, Mut and Amun-Kamutf, sandstone, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 25299.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Bekenamun, fragments, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26879.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Top of stela with Thenent and Termuthis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29848.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ankhpekhrod before Re, double-scene, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 3306.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pespamut, woman, before Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, and Hapi, with four lines of text, Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 18652.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
...hor before Nut, Osiris, Horus, and Isis, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26880.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Lower part of stela with boat and four women, and three woman and child below, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 28957.
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Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Heribardais, daughter of Nehemse-mut, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22010
(JE 25978).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 11-12 pl. v.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Cippus, Horus on crocodiles with demotic texts on edges, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
9406 (JE 25900).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 17-18.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Amenhotp and wife Nefertere, with name of Amun erased, [temp. Amenophis IV], in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 26947.
Names, Legrain, Rpertoire 283.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
[Nefer]ronpet kneeling with hymn to Aten, temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 87233.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Two registers of female mourners, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51346.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Mahu and wife Amenemwaskhet adoring Ahmosi Nefertere and Amenophis I, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 27074.
Names, Legrain, Rpertoire 47 (wife called Amenemopet).
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Lintel, Amenhotp and wife adored by children, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2213 and
JE 27975.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Amenhirkhopshef, four columns of text, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28830.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
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Mosi, Scribe, before Anubis, sandstone, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27080.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Double scene on lintel, Pedeamun and wife Tay before Osiris, and before Anubis, New Kingdom or later,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2019.
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Zefi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28022 (JE 28804).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 40-1 pl. v.
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Ankhefenkhons, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Deceased offering bouquet and libation to Osiris, from interior, Drioton and Hassia, Temples and Treasures
pl. 31.
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Zeharefankh, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Laurent-Tckholm, Faraos Blomster pl. on 277 [right].
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Zeharefankh, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 238 figs.
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Seven coffins: Huy, Mutiri (woman), Bekamun, Nebteti, Taia, Esmut and Piay, New Kingdom (?), in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2150-6.
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Piay (probably same monument of same owner as in preceding entry), mummy board, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. (probably = JE 2156).
Ramses le Grand (Paris 1976), Cat. No. xxxviii with col. pl.
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Sha-amenimes, daughter of Takelothis II, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
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Names, Maspero in .Z. xxi (1883), 69 [xxxix, 2nd text]. See Maspero, Guide (1884), 307 [4937].
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Taybethet, daughter of Gapetaenesi (mother), Dyn. XXV-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxiii (1901), 133 [clxxxvi].
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Naneferheres, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Titles and names, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xix (1897), 21 [cxliv, 2nd text].
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Zeho, coffin and cartonnage, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1914), 378 [3777].
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Cartonnage of Pemu, Late Period, found together with following object, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
<<Qurna 1861. Priest of Monthu?>>
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Cartonnage of Hashet (woman), Late Period, found together, with previous object, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 17082.
<<Qurna 1861. Priest of Monthu?>>
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Tairi, daughter of Amenhotp, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Text, Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 3 Sr. lxxxvi-lxxxvii [z].
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
i2.824 and i2.824A
Two coffins of Mutardais, daughter of Peftay, Singer of the harm of Amun, and two of Tabekenkhons,
daughter of Pabasa, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. li [top and middle].
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Desament, daughter of Irtharerau and Tanini, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25802.
Names, Lieblein, Dict. Supp. No. 2249.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Zekhensefankh, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Notice (1864), 194 [4].
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Thesmutpert, daughter of Pesthenfi and Sheri, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25804.
Lieblein, Dict. Supp. No. 2450.
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Four coffins, Ireterau, Henk-unnufer, Pedeneferi and Abaro, woman, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 20031-4.
Thebes. Objects. Coffins, etc.
Cartonnage of Ankh-unnufer, probably Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Notice (1864), 196 [10].
Thebes. Objects. Offering-tables.
Libation-table of Amenpesdeni, sandstone, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23145
(JE 3426 and 40532).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. xxxvi.
Thebes. Objects. Offering-tables.
Sheshonk (TT27), black granite [temp. Apries-Amasis], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23097
(JE 27070, 40492).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 83-4 pl. xx.
Thebes. Objects. Offering-tables.
Karakhamun (TT223), offering-table, black granite, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 23103 (JE 40497).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. xxii.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Pyramidion-fragment with Re-Harakhti and Maet in bark, faience, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 56354.
Rammant-Peeters, Pyramidions 26 [Doc. 23] pls. xvi [46], xvii [47].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Objects. Various.
Pyramidion of Panufer, granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28947.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Fragment of pyramidion of Kenro (TT178), faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 519 [5111].
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Canopic-box of Renessonb, woman, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6192.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Ushabti-box of Ima(?), Dyn. XVIII(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48583 (JE 43256).
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Ushabti-box of Rahotp, Dyn. XVIII(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48585 (JE 43255).
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Five ushabti-boxes of Tetinufer, Dyn. XVIII(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48373, 48376-8, 48382
(CG 48579).
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Ushabti-box of Nufer, Second prophet of Amun, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Petrie, Hist. iii, 96.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Ushabti-box of Pateuemdiamun, deceased and wife Henutnofru before Re-Harakhti and Maet on side,
New Kingdom, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 67-70 [6] figs. 2, 3.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Canopic jar of Shebenmin, woman, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 14801.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Objects. Various.
Four canopic-jars of Hor, Monthly prophet of the Temple of Amun in the first phyle, temp. Osorkon III,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4375-8.
Reisner, Canopics 237-40 (texts) pl. xlv.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Two canopic-jars of Besenmut, Dyn. XXII-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4654-5.
Reisner, Canopics 334-5 pls. lxvi-vii.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Canopic-chest of Besenmut, Dyn. XXII-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4734.
Reisner, Canopics 368-9 (text) pl. lxxxiv.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Four canopic-jars of Hor, Prophet of Monthu, Dyn. XXII-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 4398-4401.
Reisner, Canopics 249-51 pl. xlvii.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Canopic-chest of Pedeamun, Dyn. XXII-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 5028.
Reisner, Canopics 402-3 (text) pl. xcii.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Two canopic-jars of Tabethet, Dyn. XXII-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4656-7.
Reisner, Canopics 335-6 pl. lxv (4656).
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Canopic-chest of Tairi, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4735.
See Reisner, Canopics 369-71 (texts).
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Kohl-vase with climbing monkey as handle of Queen Ahmosi, wife of Tuthmosis I, dedicated by daughter
Hatshepsut, black stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18486.
Bissing, Steingefsse 96 pl. ix.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Objects. Various.
Alabaster vase of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43508.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Two alabaster vases of Tuthmosis III, found at Qurna in 1859, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 16024-5 (JE 5439-40).
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Two model vases of Nebseny (TT108), wood, temp. Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 31167.
<<2 more jars in London, British Museum, EA 30454-5>>
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Faience bowl of Henutzuu, woman, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3721
(JE 26484).
Bissing, Fayencegefsse 37 fig.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Faience lid of vase of Iniay, Scribe of the temple of Khons, late New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 3722 (JE 9947).
Text, von Bissing, Fayencegefsse 37.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Vase-fragment of Peninheret, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35795.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Headrest of Gerehi, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26501.
Text, Fischer in Gttingen Miszellen 84 (1985), 28-9 fig. 2.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Wand of Nehy, ivory, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9436 (JE 18640).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 45-6 pl. xii.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
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Wand with animals, Bes, etc., ivory and wood, Middle Kingdom or Second Intermediate Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9434 (JE 30032).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 44-5 pl. xi.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Scribes palette of Userhetnakht, with scene, Thoth before Theban Triad, New Kingdom (?), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 69017 (JE 3310).
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Model rowing-boat, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4911 (JE 28817).
Reisner, Models of Ships and Boats pl. xvi [lower].
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Hypocephalus, no name, with text and mythological figures, bronze, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 9449 (JE 28857).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 56-7 pl. xiii.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Small plaster mask, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
See Vandier in La Revue du Louvre XVIII (1968), 96 n. 3.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Wooden headrest with lion-headed demon and text, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 6269.
The great pharoah Ramses II and his time Cat. No. 40 fig.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Ushabti-coffins of Dhutmosi, wood, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48402-3.
Text, Newberry, Funerary Statuettes 341-2.
Thebes. Objects. Various.
Ushabti-coffin with hieratic text, Dhutmosi, Scribe, Dyn. XVII-XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Newberry, Funerary Statuettes 271-2 pls. ii, viii [A, B].
Thebes. Objects. Various.
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Masons tool of Nebnakht, found in TT1, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1938
(JE 27212).
Volume ii2

Karnak. Temple of Monthu. Entrance to Court.

Statue of Ramesses IV, headless, holding statuette of Monthu, slate, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 91712.
Karnark-Nord iv, 33, 144-5 [7] pl. cxxii, fig. 139.
Karnak. Temple of Monthu. Entrance to Court.
Statue of Amenophis II, Osiride, seated, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91719.
Karnark-Nord iv, 143 [4] pl. cxix, fig. 137.
Karnak. Temple of Monthu. Entrance to Court.
Block statue of a Vizier, probably Panehesi, upper part, granite, temp. Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 91718.
Karnark-Nord iv, 31, 144 [6] pls. xxxv [lower], cxxi, fig. 138.
Karnak. Temple of Monthu. Various. Found in foundations.
ii2.10 cf. 53
Block from a stela, Tutankhamun, usurped by Haremhab, with part of text concerning restoration of the
Temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34184 (JE 41565).
Varille, Karnak i, 19 pl. xlviii [right]. Text, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 230-1. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 164 [560].
Karnak. Temple of Maet. Various. Finds.
Stela of Merymaet, year 7 of Ramesses VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91727.
Vernus in BIFAO 75 (1975), 103-10 pl. xiii (as JE 91927).
Karnak. Chapel b. Osiris Nebankh. Dedicated by Amenardais I.
Statue of Amenardais, alabaster with granite base, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 565 (JE 3420).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 114-15 pl. 96; Maspero, Guide (1915), 214-15 [930] fig. 74.
Karnak. G. Gate of Tuthmosis I.
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Statuette of Dedusobk, seated, granite, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42043 (JE 38233).
Texts, Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 26-7.
Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh.
Lintel, double-scene, left half, Taharqa embraced by Montu, and consecrating offerings to Amun, Harsiesi,
and Amenardais I, right half, [Shepenwept II embraced by god], and with sistra before Osiris Nebzet, Isis,
and Amenardais I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39402.
Leclant, Mon. thb. pl. lxvii [A].
Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh.
I, Jambs, Taharqa, usurped by Psammetikhos, offering, and Shepenwept offering, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 39400, 39396.
Leclant, Mon. thb. pl. lxii.
Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh.
Lintel, double scenes, left half, Shepenwept II, with Pedehorresnet, offering sistra to Amun, and
Amenardais II offering image of Maet to Amun and Mut, right half, similar scenes, with Nitocris for
Amenardais, and Khons for Mut, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29251 bis (Temp.
Christophe in BIFAO lv (1955), 70-9 pl. ii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 199 [794].
Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh.
Fragment of right jamb, Nitocris entering, with Nile god below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 39397 (Temp. No.
Text, Karnak-Nord iii, 128 [29].
Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh.
Three blocks of jambs, Shepenwept II entering and Nile gods below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
No.,, 2.
Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh.
Block with cartouches of Shepenwept II and Taharqa from top of double scene, Shepenwept before
Theban triad, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39401.
Leclant, Mon. thb. 101-2 [28, A, 4] pl. lxiii [B].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh.
Block with Hathor-column and two scenes beyond, 1, Shepenwept II with Mut, 2, offering image of
Maet to Amun, possibly from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Karnak-Nord iv, 113 n.2 fig. 121.
Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh. Finds.
Statue of Amenemhab, Steward of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42120 (JE 35677).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 68-9 pl. lxx.
Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh. Finds.
Two torsos of Taharqa, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39403-4.
Leclant, Mon. thb. 102-3 [28, A, 7, 8] pls. lxiv, lxv.
Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh. Finds.
Scribe-statute of Hor, tattooed, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36804.
See Legrain in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 183 [4].
Karnak. J. Temple of Osiris Peded-ankh. Finds.
Donation stela, with Keramama, wife of Osorkon II, in her sarcophagus, raising the lid to offer papyrus
roll to Amun and Khons, sandstone, year 25 of Takelothis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36159.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Papyri Hauswaldt fig. on 23*, cf. 24* n. [876]. Text, Legrain in Ann. Serv. iv
(1903), 183 [3], 185-6. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 211 [876].
Karnak. Great Temple. Avenue of crio-sphinxes protecting King. Finds.
Colossal statue, Amenhotp, son of Hepu, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1199 (JE
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 169. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 6 [3].
Karnak. Great Temple. Forecourt. Finds.
Bust of a king, black granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Chevrier in Ann. Serv. xxxi (1931), 82 (probably this).
Karnak. Great Temple. Forecourt. Found near Triple Shrine.
Stela with the will of Awereth, High priest, son of Osorkon III, mentioning his wife Tadenitenubaste and
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his son Khaemweset, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31882.
Encycl. phot. Caire pl. 179. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 201-2 [809].
Karnak. Great Temple. Forecourt. Found near Triple Shrine.
Stela with text concerning adoption of Nitocris, daughter of Psammetikhos I, by Shepenwept II, granite,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36327.
Caminos in JEA l (1964), 71-101 pls. vii-x. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 212 [878].
Karnak. Great Temple. Forecourt. Found near Triple Shrine.
Lintel, double scene, Sethos II kneeling offering wine to Amun seated, sandstone, found in 1860, perhaps
from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6295.
Karnak. Temple of Ramesses III. Finds.
Statue-base and feet, Mentuemhet (TT34), sandstone, temp. Taharqa, found in situ near doorway, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42240 (JE 39393), another fragment, Temp. No.
Text, Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 90-2.
Karnak. Temple of Ramesses III. Finds.
Royal head, black granite, said to come from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36672.
Karnak. Great Temple. Second Pylon. Blocks re-used in the Pylon.
Relief, head of Amenophis IV, painted, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43608.
Karnak. Great Temple. Second Pylon. Blocks re-used in the Pylon.
Relief, Nefertiti with Aten-rays, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41473.
Karnak. Great Temple. Second Pylon. Blocks re-used in the Pylon.
Block, part of bark, and soldiers with standards below, temp. Tutankhamun, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No., now in Luxor, Luxor Museum.
Forman and Vilmkov, Egyptian Art pl. 74; Arch. Lacau phot. A. xiii, 12.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Second Pylon. Blocks re-used in the Pylon.
Relief, Egyptian soldiers, and enemy beneath chariot-wheel, and soldiers below, temp. Tutankhamun, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Legrain, Karnak 134 fig. 87.
Karnak. Great Temple. Second Pylon. Blocks re-used in the Pylon.
Block of Amenophis III, re-used, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43612.
Head of King, Romano in Berman, The Art of Amenhotep III 49 n. 12 fig. 2 on pl. 13.
Karnak. Great Temple. Second Pylon. Blocks re-used in the Pylon.
Block of Amenophis III, re-used, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43613.
Karnak. Great Temple. Hypostyle. Finds.
Royal head, damaged, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52541.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 370.
Karnak. Great Temple. Hypostyle. Finds.
Colossal statue of Sethos II holding two standards with statuette of [Queen Takhat], by left leg, sandstone,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1198.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 97-9 pl. 169. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 169 [593].
Karnak. Great Temple Hypostyle. Finds.
Head from block statue of Iryiry, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51897, lower part in
Karnak, Karckel 69.
De Meulenaere in BIFAO 86 (1986), 135-8 pls. iv, v (as early Ptolemaic). See Chevrier in Ann. Serv.
xxvii, 150 [c].
Karnak. Great Temple Hypostyle. Finds.
Silver statuette of Nefertem, with text of Pedubaste, below stand, apparently from here, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 54506.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple Hypostyle. Finds.
Head of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59206.
Karnak. Great Temple Hypostyle. Finds.
Part of a face, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59207.
Karnak. Great Temple Hypostyle. Finds.
Stela, Sebkhotp IV (Khaneferre), with text concerning his benefactions in Temple of Amun, fragment,
sandstone, found below Column 73, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51911.
Helck in Mitt. Kairo xxiv (1969), 194-9 pl. xvii. See Chevrier in Ann. Serv. xxvii (1927), 149 [a].
Karnak. Great Temple Hypostyle. Finds.
Stela of Kebsi, year 1 of Nebirieraut (Sewazenre), Dyn. XIII or XIV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 52453.
Lacau in Ann. Serv. Supp. Cahier 13 (1949), passim with pls. i, ii.
Karnak. Great Temple Hypostyle. Finds.
ii2.52 cf. 10
Stela, Tutankhamun usurped by Haremhab, with double scene at top, King offering to Amun and Mut,
and text concerning restoration of the Temple. quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34183 (JE 41504).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 224-30 pl. lxx.
Karnak. Great Temple Hypostyle. Finds.
Foundation deposit, Tuthmosis IV, below Column 107, including alabaster vase and dish, and eight
faience cartouches, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87186-8.
See Barguet, Temple 95-6.
Karnak. Great Temple Hypostyle. Finds.
Small silver ram of Amun, from foundation deposit Late Period, found beneath floor, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 54510.
See Chevrier in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 145.
Karnak. Great Temple. Found near Hypostyle.
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Royal head, granite, in pit north of north wall, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33741.
Karnak. Great Temple. Third Pylon. Bark-shrine of Hatshepsut.
20 blocks, taken to Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41213-14, and then returned to Karnak.
Ann. Mus.Guimet xxx, pls. vii-xvi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 154-5.
Karnak. Great Temple. Third Pylon. Miscellaneous.
Head, possibly Amenophis I, volcanic rock, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52364.
Aldred, N.K. Art (1951), pls. 7-8. See Brief. Descr. No. 6040.
Karnak. Great Temple. Third Pylon. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Neferhotep (Sekhemre-sankhtaui), also called Iykhernefert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 59635.
Vernus in Ann. Serv. lxviii (1982), 129-35 pl. i. Beginning of text with royal titles, Weill in Rev. d Eg. iv
(1940), 218-20.
Karnak. Great Temple. Third Pylon. Miscellaneous.
Stela of ...hotp, Middle Kingdom (Chevrier), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54129.
Karnak. Great Temple. Third Pylon. Miscellaneous.
Two blocks with account of victory over Hyksos, from a stela of King Kamosi, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Lacau in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 245-61 pls. xxxvii, xxxviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Third Pylon. Miscellaneous.
Stela, Ahmosi, Kings son, wife Ahmosi, and children, with brother Sonb libating to them, followed by
two sons, temp. Amenophis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59636.
Hermann, Die Stelen der thebanischen Felsgrber pl. 5 [a].
Karnak. Great Temple. Third Pylon. Miscellaneous.
ii2.74 and 79
Two blocks, granite. (a) Amenophis II binding Syrian captives, and standing in chariot between captives,
(b) King smiting captive, and presenting captives to Amun, both in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36360.
Zayed in Mlanges Mokhtar i, 5-17 pls. i, ii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 166-7 [582].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Court between Third and Fourth Pylons. Outside wall.
Disk, probably from base of sphinx, usurped by Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38679.
Name of Prince Meryptah, Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxviii (1906), 140.
Karnak. Great Temple. Court between Third and Fourth Pylons. Buildings Ramesses III. Brick Building.
Stela, two registers. I, Man (name lost) offering incense and libating to Amun, Amenophis I, and Ahmosi
Nefertere, II, two men (one destroyed) with offerings before Tuthmosis III, probably Dyn. XX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 34034.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 67-8 pl. xxiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Court between Third and Fourth Pylons. Finds.
Statue, Tuthmosis III, lower part of arms lost, kneeling, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43614.
Laboury, D. La Statuaire de Thoutmosis III (1998), 128-33 [C 23] figs. 37, 39, 40
Karnak. Great Temple. Court between Third and Fourth Pylons. Finds.
Block-statue of Amenhotp, son of Hepu, with autobiographical text, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 583 and 835 (fragment of head found later).
Borchardt, Statuen und Satuetten ii, 134-9 pls. 100-4; iii, 117. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 124 [409].
Karnak. Great Temple. Court between Third and Fourth Pylons. Finds.
Scribe-statue, of Maya, headless, granite, temp. Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36329.
Dewachter in Bull. Soc. fr. dg. 87-8 (March-May 1980), 26 fig. 9. Texts, Legrain in Ann. Serv. iv (1903),
Karnak. Great Temple. Court between Third and Fourth Pylons. Finds.
Statue of Ramesses III, seated, fragmentary, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41206.
Texts, Barguet, Temple 92.
Karnak. Great Temple. Court between Third and Fourth Pylons. Finds.
Upper part of statue of Ramesses IV, seated, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36351.
Maspero, gypte fig. 378.
Karnak. Great Temple. Court between Third and Fourth Pylons. Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment of squatting statue of Pedemut, with Osiris-emblem between two rams of Amun on skirt, Dyn.
XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36160.
Texts, Legrain in Ann. Serv. v (1904)), 41-2 [25].
Karnak. Great Temple. Colonnade Tuthmosis I. Osiride statues of Tuthmosis I.
Head from one statue, Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42051 (JE 38235).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 30-1 pl. xxvii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 123 [405] fig. 44.
Karnak. Great Temple. Colonnade of Tuthmosis I. Obelisks of Hatshepsut.
Five vases, alabaster, from foundation deposit of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86725-9.
Fakhry in Ann. Serv. xlvi (1947), 30 [5].
Karnak. Great Temple. Colonnade of Tuthmosis I. Obelisks of Hatshepsut.
Inscribed tools, bronze, from foundation deposit of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 86730, 86733-9, 86741-2.
Fakhry in Ann. Serv. xlvi (1947), 30 [5].
Karnak. Great Temple. Colonnade of Tuthmosis I. Obelisks of Hatshepsut.
Model axe of Hatshepsut, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40079.
See Davies (W. V.), Tools and Weapons i. Axes 61 [10].
Karnak. Great Temple. Colonnade of Tuthmosis I. Finds.
Lower part of statue of Tuthmosis III as Nile-god, holding offering-table with geese and sheaf with quails,
granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42056.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 34 pl. xxxii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Colonnade of Tuthmosis I. Finds.
Statue of Tuthmosis IV, damaged, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43611.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 269. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 182 [665] (called Tuthmosis III and from
Karnak. Great Temple. Colonnade of Tuthmosis I. Finds.
Colossal double statue of Amun and Mut seated, representing Haremhab and Mutnezemt, reconstructed
from fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 602 and 918.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 109; iii, 154 fig. 3. Maspero, Guide (1915), 135 [456] fig. 48.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Colonnade of Tuthmosis I. Finds.
Double statue, Amun and Mut, smaller contemporary copy of last, temp. Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 39213.
Dewachter in Bull. Soc. fr. dg. Nos. 87-8 (March-May 1980), 25 fig. 8. Texts, Daressy, Statues de divinits
Karnak. Great Temple. Colonnade of Tuthmosis I. Finds.
Royal head, granite, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88804.
Chevrier in Ann. Serv. xlix (1949), 261 pl. xvi [left].
Karnak. Great Temple. Colonnade of Tuthmosis I. Finds.
Block, bilingual text, Greek and demotic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50057a.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 36-7 pl. xvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Court, Court between Fifth and Sixth Pylons. II. Enclosure of Tuthmosis III.
Torso from statue of Tuthmosis IV, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 212.
Karnak. Great Temple. Sixth Pylon. Finds.
Colossal Osiride statue of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48851.
Evers, Staat i, pl. 35 [A]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 7-8 [11].
Karnak. Great Temple. V. Vestibule. Tuthmosis III. Statues.
Statue of Prince Antefa, squatting, with mention of his mother Iku, dedicated by his descendant Sesostris
I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42005 (JE 33797).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 4-5 pl. iii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 90 [261].
Karnak. Great Temple. V. Vestibule. Tuthmosis III. Statues.
Head (probably belonging to preceding statue CG 42005), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33767.
Karnak. Great Temple. VI. North Court. Finds.
Lower part of statue of Mentuhotp Sankhkare, kneeling with two jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42006 (JE 38227).
Cartouche on belt, Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 5.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. North Court. Finds.
Head of Sesostris I from a sphinx, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42007 (JE 38228).
Evers, Staat i, pl. 33. See, Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 6.
Karnak. Great Temple. North Court. Finds.
Statue of a king, kneeling with [jars], headless, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42031 (JE 36341).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 18-19 pl. xix.
Karnak. Great Temple. North Court. Finds.
Scribe-statue of Tetiemre, headless, granite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42042
(JE 36343).
Engelbach, Introduction to Egyptian Art fig. 31. Texts, Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 25-6.
Karnak. Great Temple. North Court. Finds.
ii2.94 and 171
Poetical stela of Tuthmosis III, double scene, King, followed by Wast with bow and arrows, offering
incense on left, and water on right, to Amun, with hymn of victory below, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34010 (JE 3425).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 17-21 pl. vii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 127-8 [420].
Karnak. Great Temple. North Court. Finds.
Stela, fragments with building texts, year 24 of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34012 (JE
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 24-6 pl. viii (with additional fragments found later).
Karnak. Great Temple. North Court. Finds. Stelae.
Fragments with double scene, Sesonchis I, with son Yewepet, offering wine to Amun, sandstone, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Myliwiec, Royal Portraiture 114 pl. xiv [b]. Text, Jansen-Winkeln, K. Inschriften der Sptzeit. ii. Die 22.-24.
Dynastie (2007), 10-11 [12.19].
Karnak. Great Temple. North Court. Finds.
Relief fragment with cartouche of a Mentuhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33745.
See Legrain in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 28 [2].
Karnak. Great Temple. North Court. Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragments of offering-table of Sesostris I, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33746.
See Legrain in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 29 [6].
Karnak. Great Temple. North Court. Finds.
Two blocks forming food-table, Ameny-Antef-Amenemhet, sandsone, Second Int. Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 23040 (JE 3423, 39804).
R. St[adelmann] in Helck and Otto, Lexikon der gyptologie fig. on 148. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 316. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 178 [631 A, B].
Karnak. Great Temple. VII. South Court. South Chapels, 9-13.
Fragments of statue of Tuthmosis III in heb-sed dress, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42098 (JE
38245; Temp. No.
Laboury, D. La Statuaire de Thoutmosis III (1998), 378-81 [P 5] figs. 257-9 (as greywacke). See Legrain,
Statues et statuettes 57.
Karnak. Great Temple. VII. South Court. Finds.
Statue (a) of Mentuhotp, squatting, with royal name tattooed on shoulder, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42044 (JE 36498).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 27-8 pl. xxvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. VII. South Court. Finds.
Statue (b) of Mentuhotp, as scribe, usurped by Hor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42045
(JE 36695).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 27-8 pl. xxvi (called 42042).
Karnak. Great Temple. VII. South Court. Finds.
Seated double-statue, Tuthmosis IV and mother, Queen Tia, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42080 (JE 36336).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 46-7 pl. xlix; Maspero, Guide (1915), 149 [503] fig. 54.
Karnak. Great Temple. Granite Sanctuary. Philip Arrhidaeus. Destroyed granite Bark shrine of Tuthmosis
III. Blocks, original position unknown.
Block with part of Annals year 25 of Tuthmosis III, cartouches Ramesses II on back, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 29242.
Borchardt, g. Tempel 89 n. 1Abb. 26 (called Elephantine).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Granite Sanctuary. Philip Arrhidaeus. Finds.
Block with head of Philip, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36712.
Karnak. Great Temple. Rooms south of Granite Sanctuary. XXIV. South Passage.
Cornice-fragments, years 8 and 9 of Tuthmosis I, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Mariette, Karnak pl. 32 [f]. See Maspero, Guide (1906), 133 [350].
Karnak. Great Temple. Rooms south of Granite Sanctuary. Found near Granite Sanctuary.
Head, part, granite, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33743.
Karnak. Great Temple. Rooms south of Granite Sanctuary. Found near Granite Sanctuary.
Scribe-statue of Haremhab, later King, lower part, sandstone, temp. Tutankhamun, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42129 (JE 33766).
Hari, Horemheb 45-50, 58-9 figs. 6-10 pl. viii. Text, Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 81-2; Legrain, Rpertoire
No. 315.
Karnak. Great Temple. Rooms south of Granite Sanctuary. Found near Granite Sanctuary.
Statuette of Ramesses II, broken, green stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33744.
Karnak. Great Temple. Rooms south of Granite Sanctuary. Found near Granite Sanctuary.
Torso from scribe statue(?) of Amenhotp, with text on back mentioning Har[ua], Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42036 (JE 36812).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 22 pl. xxii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Rooms south of Granite Sanctuary. Found near Granite Sanctuary.
Nubian head, fragments, granite, perhaps from a throne, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33742.
Karnak. Great Temple. Central Court. Temple of Sesostris I.
Double-statue, Sesostris I standing and Hathor seated, lower part, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42008 (JE 32751).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 6-7 pl. iv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 113 [325] (called Sesostris III).
Karnak. Great Temple. Central Court. Temple of Sesostris I.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Boundary-stela, Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88802.
Leclant in Orientalia N.S. xix (1950), 364 [f] pl. xxxviii [11].
Karnak. Great Temple. Central Court. Temple of Sesostris I.
Block with Annals of High priests of Amun, with text of Bekenptah, year 39 Sesonchis III, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 36493.
Text, Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxii (1900), 55-6 [7].
Karnak. Great Temple. Central Court. Temple of Sesostris I.
Blocks with Annals of High priests of Amun, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36494-5.
Texts, Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxii (1900), 51-3 [1-2, 3].
Karnak. Great Temple. Central Court. Temple of Tuthmosis III.
Offering-table with Tuthmosis III kneeling holding jars, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 88803.
Leclant in Orientalia N.S. xix (1950), 364 [f] pl. xxxix [12].
Karnak. Great Temple. Central Court. Finds from the Court. Statues.
Torso of a scribe, no text, granite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42038
(JE 32752).
See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 23.
Karnak. Great Temple. Central Court. Finds from the Court. Various.
Throne fragment of King Wegaf, granite, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33740.
Cartouche, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vi (1905), 130 [xviii].
Karnak. Great Temple. Festival Temple. Room XXX.
Upper part of small obelisk of Haremhab, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88805. (Obelisk
probably belonging to fragments in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17017-18 - ii 2.166)
Varille in Ann. Serv. l (1950), 132-3 fig. 7 [upper].
Karnak. Great Temple. Festival Temple. Room XXXI.
Offering-table of Tuthmosis III with dedication text mentioning Akhmenu, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 23089 (JE 12648).
Mariette, Karnak pl. 32 [b] (reversed). Text, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 73.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Festival Temple. Room XXXI.
Offering-table of Tuthmosis III, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23085 (JE 12649).
Text, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 70.
Karnak. Great Temple. Festival Temple. Room XXXI.
Two sphinxes of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 576-7 (JE 15208-9).
CG 576, Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer pl. 22; Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 125-6. CG 577,
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 126 pl. 98. Both, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 4-5 [E, F].
Karnak. Great Temple. Festival Temple. Finds.
Statue of Tuthmosis III, legs destroyed, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 594 (JE 11249).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 148-9 pl. 107. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 124 [408].
Karnak. Great Temple. Festival Temple. Finds.
Head of Tuthmosis III(?), or Amenophis II, granite,in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42067
(JE 34627).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 40 pl. xl.
Karnak. Great Temple. Festival Temple. Finds.
Torso of Tuthmosis III, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42064 (JE 38238).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 38 pl. xxxvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Festival Temple. Finds.
Statue-group, Amun and Mut with small [Sethos I] between them, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 39210 (JE 36490). (Head of Amun in Louvre, E.12200. Fragments in Centre France-Egyptian de
Sourouzian, H. in MDAIK 54 (1998), 279-81 [1] Taf. 40-1. Texts, Daressy, Statues de divinits 299-300.
Karnak. Great Temple. Festival Temple. Finds.
Base of last, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 927.
Sourouzian, H. in MDAIK 54 (1998), 279-81 [1] Taf. 40-1. See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 1589.
Karnak. Great Temple. Court I. Pillars of Sesostris I.
Block from pillar, King embraced on all faces, (a) by Amun, (b) by Atum, (c) by Horus, (d) by Ptah, in
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36809.
See Legrain in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 11-14, pl. iv. Face (b), Forbes, D. C. in KMT 2 [4] (1991), fig. on 15
[left]. Face (c), upper part, id. ib. fig. on 15 [upper right]. Face (d), Leibovitch, Ancient Egypt 97 [265] fig.
67; Maspero, Guide (1915), 98-9 [265] fig. 36.
Karnak. Court I. Gate of Amenophis I.
Faience plaques, etc., including fragment of serpent sceptre, from foundation deposit of Amenophis I, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 519 [5116]. Enamel inlay with figure of Amenophis I, Maspero, gypte fig.
Karnak. Court I. Other Finds. Statues.
Block statue, Senenmut (TT71 and TT353) with Princess Neferure, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42114 (JE 37439).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 62-4 pl. lxvi. Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 105. See Maspero, Guide (1915),
127 [418].
Karnak. Court I. Other Finds. Statues.
Head, granite, Dyn. XVIII (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42137 (JE 36487).
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 254 [139]; ii, Taf. 58 [a]. See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 88.
Karnak. Court I. Other Finds. Statues.
Taharqa, headless, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42202 (JE 37835, 38680).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 10-11 pl. x.
Karnak. Court I. Other Finds. Stela.
Sethos I, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34501.
Text, Sander-Hansen, Historische Inschriften der 19. Dynastie 1-2 [1].
Karnak. Court I. Other Finds. Blocks.
Fragment with cartouche of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Text, Legrain in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 135 fig. l
Karnak. Court I. Other Finds. Blocks.
Fragment with nebti-name of King Menkh-eb-neter(?), Second Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 36815.
See Gauthier, Livre des rois ii. 120 [86].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
A King, headless, seated, uninscribed, Protodynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42001
(JE 37029).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 1-2 pl. i.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Neuserre carrying mace, granite, lower part in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42003 (JE 36707). (Upper
part in Rochester NY, Memorial Art Gallery, 42.54)
Bothmer in MDAIK 30 (1974), 165-9 Taf. 44 [a-c], 45 [c, d], 47-9 (with Rochester 42.54). See Legrain,
Statues et statuettes i, 3.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sahure, dedicated by Sesostris I, seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42004 (JE 37131).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 3-4 pl. ii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sesostris III, kneeling with jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42013 (JE 38229).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 10 pl. vii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenemhet III, (a) striding, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42014 (JE 36928), now in Luxor,
Luxor Museum.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 10-11 pl. viii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenemhet III, (b) legless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42015 (JE 37400).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 11-12 pl. ix. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 111 [316].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenemhet III, (c) feet lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42016 (JE 36703).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 11-12 pl. x. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 111 [317].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Amenemhet III, (d) feet lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42020 (JE 37391).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 11-12 pl. xi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 156 [514].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenemhet III, (e) bust, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42017 (JE 38320).
See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 11.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenemhet III, (f) bust, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42018 (JE 37209).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 11 pl. xii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenemhet III, (g) base, with feet trampling Nine Bows, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42019
(JE 37387).
See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 12.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sesostris IV, head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42025 (JE 38231).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 15 pl. xv (called Neferhotep III?).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Mentuhotp-Merankhre, dedicated to Sobk of Sumenu, seated, headless, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42021 (JE 37418).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 12-13 pl. xii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Neferhotep II Mersekhemre, seated, trampling Nine Bows, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42023 (JE
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 14-15 pl. xiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 114 [327].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Neferhotep II Mersekhemre, seated, trampling Nine Bows, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42024 (JE
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 664. See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 14-15.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sebkhotp (Merhetepre), (a) seated, trampling Nine Bows, granite, perhaps companion statue with (b), in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42027 (JE 37421).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 16-17 pl. xvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sebkhotp (Merhetepre), (b) seated, trampling Nine Bows, headless, schist, perhaps companion statue with
(a), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39258.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Perhaps Sebkhotp (Merhetepre), seated, trampling Nine Bows, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42028 (JE 37404).
See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 17. Text, Helck, Historish-biographische Texte 40 [52].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sebkemsaf I (Sekhemre-wazkhau), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42029 (JE 37420).
See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 18. Text, Helck, Historish-biographische Texte 61 [91].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
A King, seated, fragmentary, Middle Kingdom(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42032, 42049
(JE 38232, 38695).
See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 19, 29.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sphinx, holding vase, alabaster, probably temp. Amenophis I (as Middle Kingdom in Top. Bibl.), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42033 (JE 36722).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 19 pl. xx. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 128 [423A].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Group, Amun between Tuthmosis I and Ahmosi Nefertere, seated, alabaster, restored probably in Dyn.
XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42052 (JE 37394).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 31-2 pl. xxviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tuthmosis III, (a) trampling Nine Bows, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42053 (JE 38236).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 32 pls. xxix-xxx; Maspero, Guide (1915), 122 [400] fig. 43.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (b) legless, greywacke or basalt, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42054
(JE 36927), now in Luxor Museum, J.2.
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 32-3 pl. xxix. See Maspero, Guide, (1915) 123 [404].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (c) kneeling with jars, right shoulder lost, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42055
(JE 36932).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, pl. xxxi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 132 [441].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (d) striding, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42057 (JE 38681, 38237).
Laboury, D. La Statuaire de Thoutmosis III (1998), 234-7 [C 70] figs. 125-7. See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes
i, 35.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (e) seated, wearing h. eb-sed cloak, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42058 (JE 36911).
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 771. See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 35.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (f) kneeling with jars, headless, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42059
(JE 37130).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 35-6 pl. xxxiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (g) kneeling with vase, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42060 (JE 36681).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 36-7 pl. xxxiv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (h) kneeling with vase, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42061 (JE 36723).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 36-7 pl. xxxv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tuthmosis III, (i) kneeling with [offering(?)], alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42062
(JE 37974).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 37 pl. xxxvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (j) striding, feet and base lost, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42063 (JE 38239).
Laboury, D. La Statuaire de Thoutmosis III (1998), 240 [C 72] fig. 131. See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i,
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Double statue, Tuthmosis III and Amun, (k) seated, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42065
(JE 36904).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 38-9 pl. xxxviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 125 [411].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Double statue, Tuthmosis III and Amun, (l) seated, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42066
(JE 36909).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 38-9 pl. xxxix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (m) sphinx, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42068 (JE 37340).
Laboury, D. La Statuaire de Thoutmosis III (1998), 231-3 [C 69] figs. 121-4. See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes
i, 40.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (n) sphinx, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42069 (JE 37981).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 40-1 pl. xli.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (o) sphinx, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42070 (JE 38047).
Brussels, 5000 ans 25 [30] pl. 24. See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 41.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
(p) Sphinx of Tuthmosis III, front part, breccia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42071 (JE 38240).
See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 41. Text, id. Rpertoire No. 137.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (q) seated, with nine name-rings on base, usurped by Psusennes(?) and Sesonchis I, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42192 (JE 37005).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes iii, 1-2 pl. i.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (r), fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Legrain, Rpertoire 132.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis III, (s) suckled by Termuthis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36912.
van Siclen III, Two Theban Monuments from the Reign of Amenhotep II 29 fig. 24. Text, Legrain, Rpertoire
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis II, (a) kneeling with offering-table, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42073
(JE 36647).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 42-3 pl. xliii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 132-3 [448].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis II, (b) seated, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42075 (JE 36947).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 43-4 pl. xlv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis II, (c) seated, headless, holding crook, granite,, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42076 (JE
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 43-4 pl. xlvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis II, (d) striding, feet missing, greywacke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42077
(JE 36860).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 44-5 pl. xlvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Amenophis II, (e) crio-sphinx on inscribed base, protecting statuette of King, dedicated by Huy, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42078 (JE 37369).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 45-6 pl. xlviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis II, (f) sphinx, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42079 (JE 37001).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 46 pl. xlviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tuthmosis IV, (a) torso in feather dress, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42081 (JE 38241).
Brunner in Z lxxxvii (1962), 77 [2] pl. v. See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 47-8.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Perhaps Tuthmosis IV or Amenophis III, (b) upper part, holding crook and flail, uninscribed, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42082 (JE 37349).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 48 pl. l.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis III, (a) legs missing, white stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42083 (JE 38242).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 48-9 pl. li.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis III, (b) torso, white stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42084 (JE 37428).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 49-50 pl. l.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis III, (c) torso, white stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42085 (JE 38245; Temp. No.
See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 49-50.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis III, (d) King protected by Amun, headless, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42086 (JE 38247, 38243).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 50 pl. lii.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis III, (e) head, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42087 (JE 38244).
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 364. See Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 50.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis III, (f) sphinx, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42088 (JE 38374, 38697).
Legrain, Statutes et statuettes i, 51 pl. liii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 129 [427].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis III, (g) head with back pillar in form of obelisk, glazed steatite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 38596, and the rest, feet lost, in Durham, Oriental Museum, N.496.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 363.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis III, (h) head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38597.
Maspero, gypte fig. 364. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 134 [455].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis IV, (a) head and arms of colossus with Aten cartouches, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42089 (JE 37380).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 51 pl. liv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 146 [488].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis IV, (b) sphinx, quartz(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42090 (JE 37845).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 52-3 pls. lv, lvi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 145 [483].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis IV, (c) colossus, upper part and legs, with text of Sethos I, alabaster, formerly in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42139 (JE 36722, 36692), now in Luxor, Luxor Museum.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 1-4 pl. i. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 187 [724].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis IV(?), but more probably Tutankhamun, (d)-(j) seven Osiride statues, probably from an
avenue of crio-sphinxes, uninscribed, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42104-10
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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(JE 38369, 36813-14, 37530). CG 42106, now in Lausanne, Muse Cantonal des Beaux Arts, Inv. g. 3.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 60 pl. lxv (CG 42104-5).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Amenophis IV or Ay, (k) holding standard, usurped by Haremhab, wooden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42095 (JE 37032).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 55-6 pls. lx-lxi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 129 [426].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tutankhamun, (a) striding, granite, usurped by Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42091 (JE
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 53-4 pls. lvii-lviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 135 [427].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tutankhamn, (b) striding granite, usurped by Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66757.
Roeder, Mythen and Legenden pl. 32 [left].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tutankhamn, (c) usurped by Haremhab, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42092 (JE 38244).
Aegyptus v (1924), fig. on 20. See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 54.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Tutankhamun, (d) seated group King between Amun and Mut, upper part, uninscribed, limestone, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42097 (JE 36651).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 56-7 pl. lxii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 167 [584] (called Ramesses II).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ay or Amun, seated, headless, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42093 (JE 36910).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 54-5 pl. lix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ay or Amun, seated, headless, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42094 (JE 36906).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 54-5 pl. lix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Haremhab, sphinx, blue faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42096 (JE 37842).
Hornemann, Types vi, pl. 1537. See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 56.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Kneeling king, probably Nebhepetre-Mentuhotp or Amenophis I, statuette, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42099 (JE 37445).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 57-8 pl. lxiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Face of a king, statuette, obsidian, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42101 (JE 38248).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 58-9 pl. lxiv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
A king crowned by Amun, unfinished, green stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42111
(JE 37867).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 60 pl. lxv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses II, (a) seated, with Queen Nefertari and Prince Usermaetre in relief on sides of throne, schist, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42140 (JE 36652).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 4-6 pl. ii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 193 [756].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses II, (b) kneeling in front of seated Amun, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42141
(JE 37384).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 6 pl. iii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses II, (c) prostrate with offering, and cartouches on leaves on persea-tree, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42142 (JE 37423).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 7-8 pl. iv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses II, (d) prostrate, holding rams of Amun with anaglyph of Kings name, and cartouches on leaves
of persea-tree, two fragments, limestone on schist base, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42143 (JE
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 8 pl. v.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses II, (e) kneeling holding naos surmounted by three deities and anaglyph of Kings name, schist,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42144 (JE 37423).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 8-9 pl. vi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Haremhab (as Ramesses II in Bibl.), (f) colossal group, Amun, headless, in feather dress, embraced by a
goddess (lower part), both seated, with Haremhab standing between them, and binding of sma-symbol on
left side of seat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36705.
Dewachter in Bull. Soc. fr. dg. 87-8 (March-May 1988), 23-5 figs. 5, 6, 10; Johnson, W. R. in Egyptian
Archaeology 11 (1997), 22 fig. [right] (joins CG 1113 (Bibl. ii2.337) to this statue, but description of group
different from this and author also says now in the Temple of Khons); Archive Lacau phot. O, i, 4-6.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses II, (g) sphinx holding ram-headed vase, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42146 (JE
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 11-12 pl. viii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses II, (h) sphinx holding ram-headed vase, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36811.
Hornemann, Types vi, pl. 1532.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Merneptah, striding, headless, with text of year 2, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42148 (JE 36660).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 13-14 pl. xi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sethos II, seated, headless, in pleated dress, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37347.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses III, colossal, holding ram-headed standard, granite, perhaps usurped, in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Museum, CG 42149 (JE 41749).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 14-16 pl. xii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 7 [8].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses III, holding ram-headed standard, granite, perhaps usurped, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42150 (JE 38682).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 14-16 pl. xiii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 182-3 [674].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses IV, statuette, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42151 (JE 37019).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 16-17 pl. xiv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses VI, (a) holding Libyan captive with lion, granite, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42152 (JE 37175), now in Luxor, Luxor Museum.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 17-18 pl. xv; Maspero, Guide (1915), 190 [743] fig. 63.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Ramesses VI, (b) holding statuette of Amun with Prince Panebenkemt and Hemzert on sides, usurped
from Ramesses V, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42153 (JE 37331).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 19-20 pl. xvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Pinezem kneeling with jars, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42191 (JE 37419).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 60 pl. liii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
A king protected by seated Amun, schist, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37980.
Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 1129.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Takelothis, sphinx, damaged, green stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42195 (JE 37854).
See Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 4-5.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Osorkon III, prostrate, offering bark of Sokari, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42197 (JE 37426).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 6 pl. v.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sabacon (formerly thought to be Sesostris II), colossal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42010 (JE
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 8 pl. v.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Psammetikhos I (?), sphinx, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36915 (CG 48603).
Josephson, J. in Der Manuelian, P. (ed.), Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson ii, 431 fig. 1.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sphinx with name of Tuthmosis III, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, probably votive of Tuthmosis III, Legrain, Rpertoire 144.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Royal Statues.
Sphinx with name of Sethos I, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Legrain in Arch. Rep. (1904-5), 24 [bottom].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Middle Kingdom.
Henuti-pu, wife of a vizier, mother of a vizier, lower part, seated, temp. Sebkhotp (Sekhemre-sewaztaui),
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42035 (JE 37513).
Text, Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 21.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Middle Kingdom.
Iymeru-neferkare, Vizier, as vizier, seated, dedicated by son Ankhu, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42034 (JE 36646).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 20-1 pl. xxi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 115 [332A].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Middle Kingdom.
A Queen, bust, Dyn. XII (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42009 (JE 37217).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 7 pl. iv.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Middle Kingdom.
Mentuhotp, as scribe, headless, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42037 (JE 36584).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 220-3 pl. xxii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Middle Kingdom.
Nebsekhut, as scribe, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42039 (JE 37336).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 23-4 pl. xxiv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Middle Kingdom.
[An?]tef, cloaked, seated, dedicated by daugher Hebgeget, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42048 (JE 37997).
See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 29.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Middle Kingdom.
Man seated in long dress, headless, uninscribed, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42030 (JE 35642, 37404).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 18 pl. xviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Queen Ahmosi Nefertere, wife of Amosis, schist, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42050 (JE 37043).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 30 pl. xxvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Mahu, seated, cloaked, temp. Tuthmosis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42112 (JE 37459).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 61-2 fig.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Senenmut, (a) block statue, holding Princess Neferure, red granite, temp. Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42115 (JE 37450).
Berlandini-Grenier in BIFAO 76 (1976), 115-16 [3] with pls. xx [c]-xxiii. See Legrain, Statues et statuettes
i, 64.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Senenmut, (b) seated on ground, holding Princess Neferure, granite, temp. Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Museum, CG 42116 (JE 37439).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, pl. lxvii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 123 [401].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Senenmut, (c) kneeling, headless, holding naos dedicated to Amun and Termuthis with cartouches of
Tuthmosis III and Princess Neferure, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42117 (JE 36649).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 65-6 pl. lxviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Queen Esi, seated, dedicated by her son Tuthmosis III, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42072 (JE 37417).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 41-2 pl. xlii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 128-9 [424].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Benermerut, block-statue, holding Princess [Ahmosi] Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, temp.
Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42171 (JE 36922).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 37-8 pl. xxxv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 187 [727].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenuser, Vizier, temp. Tuthmosis III, (a) with wife Thuiu, headless, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42118 (JE 37390).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 67-8 pl. lxix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenuser, Vizier, temp. Tuthmosis III, (b) seated, cloaked, lower part, with deceased, wife and parents
Amethu and Taamethu, in relief on sides of seat, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42119 (JE 37326).
See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 68.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Minnakht, block-statue, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42124 (JE 37197).
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 462. Text, Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 74.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Neferpert, kneeling with stela with two registers, I, Merytre Hatshepsut before Tuthmosis III, II, double
scene, deceased kneeling with hymns to King and Queen, and autobiographical text on back, temp.
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Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42121 (JE 37177).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 69-71 pl. lxxi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 123 [402].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenemhet called Surero, headless, kneeling holding rope with rams head, temp. Amenophis III, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42128 (JE 36748).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 80-1 pl. lxxvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenemhet, kneeling, holding naos with Nile gods binding sma-symbol, Dyn. XVIII or XXII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42130 (JE 36577).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 83-4 pl. lxxviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenemopet seated with wife Nefer(t), Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42133
(JE 37030).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 86 pl. lxxix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Dedia, block-statue, temp. Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42122 (JE 36957).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 71-3 pl. lxxii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Dyn. XXII-XXIV.
Block-statue of Djekhensefankh, wab-priest, enterer in Karnak, Scribe of the documents, son of Ipuwer, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37365.
Jansen-Winkeln, K. in Rev. dg. 55 (2004), 60-6 figs. 7, 8 pl. xvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Dyn. XXII-XXIV.
Block-statue of Djekhensefankh, son of Pemu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36733.
Jansen-Winkeln, K. in SAK 34 (2006), 222-6 Taf. 11, 12.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Taitu, dedicated by her son Amenemhet, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42134
(JE 36727).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 86-7 pl. lxxix.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
A prince, head, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42103 (JE 36700).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 59 pl. lxiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Woman kneeling holding Hathor-head, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38028.
Hornemann, Types iv, 1027.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Paser, Vizier (TT106), (a) kneeling holding altar with scene, Mut before Khons, granite, temp. Sethos I to
Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42164 (JE 36935).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 31-2 pl. xxviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 166 [577].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Paser, Vizier (TT106), (b) squatting, headless, temp. Sethos I to Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 38062.
Gaballa in Mitt. Kairo 30 (1974), 15-21 figs. 1-5 Taf. 2 [a], 3.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenmessu, block-statue, with statuette of Sobk on front, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42169 (JE 36721).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 36-7 pl. xxxiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Hori (TT347), block-statue, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38015.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Khaemweset, son of Ramesses II, kneeling with naos of Ptah-tatanen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42147 (JE 36720).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 12-13 pls. ix, x.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Khay, Vizier, block-statue, with naos of Amun and Mut, granite, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Museum, CG 42165 (JE 37406).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 32-4 pl. xxix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Khay, Vizier, block-statue, with naos of Amun, alabaster, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42166 (JE 36657).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 32-4 pl. xxx.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Paser, kneeling with rams head of Amun on altar, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42156 (JE 37388).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 23-4 pl. xix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Setau, Viceroy of Kush, kneeling with offering-table, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
[Sety] (TT289), block-statue, upper part, with rams head on front, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42172 (JE 36916).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 38-9 pl. xxxvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenmosi, block statue, black granite, temp. Ramesses IX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36654.
De Meulenaere, H. and De Strooper, I. in Chron. dg. lxxiii (1998), 244-51 [25] figs. 1-3.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Siroy, block-statue, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42167 (JE 36658).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 34-6 pl. xxxi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Siroy, kneeling with standard, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42168 (JE 36655).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 34-6 pl. xxxii.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Unnufer, block-statue, with naos of Ptah, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42170 (JE
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 37 pl. xxxiv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
A prince, block-statue, granite, probably temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37188.
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 288 [159]; ii, Taf. 70 [a, b].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Roma (Roy) (TT283), block-statue, temp. Ramesses II to Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42185 (JE 36989).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 49-54 pl. xlvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Roma (Roy) (TT283), block-statue, temp. Ramesses II to Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42186 (JE 36648).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 49-54 pl. xlviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 186 [721].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Roma (Roy) (TT283), block-statue, temp. Ramesses II to Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37874.
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 291-2 [161]; ii, Taf. 71 [a-d]. Text, Lefebvre in Ann. Serv. xxiv (1924), 133-4.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Block-statue of Panehesi, Vizier, temp. Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37859.
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 289-90 [160] Abb. 34-5.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Mahuhy, kneeling with naos of Amun, temp. Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42157
(JE 39936).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 24-5 pls. xx, xxi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Amenwahsu, block-statue with statuette, Dyn. XIX(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42183
(JE 37162).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 48 pl. xl.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Nekhtamun (TT202), block-statue, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38603.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Sety, statue base, pottery, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42136 (JE 37035).
Text, Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 87.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Thonufer (same man as following), Prophet of Amun, diorite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 286-7 [158]; ii, Taf. 69 [c].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Tjonufer (same man as preceding), Prophet of Amun, Dyn. XIX, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 36979.
See De Meulenaere, H. in Chron. dg. lxxi (1996), 88.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
A Queen, headless, and upper part of young prince, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42154 (JE 37337).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 20-1 pl. xvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Bekenkhons, block-statue with naos of Amun, sandstone, temp. Setnakht and Ramesses III, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42159 (JE 36659).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 26-8 pl. xxiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Bekenkhons, standing with ram headed standard of Amun, granite, temp. Setnakht and Ramesses III, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42160 (JE 36696).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 26-8 pl. xxiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 186 [720].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Bekenkhons, standing, headless, with rams head on naos of Amun, serpentine, temp. Setnakht and
Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42161 (JE 37135).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 26-8 pl. xxv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Ramesesnakht (TT293), (a) scribe statue with baboon on shoulders, dedicated by his son Esamun, granite,
temp. Ramesses IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42162 (JE 36582).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 29 pl. xxvi; Maspero, Guide (1915), 195 [768] fig. 67.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Ramesesnakht (TT293), kneeling with Theban Triad on altar, schist with alabaster base, temp. Ramesses
IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42163 (JE 37186).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 30 pl. xxvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
[Khaemweset], Vizier, bust, [temp. Ramesses IX], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42173 (JE 36650).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 39-40 pl. xxxvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenmosi, block-statue with rams head on naos on front, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42177 (JE 36968).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 42-3 pl. xli.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenmosi (same man as following), kneeling holding naos of Amun with ram of Amun on sides, granite,
Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42175 (JE 36944).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 41-3 pl. xxxix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenmosi (same man as preceding), kneeling, headless, holding naos of Amun and Mut with Amenophis
I and Ahmosi Nefertere on sides, dedicated by his son Paser, schist, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42176 (JE 37407).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 41-3 pl. xl.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
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Kenu, kneeling with Theban Triad on altar, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42178
(JE 37876).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 43-4 pl. xlii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Paser, block-statue with naos containing statuette of Queen Ahmosi Nefertere, Dyn. XX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42179 (JE 36997).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 44-5 pl. xli.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Piay, kneeling with offering table on altar, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42182
(JE 37409).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 47-8 pl. xlv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Userhet, block-statue, with naos of Amun, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42181
(JE 36656).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 46-7 pl. xliv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Dhutmosi, kneeling with rams head of Amun, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42180
(JE 36701).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 45-6 pl. xliii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Hapi, seated on cushion, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42184 (JE 36914).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 48-9 pl. xlvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Shedsukhons, block statue, fragment, dedicated by son Thauenhuy, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42131 (JE 37375).
Text, Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 84.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Herihor (later king), as scribe, headless, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42190
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(JE 36934).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 59 pl. lii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Espautitaui, seated, dedicated by his son Espahorentahet seated in relief on side, Dyn. XXI-XXII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42188 (JE 36709).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 55-6 pl. l.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Amenmosi, kneeling with headless statuette, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37875.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 562.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Nekhtuf (?), seated with Hathor-head, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36719.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 775.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Thonufer kneeling with rams head of Amun on jar, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37133 (K.436).
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 605.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Scribe-statue, uninscribed, grey granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37220 bis.
Horneman, Types ii, pl. 391.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Sheshonk, son of Osorkon I, (a) standing with statuette of Amun and text mentioning wife Yia, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42193 (JE 36661).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 3 pl. ii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Sheshonk, son of Osorkon I, (b) standing holding Hathor-standard, with mention of mother Queen
Makare, probably usurped statue, temp. Tutankhamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42194
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(JE 36988).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 3-4 pls. iii, iv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Sheshonk, son of Osorkon I, (c) seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37881.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 745. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 205 [842].
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Espahoren(ta)het, block-statue with deceased censing to Amun and Ament on front, dedicated by son
Ankhefenkhons, temp. Osorkon I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42189 (JE 37405).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 56-8 pl. li.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Zekhensefankh, block-statue, with scenes, including bark of Sokari on right side and Osiris emblem with
standards adored by Thoth and Horus on left side, temp. Osorkon I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42216 (JE 37879, 36923).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 39-41 pl. xxv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Nekhtefmut, (a) seated in cloak, with wife Esmut and daughter Tashenmut in relief on front, and parents
seated in relief on sides, granite, usurped from a Middle Kingdom vizier, temp. Osorkon II and Harsiesi,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42206 (JE 36704).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 15-17 pl. xiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Nekhtefmut, (b) seated, with names of wife and daughter on front of base, granite, usurped from Middle
Kingdom statue, temp. Osorkon II and Harsiesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42207
(JE 36931).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 17-20 pl. xiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 115 [332].
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Nekhtefmut, (c) kneeling holding stela with hymn to Amun, with wife and daughter in relief on sides of
stela, alabaster, temp. Osorkon II and Harsiesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42208 (JE 36697).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 20-3 pls. xv, xvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
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Nekhtefmut, (d) block statue with statuette of Ptah-Sokari, temp. Osorkon II and Harsiesi, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42209 (JE 36937).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 24-5 pl. xvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Bekenkhons, block-statue with deceased offering image of Maet to Amun and Osiris on front, dedicated
by son Zeubastefankh, temp. Osorkon II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42213
(JE 37429, 36920).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 34-6 pl. xxii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Esamenopet, kneeling with rams head on naos, temp. Osorkon II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42252 (JE 36943 (K.286)).
Text of Osorkon II on leopard skin, Legrain in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 282 [2]. See Maspero, Guide (1915),
211 [873].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Block-statue of Iufa, son of Paenmuenmut and Tanedekhons, with cartouches of Harsiesi on shoulders,
temp. Harsiesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42254 (JE 37374).
Jansen-Winkeln, K. in Rev. dg. 55 (2004), 50-60 figs. 3-6 pls. xii-xv. Cartouches, Jansen-Winkeln, K.
in JEA 81 (1995), 134 [H] fig. 3.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Nebneteru, block-statue with autobiographical text, dedicated by son Hor, temp. Osorkon II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42225 (JE 37521).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 58-62 pl. xxxii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Ankhnahebu, Prophet of Amun, Overseer of the personnel (shen) of the temple of Amun in the second
phyle, block statue, granite, probably Dyn. XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37163.
De Meulenaere in SAK 6 (1978), 63-8 Taf. xx.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Zemutefankh, block-statue with reliefs, deceased before Osiris on sides and bark of Sokari on right
shoulder, and address to priest on back, temp. Osorkon II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42220
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(JE 36710).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 45-7 pl. xxviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Pemu, Vizier, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36940 (K.244).
Title, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 52 [D]
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Espekashuti, Vizier, block-statue with double scene on front, deceased before Amun on left, father
Zedhutefankh before Osiris on right, and five gods on each side, temp. Sesonchis III, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42232 (JE 36665).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 78-80 pls. xl, xli.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Hor, (a) block-statue, with Montu and Osiris on front, Isis and Nephthys adoring bark of Ptah-Sokari on
right side, and Thoth and Harsiesi with standards adoring Osiris-emblem on left side, granite, temp.
Petubastis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42226 (JE 36575).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 62-7 pl. xxxiii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 199 [793].
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Hor, (b) block-statue, with Montu and Osiris on front, and address to priests on left side, alabaster, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42227 (JE 37385).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 62-7 pl. xxxiv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Shepensopdet, wife of last, daughter of Nemareth (son of Osorkon II), seated, dedicated by husband, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42228 (JE 37383).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 67-70 pl. xxxv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 205 [843].
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Esamun, son of Hor, block statue with deceased before Amun on front and genealogy including
Tashepenubaste (daughter of Sesonchis I or II), dedicated by son Espare, temp. Osorkon III, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42221 (JE 36919).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 47-50 pl. xxix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hor, son of Esamun, (a) block-statue with deceased before Amun and a god on front, dedicated by son
Zeubastefankh, limestone, temp. Osorkon III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42222 (JE 37204).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 51-4 pl. xxviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Hor, son of Esamun, (b) block-statue with deceased before Amun on front and wife Tapert on back,
alabaster, dedicated by eldest son Esamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42223 (JE 36950).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 51-4 pl. xxx.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Zeubastefankh, son of last, block-statue, with deceased before deities on front, dedicated by son Esamun,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42224 (JE 38581).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 54-7 pl. xxxi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 206 [845].
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Nekhtefmut, Vizier, kneeling holding stela with hymn to Amun, dedicated by son Hor, temp. Osorkon
III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42229 (JE 38042).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 70-2 pls. xxxvi, xxxvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Zekhensefankh, son of Harsiesi and grandson of King Harsiesi, block statue with Hathor amulet on front
and deceased adoring bark of Ptah-Sokari, and adoring Khons, on sides, dedicated by son Nekhtefmut,
temp. Osorkon III and Takelothis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42211
(JE 37159).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 28-32 pl. xx. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 205 [844].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Ankhefenkhons, block statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36926 (K.64).
FERE photo.14540.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Besenmut, block statue, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36957 (K.257).
el-Sayed in BIFAO 83 (1983), 135-40, 143 pls. xxiv, xxxA (as Dyn. XXV).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Esamun, block-statue with statuette of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37521 bis.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 453.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Espaneterendjera, as scribe reading, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37323.
Payraudeau, F. in Rev. dg. 55 (2004), 81-9 figs. 1-4 pls. xvii, xviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Harkhebi, block-statue, with autobiographical text and scenes on front and sides, deceased before deities,
dedicated by son Amenemonet, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42231
(JE 37511).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 75-8 pl. xxxix. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 167 [583].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
ii2.150 (cf. 149-50)
Harsiesi, block-statue with Hathor amulet on front, and list of festivals below, Dyn. XXII, dedicated by
son Zekhensefankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42210 (JE 36953).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 25-8 pls. xviii, xix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Harsiesi, son of Merenkhons, block statue, Dyn. XXII-XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36967.
Jansen-Winkeln, K. in SAK 22 (1995), 169-77 Abb. Taf. 3-6.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Harsiesi, son of Pedesi, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42233 (JE 36981).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 81-2 pl. xlii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Hor, Vizier, son of Iuthek, seated on ground, dedicated by son Iuthek, Dyn. XXII-XXIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37512.
Kees in Z lxxxiii (1958), 129-36 pl. xii [a].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Hor, (a) block-statue, dedicated by descendant, Hor, Dyn. XXII-XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42219 (JE 36946).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 44-5 pl. xxvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Hor, (b) block-statue, with autobiographical text, dedicated by grandson Amenemonet, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42230 (JE 36706).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 72-4 pl. xxxviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Khamhor, Vizier, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42234 (JE 36921).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 82-4 pl. xliii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Nebneteru, Dyn. XXII-XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37413 (K.441).
el-Sayed in BIFAO 87 (1987), 176-84 pls. xxxii-xxxiv (as Dyn. XXVI). See Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii
(1906), 50-1 [xxxv].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Pedemut, called Pathenfi, block-statue with scenes on front and sides, deceased and deities, dedicated by
son Zekhensefankh, and mentioning wife Zeesesankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42215
(JE 36939).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 37-9 pl. xxiv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Pedemut, block-statue, with scenes before Theban Triad on front, four divinities on each side, and text
mentioning ancestor Esy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42218 (JE 37155).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 42-4 pl. xxvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Ze-ubastefankh, block-statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37527.
Jansen-Winkeln, K. in MDAIK 48 (1992), 57-64 Abb. 1-5 Taf. 9-10. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 167
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXII-XXIV. Temp. Bubastide Kings.
Espekashuty, block-statue, with naos of Amun and Mut, Third Intermediate Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Museum, JE 37851.
Schulz, Entwicklung ii, 589, 594 Taf. 144 [a].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Haremakhet, son of Sabacon, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42204 (JE 38580), now in
Aswn, Nubia Museum.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 12-13 pl. xi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 206 [848].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Esshu-tefnut, son of Taharqa, squatting, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42203 (JE 37360).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 11-12 pl. vi [right].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Hor, block-statue, schist, temp. Taharqa, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37150.
Drioton and Sved, Art g. fig. 127 [upper].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Mentuemhet, temp. Taharqa to Psammetikhos I, (a) striding, with addresses to priests and to the living
on base, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42236 (JE 36933).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 85-7 pls. xliv, xlv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 216 [935].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Mentuemhet, temp. Taharqa to Psammetikhos I, (b) kneeling holding stela with hymn to Amun, green
breccia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42237 (JE 37852).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 88-9 pls. xlvi-xlvii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 213 [893].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Mentuemhet, temp. Taharqa to Psammetikhos I, (c) holding statuette of Osiris, green breccia, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42238 (JE 37424).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 89 pl. xlvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Mentuemhet, temp. Taharqa to Psammetikhos I, (d) base fragment, with sons Esptah, Pasenmut, and
Zekhensefankh, in relief on side, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42239 (JE 37990).
Text, Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 89-90.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Mentuemhet, temp. Taharqa to Psammetikhos I, (e) double statue, seated, with son Esptah, granite, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42241 (JE 37176).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 92-4 pl. xlviii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Esptah, son of Mentuemhet, holding statuette of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42242
(JE 36746).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 94-5 pl. li.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Harsiesi, brother of Mentuemhet, (a) kneeling with naos, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42244 (JE 36942).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 96-100 pl. l. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 211 [874].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Harsiesi, brother of Mentuemhet, (b) kneeling with naos, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42245 (JE 36744).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 96-100 pl. li.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Harsiesi, brother of Mentuemhet, (c) block-statue, breccia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42246 (JE
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 96-100 pl. li.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Harsiesi, brother of Mentuemhet, (d) block-statue, headless, with son Inamunnefnebu in relief on front
and left side, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42247 (JE 37024).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 96-100 pl. li.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Inamun-nefnebu, son of last, with son Esptah in relief on back, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42248.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 100-1 pl. lii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Sabacon and Taharqa.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pashenmut, son of Mentuemhet, with son Mentuemhet in relief on left leg, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42243 (JE 37189).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 95-6 pl. xlix. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 216 [936].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Shepenwept II.
Shepenwept II, (a) standing, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42200 (JE 36694).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 9 pl. viii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 215 [934].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Shepenwept II.
ii2.152, cf. 280
Shepenwept II, (b) sphinx, forepart, holding ram headed vase, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42201 (JE 36954).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 9-10 pl. ix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Shepenwept II.
Shepenwept II, (c) statue base, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37970.
See Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxviii (1906), 160 [middle].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Shepenwept II.
Akhamenerau, Dyn. XXV, (a) as scribe, with cartouches of Tanutamun and Shepenwept II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37346.
Leclant in JNES xiii (1954), 155-6 [v] pls. ii, iii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Shepenwept II.
Akhamenerau, Dyn. XXV, (b) block statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37321.
Leclant in JNES xiii (1954), 156-7 [vi] pls. iv, v [upper].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Shepenwept II.
Akhamenerau, Dyn. XXV, (c) block-statue, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37872.
Leclant in JNES xiii (1954), 157 [vii] pls. v [lower], vi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Temp. Shepenwept II.
Keri, kneeling, schist, temp. Amenardais I and Shepenwept II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36995.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 612. See Bothmer, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 4.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Amennakht, Chamberlain of the divine adoratress, etc., Honoured by Amenardais I, son of Amennakht,
same title, block statue, black granite, late Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37373.
Bothmer in Kmi, xx (1970), 44 [vi] pl. x [14].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Ankhpekhrod, son of Harkhebi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36693.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 475.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Ankhpekhrod, Chisel-bearer of the temple of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37434.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Bekenptah, in cloak, seated, with son Pekiry, same title in relief on sides, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Leclant in JNES xiii (1954), pls. xi-xiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Espasefi, called Sensheri, (a) block-statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36998 (K.234).
FERE photo. 14650. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 213 [894].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Espasefi, called Sensheri, (b) kneeling, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36674.
Pernigotti in Aegyptus liv (1974), 146-50 Tav. iii, iv figs. 2a, b.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Espasefi, called Sensheri, (c) kneeling, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36971 (K.192).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Espekashuti, Vizier, as Scribe, green schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36662 (K.65).
Drioton and Sved, Art g. figs. 125-6. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 210 [872].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ankh-khonsu, torso, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37987.
Bothmer in MDAIK 37 (1981) 75-9 Taf. 7, 8 [c, d], 9 (restoration with head in Boston, Museum of Fine
Arts, 04.1841).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Espekashuti, son of Esshu-tefnut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36964.
FERE photo. 14564 a.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Esshu-tefnut, early Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36963.
FERE photo. 14564 b.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Hor, sm3ty-priest, son of Nebneteru, late Dyn. XXV-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37344.
De Meulenaere in BIFAO 86 (1986), 143-5 pl. viii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Hori, son of Ankhefenkhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42256 (JE 36994 (K.138)).
Titles, Legrain in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 254 [bottom].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Irigadiganen, Royal acquaintance (Nubian), granite, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38018, now
in Aswn, Nubia Museum.
Kuentz in BIFAO xxxiv (1934), 144-5 pls. i, ii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 206 [846].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Ihet, son of Penmaet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37148.
FERE photo. 14639 a.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Block statue of Iufa, Deputy of the Treasury of the Temple of Amun, Head of sailors of the great barque
of Amun, son of Panehesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37364.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Payraudeau, F. in SAK 35 (2006), 213-14 fig. 1 Taf. 21, 22.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Block statue of Panehesi, Deputy of the Treasury of the Temple of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36739.
Payraudeau, F. in SAK 35 (2006), 215 fig. 2 Taf. 23, 24
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Pemu, Late Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37147.
FERE photo. 14566.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Penmaet, son of Ihet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38002 (K.605).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Zeinhertefankh, hsk-priest, etc., block statue with deceased censing to Osiris on front, late Dyn. XXV, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37014.
Bresciani in Studi Classici xix-xx (1970-1), 68-70 Tav. i-iii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV. Other statues.
Zekhensefankh, son of Espaneferhor, Dyn. XXV or earlier, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36742 (K.70).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Ankh-unnufer, son of Nebneteru, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37848 (K.567).
FERE photo. 14543. Names, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 50-1 [xxxv].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Besenmut, son of Espasefi, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36743.
Pernigotti in Studi Classici e Orientali xxi (1972), 304-8 Tav. i, fig. 1.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
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Irtharerau, good name Zekhensefankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36965 (K.214).
FERE photo. 14395. See De Meulenaere, Surnom 4 [8].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Harenpe, late Dyn. XXV or early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36970.
See Bothmer in Berger, C. et al. Hommages Jean Leclant ii, 67.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Khamhor, block-statue, late Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42250 (JE 36956).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 102-3 pl. liii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Irakhons (as Khensira in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36991.
See Ranke, 270 [20]; De Meulenaere, Surnom 3-4 [4].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Khensmosi, block statue, grey granite, end Dyn. XXV to beginning of Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37878.
Text, De Meulenaere, H. in Isimu 2 (1999), 393-4 [1] fig. 1 on 397.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Ramakheru, Vizier, (a) block-statue, basalt, dedicated by son Khamhor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42249 (JE 37850).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 101-2 pl. lii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Ramakheru, Vizier, (b) block-statue, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38605.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Uzahor, block statue, late Dyn. XXV to early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37153.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Bothmer, B. in Hommages ... Leclant ii, 61 fig. 3.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Zeamunefankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37018 (K.213).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Djeesefankh (as Ze-esefankh in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48618 (JE 38043).
Bosse, Die menschliche Figur 44 pl. v [106]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 213 [895].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedesi, kneeling, Late Period, usurping Middle Kingdom statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42046 (JE 37208).
See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 28.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ankhnesneferebre, daughter of Psammetikhos II, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42205 (JE
36750), now in Aswn, Nubia Museum.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 13-14 pl. xii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 203 [822].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harkhebi, kneeling holding ram headed naos with Hathor sistrum on front, dedicated by son Pedemut,
green breccia and alabaster, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42214 (JE 36675).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 36-7 pl. xxiii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 206 [847].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zekhensefankh, son of Pemu, with deceased adoring bark of Sokari, and adoring Osiris-Ptah on sides,
Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42217 (JE 36992 bis).
Text, Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 41-2 (Legrain quotes pl. xxxvi for this piece, but the pl. shows
JE 36955).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esptah, block-statue, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42235 (JE 37028).
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Text, Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 84-5.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedamenopet, Dyn. XXVI (a) seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36578.
Loukianoff in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 220-2 pl. i.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedamenopet, Dyn. XXVI (b) as scribe, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37341.
Loukianoff in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 222-4 pl. ii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedamenopet, Dyn. XXVI (c) standing, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37389.
Loukianoff in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 224-5 pl. iii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedamenopet, Dyn. XXVI (d) block-statue with a statuette of Osiris, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37361.
Loukianoff in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 225-6 pl. iv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ahmosi, block-statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36579.
See De Meulenaere in BIFAO liv (1954), 79 [top] with n.1.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Heribesnef, son of Iryiry, block statue, dedicated by son Iryiry, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 36663 (K.24).
De Meulenaere in BIFAO 86 (1986), 138-40 pls. vi, vii (as Hersend). See Maspero, Guide (1915), 203
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Irtharerau(?), son of Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, squatting, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36664.
See Kees in Orientalia, N.S. xviii (1949), 437 n.4.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Zeho, block statue, limestone with sandstone base, late Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36668-9.
FERE photo. 14658.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Hor, son of Imhotep, holding naos with statuette of Osiris, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36682.
FERE photo. 14734.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ibi (TT36), head found later, with statuette of Osiris, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36698.
Christophe in Ann. Serv. liii (1956), 49-56 pl. i. Head, Lauffray in Comptes rendus (1973), 318 fig. 10.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harua (TT37), Dyn. XXVI, seated on ground, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36711 (K.98).
Gunn and Engelbach in BIFAO xxx (1931), 796-8 pls. iii [2].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harua (TT37), Dyn. XXVI, seated on ground, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36930.
Gunn and Engelbach in BIFAO xxx (1931), 798-800 pl. iii [3].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harua (TT37), Dyn. XXVI, seated on ground, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37386, now in
Aswn, Nubia Museum.
Gunn and Engelbach in BIFAO xxx (1931), 794-5 pls. i, ii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
ii2.155 cf. 154
Harua (TT37), Dyn. XXVI, torso, standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 902.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 145-6 pl. 156 (called Middle Kingdom). See Brief somm. No. 6329.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedesi Ir(t)harerau, probably early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36737.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Names and titles, De Meulenaere in O.L.P. 12 (1981), 130 [84].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, son of Esmin, with statuette of Amun, temp. Nektanebos II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 36715 (K.106).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, son of Esmin, lower part, with statuette of Osiris, schist, early Dyn. XXVI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36724.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, son of Ankh-thekerti, schist, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36725 (Temp. No.; K.109).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zeamunefankh, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36732.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedehorpare, son of Hor, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36734.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esnakhatiu, block statue, headless, with deceased adoring Khons on front, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 36736.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 479.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Hor, late Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36741.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Man kneeling with statuette on Min, schist, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36745.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 611.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pakharkhons, son of Esbanebded, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36747.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Mentuemmehyt, block statue, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36905 bis.
el-Sayed in BIFAO 87 (1987), 171-5 [I] pls. xxix-xxxi (as Dyn. XXV-XXVI). Texts, Legrain in BIFAO
xii, 93-4 [vi] (called JE 36982).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, temp. Necho II (a) seated on ground, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Kees in .Z. lxxxiii (1958), 136-7 pl. 12 [b] (called JE 86908 in n.4); Maspero, Guide (1915), 205 [841]
fig. 69.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, temp. Necho II (b) as scribe, dedicated by son Harkhebi, basalt, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37398.
Jansen-Winkeln, K. in SAK 24 (1997), 103-14 Abb. 1-8 Taf. 2-8.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, temp. Necho II (c) block statue, dedicated by son Harkhebi, granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37410.
Vittmann, Priester und Beamte 67, 69-70 [] Taf. 5.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, temp. Necho II (d) seated, diorite, usurping Dyn. XII statue, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Vittmann, Priester und Beamte 67, 75-7 [] Taf. 3; Vienna. 5000 Jahre 88 [166] Abb.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Khnemebremen, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36918 (K.160).
el-Sayed in BIFAO 84 (1984), 127-46 pls. xxxvii-xxxix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Khensardais, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36941.
FERE photo. 14581.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Irterauy, squatting, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36945.
FERE photo. 14527
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Espekashuti, dedicated by son Espamedu, Vizier, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
See Bother, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 15 [bottom].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zeptahefankh, block statue, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36949.
De Meulenaere in BIFAO lxiii (1965), 19-32 pls. i-iv. Texts, Otto in Mitt. Kairo xv (1957), 205-6 [1].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Block-statue, with cartouche, Dyn. XXVI-Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36955.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, pl. xxvi [left] (called 42217).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Kapefhamontu(?), block statue, Dyn. XXX or later, in Cairo Egyptian Museum, JE 36962.
See Jansen-Winkeln, K. in SAK 28 (2000), 112, 121 [95].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, son of Hor, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36958.
FERE photo. 15551.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Usiri-wer, block statue, Early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36959.
FERE photo. 14583.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36969.
FERE photo. 14538.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, kneeling with statuette of Osiris, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 566.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Psametek, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Egyptian Museum, JE 36975.
See Jansen-Winkeln, K. in SAK 28 (2000), 113, 121 [105].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Iryiry, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36977 (K.195).
FERE photo. 14586.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esbanebded, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36978.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedekharenkhons, block statue, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36980 (K.301).
Vittmann, Priester und Beamte 67, 83-4 [] Taf. 4.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Buteh-hor, block statue, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36983.
FERE photo. 14557.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harkhebi, called Usiri-wer, block statue, black granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36984.
Bakr in Z 98 (1970), 1-4 (with text) Taf. i Abb. 1-3.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esbanebded, block statue, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36985.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Meramun, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36986.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, block statue, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36989.
FERE photo. 14568.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zekhonsefankh, son of Pemu, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36992.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Espekashuti, Vizier, seated on ground with one knee up, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37000.
Russmann and Finn, Egyptian Sculpture. Cairo and Luxor figs. on 178, 179 [82].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Amenemopet, block statue, dedicated by son Iry, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, block statue, late Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37011 (K.131).
el-Sayed in BIFAO 83 (1983), 144-8 pls. xxv B, xxvi, xxvii (as end Dyn. XXX to Ptolemaic).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Hahet, Prophet of Montu, block statue, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37012.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37017.
De Meulenaere, H. in Eyre, C. et al., Studies ... Shore 216-18 pl. xxxiii. Names, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii
(1906), 43 [143].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Shakhepri, daughter of Esmin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37026.
FERE photo. 14720. Name, see Ranke, Personennamen i, 324 [21].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ahmosi, son of Esbanebded, with eldest son Esbanebded in relief on side, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37075.
Fairman in JEA xx (1934), 1-4 pls. i, ii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 212 [890].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pired, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37076.
Zayed in Ann. Serv. lvii (1962), 150-6 pls. iv-vii bis, fig. 2-4. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 212 [891].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Eskhnum, block statue, Dyn. XXX or later, in Cairo Egyptian Museum, JE 37128.
See Jansen-Winkeln, K. in SAK 28 (2000), 113, 121 [105].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ankhpekhrod, block statue, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37129.
Names, Legrain in BIFAO xii (1916), 94 [vii] (called 37120).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Irtierthai, son of Irterau (mother), Dyn. XXVI(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37132.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Usiri-wer, son of Her(ib)esnef, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37134 (K.445).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, Doorkeeper of the temple of Amun, son of Zeho, double statue with wife Tashenmin, Ptolemaic,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37136.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harsiesi, son of Pakharkhons, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37137.
FERE photo. 14656.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pakharkhons, son of Esba[nebded], kneeling with naos, probably Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37138.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, with statuette of Amun, temp. Nektanebos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37140.
Title, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 42-3 [top], cf. 186 with n.3.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Usiri-wer, son of Heribesnef, block statue, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37141.
Name of father, Ranke, Personennamen i, 230 [16].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeas, Scribe of the divine seal of Amun, son of Psammethek, block statue, Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37142.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ankhpekhrod, son of Kap-ha-[amun], block statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37143.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Espautitaui, son of Usiri-wer, block statue, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37146.
Names, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 41 [upper] No. 456.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harsiesi, Servant of the White Crown, son of Userkhons, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37149 (K.458).
FERE photo. 14592.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ser-dhout, block statue, Dyn. XXVI (usurped from XXV), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37151
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, block statue, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37152.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ankhpekhrod, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37154.
See Bothmer, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 38.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Esmin, Prophet of Amun, Osiris, and Neferhotep, son of Pedeamunnebnesuttaui, block statue, Ptolemaic,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37160.
See De Meulenaere in BIFAO liv (1954), 78 [7] n.1.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, Prophet of Harsaphes, etc., son of Paiuenhor, Greatest of the seers in Heliopolis,
block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37167.
FERE photo. 14531.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ankhpekhrod, Servant of the White Crown, son of Userkhons, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37168 (K.510 bis (?)).
FERE photo. 14537.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Espamedu, Scribe of the treasury of Amun, son of Ankhpekhrod, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37169.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Amenemope, block statue, Dyn. XXX or early Ptolemaic, in Cairo Egyptian Museum, JE 37170.
See Jansen-Winkeln, K. in SAK 28 (2000), 113, 122 [112].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pa-akhref, Overseer of cargo boats of the Lord of the Two Lands, son of Harsiesi, block statue with
Hathor sistrum on front, basalt, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37171.
Russmann and Finn, Egyptian Sculpture fig. on 183 [84]. Upper part, Legrain in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 148
with pl. [right].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harwoz, block statue, granite, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37172.
Titles, Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxx (1908), 21-2 [D, E].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harwoz, fragment, limestone, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37403.
Titles, Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxx (1908), 21-2 [D, E].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pakharkhons, Scribe of the temple, son of Pedeas, block statue, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37173 (K.452).
El-Sayed, R. in Memnonia x (1999), 185-90 pls. l, li [A, B]. See De Meulenaere, Le Surnom 9 [23].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, son of Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, block statue, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, son of Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, block statue, limestone, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37191.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Imhotep, son of Pakem, Late Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37181.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Hor, Prophet of Imhotep, son of Imhotep, block, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37185.
FERE photo. 14659.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zekhensefankh, Prophet of Osiris Hekzet of the Divine adoratress of Shepenwept I, etc., son of Iufa,
block statue, late Dyn. XXV or temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37196.
Bresciani in Studi Classicie Orientali xxv (1976), 13-25 pls.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
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Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Haremakhet, son of Pedamenopet, dedicated by son Pedamenopet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37199.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Psammethek-menemweset, son of Ahmosi, kneeling with naos of Ptah, Dyn. XXVI-XXVII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37210.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, wab-priest of Ament, son of Psammethek, kneeling with naos, probably Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37215.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Basa (TT389), lower part of squatting statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37219.
Assman, Das Grab des Basa 15 Abb. 1-6.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Espautitaui, Overseer of troops, son of Ankhefenkhons, block statue with Hathor sistrum on front, Late
Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37322.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 452.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Userkhons, son of Wehebre-khu, as scribe, dedicated by son Wehebre-khu, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37327.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harkaui, Prophet of Onuris of Sebennytos, son of Beniutet, late Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37328.
FERE photo. 14771.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
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Nekhtmontu, son of Usiri-wer, Ptolemaic, (a) standing, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37330.
Brussels. 5000 ans pl. 48 [No. 71].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Nekhtmontu, son of Usiri-wer, Ptolemaic, (b) perhaps same man, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Fouilles
No. 413.
Titles, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 41 [lower].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedepepet, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37332.
See Jansen-Wilkeln, K. in SAK 28 (2000), 114, 122 [116].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Man in long garment, with erased text on back, sandstone, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37334.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 109.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Paiuenhor, son of Pired, block statue, limestone, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37335.
Zayed in Ann. Serv. lvii (1962), 143-9 fig. 1 pls. i-iii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Paiuenhor, son of Pired, block statue, granite, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37350.
See Bothmer, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 38.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Hor and Wehebre, double-statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37339.
Zayed in Ann. Serv. lvii (1962), 159 pl. xi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Rohet, Prophet of Montu of Madmd, son of Mentu(em)mehyt, block statue, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo,
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Egyptian Museum, JE 37342.
Text, Legrain in BIFAO xii (1916), 92-3 [v].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Heribesnef, Prophet of Khons, son of Espautitaui, with statuette of Osiris, in Cairo, Ptolemaic, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37343 (Fouilles No. 385).
Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 42 (No. 385).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zeho, Treasurer of the temple of Amun, son of Thonufer, block statue, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37354.
See Bothmer, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 100, 103.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zeho, Servant of the White Crown, son of Hor, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37357.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedehorpare, son of Amenemopet, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37363.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harsiesi, Divine scribe, etc., statue group with father(?) Pawenkhons and son Espautitaui, Ptolemaic, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37376.
Zayed in Ann. Serv. lvii (1962), 159 pls. viii-ix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedehormeden, Overseer of prophets of Bubastis, fragment, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37395.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 195 [near top, 271].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Irtharerau, Prophet of Osiris Wep-ished, Chief of the craftsmen of Amun, son of Ankhpefhor, kneeling
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with naos, steatite, late Dyn. XXV to early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37399.
Bothmer in Kmi, xx (1970), 45 [xvi] pl. xii [24].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esinhert, son of Harsiesi, kneeling with statuette of Osiris, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37408.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Benteh-hor, Scribe of divine writings, son of Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, temp. Necho II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37414.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedemin, son of Pa(en)khetiu, squatting, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37415.
Names, Ranke, Personennamen i, 123 [18], 110 [15].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Espamedu, Vizier, son of Espekashuti, Vizier, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37416.
Bothmer Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 19, 66, 106.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Nebneteru, First prophet of Montu, son of Hor, block statue, quartzite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37422.
De Meulenaere in BIFAO 86 (1986), 143-6 pl. ix (as late Dyn. XXV to early Dyn. XXVI).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esankhefenmaet, Prophet of Osiris, Min, etc., son of Espautitaui, kneeling with naos, Dyn. XXVI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37425.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
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Paheb, son of Pataui, kneeling with statuette of baboon, Late Period or Graeco-Roman, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37436.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
ii2.159 and 165
Pedeamenre-nebweset, Second prophet of Khonsemweset-Neferhotep, son of Irtarerau, Dyn. XXVI
lower part with statuette of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37442, upper part in New York NY,
Metropolitan Museum of Art 07.228.33.
Bother, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 45 [38] pl. 36 [86].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zeinhertefankh, son of Espekashuti, Vizier, with statuette of Osiris, late Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37447.
Bresciani in Studi Classici e Orientali xix-xx (1970-1), 70-2 Tav. iv. Title, Kees in Z lxxx (1955), 79
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Tentpahybiat, daughter of Usiri-wer, standing, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37451.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Takhybiat, h_nmtj-priestess of Khonspekhrod, daughter of Ankhpekhrod, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37452.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Tiwat, daughter of Harsiesi, late Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37453.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pakhnum, Royal scribe and counter (h. sb) of the king of the gods, son of Pataui, with statuette of Osiris,
Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37456.
De Meulenaere in Chron. dg. lxxii (1997), 17-24 figs. 1, 2.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
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Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, son of Esmin and Nehemse-ubaste, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37514.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esshu-tefnut, hpt-uzat and heska-priest, son of Espekashuti, Vizier, block statue, early Dyn. XXVI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37849.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Usiri-wer called Hahet, son of Pedamenopet, block statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37843.
FERE photo. 14529.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Amenemhet, son of Pedeas, dedicated by son Pedeas, block statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37847.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ankhpekhrod, Divine father, Prophet of Amun in Karnak, etc., son of Esmin and Tadesidiankh, block
statue, late Dyn. XXX to early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37853.
De Meulenaere, H. in Chron. dg. lxviii (1993), 51-5 fig. 5-7.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Wehebre, wab-priest of Re of the temple terrace of the temple of Amun, son of Psammethek and
Nebakhet, Sistrum player of Amen-re, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37855.
Pernigotti in Studi Classici e Orientali xxi (1972), 308-13 fig. 2 Tav. ii-iv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ihet, Prophet of the bull in Madmd, son of Wehebre, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37857.
FERE photo. 14544. Texts, Legrain in BIFAO xii (1916), 90-1 [Doc. iii].

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Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Kapef-ha-amun, Prophet of Montu, son of Pashenmin, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37860.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pakharkhons, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37860.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zeho, Prophet of ram of Mendes and Hat-Mehyt in Thebes, son of Espamedu, block statue, granite, Dyn.
XXX., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37861 (K.600 (?)).
See Bothmer Egyptian Sculpture of Late Period 96, 100; Raven, M. in OMRO lxi (1980), 22.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zeho, Prophet of ram of Mendes and Hat-Mehyt in Thebes, son of Espamedu, standing, Dyn. XXX., in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Part of text, De Meulenaere in BIFAO 86 (1986), 144. See Bothmer Egyptian Sculpture of Late Period 96,
100; Raven, M. in OMRO lxi (1980), 21-2.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, son of Hor and Shepensopdet, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
37862 (K.601).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pakharkhons, good name Hahet, Monthly priest in the 4th guild, son of Hor, block statue, Late Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37864 (K.604).
See De Meulenaere, Surnom 9 [23].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Kapef-ha-amun, son of Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, Dyn. XXX., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37869
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FERE photo. 14653.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Psammethek, son of Thanenhebu, block statue, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37873.
FERE photo. 14591.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zedhutefankh, with deceased before Amun on front, block statue, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37877.
Maspero, gypte fig. 452.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Iryiry, Scribe of the divine book of Haroeris, son of Kap(ef)-ha-amun, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37883.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedamenopet, son of Pakharkhons, Late Period., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37884 (probably also JE
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Heri, good name Harsiesi, son of Ankhpekhrod, dedicated by son Ankhpekhrod, Prophet of Montu lord
of Thebes, kneeling with statuette of Osiris, end of Dyn. XXV or early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37885 (K.536).
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 610; Pernigotti in Aegyptus liv (1974), 141-6 fig. 1 Tav. i, ii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Hor, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37988.
See Jansen-Winkeln, K. in SAK 28 (2000), 115, 123 [135].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Hor, Prophet of Bubastis of Thebes, son of Irtierthau, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37886 (K.568).
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FERE photo. 14594.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Hor, Scribe of the divine seal, son of Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
FERE photo. 14574.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Irtharerau, Royal scribe, son of Esinhert, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37989.
De Meulenaere, H. in Tiradritti, F. (ed.), The Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (1999), figs. on 340, 341
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zekhensefankh, Prophet of Sobk of Asher, son of Paminu-uza, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37992.
Bothmer, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 31-2 [27] pls. 23-4 [53-5].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ankhpekhrod, son of Pakharkhons, Dyn. XXVI-XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37993.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 294; FERE photo. 14546. See Bothmer, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 131.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Zeptahefankh, wab-priest of Ament, son of Usiri-wer, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37994.
FERE photo. 14547.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Kapuha-khons, son of Userkhons, block statue, probably Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 38001 (K.603).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
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Pataui, Royal scribe of the district of Memphis, son of Pakhnum, with statuette of Osiris, Ptolemaic, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38004.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Espamedu, son of Hor, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38007.
See Bothmer, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 16.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, son of Sheminhert, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38008 (K.632).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ankhpekhrod, Scribe of the treasury of Amun, son of Usiri-wer, block statue, granite, Ptolemaic, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38009 (K.183).
FERE photo. 14585. See Bothmer, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 153.
<<Notebook B.17, 85; B. List (3); letter Bothmer 30-4-71>>
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Block-statue of Djekhensefankh, Gods Father, son of Esbanebded, Gods Father, and Ankhtaui(?),
Sistrum-player of Amun, black granite, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38011.
Abdelraheim, M. in GM 192 (2003), 15-18 Taf. 1.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Amenardais, Prophet of Harsaphes, Osiris, and Hathor, son of Khu-harshefi, block statue, temp.
Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38012.
See Habachi in Z xc (1963), 49 [Addendum]; De Meulenaere in Rligions en gypte hellnistique et
romaine, Colloque de Strasbourg, 16-18 mai 1967, 28.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Hor, son of Nekht-harhebi, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38013.
FERE photo. 14552.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pakharkhons, Gods father, Prophet of gold, etc., son of Psammethek and Esart, kneeling with naos, Late
Period., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38016 (K.648).
Selim, H. in MDAIK 56 (2000), 361-9 Taf. 40-2 (as early Dyn. XXVI).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, Prophet and wab priest of Mut of the Birth House, son of Zeho, block statue, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 38020.
FERE photo. 14539.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedubaste Psammethek-sonb, son of Pashe(n)mut, kneeling statue with figure of Osiris, temp. Apries, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38021.
Names and titles, De Meulenaere in OLP 12 (1981), 130 [86].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, son of Irtharerau, block statue, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, son of Kap-ha-amun, Dyn. XXX to early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38025.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Statue, head and lower legs lost, of Preten, Hereditary Prince, Count, Kings brother, Prophet (of
numerous deities), son of Preten and Tadjehuti, with inscription mentioning oracles at Karnak, granite,
Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. JE 38033.
Coulon, L. in Rev. dg. 52 (2001), 85-112 pls. xv-xxi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pakharkhons, wab-priest of Ament, son of Harsiesi, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38036.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esbanebded, Prophet of Montu of Thebes, son of Ankhpekhrod, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 38039.
FERE photo. 14563; Caminos in Drevniy vostok 1 (Korostovtsev Festschrift, Moscow 1975), 52-60 pl. 1
(as Third Int. Period).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Paiuenhor, son of Hor, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38040.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Irtharerau, Prophet of Amun in Karnak, son of Pakharkhons, kneeling with naos, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 38041.
See De Meulenaere, H. in Chron. dg. lxiv (1989), 64-5 (with title and date).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harnufer, block statue, Dyn. XXX or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38044.
See Jansen-Winkeln, K. in SAK 28 (2000), 115, 123 [139].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Hor, son of Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, Third prophet of Amun, late Dyn. XXV or early Dyn. XXVI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38045.
Bothmer in Kmi, xx (1970), 44-5 [xii] pl. xi [20].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ser-dhout, Servant of the White Crown, son of Zemin, Dyn. XXX(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
38046 (K.691).
FERE photo. 14553.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Usiri-wer, with ram-headed vase with cartouches of the Theban Triad, fragmentary, Ptolemaic, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 38055 (K.700).
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Iufau, Prophet of Thoth, son of Nekhtefmut, kneeling with statuette of Osiris, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 38061.
Hornemann, Types pl. 563. FERE photo. 14742.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
ii2.160 and 165
Usiri-wer, son of Tawehert (mother), with statuette of Theban Triad and address to priests, green schist,
Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38064, head in Brooklyn Museum, 55.175.
Bresciani in Studi classici e Orientali, ix (1960), 112-17 pls. i, ii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Woman, painted, uninscribed, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38582.
Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 948. See Bothmer Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 117.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Ankhpekhrod, Prophet of Montu of Thebes, son of Harsiesi, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 38588.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Paiu(en)hor, son of Nekht-harhebi, block statue, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38590.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedubaste, son of Esmin, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38591.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pakharkhons, son of Hor, Dyn. XXX to early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38592.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Late Period.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Standing theophorous statue of Pakharkhons, son of Wahibre, with small statue of Amun-re in front of
him, black granite, Late Period, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37353, now in Alexandria
National Museum.
Selim, H. in SAK 32 (2004), 368-74 Taf. 21, 22.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Pedamenopet, son of Shednefertem, Dyn. XXX(?), formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38601
(K.243), now in Alexandria National Museum.
Selim, H. in SAK 32 (2004), 363-8 Taf. 19, 20.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Man kneeling with naos of Osiris, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38602.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 635.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Iryiry, seated in cloak, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38604.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 765.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Mentuemhet, Third prophet of Amun, son of Esmin, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
FERE photo. 14561.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harsiesi, holding statuette of Osiris, schist, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38599.
Bothmer, B. in SAK 6 (1978), Taf. xv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Esmin, son of Khnemebre-men, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38686 (as JE 38685 in
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Iufa, Scribe of offerings of the temple of Amun, son of Thaimaba[nakht], early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 39259.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Kapef-ha-amun, Great scholar in Thebes, son of Amenemopet, block statue, Ptolemaic, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (K.196).
FERE photo. 14526.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harsiesi, son of Esmin, block statue, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Bothmer Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 103.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Userkhons, Scribe of divine offerings, son of Kapef-ha-khons, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Espautitaui, Prophet of Thoth in Mdamd, called Harsiesi, son of Zeho, standing with statuette,
Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Heribesnef, son of Esmin, block statue with statuette of Sekhmet, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic.
Harsiesi, Scribe of Amun in the 5th guild, son of Pedeneferhotep, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues of Divinities.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Amun, temp. Tutankhamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Fouilles No. 518.
Wildung in Die Kunst 90 [6] (June 1978), fig. 7 on 337 (probably this). Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 340.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues of Divinities.
Amun, schist, end of Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38049.
Corteggiani, LEgypte des Pharaons No. 77 fig.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues of Divinities.
Mut, dedicated by Huy, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37836 (= JE 38684).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues of Divinities.
Osiris, dedicated by Espekashuti, schist, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37010.
De Meulenaere and Bothmer in Kmi xix (1969), 11 n.3 pl. iv [10, 11].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues of Divinities.
Osiris, with Isis and Nephthys in relief on sides, schist, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36751.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues of Divinities.
A soul of Pe, temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38593 (JE 36713).
Daressy, Statues de divinitis 155 pl. xxxiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues of Divinities.
Termuthis, seated, suckling child, dedicated by Ashakhet, Head of metal chisellers in the house of Amun,
son of Khensmosi, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42138 (JE 37856).
Texts, Legrain, Statues et Statuettes i, 88-9.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues of Divinities.
Wert-hekau, serpent headed, nursing young king with cartouche of Khufu, New Kingdom (probably
imitation of Old Kingdom statue), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42002 (JE 37020).
Legrain, Statues et Statuettes i, 2 pl. i.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues of Divinities.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Baboon, (a) fragment, sandstone, temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38584.
Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 292.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues of Divinities.
Baboon, (b) basalt, temp. Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37325.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
ii2.162 (cf. supra. 140 (d)-(j), CG 42106)
Amenophis IV, Osiride, probably from an avenue of crio-sphinxes, sandstone, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42106, now in Lausanne, Museum Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Inv. g. 3.
Wild, Lausanne. Ant
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
Block statue, no name, with naos containing rams head of Amun, granite, temp. Ramesses II, formerly in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42174 (JE 37865), then in New York, Anderson Gallery in 1922, and
Sotheby Parke Bernet in 1959.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
Djekhensefankh, Scribe of the mat of the temple of Amun, son of Khensmosi, with statuette of Osiris,
dedicated by son Khensmosi, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37846, now in
Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.174.
Steindorff, Cat. 59-60 [173] pls. xxxiv, cxvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
Ipuy, sem priest, kneeling, with baboon on altar, steatite, Dyn. XX, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42187, Omar Pasha colln., 400, and in Resandro colln. in 1992.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 54-5 pl. xlix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
Ankhpekhrod, son of Paiu(en)hor, Dyn. XXII, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37127, now in
Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.178.
Steindorff, Cat. 57 [167] pls. xxx, cxv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
Esbanebded, son of Pakharkhons, Dyn. XXII, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37165, now in
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.165.
Steindorff, Cat. 55-6 [163] pls. xxix, cxv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
Esmin, son of Ahmosi-Siptah, Dyn. XXII, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37412, now in
Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.158.
Steindorff, Cat. 54-5 [162] pls. xxx, cxiv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
Esmin, son of Kapef-ha-amun, with deceased before Theban Triad on front, Dyn. XXII, formerly in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37164, now in Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.183.
Steindorff, Cat. 57-8 [168] pls. xxix, cxvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
Irakhons, son of Harsiesi, with deceased adoring on sides, dedicated by son Harsiesi, Dyn. XXII, formerly
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37411, now in Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.141.
Steindorff, Cat. 54 [161] pls. xxix, cxiv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
Pakharkhons, son of Esbanebded, kneeling with naos of Osiris, early Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37126, now in Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.175.
Steindorff, Cat. 63 [180] pls. xxxi, cxvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Statues.
Thaenweset, with deceased adoring Osiris emblem on front, Dyn. XXII, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37003, now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 35.9.1.
Winlock in M.M.A. Bull. xxx (1935), 142-4 fig. 3.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Dyn. XXIIXXVI.
Zeho, Prophet of Wen, holding naos with Nekhbet as vulture protecting King, with his cartouche as Teos
and son of King Harsiesi, Dyn. XXII or later, unfinished, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38010,
now in Brussels, Brussels, Muses Royaux dArt et dHistoire, E.7654.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 232a.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Dyn. XXIITopographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nifamun, Priest of Mut, block statue, Dyn. XXII-XXVI, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36972, now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 25.184.15.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Dyn. XXIIXXVI.
Irtharerau, Prophet of Wen, son of Hor, with statuette of Osiris, dedicated by son Nekau, temp. Necho
II, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37890, now in Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.215.
Steindorff, Cat. 60-1 [174] pls. xxxi, cxvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Dyn. XXIIXXVI.
Esmin, Prophet of Amenemopet, son of Ankhpekhrod, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37868, now in Glasgow, Burrell colln., 13.233.
Hannah in Arch. fr Orientforschung xvii (1954), 185 [2] fig. 1.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Dyn. XXIIXXVI.
Pakem, son of Eshor (possibly Zeho), Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37329, now
in Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.410.
Steindorff, Cat. 49-50 [146] pls. xxv, cxiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Dyn. XXIIXXVI.
Pedehorpare, son of Kapefhamontu, good name Puerem, Great seer in Armant, basalt, Dyn. XXVI,
(possibly Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36666), formerly in Omar Pasha colln., then in C. de Paaw colln.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 14, 1986, No. 140 fig.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Dyn. XXVI.
Penmaet, Fourht prophet, son of Esamun, kneeling with empty naos, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37158, now in Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.81.
Steindorff, Cat. 62-3 [179] pls. xxx, cxvii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Dyn. XXVI.
Wehebre, with deceased adoring Osiris, Ptolemaic, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37870, then
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

in B[ourgignon], C[anessa], and Omar Pasha collns., and in Harer colln. in 1992.
D. C. F[orbes] in KMT 8 [1] (1997), 23-4 fig. on 22 [right].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Late Period.
Ruru, with naos of Osiris, Late Period, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37008, now in New
York, Queens College, Flushing.
See The Art Journal xx [1] (Fall 1960), 32.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Late Period.
Thonufer, son of Espamedu, Dyn. XXX, (a) kneeling, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36976, Omar Pasha colln., then in New York - London, Royal Athena Galleries, in 1999.
Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities x (Jan.
1999), No. 184 fig. on back cover (as Dyn. XXIX).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Ptolemaic.
Harnufer, son of Esmin, dedicated by eldest son Ahmosi, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 38583, now in New York NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 17.120.145.
M.M.A. Bull. xiii (1918), fig. on 59.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Statues in Museums and Collections other than Cairo. Ptolemaic.
Pakharkhons, called Pimontu, Prophet of Khnum, son of Usiri-wer, block statue, Ptolemaic, formerly in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36667, now in Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery, 22.210.
Steindorff, Cat. 59 [170] pls. xxx, cxvi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Fragment, text with prenomen of Wegaf, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37510.
Text, Legrain in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 249-50.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Fragment of royal decree in favour of Queen Ahmosi Nefertere, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Fouilles No. 494.
Cartouche, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 335.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Amenophis II and Queen Tia before Amun, upper part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Temp. No.
Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 186.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Huy, Viceroy of Kush (TT40), two registers on recto, I, Khnum and Amun, II, deceased adoring with
hymn to the kas of Amun and Tutankhamun, and on verso, deceased kneeling, adoring, steatite, temp.
Tutankhamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37463.
Rowe in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 47-50 pl. ix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Senimen, Official of the Queens house, kneeling adoring Ptah, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34040 (JE 41393).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 75 pl. xxv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Neb-bu-neb, Head of cake makers of the temple of Amun, son of Wertnefert (mother), and Ahmosi
Nefertere holding sistra with Amenophis I adoring Theban Triad above, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 36718.
Names, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 43.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Tapeshesetenesi censing before Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 36717.
Names, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 46.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mut with sistra before Amun and Khons, dedicated by Menkheperre (later King), Dyn. XXI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 36670.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Khensmosi adoring Theban Triad, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36716.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Paraemhab adoring Amun, fragment, basalt, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36913.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Peshedu adoring Tueris, with names of family below, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36671.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Queen Ankhnesneferebre, adoption stela (giving dates of deaths of her father Psammetikhos II and
Nitocris), double scene, Psammetikhos I receiving heb-sed from Amun with Mut, and Ankhnesneferebre,
followed by Sheshonk, Chief steward of the divine wife, son of Harsiesi, before Amun and Khons,
alabaster, year 4 of Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36907.
Leahy, A. in JEA 82 (1996), 145-65 fig. pl. xii. Text, Maspero in Ann. Serv. v (1915), 84-6. See Maspero,
Guide (1915), 185 [681].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Stela with magical texts, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37508.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 194-6.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Stelae in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Stela with Hathor-cow in papyrus-clump, probably Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37896.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Obelisk, Sebkemsaf I (Sekhemre-wazkhau), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17011 (JE 38030).
Kuentz, Oblisques 19-20 pl. vi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
ii2.166 (see also ii2.120)
Obelisk fragments, Haremhab, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17017-18 (JE 37523-4), another
fragment, acquired later, JE 64932.
Kuentz, Oblisques 32-5 pl. x.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Naos, upper part, with two statuettes of King Neferhotep I, Dyn. III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42022 (JE 37497).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 13-14 pl. xiii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 159 [536].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Naos of Ptah containing statuette flanked by two uraei, with Amenopet censing on one side and wife Ry
censing on the other side, sandstone, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70026
(JE 36673).
Roeder, Naos 105-6 pls. 36, 86 (a, b).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Offering-stand, Tuthmosis III, granite (a) with dedication text mentioning Akhmenu, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 36924.
Legrain, Rpertoire No. 142.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Offering-stand, Tuthmosis III, granite (b) lower part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Libation-altar, Tuthmosis III, fragmentary, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37379.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Libation-altar Tuthmosis III, fragmentary, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Vase of Set-hirkhopshef, son of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37392.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Vase fragments, Yewepet, son of Sesonchis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37457.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Vase fragments, Awereth, son of Osorkon III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37458, 38694.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Measuring vessel, Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37535.
Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 95.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Measuring vessel, Tuthmosis III, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36925.
Lucas and Rowe in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 84-5 [3] pl. xiii [upper].
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Three Amun-emblems on throne, Dyn. XXVII or early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36754-5, 38171.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 64-6 pl. i (JE 38171).
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Plaque, Sabacon, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40066.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Faience menat, Darius I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37050.
Text, Posener, La premire domination perse en gypte 156 [107]. See Legrain in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 51
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Various in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bronze plaque, Darius I with offerings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38050.
Mller, H. W. g. Kunst Abb. 178. See Legrain in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 51 [bottom].
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. North Face. Statues in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Statue of Sesostris IV, colossus, granite, reconstructed from fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
42026 (JE 36128).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 15-16 pl. xiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 6-7 [5].
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. North Face. Statues in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue of Amenophis II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42074 (JE 36950).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 43 pl. xliv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. North Face. Statues in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Head, probably Amenophis II, obsidian, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42102 (JE 38373).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 59 (called pl. xliii) pl. lxiii (called 42073).
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. North Face. Statues in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Statue of Menkheperrasonb (TT86, 112), as scribe, granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42125 (JE 38371).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 75-6 pl. lxxiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 125 [414].
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. North Face. Statues in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Squatting statue of Amenhotp, son of Hepu, as old man, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42127 (JE 38368).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 78-80 pl. lxxvi; Maspero, Guide (1915), 136 [459] fig. 50.
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. North Face. Statues in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Block statue of Bekenkhons (TT35), temp. Ramesses II, re-used statue of late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42155 (JE 37522).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 21-3 pl. xviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 166 [581].
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. North Face. Statues in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Kneeling statue of Wentawat, Viceroy of Kush, granite, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42158 (JE 36816).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 25-6 pl. xxii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. South Face. Finds.
Naos of Sesostris I with scenes, King before Amun (once Onuris) on sides, granite, re-used temp.
Amenophis IV, found south of Obelisk K, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47276.
Pillet in Ann. Serv. xxiii (1923), 143-58 figs. 1-5 pl. i.
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. South Face. Finds.
Osiride statue, Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre, sandstone, dedicated by Sesostris II(?) or III, restored by Sebkhotp
IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38579.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hornemann, Types i, pl. 38.
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. South Face. Finds.
Statue of Amenhotp, First prophet of Amun, son of Ramesesnakht, as scribe, lower part, temp. Ramesses
IX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36348.
Text on base, Legrain in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 21 (called stela).
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. South Face. Finds.
ii2.171 (see also ii2.94)
Stela fragments, Tuthmosis III, restored by Sethos I, granite, double scene, King offering wine to Amun,
and speech of Amun to King with hymn of victory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34011 (JE 36330).
Text, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 21-4. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 128 [421].
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. South Face. Finds.
Votive stela (a) with ram of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34154 (JE 36162).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 200 pl. lxi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. South Face. Finds.
Votive stela (b) Amenemhemu, Servant of Amun, before Prince [Ahmosi] Sipair, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 36347.
Vandersleyen in SAK 10 (1983), 315, 320-3 Taf. xviii. See Legrain in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 15 [B].
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. South Face. Finds.
Votive stela (c) with two geese of Amun and eggs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34155
(JE 36161).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 200 pl. lxi.
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. South Face. Finds.
Votive stela (d) with two rams of Amun, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36349.
See Legrain in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 16 [D].
Karnak. Great Temple. Seventh Pylon. South Face. Finds.
Votive stela (e) Tuthmosis III before Re-Harakhti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Legrain in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 16 [E].
Karnak. Great Temple. Court II. Finds.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block statue of Mena-erusiri, Bearer of bouquets of the divine wife, Chamberlain of Amenardais I and
Shepenwept II, son of Amenpesdeni, granite, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 261-2 [1].
Karnak. Great Temple. Court II. Finds.
Two colossi, Sesostris I, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38286-7.
Evers, Staat i, pl. 34; Vandier, Manuel iii, 594 pl. xcv [1, 2] (from Evers). See Maspero, Guide (1915), 30
Karnak. Great Temple. Court III. Finds. Statues.
ii2.179 (see also ii2.136)
Colossal statue of Sesostris III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42011 (JE 36580).
Pillet in BIFAO xxxviii (1939), 248-51 pl. xxix (confused with colossi of Sesostris I in front of Chapel of
Tuthmosis III, see ii2.173); Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 8-9 pl. vi (head). See Maspero, Guide (1915), 7
Karnak. Great Temple. Court III. Finds. Statues.
ii2.179 (see also ii2.136)
Colossal statue of Sesostris III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42012 (JE 36581).
Pillet in BIFAO xxxviii (1939), 248-51 pl. xxix (confused with colossi of Sesostris I in front of Chapel of
Tuthmosis III, see ii2.173). See Maspero, Guide (1915), 7 [10].
Karnak. Great Temple. Court III. Finds. Statues.
Royal head, granite, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67843.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 80 [11] pl. xii [1].
Karnak. Great Temple. Court III. Finds. Statues.
Man in cloak, holding flower, upper part, granite, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Habachi in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 76 [9] pl. xii [2].
Karnak. Great Temple. Court III. Finds. Statues.
Ramesses II holding standard, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67841.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 79 [10] pl. xiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Court III. Finds. Statues.
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King holding captive, with lion between his legs, lower part, alabaster, usurped by Ramesses VI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 67842.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 75 [7] pl. xi [3].
Karnak. Great Temple. Court III. Finds. Stelae.
Amosis, with text mentioning Queen-mother Ahhotp and gifts presented to Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34001 (JE 38246).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 1-4 pl. i.
Karnak. Great Temple. Eighth Pylon. Blocks.
Obelisk fragments, Dyn. XXV, usurped by Psammetikhos II, lower one found here, upper one bought at
Luxor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17028 (JE 51523-4).
Kuentz, Oblisques 57-9 pl. xv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon. Doorway.
Cartouche plaque, Sethos II, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47296.
Pillet in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 252 [6] fig. 5, 6.
Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon.
Block, Amenophis IV and Nefertiti libating to the Aten with King beyond, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Pillet in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 250 pl. iv.
Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon.
Block, head of Amenophis IV adoring, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pillet in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 250 fig. 4.
Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon.
Blocks, temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 301. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 161 [552]; Pillet in REA ii (1929), 141.
Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon.
Blocks, two with cattle, and a Nubian, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
von Bissing, Denkmler, Text to pls. 81 [3rd fig.], 81 A [fig.].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon.
Block, with prostrate foreigners, temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 54518 (Temp.
Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer pl. 32 [b].
Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon.
Blocks with reliefs of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon.
Blocks of Amenophis IV re-used, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 161 [552].
Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon. Found near south face.
Block-statue, Senenmut (TT71, 353), and Princess Neferure, heads lost, quartzite, temp. Hatshepsut , in
Cairo Egyptian Museum, JE 47278.
Jacquet-Gordon in BIFAO 71 (1972), 141-50 figs. 3-5 pls. xxx-xxxii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon. Found near south face.
Head of statue of a divine adoratress, granite, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47281, lower
part in Sydney, The Nicholson Museum, R.43.
Pillet, Thbes. Karnak fig. 81.
Karnak. Great Temple. Ninth Pylon. Found near south face.
Stela, seated god with lion under chair, lower part, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47279.
Pillet in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 255 fig. 7.
Karnak. Great Temple. Court IV. Found in Court.
Block-statue, Esmin, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47277.
Noshy, The Arts in Ptolemaic Egypt 118 pl. xiii [3].
Karnak. Great Temple. Tenth Pylon.
ii2.187(581) (this is a cross reference)
Stela, inscribed on three faces, double scene, Haremhab with ka before Amun, and decree, sandstone. See
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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duplicate text, part, on stela-fragment from Abydos, Bibl. v.270, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34162.
Karnak. Great Temple. Tenth Pylon.
Scribe statue of Amenhotp, son of Hepu, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Legrain in Ann. Serv. xiv (1914), 17-20 pl. iii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 137 [461].
Karnak. Great Temple. Tenth Pylon.
Scribe statue of Amenhotp, son of Hepu, granite, temp. Amenophis III, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 44862, now in Luxor, Luxor Museum, J.4.
Legrain in Ann. Serv. xiv (1914), 17-20 pl. i. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 139 [465].
Karnak. Great Temple. Tenth Pylon.
Scribe statue of Paramessu (Ramessu), Vizier (later Ramesses I), son of Sety, Overseer of bowmen, temp.
Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44863.
Legrain in Ann. Serv. xiv (1914), 29-32 pls. i [left statues]; Sourouzian in MDAIK 47 (1991), 350 Taf. 50
[f]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 166 [578].
Karnak. Great Temple. Tenth Pylon.
Scribe statue of Paramessu (Ramessu), Vizier (later Ramesses I), son of Sety, Overseer of bowmen, temp.
Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44864.
Vandersleyen, Das Alte gypten Abb. 201 [b]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 166 [579].
Karnak. Great Temple. Subsidiary Buildings. Chapel of Amasis and Nitocris. Entrance to Inner Hall.
Outer lintel, block from right part of lintel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26887.
L. D. iii, 274 o [right].
Karnak. Great Temple. Chapel of Osiris Neb-ankh. Faade.
Stela, Senbefmosi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20782 (JE 37507).
Cairo. Centre of Documentation photos. S.R., Folder 118, 2116-17 (in situ).
Karnak. Great Temple. Chapel of Osiris Neb-ankh. Hall.
(c)-(d), Inner lintel, Nile gods binding sma-symbol with re-used block of Pinezem, (sandstone), in Cairo,
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Egyptian Museum, JE 37509.
Firchow, g. Studien 198 fig. 1.
Karnak. Great Temple. Temple of Ptah. Near Fourth Gate.
Stela of Antef (Nubkheperre), top only, giving titulary of King receiving life from Amun and Mut, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Legrain in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 113-14.
Karnak. Great Temple. Temple of Ptah. Near Fourth Gate.
Stela of Tuthmosis III, double scene at top, King, followed by Queen Sitioh offering ointment, offers
water in left half, wine in right half, to Ptah, with consecration text, year 24, and renewal text of Sethos I,
granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34013 (JE 34642).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 27-30 pl. ix. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 135-6 [458].
Karnak. Great Temple. Temple of Ptah. Central Chapel.
Head from statue of Hathor, granite, temp. Tutankhamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38888 (JE
34607), adjoins torso in Sydney, The Nicholson Museum, R.40.
See Daressy, Statues et divinits 222.
Karnak. Great Temple. Temple of Ptah. Exterior.
Statue of Dhout, Overseer of the granary of Amun, Steward of Amun, kneeling holding statue base(?),
with Address to the living on front, granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42123 (JE 38370).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes 73-4 pl. lxxiii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 168 [589].
Karnak. Great Temple. M. Temple of Amen-Re-Harakhti. Found in Colonnade.
Stela, year 48, Menkheperre, Dyn. XXI, offering to Theban Triad with Wast (turning her back) behing
the King, found in situ, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Barguet, Temple 36-8 [e] (text), cf. 226 n.1 pl. xxxii [B].
Karnak. Great Temple. M. Temple of Amen-Re-Harakhti. Finds.
Statue of Nakht (TT397), ka-servant of the statues of Tuthmosis I and Queen Ahmosi, temp. Hatshepsut,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 76.
Karnak. Great Temple. M. Temple of Amen-Re-Harakhti. Finds.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lintel with names of Ptah, Sekhmet and Bubastis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39398.
Karnak. Great Temple. M. Temple of Amen-Re-Harakhti. Finds.
Lintel with name of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39399.
Karnak. Great Temple. N. East Temple of Tuthmosis III. Obelisks. Hatshepsut.
Pyramidion from south obelisk of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17012 (JE 18056, 55309).
Kuentz, Oblisques 20-4 pls. vii-ix. See Descr. somm. No. 6167.
Karnak. Great Temple. N. East Temple of Tuthmosis III. Finds.
Statue of Tuthmosis III, seated, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39260.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 720.
Karnak. Great Temple. N. East Temple of Tuthmosis III. Finds.
Double statue, Amun and Mut, seated, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39261.
Dewachter in Bull. Soc. fr. dg. 87-8 (March-May 1980), 25 fig. 8.
Karnak. Great Temple. Temple of Khons. Sanctuary. Found beneath pavement.
Statue of Khons, probably temp. Tutankhamun or Haremhab, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Daressy, Statues de divinits 131 pl. xxviii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 138 [462] fig. 51.
Karnak. Great Temple. Temple of Khons. Room III.
Statuette, Ibi (TT36), temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Part of text, Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxvi (1904), 223-4 [xii].
Karnak. Great Temple. Temple of Khons. Finds from the Temple.
Statue of Amenhotp, son of Hepu, incomplete, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 551 (JE 29251).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 97-8 pl. 92.
Karnak. Great Temple. Temple of Khons. Finds from the Temple.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sculptors models, including royal bust, and relief with upper part of Horus, probably Dyn. XXVI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47525-31.
Abou Seif in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 214-21 with pl., and plan showing finding place, fig. 2.
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues. of Amenophis IV.
Bust, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49528.
Pijon, Summa Artis iii (1945), fig. 401; Schfer in Mitt. D.O.G. 64, March 1926, 54-8 pl. 2 [right and
middle]. See Descr. somm. No. 6016.
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues. of Amenophis IV.
Standing, legs missing, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49529.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 144 pl. xxv [right]; Descr. somm. No. 6015 pl.
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues. of Amenophis IV.
Standing, nude, legs missing, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55938.
Chevrier in Ann. Serv. xxxi (1931), 97 pl. iv. See Descr. somm. No. 6182.
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues. of Amenophis IV.
Bust, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Chevrier in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 125 pl. ii.
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
Upper part, wearing nemes and double-crown, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98915 (Temp.
Aramco World 50 [6] (Nov.-Dec. 1999), fig. on back cover; Freed, R. in KMT 10 [4] (1999), 35, 37 figs.
on 32-3; id. in Memnomia x (1999), 196-8 pls. lvi, lvii [B].
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
(a) Head with four feathered crown, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98894.
Abd-ur-Rah. man in Ann. Serv. lvi (1959), 247-8 pl. i; Freed, R. in KMT 10 [4] (1999), 35, 37 fig. on 35
[lower right].
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
(b) Head, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Desroches-Noblecourt in Museum xiii (1960), 193 fig. 85.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
(c) Head, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Wilson, Burden of Egypt fig. 24b.
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
(d) Head, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Daniel-Rops, Le Roi ivre de Dieu fig. on 81.
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
(e) Bust, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Desroches-Noblecourt, Temples de Nubie pl. i.
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
(f) face, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Chevrier in Ann. Serv. xxvii (1927), 146 pl. iii [1].
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
(g) face, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Chevrier in Ann. Serv. xxvii (1927), 146 pl. iii [2].
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
(n) Head, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15899/4.
Bianchi, R. S. Splendors of Ancient Egypt 96 fig.[right].
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
Bust, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 99065.
Gordon, L. in KMT 13 [4] (2002), figs. on 27 [left, middle] (head), 35.
Karnak. Eastern Group. A. Temple of Amenophis IV. Colonnade. Osiride statues of Amenophis IV.
Head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98891.
Freed, R. in Memnomia x (1999), 196-7 pl. lvii [A].
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Forecourt.
Block statue of Amenemhet, granite, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 566.
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Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 115-16 pl. 96. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 125 [413].
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Forecourt.
Two seated statuettes of baboons, sandstone, temp. Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 2172, 29245.
See Benson and Gourlay, Temple of Mut 33.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Court.
Blocks, sandstone, with scenes of fleet of Piankhy returning to Karnak with produce from the south,
including Tefnakht, Commander of troops of Heracleopolis (afterwards King) on 2nd boat, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 31886.
Benson and Gourlay, Temple of Mut 46, 257-9, 370-9 pls. xx-xxii.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In Court.
Naos with statuette of Amun from a statue of Amenophis III, probably broken off in the time of
Amenophis IV, usurped by Bekenkhons, First prophet of Amun, temp. Setnakht to Ramesses III, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70025 (JE 2143).
Roeder, Naos 104-5 pl. 35 [a].
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In Court.
Statue fragment of a Fourth prophet of Amun and wife, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Benson and Gourlay, Temple of Mut 335-6 [xviii], 42-3, 199.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In Court.
Statue of a Queen, feet missing, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2079.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In Court.
Head of a young King, granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2146.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In Court.
Block statue of Sirennutet called Thau, with hymn to Re-Harakhti, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 632 (JE 2141).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 180-3 pl. 116.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In Court.
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Head and fragments of Sekhmet statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Benson and Gourlay, Temple of Mut 37-8 pl. x (head).
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In Court.
Vase, Tuthmosis III, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18498 (JE 2215).
Bissing, Steingefsse 100 with fig.; Mariette, Karnak pl. 45 [b], Texte 70 [b].
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In Court.
Offering-table, Amenardais, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2140.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench A. Statues.
Basin with text of Pesamun-nebket-teti, granite, Late Period(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2145.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench A. Statues.
Block statue of Minhotp, with cartouche of Princess Neferure on wrist, lower part, granite, temp.
Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 953.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 2-3 pl. 159.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench A. Statues.
Block statue of Senemioh (TT127), headless, granite, temp. Tuthmosis III(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 925.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 157-8.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench A. Statues.
Statue of Minnakht (TT87), seated, lower part, granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 533.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 84 pl. 89 (called Middle Kingdom).
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench A. Statues.
Statue of Dhutmosi [future Tuthmosis IV], kneeling, holding sistrum, with text mentioning Hekreshu,
Tutor of the Kings son, two fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 923.
Bryan, B. The reign of Thutmose IV 211 pl. I [1-4]. Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 156.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench A. Statues.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue of Men, headless, kneeling, holding sistrum, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 901.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 586; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 145 pl. 156.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench A. Statues.
Statue of Thuthi, seated, lower part, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 534.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 84-5.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench A. Statues.
Statue group, Dhutisheri and wife Tent-nub(t), seated, dedicated by son Ahmosi, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 537.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 86-7.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench A. Statues.
Block statue of May, headless, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 924.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 157.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench B. Statues.
Block statue of Siamun, lower part, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 914.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 150-1.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench B. Statues.
Statue of Hepusonb (TT67), headless, diorite, temp. Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 648.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 194-5 pl. 119.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench B. Statues.
Statue of Puimre (TT39), kneeling with two jars, headless, granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 910.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 148-9 pl. 157.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench B. Statues.
Block statue of Meryti, block statue, fragments, temp. Tuthmosis III and IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 916.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 152.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench B. Statues.
Double statue of Simut (TT A.24) and wife Baky, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 161.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench B. Statues.
Double statue, man, name lost, and wife Ahmosi, lower part, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 951.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 1.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench B. Statues.
Statue of Serdhout, Late Period, (a) kneeling with naos, headless, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1020.
Benson and Gourlay, Temple of Mut 360 [xxviii], 274 pl. xxvii [4]. Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten
iv, 29.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench B. Statues.
Statue of Serdhout, Late Period, (c) Sistrum fragments, slate, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1009.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 23.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Trench C. Statues.
Statue of Kenamun (TT93), kneeling, holding naos containing [Termuthis] as serpent, headless, schist,
temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 935.
Wild in BIFAO lvi (1957), 205, 211-15, pl. i. Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 163-4.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In south-west corner of corridor. Statues.
Statue of Amenemhetankh, [son of Amenemhet II], base fragment, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 536.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 86.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In south-west corner of corridor. Statues.
Statue of Senenmut (TT71 and 353), kneeling, holding Hathor sistrum, sandstone, temp. Hatshepsut, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 579 (JE 31693).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 127-30 pl. 99. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 168 [592].
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. In south-west corner of corridor. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block statue of Bekenkhons, with Hathor sistrum in relief on front, temp. Setnakht to Ramesses III, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 581.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 131-2 pl. 100.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Exterior of south enclosure wall. Statues.
Block statue, name lost, with Hathor head in relief on front, and man kneeling adoring with hymn to Mut
in relief on base, sandstone, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 568.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 118 pl. 97.
Karnak. Southern Group. Temple of Mut. Finds. Exterior of south enclosure wall. Statues.
Block statue of Roy, with autobiographical text, headless, granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 917.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 153-4.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Statues of Sekhmet. In Museums.
Statue of Sekhmet, seated, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39063.
Daressy, Statues de divinitis 265 pl. li. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 148.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Statues of Sekhmet. In Museums.
Statue of Sekhmet, seated, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39064.
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinitis 265 . See Maspero, Guide (1915), 148.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Statues of Sekhmet. In Museums.
Statue of Sekhmet, seated, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39065
(JE 4751).
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinitis 265-6. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 148.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Statues of Sekhmet. In Museums.
Statue of Sekhmet, seated, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39066.
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinitis 266. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 148.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Statues of Sekhmet. In Museums.
Statue of Sekhmet, seated, granite, temp. Amenophis III, re-used by Ramesses II, found in the Serapeum
at Alexandria, but probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39067.
Daressy, Statues de divinitis 266 pl. li. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 148.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Temple of Mut. Statues of Sekhmet. In Museums.
Statue of Sekhmet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39070 (head), and JE 45247 (lower part).
See Daressy, Statues de divinitis 267.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Statues of Sekhmet. In Museums.
Statue of Sekhmet, fragment of seat, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 49473.
Epithet, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 95-6.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Hepu, block statue, fragment, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 996.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 19.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Seated statue of Ipures, fragment, sandstone, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 994.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 19.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
A wab-priest of Amun, granite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 972.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 9.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Woman, seated, fragment, dedicated by son Nebtaui, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 18.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Double statue, man and wife, fragment, sandstone, Middle to New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 991.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 18.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Amenhotp [son of Hepu], block statue, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36498.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Schulz, Entwicklung i, 284-5 [157]; ii, Taf. 69 [a, b]. Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 253.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Bust of a sphinx of Ramesses VI, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 893.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 142.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Amenhetpaiu(?), kneeling with naos of Khons, granite, late New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 971.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 9.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Harnakht (TT236), block statue, holding naos with rams head, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 771 (JE 2142).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 82-3 pl. 142.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Man, upper part, granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 834.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 117.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Head of man, granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 912.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 150.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Priest, seated with a hes vase, headless, fragment, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 981.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 14.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Block statue, fragment, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 987.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 16-17.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Head of Queen, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 992.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 18.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Kings son, squatting, two fragments, granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1015.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 28.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Taharqa, base, with remains of binding sma-symbol on front and Nubian and Asiatic captives on sides,
schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 770 (JE 2096).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 81-2.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Mentuemhet (TT34), block statue, headless, with Hathor sistrum on front, broken in two, granite, temp.
Taharqa to Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 646 (JE 31883).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 190-2 pl. 119.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Mentuemhet (TT34), bust, granite, temp. Taharqa to Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
647 (JE 31884).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 193 pl. 119; Maspero, Guide (1915), 251 [1184] fig. 91.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Pady, block statue, fragment, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 986.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 16.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Statues.
An Overseer of linen in the chamber of offerings in the Temple of Mut, etc., block statue, fragment,
granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 995.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 19.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela with demotic text of Lysimachus (Lsimkus), Kings brother, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 31137 (JE 2100).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inschriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 53-4 pl. xv.
Karnak. Temple of Mut. Miscellaneous. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Disk of Mentuemhet (TT34), faience, temp. Taharqa to Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Mariette, Karnak pl. 47 [b], Texte, 73.
Karnak. Mut Enclosure. A. Temple of Khonspekhrod. Finds.
Legs of statue of Haremakhet, eldest son of Sabacon, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49157.
Text, Lefebvre in Ann. Serv. xxv (1925), 25-9.
Karnak. Mut Enclosure. C. South Temple. Ramesses III. Various.
Wig from statue of a king, faience, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 756 (JE 295).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 76 n.3 pl. 140 (called 755).
Karnak. Mut Enclosure. C. South Temple. Ramesses III. Various.
Stela, Horus on the crocodiles, lower part, with magical text of Zekhensefankh, son of Esperennub, Late
Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49280.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 266-8 [5].
Karnak - Objects. Statues - Royal.
Sesostris I, (a) head, painted sandstone, found west of Sacred Lake, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 71963.
Chevrier in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 566 pl. cv.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Sesostris I, (b) base, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Sesostris II, seated, part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43598.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Amenemhet III, (a) head, granite, found near Temple K, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43596.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Amenemhet III, (b) sphinx, headless, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41472.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Sebkhotp (Sekhemre-sewaztaui), sphinx fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52810.
Text, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxxi (1931), 191 [1].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Sebkhotp (Merkaure), seated, with statuettes of two small sons Sebkhotp and Bebi on each side, granite, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43599.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1423.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis II, (a) upper part, seated, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1081.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 48.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis II, (b) seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41205.
Dreyer in SAK 11 (1984), 464-6 Abb. 3 Taf. 22. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 172 [618].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis II, (c) kneeling, headless, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41208.
Text, Legrain Rpertoire No. 336 (Fouilles 780).
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis III, (a) seated, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 578 (JE 4752).
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 126-7 pl. 99. Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 136.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis III, (b) seated, restored from fragments, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 133 [450].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tuthmosis III, (c) seated, red granite, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
See Tefnin, La Statuaire dHatshepsout 148 n.3 (as
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis III, (d) kneeling, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1226.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 118 pl. 171. Cartouche, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 127.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis III, (e) bust, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 610.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 158 pl. 111. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 126 [417].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis III, (f) bust, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 633.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 183 pl. 116. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 123 [403].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis III, (g) colossal head, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 18055.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis III, (h) fragment, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1133.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 71-2.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis III, (i) fragment, red stone, restored, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tuthmosis III, (j) fragment, with cartouche on belt, protected by hawk, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 33768.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Amenophis II, (a) upper part, seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 615.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 162 pl. 111. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 129 [443].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Amenophis II, (b) protected by Mertesger as serpent, granite, found at Naga el-Zaptia, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 39394.
Bruyre, Mert Seger fig. 125; Maspero, Guide (1915), 140 [470] fig. 52.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Amenophis II, both arms lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Sourouzian, H. in JARCE xxviii (1991), 65, 68 [1c] fig. 15.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Amenophis III, (a) holding offering table with geese and sheaf with quails, headless, granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 550 (JE 29253).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 96-7 pl. 92.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Amenophis III, (b) torso, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43615.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tutankhamun, (a) head, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38002.
Encycl. phot. Caire pl. 83.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Tutankhamun or Amun, (b) standing, limestone, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37518 bis and
JE 38689, now in Luxor Museum, J.198.
Peck in JEA lvii (1971), 77-8 pl. xxiii [2]. See Descr. somm. No. 6169.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Haremhab, base fragment, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1284.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 145.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Bust, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 596.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 150 pl. 107. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 133 [499].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Head with white crown, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Chevrier in Ann. Serv. xxxi (1931), 95 [ii].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Torso, in feather dress, Dyn. XVIII or XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39405.
Forman and Vilmkov Egyptian Art pl. 100.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Ramesses II, (a) seated, with kneeling captives on base, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 552 (JE 29252).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 98-9 pl. 92.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Ramesses II (b) group, two kneeling figures of King with scarab on head before two statues of Heh, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42145 (JE 41750).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes ii, 9-11 pl. vii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Ramesses II, (c) in pleated dress, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45028.
Sourouzian, H. in MDAIK 54 (1998), 287 fig. 4 Taf. 45.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Ramesses II, (d) fragment of legs with figure of Queen in relief, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1168 (JE 28982).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 88.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Merneptah, kneeling with seated figure of Ptah on front, headless, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Museum, CG 562 (JE 29874).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 110-11 pl. 95. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 169 [596].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Head, and top of ram standard, head, (sometimes called Tutankhamun, Haremhab or Merneptah), in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 603 (JE 2147).
Encycl. phot. Caire pl. 85; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 153-4 pl. 109; Maspero, Guide (1915), 133-4
[451] fig. 46.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Osorkon I(?), sphinx, hind part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1123 (JE 29250).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 69.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Alexander II, son of Alexander the Great, colossus, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 701.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 44 pl. 129. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 264 [1281].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Royal.
Ptolemy VI Philometor, torso, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41218.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Head, fragment, alabaster, probably Old Kingdom, found near Temple K, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Ibia, headless, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43927.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 174; Franchet in Nouvelles Archives des missions scientifiques [etc.] xxii, fasc. i
(1917), 106-7 pl. iv.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Mentuhotp, seated, Middle Kingdom, found at Naga el-Ziptia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43269.
Legrain in Ann. Serv. x (1909), 258-9 with pl.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sikahirka, seated, quartzite, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43928.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 669; Franchet in Nouvelles Archives des missions scientifiques [etc.] xxii, fasc. i
(1917), 106-7 pl. iii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Scribe statue, name lost, with text on papyrus, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42040 (JE 34625).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 24 pl. xxv.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Old man seated in cloak with remains of offering text, painted sandstone, Dyn. XII, found north of
Hypostyle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42041 (JE 34619).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 24-5 pl. xxv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 116-7 [362].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Hepusonb (TT67), temp. Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39392.
Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 86.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Minmosi, block statue with Princes Nezem and Web[ensennu], [sons of Amenophis II], heads destroyed,
black granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 638.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 186-7 pl. 117.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Double statue, Sennufer (TT96) and wife Sentnay, seated, with daughter Mutnefert standing between
them, and daughters in relief on sides, granite, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42126 (JE 36574).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 76-8 pl. lxxv; Maspero, Guide (1915), 146 [500] fig. 53.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Amenhotp, son of Hepu, as scribe, headless, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 124-5 [409].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
An offering bearer, fragment, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Maspero, Guide (1915), 167 [585].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Ahmosi(?), seated, granite, Dyn. XVIII, found at Naga el-Zaptia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 42047 (JE 38234).
Text, Legrain, Statues et statuettes 28-9.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Wensu, as scribe, with texts mentioning wife Amenhotp, and parents Nenu and Renpetenhotep, granite,
Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42132 (JE 38372).
Texts, Legrain, Statues et statuettes 84-5.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
An official, upper part, seated, with remains of text showing name of Amun erased and restored,
sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 612.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 159-60; Maspero, Guide (1915), 126 [416].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues.
Ancestor bust, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64911.
Chevrier, H. in ASAE xxxv (1935), 117-18 fig. 8.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Queen Ahmosi Nefertere, seated, dedicated by a Priest, Overseer of works (name lost), black granite,
New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33973.
Text on back, Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxii (1900), 135 [6].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Haremhab, son of Esmin, squatting, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43652.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Haremhab, son of Esmin, squatting, black granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hor, son of Zeho, block statue, schist, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Tashenre, daughter of Pedamenopet, feet and base, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 33319.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 7 pl. vi.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Head, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 709.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 48 pl. 131.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Man kneeling holding Hathor-head and lotus basin, granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 587 (JE 2658).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 142 pl. 105. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 189 [742].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Thaenhesert, block statue, upper part, temp. Dhutemhet, Dyn. XXII-XXV, probably from here, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 42212.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 32-3 pl. xxi.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Amenardais I, lower part, seated, dedicated by Harsiesi, granite, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 42198.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 6-8 pl. vi.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Pashe(n)taisui (as Isui in Bibl.), Mayor of Xois, wife Neferiyu, and son Ashakhet, seated statue group,
granite, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36576.
Drioton and Sved, Art gyptien fig. 128. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 203 [821].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
A Queen, feet lost, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 654.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 1 pl. 121; Maspero, Guide (1915), 215 [933] fig. 75.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Eskashuti, temp. Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 204 [825].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Man seated, headless, temp. Psammetikhos, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, headless, schist, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43606.
See Bothmer, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 152.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Ankhpekhrod, block statue, with reliefs on sides, [Nephthys] adoring bark on right, Thoth with palette
and ram standard before Osiris emblem on left, front missing, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 717.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 54-6 pl. 133.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Usiri-wer, son of Imhotep, seat of statue, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Coulon, L. in Rev. dg. 57 (2006), 2-13 pls. i, ii, v [a]. Text, Daressy in BIFAO xi (1914), 235 cf. pl. viii
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Irtharerau, squatting, granite, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Pernigotti in Aegyptes, liv (1974), 150-6 Tav. v, vi.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
A wab-priest of Khons holding naos with baboon, painted sandstone, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 674.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 21 pl. 123.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Private.
Base fragment. Remains of text with title of Sokari, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxii (1900), 136 [9 b].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Amun and Mut, double statue, seated, granite dedicated by Sethos I, usurped from Amenophis III and IV,
formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39211 (JE 2148), now in Luxor, Luxor Museum.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 300 pl. lvi (called 39210). See Maspero, Guide (1915), 147 [501].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Amun and Mut, double statue, seated, lower part, dedicated by Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinits 300.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Amun with Amenardais I on his knee, both headless, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42199.
Legrain, Statues et statuettes iii, 8-9 pl. vii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Amun, uninscribed, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38021 (JE 36484).
Daressy, Statues et divinits 9 pl. ii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Amun, ram headed, uninscribed, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38500.
Daressy, Statues et divinits 134-5 pl. xxix.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Osiris, dedicated by Harwoz, granite, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38364 bis
(JE 36776).
Text, Daressy, Statues et divinits 99.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Ptah-tatanen, dedicated by Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38068 (JE 11248, 12650).
Daressy, Statues et divinits 25 pl. vi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 125 [410].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
A soul of Nekhen, head restored, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41210.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xlii (1943), 71-3 pls. ii, iii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
A soul of Pe, head restored, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41211.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xlii (1943), 71-3 pls. ii, iii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
ii2.285 (moved here from ii2.84)
Head, perhaps of Amun, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Dewachter in Bull. Soc. fr. dg. Nos. 87-8 (March-May 1980), 21-2, 30 fig. 4. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 128 [422].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Termuthis(?), serpent headed, seated, dedicated by Amenemhab, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 39142 (JE 36645).
Daressy, Statues et divinits 282-3 pl. liv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 480 [4611].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Tueris as hippopotamus (a) dedicated by Pabasa (TT279), schist, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 39145. (Adjoins naos of Pabasa, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70027 - ii 2.299)
Daressy, Statues et divinits 284 pl. lv; Maspero, Guide (1915), 197-8 [791] fig. 68.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Tueris as hippopotamus, (b) headless, dedicated by Benteh-hor, temp. Necho II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 39146.
See Daressy, Statues et divinits 284-5.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Tueris as hippopotamus, (c) fragment, dedicated by Pefteu..., serpentine, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 39146 bis.
Text, Daressy, Statues et divinits 285.
Karnak. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Uraeus, ka symbol upon pedestal, New Kingdom?, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64912.
Chevrier, H. in ASAE xxxv (1935), 118 fig. 7.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Objects in Museums. Statues. Divinities.
Head of Sekhmet, black granite, temp. Amenophis III, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41215
(Temp. No., now in Luxor, Luxor Museum.
El-Shahawy, A. Luxor Museum. The Glory of Ancient Thebes (2005), 104 fig. on 105.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Temp. Antef (Wahankh), mentioning the House of Khety, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Fischer in JEA 61 (1975), 35-7 fig. 3 pl. xvi [2].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Lower part, schist, remains of two registers, man and family with two tables of offerings, Dyn. XIX, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32992.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Neferhotep with wife Iuy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20781 (JE 37515).
Text, Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxiii (1901), 61-2.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Deified Queen Ahmosi Nefertere behind seated Amun with four lines of text below, granite, late Dyn.
XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gabolde in BIFAO 91 (1991), 161-71 pl. 48.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Nakht (TT397), Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34048 (JE 29254).
Text, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 82-4.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Ramesses III with Amun and goddess Khefthernebes, mentioning building of enclosure wall, sandstone, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41209.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Habachi in Kmi xx (1970), 232 fig. 3 pl. xxi [b].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Stela with rows of rams [of Amun], Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37532.
Munro in Z lxxxviii (1963), 57-8 pl. vi [lower].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Ahmosi Sipair, Kings son, seated opposite Amenophis I and Queens Ahmosi Nefertere and Sitamun,
dedicated to Amenophis I by Nebsu, sandstone, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34029.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 63-4 pl. xxii. Names and titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 51.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Amenmosi, fragment with cryptographic text, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32755.
Legrain in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), fig. on 136; Clre in Chron. dg. xiii (1938), 35-43 [A] figs. 2-3.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Tueris as hippopotamus before Osiris and Tueris as goddess, with dedicators Ramosi, wife Nezemib, and
family, below, New Kingdom, found near naos of Pabasa (ii2.299), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 93.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Kha, sandstone, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2020.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Ankhnesiotes, with text concerning sale of land to Tekenneftau, year 8 of Tanutamun, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37888.
Text of sale of land, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 226-7. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 211 [875].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
King smiting captives before Amun, upper part, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41207.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Medu-baste(?), cippus, with Horus on crocodiles holding serpents, lion, antelope, and scorpions, Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9409 (JE 29301).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 21-2 pl. vii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Seni, Divine sealer, Prophet of the divine wife and divine adoratress Nitocris, before Nitocris, Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37889.
Text, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 227.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Titikhons in long robe before Osiris, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2018.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Naos-stelae, a Roman Emperor offering two libation vase to two goddesses, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 22214 (JE 36350).
Texts, Kamal, Stles du Nouvel Empire 206-7.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Theban Triad with four people kneeling below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21065.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Stelae.
Fragment of bilingual stela with a King adoring divinities, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36753.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Lintel fragment with prenomen of Ay (Merneferre), Dyn. XIII, found near Sacred Lake, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 41468.
Legrain in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 273-6 fig.1.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Blocks from a foundation deposit of Hatshepsut, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32753-4.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Jamb fragment, Amenophis IV, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36489.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Sethos I censing to Amun, usurped by Ramesses II, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41217.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Block from pillar(?), inscribed on four faces, Ramesses II kneeling offering wine to Amun and Mut,
sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 3419.
See Maspero, Guide (1883), 50 [443].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Block with Libyan captive, alabaster, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Wresz., Atlas ii, pl. 66 (1st pl. marked 66) [Beibild].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
(a) Jamb, upper part, Shepenwept II receives life from Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, probably
Temp. No.
Leclant, Mon. thb. 188 [49, C, c] pl. lxxxvii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
(c) Lintel, a Shepenwept adoring Amun, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Block, Sheshonk, temp. Psammetikhos III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. 2334.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Cornice, broken, from small temple dedicated to Mut by Ankhesen-ashefi(?), woman, probably Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25580.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Trial piece, a ram, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33446 (JE 35337).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 69-70 pl. xxxiii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Trial piece, re-used, Meroitic King (with cartouches of Tuthmosis III) and small figure of Queen, with
victims below, facing him, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33477 (JE 29780).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 79-80 pl. xli.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Block with text mentioning Imhotep, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45709.
See Wildung, Imhotep und Amenhotep 192 [133].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Block with head of Nubian, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43654.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Blocks.
Block with remains of cryptographic text, found in sebakh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Clre in Chron. dg. xiii (1938), 45-6 [c] fig. 5.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Offering tables.
(c) Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23007 (JE 36337).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 7 pl. iii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Offering tables.
(b) Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23008 (JE 27645).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 8 pl. iv.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Offering tables.
Tuthmosis III, offering table with King on sides, fragments, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Karnak. Objects in Museums. Offering tables.
Amenophis IV, offering-stand E, fragment, built into a house in el-Malqata, now in Cairo, Egyptian
Habachi in Mitt. Kairo xx (1965), 73-9 pls. xxii-xxv [a, b] (one of these). Legrain, Repertoire No. 302 [F].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Offering tables.
Nitocris and mother Mehytenwaskhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23249 (JE 40610).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 167-8 fig.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Offering tables.
Esptah, fragment, granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46198.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Naos of Methu, Overseer of the seal, Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, and Ipumosi, Royal scribe
of documents, with Methu seated and wife User on left side, and Ipumosi on right side, Dyn. XI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70040 (JE 34626).
Roeder, Naos 133-5 pl. 42 [a] (right side), cf. pls. 53 [a, b], 84 [a], 86 [c], 87 [i, k].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Naos of Pabasa (TT279), containing statuette of Tueris as hippopotamus (see ii 2.286, Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 39145), with deceased before seven Hathors on side, and cartouches of Nitocris on front,
temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70027.
Roeder, Naos 106-9 pl. 37. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 213 [921].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Obelisk, re-used by Tuthmosis III, upper part, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17014
(JE 55308).
Kuentz, Oblisques 28-9 pl. x.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Obelisk, lower part with part of text, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17019 (JE 37533).
Kuentz, Oblisques 36 pl. xi.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Two pseudo-vases, Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., 9.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Basin, Duatneter-aukhons, rectangular, granite, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37882.
See Legrain in Ann. Serv. vi (1905), 132 n.1.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Bottle, with cippus, divinities, and formula, dedicated by Esiemkhebi, daughter of Diptahiaumenkh-neheh
and Neferheres, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18490.
Bissing, Steingefsse 97-8 pl. iii.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Plaque, Tanutamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 43600.
See Leclant, Mon. thb. 106 [29, B].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Bronze plate, Shepenwept II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1883), 246 [4479].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Waterclock, with astronomical figures, alabaster, Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37525.
Sloley in JEA xvii (1931), 174-5 fig. 16 pls. xix, xx, xxi [2]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 511-12 [4940].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Cubit measure (a) Osorkon I, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Borchardt, Die Altg. Zeitmessung 14 pl. 11 [1, 2].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Cubit measure (b) Nektanebos II (and adjoining fragment seen with a dealer at Luxor), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Borchardt, Die Altg. Zeitmessung 27 pl. 11 [1, 2] ; Schlott, Die Ausmass 4 [6] pls. xviii, xix.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cubit measure (c) schist, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Schlott, Die Ausmass 4 [7] pls. xx, xxi; Carter MSS. v. 2 [m]; Arch. Lacau photo. O.I.22.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Two fragments of cubit measures (d), (e) Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No., 5.
Schwab-Schlott, Mitt. Kairo 28 (1972), 111 pl. xxviii (from Arch. Lacau photos.); Arch, Lacau photo. O.I.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Mortar fragment, Dhutmosi adoring cartouches of Tuthmosis III, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Supp. No. 1928.
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Brick of King Menkheperre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43607.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 63 [1].
Karnak. Objects in Museums. Various.
Aegis with lions head in gold leaf and text of ...hab, son of Esptah, on back, Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 40743.
Luxor. Temple. Obelisks.
Baboon, from base, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 161 [551].
Luxor. Temple. Court. Ramesses II.
Two fragments of arms, from statue of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 545-6.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 90.
Luxor. Temple. Processional Colonnade.
ii2.313(71)A (moved here from ii2.337(c))
Head and fragments of colossus of Ramesses II, now joined to the rest at Luxor, formerly in Cairo,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Egyptian Museum, CG 558 (JE 29252 bis), 1063-4.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 105 pl. 94 (head); iv, 44 (fragments); Head, Maspero, Guide (1915),
183 [675] fig. 62.
Luxor. Temple. Processional Colonnade.
Head of Mut, from double statue of Amun and Mut, probably temp. Ay, re-inscribed by Ramesses II
(Large dyad), formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, now reattached to restored statue group.
Johnson, W. R. in Egyptian Archaeology 11 (1997), 19, 22 figs. on front cover, 19-21, 22 [upper]. See
Johnson, W. R. in Chicago House Bulletin vii [1] (Dec. 15, 1995), 1-4.
Luxor. Temple. Processional Colonnade.
Head of Mut, Ptolemaic restoration, from double statue of Amun and Mut, probably temp. Ay, reinscribed by Ramesses II (Small dyad), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Johnson, W. R. in Chicago House Bulletin vii [1] (Dec. 15, 1995), 1-4.
Luxor. Temple. South Part - Amenophis III. Forecourt.
Fragments from stela of Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa in JEA 63 (1977), 124-5 pls. xxiii [1], xxiiiA [1]. Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xvi (1894), 125-6
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Statues.
Woman, upper part, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 473 (JE 29078).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 59 pl. 78.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Statues.
Fragment with goddess from a group, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1113.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 65 (says rest of group still at Luxor).
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Statues.
Mahuhy, kneeling with offering-table, temp. Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36810.
Lefebvre, Histoire 154, 259 [24, b] pl. iii [B].
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Statues.
Ramosi, also called Ray, block statue, with Queen Ahmosi Nefertere in high relief on front, granite, Dyn.
XIX or XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68596.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. li (1951), 463 [viii], cf. plan, pl. i [E] figs. 10, 11.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Luxor. Temple. Finds. Statues.
Zekhensefankh, block statue, temp. Osorkon I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 559.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 105-8 pl. 94.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Statues.
Amenardais I, dedicated by daughter Shepenwept II, granite, Dyn. XXV, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 67871, now in Aswn, Nubia Museum.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. li (1951), 465-8 [iv], cf. plan, pl. i [I] pl. iv.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Statues.
Mena-erusiri, block statue, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 960.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 5.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Statues.
Pedehorresnet, Chamberlain of the divine adoratress, son of Ankhnefnebu, same title, and Bupirukebesi

, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 716 (JE 26646).

