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IPTSTS 012 - Etan Kohlberg - A Medieval Muslim Scholar at Work PDF

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kohlberg, Etan.
A medieval Muslim scholar at work: Ibn Tawiis, and his library / by
Etan Kohlberg.
p. cm.-(Islamic philosophy, theology, and science, ISSN
0169-8729; v. 12)
Includes bibliographical references 'and indexes.
ISBN 9004095497
1. Ibn Tawiis, cAll ibn Miisa, 1193-1266-Library. 2. Ibn Tawiis,
cAll ibn Musa, 1193-1266-Knowledge and learning. 3. Scholars,
Muslim-Biography. 1. Title. II. Series.
BP80.I287K64 1992
297' .82'092-dc20
[B] 91-40126

ISSN 0169-8729
ISBN 90 04 09549 7

Copyright 1992 by E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands

All rights reserved. No part of this book mcry be reproduced or
translated in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, microfiche
or any other means without written permission from the publisher

Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal

use is granted by E.J. Brill provided that
the appropriate fees are paid directly to Copyright
Clearance Center, 27 Congress Street, SALEM .MA
01970, USA. Fees are subject to change.


Preface VII

Symbols and Abbreviations IX


I Life and Thought 3

1 Uk.. 3
2 Thought 18

II Works 25
1 Sources........... 25
2 List of Ibn Tawiis's Works. 25
3 Some Further Titles . . . . 65
4 Previous Lists of Ibn Tawiis's Works 66
5 Tentative Chronology of Ibn Tawiis's Works. 67
6 Citations of Works of Ibn Tawiis by Later Authors 67

III Library 71
1 Background...... 71
2 Ibn Tawns's Library . 75
3 Methods of Reference 81
4 Format . . . . . . . 83
5 Dates . . . . . . . . . 84
6 Working Methods .. . 86
7 The Sources Used by Ibn Tawiis 87
8 Ibn Tawiis and al-Kafcam1 . 90


IV List of Works 95
1 Introductory Note 95
2 List . . . . . . . . 98

Index of Authors 393

Index of Subjects 405


Chronological Index 407

Abbreviations and Bibliography 409

1 Works of Ibn Tawlls 409
2 Periodicals.. 411
3 Other Works 412

General Index 439

In the literary history of Twelver Shicism, the figure of Ra<;J.i aI-Din
cAli b. Ibn Tawu.s ( = IT) occupies a prominent place. He hailed
from a distinguished Shici family, was a pious man of great learning, and
played a small but not insignificant role in one of the most momentous
events in Muslim history.
Yet IT's importance goes beyond this. He represents the last gen-
eration in which much of early Shiciliterature, soon to be irretrievably
lost, was still available in its original form. His extant works enable
us partially to reconstruct his library and thus learn about the liter-
ary interests and horizons of a Muslim scholar in the waning years of
the cAbbasid era. Moreover, the large number of Shici and Sunni texts
cited in his works, many of which have not come down to us, provide
invaluable, and sometimes unique, information about medieval Arabic
literature in general. The technical data he supplies are unparalleled for
his time and place and include such details as the age, size and format
of manuscripts which he perused. In IT we thus have a rare example
of a particular person with a particular library whose methods of work
can be followed and through whom a whole environment can be gauged.
While IT is justly famous in the Shici world, he is relatively unknown
to Western scholarship: Wiistenfeld, who came across his name in a
manuscript and was apparently the first Western scholar to mention
him, refers to "an otherwise unknown cAli b. Musa ... Ibn Tawus";l
and Ahlwardt was likewise unable to identify him. 2 Neither the first
nor the new edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam has an entry on him.
Rudolph Strothmann's Die Zwolfer-Schi;c a, written over sixty-five years
ago, contains the only major study of the man, and just one of his works
has so far been the subject of a detailed investigation. 3
The uniqueness of IT's literary legacy has been recognized by a
number of Muslim scholars,4 and the initial steps have been taken to

1 F. Wiistenfeld, Der Tod des lfusein ben cALi" und die Rache, Gottingen, 1883,
p. vi; see also p. 1, n. 1; ---tIT, K. al-Iuhuf.
2W. Ahlwardt, Verzeichnis der arabischen Handschriften der Koniglichen Bib-
liothek zu Berlin, Berlin, 1887-99, VIII, p. 486 (in the description of ms. Berlin 2177, .
consisting of IT's Taro/if).
3Z. Matar, The Faraj al-mahmum of Ibn Tawus: a Thirteenth Century Work
on Astrology and Astrologers, Ph. D. dissertation, New York University, 1986. The
bulk of the dissertation consists of an annotated translation of chapters V-VIII and
X of the Nujum.
4See e. g. MuJ:tammad Ri<;la al-ShablbI, Mu'arrikh al-CIraq Ibn al-Fuwa~i", Bagh-
dad, II/I, 1378/1958, pp. 229, 240; IJamid al-Khaffaf's introduction to B, pp. 29-30;
the editors' introduction to y2, pp. 36-38.

uncover its treasures. 5 It is the aim of this study to carry this work fur-
ther, in the hope of providing as comprehensive a picture as is presently
feasible of IT and his world.

I wish to express my gratitude to those who in various ways have

contributed to the realization of this book. Frank Stewart gave the en-
tire text a close reading and, as so often in the past, made invaluable
comments and suggestions relating to both content and form. Gerd
GraBhoff elucidated various astronomical points and was instrumental
in overcoming the technical problems involved in producing the camera-
ready copy. Michael Cook subjected a considerable part of the book
to rigorous scru,tiny, improving it greatly by his comments. Wilferd
Madelung informed me about a number of important texts and identi-
fied some persons mentioned in the book. Yohanan Friedmann was con-
stantly on the lookout for new editions of Ibn Tawus texts and shared
his discoveries with me. Queries on particular points were generously
answered by Michel Abitbol, Reuven Amitai-Preiss, Meir Bar-Asher,
Malachi Beit-Arie, Gerhard B6wering, William C. Chittick, Patricia
Crone, Daniel Gimaret, Simon Hopkins, David King, Ella Landau-
Tasseron, Richard H. Rouse, Sabine Schmidtke, Sarah Stroumsa, David
Wasserstein and Jan Just Witkamj their help is also acknowledged in
context. Werner Diem and Kamran Amir-Arjomand were helpful and
generous during my visits to the ShIel collection at the Oriental De-
partment of the University of Cologne, as were Gail Levin at the Jew-
ish National and University Library in Jerusalem, Aliya Haji, Jalal
Badakhshani and other staff members at the Library of the Institute of
Ismaili Studies in London, Douglas S. Crow, Tamar Duke-Cohan and
Nurit Tsafrir in the U.S., and Yehuda Litani in Jerusalem. I greatly
benefited from the congenial atmosphere at the Institute for Advanced
Study, Princeton, where some of the research was carried out during
the academic year 1986-7. My greatest debt is to my wife Bat-Sheva
and to my sons Ophir and Yaron. They patiently bore much of the
burden of producing this work, and to them it is dedicated as a small
token of my thanks.

5 For details see the beginning of Chapter III.

The term List refers to Chapter IV.2, the list of works mentioned by
Ibn Tawiis. For additional information see Chapter IV.I.

Unnumbered entry + Non-Imaml

* Partially extant ? Denomination unknown

** Not preserved Paraphrase or reference


For further details see Abbreviations and Bibliography. The number
after each title refers to the list of Ibn Tawiis's works in Chapter II.2.

A Aman (1) MF Mala~im (54)

B Abwab (12) MI:I Mu~asaba (34)
D* Duru c (8) MN Mujtana (35)
F Fala~ al-sa'il (9) N Nujum (10)
G Ghiyath (14) S Sacd (44)
IJ Ijiizat (19) l' Tara'iJ (51)
IQ Iqbal (20) T$ Ta~l}f,n (48)
J Jamal (22) TT TashrzJ (55)
K KashJ (24) TU TuraJ (57)
L LuhuJ (26) Y Yaqzn (58)
M MU0ayaqa (38) Z* Za'ir (32)
MD Muhaj (33)

-+ An arrow followed by the title means the entry in the List under
that title.
-+ IT "-+ IT" followed by the title means the entry in the list of Ibn
Tawiis's works under that title.
==> Cross-reference to works known under more than one title.



RaQ-I aI-DIn Abu I-Qasim cAll b. Sacd aI-DIn Abi IbrahIm Musa b.
Jacfar b. Mul).ammad b. Al).mad b. Mul).ammad Ibn Tawus (Ta'us)
was born in al-:~Iilla on 15 Mul).arram 589/21 Jan. 1193. 1 On his fa-
ther'sside he traced his genealogy back to al-I:Iasan b. cAll, while
on the distaff side he was a I:Iusaynid;2 hence his honorary appella-
tion Dhii. l-~asabayn. 3 His maternal grandfather was the author and
traditionist Warram b. Abi Fidis al-Nakha CI (died in al-I:Iilla on 2
Mul).arram 605/17 July 1208),4 and his paternal grandmother was a
daughter (or granddaughter) of Abu Jacfar al-TusI,s to whom IT often
refers as "jaddi:" (evidently meaning "my ancestor" rather than "my
grandfather").6 One of IT's forebears, Abu cAbd Allah Mul).ammad
b. Isl).aq b. al-I:Iasan (fl. probably in the early 4th/10th century), had
been among the first to occupy the position of naq1:b in Sura' (Sura);7
he was called Tawus (peacock) because of his beautiful face and coarse
legs (or because he combined beauty with stupidity), and the family

1 K, p. 4. The date Rajab 587/July-Aug. 1191 which is given by the historian

(All b. Anjab Ibn al-Sa(I (d. 674/1276, cf. -+Ta'rrkh [Ibn al-Sa!I]) is wrong, even
though he reportedly said that he had learnt it from IT himself (see Ibn Zuhra,
Ghaya, p. 58; cf. Mul;mmmad MahdI al-Kharsan's introduction to F2, p. 5, n. 1).
The sab ( of 587 could easily be a mistake for tis (, but Rajab can hardly be confused
with Muharram.
2K, p.' 118; Ibn (Inaba, (Umda, p. 156.
3F, pp. 2/1, 264/240; J, p. 2; K, p. 193; MD, p. 342; N, p. 1; Y, pp. 5/122,
4For whom see Muntajab aI-DIn, pp. 195-196, no. 522; Ibn al-Athlr, Kamil,
XII, p. 282; Ibn ai-Sa (I, al-Jami( al-mukhtaar fi (unwan al-tawarrkh wa (uyun
al-siyar, IX, ed. MUf?taIa Jawad, Baghdad, 1353/1934, pp. 271-272; Riyaq" V, pp.
282-286; Rawq,at, VIII, pp. 177-179; Anwar, pp. 197-198; GAL, S, I, p. 709. For
the issue of whether Warram descended from a member of the Kurdish tribe of
Jawan see MUf?taIa Jawad, "Jawan al-qabila al-kurdiyya al-mansiyya wa mashahi:r
al-jawaniyyrn", MMII, 4/1, 1375/1956, pp. 84-121, at pp. 114-116; al-ShablbI,
Mu'arrikh al-(Iraq Ibn al-Fuwa~r, II/I, Baghdad, 1378/1958, pp. 188-189; MUf?tafa
Jawad, "Mu'arrikh al-(Iraq Ibn al-Fuwa~i", MMII, 6, 1378/1959, pp. 371-547, at p.
404, n. 3; Thiqat, p. 327, n. 1.
5For the precise relationship see the discussion in MK lith., III, p. 471; Dh, II,
p. 310 (note).
6E.g. B, p. 237; F, pp. 14-15/11-12, 194/178; IQ, pp. 334/87-88 (where al-TusI
is described as "my father's jadd through his [i.e. the father's] mother").
7BA, CVII, p. 44; Rawq,at, IV, p. 325. Cf. Yaqut, Buidan, III, p. 278.

became known by this appellation. 8 Some of his offspring later moved

to al-I:Jilla and Baghdad. 9
IT grew up and received his early education in al-I:Jilla; he is known
to have been there in 602/1205-6. 10 He studied with his father Sa Cd al-
Din Musa, about whom virtually nothing is known. As IT indicates, his
father and his grandfather Warram had the greatest influence on him in
his formative ye.ars, teaching him the virtues of piety and humility. 11 His
father, who introduced him to the MuqniCa of al-Mund,12 must have
had scholarly'interests: he left behind at his death traditions which
he had collected and written down on separate sheets of paper. IT
organized the material in four volumes (mujalladat), adding an intro-
duction (khutba) to each volume and ~upplying a title to the whole.
This work, the K. far~at al-na~ir wa bahjat al-khawa#1', is an early
one, so IT's father must have died when IT was still quite young. 13
Other early teachers of IT were Abu l-I:Jasan CAlI b. Yal,1ya al-Khayyat
(or ij:annat) al-SurawI al-I:JillI, from whom he received an ijaza in Rabl c
1609/August 1212,14 and I:Jusayn b. Al,1mad al-SurawI, with whom he
studied some works of Abu J a cfar al-TusI, and who gave him an ijaza
in Jumada II 609/0ct.-Nov. 1212.15
From his native al-I:Jilla IT moved to Baghdad. This took piace
following his marriage to Zahra Khatun, daughter of the ShlcI vizier
Na~ir b. MahdI (d. 617/1220).16 The marriage was the idea of IT's
parents;17 IT was unenthusiastic, fearing that marrying into such a

8Riyar}., I, p. 73; Rawr}.at, IV, p. 325.

9Ibn cInaba, C Umda, p. 156. The reference here is to Sura' al-madlna, which is
apparently a variant name of Sura'.
10Cf. N, p. 146.
11K, p. 109.
121Q, p. 334/87; Anwar, p. 185. See -+K. al-muqnica.
13Cf. -+IT, K. al-na~ir. Ismacll aI-BaghdadI gives Musa's death-date as
"about 620/[1223]", without disclosing the source of this information (Hadiyyat al-
carijin, Istanbul, 1951-5, II, p. 479). All that can be said with certainty is that IT's
parents were dead by 635/1237: in his Falaly. al-sa'il (which he began writing that
year or earlier) he refers to their grave in N ajaf and expresses his wish to be buried
next to them (see F, p. 74/71, whence Anwar, p. 185; cf. K, p. 111).
14F, pp. 14-15/12, 180/165; IQ, pp. 522/308, 527/312; J, p. 23; Y, pp. 79-80/280.
Cf. B, p. 264 (lana minhu ijaza bi kull ma yarwfhi). For cAlI b. Ya}:lya see Riyar}.,
IV, pp. 286-288; Anwar, pp. 118-119.
15F, pp. 14/12 (whence Rawr}.iit, IV, p. 333),180/165; IQ, p. 674/461; J, p. 23; Y,
p. 79/280 (where the date of the ijaza is given as Jumada II 607/Nov.-Dec. 1210).
For l.Iusayn b. A}:lmad see Riyar}., II, pp. 20-21; Anwar, pp. 45-46.
16 K, p. 111. Ibn MahdI held important positions between 597/1200 and 604/1208,
including the vizierate between 602/1206 and 604/1208, before being removed from
office by the caliph al-N~ir. See Ibn al-Tiqtaqa, al-Fakhrr, Beirut, 1386/1966, pp.
325-326; Ibn Zuhra, Ghaya, pp. 62-63; Hartmann, Nalfir, pp. 145-151.
171bn MahdI may have had his own reasons to welcome the match: since his claim
to be of cAlid descent was met by skepticism (wa kana yaddaCf annahu sharff calawf

prominent family would involve him in matters of this world. He then

went to the grave of Musa al-Ka~im to ask for divine guidance in making
the right decision (istikhara), and stayed there until he received the
answer that he should go ahead with the marriage. 1S The date of the
nuptials cannot be established with certainty. On the one hand, IT is
known to have been in Baghdad in 603/1206-7,19 but it is not clear
whether this was merely a visit or whether he was already living there
as a newlywed. On the other hand, he is reported to have remained
in Baghdad for some fifteen years;20 if this report is true, he cannot
have taken up residence there before the mid-620s/1220s, since (as will
be shown) he left the capital in or shortly before 641/1243-4. In that
case his marriage, too, could not have taken place much earlier than
the mid-620s/1220s. Nothing further is heard about his wife or about
any children they might have had; all that is known is that she was no
longer alive when he wrote his Kashf in 649/1251-2, and that IT's sons
were borne by ummahat al-awlad. 21
Once established in Baghdad, IT became acquainted with some of
the high officials of the land, a number of whom were Shlcls or had
ShlcI sympathi~s. He was on particularly close terms with the ustadh
ai-dar Mu'ayyad aI-DIn Mul}.ammad b. Al}.mad Ibn al-CAlqamI (d. 656/
1258), who was to become vizier under the last CAbbasid caliph al-
Musta c~im,22 and was also friendly with a brother of Ibn al- CAlqamI, as
well as with Ibn al- CAlqamI's son, the ~a~ib al-makhzan cIzz aI-DIn Abu
I-Fa<;ll Mul}.ammad b. Mul}.ammad. 23 IT was close enough to the caliph
al-Mustan~ir (r. 623-640/1226-42) successfully to appeal to him for a
subvention for two needy astrologers, Badr (or Bidar) al-A CjamI and
KhatIr al-Dln Mal}.mud h. MUl}.ammad. 24 As IT reports, al-Mustan~ir
provided him with lodgings on the eastern side of the city. It was at
his home, "near the Ma'muniyya, in the Darb al-Badriyyln" ,25 that he

wa qad ~u (ina fi nasabihi; see Abu Shama, p. 124), the marriage of his daughter
into a family of impeccable credentials could only enhance his reputation.
18 K, p. 111. For istikhara see ~I':r, K. fatlf aI-abwab.
19He reports (MD, p. 212) having seen in Baghdad in that year a work in the
handwriting of (Abd aI-Salam al-B~rI (see ~Akhbar wa inshadat).
20This according to an account in the handwriting of al-Shahld al-Awwal (see
BA, eVIl, p. 45; Rawif,at, IV, p. 338).
21 K, p. 138; cf. Ell, art. "Umm al-walad" (J. Schacht). In K, p. 111 IT adds the
words riif,wan allah (alayha after Zahra Khatlin's name.
22M, p. 35/347.
23BA, eVIl, p. 44; Anwar, p. 150.
24N, pp. 126-127. See also Anwar, pp. 24, 178-179.
25 For al-Ma'muniyya see e.g. Yaqut, Buldan, V, p. 44, s.v.; G. Le Strange, Bagh-
dad during the (Abbasid Caliphate, Oxford, 1924, index, s.v. I have not come across
another reference to the Darb al-Badriyyln; its name suggests that it may have
begun at or near the Bab Badr, which was one of the palace gates (Le Strange,

was visited in $afar 635/Sept.-Oct. 1237 by the ShlcI scholar Ascad b.

cAbd al-Qahir al-I/?fahanI, from whom he transmitted. 26
Together with Mu~ammad b. Jacfar b. Hibat Allah b. Nama (d.
645/1247-8),27 Ascad b. cAbd al-Qahir is a major authority for IT's
Abwiib. 28 IT's acquaintance with Ibn Nama went back to his youth,
when Ibn Nama taught him fiqh and gave him an ijiiza to transmit
various works, including the first part of al-TusI's K. al-nihiiya. 29 Other
scholars with whom JT studied include Taj aI-DIn al-ij:asan b. cAlI
al-DarbI;3o Najlb al-Dln Mu~ammad al-SurawI;31 $afi aI-DIn Mu~am
mad b. Ma cadd h .. cAlI al-Musawi, from whom he transmitted Ibn al-
Khashshab's K. al-mawiilid 32 in the last third of $afar 616/May 1219;33
Shams aI-DIn Fakhar b. Macadd b. Fakhar al-MusawI (d. 630/1232-3),

Baghdad, pp. 270-271; cf. ps.-Ibn al-FuwatI, pp. 2, 104, 124, 133), and may ha:ve
passed through the Badriyya quarter (cf. Ibn al-AthIr, Lubab, I, p. 127; ps.-Ibn al-
FuwatI, pp. 2, 72, 89, 90, 130, 132, 161, 166, 169) (as well as through neighbouring
quarters such as al-Muqtadiyya; cf. below). In Y, p. 79/179 IT refers to his lodgings
in Darb al-I;I-w-ba (or I;I-r-ba). The name is uniden.tified (should it be emended
to Darb al-I;Iarbiyya, indicating that it led to the I;Iarbiyya quarter in northern
Baghdad?); but it must be identical with the Darb al-BadriyyIn, since IT refers to
the same visit by Ascad b. cAbd al-Qahir which he mentions in Y, p. 181/473. At
one point (see B, p. 223, whence, IV, p. 328) IT recounts being sought by
someone while he was on the western side of Baghdad; but this does not necessarily
mean that he lived there. Cf. the career of ~aff aI-DIn Abu Jacfar Mul;tammad b.
Ma cadd, who was favoured by the caliph al-N~ir; the vizier Mu'ayyad aI-DIn al-
QummI urged him to move from al-ij:illa to Baghdad, and then provided him with
lodgings in (or gave him as a present) one of his own houses in the capital (Ibn
Zuhra, Ghaya, p. 83).
26 F, p. 15/12 (whence, IV, p. 334); J, pp. 169-170; S, pp. 232-233; Y,
pp. 79/279, 1~1/473. Cf. IQ, p. 674/461; J, p. 172. His full name is given as Abu
l-Sacadat cImad aI-DIn Ascad b. cAbd al-Qahir b. Ascad b. Mu.Q.ammad b. Hibat
Allah b. ij:amza cImad aI-DIn al-I!?fahanI. For "b. As cad" , the form "b. Safrawayh"
(variants: S-f-r-w-h, S-q-r-w-h, Sh-f-r-w-h, Sh-q-r-w-h) is also attested, referring
either to the grandfather's laqab or to Abu I-Sa cadat's great-grandfather. His death-
date is not known. It is given in A Cyan, XI, p. 143 as ~afar 635/Sept.-Oct. 1237,
but this must be the result of a confusion with the date on which IT transmitted
from him. See further Riyaq., I, pp. 81-82;, I, p. 102. IT transmitted two of
Ascad's works; see -+K. al-fii,'iq cala l-arbacin and -+K. rashl), al-wala'.
27For whom see cAmilI, Arnal, II, p. 310; Anwar, pp. 154-155. See also IJ, pp.
28See B, index.
2 9 See K, p. 130; -+K. al-nihaya.
30 Ghari, pp. 62, 90, 111; Anwar, pp. 38, 40.
31 Anwar, pp. 158-159. According to the Riyaq., V, pp. 375-376, the correct form
of the name is Ya.Q.ya b. Mu.Q.ammad b. Ya.Q.ya b. al-Faraj al-SurawI.
32 See List under this title.
33y, p. 178/468; see also Ghari, p. 52. Mu.Q.ammad b. Macadd, who was known as
a traditionist and genealogist, lived to a very advanced age; see Ibn Zuhra, Ghaya,
pp. 83-86; Riyaq., V, p. 183; Anwar, p. 175; edito~'s introduction to K, p. dal. IT
cites a TaCliq by him; see List.

from whom he transmitted traditions related by the caliph al-Na~ir;34

Kamal aI-DIn l:Iaydar b. Mul;mmmad b. Zayd al-l:IusaynI, from whom he
transmitted on 16 Jumada II 620/17 July 1223;35 Sadld aI-DIn Salim b.
MalPu~ b. cAzlza (CUzayza?) al-l:IillI, who taught IT two of his works,
the Tab~ira and part of the theological text al-Minhaj;36 Jibra'TI b.
A\lmad al-SurawI;37 cAlI b. al-l:Iusayn b. A\lmad b. cAlI b. IbrahIm
b. Mu\lammad Abu l-l:Iasan al-cAlawI al-JawwanI;38 l:Iusayn b. cAbd
aI-KarIm al-GharawI;39 and Mu\lyl I-DIn Mu\lammad b. CAbd Allah
b. cAlI b. Zuhra al-l:IalabI. 4o IT also had some non-ImamI teachers;
he justifies his transmission from them on the grounds that there was
benefit (ma~la~a) in it for the Shl ca. 41 The most prominent of these
was Mulfammad b. Malfmud Ibn aI-Najjar (d. 643/1245), whose Dhayl
ta'rzkh Baghdad IT transmitted and summarized. 42 Another was the
vizier Mu'ayyad aI-DIn Mulfammad b. Mu\lammad al-QummI; while
he held office, he gave IT permission to transmit from him.43
The caliph al-Mustan~ir tried a number of times to draw IT into the
world of politics. Acting through the vizier al-QummI and other nota-
bles, he offered him the post of chief naqzb (niqabat jamz C al- 'falibiyyzn)
and persisted in his offer for a number of years; yet IT declined. 44 The

34See --+Fa~a'il amfr al-mu'mini"n. For Fakhar (alternative forms: Fikhar,

Fakhkhar) see Riyii4, IV, pp. 319-331; Raw~at, V, pp. 346-349; A (yan, XLII, pp.
262-263; Anwar, pp. 129-130. In his introduction to F2 (p. 8), al-Kharsan says that
Fakhar gave 11' an ijaza in the last third of ~afar 616/May 1219. AI-Kharsan's evi-
dence is Y, p. 135/381. However, no such date appears there; al-Kharsan must have
confused the information on Fakhar b. Ma (add with that given on MuJ::tammad b.
35y, p. 187/485; Anwar, pp. 57-58.
36 Riya~, II, p. 412; Anwar, pp. 71-72.
37F, pp. 269-270/244-245 (ma wajadnahu bi khaH Jibra'i"l b. A"'mad al-Surawi"
ra",imahu llah wa na",nu narwi (anhu kulla ma rawahu).
38F, pp. 246/223-224; 11' cites a kitab which (All wrote him. (Abd Allah AfandI
(Riya~, III, p. 418) quotes this passage from the Fala", al-sa'il and infers from it
that (All was a teacher of IT.
39 Ghari", pp. 144, 145; An'war, p. 49.
40 Ghari", pp. 36, 136; N ama-i danishwaran (for which cf. Storey, 1/2, pp. 1173-4,
Dh, XXIV, p. 21, no. 110), I, p. 162; Anwar, pp. 160-161. See also Riya~, V, p. 114.
AI-1'ihranI's claim (in Anwar, p. 136) that Quraysh b. al-SabI( (Subay(?) al- (AlawI
should also be counted among IT's teachers could not be confirmed; see --+K. fa~1
41IJ, p. 19/43.
42See --+11', K. al-ta"'lJil; --+Dhayl ta'ri"kh Baghdad; S, p. 73. 11' also received an
ijaza from him to transmit al-lJumaydI's ai-Jam ( bayna l-ljaM"'ayn (B, p. 149).
43See N, p. 187, where al-Qummlis described as $a",ib al-wazir NalJir b. al-Mahdi.
The reading K-th-ir al-Qummi given in N is erroneous; the correct version (given
in N* fo1125b) is al-wazir al-kabir al-Qummi". For al-QummI see ps.-Ibn al-FuwatI,
pp. 33-35; Hartmann, NalJir, pp. 151-152.
44K, pp. 112-114; cf. BA, eVil, p. 44; Raw~at, IV, p. 338, whence Strothmann,
p. 92. In Ibn (Inaba's (Umda as cited in Nama-i danishwaran, I, p. 176, the caliph

offer must have been made between al-Mustan~r's accession in 623/

1226 and al-Qumml's dismissal and execution in Shawwal 629/July-
Aug. 1232. 45 AI-Mustanf?ir also attempted unsuccessfully to prevail on
IT to issue jatwiis,46 and he was no more successful in persuading IT to
act as his emissary to the Mongol ruler (sultan al-Tatar).47 IT does not
reveal the occasion on which he was asked to undertake this mission,
but it is likely to have been after the defeat of the Muslim armies at
the hands of the Mongols in a battle at Khaniqln at the end of 635/
1237-8. 48 Following this battle, an emissary of the Mongol governor of
the Caucasus Jurmaghun arrived in Baghdad (in Rabl c II 636/Nov.-
Dec. 1238); the caliph sent him back with his own emissary, J a cfar b.
Mu~ammad b. cAbbas al-Bata'i~l nii~ir al-tarikiit, who met Jurmaghun
near Qazwln and returned the following year. 49 AI-Bata'i~l may have
who made the offer is erroneously identified as al-N~ir Ii DIn Allah.
45 An episode recounted by al-Irbill in his K ashf (III, pp. 283-286) and repeated
by Khwandamlr (lfablb al-siyar, Tehran, 1333 Sh., II, pp. 107-108) also belongs in
those years. A certain Isma(II b. al-~asan al-Harqall who suffered from a painful
pustule in his left thigh came to al-~illa and asked IT for help. IT (who must have
been on a visit to his hometown) sent him to the local physicians, who maintained
that the only cure would be to cut off the pustule, but that this operation might
well bring about Isma(Il's death. IT then took him to Baghdad, whose physicians
gave the same verdict. Isma (11 went to pray at the tombs of the Imams in Samarra'.
There he met an old man who cured him and then identified himself as the Twelfth
Imam. When news of this reached Baghdad, the vizier al-Qummi asked IT to verify
the story. IT came to meet Isma (II at the head of a group of people and, seeing that
the pustule had indeed disappeared (a miracle which only the Imam could perform),
he fainted with excitement. IT brought Isma (II to al-QummI, who in turn presented
him to al-Mustansir.
46K, pp. 111-112.
4 7 K, pp. 113-114. AI-Mustanl?ir's friendly attitude to IT is noteworthy when set
against the reports of his harshly anti-ShI(I policies (cf. Ibn Fa<;ll Allah aJ-CVmarI,
Masalik al-ab~ar fl mamalik al-am~ar, ed. F. Sezgin, Publications of the Institute
for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Series C, Facsimile Editions, vol. 46, book
11, Frankfurt, 1988, p. 197). In contrast to IT, Abu ~afl? (Vmar al-Suhrawarru (d.
632/1234) agreed to undertake political missions on behalf of an (Abbasid caliph
(in his case, al-N~ir). See Hartmann, NalJir, pp. 245-250; R. Gramlich, Die Gaben
der Erkenntnisse des (Umar as-SuhrawardtCAwarif al-ma (arif) , Wiesbaden, 1978,
48 For this battle see Ibn al-(lbrI, Mukhta~ar ta'rlkh al-duwal, Beirut, n.d. [1978-9],
p. 251; ps.-Ibn al-FuwatI, pp. 109-113; cf. al-MaqrlzI, K. al-suliik Ii ma (rifat duwal
al-muliik, 1/2, ed. MUQammad MUl?tafa Ziyada, Cairo, 1936, p. 273 (under the year
636/1238-9). For Khaniqln see EI2, art. "Khani~In" (P. Schwarz).
4 9 Ps.-Ibn al-FuwatI, pp. 113-114. The na~ir al-tarikat must have been in charge of
the dtwan al-tarikat al-I}ashriyya, and as such was responsible for the recovery and
management of estates left behind by those who died without heirs; these estates
devolved on the state. One such official was Abu Muhammad (Abd al- (Azlz b. Dulaf
aI-BaghdadI (d. 26 $afar 637/27 Sept. 1239), who w~ followed in this position by his
son; see Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II, pp. 218-219, whence Hartmann, NalJir, p. 211. Another
official in charge of estates (tawalla l-na~ar fi l-tarikat) was Abu Sacd MUQammad
b. Sacld b. 1v1(uQammad b. cVmar al-Razzaz (d. 3 Dhu l-~ijja 572/2 June 1177); see

been selected after IT had declined to go.

In 638/1240-1, IT was probably still living in Baghdad: he describes
a visit to Sa:marra:' on 13th Dhli I-Qa cda of that year (26 May 1241)
which he is likely to have undertaken from the capital. 5o Yet by 641/
1243-4 he had returned to al-I:Iilla: he reports leaving the town with his
friend and mentor Mul).ammad b. Mul).ammad al-Qa:<;ll aI-Awl al-A Cjaml
(d. 654/1256) for a visit to Najaf on 17 Juma:da: II 641/2 Dec. 1243,
and mentions a mystical experience which he had at cAll's grave. 51
And in the latter half of 642/first half of 1245 he refers to a visit which
he made to al-I:Iilla some time during his sojourn in Baghdad. 52 It is
not known what prompted IT's move; it may have been connected to
the death of his benefactor al-Mustanl?ir, as well as to his wish to lead
a quieter life, away from the "place of Devil's snares" (as he describes
Baghdad).53 His eldest son Mul).ammad al-Mul?tarn was born in al-I:Iilla
on 9 Mul).arram 643, two hours and five minutes (ba Cda muiyy sac atayn
wa khams daqa'iq) after sunset (i.e. 5 June 1245 in the evening).54 At
about that time IT's brother Al).mad was also living there. 55 IT then
moved to Najaf, where he spent about three years,56 and where his
second son CAll was born on 8 M ul).arram 647, two hours and sixteen
minutes after sunset (i.e. 22 Apr. 1249 in the evening).57 He then sought
to withdraw even further from society by continuing to Karbala:', where
Ibn al-DubaythI, Dhayl ta'rikh madinat ai-salam Baghdad, ed. Bashshar (Awwad
Ma(ruf, I, Baghdad, 1974, pp. 280-281; Munta~am, X, p. 268. Cf. Dozy, s.v. Ifashr.
For Jurmaghun see B. Spuler, Die Mongolen in Iran, 3d ed., Berlin, 1968, index.
50MD, p. 296, whence Nama-i danishwaran, I, p. 167.
51 M, pp. 36/348-349 ; cf. K, p. 115. For aI-Awl see BA, CVII, pp. 34-35; Riyaq"
V, p. 157; Rawq,at, VI, pp. 320-323; Anwar, pp. 172-173. He was imprisoned for
a time by one of Jurmaghun's emirs; see the (Allama al-J:IillI, Minhaj al-~alalf (cf.
Dh, XXIII, p. 164, no. 8510, Schmidtke, pp. 115-116), whence al-NurI al-TabarsI,
Jannat al-ma'wa, in BA, LIII, pp. 199-336, at p. 221. In IQ, p. 687/469 IT refers
to aI-Awl as "my brother" .
52B, p. 223.
s3K, p. 111 (malfalllfaba'il al-shay~an).
54K, pp. 4, 151; cf. TT, p. 5. For the sunset as the beginning of the Islamic day
see EI2, art. "MI~at" (D. A. King).
55 He completed his If all al-ishkal fi ma Cnfat al-rijal on 23 RabI( II 644/7 Sept.
1246 in al-J:Iilla, in a dwelling adjoining the house which had belonged to his (and
IT's) grandfather Warram (Riyaq" I, p. 74, Dh, III, p. 386, VII, p. 85, citing J:Iasan
b. al-Shahld al-ThanI's al- Talfrir al- Tawusi).
56K, p. 118.
57K, p. 4. The text reads: bacda muq,iyy thaniyatayn wa sitta (ashrata daq;;qa
min yawm al-jum(a thamin Mulfarram. However, as pointed out by Professor D.
A. King (personal communication), thaniyatayn must be an error for sjj(atayn.
According to King, IT may have used tables for timekeeping by the stars, having
found the altitude of a star with an astrolabe and fed the altitude into the tables, or
he may have used an astrolabe, back then front. I am grateful to Professor King for
elucidating this point. There may also have been astrological considerations behind
IT's noting down with such precision the moment of birth of his sons; cf. K, p. 137.

he planned to spend a similar number of years. 58 It was in Karbala'

that he wrote his Kashf and completed the Nujum (on 23 Mulfarram
650/5 Apr. 1252)59 and the Iqbal (on 13 Jumada I 650/22 July 1252).60
It would appear that he stayed in Najaf from 645/1247-8 to 648/1250-
1, and in Karbala' from 649/1251-2 to 652/1254-5. After Karbala' he
hoped to move on for a further three years to Samarra', an even more
isolated spot, "like a monastery in the wilderness" .61 As 11' says, he
would thus become, to the best of his knowledge, the first man ever to
have lived with his family at all three of these holy shrines of Shl cism. 62
His return to Baghdad in 652/1254-5 63 may have been conceived as
the first leg of the journey to Samarra'j but for reasons unknown he
remained in the capital. He appears to have kept his old dwelling place:
he records that on 21 Mulfarram 655/8 Feb. 1257 he was at his home
in al-Muqtadiyyaj 64 this quarter lies just north of the Bab Badr, and
so the reference is likely to be to the house on the Darb al-BadriyyIn.
The Mongol capture of Baghdad caught 11' in the capital: he says
that on 28 Mulfarram 656/4 Feb. 1258 he was at his home in al-
Muqtadiyya, and adds that on this day the cAbbasid state came to
an end. It was a frightful night, but he and his family did not come to
harm. 65 After Hulagu entered the city he is reported to have convened
the Culama ' at the Mustanl?iriyya and asked for a legal opinion (Jatwa)
on the question of who is better (af4al): a just infidel ruler or an unjust
Muslim ruler. Initially the Culama' refrained from responding, except
for 11', who confirmed in writing that the just infidel ruler is prefer-
able. It is a measure of the esteem in which he was held, or perhaps
of the dread felt for Hulagu, that all the others present followed his
example and affixed their signatures to this document. 66 Hulagu was

58K, p. 118.
59N, p. 260.
601Q, p. 225/728. See also Chapter 11.2.
61K, p. 118.
62K, pp. 118-119.
63N, p. 147.
641Q, p. 56/585. In IQ the name of the quarter is distorted: it appears in IQl as
al-M-f-i-diyya and in IQ2 as al-M-q-i-diyya. For al-Muqtadiyya see Yaqut, Buldan,
IV, p. 315 (s.v. Qara}:l); Le Strange, Baghdad, pp. 283-286. It is also referred to
in connection with Abu Tamlm Macadd b. al-IJusayn al-MusawI (d. 617/1220-1),
whose home in al-Muqtadiyya appears to have served for a time as an official gov-
ernment guest-house; see ps.-Ibn al-FuwaF, pp. 77, 88-89, 119, 165. Cf. Ibn al-Sacl,
al-Jamic al-mukhtalJar, IX, p. 38.
651Q, p. 57 (al-M-f-i-diyya)/586 (al-M-q-i-diyya). This is the date on which a
breach in the Burj al- CAjaml gave the Mongols access to the fortifications; the
actual surrender took place six days later. See R. Wu, The Fall of Baghdad and the
Mongol Rule in al-C!raq, 1258-1335, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Utah, 1974,
pp. 86-87. I am indebted to Dr. R. Amitai-Preiss for this reference.
661bn al-'fiqtaqa, al-Fakhri, p. 17. For an illuminating discussion of the origins

well-disposed towards IT: he summoned him on 10 $afar 656/16 Feb.

1258 and provided a safe-conduct for himself, his family and his friends.
IT assembled 1,000 persons and, under the protection of men sent by
Hulagu, went to al-I:Iilla. 67 He cannot have stayed there very long, since
he describes himself as being at his home in Najaf on 9 Mul:Iarram 658/
26 December 1259. 68
Soon afterwards IT was back in Baghdad: 69 he was at his al-Muqta-
diyya home on 14 Rabi c II 658/29 Mar. 1260, giving an ijiiza for a work
which he had just completed, the TashrzJ bi ta crif waqt al-taklif.70 His
return to the capital was probably connected with his appointment
by Hulagu as chief of the cAlids, an event which IT himself dates to
656/1258. 71 This date seems inconsistent with the report that IT was
appointed in 661/1262-3 as naqzb al-nuqabii' of the cAlids in Iraq.72
Perhaps there were two occasions: first Hulagu's appointment of IT
as naqzb of the Baghdad cAlids (this fits in well with a report that
IT assumed the niqiibat al-'J'iilibiyym in Baghdad);73 and later his ap-
pointment as naqzb al-nuqabii' of all the cAlids of Iraq. It may well be
the latter occasion which is referred to in an account describing IT as
sitting on a green cushion (or sofa) (martaba)-the cAlid colour having
replaced the cAbbasid black-and listening as the poet cAll b. I:Iamza
compared him to the Imam cAll al-Ri<;la. 74
What was IT's attitude to the Mongols? We have little to go by.
In the Iqbiil he expresses his gratitude to the Mongol ruler (malik al-

and significance of the view reflected in this fatwii see J. Sadan, "Community and
'Extra-community' as a Legal and Literary Problem", IDS, 10, 1980, pp. 102-115.
The passage from Ibn al-Tiqtaqa is analysed on pp. 114-115 (for "RashId aI-Din"
read "Ra<;1.l aI-DIn").
671Q, p. 59/588. Strothmann (p. 92) is mistaken in stating that IT was in Najaf
at the time of Baghdad's capture. He may have been misled by the statement in
Raw~iit (IV, p. 338) that IT was in Najaf and returned to Baghdad "fi dawlat
al-Mughiil" .
68TT, p. 5.
69 Cf. BA, CVII, p. 45.
7oTT, p. 17 (for al-M-f-i-diyya read al-Muqtadiyya).
71 Al-wiliiya (alii 1- (Alawiyyin, in all likelihood a parallel title to wiliiyat al-niqiiba
(alii dhawll-ansiib, the official title of the naqib (cf. Hartmann, Niiljir, p. 153, n.
144); IQ, pp. 58/586, 71/600.
72Ps._Ibn al-FuwatI, p. 350; Strothmann, p. 93; cf. L. Massignon, "Cadis et naqIbs
baghdadiens", WZKM, 51, 1948, pp. 106-115, at p. 115, n. l.
731bn Zuhra, Gh iiy a, p. 58.
741bn Zuhra, Ghiiya, p. 146. Although the report does -not say where this took
place, it is likely to have been Baghdad. The martaba was often used on ceremonial
occasions. Cf. J. Sadan, "A propos de 'martaba"', REI, 41, 1973, pp. 51-69; idem,
Le mobilier au Proche-Orient medieval, Leiden, 1976, index, s.v. The cAlid naqib
in whose home at Mosul some Christians sought refuge (Bar Hebraeus, Chronicon
syriacum, ed. P. Bedjan, Paris, 1890, p. 576) was not IT, pace Spuler (Die Mongolen
in Iran, p. 242). Cf. Strothmann, p. 94.

ar4) and says he will pray for him;75 he describes his appointment
by Hulagu in neutral terms. IT also sent him one of his works via the
$a!pb Diwan. 76 In contrast, we have the evidence of Ibn cInaba (d. 828/
1424)-admittedly a rather late source-that IT originally intended to
turn down the appointment, but that he relented after Na~Ir aI-DIn
al-TusI, hearing of his intention, had warned him that refusal would be
suicidal. 77 In his Persian work al-Fu~ul al-fakhriyya Ibn cInaba similarly
declares' that IT was appointed by Hulagu as naqib al-nuqaba' "under
force and coercion" (ba ijbar wa kurh).78 If true, this would mean that
we must reject Strothmann's view that IT readily assumed office under
the Mongols.
Yet once installed in office, it seems That IT came to believe that
under the new circumstances it was his duty to hold a position of
leadership. This must have led him in due course to think of himself
as destined for even greater things. As he reports in the Iqbal,79 he
read in the eschatological work al-Mala~im of al-Bata'ini (fl.. first half
of the 3d/9th century) a saying by Jacfar al-$adiq to the effect that
after the destruction of the cAbbasid empire Mul,lammad's community
would be ruled by a just and honest person from the ahl al-bayt, who in
turn would be succeeded by the Qa'im. 80 IT believed ( wa ghalaba ~anni
wa C araftu )-and fervently hoped-that he was that just and honest
person: he was, after all, a descendant of Musa al-Ka~im, and he held
the position of al-wilaya cala l-CAlawiyym. This thought occurred to
him on 12 Rabl c I 662/13 Jan. 1264.
Ibn cInaba maintains that after his appointment by Hulagu IT held

75IQ, pp. 59/588, 71/600.

76 This was the title of Shams aI-DIn Muq,ammad JuwaynI (d. 683/1284); see EI2,
art. "DjuwaynI, Shams aI-DIn" (B. Spuler). Since however IT writes al-'Ala' $alJ,ib
d?:wan al-mamalik al-mu'a~~ama al-shams?: (MF, p. 156/172), he may conceivably
be referring to al-JuwaynI's brother 'Ala' aI-DIn 'Ata-Malik (d. 681/1283); cf. EI2,
art. "DjuwaynI, 'Ala' aI-DIn" (W. Barthold-p. A. Boyle]). My thanks to Dr. R.
Amitai-Preiss for his helpful suggestions on this point. See also al-ShabIbI, Mu 'arrikh
al-'Iraq Ibn al-Fuwa~?:, 11/1, p. 230.
77Nama-i danishwaran, I, pp. 176-177, citing Ibn 'Inaba's 'Umda; cf. Anwar, p.
116. This material is not found in the printed editions of the' Umda which I have
seen (Bombay 1318, Najaf 1380, Beirut 1390), and is probably taken from the longer
version of this work, said to have survived in manuscript (cf. EI2, art. "Ibn 'Inaba"
[B. Scarcia Amoretti]j the Bombay 1318 edition contains the shorter version, and
not, as assumed in this article, the longer one).
78Ibn 'Inaba, FUfjul, pp. 131-132.
79IQ, pp. 71/599-600.
8oFor a similar tradition cf. BaQranI, Kashkul, III, pp. 187-188, 323-324. In
this tradition 'All prophesies that "a Turkish [i.e. Mongol] king" will destroy the
'Abbasid empire and will then hand over power to a just person from the Prophet's
family. This person is said to be either the MahdI or the founder of the ~afawid
dynasty (seen as the ultimate heir of the Mongol state).

the position of naq'ib for three years and eleven months, and that he
died in office. 81 This only makes sense if it is assumed, first, that the
appointment mentioned by Ibn cInaba was that of 661, and secondly
that IT assumed office early i'n Mu1).arram of that year (Nov. 1262).82
It should be noted that the information given by Ibn cInaba is not
repeated in its entirety in other sources. In some of these sources men-
tion is made of IT holding office for three years and eleven months, but
the statement that he died while in office does not occur.83 The infor-
mation in other sources flatly contradicts Ibn cInaba. Thus Taj aI-DIn
Ibn Zuhra reports that IT was removed from the office of chief naq'ib
near the end of his life. 84 If this report is correct, it is likely that this
removal-under circumstances of which we know nothing 85 -gave rise
to the account according to which both he and his brother A1).mad were
killed and died as martyrs.86 Possibly the first author who refers to IT as
a shah'id is Mu1).ammad b. MakkI al-cAmilI (d. 786/1384), who himself
became posthumously known as the First Martyr (al-Shah'id al-Awwal)
following his execution by order of the Mamluk Sultan Barquq.87
Little is known of IT's last years. He completed the first part of his
Mala~im on 15 Mu1).arram 663/7 Nov. 1264 at his home (dar) in al-
I:Iilla, where he had stopped on his way from Baghdad on a pilgrimage
to Najaf and Karbala'. 88 He also gave an ijaza to a number of his
students in Jumada I 664/Feb.-Mar. 1266. 89 IT died in Baghdad on
the morning of Monday, 5 Dhu I-Qa cda 664/8 August 1266. 90 His wish

81 N ama-i danishwaran, I, p. 177, citing the C Umda.

82 Even then only three years and ten months would separate between IT's ap-
pointment and death.
83BA, CVII, p. 45; Raw4at, IV, p. 338; Strothmann, p. 93.
84Ibn Zuhra, Ghaya, p. 58. The expression used is kuffat yaduhu, "his hand was
restrained". It is also used (ibid.) with reference to IT's son MuJ.:tammad al-Mu~taIa:
he was appointed naqib, and then kuffat yaduhu can dhalika. The expression is used
synonymously with cuzila; see e.g. ps.-Ibn al-Fuwat1, pp. 356 (wa lamma kuffat
yaduhu nqa~aCa Ii darihi), 292 (thumma Cuzila fa nqa~aCa fi baytihi).
85 Could an inkling of his thoughts as to his future role have reached the Mongol
86BaJ.:tranI, Kashkul, I, p. 307 (citing a book of ba c4 al-fu4ala')j Riya4, I, p. 74.
87 Dhikra l-sMca fi alJ,kam al-sharica, I, Tehran, 1271/1854, p. 119. AI-ShahId
al-Awwal is perhaps the ba c4 al-fu4ala' of the previous note.
88MF, pp. 81-82/92. He must therefore have retained his old home in al-l;Iilla or
allowed members of his family to live there. In the Mu4ayaqa, completed in 18 RabI c
II 661/1 Mar. 1263 (see Chapter I1.2), IT likewise mentions "the home in which I
now live in al-l;Iilla" . See M, p. 38/351.
89Dh, I, p. 222; -+11', Ijaza (for al-QussInI). For a list of IT's students see al-
Kharsan's introduction to F2, pp. 9-10; Anwar, p. 117. The best-known among
them was the cAllama al-l;IillI; cf. Schmidtke, p. 18.
90The astrologers whom he had asked how long he would live were not too far off
the mark: most said 75 solar years, one said 74 solar years, while two others gave
him more than 80 solar years; see N, pp. 150-151.

to be buried in Najaf seems to have been honoured. 91

There are no reports that IT ever left Iraq, other than for the perfor-
mance of the pilgrimage to Mecca in 627/1230. 92 In the Aman, written
probably after he had returned to Baghdad,93 he says his travels take
him no further than Najaf in the south and Samarra' in the northj94
and there is no indication that this pattern changed in later years.
He is not known to have again gone on the ~ajjj it was a particularly
hazardous undertaking at that time, and on a number of occasions no
pilgrimage convoys set out from Iraq.
It seems that IT was quite well off. In his wal!iyya to his son Mu~am
mad he informs him that, in conformity with the practice of the Prophet
and (All, he will not bequeathe to his offspring any gold or silverj
instead, he will leave them real estate and landed property (al-amlak
wa 1- (aqar) which he had purchased over the years. 95 IT emphasizes
that wealth in itself is not blameworthy so long as one is guided by the
knowledge that all property ultimately belongs to God. 96
IT is known to posterity as ~a~ib al-karamat. He relates a number
of incidents of a miraculous nature which happened to him, and is also
reported to have been in direct contact with the Twelfth Imam. 97 He
is said to have been granted knowledge of the Greatest Name of God
(ism allah al-a (ram), but to have been denied permission to divulge this

91 For IT's wish see F, pp. 73-74/71. There were many others, both before and after
IT's days, who asked that after their death their bodies be taken for burial to one of
the holy shrines of Shlcism; see al-ShablbI, Mu 'arrikh al- CIraq Ibn al-Fuwa~i, II/I,
pp. 92-97. The early sources state explicitly that IT was buried in Najaf: see ps.-Ibn
al-FuwatI, p. 356; BA, CVII, pp. 45,206-207,208 (citing al-Shahld al-Awwal). Later
authors are less certain: Yusuf al-Ba~ranI, for one, declares that the burial site is
"not now known" (Lu'lu'at al-BalJ.rayn, Najaf, 1386/1966, p. 241, whence,
IV, p. 338; see also Nama-i danishwaran, I, p. 177). A grave popularly known as
that of CAlI b. Tawus (referring either to IT or to his son CAlI) exists in al-I:Iilla; cf.
the editors' introduction to y2, p. 112; Karkush, I, p. 26 (with two photographs of
the grave between pp. 24 and 25). AI-NurI al-TabarsI mentions the belief that this
is IT's grave but is himself skeptical (MK lith., III, p. 472; cf. QummI, Fawa'id, p.
92F, pp. 70-71/68-69, 274/248. For the pilgrimage from Iraq on that year see ps.-
Ibn al-Fuwatt, p. 16. During al-Mustan~ir's reign IT obtained permission to visit
al-Ric;la's grave in Khurasan but did not go when told that he would also have to
carry out a diplomatic mission; see K, p. 148.
93See Chapter 11.2.
94 A, pp. 143/150-15l.
95K, pp. 122-123.
96K, pp. 123-125.
97See M, p. 39/353, MD, p. 296, Rawlj.iit, IV, p. 328 and the material collected
in MK lith., III, pp. 467-469. In N* fols 174b-176a/[om N, p. 259], IT tells of a
number of people who disclosed to him having met or received messages from the
MahdI; but in this passage he does not reveal anything about his own experiences.
The passage is referred to in cAmilI, Ithbat, VII, pp. 362-363.

Name to his sons. rr

tells them that the Name is strewn in his writings
like shining pearls and that they may discover it through repeated
reading of these writings.98
IT had three brothers, but nothing is known about their ages. 99
One was Sharaf aI-DIn Abu l-Fa<;ll Mu1).ammad, who was killed dur-
ing the Mongol conquest of Baghdad in 656/1258, leaving no offspring
behind. loo A second brother, cIzz aI-DIn al-I:Iasan, had died two years
earlier. lOl Three sons of cIzz aI-DIn are mentioned in the sources: Abu
l-I:Iasan Sa cd al-Dln Musa, described as a ziihid/ 02 Qiwam aI-DIn Abu
Tahir A1).mad (d. 704/1304-5), who was am7:r al-~iijj in the reigns
of Arghun (683-690/1284-91) and Gaykhatu (690-694/1291-5);103 and
Majd aI-DIn Mu1).ammad, who held a leading position in the Twelver
ShlcI community: when Hulagu approached Baghdad (but before he
had conquered it) he went to meet him, together with the father of the
cAllama al-I:IillI and the faq7:h Ibn AbI 1- cIzz;104 they told Hulagu that
he would put an end to cAbbasid rule, in accordance with a prophecy
of cAlI. l05 Majd aI-DIn also had a large sum of money sent to Hu-
lagu and wrote for him the K. al-bishiira; he was thus able to save
al-I:Iilla, the neighbouring aI-NIl and the two Mashhads (i.e. Najaf and
Karbala') from plunder and destruction. Majd al-DIn was appointed
naq7:b of the Euphrates region (al-biliid al-furiitiyya),106 but died shortly
thereafter. 107
The third brother was the author and poet Jamal aI-DIn Abu 1-
Fa<;la'il Al).mad, father of Ghiyath aI-DIn cAbd aI-KarIm (d. 693/1294),
who himself wrote a number of books. l08 Jamal aI-DIn travelled to
98 Nama-i danishwaran, I, p. 163 (citing what is probably the long version of Ibn
<Inaba's <Umda).
99Cf. Ibn <Inaba, <Umda, pp. 156-157;, I, p. 75.
100Ps._Ibn al-Fuwaty, p. 329; Mu~~aIa Jawad, "Mu'arrikh al-<!raq", p. 400, citing
from a manuscript of al-<Asjad al-masbuk fiman waliya 1- Yaman min al-muluk by
Abu I-l.Iasan <All b. al-l.Iasan al-KhazrajI (d. 812/1409; see GAL, II, p. 235, S, II,
p. 238), whose source seems to have been Ibn al-Sa<I's Ta'rikh. Cf. Anwar, p. 176.
101 See A Cyan, XXIII, pp. 329-330.
102Ibn al-Fuwa~I, Talkhil} majma< al-adab fimu<jam al-alqab, ed. MU!il~aIa Jawad,
IV /1, Baghdad, 1382/1962, p. 110.
103Ibn al-Fuwa~I, Talkhil} majma < al-adab, IV /4, Damascus, 1387/1967, pp. 757,
762; KarkUsh, I, p. 88. Cf. Ibn BaHuta, RilJ,la, Cairo, 1346/1928, I, p. 110.
104For whom see Anwar, pp. 165-166.
105 <Allam a al-l.IillI, K ashf al-yaqin, Iran, 1298, pp. 17-18; cf. ps.-Ibn al-FuwatI, p.
330. See also Strothmann, pp. 42-47; Schmidtke, p. 15 and the references given in
106 This term is apparently synonymous with al-a <mal al-furiitiyya, which included
<Ana, al-l.IadItha, HIt, al-Anbar, al-l.Iilla, al-KUfa and QUsan (ps.-Ibn al-Fuwa~I, p.
303; cf. ibid., pp. 319, 332).
107Ibn <Inaba, <Umda, p. 157. Cf. ps.-Ibn al-Fuwaty, pp. 330-331, 336; Karkush, I,
p. 74; Anwar, p. 157.
108Ghiyath aI-DIn transmitted from IT in $afar 663/Nov.-Dec. 1264; see Ghari,
Abu Jacfar ......

r - aI-TusI Warram b.
(d. 460/1067) AbI Firas
(d. 605/1208)
Sacd aI-DIn
(d. ca. 620/1223?) [mother]

Clzz aI-DIn Sharaf aI-DIn Ra<J.I aI-DIn J ama! aI-DIn t"'"

aI-~asan Mu~ammad cAll A~mad :;j
(d. 654/1256) (d. 656/1258) (d. 664/1266) (d. 673/1274-5)
Majd aI-DIn Qiwam aI-DIn Sa cd aI-DIn Ra<J.I aI-DIn Jala! aI-DIn Ghiyath aI-DIn o
Mu~ammad A~mad Musa cAli Mu~ammad cAbd aI-KarIm o
(d. ca. 656/1258) (d. 704/1304-5) (d. 711/1312) (d. 680/1281-2) (d. 693/1294) ~

Qiwam aI-DIn Abu I-Fa<J.I Ra<J.I aI-DIn
A~mad Mu~ammad cAli

Table 1: Genealogy of the Ibn rawiis Family CUmar Najm ai-DIn

Abu Bakr

Egypt before returning to al-I:Iilla. Following the Mongol conquest N a~Ir

aI-DIn al-Tusl brought him before the Mongol ruler, who gave him a
large estate (ayC a ) at al-I:Iilla, and he became very wealthy. He died in
al-I:Iilla in 673/1274-5. 109 The four-part system of classification of tra-
ditions into sound, good, reliable and weak appears to have first been
introduced into ShlcIliterature by Jamal aI-DIn A}:tmad; it was elabo-
rated by his pupil the cAllama al-I:IillI and so became well-known. l1O
Jamal aI-DIn held independent views on some doctrinal issues; he thus
argued, against the commonly held ImamI position, that descendants of
Fatima-such as Zayd b. CAll-who rebelled against the authorities are
not punished in Hell even when they are in error, since all of Fatima's
descendants are protected from the Fire. 111
In addition to his two sons, IT had four daughters. 112 The names of
two of them are not recorded; the other two were Sharaf al-Ashraf113
and Fatima. 114 These two daughters were older than the sons: in the
Sa Cd-written in 651/1253-4-IT proudly recounts that both had learnt
the Qur'an by heart: Sharaf aI-Ashraf when she was twelve years old
and Fatima when she was less than nine. IT bequeathed a copy of the
Qur'an to each of these two daughters. 115
IT's eldest son Jalal aI-DIn (also referred to as Jamal aI-DIn and
$afi aI-DIn) MuJ:.!ammad (d. 680/1281-2) was naq?:b of Baghdad and
al-Mashhad [ = Najaf] before being dismissed. 116 He died childless.
Mu}:tammad's younger brother, called (like his father) Abu I-Qasim CAll,

p. 36. 5ee also Ghari, pp. 52, 57, 62, 72, 90, 111, 112, 136, 144, 145; in general
Ibn al-Fuwatl, TalkM!} majma ( al-adab, IV /2, pp. 1194-5;Rawat, IV, pp. 221-224;
A (yan, XXXVIII, p. 80; Anwar, pp. 91-92.
109Ps._Ibn al-Fuwatl, pp. 382,480; Ibn Dawud, Rijal, pp. 45-47; Ibn Zuhra, Ghaya,
p. 57; Ibn (Inaba, (Umda, pp. 156-157; al-Tafrishl, Naqd al-rijiil, Tehran, 1318, p.
191; (Amill, Amal, II, pp. 29-30; Riyii, I, pp. 73-77; Yusuf al-Bal).ranl, Lu'lu'at
al-Ba~rayn, pp. 243-245; Rawiit, I, pp. 66-68; Karkush, I, pp. 26-30, 88; Qumml,
Fawii'id, pp. 39-40; A (yiin, X, pp. 275-285; Anwiir, pp. 13-14. In MK lith., III, p.
466, his death-date is given as 677/1278-9. For a recent edition of his Zahrat al-riyii
(a collection of aphorisms, supplications and exhortations; cf. Dh, XII, p. 74, no.
510) see Turiithunii, 5/1, Mu}:larram-Rabl( I 1410/Aug.-Oct. 1989, pp. 139-238 (ed.
Asad Mawlawl).
l1oModarressi, p. 48, n. 2.
111 Ibn Zuhra, Ghiiya, p. 128.
11 2 M, p. 40/354.
113 A, p. 116/128; K, p. 86; 5, p. 26.
114 5, p. 27.
115 5, pp. 26, 27. At the same time, IT decided to bequeathe all his other books to
his two sons and to any future male offspring, "for they are more in need of it than
the girls" (K, p. 35).
116Ibn Zuhra, Ghiiya, p. 58; cf. Anwiir, p. 164. In the same passage it is stated
that Mu}:lammad declined an offer of niqiiba made by the ~a}:lib Dlwan al-Juwaynlj
perhaps that offer was for the niqiiba of all of Iraq. Cf. Mul).ammad $adiq Ba}:lr
aVUlum's introduction to the Ghiiya, p. 35.

was nominated as naq1:b after Mu}:tammad's death;117 for a time he may

have lived in al-Bata'ih. 118 cAll inherited his father's intellectual bent:
he wrote the Zawii;id ~1-Jawii'id119 and journeyed to Adharbayjan and
al-Sultaniyya in search of genealogical material. 120 He is also described
as asking the (apparently Jewish) poet cAfif aI-DIn Abu cAll Faraj b.
I:IizqII b. al-Faraj al-Isra'lil al-Ya cqubi for details about the principles
of (the Jewish?) religion (a3hyii' tata callaqu bi l_u~ul).121 cAll, who
died in Rama<;lan 711/Jan.-Feb. 1312,122 had a son called Qiwam al-
DIn A}:tmad, who in turn fathered two sons, cUmar and Najm al-Dln
Abu Bakr CAbd Allah. Abu Bakr had no offspring, while nothing is
known about cUmar. Ibn cInaba states that if he, too, died childless,
this means that the entire Tawus family had disappeared. 123


In his essay Die ZwolJer-Sch1: c a, Strothmann juxtaposes Na~Ir aI-DIn

al-TusI, the statesman and man of action, with IT, "a modest unknown
figure" and "the embodiment of Shici quietism" who led a "lonely,
uneventful life" .124 Though somewhat overstated, this is in general an
apt description for the period preceding the advent of the Mongols.
IT's attitude to the outside world can best be seen from his advice to
his son Mu}:tammad as set out in the Ka3hJ. Mixing in society is an
intractable malady (dii' mu Cil) which distracts one's mind from God;
such activity should therefore be reduced to a bare minimum. 125 IT
appears to suggest that the injunction to enjoin the good and forbid evil
(al-amr bi l-ma cruJ wa l-nahy Can al-munkar) should be performed in
the heart only: if you speak up against injustice people will become your
enemies, and their enmity will distract you from God. If, on the other

117Ibn Zuhra, Ghaya, pp. 74-75.