See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten

iii, 53-4.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Stelae.
Amenemhab, with tree goddess scene and mummy before tomb in bottom register, sandstone, Dyn. XIX,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 162-3 [557].
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Stelae.
Tiberius (two), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65903-4.
Ann. Serv. xxxvii, pl. i.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Stelae.
Tiberius (a) remains of King offering to Amun and Mut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22198
(JE 29234).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 194 pl. lxx.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Stelae.
Tiberius (b) King embraced by Amun, between Amun, between Min and Sefkhet-abu writing(?), in
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22193 (JE 29234).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 190-1 pl. lxvi.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Stelae.
Tiberius (e) King offering papyrus flowers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65904.
Fakhry in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 25-7 [1] pl. i.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Stelae.
Tiberius (f) King offering pectoral, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65903.
Fakhry in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 25-7 [1] pl. i.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Blocks.
Two blocks, with Roman emperor (full-face), found under Processional Colonnade, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 28968.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Offering-tables, altars, etc.
Offering-table, Sesostris III, usurped by Apophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23009
(JE 28460).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 8-9 pl. v.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Offering-tables, altars, etc.
Incense altar, Nehi, ka servant, son of Senusert, with wife Senaaib and two unnamed couples in high
relief, granite, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46322.
Spiegelberg in Z lxv (1930), 50 pl. iii.
Luxor. Temple. Finds. Offering-tables, altars, etc.
Libation-altar, Tuthmosis III, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28970.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 8.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Chapel. Mentuhotp-Sankhkare. Finds.
Blocks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Schweinfurth in Z xli (1904), fig. on 23 [1-6], cf. 24 n.2.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Second Court. Brick Temple. Amenophis I and Ahmosi
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Two bricks Amenophis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49081-82.
MMA photos. M.6.C. 138-41.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Second Court. Brick Temple. Amenophis I and Ahmosi
Two bricks Ahmosi Nefertere, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49079-80.
MMA photos. M.6.C. 138-41.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Second Court. Avenue.
Head of Osiride colossus of Amenophis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 966.
Romano in JARCE xiii (1976), 98-9 [4] pl. xxvii [upper].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Second Court. Brick Shrine of Aesculapius.
Block, Ptolemy III and a goddess with scarab on her head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
MMA photos. M.17.C. CM. 26-7.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Second Court. Brick Shrine of Aesculapius.
Block, Anubis seated with two goddesses, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
MMA photos. M.6.C. CO.7.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Colonnade. South half.
V. Relief, asss head and two offering bearers, formerly in Brussels, Fondation gyptologique Reine
lisabeth, now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51951 (adjoins JE 14276).
Werbrouck, Temple dHatshepsut pl. xiii.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Colonnade. South half.
V. Block, Chief of Punt, Queen of Punt, and old offering bearer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 14276
(Temp. No. (adjoins JE 51951).
Maspero, Guide (1915), 134 [452] fig. 47.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Colonnade. South half.
VI. Block, three men from Punt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89661 (adjoins Temp. No.
Millet in Journal of the American Research Center i (1962), 55-7 pls. iv, v. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 134
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Colonnade. South half.
VI. Block, Queens riding ass, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (adjoins JE 89661).
Duemichen, Flotte xvi [right].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Middle Colonnade. South half.
V. Block, man with ass in front of tree, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Tiradritti, F. (ed.), The Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (1999), fig. on 164 [upper right].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Shrine of Anubis. Found on roof.
Leaf of door and left side of ebony shrine, dedicated to Amun by Hatshepsut, re-used by Tuthmosis IV,
with erasures by Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70001 (JE 30739-40).
Roeder, Naos 1-11 pls. 1-3. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 510 [4920], 524 [5225].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Upper court. Finds.
Statue fragments, Mentuemhet (TT34), holding stela, temp. Taharqa to Psammetikhos I, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1098 (JE 28944).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 55-6.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Foundation Deposits. Beside Causeway.
Tools, vases, etc. including painters palette with date, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31326-30.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 527-8 [5305-18].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Foundation Deposits. In passage between South walls of
Second Court.
Alabaster vase, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 16007 (JE 31332).
Text, Borchardt in Z xxxvii (1899), 143 [upper].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Foundation Deposits. In the Courts.
Cartouche-plaque, Hatshepsut, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47649.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Foundation Deposits. In the Courts.
Two ointment jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1924, 18 fig. 13.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Foundation Deposits. In the Courts.
Fragments of menats, boomerangs, etc., of Hatshepsut and Queen Ahmosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Avenue.
Head, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56263.
Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, March 1932, 10 fig. 5 [lower]. See Brief Descr. 6184.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Avenue.
Head (as fragments in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56259.
MMA photos. M.11.C.191-2, 212. See Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, March 1932, 10-14; Tefnin, La
statuaire dHatshepsout 112 [4].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Ramp to First Court.
Sphinx, lion headed with human face, limestone, perhaps originally on newel post at top of ramp, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53113.
Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1929, figs. 13, 14. See Brief Descr. 6139.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Second Court.
Sphinx (a), restored with head, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53114, 55191 (fragment).
Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Feb. 1928, 46 fig. 51 [upper] (before restoration); Nov. 1929, 12 cover and
fig. 15; Dec. 1928, 14 figs. 14, 15. See Brief Descr. 6152.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Second Court.
Sphinx (b), forepart, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55190.
Head, Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1930, 11 figs. 8, 9. See Brief Descr. 6198.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Second Court.
Sphinx (c), head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Shrine of Hathor. (Probably.)
Hatshepsut on lap of nurse Sitre with incomplete text, found in fragments, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 56264.
Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, March 1932, 5 fig. 6.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Upper Court.
Statue, flanking the entrance, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52458 (reconstructed).
Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1928, 18 fig. 12. See Brief Descr. 6052.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Upper Court.
(d) Kneeling, holding two jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53115.
Winlock in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1928, 18-19 figs. 21-2; Dec. 1930, 11 fig. 12. See Brief Descr. 6153.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Western Niches.
(a) Head, from Osiride statue, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56259A, with beard, JE 262.
Winlock in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Feb. 1928, 44 fig. 47.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Western Niches.
(b) Head, from Osiride statue, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56260.
Winlock in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, March 1932, 16 fig. 9.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Western Niches.
(c) Bust from Osiride statue, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56262.
Winlock in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1928, 13 fig. 8.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Great Temple of Hatshepsut. Statues of Hatshepsut. From Western Niches.
(d) Head, from Osiride statue, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56261.
NYMMA photo. M.12.C. 342-3.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Found in hole in the Mentuhotp Causeway.
(b) kneeling statue, holding vase with spout, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47702.
Winlock in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1923, 32-3 fig. 27. See Brief Descr. 6013.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Found in hole in the Mentuhotp Causeway.
(c) kneeling statue, holding vase with spout, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47703.
Winlock in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1923, 32 fig. 28 [right]. See Brief Descr. 6014.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Finds from Great Temple..
Double-statue Kheperkarasonb and wife Meryt, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 614
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(JE 27811).
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 161 pl. 111.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Finds from Great Temple.
Double-statue of Paser (TT 106) with mother Merytre, lower part, temp. Sethos I to Ramesses II, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 516. (Adjoining fragment, ii2.379A)
Borchardt Statuen ii, 109-10 pl. 95.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Buildings of Tuthmosis III. Causeway with Bark-station.
Foundation deposit, model saw, adze, and axe, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91396-7, 91399.
Corteggiani, Lgypte des Pharaons No. 50 fig. See Maspero, Guide, (1978), 129 [6058E].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Buildings of Tuthmosis III. Temple of Amun. Finds.
Face of statue of Tuthmosis III, marble, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 90237. (Adjoins New York,
Michalowski, Art fig. 335.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Buildings of Tuthmosis III. Hathor cow Chapel. Shrine containing statue of Hathor cow.
In Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38574-5.
Statue of Hathor cow and shrine, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38574-5.
Naville, XI Dyn. Temple i, 64-5, 70 pls. xxviii-xxxi; Maspero, Guide (1915), 130-2 [445-6] fig. 45.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Hathor cow Chapel. Foundation deposits. Tuthmosis III.
Axe-heads, knife, vase, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Legrain, Rp. 134. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 521 [5157].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Forecourt. Burial Chamber.
Seated statue of the King in heb-sed dress, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36195.
Maspero, Guide (1915), 104-6 [287] fig. 40.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Forecourt. Burial Chamber.
Coffin, wooden, no name, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36417.
Carter in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 204 pl. ii.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Shaft in Passage.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Box of the King, wooden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36405.
Text, Carter in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 203.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Finds.
Wooden statue of woman(?), right leg lost, perhaps temp. Mentuhotp Nebhepetre and from here, or 3rd
Intermediate Period(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38541.
Upper part, Capart, Memphis fig. 239.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Upper Colonnade.
(e) Statue of Sesostris III, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Naville and Hall in Arch. Rep. 1904-1905, 7 pl. iv [8]; Evers, Staat pl. 83. See Brief Descr. 6149.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Upper Colonnade.
Two blocks with cartouches, one of, the other of Sekhaenre, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
Naville and Hall, XI Dyn. Temple i, 68 pl. xii [I, J].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Shrines for statues and Tombs of the Princesses. B.
Ashayt. Shrine.
Relief with princess holding lotus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Naville and Hall, XI Dyn. Temple ii, pl. xvi [A].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Shrines for statues and Tombs of the Princesses. B.
Ashayt. Tomb.
Sarcophagus of Ashayt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47267.
Winlock in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1921, 43, 47 figs. 18, 22. See Brief Descr. 6033.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Shrines for statues and Tombs of the Princesses. B.
Ashayt. Tomb.
Coffin of Ashayt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47355.
Winlock in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1921, 46, 49 figs. 21, 24, 25. See Brief Descr. 6034.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Shrines for statues and Tombs of the Princesses. B.
Ashayt. Tomb.
Statuette of Ashayt, wooden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47310.
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Winlock in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1921, 50 fig. 26.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Shrines for statues and Tombs of the Princesses. C.
Sadeh. Shrine.
Block from East wall, offering bearer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Naville and Hall, XI Dyn. Temple i, 69 pl. xvii [D].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Shrines for statues and Tombs of the Princesses. D.
Kauit. Tomb.
Sarcophagus of Kauit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47397.
Naville and Hall, XI Dyn. Temple i, 53-5, 69 pls. xix [A, B], xx. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 175 [623].
Side B, scene 4, Bndite, Objets de Toilette pls. i, ii.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Shrines for statues and Tombs of the Princesses. D.
Kauit. Tomb.
Model coffin with wax statuette of Kauit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37763.
Naville and Hall, XI Dyn. Temple i, 49, 68 pl. xi [bottom right].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Peristyle Court. Royal Tomb. Finds.
Naos fragment with cartouches of Senebmiu (Sewahenre), 2nd Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 46196.
Naville and Hall, XI Dyn. Temple ii, 12, 21 pl. x [C].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Peristyle Court. Royal Tomb. Finds.
Stela, double scene, Sesostris III, with ka, consecrating offerings to Amun, and to Mentuhotp Nebhepetre,
granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38655.
Naville and Hall, XI Dyn. Temple i, 58 pl. xxiv; iii, 23 pl. xv [upper left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 11415 [331].
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Hypostyle, Hall of the Altar, and Rock-cut Shrine.
Offering-tables, etc.
Offering-table of the King, with kneeling Nile gods and sma symbol, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 23248.
Naville and Hall, XI Dyn. Temple ii, 2, 12 pl. x [A]; Kamal, Tables doffrandes 166 fig.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Hypostyle, Hall of the Altar, and Rock-cut Shrine.
Offering-tables, etc.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Offering-table of Khety, with kneeling Nile gods at bottom, granite, Dyn. X or XI, perhaps from here, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67858.
Kamal in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 15-19 pl. iii fig. 1.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Hypostyle, Hall of the Altar, and Rock-cut Shrine.
Offering-tables, etc.
Altar or panel of Antef (Nubkheperre) with name of Amun erased, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 67857.
Kamal in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 19-20 pl. iv.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Hypostyle, Hall of the Altar, and Rock-cut Shrine.
Foundation deposits.
Bricks, containing plaques of the King, copper alabaster, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 47328-30.
Winlock in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1922, 28-30 figs. 16-19.
Deir el-Bah. ri. Temple of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre. Hypostyle, Hall of the Altar, and Rock-cut Shrine.
Finds from the Temple.
Two blocks with names of Kings Dedumes (Zadneferre) and [Mentuhotp] Sekhaenre, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 46195, 46197.
Naville and Hall, XI Dyn. Temple ii, 12, 21 pl. x [D [left], E].
Thebes. Qurna. Temple of Sethos I. Finds.
Stela, in four pieces, son offering to seated parents, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27823.
Thebes. Qurna. Temple of Sethos I. Finds.
Lintel fragment, Nekhtamun adoring Ahmosi Nefertere and Amenophis I, sandstone, New Kingdom, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44319.
Thebes. Mortuary Temple of Sethos I (Qurna Temple).
Foundation deposit from south-west corner, four faience plaques with name of Sethos I, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 99078, 99079.
Rummel, U. Meeting the Past. 100 Years in Egypt. German Archaeological Institute Cairo 1907-2007 (2007),
162 [127] fig. on 161 [lower].
Thebes. Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere. North part. Blocks, etc.
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Fragment with Amenophis I as boy before [Amun], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33501.
Northampton et al., Theban Necropolis 7 fig. 5.
Thebes. Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere. Blocks, etc.
Two fragments with name of the temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33500.
Thebes. Temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere. Finds from area.
Scribe-statue, Amenmosi, granite, Dyn. XX-XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1221.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 116-17 pl. 170.
Thebes. Valley Temple of Hatshepsut.
Foundation deposit, model adzes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43171.
Text, Carnarvon and Carter, Five Years explorations at Thebes 40.
Thebes. Valley Temple of Hatshepsut.
Bricks of Hatshepsut and Princess Neferure, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58815-16.
MMA photo. 5 A, 933.
Thebes. Valley Temple of Hatshepsut.
Name stones, two with names of fortresses, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58810-13.
Text of two (with name of fort), Sethe, Urk. iv. 313 (104); bersetzung (1914), 142. One, Legrain,
Rpertoire No. 102.
Thebes. Valley Temple of Hatshepsut.
Two name stones with graffito of Senenmut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52129.
Text, Gunn in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 94.
Thebes. Valley Temple of Hatshepsut. Foundation deposit.
Two blocks of Hatshepsut, red quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33504-5.
Thebes. Colonnaded Temple of Ramesses IV. Destroyed.
ii2.424 and 459
Plaque of Ramesses IV, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 45695.
MMA photo. 5 A, 423.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Ramesside Temple. Unfinished.
Necklace with a plaque of Ramesses IV, from a foundation deposit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bietak, Theban-West (Luqsor), 19-20 on Taf. xiii.
Thebes. Ramesside Temple. Unfinished.
Faience and silver plaques, from foundation deposit of Ramesses IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 65387-9, 45672.
Lansing in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1935, 7 fig. 4.
Thebes. Ramesside Temple. Unfinished. Re-used statues and blocks.
Head from Osiride statue of Amenophis I, from Avenue to his Temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Lansing and Hayes in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Jan. 1937, 4 fig. 5.
Thebes. Ramesside Temple. Unfinished. Re-used statues and blocks.
Another head from Osiride statue of Amenophis I, from Avenue to his Temple, in Cairo, Egyptian
[= MMA photo. M.7.C.184.] See Romano in JARCE xiii (1976), 99 [6].
Thebes. Ramesside Temple. Unfinished. Re-used statues and blocks.
Stela of Ramesses II, granite, found used in Causeway of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Lansing in NYMMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1935, 12-14 figs. 8, 9.
Thebes. Ramesside Temple. Unfinished. Outside the Temple. Finds.
Statue (or shrine) of a Second prophet of Amun, fragment, granite, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
MMA photo. M.17.C. CE, 17.
Thebes. Ramesside Temple. Unfinished. Outside the Temple. Finds.
Female head, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65390.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1935, 14 fig. 14; MMA photo. 8A, 423, 427.
Thebes. Ramesside Temple. Unfinished. Outside the Temple. Finds.
Female bust with cartouche of Menkheperre, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

MMA photo. M.17.C. CA, 26.
Thebes. Ramesside Temple. Unfinished. Outside the Temple. Finds.
Block with part of a royal head, Dyn. XVIII,, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
MMA photo. M.17.C. CC, 25.
Thebes. Ramesside Temple. Unfinished. Outside the Temple. Finds.
Bricks of Tuthmosis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
MMA photo. M.17.C. CL, 14-18, 24.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Foundation deposits.
Copper chisel of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86952.
Fakhry in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 30 fig.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Statues.
Tuthmosis III, Osiride, seated, headless, trampling Nine Bows, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 38335.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 772. Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 131 [12]; Legrain, Rpertoire No.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Statues.
Ptahmosi, Vizier, headless, sandstone, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38336.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 130-1 [10]; Legrain, Rpertoire No. 163.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Statues.
Inpehuisen, wooden, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 133 [17].
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Statues.
Amunezeh (TT84), block statue, granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
59190, now in Luxor Museum, J.3.
Hayes in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1933), 6-16 pl.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Statues.
Ahmosi, seated, lower part, dedicated by brother Neferhabef, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 42122.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 134 [20].
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Statues.
Betha, fragment, dedicated by son Ankhefnesu, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 134 [22]; Legrain, Rpertoire No. 162.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Statues.
Humay (TT224), seated, holding tablet, fragment, granite, temp. Tuthmosis III or Hatshepsut, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 133 [18]; xxi, p. 70 [7].
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Part of stela with cartouche of Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 128 [1].
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Top of stela with Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere before Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 128-9 [4].
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Part of stela with priests carrying bark, sandstone, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 132 [15].
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Fragment, Tuthmosis III, with name of Temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 130 [7].
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Top right part stela, Tuthmosis III and Queen Esi as Kings wife before Amun-Re, quartzite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 34015.
Klug, A. Knigliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis Amenophis III (2002), 147-8 [F 9], 512 [F 9] Abb. 13 (as
JE 27815). Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 134-5 [23]. Titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 113.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Part of stela of Queen Esi as Kings mother, dedicated by Amenhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 131-2 [13]; cartouche Legrain, Rpertoire No. 114.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Part of stela with Min-Amun and Queen Sitioh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 130 [8]; cartouches, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 120.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Part of stela with a Child of the nursery offering to ram of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 132-3 [16].
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Part of stela with four Hathor-heads and head of Hathor cow with title of Hathor in Henketankh, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 135 [24].
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Part of stela with two rams of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 136 [28].
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Small stela, dedicated by Nufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 27789, now lost.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Stelae.
Small stela with a son offering to his father, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 27790, now lost.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Blocks.
Block with text of a son of Nebamun, wab priest of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 130 [9]. Legrain, Rpertoire No. 160.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Offering tables.
(c) With female offering bearer, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 129 [6]; titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 139.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Bricks with name of the Temple.
Brick of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut, perhaps from her Valley Temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 129 [5]. Legrain, Rpertoire No. 75.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Bricks with name of the Temple.
Brick of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis III. Destroyed. Finds. Bricks with name of the Temple.
Brick with name of Temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 121. Legrain, Rpertoire No. 143.
Thebes. Temple of Merneptah-Siptah. Foundation deposits of the King and Bay, Chancellor.
Plaques of the King, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31417-18.
Petrie, Six Temples 16-17, 29 pl. xvii [lower].
Thebes. Temple of Amenophis II. Destroyed. Foundation deposits.
Two plaques with name and prenomen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31420.
Petrie, Six Temples pl. iii [upper].
Thebes. Temple of Amenophis II. Destroyed. Foundation deposits.
Vase with palimpsest text of Amenophis II, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 16029.
Text, Borchardt in .Z. xxxvii (1899), 143 [lower].
Thebes. Temple of Amenophis II. Finds. Statues.
Amenophis II, Osiride, seated, headless, in heb-sed dress, granite, originally beside entrance, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 645.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 189-90 pl. 119.
Thebes. Temple of Amenophis II. Finds. Various.
Brick of Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31435.
Thebes. Chapel of The White Queen.
Bust of a Queen, Sistrum player of Mut, Dancer of Horus, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 152 pl. 108.
Ramesseum. Foundation deposits.
Block (as plaque in Bibl.), sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31416.
Ramss le Grand (Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 1976), Cat. vii with col. pl.
Ramesseum. Foundation deposits.
Plaques, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31424-7.
Ramesseum. Palace of Ramesses II. Faade.
Window-fragment, hawk protecting cartouches of Ramesses II, presumably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43680.
Ramesseum. Small Double-Temple of Sethos I. Rebuilt by Ramesses II.
Foundation deposits with plaques and sa emblem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56475-9.
Hlscher, Excav. iii, 75 pl. 40 [A, B].
Ramesseum. Brick Buildings (Storehouses). Bricks.
Two bricks, Ramesses II, one with name of Temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31433-4.
Ramesseum. Finds in Ramesseum area.
Torso of statue of Penre, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxii (1900), 143 [clxxvi].
Ramesseum. Finds in Ramesseum area.
Fragments of base and back-pillar of statue, probably from same statue as preceding, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1146.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 80-1.
Ramesseum. Finds in Ramesseum area.
Three stelae fragments, one with Tuthmosis II and Mutnefert seated in second register, and two of
Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34031-3 (JE 28998).
Texts, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 65-7.
Ramesseum. Finds in Ramesseum area.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block with profile of Ramesses II (probably), sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43698.
Mysliwiec, Le Portrait royal pl. cii [228].
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi.
Statue of Queen Mutnefert, dedicated by her son Tuthmosis I, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 572.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 121 pl. 97. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 130 [444].
Temple of Wazmosi. Finds.
Back of seat of statue-group with names of Tuthmosis I and Wazmosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 100 [6]; Legrain, Rpertoire No. 68.
Temple of Wazmosi. Finds.
Fragments of two painted statues, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1144, 1158.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 80 = 1144, 84 = 1158.
Temple of Wazmosi. Finds.
Fragments of statue with cartouche, limestone, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1157.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 84.
Temple of Wazmosi. Finds.
Block statue of Saa called Kharu, incomplete, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 570.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen ii, 119; Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 99-100 [3].
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Stelae.
Senimosi, Tutor of Wazmosi, with text, year 21 of Tuthmosis III, concerning settlement with wife
Huzaro, and scene at top, Tuthmosis III offering incense to Tuthmosis I with Wazmosi, fragments, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34016 (JE 27815).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes pl. x. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 101-3 [8]; names and titles, Legrain,
Rpertoire No. 66.
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Stelae.
Fragments with priests carrying bark(?) and text mentioning statue of Rameses, son of Ramesses II, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 105 [17].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Stelae.
Peshedu, (probably TT326), adoring Wazmosi, with cat [of Mut] and goose of Amun at top, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 27820.
Grbaut, Le Muse gyptien i, 5-6 pl. iii. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 103 [9]; names, Legrain,
Rpertoire No. 70.
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Stelae.
May, and son [Akh?]mesu, before Amun, fragment, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 27785.
Grbaut, Mus. g. i, 8 pl. v [lower right]. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 104 [10].
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Stelae.
Nefersekheru, adoring Termuthis as serpent, and wife and son adoring serpents, fragments, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 27786.
Grbaut, Mus. g. i, 7 pl. v [upper right]. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 104 [13].
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Stelae.
Fragments with palm-tree and remains of man, name lost, before father Iafib, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 27748.
Grbaut, Mus. g. i, 7-8 pl. v [left]. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 105 [16 bis].
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Stelae.
Man adoring Amun and Tueris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27824.
Grbaut, Mus. g. i, 8pl. vi [upper] (as JE 29824). Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 104 [11].
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Stelae.
Monthu as the Black Bull, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27822.
Grbaut, Mus. g. i, 8 pl. vi [upper]. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 104 [12].
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Stelae.
Unfinished, with sketch of woman seated, and man with jars in yoke below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 27819.
See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 104 [16].
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Stelae.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment, Hathor-cow walking in mountain, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34161.
Lecau, Stles 203 pl. lxi; Grbaut, Mus. g. i, 8 pl. vi [top right]. See, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 104
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Blocks, etc.
Lintel of Tuthmosis III, painted sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27576.
Grbaut, Mus. g. i, 4 pl. i. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 106 [19]; Legrain, Rpertoire No. 151.
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Blocks, etc.
Lintel and jambs from tomb of Heby, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27693.
Grbaut, Mus. g. i, 4 pl. i (called JE 27625). Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 106 [18]; titles and
cartouches, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 176.
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Blocks, etc.
Lintel, double-scene, Suemnut (TT92) and sister Yuny adoring Osiris, sandstone, temp. Amenophis II, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27840.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 106 [20].
Thebes. Temple of Wazmosi. Finds. Blocks, etc.
Block from wall with text mentioning appointment of Imhotep, Vizier, as foster father of sons of
Tuthmosis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27818.
Grbaut, Mus. g. i, 8 pl. vi [lower]. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 107 [21]; names and titles,
Legrain, Rpertoire No. 67.
Thebes. Temple of Queen Tausert, wife of Sethos II.
Foundation deposits of queen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 16063-121 (JE 31431-2), JE 31415.
Thebes. Temple of Merneptah. First Court.
Stela of Amenophis III, granite, originally in his Temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34025. Recto
(erased by Amenophis IV, and restored by Sethos I), building text and double scenes at top, Amenophis
III offering water, and offering wine to Amun. Verso, Israel stela with victory text, Libyan war, year 5 of
Merneptah, and double scene at top, Merneptah followed by Mut (Khons on right), receives scimitar from
Lacau, Stles 47-59 pls. xv-xix. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 170 [599].
Thebes. Temple of Merneptah. First Court.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Amenophis III, re-used as foundation of a column, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34026.
Lacau, Stles 59-61 pls. xx, xxi. Royal titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 238. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 124
Thebes. Temple of Merneptah. Second Court.
Upper part Colossus Merneptah, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 607.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 156-7 pl. 110. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 187 [725].
Thebes. Temple of Amenophis III.
Jackal head, sandstone, presumably from here, found north of the Ramesseum, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 31412.
Adams, Egyptian Objects in the Victoria and Albert Museum on fig. 10.
Thebes. Temple of Amenophis III. Finds. Statues of Amenophis III.
Two, head and legs of both lost, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33900-1.
JE 33900, Sourouzian, H. in Hommages ... Leclant i, 523 [51] fig. 6 [c]. JE 33901, Daressy in BIFAO xi
(1914), 25-8 pl. iii.
Thebes. Temple of Amenhotp, son of Hepu. Tomb of the deceased.
Fragments of sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44309.
Thebes. Temple of Tuthmosis II. Finds. Stelae.
Votive stela, dedicated to Onuris by Hatiay, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 63655 (called 36655 in Bibl.).
Bruyre, Deir el-Mdineh. Anne 1926, 56 [3] fig. 27.
Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab. Broad Hall.
(a) Seated colossus of Ay, usurped by Haremhab, with binding of sma-symbol by Nile gods on sides, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Hlscher, Excav. ii, 105 pls. 48, 50 [g], 51 [a]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 178 [632].
Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab. Broad Hall.
(a) Seated colossus of Ay, usurped by Haremhab, with binding of sma-symbol by Nile gods on sides,
additional fragments of above, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.,
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab. Broad Hall.
(c) Upper part of south standing colossus of Tutankhamun, inscribed by Ay, usurped by Haremhab, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59869.
Hlscher, Excav. ii, 102-3 pls. 1, 44, 45 [B], 46 [A], figs. 84-6, 88.
Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab. Broad Hall.
Base of colossus, perhaps of (c), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60134.
Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab.
Fragment (m) from scene, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59883.
Hlscher, Excav. ii, on pl. 43.
Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab.
Fragment of column and abacus capital (a and o), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59889.
Hlscher, Excav. ii, pl. 43 [middle].
Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab. Foundation deposits.
Ay, inscribed vases, faience plaques, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59905-60061.
Hlscher, Excav. ii, 85-98 pls. 52-6 figs. 73, 79, 81.
Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab. Foundation deposits.
Ramesses IV, metal and faience plaques, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60097-60133.
Hlscher, Excav. ii, 115, 116-17 pl. 58 fig. 96.
Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab. Finds.
Statue base of Haremhab, part, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab. Finds.
Block with names of Amenophis IV and the Aten, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Hlscher, Excav. ii, 70 pl. 51 [b].
Thebes. Temple of Ay and Haremhab. Finds.
Brick of Ay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60136.
Hlscher, Excav. ii, 81 fig. 70.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mednet Habu. Small Temple. Finds.
Head, presumably Tuthmosis III, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59880.
Hlscher, Excav. ii, 9 fig. 9.
Mednet Habu. Small Temple. Finds.
Bricks of Hatshepsut, Tuthmosis III and IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59901-4.
Hlscher, Excav. ii, 6, 33 fig. 6 [a-g].
Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. A. Amenardais. Finds.
Statue of Anubis jackal, headless, black stone, temp. Amenardais I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No., head in London, British Museum, EA 64400.
Bruyre, Rapport (1924-1925), 26 [top right] fig. 17 (headless).
Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. A. Amenardais. Finds.
Offering-table of Amenardais I, part, supported by kneeling Nile god in relief, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 59871.
Hlscher, Excav. 23 fig. 26.
Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. Foundation deposits.
Faience plaque of Amenardais II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59794.
Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. Foundation deposits.
Faience plaque of Shepenwept II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31058, 85595.
See Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xli (1942), 229.
Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. Osiris-statuettes.
Dedicated by Nitocris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38231.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 66-7 pl. xii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 215 [932].
Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. Osiris-statuettes.
Dedicated by Mutardais, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38237.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 70-1 pl. xiv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 483 [4666].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. Osiris-statuettes.
Dedicated by De-esihebsed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38238.
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinits 71. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 483 [4667].
Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. Osiris-statuettes.
Dedicated by Paharbes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38239.
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinits 71. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 483 [4668].
Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. Osiris-statuettes.
Dedicated by Amenardais, son of Mesines(?), Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38239 bis.
Texts, Daressy, Statues de divinits 71-2, 98, 102.
Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. Osiris-statuettes.
Dedicated by a son of Pedusiri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38361.
Texts, Daressy, Statues de divinits 71-2, 98, 102.
Mednet Habu. Tomb-Chapels of Saite Princesses. Osiris-statuettes.
Fragment dedicated by Harbes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38376.
Texts, Daressy, Statues de divinits 71-2, 98, 102.
Mednet Habu. Great Temple. Third Hypostyle.
ii2.512(157), (158)A (formerly ii2.524)
Royal head of Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54477.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 368.
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Doorway, jambs, tiles with captives, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36497.
Hlscher Excav. iii, 51 pl. 35 [D]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 184-5 [677].
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Four blocks from door-frame with faience reliefs on one face, and outline drawings of Ramesses III on the
other, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33899.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 184-5 [677].
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Two windows, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44313-4.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 182 [678-9].
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Window with cartouches, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33907.
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Fragments of window, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31624.
Hlscher Excav. iii, 52 pl. 38 [F]; Maspero, Guide (1915), 182 [670] fig. 61.
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Faience tiles, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27525, 36261a, 36261b, 36399, 36440 a-c, 36441 a-c,
36457 a-k.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 519-20 [5117-18, 5128 (called Coptos), 5129].
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Faience tile, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Daressy, Statues et divinitis pl. iii [12].
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Faience tiles with rekhyt-birds, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36442, 36458.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 51 pl. ii [b]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 519-20 [5119, 5125].
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Faience tiles with rekhyt-birds, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Freed, R. Ramesses the Great 144 [13] fig.
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Faience tiles with rekhyt-bird, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33968.
Freed, R. Ramesses the Great 144 [14] fig.
Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Faience tile with two rekhyt-birds, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hope, Gold of the Pharaohs Cat. No. 10.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mednet Habu. Palace of Ramesses III.
Faience tile with cartouche Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36443.
Mednet Habu. West Fortified Gate.
Engaged cluster-column from niche, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 59891.
Hlscher, Excav. iv, 9-10 pl. 4 [left].
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Statues.
Group, incomplete, Ramesses III crowned by Horus and [Seth], granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
629 and 1100.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 176-7 pl. 116; iv, 56-7; Maspero, Guide (1915), 194 [765] fig. 65.
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Statues.
Man holding statue of Ptah, sandstone, temp. Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 631.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 274. Text, Borchardt, Statuen ii, 179-80. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 183 [759].
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Statues.
Base for royal statue, front forming offering-table with two projecting heads of captive chiefs of Mitanni
and Nubia, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 755 (JE 28831).
Evers, Staat ii, pl. vii [51]. See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 75-6; Maspero, Guide (1915), 194 [766].
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Stelae.
Ramesses III before Amun, with goddess Khefthernebes, sandstone, originally let into wall, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 33903.
Habachi in Kmi, xx (1970), 232 fig. 2.
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Stelae.
ii2.526 (see ii2.295)
Stelae of Ankhnesiotes, perhaps from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37888.
See Maspero Guide (1915), 211 [875].
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Stelae.
ii2.526 (see ii2.295)
Stelae of Seni, perhaps from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37889.
Text, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 227.
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Blocks, etc.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

[Lintels, jambs and blocks, from various tombs and temples, mostly found in Temple enclosure, a few now
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, rest in magazines on site.
Brundage, Notes on some blocks from the excavations of Medinet Habu (Dissertation ... for the Degree
of Doctor of Philosophy, Chicago, 1939), passim with plates. Copy in Chicago, Oriental Institute,
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Blocks, etc.
Lintel in two fragments, with double-scene, women with tambourines before seated divinity, Dyn. XIX,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32016.
Hickmann, in Bull. Inst. g. xxxvi (1955), 596 fig. 10.
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Blocks, etc.
Lintel, man offering to Theban Triad and Osiris, Isis, and Horus, with cartouche of Ramesses III, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32017
See Bull. Inst. g. 3 Sr. ix (1899), 318.
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Various.
Foundation deposits of Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60062-96.
See Hlscher, Excav. iv, 47.
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Various.
Jug, with erased cartouche, perhaps Taharqa, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59758.
Hlscher, Excav. v, 71 [bottom, I] pl. 40 [31].
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Various.
Cache of Osiris statuettes, bronze and stone, some found by Daressy beneath floor of Room 45, others
found in 1860, now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 9109-45.
See Daressy, Md. Habou 170.
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Various.
Plaques, Sethos I and Ramesses II, faience and steatite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59795-6, 59830-1.
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Plaque, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31530.
Mednet Habu. Finds from Temple Area. Various.
Tiles with fragments of texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59734-5, 59783.
Anthes in Hlscher, Excav. iv, 44 pls. 35 [e], 36 [k].
Thebes. Objects from Theban Temples. Statues.
Head, painted sandstone, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 740.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 67 pl. 136. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 134 [455].
Thebes. Objects from Theban Temples. Statues.
Taharqa, head, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 560, now in Aswan, Nubia Museum.
Borchardt, Statuem iii, 108 pl. 94; Maspero, Guide (1915), 251 [1185] fig. 92.
Thebes. Objects from Theban Temples. Statues.
Senenmut kneeling holding uraeus with cartouche containing uraeus and ka emblem, quartzite, temp.
Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34582.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 591.
Thebes. Objects from Theban Temples. Stelae.
Two small stelae, a King before Amun, New Kingdom, from a brick temple at Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34156-7.
Lecau, Stles i, 201 pl. lxi.
Thebes. Objects from Theban Temples. Blocks, etc.
Two sandstone blocks, Tuthmosis IV offering wine to seated Amun, followed by Nile-god, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Bryan, The Reign of Thutmose IV 189 pl. xii [35-6].
Thebes. Objects from Theban Temples. Blocks, etc.
Cornice-fragment with cartouches of Shepenwept I and Amenardais I, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Leclant, Monuments thbaines 188 [49, c, b] pl. lxxv [C].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Objects from Theban Temples. Blocks, etc.
Block, Shepenwept II, with another divine adoratress, offering incense, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Leclant, Monuments thbaines 189 [49, c, g] pl. lxxxvii [C].
Thebes. Objects from Theban Temples. Offering-tables.
Ramesses II, granite, with text on edge, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 782-3 [280, B].

Volume iii2 Part 1

Ab Rawsh. Pyramid complex of Razedef. I. Pyramid. Razedef statues.

Small head wearing nemes, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35138.
Smith, Hist. Sculp. pl. 11 [d].
Ab Rawsh. Pyramid complex of Razedef. I. Pyramid. Razedef statues.
Head wearing white crown, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35139.
Smith, Hist. Sculp. 32 pl. 11 [c]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 53 [109].
Ab Rawsh. Pyramid complex of Razedef. I. Pyramid. Private and other statues.
Baka, Kings eldest son, Prophet of Razedef, etc., base, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 57004 (Temp. No.
Moret and Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii [1], 16-17 pls. See Chassinat in Mon. Piot xxv
(1921-2), 67.
Ab Rawsh. Pyramid complex of Razedef. I. Pyramid. Private and other statues.
Harnit, Kings eldest son of his body, base, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57013
(Temp. No.
Moret and Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii [1], 20 pls. See Chassinat in Mon. Piot xxv (19212), 65-6.
Ab Rawsh. Pyramid complex of Razedef. I. Pyramid. Private and other statues.
Hetepheres, Kings daughter of his body, part of base with lower part of statue, both limestone, in Cairo,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Egyptian Museum.
See Chassinat in Mon. Piot xxv (1921-2), 68.
Ab Rawsh. Pyramid complex of Razedef. I. Pyramid. Private and other statues.
Sphinx, painted limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35137.
Jquier, LArchitecture i, pl. 9 [2]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 53 [108].
Ab Rawsh. Pyramid complex of Razedef. I. Pyramid. Private and other statues.
Hippopotamus, wood, Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35140.
Behrmann, Das Nilpferd i, Dok 65 fig. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 318 [3138].
Ab Rawsh. II. Necropolis. Mastaba 700. Nimaetre. Dyn. V.
Seated statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Klasens in Phoenix iv (1958), 44 fig. 23 [right].
Ab Rawsh. IV. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statuette of young divinity with fragment of text on back pillar, faience, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 38226 (JE 30477).
Daressy, Statues de divinits 65 pl. xii.
Ab Rawsh. IV. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Hawk with two lines of demotic on base, bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30764.
Ab Rawsh. IV. Miscellaneous. Various.
Offering-table of Anemho, with names of Nektanebos II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 23115 (JE 30581).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 94-5 pl. xxvii.
Ab Rawsh. IV. Miscellaneous. Various.
Sarcophagus, uninscribed, with palace-faade decoration, Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 66611.
Donadoni Roveri, Sarcofagi egizi 124 [B 35] Tav. xxii [2, 3], xxviii [2].
Ab Rawsh. Pyramid complex of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Enlargement of Dyn. XXVI.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Jamb of Diptahiau, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57144.
Text, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. pl. lxii [top].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Room A. Hieroglyphic graffiti. Dyn. XXVI. Original
position unknown.
Wehebrenebpehti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38989.
Zivie-Coche, Giza au premier millnaire 139-42 [2] pl. 29 [lower].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Room A. Hieroglyphic graffiti. Dyn. XXVI.
Shed..., son of Shepensene and Nehau, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38990.
Hassan, The Great Sphinx 179, 210 Abb. xi [2].
Gza. Pyramid of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Finds. Dyn. XVIII.
Donation-stela of Tet-ta, and wife Tanezemt, with Ay before Hathor, year 3, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34187 (JE 28019).
Zivie, Giza 177-82 [NE 47] pl. 13. Texts, Lacau, Stles i, 233-4. Names and titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No.
Gza. Pyramid of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Finds. Dyn. XXI.
Lintel fragment, Secretary of Ptah, Gods father of Isis mistress of the pyramids as kneeling fan-bearer, and
names of Psusennes I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4747.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 102 [c]; Zivie-Coche, Giza au premier millnaire 47-52 [A] fig. 4 (from Mariette).
Gza. Pyramid of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Finds. Dyn. XXI.
Fragment with Horus-name of Psusennes I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28175.
See Zivie-Coche, Giza au premier millnaire 53 [c].
Gza. Pyramid of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Finds. Dyn. XXI.
Two column fragments with Amenemopet (at least one usurped from Ramesses II) offering Maet to Ptah,
and wine to Osiris and Isis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28161.
Zivie, C. M. in Livre du Centenaire 1880-1980 100 n. 5 [1, 2] pl. vi [B] (one). See Hassan, Great Sphinx
Gza. Pyramid of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Finds. Dyn. XXI.
Lintel fragment [King Amenemopet] before Isis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4748.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 102 [b]; Zivie-Coche, Giza au premier millnaire 59-62 [A] fig. 7.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Pyramid of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Finds. Dyn. XXI.
Column-fragment, a King (probably Amenemopet) offering to Ptah and Isis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Zivie-Coche, Giza au premier millnaire 66-7 [E, a, 1st item] pl. 12. See Zivie, C. M. in Livre du Centenaire
1880-1980 100 n. 5 [3].
Gza. Pyramid of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Finds. Dyn. XXI.
Fragment of column with Osiris in relief, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28162.
Zivie, C. M. in Livre du Centenaire 1880-1980 100 pl. vi [A].
Gza. Pyramid of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Finds. Dyn. XXI.
iii2.18A (moved here from iii2.727)
Statue of a Prophet of the Temple of Isis, Prophet of Ptah, etc., head lost, holding figure of Ptah, probably
Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 667 (JE 28164).
El-Sayed in BIFAO 80 (1980), 191-203 pls. xlvi, xlvii. See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 14-15.
Gza. Pyramid of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Finds. Dyn. XXVI.
Inventory-stela, with text of building Pyramids of Khufu and Princess Henutsen and restoration of
Temple and its statues, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2091.
Mariette, Album pl. 27; Maspero, Guide (1915), 77-8 [174] fig. 27.
Gza. Pyramid of Khufu. Temple of Isis. Finds. Dyn. XXVI.
(a) Donation-stela of Harbes, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28171.
Zivie-Coche, Giza au premier millnaire 118-21 [D] pl. 24. See Hassan, Great Sphinx 307.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Valley Temple. Intrusive blocks.
Text of purchase of house from Thenti, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42787 (formerly JE
Steindorff in Hlscher, U. Das Grabdenkmal des Knigs Chephren 111-12 Abb. 164.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Mortuary Temple. Mace heads of Khephren.
(j) Model mace-head with Horus-name of King, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72362.
See Abou-Ghazi in Ann. Serv. lxii (1977), 72 [83].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
King, headless, seated on throne, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 9-10 fig. pl. 3. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 72 [163].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
King, headless, seated, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 10 (JE 15211).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 10-11 fig. pl. 3. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 39 [73].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
Bubastis and [King], with Nile god on side of seat, lower part, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
11 (JE 27485) and 1245.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 11-12 figs. pl. 3; iv, pl. 173.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
Bust of King seated, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 12.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 13 pl. 3.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
King seated on throne, headless, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 13.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 13-14 fig. pl. 4. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 39 [76].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
King seated, with hawk perching on back of throne, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14
(JE 10062).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 14-16 fig. pl. 4; Maspero, Guide (1915), 63 [138] fig. 16.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
King seated, greywacke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 15.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 16-17 fig. pl. 4. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 79 [179].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
Legs of King standing, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 16.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 17 pl. 4.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

King seated, headless, greywacke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17 (JE 15212).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 18-19 pl. 5. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 72 [163].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
Fragment of shoulder and breast, probably, greywacke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 378.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 199.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
Head wearing nemes (damaged), greywacke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49692.
Junker in Anzeiger Wien 63 (1926), 105 Taf. ix [b].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
Head, much damaged, diorite, found in a shaft, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72212.
Hassan, Gza vii, 128 [20] pls. lv, lvi [A].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
Head, fragment, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72211.
Hassan, Gza ix, 86 [4, a] pls. xlii [D].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
King standing, lower part, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72213.
Hassan, Gza ix, 82 [1] pl. 37 [A, B].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Khephren statues.
Fragment of seat, diorite, found in the Temple of Sphinx in 1931, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Khephren. Statues from Temples of Khephren. Other statues.
Amun standing, legs and left arm missing, head mutilated, basalt, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 38001.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 1-2 pl. i. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 182 [673].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nome triad, King, Hathor Mistress-of-the-sycamore and Theban nome god standing, greywacke, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40678.
Maspero, Guide (1915), 68 [149] fig. 19.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
Nome triad, King, Hathor Mistress-of-the-sycamore and Jackal-nome goddess standing, greywacke, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40679.
Maspero, Guide (1915), 79 [180] fig. 28.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
Nome triad, King, Hathor Mistress-of-the-sycamore and bat-fetish nome goddess standing, greywacke, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46499.
Pijon, Summa Artis iii (1945), fig. 141.
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
King seated, life size, fragmentary, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40703.
Weigall, Ancient Egyptian Works of Art 30 [lower]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 71 [157].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
Head, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40704, on loan to Port Said, Port Said National Museum,
Maspero, Eg. Art. pl. facing 38 [lower]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 53 [110].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
(d) Seated, unfinished, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41972.
Reisner, Mycerinus 112 [28] pl. 62 [e].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
(e) Seated, unfinished, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41974.
Reisner, Mycerinus 112 [29] pl. 62 [d].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
(f) Seated, unfinished, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41975.
Reisner, Mycerinus 112 [30] pl. 62 [i, right].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(l) Seated, unfinished, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41976.
Reisner, Mycerinus 113 [36] pl. 62 [i, left].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
(m) Seated, unfinished, red stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41977.
Reisner, Mycerinus 113 [37] pl. 63 [a, left].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Menkaure statues.
(n) Seated, unfinished, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41973.
Reisner, Mycerinus 113 [38] pl. 63 [c].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Private statues.
Wekauba, good name Iku, squatting with left knee up, probably Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Reisner, Mycerinus 113-14 [43] pl. 63 [b, e].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Valley Temple Proper. Finds. Various.
Bowl with names of Kings Hetepsekhemui and Raneb, and figure of Bubastis, flint, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 41981.
Reisner, Mycerinus 102 [1], 179 [1] pl. 70 [c].
Gza. Pyramid complex of Menkaure. Mortuary Temple. Finds. Various.
Protective decree of Shepseskaf for Pyramid of Menkaure, year after 1st census, 9 fragments, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Reisner, Mycerinus 278-9 [1, 2] pl. 19 [b, d]. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xiii (1914), 109-111 [i].
Gza. Great Sphinx. Chapel between Forepaws. Caviglias finds from between forepaws. Fragments of
beard of Great Sphinx.
(a) With reliefs on both faces, kneeling King offering necklace(?), added later (probably New Kingdom),
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57119.
I.L.N. May 1, 1926, fig. on 801 [bottom left]. See Brief Descr. 6031.
Gza. Great Sphinx. Chapel between Forepaws. Caviglias finds from between forepaws. Fragment of
beard of Great Sphinx.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(b) Fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. A, B.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. Protective mud-brick walls of Tuthmosis IV.
Brick of Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72371.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 7 fig. 4.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. Votive stelae of Tuthmosis IV.
Tuthmosis IV offering wine to Seshet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72258.
Hassan, Great Sphinx pl. xliv [a]. See Brief Descr. 6308.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area.Votive stelae of Tuthmosis IV.
Tuthmosis IV offers flowers to Termuthis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72257.
Hassan, Great Sphinx pl. xlvii. See Brief Descr. 6306.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. Votive stelae of Tuthmosis IV.
Tuthmosis IV offering flowers to Isis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59460.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 96, 311 pl. xlviii.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. Votive stelae of Tuthmosis IV.
Tuthmosis IV and wife Nefertere offering water to goddess (name lost), fragmentary, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 59462.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 96, 311 pl. xlix.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. Votive stelae of Tuthmosis IV.
Tuthmosis IV and wife Nefertere offering wine to Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59461.
Zivie, Giza 153 [NE 26] pl. 9.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. Votive stelae of Tuthmosis IV.
Tuthmosis IV and wife Nefertere offering flowers to Atum, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
See Zivie, Giza 156 [NE 31].
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. C. Temple of Hauron-Haremakhet. I. Outer Hall. Sethos I.
Free standing stela of Paraemhab, inscribed on all sides except base, recto, deceased adoring Atum and
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hathor (or Iusas), verso, adoring Re-Harakhti and a goddess, and long hymns to Atum-Khepri, Re, and
Re-Harakhti-Atum, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87823.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 268-75 pls. lxviii, lxix.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. C. Temple of Hauron-Haremakhet. III and IV. Subsidiary Rooms.
Lintel of Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55301.
Grdseloff MSS. 7 (photo.). See, Hassan, Great Sphinx 311.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. C. Temple of Hauron-Haremakhet.
Jamb of Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52493.
Grdseloff MSS. 6 (photo). See Gunn in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 94.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. C. Temple of Hauron-Haremakhet. Foundation deposits.
(a) Oval plaque with name of Amenophis II, and nine inscribed model jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 56732, 52483-91.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 12, 311 fig. 12 (JE 56732); 21 pl. vi [A], fig. 11 (JE 52483-91). See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 6141.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. Resthouse of Tutankhamun.
Doorway with cartouches of Tutankhamun and wife Ankhesenamun, usurped by Ramesses II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 57195.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 23, 100, 311 fig. 73.
Gza. Great Sphinx Area. Resthouse of Tutankhamun.
Fragments of stelae, etc., including statue-base of Amenophis I dedicated by It, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Statue base, see Zivie, C. M. Giza 51-2 (text).
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Statues and statuettes.
Hetep, scribe-statue, sandstone, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72239.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 60-1 fig. 51 pls. xxxiv-v.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Statues and statuettes.
King, possibly Amenophis II, standing, lower part missing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87821.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 57-8 fig. 48.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Statues and statuettes.
Hiy seated in palanquin, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72240.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 65 fig. 57.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Statues and statuettes.
Osiride royal statuette, uninscribed, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72241.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 52 pls. xxxiii.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Statues and statuettes.
Head of another Osiride royal statuette, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 23 pls. xiv [A].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Statues and statuettes.
Hawk, headless, with cartouche of Psammetikhos I on front of base, dedicated by Harbes, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Zivie, C. M. in Livre du Centenaire 1880-1980, 94 pl. iii [A]. See Gunn in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 95
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Statues and statuettes.
Sphinx of Apries, headless, painted, found north of the Sphinx Temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Hassan, Great Sphinx 53, 118, 196 fig. 81.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Statues and statuettes.
Miniature coloured sphinxes, 9 complete, 1 with forelegs missing, 1 fragment of head, Ptolemaic, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52481a-k.
Nine complete, Hassan, Great Sphinx 23 pl. xii.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Statues and statuettes.
Pedusiri and Pasenpkel, base, inscribed in demotic with invocation to Haremakhet-Shu and Mestasytmis,
Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50041 (JE 52482).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 12 Taf. ix.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Ahmosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72278.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hassan, Great Sphinx 251 fig. 189.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Amenemistneb and Pa... adoring Hauron, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72274.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 255 fig. 192.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Amenwashsu and wife Mutemwia before Hauron-Haremakhet foremost of Setpet as Sphinx with PtahSokari-Osiris beyond, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72262.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 246, 257-8pl. lxvi. See Brief Descr. 6303.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Hatiay, Vizier, adoring, with Sethos I offering to Sphinx in upper register, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Hassan, Great Sphinx 263 fig. 199.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Hernufer and Meryptah, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72265.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 238 fig. 179.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Inhertmosi, not represented, Haremakhet as Sphinx, temp. Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Hassan, Great Sphinx 244 fig. 181.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Iuti adoring Harakhti, with cartouches of Tuthmosis IV erased figure of King, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 72268.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 81 fig. 66.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Maa, Herdsman of goats, carrying kid, adoring Hauron, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Hassan, Great Sphinx 258 fig. 194.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mentuher and Kamutnakht, recto, adoring Haremakhet as Sphinx in front of two pyramids drawn in
perspective, verso, woman, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72273.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 61-3 [2] figs. 53-4.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Merhet adoring Haremakhet, and 31 ears above, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72281.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 44 [5, 10] fig. 31 [5, 10].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Sphinx-stelae, Mosi and son Nekhtef adoring Sphinx, and royal statue, with cartouche of Tuthmosis IV,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72266.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 64, 261 fig. 62 pl. lxvii, cf. xxxvi [A, left]. See Brief Descr. 6305.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Nebamun, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72283.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 237 fig. 178.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Nehi adoring Re-Harakhti, Haremakhet and Hauron, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 256-7 pl. lxiv.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Nekht-dhout and wife Anatemhabt adoring Hauron-Haremakhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 72275.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 265 fig. 201.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Teku (not represented), with Harakhti as Sphinx, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 50046.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 22, 308 pl. ix.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tha offering to Hauron-Re-Haremakhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72271.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 254-5 fig. 191.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Tutuia, two registers, deceased adoring Atum as Sphinx with double statue in front of it, and accompanied
by relatives, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72264.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 261-2 fig. 197. See Brief Descr. 6304.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Yukh and wife Sepet adoring Sphinx, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72270.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 260 fig. 196.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Scribe of the works of the Temple of Ptah, adoring Haremakhet as two Sphinxes, New Kingdom, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87076.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 243-4 pl. lxiii.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Head of ... of the Temple ..., name lost, before Haremakhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 33974.
Daressy in Rec. Trav. xxii (1900), 140 [clxx].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Man with wife and child, names lost, adoring Sphinx, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72282.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 262 fig. 198.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Man with wife and sons adoring Harakhti, inscribed, gilded, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72272.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 46 fig. 33.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Man, no name, adoring Harakhti, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72279.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 234 fig. 172.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Man offering and libating before Sphinx, with winged disk above, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 72267.
See Zivie, Giza 246-7 [NE 97, 3].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Foreign settler(?), two registers, man adoring Sphinx, and foreign woman adoring before offerings, no
text, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72280.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 267 fig. 203.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Harakhti as Sphinx, with winged disk on top, fragment, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 22, 312 pl. x [A].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Harakhti(?) as hawk-headed Sphinx, uninscribed, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72288.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 235-6 fig. 175.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Haremakhet as Sphinx wearing wig, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72263.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 245 fig. 183.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Sphinx and two ears, no text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72294.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 44 [9] fig. 31 [9].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Ahmosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72276.
See Zivie, Giza 247 [NE 97, 5].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Various sphinx-stelae, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72284-7.
See Zivie, Giza 248 [NE 97, 10-13].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Ear stelae.
Huy, two ears in relief, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72298.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 42 [1] fig. 30 [1].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Ear stelae.
May, probably Ramesses II, large ear in relief and Harakhti as hawk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72293.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 10, 42 [2] figs. 6, 30 [2].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Ear stelae.
Two incised ears, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72297.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 44 [8], 245 figs. 31 [8], 185.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Ear stelae.
Two ears, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72296.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 44 [11] fig. 31 [11].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Ear stelae.
Ear in relief, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72299.
See Zivie, Giza 252 [NE 97, C2].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Hawk stelae.
Amenemhab, not represented, dedicated to Hauron-Haremakhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 72259.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 256 fig. 193.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Hawk stelae.
Nebneny, not represented, dedicated to Hauron-Haremakhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 72290.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 254 fig. 190.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Hawk stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Harakhti as hawk, dedicated by a Necropolis-worker, incomplete, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 72295.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 236 fig. 176.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Hawk stelae.
Man adoring hawk-god, probably Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Hawk stelae.
Two, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72291-2.
See Zivie, Giza 252 [NE 97, B 1 and 2].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Various stelae.
Ramesses VI, fragment, with two remaining lines of text, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 44693.
See Hassan, Great Sphinx 110, 308.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Various stelae.
Stela with twelve remaining lines of text, fragment, re-used in building, New Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 72300.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 64 pl. xxxvi [B].
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Various stelae.
Stela-naos, Pedesi before Osiris and Isis, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72256.
Zivie-Coche, Giza au premier millnaire 258-9 [f] pl. 43. See Brief Descr. 6307.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Various stelae.
Khuwiptah, Fanbearer, before solar bark, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72261.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 224-5 fig. 168.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Various stelae.
Paia adoring, and hawk headed [Har]siesi facing Shed and goddess Tarauwyna above, New Kingdom, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72289.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 259-60 fig. 195.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Various.
Naos of Tuthmosis IV beloved of Haremakhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72301.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 65 fig. 58.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Various.
Block with cartouches of Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 22, 311 pl. viii.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Various.
Block, stela shaped, Asiatic and Nubian tied back to back, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Maspero, gypte fig. 302.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Various.
Cornice-block with cartouches of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 21, 108, 312 fig. 14.
Gza. Finds from surroundings of Great Sphinx. Various.
Block with rough figure of archer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 50047.
Hassan, Great Sphinx 23, 308 pl. xi [B].
Gza. West Field. LG 20-21. Person and Irukakhufu. Probably early Dyn. V. Serdab of Irukakhufu.
Scribe-statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 99130.
Smith, Art ... Anc. Eg. 67 pl. 45 [B].
Gza. West Field. G.1011. Dyn. V.
Scribes writing board with names of Kings, deities, and estates, etc., wood covered with plaster, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37734.
Reisner in .Z. 48 (1911), 113-14 figs. 1-3.
Gza. West Field. G.1039. Statues. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
Iha, standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37715.
Gza. West Field. G.1039. Statues. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Man standing, dedicated by Iha, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37721.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 132.
Gza. West Field. G.1039. Statues. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
Nebtnetka, Mistress of the house, etc., standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37718.
Gza. West Field. G 1040.
Seated statue of Teti, late Dyn. V or VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37720.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 63-4 pl. 25 [e].
Gza. West Field. G 1040.
Statue of standing man, late Dyn. V or VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37722.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 63-4 pl. 25 [e].
Gza. West Field. G 1040.
Statue of standing woman, late Dyn. V or VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37723.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 63-4 pl. 25 [e].
Gza. West Field. G 1062.
Libation-basin of Henenef, late Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57008 (JE 37730).
Kaplony in Mitt. Orientforschung xiv (1968), 203-5 [8] pl. 10 [18].
Gza. West Field. G 1104. Mes-sa, Late Dyn. V.
Seated statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37717.
See, Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculpt. 64.
Gza. West Field. G 1105
Statue of dwarf Nipetnesut, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37719.
Maspero, Les Muse gyptien ii, pl. xxix. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 67 [147]; Brief Descr. 6310.
Gza. West Field. G 1157.
Seated statuette, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 64.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. West Field. G 1171. Kaemthenent. Dyn. V-VI.
Statue of Kapuptah, dedicated by Hehi (woman), Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37716.
Text, Fischer in Mitt. Orientforschung vii (1960), 301-2 fig. 2.
Gza. West Field. G 1171. Kaemthenent. Dyn. V-VI.
Musical instrument in shape of quail, faience, date uncertain, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 69716 (JE
Hickmann, Instruments de musique (Cairo Cat.) 72 pl. xlii [B, C].
Gza. West Field. G.1223. Kaemah. Temp. Khufu.
Slab-stela with deceased at table and linen-list, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57128 (JE 37725).
Reisner, Giza Necropolis i, pl. 19 [a].
Gza. West Field. G.1227. Sethiheknet. Dyn. IV.
Slab-stela with deceased at table, linen-list and granaries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57127
(JE 37726).
Reisner, Giza Necropolis i, pl. 20 [a].
Gza. West Field. G.1235. Iny. Temp. Khufu.
Slab stela with Iny at table and linen list, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57127 bis (JE 37727),
now in Port Said, Port Said National Museum, P 4083.
Reisner, Giza Necropolis i, pl. 20 [b].
Gza. West Field. G.1301. Mernesut. Dyn. V. Finds.
iii2.61 and 353 (addenda)
Seated statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37713.
Peck in Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts 51 (1972), 69 n. 2 fig. 3.
Gza. West Field. G.1301. Mernesut, Dyn. V.
iii2.61 and 353 (addenda)
Window of deceased, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37728.
Peck in Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts 51 (1972), 69 n. 2 fig. 4.
Gza. West Field. G.1309. Dyn. V-VI.
Offering-table of Werkai, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57037 (JE 72145).
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches, iii. Altars and Offering Tables p. with pls. 35-6.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. West Field. G.1309. Dyn. V-VI.
Ointment-slab, inscribed, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72146.
Gza. West Field. G.1351. Dyn. V-VI.
Libation-basin of Shenu(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57003 (JE 37731).
Moret and Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii [1], 16 with pls.
Gza. West Field. G.1452+1453. Zaduwa. Middle of Dyn. V or later.
Offering-stand with names and title of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57002 (JE 37732).
Grdseloff MSS. 13 (photo); Moret and Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii [1], 15-16 pls.
Gza. West Field. G.1608. Senenu. Possibly late Dyn. IV.
Statue of deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60546.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 45-6 pl. 22 [d].
Gza. West Field. G.1673.
Scribe-statue of Setymu, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60547.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 410.
Gza. West Field. G.1903.
Statuette of seated woman holding child, late Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72142.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 70-1 pl. 27 [c].
Gza. West Field. G.2009. Mosi. Middle Dyn. V.
Offering-table of Semerka, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38674.
Gza. West Field. G.2009. Mosi, middle Dyn. V.
Double-statue of deceased and wife Senenu, standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38670.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 69 [1] pl. 24 [b].
Gza. West Field. G.2011. Geref. Dyn. V-VI.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of father Ankh-haf (as deceased in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38673.
Brovarski in Studies ... Hughes, 41 fig. 12.
Gza. West Field. G.2021.
Unfinished false-door, Senuter seated, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72136.
Gza. West Field. G.2035.
Statue-group, Wehaisu and wife seated, with small sons Khufusonb and Ity, late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38671.
Hornemann, Types vi, pl. 1462.
Gza. West Field. G.2036.
Statue of Khesefi seated with female figure between feet, late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 38672.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1180. See Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 70.
Gza. West Field. G.2041. Senenuka or Keki. Early Dyn. V. Dbris north of tomb.
iii2.69 (and iii2.353 Addenda)
False-door of Tefnen and wife Pertim, with text of rewarding craftsmen, and family, offering bearers, and
baking and brewing scenes, including grinding corn on quern and in mortar, sifting flour, heating pots,
straining beer, on jambs, Dyn. VI, from debris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56994.
Bakir, Slavery in Pharaonic Egypt in Ann. Serv. Cahier No. 18 (1952), 68 pl. i.
Gza. West Field. G.2061.
Double-statue, couple, uninscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72137.
Gza. West Field. G.2088. Servant statuettes. Dyn. IV-V.
Double statue of Nefertint (woman) sifting flour, and lower part of woman Ankhmas, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 72139.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 98 [e, 6] fig. 18 [b, right].
Gza. West Field. G.2088. Servant statuettes. Dyn. IV-V.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statuette, man carrying jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72140.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 100 [k, 4] fig. 18 [b, left].
Gza. West Field. G.2099. Raramu. Middle to late Dyn. V. Statues and statuettes.
Deceased and Nikauptah standing, with boy Kednas between them, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72138.
Roth, A. A Cemetery of Palace Attendants 151 [39-1-18] pls. 115 and on 113 [c].
Gza. West Field. G.2113.
Panel and lintel of false-door, in one piece, unfinished, Thenti, late Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 72135.
Gza. West Field. Tomb of Nimaetre. Late Old Kingdom.
Double-statue of deceased and wife standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43962.
Junker, Gza vi, pl. xxiii [b], Abb. 50.
Gza. West Field. G.2185, Nefersehefen. Late Dyn. V or early Dyn. VI. Statues.
Double statue, two men standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 73 [1] pl. 21 [a].
Gza. West Field. G.2188. Dyn. VI.
Block with text concerning burial of dog Abutiu, probably from scene of man with dog, Dyn. V-VI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67573.
Reisner in Boston Museum Bull. xxxiv (1936), 96-8 figs.
Gza. West Field. G.2197. Penmeru, End of Dyn. V.
Double-statue of deceased standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43753.
Smith, Hist. Sculp. pl. 21 [b] (called Boston).
Gza. West Field. G.2335.
Small nude male statuette, wood, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44613.
See Smith, Hist. Sculp. 59.
Gza. West Field. G.2353. Herunufer. Statuettes. Dyn. V.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Man standing, incomplete, in fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Simpson, Mastabas of the Western Cemetery i, 36 pl. lix [d]. See Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 57.
Gza. West Field. G.2378. Senezemib Mehi. Temp. Unis. Sloping shaft A. Statuettes found in burial
Three bound captives, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 58 pl. 23 [e, f].
Gza. West Field. G.2381. Meryre-meryptahankh Nekhebu. Temp. Pepy I or Merenre I.
(a) Right jamb, biographical text, with deceased seated at bottom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 44608.
Sethe, Urk. i (1933), 215-19 [47 (138)]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 48 [89].
Gza. West Field. G.2381. Meryre-meryptahankh Nekhebu. Temp. Pepy I or Merenre I.
Block with series of painted figures of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44621.
Fischer in JARCE ii (1963), 21 n. 31 pl. ii.
Gza. West Field. G.2381. Meryre-meryptahankh Nekhebu. Temp. Pepy I or Merenre I. Finds.
Deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Reisner and Fisher in Ann. Serv. xiii (1914), 250-1 pl. x [b].
Gza. West Field. G.2381. Meryre-meryptahankh Nekhebu. Temp. Pepy I or Merenre I. Finds.
Male head in wig, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44421.
Smith, Hist. Sculp. 85 [6] pl. 26 [b, upper right].
Gza. West Field. G.2407. Statues. Late Dyn. V.
Kaemisit seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67571.
See Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 75-6 [2407, 2].
Gza. West Field. G.2415. Weri and wife Mety. Late Dyn. V. Intrusive shaft T. Dyn. VI.
Mummy-mask, plaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45107.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 27 [2] pl. 9 [c].
Gza. West Field. G.2418.
Lintel of wab-priest, Inspector of prophets of the Pyramid of Khufu, name lost, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 67574.
Gza. West Field. G.2420. Nezemu, Late Dyn. V. Statuettes.
Servant cleaning jar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67570.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 75 [2420, 4], 97 [c, 5] fig. 18 [a].
Gza. West Field. G.2422.
Statuette of woman grinding corn, late Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67572.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 76 [2422], 96 [a, 4] fig. 15 [lower left].
Gza. West Field. G.3033. Sabef, Dyn. VI.
Panel and drum of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60544.
Gza. West Field. G.3086. Ruz, Dyn. VI.
Libation basin of deceased and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57042 (JE 46497).
Fisher, Minor Cem. 141 [13] pls. 20 (in situ), 46 [1].
Gza. West Field. G.3093. Mededi, Dyn. VI.
Standing statue of deceased, with large back panel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46494.
Fisher, Minor Cem. 136 [4] pl. 44 [1].
Gza. West Field. G.3093. Mededi, Dyn. VI.
False door of wife Khnemt and deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46495.
Fisher, Minor Cem. 136-8 [5] Taf. 44 [2].
Gza. West Field. Tomb of Sonb, Dwarf. Middle Dyn. VI or later.
Offering-table of deceased, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57026 (JE 51953).
Fisher, Minor Cem. v, 100-4 Taf. vii [b, c], on iv, Abb. 28.
Gza. West Field. Tomb of Sonb, Dwarf. Middle Dyn. VI or later.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

False door of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51297.
Junker, Gza v, on Taf. iv. See Brief Descr. 6010.
Gza. West Field. Tomb of Sonb, Dwarf. Middle Dyn. VI or later.
Statue group, deceased and wife seated, with son and daughter standing, found in stone chest (see next
entry), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51280.
Junker, Gza v, 107-8, 113-14 frontispeiece, Taf. ix Abb. 29 [A]. See Brief Descr. No. 6055.
Gza. West Field. Tomb of Sonb, Dwarf. Middle Dyn. VI or later.
Stone chest, originally containing statue-group, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51281.
Junker, Gza v, 104-5 [2] Taf. viii [d-f].
Gza. West Field. S.4040.
Crude female statuette, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Martin-Pardey, Plastik des Alten Reiches ii.88 [lower].
Gza. West Field. S.4040. Dyn. VI. Found near S.4031/4033.
False-door of Inkaf, dedicated by son Ankhhaf, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker, Gza ix, 170-8 Abb. 78-9.
Gza. West Field. D.15B. Mereru, Dyn. V-VI.
Relief fragments, probably from here or tomb D.37, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37829, 37831.
Gza. West Field. D.20. Tazamankh, Dyn. V-VI. Statues and statuettes.
Statue-group two men, both called Tazamankh, and woman Autib standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37826.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1370.
Gza. West Field. Ibir.... Dyn. VI.
False-door of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker, Gza ix, 102-4 Abb. 43.
Gza. West Field. D.37. Raherka, Dyn. V.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Obelisk in front of tomb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17009.
Kuentz, Oblisques (Cat. Caire), 16 pl. vi.
Gza. West Field. D.38.
Reserve head, Dyn. IV or V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47838.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 27 [26] pl. 9 [e]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 50-1 [97 A].
Gza. West Field. D.39/40. Zasha, Dyn. V. Statues.
Two, deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37820, 37825.
See Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 67.
Gza. West Field. D.39/40. Zasha, Dyn. V. Statues.
Wife seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37821.
Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 1043.
Gza. West Field. D.39/40. Zasha, Dyn. V. Statues.
Female baker heating pots, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37822.
Encycl. phot. Caire pl. 35.
Gza. West Field. D.39/40. Zasha, Dyn. V. Statues.
Butcher, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37823.
Encycl. phot. Caire pl. 34.
Gza. West Field. D.39/40. Zasha, Dyn. V. Statues.
Man roasting goose, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37824.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 492.
Gza. West Field. D.106. Late Dyn. V.
False-door of Washka Iri, Dyn. V-VI, found by Junker in situ in area of tombs D.110 and D.111, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker Gza ix, 96-7 Abb. 40.
Gza. West Field. D.205. Iyni. Dyn. V-VI.
Double-statue, deceased and wife Neferkaus, standing, damaged, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 36271.
Gza. West Field. D.211. Hetepi. Dyn. VI.
Block with five figures of deceased (two standing and three seated), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 57164 (JE 36266).
Gza. West Field. D.211. Hetepi. Dyn. VI.
Block of Hetepi(?), Kings wab-priest, Prophet of Khufu, possible same as deceased and from here, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57135 (JE 36267).
Gza. West Field. D.211. Hetepi. Dyn. VI.
Statue, woman standing, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Gza. West Field. D.213. Ruzib. Dyn. V-VI.
Block with text of deceased, wife and five children, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57133
(JE 36270).
Gza. West Field. D.220. Thesi. Dyn. V-VI.
Panel of false-door, scribe before deceased, wife, and son, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Gza. West Field. D.220. Thesi. Dyn. V-VI.
Lintel from false-door of deceased and wife, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 57159.
Gza. West Field. D.220. Thesi. Dyn. V-VI.
Mushroom-shaped stela of deceased with representation of false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
57174 (JE 36268).
Von Bissing, g. Kunstgeschichte pl. xl [287], Text, ii, 31, 177 with n. 1.
Gza. West Field. Iri and Sebani. Dyn. V-VI.
Lintel of Iri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57156 (JE 36269).

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. West Field. Niankh-hathor. Late Old Kingdom.
South false-door of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker, Gza ix, 92-6 Abb. 39.
Gza. West Field. Sensen, Late Old Kingdom.
Panel of false-door with deceased and wife Pepi at table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49694.
Junker, Gza ix, 85-8 Abb. 36 Taf. x [a].
Gza. West Field. Sensen. Late Old Kingdom.
Lintel of false-door with unfinished figures of his children, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker Gza ix, 88-90 Abb. 37.
Gza. West Field. Iuf. Dyn. V-VI.
Double-statue, deceased and wife Meri seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49691.
Junker Gza ix, pl. vii [d] (in situ), Abb. 27.
Gza. West Field. Nikaukhnum and Neferesris. Dyn. V-VI. Chapel.
Entrance doorway. Drum of Neferesris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker Gza ix, 60 Abb. 24 Taf. xii [b].
Gza. West Field. Khenu. Dyn. VI.
Lintel of north false-door, three sons with offerings and daughter before deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian
Junker Gza ix, 55-6, 58-9 Abb. 21 Taf. x [c].
Gza. West Field. Ibinezem. Dyn. VI.
Statue of deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35566.
See Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculpture 68.
Gza. West Field. Khuy. Dyn. VI.
False door, unfinished, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker Gza ix, Abb. 11.
Gza. West Field. Finds South of G.2015, 2015b.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Drum of Demut(?), probably Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker Gza ix, 37-8 [d] Abb. 10.
Gza. West Field. User. Late Dyn. V.
Statue of deceased standing (uninscribed), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker Gza vi, 188 pl. xvii [b, c].
Gza. West Field. G.4140. Mertiotes. Middle or late Dyn. IV.
Reserve head of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46217.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 25 [2], 29 pl. 6 [B]. See Brief Descr. 6003.
Gza. West Field. G.4240. Snefrusonb. Dyn. IV-V.
Panel of false-door with deceased at table and offering list, and lintel in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43292.
Reisner, Giza Necr. i, 466 pl. 57 [b]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 32 [65].
Gza. West Field. G.4240. Snefrusonb. Dyn. IV-V. Shaft A.
Reserve-head of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46215.
Reisner, Giza Necr. i, 466 pl. 53 [a]. See Brief Descr. No. 6006.
Gza. West Field. G.4240. Snefrusonb. Dyn. IV-V.
Reserve-head of wife of deceased(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67569.
Reisner, Giza Necr. i, 466, 470 pl. 56 [a].
Gza. West Field. G.4340. Dyn. IV.
Male reserve head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46218.
Reisner, Giza Necr. i, pl. 53 [b]. See Brief Descr. No. 6004.
Gza. West Field. G.4351. Imisetkai. 1st Int. Period.
Double-statue of deceased and wife standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43960.
Junker, Gza vi, 216-17 pl. xxiii [a].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. West Field. G.4560. Dyn. IV.
Reserve female head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44974.
Reisner, Giza Necr. i, 210-11 pl. xiv [a, b].
Gza. West Field. G.4630. Medunufer. Dyn. V. Chapel.
South false-door, son Ankhiris before deceased and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57123
(JE 36191).
Curto, Gli Scavi 78-81pl. xxv fig. 32.
Gza. West Field. G.4630. Medunufer. Dyn. V.
North false-door of son Ankhiris, dedicated by son Medunufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 57189 (JE 36192).
Curto, Gli Scavi 82-3 pl. xxiii [right] fig. 33.
Gza. West Field. G.4640. Dyn. IV.
Reserve head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46216.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 23, 26 [8] pl. 7 [f]. See Brief Descr. 6005.
Gza. West Field. G.4660. Middle or late Dyn. IV.
Reserve head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See, Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 26 [17].
Gza. West Field. S.984. Dyn. V.
Female reserve head, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44975.
Junker, Gza i, 256 pl. xiv [c, d].
Gza. West Field. Kednas [I]. Ist. Int. Period.
South false-door of deceased and family, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49693.
Junker, Gza vi, 244, 247 Abb. 104-5, pl. xxiii [d].
Gza. West Field. G.5080. Seshemnufer [II]. Temp. Neuserre. Shaft B.
Sarcophagus and lid of deceased, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60541.
Donadoni Roveri, Sarcofagi egizi 126-7 pl. xix [2].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. West Field. G.5080. Seshemnufer [II]. Temp. Neuserre.
Inscribed wand of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60545.
Gza. West Field. G.5080. Seshemnufer [II]. Temp. Neuserre.
Block with offering-list, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60543.
Hassan, Gza vi [2], 133 pls. lxv-lxxii [71].
Gza. West Field. Thena. End of Dyn. V or early Dyn. VI.
Statue of deceased standing, from upper niche, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45106.
Junker, Gza vii, 87-8 Taf. xvii [b, c], Abb. 34.
Gza. West Field. G.5150. Seshethotp. Early Dyn. V.
Rectangular coffin of deceased with palace-faade decoration, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 49695.
Junker, Gza ii, 178-8 Taf. xiv [b, c].
Gza. West Field. Thenti. Dyn. V.
Two cylinder seals with names of owners Ankhmersu, Zau and of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 60485-6.
Mlanges Maspero i [I], 267-71 pl.
Gza. West Field. Ptahshepses [I]. Late Dyn. V. Statues. West serdab.
Man standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43963.
Junker, Gza vii, pl. xx [a, near right].
Gza. West Field. Ptahshepses [I]. Late Dyn. V. Statues. West serdab.
Male double-statue, standing, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43961, now in Port Said Museum.
Junker, Gza vii, 96-100 pl. xx [a, left].
Gza. West Field. Ptahshepses [I]. Late Dyn. V. Statues. West serdab.
Squatting scribe, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43966, now in Port Said Museum.
Junker, Gza vii, 100-3, 105-7 Taf. xx [a, middle, b 2nd from left].
Gza. West Field. Ptahshepses [I]. Late Dyn. V. Statues. West serdab.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Woman standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43964.
Junker, Gza vii, pl. xx [a, right].
Gza. West Field. G 5170. Seshemnufer [III]. Temp. Isesi.
Jambs with offering bearers on thicknesses, possibly from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 57151-2.
Gza. West Field. G 5227.
Mummy mask, plaster, from Shaft B, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88142.
Tacke, N. in MDAIK 52 (1996), 326-7 [25] Taf. 51 [d].
Gza. West Field. G 5230. Babaf. End of Dyn. IV to early Dyn. V.
Sarcophagus with palace-facade decoration, red granite, possibly from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 48853.
Donadoni Roveri, Sarcofagi egizi 120-1 [B 26], Tav. xxix [2]. See Maspero, Guide, (1915) 27 [36].
Gza. West Field. G 5270. Rawer [I]. Middle Dyn. V. Serdab.
Frieze-text mentioning hwt-k3, with name and titles of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43965.
Junker, Giza, iii, 222 Abb. 11, 42 [a], Taf. xiii [a]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 30 [60].
Gza. West Field. G 5280. Pehenptah. Middle Dyn. V.
Standing statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44609.
Reisner and Fisher in Ann. Serv. xiii (1914), 250 pl. x [a].
Gza. West Field. G 5332. Dyn. V-VI. Shaft. S 796. Dyn. V-VI.
Head of statue, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Junker, Giza viii, 56.
Gza. West Field. Setka. Dyn. VI. II. Offering roomof Ptahhotp.
False door of deceased, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., 3, 5, 6.
Junker, Giza vii, 222-4 Abb. 89.
Gza. West Field. Setka. Dyn. VI. North shaft.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Rectangular coffin of deceased, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49696.
Junker, Giza vii, 224-7 Taf. xxxvii [a], Abb. 90a.
Gza. West Field. G 5480. Heti. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI. Serdab.
Statue of deceased, seated, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker, Giza viii, 16-18 [2], Taf. iv [a], Abb. 4 [right] (called Vienna Museum).
Gza. West Field. G 5480. Heti. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI. Serdab.
Double-statue of deceased with sister Khenut, standing, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No., now in Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, E.42.1926.
Junker, Giza viii, 18-20 [4], Abb. 4 [lower left] (base), Taf. iv [b].
Gza. West Field. G 5520. Sankhenptah. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
Mummy mask, woman, plaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Tacke, N. in MDAIK 52 (1996), 327-8 [26], Taf. 52 [f].
Gza. West Field. G.5550. Nufer Idu I. Early Dyn. VI. Chapel.
Right thickness of doorway, deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44972.
Junker, Giza viii, 73-4 Taf. xiii [c], Abb. 31.
Gza. West Field. G.5550. Nufer Idu I. Early Dyn. VI. Chapel.
West wall. Fragments of false door of deceased, lower part of right outer jamb, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Junker, Giza viii, 74-81 Taf. xiii [b].
Gza. West Field. Shaft S 700. Found throw away in shaft.
Right thickness of doorway, Nisuptah Nisu with son Khnementi before him, early Dyn. VI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 44973.
Junker, Giza viii, 172 Taf. xxvii [b], Abb. 89.
Gza. West Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. (a) Ballard Excavation (1902). Statues and statuettes.
(a) Nufer, seated, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35563.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 697.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. West Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. (a) Ballard Excavation (1902). Statues and statuettes.
(b) Nufer, standing, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35564.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 135.
Gza. West Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. (a) Ballard Excavation (1902). Statues and statuettes.
(c) Nufer and wife, standing, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35565.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. pl. 26 [d]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 74 [167].
Gza. West Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. (a) Ballard Excavation (1902). Statues and statuettes.
Man standing, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35567.
See Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 68.
Gza. West Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. (d) Reisner Excavation. Hearst Expedition of the
University of California (1903-5). In Cairo, Egyptian Museum. Dyn. V-VI.
Statuette, name in ink (effaced) Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37714.
Gza. West Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. (d) Reisner Excavation. Hearst Expedition of the
University of California (1903-5). In Cairo, Egyptian Museum. Dyn. V-VI.
Libation-basin of Kai, Elder of the house, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57006 (JE 37729).
Moret and Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii [1], 17-18 pls.
Gza. West Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. (e) Fisher Excavation (1915).
False-door of Wasethu, end of Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60542.
Simpson in Festschrift Elmar Edel (1979), fig. 1 on 497, cf. 491.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc.
Bed canopy, inscribed, gold covered, presented by Khufu, restored, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 57711.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 23-5 pls. 5-10, figs. 23-7. See Brief Descr. No. 6199.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc.
Bed with inlaid footborad, gold covered, restored, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53261.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 32-3 pls. 25-6, fig. 33.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc.
Curtain box, inscribed, gold covered, faience inlaid, presented by Snefru, with King seated on north end,
and names and winged disk on south end, restored, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72030.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 23, 25-7 pls. 7 [b], 11-13. See Brief Descr. No. 6330.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc.
Armchair with papyrus decoration, gold covered, restored, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53263.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 28-9 pls. 14 [b, c]-16, fig. 31. See Brief Descr. No. 6161.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc.
Armchair with inlays of Neith standards on both faces of back, with hawk standing on palm column on
arms (wood perished), gold covered, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 29-32pls. 17-24, fig. 32.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc.
Gold fragments with deceased smelling lotus, probably from lid of small box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 29 pl. 14a, fig. 30.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc.
Palanquin, inscribed on back, gold covered, restored, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52372.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 33-4 pls. 27-9, fig. 34. See Brief Descr. 6041.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc.
Remains of tubular leather case containing two long staves covered with gold ribbed casing, one restored,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89619a, with silver fragments, JE 89619b.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 45-7 pl. 33, fig. 46.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc.
Wooden stick with inlaid Min-emblem decoration, gold covered, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 45-7 pl. 33.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc.
Chest with inlaid lid with text and Min emblem decoration, gold covered, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 36-40 pl. 35 figs. 38-40.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Original contents of
chest (see preceding).
(a) Box, wood almost completely perished, now restored, with eight ointment jars, inscribed, in stand, and
copper toilet spoon, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52373a-h (jars), i (spoon), j (box).
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 42, 93-4 pl. 34 [a, c], fig. 41. See Brief Descr. No. 6046.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Original contents of
chest (see preceding).
(b) Box, inscribed, gold covered, containing silver bracelets with butterfly design, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 53265 (restored box), 53266-81.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 43-4 pls. 36-8, fig. 44. See Brief Descr. Nos. 6163-4.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Original contents of
chest (see preceding).
Head-rest, wood, covered with gold and silver, uninscribed, restored, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 53262.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 42-3 pl. 39 [a, b], fig. 43. See Brief Descr. No. 6160.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Gold ribbed bars etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Gold foils and faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Gold and faience, including four hawks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Min-emblems, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lid of chest?, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Inlays from chest and armchair, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Flower-patterns, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Gold sheets, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Chest and armchair remains, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Foil from portrait of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Various, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Furniture, etc. Unrestored.
Possibly fragments from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Other finds.
Sarcophagus, uninscribed, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51899.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 16 pls. 4 [b], 43 [d]. See Brief Descr. No. 6025.
Gza. East Field. G 7000X. Tomb of Hetepheres [I]. Temp. Khufu. Other finds.
Canopic-box, uninscribed, uninscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52452.
Reisner and Smith, Giza Necr. ii, 21-2 pl. 44, fig. 22. See Brief Descr. No. 6047.
Gza. East Field. G.7070. Snefrukhaef. Dyn. IV-V.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sarcophagus, uninscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54936.
Donadoni Roveri, Sarcofagi egizi 125 [B 38] Tav. xviii [1].
Gza. East Field. G.7101. Meryrenufer Kar.
Cylinder-seal, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51902.
Kaplony, Rollsiegel ii, 545 Taf. 182 [202].
Gza. East Field. G.7110 and 7120. Kawab and wife Hetepheres [II]. Temp. Khufu. G.7120. Kawab.
Sloping shaft G.7120A.
Sarcophagus of deceased, damaged, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54937.
Donadoni Roveri, Sarcofagi egizi 113 [B 12] Tav. xviii [2].
Gza. East Field. G.7130 and 7140. Khufukhaef [I] and wife Nefertkau. Temp. Khufu to end of Dyn. IV.
G.7140. Khufukhaef [I]. Statues.
Deceased seated, head and feet missing, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46 (JE 28172).
(Adjoining fragments of right hand and base with name in Boston Museum of Fine Arts, unnumbered
(Exped. Nos. 24-12-656 and 24-12-962).)
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 42 Bl. 12. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 39 [74].
Gza. East Field. G.7210 and 7220. Harzedef and wife. Temp. Khufu to late Dyn. IV. G.7220. Harzedef.
Shaft G.7220A.
Sarcophagus of deceased, unfinished, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54938.
Curto, Gli Scavi 73 fig. 27 [a], Tav. xxxi [b].
Gza. East Field. G.7330 and 7340. Middle or late Dyn. IV.
Sarcophagus with panther-skin in relief on lid, and palace faade decoration, uninscribed, Dyn. IV, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54934.
Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 46. See Brief Descr. No. 6170.
Gza. East Field. G.7350. Hetepheres II (?). End of Dyn. IV.
Block with heads of deceased (?) and Meresankh [III] (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54939.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 164-5, 302 pl. 45 [a]. See Brief Descr. No. 6172.
Gza. East Field. G.7410 and 7420. Meresankh [II] and probably Harbaf. Temp. Khufu to early Dyn. V.
G.7420. Probably Harbaf. Shaft G.7420A.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sarcophagus of Harbaf, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1788.
Borchardt, Denkmller des Alten Reiches ii, 206-7 Bl. 111. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 28 [42].
Gza. East Field. G.7430 and 7440. Minkhaef. Temp. Khufu to Khephren. G.7430. Shaft G.7430A.
Sarcophagus of deceased with palace faade decoration and offering list, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 48852.
Donadoni Roveri, Sarcofagi egizi 117-19 [B 21], Tav. xxxii-iii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 25 [32].
Gza. East Field. G.7491.
Mummy-mask, plaster, from burial chamber of shaft B, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54942.
Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 27 [1] pl. 9 [f].
Gza. East Field. G.7530 and 7540. Meresankh III. Temp. Khufu to Shepseskaf. Shaft G.7530A.
Sarcophagus presented to deceased by mother, palace faade decoration, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 54935.
Reisner in Boston Mus. Bull. xxv (1927), fig. 20. See Brief Descr. No. 6171.
Gza. East Field. G.7660. Kaemsekhem. Late Dyn. IV. Shaft B.
Sarcophagus of deceased, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1789.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 208 Bl. 111. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 29 [46].
Gza. East Field. Merykhufu. Dyn. V-VI. North of G.7711a.
Head, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47776.
Smith, Hist. Sculpt. 52 pl. 20 [d]. See Brief Descr. No. 6001.
Gza. East Field. G.7715. Statuettes. Dyn. VI.
Dwarf with jars, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72144.
Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 100 [k, 3] pl. 28 [b].
Gza. East Field. G.7715. Statuettes. Dyn. VI.
Man feeding dog, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72143.
Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 101 [m, 3] pl. 28 [d].
Gza. East Field. G.7772.
Rough seated statuette, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72141.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 76-7 pl. 25 [a].
Gza. East Field. Werirni Probably Dyn. V.
Sarcophagus with palace-faade decoration and panther skin in relief on lid, red granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 48078.
Donadoni Roveri Sarcofagi egizi 122-3 [B 32] Tav. xxix [1]. See Brief Descr. No. 6007.
Gza. East Field. G.7946. Nefu. Dyn. V-VI. Statuettes.
(a) Thenti as standing naked youth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57019.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 124.
Gza. East Field. Exact position and provenance unknown. (b) Various.
Reserve head, Dyn. IV, found by Tewfik Boulas in 1923, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37832.
Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 27 [27] pl. 9 [d].
Gza. East Field. Exact position and provenance unknown. (b) Various.
Sarcophagus of Khufuankh, with palace faade decoration, red granite, Dyn. IV-V, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1790 (JE 18220).
Borchardt and Reisner, pl. 49; Le Mus. g. i, pl. xxi; Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 209-12 Bl.
112; Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer Taf. 11. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 28 [44].
Gza. Cemetery G I S. Iymery [I]. Dyn. VI.
Offering-table of deceased, with offering list, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57032
(JE 53151).
Junker, Giza x, 145-7 Taf. xxii [a], Abb. 53.
Gza. Cemetery G I S. G III S. Khufuzedef. Temp. Menkaure. Shaft.
Sarcophagus with name and title of deceased and palace faade decoration, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 53149.
Junker in Anzeiger Wien 65 (1928), 166 Taf. v [a]. See Brief Descr. No. 6156.
Gza. Cemetery G I S. G VII S. Temp. Menkaure.
Two female heads, alabaster, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Junker, Giza x, 88-90 Taf. xiv [a, b].
Gza. Cemetery G I S. LG 55. Niankhre [II]. Late Dyn. V or early Dyn. VI.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue of deceased squatting, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53150.
Junker, Giza xi, 87-91 Taf. x, ix [b] (in situ), Abb. 48 (base). See Brief Descr. No. 6138.
Gza. Quarry Cemetery West of Second Pyramid. LG 13. Name lost. Sole companion. Dyn. V-VI.
Statue of Neferseshemptah, Dyn. IV-V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93160.
See The Egyptian Museum, Cairo in ten years 1965-1975, 33.
Gza. Central Field. Old Kingdom Tombs. LG 86. Nebemakhet. Temp. Khephren to Menkaure or a little
later. Finds. Found nearby.
Head of male statue, black granite, thrown down an unfinished shaft, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
M. S. C[roce] in Bongioanni, A. et al. (eds.), The Illustrated Guide to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (2001),
74 figs. on 74, 583.
Gza. Necropolis. Central Field. Niankhre. Dyn. V.
Head of male statue, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87815.
Hassan, Giza iv, pl. 42.
Gza. Central Field. Name unknown. Dyn. V-VI.
Three statuettes, two male and one female, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87801-3.
Hassan, Gza, vii, 91, 93 [1-3] pl. xlii.
Gza. Central Field. Rahotp. Kings son. Dyn. V.
Lintel of deceased, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. Central Field. Rahotp. Kings son. Dyn. V.
Block-statue of Menkau, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72242.
Hassan, Gza vii, 126 [12] pl. lvi bis.
Gza. Central Field. Hetepi. Dyn. V or later.
Statuette of deceased(?), upper part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72220.
Hassan, Gza vii, 103 pl. xlv [A].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Central Field. LG 94. Rawer [III]. Late Dyn. IV or Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
Sarcophagus with palace faade decoration, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51950.
Donadoni Roveri, Sarcofagi egizi 125-6 [B 40] Tav. xxiii [1], xxvii [2]; Mitry Illus. Cat. 6039. See Brief
Descr. No. 6039.
Gza. Central Field. Yunre. End of Dyn. IV.
Head of female statuette, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87813.
Abou-Ghazi in Ann. Serv. lxii (1977), 28-9 [34] pl. v. See Hassan, Gza vi [3], 240 [5].
Gza. Central Field. Kadua. Temp. Neuserre or later.
Block with Hemu and wife Nubhotp standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Hassan, Gza vi [3], 110.
Gza. Central Field. Kadua. Temp. Neuserre.
Statue of deceased standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72218.
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 106 pls. li, lii.
Gza. Central Field. Nikauhathor. Woman. Dyn. V. Servant statuettes.
Henutsen, woman, grinding corn, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72234.
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 177-8 pl. lxxiv.
Gza. Central Field. Nikauhathor. Woman. Dyn. V. Servant statuettes.
...pahert, woman, sifting flour, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87820.
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 178 pl. lxxv.
Gza. Central Field. Nikauhathor. Woman. Dyn. V. Servant statuettes.
Niankhisi cleaning goose, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72232.
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 178-9 pl. lxxvi [B, D].
Gza. Central Field. Nikauhathor. Woman. Dyn. V. Servant statuettes.
Remensekhemka(?) cooking, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72230.
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 179 pl. lxxvii.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Central Field. Nikauhathor. Woman. Dyn. V. Servant statuettes.
Hererem(?) cleaning jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72229.
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 179 pl. lxxvi [A, C].
Gza. Central Field. Nikauhathor. Woman. Dyn. V. Servant statuettes.
Woman heating pots, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72227.
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 180 pl. lxxviii.
Gza. Central Field. Nikauhathor. Woman. Dyn. V. Servant statuettes.
Werdi(?) brewing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72233 (as 72231 in Bibl.).
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 180 pl. lxxix [C-E].
Gza. Central Field. Nikauhathor. Woman. Dyn. V. Servant statuettes.
Inpusheshi dyeing(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72228 (as JE 72233 in Bibl.).
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 180-1 pl. lxxix [A, B].
Gza. Central Field. Nikauhathor. Woman. Dyn. V. Servant statuettes.
Nimaethathor, woman, kneading, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72231 (as 72228 in Bibl.).
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 181 pl. lxxx.
Gza. Central Field. Inkaf. Middle Dyn. V or later.
Block with offering-list, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72254.
Hassan, Gza vi [2], 125 pls. xxxiii-xl [44].
Gza. Central Field. Irenakhti also called Irenptah and Iri; Kaemnefert and Kakaiankh. Dyn. VI. Serdab of
Scribe statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72222.
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 27 [1] pl. xiv.
Gza. Central Field. Neferherenptah, small name Fefi. Dyn. V or later. Statues.
Deceased standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87804.
Hassan, Gza v, 282-3 pl. liii [A].
Gza. Central Field. Neferherenptah, small name Fefi. Dyn. V or later. Statues.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Wife Sitmert standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87806.
Hassan, Gza v, 283 pl. liv.
Gza. Central Field. Neferherenptah, small name Fefi. Dyn. V or later. Statues.
Son Itisen seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87805.
Hassan, Gza v, 284 pl. liii [B].
Gza. Central Field. Neferherenptah, small name Fefi. Dyn. V or later. Statues.
Daughter Mertiotes seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87807.
Hassan, Gza v, 183-4 pl. lv.
Gza. Central Field. LG 95. Khuwiwer. End of Dyn. V. Statues.
Male bust, found in shaft 973, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72221.
Hassan, Gza v, 254 pl. xxxi.
Gza. Central Field. LG 95. Khuwiwer. End of Dyn. V. Various.
False-door of Weha, end of Dyn. VI or later, found in fragments in shaft 973, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 72253.
Hassan, Gza v, 255-6 fig. 114 pl. xxx bis [C].
Gza. Central Field. Thesti. Dyn. V. Chapel.
Statuette of deceased seated, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hassan, Gza iii, 150 pl. li [upper].
Gza. Central Field. Ankh-haf Kar. Dyn. VI. Sloping shaft.
Ointment slab, inscribed, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72303.
Hassan, Gza iii, 140 [3, a] pl. xlvii [3].
Gza. Central Field. Ankh-haf Kar. Dyn. VI. Shaft 626.
Ointment slab, inscribed, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hassan, Gza iii, 145 [1] pl. xliii [middle].
Gza. Central Field. Sedhotp. Dyn. V.
Statue of deceased standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87799.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hassan, Gza iii, 110 pls. xxxii, xxxiii
Gza. Central Field. Sedhotp. Dyn. V.
Statuette of woman grinding corn, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87819.
Hassan, Gza iii, 111 pl. xxxvi.
Gza. Central Field. Sedhotp. Dyn. V.
Statuette of woman grinding corn, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72235.
Hassan, Gza iii, 111 pls. xxxiv, xxxv.
Gza. Central Field. Tomb F. Dyn. V-VI.
Statuette of Meresankh, Prophetess, standing, late Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 87797.
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 239 [1] pls. xcviii [A] (in situ), xcvii.
Gza. Central Field. Kahersetef. Dyn. Vor early Dyn. VI. Hall.
Statue of deceased, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87798.
Hassan, Gza vi [3], 76 pls. xxxi, xxxii.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Lintels etc.
Block with text of will endowing tomb near Second Pyramid, possibly from here, Old Kingdom, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1432 (wrongly as 1452 in 1st ed.).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, Bl. 28. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 38-9 [72].
Gza. Central Field. Tomb of Shaft 294. Dyn. V-VI. Shaft 294.
Golden diadem and necklace, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72332 (diadem) and JE 72334 (necklace).
Hassan, Gza ii, 149 [1, 3] pls. li, lii [2], cf. xlix, 1.
Gza. Central Field. Zefanesut. Middle Dyn. V.
Seated male statuette, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66623.
Hassan, Gza i, 65 pl. xliv [2].
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. II. Offering hall.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Triple statue of deceased standing, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66615.
Hassan, Gza i, 12-13 pls. viii [1], ix. See Brief Descr. No. 6266.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. VII. Brick chamber with niche.
Alabaster niche-stela with deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66626.
Hassan, Gza i, 24, 26 pls. xxvii, xxviii. See Brief Descr. No. 6267.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Blocks with reliefs and text.
Remains of titles of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1675.
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 130 (text).
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Head of deceased or father, from group, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 287.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 177-8.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Triple statue of man standing, uninscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66616.
Hassan, Gza i, 20, 21, 114 pl. xxii.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Man standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66622.
Hassan, Gza i, 201-, 114 pl. xxi.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Face of male statue, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66625.
Hassan, Gza i, 22 pl. xxiv. See Brief Descr. No. 6265.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Head, alabaster, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87816.
Hassan, Gza i, 10 pl. x.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 197.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 134.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 198.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 135.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 199.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 135.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 216.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 144.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 217.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 144-5.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Man standing, statuette, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 815 (JE 27492).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 109 Bl. 151.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Deceased seated, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 200.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 136 Bl. 42.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Deceased seated, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 365-7.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 192-3 (texts).
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Torso of standing statue(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 280.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 175.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Base with foot, fragment, possibly from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 318.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 185.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Statue fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1162.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 86.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Statue fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1164.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 86.
Gza. Central Field. Rawer. Temp. Neferirkare or a little later. Statues.
Stela with biographical text (including incident of ams-staff), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66682.
Hassan, Gza i, 18-19 fig. 13, pl. xviii.
Gza. Central Field. Mersuankh. End of Dyn. V. Chapel.
Offering-table of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57027 (JE 66627).
Hassan, Gza i, pl. lxviii [1, top].
Gza. Central Field. Mersuankh. End of Dyn. V. Statues and statuettes. Lower serdab.
Triple statue of deceased, two seated and one standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66618.
Hassan, Gza i, 114-15 pl. lxx.
Gza. Central Field. Mersuankh. End of Dyn. V. Statues and statuettes. Lower serdab.
Female brewer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66624.
Hassan, Gza i, 115 pl. lxxi.
Gza. Central Field. Mersuankh. End of Dyn. V. Statues and statuettes. Upper serdab.
Double statue of deceased standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66620.
Hassan, Gza i, 115 pl. lxxii.
Gza. Central Field. Mersuankh. End of Dyn. V. Statues and statuettes. Upper serdab.
Double statue of man and woman standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66619.
Hassan, Gza i, 115-16 pl. lxxiii.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Central Field. Mersuankh. End of Dyn. V. Statues and statuettes. Upper serdab.
Triple statue of Mersuankh and two daughters standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66617.
Hassan, Gza i, 116 pl. lxxiv.
Gza. Central Field. Mersuankh. End of Dyn. V. Statues and statuettes. Shaft 145.
Statue of man standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66621.
Hassan, Gza i, 114, 116-17 pl. lxxvi.
Gza. Central Field. Dag. Dyn. VI. Statues.
Double statue man and wife standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hassan, Gza ii, 59 [1] pl. xviii [1].
Gza. Central Field. Dag. Dyn. VI. Statues.
Man seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hassan, Gza ii, 59-60 pl. xix.
Gza. Central Field. Dag. Dyn. VI. Statues.
Perneb standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hassan, Gza ii, 60-1 [iv] pl. xx.
Gza. Central Field. Weteth-hotp. Late Dyn. IV or Dyn. V. Male seated statues.
Male seated statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hassan, Gza ii, 4 [1] pl. i.
Gza. Central Field. Weteth-hotp. Late Dyn. IV or Dyn. V. Male seated statues.
Male seated statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87809.
Hassan, Gza ii, 4 [3] pl. ii [3, 4].
Gza. Central Field. Weteth-hotp. Late Dyn. IV or Dyn. V. Male seated statues.
Male seated statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87810.
Hassan, Gza ii, 4 [2] pl. ii [1, 2].
Gza. Central Field. Khamerernebti [II]. Middle to end of Dyn. IV. Doorway to Inner Hall.
Exterior. Lintel with names and titles of Khamerernebti [I], Kings mother, and of deceased, her eldest
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

daughter, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Sethe, Urk. i (1933), 155-6 [5 (96), A, B].
Gza. Central Field. Khamerernebti [II]. Middle to end of Dyn. IV. Statues. From north part of Pillared
Outer Hall.
Deceased seated, twice life size, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48856.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 44.
Gza. Central Field. Khamerernebti [II]. Middle to end of Dyn. IV. From serdab (?), south of Pillared
Outer Hall.
Woman in cloak, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48828.
Wolf, Kunst Abb. 108. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 80 [200].
Gza. Central Field. Khamerernebti [II]. Middle to end of Dyn. IV.
Mirror of Ankhemnezi, Prophetess of Hathor, etc., probably copper, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 46406.
Lilyquist, C. Ancient Egyptian Mirrors 14 fig. 12. Name and titles, Kaplony, Beschriftete Kleinfunde No. 60
Gza. Central Field. Nary. Dyn. V-VI. Statues.
Imhotep, Scribe of the crews, etc., seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87812.
Hassan, Gza v, 301-2 pl. lx [B].
Gza. Central Field. Ankhtef. Dyn. VI. Statues.
Deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87808.
Hassan, Gza v, 232-3 pl. xxiv.
Gza. Central Field. Ankhtef. Dyn. VI. Statues.
Woman grinding corn, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87818.
Hassan, Gza v, 233 pl. xxv.
Gza. Central Field. Nefernemtut. Probably Dyn. V.
Standing female statuette, and damaged statuette of naked woman, both from shaft 1003, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 72219 bis and 72219.
Hassan, Gza v, 199-200 pl. xii [B, C].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Central Field. Dersemat. Dyn. V-VI. Shaft 538.
Statuette of man seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87811.
Hassan, Gza iii, 11 [4] pl. v.
Gza. Central Field. Nefertnesut. Dyn. V.
North false door from east faade, deceased and wife at table on panel, family on jambs, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Hassan, Gza ii, 93-4 pl. xxvii.
Gza. Central Field. Kednas. Dyn. V. Chapel.
Panel from false door of Thenti with wife Meresankh at table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Hassan, Gza ii, 104-5 pl. xxxi [1].
Gza. Central Field. Kednas. Dyn. V. Shaft 366 bis.
Statuette of male baker, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72238.
Hassan, Gza ii, 103 pl. xxix [1, 2].
Gza. Central Field. Wepemnefert Wep. Middle to late Dyn. V. II. Serdab. Female statues, probably of
Standing, with left foot advanced, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72214.
Hassan, Gza ii, 182 pl. lxv. See Brief Descr. No. 6315.
Gza. Central Field. Wepemnefert Wep. Middle to late Dyn. V. II. Serdab. Female statues, probably of
Standing, with left foot advanced, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72215.
Hassan, Gza ii, 183 pl. lxvi. See Brief Descr. No. 6316.
Gza. Central Field. Wepemnefert Wep. Middle to late Dyn. V. II. Serdab. Female statues, probably of
Standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72216.
Hassan, Gza ii, 183-4 pl. lxvii. See Brief Descr. No. 6317.
Gza. Central Field. Wepemnefert Wep. Middle to late Dyn. V. II. Serdab. Female statues, probably of
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Standing, with left foot advanced, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72217.
Hassan, Gza ii, 184-5 pl. lxviii. See Brief Descr. No. 6318.
Gza. Central Field. Ptahsezefa called Fefi. Middle Dyn. V or later.
Sarcophagus of deceased with palace-faade decoration, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66681.
Hassan, Gza i, 100-1 pls. lxi-lxv
Gza. Central Field. Hesi and Niankh-Hathor (possibly wife). Dyn. V. Finds.
Head of life size male statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87817.
Hassan, Gza iii, 253 pl. lxx.
Gza. Central Field. Hesi and Niankh-Hathor (possibly wife). Dyn. V. Finds.
Crude nude statuettes, male (with text in ink), and female (uninscribed), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Hassan, Gza iii, 256 pl. lxxi [2].
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Statues and statuettes.
Dedi, lower part, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Gunn in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 92.
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Statues and statuettes.
Scribe statue, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Chron. dg. vii (1932), 75 [bottom].
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Statues and statuettes.
Man standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87800.
See Abou-Ghazi in Ann. Serv. lxii (1977), 18 [20].
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Statues and statuettes.
Man seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Hassan, Gza ix, 85 pl. xl [A-C].
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Statues and statuettes.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Head, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87814.
Abou-Ghazi in Ann. Serv. lxii (1977), 29 [35] pl. vi.
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Statues and statuettes.
Fragment of servant statuette, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72236.
Abou-Ghazi in Ann. Serv. lxii (1977), 58 [62] pl. xiv.
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Statues and statuettes.
Fragmentary servant statuette, squatting man, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72224.
Abou-Ghazi in Ann. Serv. lxii (1977), 51 [56] pls. xii, xiii.
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Statues and statuettes.
Incomplete servant statuette of a woman squatting, Dyn. V-VI, from Hassans shaft 350, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 72237.
Abou-Ghazi in Ann. Serv. lxii (1977), 47-8 [52] pl. xi.
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. False doors.
False-door Ninekhbet, late Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Libation basins.
Nubheset (woman) with son Ptahshepses, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Libation basins.
Usert (woman), Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Various.
Block with man, and two others, named Hetepi and Weri below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Various.
Jamb of false-door, woman and three children, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87824.
Abou-Ghazi in Ann. Serv. lxii (1977), 75 [86] pl. xx.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Central Field. Central Field. Exact Provenance Unknown. Old Kingdom. Various.
Ointment-slab, alabaster, Dyn. V-VI, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., now
in the Egyptian Museum of the Faculty of Archaeology, 4092.
Tawfik in Gttinger Miszellen 30 (1978), fig. on 87 cf. p. 80.
Gza. Menkaure Cemetery. Tomb of Perniankh (dwarf). Perhaps Dyn. V.
Statue of Perniankh seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98944.
Hawass in MDAIK 47 (1991), 157-62 Taf. 13, 14.
Gza. F' Workmens Cemetery. Tomb of Imty-Shedu. End of Dyn. IV.
Three seated and one standing statues of Imty-Shedu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Hawass, Z. Hidden Treasures of Ancient Egypt (2004), 157 fig. on 156.
Gza. South Field. Various finds.
Block of Pato and others, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Gizeh and Rifeh 29 [81] pl. xxxvii A [upper left].
Gza. South Field. Late Old Kingdom rock cut tombs. Redenptah. Dyn. V-VI.
Lintel of deceased and drum of wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57177 (JE 38968).
Petrie, Gizeh and Rifeh pl. vii A [bottom left].
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Sonb. Dyn. V-VI.
Corner-block of Sonb and Henutsen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1740.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, Bl. 96.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Ptahmay. Temp. Amenophis IV. Blocks.
Block, three registers, I, destroyed, II, musicians before deceased and wife, III, deceased with man making
naos, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (adjoins Temp. No.
Maspero, gypte fig. 373. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 165 [563].
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Ptahmay. Temp. Amenophis IV. Blocks.
Four registers, preparing food and wine with girl dancer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No. (adjoins Temp. No.
SK 2 (1975), 181-3 Taf. vii (with Temp. No. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 181 [662].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Ptahmay. Temp. Amenophis IV. Blocks.
Deceased with wife accompanied by Mahuy with wife Hes at table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Steindorff, Kunst 245. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 179-80 [651 A].
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Ptahmay. Temp. Amenophis IV. Blocks.
iii2.303A (moved from iii2.755)
Two registers, I, women mourners with a girl, and man leading calf, II, men bringing furniture and
canopic-jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Zivie, C. M. in BIFAO 75 (1975), 297-8 [3] pl. liv.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Ptahmay. Temp. Amenophis IV. Blocks.
Jamb, Ptahmay adoring, thickness, son Kaka libating offerings, with remains of kneeling figure above, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa in GM 26 (1977), 13-15 figs. on 16.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Ptahmay. Temp. Amenophis IV. Blocks.
Lintel, text, and double-scene, deceased, wife, and son kneeling adoring, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Zivie, C. M. in BIFAO 75 (1975), 298-300 [4] pl. lv.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Ptahmay. Temp. Amenophis IV. Blocks.
Other blocks, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1883), 304-5 [4982, 4984-6].
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Khaemweset. Late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX. Blocks.
Tree-goddess scene, with deceased drinking, and son Ptahemwia and wife below, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No. [= Maspero, 6050]
Zivie, C. M. in BIFAO 76 (1976), 18-20 [1] pl. vii.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Khaemweset. Late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX. Blocks.
Three registers of funeral scenes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. [= Maspero, 6053]
Zivie, C. M. in BIFAO 76 (1976), 20-2 [2] pl. viii. See Maspero, Guide (1883), 428 [6053].
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Khaemweset. Late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX. Blocks.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Deceased and wife at table, with offering bearers and son and daughter before them, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Zivie, C. M. in BIFAO 76 (1976), 26-7 [5] pl. xi.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Khaemweset. Late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX. Blocks.
Deceased before seated Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Zivie, C. M. in BIFAO 76 (1976), 28-30 [6] pl. xii.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Tombs. Khaemweset. Late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX. Blocks.
Lintel with cornice, deceased and son Ptahnufer kneeling adoring, with Isis and Anubis, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Zivie, C. M. in BIFAO 76 (1976), 30-1 [7] pl. xiii.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Double statue, Imakhufu and wife seated, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48076.
Hornemann, Types v, pls. 1190-1.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Nikaunebti seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 82.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 66 Bl. 19.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Double statue, man as scribe and wife squatting beside him, red granite, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 89171.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1178.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Naked boy standing, wood, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 128.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 96-7 Bl. 29.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Reserve-head, probably Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89611.
Tefnin, Art et magie 116-17 [22] pl. xxi.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Statues.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Upper part of standing(?) female, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 523 (JE 27425).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 80.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue group, Amenophis III seated between [Nekhbet] and Buto, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 39507.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1399.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue-base of Esinefert (presumably wife Ramessess II), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25772.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 855 [314]. See Hassan, Great Sphinx 306.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Sphinx, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1188.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statutten iv, 93 Bl. 167.
Gza. Miscellaneous. False-doors. Old Kingdom.
Hakau, in two pieces, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44634.
Gza. Miscellaneous. False-doors. Old Kingdom.
Khai, in two pieces, Dyn. V (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44633.
Gza. Miscellaneous. False-doors. Old Kingdom.
Neferi and wife Mer(t)min at table, with offering list below, panel, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1653.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 114 Bl. 86.
Gza. Miscellaneous. False-doors. Old Kingdom.
Nefershemem and wife Merer, panel, Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45972.
Gza. Miscellaneous. False-doors. Old Kingdom.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Niankhnekhbet with wife at table, panel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1682 (JE 28173).
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 133.
Gza. Miscellaneous. False-doors. Old Kingdom.
Fragment of drum of Niankhnekhbet, same man as preceding, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1700.
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 143.
Gza. Miscellaneous. False-doors. Old Kingdom.
Serefka, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1521.
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 222 (text).
Gza. Miscellaneous. False-doors. Old Kingdom.
Wep, left outer and right inner jambs from false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57165-6.
Werbrouck in Bull. Mus. Roy. 3 Sr. xv (1943), 29, 31 figs. 20-1.
Gza. Miscellaneous. False-doors. Old Kingdom.
Inspector of wab-priests of the Pyramid of Khephren, name lost, at table on recto of panel, and similar scene
on verso, Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1727 (JE 28166).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 157-8 Bl. 93.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Stelae. Middle Kingdom to Late Period.
Nakht with family, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 20430-1.
See Hassan, Great Sphinx 305.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Stelae. Middle Kingdom to Late Period.
Donation stela, Sanuro, Royal scribe, year 6 Ramesses III(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66612.
Gaballa in JEA 59 (1973), 110-13 fig. 2 pl. xxxviii.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Stelae. Middle Kingdom to Late Period.
Hawk at top and demotic text, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50031 (JE 30437).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 6 Taf. iv [right].
Gza. Miscellaneous. Stelae. Middle Kingdom to Late Period.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cippus, Horus on the crocodiles, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9423.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 33-4 pl. x.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Lintels, drums, blocks, etc.
Lintel of Ankhemthenent, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Fischer in Mitteil. Orientforschung vii (1960), 302, 304 fig. 3.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Lintels, drums, blocks, etc.
Block of Neferhabwer, with cartouche of Khephren, temp. Khephren, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 25776.
See Hassan, Great Sphinx 306.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Lintels, drums, blocks, etc.
Jamb, three registers, Neternufer with wife Nefertennesut and daughter, row of men and women,
grinding corn and heating pots, Dyn. IV or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1451 (JE 11337).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 137 Bl. 34.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Lintels, drums, blocks, etc.
Block with Neternufer, same man as preceding, Dyn. IV or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1529.
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 228.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Lintels, drums, blocks, etc.
Lintel with text of will of Thenti, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57139 (JE 36589).
Text, Sethe, Urk i, (1933), 163-5 [12 (103)].
Gza. Miscellaneous. Lintels, drums, blocks, etc.
Two similar blocks with four registers of people, dedicated by son Weta, Old Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1479, 1480 (JE 30186).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 166-7.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Lintels, drums, blocks, etc.
Thicknesses, three registers of men bringing animals, Dyn. IV(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1538, 1539 (JE 28819).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 242-3 Bl. 51.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gza. Miscellaneous. Lintels, drums, blocks, etc.
Relief, man standing, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 19762.
See Hassan, Great Sphinx 305.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Libation-basins.
Nubhotp, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1361 (JE 9950).
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 28.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Libation-basins.
Dedicated by Senezemib to parents Unnufer and Iadmet and uncle Pehernufer, Old Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 57007 (JE 35872).
Kaplony in Mitt. Orientforschung xiv (1968), 202-3 [7] Taf. 10 [17].
Gza. Miscellaneous. Offering tables.
Hepiu, probably New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23074 (JE 30409).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 62 pl. xvi [upper].
Gza. Miscellaneous. Offering tables.
Hathorardais, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23039 (JE 28163).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 31 pl. xv.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Sarcophagi.
Sarcophagus, Weta, late Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1787 (JE 30189).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 205-6 Bl. 110. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 30 [59].
Gza. Miscellaneous. Various.
Statuettes with execration-texts, found in a jar dated year after the 5th census, probably of Pepy II, clay,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88146 A-D.
Osing in Mitt. Kairo 32 (1976), 133-4, 142-56, 158-85 Taf. 45-51. See Posener in id. 16 (1958), 252 n.3.
Gza. Miscellaneous. Various.
Vase of Nektanebos II, blue faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53866.
Zivie, C. M. in Livre du Centenaire 1880-1980 94 pl. iii [B]. Cartouche, Hassan The Great Sphinx 309.
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Zwyet El-Aryn. Pyramid Enclosure of Nebka(?). Pyramid.
Block with marks of crews of Nebka, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38991.
Barsanti in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 266-81 (Nos. 1-57).
Zwyet El-Aryn. Pyramid Enclosure of Nebka(?). Finds.
Plaque with cartouche of Razedef, green schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37097.
Dobrev, v. in BIFAO 93 (1993), 191, 194, 198, 199 pl. vi [15]. See Barsanti in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 261.
Zwyet El-Aryn. Pyramid Enclosure of Nebka(?). Finds.
Cylinder seal, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37094.
Kaplony, Rollsiegel ii, 492 [125], 543 Taf. 158. See Barsanti in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 261.
Zwyet El-Aryn. Dyn. I Cemetery. Z. 2.
Vessel with text of Aha in ink, pottery, now probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Dunham, Zawiyet el-Aryan. The Cemeteries adjacent to The Layer Pyramid 1 [2] figs. See Kaplony, Inschriften i,
66; ii, n.1592.
Group of four heads of captives, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1165 (JE 32013).
Borchardt Statuen und Statuetten iv, 87 Bl. 164. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 149 [505] (as Tanis).
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Upper Temple with Obelisk.
Lion-gargoyle, fragments, basalt, from north of Sun-bark, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37493.
Borchardt in von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum i, 55 Abb. 49, 50.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Chapel. Relief fragments.
Fragment 11b, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57111 (JE 34185).
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 11b.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Chapel. Relief fragments.
Fragment 20c, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57112 (JE 34191).
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 20c.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Chapel. Relief fragments.
Fragment 33b, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57110 (JE 34183).
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 33b.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Chapel. Relief fragments.
Fragment 44a, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34192.
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 44a (prob.).
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Chapel. Relief fragments.
Fragment 44c, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57114.
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 44c.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Chapel. Relief fragments.
Fragment 44d, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57115.
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 44d.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Chapel. Relief fragments.
Fragment 56b, King before chests, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34194.
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 56b.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Corridor round Temple. Relief fragments.
Fragments 158-9, 164, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 158-9, 164.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Corridor round Temple. Relief fragments.
Fragment 270, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 270.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Corridor round Temple. Relief fragments.
Fragment 281, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 281.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Corridor round Temple. Relief fragments.
Fragment 311, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 311.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Corridor round Temple. Relief fragments.
Fragment 377, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 377.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Corridor round Temple. Relief fragments.
Fragment 388, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Von Bissing, Re-Heiligtum ii, 388.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Various relief fragments.
Block with three men, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57157.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Room of the Seasons. Relief fragments. West wall. Scenes of the
Harvest Season.
Water, and three registers, ostrich, gazelle, with antelope and panther giving birth, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 57172 (JE 34186).
Edel and Wenig, Jahreszeitenreliefs Z.01.K.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Room of the Seasons. Relief fragments. West wall. Nomes and
other personifications.
Fragments relief, nomes, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57113 (JE 34190).
Edel and Wenig, Jahreszeitenreliefs Z.002.K.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Room of the Seasons. Relief fragments. West wall. Nomes and
other personifications.
Fragments relief, nomes, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57116 (JE 34189).
Edel and Wenig, Jahreszeitenreliefs Z.09.K.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Room of the Seasons. Relief fragments. West wall. Nomes and
other personifications.
Fragments relief, nomes, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57117 (JE 34188).
Edel and Wenig, Jahreszeitenreliefs Z.05.K and 03.K.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Room of the Seasons. Relief fragments. West wall. Nomes and
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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other personifications.
Fragments relief, nomes, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57118 (JE 34184).
Edel and Wenig, Jahreszeitenreliefs Z.02.K and 06.K.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Room of the Seasons. Relief fragments. East wall. Personification
and scenes of the Harvest Season.
Birds trapped in net with others hovering above, and head of elephant with three columns of test above,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34193.
Edel and Wenig, Jahreszeitenreliefs Z.o.Nr.
Ab Ghurb. Sun-temple of Neuserre. Room of the Seasons. Relief fragments. East wall. Nomes and
other personifications.
Fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57175 (JE 34187).
Edel and Wenig, Jahreszeitenreliefs Z.003.K.
Absr. Sun-temple of Userkaf. Upper Temple with Obelisk.
Cylinder-seal of an Official of Sun-temples of Userkaf, Neuserre, and Raneferef(?), etc., faience, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 44200.
Kaplony in Ricke, Userkaf ii, 84 n.5 Abb. 11.
Absr. Sun-temple of Userkaf. Lower Temple. Statues.
Head wearing Red Crown, probably Userkaf or Neith, greywacke, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 90220.
Ricke in Ann. Serv. lv (1958), 76-7 pl. iii.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Sahure. Mortuary Temple. Columned Hall.
Two palm columns, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39527, 39529.
Borchardt, Sa-hure i, pl. 9 Abb. 44-6.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Sahure. Mortuary Temple. Columned Hall.
Architrave with names and titles of King, red granite, from south side, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 39528.
Borchardt, Sa-hure i, Abb. 49.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Sahure. Mortuary Temple. Columned Hall.
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[King slaying Libyan chief] on left, and eight registers on right, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39531.
Borchardt, Sa-hure i, 17 Abb. 11, 12; ii, Bl. i.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Sahure. Mortuary Temple. Transverse Hall.
Papyrus column, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39530.
Borchardt, Sa-hure i, Abb. 59.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Sahure. Mortuary Temple. Hall with niches.
Base block from niche with name of Pyramid, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1736.
Borchardt, Sa-hure i, 55 Abb. 65.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Sahure. Mortuary Temple. Side Entrance.
(c) Three registers, I (almost completely destroyed) and II, procession of Lower Egyptian nomes and
estates, III, offering-bearers and butchers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39534.
Borchardt, Sa-hure ii, Bl. 31.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Sahure. Mortuary Temple. Side Entrance.
(d) Two remaining registers of processions, I, divinities, II, personifications led by Nile-god of Lower
Egypt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39534 (Temp. No.
Borchardt, Sa-hure ii, Bl. 30.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Sahure. Mortuary Temple. Various scenes.
Block with reliefs on two faces, (a) King suckled by Nekhbet followed by Khnum, (b) Nekhbet, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 39532-3.
Borchardt, Sa-hure ii, Bl. 18.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Sahure. Mortuary Temple. Various scenes.
Columns of text, and four registers, I-III, priests before deities (including Dua(wer) and Seshet) with
shrines, IV, butchers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Borchardt, Sa-hure ii, Bl. 19.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Sahure. Mortuary Temple. Various scenes.
King in heb-sed costume with Red Crown, seated in pavilion, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
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Borchardt, Sa-hure ii, Bl. 45.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Neuserre. Mortuary Temple. Columned Hall.
Papyrus column, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38664.
Maspero-Roeder, Fhrer pl. 12 [middle].
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Neuserre. Mortuary Temple. Room west of Columned Hall.
Colossal lion statue, head, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Borchardt, Ne-user-re 16-17, 69-70 Abb. 7, 47. Head, Fechheimer, Plastik pl. 44.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Neuserre. Mortuary Temple.
Colossal lion statue (same as preceding), fragments, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Borchardt, Ne-user-re 16-17, 69-70 Abb. 7, 47.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Neuserre. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Officials and courtiers, with Userkafankh and Bebib, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57171
(JE 35747).
Borchardt, Ne-user-re Abb. 50.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Neuserre. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Sobk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Borchardt, Ne-user-re Abb. 70.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Neferirkare Kakai. Mortuary Temple. Finds.
Two false vases, and faience inlays from false vases, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Borchardt, Nefer-ir-ke3re pls. 3 [1-4], 6 [1, 4], 8, Abb. 66, 69.
Absr. Pyramid-complex of Neferirkare Kakai. Mortuary Temple.
Sealings, about twenty, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36867.
Five sealings, JE 36867C, I-L, Kaplony, Rollsiegel ii, 465-8 [63-7] Taf. 124-5. See Kaplony in Ricke,
Userkaf ii, 83 n.1.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragmentary royal seated statue with hawk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98171.
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 38 figs.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Statue, legs lost, King wearing white crown, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98181.
Verner, M. in BIFAO 85 (1985), 274-5 pls. xlix-li.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Head of royal statue, King wearing nemes, gneiss, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98180.
Verner, M. in BIFAO 85 (1985), 277 pl. liv.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Head of royal statue, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98179.
Verner, M. in BIFAO 85 (1985), 280 pl. lviii.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Upper part of royal statue, King wearing nemes, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98177.
Verner, M. in BIFAO 85 (1985), 276 pls. lii, liii.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Head of royal statue, with hawk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Verner, M. in BIFAO 85 (1985), pl. xliv.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Head of royal statue with nemes, gneiss, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Verner, M. in BIFAO 85 (1985), pl. lv.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Torso of seated King with nemes, gneiss, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Verner, M. in BIFAO 85 (1985), pl. lvi.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Base, fragments of three statues, two gneiss, one alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Verner, M. in BIFAO 85 (1985), pl. lvii.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Fragments of royal statue, head shoulder and upper arm, part of feet, calcite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Verner, M. in BIFAO 85 (1985), pl. lviii, lix.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Kneeling statue of Asiatic captive, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98182.
Verner in ZS 113 (1986), 157 fig. 3.
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Kneeling statue of Libyan captive, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98182 (sic).
Verner in Rev. dg. 36 (1985), 149-52 pl. 6 [right].
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Kneeling statue of Nubian captive, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Verner in Rev. dg. 36 (1985), 149-52 pl. 7 [left].
Absr. Pyramid of Raneferef.
Plaque, upper part of two deities (heads lost), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Verner, M. in ZS 111 (1984), 74 fig. 6.
Absr. Cemeteries North-East and East of Pyramid of Neuserre. Ptahshepses. Middle Dyn. V. II. Second
Lotus column, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1748.
Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer Taf. 12 [left].
Absr. Cemeteries North-East and East of Pyramid of Neuserre. Ptahshepses. Middle Dyn. V. Finds.
Statue of female musician, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 92999.
See The Egyptian Museum, Cairo in ten years 1965-1975 29.
Abs. r. Cemeteries North-East and East of Pyramid of Neuserre. Tepemankh. Temp. Neuserre to end of
Dyn. V. Doorways to Rooms II and III.
Thickness (b), men dragging sledge with chest with feathers on top, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 57170 (JE 35748).
Borchardt, Ne-userre 121-2 Abb. 102.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abs. r. Cemeteries North-East and East of Pyramid of Neuserre. Userkafankh. Temp. Neuserre.
Double-statue of deceased and wife standing, uninscribed, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35746.
Borchardt, Ne-userre 28, 112 Abb. 10.
Abs. r. Cemeteries North-East and East of Pyramid of Neuserre. Khekertnebti. Temp. Isesi or later.
Ointment slab, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Vachala in Z 108 (1981), 65-6 [8] Abb. 8.
Abs. r. Cemeteries North-East and East of Pyramid of Neuserre. mR 8. Harshefhotp [II]. Middle
Rectangular coffin, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Schafer, Priestergrber 82-7 Abb. 137-9 Taf. 9-11 [A].
Abs. r. Late Burials. East of Pyramid of Neuserre.
Mask, gilt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Schfer, Priestergrber 120 [a] Abb. 197.
Abs. r. F. South Abs. r. Tomb of Inti.
Seated statue of Nufer, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 99075.
Abs. r. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Man seated, headless, uninscribed, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 91 (JE 27991).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 72 Bl. 20.
Abs. r. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Khentekhtaiemsaf-sonb, kneeling, sandstone, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 408
(JE 31879).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 20 Bl. 67.
Abs. r. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Cloaked man standing, wooden, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 140 (JE 10896).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 103-4 Bl. 31.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abs. r. Miscellaneous. Jambs, thicknesses, blocks, etc.
Jamb, fragment with names of Isesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 57109 (JE 36888).
Text, Gauthier, Le Livre des Rois dgypte i, 135 [ix].
Abs. r. Miscellaneous. Various.
Wooden box inlaid with ivory with scenes of lions attacking bulls, etc., showing Aegean influence,
fragments, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 44717 (JE 29140).
Borchardt in Studies presented to F. Ll. Griffith 258 pl. 26 [f].
From Abs. Saqqra. Tomb LS 1. Fetekti, Middle Dyn. V or Dyn. VI. Finds.
Statue of deceased, presumably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35264.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Volume iii2 Part 2

Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.

A god, and Souls of Nekhen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40028.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 112 pl. liv [1].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Head of Seth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39861.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 112 pl. liv [2].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Upper part of the King in h. eb-sed scene, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39924.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 112 pl. liv [3].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Upper part of woman Seshseshet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39922.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 112 pl. liv [4].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Imiut-fetish and shrine, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39863.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 112 pl. liv [5].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Remains of text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum JE 39923.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 112 pl. liv [6].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Middle part of the King followed by Isesikha[ef], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39862.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 112 pl. liv [7].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(a) Head of statue of captive, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40047.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 20, 113 pl. lvi.
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Tetiemsaf Teti, headless block-statue, temp. Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40032.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 113-14 pl. lvii [1-3].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Alabaster vessels of Teti.
(c) Lid-fragment, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47038.
Kaplony in Mitt. Kairo, 20 (1965), 36 [89] Taf. viii, Abb. 89.
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Plaques.
(a) In shape of hes-vase of Pepy I, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39148.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 4, 72 pl. v [4].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Plaques.
(c) Pepy II receiving life from Buto, wood with plaster and gilt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 53836 (JE 39176).
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 4 [top], 72 pl. v [2].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Various.
Death-mask, perhaps of Teti, plaster mould, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 20, 112-13 pl. lv [1].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. Relief fragments.
Mace-heads of Teti, four and fragment of another, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49372-3, 39163,
47225, 48021.
Two (JE 49372-3), Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 72 pl. v [3]. Another two, Gunn MSS. xiv.1 [2]
(photo.), xiv.1A (texts of three) (JE 48021 = xiv.1A [1]).
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. New Kingdom votive stelae.
Mer(y)ptah and son Dhutmosi, with cartouches of Teti, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34188 (JE 36852).
Lacau, Stles 234-5 pl. lxxi.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. New Kingdom votive stelae.
Nebnakht offering to Ptah, Re-Harakhti, and King Teti, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36855.
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. New Kingdom votive stelae.
Userhet, Fan-bearer, before Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36854.
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Teti. Mortuary Temple. New Kingdom votive stelae.
King Teti seated with three people below, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No. (probably).
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 114 pl. lvii [4].
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Iput I. Dyn. VI. Pyramid. Shaft with burial chamber.
Two (or possibly four ?) model cups and two ( or possibly three ?) vases, copper, inscribed, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 48885-6, 63237-8, 63240 (plus another two ?)
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemeteries i, 12 [iii] fig. 7 (texts).
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Iput I. Dyn. VI. Pyramid. Shaft with burial chamber.
Two ointment-slabs, alabaster, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59153-4.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemeteries ii, pl. 13 [C]; i, 12 [iv].
S. aqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Iput I. Finds.
Jamb, Horus-name of Neterikhet and six lions and six jackals, repeated twice, with two snakes on
thicknesses, from Step Pyramid enclosure, found re-used, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98951.
Hawass, Z. in LArt gyptien au temps des pyramides (Paris, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, 6 avril - 12
juillet 1999, etc.), 150-1 [3] figs. on 150.
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Userkaf. Dyn. V. Mortuary Temple.
Head of colossal royal statue, probably of Userkaf, wearing nemes, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 52501.
Firth in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 65 pl. i.
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Userkaf. Dyn. V. Mortuary Temple. Relief-fragments.
Birds in papyrus thicket, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56601.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 178 pl. 52 [b].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Userkaf. Dyn. V. Mortuary Temple. Relief-fragments.
Orchard scene, fragment, two birds pecking each other, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Wreszinski, Atlas iii, Taf. 105 [B].
Saqqra. Pyramid-Complex of Userkaf. Dyn. V. Mortuary Temple. Relief-fragments.
Head of King wearing plumed head-dress, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56600.
Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 178 pl. 52 [a].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Room IV with zad-panels.
Spare panel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68921.
Lauer in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 551-65 figs. 74-7 pl. ci.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Robbers passage.
Fragments of wooden box with name of Neterikhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 69498-501.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid ii, pl. 109 [1, 2, cf. 3, 4]; i, 139.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Nar (Narmer), 1, porphyry, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88406.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, Nos. 20, 74 pl. xix [1].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Zer, 4, porphyry, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88309.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 4.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Zer, 14, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88284.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 14.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
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Khasty (Den), Merpaba (Azab), Irynuter (Semerkhet), and Kaa, 19, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 55254-5.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 19.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Khasty (Den), Merpaba (Azab), Irynuter (Semerkhet), and Kaa, 20, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 88345.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 21; Tiradritti, F. (ed.), The Treasures of the Egyptian Museum
(1999), fig. on 32 [lower] (reversed).
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Khasty (Den), 22, with cords in relief, and name of Iynikhnum in ink, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 88421.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 22.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Azab, 23, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88235.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 23.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Azab, 28, with stepped monument, name missing, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55292.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 28.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Azab, 31, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55256.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 31.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Azab, 34, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55259.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 34.
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Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Semerkhet, 38, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55258.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 38 (joined by two fragments with name of Kaa (called 55268).
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Semerkhet and Kaa, 39, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88344.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 39.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Kaa, 42, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55257.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 42.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Kaa, 43, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55261.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 43.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Hetepsekhemui, 49, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88224.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 49.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Hetepsekhemui, 50-1, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88223, 88225.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, Nos. 50-1.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Hetepsekhemui, 52, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64891.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 52.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Hetepsekhemui, 58, with name of Raneb (added later), figure of Bubastis, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 65413.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 58.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Ninuter, 67, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55265.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 67.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Ninuter, 71, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88374.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 71.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Ninuter, 72, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55283.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 72.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Ninuter, 77, with figure of Neith, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88418.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 77.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Ninuter, 78, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88322.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 78.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Hetep (Hetepsekhemui), 79, diortite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55262.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 79.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Hetep (Hetepsekhemui), 80, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59151.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 80.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Sekhemib Perenmaet, 87-91, 93, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55287, 55267, 55263, 59143,
55284, 55266.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, Nos. 87-91, 93.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Sekhemib Perenmaet, 92, 94, porphyry, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55288, 55264.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, Nos. 92, 94.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Khasekhemui Nebwyhetepimef, 95, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55293.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 95.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Nubnufer (probably Raneb), 99, 100, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55268, 55294.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, Nos. 99, 100.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (a) With royal names. Dyn. I-II.
Weneg, 103, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88343.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 103.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Waztifni, Kings son, 109, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55278.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 109.

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Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Mesenka, Kings son, 110, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59142.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 110.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Kings daughter, incised on inside, 111, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59144.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 111.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Imaseshet, Scribe of the divine writing, 113, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88221.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 113.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Hemsobk, Companion, 118, diorite (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88397.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 118.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Sekta, Companion, 119, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64887.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 119.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Hereditary prince, greatest of the seers, etc., 124, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88355.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 124.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Pehenptah, Overseer (mdh) of sculptors, etc., 142, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55281.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, No. 142.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Pehenptah, Overseer (mdh) of sculptors, etc., 147-9, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55285,
59139, 59149.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs iv, Nos. 147-9.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Kanenebef, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55280.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 91 [3].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Khuitptah, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59140.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 90 [10].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Neferhotepkhnum, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55286.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 91 [2].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Neferhotepkhnum, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55276.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 90 [5].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55271.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 89 [13].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55273.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 90 [1, 2].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55279.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 90 [6].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55275.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 90 [7].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55277.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 90 [8].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Quartz, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55274.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 90 [9].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59145.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 91 [5].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Porphyry, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55289.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 91 [7].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59147.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 91 [9].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
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Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59148.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 91 [10].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59146.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 91 [11].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55282.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 91 [4].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels with
incised texts. (b) Private names, titles, etc. Dyn. I-III.
Diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55269, 55272.
Firth [etc.], Step Pyramid pl. 89 [14, 15].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels
inscribed in ink. Dyn. I-II.
80, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55291.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs v, No. 80.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels
inscribed in ink. Dyn. I-II.
Date, handle bearing heb-sed motif, 273, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64872.
Lacau and Lauer, Pyramid degrs v, No. 273.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels
inscribed in ink. Dyn. I-II.
Rediptahka, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66159.
Gunn in Ann. Serv. xxviii (1928), 168 [C.1] fig. 8 pl. iv [1].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Step Pyramid. Galleries VI (H) and VII (B). Vessels
inscribed in ink. Dyn. I-II.
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Semenibsheps(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59141.
Kaplony, Inschriften, Suppl. 37 Taf. 30 [1089].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Enclosure Wall and Entrance Complex. Found in
colonnade and near by.
Base and fragments of statue of Neterikhet standing on rekhyt birds and bows, with name and titles of
Imhotep, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49889, 49889a-g.
Gunn in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 177-96 figs.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Enclosure Wall and Entrance Complex. Found in
colonnade and near by.
Torso of royal statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60487.
Firth [etc.], Step. Pyramid ii, pl. 59.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Enclosure Wall and Entrance Complex. Found in
colonnade and near by.
Group of two heads of captives, granite, Dyn. III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49613, now in
Alexandria, Alexandria National Museum.
Firth [etc.], Step. Pyramid ii, pl. 57 [1]; i, 66-7.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Enclosure Wall and Entrance Complex. Found in
colonnade and near by.
Base or altar with lions heads, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57049 (JE 52519).
Firth [etc.], Step. Pyramid ii, pl. 56; i, 66.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Great South Court.
Two fragments of boundary-stelae with names of King, Hetephernebti and Intkaes, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 52508-9.
One, Firth in Ann. Serv. xxv (1925), 149 pl. iv [2].
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Great South Court.
Similar fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Serdab Court.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue of Neterikhet (Zoser) seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49158.
Firth [etc.], Step. Pyramid ii, pls. 29, 30; i, 9, 51.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Galleries of Mariette.
Two lion embalming-tables, alabaster, probably Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1321-2.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches 9-10 Bl. 3.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Neterikhet. Various finds.
Two heads of captives, now separate, schist, Dyn. III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Firth [etc.], Step. Pyramid ii, pl. 57 [2, 3]; i, 75, 113.
Saqqra. Step Pyramid Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. Step Pyramid. Interior. Finds.
Plaque of Ankhnebtyzeserty, ivory, Dyn. III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 92679.
Goneim, Horus Sekhem-khet, i, 21-2 pls. lxv [B], lxvi.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Unis. Mortuary Temple.
(a) and (b) Two palm-columns with names of the King, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 35131.
Maspero, Guide (1915), 59 [132-3] fig. 15.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Unis. Mortuary Temple.
Relief-fragment, (a) King suckled by goddess, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39133.
Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculpt. 177, 281 pl. 54 [b].
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Unis. Mortuary Temple.
Relief-fragment, (b) Souls of Nekhen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57119.
See Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculpt. 183.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Unis. Mortuary Temple.
Relief-fragment, (c) King, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45249.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Unis. Mortuary Temple.
Relief-fragment, (d) royal names, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40029.
Incomplete, Leclant, Le Temps des Pyramides fig. 306.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy I. Pyramid. Pyramid texts.
Five fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1704-5.
Texts, Sethe, Pyramidentexte iii, 136-7 [B, C, E-G].
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy I. Pyramid. Finds.
Linen with name of the King, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Brugsch, Thes. 1212 [bottom right].
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Valley Temple.
Two panels, [King] crowned by Horus and Seth, and cartouche upheld by two Horus Behdetite hawks,
gold-cased wood, probably from box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52021, 52343.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, iii, 39 [7, 8] figs. 27-8.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Mortuary Temple. Sanctuary.
Blocks with offering-bringers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, ii, on pl. 90.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Mortuary Temple. Sanctuary. Statues and statuettes.
Kneeling bound captive, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51729.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, iii, pls. 47-8.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Mortuary Temple. Sanctuary. Statues and statuettes.
Kneeling bound captive, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53670.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, iii, pls. 47 [left].
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Mortuary Temple. Sanctuary. Statues and statuettes.
Heads of captives, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51730-1.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, iii, pls. 47-8.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Mortuary Temple. Sanctuary. Statues and statuettes.
Pepy II as squatting naked child, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 50616.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, iii, 30-1 [1] pl. 49.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Mortuary Temple. Sanctuary. Cache of statuettes.
Block statue of Ameny, quartzite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51481.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, iii, 32-3 [4] fig. 13 pl. 50 [left].
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Mortuary Temple. Sanctuary. Cache of statuettes.
Merenre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51170.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, iii, 31-2 [3] fig. 12 pl. 50 [right].
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Mortuary Temple. Sanctuary. Cache of statuettes.
Double-statue of Zauemnakht (headless) and Sit-hathor (woman) seated, sandstone, Middle Kingdom, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51480.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, iii, 31 [2] fig. 11 pl. 50 [middle].
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Mortuary Temple. Sanctuary. Cache of statuettes.
Female statuette, most of left side lost, wood, late Dyn. VI or Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 51482.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, iii, 34 [8] fig. 14.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Pyramid texts.
Fragments of Pyramid-texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1706, 1-10.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 146-7.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Stone vessels.
Pepy I. (a) Mentioning 1st heb-sed, fragment, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65337.
Ann. Serv. xxxiv 98 [2] figs. 3, 4.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Stone vessels.
Pepy I. (b) Mentioning pyramid, fragments, alabaster, found by Mariette in 1881, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 5021-2 part of JE 25118, and JE 65339.
Text, Jquier in Ann.Serv. xxxv (1935), 160.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Stone vessels.
Merenre I. (a) Mentioning pyramid, fragments, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 5020 part of JE
25118, and
JE 65341.
Text, Jquier in Ann.Serv. xxxv (1935), 160.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Stone vessels.
Merenre I. (b) Mentioning pyramid, fragment, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65344.
Text, Jquier in Ann.Serv. xxxiv (1934), 101 [7] fig. 10.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Stone vessels.
Pepy II. (a) Mentioning pyramid, fragment, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65338.
Jquier in Ann. Serv. xxxiv (1934), 97-8 [1] figs. 1, 2.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Stone vessels.
Pepy II. (b) Mentioning pyramid, fragment, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65343.
See Jquier in Ann. Serv. xxxiv (1934), 102 [9].
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Stone vessels.
Pepy II. (c) Mentioning pyramid, fragment, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62955.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Stone vessels.
Jar with text giving contents, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65340, completed by fragment found by
Maspero in 1881, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 5019.
Jquier in Ann. Serv. xxxiv (1934), 99 [4] figs. 6, 7.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Stone vessels.
Jar with serekh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65342.
Jquier in Ann. Serv. xxxiv (1934), 100 [6] fig. 9.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Neit. Mortuary Temple. Entrance doorway.
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Block with protective decree for priests of Neit and Ankhnesmeryre, end of Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 56370.
Jquier in Ann. Serv. xxxi (1931), 38-9 fig. 3.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Neit. Pyramid.
Jar of Pepy I, fragments, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57424.
Jequier, Les Pyramids des reines Neit et Apouit 31-2 fig. 15.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Neit. Pyramid.
Disks of Pepy II, schist and alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58342-5.
Jequier, Les Pyramids des reines Neit et Apouit 31 fig. 12.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Neit. Pyramid.
Cup of deceased, mentioning heb-sed, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58346.
Jequier, Les Pyramids des reines Neit et Apouit 31 fig. 12.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Neit. Subsidiary Pyramid.
Cup with offering-text, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58347.
Jequier, Les Pyramids des reines Neit et Apouit 10 fig. 4.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Neit. Subsidiary Pyramid.
Sixteen model boats with accessories, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56386-97.
Jequier, Les Pyramids des reines Neit et Apouit 33-40, 11 figs. 17-21 pls. xxxiii-xxxv.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Wezebten. Dyn. VI. Vestibule.
Entrance doorway. Lintel with titles, mentioning Pyramid of Pepy II, found in Mortuary Temple of Pepy
II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51732.
Jquier, La Pyramide dOudjebten 21 fig. 26.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Wezebten. Dyn. VI. Vestibule.
South-east doorway. Lintel with titles and name, jambs and right thickness with names of Inspectors of
prophets of estate of her (i.e. Wezebtens) funerary estate, Ikhi, his two sons Sankhenptah and Hemankh
Hemi, and Ikri, son of Hemankh Hemi, temp. Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 49681.
Jquier, La Pyramide dOudjebten 22-3 figs. 27-8.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Wezebten. Dyn. VI. Finds from Pyramid enclosure.
Fragments of vase with name of Pyramid of Pepy II, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49838.
Jquier, La Pyramide dOudjebten 20 n.3 fig. 25 [right].
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Wezebten. Dyn. VI. Finds from Pyramid enclosure.
Fragments of cup with mention of 1st heb-sed, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49841.
Jquier, La Pyramide dOudjebten 20 n.4 fig. 25 [left].
Saqqra. Burial-complex of Shepseskaf. Mortuary Temple.
Fragments of inscribed seat of statue of deceased, dolerite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52160-2.
Jquier, Le Mastabat Faraoun 21 fig. 12.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Userkare Khenzer. Dyn. XIII. Mortuary Temple.
Fragments of columns with cartouches, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56371-5.
One, Jquier, Deux pyramides 5-6 fig. 5.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Userkare Khenzer. Dyn. XIII. Pyramid.
Pyramidion inscribed, with Re-Harakhti, Atum, and solar-barks on east face, granite, restored, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 53045.
Jquier, Deux pyramides 19-26 figs. 16-20 pl. vi.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Userkare Khenzer. Dyn. XIII. Pyramid.
Fragments of canopic-jar of Seneb[henas], Kings wife (possibly of Khenzer), alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 54498.
Jquier, Deux pyramides 28 fig. 21.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Userkare Khenzer. Dyn. XIII. North Chapel.
Bust of statuette (of Khenzer), granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53668.
Jquier, Deux pyramides 18-19 pl. v [b, c].
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Userkare Khenzer. Dyn. XIII. Pyramid.
Fragments of two seated statuettes, probably Khenzer, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. Nos., 2.
See Jquier, Deux pyramides 18-19.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Dyn. XIII. Pyramid.
Two pyramidia, uninscribed, unfinished, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54855-6.
Jquier, Deux pyramides 58-60 fig. 42 pl. xvi.
Saqqra. Pyramid-enclosure of Dyn. XIII.
Torso of royal statuette, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54493.
See Jquier, Deux pyramides 67.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic Cemetery North and North West of the Serapeum.
Four ivory labels of Ipka, Dyn. I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86172-5.
Macramallah, Un cimetire archaque 16-18 [7] n.4 fig. 17 pl. xlviii [1].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2146E. Sehefner. Kings
daughter. Dyn. II.
Niche-stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44135.
Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 10, 22 pls. xxvi, xxvii.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2171. Temp. Ninuter or
Jar-sealing of Ninuter, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 7 pl. xv [3].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2171H. Temp. Zer.
Label with text of Zer, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63346.
Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 6, 16 [10] pl. xi [5].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2171H. Temp. Zer.
Label with of text of Zer, ivory, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 6, 16 [1] pl. xi [2, 3].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2302. Temp. Ninuter or
Stone vessels of Ruaben, fragmentary, two, greywacke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45324-5.
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Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 8, 30 pl. xvii [4].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2302. Temp. Ninuter or
Stone vessel of Ruaben, one, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45179.
Kaplony, Inschriften, Suppl. 34-5 Taf. 29 [1076].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2302. Temp. Ninuter or
(a) Sealing of Ninuter, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44378.
Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 8, 30 [top] pl. xvii [3].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2302. Temp. Ninuter or
(b) Sealing of Ninuter, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 30 [middle].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2305. Temp. Neterikhet
(Zoser) or later.
Sealing of Neterikhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44372 (probably).
Name, Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 3, 30.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom. S 2347. Temp. Userkaf or later.
Offering-basin with text with cartouche of Userkaf, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57039
(JE 44128).
Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 11, 36 pl. xxviii [3].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2401.
Offering-basin of Ny, Dyn. II-III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57040 (JE 44131).
Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 11, 38 pl. xxviii [4].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2405 [A3] Hesyre. Early
Dyn. III. Outer corridor.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

West wall, remains of painted scenes, block, crocodile, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1911-1912), 4, 16 pl. vii [2].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2405 [A3] Hesyre. Early
Dyn. III. Six wooden niche stelae with deceased.
Seated at table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1426.
Quibell, The Tomb of Hesy. Excavations at Saqqara (1911-1912), 40 pl. xxxi [5].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2405 [A3] Hesyre. Early
Dyn. III. Six wooden niche stelae with deceased.
Standing with sekhem-sceptre, and scribes equipment and staff, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1427.
Quibell, The Tomb of Hesy. Excavations at Saqqara (1911-1912), 40 pl. xxix [2].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2405 [A3] Hesyre. Early
Dyn. III. Six wooden niche stelae with deceased.
Standing with scribes equipment on shoulder, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1428.
Quibell, The Tomb of Hesy. Excavations at Saqqara (1911-1912), 40 pl. xxix [1] (called CG 1426).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2405 [A3] Hesyre. Early
Dyn. III. Six wooden niche stelae with deceased.
Standing with sekhem-sceptre, scribes equipment on shoulder, and staff, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Quibell, The Tomb of Hesy. Excavations at Saqqara (1911-1912), 40 pl. xxx [3].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2405 [A3] Hesyre. Early
Dyn. III. Six wooden niche stelae with deceased.
Standing holding staff in front of his chest, with scribes equipment on shoulder, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1430.
Quibell, The Tomb of Hesy. Excavations at Saqqara (1911-1912), 40 pl. xxx [4].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2405 [A3] Hesyre. Early
Dyn. III. Six wooden niche stelae with deceased.
Standing with hes-vase, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, The Tomb of Hesy. Excavations at Saqqara (1911-1912), 16 pl. vii [3] cf. v.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2405 [A3] Hesyre. Early
Dyn. III. Substructure.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment of sealing of Neterikhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44373.
Quibell, The Tomb of Hesy. Excavations at Saqqara (1911-1912), 3, 12, 39 pl. xxviii [23].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2407. Dyn. III.
Fragment of vessel, (a) Hesyre, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44367.
Kaplony, Inschriften, Suppl. 35-6 Taf. 29 [1081] (as S 2405); i, 582 (as Step Pyramid).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2446. Dyn. I.
Fragment of vessel with text mentioning 1st heb-sed of Azab, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45170.
Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 13, 41 pl. xxxiii [5].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2452.
Offering-basin of Nufer, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57047
(Temp. No.
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii, 41 with pls.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 2466. Old Kingdom.
Offering-basin of Mertmin, Royal acquaintance (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57041
(JE 44147).
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii, 37 with pl. See Quibell, Saqqara (1912-1914), 43.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. C-F.
Jar-sealings of Den, Hemaka and Ankhka, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Emery, Tomb of Hemaka 62-4 figs. 19-25.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Y.
Pottery vessels with names of contents, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Saad in Emery, Tomb of Hemaka 51-2 [Nos. 1246-54] with fig. 16, cf. pl. 24 [upper].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Z.
Label with scenes and text of Zer, ebony, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70114.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Emery, Tomb of Hemaka 35-9 [No. 411] fig. 8 pls. 17 [A], 18 [A] (as No. 408 on 13).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Z.
Two labels of Hemaka, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70115-16.
Emery, Tomb of Hemaka 39 [Nos. 412-13] pls. 17 [B, C], 18 [B, C] (as Nos. 406-7 on 13).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Z.
Box, wood inlaid with ivory, much damaged, containing disks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Emery, Tomb of Hemaka 41 [No. 433], fig. 11 (as No. 423 on 14).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Z.
Gaming disk, with two owls with outstretched wings, limestone, originally in box, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 70160 [No. 309 of Emery].
Baines and Malek, Atlas fig. on 142.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Z.
Gaming disk, schist, originally in box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70163 [No. 306 of Emery].
Curto and Roccati, Tesori Cat. 2.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Z.
Gaming disk, with hunting scene, steatite, originally in box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70164 [No.
307 of Emery].
Malek, Shadow fig. on 32 [lower].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Z.
Gaming disk, two cranes in clap net, schist, originally in box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70165 [No.
310 of Emery].
Leclant et al., Le temps des Pyramides fig. 255.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Z.
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Sickle with names of Khasty (Den) and Hemaka, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70204.
Emery, Tomb of Hemaka 33 [No. 393] pl. 15 [C] (as No. 383 on 13).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Z.
Fragment with painting of bull and monkey, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70149.
Emery, Tomb of Hemaka 40 [No. 431] pl. 19 [D] (as No. 421 on 14).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. AA.
Sealing of Den, on leather bag, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Emery, Tomb of Hemaka 41 [No. 434], 64 [8] fig. 26 cf. pl. 9 [C].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Magazines. Stone vessels.
Cup of Khasty (Den) crystal, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Emery, Tomb of Hemaka 1, 60 [No. 1717] pl. 28 [bottom near left].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3035. Hemaka. Temp.
Den. Stone vessels.
Three bowls, one of them of Khasty (Den), schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Emery, Tomb of Hemaka 61 [Nos. 1719-21] fig. 18
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. S 3079. Dyn. IV.
Statue of man, right arm and lower legs lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87698.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 114-15 [A1] figs. pl. i [left] (as
temp. Snefru).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. S 3079. Dyn. IV.
Statue of man, left foot lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87699.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 116-17 [A2] figs. pl. i [right] (as
temp. Snefru).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3302. Shepsi. Probably
late Dyn. IV.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68923.
Text of lintel, Gardiner MSS Nbk. 127, 51 verso [middle].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3471. Temp. Zer.
Copper implements, vessels, plates, stone vessels, palettes, remains of furniture, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian
Emery, Great Tombs i, 20-70 figs. 13-30, 32-3 pls. 4-7 [A], 8-13.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3504. Temp. Zet.
Label with names of Zet and Sekhemka-sez, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Emery, Great Tombs ii, 16-17, 102-3 [1] fig. 105 pl. xxxv [b].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3509. Hetepka. Late
Dyn. V or Dyn. VI. III. Offering room.
Figure of Hetepka from right outer jamb, formerly in the possession of J. Tokeley Parry, now in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 98952.
False door.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3509. Hetepka. Late
Dyn. V or Dyn. VI. III. Offering room.
Figure of Hetepka from rear of niche, formerly in the possession of J. Tokeley Parry, now in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 98953.
False door.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. S 3518. Dyn. III.
Jar-sealing of Neterikhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91311.
Martin in JEA 56 (1970), 10 pl. xvii [1].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 2 [B 10]. Ifefi Fefi.
Dyn. V. or later.
Offering-basin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1359 (JE 27907).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 27.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 2 [B 10]. Ifefi Fefi.
Dyn. V. or later.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Mastabas 99, 100-1 [d, l].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 4 [B 11].
Khnemhotp. Probably Dyn. V or later.
Offering-table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1306 (JE 21762).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 5 Bl. 2.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 5 [A 2; S 3073].
Khabausokar Hethes and wife Neferhotep-hathor. Middle Dyn. III to early Dyn. IV. South chapel.
Niche, lintel, and drum with names and titles, back panel, deceased at table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1385.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 44-7 Bl. 10.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 5 [A 2; S 3073].
Khabausokar Hethes and wife Neferhotep-hathor. Middle Dyn. III to early Dyn. IV. South chapel.
Lintel with names and titles, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42002.
Weill in Sphinx xv (1911-12), 1-4 fig. on 2.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 5 [A 2; S 3073].
Khabausokar Hethes and wife Neferhotep-hathor. Middle Dyn. III to early Dyn. IV. North chapel.
Niche, back panel, wife at table with offering list below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Murray, Saqqara Mastabas i, pl. ii.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 5 [A 2; S 3073].
Khabausokar Hethes and wife Neferhotep-hathor. Middle Dyn. III to early Dyn. IV. North chapel.
Niche, thicknesses, standing with short offering list below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1386 (left),
1387 (right).
Murray, Saqqara Mastabas i, pl. ii.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 5 [A 2; S 3073].
Khabausokar Hethes and wife Neferhotep-hathor. Middle Dyn. III to early Dyn. IV. North chapel.
Lintel (a) of wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57129 (probably).
Kahl, J. et al., Die Inscriften der 3. Dynastie 198-9 figs. [D3/Sa/14-15]. See Reisner, Tomb Development 203
[bottom, b].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 5 [A 2; S 3073].
Khabausokar Hethes and wife Neferhotep-hathor. Middle Dyn. III to early Dyn. IV. North chapel.
Drum (a) of wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1737.
Kahl, J. et al., Die Inscriften der 3. Dynastie 198-9 figs. [D3/Sa/12-13]. Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten
Reiches ii, 164.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 6 [C 15]. Ty.
Temp. Sahure or later. Usurped by woman Hem(t)re. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
Some blocks from doorway, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Smith, W. S. Tomb Development 398.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 6 [C 15]. Ty.
Temp. Sahure or later. Usurped by woman Hem(t)re. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
False-door of Ty usurped by Hem(t)re, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1380 (JE 30185).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 37-41 Bl. 9.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 6 [C 15]. Ty.
Temp. Sahure or later. Usurped by woman Hem(t)re. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
Double-statue, headless, Ty, and wife Semertmin, seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 95.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 75 Bl. 21.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 7 [C 13]. Iti. Dyn.
Statue of deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 26.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 27 Bl. 7.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 10 [C 14]. Ankhi.
Probably Dyn. V.
False door. Panel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1729.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 159 Bl. 94.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 11 [B 13].
Senezemib Bebib. Probably middle Dyn. V.
False-door. Panel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1668.
Texts, Mariette, Mastabas 105.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 11 [B 13].
Senezemib Bebib. Probably middle Dyn. V.
False-door. Right thickness, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1628.
Texts, Mariette, Mastabas 105.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 11 [B 13].
Senezemib Bebib. Probably middle Dyn. V.
Statue-group, deceased and wife with [small son], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 151.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 110 Bl. 34.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 12 [B 12].
Neferhotep. Probably Dyn. V.
Stela, deceased with son Neferherenptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1528.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 227-8 Bl. 46.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 12 [B 12].
Neferhotep. Probably Dyn. V.
Double statue of deceased and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 89.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 70-1 Bl. 20.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 13 [D 44].
Nemtinufer. Dyn. V or later.
Double-statue, deceased seated and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 123.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 93-4 Bl. 27.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 15 [B 16].
Ankhiris. Dyn. IV or later.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15139.
Titles and offering-list, Mariette, Mastabas 109-10.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 22 [D 39].
Kapure. Temp. Isesi or later. Chapel. In Philadelphia PA, The University of Pennsylvania Museum of
Archaeology and Anthropology, E 15729.
Stela, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15133, now presumably in Philadelphia PA, The
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, E 15729.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Titles and offering-list, Mariette, Mastabas 278-9. See id. Notice des principaux monuments ... Boulaq
(1864), 279 [11].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 24 [D 38].
Washptah Isi. Temp. Neferirkare.
Jambs and thicknesses of doorway, deceased and sons, account of his death in presence of Neferirkare, and
record of endownment; blocks, from left, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1570.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 42 Bl. 70.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 24 [D 38].
Washptah Isi. Temp. Neferirkare.
Jambs and thicknesses of doorway, deceased and sons, account of his death in presence of Neferirkare, and
record of endownment; blocks, from left, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1673.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 129 Bl. 70.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 24 [D 38].
Washptah Isi. Temp. Neferirkare.
Jambs and thicknesses of doorway, deceased and sons, account of his death in presence of Neferirkare, and
record of endownment; blocks, from left, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1702.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 144 Bl. 70.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 24 [D 38].
Washptah Isi. Temp. Neferirkare.
Jambs and thicknesses of doorway, deceased and sons, account of his death in presence of Neferirkare, and
record of endownment; blocks, from left, formerly in A. Bircher colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 55937.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 24 [D 38].
Washptah Isi. Temp. Neferirkare.
Jambs and thicknesses of doorway, deceased and sons, account of his death in presence of Neferirkare, and
record of endownment; blocks, from left, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1569.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 40-1, 129 Bl. 69.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 24 [D 38].
Washptah Isi. Temp. Neferirkare.
Jambs and thicknesses of doorway, deceased and sons, account of his death in presence of Neferirkare, and
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

record of endownment; blocks, from right, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1674.
Nielsen, E. R. in Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark (1993), 39-41 fig. 11.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 26 [D 37].
Manufer. Late Dyn. VI. Statues.
Deceased as scribe reading, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 56 (JE 17329).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 50-1 Bl. 14.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 27 [D 36]. Iykau.
Dyn. V. Statues.
Deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 27.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 27-8 Bl. 7.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 27 [D 36]. Iykau.
Dyn. V. Statues.
Statue-group, deceased, wife Khenut, and small son, with small daughter kneeling, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 105.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 82-3 Bl. 23.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 27 [D 36]. Iykau.
Dyn. V. Statues.
Niche with deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 106 (JE 10075).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 83-4 Bl. 23.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 28 [D 35].
Rahotp. Dyn. V (or possibly from tomb No. 66).
Statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 205 (JE 17451).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 138-9 Bl. 43.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 29 [D 34].
Ptahshepses. Dyn. V.
Scribe-statue of deceased, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 186.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 128 Bl. 40.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 30 [D 33]. Shepsi.
Dyn. V.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue group, deceased seated, with wife and small son Shepsipuzad-nezes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 22.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 23-4 Bl. 6.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 31 [D 32].
Shepsipuzad. Dyn. V.
Statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 212.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 142 Bl. 44.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 32 [D 31]. Ankhkakai. Advanced Dyn. V or later.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1424 (JE 21763).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, pp. 105-6.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 32 [D 31]. Ankhkakai. Advanced Dyn. V or later.
Offering-basin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1326 (JE 15014, 21764).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 11 Bl. 4.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 33 [D 30].
Khnemhotp. Probably Dyn. V.
Statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 96.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 76 Bl. 22.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 34 [D 29]. Rawer.
Dyn. V.
Statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 29 Bl. 8.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 36 [C 8]. Kaaper.
Late Dyn. IV or early Dyn. V. Chapel.
Offering-table of Hetepherakhti, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1304 (JE 17462).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 4-5 Bl. 1.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 36 [C 8]. Kaaper.
Late Dyn. IV or early Dyn. V. Chapel.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue of man, Sheikh el-Beled, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 31-3 Bl. 9.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 36 [C 8]. Kaaper.
Late Dyn. IV or early Dyn. V. Chapel.
Upper part of statue of woman, Wife of Sheikh el-Beled, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 33.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 31-3 Bl. 9.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. Nos. 37-8 [E 1, 2 and
H 3]. Sabu Ibebi. Temp. Teti. Ptahshepses II. Temp. Teti or later. South chapel. Sabu.
Block, Deceased at table, with offering list, priests and offering, and below, two registers of offering
bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1418.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 91-5 Bl. 21.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. Nos. 37-8 [E 1, 2 and
H 3]. Sabu Ibebi. Temp. Teti. Ptahshepses II. Temp. Teti or later. South chapel. Sabu.
Block, eight registers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1419.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 69-101 Bl. 21.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. Nos. 37-8 [E 1, 2 and
H 3]. Sabu Ibebi. Temp. Teti. Ptahshepses II. Temp. Teti or later. South chapel. Sabu.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1565 (JE 30193).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 31-4 Bl. 65.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 40 [C 5]. Ranufer.
Early Dyn. V. Statues.
Deceased with longer kilt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18 (JE 10064).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 19-20 Bl. 5.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 40 [C 5]. Ranufer.
Early Dyn. V. Statues.
Deceased with short kilt and wig, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 19 (JE 10063).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 19-20 Bl. 5.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 40 [C 5]. Ranufer.
Early Dyn. V. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Heknu (wife), seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53 (JE 10066).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 46-7 Bl. 14.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. Nos. 41-2 [C 6 and 7
and probably F 4]. Ptahhotp-desher and Ptahhotp. Middle Dyn. V. or later. II. South Chapel.
Obelisk of Ptahhotp-desher, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1308 (JE 55528).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 6-7 Bl. 2.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. Nos. 41-2 [C 6 and 7
and probably F 4]. Ptahhotp-desher and Ptahhotp. Middle Dyn. V. or later. II. South Chapel.
Obelisk of Ankhkaus, woman, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1312 (JE 55529).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 6-7 Bl. 2.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. Nos. 41-2 [C 6 and 7
and probably F 4]. Ptahhotp-desher and Ptahhotp. Middle Dyn. V. or later. IV. Inner Room.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1467 (JE 15049).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 156-7 Bl. 38.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 44 [C 23]. Sabukem. Dyn. V.
False-door, fragments in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15046.
Titles, Mariette, Mastabas 157.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 44 [C 23]. Sabukem. Dyn. V.
Statue of deceased as naked man, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 143.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 105 Bl. 32.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 45 [C 21] Kay.
Dyn. V-VI.
False-door, unfinished, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15045.
Texts, Mariette, Mastabas 152.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 47 [E 3]. Sabu
Thety. Temp. Pepy I or later.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lower part of false-door, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1709, 1756.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 146, 177-8 Bl. 100 (CG 1756).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 49 [C 10].
Ptahshepses. Dyn. V.
Statues of deceased, standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 54.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 47 Bl. 14.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 49 [C 10].
Ptahshepses. Dyn. V.
Statues of deceased, standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 77.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 63 Bl. 17.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 49 [C 10].
Ptahshepses. Dyn. V.
Statues of deceased, standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 81.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 81 Bl. 18.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 49 [C 10].
Ptahshepses. Dyn. V.
Statues of deceased, seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 28-9 Bl. 7.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 49 [C 10].
Ptahshepses. Dyn. V.
Statues of deceased, seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 207.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 139-40 Bl. 43.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 49 [C 10].
Ptahshepses. Dyn. V.
Statues of deceased, scribe-statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 83.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 66-7 Bl. 19.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 49 [C 10].
Ptahshepses. Dyn. V.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Servant carrying sack and sandals, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 111.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 86-7 Bl. 24.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 49 [C 10].
Ptahshepses. Dyn. V.
Man cleaning jar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 112.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 87 Bl. 25.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 50 [C 9].
Ptahshepses. Probably middle Dyn. V.
Statue of deceased, seated, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 93.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 73 Bl. 21.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 50 [C 9].
Ptahshepses. Probably middle Dyn. V.
Statue of deceased, seated, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 368.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 193-4 (text).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 51 [C 22].
Remeryptah. Dyn. V or later.
Statue-group, Washka and wife Ankh-has seated, with small son Washka, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 100.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 78-9 Bl. 22.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 52 [D 26].
Inyankh. Late Dyn. V or later.
Offering-basin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1336 (JE 20839f).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 18 Bl. 6.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 53 [D 27].
Ankhma. Dyn. V-VI.
Lintel and panel from false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1464-5 (JE 17806, 17805).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 152-5 Bl. 37.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 53 [D 27].
Ankhma. Dyn. V-VI.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Drum with remains of jambs from false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1694 (JE 17804).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 139 Bl. 89.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 57 [D 23].
Kaemnefert. Temp. Neuserre or later. Chapel. In Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 07.1005 (lintel), 04.1761
iii2.467(1) ?
Doorway. Lintel, formerly, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15051, now probably in Boston 07.1005.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 57 [D 23].
Kaemnefert. Temp. Neuserre or later. Chapel. In Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 07.1005 (lintel), 04.1761
iii2.467(5) ?
Upper part false-door, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15052, now probably in Boston, Museum
of Fine Arts, 04.1761.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 57 [D 23].
Kaemnefert. Temp. Neuserre or later. Statues. Probably from here.
Four, deceased seated, headless, and fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 61, 65-6, 181, 377.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 53-4, 57, 125-6, 198-9 (texts).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 58 [E 6].
Snefrunufer [I]. End of Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15050.
Parts of text, de Roug, Inscr. hiro pl. lxxxviii [upper middle and bottom].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 59 [E 7].
Snefrunufer [II]. End of Dyn. V or later.
Lintel with offering-text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1421.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 102 Bl. 22.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 59 [E 7].
Snefrunufer [II]. End of Dyn. V or later.
False door, upper lintel and panel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1420, 1436.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 101, 119-20 Bl. 22, 31.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 59 [E 7].
Snefrunufer [II]. End of Dyn. V or later.
False door, lower lintel and drum and parts of jamb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1461.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 149-50.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 59 [E 7].
Snefrunufer [II]. End of Dyn. V or later.
Offering-table, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1328 (JE 11527).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 12-13 Bl. 4.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 60 [D 22] Ty.
Temp. Neuserre to end of Dyn. V.
Block, tending goats and cattle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1531
iii2.470(9)A (moved from iii2.753)
Deceased followed by officials, and I-III (left part of I-II lost), boats, each with sub register of fowl, wild
animals, or men tending cattle.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 229-30 Bl. 47.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 60 [D 22] Ty.
Temp. Neuserre to end of Dyn. V. Statues.
Deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20 (JE 10065).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 20-1 Bl. 5.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 60 [D 22] Ty.
Temp. Neuserre to end of Dyn. V. Statues.
Two statue bases of son Demez, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 305, 313.
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 182, 184.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 61 [D 21].
Neferherenptah. Dyn. V. or later.
Statue of deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 76.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 62-3 Bl. 17.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 62 [D 20].
Werirni. Temp. Neferirkare or later. Statues.
Deceased, seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 211 (JE 6071).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 142 Bl. 44.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 62 [D 20].
Werirni. Temp. Neferirkare or later. Statues.
Deceased, standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 272 (JE 6074).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 172 Bl. 58.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 62 [D 20].
Werirni. Temp. Neferirkare or later. Statues.
Kaiemked kneeling, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 119.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 91 Bl. 26.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 62 [D 20].
Werirni. Temp. Neferirkare or later. Statues.
Iti, woman, grinding corn, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 110 (JE 6070).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 86 Bl. 24.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 62 [D 20].
Werirni. Temp. Neferirkare or later. Statues.
Ishat, woman, grinding corn, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 114.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 88-9 Bl. 25.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 62 [D 20].
Werirni. Temp. Neferirkare or later. Statues.
Wehemnefert, woman, straining beer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 118.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 90-1 Bl. 26.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 62 [D 20].
Werirni. Temp. Neferirkare or later.
Man cleaning jar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 116.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 89-90 Bl. 26.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 63 [D 19]. Kai.
Middle Dyn. V or later.
Offering-stand, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1299.
Mariette, Mastabas 229 [middle].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 63 [D 19]. Kai.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Middle Dyn. V or later.
Offering-stand, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1302.
Mariette, Album du Muse du Boulaq pl. 11 [right].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 63 [D 19]. Kai.
Middle Dyn. V or later.
Offering-stand, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1303 (JE 27902).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 4.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 63 [D 19]. Kai.
Middle Dyn. V or later. Possibly from here.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15159.
Mariette, Mastabas 228-9.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 65 [D 17].
Nimaetre. Middle Dyn. V or later. Statues.
Deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 45-6 Bl. 13.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 65 [D 17].
Nimaetre. Middle Dyn. V or later. Statues.
Ptahshepses (a), standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 97.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 76-7 Bl. 22.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 65 [D 17].
Nimaetre. Middle Dyn. V or later. Statues.
Ptahshepses (b), seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 214.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 143 Bl. 45.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 65 [D 17].
Nimaetre. Middle Dyn. V or later. Statues.
Ptahshepses (c) seated, granite, possibly from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 164.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 117 Bl. 36.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 66 [C 24].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Rahotp. Dyn. V. Statues of deceased.
Double-statue, mother(?) seated and deceased, fragmentary, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 107, 312 (JE
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 84, 184 Bl. 23.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 66 [C 24].
Rahotp. Dyn. V. Statues of deceased.
Scribe-statue, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 127 (JE 17435).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 96 Bl. 28.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 66 [C 24].
Rahotp. Dyn. V. Statues of deceased.
Scribe-statue, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 163 (JE 17437).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 116-17 Bl. 36.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 66 [C 24].
Rahotp. Dyn. V. Statues of deceased.
Standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 130 (JE 17449).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 98 Bl. 29.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 66 [C 24].
Rahotp. Dyn. V. Statues of deceased.
Standing, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 172 (JE 17440).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 121 Bl. 38.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 66 [C 24].
Rahotp. Dyn. V. Statues of deceased.
Base, found at Absr, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 303 (JE 28002).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 181.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 66 [C 24].
Rahotp. Dyn. V. Statues of deceased.
Seated, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 182 (JE 17441), CG 183 (JE 17442), CG 184 (JE
17433), CG 185 (JE 17438), CG 187 (JE 17444), CG 188 (JE 17447), CG 192 (JE 17443), CG 194 (JE
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 126-7, 128-9, 131, 132 Bl. 39 [185], 40 [187].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 67 [D 16].
Ankhmaka. Temp. Neuserre or later.
Niche. (c) False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1485 (JE 15088, 30190).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 182-6 Bl. 40.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 67 [D 16].
Ankhmaka. Temp. Neuserre or later.
Offering-table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1327 (JE 15089).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 12 Bl. 4.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 68 [C 4].
Khamererptah. Dyn. V.
False-door, with sons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57126 (JE 15153).
Mariette, Mastabas 118-20.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 69 [D 15].
Sopduhotp. Dyn. V or later. Chapel.
iii2.481(2)A (moved from iii2.753)
Block, heaping straw and winnowing corn, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1546.
Harpur, Y. in MDAIK 42 (1986). 61 figs. 3, 6.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 69 [D 15].
Sopduhotp. Dyn. V or later. Chapel.
Block from left part of II, bringing wild animals, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1543.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 2 Bl. 54.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 69 [D 15].
Sopduhotp. Dyn. V or later. Chapel.
II, block, netting fowl, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1671.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 128 Bl. 60.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 69 [D 15].
Sopduhotp. Dyn. V or later. Chapel.
III, block, men in boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1739.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 165 Bl. 95 (incomplete).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 69 [D 15].
Sopduhotp. Dyn. V or later. Chapel.
IV, block, herdsmen in boats and cattle crossing water, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1555.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 16 Bl. 60.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 69 [D 15].
Sopduhotp. Dyn. V or later. Chapel.
IV, block, cattle crossing water and boat behind, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1557.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 18 Bl. 61.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 70 [D 14]. Khuit.
Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15160.
See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments ... Boulaq (1869), 294 [24].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 71 [B 1]. Thenti.
Middle Dyn. IV or later.
False-door, blocks in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57136 (JE 36586), CG 57138 (JE 36587),
CG 57140 (JE 36590).
See Mariette, Mastabas 88-9.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 71 [B 1]. Thenti.
Middle Dyn. IV or later.
False-door, drum, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57141 (JE 36588).
See Mariette, Mastabas 88-9.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 73 [D 13]. Shepsi.
Probably early Dyn. V.
Palace-faade false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1379 (JE 15155, 30180).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 36-7 Bl. 9.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 74 [D 12].
Niankh-sekhmet. Temp. Sahure.
False-door, presented by Sahure, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1482 (JE 30184).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 169-73 Bl. 39.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 75 [D 10].
Tepemankh [I]. End of Dyn. V. or Dyn. VI. North subsidiary niche.
Lintel and panel of false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1509-10.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 215 Bl. 45.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 75 [D 10].
Tepemankh [I]. End of Dyn. V. or Dyn. VI. Statues of deceased.
Standing, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 154.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 111-12 Bl. 34.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 75 [D 10].
Tepemankh [I]. End of Dyn. V. or Dyn. VI. Statues of deceased.
Scribe-statue, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 162.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 116 Bl. 36.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 76 [D 11].
Tepemankh [II]. Middle Dyn. V. I. Passage.
False-door of son Hem-min, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1417 (JE 30181).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 89-91 Bl. 20.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 76 [D 11].
Tepemankh [II]. Middle Dyn. V. I. Passage.
False-door of wife Nubhotp Bebi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1415 (JE 30182).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 84-7 Bl. 19.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 76 [D 11].
Tepemankh [II]. Middle Dyn. V. I. Passage.
Adjoining block, chiefs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1541.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 244 Bl. 52.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 76 [D 11].
Tepemankh [II]. Middle Dyn. V. I. Passage.
Adjoining block, two men and boys with baboons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1556 (JE 37101).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 17-18 Bl. 61.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 76 [D 11].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tepemankh [II]. Middle Dyn. V. II. Offering room.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1564 (JE 30192, 15156).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 28-30 Bl. 64.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 79 [D 2; S 905].
Kaemrehu. Late Dyn. V.
Offering-table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1370.
Mariette, Mastabas 161.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 79 [D 2; S 905].
Kaemrehu. Late Dyn. V. Chapel. Unless otherwise stated in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek,
.I.N. 1271.
Doorway, (b) drum with name and title, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1734.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 163 Bl. 94.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 79 [D 2; S 905].
Kaemrehu. Late Dyn. V. Chapel. Unless otherwise stated in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek,
.I.N. 1271.
iii2.486(1)A (moved here from iii2.753)
(c) Adjoining fragment, relief, bringing and overthrowing cattle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1560.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 22-3 Bl. 62.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 79 [D 2; S 905].
Kaemrehu. Late Dyn. V.
Four registers, harvest, brewing and baking, carpenters, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1534.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 232-5 Bl. 48.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 81 [D 4].
Ankhiris. Dyn. V.
Statuette of squatting female baker, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 108.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 84-5 Bl. 24.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 83 [D 6; S 90]
Khenu. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI. Statues of deceased.
Seated, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 102.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 80-1 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 83 [D 6; S 90]
Khenu. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI. Statues of deceased.
Seated, with papyrus on lap, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 171.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 120-1 Bl. 38.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 84 [D 7; S 919].
Kaemthenent. Temp. Isesi.
Two inscribed blocks from lintel and jambs, exact position unknown, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
See Reisner, Tomb Development 407.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 88 [B 9]. Huti.
Dyn. V-VI.
Panel of false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1392.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 53 Bl. 13.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 88 [B 9]. Huti.
Dyn. V-VI.
Statue, (a) deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 64.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 56 Bl. 16.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 88 [B 9]. Huti.
Dyn. V-VI.
Statue, (b) wife Kitsen seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 43-4 Bl. 12.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (a) Mariette. B 3. Shery.
Dyn. IV.
False-door, lower part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1384.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 42-4 Bl. 10.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (a) Mariette. B 7. Sethu
[II]. Dyn. IV(?).
Two palace-faade false-doors, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1377-8.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 35-6 Bl. 8.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (a) Mariette. B 7. Sethu
[II]. Dyn. IV(?).
Two offering-stands, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1298, 1301.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 2-3, 4 Bl. 1 (CG 1298).
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (a) Mariette. B 7. Sethu
[II]. Dyn. IV(?).
Block, deceased and wife, with offering-bearers and estates below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1494.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 199-200 Bl. 43.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (a) Mariette. H 12. Khuit.
Dyn. V-VI.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1448 (JE 27913).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 132-3.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (b) Lepsuis. LS 16 [S 902].
Rashepses. Temp. Isesi. Serdab.
Base of statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Name and title, Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 23.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (b) Lepsuis. LS 16 [S 902].
Rashepses. Temp. Isesi.
Head of wooden statue, probably of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40037.
Name and title, Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 23 pl. lx.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (c) Quibell. S 906.
Nekhensu. Dyn. VI.
South false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39865.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 24, 115 pl. lxi [I].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (c) Quibell. S 909.
Heknunebti. Probably Dyn. V.
Block, deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45239.
Name, Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 24.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (c) Quibell. S 909.
Heknunebti. Probably Dyn. V.
Drum, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1396.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 56 Bl. 14.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (c) Quibell. S 920. Dyn. V.
Adjoining blocks, three registers, I, donkeys transporting and men piling up sheaves, II, cranes and geese,
III, headsmen crossing canal, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39960, 39963, 40027.
Harpur, Y. in SAK 13 (1986), 107-12, 117-19 figs. 1, 2, 5.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (c) Quibell. S 920. Dyn. V.
Block with vase-makers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39866.
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien iii, 25-7 pl. xxii.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (c) Quibell. S 920. Dyn. V.
Block, sailing boat with crew, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Harpur, Y. in SAK 13 (1986), 121-2 fig. 7.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (c) Quibell. S 920. Dyn. V.
Block, offering bearers from bottom register, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39864.
Harpur, Y. in SAK 13 (1986), 120 fig. 6.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (c) Quibell. S 920. Dyn. V.
Block, market scene, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39860.
Harpur, Y. in SAK 13 (1986), 116 fig. 4.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Numbered Old Kingdom Tombs. (c) Quibell. S 920. Dyn. V.
Block, boat with sailors, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40049.
Sharewi, G. and Harpur, Y. in JEA 74 (1988), 57-9 fig. 1 [lower], pl. vi [2].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Unnumbered Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. (a) Position
Known. Name unknown. Early Dyn. V. Statues.
Scribe writing, Cairo Scribe, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 36 (JE 30272).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Statuen und Statutten i, 34-5 Bl. 9.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Unnumbered Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. (a) Position
Known. Name unknown. Early Dyn. V. Statues.
Man seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 35 (JE 30273).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statutten i, 33-4 Bl. 9.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Unnumbered Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Tombs. (b) Position
Unknown. Mery. Middle Dyn. IV.
False door. (5) Wife smelling lotus, and son, with right edge of (4), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1388 (JE 2661).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 49 Bl. 11.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Late Period, Ptolemaic and Roman Tombs. Uzahor. Dyn. XXVII.
Four canopic-jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35360.
See Barsanti in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 211.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Late Period, Ptolemaic and Roman Tombs. Uzahor. Dyn. XXVII.
Silver gilt bands, inscribed, and mask, from inner coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53770
(JE 38356), CG 53771-3, 53778.
See Barsanti in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 210 pl. i [5, 6].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Late Period, Ptolemaic and Roman Tombs. Tomb with Sarcophagi
of Dyn. XXX.
Thaiharpata, year 15 of Nektanebos II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29306 (JE 44725).
Maspero, Sarcophages i, 218-315 pls. xix-xxi.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Late Period, Ptolemaic and Roman Tombs. Tomb with Sarcophagi
of Dyn. XXX.
Funerary equipment of Thaiharpata, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 351 [3405].
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Late Period, Ptolemaic and Roman Tombs. Tomb with Sarcophagi
of Dyn. XXX.
Pawenhetef Zeho, dwarf, with deceased on lid and text mentioning Thaiharpata (see previous), granite, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29307 (JE 47398).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Maspero, Sarcophages i, 220 [top] pls. xxii-xxvi.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Late Period, Ptolemaic and Roman Tombs. Tomb with
Sarcophagi of Dyn. XXX.
Ankh-hap, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29308 (JE 44895).
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages ii, 17-20 pls. vii, viii.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Statues.
Fragment of seated statue of Nikaankh, dedicated by son Ptahshepses, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 67 (JE 27989).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 58 n.1.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Statues.
Seated statue, granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 85.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 68 Bl. 19.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Statues.
Statue base with remains of feet of Iymery and Mertiotes, late Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 91917.
Martin, Hetepka No. 84.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Statues.
Fragment of male statue, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 372 (JE 27995).
See Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 195.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Niche stelae.
Iau, Dyn. III or early Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57180 (JE 37912).
Kaplony, Kleine Beitrage 105 [SP. 39] Taf. vi [839].
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. False doors and stelae.
False-door of Hesesi, with sons Sheshi and Ty, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1413 (JE
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 78-80 Bl. 19.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Blocks.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Butchers, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1530 (JE 27934).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 229 Bl. 46.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Blocks.
Mereruka Metetu, end of Dyn. V or Dyn. VI, (a) in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1540 (JE 27930),
adjoins (d) butchers, in Dunedin, Otago Museum, E.75.5.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 243-4 Bl. 52.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Blocks.
Weni at table, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1599 (JE 27935).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 76 Bl. 80.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Blocks.
Canoe and men bringing fowl, unfinished, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1721.
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 155.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Sarcophagi.
Ankh-hap, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29303 (JE 15011).
Maspero, Sarcophages i, 86-114 pls. ix-xiii.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Sarcophagi.
Baiyti, anthropoid, basalt, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.,
Buhl, Sarcophagi 135-6 [I, 2] fig. 77.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Sarcophagi.
Zeho, same man as following, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29304 (JE 15039).
See Maspero, Sarc. i, 114-6.
Saqqra. Finds from North of the Step Pyramid. Sarcophagi.
Zeho, same man as preceding, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29305 (JE 15038).
Maspero, Sarc. i, 161-218 pls. xiv-xviii.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Finds.
Offering-table of Kai, probably Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1373 (JE 27977).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 34.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Finds.
Faience cartouche-plaque from foundation deposit of Nektanebos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 59119.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Finds.
iii2.507 (moved from v.73)
Circular offering-table of Sekhentiuker, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1316.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 8 Bl. 1.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Other Finds.
iii2.507 (moved from v.73)
Offering-table of Sekhentiuker, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1353.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 24-5 Bl. 6.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Khentka
Ikhekhi. Temp. Pepy I. Shaft B.
Three statuettes of nude child Ikhekhi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47758-60.
Capart, Memphis fig. 246.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Ankhmahor
Sesi. Early Dyn. VI. Burial chamber.
Ointment-slab, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47033.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemetry ii, pl. 13 [D]; i, 18 [i], 102.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. LS 10.
Kagemni Memi. Temp. Teti. Burial chamber.
Canopic-jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47031 bis, 47032 bis, 47785-6.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemetry ii, pls. 12 [A, B], 65 [5-8]; i, 22 [iv], 126.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. LS 10.
Kagemni Memi. Temp. Teti. Burial chamber.
Vase, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47050.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemetry ii, pl. 15 [A, 7]; i, 23 [viii].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. LS 10.
Kagemni Memi. Temp. Teti.
Necklace-fragment and clasp, former from sarcophagus, gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53839,
53834 (JE 47234, 47042).
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemetry ii, pl. 15 [C]; i, 514-15, 512-13.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. LS 10.
Kagemni Memi. Temp. Teti. Various finds.
Statue, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 20830.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. LS 10.
Kagemni Memi. Temp. Teti. Various finds.
Offering-table, perhaps from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1368 (JE 21525).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 31.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. LS 10.
Mereruka Meri. Temp. Teti. Exterior.
One fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44932.
(5) Ann. Serv. xliii (1943), 451-2 pl. xxxvi [right]; (6)-(9) Duell, The Mastaba of Mereruka ii, pls. 216 [A],
214 [B], 215, 216 [B].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. LS 10.
Mereruka Meri. Temp. Teti. Finds.
Two offering-tables, fragments, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63195-6.
Gunn MSS. xviii on 19 [1] (photo.).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. LS 10.
Mereruka Meri, temp. Teti.
Bowl, fragments, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63197.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemetery ii, pls. 13 [B, middle], 63 [3]; i, 26 [vii] fig. 20 [9].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Khenu [II]
Themi. Dyn. VI.
Obelisk, with base with offering-basin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17006 (JE 53677-8).
Kuentz, Oblisques 12-14 figs. pl. v.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Khenu [II]
Themi. Dyn. VI.
Statue (as statuette in Bibl.) of deceased, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47775.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemeteries ii, pl. 17 [F]; i, 42 [2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Thethu.
Probably late Dyn. VI. Burial chamber.
Jar-lid of Pepy I, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47037.
Firth and Gunn Teti Pyramid Cemeteries ii, pl. 13 [A]; i, 28, 30 [iv], 169 [8].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. HMK. 30.
Gemniemhet Gemni. 1st Int. Period. Models. Wood.
Flax-workers and probably barbers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 47929.
Firth and Gunn Teti Pyramid Cemeteries ii, pl. 28 [C]; i, 53 [10A].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Burial No.
81. Herioneru. Late Dyn. VI or First 1nt. Period.
Head-rest, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88563.
Firth and Gunn Teti Pyramid Cemeteries ii, pl. 14 [4]; i, 40, 270 [3].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. HMK. 26.
Family-tomb of Ipiankhu. 1st Int. Period. Burial chamber.
Rectangular coffin of Ipiankhu, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gunn MSS. xviii.36-9 (photos.) (one of these).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. HMK. 26.
Family-tomb of Ipiankhu. 1st Int. Period. Burial chamber.
Two headrests, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88559-60.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemeteries ii, pl. 14 [E, 5, 7]; i, 270 [4, A, C].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Burial No.
225. Ipi, late Dyn. VI or 1st Int. Period.
Deceased on base of double statuette, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47774.
Firth and Gunn Teti Pyramid Cemeteries ii, pl. 19 [A, B]; i, 40 [1, 2], 271 [7].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Kaemsenu.
Dyn. VI. Shafts. No. 240.
Eleven model boats with accessories, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63183-94.
Firth and Gunn Teti Pyramid Cemeteries ii, pl. 49; i, 33 cf. fig. 35.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Kaemhest.
Probably early Dyn. VI. Statues.
Statue-group, deceased and wife seated, with small son, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44173.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 18, 43 pl. 28.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Kaemhest.
Probably early Dyn. VI. Statues.
Deceased, probably originally in niche at (3), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44174.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 18, 44 pl. 29.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Kaemhest.
Probably early Dyn. VI. Statues.
Base and feet of statue of deceased, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44137.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 19, 43 pl. 27 [3].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Kaemhest.
Probably early Dyn. VI. South Chapel. Various finds.
Wooden drum with names and titles, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44175.
Gunn MSS. xiv.25 [1, 2] (photos.).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Kaemhest.
Probably early Dyn. VI. South Chapel. Various finds.
Wooden cylinder seal of Pepy I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72625.
Text, Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid. North Side fig. on 19.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Kaemhest.
Probably early Dyn. VI. South Chapel. Various finds.
Wooden door-wing with deceased and Hetepka (perhaps son and dedicator), and text mentioning
Kaemhest (deceased), Kapunesut, Memi, Hetepka, and Kakhent, all five sons of Senefankh, from mastaba
west of Kaemhest, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47749.
Capart, Documents i, pl. 13.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Kaemhest.
Probably early Dyn. VI. Central Chapel. Brother Kapunest. Wooden statues. From serdab.
Double-statue, deceased, head and arms lost, and son Sekhemka, feet only, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 67369.
Zayed, Trois tudes dgyptologie 1-2, 4-8 figs. 1-3, 6, 7.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period finds. Statues.
Bust of male statuette, wood, from Burial No. 33, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47036.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemetery ii, pl. 19 [C]; i, 39.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period finds. False
Ipiemsas Ipi, lower part of side-piece of false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1665.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 123-4 Bl. 88.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Side pieces
and lintels of false doors.
Gemni, side-piece, with unguent jars and jewellery, son offering goose to deceased an wife Ipi, deceased at
table, and offering bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1571.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 43-4 Bl. 71.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Finds.
Rectangular offering-table of woman Rekhi, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57030
(JE 92701).
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii, 32 pl.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period finds.
Two, Siahor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17007-8 (JE 53675-6).
Kuentz, Oblisques 14-15 pl. v.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. Mastaba of the Sekwaskhet
family. Early Middle Kingdom. Chapel.
False door with offering table of Sekwaskhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55618.
Gunn MSS. xiv. 32-8, 39 [1, 2] (photos.).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. Mastaba of the Sekwaskhet
family. Early Middle Kingdom.
Double false-door, Niankh-hor and Shedy (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55618.
Gunn MSS. xiv. 32-8, 39 [1, 2] (photos.).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. Mastaba of the Sekwaskhet
family. Early Middle Kingdom.
Double-false door, Sekwaskhet-a and Mutemsas (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55618.
Gunn MSS. xiv. 32-8, 39 [1, 2] (photos.).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. Mastaba of the Sekwaskhet
family. Early Middle Kingdom.
Double false-door, Sekwaskhet-herib and Sekwaskhet-nekhen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55618.
Gunn MSS. xiv. 32-8, 39 [1, 2] (photos.).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. Mastaba of the Sekwaskhet
family. Early Middle Kingdom.
Double false-door, Mery and Hetep (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55618.
Gunn MSS. xiv. 32-8, 39 [1, 2] (photos.).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. Mastaba of the Sekwaskhet
family. Early Middle Kingdom. Finds.
Twelve clay statuettes with execration texts, some in coffins, late Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 70221 (Temp. No.
See Posener, Princes et pays dAsie et de Nubie 15, 17.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Usermut.
Inner and outer rectangular coffins, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos. and
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 12 pl. 21 [3].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Usermut.
Canopic-box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 13 [bottom].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet.
Rectangular coffin, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Cairo, Centre of Doc. photos. S.A., 2596, 2601-9.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet.
Canopic box, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid. North Side 15 (texts), pl. 21 [4].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Papyrus craft with men setting sail, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46767.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 14, 39 pl. 22.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Papyrus craft with sail furled and rowers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46768.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 14, 39 pl. 22.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Boat with men setting sail, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45318.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 13, 39-40 pl. 23.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Boat with sail furled and rowers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46766.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 13, 39-40 pl. 23.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Granary, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45320.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 14, 41 pl. 25 [1].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Craftsmen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45319.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 40-1 pl. 24, [2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Spinners, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45321.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 15, 42-3 fig. pl. 26 [1].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Brewers and butchers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45497 (as 45496 in Bibl.).
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 13, 40 pl. 24 [1].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Rope-makers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46765.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 14, 41-2 pl. 25 [2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Two female offering-bringers, inscribed for Inpuemhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46771-2.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 14, 15, 43 pl. 26 [2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. S 2757. Usermut and
Ipuemhet Inpu. Early Middle Kingdom. Burial chamber. Funerary equipment of Inpuemhet. Wooden
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Two male statuettes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46769-70.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 14, 15, 43 pl. 26 [2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. Hetep. Temp. Amenemhet I
or later. Statue chambers.
Block-statue of deceased, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48858.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemetery ii, pls. 40 [C], 41 [B]; i, 62, 277-8.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (b) Middle Kingdom. Hetep. Temp. Amenemhet I
or later. Statue chambers.
Block-statue of deceased, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48857.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemetery ii, pls. 40 [D], 41 [A]; i, 62, 277-8.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (c) Second Int. Period. Intrusive burial in the
Mortuary Temple of Iput I.
Rectangular coffin of Abed, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28108 (JE 32750).
Lacau, Sarcophages ii, 86-7 pl. xix [1, 2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (c) Second Int. Period. Intrusive burial in the
Mortuary Temple of Iput I.
Dagger of Nehemen, with cartouches of Nebkhepeshre Apophis III, and hunting scene, bronze, from
coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52768 (JE 32735).
Daressy in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 118-19 pl. at end [1, 2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Stela, dedicated by sons Ptahmosi and Amenemhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Forman and Vilmkov, Eg. Art pls. 107, 109.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Pyramidion, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41665.
Rammant-Peeters, Pyramidions 23-4 [20] pls. xiv [40], xv [31-2]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 193-4 [758].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Blocks. (a) five female relatives and text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Lhr in Panthon xxviii (1970), Abb. 4.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Blocks. (b) two registers of female and male offering bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Blocks. (c) offering-bearers approaching offerings, with remains of cattle counting above, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
Graefe in Zivie, A.-P. (ed.), Memphis et ses ncropoles au Nouvel Empire [etc.], 50 [7] pl. 4.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Blocks. (d) two male and four female offering-bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Blocks. (e) remains of twenty columns of text and man on right, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Blocks. (f) priest censing, and remains of shrine with squatting divinities and steps above, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
Lhr in Panthon xxviii (1970), Abb. 6.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block. (g) four male offering bearers, two female mourners, and priest censing, with remains of cattle
counting before deceased and wife seated above, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Offering bearer with yoke and mourners, Werbrouck, Pleureuses 83 pl. xxxiii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Block. (h) deceased with wife and two sons before Sekhmet in shrine, and offerings, and children as
offering bearers below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (JE 11975).
Le Rgne du Soleil. Akhnaton and Nfertiti Exposition ... Bruxelles, 17 janvier - 16 mars 1975, No. 70.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 2 (of Loret).
Amenemonet. End of Dyn. XVIII.
Double-statue, deceased and wife Nefertere seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1215.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 4 (of Loret). Thay. End of
Stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34542 (Temp. No.
Upper part Thay, Myliwiec, Le Portrait royal pl. cx [243].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 4 (of Loret). Thay. End of
Statue, ebony, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33255.
Lange, K. Knig Echnaton and die Amarna-Zeit pls. 48-9.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Part reconstructed in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
(1) Judgement scene and deceased and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 14-15 [20] pl. xxix.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Part reconstructed in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(2) Upper part, remains of deities. Lower part, Fields of Iaru, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 11-12 [10] pls. xxi, xxii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Part reconstructed in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Doorway. (a) and (b) Deceased adoring, (c)-(f) names and titles from offering texts, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 12 [11-14], 14 [18, 19] pls. xxiii, xxiv.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Part reconstructed in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
(4) Two registers, I, deceased and wife before a god, and deceased before a god in shrine and goddess, II,
deceased and wife offering head of oryx to bark of Sokari, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 13-14 [17] pl. xxviii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Part reconstructed in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
(5) Two registers, I, deceased and wife before god, and deceased before god, II, deceased and wife adoring
Thoth, and deceased adoring Thoth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 12-13 [15] pls. xxv, xxvi.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Part reconstructed in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
(6) Two registers, I, double scene, deceased before a goddess, II, double scene, deceased adoring Horus,
and adoring Wepwaut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 13 [16] pl. xxvii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Part reconstructed in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
(7) Registers, I, lower part of deceased and wife before a god and goddess, II, deceased adoring bull and
seven cows with genii and oars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 10-11 [9] pls. xix, xx.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Part reconstructed in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
(8) Seated statue of Osiris, uninscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 10 [9] pl. xviii [a].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Part reconstructed in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
(9) Remains of text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 11 pl. xviii [b].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Outer Hall.
iii2.554(11) and (12)
(11) and (12) Blocks with text on lawsuit concerning land presented to Mosis ancestor Neshi by Amosis,
with one document dated year 58 or 59 of Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 22-7 pls. xxxviii [upper], l-lxiii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Inner Hall.
(13) Doorway. (a) Deceased adoring before pylon, with [large figure of deceased] behind; (b) deceased
with scribes equipment before pylon, and two registers behind, deceased before two goddesses, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 7 [1, 2] pls. iii-vi.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Inner Hall.
(14)-(15) Offering bearers, with deceased before Ptah and [goddess] in shrine above at (15), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 8 [4], 9-10 [7] pls. ix, x, xiv.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ramesses II. Inner Hall.
(16) Remains of three registers, I, offering scenes before deities, II, deceased and wife, parents, and
another couple, being offered and censed, III, offering bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 8-9 [5] pls. xi, xii [a], xiii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Inner Hall.
(17) Bottom registers of offering bearers, with deceased before Ptah-Sokari-Osiris in shrine and cow
headed Hathor above, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 7-8 [3] pls. vii, viii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Inner Hall.
(18) Deceased and others before jury, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 10 [8] pls. xv-xvii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Pillars.
Lower part of pillar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Gaballa, The Memphite Tomb-Chapel of Mose 19-20 pls. xlv-xlvii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. No. 5 (of Loret). Mosi. Temp.
Ramesses II. Other blocks.
(0.3) Three registers, I, almost completely lost, II, female mourners, and coffin in bark on sledge dragged
by oxen, III, statue of deceased in shrine, mourner and remains of two boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Assmann, Das Grab des Amenemope 180-1 fig. 11.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. S 2730 (and probably 2736).
Ipuia. Late Dyn. XVIII. Chapel.
Loose blocks. Registers of industries, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid North Side 36 pl. 13.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. S 2730 (and probably 2736).
Ipuia. Late Dyn. XVIII. Hall.
Block with wife and mourners before mummy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid North Side 35 pl. 11 [upper].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. S 2730 (and probably 2736).
Ipuia. Late Dyn. XVIII. Hall.
Stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44722.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid North Side 32-3 pl. 9.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. S 2730 (and probably 2736).
Ipuia. Late Dyn. XVIII. Hall.
Stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid North Side 35 pl. 11 [lower].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. S 2730 (and probably 2736).
Ipuia. Late Dyn. XVIII. Hall.
Two blocks, scenes before canopic jars and coffins, son Huy with wife censing to statue of deceased, and
garden with trees and pond with boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid North Side 33-5 fig. pl. 10.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. S 2730 (and probably 2736).
Ipuia. Late Dyn. XVIII. Room west of Hall.
Man leading horses, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44924.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid North Side 35 pl. 12 [upper].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. S 2730 (and probably 2736).
Ipuia. Late Dyn. XVIII. Finds.
Statuette of naked boy wearing large earrings, with name Iy on base, wood, late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 44884.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid North Side 37-8 pl. 20 [1-3].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Mahu, Dyn. XIX to XX.
Offering-table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23094 (JE 33257).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kamal, Tables doffrandes 81 pl. xx.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Mahu, Dyn. XIX to XX.
Block with Kings Zesernub, Teti (probably Sekhemkhet) and Userkaf squatting before hawk headed ReHarakhti and a god, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33258.
Gauthier in BIFAO v (1906), 41-2 fig.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Mahu, Dyn. XIX to XX.
Stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33260.
See Bull. Inst. g. iii Sr. 9 (1898), 412-13.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Statues.
Nude girl with basket on head, ebony, probably mirror-handle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 47789.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemeteries ii, pl. 45 [E]; i, 78 [80, v].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Statues.
Crocodile dedicated to Sobk by Amenemwia, damaged, from S 2720, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45103.
See Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 11.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Stelae.
Neban(en)su and wife Henutnefert adoring Osiris, and children before Senu and wife Ipu seated, temp.
Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34055 (JE 33107, 37909).
Lacau, Stles 98-9 pl. xxxiii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Blocks, etc.
Blocks, Merya and wife Sitti, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX to XX. (a) Two scenes, deceased and wife
seated, with family and musicians, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44926.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 11, 36 pl. 15.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Blocks, etc.
Blocks, Merya and wife Sitti, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX to XX. (b) Deceased adoring Ptah-Sokari, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44928.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 37 pl. 17 [left].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Blocks, etc.
Blocks, Merya and wife Sitti, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX to XX. (c) Wife adoring Hathor, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 37 pl. 17 [right].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Blocks, etc.
Blocks, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX to XX, found with last. (a) Two registers of offering-bearers, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44925 (Temp. No.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 36 pl. 16.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Blocks, etc.
Blocks, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX to XX, found with last. (b) Osiris and Isis, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 44929.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 37 pl. 18 [upper left].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Blocks.
Royal head, probably Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47777.
Myliwiec, Le Portrait royal dans le bas-relief du Nouvel Empire 96 n.1 pl. xcii [207].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Blocks, etc.
Blocks, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX to XX, found with last. (c) Upper part, purification scene, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 44930.
Quibell and Hayter, Teti Pyramid, North Side 37 pl. 18 [upper right].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Various.
Offering-table of Minnakht, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23079
(JE 27914).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 66 pl. xvii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Various.
Cylindrical box with animals and plants, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 44706 (JE 32744).
Borchardt in Studies Presented to F. Ll. Griffith 257-8 pl 26 [a]
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Scribes palette with hieratic text, middle Dyn. XVIII in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 69021
(JE 32970).
See Loret in Bull. Inst. g. iii Sr. 10 (1899), 98 [3].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (d) New Kingdom. Finds. Various.
Writing board, with part of the Prophecies of Neferti in hieratic on both sides, plaster-covered wood, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 25224 (JE 32972).
Text, Daressy, Ostraca 52-4.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. Various Finds from Mortuary Temple Area. Dyn. XIX to XX.
Stela, Huy and Tentamentet (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36853.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. Various Finds from Mortuary Temple Area. Dyn. XIX to XX.
Plaque of Huynufer, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39171.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 5, 79 pl. xxxv [4].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. Various Finds from Mortuary Temple Area. Dyn. XIX to XX.
Stela, Kennakht adored by Mentuemweset, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36856.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. Various Finds from Mortuary Temple Area. Dyn. XIX to XX.
Draughts-board of Kha, wood, temp. Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 68001 (JE 39925).
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 21, 114-15 pls. lviii [1], lix.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. Various Finds from Mortuary Temple Area. Dyn. XIX to XX.
Stela of Sayempeter, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39140.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 80 pl. xxxvi [5].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. Various Finds from Mortuary Temple Area. Dyn. XIX to XX.
Vase of Ramesses II, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40691.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 21, 114 pl. lvii [5].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
North burial chamber.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lower part of statuette of Pepy seated on ground, basalt, probably New Kingdom and intrusive, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 39143.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 7, 73 pl. xi (as granite).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber.
Rectangular wooden coffins of Karenen, inner and outer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39053-4 (or JE
39054a, b?, see below for another JE 39053).
Coffin texts, de Buck i-vii, Sq 6 C (outer) i Sq 5 C (inner).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber.
Rectangular wooden coffin of Nefersemdent, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39114.
Interior, Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), pls. xx-xxv.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber.
Head-rest of Nefersemdent, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39155.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber.
Head-rest of Karenen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39156.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber.
Canopic-box of Karenen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39107.
Text Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 10.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Two male and two female statuettes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39150-3.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 11, 74 pl. xiv.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Three boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39127-8, 39144.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 9, 11, 12, 75, 76 pls. xvii [2], xviii [1, 5].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Kitchen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Tooley, A. M. J. Egyptian Models and Scenes fig. 40.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Kitchen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 8, 11, 76 pl. xix [1].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Brewers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39146.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 12, 76 pl. xix [3].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Procession of offering-bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39126.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 8, 74 pl. xv.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Musicians before deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39130.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 10, 74-5 pl. xvi.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Carpenters, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39129.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 10, 75 pl. xvii [4].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Potters workshop, three models, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39131-2, 39147.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 10, 11, 75, 76 pl. xvii [1, 3], xviii [4], xix [4].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Ropemakers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 11, 75 pl. xviii [2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Early Middle Kingdom Tomb.
South burial chamber. Statuettes and models. Wood.
Spinning sheds, two models, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 8, 11, 74, 76 pls. xiii, xix [2] (as vineyards).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Shaft No. 289. Khenu and Ipiemsaf
Ipi. 1st Int. Period. Burial chamber. Khenu.
iii2.561 and Addenda
Inner rectangular wooden coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39052.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), pl. xxviii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Shaft No. 289. Khenu and Ipiemsaf
Ipi. 1st Int. Period. Burial chamber. Khenu.
Inscribed wooden sticks and clubs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.
Texts, Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), pl. 17.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Shaft No. 289. Khenu and Ipiemsaf
Ipi. 1st Int. Period. Burial chamber. Khenu.
Rowing-boat with inscribed statuette of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39145, 39149.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 16, 77 pl. xxix.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Shaft No. 289. Khenu and Ipiemsaf
Ipi. 1st Int. Period. Burial chamber. Ipiemsaf.
Coffin of Ipiemsaf [Sq 8 C], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, possibly JE 39053 (but see above for the same
See Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 15.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Shaft. No. 276. Tha. Early Middle
Royal statue, legs below knees missing, possibly Teti, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39103.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 19, 77 pl. xxxi.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. Statues.
Male head, quartzite, end of Dyn. XXV or early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38561.
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 29 pl. xxx [1, 2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. Statues.
iii2.562 and Addenda
Thauineb-hezet (woman), wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39158.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 78 pl. xxxii [4, 5].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. False-doors. 1st Int. Period
or early Middle Kingdom.
Harshefnakht, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38556, now in Port Sad Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 20 pl. xii cf. on v.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. False-doors. 1st Int. Period
or early Middle Kingdom.
Hetepi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39102.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 72 pl. vi [2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. False-doors. 1st Int. Period
or early Middle Kingdom.
Hetepmert, woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57197 (JE 38554).
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. False-doors. 1st Int. Period
or early Middle Kingdom.
Inpuemhet, same man as following, false door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57211 (JE 38552).
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 22-4 (text), 26 pls. xv, xix [3].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. False-doors. 1st Int. Period
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or early Middle Kingdom.
Inpuemhet, same man as preceding, side piece with registers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38560,
another in New York NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 10.175.71.
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 22-4 (text), 26 pls. xv, xix [3].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. False-doors. 1st Int. Period
or early Middle Kingdom.
Ipi In, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57212 (JE 38557).
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 20-2 pl. xiii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. False-doors. 1st Int. Period
or early Middle Kingdom.
Kheti Irti-tetiankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57209 (JE 38559).
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 20 pls. xi cf. ix [lower].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. False-doors. 1st Int. Period
or early Middle Kingdom.
Khuy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57210 (JE 38558).
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 22 pl. xiv.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. False-doors. 1st Int. Period
or early Middle Kingdom.
Sit-khemt, woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57202 (JE 38553).
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 24 pl. xvi [right].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. False-doors. 1st Int. Period
or early Middle Kingdom.
Theset Mestni, woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57206 (JE 38555).
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 24 pl. xvi [left].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. Side-pieces. 1st Int. Period
or early Middle Kingdom.
Hetepmert, woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38542.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. Lintels, blocks, etc. 1st Int.
Period or early Middle Kingdom.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block, Khety, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39228.
Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 19, 72 pl. vii [4].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. Offering tables. 1st Int.
Period or early Middle Kingdom.
Ipi, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57015 (JE 38429).
Moret and Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii [1], 21 pls.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. Offering tables. 1st Int.
Period or early Middle Kingdom.
Inpuemhet-wer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57018 (JE 38428).
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 25 pl. xviii [2].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. Offering tables. 1st Int.
Period or early Middle Kingdom.
Inpuemsaf, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57017 (JE 38426).
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906) 4, 25 pl. xviii [1].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. Offering tables. 1st Int.
Period or early Middle Kingdom.
Menankh-pepy [Meni] and Ni[ankh]-hathor, alabaster, probably Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 57014 (JE 38427).
Fischer, Dendera in the Third Millenium B.C. 27-8 [9] n.117 fig. 6 pl. iv.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Finds. Offering tables. 1st Int.
Period or early Middle Kingdom.
Senezemib Bebibi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57016 (JE 38430).
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 19, 25 pls. xviii [3], cf. ix [upper].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. West and South-West of the Pyramid. LS 20 [C 26] Iy. Dyn. V. or later.
False-door of wife Nefert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57124 (JE 39135).
L. D. ii.100 [b].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. West and South-West of the Pyramid. Pedepep. Dyn. XXVI.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Four canopic-jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4266-9 (JE 30680).
Texts, Reisner, Canopics 183-5.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. West and South-West of the Pyramid. LS 19. Psammethek-nebpehti.
Dyn. XXVI. West room.
Sarcophagus, anthropoid, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Divinities and text on lid, L. D. iii.279 [e].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. West and South-West of the Pyramid. Firth Excavation. Theteti. Late
Dyn. VI. Statuettes.
Statue (as statuette in Bibl.) of man wearing long kilt, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49371.
Encycl. phot. Caire pl. 43.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. Tomb of Theteti. Wooden statuettes.
Statue of deceased wearing long kilt, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93161.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 77, 292-3 [A 90] figs.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. Tomb of Theteti. Wooden statuettes.
Statue of deceased wearing short kilt, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93162.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 77, 302-3 [A 95] figs.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. Tomb of Theteti. Wooden statuettes.
Statue of deceased wearing long kilt, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93163.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 77, 294-5 [A 91] figs.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. Tomb of Theteti. Wooden statuettes.
Statuette of Shemi, wearing long kilt, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64905 [= Gunn MSS. xiv.
42 [2, right]].
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 75, 76, 287 [A 87] figs. on 286,
287 [upper and lower left].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. West and South-West of the Pyramid. Firth Excavation. Finds. False
Sit-iythenu (woman), Dyn. VI or 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59158.
Fischer in Z 90 (1963), 36-7 Taf. vi.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. West and South-West of the Pyramid. Firth Excavation. Finds. Offering
Senbeb and wife Aku, Dyn. XIII (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23031 (JE 27095).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 25-6 pl. xiv.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 49. Khnemhotp. Dyn. V. Chapel.
West wall. False door. Panel, deceased at table, and offering list, with man with linen and another censing
on left, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1423 (JE 15215).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 103-4 Bl. 23.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 49. Khnemhotp. Dyn. V.
Offering-table of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15214.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 49. Khnemhotp. Dyn. V.
Offering-table of wife Khentetka, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1367
(JE 27918).
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 30-1 (text).
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later. Offering room.
Registers, I-II, estates, III-IV, attendants, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1558.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 19-21 Bl. 62 (caption interchanged with 1559).
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later. Offering room.
Deceased at table and below, registers with musicians, singers, dancers, and clappers, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1533 (JE 28504).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 231-2 Bl. 47.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later. Offering room.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1484 (JE 15132, 28506, 28820).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 177-81 Bl. 40.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later. Statues.
Deceased seated, with wife, both headless, double-statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 94, 285.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 74, 177 Bl. 21 (CG 94).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later. Statues.
Deceased standing, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 284.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 176.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later. Statues.
Deceased, two, seated, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 30-1.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 30-1 Bl. 8.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later. Statues.
Deceased, seated, headless, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 69.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 59.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later. Statues.
Deceased seated, headless, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 174.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 122.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later.
Deceased seated, headless, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35312.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later.
Deceased seated, upper part lost, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 178.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 124.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later.
Deceased seated, head and fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 263, 265-6.
Head, (CG 263), Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 168 pl. 57; CG 255-6, see 168-9 (text).
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later. Statues.
Two scribe-statues, headless, limestone and granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 103, 170.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 81, 120 Bl. 38 (CG 170).
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 47. Nenkheftka. Temp. Sahure or later. Statues.
Fragments of servant-statuettes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 321-3.
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Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 186-7.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 50. Nikaure. Temp. Raneferef or later.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57173.
Name and titles, Mariette, Mastabas 313 [c].
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 51. Ptahhotp. Temp. Userkaf or later. Finds.
Lower part of seated statue, formerly in Huber colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 156
(JE 8384).
Sketch and text, Brugsch, Recueil 13 pl. vii [3].
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 52. Senenuankh. Temp. Sahure or later, or Dyn. VI (Baer).
Block bringing animals, oryx, gazelle and ibex (probably from here), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Men bringing animals to deceased and scribes.
Shanawi and Harpur, in JEA 74 (1988), 61-2 fig. 4.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 52. Senenuankh. Temp. Sahure or later, or Dyn. VI (Baer).
Block, upper part of five estates, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Deceased seated, and estates.
Sharawi and Harpur, in JEA 74 (1988), 61 fig. 3.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 52. Senenuankh. Temp. Sahure or later, or Dyn. VI (Baer).
Two adjoining blocks from above niche, (a) Lower part deceased at table, (b) three remaining registers of
offering bearers and butchers, both in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1554 (one = JE 57179).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 14-15 Bl. 59 (block b).
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 52. Senenuankh. Temp. Sahure or later, or Dyn. VI (Baer).
Ointment-slab, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1337 (JE 19545).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 18 Bl. 6.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 55. Neferirtnef. Temp. Neferirkare or later. Statues.
Deceased seated, with wife squatting and small son Werkauptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 21.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 21-3 Bl. 6.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 55. Neferirtnef. Temp. Neferirkare or later. Statues.
Lower part of seated statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 157.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 113-14 (text).
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 56. Nimaetsed. Temp. Neuserre or later. Statues.
Double-statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 133.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 99-100 Bl. 30.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 56. Nimaetsed. Temp. Neuserre or later. Statues.
Scribe-statue of deceased, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 58 (JE 37207).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 51-2 Bl. 15.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 56. Nimaetsed. Temp. Neuserre or later. Statues.
Deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 88.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 69-70 Bl. 20.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 56. Nimaetsed. Temp. Neuserre or later. Statues.
Man cleaning jar, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 113.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 88 Bl. 25.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. D 58. Raneferefankh. Temp. Raneferef or later.
Statue of man seated, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 87.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 69 Bl. 19.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. E 11. Neferseshem-seshet Khenu. Dyn. VI. Offering niche. In Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
South and north walls. Deceased at table, offering list and offering-bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1491-2 (JE 30188).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 192-8 Bl. 42.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. E 11. Neferseshem-seshet Khenu. Dyn. VI. Offering niche. In Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1490 (JE 30187).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 191-2 Bl. 41.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. E 11. Neferseshem-seshet Khenu. Dyn. VI. Perhaps from here.
Blocks with offering bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1542, 1545 (JE 37102), 1553
(JE 37103), 1676.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 1-2, 4-5, 13-14, 130 Bl. 53-4, 59.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. E 13. Meryre-ankh Ihynes. Temp. Pepy I or later.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1483 (JE 11331).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 174-6 Bl. 39.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. F 1. Niankh-re. Dyn. V.
Statue with small figures of wife squatting and son Inpukha by his legs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 54-5 Bl. 16.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. F 3. Minnufer. Dyn. V-VI.
False-door. Upper part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1516 (JE 27936).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 219-20.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. F 3. Minnufer.
False-door. Lintel with offering text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1680.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 132.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. Harkhebi. Dyn. XXVI.
Canopic-jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35781.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 77.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. Harkhebi. Dyn. XXVI.
Mummy-mask and ornaments, some inscribed, gilt silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52779-80 (JE
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 80.
Saqqra. East of the Step Pyramid. LS 24. Bekenrenef. Temp. Psammetikhos I.
Two blocks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Saqqra. In the Step Pyramid Enclosure. Old Kingdom.
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Double-statue of Nikauhor, same man as following, Dyn. V, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Lauer in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 449-50 pl. xviii.
Saqqra. In the Step Pyramid Enclosure. Old Kingdom.
Seated statue of Nikauhor, same man as preceding, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 71968.
Lauer in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 450 pl. lxix.
Saqqra. In the Step Pyramid Enclosure. New Kingdom.
Female head with earrings, wood with plaster, end of Dyn. XVIII or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 71969.
Lauer in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 450 pl. lxx.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. D 62. Ptahhotp [I]. Temp. Isesi. Finds.
Two wooden statues, presumably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72379-80.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. D 62. Ptahhotp [I]. Temp. Isesi. Finds.
Cylinder seal with Horus-name of Raneferef, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72209.
Fischer in Metropolitan Museum Journal 6 (1972) 14 n.32 fig. 23.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. D 62. Ptahhotp [I]. Temp. Isesi. Finds.
Stopper of Zadkare Isesi, allegedly from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72204.
Kaplony, Rollsiegel ii, 329 [25] Taf. 89.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. D 62. Ptahhotp [I]. Temp. Isesi. Finds.
Sealing with name of Raneferef, allegedly from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72205.
Kaplony, Rollsiegel ii, 284-6 [4] Taf. 80.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. D 62. Ptahhotp [I]. Temp. Isesi. Finds.
Sealing with name of Khephren, allegedly from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72206.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kaplony, Rollsiegel ii, 55 [20] Taf. 19.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. D 63. Iteti Ankhiris. Dyn. VI. Offering room.
False-door with statue at back of niche and offering list on inner jambs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
57190 (JE 15157 and 39134).
Murray, Saqqara Mastabas i, 18-19 pls. xviii, xix.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. D 63. Iteti Ankhiris. Dyn. VI. Statues of deceased.
Seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 45.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 41-2 Bl. 12.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. D 63. Iteti Ankhiris. Dyn. VI. Statues of deceased.
Standing, with feet together, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 47.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 43 Bl. 12.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Thefu (probably also Ptahhotp). End of Dyn. V. Other finds.
Offering-table of Ptah[hotp] Thefu, alabaster, perhaps from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1332 (JE 27850).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 15-16 Bl. 5.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. D 61. Duaenre. Middle Dyn. V or later. Offering room.
False door. Panel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1511.
Text Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 216.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ishethi Thethi. Temp. Pepy II or later. Serdab with wooden statues
and statuettes.
Two, deceased with staff and sceptre, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88575-6.
Lauer in Rev. dg. vii (1950), 16 [1, 2] pl. i [c, b].
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ishethi Thethi. Temp. Pepy II or later. Serdab with wooden statues
and statuettes.
Man in long kilt, found in shaft, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88577.
Lauer in Rev. dg. vii (1950), 18 [top] pl. ii [a, b].
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ishethi Thethi. Temp. Pepy II or later. Serdab with wooden statues
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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and statuettes.
Man, found in shaft, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88578.
Lauer in Rev. dg. vii (1950), 18 [near top] pl. ii [d].
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ishethi Thethi. Temp. Pepy II or later. Serdab with wooden statues
and statuettes.
Female offering-bearer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88579.
Lauer in Rev. dg. vii (1950), 16 [3] pl. ii [c, right].
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ishethi Thethi. Temp. Pepy II or later. Serdab with wooden statues
and statuettes.
Woman pounding grain, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88580.
Lauer in Rev. dg. vii (1950), 16-17 [4] pl. ii [c, left].
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ishethi Thethi. Temp. Pepy II or later. Serdab with wooden statues
and statuettes.
Man and kneeling female mourner, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88581-2.
Drioton and Lauer in Ann. Serv. lv (1958), 216-17 [d, e] pl. xii.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Sebkemkhent Sebeky. Temp. Pepy II or later. Found in shaft.
Offering-table, with model grains of corn, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89602.
Drioton and Lauer in Ann. Serv. lv (1958), 244-5 [1] fig. 18.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Sebkemkhent Sebeky. Temp. Pepy II or later. Found in shaft.
(a) Statue of deceased, fragmentary, squatting, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89599.
Drioton and Lauer in Ann. Serv. lv (1958), 242-3 pl. xxv [a, left].
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Sebkemkhent Sebeky. Temp. Pepy II or later. Found in shaft.
(b) and (c) Two statues of deceased, fragments, seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89600-1.
Drioton and Lauer in Ann. Serv. lv (1958), 243 pl. xxv [a middle and right, b].
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. E 14. Nezemib. Dyn. VI.
Lintel with offering-text and address, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1732.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 162 Bl. 94.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. H 1. Nisu-usert. Dyn. V-VI.
Incomplete false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1444 (JE 27922).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 126-7.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. H 1. Nisu-usert. Dyn. V-VI.
Block from side of niche with name and title, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1688 (JE 27921).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 136, 162.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. H 1. Nisu-usert. Dyn. V-VI.
Block from side of niche with name and title, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1733.
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 136, 162.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Pernezu. Dyn. VI.
False door. Blocks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1684 (JE 27926), CG 1689 (JE 27927), CG 1690 (JE
27924), CG 1718 (JE 27925).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 134, 136-7, 154 (texts) Bl. 92 (CG 1718).
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Pernezu. Dyn. VI.
False-door of wife Niankh-hathor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1506 (JE 4738).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 211 Bl. 44.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A.
Ankh-hap, rectangular, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29301 (JE 17429).
Maspero, Sarcophages i, 1-73 pls. i-v.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A. Anthropoid sarcophagi.
Ankhet, daughter of Unnufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4739.
Buhl, Sarcophagi 124-6 [H, l] fig. 74, cf. pl. ix (titles).
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A. Anthropoid sarcophagi.
Gemhap, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.
Schmidt, Levende og Dde 219 figs. 1231-2.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A. Anthropoid sarcophagi.
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Hekenut, daughter of Renpetnefert (mother), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 17431.
See Buhl, Sarcophagi 111, 114 [F, G 2] (names).
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A. Anthropoid sarcophagi.
Herubaste, daughter of Esiarhesbet (mother), basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. Nos.
Buhl, Sarcophagi 48 [E, a 10] fig. 12.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A. Anthropoid sarcophagi.
Nefarud, lid, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4740 (Temp. No.
Buhl, Sarcophagi 93 [F, a 4] fig. 55, cf. pl. v (title).
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A. Anthropoid sarcophagi.
Sethet, daughter of Semset (mother), lid, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6400
(Temp. No.
Buhl, Sarcophagi, 93 [F, a 5] fig. 54.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A. Anthropoid sarcophagi.
Unnufer, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Buhl, Sarcophagi 39-40 [E, a 2] fig. 9, cf. pl. ii (title).
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb B.
Rectangular sarcophagus of Zeho, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29302 (JE 17430).
Moret, Sarcophages i, 73-86 pls. vi-viii.
Saqqra. Finds from West of the Step Pyramid.
Male statue, fragmentary, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 999 (JE 27954).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 20.
Saqqra. Finds from West of the Step Pyramid.
Hand with part of offering-table, of a Chief ... of Memphis, black granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1017 (JE 27942).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 28 (text).

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Finds from West of the Step Pyramid.
Fragment statue of Ze-esefankh, holding Osiris, schist, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1058 (JE 27940).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 42.
Saqqra. Finds from West of the Step Pyramid.
Two pillars of User, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1550-1 (JE 27932-3).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 8-9 Bl. 56-7.
Saqqra. Finds from West of the Step Pyramid.
Block with registers, I, rope-making, II, making papyrus canoe, III, text only, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1697 (JE 27931).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches 141 Bl. 90.
Saqqra. E'. In the Great Enclosure.
Stela of Djeharbes, with Djeharbes on bier surrounded by Anubis, Isis, and Nephthys, and seated with two
attendants, with hieroglyphic and demotic texts, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98807.
Sheikholeslami, C. M. The Egyptian Museum at the Millennium. A special exhibition in honor of the VIIIth
International Congress of Egyptologists, 28 March-3 April 2000, 117 pl. 32.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Tomb A.
Sealings of Hetepsekhemui, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35586-8, 35590-5.
Maspero in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 187-90.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Tomb A.
Sealings of Raneb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35584-5, 35609-18.
Maspero in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 187-90.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Tomb A.
Sealings of Perneb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35598-608.
Maspero in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 187-90.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Tomb A.
Sealing, illegible, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35619.
Maspero in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 187-90.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Seshemnufer Ifi. Dyn. VI. Burial chamber.
Wooden rectangular coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28121.
Donadoni Roveri, Sarcofagi egizi 161-2 [C 21] Tav. xxxvii [2].
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Mitri. End of Dyn. V or early Dyn. VI.
Statue of wife ...menkaure..., wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51738.
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 55 fig. Upper part, Firth in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 101 pl. v.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Mitri, end of Dyn. V or early Dyn. VI.
Statue of hunchback, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52081.
Mller, H. in MDAIK 7 (1937), 104 Taf. 19.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Mitri. End of Dyn. V or early Dyn. VI.
Scribe-statue of deceased with child (now lost), inscribed, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 93165.
Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 101 pl. iv [A].
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Mitri. End of Dyn. V or early Dyn. VI.
Scribe-statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93166.
Zayed, Trois tudes dgyptologie 17-18 [ii] figs. 12 [right] (in situ), 14, 15.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Rakhuf. Dyn. VI. Serdab.
Statue of deceased, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93164.
Hassan, Gza v, 46 pl. viii.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Iyka, Dyn. V.
False-door, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72201.
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 58 fig.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Iyka, Dyn. V.
Offering-basin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57043 (JE 72202).
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii, 38-9 pl.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around the Pyramid complex of Unis. Tomb of Akhtihotp. Dyn. V-VI. Serdab.
Statue of deceased, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93167.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 61-2, 148-9 [A 18] figs. and pl. ii
[3rd from left] (from Zayed).
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid complex of Unis. Tomb of Akhtihotp. Dyn. V-VI. Serdab.
Statue of man, right arm lost, not inscribed, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93168 (probably this).
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 61-2 [A 14] fig. pl. ii [3rd from
right] (from Zayed).
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid complex of Unis. Tomb of Akhtihotp. Dyn. V-VI. Serdab.
Statue of man, left foot and part of right foot lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93169.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 61-2, 150-1 [A 19] fig.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid complex of Unis. Tomb of Akhtihotp. Dyn. V-VI. Serdab.
Statue of deceased with staff, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93170.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 61-2, 142-3 [A 15] figs. and pl. ii
[left] (from Zayed).
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid complex of Unis. Tomb of Akhtihotp. Dyn. V-VI. Serdab.
Statue of man, right arm lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93171.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 61-2, 152-3 [A 20] fig. and pl. ii
[right] (from Zayed).
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid complex of Unis. Tomb of Akhtihotp. Dyn. V-VI. Serdab.
Statue of man, nude, left arm and lower legs lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93172.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 61-2, 155 [A 21] fig. on 154
[right] (from Zayed).
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid complex of Unis. Tomb of Akhtihotp. Dyn. V-VI. Serdab.
Statue of man with staff, not inscribed, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93173.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 61-2, 144-5 [A 16] figs. and pl. ii
[2nd from left] (from Zayed).
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid complex of Unis. Tomb of Akhtihotp. Dyn. V-VI. Serdab.
Statue of woman, lower legs lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93174.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 61-2, 156-7 [A 22] fig., fig.
on 154 [left] (from Zayed), pl. ii [2nd from right] (from Zayed).
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid complex of Unis. Tomb of Akhtihotp. Dyn. V-VI. Serdab.
Statue of man, left forearm and lower legs lost, uninscribed, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93175.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 61-2, 146-7 [A 17] figs.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Ptahshepses. End of Dyn. V.
Sarcophagus, uninscribed, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87077.
Brunton in Ann. Serv. xlvii (1947), 125, 132-3 pl. xv.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Ptahshepses. End of Dyn. V.
Gold belt with inscribed plaque, found on mummy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87078.
Drioton in Bull. Inst. g. xxvi (1943-4), 84-9 figs. 5-7.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Esbanebded. Dyn. XXVI.
Four canopic-jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34162.
See Barsanti in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 189-90.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Thanenhebu. Temp. Amasis. Substructure with vaulted
Four canopic-jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34330.
Pernigotti in Bresciani, La tomba di Ciennehebu 56-8, 63-4 Tav. xxiv, xliii, xliv.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Thanenhebu. Temp. Amasis.
Anthropoid sarcophagus, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35156.
Pernigotti in Bresciani, La tomba di Ciennehebu 45-51, 59-61 Tav. xiii-xix.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Thanenhebu. Temp. Amasis.
Gold pendant. (a) Plaque with vulture on recto and text from Book of the Dead on verso, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 53247 (JE 34474).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries ii, on pl. xcviii.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Thanenhebu. Temp. Amasis.
Gold pendant. (b) Collar-form, with text from Book of the Dead, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 53249 (JE 34476).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries ii, on pl. xcviii.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Thanenhebu. Temp. Amasis.
Inscribed gold band, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53800 (JE 34472).
Silvis in Bresciani, La tomba di Ciennehebu 79 Tav. xxxi [left and upper right].
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Psammethek. Perhaps temp. Amasis. Subsidiary burial
chamber. Setyerboni (woman).
Four canopic-jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34078.
The Royal Mummies. The Egyptian Museum (1994), fig. on 52nd p. [right].
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Pedenesi. Temp. Amasis. Substructure.
Sarcophagus, anthropoid, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34648.
Buhl, Sarcophagus 20-1 [A, 1] fig. 1.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Pedeneit. Probably late Dyn. XXVI. Finds.
Canopic-jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34679 (at least one in Port Said, Port Said
National Museum).
See Barsanti in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 99. One (Hapy), in Port Said, Port Said National Museum, Port Said
National Museum (1986), 6th pl. [right] (Arabic text).
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Hekaemsaf. Temp. Amasis.
Gold mask and inscribed band, from wooden coffin and mummy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 53668 (JE 35923).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries ii, pl. ciii; i, 478-80.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Hekaemsaf. Temp. Amasis.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Four canopic-jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35901.
Arts of Ancient Egypt: Treasures on Another Scale figs. 29-32. See Barsanti in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 72 n.2.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Hekaemsaf. Temp. Amasis.
Three small clay boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35920-2.
See Barsanti in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 73.
Saqqra. Finds from the area around the Pyramid-complex of Unis.
Double statue, Amenemopet, Gods father beloved of Ptah, First prophet of Mut of the Horns of the
Gods, with wife, probably late Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Forbes, D. in KMT 15 [1] (2004), fig. on 30 [upper left].
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Finds.
Statue-group, Osiris, Isis and Nephthys, dedicated by Haremhab, granite, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 39220 (JE 34678).
Daressy, Statues de divinits 304-5 pl. lviii.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Finds.
False-door of Memi, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57168 (JE 36808).
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Finds.
Faience statuette of Bes with cartouche of Takelothis II, from fan, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 86161.
Saad in Ann. Serv. xlii (1943), 147-9 figs. 25-7 pl. xiii.
Saqqra. Around the Pyramid-complex of Unis. Finds.
Offering-table of Ahepmen, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57021.
Moret and Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii [1], 24 pls.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremias and the Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 31. Ptahhotp. Middle
of Dyn. V or later. Old Kingdom Finds.
Block, sower, and heads of men with rams treading grain, and shepherds song, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 41572.
Text, Quibell, Saqqara (1907-8), 146 [top].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremias and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 31. Ptahhotp. Middle
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Dyn. V or later.
Offering-stand of Serefka, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57048 (JE 41524).
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii, 41 pls.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. Tomb of Haremhab. Temp.
Tutankhamun or Ay.
Text of hymn to Re, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
de Roug, Inscr. hiro. pls. civ-cvi.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. Tomb of Haremhab. Temp.
Tutankhamun or Ay. Blocks and other monuments removed from the tomb.
Four column sections, deceased kneeling in adoration before divinities, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Mariette, Mon. div. pl. 75 (reversed).
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 25. Iurokhy. Dyn. XIX
to XX.
iii2.661 and Addenda
Zad-pillar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65061.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxv (1935), 81-4 pl. 1.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 27. Maya. Temp.
Tutankhamun to Haremhab. Columned Hall.
Block, wife seated with man from another scene, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-10), 145 pl. lxxxii [1].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 27. Maya. Temp.
Tutankhamun to Haremhab. Columned Hall.
Block, Hathor-cow in shrine and offerings, perhaps from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-10), pl. lxxxi [1].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 27. Maya. Temp.
Tutankhamun to Haremhab. Columned Hall.
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Block, remains of hymn to the sun, and names and titles, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-10), 144 pl. lxxiv [2].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 27. Maya. Temp.
Tutankhamun to Haremhab. Columned Hall.
Block, remains of three registers, I, deceased and wife seated, with monkey under chair, three men
censing and bringing offerings, and deceased adoring Hathor cow in bark, II-III, registration of Syrian
captives and of humped cattle brought by herdsmen, before [deceased], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-10), 143, 144, 145 pls. lxv, lxvi, lxviA, lxix [5], lxxxii [2].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 27. Maya. Temp.
Tutankhamun to Haremhab. Columned Hall.
iii2.662(10) and (11)
Pilaster fragments, probably from here. Offering-text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43273.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-10), 144 pls. lxx [4], lxxiv [5].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 27. Maya. Temp.
Tutankhamun to Haremhab. Columned Hall.
iii2.662(10) and (11)
Pilaster fragments, probably from here. Hymn to the moon, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43272.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-10), 144 pl. lxx [6].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Registers, I (from right), deceased in bark with benu bird, spearing serpent, and reciting spell against
donkeys and crocodiles, and statues and mummy in purification and Opening the Mouth scenes, II, men
bringing funeral outfit, female mourners, and coffin carried, III, men in kiosks with offerings, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 8374.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 60.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Lower part of deceased at table, with wife squatting by chair, and three offering bearers below, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 8375.
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Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
I, deceased adores Duamutf and Kebhsenuf, II, deceased and wife before Hathor in sycamore, formerly in
Huber colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8376.
II, Reinisch, Miramar fig. 29 on 238. Texts, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. i, 317 [125, 6B].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Registers, I, Osiris seated, II, deceased kneeling adores Imset and Hepy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Texts, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. i, 317 [125, 6C].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Deceased kneeling adoring, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8378 (Temp. No.
Berlandini in BIFAO 77 (1977), 44 n.3 pl. xiv [B]. Head, Myliwiec, Le Portrait royal pl. xcvi [216]. Texts,
Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. i, 318 [125, 6D].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Osiris seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8379.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Offering-bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8380.
Texts, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. i, 318 [125, 6E].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Deceased seated, with wife by chair, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8380 bis.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. i, 318 [125, 6F].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Registers, I, kneeling offering-bearers, II, men before [deceased at] table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
8380 ter.
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Texts, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. i, 319 [125, 6G].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Jamb-fragment, with adjoining scenes of couple(?) and offering bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Texts, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. i, 319 [125, 6H].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Deceased adores Ptah and Sekhmet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8382.
Texts, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. i, 319 [125, 6I].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. LS 29. Harmin. Temp.
Sethos I. Blocks.
Tree-goddess scene, with woman Wenuro, and mentioning Ptahnufer, Scribe of the Treasury, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Zivie, C. M. in BIFAO 76 (1976), 25 [4] pl. x. Texts, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. i, 319 [125, 6J].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. Parahotp (or Rahotp).
Temp. Ramesses II.
Stela, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48845.
Vassalli MSS 24, 24A, 25 [upper].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. Tenry. Temp. Ramesses I.
Two incomplete walls inscribed on two faces and one thickness, (a) text of Book of the Dead, (b) two
registers, I, man before seated couple, II, head of man and text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34516 (JE 11335 and probably JE 18924).
Mariette, Mon. Div. 18-19 pls. 58, 57 [b]. Texts, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 481-7 [217, 3(a)-(j)] and 487-9
[217, 3(k)-(o)].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. Tenry. Temp. Ramesses I.
Lower part of statue of deceased kneeling with naos of Osiris, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 58-9.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. Merytneit Merytyaten
Meryre. Temp. Amenophis IV.
Pair statue of Meryre and wife Nia seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 99076.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. Neferronpet. Temp.
Ramesses II.
iii2.667A (moved from iii2.707)
Block-statue, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 713 (JE 18559).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 501 Bl. 132.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. Neferronpet. Temp.
Ramesses II.
iii2.667A (moved from iii2.707)
Block-statue, with naos of Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1034 (JE 25188).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 33.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Ptahmosi, fragment of block-statue, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 642 (JE 27961).
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 188.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Head of block-statue Dyn. XIX or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 850 (JE 27988).
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 121.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds. Stelae.
Huya, end of Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27958.
Suzuki, Sculpture of the World iii, Egypt on pl. 103.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds. Stelae.
Iny and wife Wiay, lower part with offering text, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 15115.
Gaballa in JEA 63 (1977), 125-6 pls. xxiii [2], xxiii A [2].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds. Stelae.
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[Ramosi] before deified King Teti, fragment, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40693.
Grdseloff in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 393-6 fig. 17 (as Ity).
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Block of Haremhab, deceased and wife offering and censing to Osiris and two goddesses on right, and
Min and a goddess on left, and another block with text, temp. Ramesses II or later, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43276 and Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 143, 144 pls. lxvii [2], lxxii [1], lxxiii [7].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Block of Haremhab, man and wife before Hathor-cow, temp. Ramesses II or later, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxx [1].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Block of Haremhab, upper part of priest censing before deceased at table, temp. Ramesses II or later, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 143-4 pls. lxviii [1], lxxiii [2], lxxiv [9].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Block of Haremhab, two registers, I, remains of divinities, II, deceased before seated couple, temp.
Ramesses II or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 144 pl. lxxiv [10].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Block of Haremhab, deceased adoring zad-pillar, with hymn to the sun above, temp. Ramesses II or later,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43277 (with another block).
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 143, 144 pls. lxvii [3], lxxiii [1].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
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Block of Haremhab, head of god and text, temp. Ramesses II or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 144, 145 pls. lxxiii [6], lxxxi [7].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Block of Haremhab, fragments of texts, temp. Ramesses II or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Nos., 13.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 144 pl. lxxiii [3, 4].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Block of Haremhab, head of wife, temp. Ramesses II or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43276.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxi [4].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Block of Haremhab, remains of text, temp. Ramesses II or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, no. not
Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 188 [107, (c)].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Two zad-pillars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43270.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxviii.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (a) Registers, I, remains of two people at table, II, oxen, female mourners, offering
bearers, and man in front of kiosk breaking jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43275.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 143 pls. lxvii [1], lxxx [4].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (b) Three registers of armourers and others at work, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 144, 145 pls. lxviii [4], lxxv [5].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (c) two adjoining blocks, mean bringing weapons, chariots, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxv [3, 7].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (d) two registers, I, Osiris seated with a goddess standing behind, and man from another
scene on right, II, priest censing shrine (with coffin), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 144, 145 pls. lxviii [6], lxxv [8].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (e) adjoining (f), incomplete registers, I, priest before man and wife, II, man before
deceased and wife at table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 144, 145 pls. lxviii [5], lxxv [6].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (f) adjoining (e), I, helmets and bundles of arrows, with man on right, II, chariots and
deceased on right, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 143, 145 pls. lxviii [3], lxxv [2].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (g) man weighing helmets, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxv [4].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (h) fragment of offering-list, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxvii [3].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
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Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (i) sacred cows, and Sons of Horus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxvii [4-6].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (a) Two faces, () deceased purified, followed by [wife] Iyemia, and () upper part of
man and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 144, 145 pls. lxviii [2], lxxv [1], and lxix [1], lxxvi [1].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. (b) Man seated before offerings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxvi [2].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (c) two faces, () woman kneeling, () deceased and wife kneeling before
tree-goddess, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 144, 145 pls. lxix [3, 4], lxxvi [5, 7].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (d) mourners, and priests censing and purifying [mummy], in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxvi [6].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (e) registers, I, lower part of man standing at table, II, remains of text, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxvii [7].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (f) two priests between Osiris and Anubis with mummy, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxix [1].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (g) two faces, () daughter under chair, and text of deceased, ()
Ptahemhab and wife Roy seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxvi [3], lxxx [2].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (h) remains of two columns of text of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxvi [8].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (i) deceased ploughing in Fields of Offerings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxvi [9].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (j) woman before offerings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxix [3].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (k) lower part man and wife and offering-bearers below, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 43277 (with another block).
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 145 pl. lxxvii [8].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (l) lower part of seated man with weapons etc., before and behind him, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxv [10].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, (m) upper part of daughter by chair of [deceased], in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxvi [4].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Kairi, Dyn. XIX. Other blocks, including daughter under chair with cat and monkey, tomb, deceased
before Osiris, seated statues and double statues of divinities, all probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 143, 144, 145 pls. lxix [2] and lxxvi [11], lxxv [9, 11], lxxvi [4, 10], lxxvii
[1, 2, 9].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
[Hatiay], Dyn. XIX, upper part of [deceased] and wife Meryptah and text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 144 pl. lxxiv [1].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Ptahemhab and Amenemhab Dyn. XIX. Two blocks from jambs, with tree goddess, etc., also showing
Ramosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46190-1.
Texts, Chban in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 180-2 [15, 14].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
[Man] and woman with sistrum squatting, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxiv [8].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Lower part of scene showing man playing flute before statue(?) and another adoring, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxx [3].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Pyramidal tomb with two columns, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxx [10].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Bark with shrine, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxxi [10].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
A Greatest of the directors of craftsmen at [table], Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxxi [13].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Bottom part of scene with man before gods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43275 (with other blocks).
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxx [11].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Men brining animals, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxx [6].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Courtiers with fans, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl. lxxxi [8].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. New Kingdom Finds.
Upper part of man, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), pl.lxxxi [12].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Esdhout.
Temp. Psammetikhos I. Chapel.
Block with dogs and animals in desert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Griffith Inst. photo. 360 [upper right].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Esdhout.
Temp. Psammetikhos I. Chapel.
Block with antelope and man, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-1910), 143 pl. lxii [3].
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Esdhout.
Temp. Psammetikhos I. Burial chamber.
Rectangular sarcophagus, with figure of deceased on lid, jackals and hawks in high relief on lid, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 29312 (JE 42954).
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages ii, 60-6 pls. xviii, xix.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Tomb of the
Psammetheks and Khedebneit-yerboni [II]. Psammethek [A]. Probably temp. Amasis.
Offering-table, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23114 (JE 40504, 38930).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 94 pl. xxvii.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Tomb of the
Psammetheks and Khedebneit-yerboni [II]. Psammethek [A]. Probably temp. Amasis.
Three canopic-jars, alabaster, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4308-10.
Names and titles, Mar. Cat. gn. des mon. dAbydos No. 1457; Reisner, Canopics 209-10.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Tomb of the
Psammetheks and Khedebneit-yerboni [II]. Psammethek [A]. Probably temp. Amasis.
Statue of Osiris seated, inscribed, greywacke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38358 (JE 38928).
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 252 fig.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Tomb of the
Psammetheks and Khedebneit-yerboni [II]. Psammethek [A]. Probably temp. Amasis.
Statue, Isis seated, inscribed, greywacke, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38884 (JE 38928).
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 250 fig.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Tomb of the
Psammetheks and Khedebneit-yerboni [II]. Psammethek [A]. Probably temp. Amasis.
Statue, deceased protected by Hathor-cow, greywacke, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 784 (JE 38927).
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 251 fig.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Tomb of the
Psammetheks and Khedebneit-yerboni [II]. Psammethek [B]. Probably temp. Amasis.
Sarcophagus, anthropoid, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34649.
Text, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xvii (1895), 24-5.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Tomb of the
Psammetheks and Khedebneit-yerboni [II]. Psammethek [B]. Probably temp. Amasis.
iii2.671 (formerly in Bibl. v.74)
Canopic-jars, alabaster, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4126-9.
Reisner, Canopics 88-92 pl. xviii.
Saqqra. Between Monastery of Apa Jeremais and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Tomb of the
Psammetheks and Khedebneit-yerboni [II]. West part. Khedebneit-yerboni [II]. Dyn. XXVI.
Canopic-jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4089-92.
Reisner in Z xxxvii (1899), 69 [26] fig. 10.
Saqqra. West of Pyramid of Pepy I. Tomb of Ipi. Dyn. VI.
Tomb wall, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1536-7. Five scenes (from left), I, deceased seated with
family, 2, registers, I-III, harvest, IV, butchers, 3, deceased in palanquin, with men with sunshades and
attendants, 4, three registers of boats, 5, registers (lost except for bottom one) of offering bearers before
[deceased] and wife.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 237-42 Bl. 50.
Saqqra. Between Pyramids of Merenre and Isesi. Mastaba of Dyn. XII. East chamber.
Rectangular wooden coffin of Kheperkare, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28036.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 101-7 pl. xiii.
Saqqra. Between Pyramids of Merenre and Isesi. Mastaba of Dyn. XII. East chamber.
Rectangular wooden coffin of Situbastet (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28034.
Texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 88-96.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Between Monastery and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Mastaba of Dyn. XII.
Rectangular wooden coffin of Hor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28035.
Texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 96-100.
Saqqra. Between Monastery and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. Mastaba of Dyn. XII.
Model boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Trois annes de fouilles [etc.], 209.
Saqqra. Between Monastery and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. North-west of Pyramid of
Mereure I. Deshri. 1st Int. Period.
Walls and ceiling-blocks of burial-chamber, with offering texts, granaries, offerings, and offering list, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1572.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 45-51 Bl. 72-4 bis.
Saqqra. Between Monastery and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. North-west of Pyramid of
Mereure I. Nebu (also Nebi). Temp. Mereure I or later.
Right side of door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1525.
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 225-6.
Saqqra. Between Monastery and Enclosure of Sekhemkhet. (c) Late Period. North-west of Pyramid of
Mereure I. Nebu (also Nebi). Temp. Mereure I or later.
Side wall of niche of wife Sebutet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1687.
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 135.
Saqqra. North-west of Pyramid of Merenre I. Iarti. Temp. Merenre or later.
Lintel, deceased, wife [son Merenresonb] and Khnemti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1634 (JE
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 101-2 Bl. 85.
Saqqra. North-west of Pyramid of Merenre I. Iarti. Temp. Merenre or later.
Offering-table, probably of wife, Merti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1355 (JE 27437).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 25, 224.
Saqqra. North-west of Pyramid of Merenre I. Iarti. Temp. Merenre or later.
False-door, probably of wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1523.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 25, 224.
Saqqra. Around Pyramid of Ibi. Tomb of Iri Khentkaus. End of Dyn. VI. Dyn. XIX to XX stelae.
Stela of Sety, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54155.
Jquier, Pyramide dAba 27 pl. xviii [3].
Saqqra. In and around Pyramid Enclosure of Iput II. Ankhnespepy. Kings mother (of Neferkare of Dyn.
Sarcophagus with names of Pepy I, granite with basalt lid, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65908.
Jquier, Les Pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit 51-4 fig. 30 pl. xl.
Saqqra. North-East of Pyramid of Pepy II. N.II. End of Dyn. VI.
Ointment-slab of Henut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 50674.
Jquier, Tombeaux de particuliers 91 fig. 102.
Saqqra. North-East of Pyramid of Pepy II. N.II. End of Dyn. VI.
Vase-lid with names of Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 50675.
Jquier, Tombeaux de particuliers 91 fig. 103 [right].
Saqqra. North-East of Pyramid of Pepy II. N.IV. End of Dyn. VI.
Head-rest, alabaster inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52545.
Jquier, Tombeaux de particuliers 105 [middle] pl. xiii [upper middle].
Saqqra. North-East of Pyramid of Pepy II. N.VIII. Raherka Ipi. End of Dyn. VI.
Wooden rectangular coffin usurped from Imapepy Ima, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52012.
Jquier, Tombeaux de particuliers 123, 125 pl. xvii.
Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.II. End of Dyn. VI or First Int. Period.
Statuette of man wearing long kilt, part of left foot lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49119.
Jquier, Tombeaux de particuliers 9 n. 1 pl. i [upper] (as JE 49110).
Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.IV. Washiptah. End of Dyn. VI.
Dish-fragment with name of Pepy II, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49857.
Jquier, Tombeaux de particuliers 26 fig. 24 [top].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.XI. Mehi. End of Dyn. VI.
Statuette of naked man, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52564.
Jquier, Tombeaux de particuliers 67 n. 4 pl. viii [left and right].
Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.XI. Mehi. End of Dyn. VI.
Statuette of man wearing long kilt, part of left foot lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52565.
Jquier, Tombeaux de particuliers 69 n. 1 pl. viii [middle upper].
Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.XI. Mehi. End of Dyn. VI.
Mummy-mask, cartonnage, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52538.
Jquier, Tombeaux de particuliers 75 n. 1 pl. viii [middle lower].
Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.XIII. Imameryre Imapepy. Temp. Pepy II.
Wooden statue, uninscribed, found wrapped in linen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59631.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepy II, iii, 55 pl. 54.
Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.XV. Teti. Temp. Pepy II.
Obelisk-fragment with titles, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63404.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepy II, iii, 69 fig. 72.
Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.XV. Teti. Temp. Pepy II.
Fragment decree of Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63398.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepy II, iii, 74 [bottom] fig. 74.
Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.XV. Teti. Temp. Pepy II.
Wooden panel with painted scene of Pepy II and Hathor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62950.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepy II, iii, frontispiece, 75-6.
Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.XVI. Anu. Temp. Pepy II.
Statuette with kilt covered with gold leaf, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63110.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepy II, iii, 153 fig. 17.
Saqqra. South of Pyramid of Pepy II and around Pyramid of Wezebten. Khubawy. Temp. Pepy II.
Stle-maison, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49805.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Jquier, La Pyramide dOudjebten 27-8 figs. 34-5.
Saqqra. South of Pyramid of Pepy II and around Pyramid of Wezebten. Various Finds.
Stle-maison of Iuiu, late Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49804.
Jquier, La Pyramide dOudjebten 28 fig. 37.
Saqqra. West of Pyramid of Pepy II. O.I. Nipepy (or Nikapepy) Ni (or Nika). Temp. Pepy II. Second
burial chamber.
Statuette of nude man, lower right arm lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58375.
Jquier in Ann. Serv. xxxv (1935), 142-3 fig. 9.
Saqqra. West of Pyramid of Pepy II. O.II. Khnemu (also Khenementi). Temp. Pepy II.
Fragment head, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58377.
See Jquier in Ann. Serv. xxxv (1935), 145.
Saqqra. Various finds from and around Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Late Dyn. VI.
Head of large male statue, wood, late Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepy II, iii, 35-6 [15] fig. 17.
Saqqra. Various finds from and around Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Middle Kingdom.
Stela of Neferhor with twelve wab-priests called after Kings, temp. Amenemhet or later, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 51733.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepy II, iii, 39-42 [9] fig. 29.
Saqqra. Various finds from and around Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Middle Kingdom.
Stela (name lost) Anubis before Osiris and tree goddess scene below, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 66149.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepy II, iii, 42-3 [12] fig. 32.
Saqqra. Various Finds from and around Pyramid-complex of Pepy II.
Mirror with handle with four nude female figures, faience and wood, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 50280.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepy II, iii, 44 fig. 39.
Saqqra. Found near Mas. t. abet Faran.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Bust and head, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51956-7.
Saqqra. Found near Mas. t. abet Faran.
False-door of Ihy, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41570 (probably also Temp. No.
Saqqra. Found near Mas. t. abet Faran.
Two adjoining block from side-piece of Ptahhotp, decorated on two faces, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 51979.
Jquier, Le Mastabat Faraoun, 31 pl. xii.
Saqqra. Found near Mas. t. abet Faran.
Offering-table of Impy, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1344 (JE 25298).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 21.
Saqqra. Around Pyramids of Pepy I, Merenre and Isesi. Exact Position Unknown. D. 67 Nekht-sas.
Temp. Neuserre or later.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15152.
Mariette, Mastabas fig. on 366.
Saqqra. Around Pyramids of Pepy I, Merenre and Isesi. Exact Position Unknown. D. 67 Nekht-sas.
Temp. Neuserre or later.
Jamb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1440.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 122.
Saqqra. Around Pyramids of Pepy I, Merenre and Isesi. Exact Position Unknown. D. 68. Khnemt. Dyn.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1399 (JE 21760).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 60 Bl. 16.
Saqqra. Around Pyramids of Pepy I, Merenre and Isesi. Exact Position Unknown. D. 69. Shedabd. Dyn.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1453.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 138-40 Bl. 34.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. B 8. Khuenptah. Mid. Dyn. V or later.
Two offering-stands, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1295, 1297.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 1, 2 Bl. 1 (CG 1295); Mariette, Album pl. 11.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. B 14. Akhi Ip. Late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI.
Statue-group, deceased, seated, with wife and daughter, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 44.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 40-1 Bl. 11.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. C 27. Kaihap. Dyn. V.
Statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 129.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 97 Bl. 29.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. C 27. Kaihap. Dyn. V.
Statuette of woman grinding corn, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 115.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 89 Bl. 25.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. C 27. Kaihap. Dyn. V.
Ointment-slab (name as Kaihap-wer) alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1338.
Mariette Mastabas fig. on 163 [bottom].
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. C 27. Kaihap. Dyn. V.
Offering-table, circular, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1305 (JE 21770).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches 5 Bl. 1.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Gegi. Dyn. VI.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1455.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 142-3 Bl. 35.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Gegi. Dyn. VI.
Six seated statues, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70-5 (JE 25663, 26934, 25660, 25664, 26935, 25667,
25665, 25668).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 60-2 Bl. 17 (CG 72, 75). CG 73, Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 693.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Isi, Overseer of the treasury, Scribe of the royal documents, etc.
Dyn. V.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

iii2.692A (moved from iii2.736)
Nefert-wenenes (woman) probably part of false-door, dedicated by grandson Isi, Dyn. IV, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1394.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 54-5 Bl. 14.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Iti. Dyn. V.
Two false-door with estates on jambs and offering-list between them, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Offering-list, Hassan, Giza vi [2], 134 pls. lxv-lxxii [73]; names of estates, Jacquet-Gordon, Domaines 3789 [23S5] cf. figs. 150-1.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Kaemthenent. Dyn. V.
False-door with wife and Wetka on jambs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1456 (JE 20223).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 144-5 Bl. 35.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Kaemthenent. Dyn. V.
Lintel dedicated by deceased to mother Henutsen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1691 (JE 20223).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 137.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Kaemthenent. Dyn. V.
Offering-table of deceased mentioning wife Mertiotes and Wetka, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1371 (JE 20223).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 33.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Kahersetef. Second half of Dyn. V.
False-door, part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1515 (JE 4734).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 218-19.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Kahersetef. Dyn. V.
Block with serdab-aperture at top and four registers below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1566.
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 35-6 Bl. 66.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Kahersetef. Dyn. V.
Wooden door-wing with five registers of people, one part in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1568
(JE 4733), the other in Paris, Muse Guimet.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 38-9 Bl. 68 [right].
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Kapuptah. Temp. Isesi or later.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1563 (JE 30194).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 26-8 Bl. 64.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Kapuptah. Temp. Isesi or later.
Block with three registers, feet of [deceased seated], with monkey tied to chair, offering-bearers and
estates, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1711, 1567 (JE 30195).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 150, 36-7 Bl. 91, 67.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Kapuptah. Temp. Isesi or later.
Lintel, Egyptian Museum, CG 57160.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Kapuptah. Temp. Isesi or later.
Block with offering-bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57161.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Nikaure. Temp. Neferirkare or later.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1414.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 80-4 Bl. 19.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Nikaure. Temp. Neferirkare or later.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1416 (JE 27486).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 87-9 Bl. 20.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Sankhenptah Ptahshepses. Dyn. VI.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1445.
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 128-9.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Sankhenptah Ptahshepses. Dyn. VI.
Ointment-slab, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1339 (JE 25973).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 19 Bl. 6.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Senimen. Temp. Raneferef or later.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1410.
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 74-5.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Sehtu. Probably Dyn. V.
Double statue, deceased standing with wife kneeling, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 190.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 130 Bl. 40.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Sethu. Probably Dyn. V.
Offering-stand, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1300.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 3 Bl. i.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Shepses. Probably Dyn. VI.
Statue of deceased seated, headless, with son and female offering-bearer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Shepses. Probably Dyn. VI.
Offering-table of deceased and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57028 (JE 89379).
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii, 30-1 with pl.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Shepses. Probably Dyn. VI.
Offering-basin of wife Nefertemah, perhaps from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57044
(JE 89380).
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii, 39 with pls.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Shepses. Probably Dyn. VI.
Double-statue of man and woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89384.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Shepses. Probably Dyn. VI.
Statue of man sifting flour (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89385.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Shepses. Probably Dyn. VI.
Offering-basin of Shepsetkau, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57045 (JE 89381).
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii, 40 with pls.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Shepses. Probably Dyn. VI.
Offering-basin of Khenut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57029 (JE 89382).
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii, 31 with pl.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Shepses. Probably Dyn. VI.
Mummy-mask, plaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89386.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Thau. Dyn. VI.
Statue, deceased squatting with one knee up, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 120 (JE 26714).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 92 Bl. 27.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Thau. Dyn. VI.
Head-rest, slab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1797 (JE 26715).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 216 Bl. 116.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Werirniptah. Temp. Neferirkare or later.
Statue of deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 25 (JE 30183).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 26 Bl. 7.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Hepi. Dyn. XII.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1409 (JE 11338).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 72-3 Bl. 18.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Amenemonet. Temp. Haremhab.
Lintel, double-scene, deceased kneeling before Atum etc., and baboons adoring, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Ranke in Z 67 (1931), 78 [1] Taf. viii [a, b].
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Amenhotp Huy. Temp. Amenophis III.
Statuette of deceased, grinding corn, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 763 (JE 5019).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 78-9 Bl. 141.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Hori. Late Dyn. XIX to early Dyn. XX.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pillar with deceased adoring and djad-pillar on three faces, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43271.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-10), 144 pl. lxx [1-3].
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Khaemweset. Temp. Ramesses II.
Column-fragment with deceased at table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41525 (Temp. No.
Goma, Chaemwese 82 [41] Taf. vii.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Khaemweset. Temp. Ramesses II.
Block with offering-text, granite, found re-used in Monastery of Apa Jeremias, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 40016.
Text, Quibell, Saqqara (1907-8), 5, cf. 4 (as basalt).
Saqqra. West of Tomb of Haremhab. Nia. End of Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX.
Stela, deceased before Re-Harakhti and Atum in double-scene at top, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 10079.
Mariette, Mon. div. pl. 57 [a].
Saqqra. West of Tomb of Haremhab. Nia. End of Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX.
Block, deceased supervising unloading boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Bissing, Die Kultur des Alten Agyptens Taf. 10 [21].
Saqqra. West of Tomb of Haremhab. Nia. End of Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX.
Block, deceased seated with monkey under chair and two registers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Griffith Institute photo. 363.
Saqqra. West of Tomb of Haremhab. Nia. End of Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX.
Block, wife Iuy offering bouquet to deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Roeder in Z 83 (1958), Taf. vi [c].
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Pahemneter. Probably temp. Ramesses II.
Statue in niche, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89046.
Leclant in Orientalia N.S. 19 (1950), 492 [b] pls. lv [4], lvi [5].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Pahemneter. Probably temp. Ramesses II.
Inscribed block, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Kitchen Ram. Inscr. iii, 413 [4].
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Ptahmosi. Temp. Ramesses II or later.
Lower part of seated statue of deceased and wife Nehyt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41532.
Quibell, Saqqara (1908-10), 146 pl. lxxxvi [1, 2].
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Ptahmosi. Temp. Ramesses II or later.
Blocks, deceased at table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4873-5.
Berlandini in BIFAO 82 (1982), 94-7 [iii-v] pls. ix-xi.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Ptahmosi. Temp. Ramesses II or later.
Papyrus-column, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, unnumbered (?).
Berlandini in BIFAO 82 (1982), 99-101 [vii] pl. xii.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Sayempetref. Temp. Sethos I or later.
Block, deceased and wife Neshet before tree-goddess, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52542.
Keimer in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 81-2, 86-8 pl. i.
Saqqra. Tombs of Position Unknown. Henat Khnemebremen End of Dyn. XXVI.
Block, deceased seated with offering-bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Kuentz in Mon. Piot. xxxiii (1933), 32-5 fig. 1.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Ahauka, statue-base, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 304 (JE 28001).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 182.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Ak and woman Hetephernefert seated, double-statue, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35204.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1189 (as Gza).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Akhirptah seated and wife Irt-nub (almost completely lost) double-statue with sons and butchers on seat,
Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 376 (JE 30197).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, Bl. 59.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Athma(?), temp. Sahure or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 99.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 77-8 Bl. 22.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Hepi, statue-base, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 309 (JE 28000).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 183.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Hesy, scribe-statue, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 104.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 82.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Imhotep, wood, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 270 (JE 22075).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 171-2 Bl. 58.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Iris, seated, hard grey stone, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 131.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 98-9 Bl. 29.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Itep, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 7.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 7-8 Bl. 2.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Kahif, wood, temp. Neuserre or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 268 (JE 26045).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 170-1 Bl. 57.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Khnemhotp, dwarf, late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 144.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 105-6 Bl. 32.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Mereri, seated, headless, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 369 (JE 25669).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 194.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Neferhotep, seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 206 (JE 28687).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 139 Bl. 43.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Neferiru seated and probably wife Sitmert, two fragments of base of double-statue, Dyn. V, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 314 (JE 27997).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 184-5 (text).
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Nesekha, nude statue, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 25 Bl. 6.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Niankhre seated with wife Irt-nub and sons, temp. Neferirkare or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 48-9 Bl. 14.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Nikaankh, fragments, granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 136.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 101-2.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Nimesuptah, seated, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 191 (JE 22107).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 130-1 Bl. 41.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Nufer, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 145 (JE 6012).
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 106-7 Bl. 32.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Sankhuptah, (a) with wife Nubibnebti kneeling by his right leg, heads lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 37.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 35-6 Bl. 10.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Sankhuptah, (b) seated, headless with wife kneeling by his right leg, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 196.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 133-4 Bl. 41.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Sankhuptah, (c) seated, headless, with sons by his legs, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 201.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 136 Bl. 42.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Seked(?)kau, Dyn. V, (a) seated with wife and son, statue group, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 101.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 79-80 Bl. 23.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Seked(?)kau, Dyn. V, (b) seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 208.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 140.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Sethef, seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 204 (JE 22108).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 138 Bl. 43.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Snefrusonb, seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 137 (JE 28688).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 102 Bl. 31.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Sonb, fragmentary, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8388.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
A Prophet, etc., name lost, seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 49.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 44-5 Bl. 13.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Double-statue, two men seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 165.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 118 Bl. 37.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Double-statue, two men standing, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 168.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 119 Bl. 37.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Scribe-statue, (a) granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 51 Bl. 15.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Scribe-statue, (b) granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 59.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 52 Bl. 15.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Scribe-statue, (c) granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 160.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 115 Bl. 35.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Scribe-statue, (d) granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65907.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 406.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Scribe-statue, (a) Dyn. V, with remains of text on papyrus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 78.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 63-4 Bl. 18.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Scribe-statue, (b) Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 371.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 195.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
(a)-(c) Three seated statues, Dyn. V, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 161, 166, 169.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 115-16, 118, 119-120 Bl. 36, 37, 38.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
(d) Seated statue, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 8.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 8 Bl. 2.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
(e) Seated statue, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 84.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 67-8.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
(f) Seated statue, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 92 (JE 20224).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 72-3 Bl. 21.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Male statue, alabaster, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 132.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 99 Bl. 30.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Female statue, alabaster, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 134.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 100-1 Bl. 30.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Statue of man, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 98.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 77.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
(a) Male statue, wood, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 155.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, Bl. 35, pp. 112-13.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
(b) Male statue, wood, Dyn. V, upper part, possibly from Tomb No. 36 [C 8], in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 32 (JE 10177).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 31 Bl. 8.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
(a) Head, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 264.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 168 Bl. 57.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
(b) Head, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 292 (JE 17809).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 179.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
(a) Statue of woman, nude, lower legs and feet lost, wood, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 121 (JE 10892).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 92-3 Bl. 27.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
(b) Statue of woman, right arm lost, wood, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 269 (JE 22073).
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 59, 126-7 [A 7] figs. See
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 171.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Upper part of male statue, granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 167.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 118-19 Bl. 37.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Male brewer, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 117.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 90 Bl. 26.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Woman sifting flour, Dyn. IV-V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35313.
See Breasted, Eg. Servant Statues 30 [3].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Kneeling man performing unidentified task, head now lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 329.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 188-9 Bl. 58.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Female offering bearer with basket, wood, late Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1251 (JE
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 129-30.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Old Kingdom.
Squatting female, wood, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 92729.
El-Damaty in MDAIK 46 (1990), 1 Taf. 1 [b].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Middle Kingdom.
Mentuhotp, seated, fragmentary, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 526 (JE 27993).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 81-2.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Middle Kingdom.
Man in long pleated garment, headless, sandstone, temp. Sesostris III to Amenemhet III, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Evers, Staat aus dem Stein i, Taf. 97 [A].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Middle Kingdom.
Man, feet missing, wood, early Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34175.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 189.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Middle Kingdom.
Female head with wavy hair, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 812.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 107 Bl. 150.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
Paser, scribe-statue, sandstone, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 827
(JE 28408).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 115 Bl. 153.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
Sitmut, woman, statuette, wood, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 452
(JE 6059).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 48 with fig. and Bl. 75.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
Woman, probably temp. Amenophis III, found with last, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 803.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 101 Bl. 148.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
Thay and wife Nia seated, double-statue, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 628 (JE 19181).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 175-6 Bl. 115.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
(a) Statuette of man in pleated garment, wood, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 798 (JE 21872).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 98 Bl. 147.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
(b) Statuette of man in pleated garment, wood, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 799 (JE 21856).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 98-9 Bl. 147.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
(c) Statuette of Khent-siennebta (?) in pleated garment, wood, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 805.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 102 Bl. 149.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
(d) Statuette of Hori Re in pleated garment, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 806 (JE 21871).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 102-3 fig. Bl. 149.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
(a) Statuette of Henutwezebt (woman), wood, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 801 (JE 21855).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 99-100 Bl. 148.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
(b) Statuette Henutnakhtu (woman), wood, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 804 (JE 6056).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 101-2 Bl. 148.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
Three statuettes of squatting women nursing children, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1252 (JE 6717), CG 1253 (JE 7023), CG 1254 (JE 14913).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 130-1 Bl. 173.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
Block statue of Khay (same man as following) with naos of Re-Harakhti, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 604 (JE 4737).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 154-5 Bl. 109.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
Block statue of Khay (same man as preceding) with naos of Osiris, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 606 (JE 4736).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 155-6 Bl. 110.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
Double seated statue of Nebneheh and woman Bakert, with cursive writing, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 597 (JE 22109).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 150-1 Bl. 107.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. New Kingdom.
Statue of nude boy, base lost, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 122.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 93 Bl. 27.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Statues. Late Period.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Bust, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 731 (JE 20937).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 65 Bl. 135.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Ankhmanemti, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1508 (JE 4735).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 213-14 Bl. 44.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Hem(t)re, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1524 (JE 6335).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 225.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Jamb of Hetepherenptah, probably Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15048.
Newberry in ASAE xxviii (1928), 138-40 fig.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Irenes, Dyn. VI or 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1400.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 61 Bl. 16.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Irensen, panel, probably Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1391.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 52 Bl. 13.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Kauza and wife Wertka, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1398.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 58-9 Bl. 15.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Khnenptah and woman Meresankh, fragment, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1513.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 217.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Mes-sa and daughter Neferhetpes, panel and adjoining palace-facade, perhaps Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1422.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 102-3 Bl. 23.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Nebsen, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1527.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 227.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Neternufer and wife Neferhetpes with statue in niche, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1447 (JE 28489).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 130-2 Bl. 33.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Pepysonb Irenes, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1412.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 77-8.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Sab, two panels of probably same man, late Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1715-16.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 152-3 Bl. 92.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Sitsen (woman), 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1446.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 129-30 Bl. 32.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Teti, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57188.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Methu, probably Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1397.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 56-7 Bl. 15.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Tathet, perhaps Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1425 (JE 28505).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 106-8 Bl. 24.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Sentruiu (woman), temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 20221.
Bryan, The Reign of Thutmose IV, 65-6 pl. ii [6a-b].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Ahmosi and wife Puhu, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34049 (JE 18181).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes 84-6 pl. xxix.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Paraemhab, Amenemhab and wife Ati, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 18925.
Maspero, Guide (1883), pl. facing 39.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Amenmosi and wife Nany, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34054 (JE
Legrain, Statues et statuettes 95-7 pl. xxxii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Huy and wife Nezem(t)mennufer, temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34182
(JE 10174).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes 222-4 pl. lxix.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Kasa and wife Hetept, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8778.
Ann. Serv. lvii (1962), 10-14 pls. ii, iii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Khaemweset Kaiuia as harpist, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 18922.
Hickmann, gypten Abb. 120.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
May and wife Ruiu, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34050 (JE 8779).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes 86-90 pl. xxx.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Rectangular with triangular summit, Mes adoring Osiris above, and woman adoring below, Dyn. XIXXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Radwan, A. in ASAE lxxi (1987), 227 pl. vi.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Minhotp Hetutu and wife Mut, fragmentary, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xix (1920), 127-30.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Nehemay and wife Taaty, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34098
(JE 8772).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes 151-2 pl. xlvi.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Neferhor, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Vassalli MSS. f. 100v [left].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Nemtimosi and wife Esinefert, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Mon. div. pl. 105.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Parahirwenemef and wife Nehy(t), probably Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 3299.
Mariette, Mon. div. pl. 61.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Piay, temp. Merneptah or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38539.
Cairo, Centre of Documentation photos S.A., 23-4, 33.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Suti and wife Tawer(t)-hetepti, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8781 (probably
Temp. No.
Gaballa in SAK 7 (1979), 42-4, 50 fig. Taf. 1; Vassalli MSS. 22 [right]. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

No. 931; Suppl. 975.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Round-topped stela with triangular summit, Suti adoring Osiris and Western goddess above, and Sunero
with wife at table below, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Radwan, A. in ASAE lxxi (1987), 226 pl. v.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Stela of Hatiay and wife Nefertere, New Kingdom, in Cairo Museum JE 25641 (also JE 25816).
Gaballa in SAK 7 (1979), 45-6, 50 fig. Taf. ii. See Luft, U. in ZS 104 (1977), 48.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Fragment with text concerning foreign tribute, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28569.
Mller, Eg. Researches i, 24 pls. 14, 15.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Hor, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 22110.
El-Banna in Rev. dg. 40 (1989), 187 pl. See Munro, Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 330.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Iohardais, son of Usiri-hapwer and woman Ta(d)esiemkhebi, before seated Osiris and Isis, late Dyn. XVIII
or early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27872.
See Munro, Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 332.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Pefteu, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28684.
See Munro, Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen 330.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Anemho Pasekhem and Nebuzat, temp. Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
31099 (JE 17054).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 28-33 Taf. vi.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Deryn(?), probably temp. Ptolemy IX Soter II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22137 (JE 30726).
Kamal, Stles Ptolmaques et Romaines 119-20 pl. xl.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Herakeria (i.e. Herakleia) Herankh, year 39 (of Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 22179 (JE 30408).
Kamal, Stles Ptolmaques et Romaines 157-8 pl. lii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Pahemneter (Pedeharemhab), hieroglyphic and demotic texts, year 18 of Ptolemy X Alexander I, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31103 (JE 17053).
Texts, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. pl. cccii [upper left, right lower].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. False-doors and Stelae.
Pedubaste, hieroglyphic and demotic texts, late Ptolemaic (year 16), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 31136.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 53 Taf. xv.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Ankh-kakai, probably Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43972.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiv (1934), 157-8 fig.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Isesikha[ef], temp. Pepy I or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1438 (JE 8393).
Mariette, Mastabas 456 [H.10].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Drum of Khenut, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 17802.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Drum of Ptahshepses, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1701.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 143.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
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Lintel of Sekhemre, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 17803.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Lintel with offering-text, probably Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1434 (JE 11256).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 114-15 Bl. 28.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Remains of titles connected with Pyramids of Merenre I and Pepy I, temp. Merenre I or later, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1437.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 120.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Boatmen jousting, with remains of fishing and cutting open fish above, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1535 (JE 30191).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 236-7 Bl. 49
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Offering-bearers and bakers with loaves of bread, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1544.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 3-4 Bl. 54.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Boatmen jousting, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1547.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 6-7 Bl. 55.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Brewing and baking, probably Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1561.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 23-4 Bl. 63.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Herdsmen tending cattle, mat-making and cooking, and men cutting open fish, Dyn. V, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1562.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 24-5 Bl. 63.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Man fowling with net, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de lart, i, fig. 26.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Offering-list and priests, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1630.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 99.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Remains of netting fish and fowl, with overseer, unfinished, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1720.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 154 Bl. 92.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Industries, an Overseer of smelters of gold of Kings adorners, and offering-list, Old Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 57130 (JE 38070).
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Man with staff and sceptre, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57182 (JE 36585).
Kielland, Geometry in Egyptian Art fig. 55.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Milking scene, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89660.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Lintel with cryptographic offering-text, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1696.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 140 Bl. 89.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Ptahnufer, Dyn. XIX, mourners before mummy held up by Anubis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Werbrouck, Pleureuses 82 pl. xxii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ptahnufer, Dyn. XIX, man censing and libating to deceased at table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Maspero, gypte fig. 370.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Female dancers with tambourines and men with upraised arms, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 4872.
Terrace and Fischer, Treasures 145-8 with pl.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Hathor-zad pillar fragment of Neferhotep, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 18928 (Temp. No.
Perrot and Chipiez, Hist. de lArt i, fig. 343.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Three registers of Neferhotep, funeral procession, etc., late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Cairo, Centre of Doc. photo. S.R., Box 122, 9323.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Funeral procession with female dancers, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43278.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Jamb of Ptahemwia, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8383.
Vernus, Athribes 32-4 [33] pl. iv. Text, Brugsch, Recueil pl. vii [1].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Djad-pillar of Amenhotp Pendua (as Amenhotp and Pendua in Bibl.), Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Bruyre, Rapport ... (1924-1925), 24 fig. 14.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Man making libation, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 180 [652, A].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
A Royal scribe, Steward (name lost), seated, and three registers of cleaning and bringing fowl and fish,
probably late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Wreszinski, Atlas i, 84a.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Man, name lost, before Osiris seated, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 44927.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Two registers, I, woman seated by chair with [husband seated], II, four offering-bearers, late Dyn. XVIII
or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
iii2.755A and Addenda
Four djad-pillars of Khay (probably same man as iii2.726), temp. Ramesses II, probably in Cairo, Egyptian
See Mariette, Notice des princepaux monuments ... Boulaq (1864), 63 [18-21].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Jambs of Usermaetre-embhab Kha, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.
See Mariette, Notice des princepaux monuments ... Boulaq (1864), 248 [62], 249 [65].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Blocks, etc.
Block with remains of three registers, produce of estates, top register, feet of Asiatics, second register, girl
punting canoe, third register, basket from procession of estates, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 32871.
Mller, Eg. Res. i, pl. 2.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Ankh-hap, lid-fragment, granite, probably Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29311
(JE 66646).
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages ii, 56-9 (texts) pls. xvi, xvii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Thaiubastimu, woman, coffin, wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35265.
Name, see Ranke, Die ggyptischen Personennamen i, 387 [18].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Ameniy Bentehtuf, anthropoid lid, Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Buhl, Sarcophagi 90-2 [F, a 2], fig. 52 cf. pl. v.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Aperenyas-pakhem (i.e. Apollonius junior also Pehernufer-pakhem) coffin, wood, Ptol., in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 49532.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 2-5.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Haremhab, anthropoid, basalt, Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.
Detail, Lanzone, Diz. 1014-15 Tav. cccxlvii. Text, Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 3 Sr. il-lxix [E, G].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Imhotep(?), anthropoid, Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6401 (Temp. No.
Buhl, Sarcophagi 93-4 [F, a 6] fig. 56.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Khafi, coffin, wood, Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49531.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 5-20.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Khons-hap, rectangular coffin, wood, Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29323 (JE 66752).
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages 138-47 pls. xlii, xliii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ptahhotp, anthropoid lid, Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Buhl, Sarcophagi 95-6 [F, a 9], fig. 57 cf. pl. v.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Unnufer, lid, Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29310 (JE 8394).
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages 42-55 pls. xiii-xv.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Zeho, anthropoid lid, Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Buhl, Sarcophagi 96, 98 [F, a 10] cf. pl. v (called
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Pedhor, cartonnage, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments etc. (1864), 197 [14].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Abeb, alabaster, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1341.
Mariette, Mastabas fig. on 436 [c].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Ankh-meryre and Khuy, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57025 (JE 43881).
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten Reiches iii. Altars and Offering Tables 28-9 with pl.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Aperef, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1331 (JE 30201).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches 15.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Hetepka-khufu, perhaps Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1324.
Mariette, Mastabas fig. on 439.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Ikri Nebsen, alabaster, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1340.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mariette, Mastabas fig. on 436 [d].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Ithi, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1346 (JE 21910).
Mariette, Mastabas fig. on 437 [e].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Kakhentiu Kakhent and wife Thenteti, two, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1352, 1356 (JE 27910, JE
Texts, Mariette, Mastabas 24, 26.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Khnemankhu, Dyn. IV (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1363 (JE 21761).
Mariette, Mastabas fig. on 438 [g].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Merib, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1343 (JE 3846).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 20 Bl. 6.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Nakht, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 19179.
<<Notebook 1953, II, 19>>
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Neferiru, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1350 (JE 27908).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 20 Bl. 6.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Nezemib, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1369.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 32 Bl. 7.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Niankh-hathor and Iynefert Hy (both women), Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1348
(JE 9949).
Mariette, Mastabas fig. on 437 [f].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Pera and (probably wife) Mert-min (probably also called Henutsen), Dyn. V (?), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1366 (JE 25659).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 30 Bl. 7.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
Seshu, dedicated by son Thenti, Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1365 (JE 27904).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 29.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Offering-tables and basins (including ointment-slabs).
No name, alabaster, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1342.
Mariette, Mastabas fig. on 440.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Pyramidion of Amenhotp Huy, granite, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Grdseloff MSS. 3.6.3-6 (photos.).
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Pyramidion of Ptahemwia, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17109 (JE 8371).
Myliwiec in SAK 6 (1978), 139-45 Abb. 1-4, Taf. xxxvi-xxxvii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Pyramidion of ...mosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48841.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Box containing table with model ritual implements and tools, of a Noble of the King (name lost), wood,
1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1765.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 183-6 Bl. 101.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jar of Amenmosi, alabaster, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4330 (JE 25145)
(another formerly in Hoffmann colln.).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Text, Reisner, Canopics 225.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Ankh-psammethek, alabaster, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4153-6 (CG
4153, 4156 = JE 21890).
Reisner, Canopics 108-11 pl. xxii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Harbes, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4157-60 (JE 22057).
Reisner, Canopics 111-16 pl. xxiii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Haremakhet, four jars with lids, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
4130-5 (JE 21891 (not 4131 and 4133 which are lids)).
Reisner, Canopics 92-6 pl. xix.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jar and two lids of Harwoz, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4288-9 (JE
Reisner, Canopics 196-8 pls. liii, lxix.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jar of Ikenwesh, perhaps re-used from Tapert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4393.
Text, Reisner, Canopics 426.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Irahor, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4098-101 (JE 4440-3).
Reisner, Canopics 63-6 pl. xiv.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Irefaenptah, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4106-9
(JE 4432-5).
Reisner, Canopics 70-4 pl. xv (CG 4108-9).
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Three canopic jars and lids of Kay, faience, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4420-4
(JE 20197-9).
Reisner, Canopics 154-8 pls. xxxiii, xxxiv.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Nay (woman), alabaster, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4094-7
(JE 6372, 6371, 6370, 6373).
Reisner, Canopics 59-62 pl. xiii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jar and four lids of Na..., Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4389-92 (JE 20200-3).
See Reisner, Canopics 244-5.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Nebtkenb (woman) pottery, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4208 (JE
Reisner, Canopics 150-1 pl. xliv.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Nezem, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4161-4 (JE 6066-9).
Reisner, Canopics 116-20 pl. xxiv.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Two canopic jars of Paraemhab, alabaster, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 4322-3 (JE 19172-5) (another in New Haven, Yale University Gal.).
Reisner, Canopics 218-20 pls. liv, lvii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Paser (presumably owner of TT106), alabaster, temp. Sethos I to Ramesses II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 4325-6 (JE 17470-1).
Reisner, Canopics 221-2 (texts), pl. lxiv.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Three canopic jars of Pedeamun, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4294-6 (JE 30251) (another
in Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum).
Texts, Reisner, Canopics 201-3.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Pespermeh, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4102-5 (JE 4436-9).
Texts, Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 1 Sr. lxxxix-lxxx [L-O].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Psammethek, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4145-8
(JE 21892).
See Reisner, Canopics 103-6 (texts).
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Psammethek-nebpehti, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4270-3 (JE
Texts, Reisner, Canopics 185-7.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Three canopic jars of Psammethek-siptah, alabaster, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 4297-9 (JE 21893) (another in Manchester, University Museum, 11098).
Texts, Reisner, Canopics 203-5.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jars of Sekhmetnefert, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4170, 4172-4 (JE
See Reisner, Canopics 123-4, 124-6 (texts).
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Canopic jar of Thaiesienimu, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4311 (JE 6062-4
(one of)).
Text, Reisner, Canopics 211.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Canopic jars of Uzahorresnet, alabaster, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4122-5
(JE 6331-4).
Reisner, Canopics 84-5 pl xvi (omitting CG 4124).
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Fragment of jar with cartouches of Haremhab, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18790
(JE 15003).
Von Bissing, Steinefsse fig. on 172.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Jar of Pipuy (woman) before Osiris, alabaster, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18451 (JE
Von Bissing, Steingefsse pl. v.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Model rowing boat, wood, probably Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4913.
Reisner, Models 69-70 pl. xvii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Three model rowing boats with deceased as mummy or seated under canopy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 4915 (JE 25839), CG 4916 (JE 25841), CG 4917 (JE 25840).
Reisner, Models 70-4 pls. xvii.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Obelisk of Hetept, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17005 (JE 44132).
Kuentz, Oblisques 11-12 pl. iv.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Offering-stand of Hy, Dyn. IV-V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1296.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 2 Bl. i.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Gilded mummy-mask and cartonnage of Pedeharpekhrod, Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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See Maspero, Guide 393 [3798].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Head-rest of Iti, alabaster, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1792 (JE 25742).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 213-14 Bl. 116.
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Wooden fan-handle of Minnakht, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Vassalli MSS. f.47r (= Tiradritti, 73; Lise 384 [45 bis r]. See Maspero, Guide, 530 [5337].
Saqqra. Objects from Tombs. Various.
Mirror of Herui-nekhenui(?), Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40708 (Temp. No.
Lilyquist, Ancient Egyptian Mirrors 12 fig. 5. See Kaplony, Beschriftete Kleinfunde No. 60 [3].
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Chapel of Bes. Ptolemaic.
Statue-group of Bes with nude goddesses, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Quibell, Saqqara (1905-1906), 17, 28 pl. xxvii.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Jackal Galleries.
Coffin of jackal, (a) decorated and inscribed, wood, Ptol. or Roman, probably from here, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 29765 (JE 35855).
Gaillard and Daressy, La Faune momifie de lantique gypte (Cat. Caire), 129-30 pl. lv.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Jackal Galleries.
Coffin of jackal, (b) with decoration of barks and jackals, wood, Ptol. or Roman, probably from here, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29760.
Gaillard and Daressy, La Faune momifie de lantique gypte (Cat. Caire), 127-8 pl. liv.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Avenue of Human-headed Sphinxes. Probably Nektanebos I.
One Sphinx, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 685.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 29 Bl. 126.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Avenue of Human-headed Sphinxes. Probably Nektanebos I.
One Sphinx, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1193.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 95-6 Bl. 168.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Avenue of Human-headed Sphinxes. Probably Nektanebos I.
Three sphinxes, Greek and Coptic texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1194-6.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Avenue of Human-headed Sphinxes. Probably Nektanebos I.
Head of Sphinx, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1024 (JE 28012).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 30 Bl. 160.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Avenue of Human-headed Sphinxes, probably Nektanebos I.
Head of Sphinx, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1025 (JE 28012).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 30.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. East Temple. Nektanebos II.
Stela, Nektanebos II kneeling before Apis-bull, year 2, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell, Saqqara (1907-1908), 10, 89-93, 112 pl. lii.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. East Temple. Nektanebos II.
Statuette of Apis-bull, schist, Late Period, or Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89607.
Ann. Serv. liv (1957), 111-12 pl. iv.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Lesser Vaults. Apis XXXIII. Year 37 of Sesonchis V.
Stela of Ankhefenkhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Voyage i, 44, on pl. 13.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Apis xliii. Year 34 of Darius I.
Lower part of stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50042.
Spiegelberg, Die demot. Denkmler iii, Demot. Inschr. und Papyri 13 Taf. x.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Lesser Vaults. Apis stelae not assigned to a particular bull.
Ankh-hor Wehebre, Dyn. XXVI-XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43204.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Vercoutter, Textes 117-21 pl. xix.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Lesser Vaults. Apis stelae not assigned to a particular bull.
Hepmen, Dyn. XXVI-XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31086.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 12-13Taf. i,
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Lesser Vaults. Apis stelae not assigned to a particular bull.
Ka, Late Period, re-used in Monastery of Apa Jeremias, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40043.
Text, Quibell, Saqqara (1907-8), 16.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Lesser Vaults. Apis stelae not assigned to a particular bull.
Pedepenpen, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Lanzone, Dizionario de mitologia egizia iv, 530 pl. cci [2].
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Lesser Vaults. Apis stelae not assigned to a particular bull.
Pedesi with hieroglyphic and demotic texts, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31157.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 63-4 Taf. xx.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Lesser Vaults. Apis stelae not assigned to a particular bull.
Psammethek, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15037 (Temp. No.
Lanzone, Dizionario de mitologia egizia iv, 531-2 pl. cciii [1].
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Lesser Vaults. Apis stelae not assigned to a particular bull.
Ptahhotp, probably Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 20014.
Vercoutter, Textes 113-16 pl. xviii.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Lesser Vaults. Apis stelae not assigned to a particular bull.
Siesi,(?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 3 Sr. lxxxiii [S].
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Lesser Vaults. Apis stelae not assigned to a particular bull.
Unnufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4889.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Statue, Apis-bull protecting man kneeling with offering-table, heads lost, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 683 (JE 38932).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 28 Bl. 125.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Nefertem, dedicated by Ptahatmer(?), bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38076
(JE 72).
Daressy, Div. 28-9 pl. vii.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Statue, Osiris, basalt, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38368 (JE 7375).
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinits 100.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Statue, Osiris with figures of Ahmosi and wife Mutnezemt on base, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 38411 (JE 42).
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinits 108-9 pl. xxi.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Statue, Tueris, inscribed, black schist, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39147 (JE 2657).
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinits 285-6 pl. lv.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Head, green slate, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 733.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 65 Bl. 135.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Stela, Apries offering to Ptah, with hieroglyphic and Carian texts, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 49060.
Masson and Yoyotte, Objets ... inscr. cariennes 17-20 figs. 11, 12 pl. 1.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Statue of Panefernehem, dedicated by Psammeteksonb, son of Ankhwehebre, bronze, Late Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38124.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Daressy, Statues de divinitis 40 pl. viii.
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Jar with cartouche of Apries, dedicated to Apis, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18489
(JE 31520).
Bissing, Steingefsse 96-7 with text, Taf. v (as from Absr).
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Flat bottomed jar dedicated to Apis by Unnufer, faience, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Bissing, Fayencegefsse 107-8 fig. text (as from Absr).
Saqqra. Sacred Animal Complexes. Serapeum. Objects connected with the Serapeum.
Bronze aegis with cartouches of Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Album (1872), pl. 37 [558].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Miniature block-statue of Paser (TT106), faience, temp. Sethos I to Ramesses II, formerly in Hildesheim,
Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Pelizaeus-Museum, 4886, now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
el-Damaty, M. M. in MDAIK 46 (1990), 8 Taf. 8 [b, c]; Martin, H. etpka No. 140.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Double statuette, Ma[hu] (?) and wife Tia, both seated, schist, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Martin, Hetpka No. 144.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Statue of Kanufer squatting with figure of Ptah, wood, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Emery in JEA 53 (1967), 143 pls. xxiv [2], xxi [4, middle].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Statue with figure of Ptah, wood, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91115.
Emery in JEA 53 (1967), pl. xxiii [5].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Statue of Pentashendyt, kneeling with figure of Osiris, schist, Dyn. XXVI-XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 91113.
Emery in JEA 53 (1967), 143 pl. xxiv [1].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Statuette of a mourner, bronze, Late Period (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91437.
Feucht in Studien ... Westendorf ii, 1104-5 Taf. 2 [b].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Statue of Osiris seated, dedicated by Deubasteiau, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91116.
Emery in JEA 53 (1967), pl. xxiv [3].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Statuette of Osiris, dedicated by a wab-priest of Ptah, etc., wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 91114.
Text, Martin, Hetepka No. 209.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal alleries.
Uraeus-serpent and Sokari as hawk, statue-group, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91117.
Emery in JEA 53 (1967), pl. xxv [5].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Baboon, faience statue, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91112.
Emery in JEA 55 (1969), pl. vi [4].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Block, ducks in pool, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91104.
The Egyptian Museum, Cairo ... 1965-1975, 42 pl. 1.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Offering-table of Ankhpekhrod, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91518.
Martin, Hetepka No. 268.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Offering-table of Harwoz and Pedepamenkh, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91143.
Martin, Hetepka No. 263.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Offering-table of Eshor Pefherinuter, probably Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91519.
Martin, Hetepka No. 260.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Fragment of offering-basin of a Prophet of Khufu, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91916.
Martin, Hetepka No. 80.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Standing sphinx from furniture(?), wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91111.
Emery in JEA 53 (1967), pl. xxiii [4].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Panel from shrine or similar, (e) a king offering to Isis and Harpocrates, wood, Late Period or Ptolemaic,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91103.
Emery in JEA 53 (1967), pl. xxv [3].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
White Crown flanked by human arms, wood, probably Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 91110.
Emery in JEA 53 (1967), pl. xxvi [1, 2].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Dummy mummy of Apis-bull, skull attached to wooden body, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 91318.
Emery in JEA 55 (1969), 33 pl. viii [1-4].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Head of block-statue, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 871 (JE 27983?).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 131.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Statuette of Mut, dedicated by Pedubaste, son of Pahor, schist, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 91459.
Text, Martin, Hetepka No. 227.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Canopic-jar of Apries (or Psammetikhos I), re-used, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91520.
Emery in JEA 57 (1971), pl. vi [2].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Hand censer of Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91491.
Insley Green, Temple Furniture No. 82 with figs. 57, 58.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Bronze sceptre of Ankhusiri, Dyn. XXX or early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91488.
Insley Green, Temple Furniture No. 104 with fig. 68.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Bronze situla of Sheshonk, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91475.
Insley Green, Temple Furniture No. 163 with fig. 99.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Bronze situla of Pedubaste, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91356.
Insley Green, Temple Furniture No. 166 with fig. 102.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Bronze situla of Unnufer, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91354.
Insley Green, Temple Furniture No. 178 with fig. 107.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
Bronze situla of Harkhebi, Dyn. XXX or early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91134.
Insley Green, Temple Furniture No. 181 with figs. 108-9.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Finds from Temple Terrace of Neighbourhood of Animal Galleries.
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Bronze situla of Pakhons, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91121.
Insley Green, Temple Furniture No. 189 with figs. 115, 116.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Baboon Galleries.
Statue-fragments with speech of Ptah to Amenophis III, over life size, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 91304.
Text, Martin, Hetepka No. 118.
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Baboon Galleries.
Statue, Isis suckling Horus, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91301.
JEA 56, pl. xiv [1].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Baboon Galleries.
Baboon, statute, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
JEA 56, pl. xiv [2].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Baboon Galleries.
Sphinx, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91303.
JEA 56, pl. xiv [lower right].
Saqqra. Temple of Nektanebos II. Baboon Galleries.
Stela of Iresh, with hieroglyphic and Carian texts, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91387.
Masson, Carian Inscriptions 25-6 [7], 86-7 [7] with pls. vi, xxxv [1].
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Pedeharkhebi, son of Harpekhrodardais and woman Hedebubasterau,
broze, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39312 (JE 84).
Daressy, Statues de divinits pl. 61; Lavier, M.-C. in gypte. Vision dEternit. Muse de lEphbe, Le Cap
dAgde, 10 Septembre 1999 - 8 Janvier 2000 [1999], 26 [9] fig.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Small blue glass head, perhaps Amenophis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4404.
Cooney in Journal of Glass Studies ii (1960), 24 fig. 15.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Imhotep, dedicated by Tjaihepimu, bronze, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Daressy, Statues de divinits 17-18 pl. iv (text).
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Ptah, dedicated by Meniuser, basalt, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38432.
Daressy, Statues de divinits pl. 25.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Ptah, unfinished with preliminary sketch, perhaps New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45322.
De Rachewiltz, LArte 16 Tav. 12 [left].
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Plaster mask, King, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1185 (JE 30688).
Borchardt, Statues und Statuetten iv, pl. 166.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33332 (JE 6350).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 9.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33362 (JE 6356).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 16.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Two royal heads, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33350 (JE 6354), CG 33358 (JE 6359).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pls. 13, 15.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Royal heads, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33331 (JE 6351).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 9.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33333 (JE 6364).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 9.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33348 (JE 6353).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 13.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33351 (JE 6355).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 13.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33353 (JE 6361).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 14.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33356 (JE 6365).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 14.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33359-61 (JE 6357-8, 6360).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 15.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33363-4 (JE 6363, 6362).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 16.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Prisse, LArt g. ii, Sculpture 31st pl. [4].
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Statues. Trial Pieces. Late Period or Ptolemaic.
Half royal head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33352 (JE 6352).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 13.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Upper part double-scene, King Haremhab before Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Topozada in BIFAO 91 (1991), 249-54 fig. and pls. 71-4. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 85.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
A Ptolemy before bull-headed god, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22161 (JE 8392).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 49.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Blocks, etc.
Sculptors studies, goddess, Anubis bull, ram, mans head in relief, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 33413 (JE 30652), CG 33425 (JE 6349), CG 33437 (JE 35763), CG 33444, CG
33489 (JE 30655).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pls. 26, 28, 32, 43.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Blocks, etc.
Trial-piece forepart of ram, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33443.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 33.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Blocks, etc.
Vase of Tuthmosis III, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18734 (JE 21863).
Bissing, Steingefsse pl. 4.
Saqqra. Miscellaneous. Blocks, etc.
Weight of 300 deben in shape of cows head with cartouche of Sethos I, granite., in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 31651 (JE 25143).
Weigall, Weights and Balances 55 pl. iii.
Offering-table of Tuthmosis IV, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23088 (JE 39616).
Text, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 72.
Mt Rahna. Palace of Apries.
Block from thickness of gate in destroyed pylon, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41436.
Petrie, Memphis ii, pl. 5.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mt Rahna. Palace of Apries. Camp.
Plaques with King or Nile-god offering and names of Kings, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 35107 (whole cache). [= Ann. Serv. 1-13]
Daressy in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 139-50 pls. 1-3 (some).
Mt Rahna. Palace of Apries. Camp.
Three Oval plaques dedicated by Wehebre-nebken, temp. Psammetikhos II, Piamun, and unnamed, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos., 4 (14 and 15). [= Ann. Serv. 14-16]
Daressy in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 139-50 pls. 1-3 (some).
Mt Rahna. Palace of Apries. Camp.
Mirrors, mostly Third Int. Period or Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 44076-80. [= Ann.
Serv. 17-22]
Bndite, Mirrors 36-41 pls. xvi-xx.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Colossi in front of Pylon.
Two colossal heads, Ramesses II, red granite (found by de Morgan), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 643, 644 (JE 27842).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 118.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Hypostyle Hall. Finds. Statues.
Colossal statue of Ptah, dedicated by Ramesses II, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38429 (JE
Daressy, Statues de divinits pl. 25.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Hypostyle Hall. Finds. Statues.
Colossal statue of Ptah, dedicated by Ramesses II, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38430 (JE
Daressy, Statues de divinits pl. 25.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Hypostyle Hall. Finds. Blocks.
Lintel of Neuserre, granite, from Sun temple at Ab Ghurb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Petrie, Memphis i, pl. 3 [middle].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Hypostyle Hall. Finds. Blocks.
Jambs of Neuserre, granite, from Sun temple at Ab Ghurb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. Nos., 18.
Petrie, Memphis i, pl. 3 [bottom left].
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Hypostyle Hall. Finds. Various.
Model bark, granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4924 (JE 30165).
Reisner, Models 82-3 pl. xix.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Hypostyle Hall. Finds. Various.
Model bark (incomplete), with naos and statues of gods, limestone, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 4930 (JE 30166).
Reisner, Models 91-2 pls. xx, xxi.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Found near Exterior of Hypostyle Hall.
Statue of Ramesses II and Ptah-tatanen seated, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 554
(JE 30167).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 101-3 pl. 93.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Exterior of Hypostyle Hall. Found nearby.
Bust with scarab on head, probably Ramesses II (no text), granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 38104 (JE 27856).
See Daressy, Statues de divinits 35.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Exterior of Hypostyle Hall. Found nearby.
Headless sphinx holding vase, of Ramesses II, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1211
(JE 27849).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 110 pl. 170.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Found near South Gate. Statues.
King Shabataka, headless, seated, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 655 (JE 27852).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 2 pl. 121.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Found near South Gate. Statues.
Paser, Vizier (TT 106), standing holding figure of Ptah, lower part, schist, temp. Sethos I to Ramesses II,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 630.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 177-9 pl. 116.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Found near South Gate. Statues.
Upper part, head destroyed, with text on back-pillar, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 870 (JE 28015).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 131 fig.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Found near South Gate. Statues.
Huy, kneeling, headless, holding Hathor-head, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 71897.
Wilkinson MSS. xiii [lower right].
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Found near South Gate. Statues.
Harsemtuemhet, scribe-statue, upper part lost, sandstone, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 139-40.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Found near South Gate. Statues.
Fragment of scribe-statue of Pedepep, black granite, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 525.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 81.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Found near South Gate. Statues.
Iry, headless block-statue, sandstone, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1106 (JE 27972,
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 59-60.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Found near South Gate. Statues.
Fragment stela with text naming Osorkon II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28582.
Text, Wilkinson MSS. xiii.76 (middle).
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Embalming House of Apis-bulls.
Upper part of stand of Amasis, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86757.
El Amir in JEA 34 (1948), 52, 54 pl. xvi [5].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Embalming House of Apis-bulls.
Lower part seated statuette of Shedsunefertem, quartzite, temp. Sesonchis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 86758.
Text, Kees in Z 87 (1962), 142-5.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Embalming House of Apis-bulls.
Stela (d), Apis-bull conveyed in bark on wheels, Ptolemaic or Roman period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 45044.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 35 [top].
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Embalming House of Apis-bulls.
Stela (h), similar to preceding, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Leclant and others Lgypte du crpuscule fig. 215.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Ptah. Embalming House of Apis-bulls.
Measuring-vessel of Darius I, year 34, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86754.
El Amir in JEA 34 (1948), 52, 54 pl. xvii [2].
Mt Rahna. Temple of Tuthmosis IV.
Foundation deposit of Tuthmosis IV, including clay tablets, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35174.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 25 [upper].
Mt Rahna. Temple of Tuthmosis IV.
Seated statue of Khephren, alabaster, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 41 (JE 28577).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 11.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Tuthmosis IV.
Seated statue of Menkaure, diorite, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42 (JE 28578).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 11.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Tuthmosis IV.
Seated statue of Neuserre, granite, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38 (JE 28466).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 10.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Tuthmosis IV.
Seated statue of Menkauhor, alabaster, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 40 (JE 28579).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 10.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Tuthmosis IV.
Seated statue of king, uninscribed, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39 (JE 28580).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 10.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Tuthmosis IV.
Statue-base (?) imitating faade, alabaster, Dyn. II-III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57001
(JE 27851).
Borchardt in Z xli (1904), 85 Abb.1.
Mt Rahna. Temple of Tuthmosis IV.
Stela fragment, double scene, Amenophis III before Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34558.
Grbaut, Le Mus. g. i, 9 pl. vii [lower].
Mt Rahna. Tombs of High Priests of Memphis of Dyn. XXII. Sheshonk. Temp. Osorkon II.
Burial chamber, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88131.
Badawi in Ann. Serv. liv (1957), 159-76 pls. iv-xi.
Mt Rahna. Tombs of High Priests of Memphis of Dyn. XXII. Sheshonk. Temp. Osorkon II.
Four canopic jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86764A-D.
Badawi in Ann. Serv. liv (1957), 176 pl. xii [A].
Mt Rahna. Tombs of High Priests of Memphis of Dyn. XXII. Sheshonk. Temp. Osorkon II.
Stela of Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86763.
Badawi in Ann. Serv. xlii (1943), 1-23 pl. 1.
Mt Rahna. Tombs of High Priests of Memphis of Dyn. XXII. Tomb of Pedesi.
Anthropoid sarcophagus of Amenhotp Huy, granite, re-used, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 59128.
Hamada in Ann. Serv. xxxv (1935), 122, 121 pls. 1, 2.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Statues.
Statue of Sesostris II, kneeling, fragment, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 387 (JE 27857).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 6-7 pl. 61.
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Statues.
Statue of Ankhu, squatting, headless, granite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 410 (JE
Text, Mariette Mon. Div. pl. 27 [b].
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Statues.
Amenhotp, scribe-statue, upper part lost, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
1169 (JE 27862).
El-Sayed in Ann. Serv. lxviii (1982), 123-7 pls. i-iii. Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 88.
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Statues.
Tenro, block-statue with naos at front, sandstone, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
1210 (JE 27848).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 27 [h].
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Statues.
Statue-fragment of Papu, squatting, fragment, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 671.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 17-18 (text).
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Statues.
Statue-fragment of Harsiesi holding naos of Hathor, sandstone, temp. Sesonchis V, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1212 (JE 27847).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 110-11 pl. 170.
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Statues.
Lower part squatting statue of Aksonb, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 915.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 151-2.
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Statues.
Man (name lost), holding naos, fragment, slate, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 673
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(JE 27861).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 20 pl. 123.
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Statues.
Statue of Osiris, seated, headless, dedicated by Irahor Neferebre-nufer, basalt, temp. Necho II to Apries, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38236 (JE 2012).
Daressy, Statues de divinits 69-70 pl. xiv.
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Statues.
Lower part of seated statue, of Osiris dedicated by Ankhpekhrod, granite, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 38233 (JE 27483).
Text, Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 28 [c].
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Stelae.
Amenophis II before Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34020 (JE 30173).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes 40-1 pl. xii.
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Stelae.
Ramosi with representation of Pylon of Temple of Ptah, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Mariette, Mon. Div. iv, pl. 30 [a].
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Stelae.
Hawk and ibis, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Memphis vi, 34 pl. lx [44].
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Blocks.
Fragment relief with text, Amenophis IV, possibly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 27 (e).
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Blocks.
Remains of King Amenemopet before Sekhmet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Ann. Serv. xxii, 204-5.
Mt Rahna. Finds from Ptah Enclosure and Dependencies. Various.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sarcophagus of cat, dedicated by Dhutmosi (son of Amenophis III), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 5003 (JE 30172).
Borchardt in Z xliv (1907), 97 with fig.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Nawa.
Stela, Horus on crocodiles, lower part, granite, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9411 (JE
Text, Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 26-7.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Arbain.
Fragments of statue base of Hori, Vizier, temp. Merneptah-Siptah to Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1174 (JE 31949).
Sourouzian, H. in BIFAO 97 (1997), 245, 252 [fig. 8 [a]]. See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 90.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Fakhry. Cemetery. 1st Int. Period or early Middle Kingdom. Re-used blocks from
tombs of Dyn. XXX.
Neferseshem-psammethek, (a) presentation of jewellery with deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 10978.
Maspero, Le Muse Eg. ii, 79-80 pls. 35 [upper], 36.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Fakhry. Cemetery. 1st Int. Period or early Middle Kingdom. Re-used blocks from
tombs of Dyn. XXX.
Neferseshem-psammethek, (b) offering-bringers before deceased seated on left, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 10976.
Maspero, Le Muse Eg. ii, pls. 32 [top], 33.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Fakhry. Cemetery. 1st Int. Period or early Middle Kingdom. Re-used blocks from
tombs of Dyn. XXX.
Blocks, upper parts of offering-bringers before deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 10977.
Maspero, Le Muse Eg. ii, 81-2 pl. 38 [top].
Mt Rahna. Km el-Fakhry. Cemetery. 1st Int. Period or early Middle Kingdom. Miscellaneous.
Bust, perhaps Tutankhamun or Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55032.
See Descr. somm. No. 6813.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Fakhry. Cemetery. 1st Int. Period or early Middle Kingdom. Miscellaneous.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment statue, kneeling captive attacked by lion, slate, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1333.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Raba. Building of Siamun. Monuments of Ankhefenmut.
Lintel, Siamun followed by Ankhefenmut before Amen-re and Mut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 40033.
Petrie, Memphis i, 13 pl. xxxi [top and middle right].
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Temple of Ptah. Merneptah. Outer Court.
Re-used lotus-capital, probably Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Palace. Merneptah. Hall.
Doorway, names of the King on lintel and jambs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45029.
Texts, Edgar in Ann. Serv. xv (1915), 102-4.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Palace. Merneptah. Hall.
Doorway, names of the King on lintel and jambs, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., now in Philadelphia PA, The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and
Anthropology, E 13552.
Texts, Edgar in Ann. Serv. xv (1915), 102-4.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Statues.
Head, probably Nefertiti, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45547.
Aldred, New Kingdom Art (1961), pl. 135.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Statues.
Small glass head, possibly of Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46416.
Cooney in Journal of Glass Studies ii (1960), 28 figs. 20-1.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Statues.
May, squatting, with cartouches of Merneptah on shoulders, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 67878.
Habachi in Chron. dEg. xxix (1954), 213-16 figs. 27-8.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Lower part of stela, year 24 (of Ramesses III) concerning presenting statue of Ramesses III to the Temple
of Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Schulman in JNES xxii (1963), 177-8 pl. vii. Excavation No. 2882.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Ramesses III before barks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45548.
Schulman in Bull. Egyptol. Sem. 2 (1980), 98 n. 39 pl. 2; Philadelphia Photo. 34078.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Ramesses IX before Ptah, with text of year 13, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45567.
Philadelphia Photo. 34073.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Rebahi (or Bahi ?) before two figures of Amun-re and Mut(?), upper part, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 45557.
Schulman in JNES xxiii (1964), 278-9 pl. iii [upper].
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
With three foreign divinities, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45535.
Schulman in Bull. Egyptol. Sem. 4 (1982), pl. 1 on 91; Philadelphia Photo. 34037.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Sipair, Kings son (i.e. of Amosis), Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45543.
Philadelphia Photo. 34037; Schulman in Bibliotheca orientalis xliii (1986), cols.329-30 [C 14] with fig.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Part of royal decrees of Ramesses III (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45550.
Philadelphia Photo. 34037.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Ptah in naos, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45552.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Philadelphia Photo. 34037.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Statuette of Ptah against a stela, with Nebamun adoring, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45555.
Schulmann in Simpson and Davis (eds.), Studies ... Dunham 165 with fig. 3.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Year 6, Petusbastis I, mentioning Yewerhen, top lost, Dyn. XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45530.
Schulman in Journal American Research Center v (1966), 33-9, xiii [2].
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Hathor before Ptah dedicated by Pinezem, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45539.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Man before Tatenen, Sekhmet and Isis, with abnormal hieratic text, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 45549.
Philadelphia Photo. 34049.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Stelae.
Pedeneit and Ankh-Wehebre, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45534.
Schulman in Bull. Egyptol. Seminar 3 (1981), 103-10 pl. 1 on 111.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Blocks, etc.
Jamb with remains of text, Ramesses III, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45570.
JEA 5 (1973), pl. xxxvii [2], fig. 3.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Blocks, etc.
Offering-text mentioning Ptah and ka of Queen Tausert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45568.
BIFAO 71 (1972), 134 fig. 4 pl. xxvi.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Blocks, etc.
Lintel fragment of Shedsunefertem before cartouches of Siamun, Dyn., XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 45569.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Location Unknown. Statues.
Stela of Ankh-ptah, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45520.
Schulman in Zivie, A.-P. (ed.), Memphis et ses ncropolis 84 n. 30, 85 n. 31 pl. 10.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Finds from the South Pylon and Palace areas. Location Unknown. Statues.
Panehesi holding headless figure of Ptah, late Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45537.
Schulman in Zivie, A.- P. (ed.), Memphis et ses ncropoles 86 on 47 with pl. 12 [A].
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Sety, block statue, granite, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33263.
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 282 [155]; ii, Taf. 68 [a-d].
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Semtu-tefnakht, headless, granite, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 653
(JE 27480).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 197 pl. 120.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Neferebre-nufer, i.e. Irahor, tomb LS 23, with shrine of Ptah, temp. Psammetikhos II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 807 (JE 2011).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 104-5 pl. 149.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Pikhas, schist, headless. Dyn. XXX or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1085.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 49-50 pl. 162.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Hawk protecting King, Late Period (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33262.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1309.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Man holding naos of Harpocrates, uninscribed, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33266.
Maspero, Egypte fig. 485.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pakharu, Horus on the crocodiles, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9405.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques pls. 5, 6.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Fragments trilingual decrees (of year 6) Ptol. IV Philopater on horseback, etc., granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 31088 (JE 35635).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 74.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ptolemy VI Philometor in double scene before divinities of Tanis and Thebes, with line of demotic text,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22189 (JE 35200).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 187-8 pl. 64.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Parashtereth or Pari, Horus on the crocodiles with hieroglyphic and Phoenician texts, greywacke, on
pedestal with offering-basin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9402 (JE 33264, 34081).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques pls. 2, 3.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Block (perhaps stela) with cartouches of the Aten and Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 34 [e, 1-3].
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Ramesses II holds captives, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46189.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), Pt. iii, 63 fig. 5.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Others.
Amenemhet I, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 34 [f].
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Others.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sistrum of Darius I, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 69324 (JE 15005).
Hickmann, Instruments de musique 85 pl. 58.
Mt Rahna. Km el-Qala. Miscellaneous. Others.
Bronze bolt with lion. Probably Ptol., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37765.
Ann. Serv. vi, 237-8 pl. 2.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Colossal head, perhaps of Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 641.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 187-8 Bl. 118.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Colossal head, probably Sesostris I usurped by Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45085.
Saucozian in MDAIK 44 (1988), 231, 233 fig. 1 [c] Taf. 67.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Seated god with [Sethos I] between knees, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1293 (JE 27854).
Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 1127. Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 151 cf. 150.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Ramesses II, fragments black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Ann. Serv. xx, 167-8 [1].
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Fragment of seated statue, granite, New Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1206.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 107.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Fragment statue of Apries kneeling with figure of Ptah, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1052.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 39.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Achoris kneeling, lower part, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 681 (JE 27489).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 25 Bl. 124.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Face and neck, sculptors model. Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33366 (JE 35792).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 42 pl. xvii.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Hetepdef, kneeling, red granite, late Dyn. II or Dyn. III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 1-2 pl. i.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Lower part stood, statue of Kawab, restored by Khaemweset, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 40431.
Goma, Chaemwese 84 [51] Abb. 19 Taf. iv.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Menkheperrasonb, block statue, granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 547.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 92-3 pl. 91.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Sebkhotp, sandstone, fragment, temp. Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1090.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 51 pl. 162.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Statue-group, Teti with man and woman, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44673.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Neferronpet, lower part, kneeling with two small figures on either side, sandstone, New Kingdom, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41642.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1367.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Seated double-statue, Dyn. XVIII, usurped by Shedsunefertem and wife Tashepenesi, temp. Sesonchis I,
granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 741.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 67-9 Bl. 137.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Niche, dedicated by Ankh-sheshonk, with six statuettes of his ancestors, sandstone, probably Dyn. XXV,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36728.
Vernus in BIFAO 76 (1976), 3-15 pls. v, vi.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Bust of Ankhemthenent, quartzite, Dyn. XXV, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29878, now in
New York (NY), Metropolitan Museum of Art, 07.228.47.
Bothmer, Eg. Sculpture 11-12 [10] pl. 10 [23-5].
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Pedesi Harkhebi, block statue, Dyn. XXV-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 659.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 7-8 (text).
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Ahmosi with naos of Ptah, lower part, slate, temp. Amasis, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
666, may adjoin head, in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a. 5740.
De Meulenaere in MDAIK 47 (1991), 249-50 Taf. 29 [c] [= Wilbour MSS 2D, p. 36]. Text Borchardt,
Statuen und Statuetten iii, 14.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Psammethek-sineit, kneeling with naos, greywacke, Dyn XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 726 (JE 31335).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 61 pl. 134.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Psammethek-sonb, Vizier, holding naos of Atum, Dyn. XXIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 682 (JE
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 26-7 pl. 124.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Pedepep, block-statue, headless, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 595.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 149.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block statue, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 727 (JE 10891).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 62 pl. 134.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Statue, man kneeling with naos, unfinished, diorite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 47168.
Egipto: Creador de la Civilizacion (Sevilla, Expo 92), Cat. No. 7 fig.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Head, green faience, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 808.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 106 pl. 149.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Lower part statue of daughter of Harhap (mother), dedicated by brother Pedekhons, Ptolemaic, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 35351.
Text, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xxiv (1902), 161 [cxciv].
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
iii2.868 (see Bibl. iv.38)
Pedusiri, schist, Roman, formerly in Huber colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 696
(JE 27860 and JE 27953).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 38-9 pl. 128.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Lion eating captive, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37647.
Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxx (1930), 48, fig. 6.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Thoth, statue-base, dedicated by Bek(en)amun, faience, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
See Bull. Inst. g. iii, Sr, 3 (1892), 281.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Statues.
Sphinx, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1175.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 90 pl. 165.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Stelae.
Amasis, year 29, upper part, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37494.
Manuelian, P. Der, Living in the Past 381-5 [8] figs. 71, 72 pls. 10, 20 (as JE 37974). Text, Daressy in Ann.
Serv. xxiii (1923), 47-8.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Stelae.
Amasis before Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34741 (= JE 35182).
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Stelae.
Merymery, temp. Tutankhamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34186.
Text, Lacau, Stles 232-3.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Stelae.
Irtharerau, Late Period, or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31082.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 9-10 figs.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Blocks.
Lotus-column, red granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48837 (also JE 38576).
Maspero, Guide (1915), 192 [754] fig. 62.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Blocks, etc.
Name of Sethos II altered to Merneptah-Siptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30174.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iv, 349 [13]. See Bull. Inst. g. iii Sr. 3 (1892), 283.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Blocks, etc.
Column, Hori before Ptah, and before Mut, probably Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xi (1889), 81 [xxiv].
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Blocks, etc.
Two blocks, Sesonchis III and Thekerti before Sekhmet, and remains of similar scene before Ptah and
Sekhmet above (as below in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46915.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xx (1920), pp. 169-70 [5].
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Blocks, etc.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Three fragments (b)-(d), of the so-called Palermo Stone, with list of kings, probably a Dyn. XXV, copy
of earlier document, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39734-5, 44859 (see Bibl. iv.133).
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Blocks, etc.
Fourth fragment (e) of the so-called Palermo Stone, with list of kings, probably a Dyn. XXV, copy of
earlier document, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44860.
Gauthier in Maspero, Le Muse Eg. iii, 50-3 pl. xxxi.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Blocks, etc.
Fifth fragment (f) of the so-called Palermo Stone, with list of kings, probably a Dyn. XXV, copy of
earlier document, basalt, (found with dealer in Cairo), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
De Cenival in Bull. Soc. fr. dEg. No. 44 (1965), 13-17 fig.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Various. Shrines.
Dedicated to Neith by Amasis, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70010 (JE 35129).
Roeder, Naos 37-8 pl. 8 [a].
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Various. Vessels.
Vase of Sethos I, cylindrical, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87784.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Various. Others.
Mirror of Hetep-hathor, bronze, late Old Kingdom or early Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 44075 (JE 30065).
Bndite, Miroirs 34-5 fig. 8; Lilyquist, Anc. Eg. Mirrors 14 n. 112 fig. 11.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Various. Others.
Weight of 270 debens of Taharqa, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31652 (JE 31336).
Weigall, Weights and Balances 10 pls. v, vi.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Various. Others.
Sistrum of Amasis, (b) three fragments, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 69334.
Hickmann, Instruments 93 pl. lix, [A, B].
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Various. Others.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Faience fragment of King Senkamaniske (possibly of palette or offering-table), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 41293.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 183-4.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Various. Others.
iii2.875A (as stela in Bibl. iii2.871)
Offering-table of Pahemneter, granite, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27322.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. x (1888), 150 [xiii].
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Various. Others.
Plaque of Ramesses III, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30082.
See Bull Inst. g. iii Sr. 3 (1892), 278.
Mt Rahna. Miscellaneous from Mt Rahna. Various. Others.
Cylinder-seal with Horus-name of Sekhemkhau (probably Shepseskare), bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 45495.
Kaplony Rollsiegel ii, 289-90 [2] Taf. 81. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xv (1915), 94.
El Badrashein.
Stela, To with wife Iay and others before Ptah and Sekhmet, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Grbaut, Le Muse Eg. i, 44 pl. xlvi [right].
Dahshr. Pyramid-complexes of Snefru. Lower Temple.
Two blocks from procession with three estates of Lower Egypt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 98949-50.
Fakhry, Sneferu ii, pls. xv [b], xxvii [c].
Dahshr. Southern Pyramid-complex of Snefru. Lower Temple. Six Chapels.
One statue of King, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98943.
Forbes, D. C. in KMT 10 [2] (1999), 29 figs. on 28.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complexes of Snefru. Lower Temple.
Stela of Neteraperef, with three estates at bottom, middle Dyn. V or later, found re-used, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 89290.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fakhry, Sneferu ii, 4-8 [B] fig. 283 pls. xxxviii-xl.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complexes of Snefru. Subsidiary Pyramid.
Stela with name of King, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89289.
Fakhry, Sneferu i, 89-90 figs. 53, 54 pls. xl-xliii.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. Causeway.
Block, two registers of Nubian archers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51978.
Jquier, Douze ans 136 fig. 39.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. Causeway.
Two blocks, with sea-going boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51958 (stolen), 51959.
See Jquier, Douze ans 136-7.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. Pyramid.
Visitors graffito, hieratic, probably Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 25377.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, 77 fig. 183.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. North Galleries and Mastabas of Princesses. Lower Gallery.
Canopic-jars of Ment, fragmentary, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4005-6.
Texts, Reisner, Canopics 3-4.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. North Galleries and Mastabas of Princesses. Lower Gallery.
Granite chest, uninscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4046 (JE 30955).
Reisner, Canopics pl. lxxx [upper].
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. North Galleries and Mastabas of Princesses. Lower Gallery.
Pectoral with name of Sesostris II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52001 (JE 30857).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 1 [upper].
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. North Galleries and Mastabas of Princesses. Lower Gallery.
Pectoral with name of Sesostris III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52002 (JE 30875).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 1 [lower].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. North Galleries and Mastabas of Princesses. Lower Gallery.
Pectoral, Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52003 (JE 30875).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 2.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. North Galleries and Mastabas of Princesses. Lower Gallery.
Two bracelet slides of Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52026-7 (JE 30886).
De Morgan, Dahchour i, 66 [15, 16] pl. xx.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. North Galleries and Mastabas of Princesses. Two shafts North
of Mastaba I.
Sarcophagus, alabaster, uninscribed, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28102
(JE 30960).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs du Nouvel Empire ii, 80 pl. 14.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. North Galleries and Mastabas of Princesses. Two shafts North
of Mastaba I.
Sarcophagus, alabaster, uninscribed, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28103.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs du Nouvel Empire ii, 80.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. South-east Court.
Three column fragments with hieratic graffiti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 25378-9.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, figs. 190-1, 194.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. Boat-burials.
Boat, wooden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4925.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, pls. xxix, xxx figs. 202-4.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. Boat-burials.
Boat, wooden, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4926.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, pls. xxix, xxx figs. 202-4.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. Boat-burials.
Fragment of rudder, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4927.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, pls. xxix, xxx figs. 202-4.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Sesostris III. Boat-burials.
Fragment of sled for boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4928.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, pls. xxix, xxx figs. 202-4.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Iti and Khnemt. Kings daughters (presumably of
Amenemhet II).
Set of eight alabaster ointment jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18643-50.
Bissing, Steinegefsse 136-9, 140 with Taf. A.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Iti and Khnemt. Kings daughters (presumably of
Amenemhet II).
Wooden box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18642.
Bissing, Steinegefsse 136-9, 140 with Taf. A.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Iti and Khnemt. Kings daughters (presumably of
Amenemhet II).
Set of eight alabaster ointment jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18652-9.
Bissing, Steinegefsse 136-9, 140 Taf. A.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Iti and Khnemt. Kings daughters (presumably of
Amenemhet II).
Box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18651.
Bissing, Steinegefsse 136-9, 140 Taf. A.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Iti and Khnemt. Kings daughters (presumably of
Amenemhet II).
Alabaster ointment jar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18661.
Bissing, Steinegefsse 136-9, 140 Taf. A.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Iti and Khnemt. Kings daughters (presumably of
Amenemhet II).
Lower part false-door of Amenemhetankh, Kings son, etc., re-used in offering-chamber of Khnemt, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1488.
De Morgan, Dahchour, ii, 68 fig. 111.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Itiwert and Sit-hat(hor)-mer(t). Temp.
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Amenemhet II.
Wooden coffin of Sit-hat(hor)-mer(t), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28101.
Texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 77-9, cf. 80.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Itiwert and Sit-hat(hor)-mer(t). Temp.
Amenemhet II.
Set of eight alabaster ointment jars, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18662-9.
Texts, Bissing, Steingefsse 140-3.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Itiwert and Sit-hat(hor)-mer(t). Temp.
Amenemhet II.
Set of eight alabaster ointment jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18670-7.
Texts, Bissing, Steingefsse 140-3.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Itiwert and Sit-hat(hor)-mer(t). Temp.
Amenemhet II.
Wooden statuette of swan, from offering-chamber of Itiwert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
De Morgan, Dahchour ii, 74 fig. 123.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet II. Tomb of Itiwert and Sit-hat(hor)-mer(t). Temp.
Amenemhet II.
Wooden statuette of swan, from offering-chamber of Sit-hat(hor)-mer(t), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See De Morgan Dahchour ii, 76.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Mortuary Temple.
Hieratic graffito of Mery-inher(t), Dyn. XII or 2nd Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 25380.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, 117 fig. 272.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Mortuary Temple.
Statuette, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 515.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 88.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Mortuary Temple.
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Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pyramidion of Amenemhet III, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35133 (also JE 35745).
Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 206-8 pl.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Mortuary Temple.
Fragment of canopic-jar of Hathor-hotpet, Kings daughter, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 59175.
De Morgan, Dahchour ii, 105 fig. 154.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 1. King
Awibre I Hor, Dyn. XIII.
Two stelae, with offering-text, and with 14 columns of Pyramid-texts, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 30952, 30951.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, 94 [4, 3], 165 figs. 218, 217.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 1. King
Awibre I Hor, Dyn. XIII.
Circular offering-table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30953.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, 95 [5] fig. 219.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 1. King
Awibre I Hor, Dyn. XIII.
Gold leaf from coffin of King, and fragment of side with uzat eyes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 28106, 28100.
Lacau, Sarcopages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 77, 84-5 pl. xix (CG 28100).
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 1. King
Awibre I Hor, Dyn. XIII.
Mummy-mask, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28107.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, 98 fig. 229.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 1. King
Awibre I Hor, Dyn. XIII.
Fragments of wood with gold leaf from canopic chest, with gold sealing of Amenemhet III, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 51266.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, pls. xxxvi [middle right] figs. 245-7.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 1. King
Awibre I Hor, Dyn. XIII.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Four canopic-jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4019 (JE 30954), 4020-2.
Reisner, Canopics 11-13 pl. iv.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 1. King
Awibre I Hor, Dyn. XIII.
Ka-statue found in naos, and fragment of ka-sign, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 259 (statue), 1159 (JE
30948) (ka-sign).
De Morgan, Dahchour i, 91-2 [1, 2] figs. 212-16 pls. xxxiii-xxxv.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 1. King
Awibre I Hor, Dyn. XIII.
Naos, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70035 (JE 30949).
Roeder, Naos 121-2 pl. 40 [a].
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 1. King
Awibre I Hor, Dyn. XIII.
Fragments of gold-leaf which probably covered ka-statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1163.
Borchardt Statuen und Statuetten iv, 86 Bl. 164.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 1. King
Awibre I Hor, Dyn. XIII.
Two libation vases, fragmentary, now restored, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4028-9.
Reisner, Canopics 17-18 pl. vi (lids not belonging).
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 2.
Nubhetepti-khred, Kings daughter. Dyn. XIII.
Gold leaf from coffin, with texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28104.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, pl. xxxvi [top] fig. 263.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 2.
Nubhetepti-khred, Kings daughter. Dyn. XIII.
Gold leaf from canopic-chest, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51268.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, 115 fig. 268 pl. xxxvi [middle left].
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 2.
Nubhetepti-khred, Kings daughter. Dyn. XIII.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Canopic-jars of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4007-10.
Reisner, Canopics 4-7 pl. 1.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 2.
Nubhetepti-khred, Kings daughter. Dyn. XIII.
Seven inscribed ointment-jars, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18722-8.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, 109-10 figs. 258-62.
Dahshr. Pyramid-complex of Amenemhet III. Tombs in North part of Pyramid Enclosure. 2.
Nubhetepti-khred, Kings daughter. Dyn. XIII.
Unguent box, wood, sealed by Senebtifi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18721.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, 109-10 figs. 258-62.
Dahshr. Pyramid of Ameny-kemau. Dyn. XIII.
Fragments of canopic-jars, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Swelim, D. and Dodson, A. in MDAIK 54 (1998), 324-6 fig. 4 Taf. 54, 55.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Northern part. 5. Probably Dyn. IV.
Reserve-head, probably female, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 519.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, fig. 7.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Northern part. 7. Mastaba-group, probably Dyn. V.
Four fragments of false-door of Kaahaf, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1381-3, 1672.
De Morgan, Dahchour i, figs. 12, 13. Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 41-2; ii, 129.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 1. Seshemnufer. Second half Dyn. V or Dyn.
Southern brick-built false-door, blocks, men bringing unguents, painted, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
1783, 1785.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 203, 204 Bl. 109.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 1. Seshemnufer. Second half Dyn. V or Dyn.
Painted scene of butchers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1781.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 202 Bl. 108.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall paintings.
Remains of two registers, I, men carrying [palanquin], II, freight-boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 188-9 pl.102.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall paintings.
Two registers, I, bringing donkeys, piling sheaves etc., II, rowing -boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 188-9 pl. 102.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall paintings.
Remains of registers before deceased and attendants, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1771.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 190-1 pl. 103.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall paintings.
Netting fish, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1772.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 191-2 pl. 103.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall paintings.
Two sailing-boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1773.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 192-3 pl. 104.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-Snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall-paintings.
Registers, I (lower part), bringing cattle before deceased and wife, II, estates, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1774.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 194-5 pl. 104.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-Snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall-paintings.
Lower part of two scenes, spearing fish and fowling, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1775.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 195-6 pl. 105.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-Snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall-paintings.
Registers of funeral scenes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1776.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 197-9 pl. 105.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-Snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall-paintings.
Deceased seated etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1777.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 199 pl. 106.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-Snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall-paintings.
Lady guest and two registers of dancers and musicians, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1778.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 199-200 pl. 106.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-Snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall-paintings.
Lower part deceased seated and offerings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1779-80.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 201-2 pl. 107.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-Snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall-paintings,
perhaps from here, but more likely from another tomb.
Canoe with fish, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1782, 1786.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 203, 205 Bl. 108, 109.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 2. In-Snefru-ishtef. Dyn. V-VI. Wall-paintings.
Stern of canoe and cattle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1784.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 204 Bl. 109.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 7. Neferirtnes. Dyn. VI.
False-door from offering-room, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1393.
De Morgan, Dahchour ii, fig. 22.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 8. Niankh-snefru Fefi. Probably Dyn. VI.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57122.
De Morgan, Dahchour ii, fig. 27.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 8. Niankh-snefru Fefi. Probably Dyn. VI.
Drum with names and title, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1489.
Text. Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 190.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 11. Neferher-Snefru. Probably Dyn. V or VI.
Drum of doorway with name and title, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1487.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 189.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 24. Probably Dyn. VI.
Statuette, woman grinding corn, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 504.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 86.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 24. Probably Dyn. VI.
Two statuettes, female offering bearers with baskets on head, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 509, 510.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 87.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 24. Probably Dyn. VI.
Statuette, man seated, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 517.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 88.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 24. Probably Dyn. VI.
Statuette, standing, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 503.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 85.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 24. Probably Dyn. VI.
Two groups, originally four servants off the estate of Shepy each (only three of each left), wood, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 511, 512.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pls. 87-8.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 24. Probably Dyn. VI.
Statue (as statuette in Bibl.) of man, part of left foot and of base lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 505.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 72, 252-3 [A 70] figs.
Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 24. Probably Dyn. VI.
Statuettes standing, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 516, 514, 506.
De Morgan, Dahchour ii, 21 [17-20] pl. iv.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dahshr. East of North Pyramid of Snefru. Southern part. 27. Kedshepses, probably Dyn. V or later.
False-door jamb, with names and titles of deceased and sons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1390.
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 51.
Dahshr. East of Southern Pyramid of Snefru. Iynufer, early Dyn. IV.
Lower parts of two niches, with estates on thicknesses, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57121, 57120 (JE
38563, 38564).
Barsanti in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 198-9 pls. i, ii.
Dahshr. East of Southern Pyramid of Snefru. Duare. Temp. Sahure or later.
False door, deceased and son Ankhmare, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1389 (JE 25642).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, Bl. 12.
Dahshr. East of Southern Pyramid of Snefru. Duare. Temp. Sahure or later.
Offering-basin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1375.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 34.
Dahshr. East of Southern Pyramid of Snefru. Duare. Temp. Sahure or later.
Offering-basin of son, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1325.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, Bl. 4.
Dahshr. East of Southern Pyramid of Snefru. Duare. Temp. Sahure or later.
Doorway, lintel and jambs with names and titles, and thicknesses, four registers, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1552 (JE 25643).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 9-13 Bl. 58 (lintel belongs to CG 1389).
Dahshr. East of Southern Pyramid of Snefru. Nefermaet. Middle Dyn. V.
Lintel and drum of false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57143.
Texts, Barsanti in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 204 [v].
Dahshr. East of Southern Pyramid of Snefru. Nefermaet. Middle Dyn. V.
Relief-fragment, two registers, with four people seated including brothers of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 57142.
Text, Barsanti in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 203-4 [iv].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dahshr. East of Southern Pyramid of Snefru. Kaemked. Probably Dyn. V.
Lower part of false door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37953.
Texts, Barsanti in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 202-3 [iii].
Dahshr. North of Enclosure of Sesostris III. 2. Khnemhotp. Probably temp. Sesostris III.
Canopic chest, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4048 (JE 30957).
Reisner, Canopics 28-32 pl. lxxxi.
Dahshr. North of Enclosure of Sesostris III. 11. Khentekhtaiemsaf. Temp. Sesostris III or later.
Reliefs, deceased and wife at table, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1468-77.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, Bl. 37.
Dahshr. North of Enclosure of Sesostris III. 11. Khentekhtaiemsaf. Temp. Sesostris III or later.
Canopic-chest, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4049 (JE 30958).
Reisner, Canopics 32-3 pl. lxxix.
Dahshr. North of Enclosure of Sesostris III. 19. Name unknown. Probably late Dyn. XII.
Head, diorite or granite head, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 828, now in The Hague, Haags
Gemeentemuseum 1952.
De Morgan, Dahchour figs. 72, 72a.
Dahshr. North of Enclosure of Sesostris III. 24. Ipiti. Second half of Dyn. XII.
Stela with Khakeperre-sonb before deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1486 (JE 30962).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 187-8 Bl. 41.
Dahshr. North of Enclosure of Sesostris III. 25. Khnemhotp. Middle Kingdom.
False-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1478.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 165 Bl. 38.
Dahshr. North of Enclosure of Sesostris III. 25. Neni. Middle Kingdom.
Stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1481.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 168-9 Bl. 38.
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Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dahshr. South of Enclosure of Amenemhet II. Siesi. Dyn. XII.
Four reliefs-fragments, (a) Sem-priest, etc. before deceased at table. in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Maspero and Roeder, Fuhrer 33 [224] pl. 21 [a].
Dahshr. South of Enclosure of Amenemhet II. Siesi. Dyn. XII.
Four reliefs-fragments. (b) Head of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.
Pirenne, Hist. Civ. ii, pl. 31 facing 101.
Dahshr. South of Enclosure of Amenemhet II. Finds.
Stela and offering-table of Senuankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20528-9.
De Morgan, Dahchour ii, figs. 129, 130.
Dahshr. Miscellaneous. Old Kingdom.
Seated, headless, and standing statues, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 507-8.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 74-5 Bl. 87 (CG 508).
Dahshr. Miscellaneous. Old Kingdom.
Head, granite, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1249.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 129.
Dahshr. Miscellaneous. Old Kingdom.
False-door of Ismet, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1395 (JE 28823).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 55-6 Bl. 14.
Dahshr. Miscellaneous. Old Kingdom.
Offering-table of Sethu, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1330.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 14 Bl. 5.
Dahshr. Miscellaneous. Old Kingdom.
Offering-table of King Kakai (Neferirkare), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37951.
Dahshr. Miscellaneous. Old Kingdom.
Obelisk of Snefru... Hetep, Dyn. VI, found south of the Red Pyramid, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 8 Bl. 2.
Dahshr. Miscellaneous. Middle Kingdom.
Upper part of seated statuette, grey hard stone, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 518, now in Alexandria, Alexandria National Museum.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 738.
Dahshr. Miscellaneous. Middle Kingdom.
Seated statue (as statuette in Bibl.), wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 513.
Harvey, J. Wooden Statues of the Old Kingdom. A Typological Study (2001), 72, 258-9 [A 73] figs. (as from
Tomb 24). See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 77.
Dahshr. Miscellaneous. Middle Kingdom.
Gold-leaf from coffin of woman Sitsobk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28105.
Coffin texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 83.