118See -+Drwan al-nasab.
119See Dh, XII, p. 59 and the discussion in Chapter II.3. Cf., IV, pp. 224,
338, 355-356; Anwar, p. 107.
120 AI-ShablbI, Mu 'arrikh al- (Iraq Ibn al-Fuwati, II/I, p. 230, n. 1, citing Ibn al-
FuwaF, who states that he accompanied (All on two such trips, in 701/1301-2 and
121 Ibn al-Fuwa~I, TalkhilJ majma ( al-adab, IV/I, pp. 509-510. (Alif aI-DIn is de-
scribed (ibid.) as "having knowledge of their history and knowing by heart most of
the Pentateuch" .
122See the editors' introduction to y2, p. 85, citing Ibn al-Fuwa~I's TalkhilJ majma (
al-adab, V, p. 489.
123Ibn (Inaba, (Umda, p. 157; Riyaq., I, p. 75. The sources also mention two sons
of Ghiyath aI-DIn, one called Abu I-Fa41 MUQammad (see Riyaq., III, p. 164), the
other (named after IT) Ra41 aI-DIn Abu I-Qasim (All (alive in 701/1301-2); see
Riyarj., IV, pp. 123-124, whence Karkush, I, p. 31.
124Strothmann, pp. 7, 88, 110.
125K, pp. 101-102.

hand, you attempt to please them through flattery they will replace
Allah as your god, since what they think of you will matter more to
you than what He thinks. 126 IT warns his son in particular about the
pitfalls of associating with the rulers of the dayl27 and with evil men
(CulJiit), and tells him how he declined offers by rulers and viziers to visit
them. 128 He had undertaken such visits in his youth, after asking for
God's approval through istikhiira; but he now knew that using istikhiira
under such circumstances does not provide reliable guidance. 129 One
should only enter into conversation with people when this does not
interfere with divine worship.130 .
IT's piety shines through in many passages in his work. 131 For ex-
ample, his revered grandfather Warram had ordered that the stone of
a ring engraved with the names of the Imams should be placed in his
mouth after his death. IT produced a similar stone, to be used in the
same fashion; its purpose was to answer the two angels (i.e. Munkar
and N aklr) during the interrogation in the grave. 132 IT also had his
shroud ready, and used to look at it intently and visualize the Day
of Judgment. 133 The extent of his preoccupation with death becomes
clear from various passages in the Kashf.134
When IT was still a boy, Warram told him that whatever he under-
took he should do well. Warram also informed him that he had heard
from his own teacher al-I:Iimma~1135 that the Imamiyya no longer had
any jurisconsult who could investigate matters in depth (muftin C alii
l-tal],qzq); all of them merely transmitted received knowledge (I],iikin).
IT explains the dearth of such scholars as a result of the length of time

126K, p. 102.
127K, pp. 102-103.
12 8 K, pp. 106-107.
129K, p. 107.
130K, p. 108.
131 The (Allama al-l.IillI describes him as "the most pious person of his generation";
see his Minhiij al-/!aliil}. as cited in cAmilI, Arnal, II, p. 207, Rawrf,iit, IV, p. 328, MK
lith., III, p. 469.
132F, p. 75/72, whence Riyiirf" V, p. 285, BA, LXXXII, p. 51, Rawrf,iit, IV, p. 337,
MK, II, p. 477. Yusufal-BaQranI, who also cites this story (Kashkul, II, Najaf, 1381,
p. 148), adds that IT did not rely for this custom on a tradition, but followed his
grandfather's example.
133 F, p. 68/70.
134E. g. K, pp. 87, 97-98. See also N, p. 151, where IT says that he would like to
ask God to hasten his death but refrains from doing so because this must be left to
God (tafwir/.).
1351.e. Sadld aI-DIn MaQmud b. (All al-l.Iimmru;;I (or l.Iim~I) (d. early 7th/13th
century); see Muntajab aI-DIn, p. 164; (AmiII, Arnal, II, p. 316; Riyiirf" V, pp. 202-
203; Rawrf,iit, VII, pp. 158-164; A (yiin, XLVIII, pp. 4-5. In the Riyiirf, it is suggested
that the correct form of his nisba is al-l.Iim~I, referring to the Syrian city. For a
dissenting view see al-KhwansarI (Rawrf,iit, VII, pp. 163-164).

which had elapsed since the believers had had direct access to an Imam.
IT's opinion of his contemporaries is not exactly complimentary: today,
he says, all the jurisconsult does when responding to queries is to cite
the views of his predecessors (al-mutaqaddimun); this is a simple task
which almost anyone can perform. 136
rr states that it took him about a year of studying fiqh to know more
about the subject than some of the students in his class (apparently in
al-I;Iilla) who had begun learning it a number of years before him. The
reason for this, he says, is that each of them had in his possession only
one book at a time, that which was being studied, while he had at his
disposal a number of books on fiqh which had belonged to Warram. IT
used to stay up at night and go through everything which his colleagues
had read; he then compared it with Warram's books, noting the con-
trasting legal positions of the various authors. The following morning
he would challenge the other students to debate the legal points which
he had mastered. 137 Though IT does not explicitly say so, it is obvious
that with his superior knowledge they stood no chance against him.
This early schooling in debating fiqh was an excellent preparation for
polemics in other fields as well. 138 IT says that the two and a half years
or so which he devoted to fiqh were sufficient, and that he does not wish
to spend any more time on it. He tells his son that if he should wish to
learn fiqh, he should follow his father's example and study the books
of Abu Jacfar al-Tusi. He should do this with a pious teacher, and the
study should be undertaken for the sake of God and not as an end in
itself. 139
In his Jjiiziit,140 IT again clarifies his attitude to fiqh: he says that
he shied away from it and wrote only one work on legal matters (the
Ghiyiith). He explains that he does not wish to provide answers to le-
gal questions (Jatwiis) since the correct answers are a matter of dispute
among Shici scholars, and he wanted to avoid providing answers which
might be based on erroneous views. Similarly, IT says in the Kashfthat
he did not wish to issue fatwiis for fear that they might be unsubstan-
tiated and based on a wish for worldly power (ri 'iisa ).141 In fact, IT
went on to write another legal treatise, the MUiiyaqa. Here, too, he
describes his aim as adducing the relevant traditions while leaving it to
the specialists (man kullifa bihi min ahl al-na~ar wa l-amiiniit) to draw

136K, p. 127.
1 37 K,pp. 129-130.
138 Cf. Kohlberg, "Polemic".
139K, pp. 127, 129.
140IJ, p. 18/42; Rawiit, IV, p. 326.
141 K, pp. 109-110. Cf. his Ijiiza to Yusuf b. lJatim, in BA, CVII, p. 46. See also
Arjomand, p. 207.

the legal conclusions. 142 It is no coincidence that the two legal works
which he wrote were concerned with a subject close to his heart, namely
prayer. IT's emphasis on the paramount importance of traditions 143
for the elucidation of the law found favour with some Akhbarls of the
$afawid period. 144
IT also avoided writing on kaliim, since he realized that ordinary
Muslims found it hard to achieve knowledge (ma Crifa) through it; and
as the prophets have shown, the truth can be taught without resorting
to it. 145 He adds that his only work on the subject is the (lost) Shifii'
al- Cuqul min dii' al-fuul.1 46
IT's rejection of kaliim was coupled with a critical attitude towards
the Mu Ctazila. He emphasizes that this attitude does not stem from
ignorance: he studied and read works of kaliim (including presumably
Mu Ctazill works ).147 The trouble with the Mu Ctazila is that its beliefs
are far removed from certainty (yaq1:n) and are open to refutation by
its opponents. 148 For IT, knowledge (maCrifa) of God comes from God
and is present in man from birth. This fitra 149 inclines man to recog-
nize that God exists. Man knows God as a result of God's generosity,
and not by virtue of acquisition (kasb) and reflection (nafar). IT thus
rejects the Mu CtazilI claim that na~ar is a prerequisite for knowledge of
God, and argues that this knowledge can be obtained without resort to
the intricacies of kaliim. 150 IT sees the influence of the Mu Ctazila as per-
nicious in that they turn self-evident truths into abstruse and difficult
matters, and needlessly introduce doubt and confusion into the hearts
142M, p. 31/338; see also Chapter 11.2. In his biography of Hashim b. Sulayman
al-KatkanI al-Ba}:lranI (d. 1107/1695-6 or 1109/1697-8), Yusuf al-Ba}:lranI (d. 1186/
1772) notes that he has not come across any fatwiis by him, and that his books are
mere compilations; "I do not know whether this is because he was unable to use
reasoning, or because he avoided [issuing fatwiis] out of piety (tawarru C an), as is
reported of IT"; see Lu'lu'at al-Bal],rayn, p. 63. It should be noted, however, that
Hashim al-Ba}:lranI composed a K. al-tanbihiit, which is said to have contained his
deductions of legal rules in all subjects of fiqh (see Riyii, V, pp. 300-301; Efr, art.
"Ba}:lranI, Hasem" [W. Madelung]).
143 Including traditions on the authority of single transmitters (akhbiir al-iil],iid); see
N, pp. 42-43, where aI-SharIf al-Murta<;la is criticized for rejecting such traditions.
Cf. -K. al-cudda.
144Cf. -IT, K. kashf al-mal],ajja. See in general Efr, art. "AkbarIya" (E.
145IJ, p. 18/43.
146See also Chapter 11.2.
14 7 K, p. 17.
148K, pp. 9-10.
1490r, as IT sometimes calls it, al-fi~ra al-awwaliyya; see K, p. 10, line -4, p. 12,
line -8, p. 23, lines 9-10, p. 24, lines 12-13.
150K, pp. 10-13, 17; cf. J, pp. 4-6. At the same time, man's innate knowledge
is insufficient to discover God's will in detail, and so an intermediary (wiisita) is
required in the form of the Imam (K, p. 33; cf. F, pp. 4-5/3-4).

of the believers. 151 There is no need for kaliim to show the way to those
who seek the truth (mustarshidun): they need only be taught about
the Prophet, the Imams and those who follow them (i.e. the ShfCa).
Yet IT does not dismiss kaliim out of hand: when used judiciously by a
believer who has fulfilled all his religious duties, it can assist in refut-
ing the arguments of unbelievers (ahl al-4aliil).152 IT personally none
the less found the subject unattractive: as he says, he avoided works
on kaliim, since they are only useful to those engaged in disputation
(al-munii~ariit wa I-mujiidaliit ).153
Although IT nowhere offers a systematic exposition of his beliefs,
the picture which emerges from his writings as a whole is that of a man
with clear views on all issues of importance in Twelver Shlc-r thought.
For example, as regards the doctrine of the immunity from error and sin
(Ci~ma) of prophets and Imams, IT held that they were fully immune
from major and minor sins, and interpreted accordingly texts which
seemed to conflict with this view. 154 He similarly rejected accounts
which depicted the Prophet in a less than perfect light. 155 On the sub-
ject of the manner of the Imams' death IT reportedly objected to the
view that the Imam CAlI al-Ri<;la had been poisoned by al-Ma'mun,
thus departing from the widely held belief that all the Imams died an
unnatural death. 156
IT's belief that traditions of the Imams are the main source of re-
ligious knowledge, coupled with his reserved attitude to fiqh and his
hostility to kaliim and in particular to the Mu Ctazila, are characteristic
of the AkhbarI position in its $afawid form. His overt anti-Sunnism
stands in marked contrast to the more conciliatory attitude of scholars
such as Abu Ja Cfar aI-TusI and especiallyal-TusI's mentor aI-SharIf al-
Murta<;la; it harks back to pre-Buwayhid Shlcism, and adumbx:ates the
positions of al-MajlisI and other scholars of the $afawid period. IT's
emphasis on visits to the graves of the Imams and his insistence on
the importance of ShI(I days of commemoration and of supererogatory
prayers and other acts of devotion highlight the popular' elements in

151 K, pp. 17-22.

152K, pp. 23-24.
153 IJ, p. 18/43. The similarity to some of al-GhazzaII's views on fiqh and kalam is
striking; cf. Lazarus-Yafeh, Studies, pp. 373-390.
c c
154 See S, p. 82, referred to in -+Jawami al-jami IT found it difficult to interpret
a supplication of Musa al-Ka~im in which the Imam asked forgiveness for disobeying
God. In reply to a question by Ibn al- CAlqamI IT suggested that the Imam wished
to teach others how to show repentance, or that his words were an expression of
humility; yet IT was dissatisfied with both answers. The story is told by CAlI b. clsa
al-IrbiII, who goes on to give his own explanation (lrbiII, Kash/, III, pp. 42-44).
155See -+al-Murad min al-jiyad, -+K. al-murshid.
1561rbi1I, Kash/, III, p. 72. Cf. BA, XLIX, pp. 311-313.

his thought. Particularly striking is his defence of such practices as is-

tikhiira by casting lots (riqiiC)157 and the use of talismans as a remedy
for illness,158 as well as his occasional resort to astrology.159
Not enough is presently known about Twelver Shrcism in the late
cAbbasid period; an assessment of IT's contribution in its wider context
thus remains a task for the future.

157See A, pp. 84-86/97-99, B, pp. 271-279, 286-293.

158See A, pp. 77-78/91, K, p. 133.
159 Astrology was practised by many of IT's contemporaries; for some examples see
al-ShablbI, Mu'arrikh al-CIraq Ibn al-Fuwa~i, II/I, pp. 224,233.



1'+ left behind an impressive number of writings on a variety of subjects,

the most prominent being ~adith, supplications, polemics, history and
biography. The earliest list of his literary output is found in his K ashf;
it includes the titles of twelve works (K 137-139), one of which (the
Muhimmiit) consists of a number of separate texts (see below). That
this list was already incomplete at the time of its compilation can be
seen from the fact that the K ashf itself includes references to works by
1'+ that do not appear in the list. A longer list appears in the Jjiiziit,
where r.r enumerates many of the works which he composed before
about 650/1252-3. This list, too, is not exhaustive: 1'+
declares (IJ 18/
42) that he wrote numerous abridgements (mukhta~ariit) whose titles
escape him (cf.. K 139) and that he composed various epistles and ser-
mons which together would take up a number of volumes, as well as
innumerable responsa and exhortations (mawii(iz.), none of which ap-
pear in the Jjiiziit. Two of the titles mentioned in the K ashf are also
missing. 1'+
is not known to have composed a comparable list in his
later years. The lists in the Kashf and the Jjiiziit were used by al-I;Jurr
al- (Amill in compiling the list of IT's works in his Amal. More recent
lists are noted towards the end of this chapter.
In this chapter an attempt is made to pull together the available
information on IT's writings. The abbreviations and conventions are
the same as those employed in the List (see Chapter IV.1), except that
in this chapter the asterisks that appear before titles have a different
sense: a single asterisk (*) denotes works of IT which are not preserved
in their entirety, regardless of whether the preserved part comprises a
single citation or several volumes; two asterisks (**) denote those of
his works which are either lost or have not yet been unearthed, and of
which I have so far discovered no direct citations.


===} (Adam muiiyaqat al-fawii'it, see al-Muwiisa (a wa l-muiiyaqa

===} Ad(iyat al-asiibi(, see Zahrat al-rabi(
===} Ad (iyat al-sii (iit, see K. al-asriir al-muda C a
===} K. fi
camal laylat al-jum C a wa yawmihii, see Jamiil al-usbu c
===} K. camal al-shahr, see al-Duru c al-wiiqiya

===? K. C amal shahr Ramaiin, see K. al-mimiir

===? K. fi C amal al-yawm wa l-Iayla, see FaIii~ al-sii'il

1. al-Amiin min akhtiir al-as/iir wa I-azmiin

Dh II 343 no. 1365
See GAL, I, p. 657, no. 1 (citing the India Office and Br. Mus. manu-
scripts, as well as the manuscripts referred to in Dh); S, I, p. 912 (citing
the Mosul manuscript; cf. Dawud al-CalabI al-Maw~ilI, K. makhtutiit
al-MawlJil, Baghdad, 1346/1927, p. 122, no. 23).
This work deals with various matters connected with travel (e.g.
how to dress, what to take along, how to protect oneself against danger
and disease, prayers for different stages of the journey). It seems to
have been inspired byIT's own travels (cf. A 117/129,143/150-151).
In Dh, two manuscripts are mentioned; Al ( = Najaf, 1370/1951) is
not referred to, since it had not yet been published. In AI , no details are
given of the manuscript(s) used; A2 ( = Qumm, 1409/1988) is based on
two manuscripts (different from 'those mentioned in Dh): Mar cashI116
and Tehran University 1828. The latter (which is acephalous and begins
at A2 26 line 12, though this is not indicated on the appropriate page
in the apparatus) was copied by I:Iusayn b. cAmmar al-Ba~rl (uniden-
tified). Danishpazhuh (Fihrist-i nuskhahii-i khaHz-i ... Tahriin, VIII,
Tehran, 1339 Sh., p. 426), al-TihranI (Anwiir, p. 51) and Jawad al-
ShahrastanI (in his introduction to A2, p. 9) all state that according to
the colophon, al-Ba~rl completed copying the manuscript on Wednes-
day, 14 RabI c I 632/7 Dec. 1234, and so they conclude that the Amiin
must have been written before this date. There are, however, serious
problems with this dating. In the first place, the Amiin is not men-
tioned in the Ijiiziit (though this does not necessarily mean that the
Ijiiziit predates it); secondly, in the Amiin IT refers to various works of
his written after 632/1234, such as the Abwiib and the Nujum, which
he recommends taking on journeys; thirdly, he refers (in A 116/128)
to the time when he lived with his family in Najaf, which was proba-
bly between 645/1247-8 and 648/1250-1. Finally, as may be seen from
the photograph of the last page of the Tehran manuscript (included in
the editor's introduction to A2, p. 13), the date of the colophon is 24
(not 14) RabI c I, which in 632 fell on a Sunday (or one day before or
after Sunday), not a Wednesday. (For calculating the day of the week
in the Islamic calendar see Grohmann, Chronologie, pp. 36-39. Cf. also
Wiistenfeld-Mahler; H. H. Goldstine, New and Full Moons 1001 B.C.
to A.D. 1651, Philadelphia, 1973, p. 187.) It may be suggested that
632 should be emended to read 732: sittimi'a can easily be confused
with sabcimi'a, and 24 RabI c I 732/25 Dec. 1331 did fallon a Wednes-
day (give or take one day). (Another possibility is 24 RabI c I 932/8

Jan. 1526.) Since I':r

says that at the time of writing he is living in
Baghdad (A 143/150), it must be assumed that the Aman was written
after IT's return to the capital in 652/1254-5. (The boat trip from Kar-
bala' to Baghdad mentioned in A 117/129 may be the one by which he
A Persian translation of the Aman entitled Nashr al-aman Ii l-as/ar
wa l-awtan was made in the 10th/16th century by cAll b. al-J:lasan al-
ZawarI(or ZiwarI) (for whom see Storey, 1/1, pp. 14-15, QummI, Kuna,
II, pp. 273-274); see Dh XXIV 158 no. 818. There are versions of the
A man different at some points from those available to me (cf. ~ K unuz
al-naja~; ~$a~f/at al-Ri4a).

2. ** Anwar akhbar Abf cAmr al-Zahid

Dh I 366 no. 1916, XX 167 no. 2424
IJ [om 181/41
Text in IJ2: wa jama Ctu kitaban ikhtartuhu min kitab AM cAmr al-Zahid
sammaytuhu kitab Anwar akhbar AM cAmr al-Zahid. Title in Dh XX:
al-Mukhtar min akhbar AM cAmr al-zahid. Title in al-Kharsan's list
(introduction to F2, p. 16, no. 3): al-Ikhtiyarat min kitab AM cAmr al-
Zahid al-Mutarriz (similarly Dh I). IncAmilI, Amal, II, p. 206 it appears
as kitab ikhtartuhu min kitab AM cAmr al-Zahid. This was probably an
abridgement of the K. al-manaqib of Abu cUmar (or CAmr) al-Zahid
Ghulam Tha clab (d. ca. 345/956-957) (see List under this title; cf. GAS,
VIII, p. 158).
3. * ai-Anwar al-bahira /f ntil}ar ai-Citra al-tahira
Dh II 418 no. 1656
MF 93/104, T$ 531, Y 5-8/122-125, 207/525
This work (for which see the editors' introduction to y2, 38-42) dealt
with subjects similar to those of the Yaqfn; for this reason, IT incor-
porated its khutba in his introduction to the Yaqfn (Y 6-8/123-125).
In this khutba IT states that he wrote the Anwar when he was over
seventy years old, i.e. in 659/1261 or later (but not after 662/1264); see
Y 8/125; cf. T$ 531. Initially the title of the Anwar was al-Tal}rf~ bi
l-nal}l} al-l}arf~ (or al-l}a~f~) min rabb al- C alamfn wa sayyid al-mursalfn
cala CAlf b. AM Talib bi amfr al-mu'minfn (Y 6/122).
In his Bina' (p. 135), Al).mad Ibn Tawus cites from a letter which
he received from his brother, in which IT refers to a book of his some
seven quires (kararfs) long, containing 105 /a4a'il traditions on cAil
on the authority of eighteen scholars. Since these details do not fit the
other two works on CAll composed by IT (the Ta~l}fn and the Yaqfn) ,
this may well be a description of the Anwar (but see the discussion
under al- Yaqfn).

In MF, IT refers to a passage in the A nwiir concerning Sunni praise

of al-Tabari.

4. K. al-asriir al-muda C a fi sii C iit al-layl wa I-nahiir

Dh I 396 no. 2060, II 56 [no no.], XII 101 no. 663
A 76/90,89/101, 130/140
According to al-TihranI, this work may be identical with K. al-siiCiit
or K. adCiyat al-siiCiit which al-Kafcami attributes to IT in various
works (see e.g. Junna, p. 772). AI-Tihrani was told that a manuscript
of this work exists in a private collection, but he did not see it (Dh I
396). Mu}:lammad b. $ali}:l (i.e. Mu}:lammad b. A}:lmad b. $ali}:l al-SIbi
al-QusslnI; see Riyii4, V, pp. 25, 110) says in his Jjiiza that in Jumada
I 664/Feb.-Mar. 1266 he read to (qara'a (alii) IT the K. al-asriir fz
siiCiit al-layl wa I-nahiir together with the Mu~iisaba. See BA, CIX, p.
18; CAmilI, A mal, II, p. 206; Dh II 56 (citing the Jjiiza of !:Iasan b.
al-Shahld al-ThanI).
5. * Asriir al-/fal(aw)iit wa anwiir al-da C awiit
Dh II 49 no. 199, XX 170 [no no.]
F9/[om 7]
See GAL, I, p. 657, no. 19 (citing Dh). An alternative title given by IT
is Mukhtiir al-da Cawiit wa asriir al-~aliit. This is the last volume of the
Muhimmiit according to the five-juz' division of this work (see below).
It is presumably a different work from the K. aI-sa C iidiit bi 1- Cibiidiit,
which is the last volume of the Muhimmiit according to the ten-mujallad
division. The reason for this assumption is that while IT cites from the
K. aI-sa C iidiit in a number of his works, he states that if God allows
him to compose the Asriir al-~aliit he will conceal it during his lifetime
(Fl), unless "he who has the authority to permit" (i.e. the Twelfth
Imam? in a dream or in an actual meeting?) grants him permission to
divulge its secrets before his death. IT does not say why he intended
to conceal this work; one can only surmise that he planned to discuss
in it sensitive issues such as ism alliih al-ac~am (cf. Chapter 1.1) or the
inner, anti-Companion meanings of certain prayers (cf. ---+K. rash~ al-
walii'). AI-Tihrani saw a quire from the beginning of the Asriir al-~aliit
in a collective manuscript (majmu C a) in the library of !:lasan al-$adr,
in which IT states his intention to conceal this work. The rest of the
material cited by al-Tihraru from this quire is likewise found in IT's
introduction to the Falii~ al-sii'il.
6. * al-Bahja Ii (or bi) thamarat al-muhja (fi muhimmiit al-awliid wa
dhikr awliidz)


Dh III 159 no. 562

IJ 18/41, K 17, 86, 111, (127), 138, S 79
See cAmill, Amal, II, p. 206. This work (entitled al-Bahja in KIll and
S) must be dated after 643/1245, since it was written for IT's eldest
son Mul,lammad (see Raw4at, IV, p. 224). In IJ, IT says that it dealt
with the affairs of his children (yata C allaqu bi muhimmat awlad1:). The
excerpt in K 17 (taken from the introductory section of the Bahja)
describes IT's studies of kalam and his decision not to devote himself
to the subject. The other excerpts deal with the circumstances of his
marriage (K 111), his early life and studies, his wish for children, and
how God granted him offspring by ummahat al-awlad (K 138). (Might
the muhimmat of the title be an error for ummahat?) In K 127, IT's
grandfather Warram cites his teacher al-I:Iimma~l, who complained that
there were no jurisconsults able to investigate matters in depth; and
this is followed by IT's comment that today, too, the jurisconsults can
do no more than cite the views of their predecessors. This passage does
not appear in K as a quotation from the Bahja; but it is cited as such
by al-Shahid al-Thanl Zayn aI-DIn b. cAll al-cAmill (d. 966/1558) who
quotes the Kashfin his al-Diraya fi cilm al-~ad7:th, Najaf, n.d. [ca. 1950],
pp. 28-29, whence Raw4at, VII, p. 161. Judging by these excerpts, the
Bahja (perhaps even more than the Kashf) must have comprised strong
autobiographical elements-not a commonplace occurrence in medieval
writings. As noted in Dh, al-Kantiirl (p. 89, no. 404) is mistaken in
identifying the Bahja with the Kashf.

7. * K. al-bisharat bi qa4a' al-~ajat cala yad al-a'imma calayhim al-

salam ba C d al-mamat
Dh III 111 no. 374
A 78/91, IQ 72/600,687/469, K 34
This is one of a number of works which IT recommends for taking
on journeys (see A). The title appears in IQ and K as al-Bisharat. In
IQ 687/469, IT recounts a visit which he made to cAll's grave. This
work was apparently still available to Mul,lammad Taql al-Majlisl's
brother-in-law Kamal aI-DIn Mul,lammad b. Mu cln aI-DIn Mul,lammad
al-FasawIMlrza Kamala (fl. early 12th/18th century) (for whom see K.-
H. Pampus, Die theologische Enzyklopadie Bi~ar aI-Anwar des Mu~am
mad Baqir al-Maglis7: (1037-1110 A. H. = 1627-1699 A. D.), Bonn,
1970, p. 92), since in a Rijal work which he wrote for one of his rel-
atives he recommends reading it (according to Dh, where the work is
referred to as MajmuCa rijaliyya; cf. also al-Tihranl, Mu~affa l-maqal,
Tehran 1378/1959, pp. 376-378).
A passage from a work entitled K. al-bishiira is cited in I:Iilll, Mukh-
ta~ar, p. 212 (see --+Kitab [Jacfar b. Mul,lammad b. Malik]; cf. cAmill,

Amal, II, p. 206; Dh III 113 no. 383). AI-ij:i111 identifies the author as
Ra9.1 al-DIn cAll b. Tawus, and the reference is probably to the K. al-
bishiiriit; it is unlikely that the work cited by al-ij:i1li is the K. al-bishiira
of IT's nephew Majd aI-DIn Mul,1ammad (cf. Dh III 114 no. 384).
8. al-Duru c al-wiiqiya min al-akhtiir fimii yu cmalu Ii l-shahr kull yawm
calii l-takriir (or fimii yu cmalu mithluhu kull shahr calii l-takriir)
Dh VIII 146 no. 567
A 77/90-91, F 8/6, (IJ 18/41), IQ 23/553, 121/637, 177/683, 221-
222/724-725,257/22,333/87, 355/109, 520/305, J 357
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 15 (where the title is erroneously give~ as
al-Durra al-wiiqiya). IT identifies it as the fifth volume (referred to as
juz') of the Muhimmiit (D* fol 3b, IQ 23/553, 121/637, 177/683, 221-
222/724-725), and says (D* fol3a) that he wrote it after completing the
first four volumes, namely the two volumes of the Falii~ al-sii'il, the K.
zahrat al-rab,c and the Jam iii. IT does not mention the title al-Duru c
al-wiiqiya when enumerating the volumes of the Muhimmiit in IJ 18/41;
instead, he refers to $alawiit wa muhimmiit Ii l-usbu C, which may be
another title for the Duru c.
The Duru C comprises supplications which are to be repeated on a
particular day of each month. This is also indicated by its alternative
title, (K.) camal al-shahr, by which it is referred to in IQ (except IQ
23/553) and J. It is not to be confused with K. camal shahr Rama4iin,
which is an alternative title of the Mi4miir. According to al-Majlisl
(BA, XCIV, pp. 224, 324), much of the Duru Cwas used by Ra9.Ial-DIn
CAll b. Yusuf, brother of the cAllama al-I:IillI, for his K. al-Cudad al-
qawiyya (of which al-Majlisl possessed the second part; see BA, XCVII,
p. 224, XCVIII, p. 191); and the work became an object of imitation
for later writers as well (Raw4iit, III, p. 265). A characteristic of the
Duru Cwhich it shares with the Zii'ir and (to a lesser degree) with the
J amiil and the Luhuf is that in these works IT often fails to reveal his
sources. (AI-Nurl al-Tabarsl argues that this is only true of the Zii'ir
and the Luhuf, both of which are early works; see MK lith., III, p. 470.)
AI-TihranI mentions various manuscripts of the Duru C, but not
the 1303 Tehran edition (not seen; cf. Mushar, Mu'allifin, pp. 413-
417, at p. 414). An edition of the Duru C based on three manuscripts
(one MarcashI, two Mashhad) is forthcoming in the Silsilat ma~iidir
Bi~iir al-anwiir published in Qumm (see Turiithunii, 5/1, 1410, p. 252).
I consulted the manuscript in the possession of the Library of the In-
stitute of Ismaili Studies in London (ms. [Arabic] 803, 117 fols; see A.
Gacek, Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the Institute
of Ismaili Studies, vol. 2, pp. 15-16 [18]). I am grateful to Professor
Madelung for drawing my attention to this manuscript (referred to as

D*), and to Dr. A. Haji and Mr. J. Badakhshani for kindly supplying
me with a microfiche copy of it. This manuscript comprises 23 chapters,
as against the 120 chapters of which the work consists according to A
77/90. There are further indications that D* is not representative of
the work in its original form: it contains interpolations by al-Kafca:mI
(see D* fols 10a-12a, 109a-ll0a; cf. --+cflal al-shara'i c, --+Makarim al-
akhlaq), while material said to have been included in the original is
missing (cf. al-Karajakl's --+Fihrist, the anonymous -+ TaJszr ran) ah(
al-bayt calayhim aI-salam). It is unlikely, however, that D* consists of
less than a fifth of the original chapters; perhaps rr(or someone else)
rearranged the material at some point by condensing the 120 chapters
into larger units.
9. * Fala~ al-sa'il wa naja~ al-masa'il (or musa'il?) Ii camal al-yawm
wa l-layl
Dh XVI 302 no. 1330
A 76/90, 79/92, 128/139, 130/140, B 212, D* fols 3a, 116b, IJ 18/
41, IQ 222/725, 236/9, 308/67,484/270, 508/287,553/336, 556/
339, 639/428, J 174, 179, 185, 190-191, 224-226, 228, 230, 357,
365, 410-412, 417, 441-442, 505, K 173, MD 145, 272-273, MI:I
This work formed the beginning of the Muhimmat. It consisted of two
volumes divided into forty-three chapters (or sections) (Jal}ls): the first
comprised thirty Jal}ls and was made up of prayers for the time between
zawal (early afternoon) and retirement at night; the second comprised
prayers for the time between waking up for night prayers and early
afternoon (see the chapter headings at the beginning of F, and also A
79/92). The second volume is probably lost (apart perhaps from some
fragments) (cf. MK lith., III, pp. 291, 361). I refer to the work as a
whole as the Fala~ al-sa'il and to vol. 1 of the work as Fala~ 1.
IT describes the Fala~ al-sa'il as consisting of more than sixty quires
(see D*). Fala~ I is identified as the opening volume of the Muhimmat
in B, IQ 222/725, 484/270, 553/336, 639/428, J 365, 410; the Fala~
al-sa'il is called K. (Ii) camal al-yawm wa l-layla in A 76/90, 79/92, IQ
236/9, 308/67, 508/287, 556/339, J 185, 190, 224, 226, 228,357, 410-
412, 417, 441-442, 505 and MD 145. The K. al-naja~ Ii l-adCiya, which
according to the Riya4 (III, p. 113; see also Dh V 250 no. 1202, XXIV
63 no. 311) is a work of IT cited by cAbd al-Raljim b. Ya~ya al-Ba~ranl
(fl.. 11th/17th century?) in his Jawami c ai-sa cadat Ii Junun al-da cawat
(extant in manuscript), is probably another title for the Fala~ al-sa'il.
IT mentions transmitting some of the material in this work from As Cad
b. cAbd al-Qahir al-I~fahanl during their meeting in Baghdad in $afar
635/Sept.-Oct. 1237 (F 15/12). There is at least one interpolation: in

F 116-117/109, rr refers to a passage from al-TabarI's Tafszr which he

carne across two years after he had completed this book.
Falii~ I was published in Tehran in 1382/1962; this edition is based
on two manuscripts, both copied this century (see F\ p. 291). The
Najaf 1385/1965 edition is a new printing of the earlier edition (see
F2, editor's introduction, p. 20). It contains the same text, except that
those passages from IT's introduction regarding an alternative division
of the K. al~muhimmiit have been dropped from it. Some material from
Falii~ I is missing from both editions but can at times be retrieved via
citations in BA and MK (see e.g. -+K. adab al-imiim wa l-ma'mum,
-+K. al-imiima; cf. -+al-Amiilz[al-Tusl]. Where the precise location of
the lacunae in the printed editions can be established, this is indicated
in the List.) Al-Tihranl refers to a number of manuscripts of Falii~ I;
these appear to contain some readings different from those used for the
printed editions (cf. -+A~l [CAbd Allah b. I;Iammad al-An~arl]).
Judging by the contents of some citations in the Bi~iir, it would
seem that the second volume was still available to al-Majlisl. An exam-
ple of such a citation is BA, LXXXVI, pp. 129, 162-164, consisting of
supplications for the dawn. See also -+K. qi~a~ al-anbiyii' (al-Rawandl).
10. K. faraj al-mahmum fi ma Crifat (nahj or manhaj) a1-~aliil wa 1-
~ariim min cilm al-nujum
Dh XVI 156 no. 424
A 89/101
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 10. This work is also known under other
titles, including K. faraj al-mahmum fi ta'rfkh Culamii' al-nujum. At
its end IT states that he completed it in Karbala' on 20 Mul).arram
650/2 Apr. 1252 (see N 260). There is some difficulty with this date,
since in N 147 ( = N* fol 98b) IT refers to his move to Baghdad in
652/1254-5. This led Mul).arnmad Ri<;la al-Shablbl (Mu'arrikh al-Clriiq
Ibn al-Fuwatz, II/I, p. 236) to cast doubt on the date mentioned at the
end of the Nujum and to suggest that it was written around the time
of the fall of Baghdad. While this suggestion is not impossible, there
are two points which render it implausible: first, IT is known to have
lived in Karbala' in 650/1252-3, and it is difficult to assume that both
date and place as they appear in N 260 are wrong. Secondly, IT says
in the Kashf (written in 649/1251-2) that he is planning to compose a
work showing that astrology is basically a sound science (Cilm ~a~z~ fi
alllihi)-a clear reference to what was to become the Nujum (K 137).
As is known from other works (e.g. the Ijiiziit), IT did not as a rule take
long to embark on plans which he had announced; and so it is simpler to
assume that in this case, too, his plan was carried out shortly after its
conception rather than a decade or so later. It is therefore more likely

that the passage about the move to Baghdad is a later interpolation by

IT (such interpolations are also found occasionally in his other works).
At least two manuscripts of this work are extant, one in the Khizana
Ra<;lawiyya in Mashhad (riyii4z 143; see Fihrist-i kutub-i kitiibkhiina-i
mubiiraka-i iistiin-i quds-i ra4awz, Mashhad, 1345, III, p. 344) and the
other in Najaf. The printed edition is based on the Najaf manuscript
(see Matar, pp. 34-36); so apparently are the citations from this work
in Dh (cf. Dh XVI 156 no. 424, -+K. fi l-masii'il wa btidii' al-a Cmiil).
Al-Majlisl and Afandl must have used manuscripts containing readings
which differed at some points from those in the Mashhad and Najaf
manuscripts (cf. -+K. qi~a~ al-anbiyii' [al-Rawandl), -+Mukhta~ar al-
muntakhab respectively). For further details of this work see Matar.
11. ** K. lar~at al-nii~ir wa bahjat al-khawiitir (or khiitir)
Dh XVI 161 no. 438
IJ 18/39
See cAmill, Amal, II, p. 205. IT describes this as an early work. In
IJ, the title appears erroneously as Far~at al-niis. Isma Cll aI-BaghdadI
gives the title as Tanbzh al-khiitir wa nuzhat al-nii~ir and adds that
some ascribe it to Warram b. Abl Firas (Hadiyyat al-ciirifin, Istanbul,
1951-5, II, p. 479); this is clearly the result of a confusion with Warram's
well-known work (see -+MajmiL C). For further details see Chapter 1.l.
12. K. lat~ al-abwiib bayna dhawz l-albiib wa (bayna) rabb al-arbiib (Iz
l-istikhiira wa mii fihii min wujiLh al-~awiib)
Dh II 20 [no no.], XVI 103 no. 127
A 9/24, 84-85/97, IJ 18/40, K 101, 121, 133, 138-139
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 12 (where this work is referred to as Fat~
al-abwiib fi l-istiCiira [sic)); Strothmann, pp. 130, 133-139. IT began
composing this work on Tuesday, 24 Rajab 642/26 Dec. 1244 (see B
113, 224) and completed it on Sunday, 5 Jumada I 648/5 Aug. 1250
(see B 310).
The book contains a defence of the practice of istikhiira (entrust-
ing God with the choice between two or more options) and shows the
various uses to which it can be put (cf. Ell, art. "Istikhara" [1. Goldz-
iher); El 2 , art. "Istikhara" [T. Fahd); B. Langner, Untersuchungen zur
historischen Volkskunde Agyptens nach mamlukischen Quellen, Berlin,
1983, pp. 81-85). While IT was aware of the dangers of misusing is-
tikhiira (cf. K 107), he himself had recourse to this practice. To the
examples adduced by Strothmann there may be added IT's reliance on
istikhiira before marrying (K 111), embarking on a new book (B 113, K
5, MF 15/17, T$ 532), answering a Sunnlopponent (Y 8/125), treating
an illness (K 133) and determining the date of a ziyiira (M 36/349; cf.
K 148).

AI-KhafIaf's edition is based on three manuscripts (see the editor's I

introduction, pp. 95-97). AI-1'ihranI knows two of them (Tehran Uni-
versity and Mashhad) and cites four additional manuscripts. He also
mentions an extant Persian translation. Some material cited in BA

from the Abwab is missing from B (see -+K. [fa4lJ al-du ca' [Sa Cd b. 1

cAbd Allah)).
13. * Fat~ (maMub) al-jawab al-bahir fi (shar~ wujub) khalq al-kafir
Dh XVI 108 no. 149
IJ 18/40, K 131, 138
The title of this work" is not entirely clear. In IJ, the word ma~jub is
followed by ayyid; in the version consulted by al-1'ihranI, the title is
given as K. fat~ al-maMub wa huwa l-jawab al-bahir etc.; this led al-
1'ihranI to suggest that 11' may have given this work two alternative
titles. 11' says he knows of no one who wrote such a work before him, but
gives no further details. K 131 contains a quotation from a speech by
CAlI which appears at the beginning of the Fat~ al-jawab; in this speech,
the exegesis of the Prophet and the Imams is held up as the only valid
interpretation of the Qur'an. According to al-1'ihranI, this work was
apparently still available to MIrza Kamala, since he recommends it (cf.
-+11', K. al-bisharat). There is conflicting evidence as to whether al-
I;Iurr al-cAmilI (d. 1104/1693) had it at his disposal. On the one hand,
in his Ijaza to Mu~ammad Fa9il al-MashhadI (in BA, CX, p. 117) he
grants him permission to transmit this work (which he calls al-Jawab
al-bahir fi khalq al-kafir). On the other hand, he refers to it in his epistle
Khalq al-kafir (extant in manuscript; cf. Dh VII 246 no. 1191) but says
that he has not seen it. Could he have come across it after writing
his Khalq al-kafir? AI- cAmilI's epistle consists of traditions prohibiting
discussion of theological issues such as al-qa4a' wa l-qadar; I1"s text
may conceivably have dealt with similar matters.

==> al-Fitan wa l-mala~im, see al- Tashrif bi l-minan

14. K. ghiyath sultan al-wara Ii sukkan al-thara

Dh XVI 73 no. 366
B 182, F 127/119, 144/133, 156/144, IJ 18/40 and 42, K 138, L
20-21/25, N 42-43
In IJ, 11' states that this work deals with making up (qa4a') for prayers
over the dead which were not performed at the prescribed time, and
adds that it includes material which he does not think is found in any
other work. In B, the book is said to have included information on al-
KullnI and his Kafi. The following excerpts are referred to: F 127/119:
on the importance of performing the prayers at the prescribed times;
F 144/133: on the inner meaning of the call to prayer (adhan); N: on

the validity (~i~~a) of legal precepts based on akhbiir al-ii~iid; K: on

performing the prayers over the dead. In L, IT provides his chain of
authorities to Ibn Babawayh's Amiilr, while F 156/144 contains quota-
tions from al-TusT's biography of Ibn Babawayh in the Fihrist.
In IJ 18/42, IT describes this as his only work on fiqh. As already
noted, he later wrote at least one more legal work, the MUiiyaqa. Be-
cause of the similarity in subject matter between these two works, they
were sometimes confused. Thus a passage from the MUiiyaqa (M 36-
39/348-353) is cited via al-AstarabadT's al-Fawii'id al-madaniyya in al-
NUrl al-TabarsT's Jannat al-ma'wii (in BA, LIII, pp. 208-213), where it
is presented as taken from the Ghiyiith. Conversely, a passage from the
Ghiyiith is described by AfandT as taken from the Muiiyaqa (see -+K.
al-mansik). AI-TihranT similarly on occasion confuses the two (see -+ K.
al-amiilr (al-Natiq bi l-~aqq), -+K. al-naq calii man a~hara l-khiliif).
A conflation of the two titles is also attested.
The Ghiyiith is extant in several manuscripts, none of which was
available to me. Instead, I have relied on the excerpt from this work in
al-ShahTd al-Awwal's Dhikrii l-shrca j1: a~kiim al-sharrca, Tehran, 1271/
1854, pp. 73-75. The whole of this excerpt was included by al-MajlisT
in the Bi~iir (BA, LXXXVIII, pp. 309-316) and part of it by al-~urr
al-cAmilT in the Wasii'il, III, pp. 366-369. It was published as Qabas
min kitiib ghiyiith sultiin al-warii by the Madrasat aI-Imam al-MahdT
(Qumm, 1408) in the same volume as the Nuzhat al-nii~ir wa tanbrh
al-khiitir of the 5th/11th century author al-~usayn b. MuJ:!ammad b.
al-~asan al-~alwanl (separate pagination). That this is only an excerpt
is clear from the fact that some passages in the Ghiyiith cited or referred
to by IT in other works of his do not appear in it.
15. ** al-Ibiina j1: ma crifat (asmii') kutub al-khiziina
Dh I 58 no. 290
S 4, 24-25
This was a catalogue of IT's library. In CAbd al- cAzlz al-Tabataba'l,
"Ahl al-bayt", 1/4, 1406, p. 91, n. 1, its title is given as Iqlrd al-khiziina
(not otherwise attested). The Ibiina predates the Sa Cd, which was begun
in Dhu I-Qacda 651/Dec. 1253-Jan. 1254; it is not mentioned in the
Ijiiziit, and if, as is probable, this is because it postdates it, then the
Ibiina was written in late 650/1252-3 or the following year. For further
details see Chapter III.2.
16. * K. ighiithat al-diicr wa iCiinat al-siicz
Dh II 249 no. 999
IQ 418/187, MD 103, 145, 294, 320-321
The excerpt in IQ comprises the text of two prayers known as du C ii'
al-mul}~af al-sharzf; they are to be recited while holding a copy of

the Qur'an above one's head. In MD 294, the Ighiitha is said to have
contained a number of supplications composed by the Mahdi.
17. * K. al- i~tis iib Calii 1- alb iib
Dh I 284 no. 1488
A passage from a work bearing this title and attributed to Ibn 'fiiwus
ra~imahu lliih is cit~d from al-Kafcaml,s Balad in BA, XCV, p. 164.
Although it is not stated which member of the family is meant, the
fact that the passage deals with supplications makes it likely that the
reference is to our author. The supplication cited is to be uttered in
case of pressing need (idhii aIa~~at bihi I-~iija). It is missing from the
Tehran 1383 edition of the BaIad; in this edition, a chapter entitled
AdCiyat al-~awii'ij appears on p. 155, and it can be assumed that the
passage originally appeared in the lJiishiya of that chapter. AI-Tihranl
knows only of a K. al-i~tisiib, which he describes as an anonymous work
of supplications. He must have drawn on the list of sources of the BaIad,
where this title is all the information provided. The title is missing from
other lists of IT's writings.

~ Ijiiza (for IT's sons), see K. kashf al-ma~ajja

18. * Ijiiza (for al-Qusslnl)

Dh I 222 no. 1165
This Ijiiza, dated Jumada I 664/Feb.-Mar. 1266, is an authorization
to transmit IT's al-Asriir al-muda Ca and Mu~iisaba. Its recipients were
Shams aI-DIn Mul?ammad b. Al?mad b. $alil? al-Qusslnl and his sons
Jacfar, CAll and IbrahIm, as well as Yiisufb. I,Iatim al-Shaml(fl. second
half of the 7th/13th century; cf. Riyii4, V, pp. 389-390), Al?mad b.
Mul?ammad al-cAIawI al-Nassaba (cf. Riyii4, I, p. 63), Najm aI-DIn
Abu Na~r Mul?ammad aI-Mus aWl and $an aI-DIn Mul?ammad b. Bashlr
aI- cAIawI aI-I,Iusaynl (cf. Riyii4, V, p. 45). See Anwiir, pp. 2, 10, 31,
148-149, 153-154, 175. According to aI-Tihranl, this Ijiiza is mentioned
by Shams aI-DIn aI-Qusslnl in his Ijiiza for Najm aI-DIn Tuman b.
Al?mad al- cAmill which in turn is mentioned in the Ijiiza of the $al?ib
al-Ma calim (i.e. Jamal aI-DIn Abu Man~ur al-I,Iasan b. Zayn aI-DIn al-
Shahld al-Thanl, d. 1011/1602; see Dh XXI 198 no. 4595; Modarressi,
p. 8 and index).

~ Ijiiza (for Yusuf b. I,Iatim al-Shaml), see K. al-ijiiziit

19. * K. al-ijiiziit (Ii kashf turuq al-mafiiziit) fimii yakhu/}/}uni (or yu~/}ii)
min al-ijiiziit
Dh I 127 no. 610, 222 no. 1164
IQ 12/542, 147/658, MD 213, Y 34/183, 38/193, 45/210, 56/236,
74/271, 94/307 .

The beginning of this work is preserved in the Bi~iir (BA lith., XXV,
pp. 17-19 = BA, CVIl, pp. 37-44) from a manuscript copied by the
ShahId al-Awwal. In it, IT mentions the Abwiib (completed in 648/
1250-1) and the Kashf (completed in 649/1251-2), says he has begun
work on the Mi4miir and the Masiilik al-mu~tiij from the Muhimmiit,
and refers to the Iqbiil as a work still to be completed. It can thus be
concluded that the Ijiiziit was written in late 649/1251-2 or early 650/
This work included IT's chains of authorities to a number of texts:
al-RawajinI's K. al-ma crita (Y 74/271); the works of al-J:Iusayn b.
Sa cId al-AhwazI (Y 94/307); al-Thaqafi's K. al-ma crifa (Y 38/193);
al-TabarI's Ta'r1:kh (IQ 12/542); Ibn AbI I-Thalj's K. al-tanz1:1 fi 1-
na~~ calii am1:r al-mu'min1:n (Y 45/210); Ibn CUqda's lJad1:th al-waliiya
(Y 34/183); al-KhaFb aI-Baghdadi's Ta'r1:kh Baghdiid (MD 213); Ibn
Shadhan's Mi'at ~ad1:th (Y 56/236); and a prayer for mid-Rajab (IQ
147/658). None of these chains is included in the fragment preserved
in the Bi~iir.
AI-TihranI assumes that this Ijiiza is identical with the one IT gave
Jamal aI-Din Yusuf b. J:Iatim aI-ShamI, of which a fragment is cited by
Shams aI-DIn Mul:l.ammad al-J aba cI from a manuscript copied by al-
ShahId al-Awwal, whence it was taken into the Bi~iir (BA, CVIl, pp.
45-47). The fact that the fragment from the Ijiiza to Yusuf b. I;Iatim
essentially reproduces IJ 18/42-43 supports this assumption. It seems
that additional fragments of the K. al-ijiiziit (or perhaps the entire
work?) were available to al-ShahId al-ThanI; see his Ijiiza for Baha'
aI-DIn al- cAmilI's father al-I:Iusayn b. cAbd al-$amad (d. 984/1576-
7) (BA, CVIIl, p. 170, Bal).ranI, Kashkul, II, p. 223). _Cf. also --+A~l
(transmitted by aI-J:Iasan b. Mal).bub), --+K. mad1:nat al-cilm.

==} al-Ikhtiyiiriit, see Anwiir akhbiir Abi cAmr al-Ziihid

20. K. al-iqbiil bi I-a cmiil al-~asana fimii (nadhkuruhu mimmii) yu c_

malu marratan f1: I-sana (or m1:qiitan wii~idan kull sana)
Dh II 264 no. 1078
A 77/91, F 8/6, (IJ 18/41), J 159, K 156, S 69, 294
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 7 (mentioning ms. Buhar 75 and two Tehran
editions). This work, which comprised the fourth volume of the Muhim-
miit in the five-volume division, is referred to in IJ as Mii yakunu f1:
I-sana marra wii~ida. In A, it is said to consist of two volumes (mu-
jalladiin): the first, prayers for the months of Shawwal through Dhu
I-I;Iijja and the second, prayers for Mul).arram through Sha cban. In J
and K, the second volume is mentioned as forthcoming (J: "I shall men-
tion some of these isniids at the beginning of camal Rajab" [i.e. of the

the Qur'an above one's head. In MD 294, the Ighiitha is said to have
contained a number of supplications composed by the MahdI.
17. * K. al-i~tisiib calii l-albiib
Dh I 284 no. 1488
A passage from a work bearing this title and attributed to Ibn '!'iiwus
ra~imahu lliih is cit~d from al-KafcamI's Balad in BA, XCV, p. 164.
Although it is not stated which member of the family is meant, the
fact that the' passage deals with supplications makes it likely that the
reference is to our author. The supplication cited is to be uttered in
case of pressing need (idhii ala~~at bihi l-~iija). It is missing from the
Tehran 1383 edition of the Balad; in this edition, a chapter entitled
AdCiyat al-~awii'ij appears on p. 155, and it can be assumed that the
passage originally appeared in the lfiishiya of that chapter. AI-+ihranI
knows only of a K. al-i~tisiib, which he describes as an anonymous work
of supplications. He must have drawn on the list of sources of the Balad,
where this title is all the information provided. The title is missing from
other lists of I+'s writings.

===} Ijiiza (for I+'s sons), see K. leashJ al-ma~ajja

18. * Ijiiza (for al-QusslnI)

Dh I 222 no. 1165
This Ijiiza, dated Jumada I 664/Feb.-Mar. 1266, is an authorization
to transmit I+'s al-Asriir al-muda C a and Mu~iisaba. Its recipients were
Shams aI-DIn Mulfammad b. Alfmad b. $'alilf al-QusslnI and his sons
Jacfar, cAll and IbrahIm, as well as Yusufb. I,Iatim al-ShamI (fl. second
half of the 7th/13th century; cf. Riyii, V, pp. 389-390), Alfmad b.
Mulfammad al-cAlawI al-Nassaba (cf. Riyii, I, p. 63), Najm aI-DIn
Abu Nal?r Mulfammad al-Musawland $afi aI-DIn Mulfammad b. Bashlr
aI- cAlawI aI-I,IusaynI (cf. Riyii, V, p. 45). See Anwiir, pp. 2, 10, 31,
148-149, 153-154, 175. According to aI-+ihranI, this Ijiiza is mentioned
by Shams aI-DIn aI-QusslnI in his Ijiiza for Najm aI-DIn Tuman b.
Alfmad aI- CAmill which in turn is mentioned in the Ijiiza of the $alfib
al-Ma calim (i.e. Jamal aI-DIn Abu Manl?ur aI-I,Iasan b. Zayn aI-DIn aI-
Shahld al-ThanI, d. 1011/1602; see Dh XXI 198 no. 4595; Modarressi,
p. 8 and index).
===} Ijiiza (for Yusuf b. I,Iatim aI-ShamI), see K. al-ijiiziit
19. * K. al-ijiiziit (Ii kashJ turuq al-maJiiziit) fimii yakhu/}/}un'i( or yu~/}ii)
min al-ijiiziit
Dh I 127 no. 610, 222 no. 1164
IQ 12/542, 147/658, MD 213, Y 34/183, 38/193, 45/210, 56/236,
74/271, 94/307 .

The beginning of this work is preserved in the Bi~iir (BA lith., XXV,
pp. 17-19 = BA, CVIl, pp. 37-44) from a manuscript copied by the
Shahid al-Awwal. In it, r:r mentions the Abwiib (completed in 648/
1250-1) and the Kashf (completed in 649/1251-2), says he has begun
work on the Mi4miir and the Masiilik al-mu~tiij from the Muhimmiit,
and refers to the Iqbiil as a work still to be completed. It can thus be
concluded that the Ijiiziit was written in late 649/1251-2 or early 650/
This work included I1"s chains of authorities to a number of texts:
al-RawajinI's K. al-ma crifa (Y 74/271); the works of al-I:Iusayn b.
Sa cid al-Ahwazi (Y 94/307); al-Thaqafi's K. al-ma crifa (Y 38/193);
al-1'abarI's Ta'r?:kh (IQ 12/542); Ibn AbI I-Thalj's K. al-tanz?:l fi 1-
na/}/} calii am?:r al-mu'min?:n (Y 45/210); Ibn CUqda's lfad?:th al-waliiya
(Y 34/183); aI-Khatib al-BaghdadI's Ta'r?:kh Baghdiid (MD 213); Ibn
Shadhan's Mi'at ~ad?:th (Y 56/236); and a prayer for mid-Rajab (IQ
147/658). None of these chains is included in the fragment preserved
in the Bi~iir.
AI- rihranI assumes that this Ijiiza is identical with the one 11' gave
Jamal aI-DIn Yusuf b. I:Iatim al-SharnI, of which a fragment is cited by
Shams al-DIn Mul:tammad al-JabacI from a manuscript copied by al-
ShahId al-Awwal, whence it was taken into the Bi~iir (BA, CVIl, pp.
45-47). The fact that the fragment from the Ijiiza to Yusuf b. I:Iatim
essentially reproduces IJ 18/42-43 supports this assumption. It seems
that additional fragments of the K. al-ijiiziit (or perhaps the entire
work?) were available to al-ShahId al-ThanI; see his Ijiiza for Baha'
aI-DIn al- cAmilI's father al-I;Iusayn b. cAbd al-$amad (d. 984/1576-
7) (BA, CVIIl, p. 170, Bal:tranI, KashkUl, II, p. 223). _Cf. also --+A/}l
(transmitted by al-I:Iasan b. Mal:tbub), --+K. mad?:nat al-cilm.

==} al-Ikhtiyiiriit, see Anwiir akhbiir Ab?: cAmr al-Ziihid

20. K. al-iqbiil bi I-a cmiil al-~asana fimii (nadhkuruhu mimmii) yu c_

malu marratan f?: I-sana (or m?:qiitan wii~idan kull sana)
Dh II 264 no. 1078
A 77/91, F 8/6, (IJ 18/41), J 159, K 156, S 69, 294
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 7 (mentioning ms. Buhar 75 and two Tehran
editions). This work, which comprised the fourth volume of the Muhim-
miit in the five-volume division, is referred to in IJ as Mii yakunu fi
I-sana marra wii~ida. In A, it is said to consist of two volumes (mu-
jalladiin): the first, prayers for the months of Shawwal through Dhu
I-I:Iijja and the second, prayers for Mul:tarram through Sha cban. In J
and K, the second volume is mentioned as forthcoming (J: "I shall men-
tion some of these isniids at the beginning of camal Rajab" [i.e. of the

Iqbal]; K: "I shall mention it in the [section on] prayers for Mul}.arram
in the second juz' [i.e. volume] of the Iqbal"). In S 69, IT refers to the
first juz' of the Iqbal (i.e. ShawwaJ. to Dhii 1-l,Iijja). At some point in its
transmission, the Mi4mar was incorporated as a part of the Iq"bal (see
further --+11', Mi4mar). In contrast to the Mi4mar, the K. al-Iatfj ft
l-ta~nif fi shar~ ai-sa cada bi shahadat ~a~ib al-maqam ai-sharif which
takes up the bulk of the chapter on C amal yawm C Ashura' (IQ 33-37/
562-567) was never an independent work (cf. Dh XVIII 326 no. 304).
According to IQ 225/728, IT finished dictating this work on Mon-
day, 13 Jumada I 605. That this is an error was already noted by
Strothmann (p. 131, n. 9); he suggested emending the date to 645/
1247, arguing that this was the only year of IT's life (except 605) end-
ing on a 5 in which 13 Jumada I fell on a Monday. Yet Strothmann
did not consider another possibility: emending khams to khamsin. That
this is the correct reading (yielding the year 650) is confirmed by the
manuscript cited in Dh, where it is also noted that the Iqbal was begun
when IT was 60 years old (i.e. in 649/1251). According to Wiistenfeld-
Mahler, 13 Jumada I 650/22 July 1252 fell on a Monday (cf. also H.
H. Goldstine, New and Full Moons, p. 188). The Iqbal was completed
in Karbala', where IT also composed the Kashf and the Nujum. ~
In 656/1258 IT inserted, at the end of the chapter on Mul}.arram, a
chapter on the fall of the cAbbasids. He added another chapter on 13
RabI c 1662/14 Jan. 1264 when the thought occurred to him that he was
the man from the ahl al-bayt who would lead the community after the
disappearance of the cAbbasids (IQ 71/599-600; see Chapter 1.1). There
are still further interpolations by IT. In IQ 267/15 he declares: "We have
found a strange 'ta Cliqa in an ancient book which reached us on 14 $afar
660/[8 Jan. 1262], after composing this book". Similarly, in IQ 441/212
he mentions a supplication which he prayed in "some time
after compiling (ta~ni:f) this book". There may be other interpolations
which he does not explicitly identify as such (see --+MajmuCat mawlana
Zayn al-cAbidin, --+al-Mi!}ba~ [Ibn BaqID.
The Iqbal may not be entirely free of interpolations by others as
well: al-Majlisl (in BA, CXVIII, pp. 227-228), referring to a prayer
of al-l,Iusayn for yawm cArafa (see IQ 557-566/339-350), asserts that
its last part includes $iin expressions which are out of character in
supplications of the Imams and which are not found in the versions
of this prayer in IT's Za'ir, in al-KafcamI's Balad and even in some
manuscripts of the Iqbal itself. AI-Majlisl believes that this part is an
interpolation by a $un shaykh, either into a work from which IT copied
or (more likely) directly into the Iqbal.
Two lithograph editions have been consulted: [Iran], 1314/1896 [ =
IQl] and Tehran, 1320/1902, repro 1390/1970 and 1407/1987 [ = IQ2].