Volume iv

Damietta. Finds.
Libation-bowl of Harwoz, Dyn. XXVI, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86848.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. liii (1955), 464-5 figs. 13, 14.
Tell El-AshAr.
Ptolemaic doorway, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts of doorway Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 277-8.
Rosetta. Dibi.
Upper part, sarcophagus of Ankh-Pepy, schist, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60597.
See Habachi in Ann. Serv. xlii (1943), 394.
Rosetta. Fua.
Block, probably of Nektanebos II, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67849.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Habachi in Ann. Serv. xlii (1943), 395 n. 4.
Ab Qr (Canopus). Temple of Isis (?). Court.
Statue of Rameses II with standard, usurped by Merneptah, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 98. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 5 [1].
Alexandria. Found near Pompeys Pillar.
Upper part of statue of Sesostris I (?), usurped by Merneptah, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 384 (JE 28825).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 60. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 158 [532].
Alexandria. Found near Pompeys Pillar.
Statue of Ramesses II, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 620 (JE 28828).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 112.
Alexandria. Found near Pompeys Pillar.
Statue of Sekhmet with substituted text of Ramesses II, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Daressy, Statues de divinits pl. li.
Alexandria. Found near Pompeys Pillar.
Offering-table of Ramesses IX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23093 (JE 28829, 40490).
Text, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 79-80.
Alexandria. Km el-Dams.
Upper part statue of Hor, black granite, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 697 (JE 38310).
Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer pl. 42 [b]; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 128 (called Inv. 38310).
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 225-6 [972], fig. 79.
Alexandria. Miscellaneous.
Lower part statue of Wehebre holding naos, temp. Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 677
(JE 39044).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 22-3.
Alexandria. Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Horus on the crocodiles, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9401.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 1-3 pl. i; Maspero, Guide (1915), 489 [4750] fig. 143.
Alexandria. Miscellaneous.
Bilingual stela, limestone, found in May 1870, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21847.
Alexandria. Miscellaneous.
Block with trilingual decree (112 B.C.) of Ptolemy IV Soter II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 9299.
Greek text, Milne, Greek Inscriptions 8-9.
Alexandria. Miscellaneous.
Measuring-vase with ten zones marked with hin, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3577.
Mazar et al., Views of the Biblical World i, pl. 112 [left]; Gardiner MSS 28.560-1. See von Bissing,
Metalgefsse 71.
Near Lake Maryut (Mareotis).
Stela of Weshtihet, year 19 of Sesonchis V, gift of land to Hathor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 30972.
Mller, Eg. Res. i, pl. 88.
El-Qantara. Cemetery.
Sarcophagus of Pedamenopet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29318 (JE 66748).
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages .. persanes et ptolmaiques ii, pls. 34-6. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 177-8
El-Qantara. Cemetery.
Sarcophagus of Hepmen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29319 (JE 66749).
Maspero et Gauthier, Sarcophages ... persanes et ptolmaiques ii, pls. 37-8.
El-Qantara. Cemetery.
Sarcophagus of Heni (as Hepmen in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29320 (JE 66750).
Maspero et Gauthier, Sarcophages .. persanes et ptolmaiques ii, pl. 39.
Tell Dafana (Daphnae). Central Fort.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Foundation deposit of Psammetikhos I with six plaques with cartouches, faience, gold, silver, felspar, lapis,
and jasper, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27385.
Petrie, Nebesheh pl. xxii [upper].
Tell Dafana (Daphnae). Camp.
Faience plaque from foundation deposit of Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27386.
Tell Dafana (Daphnae). Camp.
Stela, Asiatic god standing on lion, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25147.
Schfer in Z lxxiii, 54-5 pl. 7 [b].
Tell Dafana (Daphnae). Miscellaneous.
Upper part of statue of Asiatic prisoner, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 749
(JE 27393).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 139.
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Temple of Buto.
Column with statue of Merneptah protected by hawk, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Petrie, Nebesheh pl. x [9 a-c].
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Small Temple of Amasis.
Foundation deposit including one faience and one gold plaque with cartouches of Amasis, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 27395.
Petrie, Nebesheh pl. v [top].
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Small Temple of Amasis.
Offering-table, Amenemhet II with text of Bay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Petrie, Nebesheh pl. ix [1].
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Cemetery. Tomb of Reardais. Late Period.
Lid of limestone sarcophagus of Reardais, daughter of Tadieamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 11-12. See Buhl, Late Egyptian Anthropoid Stone Sarcophagi 98 [F, a
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Miscellaneous.
Colossal head of King with inscription support, granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 640.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 118.
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Miscellaneous.
Statue of Harkhebi, basalt, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38545.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 239-40.
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Miscellaneous.
Fragments of sphinx, usurped by Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1070.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 45-6.
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Miscellaneous.
iv. 9A
Part of a statue of a Chancellor standing holding naos, breccia, Late Period, probably from here, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 617 (JE 30342).
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 163-4.
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Gemnef-Harbak, with text of Appeal to the living and mentioning festivals of Eastern Buto,
Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85932.
Drioton in Bull. Inst. Eg. xxv (1943), 3 fig. 1 and pp. 1-19.
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Miscellaneous.
Sarcophagus of Psammethek-menkh-ib, basalt, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44967.
Buhl, The Late Egyptian Anthropoid Stone Sarcophagi 28 [B, a2] with titles, pl. i.
Nabsha. (Tell Farn). Miscellaneous.
Sarcophagus of Psammethek(?), red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44968.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Khatana. Remains of Temple.
Lower part of seated statue of Queen Sent, granite, Dyn. XI or XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 424.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 69.
Khatana. Remains of Temple.
Statue of Amenemhet I, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60520.
Mlanges Maspero, i, 43-53 pls. 1, 2.
Khatana. Remains of Temple.
Offering-table of Amenemhet II, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23002 (JE 39568).
See Kuentz, Oblisques 3-4.
Ezbet Hilmi (Tell El-Qirqafa).
Jamb of Hyksos king Sekerher, Dyn. XV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bietak, Avaris 65 fig. 52.
Ezbet Hilmi (Tell El-Qirqafa).
Lower part of stela of Yneses, son of Khyan, Dyn. XV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bietak, Avaris 65 fig. 53.
Qantr. Palace of Ramesses II.
Faience plaques with alabaster inlay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64732.
Qantr. Palace of Ramesses II.
Faience fragments of ornamentation, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.,,,
See Gunn in Ann. Serv. xxix, 94.
Qantr. Palace of Ramesses II.
Tile with fish, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89479.
Ramss le Grand Cat. No. lvi [a] with col. pl.
Qantr. Palace of Ramesses II.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tile with fish, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89484.
Ramss le Grand Cat. No. lvi [b] with col. pl.
Qantr. Palace of Ramesses II.
Tile with duck, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89480.
Ramss le Grand Cat. No. lvi [c] with col. pl.
Qantr. Palace of Ramesses II.
Tile with plants and head of woman, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89483.
Ramss le Grand Cat. No. lvi [d] with col. pl.
Qantr. Palace of Ramesses II.
Fragment of glazed tile with cartouche of Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mller, H. W. in MDAIK 37 (1981), 345 Taf. 93 [a].
Qantr. Workshops.
Faience tiles of Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63961-64021.
Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxx (1930), pl. ii.
Qantr. Workshops.
Inscribed statue, head of Semite captive, at one time wrongly attached to next item, faience, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 64303.
Ramss le Grand Cat. No. lvi, pl. i.
Qantr. Workshops.
Body from statue of Nubian bitten by lion, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64312.
Ramss le Grand Cat. No. lvi, pl. i.
Qantr. Workshops.
Two statue fragments, lions biting heads of prisoners, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxx (1930), 47 [lower].
Qantr. Workshops.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment of statuette with base of skirt of prisoner, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum (JE 64312?).
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 461 [167, II (ii)].
Qantr. Workshops.
Tiles of Ramesses II, faience and stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64401-5, 64663.
Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxx (1930), pl. ii.
Qantr. Workshops.
Lintel (cornice) and jamb of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64729.
Text, Ann. Serv. xxx (1930), 42.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Fragment, Ramesses II smites three Asiatic captives, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxx (1930), 38[2].
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ramesses II with Semitic captive before Shu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 71626.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ramesses II offers flowers to Re-Harakhti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72037.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Fragment of Ramesses II, inscribed on both faces, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hamza in Mlanges Maspero i [2], 652-3 pl. [3, 4].
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Upper part (as broken tablet in Bibl.), Ramesses III offers image of Maet to Amun-re, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 26686 (Temp. No.
Naville, Goshen 22-3 pl. ix [f].
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Usermaetre-nakht, temp. Ramesses III, with scene of King smiting foe before Seth at top, and donation
text below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88879.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 507-14 pl. 29.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
User before Thoth, and man kneeling below, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87830.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Set-hirkhopshef, son of Ramesses III, with deceased before Amun and before Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 87829.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 501-7 pl. 28.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Pyramidion of Ay (Merneferre), black granite, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43267.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 472-4 pls. 16, 17.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue of lion with cartouche Ramesses II Monthu-em-taui, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 86121.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 522-3 pl. xxxii
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Votive Stelae.
Ramosi before statue of Ramesses II, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87832.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 523-4 pl. 33.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Votive Stelae.
Rezekbuti before statue of Ramesses II, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 519-20 pl. 30 [a].
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Votive Stelae.
Fragment, a warrior adoring [statue] of Ramesses II, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 88666.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 520-1 pl. 30 [B].
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Votive Stelae.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Man offers flowers to a royal statue, unfinished, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86124.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 521-2 pl. 31.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Votive Stelae.
Stela of Tenro-hir..., with Amun-re and Reshef in upper reg., and deceased before Hauron in lower reg.,
perhaps from here, probably temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86123.
Leibovitch in Ann. Serv. xliv (1944), 163-4 pl. 14.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Blocks from doors.
Door (incomplete) of Iyroy of Bubastis, with deceased kneeling before cartouches on lintel, temp.
Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 493-7 pl. xxvi.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Blocks from doors.
Lower part of jamb of Ramesses II, with two regs., King offering to Amun-re and to Hathor, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 42901.
Hamza in Mlanges Maspero, i [2], 647, fig. 2 pl. [1].
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Blocks from doors.
Lintel of Matimen, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87831.
Text, Janssen in Oudheid. Med. N.R. xxxi (1950), 38 [27]. See Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 524 n. 1.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Blocks from doors.
Fragment of jamb of Ramesses II with altered cartouches, found re-used in mosque near modern
cemetery, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53680 (and/or 64731).
Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 36-7 [upper].
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Blocks from doors.
Jamb of Ptahmey, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64730.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 37-9.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Blocks from doors.
Lintel and jambs from tomb of Huy, temp. Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58705.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxxii (1932), 116, 118-19 pl.
Qantr. Miscellaneous. Blocks from doors.
Fragment of lintel, on left man with necklace, on right man with lamp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Neighbourhood of Faqs. Tell el-Daba.
Male statuette, feet lost, serpentine, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pharaonen und Fremde Kat. 29 fig.
Neighbourhood of Faqs. Tell el-Daba. Palace gardens.
Fragment of fresco with upper part of bull and bull leaper, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, 7997 (F 4).
Mayr, P. in Antike Welt 35 [3] (2004), 27 Abb. 2.
Neighbourhood of Faqs. Tell el-Daba.
Part of offering-table of Sesostris III, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 454.
Neighbourhood of Faqs. Tell el-Daba.
Lid with king Neferhotep before Osiris, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Funde aus gypten (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, 1979), 73 [G 119] Abb. 54.
Neighbourhood of Faqs. El-Dimeiyn.
Jamb of Bekenamun, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 123.
Neighbourhood of Faqs. Ezbet Rushdi el Sagira.
Stela of Amenemhet I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 453-4.
Neighbourhood of Faqs. Tell Iblm.
Royal head, badly damaged, serpentine, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment of palette with two oryxes, schist, Predynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60579.
Petrie, Cor. Slate Palettes H.H [23-24].
S. aft el-H. inna (Phacusa). Temple of Sopt.
Naos of Nektanebos I, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70021.
Roeder, Naos pls. 17-32, 33 [b]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 197 [790].
S. aft el-H. inna (Phacusa). Miscellaneous.
Statue-group, late Dyn. XVIII, usurped for Sanwese, dedicated by son Hor, gabbro (as black granite in
Bibl.), Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46600, head of man in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung
gyptischer Kunst, S. 6296.
Hornemann, Types v, No. 1397. Text, Ann. Serv. xx, 124-6.
S. aft el-H. inna (Phacusa). Miscellaneous.
Statue of Hor, probably son of preceding, black granite, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 41664.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 142-4.
S. aft el-H. inna (Phacusa). Miscellaneous.
Kneeling statue of Ahmosi, good name Neferebre-nakht, green schist, temp. Apries, lower part in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 895, bust formerly in Gallatin colln., now in New York NY, Metropolitan
Museum of Art, 66.99.68.
Brooklyn Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 59-61 [34] pl. 49 [118-19]; Rowe in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938),
pl. 26 [right]. Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 142-3.
S. aft el-H. inna (Phacusa). Miscellaneous.
Statue of Uzahorresnet (as Harwoz(?) in Bibl.), fragment, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 141.
S. aft el-H. inna (Phacusa). Miscellaneous.
Statue of Iba, head lost (as Aba and fragment in Bibl.), Late Period, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 894, Edwards colln., then at Christies in 1974.
Christie Sale Cat. (April 30 - May 1, 1974), No. 353 pl. 23. Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii,
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

S. aft el-H. inna (Phacusa). Miscellaneous.
Fragment of statue of Femet (?), black granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1031
(JE 27707).
Text, Naville, Mound of the Jew 23 pl. ii [d]; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 32.
S. aft el-H. inna (Phacusa). Miscellaneous.
Fragment of statue of Esptah, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 913.
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 150.
S. aft el-H. inna (Phacusa). Miscellaneous.
Block (as squatting in Bibl.) statue of a Prophet of the Ram of Mendes (as Zeho (?) in Bibl.), son of
Keramama, Dyn. XXV (is in possession in New York) now in Jerusalem, Israel Museum), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 535.
Rec. de Trav. xx 76-7 [clv, 1]; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 55-6.
Tell Tennis.
Base of kneeling statue with Horus-name of Psusennes I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41644.
Name, Gauthier, Livre des Rois iii, 290 [vii].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Granite Propylon. Sesonchis III.
Head of Khepri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59107
Fragment of triad, Ramesses II with Khepri and [Hathor], red granite.
Montet in Melanges Maspero i [2], 499 pl. i [2].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Granite Propylon. Sesonchis III.
Block with five foreign heads, sandstone, Dyn. IV or temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Montet in Kmi v (1935), 6-7 pls. 3-6. See Brief Description 6217.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Hall of Columns.
Stela (48) with trilingual decree of Canopus, year 9 of Ptolemy III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 22187 (JE 22261).
Budge, Rosetta Stone 251-2 pls. 15-22. Texts, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 183. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 227 [980].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Limestone Building against Propylon.
Statue of Panemerit holding triad, headless, black schist, temp. Ptolemy XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 67094.
Montet in Kmi viii (1946), pls. 12-17 [D.88].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Limestone Building against Propylon.
Head from statue of Panemerit holding stela with Amun, black schist, temp. Ptolemy XII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 27493 (JE 15154), adjoins, Paris, Muse Nationale du Louvre, E. 15683-4.
Edgar, Greek Sculpture 26 pl. xv.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Cache.
Six fragments from stela, [year 6] of Taharqa, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Leclant and Yoyotte in Kmi x (1949), 28-37 pls. 2, 3.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Cache.
Fragments from stela of Psammetikhos I, year 3 recording Nubian campaign, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 67095.
Montet in Kmi viii (1946), 39-40 [Fa 15] pl. 3.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Cache.
Waterclock of Necho II with list of decans, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Montet in Kmi viii (1946), pls. I, II.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. Sphinxes.
Colossal sphinx of probably Amenemhet I, with cartouches of Merneptah, Siamun and Sesonchis I, red
granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37478 and CG 639.
Evers, Staat ii, pl. xi [60].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. Obelisks. Fourth pair.
Upper part of south obelisk with pyramidion of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17021 (as
CG 17022 in Bibl.) (JE 37474).
Kuentz, Oblisques 39-41 pl. xii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. So-called Hyksos Monuments.
First sphinx (73, 74) [of Amenemhet III], black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 394
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(JE 15210).
Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer (1912), pl. 19; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 64.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. So-called Hyksos Monuments.
Second sphinx (72), black granite, (2nd sphinx), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 393 (JE 15210).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 63; Maspero, Guide (1915), 150-1 [507 A-D] fig. 55.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. So-called Hyksos Monuments.
Fragment of third sphinx (71), with cartouches of Ramesses II, Merneptah and Psusennes I, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37468.
De Roug, Album Photo. 120, 121.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. So-called Hyksos Monuments.
Fourth sphinx, with cartouches of Ramesses II and of Merneptah on base, of Merneptah on shoulders, and
of Psusennes I on chest, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37469.
Caparts, Monuments dits Hycsos 7 fig. 1.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. So-called Hyksos Monuments.
Southern statue-group, two Nile-gods holding offering tables with fish and lotuses, with text of Psusennes
I on front and back, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 392 (JE 18221).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 63; Maspero, Guide (1915), 152-3 [508] fig. 56.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. So-called Hyksos Monuments.
Fragments from northern statue-group, two Nile-gods holding offering tables with fish and lotuses, with
text of Psusennes I on front and back, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 531.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 89. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 152-3 [508 A].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. So-called Hyksos Monuments.
Fragment from statue of Nile god, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, perhaps adjoins Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 531.
Text, Leibovtich in JNES xii (1953), 79 [11], 108.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. So-called Hyksos Monuments.
Three fragments of base, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, from statues CG 531 or CG 392.
See Yoyotte in Ann. Serv. lxi (1973), 80 [bottom].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. Found lying near Hyksos Monuments.
Statue of Merneptah holding standards with seated deities (70), red (as grey in Bibl.) granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37483.
Sourouzian in Bleiberg and Freed, Fragments of a Shattered Visage 229-30 pl. iv. [c]. Texts, Petrie, Tanis i,
15; ii, 11, 28 pl. vii [136].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. Found lying near Hyksos Monuments.
Kneeling statue holding naos with Ptah and Sekhmet, granite, kneeling, temp. Ramesses III, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37472.
Text and sketch, Vassalli MSS f.3r/2r (= Tiradritti p. 62; Lise 395 [Cr] fig. 23). See Mariette, Notice
(1864), 267 [22].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. Found lying near Hyksos Monuments.
Kneeling statue, originally probably Sethos I, re-inscribed for Osorkon II, holding stela, grey granite, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 881 and CG 1040 (JE 37489), head in Philadelphia PA, The University of
Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, E.16199.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 133 fig. and iv, pl. 161.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. Found lying near Hyksos Monuments.
Pair of naos of Ramesses II, dedicated to Re-Harakhti, Atum and Khepri, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 70003-4 (JE 37475-6).
Roeder, Naos pls. 4-5. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 171 [612, A, B].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Avenue. Found lying near Hyksos Monuments.
Part of sphinx with cartouche of Siamun (?) on chest, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1200.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 169.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Statue of Amenemhet I (103), usurped by Merneptah, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37470.
Evers, Staat i, pls. 15-17. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 176 [625].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Colossus of Sesostris I, usurped by Merneptah, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37465.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Evers, Staat i, pls. 37, 38. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 179 [634].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Colossus of Sesostris I, usurped by Merneptah, head lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37482.
Evers, Staat i, pls. 39, 40.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Queen Nofret, wife of Sesostris II, seated, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 382.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 60; Maspero, Guide (1915), 104 [286] fig. 34.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Queen Nofret, wife of Sesostris II, seated, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 381
(JE 37487 (legs)).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 60.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Head of princess, possibly Queen Teye, legs broken off, black granite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 609.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 110.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Pair of colossi (86, 98) of Smenkhkare Mre-mesha, Dyn. XIII, with cartouches of Apophis II on right
shoulder, and texts of Ramesses II on back and side of throne, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Evers, Staat i, pls. 146-8. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 171, 172 [613, 617].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Colossus of Sebkhotp IV (102), red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37486.
Evers, Staat i, pls. 144-5. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 174 [622].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Queen (99), altered to Tuy (name destroyed), mother of Ramesses II, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37484.
Petrie, Tanis i, pls. 2 [11], 14 [1].
S. n el-H. agar. Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Double-statue, Ramesses II, with goddess, probably Mut or Anat, granite, head formerly in private
possession in Cairo, reconstructed statue with head, now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Myliwiec, K. in Osing, J. and Nielsen, E. K. (eds.), The Heritage of Ancient Egypt. Studies in Honour of Erik
Iversen (1992), 98 figs. 4 (two photographs).
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Transverse Line of Royal Statues.
Merneptah with standard (106), red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37481.
Texts, Petrie, Tanis i, pl. 7 [137].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Courts of Ramesses II.
Offering-table (105) of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23250 (JE 37972).
Petrie, Tanis ii, pl. i [66]. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 168.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Courts of Ramesses II.
Stela, year 6 of Taharqa (89, 93), in two fragments, duplicate of stela found at Kawa, granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37488.
Petrie, Tanis ii, pl. 9 [163].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Courts of Ramesses II.
Fragment from base of colossus with princes in relief, probably temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Yoyotte in Bull. Soc. Fr. dg. No. 57 (1970), 23 pl. iii [A].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Granite Sanctuary.
Tablet of Psusennes I, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 103 [A]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 522 [5176].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Granite Sanctuary.
Fragments of obelisk of King Nehesi (197, 198, 208, 217), Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Tanis i, pl. 3 [19 A-E].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Granite Sanctuary.
Upper part of obelisk (261), red granite, Middle Kingdom, usurped by Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 17022 (JE 37479).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kuentz, Oblisques 42-4 fig. 43 pl. 11 [right].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Granite Sanctuary.
Upper part of small obelisk of Ramesses II (241), red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17020 (JE
Petrie, Tanis ii, pl. 2 [196]; Kuentz, Oblisques pl. 11 [left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 166 [575].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Granite Sanctuary.
Stela of Ramesses II, inscribed on both faces, with double scene at top, King leading captives before Atum
and before Re-Harakhti (196), granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34510 (JE 37464).
Petrie, Tanis ii, pl. 2 [78]; i, 18 pl. 14 [5] (in foreground).
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Granite Sanctuary.
Two fragments of stela of Ramesses II with text on both faces (190, 215), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Yoyotte in Kmi xii (1953), 81-4 [vii] pl. vi [B].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Granite Sanctuary.
Three fragments from stela of Ramesses II (211), with King offering incense on one face and wine on the
other, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Tanis ii, pl. 2 [69].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Ptolemaic House.
Statue kneeling with offering-table, unfinished, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33314 (JE 27001).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 5 pl. iv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 499 [4818].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. East Gate.
Plaques, etc., from South-East foundation deposit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60418-30, from SouthWest foundation deposit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60431-47.
Two plaques of Ptolemy I Soter, JE 60431, 60448, Montet in Kmi v (1935), 2-3 fig. 1.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. So-called Hyksos Monument.
Fragment of sphinx of Amenemhet III, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 530
(JE 15210).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 89.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. New Kingdom. Statues of Ramesses
Colossus holding god-headed standards, with Prince Merneptah in relief on left side, red granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 575.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 98. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 5-6 [2].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. New Kingdom. Statues of Ramesses
Seated, usurped from Sesostris II, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 430.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 70. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 179 [633].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. New Kingdom. Statues of Ramesses
Seated, usurped from Sesostris II, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 432.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 71. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 172 [616].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. New Kingdom. Statues of Ramesses
Seated, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 573.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 97. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 178 [630].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. New Kingdom. Statues of Ramesses
iv.22 and iv.22A
Colossus, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 616 (upper part), Temp. No. (lower
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 112; Petrie, Tanis i, 25 pl. vi [40]; ii, 21.. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 188 [729].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. New Kingdom. Other monuments.
Sphinx, with cartouches of Ramesses II on chest and base, and Merneptah on right shoulder, red granite,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1197 (as 1120 in Bibl.).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 168.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. New Kingdom. Other monuments.
Fragments of two sphinxes usurped by Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1243 (JE 15210-13).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 126.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. New Kingdom. Other monuments.
Stela of Sety, with Ramesses II offering to Syrian Seth, and date year 400 of Set-a-pehti-nub, temp.
Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60539.
Montet in Kmi iv (1931), 191-215 pls. 11-14. See Brief Description 6204.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. New Kingdom. Other monuments.
Block with fragment of historical text, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mller, Eg. Res. ii, 116 fig. 39.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. New Kingdom. Other monuments.
Statue of Sekhmet, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39075.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 267-8 pl. 52.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. After Dyn. XX.
Bricks of Psusennes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21671-88.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. After Dyn. XX.
Tablet of Siamun, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 103 [B]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 521 [5156].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. After Dyn. XX.
Small bronze cubes, Late Period, with names of Sekhemkare, Queen Nebhotep, and princesses Hesi (not
Hesnebtes) and Nebhotep, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 18981-94.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pls. 103 [C], 104. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 523 [5185].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Great Temple. Other Remains from Temple. After Dyn. XX.
Statue of Mer-ih, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 687, probably from the same statue
as Cleveland OH, Cleveland Museum of Art, 48.141.
Montet in Kmi vii (1938), pl. 24 [right]. See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 30-1.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Temple of Anta.
Foundation deposits of Siamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67091-2.
Montet, Tanis fig. 54.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Temple of Anta.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Plaque and cartouche from foundation deposits of Apries, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 60403-4.
See Montet in Kemi v (1935), 16-17.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Temple of Anta. Court.
Remains of palm columns II and IV, granite, Old Kingdom, usurped by Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 59108-9.
Montet, Les Nouvelles Fouilles pls. 45-53 (some in Louvre). See Brief Descr. 6254.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Temple of Anta. Court. Statues found in situ.
Seated double statue of Anta and Ramesses II, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56366.
Montet, Les Nouvelles Fouilles pls. 47 [lower left], 54, 55 [right]. See Brief Descr. 6336.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Temple of Anta. Court. Statues found in situ.
Upper part of statue of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67097.
Monter, La Drame dAvaris pl. vii; id. Les Nouvelle Fouilles pl. 62 [2].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Temple of Anta. Court. Statues found in situ.
Statue of lion, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56363.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Temple of Anta. Court. Statues found in situ.
Statuette of young prince, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56357.
Montet, Les Nouvelles Fouilles pl. 63.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Temple of Anta. Court. Statues found near those in situ.
Statue of Pikhaas, head lost, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67093.
Montet in Kemi viii (1946), 69-70 [D.3], 105-12 pls. 21-5.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Building of Ptolemy IV Philopator.
Foundation-deposits with plaques of Ptolemy IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89172-8.
Montet, Les Nouvelles Fouilles 145-9 pls. 84-6.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Building of Ptolemy IV Philopator.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

One gold and three faience plaques of Ptolemy IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59056-9.
On, Montet, Les Nouvelles Fouilles pl. 76.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Buildings outside South Gate. Private Houses.
Model of head, plaster, Late Period, from House XIV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87904.
Montet, La ncropole royale de Tanis i, 35 pl. x.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Chapel of Horun.
Statue group, Ramesses II as child, protected by Horun as hawk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 64735.
Montet in Kemi v (1935), 11, 12-14 pl. 10 [lower], 11; Leibovitch, Ancient Egypt pl. 16. See Brief Descr.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Chapel of Horun.
Stela, man playing zither before Theban Triad, with Demotic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 63157.
Montet in Kemi v (1935), 64-6, pl. ii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. Chapel of Horun.
Stela, priest with lamp or standard before Theban Triad, with Demotic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 63158.
Monter in Kemi v (1935), 64-6 pl. iii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. East Temple.
Columns, inscribed by Ramesses II and Osorkon II (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Montet, Tanis figs. 51-2. See Mariette, Notice 259.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Subsidiary Buildings. East Temple.
Statue of Zeho, head lost, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 689.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 126.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Temple of Khons.
Statue of baboon, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91388.
Montet, Les Enigmes de Tanis pl. viii facing 81.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue of Zeho holding small statues of Theban Triad, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 700.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 129. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 252 [1186].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. I. Osorkon II. Room I.
Sarcophagus, granite, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis i, 79-80.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. I. Osorkon II. Room I.
Cosmetic spoon with name of Harpesopd, son of Pedeharpkhrod, temp. Osorkon II, faience, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 87868.
Bult, J. in Revue du Louvre lviii [3] (2008), 27, 29 figs. 8, 9 (as Dyn. XXVI).
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. I. Osorkon II. Room III.
Jar of Osorkon I [32], alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86962.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis i, 82 pl. xlvi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. I. Osorkon II. Room IV.
Sarcophagus, granite, with cover of Harnakht, son of Osorkon II, sandstone, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 87917, now back at S. an el-H. agar (Tanis).
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis i, 59-61 pls. xlviii-li.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. I. Osorkon II. Room IV.
Four canopic-jars of Harnkht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87087A-D.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis i, 63 fig. 19 pls. lii, liii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. I. Osorkon II. Room IV.
Bracelets of Harnakht, with one with names of parents Osorkon II and Queen Keramama, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 87102-3.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis i, 68-9 figs. 22, 23 pl. lviii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I.
Two dove-tails Psusennes I and Mutnezemt, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87858-9.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 24 fig. 6.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Hawk headed coffin [211-12], silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72154 (group number).
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 37-40 pls. xvii-xx.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Cartonnage [213], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72196.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 38-40 figs. 11, 12.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Mask, gold [214], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72163A.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 40-1 pls. xxi, xxii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Vulture collar [216], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72154 (group number).
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 42 pls. xxiii, xxiv.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Pectoral with inlaid winged scarab [218], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72154 (group number).
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 42-3 pls. xxvi, xxvii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Pectoral with scenes of King before Amun-re-Harakhti [219], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72171.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 43-5 fig. 13 [middle] pl. xxviii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Pair of bracelets of Sesonchis I with uzat-eye [226-7], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72154 (group
number), 72184B.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 45 fig. 13 [left] pl. xxix.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Bracelet with scarab and text of Zeptahefankh [228], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72189.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 46 pl. xxx.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Bracelet [229], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72154 (group number).
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 46 pl. xxx.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Bracelet with Akkadian cylinder [230], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72186.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 46 pl. xxx.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Belt with cartouche and frame of apron of a kilt of King [236], electrum, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 41-2 pl. xxxii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Headrest with cartouche [243], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72154 (group number).
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 50 pl. xxxiii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Band of beads [215], inscribed, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72197B.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 41 pl. xxxvi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Four canopic jars of King [304, 307, 311, 316], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72155-8.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 56, 57-8, pl. xxxiv.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Burial of Sesonchis.
Four canopic-coffins [302, 305, 312, 317], silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72159-62.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, pl. xxxv.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Canopic Jars.
Wenzebauenzadet [307], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87870.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 57-8 fig. 17.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Canopic Jars.
Amenhotp [296], Mayor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87862.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 57 fig. 20 (called [236]).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Canopic Jars.
Ramesses-ankhefenmut [308], Kings son, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87864.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 58 fig. 21.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Canopic Jars.
Kenamun [309], Overseer of field workers of the divine wife, Mayor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 87860.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 58-9 fig. 22.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Canopic Jars.
Amenmosi, wab priest of Amun [314], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87861.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 59 fig. 20 [lower right].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Canopic Jars.
User, Vizier, etc. [319], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87865.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 59 fig. 23.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Canopic Jars.
Dhutmosi [320], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87866.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 59 fig. 20.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Canopic Jars.
Meryf-menuf [321], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87867.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 59 fig. 20.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room I.
Cuve, red granite, and lid, basalt, of Ankhefenmut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 65-8 fig. 24 pl. xxxix.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II.
Outer sarcophagus of King [474-5], usurped from Merneptah, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 111-25 figs. 45-8 pls. lxxv-lxxxi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Inner (anthropoid) sarcophagus [475-6], black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85911.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 126-30 figs. 49-50 pls. xcv-xcix.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II.
Coffin of King [477], silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85912.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 130-2 pls. c-ciii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II.
Mask of King [479], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89213.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 132 pl. civ, cv.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II.
Four canopic-jars [326-9], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85914-17.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 93 pls. lx, lxi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Stand (rchaud) [390] with h. eb-sed text of Ramesses II, box shaped, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 85910.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 96 fig. 38 [left] pl. lxv [right lower].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Stand [391-2], bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85899.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 96-7 fig. 38 [middle] pl. lxv [left].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
H. es-vase (aiguire) of Amosis [393], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85895.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 97-8 fig. 38 [right upper] pl. lxv [right upper].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
H. es-vase of King [394], silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85901.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 99 pl. lxvi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Spouted pot [395], silver, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 99 fig. 40 [left] pl. lxvi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Carafe [396], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85892.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 99 fig. 41 pl. lxvii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Large goblet [397], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85893.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 100 pl. lxviii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Chalice [398] of Pinezem and Queen Henuttaui, gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85894.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 100-1 fig. 41 pl. lxx.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Pot of Henuttaui and Psusennes [399], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85896.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 101-2 fig. 39 pl. lxix.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Strainer (?) of Psusennes [400], silver, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 102 fig. 41.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Pourer of Psusennes, son of Queen Mutnezemt [401], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85898.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 102 fig. 41 pl. lxx.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Vase with spout [402], silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85902 (probably this).
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 102 fig. 40 pl. lxvi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Dish with rosettes of Psusennes I and Queen Esiemkhebi [403], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 85897.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 103 fig. 42 pl. lxix.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Plate [404], gold and silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 103 fig. 39 pl. lxviii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Bowl [405], silver and gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85904.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 103 fig. 42 [upper left] pl. lxxi [upper left].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Bowl [406], silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85906.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 103 pl. lxxi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Bowl [407], silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85903 (probably this).
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 104 fig. 39.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Bowl of Psusennes and Mutnezemt [408], made by Ankhefenmut, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 104 fig. 39 pl. lxxi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Bowl [409], silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 104 fig. 39 pl. lxxi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Bowl, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85907.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ladle, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85909.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Model cups, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85921.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Vases, bowls, etc.
Two gold pieces [413, 414], probably ends of a bow or sticks, with cartouches of Psusennes I and King
Neferkare (Amenemnesut-Meramun), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85886-7.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 105 fig. 43 pl. lxxii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Antechamber. Sarcophagus Chamber II.
Top of gold staff of Psusennes I [447], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85855.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 106 fig. 44 pl. lxxiii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Collar of King [483], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85751.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 136-7 pl. cviii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Collar of King [484], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85752.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 137-8 pl. cix.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Necklace of King [486], with bead with cuneiform inscription, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 85755-6.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 138-9 pl. cix, cxi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Large pectoral of King [505], kneeling Isis and Nephthys, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85785, 85791,
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 144 pl. cxiii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pectoral [509], winged scarab, stone, glass, and gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85788.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 146 fig. 53 pls. cxvii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Pectoral [510], winged scarab, stone, glass, and gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85789.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 146 fig. 53 pl. cxviii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Gold plaque [527], uzat-eye and four sons of Horus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85821.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 148 pl. cxii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Bracelet of King [538], gold inlaid, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85759.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 148-9 fig. 54 pl. cxx.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Bracelet of King dedicated by Mutnezemt [539], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85760.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 150 pl. cxx.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Bracelet of King [541], ring-shaped, lapis lazuli and gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85762.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 151 pl. cxx.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Bracelet of King [548], solid gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85772.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 152 fig. 54 pl. cxxii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Pair of bracelets of King [598-9], gold inlaid, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 154-5 pls. cxxii, cxxiii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Bracelet of King [600], gold inlaid, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85781.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 155 pl. cxxii.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Sarcophagus Chamber II. Jewellery.
Gold studs, cartouche inside, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85905.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Box-decoration with inscription fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86071.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Anthropoid coffin of King [640], wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86059.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 166 pls. cxxx, cxxxi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Canopic-jars [625-8], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86064-7.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 161-2 fig. 58.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Canopic-box [669], fragments with inscription, gilded wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86068.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 172 fig. 63.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Silver stand [630], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86102.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 162 pl. cxxvii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Gold hes-vase [633], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86098.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 163 pl. cxxviii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Silver spouted pot [634], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86099.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 163 fig. 59 pl. cxxviii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Two bronze vessels [635-6], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86100-1.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 164 pl. cxxviii ([635]).
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Vase with cartouche, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86103.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Pectoral [642], hawk holding cartouches of Amenemopet, gold, carnelian and faience, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 86036.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 167 pl. cxxxiii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Pectoral with kneeling Isis and Nephthys [645], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 168 pl. cxxxv [lower].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Pectoral with Amenemopet before Osiris [646], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86038.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 168-9 pl. cxxxv [upper].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room III. Mutnezemt, usurped by Amenemopet.
Two bracelets with cartouches of Psusennes I [653-4], gold, stones and faience, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 86028-9.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 171 pl. cxxxvii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Ring, probably from stick [768, 769 or 770], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87702.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 80 pl. liii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Four canopic-jars of deceased [676-9], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87769 A-D.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 85-6 fig. 33 pl. lvii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mask [687], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87753.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 73 pls. xlvii, xlviii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Heart scarab [718], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87711.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 75-6 fig. 28 pl. xlix.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Pectoral with name of King [721], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87709.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 77 pl. l.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Amulet, Bubastis seated [722], gold, quartz, and paste, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87713.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 77 pl. li.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Amulet, Ptah in shrine [723], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87712.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 77-8 pl. li.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Amulet, shrine with Amun as ram [725], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87715.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 78 pl. li.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Pendant with statuette of Isis [726], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87716.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 78 pl. li.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pendant, lion-headed Bubastis [728], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87718.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 78 pl. li.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Amulet in form of ram-headed standard [729], gold, stone and paste, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 87714.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 78 pl. li.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Three tubes from sticks [772], one with deceased before Khons, gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 87746-8.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 80 pl. liii.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Bowl [773], silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87743.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 82-3 fig. 29 pl. liv.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Bowl [774], gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87741.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 83 fig. 30 pl. liv.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Bowl with girls swimming in marsh [775], silver and gold in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87742.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 83-4 fig. 31 pl. lv.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Royal Tombs. III. Psusennes I. Room IV. Sarcophagus Chamber of
Bowl [776] of Psusennes and Mutnezemt, gold and electrum, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87740.
Montet et al. La Ncropole Royale de Tanis ii, 84-5 fig. 32 (as [775]) pl. lvi.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Three heads of Asiatic captives on base of statue, Dyn. III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 396.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 65. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 147 [502] (incorrectly called
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Head of Ramesses II, from group [of god crowning King], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Seated statue of hawk headed Horus, lower legs, part of throne and base lost, granodiorite, temp.
Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37485.
Grimm, A. in Mnchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. l (1999), 19, 25 Abb. 25, 26.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Head of Amun, red granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Bianchi, Splendors of Ancient Egypt 123 fig.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Statue, unfinished, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33315.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 5. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 499 [4819].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Torso of Amenpayom, Commander of troops, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Yoyotte in Ann. Serv. lxi (1973), 81.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Male statue, granite, mid-Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Kaiser, W. N. in MDAIK 55 (1999), 246 Taf. 6.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Statue of Anubis, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38517.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 138 pl. 30. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 188-9 [732].
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Small stela of Sesourka, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 20027.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Stela amulet of Esi(em)het, First prophet of Min, Shed on the crocodiles, wood, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 9427 (JE 31032).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 35 pl. 10.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Stela, Horus on the crocodiles, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9408.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 19-21 pl. 7.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Sculptors studies, royal heads, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33337, 33339-42,
33345-7, 33355.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 18-28, 35-6 pls. 10-12, 14.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Sculptors studies, reliefs, Prince and Bes, Bast, bulls, vultures, etc., Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 33409, 33421-2, 33429, 33435-6, 33451-2.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pls. 24, 28-31, 35.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Trial-piece, bull in relief, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33434.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 30; Maspero, Guide (1915), 498 [4810] fig. 136.
S. n el-H. agar (Tanis). Miscellaneous.
Fragment of menat of Apries, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32776.
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Offering-table, dedicated to Osiris by an unnamed king, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 23078 (JE 39608).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 17.
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue of Osiris, prostrate, green diorite, temp. Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38424.
Daressy, Statues de divinits pl. 23; Maspero, Guide (1915), 484 [4680] fig. 140.
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Small stela, Nektanebos I offers field to Harmerti and Hathor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Relief, Rameses-merysutetkh, son of Ramesses II, adoring, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28800.
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Lower part of doorjamb of Rameses-merysutetkh, son of Ramesses II, kneeling, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 909 [374, B].
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Fragment of jamb with text of an official of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28799.
Text, Kitchen, Ramesses Inscr. iii, 845 [311].
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Sculptors studies, head in relief, calf, gazelle, rams and ape, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Block from sarcophagus (?) or tomb wall of Peniusas..., with four mummified ancestors on one side, and
hymn to gods with embalmed plant of Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Naville in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 191-2 with 2 pls.
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Door bolt from door of naos, in form of lion, with text of Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 48887.
Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer (1912), pl. 53; Maspero, Guide (1915), 512-3 [4952] fig. 149.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Plaque with hymn to Nefertem and gods on verso, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 28798.
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Ptolemy III Euergetes I before Harsomtus, Horus, Hathor, Serapis, and Queen Arsino II, with
hieroglyphic texts, and then demotic text below, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Spiegelberg, Die demot. Denkmler i, Die demot. Inschr. 38-9 pl. vii.
Hurbeit (Pharbaethos). Kafr Saqr.
Statue of Osiris with stela at back, made for Ankhefamun and his daughter Irmutpanufer, Dyn. XXI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86125.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. xlvii (1947), 262-82 pl. 33.
Ab Ysn.
Statue base of Pewahesi, bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85667.
Ab Ysn.
Stela of Harwoz, with two people before offering table, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Ttenstelen (1973), 344 (as Dyn. XXV-XXVI).
Ab Ysn.
Stela, Thoth as ibis, demotic text, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36691.
Spiegelberg in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 254-5 pl. 2.
Ab Ysn.
Sarcophagus of Pedesemtu, schist, temp. Psammetikhos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31566.
Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 101. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 4 [C].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ab Ysn.
Fragment relief with head of king, possibly Zoser (?) on one side, and cloaked royal figure on other side,
Dyn. III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43000 (Temp. No.
Borchardt in Ann. Serv. xxviii (1928), 43, pls. 1, 2.
Ab Ysn.
Offering-table, Harkhebi, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23141 (JE 40529).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 35.
Ab Ysn. Chapel containing sarcophagi of bulls of Harmerti. Dyn. XXX.
Part of sarcophagus of bull, with astronomical scenes, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 86723 (Temp. No., 17).
Salam in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 616-21 pls. 112, 113.
Ab Ysn. Chapel with sarcophagi of bulls. Dyn. XXX.
Two sarcophagi of bulls, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86717-18.
See Gourlay in Hommages Sauneron i, 366-73 fig. 1.
Tkh el-Qarms. Temple.
Three jambs, red granite, and an architrave, quartzite, all of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.,
Tkh el-Qarms. Temple.
Jamb fragment, Tuthmosis III, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Tkh El-Qarms. Temple.
Vase with cursive text of Puerem, faience, year 23 of Sesonchis III (or V ?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 3842 (JE 27744).
Naville, Mound of the Jew 30, 56 pl. 8 [A]; Bissing, Fayencegefsse 74 fig. on 114. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 516 [5060].
Tkh El-Qarms. Temple. Treasure chambers.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hoard of gold and silver (see next entries), Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien ii, pls. 22-8. See Maspero in Comptes Rendus (1905), 535-7.
Tkh El-Qarms. Temple. Treasure chambers.
Six bracelets, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52093-8 (JE 38077-82).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 45-8 pls. 12, 13. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 440-1 [4172-7].
Tkh El-Qarms. Temple. Treasure chambers.
Collar and chain, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53669-70 (JE 38084, 38083).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 480-1 pl. 99. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 440 [4170-1].
Tkh el-Qarms. Temple. Treasure chambers.
Vase, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53671 (JE 38106).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 480-1 pl. 113.
Tkh el-Qarms. Temple. Treasure chambers.
Vases, incense-burners, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien ii, pls. 24-8. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 439-40 [O-R, 4150-1].
Tkh el-Qarms. Finds.
Donation stela, Sesonchis III before Theban Triad and text of Iufa, Great Chief of Ma, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xx (1898), 85 [clxiv].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Entrance to First Hall.
Head and throne of a seated king of Hyksos type, probably Amenemhet III, usurped by Osorkon II,
granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 383, 540 (JE 28573, 28575).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pls. 60, 90.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Entrance to First Hall.
Back and side of statue-group with text of Ramesses II, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34509 (JE 28796).
Naville, Bubastis 40-1 pl. 38 [B].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. H. eb-sed Portal.
Two blocks with obelisks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Naville, Festival Temple pl. 9 [10].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. H. eb-sed Portal.
Two re-used blocks, Pepy I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1745-6 (JE 27747).
Naville, Bubastis pl. 32 [C and on D]; Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 173 Bl. 98.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Hypostyle.
Statue of Khyan, lower part, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 389 (JE 28574).
Naville, Bubastis pls. 12, 35 [A]; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 62; Maspero, Guide (1915), 157
[530] fig. 58.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Hypostyle.
Base and feet from statue of Ramesses III, grey schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 890.
Naville, Bubastis pl. 38 [G]. See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 140-1.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Hypostyle.
Smaller Hathor-head capital, red granite, Dyn. XII, usurped by Osorkon II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72134.
Habachi, Tell Basta pls. xviii-xix.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Hall. Nektanebos II.
Fragments of seated statue of Merneptah with name of son Sety-Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Naville, Bubastis 5 pl. 39 [D].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Hall. Nektanebos II.
Fragments from naos of Bubastis, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70016 (JE 28571).
Roeder, Naos pls. 12 [b], 55 [c, d], 77 [a], 84 [e], 87 [h]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 201 [802].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Portico North of Temple, ie. Temple of Mihos. Osorkon II.
Statue-fragment with magical text for scorpion-stings, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 87083.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Portico North of Temple, ie. Temple of Mihos. Osorkon II.
Dyad of Hyksos sphinxes, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87082.
Habachi, L. in SAK 6 (1978), 79-84 fig. 1 pls. xxiii, xxv [a]. See Brief Descr. 6302.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Head from colossal statue of unknown King, probably Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 154 [512].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Fragment of text of Nubian campaign, probably Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 28572.
Naville, Bubastis pl. 34 [A].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Statue of Amenhotp, Vizier, seated, black granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
590 (JE 28583).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 106.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Statue-base of Kharuef (as Kherfu in Bibl.), temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Naville, Bubastis pl. 35 [H, H].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Block with cartouches of the Aten, red granite, temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 28797.
Naville, Bubastis 34 pl. 35 [I].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Block of Haremhab, probably re-used from Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Head from statue of Ramesses II, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 636 (JE 27745), with
head of Hathor-standard added later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45193.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 117. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 183 [760]. Standard, Hornemann,
Types ii, pl. 365.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Headdress from colossal statue of Ramesses II, forming an anagram of his name, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1235 (JE 29037).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 172. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 185 [701].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Block of Ramesses II, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28572.
Naville, Bubastis pls. 17, 36 [D].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Fragments from statue of Wab-it-hori(?), Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Fragments from statue of Sety, Vizier, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Statue of Bubastis, dedicated by Ramesses VI, red sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1218.
Naville, Bubastis pl. 38 [H, H, H].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Upper part of statue Ramesses VI, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 634 (JE 28570).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 117. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 187 [726].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Lower part from statue of Osorkon II, kneeling holding statue base, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 41678.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Naos of Bubastis, dedicated by Osorkon II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70006
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(JE 35130).
Text, Roeder, Naos 24-5.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Great Temple. Finds.
Statue of Es-Harpkhrad, crouching, basalt, temp. Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68595.
Naville, Bubastis pl. 43 [D].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Small Temple.
Fragment with record of temple-gifts of Osorkon I, engraved on pillar, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 30000.
Naville, Bubastis pls. 51, 52.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Roman Temple. Finds.
Double-statue of Khaemweset and wife Khebunenes, seated, headless, grey granite, temp. Amenophis III,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87085.
Habachi in Ann Serv. Cahier 22 (1957), 95-7 pls. xxviii-xxix.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Roman Temple. Finds.
Fragment of kneeling statue of man, name lost, holding naos with lion-headed statuette of Bubastis, grey
granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88636.
Habachi in Ann Serv. Cahier 22 (1957), 95 pls. xxvii.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Roman Temple. Finds.
Upper part of kneeling, statue of Harkhu, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Habachi in Ann Serv. Cahier 22 (1957), 94 pl. xxvi.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Temple of Pepy I. Gateway.
Outer lintel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72133.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. Cahier 22 (1957), pl. ii.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Temple of Pepy I. Gateway.
Inner lintel and jambs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72132.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. Cahier 22 (1957), pl. iii.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Chapel of Amenophis III.
Double-statue Khaemweset and Menena, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 87911.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. Cahier 22 (1957), pls. xxxix-xl.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Tomb of Hori I. Temp. Ramesses III.
Coffins and pottery ushabti-box of deceased and wife (?) Khayt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 88611-12, 88615-24.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. Cahier 22 (1957), 100-1 pls. xxxiii-xxxvii.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Tomb of Hori I. Temp. Ramesses III.
Sphinx, incomplete, Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88634.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. Cahier 22 (1957), pls. xxxi, xxxii.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis). Tomb of Hori II. Temp. Ramesses IV.
Sarcophagus of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72133.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxviii (1928), 129-33 fig. 1 pls. 1, 2 [1].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Nebwa, temp. Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hornemann Types I, pl. 201. Texts, Legrain in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 272-3.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue of seated woman with three children standing and one seated child on her lap, and monkey on side
of chair, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 98831. (From Kafr el-Nahhal near el-Zaqzq.)
Sheikholeslami, C. (ed.), The Egyptian Museum at the Millennium Cat. 22.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Bronze fragment from base, Sheshonk, Great chief (future Sesonchis I), Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 25572.
Yoyotte in Mlanges Maspero i [4] (1961), 169-70 [v] pl. ii [2, 5]. Texts, Z xxii (19 ), 93 [LX].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Fragment of statue group of Horus, Osiris and Isis, with name of Zeubastefankh, black granite, Dyn.
XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39217 (JE 25142).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Daressy, Statues de divinits 302-3 pl. 57.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Ankh-pefhri, headless, basalt, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41671.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 186-7 [i].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statuette of Horus as composite divinity, faience, Dyn. XXVI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 41680.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 191-2 [iii].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Ankh-hap, torso, temp. Nektanebos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41677.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 187-9 [ii].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue-group of three woman with hands on shoulders, inscribed, undated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 41576.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Man before Reshef, Dyn. XIX or XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 71816.
Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), pl. 17.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ib before Reshef, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 71815.
Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), pl. 18.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tenro (Dor), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43148.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xx (1920), 122.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Khaptah, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45051 (= JE 45780).
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xx (1920), 122.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tuthmosis III with Amun and Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88644.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Donation-stela of Harkhebi, temp. Takelothis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31653.
Rec. Trav. xviii (1896), 52-3 [iv].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Deubaste-psonb, temp. Sesonchis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45779.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xv (1915), 144.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Gift of land, temp. Pemu (?), Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xv (1915), 146.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Gift of land, i.e. donation-stela of Harnakht, good name Psammethek, year two of Psammetikhos II, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41670.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 192 [iv] (called JE 4680). See De Meulenaure Le Surnom g. 19
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Small stela, year three of Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Maspero in Z xxiii (1885), 11 [lxxiv].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Naming four kings of Dyn. XVIII, Roman Period (Hadrian?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 22200 (JE 25146).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 70. See Maspero, Guide (1884), 361-2.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Gods of decans, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39505.
Gundel, Dekane pl. 8.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
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Jamb from tomb of Pa..., New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29336 (Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xiv (1893), 28 [xxxix].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
Tablet of Darius I (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Cartouche and titles, Naville, Bubastis 62.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
Fragment of relief, sale of linen (called artisans at work in Bibl.), Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 38825.
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien ii, 83 [c] pl. 38 [bottom].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
Relief, offering-bearers, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38059.
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien ii, 78-9 pl. 32 [bottom].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
Fragment granite relief, Nektanebos II with ka kneeling adoring own cartouches, in Cairo, Egyptian
Petrie Gza photos. 614. See Maspero and Quibell, Guide (1903), 169-70 [646].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
Lower part of obelisk of Nektanebos II, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17031
(JE 26414).
Texts, Kuentz, Oblisques 62-3. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 251 [1181].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
Naos of Harsaphes (as Arsenuphis in Bibl.) and Bubastis, dedicated by Nektanebos II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 70013.
Roeder, Naos 44-5 pl. 13. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 202-3 [820].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
Trough held by [kneeling statue] of Semut (as Neb-si in Bibl.), red granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 38966.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 89 [iv]; Chabn in ib. x, 30 [iii].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
Vase of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39504.
Kamal in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 91 [viii] pl. i.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
Situla of Psammethek, son of Sheshonk, bronze, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 3447.
Mariette, Album du Muse on pl. 21; Bissing, Metalgefsse 9-10.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Various.
Sistrum-handle, Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 69748.
Hickmann, Instruments de musique 101 pl. 65.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Hoards. Gold and silver hoards. Temp. Ramesses II or
Dyn. XXVI.
Silver jug with gold goat-handle of Temtoneb, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53262 (JE
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 105; Maspero, Guide (1915), 443 [4216] fig. 128.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Hoards. Gold and silver hoards. Temp. Ramesses II or
Dyn. XXVI.
Silver bowl of Eme, Dyn. XXIV-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53263 (JE 39869).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 106; Maspero, Guide (1915), 444 [4217] fig. 129.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Hoards. Gold and silver hoards. Temp. Ramesses II or
Dyn. XXVI.
Gold lotus cup of Queen Tausert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53260 (JE 39872).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 104. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 445 [4218].
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Hoards. Gold and silver hoards. Temp. Ramesses II or
Dyn. XXVI.
Gold jug with ring handle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53261 (JE 39870).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 104; Maspero, Guide (1915), 442-3 [4214-15] fig. 127.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Hoards. Gold and silver hoards. Temp. Ramesses II or
Dyn. XXVI.
Gold jug with ring handle, small, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 53259 (JE 39871).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 104; Maspero, Guide (1915), 442-3 [4214-15] fig. 127.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Hoards. Gold and silver hoards. Temp. Ramesses II or
Dyn. XXVI.
Two gold bracelets, geese appliqu, Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52575-6
(JE 39873).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 18; Maspero, Guide (1915), 442 [4212-13] fig. 126.
Tell Bast. a (Bubastis) and el-Zaqzq. Miscellaneous. Hoards. Gold and silver hoards. Temp. Ramesses II or
Dyn. XXVI.
Fragment with horses from silver jug with gold calf handle of Temtoneb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
53264 (JE 45231).
Edgar in Maspero, Le Muse gyptien ii, pl. 44 [2].
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub (Mendes). Temple. Statues.
Statue-base with cartouches of Ramesses II (as Ramesses III in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36325.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 45 [C].
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub (Mendes). Temple. Statues.
Fragmentary statue of Ahmosi, son of Esatum, temp. Necho II to Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Holz and others, Mendes i, 80 [197].
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub. (Mendes). Temple. Statues.
Royal statue, probably re-used for Caracalla, quartzite, and base with Horus-name probably of Apries
perhaps belonging to it, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 702.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 130.
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub (Mendes). Temple. Stelae.
Donation-stela with Psammetikhos I before Khnum of Mendes and Neith, with text of year 11, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
De Meulenaere and Mackay, Mendes II, 205 [108] pl. 30. Brugsch, Thes. 738.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub (Mendes). Temple. Reliefs.
Blocks of Sesonchis III and Inmutf, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38272.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xiii (1914), 86 [lower]. See De Meulenaere and Mackay, Mendes ii, 193 [20].
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub (Mendes). Temple. Reliefs.
Hathor-capital, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 50039.
Maspero, gypte fig. 175.
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub. (Mendes). Temple. Naoi.
Naos of Nektanebos I (as II in Bibl.), grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70022 (JE 43003).
Roeder, Naos 100, cf. pl. 65 [b, c].
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub. (Mendes). Temple. Various.
Fragment of plaque, Queens head, Ptolemaic (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33418.
See Edgar, Sculptors Studies 59.
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub. (Mendes). Ram-Cemetery.
Sarcophagus lid, basalt, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29792.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 46; Texts, Gaillard and Daressy Faience XXXXX 138-41. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 186 [704].
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub (Mendes). Temple Area. Cemetery.
Coffin of Semekhsen, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40302 (Temp. No.
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub (Mendes). Temple.
Statue-base, Ramesses II and Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36326.
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub. (Mendes). Tombs.
Contents, ushabtis, amulets, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Quibell in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 245-9.
Timai el-Amdd. Tell el-Rub (Mendes). Miscellaneous.
Torso of statue of Wahibreemakhet, son of Ankh-psametek, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
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Museum, JE 97196.
Selim, H. in SAK 32 (2004), 374-8 Taf. 23, 24
Timai el-Amdd. Tell Timai (Thmuis). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Head, basalt, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45277.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 200 [76] pl. 27. See Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 17 [bottom].
Timai el-Amdd. Tell Timai (Thmuis). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Ptolemy II and Arsino II, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22181 (JE 37089).
Kamal, Stles du Nouvel Empire pls. 54, 55. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 210 [858].
Timai el-Amdd. Tell Timai (Thmuis). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela, Horus on crocodiles, faience, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9429 (JE 31961).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques pl. x.
Timai el-Amdd. Tell Timai (Thmuis). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Fragment with remains of four columns of text of Ptolemy IV Philopator, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 194 [28].
Timai el-Amdd. Tell Timai (Thmuis). Miscellaneous. Various.
Hoard of silver vases. Ptolemaic (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3581-5, 53267, 53274-7.
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pls. 108-22. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 436 [4100-4].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Head, red granite, Dyn. VI (found with sarcophagus of Teti-ishtef), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 38915.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 196 [38] pl. 16 (as perhaps Dyn. IV). See Chaban in Ann. Serv. x
(1910), 28 [i].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Seated statue of Ipwer, wearing cloak, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36274.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 196 [39] pl. 16.
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
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Lower part of seated statue of Basa, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1233
(JE 32011), upper part in Palermo, Museo Archeologico Regionale, 758.
Wild in BIFAO lx (1960), 43-59 pls. i [a], ii-v (whole statue); Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 172.
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue of Harsiesi, schist, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56836.
Lavin in American Journal Archaeology lxviii (1964), 22, 25, 26 pl. 8 [11].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Thaibanebdedetimu holding naos, schist, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 730.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 135; De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 197 [47] pl. 19.
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Pedesemtu kneeling in front of Hathor-cow, schist, Dyn. XXVI, destroyed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 676 (JE 38931).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 124. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 202 [810].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Goddess seated with child, lower part, inscribed, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 202 [92].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Five sculptors trial pieces, female bust, royal bust, lion, and two lions heads, Ptolemaic (?), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 47931-4.
See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 210 [144-8].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Pyramidal block from statue (as of Ankh-Harsiesi in Bibl.) naming Mendes and Thoth, basalt, Late Period,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 198 [55] pl.23. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 60.
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
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Naophorous statue, a Priest of Mendes, black granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45275.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 22-3 [ii]. See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 199 [66].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Tefnakht with naos, headless, black basalt, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41301 (as 41307 in
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 199 [67] pl. 26. Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 23-4 [iii]
(as 41307).
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Two draped torsos, not inscribed, black granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., 2.
See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 200 [71-2].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Priest, with damaged text on back, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43280.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 200 [70] pl. 27.
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
A king donating land to Osiris and Isis, uninscribed, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 207 [120].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
King offers to Osiris, Horus and Hathor, Ptolemaic (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60623.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 207 [119] pl. 32.
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Donation-stela, a King (empty cartouches) presenting land to Harpocrates, no text, Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 40667.
See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 206 [117].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
King before ram, and traces of demotic text below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 207 [118].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Bes with lions and antelopes, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55526.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 207 [121] pl. 32.
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
A King and Queen before five divinities, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40676.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 206 [115] pl. 32.
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Osiris on one face, and mummy in bark between Anubis and man adoring on the other face, Late Period,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22235 (JE 36551, 37609).
See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 207 [122].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Blocks.
Jamb of Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32012.
See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 193 [17].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Blocks.
Jamb of Esbanebded, temp. Sesonchis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43359.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 193 [21] pl. 13.
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Fragment with remains of three columns of text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 194 [27].
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Naoi.
Nektanebos I, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43279.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 195 [36] pl. 15.
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Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Offering tables.
Offering table, uninscribed, Ptolemaic (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23216 (JE 34732).
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 207 [123] pl. 32; Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 54.
Timai el-Amdd. Miscellaneous. Various.
Mortar of Pefteuanesi, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55244.
De Meulenaere and MacKay, Mendes II, 215 [180] pl. 39.
Statue of Pedeamun, basalt, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44637.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 285. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 21-2 [i].
Statue of Esmin holding naos, head and feet lost, black granite, Late Period (?), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 59134.
Plaque with royal head, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63101.
Near El-Simbillwein. Manshyat Ezzat. Cemetery.
Knife with serekh of Den, flint, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Hawass, Z. Hidden Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (2002), fig. on 6 [upper].
Near El-Simbillwein. Manshyat Ezzat. Cemetery.
Fragmentary schist palette, mythical creatures including two long necked animals in centre, late
Predynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Hawass, Z. Hidden Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (2002), fig. on 5.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Statues.
Statue, lower part, Middle Kingdom, usurped by King Nehesi and Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 538.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 89.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Statues.
Statuette of Min, Overseer of sealers, temp. Tuthmosis III, formerly in Huber colln, then in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 8386.
Sethe, Urk iv. 1029 (311).
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Statues.
Ramesses II, lower part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45611.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 464 [169(b)]. Title of Amun, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxx (1930), 93.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Statues.
Double-bust, man and woman, New Kingdom, perhaps from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 86846.
Keith-Bennett in Bull. Egyptol. Seminar 3 (1981), 61 [T1] figs. 15, 16.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Statues.
Prince Nemareth with naos, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37956.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 236-7 (called 37966).
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Statues.
Ankhpekhrod, squatting, head lost, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37679.
Texts, Kamal in Rec. de Trav. xxviii (1906), 24.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Statues.
Ptahmosi, seated on the ground, with naos of Ptah, red granite, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 33769.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Statues.
Lion, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41902.
Tiradritti, F. (ed.), The Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (1999), fig. on 22 [upper left]. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 160 [550].
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Stelae.
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With adoration of Re-Harakhti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxiii (1923), 175-6 [xxiii].
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Stelae.
King offers field to lion on stand, Ptolemaic(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87841.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Stelae.
Lion walking, Ptolemaic (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87840.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Stelae.
Offerings before Shu, uninscribed, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 22225 (JE 34201).
Perdrizet in Mon. Piot xxv (1921-2), 375 fig. 10. See Kamal, Stles du Nouvel Empire 111.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Blocks.
Jamb with text of Ramesses II, beloved of Mut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33770.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Blocks.
Part jamb with remains text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33771.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Blocks.
Jamb of Ramesses III, from private house in the locality, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37685.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. v, 259 [82] (as JE 37686).
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Various.
Sarcophagus of Esmihos, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29321 (JE 37971).
Maspero et Gauthier, Sarcophages ... persanes et ptolmaiques ii, 131-2 pl. 40.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Various.
Door hinge, Yewepet (as Anpweth in Bibl.), and Queen Tent-ket[wa?], Dyn. XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
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Museum, JE 38261.
Spencer, P. A. and A. J. in JEA 72 (1986), 199-200 fig. 3. Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxx (1908), 202.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Various.
Lion, bronze, recumbent, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Perdrizet in Mon. Piot xxv (1921-2), 376 pl. xxiv [1].
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Finds. Various.
Lions for inlay, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 523 [5186-91].
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Tombs. Dyn. XXII (?).
Jewellery, including heart scarab of Queen Mery-Mut Keramama, wife of Takelothis II and mother of
Osorkon III, and pectoral with Khnum and goddesses, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52714-32
(JE 45337-52, 45362).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pls. 54, 57, 62-4.
Tell el-Muqdm (Leontopolis). Tombs. Dyn. XXII (?).
Canopic-jar of Pipu, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45360.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 23-6 pl. 1.
Mit Yash.
Stela of Osorkon II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46789.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 77.
Lower part of statue of Pbes, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31920.
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 156.
Libation-bowl of Pedesemtu, temp. Psammetikhos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18736
(JE 48894).
Bissing, Steingefsse pl. 4.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block with Horus and nubti names of Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Edgar in Ann. Serv. xiii (1914), 123 [bottom left].
Mit Ghamr.
Base from royal statue with erased cartouches, red granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 69.
Cippus, Horus on crocodiles, soapstone, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 90253.
Bakry in Rivista degli Studi Orientali xlii (1967), 15-18 pls. i-iii.
Tell el-Balamn (Diospolis Kato). Temple.
Stela of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 71302.
Naguib Farag in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 127-32 pl. 12.
Tell el-Balamn (Diospolis Kato). Finds..
Fragment from kneeling statue of Bekrnef, green slate, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1048.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 38.
Tell Balala (Tell Tebilla).
Block from temple, Sesonchis I or Takelothis II with Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Text, Edgar in Ann. Serv. xiii (1914), 277 [middle].
Tell Balala (Tell Tebilla).
Seated statue of Osiri-nakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40041.
Chabn in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 29 [ii] pl.
Tell Balala (Tell Tebilla).
Squatting statue, name lost, Prophet of Sobk lord of Ro-nefer in H. at-khas and prophet of Osiris in Khas,
etc., Late Period or early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65843.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxx (1930), 83-4 [4].
Tell El-H. utiya.
Base and feet from statue of Psammetikhos I (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34644 (JE 67845).
See Brooklyn. Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 29.
Tell el-Naqs.
Naos of Thoth, dedicated by Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70008 (JE 25796).
Roeder, Naos pls. 9, 10, 11a. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 198-9 [792].
Mansra. Finds.
Block with cartouches of Nektanebos II, probably from Bahbt el-Higra, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
See H[abachi] in Helck and Otto, Lexikon der gyptologie i, col. 683 n. 7.
Stela with Ramesses II offering to Triad, with address by a official to a Royal scribe and to Paibasa, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43341.
Gardiner in ZS l (1912), 49-57 pl. 4.
Tell Baqlya (Hermopolis Parva). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Block-statue of Panehesi (?), grey granite, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 327 [184]; ii, Taf. 83 [a].
Tell Baqlya (Hermopolis Parva). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue-base of Pedehormeden, black granite, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 86985.
Tell Baqlya (Hermopolis Parva). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Nektanebos I, head lost, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38167.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 233 [middle]; id. ib. liii (1956), 450-1 fig. 6.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tell Baqlya (Hermopolis Parva). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Torso of Nektanebos II, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54470.
Tell Baqlya (Hermopolis Parva). Miscellaneous. Blocks.
Jamb fragment of Psammetikhos I, mentioning Harnufer lord of Bh. , in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. liii (1956), 466-8 fig. 20.
Tell Baqlya (Hermopolis Parva). Miscellaneous. Blocks.
Block of Nekanebos I from jamb, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. liii (1956), 468 [C].
Tell Baqlya (Hermopolis Parva). Miscellaneous. Various.
Door-socket of Psammetikhos II, dedicated to Harnufer of Zeh. uti, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. liii (1956), 460-1 fig. 12.
Bahbt el-Higra. Miscellaneous.
Fragment from sarcophagus of Harsiesi, Vizier, basalt, temp. Nektanebos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Labib in Ann. Serv. l (1950), 363-4 Abb. 1.
Bahbt el-Higra. Miscellaneous.
Head of statue with remains of three columns of text on back pillar, gneiss, Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 91392.
See The Egyptian Museum Cairo in ten years 1965-1975, 44-5.
Statue-base of Ptolemy III, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41439.
Gallo in BIFAO 90 (1990), 226-8 pl. viii. Text, Chabn in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 30 [iv].
El-Mah. alla el-Kubra.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block from coffin of Tshensi, mother (?) of Amasis, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 71898.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxii (1900), 142-3 [clxxv].
El-Mah. alla el-Kubra.
Torso of Hagi (as Shedsumesu in Bibl.), temp. Nektanebos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47291.
Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxiii (1923), 174.
El-Mah. alla el-Kubra.
Statuette of Pedeamun-nebnesuttaui, steatite, Dyn. XXVI, found at Bishbish, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 89618 (CG 48611).
Bakry in Ann. Serv. lx (1968), 15-25 pls. i-vi.
Km el-Shtayn.
Statue Khentekhtaihotp, seated, cloaked, black granite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Kamal in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 126-7 1st pl. after 192.
Km el-Shtayn.
Statue group, two male block statues, and woman standing on right, uninscribed, probably temp.
Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46307.
Bothmer in Brooklyn Mus. Ann. Rep. ii-iii (1960-2), 31 fig. 11, cf. p. 30 [xiii]; el-Damaty in MDAIK 46
(1990), 4 Taf. 4 [b].
Samannd (Sebennytos). Temple.
Upper part of naos, Nektanebos II offers wine to Shu, Bubastis, and Onuris, green diorite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 70015 (JE 30176).
Myliwiec, Royal Portraiture 124 pl. lxxxvii [c, d]. Texts, Roeder, Naos 47-8 cf. pl. 63 [c, d].
Samannd (Sebennytos). Finds.
Seated statue of Osiris, dedicated by Akanush, headless, black granite, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 657.
El-Sayed in BIFAO 81 (1981), 53-9 pls. xiv-xvii. Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 3-4.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Samannd (Sebennytos). Finds.
Sarcophagus of Shepenmin, grey granite, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48447.
See Brief Descr. 6142.
Samannd (Sebennytos). Finds.
Sarcophagus of Ankh-Hor, grey granite, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48446.
Abou-Seif in Ann. Serv. xxiv (1924), 91-6 and pl. at end.
Samannd (Sebennytos). Finds.
Naos of Onuris, dedicated by Nektanebos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70012 (JE 35128).
Roeder, Naos pl. 14. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 204 [826].
Samannd (Sebennytos). Finds.
Torso of Inhertonakht, green basalt, temp. Nehtanebos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26427.
See Brooklyn, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 124; Vandier in Rev. d gyptologie xx (1960), 138-44.
Ab S. r (Busiris).
Statue of Wehebre..., part, green basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27708.
Naville, Mound of the Jew 28 pl. 7 [B].
Ab S. r (Busiris).
iv.44A (moved from iv.66)
Statue of Irakhons, fragment, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 719.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 56.
Ab S. r (Busiris).
Naos of Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43281.
Perdu in Bull. Soc. fr. dg. 118 (1990), 44 pl. 2 [b].
Tell Mustai. Temple of Thoth.
Block, Sesonchis III before Atum and Mihos, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Edgar in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 169 [top] and pl.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tell Mustai.
Baboon coffin, in form of baboon (as squatting ape with hollow body containing mummies and statuettes
of apes in Bibl.), limestone, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29751
(JE 30341).
Gaillard and Daressy, La Faune momi-fie pl. 50; Maspero, Guide (1915), 193 [755] on fig. 64.
Mas. ara.
Part of sarcophagus of Queen Uza-shu, wife of Nektanebos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29317 (JE
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages ... persanes et ptolmaiques ii, pl. 33.
Km Ibshn.
Statue of Nekhtnebf holding naos of Onuris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43778.
Grdseloff in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 186 pl. 30. Text on back, Daressy in ib. xii (1912), 281-2.
Sakha (Xos).
Three blocks with nome-figures and names of foreign countries, basalt, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. Nos.,
Names of countries, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxiv (1902), 165 [clxxxvii].
Sakha (Xos).
Statue-base of Necho, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87339.
Sakha (Xos).
Stela of Augustus, with Imhotep seated. in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45702.
Grenier, J.-C. in Hommages ... Leclant iii, 248-50 fig. 1 (as Ptolemy XV Caesar). Texts, Daressy in Ann.
Serv. xvii (1917), 47.
Kafr Matbl.
Torso of Aresteneg, Hereditary prince, etc., probably temp. Ptolemy V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Guermeur, I. in Rev. dg. 51 (2000), 69, 71-8 pls. xiii, xiv. See Kaiser in MDAIK 55 (1999), 246 Tab. 6.
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Headless sphinx of Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Edgar in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 87. See Leahy in Gttinger Miszellen 80 (1984), 60, 66 [V, 4].
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Statuette of goddess Buto as human-headed uraeus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85638.
See Redford in JEA lv (1969), 22 [4].
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Statuette of lion-headed Buto, dedicated by I-waz, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 46801.
Text, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 37-8.
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Lower part kneeling statue of ...hor, good name Psammethek-sinith, quartzite, Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 65905.
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Scribe statue of Sisobk, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65906.
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Lower part of kneeling statue of King Nepheritis, black granite, Dyn. XXIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 87190.
Gabra in SAK 9 (1981), 119-23 Taf. iii, iv.
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Hawk with partly effaced text, bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60473.
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Donation-stela of King Tefnakht and Hor, year 38 [of Sesonchis V], Dyn. XXIV, in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sauneron in Bull Soc. Fr. dEg. No. 24 (1957), 51 figs. 1, 2.
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Fragment upper part of stela with text of Amasis (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Redford in JEA lv (1969), 22 [5].
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Cippus Harshedef on two crocodies, holding lion, scorpion, etc., Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
See Redford in JEA lv (1969), 22 [2].
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Bas-relief from upper part of wall, people bringing offerings to Harhotp, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 46591.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 27-32 pl. ii [upper].
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Relief, Harsiesi standing with staff, Late Period (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Redford in JEA lv (1969), 22 [1].
Tell el-Farn or Ibt. u (Buto). Miscellaneous.
Cache of Late Period bronzes. Statue-base of Psammethek-menpe, bronze, and inscribed hawk-reliquaries,
Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49671.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxiv (1924), 169-70 pl.
T. ant. a. Miscellaneous.
Royal head, black granite, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53496.
See Romano in JEA 71 (1985), Reviews Supplement 23 (as post-Dyn. XXVI).
Block, cartouches of Sesonchis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Cartouches, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 206.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Queen, upper part, headless, black granite, Dyn. XXIV-XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 861 (JE
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 125 pl. 154.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Double-statuette with stela on back, Bubastis and Horus (?), dedicated by Pamai, son of Sheshonk (as
Pemu, son of Sesonchis III in Bibl.), temp. Piankhy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9430.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 37-9 pl. 11.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Isis, base, in name of Pemu, Priest, Dyn. XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Rec. de. Trav. xxiv (1902), 160 [cxc].
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statuette of hawk, dedicated by Imhotep, gilded bronze, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 30335.
Corteggiani, Lgypte des Pharaons No. 105 fig.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue base from statue group of Isis suckling Horus, dedicated by Khenems-Harmenkhibwer and
Neferibre-Harmenkhib, basalt, temp. Psammetikhos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39275.
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinits 319-20.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Osiris, dedicated by Pair-kap, good name, Neferebre-emakhet, bronze, temp. Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 38241.
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinits 72.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Wehebre (a), kneeling holding pyramidal shrine, headless, temp. Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
672 (JE 30978).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 18-20 pl. 122. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 202 [811].
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Wehebre (b), lower half kneeling with naos, and fragment of body, probably adjoining, latter moved here
from 801-449-457, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 679 and 1209.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 24; iv, 108.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Wehebre (c, 1st item), squatting, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34043.
Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 88. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 200 [798].
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Wehebre (c, 2nd item), squatting, headless, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34044.
Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 89. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 201 [808].
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Wehebre (c, 3rd item), squatting, headless, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 90.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Wehebre (f), kneeling holding naos, lower part, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42880,
upper part in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1840.
Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 93.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Wehebre, standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34045.
See Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 90.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Harpi-ardais (a), kneeling with naos of Osiris, dedicated by son Psammethek-sonb, Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 665.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 122; Bosse, Die Menschliche Figur pl. vi [121]. Texts, Daressy in Rec.
de Trav. xiv (1893), 181 [lxxvii];
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Tefnakht (c), kneeling, schist, end of Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 662.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Sayed in BIFAO 77 (1977), 101-11 pls. xvi, xvii. Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xiv (1914), 182-3 [lxxx].
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 10-11.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
King, seated, with offering-scene on back by Mery, undated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43239.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Buto, lion-headed, dedicated by Pedusiri, bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 38574.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 150 pl. 32.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Neith, dedicated by Neitiohenper, bronze, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38950.
Text, Daressy, Statues de divinits 241.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Isis and Horus,dedicated by Pedewia, bronze, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39324 (JE
Daressy, Statues de divintis pl. 62.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Isis suckling Horus, dedicated by Nekht-Harhebi, schist, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 39303 (JE 31544).
Texts, Daressy, Statues de divintis 326.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Pedehorresnet, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 714 (JE 26053).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 132.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Squatting statue holding sistrum of Tutu, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 712
(JE 31921).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten 50 pl. 132.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statuette with two Syrians on couches at a feast(?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 35185.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 234-5 pl.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
(b) Neith, with stela of Horus on crocodiles on back, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 9431 bis.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xiv (1893), 182 [lxxix]; Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 40-1. Stela,
Loukianoff in Bull. Inst. Eg. xiii (1931), 76 pl. iii [11].
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Block statue of Tefnakht, Dancer of Neith, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91084.
Bakry in MDAIK xxiii (1968), 72-4 pl. xix.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Tade-ubaste holding Isis statue, lower part, slate, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1269.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 174.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Torso, trial piece, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33373 (JE 35560).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 44 pl. 18.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Seated statuette of lion-headed goddess, bronze, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39128 (JE
Daressy, Statues de divintis 279 pl. 53.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue-base with magical text, basalt, Dyn. XXVII or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1287,
9432 (JE 29792).
Texts, Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 42-3; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten 147-8.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statuette of Horus, dedicated by Wekam son of Pedeneith, bronze, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 38598.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Daressy, Statues de divintis 156-7 pl. 34. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 483 [4664].
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Sphinx, Psammetikhos I (or II), head lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (fragment of
base of Psammetikhos II, perhaps adjoining, in Guerrara colln.).
Texts on stand, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 36-7.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Column of Apries, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35134.
Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 199.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Fragment bas-relief, cattle led for sacrifice, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38826.
Maspero, Le Muse Egyptien ii, pl. 38 [middle].
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Horus on crocodiles. Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9246.
See Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 35.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Year 7 of Alexander II (Satraps stela), black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22182
(JE 22263).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 56. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 199-200 [795].
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Offering tables, no names, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23112-13, 23195 (JE 40503,
33032, 40572).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 93, 138-9 pl. 26.
S. el-Hagar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Hathor-head capital, temp. Psammetikhos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bernhauer, E. in GM 207 (2005), 12 Abb. 4.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Fragment cubit-measure with astronomical text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1942.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Altgyptische Zeitmessung pl. 11 [3]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 543 [5519] (called Tanis).
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Bronze situla with gods, etc., Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3547 (JE 32984).
Bissing, Metalgefsse 58 pl. I.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Weight, Necho II (190 gm), black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31604 (JE 29549).
Weigall, Weights and Balances pl. 3 (called 31204).
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Set of bronzes, including statuettes of Bubastis, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 512 [4950-1].
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Snake-coffin, dedicated to Atum, with Karian text on base, bronze, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 30837.
Masson and Yoyotte, Objects pharaoniques Inscr. carions 49-54 [L] fig. 24 pls. v-vii (b).
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Vases with New Year wishes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3741-3, 3746 (JE 32768, 31923, 32767,
See Bissing, Fayencegefsse 43-5.
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Three fish-coffins of Atum as human headed eel, dedicated by Pedehorpakhrod, bronze, Late Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38702-4.
Daressy, Statues de Divinites 180 pl. xxxviii. See id. in Rec. de. Trav. xxvi (1904), 133-4 [ccxii]
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Various.
Clay-sealing of Neferebre-emakhet, with cartouche of Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31925.
See Yoyotte in Rev. dg. 24 (1972), 219 [f] n.13.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment of column of Apries, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Wildung and Schoske, Nofret die Schne Cat. 90 fig. Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 201. See
Maspero, Guide (1915), 251 [1180].
Base for hippo, with text of Psammetikhos II, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Kaiser in MDAIK 44 (1988), 132-2 Taf. 61. Texts, Maspero in Z xxii (1884), 79 [xlvii]. See Maspero,
Guide (1915), 213 [922].
Sanh. r.
Sphinx, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1166 (JE 32028).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 87 pl. 165.
Jewellery, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52638-9 (JE 38879), CG 52797-8 (JE 38880), CG
52801 (JE 38880), CG 52187 (JE 38881), CG 52767 (JE 38882), CG 52779 (JE 38882/3), CG 52761 (JE
Edgar in Maspero, Le Muse gyptien ii, pls. 56, 57.
Cartouche-plaque of Ptolemy II Philadelphus from foundation deposit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Petrie, Nauskratis i, pl. xxv [11].
Stela, year 1 of Nektanebos I, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34002.
Grbaut, Le Muse gyptien i, 40-4 pl. 45. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 206-7 [850].
Damanhr stela, decree of year 23 of Ptolemy V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22188 (JE 22264).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pls. 62, 63.
Altar-base of Nekhtnebf, granite, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Jansen-Winkeln, K. in ZS 124 (1997), 108, 111-15 Taf. vii, viii (as Dyn. XXX or early Ptolemaic).
Text, Daressy in Rec. de. Trav. xxii (1900), 140-1 [clxxi]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 207 [852].
Statue of Haremhab, Prophet of Min, broken, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1230.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 171. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 263-4 [1280].
Statue of Queen, black granite, late Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 27471.
Edgar, Greek Sculpture 18 pl. ix.
Sistrum-handle of Psammetikhos III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 69335.
Hickmann, Instruments de musique 93-4 pl. 63 [A left].
Upper part of statue of man, basalt, mid-Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 27494
(JE 27193).
Edgar Greek Sculpture 27 pl. xv.
Km Firn. Temple of Ramesses II.
Blocks with cartouches, one naming Pennesuttaui, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89281-7.
Km Firn. Temple of Ramessses II. Miscellaneous.
Donation-stela of a Prophet of Heka, with double scene, lute player before Sekhmet, and deceased offers
bread to Heka, temp. Sesonchis V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85647.
Bakir in Ann. Serv. xliii (1943), 75-81 pls. 1, 2.
Km Firn. Temple of Ramessses II.
Cylindrical pottery vase with three columns text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Km el-H. is. n. Temple of Sekhmet-Hathor.
Statue-group Amenemhet III and two princesses, headless, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43104.
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Evers, Staat aus dem Stein i, 91-2 Abb. 23 pls. 99, 100.
Km el-H. is. n. Temple of Sekhmet-Hathor.
Colossal statue, usurped by Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Griffith, Naucratis ii, 78 pl. xxiv [iv]. See Edgar in Maspero, Le Muse gyptien iii, 62 n. 3.
Km el-H. is. n. Temple of Sekhmet-Hathor.
Stela, trilingual decree of Canopus, year 9 of Ptolemy III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22186
(JE 37548).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pls. 59-61. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 230 [983].
Km el-H. is. n. Temple of Sekhmet-Hathor.
Four blocks from jambs of chapel of Sesonchis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 283-5 [A-D].
Km el-H. is. n. Tomb of Khensu-wer. Middle Kingdom.
Head, Amenemhet III (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42995.
Edgar in Maspero, Le Muse gyptien iii, 54, 61-2 pl. 32.
Km el-H. is. n. Temple beside Cemetery.
Plaques in columns with names of Psammetikhos III and Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 88793-801.
See Chron. dg. xxiv (Jan. 1949), 49.
Km el-H. is. n. Miscellaneous.
Statue-group, Ameny and Sitmenkh, Middle Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37891.
Km el-H. is. n. Miscellaneous.
Statue with title of Khons-Thoth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xi (1889), 80 [xxi].
Km el-H. is. n. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Usirinakht, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27784.
Basta, M. in Chron. dgypte liv (1979), 189 fig. 8 (as from Km Firn). Names of parents, Lieblein, Dict. de
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Noms Supp. 2488, Titles, see De Meulenaere in BIFAO lxii (1964), 165 n.3.
Km el-H. is. n. Miscellaneous.
Lintel of Nehy, Dyn. XII, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26437 (Temp. No.
Simpson in Rev. d.g. 24 (1972), 173-4 pl. 15 [C].
Km el-H. is. n. Miscellaneous.
Right part of lintel of Sihathor, Dyn. XII, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No., adjoins Boston MA, Museum of Fine Arts, 1972.17.
Simpson in Rev. dg. 24 (1972), 169-75 pl. 15 [B].
Km el-H. is. n. Miscellaneous.
Hippopotamus with plant decoration, faience, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
North of Bitter Lakes.
Fragments from stela of Darius I, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48855.
Golnischeff in Rec. de. Trav. xiii (1892), 102 pl. 8. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 251 [1182].
Tell el-Maskhta. (Pithom). Temple.
Seven fragments of monolithic naos containing sphinx of Ramesses II, quartzite, formerly at Ismailia, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, adjoining fragment in Paris, Muse National du Louvre, E.20572.
Petrie, Tanis i, pl. xvi [5].
Tell el-Maskhta. (Pithom). Temple.
Upper part of seated statue, perhaps Osorkon II, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 38232.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 67 pl. 13.
Tell el-Maskhta. (Pithom). Temple.
Squatting statue of Aok, grey granite, Dyn. XXVI (as probably Dyn. XXII in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 564.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 113-14 pl. 95.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tell el-Maskhta. (Pithom). Temple.
Two fragments of woman from statue group of Pashenihe son of Eswere (mother), Late Period or
Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 963, 974.
Naville, Pithom pl. 7 [A, B]. Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 6, 10.
Tell el-Maskhta. (Pithom). Temple.
Fragments from pillar of Nektanebos II, with scenes of King before Atum, one side covered with gold leaf,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Naville, Pithom 14 pl. 3 [C].
Tell el-Maskhta. (Pithom). Temple.
Stela of Ptolemy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22183 (JE 37547).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 57. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 207 [851].
Tell el-Maskhta. (Pithom). Temple.
Stela, year 6 of Ptolemy IV, trilingual, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50048.
Spiegelberg, Demot. Inschr. ii, pl. 13.
Tell el-Maskhta. (Pithom). Miscellaneous.
Fragment from base of sphinx, with remains of inscription, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 405 [151 Bd].
Tell el-Maskhta. (Pithom). Miscellaneous.
Trial pieces, plaster royal heads and fragments, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48066-70.
Tell el-Maskhta. (Pithom). Miscellaneous.
Kneeling statue of Semtu-tefnakht good name Wehebre-men, head lost, year 39 of Amasis, formerly in
Maitland colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Sotheby Sale Cat. April 30, 1935, No. 26 with pl. II.
Bilbeis. Kabr el-Deir. Minia el-Qamh. .
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Block statue of Mermaet, head lost, dedicated by son Rat-tefnakht, Dyn. XXV-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Habachi in Chron. dg. xlii (1967), 30-40 figs. 1, 2.
Tell el-Yahdya (Leontopolis). Temple of Ramesses II.
Colossal statue of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1228.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 119-20 pl. 171. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 169 [594].
Tell el-Yahdya (Leontopolis). Temple of Ramesses III. Columns.
Base of column, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Brugsch, E. in Rec. de Trav. viii (1886), 5. See M-R, Fhrer (1912), 54 [544].
Tell el-Yahdya (Leontopolis). Temple of Ramesses III. Enamelled Chamber of Palace (?).
(a) Decorative tile with head of negro, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Brugsch, E. in Rec. de. Trav. viii (1886), pls. I, II. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 520 [5127].
Tell el-Yahdya (Leontopolis). Temple of Ramesses III. Enamelled Chamber of Palace (?).
(b) Decorative tiles with rosettes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Brugsch, E. in Rec. de. Trav. viii (1886), pls. I, II. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 513 [4953-4], 519 [5115],
520 [5135-6], 520 [5140-1].
Tell el-Yahdya (Leontopolis). Temple of Ramesses III. Enamelled Chamber of Palace (?).
(c) Decorative tile with Asiatic captive, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Gayet in Gazette des Beaux Arts (1894), 57.
Tell el-Yahdya (Leontopolis). Desert Cemetery.
Coffin, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Naville, Mound of the Jew 16-17 pl. ii [E].
Tell el-Yahdya (Leontopolis). Miscellaneous.
Block of Amenemhet II, with remains of list of festivals, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de. Trav. xiv (1893), 168 [lvii].
Tell el-Yahdya (Leontopolis). Miscellaneous.
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Fragment of kneeling statue of Sethos II, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1239.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 124-5.
Tell el-Yahdya (Leontopolis). Miscellaneous.
Pedestal with relief of King Yewept (as Anpweth in Bibl.) kneeling and men worshipping, Dyn. XXIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Naville and Griffith, Mound of the Jew 10, 50 pl. i.
Statue-group of Piay and wife, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46763.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xx (1920), 162.
Nb T. ah. a.
Naos, upper part, red granite, dedicated to Atum by Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 47580.
Text, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxiii (1923), 170-1 [xx].
Must. urud. Bahtm.
Statue-base Queen Nefertari, wife of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70220.
Naville and Griffith, Tell. el-Yahudiya pl. xxi [13].
Must. urud. Bahtm.
Blocks from building of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Must. urud. Bahtm.
Remains of kneeling statue, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Must. urud. Bahtm.
Head and legs from statue, with text on back, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70219 A, B.
Kafr Gams.
Part of false door of Niankhduau, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1452 (JE 2794).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, Bl. 34.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Heliopolis. El-Marg. Tomb of Pethenfi. Late Period.
Fragments of scene in marshes before deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36194.
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien. ii, pls. 35 [lower], 37. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 204-5 [830].
Heliopolis. El-Marg. Tomb of Pethenfi. Late Period.
Block with a geneaology, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38824.
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien ii, pl. 39 [upper].
Heliopolis. El-Marg. Tomb of Pethenfi. Late Period.
Fowling-scene, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37913.
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien ii, pl. 42. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 212 [877].
Heliopolis. El-Marg. Various.
Stela, Pedeptah before Ptah, and before Osiris, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28685.
Naville, Mound of the Jew 68 pl. 21 [23].
Heliopolis. El-Khuss. Bull Cemetery.
Two identical Mnevis-stelae, Ramesses II before Mnevis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.,
Temp. No., El-Alfi in JEA 58 (1972), 176-8 fig. 2 pl. xxxv [1]. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii
(1919), 207.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery. Mnevis tomb of Ramesses II. Finds.
Offering-table of Rika, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 207.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery. Mnevis tomb of Ramesses II. Finds.
Vase of Ramesses II, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 208.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Mnevis-statue, naming Bay, temp. Merneptah-Siptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25764 (Temp. No.
Naville, Mound of the Jew pl. 21 [21, a, b, c].
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Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Mnevis-stelae, of Yunay, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, G.165.
Bakry in Ann. Serv. lvi (1959), 227-8 fig.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Blocks from tomb of Mnevis, temp. Ramesses VII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35736.
Rec. de Trav. xxv, 30-4, 36 [1, 2].
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Mnevis stela from tomb of Mnevis, temp. Ramesses VII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35741.
Rec. de Trav. xxv, 30-4, 36 [1, 2].
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Mnevis stela of Benermerut, year 45 Tuthmosis III, (from tomb, temp. Ramesses VII,) in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 65830.
Zayed, Trois tudes 33 fig. 17.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Cup of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35739.
Zayed, Trois tudes 35.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Mnevis stela of Neferabu, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Zayed, Trois tudes fig. on 207.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Mnevis-stela of Khaemmaet, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65831.
Zayed, Trois tudes 33 fig. 16.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Four canopic jars from tomb of Mnevis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mond and Myers, Bucheum iii, pl. 110 [2].
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
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Four canopic-jars, alabaster, and another canopic-jar, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 35737-8.
Texts, Kamal in Rec. de Trav. xxv (1903), 34-5.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Heart scarab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35737.
Text, Kamal in Rec. de Trav. xxv (1903), 35 [middle right].
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Mnevis-stela of Ramesses VII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35741.
Rec. de Trav. xxv (1903), 36.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Mnevis-stela of Ty with wife Tentonet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35743.
Zayed, Trois tudes 35 fig. 24. Texts, Kamal in Rec. de Trav. xxv (1903), 35-6.
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Mnevis-stela of Si-inheret, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35740.
Zayed, Trois tudes 35 fig. 23. Text, Kamal in Rec. de Trav. xxv (1903), 34 [middle].
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery.
Fragment from Mnevis-tomb, bull with goddesses, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36860.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 199-200 [iii].
Heliopolis. El-Khus. s. . Bull Cemetery. Various.
Relief, cartouche of Tutankhamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Temple of Sethos I. From neighbourhood of Obelisk.
Fragments of two obelisks, one of Tuthmosis III and Ramesses II, red granite, and another of Amenophis II
or Tuthmosis IV, found in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17013 (JE 55307).
Kuentz, Oblisques 25-8 figs. 26-31.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Temple of Sethos I. Various.
Three adjoining fragments from jambs of South Gateway, Tuthmosis III, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian
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Museum, JE 27488.
Part of jamb, Brugsch, Recueil x [23, a, b].
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Northern part of Great Enclosure.
Bas-relief, a divine father, son of Niankhre (as Ankhenre in Bibl.) and Thespepipert, with marsh-scene before
deceased, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41432.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 32-3 pl. 2 [lower]. Names, Ranke, I, 171 [16], 393 [27].
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Temple of Ramesses II. Restored by Ramesses IX.
Embalming bed re-used as sarcophagus lid by Ramesesnakht called Reduty, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 90859.
Balboush in Ann. Serv. lxiii (1979), 32 pls. xii, xiii. See Habachi in Mitt. Kairo xxii (1967), 45.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Temple of Ramesses II and IV.
Lintel fragment with remains of names of Ramesses IX and Nebmaetre, Greatest of the Seers (son of Ramesses
IX), probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Moursi, Die Hohenpriester des Sonnengottes, 79.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Finds.
Stela, Amenophis II offering t-cake to Re-Harakhti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88214.
El-Banna, E. in Gttinger Miszellen No. 114 (1990), 17-27, 29 pl.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Finds.
Lintel of Harsemtuemhet, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88213, 88215.
See Leahy L. M. in Gttinger Miszellen No. 65 (1983), 51-2 (name and title)
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Finds.
Jamb-fragment, man standing, and block with remains of text, probably Dyn. XXVI and belonging to last,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88216, 88212.
See Leahy L. M. in Gttinger Miszellen No. 65 (1983), 51.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Meru.
Inscribed blocks from walls, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 195-7.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Meru.
Offering-table of deceased, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 198.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Sebeky.
Blocks from walls, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.,
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 199-203.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Sebeky.
Offering-table of deceased, black basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 204 [middle].
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Sebeky, good name By.
Blocks from walls, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.,
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 204-8.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Sebeky, good name By.
Offering table of deceased, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Khuenhor called Khui.
Blocks from walls, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 209-11.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Various.
Obelisks of Neheri, temp. Pepy I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17003 (JE 55304).
Kuentz, Oblisques pl. 4.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Various.
Two obelisks of Sheshi, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17001-2 (JE 55302-3).
Kuentz, Oblisques pls. 2, 3.
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Various.
Small obelisk of Theth, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17004 (JE 55305).
Kuentz, Oblisques pl. 4.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Various.
Offering table of Iry, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 212 [5].
Heliopolis. Tell H. is. n. Tombs of the High Priests of Heliopolis. Dyn. VI. Various.
Offering-table of Werna, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Heliopolis. Ard el-Nam. Tomb of I-nufer. Late Period.
Sarcophagus of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89662.
Bickel, S. and Tallet, P. in BIFAO 97 (1997), 80 [7] fig. 8.
Heliopolis. Ezbet el-Zeitn.
Sarcophagus of Uzahormehent, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bickel, S. and Tallet, P. in BIFAO 97 (1997), 77 [2] fig. 7.
Heliopolis. H. ilmya.
Sphinx of Psammetikhos II, black granite, at one time in Cairo, Museum of Bibliothque Bonaparte, then in
playground of French Lyce at Cairo, then in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxxiv (1934), 129-34 figs. 1, 2.
Heliopolis. H. ilmya.
Female statuette, ivory, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85750.
Keimer in Bull. Inst. g. xxviii (1947), 126-8 pl. 3.
Heliopolis. Manshyet el-Sadr.
Stela, year 8 of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34504 (JE 39503).
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 182 [666].
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Tombs. Ramosi. Dyn. XXV-XXVI.
Lintel and jambs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47120.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 198-203.
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Tomb of Thest(i)-Wehebre. Dyn. XXVI.
Funeral chamber, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 50246.
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Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxvii (1927), 4-14 fig. 3.
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Tomb of Thest(i)-Wehebre. Dyn. XXVI.
Canopic jars, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 50209-12.
Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxvii (1927), 15.
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Tomb of Thest(i)-Wehebre. Dyn. XXVI.
Other objects, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 50213-45.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxvii (1927), 16-18 fig. 4.
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Tombs. Uzare. No date.
Blocks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89492-89503.
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Tombs. Uzare. No date.
Sarcophagus of deceased, no date, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89504.
See Bickel, S. and Taket, P. in BIFAO 97 (1997), 87 [11].
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Tombs.
Sarcophagus of Esshe-tfeni, son of Thonufer, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87086.
See Bickel, S. and Tallet, P. in BIFAO 97 (1997), 83 [16].
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Various.
Stela of Nen, Dyn. XVIII, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., now in Washington,
Smithsonian Institute.
Tawfik in Gttingen Miszellen 29 (1978), 133-7 with figs. on 138.
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Various.
Decorated lid of coffin, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Bickel, S. and Tallet, P. in BIFAO 97 (1997), 84 [18].
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Various.
Fragment from Offering table of Pepy II, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18556 (JE 4919).
Cartouche, Bissing, Steingefsse 114. See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments ... Boulaq (1864), 165 [382].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Various.
Fragment from statue of Nezem, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1220.
El-Damaty in MDAIK 46 (1990), 6, 7 Taf. 6 [a, b]. See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 114-15.
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Various.
Stela fragment of Esptah, Great chief, son of Hartefnakht and Inefert, 3rd Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 67846.
Bickel, S. and Tallet, P. in BIFAO 100 (2000), 136-41 fig. 7.
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Various.
Stela fragment of Kuki, Shield-bearer of the King, son of Ankhhor and Tasai, daughter of Pefteu(em)auibastet
who had a son, Tjekerti, 3rd Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Bickel, S. and Tallet, P. in BIFAO 100 (2000), 134-6 fig. 5.
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Various.
Block, probably from a mastaba of Harnakht, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66641.
Raphael in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 79-80 pl.
Heliopolis. El-Matarya. Various.
Block from jamb of a mastaba, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66640.
Raphael in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 117-24 fig. 10 pl. 21.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Amenemhet I (?), seated, lower part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29212.
Evers, Staat. ii, pl. 2 [34].
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Fragments from statue group of Osiris seated with Ramesses II and Merneptah standing, dedicated by Ramosiuserpehti, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1208.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pl. 170.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Ramesses II, seated, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
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Double-statue, Isis and Osiris seated, dedicated by Suro, Chief of the storehouse in the temple of Re, with
family mentioned including son Paraemhab, Third Int. Per., found east of Ain Shems, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 92591.
Bickel, S. and Tallet, P. in BIFAO 100 (2000), 129-34 figs. 1-4.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Base from kneeling statue of Pedepep, good name Psammethekemakhet, slate, temp. Psammetikhos II, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1292 (JE 29469).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 150.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Sphinx, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1207 (JE 29218).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 107.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Parts of false door of Iauptah, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1454 (JE 21765), CG 1466 (JE
21766), CG 1496 (JE 21767), CG 1502 (JE 21768).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 141, 155-6, 200-1, 206.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Inscribed on both sides, Amenophis IV and family adore the Aten, back usurped by Haremhab, with Pare-emhab below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34175 (JE 41563).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. 65. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 170 [600].
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
[Amen]mosi, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34146.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 194 pl. 59.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Iry, with Isis in upper register, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Fakry in Archiv fr aegyptische Archaeologie i (1938), 34-5 [4].
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Year 14 of Sesonchis II (as III in Bibl.), mentioning his son Bekennif, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
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JE 45610.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 6.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Block, Ramesses II running, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27487.
Kees, Opfertanz 277 [39] Abb. 5 pl. iii.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Lintel (restored from two blocks) mentioning Mnevis and Sepa, and jamb of Ramesses III, from Temple, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88881-2.
Zayed, Trois tudes 30-1 [A, B], and 32 figs. 21, 20.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Three blocks, two from lintel of May and Hura, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Fakhry in Archiv fr aegyptische Archaeologie i, 31-4 pl. 4 [1-3].
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Obelisk of Antef, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17010 (JE 51877).
Kuentz, Oblisques pl. 6.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Block with three lines of dedicatory text of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 484 [185, B].
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Relief bringing funeral outfit, from tomb of Thonufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29211.
Maspero, Le Muse Egyptien ii, pls. xxxii [middle], xxxiv.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Offering-table of Rekhti, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57024 (JE 21769; Temp. No.
Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler iii, 28 pl.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
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Offering-table of Anenen, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23144 (JE 40531).
Kuentz, Oblisques pl. 36.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Offering-table of Re-het, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23138 (JE 40526).
Kuentz, Oblisques pl. 34.
Heliopolis. Miscellaneous. Various.
Cylinder-seal dedicated by Harmosi, temp. Osorkon II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65833.
Barguet in Mlanges Maspero, i [4], 10 fig. 8.

Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Cache.

Cache of treasure, including plaque of Bekennefi, [temp. Pi-ankhy], Dyn. XXV-XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 48859.
Engelback in Ann. Serv. xxiv (1924), 181-5 with four pls.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Temple of Amasis.
Upper part stela with Osiris and Isis, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93157.
Ruszczyc in tudes et Travaux ix (1976), 124 fig. 7.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Temple of Amasis.
Sphinx, headless, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 93158.
Ruszczyc in tudes et Travaux ix (1976), 124-5 fig. 9.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Temple of Amasis.
Plaque, gold, from foundation deposit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Ellis in Egypt Travel Magazine 50 (Oct. 1958), 12 fig. 7.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Temple of Amasis.
Three plaques, faience, foundation deposits, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.
See Malinowski in Ann. Serv. lviii (1964), 236.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Roman Temple.
Stela of Ramesses II, usurped Dyn. XXX, with cryptographic text, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
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Drioton in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 109-16 pls. 19, 20.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Cemetery. Tomb of Queen Takhut, wife of Psammetikhos II.
Sarcophagus of Queen, quartzite in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Adam in Ann. Serv. lv, (1958), pl. vii [c].
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Cemetery. Tomb of Queen Takhut, wife of Psammetikhos II.
Mask from sarcophagus, gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88963.
Leclant in Orientalia xix (1950), pl. 65.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Cemetery. Tomb of Queen Takhut, wife of Psammetikhos II.
Jewellery, from sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88964-89043.
Leclant in Orientalia xix (1950), pl. 63.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Cemetery. Tomb of Tade-ubaste. Late Period.
Four canopic-jars of deceased, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 90888 (Temp. No.
See Leclant in Orientalia xxv (1956), 100 [a, b].
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Cemetery. Various.
Offering stand of Ankhwehebre, black basalt, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89626.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Monument with figure of sacred serpent of Athribis, Amenophis III, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 63 [b]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 140 [469].
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue, lower part, black granite, temp. Ramesses II and Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Vernus, Athribis 45 [46] (as Temp. No.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Semtu-tefnakht kneeling with naos of Khentekhtai, temp. Psammetikhos I, probably from here, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Bakry in Kmi xx (1970), 22-32 figs. pls. iv, v.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Nimaetre, legs lost, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 704.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 45 Bl. 130 (called Middle Kingdom).
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Fragment of statue-base of P....rud, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1266.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 135-6.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Standing statue of Zeho, Priest of Kemy in Athribis, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
See Vernus, Athribis 193-5 [161].
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Scribe statue of Bekennefi, lower part, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Habachi in Mitt. Kairo xv (1957), 69-74 figs. 1-5 pls. v-vii.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Zeho-p-shed squatting with stela of Horus on crocodiles, on stand with offering basin, black granite, temp.
Philip Arrhidaeus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46341 (Temp. No.
R. P[irelli] in Tiradritti, F. (ed.), The Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (1999), 368-9 figs. (as basalt); Hamza
in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), pl. 28 (detail).
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Fragment of statue base of Pefteuamun, black stone, Dyn. XXIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Vernus in MDAIK 37 (1981), 483-7 fig. Taf. 80.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
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Ptolemy before a hawk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43837.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Khentekhthai (deity) and King(?), Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 55029.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Half of lintel with cartouches of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32015.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Jamb of Tuthmosis III, with name of Tu..., Count, Prophet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Vernus, Athribis 22-3 [24] pl. i.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Two obelisk bases of Ramesses II, with King before Horus-Khentekhthai, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 72147 (Temp. No.
Schott in MDAIK, viii (1939), pls. 31-3.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Blocks of Ramesses II with magical reliefs and inscriptions, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46095.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 186-93 figs. 1-4.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Block (usurped) of Ramesses II and Prince Merneptah, with Seth erased by latter, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 32009.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxx (1930),197-202 pls. 1, 2.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Part of lintel, man before Termuthis, temp. Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40015.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Lintel-fragment of Nakhtu, temp. Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40035 (Temp. No.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iv, 139 [87].
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Fragments of lintel with cornice, with double scene of official Haremhab kneeling before cartouches Ramesses
III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Lintel-fragments and upper part left jamb of Haremhab, temp. Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
32014 and Temp. No.
Gohary, S. G. in Glimpses of Ancient Egypt. Studies ... Fairman 75-9 pls. ia, ib.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Left half of lintel, two fragments, woman offering to deceased, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 33986.
See Vernus, Athribis 54 [58].
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Block, with part of offering scene with King Sesonchis I (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Vernus, Athribis 58-9 [64].
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Block with texts on two faces, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Frieze from intercolumnar wall (as naos in Bibl.) with alternate cartouches of nomarchs Neferkare (as Sabacon
in Bibl.) and Wehebre (later Psammetikhos I), and those of Apries on the other side, re-used with Greek text,
formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9273, now in Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum.
Habachi in BIFAO 82 (1982), 214-15, 222-3 fig. 1. See Vernus, Athribis 81 [85].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Fragment with cartouches of Teos, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 42.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Trilingual decree of asylum, year 18 of Ptolemy XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31089.
Le Muse gyptien ii, 22 pl. 8.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Various.
Circular offering-table of Hor, 3rd Int. Period or later (as post New Kingdom in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 23091 (JE 40488).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 19.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Various.
Top part of naos of Kemwer of Athribis, dedicated by Amasis, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 70011 (JE 40034), bottom part of naos, found near Saida Zeinab mosque in Cairo.
Roeder, Naos pl. 12 [a], 54 [c], 75 [a, b], 76 [a, b].
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Miscellaneous. Various.
Naos of Psammetikhos II, usurped from Necho II, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88205.
Habachi in BIFAO 82 (1982), 216-19 figs. 2, 3 pl. xl (as CG 88205).
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Tah. anb.
Three fragments of columns of Amenophis III, usurped by Merneptah and Setnakht, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No. (A-C).
Bakry in Mitt. Kairo xxii (1967), 57 pl. xiv [a, b].
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Kafr Manqir.
Dorsal pillar from statue of Nektanebos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46438.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xix (1919), 136.
Benha with Tell Atrb (Athribis). Quarries of Quesna.
Sarcophagus of Irharudjaennefu called Harwodj, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum [Western
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hawass, Z. Hidden Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (2002), xi fig. on xiii.
Km el-Ahmar.
Historical stela, Libyan campaign, year 5 of Merneptah, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 50568.
Lefebvre in Ann. Serv. xxvii (1927), 21-3, 30 pls. i, ii. See Brief Descr. 6017.
Tkh el-Malaq.
Statuette of bull-headed Shu, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42893 (as
JE 42193 in Bibl.).
Text on back, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 45 (called 42193).
Tkh el-Malaq. Qaha.
Two fragments from an obelisk of Merneptah, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17025
(JE 55310).
Texts, Kuentz, Oblisques 51-2 fig. 50.
Tkh el-Malaq. El-Barda.
Stela, a Ptolemy offers field to Horus-Khentekhthai, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 39.
Zawyet Razn.
Fragment of architrave with cartouche of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43711.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 193.
Zawyet Razn.
Small stela, serpent before altar, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43710.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 195 fig. 8.
Block with remnant of New Kingdom text mentioning Tunip, re-used for ritual text about Dyn. XXX, basalt,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45936.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 221-30.
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Apis-stela, year 13 of Apries, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72038.
Drioton in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 121-5 fig. 3.
Km Ab Billo.
Bust, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Maspero, Guide (1915), 225 [965] fig. 77.
Km Ab Billo.
Stela, lion (or sphinx), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35669.
Coffin of Psammethek, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28455.
Grbaut Le Muse gyptien i, 16-17 pl. 19. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 325 [3262].
Cover from outer sarcophagus, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29322 (JE 66751).
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages ... persanes et ptolmaiques ii, 341-8 pl. 41.
El-Qat. t. a. Old Kingdom Cemetery. Finds.
Scribes palette of Akau, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88865.
Fischer in ZS 105 (1978), 58-9 fig. 8 Taf. i [b]. See Leclant in Orientalia 19 [4] (1950), 495.
El-Qat. t. a. Old Kingdom Cemetery. Finds.
Headrest of Akau (same man as preceding), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88865.
See Leclant in Orientalia 19 [4] (1950), 495.
El-Qat. t. a. Old Kingdom Cemetery. Finds.
Libation tablet with seven receptacles of a Ruler of the House, name lost (possibly Akhu, same man as
preceding), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88866.
El-Qat. t. a. Old Kingdom Cemetery. Finds.
Another monument (unable to establish what type of object this is) of Akau (same man as preceding), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 88868.
See Leclant in Orientalia 19 [4] (1950), 495.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Qat. t. a. Old Kingdom Cemetery. Finds.
Statuette, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88864.
El-Qat. t. a. Old Kingdom Cemetery. Finds.
Stela of Ithy, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Name of son, Fischer in ZS 105 (1978), 59.
El-Qat. t. a. Old Kingdom Cemetery. Finds.
Fragments of relief with remains of scenes, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Ausm (Letopolis). Temple of Horus. Late Period and Nektanebos I.
Fragment, Achoris, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Kamal in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 92 [lower].
Ausm (Letopolis). Temple of Horus. Late Period and Nektanebos I.
Block with three columns of text (? same as last), granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35496.
Ausm (Letopolis). Temple of Horus. Late Period and Nektanebos I.
Two blocks of Nektanebos I, one with figure of Pehu, and another with nomes of Lower Egypt, black granite,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89610 A, B.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxxii (1932), 78-80 pl. [2].
Ausm (Letopolis). Miscellaneous.
iv.68A (moved from iv.96)
Fragment of double-statue, ...ku and Nana, Middle Kingdom to New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 859.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 124 pl. 154.
Ausm (Letopolis). Miscellaneous.
Statue, lioness feeding young, granite, Late Period, found at Zeidd, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 35487.
See Naguib in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 83-4.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. Old and Middle Kingdoms.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lower part of seated statue (as base in Bibl.) of Khephren, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 275 [1].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. Old and Middle Kingdoms.
Sphinx of Pepy I, fragment, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 541 (JE 29220).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 90.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. Old and Middle Kingdoms.
Sphinx, damaged, dedicated by Sesostris II to gods of Heliopolis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37796.
Fay, B. The Louvre Sphinx 57, 65 [26] pl. 85 [c].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. Old and Middle Kingdoms.
Pedestal with two rows of human-headed uraei and cartouches of Amenemhet IV on sides, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 42906.
Brunton in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 177-81 pls. 23, 24.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. Hyksos Period.
Offering-table, dedicated to Seth, grey granite, Middle Kingdom, usurped by Apophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 23073 (JE 39605).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 61-2. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 153 [509] fig. 57.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Two fragments of columns of Amenophis III, usurped by Merneptah and Setnakht (from K. s. n Wakala),
basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bakry in MDAIK xxii (1967), 34-6 [A, B] pls. xiii, xvi [a].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Stela, Haremhab before [Khephren] with text of god, part, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34189.
Hari, Horemheb 289-92 fig. 79 pls. xlvi, xlvii; Lacau, Stles i, 235-6. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 1034 [4]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 124 [406].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Angle of door with cartouche of Haremhab (?), sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 103 [3].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Fragment of column of Haremhab, red quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Myliwiec, Studien zum Gott Atum ii, 242 [6], 244 Taf. xi [b], Abb. 5.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Offering-table of Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23090 (JE 34616, 34671).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 73-4 pl. 19 [upper].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Head of deity from a pair or group-statue with Ramesses II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 89292.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Lintel fragment, Ramesses II adores Atum and Re-Harakhti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34667.
See Daressy in Bull. Inst. g. 4 Sr i (1900), 129.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Fragment of obelisk of Ramesses II, usurped by Merneptah and Sethos II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 276 [2]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 4 [D].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Statue, Merneptah, headless, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Block with Atum, year 2 of Merneptah, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89291.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Part of column, Merneptah before two divinities, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Text, Maspero in ZS xix (1881), 118 [h].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Block of Ramesses III, found in a house, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Lower part of obelisk of Ramesses IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17026 (JE 55311).
Kuentz, Oblisques 53-4 pl. 19. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 166 [576].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Blocks from naos of Ramesses VI (as III in Bibl.), quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35657.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 104 [5].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Block of Ramesses IX, from Abbasia, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Statue of Huy, Vizier, seated, New Kingdom (possibly not ancient), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. New Kingdom.
Fragment of kilt from a royal statue with Golden Horus name of probably Amenmesse, in Cairo Mus. Temp.
Hardwick, T. in JEA 92 (2006), 255-60 figs. 1, 3.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Stela, year 16 of Siamun,
formerly in Cairo, Collection Collge Saint-Joseph des Frres des coles
Chrtiennes, now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70218.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Text, Munier in Recueil dtudes gyptologiques dedies la Mmoire de Champollion 361-3.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Column of Apries, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47835.
Jquier LArchitectura ii, pl. 7 B [5].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Fragment of offering-table of Apries, dedicated to Hapi, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 32010.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Stela, year 4 (as 3 in Bibl.) of Amasis, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxii (1900), 2-3. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 206 [849].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Cover and two fragments from cuve of sarcophagus of Usermaetre, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 29309 (JE 27493), other fragments in Geneva, Muse dArt et dHistoire, 18050, 27806, and
another on loan from New York NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 04.2.539.
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages ... persanes et ptolmaiques ii, 20-41 pls. 9-12. See Maspero, Guide (1914),
246-7 [2006].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Part of offering-table, presumably of Amasis, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Block with two registers statues of divinities, granite, Late Period, found in Mosque el-Dardir , in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 43073.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxxv (1913), 45 [1].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block from offering-table of Ramesses II, black granite, found in rue el-Dardiri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43072.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxxv (1913), 45 [2].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Sarcophagus of Nebnufer, granite, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Sawyer in Antiquity viii (June 1934), 105 pl. v.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Statue of Achoris, fragment, Dyn. XXIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1080 (JE 28026).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 48.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Block with Nektanebos (I?) offering, found in Citadel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Sarcophagus of Nektanebos I, fragments, black granite, one found in Mosque Sangar el-Gali, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 34673.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 105-9 [7]. Fragment found in Mosque Sangar el-Gali, Kamal in ib.
ii, 129-30.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
iv.72 (joined with iv.49, all references to eventually go here)
Naos of Neith, dedicated by Nektanebos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70020 (JE 34673).
Roeder, Naos pl. 16 [a]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 201 [807].
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Block with two snake-headed and two frog-headed deities, re-used in the tombs of the Khalifs, red sandstone,
Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29038.
See Rowe in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 530.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment of obelisk of Nektanebos II, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17030 (JE 55312), adjoins
London, British Museum, EA 524 (one of a pair of obelisks, both of which are in the British Museum, EA
Kuentz, Oblisques 61-2.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Fragment of sarcophagus with titles of a Prophet of Isis of Bahbt, black basalt, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43770.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 284.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Block, king (cartouches blank) offers to goddess, black granite, Late Period, found in Siqqet el Faggula, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59135.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Block from door of naos of Alexander II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43978.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 286.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Pyramidal naos of Ptolemy II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Thiers, C. in BIFAO 97 (1997), 253-9, 265-7 figs. (with reconstructions).
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Fragment of stela with bilingual text (part of decree) of Ptolemy III and Berenice, sandstone, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Raphael in Mlanges Maspero i [2], 509-12 pl.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Statue, Khenti (?), holding astronomical instrument. Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 276-8 [3].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Fragment of sarcophagus-lid of Ankh-hap, basalt, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Two fragments of sarcophagus with cartouche of Ptolemy VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45383-4.
Cairo. Monuments and re-used blocks found in the city. After Dyn. XX.
Relief, two priests before Astarte-Hathor, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43081.
Aim-Giron in BIFAO xxv (1925), 191-211 pls. i, ii.
Cairo. South of Old Cairo. Athar el-Nabi.
Statue of Merneptah, kneeling holding naos containing Re-Horus with scarab on roof, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 53679.
Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 235-8 pls. 1, 2.
Cairo. Bat. n el-Bagara, at El-Fust. t. Tomb of Pawemhetef. Late Period.
Sarcophagus of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67764.
Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 138-42 pls. 6, 7. See Brief Descr. No. 6268.
Cairo. Bat. n el-Bagara, at El-Fust. t. Late Tomb. Dyn. XXVI-XXX.
Two coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67134-5.
Texts, Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 58-70.
Cairo. Bat. n el-Bagara, at El-Fust. t. Late Tomb. Dyn. XXVI-XXX.
Sarcophagus with remains of hieartic text in ink, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68490.
Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), pl. 89 [B].
Cairo. Bat. n el-Bagara, at El-Fust. t. Late Tomb. Dyn. XXVI-XXX.
Sarcophagus with titles in hieratic and demotic text in ink, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68491.
Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 481 pl. 90 [B].
Cairo. Island of Roda. Building near Nilometor.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragments with text of 1st and 2nd scenes of Book of Caverns, Late Peirod, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Piankoff in BIFAO xli (1942), 2, 6-7 pls. iii-ix [R].
On the Cairo-Suez Road. Almaza.
Statue-group, Ramesses III as Khepri, with Queen or goddess, with phophylactic texts on seat, red quartzite,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 69771.
Drioton in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), pls. 2-5, pp. 57-88.
On the Cairo-Suez Road. Almaza.
Fragments from colossus of Ramesses III, red quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Drioton in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 58 n. 1.
T. ura and El-Mas. ara. El-Mas. ara Quarries.
6. Stela of Neferpert, year 22 of Amosis, with sledge drawn by oxen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 62949.
Young, Hieroglyphics pl. 88 [lower left]. Lower part, oxen dragging sledge, Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 119 fig. See
Brief Descr. No. 6246.
T. ura and El-Mas. ara. T. ura Cemetery.
Three blocks and part of a jamb from Mastaba of Iu. Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Titles, Gunn in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 92.
T. ura and El-Mas. ara. Masara. Miscellaneous.
Torso from standing statue, with address to jackals on back, probably Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 52356.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 263. Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 95.
T. ura and El-Mas. ara. Masara. Miscellaneous.
Cuve with lid, with Negro and Syrian captives kneeling, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45204.
Helwn. Ezbet el-Walda. Cemeteries Dyn. I-II. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Irni, Dyn. II, formerly in King Farouk colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88123.
Saad in Ann. Serv. Cahier No. 21 (1957), 31-3 [15] fig. 24 pl. 18.
Helwn. Ezbet el-Walda. Cemeteries Dyn. I-II. Tomb 116 H.4.
Bundle of lotus-buds representing column, ivory, Dyn. I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Saad in Ann. Serv. Cahier No. 14 (1951), 14 pl. xi [a]. See Brief Descr. No. 6339.
Helwn. Ezbet el-Walda. Cemeteries Dyn. I-II. Finds.
Seal of Aha with two giraffes under date-palm, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Said in Ann. Serv. Supp. 3 (1947), 166 fig. 14.
Helwn. Miscellaneous.
Five statues with proscription-texts, alabaster, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 63955-9.
See Posener in Mlanges Syriens offerts Ren Dussaud 314-17. JE 63955, Parkinson, Voices from Ancient Egypt
fig. on 126.
El-Minya and El-Shurafa. Roman Fort, Town, and Cemetery, and Ptolemaic Cemetery farther south.
Sphinx of a Queen, serpentine, Dyn. XVIII or XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56599.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxi (1931), 28 pl. 2 [lower].
El-Minya and El-Shurafa. Roman Fort, Town, and Cemetery, and Ptolemaic Cemetery farther south.
Stela, year 16 of Osorkon II, dedicated by Zeptahefankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45327 (Temp. No.
Iversen in Kgl. Dansk Videnskab-Selskab. Historisk-filologiske Meddedelser xxvii [5], 3-18 pl. i. Ann. Serv. xv
(1915), 140-1.
At. fh. (Aphroditopolis). Finds.
Sphinx of Sebkhotp IV (Khaneferre), head lost, black granite, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 421 (JE 26039).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 29 pl. 68. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 111 [363].
At. fh. (Aphroditopolis). Finds.
Lower part from statue of Sethos II, kneeling holding naos containing statue of Isis-Hathor, in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Naguib in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 213-14.
At. fh. (Aphroditopolis).
Stela, year 13 of Ptolemy I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22180.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 158-9 pl. 53.
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Mortuary Temple. Re-used blocks.
Block with double-scene (left end destroyed), Amenemhet I in h. eb-sed costume holding palm-ribs, etc., in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40484.
Figures of King, Wallert, Die Palmen im Alten gypten pl. vi. Right side, Fischer in Metropolitan Museum Journal
5 (1972), 12 fig. 12.
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Mortuary Temple. Re-used blocks.
King as hawk before Monthu and Atum, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31877.
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles fig. 108.
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Mortuary Temple. Re-used blocks.
King embraced by goddess, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles fig. 109.
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Mortuary Temple. Re-used blocks.
Fragment of lintel, double-scene, Sesostris I, before Amenemhet I with Buto, and with [a deity], in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 31878.
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles fig. 111.
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Mortuary Temple. Re-used blocks.
Two female estates, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41640.
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles fig. 114.
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Mortuary Temple. Re-used blocks.
Fragment with cartouche of Amenemhet I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40483.
Wilkinson, C. K. and Hill, Egyptian Wall Paintings fig. on. 68 [Inst. 1979.2.24].
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Mortuary Temple. Re-used blocks.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

False door of Amenemhet I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45086.
Lythgoe in MMA Bull. July 1907, 115 fig. 4.
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Mastabas inside Pyramid Enclosure. Tomb of Nakht.
Statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 409 (JE 31880).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 20-1 pl. 67. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 102 [283].
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Mastabas outside Pyramid Enclosure. Pit of Ameny.
Stela of Ameny and Sit-khonsu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45246.
Mace in MMA Bull. Oct. 1914, 220 fig. 13 and cover.
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Various.
Squatting statuette of Senebrau, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45245.
Mace in MMA Bull. Oct. 1914, 217, 220 fig. 8.
El Lisht. North Pyramid. Amenemhet I. Various.
Head from female statuette, wood, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39390.
Encycl. Phot. pl. 59. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 448 [4232].
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Approach.
Six Osiride statues of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 397-402.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 65 (CG 399 and 401). See Maspero, Guide (1915), 103 [301A-6]. CG
397, see Vandier, Manuel iii. 587. CG 398, Hornemann, Types I, pl. 36. CG 399, Meier-Graefe, Pyramide ...
pl. 18. CG 400, Hornemann, Types I, pl. 37. CG 401, Maspero, gypte fig. 30. CG 402, Mller, H. W. g.
Kunst Abb. 63.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Approach.
Eight fragments from CG 397, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1217.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 113.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mortuary Temple.
Fragment with two geese, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum (as in New York NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art
in Bibl.).
Evers, Staat i, pl. 47.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mortuary Temple.
Fragment with Seth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Borchardt in ZS xlvi (1909-10), fig. on 90.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mortuary Temple.
Offering-table with Nile gods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23001 (JE 31876).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pls. 1, 2. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 171 [611].
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mortuary Temple.
Wand of princess Neferu-Ptah, wife of Sesostris I (not daughter of Amenemhet III as in Bibl.), ivory, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 9438 (JE 31046).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques pl. 12.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mortuary Temple.
Sealings with name of Pyramid, and names of Sesostris III, Queen Nofru, and Sebkhotp III, clay, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 58826-44.
See Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, (April 1933), 20-1.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Cachette.
Ten statues, Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 411-20 (JE 31137-45).
Gauthier and Jequier, Fouilles figs. 24-5, 28-37 pls. 9-13. Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 67 (CG 411,
413), 23-9. See Maspero, Guide,(1915) 109-10 [301] fig. 41. CG 11, Westendorf,Das alte gypten fig. on 889. CG 12, Buschor, Bildnistufen 276 Abb. 116. CG 14, Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 87 fig. CG 15, Johnson in
JARCE xvii (1980), 16 pl. iii [c] (as III [d]). CG 16, Hamann, gyptische Kunst 162 Abb. 161. CG 17, upper
part Eggebrecht, Das Alte gypten fig. on 429 [right]. CG 18, Ranke, Meisterwerke der gyptischen Kunst (1948),
pl. 27. CG 19, Wildung, Die Kunst des alten gypten 102 Abb. 35. CG 20, Capart, Documents ii, pl. 40.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Inner Enclosure Wall.
Panels, hawks in relief, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58908-19.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, (April 1933), 45 figs. 1-3.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Inner Enclosure Wall.
Block with Nile, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60269.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, (April 1933), 10 fig. 9.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Pyramid.
Faience, alabaster and two copper plaques from foundation deposit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 58861-4.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, (April 1933), 14 fig. 10.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Chapel at Entrance.
Lion-gargoyle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63941.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1934, cf. 16 fig. 21. See Brief Descr. 6224.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Chapel at Entrance.
Relief from West wall, King offering and offering list, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63942.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1934, 26-9, fig. 20.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Chapel at Entrance.
Reliefs from East and South walls, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63945-6.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1934, 26-9, figs. 19, 22.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Small Pyramids. Pyramid of Princess Ita-Kaiyt.
Stela of Princess Ita-kayt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63944.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Senbita, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23056 (JE 39589).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 51. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 49-50.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Ankhetsi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23054 (JE 31156).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 52. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 48.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Khetysonb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23052 (JE 31155).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 53. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 46-7.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ita I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23053 (JE 31152).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 54. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 47-8.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Iti II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57019.
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 55; Moret and Abou-Ghazi, Denkmler des Alten
Reiches iii [1], 23 with pls.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Sitmekut I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23055 (JE 31151).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 56. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 49.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Sitmekut II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23050 (JE 31150).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 57. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 45.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Menkhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 58.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Heksonb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23051 (JE 31153).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 59. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 46.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Sit-Hathor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23062 (JE 31149).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 60. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 53-4.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Sitankhu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23064 (JE 31147).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 61. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 55.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Hekwen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23049 (JE 31154).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 62. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 44-5.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Late Tomb. Offering-tables. Dyn. XII.
Nakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23029 (JE 31146).
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 63; Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 13.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. North Mastaba.
Fragment of stela with historical text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60270.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii., Nov. 1933, 26 fig. 38.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Imhotep.
Statue of Sesostris I or Amenemhet II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44951.
Leibovitch, Ancient Egypt fig. 70.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Imhotep.
Solar bark, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Lythgoe in MMA Bull. Feb. 1915, 11, 13 fig. 6. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 111 [313].
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Tomb of Nakht. Sarcophagus Chambers.
Statuette of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 501 (JE 31040).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 85.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Tomb of Nakht. Sarcophagus Chambers.
Base of statuette of Mentuhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 502.
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, fig. 99. Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 72.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Tomb of Senusertankh. Probably temp.
Sesostris I. Between Enclosure walls of tomb.
Statuette, upper part, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60266.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1933, 25, fig. 30.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Tomb of Senusertankh. Probably temp.
Sesostris I. Between Enclosure walls of tomb.
Box with ten mud tablets, forming nude statuettes of captives, with hieratic proscription-texts, Middle
Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60249-58.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1933, 25 fig. 32.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Tomb of Senusertankh. Probably temp.
Sesostris I. Hall.
Lintel with drum of deceased, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60267.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1933, 12 figs. 11, 12.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Tomb of Senusertankh. Probably temp.
Sesostris I. Sarcophagus Chamber.
Sarcophagus lid of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60272.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1933, figs. 20, 21.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Tomb of Hepi (woman).
Three tattooed dancing girls, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63858.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1934, fig. 29 [left, middle left, and right].
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Tomb of Hepi (woman).
Statuettes of dancing dwarfs, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63858.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Nov. 1934, 36-7 figs. 31-3. See Brief Descr. No. 6218.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Sesostris I. Mastabas outside Enclosure. Tomb of Dhout.
Model rowing boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, April 1933, 19, on fig. 17.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Finds.
Two wedges with prenomen and cartouche of Sesostris I, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 58846-7.
Gauthier and Jquier, Fouilles de Licht in MIFAO vi, 59, cf. 56 figs. 65, 66.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Finds.
Shell of Sesostris III, gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48393.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, Dec. 1924, 41, cf. 42 fig. 11.
El Lisht. South Pyramid. Finds.
Dovetails (halves) of Sesostris I, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1921 (JE 31535), CG 1922
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(JE 31394), CG 1925 (JE 31536).
El Lisht. Miscellaneous.
Squatting statue of Senbu, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45245.
El Lisht. Miscellaneous.
Statue of dwarf, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63866.
Curto and Roccati, Tesori Cat. No. 61.
El Lisht. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Hepu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41638.
Name, Gauthier, Livre des Rois ii, 130 [25].
El Lisht. Miscellaneous.
Miniature stela, boy with offerings before woman, no texts, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 58845.
El Lisht. Miscellaneous.
Five small statuettes of hippopotami, faience, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 44959.
Keimer in REA ii (1929), 225, cf. 224 [29-33] fig. 18.
Kafr Ammr and T. arkhn. Various.
Statuette of Herem... (woman), granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44159.
Kafr Ammr and T. arkhn. Various.
Two vases of King Aha, alabaster, Dyn. I, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 71601-2.
Kaplony, Die Inschriften [etc], Supplement 23, cf. 31-2 pls. iv [1061-2].
Kafr Ammr and T. arkhn. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sealings of Narmer, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43796.
Petrie, Tarkhan i, pl. 2.
El-Girza and El-Riqqa. Cemetery A. Temp. Sesostris I and II. Tomb of Antef.
Wooden ka-statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Engelbach, Riqqeh and Memphis vi, 14 pl. 8 [1].
El-Girza and El-Riqqa. Cemetery B. Dyn. XII, XVIII, XIX, XXII-XXVI, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods.
Female statuette, inscribed, black granite, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Engelbach, Riqqeh and Memphis vi, 14 pl. 8 [2-4].
El-Girza and El-Riqqa. Cemetery E. Dyn. XVIII-XIX, re-used Dyn. XXII-XXVI. Family tomb of Ipy.
Temp. Amenophis IV.
Jamb, temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Engelbach, Riqqeh and Memphis vi, 17 [43] pl. 19 [3].
El-Girza and El-Riqqa. Cemetery G. Predynastic.
Palette with stylized Hathor-cow head, slate, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34173.
Petrie, Labyrinth pl. vi [7].
El-Girza and El-Riqqa. Miscellaneous.
Stela, Anubis, with name in hieroglyphs, and Greek text below, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 44048.
Thompson, D. J. in The Cambridge Ancient History Plates to Vol. vii Part 1 (1984), pl. 9; Lefebvre in Ann. Serv.
xiii (1914), 93-4.
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. Dyn. III. A. Rehotp. Passage.
Some fragments of relief, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. Dyn. III. A. Rehotp. Passage.
South wall, three registers of wild animals before deceased and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. G.
Petrie, Medum 23, 37 pl. 9. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 62 [136 G].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. Dyn. III. A. Rehotp. Passage.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

North wall, two registers, fowling and fishing before deceased and wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
No. F,,
Petrie, Medum 23, 27 pl. 10 [lower]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 62 [136 F].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. Dyn. III. A. Rehotp. Hall.
East wall, relief with deceased watches boat-building and fishing, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
No. A, B, and Temp. No. (as 136 a and 136 b in Bibl.). (Block, men fishing with net,
in Berlin, gyptisches Museum, 15756.)
Petrie, Medum 23, 37-8 pl. 11. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 59-60 [136 A].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. Dyn. III. A. Rehotp. Hall.
South and North walls, scenes and three registers procession of estates, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
No. D,
Petrie, Medum 23, 37-8 pl.11. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 60-1 [136B].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. Dyn. III. A. Rehotp. Hall.
West wall, parts of false-door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38549, Temp. No., A
upper,, and
Petrie, Medum pl. 13 (except block with deceased seated). See Maspero, Guide (1915), 61 [136 C].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. Dyn. III. A. Rehotp. Hall.
Fragments including men with fish, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Medum pl. 12 [left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 61 [136D].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. Dyn. III. A. Rehotp. Hall.
Statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 3-5 pl. 1; Maspero, Guide (1915), 82 [223] figs. 29, 30.
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. Dyn. III. A. Rehotp. Hall.
Statue of wife, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 3-5 pl. 1; Maspero, Guide (1915), 82 [223] figs. 29, 30.
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. Dyn. III. Finds.
Lintel of Rehotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 37125.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 6. Rehotp and Nefert. B. Nefert. Dyn. III. Finds.
Stela of Rehotp and wife, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54845.
Harpur in JEA 76 (1986), 26 fig. 3 [1].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 8. Nihap (as Nehep in Bibl.). Dyn. IV.
Block with name and titles of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57709.
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 16. Nefermaet, son of Snefru and wife Itet. A. Nefermaet. In Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43809. Faade.
Lintel and jambs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43809.
Petrie, Medum pl. 16 [upper] 17 [right], 18 [left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 58 [118 B-D].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 16. Nefermaet, son of Snefru and wife Itet. A. Nefermaet. In Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43809. Faade.
North side of doorway, hunting, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43809.
Petrie, Medum pl. 17 [left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 36-7 [70 A].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 16. Nefermaet, son of Snefru and wife Itet. A. Nefermaet. In Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43809. Faade.
North side of doorway, hunting, cooking, fishing, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43809.
Petrie, Medum pl. 18 [right]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 36-7 [70 B].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 16. Nefermaet, son of Snefru and wife Itet. A. Nefermaet. In Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43809. Hall.
South wall, deceased and wife with estates below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43809.
Petrie, Medum pl. 19. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 58 [118 E].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 16. Nefermaet, son of Snefru and wife Itet. A. Nefermaet. In Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43809.
North wall, deceased in palanquin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43809.
Petrie, Medum pl. 21. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 57-8 [118 A].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 16. Nefermaet, son of Snefru and wife Itet. B. Itet.
False door of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43809.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Maspero, Guide (1915), 58 [118F].
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 16. Nefermaet, son of Snefru and wife Itet. B. Itet. Passage.
North wall, fragment of text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1743.
Smith in JEA xxiii (1937), pl. 6 [2]; Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 169-70 Bl. 97.
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 16. Nefermaet, son of Snefru and wife Itet. B. Itet. Passage.
North wall, fragment of text from fowling scene, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1744.
Capart, Documents ii, pl. 34; Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 168-9 Bl. 97.
Maidm. North Mastaba-field. 16. Nefermaet, son of Snefru and wife Itet. B. Itet. Passage.
Fresco of geese, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1742 (JE 34571).
Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer (1912), pl. 10 [a]; Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 168-9 Bl. 97. See
Maspero, Guide (1915), 61 [136E].
Maidm. North Cemetery of Petrie. Tombs Built into Mastaba 17 of Petrie. Dyn. XVIII to Roman Period.
Coffin of Iohentefnakht (as Ah. -tefnakht in Bibl.), Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 69770.
View in situ, Art and Archaeology xxix [3], 141 [lower] (called coffin of Hepres, Dyn. XII).
Maidm. South Cemetery of Petrie. Far South-West Cemetery. Dyn. IV and later.
Coffin of Sit-haremhet, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 69295.
ILN April 19, 1930, 677 fig. 6.
Dimai (Soknopaiou Nsos). Finds.
Relief, Sobk-crocodiles with names, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xxii (1900), 138 [clxvii].
Dimai (Soknopaiou Nsos). Finds.
Statuette, with demotic texts and figure of camel on side, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Graindor, Bustes ... dg. Rom. pl. 61 [b]; Bissing, Denkmler Text to 108b [lower].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dimai (Soknopaiou Nsos). Finds.
Four statues, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1189-92.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 93-5 pls. 167-8.
Bat. n Ihrt (Theadelphia).
Left wing of door of naos, wood, Ptolemaic or Greek Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70024
(JE 34665).
Roeder, Naos 102-4 pl. 34.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Temple of Sobk..
Block [of Amenemhet III] with representation of Sobk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Jquier in BIFAO vi (1908), 31-2 fig. 11.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Temple of Sobk.
Column with prenomen Amenemhet I, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Golnischeff in Rec. Trav. xi (1889), 98 [top].
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Temple of Sobk.
Column fragments, Amenemhet III, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Habachi in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 85-90 figs. 1-9.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Temple of Sobk.
Two fragments of columns, Amenemhet III, some usurped by Ramesses VI and II (?), red granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Habachi in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 90-3.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Temple of Sobk.
Fragment column, Amenemhet III, usurped by Ramesses IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Cahiers d Hist. g. iii [1], 34-41, 65 n. 1.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Statue-group, Sebkhotp, with four female relatives, grey granite, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxv (1935), 203-5 pl.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Statue of Sebknakht-renfsonb, with wife and mother in relief on sides, granite, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43093.
Evers, Staat i, pl. 142.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Lower part squatting statue Sebekwer, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43095.
See Franke in OMRO 68 (1988), 68 [8].
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Seated statue, no name, dedicated by brother Ameny, granite, probably New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 42326.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Three unfinished royal heads, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33327 (JE 20755),
CG 33329, CG 33335.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 9-11, 16 pls. 8, 10.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Bust of a King, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1179 (JE 20815).
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 91.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Stela of Zeho with Sobk in relief, Late Period (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40719.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Two fragments from lintel of Hor, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44074.
See Wall in Anthes, Mit Rahineh 1956, 83.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Fragment of column with scenes and texts of Esi, New Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 40725.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Fragment with text of year 35 of Ramesses II, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42783.
Text, Gauthier, Livre des Rois iii, 44 [xxxi].
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Block of Khaemteri, Lieutenant of chariotry, Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42779.
Name and titles, Weigall in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 172. See Edel in Orientalia xxxviii (1969), 179 n. 1.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Kimn Fris. Finds.
Lintel of Khaemteri, Steward, Deputy, probably New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 42780.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Mit Fris.
Upper part from statue of Amenemhet III as priest, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 395
(JE 20001).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 64. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 150 [506].
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Mit Fris.
Statue group of Penptah, Deesisonb, and Harkhebi, heads lost, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 133-4.
Mednet el-Faiym (Crocodilopolis-Arsino). Various.
Fragment from double-statue of Tuthmosis IV and his mother Queen Tia, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1167.
Bryan, The Reign of Tuthmosis IV, 212 pl. iii [9].Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 87.
Abgg. Miscellaneous.
Fragment from sphinx of Amenemhet III, head lost, found at Ezbet el Sufi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Hawra. Pyramid. Amenemhet III.
Fragments from mortuary temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Petrie, Hawara pl. 65 [5 a].
Hawra. Pyramid. Amenemhet III.
Alabaster offering-table, Neferu-Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23012 (JE 28792).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 7. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 103-4 [285].
Hawra. Pyramid. Amenemhet III. Finds.
Fragment from vases of Amenemhet III, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara 8, 15, 17 pl. v [bottom].
Hawra. Pyramid of Princess Neferuptah, daughter of Amenemhet III.
H. es-vase of deceased, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 90152.
Farag and Iskander, The Discovery of Neferuptah 13-17 figs. 8-10 pls. xiv, xv.
Hawra. Pyramid of Princess Neferuptah, daughter of Amenemhet III.
Sarcophagus of deceased, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Farag and Iskander, The Discovery of Neferuptah 17-23 figs. 13-20, 29 pl. xxiv, xxv.
Hawra. Labyrinth.
Shrine with two figures of Amenemhet III, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43289.
Evers, Staat i, Abb. 27. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 154 [513].
Hawra. Labyrinth.
Remains of statue of Hathor,, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Fay, B. in MDAIK 52 (1996), 115, 124 Taf. 25 [a].
Hawra. Labyrinth.
Remains of statue of a deity, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Fay, B. in MDAIK 52 (1996), 115, 124 Taf. 25 [c].
Hawra. Labyrinth.
Statue of Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 385 (JE 31301).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 61; Maspero, Guide (1915), 103 [284] fig. 38.
Hawra. Labyrinth.
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Head from female (?) statue, Middle Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 296 (JE 19998).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 180.
Hawra. Labyrinth.
Face from statue of king, marble, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1181
(JE 19818).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 91.
Hawra. Labyrinth.
Relief-fragment, Amenemhet III kneels in boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43650.
Petrie, Hawara pl. xxix [upper right].
Hawra. Labyrinth.
Offering-table, Pedesi, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23235 (JE 19988).
Text, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 157.
Hawra. Labyrinth.
Offering-table, Pedeharpkhredenesi and brother Pedusiri, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 23240 (JE 19987).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 159-61 pls. 51, 52.
Hawra. Labyrinth.
Offering-table, Pedeharpkhredenesi and brother Pedusiri, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 23240 (JE 19987).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pls. 51, 52.
Hawra. Cemeteries North of Pyramid. Tomb of Ankhrui. Dyn. XXX.
Coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Petrie, Hawara 9-23 pls. 1-3.
Hawra. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela, part of top missing, deceased led by Anubis to Osiris with Isis, with Greek Text, year 1 B.C., in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 9234 (JE 19797).
Milne, Greek Inscriptions pl. 10.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hawra. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Pedesobk, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44065.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxxvi (1914), 73-82.
Hawra. Roman Cemetery.
Altar with offering bearer and ba-bird, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70034.
Petrie, Roman Portraits pl. xix [4, 5].
Hawra. Miscellaneous.
Door from naos, with figure of woman, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70034 (JE 19986).
Roeder, Naos 120-1 pl. 39 [b].
Kharabat Batn Atrib.
Door-bolt with figure of lion, wood, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36450.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. vi (1905), 234-7 pl. 1.
Seila. Finds.
Statue, painted, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 5 (JE 28682).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 6-7 pl. 2.
Seila. Finds.
Double-statue of man and woman, painted, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 6
(JE 28681).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 6-7 pl. 2.
Tell Umm el-Breigt (Tebtunis). Finds.
Three blocks with texts and Ptolemaic cartouches, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45944-6.
Tell Umm el-Breigt (Tebtunis). Finds.
Standing statue of king, Ptolemaic, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55960, now in Alexandria,
Graeco-Roman Museum, 22979.
Stanwick in JARCE xxix (1992), 138 figs. 8 [a, b] (as probably Ptolemy XII).
Tell Umm el-Breigt (Tebtunis). Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela, king offering to Sobek, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55966.
Tell Umm el-Breigt (Tebtunis). Finds.
Relief, seated god with inlay, wood, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 65428.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Hypostyle.
Statue of Merneptah, dedicated by eldest son Sety-Merneptah (future Sethos II), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 66571.
Vogliano, Secondo Rapp. ... Medinet Madi pl. 42.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Sanctuary.
Lower part from statue of Antef (Sehetepkare), Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67834.
Vogliano, Un imprisa archeologica pls. ix-x.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Sanctuary.
Bust and base of statue of Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66322.
Vogliano, Secondo Rapp. ... Medinet Madi pls. 38-40. See Brief Descr. 6259.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Finds.
Head of youth, inscribed, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67835.
Vogliano, Archiv fr g. Arch. i, 69-70 Abb. 2.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Finds.
Stela of Pero-ankhuzasonberneheh, with deceased before Sobek, Dyn. XVIII or XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 66324.
Vogliano, Secondo Rapp. ... Medinet Madi pl. 47.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Finds.
Stela, man before Ptolemy X and Cleopatra III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66326.
Vogliano, Secondo Rapp. ... Medinet Madi pl. 48.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Stela, Termuthis as serpent. Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66327.
Vogliano, Secondo Rapp. ... Medinet Madi pl. 44.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Finds.
Base with statues of Termuthis as serpent and Harpocrates, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 67839.
Bresciani in Aegyptus lv (1975), 7 Tav. ii [4], iii.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Finds.
Votive stela, Emperor before Sobek, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mostra ... Univ. di Milano, 1934-1937, No. 23.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Finds.
Stela-niche, Termuthis suckling crocodile, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Bresciani in Aegyptus lv (1975), 3-9 Tav. 1.
Mednet Mdi. Temple of Termuthis. Finds.
Upper part of stela, man offering to Sobek, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66325.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Lower part from seated statue of Sesostris II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89067.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Fragment from statue-base of Amenemhet IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 769 (JE 28318).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 81.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Fragment from seated statue of Sankhkare, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67851.
Names and titles, Fakhry in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 904.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue-base, colossal hawk protecting statue of [Ramesses II], granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36455.
Hornemann, Types v, No. 1308.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Statue of Unnufer, head lost, granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 688 (JE 28584).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 126.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Statue of priest of Sobek, granite, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 27495.
Edgar, Greek Sculpture 27 pl. xv.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Boundary-stela, year 2 of Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34502 (JE 29197).
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de. Trav. xiv (1893), 38 [lviii].
El-Faiyum. Miscellaneous.
Stela, recto, Ramesses II, son Khaemweset, and a god before the god of the Faiym, verso, Khaemweset before
Waz-wer, year 32 (or 23) of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89060.
Goma, Chaemwese 85 [54] Abb. 22.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Dhout. Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22197 (JE 22262).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 193 pl. 69.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Stela, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22162.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 147 pl. 49.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Stela, Sobek with deified Amenemhet III, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
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JE 28159.
Guraud in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 553-60 pl. 57.
El-Faiyum. Miscellaneous.
Stela, a king before Sobek(?) on shrine, cartouches blank, Greek text below, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9201.
Milne, Greek Inscriptions 24 pl. i.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Lintel and jamb of Hori, temp. Ramesses IX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29334, 29335, 48839.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xiv (1893), 28 [xxxvii, xxxviii]. Lintel, Hori kneeling adoring, Myliwiec, Le
Portrait royal pl. cxli [310].
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Sarcophagus of Setyerboni, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31154.
Text on lid, Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmaler i. Die demotischen Inschriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 62.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Fragment of sarcophagus Tashertenihet, hieroglyphic and demotic text. Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 31166.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 65-6 pl. 20.
El-Faiym. Miscellaneous.
Fragment from offering-table of Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20699.
Lange and Schfer, Grab.. und Denksteine ii, 327.
El-Faiyum. Miscellaneous.
Fragment of obelisk or pillar of Nektanebos II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89077.
El-Faiyum. Miscellaneous.
Plaque of Sethos II, faience, found at Dandil, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66151.
Abs. r el-Malag. Cemetery.
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Coffin, Esbanebded (?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36805.
Abs. r el-Malag. Cemetery.
Coffin of Semtu (?), son of Ahmosi, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36806.
Abs. r el-Malag. Cemetery.
Fragment of relief, Kings son before priest of Amenardais, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 39892.
Abs. r el-Malag. Cemetery.
Offering-table of Ankh-semtu, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39893.
El-Lhn. Mortuary Temple.
Fragment of sculpture with Horus-name of Sesostris II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28762 (Temp. No.
Petrie, Lahun ii, pl. xix [bottom right].
El-Lhn. Pyramid. Sarcophagus Chamber E.
Offering-table [of Sesostris II], alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23043 (JE 39585).
Petrie, Illahun pl. 3; Kamal, Tables doffrandes 38. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 150 [533].
El-Lhn. Pyramid. Offering Chamber F.
Uraeus from kings crown, gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52702 (JE 46694).
Petrie, Lahun ii, pl. xxv [1-4]; Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 47.
El-Lhn. Tomb of Sit-Hathor-Yunet. Daughter of Sesostris II.
Crown, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52641 (JE 44919), part of wig ornaments in New York NY,
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 31.10.8.
Donadoni, Egyptian Museum Cairo pl. on 85; Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 201, 213, 239 pls. 38, 47. See
Maspero, Guide (1914), 425 [3999].
El-Lhn. Tomb of Sit-Hathor-Yunet. Daughter of Sesostris II.
Pectoral of Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52712 (JE 44922).
Vilmkov, Chefs doeuvre de lart gyptien pl. ii; Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 201, 213, 239 pls. 38, 47. See
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Maspero, Guide (1914), 425 [3998].
El-Lhn. Tomb of Sit-Hathor-Yunet. Daughter of Sesostris II.
Mirror, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52663 (JE 44920).
Donadoni, LEgitto fig. on 113 [right upper]; Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 201, 213, 239 pls. 38, 47. See
Maspero, Guide (1914), 425 [3997], [3995].
El-Lhn. Tomb of Sit-Hathor-Yunet. Daughter of Sesostris II.
Necklace, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 201, 213, 239 pls. 38, 47. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 425 [3997], [3995].
El-Lhn. Mastaba 621.
Sarcophagus, probably belonging to Queen Wert (?), red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 66638.
Petrie, Lahun ii, 7-8 [13] pl. 25 [6]. See Brief Descr. No. 6333.
El-Lhn. Mastaba 621.
Canopic-chest, probably belonging to Queen Wert (?), red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 66639.
Petrie, Lahun ii, pl. 17. See Brief Descr. No. 6333.
El-Lhn. Tomb of Amenardais. Dyn. XXV.
Coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28765.
Petrie, Kahun pl. 26.
El-Lhn. Tomb of Amenardais. Dyn. XXV.
Bier of deceased, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28766.
See Petrie, Illahun i, 27 [50].
El-Lhn. Tomb of Amenardais. Dyn. XXV.
Two Osiris-Sokari figures, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28771-2.
See Petrie, Illahun i, 27 [50].
El-Lhn. Tomb of Amenardais. Dyn. XXV.
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Two hawks and two jackals, on head and foot of false coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28773.
See Petrie, Illahun i, 27 [50].
El-Lhn. Tomb of Amenardais. Dyn. XXV.
Ushabti-box, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28774.
See Petrie, Illahun i, 27 [50].
El-Lhn. Town. Various.
Base and foot of standing statue, Inp(y), Overseer of the antechamber, etc., with text mentioning Ptah-Sokari
lord of Shetyt, temp. Sesostris III to Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 456 (JE 30678).
Petrie MSS. on 5.8.5 [upper]. See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 50 (text) (as Late Period); Franke, D. Personendaten
aus dem Mittleren Reich (20.-16. Jahrhundert v. Chr.) 126 [155].
El-Lhn. Town. Various.
Statue of Sisobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 405.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 17-18 pl. 66.
El-Lhn. Town. Various.
Fragment from toilet-box with hunting-scene, wood, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 44707 (JE 28754).
Borchardt in Studies ... Griffith 257-9 pl. 26 [b].
El-Lhn. Town. Various.
Cylinder-seal of Amenemhet III, faience, from Petries excavation, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 28746.
El-Lhn. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Senusert-ankhitef (?), Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Illahun 13 pl. 11.
El-Lhn. Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Small stela, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47261.
Wainwright in Ann. Serv. xxv (1925), 144-5 pl. [bottom left].
El-Lhn. Miscellaneous.
Coffin of priest (?), name lost, Dyn. XXVII (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Maspero in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 192 and last pl.
El-Lhn. Miscellaneous.
Door with figures and cartouche of Osorkon I, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Clarke and Engelbach, Ancient Egyptian Masonry fig. 186 opp. 162. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 517 [591].
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Small Cult Temple of Tuthmosis III. Dyn. XVIII.
Stela of Iay, with deceased before Seth, temp. Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36850.
Loat, Gurob pl. xv [1].
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Small Cult Temple of Tuthmosis III. Dyn. XVIII.
Stela of Senweriu, with deceased before Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36851.
Loat, Gurob pl. 16 [3].
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Small Cult Temple of Tuthmosis III. Dyn. XVIII.
Stela of Nebneteru, with Tuthmosis III before gods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36841.
Loat, Gurob pl. 5 [57]. Legrain, Rpertoire No. 194.
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Town, North of Temple.
Tubal kohl-pot with names of Amenophis III and daughter Eset (as Isit in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 44521.
Bndite, Objets de Toilettes i, 28 pl. 13.
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Town, North of Temple.
Two dishes of Aha-a and of Sety, bronze, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3533, 3539.
Petrie, Kahun pl. 19 [bottom, left].
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Town. Burials.
Box of Sel (?), Dyn. XVIII or XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Kahun 38 pl. 24 [1].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Town. Burials.
Statuette of Res, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 814 (JE 28748).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 150.
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Town. Burials.
Statuette of priestess, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 802 (JE 28735).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 100 pl. 148.
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Necropolis. Tomb of Paramessu. Probably temp. Sethos I.
Outer sarcophagus and lid of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46764 and JE 30707.
Brunton and Engelbach, Gurob 20-1, 24 pl. 32 and frontispiece. See Brief Descr. No. 6147.
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Miscellaneous. Tomb of Tama. Temp. Amenophis III.
Head-rest with cartouche of Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Legrain, Rpertoire No. 246.
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Miscellaneous. Tomb of Tama. Temp. Amenophis III.
Statuette of Tama as young girl, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35057.
Quibell in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), pls. to pp. 141-3; Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 154 fig.
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Various.
Stela, Tuthmosis III before Harsaphes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42795.
Texts, Lefebvre in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 94. Harsaphes, Mokhtar, Ihnsya 161 fig. 31.
Km Mednet Ghurab (Gurob). Various.
Lion door-bolt, wood, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29201.
Pillet in Ann. Serv. xxiv (1924), 194 fig. 6.
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. Rock-tombs. Dyn. II-VI. Tomb of Meryre-hashetef. Dyn. VI.
Statuette of deceased as youth, wood, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46992.
Encyclopdie Photo. de lart Mus. Caire pl. 42.
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. New Kingdom Tombs. Tomb of Tazarti (woman). Early Dyn. XVIII.
Sarcophagus of deceased, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46997.
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Petrie, Sedment 23 pl. 40 [1].
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. New Kingdom Tombs. Offering place of Amenhotp. Temp. Tuthmosis III.
Stela of Sennufer and Amenhotp, dedicated by son of latter Nebnakhtuf, first half of Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 46993.
Petrie, Sedment 23-4 [40] pls. 49 [1, 2], 50.
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. New Kingdom Tombs. Offering place of Amenhotp. Temp. Tuthmosis III.
Offering table of Amenmosi, grandfather of Amenmosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46994.
Petrie, Sedment pls. 49 [1], 51 [1].
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. New Kingdom Tombs. Offering place of Amenhotp. Temp. Tuthmosis III.
Kneeling statue of Minmosi, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46995.
Petrie, Sedment pl. 49 [3].
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. New Kingdom Tombs. Tomb of Sety. Temp. Ramesses II. Hall.
Octagonal pillar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Sedment 27 [48] pl. 69.
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. New Kingdom Tombs. Tomb of Rehotep or Parahotep. Sepulchral
Chamber. Temp. Ramesses II.
Stela of Parehotep, three registers, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47001.
Petrie, Sedment 30 pls. 71 [4], 73.
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. New Kingdom Tombs. Tomb of Rehotep or Parahotep. Found in or near
Side of libation table with offering list, calcite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47002.
Petrie, Sedment 29 pl. 71 [1].
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. New Kingdom Tombs. Finds.
Statue-group of Rehotp, Vizier, and Hunuro (as priest and priestess in Bibl.), with offering-scenes on back,
granite, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 605.
Naville, Ahnas el Medineh 14 pls. 12 [B], 1 [F]; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 109.
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. New Kingdom Tombs. Finds.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Nebiri, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34044 (JE 29198).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. 26. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 191 [751].
Sidmant (El-Gebel). Necropolis. New Kingdom Tombs. Finds.
Toilet-box with hunting-scene, lions and dogs attacking game, wood, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 47010.
Petrie, Sedment 31 pl. 58 [lower].
Inhnsya El-Medina. Temple of Harsaphes. Court.
Triad of Ramesses II, Ptah and Sekhmet (as Harsaphes in Bibl.), granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Jquier, LArchitectture ii, pl. 42 [middle]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 3 [A].
Inhnsya El-Medina. Temple of Harsaphes. Portico.
Statue usurped by Ramesses II, probably from Sesostris II or III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Base, Naville, Ahnas el Medineh pl. 1 [C].
Inhnsya El-Medina. Temple of Harsaphes. Found in Temple.
Fragment from statue of Ramesses II kneeling with small altar (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 580 (JE 28826).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 99.
Inhnsya El-Medina. Cemeteries south of Temple of Harsaphes. Triple-tomb of Siket and others. First Int.
Block (a), two columns of text and remains of three registers of offering bearers., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 91094.
Lopez in Oriens Antiques xiv (1975), 74 Tav. xxiv. See Leclant in Orientalia N.S. 38 (1969), 259.
Inhnsya El-Medina. Cemeteries south of Temple of Harsaphes. Triple-tomb of Siket and others. First Int.
Block, two registers I, woman pouring liquid and man cleaning jar, II, cooking, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 91095.
Malek, Egyptian Art 156 fig. 86. See Leclant in Orientalia N.S. 38 (1969), 259.
Inhnsya El-Medina. Cemeteries south of Temple of Harsaphes. Various. First Int. Period.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

False-door of Ankhef, Overseer of the expedition and fields, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91099.
Arte faraonico Cat. 30. Text, Lopez in Oriens Antiques xiv (1975), 61 fig. 11.
Inhnsya El-Medina. Cemeteries south of Temple of Harsaphes. Various. First Int. Period.
False-door of Harshefnakhti, Overseer of the fields, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91098.
Arte faraonico Cat. 28. Text, Lopez in Oriens Antiques xiv (1975), 61 fig. 10.
Inhnsya El-Medina. Cemeteries south of Temple of Harsaphes. Various. First Int. Period.
False-door of Sitsobek good name Henuti (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91097.
Arte faraonico Cat. 23. Text, Lopez in Oriens Antiques xiv (1975), 60 fig. 8.
Inhnsya El-Medina. Cemeteries south of Temple of Harsaphes. Various. First Int. Period.
False-door of Thau, Prophetess of Hathor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91100.
Arte faraonico Cat. 29. Text, Lopez in Oriens Antiques xiv (1975), 60 fig. 9.
Inhnsya el-Medina. Cemeteries south of Temple of Harsaphes. Various. Third Int. Period.
Lintel of Userken, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Perez Die in Archologia 225 (June 1987), 48 figs. on 36, 48.
Inhnsya el-Medina. Cemeteries south of Temple of Harsaphes. Various. First Int. Period.
Two squares of Pefteu, bronze, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Lopez in Oriens Antiques xiii (1974), 313-14 Tav. xvii [b].
Inhnsya el-Medina. Km el-Aqrib. Destroyed Temple. Ramesses II.
Seated colossus of Ramesses II, re-used by Merneptah, probably usurped from Sesostris III, with small statues
of Princesses Bentanta and Merytamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45975.
Evers, Staat ii, pl. 15 [69, 70], 16 [71, 72]. See Brief Descr. 6158 A, B.
Inhnsya el-Medina. Km el-Aqrib. Destroyed Temple. Ramesses II.
Seated colossus of Ramesses II, re-used by Merneptah, probably usurped from Sesostris III, with two small
statues of unnamed princesses, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45976.
Evers, Staat ii, pl. 15 [69, 70], 16 [71, 72]. Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 36-8. See Brief Descr. 6158
A, B.
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block (as squatting in Bibl.) statue of Hetep, head lost, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 563.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 95.
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Base from kneeling statue of Semtu-tefnakht holding naos, black granite, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 29.
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Statue of Semtu-tefnakht holding naos of Osiris, head lost, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 47109 (probably also Temp. No., see note below).
Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 141-3 [4].
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Kneeling statuette of Ankh-theker holding statuette of Osiris, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 143 [5].
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Torso of Achoris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Grimm in GM 77 (1984), 13 Taf. 1 on 16.
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Hetept (woman), First Int. Period, from Spanish excavations, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Stela with goddess [Kadesh] standing on lion, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 55316.
Leibovitch in Bull. Inst. g. xix (1937-8), 90 fig. 7.
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela, King (cartouche erased) with field, and Bekenptah, before Ptah-Sokari, upper part, [temp. Sesonchis III],
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 139-40 [2].
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Stela, text destroyed, [Pedubastis I] before Harsaphes, Dyn. XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 140 [3].
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Stela (as stelae in Bibl.) of Arut, daughter of Queen Tshenesi, Dyn. XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 43.
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Stela of a daughter of Queen Tshenesi, year 10 of Neferkare-Pefteueubaste (as Petubastis in Bibl.), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Remains of text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 138-9 [1].
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Block with Amun and Harsaphes, with text of Esptah, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 65841.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 16-24 pl.
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Jar of Unis, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39409.
Capart, LArt g. iv, pl. 621.
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Fragment from cubical granite stand of Sesonchis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39410.
Tresson in Mlanges Maspero i [2], 817-40 pl.
Inhnsya el-Medna. Miscellaneous.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment from offering-table of Ankh-hop, granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 44058.
Bilifya (Nebyt). Finds.
Statue-base from statue of Nektanebos II in front of hawk, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 89076.
Habachi in ZS xc (1963), 46-7 [1] fig. 4 pl. viii.
Dishsha. Tomb of Nenkheftka. Dyn. V or VI. Serdab.
Seated statue of deceased with small son, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 649 (JE 31898).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 195-6 pl. 120.
Dishsha. Tomb of Nenkheftek, good name They. Late Dyn. V or VI.
Coffin of deceased, Dyn. V or VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28122 (JE 31900).
Texts, Petrie, Deshaheh 15 [23], 47 pl. 29; Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 135. See Maspero,
Guide (1915), 306 [3100].
Dishsha. Tomb of Nenkheftek, good name They. Late Dyn. V or VI.
Panels from coffin with name of They, presumably also belonging to deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 31894.
Dishsha. Finds.
Statue, not inscribed, painted, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 651 (JE 31899).
Petrie, Deshaheh pl. 32 [4-5]; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 120.
Dishsha. Finds.
Sarcophagus, name illegible, wood, Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1791 (JE 31875).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 212-14 Bl. 113-115. Text, Petrie, Deshaheh 31-2 pl. 35 [148]. See
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, Prface p. I.
Kafr Ab Shahba.
Stela of Achoris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35553.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 81 Taf. 26 [95]. Fragment of text, Kamal in Ann. Serv. iii
(1902), 243.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Gamhd. Cemetery. Ptolemaic.
About 50 coffins from Ptolemaic Cemetery, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 14 pl. 1.
El-Hba. Town site. Dyn. XXI.
Lintel of Tuthmosis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Maspero in Grbaut, Le Muse gyptien i, 26 pl. 29 A.
El-Hba. Cemetery.
Coffins with scenes and texts, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66783-90.
El-Hba. Cemetery.
Vase of Snefru, stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18686 (JE 29185).
Bissing, Steingefsse 146 pl. 7.
K. arra.
Lid from sarcophagus of Haremhab, limestone, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44297.
Buhl, The Late Egyptian Sarcophagi 94 [F, a7] fig. 53.
El-Sheikh Fadl.
Statue of a king, probably Caracalla, granite, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 703
(JE 31621).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 130. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 257-8 [1210].
Tihna. Necropolis. Graeco-Roman Cemetery.
Sarcophagus with hawk-headed coffin containing Osiris-mummy. 1st-2nd century AD, in Cairo, Egyptian
Lefebvre in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 229 pls. I, II. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 356 [3473-5].
Tihna. Necropolis. Cemetery of Dyn. XX-XXVI. Tomb 3. Dyn. XX-XXIII.
Mask from coffin of Ankhunnufer, wood, Dyn. XXII-XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49652.
See Lacau in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 40.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tihna. Necropolis. Cemetery of Dyn. XX-XXVI.
Fragment with text of a High-priest of Amun, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49665.
Tihna. Necropolis. Cemetery of Dyn. XX-XXVI.
Canopic jars of Peshenesi, Dyn. XX-XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 43.
Tihna. Finds.
Statue of lion-headed goddess, black granite, Dyn. XXVI (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39074
(JE 36848).
Daressy, Statues de divinits 267.
Tihna. Tomb of Kahap. Dyn. V.
Head-rest of Khanuka, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1800 (JE 30842).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 217.
Sheikh Mubrik.
Statue, Khaemweset, son of Ramesses II, lower part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66754.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 888 [342, D]. Cartouches, Chabn in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 223 [iv].
Found near el-Minya.
Three fragments from the Palermo Stone or similar monument, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 39734, 39735, 44859.
Gauthier in Maspero, Le Mus gyptien iii, 30 cf. 28, 29 pls. 24-7.
Found near el-Minya.
Offering-table of Neferwabet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86111.
Zwyet el-Amwat (or el-Maiyitn). Dyn. VI tombs. 14. Niankh-Pepy. Found in Pit 13.
Two statuettes, one seated, and one kneeling, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51923-4.
Varille, La tombe de Ni-Ankh-Pepi Zouyet el-Mayetnin in MIFAO lxx, on pl. 19 cf. p. 26.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Zwyet el-Amwat (or el-Maiyitn). Miscellaneous.
Lintel (as stela in Bibl.), of Amenophis III, from a destroyed temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Varille, La tombe de Ni-Ankh-Pepi Zouyet el-Mayetnin in MIFAO lxx, 30 fig. 11. Cartouches, Lefebvre in
Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 93 [viii].
Zwyet el-Amwat (or el-Maiyitn). Miscellaneous.
Lid of coffin of Semtu-ardais, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Lefebvre in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 93 [vi].
Zwyet el-Amwat (or el-Maiyitn). Miscellaneous.
Four demotic stelae, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.
Zwyet el-Amwat (or el-Maiyitn). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Dhutmosi, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44179.
Zwyet el-Amwat (or el-Maiyitn). Miscellaneous.
Statuette of woman, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53054.
Zwyet el-Amwat (or el-Maiyitn). Miscellaneous.
Sphinx, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53104.
Beni H. asan. Tombs of officials. Dyn. VI-XII. 1. Antef.
Model, man leading ox, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Garstang, Burial Customs fig. 48.
Beni H. asan. Tombs of officials. Dyn. VI-XII. 75. Neteruhotp.
Coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37565.
Garstang, Burial Customs pl. 6 cf. pl. 7. Texts, Lacau in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 246-9.
Beni H. asan. Tombs of officials. Dyn. VI-XII. 75. Neteruhotp.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ka-statue found behind panel in [preceding] coffin, with illegible inscription on base, wood, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37105.
Garstang, Burial Customs 103-4 fig. 93.
Beni H. asan. Tombs of officials. Dyn. VI-XII. 116. Nefery.
Coffins of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37563.
Maspero, LArch. Eg. (1907), fig. 158. Texts, Garstang in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 237-45.
Beni H. asan. Tombs of officials. Dyn. VI-XII. 116. Nefery.
Models of boats, granary, baking, brewing, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Garstang, Burial Customs figs, 52-66, 146.
Beni H. asan. Tombs of officials. Dyn. VI-XII. 186. Thaui.
Coffins of deceased, and one boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37564.
View of coffins in situ, Ruffle, Heritage of the Pharaohs fig. 158. Texts of coffins, Garstang in Ann. Serv. v
(1904), 230-7.
Beni H. asan. Tombs of officials. Dyn. VI-XII. 186. Thaui.
Cartonnage, canopic box, models of boats, granary, bakers, brewers, butchers, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43338 (canopic box), JE 43336-7 (boats).
Garstang, Burial Customs figs. 68-79, 185 [right] (canopic-box).
Beni H. asan. Tombs of officials. Dyn. VI-XII. 500. Ma.
Model rowing boat, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Garstang, Burial Customs fig. 91.
Beni H. asan. Tomb 585. Khnemnekhti. Middle Kingdom.
Coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37569.
Texts, de Buck, Egyptian Coffin Texts i [B H 5].
Beni H. asan. Tomb 585. Khnemnekhti. Middle Kingdom.
Canopic box, models of boats, granary, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (boat).
Garstang, Burial Customs figs. 163-4, see p. 231. Model boat with soldiers, see Breasted, Serv. Statues, 102
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

[Type 2, 1]. Temp. No. = Garstang, Burial Customs fig. 86.
Beni H. asan. Tomb 585. Khnemnekhti. Middle Kingdom.
Model, two female offering bearers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37569.
Garstang, Burial Customs fig. 85.
Beni H. asan. Various. Statues.
Statuette of girl with basket of pigeons on head, from Tomb 277, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43295.
See Garstang, Burial Customs 221.
Beni H. asan. Various. Coffins.
Coffin of Heputi, Dyn. XII, from (Garstang excavations, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37570.
Beni H. asan. Various. Models.
Model of female dwarf, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34298.
Schrumpf-Pierron in Aesculape 24 [9] (1934), 230 fig. 8. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 322 [3206].
Balans. ra. Necropolis.
Statue of Yuny (as Iny in Bibl.), temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 53-5.
Balans. ra. Necropolis.
Statue of Mutnufer, wife of above, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 53-5.
Balans. ra. Necropolis.
Magical wand, ivory, 2nd Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88890.
See Altenmller in Die Welt des Orients xiv (1983), 40-1 [141].
Fragment of wand, Opet and eight divinities, ivory 2nd Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 88891.
See Altenmller in Die Welt des Orients xiv (1983), 41 [142].
Nine heads, two male and seven female, plaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30558-66.
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Temple of Thoth and Amun. Dyn. XIX.
Colossal statue of Ramesses II, usurped by Merneptah, with Prince Sety-Merneptah in relief on left, red
granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35126-7.
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien ii, 37-40 pl. 13 [B]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 6 [4], 171-2 [614].
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Late Gate. Re-used blocks.
Block, two scenes with Amenophis IV, Queen and Prince Merytaten adoring the Aten, granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 87300.
Roeder, Hermopolis 1931 und 1932, 34-7 Abb. 16, 17.
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Sphinx Gate of Nektanebos I.
Stela of Nektanebos I, Years 4-8, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72130.
Roeder in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 730 pl. 135.
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Sphinx Gate of Nektanebos I.
Colossal statue of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87299.
Roeder, Ein Jahrzehnt on pl. 6 [b] (probably this).
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Sphinx Gate of Nektanebos I.
Colossal statue of Nektanebos I, legs lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87298 (Temp. No.
Roeder, Hermopolis 1929-1939, pl. 57 [b, c], cf. p. 286 [b].
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Finds. Statues.
Statue holding naos with baboon, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Finds. Statues.
Thigh from of statue Nektanebos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1078.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 47.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Finds. Statues.
Kneeling statue of queen, black granite, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 49535.
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Finds. Statues.
Statue of Nakht kneeling with Termuthis as serpent, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Hawass, Z. Hidden Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (2002), fig. on 46 [lower].
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Finds. Blocks.
Jamb of King Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34623.
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Finds. Blocks.
Fragment with cartouche of Philip, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34624.
El-Ashmnein (Hermopolis Magna). Finds. Various.
Altar or base for boat of Nektanebos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31887.
Text on pedestal, Daressy in Rec. de. Trav. xx (1898), 86 [clxvi].
Tna (Tanis Superior). Tomb of Peudsiri. Middle of 4th Century BC. Sarcophagus Chambers. Gallery.
Coffin of Pedusiri, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46592.
Buhl, Late Egyptian ... Sarcophagi fig. 85. See Brief Descr. No. 6036.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Tomb of Pedekakem. Sepulchral Chamber (as Finds in Bibl.).
Statue of Pkhar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58508.
Gabra in Ann. Serv. xxxii (1932), 77 pl. iii [upper].
Tna (Tanis Superior). Ibis Catacombs. Chapel A of Ptolemy I Soter.
Four adjoining blocks with three scenes from west wall, with Ptolemy I before Thoth, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Roeder, Die Agyptische Gtterwelt pl. 16.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Ibis Catacombs. Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ibis-coffin with djad-decoration, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88552.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Finds from various tombs.
Fragments from Temple of Amenophis IV, re-used in New Kingdom tombs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Weill in Mon. Piot. xxv (1921-2), 420.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Finds from various tombs.
Relief fragment, Amenophis IV and family bowing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Finds from various tombs.
Sarcophagus of Dhutmosi, granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48079.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 802. Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 116-20.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Finds from various tombs.
Sarcophagus of Ahmosi, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51945.
Gabra in Ann. Serv. xxviii (1928), 66-79.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Finds from various tombs.
Sarcophagus of Dhutardais, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29315 (JE 43097).
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages ii, 79-101 pls. 26-9. See Brief Descr. 266 [1290].
Tna (Tanis Superior). Finds from various tombs.
Lid from sarcophagus of Tadepakem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29316 (JE 43098).
Maspero and Gauthier, Sarcophages ii, 101-9 pls. 30-2.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Finds from various tombs.
Sarcophagus of a Priest of Thoth, name illegible, son of the Lady of the house, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian
Egypt Travel Magazine 7 (Feb. 1955), fig. on 37.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Finds from various tombs.
Naos of Nektanebos II, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70014 (JE 39508).
Roeder, Naos 46 pl. 11 [b]. See Brief Descr. 201 [803].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tna (Tanis Superior). Miscellaneous. Staues.
King, black granite, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66753.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela with three lines of demotic text, found by Gabra in 1953-4, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 63636.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Miscellaneous. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Sarcophagus of Takha, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 801. See Ann. Serv. xxxv (19), 123.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Miscellaneous. Coffins and Sarcophagi.
Fragment of circular basin cuve, as sarcophagus in Bibl., of a High-priest of Thoth, granite, Late Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31902.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xx (1898), 86 [lxv].
Tna (Tanis Superior). Miscellaneous. Various.
Bowl of a Scribe of the treasury, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Miscellaneous. Various.
Fragment of chalice with marsh-scene, faience, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 3774.
Bissing, Fayencegefsse 53-4 frontispiece.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Miscellaneous. Various.
Pot of Harsiesi, faience, late New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3725 (JE 31021).
Bissing, Fayencegefsse 38 fig. and frontispiece.
Tna (Tanis Superior). Miscellaneous. Various.
Counterpoise of menat, goddess suckling king before god, faience, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 12728 (JE 31392).
Reisner, Amulets ii, 26 xxiv.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statuette of Isis and Horus from Kasr Hur, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39283 (JE 31305).
Daressy, Statues de divinits 322 pl. 61.
Dalaga, near Bwt. .
Head of Nefertiti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34546.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 96-7 pls. 17 [left], 18 [right].
Sheikh Ibda (Antino). Temple of Ramesses II.
Statue, Ramesses II suckled by Hathor-cow in marsh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89613.
Zayad in Ann. Serv. lvii (1962), 137-42 figs. 1-4.
Sheikh Ibda (Antino). Temple of Ramesses II.
Seated statue of a goddess, temp. Ramesses II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89616.
See Donadoni in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 717-18.
Sheikh Ibda (Antino). Temple of Ramesses II.
Standing statue of a goddess of Sekhmet, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89614.
See Donadoni in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 717-18.
Sheikh Ibda (Antino). Temple of Ramesses II.
Standing statue of hawk headed Horus, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89615.
Grimm, A. in Mnchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. l (1999), 19, 25 Abb. 23, 24. See Donadoni in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 71718.
Sheikh Ibda (Antino). Temple of Ramesses II.
Lion-gargoyle, found near Temple, schist, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72526.
Sheikh Ibda (Antino). Necropolis.
Block, with six columns of text of hymn to Aten, found by Gayet in 1904, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
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Hari, New Kingdom. Amarna Period pl. xxxii [a] (as Heliopolis in error).
Sheikh Ibda (Antino). Miscellaneous.
Block with cartouche of Amenophis IV, found by University of Florence expedition, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 90850.
Deir el-Bersha. Tomb 2. Dhutihotp II. Temp. Sesostris II and III. Hall.
Block with six columns text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Smith in AJA lv [4] (1951), on 321-32 figs. 1-4 pls. 18-20. See Smith, Hist. Sculp. 240.
Deir el-Bersha. Tomb 2. Dhutihotp II. Temp. Sesostris II and III. Hall.
Block from harvest scene with man and donkey, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Smith Art and Architecture 108-9 pl. 73 [B].
Deir el-Bersha. Tomb 2. Dhutihotp II. Temp. Sesostris II and III. Hall.
Relief, three daughters (4th to 6th), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30199.
Bissing, Denkmler pl. 35.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Nebirutu.
Three canopic jars of Nebirutu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4986-8 (JE 32827).
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 24 [near bottom]; Reisner, Canopics 386-7.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sitipi and Ankh. North Room.
Coffin of Dhutinakht, usurped by woman Ankhu, late Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 28099 (JE 32981).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. 10.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sepi I.
Canopic-box of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4981 (JE 32879).
Reisner, Canopics 384-5 pl. xci. See Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 24, cf. 26.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sepi II and Sepi III. Late Dyn. XII.
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Outer coffin of Sepi III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28083 (JE 32868).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 170-99 pls. 11, 25. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 307 [3104].
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sepi II and Sepi III. Late Dyn. XII.
Inner coffin of Sepi III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28084 (JE 32868).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 199-200 pl. 20. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 306 [3101].
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sepi II and Sepi III. Late Dyn. XII.
Canopic-box of Sepi III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4977 (JE 32870).
Reisner, Canopics 382-3 pl. lxxxvii. See Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 24 cf. 29.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sepi II and Sepi III. Late Dyn. XII.
Three model boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4947-9 (JE 32820, 32819, 32818).
Reisner, Models 99-102 pls. xxi, xxii.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sepi II and Sepi III. Late Dyn. XII.
Model granary, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32831.
Tooley, A. M. J. Egyptian Models and Scenes fig. 39. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 322 [3200] (as Asyt).
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sepi II and Sepi III. Late Dyn. XII.
Female statuette, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32836.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. i (1900), 40 [f].
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sepi II and Sepi III. Late Dyn. XII.
Model, two bulls lying down, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32833.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sepi II and Sepi III. Late Dyn. XII.
Box with hieratic text on front, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32843.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sepi II and Sepi III. Late Dyn. XII.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Six servant-statues, painted wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32847.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Neferi. Late Dyn. XII.
Outer coffin of deceased, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28088 (JE 32869).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. 27.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Neferi. Late Dyn. XII.
Inner coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28087 (JE 32869).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. 12.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Neferi. Late Dyn. XII.
Canopic-box of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4980 (JE 32830).
Reisner, Canopics 383-4 pl. lxxxviii.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Neheri (woman) and Dhutihotp.
Coffin of Neheri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28095.
Text Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 71.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Neheri (woman) and Dhutihotp.
Coffin of Dhutihotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28097.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 72-3.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Neheri (woman) and Dhutihotp.
Models of two sailing-boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4951-2 (JE 32822, 32821).
Reisner, Models of Ships and Boats 103-6 pl. 23.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Amenemhet.
Outer coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28092 (JE 34288, 34310).
Texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 51-63. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 27 [38].
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Amenemhet.
Inner coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28091 (JE 34289).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pls. 13, 28. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 27 [38].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Amenemhet.
Innermost coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28093 (JE 34290).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 64.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Amenemhet.
Canopic box of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 28-30.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sit-hez-hotp.
Coffin of Shemsi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28098.
Text, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 73-4.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sit-hez-hotp.
Outer coffin of woman Dhutinakht, usurped from Kay who usurped from owner Ahanakht,
Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28094.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. 29.


Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sit-hez-hotp.

Statuette of female dwarf, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34299.
Dasen, V. Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece 278 [121] fig. 9 [22] on 137.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sit-hez-hotp. Dyn. XII.
Outer coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28086 (JE 32980).
Texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 222-37.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Sit-hez-hotp. Dyn. XII.
Inner coffin of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28085 (JE 32980).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pls. 11, 26, cf. 56.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Dhutinakht. Dyn. XII.
First coffin of deceased, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28125.
Texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 142-4. See Brovarski in Simpson and Davis (eds.),
Studies ... Dunham 25 cf. fig. 13.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Dhutinakht. Dyn. XII.
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Second coffin of deceased, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28123.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 136-41. See Brovarski in Simpson and Davis (eds.), Studies ...
Dunham 25 cf. fig. 13.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Various.
Canopic-box, Dhutinakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4740.
Reisner, Canopics 377-81 pls. lxxxiv-vi.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Various.
Outer coffin of Dhutihotp, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37567.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. iii (1903), 278-80. Interior, Schfer, Kunst 293 [lower]; 2nd ed. 305 [lower].
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Various.
Inner coffin of Dhutihotp, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37566.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. iii (1903), 278-80.
Deir el-Bersha. Middle Kingdom Tombs. Various.
Small coffin of Dhutihotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37568.
Lacau in Rec. de. Trav. xxxi (1909), 32-3 [8].
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Statuette of woman in patterned dress, arms lost, wood, painted and inlaid, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 34297.
Russmann and Finn, Egyptian Sculpture fig. on 58 [24].
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Inner coffin of Iha, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28089 (JE 31905).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pls. 12, 23.
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Outer coffin of Iha, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28090 (JE 31905).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pls. 12, 23.
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Panel of coffin with name of Nakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28096.
Text, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, 72.
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Fragment of coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
De Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts xvii [B.20.C].
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Offering-table of Kay, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23069 (JE 39602).
Text, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 58-9.
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Offering-table of Neheri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23046 (JE 39805).
Text, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 42.
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Cup of Snefru, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35783.
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Vase of Neuserre, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31298.
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Vase of Ahanakht, bronze, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3512 (JE 30973).
Radwan, Die Kupfer und Bronzegefsse gyptens 85-6 [208] Taf. 45. Text, Von Bissing, Metallgefsse 45.
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Model, man feeding ox, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34301.
Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Model, herd of cattle lying down in front of building, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 34293.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323 [3211].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Deir el-Bersha. Miscellaneous.
Two model boats, one with thirty rowers, one with cabin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34291-2.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 321 [3180-1].
El-Sheikh Sad. Cemeteries near Sheikh Zibeida.
Stela of Patameh (as Ptomeh (?) in Bibl.), dedicated to Amun-re and Prince Sipair (as Sipaar in Bibl.) (son of
Amosis), Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41773.
Vandersleyen in SAK 10 (1983), 315, 320, 322-3 Taf. xvi. Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 146 [lower]-7.
El-Sheikh Sad. Cemeteries near Sheikh Zibeida.
Two fragments from stela, Ramesses II before Thoth, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., 2.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 148-9; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 506-7 [199].
El-Sheikh Sad. Cemeteries near Sheikh Zibeida.
Stela with two women Periuy and Bekmut before Osiris, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 35166.
El-Amarna. Palace of Nefertiti (?).
Upper part from vase of Amenophis IV and Nefertiti, inlaid alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 57204.
Pendlebury in JEA XVIII (1932), pl. xiv [4].
El-Amarna. North Palace. Great Outer Court.
Trial-piece, princess eating duck, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48035.
Liebovitch, Anc. Eg. fig. 73.
El-Amarna. North Palace. Enclosure for oxen and antelopes.
Manger with two ibexes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48060.
See Hammad and Werkmeister in ZS lxxx (1955), 108.
El-Amarna. North Palace. Enclosure for oxen and antelopes.
Manager with bull, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48061.
Hammad and Werkmeister in ZS lxxx (1955), 107-8 Abb. 4.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Amarna. North Palace. Enclosure for oxen and antelopes.
Manger with two antelopes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48031.
Hammad and Werkmeister in ZS lxxx (1955), 107 Abb. 3.
El-Amarna. Great Temple. Sanctuary.
Situla dedicated by Ramosi, bronze, temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 50940.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. lx [7] [834] fig. 25.
El-Amarna. Great Temple.
Three adjoining fragments from parapet, King and Merytaten Aten disk, and King followed by Queen with
sistrum and Aten disk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63853, 63854, and Temp. No.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. lvii [5, 6, 8] (some). One, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 146 [487].
El-Amarna. Great Temple.
Upper part of battered statue of Queen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66723.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. lxi [4].
El-Amarna. Great Temple.
Relief fragment, upper part of princess, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59311.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. lvii [3].
El-Amarna. Great Temple.
Relief fragment with legs of princesses, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. lviii [2].
El-Amarna. Great Temple.
Trial-piece with two royal heads, left, Amenophis IV, right, probably Smenkhkare, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 59294.
Pendlebury in JEA xix, pl. 15 [1]. See Brief Descr. No. 6211.
El-Amarna. Great Temple.
Trial-piece, head of Nefertiti on recto, kneeling figure on verso, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59296.
Pendlebury in JEA xix, pl. 15 [2].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Amarna. Great Temple.
Block with names of Amenophis IV, Nefertiti, and the Aten, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Hari, New Kingdom. Amarna Period pl. xvii.
El-Amarna. Great Temple. Found West of Temple.
Death-mask of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 753.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 75 pl. 140. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 144 [478].
El-Amarna. Great Temple. Magazines between Great Temple and Private Palace.
Weight of five deben in shape of calf, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 77 [1].
El-Amarna. Great Temple. Magazines between Great Temple and Private Palace.
Statue base inscribed for Thoth, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, 110 [32/251].
El-Amarna. Great Temple. Magazines South of Great Temple.
Weight of User, alabaster, temp. Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62845.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 62 [4].
El-Amarna. Smaller Temple. Magazines.
Fragments from statuette of Asiatic, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57205a, b.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten III, pl. 76 [1, 2].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Living Quarters.
Painted fragment, presumably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 459 [4370].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Living Quarters.
Painted pavement, fragments with destroyed part reconstructed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 176-7 [627]. Fragment with plants and bird, Bille-de Mot, Die Revolution pl. xii.
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Living Quarters.
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Jamb and lintel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Petrie, Tell el Amarna 11 [18].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Hall.
iv.198A (moved from iv.233)
Fragment from balustrade, royal family worshipping the Aten, found by Petrie, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, 66, 193 pl. lxix [5]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 139 [466].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Statues.
Bust of Queen Nefertiti, head lost, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 66 [8], cf. p. 63 [34/223].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Statues.
Torso of princess, from double-statue, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 69 [3], cf. p. 65 [34/166].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Statues.
Royal head, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64961.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 65 [1-3], cf. p. 61 [34/73].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Statues.
Part of royal head, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 71 [4], cf. p. 69 [35/370].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Statues.
Base from statuette with feet treading on enemies, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 71 [3], cf. p. 69 [35/339].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Statues.
Female bust, head lost, probably a princess, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64965.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 73 [7], p. 64 [34/111].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Stelae.
Fragments from lower part of stela, royal family worshipping, granite, found in North Harm, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 64972.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 69 [1], cf. p. 45 [34/72].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Stelae.
Lower part of stela of [Paheripaten], on one side, Smenkhkare and Amenophis IV, on the other side, kneeling
figure, found in North Harm, upper part, in London, Petrie Museum, 410, lower part, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 64959.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 73 [8, 9], cf. pp. 45 [34/42], 232-3. See Roeder in ZS lxxxiii
(1958), 47 n. 3.
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment, King offering before altar, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, 67 [35/203].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment with face of King and ankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65940.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 71 [1], cf. p. 67 [35/205].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Sculptors trial-piece with head of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65972.
Mysliwiec, Le Portrait royal , pl. lxxvii [178]. See Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, 71 [36/540].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment with King (?) kissing princess, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66715.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. lxx [7 right], cf. p. 72 [36/19].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment from column-drum, Queen adoring, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64949.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 66 [1], cf. p. 61 [34/109].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment from column drum, King and Queen offering, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64946, 64948.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 73 [2], cf. p. 62 [34/190-1].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment, Princess Meritaten offering, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65946.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 70 [12], cf. p. 67 [35/214].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Block, Amenophis IV as sphinx on both sides from south part of Palace, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 65926.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, 79 pl. 41 [2, 3]. One side, id. in JEA xxii (1936), 196-7 pl. 20 [4].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment of column, recumbent calf and Aten rays, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 69 [8], cf. pp. 72 [36/40], 79.
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment, throne with lioness, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64955.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 66 [2], cf. p. 63 [34/210].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment of painted relief with head of Asiatic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64954.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 66 [7], cf. p. 61 [34/53].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment with sleeping man, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 67 [5 right], cf. p. 67 [35/28].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment, dwarf before pillar, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66713.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 68 [5], cf. p. 71 [36/7].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment, soldiers before a building, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66712.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 68 [6], cf. p. 71 [36/11].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment with woman playing on lyre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, p. 70 [35/500].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment with man leading dog, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64973.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 71 [10], cf. p. 63 [34/229].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Relief with plant and ear of corn, from Broad Hall, west of Living Quarters, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 68 [7], cf. p. 66.
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Block with plants, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65953.
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment with heads, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64943, 64956.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 67 [9, 12], cf. pp. 63 [34/222, 228], 65 [34/221].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Fragment with head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 70 [3], cf. p. 63 [35/13].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Trial-piece with head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64957.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 65 [9], cf. p. 61 [34/59].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Sculptors trial-piece, head of King on one side and head of Bes on the other, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 71 [5, right], cf. p. 70 [35/505].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Trial-piece, kneeling captive etc. in relief, quartzite, from Weben-Aten, north of Living Quarters, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 65 [6], cf. p. 63.
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Reliefs.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment with head of princess holding sistrum, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64971.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, 65 [34/149] pl. 77 [11, left].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Various.
Plaques with birds, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 72 [9], cf. p. 64.
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Various.
Fragment from bowl with name of Merytaten, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, p. 50 [35/234].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Various.
Fragments with name of Queen Teye, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, p. 50 [35/245].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Finds. Various.
Part of footstool with text and head of captive, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, p. 50 [35/272].
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Buildings near Palace.
Offering table from life size statue of Amenophis III, mentioning co-regency of Amenophis III and IV, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65966.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 64 [4-6]. See Brief Descr. No. 6258.
El-Amarna. Great Official Palace. Buildings near Palace.
Head of King, unfinished, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 64 [1, 2].
El-aAmarna. Private Palace, or Kings House (House 13).
Painted fragment, feet and lower part of fringed garment of seated figure, and lower part of smaller standing
figure, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Brock, L. P. in The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 9 (1998), 7-14 figs. 1, 2 (reconstruction) pl.
1 (suggests small figure Tutankhamun).
El-Amarna. Private Palace. Garden.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Trial-piece, caricature head of King on one side, head on the other [EES 31/603], in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 57207.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 74 [4, 5].
El-Amarna. Private Palace. Royal Store-Rooms (P.42.2).
Trial-piece with various hieroglyphs on both sides [EES 31/594], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 57208.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 75 [1, 2].
El-Amarna. Private Palace. Royal Store-Rooms (P.42.2).
Jar of Hatshepsut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57203.
Pendlebury in JEA xviii (1932), pl. 19 [3].
El-Amarna. Private Palace. Bridge across Royal Road.
Painted fragments from garden scene with pool, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57334.
Weatherhead, F. in Kemp, B. J. Amarna Reports vi, 406-9 fig. 14.8.
El-Amarna. Town. North City. House U.24.3.
Cup with name of Iuaa, Royal scribe, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57225.
Pendlebury in JEA xviii (1932), 145 pl. xiv [5].
El-Amarna. Town. North City. House U.33.9.
Box of Amenophis III, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. cxi [1] (= ii, xli [1]).
El-Amarna. Town. North City. House T.34.1. Hatiay.
Lintel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55503.
Frankfort and Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten ii, 64-5 pl. 23 [4].
El-Amarna. Town. North City. House T.35.4.
Seated statuette of official, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52976 and 53249 (entered twice).
Frankfort in JEA xv (1929), 149 pls. 20, 21. See Brief Descr. 6154.
El-Amarna. Town. North City. House U.37.1.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Head of princess, red quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65040.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten ii, pl. xxxix; Encycl. Photo. pl. 101. See Brief Descr. 6057.
El-Amarna. Town. Temple Area. Official Residence of Panehesi. Central Room.
Shrine, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65041 (Temp. No.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 31; Brief Descr. No. 6056 pl. opp. 129.
El-Amarna. Town. Temple Area. Official Residence of Panehesi.
Fragment of tile with calf in reeds, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 62 [3].
El-Amarna. Town. Temple Area. Finds.
Trial-piece, mans head in relief, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Pendlebury, The City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 62 [1].
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House O.46.16a and 20.
Head of Nefertiti (?), quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59286.
Pendlebury in JEA xix (1933), 117-18 pls. 12, 18 [3, 4]; Encycl. Photo. pls. 97, 98. See Brief Descr. No. 6206.
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House O.46.16a and 20.
Head for inlay, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59287.
Pendlebury in JEA xix (1933), pl. 16 [2]. See Brief Descr. No. 6207.
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House O.46.16a and 20.
Head of Nefertiti, (?), plaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59288.
Pendlebury in JEA xix (1933), pl. 15 [4]. See Brief Descr. No. 6208.
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House O.46.16a and 20.
Head of Amenophis IV, plaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59289.
Pendlebury in JEA xix (1933), pl. 19 [1, 2]. See Brief Descr. No. 6209.
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House O.46.16a and 20.
Statue of Thoth as ape with scribe, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59291.
Pendlebury in JEA xix (1933), pl. 18 [1, 2].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House P.47.1-3. Dhutmosi.
Head of princess, red sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44871.
Maspero, Guide (1915), 143 [474] Abb. 21.
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House P.47.1-3. Dhutmosi.
Statuette of princess, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44874, perhaps adjoins JE 44872.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 145 [481].
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House P.47.1-3. Dhutmosi.
Torso, red sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44872, perhaps adjoins JE 44871.
ZS lii (1914), 82 Abb. 17. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 144 [479].
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House P.47.1-3. Dhutmosi.
Head of princess, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44870.
Brief Descr. 476 pl. opp. 37. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 143-4 [476].
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House P.47.1-3. Dhutmosi.
Head of Nefertiti, quartzite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44868.
in Mitt. de Deutsch. Or. Gesell. No. 52 (Oct. 1913), 46 Bl. 5.
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House P.47.1-3. Dhutmosi.
Head of princess, quartize, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44869.
Aldred, New Kingdom Art pl. 109.
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House P.47.19.
Jamb of Ramosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44885.
in Mitt. de Deutsch. Or. Gesell. No. 55, 17 Abb. 5.
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House Q.47.16.
Painted triptych (?) in relief, Amenophis IV and Nefertiti with three princesses, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 44865.
Weigall, Anc. Eg. Works of Art pl.197 [left]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 145 [482].
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House P.48.2.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Unfinished group of Amenophis IV kissing princess, (or Smenkhkare as young boy), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 44866.
Roeder in ZS lxxxiii (1958), pl. vii [C]. Weigall, Anc. Eg. Works of Art pl. 196. See Maspero, Guide (1915),
142 [471].
El-Amarna. Town north of Wdi. House O.49.14.
Coloured statue of King holding offering-table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43580.
Encycl. Photo pl. 96. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 142 [472].
El-Amarna. Town. Various.
Hunting-scarab of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62821.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 77 [5, 6].
El-Amarna. Town. Various.
Dagger-pommel, Tuthmosis I, lapis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 62787.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten iii, pl. 77 [10].
El-Amarna. Town. Various.
Fragment from sistrum-handle Queen Teye, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48094
(JE 69343).
Hickmann, Instruments de Musique lxvi.
El-Amarna. Palace called Maru-Aten. Water Court.
Fragments of pavement, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33030/1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19;
JE 34035/3, 4; JE 34010/10; JE 33035/2.
Bissing, Der Fussboden pls. i-xiv.
El-Amarna. Palace called Maru-Aten. Temple and Kiosks.
Column-fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47200.
Kemp, B. J. Amarna Reports vi, 420 figs. 15.8, 9 on 423-4.
El-Amarna. Palace called Maru-Aten. Temple and Kiosks.
Head of Amenophis IV from inlay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47173.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten i, pl. xxxv [i, right].
El-Amarna. Palace called Maru-Aten.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment from block with bowing courtiers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47203.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten i, pl. xxxiii [1].
El-Amarna. Town. Tomb-Chapels. No. 525.
Stela of Ptahmey, dedicated to Shed and Isis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46954.
Pendlebury, City of Akhenaten i, pl. xxviii [1-3].
El-Amarna. Rock-Tombs. Tomb 23 Any.
Stela of Nebwaui, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34176 (JE 29746).
Borchardt and Riesner, Works of Art 217-22 pls. 66-8. See Legrain, Rp. No. 303.
El-Amarna. Rock-Tombs. Tomb 23 Any.
Stela of Thay, with chariot, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34177 (JE 29748).
Borchardt and Riesner, Works of Art 217-22 pls. 66-8. See Legrain, Rp. No. 304; Maspero, Guide (1914), cf.
123 [428]; (1915), 145 [484].
El-Amarna. Rock-Tombs. Tomb 23 Any.
Stela of Any-men, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34178 (JE 29747).
Borchardt and Riesner, Works of Art 217-22 pls. 66-8. See Legrain, Rp. No. 305; Maspero, Guide (1914), cf.
123 [429]; (1915), 145 [485].
El-Amarna. Rock-Tombs. Tomb 23 Any.
Stela of [Ptah]mey, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34179 (JE 29749).
Borchardt and Riesner, Works of Art 217-22 pls. 66-8. See Legrain, Rp. No. 306.
El-Amarna. Rock-Tombs. Tomb 23 Any.
Stela of Pakha, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34180 (JE 29745).
Borchardt and Riesner, Works of Art 217-22 pls. 66-8. See Legrain, Rp. No. 307.
El-Amarna. Rock-Tombs. Tomb 23 Any.
Stela of Ay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34181 (JE 29750).
Borchardt and Riesner, Works of Art 217-22 pls. 66-8. See Legrain, Rp. No. 308.
El-Amarna. Rock-Tombs. Tomb 25 Ay.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Relief from wall, with Ay and Teye before balcony, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Davies, Amarna vi, pl. 38 [upper].
El-Amarna. Boundary Stelae. Stela Q.
Fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Davies, Amarna v, pl. 44 [upper right]. See Murnane, W.J. and Van Siclen III, C. C. The Boundary Stelae of
Akhenaten 188 [9, 11, 12].
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Amenophis IV, Queen and one princess, (Wilbour Stela), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34174.
Lacau, Stles pl. 64. See Legrain, Rp. No. 288; Maspero, Guide (1914), 134-5 [467]; (1915), 145-6 [486].
El-Amarna. Reliefs.
Fragment, head of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Myliwiec, Le Portrait royal pl. lxxvi [177].
El-Amarna. Reliefs.
Fragment, bas-relief of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts,Legrain, Rpertoire Nos. 295-7.
El-Amarna. Reliefs.
Three adjoining fragments (from ramp), Amenophis IV, Merytaten, Queen and Amenophis IV, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 63853.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 146 [487].
El-Amarna. Reliefs.
Fragment from lintel of Nekhuenpaten, Overseer of horses, with dec. kneeling before Aten-rays, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
El-Amarna. Reliefs.
Two alabaster blocks with captives, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
El-Amarna. Reliefs.
Trial-piece with head of Nefertiti (?) in relief, and another head on verso, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 35791.
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Trial-piece, head of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28186.
Encycl. Phot. pl. 104.
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Head of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 746.
Borchart, Statuen and Statuetten iii, 71 pl. 138.
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Torso of Amenophis IV, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 956 (JE 28178).
Borchart, Statuen and Statuetten iv, 4 pl. 159.
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Head (unfinished), probably of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 13451, probably from here.
Devaux, J. in Rev. dg. 49 (1998), 64-5 pl. vii [a].
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Head, probably Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66642.
See Mller, M. Die Kunst Amenophis III and Ecknatons iv-119.
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Head of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67921A.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1952), 95-107 pls. 14 [1], 15 [1], 16, 17 [right], 18 [left]. See Brief Descr. No.
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statuette of Nefertiti with offering-table, unfinished, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44867.
Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 962. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 143 [473].
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statuette of princess, from House P.47.1-3, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44873.
Aldred, Akhenaten and Nefertiti fig. 51 on 131. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 144 [480].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Statues.
A Scribe, block statue, no name, serpentine, temp. Tuthmosis III to Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 48140.
El-Damaty in MDAIK 46 (1990), 5 Taf. 5 [d, e]. See Schulz, Entwicklung i, 309 [172].
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statuette, monkey playing harp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55457.
Hickmann, 45 Sicles pl. lxviii [A].
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Model of royal head, unfinished, red sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 143 [475].
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Various.
Offering-table, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23020 (JE 39572).
Kamal, Tables 18 pl. x.
El-Amarna. Miscellaneous. Various.
Libation-bowl (as dish in Bibl.) with names of Amenophis IV and Nefertiti, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 18491.
Text, Bissing, Steingefsse 98; part, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 294
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Corridor A.
25 fragments of ushabtis of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts and one head, Bouriant et al. in MIFAO viii, 6-7, 8 fig. 2. Cartouches, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 290.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Room
Sarcophagus of Amenophis IV, reconstructed from fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 1 fig. 3 pls. 6-9, 19.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Room IV.
Stela (not Wilbour stela as in Bibl.), King, Queen and two princesses worshipping Aten, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No. (as CG 34174 in Bibl.).
Borchardt and Roeder, Works pl. 27 [upper]. Maspero and Roeder Fhrer (12) pl. 32 [a].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Room .
Three fragments with mourners from a scene, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. and
probably JE 29786.
Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 473-6 pls. 61-2.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Relief fragment with part of face, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59387.
Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 478 pl. 62.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragments from canopic-box, lid, and canopic jars of Amenophis IV (reconstructed), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 18492, JE 59454, and Temp. Nos.
Hamza in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), pls. 42-4. See Bissing, Steingefsse 99; Legrain, Rpertoire No. 302 [B]. See Brief
Descr. No. 6323.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragments, probably from canopic chest, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59388, 59437-45, Temp.
Martin Royal Tomb i, Cat. 11-22 pls. 23, 24.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragments of chests, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Martin, The Royal Tomb i, Cat. 23-5 pl. 24.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragment of chest with cartouches of Akhenaten, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 26 pl. 24.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragment chest with cartouches of the Aten, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 30 pl. 24.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragments from chests with royal cartouches, and also those of the Aten, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 59446-7.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 31-2 pl. 24.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Corner of chest with cartouches of the Aten, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59448.
Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 33 pl. 25.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragment of chest with Aten-disk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59449.
Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 34 pl. 25.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragment chest with name of Nefertiti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59450.
Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 35 pl. 25.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragments from bowl of Tuthmosis III, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59282.
Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 413 pls. 55, 56. See Pendlebury in Ann. Serv. xxxi (1931), 124.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragments from bowl of Khephren, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59456.
Martin, Royal Tomb i, Cat. 414 pl. 57. See Pendlebury in Ann. Serv. xxxi (1931), 124.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds.
Fragmentary bowl with erased cartouche of Princess Sitamun, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 18459 (JE 30996, 59283).
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 155-6 pl. 26 [2]; Bissing, Steingfsse fig. on 89.
El-Amarna. Royal tomb. Finds. Fragments of sarcophagi (see also Room ).
Fragment from sarcophagus of Teye, wife of Amenophis III (as [Meketaten] in Bibl.) with cartouches of
Amenophis III and IV, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Raven, M. J. in OMRO 74 (1994), 8-16 figs. 2-9 (from material published by G. T. Martin). Cartouches,
Legrain, Rpertoire No. 286.
El-At. wla.
Block, King Siamu-Harnedheryotf before Anti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Habachi in Ann. Serv. lii (1954), 461, pls. 10, 11 [A].
El-At. wla.
Altar, Teruru. Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23037 (JE 30322).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 15 [upper].
El-At. wla.
Three statues of Sebknakht son of Iteti and Kayt, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35145 (Temp.
No., 35145 bis, 35146 (Temp. No.
Maspero in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 95 and pl.; JE 35145 and JE 35145 bis, Hornemann, Types iii, pls. 714, 713;
JE 35146, Ebers, Staat i, pl. 141 [B].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Statue of dec., wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 60 (JE 30796).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 15. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 72 [161].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Statue of dec., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 236 (JE 30797).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 49. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, two women grinding, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 237 (JE 30811).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 49. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, woman baking, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 238 (JE 30820).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 50. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, woman baking, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 239 (JE 30823).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 50. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, man kneading, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 240 (JE 30819).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 50. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, servant with luggage, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 241 (JE 30810).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 51. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, man cooking, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 242 (JE 30824).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 51. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, two women baking, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 243 (JE 30812).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 52. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, two male figures baking and brewing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 244 (JE 30821).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 52. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, servant braising goose, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 245 (JE 30814).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 51. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, man brewing, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 246 (JE 30816).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 53. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, servant baking(?), wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 247 (JE 30818).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 53. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Statuette of woman, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 248 (JE 30809).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 53. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Model, man hoeing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 249 (JE 30822).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 53. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, three female offering bearers, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 250 (JE 30798).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 54. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, man with sealed jars, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 251 (JE 30817).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 54. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, man kneading, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 252 (JE 30813).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 52. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, two men baking, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 253 (JE 30815).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 54. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem. Temp. Pepy I.
Model, man with ox, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 254 (JE 30825).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 55. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323-4 [3220-35].
Meir. Tomb of Niankh-Pepy-kem.
Model boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4880-4 (JE 30799-803), 4885, 4886-8 (JE 30804-6),
Reisner, Models of Ships pls. xii-xv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 325 [3249-51].
Meir. South of Group A. Various.
Canopic-box of Kay Henent, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42907.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 19.
Meir. South of Group A. Various.
Mummy-mask, Hetept, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42953.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

De Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts M 35 C, iii, Spell 226.
Meir. South of Group A. Various.
Models, men with oxen and plough, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42850-3.
JE 42853, Wreszinski, Atlas i, pl. 51 (b) [5]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323 [3212].
Meir. South of Group A. Various.
Model, man and laden asses, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42854.
Wreszinski, Atlas i, pl. 61 [2]. See Kamal in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 23 [4].
Meir. South of Group A. Various.
Model, rowing-boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42855.
See Kamal in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 23 [6].
Meir. South of Group A. Various.
Model, beer-making, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42856.
See Kamal in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 24 [15].
Meir. South of Group A. Various.
Model, granary, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42857.
See Kamal in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 23 [3]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 323 [3202].
Meir. South of Group A. Various.
Model, granary, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42915.
See Kamal in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 34-5 [1]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 322 [3206].
Meir. South of Group A. Various.
Model, five brewers, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42916.
Meir. Tomb CI, Ukh-hotp. Temp. Sesostris II or III. Statues. Probably from here.
iv.254A (moved from iv.257)
Statue-group, dec., two wives, and daughter, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 459 (JE 30965).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 51-2 Bl. 76.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Senbi (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42825.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts p. xviii [M.3 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Senbi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42950.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts p. xviii [M.4 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Senbi, third coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42948.
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 94 fig. Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 221-2.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Hathornakht (woman), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42826.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts p. xviii [M.5 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Senbi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42827.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts p. xviii [M.6 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Coffin usurped from Khnemhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42947.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts iii, v, vii [M.2 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ikui good name Izi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43670.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xiii (1914), 164.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Meryb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43669.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xiii (1914), 167 [middle].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mereri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43671.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xiii (1914), 167 [bottom].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Wernufer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28037 (JE 30508).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 108-15.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Wersnufer, two coffins, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28038-9.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. 8.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Rerut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42949.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xiv (1914), 45-56, 61-2; de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts iv-vii [M.1 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Mask usurped by a woman Hetept, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42953.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts iii, vi [M.35 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ukh-hotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28040 (JE 3424).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 130-2.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Senbi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28041.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. 17.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
...tseni, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28049.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 142.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Esitoker (as Istoker in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28052.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 143-4.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ikerankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28053.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 144-5.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Nakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28055.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 145-50.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Senankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28057.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 153-4.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ukh-hotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28058.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 154-5.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Sennui, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28060.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 156.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Henyhirib, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28061.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. 10.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Hatherhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28062.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 157-8.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ukh-hotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28063.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 157.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ukha, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28064.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 158.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Nebt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28066 (JE 30681).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 160.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ukh-hotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28067.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 161-2.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ukh-hotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28070.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 163.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Titau, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28071.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. 18.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Khnemhotp, lid, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28074.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 166-7. Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts iv [M 54 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Henherib, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28075.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 167.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Nefersab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28078.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts i, iii [M 25 C]. See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 168.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Henyhirib, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28079.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 169.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Iyni, parts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28068.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. 17.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Mummy-mask of Iyni, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28073.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. 21.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28042.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts i [M 20 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28043.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts vi [M 9 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28044.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts vi [M 10 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28045.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts vi [M 11 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28046.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts vi [M 12 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28047.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts ii [M 38 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28048.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts iv, vii [M 39 C].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28050-1.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 142-3. CG 28050, texts de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts ii [M 41 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28054.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts iv-v [M 19 C]. See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 145.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Names lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28056.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts iii, v [M 46 C]. See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 151-2.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Names lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28059, 28065.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 155-6, 159. CG 28059, texts de Buck Eg. Coffin Texts ii
[M 48 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Names lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28069, 28072.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 163, 164-5. CG 28072, Schmidt, Sarkofager 83 fig. 399
(from Lacau).
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Names lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28081.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 169.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Names lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43004.
de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts iii, ix [M 21 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Names lost, fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42828.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts ii-iii, v-vi [M 22 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Senenu (in Bibl. as unknown), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28077.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 168. Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts i, iv, vii [M 24 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Sebkherhab, parts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts iii, ix [M 57 C].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28080.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 169.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28082.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 170.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
No name, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28076.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, 168.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Mummy-masks, Greek or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33129 (JE 28446).
Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian Coffins 18-21 pls. 8, 10.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Mummy-mask, Greek or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33130.
Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian Coffins 21-3 pls. 8, 11.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Mummy-mask, Greek or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33132 (JE 28447).
Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian Coffins 24-6 pls. 9, 13.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Mummy-mask, Greek or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33133 (JE 28443).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian Coffins 26-7 pls. 9, 14.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Mummy-mask, Greek or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33134 (JE 33144).
Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian Coffins 28-9 pls. 9, 15.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Mummy-mask, Greek or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33135 (JE 28445).
Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian Coffins 29-31 pls. 9, 16.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Nakht, four, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 433-6 (JE 30204-5).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 71. CG 433-4, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 302 [3204-5].
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Khnemhotp, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 437 (JE 30206).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 72.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Kayt, woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 438 (JE 30207).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 72.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Sennu, woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 439 (JE 30208).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 72.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Hephem, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 440 (JE 30209).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 73.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Heteptu, woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 441 (JE 30210).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 73.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tept, woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 442 (JE 30211).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 73.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Name lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 785 (JE 30630).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 145.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Name lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 786 (JE 30539).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 145.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Ha-ishutf, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 787 (JE 30528).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 145.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Int, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 789 (JE 30515).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 145.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Iuy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 792 (JE 30529).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 146.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Iny, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 793 (JE 30538).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 146.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
...her..., woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 794 (JE 30531).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 146.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Henynu, woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 795 (JE 30630).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 146.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Woman, not inscribed, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 443 (JE 30211).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 44 pl. 73.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Man wearing short kilt, not inscribed, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 444
(JE 30211).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 44-5 pl. 74.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Man wearing long kilt, not inscribed, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 445
(JE 30211).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 45 pl. 74.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Man wearing long kilt, left arm and lower right arm lost, not inscribed, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 453 (JE 30313).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 48-9 pl. 75.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Man, seated, not inscribed, wood, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 458 (JE 30846).
CG 458, Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 715. See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 51.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Man wearing short kilt, not inscribed, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 788
(JE 30516).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 94 pl. 145.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Man wearing short kilt, parts of feet lost, not inscribed, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 790 (JE 30527).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 95 pl. 146.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Man wearing short kilt, not inscribed, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 791
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(JE 30521).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 95 pl. 146.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Woman, not inscribed, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 796 (JE 30533).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 97.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Woman, not inscribed, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 797 (JE 30314).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 98 pl. 147.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Tharu, statue-base, New Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42846.
Meir. Various.
Offering-table of Ukh-hotp, Nomarch, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23026 (JE 39802).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 21-3 pl. 12.
Meir. Various.
Wand with names and titles of King Khety I (Meryebre) (as Khety II in Bibl.), ebony, Dyn. IX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 42835.
Kamal in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 175.
Meir. Various.
Headrest with base formed by two cartouches, inscribed, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 30745.
Meir. Various.
Canopic-box with panther-skin decoration, almost certainly found with coffin of Senbi (iv.256), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxx (1930), 176-7 pl. ii.
Meir. Various.
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Canopic-jars, Dyn. XI-XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4245, 4253-64, 4307, 4194-5.
Reisner in ZS xxxviii (1900), 61 [1-4], 62, fig. 1 [b, c]. See Reisner, Canopics 141-2, 171 pl. lxx, 177-82
pl. lxx, 209.
Meir. Various.
Canopic-jar, Inmutf, dedicated to Ukh-hotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 42859.
Meir. Various.
Two canopic jars, Padehormehen, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46070 (one).
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 31-2.
Meir. Various.
Stela of Senbi (same man as following), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42909.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 36.
Meir. Various.
Mummy-mask of Senbi (same man and preceding), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42834.
Coffin texts from mask, de Buck, Eg. Coffin Texts iii, vi [M 36 C].
Meir. Various.
Mirror of princess Ankhnes Pepy, silver, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 44074 (JE 30843).
Lilyquist, Ancient Egyptian Mirrors 29 fig. 28.
Meir. Various.
Model boat with name of Nemti (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4847 (JE 30526).
Reisner, Models of Ships 34-7 pl. 9.
Meir. Various.
Model sarcophagus from boat of Ukk-htop, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4850.
Reisner, Models of Ships 37-8.
Meir. Various.
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Model mummies, inscribed, from boats of Heny-herib and Ipi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 4857-8.
Reisner, Models of Ships 41, 42.
Meir. Various.
Model sailing boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4841 (JE 30212).
Reisner, Models of Ships pl. 7; Maspero, Guide (1915), 320 [3174] fig. 104.
Meir. Various.
Model boats, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4798 (JE 30213), 4799 (JE 30218), 4801
(JE 30214), 4802 (JE 30215), 4803 (JE 30216), 4805 (JE 30217), 4806, 4844 (JE 30536), 4845 (JE 30572),
4846 (JE 30571), 4851, 4861, 4869, 4872.
Reisner, Models of Ships pls. i-iv, viii, x-xii.
Dara. Dyn. VI Cemetery.
Two votive hes-vases of Khnemnuter, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89146-7.
One, Vercoutter in Chron. dEg. xxvii (1952), 106 fig. 14. See Leclant in Orientalia N.S. xxi [2] (1952), 235.
Dara. Dyn. VI Cemetery.
Servant-statues, woman grinding, one bending over, one squatting, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89164.
One bending over, Vercoutter in Chron. dEg. xxvii (1952), 107 fig. 16. See Weill, Bord 65 [80].
Dara. Dyn. VI Cemetery.
Model of brewer, probably from Mastaba I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88061.
Dara. Dyn. VI Cemetery.
Mirror of woman Neb, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89168.
Text, Vercoutter in Chron. dEg. xxvii (1952), 107.
Dara. Mastaba South of Pyramid of Khui.
Piece of wood with name of Khui, Chief lector, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43108.
Text, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 132 [1].

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Dara. Mastaba South of Pyramid of Khui.
Relief fragment with cartouche of King Khui, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43107.
Kamal in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 132-3 fig. 9.
Asyt. Temple. Amenophis IV.
Relief, woman kissing Kings hand, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gabra in Chron. dg. vi (1931), 237-43 fig. 5
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa I. Temp. Sesostris I. Subsidiary Tomb. Heny. Dyn. XI (?).
Statuette of Heny, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47240.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 711. Text, Wainwright in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 171 [top right].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Hoard of stelae, dedicated to Wepwaut, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47377, 47379-95,
68568-90, 68679-84, 68729-51 (see following entries for some of these stelae).
Wainwright in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 176, 182 figs. 1, 6.
Asyt. Tomb Hepzefa III. Hoard of Stelae.
Ramosi and Wepmosi before figures of Wepwaut on standards, Amun-Re-Kamutf as bull, goose of Amun
and two goats, probably late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47381.
Kuentz, LOie du Nil 41 fig. 23.
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Kenhirkhopshef, Boatman, and wife Rennut, Wepwaut and jackals above, couple adoring below, Dyn. XIXXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68570.
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 48 (2000), 24 [1] pls. i [a, b].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Two of Paranakht, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68571, 47379.
Eissa, A. in SAK 21 (1994), 60-4 Abb. 1, 2 Taf. 3, 4.
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Wepwautmosi, Chief Prophet of Wepwaut, Wepwaut on standard with eleven jackals and deceased libating,
Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68582.
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DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 48 (2000), 25 [2] pls. ii [a, b].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
A Servant of the treasury, name lost, Wepwaut on standard above and deceased with brazier (or sistrum)
below, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68584.
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 48 (2000), 26 [3] pls. iii [a, b].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Pawenesh adoring Wepwaut on standard with six jackals below it, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 68585.
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 53 (2002), 12 [1] pls. i [a, b].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Paronisit adoring Wepwaut-Re on standard with jackals below it, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 68586.
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 53 (2002), 13 [2] pls. ii [a, b].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Tuthmosis III before Wepwaut, dedicated by Nakhtamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68587.
Eissa, Ahmed in MDAIK 52 (1996), 83-4 Taf. 16 (as dedicated by Iimim).
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Haremhab before Wepwaut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68590.
Eissa, Ahmed in MDAIK 52 (1996), 84-5 Taf. 17.
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Three stelae, names lost, deceased adoring Wepwaut on standard with jackals below, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 68739, 68740, and one not numbered.
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 53 (2002), 14-17 [4-6] pls. iv [a, b] - vi [a, b].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Pawen adoring Wepwaut on standard with seven jackals below it, and wife Ta... and son below, Dyn. XIXXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68743.
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 48 (2000), 27 [4] pls. iv [a, b].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
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Iytnefert, Songstress of Khnum adoring, Wepwaut and five jackals, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 48 (2000), 28 [5] pls. v [a, b].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Neferi..., ... of Wepwaut, adores Wepwaut on standard carried by priests, with and jackals below, Dyn. XIXXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 48 (2000), 29 [6] pls. vi [a, b].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Wepwaut..., Courier of offerings, adoring Wepwaut on standard with jackals below, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 53 (2002), 18 [7] pls. vii [a, b].
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Name lost, Hathor of Medjed before Wepwaut on standard with jackals above, and decoration and family
below, probably Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, [CM 78].
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 54 (2002), 40, 42 [1] pl. 1.
Asyt. Tomb of Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Amenemwia adores Wepwaut on standard and Hathor of Medjed and father (name lost), a fan bearer of the
regiment, with remains of a cartouche, and woman libating before carrying shrine of Wepwaut, Dyn. XVIII
or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, [CM 157].
DuQuesne, T. in Discussions in Egyptology 54 (2002), 42-3 [2] pl. 2.
Asyt. Tomb Hepzefa III. Temp. Amenemhet II. Hoard of Stelae.
Upper part with emblem of Amun between Min and Re, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Asyt. Tomb Hepzefa III. Hoard of Stelae.
Stela of Sessu with woman adoring fish, Dyn. XIX to XX probably found with hoard, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 47969.
Eissa, A. in GM 124 (1991), 43-5 Abb. 1 on 47.
Asyt. Tomb of Mesehti. Dyn. IX or X.
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Coffins of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28118, 28119 (JE 30966).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii, pl. 9. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 337 [3348-9].
Asyt. Tomb of Mesehti. Dyn. IX or X.
Statue of deceased, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 235 (JE 30971).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 154 pl. 49.
Asyt. Tomb of Mesehti. Dyn. IX or X.
Two groups of Egyptian and Nubian soldiers, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 257 (JE 30969), 258
(JE 30986).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pls. 55-6. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 336-7 [3345-67].
Asyt. Tomb of Mesehti. Dyn. IX or X.
Model boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4918 (JE 30970).
Reisner, Model Ships 74-80, figs. 277-300 pl. 18.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb 6.
Statuette of female offering bearer with basket and goose, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43378.
See Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, 5-6.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti.
Statue of Nakht, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36283.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, 31 pl. 5.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti.
Statuette of Henen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36288.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, pl. 8.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti.
Statuette of female offering bearer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36290.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, pl. 9. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 322 [3195].
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti.
Statuette of female offering bearer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36291.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, pl. 10. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 322 [3196].
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Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti.
Statuette of female offering bearer, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, 32.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti.
Statuette of female offering bearer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36289.
See Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, 33.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti.
Statuette of man holding apron, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36292.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, on pl. 11 [1, left].
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti. Pit 1.
Two statues, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36281-2.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, pl. 11 [1, 2nd from right, and right].
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti. Pit 1.
Two rowing-boats, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36293-4.
JE 36293, Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, pl. 14 [1]; Corteggiani, Centenaire No. 7 fig.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti. Pit 1.
Model brewery, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36295.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, pl. 15 [2]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 322 [3194].
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti. Pit 1.
Model brewery, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, pl. 11 [2].
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti. Pit 1.
Statue of seated man, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30971.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, pl. 11 [3].
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti. Pit 3.
Coffin of Khety, usurped by Khuensokari, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28131 (JE 36320).
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Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, 127. De Buck, Coffin Texts i, iii, [S 6 C].
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti. Pit 3.
Mummy-mask of Khety, usurped by Khuensokari, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36279.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, pls. 26-7 [1].
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti. Pit 4.
Outer coffin of Nakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28129 (JE 36317).
Texts, Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, 135-7.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb. 7. Nakhti. Pit 4.
Inner coffin of Nakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28128 (JE 36318).
Texts, Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, 138-42; de Buck, Coffin Texts iii, iv [S 16 C].
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb 8. Khu.
Coffin of Khu, with man leading dog on one side, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36445.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, pl. 29 [lower].
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb 14. Wepwautemhet.
Coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45063.
Texts, Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, 164-6.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb 20. Ankhef and Itef-ib (as Tef-ibi in Bibl.).
Large statue of Ankhef, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36284.
Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, 188-9 pl. 36.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb 20. Ankhef and Itef-ib (as Tef-ibi in Bibl.).
Statuette of woman, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36280.
Van Dijk, J. C. in Reed, D. W. (ed.), Spirit of Enterprise. The 1990 Rolex Awards fig. on 213.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb 20. Ankhef and Itef-ib (as Tef-ibi in Bibl.).
Coffin of Ankhef, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36319.
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Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Tomb 20. Ankhef and Itef-ib (as Tef-ibi in Bibl.).
Coffin of Itef-ib, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36444.
Capart in Chron. dg. Jan. 1933, 69 figs. 4-6.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Various.
Coffin of Mesehti, from Tomb 23, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36446.
Texts, Chassinat and Palanque in MIFAO xxiv, 218-219.
Asyt. Tombs below Tomb of Khety II. Dyn. IX-XII. Various.
Mummy mask of Khety-iker, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Evers, Staat i, pl. 3.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Wall fragments and Stelae.
Fragment of wall, three figures of Iam-Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20769.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 400.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Wall fragments and Stelae.
Stela of Dhutmosi, from Hogarth excavations in 1907, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38934.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ini, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Sentuser, usurped by Ipi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44019.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Hepzafa, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Possibly = Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 109-110.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Shems, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44978.
Decan list, Neugebauer and Parker, Egyptian Astronomical Texts i, pls. 22-3. Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xvi
(1916), 105-14 No. 144; de Buck, Coffin Texts iii, pl. ix [S 11 C].
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Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.

Henten, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44981.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 105-14 No. 142; de Buck, Coffin Texts i-ii, iv-vii [S 14 C].
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Thauau, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44979.
Star-clock with decan list, Neugebauer and Parker, Eg. Astronomical Texts i, pls. 18-19. Texts, Kamal in Ann.
Serv. xvi (1916), 105-14 No. 143.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Thauau, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45064.
Star-clock, etc. Neugebauer and Parker, Eg. Astromical Texts i, pls. 20-1. Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xvi
(1916), 105-14 No. 161. de Buck, Coffin Texts iii, pl. ix [S 5 C]. Texts from end panels, Pogo in Osiris i, pls.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ankhef, usurped from Ir, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44980.
Texts, Kamal in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 105-14 No. 134; de Buck, Coffin Texts i-vii [S 10 C].
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ankhef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45065.
Side view, Eggebrecht, Schlachtungsbruche 289 Taf. xiii [A]. Texts, de Buck, Coffin Texts i, vi [S 12 C].
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Zeptahefankh, wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39068.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Sarcophagus of Tenainufer, limestone, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46056 (Temp. No.
Buhl, Late Egyptian Anthropoid Stone Sarcophagi 49 [E, a 11] fig. 14. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917),
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue of Khety, walking, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38979.
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Asyt. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue of Antef, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38986.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statues, no names, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38980-5.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue-base of Mesehti, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39111.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue-base of Itef-ib, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39112.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue of man, base lost, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40372 (Temp. No.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Seated statuette, alabaster, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44986.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 666.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Torso of Zedhutefankh, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 836.
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 117-18.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Offering-table of Hepzefa, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23042 (JE 39584).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 37-8.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Offering-table of Khuheny, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39113.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Various.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mask of King Hor, wood, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 333 [3322].
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Various.
Boat with hippopotamus, limestone, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Keimer in REA ii (1929), 225 fig. 19.
Asyt. Miscellaneous. Various.
Two bricks of King Menkheperre with Queen Esienkhebi, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 33049-50.
El-Mat. arya. Dyn. XXVI Tombs. Tomb 6. Es-isut. Sarcophagus Chamber.
iv.270A (addendum to. p. 62)
Sarcophagus of deceased, grey schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57478.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1933), 41-3 pl. 6.

Volume v

Deir Rifa.
Hathor-head with texts of A-oker, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38966.
Petrie, Gizeh and Rifeh 22 pls. 27b [bottom left], 27n [1].
Neighbourhood of Ab Tg and T. ima.
Statue, Hori, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 585 (JE 27692).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 105.
Neighbourhood of Ab Tg and T. ima.
Broken naos of Domitian, with hymn to god Tut on back, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Rondot in BIFAO 90 (1990), 303-37 figs. pls. xvi-xxiii. Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 122-5.
Tahta. Temple of Horus of H. et-tyt. Roman.
Two blocks with cartouches of Valerius Makanes (as Aurelius Commodus in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cartouches, Capart in Chron. dg. Jan 1940, 46, fig. 1.
Tahta. Miscellaneous.
Stela, king (cartouches blank) offers field to Thoth and goddess, with 9 lines of demotic text, Late Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65920.
El-Margha. Awld el-Sheikh.
Stela of Khui, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55607.
Vandier, Manuel ii, fig. 286 [lower left].
El-Margha. Awld el-Sheikh.
Stela of Inkertnakht and wife Iy, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55605.
El-Margha. Awled el-Sheikh.
Stela of Meru, Count, Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt, 1st Int. Period, found during construction of
the El-Farukieh canal, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55606.
Abdelrahiem, M. in SAK 31 (2003), 1-8 fig. 1 Taf. 1.
El-Mat. mar. Cemeteries.
Vase of Teti, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55889.
Brunton, Matmar pl. 38 [8, 11].
El-Mat. mar. Temple of Seth. Ramesses II. Foundation deposits.
Dummy offerings, faience plaques and pots of Ramesses II, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54354-69
and 54372-94.
Some, Brunton, Matmar pl. xlvii [45-66]. Ramss le Grand Cat. No. viii fig. on 47. JE 54354-94, Aston, D.
and Bader, B. in MDAIK 54 (1998), 21, 23 Abb. 2.2-16, 3.1-7 (= Brunton, pl. xlvii [45-66])..
El-Matmar. Temple of Seth. Ramesses II. Foundation deposits.
Plaque, semi-circular, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54370.
Ramss le Grand Cat. No. viii fig. on 48 [upper].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Matmar. Temple of Seth. Ramesses II. Foundation deposits.
Plaque, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54371.
Ramss le Grand Cat. No. viii fig. on 48 [lower].
El-Matmar. Temple of Seth. Ramesses II.
Brick from temenos wall of Ramesses-meryamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54398.
See Brunton, Matmar 63 [112].
El-Matmar. Temple of Seth. Ramesses II. Finds.
Statue of Seth animal, seated, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54351.
Brunton, Matmar on pl. 48 [38].
El-Matmar. Temple of Seth. Ramesses II. Finds.
Small stela with Ptah and Seth at each end and between them Tueris and serpent (probably Termuthis), with
row of women adoring below, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55887.
Brunton, Matmar on pl. 50.
El-Matmar. Bone Pit near Temple Area.
Fragment ivory box (?) with bulls charging in forest, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54441.
Brunton, Matmar on pl. 47 [16].
El-Matmar. Finds.
Plaque of Sethos I, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54396.
Sarcophagus of Suti, black granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Brunton, Mostagedda pl. 79.
Nazla el-Mustagidda.
Pot stand of Hetepankh, pottery, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52939.
Brunton, Mostagedda pl. 62 [8].
El-Badari. Miscellaneous.
Vase of Queen Ankhnesteti, alabaster, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48271.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Qw el-Kebr (Antaeopolis). Cemeteries A-H.
Lid of sarcophagus of Harre, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35198.
Buhl, Late Egyptian Anthropoid Stone Sarcophagi F, b.3, 114-15 fig. 67 pl. vii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 271
Qw el-Kebr (Antaeopolis). Cemeteries A-H.
Sarcophagus of Pawerdua, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43617.
Buhl, Late g. ... Sarc. i, 70-1 [E,b.6] fig. 33 . See Lefebvre in Ann. Serv. xii (1912), 85-9.
Qw el-Kebr (Antaeopolis). Cemeteries A-H.
Statue of Nakhti (called woman Inu-nakhti in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Chabn in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 222 [ii].
Qw el-Kebr (Antaeopolis). Cemetery 400.
Stela of Hatiay(?) before hippopotamus, Dyn. XVIII (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47637.
Brunton, Qau and Badari iii, pl. xxxiii [6].
Qw el-Kebr (Antaeopolis). Cemetery 400.
Mirror-handle in the form of a statuette of a woman, ivory, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 47639.
Brunton, Qau and Badari iii, pl. 36 [6].
Qw el-Kebr (Antaeopolis). Miscellaneous.
Offering-table of Nemtinakht, diorite, Dyn. II or III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48867.
Petrie, Antaeopolis 13 pl. 17 [lower].
Qw el-Kebr (Antaeopolis). Miscellaneous.
Statue, not inscribed, grey sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 193 (JE 31371).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 41. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 153 [510].
Qw el-Kebr (Antaeopolis). Miscellaneous.
Statuette of Sebknakht and wife Khety, schist, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31259.
Qw el-Kebr (Antaeopolis). Miscellaneous.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Five openwork plaques, one of Sethos I, all faience, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 31207, 31245-6, 31248-9.
El-Sawma. Cemetery.
Spoon of Nehy, Overseer of the department, etc., ivory, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bourriau and Millard in JEA 57 (1971), 31, 32 fig. 1 pl. xviii [1].
District of Akhmm. El-Salmni, Rock tombs. Ptolemaic and Roman Period.
Two tambourines with scenes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 69351-2.
Hickmann, Instruments de musique pls. 80, 97.
District of Akhmm. El-Hawwish. Tomb A.
Coffin of Minemvais, in Cairo Museum (as Minemresi in Bibl.). 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name, Newberry in University of Liverpool. Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology iv (1912), 120 [3].
District of Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Kar Pepynufer, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1669.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 126-7.
District of Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Shepsetkau good name Irerit (woman), upper part, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1585.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 63.
District of Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Mernet (woman), end of Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1580.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, pl. 76.
District of Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20024 (JE 27574).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 26-9. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 111-12 [318].
District of Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Harnakht and wife Wazetronpet (same owners as following), Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Gaballa in Ann. Serv. lxiv (1981), 10, 14 fig. 5 pl. ix. Text, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. vii (1886), 123-4 [9, 1st
District of Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Blocks (circular) of Harnakht and wife Wazetronpet (same owners as preceding), from above doorway, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa in Ann. Serv. lxiv (1981), 7, 10 figs. 1, 2 pls. i-iii. Text, Bourriant in Rec. de Trav. vii (1886), 124 [9,
2nd text].
District of Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Irt (woman), dedicated by Nemtiui, temp. Teti to Pepy I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1613.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, pl. 82.
District of Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hennuy, with wife, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1611 (JE 28812).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 83-4.
District of Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hor, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26094.
Bissing, Denkmler pl. 98.
District of Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Esitrekhes, Ptolemaic and Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22001 (JE 26874).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 1.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tabusiri-thassemset, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22005.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 3.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pshe[n]mehit, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22007 (JE 26910).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 4.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Iuuim, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22009 (JE 26881).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 10.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Zehapi, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22012.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 5.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Neferiu, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22015.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 6.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedusiri, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22016.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 6.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harunnufer, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22017.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 7.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Takhonsiy, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22023.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 8.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Irtharerau, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22025 (JE 26901).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 9.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Eshor, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22027 (JE 26895).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 10.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tshe[n]ptah, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22030.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 30.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tausiri, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22032 (JE 27085).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 11.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Worsh and Ubaste, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22034.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 11.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Zeho, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22037 (JE 27169).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 12.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Khentmehit, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22038 (JE 26097).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 12.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Zeho, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22039 (JE 26097).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 13.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tripe, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22040.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 13.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedere, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22044 (JE 26883).
See Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 40.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Shep[en]min, son of Zeho and Tarepit, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 14.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tshe[n]hor, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22051 (JE 26903).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 16.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Paetom, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22052 (JE 26065).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 16.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Esmin, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22053 (JE 26909).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 16.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tha, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22054.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 17.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pshe[n]tehe, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22057.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 18.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hor, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22059.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 19.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Espemu, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22067.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 20.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hartesnakht, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22069 (JE 27068).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 21.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ahmosi, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22070 (JE 26948).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 22.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pahi, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22072 (JE 26096).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 23.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedekhons(?), Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22074 (JE 26925).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 24.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harerau, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22076 (JE 27073).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 24.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nekht-Haremhab, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22077.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 25.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ze-Inhertefonkh, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22087.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 27.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hutmehit, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22090 (JE 29153).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 28.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Interau, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22093.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 28.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harm[em]hab, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22094 (JE 26917).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 29.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pamehit, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22095 (JE 27078).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 29.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hor, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22098.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 30.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harsiesi, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22099.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 30.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
P-het, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22114 (JE 26886).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 34.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Dhutmosi, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22116 (JE 26906).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 34.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harsezem, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22120.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 35.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Esmin and family, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22122.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 35.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hor, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22123 (JE 27113).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 36.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hathor-Iaamun, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22124.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 36.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tedesenmin, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22125.
Kamal,Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 37.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hor, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22128.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 38.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nebenhyt, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22129.
See Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 112.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Neferho, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22130.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 38.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Esakhet (?), Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22132 (JE 27090).
See Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 114.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Unnufer, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22133 (JE 26908).
See Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 114-15.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hor, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22134.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 39.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Kerrer...[t]efnakht (?), Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22135.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 38.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tshe[n]dhoutsotem, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22136
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(JE 27145).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 38.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tehin, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22138.
See Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 120.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Usiriwer, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22139 (JE 26907).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 40.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ankhti, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22140.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 40.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Eshor, Ptolemaic and Roman Periods, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22141 (JE 29338).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 41.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Eshor, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22142.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 41.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pakerer, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22143.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 41.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nufer, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22145.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 42.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Esmin, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22146 (JE 26901).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 43.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Zeho, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22147 (JE 26941).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 44.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Petehar[p]ekhrad, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22148 (JE 26944).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 45.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tut, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22150.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 46.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pesnezemibsash, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22151.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 46.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harimhotep, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22152 (JE 26885).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 47.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Eshor, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22153.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 47.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Zeho, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22155.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 143.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hor, Iker and Tarenufer, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22157.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 48.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22171 (JE 26174).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 150-1.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Kerenza, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22172.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 51.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Irtharerau, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22174.
See Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 153-4.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Petesi, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22185 (JE 37593).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 52.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Zeho, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22209 (JE 37581, 29331).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 72.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Eskhons, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22212 (JE 37584).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 74.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ta-Dhout and sister Tuthor, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22238
(JE 29333).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 216-17.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name lost, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22154 (JE 26894).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 50.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name lost, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22168.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 51.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name lost, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22169.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 51.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Zeho, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22037.
Texts, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. viii (1886), 160 [30].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. viii (1886), 163 [35].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. viii (1886), 164-5 [40].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Dekhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. viii (1886), 164-5 [42].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedeinheret, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31095 (JE 25060).
Spiegelberg, Demot. Insch. i, pl. 5.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harwoz, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31109.
Spiegelberg, Demot. Insch. i, pl. 8.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Esiwert, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31155 (JE 27167).
Spiegelberg, Demot. Insch. i, pl. 19.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Unnufer, Priest of Min, date uncertain, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26873.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pefteu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29328.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xiv (1893), 29 [xlii].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harmehef (demotic) Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55941.
Bresciani in Studi Classici e Orientali ix (1960), 119-21 fig.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Neferthentut, probably Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28001 (JE 28803).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 1.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ankhnes, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28002 (JE 29007).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 5-7.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Iuu (Herib), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28003 (JE 28811).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 8-9.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Theti (Kahap), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28004 (JE 28813).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 1.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Seni, probably temp. Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28005.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 2.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Henti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28006 (JE 28810).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 2.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Sinehut and Mery, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28007 (JE 29008).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 20-1.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Hetept, end Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28008 (JE 29009).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 3.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Keri, probably temp. Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28009 (JE 29010).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 24-5.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ip-khredu (Ipi), Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28010 (JE 29011).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 26-7.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Sent and Merut, Middle Kindom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28011 (JE 29012).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 4.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Bekheni, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28012 (JE 29013).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 29-30.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Nebtiotef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28013 (JE 29014).
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 3.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Theti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28014 (JE 29015).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 33.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Henyt, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28015 (JE 29016).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 4.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Shepsi Shepsipumin, Dyn. VIII to 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28016 (JE 29017).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 35.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Ini, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28017 (JE 29018).
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 36.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Mert-tefes, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28018.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 37.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Shepsi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28019.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 37.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Thetoker, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28020.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 38-9.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Name lost, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28021.
See Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 40.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Mummy-case of Piuenhor, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 325 [3260].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Coffin and bier of Pinezemib, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Maspero, Guide (1915), 325-6 [3261 and 3263] fig. 106.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Board from bird-coffin with cartouches of Caesar Germanicus (Caligula), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Gaillard and Daressy, Faune momifie 143-4.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Bird-coffin with offering-scenes, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29796.
Gaillard and Daressy, Faune momifie 142-3 pls. lxi-iii.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Sarcophagus of Zeho, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29314 (JE 66747).
Maspero and Daressy, Sarc. ii, pls. 22-4. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 268 [1299].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Coffin of Zeho, son of Espekashuti, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26030.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Coffin of Pedehor, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26032.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Unnufer, son of Ankhunufer, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Theti, wood, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 221 (JE 28855).
Anc. Eg. fig. 126; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 46.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Antef, probably 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 448 (JE 29144).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 74.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Sennufer, crouching. Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 556 (JE 26025).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 103-4.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Not inscribed, end of Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 153 (JE 28816).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pls. 45-8.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Uninscribed, probably Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 220.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pls. 45-8.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Female statue, nude, arms, feet and base lost, wood, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 223.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pls. 45-8.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Not inscribed, end of Old Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 229 (JE 28991).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pls. 45-8.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Female statue, nude, arms and feet lost, wood, end of Old Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
225 (JE 28994).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 149 pl. 47.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Female statue, nude, right arm lost, wood, end of Old Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
228 (JE 28992).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 150 pl. 47.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Not inscribed, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 233 (JE 28990).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 153.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Not inscribed, end of Old Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 454 (JE 29195).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 75.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Not inscribed, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 778 (JE 28854).
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 87.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Het, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26008.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Userkenankh (as Osorkonankh in Bibl.), Kings son, lower part, alabaster, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 91300.
Texts, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. ix (1887), 91 [70].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Nekhtmin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23108 (JE 26004, 40499).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 24.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Esmin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23121 (JE 40506).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 29.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Esmin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23122 (JE 40507).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 29.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Dhutmosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23124 (JE 40508).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 30.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Haremhab (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23126 (JE 40512).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 31.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Imhotep, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23130 (JE 40518).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 32.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Sebkhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23137 (JE 40525).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 34.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Wazitemhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23148 (JE 40535).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 37.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Shpenhor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23152 (JE 40538).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 39.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Harashekhet and Iuzani (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23160 (JE 27081).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 41.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Eshor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23161 (JE 40548).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 41.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Nefereit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23162 (JE 40549).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 41.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Tausiri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23163 (JE 40550).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 41.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Harnakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23164 (JE 40551).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 42.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tutu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23165 (JE 28974, 40552).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 42.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Zeho (two fragments), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23166, 23172 (JE 40553, 40558).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pls, 42, 44. See de Meulenaere in Chron. dg. xxxiv (1959), 246 [II].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Pedekhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23167 (JE 40554).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 43.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Nas, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23169 (JE 27093).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 43.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Pedekhonsiy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23170 (JE 40556).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 44.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Ahmosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23171 (JE 40557).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 44.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Zeho, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23172, see entry for CG 23166 above.
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pls, 42, 44. See de Meulenaere in Chron. dg. xxxiv (1959), 246 [II].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23196 (JE 27121).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 50.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Tashe[n]min, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23200 (JE 26005).
See Kamal, Tables doffrandes 140.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Shpe[n]min, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23219 (JE 40588).
See Kamal, Tables doffrandes 150.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Pahet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. viii (1886), 159-60 [29].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Architrave of Merery with four figures of deceased standing with staff, Dyn. VI or 1st Int. Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1624.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 45-6 Bl. 84.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Architrave from facade (?), of tomb of Niankh-min Memi (same person as following), Dyn. VI or 1st. Int.
Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1586.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 64 Bl. 78.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Upper part false door of Niankh-min Memi (same person as preceding), Dyn. VI or 1st Int. Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1587.
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 64.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Relief, woman with basket, probably 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1636.
Kanawati, The Rock Tombs of El-Hawawish viii, 61 fig. 33 [a] pl. 12 [b].
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Block of Psammuthis, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57173.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Various.
Obelisk of a queen, probably Berenice II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17032 (JE 43771).
Kuentz, Oblisques pl. 16.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Various.
Stand of Sinebesankh, faience, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3618 (JE 30385).
Bissing, Fayencegefsse 1 fig.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Various.
Hypocephalus of Pahesi, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9443 (JE 30615, 10699).
Varga, E. in Miscellanea ... de Meulenaere 189-90 figs. f-h, 10. Texts, Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 49-50.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Various.
Model boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4804 (JE 29025 (?)).
Roeder, Models of Ships and Boats pl. iii.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Various.
Models, granary and house, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28839.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 327 [3274-5]. Granary, Darby [etc.], Food; the gift of Osiris ii, fig. 11.8.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Various.
Bier of Pinezemib, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., see entry for coffin of
same above.
Maspero, Guide (1915), 325-6 [3261 and 3263] fig. 106.
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Statuette of dancing-girl, with pigtail, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37756.
Macramallah, Le Mastaba dIdout figs. 6, 7.
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Statue of blind harper, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44419.
Reisber in JEA vi (1920), 117-18 pls. 14, 15 [1-4]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 319 [3155].
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Irnes and Shemat, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48030.
Wainwright in Ann. Serv. xxv (1925), 164-6 pls. 1-3.
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Ipi and Miut, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48031.
Wainwright in Ann. Serv. xxv (1925), 164-6 pls. 1-3.
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Khunes, Overseer of disputes, and wife Sathet, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48032.
Wainwright in Ann. Serv. xxv (1925), 164-6 pls. 1-3. Text, Fischer in Wiener ZKM lvii (1961), 72-4 fig. 1.
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Ankhnespepy, good name Neni, and jamb from same with woman, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 57193 (JE 37737) (stela), CG 57194 (jamb).
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 16 [1].
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Neferthebzu, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43756.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 16 [2].
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Henu, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45968.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 17 [1].
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of man and wife (names lost), 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45969.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 17 [2].
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Meryt, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45970.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 18 [1].
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Meri, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45971.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 1 [2].
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Setha-weha, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48870.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 21 [1].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Heny and wife Iy (?), 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48871.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 21 [2].
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Intkemt kau, Royal ornament, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88889.
Settgart in MDAIK xix (1963), 14.
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Sheditef and wife Peryt, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 20 [2].
Nagel-Deir. Cemeteries. Various.
Stela of Ruzemkebeh, overseer of troops, 1st. Int. Period, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, now in
Krakw, Museum Archeologiczne, MAK/AS/1438.
Settgart in Mitt. D.I: Kairo xix (1963), pp. 9-11, Abb. 2, pl. III.
Sheikh Faraq.
Coffin of Theby from tomb SF 5105, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45967.
Kamal in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 125-7 [i].
Sheikh Faraq.
Coffin of Iku from tomb SF 5124, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48868.
Sheikh Faraq.
Coffin of Satha (?) from tomb SF 5106, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48869.
lad el-Sheikh.
Stela, King and Queen before Min, Horus, and Sekhmet, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 22194 (JE 37572).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 67 (called Gza).
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Double-statue, two men, not inscribed, Dyn. V (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43752.
Boreux in Mlanges Maspero i [2], pl. 3 [3], cf. p. 812.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Crouching statue of Minmosi (?), temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 548
(JE 28431).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 91.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Double-statue of Turoy, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1141 (JE 27656).
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 234-5 [126]; ii, Taf. 53 [c]. Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 78-9.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Squatting statue of Smenti, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46799.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Fragment from kneeling statue of Tentpaut, dedicated by her son Nebneteru, New Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1215.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 112.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Double-statue, Onuris and Mehit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39214 (JE 27580).
See Daressy, Statues de divinits 301.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Tomb of Inhertmosi. Temp. Merneptah.
Squatting statue of Inhertmosi holding naos with statue of Amenophis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 582.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 100.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Tomb of Inhertmosi. Temp. Merneptah.
Statue-group of Inhertmosi with Sekhmetnefert and Tawerhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1093.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, pp. 53-4.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Tomb of Inhertmosi. Temp. Merneptah.
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Fragment crouching statue of Inhertmosi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1136.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 74-5.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Temple.
Statue of Sekhmet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Sayce in PSBA vii (1885), 172.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Hepi, with man offering bowl to deceased, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Antef with wife Neferbak, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1603.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, Bl. 81. Dedication text, Sethe, Urk. i (1933), 229 [5 (145) K].
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Ibi with wife, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1642 (JE 28806 bis).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 105-6.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Idui, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1607.
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 81.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Neferruz-bau and wife Isi, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1648.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches II, 109-110.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of man, name lost, with wife Ankhnes, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1595 (JE
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, Bl. 80.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Impy and wife, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1598 (JE 28808).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 75.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Shedetef-oker, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1601.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 78 Bl. 81.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of an Overseer of the libation-chambers (?), name lost, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
1646 (JE 28807 bis).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches II, Bl. 86, p. 108.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Mery, with mother Nefer-menzut, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1609.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 82.
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Shema, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43755.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 19 [2].
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Inhertnakht, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43757.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae pl. 20 [1].
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Sebi with son Nefernehesi, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43754.
Dunham, Nag el-Deir Stelae 71-2 [59] pl. 19 [1].
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Weha with wife Kedet-tefes, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1600.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, Bl. 81. Names and titles, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. ix (1887), 89 [61].
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Theni, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1627.
Names and titles, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. ix (1887), 89 [62].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Mery and wife Henuyt, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1644.
Names and titles, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. ix (1887), 89 [63]. See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii,
Nagel-Mashyikh (Lepidotonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Fragment from offering-table of Minmosi, black granite, [temp. Ramesses II], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 23095 (JE 29195).
Texts, Kamal, Tables dOffrandes 81-2.
Gebel el-Tarif. Quarry.
Block with scene of man carrying crocodile, and demotic text, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 11 pl. 9 [upper].
Sohg. Miscellaneous.
Statue of Amenophis III, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 742.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 137. Royal titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 241.
El-Manshh (Ptolemais Hermiou).
Lower part red granite obelisk of Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17029 (JE 44264).
Kuentz, Oblisques 59-60 pl. 15.
El-Manshh (Ptolemais Hermiou).
Fragment stela of Hartefnakht, Dyn. XXVI (as Hartefkhepesh and Ptolemaic in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 22178.
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 156.
El-Manshh (Ptolemais Hermiou).
Stela of Hor, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88493.
See Munro, P. Die Sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 319.
El-Manshh (Ptolemais Hermiou).
Cover of box for offerings in the form of a serpent, black granite, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer pl. 39 [left]; Maspero, Guide (1915), 214 [964] fig. 76.
District of Girga. Sanahra (Kafr el-Dawar).
Royal head, basalt, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 90007.
Josephson, J. in MDAIK 48 (1998), 95 Taf. 18 [a] (as Apries). See The Egyptian Museum, Cairo in ten years
1965-1975, 27.
Bowl with name of Snefru, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Garstang, Tombs of the Third Egyptian Dynasty pls. 25 [middle lower right], 27 [near bottom].
El-Manshh (Ptolemais Hermiou).
Block with names of scribes, used as jamb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Garstang, Tombs of the Third Egyptian Dynasty 33, 58 pl. 28 [top right].
Sararwa. Cemeteries. Old Kingdom and Dyn. XIX.
Pyramidion of Nebmertef, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35634.
Garstang, Tombs of the Third Egyptian Dynasty 67 pl. 33 [bottom left].
Beit Khallf. Cemetery K. Dyn. III. Zoser-Neterkhet.
Clay sealings, Dyn. III kings, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34895-34900.
Kahl, J. et al. Die Inscriften der 3. Dynastie 18-21, 24-7 figs. [Ne/Be/12, 13, 15, 21-3] (from Kaplony).
Girga District. El-Mah. sna. Predynastic and Protodynastic Cemetery.
Figurine, ivory, Predynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41228.
Ayrton and Loat, Pre-Dynastic Cemetery at El Mahasna 26 pl. xi [1]. See Brief Descr. No. 6201.
Vase with Horus-name of Snefru, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name, Morgan, Recherches ii, 259 fig. 863.
Seated statue of Wezai, Dyn. VI (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 783 (JE 31675).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 144.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Mahasna. Various.
Jamb of Ini, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1620.
Gardiner MSS 28.277 [right] (photo.). Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 91.
El-Mahasna. Various.
Jamb of Ipeti, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1614.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 86.
El-Mahasna. Various.
Relief, with Ptahhotp from hippopotamus hunt, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1621.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 91-2 pl. 83.
El-Mahasna. Various.
Head-rest of a Unique friend, diorite and alabaster, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1806 (JE
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 220.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Chamber M. 69. Temp. Peribsen.
Female statuette, ivory, Dyn. I-III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36133.
Petrie, Abydos ii, pl. ii [2].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Chamber M. 69. Temp. Peribsen.
Glazed figure, baboon holding child, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Abydos ii, pl. iv [lower right].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Chambers M. 64, 65, 89. Partly Predynastic.
Hawk, slate, Predynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Abydos ii, pl. ix [205].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Remains of VIth Dynasty Temple.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Plaques from foundation deposits of Pepy I and II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36139, 36138.
Petrie, Abydos ii, pl. xxi [12, 13].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Middle Kingdom.
Bock from shrine of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre, King holding nhh and papyrus roll, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 25044.
See Habachi in MDAIK xix (1963), 17.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Middle Kingdom.
Block from shrine of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre, King kneeling with two vases of milk before cloaked god, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25045.
See Habachi in MDAIK xix (1963), 17.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Middle Kingdom.
Colossal Osiride statue of Sesostris I, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 429 (38230 of Daressy) (JE
Le Mus. g. ii, 34 [A] pl. 13 [C]; Daressy, Statues de divinits pl. 12; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 70.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 8 [12].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains.
Plaques from foundation deposits of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36136-7.
Petrie, Abydos ii, pl. xxiii [6-8].
Abydos Site. Temple of Amenophis I, dedicated to Amosis.
Block with Amenophis I before Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36334.
Petrie, Abydos ii, pl. lxii [bottom].
Abydos Site. Temple of Tuthmosis III and Amenophis III.
Block with legs of deities and head of queen below, probably temp. Mentuhotp-Nebhepetre, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Petrie, Abydos i, pl. lxiv [bottom right].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Temple of Nektanebos I.
Re-used block, Ramesses III and his mother Tiy-Merenesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36339.
Petrie, Abydos ii, pl. xxxv [8], cf. pp. 19, 36.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Temple of Nektanebos I.
Fragments of two seated statues of Nektanebos II, limestone, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Abydos i, pl. lxx [12].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Temple of Nektanebos I.
Fragments of double-statue of a deity (as princess in Bibl.), Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36359.
Petrie, Abydos i, pl. lxx [13, 14]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 115-16 [336].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Temple of Nektanebos I.
Bust of Nektanebos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36208.
Petrie, Abydos iii, pl. xxviii [4].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Road to Portal of Ramesses II.
Stela, year 2 of Neferhotep I, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6307.
Petrie, Abydos ii, pls. xxviii-xxx, cf. p. 30 [200].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Road to Portal of Ramesses II.
Fragment of stela, Neferhotep I before Min, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20601.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 47; ii, 241.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Road to Portal of Ramesses II.
Seated statue of Tuthmosis III, upper part lost, left on spot by Mariette, now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Laboury, D. La Statuaire de Thoutmosi III (1998), 286-7 [C 108] fig. 169. Texts, Mariette Abydos ii, pl. xxi
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Road to Portal of Ramesses II.
Lower part of stela of Tuthmosis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34007.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. xxxi. Text, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 13-14.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Road to Portal of Ramesses II.
Stela, year 4 of Ramesses IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48876.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pls. xxxiv, xxxv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 196 [780].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Road to Portal of Ramesses II.
Ear-rings of Ramesses XI (as XII in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52323-4 (JE 6085-6).
Mariette, Album du Muse du Boulaq on pl. 30; Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries pl. 27. See Maspero, Guide (1915),
435 [4060].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Road to Portal of Ramesses II.
Historical stela of Sheshonk, grandfather of Sesonchis I, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 66285.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pls. 36, 37. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 200 [796].
Abydos Site. West Gate of Enclosure.
Lintel of Sethos I before Osiris, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32091.
Brand, P. J. The Monuments of Seti I (2000), 185 [3.61] figs. 15, 93. See Mariette, Abydos ii, 33.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Small Temple of Ramesses II (as Portal in Bibl.).
Stela of Reditankhu, with ink text, temp. Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91248.
OConnor in Expedition xii (1969), fig. on 33 [left].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Small Temple of Ramesses II (as Portal in Bibl.).
Stela of Nebt-het-tekhti (woman), Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91251.
OConnor in Expedition x [1] (1967), fig. on 16 [upper].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Remains. Small Temple of Ramesses II (as Portal in Bibl.).
Part of stela with double scene of Khay and wife Kaia, and voyage to Abydos, New Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 91254.
OConnor in Expedition xii [1] (1969), fig. on 32 [top right].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds.
Stela of Mentuhotp, temp. Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20539 (JE 15205).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pls. 41-2; ii, 150-8. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 116 [360].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds.
Stela of Sehetepebre, temp. Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20538.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 40; ii, 145-50. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 117 [363].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds.
Stela of Queen Iuhetibu, mother of Sebkhotp II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36332.
Ayrton, Currelly, and Weigall, Abydos iii, pl. 13.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds.
Stela of Sebkhotp IV before Min, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20146.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 13; i, 172.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Statues.
Statuette of Khufu, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36143.
Saleh, Hauptwerke No. 28 fig. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 449-50 [4244].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Statues.
Lower part from seated statue of Isesi (Zadkare) with Horus-name, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Petrie, Abydos i, pl. lv [2].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Statues.
Statue of Sebkemsaf I, with bas-relief of son Sebkemsaf on plinth, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 386.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 5-6 pl. 61. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 102 [282].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Statues.
Fragment from statue of Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 751 (JE 2078).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 74 pl. 139.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Statues.
Osiride statue of Merneptah, head lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 557.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 104-5 pl. 94.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Statues.
Squatting statue of Inhertnakht, head lost, dedicated to Mehitwert, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 126 pl. 155.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Various.
Head, large, pottery, Protodynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Abydos ii, pl. xi [261].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Various.
Fragments from columns of Antef VIII, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36333 and
Temp. No.
Petrie, Abydos i, pl. lv [3-5].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Various.
Blocks from lintel or offering-table of Sesostris I, re-used Dyn. XIII, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36331.
Petrie, Abydos i, pl. lv [9].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Various.
Votive axe-head with cartouche of Queen Sitioh, wife of Tuthmosis III, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 21966.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. xl [c].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Various.
Naos with statue of Ptahmosi, black granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 70038.
Roeder, Naos pl. 40 [b]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 127 [419].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Various.
Blocks from jamb (as door in Bibl.) of Ramesses II offering to Osiris-emblem, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 18067-92.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 186-7 [722-3].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Various.
Lintel of Sethos I, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 18067-92.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 185 [703].
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Various.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block with Ramesses II kneeling before Osiris, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 10074.
See Mariette, Cat. No. 1130.
Abydos Site. Osiris Temple. Finds. Various.
Vase with Asiatic on camel carrying vases, green faience, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 3830 (JE 22250).
Bissing in ZS xxxviii (1900), 68-9 fig. See Maspero, Guide (1883), 417 [6148].
Abydos Site. Km el-Sult. n. Stelae.
Weni Khezezi, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1619.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, Bl. 17. Text, Mariette, Cat. No. 533.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sult. n. Stelae.
False door of Pepynakht, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1573.
Mariette, Album du Muse du Boulaq No. 11; Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 51-2 Bl. 75.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sult. n. Stelae.
Neferseshemptah Sheshi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1404.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 65-7 Bl. 17.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sult. n. Stelae.
v.50A (moved from v.266)
Khenu and wife Heteput good name Pates, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1615
(JE 72242).
Fischer in JARCE i (1962), 9, 17-18 fig. 3 pl. ii; Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 87-8 Bl. 83.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Nuu Itefsheri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1617.
Vandier, Manuel ii (1954), 441 fig. 285 [upper right].
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Iuu, Dyn. VII-VIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1576.
Vandier, Manuel ii (1954), 441 fig. 285 [upper left]; Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 57-8 pl. 75.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Senbet, Noblewoman of the King, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1450.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 135-6 Bl. 34.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Sefekhi, Sole companion, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1507.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 212-13.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Antef, year 30 of Amenemhet I and year 10 of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20516.
Mariette, Album du Muse de Boulaq 28; Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. 35; ii, 108-11.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Snefruiptah, year 15 of Sesostris III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20686 (JE 18525).
Mariette, Album du Muse de Boulaq 37; Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. 53; ii, 312-13.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Senaaib (Menkhaure) before Min Dyn. XIV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20517.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 27 [right]; Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 111-12. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 111 [312].
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Iu with wife Hatshepsut, daughter of Queen Nefert II, perhaps wife of Sesostris II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20394 (JE 15108).
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 46. Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 390-1.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Nakhti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20099.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 119-21.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
v.50A (moved from v.268)
Sankhenptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20153.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, 180-1 pl. 14.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
v.50A (moved from v.269)
Siamun, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20188.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. 16; i, 217-18.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
v.50A (moved from v.267)
Remenyankh Kemes, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20748.
Vandier, Manuel dArch. g. ii, fig. 296 [upper right].
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Nebwaui, temp. Tuthmosis III to Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34017 (JE 6135).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 36-7 pl. 11. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 117-18 [406].
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Nebwaui, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34018 (JE 2014).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 37-8 pl. 11.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Senenioh, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34008.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 15-16 pl. 6.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Stela, priests carrying bark of Ramesses II (as Amenmesse in Bibl.), with female musicians with tambourines
below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8774.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 52 [right].
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Lintel of Pasahta (same as following), with cartouches of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. 32 [bottom].
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Pasahta (same as preceding), temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Name and title of deceased, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. 53 [bottom].
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Meresyotf with Ramesses III, and Setnakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 20395.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 52 [left].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Stelae.
Paankh, temp. Ramesses XI (as Dyn. XXI in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 57 [right].
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Statues.
Upper part of seated statue of queen (?), diorite, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 255 (JE
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 163-4 pl. 55.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Statues.
Usernianket (as Userenanket in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 465
(JE 18553).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 55-6 pl. 77.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Statues.
Group statue, two men, Ibi, Harwernakht and three women, Kaseni, Ka..., and Mert, Middle Kingdom, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 705 (JE 20267).
Scott III, Temple, Tomb and Dwelling 76-7 [42] fig. (this (or a cast)). Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten
iii, 45-6.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Statues.
Amen-a, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 462.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 77.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Statues.
Peninheret, kneeling with measuring cord, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 711.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 49 pl. 131. See Brief Descr. No. 6135.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Statues.
Yuny, kneeling holding sistrum, probably temp. Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 728.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 62-3 pl. 135.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Reliefs.
Block of Wezai (as Wenema? in Bibl.), Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1591.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Texts, Mariette, Cat. No. 537; Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 70.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Reliefs.
Blocks from tomb of Siesi, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32944.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Offering-tables.
Ankhu, Senbef, Amenyankhu and Hemnesptah, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 23047 (JE 39806).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 42-3.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Offering-tables.
Nakhti and Biti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23057 (JE 18523).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 50-1.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Offering-tables.
Sekerhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23058 (JE 21061).
Drioton, in Miscellanea Gregoriana 78, fig. 4. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 51-2.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Offering-tables.
Dedukhnum, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23059 (JE 39597).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 52.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Offering-tables.
Dedusobk, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23035 (JE 39581).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 17 [3.4] pl. 9. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 28-9.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Offering-tables.
Queen Sitioh, wife of Tuthmosis III, dedicated by Thekerti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23034 (JE
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 27 pl. 14.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Various.
Vase of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 16028.
Texts, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 96 [right].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Various.
Vase of Ay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3689.
Bissing, Fayencegefsse 27.
Abydos Site. Km el-Sultn. Various.
Scribes palette of Dhout, wood, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Cat. dAbydos 584 [1486]. See Maspero, Guide (1906), 282.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Finds of later date.
Stela of Khnemnakht, year 7 of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20518 (JE 25079).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. 35; ii, 113-14.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Finds of later date.
Stela, It-ka and Sennuankh, Dyn. XIII-XIV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20397.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. 28; i, 395-6.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Finds of later date.
Shabti of Amenemhab, quartzite, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Abydos ii, pl. 32 [10], cf. p. 35.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Finds of later date.
Statuette covered with gold leaf, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ayrton, etc. Abydos iii, pl. 28 [7], cf. p. 52.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Ibis Cemetery.
Five ibis-vases, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29808-12.
Gaillard and Daressy, La Faune momifie de lantique gypte 148-52 pls. lxiv, lxv. See Maspero, Guide (1915),
288 [3035A-E]. Two, Wallis, Eg. Ceramic Art pl. 8, figs. 34-5.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Stela of Songstress of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6299.
Texts, Mariette Cat. No. 1194.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of a Songstress of Osiris, with deceased before Osiris, Horus, Wert-Hekau and Isis, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 18527.
Text, Mariette Cat. No. 1196.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Stela of Songstress of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Mariette Cat. No. 1175.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Stela of Tamerpenaes, Songstress of Osiris, dedicated by Hori, Scribe, year 27 of Ramesses XI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Mariette Cat. No. 1173.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Stela of Songstress of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Mariette Cat. No. 1189.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Stela of Songstress of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Mariette Cat. No. 1179.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
3 stelae of Songstresses of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Mariette Cat. Nos. 1177, 1184, 1183.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
4 stelae of Songstress of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Mariette Cat. Nos. 1186, 1185, 1187, 1190.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Stela of Paya, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Mariette Abydos ii, pl. 62 [right]. Text, Mariette, Cat. No. 1191.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Two stelae of Songstress of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Mariette Cat. Nos. 1182, 1180.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Stela of Nubkhesbed, Songstress of Osiris, probably Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Mariette Cat. No. 1192.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Stela, Henut libating before aniconic (?) divinity, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 60 [a]. Name, Mariette, Cat. No. 1224.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Stela of Songstress of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Mariette Cat. No. 1195.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Stela, two Songstresses before Mekitre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Voyage on 34 [middle]. Text, Mariette Cat. No. 1176.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
3 stelae of Songstresses of Osiris, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Mariette Cat. Nos. 1178, 1188, 1193.
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Cemetery of Songstresses. Finds.
Clay shrine of Harsankh, with scenes of women with sistra before Osiris-nebzet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 70041.
Roeder, Naos 135-7 pl. 45 [a].
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Middle Fort. Temp. Peribsen.
Sealing of Sekhemib-Perenmaet, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34951.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ayrton, Currelly, and Weigall, Abydos iii, 39-40 pl. ix [2].
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Protodynastic Cemetery.
Cylinder seal, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Tombs of the Courtiers 4-5 pls. 2 [4], 3 [11].
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Protodynastic Cemetery. Zer-Group.
Label of Zer, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Tombs of the Courtiers 4 pls. 2 [8], 12 [1].
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Protodynastic Cemetery. Zer-Group.
Labels, chessmen, etc., of Mernesut, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47177 (label).
Petrie, Tombs of the Courtiers 4 pl. 2 [12-17], pl. 7 [1-6].
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Protodynastic Cemetery. Wazit (Zet)-Group.
Comb of Wazit (Zet), ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47176.
Petrie, Tombs of the Courtiers 4 pl. 2 [445], 12 [5].
Abydos Site. Shnet el-Zebb. Protodynastic Cemetery. Wazit (Zet)-Group.
Adze, copper, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Tombs of the Courtiers 4 pl. 3 [7].
Abydos Site. North Cemetery of Mariette. Tomb of Ameny. Dyn. XII, usurped later.
Statuette of Osiris, dedicated by Pbik, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38413.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 111 pl. 21.
Abydos Site. North Cemetery of Mariette. Tomb of Ameny. Dyn. XII, usurped later.
Statuette of Osiris, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38414.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 111 pl. 21.
Abydos Site. North Cemetery of Mariette. Tomb of Ameny. Dyn. XII, usurped later.
Statuette of Hersu, gilded, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 715 (Temp. No.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 52-3 pl. 132. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 212 [892].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Dedusobk, year 10 of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20026.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 26 [b]. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 33-4.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v. 57A (moved from v.266)
Nakht, year 10 of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20515.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 35
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Antef, temp. Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20561.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 45; ii, 194-6.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Nakht, temp. Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20526 (JE 17055).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 37.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Amen[em]het, year 2 of Amenemhet II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20541 (JE 12644).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 39; ii, 161-2.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Mentua, year 13 of Sesostris III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20733 (JE 18504).
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 363-5.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.57A (moved from v.268)
Sebkemsaf, temp. Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20536.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 39; i, 142-4.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.56A (moved from v.264)
Hetep, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20014 (JE 18512).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 2; i, 14.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Amenemhetsonb and Nesumontu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20233 (JE 20257).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 18; i, 253-5.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Amenemhetsonb-Antiemwesket, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20100.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 10; i, 121-2.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.263)
Amenhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20639 (JE 22140).
Lieblein, Dict. No. 1846.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20393.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 28; i, 389-90.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Ankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20143 (JE 20966).
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 168-9.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.57A (moved from v.263)
Ankhu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20050.
Vandier, Manuel ii, fig. 296 [upper left].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Antiemhet and Tetu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20088.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 8; i, 105-7.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.57A (moved from v.264)
Antiuihotp Nemtiuhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20206 (JE 20949).
Names, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1576.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.268 where as stela of Renefsonb and Bebi)
Bebi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20719.
Vandier, Manuel ii, fig. 296 [upper middle].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Deduneshmet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20052 (JE 19770).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 5; i, 62-3.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.264)
Dedusobk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20596 (JE 21905).
Vandier, Manuel ii, fig. 299 [top right].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.264)
Haremhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20606 (JE 17058).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 48.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Ibia, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20086 (JE 11254).
de Rouge, Inscr. Hiero. pl. ccci [3]. Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 101-3.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (v.265)
Ibu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20658.
Lieblein, Dict. No. 1785.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Ipankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20177 (JE 22062).
Vandier, Manuel fig. 296 [lower right].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.265)
Ipusheri, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Lieblein, Dict. No. 1582.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.57A (moved from v.265)
Iuy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20198 (JE 20332).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 16; i, 225-6.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Keki and relatives, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20266.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 284-5.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.266)
Kemni, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20758.
Names, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1812.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Kheperkare, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20531.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 38; i, 133-5.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Kheperkare Kemhu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20141 (JE 19771).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 13; i, 166-7.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Khety, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20324.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 24; i, 336-7.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Mentuhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20697 (JE 12642).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 53; ii, 325-6.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Nehemse-ubaste, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. pl. lvii [bottom].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.57A (moved from v.267)
Nehsinufer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20295 (JE 15097).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 22; i, 308.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Nemty, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20605 (JE 20403).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 48; ii, 243-4.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.57A (moved from v.267)
Nenrenf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20524 (JE 15102).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 37; ii, 124-5.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Nesumontu, son of Penneti (mother), wife Sitmontu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 154.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Nesumontu, Mayor, son of Redisobk, Mayor, and Senebebet, (wife Senbet), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20532 (JE 12643).
de Roug, Album Photo. pl. 150. Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 135-6.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Nubenptah, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20568 (JE 15103).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 45; ii, 205-6.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.267)
Paynakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Lieblein, Dict. No. 1859.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.57A (moved from v.267)
Ptahwer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20061.
Lieblein, Dict. No. 1579.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.56A (moved from v.268)
Rensonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1647 (JE 22161).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 50; ii, 85. Lieblein, Dict. No. 1572.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.268)
Renufer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20563 (JE 19768).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 45; ii, 198-9.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.57A (moved from v.268)
Ruz, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20514.
Vandier, Manuel ii, fig. 289 [lower left].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.268)
Sehetepebre, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1505.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Senankh and Minnufer (as Seniankh and Minnofer in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20284.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 21; i, 299-300.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.268)
Senbeb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1779.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Senbsumai, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20459 (JE 19767).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 32; ii, 58-9.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Titi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20556.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 44; ii, 288.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
User and Nakhti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20756 (JE 20235).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 58; ii, 389-91.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Wahka, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20549 (JE 21035).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 19 [28.1] pl. 41. Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab
und Denksteine ii, 177-9.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Wernebkemui, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20089.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 8; i, 108-9.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Middle Kingdom.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

v.57A (moved from v.270)
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20440.
Vandier, Manuel ii, fig. 299 [bottom right].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Nebtkabny nursing Princess Sitamun, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34117.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 169-70 pl. 53.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Sethos I before Osiris and Isis, and below Hor kneeling before Anubis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 51 (called 57).
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Ramesesemperre, temp. Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 50.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Pentawer, year 1 of Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 49 [right].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Roma, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 63. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 288-9 [5].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
v.58A (moved from v.264)
Hatiay, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Vandersleyen, Das Alte gypten Abb. 307. See Mariette, Cat. No. 1054.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Paheripezet, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 19772.
Text, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. 34 [upper]. Names, Lieblein, Dict. No. 629.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Inhertmosi, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8784 (as from Saqqra).
Mariette, Cat. No. 1139.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Iuy, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 57 [left].
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
v.59A (moved from v.263)
Amenemopet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34104.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 159-60 pl. 50.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
v.59A (moved from v.264)
Dhutnufer, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34086.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 135-6 pl. 42.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
v.59A (moved from ii.202, then v.264)
Duau, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34093.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 143-5 pl. 44.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
Inay, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34080 (JE 18501).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 127-9 pl. 41. See Mariette, Notice (1864), 84 [69].
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
v.59A (moved from v.265)
Ipy, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34087 (JE 21973).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 136-7 pl. 43.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
v.59A (moved from v.266)
Khons, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34185 (JE 21983).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 231-2 pl. 69.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
v.59A (moved from ii.200, then v.266)
Mery, Magician, New Kingdom, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15109.
Texts, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos 410-11 [1116].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
Neferhab, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34099 (JE 18511).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 153-5 pl. 48. See Mariette, Notice (1864), 78 [56].
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
Neferhab, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34101 (JE 18502).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. 157-8 pl. 49. See Mariette, Notice (1864), 82 [65].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Neferhet, with Tuthmosis IV offering to Nut, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34022.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 42-3 pl. 13.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
v.59A (moved from v.269)
Name unknown, wife Nefertiti, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34094.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 145-7 pl. 45.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
Paser (as Pesiur in Bibl.), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34038 (JE 15114).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 72-3 pl. 24.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
v.59A (moved from v.267)
Ptahmekui, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34133.
Vandier, Manuel ii, 511 fig. 303 [upper right].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
v.59A (moved from v.267)
Py, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34112.
Texts, Legrain, Rpertoire 285.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
v.59A (moved from v.268)
Sebka, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1843.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sheri, dedicated by son Sen-dhout, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34173.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 212 pl. 64.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
v.59A (moved from v.269)
Siesi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34131.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 180 pl. 55.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
v.59A (moved from v.270)
Tapenut and her mother Taker, dedicated to Re-Harakhti, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 6298.
Names, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1272. See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 263 (as Dyn.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. New Kingdom.
Thuna, with Tuthmosis IV offering to Osiris, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34023.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 44-5 pl. 14.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
v.59A (moved from v.269)
Userhet (as Wazrenpet in Bibl.), dedicated by Userhet son of Wazronpet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1137.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae.
God Reshpu, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Spiegelberg in OLZ xi (1908), pl. opp. 527-8 [4]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 482 [4658] (called Memphis).
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Late Period.
Eswert-hekau, dedicated to Takelothis III, Third Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 21135 (JE
Texts, Barsanti in Rec. de Trav. xv (1893), 173.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae Late Period.
v.59A (moved from v.264)
Esbanebded, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22006.
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Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Text, Piehl, Inscr. Hiro. 3 Sr., lxxxiii, T.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Late Period.
Espekashuti, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22126 (JE 28101).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 109-10 pl. 37.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Late Period.
Espernub, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 282-3 Taf. 36 [132] (as Dyn. XXVI). Mariette, Cat. No.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Late Period.
Harsiesi, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22210 (JE 37582, 11233).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 202-3 pl. 73.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Late Period.
Pedesi, Third Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 21135 (JE 30435).
Texts, Barsanti in Rec. de Trav. xv (1893), 174.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Late Period.
v.59A (moved from v.266)
Taniy, woman, Dyn. XXVI, lower part in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20564, upper part in Vienna,
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Inv. 192.
Lichtheim in SAK 16 (1989), 203-15 Taf. 1, 2.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Late Period.
v.59A (moved from v.269)
Tawehet, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Donadoni in Arche, ii, fig. on 289. See Mariette, Abydos ii, No. 1295.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Late Period.
v.59A (moved from v.269)
Wenamun, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22208 (JE 34602).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 190-200 pl. lxxi.
Abydos. Monuments in Cairo. Stelae. Late Period.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ze-Inhertefonkh, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 58.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Hepy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 461 (JE 22246).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 76.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Ahysonbihzer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 468.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 78.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Sebkwer, kneeling, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 476 (JE 19765).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 79.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Khety, in cloak, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 480 (JE 6184).
Mariette, Album du Muse de Boulaq on pl. 25 [bottom right]; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 80. See
Maspero, Guide (1915), 111 [314].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Senusertsenbef, late Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 481.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 80.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Kemhu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 482.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 80.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Sis-khent, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 483 (JE 20341).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 80.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Pedestal of Harwerre, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20742.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 56; ii, 373-6.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Double-statue, Nekhtmin and wife Tiy, with offering table in front, Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 622.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 167-9 pl. 113. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 149 [504].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Osiris, dedicated by Wehebre-men, seated, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38363
(JE 21976).
Daressy, Statues de divinits 98 pl. 20.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Man holding naos containing statue of Ptah, Late Period, perhaps in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Cat. No. 377.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Khensardais, Late Period, perhaps in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Cat. No. 380.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Statues.
Osiris, seated, dedicated by Seba son of Zeesefankh, serpentine, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
38390 (JE 4880).
Names, Mariette, Cat. No. 7. See Daressy, Statues de divinits 105 (text).
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Siesi, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23006 (JE 21770 bis).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 9.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Redesobk and Mentuhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23014 (JE 20263).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 8.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Antef and Amenemhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23017 (JE 20266).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 9.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Dedusobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23018 (JE 22193).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 9.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Amenemhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23019 (JE 39571).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 10.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Nebipu and Khentkhetyemhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23022 (JE 39573).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 11.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Ameny, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23027 (JE 39803).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 12.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Rehuankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23045 (JE 39587).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 39-41.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Mentuhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23048 (JE 39588).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 43-4.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Khentemsaf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23060 (JE 19784).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 52-3.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Dedusenusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23065 (JE 20971).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 55-6.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Dedunub, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23066 (JE 17076).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 56-7.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Iuf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23070 (JE 20995).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 59-60.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Ptahnakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23072 (JE 39604).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 60-1.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Antef and Wepwauta. Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23081 (JE 39609).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 18.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Si-Hathor (?) and Nekhtsobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23096 (JE 40491).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 82-3.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Senusert, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names, Mariette, Cat. No. 1349.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Offering-tables.
Redenptah, Dyn. XIII (as Late Period in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23210 (JE 40582).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 17 [7.3] pl. 16. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 1467.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Naos of Iuf, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70036 (JE 20991).
Roeder, Naos 122-5 pl. 41 a. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 104-5 [313].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block with ink text of Sisobk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names, Mariette, Cat. No. 632.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Naos of Hekanufer, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70039 (JE 12647).
Roeder, Naos 129-33 pl. 42.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Ushabti of Ptahmosi, Vizier, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48406.
Newberry, Funerary Statuettes 343-5 pl. 27; Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer (1912), pl. 66 [left]. See Maspero,
Guide (1915), 347 [3381].
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Fragment of lintel from tomb of Ankhi with sister Rennu. Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name and titles, Mariette, Cat. No. 1148.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Canopic-jar of Ptahmosi, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name, Mariette, Cat. No. 1454.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Dummy canopic-jar of Harwoz, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4426.
Name, Mariette, Cat. No. 1455. See Reisner, Canopics 260-1 (text).
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Three canopic-jars of Renpetnufer (as Renpetnefert in Bibl.), Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Name, Mariette, Cat. No. 1456. See Reisner, Canopics 205-7 (texts).
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Canopic-jar of Takhart, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name, Mariette, Cat. No. 1460.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Coffin of Unnufer, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Buhl, Late Egyptian Anthropoid Stone Sarcophagi 94 [F, a8]. Texts, Mariette, Cat. No. 1371.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Coffin of Es-Tefnut, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6291 (Temp. No.
Buhl, Late Egyptian Anthropoid Stone Sarcophagi 111 [F, b1], fig. 65. Texts, Mariette, Cat. No. 1372.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Coffin of Sehetem (?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Buhl, Late Egyptian Anthropoid Stone Sarcophagi 137 [D, 4]. Texts, Mariette, Cat. No. 1373.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Situla of Irtharerau, bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3453.
Bissing, Metalgefsse 19-20 fig.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Situla of Pedemonkh, bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3460.
Bissing, Metalgefsse 23 fig.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Pyramidion of Pedesi, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Notice (1864), 193-4 [1]; Mariette, Cat. No. 1435.
Abydos Site. Monuments in Cairo. Various.
Couch with mummy and Nephthys standing at end, of Thepu, painted limestone, Dyn. XX-XXI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 48496.
Newberry, Funerary Statuettes 378 pl. xxviii. Mariette, Cat. No. 519.
Abydos Site. North Cemeteries of Amlineau. North West of Km el-Sult. n.
Seven stelae with scenes of conducting etc., three with demotic texts, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 32993-9.
See Amlineau, Les Nouvelles Fouilles dAbydos (1895-6), 37 (no details given).
Abydos Site. Cemetery C of Peet.
Stela of Nebankh with harper Theni-a, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43461.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Peet, Cemeteries of Abydos ii, pl. 23 [5].
Abydos Site. Cemetery B of Peet.
Stela of Sebkhotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43941.
Peet, Cemeteries of Abydos iii, pl. 14 [6].
Abydos Site. North Cemetery of Frankfort. Tomb of Rensonb. Hyksos Period.
Statuette of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49793A.
Frankfort in JEA xvi (1930), 219 pl. 38.
Abydos Site. North Cemetery of Frankfort.
Stela of Shenay, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49803.
Frankfort in JEA xiv (1930), 235-8 pl. 20 [3].
Abydos Site. Cemetery E of Garstang.
Stela of Yiy (called Pawaen in Journal dEntre), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39069.
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 18 [19.5] pl. 29.
Abydos Site. Cemetery E of Garstang.
Statuette of hippopotamus with lotus decoration, faience, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Decoration, Keimer in REA ii (1929), 222 [20] fig. 15.
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.
Stela of Petebekis, with demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 50030 (JE 39092).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 6 Taf. iv [left].
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.
Stela, deceased before Anubis, Horus, Osiris, and Isis, with Greek and demotic texts, Ptolemaic or Roman
Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50033 (JE 39091).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 7 Taf. v. [right].
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.
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Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Pashenusiri, Anubis presents mummy to seated Osiris, with Isis, with demotic text, Ptolemaic or
Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50043 (JE 39091).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inschriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 13-14 Taf. x [left].
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.
Stela, two people before Osiris and Anubis, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39104.
Abdalla, Graeco-Roman Funerary Stelae 29 [42] pl. 18.
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.
Stela, three people between two Anubis mummies, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 39105.
Abdalla, Graeco-Roman Funerary Stelae 42 [81] pl. 33 [A].
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.
Stela, deceased with two figures of Anubis, Horus, Osiris, and Isis, and demotic text, Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 39084.
Abdalla, Graeco-Roman Funerary Stelae 17 [1] pl. 1 [A].
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.