The following points should be noted: 1) The extant versions of the

Mi4mar are acephalous, with the text beginning in the middle of the
first chapter (bab). There are 37 chapters, each divided into a number of
sections (fa/}ls). The fact that the beginning-and so also the title-of
the Mi4mar is missing from the available versions of the Iqbal suggests
that at some point it was no longer realized that the Mi4mar was an
independent work, and this may explain its incorporation in the Iqbal.
In IQ2, the basmala was added before the text of the Mi4mar, whereas
there is no bas mala at the parallel place in IQl. 2) In IQl (but not in
IQ2), a table of contents of the Mi4maris supplied (on pp. 300-301). Its
compiler, Mu}:lammad Mahdl al-I~fahanl, undertook this task because
he, too, did not have at his disposal the beginning of the Mi4mar (which
presumably contained such a table, as is the case in similar works by
IT). The table of contents is incomplete, breaking off at the 32d chapter
(bab) (out of a total of 37 chapters). 3) The arrangement of the material
is as follows: a) Mu}:larram through Sha(ban: IQl 2-225 = IQ2 532-728;
b) Rama<;lan (i.e. the Mi4mar): IQl 226-515 = IQ2 2-300; c) Shawwal
through Dhu l-I;Iijja: IQl 516-761 = IQ2 302-531. The decision to place
the Mi4mar at the beginning of IQ2 was taken by the editor, who
justifies it by pointing out the special significance of Rama<;lan. He
claims that originally the book started with Mu}:larram (as in IQl); in
this he is mistaken since, as has been shown, IT emphasizes that the first
part covers Shawwal through Dhu l-I;Iijja and the second, Mu}:larram
through Sha(ban (A 77/91, IQ 3/533). It is thus IQ2 which conforms to
the original arrangement, while adding the Mi4mar at the beginning.
On occasion, al-Tihranl gives a version different from IQj see -+K.
al-du (a' (al-Ashtarl), -+K. al-du (a' wa l-ziyara, -+al-Kali Ii l-istidlal,
-+K. al-wasa'il ila I-masa'il; though he provides no details, he must
have used either a manuscript or a different edition. A manuscript of
the Iqbal with readings differing from those in IQ was also used by
Afandl in the Riya4 (see -i>K. Ii a~wal al-a'imma, -+K. al-mawalzd
[al-Jah<;laml/Ibn Abll-Thalj]).

===} Iqlzd al-khizana, see al-lbana

===} K. is (ad thamarat al-fu 'ad, see K. kashf al-ma~ajja

21. * K. al-i/}tifa' Ii akhbar (or ta'rzkh, or tawarzkh) al-mulUk wa 1-

Dh II 121 no. 486
K3, 34,112,114,118,132,138, MD 276
The full title is given in K 138 and MD 276 (K with ta'rzkh, MD with
akhbar); elsewhere the title appears as al-I/}tifa', except for MD* fol
154b, where it is al-A/}jiya'. Judging by the title and the excerpts, it

appears that this work combined general history with details on IT's
forebears (cf. K 3) and on his own life. Thus in MD, IT refers to the
events surrounding the birth of the Twelfth Imam (cf. -4 K. al-wuzarii'
[Fanakhusraw]) while in K 132 the importance to the CAlids of the sci-
ence of genealogy is stressed. K 112, 114 deal with IT's refusal to serve
as muftffor al-Mustan~ir and related events. K 118 refers to IT's move
from al-J:Iilla to Najaf, where he spent three years removed from the
public eye. We know from the K a8hf that at the end of these three years
IT moved from Najaf to Karbala', and that at the time of writing the
Ka8hf (649/1251-2) he had not yet completed three years of residence
in Karbala'. The I~#fii' must therefore have been written at the very
end of the sojourn in Najaf or shortly after the move to Karbala', i.e.
around 646-647/1248-50. Al-J:Iurr aI-cAmilI was apparently still able to
see a copy of this work (see Ijiizat al-8haykh Mu~ammad al-lfurr al-
cAmilf Ii l-mawlii ... Mu~ammad Fii4il al-Ma8hhadf, in BA, XC, p.
c c
22. Jamiil al-u8bu fi(or bi) kamiil al-camal al-ma8hru +""
Dh V/ 129n~. 534 / / Q / /
A 77 90, D fol 3a, F 8 6, IJ 18 41, I 98 623, 212 715, 256 22,
/ ..
631/421, 659/449, 661/451, MD 145, MJ:I 22-23/11-12
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 14 (where the title is also given as A cmiil
al-u8bu C ). In MJ:I, al-cilm appears for al-camal. A 77/90 has camal for
al-camal; the correct title is given in A * fol 52b. IQ 256/22 has cAmal
al-u8bu c. In IJ, this work is referred to as a M ujallad fi C amal laylat
al-jum C a wa yawmihii. This work, which is the fourth volume in the
ten-volume division of the Muhimmiit, comprises 49 chapters.
The first nine chapters (pp. 15-182) consist of supplications for each
day of the week; they lead up to the main part of the book (pp. 182-
541), which deals with Friday and the various prayers connected with
it. IT does not always reveal the sources from which these supplications
were taken (cf. also -411', al-Duru C).
IT begins the J amiil-like many of his other works- with a detailed
description of its contents. He explains this practice by pointing out
that the subjects (ma Ciinf) dealt with in a given book are like pearls
inside a shell: when there are many subjects in one chapter they are
concealed and get lost, and can only be discovered after much labour;
an enumeration of the ma C iinf, thus making them accessible, helps the
reader to carry out God's will (by following the prescriptions found in
the book) (see J 8).
Al-TihranI does not refer to any manuscripts of the J amiil. The edi-
tion used here is the Tehran 1330 lithograph (with a Persian translation
by cAbbas al-QuinmI in the margin; cf. Mushar, Fihri8t, p. 1286). Al


Yasln (MMII, 12, p. 203) and the editors ofy 2 (at p. 103) also mention
an Iran 1303 edition (not seen). The 1330 edition is incomplete: it does
not include the passage referred to in MDj cf. also -+Kunuz al-najii~.

==* al-Jawiib al-biihir fi khalq al-kiifir, see Fat~ (maMub) al-jawiib al-
==* al-Juz' al-khiimis (min al-Muhimmiit), see al-Duru c al-wiiqiya
==* al-Juz' al-riibi C (min al-Muhimmiit) , see Jamiil al-usbu c
==* al-Juz' al-siidis (min al-Muhimmiit), see Mimiir
==* al-Juz' al-thiilith (min al-Muhimmiit), see Zahrat al-raM:c

23. ** K. al-kariimiit
Dh XVII 289 no. 343
A 115-116/127-128
The excerpts referred to deal with believers who were left unmolested
by vipers or lions while they were at prayer or while visiting al-I:Iusayn's
grave. This material is given in paraphrase, since IT did not have at
his disposal a copy of the K. al-kariimiit while writing the A miin. See
also -+K. al-safar.
24. K. kashf al-ma~ajja li thamarat al-muhja
Dh XVIII 58 no. 662
IJ 18/41-42
See GAL, S, I, p. 913, no. 16 (where the title appears as Kashf al-
makhraja [sic] etc.). The title is given erroneously both in IJ 1 (Kashf
al-muhja) and IJ 2 (Kashf al-~ujja). rr describes this as an epistle about
170 folios (qii'ima) long (cf. K, which consists of 196 pages, 19 lines
per page), and says he gave it a second title: K. isciid thamarat al-
fu'iid calii saciidat al-dunyii wa I-maciid. (In cAmilI, Amal, II, p. 206,
whence llawiit, IV, p. 327, these two titles are erroneously considered
as referring to two different works.) IT began composing the K ashf
in Karbala' on 15 Mu1).arram 649/9 Apr. 1251 (his sixtieth birthday)
and completed it later that year. The work, which is dedicated to his
sons Mu1).ammad and cAlI (the latter was still a baby at the time),
also includes an ijiiza to them (cf. Dh I 222 no. 1163). The book is
an important source of information on IT's life and thought, and also
provides details of his library. See further Kohlberg, "Polemic". AI-
TihranI does not mention any manuscripts of this work, referring only to
the Iran 1306 edition. Several Persian translations are noted by Mushar
(Fihrist, pp. 1306, 2484).
The renowned AkhbarI author Mu1).sin al-Fay<;l (d. 1091/1680) cites
the Kashf in a number of his works (see e.g. his K. al-u~ul al-a~7:1a,
ed. Jalal aI-DIn al-UrmawI al-Mu1).addith, Tehran, 1349 Sh/1390, p.

175; al-Ma~ajja al-bay4ii', ed. cAll Akbar al-GhaffarI, Tehran, 1339-

42 Sh, I, pp. 190, 209-210, 261; cflm al-yaqin fi u~ul al-dm, ed. Mu:Q.sin
Bldarrar, [Tehran], 1358 Sh/1400, pp. 24-26, 704-705, 738-739, 741-743)
and also composed an abridgement entitled Tashil al-saMI bi l-~ujja fi
ntikhiib kashf al-ma~ajja Ii thamarat al-muhja (printed together with
Ibn Shucba's Tu~af al-Cuqul, lith., [Iran], 1303/1886, pp. 309-321; a
new edition was published in Qumm, 1407). In this work al-FaY9 also
elaborates on certain points made by IT. He comments approvingly on
IT's dismissal of kaliim and appears to regard him as a proponent of
Akhbarl views.

===} K ashf al-yaqin, see al- Yaqin

===} K. al-latif fi I-ta/}nif fi shar~ aI-sa C iida bi shahiidat ~ii~ib al-maqiim
ai-sharif, see K. al-iqbiil

25. ** Lubiib al-masarra min kitiib (maziir) ibn AM Qurra

Dh XVIII 274 [no no.], 281 no. 110
In Dh, this title is printed erroneously as Lubiib al-m-s-t-ra. Judging
by the title, this must have been a summary of the K. al-maziir of Ibn
AbI Qurra. IT's nephew cAbd al-Karlm credits him with this work in
the Ghari, p. 51. See also --+K. al-masarra. Cf. al-Kharsan's list (in his
introduction to F2), p. 18, no. 46.
26. K. al-luhuf (or al-malhuf) C alii qatlii 1- TufUf
Dh XVIII 389 no. 576, XXII 223 [no no.]
IJ 18/42, IQ 32/562, K 138
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 5; according to al-TihranI, the title Luhufis
better known than Malhuf. It is probably to this work that al-I;Iurr al-
cAmilI refers in his Ijiiza to Mu:Q.ammad Fa9il al-Mashhadl (in BA, CX,
p. 117) when he mentions a Maqtal al-IJusayn among the compositions
of IT which al-Fa9il is granted authorization to transmit. The Luhuf
focuses on the Karbala' tragedy: the events leading up to it, the battle
and its aftermath. Most of the story is told by an anonymous riiwi IT
meant the Luhufto be read on cAshura' (see IQ); if it is unavailable, he
suggests that the relevant material in the Iqbiil (i.e. aI-Latif fi I-ta/}nif)
be read instead. The Luhuf proved to be one of IT's most popular
works; it appeared in various editions and was translated several times
into Persian (see Dh XVIII 296 no. 188, XXVI 201 no. 1017; Mushar,
Mu 'allifin, IV, p. 416, Fihrist, pp. 1307-8; cf. Arjomand, p. 165). See
further --+11', al-Ma~ra C al-shayn fi qatl al-IJusayn.

===} Mii yakunu fi I-sana marra wii~ida, see K. al-iqbiil

===} al- M alii~im wa 1-jitan, see al- Tashrif bi I-minan
===} K. al-malhuf, see K. al-Iuhuf




27. ** K. al-manamat al-~adiqat

Dh XXII 338 no. 7345
A 78/91
Although the author's name is not given, al-1'ihranI assumes that he is
11'. That this may indeed be the case is suggested by the fact that the
book which is mentioned next (again without the author being named)
is I1"s K. al-bisharat. Judging by its title, this work may have com-
prised accounts of dreams (of the Imams or of other pious men?) which
contained correct information (in contrast to a~lam, dreams inspired
by Satan); cf. in general M. J. Kister, "The Interpretation of Dreams:
an Unknown Manuscript of Ibn Qutayba's 'CIbarat al-Ru'ya''', lOS, 4,
1974, pp. 67-103.

===} Maqtal al-lfusayn, see K. al-Iuhuf

===} al- M asalik ila khidmat aI-malik, see Taqri:b al-salik

28. ** Masalik (or maslak, or al-salik) al-mu~taj ila (maCrifat) manasik

(or allah wa nusk) al-~ajj (or al-~ujjaj)
Dh XX 380 [no no.], XXI 23 no. 3763
F 8/6, IJ 18/41, IQ 520/306, K 145
This is the seventh volume in the ten-volume division of the Muhimmat.
In IJ, IQ and K, 11' states that he has begun work on this book, adding
(in K) that it will deal with the duties connected with the pilgrimage;
in IQ he adds that for some unspecified reason (Ii ba C 4 al-a C dhar) he
has delayed its completion.
29. al-Ma~ra C al-shayn fi qatl al-lfusayn
[No reference]
The only clear indication so far that 11' compiled a work bearing this
title appears to be ms. Leiden 792 ( = Or. 959 [2], fols 34b-145a), re-
ferred to by F. Wiistenfeld (Der Tod des lfusein ben CAli: und die Rache,
p. vi; cf. P. Voorhoeve, Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts in the Library
of the University of Leiden and Other Collections in the Netherlands,
The Hague, 1980, p. 201. I am grateful to Dr. J. J. Witkam and Dr. E.
Landau-Tasseron for their help in obtaining a microfilm.) This is one of
a number of manuscripts studied by Wiistenfeld and by U. Sezgin, all
of which contain a work on al-J:Iusayn ascribed to Abu Mikhnaf. This
work is known by various titles, among them Maqtal al-lfusayn, Akhbar
maqtal al-lfusayn, Ma~ra ( al-lfusayn wa ma jara lahu (Dh XXII 27 no.
5859; GAS, I, pp. 308-309). It was well-known among ImamI writers:
al-NajashI (p. 320, no. 875) refers to it as K. qatl al-lfusayn. It was
printed in Najaf (1347/1929, repro Beirut, 1971) under the title Maqtal
al-lfusayn wa ma~rac ahl baytihi wa a~~abihi fi Karbala' (cf. U. Sez-
gin, Abu Mi~naf, p. 119). Wiistenfeld maintains that parts of the first

175; al-Ma~ajja al-bayii', ed. cAlI Akbar al-GhaffarI, Tehran, 1339-

42 Sh, I, pp. 190, 209-210, 261; cflm al-yaqzn fi u~ul al-dzn, ed. Mu1).sin
Bldarffir, [Tehran]' 1358 Sh/1400, pp. 24-26, 704-705, 738-739, 741-743)
and also composed an abridgement entitled Tashzl ai-sabri bi l-~ujja fi
ntikhiib kashf al-ma~ajja li thamarat al-muhja (printed together with
Ibn Shucba's Tu~af al-Cuqul, lith., [Iran], 1303/1886, pp. 309-321; a
new edition was published in Qumm, 1407). In this work al-Fay<;l also
elaborates on certain points made by IT. He comments approvingly on
IT's dismissal of kaliim and appears to regard him as a proponent of
AkhbarI views.

==} K ashf al-yaqzn, see al- Yaqzn

==} K. al-IatZf fi l-ta~nzf fi shar~ aI-sa C iida bi shahiidat!Jii~ib al-maqiim
al-sharzf, see K. al-iqbiil

25. ** Lubiib al-masarra min kitiib (maziir) ibn Abz Qurra

Dh XVIII 274 [no no.], 281 no. 110
In Dh, this title is printed erroneously as Lubiib al-m-s-t-ra. Judging
by the title, this must have been a summary of the K. al-maziir of Ibn
AbI Qurra. IT's nephew cAbd aI-KarIm credits him with this work in
the Gharz, p. 51. See also -+K. al-masarra. Cf. al-Kharsan's list (in his
introduction to F2), p. 18, no. 46.
26. K. al-luhuf (or al-malhuf) calii qatlii l-,!,ufiif
Dh XVIII 389 no. 576, XXII 223 [no no.)
IJ 18/42, IQ 32/562, K 138
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 5; according to al-TihranI, the title Luhufis
better known than Malhuf. It is probably to this work that al-l,Iurr al-
cAmilI refers in his Ijiiza to Mu1).ammad Fa<;lil al-MashhadI (in BA, CX,
p. 117) when he mentions a Maqtal al-lfusayn among the compositions
of IT which al-Fa<;lil is granted authorization to transmit. The Luhuf
focuses on the Karbala' tragedy: the events leading up to it, the battle
and its aftermath. Most of the story is told by an anonymous riiwf. IT
meant the Luhufto be read on cAshura' (see IQ); ifit is unavailable, he
suggests that the relevant material in the Iqbiil (i.e. al-LatZf fi l-ta~nZf)
be read instead. The Luhuf proved to be one of IT's most popular
works; it appeared in various editions and was translated several times
into Persian (see Dh XVIII 296 no. 188, XXVI 201 no. 1017; Mushar,
Mu'allifin, IV, p. 416, Fihrist, pp. 1307-8; cf. Arjomand, p. 165). See
further -+11', al-Ma~ra C al-shayn fi qatl al-lfusayn.

==} Mii yakunu fi I-sana marra wii~ida, see K. al-iqbiil

===> al-Malii~im wa l-jitan, see al-Tashrff bi l-minan
==} K. al-malhuf, see K. al-luhuf

27. ** K. al-maniimiit al-~iidiqiit

Dh XXII 338 no. 7345
A 78/91
Although the author's name is not given, al-Tihranl assumes that he is
IT. That this may indeed be the case is suggested by the fact that the
book which is mentioned next (again without the author being named)
is IT's K. al-bishiiriit. Judging by its title, this work may have com-
prised accounts of dreams (of the Imams or of other pious men?) which
contained correct information (in contrast to a~liim, dreams inspired
by Satan); cf. in general M. J. Kister, "The Interpretation of Dreams:
an Unknown Manuscript of Ibn Qutayba's ,cIbiirat al-Ru'yii''', lOS, 4,
1974, pp. 67-103.
==} Maqtal al-lfusayn, see K. al-luhuf
==} al-Masiilik ilii khidmat al-miilik, see Taqri:b al-siilik

28. ** Masiilik (or maslak, or al-siilik) al-mu~tiij ilii (macri/at) maniisik

(or alliih wa nusk) al-~iijj (or al-~ujjiij)
Dh XX 380 [no no.], XXI 23 no. 3763
F 8/6, IJ 18/41, IQ 520/306, K 145
This is the seventh volume in the ten-volume division of the Muhimmiit.
In IJ, IQ and K, IT states that he has begun work on this book, adding
(in K) that it will deal with the duties connected with the pilgrimage;
in IQ he adds that for some unspecified reason (li ba c4 al-aCdhiir) he
has delayed its completion.
29. al-Ma~ra C al-shayn fi qatl al-lfusayn
[No reference]
The only clear indication so far that IT compiled a work bearing this
title appears to be ms. Leiden 792 ( = Or. 959 [2], fols 34b-145a), re-
ferred to by F. Wiistenfeld (Der Tod des lfusein ben cAli: und die Rache,
p. vi; cf. P. Voorhoeve, Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts in the Library
of the University of Leiden and Other Collections in the Netherlands,
The Hague, 1980, p. 201. I am grateful to Dr. J. J. Witkam and Dr. E.
Landau-Tasseron for their help in obtaining a microfilm.) This is one of
a number of manuscripts studied by Wiistenfeld and by U. Sezgin, all
of which contain a work on al-J.Iusayn ascribed to Abu Mikhnaf. This
work is known by various titles, among them Maqtal al-lfusayn, Akhbiir
maqtal al-lfusayn, Ma~ra C al-lfusayn wa mii jarii lahu (Dh XXII 27 no.
5859; GAS, I, pp. 308-309). It was well-known among Imaml writers:
al-Najashl (p. 320, no. 875) refers to it as K. qatl al-lfusayn. It was
printed in Najaf (1347/1929, repro Beirut, 1971) under the title Maqtal
al-lfusayn wa ma~rac ahl baytihi wa a~~iibihi fi Karbalii' (cf. U. Sez-
gin, Abu Mi~naf, p. 119). Wiistenfeld maintains that parts of the first

section of this work may be based on Abu Mikhnaf's work, while the
second half consists oflater fanciful elaborations (Der Tod, pp. v-vi). U.
Sezgin, using different methods, arrives at a similar conclusion, namely
that the Maqtal al-lfusayn attributed to Abu Mikhnaf consists of later
tendentious embellishments of a work by Hisham b. al-Kalbi bearing
the same title, a work which in turn was based on Abu Mikhnaf's (Abu
Mi&naf, pp. 116-123).
Wiistenfeld notes that in the Leiden manuscript, alone among the
ps.-Abu Mikhnaf manuscripts which he consulted, the compiler (jami C)
is identified as IT. A comparison of the Luhuf with the Leiden manu-
script reveals that though the two texts deal with much the same events,
they are different works. In the Luhuf, IT does not always reveal his
sources (cf. ---+11', al-Duru C); those which he does identify are mostly
Sh1(1, and there is not a single reference to Abu Mikhnaf. The Leiden
manuscript, in contrast, relies exclusively on ps.-Abu Mikhnaf, except
for an occasional riwaya of Abu (Abd al-Ral).man (Abd Allah b. Al).mad
b. J:Ianbal (d. 290/903) (e.g. fols 48a-b, 58 a, 72b, 76a-77a). The only
point at which the two texts are largely identical is in the second part
of the introduction (Leiden ms. fols 34b-35b, L 5-10/5-11), Of the dif-
ferences (mostly omissions or variant readings) between the two texts
here, some appear to reflect a deliberate attempt (by a copyist?) to
water down the Sh1(1 element: thus, where L 9/10 cites from maw lana
al-$adiq calayhi I-salam the manuscript (fol 35b) has Ja (far al-$adiq
raiya llahu (anhu, and a tradition which in the Luhuf is cited from the
Prophet's family is quoted in the manuscript from the Prophet him-
self. After the words (wa) qala CAlf b. Musa b. Ja cfar b. Mu~ammad
b. f'awus (Luhuf: +al-lfusaynz) jami( hadha l-kitab, the two texts go
their separate ways.
What may have happened is one of the following: (a) IT compiled
the text of ps.-Abu Mikhnaf, adding his own introduction; he later used
some of this introductory material for the khutba of the Luhuf. (b) IT
first wrote the Luhuf and later used elements from its khutba for the
introduction to his compilation of ps.-Abu Mikhnaf. (As can be seen
in the case of ai-Anwar al-bahira and the Yaqfn, IT was not averse
to using material from the introduction of one work in another work
dealing with a similar subject.) It should be noted, however, that the
biographical sources do not mention a compilation by IT of a text of
Abu Mikhnaf. Al-J:Iurr al- cAmill , the only author who credits IT with
a Maqtal al-lfusayn, is probably referring to the Luhuf, ri.ot to the ps.-
Abu Mikhnaf compilation (see BA, ex, p. 117; cf. ---+11', K. al-luhuf).
The closing passage of the Leiden manuscript contains Sh1(1 ele-
ments which remained uncensored. This passage (fols 145b-146a) is
different from its parallels as rendered by Wiistenfeld (p. 147); where

Wiistenfeld has "God's blessing upon our lord Mul,lammad and his
beloved holy family and all his companions, and God's curse over the
unjust from first to last", the manuscript reads: "God's blessings on
him (i.e. al-l;Iusayn) and his good and pure family, and God's curse on
those who acted unjustly towards them, who usurped their right to the
caliphate (~aqqahum min al-khiliifa) and prevented them from drinking
water, may they be in Hell for ever and ever". This ending (like the
introduction) may have been written by IT.
A first attempt to define the relationship between the Leiden manu-
script and other ps.-Abu Mikhnaf texts was made by Wiistenfeld (Der
Tod, pp. v-viii); clearly more work along these lines remains to be done.
At present the possibility cannot be excluded that IT's text also formed
the basis for other ps.-Abu Mikhnaf compilations. Ahlwardt (in his
Verzeichnis, XX, pp. 36-38) mentions two manuscripts (not seen) which
may have a bearing on the issues discussed here. The first (ms. Berlin
9027) is entitled Ta'r?:kh maqtal al-lJusayn wa mii jarii min al-~arb, and
its author is identified as IT. On fol4a the title is given as K. al-malhuf
calii qatl [sic] al-'fufuf The second manuscript (Berlin 9028) bears the
title K. al-malhuf C alii qutalii' al- 'fufuf; no name of author is provided,
and Ahlwardt notes that the text of this manuscript differs from that
of ms. Berlin 9027 and that the story is often based on Abu Mikhnaf.
30. * K. al-maziir
Dh XX 319 no. 3195
According to al-TihranI, this work is mentioned at the beginning of the
Zii'ir and is thus earlier than the Zii'ir. There is no such reference in
Z*. AI-TihranI points to some differences between the M aziir and the
Zii'ir, such as the addition in the Zii'ir of a chapter on what one should
do when on a journey (iidiib aI-safar); but the two works appear to have
much material in common. The Maziir is cited by IT's nephew cAbd
aI-KarIm in his Ghar?: (p. 94). AI-TihranI knows of an incomplete ma-
nuscript (beginning and end missing), dating perhaps from IT's time,
in the library of l;Iasan al-$adr. Mul,lsin al-AmIn and cAbbas al-QummI
seem to have had access to a manuscript of the M aziir, since they cite
from this work the text of prayers to be recited over the graves of al-
l;Iusayn at Karbala' and al-Jawad in al-Ka~imayn; see Mul,lsin al-AmIn,
Miftii~ al-janniit, Damascus, 1352/1933, repro Beirut, 1389/1969, II, pp.
138-142,336-338; QummI, Mafiit?:~, pp. 797-799,895-897. See also --'j>K.
al-maziir, --'j>K. al-ziyiiriit wa l-fa4ii'il.
31. * K. al-mi4miir li l-sibiiq (or mi4miir al-sibiiq) wa l-la~iiq bi /}awm
shahr itliiq al-arziiq wa Citiiq (or Citq) al-a Cniiq (alternative title: Mi4miir
al-sabq f?: maydiin al-/}idq)
Dh XXI 135 no. 4299

A 22-23/36, 77/91, F 8/6, IJ 18/41, IQ 12/541, 24/554, 118/635,

633/422,639/428,661/451, 712/494,K 144
This is the sixth volume in the ten-volume division of the Muhimmiit,
and is devoted to supplications for RamaeJan. In K, IT speaks of this
volume as forthcoming, in IJ he says he has started work on it, in IQ
(the parts comprising the original Iqbiil) he cites from it (referring to it
either by its name or as the sixth volume of the Muhimmiit), and in A
77/91 he recommends taking it with one on trips lasting several months
or more. The word mi4miir, referring to the time during which a horse
is prepared for racing or for an expedition against the enemy, was early
used as an appellation of RamaeJ8,n'; see for example the tradition on the
authority of al-J:Iasan (or al-J:Iusayn) b. CAlI cited in IQ 492/275 from
al-MarzubanI's K. al-azmina and Ibn Babawayh's Man Iii ya~4uruhu ' -,
l-/aqfh ( = ed. CAlI Akbar al-GhaffarI, Tehran, 1392-4, II, p. 113); cf.
al-Mufid, Masiirr al-shfca, Cairo, 1313/1896, p. 26; Junna, p. 513.
As already noted, at some point in its transmission the Mi4miir
was incorporated in the Iqbiil, with the result that the title Iqbiil has
been used ever since to refer to the combined text. Arguably the last
author who still referred to the Mi4miir as an independent work was
al-KafcamI (see the list of sources of his Junna). AI-MajlisI, al-J:Iurr al- -or
cAmilI and NiCmat Allah al-Jaza'irI all assumed the Mi4miir to be part
of the Iqbiil (see Mu1;tsin al-Amln, al-$a~ffa al-sajjiidiyya al-khiimisa,
Damascus, 1330, p. 405).
32. Mil}bii~ (or minhiij) al-zii'ir wa janii~ al-musiifir
Dh XXI 107 no. 4155, XXIII 161 no. 8496
A 33-34/47, 121-122/132-133, 125/136, IJ 18/39, IQ 37-38/567, 134-
135/649, 166/675, 223/726, 489/274, 632/422, 686/469, 688/
470, J 180, 232, K 139, L 10-11/11 .
See GAL, S, I, p. 913, no. 17. In L, IT declares that the Zii'ir serves
as a lamp (mi~bii~) for the correct performance of ziyiiriit, adding that
he intends the Luhu/ to serve the same purpose. In IQ 489/274, IT
similarly states that the Zii'ir is intended to be taken on ziyiiriit.
An indication of the possible date of composition of this work ap-
pears in Z* 394. There IT mentions an ijiiza (on a manuscript of Ibn
Qillawayh's Kiimil al-ziyiiriit) "which, as of the year 618/[1221-2], is
252 lunar years old" (ta 'rfkhuhii ilii sanat thamiinf C ashrata wa sit-
timi'a mi'atiini wa thniini wa khamsuna sana hiliiliyya). (For "lunar
year" used as a technical term see Neugebauer, p. 354; for the term
hiliiliyya [short for sana hiliiliyya] see Grohmann, Chronologie, p. 30.)
In Dh XXI, the Zii'ir is described as IT's earliest work. The basis for
this is IT's declaration in the K ash/ that the Zii'ir was composed "when
I began writing" (fi bidiiyat mii sharaCtu fi I-ta'li:/; in IJ: fi bidiiyat al-

taklzf), and that it is devoid of divine secrets (referring probably to

explications of the hidden meanings of various prayers). However, in
Dh XXIII al-Tihrfuil suggests that there was an earlier work entitled
Minhiij al-zii'ir, which also dealt with supplications to be pronounced
over the graves of the Imams. He relies for this suggestion on a pas-
sage at the beginning of the Zii'ir (in a manuscript which I have not
seen); unfortunately, al-TihranI does not reproduce the passage, say-
ing only, "At the beginning of the Mi!}bii'" al-zii'ir there is a statement
from which it appears (mii ya~haru minhu) that he composed a book of
supplications which preceded it". The available evidence suggests that
Mi!}bii'" al-zii'ir and Minhiij al-zii'ir are two titles of the same work.
Thus IJ I refers to Minhaj al-zii'ir, while the title appears as Mi!}bii'"
al- zii 'ir in the parallel place in IJ 2 (as also in the other references to
this work in those of IT's writings that were consulted).
The Zii'ir originally consisted of three volumes (mujallads) of sup-
plications to be pronounced over the graves of the Imams (ziyariit)
(see IJ; J 232; cAmilI, Amal, II, p. 205). In contrast, Z* (which com-
prises supplications to be pronounced over the graves of the Prophet,
the Imams and other members of the ahl al-bayt) is divided into 20
sections (Ja!}ls), and there is no mention of volumes. This may repre-
sent a different arrangement of the material; but it may also be that
Z* constitutes another (possibly abbreviated) version of the original
text. That such a version exists is maintained (without the adduction
of supporting evidence) by I:Iusayn cAlI Ma1.Ifu~ in his "Adab al-du cii'"
(al-Baliigh, 1/6, 1386/1966, pp. 56-86, at p. 63), where he distinguishes
between Mi!}bii'" al-zii'ir al-!}aghzr ( = Z*?), Mi!}bii'" al-zii'ir al-kabzr, and
a 3-volume Minhiij al-za'ir wa janii'" al-musiifir (which is in alllikeli-
hood identical with the Mi!}bii'" al-za'ir al-kabZr). A clearer picture may
emerge from a comparison with other manuscripts and with the forth-
coming edition of the Zii'ir by Mu'assasat Al al-Bayt in Beirut. The
evidence so far is inconclusive. On the one hand, there are indications
that Z* may comprise the entire Zii'ir: all the excerpts from the Zii'ir
cited by IT in other works appear in Z*; and in IT's introduction as
it appears in Z* 13 he explains why he composed such a long work of
supplications, and promises if possible to write an abbreviated version
(ikhti!}iir). On the other hand, the sentence from the beginning of the
Zii'ir referred to by al-TihranI (see above) is missing from Z*, as is
the material in al-B$anI's Kashkul from Ibn Dawud al-QummI's K.
al-ziyiiriit wa l-fa4ii'il (though it is not certain that this material was
taken from the Zii'ir).
Passages from this work are cited by Mul).sin al-Amln in the sec-
ond volume of his Mijtii'" al-janniit. The passages consist of prayers to
be used at the following places: cAlI's grave (pp. 53, 67-70, 291-296);

the Kufa mosque (pp. 76-77, 82); cAll b. CAqll's grave in Kufa (pp.
90-92); the al-Sahla mosque (p. 95); the graves of the sufarii' of the
Twelfth Imam in Baghdad (pp. 145-146); Salman al-Farisl's grave in al-
Mada'in (pp. 147-150); al-Qasim b. Musa al-Ka~im's grave near al-I:Iilla
(p. 151); the grave of al-Sayyida Narjis (mother of the Twelfth Imam)
in Samarra' (pp. 158-159); the grave of al-Sayyida I:Iaklma (daughter of
the Imam Mul).ammad al-Jawad) in Samarra' (pp. 159-160); the place
of the Mahdl"s disappearance in Samarra' (pp. 181-189). See also II, p.
274, III, p. 15.
A characteristic of the Zii'ir is that in most cases does not reveal
his sources; he seems even more reluctant to do so in this work than
in others of which the same is true (cf. -+11', al-Duru C). Sometimes
he merely mentions an author's name, but without saying which of his {"
works is being used. Thus Z* 110 is cited from Mul).ammad b. Al).mad b.
Dawud al-Qumml; when he cites the same passage in IQ, he identifies
the source as the K. kamiil al-ziyiiriit. On another occasion (Z* 162) he
states that the text of a supplication to be pronounced over al-I:Iusayn's
grave (cited in Z* 162-182) was also used by aI-SharIf al-Murta9.a, but
he does not say which work of al-Murta<;la he is referring to. Similarly,
he cites al- cUmarl al-Nassaba (Z* 227), but again does not say which
work he is referring to. As a result, al-Majlisl for one is not always
certain which source IT was using for a particular prayer (see e.g. his
comment in BA, elI, p. 187). IT does however make it clear that he has
taken the texts of the supplications in the Za'ir from earlier authorities
(see e.g. Z* 222, 311).
AI-Khwansarl states that when he wrote the Zii'ir IT believed him-
self entitled to establish the rules of conduct for pilgrimages and visits
to the Kufa mosque-rules not attested in earlier Shlcl works and not
based on sayings of the Imams (Raw4iit, IV, p. 330). This criticism-for
such it is-is rejected by al-Nurl al-Tabarsl, who maintains that all the
rules of conduct in the Zii'ir are mentioned by earlier authors such as
al-Shaykh al-Mufid and Ibn al-Mashhadl in his Maziir (MK lith., III,

===} al-Mu4iiyaqa, see al-Muwiisa ca

33. Muhaj al-da C awiit wa manhaj al- Ciniiyiit

Dh XXIII 287 no. 9009
S 175
For this book of supplications see GAL, I, p. 657, no. 2 (citing the Paris
and Patna manuscripts mentioned in Dh), S, I, p. 912, no. 2. According
to al-Tihranl, it is noted in some manuscripts of the Muhaj that this
work was completed on 7 Jumada I 662/7 Mar. 1264. In this case,

the fact that it is referred to in the Sa cd can perhaps be explained by

suggesting that (in contrast to many other works of yo the Muhaj was
written over a prolonged period of time. There is some internal evidence
in support of this assumption. Thus a comment in MD 84 was probably
written in 650/1252-3 (see -+Kitiib C at7:q [no. 313]), while elsewhere (MD
29, 342) IT refers to the death of Mul).ammad b. Mul).ammad aI-Awl
which occurred in 654/1256, and states (MD 347) that his (IT's) library
contains more than seventy volumes of supplications-an increase over
the sixty-odd volumes to which he refers in the K ash/. MD includes at
least one interpolation: the Shar~ du Cii' a1-jawshan (see List).
A Persian translation by CAll b. Mul).ammad b. Asad Allah al-
I~fahanl is mentioned in the Raw4iit (IV, p. 213); for a different Persian
translation see Mushar, Fihrist, p. 1313. In addition to several manu-
scripts, I have used the 1323 lithograph edition, bound in the same
volume as the Mujtanii (separate pagination). Other editions are Bom-
bay, 1299 and Iran, 1318 (neither of which I have seen).
34. Mu~iisabat al-nafs
Dh XX 121 no. 2210, 122 [no no.]
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 13. This short work, which is also known
as Mu~iisabat al-malii'ika al-kiriim iikhir kull yawm min al-dhunub wa
l-iithiim (Dh), is repeatedly cited by al-Majlisl in the Bi~iir. As its title
indicates, it deals with the need to examine one's conscience in prepara-
tion for the final divine judgment (for the term mu~iisaba cf. Massignon,
Essai, pp. 191,245; J. van Ess, Die Gedankenwelt des Ifiirit.. al-Mu~iisib7:,
Bonn, 1961, particularly pp. 139-143). This is a subject with which IT
also deals in other works (see e.g. F 216-217/198, K 91-92). Nothing can
be said about the date of composition of the Mu~iisaba, except that it
is probably later than the J amiil, which is mentioned in it (see MJ:I 22-
23/11-12). The printed editions include no details of the manuscript(s)
used; it is therefore not clear whether they are based on the Mash-
had manuscript (akhliiq 46) (not seen; cf. Fihrist-i kutub-i kitiibkhiina-i
mubiiraka-i iistiin-i quds-i ra4awi:, II, p. 346).
* K. (al) muhimmiit (ft [or Ii] ~alii~ al-muta C abbid) wa (1-) tatimmiit
(li-mi~bii~ al-mutahajjid)
Dh XXIII 298 no. 9056
B 222, 295, 298, IJ 18/40-41, IQ 12/541, 23/553, 236/9, 308/67,
484/270, 553/336, 639/428, J 7, K 32, 87-88, 91-92, 121, 131,
137-138, 140, 152, 173, MD 273, 294, 348, 358, S 176
The full title appears in IJ, J 7, 541, MD 358. K. al-muhimmiit wa
I-tatimmiit appears in IQ 484/270, 553/336, K 32, 87, 91, 92, 121, 131,
137, 173 and S. In IQ 236/9, 639/428, MD 348: K. al-muhimmiit; in K
88: K. al-tatimmiit wa l-muhimmiit. In MD 273, 294: K. al-muhimmiit

10-volume division 5-volume division

1-2 Falal;t al-sa'il (9) 1 Falal;t al-sa'il (9)
3 Zahrat al-rabl C (59) 2 Zahrat al-rabl C (59)
4 Jamal (22) 3 al-Shuru C (etc.)
5 Duru c (8)
6 Mi<;lmar (31)
7 Masalik (28)
8-9 Iqbal (20) 4 Iqbal (20)
10 Sa cadat (43) 5 Asrar al-f?alawat (5)

Table 2: Volumes of the Muhimmiit

wa l-simiit (sic). In B 222 (and also B 212): K. tatimmiit mil}bii~ al-

mutahajjid wa muhimmiit fi l}alii~ al-muta C abbid.
As its title indicates, the Muhimmiit was conceived as a supple-
ment to al-TusT's Mil}bii~ al-mutahajjid al-kabi:r. It consisted mainly of
supplications for various occasions, and also included exhortations and
traditions as to the correct behaviour on these occasions. Its structure
is outlined in the introduction to the first volume, Falii~ 1. There are
two versions of the relevant passage: one (F 7-8/6-7) divides the work
into ten volumes referred to as mujalladiitj the other (cited only in Fl
8-9) divides it into five volumes referred to as ajzii'. (These terms are
discussed in the next chapter.) The relationship between the two ver-
sions is as follows: mujallads 1-2 = juz' 1 = the Falii~ al-sii'ilj mujallad
3 = juz' 2 = Zahrat al-rabi:Cj mujallads 4 (Jamiil) and 5 (Duru C) are
probably identical to juz' 3, entitled K. al-shuru C fi ziyiiriit wa ziyiidiit
l}alawiit wa da C awiit al-usbu C fi l-layl wa l-nahiir wa duru C wiiqiya min
al-akhtiir fimii yastamirru camaluhu fi kull [+yawm] calii l-takriirj mu-
jallads 6 (K. al-mi4miir) and 7 (K. masiilik [printed: al-siilik] al-mu~tiij
ilii ma crifat maniisik al-hujjiij) do not have any counterpart in the di-
vision according to ajzii'j mujallads 8 and 9 = juz' 4 = the two parts of
the Iqbiilj mujallad 10 (K. ai-sa C iidiit bi 1- cibiidiit allat7: laysa lah~ waqt
ma~tum ma C lum fi l-riwiiyiit) appears to be a different work from juz'
5j the latter was entitled Asriir al-l}al(awJiit wa anwiir al-da C awiit or
Mukhtiir al-da cawiit wa asriir al-l}aliit and IT planned to keep it secret
until after his death. Table 2 summarizes this information (the numbers
in brackets refer to the numbers in the list of IT's works).
The division into five ajzii' follows a clear plan: the first volume
consists of supplications to be made once every 24 hours, the second of
those that are to be made once a week, the third of those that are to be

made once a month, and the fourth of those that are to be made once
a year. The concluding volume gives the inner meaning of some suppli-
cations. The main difference between this and the 10-volume division
is that the latter includes additional supplications for the two major
Muslim festivals. The division into five ajzii' may therefore reflect IT's
original plan. This division is referred to in the fragment of the Asriir
al-f!aliit mentioned by al-Tihrani. Other than that, IT appears never
to have alluded to it; in all of his other works which were consulted he
refers only to the ten-volume division. It should be noted, however, that
he sometimes employs the term juz' (rather than mujallad) to refer to
one of the ten volumes. Volumes i, 4-6, 8-9 (of the ten-volume division)
are extant.
To complicate matters still further, in IJ 18/41 (whence cAmilI,
A mal, II, p. 205), written while IT was in the midst of his work on the
Muhimmiit, the volumes are described as follows: (a) volumes which
have appeared. They include the K. falii'" al-sii'il wa najii'" al-masii'il fi
camal al-yawm wa l-layl; a volume fi adCiyat al-asiibzc (i.e. the Zahrat
al-raMC); mujalladiit fi l}alawiit wa muhimmiit Ii l-usbu c (apparently
referring to the Duru c; for mujalladiit, Amal has mujalladiin; perhaps
the correct reading is mujallad); a volume fi camal laylat al-jum ca wa
yawmihii (i.e. the Jamiil); a volume fi asriir (al)-da C awiit li (or wa)
qa4ii' "'iijiit wa mii lii yastaghnz l-mu"'tiij ilayhi fi akthar al-awqiit (thus
BA; version in BA lith.: ... wa mii lii yustaghnii li stidriik al-daliiliit;
version in A mal: ... wa mii Iii yustaghnii C anhu) ( = vol. 10?). (b)
Volumes still to be completed. All of these, in contrast to the volumes in
(a), deal with events which occur only once a year. They are the volume
on Rama<;lan (K. mi4miir al-sabq), the volume on the pilgrimage (K.
masiilik al-mu",tiij), and the volume of camal ai-sana ( = Iqbiil), which
IT says he will soon finish. He estimates that upon completion the
project will comprise about ten volumes. Similarly, he says in K 137-
138 that five volumes are finished, and that the entire work will consist
of "more than ten volumes" (the printed text has akthar min cishrzn
mujalladiit [sic], which is probably an error).
The Muhimmiit was clearly an enormous undertaking; al-Tihrani
gives IT no more than his due when he declares (Dh II 265) that all
ShIelS are in his debt for this work, and that all subsequent works of
supplications depend upon and draw on it.
35. al-Mujtanii min al-ducii' al-mujtabii
Dh XX 1 no. 1683
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 6. This collection of supplications is quite late:
IT refers to his friend MuJ:lammad b. MuJ:lammad aI-Awl (d. 654/1256)
as deceased (MN 29). It seems to have been composed as a supplement

to the Muhaj: in fact, al-Nurl al-1'abarsI confuses the two, citing from
the Mujtanii and calling it Muhaj al-da cawiit (MK, XII, p. 143). Simi-
larly, the copyist of MN* refers to the work in the colophon (fol 217a,
dated 25 Rajab 992/2 Aug. 1584) as K. muhaj al-da cawiit.
==} Mukhtiir al-da cawiit, see Asriir al-tta1iit
==} al-Mukhtiir min akhbiir (etc.), see Anwiir (etc.)

36. ** Mukhtat}ar kitiib Ibn Ifab7:b

MD 355
In this work 11' cited a number of stories, both from the time of the
Jahiliyya and from the time of Islam, to show that supplications are
most likely to be granted in the months of Dhu I-Qa cda and Rajab.
The work of which this is the Mukhtat}ar is probably Ibn J:Iahi"b's K.
man ustuj1:ba(t) da Cwatuhu (see -+Kitiib [Mu1).ammad b. J:Iablb]).

==} al-Multaqat, see K. al-tashri:f bi I-minan

37. * K. al-muntaqiifi(or min) al-cuwadh wa l-ruqii

Dh XXIII 8 no. 7824
A 71/82-83, 77-78/91, K 136
In K, 11' says that this work describes permissible uses of talismans,
amulets and charms, adding that his library contains several works
on this subject. In A 77-78/91, he recommends that travellers take
this work with them since they may need .it in case of illness or unex-
pected incidents. A 71/82-83 comprises the text for an amulet to be
placed inside one's turban. According to al-1'ihranI, MIrza Kamala in
his MajmuCa recommends this text, indicating that the Muntaqii was
still extant in his time.
38. al-Muwiisa c a wa I-muiiyaqa
Dh XXIII 222 [no no.]
See GAL, S, I, p. 913, no. 18. Title as in Dh. The two terms denote
two conflicting views as to what one should do when one has failed
to perform a prayer at the prescribed time: proponents of muwiisa C a
hold that one should first perform any subsequent prayer for which
the prescribed time has arrived (the ~iiira) and only then perform the
prayer which one has missed (the fii'ita); while proponents of mUiiyaqa
subscribe to the opposite view. See e.g. al-Shahld al-Awwal, Dhikrii 1-
sh1: ca f1: a~kiim al-shar1: ca, I, pp. 132-139; J:IillI, Tabttira, p. 59.
This epistle was completed on 18 Rabl c II 661/1 Mar. 1263 (M
39/354). It is preserved in its entirety in al-Fawii'id al-madaniyya of
Mu1).ammad Amln al-AstarabadI, pp. 30-40 [ = Ml], where it is identi-
fied only as a Risiila of 11'. It also appeared under the title Risiilat cadam
mUiiyaqat al-fawii'it, ed. Mu1).ammad cAlI al-1'abataba'I al-MaraghI, in

Turiithunii, 2/2-3 (RabI CII-Rama<;lan 1407/Dec. 1986-May 1987), pp.

331-359 [ = M2]. This edition is based on a single manuscript; the
editor was apparently unaware that the text is also incorporated in al-
Fawii'id al-madaniyya. AI-MajlisI, who cites significant portions of this
work, refers to it as Risiilat al-muwiisa Ca fi l-qa4ii' (BA, LXXXVIII, p.
299), Risiilat (adam mu4iiyaqat al-fawii'it (BA, XCI, p. 384), or Risiila
fi cadam al-mu4iiyaqa fi fawii'it al-l}alawiit (BA, LXXXVIII, p. 327). Ir
states that in this work he has collected traditions on mu4iiyaqa (mii
rawaytuhu [Ml: +aw ra 'aytuhu] min al-a~iidzth fi ta~qzq al-mu4iiyaqa fi
fawiit al-l}alawiit [Ml: al-l}aliit]), without issuing a verdict (~ukm) as to
the correctness of this or the other position (M31/338). He seems, how-
ever, to have favoured muwiisa ca: in M 33/344 he cites Ja cfar al-$adiq
as declaring that whoever is praying and remembers another prayer
which he forgot to pray on time (fii 'ita) should finish his prayer and
then perform (yaq4z) the other prayer. Indeed, Yusuf al-Bal:rranI takes
Ir to be defending muwiisa Ca in this Risiila and tries to refute this
position; see al-lJadii'iq al-nii4ira, VI, Najaf, 1379, pp. 359-365.
The Mu4iiyaqa contains in addition some autobiographical details,
such as a description of a visit which Ir made to Najaf in 641/1243-4
(M 36-39/348-353), as well as stories of men who met the MahdI.
39. ** K. al-qabas al-wii4i~ min kitiib al-jalzs al-l}iili~
Dh XVII 36 no. 197
IJ 18/41
In IJ 18/41, al-nafis appears erroneously for al-qabas. According to
al-rihranI, this work is extracted from the K. al-jalzs wa l-anzs (also
known as al-Jal7:s al-l}iili~ al-kiifi wa l-anzs al-niil}i~ al-shiifi) of Abu
I-Faraj al-Mu Cala b. Zakariyya (d. 390/1000) (cf. Dh V 128 no. 530;
GAS, I, pp. 522-523).
40. * Rabzc al-albiib
Dh X 75 no. 130
IJ 18/41, K 125-126, 138
According to IJI (the text of IJ2 is corrupt at this point), this work
includes accounts of noble and pious men (iithiir al-akhyiir wa fawii'id
al-atqiyii'). In IJ (whence cAmilI, Amal, II, p. 205) and K 138, six
volumes are said to have been written so far; in K 125, the beginning of
the sixth volume is said to contain accounts of the Imams' generosity.
A passage from this work is cited by cAll b. cAbd aI-KarIm b. cAbd
al-J:lamld al-J:I usaynI, a contemporary of al-Shahld al-Awwal (cf. Riyii4,
IV, pp. 124-130) in his K. al-sultiin al-mufarrij Can ahl al-zmiin (cf. Dh
XII 217 no. 1439), whence BA, LII, pp. 75-77. AI-J:lurr al:- cAmilI was
apparently still able to see a copy of the Rabz c (see Ijiizat al-shaykh
Mu~ammad al-lJurr al-cAmilz Ii l-mawlii Mu~ammad Fii4il al-

Mashhad?:, in BA, ex, p. 117)j according to al-Tihranl, the work is not

known to have survived.
41. * Rayy (or R?:) al-?am'iin min marw?: Mul],ammad b. cAbd Alliih b.
Dh XI 342 no. 2038
Y 184/478
This work must have consisted of pro- cAlid traditions on the authority
of Mul}.amm~d b. cAbd Allah b. Sulayman al-~acJraml, i.e. the tradi-
tionist known as Mutayyan (d. 297/909) (cf. GAS, I, p. 163j -+Musnad
cAl?: b. Ab?: 'fiilib). One such tradition is cited in Y.
42. ** Rul], al-asriir wa rawl], al-asmiir (or al-abkiir)
Dh XI 262 no. 1598
IJ 18/39-40
IT describes this as an early work and says it was written at the request
of Mul}.ammad b. cAbd Allah b. cAll b. Zuhra al-~alabl (mentioned
earlier as one of IT's authorities) when he visited IT's home in al-~illa
on his way to Mecca for the pilgrimage.
43. * K. aI-sa C iidiit bi 1- cibiidiit allat?: Iaysa Iahii awqiit mu Cayyaniit (or
waqt ma~tum ma ClUm fi I-riwiiyiit)
Dh II 45 no. 177, XII 179 no. 1188
A 69-71/81-82, 75-76/89-90, F 8/6-7, IQ 64/592, MD 103, S 137
This is the last volume of the Muhimmiit according to the ten-volume
division. In MD 103, the title is K. aI-sa C iidaj MD** fol 50b, MD*** fol
69a and BA, XCV, p. 390 have K. al-sa ciidiitj in the parallel place in
MD* (fo160a) th~ title is missing altogether. The title K. al-saciidiit wa
1- cibiidiit appears in S 137, where IT states that it includes discussions of
the doctrine of taqiyya. In IQ, IT says that in this book he will mention
the prayer of thanks to be offered on the first of Rabl c I to comrp.emorate
the Prophet's safe arrival in Medina from Mecca. The Iqbiil is thus
earlier than the K. al-sa C iidiit, an order that is in accordance with
the ten-volume plan of the Muhimmiit. The Sa Cd in turn seems to be
later, which means that this work was probably written in late 650 or
early 651. As already noted (-+11', K. al-muhimmiit), the K. al-sa ciidiit
appears to be a different work from K. asriir al-~al(awJiit wa anwiir aI-
da C awiit, which is the last volume in the five-volume division of the
The K. al-saciidiit was cited by cAbd al-Ral}.lm b. Yal}.ya b. al-
~asan al-Bal}.ranlin his K. jawiimi C al-saciidiit (Riyii4, III, p. 113) and
by Mul}.ammad b. Mul}.ammad al-Tablb in his An?:s al-ziihid?:nj both
authors apparently lived in the 10th/16th century (Dh II 460 no. 1785,
V 250 no. 1202). Al-Majlisl cites a supplication from this work via a

ShiCI work which he does not identify (BA, XCI, pp. 250-251).
==} K. al-siiCiit, see K. al-asriir al-muda ca

44. Sa cd al-su cud Ii l-nufus man4ud

Dh XII 182 no. 1210
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 11. This book, which was conceived as a
supplement to the Ibiina, was begun in Dhil l-Qa cda 651/Dec. 1253-
Jan. 1254 (S 3); rr intended to write more than one volume (cf. S 298)
but apparently never carried out this intention. For further details see
the next chapter, and also Kohlberg, "Polemic". In Dh, a number of
manuscripts are mentioned (to which should be added ms. Marcasm
4920 [not seen]; cf. MarcashI, Fihrist-i nuskhahii-i khatfi-i kitiibkhiina-
i ... Marcashf, XIII, Qumm, 1365 Sh, pp. 107-108), but not the
printed edition (Najaf, 1369/1950). This edition is based on a defective
manuscript, about which no details are provided (cf. S 298). Quotations
from the Sac d in Dh sometimes reveal readings different from S (see
e.g. --+.Ay al-qur'iin al-munazzala, --+K. tafsfr al-qur'iin wa ta 'wflihi).
In the List, all references to pp. 5-25 in S are to the table of contents
as given by IT. (In S 22 there is a lacuna in this table covering the
works mentioned in S 252-260.) The Sacd is one of the works used in
the Mustadrak and not in al-cAmilI's Wasii'il (see MK lith., III, p. 370).

==} $alawiit wa muhimmiit Ii l-usbu\ see Duru C

==} al-Siilik al-mul],tiij, see M asiilik al-mul],tiij

45. (**) SharI], nahj al-baliigha

Dh XIV 140 no. 1982
This title appears in KantilrI (p. 359, no. 2017), whence it is cited in
the Mustadrak (MK lith., III, p. 514). The editors of y2 (at p. 104)
state that this work is extant in several manuscripts, but provide no
further details; similarly, al-KantilrI does not reveal the source of his
information. Judgment as to whether this SharI], has survived must
therefore be reserved pending more conclusive evidence.
46. ** Shifii' al-Cuqul min dii' (or can dalw) al-fu4Ul /f cilm al-ul}ul
Dh XIV 205 no. 2201
IJ 18/43
rr describes this as an introduction to the science of kaliim which he
wrote in haste and without his usual care (irtijiilan). He states that this
is his only work on this subject, since all prophets managed without
kalam, and he is following in their footsteps. See also his Ijiiza to Yilsuf
b. ij:atim, in BA, CVII, pp. 46-47. Cf. Chapter I.2.

==} K. al-shuru C/f ziyiiriit (etc.), see K. al-muhimmiit


47. * K. al- ta~~zl (min al-tadhyzl)

Dh III 395 no. 1422
IQ 181/685, 196/701, MD 318, MF 125-126/138, 160/177, 166-167/
183-184, MI:I 22/11, MN 20
AI-1'ihranI is not certain whether this was a book of supplications or of
biographies. In fact, it was a summary of Ibn al-Najjar's Dhayl ta'rzkh
Baghdad (see List).
The following excerpts are cited: IQ 181/685: third juz', biogra-
phy of al-I:Iusayn b. Mu1).ammad Ibn Khalawayh; IQ 196/701: second
juz', biography of A1).mad b. al-Mubarak b. Man~ur; MD: fourth juz',
biography of al-Mubarak b. cAbd al-Ra1).man; MF 125-126/138: first
mujallad, biography of Mu1).ammad b. I:Iamza b. Mu1).ammad ... b.
cAlI b. AbI Talib; MF 160/177: fourth mujallad, biography of Ra<;liyya
bint AbI cAlI; MF 166-167/183: second mujallad, biography of IsmacIl
b. A1).mad b. cUmar; MF 167/184: third mujallad, biography of al-
:Qa1).1).ak b. Mu1).ammad b. Hibat Allah; MI:I: second juz', biography of
Mu1).ammad b. al-I:Iasan b. Mu1).ammad al-cAHar; MN: first mujallad,
biography of cAlI b. Mu1).ammad b. cAlI. From this it emerges that
(a) 11' (here as occasionally elsewhere) used the terms mujallad and
juz' interchangeably; (b) the biographies were arranged alphabetically
(though the appearance of an cArr in the first mujallad is problem-
atic), except that (as in aI-Khatib's Ta'rzkh Baghdiid) persons called
Mu1).ammad were placed at the beginning and women at the end of
the work; (c) the Ta~~zl consisted of four volumes. This work is cited
by al-KafcamI in his list of sources of both the Balad (p. 503) and the
Junna (p. 773).

48. al- Ta~~zn Ii (or fi) a8riir ma ziida min akhbiir (or Cala) kitiib al-
Dh III 398 no. 1431
This work is mentioned by al-MajlisI among his sources for the Bi~iir
(BA, I, p. 13). The text of a manuscript of al- Ta~~zn that is preserved in
a majmuCa in the MarcashI library in Qumm (no. 4636) was published
by the editors of y2 in the same volume as the text of the Yaqzn. The
Ta~/}zn consists of fifty-six Jaii'il traditions on CAlI which are taken
almost exclusively from the K. nur al-hudii wa I-munjZ min aI-radii
of al-I:Iasan b. AbI 1'ahir A1).mad al-JawabI (or JawanI) (fl. 4th/10th
century?) (see List). The editors of y2 maintain that the entire text of
the K. nur al-hudii is incorporated in the Ta~~zn (see their introduction,
pp. 60-61). AI-TihranI assumes that IT came across al-JawanI's work
after he had completed the Yaqzn, and that he then composed the
Ta~/}zn and appended it to the Yaqzn. Since the Yaqzn was written
sometime between 659/1261 and 662/1264, al-TihranI suggests that

the Ta~~zn was composed close to IT's death, and may have been his
last work. While this latter suggestion is not impossible, it should be
noted that the M alii~im was composed at roughly the same time as the
Ta~l?zn, and may have been completed at a later date.

49. ** K. al-tamiim Ii mahiimm shahr al-lJiyiim

A 77/91
This manual of supplications for Rama<;lan is one of the books which
IT recommends taking on a journey lasting many months.
50. * Taqrzb al-siilik ilii khidmat al-miilik
F 270/245
The tradition cited concerns the Imams' piety.
51. al- 'farii'if fi (ma crifat) madhiihib al-tawii'if
Dh XV 154 no. 1012
IJ 18/40, IQ 66/595, 670/458, 683-684/466-467, 756/526, J 505, K
36, 38, 41, 51-53, 56, 62-63, 73, 135, 138, S 69, 70, 73, 91, 99,
102, 180-181, 294, 298, TU 4, Y 78/278
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 3. For this polemical anti-SunnI text see
Kohlberg, "Polemic". It is unique among IT's writings in that it ap-
peared under a pseudonym: cAbd al-Mal.unud b. Dawud, a member of
the ahl al-dhimma. According to al-Sharnd al-ThanI (d. 966/1558), the
appellation cAbd al-Ma1;tmud is a reminder that everyone is a servant
of God the praiseworthy; while the Dawud in question is Dawud b. al-
!:lasan, an ancestor of IT who was a grandson of al-!:lasan b. cAlI and
a foster-brother of Ja cfar al-$adiq (see Ibn clnaba, Umda, p. 155; p.

10 of the editor's introduction to 1'1). In some manuscripts, the name

appears as cAbd al-Mal)mud b. Dawud al-Mu<;larlj the nisba suppos-
edly refers to the fact that all descendants of the Banu Hashim belong
to Mu<;lar (see Niima-i diinishwariin, I, p. 177. The nisba al-Macrifi
given by Brockelmann [GAL, S, I] is clearly a misreading of al-Mu<;larI).
Ahlwardt (in describing ms. Berlin 2177 of the 'farii'if) assumed that
IT was the author and cAbd al-Ma1;tmud the editor of this work (see
his Verzeichnis, VIII, p. 486).
The reason for this highly unusual use of a pseudonym may have
been taqiyya: the book expresses strongly anti-SunnI sentiments, and
could have caused trouble for IT with the CAbbasid authorities. There is
a further point that lends weight to the taqiyya theory: in his 'furaf 11'
refers to the 'farii'if, but does not disclose that he is its author, merely
recommending the book to his readers. AI-!:lurr al-cAmilI is in no doubt
that 11' used a pseudonym out of taqiyya, "since he was mostly in the
same place (balad) as the cAbbasid caliphs" (Ithbiit, IV, p. 36; see also
III, p. 165).
It has been suggested that IT concealed his authorship of the '!'ara'if
in both the '!'ara'if and the ,!,urafbecause these two works were written
before the Mongol conquest (see Dh XV 162). This suggestion, however,
fails to take into account the fact that IT acknowledges his authorship
of the '!'ara'if in several works written before 656/1258: Jamal, Kashf,
Ijazat, Iqbal and Sa cd. In the case of the Kashf, it might be argued that
since it was written as a wa~iyya for his sons only, there was no danger
of its falling into the wrong hands. Yet this argument can scarcely be
applied to the Sa cd, which was written as a guide to IT's library, and
it falls flat in the case of the Jamal and the Iqbal, books of prayers
intended by their very nature for a large audience. I suggest that the
'!'ara'if (and the ,!,uraf) were written during IT's prolonged sojourn in
Baghdad, and that IT felt it safe to reveal his authorship once he had
left the city for the ShlcI strongholds of al-I:Iilla, Najaf and Karbala'.
(An alternative hypothesis would be that IT used the pseudonym as
a literary device to increase the book's appeal: it might have been
particularly interesting to know what a dhimmi had to say about intra-
Muslim polemics.) In"the Bina' (p. 173), written either shortly before or
shortly after IT's death, his brother Al:tmad (apparently out of respect
for IT's original wishes) does not identify the author when citing from
the ,!,ara'if (the text cited appears in l' 104/25).
A possible terminus post quem for the '!'ara'if is Dhu I-Qa cda 633/
July-Aug. 1236: in that month IT received in Baghdad an ijaza from
Ibn aI-Najjar to transmit al-I:IumaydI's al-Jam C bayna l-~a~i~ayn, a
work which is repeatedly cited in the ,!,ara'if. In IJ, IT refers to the
,!,ara'if as consisting of two volumes. This division is missing from 1'2,
but appears in 1'1 and in the manuscripts consulted.
The extent of the opposition which the ,!,aro/if engendered in SunnI
circles can be gauged from a story about Mul:tammad b. AbI Bakr b.
AbI I-Qasim al-HamdanI al-DimashqI (d. 16 $afar 721/17 Mar. 1321),
a SunnI scholar who was won over to ImamI Shlcism. He made his own
copy of the ,!,ara'if, in which the author's name was given as cAbd al-
I:Iamld (sic) b. Dawud al-Mug.arI (read thus for 'al-Mi/?ri'). When this
copy was discovered in Damascus (in 750/1349-50), it was assumed to
be Mul:tammad b. AbI Bakr's own work. As it was judged to contain
a defence of Judaism and other faiths and an attack on Islam, it was
taken to the qai TaqI al-Dln al-SubkI, who is said to have cut it up at
night and washed it in water (qata C ahu fi l-layl wa ghasalahu bi l-ma ').
The washing implies that the book was made of parchment; and the
"cutting" may have consisted of reducing the book to its component
leaves (see Ibn l;Iajar al-cAsqalanI, al-Durar al-kamina fi aCyan al-mi'a
al-thamina, ed. Mul:tammad Sayyid Jad al-l;Iaqq, Cairo, 1385-7/1966-7,
IV, pp. 30-31; cf. also Ibn Kathlr, XIV, pp. 100-101; Shadharat, VI, pp.