Stela of
, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39754.
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.
Stela of Hekety-redes, Middle Kingdom(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39755.
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.
Harwoz, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41332 (Temp. No.
Leahy, A. in GM 108 (1989), 49 fig. 2.
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of woman before Re-Harakhti, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41331.
Abydos Site. Late Cemetery of Garstang.
Offering-table of Ze-ubastefankh, sandstone, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41438 (probably
= Temp. No.
Abydos Site. Cemetery D of Randall-MacIver. Boundary Stela of Neferhotep I.
Stela with date of year 4(?), Dyn. XI or XII, usurped by Neferhotep I, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20786 (JE 35256).
Randall-Maciver and Mace, El Amrah and Abydos 63-4, 84, 93-4 pl. 29; Leahy, A. in JEA 75 (1989), 41-60
fig. 1 pls. vi, vii [1].
Abydos Site. Cemetery D of Randall-MacIver. Tomb of Esenkhebi, daughter of Sabacon. Dyn. XXV.
Fragments of coffin, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34431 (Temp. No.
See Leahy, A. in GM 83 (1984), 43 (name and titles); Randall-Maciver and Mace, El Amrah and Abydos cf. p.
Abydos Site. Cemetery D of Randall-MacIver. Finds.
Wand with hunting-scenes of King Sebkay[re](?), ebony, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9433
(JE 34988).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques pl. 11. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 358 [3502].
Abydos Site. Amlineau excavations.
Fragment of 3 jambs and lintel of Peksather, daughter of Kashta and Pabama, and wife of Piankhi II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 32022-3.
Leahy, A. in Eyre, C. et al. Studies ... Shore 178-82, XXIV, XXV, figs. 2, 3. Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav.
xxii (1900), 142 [clxxiv].
Abydos Site. Sheikh Nassir Cemetery. Finds.
Fragment from walking-stick of Inheret, ebony, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66710.
Name and title, Boulos in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 250.
Abydos Site. Central Section. Small Temple.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Part of lintel, Psammetikhos I before Osiris-nebankh and Horus, and Nitocris before Osiris-Onnophris and
Isis, with name of Pedehorresnet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 19769, 20040.
Mariette, Abydos i, 5 [6] pl. 2 [b].
Abydos Site. Central Section. Small Temple. Finds.
Stela of Unnufer and wife (as sister in Bibl.) Tiy called Nefertere, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34505.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 41.
Abydos Site. Central Section. Small Temple. Finds.
Lintel of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Notice (1864), 239 [33].
Abydos Site. Central Section. Small Temple. Finds.
Remains from naos of Nektanebos II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70017 (JE 32092).
Roeder, Naos 50-2 pl. 52 [a, b].
Abydos Site. Central Section. Small Temple. Finds.
Naos of Nektanebos I and II, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70018 (JE 32018).
Morenz, Gott und Mensch (1984), Taf. 43. Texts, Roeder, Naos 53-5.
Abydos Site. Central Section. Small Temple. Finds.
Jamb of Siesi, same person as following, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 53 [c]. Titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 19.
Abydos Site. Central Section. Small Temple. Finds.
Fragments from tomb of Siesi, same person as preceding and following,
Egyptian Museum, JE 34417, a-c.
Titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 20.

temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo,

Abydos Site. Central Section. Small Temple. Finds.

Fragment with name of Siesi, probably same person as preceding, with cartouche of Tuthmosis IV and 13 lines
of text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35259.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Central Section. Eastern Ridge. Cemetery T of Peet (Garstang Excavations).
Stela of Harwoz, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41332.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Tomb of Weni. Temp. Teti, Pepy I, and Merenre I. Hall.
Blocks from wall with biographical text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1435 (JE 6304, 34570).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 115-19 Bls. 29-30. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 46-7 [85].
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Tomb of Weni. Temp. Teti, Pepy I, and Merenre I. Hall.
False door, with name as Weni-wer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1574.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 53-4 Bl. 75.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Tomb of Weni. Temp. Teti, Pepy I, and Merenre I. Hall.
v.72A (moved from v.94)
Statue, head lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 175.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 122-3 pl. 39.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Tomb of Weni. Temp. Teti, Pepy I, and Merenre I. Hall.
Two obelisks of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1309-10.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 6 Bl. 2; Kuentz, Oblisques 2-3, 4-5 pl. i. See Maspero, Guide (1915),
45 [83 B].
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Tomb of Weni. Temp. Teti, Pepy I, and Merenre I. Hall.
Slab, from false door, with 2 lines of text naming his son Iuu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1643.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 106 Bl. 85.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Ptolemaic Tomb.
Block with upper part of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1670.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 127 Bl. 88.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Ptolemaic Tomb.
Stela of Pedesuk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6297.
Mariette, Cat. No. 1318.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Ptolemaic Tomb.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Pedekhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mariette, Cat. No. 1319.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Ptolemaic Tomb.
Stela of Si[t]hep, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mariette, Cat. No. 1320.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Ptolemaic Tomb.
29 statuettes of Osiris, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
Iuu and Queen Ankhmes-Pepy, wife of Pepy I, temp. Pepy I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1439 (JE
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, Bl. 31.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
v.72A (moved from v.266)
Nebt (Bebi), temp. Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1519.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 221.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
v.72A (moved from v.265)
Iti, with deceased seated, followed by her son Pepysonb, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1590.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 69 Bl. 78. Titles, Mariette, Cat. No. 530.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
Ni-Pepy, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1579.
Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 43 [right]. Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 60 Bl. 76.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
v.72A (moved from v.266)
Mery, rough stela, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1592.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 79 Bl. 79. See Mariette, Cat. No. 551 (inaccurate).
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
v.72A (moved from v.266)
Nakhty, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20012.
Vandier, Manuel ii, fig. 287 [middle upper].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
Kesty-pesesh, 2nd Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20121.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 11; i, 143-4.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
Igaihotp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20149.
Texts, Lange and Schfer Grab und Denksteine i, 185-7.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
Nekhtankhi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20341.
Lange and Schfer Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 26; i, 352.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
v.72A (moved from v.267)
Renefankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20753.
Lange and Schfer Grab und Denksteine ii, pl. lvii; ii, 387.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
Nehy, with 36 columns of Pyramid Texts, Dyn. XIII-XIV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20520.
Lange and Schfer Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 36; ii, 116-22.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
Ramesses IV before 12 divinities, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48831.
Korostovtsev in BIFAO xlv (1947), 156-60 pls. i, ii; Mariette, Abydos ii, pls. 54-5 [a, b]. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 193 [757].
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
Shrine in form of stela of Irtharerau, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70028 (JE 3451).
Bianchi, R. S. Splendors 169 fig. Texts, Roeder, Naos 110-11.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Stelae.
A king followed by mummy, before Osiris, Min, and Isis, with Greek text below, unfinished, 1st century
A.D.(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9247.
Milne, Greek Inscriptions 68-9 pl. 10.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Statues.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nezemib, double-statue, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 219.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 145-6 pl. 45.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Statues.
Antefoker, head lost, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 63.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, 55-6 pl. 16.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Statues.
Osiris, not inscribed, black granite, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Cat. No. 5.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Statues.
Nephthys, alabaster, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38926.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 235 pl. 47.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Vase with cartouche of Teti, beloved of the Ram of Mendes, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Texts, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1464. See Holz and others, Mendes i, 81 [217].
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Bowl with cartouche of Merenre, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1465.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Offering-table of Pepynakht, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1330.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Offering-table of Pepi, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1331.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Offering-table of Sheshi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Name, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1332.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Offering-table of Weni, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1333. See Piacentini, P. Lautobiografia de Uni 77-8.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Block (stela ?) from tomb of Khui, temp. Pepy II or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1578
(JE 28077).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 59-60 Bl. 76. Name, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 525.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Block with text of Weni, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 541. See Piacentini, P. Lautobiografia de Uni 87.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Jamb from tomb of Idinakhty, temp. Antef III (as Antefa VI in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20502.
Texts, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 544. Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 93.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Jamb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20503.
Texts, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 545. Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 94.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Offering-table of Sehetepebre-sonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1341.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Lintel (?) of Ptahemhab, with deceased kneeling before Osiris-emblem, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Part of text, Vercoutter in BIFAO xlviii (1949), 152 [xlv] with n. 1 (from copy by Clre)
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Seven ushabti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Texts, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos Nos. 412-19.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Ushabti with cartouche of Eset[nefert] (as Isit[nefert] in Bibl.), wife of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Texts, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos Nos. 412-19. Cartouche, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 115.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Offering-table of Ze-esef-onkh, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23107 (JE 21977).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 24.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Votive pyramid of Roy, Head of bowmen, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 48840.
Rammant-Peeters, Pyramidions 24-5 [Doc. xxi] pls. xvi [43]. Text, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1432.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Votive pyramid of Amenemopet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Rammant-Peeters, Pyramidions 31-2 [Doc. 29] pl. xix [54-5]. Name, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1433.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Votive pyramid of Harsiesi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 19776.
See De Meulenaere in Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux 20 (1968), 2 [Doc. 2]. Name, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Three complete canopic jars and one lid of Esamun, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 4646-9.
See Reisner, Canopics 330-3 (texts). Name, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1459.
Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Plaque of woman Dimutkharo adoring Mehit as fish, bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Sketch, Wilbour MSS 2 D, 6 [upper]. See Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1494.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Middle Cemetery of Mariette. Monuments in Cairo Museum. Various.
Couch of Mery (?), grey serpentine, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Name and title, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 520. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 348 [3383] (called Maya).
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Tombs. Neb... (woman). Dyn. XVIII.
Jewellery, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Ayrton, Currelly, and Weigell, Abydos iii, 50-1 pl. xvii.
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Tombs. Minmosi. Temp. Ramesses II.
Block with deceased adores Osiris and Horus [= Amlineau No. 15], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 32024.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 474 [4 (e)]. See Legrain in Rec. de Trav. xxxii (1910), 31 [Doc.27].
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Tombs. Minmosi. Temp. Ramesses II.
Sarcophagus lid of Khnemuis, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35260.
See Petrie, Abydos i, 34.
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Tombs. Zeho. Dyn. XXX.
Sarcophagus of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Petrie, Abydos i, 37-8.
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Tombs.
Sarcophagus of son Harwoz, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6288 (Temp. No.
Petrie, Abydos i, 39, 49 pls. 79 [7], 75 [middle right].
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Tombs.
Sarcophagus of son Pedenesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Petrie, Abydos i, 39, 49 pl. 75 [middle left].
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Tombs. Zeho. Dyn. XXX.
Sarcophagus of son Pedusiri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Petrie, Abydos i, 39.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Tombs. Zeho. Dyn. XXX.
Hypocephalus, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38355.
Petrie, Abydos i, pl. 79 [57]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 361 [3591].
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Finds.
Lintel [from tomb] of Nezem, with deceased and wife Tuy adoring Osiris and Anubis, New Kingdom (?), in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 730.
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Finds.
Jambs from tomb of Si, end of Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No., 2.
Texts, Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 1 sr. lxxxi A, B.
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Finds.
v.76A (moved from v.279)
Stela, Si and Smentaui, end of Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21772 (Temp. No.
Gaballa in MDAIK 35 (1979), 75-80 Taf. 16 [a] figs. 1, 2. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 189 [740].
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Probably from this Cemetery.
Double-statue of Unnufer I and father Mery, granite, temp. Sethos I and Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 35257.
Randall-MacIver, El Amrah 85 pl. 37 [middle].
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Probably from this Cemetery.
Head from sarcophagus, marble, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Randall-MacIver, El Amrah 86 pl. 37 [bottom right].
Abydos Site. Cemetery G of Petrie. Probably from this Cemetery.
Sarc ophagus of Henu, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Randall-MacIver, El Amrah pl. 37 [middle right].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer.
Stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34992.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Newberry in PSBA xxxvi (1914), 31 [6] pl. 3 [1].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer.
Serpent head, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34915.
Petrie, Royal Tombs ii, pl. vi [2].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer.
Bracelets of a queen, found in north wall of tomb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52008-11
(JE 35054).
Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 10-15 pls. 5, 6; Maspero, Guide (1915), 426-7 [4000-3] fig. 122.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Finds of Later Date.
Sarcophagus of Osiris, with Horus name of Zadi-kheperu, black granite, temp. Nektanebos II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 32090.
Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer pl. 37 [b]; Maspero, Guide (1915), 173-4 [621] fig. 60.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Subsidiary tombs.
Stela of Sezeb-neit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Royal Tombs ii, pl. xxvi [52]. See Kaplony, Die Inschr. der g. Frhzeit ii, 184 [St. 52], 645.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Subsidiary tombs.
Stela of Mert-ka, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Royal Tombs ii, pl. xxvi [61]. See Kaplony, Die Inschr. der g. Frhzeit i, 184 [St. 61], 505.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Finds of Later Date.
Four vases with scenes of priests before Osiris, mostly of Unnufer, Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 32055-8.
Amlineau, Nouvelles Fouilles (1897-1898), pls. xxxv-xxxvii.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Finds of Later Date.
Vases with hieratic texts in ink, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32060-6, 32082.
Amlineau, Nouvelles Fouilles (1897-1898), pl. xxxviii.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Finds of Later Date.
Vase and fragments, with cartouches of Osorkon I (as II in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 32068-9.
Amlineau, Nouvelles Fouilles (1897-8), pl. xxiv [2, 3, 5].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Finds of Later Date.
Vase of Minmosi, brother, and son Parahotp, with mythological text, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 32054.
Amlineau, Nouvelle Fouilles (1897-8), pl. xxxv [3, 7, 8].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Finds of Later Date.
Vase of Siesi with hieratic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32059.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Finds of Later Date.
Large amphora of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32067.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Finds of Later Date.
Vase-fragment, with cartouche of Sesonchis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32070.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Finds of Later Date.
Vase-fragment with priest adoring Osiris and gods of Abydos, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32072.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Zer. Finds of Later Date.
Four fragments from circular altar-base with plants, and text of a 1st prophet of Osiris (name lost), faience, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32080.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Peribsen.
Royal stela, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35261.
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Petrie, Royal Tombs ii, pl. 31. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 300 [3068].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Peribsen.
Sealing of Peribsen, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32034.
Amlineau, Nouvelle Fouilles (1897-8), on pl. xx; Petrie, Royal Tombs i, frontispiece.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Peribsen.
Stone vases of Peribsen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14444-7 (JE 32039, 32043, 32042).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 267-8 pl. 57.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Queen Meritneit.
Great stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34550.
Petrie, Royal Tombs i, 25 frontispiece. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 301 [3076].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Wazit (Zet)-Iti.
Sealing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Royal Tombs i, pl. 18 [3].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Wazit (Zet)-Iti.
Ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Royal Tombs i, pl. 10 [8].
Abydos. Umm el-Qaab. Tomb of Wedemu (Den)-Semti.
Necropolis sealing with names of Kings Narmer, Aha, Djer, Wadjit, Den, and Queen Meritneit, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 99068.
G. D[reyer] in Rummel, U. (ed.), Meeting the Past. 100 Years in Egypt. German Archaeological Institute Cairo
1907-2007 (2007), 75 [55] fig. and fig. 7 [a] (line drawing).
Abydos. Umm el-Qaab. Tomb of Wedemu (Den)-Semti.
Label (called tablet in Bibl.) fragments, upper part of king from hunting scene, ivory, one fragment with head
of king and part of text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34909.
G. D[reyer] in Rummel, U. (ed.), Meeting the Past. 100 Years in Egypt. German Archaeological Institute Cairo
1907-2007 (2007), 73 [53] fig. JE 34909, Petrie, Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties ii (1901), pl. vii [9].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Wedemu (Den)-Semti.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

v.84 (same piece as CG 14586 on v.84. All references moved here.)
Tablet of King, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14586 (JE 31581).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 287 fig. and on pl. lix. See Maspero, Guide (1912), 285 [3053].
Abydos. Umm el-Qaab. Tomb of Wedemu (Den)-Semti. Later finds. Deposit of objects of Kenamun (TT
93). Temp. Amenophis II.
Ushabti coffin of Kenamun, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 99080.
D[reyer] in Rummel, U. (ed.), Meeting the Past. 100 Years in Egypt. German Archaeological Institute Cairo 19072007 (2007), 90 [73] fig.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Kaa.
Stela, black granite, Dyn. I-II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14631 (JE 31860).
Quibell, Archaic Objects pl. 62. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 299 [3066].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Semerkhet-Semsen (Semempses).
Stela, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14633 (JE 31861).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 297 pl. 62.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Kaa.
Cylinder-seal, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34936.
Petrie, Royal Tombs ii, pl. xii [5].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Kaa.
Tablet of King, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35801 (probably).
Petrie, Royal Tombs ii, pls. viii [3], xii [6].
Abydos. Umm el-Qaab. Tomb of Kaa.
Four labels of King, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 99160-3.
G. D[reyer] in Rummel, U. (ed.), Meeting the Past. 100 Years in Egypt. German Archaeological Institute Cairo
1907-2007 (2007), 74 [54] fig.
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Kaa.
Gaming-reed with Libyan, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34386.
Pritchard, The Ancient Near East in Pictures fig. 44 (says Cairo); Petrie, Royal Tombs i, pl. xii [12].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Kaa.
Stela of Sabef, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34416.
Petrie, Royal Tombs i, pl. 30, 36 [48], on 31. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 301 [3077].
Abydos Site. Remains from Debris and various Royal Tombs.
Stela of Shedi-ka, Dyn. I-II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14602.
See Kaplony, Die Inschriften der g. Frhzeit i, 194 [St. 169].
Abydos Site. Remains from Debris and various Royal Tombs..
Stelae, Dyn. I-II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14603-30, 14632 (JE 31862).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 290-3, 295-7 pls. 60-2. Stela of Hep, Nibbi, Ancient Egypt and some Eastern Neighbours
pl. 12. Stelae of dwarf Hep, and stela of dog, see Maspero, Guide (1915), 301 [3074-5].
Abydos Site. Remains from Debris and various Royal Tombs..
Clay-sealing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 11216.
Kaplony, Die Inschriften der g. Frhzeit ii, 1097; iii, pl. 14 [29E].
Abydos Site. Remains from Debris and various Royal Tombs..
Sealings, Den and Azab-Merpaba, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31854-5.
Abydos Site. Remains from Debris and various Royal Tombs..
Vase sealings of Dyn. I kings, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34809-25.
From Petrie.
Abydos Site. Remains from Debris and various Royal Tombs..
Vase-fragments of Dyn. I kings, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34904-10, 34931-3.
From Petrie.
Abydos Site. Mound of Heqreshu.
Offering-table of Sesostris I, dedicated to Mentuhotp V, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 23005 (JE 32019).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 5-6.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Umm el-Qaab. Tomb of Scorpion. U-j.
Two inscribed jar labels, ivory, Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 99070, 99071.
G. D[reyer] in Rummel, U. (ed.), Meeting the Past. 100 Years in Egypt. German Archaeological Institute Cairo
1907-2007 (2007), 69 [49] fig.
Abydos Site. S. Section. Various.
Vase of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3666 (JE 21982).
Text of Sesostris I, Bissing, Fayencegefsse 17.
Abydos Site. South Section. Various.
Vase of Hatshepsut, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 16027.
Mariette, Voyage on pl. 34 [lower left].
Abydos Site. South Section. Various.
Seated statue-group, Haremhab, Osiris, Isis and Re Harakhti, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Eaton-Krauss, M. in SAK 11 (1984), 501-8 figs. 1-6 Taf. 23-4. See Brief Descr. (1946), 113 [6018].


Abydos Site. South Section. Various.

Seated statue-group, Haremhab, Osiris, Isis and Horus, not inscribed, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 49537.
Capart, LArt Egyptien ii, Statuaire pl. 364.
Abydos Site. South Section. Various.
Stela of Neferronpet, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Labib in Ann. Serv. xxxvi (1936), 194-6 pl. Text, Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 3 sr. xc [right] - xcii [left].
Abydos Site. Shrine of Queen Tetisheri.
Great stela of Tetisheri with grandson Amosis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34002 (JE 36335).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 5-7 pls. 2, 3. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 125-6 [415].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
v.93A (moved from v.265)
Idi (same man as following 2), Vizier, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1457.
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Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 145-6 Bl. 35.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
v.93A (moved from v.263)
Idi (same man as preceding and following), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1575.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 55-6 Bl. 75.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Idi (same man as preceding 2), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1577.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 58 Bl. 76.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Seshnen, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1645 (JE 29255 bis).
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xiv (1893), 20 [xv].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Idi good name Iti, probably middle Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1581
(JE 27660).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 61 Bl. 77.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Kai (woman), Royal acquaintance, probably end of Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1584 (JE 28113).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 63 Bl. 77.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Kaiuza called Iuri, middle Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1582 (JE 27659).
Kanawati, The Rock Tombs of El-Hawawish vi, 59 fig. 28 [a] pl. 12 [a]. Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten
Reiches ii, 62.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Id (same man as following two), Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1500.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 205 Bl. 43.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Id (same man as preceding and following), Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1514
(JE 28069).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 218.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Id (same man as previous two), Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1518 (JE 28077).
Texts, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 220.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Rerut good name Rerut (woman), Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1498 (JE 28111).
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 202-3.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Idi with wife Wedhu, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1588.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 66-7 Bl. 77.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nebt (woman), 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1589.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 68 Bl. 78.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Man and wife, names lost, with remains of offering text, almost destroyed, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1593.
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 71.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Neferhab and wife Hekat-hotp, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1594.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 72 Bl. 79.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name (?), Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1618.
Vandier, Manuel ii, fig. 286 [lower right].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

v.93A (moved from v.266)
Neferhor Senusert, in form of building or sarcophagus with tiny block statue in niche, late Dyn. XII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20704.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 331; iv, pl. liii.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Snefruiptah, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20446 (JE 28104).
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 42.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Sonb, with texts from Chapters xviii-xx of Book of the Dead, fragment, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20738.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 369-70.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Res, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20735.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 366-7.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Iykhernefert, year 1 of Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20140.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 165-6; iv, pl. xiii.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
King Merhotpre, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20044 (JE 27578).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 165-6; iv, pl. 5.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Bebi, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20669 (JE 20942).
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 297-8.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Atian(?) and wife Iti, Middle Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49637.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
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Kahirkhent, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20220.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 17.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Khety, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20388 (JE 21060).
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 384.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nekhtsobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20729 (JE 25070).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 359-60; iv. pl. 55.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
v.93A (cf. also v.270)
With text of decree of Haremhab, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34162.
Hari, Horemhab 305 fig. 83. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 203-4.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Huy, Dyn. XVIII or XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28091.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xi (1889), 90 [xxxvii].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hori, First Prophet of Osiris, etc., son of Unnufer I, same title, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Name and titles, Legrain in Rec. Trav. xxxi (1909), 213-14 [Doc. 14].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Panekhuemtaui and Nebamun, both Stone-patchers, lower part, temp. Ramesses II or later, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 21801.
Gaballa in BIFAO 71 (1972), 135-7 fig. 5 pl. xxvii.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Paser before bark of Amosis, year 14 of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43649.
Legrain in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 161-2 pl. See Brief Descr. No. 6313.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

No name, fragment, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xi (1889), 89 [xxxvi].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Family of Unnufer I, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 32025.
Gaballa in Glimpses of Ancient Egypt. Studies ... Fairman 43, 46 [ii] pl. ii.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Yuny, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34620.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xx (1920), 129.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Bak, fragment, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25135.
Text, Maspero in Rec. de Trav. iii (1882), 111 [v].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ma, son of Panehesi, with deceased offering to Osiris, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Names, Lieblein, Dict. Supp. 2118.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nebamun, with tree-goddess scene, pyramidal stela, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Radwan in Studien ... Westendorf ii, 823-4 [1] Taf. 1. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 180 [653].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nekhtamun (as Nakht-Hor in Bibl.), kneeling before bark containing Osiris, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 28107.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xi (1889), 92 [xlii].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
v.93 (also i2.721)
Ipuy, with a king and queen seated with Amun-Re at top, Dyn. XX(?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
ern in BIFAO xxvii (1927), 171-2 pl. 3.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedegardenen, dedicated to Re-Harakhti, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 19783.
Texts, Mariette, Cat. dAbydos No. 1268.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hori, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25129 (Temp. No.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Esamun, with bark of Khons, and 8 lines of text, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Mutnefert (woman) adoring Osiris, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28100.
<Notebook 1953, I, 3>>
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pamai (as Pemu in Bibl.), fragment, probably temp. Piankhy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Name and titles, Daressy in Ann. Serv. v (1904), 93.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Small stela, deceased led by Anubis to Osiris emblem, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Rer, son of Espekashuti, Dyn, XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 18520.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 286 Taf. 37 [135]. Texts, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. pl. lix.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, man and woman (names illegible) before Osiris and Isis, early
Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34592.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 272.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, woman and two men (names illegible) before Osiris and Isis,
early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34593.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 272.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, two men (no names) before Re-Harakhti, probably Dyn. XXVXXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34594.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 308.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, two women and two men in adoration before Re-Harakhti, no
texts, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34595.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 275 Taf. 33 [121].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela with painted decoration, much effaced, a woman before Re-Harakhti, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 34596.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 259-60.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, two women (names not clear) before Re-Harakhti, early Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34597.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 275.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, two men (names not clear) before Re-Harakhti, early Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34598.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 277.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, much effaced, a woman before seated Re-Harakhti, Dyn. XXV,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34599.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 260.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, man (name lost) before Re-Harakhti and four Sons of Horus
on lotus, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34600.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 308.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, much effaced, woman and two men (names lost) before ReHarakhti, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34601.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 272-3.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, man, woman and son (names difficult to read) before ReHarakhti, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34604.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 269-70.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, Rer(?), son of Hor before Re-Harakhti, 2nd half of Dyn. XXVI,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34605.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 287; De Meulenaere in OLP 6/7 (1975-6), 149 [40].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, inscribed but much effaced, two men before Re-Harakhti, late
Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34606.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 273.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

v.94A (moved from v.269 (as Ta-amun))
Hartefnakht, lower part, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22173.
Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 3 sr. lxxx-lxxxi P. Texts, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 152-3.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
[Man], son of Hapi and Mertefib, before Osiris, with 7 lines of text, Late Period (?), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 36492.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Taiuu (woman), dedicated to Re-Harakhti, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36415.
Munro, Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 270 Taf. 31 [114] (as Dyn. XXVI).
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela Hari adores Osiris Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28084.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Man adores Osiris and Thoth as baboon, no texts, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 22166 (JE 17071).
Kamal, St. Ptol. 149 pl. l.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Deceased and seated deity(?) before Osiris and Anubis, demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 31087 (JE 33001).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 14 Taf. i.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Basa, demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31097 (JE 29322).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 27 Taf. v.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name lost, Anubis with mummified figure before seated Osiris followed by Isis, demotic text, Ptolemaic or
Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31102.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 36 Taf. vii.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedesmuwabi, deceased led by Anubis to seated Osiris followed by Isis, demotic text, sandstone, Ptolemaic
or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31106.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 39 Taf. viii.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name lost, son of Psais, Anubis with mummified figure before seated Osiris followed by Isis, demotic text,
Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31119.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 47 Taf. xi.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pakebis, Anubis with mummified figure before seated Osiris followed by Isis, demotic text, Ptolemaic or
Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31121.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 47-8 Taf. xi.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Petepsais, Anubis with mummified figure before seated Osiris followed by Isis, demotic text, Ptolemaic or
Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31131 (JE 29323).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 51-2 Taf. xiii (as JE
29328 in error).
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pmois, Anubis with mummified figure before seated Osiris followed by Isis, demotic text, Ptolemaic or
Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31132 (JE 25123).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 52 Taf. xiv.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Apollo (?) as mummy on couch with Anubis, and Isis and Nephthys on either side, demotic text, Ptolemaic
or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31134 (JE 33000).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 52-3 Taf. xiv.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pshenese as mummy with Anubis and Hathor conducting him to Osiris and Isis, demotic text, Ptolemaic or
Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31135.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 53 Taf. xiv.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Deceased as mummy on couch with Anubis, with Isis and Nephthys on either side, demotic text, year 7 of
Vespasian, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31138 (JE 28058).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 54-5 Taf. xv.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Panomeios led by Anubis to Osiris, demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 31140 (JE 25073).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 55 Taf. xvi.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Anubis presents two mummies to Osiris with Isis, demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 31159 (JE 28055).
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 65 Taf. xx.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Deceased led by Anubis to Osiris before offering table, Greek text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 9208.
Milne, Greek Inscr. 65-6 pl. xi.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Deceased led by Anubis to Osiris before offering table, with Isis, Greek text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9209 (JE 25606).
Milne, Greek Inscr. 66 pl. xi.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Deceased before deities, Greek text, 1st or 2nd Century AD, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9210.
Milne, Greek Inscr. 66-7 pl. xi.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Deceased led by Anubis to Osiris before offering table, with Isis, Greek text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9211.
Milne, Greek Inscr. 67 pl. xi.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Deceased led by Anubis to Osiris before offering table, with Isis, Greek text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9215.
Milne, Greek Inscr. 67 pl. xi.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Deceased led by Anubis to Osiris before offering table, with Isis, Greek text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9221.
Milne, Greek Inscr. 68 pl. xi.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pshe-enta..., demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50028.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inscriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 5 Taf. 3.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pashenta-rennutet, demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 50029.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inscriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 5-6 Taf. 3.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hatres, demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50032.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inscriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 7 Taf. 5.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tatres, demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50035.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inscriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 8 Taf. 6.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name illegible, demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50038.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inscriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 9 Taf. 8.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Petusiri, demotic text, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50049.
Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inscriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 26-7 Taf. 14.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harmosi, Servant of Osiris, and wife Taemsheri(t), Songstress of Amun, before Osiris and Isis above and two
line of text below, early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 22134.
Negm, M. in GM 158 (1997), 43-8 figs. (as Late Period).
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harsemtu, date unknown, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29258.
Text, Daressy in Rec de. Trav. xiv (1893), 28 [xl].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Goddess Neshmet, painted, date unknown, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 482 [4657].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Dedumontu-senebtifi, Vizier, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 427.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 32-3 pl. 69.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Auisheft-Hor(?), head lost, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 403.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 16-17 pl. 66.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Resu, head lost, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 428.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 33 pl. 70.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Kneeling statue, not inscribed, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 466.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 56 pl. 78.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Bases, Sebkhotp, two, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1246-7 (JE 20336, 20335).
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 128.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Termuthis nursing Amenophis I (as Horus in Bibl.), with cartouches of Amosis and Amenophis I, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 39376.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 345 pl. 63.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Siesi, same man as following, kneeling, temp. Tuthmosis IV to Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1115.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 66-7. Names, Lieblin, Dict. Supp. No. 2117.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Siesi, same man as preceding, seated, head lost, black granite, temp. Tuthmosis IV to Amenophis III, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1204.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 105-6.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Piay, kneeling. Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 619.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 164-5 pl. 112.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Head, prince or deity, alabaster, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 706 (JE 18538).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 46-7 pl. 130.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Raia (as Raya in Bibl.), squatting, head lost, with Hathor-head between legs, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 627.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 173-5 pl. 115.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Nebamun, Vizier, head lost, temp. Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1140.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 76-8 pl. 164.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Inhertmosi, First Prophet of Osiris, temp. Ramesses II, presumably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Title, Lieblein, Suppl. No. 2093.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue group, lower part, Unnufer I and family, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 35258.
Loukianoff, Une statue caryatide dUnnufer in Archaiologike Ephemeris (1956), 773-4 fig. 4. Texts, Legrain in Rec.
de Trav. xxxi (1909), 204-6 [Doc. 2].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Unnufer, upper part, granite, temp. Sethos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 766 (JE 25097).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 80 pl. 141.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Parennufer, kneeling, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 586 (JE 27584).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 141-2 pl. 105. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 125 [412].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Kanakht, base, Dyn. XIX or XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1116.
See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 67; part, Mariette, Abydos ii, pl. 56 [c].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Userhet, base, wooden, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 457 (JE 6057).
Texts, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 50-1; part, Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 77 [j].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Hor, good name Neferebre-emakhet, lower part, temp. Psammetikhos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Texts, Wainwright in Ann. Serv. xxv (1903), 259-60.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Isis, bust, grey serpentine, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Cat. 14 [77].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Trial-piece, royal head, Dyn. XXVI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33328.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 9-10 pl. 8.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Siesi, block-statue, with Osiris emblem between deities in relief on apron, basalt, temp. Ramesses III-V, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45392.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 472.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Royal head, granite, Late Period (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 599 (JE 27835).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 108.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Osiris (?) seated, dedicated by Haremesi (?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38412.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 109-10 pl. 21. Demotic text, Spiegelberg, W. Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die
demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 93.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Jamb (?) of Queen Ankhnesmeryre, wife of Pepy I, from tomb of her brother Zau, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1431.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 111-12 Bl. 24.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Block, fragment of biographical text, Old Kingdom (as Dyn. XII in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xi (1889), 84 [xxx].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Fragments with offering-texts of Ahautinufer and Paser (as Pesiur in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, De Roug, Inscr. Hiero. pl. xliv [middle].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Block, remains of four registers, grinding corn, netting fowl, counting grain, etc. Middle Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1532 (JE 28078).
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 230 Bl. 47.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Two blocks, one with bust of King Menuthotp (Nebhepetre), other with same King kneeling with vases, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45044 bis, 45045.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Block with text of Queen Ubastar[dais], Dyn. XXII (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xiv (1893), 29-30 [xliv].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Offering-table of Dedusobk and Renefsonb, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23025
(JE 39801).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 11.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Offering-table of Ibu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23036 (JE 27644).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 29.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Offering-table of Deduptah and others, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23201
(JE 12646).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 141-2.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Offering-table of Esenkhebi, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23101 (JE 35262).
Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 86.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Naos with block statue of Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70037 (naos), 477
(statue) (JE 25030).
Roeder, Naos 125-6 pl. 41 [b], cf. 48 [d]. Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 61 n. 1 pl. 79 (statue). See
Maspero, Guide (1915), 114 [330].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Magical brick of Esenkhebi (Anubis amulet) (as statue base in Bibl.), clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
9442 (JE 35012).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 49 pl. 10.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Pyramidion of Amenhotp, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32020.
Rammant-Peeters, Pyramidions 20-1 [17] pls. xi [31-2], xii [33-4].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Pyramidion with scenes of Nut in tree, and Shu carrying bark, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 32021.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Pyramidion of Esnubhotp, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
De Meulenaere in Jaarbricht Ex Oriente Lux 20 (1968), 8-9 [Doc. 8] pl. iii.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Ushabti coffin of Sennufer, early Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 46569.
Newberry, Funerary Statuettes 23-4 pl. xi.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Canopic-jar of Tabekenesi, woman, Late Period, said to come from Petrie excavations, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 36107.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Canopic-jar of Neshmet-wahes (woman), pottery, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Reisner, Canopics 168 pl. xxxviii.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Two vases, one of Thay and Roma, hieratic texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 2788.
Texts, Spiegelberg in ZS lviii (1923), 28 [v, vi].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Small rectangular bowl, with cartouche of Ramesses II, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3723 (JE
Bissing, Fayencegefsse 37-8 fig.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Fragment from box of Prince Amenhotp, son of Queen Thani and Sebkhotp IV, ebony, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 34407.
Text, Newberry in PSBA xxv (1903), 358 [49].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Palette of Hepi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 69035.
See Mariette, Cat. No. 598.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Plaque probably from mirror, Dikhar(?) (woman) before Mehit as fish, bronze, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 4591.
Munro in ZS xcv (1969), 96-7 Abb. 2.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Plaque with Bes playing tambourine, faience, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30833.
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various.
Shell of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 12829.
See Winlock in Studies ... Griffith 392 [29].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Slate Palettes. Predynastic.
6. Lower part of palette, bulls, asses, rams and trees, on recto, names of cities on verso, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 14238 (JE 27434).
De Morgan, Recherches sur les Origines ii, pl. iii opp. 264; Quibell, Archaic Objects 232-3. See Maspero, Guide
(1915), 300 [3070].
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Various. Slate Palettes. Predynastic.
Palette with rekhyt bird and boat, fragment, slate, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14238 bis.
Quibell, Archaic Objects 233 fig.
El-Gadra. Finds.
Stela of Pepy and Inpi, temp. Sesostris III (as Dyn. XII in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20683 (JE 29260).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 17 [1.5] pl. 2. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine ii, 310-11.
El-Gadra. Finds.
Stela of Ipy-ta, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29332.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xiv (1893), 23 [xxi].
El-Gadra. Finds.
Bowl and jar of Bebi, copper, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3480-1 (JE 29771, 29305).
Bissing, Metalfefsse 34. See Radwan, Die Kupfer- und Bronzegefsse gyptens 63 [162 A, B].
El-Gadra. Finds.
Squatting statuette with Osiris and Mehit, on sides, Late Period (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 29414.
El-Gadra. Finds.
Three bricks of Amosis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30627.
El-Amra. Predynastic and Protodynastic Cemeteries.
Knife-handle with representations of animals on one side and serpents on the other, covered with gold leaf,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14265 (JE 31362).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 237-8 pl. 49. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 284 [3043].
El-Amra. Finds.
Statue of man, bronze, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 450 (JE 30980).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 47 pl. 74.
El-Nawhed. Miscellaneous.
Two seated statuettes, Dyn. VI or 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89584-5.
Asfour in Glimpses of Ancient Egypt. Studies ... Fairman 7 [35, 80], 11 figs. viii [6, 5], xi [1, 2].
Gebel ElAraq. Ab Umri. Cemetery. Prodynastic.
Palette of Narmer, slate, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 71326.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kaplony in Orientalia N.S. xxxiv (1965), 132-5 pls. xix [1], xx [2].
Fakshut. Finds.
Small pillar with Bes in relief, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57450.
H (Diospolis Parva). Cemeteries East of H.
Double-statuette of Sent, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33733.
Petrie, Diospolis Parva 43 pl. 26 [W.29].
H (Diospolis Parva). Cemeteries.
Statuette, woman plaiting hair of little girl. Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33732.
Brief Descr. (1956), No. 5300 with pl. opp. 117. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 510 [5300].
H (Diospolis Parva). Cemeteries.
Model of two squatting figures and offering-table, terracotta, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51347,
Capart in Ann. Serv. xxvii (1927), 47 fig. 2.
H (Diospolis Parva). Cemeteries.
Dagger of Nibirieraut (Sewazenre), inscribed, copper, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 33702.
Petrie, Diospolis Parva 52 [82] pl. 32 [17, 22].
Dendera Site. Tomb of Ne-ibunesut. Late Dyn. III.
Smaller stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89071.
Fischer, Dendera in the Third Millennium B.C. pl. iii.
Dendera Site. Tomb of Menankh-Pepy. Temp. Pepy II. Faade.
Block, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1660 (JE 32142).
Petrie, Dendereh pl. ii [upper middle right].
Dendera Site. Tomb of Menankh-Pepy. Temp. Pepy II. Faade.
Cornice along west wall, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32147.
Petrie, Dendereh pls. ii A, xxv B.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dendera Site. Tomb of Menankh-Pepy. Temp. Pepy II. Hall.
False door with text on side, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1662 (JE 32136).
Petrie, Dendereh pls. i, ii A [bottom middle], ii [top].
Dendera Site. Tomb of Idu I. Dyn. VI. Sepulchral Chamber.
Blocks from walls, offerings with texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Petrie, Dendereh 9, 45-6 and after 66 pl. v A.
Dendera Site. Tomb of Idu II. Dyn. VI. Hall.
Slab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Dendereh pl. vii [top middle].
Dendera Site. Tomb of Neferseshem-Pepy. Dyn. VI.
Two blocks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1659, 1661 (JE 32146, 32145).
Petrie, Dendereh pls. vii [upper middle], vii A [lower middle].
Dendera Site. Tomb of Mereri. Dyn. VII. Faade.
Two blocks, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1663, 1666 (JE 32143, 32141).
Petrie, Dendereh pl. viii [bottom left and bottom middle].
Dendera Site. Tomb of Mereri. Dyn. VII. Hall.
False door, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1664 (JE 32140).
Petrie, Dendereh 16, 48 and after 66 pl. viii A.
Dendera Site. 1st Int. and Early Middle Kingdom Mastabas. Beb. Dyn. VII. Sepulchral Chamber.
Sarcophagus of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28117 (JE 32137).
Petrie, Dendereh 17-18, 56-8 pls. 37, 37 [A] - 37 [K]. Texts, Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire ii,
Dendera Site. 1st Int. and Early Middle Kingdom Mastabas. Minor tombs.
Stela of Rediuikhnum, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20543 (JE 32138).
Petrie, Dendereh 21, 51-3 pls. 15 [left] on 25B. Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 164-7.
Dendera Site. 1st Int. and Early Middle Kingdom Mastabas. Minor tombs.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statuette of Itsa, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32108.
Winterhalter, S. in Brodbeck, A. (ed.), Beitrge fr Erik Hornung aus seinem Schlerkreis 272-3, 299 [32] fig.
(from Wildung) (as Dyn. XVII and JE 32145).
Dendera Site. 1st Int. and Early Middle Kingdom Mastabas. Minor tombs.
Seated statuette of mourning woman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Dendereh 27 pl. xxi [lower middle left].
Dendera Site. 1st Int. and Early Middle Kingdom Mastabas. Minor tombs.
Block of Mereri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1658.
Dendera Site. 1st Int. and Early Middle Kingdom Mastabas. Minor tombs.
Block of Idu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1657.
Dendera Site. 1st Int. and Early Middle Kingdom Mastabas. Minor tombs.
Cup of Bebi, pottery, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3423.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Stela with mummy on couch, and two lions, demotic text, sandstone, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 46047.
Farid, Adel in MDAIK 50 (1994), 52-3 Taf. 4 [b] (as Ptolemaic or Roman Period).
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Stela, name lost, with man before offerings with text above, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1641 (JE 32193).
Sketch and text, Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 105 (incorrectly said to come from Petrie excavations).
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Block with name of Bebi, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44301.
Gardiner MSS 28.286 (photo.).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Block with three men and a woman, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44303.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Block of Nebt-tefi (woman), 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44304.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Block with Hemt(?) (woman) with lotus, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20804
(JE 44302).
Gardiner MSS 28.287 (photo.).
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Necklace with beads of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52758 (JE 45583), other half, in
Philadelphia PA, University Museum, 29.66.813.
J. W. W[egner] in Silverman, D. P. (ed.), Searching for Ancient Egypt (1997), Cat. 55 fig. See Vernier, Bijoux
et orfvreries 255-6.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Stela of woman Henutsen, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46305.
Vandier, Manuel ii, 457 fig. 289 [lower right].
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Vase of Bebi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32197-9.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Stela with 6 lines of text concerning building of Hernakht, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 46048.
Abdalla, A. in JEA 79 (1993), 249-53 fig. 1 pl. xxiv [1]. Text, Gardiner MSS 29.23.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Stela of Iteti and 3 women, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46049.
Abdalla, A. in JEA 79 (1993), 253-4 fig. 2 pl. xxiv [2].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Stela, Mereri and wife Nesut before offerings, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46050.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. University of Pennsylvania Excavations.
Abihu..., Nomarch, with named dog Watnefert, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38551.
Fischer, Dendera in the 3rd Millennium B.C. 203-5 fig. 40 pl. xxiv.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Dyn. XXVI and Ptolemaic burials.
Stela of Nezemankh, sandstone, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22084 (JE 32154).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 77 pl. 26.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Copper Caches.
Situla of a Songstress of Amun, dedicated to ram of Amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3444
(JE 32098).
Petrie, Dendereh pls. 23 [A], 24. Text, Bissing, Metalfsse 7-8.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Copper Caches.
Libation-vase, dedicated by Ramesses II, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3445 (JE 32096).
Petrie, Dendereh pl. 24 [6]. Bissing, Metalfsse 8-9.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nui with wives Hui and Ibi, early Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20805 (JE 45600).
See Simpson in JEA 60 (1974), 104-5 [13].
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pinezem (?) before Hathor-cow, upper part, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 94.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Sabacon before Hathor and Harsomtus with text of Pedienhor, possibly originally held by a statue, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 44665.
Leclant, Enqutes sur les sacerdocus et les Sanctuaires gyptiens 31-42 [III] fig. pl. 7.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
P-hof. Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46057.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 89-91 [i, ii].
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Heritaui, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 89-91 [i, ii].
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedeharsemtu, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 184.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela with mummy on bier tended by Anubis, with Isis, Nephthys, and 4 genii, sandstone, Late Period, found
by Baraize (32.7/17), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48893.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ptolemy, son of Panas, with hieroglyphic and demotic texts of Ptolemy, son of Panas, Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 31092.
Spiegelberg in ZS 50 (1912), 37 pl. ii [1]; id. Die demot. Inschr. i, 23 pl. iv.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Two Ptolemies offering to Isis, Hathor, and Horus, with two serpents below, no texts, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 40369.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ptolemy, son of Panas, trilingual stela, year 18 of Augustus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50044
(JE 44666).
Spiegelberg, Die demot. Inschr. iii, 14-15 pl. 11.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela with Greek text, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48888.
Aim-Giron in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), fig. on 109.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedusiri-Unnufer. Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22085 (JE 27146).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 26.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Lion and serpent facing each other, and four offering bearers, no texts, Late Period (?), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 46321.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Lower part of stela with five lines of demotic text, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48401.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pshenehe, with demotic texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31108 (JE 32153).
Spiegelberg, Die demot. Inschr. i, 40 pl. 8.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tshertpaheb, with demotic texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31120 (JE 32152).
Spiegelberg, Die demot. Inschr. i, 47 pl. 11.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedeharsemtupekhrod, with demotic texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31127 (JE 32151).
Spiegelberg, Die demot. Inschr. i, 50 pl. 12.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Thrasylaos, with demotic texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31143 (JE 32150).
Spiegelberg, Die demot. Inschr. i, 56 pl. 16.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pharaoh offers vases to Isis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60479.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela, Nubian, sandstone, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28963 (Temp. No.
Rowe, A. in ASAE xl (1940), 20 [A.v] pl. iv.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Hor, squatting, green basalt, probably temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45935.
Legrain in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 146 pl. [left].
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Harwoz, squatting, grey granite, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45710.
Texts, Legrain in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 159-60.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Base from statuette with two hymns, basalt, Ptolemaic (as Late Period in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 46918.
Englebach in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 72-3 fig. 6.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Pakhempashu, wearing cloak, black granite, temp. Augustus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., now in Alexandria, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Antiquities Museum, 474.
Farid in MDAIK 45 (1989), 156-63, 165-6 Abb. 6 Taf. 10, 11 [a-c].
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Khons-Neferhotep as ape, base, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Feet with texts, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46058.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 93 [iv].
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Standing statue of Paakhom, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Bothmer, Egyptian Sculpture of the Late Period 179.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Paenmenkh (as Menkhenre in Bibl.), with demotic text, black granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 50047 (JE 46320).
Spiegelberg, Die demot. Inschr. iii, 19-20 and fig. pl. 11; Abdalla, A. in Eyre, C. et al. Studies ... Shore 5-8 fig.
2 pls. iv, vii [c].
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Penne (as Pennut in Bibl.), grey granite, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 690
(JE 27837).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 127.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Lion, Roman Period, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 85744.
Encyclopdie Photo. Caire pl. 220.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
A General in Edfu, head lost, black granite, Ptolemaic (as Late Period in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 46059.
Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 91-3 [iii].
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Kwrks (Georgios ?), black granite, Late Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45390.
Sponenburgh inThe Art Quarterly xvii (1954), 46 fig. 7. Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvi (1916), 268-9.
Dendera Site. Necropolis. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Bes, with text on back, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38705.
Daressy, Statues de divinitis 181 pl. 39.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Ptolemy, son of Panas, with demotic text, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50045.
Speigelberg, Die demot. Inschr. i, 17-18 pl. xi.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Trial-piece, fragment of lion in relief, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33433
(JE 35870).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 64 pl. 29.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Trial-piece, uraeus and vulture together on each side, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 33448.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 70-1 pl. 34.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
King before deities, sandstone and faience, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47304.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
King before winged Maet and other deities, sandstone and faience, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 47305.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Block with name of Antefa, Dyn. IX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Fischer, Dendera in the 3rd Millennium B.C. 129 n. 571 pl. xxix. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 185-6
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Various.
Offering-table, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23129 (JE 40517).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 103 pl. 32.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Various.
Headrest of Mereri, Sole companion and lector priest, limestone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1802.
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 218.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Various.
Offering-table of Tuthmosis IV, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Various.
Measuring rod of Panas, demotic text, basalt or black granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
50050 (JE 45931).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Speigelberg, Demot. Denk. iii, 27-8 pl. 14.
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Various.
Two cubit measuring rods, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45932-3.
See Carter MSS. v. 2 [a-b].
Dendera Site. Miscellaneous. Various.
Upper part of small hawk-headed coffin, gilt silver, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46352.
Curto and Roccati, Tesori Cat. No. 60.
Deir el-Balls. Cemeteries.
Stela of Seth and Hathor, dedicated by Khenspairi, Dyn. XIX or XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 31179.
Petrie, Naqda and Ballas pl. xliii [3].
Deir el-Balls. North Palace.
Box-lid with prostrate King and cartouche of Sesostris, but probably New Kingdom, bronze, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 35687.
Fischer in Penn Univ. Mus. Bull. xx [1] (1956), 30 fig. 16, cf. pp. 29-32.
Deir el-Balls. Various.
Part of lintel, Sekenenre Taa (as I in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de. Trav. xvi (1894), 44 [xcvii].
Stela of Inikaf and wife Henti, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68916.
Fakhry in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 35-6 fig. 2.
Drum of Inikaf, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68917.
Fakhry in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), 36-7 fig. 3.
T. kh (Nubt). Temple of Seth.
Lintel of Tuthmosis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31881.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Petrie, Naqada and Ballas pl. 77 [lower], cf. pp. 67-8, 70. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 138-9 [463].
Naqda. Tomb of Aha or Queen Neit-hotp. Protodynastic.
Tablet of Aha, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14142 (JE 31773).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 221-2 fig. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 296 [3051].
Naqda. Tomb of Aha or Queen Neit-hotp. Protodynastic.
Sealings with names of Aha and Neit-hotp, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 11301-11423
(JE 31808, 31810).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 64-90 pls. 14-16.
Naqda. Tomb of Aha or Queen Neit-hotp. Protodynastic.
Fragment from bowl of Neit-hotp, crystal, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14133.
Quibell, Archaic Objects 220 pl. 44.
Naqda. Tomb of Aha or Queen Neit-hotp. Protodynastic.
Fragment from vase of Neit-hotp, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14086 (JE 31797).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 213 pl. 43.
Naqda. Miscellaneous.
Base from statue of Tetinefert, wood, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 451
(JE 28522).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 47.
Naqda. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Iut, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1638.
Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome in Analecta Orientalia xl (1964), 27-30 [7] pl. x.
Naqda. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Dagi with wife Intyotes, and son Hetepneb, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20511.
Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome in Analecta Orientalia xl (1964), pl. xxxiii [lower]. Texts, Lange and
Schfer Grab- und Denksteine ii, 99.
Naqda. Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Hapa(?), 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20510 (JE 25640).
Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome in Analecta Orientalia xl (1964), 93-4 [37] pl. xxxii [lower]; Lange and
Schfer Grab- und Denksteine iv, 98-9 pl. 35.
Naqda. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Ihy, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1596.
Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome in Analecta Orientalia xl (1964), 87-9 [32] pl. xxix; Borchardt,
Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 74 Bl. 79.
Naqda. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Nen, dedicated by brother Hemyunu, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20355.
Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome in Analecta Orientalia xl (1964), 94-5 [38] pl. xxxiii [upper]. Texts,
Lange and Schfer Grab- und Denksteine i, 364.
Naqda. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Sen and Minem, dedicated by Senen, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20010.
Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome in Analecta Orientalia xl (1964), 89-90 [33] pl. xxx; Lange and Schfer
Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. i; i, 9-10.
Naqda. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Seneni and wife Guat, 1st. Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20500.
Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome in Analecta Orientalia xl (1964), 67-8 [19] pl. xviii; Lange and Schfer
Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. 34; ii, 91-2.
Naqda. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Shemai with wife Inyotes, 1st. Int. Period or Dyn. X, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20501 (JE
Lange and Schfer Grab- und Denksteine iv, 92 pl. 34; Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome in Analecta
Orientalia xl (1964), 98-100 [41] fig. 13 pl. xxxv [left].
Naqda. Miscellaneous.
Right end of architrave (as stela in Bibl.) of Tatai, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20008 (JE 27645), left half
in London, British Museum, EA 1678.
Lange and Schfer Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. 34; Fischer, Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome in Analecta
Orientalia xl (1964), 14-18 [1] pls. iv, iii.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Bahaiu, woman, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25104.
Stela of Peszar, wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25108.
Zayed in Revue dEgyptologie xx (1968), 158-9 pl. 11.
Offering-table of Tuthmosis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23244 (JE 40371).
See Kamal, Tables doffrandes 164.
Lower part from statue of Ahmosi, early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 589.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 144-5 pl. 106.
Seated double-statuette of man and wife, steatite, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91522.
See The Egyptian Museum, Cairo in ten years 1965-1975, 45.
Seated statue of Harerau, head lost, black granite, Late Period (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Statue-group with Osiris, Isis, and Horus represented twice, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39216 (JE
Daressy, Statues de divinits 302 pl. 57.
Qift (Koptos). Great Temple. Ptolemaic Temple. Faade.
Triad, Ramesses II between Isis and Hathor, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 555
(JE 30770 bis).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 102-3 pl. 93. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 169 [595].
Qift (Koptos). Great Temple. Ptolemaic Temple. Faade.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela, Middle Kingdom, usurped by Ramesses II, recording visit to Egypt of Asiatic princes, black quartzite,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34511 (JE 37496, 30770 bis).
Petrie, Koptos 15 pl. xviii [1]; Kitchen and Gaballa in ZS xcvi (1969), 14-17 [1, 2] figs. 1, 12.
Qift (Koptos). Great Temple. Temple of Tuthmosis III.
Tools from foundation deposits, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30826.
Petrie, Koptos on pls. xiv xvi.
Qift (Koptos). Great Temple. Temple of Amenemhet and Sesostris I.
South jamb from East Doorway, inner face, Sesostris I receives life from Bubastis and from Nekhbet, outer
face, royal titles, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30770 bis, 8 (2nd block).
Petrie, Koptos 9, 11 pl. x [2].
Qift (Koptos). Great Temple. Temple of Amenemhet and Sesostris I.
Decree, year 3 of Antef VIII (Nubkheperre) deposing Teti, Official in the Temple of Min, from south side
of East Doorway, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30770 bis (1st block).
Petrie, Koptos 10-11 pl. viii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 90 [262].
Qift (Koptos). Great Temple. Temple of Amenemhet and Sesostris I.
Block of Antef VIII (Nubkheperre), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Koptos 4-5, 9-10 pl. 6 or 7.
Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Pepy I and mother Queen Iput before Min, with text concerning her mortuary temple, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 41890.
Weill, Les Dcrets Royaux 40-3 fig. on 41 pl. 7. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 52 [100].
Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Decree of Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43052.
Weill, Les Dcrets Royaux 6-39 [A, B] pls. 1, 2, 5, 6. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 52 [101].
Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Decree of Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41891.
Goedicke, Knigliche Dokumente aus dem Alten Reich 117-27 [Koptos C], Abb. 9.
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Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Two fragments of a third decree of Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41893.
Weill, Les Dcrets Royaux 28-9 [C], 53-9 pls. 3 [2], 8. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 52 [103].
Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Decree, 1st Int. Period concerning offerings for statue of Pepy II, and mentioning Idi, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 41892.
Weill, Les Dcrets Royaux 87-90 pls. 4 [2], 11. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 52 [102] (probably this).
Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Decree of Neferkauhor, addressed to Shemai, Vizier, with list of name of Upper Egypt, Dyn. VII or VIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41895.
Weill, Les Dcrets Royaux 81-6 fig. on 82 pl. 10. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 52 [106].
Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Fragment of decree, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Weill, Les Dcrets Royaux pl. xii [1]; Goedike, Knigliche Dokumente 227 Abb. 30.
Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Fragments of decree, perhaps Pepy I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., 2.
Goedicke, Knigliche Dokumente aus dem Alten Reich 183-4 [Koptos H], Abb. 16.
Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Decree of King Demezibtaui, addressed to Idi, Vizier, brought by Wazkare (?) sonb, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 41894.
Weill, Les Dcrets Royaux 59-67 pls. iv [1], ix. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 52 [105].
Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Two fragments, probably part of decree of Kha... to Shemay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., 2.
Hayes in JEA xxxii (1946), 5, 11 [h, fragment A] pl. 3 A [upper right].
Qift (Koptos). Middle Temple. Stelae found in foundations.
Decree, Neferkauhor to vizier Shemai with list of nomes of Upper Egypt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
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Weill, Les Dcrets royaux 91 pl. xii [2].
Qift (Koptos). Painted Tomb. Esmin. Temp. Nektanebos II.
Sarcophagus, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36434.
Rowe in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 50 pl. i [1].
Qift (Koptos). Painted Tomb. Esmin. Temp. Nektanebos II.
Stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36434.
Rowe in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 50 pl. iv.
Qift (Koptos). West Churches.
Two pillars of Tuthmosis III, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Koptos 13, 25 pl. xxvi [top right].
Qift (Koptos). West Churches.
Jambs of Tuthmosis III, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Wilkinson MSS. xii. 95 [right].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Sesostris III, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20702.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reichs iv, pl. liii; ii, 329.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Bekwer, year 66 of Ramesses II, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34507 (JE 27118).
Israelit-Groll, S. (ed.), Studies ... Lichtheim ii, 639-45 figs. 2, 3. Text, Bouriant in Rec. de Trav. ix (1887), 100
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Ramesses III, year 29, with King before Min, Isis, and Harsiesi, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 30770 bis 9.
Petrie, Koptos 16 pl. xviii [2].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Ray, temp. Ramesses II and Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28961.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iv, 150 [91].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Ramesses IV, year 3, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27740.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xi (1887), 91-2 [xl]; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. vi [1], 16 [14].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Ray, Dyn. XIX-XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Texts, Weigall in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 112 [17].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Unnufer, with scene of King Pinezem and Queen Hennuttaui, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 71902.
Abdallah in JEA 70 (1984), 65-72 figs. pls. xvi, xvii.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Taharqa before Min, Horus (?), and Isis, with text of year 6 concerning high level of Nile, granite, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48440.
Vikentiev, La Haute Crue 15-49 [c] pls. i, iii, iv.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Nektanebos I, year 16, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25980.
Text, Maspero in ZS xxiii (1885), 4-5 [62].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 258 Taf. 25 [93] (owner as N -mnw). Figure of Atum,
Myliwiec in MDAIK 35 (1979), 211 n. 49 Abb. 8 [e].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Tiberius, year 8, with Greek text of Parthenius below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9286 (JE
Milne, Greek Inscriptions 28-9 pl. 2.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Tiberius, year 10, with hieroglyphic and Greek texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22199 (JE
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Farid in MDAIK 44 (1988), 52 [23] Abb. 23 Taf. 14
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Tiberius, year 18, with hieroglyphic and Greek text of Parthenius, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 9268.
Milne, Greek Inscriptions 39-40 pl. ii.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Caligula, with hieroglyphic and demotic text of Parthenius, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 31101.
Spiegelberg, W. Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 34-5 n. 1 pl. vii.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Parthenius, with hieroglyphic and demotic texts, temp. Claudius, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Spiegelberg, W. Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 57-8 pl. xvii.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Antoninus Pius, with King offering to Isis and Harpocrates, with Greek text, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 9252.
Milne, Greek Inscriptions 31 pl. iii.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Domitian before Horus, Isis, and Hathor, top, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28918.
Von Bissing, Denkmler text to 119 [10th fig]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 236 [1017].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Osiris with stars, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30770 bis 9.
Petrie, Koptos 25 pl. v [12].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela with two scenes, Pharaoh before three deities, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22195 (JE
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 192 pl. lxviii.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Rectangular votive stela, two composite sphinxes, no doubt Tutu, joined dos--dos, and above, man offering
to another holding staff, and two other men seated, no text, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
27097 (Temp. No.
Mallon, A. in Revue Archologique 4. Sr. v (1905), 173-4 fig. 4.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Fragments from colossal statue of Min, temp. Narmer (as Predynastic in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 30770 bis 1.
Petrie, Koptos pls. iii, iv [right]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 80 [201].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Colossal statue of vulture, temp. Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30770 bis 7.
Evers, Staat, i, pl. 126. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 158 [534].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Kha, head lost, black granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 930.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 159-60 pl. 157.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Head from statue of Ramesses VI as Ptah-Khepri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27535.
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien i, 17 pl. xx [right upper] (called Ramesses IV).
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Fragment from statue group of Min, Isis and a Ramesses, dedicated by Amenemonet, temp. Ramesses II (as
Dyn. XX in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 764 (JE 27550).
Maspero, Le Muse gyptien 17-18 pl. xx [right lower]. Texts, Daressy, Statues de divinits 303; Borchardt,
Statuen und Statuetten iii, 79.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Min, head lost, grey schist, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38070 (JE 27754).
Daressy, Statues de divinits 26 pl. vi.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Base from statue group of deities (formerly called altar), black basalt, Ptolemy XVI Caesar, in Cairo, Egyptian
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Museum, JE 40643, 49103.
Covington in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 34-5 pls. 1, 2.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela with Tutu as composite sphinx, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37538.
Guraud in Ann. Serv. xxxv (1935), 3-6 pl. i [1].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Blocks.
Blocks from statue or shrine with text of Sen-nuushepsi, temp. Ptolemy II Philadelphus, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 70031 (JE 30770 bis 2).
Roeder, Naos 113-17 pls. 33 [a], cf. 65 [d].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Blocks.
Another block from previous, from statue or shrine with text of Sen-nuushepsi, temp. Ptolemy II
Philadelphus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Various.
Offering-basin (as coffin in Bibl.) of King Harsiesi with son Pedubaste (?), red granite, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37516.
Jansen-Winkeln, K. in JEA 81 (1995), 137-8 fig. 4 pl. xiii [1]. Texts, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vi (1905), 123-4.
See Maspero, Guide, (1915) 186 [705].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Various.
Naos of Nektanebos I, green slate, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70019.
Roeder, Naos 55-7 pl. 15.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Various.
Mummiform sarcophagus Tut-tua, son of Estefnut, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36435.
Rowe in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 13-16 pl. 1 [2].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Various.
Mummiform sarcophagus of Dedubaste, limestone, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Rowe in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 291-2 pl. xxxix.
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Various.
Small naos containing figure of Osiris. Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 70030.
Roeder, Naos 111-12 pl. 63 [a, b].
Qift (Koptos). Miscellaneous. Various.
Plaque with Asiatic, said to come from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Wallis, Ceramic Art 18; Maspero, Guide (1914), 501 [5128].
El Qala. Miscellaneous.
Offering-table of Khnemebre, slate, temp. Darius, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48439.
Posener, La Premire Domination 92-7 [13] pls. 16 [left], 17.
Qs (Apollinopolis Parva).
Stela of Parthenios with demotic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31114.
Spiegelberg, W. Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 45-6 pl. x; Farid in
MDAIK 44 (1988), 20, 22 [3] Abb. 3 Taf. 3.
Qs (Apollinopolis Parva).
Stela of Parthenios with demotic text, dedicated to Claudius, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31160.
Spiegelberg, W. Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 65 pl. xx; Farid in
MDAIK 44 (1988), 23 [5] Abb. 5 Taf. 5.
Qs (Apollinopolis Parva).
Brick with cartouches of Queen Esenkhebi, wife of Menkheperre, Dyn. XXI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 44670.
Cartouches, Gautheir, Livre des Rois iii, 269 [xxiii A]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 513 [4960].
El-Khuzm. Cemetery.
Stela of User, basalt, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1442.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 132-4 pl. 32. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 29-30 [49]; Bull. Inst. g.
2 sr. vi, 72-3.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Khuzm. Cemetery.
Fragments from stela and offering-table of Thauti, basalt, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
57201 (JE 36432, 37635).
Fischer in Analecta Orientalia xl (1964), 47-9 [14] pl. xiv.
El-Khuzm. Cemetery.
Offering-table of Thauti, basalt, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57023 (JE 36338).
Fischer in Analecta Orientalia xl (1964), 47-9 [15] pl. xiv.
Nag el-Madmd. Temple of Montu. Court of Antoninus Pius.
Altar of Ptolemy III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54853.
Varille in BIFAO xli (1942), 39-42 pls. 1-5. See Brief Descr. No. 6181.
Nag el-Madmd. Temple Enclosure. Site of Temple of Ptolemy III.
Foundation-deposits, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bisson de la Roque and Drioton in Rev. dgyptol. i (1870), 287 figs. 11, 12.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. From Tribune, Avenue, Forecourt, and Court of
Antoninus Pius.
Royal head from Osiride pillar, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58926.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1931 and 1932), 51-2 [6363] fig. 32. See Brief Descr. No. 6177.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Blocks, etc., of Priestesses of Amun.
Block of Shepenwept III, with comic reliefs of animals at banquet, female harper and crocodile playing lute,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 58924.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1930) fig. 54 pl. vi.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Blocks etc. of Priestesses of Amun.
Block of Shepenwept III, with comic reliefs of animals at banquet and jackals cooking, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 58925.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1930) fig. 55 pl. vi.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Sesostris III.
Heb-sed portal of Sesostris III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56497.
Gardiner in JEA xxx (1944), 31-2, 51 pl. 4. Rapport ... Mdamoud (1930), pl. viii. Lintel, see Brief Descr. No.
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Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Sesostris III.
Interior left wall from Heb-sed portal of Sesostris III, fragments of scenes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1930), pl. ix.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Sesostris III.
Decorated portal, including figure of Satis on jamb, temp. Sesostris III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1927), figs. 70, 71, 80 pl. vii.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Sesostris III.
Altar of Sesostris III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56604.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1929), 84-8 figs. 76-8 .
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Kay-Amenemhet.
Stand for sacred bark with cartouches of Kay-Amenemhet and Wegaf, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 51900.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1927), 83-4 [2810], 129-31 [43, 7], 115-16 [437] figs. 61-2 pl. 3.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Amenemhet-Sebkhotp II.
Heb-sed portal of Amenemhet-Sebkhotp II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56496B.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1929), 90-3 [4076] pl. v; (1931), 7-8 pl. 8. See Brief Descr. No. 6190.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Amenemhet-Sebkhotp II
Lintel, double-scene, Amenemhet-Sebkhotp II offers milk, and wine to Monthu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 56496A.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1929), 90-3 [4076], pl. 5; (1931), 7-8 pl. 8. See Brief Descr. No. 6190.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Sebkemsaf I.
Blocks from usurped jambs, found by Danios Pacha, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44945a, 44946-7, 44950
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1929), 43-4.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Sebkemsaf I.
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Blocks from limestone pillar inscribed on four faces, of unidentified king, probably Sebkemsaf I, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1927), 101-3 [2932-3] figs. 75, 76.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Sebkhotp III.
Papyrus columns and lintel, Sebkhotp III, usurped from Sebkemsaf I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 54858.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1928), figs. 71-6. See Brief Descr. No. 6178.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Sebkhotp III.
Blocks from jambs, usurped by Sebkhotp III, found by Daminos Pacha, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
See Rapport ... Mdamoud (1927), 43-4.


Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous. Statues of Sesostris III.

Sesostris III, head (elderly), grey granite, recently reconstructed as seated statue from fragments, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 32637 (JE 66569, Temp. No.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1926), 104-5 [8099] pl. v. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 593 pl. lxii [3] (giving Cairo numbers
incorrectly as 32639); Brief Descr. No. 6049.
Nag el-Madmd. From Main Temple. Miscellaneous.
Pair of statues, with bull-headed Montu and Rattaui, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 50033-4.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1926), 111-12 [2208], 114-15 fig. 65 [2215] pl. 6.
Nag el-Madmd. Miscellaneous. From Temple Enclosure.
Royal head from Osiride pillar, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54857.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1930), 51-3 [4900] fig. 24 pl. 5.
Nag el-Madmd. Miscellaneous. From Temple Enclosure.
Statuette of Osiris, inscribed, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Rapport ... Mdamoud (1925), 48 [21] figs. 33-4.
Nag el-Madmd. Miscellaneous. From Temple Enclosure.
Stela with niche for statuette, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55030.
Capart in Chron. dg. xix (1944), fig. 23 opp. 221.
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Nag el-Madmd. Miscellaneous. From Temple Enclosure.
Demotic stela with seated lioness and Apis before offering-table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 56512.
Farid in MDAIK 47 (1991), 105-8 Abb. 1 Taf. 6 [c]. See Rapport ... Mdamoud (1930), 81 [5340].
Nag el-Madmd. Exact Provenance unknown.
Head of Sesostris III as old man, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 486 (JE 31619).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 65 pl. 81. See Brief Descr. No. 340.
Nag el-Madmd. Cemetery. East of Temple.
Sarcophagus of Barshi, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 29313 (JE 66746).
Maspero et Gauthier, Sarcophages ... persanes et ptolmaiques ii, 67-72 pls. xx, xxi.
Armant. Lake of Cleopatra.
Fragment stela from stelophorous statue of Usermontu, temp. Tutankhamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant 11-12, 184-5 pl. 101 [3].
Armant. Temple Area. Pylon of Tuthmosis III.
Stela of Tuthmosis III, year 22, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67377.
Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant 182-4 pls. 88 [8], 103 [1].
Armant. Temple Area. Pylon of Tuthmosis III.
Fragment, Hatshepsut, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67449A.
See Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant 62 [5223].
Armant. Temple Area. Pylon of Tuthmosis III.
Model tools of Tuthmosis III, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67467-67509.
Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant 188 pls. xxix, xxx, xxxi.
Armant. Temple Area. Forecourt.
Foundation deposit with jars of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67520-7.
Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant pls. 31 [1], 40 [17-19], 41 [1-5].
Armant. Temple Area. Forecourt.
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Foundation deposit with jars of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67434-41.
Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant pl. 40 [1-13].
Armant. Temple Area. Forecourt.
Head and torso from Osiride statue of Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67378-9.
Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant pls. 16 [2, 5], 18 [1], 105 [1].
Armant. Temple Area. Forecourt.
Statue, head lost, black granite, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67381.
Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant 13, 52, 59 [S.98] pl. 22 [3, 4].
Armant. Temple Area.
Block of Amenemhet I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 69305.
Armant. Temple Area.
Block in two fragments with figures of Mentuhotp V and goddess Inyt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68958.
Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant pls. 94, 95.
Armant. Temple Area.
Block with [king] holding Nubian prisoners by their hair, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 69306.
Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant 23-4, 65 [S.711], 175 pl. 87 [3].
Armant. Temple Area.
Top of hexad of Amenemhet I, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67430.
Mond and Myers, Temple of Armant 51, 190, 58 [S.35] pl. 20 [1, 2].
Armant. Bucheum.
Buchis-stela of Ptolemy IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53145.
See Brief Descr. No. 6159.
Armant. Bucheum.
Buchis-stela of Ptolemy V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54313.
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Mond and Myers, Bucheum iii, pl. 40 [7]. See Brief Descr. No. 6159.
Armant. Bucheum.
Buchis-stela of Ptolemy VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53143.
Mond and Myers, Bucheum iii, pl. 40 [8]. See Brief Descr. No. 6159.
Armant. Bucheum.
Buchis-stela of Ptolemy VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53147.
See Brief Descr. No. 6159.
Armant. Bucheum.
Buchis-stela of Ptolemy X, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53144.
See Brief Descr. No. 6159.
Armant. Bucheum.
Buchis-stela of Augustus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53142.
Mond and Myers, Bucheum iii, pl. 43 [14]. See Brief Descr. No. 6159.
Armant. Bucheum.
Buchis-stela of Antoninus Pius, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53146.
Mond and Myers, Bucheum iii, pl. 45 [17]. See Brief Descr. No. 6159.
Armant. Bucheum.
Buchis-stela of Diocletian, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31901.
Mond and Myers, Bucheum iii, pl. 46 [20]. See Ancient. Eg. (1921), 46-8.
Armant. Bucheum.
Buchis offering-table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53148.
Armant. Bucheum.
Nmst-vase of Nektanebos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55621.
Mond and Myers, Bucheum i, 93-4; ii, 20; iii, pl. 83 [1, 2];
Armant. Bucheum.
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Cow offering-table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53259.
Armant. Bucheum.
Cow offering-table, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55627.
Armant. Bucheum.
Cow-stela, probably temp. Diocletian, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55626.
Mond and Myers, Bucheum i, 77-8, 82; iii, pl. 61 [5]. See Brief Descr. No. 6159.
Armant. Bucheum.
Cow-stela, late Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mond and Myers, Bucheum i, 78; iii, pl. 108.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Statues.
v.160A (moved from Bibl. v.199)
Lower part from seated, statue of Sesostris III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 422 (JE 28824).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 30 pl. 68.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Fragment from statue of Amenophis III, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37640.
Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 242.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue-base of Sekhmet, dedicated by Amenophis III, black granite, bought at Armant, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 67375.
Mond and Myers, Temples of Armant 52, 191, 58 [S.38] pls. 20 [6], 102 [5].
Armant. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Colossal statue of Ramesses II, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44668 (as 664 in Bibl.).
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 192. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 181 [664].
Armant. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Fragment of face of hawk-headed Monthu, black granite, New Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Mond and Myers, Temples 51, 64 [S.438] pl. xx [3, upper].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Armant. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Fragment of statue of Osiris, dedicated by Shepenwept I, Iaiaiu, and Amenardais I, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 43653.
Text, Legrain in Ann. Serv. vii (1906), 44.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue of Onuris, head lost, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38022 (JE 28989).
Daressy, Statues de divinits 9-10 pl. 2. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 481 [4635].
Armant. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Female sphinx, in four pieces, with text on right paw, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53260.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Sonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20173.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 203-4.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Nefert (woman), with text with address to Hathor, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 28958.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 17.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of Pazu, with deceased, Amenophis I, and Prince Ahmosi before Montu of Armant, with deceased
kneeling below, Dyn. XIX(?), probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34005 (JE 28689).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 10-11 pl. v. Names, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 38.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela with Isis suckling Horus, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36364.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Upper part of stela with bark of Re, and below Amun, Onuris, Montu, and Thenent, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 28964.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Armant. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Rectangular stela with cornice, Nubian man, with uraeus on forehead and lions heads on knees, holding a
sceptre, before an altar, not inscribed, sandstone, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27072
(Temp. No.
Rowe, A. in ASAE xl (1940), 19 [A.iv] pl. iii.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Blocks and reliefs.
Fragment from octagonal pillar of Amenemhet I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29060.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 17.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Blocks and reliefs.
Block of Ameny, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29000.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 17.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Blocks and reliefs.
Block of Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 17.
Armant. Miscellaneous. Blocks and reliefs.
Block with Ramesses II offering, granite, found in house at Armant el-Ht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Armant. Miscellaneous. Offering tables.
Part of offering-table of Peduament, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxvi (1926), 17.
Rizeiqt. Various.
Stela of Ptahsobk, Dyn. XIII-XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20110 (JE 25448).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 133.
Rizeiqt. Various.
Stela of Sebkhotp and Antef, Dyn. XIII-XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20433 (JE 29246).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 31.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Rizeiqt. Various.
Stela of Nebankh (?), Dyn. XIII-XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20481.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 76-7.
Rizeiqt. Various.
Stela of Neferhotep, Dyn. XIII-XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20484.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 80.
Rizeiqt. Various.
Stela of Neferhotep, Dyn. XIII-XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20642 (JE 29329).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 49; ii, 279.
Rizeiqt. Stelae.
Stela of Antef, with double scene deceased and wife Ibeb before offerings, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1633.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 100-1 Bl. 85.
Rizeiqt. Various.
Stela of Men..., painted, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1631.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 99.
Rizeiqt. Various.
Stela of Sankhi and wife, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1612.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 84 Bl. 52.
Rizeiqt. Stelae.
Block with remains of Mentu-user standing, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1625.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 96.
Rizeiqt. Various.
Stela of Antef and wife Hepy, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1597.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 75 Bl. 80.
Rizeiqt. Miscellaneous. Various.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Model boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4817 (JE 28870).
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Necropolis. Various.
Club with pictographs, wood, Protodynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26602.
Daressy in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 17-32 figs. 1-6 pl.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Necropolis. Various.
Cylinder seal of Menkauhor, wood, found as womans ornament in Old Kingdom burial by Schiaparelli in
1920, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 10722 (JE 64814).
Brunton in Ann. Serv. xl (1940), 522, 525-6 pl. li [17].
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Necropolis. Various.
Coffin of Iny, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28033.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 7.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Necropolis. Various.
Coffin of Nebankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28114.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 92-3.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Necropolis. Various.
Coffin of Iba, woman, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28115.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire pl. 6.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Necropolis. Various.
Three inscribed vases, 1st Int. Period, from Farina excavations, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66824-6.
Kaplony Die Inschriften [etc.] Supplement 36-7 pl. xii [1086-8].
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Necropolis. Various.
Cylindrical vase, inscribed, wood, from Farina excavations, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66829.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Temple of Hathor.
Block (a), Mentuhotp I smites foreign enemy, with standards and attendants beyond, in Cairo, Egyptian
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Museum, Temp. No.
von Bissing, Denkmler pl. 33 A [b].
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Temple of Hathor.
Block (b), upper register, Mentuhotp I followed by ka before table with vases and collars, lower register, King
smites enemy, behind whom are three kneeling foreigners, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Lower register, von Bissing, Denkmler pl. 33 A [a]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 115 [333].
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Temple of Hathor.
Block (c) Upper part of scene of Mentuhotp I followed by
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Von Bissing, Denkmler pl. 77 [a].

ka, probably from row above last, in Cairo,

Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Temple of Hathor.

Stela of Dedumes (Zadneferre), led by Khons to Anubis, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20533 (JE 29239).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 38; ii, 136-8.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Temple of Hathor.
Block of Mentuemsaf (Zadankhre), Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39538.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xx (1898), 72 [cxlviii upper].
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Temple of Hathor.
Fragment from stela of Sekhemre-Ankhtaui, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xx (1898), 72 [cxlviii lower].
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Temple of Hathor.
Lintel of Apophis I (Auserre), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29238.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 156 [516].
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Temple of Hathor.
Block, King with goddess in foundation ceremony, probably late Dyn. II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Smith, Hist. Sculp. 137-8 pl. 30 [D].
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Temple of Hathor.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragments from painted statue, with two cartouches, from shrine of Ptolemy VII, black basalt, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 30392.
See Fraser in PSBA xv (1893), 497.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Lower part from kneeling statue of Ahmosi, High-priest of Heliopolis, early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 36412.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 569.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Iti. Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20001 (JE 29247).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 1; i, 1-2.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Rensonb, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20711 (JE 32000).
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 336-7.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Fragment of stela with name of Sekhen..., Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20765.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 398.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela-fragment with mention of the bulls of the Mezay, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20764.
Vernus in Rev. dg. 37 (1986), 141-4 pl. 16 (as CG 20765 in error). Text, Lange and Schfer , Grab und
Denksteine ii, 397.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Antef with wife Mermaref and daughter Theteti, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1622.
Mller in MDAIK iv (1933), 189 Abb. 12.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Merer and wife Demeshi, with hairdressing scene, and two dogs below, Dyn. X-XI, in Cairo,
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Egyptian Museum, CG 1651.
Gauthier-Laurent in Melangs Maspero i, 675-6 fig 2.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1654.
See Fischer in Kush ix (1961), 45 [16].
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Fragment from stela with cartouches of Amosis and Amenophis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34165 (JE 32786).
Text, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 205.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela, Trajan before 6 deities, with Greek text of year 6 below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9269 (JE
Grbaut Le Muse Egyptien i, pl. xvi.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Block of Meryre-nufer, with two men standing with staves, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 57195 (JE 38285).
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Knife-handle with human figures, ivory, Predynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 3044.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 299.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Dagger, boat on one side, 3 women on the other, flint with gold handle, Predynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 64868 (JE 34210).
Quibell in Ann. Serv. ii (1901), 131 pl. 1. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 299 [3063].
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Palette with demotic text, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 30641.
Spiegelberg, W. Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 78-9 pl. xxv.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Plaque with Hathor and Hathor-cow, bronze, probably Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 30133.
Gebelein (Crocodilopolis). Miscellaneous.
Model boat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4811.
Reisner, Models of Ships 17-18 pl. 5.
As. fn el-Mat. na (Asphysis). Finds.
Statuette of Sebkhotp-hotp, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37931.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 665. Text, Weigall in Ann Serv. viii (1907), 42.
As. fn el-Mat. na (Asphysis). Finds.
Statuette of Tuthmosis III, head lost, dedicated to Tuthmosis II, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Sourouzian, H. in Hommages ... Leclant i, 516 [28] fig. 3 [d]. Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 107-8 [6].
As. fn el-Mat. na (Asphysis). Finds.
Funerary bust, granite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35885.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 372.
As. fn el-Mat. na (Asphysis). Finds.
Stela of Neferhotep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35897.
As. fn el-Mat. na (Asphysis). Finds.
Stela of Iay with son Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35898.
As. fn el-Mat. na (Asphysis). Finds.
Stela with double-scene, Taharqa offers field to Hemen, with text below of year 6 concerning high level of
Nile, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38269.
Vikentiev in Universit gyptien. Recueil de Travaux fasc. 4, pls. 2, 5-7 [3].
As. fn el-Mat. na (Asphysis). Finds.
Stela with decree of year 23 of Ptolemy V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44901.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxxviii (1916-17), 175-9.
As. fn el-Mat. na (Asphysis). Finds.
Trial-piece, plaque with bull on one side and king on the other, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
33439 (JE 35886).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 67-8 fig.
Esna (Latopolis). Cemeteries.
Sarcophagus of Huy, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38166.
Downes, The Excavations at Esna 1905-6, 12 figs. 10, 11. See Hamada in Ann. Serv. xxxv (1935), 123.
Esna (Latopolis). Miscellaneous.
Pedestal (for hawk) of Tuthmosis III, red granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1237.
Laboury, D. La Statuaire de Thoutmosis III (1998), 102-3 [C8] fig. 15 (from Borchardt). Text, Borchardt,
Statuen und Statuetten iv, 123-4.
Esna (Latopolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Har-Dhout, early Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20705.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 332.
Statuette of brewer with vat, clay, Predynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38908.
Scharff, Die Alterthmer der Vor- und Frhzeit gyptens ii, 38 Abb. 25.
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
Deposit of Asiatic tribute in name of Amenemhet II, two copper boxes with silver cups, ingots, etc., in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 70501-70754 (CG 70501-2 = JE 66344-5).
Bisson de la Roque, Trsor de Tod passim (pls. 1, 2 = CG 70502 (JE 66344); Bisson de la Roque, Td (19341936), 113-21 figs. 66-71 pls. 15-17. See Brief Descr. 6263-4.
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
Block, Mentuhotp (Nebhepetre) crowned by Montu and Thenent, remains of text of either side, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 66330.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 72-4 [1544] fig. 26.
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block with three Antefs, temp. Mentuhotp Nebhepetre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66331.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 75 [1542] fig. 27 pl. 19 [2].
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
Block, Horus-names and cartouche of Antefs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66332.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 76-7 [2116] figs. 29, 30.
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
Block, Mentuhotp V crowned by Thenent, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66333.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 79-81 [2119] fig. 32 [upper] pl. 22 [1].
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
Block, two faces, Mentuhotp (Sankhkare) before Khnum and with goddess behind him, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 66335.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 88-9 [1160] figs. 43, 44, pl. 28 [2].
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
Block, Mentuhotp offers bread to Montu, and on the other, King before Thenent, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 66337.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 84-6 [2123] figs. 37, 38
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
Block, Mentuhotp followed by Neit offers bread to Montu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66329.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 71-2 [2114] fig. 25 pl. 20.
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
Block, two faces, King between Montu and Thenent, and King between Montu and Khnum (?), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 66336.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 92-4 [1523] figs. 45, 46 pls. 23 [1], 26 [1].
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
Block with Montu and Thenent, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66334.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 94-7 [1522] fig. 50 pl. 28 [1].
Td (Tuphium). Middle Kingdom Temple.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lintel, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66328.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 67-8 [2120] fig. 19.
Td (Tuphium). Ptolemaic Temple.
Capital from Hypostyle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65443.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 155-6 pl. 32.
Td (Tuphium). Ptolemaic Temple. Lakes and Quay. Finds.
Royal bust from a statue group, probably Sesostris I, grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 67345.
Bisson de la Roque in Rev. dEg. iv (1883), 73 fig. 12.
Td (Tuphium). Miscellaneous.
Fragment from stela with dogs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66340.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 134 [2106] fig. 81.
Td (Tuphium). Miscellaneous.
Stela of Khumen, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66338.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 137-8 [1932] fig. 86.
Td (Tuphium). Miscellaneous.
Statuette of Montu, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65441.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 140 [393] pl. 31 [2].
Td (Tuphium). Miscellaneous.
Statue of queen or goddess, granite, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65442.
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 140 [1059] pl. 31 [1].
Td (Tuphium). Miscellaneous.
Relief, upper part of baboon adoring and Acoris, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 67346.
Grimm in Bull. Soc. dg. Genve 9-10 (1984-5), 109-12 Taf. 1. See Bison de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 142
Td (Tuphium). Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Offering-table of Sesostris I, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23004 (JE 39511).
Bisson de la Roque, Td (1934-1936), 106 fig. 60. Texts, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 5.
Td (Tuphium). Miscellaneous.
Fragment from stela of User, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20762 (JE 25617).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine iv, pl. 59; ii, 394-6.
Td (Tuphium). Miscellaneous.
Block with Renefankhu and Dedunub, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25656.
Names and titles, Maspero in Mm. Miss. Arch. Fr. i, 185.
Td (Tuphium). Miscellaneous.
Statue of Queen Sitioh, dedicated by Tuthmosis III after her death, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37638.
Sourouzian in MDAIK 37 (1981), 450-1 Taf. 73 [a, b].
Kneeling statue of Ipemre, Mayor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36397.
Stela of Red-hor, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26912.
Texts, Bouriant in Rec. de. Trav. vii (1886), 126 [16].
Stela of Antef with wife Hepy, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26897.
Texts, Bouriant in Rec. de. Trav. vii (1886), 126-7 [17].
Stela of Pa... and wife Sent, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26896.
Texts, Bouriant in Rec. de. Trav. vii (1886), 127 [18].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Hetep, Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20506 (JE 26911).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 96-7; iv, pl. xxxiv.
Stela of Antef, Middle Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25303.
Stela of Henyt (woman) seated before offerings, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1626 (JE
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 96.
Stela of Mentunakht, Steward, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89507.
Abd El Al, A. el H. in ASAE lxvii (1988), 213-15 fig. 1 pl. i (as stela of Nakht with title Priest of Montu).
Sarcophagus of Pedesi, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25813.
Vase of Nebemhet, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89512.
El-Mialla. Cemetery.
Coffin of Seni, 1st Int. Period or Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28116.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire i, pl. vi; ii, 95-6.
El-Mialla. Miscellaneous.
Standing statue, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49632.
El-Mialla. Miscellaneous.
Statuette of female offering bearer, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49633.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Mialla. Miscellaneous.
Statuette of female offering bearer, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49634.
El-Mialla. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Iker-ib with wife Senankh, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 1753.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 176.
El-Hilla. Miscellaneous.
v.171A (moved here from iv.125)
Lintel of door from tomb of Pahemneter, temp. Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25769.
Hofmann, U. Fuhrwesen figs. 10 [a-c] on 153. Texts, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xx (1920), 4-6.
El-Kb. Temple of Amenophis II. (Temple of Thoth.)
Fragment from statue of Senusert, black granite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 407 (JE 25762).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 19.
El-Kb. Temple of Tuthmosis III. (Temple of Nekhbet.)
Sphinx, damaged, [of Amenemhet III] (as fragment and Hyksos style in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 391.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 9 pl. 62. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 89-90 [260].
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Phoenix Temple.
Kneeling statue of Usiriwer, holding naos with statuette of Nekhbet as woman, schist, Late Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 89121.
Capart, Fouilles ... Documents iii (1954), on pl. 47 [A].
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Phoenix Temple.
Royal head, possibly Achoris, grey granite, Dyn. XXIX-XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89124.
Capart, Fouilles ... Documents iii (1954), on pl. 47 [A].
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Fort. Finds.
Upper part from an obelisk of a Dyn. XXI king, dedicated to Hathor, Nekhbet, and serpent headed Lady of
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

the Uplands, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89125.
Capart, Fouilles ... Documents iii (1954), pl. 48 [A].
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Lion Gate.
Lion of Sethos I, formerly holding statuette of King, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89120.
Capart, Fouilles ... El-Kab fig. on 159.
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Finds.
Part of kneeling statue of Nakht-min (?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1095.
Descr. de lEgypte. i, pl. 69 [6]. See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 54.
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Finds.
Statue base of Zeho, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87654.
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Finds.
Statue base of Pedemut, wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87656.
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Finds.
Lower part of kneeling statue of ...onet(?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87263.
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Finds.
Upper part of stela with Re-Harakhti and rams head of Amun, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Finds.
Stela, Achoris offers to Sobk, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Wiedemann, Geschichte 698.
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Finds.
Offering table with two staircases, sandstone, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89123.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Capart, Fouilles ... Documents iii (1954), pl. 47 [C].
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Finds.
Offering table, not inscribed, granite, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 89122.
Capart, Fouilles ... Documents iii (1954), pl. 47 [B].
El-Kb. Town Enclosure. Finds.
Seal, for branding cattle ?, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89126.
Capart, Fouilles ... Documents iii (1954), pl. 48 [B].
El-Kb. Cemeteries. Within Town Enclosure.
Block with Horus-name of Khasekhemui, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34808.
See Sayce and Somers Clarke Ann. Serv. vi (1905), 239.
El-Kb. Cemeteries. Within Town Enclosure.
Statuette of kneeling man adoring Nekhbet, bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 38913 (JE 31962).
Daressy, Statues de divinits 228 pl. 46.
El-Kb. Cemeteries. Outside north wall of Town Enclosure. Mastaba of Kaimen. Dyn. IV.
Dish with Horus-name of Snefru, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14402.
Quibell, El Kab 4 [2] pl. iii [2].
El-Kb. Cemeteries. Outside north wall of Town Enclosure. Mastaba of Kaimen. Dyn. IV.
Bowl of Snefru, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14401.
Quibell, El-Kab 5 [10] pl. ii [3].
El-Kb. Cemeteries.Outside north wall of Town Enclosure. Mastaba of Nefershemem. Dyn. IV.
Seated statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 650 (JE 31897, 31726).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 196 pl. 120.
El-Kb. Temples outside Town Enclosure. Temple of Nektanebos.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment of stela with part of Decree of Canopus in hieroglyphic and Greek, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Bayoumi and Guraud in Ann. Serv. xlvi (1947), 373-83 pl. lxxxi.
El-Kb. Temples outside Town Enclosure. Temple of Nektanebos.
Stela of Harhotp, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36824.
El-Kb. Temple of Tuthmosis III.
Hinge-supports of Tuthmosis III and Amenophis II, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 16031-2.
El-Kb. Rock-tombs. Tomb of Senusert. Dyn. XII.
Offering table of Khama, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23242 (JE 36823).
Text, Kamal, Tables doffrandes 163.
El-Kb. Temple of Amenophis III. Finds.
Fragment from statue base of Setau, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 885.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 82 [7]. See Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 137.
El-Kb. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Nubkauresonb, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
El-Sawi in GM 92 (1986), 87-9 Abb.
El-Kb. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Setau, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34046.
Lacau, Sarcophages antrieurs au Nouvel Empire 79-80 pl. 27.
El-Kb. Miscellaneous.
Vulture sarcophagus, dedicated by Masha, with offering scenes on exterior, and jackals, lions, ostriches, etc.
in desert on interior, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29229.
Cappart in Chron. dEg. (Jan. 1940), 30-7 figs. 1-5.
El-Kb. Miscellaneous.
Block with name of temple, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59110.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Kb. Miscellaneous.
Cippus, Horus on crocodiles, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25197.
El-Kb. Miscellaneous.
Offering table imitating court of house, not dated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 31722.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis).
Mummified hawks head, gold, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14717 (Quibell) or
CG 52701 (Vernier) (JE 32158).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 315-16 pl. 65; Vernier, Bijoux et orfvreries 233-5pls. 58-61. See Maspero, Guide (1915),
427 [4016].
Km el-Ah. mar. (Hierakonpolis).
Statue of Pepy I, copper, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33034.
Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. figs. 11, 61 pl. xii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 84-6 [230], figs. 33, 34.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis).
Statue of Merenre, son of Pepy I, copper, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33035.
Leibovitch, Anc. Eg. figs. 12, 62 pl. xii; Maspero, Guide (1915), 84-6 [231], fig. 35.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis).
Statue of Khasekhem, green slate, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32161.
Quibell and Green, Hierakonpolis i, pls. xli [left], xl [upper]; ii, 27, 28, 44. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 298
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis).
Palette of Narmer, slate, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14716 (JE 32169).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 312-15 pl. 67. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 297-8 [3055].
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis).
Jar of Khasekhem, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14724 (JE 32160).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 317 pl. 66. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 300 [3067].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis).
Wand with animals on both sides, ivory, larger fragment in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14706, smaller part
in London, University College.
Quibell, Archaic Objects pl. xvi [1, 2].
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis).
Carved ivories, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14701 (JE 32172), CG 14702 (JE 32184), CG 14703 (JE
32174), CG 14704 (JE 32173), CG 14705 (JE 32175), CG 14706 (JE 32170), CG 14707 (JE 32176), CG
14708 (JE 32177), CG 14709 (JE 32171), CG 14710 (JE 32180), CG 14711 (JE 32183), CG 14712 (JE
32179), CG 14713 (JE 32182), CG 14714 (JE 32181), CG 14715 (JE 32178).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 307-12 pl. 64.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Temple Enclosure. Finds.
Kneeling statue, Protodynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 32159.
Quibell and Green, i, 6 pl. ii [left upper]; ii, 13, 35 pl. i. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 300 [3073].
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Temple Enclosure. Finds.
Fragment from stelae with Horus name of Khasekhem, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33895.
Quibell and Green, ii, 47-8 pl. lviii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 301 [3078].
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Temple Enclosure. Finds.
Jamb of Khasekhemui, with foundation scene, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57107-8 (JE
Capart and Werbrouck, Memphis fig. 116. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 46 [84].
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Temple Enclosure. Finds.
v.196A (moved here from v.200)
Offering-table of Sesostris I, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23010.
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 9 pl. 5.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Fort. Protodynastic.
Fragment from jamb or stela of Khasekhemui, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66275.
Lansing in MMA Bull. Pt. ii, (Nov. 1935), 44 fig. 11.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Predynastic Cemetery or Town. Decorated Tomb.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Walls with scenes of hunting, boats, animals, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Quibell and Green, Hierakonpolis ii, pl. lxxvi; Leibovitch, Ancient Egypt 236 fig. 151.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Predynastic Cemetery or Town. Finds.
Palette of Scorpion King Narmer, slate, probably from here in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72034.
Kaplony in Orientalia N.S. xxxiv (1965), 134-5 pl. xx [3].
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Predynastic Cemetery.
Lower part of seated statue of Pepy, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 43.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten i, pl. 11.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Predynastic Cemetery.
Lower part of seated statue of Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 423.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 68.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Predynastic Cemetery.
Lower part of seated statue of Sesostris II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 425.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, pl. 69.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Statue of Memi, granite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1263 (JE 29480).
Texts, Borchardt, iv, 134-5.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Miscellaneous.
Stela mentioning Iymer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20318 (JE 29233).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine i, 330-1.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Miscellaneous. Various.
Inscribed fragment with cartouche of Djedkare, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38293.
Adams, B. Ancient Nekhen 126 [14] fig.
Km el-Ah. mar (Hierakonpolis). Miscellaneous. Various.
Sealings, clay, Predynastic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14673-8 (JE 33889-94).
Quibell, Archaic Objects 302-3 pl. 63.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Kar. Temp. Teti, Pepy I, and Merenre I. Niche. In Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Stela of Meryrenufer Kar seated on left, with 7 lines of text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43370.
Clre Le chauves 33 [A.1] fig. 8. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 41-3 [80].
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Kar. Temp. Teti, Pepy I, and Merenre I. Niche. In Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Stela of Pepy Kar, 7 lines of text above, and family below, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43371.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 41-3 [80].
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Kar. Temp. Teti, Pepy I, and Merenre I.
Seated statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43776.
Smith, Hist. Sculp. 87-8 pl. 26 [e].
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Kar. Temp. Teti, Pepy I, and Merenre I.
Statue of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43777.
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Kar. Temp. Teti, Pepy I, and Merenre I.
Headrest, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bruyre, Tell Edfou i (1937), 42 n.3 pl. 16 [1].
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Isi. Temp. Isesi, Unis, and Pepy I. Inner Hall.
Stela of Thau, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63852.
Alliot, Tell Edfou (1933), 29 [1] pls. x [1], xiv [3, 4].
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Isi.Temp. Isesi, Unis, and Pepy I. Finds.
Stela of Isi, Old Kingdom, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41801.
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Khuwi. Dyn. VI.
Stela of deceased, with 9 lines of offering text, and deceased standing, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 66903.
Bruyere, Tell Edfou i, 1937, 38-40 pl. 15 [2].
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Harnakht. Dyn. VI.
Stela with deceased seated, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bruyere, Tell Edfou i, 1937, 49-50 pl. xiv [2].
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Edfu Tell. Mastaba Field. Mastaba II.
Vase with titulary of Teti, and stylized lotus on base, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66897.
Bruyre, Tell Edfou i (1937), 35 n.1 pl. xvii [1, 2].
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Sabni. Dyn. VI.
Vessels, with texts giving contents, pottery, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66886-95.
Bruyre, Tell Edfou i, (1937), 31-2, 111 [77] pl. xxv [2]
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Finds.
Vase of Queen Sitamun, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68780.
Michalowski, Tell Edfou ii 1938, 47 [106] cf. pl. xx [8].
Edfu Tell. Mastaba-Field. Finds.
Magical wand, clay, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68773.
Michalowski, Tell Edfou ii 1938, 120 [600] pl. xl [3].
Edfu Tell. Town Site. Finds.
Two blocks with goddesses libating, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68792-3.
Bruyre, Tell Edfou ii, 39 [64-5] pl. xiv.
Edfu Tell. Town Site. Finds.
Column fragment, king offering, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68790.
Bruyre, Tell Edfou ii, 41 [77] pl. xvii [1].
Edfu Tell. Town Site. Finds.
Column fragment, winged Isis and man with naos on one side, and Bes on the other, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 68791.
Bruyre, Tell Edfou ii, 43 [85] pl. xv.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harnakht, Divine Chancellor, etc., Dyn. VI (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66929.
Bruyre, Tell Edfou i, pl. 14 [2].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Khensemweset, temp. Dedumes (Zadhetepre), Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38917.
Barsanti in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 1-2 pl.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harsekher, temp. Dedumes (Zadneferre). Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46988 (as JE 46998 in
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 189-90 [2] pl.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Parents of Sebkemsaf, with figures of Queen and sister, fragment, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 116 pl. opp. 168 [6].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hori, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20329 (JE 29254).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 24; i, 342.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harem-mehebi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20530 (JE 22183).
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 40.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harnakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20499.
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 34.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harherkhuti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20537 (JE 31612).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 39.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Dhout, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20623 (JE 29236).
Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine iv, pl. 49.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ib, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46200.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 237-9 [i].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hori, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46199.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 240-1 [iii].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Iuf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20789 (JE 43362).
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 242-3 [v].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Iuf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 49-50 [viii].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ib, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 50-1 [ix].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Iuf with statue in niche, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 52 [xii].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nubemib, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 51-2 [xi].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Khuy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46784.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), pl. opp. 168 [1-3]; xxi (1921), 64-7 [3-5].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harbehdetimosu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46786.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), pl. opp. 168 [1-3]; xxi (1921), 64-7 [3-5].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harherkhutf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46785.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), pl. opp. 168 [1-3]; xxi (1921), 64-7 [3-5].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Iuf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63949.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), pl. opp. 168 [4, 5, 7, 8].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Nebiref (as Nebiref in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), pl. opp. 168 [4, 5, 7, 8].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hori, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), pl. opp. 168 [4, 5, 7, 8].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Harnakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), pl. opp. 168 [4, 5, 7, 8].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ramosi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48229.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxiii (1923), 183-4 fig. 1.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Haremkhaef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48230.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxiii (1923), 185-6 fig. 2.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Har-ankhef, 1st half of Dyn. XVII (as Middle Kingdom in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 52456.
Gunn in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 5-14 fig. on 7.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Sisobk, Middle Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47927.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Emhab called Tamereru, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49566.
Cerny in MDAIK xxiv (1969), 87-92 pl. xiii.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Iuf before Queens Ahhotp and Sebkemsaf, temp. Amosis, Amenophis I, and Tuthmosis I, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34009 (JE 27091).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 16-17 pl. 6.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Fragment, with kneeling figure of Hatiay, Dyn. XIX or XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46749.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxi (1921), 74 fig. 9.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Two fragments found separately, Amenemhet and wife before Mut of Asher, and Apet as hippopotamus, temp.
Sabacon, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46916.
Bisson de la Roque in BIFAO xxv (1925), 47-8 pl.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Psammethek, Herald of Nub, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Sayce colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Sayce in Rec. de Trav. xvi (1894), 174-5 [v, 1st text] (called Nag el-H. as. aa).
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Fragment, of ...tem, with text of year 8 of Sethos I, sandstone, found at Barramia, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 47517.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Standing statuette, black stone, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36511.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 105.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statuette of Haremnakht, serpentine, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45704.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue of Id, son of Ib, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xviii (1919), 51 [x].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue of Iyni, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46181.
Hornemann, Types iii, pls. 667. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 243-4 [vi].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue of Iyni, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46182.
Hornemann, Types iii, pls. 668. Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 243-4 [vii].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Sebkhotp, seated, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 489 (JE 31393).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 66-7.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Squatting statue with hand under chin, Dyn. XVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49565.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 529.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Seated statue in cloak, with cartouches of Tuthmosis II and III, head lost, basalt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Sourouzian, H. in Hommages ... Leclant i, 515-16 [27] fig. 3 [c]. Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 82.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Squatting statue of Harimai, Dyn. XX-XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41019.
Text, Maspero in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 10 [viii].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Sarcophagus, limestone, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36433.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 798.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Ib (and wife), Iuf-Dhout and Id, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23015.
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 14 pl. 8.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Ib, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46203.
Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 239-40 [i].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Harinheret. Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46202.
Fischer, The Orientation of Hieroglyphs i, 110-11 fig. 112. Text, Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 241-2 [4].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Harwenef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 117-18 pl. opp. 168 [9].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Menkh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxii (1922), 123 pl. opp. 168 [9].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Offering-tables.
Harnakht, small, Middle Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41804.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Jambs of Senaib, sandstone, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38998 (Temp. No.
Texts, Legrain in Ann.Serv. iii (1902), 267-8.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Part of side of door with 7 columns of text of Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38997.
Head of King, Myliwiec, Royal Portraiture 119 pl. li [c].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Lintel of Amenmosi, First prophet of Horus of Edfu, temp. Ramesses III , in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Kitchen and Gaballa in Serapis 6 (1980), 75-6 fig. pl. Text, Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions v.431 [208, 1].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Lintel of Amenmosi, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43043.
Text, Maspero in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 151-2 [xv, A].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Lintel of Espre, kneeling with hymn to Horus, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43043.
Text, Maspero in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 152-3 [xv, C].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Relief with scorpion (named) and four lines of text of Dhout, New Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 36507.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Relief with king kneeling, demotic text, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 50053.
Spiegelberg, W. Die demotischen Denkmler iii. Die demotische Inscriften und Papyri (Cat. Caire), 30-1 pl. 15.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Vase of Pepy II, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Fragment of plaque with cartouche of Hatshepsut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66938.
Bruyere, Tell Edfou i, 17.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Plaque with goddess, unfinished, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33412.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 57 pl. 25.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Plaque with owls head, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33462 (JE 28418).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 76 pl. 37.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Plaque with head of lioness and mes-sign, sandstone. Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 33432 (JE 35894).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies pl. 29.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Head-rest of Kar called Pepinufer, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 66919.
Bruyere, Tell Edfou i, 42 n.3, 102 pl. 16 [1].
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Water-clock with ape in relief, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Sloley in JEA xvii (1931), 176 pl. 22.
Edfu Tell. Miscellaneous. Various.
Altar with scenes suggesting human sacrifice, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Weigall in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 44-6.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Family tomb of Peshu. Ptolemaic to Roman Period.
Stela of deceased, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Maspero in ZS xxiii (1885), 3-4 [lxi].
Nag el-H. as. ya. Family tomb of Peshu. Ptolemaic to Roman Period.
Cartonnage of deceased, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Maspero in ZS xxiii (1885), 3-4 [lxi].
Nag el-H. as. ya. Family tomb of Peshu. Ptolemaic to Roman Period.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cartonnage of daughter, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Maspero in ZS xxiii (1885), 3-4 [lxi].
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Statues.
Statue base of Satis dedicated by Amenophis III, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36818.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Statues.
Kneeling statues of Isis and Nephthys, wood (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 352 [3414-15].
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Psammetheknebpehti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22002.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 1.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Khensardais, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22004.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 2.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Tedeharsemtu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22008.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 4.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Psammethekemakhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22013.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 5.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Hathoriti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22018.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 7.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Penu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22021.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 8.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nebthetyt (as Nebthetity in Bibl.), daughter of Psammethek Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 9.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Esshe-tfenii, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22026.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 8.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Pekmy (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22029.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 10.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Pedeamun, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22048.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 14.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Harsiesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22049.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 15.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Peshu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22050.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 15.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various. Stelae.
Dhutmosi (corrected from [Harsemtu]pkhrad (?) in Bibl.), probably Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Text, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xiv (1893), 180-1 [lxxv]; id. ib. xxiii (1901), 129-30 [d].
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various.
Coffins of Harsiesi (same man as following), inner and outer, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No., 15.
Texts, Daressy in Rec. de Trav. xxiii (1901), 130 [1].
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Canopic box of Harsiesi (same man as preceding), wood, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 4738
(JE 28432).
Reisner, Canopics 373-5 pl. lxxxii.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various.
Canopic-chest of Dhutmosi, wood, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 4739.
Reisner, Canopics 375-7 pl. lxxxiii.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various.
Two canopic chests, painted wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 349 [3390], 354 [3450].
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various.
Coffin of Pedesi, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various.
Coffin-lid of Zemutshepenankh (woman), Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See De Meulenaere in MDAIK xxv (1969), 95 n. 2.
Nag el-H. as. ya. Various.
Offering-table of Curtius (?) and Nitocris, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23178
(JE 40540, 36411).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes 132 pl. 45.
West Silsila. Miscellaneous.
Colossal hawk, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
West Silsila. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Tueris as hippopotamus on shrine between mountains with crocodile, with Peshedu (TT3) offering
to her, and man and four women below, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Bruyre, Fouilles Rapport Deir el Mdineh (1935-40), iii, 77-8 fig. 7 (incorrectly called 36661).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of an Overseer of prophets of the Triad of Elephantine, before Khnum, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 60477.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 111-12 (second stela).
Stela of Nakhtu, Servant of Prince Mermosi, with Khnum and Anukis at top, [temp. Amenophis III], in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 60475.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 112 (third stela).
Stela with Khnum and Anubis facing each other, with destroyed text below, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 60476.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 112 (fifth stela).
Stela of User[het], Mayor of Elephantine, two registers, I, three seated goddesses, Satis, Anukis and another
on left, and Amun-Re and Khnum on right, II, man and boy before offerings, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 60478.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 111 (first stela).
Stela with man kneeling before hawk on pylon, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60474.
Text, Weigall in Ann. Serv. ix (1908), 112 (sixth stela).
Aswn. Elephantine. Temple of Trajan.
Column in 3 fragments, usurped from Tuthmosis IV, Ramesses II holding flowers, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 41560.
Forman and Malmkov, Egyptin Art pl. 58.
Aswn. Elephantine. Temple of Trajan.
Two columns and fragments with name of Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41559.
Text from one with invocation to Miket in Elephantine, Habachi in MDAIK xxiv (1969), 182 fig. 9.
Aswn. Elephantine. Great Temple of Khnum.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block from door of Ramesses II, pink granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52009.
Aswn. Elephantine. Town and Temple Enclosure. Finds.
Plaque with cartouches of Wegaf and Sesostris IV (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38333.
Texts, Legrain in Ann. Serv. viii (1907), 250-2 fig. 1.
Aswn. Elephantine. Great Temple of Khnum. Finds.
Block-statue of Nebnakht (same man as following), Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40053.
See Schulz, Entwicklung i, 298 [165].
Aswn. Elephantine. Great Temple of Khnum. Finds.
Stela of Nebnakht (same man as preceding) with mother, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 40054.
Valbelle in BIFAO 75 (1975), 123-6 [1] pl. xviii.
Centre of Doc. photo. folder 209, 12303; BIFAO 75 (1975), 123-6 [1] pl. xviii.
Aswn. Elephantine. Great Temple of Khnum. Finds.
Stela of Hekaib son of Itefankh, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20827 (JE 40056).
Centre of Doc. photo. folder 209, 12302 [left]. See Valbelle, Satis and Anukis 7 [47] (as Dyn. XII or XIII).
Aswn. Elephantine. Great Temple of Khnum. Finds.
Stela of Ineni, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40055.
Centre of Doc. photo., SR, folder 209, 12309.
Aswn. Elephantine. Great Temple of Khnum. Finds.
Vase dedicated by Abib (woman), faience, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39617.
Aswn. Elephantine. Great Temple of Khnum. Finds.
Fragment from stela of Kashta, with King (head only) before [Khnum, Satis], and probably Anukis [now lost],
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41013.
Leclant in ZS xc (1963), 174-8 fig. 1.
Aswn. Elephantine. Great Temple of Khnum. Finds.
Head and other fragments of seated statue of a King Psammetikhos (as royal head in Bibl.), black granite, Dyn.
XXVI or Ptolemaic, head in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40052.
Bickel, S. in BIFAO 95 (1995), 93-9 figs. 1-9, 10 (reconstruction).
Aswn. Elephantine. Temple of Satis. Re-used blocks.
v.227A (moved from v.229)
Block with Mentuhotp III in offering-scene, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39748.
Mond and Myers, Temples of Armant 166-7 pl. 88 [1]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 114 [329].
Aswn. Elephantine. Temple of Satis. Re-used blocks.
v.227A (moved from v.244, slips still filed here)
Two jambs of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41557.
Habachi in MDAIK xix (1963), 41 pl. xii.
Aswn. Elephantine. Temple of Satis. Re-used blocks.
v.227A (moved from v.244)
Fragments from 8 sided pillars of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Habachi in MDAIK xix (1963), 41.
Aswn. Elephantine. Temple of Amenophis III.
Stela of Amenophis II, of year 3], with addition of year 4, double scene, King with Satis (?) before Khnum,
and with Anukis before Amun, with duplicate text of Amada stela below, black granite, upper part, in Vienna,
Kunsthistorisches Museum, S 5909, lower part, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34019 (JE 28585).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 38-40 pl. 12. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 117 [401].
Aswn. Elephantine. Ram Cemetery.
Fragment from statue-base (as block in Bibl.) of Sesostris I, probably belongs to the statue group in Aswn
Museum (v.243), red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41558.
Habachi, Studies on the Middle Kingdom 205-6 pl. 13 [3]. See PSBA xxx (1908), 72.
Aswn. Elephantine. Ram Cemetery.
Statue of Nehi, Viceroy [of Kush], kneeling with Hathor sistrum, black granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo,
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Egyptian Museum, JE 39749.
Drioton and Sved, LArt gyptien 84, fig. 75. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 166 [580].
Aswn. Elephantine. Ram Cemetery.
Obelisk, Ptolemaic (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17034 (JE 55313).
Kuentz, Oblisques pl. 16.
Aswn. Elephantine. Ram Cemetery.
Obelisk, Ptolemaic (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17035 (JE 55314).
Kuentz, Oblisques pl. 16.
Aswn. Elephantine. Ram Cemetery.
Offering-table, Ptolemaic (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17036.
Kuentz, Oblisques pl. 16.
Aswn. Elephantine. Ram Cemetery.
Ram coffins with masks, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Kkosy in ZS 96 (1970), 109-15 Abb. 1-5.
Aswn. Elephantine. Ram Cemetery.
Ram coffin with mask (from preceding group), gilded, Greek-Roman, possibly one of following group, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, now in Luxor, Museum of Mummification.
Saleh, A. in KMT 11 [1] (2000), 24 fig. [upper left].
Aswn. Elephantine. Ram Cemetery.
Ram-sarcophagus, granite, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41561.
Head of ram, Capart, Documents pour servir ltude de lart gyptien ii, pl. 100. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 26970 [1301].
Aswn. Elephantine. Ram Cemetery.
Cartonnages of rams, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39745-6, 39498, 39501.
See A Brief Description Nos. 6123-4.
Aswn. Elephantine. Miscellaneous.
Lower part from stela of Sesostris I, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Habachi in MDAIK 31 (1975) 30-1 fig. 3 Taf. 14 [c].
Aswn. Elephantine. Miscellaneous.
Block of King Huni or Ny-Suteh, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41556.
Goedicke in ZS lxxxi (1956), 21-4 fig. on 22.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs.
Pot of Sebkhotp, inscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 91740.
See The Egyptian Museum, Cairo in ten years 1965-1975, 43.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 25 and 26. Double tomb of Mekhu and Sabni. Temp. Pepy II.
Two pots dedicated by Iuntet (woman), and another one of Mekhu, found by Grenfell, in Cairo, Egyptian
See Edel in ZS 100 (1973), 3-4.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenemhet II. Inner Hall.
Niche. Front part in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mller, Die Felsengrber Abb. 39 pl. xxxi [a].
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Offering-tables.
Khasenmut (as Khausenmut in Bibl.), Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23151 (JE 27166).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 38.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Offering-tables.
Neferebre, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23155 (JE 27144).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 39.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Gemet (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22047 (JE 27130, 26919).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 14.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Name illegible, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22060 (JE 27159).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 20.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Tedeseonkh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22062 (JE 27132).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 58-9.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Nasnakht, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22063 (JE 27126).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 59.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Mehna, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22064 (JE 27147).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 60.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Pedeharkhebi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22065 (JE 27127).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 60-1.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Takhau, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22066 (JE 27163).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 61.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Tawehere, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22068 (JE 27123).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 20.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Khenstefnakht (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22073 (JE 27158).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 24.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Wehebre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22078 (JE 27105).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 73.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Baenpekhnum-khau, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22079 (JE 27127).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 25.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Thauenkhons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22080 (JE 37135).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 25.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Harsiesi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22081 (JE 27142).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 26.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Abesesardais, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22082 (JE 27111).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 75-6.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Horiy, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22083 (JE 27103).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 76.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Beterdishehor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22088 (JE 27112).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 28.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Pedamenopet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22089 (JE 32026).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 27.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Pahu-amun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22092 (JE 27134).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 82.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Ditsatit, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22096 (JE 27161).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 30.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tsherenhi, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22097 (JE 27106).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 30.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Esetardais, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22100 (JE 27133).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 31.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Dedhap, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22102 (JE 27131).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 31.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Pedehapmen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22103 (JE 27154).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 31.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Taker, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22104 (JE 27143).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 31.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Merubastiotes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22105 (JE 27086).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 32.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Hor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22107 (JE 27152).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 32.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Taduanekhbet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22108 (JE 27107).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 32.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Uzarenf, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22109 (JE 27088).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 33.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Herardais, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22110 (JE 27164).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 33.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Pedeptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22113 (JE 27108).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 96-7.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Tairubaste, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22115 (JE 27114).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 34.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Paheres, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22118 (JE 27136).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 34.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Wehebre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22121.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 35.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Zehapiefankh, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22159 (JE 27160).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 48.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
No name, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22160 (JE 27104).
Spiegelberg, Dem. Inschr. pl 22; Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 49.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
No name, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22175 (JE 32795).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 51.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Amenardais, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22191 (JE 27141).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 67.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. 31. Sirenput II. Temp. Amenophis II. Finds. Stelae.
Stela with demotic text, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31094 (JE 27145).
Spiegelberg, W. Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 25 pl. 5.
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. Hekaib-a Hekat. Probably temp. Amenemhet I (as Middle Kingdom
in Bibl.). Passage.
Deceased with his two wives, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36420 (Temp. No.
Cecil in Ann. Serv. iv (1903), 69 n.1 pl. 5; Freed, R. in Der Manuelian, P. (ed.), Studies in Honor of William
Kelly Simpson i, 312-14 fig. 5 [c].
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Rock Tombs. Hekaib-a Hekat. Probably temp. Amenemhet I (as Middle Kingdom
in Bibl.). Sepulchral Chamber.
Coffin of deceased, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 28127 (JE 36418).
Funeral procession and rites fom interior, Grdseloff in Ann. Serv. li (1951), 137 fig. 3 pl. ii. Texts from interior,
Lacau in Rec. de Trav. xxx (1908), 66-8; xxxi (1909), 21-3 [lxiv-lxv, B].
Aswn. Qubbet el-Hwa. Cecil Tombs. Various.
Shell of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36398.
Winlock in Studies Presented to F. Ll. Griffith 390 pl. 62 [a]. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 524 [5221].
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Sirer(t), granite, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86119.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Teti, alabaster, Dyn. VI (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2230.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Mermosi, Viceroy, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34140 (JE 29261).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire pl. 58.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Inpui, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22020.
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 21.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Psammethek, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22046.
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 42.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Psammethek, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22055.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 19.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Psametek, sandstone, Late Period, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22056, now in Alexandria,
Graeco-Roman Museum, 3165.
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 54-5.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Zeho, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22058.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 19.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Name illegible, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22061 (JE 27148).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 20.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Psammethek, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22075 (JE 27129).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 24.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tawehere, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22086 (JE 27102).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 26.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ptahhotp, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22091 (JE 30431).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 28.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Paiuh (?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22021 (JE 32794).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 89.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Tedeusiri, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22106.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 32.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Hemes, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22111 (JE 27110).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 33.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedeamun, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22112 (JE 27100).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 33.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedeharshefi, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22117.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 34.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ta-arhapy, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22119 (JE 27113).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 35.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Ithy, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22158.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines pl. 48.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Pedusiri, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22167.
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 149.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pedusiri, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22190 (JE 37594).
Text, Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 188-9.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Stela of (Aramean), with text of year 7 of Artaxerxes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36448.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Bottom of stela with 4 lines of text in praise of Triad of Elephantine, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 39536.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Useranket (as Usianket in Bibl.), seated, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 464
(JE 2232).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 55 pl. 77. See Maspero, Guide, (1915) 155 [339].
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Ankhet (?), standing, mother (as wife in Bibl.) of Useranket (see preceding entry), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 484 (JE 2231).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten ii, 64-5 pl. 80. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 156 [340].
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Wiayt, girl, painted, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 811 (JE 30379).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 107 pl. 150.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Woman, seated, upper part, early Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 708 (JE 29781).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 47-8 pl. 131.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Iyi, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65842.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937), 1-2 pl.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statuette of a queen, green serpentine, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39741.
Encyclopdie Photo. de lArt. Muse Caire pl. 51.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Amenmosi, squatting, granite, New Kingdom (?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 323 [181]; ii, Taf. 82.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Dhuthotp, base, black granite, New Kingdom (?), found at Elephantine, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Panufer, as scribe reading papyrus, head lost, New Kingdom (?), found at Elephantine, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 37652.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Statue, kneeling with statuettes of Horus, Osiris, and Isis, inscribed, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 34569.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 571.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Statues.
Fragment of seated statue, with Aramaic text, Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35562.
Maspero in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 96 pl.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Fragment of coffin, name lost, with offering text, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1808.
Text, Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 220.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Miniature limestone sarcophagus containing black granite funerary bed, mummy with ba, of Re, Dyn. XVIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 48483 (JE 7752).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Newberry, Funerary Statuettes ii, 369-73 pls. xxix-xxx; Maspero, Guide (1915), 347-8 [3382] fig. 109 (bed).
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Reliefs.
Block with cartouches of Hatshepsut changed to Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Sette, Das Hatschepsut-Problem 53 [h].
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Offering tables.
Offering-table of Sesostris I, probably from Elephantine, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23003
(JE 36817).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pl. 3.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Offering tables.
Offering-tables, no names, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 23146-7, 23149-50, 23153-4, 23208
(JE 40533-4, 40536, 40538, 40539, 40613, 40580).
Kamal, Tables doffrandes pls. 37-9.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Obelisks.
Upper part from obelisk of Amenophis II, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17015
(JE 47997).
Kuentz, Oblisques 30-1 pl. 10.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Obelisks.
Fragments from obelisk of Tuthmosis IV (in Bibl. one fragment is referred to as Fragment of obelisk of
Tuthmosis I), red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17016 (JE 28976, 55309).
Kuentz, Oblisques 31-2 pl. 10.
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Various.
Bark with hippopotamus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4923.
See Keimer in REA ii (1929), 225 [35].
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Various.
Cylinder seal with Horus-name of Userkaf, schist, from Elephantine, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 2092.
Mariette, Mon. Div. 54 [e].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Aswn. Miscellaneous. Various.
Cylinder seal with Horus-name of Neferirkare(?), formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 12900.
Mariette, Mon. Div. 54 [f].
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Various.
Vase of Merenre I, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18694 (JE 2090).
Bissing, Steingefsse 147-8 pl. i. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 165 [383].
Aswn. Miscellaneous. Various.
Vessel cover of Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 18695.
Bissing, Steingefsse 147-8 pl. i (called Merenre). See Maspero, Guide (1915), 165 [383].
Aswn. Elephantine. Miscellaneous. Various.
Shell of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 12825 (JE 30381).
See Winlock in Studies... Griffith 392 [18].
Upper part from stela of Psammetikhos, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Lepsius, Denkmler iii, pl. 274 [d].
Block with demotic text, Late Period, found in mosque, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60491.
Island of Bga. Temple Precincts.
Colossal Osiride statue of Amenophis II, head lost, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35878.
Sourouzian in JARCE xxviii (1991), 60 fig. 7. Royal titles on back, Brugsch, Thes. 1217 [b].
Abydos. Stelae. Royal stelae.
Amenophis II, adored by an Officer of bowmen etc. in Nubia (name lost), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 208-9 pl. lxii.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Aa, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20591 (JE 20951).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 229-30.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Abkau and Hetepi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20105.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 128-9 pl. xi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ab-ma and Rensonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20391.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 386-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ahmosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34077 (JE 21998).
Lacau Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 125 pl. xxxix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ahmosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34119 (JE 28118).
Lacau Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 171-2 pl. liii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ahmosi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 10070.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1034.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Akheperre-Ptahmey, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1235.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Akhety, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20218.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 240 pl. xvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Akhitefui, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20675.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 301-2.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenemhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20040.
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 19 [27.1] pl. 41. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 50.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenemhet and Amenhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20292 (JE 22006), CG 20639
(JE 22140).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 19 [27.1, 2] pl. 41. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grabund Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 305-7; ii, 276.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenemhet, with base as offering table, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20359.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 366-7 pl. xxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenemhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34064.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 112 pl. xxxviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenemhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34116 (JE 19774).
Text, Lacau Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 168-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenemhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1051.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenemhetsonb-nemtiemwaskhet (as Anti(?)emweskhet in Bibl. v.264), Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20987.
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 18 [19.1] pl. 29. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 104-5.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenemhetsonb-Nenkhemsen, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20350 (JE 20996).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 361-2 pl. xxvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenmosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34067.
Text, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 114-15.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenmosi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 811.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny (same man as following), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20101.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 122-3 pl. x.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny (same man as preceding), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20562.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 196-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, year 3 of Amenemhet II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20131 (JE 15105).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 154-5 pl. xii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20187 (JE 19773).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 216-17 pl. xvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20202.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 228.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20222.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 243 pl. xvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20428.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 24-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20455.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 49-51.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20546.
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 17 [2.2] pl. 6. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 171-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20594.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 233-4 pl. xlvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20655.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 288.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20665.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 295 pl. 1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20689 (JE 20408).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 315-16 pl. lii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ameny- Ankhreni, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20458 (JE 18506).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 18 [24.1] pl. 36. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 56-8.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenysheri-res, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20581.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 221-2 pl. xlvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Amenysonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20304.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 316-17.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Anen, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34088 (JE 36345).
Text, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 137.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ankef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20023.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 24-6 pl. iii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ankhef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20331 (JE 22133).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 343-4 pl. xxiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ankhi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20067.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 82-3 pl. vii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ankhptah, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20708.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 334 pl. liii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ankhptah (as Ptahankh in Bibl. v.267), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20408
(JE 17068).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 8-9 pl. xxix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ankhren, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20033.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 42 pl. iv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ankhren, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20374.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 376 pl. xxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ankhu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20103.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 125-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20064 (JE 21986).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 78-9 pl. vi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20083 (JE 21798).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 99 pl. viii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20285.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 300-1 pl. xxii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20370.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 372-3 pl. xxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20384.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 381-2.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20451.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 46 pl. xxxi.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20535.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 139-42 pl. xxxix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, temp. Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20542.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 163-4 pl. xliii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20575.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 216.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20576 (JE 21031).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 216-17.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20700 (JE 20339).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 327-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20137.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 160-1 pl. xii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos Nos. 590, 601.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Antef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1426.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ay, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20597.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 236-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Bebi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20129 (JE 20968).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 152-3 pl. xii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Bebi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20255.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 274-5 pl. xix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Bebi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20578 (JE 20265).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 218-19 pl. xlvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Bebi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20656.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 289 pl. 1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Bekenptah (same man as following), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1153.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Bekenptah (same man as preceding), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1219.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ber, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22043.
Kamal Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 39-40 pl. xiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Burekhef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20540.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 158-61.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Daishutef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20736.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 367-8 pl. lv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ded..., Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20717.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 344.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedetsobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20316.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 328-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedmut-sennuf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20447 (JE 21030).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 42-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedtu(?)res, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20068 (JE 22065).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 83-4 pl. vii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20475.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 71-3 pl. xxxiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20604.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 242-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20619 (JE 17077).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 258-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20692 (JE 12645).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 319-20 pl. lii.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedu-Inheret, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20055.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 65-6 pl. vi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedumin (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20657 (JE 21058).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 289-90.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedumontu-senebtifi, Vizier, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20570.
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 20 [51.1] pl. 69. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 207-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedunub, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20387.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 383-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedusobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20133.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 156-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedusobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20236.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 257.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedusobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20287.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 302.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedusobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20383 (JE 22008).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 380-1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Dedusobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20582.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 222.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dedusobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20696.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 324-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dhout, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20620.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 260.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Dhutmosi, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22127 (JE 25134).
Kamal Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 110-11 pl. xxxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ditu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20330 (JE 20337).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 342-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, two women (one of them Djadja D3d3) before Re-Harakhti,
1st half of Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28096.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 281.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, Djeho Dd-h. rw before Re-Harakhti, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 6301.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 290.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Emsaf (as Haremsaf (?) in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20607.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 246.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Eshor, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22022.
Kamal Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 23-4 pl. viii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Eshor, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22131.
Kamal, Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 113-14 pl. xxxviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Espemui, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1300.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Esphoan, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1212.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Fend, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20201.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 227-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Gebtiu, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1231.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Harem... (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20706.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 332-3 pl. liii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Djehutemhab (as Haremhab in Bibl.), Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1149.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Haremwia, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34079 (JE 22011).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 126-7 pl. xl.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Harhotp, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34063.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 111 pl. xxxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hariatef (as Thahariatf in Bibl.), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1229.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Harmosi and Neferhotep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20179.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 209-10 pl. xv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Harnakht, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2017.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1207.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Harresnet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1211.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Har(si)esi, 3rd Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21788.
Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 2271. See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1227.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Haruser, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20714 (JE 28080).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 340-1 pl. liv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Harwerre, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20080 (JE 18519).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 96-7.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hatiay, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1216.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hatiay (as Hatiuy in Bibl.), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1115.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Heket (goddess), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1210.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hem-mut (?) (as Hemi (Khety) in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20427.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 22-4 pl. xxx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hemwer, Middle Kingdom (as Old Kingdom in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20106.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 129-30 pl. xi. See Mariette, Catalogue gneral
des Monuments dAbydos No. 535.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Henenu (as Henu in Bibl.) and Ameny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20112.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 134-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Henuti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20219 (JE 20959).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 241.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Heny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20175 (JE 18521).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 205-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20466 (JE 21994).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 63.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hepet, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20281.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 295-7 pl. xx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hepir, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22144.
Kamal, Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 128-9 pl. xlii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Herankh and another, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20163.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 193-5 pl. xiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Heribretet (as Isitrekhes in Bibl.), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22011.
Text, Kamal, Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 12-13.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Het, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34084 (JE 22004).
Text, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 133-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hetep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20060.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 74-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hetep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20423 (JE 18510).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 17-18 pl. xxx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hetepui, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20021 (JE 20994).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 20-1 pl. iii.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hetepui and Wahka, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20580.
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 19 [18.2] pl. 41. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 219-20.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hetepy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20314 (JE 17056).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 327 pl. xxiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hezer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20157.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 184-5 pl. xiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hor, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20029.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 37-8 pl. iii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hor (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20076.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 92-3 pl. vii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hor, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20107.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 130-1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hor, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20339.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 350 pl. xxv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hor (same man as following), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20473 (JE 15092).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 19 [29.3] pl. 45. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 68-70.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Hor (same man as preceding), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20474 (JE 15093).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 19 [29.4] pl. 45. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 70-1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hor, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20522.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 123 pl. xxxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hori, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20126 (JE 21902).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 149-50 pl. xi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Hori, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 18518.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1314.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Horiy, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34113 (JE 22001).
Text, Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 166-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Huher, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1161.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Huy, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34060.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 107-8 pl. xxxvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Huy, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34065.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 113 pl. xxxviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Huy, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34071.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 118-19 pl. xxxix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Huy, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34072.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 119-20 pl. xxxix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Huymen and Paren, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1083.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
I..., Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 553.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iakhetu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20041.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 51.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iay, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20641 (JE 15106).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 278-9 pl. xlix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iay, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20687 (JE 20328).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 313-14 pl. lii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iay, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 976.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ib, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20291 (JE 17067).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 304-5 pl. xxii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ibeb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20405.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 6-7 pl. xxix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ibi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20020.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 19-20 pl. iii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ibi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20243 (JE 21818).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 266 pl. xix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ibi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20432.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 30-1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ibi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20525.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 125-6 pl. xxxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ibimeh, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1151.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ibu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20022.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 22-3 pl. iii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ibu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20298 (JE 28093).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 311-12.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ibu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20584.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 223-4.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ibu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20588 (JE 20953).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 227 pl. xlvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ibua, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20652.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 285-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Id, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20611 (JE 20401).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 251.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Igaihotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20144.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 169-70 pl. xiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iker and Henu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20138.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 161-3 pl. xii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Imhotep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20235.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 255-6 pl. xviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Impy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20338 (JE 21814).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 349-50 pl. xxv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Inheret-Niankhptah, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20115.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 137-8 pl. xi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iniuy, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34059.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 106-7 pl. xxxv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Inkaf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20194.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 222-3 pl. xvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Inmu (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20307.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 319.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Inpua(?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20237 (JE 20964).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 257-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Inpu-a, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20544.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 167-9 pl. xliii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Inpuhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20400 (JE 18507).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 1-2 pl. xxix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20169 (JE 22063).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 200-1 pl. xv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ioh (as Si-Ameny in Bibl.), and Si-Khentekhtai, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20065 (JE 20398).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 80-1 pl. vii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ipi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20288.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 303 pl. xxii.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ipi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20559.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 191-2 pl. xliv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ipi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 700.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ipty (Wepwauthotp), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20053.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 63 pl. v.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ipu, year 20 of Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20025.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 29-33.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ipuankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20629 (JE 21821).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 248-9 pl. xlix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ipy and Hor, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1140.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Irer (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20734.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 365-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Irer (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20750.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 384-5 pl. lviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ir[t]erau, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22019 (JE 21779).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kamal, Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 20-1 pl. viii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iru, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20371.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 373.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iry..., New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34134.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 183-4 pl. lvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Itefankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20467 (JE 21995).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 63-4 pl. xxxii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Itefrehu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20456 (JE 11336).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 51-4 pl. xxxii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Itefseni, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20085 (JE 21784).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 100 pl. viii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, woman Irterau Jrt-jrw, daughter of Khensardais H
nsw-jr-dj-s and
woman Esiardais 3st-jr-dj-s, before Re-Harakhti, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 20247.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 279.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iufnaiersen, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20039.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 48-9 pl. iv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iuhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20730 (JE 20237).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 360-1 pl. lv.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iuhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20148.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 175 pl. xiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iui, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20195 (JE 21969).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 223.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iunef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20340 (JE 25662).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 351.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iusonb (as Siwazetinsonb in Bibl.), Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20290.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 710.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iusonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20302 (JE 20243).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 315 pl. xxiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iusonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20693 (JE 21775).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 320-1 pl. lii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iusonbsenusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20261 (JE 21033).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 279-80.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iuuenamun, temp. Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Arts of Ancient Egypt. Treasures on Another Scale fig. 26. See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos
No. 1169.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Iy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20174 (JE 21974).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 204-5 pl. xv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iyaz, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20072.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 87 pl. vii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iy-iri and son Bekenamun, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21968.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1162.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iykhernefert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20038.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 46-8 pl. iv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iykhernefert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20310 (JE 21790).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 17 [1.4] pl. 2. Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 322-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iymert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20709.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 335 pl. liv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iyni, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20245 (JE 22012).
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 267-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iysetekheri (?), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34083 (JE 22013).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 132-3 pl. xlii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Iytau, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34076 (JE 18650).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 123-4 pl. xxxix.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
I...y, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20691 (JE 27577).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 318-19 pl. lii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ka, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20032.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 41-2 pl. iv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kames, temp. Rahotp or a little later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20335 (JE 8775).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 347-8 pl. xxv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kasa, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34075.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 123 pl. xxxix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Katef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20034 (JE 20253).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 42-3 pl. iv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kauf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20321 (JE 21988).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 332-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kay, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20567 (JE 17060).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 20 [39.1] pl. 57. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 203-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kay, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20547.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 173-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Kay, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20599 (JE 20998).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 239-40.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kedi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20197 (JE 20416).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 225 pl. xvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kekeketmutef (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20313.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 325-6 pl. xxiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kem, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20305 (JE 21038).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 317-18.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kem, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20573.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 213-14 pl. xlv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kemefankhef (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20352 (JE 20323).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 363 pl. xxvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kemes, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20590 (JE 22007).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 229.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kemes, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20602 (JE 21000).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 241-2 pl. xlvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kemes, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20617 (JE 17072).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 256-8 pl. xlix.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kemhu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20725.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 355-7 pl. liv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kereh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20586.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 225-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kery, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34061.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 108-9 pl. xxxvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Keseb (?), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34109 (JE 22000).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 164 pl. lii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Keshu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20028.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 36-7 pl. iii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khaemo[pet], New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos Nos. 1156 and 1168.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khakauresonb and Iiseneni (as Iisenemi in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20127.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 150-1 pl. xi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khay, Raui, and Ramosi (under Raui in Bibl.), Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Gaballa in MDAIK 35 (1979), 83-5 fig. 4 Taf. 16 [c]. See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos
No. 1206.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khemsu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20249.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 270 pl. xix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khenems, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20577.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 217-18.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khenems, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20579.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 219.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khenems and Queen Yuny, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1616.
Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 87-8 pl. 83.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khenemsu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20167.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 198-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khensardais, Dyn. XXVI-XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1306.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khentekhaihotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20325 (JE 20399).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 338 pl. xxiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khentkhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20248 (JE 17065).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 269-70 pl. xix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Khepay, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34118.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 171 pl. lii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Kheperkare, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20348 (JE 20405).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 359-60 pl. xxvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khetu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20303 (JE 21901).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 315-16.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khety, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20398.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 396-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khety, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20442.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 39-40.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khety, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20638 (JE 15098).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 275-6 pl. xlix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khety, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1011.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khnemhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20092 (JE 21787).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 112-13 pl. ix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khnemhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20300.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 313-14 pl. xxiii.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khnemi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20587 (JE 21059).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 226-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khnumy (as Khenemy in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20078.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 94-5 pl. viii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khons, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34089 (JE 11228).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 138-9 pl. xliii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20418.
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 22 [68.2] pl. 33. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 15.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Khuoker, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20238.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 259-61.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Meh, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34132.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 180-1 pl. lv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Meketisobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20444 (JE 21049).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 40-1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Memi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20159.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 186-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Memi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20378.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 378.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ment and Sesenetnef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20275.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 291.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Mentu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20071 (JE 20338).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 86 pl. vii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Mentu-a-Senbefnai, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20677.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 303-5 pl. li.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Mentuemsa-senusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20649 (JE 20962).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 284 pl. l.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Mentuhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20534.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 138-9 pl. xxxviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Mentuhotpankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20676.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 303 pl. li.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Mentu-user, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20208.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 232-3 pl. xvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Merankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20551 (JE 20324).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 181-2.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Meryamun-Ramosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1209.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Merymut and Shpenmut, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22156.
Kamal, Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 143-4 pl. xlviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Meryptah, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 929.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Meryre, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34091 (JE 18505).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 140-2 pl. xliv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Mery, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20070 (JE 25130, 20339).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 85-6 pl. vii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Mery (?), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34120.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 172-3 pl. liv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Miket, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20232.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 252-3 pl. xviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Minhotpemhatnub, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20519.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 114-16.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
My, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20379 (JE 20249).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 378-9 pl. xxviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20166.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 197-8 pl. xv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20274 (JE 25077).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 290-1 pl. xx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20308.
Clre, Les chauvres dHathor 42 [A.13] fig. 16 (as Dyn. XII-XIII). See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine
des Mittleren Reiches i, 319-21.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20315.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 328 pl. xxiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20410 (JE 4750).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 11 pl. xxix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20422 (JE 21993).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 17.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20448 (JE 20415).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 43-4 pl. xxxi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht and family, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20482.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 77-9.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20646.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 282 pl. 1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20648 (JE 21909).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 283.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 546.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakhti and Iaui, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20057.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 68-71 pl. vi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakhti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20457.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 54-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakhti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20548.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 175-7 pl. xliii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakhti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20572.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 211-13 pl. xlvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakhti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20751 (JE 25149).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 385-6 pl. lviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nakhtu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20480.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 76.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebakhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1181.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebankh and Si-Hathor, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20627.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 265-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebiau (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20368.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 371 pl. xxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebiotef and Hetep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20091.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 110-12.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebiotef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20425.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 19-21 pl. xxx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebipu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20356.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 365 pl. xxvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebipu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20545 (JE 20236).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 169-71.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebmosi and Hathor, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1144.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nebnakht, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34025.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 45-6 pl. xiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebneteru, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34085.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 134-5 pl. xlii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebui, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20436 (JE 17074).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 33-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebusen, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20593.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 232-3 pl. xlvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nebwer, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34102 (JE 21828).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 158-9 pl. 1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferhori, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20190 (JE 18536).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 219-20 pl. xvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferhotep (same man as following), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20056.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 66 pl. vi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferhotep (same man as preceding), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20240
(JE 20325).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 262-3 pl. xix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferhotep, daughter of Neferhotep I, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20058
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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(JE 19778).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 72-3 pl. vi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferhotep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20084.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 99 pl. viii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferhotep and Hetepi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20246 (JE 21906).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 18 [16.3] pl. 25. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 268.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferhotep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20283.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 299.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20109.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 132-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferiu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20142.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 167-8 pl. xiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferiu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20628.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 266.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neferkha, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20223 (JE 21050).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 243-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nefermenu, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34058 (JE 12633).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 105 pl. xxxv.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nefer-ruz, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20158 (JE 21034).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 185-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nehai, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20650.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 284-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neheri, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20045 (JE 20970).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 54-5 pl. v.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nehesi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20680 (JE 20965).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 307-8 pl. li.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nehi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20145.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 170-1 pl. xiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nehnen, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20119.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 141-2.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nekhtukha, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34069.
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 116-117.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nemtiemhetmer (as Antiemhetmer (?) in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20443.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 40.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nemti(?)em-mer (as Anti(?)em-mer in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20098 (JE 20400).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 117-19 pl. x.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nemtihotp (as Antihotp in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20227
(JE 20960).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 246-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nemtinakht (as Antinakht in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20247
(JE 20148).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 269.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nemtu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20077 (JE 20418).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 93 pl. vii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Neni, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20135.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 158-9 pl. xii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nenrekhtuf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20557 (JE 21059).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 188-9 pl. xliv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Niy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20644.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 281 pl. 1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Niya, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34135 (JE 22142).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 185-6 pl. lvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nubkaure, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20713.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 338-40.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nufer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20395 (JE 27694).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 392-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Nufer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21899.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1150.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pa, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20716.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 342-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Padau, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34126.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 176-7 pl. liv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Paentinai, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20062.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 75-7 pl. vi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pahekefi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21783.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1220.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pakeb, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1232.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pamerupaken, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1221.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Panehesi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34122.
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 174.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Panehesi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34127.
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 177-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Parehotp, Vizier, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 19775.
Texts, Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions iii, 52 [24, 1]. See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pasahta, probably temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions iii 478 [213, 3]. See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Paser (as Pesiur in Bibl.), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1145.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pay (as Paytamey in Bibl.), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34108 (JE 21781).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 163-4 pl. lii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pay, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21904.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1215.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pedeamun, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1299.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Pedeamun-nubiut (?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1294.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pedeharpkhrad, basalt, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Vassalli MSS. f.80 r (= Tiradritti, F. in Legittologo Luigi Vassalli 81; Lise, G. Per Luigi Vassalli 387 [78r]). See
Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1290.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pedehor, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1309.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pedepede ... (?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1312.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pedesi, 3rd Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1292.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pemumet (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1637.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 548.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Penankhef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20276 (JE 21054).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 291-2.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Peneswer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20554.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 184-5 pl. xliv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pennesuttaui, temp. Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 2013.
Kitchen and Gaballa in Serapis 6 (1980), 77 fig. 2 pl. 2. See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos
No. 1202.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Penpamer, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1157.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pepi and another, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20123.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 145-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pepy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20162 (JE 17061).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 192-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pepy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20178 (JE 17063).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 208-9 pl. xv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pepysonb, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 543.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Persenusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20019 (JE 18513).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 18-19 pl. iii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Perynufer (as Perynefer in Bibl.), temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34517.
Lowle in ZS 107 (1980), 57-9 fig. 1 Taf. i. Text, Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions iii, 220-1 [121, 1]. See
Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1128.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Pesesh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20630.
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See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 268-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Peseshu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20216.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 238-9 pl. xvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Peshedu, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34068 (JE 12633).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 115-16 pl. xxxviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Piamyai (as Payameyai in Bibl.), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34115.
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 168.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ptah-a (Ked), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20213 (JE 20321).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 236.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ptah-a, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20523 (JE 12632).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 123-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ptahmau, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20241.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 263-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ptahmey, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34066.
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 114.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ptahmosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34130.
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 179-80.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ptahwer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20731 (JE 17076).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 361 pl. lv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rahotp, Vizier, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 19766.
Text, Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions iii, 63 [19]. See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rai (or Reshet-redi ?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20668.
Names, Lieblein, Dictionnaire de noms Supp. No. 1835. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren
Reiches ii, 297.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ramessuhekahekau (?) and Harmosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1142.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ramosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34062.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 109-10 pl. xxxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ramosi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34128.
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 178.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Re, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34070 (JE 21776).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 117-18 pl. xxxviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Re, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34164.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 204-5 pl. lx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Re, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1226.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Redi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20311.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 323-4 pl. xxiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Refi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34074.
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 121-2.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rehuankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20049.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches [vol.?], 58-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rehuankh (as Ankh in Bibl.), temp. Sebkhotp IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20104 (JE 20992).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 127-8 pl. x.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rehuankh (as Ankh in Bibl.), and Nehy, temp. Sebkhotp IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20147.
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 18 [22.2] pl. 32. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 172-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rehuankh and Iymery, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20297 (JE 20943).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 310-11 pl. xxiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Reiamen, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 918.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rekhti (as Sebkhotp in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1602.
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches ii, 78.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Remenyankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20571.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire ii, 209-11 pl. xlvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Renef..., Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20118.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 140.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Renefankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20635 (JE 25133).
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire ii, 272.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Renefankhu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20269 (JE 21037).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 287-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Renefres, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20037.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 45-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Renefsonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20018.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 17-18 pl. ii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Renefsonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20651 (JE 20333).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 285 pl. l.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Renes, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20621 (JE 25148).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 261.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Renoker, middle Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20323 (JE 21999).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 336 pl. xxiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rensonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20117.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 138-40.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rensonb and Keku, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20160 (JE 20259).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 187-9 pl. xiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rensonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20229 (JE 20260).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 248-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rensonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20278 (JE 17070).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 293 pl. xx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rensonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20317.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 329-30.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rensonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20612 (JE 20327).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 251-2 pl. xlviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Rensonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20631 (JE 20326).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 269-70.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Renufer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20616.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 255-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Resef-theni-a, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20320 (JE 10069).
Names and titles, Lieblein, Dictionnaire de noms Supp. No. 1717. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine
des Mittleren Reiches i, 332.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Resn..., Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20136.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 160 pl. xii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Resu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20048.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 57-8 pl. v.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Reti, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34111.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 165-6 pl. lii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Retu, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34114.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 167-8 pl. lii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Roma, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21897.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1236.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Roma, Excellent Spirit of Re, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Demare, The 3h ikr n Ra-Stelae 80-1 [A28] pls. viii, xv. See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos
No. 1059.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Roma, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gneral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1050.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Roy, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34105 (JE 21795).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 160-1 pl. li.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sankh and Siptah, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20094.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 114-15 pl. ix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sankhptah, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20191.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 220-1 pl. xvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sankhptah, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20619.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 259-60.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sankhy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20096.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 116-17 pl. ix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebeky and Nesuakhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20189 (JE 15099).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 218-19 pl. xvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebk-a, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20550 (JE 20999).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 179-81 pl. xliii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebk-a, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20574.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 214-15.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkemsaf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20263.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 281-2 pl. xx.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20124.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reichesi, 147 pl. xi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20155.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 182-3 pl. xiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20156 (JE 17073).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 183-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20164 (JE 20961).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 195-6 pl. xiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20193 (JE 20963).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 221-2 pl. xvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20212 (JE 17066).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 235 pl. xvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20268.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 286.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20271.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 289 pl. xx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20277.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 292-3 pl. xx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp and Ibia, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20337 (JE 10071).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 348-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20342 (JE 21029).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 353-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20353.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 363-4 pl. xxvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20392 (JE 20252).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 388-9 pl. xxviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebkhotpu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20592.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 230-2 pl. xlvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebnakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20132 (JE 18528).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 155-6 pl. xii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebknakht, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20172.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 203 pl. xv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebknakht and his wife Ini, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20720.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 347-8 pl. liv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sebkuser, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20585.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 224-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sebu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20079.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 95-6 pl. viii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sedemtenegemgem (as Seteminegemgemu (?) in Bibl.), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 22028 (JE 21792).
Kamal, Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 29 pl. x.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sefekhnufer (as Nufer in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20120 (JE 20950).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 143.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sehetepebre, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20270.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 288.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sehetepebre, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20670.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 298-9 pl. 1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sehetepebre, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 656.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sehetepebre-sesi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20228.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 248 pl. xvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sehetepebre-sonb and Sebkemhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20082
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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(JE 18535).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 98 pl. viii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sehetepib, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20165.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 196-7 pl.xv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sehetepib, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20309.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 321-2 pl. xxiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sehetepib, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20589.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 228 pl. xlvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sekeb, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 18508.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1102.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sekekay, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34137 (JE 21987).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 187-8 pl. lvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senaib (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20280.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 294-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20380.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 379.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20134.
Callender, G. The Eye of Horus 168 fig. 5.48. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches
i, 157-8.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbef, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20569.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 206-7 pl. xlv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20225.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 245.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20231.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 250-2 pl. xviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20521 (JE 10078).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 122-3 pl. xxxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbi, temp. Neferhotep I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20614.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 253-5 pl. xlix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20678 (JE 21032).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 305 pl. li.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbsumai, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20154 (JE 21829).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 181-2 pl. xiv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbsumai, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20334.
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 18 [17.4] pl. 27. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 346-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Senbsumai, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20718 (JE 10067).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 345-6 pl. liv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20294 (JE 28109).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 307-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senbu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20746 (JE 20993).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 378-80 pl. lvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senebtifi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20073.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 87-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senebtifi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20152 (JE 22002).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 179-80.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senebtifi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20224.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 244.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senen, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20282.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 297-8 pl. xxi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senen, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20306.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 318-19.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senenes (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20196 (JE 21043).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 224 pl. xvi.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senenu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20260.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 278-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senredu (as Seniredu in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20250.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 271.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senpu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20030.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 38-40.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sentyotes, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20017 (JE 25072).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 17 [11.2] pl. 20 (caption interchanged with 17
[11.1]). See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 16-17.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sentyotes, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20016 (JE 25071).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 17 [11.1] pl. 20 (caption interchanged with 17
[11.2]). See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 15-16.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senuankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20171 (JE 21793).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 202.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20111.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 133-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senusert and Seheteprebre, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20122.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 144-5 pl. xi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Senusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20125.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 147-8 pl. xi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20199 (JE 20969).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 226 pl. xvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20217.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 239-40 pl. xvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senusert, year 9 of Amenemhet II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20239.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 261-2 pl. xix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20385 (JE 18515).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 382-3 pl. xxviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20653.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 286-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senusert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 616.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senusertsonbu, temp. Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20558.
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 19 [26.3] pl. 39. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 189-90.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senusert-Teti and Heny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20483.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 79-80.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Senysonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20114 (JE 17078).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 136-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sesheny, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20273 (JE 20242).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 290 pl. xx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Setmosi (as Sethmosi in Bibl.), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1197.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Shedu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20108.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 131-2 pl. xi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Shepenesi, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1291.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sheru (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20301.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 314.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sheta, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20495 (JE 20941).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 87.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-ankhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20351 (JE 21057).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 362.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Si-Hathor, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20069.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 84-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Hathor, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20450 (JE 30991).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 45-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Hathor, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20659.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 291 pl. 1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sihep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20745 (JE 17064).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 378 pl. lvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Hepu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20081 (JE 15100).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 97-8 pl. viii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Hepy, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20470.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 65-6 pl. xxxiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sihezhetep, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20346.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 356-8 pl. xxvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sihi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20608.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 246-8 pl. xlviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Inheret, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20042 (JE 17057).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 51-2 pl. iv.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Inheret, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20566.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 202-3 pl. xlv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Inheret, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34056.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 99-101 pl. xxxiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Khonsu and Haremsaf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20242.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 264-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Montu and Dedusobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20059 (JE 20954).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 73-4 pl. vi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Montu, Vizier, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20102 (JE 11227).
Vassalli MSS. f.104v [middle] (= Tiradritti, F. in Legittologo Luigi Vassalli 86-7; Lise, G. Per Luigi Vassalli 391
[235]). See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 123-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Montu, with mother Sent squatting before him, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20210.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 234 pl. xvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Montu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20264.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 282-3 pl. xx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Montu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20598.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 237-9 pl. xlvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Siptah, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20688.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 314-15.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sirennutet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20332 (JE 22145).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 344-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Si-Sekhmet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20744.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 377-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sisobk, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20046 (JE 21028).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 55-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sisobk (?) and Iysonb (?), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20640.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 276-8.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sisobkankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20345.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 355-6 pl. xxvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sitetsi, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22003.
Kamal, Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 3-4 pl. ii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sit-Hathor, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20257 (JE 20330).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 276-7 pl. xix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Siwazyt (as Siwazet in Bibl.), and wife Iutet, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20184.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 213-14 pl. xvi.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Siwazhet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20051 (JE 20957).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 60-2, pl v.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Siwent, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20560.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 192-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sizedit, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20139 (JE 21773).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 163-4 pl. xii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Snefru, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20066.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 81-2 pl. vii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Snefru, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20113 (JE 20322).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 135-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Snefr[u], Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20128.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 151-2 pl. xii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Snefr[u], Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20715.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 341-2 pl. liv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20093.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 113-14 pl. ix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sonb and wife Si(t)shemi, dedicated by Innufer-Senusert, temp. Sesostris III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 309-10.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20434.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 32 pl. xxxi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20610 (JE 19781).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 249-51.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sonb, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20710.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 335-6 pl. liv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Sutatahes (as Sutahes (?) in Bibl.) and Bak, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34078.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 125-6 pl. xl.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Tadepanetera, daughter of Gesem... and Hefrer, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 20262.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 287 Taf. 37 [138].
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Takerheb, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22149.
Kamal, Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 136-7 pl. xliv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Tany, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1158.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Teti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20286 (JE 20238).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 301-2.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Tetiemsaf-wer, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20185.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 214-15 pl. xvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Theni, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20054.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 63-5 pl. vi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Thenu, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20186.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 215-16 pl. xvi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Thethi, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20209.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 233-4 pl. xvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Thununa (as Thunen in Bibl.), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34168.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 206-7 pl. lxii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Thuthu, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34144 (JE 19785).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 192-3 pl. lviii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ti, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20445 (JE 20948).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 41-2 pl. xxxi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Titiankh, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20666 (JE 10072).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 295-6 pl. 1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Turaia (as Turia in Bibl.), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34082.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 131-2 pl. xlii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Tusi, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34073 (JE 21900).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 120-1 pl. xxxix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Unnufer, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 304 Taf. 4 [157] (as Ptolemaic). See Mariette, Catalogue gnral
des Monuments dAbydos No. 1296.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
User, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20074.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 88-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
User, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20364 (JE 20392).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 369 pl. xxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Userhet (as Iuti, Middle Kingdom, in Bibl.), with Yuyu and wife Mutnefert at top, temp. Ramesses II to
Merneptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21819.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1163.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Wahhotp, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20358.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 366.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Wahka, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20043 (JE 20958).
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 18 [14.1] pl. 24. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine
des Mittleren Reiches i, 53.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Wahka, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20180.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 210-11 pl. xv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Wahka, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20200.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 227.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Wahka, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20211 (JE 21045).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 234-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Wahka, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20595 (JE 20946).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 234-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Wahka, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20636 (JE 20945).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 272-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Wernebkemui, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20703 (JE 27834).
Simpson, W. K. Terrace of the Great God at Abydos (1974), 18 [18.2] pl. 28. See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 330.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Wiau, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20671.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 299 pl. 1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Yiuti (as Iuti in Bibl.), New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34090.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 139-40 pl. xliii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Za, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20613 (JE 20997).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 252-3 pl. xlviii.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Zaf, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20027 (JE 20956).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 34-5 pl. iii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Zati, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20031.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 40-1 pl. iii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Ze-esefankh (as Ze-esefonkh in Bibl.), Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 22041.
Kamal, Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 38-9 pl. xiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Zeho, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22031 (JE 34603).
Kamal, Stles Ptolmaiques et Romaines i, 31 pl. x.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Zeruy (as Harzeruy in Bibl.), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20681 (JE 20965).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 308-9.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
...nefert and Sinefert, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20723.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 352-3.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
...u..., Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20168.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 199-200.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
...y, year 10 of Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20773 (JE 28048).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 402.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Family stela before Abydos Triad, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1164.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown (mother Hefrer), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1311.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20036 (JE 11232, 27644).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 44-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20063.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 77-9 pl. vi.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20090 (JE 20256).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 109-10 pl. ix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20095 (JE 21810).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 115-16.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20116 (JE 20393).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 138.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20161.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 189-91.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20205.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 230-1.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20214.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 236-7 pl. xvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20226.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 245-6.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20262.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 280-1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20265 (JE 17069).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 283-4 pl. xx.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20299.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 312-13.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20360 (JE 20246).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 367 pl. xxvii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20421 (JE 21996).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 16-17.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20441.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 39.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name destroyed, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20464.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches and Schfer ii, 62.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20469 (JE 28105).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 65.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20472 (JE 21907).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 67 pl. xxxiii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20553.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 183-4 pl. xliv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20555.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches i, 185-7 pl. xliv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20565.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 200-2 pl. xlv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20637.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 274-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20654.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 287-8 pl. 1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20682 (JE 20404).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 309-10 pl. li.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20722 (JE 18509).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 349-52 pl. liv.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20724.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 353-5.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20739 (JE 3478).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches ii, 370-1.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34100 (JE 15113).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 155-7 pl. xlix.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34103.
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 159.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34106 (JE 22061).
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 161-2.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34110 (JE 21825).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 164-5 pl. lii.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34136 (JE 21968, 21778).
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 186-7.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34142 (JE 19786).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 191 pl. lviii.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
v.270 (cf ii2.187)
Name unknown, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34162, fragment with parallel text to stela
of Haremhab of Karnak, see ii2.187.
See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire i, 203-4.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6300.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1321.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 11229.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1322.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, woman (name lost) in adoration before Re-Harakhti, and three
lines of offering text below, 2nd half of Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 12634.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 290 Taf. 38 [140].
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, woman and man (names not clear) before Re-Harakhti, end of
Dyn. XXV or early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 12638.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 271.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Stela with painted decoration, two men and a woman (names lost) before Re-Harakhti, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 15095.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 269.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Osiris, Isis and Nephthys in upper part, and below woman seated with child on knee,
standing woman, and offering-bearer, no names, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21898.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1217.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Round-topped stela with painted decoration, two women (names not clear) in adoration before Re-Harakhti,
end of Dyn. XXV or beginning of Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 22139.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 272 Taf. 32 [117].
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1293.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1310.
Abydos. Stelae. Private stelae.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1317.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Names unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, see following.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1238-88.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21972.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 264 Taf. 29 [103]. See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments
dAbydos No. 1238.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Pairioh, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21970.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 264 Taf. 29 [104]. See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments
dAbydos No. 1239.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Irtierthau, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 266 Taf. 30 [109] (as Dyn. XXVI). See Mariette, Catalogue
gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1240.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Man in long robe, before Re, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1241.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21989.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1242.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Dedicated by Taper(t) (woman), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21789.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 263 Taf. 30 [108]. See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments
dAbydos No. 1244.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 11230.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 270-1 Taf. 32 [115] (as P3.f-h. r son of P3-dj... and Djt-nt-...
and as Dyn. XXVI). See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1245.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Dedicated to Re by Esesi (woman), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1246.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Khensardais and her daughter Tamer(t)khons, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1247.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Hor, son of Irtharerau, and wife Esiardais, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 266 Taf. 30 [110] (as end of Dyn. XXV). See Mariette,
Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1248.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Tekharu, daughter of Roro, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 276 Taf. 34 [123]. See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments
dAbydos No. 1249.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Usirimosi and daughter Gemesi, Late Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21811.
Vittmann, G. in ZS 127 (2000), 170-1 Abb. 1. See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8771.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1251.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Harnakht, Head of gardeners, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 264 Taf. 26 [105]. Name and title, Mariette, Catalogue gnral
des Monuments dAbydos No. 1252.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Nehemse-ubaste, daughter of Pedewen and Es-hathor, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 8770.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 271 Taf. 32 [116]. See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments
dAbydos No. 1253.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Man and two women, names lost, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1254.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1255.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Hor, son of Esmin and Shuri, Dyn. XXVI-XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8767.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1256.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1257.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6303.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 269 Taf. 31 [113] (owner as Jrt-h. r-rw son of T3j.f-jw-a3
(mother) and Dyn. XXVI). See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1258.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Zeesimau, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 20240.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 278 Taf. 34 [125]. See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments
dAbydos No. 1259.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1260.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Kameneh (?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 22010.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1261.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1262.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1263.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Two women in long robes, no texts, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1264.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1265.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Woman, no name, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 20251.
Munro, P. Die Sptgyptische Totenstelen (1973), 280-1 Taf. 35 [130] (as Dyn. XXVI). See Mariette, Catalogue
gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1266.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Two women before Re-Harakhti, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1267.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Pede..., Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1269.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Man and woman, no texts, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1270.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Harwoz, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1271.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Pedeharpekhrod, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1273.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Seramun and wife Esiardais, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 5386.
Vassalli MSS. f.103 v [middle] (= Tiradritti, F. in Legittologo Luigi Vassalli 86; Lise, G. Per Luigi Vassalli 391
[245] fig. 20 [middle]). See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1274.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1275.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1277.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1278.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Thui, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1279.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Tafaberti (?), Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1281.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Esensena, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8773.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 278 Taf. 34 [126] (as Dyn. XXVI). See Mariette, Catalogue
gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1282.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Zehapnen, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 21980.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 311 Taf. 43 [155] (as JE 21971). See Mariette, Catalogue gnral
des Monuments dAbydos No. 1283.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Dutkhonspesonb, Chamberlain of the Divine adoratress, son of Pabesmut, same title, before Osiris and Isis,
Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 298-9 Taf. 42 [153]. See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des
Monuments dAbydos No. 1284.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Three people, no names, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1286.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Name unknown, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 8769.
See Mariette, Catalogue gnral des Monuments dAbydos No. 1287.
Abydos. Various Stelae. Dedicated to Re-Harakhti.
Three priests offer to Re-Harakhti, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 98 n. 6 100 n. 2 Taf. 34 [124]. See Mariette, Catalogue gnral
des Monuments dAbydos No. 1288.

Volume vi

Abydos. Temple of Sethos I. Various. Finds.

Two foundation deposits of Sethos I, with plaques, etc., found by Baraize, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
53334-495, JE 53586-661.
See A Brief Description No. 6166.
Abydos. Temple of Sethos I. Various. Finds.
Base of altar, with four Nile gods on each face, and title of Sethos I, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 4743.
Brand, P. J. The Monuments of Seti I (2000), 173 [3.52] fig. 94. See Mariette, Abydos i, 28 [9].
Abydos. Cenotaph of Sethos I. Finds.
Dovetails of Sethos I, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 34551.
Frankfort, Cenotaph ii, pls. 8, 16 [1].
Abydos. Cenotaph of Sethos I. Finds.
Dovetails of Sethos I, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 524 [5226].
Abydos Temples. Temple of Ramesses I. Various.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Statue of Ramesses I, head lost, dedicated by Sethos I, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 89625.
Clre in Rev. dg. xi (1957), 34-6 figs. 14-16.
Abydos Temples. Temple of Ramesses II. Various. Finds.
Block with part of text of Ramesses II, probably from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28049.
de Roug, Inscr. Hiero. xxix.
Dendera. Temple of Hathor. Windows.
Part of window, with figures of gods and text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55371.
Dendera. Hathor Shrine of Mentuhotp Nebhepetre. In Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46068.
Habachi in MDAIK xix (1963), 19-28 figs. See Daressy in Ann. Serv. xvii (1917), 226-36.
Dendera. Miscellaneous. Finds of earlier date.
Foundation-deposit of Tuthmosis III, with alabaster vases, bronze chisels, axe heads, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 71776-812.
Fischer, Dendera in the 3rd Millenium BC 50-2 figs. 10a, 10b.
Dendera. Finds.
Statue of Bes, with text on back, white sandstone, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 38705 (JE 28459).
Daressy, Statues de Divinits 181 pl. xxxix.
Dendera. Miscellaneous. Finds.
Sphinx with cartouche of Ptolemy XI, hard greenish stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46393, from near
Sacred Lake.
See Abdalla, A. in GM 145 (1995), 25.
Dendera. Finds.
Stela of a Priest of Harsomtus of Khadineter, delivered by Ptolemy, son of Panos, year 21 Augustus, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Bresciani in Studi Classici e Oreintali ix (1960), 121-6 fig.
Dendera. Finds.
Relief, sculptors trial-piece, pregnant goddess between two cow headed goddesses, Ptolemaic, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 40627.
Spiegelberg in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 164-5 pl. ii.
Dendera. Miscellaneous. Finds.
Naos of Ptolemy XI with scenes of King and deities, King offering, and Hathor heads with cartouche of King,
gilded silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46355, from near Sacred Lake.
See Abdalla, A. in GM 145 (1995), 22-3.
Dendera. Miscellaneous. Finds.
Mirror, one side gilded and silver, the other with seated figure of Isis-Hathor and cartouche of a Ptolemy, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46374, from near Sacred Lake.
See Abdalla, A. in GM 145 (1995), 24.
Esna. Temple of Khnum. Finds.
Naos of Osiris, dedicated by Sabacon, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70007
(JE 27581).
Roeder, Naos pl. 7, cf. pp. 25-8. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 200 [797].
Edfu. Sanctuary.
Naos, inscribed, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 6279 (still in situ).
Edfu. Temple. Dyn. XVIII.
Fragments from two sphinxes of Mentuhotp Sankhenre, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48874-5.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxxi (1931), 2 pl. JE 48874, Evers, Staat ii, pl. v.
Edfu. Temple. Miscellaneous. Finds.
Torso of king, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 692.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 37 fig. pl. 127. Demotic text of Petamenophis on back, Spiegelberg, W.
Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 75.
Edfu Temple.
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Sphinx, grey sandstone, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 698 (JE 25297).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 41 pl. 128.
Edfu Temple. Miscellaneous.
Royal bust, sculptors model, demotic and hieroglyphic texts, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
T.F. L[iepsner] in Helck and Otto (eds.), Lexikon der gyptologie iv, fig. in col. 174.
Kom Ombo. Temple of Haroeris and Sobk Triads. Brick Enclosure Wall.
Stela of Trajan, found in situ on inner face of east wall, facing rear of Temple, removed in 1903, now in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 22213 (JE 36324).
de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de lgypte antique iii, No. 1078. Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques
et romaines 205-6. See Maspero, Guide (1914), 250 [2040].
Kom Ombo. Chapel of Sobk.
Statue of a wife of Tuthmosis III, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45076.
Barsanti in Ann. Serv. xv (1915), pl. v. cf. p. 174, 176. See Maspero, Guide, (1915) 181 [661].
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Statue base of Ipiankhef and Ipiemsas, wood, probably Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43959.
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Column with Ptolemy IX Soter III (as Ptolemy VI Philometor in Bibl.) before Horus, and Cleopatra III (as
II in Bibl.) before Khons, red sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45072.
Scenes, de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de lgypte antique iii, 341-5 [1063-70].
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Jamb, four registers, a Ptolemy before a deity in each, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45073.
de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de lgypte antique iii, 346 [1071-4].
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
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Block with sacred cows Ihet and Hesis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de lgypte antique iii, 333 [988].
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Block, hand holding hrp, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44317.
de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de lgypte antique iii, 334 [994].
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Lion gargoyle, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Garnot in BIFAO xxxvii (1937-8), 87-91 fig. 6 pl. v. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 254 [1202].
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Part of lintel, double-scene, Ptolemy offers to Khons and Sobek, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43923 (as JE 43922 in Bibl.).
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Block from a door jamb, two registers, upper, Ptolemy XII consecrates victims before Haroeris [and goddess],
lower, and offers field to Sobek and [Hathor], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45299.
Bedier. S. in GM 162 (1998), 11-13, 15, 22 Abb. 3 Taf. 2.
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Block from a lintel with two scenes, Ptolemy XII offers milk to Pnebtaui and Isis, and offers Maet to [a deity],
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45074.
Bedier. S. in GM 162 (1998), 5-9, 13-15, 19-20 Abb. 1 Taf. 1 [1].
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Block from a lintel with two scenes, Ptolemy XII offers food offerings to Pnebtaui and Nephthys, and offers
to deities], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 45094.
Bedier. S. in GM 162 (1998), 5-6, 13-15, 21 Abb. 2 Taf. 1 [2] (as JE 45074).
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Block from a frieze with cartouches of Autocrator, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44316.
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
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Block with Ptolemy and queen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Block with double-scene, Ptolemy offers to Haroeris and Sobek, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Block, probably from here, Ptolemy offers ape to god, and offers two vases, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Head of king, black granite, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 747 (as CG 74 in Bibl.)
(JE 30490).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 72 pl. 138.
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Lion, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Maspero, gypte 265 fig. 500.
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Sphinx, yellow sandstone, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 699.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 41 pl. 129.
Kom Ombo. Miscellaneous.
Lid from coffin of Ankhhap, Priest, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29311.
Philae. Chapel of Mandulis.
Rear wall. Stela, Emperor offers image of Maet to Mandulis, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
22192 (JE 37571).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaiques et romaines 189-90 pl. lxv.
Philae. Temple of Augustus.
Trilingual stela (hieroglyphic, Latin, and Greek) of Cornelius Gallus, year 1 of Augustus, red granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 9295.
Dupouy in Chron. dg. (1928), pl. on 195. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 230-1 [991].
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Philae. Miscellaneous.
Altar, granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (as Temp. No. in
Philae. Miscellaneous. Finds.
Statue, man wearing long robe holding palm and lotus, head lost, granite, Ptolemaic, found south of Coptic
Church, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Lyons, Report ... Philae pl. 63 [right].
Philae. Miscellaneous. Finds.
Statue of warrior, head lost, with dog, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36352.
Philae. Miscellaneous. Finds.
Stela, top broken, king offers uraeus to Arsenuphis, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 37571.
Philae. Miscellaneous. Finds.
Base and broken upper part of obelisk, with inscription on two opposite faces, basalt, Ptolemaic, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 41015-16 (as JE 1015-16 in Bibl.).
Philae. Miscellaneous. Finds.
Blocks with text, sandstone, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.

Volume vii

Tfa (Taphis). Hill Chapel.

Lintel, said to be in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Roeder, Debod bis Bab Kalabsche 207 pl. 91 [b].
Tfa (Taphis). Hill Chapel.
Statue of Isis, sandstone, said to be in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Roeder, Debod bis Bab Kalabsche 208-9 pls. 91 [a], cf. 125 [a-d].
Kalbsha. Miscellaneous.
Squatting statue of Bes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40284.
Kalbsha. Miscellaneous.
Statuette, bronze, Roman, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41807.
Kalbsha. Miscellaneous.
Statue group, three people round column, sandstone, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43365.
Dakka. Miscellaneous.
Offering-table with Meroitic (?) text, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40258?
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 252 [1187].
Dakka. Miscellaneous.
Offering-table with Meroitic text, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 459 [4388].
El-Mah. arraqa. Small Temple.
Bas relief, upper part, Thoth, youth offering to goddess seated under sycamore tree with small triad and winged
hawk above, and seated goddess facing right beyond, lower part, Isis facing left, small sketch of tree scene, and
goddess facing right beyond, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Brugsch, Thes. 701 (omitting right part); Wilkinson MSS. i.47 [right], xiv.14.
Med. q District. Cemetery 137, at Sayla.
Mace handle with animals, gold, Dyn. I, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43883.
Firth, Archaeological Survery of Nubia, 1910-11, 206-7 fig. 8.
El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela I of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41405.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 87-8 [19]; vii, 440.

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El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela II of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41400.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 88 [20].
El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela III of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41406.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 89 [21]; vii, 440.
El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela IV of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41401.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 89-90 [22].
El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela V of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41399.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 90 [23].
El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela VI of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41396.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 90-1 [24].
El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela VII of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41395, with lintel,
JE 41397, and jambs, JE 41398.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 91-4 [25].
El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela VIII of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, with deceased and Mernezem adoring, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 41402.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 94-5 [26].
El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela IX of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, dedicated by Ramosi, Officer, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 41403.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 95 [27].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela X of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41407.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 96 [28].
El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Stela XI of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41404.
Barsanti and Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xi (1911), 64-86 pls. i-v. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 96 [29].
El-Sebua. Temple. Outer Court.
Fragments from jambs of Ramesses II with offering-text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Texts, Gauthier, Le Temple de Oudi es-Saboua 36-7 [1-5].
El-Sebua. Temple. Second Court.
Base with Setau, Viceroy of Kush, kneeling before cartouches of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 97 [31] (as lintel).
El-Sebua. Temple. Pylon.
Bust of Princess, from colossus of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41010.
Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 991.
El-Sebua. Miscellaneous.
Stela with niche, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41011.
El-Sebua. Miscellaneous.
Upper part of statuette of Ramesses II, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41388.
Shablul. Cemetery. Meroitic.
Stela, with Meroitic cursive text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39265.
Griffith, Karang pl. 29.
aAmada. Temple. Found in dbris.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pyramidion or offering-stand of Messuy, Viceroy of Kush, red sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Rammant-Peeters, Pyramidions 22-3 [19] pl. xiv [39] (as limestone).
aAmada. Kiosk of Sethos I.
Fragment from seal of Amenophis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41806.
Text, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. x (1910), 122-3.
Amada. Miscellaneous.
Stela, Sesostris III before two deities, gneiss, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 30310.
Amada. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Amenophis III, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34027 (JE 30308).
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 61-2 pl. xxii.
Amada. Miscellaneous.
Lower right part of stela of Amenophis III, remains of two lines of text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
34028 (JE 30309).
Klug, A. Knigliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis Amenophis III (2002), 436-7 [I 27], 536 (as [I 20] in error)
Abb. 34. See Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 62.
Tomas. Near Khor Oba.
Offering-table with Meroitic cursive text of Bertye, Viceroy, probably from Karanog Cemetery, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 90009.
Leclant in Bull. Soc. Fr. dEg. 42 (1968), 10-11 fig. 2.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Jamb, girl with vase, from G. 71, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40228.
Woolley, Karang iv, pl. 11 [lower right].
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Two painted stelae, Meroitic texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40128, 40189.
Woolley, Karang iv, pl. 11 [lower left]; Griffith, Karang vi, pls. 18 [85], 21 [107].
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Painted stela, Meroitic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40229.
Wenig, Africa in Antiquity ii, Cat. 127 fig.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Two stelae with reliefs, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40265 and number unknown.
Woolley, Karang iv, pl. 11 [upper] (right stela called 40165).
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 73], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40117.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 15.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 87], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40120.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 18.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 36], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40124.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. pl. 8.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 31], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41029.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 7.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 58], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40130.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 12.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 110], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41031.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 22.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 92], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41032.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 19.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 14], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41033.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 3.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 76], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41034.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 16.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 53], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41035.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 11.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 35], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40144.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 7.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 12 and 98], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41050.
Griffith, Karang vi, pls. 3, 20.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 29], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40157.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 6.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 108], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40180.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 22.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 118], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40182.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 24.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 65], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40183.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 13.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 97], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40184.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 19.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 113], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40186.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 23.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 44], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40187.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 9.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 129], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40188.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 26.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40230.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 8], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40252.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 2.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 48], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40257.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 10.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 56], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40266.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 12.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 68], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40267.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 14.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 13], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40270.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 3.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 83], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40271.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 17.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40272.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text [Kar. 21], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40273.
Griffith, Karang vi, pl. 5.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43071.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Offering-tables with Meroitic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40107-16, 40118, 40121-3, 40125-7,
40138-41, 40143, 40145-9, 40151-6, 40158-60, 40163-7, 40169-71, 40173-9, 40189 (?), 40234-5, 40237-44,
40256, 40258-61, 40263.
Griffith, Karang vi, pls. 1-26.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Ba statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40193.
Woolley, Karang iv, pl. 2.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Ba statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40194.
Woolley, Karang iv, pl. 2; Wenig, Africa in Antiquity ii, Cat. 151 fig.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Ba statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40232.
Woolley, Karang iv, pl. 2; Wenig, Africa in Antiquity ii, Cat. 153 fig.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Ba statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40233.
Woolley, Karang iv, pl. 2.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Ba statue of man holding stick, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40195.
Woolley, Karang pl 7 (7014).
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Ba statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40196.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Ba statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40197.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Ba statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40198.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Ba statue, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40199.
Aniba. Karanog Cemetery.
Bowl with reliefs showing people before hut, milking scene and cattle, bronze, from G. 187, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 41017.
Woolley, Karang iv, pls. 26 [lower], 27; Shinnie, Meroe 18 fig. 3 (sketch).
Aniba. Cemetery S. Various.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pyramidion of Anu, Dyn. XIX , in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Steindorff, Aniba ii, 62 pl. 35 [10].
Aniba. Cemetery S. Various.
Plaque, Messuy, Viceroy of Kush, before cartouche of Merneptah, on recto, and name and titles on verso, from
SA. 23, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41832.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iv, 96 [57, 6]. See Steindorff, Aniba ii, 225.
Aniba. Fort. Old Kingdom.
Fragments from stelae of Amenophis III built in, pottery, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Klug, A. Knigliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis Amenophis III (2002), 431-3 [I 18 - I 25], 536 [I 18] Abb.
33. Texts, Steindorff, Aniba ii, 258-9.
Aniba. Storehouse. Temp. Tuthmosis III.
Lintel of Nehi, Viceroy, before Termuthis as serpent, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Steindorff, Aniba ii, pl. 18 [1].
Aniba. Storehouse. Temp. Tuthmosis III.
Lintel of Nehi, Viceroy, adoring cartouches of Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Steindorff, Aniba ii, pl. 18 [2].
Tshka West. Finds.
Stela of Haremhet, year 4 Amenemhet II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89630.
Simpson in Fouilles en Nubie (1959-1961), 42 pl. I.
Mas. mas. . Naga Sawestra North. Cemeteries.
Offering table with cursive Meroitic text, from tomb 1, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89816.
Almagro Basch, M. La necrpolis merotica de Nag Gamus (Masms, Nubia Egipcia). Memorias de la Misin
Arqueolgica Espaola en Nubia (Egipto y Sudn) 8 (1965), 43 [1] pl. xvi.
Qbn. Fort.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lintel of Renufer (?), temp. Ramesses X, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86633.
Emery and Kirwan, Excavations and Survey fig. 38.
Qb. Fort. Finds.
Rubber(?), with text of Bakt, steatite, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86287.
Qbn. Temple of Amenemhet III, re-used Dyn. XVIII.
Squatting statue, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1222.
Remains of text on garment, Lepsius, Denkmler. Text v, 59 [bottom]; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 117
(called Luxor).
Qb. Miscellaneous.
Crouching statue of Hekanakht, red sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 35674.
Texts, Quibell in Ann. Serv. iii (1902), 240-1 [1]; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 69-70 [2]; vii, 439.
Block with text of Redis, temp. Amenemhet I, from hill above Naga el-Girgwi, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 90222.
Tajemn Nbie (Prague, Nprstkovo muzeum, May-Sept. 1975), fig. 14.
Qasr Ibrm. Cemeteries.
Head of ba statue, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89696.
Mills, The Cemeteries of Qas. r Ibrm pls. xc [6], cf. xxxviii.
Qasr Ibrm. Cemeteries.
Two Meroitic stela, with 14 and 19 lines cursive text respectively, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
89699, 89700.
Mileet in Mills, The Cemeteries of Qasr Ibrm 69-78 figs. 1, 2 pl. lxxxix [2, 3].
Armenna East. Meroitic Cemetery.
Inlay for chest, with Hathor head, ivory, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Simpson in Fouilles en Nubie (1961-1965), fig. on 193 and on pl. v.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Armenna East. Meroitic Cemetery.
Stela with Meroitic cursive text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 90019.
Simpson in Journ. Mus. Res. Center iii (1964), pl. xii [8].
Ab Simbel. Great Temple. North Chapel.
Four statues of baboons, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42955B.
Egyptian Museum fig. on 39. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 188 [728].
Ab Simbel. Great Temple. North Chapel.
Pair of obelisks of Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17023-4 (JE 42955).
Kuentz, Obelisques 45-50 pl. xiii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 188. [728].
Ab Simbel. Great Temple. North Chapel.
Altar with naos containing baboon and colossal scarab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 70005
(JE 42955).
Roeder, Naos 22-4 pl. 6. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 188 [728].
Ab Simbel. Great Temple. Finds.
Statue group, lion biting captive, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Hamza in Ann. Serv. xxx (1930), 47 fig. 5; Hornemann, Types v, No. 1331.
Ab Simbel. Great Temple, Finds.
Stela, Huy before deified Ramesses II and Thoth, with wife before Anukis of Amenheri below, found in front
of Terrace at north end, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Radwan in gypten. Dauer und Wandel 65 Taf. 10.
Ab Simbel. North of Great Temple.
Stela of Paser, Viceroy of Kush, before Amun, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxxvi (1936-7), 50-6 pl. iii.
Ab Simbel. North of Great Temple.
Stela of Paser, Viceroy of Kush, before Amun, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 65834.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxxvi (1936-7), 50-6 pl. iii.
Gebel Adda. Gebel el-Shems. Meroitic Cemetery.
Stela with goddess and Anubis and cursive Meroitic text, found in front of Pyramidion I, in Cairo, Egyptian
Millet in Journal American Research Center ii (1963), 160 fig. 13.
Qustul. Cemetery.
Three Meroitic offering-tables with cursive texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 90482, 90481, 90477.
Bakr in Kush xii (1964), 293-6 Abb. 1-3 pl. lv.
Qustul. Cemetery. X- group.
Saddle pommel, with winged Isis on one side, silver, from horse and camel equipment, from tomb 36, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70501.
Emery, Nubian Treasure pl. 27 [B].
Qustul. Cemetery. X- group.
Saddle pommel, with two hawks, silver, from horse and camel equipment, from tomb 31, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 70489.
Emery, Nubian Treasure pl. 27 [C].
Qustul. Cemetery. X- group.
Two plaques from a casket with composite Meroitic god, from tomb 17, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 71209a, b.
Emery, Nubian Treasure pl. 31 [B].
Qustul. Cemetery. X- group.
Knife handle with Bes, ivory, from tomb 3, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70647.
Emery, Nubian Treasure pl. 40 [C].
Qustul. Cemetery. X- group.
Grave stone with Meroitic cursive text, from earlier tomb, found near tomb 48, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Emery and Kirwan, Royal Tombs 407 pl. 116 [2].
Qustul. Cemetery. X- group.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Spearhead with Meroitic cursive text on one side and two seated lions on the other, found above pit of tomb
14, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70676.
Emery and Kirwan, Royal Tombs 224 [217] pl. 116 [3].
Ballna. Cemetery. X- group.
Meroitic crown of king, from tomb 95, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70452.
Trk, Late Antique Nubia 145-6 pl. 109 [22].
Ballna. Cemetery. X- group.
Meroitic crown of queen, from royal tomb 95, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70453.
Trk, Late Antique Nubia 169-75 pl. 110 [18].
Ballna. Cemetery. X- group.
Meroitic crown, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70454.
Trk, Late Antique Nubia 150, 169-75 pl. 124 [11].
Ballna. Cemetery. X- group.
Meroitic crown of queen, from royal tomb, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70455.
Trk, Late Antique Nubia 152, 169-75 pl. 128 [29].
Ballna. Cemetery. X- group.
Meroitic crown of queen, from royal tomb 80, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70456.
Trk, Late Antique Nubia 109-10, 169-75 pl. 60 [3].
Ballna. Cemetery. X- group.
Meroitic crown, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70457.
Trk, Late Antique Nubia 116, 169-75 pl. 70 [20].
Ballna. Cemetery. X- group.
Meroitic crown of queen, from royal tomb 10, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70458.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Trk, Late Antique Nubia 132, 169-75 pl. 91 [31].
Ballna. Cemetery. X- group.
Meroitic crown, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88885.
Trk, Late Antique Nubia 109-10, 169-75 pls. iv (from Wenig), 60 [48].
Ballna. Cemetery. X- group.
Meroitic crown of queen, from royal tomb 47, silver, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88886.
Trk, Late Antique Nubia 120, 169-75 pl. 74 [13].
Buhen. North Temple. Finds.
Stela of Sesostris III, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Lyons in JEA iii (1916), 182.
Buhen. North Temple. Miscellaneous.
Stela of an Overseer of the cabinet of the bureau of the vizier (?), name lost, probably Dyn. XIII, probably
from here, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20685.
Text, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 312.
Wadi Halfa. Miscellaneous.
Statue of Setau, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1134 (now in Aswn, Nubia Museum).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iv, 72-3 pl. 163.
Wdi Halfa. Miscellaneous.
Fragment of stela of Tuthmosis III beloved of Horus lord of Buhen, with text mentioning building and
endowment of Buhen temple, temp. Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34014. (Probably adjoins
London, British Museum, EA 1021.)
Klug, A. Knigliche Stelen (2002), 186-90 [F 22], 515 [F 22, 2nd item] Abb. 16 [left]. See Lacau, Stles 30-1
(text). Text, Sethe, Urk. iv, 820-1 [227].
Wadi Halfa. Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela of Amenemhet, temp. Hatshepsut (as Dyn. XVIII (?) in Bibl.), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20775.
Texts, Lange and Schfer, Grab und Denksteine ii, 403-5.
Wadi Halfa. Miscellaneous.
Stela, Tuthmosis I with Queen Ahmosi and [Ahmosi] Nefertere before god, with decree of year 1 announcing
accession to Turo, Viceroy, and mentioning Kings mother Senisonb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34006.
Lacau, Stles du Nouvel Empire 11-13 pl. v. See Legrain, Repertoire 58.
Wadi Halfa. Miscellaneous.
Stela of Penyun, with deceased before Horus of Buhen, and text in abnormal hieratic concerning slave
contract, late Dyn. XIX to XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Bakir in Ann. Serv. Cahier No. 18 (1952), 85-6 pls. ii-iv.
Mirgisse. Fort.
Stela of Sesostris III, clay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Lyons in JEA iii (1916), 182-3.
Semna West. Miscellaneous.
Stela, year 8 Sesostris III, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25767, now in Berlin, gyptisches
Museum, 14753.
Lepsius, Denkmler ii, 136i.
Semna West. Miscellaneous.
Stela, year 16 Sesostris III, part, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25793, adjoins another fragment in
Berlin, gyptisches Museum, 1157, both fragments now in Berlin.
Lepsius, Denkmler ii, 136h.
Semna West. Miscellaneous.
vii.151 (cf. supra, Buhen, vii.140)
Statue of Setau, Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1134.
Semna West. Miscellaneous.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragment from bas relief, kneeling [Ramessesnakht], Viceroy of Kush, temp. Ramesses VI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 50207.
Head, Gauthier in Ann. Serv. xxviii (1928), 134-6 pl. ii [2].
Old Dongola.
Fragment from column of Merneptah, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27846.
Old Dongola.
Lower part from obelisk of Atlanersa, re-used as column in a church, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 17027 (JE 25766).
Kuentz, Obelisques 55-6 pl. xv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 222 [942].
El-Kurru. Pyramids. 1. King, name unknown.
Foundation deposits of a king, temp. Harsiotef, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46563.
Dunham, Royal Cemeteries I El-Kurru pl. vi [D].
El-Kurru. Pyramids. 2. Queen, name unknown, wife of King of Pyramid 1.
Foundation deposits, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46562.
Dunham, Royal Cemeteries I El-Kurru pl. vii [B, C].
Gebel Barkal. Temple B.500.
Stela, year 21 of Piankhy, concerning his defeat of Lower Egyptian rulers including Tefnakht, with scene at
top, Queen followed by King Nemareth leading horse, and prostrate Kings Osorkon IV, Yewepet, and
Pefteuaubaste, before Piankhy, Amun, and Mut, with five prostrate princes behind them, and 159 lines of text
on both faces and edges, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48862.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pls. 1-6. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 216-18 [937].
Gebel Barkal. Temple B.500.
Four fragments, found later by Reisner, fragments A-D restored to stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
47086-9 (as JE 47085-9 in Bibl.)
Stela, year 21 of Piankhy, concerning his defeat of Lower Egyptian rulers including Tefnakht, with scene at
top, Queen followed by King Nemareth leading horse, and prostrate Kings Osorkon IV, Yewepet, and
Pefteuaubaste, before Piankhy, Amun, and Mut, with five prostrate princes behind them, and 159 lines of text
on both faces and edges, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48862.
Loukianoff in Ancient Egypt (1926), 86-9 with two pls.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Gebel Barkal. Temple B.500.
Enthronement stela, year 1 of Aspelta, with scene at top, his mother [asalsa] before Amun of Napata with
King kneeling in front of him, and Mut behind him, and 30 lines of text below (all cartouches erased),
formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48866, now in Aswan, Nubia Museum.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 9. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 219-20 [939].
Gebel Barkal. Temple B.500.
Dream stela, year 1 of Tanutamun, with double scene at top, King with Piankharty, Kings sister, before Amun
Re of Karnak, and King with Queen Qalhata before ram headed Amun Re of Gebel Barkal, and 42 lines of
text on front and back, mentioning Pakrur, Mayor of Persopt, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48863.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pls. 7, 8. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 218-19 [938].
Gebel Barkal. Temple B.500.
Excommunication stela, with scene at top, King (name erased) before Theban Triad, and text of year 2 of
unknown king, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48865.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 10. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 220-1 [940].
Gebel Barkal. Temple B.500.
Stela, year 35 of Harsiotef, with double scene at top, King with Queen Batahaliye before Amun Re of Gebel
Barkal, and 161 lines of text on both faces and edges, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 48864 (now in Aswn,
Nubia Museum).
Mariette, Mon. Div. pls. 11-13. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 221-2 [941].

Gebel Barkal. Temple B.500.

vii.218 (moved from vii.217)
Stela fragment, year 4, brought back by Lepsius, in Berlin Museum, 1068 (lost), with another fragment, with
name of Piankhy, found by Reisner, probably from the same stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47085.
Loukianoff in Ancient Egypt (1926), 88-9 pl. [F].
Nri. Pyramid Field.
Foundation-deposits, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46516-61, 46564-70.
Nubia Miscellaneous.
Offering-table with Meroitic cursive text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 41772 (= JE 40288).
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Griffith, Meroitic Inscriptions ii, 57 pls. xliv [133], xlvii [133].
Nubia. Miscellaneous.
Double statue of Queen Shanakdakhete crowned by crown prince, Meroitic, possibly from Wad Ban Nagaa
, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 684.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, 28-9 pl. 125; Wenig in Meroitic Newsletter iii (1969), 13-17 Abb.1. See
Maspero, Guide (1915), 222 [943].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Stela, year 20 of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59504.
Gardiner MSS 28.290; Gunn MSS ix.1. Text, Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), 70-1 [4].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Stela recording co-regency of Amenemhet I and Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59505.
Gardiner MSS 28.299; Gunn MSS ix.1. Text, Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), 70 [3].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries N.W. of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Stela of Henenu, temp. Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20785 (JE 59483).
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), 71 pl. ii [3].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Stela of Ameny, year 8 (?) of Sesostris II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59485.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), 72 pl. ii [4]; Gardiner MSS 28.292.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Stela of Mentuhotp, temp. Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59489.
Gardiner MSS 28.293 (photo 14). See Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), 73 [near bottom].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Votive hawk of Amenemhet III, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59497.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), pl. iii [2].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Votive hawk of Sesostris II, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59498.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), pl. iii [1].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Hieratic stela, year 4 Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59499.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), pl. iv; Gardiner MSS 28.291.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Stela of Si-ubaste, year 6 Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20784 (JE 59488).
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), pl. iii [3]. See Brief Descr. No. 6216.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Hieratic stela of Nakhti and Iny, temp. Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59484.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), pl. iii [4].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela with 5 columns of text of Zau, etc., Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59495.
Gardiner MSS 28.294.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Stela Ridge.
Block of Hor, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59496.
Gardiner MSS 28.453-4. See Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), 73 [bottom].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Quartz Ridge.
Chisel with names of gang of workmen, copper, Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68754.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxvii (1937-8), pl. lix.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Quartz Ridge.
Block of Razedef, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59481.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), pl. ii [1].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Quartz Ridge.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Block of Zadkare (Isesi), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59494.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), pl. ii [2]; Gardiner MSS 28.440.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Quartz Ridge.
Stela of Amenemhet II, black diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59480.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxiii (1932), 71 [6] fig. 2.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Khufu Quarry.
Stela of Khufu, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68752.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), pls. lv [1], lvi [1, 2]. See Brief Descr. No. 6270.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Khufu Quarry.
Stela of Sahure, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68753.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), pls. lv [2], lvi [2].
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela, text effaced, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59486.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela with 4 lines of hieratic text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59490.
Gardiner MSS 28.295.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela with 3 vertical lines of text, illegible, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59491.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela of Khanes, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59492.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela with 2 vertical lines of text, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59493.
Gardiner MSS 28.296-8.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela of Dedusobk, dedicated by Siameny and others, temp. Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Gardiner MSS 28.300-1.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela mentioning Si-ubaste, Userre, etc., Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59501.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela with 3 vertical lines of text, almost illegible, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59502.
Gardiner MSS 28.296-8.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Offering table of Si-ubaste, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59503.
Gardiner MSS 28.515-16.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela, weathered, temp. Amenemhet, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59506.
Gardiner MSS 28.302.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Stela, badly weathered, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59507.
Gardiner MSS 28.303.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Block with cartouches of Amenemhet I and Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59487.
Gardiner MSS 28.451-2.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Various.
Offering-table of Si-ubaste, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 59507.
Western Desert. Diorite Quarries North West of Ab Simbel. Road from Kurkur Oasis to Aswn.
Stela, year 18, with archer and prisoner, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68759.
Engelbach in Ann. Serv. xxxviii (1938), pl. lv [3].
Western Desert. El-Khrga. Temple of Amun of Hibis.
2nd and 3rd registers from right jamb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44262.
Intrusive doorway across centre of Sanctuary.
Western Desert. El-Baqawt, Necropolis.
Coffin, not inscribed, Roman Period, re-used 4th century A. D., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 56228.
Western Desert. El-Bagawt, Necropolis.
Coffin with funerary scenes, wood, re-used 4th century A. D., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 56229.
Hauser in MMA Bull. Pt. ii (March 1932), 42-8 figs. 10, 14.
Western Desert. El-Dkhla Oasis. Mt. el-Kharb, Finds.
Block with hieratic text of Kha, Scribe and Prophet of Igai, red sandstone, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 52478.
Fischer in JNES xvi (1957), 232 n. 50 pl. xxxiv [v].
Western Desert. El-Dkhla Oasis. Finds.
Coffin, anthropoid, wood, probably Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Millet in Royal Ontario Museum. 33rd Annual Report, July 1982 - June 1983, fig. on 13.
Western Desert. El-Qasr. Various.
Stela, Shu offers to Thoth and Nehemawat, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 51943.
Lefebvre in Ann. Serv. xxviii (1928), 29-33 pl.
Western Desert. El-Qasr. Various.
Two ape headed statues, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46431-2.
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Western Desert. El-Qasr. Various.
Statue of lion, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46430.
Western Desert. Bahirya Oasis. Qret el-Farargi. Ibis Catacomb. Finds.
Two royal heads, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Fakhry, Bahria Oasis ii, pl. xviii [A, B].
Western Desert. Bahirya Oasis. Qret el-Farargi. Ibis Catacomb. Finds.
Statue of Bes, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Fakhry, Bahria Oasis ii, 38 [13].
Western Desert. Bahirya Oasis. Qret el-Farargi. Ibis Catacomb. Finds.
Statue of lion, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Fakhry, Bahria Oasis ii, pl. xviii [D].
Western Desert. Bahirya Oasis. Qret el-Farargi. Ibis Catacomb. Finds.
Royal bust, trial piece, sculptors model, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88740.
Fakhry, Bahria Oasis ii, pls. xvi [B], xvii [B].
Western Desert. Bahirya Oasis. aAin el-Muftella. Four Chapels of Amasis. First Chapel. Finds.
Statuette of Bubastis, seated, dedicated by Zekhensefonkh (name erased), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
Fakhry, Bahria Oasis ii, 21-3 pls. vii, viii.
Western Desert. Bahirya Oasis. aAin el-Muftella. Four Chapels of Amasis. Fourth Chapel. Finds.
Squatting statue of Zekhensefankh, alabaster, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Fakhry, Bahria Oasis ii, 6 pl. i.
Western Desert. Bahirya Oasis. aAin el-Muftella. Four Chapels of Amasis. Fourth Chapel. Finds.
Lower part of statue of probably Amasis, with Zekhensefonkh in relief kneeling on sides, alabaster, Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Fakhry, Bahria Oasis ii, 7 pl. ii.
Western Desert. Bahirya Oasis. Qas. r el-Megysba. Temple of Alexander the Great. Outer Gate. Outer Gate.
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Altar of Alexander, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Fakhry, Bahria Oasis ii, 46-7 [6] pl. xxvi.
Western Desert. Bahirya Oasis. Qas. r el-Megysba. Temple of Alexander the Great. Finds.
Crouching statuette of priest of Re in cloak, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Remains of text, Fakhry, Bahria Oasis ii, 46.
Western Desert. Route from Saqqra towards el-Faiym.
Stela, year 11 of Psammetikhos I, with text concerning Libyans, found West of Pyramid of Pepy II in 1957,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Goedicke in MDAIK xviii (1962), 33-49 Abb. 4 pl. i.
Western Desert. Route from Saqqra towards el-Faiym.
Stela of Psammetikhos I, similar to preceding, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Western Desert. Route from Saqqra towards el-Faiym.
Stela of Psammetikhos I (Stela I), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Basta in Ann. Serv. lx (1968), 61 pl. vii. Text, Goedicke in MDAIK xviii (1962), 29-31.
Western Desert. Route from Saqqra towards el-Faiym.
Stela of Psammetikhos II (Stela II), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Basta in Ann. Serv. lx (1968), 62 pl. viii. Text, Goedicke in MDAIK xviii (1962), 31-3.
Eastern Desert. Wdi-Hdi. Middle Kingdom stelae, originally here, some re-used in Roman walls.
Stela of Hor, temp. Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20783 (JE 71901).
Rowe in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), pl. xxv.
Eastern Desert. Wdi el-Hdi. Middle Kingdom stelae, originally here, some re-used in Roman walls.
Two stelae of Henenu, both year 9 [of Sesostris I], in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 71899, 71900.
Rowe in Ann. Serv. xxxix (1939), 191-4 [ii, iii] pl. xxvi.
Eastern Desert. Wdi Hammmt. Wdi Fawkhr. Middle Kingdom. Texts with royal names.
Fragments of text of Amenemhet, year 38 of Sesostris I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Couyat and Montet, MIFAO xxxiv, pl. xxvii; Farout, D. in BIFAO 94 (1994), 148-9 [13] pl. iii.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Eastern Desert. Wdi Hammmt. Wdi Fawkhr. 2nd Int. Period.
Stela, year 4 of Sebkhotp IV (Khaneferre), with King before Mine, with genealogy on bark, in Cairo, Egyptian
De Bono in Ann. Serv. li (1951), 80, 81-2, 90 pl. xv.
Eastern Desert. Wdi Hammmt. Miscellaneous.
Fragments of stela of Heni, black stone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. [A-C].
Eastern Desert. Gebel Zeit. Sanctuary connected with galena mines. Finds.
Stela [557] of King Smenkare Nebnenu (Dyn. XIII), decorated on both faces, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 98137.
Castel and Soukiassian in BIFAO 85 (1985), 290 pl. lxii.
Eastern Desert. Qena to Safga. Wdi el-Gss. Umm Huetat. Rock texts.
Rock-stela of Pedusiri, year 16 of Psammetikhos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Vikentiev in Ann. Serv. liv (1956-7), 179-86 [A] fig. 1 pl. i [1, 2].
Eastern Desert. Road from Naga aAlalma to Gulf of Suez. At junction with Wdi Sannr.
Stela, Ramesses II slays captive, with title of Horus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34512.
Barta in MDAIK xx (1965), 98-9, 101 pl. xxxiv [a]. See Brunton in Ann. Serv. xxxvi (1936), 201.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Wdi Maghra. Rock Stelae and Texts. Old Kingdom.
Sanakht, with standards (3), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57101 (JE 38565).
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 3, pl. iv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 49 [93].
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Wdi Maghra. Rock Stelae and Texts. Old Kingdom.
Snefru slays foe (5), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57102 (JE 38568).
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 5, pl. ii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 49 [91A].
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Wdi Maghra. Rock Stelae and Texts. Old Kingdom.
Snefru slays foe, with two figures of King below (6), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57103
(JE 38567).
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 6, pl. iv. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 49 [91B].
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Wdi Maghra. Rock Stelae and Texts. Old Kingdom.
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Sahure, with Wepwaut standard and two figures of King, slays foe (8), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57104
(JE 38569).
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 8, pl. v. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 49 [94].
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Wdi Maghra. Rock Stelae and Texts. Old Kingdom.
Neuserre (destroyed) before god, and slaying foe, with h. es vase on stand beyond (10), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 57105 (JE 38570).
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 10, pl. vi. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 48 [87].
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Wdi Maghra. Rock Stelae and Texts. Old Kingdom.
Inscription of an official, name lost, temp. Menkauhor (12), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57106
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 12, pl. vii. See Maspero, Guide (1915), 49 [92].


Eastern Desert. Sinai. Wdi Maghra. Rock Stelae and Texts. Middle Kingdom.
Text of Khentekhtaihotp-Khenemsu, year 2, with scene of Amenemhet III before Thoth and Hathor (23),
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38571.
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 23, pl. x.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Wdi Maghra. Rock Stelae and Texts. Middle Kingdom.
Texts of Senusertsonb Iti mentioning Snefru (24), a list of officials including Asiatics (24A), and one of Heba
(25), all year 2 of Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38573 ((24) and (24A) are on same block
as JE 38572, see following).
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, Nos. 24-5, pls. x, xi.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Wdi Maghra. Rock Stelae and Texts. Middle Kingdom.
Text with hieratic list of provisions of Sopdunakht (40), Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
38572 (on same block as JE 38573 ((24) and (24A)), see preceding).
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 40, pl. xiii.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Wdi Maghra. Rock Stelae and Texts. New Kingdom.
Stela, year 16, Tuthmosis III before Hathor, and Hatshepsut before Sopt (44), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 45493.
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 44, pl. xiv.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Valleys and Mines. Finds.
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vii.345, 347
Offering-table with hieroglyphic inscriptions, name lost, Middle Kingdom (as Late Period in Bibl.) (429), in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55595.
Leibovitch in Mm. Inst. Eg. xxiv (1934), 16-18 fig. 10. Text, Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt.
i, No. 429.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Valleys and Mines. Finds.
vii.347 (moved from vii.365)
Offering-table of Haremsaf , Middle Kingdom (408), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65465.
ern, The Inscriptions of Sinai (2nd ed.), Pt. i, No. 408 pl. lxxxvi.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Sanctuary.
Block statue of Nenkhemsen, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII or later (369), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 53833.
Leibovitch in Mm. Inst. Eg. xxiv (1934), 1-7 figs. 5-7 pls. i, ii [c, d]. Text, Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions
of Sinai Pt. i, No. 369.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Portico with Court. Exterior.
Part of stela of Zafi, year 9 [of Amenemhet IV] (120), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 120, pl. xlv.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds (from Temple). Middle Kingdom.
Statue-group, heads lost, Snefru, Mentuhotp II, Amenemhet I, and Sesostris I, seated at table (70), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 38263.
Petrie, Researches 96, 123 fig. 128 [1]. Text, Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 70.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds from Temple. Middle Kingdom.
vii.359 (moved from vii.365)
Stela of Ankhren, Middle Kingdom (401), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65468.
Gardiner and Peet, Inscr. Sinai Pt. i, No. 401, pl. lxxxiii.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds from Temple. Middle Kingdom.
Stela of Za-horemsa (as Zafi in Bibl.), year 8 of Amenemhet III (121), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 38547.
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 121 pl. xlviii.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds from Temple. Middle Kingdom.
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Stela, Dyn. XII (168), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38265.
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 168, pl. lv.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds from Temple. Middle Kingdom.
Upper part of obelisk, name lost (430), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 17037 (= 17010 bis and
JE 53834).
Kuentz, Oblisques 17-18 [17010 bis] fig. Text, Gardiner and Peet, Inscr. Sinai Pt. i, No. 430.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds. Statues with proto-Sinaitic texts.
Block statue, sandstone, probably Middle Kingdom (346), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38268.
Gerster, Sinai. Land des Offenbarung pl. on 65; Gardiner and Peet, Inscr. Sinai Pt. i, No. 346, pl. lxxxii.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds. Dyn. XVIII.
Stela, year 11, princess (as Queen in Bibl.) Neferure followed by Senmut, before Hathor, [temp. Hatshepsut
and Tuthmosis III] (179), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38546.
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 179, pl. lviii.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds. Dyn. XVIII.
Head from statuette of Queen Teye, schist with traces of gilding (210), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38257.
Petrie, Researches fig. 133; Maspero, Guide (1915), 451 [4257] fig. 130. Text, Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions
of Sinai Pt. i, No. 210.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds. Dyn. XVIII.
Head of a queen, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38267 (Temp. No.
Petrie, Researches 125 fig. 131.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds. Dyn. XVIII.
Small stela of Kharuef (as Kheruf in Bibl.), Scribe, before Hathor (235), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38266.
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 235, pl. lxvii.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Temple of Hathor. Finds. Dyn. XIX and XX.
Small stela, Ramesses I before Hathor (245), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 38264.
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 245, pl. lxviii.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Miscellaneous.
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Royal statue, head lost, sandstone, probably Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55596.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Miscellaneous.
Fragment of relief with part of Hathor-head, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53827.
Leibovitch in Mm. Inst. g. xxiv (1934), 3 fig. 4.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Miscellaneous.
Royal bust, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55628.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Miscellaneous.
Head of Semite, sandstone, found near Temple, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 53831.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Sinai. Gebel Maghra.
Fragment with text of Wekem, Dyn. XII (500), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64929.
ern, The Inscriptions of Sinai (2nd ed.), Pt. i, No. 500 pl. lxxxix.
Libyan Coast. Burg el-Arab.
Part of statue of Tueris or Sekhmet, with Ptolemaic Horus-name, and titles of [Berenice II (?)], black granite,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64826.
Rowe in Ann. Serv. Cahier 12 (1948), 40 pl. xv.

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Volume viii Parts 1 and 2

Fragment of pedestal(?) of presumably royal statue, head of foreigner, calcite, probably Dyn. II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 40291.
Evers, Staat aus dem Stein ii, 91 Taf. vi [49], cf. vii [50] (as probably Dyn. III). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 594
(as Middle Kingdom).
Fragment of seat with sm3-t3wj symbol, probably from statue of Khephren, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
1178. (Probably from Gza.)
Borchardt in ZS xxxvi (1898), 10 Abb. 9. See id. Statuen iv, 91.
Forepaws and part of base of sphinx, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 388 ( JE 25775).
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 7 Bl. 61; Cherpion in Rev. dg. 42 (1991), 34 fig. 11; Fay, B. The Louvre Sphinx [etc.],
57, 68 [52] pl. 93 [e] (as quartzite and Amenemhet III and IV); Cherpion, N. in Obsomer, C. and Oosthoek,
A.-L. (eds.), Amosiads. Mlanges offerts au Professeur Claude Vandersleyen [etc.], 66 [7] pl. i [a]; H. W. Mller
Archive 51 [18/48]. See Vandier, Manuel, iii, 586.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, probably Sesostris III or Amenemhet III, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 487.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 65-6 Bl. 81; H. W. Mller Archive 51 [22/33]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 589.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, incomplete, probably Amenemhet III, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 488.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 66 Bl. 81; Vandier, Manuel iii, 589 pl. lxvii [1].
Fragment of legs of a seated royal statue, black granite, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 88-9.
Two fragments of a sphinx, head and back lost, inscribed, black granite, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1119.
Fay, B. The Louvre Sphinx [etc.], 57, 65 [29] pl. 85 [g]. See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 68 (texts).

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Base of standing statue of Tuthmosis III beloved of Amun-Re, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 759
( JE 30129). (From Upper Egypt.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 77 (text); Bull. Inst. g. iii Sr. 3 (1892), 280.
Three fragments of seated statue of Tuthmosis III, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1096.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 55 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 621.
Statuette of Tuthmosis III, ebony, ivory and gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88888.
Daumas, Civ. de lg. pl. 193.
Torso of seated statue of Tuthmosis III with Horus-name on back pillar, wearing heb-sed cloak, grey granite,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Sourouzian in Berger et al. (eds.), Hommages Jean Leclant i, 518 [34].
Statue of Amenophis II seated wearing heb-sed cloak, beloved of Ptah south of his wall, head and feet lost,
grey granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 931.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 160 Bl. 158; Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 773; Sourouzian in JARCE xxviii (1991), 61 fig.
8; id. in Berger et al. (eds.), Hommages Jean Leclant i, 520 [43] fig. 5 [d]. Text, Helck, Urk. iv. 1353 [397,
7], bersetz. 55. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 620.
Base with feet of standing statue of Amenophis II beloved of Amun-Re, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1110.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 63 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 621. Text, Helck, Urk. iv. 1354 [397, 9], bersetz.
Lower part of seated statue of Amenophis II beloved of Amun-Re, wearing heb-sed cloak, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1117.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 68 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 621. Text, Helck, Urk. iv. 1353 [397, 8], bersetz.
Base of statue, [Amun-Re seated, with Amenophis II kneeling], black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1139.
Sourouzian, H. in BIFAO 97 (1997), 244 fig. 7 [a] on 251. See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 76 (text); Vandier,
Manuel iii, 621 (as Amenophis III); Seidel, M. Die kniglichen Statuengruppen i, 167-9 [Dok. 67] (text) (as
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granodiorite and from Karnak).
Headless and incomplete seated statue of Amenophis II wearing heb-sed cloak, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Sourouzian in JARCE xxviii (1991), 61 fig. 10. See id. in Berger et al. (eds.), Hommages Jean Leclant i, 520
a-m-m3at), with hawk perched on back pillar, diorite,
Upper part of seated statue of Amenophis III (Horus H
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 743.
Von Bissing, Denkmler, Text to Taf. 10 [2nd fig.]; Borchardt, Statuen iii, 70 Bl. 137; Hornemann, Types iii,
pl.734; Vandier, Manuel iii, 620 pl. cxxv [3] (as probably Sethos I); Seidel and Wildung in Vandersleyen, Das
Alte gypten 245 Abb. 177 (as Tuthmosis III and granite); H. W. Mller Archive 40 [I/843; II/1473, 2025]
(as probably Tuthmosis III or Sethos I).
<<Sethos I acc. to Vandier, Manuel, iii>>
Pedestal of statue-group with names of Amenophis IV and Princess Ankhesenpa-aten I nh.s-n-p3-jtn I (and
originally probably also Queen Nefertiti Nfrt-jjtj and Princesses Merytaten Mrjjt-jtn and Neferneferuaten Nfrnfrw-jtn), incomplete, granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Habachi, L. in MDAIK 20 (1965), 82-3 fig. 10 Taf. xxvi.
Head of statue of Ramesses II wearing nemes and double crown, now joined with legless lower part of seated
statue, black and red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum (head is CG 824).
Both parts, Minerva 9 [4] ( July-Aug. 1998), 2 fig. 1. CG 824, Borchardt, Statuen iii, 113-14 Bl. 152;
Russmann and Finn, Egyptian Sculpture. Cairo and Luxor fig. on 149 [68]; text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 780
[3]; see Maspero, Guide 190 [744]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 620.
Fragment of mekes of colossal statue of Ramesses II, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 945.
(Probably from Luxor.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 167 (text); Vandier Manuel iii, 620; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 29 [PE R.II,
Fragment of kneeling statue of Ramesses II , upper part and feet with base lost, black granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 988.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 17 Bl. 160. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 780 [4]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 621.

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Fragment of mekes of colossal statue of Ramesses II, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 993.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 18 (text). Cartouche, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 780 [5].
Fragment of leg of standing statue of Ramesses II, probably from statue-group, black granite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1011.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 24 (text).
Hands with vase and knees with base of kneeling statue of Ramesses II, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1137.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 75 (text). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 780 [6]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 621.
Fragment of knees and sistrum(?) of a kneeling statue of Ramesses II, with text mentioning [H. ath. or] mistress
a-m-w3st in relief, black granite, in Cairo,
of the Southern Sycamore and two figures of Khaemw eset H
Egyptian Museum, CG 1201.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 780 [8]. See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 102 (text); Goma, Chaemwese 92 [89];
Vandier, Manuel iii, 621; Maystre, C. Les Grands prtres de Ptah de Memphis 326 [132] (some text).
Lower part of statue of Ramesses II beloved of Sekhmet and Tatanen, kneeling with naos of Tatanen(?),
red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1216.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 113 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 621. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 780 [2].
Pedestal of statue of Ramesses II beloved of Amun, Sekhmet, Shu and Tefnut, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1290.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 149 (text). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 781 [9].
Sphinx of Ramesses II, face and forepaws lost, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1061.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 43 (texts); Vandier, Manuel iii, 621. Texts, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 781 [12].
Statue of Merneptah with a goddess, probably usurped from Tuthmosis III, greywacke, middle part in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1092 ( JE 27945), face of goddess in Paris, Htel Drouot, in 1991, then in A. and I.
Michailidis colln. in 1995. (Probably from Upper Egypt.)
Fay, B. in MDAIK 51 (1995), 18-21 [4] Taf. 6 [a, b], 7; Seidel, M. Die kniglichen Statuengruppen 152-4 [Dok.
62] Abb. 48-50 (last two from Fay). Cairo CG 1092, Sourouzian, Les Monuments du roi Merenptah 205-6 [128]
pl. 23 [b]; id. in Bleiberg and Freed (eds.), Fragments of a Shattered Visage 234 [3] pl. xii (as green slate); see
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 52-3 (text) (as schist); Vandier, Manuel iii, 621 (as schist); text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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iv, 77 [44, A]. Face of goddess, La Gazette de lHtel Drouot 100 [7] (Feb. 15, 1991), fig. on 28 [bottom];
*Htel Drouot-Richelieu Sale Cat. May 22, 1991, No. 16 fig. on cover.
Statue of Ramesses III, lower legs lost, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1104.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 58 Bl. 162; Mojsov, B. The Sculpture and Relief of Ramesses III 164-5 [6] pl. xxix. Text,
Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. v, 347 [141, D]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 621.
Sphinx of Ramesses VI, head and forepaws lost, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1114.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 65-6 Bl. 163. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. vi, 330 [26] (collated). See Vandier, Manuel
iii, 621.
Statue of Ramesses VII holding figure of Amun, feet lost, schist, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 37595.
(Acquired in Luxor.)
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 278 (as slate); Aldred in Leclant, LEmpire des Conqurants fig. 184; Saleh and
Sourouzian, Die Hauptwerke im gyptischen Museum Kairo No. 228 fig. (as basalt). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr.
vi, 385 [4, D] (as from Karnak).
Lower part of seated royal statue with smaller figure standing at front, probably Amun-Re and King Amen...
(or ...amun), base lost, red sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 938.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 165 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 620 (as seated king with a god, probably Ramesside
or later).
Statue of Seth-animal protecting figure of king, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 42993.
Wresz., Atlas ii, Taf. 128, Beibild i; Roeder, Mythen und Legenden um gyptische Gottheiten und Pharaonen Abb.
4 on 37; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1347; Freed, Ramesses the Great fig. on 56 [upper left]; Wilkinson, R. H.
Reading Egyptian Art 67 ill. 4 on 66. See Maspero and Roeder, Fhrer 52 [bottom]; Scharff, Die Ausbreitung
des Osiriskultes [etc.] in Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philos.-hist. Kl. (1947), Heft
4, pp. 26, 43-4 n. 94; Vandier, Manuel iii, 628
Bust of royal statue wearing nemes, probably Tuthmosis III, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 618.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 164 Bl. 112; Gilbert in Chron. dg. xxxvi (1961), 33-5 fig. 7; Essen. 5000 Jahre No. 85
Abb.; Vienna. 5000 Jahre No. 83 Abb. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 620.
Upper part of royal statue wearing round wig, probably Sethos I, right arm lost, wood, in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Museum, CG 762.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 78 Bl. 140. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 620.
Bust of royal statue wearing nemes, probably Amenophis III, calcite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 768.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 81 Bl. 142; Petrie Gza photos. 593-4. Face, Bothmer in Berman, The Art of Amenhotep
III: Art Historical Analysis 87 fig. 18 on pl. 23. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. v, 347 [141, A] (as Ramesses III).
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 620.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, black granite, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 598.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 151 Bl. 108. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 619 (as probably Tuthmosis III).
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, probably Tuthmosis I, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 744.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 70-1 Bl. 137; Lindblad, Royal Sculpture 57-8 [2] pl. 36 [d] (from Borchardt). See
Vandier, Manuel iii, 620 (as probably Tuthmosis III).
Fragment of face of royal statue, probably of Amenophis IV, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 74 Bl. 139. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 620.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, probably Tutankhamun, red granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 757.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 77 Bl. 140; Petrie Gza photo. 581. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 620.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, incomplete, red sandstone, probably Tuthmosis III, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 767.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 80-1 Bl. 142. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 620.
<< >>
Head of royal statue wearing white crown, grey granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 840.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 119.
Head of royal statue wearing double crown, sandstone, probably late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 845.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 120 Bl. 153 (as Late Period); H. W. Mller Archive 41 [II/2026]. See Mller, M. Die
Kunst Amenophis III. und Echnatons iv - 101.

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Head of royal statue wearing white crown, probably Amosis, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 905.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 147 Bl. 157; Lindblad, Royal Sculpture 18-19 [3] pl. 5.
Head of colossal royal statue wearing probably white crown, probably Amosis, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1224. (Probably from Luxor.)
Lindblad, Royal Sculpture 19-20 [4] pl. 6 [a-c]. See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 118.
Head of colossal royal statue wearing red crown, probably Tuthmosis I, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1225. (Probably from Luxor.)
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 118 Bl. 171; Lindblad, Royal Sculpture 54-5 pl. 33, front cover and frontispiece; H. W.
Mller Archive 41 [II/1478-9].
Head of royal statue with uraeus probably added after completion, possibly Ay, limestone or calcite, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37930.
Gilbert in Chron. dg. xvi (1941), 45-7 fig. 4 (from a cast); Drioton and Sved, Art gyptien 91 fig. 83;
Desroches-Noblecourt, Tutankhamen fig. 178; Vandier, Manuel iii, 630 [N.E. VII] pl. cxx [2] (from Drioton
and Sved); Le Rgne du Soleil. Akhnaton et Nfertiti. Exposition ... Bruxelles, 17 janvier - 16 mars 1975, No.
20 figs.; Echnaton, Nofretete, Tutanchamun. Ausstellung ... Wien, 23. April - 29. Juni 1975, No. 20 figs.; Solens
rike. Aknaton, Nefertiti, Tut-ank-Amon. Utstillingen ... Oslo, 16. juli - 16. september 1975, No. 20 pl. 34;
Echnaton och Nefertiti. Utstllning ... Stockholm, 16 oktober - 7 december 1975, No. 20 pl. 34; Nofretete,
Echnaton. Ausstellung ... Mnchen, 17. Januar - 21. Mrz 1976, No. 68 fig.; Nofretete, Echnaton. Ausstellung
... Berlin, 10. April - 16. Juni 1976, No. 68 fig.; Echnaton, Nofretete, Tutanchamun. Ausstellung ... Hildesheim,
15. Juli - 26. September 1976, No. 68 fig.; Harris in Gutenberghus rsskrift (1976), 16 fig. [upper]; Mller, H.
W. in Louisiana Revy 17 [1] (Oct. 1976), 19 fig.; Wildung and Grimm, Gtter - Pharaonen (Essen), No. 51 fig.
(as CG 741); Mller, M. Die Kunst Amenophis III. und Echnatons iv - 102-4 Taf. 31 [a]; Russmann and Finn,
Egyptian Sculpture. Cairo and Luxor fig. on 122 [57]; Callender, G. The Eye of Horus. A History of Ancient Egypt
237 fig. 7.20; Schaden, O. J. in Amarna Letters. Essays on Ancient Egypt ca. 1390-1310 B. C. ii (1992), fig. on
115 [lower left]. See Descr. somm. No. 6213.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, schist, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89857.
The Egyptian Museum, Cairo in ten years 1965-1975, 45 [82] pl. v.
Head (chin lost) of royal statue wearing nemes, probably Amenophis III, possibly from sphinx, schist, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gates, J. et al. Arts of Ancient Egypt: Treasures on Another Scale (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.,
March 15 through April 30, 1981, etc.), fig. 23; Bothmer in Berman, The Art of Amenhotep III: Art Historical
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Analysis 87 fig. 23 on pl. 24. See Mller, M. Die Kunst Amenophis III. und Echnatons
iv - 21.
Royal head wearing khat headdress, probably Amenophis IV, much damaged, granodiorite, formerly in the
possession of J. Tokeley Parry, then in New York - Beverly Hills - London, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1997,
now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 99179.
Reeves, N. in Minerva 7 [1] ( Jan.-Feb. 1996), 36-7 figs.; Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Greek,
Etruscan, Roman, Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities ix ( Jan. 1997), No. 166 fig.
Fragment of standard(?) of royal statue, with text describing king as son of Amun, sandstone, New Kingdom,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1102.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 57 (text).
Fragment of right leg of royal statue, inscribed, calcite, New Kingdom or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1231.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 121 (text).
Statue of striding king wearing khat-headdress, holding [an object], hands lost, unfinished, schist, probably
Dyn. XXI-XXIV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40486.
Clarke and Engelbach, Ancient Egyptian Masonry 24-5 fig. 23 (as Dyn. XXVI); Engelbach in Glanville, The
Legacy of Egypt (1942), 143 pl. 25 [21] (as Dyn. XXVI); Vandier in ZS 90 (1963), 116 fig. 1; Sameh, Daily
Life in Ancient Egypt (1964), fig. on 56 = Leben im alten gypten (1980), fig. 59.
Forehead of royal statue wearing nemes with two uraei, faience, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Russmann, Representation 53 [28] fig. 23. See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 77.
Head of colossal statue wearing cap crown, red granite, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1291.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 149 Bl. 174; 5000 ans dart gyptien. Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles, Mars-Juin, 1960,
29 [67] fig. 49; Essen. 5000 Jahre No. 125 Abb.; Stockholm. 5000 r No. 106 fig.; Vienna. 5000 Jahre No. 164
Abb.; Zrich. 5000 Jahre 72 [193] Abb. 67; Louisiana. 5000 rs No. 179 fig.; Russmann, Representation 53 [29]
fig. 7 (as probably Shabataka); id. in ARCE Newsletter 147 (Fall 1989), 22-3 [viii] fig. (as possibly Shabataka);
Perc, Spomeniki starega Egipta No. 34 fig.; Wildung and Grimm, Gtter - Pharaonen (Essen), No. 67 fig.; Wenig,
S. Africa in Antiquity ii (1978), 51 fig. 25; Donadoni, S. LEgitto (1981), fig. 5 on 247; Scholz in Antike Welt
17 (1986), Sondernummer, 44 Abb. 55; Russmann and Finn, Egyptian Sculpture. Cairo and Luxor fig. on 166
[76]; H. W. Mller Archive 41 [I/904; II/2043]. See Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.], 77 [213].
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Statuette of kneeling king, bronze, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo Mus. CG 823 ( JE 30784).
Von Bissing, Denkmler, Text to Taf. 60, 61 [1st fig.]; Borchardt, Statuen iii, 113 Bl. 152. See Hofmann,
Studien zum meroitischen Knigtum 46 cf. Taf. 3 [right] (from Borchardt) (as Taharqa); Russmann, Representation
61 [12].
Statuette of kneeling king, probably inscribed on belt, lower arms lost, bronze, Dyn. XXV, formerly in A. Eid
colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Russmann, Representation 61-2 [13] fig. 20.
Small sphinx of Apries beloved of Wert-hekau, front part lost, diorite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 748.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 72-3 Bl. 138.
Headless sphinx of Nektanebos I beloved of Amun-Re (of ) Djeseriset (Mednet Habu), sandstone, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 661. (Probably from Mednet Habu.)
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 9 Bl. 121. See Biedenkopf-Ziehner and Thissen in Enchoria iii (1973), 51.
Fragment of right foot of inscribed royal statue, probably Nektanebos II, dark granite, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1086.
Text, Borchardt, Statuen iv, 50.
Head of royal statue wearing blue crown, black granite, probably Achoris or Nektanebos II, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 838 ( JE 28512). (Bought at Tell Timai.)
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 118 Bl. 153; Brunner-Traut in ZS 97 (1971), 28-9 Taf. iii [c], iv [a, b] (as probably
Dyn. XXX); De Meulenaere and MacKay, P. Mendes II, 198 [53] pl. 22 [a, b]; Corteggiani, Lgypte des
Pharaons au Muse du Caire No. 108 fig.; id. The Egypt of the Pharaohs at the Cairo Museum No. 108 fig.; Aldred
in Leclant, Lgypte du crpuscule 154-6 fig. 297; Grimm, A. in GM 77 (1984), 14-15 Taf. 2 on 17; Josephson,
J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 18-19, 28 n. 132 pl. 7 [b] (as Nektanebos II);
Russmann, E. R. in Tiradritti, F. (ed.), The Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (1999), fig. on 357 (as Ptolemaic);
H. W. Mller Archive 41 [II/2666-7]. See Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 89.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, black granite, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 844.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 120.
Face of royal statue wearing nemes, black granite, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
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CG 846.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 120
Sphinx, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 675.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 21 Bl. 123.
Sphinx, head, forepaws and left rear lost, demotic text on base, mentioning Koptos and Hager Hgr, son of Pa...
P3..., Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1294 ( JE 32084).
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 151 (text).
Upper part of statue of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, head and arms lost, schist, in Cairo Mus. CG 686.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 29-30 Bl. 125; Michalowski in BIFAO xxxv (1935), 76-7 fig. 2 (from Borchardt); H.
W. Mller Archive 40 [10/18].
Royal statue, head and lower legs lost, Ptolemaic or later, in Cairo Mus. CG 939.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 165 Bl. 158.
Head of royal statue wearing a headdress incorporating rams horns, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 693.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 37 Bl. 127.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 694.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 38.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, black granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 765
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 80 Bl. 141.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, glass, late Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. JE 36849.
Wainwright and Bannister, F. A. in ASAE 30 (1930), 95-101 pl.; Cooney in Journal of Glass Studies ii (1960),
31 fig. 23; H. W. Mller Archive 43 [24/10] (as Dyn. XXVI).
Face and neck of a king, sculptors model or votive piece, plaster, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 1182.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 92 Bl. 165 (as Late Period).

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Face and neck of a king, sculptors model or votive piece, plaster, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 1183.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 92 Bl. 166 (as Late Period); Varga in Bull. Mus. Hongrois 16 (1960), 7 [4] fig. 5.
Face and neck of a king, sculptors model or votive piece, plaster, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 1184.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 92 Bl. 166 (as Late Period).
Bust of a king wearing nemes, grid on several sides, sculptors model or votive piece, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus.
CG 33330.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 11-12 fig. pl. viii.
Bust of a king wearing nemes, grid on several sides, sculptors model or votive piece, probably unfinished and
much worn off, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 33334.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 14, 16 fig. pl. x.
Bust of a king wearing nemes, grid on several sides, sculptors model or votive piece, unfinished, Ptolemaic,
in Cairo Mus. CG 33336.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 16-18 fig. pl. x; Mller, g. Kunst Abb. 187 [lower]; H. W. Mller Archive 41 [3/70].
Bust of a king wearing nemes, grid on several sides, sculptors model or votive piece, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus.
CG 33338.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 20-1 fig. pl. x.
Head of a king probably wearing nemes, grid on several sides, sculptors model or votive piece, Ptolemaic, in
Cairo Mus. CG 33343.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 25-6 fig. pl. xii. Grid, id. in Rec. Trav. xxvii (1905), 139 fig. 1.
Bust of a king wearing nemes, grid on several sides, sculptors model or votive piece, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus.
CG 33344.
See Edgar, Sculptors Studies 26 fig. (grid).
Bust of a king wearing nemes, grid on several sides, sculptors model or votive piece, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus.
CG 33349.
See Edgar, Sculptors Studies 29-30 fig. (grid).

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Bust of a king wearing nemes, grid on several sides, sculptors model or votive piece, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus.
CG 33354.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 34-5 fig. pl. xiv.
Bust of a king wearing [nemes], grid on several sides, sculptors model or votive piece, Ptolemaic, in Cairo
Mus. CG 33357.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 37 fig. pl. xiv.
Bust of a king wearing nemes, sculptors model or votive piece, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 33365.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 42 pl. xvi.
Face and neck of a king, sculptors model or votive piece, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 33367.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 42 pl. xvii.
Statue of probably Augustus or Mark Antony, lower legs lost, basalt, in Cairo Mus. Temp. No. (also and
Von Bissing, Denkmler, Text to Taf. 103-4 [3rd fig.] (as Ptolemaic); Michalowski in BIFAO xxxv (1935), 7388 pls. i, ii fig. 6; id. Nie tylko piramidy ... 250 pl. 108 (as Karnak); id. Art fig. 133 (as probably from Karnak);
id. gypte fig. on 181 (all as Augustus); Grimm in Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts 85 (1970), 167
Abb. 11, 12; id. and Johannes, Kunst der Ptolemer- und Rmerzeit im gyptischen Museum Kairo 19 [14] Taf. 1619 (as granite); id. in Wildung and Grimm, Gtter - Pharaonen (Essen) No. 130 fig. (all three as probably Mark
Antony); Kiss in MDAIK 31 (1975), 295-6 Taf. 87 [left] (captions interchanged); id. LIconographie des princes
julio-claudiens au temps dAuguste et de Tibre 165 fig. 579 (upper part); id. tudes 31-2, 37 figs. 25-6 (upper part
and as granite) (all as Karnak and Augustus); Vilmkov, M. Starovek Egypt fig. 57 (as limestone and Augustus);
Heinen, H. in Ktema 3 (1978), 193-4 pl. iii [10] (as probably Mark Antony); id. in Aufstieg und Niedergang der
rmischen Welt ii.18.5 (ed. Haase, W.), 3160 Taf. iv, v (as probably Mark Antony); Jucker, H. in ib. ii.12.2 (ed.
Temporini, H.), 676-7 Taf. x-xii [8] (as Mark Antony); Bowman, A. K. Egypt after the Pharaohs fig. 22 (as
probably Mark Antony); Bianchi, R. S. Splendors of Ancient Egypt 206 fig. on 207 (as from Mendes); A[nna]
L[eone] in Tiradritti, F. (ed.), The Treasures of the Egyptian Museum (1999), 390 figs. (as granite and late
Ptolemaic); H. W. Mller Archive 44 [I/930-1], 45 [I/556; II/932, 2062-3] (as from Karnak). Upper part,
Mller, g. Kunst Abb. 191 (as granite and late Ptolemaic). See Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 177 (as probably Mark
Antony); Strocka, V. M. in Stucky, R. A. and Jucker, I. (eds.), Eikones. Festschrift Hans Jucker (1980), 179-80.
Non-royal statues.
Man wrapped in cloak, legs much damaged and feet lost, wood, probably Dyn. I-II, in Cairo Mus. JE 38423.
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Sourouzian, H. in Kunst des Alten Reiches. Symposium im Deutschen Archologischen Institut Kairo am 29. und 30.
Oktober 1991 (1995), 142 n. 37 Taf. 54 [b].
Upper part of seated woman wearing elaborate wig, Dyn. I-II, in Cairo Mus. JE 71586.
Smith, Art ... Anc. Eg. (1958), 27 pl. 12; (1981), 47-8 figs. 29, 30; Mller, H. W. in Encyclopedia of World Art
iv, 630 pl. 326 [upper right] (as Abydos); H. W. Mller Archive 48 [II/1877-80]. See Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp.
8 n. 1 (as JE 71568).
Kaiemked K3(.j)-m-k. d(.j), Scribe of the treasury, etc., seated, lost from waist up, with small son Ptahhotep Pth. h. tp , Scribe, and daughter Neferhetpes Nfr-h. tp.s, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 68.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 58-9 Bl. 16. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 559.
Man, wife(?) and small son, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 125.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 94-5 Bl. 28; Vandier, Manuel iii, 560 pl. xxvii [1]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1406.
A Prophetess of Hathor in [all her] places, etc. (name lost), seated, upper part, arms, feet and base lost, with
a small son and daughter, diorite, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo Mus. CG 900.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 144 (text).
Man and small son by his right leg, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 24.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 25-6 Bl. 6; Maspero, gypte 79 fig. 127 (as man and wife); Vandier, Manuel iii, 557 pl.
xxv [3]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1225; Griffith Inst. photo. 4271 [left]; H. W. Mller Archive 46 [I/701],
48 [15/22, 24].
Ankh... nh... , Overseer of ... , and smaller figure of son Duaptah Dw3-pth. , Scribe, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus.
CG 150.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 109 Bl. 33; Weigall, Anc. Eg. ... Art, fig. on 53 [lower left]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 561 pl.
xliv [4]; Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 1091; Petrie Gza photo. 533.
Seshemu Smw, Overseer of the treasury, seated, with small son Yunka Jwn-k3, Scribe, by his left leg, Dyn. V,
in Cairo Mus. CG 202.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 137 Bl. 42; Vandier, Manuel iii, 562 pl. xxx [5]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1236.
Man seated, with woman kneeling by his right leg, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 146.
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Borchardt, Statuen i, 107 Bl. 33; Vandier, Manuel iii, 561 pl. xxxii [2]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1182.
A Judge and Boundary official (name lost) and wife, with wide back pillar, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 158.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 114 Bl. 35; von Bissing, g. Kunstgeschichte Taf. lv [350]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1155.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 561.
Baka B3-k3(.j), Kings son (probably of Radjedef ), etc., headless, with small daughter Mertiotes Mrt-jt.s, by
his right leg, temp. Radjedef or a little later, in Cairo Mus. CG 176. (Probably from Ab Rawsh.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 123-4 Bl. 39; Vandier, Manuel iii, 561 pl. xxvi [3].
Harnit H. rw-nt, Kings eldest son of his body (of Radjedef ), etc., and wife Hetepheres H. tp-h. r.s , both seated,
headless, red granite, temp. Radjedef or a little later, in Cairo Mus. CG 544. (Probably from Ab Rawsh.)
See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 91 (text) (as Middle Kingdom); Vandier, Manuel iii, 590 (as Middle Kingdom).
Man, part of base with name lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 52.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 46 Bl. 13. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 558.
Man, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 90.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 71-2 Bl. 20. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 559 pl. xliv [1].
Man, feet and left shoulder lost, in two parts, black granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 364.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 192.
Man, legs lost, Old Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 373.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 196.
Man, right arm and left leg much damaged, Dyn. VI, formerly in C. W. Huber colln., now in Cairo Mus. CG
126 ( JE 5381).
Borchardt, Statuen i, 95-6 Bl. 28. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 560.
Nude boy, feet and base lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 149.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 108-9 Bl. 33. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 561.
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Man, arms, feet and base lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 152.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 111 Bl. 34. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 561.
Man, left leg and base lost, probably end of Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 224 ( JE 28901).
(Bought in Luxor.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 148-9 Bl. 46 (as Middle Kingdom). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 586 (as Middle Kingdom).
Man, arms, lower left leg, right foot and base lost, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo Mus. CG 226 ( JE 28902).
(Acquired in Luxor.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 149 Bl. 47. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Man, arms, legs and base lost, probably end of Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 232 ( JE 28900).
(Acquired in Luxor.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 152-3 Bl. 48 (as Middle Kingdom). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 586 (as the beginning of
Dyn. XII).
Kakherptah K3(.j)-hr-pth., Overseer of metal-workers of the wabt, etc., Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 267.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 169-70 Bl. 57; Fechheimer, Plastik (1914), 34 Taf. 41; (1923), 34, 42 Taf. 41 (both from
Borchardt). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 563.
Man, legs below kilt lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 370.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 194-5 Bl. 59; Posener, Sauneron and Yoyotte, Dict. civ. fig. on 273. See Vandier,
Manuel iii, 563.
Hepinpu H. p-jnpw , Supervisor of treasurers, etc., lower part, red granite, Dyn. IV, in Cairo Mus. CG 2.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 2-3 Bl. 1.
Man seated, upper right arm damaged, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 79.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 64 Bl. 18. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 559 pl. xxii [4].
Man seated, headless, right forearm damaged, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 86.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 68-9.
Man seated, right shoulder restored, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 142.
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Borchardt, Statuen i, 104-5 Bl. 32. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 560.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 159.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 115 Bl. 35. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 561.
Man seated, lost from waist up, diorite(?), Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 173.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 122.
Man seated, base with feet and body from waist up lost, red granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 177.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 124.
Man seated, hard grey stone, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 180.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 125 Bl. 39; H. W. Mller Archive 48 [15/16] (as AR-Mann2). See Vandier, Manuel
iii, 561.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 195.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 133 Bl. 41. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 203.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 137-8 Bl. 42; Maspero, gypte 79 fig. 128; Griffith Inst. photo. 4271 [right]. See
Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 209.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 140-1 Bl. 44. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Ankh-haf nh-h. 3.f, Master butcher of the Great House, etc., Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 210.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 141 Bl. 44. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Man seated, Dyn. VI, in Cairo Mus. CG 213.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 143.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 215.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 144.
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Man seated, Dyn. VI, in Cairo Mus. CG 825 ( JE 29543). (From Upper Egypt.)
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 114 Bl. 153 (as Dyn. VI or later). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 563 (as Old Kingdom), 591
(as later than Dyn. VI).
Man seated, sandstone, Dyn. VI, in Cairo Mus. CG 826 ( JE 29544). (From Upper Egypt.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 114 (as Dyn. VI or later); Vandier, Manuel iii, 591 (as later than Dyn. VI).
Hab(t) H. b(t), Lector-priest, Dyn. VI or a little later, in Cairo Mus. CG 148.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 108 Bl. 33; Vandier, Manuel iii, 561 pl. xxxv [5]; Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 696.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 380.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 199-200 Bl. 59. See Vandier Manuel iii, 563.
Scribe writing, black granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 80.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 65 Bl. 18; Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 419; Vandier, Manuel iii, 559 pl. xxiii [4].
Fragment, head and right shoulder lost, red granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 179.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 124-5.
Scribe reading, red granite, Dyn. V, formerly possibly in C. W. Huber colln., now in Cairo Mus. CG 189 (JE
5376 or 5739-40). (Possibly from Saqqra.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 129 Bl. 40; Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 423. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Neferirtnes Nfr-jrt.n.s, Judge and Boundary official, etc., upper part and right forearm lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo
Mus. CG 320.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 185 (text).
Bust, grey granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 141.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 104 Bl. 31.
Head, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 289.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 178 Bl. 58.

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Ankhiris nh-jr.s, Prophet of Re in the sun-temple of Neferirkare, etc., temp Neferirkare or later, fragment
of base, in Cairo Mus. CG 310.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 183 (text).
Rawer R -wr, Judge and Elder of the hall, base with feet, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 311.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 184 (text).
Meresankh Mr.s-nh, Royal acquaintance, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 50.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 45 Bl. 13; Vandier, Manuel iii, 558 pl. xix [3].
Hetepnub H. tp-nbw , Prophetess of H. ath. or, etc., hard grey stone, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 124 (JE 27956).
Borchardt, Statuen i, 94 Bl. 28. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 560.
Woman, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 271.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 172.
Woman, feet and base lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 139.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 103 Bl. 31; Vandier, Manuel iii, 560 pl. xxxvi [2]. See Maspero, Guide 317 [3135].
Itjat Jt3t, Kings ornament, with remains of paint, Dyn. VI or a little later, in Cairo Mus. CG 135.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 101 Bl. 30; Vandier, Manuel iii, 560 pl. xx [5].
Man shaping loaves, forearms and much of legs lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 109.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 85 Bl. 24; Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 656.
Man, wearing short kilt, with remains of paint, 1st Int. Period or a little later, in Cairo Mus. CG 455.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 49 Bl. 75 (as Middle Kingdom). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 588.
Nemty Nmtjj (headless), Ptahwah Pth. -w3h. , and women Sitameny S3t-jmnjj (headless) and Irtiuser Jrtjwsr(headless), group of four block statues, black granite, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo Mus. CG 869 (JE 27973).
(From Upper Egypt, probably Sheikh Abd el-Qurna.)
El-Damaty, M. M. in MDAIK 46 (1990), 7 Taf. 8 [a]; Schulz, Entwicklung i, 211 [106]; ii, Taf. 51 [c] (as
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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granodiorite). See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 130 (text) (as Middle or New Kingdom); Vandier, Manuel iii, 591,
658 (as Middle or New Kingdom).
Upper part of woman, probably from seated pair-statue, with text mentioning Montu and Rattaui-Tjenent
in Hermonthis, sandstone, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 998.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 20 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 591.
Iyib Jj-jb, Overseer of prophets, son of Mertsekhet Mrt-sht(mother), and wife Wiayt-khertib Wj3jjt-hrt-jb,
daughter of Wentet-pi(?) Wntt-pj(?) (mother), both seated on the ground, heads and shoulders lost, black
granite, 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 1054.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 40-1 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 591.
Hatmesha H. 3t-ms , Greatest of the council of the funerary workshop, and wife(?) Kaemniutes K3(.j)-m-njwt.s,
seated, upper parts and base lost, five fragments, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1142.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 79-80 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 591. Titles, Wilbour MSS. 2 H, 17 [4].
Neferwenhor Nfr-wn-h. r, Overseer of the gs-pr, etc., head and feet lost, grey granite, 2nd half of Dyn. XII, in
Cairo Mus. CG 426.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 32 Bl. 69; Vandier, Manuel iii, 587 pl. lxxiii [5].
mw, Citizen, son of Iyusonbu Jjw-snbw, Citizen, and Sit-hathor S3t-h. t-h. rw, headless, late Dyn. XII
Khemu H
or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 467 (JE 29109).
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 56-7 Bl. 78. Text, Wilbour MSS. 2 D, 23 [3]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 588.
Senebtifi, Mayor, Gods sealer, son of Hor H. rw, Mayor, Gods sealer, and Nofru Nfrw, head, parts of
arms, feet and base lost, with offering-text mentioning Amenemhet III, black granite, end of Dyn. XII or early
Dyn. XIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 520 (JE 29337). (From Upper Egypt.)
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 79 Bl. 88. Text, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xiv (1893), 25 [xxix]. See Vandier, Manuel iii,
Man, text effaced, green schist, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 725.
Borchard, Statuen iii, 60 Bl. 134; de Roug, E. Album photographique de la mission remplie en gypte ... 18631864 pl. 115 (as basalt); Mariette, Album du Muse de Boulaq (1872), pl. 25 [463]; Encycl. phot. Caire pl. 57;
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 104. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 590
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Man, head and feet lost, black granite, probably 2nd half of Dyn. XII, in Cairo Mus. CG 958.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 4.
Senaaib Sn -jb, Chamberlain of the vizier, headless, brown hard stone, end of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in
Cairo Mus. CG 1026.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 31 Bl. 161. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 591.
Mentunakht Mntw-nhtw, Attendant, Participant of the rulers table, headless, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo
Mus. CG 1248.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 129 Bl. 173. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 591.
A Royal scribe of ..., head, shoulder and feet lost, black granite, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo Mus.
CG 1285.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 145 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 591.
Man, 2nd half of Dyn. XII, in Cairo Mus. Temp. No.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 173.
Boy holding his right hand to his mouth, base restored, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 227.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 150.
Harhotep H. rw-h. tp, Great overlord of the Hierakonpolitan nome, etc., headless, black stone, Dyn. XII, in Cairo
Mus. CG 404 (JE 29540). (From Upper Egypt.)
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 17 Bl. 66. Text, Wilbour MSS. 2 K, 36 (seen at Luxor). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 587.
Senaaib Sn -jb, Chamberlain of the vizier, son of Mesyt Msjjt (mother), black granite, end of Dyn. XII or
Dyn. XIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 406.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 18-19 Bl. 66; Vandier, Manuel iii, 587 pl. lxxvii [5].
Senusert S-n-wsrt, Chamberlain of the bureau of the vizier, son of Kebeh K. bh. , sandstone, probably end of Dyn.
XII, in Cairo Mus. CG 529.
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See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 82-3 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 590.
Mentu-user Mntw-wsr, Steward, son of Hetepti H. tptj, upper part and front of base lost, with text mentioning
Amun lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 970.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 8 (text).
Two fragments of seat with hands and knees, inscribed, sandstone, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1010.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 24 (text).
[Heru]nufer [Hrw-]nfr [], Overseer of sealers, Judge of the workhouse, etc., son of Amu 3mw and Titi Tjtj,
headless, mid-Dyn. XIII, with added text, probably 3rd Int. Period or Late Period, black granite, in Cairo
Mus. CG 431.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 36-7 Bl. 70. Titles, Franke in GM 53 (1982), 16 [11] (as temp. Khaneferre Sebkhotep).
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 588.
Man, probably 2nd half of Dyn. XII or later, in Cairo Mus. CG 542.
See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 90; Vandier, Manuel iii, 590.
Ibu Jbw, Steward, son of Ankhet nht (mother), head lost, with text mentioning Khentekhtai, sandstone, 2nd
half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 967.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 7 (text); Vernus, Athribis 15-16 [14].
Sebkemmeri Sbk-m-mr.j, Scribe of the royal documents of the archive, etc., son of Petipu Pt(.j)-pw (mother),
head lost, black granite, late Dyn. XII, in Cairo Mus. JE 90151.
Vernus in BIFAO 74 (1974), 153-9 figs. 3, 4 pls. xix [B], xx; el-Sawi in ZS 111 (1984), 27-30 Abb. 1-3.
Man, black hard stone, 2nd half of Dyn. XII or early Dyn. XIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 463.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 54-5 Bl. 77; Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 417; Sourouzian in MDAIK 47 (1991), 348-9, 353
Taf. 49 [a]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 588; Franke in OMRO 68 (1988), 68 [4].
Man (name lost) before an altar, with text mentioning Satis mistress of Elephantine, late Dyn. XII or Dyn.
XIII, sandstone, in Cairo Mus. CG 543.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 90-1 Bl. 90. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 590; Franke in OMRO 68 (1988), 69 [12] (as
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Dyn. XIII).
A Sealer of the King of Lower Egypt, etc. (probably Mentuhotep Mntw-h. tp, Vizier, temp. Sesostris I), wearing
collar of High priest of Ptah, calcite, early Dyn. XII, in Cairo Mus. Temp. No.
Fay in GM 133 (1993), 22, 25-7 pls. 4-7. Upper part, H. W. Mller Archive 53 [9/47].
Upper part of seated man, face much damaged, 2nd half of Dyn. XII or later, in Cairo Mus. CG 532.
See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 83-4; Vandier, Manuel iii, 590.
Upper part of seated man, face lost, black granite, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 1082.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 49 Bl. 162. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 591.
Mentua Mntw-3, Overseer of geese(?), base with feet, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 810.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 106 (text).
Nekhtenneb...(?) Nht-n-nb...(?), son of Reditensen Rdjt-n-sn (mother), base with feet, with text mentioning
Amun-Re Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, black granite, probably Middle Kingdom, in Cairo Mus.
CG 957.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 4 (text).
Henu(i)ankh(u) H. nw(.j)-nh(w), Steward, base, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1257.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 132 (text).
Woman, much of right arm lost, steatite, Dyn. XII, in Cairo Mus. CG 474 (JE 29206). (Said to come from
Upper Egypt.)
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 59-60 Bl. 79; Vandier, Manuel iii, 588 pl. xci [2] (from Borchardt); Bianchi, R. S.
Splendors of Ancient Egypt 76 fig. on 74. See Bull. Inst. g. ii Sr. 9 (1888), p. iv (as schist and Dyn. XVIII).
Woman, arms and feet lost, 2nd half of Dyn. XI, in Cairo Mus. CG 230.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 151-2 Bl. 48.
A queen with body of vulture, upper part, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, formerly with Tano (dealer in Cairo),
now in Cairo Mus. JE 64770. (Allegedly from the Delta.)
Keimer in ASAE xxxv (1935), 182-92 pls. i [a, b], ii [a, b]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 595 pl. lxxv [1, 2] (from
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Keimer); Hornemann, Types vi, pl. 1516; Fay, B. in MDAIK 44 (1988), 70, 72 Taf. 26 [b]; H. W. Mller
Archive 52 [22/41]. See Descr. somm. No. 6319.
Nofru Nfrw, Kings sole ornament, base and lower legs, brown hard stone, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo Mus.
CG 1039.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 34 (text).
Duatnefert Dw3t-nfrt, daughter of Hemi H. mj and wife of Dedusobk Ddw-sbk Bebi Bbj, Chief scribe of the
vizier, base with feet, black granite, probably temp. Sebkhotep IV (Khaneferre), in Cairo Mus. JE 52540.
(Acquired in Luxor.)
See Newberry in ASAE xxix (1929), 76.
Henutsen H., Prophetess of Hathor, Kings sole ornament, statue-base, wood and ivory, Middle Kingdom,
in Cairo Mus. CG 446 (JE 29347).
See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 45 (text).
Nofru Nfrw, Gods wife, statue-base, probably Middle Kingdom, formerly in G. Dattari colln., now in Cairo
Mus. JE 36538.
Text, Newberry in PSBA xxiii (1901), 221-2 [24c] (as queen of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II).
Headless, with text mentioning Amenemhet III, Montu lord of Hermonthis, and Neferuptah Nfrw-pth. , Kings
daughter (of Amenemhet III), black granite, in Cairo Mus. Temp. No. (Bought in Luxor.)
See Newberry in PSBA xxv (1903), 359 [52] (text); Legrain in ASAE iv (1903), 133 [i] (text).
Ahmosi J h. -ms, (?) of Amun, son of Antef Jn-jt.f , upper part, arms and base with feet lost, with family,
including wife Ahhotep J h. -h. tp, in relief on sides of seat, Dyn. XVII or early Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG
976 (JE 28046). (Acquired in Luxor.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 12 (texts); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 2014.
Amenhotep Jmn-h. tp, Scribe of food-offerings of Amun at Karnak, and wife seated, with daughter Mutnefert
Mwt-nfrt standing, and family in relief on back, text mentioning Am un, Atum lord of the Two Lands in
Heliopolis, Hathor mistress of Heliopolis, etc., fragmentary, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG
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See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 169-70; iii, 123; iv, 6, 21, 24 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 656.
Senhotep Sn(.j)-h. tp, Scribe of the cadaster, with wife Sentnefert Snt-nfrt and son Senusert S-n-wsrt, Scribe of
the cadaster, all seated, fragments of seat with legs and base, with text mentioning Am un-Re lord of the
Thrones of the Two Lands, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 934+1101.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 163; iv, 57 (text).
Man (head lost), woman (upper part of head lost) and [another person] seated, red sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in
Cairo Mus. CG 980. (Bought in Cairo.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 14; Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Man and woman (faces lost), and [another person], with text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of
the Two Lands and Mut mistress of Asher, schist, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 1027.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 31 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Paa P3-3, Lector-priest of Min, etc., seated, and boy standing, but now only seat and feet left, with text
(graffito?) mentioning Amun-Re, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 1161.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 85 (text) (as Middle Kingdom); Vandier, Manuel iii, 591 (as Middle Kingdom);
Fischer, The Orientation of Hieroglyphs i, 92 [3].
Pentawer P3-n-t3-wr(t), wab-priest of Amenemopet, etc., and woman Shedsu[t]awer(t)d-sw-[t]3-wr(t), base
with feet only, Dyn. XX-XXI, in Cairo Mus. CG 1259.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 133 (text).
Upper part of man and hand of wife, with names of Amun-Re and remains of text on back pillar, Dyn. XIX,
in Cairo Mus. CG 847.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 120-1 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Upper part of man and left hand of wife on his shoulder, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus.
CG 857.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 123; Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Upper part of man (face destroyed) with part of right arm and hand of wife, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus.
CG 858.
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See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 124; Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Man (upper part lost) and woman ...emopetnefer ...m-jpt-nfr (left arm lost), probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus.
CG 863.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 126-7 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
A Kings wab-priest and wife, faces destroyed and base with feet lost, with text mentioning Amun-Re
and Hathor, sandstone, early Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 937.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 164-5 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
A Prophet of Amenophis (deified Amenophis I), and woman Mutwebent(?) Mwt-wbnt(?), Songstress of Amun,
both seated, upper parts and feet of woman lost, sandstone, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. CG 975. (Probably
from Deir el-Medna.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 11 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Pahekaemsasen P3-h. k., Overseer of foreign countries, and wife Duy Dwjj, both seated, upper parts
lost, with text mentioning Amun-Re and Hathor chieftainess of Thebes, black granite, temp. Amenophis II,
in Cairo Mus. CG 989.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 17 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Penwah P3-n-w3h. , Scribe of the accounts of grain, and wife Meryt Mrjjt, both seated, upper parts and base
with feet lost, with text mentioning Mut mistress of Asher and Thoth lord of Mendes(?), sandstone, Dyn.
XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 1003 (JE 27955). (Said to come from Saqqra or Sheikh Abd el-Qurna.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 21-2 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659. Names and title of Penwah. , Lieblein, Dict.
No. 1967.
Upper part of woman, from seated pair-statue, remains of text on back pillar, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo Mus.
CG 1036.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 34 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Hori H. rwj, Deputy of the temple of Amun-Re (probably owner of TT 28), and woman, upper parts and base
with feet lost, sandstone, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. CG 1127.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 70 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Man and woman, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. Temp. No.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1220 (as Middle Kingdom); Kaiser in MDAIK 46 (1990), 270 Taf. 62 [1-3]. See
Bruyre, Rapport sur les fouilles de Deir el Mdineh (1934-1935) , iii, 171 n. 3; Keith-Bennett in Bull. Egyptol.
Seminar 3 (1981), 61.
Mahi M3h. jj, Chief of the harm of Amun, and daughter Esinefert 3st-nfrt , Chief of the harm of Isis, upper
parts lost, holding naos with Horus and Hathor, with text mentioning Isis, sandstone, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo
Mus. CG 608.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 157-8 Bl. 110 (text); Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1224. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 655.
Merneptah Mr-n-pth. , Kings son (probably of Ramesses II, future king), lower part, probably temp. Ramesses
II, in Cairo Mus. CG 750 (JE 28038).
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 73 Bl. 139 (text) (as probably queen); Vandier, Manuel iii, 620 pl. cxxxvi [3] (as queen).
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 905 [366]; vii, 438.
Sety Sthjj, Kings son of his body (of Ramesses II), middle part, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo Mus. JE 35350.
Text, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xxiv (1902), 161 [cxciii]; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 900 [357, B]; iv, 82 [48, B]; vii,
438, 447.
Headless torso with remains of standard on left shoulder, text on back pillar mentioning Haroe ris lord of and
Horus ma-kheru, grey granite, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 868.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 129-30 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Bust and back of head, with ram-headed standard and another with head of a goddess, possibly Mut,
cartouches of Ramesses III, black granite, temp. Ramesses III, in Cairo Mus. CG 873 (JE 26147).
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 132 (cartouches); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 116
[PE L.7]. Cartouches, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. v, 347 [141, B].
Nebwa Nb-w , First prophet of Amun-Re of P3-jw (Tell el-Balamn), son of Huy H. jj, lower part, with wife
Mutnefert(t) Mwt-nfr(t), Songstress of Amun of P3-jw, in relief, and text mentioning temple of Thoth, temp.
Haremhab, in Cairo Mus. CG 883 (JE 29092).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen iii, 135 (as Dyn. XIX or later). Names and titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 327. See
Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 106 [PE K.5].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Khaemteri(?) H
-m-tr(?), Overseer of chariotry, middle part, holding two standards with text mentioning
Sobk-Shedty and Horus in el-Faiym, black granite, probably Dyn. XIX, formerly probably in C. W. Huber
colln., now in Cairo Mus. CG 889 (JE 8387). (Probably from Saqqra.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 140 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 107 [PE K.7].
Name, see Yoyotte and Lpez in Bibliotheca Orientalis xxvi (1969), 12 [314d].
A Head of the altar of Amun in (the temple) Dsr..., Overseer of nt-officials in the temple of Tuthmosis I, etc.,
upper part, holding flower, grey granite, probably temp. Tuthmosis I, in Cairo Mus. CG 843 (JE 27978).
(From Upper Egypt.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 119-20 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
<< >>
A Greatest of the directors of craftsmen, etc., upper part, grey granite, probably New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus.
CG 852.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 122 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658; Maystre, C. Les Grands prtres de Ptah de
Memphis 281 [78].
Siamun S3-jmn, Overseer of the storehouse of Amun, etc., lower part, with sons Nebpeh. tire Nb-ph. tj-r
(dedicator of the statue) and Siamun S3-jmn Mersu Mr-sw, both wab-priests of Amun, in relief on sides of
seat, text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, and Atum, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus.
CG 864 (JE 26034).
Right side of seat, Lefebvre in ASAE xxiv (1924), 136-9 [ii] fig. on 138. Text, Borchardt, Statuen iii, 127-8;
Bouriant in Rec. Trav. vii (1886), 117-18 [2]. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1965. See Vandier,
Manuel iii, 658.
A Prophet (name lost), lower part, with text mentioning H. arsiesi, probably New Kingdom (rather than Late
Period), in Cairo Mus. CG 904.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 146-7 (text) (as probably Late Period).
Tjaia T3j3, Steward of the King in the Southern City, etc., legs and right hand only, black granite, Dyn.
XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 952.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 2 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Amenemhet Jmn-m-h. 3t, Overseer of the two granaries of Amun, Mayor, etc., two fragments of lower part,
black granite, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 959.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 4 (text).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Usermontu Wsr-mntw, ... prophet of Montu lord of Thebes, head and base with feet lost, black granite,
probably Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. CG 968+1019.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 7, 28 (texts).
Mery Mrjj, First prophet of Amun (Theb. tb. 95), upper part and base with feet lost, with text mentioning
Amun and Hathor mistress of Dendera, black granite, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo Mus. CG 973.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 9-10 (text).
Iny Jnj[j], Scribe of the treasury, son of Iny Jnjj, same title, upper part lost, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 42-3 (text) (as Njnj[j]); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Hatia H. 3tj-, Overseer of ..., upper part and base with feet lost, people adoring in relief on sides of seat, grey
granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1151.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 82-3 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Djehutinufer Dh. wtj-nfr, Steward of the Gods wife, lower part, with text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the
Thrones of the Two Lands and Wepwaut, schist, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1268.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 136-7 (text) (as Dyn. XXII-XXIII).
Tiay Tjj3jj, Charioteer of the good god, son of Tety Ttjj, Scribe, and Minna Mnw-n3, upper part lost, seated
with sistrum of Teye Tjj , Kings great wife (of Amenophis III), with text mentioning Hathor mistress of Km
el-H. is. n, diorite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo Mus. CG 1286. (Probably from Km el-H. is. n.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 146 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 661.
Neferhotep Nfr-h. tp, Merchant, of Thebes (njwt), head, right shoulder and right arm lost, with Hathor-head
symbol and text mentioning Isis and Min of Ipu, probably Dyn. XX, formerly in A. Eid colln. 1921, now in
Cairo Mus. JE 89783. (Probably from Akhmm.)
Clre, Les chauves dHathor 109-13 [F], 227-8 [F] pl. xiii figs. 36-7.
Man, right half only, head lost, with long text, Dyn. XIX or later, in Cairo Mus. CG 933.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 162 Bl. 158 (text). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Amen[hotep] Jmn[-h. tp], Scribe of recruits, etc., son of Hepu H. pw of Athribis, right knee only, grey granite,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo Mus. CG 942.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 167 (text); Wildung, Imhotep und Amenhotep 265 n. 1 (as possibly Ptolemaic), 294
[199]. Text, Helck, Urk. iv. 1830 [661], bersetz. 276.
Mery Mrjj, Steward, etc., son of Hatiay H. 3tj3jj, Scribe, headless, with text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the
Thrones of the Two Lands, black granite, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. CG 1041.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 36 Bl. 161 (text). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Nebseny Nb.snjj, Scribe, upper part and arms lost, with text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the
Two Lands, black granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1079.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 47-8 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Djehutimosi Dh. wtj-ms, Overseer of the treasury, etc. (Theb. tbs. 80 and 104, as Djehutinufer Dh. wtj-nfr), upper
part lost, with text mentioning Ptah, sandstone, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo Mus. CG 1138.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 75 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Scribe statue of Amenmosi Jmn-ms, Overseer of the treasury of Amun, Chief steward in the Western River,
Overseer of works in the cult-temple of Ramesses III, etc., son of Pawia P3-wj3 and Nebtyunet Nbt-jwnt,
lower part, grey granite, temp. Ramesses III, formerly with H. amad Ibrhm (dealer in Gza), now in Cairo
Mus. JE 87194.
Hamada in ASAE xlvii (1947), 15-21 pls. iii-v; Arch. Lacau phot. O.i.14-18. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. v,
415-16 [184, 1]; vii, 451. See Gardiner, Sir A. in JEA 34 (1948), 19-22.
Kenro Knr, Head of the hall of the two incense-burners of Khons (Theb. tb. 54), mentioning wife Tarenu T3rnw, early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 571. (Probably from TT 54.)
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 120-1 pl. 97 (as possibly Late Period); Polz, Das Grab des Hui und des Kel Theben Nr. 54,
132-3 [6.2] Taf. 15 [b-d]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 655; Polz, Das Grab Nr. 54 in Theben. Ein Beitrag zur
Archologie thebanischer Felsgrber [dissertation] (1988), 345-9 (text).
Wahib W3h. -jb, ... of Amun, headless, with wife Taemresef T3-m-rsf mentioned on back pillar, dedicated by
son Wesi Wsjj, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 977.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 12-13 Bl. 159 (text). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
May Mjj, Overseer of the fields of Amun, etc., upper part and left leg lost, with text mentioning [Amun-]Re
in Karnak, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 982.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 14 (text) (as probably Dyn. XIX); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

...tentniut ...t-nt-njwt, headless, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 983.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 15 (text) (as Dyn. XIX); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Man, hands, knees and stela lost, mid- or late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 1022.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 30 Bl. 160. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Man holding naos with Ptah and cow-headed Hathor, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 591+851.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 146; iii, 121-2 Bl. 154 (as Amen
h. otep). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 655, 658 (as
Nekhtmin Nht-mnw, Chief lieutenant of chariotry, etc. (Theb. tb. 282), son of Pennesuttaui P3-n-nswt-t3wj,
lower part, holding naos with Atum(?) and Sekhmet, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo Mus. CG 637.
See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 185-6 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 656. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 846-7 [315].
Djehutimosi Dh. wtj-ms, Scribe, lower part, holding naos withPtah and [baboon on top of it], and text
mentioning [Thoth] lord of Hermopolis Magna, steatite, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 710.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 48-9 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 656.
Yupa Jj(w)jp3, Steward, etc., upper part and feet lost, holding naos with Ptah, red sandstone, temp. Ramesses
II, in Cairo Mus. CG 1062.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 43-4 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 196 [2].
<< >>
Minmosi Mnw-ms, Overseer of prophets of all the gods of Ta-wer (Abydos), First prophet of Onuris, etc., son
of Hori H. rwj (elsewhere Hor H. rw), First prophet of Onuris, and Inty Jntjj [], headless, with cartouche of
Ramesses II and name of Isis, red granite, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo Mus. CG 1203. (Probably from
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 649 (as Temp.; Clre,Les chauves dHathor73-80 [A], 221-2 [A] pls.
ii, iii figs. 25-6. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 470-1 [1]; Wilbour MSS. 2 B, 154-5. See Wiedemann in
PSBA xxiii (1901), 250 [P.13] (in Luxor in 1881); Legrain in Rec. Trav. xxxii (1910), 33 [31]; Capart (ed.),
Travels in Egypt [December 1880 to May 1891]. Letters of Charles Edwin Wilbour 429; Borchardt, Statuen iv, 103-5
(text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
<< >>

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Ramesesnakht R -ms-s-nhtw , Deputy, headless, holding stand with [figure of deity], with text mentioning
Wepwaut, schist, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. CG 853.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 122 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. vii, 216 [510, 1].
Sety Sthjj, Overseer of the treasury of the Lord of the Two Lands, headless, holding seated figures of Khnum,
Satis and Anukis, with cartouches of Ramesses II, calcite, in a magazine at el-Minya in 1939, now in Cairo
Mus. JE 69425. (Probably from Elephantine.)
Fakhry in ASAE xxxix (1939), 91-4 pls. vii-ix. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 140-1 [88, 1]. See Vandier,
Manuel iii, 678.
Man holding stand with statuette of Ahmosi Nefertere J h. -ms Nfrt-jrjj seated, grey granite, Dyn. XIX, in
Cairo Mus. Temp. No. (Probably from Karnak.)
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 602.
Man, head and much of offering-basin lost, with text mentioning Tuthmosis III, red granite, temp. Tuthmosis
III, in Cairo Mus. JE 45262.
Wildung in Mnchner Jahrb. 3 Ser xxxvi (1985), 27 [1] Abb. 14, 15 (caption in error).
Ptahmosi Pth. -ms, Greatest of the directors of craftsmen, etc., kneeling with hands palms up on the knees, with
small monkey, lower part, with cartouches of Tuthmosis IV, dark granite, temp. Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo Mus.
CG 584. (Probably from Memphis.)
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 139-40 Bl. 105 (text); Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 568; Vandier, Manuel iii, 655 pl. cliv
[3]; Limme in Mlanges offerts Jean Vercouttter 206, 211-12 pl. iv (adapted from Hornemann). Text, Maystre,
C. Les Grands prtres de Ptah de Memphis 258-9 [37]. Name and titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 164. See
Franke in OMRO 68 (1988), 70 [17].
Djehutinufer Dh. wtj-nfr, Overseer of the treasury, etc. (Theb. tbs. 80 and 104), legs and base, with text
mentioning Amun-Re and sun-hymn, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo Mus. CG 921.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 155 (text).
Fragment of heels and inscribed back pillar, sandstone, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1007.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 22 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nekhy(?) Nhjj(?)(?), Prophet of Amun, kneeling holding a censer in each hand, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus.
JE 52969.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 555.
Man, headless and much damaged, inscribed, with woman represented on back pillar, grey granite, New
Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 524.
See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 80-1 (text) (as probably Middle Kingdom); Vandier, Manuel iii, 590 (as Middle
Kingdom); Bothmer in Brooklyn Mus. Bull. ii-iii (1960-2), 27; Schulz, Entwicklung i, 164 [079] (as
Piay Pjj3jj, Scribe of items sealed in complete confidence, etc., son of Esi 3st (mother), with Ptah and names
of Ramesses II on pectoral, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo Mus. CG 553. (Probably from the Memphite area.)
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 100 Bl. 92 (text); Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 456; el-Damaty, M. M. in MDAIK 46
(1990), 7-8 Taf. 7 [d]; Schulz, Entwicklung i, 169-70 [082]; ii, Taf. 39 [a, c]. Text, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xiv
(1893), 169 [lviii]; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 417-18 [xix.3], 495 [2]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 654.
Yupa Jjwp3, Steward in the Ramesseum in the domain of Amun, etc., face lost, cartouches of Ramesses II,
with Ptah, Sekhmet, Thoth and Nehemawat in relief on front, in Cairo Mus. CG 567. (Probably from
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 117-18 Bl. 96 (text); Schulz, Entwicklung i, 176-7 [086]; ii, Taf. 41 [a-c]. Text, de
Roug, Inscr. hiro. pl. xxxi; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 195-6 [109, 1]. Text of deities, Brugsch, Thes. 960
[bottom]. Text corrections, Ruffle and Kitchen in Ruffle et al. (eds.), Glimpses of Ancient Egypt. Studies in
Honour of H. W. Fairman 59 [10]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 655.
Hesyneteref H. sjj-ntr.f , Overseer of the royal apartments, etc., with text mentioning Amun lord of the
Thrones of the Two Lands, base lost, black granite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 569.
See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 118-19 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 655; Schulz, Entwicklung i, 180 [088] (as
Man, probably temp. Ramesses II, with added texts of an Overseer of the treasury of the Lord of the Two
Lands, Overseer of the mansions of gold of Amun, Mut and Khons, etc., cartouches of Psusennes I, and text
mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, foremost of Karnak, base and front lost, diorite,
in Cairo Mus. CG 626.
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 193-4 [095]; ii, Taf. 47 [a-d] (as gneiss). See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 172-3 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sebknakht Sbk-nht , Steward of Am un, etc., with text mentioning Hathor mistress of Crocodilopolis
(Gebelein), diorite, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 707.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 47 Bl. 131; el-Sayed in BIFAO 85 (1985), 182-5 pls. xxxi, xxxii (as probably from
Karnak); Schulz, Entwicklung i, 201 [099]; ii, Taf. 50 [a, b] (as from el-Sayed). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 656.
Neferibdjet Nfr-jb(.j)-dt Au 3w (headless), dedicated by son Kaka K3k3, Scribe, with text mentioning AmunRe and Ptah-Sokari-Osiris, black granite, probably 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 856 (JE 27950).
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 123 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658; Schulz, Entwicklung i, 207 [103].
Name lost, with text mentioning Isis, much damaged, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 860.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 125 (text) (as woman); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658 (as possibly woman); Schulz,
Entwicklung i, 208 [104] (as temp. Amenophis II to Tuthmosis IV).
A[menemopet] J[mn-m-jpt], Greatest of the seers, etc., head and base lost, holding naos with Horus and Isis,
with cartouche of Ramesses II and text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands,
black granite, in Cairo Mus. CG 898.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 143-4 Bl. 156 (text); Schulz, Entwicklung i, 212 [107]; ii, Taf. 52 [c] (as granodiorite).
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 442 [200, xx.2, 1].
A Royal butler clean of hands, etc., head and base with feet lost, with text mentioning Horus of Nekhen, etc.,
granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 906.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 147 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658; Schulz, Entwicklung i, 213 [108] (as
Man, left half without head and base with feet, with text mentioning [Khon]sem-weset, New Kingdom, in
Cairo Mus. CG 907.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 148 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658; Schulz, Entwicklung i, 214 [109].
Naos with figure of goddess (Mut?) and parts of legs of man, remains of text, sandstone, Dyn. XIX-XX, in
Cairo Mus. CG 936.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 164 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659; Schulz, Entwicklung i, 221 [116].
A Prophet, head and part of left side, remains of text, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 1091.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 52 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660; Schulz, Entwicklung i, 227 [121].
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Irsu(?) Jr-sw(?), ... the southern ... of Memphis, fragment of left side, with text mentioning Horus and Amun
lord of the Throne[s of the Two Lands], black granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1129.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 71 (text); Schulz, Entwicklung i, 232 [124] (as granodiorite).
Iry Jrjj, Scribe of ..., part of right side and back pillar, black granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1267.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 136 (text); Schulz, Entwicklung i, 240 [131] (as granodiorite).
Lutist seated on the ground, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 773.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 85 Bl. 143 (as child); Hickmann in ASAE xlix (1949), 443 fig. 18 (repr. id. Miscellanea
Musicologica 181 fig. 18); id. 45 Sicles pl. lxxi [D]; id. gypten Abb. 103; Vandier, Manuel iii, 657 pl. clxiv [4]
(as child).
Neferhor Nfr-h. rkneeling grinding grain, with shabti address, dark granite, probably late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo
Mus. CG 1256 (JE 29927).
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 132 Bl. 174. See Capart in Transactions of the Third International Congress of the History
of Religions, Oxford, 1908, i, 201 [6].
Man carrying jar on his head, probably New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 782.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 90 Bl. 144 (as probably caricature of Asiatic captive). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 657.
Bust, face damaged, sandstone, probably Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. CG 1171.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 89 Bl. 165 (as probably Late Period).
Headless upper part, with cartouches of Ramesses II and the name of Thoth, probably a re-used MiddleKingdom sculpture, black granite, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo Mus. CG 745.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 71 (text).
An Eyes of the King, etc., upper part (face lost), cartouches of Tuthmosis III, diorite, temp. Tuthmosis III,
in Cairo Mus. CG 832.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 116 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 657.
Upper part, probably man seated on the ground or scribe-statue, cartouches of Amenophis II, black granite,
temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo Mus. CG 833 (JE 26382).
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 117 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 657.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Bust, grey granite, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 842.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 119; Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Upper part of standing man, from pair-statue or group, remains of text on back pillar, New Kingdom, in Cairo
Mus. CG 866.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 128 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Upper part, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 929.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 159 Bl. 157. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Headless bust with crossed arms, cartouches of Tuthmosis III and text on back pillar, black granite, temp.
Tuthmosis III, in Cairo Mus. CG 940.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 166 (text).
[Set]au [St]3w, Viceroy of Kush, headless torso with part of right arm, cartouche of Ramesses II, grey granite,
temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo Mus. CG 950.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 168 (text). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 110 [62].
Head, with feather in relief on right side, black granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 839.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 119.
Face, probably Dyn. XVIII, grey granite, in Cairo Mus. CG 848.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 121.
Face, late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 849.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 121 Bl. 154; Cottrell, L. Egypt fig. 69; Mller, H. W. in Mnchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xviii
(1967), 13, 27-8 fig. 18 (as from the Memphite necropolis); The Exhibition of The Treasures of Great Kings and
Queens of Ancient Egypt (Tokyo, The Tokyo National Museum, 1 April - 28 May, 1978, etc.), No. 43 fig.;
Assmann, Die Hieroglyphe Mensch in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung March 28, 1987, No. 74, fig. [lower right];
id. in Kraatz, M. et al. Das Bildnis in der Kunst des Orients 26 Abb. 16 [a]; id. Stein und Zeit. Mensch und
Gesellschaft im alten gypten 150 Abb. 25 [a]; id. in Der Manuelian, P. (ed.), Studies in Honor of William Kelly
Simpson i, 68 fig. 17; H. W. Mller Archive 41 [II/1587]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Head, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 874 (JE 28004). (From Upper Egypt.)
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Borchardt, Statuen iii, 132 Bl. 155 (as Dyn. XIX). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Head, from block-statue, black granite, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 911.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 150; Schulz, Entwicklung i, 215 [110] (as granodiorite).
Face, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo Mus. JE 34536. (Bought at Thebes.)
Russmann and Finn, Egyptian Sculpture. Cairo and Luxor figs. on 104 [49]. See Gabolde, M. in Chron. dg.
lxxi (1996), 98 [49] (as temp. Tutankhamun).
Kharuef Hrw.f, Steward, etc., base with feet of seated statue, black granite, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo
Mus. CG 897.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 143 (text).
Pahemneter P3-h. m-ntr, Greatest of the directors of craftsmen, etc., statue-pedestal, black granite, probably
temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo Mus. CG 1087.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 50 (text); Maystre, C. Les Grands prtres de Ptah de Memphis 292 [95]. Text,
Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 414 [7].
Amenemopet Jmn-m-jpt, Scribe of the gods offerings of Amun, fragment of pedestal, with text mentioning
wife Nedjemmut Ndm-mwt, Songstress of Amun, and Ahmosi Nefertere Jh. -ms Nfrt-jrjj of Meniset (mortuary
temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere Jh. -ms Nfrt-jrjj), black granite, Dyn. XX-XXI, in Cairo Mus.
CG 1152.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 83 (text).
Khaemweset H
-m-w3st, Kings son (of Ramesses II), base with feet, schist, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo
Mus. CG 1205.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 107 (text) (as Late Period); Goma, Chaemwese 92 [90] Abb. 32 [a] (text); Maystre,
C. Les Grands prtres de Ptah de Memphis 310-11 [113] (text, from Borchardt). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii,
892 [348, A].
Khaemweset H
-m-w3st, Kings son (of Ramesses II), fragment of base with right foot and back pillar,
schist, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo Mus. CG 1213.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 112 (text) (as probably Late Period); Goma, Chaemwese 92 [91] Abb. 32 [b] (text);
Maystre, C. Les Grands prtres de Ptah de Memphis 314 [116] (text, from Borchardt). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr.
ii, 893 [348, B].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Inscribed fragment, probably from block-statue, black granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1283.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 145 (text).
Amenemonet Jmn-m-jnt Iny Jnjj, Scribe of the treasury of the Lord of the Two Lands, Overseer of records of
the harbour of the Lord of the Two Lands, statue-pedestal, with owner and family in relief on sides and text
mentioning Hathor mistress of the Southern Sycamore and of the Valley, early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. JE
14126 (Temp. No. (From the Memphite area.)
Gaballa in Orientalia N.S. 44 (1975), 388-94 pls. xxxix-xli figs. 1-4; Berlandini in BIFAO 81 (1981), 9-20 pls.
v-viii. Text, Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 3 Sr. lxxxvi [Y] (as stela); Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 497-8 [225]; vii, 444 (as
temp. Ramesses II). Names, Brugsch, Thes. 1458-9 [99] (as stela); Lieblein, Dict. No. 2017; of owner, Sethe
in ZS 44 (1907), 92.
-m-w3st, Head of metalworkers(?) in the temple of Am un, base of standing statue,
Khaemweset H
dedicated by son Maya Mjj3, Outline-draughtsman of Amun (Theb. tb. 338), late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo
Mus. Temp. No.
Goma in Schmitz, B. and Eggebrecht, A. (eds.), Festschrift Jrgen von Beckerath (1990), 75-8 Taf. 6 Abb. 1.
Face, probably New Kingdom, plaster, in Cairo Mus. CG 1186.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 92 Bl. 166 (as Late Period).
Woman holding flower, 2nd half of Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 813 (JE 27326). (From Thebes.)
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 107-8 Bl. 150. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 657.
Nude woman, right arm lost, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 775.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 86 Bl. 143. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 657.
Nude woman, arms lost, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 776.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 86; Vandier, Manuel iii, 657.
Nude woman, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 777.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 86-7; Vandier, Manuel iii, 657.
Nude girl Wadj... W3d......, late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 800 (JE 4959).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Borchardt, Statuen iii, 99 Bl. 147; Vandier, Manuel iii, 657 pl. clxx [5]; Wildung and Schoske, Nofret - die
Schne. Die Frau im Alten gypten (Haus der Kunst Mnchen, 15. Dezember 1984 - 10. Februar 1985, etc.),
Cat. 44 fig.
Woman, fragment of lower part, remains of text, black granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 896.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 143 (text).
His beloved daughter Merytre Mrjjt-r , Songstress (h. sjjt) of Isis, legs with text, from pair-statue or group,
New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1103.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 58 (text).
Henutwert H. nwt-wrt (?) (woman), replaced by Maety M3 tjj (woman), leg only, with text mentioning
Mut mistress of Asher, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1274.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 139 (text).
Tentbehdet T3-nt-bh. dt, slate, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. CG 1172.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 89 (text) (as Late Period).
A Kings wife, etc., top of head lost, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo Mus. CG 780 (JE 31009).
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 89 Bl. 144; Vandier, Manuel iii, 620 pl. cxxxvi [1]; B. M. B[ryan] in Kozloff et al. Egypts
Dazzling Sun 203, 475 fig. 22a (from Borchardt) (as Queen Teye). See Mller, M. Die Kunst Amenophis III.
und Echnatons iv - 14-15 (as probably Queen Teye).
A son(?) of Amenemonet Jmn-m-jnt, sem-priest in the Ramesseum, Prophet of Amenophis (deified Amenophis
I) of the temenos, etc., head, hands and feet lost, with man censing and libating to Amun on front, and other
deities on feet and sides, all in relief, green stone, probably Dyn. XXII, in Cairo Mus. CG 884.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 136-7 Bl. 155 (as Late Period). Text, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xiv (1893), 169 [lix] (as
black granite). See Jansen-Winkeln, gyptische Biographien der 22. und 23. Dynastie 260-2 [B 9].
Upper part of seated statue, ...ubaste ...b3stt, son of Iry Jrjj (mother), with text mentioning Bubastis mistress
of Bubastis (Tell Bast. a), red granite, Dyn. XXI-XXIV, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26645, now
in London, Petrie Museum, 14313. (Probably from Tell Bast. a.)
Capart, Recueil i, pl. xi (as Dyn. V-VI); Fechheimer, Plastik Taf. 42 (from Capart) (as Old Kingdom); Page,
Sculpture No. 7 figs. (as Dyn. IV-V). See Bull. Inst. g. ii Sr. 6 (1885), p. xiii; g. Handbook ... University
College (1915), No. 436 [1st item] (as Dyn. IV); Vandier, Manuel iii, 572 [I] (as probably scribe and Old
Kingdom); De Meulenaere, H. in Chron. dg. lii (1977), 293 (as early Saite); Aldred, C. in JEA 64 (1978),
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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175 [middle].
Udjahorresnet Wd3-h. rw-rsnt, son of Ankhpekhrod nh-p3-hrd and Tagemiu T3-gmjw, kneeling before jackalheaded Anubis, Late Period or Ptolemaic, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38518, now in Baltimore
MD, Walters Art Museum, 54.400.
Daressy, Statues 138-9 pl. xxx; Cook, S. A. in Hammerton, J. A. Universal History of the World i, fig. on 641
[lower right]; Steindorff, Cat. 138 [588] pls. xc, cxix; Hornemann, Types vi, pl. 1455; Curto in Il senso dellarte
fig. on 18 [upper].
Amenardais Jmn-jr-dj-s, son of Harsiesi H. rw-s3-3stand Tefnakht T3.f-nht, kneeling before Hatmehyt as a seated
woman wearing headdress of uraei supporting a fish, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38970 (JE
Daressy, Statues 245-6 pl. xlix. See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 108 [78].
Chest and arms of seated man (probably Ira
hor Jr-3-h. rw Neferebre-nufer Nfr-jb-r -nfr, Saqqra tb.
LS 23) with boy and girl (faces damaged) on his lap, and cartouche of Necho II on chest, temp. Necho II,
black granite, in Cairo Mus. CG 928.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1424. See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 159; Yoyotte in Supplment au Dictionnaire de la
Bible vi, 368-9.
A Third prophet of Onuris-Shu, etc., middle part and right leg, feet lost, black slate, Late Period, in Cairo
Mus. CG 946.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 167 (text).
Man with long beard, with Aramaic text on back pillar, granite, probably Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo Mus. JE
Ronzevalle in ASAE xvii (1917), 265-71 pl. [1-3] fig. on 266. (References to the Aramaic text have been
omitted here.)
A Scribe, Overseer of ..., head and lower legs lost, sandstone, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 1008.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 23 (text).
Tja(n)enhebu T3-(n-)n3-hbw, Director of the Mansions, etc., son of Hena(t) Hn-3(t), Director of the Mansions,
etc. and Tashepenneit T3-p-n-nt , Sistrum-player of the temple of Neith mistress of Sais, lower part, holding
naos of Osiris, grey slate, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 1279.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 143 (text).
Harem...(?) H. rw-m...(?)(?), Hereditary prince, Count, Scribe ..., etc., head and arms lost, holding Osiris on
stand, grey slate, probably Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 723.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 58-9 (text).
Man holding Osiris, grey slate, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 724.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 59-60 Bl. 134; Hornemann, Types i, pl. 288. See Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.],
37 [82] (as end of Dyn. XXV or beginning of Dyn. XXVI).
Headless torso and lower arms of man holding Osiris on stand or shrine, remains of text on back pillar, green
slate, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 997.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 20 (text).
Irtharerau Jrt-h. rw-r.w, ... of Horus and Isis in Koptos (probably owner) holding Min(?), lower part, dedicated
by son Iufdi(?) Jw.f-dj(?), sm3-priest in Koptos, green slate, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 1044.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 37 Bl. 161 (as holding figure of probably Ptah).
Psametek Psmtk, Overseer of the two houses of silver and the two houses of gold, etc., son of Ankhneferebre nh-nfr-jb-r , base only, with text mentioning Hathor, green slate, temp. Psammetikhos II
or later, in Cairo Mus. CG 1083.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 49 (text).
A Hereditary prince, with figure of a deity on stand, lower part, sandstone, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 123 (text).
Man with figure of a deity, unfinished, dolerite, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 33307.
Edgar, Sculptors Studies and Unfinished Works (Cat. Caire), 3 pl. ii; Anthes in MDAIK 10 (1941), 93-4 Taf. 17
[d] (from Edgar). See Edgar in Rec. Trav. xxvii (1905), 147 n. 1.
(Pe)deneit(?) (P3-)dj-nt(?), fragment of seat and leg, probably temp. Psammetikhos I, in Cairo Mus. CG 1051.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 39 (text).
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Harwodj H. rw-wd3, Gods father, Prophet, Director of the Mansions, honoured by Hathor mistress of the
Southern Sycamore and by Ptah-Sokari, etc., son of Sisobek S3-sbk, Governor of the Town and Vizier,
etc., grey schist, early Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Cairo Mus. CG 669, now in Baltimore MD, Walters Art
Gallery, 22.79.
Steindorff, Cat. 51-2 [154] pls. xxiv, cxiii (as black granite and probably from Memphis); Handbook of the
Collection (1936), fig. on 19 (as granite); Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 44 [37] pl. 34 [80-1] (as probably from
Memphis); id. in Kmi xx (1970), 46 [xx] pl. xiii [28]. See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 16 (text); Bosse, Die
menschliche Figur [etc.], 34 [74] (as probably from Memphis).
...eribdjehuti ...r-jb-dh. wtj..., son of Ankh-hap nh-h. p and Taset-djadja T3-st-d3d3, lower part, grey granite,
Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 1173.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 89 (text).
Man, incomplete lower part, remains of text on back pillar, grey granite, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 1149.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 82 (text).
Man holding naos of Osiris, face damaged, red sandstone, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 656.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 2-3 Bl. 121.
Neferebre-nufer Nfr-jb-r -nfrj (i.e. Irahor Jr-3-h. rw), Overseer of the antechamber, etc. (Saqqra tb. LS 23),
holding naos of Neith with four children of Necho II in relief on sides, lower part, grey granite, temp.
Psammetikhos II, in Cairo Mus. CG 658.
El-Sayed in BIFAO 74 (1974), 29-44 pls. vi, vii; id. Documents relatifs Sas et ses divinits 93-108 [7] pls. xii,
xiii. Text, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xvi (1894), 46-7 [c]; Borchardt, Statuen iii, 5-7 (as schist). See JansenWinkeln, K. in MDAIK 52 (1996), 196-7 [3].
Man holding naos of Osiris, hard brown stone, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 663.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 11-12 Bl. 122.
Pashenre P3-rj-n-r , son of Paraemnet P3-r -m-njwt, holding naos of Ptah, with text mentioning PtahSokari-Osiris, grey granite, probably Late Period (or earlier?), in Cairo Mus. CG 664.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 12 (text).
Man holding naos of Osiris, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 668.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 15-16.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pedesi P3-dj-3st, Head of the wig of the divine adoratress, etc., son of Irtharerau Jrt-h. rw-r.w and Tadehor T3dj(t)-h. rw, headless, holding naos of Osiris, green slate, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 670.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 17 Bl. 122.
Hands and knees of man holding naos of Osiris, with text mentioning Ptah and Sekhmet, grey granite,
probably Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 729.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 63 (text).
Pakhar P3-hr, Scribe of the kings ka, son of Pedesi P3-dj-3st and Tasherit T3-rjt , holding naos of Osiris, head
lost, sandstone, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 1276.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 140-1 (text).
Psametek-menenresnet Psmtk-mn-(n-)rsnt, Director of the Mansions, etc., son of Pedehorresnet P3-dj-h. rw-rsnt,
Director of the Mansions, etc., and Neitiker(t) Nt-jk. r(t), holding naos of Osiris, fragment of base with knees
and part of naos, grey stone, late Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 1277.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 141 (text).
Psametek Psmtk, Director of the Mansions, Prophet of Neith mistress of Sais, etc., son of Merankhet Mr(t)-nht
(mother), holding naos of Osiris, lower part, grey slate, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 1278.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 142 (text).
Pairkap P3-jr-k3p, Prophet of Amun-Re, Prophet of the dwarf, holding naos of Osiris, lower part with knees
and part of naos lost, with text mentioning Osiris foremost of H. wt-bjt (Sais) and Neith mistress of Sais, basalt,
Dyn. XXVI or later, in Cairo Mus. (Probably from S. el-H. agar.)
El-Sayed in BIFAO 76 (1976), 92-100 pls. xv-xvii.
Psametek-menenresnet Psmtk-mn-n-rsnt, Director of the Mansions, etc., son of Pedehorresnet P3-dj-h. rw-rsnt,
Director of the Mansions, etc., holding Osiris, lower part, with text mentioning Osiris foremost of H. wt-bjt
(Sais), grey stone, late Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 1275.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 139-40 (text).
Pestjenfi P3.s-tnfj, Prophet of Amun at Karnak, Great wab-priest of the temple of Amun in the 3rd phyle,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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etc., head and base with feet lost, grey granite, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 941.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 166 (text).
Pedusiri P3-dj-wsjr, son of Tadeamun(?) T3-dj(t)-jmn(?) (mother), head, hands and base with feet lost, Late
Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 1004.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 22 (text).
Esmin Ns-mnw, Scribe of the temple on the monthly duty, etc., son of Djeho Dd-h. rw, Scribe of the temple
on the monthly duty, etc., and Irterau Jrt-r.w , base with feet, with text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the
Throne of the Two Lands at Karnak, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 1148.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 81 (text).
Pedamenopet P3-dj-jmn-jpt (Theb. tb. 33), head lost, black granite, late Dyn. XXV or early Dyn. XXVI, in
Cairo Mus. CG 1202.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 102-3 Bl. 169. See Loukianoff in ASAE xxxvii (1937), 226-7 [v]; Vandier in
Rev. dg. 16 (1964), 105 [2] n. 5.
Fragment of arm, remains of text, black slate, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 1281.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 143 (text).
...mut ...mwt , Chamberlain of the divine adoratress, wab-priest of Amun lord of the Thrones of the Two
Lands, son of Pedepabak-wer P3-dj-p3-b3k. -wr , incomplete upper part, with Amun and two goddesses in naos,
name of Shepenwept I or II p-n-wpt I or II , Divine adoratress, grey granite, Dyn. XXV-XXVI, in Cairo
Mus. CG 1053.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 40 (text). See Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.], 51 [134].
Djeho Dd-h. rw , a pygmy, son of Djedje hutesankh Dd-dh. wtj-jw.s-nh (mother), feet lost, Dyn.
XXIX-XXX, in Cairo Mus.
Daressy in ASAE iv (1903), 124-5 pl. (as JE 27708 in error); Schrumpf-Pierron in Aesculape 24 [9] (1934), 236
fig. 22; Rupp, A. in Chron. dg. xl (1965), 304 [4 P] figs. 1, 2 on 306 (from Daressy).
<< >>
Prisoner, inscribed, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. JE 65846.
See Posener in MDAIK 16 (1958), 255 [top].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

A Hereditary prince, Count (name lost), upper part, arms lost, sandstone, possibly Late Period (or earlier), in
Cairo Mus. CG 1111.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 64 (text).
Mesh MAhmosi J h. -ms, Scribe of divine writing in the temple of Ptah, bust, black granite, Dyn. XXVI,
formerly in Cairo Mus. CG 867, now in Chicago IL, Field Museum of Natural History, A.105172.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 129 (text).
Head, with remains of text mentioning Amun-Re of Djeseriset (Mednet Habu), black granite, probably Dyn.
XXX, in Cairo Mus. CG 720.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 57 Bl. 133.
Head, green slate, Dyn. XXX, in Cairo Mus. CG 721.
Mariette, Album du Muse de Boulaq (1872), on pl. 25 [bottom]; Borchardt, Statuen iii, 57 Bl. 133.
Head, remains of text mentioning Sobek on back pillar, grey breccia, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus.
CG 734.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 65 Bl. 136.
Probably son of Pawen... P3-wn...... , only fragment of left side and shoulder, brown slate, probably Late
Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 829.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 116 (text).
Head, black granite, probably Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 837.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 118.
Ankh-neferebre nh-nfr-jb-r (good name), Friend of His Majesty, base, with cartouche of Neferebre
(Psammetikhos II), grey slate, temp. Psammetikhos II, in Cairo Mus. CG 1046.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 38 (text).
Harsi-imhotep H. rw-s3-jj-m-h. tp (name of the owner?), base with feet, black granite, Late Period, in Cairo Mus.
CG 1242.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 126 (text).
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Nude woman, probably Dyn. XXV, in Cairo Mus. CG 234.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 153 Bl. 49.
Statuette of female harpist, faience, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39416.
Encycl. phot. Caire pl. 76 [left] (as Middle Kingdom); Hickmann, 45 Sicles pl. lxix [B]; id. gypten Abb. 108;
Wildung and Schoske, Nofret - die Schne. Die Frau in Alten gypten (Haus der Kunst Mnchen, 15. Dezember
1984 - 10. Februar 1985, etc.), Cat. 49 fig.; Bult, J. Talismans gyptiens dheureuse maternit [etc.], 58 [157]
pl. 30 [c]. See Leibovitch, J. in JEA 46 (1960), 57 [xiii].
Woman bowing, headless, Dyn. XXVI or later, in Cairo Mus. JE 64919.
Brunton, G. in ASAE xxxix (1939), 101-2 fig. 1.
Woman, head and feet lost, carrying a basket with child on her back, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus.
JE 71774. (Said to come from el-Mat. arya.)
Brunton, G. in ASAE xxxix (1939), 102-3 fig. 2.
A Hereditary prince, Count, etc., head and feet lost, grey granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 691.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 35-7 Bl. 127 (as Roman Period); de Wit in Chron. dg. xxxix (1964), 66 [5] fig. 6.
Text, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xv (1893), 161 [9].
Man, unfinished, dolerite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 33306 (JE 27017).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies and Unfinished Works (Cat. Caire) , 2-3 pl. ii; Maspero, gypte 259 fig. 473. See
Maspero, Guide du visiteur au Muse du Caire (1914), 481 [4820] (as serpentine).
Pedehor P3-dj-h. rw, Gods father of Thoth, son of Neb(t)udjat Nb(t)-wd3t , Sistrum-player of Hathor (mother),
holding naos of Osiris, with text mentioning Osiris-Andjety in Aphroditopolis, base with feet restored, early
Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 722.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 57-8 Bl. 133. Text, Bouriant in Rec. Trav. viii (1886), 169 [47]. See Bosse,
Die menschliche Figur [etc.], 41 [99] (as schist and probably Dyn. XXX).
Man, head and legs lost, with text mentioning temple of Ptah, grey slate, probably Ptolemaic (or earlier?), in
Cairo Mus. CG 903.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 146 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

A Scribe of ..., with baboon on his shoulders, without head, shoulders and base with feet, with text
mentioning Sistrum-player of the foremost of the Westerners (= Osiris) (probably mother), green slate,
Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 1282.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 144 (text) (as Late Period); De Wit in Chron. dg. xxxix (1964), 66 [6] cf. fig. 8
(from Borchardt).
Man, head and base with feet lost, fragmentary, with remains of text, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 1273.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 138-9 (text).
A Real royal acquaintance, bust, left shoulder lost, green schist, probably early Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG
Chamoux, F. in Rev. Arch. 6 Sr. xxvi (1946), 144-6 fig. 5 (as Dyn. XXVI). See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 56
(as Late Period); Bothmer, B. V. in Quaderni de La ricerca scientifica 116 (1988), 56.
Base with feet, inscribed, red granite, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 1264.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 135 (text).
Statue of a queen, lower legs lost, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 678.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 23 Bl. 124; Encycl. phot. Caire pl. 178; Desroches-Noblecourt, LArt gyptien (1961), fig.
90 (as Late Ptolemaic); Donadoni, Egyptian Museum Cairo pl. on 154 (as mid-Ptolemaic); id. LEgitto (1981),
fig. 3 on 282; Wildung and Schoske, Nofret - die Schne. Die Frau im Alten gypten (Haus der Kunst Mnchen,
15. Dezember 1984 - 10. Februar 1985, etc.), Cat. 73 fig.; Boizot, A. Histoire, costumes, bijoux de lgypte ancienne
fig. on 20 (as New Kingdom); Manniche, L. L'Art gyptien (1994), pl. lix after 296. Right hand, Kozloff in
Cleveland Mus. Bull. lxvi (1979), 344 fig. 24 (as JE 678).
Upper part, holding flower, with text on back pillar mentioning Amun, grey granite, late Ptolemaic, in Cairo
Mus. Temp. No.
Maspero, gypte 262 fig. 487; von Bissing, Denkmler, Text to Taf. 112 [2nd fig.]; Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 157-8
[122] pls. 112-13 [303-6]; Grimm, G. Die rmischen Mumienmasken aus gypten 51, 78 Taf. 13 [2]; Aldred in
Leclant, Lgypte du crpuscule 166-7 fig. 148; Russmann and Finn, Egyptian Sculpture. Cairo and Luxor figs. on
198-9 [90].
Head, black granite, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 1262.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 134 Bl. 174 (as Roman Period).
Head wearing wreath, sandstone, Roman Period, in Cairo Mus. JE 41805 (Temp. No.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Maspero, gypte 264 fig. 501 (as from Km Ombo).
<< >>

Osiris protected by headless winged Isis, schist, dedicated by Shep(en)-iusas p-(n-)jws-3s , son of
Djeinhert(ef)ankh Dd-jnh. rt-jw(.f)-nh and Anteupana(?) n-tw-p3-n(?) , schist, Late Period or Ptolemaic,
in Cairo Mus. CG 39271.
Daressy, Statues 318 pl. lix.
Amun and hawk-headed Re-Harakhti seated, dedicated by Tuiutuia Twjw-twj3 , Scribe, slate, New Kingdom,
in Cairo Mus. JE 67923.
Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 1122; Arch. Lacau phot. O. i, 9.
Osiris seated and Isis and Horus standing, dedicated by Pedeneit P3-dj-nt, son of Pedesi P3-dj-3st , Late
Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 39219 (JE 7171).
Mariette, Album du Muse de Boulaq (1872), pl. 5 [106]; Daressy, Statues 304 pl. lviii. See Mariette, Notice des
principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 90 [2] (as from the Serapeum at Saqqra).
Ithyphallic Amenemopet, dedicated by Sheshonk nk. , Gods father, son of Mehytenwaskhet Mh. jjt-(nt)wsht(mother), Dyn. XXV-XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38480 (probably JE 27016).
Daressy, Statues 128-9 pl. xxvii.
Harpocrates, twice great, the first of Amun, seated, dedicated by Djeho Dd-h. rw , son of Pedemin P3-djmnwand Tadeusiri T3-dj(t)-wsjr, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38168 (JE 25177).
See Daressy, Statues 51 (text).
Harpocrates, dedicated by ...dais, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38171 (probably JE
See Daressy, Statues 51 (text).
Probably Harpocrates, with text mentioning Pedehor P3-dj-h. rw, son of Irwahen Jrw3hn, Late Period or
Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38174.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Daressy, Statues 52 (text).
Harpocrates, dedicated by Nekhtefmut Nht.f-mwt, Chief of carriers, son of Hepardais H. p-jr-dj-s, Chief of
carriers, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38180.
Text, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. pl. ccc [lower middle right]; Daressy, Statues 54. See Mariette, Notice des
principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 116 [137] (as from the Serapeum at Saqqra).
Probably Harpocrates, dedicated by Usirardais Wsjr-jr-dj-s, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38186.
See Daressy, Statues 55 (text).
Harpocrates, with names of King Sewadjenre (Nebirierau I) and names of princes(?) Benpu Bnp
Ahmosi J h. -ms , Dyn. XVII, in Cairo Mus. CG 38189 (JE 2080). (Acquired in Luxor.)
Mariette, Monuments divers [etc.], 14 [b] pl. 48. Text, Daressy, Statues 55-6 (as Dyn. XXVI and from Sheikh
Abd el-Qurna); Legrain, Rpertoire No. 21. See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 167-8
[400]; Lacau in BIFAO xxx (1931), 883-4; Vandier, Manuel iii, 623.
Harkhons, seated, dedicated by Im
hotep Jj-m-h. tp, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38202.
See Daressy, Statues 58 (text).
Probably Harsomtus, dedicated by a son of Iohardais Jh. -jr-dj-s, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG
See Daressy, Statues 59 (text).
Harsomtus-the-child, seated on lion-throne, dedicated by Semtu-tefnakhtSm3-t3wj-t3.f-nht, Prophet
of Harsaphes, etc., feet and lower part of throne lost, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38214 (JE
27433). (Probably from Ihnsya el-Medna.)
Daressy, Statues 61-2 pl. xi.
Imhotep, dedicated by Pedeam un P3-dj-jmn, son of Bes Bsand Irterau Jrt-r.w, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in
Cairo Mus. CG 38045.
Daressy, Statues 17 pl. iv.
Imhotep, dedicated(?) by Pakhrod P3-hrd, son of Kanufer K3-nfr, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG
See Daressy, Statues 22 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Upper part of seated statue, probably Khepri, with scarab-beetle on head, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG
Daressy, Statues 35 pl. viii; Vandier, Manuel iii, 623 pl. cxxii [3]; Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 735; H. W. Mller
Archive 41 [II/1371].
Khonspekhrod as nude child with finger to the mouth, dedicated by Pedeshahdedet P3-dj-hddt, son of
Harwodj H. rw-wd3, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38182.
Daressy, Statues 54 pl. x. Names, Legrain in ASAE xv (1915), 285-6 [3].
Khonspekhrod as child, inscribed with several names but text not clear, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo
Mus. CG 38203.
See Daressy, Statues 59 (text).
Khons as nude child, dedicated by Harsiesi H. rw-s3-3st , son of Djewadj[ef]ankh Dd-w3d(t)[jw.f-]nh, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38229 (JE 7070).
Daressy, Statues 65-6 pl. xii. See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 98 [33] (as from the
Serapeum at Saqqra).
Min-Harnakht as warrior with facial features of Bes, dedicated by Taherua T3-hrw , daughter of Iraenkhons(?)
Jr-3-n-hnsw(?), Head of door-openers of the temple of Amun, and Esi(em)khebi 3st-(m-)3h-bjt, probably Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38836 (JE 27043).
Daressy, Statues 208 pl. xliii; De Meulenaere in OMRO N.R. xxx (1949), 10-15 pl. iii [3]
Nefertem holding scimitar, with remains of text mentioning ...ardais ...jr-dj-s, son of Pefnefer-tjes(?) P3.f-nfrts(?), and others, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38077 (JE 7078).
Daressy, Statues 29 pl. vii. See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 126 [241] (as from the
Serapeum at Saqqra).
Nefertem holding scimitar, with text mentioning Pash(en)ubaste P3-rj-(n-)b3stt and others, Late Period or
Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38078.
Daressy, Statues 29-30 pl. vii.
Osiris-Onnophris, dedicated by Userken Wsrkn , son of Harsiesi H. rw-s3-3st and Ubastardais B3stt-jr-dj-s
sic, schist, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38365.
See Daressy, Statues 99 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Osiris, dedicated by Ir-khons-djaiemaef Jr-hnsw-d3.j-m-.f, son of Peseskhem(?) Psshm(?), schist, Dyn. XXVI,
in Cairo Mus. CG 38373.
See Daressy, Statues 101 (text).
Osiris-Onnophris, dedicated by Pede
harenpe P3-dj-h. rw-n-p , son of Nekhtharhebi Nht-h. rw-(m-)h. bj, Late
Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 38250.
See Daressy, Statues 75 (text).
Osiris, dedicated by Hepardais H. p-jr-dj-s , son of Serewedj-neben(?)Srwd-nb-n(?), probably Dyn. XXVI,
in Cairo Mus. CG 38263 (JE 25468).
Daressy, Statues 79 pl. xvii.
Osiris-Ioh, dedicated by Inu(?) Jnw(?), son of Shemai(?) m3j(?), Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG
38031 (JE 7071).
Daressy, Statues 13 pl. iii. See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 114 [122].
nsw-jr-dj-s and Takhut T3Osiris-Ioh-Thoth seated, dedicated by Pedubaste P3-dj-b3stt, son of Khensardais H
h(3)-w3t, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38428 (JE 78).
Daressy, Statues 115-16 pl. xxiv. See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 90-1 [5] (as from
the Serapeum at Saqqra).
Ptah south of his wall, etc., dedicated by Hor H. rw, Prophet of Amun at Karnak, Scribe of documents of the
Great House, etc., calcite, temp. Osorkon II to Petubastis I, fragment of back pillar in Chalon-sur-Sane,
Muse Denon, DEG 2, pedestal in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Jansen-Winkeln, K. in SAK 27 (1999), 123-39 Taf. 1-4 Abb. 1-8. Back pillar, Harl, Egyptologie Collection
du Muse Denon 10 [top] fig.; V. R[ondot] and M. G[abolde] inLes Collections gyptiennes dans les muses
de Sane-et-Loire 78-9 [1] figs.; see Armand-Calliat, L. Catalogue des collections archologiques [etc.] (1950),
86 [850].
Ptah, dedicated by Harsiesi H. rw-s3-3st , son of Pedusiri P3-dj-wsjr, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38455.
Daressy, Statues 123 pl. xxvii.
Ptah, dedicated byHarwodj H. rw-wd3 , son of Pedusiri P3-dj-wsjr, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus.
CG 38458.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Daressy, Statues 123 pl. xxvii.
Ptah, dedicated by Ankhefenmut nh.f-n-mwt, k. h. -priest, on granite stepped base, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus.
CG 38466.
See Daressy, Statues 125 (text).
Head, probably Amun with features of Amenemhet III, greywacke, temp. Amenem het III, in Cairo Mus.
Temp. No.
Evers, Staat aus dem Stein i, Abb. 26; Encycl. phot. Caire pl. 50 (as schist); Vandier, Manuel iii, 596 [M.E. V] pl.
lxvii [2] (as schist); Mller, g. Kunst Abb. 80 [upper] (as Min or Amun and slate); Wildung, Sesostris und
Amenemhet 70 Abb. 61 (as slate); Russmann and Finn, Egyptian Sculpture. Cairo and Luxor fig. on 68 [30]; H.
W. Mller Archive 53 [II/1400-2, 1978-9]. See Maspero, Guide 111 [315] (as basalt); Baines in Acta
Orientalia xxxvii (1976), 20 (as Amenemhet III); Gabolde, M. in Chron. dg. lxxi (1996), 97-8 [30] (suggests
recarved during the Late Period).
Hathor mistress of , dedicated by Anpety-emhet(?) nptj-m-h. 3t(?), son of Kanakhtef(?) K3-nht.f(?) (?), Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38978.
Daressy, Statues 247 pl. xlix.
Hathor, dedicated by Psametek-emakhet Psmtk-m-3ht, son of Irtamun-nayefneb(?) Jrt-jmn-n3jj.f-nb(?) , Late
Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 38979.
Daressy, Statues 248 pl. xlix.
Ipet-hemtes seated, with a New Year wish for Siamun(?) S3-jmn(?), First prophet of statues of King Weh. ebre
(Psammetikhos I or Apries), glazed felspar, probably late Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38865 (JE 36572).
Daressy, Statues 217 pl. xliv.
Isis seated, with cartouches of Sesonchis I, temp. Sesonchis I, in Cairo Mus. CG 38901 (JE 32209).
See Daressy, Statues 225 (text).
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by PsametekPsmtk , son of Tjesesipert Ts-3st-prt(?) (probably mother), Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 39277.
See Daressy, Statues 320 (text).
Isis nursing Horus (not named), lower part, dedicated by Nakhons-red(?)N3(?)-hnsw-rd sic, son of Pakerem
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Pkrm and Tadeshapertirt(?) T3-dj(t)-3-prt-jrt(?) (?), with cartouche of a Psammetikhos, black granite, Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 39306.
See Daressy, Statues 327 (text).
Winged Isis, but with text mentioning only Osiris, dedicated by Iur... Jw-r..., Servant (h. m) of Anubis, Servant
(h. m) of Horus, sm3-priest, son of Harwodj H. rw-wd3 , Servant (h. m) of Anubis, Servant ( h. m) of
Horus, sm3-priest, and (T)adeshahdedet (T)3-dj(t)-hddt, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38896.
See Daressy, Statues 224 (text).
Isis nursing Horus, with scenes of Isis nursing Horus and a king in adoration before Isis on sides of seat,
dedicated by Ahmosi Jh. -ms, son of Penmahesa P3-n-m3-h. s3 and Tiuu Tjww , probably New Kingdom,
in Cairo Mus. CG 39322 (JE 29752).
See Daressy, Statues 331 (text).
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Tjer-khrod(?) Tr-hrd(?), son of Nekau Nk3w, and by Tatet T3-tt, daughter
of Niankh-khrod-nufer(?) Nj-nh-hrd-nfr(?) , bronze and faience, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 39331.
See Daressy, Statues 334 (text).
Mut the great, mistress of Asher, dedicated by Pakharkhons P3-hr-hnsw, Prophet of Amun at Karnak, Scribe
of the temple of Amun, etc., son of Psametek Psmtk and Espeter Ns-ptr, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 38917
bis (JE 36767).
See Daressy, Statues 229 (text).
Neith, dedicated by Pedetjes-irn uter(?) P3-dj-ts-jr-ntr(?), son of Pede hor P3-dj-h. rw ,
Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38951 (JE 28821 and 29167).
See Daressy, Statues 241 (text).