55-56; lfaqii'iq, pp. 180-181).

A manuscript of the Tarii'iJ dated 908/1502-3 is in the library of
Shaykh Mul).ammad I;Iusayn b. Sulayman al-A claml in Karbala' (see
Salman Hadl al-rucma, "al-Makhtutiit al-Carabiyya fi khazii'in Kar-
balii''', MMMA, 27, 1983, pp. 547-596, at p. 580). This predates the
earliest dated manuscript noted by al-rihranl, which was copied in
There are a number of Persian translations. The earliest, entitled
Tariiwat al-latii'iJ fi tarjam at al-Tarii'iJ, is by cAll b. al-I;Iasan al-
Zawarl, and is dedicated to Sh~h rahmasp (r. 930-984/1524-76) (see
Kantfrrl, p. 377, p. 2095; Storey, 1/1, p. 15). The translation of Mul).am-
mad $adiq rabasl Waci~ (Tehran, 1301; cf. Mushar, Fihrist, p. 1298)
has been consulted for variant readings ( = l' Per). There is also an
anonymous reply to the Tarii'iJ entitled K. al-nukat wa l-latii'iJ fi naq4
kitiib al-Tarii'iJ (G. Vajda and Y. Sauvan, Catalogue des manuscrits
arabes, Il/3, Paris, 1985, p. 324, no. 1461 2, fols 49b-97b, manuscript
dated Shacban 1127/Aug. 1715; I am grateful to Dr. M. Bar-Asher for
his help in obtaining a photocopy).
Discrepancies between manuscripts of the Tarii'iJ are noted by al-
Majlisl. After citing a lengthy passage from Miskawayh's K. nadzm
al-Jarzd (see List) he states that he found this text in some copies of
the Tarii'iJ, though it was missing in most of them (BA, XLIX, p. 215,
cited by Madelung, "Documents", p. 340. See also BA, XXXV, p. 224;
cf. cAmill, Amal, II, p. 205.)
The lithograph edition ( = 1'2) is both defective and hard to read.
In this edition, pp. 171-175 (end of the book) are erroneously printed as
pp. 172-176; I have followed the correct pagination. Also, the material
in 1'2 171 line 14 - 173 line 5 is for the most part identical with 1'2 173
line 5 -1741ine -8. The Qumm 1400 edition ( = 1'1), though apparently
incomplete (it does not contain the text referred to in Y 78/278), is far
superior and includes much additional material. Some of this material
is quoted in other works of 11': the text from the Tarii'iJ cited in IQ
758/529 is found 1'1 (and in various manuscripts) but not in 1'2. AI-
rihranl must have consulted a manuscript with readings occasionally
different from those in the versions at my disposal; cf. ~ K. al- cumda
fi l-u~ul.
52. * K. al-tariijim fimii nadhkuruhu can al-~iikim
A 30-31/43-44
11' cites a tradition from the second juz' of this work. In this tradition
the Prophet instructs a man who is about to set out on a journey which
rak C as he should pray.
53. * K. al-ta crzJ Ii I-mawlid al-sharZ!


It has been suggested that IT concealed his authorship of the 'farii'if

in both the 'farii/if and the 'furafbecause these two works were written
before the Mongol conquest (see Dh XV 162). This suggestion, however,
fails to take into account the fact that IT acknowledges his authorship
of the 'farii'if in several works written before 656/1258: Jamiil, Kashf,
Ijiiziit, Iqbiil and Sa cd. In the case of the Kashf, it might be argued that
since it was written as a wa!}iyya for his sons only, there was no danger
of its falling into the wrong hands. Yet this argument can scarcely be
applied to the Sa cd, which was written as a guide to IT's library, and
it falls flat in the case of the Jamiil and the Iqbiil, books of prayers
intended by their very nature for a large audience. I suggest that the
'farii'if (and the 'furaf) were written during IT's prolonged sojourn in
Baghdad, and that IT felt it safe to reveal his authorship once he had
left the city for the ShlcI strongholds of al-I;Iilla, Najaf and Karbala'.
(An alternative hypothesis would be that IT used the pseudonym as
a literary device to increase the book's appeal: it might have been
particularly interesting to know what a dhimmi: had to say about intra-
Muslim polemics.) In "the Binii' (p. 173), written either shortly before or
shortly after IT's death, his brother Al).mad (apparently out of respect
for IT's original wishes) does not identify the author when citing from
the 'farii'if (the text cited appears in T 104/25).
A possible terminus post quem for the 'farii'if is Dhii I-Qa cda 633/
July-Aug. 1236: in that month IT received in Baghdad an ijiiza from
Ibn aI-Najjar to transmit al-I;IumaydI's ai-Jam C bayna l-l!a"'i:"'ayn, a
work which is repeatedly cited in the 'farii'if. In IJ, IT refers to the
'farii'if as consisting of two volumes. This division is missing from T2,
but appears in T1 and in the manuscripts consulted.
The extent of the opposition which the 'farii'if engendered in SunnI
circles can be gauged from a story about Mul).ammad b. AbI Bakr b.
AbI I-Qasim al-HamdanI al-DimashqI (d. 16 ~afar 721/17 Mar. 1321),
a SunnI scholar who was won over to ImamI Shlcism. He made his own
copy of the 'farii'ij, in which the author's name was given as cAbd al-
I;Iamld (sic) b. Dawiid al-Mu<;larI (read thus for 'al-Mi~rI'). When this
copy was discovered in Damascus (in 750/1349-50), it was assumed to
be Mul).ammad b. AbI Bakr's own work. As it was judged to contain
a defence of Judaism and other faiths and an attack on Islam, it was
taken to the qiii:TaqI al-Dln al-SubkI, who is said to have cut it up at
night and washed it in water (qata cahu Ii l-layl wa ghasalahu bi l-mii').
The washing implies that the book was made of parchment; and the
"cutting" may have consisted of reducing the book to its component
leaves (see Ibn I;Iajar al- CAsqalanI, al-Durar al-kiimina fi a Cyiin al-mi'a
al-thiimina, ed. Mul).ammad Sayyid Jad al-I;Iaqq, Cairo, 1385-7/1966-7,
IV, pp. 30-31; cf. also Ibn Kathlr, XIV, pp. 100-101; Shadhariit, VI, pp.

55-56; /faqii'iq, pp. 180-181).

A manuscript of the 'J'arii'iJ dated 908/1502-3 is in the library of
Shaykh MuJ:.:tammad J:Iusayn b. Sulayman al-A claml in Karbala' (see
Salman Hadl al-Tucma, "al-Makhtutiit al-Carabiyya fi khazii'in Kar-
baIii"', MMMA, 27, 1983, pp. 547-596, at p. 580). This predates the
earliest dated manuscript noted by al-Tihranl, which was copied in
There are a number of Persian translations. The earliest, entitled
'J'ariiwat al-latii'iJ fi tarjamat al- 'J'arii 'iJ, is by cAll b. al-J:Iasan al-
Zawarl, and is dedicated to Sh~h Tahmasp (r. 930-984/1524-76) (see
Kantiirl, p. 377, p. 2095; Storey, 1/1, p. 15). The translation of MuJ:.:tam-
mad $adiq Tabasl Waci~ (Tehran, 1301; cf. Mushar, Fihrist, p. 1298)
has been consulted for variant readings ( = l' Per). There is also an
anonymous reply to the 'J'arii'iJ entitled K. al-nukat wa 1-latii'iJ fi naq4
kitiib al-'J'arii'iJ (G. Vajda and Y. Sauvan, Catalogue des manuscrits
arabes, II/3, Paris, 1985, p. 324, no. 1461 2 , fols 49b-97b, manuscript
dated Shacban 1127/Aug. 1715; I am grateful to Dr. M. Bar-Asher for
his help in obtaining a photocopy).
Discrepancies between manuscripts of the 'J'arii'iJ are noted by al-
Majlisl. After citing a lengthy passage from Miskawayh's K. nadzm
al-Jarzd (see List) he states that he found this text in some copies of
the 'J'arii'iJ, though it was missing in most of them (BA, XLIX, p. 215,
cited by Madelung, "Documents", p. 340. See also BA, XXXV, p. 224;
cf. CAmill, A mal, II, p. 205.)
The lithograph edition ( = 1'2) is both defective and hard to read.
In this edition, pp. 171-175 (end of the book) are erroneously printed as
pp. 172-176; I have followed the correct pagination. Also, the material
in 1'2 171 line 14 - 173 line 5 is for the most part identical with 1'2 173
line 5 - 174 line -8. The Qumm 1400 edition ( = 1'1), though apparently
incomplete (it does not contain the text referred to in Y 78/278), is far
superior and includes much additional material. Some of this material
is quoted in other works of IT: the text from the 'J'arii'iJ cited in IQ
758/529 is found 1'1 (and in various manuscripts) but not in 1'2. Al-
Tihranl must have consulted a manuscript with readings occasionally
different from those in the versions at my disposal; cf. -+K. al-cumda
fi l-u/}ul.
52. * K. al-tariijim fimii nadhkuruhu can al-~iikim
A 30-31/43-44
IT cites a tradition from the second juz' of this work. In this tradition
the Prophet instructs a man who is about to set out on a journey which
rak C as he should pray.
53. * K. al-ta crzJ Ii I-mawlid al-sharzJ

Dh IV 215 no. 1075

IQ 69-70/598-599, 74/603, 98/623,185/689,199/703
From the extracts in IQ it emerges that this work dealt with the dates of
birth and death of the Prophet and of members of the ahl al-bayt. These
dates were important as occasions for commemoration and it was there-
fore essential to fix them accurately, particularly as there was a long
history of disagreement about some of them both within the Shlcl com-
munity and between Shlcls and Sunnls (cf. -+lfadii'iq al-riyii). IQ 69/
598: the Imam al-l,Iasan al-cAskarl died on 8 RabI c I [260/1 Jan. 874].
IQ 70/599: the Prophet was born on 12 Rabl c I. IQ 74/603: reference
is made to the divergence of opinion among the Imamiyya concerning
the date of the Prophet's birth (i.e. the 12th or the 17th of RabIe I). IQ
98/623: Fatima died on 3 Jumada II. IQ 185/689: al-l,Iusayn was born
on 3 Sha Cban. IT says that in the Ta crif the controversy concerning the
date of al-l,Iusayn's birth is mentioned, as also the books which deal
with this subject. IQ 199/703: the Mahdlwas born in mid-Shacban; the
circumstances of his birth are discussed in several chapters (or sections)
(fa~ls). (In IQ 69-70/598-599 as cited in BA, L, p. 335, the K. al-taCrif
is erroneously referred to as a work of Mul).ammadb. Jarlr al-Tabarl.
The correct ascription is given in BA, XCV, p. 355, where this passage
is again cited.)

54. al- Tashril bi l-minan fi l-ta cril bi l-fitan

Dh IV 189 no. 944, XVI 113 no. 181, XXII 189 [no no.]
MF 127/141, 181/198
This title is given by IT at the beginning of the third and last part
of the Malii~im (MF 127/141). It recurs (in abbreviated form) at the
end, where it was supplied by the copyist (tamma l-kitiib al-multaqat al-
mul~aq bi ajzii' kitiib al-tashril Ii l-minan Ii l-sayyid Rai ai-Din cAli b.
Tiiwus) (MF 181/198). The work has been printed several times (Najaf
1365 and 1368, Beirut 1398 and 1408). All these editions appeared
under the title al-Malii~im wa l-fitan (fi ~uhur al-ghii'ib al-munta~ar).
It is not clear whether this was an alternative title given by IT himself,
or whether it was supplied by someone else.
As already noted, IT completed the first part of this work in al-l,Iilla
on Monday, 15 Mul).arram 663/7 Nov. 1264. In the available editions,
the date on which the second part was finished ( wa kiina iikhir ta CZiqihi)
is given as Thursday, 13 Dhu I-l,Iijja 682, which is clearly an error
(for 662?) (MF 126/139). No details are provided about the date of
composition of the third part. All parts consist largely of selections
from works entitled K. al-fitan by Nu caym b. l,Iammad, Abu $alil). al-
Saml and Zakariyya b. Yal).ya al-Naysaburl respectively (see List). This
is followed by a Multaqat which is appended to the end (MF 151-181/

167-198) (and not after each part of the TashrZj, as maintained by

al-Kharsan in his introduction to F2, p. 19). Many of the stories and
traditions in the Multaqat deal with the subject of jitan, so that it makes
sense for it to have been joined to the main text. Initially IT does not
appear to have thought of adding an appendix to the M alii~im: he does
not mention one when describing the contents of this work (MF 14-
15/16-17). Yet it can be established from internal evidence that it was
IT (rather than a redactor) who added the Multaqat to the Malii~im:
at one point in the Multaqat (MF 156/172) he refers to a story about
the length of Pharaoh's rule which he says he has mentioned earlier
in the book; the reference is in all likelihood to MF 105/116-117. The
beginning of the Multaqat appears to be missing.
An autograph of the M alii~im was in the possession of IT's nephew
cAbd aI-KarIm, who added to it some comments of his own. In 705/
1305-6 it was bought by the Imami scholar Ghiyath aI-DIn cAbd al-
KarIm b. cAll b. Ya}:lya al-J:IillI, and after his death in 750/1349-50 it
passed on to his son cAbd al-Ral).Im and then to his grandson Lutf
Allah (d. ca. 800/1397-8) (Riyii, III, pp. 181-182; Qaqii'iq, pp. 117-
119). The autograph was seen by cAbd Allah AfandI, who contrasts
cAbd aI-KarIm's quite beautiful handwriting with his uncle's poor script
(Riyii, III, p. 169. Since this was one of IT's last works, the comment
about his handwriting may' have been applicable to him only in his old
age.) According to al-TihranI, the autograph (somewhat damaged by
worms) is today in Tustar in the possession of descendants of Ni Cmat
Allah al-Jaza'irI(Qaqii'iq, p. 190). This would seem to be the only work
of IT of which an autograph is reported to have survived. References
to the M alii~im in Dh are to a manuscript in the possession of al-
Tihrani which was copied from the autograph. This was one of two
manuscripts used in preparing MFI (see editor's introduction, p. 11).
MF2 (i.e. Beirut 1408/1988) is in turn based on the Najaf edition.

55. al- Tashrzj hi ta Crzj waqt al-taklzj

Dh XXVI 210 no. 1064
IT composed this short work on the occasion of his son Mu}:lammad's
fifteenth birthday, i.e. 9 Mu}:larram 658/26 Dec. 1259 (TT 5). IT em-
phasizes that one should celebrate the day on which a person joins the
ranks of the mukallajun; he says that not sufficient importance had
previously been attached to this occasion, and urges his family to give
it its due weight by offering thanks to God and distributing charity
(TT 5, 7, 15-16). IT had earlier referred to this point (K 29, 31) and
had pledged that if he would still be alive when his son turned fifteen
he would donate 150 dinars for charity (ten dinars for each year of
Mu}:lammad's life) (K 87).

The Tashrff was read out to a number of scholars at IT's home

in al-Muqtadiyya on Wednesday, 14 Rabl c II 658/29 Mar. 1260, and
again on Tuesday, 7 Jumada I 658/20 Apr. 1260. These scholars were
given an ijaza to transmit all of IT's works. The autograph was in the
possession of al-Shahld al-ThanI, who made his own copy (completed
on 15 Dhii I-l:Iijja 941/17 June 1535). Two copies based on al-Shahld
al-ThanI's copy are extant; the first was written by Baha' al-Dln al-
cAmilI's pupil Baha' aI-DIn cAlI b. Yiinus al-l:IusaynI al-TafrIshI and
was completed in 1026/1617; the second was made in 1098/1686-7 (or,
according to al-TihranI, in 1059/1649) by Mul;tammad b. Mul;tammad
b. al-l:Iasan known as Ibn Qasim al-l:IusaynI al- CAynathI al- cAmilI (for
whom see Riya4, V, pp. 164-165). Both copies found their way into the
library of Jalal aI-DIn al-MuJ::taddith al-UrmawI (see Anwar, pp. 50-51, -i

52-53). The Tehran 1341 Sh/1382 edition (which was not yet available
to al-TihranI) is based on al-CAynathI's copy and is accompanied by a
Persian translation. It is bound in one volume with a Persian rendition
of the Kashf entitled K. rahnuma-i sa cadat. I am indebted to Professor
Y. Friedmann for drawing my attention to this edition.

=::} K. al-tal}ri~ bi l-nal}l} al-l}a~i:~, see aI-Anwar al-bahira

56. ** K. al-tawfiq Ii l-wafii.' ba Cda {al-} tajrfq (or tal}rij, or ta crij) dar
Dh IV 500 no. 2241
K 139
See cAmilI, Amal, II, p. 206. According to al-TihranI, this work was
still available to MIrza Kamala.
57. K. tumf {min} al-anba' wa l-manaqib fi shamf sayyid al-anbiya' wa
eitmtihi} l-a#ayib
Dh XV 161 no. 1053
IJ 18/40, K 139
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 4. In cAmilI, Amal, II, p. 205, the title is
given as K. tumf min al-anba' wa l-manaqib fi l-tal}ri~ bi l-wal}iyya
wa l-khilafa Ii CAli b. Abi Talib calayhi I-salam. AI-TihranI mentions
a Mashhad manuscript dated 987/1579-80 and a Najaf 1369 edition. I
have used the Najaf 1349/1931 edition.
As noted by al-TihranI, in this work IT does not reveal his identity,
saying only that it was written by someone whom God had favoured
(ba C4 man a~sana llah ilayhi), and that it complements the material
in the Tara'if (TU 4). Yet in IJ and in K, IT does acknowledge this
work as his own, describing it as dealing with the honoured position
of the Prophet and his family and with the Prophet's wal}iyya to cAlI.
ef. al- cAmilI's Ithbat, I, p. 56, where the K. al-tumf is described as a

continuation (tatimma) of the rara'if. Most of the ruraf consists of

quotations from the K. al-wa~iyya of clsa b. al-Mustarnd (see List). See
further Kohlberg, "Polemic".
58. al- Yaqzn bi (or fi) khti~a~ mawlana C Alz bi imrat al-mu'minzn
Dh XVIII 69 no. 720, XXV 279 no. 115
MF 140/155
See GAL, S, I, p. 912, no. 9. As already noted, when he wrote the
Anwar al-bahira (the introduction to which is cited in the Yaqzn) IT
was over 70 years old (T$ 531, Y 8/125); and the Yaqzn is earlier than
the Mala~im. It must therefore have been written between 659/1261
and 662/1264. This is one of the sources of the Mustadrak which was
not used in al-cAmill's Wasa'il; in the Mustadrak (MK lith., III, p. 370)
the title appears as K. al-yaqzn wa (for aw) kashf al-yaqzn bi khti~a~
mawlana amzr al-mu'minzn bi imrat al-mu'minzn.
There thus appear to have been two alternative titles. In the Bi~ar
the work is known as K ashf al-yaqzn, and is accordingly given the ab-
breviation Shf. When citing from the work of the same title by the
cAllama al-J:Iilll, al-Majlisl, in order to avoid confusion, provides the
full title. AI-Niirl al-Tabarsl on occasion confuses the abbreviations Shf
and Kshf (the latter used by al-Majlisl to refer to al-Irbill's Kashf al-
ghumma), and so attributes passages from al-Irbill to the Yaqzn when
citing via the Bi~ar (e.g. MK, V, p. 232).
The Najaf 1369/1950 edition ( = yl) is based on two manuscripts
(see yl 207). AI-Tihranl does not refer to this edition, but instead cites
several manuscripts which on occasion provide readings different from
those found in yl (see e.g. -+K. asma' mawlana CAlz(anon.), -+lfujjat
al-taf4z1, -+K. mawlid mawlana cAlz bi I-bayt). The Beirut 1410/1989
edition ( = y2) is based on three manuscripts (different from those used
for yl), and also includes the Ta~~zn. In all, the editors of y2 (at pp.
53-54) list fifteen extant manuscripts.
IT declares that in the Yaqfu he has restricted himself to citing
traditions on non-Shlcl authority. As a result, many of the sources cited
are Sunnl. ShIel sources are however used for traditions whose isnads
IT takes to be non-Shl~. IT interprets "non-Shl~" in the narrowest
sense possible, and so includes isnads where all but the earliest links
are ShIel; see e.g. -+al-Istin~ar, --+K. al-mawalzd (Ibn al-Khashshab).
IT notes (Y 203/519) that all books mentioned in the Yaqzn are in his
library and that he has bequeathed them (waqqafnaha) to his sons. See
also Chapter 111.2.
There are a number of indications that the printed editions do not
comprise the entire text. In Y 5/122, IT states that he will open the
Yaqin with a detailed list of chapters, yet no such list appears in these

editions. In Y 79/279 he mentions a previous reference on Ibn al-Jul).am,

which is however missing from Y. In a section of his Kashf al-ghumma
completed on 3 Sha cban 678/9 Dec. 1279 (cf. II, p. 70) al-Irbill (d. 693/
1293-4) cites from the beginning of the Yaqzn (I, pp. 340-348); the cita-
tion includes material missing from Y. Potentially the most dramatic
evidence of missing material is to be found in I1"s introduction to his
Ta~/}zn (see T~ 531), where he describes what is apparently the Yaqzn
as comprising 309 traditions on cAll being called amzr al-mu'minzn,
51 traditions on cAll as imam al-muttaqzn and 41 traditions on cAll as
ya csub al-mu'minzn. The corresponding figures in Yare 177, 24 and 19.
But the passage in the Ta~/}zn is not entirely unambiguous, and may
present the combined figures for the Yaqzn and the Anwar al-bahira. It
is at any rate noteworthy that virtually all of the numerous citations
from the Yaqzn in the Bi~ar are found in Y; so probably the manuscripts
at al-MajlisI's disposal were not substantially different from those used
for the printed editions.

59. ** Zahrat al-rabz c fi adCiyat al-asabi"c

Dh XII 73 no. 509
A 77/90, D* fol 3a, F 7/6, IJ 18/41, J 245, MD 258-265, 272-273
As noted in F and J, this is the third volume in the ten-volume division
of the Muhimmat. In IJ (and in cAmil1, Amal, II, p. 205), it is referred to
as Mujalladfi adCiyat al-asabi"c. In A, 1+ recommends taking this book
together with the Jamal when embarking on journeys lasting about a
week; it is thus clear that the Zahrat al-rabz c included prayers for each
particular day of the week, presumably with the exception of Friday, to
which most of the Jamal is dedicated. The Zahrat al-rabz c was roughly
the same length as the Jamal (in D*, 1+ describes the Zahrat al-rab7: c
as comprising more than thirty-two quires and the Jamal as consisting
of "more than thirty quires"). Now only about a third of the Jamal
deals with prayers for days other than Friday; so that if the whole of
the Zahrat al-rabzc was devoted to such prayers, then it contained far
more of them than did the Jamal.
According to J, the end of the Zahrat al-rabz c contains a warning to
the believer who performs the same prayers as the Prophet or a member
of his family not to delude himself into thinking that he has thereby
equalled them in devotion. Mul).ammad and his family worshipped God
purely for the purpose of worshipping Him, while other mortals pray
in the hope of averting punishment or gaining reward in this world or
the next. In MD, the referenc~ is to prayers of the Imams al-Jawad
and al-Hadi. AI-J:Iurr al- cAmil1 was evidently still able to see a copy of
this work (see Ijazat al-shaykh Mu~ammad al-Qurr al-cAmilz li l-mawla
... Mu~ammaf Fail al-Mashhadz, in BA, ex, p. 117).


To complete the picture, the following titles should also be noted.

(1) In his list of I1"s printed works, Mushar (Mu'alliJfn, IV, p. 415)
refers to a Tehran 1379 edition of K. mi~bii~ al-sharf c a wa miftii~ al-
~aqfqa (see List). This work is usually ascribed to JaCfar al-$adiq, and
there is no reason to believe that 11' wrote it.
(2) In GAL, S, I, pp. 912-913, Brockelmann mistakenly ascribes to
11' three works composed by other authors. These works are the C Uddat
al-diicf by Ibn Fahd al-I:IillI (d. 841/1437-8) (extant)j the Bushrii (in
GAL, S, erroneously, Busr) al-mu~aqqiqfn fi l-fiqhj and al-Maliidh fi
l-fiqh. The last two are by I1"s brother Jamal aI-DIn Alfmad, and as
Brockelmann correctly notes, neither is extant (cf. Dh III 120 no. 407,
XXII 192 no. 6649).
(3) The Rabf c al-shfC a, which some ImamI scholars attributed to
11', is in fact another title for the ]Cliim al-warii of al-Fa<;ll b. al-I:Iasan
al-1'abrisl (d. 548/1153) (cf. Dh X 75 no. 131, and Mulfammad MahdI
al-Kharsan's introduction to the Najaf 1390/1970 edition of the ]Cliim,
pp. 29-31). Thus MIr Damad in his RawiishilJ, (p. 77) cites a passage
which he says is taken from I1"s Rabf c al-shfC aj this passage appears
in the ]Cliim (p. 370). AI-MajlisI, who likewise ascribes the Rabf c al-
shfc a to 11', says that he refrained from citing it in the Bi~iir since
it agrees (Ii muwiiJaqatihi) with the ]Cliim in the arrangement of the
material (fi jamf C al-abwiib wa I-tartfb), a fact which al-Majlisl finds
surprising (BA, I, p. 31, whence QummI, Fawii'id, p. 332). A possible
explanation (given in MK lith., III, p. 469) is that 11' discovered a copy
of the ]Cliim which had no opening section (khutba)j he did not know
this work and therefore copied it. After his death this copy was found
among his worksj those who found it assumed that it was by 11' and so
added a khutba of the kind 11' used to write, and ascribed it to him. It
is perhaps significant that (at least in the works which I have seen) 11'
never refers to the ] C liim.
It may also be noted that ms. Br. Lib. Or. 13,521 entitled Rabf c al-
shfca, described as anonymous in the List oj Oriental Manuscripts of
the British Library, is in fact an incomplete copy of al-1'abrisI's ]Cliim
(it breaks off in the middle of the chapter on Ja cfar al-$adiq).
(4) In IQ 519/305, 11' mentions without comment the title al-
Zawii'id wa I-Jawii'id fi camal shahr al-~iyiim. AI-MajlisT (BA, XCVIII,
pp. 351-355) in turn cites from K. zawii'id al-Jawii'id of Ibn 1'aWllS
(first name not given) a passage about 9 RabI c I (the date accepted by
some scholars as that of cUmar's assassination) being a day of festivities
(aJ4al al-a Cyiid) for the ahl al-bayt (cf. -+Kutub a~~iibinii l-qummiyyfn).
The beginning of this passage (which is not in IQ) is also cited in MK,

II, p. 522. Since al-MajlisI and al-NiirI al-TabarsI do not elaborate on

the identity of the author, it would be natural to suppose that he is
IT. But this is not the case. As noted in the previous chapter, a work
entitled Zawa'id al-fawa'id was composed by IT's son CAlI (who shared
his father's name, kunya and laqab); cf. the quotations in BA, LIX, pp.
57-90, MK, VIII, pp. 146-157. As for the title in IQ, al-TihranI suggests
that it is not the name of a book but should rather be understood liter-
ally as referring to the benefits which may be derived from consulting
IT's book on Ramagan, i.e. the Mi4mar.
(5) In addition to giving different names to the same book (as in the
case of the Kashf), IT on occasion invented titles for sections of his own
works; these can sometimes be mistaken for titles of independent books.
This is particularly noticeable in the Iqbal. The first occurrence (barring
a prayer for 17 Rabl c I in IQ 84-87/611-615 which is said to be taken
from Kutub al-a cmal al-/fali~at wa dhakha'ir al-muhimmat wa l-da Cawat
al-raji~at) is in IQ 136/651, where a tradition of the Prophet on the
merits of prayer on 5 Rajab is said to be taken from K utub al-asbab ila
ri4a malik yawm al-~isab. Similar titles appear in IQ 138-142/652-655,
156-161/664-669, 163/671,173-174/681, 177'-178/683-684, 196/699 (?),
dealing with prayers for various days of Rajab and the first three days of
Sha cban. This practice stops as abruptly as it begins and is replaced by
wajadnahu marwiyyan Can al-nabz or some such phrase. The references
in F 84/81 to a Bisharat al-muqbil aI-mas Cud min ahl al-lu~ud and in
F 273/248 to Ba c4 ayiit al-mutawakkilzn calii malik yawm al-dzn may
also belong to this category.


Earlier attempts to compile a list of IT's writings include Al Yasln,

at MMII, 12, 1384/1965, pp. 201-207, al-Kharsan in his introduction
to F2, at pp. 16-19, and MuJ:.!ammad Baqir al-An~arI and MuJ:.!ammad
$adiq al-An/?arI in their introduction to y2, at pp. 100-108.
Al Yasln's list comprises forty-eight titles. The eleven works in the
present list which are not found there appear here as nos. 7 (AI Yasln
wrongly assumes that the Bishiirat is identical with the I/ftifii'), 17, 18,
AI-Kharsan's list comprises sixty titles. Of these, no. 24 (Rabz e al-
shzCa) is not by IT (as noted by al-Kharsan himself); 5 (Asriir ai-
da Cawat) is probably to be identified with 28 (ai-Sa Ciidiit) and 32
($alawiit wa muhimmat) with 22 (Duru C); 21 (Jamiil) = 35 (CAmallay-
lat al-jumCa wa yawmiha); 41 (Fala~ al-sa'il) = 42 (al-Falii~ wa l-naja~
fi Camal al-yawm wa l-layla); 48 (Mu~asabat al-mala'ika al-kiram) = 49
(Mu~asabat al-nafs); 55 (al-Multaqat) is not an independent work. This


leaves fifty-three works. The six works of the present list not mentioned
by al-Kharsan appear here as nos. 17, 18, 27, 29, 30, 52.
The list of Mul,lammad Baqir and Mul,lammad $adiq al-Am~arl com-
prises fifty-seven titles. Of these, no. 23 is the Rabic al-3hiCa and no. 56
(the Muhimmiit) is not to be counted separately; 11 (A3riir al-dacawiit)
= 28 (ai-Sa ciidiit); 21 (Duru C) = 32 ($alawiit wa muhimmiit Ii I-U3bu C);
20 (Jamiil) = 35 (CAmallaylat al-jumCa wa yawmihii); 47 (Mu~ii3abat
al-malii'ika al-kiriim) = 48 (Mu~ii3abat al-naf3). The eight works of the
present list not mentioned appear here as nos. 7 (the two editors repeat
Al Yasln's error in assuming the Bi3hiiriit to be identical to the J!}#fii'),


There are obvious difficulties in attempting a chronology of Ibn Tawus's

works. In addition to a general dearth of information as to the dates of
many works, there are texts which were composed over a long period of
time (though this does not seem to have been frequent), and there is also
the problem of interpolation. The following is thus merely a summary
of the information given in this chapter. The works are referred to by
their number in the list.
(a) Early works (up to 626): 11,30,32,42
(b) 626 to ca. 650 (the completion of the Jjiiziit): 2,5-9,12-14,16 (?),
19,21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 31, 36 (?), 37, 39,40,46,47,49 (?), 50,51, 52 (?),
53, 56, 57, 59
(c) Later works (ca. 650-657): 1, 4, 10, 15, 20, 23 (?), 27 (?), 34 (?),
(d) Last works (658-664): 3, 18, 33 (?), 35 (?), 38, 48, 54, 55, 58
(e) Unknown date: 17,25,29,41,45


While many of IT's works were quite well-known in his own day, only
a few appear to have been directly quoted by Imarrii scholars in the
century or so after his death; for one example see ~IT, K. al-bi3hiiriit.
In the 9th/15th century the 'farii'if and the 'fum/were used by CAll b.
Yunus al- cAmi11 al-Baya<;lI (d. 877/1472-3) for his al-$iriit al-mu3taqim
(see $iriit, I, p. 4); many of the sources cited in these two works appear
in al-Baya<;lI's list of works which he cites indirectly, and he probably
ci ted them via IT.
The author who made most use of IT's works in the 9th/15th cen-
tury was al-Baya<;lI's pupil TaqI aI-DIn IbrahIm b. CAll b. I,Iasan al-
cAmi11 al-KafcamI (alive in 895/1490; see his biography in Riyii4, I, pp.
21-25). AI-KafcamI (for whom see also Chapter IlL8) had at least seven

works at his disposal: Abwiib (cited e.g. Junna, pp. 392-393 = Junna*
fol 107b), Duru c (cited e.g. Junna, p. 206 = Junna* fol 56a), Iqbiil, K.
al-mi4miir (cited under its alternative title K. C amal shahr Rama4iin),
Muhaj, Mujtanii and Zii'ir. AI-Kafcami even composed a Mul~aqiit al-
duru c al-wiiqiya, which is cited in the Bi~iir (see Dh XXII 199 no. 6687).
He also quotes from the Ighiithat al-dii c7:, but it is doubtful whether he
saw this work, since the two quotations from it are found in the Muhaj
(Junna, p. 87, [margin] = Junna* fol 23b = MD 145; Junna, p. 309 =
Junna* fol 84a = MD 320-321).
IT's works (in the original Arabic or in Persian translation) gained
recognition particularly in the $afawid period. Citations from many of
these works figure prominently in the books of major Imami authors
of this period. One of the earliest to cite 11' is Sharaf aI-DIn cAll al-
J:Iusayni al-Astarabadl aI-Najafi (fl. 10th/16th century; see Riyii4, IV,
pp. 66-69; A Cyiin, XXXVI, pp. 50-52). His Ta 'w7:1 al-iiyiit al-~iihira f7:
fa4ii'il al- Citra al-tiihira includes extensive quotations and references to
the Sa cd (see Najafi, pp. 111, 113, 121, 123-124, 145, 153, 157, 207,
233-235, 265-267, 483, 554) and the Yaq7:n (Najafi, pp. 121, 180, 228-
230, 267-275, 280, 554, 739), as well as to the 'farii'if (Najafi, pp. 111,
157; see also -+Ta'w7:1 mii nazala). Others are Baha' aI-DIn al-cAmili
(cf. C. E. Bosworth, Bahii' al-Dzn al-cAmilz and his Literary Antholo-
gies, Manchester, 1989, p. 46) and al-J:Iurr al- cAmillo AI-J:Iurr al- cAmili
in his Wasii'il (see his lists of sources in 1/1, p. 6, IX/3, p. 45) cites
directly from the Abwiib, Amiin, Duru" Ghiyiith, Iqbiil, Kashf, Luhuf
(cited as al-Malhuf), Mu~iisaba, 'furaf, Zii'ir and Jamiil (the last men-
tioned only in the list in 1/1). Five of these works (Amiin, Iqbiil, Kashf,
Luhuf and 'furaf) also appear in the list of sources cited directly in
al-J:Iurr al- cAmilI's Ithbiit; additional works given there are the Muhaj,
Nujum, Sa cd, 'farii'if and Yaqzn (see Ithbiit, I, pp. 56, 59). Most of
these works are also mentioned in his Ijiiza to Mul:tammad Fa~il al-
Mashhadl (in BA, CX, p. 117), where in addition reference is made to
al-I~tifii', al-Jawiib al-biihir fi khalq al-kiifir, RaM:c al-albiib and Zahrat
al-rabz c (and also to K. al-tatimmiit wa l-muhimmiit, which is not, how-
ever, to be counted separately). Altogether twenty titles appear in the
works of al-J:Iurr al- cAmili which I consulted. AI-Majlisl in the Bi~iir
cites more works by 11' than by any other author except the cAllama
al-J:Iilli. As noted earlier, an abridgement of the Kashf was written by
Mul:tsin al-Fay~, indicating the particular interest which some of IT's
works held for the Akhbarls. Authors of Imami prayer manuals from al-
Kafcami down to our own days are particularly dependent on 11', citing
extensively from the supplications which he preserved in his works.
Finally, it may be noted that the titles of several works by IT are
cited by J:Iajji Khallfa. Wiistenfeld (Der Tod des lfusein ben cAlz und

die Rache, p. 1, n. 1), basing himself on Flugel's index (no. 4574),

maintained that the Kashf al-~unun contained the titles of four differ-
ent works by IT. But the information given by Flugel in his index is
misleading: he attributes to IT one of the commentaries on al- C Umda
fi fUTU c al-shiifiCiyya of Abu Bakr Mu\lammad b. A\lmad al-Shashl (d.
507/1114), even though no such attribution appears in I:Iajji Khallfa's
text (cf. ed. Flugel, IV, pp. 263-264 = ed. Istanbul, II, pp. 1169-70);
and while correctly identifying the A miin (ed. Flugel, I, pp. 433-434,
no. 1245 = ed. Istanbul, I, p. 166) and the Muhaj, he treats the entry
Manhajal-dacawiit wa mabhaj [sic] al-Ciniiyiit (ed. Flugel, VI, p. 219,
no. 1327 = ed. Istanbul, II, p. 1881) as referring to a separate work,
not realizing that it is a corrupt form of Muhaj al-daCawiit wa manhaj
al- Ciniiyiit, which has its own entry (ed. Flugel, VI, p. 273, no. 13,456
= ed. Istanbul, II, p. 1911).
In addition to the Amiin and the Muhaj, I:Iajji Khal1fa has entries
on the DUTu C(ed. Flugel, III, p. 224, no. 5052 = ed. Istanbul, I, p. 752),
the Mu~iisaba (referred to as Mu~iisabat al-nafs min ajzii' al-~adzth/al
a~iidzth) (ed. Flugel, V, p. 411, no. 11,488 = ed. Istanbul, II, p. 1608)
and the Zahrat al-raMc, a work identified only as a mujallad li ba C
aI-shzC a (ed. Flugel, III, p. 551, no. 6916 = ed. Istanbul, II, p. 962).
The Mu~iisaba and the DUTU C are identified as works of IT only in
the Istanbul edition; and it is only there that (within the entries on
these two works) reference is made to IT as author of the Luhuf and
the J am iiI respectively. It is not clear whether I:Iajji Khallfa saw any
of these works; all that can be said is that he may have been familiar
with the Amiin and the DuruC, the incipits of which are cited in both


The only study of IT's library published so far is the article by MU);
mad I:Iasan Al Yasln in the M ajallat al-majma ( al- (ilm?: al- (iraq?:.1 In
this article, the writer lists in alphabetical order those titles which he
found mentioned in IT's works. Citing reasons of space, he does not
indicate where each title is mentioned. 2 No details are given about
either titles or authors, and there is no indication as to which of the
works is extant. Finally, the list, though impressive,3 does not include
all the titles which can be gleaned from IT's available writings.
A second study is referred to in an article by I:Iusayn (All Mal}.fii~
published in 1966. He mentions an unpublished book of his entitled
K. al-khizana al- ,!,awusiyya. 4 This book has apparently still not come
out. 5


As is well known, many Muslim scholars throughout the ages were

known for their love of books, 6 and private and public libraries be-
came a hallmark of Islamic culture. 7 The major public libraries in
both the eastern and western parts of the Muslim world reportedly
contained tens, even hundreds of thousands of books. The Egyptian
scholar Al}.mad b. CAll al-Qalqashandl (d. 821/1418)8 mentions the li-
brary of the (Abbasids which was destroyed under Hulagu, giving it
pride of place among the great Islamic libraries. 9 In the second place
1 "al-Sayyid <Ali al 'J'awus (589-664 H): IJ,ayatuhu-mu 'allaJiUuhu-khizanat ku-
tubihi" , MMll, 12, 1384/1965, pp. 192-213, 13, 1385/1966, pp. 276-309. See also the
previous chapter.
2Cf. Al YasTn, MMll, 12, p. 209, n. 1.
3It contains 488 items, in addition to nine works which 11' read in public libraries.
Al YasTn's working hypothesis thus seems to be that except where 11' explicitly
states otherwise, all works which he says he has seen formed part of his library.
4MaQ.fii~, "A dab al-du <a"', al-Balagh, 1/6, 1386/1966, pp. 56-86, at p. 86, n. 11.
5MaQ.fii~'s study is referred to by al-KhafIaf in the introduction to his edition of
the Abwab (p. 30). AI-KhafIaf, referring to this study as al-Maktaba al-Tawusiyya,
likewise assumes it has not been published.
6 And not only famous ones; cf. U. Haarmann, "The Library of a Fourteenth
Century Jerusalem Scholar", Der Islam, 61, 1984, pp. 327-333.
7For a useful summary and extensive bibliography of some of the subjects briefly
dealt with here see Endress, "Handschriftenkunde".
8 $ublJ, al-a (sha, Cairo, 1331-8/1913-9, I, pp. 466-467, whence Grohmann, p. 432.
9 AI-QalqashandT may well have been referring to the Mustanf?iriyya. When this
madrasa was established in 631/1233, al-Mustanf?ir is said to have stocked its library

he mentions the library of the Fatimid caliphs in Cairo, which is said

to have contained 200,000, or even 601,000 bound volumes. 10 Another
renowned medieval library, that of al-IJ:akam II (d. 366/976) in Cor-
dova, is reported to have comprised 400,000 volumes.l1 The academy
of learning (dar al- Cilm) established in al-Karkh by Sabur (Shapur)
b. Ardashlr (d. 416/1025-6), the vizier of the Buyid Baha' al-Dawla,
housed a library said to have contained more than 10,000 (according
to others: 100,000 to 140,000) volumes, including 100 exemplars of the
Qur'an in the handwriting of the celebrated Banu Muqla; this library
was destroyed by fire during Tughril Beg's march on Baghdad in 451/
1059. 12 IT's older contemporary Yaqut states that when he left Marw
in 616/1219 there were ten waqf libraries in the city, one of which, the
CAzlziyya, held some 12,000 volumes. 13 There are in addition numerous
references to libraries which were established in mosques. 14
Among private collectors, a famous early example is the historian
al-Waqidl, who at his death in 207/822 is said to have left behind
600 bookcases (qimatr), each case requiring two men to carry ito 15 Ibn
IJ:anbal's library amounted to twelve and a half camel loads,16 while
that of his contemporary Yalfya b. Macln (d. 233/847) filled 114 (or 130)
bookcases and four large jars (~ibab ).17 The books in the library of Abu

with some 80,000 volumes, requiring 160 porters ("'ammal) to transport them. See
ps.-Ibn al-FuwatI, p. 54; <Awwad, Khaza'in, pp. 163-171. Ibn <Inaba, who cites this
figure in his <Umda (p. 169), adds, "It appears that nothing remains of it today". The
fact that al-QalqashandI mentions this library before the Fatimid library perhaps
means that according to his sources it was more richly endowed than its Egyptian
lOGrohmann, p. 434.
11 Grohmann, p. 436.
12Ibn al-Athlr, Kiimil, X, pp. 7-8 (under the year 451). This is the date adopted
by Eche (pp. 116-117), who rejects Yaqiit's dating of the event to 447/1055 (see his
Buldiin, I, p. 534). Cf. Grohmann, p. 438; Pinto, pp. 224, 229; <Awwad, Khaza'in,
pp. 144-145; J. L. Kraemer, Humanism in the Renaissance of Islam, Leiden, 1986,
p. 55, and the references given in these studies.
13Yaqiit, Buldan, V, p. 114, cited by Abdul Latif Ibn Dohaish, "Growth and
Development of Islamic Libraries", The Islamic Quarterly, 31/3, 1987, pp. 217-229,
at p. 219 = Der Islam, 66, 1989, pp. 289-302, at p. 291.
14See in general EI2, art. "Madrasa" (J. Pedersen-[G. Makdisi]), at V, p. 1125;
Muhammad Makki Sibai, Mosque Libraries: an Historical Study, London and New
York, 1987.
15Ibn al-Nadlm, p. 111; Grohmann, p. 439; cf. al-DhahabI, Mrzan al-i<tidiil, ed.
BijawI, Cairo, 1382/1963, III, p. 665. See also N. Abbott, Studies in Arabic Literary
Papyri, '1101. II: Qur'iinic Commentary and Tradition, Chicago, 1967, p. 51; Muham-
mad Faris Jamil, Islamic Wiriiqah 'S~ationery' during the Early Middle Ages, Ph.
D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1984, p. 171.
16 Abbott, II, p. 51. For the size of camel loads see R. W. Bulliet, The Camel
and the Wheel, Cambridge, Mass., 1975, index, under "Loads, size of". (lowe this
reference to Professor Frank H. Stewart.)
17 Ta'rikh Baghdad, XIV, p. 183; Ibn Khallikan, VI, p. 140; Abbott, II, p. 51.

I-Fa<;ll Ibn al- cAmld (d. 360/970) came to more than one hundred camel
loads, according to the testimony of his librarian Miskawayh. 18 The
library which Mu cizz al-Dawla's son owned in Ba~ra comprised some
15,000 volumes, in addition to many fascicules and unbound works. 19
~alal). aI-DIn's vizier al-Qa<;ll al-Fa<;lil cAbd al-Ral).lm al-Baysanl (d.
596/1200) is said to have collected 70,000 volumes on divers subjects,20
while al-Qa<;ll al-Fa<;lil's brother is reported (with some hyperbole) to
have amassed 200,000 titles, each title in a number of copies. 21 Ibn al-
QiftJ (d. 646/1248) too was a fervent book-collector whose collection is
said (again with some hyperbole) to have been the largest ever amassed;
the reason for this is that he travelled to far-off places and was ready
to pay large sums, something he was able to afford because he never
married and had no children. He bequeathed his books to the ruler
of Aleppo, aI-Malik al-Na~ir; they are said to have been worth some
50,000 dinars.22 The library of the physician Abu I-I:Iasan Sacld al-
SamirT (executed 649/1251) contained 10,000 volumes. 23
The libraries of Shlcl scholars were no less impressive than those
of their Sunnl counterparts: when the Jarudl Zaydl author Ibn CUqda
(d. 333/944) wanted to move his books to his new lodgings, he agreed
to pay each porter one diinaq (= the sixth part of a dirham) for each
load; the books amounted to 600 loads, and the cost to Ibn cU qda was
accordingly 100 dinars. 24 Since we are not told how many books on
average each porter carried, it is impossible to estimate the extent of
the library, beyond inferring that (if the figures given in the story are
to be trusted) it must have contained many thousands of volumes. AI-
$a1).ib b. CAbbad (d. 385/995), who leaned towards Shlcism, is reputed
to have owned a staggering 206,000 volumes, requiring 400 (or 700)
camels to transport them. 25 AI-SharIf al-Murta<;la left at his death (in
436/1044) a library which some said contained 30,000 juz,26 and others
estimated at 80,000 volumes. 27

18Mez, The Renaissance of Islam, London, 1937, p. 174; Pinto, p. 218 (citing
Miskawayh's Tajarib).
19 Grohmann, p. 438.
2o~afadI, XVIII, p. 341.
21 ~afadI, XVIII, p. 336.
22Ps.-Ibn al-FuwatI, p. 238; KutubI, III, p. 118.
23 Grohmann, p. 441.
24 Ta'rikh Baghdad, V, p. 18. Cf. Munta~am, VI, p. 337; Shadharat, II, p. 332.
25Yaqut, Udaba', VI, p. 259; Ibn Khallikan, I, p. 231; Rawg,at, IV, p. 296; Mez,
Renaissance, p. 174; Kraemer, Humanism, p. 262 and the references given there.
26Ibn Zuhra, Ghaya, p. 76.
27 (.AmilI, Amal, II, p. 184, citing al-Murta<;la's friend Abul-Qasim (All al-Tanukhi
(d. Mul;larram 447/ Apr. 1055); Ibn (Inaba, (Umda, p. 169. Ibn (Inaba's text as
reproduced in this edition (and also in the Najaf 1380/1961 edition, p. 206 and in
the citation by cAwwad, Khaza'in, pp. 234-235) is inaccurate. The correct version

Clearly, such numbers cannot as a rule be accepted at face value.

What is required is some solid evidence as to the size of these libraries,
preferably in the form of catalogues. Such catalogues existed for both
public and private libraries, but none from the first six Islamic cen-
turies are known to have come down to us. 28 Examples of catalogues
of private libraries mentioned in the sources (but no longer extant)
are those of al-$a1).ib b. cAbbad's library, which reportedly comprised
ten volumes;29 that of cA<;lud al-Dawla's;3o and the catalogue of Ibn
al-QiftI's library. Famous public libraries of which catalogues are men-
tioned are al-l:Iakam II's library in Cordova, in which the lists of dzwiins
alone are said to have taken up forty-four ajzii' of twenty folios each,31
as well as the libraries in al-Rayy32 and Bukhara. There are of course
lists of books which an author saw or of which he heard, as well as
lists of works which he read or for which he received an ijiiza (e.g.
mashyakhas );33 yet it is clear that the authors of these lists did not see
all the books they mention. 34

is cited from the' Umda in the Rawat (IV, p. 296).

28The earliest extant example known to me (other than IT's Sa'd, for which see
below) is the catalogue of the library of the Qayrawan mosque, dated 693/1294;
this catalogue was checked against an older, undated list. See IbrahIm Shabbul].,
"Sijill qad7:m Ii maktabat jami' al-Qayrawan", MMMA, 2, 1956, pp. 339-372, at p.
342. The manuscript dated 694/1295 and entitled al-Muntakhab mimma fi khazjj'in
al-kutub bi If alab included-as its title indicates-a selection of the books that were
in the libraries of Aleppo, but it does not constitute a complete catalogue of anyone
particular library (see Sbath). Titles from this manuscript which are also referred
to by IT are noted in the List. For catalogues of Ottoman public libraries see I. E.
Eriinsal, "Catalogues and Cataloguing in the Ottoman Libraries", Libri, 37, 1987,
pp. 333-349. According to Eriinsal, the earliest surviving inventory dates from 1430,
while the earliest complete extant catalogue, that of the Fatih Mosque library, was
compiled in 1560. It remains to be investigated whether there survive inventories
of books belonging to private collectors from the first Islamic centuries, other than
those discovered among the Geniza documents (cf. e.g. D. Z. H. Baneth, "A Doctor's
Library in Egypt at the Time of Maimonides" [in Hebrew], Tarbiz, 30, 5721/1961,
pp. 171-185 and especially N. Allony, H a-Sifriyyah ha- Yehudit be-Ar~ot ha-Mizral}.
bi- Ymei ha-Beinayim [The Jewish Library in the Orient in the Middle Ages], ed.
M. Sokolow, Jerusalem [forthcoming]).
29Yaqut, Udaba', VI, p. 259; Kraemer, Humanism, pp. 211, 262.
30 al-MuqaddasI, AlJ.san al-taqas7:mfima'rifat al-aqal7:m, ed. M. J. de Goeje, Lei-
den, 1906, p. 449; Mez, Renaissance, pp. 172-173; Kraemer, Humanism, p. 275.
31 al-M aqqarI , Nafl}. aH7:b min ghuf!n al-Andalus al-raf&b, ed. Mul].yI I-DIn (Abd aI-
l;IamId, Beirut, 1367-9/1949-51, I, p. 362. Cf. Mez, Renaissance, p. 172. According
to Ibn l;Iazm, Jamhara, p. 100, each juz' comprised fifty folios (i.e. one hundred
pages); but the accuracy of this statement is open to question. See Koningsveld, p.
69, n. 89.
32Pinto, p. 230. For further examples see Ibn Dohaish, "Growth", pp. 220-221 =
33See EI2, art. "Bibliography" (J. D. Pearson); art. "Fahrasa" (Ch. Pellat).
34See for example al-NajashI's comment after his enumeration of the works of
'Abd al-'AzIz b. Yal].ya al-JaludI (d. 332/944): "These are all the books of Abu


It is against this background that the significance of I1"s library should

be examined. 11' was introduced to the world of books by his grand-
father Warram. 35 As 11' recounts, when he was about thirteen years
old Warram brought him from his own library a copy of al-IJ:imma~l's
al-TaCliq al-Ciriiqi(a work which Warram held in high esteem), and in-
structed him to learn it by heart (~i#).36 A number of law books from
Warram's library which passed to 11' via his mother were among his
early possessions. 37 Throughout his adult life 11' continued to enlarge
his library, both 'by copying (or having someone copy) texts and by pur-
chasing books. 38 He was ready to spend large sums on valuable works,
as when he paid 100 dinars to the heirs of CAll b. al-IJ:asan b. Mul).am-
mad al-Murta<;la for the three volumes of his K. d?:wiin al-nasab. 39 This
was a considerable amount of money, particularly if we recall the infor-
mation given by Yaqut that the average price of a book in his day was
one dinar. 4o 11' hesitated however to purchase books whose contents he

AlJmad al-JaludI [whose titles] we have seen in the catalogues (fihristat); I have
seen some of these books" (NajashI, p. 244).
35Cf. K, p. 129.
36See N, pp. 78,146; -;.al-Ta'liq al-'iriiqi.
37K, p. 129.
38 Unlike fellow bibliophiles such as Miskawayh, Ibn SIna and Ibn al-Sa'I (cf. Pinto,
pp. 231-232), 11' never worked as a librarian in a public library.
39 See -;. K. diwan al-nasab. Buying books from the heirs of deceased scholars
seems to have been a common practice. In order to finance the purchase of books
from the heirs of Ibn al-JawalIqI (d. 539/1144; cf. EI2, art. "al-DjawalI~I" [H.
Fleisch]), Abu l-cAla' al-HamadhanI (d. 569/1173) is reported to have walked from
Baghdad to Hamadhan, sold a house of his, and returned to Baghdad on foot, all in
the space of one week (see Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, I, p. 328). The polygraph and biblio-
phile cAbd Allah b. AlJmad Ibn al-Khashshab (d. 567/1172; cf. -;.K. al-mawalid)
is said to have consistently bought books of deceased scholars (Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, I,
p. 319; ~afadI, XVII, p. 15. Cf. DimyatI, Mustafad, p. 258). Ibn al-Khashshab also
employed underhand methods: he would surreptitiously tear a leaf out of a book,
claim that it was incomplete and then buy it cheaply; when asked to return a book
which he had borrowed he would claim that it had got buried among his books and
could not be located (Yaqut, Udabii', XII, p. 51; SuyutI, Bughya, II, p. 30; cf. Ibn
al-QiftI, K. inbah al-ruwat calii anba' al-nulJ,iit, ed. Abu I-Fa<;ll IbrahIm, Cairo, II,
1371/1952, p. 101).
40Yaqut, Buldiin, V, p. 114. This passage has been noted by a number of scholars,
including Mez (Renaissance, p. 172, n. 3), Grohmann (p. 439) and Pinto (p. 215).
Certain books were of course valued much higher: Al;tmad b. AbI l-Su Cud al-Ru:;;afi
al-Katib (d. 627/1229-30), who had exceptionally beautiful handwriting, put up
for sale a manuscript of the Nahj al-balagha which he had copied, but on being
offered only five dinars, refused to part with it. On the same occasion, fifteen dinars
was offered for some sheets (or folios: qawii 'im) in the hand of the calligrapher Ibn
al-Bawwab (ps.-Ibn al-Fuwatr, pp. 18-19). For the fluctuating price of books see
in general Pinto, pp. 214-215, and especially E. Ashtor, Histoire des prix et des
salaires dans l'Orient medieval, Paris, 1969, index, s.v. "livres, prix".

judged to be improper. 41
In describing his library to his son Mu~ammad, IT says that it con-
tains numerous works on the principles of religion (u~ul), on prophecy
and the imamate, on zuhd, fiqh, history, Qur'an exegesis, supplications
(daCawiit) (more than sixty volumes), genealogy, medicine, grammar,
poetry, alchemy, talismans, geomancy and astrology. 42
As already noted, IT's catalogue of his library, al-Ibiina fi ma Crijat
(asmii') kutub al-khiziina, has not survived, while the Sa cd, originally
conceived as a multi-volume project, was apparently never completed.
From the existing volume of the Sa C d it can be seen that the initial
project was highly ambitious: while following the same chapter headings
as the Ibiina, IT intended to discuss each item in his library, explain
its significance and reveal its secrets. 43 What he actually began doing
was to describe the manuscripts in his library and to quote selected
passages from each work. Works comprising a number of volumes are
normally represented by one passage from each volume. Passages were
chosen either for being characteristic of the work as a whole, or (more
commonly) because IT had some comment or criticism to make; his
comments are often considerably longer than the passage$ cited. The I

information given in the Sa Cd about the content of each book seems to

have been fuller than that provided in earlier catalogues, which (judging
by the available evidence) contained little more than the titles of books.
The Sa Cd as we have it is divided into two chapters: the first (tak-
ing up 39 pages in the printed edition) consists of descriptions and
quotations from several holy texts: a number of copies (ma~iilfij) of
the Qur'an, Arabic translations of the Pentateuch and the Gospels,
a Zabur Diiwud and two texts ascribed to Idrls. 44 The second, much
larger chapter (235 pages in the printed edition) is devoted to works
of Qur'anic exegesis and related matters.45 From a comparison of this
material with the description of the library in the K ashj, it is evident
that the works mentioned in the Sa Cd formed only a small part of the
According to the only explicit statement on the subject, in 650/

41 See -+K. al-mulah.

42K, pp. 128-137. .
43S, p. 4.
44S, pp. 25-63.
45 S, pp. 64-298. The arrangement of the catalogue by subject matter conforms to
the practice in many other libraries, including the Mustan~iriyya (cf. Pinto, p. 229).
It is possible that the books were also arranged on the shelves according to this
principle (rather than, say, by format). ITs placing of holy texts at the beginning
of the catalogue may likewise reflect contemporary practice; it was at any rate
the norm in the catalogues of medieval European libraries (cf. Th. Gottlieb, Ueber
mittelalterliche Bibliotheken, Leipzig, 1890, p. 302).

1252-3 IT's library contained some 1,500 titles (kitiib). This figure was
noted down in 776/1374-5 by Mul:Iammad b. MakkI al-cAmilI al-Shahld
al-Awwal (d. 786/1384) during his stay in al-I;Iilla. 46 The ShahId does
not reveal his source for this information. It is unlikely to have been an
informant: no one living more than a century after the time in question
is likely to have known the precise size of the library in a given year. The
ShahId must therefore have relied, whether directly or indirectly, on a
written source, probably a lost text by IT. The most obvious candidate
is the Ibiina: a catalogue would be the natural venue for this kind of
information; and the Ibiina (as already noted) was probably written in
or around 650/1252-3. If this supposition is correct, it follows that the
number given by the ShahId for IT's library can be relied upon to a
greater extent than the numbers given for many other libraries.
What we know from IT himself is that towards the end of his life (at
a date which cannot be established with certainty) his library contained
more than seventy volumes (mujallad) of supplications (da C awiit).47
This figure is more than 11 per cent higher than that given by IT
writing in 650/1252-3. On the (admittedly hazardous) assumption that
this reflects the overall increase in the number of titles in his library,
the total would reach some 1,650 titles.
The most valuable details about IT's library are those that can be
gleaned from his own writings. As may be seen from the List, those of
his writings that could be consulted contain quotations, paraphrases or
references to some 670 works. These may be divided into three cate-
gories: (a) Works of which IT says explicitly that they belonged to his
library. Most of these are mentioned in two of IT's books: the Sa C d and
the Yaqi"n. The former requires no further comment; as for the Yaqi"n,
IT declares that all books mentioned in it are in his library and that
he has bequeathed it (waqqafniihii) to his sons. 48 The Sa cd and the
Yaqi"n together refer to well over a quarter of the titles in the List.
(b) Books which IT states that he borrowed from, or read in, libraries
other than his own. Sixteen such books are mentioned, some of which
can be assumed subsequently to have been copied and added to IT's
collection. 49 (c) Works which IT mentions without comment in books

46 AI-Shahld's comment appears in a collection of works known as MajmuCat al-

Shahi:d which he copied in al-ij:illa (see Dh, XX, p. 112, no. 1266), and which in
turn was copied in 861/1457 by Baha' aI-DIn al- cAmilI's grandfather Shams aI-DIn
Mul.Iammad b. CAlI b. aI-ij:asan al-JabacI (JibaCI) (d. 866/1461-2), whose copy iE
known as Majmu,cat al-Jabaci:(or Jibiic'i) (Dh, XX, p. 77, no. 1996). The comment
is cited in Dh, II, pp. 264-265.
4 7 MD, p. 347; cf. -+I':r, Muhaj al-dacawiit.
48y, p. 203/519; cf. -+11', al-Yaq'in.
49 Most of these books were located in Baghdad libraries: the Ni~amiyya (MF, p.
15/17; 1', p. 12/4), including the old section (1', p. 420/[om 127]; Y, pp. 63/252, 125/

other than the Sa e d or the Yaqin. Many of these works are also men-
tioned in the Sac d or the Yaqin and therefore evidently belonged to
his library. 50 It can reasonably be assumed that a fair number of the
books which he mentions in works other than the Sa Cd and the Yaqi"n,
and which are not referred to in either of these two works, were also
in his possession. If this is the case, it can be taken that owned rr
the majority of the works on the List. The List, then, comprises titles
of works that belonged to his library or that he consulted elsewhere.
The number of works cited directly in his extant writings appears to
be significantly higher than that cited by his contemporaries, whether
Sunnls or Shl els. 51
While IT's library included works on all the major branches of
knowledge of his time, not all branches are equally represented in the
citations in his extant works. This may be partly because some of his
books rather than others have survived; but it also reflects IT's own
interests. Thus the fact that he was not particularly attracted to either
kaliim or fiqh is reflected in the relatively small number of citations from
works dealing with these topics; on the other hand, his keen interest in
Sunnlliterature (due at least in part to his involvement in anti-Sunnl
polemics) led him not only to include a large number of Sunnl texts
in his library, but also to cite from many of these texts in his works.
Indeed, of the titles cited by IT in his extant writings, some 220 (or
about a third) are Sunnl, and many of these are known to have formed

362; for al-Ni~ii.miyya al- <atiqa see -+K. al-arba <in [Ibn Ab'i I-Fawaris]);
the Mustan!?iriyya (IQ, pp. 521/306-307); the waqf al-Zaydi(T, p. 6/2); the Turbat
al-Akhlatiyya (1', p. 424/[om 128]) and the library of Madrasat Umm al-KhalIfa
al-N~ir (Y, p. 197/506), both on the western side of the city. Four books belonged
to the library of Mashhad <Ali b. AbI Talib in Najaf (N, p. 92; S, p. 32; T, pp. 137/
[om 33], 138/[om 33]). Three other books were in the library of the Imam al-Ka~im
(presumably in al-Ka~imayn) (IQ, pp. 71/599-600), in the waqf known as aI-Tahir
in KUfa (S, p. 39) and in the library of Warram b. Abi Firas's sons (location not
given) respectively (S, p. 40). IT also refers to manuscripts in the l:Iafi~iyya library
(S, p. 70), the library of the madrasa known as al-TurkI in Wasit(MF, p. 15/17)
and the library of the ?afiriyya (sic) (Y, p. 142/393), but he apparently did not
visit these libraries. For further details see the List. Cf. also Al YasIn, pp. 307-308.
50For instance, Tafsir al-Qummi is cited in N, pp. 25-27 without reference to
its venue; so is the Tafsir of Ibn <Uqda, cited in Ml:I, p. 17/7. Both works appear
in the Sa<d. Works cited in the Yaqin and mentioned elsewhere without comment
include for example al-NatanzI's al-Kha~ii.'i~ al-<alawiyya, cited in MD, pp. 214-
215, the Dalii.'il of al-TabarI, which is mentioned in six different works in
addition to the Yaqin, Abu Nu<aym's lfilyat al-awliyii.', cited in five other works,
and al-l:IumaydI's ai-Jam < bayna 1-~alJ.ilJ.ayn, cited in four additional works.
51 Since considerably less than half of IT's literary output has survived, it is im-
possible to know the total number of titles which he mentioned; yet judging by the
available data, it may be assumed that this number was not radically different from
that mentioned by the ShahId.

a part of his library. 52

IT kept up to date with works written by his contemporaries: among
the items which he cites are the Mu Cjam al-buldan of Yaqut (d. 626/
1229),53 the Ta'r?:kh of Ibn al-Athlr (d. 630/1233), cAwarif al-macarifof
Abu I:Iaf~ al-Suhrawardl (d. 632/1234), the Matalib al-su 'iil fi manaqib
al al-rasiil of Mul).ammad b. +all).a al-I:Ialabl (d. 652/1254), and the
Ta'r?:kh of Ibn al-Sacl (d. 674/1276), with whom he was acquainted. 54
When attempting to assess the size of I+'s library, attention should
be paid to two related problems. There is first the question of the
number of volumes (rather than titles) in the library. All we have to
go by is the information given by IT, supplemented by what is known
about the length of some of the works which he possessed. For example,
he mentions a ten-volume copy of al-Jubba'l's Tafs?:r as being in his
possession, and we can also take it that his copy of such works as al-
Tabarl's Tafs?:r ran to numerous volumes. In contrast, IT speaks of
various shorter works in his library which were (as was usual) bound
together in collections (majam?:c, sing. majmii C a). It is impossible to
tell with any precision what the ratio of volumes to titles was, beyond
speculating that the number of volumes may not have been radically
different from the number of titles. 55
The second problem concerns the term juz' (literally 'part'). This
word may refer to either (a) one gathering of sheets (often compris-
ing some 20 folios, i.e. 40 pages) forming a separate (usually bound)
booklet; or (b) one of a number of booklets bound together;56 or (c) a
volume consisting of a number of booklets. The term mujallad, meaning
a bound manuscript, may refer to either (a) or (c). When IT mentions
a juz' it cannot always be known what precisely he has in mind. One
of a number of examples of the difficulties which sometimes ensue can
be seen in I+'s discussion of Abu I-Qasim al-Balkhl's Jami C cilm al-
qur'an. He begins by mentioning the first juz', which was evidently the
first volume. 57 Later he explains that he will cite from the third mujal-
lad of this work, "because we do not possess the second juz'''. 58 In this
521n the Sa cd, the ratio of SunnI to ShlcI texts is about three to one, reflecting the
preponderance of SunnI Tafslr works in his library. The Yaqi"n, which was composed
for polemical purposes, consists largely of SunnI texts.
53 Though not his Mu Cjam al-udaba', as is maintained by al-ShablbI (Mu 'arrikh
al-CIraq Ibn al-Fuwa~t, II/I, p. 240).
54See List under these titles.
55 Although 11' on occasion specifies when a work forms part of a and
notes when he possesses more than one exemplar of the same work, he may not
have followed this practice in all cases.
56For these two senses of the term see the discussion in Koningsveld, pp. 68-70,
5 7 S, pp. 192-193.
58S, p. 194.

case, too, the juz' must have comprised a separate volume. In contrast,
he equates "the fourth juz'" with "the second [juz'] of the third mu-
jallad" ,59 indicating that the third mujallad consisted of at least two
IT's library cannot in fairness be compared to the much larger pub-
lic libraries in 7th/13th century Baghdad. Yet it must have been an
impressive private collection by the standards of the time in the East,
and it was enormous in comparison even to institutional libraries in
the West. 61 It seems to have been larger than the collection of IT's
teacher Ibn aI-Najjar (d. 643/1245), who donated two libraries (waqqafa
khiziinatayn min al-kutub) to the Ni~amiyya (they were worth together
1,000 dinars );62 it may not, however, have reached the size of the private
library of the vizier Ibn al- CAlqaml (established in 644/1246-7), which
reportedly included 10,000 precious books. 63 Ibn al-CAlqaml's collec-
tion, together with dozens of other libraries of Baghdad, was destroyed
during the Mongol invasion, partially burnt, partially thrown into the
water.64 It was IT's good fortune that his collection was spared. 65
IT bequeathed his library to his sons Mu~ammad and cAll, both of
whom appreciated the value of books. 66 Nothing is heard of the library
after the death of the second son cAII. 67 Only individual items can
perhaps be traced down to later generations. Two examples are the

59S, p. 195.
60See also ~IT, K. al-muhimmat for an example of the term juz' used synony-
mously with mujallad.
61 For example: the figures given for the number of volumes in Benedictine libraries
in France in the 13th century vary between 150 and 458. See A. Vernet (ed.),
Histoire des bibliotheques lranf;aises, vol. 1: les bibliotheques medievales; du VIe
siecle a 1530, Paris, 1989, p. 45. For the extent of the holdings of individual Jewish
bibliophiles see A. Marx, "Some Jewish Book Collectors", in his Studies in Jewish
History and Booklore, New York, 1944, pp. 198-237 (lowe this reference to Professor
S. Hopkins); Allony, The Jewish Library in the East. The largest collection referred
to by Allony contained 120 books.
62 Ibn Kathlr, XIII, p. 169; cAwwad, Khaza'in, p. 146. If Yaqiit's statement about
the average price of a book is a reliable guide, this would equal some 1,000 books.
63Ibn al-Tiqtaqa, al-Fakhrf, p. 337; cf. ps.-Ibn al-FuwaF, p. 209.
64Grohmann, pp. 438-439.
65 Sunniliterature was less affected by the upheaval caused by the Mongols than
were Shici works, since this literature was preserved by a greater number of scholars,
many of whom lived in areas outside Mongol control.
66 Cf. ~ K. dfwan al-nasab.
67 cAwwad (Khaza 'in, pp. 270-271) wrongly maintains that some of IT's collection
found its way to the library of cAbd aI-KarIm Ibn Tawlls (d. 693/1294). This error
stems from cAwwad's assumption that cAbd aI-KarIm was IT's grandson, when in
fact he was his nephew. Ibn al-FuwatI, who was a pupil of cAbd aI-KarIm, notes that
he wrote his al-Durr al-na~fm If dhikr man tasamma [variant:yusamma] bi cAbd
al-Karfm especially for his teacher's library. See Ibn al-FuwaWs Tal~h7:l! majma C
al-adab, IV /2, p. 1195; cf. Dh, VIII, p. 83, no. 305.

anonymous K. khutab Ii mawliinii amzr al-mu'minzn and the second

volume of Ibn al-JuJ:!.am's Ta'wzl mii nazala min al-qur'iin al-karzm F
I-nabz;68 both manuscripts contained IT's marginal comments and may
thus have been in his possession. The manuscripts were seen and uti-
lized by al-I:Iasan b. Sulayman al-I:Iilll (alive in 802/1399-1400)69 for his
Mukhta~ar ba~ii'ir al-darajiit.70 In addition, autographs of two of IT's
own works (which presumably belonged to his library) were known to
later generations: his Malii~im and an unidentified work which is pos-
sibly his M aziir. 71


When referring to a particular passage, IT on occasion relies on his

memory, as when he says, "We do not remember its exact wording, so
we will give its meaning" ,72 He may also quote a particular work, and
then note that the citation which follows does not occur in it (but in a
different work which he presumably cannot locate at the moment and
so is citing from memory): e.g. wa sanadhkuru min ghayr al- Tibyiin (i.e.
al-TiisT's Qur'an exegesis );73 wa F l-~adzth min ghayr al-KashshiiJ (i.e.
al-ZamakhsharT's Qur'an commentary);74 wa ra'aytu Jz ghayr hiidha
I-taJszr (referring to the TaJszr attributed to al-Baqir);75 min ghayr
kitiib al- Tiriizz (following a citation from al-TirazT's K. al-du C ii' wa 1-
ziyiira);76 min ghayr kitiib MuCiiwiya b. Jfukaym (or Jfakzm)j77 min
ghayr kitiib Madznat al_ Cilmj78 min ghayr kitiib Ibn Biibawayh (i.e. the
Man Iii ya~4uruhu l-Jaqzh cited before this comment);79 wa dhakara
ghayr al- Tha C labz (for al- Tha C iilibi:) (following a citation from the K.
yatzmat al-dahr). 80
Yet in the great majority of cases IT cites from a work directly in
front of him. Now as is well known, medieval Muslim authors, when
citing from a particular work, would normally provide its title and, on
6SSee the discussion in the List.
69 For whom see Riya, I, pp. 193-196; Rawat, II, pp. 293-294.
70 Najaf, 1370/1950, pp. 172-174, 195-202,205-211.
718ee -+11', K. al-tashrfJ hi l-minan; -+K. al-ziyarat wa I-Jafj,a'il respectively.
72 A, p. 115/127.
73 8, p. 66.
74 8, p. 138.
75 8, p. 123.
76J, p. 33.
77N, p. 99.
7sBA, LXXXI, p 23 [om F, p. 62/53].
79 A, p. 33/46. The passage in fact occurs in Ibn Babawayh's Thawab al-a (mal.
sOr, p. 533/166; the word ghayr is missing from 1'2. For a similar technique
see Yaqut, Udaba', XVIII, p. 40 (the beginning of the biography of aI-rabarI):
having first cited from Abu Bakr aI-KhatIb (i.e. aI-Khatib aI-BaghdadI in his Ta'rfkh
Baghdad) he adds: "qala ghayr al-Kha~rb" etc.

occasion, the section or volume in which the passage cited appears. As

noted by Rosenthal, before the age of printing there was not much point
in giving a more precise reference; the most detailed reference adduced
by him is that of Ibn Ahi U~aybiCa's teacher, the Melkite physician
Ya cqub b. Siqlab (Saqlab) (d. 625/1228), who cited from a text of Galen
by folio. 81 Yet IT, when referring to particular manuscripts, often goes
beyond this, presumably for the benefit of those who might wish to
consult these manuscripts in his library. Typically, he might refer to
"the second half of the book, about a third of the way through". 82 He
often identifies not only volume and quire (kurriis or kurriisa), 83 but
also the folio (qii 'ima )84 within the quire and whether recto (al-wijha
al-iilii) or verso (al-wijha al-thiiniya). The line number is also provided
on occasion: "[This Qur'anic verse] runs from the end of the seventh --t
line to the beginning of the tenth line";85 "[this Qur'anic passage] is
cited in the twenty-seventh juz', from the first line recto [sc. of the first
folio] to the first line verso". 86
While IT appears to have used this system more widely and consis-
tently than anyone before him whose work has come down to us, he was
not the first to employ it. He was preceded-and directly influenced-by
Ya~ya b. al-l:Jasan Ibn al-Bitrlq (d. 600/1203 or Sha cban 606/ Jan.-Feb.
1210), three of whose pupils (Abu I-l:Jasan cAlI b. Ya~ya al-Khayyat,
Muhammad b. cAbd Allah b. cAlI b. Zuhra al-HalabI and Fakhar b.
Ma;add al-MusawI) were among IT's teachers.87 In his CUmda (and

81 F. Rosenthal, The Technique and Approach of Muslim Scholarship, Rome, 1947,

pp. 37-39. For Ya 'qiib see also E. Kohlberg and B. Z. Kedar, "A Melkite Physician
in Frankish Jerusalem and Ayyubid Damascus: Muwaffaq aI-DIn Ya 'qiib b. Siqlab" ,
Asian and African Studies, 22, 1988, pp. 113-126; an English rendition of the pas-
sage referred to by Rosenthal is given on p. 122 (lines 14-12 from the bottom should
read: "Then he cited in full Galen's commentary on the relevant chapter. I used to
check the text of Galen's commentary only to discover that Ya 'qiib had quoted all
of it verbatim"). Ya 'qiib's date of birth can now definitely be given as 561/1165-6;
see Ibn Fa<;ll Allah al-'UmarI, Masalik al-ablfar fimamalik al-amlfar, ed. F. Sezgin,
Publications of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Series C,
Facsimile Editions, vol. 46, book 9, Frankfurt, 1988, p. 281; cf. "A Melkite Physi-
cian" , p. 116. The situation as regards numeration in medieval Hebrew manuscripts
was not very different; see Beit-Arie, pp. 60,' 65-66.
82 A, p. 3/19.
83In the Orient, a quire was normally (but not invariably) folded into five sheets
(ten leaves), while the composition of quires in the West was often four sheets (eight
leaves), although there was no real standard. See Beit-Arie, Hebrew Codicology, pp.
43-47; J. J. Witkam, Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the University of Leiden
and Other Collections in the Netherlands: a General Introduction to the Catalogue,
Leiden, 1982, p. 14. Cf. Endress, p. 280.
84Rarely: lfaflJ.a, in S, p. 39, line 11.
85S, p. 25; see also S, pp. 26-31, 221, 222, 240. Cf. e.g. ~Tafs'r [aI-Farra'].
86S, p. 31.
87 Cf. Riyaq., V, pp. 354, 358; Thiqat, pp. 337-338.

also in his later Kha~ii'i~) Ibn al-BitrIq, apparently referring to manu-

scripts in his possession, at times provides not only the volume but
also the quire numbers for the $a~f~iin of al-BukharI and Muslim and
for al- cAbdarI's aI-Jam C bayna I-lti~ii~ al-sitta. Occasionally, when the
reference is to a passage near the beginning or the end of a volume, the
folio number is also provided. 88 Some of these references are cited by
IT in his '!'arii'if, of which the C Umda is a major source. 89


IT was also concerned with the format (qiilab or qatC) of manuscripts

in his possession. 90 One manuscript is described simply as "of a small
format" (mujallada ~aghfrat al-qiilab ).91 Usually IT uses more precise
language. Three manuscripts are of the ni~f format, to which he also
refers more fully as niltf al-waraqa and niltf al-waraqa al-kabfra;92 one
manuscript (of the Qur'an) is thulth;93 five manuscripts are of the rubc
format;94 seven are thumn (or thumn al-waraqa al-kabfra );95 two are
ni~f al-thumn96 and four are tiilibf(a term which I have not encountered
elsewhere).97 Where a manuscript does not fit any of these formats IT
describes it in terms such as "less than a thumn" ,98 "more than a

88E.g. (Umda, p. 48, whence r, p. 115/28, citing from the fourth volume of
Muslim's $alJ,'lJ" 18 folios (qa'ima) from the beginning; (Umda, p. 162, citing from
the third volume of Muslim's $alJ"lJ" 13 folios from the end; (Umda, p. 209, citing
from the fourth volume, 20 folios from the end.
89See -+K. al-(umda and the -+SaMhs of al-BukharI and Muslim.
90 For the term qa~( see Karabacek, '143; S. D. Goitein, A Mediterranean Society,
vol. 2: The Community, Berkeley, 1971, p. 232. In the texts surveyed, qa~( is used
twice: once alone (S, p. 25) and once together with qalab: kitab qalabuhu qar ni~f
al-waraqa (N, p. 92; see -+K. fa4a'il am,r al-mu'min,n [al-NaysaburI]). In all other
cases the term used is qalab.
91S, p. 223; see -+Risala fi madlJ, al-aqall.
92S, pp. 90 (ni~f), 102 (ni~f al-waraqa), both referring to the same manuscript
of Ta'wrl ma nazala; N, p. 92; S, p. 64 (ni~f al-waraqa al-kabrra) , referring to a
manuscript of al-rusI's al-Tibyan; cf. -+K. d,wan al-nasab.
93S, p. 25.
94s, pp. 26 (an examplar of the Qur'an), 32 (see -+$alJ,a'if Idrrs) , 109 (see
-+ M ukhta~ ar kitab M ulJ,ammad b. al- (A bbas ), 11 7 (see -+ Tafsrr aI- qur' an [Ibn
(Uqda]), 231 (see -+K. tafsir al-qur'an [no. 577]).
95S, pp. 25 (an exemplar of the Qur'an), 47 (see -+Zabur Dawud), both de-
scribed as thumn al-waraqa al-kaMra; S, pp. 39 (see -+Sunan Idrrs), 121 (see
-+Mujallad (atrq, -+Tafsrr [al-Baqir]), 247 (see -+ Yaqutat aI-~ira~), Y, p. 139/386
(see -+Riwaya).
96MD, pp. 97 (see -+Kitab [no. 304]), 201 (see -+[Du (a'] [al-IskandarI]).
97M, p. 33/344 (see -+al-Muntakhab min kitab zad al-musafir)j MD, p. 196 (see
-+Kitab (at1:q [no. 311]); S, pp. 120 (see -+Tafsrr [,an) ahl al-bayt (alayhim al-
salam), 253 (see -+l'rab al-qur'an).
98IQ, p. 306/65, MN, p. 20 (both apparently referring to the same manuscript;
see -+Kitab [no. 303]); MD, p. 295 (qalabuhu aqall min al-thumn nalJ,wu I-suds; see

rub C " 99 or "more than a rub C and less than a ni~f" .100
It can be taken that the size of the sheet of paper used for most
of these manuscripts was the Iraqi one, whose measurements are fairly
well known. lOl What is less clear is exactly how these terms should be
understood. There are at least two possible explanations: (a) The terms
expressed in fractions refer to the way in which the sheets were folded
to form bifolia; thus ,ni~f would be a sheet folded once, rub C would be
a sheet folded twice, and thumn would be a sheet folded thrice. These
terms would then be identical with folio, quarto and octavo respec-
tively. The problem with this account is that it provides no obvious
explanation of formats such as two thirds l02 or one sixth (suds). (b)
These terms refer to the proportion of the bifolia relative to the original
sheets. Thus rub C would mean the size obtained by cutting the original
sheet to a fourth of its length and a fourth of its width. This explanation
has the advantage that all formats expressed in fractions can be under-
stood in the same fashion. It also provides a possible answer regarding
manuscripts described as greater or smaller than a particular format:
they were either not cut exactly to measure, or were reduced at some
later stage. (Alternatively, these inexact measurements may point to
a manuscript manufactured outside Iraq, using a different sheet size.)
Neither (a) nor (b) provides a satisfactory solution to the problem of
the manuscript described as "less than an eighth, about a sixth" .103
One can only speculate that this is an error, and that the correct for-
mulation is "less than a sixth, about an eighth". Clearly, more research
will be necessary before a better understanding of the meaning of these
terms is achieved. l04


IT is fond of referring to a nuskha C afiqa to indicate the antiquity

of a particular manuscript; this term is anything but precise, and is
occasionally used by IT to refer to relatively new manuscripts, to wit
those written some 200 or in one case l05 less than 120 years before
his time. Yet whenever possible IT provides an exact date. The oldest
dated manuscripts mentioned in the works consulted go back some 400
--+Majmu C al-adCiya al-mustajabat).
99N, p. 177 (see --+Majmu C Cat1:q [no. 343]).
lOOS, p. 111 (see --+Dhikr ma nazala).
101See Karabacek, pp. 143, 153-158, giving the measurements as 109.9 X 73.3 cm.
102Which is said to have been the largest size; see Zayyat, p. 632.
103MD, p. 295; so also in the manuscripts of the Muhaj which I consulted, as well
as in BA, XCV, p. 450.
104 1 am grateful to Professor Malachi Beit-Arie and Professor Richard H. Rouse
for discussing some of these issues with me.
105That of Mukhta~ar al-macari! (see List).

years before his time. One such manuscript (described by rr

as a nuskha
C atzqa jiddan) is dated Rama<;lan 229 /May-J une 844. It contains a work

entitled al-Imiima min al-akhbiir wa l-riwiiyiit can rasul alliih wa can

al-~a~iiba wa I-tiibic zn bi l-asiinzd al-~i~ii~, composed perhaps by Abu
Jacfar Mulfammad b. al-J:Iusayn b. Abil-KhaHab Zayd al-Zayyat al-
Hamdanl (d. 262/875-876). If this manuscript was written on paper
(rather than, say, leather or parchment),I06 it predated the oldest dated
paper manuscript in Arabic so far known to have been preserved. I07 Not
much later are two other manuscripts: one, dated 238/853, contains the
text of the anonymous 3d/9th century work K. al-tajammulj the other,
dated Shawwal 251/0ct.-Nov. 865, contains a work of the caliph al-
Ma'mun entitled K. a C liim al-rasul. Many other manuscripts in IT's
possession dated from the 3d/9th or 4th/10th centuries.
In addition to providing the dates of manuscripts, IT often notes
when a manuscript is an autograph. In the works consulted he mentions
eight autographs, of which one (al-Risiila al-mu4i~a of al-Mu~affar b.
J a cfar, fl. first half of the 4th/10th century) was in the old Ni~amiyya
library and the rest belonged to him. IOB In addition, IT possessed a
manuscript of the N ahj al-najiit fi fa4ii 'it amzr al-mu 'minzn wa I-a 'imma
al-tiihirzn min dhurriyyatihi of J:Iusayn b. Mulfammad b. al-J:Iasan al-
}J:ulwanl (alive in 481/1088-9?) of which IT says that it is possibly an
106 See e.g. IT's description of a particular manuscript as made either of parchment
(raqq) or of Khurasanian paper (S, p. 111, cited in -+-Dhikr ma nazala min al-
qur'an Ii: rasul allah etc.). See also Zayyat, pp. 625-629. Since parchment is clearly
distinguishable from paper, perhaps IT meant that both parchment and paper were
used in its manufacture. For this custom see Koningsveld, pp. 22-24; Beit-Arie,
pp. 37-40; N. Allony, "Books and Their Manufacture in Mediaeval Palestine" (in
Hebrew), Shalem: Studies in the History 01 the Jews in Eretz-Israel, vol. 4, ed. J.
Hacker, Jerusalem, 5744/1984, pp. 1-25, at p. 3. It is also possible that the passage
in S is corrupt.
107For the date of the introduction of paper see e.g. Karabacek, pp. 90-91, 114,
121; J. Pedersen, The Arabic Book, tr. G. French, ed. with an introduction by R.
Hillenbrand, Princeton, 1984, pp. 61-65; Jamil, Islamic Wiraqah, pp. 122-126; En-
dress, pp. 275-276; EI2, art. "Kaghad"(Cl. Huart-A. Grohmann). Juynboll refers
to the Leiden University manuscript of Abu CUbayd's Ghari:b al-lJ,adi:th, allegedly
copied in 252/866, as the oldest dated paper manuscript on record ("On the Ori-
gins of Arabic Prose: Reflections on Authenticity", Studies on the First Century
01 Islamic Society, ed. G. H. A. Juynboll, Carbondale and Edwardsville, 1982, pp.
161-175, 254-259, at p. 255, n. 5). According to cAwwad (Aqdam, p. 77), the earliest
manuscript of this kind to have survived is a copy of the .Adab al-Ialasila of I;Junayn
b. Isl),aq (d. 260/873), which is dated 249/863. An even earlier manuscript, dated
233/848, is recorded by Beit-Arie (see Hebrew Codicology, p. 111). As noted by S.
Hopkins (Studies in the Grammar 01 Early Arabic, Oxford, 1984, p. xli), the earliest
specimens of paper bearing Arabic writing date from the late second century A.H.
108The other seven are K. camal Dht I-lfijja of al-AshnasI, K. camal shahr
Ramaan of al-NahdI, K. al-duca' wa l-ziyara of al-TirazI, K. khu~ab mawlana CAli:
of al-JaludI, MitjbalJ, al-mutahajjid al-kabi:r of al-TusI, Ta'ri:kh al-wuzara' of cAbd
al-Ral),man b. al-Mubarak, and K. tashj;;;r tahdhtb al-ansab of Shaykh al-Sharaf.

autograph, and a manuscript of a Riwiiya of Ibn al-Sammak (d. 344/

955)-the only SunnI author in the list-which included the author's
handwriting in some of its parts. This brings the total to ten definite
or possible autographs, with the overall number of autographs in his
library presumably higher .109


IT provides an interesting description of his working methods as a

writer. The traditional method appears to have been for the author
to prepare a rough draft (muswadda) of his book; this draft would be
submitted to a copyist (niisikh) who would make his own copy and
return it to the author who would produce a clean copy. IT explains
that he was too busy with other matters to be able to work in the
usual fashion. Instead he used the services of a copyist (who seems to
have been incorporated into the household for the duration of the work:
kiina cindanii niisikh). The copyist was employed in the following man-
ner: (a) IT would jot down his ideas on slips of paper (ruqay C iit) which
the niisikh would copy at once; (b) when citing from written texts, IT
would either dictate to the copyist from the original book or show him
the passage which he wanted copied, and the copyist would write it
down. This obviated the need for the initial draft. The individual folios
produced by the copyist did not follow any particular order, and may
be compared to index-cards. The next step was for IT to take each
completed folio (qii 'ima) and copy its text into the appropriate place
in the final version of the book (presumably with revisions). IT must
have been aware of the drawbacks of this method, which allowed only
one version of the entire text in the correct sequence: he notes that if
there are defects in the final version, these may have been cause.d by the
method used. 110 This appears to be why IT says that the clean copy
( mUbyaa) produced by the copyist was tantamount to the rough copy
( muswadda) of the book. Sometimes IT noted down on a manuscript
in his possession material later to be cited when incorporating excerpts
from this manuscript into his own works. 111
IT is scrupulously honest about his sources. Before citing the text

11' was not alone in his fondness for autographs; for the importance which
some Muslim book lovers in Spain attached to such manuscripts see J. Ribera y
Tarrag6, "Bibli6filos y bibliotecas en la Espaiia musulmana" , in his Disertaciones
y opusculos, Madrid, 1928, I, pp. 181-228, at pp. 195, 212.
1l0F, pp. 15/12-13 (whence Rawg,at, IV, p. 334), IQ, pp. 224/728, [om 760]/531.
These descriptions of his working methods apply to the volumes of the Muhimmat,
but he also used them for the Muhaj (see MD, p. 347) and perhaps for other works
as well.
111 Cf. -+ Ta 'wil ma nazala.

of a particular istikhara prayer which he had written down on a copy of

al-Tusl's Mi~ba~ he acknowledges that "I cannot now recall who trans-
mitted it to me or from where I copied it" .112 He draws the reader's
attention to the fact that the same work may exist in a number of
recensions and that this may account for apparent inconsistencies be-
tween two manuscripts of the same text. 113 IT also makes it clear when
the material was composed by him and when he is citing from ear-
lier sources. A case in point are the numerous supplications (da C awat)
which are strewn through his works. Only a few of these supplications
are his own; IT identifies them as such, using formulas such as du C a'
wara'da/da C awat waradat C ala kha#rz,114 du C a' min kha#rz, 115 alfa~ min
kha#rz,116 du C a' awradahu llah C azza wa jalla C ala khatirina 117 or du C a'
ansha 'nahu. 118 . The rest are taken from other sources, even though
(particularly in his earlier works) he does not always identify these
sources. 119 IT also had a practical turn of mind: at one point he quotes
a Qur'anic verse and adds that in the source from which he cited only
part of this verse appeared; he explains that he includes the entire verse
so that it might be cited by those who do not remember it by heart. 12o
On occasion he summarizes information that he has given earlier so
that the reader will not have to leaf back to find it,121 or repeats the
text of prayers found in another volume for the benefit of those who do
not possess it. 122


More than a third of the works cited by IT in his extant compositions

are not known to have survived. For many of these works, IT's writings
1l2B, p. 265, whence BA, XCI, p. 239.
1l3See e.g. B, p. 287; 1', pp. 12/4, 14/5.
l14See MD, pp. 302, 336, 337; cf. MD, p. 348.
1l5See MD, p. 303.
1l6See MD, p. 336.
117See MD, pp. 348-355 (the last supplication in the Muhaj).
1l8See IQ, pp. 362/115, referring to a supplication when breaking the fast at the
end of each day of Rama<;lan (the supplication itself appears in IQ, pp. 362-363/115),
520/305, referring to a supplication for the beginning of each particular month. (The
supplication itself appears in IQ, pp. 520/305-306. It is also said to appear in the
Durii." but it is missing from D*.)
1l9Cf. his comment in Z*, p. 121: "We have written it down [i.e. the text of a
supplication to be read when visiting cAll's grave] as we have found it"; similarly
Z*, pp. 222, 311. See further Dh, VIII, pp. 177-179; MK lith., III, pp. 469-471. In
the Iqbal, IT occasionally cites supplications for Rama<;lan which he found in kutub
al!iJ.abina I-Cati"qa; see IQ, pp. 387/151, 389/158, 391/163, 417/187, 421/191, 425/
196, 432/203, 435/207, 444/216, 450/227, 455/237.
120See A, p. 118/130.
121 See A, pp. 130/141, 132/142; cf. Z*, p. 206.
122See IQ, p. 383/143.

provide the only source of information and sometimes contain the only
excerpts available today. An idea of the range of subjects dealt with in
these writings can be obtained from the Index of Subjects; the follow-
ing paragraphs offer only a brief overview of some of the works cited,
beginning with Shi c1 texts. 123
An a~l is a collection of traditions from an Imam which a pupil
has put down in writing for the first time. According to Sh1 c1 tradi-
tion, 400 su<;h works were written during the period of the Imams. Of
these u/}ul, only sixteen have survived in their entirety.124 One of those
which have not come down to us is the A~l of cAbd Allah b. J:Iammad
al-An,?ar1, who flourished in the second half of the 2d/8th century and
was a pupil of J a cfar al-$adiq and Musa al- Ka~im, the sixth and seventh
Imams respectively. This A/}l is cited or referred to in seven different
works of IT. Another work of the pre-ghayba period cited by IT is the
Qil}al} al-anbiyii' of Mu}:lammad b. Khalid al-Barq1, who flourished in
the mid-3d/9th century. This title does not appear in Imam1 biograph-
ical sources, and the quotation by IT is so far the sole evidence for its
Three of the most prominent Sh1 c1 authors of the 4th/10th and 5th/
11th centuries are also represented. The earliest of these is Mu}:lammad
b. YaCqub al-Kul1n1(d. 329/941), whose K. al-kiifiis the oldest of the
classical Four Books of Sh1 c1law. The Kiifi, which is the only work by
al-Kul1n1 to have survived in its entirety, is repeatedly cited by IT. In
addition, IT gives lengthy quotations from another work by al-Kul1n1,
the K. al-rasii'il. The excerpts cited consist mostly of epistles sent by
cAll, al-J:Iusayn and the ninth Imam al-Jawad to some of their followers.
AI-Kul1n1's Ta c b7:r al-ru'yii was also available to IT.
The second author is Mu}:lammad b. cAll Ibn Babawayh (d. 381/
991), one of the most prolific writers of the early Buwayhid period;
IT refers to some twenty of his works. Like al-Kul1n1 before him, Ibn
Babawayh composed a legal compendium, Man Iii ya~4uruhu l-Jaqzh,
which came to be regarded as the second of the Four Books. He also
wrote the K. madznat al- cilm, regarded as the fifth major work on Sh1 c1
law. This book, which was already considered lost in the time of al-
Majlis1, was still available to IT. Most of the traditions which he cites
from it appear to have been taken from the K. al-/}aliit.
The third Sh1 c1 author is al-Shaykh al-Muffd (d. 413/1022), repre-
sented by nineteen works. Among his writings is the Masiirr al-shzca,
a short work listing Sh1 c1 festivals and days of commemoration. This
work is extant. In addition, al-Muffd devoted to this subject a second,
123Details of the works mentioned here are to be found in the appropriate places
in the List.
124For further details see Kohlberg, "UlJul".

apparently larger work, entitled lfadii'iq al-riyii wa zahrat al-murtii.

The title of this work was known to al-Mufid's biographers, but no one
other than IT is known to have cited from it. A comparison of the ci-
tations from the lfadii'iq with the Masiirr al-shzca reveals that while
many passages in the two works are practically identical, there are also
occasional differences between them.
As noted before, IT was equally at home with Sunnlliterature. He
repeatedly cites from such well-known Sunni texts as the KashshiiJ of
al-ZamakhsharI, most of the six canonical books of ~adzth, al-TabarI's
Ta'rzkh and aI-KhatIb al-BaghdadI's Ta'rzkh Baghdiid. Thanks to him,
excerpts from a number of lost Sunni works have also been preserved.
One example is the TaJszr of Abu CAll al-Jubba'l (d. 303/916), the
renowned Ba~ran MuCtazili and teacher of Abu I-I:Iasan aI-Ash Carl. An-
other is the K. nuqush al-khawiitzm of al-JalP~. Excerpts from this work
are cited by earlier Shici authorities such as Ibn Shahrashub, but the
work itself is not known to have survived. IT also cites a passage from
a work entitled al-Muriid min al-jiyiid by the famous I:Ianbali preacher
Ibn al-JawzI, whose death in Baghdad (in 597/1201) occurred not very
long before I'f's move to that city. This work does not seem to be
included in any list of Ibn al-J awzI's writings.
In a number of cases, 11' provides the name of the author but not the
title of the book. Occasionally that title can be supplied with certainty,
while at other times it can at least be guessed at. An example of the
former is when 11' cites a number of passages from "a book of al-
Nu cman, the biographer of the Egyptian caliphs". All these passages
are in fact found in al-Majiilis wa I-musiiyariit of the Fatimid author al-
Qa~I al-Nu Cman (d. 363/974). An example of the latter occurs when 11'
cites two passages from a kitiib of the historian and philologist Mulfam-
mad b. I:Iabib (d. 245/860). 11' used a manuscript copied in 373/984,
.which apparently did not include the work's title. The two passages deal
with requests which God granted. It is therefore likely that they were
taken from Ibn I:Iablb's lost K. man ustujzba(t) da Cwatuhu. In the case
of some extant works, 11' had access to recensions which are no longer
available. One such example is the Awii'il al-maqiiliit of al-Shaykh al-
None of the books cited by 11' is in Persian. In one case he mentions
that he came across a work originally written in Persian and had it
translated into Arabic;125 elsewhere he cites an Arabic translation of
a Persian text. 126 There are thus grounds for suspecting that he did
not know Persian; but the evidence is too flimsy to be conclusive. Even

125See --+K. nuzhat al-kiriim.

126See --+Al}kiim Jiimiisbj cf. --+K. I}amiiqat ahl al-ibiil}a.

if he was ignorant of Persian, this does not necessarily mean that his
library contained no works in that language.


In the period between IT's death and the $afawid era, the author who
most frequently refers to sources cited by IT is al-Kaf camT. 127 Not only
did he make extensive use of compositions by IT but he was also, like
IT, keenly interested in works containing supplications. Two of his best-
known books consist largely of supplications: the Junnat al-amiin al-
wiiqiya (also known as al-Mi~bii~), completed in 895/1490, and al-Balad
al-am7:n, completed in 868/1463-4. For each of these works al-KafcamT
composed marginal glosses (~awiish7:) comprising explications of the
texts (referred to as the a~l) and additional material. The lithograph
edition (Najaf and Tehran, 1349 Sh, 774 pp.) and the three Princeton
University Library manuscripts of the Junna (New Series 454, shelf
numbers 536, 985 [ = Junna*] and 1516) contain both the a~l and the
~awiish7:.128 The lithograph edition of the Balad (Tehran, 1383, 613 pp.)
contains, besides the a~l, only excerpts from the ~awiish7:.129
What is striking about these two works is that many of the sources
cited therein were used by IT but are not otherwise known to have been
available to later authors.130 This naturally raises the question whether
al-KafcamT still had access to these sources. The difficulty with him is
that he does not distinguish between sources cited directly and those
cited indirectly (bi l-wiisita ).131 At first glance it would seem that he

127For aI-Kaf(ami see, in addition to the reference in Chapter 11.6, (AmilI, Arnal,
I, pp. 28-29; Rawfjat, I, pp. 20-24; QummI, Fawa'id, pp. 7-8; A (yan, V, pp. 336-358;
GAL, S, II, p. 133.
128Mach, Handlist, p. 105. Of the six manuscripts listed there under no. 454, only
the three above mentioned contain the entire text of the Junna with the hawashl
(and no. 1516 is not quite complete, since its first folio is missing). As noted in the
Handlist, ms. 1040 consists of a short extract. The other two manuscripts, 170 and
764, do not consist ofthe Junna (pace Handlist) but of its abridgement, entitled al-
Junna al-waqiya wa I-janna al-baqiya (cf. Dh, V, p. 161, no. 656), whose ascription
to al-Kaf(ami is uncertain (see BA, I, p. 17; Riyafj, I, pp. 23-24). According to the
Handlist, ms. 170 is attributed to Mlr Damad; but Mlr Damad was only the copyist
. (cf. Dh, V, p. 162). The ~awashlof the Junna* are the clearest and have been least
affected by cuts at the edges. Its foliation, however, particularly after fol 100, is
imprecise and is eventually discontinued.
129These excerpts comprise some, but apparently not all, of the marginal glosses
for pp. 1-112, and all the lJ,awashl for pp. 241-271. The glosses for the rest of the
book are missing.
130In the Junna these sources are cited both in the a~l and the ~awashland in the
Balad largely in the ~awashl.
131This distinction is made by a number of ImamI scholars, including al-Bayac;II
in his al-$irat al-mustaq1:m and al-l.Iurr al- (Amill in his Wasa'il and other works.
See $irat, I, pp. 4-11; (AmilI, Was a 'ii, 1/1, pp. 4-8, IX/3, pp. 36-49. Cf. Kohlberg,


was still able to see the texts which he cites; this is also implied by
al-1'ihranI, who usually notes in the Dharf C a when a particular source
cited by 11' is also referred to by al-KafcamI. Yet a close reading of the
Junna and the Balad reveals that many citations appear verbatim in
I1"s works, and are often preceded or followed by direct quotations from
the work of 11' in which these sources are cited (mostly the Muhaj and
the Mujtanii). Though this does not conclusively prove that al-KafcamI
did not see these works in the original, it does suggest that he cited
from some of them via 11'.132 These cases may be contrasted with in-
stances where al-KafcamI explicitly states that he has seen a particular
text. 133 Such statements aside, it cannot as a rule be determined which
sources al-KafcamI saw at first hand. At the end of the ~awiishf of the
Junna 134 he provides a list of the books cited, which he says he col-
lected from "numerous regions and scattered places" (jama Ctuhii min
amiikin muta C addida wa mawiitin mutabaddida ).135 This list contains
239 items; in addition al-KafcamI says that he used other books, not
included in the list. A similar list, including some 260 items, appears in
the Balad. 136 It is possible, though not easy, to interpret the statement
in the Junna as referring both to books which he saw and to sources
which he cited indirectly. Such uncertainty might have been avoided
had al-KafCamI distinguished between direct and indirect sources. His
failure to do so means that, unlike al-BayaQ:i, he cannot be relied upon
for establishing the identity of texts which survived into the late 9th/
15th century.

"UlJul", p. 138. In the case of the $iriit, for example, many of the sources cited
indirectly were those used by IT in the two works of his which al- Baya~I saw, to
wit the Tarii'if and the Turaf.
132 For some examples, see the following entries in the List: aI-BaM, K. dar
al-humum, K. (fa4-l) al-ducii' (SaCd b. cAbd Allah), K. $iffin (al-JaliidI), K. al-
tajammul (no. 586) and K. al-wasii'il ilii I-masii'il.
133See statements such as: "I have seen in the K. qi/ja/j al-anbiyii' of al-Sacld b.
Hibat Allah al-RawandI" (Junna, p. 295); "I have seen in the K. khawii/j/j al-qur'iin"
(Junna, p. 48); "I have seen in the handwriting of the Shahld [i.e. al-Awwal]" (Junna,
p. 48); "I have seen this very prayer in the Tafs7:r of al-Tabrisl" (Junna, p. 296). In
the case of Ibn Bashkuwal's K. al-mustagMtMn al-Kafcami compared the version of
a supplication found there with the version in al-DamlrI's K. al-lJ,ayawiin and reports
that they are identical, but that they differ from the version i,n IT's Mujtanii (Balad,
134 Junna, pp. 772-773.
135 Junna, p. 770; cf. his statement in Junna, p. 472, at the beginning of the chap-
ter on ziyiiriit: "These [ziyiiriit] were collected from numerous books and scattered
places" (wa hiya majmu Ca min kutub muta Caddida wa ma~iinn mutabaddida). One
of these places must have been Karbala', the collection of whose public library is
said to have formed the basis for many of his works; see Riyii4-, I, p. 21.
136 Balad, pp. 501-503; cf. Dh, III, p. 143, no. 493.



The main part of this chapter (referred to as the List) is based on

twenty-three of IT's compositions (twenty-five, if the Mimiir, which
appears as a part ofIQ, and the Multaqat, which is appended to MF, are
counted separately). These compositions are those used by al-Majlisl
for the Bi~iir (see BA lith., I, p. 7 = BA, I, pp. 12-13), except that
al-Majlisl did not include the Malii~im and the TashrzJ. The List is the
result of an attempt to identify all the works cited by IT in the twenty-
three compositions; the only works (other than the Qur'an) which have
been excluded are IT's own, since these have been treated separately.
As noted in Chapter 11.2, two of the works on which the List is
based (the Ijiiziit and the Falii~ al-sii'il) are only partially preserved,
while an excerpt only was available of a third work (the Ghiyiith). In
addition, there are three works by IT which I have not seen: the Asriir
al-muda C a (which is not certain to have survived), the Asriir al-~aliit
and the M aziir. AI-Tihranl saw fragments of these last two, and from
his descriptions it would appear that the surviving quire of the Asriir
al-~aliit includes material which is at least in part identical to that found
in the Falii~, and that most of the material in the Maziir is reproduced
in the Zii'ir.
The state of IT's published writings leaves much to be desired. Sev-
eral texts have recently c9me out in critical editions of varying stan-
dards; these comprise A2, B, M2 and y2. Older editions are of a gen-
erally poor quality, with some containing a considerable number of
errors and omissions; this is particularly true of N, Sand 1'2. For two
works manuscripts only have been used: one, the Duru c, because it
proved impossible to obtain the 1303 Tehran edition, and the other,
the Zii'ir, because it has not yet appeared in print. (A new edition of
the Duru c and a first edition of the Zii'ir are forthcoming; see Chapter
11.2.) Manuscripts of the Amiin, Muhaj, Mujtanii, Nujum and Tarii'if
have also been consulted, as well as a lithograph Persian translation of
the Tarii'if. These are cited mainly for variant readings or additional
IT's works are referred to by abbreviated titles, e.g. Falii~, Ijiiziit.
Each of the particular editions and manuscripts of IT's works used in
compiling the List is referred to by one or two capital letters. In the
case of manuscripts, the letters are followed by one or more asterisks.

When only one of two editions is referred to, the edition in question
is indicated by a superscript numeral. Superscript number one refers
to the first edition cited in the Abbreviations section, and superscript
number two refers to the second edition cited there. Thus Fl = the
Tehran 1382/1962 ed. of Falii~ Ii F2 = the Najaf 1385/1965 ed.; F =
.both the Tehran and the Najaf edition. The page references are always
given in the order in which the editions appear in the Abbreviations
The titles are arranged alphabetically. The elements that make up
an entry are as follows.

(a) A running number if the work is cited directly by 11'. A single

number appears even when 11' possessed more than one manu-
script of the work (see e.g. -+al-Nukat fi i Cjiiz al-qur'iin). When
a work is cited by 11' only via an intervening source, the entry is
identified by a bullet (.) and is not given a running number. The
same practice is followed for items that appear only in interpo-
lations in Ir's works written by persons other than 11' himself;
for titles which later scholars mistakenly took to have been cited
by 11'; for the (very few) titles which are mentioned in secondary
sources as having been cited by 11' but which could not be veri-
fied; and for entries that do not refer to a separate work (see e.g.

(b) An indication of the possible textual significance of the mate-

rial preserved by 11'. A single asterisk (*) denotes two somewhat
different categories: first, lost works of which fragments are pre-
served both by 11' and in sources which are not (or at least can-
not conclusively be shown to be) dependent on him; and second,
works which are largely extant, of which IT cites fragments miss-
ing from what has come down to us. Two asterisks (**) denote
works which, to the best of my knowledge, are either lost (though
some were still available in the $afawid period) or have not yet
been unearthed; where fragments of such works are cited by 11'
or in sources dependent on him, these fragments are thus far the
only ones known to have survived. In doubtful cases the signs are
enclosed within parentheses.

(c) An indication of the author's religious affiliation. Titles of works

by non-ImamI authors are preceded by a plus sign (+). This sign
is also used when there is disagreement as to whether the au-
thor was an ImamI; such disagreement is noted in the comments.
No special markings are provided for the (very few) ZaydI and

IsmB. (Ill texts; they are identified by a plus sign, with an appro-
priate comment. Works by unknown or unidentified authors are
indicated by a question mark (?) unless there is sufficient infor-
mation to establish the author's religious affiliation.

(d) An indication of whether IT quotes verbatim from the work. Ti-

tles of works which he mentions but from which he does not quote
verbatim (though he may offer a paraphrase) are preceded by a
minus sign (-).
(e) Title. Where IT describes a work or cites from it but does not
provide its title, the title (when it can be recovered) is given
within square brackets.
(f) Author. The elements of an author's name under which he is cited
in the indices are printed in bold face.
(g) Reference to the Dhar1:(a (whenever the work is mentioned there).

(h) All references to the work that occur in those of IT's works that
I have consulted or (in the absence of such references) in some
later works citing IT. The excerpts which IT quotes, paraphrases
or refers to are usually quite short. A dash between two page
numbers indicates either one uninterrupted excerpt or a number
of excerpts with intervening material. When a particular text ap-
pears in one edition of a work by IT but is missing from another,
the page on which this text would have appeared is indicated
within square brackets, preceded by "om". References to page
numbers in works of IT and in the Dhar1:(a are not preceded by
the abbreviations p. or pp.
(i) Biographical details of the author when a work of his is first
(j) Additional comments. If the work in question is extant, then the
locations of the passages from it that are cited by IT are usually
indicated (though such references are not as a rule provided for
multi-volume works which are cited frequently, e.g. al-KullnI's
Kiifi). Thus the entry N 207 = Muruj, IV, p. 442 means that the
passage IT quotes on p. 207 of N appears in vol. IV, p. 442 of
al-Mas(iidI's Muruj al-dhahab.

Cross-references are provided where a work is known under more

than one title; they are preceded by a long arrow (===. The List is fol-
lowed by an index of authors, an index of subjects, and a chronological
index of works.


1. ** K. aI-abwab al-daftc a (or damigha) / Abu Bishr Al,lmad b.

IbrahIm (b. Al,lmad) b. al-Mucalla aI-cAmmY al-Ba~rI (alive in 350/
A 84/96
For the author see Ibn al-Nadlm, p. 247; NajashI (p. 96, no. 239); TusI,
Fihrist, p. 58, no. 90 (whence Yaqut, Udabii', II, pp. 225-226); Ma ciilim,
p. 18, no. 81; Tanqii~, no. 264; A Cyiin, VII, pp. 365-367; -+Akhbiir cAlii b.
Mu~ammad. In A* (foI58a), his nisba is given erroneously as al-QummI.
The text in Al is corrupt. It reads: wa ra 'aytu Ii kitiib Citq al-nasama
min kitiib al-abwiib al-diimigha. What is probably the correct version
appears in A2: wa ra'aytu Ii kitiib Catiiq tasmiyatuhu kitiib al-abwiib al-
diift ( a. A similar version is given in the margin of A*, except that for
al-diift Ca there appears al-diimigha. A** fol 33b and A*** fol 62b have
al-diimigha, corrected in the margin to al-diiftc a. The Abwiib al-diiftc a
is not mentioned among al- cAmmI's writings.
In the passage cited, cAlI's mother Fatima bint Asad recounts how,
when Abu Talib became impoverished, the Prophet and al- cAbbas drew
lots to determine which members of Abu Ta1ib's family each of them
would look after; in this manner it was decided that (All would be
the responsibility of the Prophet. cAlI was raised by Mul,lammad and
became the first to believe in him.
2. K. al-iidiib al-diiniyya / Abu cAlI al-Fa<;ll b. al-J:Iasan b. al-Fa<;ll aI-
TabrisY (d. 548/1153)
Dh I 18 no. 89
A 46-49/59-62, 91/102, 130/141, IQ 359-360/112-113, K 140
For the author see Thiqiit, pp. 216-217; for a defence of the vocalization
"TabrisI" as referring to Tabris (Tafrish) (near Qumm) see Karlman,
I, pp. 166-205. In K, this work is described as a book of supplications
(adCiya); yet it is clear from the passages cited in A that it also includes
advice on correct behaviour on various occasions. The text in A 46-49/
59-62 is partially reproduced in IQ. Al-TihranI notes that the A.diib
al-dfniyya was used by the author's son, Abu l-N~r al-J:Iasan b. al-
Fa<;ll (fl. mid-6th/12th century), for his Makiirim al-akhliiq, and that it
is extant in numerous manuscripts. See also Karlman, I, pp. 261-263.
According to the editors of A2, the Mashhad manuscript of al-A.diib
al-diiniyya contains all the passages from this work cited in the Amiin.
The editors of MK refer to a printed edition of this work, but without
supplying any details (e.g. MK, III, pp. 266, 278, 283, 313-315, 461).
3. ** K. iidiib al-imiim wa I-ma'mum / Abu Mul,lammad Jacfar b.
Al}.mad b. CAlI (or CAlI b. Al,lmad) al-QummY Ibn al-RazI (fl. mid-

4th/10th century)
Dh I 386 no. 1987
BA, LXXXVI, p. 22 = MK, V, pp. 51-52 [om F]
For the author see TusI, Rijal, p. 457, no. 1; Raw4at, II, pp. 172-173; MK
lith., III, pp. 308-309; A Cyan, XV, pp. 348-353. He was a teacher of Ibn
Babawayh, but also transmitted from him. The passage cited consists
of a tradition of al-Baqir on raising one's hands in a triple takbi:r after
prayer. It is reproduced (probably via the Bi~ar) in Raw4at, II, pp.
172-173 and MK lith., III, p. 308,. and is also referred to in Dh. This
is one of a number of passages which are not found in F, and which
are only known through citations from the Fala~ al-sa'il in the Bi~ar
and sources dependent on it. For further examples see -'tK. al-adCiya
al-marwiyya, -'t K. fa41 al- Caqiq, -'t Rabi c al-abrar.
4. +- Adab al-kuttab / Abu Bakr MuJ;tammad b. YaJ;tya b. cAbd Allah
al-~iili (d. 335/947 or 336/948)
Dh I 387 no. 1995
IQ 399/170
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 149-150, S, I, pp. 218-219. ImamI bi-
ographers (unlike some of their SunnI counterparts) regard al-$ull as
one of their own: he is listed in the Ma calim (p. 152) among the ShlcI
poets who practised taqiyya (this is al-TihranI's understanding of the
term al-muttaqun), and is also mentioned in the Riya4 (V, p. 425) and
the A Cyan (XLVII, pp. 147-149). This work (which is also known as
K. adab al-katib) has been published (Adab al-kuttab, ed. M. Bahjat,
Cairo, 1341/1922). IT's copy was the first item in a volume (mujallad)
which IT estimated to be more than 200 years old, and in which the
last work was the K. al-jawahir of IbrahIm b. IsJ;taq al-$ull (see List
under this entry). IT cites a brief supplication of cAlI's which is found
in this volume, without revealing from which work this supplication is
5. **? K. adab al-wuzara' / Al}mad h. Jacfar h. Shadhan (fl. mid-
3d/9th century?)
Dh I 388 no. 2000
IQ 524/309, 541-542/325
AI-TihranI says that nothing is known about the author, but assumes
that he was a ShlcI (cf. also A Cyan, VII, p. 464). One might suggest
that the author's father was Abu I-Fa<;ll Jacfar b. Shadhan known as
Shadhawayh who, according to al-Khatlb aI-BaghdadI (Ta 'rikh Bagh-
dad, VII, p. 181), transmitted from Abu I:Iudhayfa Musa b. Mascud
al-Ba~rT (d. 220/835, see Tahdhib, X, pp. 370-371) and transmitted
to Abu cAbd Allah MuJ;tammad b. Makhlad (born 233/847-848, d. 6
Jumada II 331/15 Feb. 943, see Ta'rikh Baghdad, III, pp. 310-311). If

this suggestion is correct, then our author is likely to have lived in the
mid-3d/9th century. In IQ 541-542/325, where this work is referred to
as K. A~mad b. Ja cfar b. Shiidhiin, a passage is quoted dealing with
the merits of the night of cArafa. The quotation in IQ 524/309 is taken
from the chapter entitled shuhur al-carab; it consists of a Prophetic
tradition in which the night of the 15th of Dhu I-Qa cda is described as
a blessed night.
6. ** + C Adad' suwar al- qur'iin wa C adad iiyiitihi wa C adad kalimiitihi
wa ~urufihi wa ni/}fihi wa athliithihi wa akhmiisihi wa asdiisihi wa
asbiicihi wa athmiinihi wa atsiiCihi wa a cshiirihi wa ajzii' cishri"n wa
ajzii' thaliithi"n / Abu Jacfar Mul:tammad b. Man~ur b. Yazld al-
~uradT(d. ca. 290/903)
S 24, 278-279
The author was a Zaydl Qur'an exegete, traditionist and historian
(Madelung, Qiisim, index, s.v.; GAS, I, p. 563 and the references given
there). This work, which is described as a juz' (in S 278, erroneously,
junud), does not appear in the lists of al-Muradl's works; perhaps it
formed part of his al- Tafsi"r al-kabi"r or al- Tafsi"r al-/}aghi"r, both men-
tioned by Ibn al-Nadlm (p. 244). IT cites from the first page of the
manuscript, which included details about the number of verses, words
and letters in the Qur'an. The words wa ajzii' cishri"n are omitted from
the title in S 24; in S 278, sali"m is printed erroneously for Cishri"n. The
manuscript used by IT also included another work of al-Muradl, the
Ikhtiliif al-ma/}ii~if (see List under this entry).

==} K. al-adCiya (SaCd b. cAbd Allah), see K. al-duCii'

7. (*)+ K. al-adCiya al-marwiyya min (or Can) al-~a4ra al-nabawiyya

/ Abu Sacld (or SaCd) cAbd aI-KarIm b. Mul:tammad b. Mu?affar (or
Man~ur) al-Tamlml aI-Sam CanT (d. 562/1167)
Dh I 400 no. 2082
BA, XCIII, p. 321 = MK, V, p. 190 [om F], MN 28-29
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 401-402, S, I, pp. 564-565. In the in-
troduction to his edition of aI-Sam Canl's Ansiib (I, p. 25), al-Mu calliml
cites (via Ibn aI-Najjar) a list of al-Samcanl's works drawn up by al-
Sam Canl himself. In this list the work cited by IT is referred to as
al-Da Cawiit al-marwiyya Can al-~a4ra al-nabawiyya, and is described as
15 tiiqa (lit. "piece, layer" = quire?) in length; see also Subkl (IV, p.
260). AI-Kafcaml, in his list of sources of the Balad, cites the title of
this work (as al-AdCiya al-marwiyya) without identifying the author.
AI-Tihranl, who only knew of this title via al-Kafcaml,s list, assumed
it to refer to a Shici text, and therefore incorporated it in Dh. (In fact,
both the full title and the author's name appear in the lfiishiya of the

Balad [po 28].) Cf. Strothmann, p. 105; GAL, I, pp. 401-402, S, I, p.

565, no. 7. Brockelmann refers to a manuscript of this work ("Berl.
pers. 53"), but I have been unable to trace it. The material in MN,
BA and the Jfiishiya of the Balad consists of a total of five Prophetic
traditions on the subject of supplications.
==> AdCiyat al-mustaghzthm (Ibn Bashkuwal), see K. al-mustaghzthzn

8. + K. al-aghiinz / cAli b. al-J:Iusayn Abu I-Faraj al-I~fahani (d.

l' 29-30/9
For the author see EI2, art. "Abu I-Faradj al-Il?bahanI" (M. Nallino).
The story cited ( = al-Aghiinz, Cairo, 1345/1927-, VII, pp. 243-244) is
centered on ten verses (rhyming with mii) by al-Sayyid al-J:IimyarI (d.
173/789-790) in which he condemns the Banu Taym and Banu CAdi
for usurping power from the HashimIs and urges the caliph al-MahdI
not to bestow gifts on them. For the verses see also Dzwiin al-Sayyid
al-Jfimyarz, ed. Shakir HadI Shakar, Beirut, n.d., pp. 377-378 and the
references given there.
9. * K. al-aghsiil / Abu CAbd Allah A}:tmad b. Mu}:tammad b. CUbayd
Allah b. al-J:Iasan (or J:Iusayn) b. CAyyash al-Jawhari (d. 401/1010-
Dh II 252 no. 1015
IQ 255/21
For the author see NajashI, pp. 85-86, no. 207; rusI, Fihrist, pp. 61-62,
no. 99; Ma ciilim, p. 20, no. 90; Tanqz~, no. 498; A Cyiin, IX, pp. 486-489;
GAS, I, p. 549. This work is mentioned in rusI (Fihrist, p. 61, no. 99),
NajashI (p. 86, no. 207), Ma ciilim, (p. 20, no. 90) and Riyii4 (VI, p.
31); in Dh (following al-NajashI and al-KafCamI) it is called al-Aghsiil
al-masnuna. As its title indicates, this work (which is mentioned among
the sources of the Balad [po 502]) must have dealt mainly with major
ablutions. 11' used a manuscript dated RabI c II 427/Feb.-Mar. 1036.
The passage cited consists of a speech which the Prophet delivered on
the first night of Rama<;lan. For further quotations from this work (not
found in IQ) see e.g. Junna, pp. 12 (~awiishz), 170, 397, 398 (~awiishz),
472 (~awiishz), al-J:Iasan b. al-ShahId al-ThanI, Muntaqii I-jumiin (cf.
Dh XXIII 5 no. 7821), whence BA, LXXXI, p. 109. Cf. ---+ Muqta4ab
10. ** A~iidzth / Abu I-Qasim CAbd al-Wal].id b. cAbd Allah b.
Yunus al-Mawl?ilI (alive in 326/937-938)
S 236
For the author see rusI, Rijiil, p. 481, no. 27; Nawiibigh, p. 159. 11'
possessed a majmuCa which included this work. (Other works from this

majmuCa cited by IT include the Faii'il amzr al-mu 'minzn of Abu Bakr
al-Shafi" Mii nazala min al-qur'iin of al-Jalud1, and the K. tajzi'at al-
qur'iin of al-Munad1; see List under these entries.) The word a~iidnh is
probably not the title of the work but rather a reference to its contents.
The two stories cited deal with the Imams Musa al-Ka~im and Mul}.am-
mad al-Jawad. The first of these is also quoted (via the Sa Cd) in BA,
VI, p. 258, where the work is referred to as K. C Abd al- Wii~id b. C Abd
Allah b. Yunus al-Maw/}ilf.