Late Period or

Right half of head and right shoulder, with wide back pillar, probably temp. Amenemhet III, in Cairo Mus.
(Possibly from Abydos.)
Fay, B. in MDAIK 52 (1996), 115, 125 fig. 13 Taf. 25 [d]; Sourouzian, H. in Der Manuelian, P. (ed.),
Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson ii, 749 fig. 10.
Apis-bull, dedicated by Amenemhet Jmn-m-h. 3t, gilded, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. JE 2748.
See Vienna. 5000 Jahre No. 149.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Bull-headed Thothon papyrus column, dedicated by Tjaihapimu T3j-h. p-jm.w , son of Harkhebi H. rw-(m-)3hbjt(?), Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38590.
Daressy, Statues 153-4 pl. xxxii. See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 109 [83] (as from
the Saqqra Serapeum).
Fragment of base with crocodile tail, inscribed, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. JE 37047.
Keimer in REA ii (1929), 212, 214 figs. 4, 5.
Hawk-headed Harakhti seated, with cartouches of Ramesses II, black granite, temp. Ramesses II, formerly in
A. Eid colln., now in Cairo Mus. JE 89623.
The Egyptian Museum, Cairo in Ten Years 1965-1975, 27 pl. viii; Curto and Roccati, Tesori dei Faraoni Cat.
36 fig. (as Horus).
Hawk-headed Horus-merty, dedicated by Psametek-sineit Psmtk-s3-nt, Chief (jmj-r) of the Ma, son of
Psametek-neb Psmtk-nband Ubastardais B3stt-jr-dj-s , Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38618 (JE 31016).
Daressy, Statues 161 pl. xxxiv.
Hippopotamus standing on hind legs, presumably Tueris but with text of Neith, dedicated by Esbekh...(?) Nsbh...(?), son of Pawenhetef P3-wn-h. 3t.f and Tadehathor T3-dj(t)-h. t-h. rw, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo
Mus. CG 39151 (JE 30717).
See Daressy, Statues 287 (text).
Hippopotamus, probably Middle Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. JE 65852.
Tony-Rvillon, A. in ASAE l (1950), 59-60 [a] fig. 7 (as from Asyt. ); Behrmann, A. Das Nilpferd in der
Vorstellungswelt der Alten gypter i, Dok. 138 fig. (after Tony-Rvillon).
Jackal-headed Anubis, dedicated by [Tjai]hepim[u](?) [T3j-]h. p-jm[.w](?) (?), son of Hetepubaste H. tp-b3stt , Late
Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38528.
See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 117 [154] (as from the Saqqra Serapeum); Daressy,
Statues 141 (text).
Probably lion-headed (lower part only) Mut the Great (mistress of Asher) - Sekhmet the Great (beloved of
Ptah) - Bubastis the Great (mistress of Bubastis (Tell Bast. a)), seated, dedicated by Hor H. rw, Opener
of the doors of heaven, etc., son of Djeamunefankh Dd-jmn-jw.f-nh, Gods father, and Nehem(se)ubaste
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Nh. m-(st-)b3stt , with list of decans on sides of seat, glazed schist, Dyn. XXII, in Cairo Mus. CG 38924 (JE
26516 and 30110). (From Mt Rahna or Luxor.)
Daressy, Statues 231-4 pl. xlvi (as from Mt Rahna); Gundel, W. Dekane und Dekansternbilder Taf. 7; Fazzini,
Egypt. Dynasty XXII-XXV 25, 34 pl. xxxi [2]. Text, Bouriant in Rec. Trav. viii (1886), 159 [27] (as from
Thebes). See Bull. Inst. g. 2 Sr. 6 (1885), vii [26516] (as glazed limestone and from Luxor); ib. 3
Sr. 3 (1892), 279 [30110] (as from Mt Rahna).
Base with feet of probably lion-headed Bubastis, dedicated by Amenophis III, with text mentioning Sekhmet
mistress of Gebset probably added later, black granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo Mus. CG 39075 bis.
See Daressy, Statues 268 (text). Part of text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 244 [E].
Lower part of probably lion-headed Sekhmet, black granite, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo Mus.
CG 39076.
See Daressy, Statues 268 (text).
Lower part of probably lion-headed Sekhmet foremost of Mes-het, dedicated by Amenophis III, black
granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo Mus. CG 39077 (JE 25770).
See Daressy, Statues 268 (text). Text, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 244 [F].
Lion-headed goddess, dedicated by Pedesi(?) P3-dj-3st(?)(?), son of Harkhebi H. rw-(m-)3h-bjt and Ptahardais
Pth. -jr-dj-s , Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 39088.
Mariette, Album du Muse de Boulaq (1872), pl. 6 [top]; Maspero, Hist. anc. i, fig. on 165 (as Dyn.
XXVI); Daressy, Statues 271 pl. liii (text).
Lion-headed Buto, dedicated by Ankh... nh..., son of Pawenhetef P3-wn-h. 3t.f and Esiardais 3st-jr-dj-s, Late
Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 39089 (JE 27468 and 27476).
See Daressy, Statues 271 (text).
Lion-headed Sekhmet, dedicated by Irudja(en)nefu Jr-wd3-(n-)nfw, son of Pep(?) Pp(?), Late Period or
Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 39103.
See Daressy, Statues 274 (text).
Lion-headed Sekhmet, dedicated by Haremhab H. rw-m-h. b(?), son of Kerer K. rr, Late Period or Ptolemaic,
in Cairo Mus. CG 39104 (JE 7190).
See Daressy, Statues 274 (text).
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Lion-headed Sekhmet, dedicated by TefnakhtT3.f-nht, son of Iamer(?)J-3-mr(?), Late Period or Ptolemaic,
in Cairo Mus. CG 39105.
See Mariette, Notice des principaux monuments [etc.] (1864), 123 [223] (as from the Saqqra Serapeum); Daressy,
Statues 274 (text).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Volume viii, Part 3

Probably stela, recto, double-scene with Pepy II seated in sed-festival kiosk on the occasion of the 1st sedfestival, with remains of scene including goddesses Ment and [two Gaut] below, verso, Pepy II before two
goddesses Gaut, and Ment, temp. Pepy II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1747.
Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 170-2 (text) Bl. 98; Kaplony, P. in Bibliotheca Orientalis xxviii (1971), 47-8 figs.;
Schott, E. in GM 9 (1974), 33-8 figs. on 33 (after Borchardt); Fay, B. in Ziegler, C. (ed.), LArt de lAncien
Empire gyptien. Actes du colloque organis au muse du Louvre ... les 3 et 4 avril 1998 (1999), 111-12 fig. 43 (from
Kaplony). tRecto, Kees, H. gypten (Otto, W. Handbuch der Altertumwissenschaft iii, Pt. 1, vol. iii, Kulturgeschichte
des Alten Orients, 1) (1933), 182 Abb. 51 (as probably architrave fragment from Saqqra). tGoddess Gaut in
upper register of verso, Fischer, H. G. Varia Nova (1996), 217 fig. 28. tText, Sethe, Urk. i, 114-15 [22, A].
Fragment of round-topped stela, originally part of temple wall, year 1 of an unnamed king, mentioning
Hetepkamin H. tp-k3-mnw, Hereditary prince, Kings son, sm3-priest of Min, with list of cult inventory of Min,
Mut-Min and Thoth, probably in the temple of Min at Koptos, grey diorite, probably Dyn. VIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 43290. (Probably from Qift. .)
Goedicke, H. in MDAIK 50 (1994), 71-84 Taf. 9 fig. 1.
False door of Abebi 3bbj, Overseer of interpreters, Master of the secrets of the Head of the South, Tenant of
the pyramid of Pepy I, etc., temp. Pepy I or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1406. (Probably from
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 68-9 (text) Bl. 18; Vandier, Manuel ii, 404 fig. 277 [upper right].
False door of Hesesy H. ssjj, Inspector of the temple of Min, Great wab priest of Min, Tenant of the pyramid
of Pepy I, etc., temp. Pepy I or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1407.
Kanawati, N. The Rock Tombs of El-Hawawish ix (1989), 55-6 pl. 7. tSee Borchardt, Denkmler i, 69-70 (text).
Drum of false door with part of upper lintel and jambs, May M3jj, miter, mentioning Mer Mr, [Inspector of
wab priests] of the pyramid of Menkaure, etc., Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1441.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 122 (text).
Incomplete false door of Nedjemib Ndm-jb, Inspector of tenants of the Great House, etc., with sons Iauuserkaf J3w-wsr-k3.f and Userkafankh Wsr-k3.f-anh flanking the panel, temp. Userkaf or later, in Cairo,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Egyptian Museum, CG 1443.

See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 124-6 (text).
False door of Pepyankh Ppjj-anh, Lector priest, Royal chamberlain, etc., Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1505 (JE 25160).
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 210 (text) Bl. 44.
Fragment of panel of false door, with [man] and eldest son Djadifisesi Ddj.f-jssj, temp. Isesi or later, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1723.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 156 (text).
Upper right corner of false door of Shensetji n-stj, Treasurer of the god in the Great Barque, Pilot of the
Great Barque, Tenant of the pyramid of Pepy I, etc., temp. Pepy I or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 160 (text).
Drum and parts of jambs of false door of Kaiemked K3(.j)-m-k. d(.j), wab priest of Snefru, Prophet of Bik-nebu
(Snefru), etc., Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1741.
Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 167 (text) Bl. 95.
False door of Henu H. nw, mehenek of the Great House(?), Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 61-2 (text) Bl. 16.
False door of Mininu Mnw-jnw, Noble of the King, Chief of the estate, etc., Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1402 (JE 26430). (Bought at Gza.)
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 62-3 (text).
False door of Seshemnufer Sm-nfr good name Meteti Mttj, Overseer of prophets of Shesmetet, Sokari, and
Horus of the two Maets, Overseer of officials (srw), Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1403.
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 63-5 (text) Bl. 17.
False door of Gerg Grg, Prophetess of Hathor, honoured by Ptah, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1405.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 67-8 (text).
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Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

False door of Henu H. nw, Chief of the estate, Overseer of the store-room, etc., Dyn. VI or 1st Int. Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1411.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 75-7 (text); Piacentini, P. in Discussions in Egyptology 14 (1989), 91-5 (suggests
from Zwyet el-Maiyitn).
False door of Idy Jdjj, Kings wab priest, Prophet of Re, etc., with offering bearers, butchers, and women
grinding grain on outer jambs, and Idy and wife Wabtihi Wabt-jh. j on inner jambs, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1449.
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 133-5 (text) Bl. 32; Vandier, Manuel ii, 416 fig. 280 [lower right]; Petrie Gza photo.
False door of Abebi 3bbj, Master of the secrets of the nome, Lector priest, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1459.
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 148-9 (text) Bl. 36.
False door of Idu Jdw, Chief of the estate, Overseer of embalmers, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 149 (text).
Incomplete false door of Nufer Nfr, Overseer of the House of Upper Egypt in the sun-temple of Userkaf, with
three sons as offering bearers above lintel, temp. Userkaf or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1462.
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 150-1 (text) Bl. 36.
False door of Ankhef anh.f, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1463.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 151-2 (text).
Incomplete false door of Sabnef S3b-n.f Ibi Jbj, Chief of the Great Estate, Overseer of sandal-makers, etc., Dyn.
VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1497.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 201-2 (text).
False door of Ihu Jh. w, Overseer of commissions, Lector priest, Scribe of a phyle, etc., Dyn. VI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1499.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 203-4 (text). tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1411.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

False door of Yunka Jwn-k3, ka servant, probably son of woman Djenwen Dnwn, Royal acquaintance, and wife
Isy Jsjj, ka servant, Overseer of linen, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1501.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 205-6 (text).
False door with cornice of Tjetji Ttj, Noble of the King, Builder of the god, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1504.
Hber-Kamel, G. in Kemet 13 [1] (2004), fig. on 6 [lower]. tSee Borchardt, Denkmler i, 208-9 (text).
Drum of niche or false door of Sab S3b, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1517.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 220 (text).
False door of Imtji Jmtj, Noble of the King, Royal chamberlain, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 221-2 (text).
Left part of stela of Ma M3, ... dwarfs, dedicated to his forefathers by Iykau Jj-k3w, Scribe of the temple, Dyn.
VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1652.
Fischer, H. G. in Chron. dg. xliii (1968), 310-12 [4] fig. 1. tSee Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 113 (text) (as panel
of false door and Dyn. V). tTitle One who belongs to the dwarfs of the gods temple, Fischer, H. G. in ZS
105 (1978), 48.
False door of Nehesut Nh. swt, Lector priest, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1656.
Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 116 (text) Bl. 87.
Left part of stela, woman Bendjet Bndt, Daily watcher of Min, and husband(?) (name lost), Royal chamberlain,
at table, probably temp. Pepy II (1st half ), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1667. (Probably from Akhmm.)
Brovarski, E. in Mlanges Gamal Eddin Mokhtar (1985), i, 126 [19] pl. iii [c]; Kanawati, N. The Rock Tombs of
El-Hawawish viii (1988), 61 pl. 13 [a] fig. 33 [b]. tSee Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 125 (text).
Three fragments of jambs, (a)-(c), from false door of Nisatj-ptah Nj-s3t-pth. , Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1677, 1683 and 1699.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 131, 133, 143 (texts).
False door of a Royal chamberlain of the Great House, Prophet of Min(?) (name lost), Old Kingdom, in Cairo,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Egyptian Museum, CG 1681.

See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 132 (text).
False door (top lost) of Huinehesi H. wj-nh. sj, Noble of the King, Royal chamberlain of the Great House, etc.,
Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1695.
Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 139-40 (text) Bl. 89.
Fragment of false door of Pehenptah Ph. n-pth. and wife Hetepheres H. tp-h. r.s, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1728.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 158 (text).
False door of Bekenptah B3k-n-pth. , Director of stone-cutters, etc., Dyn. VI or 1st Int. Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1731.
Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 161 (text) Bl. 93.
False door of woman Tjentet Tntt, mitret, Dyn. IV-V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1752. (From same
tomb as drum in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1751.)
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 175 (text).
Fragment of false door of Kawehem K3(.j)-wh. m, Singer of the Great House, etc., Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1755.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 177 (text).
Rectangular stela, Nemtiui Nmtjwj, Inspector of prophets, and wife Mertiotes Mrt-jt.s at table, with two
registers below, two sons, daughter and a female offering bearer, and herdsmen with cow being milked and
man carrying foreleg, temp. Teti or Pepy I (early), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20504. (Probably from
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 94-5 (text); iv, Taf. xxxiv; Brovarski, E. in Mlanges Gamal Eddin
Mokhtar (1985), i, 120 [5] pl. i [c] (as H. rwy); Kanawati, N. The Rock Tombs of El-Hawawish viii (1988), 61 pl.
13 [b] fig. 34 [a] (as Bawi).
Fragment of slab stela with list of linen and other items, Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46436.
See Junker, H. Gza i (1929), 177-8; Smith, W. S. in ZS 71 (1935), 135 [18], 140; Kaplony, Inschriften i, 236
[Sp II, 22]; ii, 950 [1427].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Rectangular painted stela, now damaged, four columns of offering text mentioning Min lord of Ipu, and man
with leg of beef before Idu Jdw Nenuy Nnwjj, Royal chamberlain of the Great House, Overseer of the jschamber of records, Scribe of the royal documents, etc., temp. Pepy I or II (early), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 88010. (Probably from Akhmm.)
Kanawati, N. The Rock Tombs of El-Hawawish ix (1989), 54 pl. 5 fig. 28
False door of woman Nesuserti Nj-sj-wsrtj, Kings sole ornament, Prophetess of Hathor in the mert-temple of
Teti, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 57186.
Daoud, K. A. Corpus of Inscriptions of the Herakleopolitan Period from the Memphite Necropolis (2005), 178-9 [9.3.4]
pl. cxiv. tSee Reisner, G. A. The Development of the Egyptian Tomb down to the Accession of Cheops (1936), 411
[H 1] (provenance probably in error).
False door of Sankh-gemni Sanh-gm.n(.j) Gemni Gm.n.j, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 147 (text) Bl. 36; Daoud, K. A. Corpus of Inscriptions of the Herakleopolitan Period from
the Memphite Necropolis (2005), 177-8 [9.3.3] pl. cxiii.
Probably rectangular stela of Sebekhotep Sbk-h. tp, Sole companion, probably 1st Int. Period or Middle
Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1583.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 62 (text) (as Old or Middle Kingdom).
Rectangular stela of Wedjai Wd3j, Count, etc., and wife, probably 1st Int. Period or Middle Kingdom, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1606.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 80 (text) (as Old or Middle Kingdom).
Rectangular stela, man (name apparently lost), with probably wife Nebtiotef Nbt-jt.f, another woman and a
small daughter, and before them, two men, both called Hehu H. h. w, probably 1st Int. Period or Middle
Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1610.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 83 (text) (as Old or Middle Kingdom).
Rectangular stela of Tjarer T3rr, Treasurer, and another two men, dedicated by daughter Senbet Snbt, 1st Int.
Period or Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1629.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 98 (text) (as Old or Middle Kingdom). tSome text, Sethe, Urk. i, 228 [5 (145)
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Rectangular stela, Seni... Snj..., Overseer of herds, etc., and probably wife, probably 1st Int. Period or Middle
Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1632.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 100 (text) (as Old or Middle Kingdom).
Rectangular stela with cornice, Sesi Ssj, Count, and wife Khent(?) H
nt(?) (?), Kings ornament, probably 1st
Int. Period or Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1639.
Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 104 (text) Bl. 85 (as Old or Middle Kingdom).
Rectangular stela, woman Sheshi j, Kings sole ornament, also naming Id Jd, Overseer of prophets, probably
1st Int. Period or Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1640.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 104 (text) (as Old or Middle Kingdom).
Rectangular slab, probably stela or part of false door, with four lines of names and titles, including Tetinufer
Ttj-nfr, Inspector of singers, I(y)djefa J(j)-df3, Majordomo of the King, and others, probably 1st Int. Period,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1707.
Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 147 (text) Bl. 91 (as Old or Middle Kingdom). tSee Fischer, H. G. Varia Nova (1996),
21 n. 50.
Rectangular stela, with a Count, Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt, name lost, probably 1st Int. Period,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1708.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 148 (text) (as Old or Middle Kingdom).
Rectangular stela, Dedi Ddj, Sole companion, and wife Ineni Jnnj, Kings sole ornament, both seated, 1st Int.
Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20507.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 97 (text); iv, Taf. xxxiv; Fischer, H. G. The Orientation of
Hieroglyphs i, 65 fig. 69.
Rectangular stela of Dedi Ddj, Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt, Sole companion, 1st Int. Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20513.
Fischer, H. G. The Orientation of Hieroglyphs i, 65, 143-6 figs. 70, 126. tSee Lange and Schfer, Grab- und
Denksteine ii, 103-4 (text).
Rectangular stela, woman Bukemni B(w)-km.n.j, Steward of the chamber of royal linen of the gods offering
(?), honoured by Onuris, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87778. (Probably from the Thinite
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fischer, H. G. Varia 78 pl. xix [4].
Rectangular stela, incomplete, three lines of offering text and seven columns with appeal to the living and
conventional biographical phrases, and Idi Jdj, Overseer of the store-room, One whose coming is awaited at
the gate, etc., and wife, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum. (Probably from Nagaa el-Deir.)
Selim, H. in SAK 35 (2006), 295-300 [1] figs. 1, 3 on 304, 306.
Rectangular stela, incomplete, two lines of offering text and a Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt, etc.
(name lost), wife Kedet K. dt , Kings sole ornament, and two daughters, 1st Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum. (Probably from Naga el-Deir.)
Selim, H. in SAK 35 (2006), 300-3 [2] figs. 2, 4 on 305-6.
Upper part of round-topped boundary stela of Sesostris I mentioning Hathor mistress of Gebelein and Sobek
lord of Iumiteru, probably marking boundary between the 3rd and 4th Upper Egyptian nomes, temp. Sesostris
I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Habachi, L. in MDAIK 31 (1975), 34-6 Taf. 14 [b] fig. 4 = id. Studies on the Middle Kingdom (1987), 210-12
Taf. 14 [b] fig. 4; Mller-Wollermann, R. in Chron. dg. lxxi (1996), 10 Abb. 2 (from Habachi).
pr-k3-ra, son of Ibt Jbt,
Round-topped stela, Senmeri Sn-mrj Neni Nnj, wnmtj, at table, and Kheperkare H
wnmtj, and wife [I]ti [ J]tj seated, with appeal to the living above, and three registers of people below, mid- to
late Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20401.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 2-4 (text). tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1727.
False door of Hetep H. tp, Steward, honoured by Wepwaut, son of woman Sitankh-teti S3t-anh-ttj, late Dyn.
XI or Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1408. (Probably from Abydos.)
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 70-1 (text) Bl. 16; Vandier, Manuel ii, 406 fig. 278 [lower left].
False door of woman Iry Jrjj, Kings sole ornament, honoured by Ptah-Sokari, late Dyn. XI or Dyn. XII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1512.
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 216-17 (text) Bl. 45.
Bottom part of false door of ...nakht(?) ...nht(?)..., Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1722.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 155 (text).

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Rectangular stela, three lines of text and man and woman facing each other holding ankh-signs, names erased,
Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20006.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 6 (text); iv, Taf. i.
Bevel-topped stela, Shenay n ajj, Overseer of the granary, etc., and wife Dedi Ddj, Kings sole (ornament),
seated, Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20013.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 13 (text); iv, Taf. ii. tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 488.
Round-topped stela, Ameny Jmnjj, Chief steward in charge of the largesse and commissions, etc., son of
woman Kemtet Kmtt, at table, with text mentioning Osiris-Onnophris and Ptah in Abydos, and four men and
women seated on the ground below, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20015. (Probably from
Simpson, Terrace 17 [ANOC 10, 1] pl. 19. tSee Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 14-15 (text).
Round-topped stela, Iufersoneb Jw.f-r-snb, Retainer, Interpreter, with son Pepi Ppj, Supervisor of policemen,
before him, and probably wife Iuseni Jw.s-n.j seated on the ground below, with more names and titles at
bottom, probably 2nd half of Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20035.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 43-4 (text); iv, Taf. iv.
Rectangular stela with cornice, double scene, on right, Senebsuma Snb-sw-m-a(.j), Chief steward, etc., son
of Wepwauthotep Wp-w3wt-h. tp and of woman Serukhib Srwh-jb, with man behind him, and on left, Senusert
S-n-wsrt, Head of largesse, son of woman Sit-hathor S3t-h. t-h. rw , with [man behind him], both at table, and
four registers of people below, mid-Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20075.
Simpson, Terrace 18 [ANOC 17, 1] pl. 26. tDate, see Franke, D. in OMRO 68 (1988), 62, 64-5. tSee Lange
and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 89-92 (text); Grajetzki, W. Two Treasurers of the Late Middle Kingdom
(2001), 12-13 [1].
Round-topped stela with niche containing mummiform figures of man and two women, no text, sandstone,
Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20097.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 117; iv, Taf. ix; Vandier, Manuel ii, 486 fig. 296 [lower left].
Rectangular stela with cornice of Rensoneb Rn-snb, Citizen, son of woman Iuhetib Jwh. t-jb, with text
mentioning Osiris lord of Busiris and Abydos, Sobek lord of Sumenu, and Anubis, Dyn. XII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20151.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 178-9 (text).
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Round-topped stela, Sebu Sbw, Judge and Keeper of Nekhen, son of Nebsumenu Nb-swmnw and of woman
Sitamun S3t-jmn, and wife Nubenib Nbw-n-jb, with Sebus father and mother facing them, and four sons and
daughters below, probably 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20170.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 201-2 (text).
Round-topped stela, Sebekhotep Sbk-h. tp, Citizen, and mother Sewedjaher Swd3-h. rat table, and two women
seated on the ground at table below, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20183.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 212 (text); iv, Taf. xv.
Round-topped stela, NeferhotepNfr-h. tp, Elder of the hall, dedicated by brother Sebekiry Sbk-jrjj, Elder of the
hall, sons of woman Sitni S3t-n.j, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20192 ( JE 25547).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 221 (text); iv, Taf. xvi.
Stela rounded at the top and bottom, two women and man, names illegible, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20203.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 229 (text).
Round-topped stela, Sankh-ptahSanh-pth. , son of probably woman Hathor-(hir)set(?) H. t-h. rw-(h. r-)st(?), at table,
with wife Henut H. nwtand a man sitting on the ground before him, 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20204.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 229-30 (text).
Round-topped stela, Hori H. rwj and wife seated, with three men standing or seated on the ground before
them, 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20207.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 232 (text).
Round-topped stela of Senbef Snb.f, Keeper of the chamber, son of woman Hetepy H. tpjj, with three registers
of people, 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20215 ( JE 20967).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 237-8 (text).
Rectangular stela, Simut S3-mwt, wnrw-priest in Letopolis, leaning on a staff, probably Middle Kingdom, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20221.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 243 (text); iv, Taf. xvii.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Round-topped stela, Nesumontu Nj-sw-mntw, Greatest of the tens of Upper Egypt, son of woman Henut
H. nwt, and wife Nebtseny Nbt-snjj, both at table, with son and daughter kneeling on one knee before them,
and another table scene in register below, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20230.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 249-50 (text).
Round-topped stela, man and woman (names lost) carved in relief, offering text painted, mention of Osiris
lord of Busiris, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20234.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 255 (text); iv, Taf. xviii.
Round-topped stela, Redesobek Rdj-(wj-)sbk, son of woman Teti(?) Ttj(?)(?), with many other names, probably
Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20244.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 267 (text).
Rectangular stela, Antef Jn-jt.f, son of Amenemhet(?) Jmn-m-h. 3t(?)(?) and of woman Iptet Jptt, Dyn. XII-XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20251.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 271-2 (text); iv, Taf. xix.
Lower part of stela of Bebi Bbj, Attendant of the rulers table, son of Iku Jkw, Regional officer, Dyn. XII-XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20254.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 273 (text).
Rectangular stela, Nebiotef Nb-jt.f, son of woman Sent Snt, and wife, with table between them, early Dyn.
XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20256.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 275-6 (text); iv, Taf. xix; Freed, R. E. in Der Manuelian, P. (ed.),
Studies ... Simpson i, 310-12 fig. 4 [a] (as temp. Amenemhet I to Sesostris I).
Round-topped stela, Tjatju T atw (also ), Citizen, son of Ptahwer Pth. -wr and of woman Neni(?) Nnj(?), and
wife Wenther Wnt-h. r, with table between them, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20259.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 278 (text).
Rectangular stela, Sebeknakht Sbk-nht and wife, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20267.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 285-6 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Round-topped stela, seated Senbupesh Snbw-p, Policeman, son of woman Bebi Bbj, with Amenhotep Jmnh. tp, Citizen, son of woman Iuntet Jwntt Rensoneb Rn-snb, before him, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20279.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 294 (text).
Round-topped stela, bottom part lost, of Neferhotep Nfr-h. tp, Judge, son of woman Nubemiunet Nbw-m-jwnt,
Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20289.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 303-4 (text). tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1730.
Crude stela of perhaps Kebu Kbw, son of Soneb Snb, Deputy(?), probably granite,Middle Kingdom, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20293 ( JE 32793).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 307 (text); iv, Taf. xxii. tSee Bull. Inst. g. iii Sr. 9 (1898), 376
(as silex and from Dendera).
Round-topped stela, Neferhotep Nfr-h. tp, Participant of the rulers table, and wife, with table between them,
Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20319.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 331-2 (text).
Rectangular stela, Renefres Rn.f-rs, Overseer of sandal-makers, son of Rerires Rrj-rs, Judge, and wife Nubkhaes
Nbw-ha.s, Kings ornament, at table, with son and another man before them, and two registers of relatives and
other people, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20322.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 334-5 (text).
Round-topped stela, Sebeknakht Sbk-nht, Keeper of the temple of Osiris, son of woman Ankhet anht, and wife
Mutiankhti Mwt(.j)-anhtj, at table, with sons and daughters below, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20326.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 338-9 (text).
Round-topped stela, incomplete, Mentuemhet Mntw-m-h. 3t, Greatest of the tens of Upper Egypt, son of
Rensoneb Rn-snb, at table, with two registers of relatives below, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20327.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 340 (text).
Round-topped stela, Itefankh Jt.f-anh Sihathor S3-h. t-h. rw, Participant of the rulers table, son of woman
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Sen(t)ankh Sn(t)-anh, and wife, with table between them, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20333.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 346 (text).
Rectangular stela with cornice, Amenemhet Jmn-m-h. 3tRenefankh Rn.f-anh, Steward of the gods offerings of
Abydos, son of woman Mery(t) Mrjj(t), at table, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 348 (text); iv, Taf. xxv. tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1713.
Rectangular stela, Sebeknakht Sbk-nht, son of Renefankh Rn.f-anh, and probably wife Hepyu H. pjjw, probably
early Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20343.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 354 (text); iv, Taf. xxv. tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1692.
Rectangular stela with cornice, man and wife Dede(t)nub(?) Dd(t)-nbw(?)(?), probably late Dyn. XII or Dyn.
XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20344.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 354-5 (text).
Round-topped stela, Itefankh Jt.f-anh, Citizen, son of woman Iytenankh(?) Jjt-n-anh(?) (?), seated, with woman
before him, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20347.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 359 (text).
Round-topped stela, Ibiau Jb(.j)-jaw, Citizen, at table, with wife Dedy Ddjj kneeling facing him, and two men
and a woman below, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20349 ( JE 25981).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 361 (text). tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1673.
Rectangular stela of woman Hepy H. pjj, daughter of woman Debates Db3t.s, probably late Dyn. XII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20357.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 365 (text); iv, Taf. xxvii.
Round-topped stela of woman, Dynasty XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20362.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 368 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Round-topped stela, Khui H
wj, son of Renefankh Rn.f-anh , probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20363.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 369 (text).
Roughly rectangular stela of Ibu Jbw and wife Hetepu H. tpw, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20366.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 370 (text); iv, Taf. xxvii.
Fragment of a crude stela of woman Nefertjentet(?) Nfr-tntt(?), probably Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20367.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 370 (text).
Round-topped stela, incomplete, Dedusobek Ddw-sbk, son of woman Sit-hathor S3t-h. t-h. rw, with wife
Dedankh Dd-anhkneeling before him, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20369.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 371 (text).
Round-topped stela of Inpuemhet Jnpw-m-h. 3t, Retainer, son of woman Khuankh H
w-anh, dedicated by his
uncle Dedusobek Ddw-sbk, Lector priest of Anubis, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 374 (text).
Round-topped stela, Sebekhotep Sbk-h. tp, Overseer of police of the temple of Anubis, and wife Nofru Nfrw,
Kings daughter, at table, with relatives before them and in register below, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20373 ( JE 25450).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 374-6 (text); Simpson, Terrace 22 [ANOC 77, 1].
Round-topped stela inscribed in cursive writing, of Antef Jn-jt.f and others, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20375.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 376 (text); iv, Taf. xxvii.
Round-topped stela, Menekh Mnh, Overseer of a district (w), and wife Nefersekheru(?) Nfr-shr[w](?)(?), with
son and daughter, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20376.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 376-7 (text).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Round-topped stela, Rens[o]neb Rn-s[n]b, Citizen, and wife, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20377.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 377-8 (text).
Rectangular stela, Iker Jk. r, son of woman Hepy H. pjj, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 379-80 (text).
Rectangular stela with cornice of a Steward (name lost), son of woman Hepuy H. pwjj(?), probably Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20386.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 383 (text).
Fragment of a stela, with people, including daughters Takedet T3-k. dt and Nebt-tepihu Nbt-tp-jh. w, sandstone,
Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20389.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 384-5 (text).
Rectangular stela (top lost) with torus, Senusert S-n-wsrt Ankhtifi, Chief lector priest, at table, with
offering list and offering text mentioning Geb, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20390.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 385-6 (text).
Rectangular stela, on the left, Senbi Snbj, Overseer of sealers, Hearer of the store-room, etc., son of Neferyt
Nfrjjt, at table, with son Merisenbef Mrj-snb.f, Journeyman of the overseer of sealers, before him, appeal to the
living, and on right, man (feet only left) at table, with his son Khepa Hp3, Overseer of the antechamber,
Director of works, before him, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20396.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 393-4 (text).
Rectangular stela with cornice, Khety Htjj, Trusty sealer of the treasury, son of Iy Jjj , at bottom on the right,
and on the left, Khetysoneb Htjj-snb, Overseer of the antechamber of the chamber of offerings, etc., son of
Teti Ttj, and four registers of people above each, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20399.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 398-400 (text); iv, Taf. xxviii. tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No.
Fragmentary round-topped stela, Hetep H. tp, Director of the temple of Harsaphes(?), at table, with another
seated man facing him, and two men kneeling below, with offering text mentioning Geb and OsirisOnnophris, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20402.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 4-5 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Rectangular stela, Ankhu anhw, Judge and Keeper of Nekhen, with woman kneeling before him, Dyn. XII or
XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20403.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 5 (text).
Round-topped stela, Ibiau Jb(.j)-jaw, Mayor, Overseer of prophets of ..., son of woman Henutib H. nwt-jb,
standing with arms raised in adoration, with offering text mentioning all the gods in Abydos, Dyn. XII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20404.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 6 (text); iv, Taf. xxix.
Rectangular stela with cornice, Bebi Bbj, Inspector of retainers, son of woman Idy Jdjj, seated, with a woman
kneeling before him, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20406.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 7-8 (text).
Rectangular stela, Amenemhet Jmn-m-h. 3t, Overseer of the guild of shipbuilders, and wife Iy Jjj, probably late
Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20407.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 8 (text); iv, Taf. xxix.
Round-topped stela, Nakht Nht, wab priest who carries the god Habyu (?), Steward(?), son of woman Iy Jjj,
at table, with wife Ib Jb, daughter of Khnemnakht(?) Hnmw-nht(?)(?), kneeling before him, a register of sons
and daughters below, and two registers with twelve names in each below, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20409.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 9-11 (text).
Rectangular stela with cornice, Ameny Jmnjj standing at table, with two women facing him, Dyn. XII or XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20411.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 12 (text).
Round-topped stela, Sisobek S3-sbk, Citizen, son of Hepuy H. pwjj, 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20413.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 13 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Rectangular stela of Sebeknakht Sbk-nht, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20414.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 13 (text).
Round-topped stela, Sihat(hor)(?) S3-h. t(-h. rw)(?) , son of woman Tety Ttjj , Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20415 (JE 28120).
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 13-14 (text); iv, Taf. xxx.
Upper part of round-topped stela, remains of scene with Rensoneb Rn-snb, Citizen, son of woman Neni Nnj,
with offering text mentioning Hathor, 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 14 (text).
Lower part of stela of Ankethotep a nk. t-h. tp, Attendant of the rulers table, dedicated by Useranket(?) Wsrank. t(?)(?), Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20417.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 14-15 (text).
Rectangular stela with cornice, Neferhotep Nfr-h. tp, Citizen, son of woman(?) Bebt Bbt, with woman before
him, probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20419.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 16 (text).
Rectangular stela of Hemena H. mn-a3 , son of woman Tjeti Ttj, sandstone, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20420.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 16 (text).
Round-topped stela, man (name lost) seated, with another man before him, and wife Bebi Bbj seated, and two
registers of people below, probably 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 18-19 (text).
Round-topped stela, Siamun S3-jmn, Great administrator of the city, son of woman Khememt H
mmt, at table,
and opposite him, wife Bebi Bbj, daughter of woman Nefertiu Nfrt-jw, also at table, with two registers of
people below, probably 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20426.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 21-2 (text).
Round-topped stela, on right, Wahka W3h. -k3, Overseer of the department, son of woman Hetepuy H. tpwjj,
seated, with wife Hetepuy H. tpwjj kneeling, and on left, brother (or son?) Wahkasoneb W3h. -k3-snb, Keeper
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

of linen, son of woman Hetepuy H. tpwjj, seated, table between them, with wife Sitinhert S3t-jn-h. rt kneeling,
and two registers of relatives and another with twelve names and titles below, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20431.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 28-9 (text); iv, Taf. xxxi. tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No.
Rectangular stela with cornice, Ameny Jmnjj Kemes Kms, Director of the palace, Chief steward, Deputy of
the overseer of the treasury, etc., son of woman Sitkhentekhtai S3t-hntj-htjj, at table, with four kneeling figures
(sketched only) below, temp. Sesostris III to Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20435.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 32-3 (text); iv, Taf. xxxi; Simpson, Terrace 17 [ANOC 1, 11] pl.
Round-topped stela, Renefsoneb Rn.f-snb, Judge, son of Tetires(?) Ttj-rs(?)(?), Judge, and of woman Bebu
Bbw, with woman before him(?) and father, dedicated by brother Ibiau Jb(.j)-jaw, Judge, probably Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20437 ( JE 29232).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 35 (text).
Lower part of stela with three registers of kneeling people, including her daughter Adjadj adad and others,
Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20438.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 36 (text).
Round-topped stela, top left and bottom right parts lost, Tjeti(?) Ttj(?) (?), wab priest, son of Bebti Bbtj, and
wife at table, with brother Wepwautnakht Wp-w3wt-nht, Lector priest (dedicator of the stela), before them,
and register of people below, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20439.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 36-7 (text).
Round-topped stela, top right and bottom right parts lost, of Ankhefshedef(?) anh.f-d.f (?)(?) and wife Ibiau
Jb(.j)-jaw, with two registers of people, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20449.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 44-5 (text).
Rectangular stela with cornice, three women (perhaps mother and two daughters) kneeling, (a) Ami amj,
daughter of woman Ami amj, (b) Ami amj, daughter of woman(?) Hedjri(?) H. drj(?)(?), (c) Khnemu Hnmw,
daughter of woman Ami amj, and in register below, dedicator of the stela, Wensi Wnsj, Baker, at table, with
wife Kerhi Krh. j, daughter of woman(?) MemiMmj, seated opposite him, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20452.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 47 (text).

Lower part of stela inscribed in ink, man seated, with his son Antef Jn-jt.f mentioned, and eight vertical
columns of names and titles in hieratic below, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20453.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 47-8 (text).
Rectangular stela, Senab...u(?) Sna-b...w(?) (?) and wife Sitantefankhu S3t-jn-jt.f-anhw at table, with two
registers of people below, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20454.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 48-9 (text).
Upper part of rectangular stela with cornice, Irgemtef Jr-gmt.f, Chief steward, etc., son of woman Djedi Ddj,
at table, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20460.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 59 (text).
Rectangular stela imitating false door with cornice, of woman Nefert Nfrt, probably late Dyn. XI or early Dyn.
XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20461.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 60 (text); iv, Taf. xxxii.
Rectangular stela, Nakhty(?) Nhtjj(?)(?) and Antef Jn-jt.f, probably Dyn. XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 61 (text); iv, Taf. xxxii.
Roughly squared stela, Renefankhu Rn.f-anhw, his(?) wife Ik Jk, and three other people, Dyn. XII-XIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20463.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 61-2 (text).
Round-topped stela, Teti Ttj, Acolyte, son of woman Dedetsobek Ddt-sbk, at table, with brother Dedutjeni
Ddw-tnj before him, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20465.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 62-3 (text).
Round-topped stela, man (name lost) and woman (name lost) standing at table, with names of relatives,
including brother Simenkheten... S3-mnht-n..., Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20468.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 64 (text).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Round-topped stela, Mentuhotep Mntw-h. tp, Scribe of the great khenret, son of woman Hebgeget H. bggt, at
table, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20477.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 74-5 (text). tNames and title, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1607 (as from
Upper part of round-topped stela of Ibiau Jb(.j)-jaw, Judge and Keeper of Nekhen, mentioning wife(?) Iki Jkj
Henutipi H. nwt(.j)-pj, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20478.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 75 (text).
Upper part of round-topped stela of Snefru Snfrw, son of woman Shedi dj, probably late Dyn. XII or Dyn.
XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20479.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 75 (text).
Two fragments, probably from the same rectangular stela, with text mentioning a Real overseer of the
antechamber, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20485.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 80-1 (text).
Four fragments of round-topped stela, Wermeru(?) Wr-mrw(?)(?), Judge and Keeper of Nekhen, and wife, Dyn.
XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20486.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 81-2 (text).
Fragment of stela, with three registers of people, including his brother Renefsoneb Rn.f-snb, Overseer of the
khenret, and his (probably the owners) wife Bebuy Bbwjj, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 82 (text).
Left half of round-topped stela, Minhotepu Mnw-h. tpw, Overseer of boats, son of woman Hepyu H. pjjw, with
wife Hepyu H. pjjw and mother, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20488.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 82-3 (text).
Top right corner of rectangular stela of Senusert S-n-wsrt, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 83 (text).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Round-topped stela of Sihathor S3-h. t-h. rw, Participant of the rulers table, son of Pepi Ppj, probably Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20490.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 84 (text).
Top right corner of rectangular stela with torus, of Iusoneb Jw-snb, Elder of the hall, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20492.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 86 (text).
Two fragments of crude rectangular stela, woman Mereshotep(?) Mr.s-h. tp(?)(?), Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20493.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 86 (text).
Three fragments of upper part of rectangular stela with cornice, Nesumenu Nswt-mnw, wab priest, at table, with
wife before him, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20494.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 86-7 (text).
Round-topped stela of Iunef Jw-n.f, Citizen, dedicated by his brother Sebekemhet Sbk-m-h. 3t, 2nd half of Dyn.
XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20496.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 87-8 (text).
Rectangular stela with cornice, Amenemhet Jmn-m-h. 3t, Overseer of the antechamber, son of Iui Jwj, and a
Regulator of a phyle of Wepwaut (no name or name lost) on his left, both as mummiform figures in very high
relief, and Amenemhets wife, also in very high relief, on his right, with text mentioning building tomb at the
stairway of the great god foremost of Abydos, 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20497. (Undoubtedly from Abydos.)
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 88-9 (text); iv, Taf. xxxiii.
Round-topped stela, Sebekhotep Sbk-h. tp, probably early Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20508.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 98 (text).
Round-topped stela, Sebekhotep Sbk-h. tp, probably early Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20509.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 98 (text); iv, Taf. xxxiv.
Round-topped stela, son (name lost) of woman Keki Kkj, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20527.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 129 (text); iv, Taf. xxxviii.
Round-topped stela, Idi Jdj, at table, with wife behind him, and son and four daughters in two registers below,
late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20552.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 182-3 (text); iv, Taf. xliii.
Round-topped stela, Bebi Bbj, Inspector of retainers, son of woman Idy Jdjj, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20583 ( JE 25446).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 223 (text).
Round-topped stela, son (name lost) of Ipi(?) Jpj(?)(?), with four registers of people, including Minemsas(?)
Mnw-m-s3.s(?) (?), Kings daughter, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20600.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 240 (text).
Round-topped stela of Sersoneb Sr-snb, Keeper of the chamber of cloth, son of woman(?) Ini Jnj, with many
names, sandstone, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20603.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 242 (text); iv, Taf. xlviii.
Round-topped stela, Dedu Ddw, Overseer of builders, son of woman Sitmontu S3t-mntw, at table, with wife
standing behind him and a man before him, with appeal to the living, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20609.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 248-9 (text).
Round-topped stela, Ky Kjjand mother Duy Dwjj, with man holding a jar before them, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20615.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 255 (text); iv, Taf. xlix.
Round-topped stela, Rensoneb Rn-snb, Arm of Nekhen, with a sister and three brothers before him, dedicated
by brother Rensoneb Rn-snb, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20622.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 261-2 (text); iv, Taf. xlix.
Round-topped stela, Dedusobek Ddw-sbk, Citizen, with wife kneeling before him, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20624.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 263-4 (text).
Round-topped stela, Senenmut Sn-n-mwt , son of woman Ded(et)nub Dd(t)-nbw, standing, and Mentuemsaf
Mntw-m-s3.f, Citizen, at table, with offering text mentioning Hathor mistress of Gebelein, probably Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20625. (Probably from Gebelein.)
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 264 (text).
Crude round-topped stela of Wahkaem... W3h. -k3-m-......, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20632.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 270-1 (text).
Round-topped stela, Iufn(ai)erpesesh Jwf-n(.j)-r-ps(.j), Retainer, son of woman Niankh(?) Nj-anh(?), and
wife(?), at table, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20633.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 271 (text).
Round-topped stela, Khnemhotep Hnmw-h. tp, son of woman Renefankh Rn.f-anh, at table, with wife and son
kneeling before him, and another two registers, probably father Khnemnakht Hnmw-nht, son of woman Sitka
S3t-k3, at table, with Khnemhoteps mother kneeling, and 9 lines of names, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20643.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 279-81 (text).
Round-topped stela, Userankh Wsr-anh, Sealer, son of woman Sitsobekhotep S3t-sbk-h. tp, probably Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20645.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 281 (text); iv, Taf. l. tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1694.
Round-topped stela, Khaka H
a-k3, Retainer of the tribunal, son of Nebipu(?) Nb(.j)-pw(?)(?), Keeper of the
bow(?), and of woman Nubenib Nbw-n-jb, standing at table, with woman before him, probably Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20660.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 292 (text).
Upper part of round-topped stela, Ibiau Jb(.j)-jaw, Greatest of the tens of Upper Egypt, and wife Iuhetib Jwh. tjb, Kings ornament, before him, with a Prophet of Montu (name lost) behind her, dedicated by son Resnufer
Rs-nfr, Judge, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20661.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 292-3 (text).
Round-topped stela, Dedusobek Ddw-sbk, Citizen, son of woman Dedetnub Ddt-nbw, with woman kneeling
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

before him, Dyn. XII or XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20662.

See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 293 (text).
Round-topped stela, Simontu S3-mntw, Retainer who follows, son of Senisoneb Sn.j-snb, with woman facing
him, dedicated by brothers Sebekhotep Sbk-h. tp and Sewadjptah Sw3d-pth. , Elder of the hall, Dyn. XIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20663.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 293-4 (text).
Left part of rectangular stela, Dedu Ddw, Steward, and mother Hathorhetpes H. t-h. rw-h. tp.s , honoured by
Hathor, both seated, late Dyn. XI or early Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20664.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 294 (text); iv, Taf. l.
Round-topped stela with nine lines of text, mentioning Neinsetib N-jn-st-jb, Man of the altar personnel, his
wife(?) Iy Jjj, daughter of woman Nefert Nfrt , and other people, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 20667.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 296 (text). tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Nos. 544, 1736.
Round-topped stela, top right and bottom right parts lost, Si[mon]tu(?) S3-[mn]tw(?)(?) and wife at table, with
three sons and a daughter below, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20672.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 299-300 (text); iv, Taf. l.
Round-topped stela of Sebekemsaf Sbk-m-s3.f, Greatest of the tens of Upper Egypt, son of Aamun a3-jmn and
of woman Sit...y S3t-...jj, with two registers, wife Nofru Nfrw and father, and mother and two brothers(?),
Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20673.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 300-1 (text).
Round-topped stela of woman Inthapi(?) Jnt-h. apj(?)(?), daughter of woman Mereret Mrrt, sandstone, Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20674.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 301 (text).
Round-topped stela, Deduinhert Ddw-jn-h. rt and mother Ded[etneshmet] Dd[t-nmt], daughter of woman(?)
Hepu H. pw, at table, with three registers with five relatives in each below, 2nd half of Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20679.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 306-7 (text); iv, Taf. li; Simpson, Terrace 18 [ANOC 15, 2] pl. 24.
tSome names, Lieblein, Dict. No. 420.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Rectangular stela with cornice and painted decoration, three lines of offering text, and Ankhu anhw and
mother Nefershesepu Nfr-spw standing before offerings, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20684.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 311 (text); iv, Taf. lii; Selim, H. in SAK 29 (2001), 319, 323-30
Taf. 18 fig. 19 (reads Dj.n-ra-anh and as probably from Rizeiqt or Gebelein).
Rectangular stela with cornice, Wepwauthotep
Wp-w3wt-h. tp, Sealer, Overseer of the gs-pr, son of
Khnemhotep Hnmw-h. tp, Mayor, Sealer of the god, seated, with two women, mother Itineferu-tahenut Jtj-nfrwt3-h. nwt and wife Senebhenas Snb-h. na.s, daughter of Ankhu anhw, Vizier, and of woman Mereryt Mrrjjt,
standing behind him, and two sons and daughters before them, and parents and brothers and sisters (including
Ressoneb(?) Rs-snb(?)(?), Vizier, and Iymeru Jj-mrw, Vizier, both sons of Ankhu anhw, in two registers below,
temp. Sebekhotep II (Sekhemre-khutaui) or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20690.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 316-18 (text). tSee Gauthier, H. in ASAE xviii (1919), 265-8.
Round-topped stela, nine lines of offering text invoking Montu lord of Thebes in Hermonthis, Osiris and Ptah
south of his wall, for Simontu S3-mntw, Doorkeeper of the granary of the gods offerings, son of woman Iymer
Jj-mr, and below, Simontu seated at table, with wife Nebethat Nbt-h3t standing behind him, son and daughter
before them, and four relatives below, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20694. (Possibly from
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 321-2 (text); iv, Taf. liii; Elnassari, A. in GM 203 (2004), 29-38
Taf. 1 on 39. tText, Bouriant, U. in Rec. Trav. xiii (1890), 49-50 [82].
Round-topped stela of Iy Jjj, Scribe of the treasury, son of woman Merut(?) Mrwt(?), and Hepu H. pw, Keeper
of the chamber, wab priest of Amun, son of woman Wephori Wp-h. rj, with four registers of people, Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20695.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 322-3 (text).
Small rectangular stela, Hepi H. pj and wife(?) seated, with three men and a woman in two registers before
them, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20698.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 326-7 (text).
Round-topped stela, painted only, Amenemhet Jmn-m-h. 3t, son of woman Shept pt, sandstone, Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20701.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 328-9 (text); iv, Taf. liii.
Small round-topped stela imitating a shrine(?), with small niches and names and titles in ink, of Sebeknakht
Sbk-nht, Scribe of the sanctuary, and of Senusert S-n-wsrt, Chief scribe of the overseer of the gang(?), Dyn.
XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20727 (JE 33912). (Possibly from Armant.)
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 358 (text); iv, Taf. lv. tSee Bull. Inst. g. iii Sr. 10 (1899), 258
(as from Armant).
Round-topped stela, Nekhtsobek Nht-sbk, First Kings son, and wife, seated, with female harpist and singer
in front of them, three men and two soldiers with spears and shields below, and text concerning Nekhtsobeks
command of a company of a hundred men, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20732.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 362 (text); iv, Taf. lv; Schfer, H. in ZS 38 (1900), 43-5 figs. (as);
Hickmann, H. 45 Sicles de musique dans lgypte ancienne [etc.] (1956), 16 pl. lxiv [B] (as New Kingdom).
Round-topped stela, Sebekhotep Sbk-h. tp, Citizen, and wife Ty Tjj, seated, with table between them, and two
men and two women kneeling below, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20737.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 368-9 (text); iv, Taf. lv.
Lower part of stela, feet of two couples seated, with table between them and woman standing, and two
registers of people below, including five men with title Greatest of the tens of Upper Egypt, Dyn. XIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20743.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 376-7 (text).
Round-topped stela, Pawent(?) P3-wnt(?)(?), Scribe of stonemasons, son of woman Iuseni Jw.s-n.j, at table,
with probably wife Senebtisi Snbtj.sjj behind him, and probably son Mery Mrjj before them, and two registers
with a son and daughters below, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20749.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 383-4 (text).
Rectangular stela, Sebeknakht Sbk-nhtNakht Nht, son of woman(?) Herunufer Hrw-nfr, seated, and below, man
bringing ox, and gazelle, oryx and calf, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20752.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 386-7 (text); iv, Taf. lviii.
Round-topped stela, Senbu Snbw, Participant of the rulers table, son of woman(?) Bebi Bbj, standing, with
wife (or mother?) Bebi Bbj kneeling before him, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20757.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 391 (text).
Bottom right corner of stela inscribed on both sides, recto, remains of two registers, kneeling woman in each,
and offering texts for four women, including Iti Jtj and Rensoneb Rn-snb, mentioning Wepwaut and Anubis,
verso, remains of three registers, kneeling man in each, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20759.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 392-3 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Upper part of round-topped stela of Usert(?) Wsrt(?), Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20760.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 393 (text).
Upper part of round-topped stela of Nesumontu Nj-sw-mntw, Steward of the treasury, son of woman Mereryt
Mrrjjt, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20761.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 393-4 (text).
Lower part of stela, feet of woman, and below, two men (one of them Nebankh Nb-anh, Sealer of the god
of Abydos) and three women, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20763 (JE 27971).
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 397 (text) (as from Upper Egypt, probably Abydos); Bull. Inst.
g. ii Sr. 8 (1887), p. xxxii (as from Qurna).
Fragment of stela with remains of text mentioning a Regulator of a phyle (name lost), probably Dyn. XIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20766.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 398 (text).
Fragment of stela of Ibiau Jb(.j)-jaw and wife Nubwebenes Nbw-wbn.s, with offering text mentioning Hathor,
probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20767.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 399 (text).
Round-topped stela, Redenptah Rdj-n(.j)-pth., Overseer of the troop of stonemasons, son of Iy Jjj, Overseer
of the troop of stonemasons, and of woman Pesedet Psdt , standing before seated father, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20768. (Probably from Abydos.)
Simpson, Terrace 17 [ANOC 7, 1] pl. 16. tSee Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 399-400 (text).
tNames and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1606.
Rectangular stela, a woman (name lost), Kings ornament, seated, with girl standing before her, and two
offering bearers, probably Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20770.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 400-1 (text).
Rectangular stela, Ity Jtjj, Sole companion, and wife Nebtiotef(?) Nbt-jt.f(?)(?), before offerings, possibly Dyn.
XI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20771.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 401 (text).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Fragments from top right corner of rectangular stela with cornice, of Mentu... Mntw-..., with remains of
offering list, two offering bearers, and hippopotamus hunt, possibly Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 20774.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 402-3 (text).
Round-topped stela of woman Hatnefert H. 3t-nfrt ,with offering text mentioning Hathor mistress of Gebelein,
and Nufer Nfr, Citizen, before her and woman Tenut Tnwt, Dancer, in register below, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20777. (Probably from Gebelein.)
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 406-7 (text).
Round-topped stela, Sebekhotep Sbk-h. tp, Overseer of police of the temple of Anubis, and wife Nubemhab
Nbw-m-h. b, Kings ornament, at table, with Sebekhoteps maternal uncle before them, and other people in
register below, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20778.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 407-8 (text); Simpson, Terrace 22 [ANOC 77, 2].
Upper left corner of rectangular stela, ...hotepi ...h. tpj and mother Imu Jmw seated, with [dog] under chair,
possibly Dyn. XI or XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20779.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 408 (text).
Round-topped stela, lower part lost, Senbi Snbj, Great wab priest of Hathor, Overseer of fields, and his eldest
son Ipiankh Jpj-anh , with wife Nubnakht Nbw-nht, Prophetess of Hathor, and another small son before them,
probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20780.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 409 (text).
Rectangular stela with cornice and painted decoration, four lines of offering text, and Dedusobek Ddw-sbk,
son of Deduioh Ddw-jah. , and mother Hepyu H. pjjw standing before offerings, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Selim, H. in SAK 29 (2001), 319, 323-30 Taf. 19 fig. 2 (as probably from Rizeiqt or Gebelein).
Round-topped stela, four lines of offering text, and Bekhet Bht and mother Itefankh Jt.f-anh standing before
offerings, Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Selim, H. in SAK 29 (2001), 319, 323-30 Taf. 20 fig. 3 (as probably from Rizeiqt or Gebelein).

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Round-topped stela of Antef Jn-jt.f, Steward of accounts of cattle, Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Round-topped stela, four lines of offering text and two registers, I, Amenaa Jmn-a3, Efficient administrator
of the rulers table, seated at table, with wife Dedetnub Ddt-nbw seated on the ground holding lotus, II,
probably the same Amenaa Jmn-a3, Citizen, seated at table, with Wei Wj, Elder of the hall, son of woman
(Dedet)nub (Ddt-)nbw, seated on the ground before him, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, magazine of
Egyptian Museum (SN 527).
Atallah, M. in ASAE Suppl. 34, 1 (2005), 151-8 Taf. 1-3 (as probably from Abydos). tDifferent interpretation
of names, Stefanovi, D. in GM 213 (2007), 7-8.
Stela of Sisobek S3-sbk, Royal acquaintance, son of Bebi Bbj and of woman Teti Ttj, probably mid- or late
Dyn. XII, probably in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Names and titles, de Roug, Inscr. hiro. pl. liii [near bottom].
Rectangular stela, Medukau Mdw-k3w, son of woman Sent Snt, with offering text and negative confession
phrases, painted wood, early Middle Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1623 ( JE 28045). (Acquired
in Luxor.)
Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 94-5 (text) Bl. 84.
Stela, top lost, of Soneb Snb, Greatest of the tens of Upper Egypt, with thirteen remaining lines of litany
invoking Min and Repyt, and small figure of man with arms raised in adoration in bottom left corner, 1st half
of Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20328. (Probably from Abydos.)
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 340-1 (text); Franke, D. in Meyer, S. (ed.), Egypt - Temple of
the Whole World. Studies in Honour of Jan Assmann (2003), 113-14.
Lower part of stela, man (head lost) with raised arms, and eight remaining lines of hymn to Osiris, probably
1st half of Dyn. XIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20498.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 89-90 (text); Franke, D. in Meyer, S. (ed.), Egypt - Temple of
the Whole World. Studies in Honour of Jan Assmann (2003), 98.
Fragment of round-topped stela, three lines of hymn to Osiris, Senebrenefres(?) Snb-rn.f-rs(?) (or just Renefres
Rn.f-rs), Sealer ..., standing adoring, and two registers with three people in each, 1st half of Dyn. XIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20776.
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 405-6 (text); Franke, D. in Meyer, S. (ed.), Egypt - Temple of
the Whole World. Studies in Honour of Jan Assmann (2003), 100.
Rectangular stela with cornice, man and woman, with small figure of female servant before them, text almost
completely lost, 2nd Int. Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20747.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 380-1 (text); iv, Taf. lvii; Evers, H. G. Staat aus dem
Stein (1929), ii, Taf. iv [44].

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Volume viii Part 4

Fragment of stela with remains of six lines of text mentioning expedition reaching the region of Miu, and
establishing the northern border, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34163.
Strk, L. Die Nashrner (1977), 281-5 [2] fig. on 281. See Lacau, Stles 204 (text). Text, Helck, Urk. iv,
1736 [578], bersetz. 233-4.
Upper part of round-topped stela, a king, probably Tutankhamun, in two scenes, on left, suckled by Isis before
Min-Amun-Re, and on right, crowned by Amun-Re followed by Mut, probably temp. Tutankhamun, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27076. (Purchased in Luxor.)
Kawai, N. in Eldamaty, M., Trad, M. (eds.), Egyptian Museum Collections i (2002), 637-644 pl. i on 644 and
fig. 1 on 639.
Stela in two fragments, Amenophis III offering flowers and wine to Amun, text not cut, black granite, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40642 (Temp. No.
Upper part of king, Myliwiec, K. Le Portrait royal dans le bas-relief du Nouvel Empire (1976), pl. lxi [143] (as
from Luxor).
Fragment of stela, lower part of Haremhab before Wert-hekau and Ptah, sandstone, temp. Haremhab, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Helck, Urk. iv, 2133 [834], bersetz. 412. See Hari, R. Horemheb et la reine Moutnedjemet [etc.] (1964),
297-8 [6].
Upper part of stela, Amenophis I and mother Ahmosi Nefertere Jah. -ms Nfrt-jrjj before Hathor in Thebes,
probably temp. Amenophis I (or later?), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Upper part of round-topped stela, Sethos II in adoration before Amun, sandstone, temp. Sethos II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela fragment, kneeling Heh, probably with features of Ramesses II, holding two tally sticks with cartouches
of Ramesses II, and hawk head frieze above and below, calcite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Heh, Myliwiec, K. Le Portrait royal dans le bas-relief du Nouvel Empire (1976), 110 pl. ci [226] (as from Saqqra).
See Petrie, W. M. F. A History of Egypt iii. From the XIXth to the XXXth Dynasties (1905), 82.
Round-topped stela in four pieces, Ramesses III offering to Amun, with two lines
of royal titulary below, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Round-toped stela, Nehinufer Nh. j-nfr and probably wife Nefertmenu Nfrt-mnw at table, with man making
libation before them, Dyn. XVIII (pre-Amarna), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20258.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 277-8 (text).
Round-topped stela of Rensoneb Rn-snb, wab priest, and wife Mutires(?) Mwt.j-rs(?), with offering text
mentioning Isis and a goddess (Isis) seated, probably early Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 348 (text).
Triangular stela with naos containing block statue of Iay J3jj , with son Irt Jrt in relief, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 20740.
Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 371 (text); iv, Taf. lv (as Dyn. XVIII); el-Damaty, M. M. in
MDAIK 46 (1990), 2 Taf. 3 [b]; Schulz, R. Die Entwicklung und Bedeutung des kuboiden Statuentypus (1992), i,
243-4 [133] Abb. 22; ii, Taf. 54 [c].
Upper part of round-topped stela, Si-ioh S3-jah. at table, with brother Sekheru Shrw, wab priest (dedicator of
the stela), before him, Dyn. XVIII (pre-aAmrna), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34042.
See Lacau, Stles 75-6 (text).
Lower part of stela, legs of two men, with text mentioning Nay... N3jj..., Butcher(?), Workman of the
mortuary temple of Tuthmosis III, temp. Tuthmosis III or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34043.
See Lacau, Stles 76 (text).
Round-topped stela within rectangular frame with cornice, Suti, Overseer of works of Amun at Karnak, and
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Hor, Overseer of works of Amun [at Karnak], with four registers of much effaced scenes which include
adoration of standing Osiris-Onnophris and Anubis, and on lintel (partly lost) and jambs, offering text invoking
various deities and Ahmosi Nefertere, Gods wife (mother of Amenophis I), with Suti and Hor seated at
bottom, grey granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34051. (See also 803-045-464.)
Lacau, Stles 90-2 (text) pl. xxx; Varille, A. in BIFAO xli (1942), 25 pl. i.
Lower part of rectangular stela of Karasati Krst, Servant (sdm) of the treasury, with remains of people before
seated Osiris, and below, Karasati kneeling at table, with wife Nefert Nfrt and four other women kneeling
before him, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34052.
Lacau, Stles 92-3 (text) pl. xxxi.
Rectangular stela with cornice, Kenmen K. n-mn, Singer of the temple, and wife Harenines(?) H. rw-n-jn-s(?)
before seated Osiris, and another two registers of people below, probably mid- to late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 34053.
See Lacau, Stles 93-5 (text). Text, Piehl, Inscr. hiro. 3 Sr. 58 pls. lxxxxii-xciii [I]. Some names, Lieblein,
Dict. No. 1734.
Round-topped stela, Siamun S3-jmn, Scribe of the army of the Lord of the Two Lands, and [wife] before
seated Osiris, and below, two men before seated man and wife, much damaged, probably mid- to late (preaAmrna) Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34092.
See Lacau, Stles 142-3 (text).
Round-topped stela, Kebehwenenef K. bh. -wnn.f, Servant, and wife Miroy Mjrjj before Osiris-Onnophris
(seated) and Hathor in Thebes, and below, small daughter before man (name erased but no doubt
Kebehwenenef), Miroy and another small daughter, mid- to late (pre-aAmrna) Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 34095.
Lacau, Stles 147-8 (text) pl. xlv.
Round-topped stela, Nebanensu Nb-ann-sw, Servant of Amun, with tray with offerings, before seated Osiris,
and Amenhotep Jmn-h. tp, Servant of Amun, with flowers before seated Anubis, and below, two pairs of male
and three pairs of female relatives with braziers, making libation and bringing offerings, sandstone, mid-Dyn.
XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34096.
Lacau, Stles 148-9 (text) pl. xlvi; Vandier, Manuel ii, 508 fig. 302 [upper right].
Round-topped stela (fragment of top part lost), Yipu Jjp, Head of sandal-makers of the Lord of the Two Lands,
wife Takhat T3-hat and small daughter in adoration before seated Osiris, and below, probably Yipus father
Pia Pjj3, Head of sandal-makers of the Lord of the Two Lands, and his mother Nabuia N3-bwj3 [] seated, with
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
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two women and a man before them, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34097.
Lacau, Stles 149-50 (text) pl. xlvii.
Round-topped stela, Kuyu Kwjjw, Songstress, and brother Ahmosi Jah. -ms seated, with the same man (dedicator
of the stela) holding brazier before them, probably 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
34121 (JE 31654).
See Lacau, Stles 173-4 (text).
Round-topped stela, Ipunufer Jpw-nfr, Third prophet of Montu in Hermonthis, and wife Humetju H. mt(?),
seated at table, with son Nebwau Nb-waw , Scribe, before them, and offering text mentioning Montu lord of
Thebes in Hermonthis, Tjenent-Inyt and Osiris below, probably 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34123.
See Lacau, Stles 174-5 (text).
Round-topped stela, I...ry J...rjj, Scribe, and daughter Wer Wr seated, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34124.
Lacau, Stles 175-6 (text) pl. liv.
Round-topped stela, seated woman suckling child, and girl standing behind chair, with another girl making
libation and man seated, no text, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34125.
Lacau, Stles 176 pl. liv; Vandier, Manuel ii, 508 fig. 302 [upper left]; Wildung, D. and Schoske, S. Nofret - die
Schne. Die Frau im Alten gypten (Haus der Kunst Mnchen, 15. Dezember 1984 - 10. Februar 1985, etc.),
Cat. 9 fig.
Round-topped stela of Neferhotep Nfr-h. tp, with couples seated at tables and women seated on the ground,
mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34129.
See Lacau, Stles 179 (text).
Round-topped stela, Si S(or no name?), with two women and boy before seated couple and girl, and man
making libation in unfinished register below, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34141.
See Lacau, Stles 190-1 (text).
Round-topped stela, name lost, two couples seated each side of a table, with three women (one of them his
daughter Mutnefert Mwt-nfrt) and two men seated on the ground in the register below, sandstone, probably
mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34147.
See Lacau, Stles 195 (text).
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Round-topped stela, Nakht Nht, wab priest who carries(?), and probably wife at table, with man (presumably
son Menkheper Mn-hpr, dedicator of the stela) libating offerings before them, with three men below, and text
mentioning Horus the Behdetite and Osiris in Behdet, sandstone, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 34148.
Lacau, Stles 195-6 (text) pl. lx.
Round-topped stela, Nebmire Nb(.j)-mj-ra, Chief metalworker, and wife Mahu Mh. , at table, with daughter
Tjuiay Tj3jj(dedicator of the stela) making libation before them, and offering text mentioning Ptah, Sokari,
Osiris, Nefertem and Anubis below, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34150 (JE 26059).
Lacau, Stles 197-8 (text) pl. lx. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 2157.
3wt before him, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in
Round-topped stela, Teti Ttj at table, with sons Iniu Nj and Khaut H
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34151.
See Lacau, Stles 198 (text).
Fragment of probably tomb stela, with his eldest (wrt) daughter Sitamun S3t-jmn and Tuy Tjj, Female nurse,
seated on the ground before a table, probably mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34166.
See Lacau, Stles 205 (text).
Fragment of tomb stela, man and woman, and below, Hepu H. pw, Overseer of singers of Min, and wife
Ahmosi Jah. -ms seated at table, with daughter (dedicator of the stela) before them, probably mid-Dyn. XVIII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34167.
See Lacau, Stles 206 (text).
Upper part of round-topped stela, Amen(em)opet Jmn-(m-)jpt, Goldworker, and wife Be(ket)amun B3(kt)-jmn,
before seated Osiris, probably mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34171.
See Lacau, Stles 209-10 (text).
Round-topped stela, Penywehemankh(?) Pnjj-wh. m-anh(?), of the temple of Ptah, and probably wife Ranyt(?)
Rnjjt(?)(?), of the temple of Ptah, seated at table with offerings, with small daughter standing, and Hatiai
H. 3tjj3jbefore them censing and offering libation, and below, two registers with man before seated people in
each, late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34172.
Lacau, Stles 210-12 (text) pl. lxiii.
Base of stela of Kenro Knr, Head of the storehouse (na) of the temple of Khons (secondary owner of TT 54),
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sandstone, early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Round-topped stela, Bekenkhons B3k-n-hnsw, wab priest, Scribe of the gods offerings of the temple of Amun,
censing before seated Osiris, sandstone, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Left half of stela, three registers, I, Osiris, Isis, Wepwaut and Hathor-cow in the mountain, II, grandson before
Amenemopet Jmn-m-jpt, Overseer of prophets of all the gods, and wife Tjepu Tpw, III, man before a couple,
Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos. =
Rectangular stela, two jackals and two registers with people before seated couples, including man Ptahmosi
Pth. -ms , New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Top part of stela of Harma H. rw-m3 and wife NefertereNfrt-jrjj, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
False door of Re Ra, wab priest of Ptah, Acolyte, Porter (rmn) at the front of Ptah, son of woman Tait T3jt,
with two representations of Re at table on panel, and many relatives on jambs and in registers below panel,
1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (Probably from Saqqra.)
Selim, H. in MDAIK 58 (2002), 399-411 Taf. 42 fig. 1.
Round-topped stela, Djehutmosi Dh. wtj-ms, ... of the balance of the temple, with wife Tuy Twjj, offering
flowers to seated Osiris-Onnophris, followed by Isis and Horus, and two registers below, woman and four men
before a seated couple, and five men before a seated man, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Some names, Lieblein, Dict. No. 2026.

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Round-topped stela, three registers, I, Any 3njj, General of the temple of Amun, censing and libating before
seated Osiris, with Isis and Nephthys behind the god, II-III, relatives, including wife Aa a3, Songstress of
Amun, and man leading bullock, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Metawi, R. in JARCE 45 (2009), 291-301 figs. 1, 2 (as early Ramesside and probably from Thebes or
Round-topped stela, three registers, I, rising sun adored by baboons, ba-birds, kneeling Isis, Neith, Nephthys
and Selket, and man and woman, II, Deduptah Ddw-pth. , Chariot maker, wife, and small son and daughter
adoring seated Osiris, with Sons of Horus on lotus before him, and Isis and Nephthys behind him, III,
Deduptah, wife and sister kneeling, followed by children, with ba birds, before tree goddess pouring libation,
Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Radwan, A. in Studien zu Sprache und Religion gyptens. Zu Ehren von Wolfhart Westendorf [etc.], ii (1984), 8256 [3] Taf. 2 [b], 3 [a]; Petrie Gza photo. 596.
Rectangular tomb stela with cornice, text mentioning Ptah-Sokari in Shetyt and Hathor mistress of Ra-setau,
and three registers, I, double scene, Huy H. wjj , Standard bearer of the great company of Usermaetre-setepenre
( = Ramesses II) beloved of Amun, etc., before standing Osiris protected by the symbol of the West (on left)
and before Ptah, II, children before Huy and wife Esinefer(t) 3st-nfr(t) seated, III, brother before Huy and
mother Irynemhet Jrjj-nmh. (t) seated, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
(Probably from the Memphite area.)
Lowle, D. A. in SAK 9 (1981), 253-8 Taf. v fig. on 255. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 256 [xi. 29].
Round-topped tomb stela, three registers, I, man before seated Osiris, with Isis behind him, II, Kharu H
and wife Ty Tjj, III, tree goddess pouring libation, probably Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Round-topped stela with triangular summit, Smentaui Smn-t3wj (signs approximate), in adoration before
standing Osiris, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Stela with triangular summit containing cartouche of Usermaetre-setepenre (Ramesses II), Huy H. jj, Scribe,
in adoration before Osiris, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Round-topped stela, Osiris seated, and below, Mentuhotep
Mntw-h. tp, wab priest of Montu lord of
Hermonthis, and wife (name not recorded), late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Round-topped stela, Nefuenpayef Nfw-n-p3jj.f, Custodian(?), wife Nebtia Nbtjj3 and probably daughter
Nefertere Nfrt-jrjj before Osiris, Isis and Nephthys, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Stela with two jackals in triangular summit, Piay Pjjj3jj, Chariot warrior of the Lord of the Two Lands, Yipu
Jjpw, Standard bearer, Djehutmosi Dh. wtj-ms , wab priest of Ptah, before Osiris, and below, man and two
women before Piay and wife Rennut(et) Rnnwt(t)seated, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 626.
Round-topped stela, Piay Pjjj3jj, Servant (sdm) of the Lord of the Two Lands, censing and libating before
Osiris, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Lower part of stela, I, legs of man and woman before seated Osiris, II, priest before seated Huy H. jj, Royal
scribe of the altar of the Lord of the Two Lands, and wife, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Round-topped stela with triangular summit, two registers, I, Parennufer, Head of the Great House, with
trumpet or cudgel under left arm, in adoration before seated Osiris, II, on left, seated couple, and on right,
seated mother (presumably of Parennufer) Nefer(t)ere and a son(?), with table with offerings between them,
Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, storeroom D East, 528.
Atallah, M. in Goyon, J.-C. and Cardin, C. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists
(Grenoble, 6-12 septembre 2004), i (2007), 97-108 Taf. i Abb. i.
Upper part of round-topped stela, now lost figure of Ahmosi Jah. -ms [Si]pa[ir] [S3-]p3-[jr], Kings
son, and seated Amenophis I (upper part only), temp. Amenophis I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34036 (JE 36163).
Vandersleyen, C. in SAK 10 (1983), 311 n. 2 [3] Taf. xvii [a]. See Lacau, Stles 70 (text).
Fragment of round-topped stela, [probably Djehut... Dh. wtj-..., Kings son] before Ptah (head only),
probably mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34041.
See Lacau, Stles 75 (text).
Round-topped stela, three registers, I, Ahmosi Nefertere Jah. -ms Nfrt-jrjj, Gods wife of Amun
(mother of Amenophis I), seated, facing seated Osiris and Hathor mistress of the western desert,
II, three men (texts effaced but one is his son Amenkhons Jmn-hnsw, Carrier of the papyrus-roll)
before seated Anubis, III, three squatting sons and two daughters, mid- to late Dyn. XVIII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34081.
Lacau, Stles 129-31 (text) pl. xli. Names and titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 48.
Round-topped stela, Onuris lord of This and Mehyt seated, and below, Hesesu H. s-sw, wab priest
of Onuris, and a woman bringing offerings, with names of mother Teti-iry Ttj-jrjj and wife Mesyes
Mssjjs, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34145.
Lacau, Stles 193-4 (text) pl. lix.
Round-topped stela, Kay K. 3jj, Servant of Amun, and wife Mutnefert Mwt-nfrt at table with
offerings, text mentioning the altar of Amun and Mut mistress of Asher above, and offering text
below, sandstone, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34149.
Lacau, Stles 196-7 (text) pl. lx.
Stela, Ramesses II offering to Amun-Re, and below, Nedjem Ndm, Steward, etc., son of
Amenemopet Jmn-m-jpt , Royal scribe, kneeling, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 34508.
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Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 201 [5]. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 2097.
Round-topped stela, woman (no name) before goddess Kadesh on lion, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 26049.
Mller, W. M. Egyptological Researches i (1906), 32 pl. 41 [upper left]; Gressmann, H. Altorientalische
Bilder zum Alten Testament (1927), 82 Taf. cxv [271] (as Late Period); Leibovitch, J. Ancient Egypt
(1938), 210 [4659] fig. 138 [left]; Pritchard, J. B. The Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old
Testament (1969), 304 fig. 472; Baud, M. Le Caractre du dessin en gypte ancienne (1978), 78 pl. 79
ajj in adoration before Thoth as baboon, unfinished, probably New Kingdom, in
Stela, Khay H
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26051.
Round-topped stela, Para... P3-ra-..., Royal butler clean of hands, in adoration before bull of
Amun-Re, with two women and two men below, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
29222 (Temp. No.
See Bull. Inst. g. iii Sr. 2 (1891), 327.
Round-topped stela, woman Shedsiesi d-s-3st, Songstress of Osiris, before serpent-headed Werthekau, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 33925.
Round-topped stela, Amun and Mut facing Khons, and below, man kneeling in adoration, with
text mentioning Parennufer P3-rn-nfr, Carrier ... of the gods offerings of Amun, son of Kauef
K3w.f, granite, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 46783.

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela, barque on stand, and below, Inia Jnjjj3, Scribe of the army, and another man, in adoration,
followed by a woman, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 68686.
Round-topped stela, Amenemopet Jmn-m-jpt, Servant (sdm), holding brazier and offering libation
to Reshef, probably late Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 70222 (Temp. No.
Leibovitch, J. in ASAE xxxix (1939), 148-54 [iii] pl. xvi. Reshef, Schulman, A.
R. in Bull. Egyptol. Seminar 6 (1984), 93 fig. 12 (after Leibovitch).
Round-topped stela, Usersetekhi Wsr-sthj, Stone-worker, in adoration before the god Keserti, and
below, wife Bay B3jj kneeling, followed by four children, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 87230.
Leibovitch, J. in ASAE xlviii (1948), 435-41 pls. i, ii.
Round-topped stela surmounted by head and two small hands on cheeks, with scenes of Osiris
seated, and below, man (name lost) kneeling in adoration, sandstone, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn.
XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 87231.
Drioton, . in Studi in memoria di Ippolito Rosellini nel primo centenario della morte i (1949), 255-9 pl.
xix [1, 2]; Fischer, H. G. Lcriture et lart de lgypte ancienne (1986), 137 pl. 34.
Free-standing stela inscribed on all four round-topped faces, Tia Tj3, Overseer of the treasury of
the Ramesseum in the domain of Amun, etc. (Saqqra tb., Bibl. iii2, 654-5), in adoration before
standing (a) Re-Harakhti, (b) Atum, (c) Osiris lord of Ra-setau, and (d) Sokari lord of Ra-setau,
with text below each, and name and title of Tia and cartouche of Ramesses II on top surface,
temp. Ramesses II, formerly in A. Eid colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89624.
(Probably from Kafr el-Gebel.)
Zayed, A. el-Hamid in Rev. dg. 16 (1964), 193-201 pls. 7, 8 fig. 1 (as probably from Memphis
or Heliopolis); Wildung, D. and Grimm, G. Gtter - Pharaonen (Ausstellung, Essen, Villa Hgel,
2. Juni - 17. September 1978), No. 54 fig. (face (d) and partly (b)); Martin, G. T. The Tomb of Tia
and Tia (1997), 46-7 [331] pls. 95, 96-7. Faces (a) and (d), Myliwiec, K. in SAK 6 (1978), 1535 Taf. xl (as probably from Memphis). Face (b), id. Studien zum Gott Atum ii (1979), 249 [9] Taf.
vii (as probably from Memphis). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 366-7 [169]. See Habachi, L.
in Rev. dg. 21 (1969), 44-5 [6]; Zivie, C. M. Giza au deuxime millnaire (1976), 207-8 [NE 61]
(as probably from Gza).

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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stela, Min, Nekhbet, and Hathor(?), and below, Neferhotep Nfr-h. tp , Amenemopet Jmn-(m-){n}jpt
(last sign approximate), and two others, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Round-topped stela, Huy H. jj, Cultivator of Amun, son of Teti Ttj, Cultivator of Amun, kneeling
in adoration, with sun hymn, 2nd half of Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Round-topped stela, cartouche of Ramesses II, and Hathor sistrum and double scene below, Hori
H. rwj, First prophet of Osiris, in adoration, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Name and title, Legrain, G. in Rec. Trav. xxxi (1909), 214 [16]; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 462 [5]
(from Legrain); Lieblein, Dict. No. 2099.
Upper part of round-topped stela, Tuthmosis III seated at table with offerings, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Upper part of round-topped stela, Iu(uen)amun Jw(.w-n)-jmn, Scribe of the temple, in adoration
before seated Amun-Re and standing Mut and Khons, quartzite, probably Dyn. XIX-XX, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Fragment of top of round-topped stela, with names and titles of [Amen]mosi Jmn-ms , Governor
of the town, Vizier, etc., and of a Foreman, from a lost scene showing them before a deity,
sandstone, temp. Amenmesse, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (Probably from
Deir el-Medna.)
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Habachi, L. in MDAIK 34 (1978), 58 [c] Taf. 10 [a]; Gaballa, G. A. in Ruffle, J. et al. (eds.),
Glimpses of Ancient Egypt. Studies in Honour of H. W. Fairman (1979), 49 [iii] pl. iii. Text, Kitchen,
Ram. Inscr. iv, 205 [16, 3].
Round-topped stela, Ramesses II offering two bowls of wine to Osiris lord of Ra-setau - Sokari
lord of Shetyt, Isis and Harendotes, with May Mjj, Overseer of works on the great wall of
Ramessu-meryamun ( = Ramesses II) in the temple of Re, Overseer of works in the temple of
millions of years of Ramessu-meryamun ( = Ramesses II) in the temple of Re, Overseer of works
on the monuments of the king in the temple of Ptah, etc., son of Bekenamun B3k-n-jmn of
Thebes, Overseer of works, and of woman Taamentetne(t)waset T3-jmntt-n(t)-w3st, in adoration,
with Mays name and titles in vertical columns before him, and his wife Taka(t)anti T3-k. 3(t)-antj,
Songstress of Pre, with sistrum on left-hand edge of stela, black granite, temp. Ramesses II, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Gaballa, G. A. in BIFAO 71 (1972), 129-33 pls. xxiii-xxv figs. 1-3; Griffith Inst. photos. 3001AC. Text, Zivie, C. M. Giza au deuxime millnaire (1976), 214-16 [NE 66] (as probably from Gza
or neighbouring area); Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 280-1 [3]. See Zivie-Coche, C. M. Giza au
premier millnaire. Autour du temple dIsis dame des pyramides (1991), 24 [D].
Round-topped stela, much damaged, two registers, I, goose of Amun-Re before table with
offerings, II, three columns of text and Re Ra (or Ra... Ra...), ... of the army, kneeling holding
censer in adoration, early Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, number not known.
Bruyre, B. Rapport sur les fouilles de Deir el Mdineh (1926) (1927), 67 fig. 53; Eissa, A. in GM 144
(1995), 34 Taf. i on 40 Abb. 4.

Round-topped stela, Amenwah Jmn-w3h. , sem priest, ... of the house of eternity in the Mansion
of the King (Mednet Habu), in adoration before Re-Harakhti, Dyn. XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, unnumbered.
Mostafa, M. M. in SAK 19 (1992), 246 [10] Taf. 16.
Round-topped boundary stela, cartouches of Tuthmosis IV beloved of Amun-Re lord of the
Thrones of the Two Lands, and text concerning southern boundary of the endowment for ka
3wt, Head of craftsmen of Amun,
servant of the statue of Tuthmosis IV, given to Khaut
sandstone, temp. Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 34021. (Bought in Luxor.)
Mariette, A. Monuments divers recueillis en gypte et en Nubie (1872-89), 14 pl. 47 [A]; Maspero, G.
Histoire ancienne des peuples de lOrient classique i. Les origines (1895), 329 n. 16 fig.; Lacau, Stles 41-2
(text) pl. xii. Text, Helck, Urk. iv, 1611 [532], bersetz. 176. Royal names, Legrain, Rpertoire
No. 219. See Maspero, Guide 136 [460]; Meeks, D. in Lipi ski, E. (ed.), State and Temple
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Economy in the Ancient Near East ii (1979), 662 [18.8.0b].

Stela with ears in relief on four rectangular sides, of Hat H. 3t, Sailor of the ships company, Dyn.
XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27529 (Temp. No.
See Bull. Inst. g. ii Sr. 8 (1887), p. iii.
Round-topped stela, Amenemonet Jmn-m-jnt, Excellent spirit of Re, wab priest of Djesert-amun,
a-(m-)nwn, Excellent spirit of Re, wab priest of Djesert-amun, before
seated, with Kha(em)nun H
him, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25452 (Temp. No.
Demare, R. J. The 3h ik. r n Ra-Stelae. On Ancestor Worship in Ancient Egypt (1983), 15-17 [A 2]
pls. ii, xiv (as from Abydos).
Round-topped stela, Werhet Wr-h. 3t, First prophet of Amun, son of Menekh(?) Mnh(?)(?), pouring
libation over offerings on table in front of standing Osiris, probably 3rd Int. Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 22203 (JE 37576). (From Luxor.)
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 197-8 (text); ii, pl. lxx.
Stela of Nekht-harkhebi Nht-h. rw-(m-)3h-bjtj, son of Paentefankhi P3-ntj-jw.f-anhj and of woman
Mertneit Mrt-nt, with Osiris flanked by Isis and Nephthys, probably Dyn. XXII-XXIV, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 26056. (Bought at S. el-H. agar.)
Names and part of text, Lieblein, Dict. No. 2415. See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen
(1973), 344 (as probably from the Delta).
Round-topped stela, woman Nehenesi Nh. -n-3st , daughter(?) of Esmin Ns-mnw , Beloved of the
god, Vizier, in adoration before seated Re-Harakhti, painted wood, 3rd Int. Period, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, number not known.
Daumas, F. in Leclant, J. (ed.), Lgypte du crpuscule (1980), fig. 103.
Round-topped donation stela, a king offering to Neith followed by a dwarf, mentioning a
donation of probably 10 arurae of land made by Iwarhana Jjwrhn, ... of the chamber of dwarfs of
Neith, year 6+x, probably Dyn. XXII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 28731. (Bought in Lower
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Spiegelberg, W. in ZS 56 (1920), 59-60 [v] Taf. vi [right]; Dasen, V. Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and
Greece (1993), 51 pl. 3 [1] (from Spiegelberg). Text, Daressy, G. in ASAE x (1910), 179 n. 1.
Name, id. in Rec. Trav. xviii (1896), 51 n. 3. See Meeks, D. in Lipiski, E. (ed.), State and
Temple Economy in the Ancient Near East ii (1979), 674 [26.0.6] (as probably Dyn. XXVI and from
S. el-H. agar).
Round-topped donation stela, Ankhpekhrod anh-p3-hrd , Prophet, mek, before Hathor mistress
of Imau (Km el-H. is. n) and Horus, and eight lines of cursive text, year 32 of Sesonchis III, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Spiegelberg, W. in Rec. Trav. xxv (1903), 196-7 [ii] pl. [right lower]. tSee Yoyotte, J. in BIFAO
lviii (1959), 99 [Doc. 5]; Meeks, D. in Lipiski, E. (ed.), State and Temple Economy in the Ancient
Near East ii (1979), 669 [22.8.32].
Round-topped stela in six fragments, double scene, Taharqa (names erased throughout) offering
to Amun-Re foremost of the temples and Mut foremost of the temples, and twenty-four lines
of text concerning restoration and endowment of temple of Amun-Re at Memphis, temp.
Taharqa, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36861. (Almost certainly from Memphis.)
Meeks, D. in Hommages la mmoire de Serge Sauneron 1927-1976 , i (1979), 221-59 pl. xxxviii.
Locality Ikhenu Jhnw , Yoyotte, J. in Revue dAssyriologie et dArchologie Orientale xlvi (1952), 213.
See Leclant, J. in Mlanges Mariette (1961), 280 n. 8.
Upper part of round-topped stela, Psammetikhos II offering incense to Isis, temp. Psammetikhos
II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43294.
Round-topped stela of Sabacon, with four lines of text, temp. Sabacon, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
Round-topped stela, Nektanebos I (but cartouches blank) offering bread to Amun-Re lord of the
Thrones of the Two Lands, with goddess Wast goddess (rpjt) of Thebes, holding a bow, and
below, three lines of text of Nektanebos I concerning construction of an (enclosure) wall, probably
at Karnak, temp. Nektanebos I, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
(Bought in Luxor.)
Habachi, L. in Kmi xx (1970), 230-2 pl. xxi [a] fig. 1 (as Temp. No.
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Round-topped stela, woman Irterau Jrt-jr.w, daughter of Rer Rr, Kings son, h. pt-wd3t priest, etc.,
and of woman Djemut Dd-mwt, Sistrum player of Khentamenti, in adoration before standing
Osiris, Horus and Isis, and four lines of text below, probably early Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 22036.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 34-5 (text); ii, pl. xii. See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen
Totenstelen (1973), 293 (as probably from Abydos).
Gable-topped stela, Re-Harakhti, Atum, Isis and Nephthys in barque, adored by (P)abasa(P)w-bs,
son of Pedeamun-ankh P3-dj-jmn-anh, and a baboon, with three lines of text below, black granite,
probably Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22042.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 39 (text); ii, pl. xiii. Name (P)abasa, De Meulenaere, H.
in Rev. dg. 11 (1957), 78. See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), n. on 78 (as
probably from Aswn).
Stela, top part lost, Pedusiri P3-dj-wsjr, Head of weavers of the temple of Osiris, son of Hor H. rw,
Head of weavers of the temple of Osiris, and of woman Tadesi(em)khebi T3-dj(t)-3st-(m-)3h-bjt,
before standing Osiris, and four lines of text below, 2nd half of Dyn. XXVI or early Dyn. XXVII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22163.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 147-8 (text); ii, pl. l. See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen
Totenstelen (1973), 289 (as probably from Abydos); De Meulenaere, H. in OLP 6/7 (1975-6), 149
Round-topped stela of Pedeioh P3-dj-jah. , son of Pedeneit P3-dj-nt, with Re-Harakhti, Atum, Isis
and Nephthys in barque, and four lines of text below, sandstone, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXVII,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22211 (JE 37584).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 203-4 (text); ii, pl. lxxiv. See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen
Totenstelen (1973), n. on 78 (as probably from Aswn).
Upper part of stela, Pefheri P3.f-h. rj before seated Osiris and Isis, 1st half of Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 37541.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 331 (as probably from Memphis).
Round-topped stela, Pedepare P3-dj-p3-ra , (Keeper) of the storehouse of Ptah under his moringa
tree, son of Ankh-hor anh-h. rw , and four sons and daughter bringing jars with incense(?) to Osiris
spirit (3h) of his moringa tree, with Isis and Pedepares wife and daughter behind Osiris, and four
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lines of offering text invoking Osiris spirit (3h) of his moringa tree below, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 65444.
Hamada, H. in ASAE xxxix (1939), 273-6 pl. xxxix. See Rowe, A. in ASAE xxxviii (1938), 188
n. 6 (as probably Dyn. XXII); Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 330 (as probably
from Memphis).
Round-topped stela, Harsiesi H. rw-s3-3st in adoration before seated Osiris followed by Isis, and two
lines of text mentioning Ptah-Sokari-Osiris below, late Dyn. XXVI or early Dyn. XXVII, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 332 Taf. 58 [198] (as probably from Memphis).
Round-topped stela, (Pa)iu(en)hor (P3-)jw-(n-)h. rw, Gods father, Libation priest (k. bh. ), father
Eswert-hekau Ns-wrt-h. k3w, jmj-js priest, h. skw priest, and mother before Re-Harakhti, early Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 2494. See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973),
277 (as probably from Abydos).
Round-topped stela, Mer(yt)amun Mr(jjt)-jmn , Kings daughter, his beloved, followed by Anubis,
before seated hawk-headed Re, and five remaining lines of offering text below, Dyn. XXV, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Leahy, A. in Eyre, C. et al. (eds.), The Unbroken Reed. Studies ... in Honour of A. F. Shore (1994),
171-5 pl. xxiii fig. 1. Mer(yt)amun and Anubis, Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973),
260 Taf. 27 [99] (as probably from Abydos).
Round-topped stela, man (name effaced), ... of the temple of Ptah, before seated Osiris and Isis,
with six lines of text below, end of Dyn. XXVI or beginning of Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, Temp. No.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 334 (as probably from Memphis).
Stela with much effaced decoration, a man before Re-Harakhti, late Dyn. XXV or early Dyn.
XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 264 (as probably from Abydos).
Round-topped stela with similar scene on both sides, Mentuhotep Mntw-h. tp , Chief Justice and
Vizier, Prophet of Bubastis mistress of Bubastis, etc. (much effaced on both sides), and wife
Amenardais Jmn-jr-dj.s (probably II, daughter of Taharqa), seated with table between them, and
remains of text below (completely lost on one side), quartzite, probably temp. Taharqa, in Cairo,
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Egyptian Museum.
Habachi, L. in Endesfelder, E. et al. (eds.), gypten und Kusch (1977), 165-70 pls. 2-7 (repr.
Habachi, L. Sixteen Studies on Lower Nubia in ASAE Suppl. 23 (1981), 248-57 figs. 75-7).
Round-topped stela, woman Namenkhamun N3-mnh-jmn, daughter of Djementefankh Dd-mntwjw.f-anh, Prophet of Montu lord of Thebes, before Sokari, Isis, Nephthys and Duamutf, wood, end
of Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4887.
Names and title, Lieblein, Dict. No. 2302. See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973),
192 [A 9908] (as probably from Thebes).
Round-topped stela, woman Tashenesi T3-rjt-n(t)-3st, Private songstress of Amun, before ReHarakhti and Atum, wood, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4888.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 199-200 [A 9404] (as probably from Thebes).
Round-topped stela, Irterau Jrt-jr.w, Gods father of Amun, son of Ankhef(en)khons anh.f-(n-)hnsw,
Prophet of Montu lord of Thebes, and of woman Eskhons Ns-hnsw, in adoration before Osiris,
Isis, and four Sons of Horus, with seven lines of text below, painted wood, end of Dyn. XXVI,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 212 [A 9444] Taf. 8 [30] (as Temp. No. and probably from Thebes). Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1107.
Round-topped stela, Djementefankh Dd-mntw-jw.f-anh, Gods father of Amun, sm3-priest of
Kamutef, etc., son of Hor H. rw, led by Thoth to Re-Harakhti (or Sokari) and Isis, with three lines
of text below, wood, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 216 [A 9931] (as probably from Thebes).
Round-topped stela, Pashenmin P3-rj-n-mnw, Gods father of Amun, son of Paharoro P3-h3-rr,
Gods father of Amun, and of woman Esipert 3st-prt, before Osiris and four Sons of Horus, with
six lines of text below, wood, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 2449. See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973),
212 [A 9904] (as probably from Thebes).

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Round-topped stela, Pa(ba)sa P3-(b)s , ... of the temple of Amun, son of Hor H. rw, wab priest of
Amun, and of woman Djeamuniu Dd-jmn-jw, before Osiris, Isis and Imset, with three lines of text
below, wood, early Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 213 [A 9909] (as probably from Thebes).
Rectangular votive stela (plaque) in the form of niche, Tutu(?) great of strength, son of Neith as
sphinx, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22224 (JE 37601).
Mallon, A. in Rev. Arch. 4 Sr. v (1905), 174-5 fig. 6. See Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines
i, 211 (text).
Round-topped votive stela, goddess Kadesh on lion between Reshef and a woman (originally
perhaps Min), no text, perhaps New Kingdom re-carved in the Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, JE 26048.
Mller, W. M. Egyptological Researches i (1906), 32-3 pl. 41 [upper right] (as before 1000 BC);
Gressmann, H. Altorientalische Bilder zum Alten Testament (1927), 82 Taf. cxv [272] (as New
Kingdom); Leibovitch, J. Ancient Egypt (1938), 210 [4659] fig. 138 [right]; Pritchard, J. B. The
Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament (1969), 304 fig. 470 (as New Kingdom
and Seth); Baud, M. Le Caractre du dessin en gypte ancienne (1978), 78 pl. 79 [b]. See Guide
(1914), 467 [4659]; (1915), 482 [4659].
Round-topped stela, probably votive, of Pasenenkhons P3-sn-n-hnsw, Scribe of the horse of Upper
and Lower Egypt of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Wehebre, son of Re, Psammetikhos
(I), etc., son of Ankhsemtu anh-sm3-t3wj, Servant of the white crown, etc., son of
Pefteu(em)auibaste P3.f-t3w-(m-)a(wj-)b3stt, Prophet of Amun, Governor of the Town, Vizier,
with Pasenenkhonss grandfather, father, Pasenenkhons and his mother Neitikert Nt-jk. rt before
Osiris of Heliopolis at top, eight columns of offering text mentioning Osiris-Mnevis of Heliopolis
below, and small female figure at bottom left, temp. Psammetikhos I, formerly in Geneva, Phoenix
Ancient Art S.A., and in New York, Frederick Schultz Ancient Art, now in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum. (Probably from Heliopolis.)
Revue du Louvre xlviii [4] (1998), fig. on 8; Patan, M. in GM 166 (1998), 57-8 [A], 59 figs. on
60 [A], 61.
Donation stela for Apis bull, year 3 of Psammetikhos II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 36863
(also Temp. No.
See Meeks, D. in Lipiski, E. (ed.), State and Temple Economy in the Ancient Near East ii (1979), 677
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Round-topped donation stela, Amasis offering two jars to Ptah foremost of Tjenent in kiosk, with
Isis in Tjenent behind the god, and three lines of text concerning presentation of brewery, temp.
Amasis, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Leahy, A. in Clarysse, W. et al. (eds.), Egyptian Religion. The Last Thousand Years (Studies ...
Quaegebeur), i (1998), 377-87 pl. 1 fig. 1 (as probably from Memphis).
Donation stela, Nektanebos II offeringto crocodile-headed Sobek-Shedty-Horus in
Crocodilopolis-Arsino (Mednet el-Faiym), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Donation stela, a king before a god and a goddess, and text concerning donation of lamps to
Harpocrates, year 6 of a king of probably Dyn. XXV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Jansen-Winkeln, K. Inschriften der Sptzeit iii (2009), 391 [52.89] (as from Lower Egypt).
See Meeks, D. in Lipiski, E. (ed.), State and Temple Economy in the Ancient Near East ii (1979),
672 [25.00.6].
Round-topped stela, a King Ptolemy in adoration before a hawk (Horus) on pedestal, Ptolemaic,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22164.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 148 (text); ii, pl. l.
Round-topped stela, no text, a king offering image of Maet to three deities, probably lion-headed
Sekhmet, Isis and Hathor, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22165.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 148; ii, pl. l.
Round-topped stela, a Ptolemy beloved of Osiris-Onnophris (in cartouche), in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 22176 (JE 29249). (From Upper Egypt.)
See Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 155 (text) (as Ptolemy V Epiphanes).
Round-topped stela, Ptolemy VI Philometor and Cleopatra II before twelve deities, and forty-one
lines of priestly decree of probably year 20, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22184 (JE 37592).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 177-81 (text); ii, pl. lviii (as Ptolemy V Epiphanes). See
Lanciers, E. in GM 95 (1987), 53-61.
Round-topped stela, Ptolemy V Epiphanes and Cleopatra I before Amun-Re, Mut, Khons, deified
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Ptolemy IV Philopator and Arsino III, and thirty-five lines of priestly decree of year 23, broken
in two parts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Daressy, G. in Rec. Trav. xxxiii (1911), 2-8. See Daumas, F. Les Moyens dexpression du Grec
et de lgyptien [etc.] in ASAE Suppl. 16 (1952), 260-1.
Lower part of stela, Ptolemy III Euergetes I, followed by probably his wife Berenice II, offering
to Montu-Re lord of Thebes ... in Madet (Madmd) and probably Rat-taui (heads of both lost),
with three lines of text below concerning the construction of brick (enclosure) wall, probably at
Madmd, sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (Probably from
Madmd or Karnak.)
Saleh, M. in MDAIK 37 (1981), 417-19 Taf. 62 fig. 1.
Round-topped stela decorated on both sides, recto, Tashenhathor T3-rjt-(nt-)h. t-h. rw , daughter of
Ruru Rr, Prophet of Thoth, and of woman Tabir(t) T3-br(t), in adoration before seated Osiris,
with Isis, Nephthys and Horus standing behind him, and four lines of text below, verso, woman
offering to Osiris and two other deities in barque, and three lines of effaced text in ink, sandstone,
mid- to late Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22014.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 14-15 (text); ii, pl. vi (recto). See Munro, P. Die
sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 79 (as probably from Aswn).
Round-topped stela, Tesusiri Ts-wsjr in adoration before Osiris, Isis and Nephthys, and two lines
of text below, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22033.
See Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 32 (text).
Round-topped stela, Pateb P3-tb, son of Hor H. rw and of woman Sherit rjt, in adoration before
standing Osiris, Anubis, Isis and Nephthys, with 5 lines of offering text invoking various deities
in Panopolis (Ipu), Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22035.
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 34 (text) pl. x. See Munro, P. Die
sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 141, 144 (as probably from Akhmm).
Stela with painted decoration, Harwodj H. rw-wd3 before Osiris, Isis and Nephthys, probably early
Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
See Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 138 note, 320 (as probably from Akhmm).
Round-topped stela, Ramosi(?) Ra-ms(?) (?), Servant (h. m) of Horus who satisfies, Prophet of
Horus the Behdetite, etc., in adoration before Osiris and Horus, and four lines of offering text
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below, early Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.

Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973), 250-1 Taf. 23 [83] (as probably from Edfu).
Round-topped stela, woman Nehemserattaui Nh. m-sj-rat-t3wj , Sistrum player of Amun-Re,
daughter of Ankhpekhrod anh-p3-hrd , Gods father, h. pt-wd3t priest, and of woman Esiwert 3st-wrt
, Sistrum player of Amun-Re, led by Anubis to seated Osiris followed by Isis, Nephthys,
Harendotes, Hathor and Wepwaut, and fourteen lines of decree of King Onnophris addressed
to gods of the realm of the dead, etc., painted wood, mid- to late Ptolemaic, formerly in A. Raif
colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 88877.
Zayed, A. el H. in ASAE lvi (1959), 87-8 [C], 90-104 [C] pl. i. See Lenormant, F. Description
des antiquits ... collection ... Raif (1867), No. 14; Munro, P. Die sptgyptischen Totenstelen (1973),
243 (as probably from Thebes).
Stela fragment with head of composite sphinx, no doubt Tutu, surrounded by small animal heads,
Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 27576.
See Edgar, C. C. Greek Sculpture. Cat. Caire (1903), 60-1; Kaper, O. E. The Egyptian God Tutu
(2003), 356-7 [S-60].
Incomplete and unfinished stela, front part of composite sphinx, no doubt Tutu, Ptolemaic or
Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33427.
Edgar, C. C. Sculptors Studies and Unfinished Works. Cat. Caire (1906), 62 pl. xxix; Kaper, O. E.
The Egyptian God Tutu (2003), 355-6 [S-58] fig.
Round-topped donation stela, a Ptolemy (unorthodox cartouche) offering to Osiris-Pamai
(Osiris-The Lion) as lion on pedestal, perhaps Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 22177
(JE 26923).
Kamal, Stles ptolmaques et romaines i, 156 (text); ii, pl. li; El-Weshahy, M. in Eldamaty, M., Trad,
M. (eds.), Egyptian Museum Collections ii (2002), 1225-8 pl. i [fig. 1] on 1233 (as probably Ptolemy
III Euergetes I and from Tell el-Muqdm).
Round-topped stela with right bottom part missing, Tiberius before ithyphallic Min and Amun,
and remains of three lines of demotic text below, sandstone, temp. Tiberius, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 31100.
Spiegelberg, W. Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inschriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 33-4
Taf. vi.
Round-topped stela, Emperor Claudius offering to Harpocrates twice great, the first of Amun,
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and Isis (not named), with two lines of hieroglyphic texts below, and another two lines of demotic
mentioning Parthenios Prthnjs, son of Pamin P3-mnw, year 9 of Claudius (in the demotic text),
sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52970. (Bought in Qs. , probably from Qift. .)
Farid, A. in MDAIK 44 (1988), 23-7 [6] Taf. 6 Abb. 6 (as from Qift. ).
Rectangular stela, woman Tashenpawer T3-rjt-(nt-)p(3)-wr, wearing uraeus on forehead and
holding lotus bouquet, in front of table, sandstone, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 22232 (JE 37607).
Rowe, A. in ASAE xl (1940), 21 [A. vii] pl. vi (as Nubian and drowned). See Kamal, Stles
ptolmaques et romaines i, 214 (text) (as goddess).
Lower part of stela with figures in very high relief, man in a Hellenistic style wearing chiton and
himation, flanked by two Sons of Horus (or two figures of Ptah) with hieroglyphic texts in front
of them, and demotic and Greek texts on base, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Edgar, C. C. Greek Sculpture. Cat. Caire (1903), 39-40 (Greek text only) pl. xxiv. See Pfuhl, E.
in Mitteilungen des kaiserlich deutschen archaeologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung xxvi (1901), 299300.
Roughly rectangular votive stela (plaque) with a composite sphinx, no doubt Tutu, in very high
relief, no text, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 27574.
Edgar, C. C. Greek Sculpture. Cat. Caire (1903), 59 pl. xxviii; Mallon, A. in Rev. Arch. 4 Sr. v
(1905), 172 fig. 2; Hassan, S. The Sphinx. Its History in the Light of Recent Excavations (1949), 112
fig. 27; id. The Great Sphinx and its Secrets ( = Excavations at Gza viii) (1953), 200 fig. 143.
Rectangular votive stela (plaque), composite sphinx, no doubt Tutu, no text, Roman Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27119 (Temp. No.
Mallon, A. in Rev. Arch. 4 Sr. v (1905), 172 fig. 3. See Guraud, O. in ASAE xxxv (1935), 7.
Roughly rectangular votive stela (plaque) with a composite sphinx, no doubt Tutu, in high relief,
no text, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64938.
Guraud, O. in ASAE xxxv (1935), 9-10, 12, 21 pl. i [2]; Hassan, S. The Great Sphinx and its
Secrets ( = Excavations at Gza viii) (1953), 201 pl. lx [B].
Rectangular votive stela (plaque), left end lost, with Bes brandishing knife and a composite sphinx,
no doubt Tutu, in high relief, no text, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64939.
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Guraud, O. in ASAE xxxv (1935), 10, 21-2 pl. ii [2]; Hassan, S. The Great Sphinx and its Secrets
( = Excavations at Gza viii) (1953), 200-1 fig. 144.
Rectangular votive stela (plaque) in the form of shrine with cornice, a composite sphinx, no doubt
Tutu, in high relief, no text, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 64940.
Guraud, O. in ASAE xxxv (1935), 8-9 pl. ii [1]; Hassan, S. The Great Sphinx and its Secrets ( =
Excavations at Gza viii) (1953), 201 pl. lx [A].
Rectangular votive stela (plaque), composite sphinx, no doubt Tutu, no text, Roman Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (From Upper Egypt.)
Mallon, A. in Rev. Arch. 4 Sr. v (1905), 174 fig. 5. See Guraud, O. in ASAE xxxv (1935), 8.
Rectangular votive stela (plaque) in the form of naos, sphinx, no doubt Tutu, no text, Roman
Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Mallon, A. in Rev. Arch. 4 Sr. v (1905), 175 fig. 7. See Guraud, O. in ASAE xxxv (1935), 8.

Volume viii Part 5


Drum from tomb of Setju Stw , Inspector of manicurists, Overseer of barbers, with
deceased at table, probably from a doorway rather than false door, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1495.
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 200 (text) Bl. 43.
Lintel and jambs from tomb of Ty Tjj , Overseer of tenants of the Great House,
Tenant of
, Female
the pyramid of Meryre (Pepy I), etc., and wife Ankhnespepy anh-n.s-ppjj
tenant of the pyramid of Meryre (Pepy I), Prophetess of Hathor, etc., temp. Pepy I or later, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1522.
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 222-3 (text) Bl. 46 (one jamb). Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No.
1396 (as stela).
, Inspector of craftsmen of the wabt, dedicated by
Lintel from tomb of Khemtnu H

son Nufer Nfr , Inspector of craftsmen, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1526.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 226 (text).
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, Rower
Drum from tomb of Niankh-khnum-nemeh[u] Nj-anh-hnmw-nmh. [w]
of the Great Barque, Keeper of the gang-plank, Overseer of the store-room of the sun-temple of
Userkaf, Dyn.V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1714.
Grdseloff, B. in ASAE xlii (1943), 121-5 [ii] fig. 23 (as CG 1717); Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 152
(text) Bl. 91.

Drum from tomb of Sheb... b... , Master of the largesse(?), Overseer of the Kings
sustenance, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1738.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 164 (text).
, Tenant, Kings wab priest, temp.
Drum from tomb of Imauserkaf Jm3-wsr-k3.f
Userkaf or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1750.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 174 (text).

, mitrt,
Drum from tomb of Iynefert Jj-nfrt
, Inspector of acolytes, and wife Tjentet Tntt
Dyn. IV-V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1751. (From the same tomb as Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1752, 803-011-070.)
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 174 (text).
Jamb-fragment from tomb of Ibi Jbj , Tenant, with deceased standing, probably Dyn. VI, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1493.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 199 (text).
Jamb with three columns of biographical text, from a tomb, Dyn. VI, formerly in A. Bircher
colln., now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55936.

Three fragments of autobiographical text mentioning King Teti and Rawer Ra-wr ,
Companion, from a tomb, temp. Teti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1433 (JE 11256).
Borchardt, Denkmler i, 114 (text) Bl. 28. Text, Sethe, Urk. i, 86-7 [7].
Offering list, from a tomb, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1503.
See Borchardt, Denkmler i, 207 (text).
804-010-504 and 804-010-505

Two corner pieces from tomb of Abdu 3bdw , Overseer of the seat of tenants of the Great
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House, etc., with name and titles on one side, and five registers of offering bearers on the other,
Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1548-9. (See also 804-010-512.)
Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 7-8 (texts) Bl. 56-7.
Tomb relief, four registers, I, necklaces, II, vases on stand, III, man lassoing bull, IV, upper parts
of three offering bearers, Dyn. VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1559.
Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 21-2 (text) Bl. 62 (caption interchanged with CG 1558). Text of
lassoing from III, ern Notebook 118, p. 94.
Tomb relief, part of head of a Chief Justice and Vizier, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 116 (text).
Tomb relief, upper part of Nikaudjad Nj-k3w-dd
, Scribe of the royal writing-case, Scribe
of petitions, etc., Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1678.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 131 (text).

Tomb relief, name and titles and upper part of Abdu 3bdw , Overseer of the seat of tenants

of the Great House, etc., and the name of small son Abd[u] 3bd[w] (lost), Dyn. V, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1685. (See also 804-010-504 and 804-010-505.)
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 134 (text).
Block (or lintel?) with offering text of Shema m3 , Inspector of prophets of the pyramid
of Merenre I, Count, from a tomb, temp. Merenre I or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 135 (text).
Probably tomb relief, butcher with ox, man bringing foreleg of ox, and remains of another,
probably Dyn. IV-V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1692.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 138 (sketch).
Offering list, from a tomb, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1693.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 138 (text).
Tomb relief, two registers and top of a third, men bringing gazelles and oryxes, Dyn. V-VI, in
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1698.

Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 142 (texts) Bl. 90. Texts, ern Notebook 118, p.95.
Fragment of offering list, from a tomb, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1710.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 149 (text).
Fragment of offering list, from a tomb, Dyn. V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1713.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 151 (text).
Tomb relief, offering bearer Kaem...(?) K3-m...(?) (?), Inspector of ka-servants of the
pyramid of Merenre I, and remains of another, temp. Merenre I or later, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 1717.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 153 (text).
Block with titles of a Prophet of Re in the sun-temple of Neferirkare, wab priest of ... of the
pyramid of Neferirkare, etc., name lost, from a tomb, temp. Neferirkare or later, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, CG 1719.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 154 (text).
Fragment of offering list, from a tomb, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1724.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 156 (text).
Tomb relief, man carrying bundle of papyrus, and heads of two men below, with titles of a
Protector, Chief of the bat-symbol, etc., name lost, perhaps Dyn. IV, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 1735.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 163 (text).
Block with name and title of Ni...pepy Nj-...-ppjj , Lector priest, from a tomb, Dyn.
VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1749.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 174 (text).
Block with name and titles of Shepsetnebti pst-nbtj , Prophetess of Hathor, etc., from a
tomb, Dyn. IV-V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1757.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 179 (text).

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(?), probably Dyn. VI, in Cairo,
Three fragments of offering list from tomb of Ini(?) Jnj(?)
Egyptian Museum, CG 1758.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 179-80 (text). Detail, man making libation, Junker, Gza iii (1938),
104 Abb. 10a [right].
Tomb relief, four registers, butchers, offering bearers, stone vessels, and two men, one of them
bringing fowl, probably Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1760.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 181 (as Old or Middle Kingdom).
Temple relief, upper part of king, probably Amenemhet III, offering two jars, basalt, probably
temp. Amenemhet III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (Probably from elLisht.)
Myliwiec, K. in BIFAO 79 (1979), 143-54 pl. xlv [A] fig. 2 [b] (as rhyodazite). Head, Wildung,
Sesostris und Amenemhet 214 Abb. 187.

, Regulator of a phyle,
Block from tomb (rather than a stela) of Ankhpuptah anh-pw-pth.
with offering texts mentioning Geb and Ptah south of his wall lord of Ankhtaui, and offering list,
probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20253.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine i, 272-3 (text). Opening the sight formula,
Lohwasser, A. Die Formel ffnen des Gesichts (1991), 85 [St. MR. 7] (as probably from Abydos).

Block with offering text, from tomb of Amenemhet

Jmn-m-h. 3t
, General, etc., sandstone,
probably Dyn. XII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20471.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 66-7 (text).
Papyrus column fragment with names of Amenemhet III and Sebekkare Neferusobek, from a
temple, red granite, temp. Sebekkare Neferusobek, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Habachi, L. in ASAE lii (1954), 464-6 [9] pls. xiv, xv = id. Studies on the Middle Kingdom (1987),
62-4 [9] pls. xiv, xv on 92-3. Text, id. in GM 26 (1977), 29 fig. 2 [e] on 36 = id. Studies on the
Middle Kingdom (1987), 219 fig. 2 [e] on 226 (as from el-Faiym).
Lintel with cartouches of Haremhab, in two pieces, probably from a temple, temp. Haremhab, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Lintel, probably from a tomb, with remains of double scene, left, Amenemonet Jmn-m-jnt as fanbearer kneeling in adoration before cartouches of Ramesses II and III, right, lost, temp. Ramesses
III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 29468.
See Bull. Inst. g. iii Sr. 2 (1891), 349.
Fragment of probably tomb lintel, on left, cartouches of Ramesses II, and on right, man in
adoration before seated Harendotes, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.

Fragment of tomb lintel, Huy H. jj kneeling before cartouches of Ramesses III, temp.
Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Right part of tomb lintel with remains of probably a double scene with cartouches of Ramesses
II in the centre, left, goddess, right, Hatiay H. 3tj3jj
, General, before Osiris-Onnophris
in Abydos and Isis, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 237 [xi.2] (as Temp. No.
Temple jamb of Haremhab beloved of Termuthis, usurped from Ay, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 48838.
Schaden, O. J. in Amarna Letters. Essays on Ancient Egypt ca. 1390-1310 B.C. ii, (1992), figs. on
113 [upper] (as from Gza area). Text, Helck, Urk. iv, 2043 [776, b] (as usurped from
Tutankhamun), bersetz. iv, 372. See Hari, R. Horemheb et la reine Moutnedjemet [etc.] (1964), 389
n. 176 (as usurped from Tutankhamun).

Fragment of possibly temple jamb with cartouches of Sethos I and hieratic graffiti, temp. Sethos
I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Lower part of temple jamb with cartouches of Ramesses II and name of door Usermaetresetepenre (Ramesses II), my face is upon Khnum, sandstone, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 783 [280, C].

Temple jamb with royal epithets, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Christophe, L.-A. in ASAE lii (1954), 207 [23].
Probably temple jamb with cartouche of Ramesses VI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Text, Gauthier, Livre des Rois iii, 425 [200]; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. vi, 330 [27, A] (from Gauthier).

Lower part of probably tomb jamb, Benanta Bn-ant

, Chief physician of the
Mansion of Life, kneeling in adoration before the cartouche of Ramesses III, with end of text
above, sandstone, temp. Ramesses III, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 40031. (Allegedly from
Gaballa, G. A. in JEA 59 (1973), 109-10 [1] fig. 1 pl. xxxvii [1]. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. v,
432 [210].

Tomb jambs of Amennakht Jmn-nht , Overseer of the two granaries, probably temp.
Ramesses V, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. and
Lower part of tomb jamb with remains of tomb owners name and brother Amenmosi Jmn
ms with two bouquets, sandstone, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
No., now in Beni Suef Museum.
Probably temple relief, remains of two registers, legs of men bringing animals, and foreigners
bringing lead ingots, with text above, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG
Mller, W. M. Egyptological Researches i (1906), 5-8 pl. 1 (as foreigners bringing tin and Dyn. VI);
Davies MSS. 2.11; Moret, A. Supplment lAncien Empire (Cat. Caire), (as Old Kingdom), not
Probably temple block, four cartouches of Haremhab, formerly in A. Eid colln., now
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 89781.
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Probably temple block, cartouche of Sethos I, granite, formerly in A. Eid colln., now in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 89782.

Probably temple relief, head of Khaemweset H

a-m-w3st , Kings son (of Ramesses II),
sem-priest, temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Goma, F. Chaemwese, Sohn Ramses II. und Hoherpriester von Memphis (1973), 92 [88] Taf. vi [b].
Head, Myliwiec, K. Le Portrait royal dans le bas-relief du Nouvel Empire (1976), 113 pl. cix [241]
(as from Saqqra). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 892 [347, A] (as perhaps from Late Period).
Probably tomb relief, remains of two registers of men and cattle, and text mentioning HesisHesret-Sekhet, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1712.
See Borchardt, Denkmler ii, 150-1 (text).
Three blocks with Chapter 125 (Negative Confession) of the Book of the Dead, from a tomb,
New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 20741.
See Lange and Schfer, Grab- und Denksteine ii, 372 (text). Text, Drioton, . in Recueil dtudes
gyptologiques ddies la mmoire de Jean-Franois Champollion [etc.] (1922), 553-5 (from Lange and
Tomb relief, mourners and offerings, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 72039. (Probably from the Memphite area.)
, Overseer of the royal apartments at Memphis, Dyn. XIX,
Tomb relief, Ptahmosi Pth. -ms
formerly in the possession of Hifnawi El Shaer, now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 90221.
(Probably from Saqqra.)
Tomb relief with his beloved sister, Songstress of ..., holding sistrum, probably Dyn. XIX, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Probably tomb relief, King Haremhab offering flowers to seated crocodile-headed Sobek-Re lord

of the temple in Wethor , followed by [Pero]neheh [Pr-a3-]nh. h. , Fan-bearer on

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the right of the king, with arms raised in adoration, temp. Haremhab, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Radwan, A. in Orientalia N.S. 43 (1974), 393-7 pl. xlii and fig. (as probably temple relief).
and woman Tamennufer T3-mn-nfr in adoration
Tomb relief, Merptah Mr-pth.

before Anubis and Western goddess, sandstone, New Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Temp. No.
Tomb relief, three adjoining blocks with funeral scenes, lake with island and boats, officials in
mourning, and men before kiosks with offerings, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (Probably from Saqqra.)
Assmann, J. Das Grab des Amenemope TT41 (1991), i, 168-9 figs. 5 [a, b]. Officials, Berlandini,
J. in BSF 134 (1995), 43 fig. 16.

Probably tomb relief mentioning grandson Nia Nj3 , First prophet of the temple of
Djeserkheperure-setepenre (Haremhab) son of Ptah of the flood-plain, probably temp. Haremhab,
in Cairo, Egyptian Museum. (Probably from Saqqra.)
Names and titles, Legrain, Rpertoire No. 333. See Allen, T. G. The Art Institute of Chicago. A
Handbook of the Egyptian Collection (1923), 42 n. 2; Helck, W. Materialien zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte des
Neuen Reiches i (1961), 138 [3].
Probably temple block with rounded upper edge, with cartouches of Tuthmosis IV, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 27949. (From Upper Egypt.)
Bryan, B. M. The Reign of Thutmose IV (1991), 159 pl. vi [15] (suggests from Memphis). See Bull.
Inst. g. ii Sr. 8 (1887), p. xxx (as Tuthmosis III).
Temple column drum with Ramesses II seated with Sety Sthjj , Kings son, etc., temp.
Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 900 [357, A].
Free-standing monument (stela) with cartouches of Akhenaten (Amenophis IV) and the Aten on
three sides, from a temple, black granite, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
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Two djad-pillars from tomb of Nakht Nht , Overseer of the royal apartments of the Kings
wife, etc., temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos., 2. (Seized near
the Pyramids and probably from Saqqra or Dahshr.)
, Royal scribe of the altar of the
Tomb papyrus column with Wepwautmosi Wp-w3wt-ms
Lord of the Two Lands, Chief steward in the temple of Ptah, etc., and wife, in adoration before
Maet, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
(Probably from Saqqra.)
Berlandini, J. in BIFAO 82 (1982), 99 n. 3 pl. xiv [A].
Temple relief, Osorkon II (or III) before Ptah, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26892 (formerly
Temp. No. (Bought at Gza.)
See Bull. Inst. g. ii Sr. 6 (1885), p. xxix.
Temple lintel broken in two parts, double scene, left, Necho II, supported by Isis, before Harsiesi,
and Necho II offering figure of Maet to seated Amun-Re followed by Mut, right, Nitocris I Nt
jk. rt I
, Divine adoratress, daughter of Psammetikhos (I), followed by Pedehorresnet P3-dj

h. rw-rsnt , Chief steward of the divine adoratress (TT196), etc., before Montu, and
offering wine to seated Amun-Re followed by Khons, sandstone, temp. Necho II, in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. (Probably from Karnak.)
Christophe, L.-A. in BIFAO lv (1955), 66-70 [i] pl. i. See id. Karnak-Nord iii (1945-1949).
Fouilles conduites par C. Robichon (1951), 113 n. 4.
Tomb lintel, Pedesi P3-dj-3st , Prophet of Neith, seated on right, with scribe recording
before him and a procession of offering bearers with baskets on heads leading animals, Dyn. XXVI
to early Dyn. XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos. (Pedesi seated) and
Leahy, L. M. in JEA 71 (1985), 122-8 pls. x, xi fig. on 123 (as probably from
S. el-H. agar).
Temp. No., Kuentz, C. in Mon. Piot xxxiii (1933), 35-7 fig. 2; see Gauthier, H. in
ASAE xxi (1921), 35-6.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Probably temple jamb
with names of Piye (Piankhy) and Shepenwept (probably II) p-n-wpt

(probably II)
sandstone, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Fragment of probably temple jamb with names of Sabacon, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Leclant, J. Recherches sur les monuments thbains de la XXVe dynastie dite thiopienne (1965), 190 [ 49,
C, h] pl. lxxxvii [B] (as from Thebes or Memphis); id. in MDAIK 37 (1981), 290-2 Taf. 44 [c]
fig. 1 (as from Karnak or Memphis).
Tomb jamb with figure (preserved down to knees) of Pahemneter P3-h. m-ntr , Prophet of
Ptah, late Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Probably temple relief, recto, Sekhmet seated and cartouches of Nektanebos I, and text on verso,
sandstone, temp. Nektanebos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Tomb relief, boat with offering bearers and animals, and remains of text below, Dyn. XXVI or
later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63161.

Probably tomb relief, Djeho Dd-h. r

and wife(?) Hap H. p
, black granite, Late Period, in
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No.
Lintel below torus, mythological figures and line of text with cartouche of a Ptolemy above,
sandstone, late Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Daressy, G. in ASAE xxi (1921), 1-6 pl.
804-091-100 and 101
Two reliefs, probably from a tomb, four women playing round tambourines, sandstone, probably
Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. Nos.
Manniche, L. Ancient Egyptian Musical Instruments (1975), 4 pl. xviii [32a, b] (as probably from a
Roman temple).
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Temple relief, Hor H. rw , praised by Isis , with epithets of drowning, son of Pashenmontu
P3-rj-(n-)mntw and TasheritT3-rjt, sandstone, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE
52809. (Bought in Luxor, probably from Nubia.)
Rowe, A. in ASAE xl (1940), 16-19 [A. iii] pl. ii. Greave with lions head, Quaegebeur, J. in
Berger, C., Clerc, G. and Grimal, N. (eds.), Hommages Jean Leclant ii (1994), 347 fig. 6 on 346.

Volume viii Part 6

UPD = Coffins
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 28112
CG 28110
CG 28111
Temp. No.
CG 31584
CG 28113
Temp. No.
JE 45237
JE 29237
Temp. No.
JE 36454
JE 36525
JE 35319
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
JE 67859
JE 4744
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 31153
Temp. No.
JE 44635

UPE = Offering tables

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 57031 (Temp. No.

CG 1349
CG 1335
CG 1334
CG 1357
CG 1323
CG 1347
CG 1754
CG 1333
CG 1351
CG 1372
CG 1362
CG 1358
CG 1360
JE 31537
CG 23028
CG 23067
CG 23021
CG 23030
CG 23016
CG 23024
CG 23033
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
CG 23077
CG 23071
CG 23084
CG 23086
CG 23087
CG 23092
CG 23098
CG 23106
CG 23110
CG 23102
CG 23099
CG 23032
CG 23104

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Temp. No.

CG 23116
CG 23179
CG 23226
CG 23156
CG 23202
CG 23168
CG 23127
CG 23117
CG 23157
CG 23207
CG 23082
CG 23119
CG 23204
CG 23233
CG 23241
CG 23128
CG 23140
JE 8372
CG 23213
CG 23183
CG 23184
CG 23109
Temp. No.

UPF = Various
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Temp. No.

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 70002
CG 70042
JE 43848
CG 70009
JE 26439
JE 26440
JE 68685
CG 70043
CG 70033

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 1314

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 1311
Temp. No.

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Temp. No.

Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Temp. No.

CG 1307
JE 39164
JE 67948
JE 39175A-C
JE 38955
CG 18735
CG 25385
CG 3965 (JE 7750)
JE 67949
CG 2799
CG 18495
CG 3795
CG 18435
JE 30012
JE 30013
JE 30014
JE 30015
JE 30016
JE 30017
JE 30018
JE 30019
JE 36516
CG 3812
CG 18682
CG 3467
JE 31521
CG 18740
CG 3462
CG 3463

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 3968
CG 3449
CG 3454
CG 3455
CG 3459
CG 3448
CG 3452
CG 3466
JE 31519
CG 3450
CG 3451

Canopic jars
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 4246
CG 4247
CG 4284
CG 4523
CG 4525
CG 4531
JE 46323
CG 4518
CG 4519
CG 4317
CG 4318
CG 4527
CG 4528
Temp. No.
CG 4379
CG 4380
CG 4381
CG 4680
CG 4545
CG 4546
CG 4547
CG 4548
CG 4676
CG 4638
Temp. No.
CG 4328
CG 4371
CG 4372
CG 4373
CG 4374

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 4319
CG 4410
CG 4412
CG 4414
CG 4175
CG 4176
CG 4177
CG 4178
CG 4395
CG 4396
CG 4397
CG 4327
CG 4329
CG 4420
CG 4674
CG 4407
CG 4408
CG 4409
CG 4406
CG 4204
CG 4205
CG 4206
CG 4207
CG 4118
CG 4119
CG 4120
CG 4121
CG 4141
CG 4142
CG 4143
CG 4144
CG 4277
CG 4278
CG 4279
CG 4280
CG 4285
CG 4286
CG 4287
CG 4316
CG 4312
CG 4313
CG 4314
CG 4165

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 4167
CG 4168
CG 4169
CG 4149
CG 4150
CG 4151
CG 4152
CG 4186 (JE 4940)
CG 4187 (JE 4941)
CG 4188 (JE 4942)
CG 4189 (JE 4943)
CG 4290
CG 4291
CG 4292
CG 4293
CG 4315
CG 4386
CG 4137
CG 4138
CG 4139
CG 4140
CG 4235 (JE 25170)
CG 4236 (JE 25170)
CG 4237 (JE 25170)
CG 4238 (JE 25170)

Canopic chests
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 4733
CG 4732
CG 4248
CG 5002
CG 4736

Cippi (Horus-on-crocodiles amulets or stelae).

Horus may be described as Harpocrates, etc.
000-000-000 (formerly 803-057-100)
Stela, Horus on two crocodiles, holding lion and antelope, and on verso, row of deities and text,
possibly Dyn. XIX or later, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9403.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 11-13 (text) pl. iv.
000-000-000 (formerly 803-057-102)
Top part of Horus-on-crocodiles stela, deities and text, possibly Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo, Egyptian
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Museum, CG 9413 bis.

See Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 29 (text).
000-000-000 (formerly 803-082-100)
Stela, Horus on two crocodiles, holding serpents, scorpions, antelope and lion, with Bes-mask
above, with deities on sides and text on verso, felspar, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 9410 (JE 26028).
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 23-6 (text) pl. vii.
000-000-000 (formerly 803-082-101)
Stela, Horus on two crocodiles, holding serpents, scorpions, antelope and lion, with Bes-mask
above, with deities and text on verso, top left corner lost, probably Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian
Museum, CG 9412.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 27-8 pl. vii.
000-000-000 (formerly 803-082-102)
Upper part of Horus-on-crocodiles stela, [Horus], with Bes-mask above,and deities and text on
verso, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9413.
See Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 28-9 (text).
000-000-000 (formerly 803-082-103)
Stela, Horus on two crocodiles, holding two serpents and lizard, with Bes-mask above and text
on verso, basalt, probably Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9415.
See Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 30.
000-000-000 (formerly 803-082-104)
Bottom part of Horus-on-crocodiles stela, feet of Horus on two crocodiles, with remains of text
on verso, schist, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXVII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9416.
See Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 30 (text).
000-000-000 (formerly 803-092-100)
Stela, Horus on two crocodiles, holding serpents, scorpions, antelope and lion, with Bes-mask
above and text on verso, soapstone, probably Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9414.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 29-30 (text) pl. vii.
000-000-000 (formerly 803-092-103)
Stela, Horus standing on crocodiles, holding serpents, antelope and lion, with Bes-mask above,
deities on sides and text on verso, soapstone, Ptolemaic, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9417.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 31 (text) pl. vii.
000-000-000 (formerly 803-092-105)
Stela, Horus on six crocodiles, holding serpents, scorpions, antelope and lion, with Bes-mask
above, and serpents, deities, and text on verso, soapstone, late Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9419.

Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 32 (text) pls. viii, ix.
000-000-000 (formerly 803-092-106)
Stela, Horus standing on three crocodiles and a serpent, holding serpents, scorpion, and a
quadruped, with Bes-mask above, with serpents on sides, and deities, serpents, Isis nursing Horus
and text on verso, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 9420.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 32-3 (text) pls. viii, ix.
000-000-000 (formerly 803-099-100)
Stela, Horus on two crocodiles, holding serpent and a quadruped, with Bes-mask above, and on
verso, serpent, seated deity, and two men, soapstone, Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 9418.
Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques 31 (text) pl. vii.
Figurative cosmetic containers or kohl pots, a person kneeling holding a vessel.
000-000-000 (formerly 801-439-510)
Man kneeling holding a large vase (kohl-pot), dark stone, Dyn. XII-XIII, in Cairo Mus. CG
18582 (JE 29377). (Probably from Abs. r.)
Von Bissing, Steingefsse (Cat. Caire), 121 Taf. ix (as probably Late Period); Bndite, Objets de
toilette, i. Peignes, etc. (Cat. Caire), 56 pl. xxiv (as CG 18382 and granite). See Bull. Inst. g. 3 Sr.
2 (1891), 342; Kemp and Merrillees, Minoan Pottery in Second Millennium Egypt 148 [1].
Slate palettes
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 46148
JE 47053
CG 69023
CG 69019

Model, man carrying [load] on his shoulders, right arm and left foot lost, 2nd half of Dyn. XI or
early XII, in Cairo Mus. CG 493.
Borchardt, Statuen, ii, 68 Bl. 82. See Breasted (Jr.), Eg. Servant Statues 59 [12].
Model, woman, arms and feet lost, probably 2nd half of Dyn. XI, in Cairo Mus. CG 231 (JE
28905). (Acquired in Luxor.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 152 Bl. 48. See Maspero, Guide 322 [3203].
Woman, with basket on her head, arms and feet lost, early Dyn. XII, in Cairo Mus. CG 495 (JE
28841). (Acquired in Luxor.)
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 69 Bl. 84; Michaowski, Luxor pl. 72 (as Luxor Museum). See Vandier,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Manuel iii, 589.

Model, woman, with basket on her head, 1st half of Dyn. XII, in Cairo Mus. CG 496.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 69-70 Bl. 84; Vandier, Manuel iii, 589 pl. xlix [3].
Model, woman, with basket on her head, 2nd half of Dyn. XI or early Dyn. XII, in Cairo Mus.
CG 497.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 70 Bl. 84; Vandier, Manuel iii, 589 pl. xlix [4].
Model, woman, with basket on her head, 2nd half of Dyn. XI or early Dyn. XII, in Cairo Mus.
CG 498 (JE 29277). (From Upper Egypt.)
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 20-1 Bl. 84. See Breasted (Jr.), Eg. Servant Statues 66 [F.4]; Vandier, Manuel
iii, 589.
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 4808
JE 29895
CG 33401

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 67944
JE 41225
JE 35785
JE 53671
JE 46791
JE 70224
JE 36513
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
JE 88422
CG 9404
CG 9407
CG 9421
CG 9422
CG 9428
JE 46941
JE 60273
JE 60274
JE 60275
JE 60276
JE 60277
JE 60278
JE 60279

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 86115
JE 89780
CG 69245
JE 87193
CG 14518
CG 14519
JE 36262
JE 94162
CG 68004 (JE 28427)
CG 1807
Temp. No.
JE 30267
CG 9448
CG 9445
CG 9446
CG 9444
CG 9447
JE 60280
JE 60281
CG 18582
Temp. No.
JE 67962
JE 49066
JE 49067
JE 49068
JE 49069
JE 5379
JE 43775
JE 38262
Temp. No.
CG 12913
Temp. No.
JE 29875
JE 25120
JE 67977
JE 86850
JE 84536
JE 85253
JE 85254
JE 85588
JE 85589
JE 85590
JE 85591

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 85592
JE 85593
JE 62948
Temp. No.
CG 44738 (JE 25670)
JE 85611
JE 84755
JE 65873
JE 85430
JE 45386
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
CG 12826 (JE 28320bis)
CG 12827 (JE 28320bis)
CG 12828 (JE 28320bis)
CG 67952
CG 69746
CG 69336
CG 69342
CG 69749
CG 69750
CG 69751
CG 69755
CG 69333 (JE 29378)
CG 3468 (JE 29381)
JE 31334
CG 1764
CG 1768
JE 30741
JE 43506
JE 43507
JE 85576
Temp. No.
CG 25376
JE 67977
CG 33402
CG 33403
CG 33404
CG 33405
CG 33406
CG 33407
CG 33408

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 33410
CG 33411
CG 33414
CG 33415
CG 33419
CG 33476
CG 33426
CG 33456
CG 33463
CG 33430
CG 33491
CG 33431
CG 33441
CG 33442
CG 33445
CG 33453
CG 33454
CG 33455
CG 33457
CG 33458
CG 33459
CG 33460
CG 33461
CG 33464
CG 33465
CG 33466
CG 33470
CG 33416
CG 33417
CG 48404
CG 29753
Temp. No.
CG 47921
CG 47914
CG 47924
CG 47906
CG 47926 (JE 33026)
CG 47912
CG 47934
CG 48400
CG 48405
CG 47933
CG 48410

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 48477
CG 48478
CG 48479
CG 9435
CG 9439
CG 9439bis
CG 9440
Temp. No.
JE 67096
JE 65866

Thebes. Tomb 1. Sennedjem. Objects of family.
Wooden box of wife Iyneferti, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27215.
Thebes. Tomb 358. Queen Ahmosi-Merytamun, daughter of Tuthmosis III, wife of Amenophis
II. Passage.
Omit. (would be on i2.421)
Osiris-figure (containing papyrus), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55146.
See Brief Descr. No. 6187.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 7. Ramesses II.
Omit. (would be on i2.507)
Vase fragment with cartouches, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44891.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 46. Yuia and Thuiu. Objects of Yuia.
Omit. (would be on i2.562)
Limestone Osiris-cenotaph, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 51107.
Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu 29 pl. xxvii.
Thebes. Royal Tomb 55. Probably Amenophis IV.
Omit (i2.566)
Vulture emblem, gold, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 52643 (JE 39630).
Davis, etc. Tomb of Queen Tyi pl. 20.
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Priests Tombs.
(i2.628) Omit.
Tomb group, including one of Esmin, from Pit of Her-dhout (?), Dyn. XXIII, in Cairo, Egyptian
Thebes. Deir el-Bah. ri. Priests Tombs. 65. Ahmosi Merytamun, wife of Amenophis II.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(i2.630) Omit.
Remains of funeral furniture of Queen Merytamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 55045-55188,
Thebes. Valleys South of Deir el-Bah. ri Temples. First Valley. Royal Cache. 2nd Group.
i2.666 (Omit.)
Shroud, dedicated by a Head of washermen, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 389 [3775].
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs Position Unknown. Burial of Ity. Dyn. XIII.
i2.672 (Omit.)
Naos, etc., in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Maspero, Guide (1915), 448 [4231].
Thebes. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. Tombs Position Unknown. Burial of Ity. Dyn. XIII.
Ivory statuette on lotus column, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 44410 (JE 25741).
Bndite, Objects de Toilette pl. 9.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Fragment of lintel, Path, Hathor, Amenophis I and Ahmosi-Nefertere, (headless), in Cairo,
Egyptian Museum, JE 43679.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, fig. 82.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Bas-relief, man kneeling before sacred bark, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 43690.
Bruyre, Rapport (1935-40), fasc. ii, fig. 83.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Inside Ptolemaic Enclosure. Baraize Excavations.
Four fragments from round niche (?) with dedication text of Sethos I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 43695.
Ann. Serv. xxv, p. 42.
Thebes. Deir el-Medna. Village. Berlin Museum Excavations.
Omit. (would be on i2.706)
Faience statuette Bes playing double-flute, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 44045.
From Mller, prob. = ape, cf. Anthes in Mitt. Kairo xii, 60 [top].

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Thebes. Mednet Habu. Palace-City of Amenophis III. Finds.

Fragment of wall decoration with cartouches, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Statues. Private.
Statue holding cartouche of Ram. II, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 27079.
Thebes. Miscellaneous. Reliefs, etc.
Omit. (would be on i2.816)
Trial-piece, block with two figures in relief, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33472
(JE 25488).
Edgar, Sculptors Studies 78 pl. xxxix.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Omit. (would be on ii2.145)
Queen, upper part, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42100 (JE 37036).
Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, pl. lxiii.
Karnak. Great Temple. Cachette. Private Statues. New Kingdom.
Omit. (would be on ii2.145)
Man, seated, upper part, uninscribed, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 42113
(JE 37928).
Thebes. Temple of Merneptah-Siptah. Foundation deposits of the King and Bay, Chancellor.
Omit. (would be on ii2.429)
Foundation deposits, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 16056-62, 16279-325.
See Legrain, Statues et statuettes i, 62.
Saqqra. Pyramid complex of Merenre I. Pyramid.
Omit. (would be on iii2.425)
Probably contents of sarcophagus of Merenre I, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 25009.
Saqqra. Pyramid-complex of Pepy II. Pyramid. Interior. Pyramid texts.
Omit. (would be on iii2.430)
Fragments, alabaster, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Jquier, Le Monument funraire de Pepi II, i, 6, 8 fig. 6.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Early Dynastic Cemetery North and North West of the
Omit. (would be on iii2.436)
, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 86167.
Vase with
Macramallah, Un cimetire archaque fig. 22.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 67 [D 16].
Ankhmaka. Temp. Neuserre or later.
Omit. (would be on iii2.481)
Offering-table, uninscribed, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 1329 (JE 15090).
See Borchardt, Denkmler des Alten Reiches i, 13.
Saqqra. North of the Step Pyramid. Old Kingdom Tombs Nos. 1-88 of Mariette. No. 79 [D 2;
S 905]. Kaemrehu. Late Dyn. V.
Omit. (would be on iii2.486(5))
False-door, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 15158, now presumably same monument as
that in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Mogensen, Le Mastaba gyptien de la Glyptothque Ny Carlsberg fig. 5 pl. ii.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. LS
10. Kagemni Memi. Temp. Teti. Various finds.
Omit. (would be on iii2.525)
Head-rests, alabaster, found inside sarcophagus, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47034-5.
Firth and Gunn, Teti Pyramid Cemetry ii, pl. 14 [3, 4].
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Finds.
Omit. (would be on iii2.546)
Block, inscribed, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 92725.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. North of the Pyramid. (a) Late Dyn. VI and 1st Int. Period. Finds.
Omit. (would be on iii2.546)
Block, geese in cage, Old Kingdom, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 92725.
See The Egyptian Museum, Cairo in ten years 1965-1975 31.
Saqqra. Around Teti Pyramid. (b) Greek Serapeum Enclosure Area. Shaft No. 289. Khenu and
Ipiemsaf Ipi. 1st Int. Period. Burial chamber. Khenu.
Omit (iii2.561)
Headrest, uninscribed?, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 39154.
See Quibell, Saqqara (1906-1907), 15.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A. Anthropoid sarcophagi.
Omit. (would be on iii2.612)
Zeho, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 17432.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A.

Omit. (would be on iii2.612)
Coffin of Pedemeni, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4741.
Saqqra. West of the Step Pyramid. Ptolemaic Tomb A.
Omit. (would be on iii2.612)
Coffin of Herib, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 4742.
Saqqra. East of Pyramid of Pepy II. M.XVI. Anu. Temp. Pepy II.
Omit. (would be on iii2.685)
Wooden headrest, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 63111.
Saqqra. Various Finds from and around Pyramid-complex of Pepy II.
Omit. (would be on iii2.688)
Fragments of Assyrian statues, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52470-7.
Jquier in Ann. Serv. xxix (1929), 156-9 pls. ii-iv. Asiatic goddess, Jquier, Douze ans fig. 48; Brief
Descr. 6053.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Bull of Parim, with hieroglyphic and Karian texts, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 49061.
Mariette, Mon. Div. pl. 106 [A]; Maspero, Guide (1914), 458 [4497].
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Apries, dedicated by Pedubaste, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38245.
Mariette, Album du Museum on pl. 4.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Harkhebi, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 819.
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 151.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Two, kneeling, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 821-2 (CG 822 = JE 383).
Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten iii, pl. 152.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Two, lion-headed goddess, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39096 (JE 8664), CG
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

(JE 8660).
Mariette, Album du Museum on pl. 6; Daressy, Statues de divinits 270, 273.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Panefernehem (god), dedicated by Psammethek-sonb, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38124.
Mariette, Album du Museum on pl. 5; Daressy, Statues de divinits pl. 8.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Buto, dedicated by Pedusiri, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39091 (JE 7138).
Daressy, Statues de divinits 272.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Lion-headed goddess, dedicated by Pedeamun, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39097.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 273.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Lion-headed goddess, dedicated by Pedenefert-Atum, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 39100.
Daressy, Statues de divinits 273.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Imhotep, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 38047.
Daressy, Statues de divinits pl. 4.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Isis and Horus, dedicated by Hatheh, Dyn. XXVI, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39315
(JE 264 (?)).
Daressy, Statues de divinits pl. 61.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Isis and Horus, dedicated by Pedenefertem, Dyn. XXVI, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 39316 (JE 264 (?)).
See Daressy, Statues de divinits 330.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum. Statues.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Isis and Horus, dedicated by Shepubaste, Dyn. XXVI, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
CG 39320.
See Daressy, Statues de divinits 331.
Saqqra. Objects from Serapeum.
Omit. (would be on iii2.828)
Stela of Queen Khedebneit-yerboni, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Mt Rahna. Palace of Apries.
Omit. (would be on iii2.830)
Silver casting with gold and bronze inlay Hathor-head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Memphis ii, pl. 14 [top right].
Mt Rahna. Palace of Apries.
Omit. (would be on iii2.830)
Plaster cast, hippo-head, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
Petrie, Memphis ii, pl. 39 [3].
S. el-H. agar (Sas). Miscellaneous. Statues.
Omit. (would be on iv.47)
Buto, seated, dedicated by Hapi, bronze, Late Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 39127.
Daressy, Statues de divintis pl. 53.
Meir. Miscellaneous. Coffins.
Omit. (would be on iv.257)
Mummy-mask, Greek or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 33131.
Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian Coffins 23-4 pls. 8, 12.
Akhmm. Miscellaneous. Various.
Omit. (would be on v.25)
Disk, alabaster, and vases, bronze, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
See Maspero, Guide (1915), 320 [3172-3].
Abydos Site. Umm el-Qab. Wedemu (Den)-Semti.
Omit. (would be on v.83, same piece as that on v.84. All references moved there)
Stela, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 14586 (JE 31581).
Abydos. Miscellaneous. Stelae.
Omit. (demotic) (would be on v.94)
No name, deceased with offering table before Osiris, Isis, and another goddess, demotic text,
Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 31122.
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Spiegelberg, Die demotischen Denkmler i. Die demotischen Inscriften (Cat. Caire) (1904), 48 Taf. xi.
Omit. (would be on vii.39)
Two rough stelae, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 57476-7.
Dakka. Miscellaneous.
Omit. (would be on vii.50)
Cornice with two rams, affronts, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
JE 29321.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim.
Omit. (would be on vii.360, see footnote)
Fragment with proto-Sinaitic inscriptions, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52510 (No. 352),
52511 (No. 349), 52512 (No. 354), 52513 (No. 353), 52514 (No. 351), 52517 (No. 350).
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, Nos. 349-354 pl. lxxxiii. See Brief Descr. 6054.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim.
Omit. (would be on vii.360, see footnote)
Fragment with proto-Sinaitic text (375), in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 65467.
Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai Pt. i, No. 375.
Eastern Desert. Sinai. Serabt. el-Khdim. Miscellaneous.
Omit. (would be on vii.366)
Stelae and fragments, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 52515 (356), 52516 (359), 65466 (374).
Texts, Gardiner and Peet, The Inscriptions of Sinai pt. i, Nos. 356, 359, 360-3, 364, 365-8, 370-3,
374, 376.

Volume viii Parts 1 and 2

Statues (mostly, if not all, unprovenanced). Omitted
See the original slips with references in the Cairo, Egyptian Museum,
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 273
CG 274
CG 275
CG 276
CG 277
CG 278

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 279
CG 281
CG 282
CG 283
CG 286
CG 695
CG 739
CG 919
CG 954
CG 1261
CG 38176
CG 38701
CG 50051

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 5377
JE 27749
JE 30439
JE 38823
JE 42261
JE 43582
JE 58523
JE 66143
JE 66146
JE 71971

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Temp. No.

Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Volume iii Part 3

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stelae, Early Dynastic Period to Dynasty XVII (mostly, if not all, unprovenanced).
See the original slips with references in the Cairo, Egyptian Museum, folder
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 1605
CG 20176
CG 20181
CG 20182
CG 20252
CG 20312
CG 20354
CG 20365
CG 20382
CG 20412
CG 20634
CG 20707
CG 20728
CG 20755
CG 20772
CG 57134
CG 57143
CG 57163
CG 57169
CG 57191
CG 57196
CG 57198
CG 57199
CG 57200
CG 57208

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 15047
JE 25132
JE 36423
JE 40287
JE 69426

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Temp. No.

Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.

Volume viii Part 4

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Stelae, Dynasty XVIII to the Roman Period (mostly, if not all, unprovenanced).
See the original slips with references in the Cairo, Egyptian Museum, folder

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
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Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 22170
CG 22196
CG 22201
CG 22202
CG 22204
CG 22205
CG 22206
CG 22207
CG 22215
CG 22217
CG 22218
CG 22229
CG 22230
CG 22231
CG 22234
CG 27528
CG 31083
CG 31084
CG 31091 (JE 29324)
CG 31093
CG 31098
CG 31111
CG 31113
CG 31123
CG 31125
CG 31126
CG 31128
CG 31129
CG 31130
CG 31133
CG 31139
CG 31145
CG 31147
CG 31148
CG 31149
CG 31150
CG 31151
CG 31156

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

CG 34143 (JE 025650)

CG 34158
CG 50024

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

JE 040231
JE 040269
JE 040272
JE 040274
JE 047235
JE 052469
JE 087839
JE 088492
JE 088876

Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum
Cairo, Egyptian Museum

Temp. No.

Temp. No.
Temp. No.
Temp. No.

Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings
Griffith Institute, Sackler Library, 1 St John Street, Oxford OX1 2LG, United Kingdom
[email protected]

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