11. **? A~kiim Jamiisb al-~akzm / anon. (6th/12th century)

MF 162-163/179
This work must be one of a number of astrological treatises written
in the Islamic period and attributed to Jamasb (Jamasf), a cOI;ltempo-
rary of Zarathustra and an adviser to king J ushtasf (Vishtaspa) (see
S. Grotzfeld, "Daniyal in der arabischen Legende", Festgabe fur Hans
Wehr, ed. W. Fischer, Wiesbaden, 1969, pp. 72-85, at p. 82; Ullmann,
pp. 183-184, 295-296; GAS, VII, pp. 86-88). Three such treatises are
extant (Ullmann,pp. 295-296). Two of them bear a resemblance to
the work cited by IT: (a) the Persian Kitab-i ~akzm Jamasp (ms. Paris
pers. 908 [ = Suppl. 380], fols 14-63), which was composed not earlier
than the mid-6th/12th century (see E. Blochet, "Etudes sur Ie gnos-
ticisme musulman", RSO, 4, 1911-2, pp. 267-300, at pp. 278-282); (b)
K. a~kam al-qiriiniit wa ma ya~duthu Fha (ms. Paris arabe 2487/3, fols
39-55; see Blochet, pp. 282-287; GAS, VII, p. 88, no. 1). Blochet, who
notes that the original manuscript formed part of the library of the
caliph al-Na!?ir, dates this work to between A.D. 1134 and 1139, adding
that the copyist's name is illegible. Neither work, however, is identical
with the one mentioned by IT. I am grateful to Dr. S. Stroumsa for
checking the Paris manuscripts against IT's text.
IT cites his young cousin Abu Man!?ur (cf. Riyii, V, p. 517, quoting
the M alii~im) as informing him that he had found an Arabic transla-
tion of the Persian original in a defective manuscript dated 556/1161
and copied by Mul}.ammad b. Mul}.ammad b. Mul}.ammad b. cAbd
al-Ral}.man al-Anmat1. IT then quotes from this work, but it is not
clear whether he actually saw it or merely wrote down what his cousin
had told him about it. The fragment cited by IT describes the events
which will take place during the last three of twelve lunar conjunctions
(qiranat qamariyya) (for which term see EI2, art. "~iran" [D. Pin-
gree]). These events will culminate in the descent of Jesus, the renewal
of religion and the worship of God (nazala Cisa C alayhi I-salam min al-
sama' wa tajaddada l-adyan wa yu C badu [for wa Cubida?] al-ra~miin).
This fragment has no particularly Sh1c1 content. In contrast, a frag-
ment from a K. Jiimiisb cited by IT's brother Al}.mad (Binii', p. 57)

has a definite Shici bias, for it describes how followers of the Prophet
will oppose his legatee (wa~z). It is not clear whether this K. Jiimiisb
is identical with the work mentioned by IT. Jamasb appears in yet an-
other pro-cAlid passage, this one cited by IT (MF 165/182) from Ibn
Shahrashub's Maniiqib (from the last part, which has not survived). In
it Abu Ma Cshar states that Jamasb and Zaradusht (Zarathustra) pre-
dicted (~akama) more than a thousand years before the Prophet that
the authority which rightfully belongs to the Talibids would be taken
away from them, but that they would ultimately regain it.
12. ** K. fZ a~wiil al-a'imma / I):usayn b. Khuzayma (fl. 5th/11th
Afandl (Riyii, II, p. 90, whence A Cyiin, XXVI, p. 20) assumes that the
author was a contemporary of al-Tusl and, apparently basing himself
on a version of the Iqbiil differing from IQ, notes that it includes a
quotation from ~usayn b. Khuzayma's K. fZ a~wiil al-a'imma and a
reference to his K. al-mawiilzd. Cf. Tustarl, Qiimus, III, p. 283. In IQ
(69/598), only ~usayn b. Khuzayma's name appears; the reference to
the K. al-mawiilrd is missing (probably due to a copyist's error), and
there is no mention of a K. fZ a~wiil al-a'imma.
13. **+ K. akhbiir AM cAmr Mu~ammad b. cAbd al- Wii~id '" Can
Thaclab / Abu cUmar (or CAmr) Mu~ammad b. cAbd al-Wa~id aI-
Zahid Ghulam (or $a~ib) Thaclab (d. ca. 345/956-957)
l' 299-300/[om 85]
For the author see GAS, VIII, pp. 154-158. Ibn al-Nadlm (p. 82) de-
scribes him as ferociously anti- cAlid; yet in some other sources he is
assumed to be an Imaml (Riyii, V, p. 479, whence Dh II 68 no. 273).
This is perhaps the same work as his K. al-maniiqib (see List under this
entry). In the excerpt (cited in BA, XXXV, pp. 144-145), Abu Talib
is shown as assisting M u~ammad in spreading his message among the
Banu Hashim.
14. **? Akhbiir al-akhyiir cinda rukub al-bi~iir / anon.
A 104/116
The editors of A2 assume this to be the title of an anonymous text (cf.
A2 228); it is, however, more likely to be a description of its contents.
In the passage cited, a supplication to God leads to the calming of a
stormy sea.

===} Akhbiir iil AM 'fiilib (anon.), see Min akhbiir iiI Abr 'fiilib

15. ** Akhbiir cAlr b. Mu~ammad b. A~mad $ii~ib al-Zanj bi I-Ba~ra /

Abu Bishr A~mad b. IbrahIm (b. A~mad) b. al-Mucalla aI-cAmmi

al-Ba~rI (alive in 350/961)

Dh I 336 no. 1758
N 213-214
In both Nand N* (~ol 143a), the name in the title appears as cAlI b.
A1;tmad, and for al- cAmml the nisba is given erroneously as al-Qumml.
In Najashl (p. 96, no. 239), rusI, Fihrist (p. 58, no. 90, whence Yaqut,
Udaba', II, pp. 225-226) and Ma calim (p. 18, no. 81), the work's title
appears as K. akhbar $a~ib al-Zanj. The passage in the Nujum seems to
be the only surviving fragment of this work: A. Popovic (La revolte des
esclaves en Iraq au IIIe /Ixe siecle, Paris, 1976, pp. 172-173), who was
unaware of its existence, knows of no fragment which has come down
to us. The passage is taken from the end of the second (so N) or third
(so N*) part of the work; in it, the astrologer al-Mughrra b. Mu1;tam-
mad al-Mahdl is shown to have correctly foretold both the date and the
manner of cAlI b. Mu1;tammad's death (2 $afar 270/11 Aug. 883). cAll
is reported to have been killed by strangulation; the passage differs in
this detail from all other accounts of his death (for which cf. Popovic,
pp. 191-193), and points to an independent historical tradition. The
author's source for the revolt of the $a1;tib al-Zanj is his grandfather
(or great-grandfather) al-Mu Calla b. Asad, whom al-J:Iusayn b. CUbayd
Allah al-Gha<;la'irl (d. 411/1020) describes as a close associate of the
rebel leader (N ajashl, p. 96). See also EI2, art. "cAll b. Mu1).ammad
al-Zandjl" [B. Lewis]; $afadl, XXI, pp. 405-413 and the sources given

==} K. akhbar al-awa'il (al- CAskarI), see K. al-awa'il

==} Akhbar Fatima (Ibn Babawayh), see Akhbar al-Zahra' Fatima

16. **+ Akhbar wa inshadat / transmitted by Abu I-J:Iasan Mul]am-

mad h. Yiisuf b. Musa al-Naqi~ (d. Rama<;lan 367/ Apr.-May 978)
MD 212-213
The author's name is given in the Ta'rzkh Baghdad (III, p. 408) as
Abu I-J:Iasan Mu1;tammad b. Yusuf b. Musa al-Warraq, known as Ibn
al-$abbagh. Though he was probably pro-cAlid, he is nowhere explic-
itly described as a Shl~. IT says that he saw a manuscript of this
work in Baghdad in 603/1206-7 (cf. Chapter 1.1) in the handwriting of
Abu A1;tmad cAbd aI-Salam b. al-J:Iusayn b. Mu1;tammad al-Ba~rl (d.
19 Mu1;tarram 405/20 July 1014; see Eche, pp. 109-110, 348-349), a li-
brarian of the dar al-kutub (i.e. the dar al- cilm of Sabur b. Ardashlr;
cf. Eche, p. 145). AI-Najashl refers to him as shaykh al-adab (p. 85, no.
205, where he is mentioned as a transmitter of the works of A1;tmad b.
cAbd Allah b. A1;tmad al-Durl); his biography is cited by Ir (MD 213)
from the Ta'rzkh Baghdad (XI, pp. 57-58). The passage describes how _

J a cfar al-$adiq and his son Isma Coil were saved by divine intervention
from death at the hands of assassins sent by al-Man~ur.
17. ** + K. fi akhbiir al-mahdz wa nu Cutihi wa ~aqzqat makhrajihi wa
thubutihi / Abu NuCaym Al).mad b. cAbd Allah b. Al).mad al-I~fahanI
(d. 430/1038)
Dh X 38 no. 208
IQ 200/704, K 53, S 191, l' 179/45, 181-183/[om 45], 186/[om 46]
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 445-446, S, I, pp. 616-617. Both IT
(1'2 181) and his brother Al).mad (Binii', p. 123) emphasize that Abu
Nu caym was not a ShIcI. In contrast, al-KhwansarI (Rawiit, I, p. 272)
maintains that Abu Nu caym was a ShIcI who only made himself out to
be a SunnI. The title of this work is given here as it appears in K. In l'
179/45 and 1'1 181 (as also in Rawiit, I, p. 272 and Dh) it is K. dhikr
al-mahdz wa nu Cutihi wa ~aqzqat makhrajihi wa thubutihi, while in 1'1
186 it is K. akhbiir al-mahdz and in the $iriit (II, p. 220; cf. ibid., II,
p. 261), K. nu Cut al-mahdz wa khurujihi wa mii yakunu fi zamiinihi wa
muddatihi. No title is provided in IQ and S. IT says that this work is
some 26 folios in length (1'1 179). From his description it transpires that
it contained 156 traditions divided into two parts: first, 49 Prophetic
traditions on the MahdI; second, a further 107 traditions on the same
subject (1'1 181-183; cf. $iriit, II, p. 220). Excerpts are only given in
1'1 181-183, which consists mainly of a description of the second part.
AI-KhwansarI (Rawiit, I, pp. 272-273) suggests that the K. dhikr
al-mahdz is identical with Abu NuCaym's Arbacun ~adzthan. But this
is not so: the Arba Cun ~adzthan is cited in its entirety in IrbilI, Kashf,
III, pp. 257-265 and in Niima-i diinishwariin, Qumm, 1379, VII, pp.
8-21, and partially (together with other material) in al-SuyutI's al- CArf
al-wardz fi akhbiir al-mahdz (incorporated in his al-lJiiwz Ii l-fatiiwz,
Beirut, 1395/1975, II, pp. 57-85; cf. Gilliot, "Textes", p. 348); it does
not conform to the description of the K. dhikr al-mahdz in 1'1.
==} Akhbiir al-mudhiikara (al-TanukhI), see Nishwiir al-mu~iiara
==} Akhbiir al-wuzarii' (CAbd al-Ral).man b. al-Mubarak), see Ta'rzkh
==} Akhbiir al-wuzarii' wa l-kuttiib (al-JahshiyarI), see K. al-wuzarii'

18. * Akhbiir al-Zahrii' Fiitima / Abu Jacfar Mul).ammad b. CAlI Ibn

Babawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh I 331 [no no.], 344 [no no.]
Y 157-160/424-427
For the author see EI2, art. "Ibn Babawayh(i)" (A. A. A. Fyzee)j GAS,
I, pp. 544-549. IT cites a lengthy passage in which the Prophet tells
his community that during the isrii' God ordered him to give Fatima

in marriage to cAli. This passage is reproduced twice (via the Yaqzn)

in the Bi~ar (BA, XVIII, pp. 397-400, XL, pp. 18-21). As noted in
Chapters II.2 and III. 2 ,r:r emphasizes that the Yaqzn includes only
non-Imaml material. He justifies the inclusion of a passage from an
Imaml source by pointing out that in this passage Ibn Babawayh relied
on non-Imaml authorities (rijal al-mukhalifin). The passage is also cited
in part (apparently from the Yaqzn) in al- cAmill's Ithbat, III, p. 663,
and appears (with minor variations) in al-I:Iilll's Mu~ta4ar (pp. 143-
146). In the printed edition of the Mu~ta4ar, al-I:Iilll's source is not
given; al-Majlisl, however (BA, XVIII, p. 400), identifies it as the K.
al-mi Craj, which is another lost work of Ibn Babawayh. It would thus
seem that Ibn Babawayh introduced this passage into at least two of
his works, and that IT cited it from one while al-I:Iilll cited it from the
other. The Akhbar al-Zahra' is also known as Akhbar Fatima (cited via
Ibn Shahrashiib's Manaqib in BA, XLIII, pp. 40, 45). It may be identical
with Ibn Babawayh's K. mawlid Fatima (cf. Dh XXIII 275 no. 8960),
which is cited in Ibn Shahrashiib's Manaqib (e.g. III, p. 130).
19. **+- K. aClam al-rasul / al-Ma'mun (Abii l-cAbbas CAbd Allah
b. Hariin, the seventh cAbbasid caliph, d. 218/833)
l' 424/[om 128]
Title in 1'** fo1146b: K. a clam rasul allah. This is probably the Risala
fi a Clam al-nubuwwa mentioned by Ibn al-Nadlm (p. 129). IT does not
cite from al-Ma'miin's work, but from a parchment folio (waraqa min
raqq) appended to it which contained a tradition describing cUmar as
acknowledging cAll's superiority.
The manuscript seen by IT was copied in Shawwru 251/0ct.-Nov.
865, and was in the library of the ribat known as Turbat al-Akhlatiyya,
on the western side of Baghdad. According to al-$afadl, the caliph al-
Na~ir ordered the construction of this ribat and the mausoleum over the
tomb of his wife Khilatiyya (d. 584/1188), and endowed it with precious
books (cited in Eche, p. 198; see also Hartmann, Na~ir, p. 126). Baha'
al-Dln Abii I-Fa<;la'il A~mad al-Mayhanl (d. 614/1217-8) held the post
of shaykh ribat al-Akhlatiyya from 589/1193 until his death; see Sibt
Ibn al-JawzI, Mir'at, pp. 422, 586.

==::} K. fi l-camal (Mu~ammad b. cAll b. Mu~ammad), see K. jami C fi


20. **- K. al-a cmal al-ma Cru! bi l-Sijill / Abu 1- CAbbas al-Fa<;ll b.
Abl Sahl b. Nawbakht (fl. early 3d/9th century)
Dh XII 148 no. 991
N 125
Iqbal (Khanadan, pp. 13-14, 20) notes that Ibn al-Nadlm refers to the

author's father Abu Sahl as al-Fa<;ll, but that this is an error. It is the
son al-Fa<;ll some of whose astrological treatises are cited by Ir (Iqbal
does not give the titles of these treatises). See further -+K. Ii l-masii'il
wa btida' al-a cmal.
21. ** K. camal Dhi I-Ifijja / Abu cAli al-I:Iasan b. Mul,lammad b.
Ismac"n b. Mul,lammad b. Ashnas (or Ushnas) al-Ashnasi al-Bazzaz
(or al-Bazzar) (d. Dhul-Qacda 439/Apr.-May 1048)
Dh XV 344 nOI 2204
IQ 532-537/317-321, 540-541/324-325, 545/329-330, 552-553/335-
336, 713-740/496-513 "
For the author, a teacher of Abu Jacfar al-rusI, see Ta'rikh Baghdad,
VII, pp. 425-426, whence Ibn al-Athlr, Lubab, I, pp. 66-67 (where he
is described as a "despicable Rafi<;ll"); Riya4, I, pp. 311-314; A Cyan,
XXIII, pp. 70-76; Nabis, p. 54. Ir used an autograph dated 437/1045-
6. Of particular interest is the lengthy version of the mubahala story
which Ir cites in its entirety (IQ 713-740/496-513), and which in turn
is cited in BA, XXI, pp. 286-325 (bab al-mubahala). This version is
taken from the lost K. al-mubahala of Abul-Mufa<;l<;lal Mul,lammad b.
cAbd Allah b. cAbd al-Muttalib al-Shaybanl (fl. early 4th/10th cen-
tury, see below for his Amalz). Massignon may well have been right
in arguing that al-Shaybanl's work was nothing other than the K. al-
mubahala of Mul,lammad b. CAll al-Shalmaghanl (d. 322/934; cf. Dh
XIX 47 no. 244), and that al-Shaybanl concealed this fact because of
al-Shalmaghanl's reputation as an extremist Shlcl (see "La Mubahala
de Medine et l'hyperdulie de Fatima", Opera Minora, ed. Y. Moubarac,
I, Beirut, 1963, pp. 550-572, at p. 563). Indeed, while al-Shalmaghanl
was in hiding in Ma Clathaya (near Mosul), he reportedly transmitted
his works to al-Shaybaru (see Najashl, p. 379).
22. ** cAmal Rajab wa Shacban wa (shahr) Rama4an / Abu cAbd
Allah Al,lmad b. Mul,lammad b. CUbayd Allah b. al-I:Iasan (or I:Iusayn)
b. CAyyash al-Jawhari (d. 401/1010-1)
Dh XV 344 nos. 2206, 2207, 346 no. 2219
IQ 146/658, MD 46-69
The author's name appears in MD and MD*** (fol 22a) as Al,lmad b.
Mul,lammad b. cAbd Allah b. cAbbas (MD*: CAyyas). In IQ, the title
of this work is cAmal Rajab, and its author is not named; the word
shahr is missing from the title in MD*. While Ir appears to regard
the title as referring to a single work, al-Najashl (whence Dh), al-rusl
and Ibn Shahrashub refer to three different titles: K. camal Rajab, K.
Camal Sha Cban, K. Camal shahr Rama4an. Perhaps these were three
chapters or fascicules which together formed one work. The text in MD
consists of qunut prayers composed by the various Imams; only CAll is

not represented. The excerpt in IQ consists of a Prophetic tradition on

the merits of prayer in mid-Rajab.
23. ** K. camal shahr Rama4an / cAli b. cAbd al-Wa.l].id b. cAll
b. Jacfar al-NahdI al-Khumrl (or al-I.Iimyarl) (fl. mid/late 4th/10th
Dh XV 344 no. 2208, XXI 42 no. 3873
IQ 227-228/3, 241-243/12-13, 253/20, 257/22, 258-260/24-25, 332-
According to Afandl (Riyii4, IV, p. 138), the author was an older con-
temporary of Ibn Babawayh (ca. 311-381/923-991). He is more likely,
however, to have lived somewhat later, since he apparently transmitted
directly to al-Najashl (born 372/982-983) (see Najashl, p. 91, no. 225,
s.v. Al,lmad b. Isl,laq, p. 137, no. 354, s.v. I.Iakam b. Ayman; Nabis, p.
124). In IQ 227/3, the title is al-Kitab al-mushtahir al-ma'thur min al-
camal Ii l-shuhur min camal shahr Rama4an (cf. A Cyan, XLI, p. 346).
This may possibly be the title of the entire work, in which case the K.
camal shahr Rama4an formed a part of it (see the discussion in Riya4,
IV, pp. 138-139). IT says he consulted an autograph. The excerpts
consist of supplications for Rama<,lan and traditions on its merits.
24. ** K. camal shahr Rama4an / Mul,lammad b. cAll b. Mul,lammad
Ibn AbI Qurra (fl. early 5th/11th century)
Dh XV 345 no. 2210
F 45/39, 61-62/52-53, IQ 239/11, 244/14, 260-279/25-42, 296-301/
58-62, 318-320/76-78, 330-331/85-86, 334/87, 363-370/116-118
and 121, 372-381/130-139 and 141, 385-386/148, 387-388/151-
152, 389-390/155-156, 394-395/163-164, 419/187-188, 421-422/
191, 427-428/198, 432-433/203-204, 439-440/211, 444-445/217,
446-447/220-221, 448-449/223, 450-451/227-228, 452-453/230-
231, 454/234, 458/239-240, 487-489/272-273, 492-495/275-278,
The author's name appears in several forms: IT refers to him as Mul,lam-
mad Ibn Abl Qurra, while Afandl (Riya4, V, p. 493) speaks of Mul,lam-
mad b. cAll b. Mul,lammad b. Mul,lammad b. Abl Qurra (cf. also Dh
XV 345) and mentions that he was an authority of al-Najashl (cf. also
Dh, under cAmal al-jum Ca). AI-Najashl in turn (p. 398, no. 1066) gives
his name as Abu I-Faraj Mul,lammad b. cAll b. YaCqub b. Isl,laq b. Abl
Qurra al-Qunna'l (for which nisba cf. Yaqut, Buldiin, IV, p. 399; Ibn al-
Athlr, Lubab, III, p. 57); the nisba appears elsewhere as al-Qunanl (cf.
Tanq7:~, nos. 11,132, 11,155), al-cAnanl, and al-CAynathl. AI-Najashl
credits him with a K. Camal al-shuhur, of which the K. C amal shahr
Rama4an may have formed a part. In Dh it is suggested that the K.

camal shahr Ramaiin formed a part of the author's K. al-masarra; but

no evidence is provided in support of this suggestion, and it is indeed
far from certain that Ibn Abi Qurra (or anyone else) wrote a K. al-
masarra. The passages cited in F and IQ consist of supplications for
the nights of Rama<;lan. The K. al-du cii' referred to in Dh (VIII 184
no. 733) is in all likelihood identical with the K. Camal shahr Ramaiin.
See also -+ K. (jiimi C) fi 1- Camal, -+ K. al-masarra, -+ K. al-mutahajjid.
25. ** cAmal yawm al-jum C a / Abu I-Fat~ Mu~ammad b. cAll b.
CUthman al-Karajaki (d. 449/1057)
Dh XXIV 16 no. 83
J 201-207
For the author see GAL, I, p. 434, S, I, p. 602. The title probably refers
to al-Risiila al-NiilJiriyya fi camallaylat al-jum ca wa yawmihii (see MK
lith., III, p. 497), which al-Karajaki wrote for Na~ir al-Dawla, the emir
of Damascus. This Risiila may have formed part of al-KarajakI's al-
NiilJiriyya fi a cmiil al-yawm wa l-layla (see Dh). The excerpt cited is a
supplication for the night of Friday.
26. al-Amiilz / Abu Jacfar Mu~ammad b. cAll Ibn Babawayh (d.
Dh II 315 no. 1251, XV 245 [no no.], XIX 354 [no no.]
F 78/75, 79/76, 101/96, 125-126/117, 158/145-146, 189-191/173-
175, 232/212,268-269/243-244,IQ 14-15/544-545,116/634, 135-
142/649-655, 146/658, 156-162/665-670, 165-166/673-674, 173-
175/681-682, 179-180/684-685, 185/689, 187-190/690-693, 217-
221/719-724, 303/64, J 449, L 21-22/25-26
See the discussion in -+ K. al- Car Calii I-majiilis.
27. al-Amiilz / Mu~ammad b. Mu~ammad al-Shaykh al-Mufid (d.
Dh II 315 no. 1252
F 167/154, 215/197, IQ [om 492]/275 (on margin), MI:I 14-15/5,
For the author see McDermott. F 167/154 = Amiilz, Najaf, 1367, p. 54
= ed. al-l:Iusayn al-UstadUlI and cAll Akbar al-Ghaffari, Qumm, 1403/
1983, pp. 91-92; F 215/197 = MJ:I = Amiilz, pp. 1/1-2; IQ2 = A mali;
p. 136/232; MN = Amiilz, pp. 98/165-166.
28. ** al-Amiilz / MuJ.tammad b. Abi cAbd Allah (d. 312/924?)
B 245-248, N 86
The author, whom IT describes as a ShlcI, may be Abu I-J:Iusayn
Mu~ammad b. Jacfar b. Mu~ammad b. cAwn al-Asadl al-Kufi (d. 10
Jumada I 312/14 Aug. 924), who was known as Mu~ammad b. Abi

CAbd Allah (NajashI, p. 373, no. 1020; Tanq,~, no. 10,263; no work en-
titled AmalZis ascribed to him in these sources). If this identification is
correct, the manuscript used by IT may have been an autograph"since
it was dated 309/921-922.
The passage in B recounts a miracle performed by cAlI Zayn al-
cAbidln. In N, IT cites a passage from al-KullnI's al-Rawa min al-kafi
( = Kafi, VIII, pp. 195-196) in which Jacfar al-f?adiq tells his disciple
cAbd al-Ra1p:nan b. Sayyaba that there is no harm in astrology; IT then
notes that the same account also appears in the Amal, of Mu:Q.ammad
b. AbI cAbd Allah.

29. *(*)+ K. al-amali / al-Natiq hi l-ij:aqq Abu Talib Ya:Q.ya 'b.

al-l,Iusayn b. Harun al-But:Q.anI (d. ca. 424/1033)
Dh II 312 no. 1242, 317 no. 1256, 318 no. 1257
BA, LXX, p. 72 [om F], IQ 24-25/554, 53/582-583, 196/701, 364/
116, M 33/344, MI;I 13-14/5
In IQ and Ml,I, the author's name appears as Ya:Q.ya b. al-l,Iusayn (or,
erroneously, al-l,Iasan) b. Harun al-l,IusaynI (or al-l,IasanI). In M, his
first name is mistakenly given as cAlI, and this error is copied in Riya
(III, pp. 422-423) and Dh (II 312, where in addition the Muayaqa is
mistaken for the Ghiyath); in both sources, cAlI b. al-J:Iusayn is assumed
to be a different person from Ya:Q.ya b. al-J:Iusayn (cf. Riya, V, pp.
332-333, and the references in Dh). Most of the material cited consists
of Prophetic traditions on the merits of prayer on various occasions.
In one passage (IQ 53/582-583), IbrahIm b. cAbd Allah b. al-l,Iasan
declares that he does not know whether his brother Mu:Q.ammad (al-
Nafs al-Zakiyya) i~ the MahdI of whom God spoke to the Prophet (cf.
in general C. van Arendonk, Les debuts de l'imamat Zaidite au Yemen,
tr. J. Ryckman, Leiden, 1960, index, under IbrahIm b. cAb4 Allah).
This passage is adduced by IT as proof that even if some J:Iasanids
called themselves MahdI, they did not mean by this the eschatological
AI-TihranI offers two possible identifications of the author of the
K. al-amalz. One is Ya:Q.ya b. al-J:Iusayn b. Harun al-J:IasanI, of whom
practically nothing is known, except that he transmitted in 305/917
and was probably a ZaydI (see Dh II 317 no. 1256). If he were the
author, then the excerpts cited by IT would be the sole evidence that
he co~posed a K. al-amali. This identification, however, is practically
ruled out by the fact that the tradition in M is cited from Man~ur b.
Ramish (M: Ramis), i.e. Abu Na~r al-NaysaburI, who died in 427/1035-
6 (see Ta'rikh Baghdad, XIII, p. 86). This leaves the second possibility:
al-Natiq bi I-J:Iaqq Abu Talib Ya:Q.ya b. al-J:Iusayn b. Harun al-But:Q.anI
(d. ca. 424/1033), a Caspian ZaydI Imam (for whom see Madelung,

Qiisim, index). His K. al-amiilz (missing from Brockelmann; cf. GAL,

I, p. 507, S, I, p. 697) is extant in the recension of the Yemeni Qa<;ll
Jacfar b. Al).mad Ibn cAbd aI-Salam b. Abl Yal).ya (d. 573/1177) un-
der the title K. tayszr al-matiilib fi (or min) amiilz al-Niitiq bi I-lfaqq
AM '!'iilib (ms. Leiden Or. 6353, Ambrosiana D465 = Catalogue no.
721, Ambrosiana 1571, II [see O. Lofgren and R. Traini, Catalogue of
the Arabic Manuscripts in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Vicenza, 1975-
81], and a number of manuscripts in the Great Mosque of $anCa'; cf.
Fihrist makhtutiit al-maktaba al-gharbiyya bi I-jiimiC al-kabzr bi $an cii',
ed. Mul).ammad Sacld al-Malll). and Al).mad Mul).ammad clsawl, Cairo,
1978, pp. 70-71). It was published by Yal).ya cAbd aI-KarIm al-Fu<;layl
(Beirut, 1395/1975); cf. W. Madelung, "Zu einigen Werken des Imams
Abu Talib an-Natiq bi I-I;Iaqq", Der Islam, 63, 1986, pp. 5-10. However,
the Tayszr does not include the material cited by IT. It must therefore
be assumed that IT used a different (lost?) recension of al-Butl).anl's

30. ** al-Amiilz / Abu I-Mufa<;l<;lal Mul).ammad b. cAbd Allah b.

Mu1).ammad b. CUbayd Allah b. al-BuhlUl b. Hammam b. al-Muttalib
aI-Shay bani (d. 387/997)
Dh II 314 no. 1250
F 151/139-140, 162/149, 166/153, 171-172/158, 177/163, 198-199/
182, 233/212-213, 256-257/232-233, 281-284/255-257, 286-288/
259-260, IQ 24/553-554, 238/10, 250-251/18, 257-258/22-23,
387/151, 424/195, 441/212, 481-484/267-270, 538-539/322-323,
J 281-283, 285-295, 401, 408-410, 446-447, 449-450, MD 139-141,
For the author (who died aged 90) see Ta'rzkh Baghdiid, V, pp. 466-
468; Najashl, p. 396, no. 1059 (cf. p. 254, no. 665); Riyii, V, p. 515;
Nawiibigh, pp. 280-281. IT gives his name as Mu1).ammad b. cAbd
Allah (al-Muttalib), Mul).ammad b. (CAbd Allah b.) al-Muttalib or
Mul).ammad b. cAbd al-Muttalib. AI-Najashl (born 372/982-983), who
transmitted from aI-Shay banI both directly and indirectly, accuses him
of "confusion" (takhlzt) later in life; judging by some of the titles cited by
al-Najashl, al-Shaybanl seems at some stage to have adopted Zaydism,
but it is not clear whether this is the point of al-Najashl's accusation.
In non-Shici circles al-Shaybanl was faulted for fabricating pro-Rai<;l1
traditions (Ta 'rzkh Baghdiid, V, p. 467).
AI-Najashl does not mention the Amiilz, but knows of a K. al-ducii'
which may be the same work. The Amiil'i is cited in Ibn Shahrashub's
M aniiqib (e.g. III, pp. 179, 276), is mentioned by al-Kafcaml in his list
of sources of the Balad (p. 502), and was apparently still available to
Hashim al-Bal).ranl (d. 1107/1695-6), who cites from it in his Madznat

al-ma Cajiz (Tehran, 1300/1882, p. 273). The work's title appears only
in IQ 250/18 and MD 139; both passages are taken from the third
juz '. In all other cases, IT uses formulas such as ruwwzna bi isnadina
ila ... al-Shaybanz or ~addatha Abu I-Mufa44al Mu~ammad b. cAbd
Allah, yet it seems likely that here, too, he is quoting from the Amalz.
Most passages cited consist of supplications (e.g. IQ 250-251/18, 257-
258/22-23, supplications for the beginning of Rama<;lan; IQ 481-484/
267-270, a supplication that CAlI used when he completed the recitation
of the Qur'an; MD 139-141, a supplication which the Prophet taught
Fatima; MD 143, a supplication spoken by al-I.Iasan when he came to
see Mu Cawiya) or discuss the background or nature of particular ad Ciya.
The remaining passages deal with related matters: thus IQ 238/10,424/
195, 441/212 discuss the merits of visiting al-I;Iusayn's grave.
31. * al-Amalz / Abu Ja cfar Mul;tammad b. al-I.Iasan al-TusI (d. 460/
Dh II 313 no. 1248
F 194/178
For the author see e.g. TusI, Fihrist, pp. 192-194, no. 713; A Cyan, XLIV,
pp. 33-53; Nabis, pp. 161-162. In a passage summarized byal-TihranI
(Dh II 309 no. 1236) IT declares that he possesses a two-volume ma-
nuscript of the AmalZin the handwriting of I:Iusayn b. (Hibat Allah b.)
Rutba (for whom see Thiqat, p. 83) and others. AI-TihranI does not re-
veal the name of the source of the passage which he summarizes, but it
is probably Fala~ I, in which IT mentions a number of works of al-TusI
(see F 13-15/11-12). The passage summarized by al-TihranI, which is
missing from F (cf. ~IT, Fala~ al-sa'il), is also used by him to show
that the ascription of the Amalzto al-TusI's son Abu CAlI al-I:Iasan b.
Mul;tammad (alive in 515/1121; see Thiqat, pp. 66-67) is erroneous (cf.
also A Cyan, XLIV, p. 48).
The excerpt cited by IT, consisting of supplicatory prayers used by
Joseph when in prison, appears to be missing from the Tehran 1313 and
Najaf 1384 editions of the A malt". As noted by al-TihranI, the Tehran
edition does not contain the entire work; this also holds true for the
Najaf edition. AI-TihranI points out that much additional material is
to be found in a manuscript of the A malt" in a private library in Zanjan.
32. **+ K. al-Camaliyyat al-mu~ila ila rabb al-ar4t"n wa l-samawat /
Abu I-Mufa<;l<;lal Yusuf b. Mul;tammad b. Al;tmad known as Ibn al-
KhwarazmI (fl. 6th/12th century)
Dh XV 348 no. 2233
MN 25-28
AI-TihranI mentions a work entitled al-CAmaliyyat without supplying
the author's name, and says that it was used by al-KafcamI for his

Junna and Balad. Afandl (Riya, V, p. 402), who cites the work's full
title from the Mujtana, suggests that the author was Sunnl. This may
well be correct: Ibn al-Khwarazml cites a Prophetic tradition which he
heard in Damascus in 536/1141-2 from Burhan aI-DIn al-Balkhl (i.e.
Abu I-I:Iasan CAll b. al-I:Iasan b. Mul;tammad, d. Sha cban 548/0ct.-Nov.
1153; see Ibn cAsakir, Ta'rzkh, XII, p. 20; Ibn Abll-Wafa, I, pp. 359-
360; Laknawi, pp. 120-121). Burhan aI-DIn was no admirer of Shlcism:
while in Aleppo he proscribed the recitation of the Shlcl version of the
call to prayer (adhan) (i.e. the addition of /fayya cala khayr al-Camal)
(see Shadharat, IV, p. 148; d. Ibn cAsakir).
In the tradition cited in MN, the Prophet describes the reward for
those who recite Sura 112 after each prayer.
33. ** K. al-anbiya' wa l-aw~iya' min Adam ila l-mahdz / Mul]ammad
b. CAli (i.e. al-Shalmaghanl [d. 322/934]?)
N 111
In N, the author is merely referred to as Mul:tammad b. CAll. It is
possible that the reference is to the extremist Shlcl Mu:Q.ammad b. CAll
al-Shalmaghanl (for whom see Najashl, p. 378, no. 1029; Nawabigh,
p. 289). First, the work's name as it appears in N may be the full
title (not otherwise attested) of al-Shalmaghanl's K. al-aw~iya' (for
which see' Najashl and Dh II 478 no. 1873; cf. G. Levi della Vida,
"Un'antica opera sconosciuta di controversia sICita", AIUON, 14, 1964,
pp. 233-244, at pp. 240-244). And secondly, since al-Shalmaghanl was
anathema to the Twelver ShIelS because of his heretical views, IT may
have deliberately suppressed his full name (d. -+K. camal Dhz l-lfijja).
The story cited concerns a meeting between CAll Zayn al-cAbidin and
an astrologer, in which CAll proves his mastery of the ghayb. It is also
cited (via the Nujum) in BA, XLVI, p. 42, LVII, p. 338.
34. **? K. anfas al-ma/famid wa nafa'is al-jawahir / Ibn S-h-I-w-h
l' 239/64
In 1'* fol 60a/T** fol 76b, Ibn S-h-l-w-h (for Sahlawayh?) is described
as the author, while the text in+1 is ambiguous ( wa rawa mithla dhalika
l}a/fib kitab A nfas al-ma/famil wa nafa'is al-jawahir C an Ibn S-h-l-w-h).
The text in 1'2 reads: wa rawa mithla dhalika l}a/fib kitab A nfas al-
jawahir; in the version cited from the Tara 'if in cAmill, Ithbat, IV, p.
282 the title appears as K. asas al-jawahir. The form ma/famil (ap-
parently a corruption of ma/famid) appears only in +1. The author is
unidentified. In Per (p. 112), the manuscript is said to be located at
the Madrasa Ni~amiyya. The text deals with cUmar's threat to burn
down Fatima's house should those in it (i.e. CAll, al-cAbbas and al-
Zubayr) fail to come out and give Abu Bakr the oath of allegiance.
The same passage is also cited (perhaps via the Tara'if) in I:Iilll, Nahj

(pp. 271-272, whence BA, XXVIII, pp. 338-340). There the author is
not mentioned, and the work's title is given as K. al-ma~asin wa an/as

==} Ansab al-ashra/ (al-BaladhurI), see Ta'rikh

*+ K. al-anwa' / Abu I:Ianlfa A1:;tmad b. Dawud al-Dinawari (d. ca.

N 205
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 127-128, S, I, p. 187; GAS, VI, pp. 158-
159, VII, p. 349; EI2, art. "al-DlnawarI" (B. Lewin). For the system of
the anwa' see EI2, art. "Anwa'" (Ch. Pellat). As noted by Sezgin, nu-
merous fragments from al-DlnawarI's book are found in various sources. +
The excerpt in N is cited via al-ZamakhsharI's Rabic al-abrar (see I,
pp. 103-104; cf. GAS, VI, p. 158).
35. **+- al-Anwa' / A1:;tmad b. cAbd Allah al-Thaqafi (d. 319/931)
Dh II 409 no. 1634
N 203
In N* (fol 136a), erroneously, al-M-q-fi appears for al-Thaqafi. Ibn al-
Nadlm (p. 166) gives the author's name as Abu l-cAbbas A1:;tmad b.
CUbayd Allah b. Mu1:;tammad b. cAmmar (or CImad) al-Thaqafi al-Kufi.
I':rdoes not consider him a ShI~, but judging by the titles of some of
his works as listed by Ibn al-Nadlm, he must have been pro-cAlid. See
also Nawabigh, p. 31. Cf. Matar/ ArOr, p. 321.
36. *+ ai-Anwar / Abu l-Qasim IsmacIl b. cAbbad b. al-cAbbas al-
TalaqanI known as al-~aJ.:1ib b. cAbbad (d. 385/995)
Dh II 411 no. 1639
S 136, Y 174-175/457-458
For the author see EI2, art. "Ibn cAbbad" (Cl. Cahen and Ch. Pellat).
In the entry on al-$a1:;tib in the Riya (I, pp. 84-91) he is described as a
non-Arab ImamI ShlcI, who preferred Arabs to non-Arabs. Afandl fur-
ther maintains that al-$a1:;tib was not a Mu CtazilI, and that he was only
taken to be one because the Ash CarIs could not distinguish Mu CtazilI
from ShlcI u~ul. IT comes closer to the truth when he describes him as
a Mu CtazilI who adopted some ShI(I tenets (Y 174/457).
The Anwar is mentioned in the Riya, but not in the MaC alim. Was
this work none the less known to Ibn Shahrashub? In his Manaqib he
quotes a number of passages from a K. al-anwar, without mentioning
the author's name (I, p. 140, III, pp. 66, 202, 209, 415, 441). These
passages deal with the merits of CAll, al-I:Iusayn and Musa al-Ka~im.
The work in question is either al-$a1:;tib's Anwar, or the Anwar fi ta'rikh
al-a'imma al-abrar of the 6th/12th century author Abu l-I:Iasan CAlI b.

Hibat Allah b. CUthman al-Maw~ilI (cf. Muntajab al-Dln, pp. 109-110).

In Y, al-$al.llb mentions some of the names by which cAlI was known;
in S he describes al-l;Iusayn's valour at Karbala'.
37. **?- K. al-Caqaba / anon.
S 135'
This title refers to the plot to kill the Prophet on his return from
Tabuk and thereby forestall cAlI's succession (see Kohlberg, "$a~iiba",
pp. 152-156).
38. **+- K. al-aqiya / Abu' cAlI al-l;Iusayn b. cAlI b. Yazld al-
Karab"isI (d. 245/859 or 248/862)
'+ 460/141
For the author see EI2, art. "al-KarablsI" (C. Brockelmann); GAS, I,
pp. 599-600. The beginning of the sentence bearing his name is missing
in' ,+2 but appears in ,+1 (and in ,+*, fol 124b). 1'+ describes al-KarablsI
as a leading SunnI (min kibiir rijiil al-arba Ca al-madhiihib). The work,
under the title K. al-qaii', was still available to Ibn l;Iajar al-CAsqalanI
(d. 852/1449), who describes it as a large volume consisting of tra-
ditions, polemics with opponents, and other useful information (Ibn
l;Iajar, Lisiin, II, p. 372; cf. GAS, I, p. 600). 1'+ says that this work
included the names of six Companions and six Tabi Cun who held that
mutCa marriages were valid both before and after the Prophet's death.
In al-Baya<;lI's $iriit (I, p. 9), where this work is cited among the sources
consulted indirectly, the author's name is printed as al-l;Iasan b. Yazld.
In $iriit, III, pp. 275-276, where reference is made to the passage from
the K. al-aq4iya reproduced in l' 460/141, the author's name appears
as al-l;Iasan b. cAlI b. Yazld. In '+ 205/53, 1'+ cites a passage from a
work of al-KarablsI on the origin of the term "SunnI". Perhaps the
reference is to the K. al-aq4iya.
39. *- al-.Arii' wa I-diyiiniit / Abu Mul;mmmad al-l;Iasan b. Musa al-
NawbakhtI (alive in 310/922)
Dh I 34 no. 165
N 121
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 539-540, VII, p. 155. Of this work, which
remained incomplete, only excerpts survive, e.g. in Ibn al-JawzI's Talbi:s
Ibli:s. See Iqbal, Khiinadiin, pp. 136-140; H. Ritter's introduction to his
edition of al-NawbakhtI's Firaq, pp. yii-ziiy [ = 17], kiiJ-ba to kiiJ-ziiy [ =
22-27]. IT says that he possesses a manuscript of this work. See also
-+K. al-radd calii Abi: cALi: al-Jubbii'z.
40. + K. al- C arii 'is fi I-majiilis wa yawiiqi:t al-ti:jiin fi qi~a~ al-qur'iin
/ Abu Is}:taq A}:tmad b. Mu}:tammad b. IbrahIm al-Tha clab. (d. 427/

N 21-22, 27, S 21, 42, 240-241

For the author and the various titles of this work see GAL, I, p. 429, S,
I, p. 592. In Sbath (p. 35, no. 626), the title appears as al-cArii'is wa
l-qi~a~. In N, the author's name is erroneously given as Mul).ammad b.
IbrahIm; in N 42 he is referred to as al-Tha calibI. The title as given here
appears in N 21 (and N* fol 14a), S 21, 240. In N 27 it is K. al-carii'is
wa I-majiilis and in S'42, K. al- Carii 'is. The title Yawiiq?:t al-t7:jiin does
not seem to be otherwise attested for this work. N 21-22 = Tha clabI,
Qi~a~, p. 42 (IdrIs);N 27 = ThaclabI, Qi~a~, p. 148 (Moses); S 42 =
ThaclabI, Qi~a~, p. 85 (Hagar and Sarah); S 240-241 (eighth quire, fol
la, from line 14) = ThaclabI, Qi~a~, p. 145 (Dhu l-Kifl).
41. K. al-arbacin / Muntajab al-Dln Abu cAbd Allah (or Abu Jacfar)
Mul).ammad b. (AbI) Muslim h. Abi I-Fawaris al-RazI (alive in 586/
Dh I 427 no. 2184
Y 63-74/252-270, 142-148/394-404
Judging by IT's comments, the author was a ShlcI who also transmitted
from SunnI authorities. He heard or transmitted traditions in a number
of places: Shlraz (in Mul).arram 540/June-July 1145) (Y 65/254, 142/
394), Kazarun (on 19 Rajab 571/2 Feb. 1176) (Y 73/268), his home
in the Darb al-Ba~riyyln in Baghdad (in Rabl c I 581/June 1185) (Y
72/266 and 268, 142/394, 145/398), and the MardIn mosque (in Rabl c
1586/ Apr.-May 1190) (Y 147/404).
Al-TihranI (following al-IrbilI's Kashf) gives the work's title as al-
Arba Cun ~ad7:than fi I-maniiqib. Roughly a third of the work (thirteen
of the forty traditions) is reproduced in Y. IT notes (Y 63/252, 67/258,
68/260) that the original copy (a~l) is in the old Ni~amiyya library (al-
khiziina al-Ni~iimiyya al- Cati:qa) in Baghdad. This refers to the original
library of the Ni~amiyya, as distinct from the new library established
by al-Na~ir and known as al-Na~iriyya; d. cAwwad, Khazii'in, pp. 148-
149; Eche, pp. 170-172; Hartmann, Nii~ir, pp. 199-200. The old library
is also referred to as diir al-kutub al-Catiqa bi I-madrasa al-Ni~iimiyya.
See e.g. the notice in Ibn aI-Sa" al-Jiimi C al-mukhta~ar fi Cunwiin al-
tawiir?:kh wa cuyun al-siyar, IX, ed. Mu~taIa Jawad, Baghdad, 1353/
1934, p. 160 concerning the death (on 8 Jumada II 601/31 Jan. 1205)
of Abu Ja Cfar cUmar b. AbI Bakr b. CUbayd Allah al-Dabbas (according
to MundhirI, Takmila, III, p. 101: Abu lJaf~ cUmar b. AbI Bakr cAbd
Allah b. AbIl-Sacadat aI-BaghdadI al-Dabbas) who served as inspector
(mushrif) of the old library. Cf. SuyutI, Bughya, II, p. 219.
Since all books which IT cites in the Yaq?:n formed part of his library,
he must have had a manuscript of the K. al-arba C7:n which was copied
from the original at the Ni~amiyya. According to the editors of y2 (252,

n. 1), there is in Mashhad a manuscript of this work which is complete

except for some material from the middle.
42. **+ K. al-arbaCtn fi l-adCiya al-ma'thura can sayyid al-mursaltn
/ Mal).mud h. AbI Sa cId b. Tahir al-SijzI (alive in RabI c I 587/ Apr.
B 151-158
IT had apparently not heard of al-SijzI: he turned for information on
him to an unnamed but trustworthy person who described him as a
ziihid and a prolific I.Ianafi author. The passage cited consists of the
second tradition in the K. al-arba ctn, which deals with istikhiira. This
tradition is accompanied by al-SijzI's commentary (which includes a
citation from al-DaylamI's Firdaws al-akhbiir [cf. ~al-Firdaws]). AI-
SijzI transmitted this tradition in RabI c I 587/Mar.-Apr. 1191 from a
certain Imam Rukn aI-DIn.
43. K. al-arba ctn can al-arba ctn / Abii Sacld Mul).ammad b. Al).mad
b. al-I.Iusayn al-NaysabiirI (fl. first half of the 5th/11th century)
Dh I 432 no. 2201
Y 197/506
Muntajab aI-DIn (p. 157, whence cAmilI, Amal, II, p. 240, Niibis, p. 149,
Dh) identifies the author as a grandfather of the exegete Abu I-Futul).
al-I.Iusayn b. cAll b. Mul).ammad al-RazI, and refers to this work as
K. al-arba Ctn (Dh: al-Arba Cun ~adtthan) can al-arba Ctn fi fa4ii'il amtr
al-mu'mintn. The work is extant in numerous manuscripts (Dh, GAL,
S, I, p. 708).
44. *+ K. al-arba ctn fi maniiqib amtr al-mu'mintn / Abii 1-
Mu'ayyad al-Muwaffaq b. Al).mad b. Mul).ammad (or Isl).aq) al-MakkI
al-KhwarazmIKhaFb (or Akhtab) Khwarazm (d. 11 $afar 568/2 Oct
l' 138/[om 33], 411-412/124
For this I.Ianafi author see GAL, S, I, p. 623; F. Meier, "Der unbekannte
schriftsteller al-Muwaffaq al-tIa~I", Der Islam, 66, 1989, pp. 311-330, at
pp. 318, 328 and the references given there; for the disagreement as to
the name of the author's grandfather see al-Kharsan's introduction to
the Najaf 1385/1965 edition of the Maniiqib (p. 15, n. 1). AI-Kharsan
(p. 23) notes that al-Maniiqib also went by the title K. fa4ii'il amtr
al-mu'mintn, and that this work was sometimes erroneously identified
with another book by al-KhwarazmI, the K. al-arba Ctn fi maniiqib al-
nabt al-amtn wa wa/}iyyihi amtr al-mu 'mintn. AI-Kharsan adds that this
error has led some to attribute material in the former to the latter. Fur-
ther details about the K. al-arbaCtn are provided by cAbd al-cAzIz al-
Tabataba'T. He cites a passage from al-KhwarazmI's Maqtal al-lJusayn

(Najaf, 1367/1948, I, p. 50) in which al-Khwarazmlrefers to a majmuCa

of his on cAlI's fa4ii'il called al-Arba cun; al- +aba~aba'I gives its full title
as K. al-arba cfn fi fa4ii'il amfr al-mu 'minfn, and notes (without offering
supporting evidence) that it apparently comprised more than 40' tradi-
tions (+abataba'I, "Ahl al-bayt", 1/1, 1405, p. 21). There were thus two
different works, one called al-Maniiqib or K. fa4ii'il amfr al-mu'minin,
the other called K. al-arba Cfn fi maniiqib al-nabi al-amfn wa wal}iyyihi
amfr al-mu 'minfn or K. al-arba cin fi fa4ii'il amfr al-mu'minfn. The lat-
ter is cited by al-ZamakhsharI's biographer al-AndarasbanI (see Yan,
p. 370) and is one of the sources of Ibn Shahrashub's Maniiqib (I, p. 12)
and of his Burhiin (cf. + 81/20). It appears to be lost (al-~urr aI-cAmHI
cites from it indirectly, while citing from al-KhwarazmI's Maniiqib di-
rectly; see Ithbiit, I, pp. 65, 67).
In +1 138, 1+ refers to the K. al-arba Cfn without citing from it. The
passage cited from this work in + 411-413/124-125 reproduces part of
a speech which cAlI made before the election of CUthman. The text
(with an identical isniid) also appears in al-KhwarazmI's M aniiqib (p.
224). It may therefore be that 1+ was among those who identified the
Maniiqib/ Fa4ii'il with the Arba crn. At first sight this seems inconsistent
with the fact that + 413-416/125-126, which is the passage immediately
following + 411-413/124-125, is likewise taken from al-KhwarazmI, but
does not appear in the printed edition of the Maniiqib. 1+ does not say
from which work he is citing this passage, yet he did not necessarily
take it from the Arba cin: as will be shown, the printed edition of the
M aniiqib apparently does not comprise all the original material. There
is also the possibility that IT used a third work of al-KhwarazmI.
45. + K. al-arba crn (fi) l-muntaqii min maniiqib amfr al-mu'minfn /
Abu l-Khayr A1).mad b. IsmacIl b. Yusuf al-Qazwini al-Shafi, (d. 589/
1193 or 590/1194)
Y 195/503, 197/506
For the author see QazwlnI, II, pp. 144-148; $afadI, VI, pp. 253-255;
Ibn Qa~I Shuhba, II, pp. 28-29. The original manuscript (of which 1+
must have had a copy in his library, cf. -+K. al-arbacrn [Ibn AbI 1-
Fawaris)) was in the Madrasat Umm al-Khallfa al-Na~ir. This madrasa
was constructed by order of al-Na~ir's mother Zumurrud Khatun (d.
599/1202-3) next to the ribiit and mausoleum which she had erected on
the western side of Baghdad (see Hartmann, Niil}ir, pp. 180, 301).
The K. al-arbacfn has recently been published (ed. cAbd al-cAzlz
al-Tabataba'I, Turiithunii, 1/1, 1405, pp. 95-128). The tradition in Y
(the same tradition is cited in Y 195/503 and 197/506) appears on p.
113 of the edition.
46. + K. al-arba cfn fi ul}ul al-drn / Abu cAbd Allah Mu1).ammad b.

CUmar b. al-lJusayn Fakhr aI-DIn al-Razi (d. ca. 606/1209)

S 296, l' 335-337/[om 97], 515-520/158-161
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 666-669, S, I, pp. 920-924. IT, who
refers to this work as K. al-arba ci"n, recalls al-Razl's statement that
it was written as a code of conduct (dustur) for his son (1' 515/158
= K. al-arba ci"n, Hyderabad, 1353, p. 3). In 1'1 335-336 IT refers to
the twenty-third mas 'ala ( = Arbaci"n, pp. 237-244), and in 1'1 336-337
he quotes the beginning of the twenty-fourth mas 'ala ( = Arba ci"n, p.
244). Both passages are followed by attacks on al-Razl. The passage in
l' 515-518/158-160 ( = Arba ci"n, pp. 465-468), taken from the chapter
on the most excellent Companion, describes cAll as the most learned
of the ~a~iiba. (The sentence in S 296 is also taken from this passage.)
l' 518-520/160-161 ( = Arba ci"n, pp. 474-476) sums up the case for
cAll's superiority. Readers of the 'farii'if might be led to believe that
these views reflect al-Razl's own opinion; however, the opposite is true:
in the Arba ci"n, al-Razl expressly presents them as those of the Shlca,
and then attempts to refute them. It is not clear whether this fact was
inadvertently omitted by IT, or whether he chose to suppress it so as
to imply that this "great Ash Carl scholar" (as al-Razl is described in
l' 349/100, 354/102 and 158/515) shared the Shlcl position on CAll's
superiority. In fact, various Shlcl authors attacked al-Razl for his views
on CAll. For instance, Burhan aI-DIn Mul:mmmad b. Mu}:!ammad b. CAll
al-Hamdanl al-Qazwlnl, a student of Muntajab aI-DIn and a teacher of
Na~lr aI-DIn al-Tusl, composed a K. takh~i"~ al-bariihi"n naq al-mas'ala
fi l-imiima min kitiib al-arba ci"n ta~ntf Fakhr al-Di"n al-Riizi" (Dh IV 4
no. 8). The work was known to the cAllama al-I:Jilll (see his al-Ijiiza
al-kabi"ra Ii Bani" Zuhra al-lfalabi", in BA, CVIl, p. 128), but there is
no indication that IT was also familiar with it. For a fierce attack by
al-Majlislon "al-Razl al-na~ibl" see BA, XXXV, pp. 383-385. He often
calls him "Fakhruhum al-Razl" (e.g. BA, XXXV, p. 394) and "imam
al-nawa~ib" (BA, XXXVI, p. 33).

==:} al-Arbacun (~adtthan) (Fac;ll Allah al-Rawandl), see Sanat (Sun-

nat?) al-arba Ci"n fi sunnat al-arba (i"n

47. ** K. al-car calii I-majiilis / Abu Jacfar Mulfammad b. CAll Ibn

Babawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh II 315 no. 1251, XV 245 [no no.]
F 266/241-242
The question of the relationship between Ibn Babawayh's Amiili", his
M ajiilis and his al- CA r Calii l-majiilis (or CA r al-majiilis) requires some
elaboration. The earliest extant lists of Ibn Babawayh's works are those
given by al-Najashl and al-Tusl; none of these titles is mentioned by

al-TusI, while al-Najashl (p. 389) only knows of the K. al- car4 calii
(or fi) l-majiilis. The first author who refers to the A miili seems to be
Ibn Shahrashub in his Ma ciilim (pp. 111-112, no. 764); Ibn Shahrashub
also mentions the C A r4, which is rendered (probably erroneously) as
al- clwa4 Can al-majalis (MaCiilim, p. 112). This is also how the title is
rendered in F 266/24l.
The title M ajiilis seems to be first attested in the $afawid period
when it appears as an alternative name for the Amiili. Thus al-MajlisI,
who in the introductory section of the Bi~iir refers to Ibn Babawayh's
work as K. al-amiili aw (read thus for wa) al-majiilis (BA, I, p. 6),
uses the two titles interchangeably throughout the Bi~iir, indicating
the former by the abbreviation Li and the latter by the phrases M ajiilis
al-$aduq or K. al-majiilis; for one example among many see BA, X,
pp. 393-405 (biib 25) = Amiili, pp. 571-584 (the ninety-third majlis).
Numerous quotations from the Majiilis al-$aduq have been shown by
the editor of BA to appear in the printed edition of the Amiili; this
can also be demonstrated in cases where the editor has failed to give
a reference to the A miili. Thus M ajiilis in BA, LXI, p. 182 = A miili,
pp. 133-136; Majiilis in BA, LXII, p. 82 = Amiili, p. 594; Majiilis in
BA, LXII, p. 115 = Amiili, p. 382, line 4. AI-MajlisI's contemporary
al-I;Iurr al- cAmili also states that the Majiilis is an alternative name of
the Amiili (Amal, II, p. 284; Ithbiit, I, pp. 54, 125, III, p. 375; Wasii'il,
1/1, p. 4, IX/3, p. 37). Yusuf al-Balp-ani apparently thought likewise:
the tradition which he cites in his Durar (p. 94) as taken from the
Majiilis appears in the Amiili (pp. 129-131 of the printed ed.). This
then becomes the standard view (see e.g. Kanturl, p. 59, no. 278; Dh
II 215). It would be instructive to examine the titles on the various
manuscripts of this work (most of them $afawid) recorded by Sezgin
(GAS, I, p. 545, no. 2).
As for the cAr4 al-majiilis, al-Majlisl does not quote from it directly.
At one point (BA, LXXXI, p. 57) he refers to a passage from it which
is cited by al-Shahld al-Awwal, al-Shahld al-Thani and Mu~ammad b.
CAll al- cAmill $a~ib al-Madarik (d. 1011/1602). AI-Majlisl notes that
he could not locate this passage in the manuscripts of the Amiili at his
disposal, and offers two alternative explanations (of which he prefers
the first): either the work in question is different from the Amiili, or else,
if it is identical with it, then this particular passage has been omitted
from the manuscripts available to him. That al-Majlisl was right to
prefer the former alternative appears to be corroborated by al-I;Iurr
al-cAmili in his Wasii'il: whereas the Amiili appears there among the
works cited directly, the cAr4 is only cited indirectly (Wasii'il, 1/1, p.
7, IX/3, p. 48). This indicates that al-I;Iurr al-cAmili (like al-MajIisI)
no longer had access to a manuscript of the CA r4. It would seem in

fact that all authors of the $afawid period who refer to the cAr do so
via intervening sources. (In addition to those mentioned, these authors
also include Mlr Damad in his Rawashi~, pp. 106, 126-127.) IT is the
last author who can be shown with certainty to have cited from this
work directly. The material found in IT's works strengthens the case for
the cAr being a different work from the A mali": IT consistently calls
the A mali" by this name, and his quotations from this source are all
to be found in the printed edition of the A mali In contrast, his single
quotation from the CA r is not found in this edition.
The A mali" and the CA r are thus probably two different works, of
which only the former survives. The title M ajalis may first have been
given to the Amali" as a result of a confusion with the cAr; such a
confusion might easily have arisen after the cAr had been lost. At any
rate, al-Tihranl is probably wrong when he equates the A mali"/ Majalis
with the cAr (see Dh XV 245 [no no.]). See also -+ CUyun al-jawahir.
48. + K. asbab al-nuzul / Abu I-I:Iasan cAll b. Al).mad al-Naysaburl
al-Wal].idT (d. 468/1075)
IQ 758/529, S 19, 222-223, T 97-98/[om 24]
For the author see GAL, I, p. 524, S, I, pp. 730-731; for a discussion
of this work see Rippin, "Asbab", pp. 4-5. The passages cited (in full
or in paraphrase)' comprise the exegesis to Q 3:179 (S = al-Walpdl,
Asbab al-nuzul, Cairo, 1387/1968, pp. 75-76), Q 60:1 (T = Asbab al-
nuzul, pp. 239-240) and Q 76:1 (IQ = Asbab al-nuzul, pp. 251-252 where,
however, Fatima, al-I:Iasan and al-I:Iusayn are not explicitly mentioned,
in contrast to what is stated in IQ).
49. **+ K. asbab nuzul al-qur'an / Abu I-Majd b. Rashada al- Wa(i~
aI-WasitI (fl. late 6th/12th century)
T 306/[om 87]
The author's floruit can be established from a passage in the lJujja
of Fakhar b. Macadd al-Musawl (d. 630/1232-3) (p. 53, whence BA,
XXXV, p. 178), where Abu I-I:Iasan cAll b. Abll-Majd al-Waci~ al-
WasitI transmits from his father in Rama<;lan 599/May-June 1203. The
excerpt (cited via the 'farii'ifin BA, XXXV, p. 152) deals with Q 28:56.

===> K. asbab nuzul al-qur'an (Ibn Shahrashub), see K. al-burhan fi

asbab nuzul al-qur'an
===> K. al-ash Cathiyyat (Ibn aI-Ash Cath), see K. al-ja Cfariyyat
50. ** A~l / Abu I-Faraj Aban b. Mul].ammad aI-SindT al-Bazzaz
al-Bajall (fl. first half of the 3d/9th century)
Dh II 136 no. 505
IQ 52-53/582, K 156

See Kohlberg, "U~ul", p. 143. In IQ, Ja cfar al-$adiq describes the com-
ing of the Mahdl. In K, various I:Jasanids testify that the Mahdl will be
a descendant of Jacfar al-$adiq.

51. * A~l (or Kitiib) / Abu Mu~ammad cAbd Allah b. 1}ammad

al-Anfjari naz7:1 Qumm (fl.. second half of the 2d/8th century)
Dh II 138 no. 515, VI 344 no. 2025, XXVI 48 no. 225
A 3/19, F 13/11, IQ 38/568, 490/274, K 18-19, 124. (?), MD 71,
357-358, S 80, 1'* fol 135a/1'** fol 173b [om l' 496/154]
See Kohlberg, "U~ul", p. 143. In IQ 38/568, the author's name is given
as Abu cAbd Allah b. I:Jammad, and this is also how it appears in the
Riyii4, V, p. 475; in MD** fol 47a it is Abu cAbd Allah b. I:Jammadl
(sic). According to al-Najashl (p. 218, no. 568), cAbd Allah b. I:Jammad
wrote two books, one shorter than the other; it is not clear whether
it was one of them which 11' possessed. Al-1'ihranl (in Dh VI 344 no.
2025) mentions a K. al-~adzth of cAbd Allah b. I:Jammad al-Anfjlarl naz7:1
Qumm, noting that it is referred to in the Falii~ al-sii'il and Kashf. No
such title appears, however, in F and K, and the reference is probably
to the A~l. The K. cAbd Alliih b. lJammiid appears in the list of sources
of the Balad (p. 503).
In K 18, 11' describes al-An~an as a disciple of Musa al-Ka~im, and
says that he used a manuscript of al-Anfjlan's work which had been read
to Harun b. Musa al-Tallacukban in 376/986-987. The tradition in A
is taken from the second half of the book, about a third of the way
through, and deals with the best kind of supplication (duCii'). 11' says
of the excerpt in the Falii~ al-sii'il that al-Talla cukbarl cited it at the
end (fi aWiikhir) of the sixth juz' of al-Anfjlan's Kitiib. This means that
it did not form part of al-Anfjlarl's work; indeed, the excerpt consists
of A~mad b. Hilal (F, erroneously, Halll) al-Karkhl (d. 267/880-881,
i.e. much later than al-Anfjlarl) denying that Mu~ammad b. Sinan (d.
220/835) was an extremist Shlcl. (A~mad b. Hilal al-cAbarta'l [or al-
Karkhl] was himself accused of ghuluww; see Quhpa'l, I, pp. 171-173;
Tanq7:IJ-, no. 553; Tustarl, Qiimus, I, pp. 442-448.) The excerpt in IQ
490/274, taken from the first third of the second half of the book,
consists of a tradition about giving alms (fitra) on cId al-Fitr, while IQ
38/568 deals with the merits of visiting al-I:Jusayn's grave. In K 18-19
(cited via the Kashfin BA, II, pp. 137-138), Jacfar al-$adiq refuses to
admit Mu'min al-1'aq into his presence because he has engaged in a
disputation without the Imam's permission (cf. Kohlberg, "Barii'a", p.
161). In K 124, Fatima's annual proceeds from Fadak are described as
amounting to 24,000 dinars; this is cited from the riwiiya of al-Anfjl8.rl,
but it is not stated whether the source is al-Anfjl8.rl's book. The passage
in MD 71 (from the fifth juz') consists of the Prophet's prayer on the

yawm al-a~ziib (i.e. the Battle of the Trenches). In MD 357 (from the
fifth juz'), Moses is said to have cursed the Israelites in the month of
I;Iazlran, with the result that 300,000 of them perished within 24 hours.
Another tradition dealing with I;Iazlran is cited in MD 358. The excerpt
in S 80 is ~ exegesis of Q 35:32. The text in 1'*IT** concerns Tall).a's
supposed illegitimacy; here the author's Shici affiliation is suppressed.
52. ** AJ}l I transmitted by Abu Mul).ammad cAbd Allah h. Mul].am-
mad al-Yamanl (fl. mid-3d/9th century)
J 483-494
The transmitter's name appears as Abu Mul;1.ammad cAbd Allah b.
Mul).ammad al-Yamanl (J 492) (or al-cAbid, J 4.83-484); he is to be
identified with al-I;Iasan al-cAskarl's disciple Abu Mul).ammad cAbd
Allah b. Mul).ammad al-Shaml al-Dimashql (TusI, Rijiil, p. 434, no.
21; Tanqr~, no. 7049) rather than with Musa al-Ka~im's disciple CAbd
Allah b. Mul).ammad al-Sha Clrl al-Yamanl (cf. TusI, Rijiil, p. 356, no. 41;
Tanqr~, no. 7050). In J 492, two manuscripts of this work are mentioned,
of which the first was collated by Abu Jacfar al-Tusi. The text consists
of supplications for the Prophet and the Imams which al- cAskarl dic-
tated to his disciple in Samarra' in 255/869.
===> AJ}l (CAbd Allah b. al-Qasim), see Kitiib
53. ** A~l / Abu Jacfar AJ:1mad b. al-I:Iusayn b. cUmar b. Yazld
(or Burayda) al-$ayqal (fl. late 2d/8th century)
Dh II 139 no. 518
L 55-56/63-65
See Kohlberg, "UJ}ul", p. 143. IT used a manuscript which had belonged
to Mul).ammad b. Al).mad b. Dawud al-Qumml(d. 368/978-979; cf. -+K.
al-ziyiiriit wa l-fa4ii'il). In the excerpt, Mul).ammad b. al-I;Ianafiyya tries
unsuccessfully to dissuade al-I;Iusayn from leaving Mecca for Karbala'.
===> A~l (al-Ahwazl), see K. al-~aliit
===> AJ}1 (CAla' b. Razln), see Kitiib
54. ** AJ}l / Abu I-I;Iasan CAli h. Ismattl b. ShuCayb b. Mltham b.
Yal).ya al-Tammar al-Kun al-MIthami (fl. early 3d/9th century)
Dh II 164 no. 605
G 7, IQ 304/64
For the author, a theologian who held debates with Abul-Hudhayl and
al-Na~~am, see Najashl, p. 251, no. 661; Madelung, "Contribution", p.
122. The nisba "al-Mlthaml" appears in G and IQ, but not in the earlier
biographical sources. In G the work is referred to as a~l kitiibihi, and in
IQ as kitiib a~lihi. He is not credited elsewhere with an AJ}l. In IQ, Zayn
al- cAbidln is described as donating a dirham on each day of Rama<;ian,

See Kohlberg, "Uf}ul", p. 143. In IQ, J a cfar al-$adiq describes the com-
ing of the Mahdl. In K, various I;Iasanids testify that the Mahdl will be
a descendant of Jacfar al-$adiq.
51. * Af}l (or Kitiib) / Abu Mul}.ammad cAbd Allah b. lJammad
al-An~ari nazz-l Qumm (fl. second half of the 2d/8th century)
Dh II 138 no. 515, VI 344 no. 2025, XXVI 48 no. 225
A 3/19, F 13/11, IQ 38/568, 490/274, K 18-19, 124. (?), MD 71,
357-358, S 80, T* fol 135a/T** fol 173b [om T 496/154]
See Kohlberg, "Uf}ul", p. 143. In IQ 38/568, the author's name is given
as Abu cAbd Allah b. I;Iammad, and this is also how it appears in the
Riyii4, V, p. 475; in MD** fol 47a it is Abu cAbd Allah b. I;Iammadl
(sic). According to al-NajashI (p. 218, no. 568), cAbd Allah b. I;Iammad
wrote two books, one shorter than the other; it is not clear whether
it was one of them which IT possessed. Al-Tihranl (in Dh VI 344 no.
2025) mentions a K. al-~adzth of cAbd Allah b. I;Iammad al-An!?arl nazzl
Qumm, noting that it is referred to in the Falii~ al-sii'il and Kashf. No
such title appears, however, in F and K, and the reference is probably
to the Af}l. The K. CAbd Alliih b. Ifammiid appears in the list of sources
of the Balad (p. 503).
In K 18, IT describes al-Anl?an as a disciple of Musa al-Ka~im, and
says that he used a manuscript of al-An/?arl's work which had been read
to Harun b. Musa al-Tallacukbarl in 376/986-987. The tradition in A
is taken from the second half of the book, about a third of the way
through, and deals with the best kind of supplication (du C ii '). IT says
of the excerpt in the Faliil], al-sii'il that al-Talla cukbarl cited it at the
end (ft aWiikhir) of the sixth juz' of al-An/?arl's Kitiib. This means that
it did not form part of al-An!?arl's work; indeed, the excerpt consists
of Al}.mad b. Hila! (F, erroneously, Halll) al-Karkhl (d. 267/880-881,
i.e. much later than al-An/?arl) denying that Mul}.ammad b. Sinan (d.
220/835) was an extremist Shlcl. (Al}.mad b. Hila! al-CAbarta'I [or al-
Karkhl] was himself accused of ghuluww; see Quhpa'I, I, pp. 171-173;
Tanqz~, no. 553; Tustarl, Qiimus, I, pp. 442-448.) The excerpt in IQ
490/274, taken from the first third of the second half of the book,
consists of a tradition about giving alms (fitra) on cid al-Fitr, while IQ
38/568 deals with the merits of visiting al-I;Iusayn's grave. In K 18-19
(cited via the Kashf in BA, II, pp. 137-138), Ja cfar al-$adiq refuses to
admit Mu'min al-Taq into his presence because he has engaged in a
disputation without the Imam's permission (cf. Kohlberg, "Barii'a", p.
161). In K 124, Fatima's annual proceeds from Fadak are described as
amounting to 24,000 dinars; this is cited from the riwiiya of al-An!?arl,
but it is not stated whether the source is al-An!?arl's book. The passage
in MD 71 (from the fifth juz') consists of the Prophet's prayer on the

yawm al-a~ziib (i.e. the Battle of the Trenches). In MD 357 (from the
fifth juz'), Moses is said to have cursed the Israelites in the month of
I;Iazlran, with the result that 300,000 of them perished within 24 hours.
Another tradition dealing with I;Iazlran is cited in MD 358. The excerpt
in S 80 is <m exegesis of Q 35:32. The text in T* /T** concerns Tallfa's
supposed illegitimacy; here the author's Shlcl affiliation is suppressed.
52. ** A~l / transmitted by Abu Mulfammad cAhd Allah h. Mul]am-
mad al-Yamanl (fl. mid-3d/9th century)
J 483-494
The transmitter's name appears as Abu Mulfammad CAbd Allah b.
Mulfammad al-Yamanl (J 492) (or al-cAbid, J 483-484); he is to be
identified with al-I;Iasan al-cAskarl's disciple Abu Mulfammad CAbd
Allah b. Mulfammad al-Shaml al-Dimashql (Tusl, Rijiil, p. 434, no.
21; Tanqi~, no. 7049) rather than with Musa al-Ka~im's disciple cAbd
Allah b. Mulfammad al-Sha Clrl al-Yamanl (cf. Tusl, Rijiil, p. 356, no. 41;
Tanqz~, no. 7050). In J 492, two manuscripts of this work are mentioned,
of which the first was collated by Abu Jacfar al-Tusl. The text consists
of supplications for the Prophet and the Imams which al- cAskarl dic-
tated to his disciple in Samarra' in 255/869.
===} A~l (CAbd Allah b. al-Qasim), see Kitiib
53. ** A~l / Abu Jacfar A~mad h. al-~usayn h. CUmar b. Yazld
(or Burayda) al-$ayqal (fl. late 2d/8th century)
Dh II 139 no. 518
L 55-56/63-65
See Kohlberg, "U~ul", p. 143. IT used a manuscript which had belonged
to Mulfammad b. Alfmad b. Dawud al-Qumml(d. 368/978-979; cf. -l>K.
al-ziyiiriit wa I-fa4ii'il). In the excerpt, Mulfammad b. al-I;Ianafiyya tries
unsuccessfully to dissuade al-I;Iusayn from leaving Mecca for Karbala'.
===} A~l (al-Ahwazl), see K. al-~aliit
===} A~l (CAla' b. Razln), see Kitiib

54. ** A~l / Abu I-I;Iasan CAli h. IsmaC'j1 b. ShuCayb b. Mltham b.

Yalfya al-Tammar al-Kun al-Mithami (fl. early 3d/9th century)
Dh II 164 no. 605
G 7, IQ 304/64
For the author, a theologian who held debates with Abu I-Hudhayl and
al-Na~~am, see Najashl, p. 251, no. 661; Madelung, "Contribution", p.
122. The nisba "al-Mlthaml" appears in G and IQ, but not in the earlier
biographical sources. In G the work is referred to as a~l kitiibihi, and in
IQ as kitiib a~lihi. He is not credited elsewhere with an A~l. In IQ, Zayn
al-cAbidln is described as donating a dirham on each day of,

thus ensuring that he would also be donating on the laylat al-qadr. IT

adds an interpretation designed to remove any doubts as to whether
Zayn al- cAbidln knew the exact time of the laylat al-qadr.
55. ** A~l / Abu I-Fa<;ll CAmmar b. Musa al-SabaF (fl. mid-2d/8th
For the author see Najashl, p. 290, no. 779; Quhpa'l, IV, pp. 244-245.
Only IT mentions an A~l of his; it is possibly identical with the "large,
excellent and reliable book" with which al-Tusl credits him (Fihrist, p.
147, no. 527).

===> A~l (I:Iaf~ b. al-Bakhtarl), see Kitiib

56. ** A~l / transmitted by Abu cAll al-J}:asan b. Ma1].bub al-Sarrad

al-Kuff (d. 224/839)
Dh VI 322 no. 1812 (under K. al-~adzth)
B 260-261, BA, II, p. 161 [om IJ], IQ 324-325/81-82
For the author see Kishshl, pp. 488-489; TusI, Fihrist, pp. 75-76, no.
162. This work is not an a~l in the technical sense; cf. Kohlberg, "U~ul",
pp. 136-137, with n. 68. In IQ the work is referred to as an a~l, and IT
says that he used a manuscript dated 373/983-984. The text cited is a
dawn (sa~ar) prayer for Rama<;lan. The work is also referred to as an
a~l in a passage from the Abwiib missing from B but cited in BA, XCI,
p. 257. In B, IT says that he used a manuscript dated Rabl c 1314/May-
June 926; he may thus have consulted two different manuscripts of this
work. The fragment in the Ijiiziit (cited in BA from al-Shahld aI-ThanI's
Munyat al-murzd) consists of a tradition of J a cfar al-$adiq from a Kitiib
of al-I:Iasan b. Mal).bub, which is probably (but not definitely) identical
wi th the A ~l.
57. ** A~l / Hisham b. Salim al-Jawallql (fl. mid 2d/8th century)
Dh II 167 no. 617, VI 371 no. 2326
G 5, IQ 104/627
See Kohlberg, "U~ul", p. 144. For the views of this early Shici the-
ologian see Madelung, "Contribution", pp. 122, 125. IT used a manu-
script dated 373/983-984. In the traditions cited, al-Jawallql transmits
directly from Jacfar al-$adiq. '
58. ** A~l / Abu I-Maghra' J}:umayd b. al-Muthanna al- Cljll (fl. late
2d/8th century)
Dh II 148 no. 565, VI 327 no. 1857
MF 174/191
See Kohlberg, "U~ul", p. 144. IT refers to this work as K. Abz I-Marghii'
min u~ul al-shfc a. In the tradition cited, Abu I-Margha' transmits from

Jacfar al-$adiq via Man~ilr b. I:!azim (for whom see Quhpa'l, VI, pp.

==} A{!l (I:!urayz b. cAbd Allah al-SijistanI), see Kitiib

59. ** A{!l / J}usayn h. Sayfb. CUmayra al-Kindl al-cAdaWi (fl. mid-

2d/8th century)
Dh VI 324 no. 1825 (under K. al-~adi:th)
F 100-101/95-96
See Kohlberg, "Uru1" , p. 145. The excerpt cited comprises one tradition
on the authority of J a Cfar al-$adiq.

==} A{!l (IbrahIm b. CUthman al-Khazzaz), see Kitiib

60. ** A{!l / Mascada h. Ziyad al-Rabaci (fl. mid 2d/8th century)

Dh II 166 no. 614
BA, LXXXVI, p. 280 [om F 227/207], MI:! 14/5
See Kohlberg, "U{!ul", p. 146. The same tradition (from al-Baqir, on
the importance of supplications) is cited in both BA and MJ:I. IT refers
to this work as a kitiib, adding that it is one of the U{!uZ of the Shica. Per-
haps the reference is to Mascada's K. fi l-~aliil wa l-~ariim mentioned
by al-Najashl (p. 415, no. 1109).
61. ** A{!l / MuCawiya h. J}ukaym (or I:!akIm) (fl. early 3d/9th
N 91-92
See Kohlberg, "U{!ul", p. 148, n. 113a. MuCawiya is reported to have
transmitted twenty-four u{!ul (Najashi, p. 412, no. 1098), but appar-
ently did not compile one himself. Ir must therefore have used an a{!l
transmitted by Mu Cawiya; he refers to this work as kitiib a{!lihi. There
'is also a quotation min ghayr kitiib Mu Ciiwiya b. lfukaym; it appears in
N 99, but must originally have belonged immediately after the excerpt
from the a{!l (cf. BA, LVIII, p. 249).
62. ** A{!l / MuJ.1ammad h. AhT CUmayr (fl. early 3d/9th century)
B 148-149, 233, J 419, N 87
See Kohlberg, "U{!ul", p. 148, n. 113a, p. 153, n. 139. In B 233 and N,
this work is referred to as kitiib a{!l. The two traditions in B deal with
the merits of istikhiira. The tradition in J emphasizes the reward for
offering a supplicatory prayer on Friday, and the excerpt in N identifies
the experts in astrology as a family (ahl bayt) in India and another
among the Arabs (i.e. the Hashimis).
63. ** A{!l / MuJ.1ammad h. YaJ.1ya h. Salman (or Sulayman) al-
KhathCami Akhil Mughallis (fl. mid-2d/8th century)

Dh VI 365 no. 2261 (under K. al-~adith)

N 86
For the author see NajashI, p. 359, no. 963; TusI, Fihrist, p. 180, no: 643.
In N, his name is given erroneously as Akhu F_c-l-s. Only IT refers to
an a.'} 1of his; it is presumably identical to the Kitiib mentioned in other
sources. In the excerpt cited, J a cfar al-$adiq expounds on permissible
uses of astrology.
64. ** A{ll /al-Rabi c b. Mul]ammad b. cUmar al-MuslI al-A/?amm
(fl. mid-2d/8th century)
Dh II 150 no. 574, VI 331 no. 1896
F 194/178,221/202, 224/204, M~ 30/17
See Kohlberg, "U.'}ul", p. 146. For the author (whose name appears
erroneously in M~ as al-Rablc b. Mul).ammad al-Mustakln) see also
Tanqi~, no. 4020. I'r refers to this work as a kitiib (F 194/178, M~) or
as a kitiib a.'}l (F 221/202, 224/204). Various supplications are cited: of
Joseph (F 194/178), of the Prophet (F 221/202 = M~) and of Ja Cfar
al-$adiq (F 224/204).
65. * A.'}l / CUbayd Allah b. cAli b. AbI Shu Cba al-~alabi (d. before
Dh XXVI 48 no. 226
IQ 240/11, M 31/340-341
See Madelung, "lsma'llI Law", pp. 34-35; Kohlberg, "U.'}ul", p. 139, n.
84, p. 147. This work is referred to as a kitiib (IQ), a kitiib a.'}l (M)
or an a{ll (BA, LXXXVIII, p. 299, MK, III, p. 148, both citing the
MUiiyaqa ).
66. ** A.'}l / Yiinus b. Bukayr (fl. early 3d/9th century)
MD 253-256
See Kohlberg, "U.'}ul", p. 148, n. 113a. In MD/MD* (fol142a)/MD***
(fol 119a), whence Tanqi"', no. 13,346, this work is referred to as kitiib
a.'}l; in MD** (fol 153a) it is called kitiib, as apparently also in all other
sources. It is a moot point whether IT was using a.'} I here in the technical
sense. The passage consists of a supplication dictated to Yunus by al-
RiQa, to be recited in times of adversity.
67. ** A.'}l / Abu Mul).ammad Zakariyya b. Mul]ammad al-Mu'min
(d. early 3d/9th century)
F 270-271/246
See Kohlberg, "U.'}ul", p. 147. IT refers to this work as a kitiib. The
excerpt comprises a tradition from Ja (far al-$adiq.
68. ** A.'}l / anon.
B 132, 148, 259, MD 313-315

This work, which was copied in Rabi c II 314/June-July 926 (B 132,

259, MD), is described in MD as an a~l Catzq, and is probably the same
work also referred to as an a~l Catzq in B 148. The fragments in B deal
with istikhiira, and the text in MD consists of a supplication which the
Prophet taught Salman al-FarisI.
69. ** A~l / anon.
MD 175
rr cites a supplication of al-Baqir from a work which he describes as
a~l min kutub a~~iibinii.

70. ** K. a~l jiimi C/ anon. (2d/8th century?)

F 161/149
IT describes this work as dealing with "that which the believer needs
for (fulfilling the obligations of) his religion by day and by night". The
tradition cited is on the authority of Abu Ayyub; he is probably IbrahIm
b. CUthman (or Clsa) Abu Ayyub al-Khazzaz (fl. mid-2d/8th century),
and if so the work cited may well be his A~l. Elsewhere, however, IT
refers to Abu Ayyub's A~l by its alternative title Kitiib (cf. Kohlberg,
" U~ul", p. 145); the identification of this K. a~l jiimi C thus remains
71. **+ K. al-asmii' / Sulayman b. Muqatil
T 353-354/101-102
Title and author as given by IT are unidentified. It is tempting to
change the name in T and to suggest that the author is Muqatil b.
Sulayman (d. 150/767), the renowned Qur'an exegete (see GAS, I, pp.
36-37); but he is not credited with a work bearing this title. The frag-
ments consist of crass anthropomorphic traditions (e.g. God created
Himself from the sweat of horses, He has short hair, the sea is made
of His saliva) which the author ascribes to "a large group" (jamiica
yakthuru [text: takthuru] Cadaduhum); this group is identified as the
I;IanbalIs in the quotation from the '!'arii'ij in al-Jaza'irI's Anwiir, II, p.
268. It is not clear whether the author shares the doctrines of this group.
If he does, then he is clearly not Muqatil, even if the accusations of an-
thropomorphism levelled against Muqatil by some heresiographers are
true (a possibility rejected by CAbd Allah Shil).ata in the introduction
to his edition of Muqatil's al-Ashbiih wa I-nafii'ir, Cairo, 1395/1975,
pp. 50-53). The excerpts from the K. al-asmii' are also cited (probably
via the '!'arii'ij) in $iriit, III, p. 225.
===} K. asmii' amzr al-mu'minzn, see K. asmii' mawliinii cAlz

72. ** K. asmii' mawliinii cAlz / Abu Talib cAbd Allah (or CUbayd
Allah) b. Abi Zayd Al).mad b. YaCqub al-AnbarI (d. 356/967)

Dh II 65 no. 266
Y 50/221
For the author see Tanqz~, no. 6716. Al-Tihranl, following al-Najashl
(p. 233, no. 617), gives the title as K. asma' amzr al-mu'minfn. IT used
a manuscript apparently written during the author's lifetime.
73. **? K. asma' mawlana cAlf / anon. (3d/9th century?)
Dh II 64 no. 263
Y 149-150/407-409, 191/493
The title also appears in BA, XXXVIII, p. 126, citing the Yaqzn (see Y
191/493). Al-Tihranl gives the title as Asma' amzr al-mu'minzn. In Y
149/407, the work is referred to as an a~l. IT used a manuscript dated
379/989-990. Al-Tihranl (Dh II 64 no. 262) refers to another anonymous
work bearing this title which he says is mentioned at the beginning of
the Yaqzn. No such work appears at the beginning of Y; this may be
an example of al-Tihranl using a manuscript with readings different
from those of Y (cf. Chapter II.2). It is also possible that al-Tihranl
is referring to Y 8/125; at this place, however, IT speaks in general of
Sunnlworks on this subject, without s-pecifying any particular text. The
first transmitter of the tradition in Y 150/408-409 is al-I:Iasan h. cAll
b. Zakariyya'; he may well be Abu Sa cld al-I:Iasan b. CAll b. Zakariyya'
al-cAdawl al-Ba/?rl, who lived for over a hundred years and died in 318/
930-931 or 319/931-932 (Ta'rzkh Baghdad, VII, pp. 381-384).

===> K. asma' al-rijal (al-Tusl), see K. al-rijal

74. **? K. a,sma' rijal AM (Abd Allah (alayhi I-salam / anon.

IQ 305/65
IT cites (from the fifth juz') a tradition on laylat al-qadr with the isnad
Isma (11 b. J a (far al-$adiq-J a (far al-$adiq-al-Baqir. Perhaps this work
is identical with the K. al-rijal of Ibn CUqda (see List under this entry).
75. + K. asrar al-nujum / Abu Macshar Jacfar b. Mulfammad b.
cUmar al-Balkhl (d. 272/886)
N 82, 161, 165
For the author see GAS, V, pp. 274-275, VI, pp. 156-157, VII, pp.
139-151. Title as in N 82; in N 161, 165 it is K. al-asrar. The work
is probably identical with the K. Abz Ma (shar fi asrar (ilm al-nujum
(cf. GAS, VII, p. 147, no. 18), which consists mainly of answers to
questions posed by Abu Ma (shar's pupil Abu Sa cld Shadhan b. Balfr
(who is however referred to in N 161, 163). The work cited by IT may
be Abu Ma (shar's al-Asrar al-nujumiyya (cf. GAS, VII, p. 146, no.
13), as suggested by Matar (p. 342); a final verdict will have to await a
comparison of the passages quoted by IT with the extant manuscripts

of Abu Macshar's works. N 157-165 includes quotations from various

sources on Abu Ma cshar's proficiency as an astrologer.
76. +- al-Athiir al-mutakhayyila fi l-jaww / Abu l-Khayr al-I;Iasan b.
Suwar b. Baba Ibn al-Khammar (d. early 5th/11th century)
N 203
The title of this work as given here appears in N* fol136a; in N it is K.
al-iithiir al-mukhabba 'a bi I-jaww. According to GAS, VII, p. 284, the
full title is M aqiila fi l-iithiir al-mutakhayyila fi I-jaww min al-bukhiir
al-mii'?: wa hiya l-hiila wa l-qaws wa l-shumus wa l-qu4biin, i.e. the at-
mospheric reflections caused by vapours, which take the form of halos,
rainbows, mock suns and rods. For these terms see Aristotle, M eteo-
rologica, 371b-372a; cf. C. Petraitis, The Arabic Version of Aristotle's
Meteorology, Beirut, 1967, pp. 88-89, 97. P. L. Schoonheim is preparing
a new edition of the Arabic and Latin translations of the M eteorologica
by Ibn al-Bitrlq and Gerard of Cremona respectively. It will appear in
the series Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus.
Ibn al-Khammar was a physician, philosopher and translator from
Syriac into Arabic. See the references in GAS, III, pp. 322-323, VII, p.
284; cf. Matar/ArOr, p. 322. In both Nand N*, his name is given as
al-I;Iasan b. Sayyar. His Athiir is extant in several manuscripts.
77. + al-Awii'il / Abu Hilal al-cAskari (d. 395/1005)
IQ 673-674/460-461, N 210, S 139, l' 60/16, 209/[om 55], 218/[om
56], 252/69, 305-306/87, 416-417/[om 126], 468-469/[om 144],
1'* fols 144b-145a/1'** fol 185b [om 523/162]' 552/174
For the author see GAL, I, p. 132, S, I, pp. 193-194; EI2, art. "al-
cAskan" (J. W. Flick). Title in + 252/69: K. akhbiir al-awii'il. This
title also appears in I;Iilll, Nahj (pp. 357-358), citing the same passage
as T 252/69, probably via the '!'arii'if As noted by F. Rosenthal (EI2,
art. "Awa'il"), al-cAskarl's work provides the first extant monographic
treatment of the subject. A number of manuscripts and a partial edi-
tion are noted in GAL; the entire work is now available in an edition
by Walld Qal?l?ab and Mul].ammad al-Mil?n (Riya<;l, 1400-1/1980-1). Al-
though IT describes al-cAskan in IQ and T* /T** as a stubborn anti-
Shlcl (min al-mukhiilifin al-mu Ciinid?:n/ min al-mu Ciinid?:n Ii ahl al-bayt),
the Awii'il must have been quite popular in ShIcI circles: an abridge-
ment was written by Kamal aI-DIn cAbd al-Ral].man b. Mul].ammad b.
IbrahIm al-CAta'iql al-I;Iilll (see Dh II 481 no. 1889, where al-cAskarl's
work is called al-Awwaliyyiit).
IQ = T* /T**: on the companion Abu l-Haytham b. al-Tayyihan
(awwal man 4uriba calii yad rasul alliih) = Awii'il, I, p. 306; N 210: on
Khalid b. Yazld b. Mu Cawiya (awwal man turjima lahu kutub al-tibb
wa I-nujum) = Awii'il, II, p. 129 (cf. al-Jal].i~, al-Bayiin wa I-taby?:n,

ed. cAbd aI-Salam Mu1).ammad Harlin, Cairo, 1388/1968, I, p. 328; for

Khalid see GAS, III, pp. 6, 174-175, IV, pp. 120-126, V, p. 15, VII,
p. 98, and especially M. Ullmann, "t!alid ibn Yazld und die Alchemie:
Eine Legende", Der Islam, 55, 1978, pp. 181-218); S: reference is made
to the passage on CAlI's slaying of cAmr b. cAbd Wudd; this passage is
cited in full in + 60/16 (awwal man qiila ju ciltu fidiika CAli) = Awii'il,
II, p. 199; +1 209: about certain practices of cAbd Allah b. CUmar =
A wii 'ii, I, p. 309; +1 218: about Anas b. Malik = A wii 'ii, I, p. 309;
+ 252/69: cUmar b. cAbd al-cAzlz was the first to return Fadak to
Fatima's heirs = Awii'il, I, p. 357; + 305-306/87: awwal tta1iit ttalliihii
rasul alliih tt jamii Catan = Awii'il, I, p. 168; +1 416-417: CAlI's first
khutba = Awii'il, I, pp. 284-285; +1 468-469: cUmar was the first to
introduce the principle of cawl (cf. EI2, art. "cAwl" [Ed.]) into the
laws of inheritance = Awii'il, I, p. 256; + 552/174: cUmar was the first
to introduce four takbiriit during prayers over the dead = A wii 'ii, I, p.
78. **? K. awii'il al-ishtibiih / anon.
+ 503/[om 157]
This work probably belonged to the awii'il genre: in the fragment (which
is missing from +* /+** but appears in + Per 242), Mu Cawiya is de-
scribed as the first to perform the sa cy between al-$afa and Marwa
while riding on an animal, the first publicly to announce that singing
and the drinking of nab7:dh are allowed, and the first to eat clay (tin)
and declare its consumption licit. He is also accused of bringing about
cA'isha's death by digging a well so that she should fall into it.
79. * Awii'il al-maqiiliit / Mu1).ammad b. Mu1).ammad al-Shaykh al-
Mufid (d. 413/1022)
Dh II 472 no. 1844
N 37-38, 74
For this work see EIr, art. "Awa'el al-maqalat" (M. J. McDermott).
According to al-+ihranI (Dh XXI 388 no. 5593), al-Mufid composed a
work entitled K. al-maqiiliit which is distinct from the A wii 'il al-maqiiliit
(not noted by McDermott). At first sight, it is from this work that 1+
appears to be citing in N 37-38, since he gives his source there as K.
al-maqiiliit. In N 74, however, 1+ refers back to the earlier passage
and identifies it as belonging to the Awii'il al-maqiiliit. This passage
is reproduced via N by Faq.l Allah al-ZanjanI as a supplement to his
edition of the Awii'il (pp. 117-119, reprinted in the 1403/1983 Beirut
edition, pp. 164-165); al-ZanjanI states that he could not find it in the
existing manuscripts of the Awii'il. AI-MajlisI, three centuries earlier,
was in no better state: he says (when quoting the passage from the
Nujum in BA, LVIII, pp. 278-279) that he could not trace it in the

copies of the A wii 'il available to him. For other instances of the A wii 'il
al-maqiiliit being referred to as al- M aqiiliit (or K. al-maqiiliit) see e.g.
!:lillI, Mu~taar, pp. 1-2 ( = Awii'il, pp. 46-48), BA, XXVI, pp. 84-85
( = Awii'il, pp. 39-42), LX, pp. 99 ( = Awii'il, p. 80), 195 ( = Awii'il,
pp. 81-83). The passage in N 37-38 is followed by IT's commentary (N
80. + K. cawiirif al-maciirif / Shihab aI-DIn Abu !:laf!? cUmar b.
Mul).ammad b. cAbd Allah al-SuhrawardI (d. 632/1234)
Dh XV 355 no. 2275
A 41/54-55, Z* 14-15
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 569-571, S, I, pp. 788-790. For this work
see Efr, art. '''Awaref al-macaref" (W. C. Chittick). In A and Z* (the
latter cited via the Zii'ir in BA, C, p. 103), the same tradition (about
five things which the traveller ought to take with him) is cited, and
in both texts the author is only identified as $ii~ib kitiib cAwiirif al-
ma ciirif. This work (author not named) appears in the list of sources
which al-!:lurr al- cAmilI cites indirectly (Wasii'il, 1/1, p. 8, IX/3, p. 48);
and indeed, the tradition cited by IT is quoted in the Wasii'il (V /1, p.
312) via the Amiin.
AI-TihranI assumes that the CA wiirif mentioned in the Wasii 'il (and
so in the Amiin) is a different work from al-Suhrawarru's opus mag-
num. But this is not the case: the tradition cited in A and Z* appears
on p. 135 in the Beirut 1966 edition of the cAwiirif (tr. R. Gramlich,
Die Gaben der Erkenntnisse des C Umar as-Suhrawardz (,Awiirif al-
ma Ciirif), Wiesbaden, 1978, p. 133). (Note that in the Beirut edition
the cAwiirifis attributed erroneously to al-SuhrawardI's paternal uncle
Abu I-Najlb CAbd al-Qahir b. CAbd Allah al-SuhrawardI, d. 563/1168.)
81. + al-Awriiq / Abu Bakr Mul).ammad b. Yal).ya b. cAbd Allah al-
~iilI (d. 335/947 or 336/948)
Dh II 475 no. 1856
N 207, l' 30/10, 275/77-78 (printed erroneously as 78-79)
The complete title of this work is al-Awriiq fi akhbiir iil al- CAbbiis wa
ash Ciirihim. In N 207, IT refers to the end of the volume on akhbiir al-
Muktafi(r. 289-295/902-908) (N* has akhbiir al-Muttaqzfor al-Muktafi,
but this is probably wrong: IT refers to names of astrologers mentioned
by al-$UlI, none of which appears in the published text on aI-MuttaqI);
l' 30/10, 275/77-78 contain verses by al-Ma'mun in praise of CAlI. The
material in N and in l' does not appear in the published sections of the
Awriiq. These are: Qism akhbiir aI-shu Carii' (London and Cairo, 1934),
Akhbiir al-Riiz wa I-Muttaqz (Cairo, 1354/1935) (French tr. by M. Ca-
nard, Algiers, 1946-50), Ash Ciir awliid al-khulafii' wa akhbiiruhum (Lon-
don, 1936), all ed. J. Heyworth-Dunne. In his introduction to Ashciir

awliid al-khulafii' wa akhbiiruhum, p. 10, Heyworth-Dunne states: "Mr.

Belaiev has the intention of editing the Leningrad manuscript dealing
with the period 227-256; and I hope to publish the fourth part of this
work, dealing with the period 295-318, i.e. the death of al-Muktafi and
the reign of al-Mu~tadir by the beginning of next year". Neither of
these projects seems to have been realized. See also -+Adab al-kuttiib.
82. **}iyii' wa dhikr al-wal}iiyii / cAlI b. Mul:l.ammad b. Ziyad
al-~aymari(d. 280/893-894)
Dh II 478 no. 1872
MD 273-276, N 36-37
For the author see Tanqi"', no. 8473 (where reference is made to the
passages in Muhaj and Nujum); A Cyiin, XLII, p. 28. This work is an
early source on the occultation of the Twelfth Imam. According to IT,
the K. al-awl}iyii' was found in its author's library after his death. IT
believes that his own copy of the work may have been written during
al-$aymarI's lifetime, though he points out that the date on it is no
longer legible. The K. al-awl}iyii' contained astrological proofs (daliilat
al-nujum) that the MahdI was to rule the world. The passages in MD
describe attempts by the cAbbasids to kill al-I:Iasan al- cAskarI.
83. ** Ay al-qur'iin al-munazzala fi amir al-mu'minin cAli b. Abi '.[.'iilib
/ Mu~ammad b. Mu~ammad al-Shaykh al-Mufld (d. 413/1022)
Dh XXVI 214 no. 1085
S 11, 116
The passage in S 116 is cited via the Sa cd in BA, LIII, p. 93, under
the title K. mii nazala min al-qur'iin fi ahl al-baytj in Dh (based on
a manuscript of the Sa C d) the title is given as Tafsir iiy al-qur'iin al-
munazzala etc. IT is not certain of the author's identity (S 116: dhukira
annahii ta'lif al-Mufid). Perhaps this is the work referred to as K. fi
imiimat amir al-mu'minin min al-qur'iin (NajashI, p. 400, whence Dh
II 341 no. 1358, McDermott, p. 34, no. 87). The fragment is taken from
the first volume, tenth quire, bottom of fol 4 (it is not stated whether
recto or verso), and consists of an exegesis of Q 16:38. The same text
appears in the Kiifi and (with some variations) in al-CAyyashI's Tafsir
(both cited in BA, LIII, pp. 92-93, Burhiin, II, p. 368).
84. **+ K. al-azmina / Abu CUbayd Allah Mu~ammad b. clmran b.
Musa al-Marzubani (d. 384/994)
Dh I 531 no. 2594
IQ 25/554, 492/275, MI:I 19-20/9
For the author see EI2, art. "al-MarzubanI" (R. Sellheim). The K. al-
azmina is mentioned by al-$afadI (IV, p. 236) among al-MarzubanI's
writings. The three excerpts (all from the seventh volume) deal with the

merits of fasting at various times: during Rama<;lan (IQ 492/275, citing

al-I;Iasan b. CAli), during MuJ:!arram (IQ 25/554, citing the Prophet)
and on Mondays and Thursdays (MI;I, citing the Prophet).
85. **? K. aI-bad' / anon.
S 40
In S, the title appears as K. al-bada'. However, since the fragment
consists of a tradition from Ja cfar al-$adiq to the effect that Adam lived
for 936 years, it seems safe to assume that it was taken from a work
of history (bad' = beginning, as in aI-Bad' wa l-ta'r1:kh of Mutahhar b.
Tahir al-Maqdisl) rather than from a text dealing with the doctrine of
bada' (for which cf. EJ 2 , art. "Bada'" [I. Goldziher-(A. S. Tritton)]).

86. *? K. ba c siyar al-a'imma calayhim aI-salam / anon. (late 3d/9th

Dh III 129 no. 439
F 69-70/68, MN 5
Al-Tihranl, who notes correctly that this work appears in the list of
sources of al-Kafcaml,s Balad (p. 503), does not seem to have realized
that it is already cited in the Mujtana (from which it may well have
been taken by al-KafCaml). Two fragments are cited in MN. (a) A story
about a soldier under the command of IsJ:!aq b. cImran (governor of
Kufa until 303/916, d. 306/918; see Rosenthal, Return, p. 162, n. 778).
The soldier offended (adhii) cAll b. al-I;Iasan (or al-I;Iusayn, MN** fols
127a, 128b) al-Muqri' (who is perhaps to be identified with Abu l-I;Iasan
al-Muqri' CAll b. al-I;Iasan b. Bayan al-Baqillanl, d. 284/897-898; see
Ta'r1:kh Baghdad, XI, p. 375); cAll cursed the soldier, and a few days
later IsJ:!aq b. CImran became angry with him and had him executed.
Since the author of this work relates the story directly from cAll b.
al-I;Iasan, both must have lived in the same generation. (b) The text
of a curse invoked by Jacfar al-$adiq against the cAbbasid Dawud b.
cAll; this curse brought about Dawud's death.
The text in F is cited from the K. siyar al-a'imma, a title which
appears in the Riya (VI, p. 46) in a list of anonymous works. This
work is probably identical with the K. ba c siyar al-a'imma. In the
tradition cited by IT, JaCfar al-$adiq reports that before his death his
father gave him precise instructions as to which clothes should be used
as shrouds. This tradition is cited (via Fala~ J) in BA, LXXXI, p. 329
and MK, II, p. 221; in the parallel place in BA lith. (XVIII/I, p. 168,
printed erroneously as 268) the title is given as K. sirr al-a'imma, but
this is apparently an error.
87. ** al-Bahiir / Abu MuJ:!ammad al-I;Iusayn b. Sacld b. I;Iammad
al-Ahwazi (alive in 300/913)

Dh III 157 no. 552

Y 93-96/307-313
For the author see GAS, I, p. 539. Neither al-NajashI nor al-TusI men-
tions this work, which is first cited in the Yaqin. IT used a manuscript
with an ijiiza dated $afar 439/July-Aug. 1047. The excerpts comprise
traditions in which praise for cAlI is coupled with severe criticism of the
first three caliphs. Some of the material is cited (via the Yaqin) in BA,
XXXVII, pp. 318-319, 322 and in (AmiII, Ithbiit, III, pp. 662-663j in
the latter source the book's title is given (erroneously?) as K. al-nahiir.
The Yahuda Collection of the Princeton University Library contains
a K. al-bahiir fi l-lugha of Abu I-I;Iasan al-AhwazI (ms. Garrett 3752
[shelf number 3586]). In his Catalogue, Mach refers to the Dharz ca entry
on the K. al-bahiir of al-I;Iusayn b. Sa (Id al-AhwazI and notes that it
includes rio indication of the subject matter of the book. A comparison
of the manuscript with the excerpts in Y shows that these are two
different works, probably by different authors.
88. *? al-Bahf Ii da cawiit al-nabf / al-I;Iafi~ Abu Mu~ammad al-Kh-r-
mT (fl. mid-6th/12th century)
Dh XXIV 431 no. 2259
MD 317-318
Title and author as in MD. The text in MD* foI176a/MD** fo1186b/
MD*** fol148a reads: K. al-nahy Ii da C awat al-nabf of Abu Mu~ammad
al-J-z-mI (MD**: al-J-z-nI). This is also the title given in al-KafcamI's
Junna, p. 308 (in a passage apparently copied from the Muhaj)j the
author's nisba appears there as al-I:I-r-mI. The title K. al-nahy also ap-
pears in the list of sources of the Junna (p. 773) and of the Balad (p. 503,
whence Dh). All that is known about the author is that he cites from
cAbd aI-Salam b. Mu~ammad b. al-I;Iasan b. cAlI al-KhwarazmI al-
AndarasbanI (this is the correct form, presumably for al-Andaraspanlj
MD: al-AndarasIanj BA: al-Andarastanlj cf. Le Strange, Lands, p. 453).
The latter was a younger contemporary of al-ZamakhsharI, and wrote
a biography of the master (published by A. B. Khalidov in Leningrad
in 1979 [not seen] and republished by cAbd aI-KarIm Yan ["Ff sfmt al-
Zamakhsharf Jar Allah", RAAD, 57, 1982, pp. 365-382]; I am indebted
to Professor W. Madelung for these references and for the correct form
of al-AndarasbanI's name). The passage in MD concerns the Greatest
Name of God (ism alliih al-aC~am); it is cited in BA, XCIII, p. 224,
where the source appears as al-Bahf Ii dacawiit al-nabfby Abu Mu~am
mad al-I:IazmI. Some of the material cited in MN from K. al-bahf also
appears in the Junna (p. 308 = Junna* 83b) and in al-KafcamI's $afwat
al-lJifiit (cf. Dh XV 50 no. 325) as quoted in BA, XCIII, p. 231.
89. *+ al-BalJii'ir / Abu I:Iayyan CAlI b. Mu~ammad b. al-cAbbas al-

Tawl].idi (d. ca. 380/990 or after 400/1009)

N 160-161, 163-165
For the author see GAL, I, p. 283, S, I, pp. 435-436. Title as in Nand
Sbath (p. 11, no. 196). It is -given in GAL, S as K. al-ba~a'ir wa l-
basha'ir (or dhakha'ir). These and other titles are discussed by Wadad
al-Qa<;l1 in her edition of this work (al-Ba/}a'ir wa I-dhakha'ir, Beirut,
1408/1988, IX, pp. 229-231). rr notes that three of the four excerpts in
N (including the third fa~l in N 163, as may be seen from the parallel
text in N* fol 109a) are taken from the third juz' of this work, and
deal with Abu Macshar's expertise in astrology. And indeed, N 160-161
= Ba~a'ir, III, p. 67, no. 197; N 163 = Ba/}a'ir, III, p. 66, no. 192; N
163-165 = Ba/}a'ir, III, pp. 64-66, no. 191. The second excerpt in N
165 (on Mulfammad b. cAbd Allah b. rahir) is missing from Wadad
al-Qa<;l1's edition, and should be added to the list of quotations from
the Ba/}a'ir which were not found in the manuscripts consulted by her
(cf. Ba~a'ir, IX, pp. 307-309).

===> (Bayan) faa'i~ al-iba~iyya (al-Ghazzall), see K. ~amaqat ahl al-


90. + Bayan al-cilm al-ladun{n)7: / Abu I:Iamid al-Ghazzali (d. 505/

S 284, r 136/[om 33]
For the author see EI2, art. "al-Ghazall" (W. Montgomery Watt). Title
as in S. The title in r is Risalat al-cilm al-ladun{n)7:; in r* fo130b-31a/
r** fol 38b it is given as Risala fi 1- cilm al-ladun{n)7:. On the question
of this work's authenticity see Bouyges-Allard, pp. 124-125 (esp. p. 125,
n. 1); BadawI, Mu 'allafiit, pp. 270-271; Lazarus-Yafeh, Studies, index,
under al-Risala al-laduniyya. The same text (on CAlI's knowledge) is
cited in Sand r; it appears (with minor variations) on p. 44 in the
Cairo 1343 edition of this work.
91. ** K. al-bidaya / Abu I-I:Iasan Sulayman (or Salman) b. al-I:Iasan
. b. Sulayman (or Salman) al-~ahrashti (or $ihrashtI) (fl. mid-5th/11th
Dh III 57 no. 154
IQ 166/675
For the author see Riya, II, pp. 445-449; QummI, K una, II, p. 400;
Tanq7:~, no. 5189; A Cyan, XXXV, pp. 306-310; Nabis, p. 88. Mulfsin
al-Amln maintains in the A Cyan that the correct form of the nisba is
al-$ahrashtI, and disputes the reading (given e.g. in Riya, Tanq7:~ and
Niibis) al-$ihrashtI. Cf. also Dh II 118-119, XVII 30. The passage in IQ
deals with the special prayer for the 27th of Rajab that commemorates
the beginning of Mulfammad's mission (yawn al-mabCath).

92. * Bisharat al-mu~tafa Ii shzCat al-murta4a / Abu Jacfar Mulfam-

mad b. Abl l-Qasim cAll b. Mulfammad b. cAll aI-Tabar! (alive in
Dh III 117 no. 398
IQ 226-227/2-3
For the author (whose name is given in IQ as Mulfammad b. Abll-
Qasim al-rabarl) see Muntajab aI-DIn, p. 163, no. 388; Ma caIim, p.
119, no. 789 (where reference is made to K. al-bisharat); Riya4, V, pp.
17-18; Thiqat, pp. 242, 278. In GAL, S, I, p. 218, the Bisharat al-mu~tafa
is attributed to the historian al-rabarl. Brockelmann's error was noted
by 8ezgin (GAS, I, p. 540), who however committed a different error
by ascribing this work to Abu Jacfar MuJ:!ammad b. Jarlr al-rabarl,
author of the K. daIa'il al-imama. Cf. Rosenthal, Tabarz, p. 119, Gilliot,
"Tabari" , p. 76, and the discussion in ---t K. ~adzth al-walaya.
As noted by al-rihranl, the fact that the Prophet's khutba for the
advent of Rama<;lan as cited in IQ is missing from the extant text of the
Bishara indicates that this text is incomplete. Indeed, while the printed
edition (Najaf, 1383/1963) comprises eleven juz', the complete work is
said to have consisted of seventeen juz' (see cAmill, Amal, II, p. 234,
whence Riya4, V, p. 17; it is not clear whether al-I;Iurr al- (Amill was
still able to consult the original text).
93. *+ al-Bulgha / Mul].ammad b. cAli ~al].ib aI-Ghazzali (d. 561/
IQ 758/528, r 109/27
Only two sentences from this source are cited. They appear in both
IQ and r (twice in r*, on fol 25a and fol 25b), as well as in Ibn al-
Bitrlq's C Umda (p. 182) and his Kha~a'i~ (p. 103 [where the word bi
l-Buigha is missing] = ed. al-Malfmudl, p. 163) and (via the '!'ara'if
and C Umda) in BA, XXXV, pp. 248-249. In all of these sources, the
excerpt from the Bulgha follows a citation from al-Tha clabl's exegesis
(in his Kashf wa I-bayan) on Q 76:1-9. The passage from the Kashf
deals with the hunger suffered by the Prophet's family. The story it
contains appears in various sources, e.g. in al-Zamakhsharl's K ashshaf
and al-Razl's Mafatz~, as well as in 8hl'1 works. Ibn al-Bi~rlq and Ir
say that in the Buigha the author adds to the information given by al-
Tha clabl by reporting that there came down from heaven a table laden
with food from which the Prophet's family ate for seven days.
The author's identity is problematic. In IQ and r /r* /r** he is
called Mulfammad b. CAll al-Ghazzall. Al-Baya<;ll, in his list of sources
cited indirectly ($irat, I, p. 6), ascribes this work to Mulfammad b.
cAll (without any nisba). In $irat, I, p. 183, he quotes the text found
in IQ, identifying the author as Mulfammad b. cAll $alfib al-Ghazzall;

this is also the form given by Ibn al-Bitrlq in both of his works. This
latter reading is preferable: for while the name Mul:tammad b. CAll al-
Ghazzall does not seem to be attested, there is at least one student of
al-Ghazzall called Mul.lammad b. cAlI, to wit Abu Sacld Mu}:lammad
b. cAll b. CAbd Allah Ibn I:Iamdan al-Jawanl al-I:IillawI al-Clraql (d.
561/1165-6), who studied with the master after arriving in Baghdad as
a youth (Subkl, IV, p. 88; $afadl, IV, p. 155; in general GAL, I, pp.
332-333, S, I, p. 493). He is not, however, credited with a work called
94. + K. bur' al-saca / Abu Bakr Mu}:lammad b. Zakariyya al-Razi
(d. 313/925)
Dh III 84 no. 254
A 78/91, 143-151/152-161
For the author see GAS, III, pp. 274-294. This tractate ("On illnesses
which can be cured within an hour") is described by IT as being some
five folios in length (A 78/91), and is quoted in its entirety in A (144-
151/152-161) (a fact noted in Dh, but not in GAS). The text also
exists independently in manuscripts and printed editions; cf. Ullmann,
Medizin, p. 135; GAS, III, p. 284, no. 8 (to which should be added ms.
Princeton University Library New Series 129 [shelf number 548]). In A
78/91 the title is given as Bur' saca (as also throughout A2 and A*;
in A** and A*** both saCa and al-siica are attested), and it is noted
that the work is also called al-Kunnash (medical handbook). This latter
title usually refers to a different work by al-Razl, the K. al-Man~uri
Cf. Ullmann, Medizin, p. 132; GAS, III, pp. 281-283, no. 2; for the text
see also ms. Princeton University Library New Series 515 (shelf number
95. K. al-burhan fi asbab nuzul al-qur'iin / Mu}:lammad b. cAlI al-
Mazandaranl Ibn Shahrashub (d. 588/1192)
Dh II 12 no. 37
l' 80-81/20-21, 431-432/[om 130]
For the author see GAL, S, I, p. 710; EI2, art. "Ibn Shahrashub" (B.
Scarcia Amoretti). This title is attested only in some versions of the
'faro, 'if (1' 80/20, 1'* fols 19b, 116a). In 1'1 431 it appears as K. asbab
nuzul al-qur'iin and in Sbath (p. 11, no. 205) as Bayan al-tanzil. IT
identifies the author as Mu}:lammad b. CAll al-Mazandaranl and omits
the name Ibn Shahrashub by which he was better known to later gen-
erations (see similarly Sbath). Ibn Shahrashub himself refers to this
work as al-Asbiib wa I-nuzul calii madhhab 0,1 al-rasul (Ma calim, p. 119,
no. 791, whence Dhj cf. Rawat, VI, p. 290) or, for short, al-Asbiib wa
I-nuzul (Manaqib, I, pp. 12-13). The work is probably extant: Mu}:lsin
al-Amln states (A Cyan, XLVI, p. 136) that he saw in the I:Iusayniyya

library in Najaf a manuscript of a work of Ibn Shahrashub entitled K.

asbiib nuzul al-qur'iin. The two fragments cited in l' consist of an exe-
gesis of Q 17:18 and Q 2:180. In both cases, Ibn Shahrashub emphasizes
that this material is also found in various SunnI sources. Cf. Rippin,
"Asbiib", p. 6.
96. **? (Kutub) al-da Cawiit / anon.
Dh VIII 176-179
IQ 105-106/627-628,301-302/62-63, 472-476/256-260, 479-480/261-
262, 542-545/325-329,609-612/397-400,662/452-453, 747-754/
519-525, J 186-189
From the passages cited it appears that IT used a majmuCa contain-
ing a number of works of da C awiit; this would account for the plu-
ral form kutub (cf. -+[Kutub] al-cibiidiit). IT's own formulations lend
credence to this supposition: e.g. mii wajadniihu fi nuskha C atzqa min
kutub al-dacawiit (IQ 479/261). In IQ 662/452, the text from Kutub
al-da Cawiit refers to a juz' containing supplications in the handwriting
of Abu Ghalib al-ZurarI (d. 368/978) which al-l:Iusayn b. CUbayd Allah
al-Gha<;la'irI (d. 411/1020) transmitted from his teacher Zayd b. Ja cfar
al-cAlawI al-Mul).ammadI (fl. early 5th/11th century; see Riyii4, II, pp.
359-360, where it is suggested that he was a ZaydI; Niibis, p. 82). This
yields the second half of the 4th/10th century as the earliest possible
date for the K utub al-da Cawiit (or at least for one of its components).
Perhaps the numerous supplications in IQ taken from kutub aftlJ-iibinii 1-
Catzqa also belonged to the Kutub al-dacawiit. See further -+Kitiib Catzq
fihi da C awiit wa riwiiyiit min tarzq attlJ-iibinii.
97. *? K. daf C al-humum wa l-alJ-ziin wa qam C al-ghumum wa l-ashjiin
/ Al).mad b. Dawud al-Nucmani
Dh VIII 233 no. 970, XVIII 69 no. 716
A 114-115/126-127, MD 103, 304, MN 1-5
The full title is given only in MN (cf. Strothmann, pp. 104, 118, n.
10, 121); elsewhere it is K. daf C al-humum wa l-alJ-ziin. All passages
are taken from the fourth juz'. The text in A and MD 103 is identical,
consisting of a supplication which CAlI offered at $ifffn after Ibn cAbbas
had told him of his fear of the enemies who surrounded them. The
other passages also consist of supplications for times of adversity: the
supplication cited in MD 304 is said to ~ave been pronounced by Noah
at the height of the deluge; the fragments in MN (for which see also
Raw4iit, IV, p. 330) comprise supplications of Jacob, Joseph, Mul).am-
mad, cAlI, al-l:Iasan and Tawba al- cAnbarI (d. 131/748-749; see Ibn
Sa cd, VII, pp. 240-241, Tahdhzb, I, pp. 515-516). Some of these excerpts
are cited by al-KafcamI in his Junna (e.g. p. 204 = Junna* fol 55b, pp.
232-233 = Junna* fols 62b-63a) and in his Balad (e.g. p. 523; on p. 502,

whence Dh XVIII, kashJ appears for daJ C).

Nothing is known about the author (cf. A Cyan, VIII, p. 265), and
the lack of isnads renders even an approximate dating impossible. In
the Riyag (II, p. 270) he is referred to as Dawud b. Al,J.mad b. Dawud,
and is regarded as a Shl9".
98. * K. al-dala'il / Abu 1- cAbbas CAbd Allah b. Ja cfar b. al-I:Iusayn
al-~imyari al-Qummi (alive in 297/909-910)
Dh VIII 237 no. 1001
A 51/65,116-117/128-129, B.243-244, K 35, MI:I 17/7-8, N 2,97-98,
119, 222-223,226-227, 229-233, 237, 244-245, 247-248, Najafi, p.
482 = BA, XXIII, p. 220 [om S 79]
For the author see GAS, I, p. 165. This work is mentioned in the entries
on al-I:Iimyarl in Najashl (p. 219, no. 573) and in Tusl (Fihrist, p. 132,
no. 441). It is referred to by IT either by chapter or by juz'. He thus
mentions the K. al-dala'il fi dala'il al-$adiq (N 2) and the K. dala'il al-
Riga (A 116/128), as well as the first (A 51/65) and second (N 2, 247)
juZ'j the fragment from the former deals with the Prophet, and those
from the latter with Ja cfar al-$adiq and the Mahdi. There thus appear
to have been two parts (or volumes), the first containing the chapters on
the Prophet and the first five Imams, the second the chapters on the last
seven Imams. The manuscript at IT's disposal was in the handwriting
of al-I:Iusayn b. cAbd Allah al-Gha<;la'irl (N 97, 229). Almost all the
excerpts describe miracles of the Prophet and the Imams. In the Sa cd,
the K. al-dala'il is given as one of the sources for the interpretation
of alladhzna l?taJayna of Q 35:32 as referring to all the offspring of the
Prophetj this sentence is missing from S but appears in the citation in
Najafi and the Bi~ar.
The K. al-dala'il is mentioned in al-Irbill's KashJ, II, p. 349, III, pp.
89, 152-153, 174-175, 206-217 and in the $irat, I, p. 104j according to
al-Tihranl, it was still extant at the beginning of the 12th/18th century.
See ~ Qurb al-isnad.
99. ** K. al-dala'il/ Abu cAbd Allah Mulfammad b. IbrahIm b. Ja cfar
al-Nucmanilbn Zaynab (d. ca. 360/971)
Dh VIII 237 no. 1005
A 119/131, N 95-96
For the author and his work see GAS, I, p. 543; Bar-Asher, pp. 62-
68. Al-Tusl does not mention him in his Fihrist, while al-Najashl (p.
383, no. 1043) and Ibn Shahrashub (Ma calim, p. 118, no. 783) do not
refer to his K. al-dala'il. IT seems to be the only author who cites
from it directly. The fragment in N shows al-Ri<;la's expertise in astrol-
ogy. It is taken from the ninth juz', which dealt with the supernatural
signs (dala 'il) which proved that al-Ri<;la was the eighth Imam. One

might thus speculate that the first chapter was devoted to the dalii'il
of Mu:Q.ammad, and the others to those of the Imams in order of their
appearance. Since the text in A consists of a supplication by J a Cfar
al-$adiq (to be recited when chancing upon a lion), it was presumably
included in the seventh juz' (although rr
does not say this).

100. * K. dalii'il al-imiima (or al-a 'imma) / Mu:Q.ammad b. Jarlr b.

Rustam al-!abari (fl. first half of the 5th/11th century)
Dh VIII 241 no. 1018
A 52-60/66-73, 124-125/135, IQ 69/598, 233/6, K 35, L 53-54/61-
62, N 102-107, 223-224, 227-234, 239-247, 1'* fol 144a-b/T** fol
185a-b [om l' 523/162]' Y 50-53/222-227
For the author see GAS, I, p. 540; Rosenthal, 'rabar?:, p. 119. While his
name appears in most places cited by IT as Mu:Q.ammad b. Jarlr (b.
Rustam) (A 124, IQ 233, L, N 227, 229, 231, 232, 233, 1'*, V), he is
occasionally referred to as Mu:Q.ammad b. Rustam (N 223) or
mad b. Rustam b. Jarlr (A 52, K, N 102). It is not clear whether the
inconsistency originated with IT or with some copyists of his work.
In K, N 223 and Y, the work is referred to as K. al-dalii'il. Its open-
ing sections have not come down to us (they were already unavailable
to al-Majlisl). This can be seen from the abrupt beginning of the extant
text, which starts in the middle of the chapter on Fatima. What is miss-
ing (in addition to the beginning of this chapter) are the chapters on
Mu:Q.ammad and cAll. These were still available to IT, who must have
been among the first authors to cite from this work; he thus quotes the
stories of the isrii' and of cAll's designation as amzr al-mu'minzn during
the Prophet's lifetime (Y 50-53/222-227), both of which come from the
first volume (referred to as mujallad or juz'; it appears that in IT's ma-
nuscript each chapter comprised a separate volume) (IQ 233/6); and he
cites from the second volume an account of some miracles performed by
cAll (N 102-107). None of this material appears in the printed edition.
The other fragments are all found there: N 223-224 = Dalii'il, p. 67
(al-I,Iasan)j L = Dalii'il, p. 74, N 227 = Dalii'il, p. 75 (al-I,Iusayn); A
124-125/135 = Dalii'il, p. 93, N 228 = Dalii'il, p. 90 (Zayn al- cAbidln);
A 52-60/66-73 = Dalii'il, pp. 104-109 (al-Baqir); N 229-230 = Dalii'il,
p. 118 (Jacfar al-$adiq); N 231 = Dalii'il, p. 171 (al-Ka~im); N 231-232
= Dalii'il, pp. 186-187 (al-Ri<;la); N 232 = Dalii'il, p. 210 (al-Jawad); N
233-234 = Dalii'il, pp. 221-222 (al-HacU); IQ 69/598 = Dalii'il, p. 223
(al-I,Iasan al-cAskarl); N 239-247 consists of excerpts from the chapter
on the Twelfth Imam (N 239-244 = Dalii'il, pp. 282-286; N 244-245 =
Dalii'il, p. 288; N 245-247 = Dalii'il, pp. 304-306). The text in 1'* /1'**
(where the work's title is not given) is a summary of the passage cited
in full in N 104-107. Cf. -)-Mashhad cawd.

There is some confusion as to the relationship between the K. dalii'il

al-imiima and the K. al-mustarshid fi l-imiima. AI-Najashl (p. 376, no.
1024) mentions only the latter, attributing it to Mul).ammad b. Jarlr b.
Rustam al-Tabarl; this led al-Majlisl (BA, I, pp. 39-40) to assume that
the two titles referred to the same work. This assumption is defended
by the anonymous editor in the foreword to his edition of the K. al-
dala'il (Najaf, 1369/1949); he claims that these were two parts of a
single work, each part being known under a different title. In fact, as
shown in Dh (XXI 9 no. 3690), these are two distinct works by two
different authors bearing the same name: the elder Ibn J arlr (author
of the Mustarshid) lived in the first half of the 4th/10th century, i.e. a
full century before the younger Ibn Jarlr (author of the Dala'il). (The
information given by Sezgin is to be corrected accordingly.) The K.
al-mustarshid fi l-imama has been published (Najaf, n. d.).
101. +- Dala'il al-nubuwwa / Abu Bakr Al).mad b. al-I:Iusayn b. CArr
al-Bayhaqi (d. 458/1066)
T 58/15
For the author see EI2, art. "al-Bayha~l" (J. Robson); for this work see
GAL, I, p. 447, S, I, p. 619. Its popularity in Shl~ circles is attested by
the many passages from it cited for instance in al-Tabrisl's IClam (pp.
8, 17, 37-38, 40-41, 47, 52-54, 68-69, 123-124, 220). The most recent
edition is that of cAbd al-Mu ctl Qal Cajl, Beirut, 1405/1985 (7 vols.).
The text summarized in T appears there in IV, pp. 209-212. It concerns
the Prophet's announcement on the eve of the battle of Khaybar that
he would entrust the standard (riiya) to "someone who loves God and
whom God loves" (i.e. CAll).

=:::} Dala'il al-nubuwwa (Ibn Babawayh), see K. al-nubuwwa

102. **? K. dala'il al-nubuwwa / Abu I-Qasim al-I:Iusayn b. Mul).am-

mad al-Sakiini (4th/10th century?)
N 29
IT used a manuscript copied from the autograph, with a samac dated
12 Rama<;lan 422/2 Sept. 1031. AI-Sakunl, to whom IT refers as the
collector of this work (jam CAM 1- Qasim ... al-Sakunz), is unidentified.
It is tempting to suggest that the work which he transmits is by Ibn
Babawayh, since the excerpt as cited in BA, XV, pp. 180-181 and LVIII,
p. 239 has al-Sakunltransmittingfrom Mul).ammad b. cAllb. al-I:Iusayn
(which is Ibn Babawayh's name); but the name as given in N 29 is al-
SharIf Abu cAbd Allah (Ibn Babawayh's kunya is Abu Jacfar) Mul).am-
mad b. cAll b. I:Iusayn b. cArr b. cAbd al-Ral:unan (unidentified). In
the passage cited I:Iassan b. Thabit relates how, as a boy of seven or
eight, he heard a Jew in Medina announce after watching the stars that

Mul:tammad's mission would begin that night. The same story, with a
partially identical iJmiid, appears in Abu Nu caym, Dalii'il, p. 16.
103. +- K. dalii'il al-qibla / Abu l-CAbbas Al}.mad b. AbI Al}.mad
al-Faqlh al-TabarI aI-BaghdadI Ibn al-Qa~~ (d. 335/946)
A 81/94
For the author (whose name is given in A as Al}.mad b. AbI Al}.mad
al-Faqlh) see GAS, I, pp. 496-497. This work is also known as K. al-
macrifa (see $afa, "Tacrif ba c 4 makhtutiit maktabatr', al-Mashriq, 16,
1913, pp. 435-446, at pp. 439-442) and as CAjii'ib al-samawiit wa l-ar4
(so in ms. Br. Lib. Or. 13,315, which should be added to GAS). IT
recommends that one take this book on journeys to serve as a guide
for the direction of the prayer. Facsimile editions of two manuscripts
of this work have been published by F. Sezgin, the first (ms. AJ:.:tmad
Taymur, buldiin no. 103) in ZeitschriJt fur Geschichte der Arabisch-
fslamischen Wissenschaften, 4, 1987-8, pp. 7-91 (Arabic section), and
the second (ms. Wall aI-DIn no. 2453, fols 147-169b) in Zeitschrift fur
Geschichte der Arabisch-fslamischen Wissenschaften, 5, 1989, pp. 7-53
(Arabic section).
104. ** al-Daliila bi I-sam C calii anna l-nujum dalii'il calii l-~iidithiit
/ Abu I-Qasim CAlI b. al-I:Iusayn b. Musa al-Sharlf al-MurtafJa (d.
N 54
For the author see Efr, art. "cAlam-al-hoda" (W. Madelung). The head-
ing given above is probably a description of the contents of a partic-
ular work rather than its title. The passage quoted is a response to
a question put to al-Murta<;la as to whether there is textual proof for
the belief that events can be predicted by observing the stars. This
text (cited in BA, LVIII, pp. 289-290) formed part of a volume in the
possession of IT containing various works of al-Mufid and al-Murta<;la
(cf. also ~Mas'ala fi qawl al-naM cAlr aq4iikum). The copyist of the
manuscript of al-Masii'il al-Sal(l)iiriyya used for the printed edition of
Rasii'il ai-Sharif al-Murta4ii copied this excerpt from N, with the result
that it was appended in the printed edition to al-Masii'il al-Sal(l)iiriyya
(Rasii'il aI-Sharif al-Murta4ii, II, pp. 311-312).

105. *? - K. Diiniyiil / anon.

Dh XXII 188 no. 6627
K 61
The title in K is K. Diiniyiil al-mukhtaJ)ar min kitiib al-malii~im. This
title appears to be corrupt; a possible emendation is al-Kitiib al-mukhta-
J}ar min kitiib al-malii~im Ii Diiniyiil. In the khiitima to al-MajlisI's Bi~iir
(BA, ex, p. 172), AfandI, citing the Kashf, gives the book's title as

K. al-mala~im li Daniyal (SO also Dh) and suggests two alternative

interpretations of the text of the K ashf: (a) IT wrote an abridgement
of the K. Daniyal (there is no support in K for this interpretation); (b)
there was a copy of K. Daniyal in IT's library (this is clearly stated in
K: wa huwa cindana I-an). Afandi adds that he bought a copy of the
K. al-mala~im for al-MajlisI. (AI-1'ihranI misinterprets the passage in
K as meaning that IT had in his possession either the K. Daniyal or
an abridgement of it.)
There are various extant versions of apocalyptic works entitled K.
mal~amat Daniyal (mal~ama = prediction, eschatological prophecy,
apocalypse; cf. WKAS, s.v.). These works show how to predict future
events from astrometeorological phenomena; cf. EI2, art. "Daniyal" (G.
Vajda), "Mal1).ama" (T. Fahd) and the references given there. While the
text in K (which is a paraphrase of the original) deals with apocalyptic
matters, it does not contain astrometeorological elements. In it, Abu
Bakr and CUmar are said to have learnt from the K. Daniyal which the
Jews possessed that the Prophet would rule, and that after his death
power, instead of passing to cAlI, would devolve on a man from Taym
and then to another from cAdI. Realizing that these descriptions fitted
them, they adopted Islam so as to achieve the authority mentioned by
Daniyal (cited in BA lith., VIII, p. 251). This, then, is a ShlcI version
of K. Daniyal. It is perhaps identical with the text which contained a
prophecy about the rule of al-Na~ir Ii l-~aqq al-Utrush (d. 304/917);
see al-Mu1).allI, K. al-~ada'iq al-wardiyya, in Madelung, Zayd7: Imams,
As noted above, AfandI discovered a copy of this ShIcI K. Daniyal;
but there is no evidence that it has survived. It is different from the ma-
nuscripts of M al~amat Daniyal referred to by Ullmann (p. 293) and Sez-
gin (GAS, VII, pp. 312-317), as well as from the anonymous Mal~amat
Daniyalpublished with an introduction by al-MajlisI's pupil NiCmat
Allah al-J aza'irI (N ajaf, n.d.). This text was published with an En-
glish translation by A. Fodor ("Mal1).amat Daniyal", The Muslim East,
Studies in Honour of Julius Germanus, ed. Gy. Kaldy-Nagy, Budapest,
1974, pp. 85-133, plus 26 pages of reproduction of the Najaf edition;
cf. G. Vajda, "Quelques observations sur la Mal~amat Daniyal", Am-
bica, 23, 1976, pp. 84-87); it belongs to the astrometeorological genre,
and has nothing particularly ShlcI about it. Another work of this genre
is the K. Daniyiil cited in RawandI, Qi,!a,!, pp. 232-237, whence BA,
LVIII, pp. 330-334, Jaza'irI, Anwar, II, pp. 121-125, Ba1).ranI, Kashkiil,
I, pp. 387-39l.

106. *+ Dhayl (or Tadhy7:1) ta'r7:kh Baghdad / Abu cAbd Allah Mu1).am-
mad b. Ma1).mud b. al-~asan Ibn aI-Najjar aI-BaghdadI al-ShafiCj" (d.

A 107-108/118-119, 129-130/140, BA, LXXVI, p. 205 [om F 275/
249], IQ 56-57/585-586, 181/685, L 124-125/140-141, 154-155/
173-174, MD 214, 320, MF 125-126/138, 160/177, 166-167/183,
MI:I 22/11, MN 21, N 110-111, T 98-99/[om 24], 110-111/[om
27], Y26/166, 30/174,187/485,192/494
For the author see EI2, art. "Ibn al-Nadjdjar" (C. E. Farah). IT, who
(as noted in Chapter 1.1) was a student of Ibn al-Najjar's, repeatedly
refers to him as shaykh al-mu~addithin bi Baghdad. This work, also
known as K. al-tadhyil, is a continuation of aI-KhatIb al-Baghdadl's
Ta'rikh Baghdad. It is only partially preserved; cf. GAL, S, I, p. 563;
C. E. Farah, "Ibn-aI-Najjar: A Neglected Arabic Historian", JAOS, 84,
1964, pp. 220-230, at pp. 227-229; J. van Ess, "$afadl-Splitter", II, Der
Islam, 54, 1977, pp. 77-108, at p. 77; Majid al-Dhahabl, "al-Mujallad
al-cashir Ii Dhayl al-ta'rikh li madinat aI-salam", MMMA, 26, 1982,
pp. 745-774. At one point (L 124/140), IT cites from the biography of
Fatima bint Abll-cAbbas in the thirtieth volume; assuming that (as
in Ta'rikh Baghdad) biographies of women came at the end, it can be
inferred that the entire work consisted of thirty volumes (as maintained
by al-Subkl [V, p. 41]; the number of volumes given by ps.-Ibn al-
Fuwatl, p. 205, and Ibn Katillr, XIII, p. 169 is sixteen). These must have
been very large volumes, given that the five-volume Hyderabad 1978-
86 edition covers only part of the letter cayn. L 154-155/173-174, taken
from the biography of cAll b. NaI?r al-Shawkl, is found in the Hyderabad
edition, IV, p. 247; other citations are taken from the missing parts.
According to IQ 57/585, IT used a manuscript which the last CAbbasid
caliph al-Mustacl?im (r. 640-656/1242-58) had donated (waqqafaha) to
his mother's ribat. IT cites from this work both for biographical notices
and for pro-cAlid traditions; for an example of the latter see A 107-108/
118-119, discussed in Kohlberg, "Antediluvian", p. 54. On occasion IT
cites from the Dhayl via his own summary, entitled al- Ta~:til min al-
tadhyil (see Chapter 11.2).

107. **? Dhikr al-ayat allati nazalat fi amir al-mu'minin cAli b. Abi
'falib wa tafsir macnaha / anon. (4th/10th century)
Dh X 33 no. 159
S 11, 113-116, Y 133-135/376-380, 161-162/431
Title as in S. AI-Tihranl regards it as the title of a book, but it is more
probably a description of its contents. In Y, the title is Nuskha fiha
dhikr asma' cAli. The same fragment is cited in S (sixth quire, fol 6b)
and Y 133-135/376-380, to wit the tradition known as ~adith al-bisat.
AI-Majlisl reproduces the text from Y (BA, XXXIX, pp. 138-141), and
then notes (p. 141) that it is cited in S from an anonymous source

source (ba C al-kutub al-mu Ctabara) with the same i8nad. Though al-
Majlisl may not have realized this, it is clear that the same source is
being cited in both Sand Y. The proof is provided by IT himself when
he cites the incipit of the manuscript in both works. The i.mad is of
the Baqir-Jabir type (cf. Kohlberg, "Unusual i8nad"). The first name
in it is Mul:1.ammad b. Al,lmad, who is probably to be identified with
Mul,lammad b. Al,lmad h. Yal,lya aI-Ash Carl al-Qumml (fl. late 3d/9th
century); he in turn cites via two intermediaries from cAbd Allah b.
Musa al-Ka~im. The author's fioruit can thus be tentatively fixed as
the first half of the 4th/10th century. The tradition in Y 161-162/431
is an exegesis of Q 30:30.
108. **? Dhikr ma nazala min al-qur'an fi ra8ul allah wa fi cAlz wa ahl
al-bayt wa fi 8hzcatihim wa ta 'wzl dhalika / anon. (4th/10th century?)
Dh X 36 no. 184
S 11, 111-112
The passage in S is cited in BA, XXXVI, pp. 26-27 under the title Kitab
ma nazala etc. In Dh, the title is given as Dhikr ma nazala min al-qur'an
jz ra8ul allah wa ahl al-bayt. IT used a manuscript dated Mul,larram 406/
June 1015, of a format which he describes as "more than a rubc and less
than a ni~j", made either of parchmellt or of Khurasanian paper (see
the discussion in Chapter III.5). The fragment, which is taken from the
first juz' (f01 37a), is quoted on the authority of al-Sha Cbl and consists
of a conversation between Mul,lammad and CAll after cAll had been
wounded at Ul,lud; Q 3:146 is said to refer to this occasion. The same
story (but with a different i8nad) also appears in the excerpt from the
Kitab of Ibn Da'b (d. 171/787, cf. EI2, art. "Ibn Da'b" [Ch. Pellat])
cited in Mufid, Ikhti~a~, p. 138.

==> K. dhikr al-mahdz (Abu NuCaym al-I~fahanl), see K. fi akhbar al-


109. *+ K. dhikr manqabat al-mutahharzn ahl bayt Mu~ammad sayyid

al-awwalzn wa l-akhirzn / Abu NuCaym Al,lmad b. cAbd Allah b.
Alfmad al-I~fahanI (d. 430/1038)
Dh XXIII 149 no. 8453
Y 29-30/173
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 445-446, S, I, pp. 616-617. This work is
not mentioned there. In yl, al-mu~hirzn is printed for al-mutahharzn.
The title appears in several variations: M anqabat al-mutahharzn (Ibn
Shahrashub, Manaqib, II, pp. 5, 256, $irat, I, p. 153) fi jaa'il amzr al-
mu'minzn (Ibn Shahrashub, Manaqib, II, p. 173), Manqabat al-mutahha-
rzn (or al-tahirzn) wa martabat al-tayyibZn (MaCalim, p. 25, no. 123,
whence Dh; Rawat, I, p. 273). In the Ma calim, this title is mentioned

among Abu Nu caym's pro- cAlid works. The work is also cited by Ibn
Shahrashub's pupil ~aydar b. Mul:mmmad al-~usaynI in his (lost?) K.
al-ghurar wa l-durar (see e.g. BA, XXXV, pp. 316,330, 333; cf. Dh XVI
43 no. 180), and often by Ibn al-Bitrlq in his CUmda.

110. **+ Dhikr al-riwiiyiit can al-nabi: annahu qiila Ii amzr al-mu'minzn
cAlz b. AM 'J'iilib: anta minnz bi manzilat Hiirun min Musii (etc.) / Abu
I-Qasim cAlI b. al-Mul;tassin b. cAlI al-Tanukhi (d. Mu~arram 447/
Apr. 1055)
l' 53-54/14
For the author see $afadI, XXI, pp. 401-404 and the sources given there.
None of these sources mention this work, which appears to be known
only through IT. In cAmilI, Ithbiit (IV, p. 45), where the passage from
the 'J'arii'if is cited, the title has riwiiyiit for al-riwiiyiit. In 1'2 (and
in the Ithbiit), the name of the author's father appears as al-~asan;
the correct form is given in 1'1 and BA, XXXVII, p. 268. IT used a
manuscript some 30 folios in length, with a riwiiya dated 445/1053-
4. He describes the work as consisting of the anta minnz tradition as
transmitted by thirty different Companions (whose names heprovides).
The author, a son of the famous al-TanukhI (d. 384/994), is portrayed
as a MuCtazilI (Yaqut, Udabii', V, p. 301) and a leading ShI~ ($afadI,
XXI, p. 402: kiina shzCiyyan mu Ctaziliyyan; similarly Shadhariit, III, p.
276: kiina riiyat al-raf wa l-iCtiziil). IT, in contrast, describes him as
a prominent SunnI (min a Cyiin rijiilihim).

111. **? Dhikr rut bat AM 'J'iilib fi Quraysh wa mariitib wuldihi fi Banz
Hiishim / Abu l-~asan (or al-~usayn) al-Nassaba (fl. late 3d/9th
Dh X 77 no. 139
Y 186/484, 195/502
Title as in Y 195/502. In Y 186/484, the title appears as K. rutbat AM
'J'iilib etc. AI-TihranI has (erroneously) wa Quraysh forfi Quraysh. The
work was composed (or the manuscript copied) in ShawwaI 310/Jan.-
Feb. 923. In Y, the kunya appears as Abu l-~asan; in the BilJ,iir (where
both passages are cited via the Yaqzn; see BA, XL, pp. 24, 25), it is
given as Abu l-~usayn. The author (who is perhaps to be identified
with the Abu l-~usayn al-Qasim al-MusawI al-Nassaba mentioned in
Sellheim, Handschriften, p. 364) transmitted from another genealogist,
Abu cAbd Allah Mu~ammad b. $ali~ b. Mihran al-Ba/?rI known as
Ibn al-Natta~, who also excelled as an historian; see EI2, art. "Ibn al-
Natta~" (F. Omar). The Prophet is quoted as telling CAlI that he (CAlI)
is the leader of the believers and will be the first to shake Mul,lammad's
hand on the day of resurrection.

112. *+ al-Diriiya fi (or Ii) ~adith al-waliiya / Abu Sacd (or SaCld)
Mas cud b. Na~ir b. Abl Zayd al-SijistanT (or Sijzl) al-Rakkab (d. 477/
1084 or 478/1085)
Dh VIII 56 no. 167
IQ 663/453, 666/457, S 71, T 15/5, Y 27-28
For the author see Sam canl, VII, p. 86; Dhahabl, Tadhkira, pp. 1216-
8; cAll al-I;Iusaynl aI-MIlanI, Khulii~at Cabaqiit al-anwiir fi imiimat al-
a'imma al-athiir, VI, Tehran, 1404-5, pp. 100-102. According to a view
reported by Ibn al-Jawzl (Munta?am, IX, p. 13), Dhahabl (p. 1217)
and Ibn' I;Iajar (Lisiin, VI, p. 33), al-Sijistanl was a Qadarl. In IQ he
is described as anti- cAlid (al-mukhiilif li ahl al-bayt fi Caqidatihi) but
as reliable in his transmission from the ahl al-bayt. AI-Tihranl assumes
that he was a Mu Ctazill who concealed his Shlcl sympathies. The title
appears in IQl 663 as K. diriiyat ~ad'ith al-waliiya and in Y as K.
al-waliiya. This work, which dealt with the Ghadlr Khumm tradition,
is described by IT as containing seventeen juz' (IQ 663/453), and as
consisting of a volume (mujallad) of over twenty quires (IQ 666/457).
It appears in the ijiiza of the cAllama al-I;Iilll to the Banu Zuhra (al-
Ijiiza al-kabira Ii Bani Zuhra al-lfalabi, in BA, CVIl, p. 84; the editor
[no 3] says he could find no information about the author). In T 15/5,
part of the introduction to Ibn al-Bitrlq's CUmda is cited; in it the K.
al-waliiya is given as one of the sources of Ibn al-Bitrlq's book. See also
AmInI, Ghadir, I, p. 155.
113. * [Diwiin] / Abu I-Qasim CAll b. al-I;Iusayn b. Musa aI-SharIf
al-Murtag.a (d. 436/1044)
Dh IX/3 735 no. 5050
L 4/3-4
IT cites several verses (on the Karbala' tragedy), without referring to
the Diwiin; he may have quoted from memory. A number of additional
verses, apparently from the same poem, are found in Ibn Shahrashub's
M aniiqib (III, pp. 235, 236). The poem is not included in RashId al-
$affar's edition of Diwiin aI-Sharif al-Murtaii, Cairo, 1378/1958. In
general, IT only rarely cites books of poetry in his extant works.
114. ** K. diwiin al-nasab / Abu I-Qasim cAll b. al-I;Iasan b. Mul,1am-
mad b. cAll al-Murtag.a (fl. early 7th/13th century)
Dh IX/4 1184 no. 6743
K 132, N 22, 35, 52, 149
While IT do~s not reveal the author's name in K, he refers to him
in N as cAll b. al-Murta<;la (N 22, 35), correctly identifying him as a
descendant of al-Sharlf al-Murta<;la (N 52; cf. Matar, p. 363, and see
also Ibn clnaba, CUmda, pp. 169-170 = ed. Najaf, pp. 206-207). Afandl
(Riyii, IV, p. 263) notes the work's title but says he knows nothing

about it.
In fact the Diwan al-nasab had an unusual history. According to the
story as reported by Ibn Zuhra (Ghaya, pp. 74-76) who heard it from
Abu I-Qasim cAll b. A}:lmad al-CUbaydall, this work included much
derogatory material (mafaCin) on the Talibids and cAbbasids. When
the author fell sick, he wrote on his copy that the work included mat-
ters which he had not investigated and which he had not learned on
good authority. If he were to recover, he would prune it and keep only
the sound material; in the case of his death, it should be thrown into
the Tigris. AI-Murta<;la died soon thereafter. When news of his death
reached IT (whom Ibn Zuhra describes as very keen on books, partic-
ularly of this kind), he called on the legatees, offered them 100 dinars
and prevailed upon them to hand him the manuscript. Shortly before
IT himself died he ordered his son Mu~tani to throw the work into
the Tigris; but Mu~taIa kept it until shortly before his death, when he
likewise told his brother, identified by CAll b. A}:lmad as "the present
Naqlb Ra<;lI aI-DIn cAll", to throw it into the Tigris; CAll was no more
compliant than his predecessors, and the work remained in his home.
CAll b. A}:lmad, who saw it there, describes it as consisting of three vol-
umes in the ni4format, the first dealing with the ~asanids, the second
with the ~usaynids and the third with the other Talibids and with the
cAbbasids (cf. also K, Ibn cInaba, CUmda).
A number of excerpts from the Diwan al-nasab are cited by IT.
In two of them (both from the end of the third volume) the Penta-
teuch is referred to for evidence that Idrls was the first to use a reed-
pen (qalam) and to calculate the motions of the stars (or: to cast a
horoscope) (awwal man ~asiba ~isab al-nujum) (N 22) and that during
Kisra's reign Mu}:lammad's birth was predicted by the stars (N 35).
(For Idrls/Hermes cf. Ullmann, index, s.v. "Hermes", in particular p.
373.) The passages in N 52 and N 149 (the latter from the first part)
deal with the ascendants (tali C) and horoscopes of aI-SharIf al-Murta<;la
and of some members of his family.

115. - K. al-diyat / transmitted by ~ar'if h. Na~il] (fl. early 3d/9th

Dh II 159 no. 595 (under A~l), VIII 286 [no no.]
MF 105/117
For this work see GAS, I, p. 537; Kohlberg, "U~ul", pp. 158-159. ~arlf
b. Na~i}:l, whom IT regards as author of the K. al-diyat, is said to have
transmitted it from cAbd Allah b. Sacld b. ~ayyan b. Abjar (or b.
al-Jabr) (d. 240/854-855), who in turn transmitted it from CAll via
several authorities; this work is therefore also known as K. cAbd Allah
b. Abjar. See Najashl, p. 209, no. 553, p. 217, no. 565; TusI, Fihrist,

p. 116, no. 375; the text is printed in K. al-u~ul al-sittata cashara, ed.
I:Iasan Mu~tafawI, Qumm, 1405, pp. 134-148. IT says he is in possession
of a volume which begins with the K. al-diyat.

===} K. al-duca' (al-AhwazI), see K. al-duca' wa l-dhikr

116. **? K. al-duca' / cAbd al-Qahir (or aI-Qadir) b. AbII-Qasim

Dh VIII 182 no. 720
IQ 23/553
The author (both forms of whose name are recorded by al-TihranI) is
unidentified. The title as given here appears in Dh, while in IQ the
work is only referred to as a Kitab; this indicates that al-TihranI used
a different version of the Iqbal (cf. ~IT, K. al-iqbal). The passage cited
deals with a supplication for the first night of Mul:l.arram.

===} K. al-du ca' (Ibn Ahi Qurra), see K. camal shahr Ramaan

117. **? [DuCa'] / Mu}:lammad b. CAbd Allah (or CUbayd Allah) al-
Iskandari (fl. mid-2d/8th century)
MD 18-23, 201-211
AI-Iskandarl describes himself (MD 18, 201) as a confidant of the
cAbbasid caliph al-Man~ur and as an admirer of Jacfar al-$adiq. The
excerpts comprise two versions of a supplication by the sixth Imam
which saved him from execution at the hands of al-Man~ur. The first
version (MD 18-23) is transmitted from cAll b. cAbd al-$amad (for
whom see Muntajab aI-DIn, p. 139, no. 322, whence Thiqat, pp. 193-
194); the second, somewhat longer, version appeared at the end of a
majmuCa of the format ni4 al-thumn, in which the first item was K.
al-tanbih Ii man yatajakkaru fih (see List under this entry).

===} K. al-duca' (SaCd b. cAbd Allah al-QummI), see K. jal al-duca'

===} K. al-duca' (al-$afIar), see K. jal al-duca'

** [K. al-du ca1 / Zayd h. JaCfar al-cAlawi aI-SharIf Abu I-I:Iusayn

al-Mu}:lammadl (fl. early 5th/11th century)
IQ 662/452
AI-TihranI (Nabis, p. 82) infers this title from IQ, where reference is
made to a Kitab of Zayd b. Ja cfar containing a supplication for the
night of Ghadlr Khumm. Whatever the correct title of Zayd b. Jacfar's
book, IT did not cite from it directly, but only via (Kutub) al-daCawat
(see List under this entry). The supplications in J 40-42, 385-393, 512-
519, MD 114-119, which are transmitted by Zayd b. Jacfar, may also
have been taken from his book via (Kutub) al-da Cawat.

118. Du ca' / cAll b. al-I;Iusayn Zayn al- cAbidln (d. 94/712 or 95/
Dh I 396 no. 2059, VIII 202 no. 801
IQ 573-583/358-369
For the author, the fourth Imam of the Twelver Shlcls, see GAS, I, pp.
526-528. The excerpt consists of a prayer of the Imam for the mawqif
on yawm cArafa. This prayer is not included in al-$a~ifa al-sajjadiyya,
nor does it seem to have formed part of the MajmuCat mawlana Zayn
al- c.Abid1:n, excerpts from which do not appear in IQl (see List under
this entry).
119. ** K. al-duca' wa l-dhikr / Abu MuJ.:tammad al-I;Iusayn b. Sacld
b. I;Iammad al-AhwazI (alive in 300/913)
Dh VIII 195 no. 763
MD 70-71, 102, MN 15-17
The author's name is given in MD 70/MD* fol 41b/MD** fol 46b/
MD*** fol 34a as Abu l-I;Iusayn b. Sacld. This title (without the au-
thor's name) appears in the list of sources of the Balad (p. 502); in MD
71 and MN, it appears as K. al-du ca'. The excerpts cited consist of
the Prophet's prayer on the yawm al-a~zab (MD 70-71), cAlI's prayer
at $iffin (MD 102), and a supplication for use by those seeking to be
cured of scrofula (mara al-khanaz1:r) (MN).
120. **+ K. duca' al-hudat ila ada' ~aqq al-muwalat / al-I;Iakim Abu
l-Qasim CUbayd Allah b. cAbd Allah al-ij:askanI al-I;Iadhdha' (d. after
Dh VIII 196 no. 765
IQ 663/453, 671/459
The word al-muwalat is missing from IQ2 453 (but not from IQl 663).
The title as it appears in IQ is preferable to that given in cAmilI, Ithbat
(IV, pp. 61, 63, where the two passages from the Iqbal are reproduced),
namely K. du Cat al-hudat ila ada' ~aqq al-wulat. The passages cited deal
with the Ghadlr Khumm tradition. This tallies with the information
given by al-I;Iaskani in his K. shawahid al-tanz1:1 (I, p. 190), where he
describes the K. du ca' al-hudat ila ada' ~aqq al-muwalat as consisting
of ten ajza' and as containing isnads of the Ghadlr Khumm tradition.
The K. duca' al-hudat does not appear among the works of al-I;Iaskani
recorded in the MaC alim (p. 78, no. 527). See also AmInI, Ghad1:r, I, p. .
IT describes al-I;Iaskani as a SunnI. Afandl disagrees, arguing that
he was a ShlcI who practised taqiyya (Riya, III, p. 299; see in gen-
eral III, pp. 256-257, 296-300). The fact that al-I;Iaskani appears in
the Ma Calim would appear to support AfandI's position. Yet I+'s view
may well be correct: had al-I;Iaskani wished to conceal his ShIel beliefs

he would not have revealed his pro- cAlid bias so obviously in his K.
shawiihid al-tanzil. The usual biographical notices of this well-known
scholar, which portray him as a ij:anafi, should therefore probably be
taken as reflecting his true belief, and not merely his outward position
(cf. FarisI, Siyaq, fol 86a; Bulliet, Patricians, pp. 229-230).

121. ** K. al-du c a ' wa l-ziyara / Mul)ammad b. cAlI b. Mul)ammad

al-'firazl (fl. first half of the 5th/11th century)
Dh VIII 195 no. 764
IQ 99-102/624, 128-130/643-644, 140-141/654-655, 162-163/670-
671, 167/675, 169-171/677-678, 183-184/687-688, 193-194/697-
699, 212-213/715-716, 427-428/200-201, 554-555/337, 682/466,
690-699/472-481, J 32-33
In IQ and J, this work is only referred to as a Kitab. The title as given
here is noted by al-TihranI (Dh, Nabis, p. 175), citing a different ver-
sion of the Iqbal. The available information on al-TirazI (whose name
appears in J as cAlI b. Mul).ammad al-TirazI) is pulled together by
al-TihranI (Niibis, pp. 175-176), who emphasizes (in Dh) that this au-
thor is cited only in works of IT. The manuscript used by IT was an
autograph (see IQ 212/715).

122. **+ Durrat al-iklzl fi tatimmat al-tadhy?:l / Abu I-I;Iasan Mul)am-

mad b. Al)mad b. cDmar b. I;Iusayn b. Khalaf al-Qalrl al-I;IanbalI (d.
Rabl c II 634/Dec. 1236)
N 30-31,209
The author's name appears only in N 30, where his grandfather's name
is incorrectly given as cAmr. For al-QatIcI see Yaqut (d. 626/1229),
Buldiin (IV, p. 377, s.v. QatIcat al-Cajam, where it is noted that he is
"alive at present"); DhahabI, Siyar, XXIII, pp. 8-11 and the references
given there; Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II, pp. 212-214; Ibn I;Iajar, Lisiin, V,
pp. 55-56 (whence A Cyan, VIII, p. 303); Shadharat, V, pp. 162-163
(whence A Cyan, II, p. 138) (where the author's name is given as Al)mad
b. Mul)ammad). He was professor of ~ad?:th at the Mustan~iriyya (Ibn
Rajab, Dhayl, II, p. 213), and IT may have met him there. The Durrat
al-iklil (which probably remained incomplete) is described as a four-
volume history of Baghdad and a continuation of the Ta'r?:kh of cAbd
al-Karlm al-SamcanI (d. 562/1167), which in turn is a supplement to
aI-KhatIb aI-BaghdadI's Ta'r?:kh Baghdiid (cf. GAL, I, p. 402). Ibn al-
Najjar (as cited by al-DhahabI) says he found many errors in this work,
and faults the author for his lack of critical judgment. IT cites a passage
from the biography of cAbd al-Awwal b. clsa b. ShuCayb which appeared
in the third volume. In this passage, Heraclius learns from the stars of
the advent of the Prophet.

123. **+ K. dustur al-mudhakkiri:n wa manshur al-muta cabbidi:n / Abu

Musa Mul).ammad b. Abi Bakr (or CUmar) b. Abi clsa ai-Madani (or
al-MadlnI) (d. 581/1185-6)
Dh VIII 166 no. 679
IQ 25-26/554-556, 160/668, 175/682, 307/66-67, 519-521/304-305,
For the author see GAL, S, I, p. 604. ~ajji Khallfa (I, p. 754) gives his
name as Abu Musa al-MadinIMul).ammad b. cUmar al-~afi~. This book
appears to have dealt with supplications and fasts at various periods
of the year. Judging by the isniids and matns cited, it had no obvious
Shici tendencies (though it did include traditions commending believers
to offer supplications on the night of cAshura').

====} K. al-duwal wa l-milal (Ibn Bazyar), see K. al-qiriiniit wa l-duwal

wa l-milal

124. **+- Faii'i~ al-mu Ctazila / Abu Man~ur cAbd al-Qahir b. Tahir
ai-Baghdadi (d. 429/1037)
T 357/103
For the author see EI2, art. "al-Baghdadl" (A. S. Tritton). This work
is mentioned e.g. in SubkI, III, p. 239, KutubI, II, p. 372. It may be
identical with al-BaghdadI's Faii'i~ al-qadariyya, to which he refers
in his al-Farq bayna l-firaq, Cairo, 1367/1948, p. 110. IT says that in
this work, as also in al-Baghdadl's al-Farq bayna l-firaq, terrible things
(umur Ca~i:ma) are ascribed to the ~anaffs and Mu Ctazills.

====} Faii'il (Ibn Shadhan), see al-Mi'at ~adfth

* K. al-fa4ii'ilor al-Raw4a fi I-fa4ii'il wa I-muCjiziit / Abu cAbd

Allah al-~usayn b. ~amdan al-Kha~ibi al-Junbulani (or Junbula'l)
(d. 346/957-958 or Rabl c I 358/Jan.-Feb. 969)
Dh XI 281 no. 1720, XVI 249 no. 993
The author was "the actual founder of the Nu~ayriyya" (H. Halm, "Das
'Buch der Schatten''', Der Islam, 55, 1978, pp. 244, 260; for his biogra-
phy see ibid., pp. 258-260). This work does not appear in the usual lists
of al-Kha~IbI's books (and is also missing from Halm). There is some
confusion as to whether the two titles refer to one work or to two. I tend
to think that a single work is being referred to: the two titles probably
appear only in a single source, the Ithbiit (see below); and al-~urr al-
CAmill is not likely to have referred to two otherwise unknown works by
al-Kha~Ibi. Al-TihranI, who also opts for this possibility, maintains that
this work is mentioned in the Iqbiil; yet there is no reference to it in IQ.
Though al-TihranI's manuscript may have contained a version different
from that of IQ, it seems more likely that he misconstrued a passage in

the Riyii (II, p. 50, cited in A Cyiin, XXV, p. 348). The following is a
suggested rendering of this passage: "One of al-Kha~IbI's compositions
is K. al-hidiiya fi l-faii'il [which is a distinct work, different from the
one appearing at the head of this entry] ... Our contemporary, the
3haykh [i.e. al-I;Iurr al-CAmiII], mentions him [i.e. al-Kha~IbI] in K. al-
hudiit [for Ithbiit al-hudiit] fi [for bi; cf. Dh XXV 161 no no.] l-nu~u~ wa
l-mu Cjiziit, where he also ascribes to him this work [i.e. K. al-hidiiya
fi I-faii'il] and cites from it. At the beginning of the K. al-iqbiil IT
calls him al-I;Iusayn b. I;Iamdan b. aI-KhatIb [see IQ 69/598, where this
name is mentioned as one of a number of authorities giving 8 Rabi c
I as the death-date of al-I;Iasan al-cAskarI); this [i.e. the reading "Ibn
aI-KhatIb" for "al-Kha~IbI"] may be a copyist's error, so note this well.
He [i.e. al-I;Iurr al-cAmin, not IT!] also ascribes [to al-Kha~IbI) in it [i.e.
in the Ithbiit al-hudiit] the K. al-rawa fi l-faii'il wa I-mu Cjiziit, and
sometimes the K. al-faii'il [apparently meaning that al-I;Iurr al-cAmin
referred to al-Kha~IbI's book by two alternative titles]; but elsewhere
in the Ithbiit al-I;Iurr says: 'the K. al-rawa fi I-faii'il ascribed to Ibn
Babawayh'. Perhaps these two [i.e. the Rawa of al-Kha~Ibi and the
Rawa of ps.-Ibn Babawayh] are one and the same work."
This passage requires some explanation. The Ithbiit does indeed cite
from al-Kha~IbI's K. al-rawa fi I-faii'il (II, pp. 170-174) and his K. al-
faii'il (III, pp. 100-101) (the latter title, according to my understanding
of AfandI, being merely an abbreviated version of the former). The list
of sources of the Ithbiit, which is incomplete (cf. Dh I 111 no. 541),
does not include a work bearing either of these titles and ascribed to
al-Kha~Ibi. (In fact only one work is ascribed to al-Kha~Ibi in the list
of sources, the K. al-hidiiya fi l-faii'il [see Ithbiit, I, p. 58], which is
frequently cited in the body of the book [Ithbiit, I, p. 58, III, pp. 636-
637, VI, pp. 147-148, 196-197,261-263,343-344, VII, pp. 142-143].) The
list of sources does, however, include a K. al-rawa fi l-faii'il which
al-I;Iurr notes as being ascribed to Ibn Babawayh (Ithbiit, I, p. 54). AI-
I;Iurr, who owned a copy of this book (see cAmilI, Amal, II, p. 284)
was rightly skeptical about its alleged authorship (CAmin, Amal, II, p.
365). Could it be, as Afandl suggests, that he regarded the book as
the work of al-Kha~IbI? This is hardly likely: when citing from ps.-Ibn
Babawayh's work, al-I;Iurr is careful to identify it as al-Rawa fi: I-faii'il
al-man3ub ilii (al-$aduq) Ibn Biibawayh (see Ithbiit, I, pp. 352-355, 518-
525, II, pp. 413-419, III, pp. 361-375, IV, pp. 456-471, V, pp. 365-366);
and there appears to be no reason for him to have suddenly deviated
from this practice.
Ps.-Ibn Babawayh's K. al-rawa fi I-faii'il is extant (cf. Dh XI 282
no. 1721) and was one of the sources of the Bi~iir. AI-Majlisl showed
conclusively that it is in fact a 7th/13th century text (BA, I, p. 14); it

could not, therefore, have been the work of al-Khal?Ibi.

To sum up: the citations in the Ithbiit appear to be the only attes-
tation of a work by al-Kha/?IbI entitled K. al-fa4ii'ilor K. al-raw4a Ii
l-fa4ii'il. There seems to be no evidence that IT ever referred to it.

==} al-Fa4ii'il (al-SamCanI), see Fa4ii'il al-~a"'iiba

==} al-Fa4ii'il (al-ZacfaranI), see Fa4ii'il al-~a"'iiba
==} K. fa4a'il al-CAbbiis wa CAlr(al-Na/?ir), see Fa4ii'il amrr al-mu'mi-

125. *+ Fa4ii'il cAli" / Abu cAmr CUthman b. A}:lmad b. cAbd Allah

b. Yazld al-Daqqaq Ibn al-Sammak (d. 344/955)
T 81/20, Y 19-20/151-153, 180-181/472, 200/512
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 185-186. The title of this work appears
in Y 200/512 as Fa4ii'il ami"r al-mu'mini"n; it is not known to be ex-
tant. IT used a manuscript dated Dhu I-I:Iijja 340/ Apr.-May 952 which
contained material (perhaps comments?) in the author's own hand ( wa
Calii ba c4 ajzii'ihii khaHuhu). In T, the reference (via Ibn Shahrashub's
Burhiin) is to a Kitiib by Abu cAmr CUthman b. A}:lmad, which is
probably the Fa4ii'it cAli
126. **+ Fa4ii'il cAli" / Abu l-cAbbas A}:lmad b. Mu}:lammad b. Sacld
Ibn CUqda (d. 333/944)
Dh V 102 no. 424, XVI 254 no. 1016
Y 33-34/180-182
For this JarudIZaydI author see GAS, I, p. 182; for his library see Chap-
ter IILL In Y, the Fa4ii'il CAli" is described as a juz' in the transmission
of cAbdal-Wa}:lid b. Mu}:lammad b. cAbd Allah al-FarisI, who dictated
this text on 2 Dhu I-I:Iijja 406/12 May 1016. The Yaqi"n appears to be
the only source in which this work is mentioned.
127. + Fa4ii'il cAli" b. Abi" 'fiilib wa mariitib ami"r al-mu'minzn / Abu
I-Qasim Isma~l (b. CAlI) b. A}:lmad al-Busti (d. ca. 420/1029)
Dh XX 289 no. 3015
Y 96-97/314-315,202/517
For the author, a MuCtazilI and a ZaydI, see Ka~ala, II, p. 279, GAS,
I, p. 626. His name is given in Y (as also in Ibn al-Murta<;la, 'fabaqiit, p.
117) as IsmacII b. A}:lmad; it seems, however, that A}:lmad was his grand-
father's name. The title as given here appears in Y 96/314. The work is
also known as K. al-mariitib (see Ibn Shahrashub, Maniiqib, II, p. 173)
and as K. mariitib (or fa4ii'il) amfr al-mu'mini"n cAli" b. Abi" 'fiilib (see
Y 97/315). AI-TihranI (who does not mention IT) gives the title as ai-
M ariitib. IT's manuscript was copied from a manuscript which belonged

to the library established in the old mosque of Hamadhan by I;>iya' al-

DIn Abu Mul:J.ammad cAbd aI-Malik b. Mul:J.ammad al-Hamadhanl. A
number of manuscripts of this work are extant; see Tabataba'l, "Ahl
al-bayt", Turiithunii, 5/2, pp. 108-131, at pp. 127-128.
128. **+ Fa4ii'il amzr al-mu'minzn / Abu cAbd Allah Al:J.mad b.
Mul:J.ammad aI-Tabar! al-Khalili known as Ghulam Khalll (d. 275/
Dh XVI 255 no. 1017
Y 97-125/316-361
For the author see A Cyiin, IX, pp. 455-461. IT used a manuscript copied
in Cairo in Rabl c II 411/July-Aug. 1020. He cites various traditions on
cAll's virtues, including a lengthy version of the Ghadlr Khumm story.
Several traditions from this source are cited via the Yaqzn in BA lith.,
VIII, pp. 215-216,465 and (also apparently via the Yaqzn) in cAmill,
Ithbiit (III, pp. 240-241). In the Ithbiit (I, p. 73) this work appears
among the Sunnl sources which al-I:Iurr al- cAmill cites indirectly.
129. **+ Fa4ii'il amzr al-mu'minzn / al-Na/?ir (the cAbbasid caliph)
(d. 622/1225)
Dh XVI 255 no. 1018
Y 135-137/381-383
Title as in Dh (citing a manuscript of the Yaqzn). In Y, the work is
referred to as Riwiiyat al-khalifa al-Nii/!ir min banz l-cAbbiis wa fa4ii'il
li mawliinii C Alz. In BA, XXXVII, p. 325, the work is referred to as a
kitiib. Interestingly enough, al-I:Iurr al- CAmill, citing the Yaqzn, calls it
K. fa4ii'il al-cAbbiis wa cAlz (Ithbiit, IV, p. 171).
IT transmitted this work from Fakhar b. Ma cadd b. Fakhar al-
Musawl (d. 630/1232-3) (for whom see Chapter 1.1), who in turn trans-
mitted it from al-Na/?ir. It is thus clear that al-Na/?ir gave ijiizas to
Imaml as well as to Sunnl scholars. On the transmission of ~adzths
on the authority of al-Na/?ir see Hartmann, Nii/!ir, pp. 206-232. The
isniids given in Y include the names of a number of authorities of al-
Na/?ir; these may be added to the list discussed by G. Vajda ("Vne
liste d'autorites du calife al-Na/?ir li-dln Allah" ,Arabica, 6, 1959, pp.
173-177). The excerpts cited comprise traditions on cAll being called
amir al-mu'minin (ft tasmiyat cAli bi amzr al-mu 'minzn).
130. **? K. fa4ii'il amzr al-mu'minzn / Abu I-Qasim cAll b. cAbd al-
cAzlz b. Mul:J.ammad al-Naysabiiri (fl. early 3d/9th century?)
N 92-93
See Tanqi~, no. 8351, where a number of persons called cAll b. cAbd
al- cAzlz are mentioned, all of them unknown. The author of the work
cited by IT is mentioned in Riyii4, IV, p. 122 as "an early scholar" (min

qudamii' al- culamii'). In the excerpt cited, the isniid begins with a cer-
tain cAll b. A}:lmad who transmits from IbrahIm b. Fa<;l1 (i.e. al-Hashimi
aI-MadanI, a disciple of Ja Cfar al-$adiq; cf. TusI, Rijiil, p. 144, no. 25). If
the author transmitted directly from CAll b. A}:lmad (something which
cannot be established with certainty), he can be assumed to have lived
in the early 3d/9th century; he is at any rate unlikely to be cAll b.
cAbd al- cAzlz aI-Kuil, a disciple of the fifth and sixth Imams whom
al-Najashl (p. 276, no. 725) credits with a book. An cAbd al-cAzlz b.
Mu}:lammad b. Is}:laq al-Naysaburl (alive in 330/941-942) is mentioned
in Ta'rikh Baghdiid, X, p. 455; but there is no evidence linking him
to the author. IT used an old (Catiq) manuscript of the ni~f format
(qat' ni~f al-waraqa) which he found in the cAll b. Abi Talib library
(in Najaf). The text consists of a conversation between Ja cfar al-$adiq
and a Yemeni visitor, in the course of which the Imam proves his su-
perior knowledge of astrology. IT states that a variant of this tradition
is found in the Kitiib of cAbd Allah b. al-Qasim al-I:Ja<;lrami.

131. **+ Faii'il amir al-mu'minin cAli b. Abi '!'iilib wa Fiitima wa 1-

lfasan wa I-Jfusayn / transmitted by Abu Bakr Mu}:lammad b. cAbd
Allah b. IbrahIm b. cAbdawayh ai-Shaft ci aI-BaghdadI al-Bazzaz (d.
S 20, 236-237
For the author see GAS, I, p. 191 (in S, cAbd Allah appears instead of
cAbdawayh). He cannot be suspected of anti-Sunni tendencies: when
the Buwayhids prohibited transmitting traditions on the virtues of the
Companions and had graffiti vilifying the Companions written on the
gates of the mosques, Abu Bakr defied them by transmitting traditions
on the Jaii'il al-~a~iiba in the mosque ($afadI, III, p. 347; cf. Ta'rikh
Baghdiid, V, pp. 456-457). Yet he also transmitted traditions on the
authority of the seventh Imam: his Musnad Musii al-Kii~im b. Ja cfar
b. Mu~ammad is extant (see GAS). The Jaii'il belonged to a volume
which also included the first part of al-JaludI's Mii nazala min al-qur'iin
Ii amir al-mu'minin (see List under this entry).
132. **+ K. Jaii'il al-qur'iin / Abu Bakr cAbd Allah b. Mu}:lammad
b. CUbayd Ibn Abi I-Dunya (d. 281/894)
'+ 116-117/[om 28]
For the author see GAL, I, p. 153, S, I, pp. 247-248; EI2, art. "Ibn
Abi I-Dunya" (A. Dietrich). The text consists of three variants of the
thaqalayn tradition. All are cited (via the '!'arii'if) in BA, XXIII, pp.
109-110 and cAmilI, Ithbiit, III, p. 168. According to $ala}:l aI-DIn aI-
Munajjid ("Mu Cjam mu~annafiit Ibn AM I-Dunyii", RAAD, 49, 1974,
pp. 579-594, at p. 590) this work is not known to have survived.

133. *+- Faa'il al-~a~aba / Abu Sacld (or SaCd) cAbd aI-KarIm b.
Mul).ammad b. Mu~affar (or Man~ur) al-TamlmI aI-Sam CanT (d. 562/
+ 154/38
In 1', the work is referred to as al-Faa'il and its author identified
merely as aI-Sam CanI. The full title (and occasionally also the author's
full name) are found in Ibn Shahrashub's Maniiqib (e.g. I, pp. 10,203,
289,356, II, pp. 75, 208, 237, 256, III, pp. 6,82, 111, 153, 155-156, 189).
This work is also mentioned in aI-Sam canI's biography in Rawat, V, p.
100, though it is missing both from Ibn al-Najjar's list of al-SamcanI's
writings (cited in the editor's introduction to Sam canI, I, pp. 24-28) and
from the entry on al-Sam CanI in al-SubkI's 'J'abaqiit. It was apparently
still available to Hashim al-Bal).ranI, who seems to quote from it directly
(see his MaC iijiz, p. 260) .
**+- Faa'il al-~a~iiba / cAbd al- cAzlz al- cUkbarT (fl. 4th/10th
+ 179/[om 45]
The author's identity is uncertain. One might be tempted to identify
him with either Abu Bakr cAbd al-cAzlz b. Ja'far al-I:lanballknown as
Ghulam al-Khallal (see Ibn AbI Ya CIa, II, pp. 119-127; Ta'r7:kh Baghdiid,
X, pp. 459-460), or with Ibn Batta al-cUkbarI (d. 387/997) (see --+K. al-
ibana). The former, however, does not seem to be known as al-cUkbarI,
while Ibn BaHa's name is CUbayd Allah; and neither scholar is credited
with a work entitled Faa'il al-~a~iiba. This work is referred to in +
via Ibn al-Bitrlq's Kashf al-makhJ7:, where ,it is said to contain seven
traditions on the MahdI. According to Ibn al-Bitrlq, all the traditions
in it were taken from Ibn I1anbal's Musnad .
*+- Faii'il al-/}a~aba / Mul.lammad b. al-$abbal). al-ZacfaranT
In 1', the title appears as al-Faii'il. The full title is found in Ibn
Shahrashub's Maniiqib (I, pp. 10, 297, III, p. 107). AI-NajashI (p. 365,
no. 985) may be referring to al-Za cfaranI when he mentions a kitiib
of Mul).ammad b. al-$abbal).; this person was a disciple of the seventh
Imam al-Ka~im (1'usI, Rijiil, p. 360, no. 29). The author's identity is
not certain: perhaps he was the father of al-Shafi cI's disciple Abu cAlI
al-I1asan b. Mul).ammad b. al-$abbal). al-Za Cfar anI (d. 260/874) (for
whom see SubkI, I, pp. 250-251; Tahdhw, II, pp. 318-319; GAS, I, pp.
491-492); but since I1' considers the Faii'il to be by a SunnI author, it
may possibly have been written by the disciple himself (assuming that
"al-~asan b." was omitted from + 81/20). The problem is compounded
by the fact that al-~asan al-Za cfaranI's biographers do not provide the
titles of his works (cf. GAS, I, p. 492). This work is cited by IT via Ibn

Shahrashub's Burhan.
134. ** K. ja41 al-Caqfq wa l-takhattum bihi / Abu MUQammad
Quraysh b. al-Sabr (SubayC?) b. (al-) Muhanna' al- cAlawI aI-MadanI
(d. 620/1223-4)
Dh XVI 270 no. 1134
A 38-39/51-52, BA, XCIII, p. 321 = MK, III, p. 293 [om F]
The author came to Baghdad as a boy from his native Medina, and for
a while was librarian of the Turba Saljuqiyya library. See Anwar, p.
136 (citing an as yet unpublished volume of al-$afadI's Waft); Riya4,
IV, pp. 394-395, whence A Cyan, XLIII, p. 20. Al-$afadI implies that
Quraysh was a ShlcI who only pretended to be a SunnI (kana yu?hiru
l-tasannun); and the fact that AfandI and al-TihranI included him in
their biographical works shows that they too regarded him as a ShI~.
Al-TihranI refers to the A man and Fala~ al-sa'il for evidence that
Quraysh was a teacher of IT, but I have been unable to confirm this.
See also ~K. al-murshid.
The traditions cited describe the merits of wearing seal rings inlaid
with carnelian Caqfq): this protects against dangers of all kinds and is
pleasing to God. In addition to the quotation in BA, it is also noted
in Riya, MK lith. (III, p. 483) and Dh that this work is cited in the
Fala~ al-sa'il.

135. * K. (Jal) al-du ca' / Abu l-Qasim Sa cd b. cAbd Allah b. AbI

Khalaf al-AshcarI al-Qummi (d. 299/911-912 or 301/913-914)
Dh VIII 182 no. 715
A 3/19, B 132, 139, 142-143,250 (n. 1), BA, LXXXVI, p. 268 [om
F 222/202]' IQ 639-641/428-429, MD 97-101, 134-139, 145-149,
158, 172-174, 256-258, 303, 309-310, 324
For the author see NajashI, pp. 177-178, no. 467; TusI, Fihrist, pp.
105-106, no. 318; Ma calim, p. 54, no. 358. In Al / A* fol 4a/ A** fol 1b,
his name is given erroneously as Sa Cd Allah b. cAbd Allah; the correct
form appears in A2 and A*** (fo13b).
Neither al-TusI nor Ibn Shahrashub mentions a work of Sa cd b.
cAbd Allah on supplications. In contrast, al-NajashI (alone among the
early ImamI bibliographers) credits him with two such works: K. al-
duCa' (p. 178) and K. jal al-duca' wa I-dhikr (p. 177). IT mentions
three titles: K. al-duca', K. jal al-du(a' (this also appears in the list
of sources of the Balad, p. 502) and K. al-adCiya. The assumption here
is that these refer to the same work (possibly the K. jal al-du (a' wa
l-dhikr mentioned by al-NajashI), though it may also be that IT saw
more than one work of Sa cd b. cAbd Allah.
The excerpts said to be taken from K. jal al- du C a' are those in BA
[om F], IQ, MD 134-139, 172-174, 256-258, 303, 309-310. K. al-du (a' is

mentioned in A, B 139, MD 97-101, and K. al-adCiya in B 132, 142-143.

In B 250 (n. 1) and MD 158, the reference is to a Kitab of Sa Cd b. cAbd
Allah, while in MD 145-149, 324, only the author's name is given.
I:Ifunid al-KhafIaf, the editor of B, observes (in B 250 [no 1]) that
the text in' BA, XCI, p. 282 citing the K. Sa Cd b. CAbd Allah (which he
takes to be the K. al-du Ca') via the Abwab is found in none of the three
manuscripts used for the edition of B. He notes further (introduction,
pp. 96-97) that in one of these manuscripts (MarCashI 2255) all citations
from the K. al-du ca' are missingA
In A, J a cfar al-~adiq tells his disciple Zurara b. A Cyan that the best
supplication is that which is offered spontaneously. The excerpts in B
deal with istikhara. In BA [om F], al-Baqir expounds on the merits of
repeating the formula allahu akbar, and the excerpt in IQ is a prayer
for cld al-Fitr. The excerpts in MD consist of supplications by Adam
(MD 303), cAlI (MD 97-101 [at ~iffin], 134-139, 145-149 [a version of the
duca' al-casharat]), Zayn al-cAbidln (MD 158), al-Baqir (MD 172-174
[the du Ca' al-jami C], 324) and al-Ri<;la (MD 309-310, 324). A number
of these excerpts are also cited by al-KafcamI, probably via IT (e.g.
Junna, pp. 292-293 [margin] = Junna* fol 79b [margin] = MD 158;
Junna, p. 297 [margin] = Junna* fol 80a [margin] = MD 309-310).
136. * K. fa41 al-du (a' / Mu}:lammad b. al-I:Iasan b. Farrukh al-~affiir
al-QummI (d. 290/903)
Dh XVI 267 no. 1110
, IQ 180-181/685, MD 172, 174-175, 186-187, 316-317, (320-321), MI:I
15/5-6, 35/21
This work is identical with the author's K. al-du Ca' mentioned by al-
NajashI (p. 354); indeed, it is under the latter heading that al-MajlisI
(BA, XCIII, p. 234) cites the passage from MI:I 35/21. It appears (under
the title K. fa41 al-du Ca') in the list of sources of al-KafcamI's Balad (p.
502). Excerpts from the K. al-du ca' are also found in Ibn Fahd al-I:IillI's
(d. 841/1437-8) C Udda (p. 28), but it is not clear whether he cited them
directly from al-~afIar work.
137. ** K. al-fa'iq cala (or Can) al-arbacin / Abu l-Sacadat Ascad h.
cAbd al-Qahir al-I~fahanI (fl. early 7th/13th century)
Dh XVI 90 no. 33
l' 138/[om 33], 263-266/74-75
For the author see Chapter 1.1. The title appears in Riya4 (I, p. 82) as
K. al-fa'iq cala l-arba cin Ii fa4a'il (Dh: manaqib) amir al-mu'minin. IT
used a manuscript in the cAlI b. AbI Talib library in Najaf. An abbrevi-
ated version of the text in l' 263-266/74-75 is given (via the 'fara'if?) in
Jaza'irI, Anwar, I, pp. 95-96. Al-cAmilI (Ithbat, IV, p. 55)'paraphrases
the passage in 1'1 138, as does al-TihranI. The text in 1'1 138 is cited

in CAmilI, Ithbat, IV, p. 55. In the following sentence, the words within
square brackets appear only in 1'1 263: ma dhakarahu l-shaykh [As cad
b. S-q-r-w-h fi kitab al-Fa'iq can al-arba Ci"n can al-shaykh] al-mu caHam
cindahum ... Abu [sic] Bakr A~mad b. Musa b. Mardawayh al-Ilffahani"
fi kitab al-Manaqib. The bulk of the passage consists of a speech which
Fatima delivered after being denied her inheritance, Fadak.
138. + K. al-fa'iq fi ghari"b al-~adi"th / Abu I-Qasim Mal).mud b. cUmar
b. Mul).ammad (or Al).mad) al-Zamakhshari (d. 538/1144)
IQ 197/702
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 344-350, S, I, pp. 507-513; see also Sbath
(p. 38, no. 674). The title in IQ is K. al-fa'iq. The text consists of a
paraphrase of the story found under the root ~shy (ed. Cairo, 1364-
7/1945-8, I, p. 263 = I, p. 286 in the Cairo 1399/1979 edition of cAlI
Mul).ammad al-BijawI and Mul).ammad Abu I-Fa<;ll IbrahIm). This work
is often cited in Ibn Shahrashub's Manaqib, sometimes under the title
Risalat al-fa'iq (as in I, p. 45).
139. + al-Fa'iq fi l-Ulful / Rukn aI-DIn Mal).mud b. cAbd Allah
(or CUbayd Allah, or Mul).ammad) b. Al).mad Ibn al-Malal].imi al-
KhwarazmI (d. 536/1141)
N 214, l' 104-105/25-26, 256/71, 313/89, 326-327/94-95, 344/98,
355/102, 500-501/156
For Ibn al-Malal).imI, who followed in most of his teachings the views of
the Mu CtazilI theologian Abu I-I.Iusayn al-Ba!?rl (d. 436/1044), see the
introduction by M. J. McDermott and W. Madelung to their edition
of the extant parts of Ibn al-Malal).imI's K. al-mu Ctamad Ii Ulful al-dfn,
London, 1991, pp. iii-v. As noted in this introduction, there is uncer-
tainty as to the name of Ibn al-Malal).imI's father, which is variously
given as cAbd Allah, CUbayd Allah and Mul).ammad. An edition by
M. J. McDermott and W. Madelung of the Fa'iq is forthcoming. I am
grateful to Dr. S. Schmidtke for informing me about these publications
and to Professor Madelung for sending me a photocopy of the relevant
pages of the introduction to the edition of K. al-mu Ctamad.
IT, who gives the author's name as Mal).mud b. cAbd Allah b.
Al).mad al-KhwarazmI, describes him as a SunnI (1' 326/94), a leading
MuCtazilI (N, l' 355/102) and an advocate of astrology (N). He recalls
that his grandfather Warram had a high opinion of the Fa'iq (N 214) (of
which the full title appears in l' 104/25, 256/71). IT used an "old ma-
nuscript" (nuskha Cati"qa) with the author's handwriting at its end (N).
Several of the excerpts in l' consist of attacks by Ibn al-Malal).imI on
the predestinarians. As rr notes, the excerpts in Nand l' 104-105/25-
26, 500-501/156 are taken from the chapter on the Prophet's miracles
(mu Cjizat). In the $an ca' manuscript of the Fa'iq (al-Jami C al-kabi"r,

kaliim, 53), the citations in 1'+ appear as follows: N 214 = fol 174b; T
104-105 = fol 173a-b; T 256 = fo1166a; T 313 = fol 250b; T 326-327 =
fol 87a-b; l' 344 = fol 88b; l' 355 = fol 249a; l' 500-501 = fol 173b. I
am indebted to Professor Madelung and to Dr. Schmidtke for checking
these excerpts against the manuscript. A number of passages are cited
via the '!'arii'if in BA lith., VIII, p. 458.
According to Dr. Schmidtke (personal communication), the cAllama
al-I:Iilll must have had a copy of Ibn al-Malal:llmI's K. al-fii'iq since it
is almost certain that he quotes from this work. Further evidence in
support of this view is to be found in al-I:IillI's Nahj (pp. 358-359),
which contains a direct quotation from the Fii'iq. Only a part of this
quotation is to be found in the available versions of the '!'ara'if (T
256/71), and it is therefore likely that al-I:Iilli ci ted it directly from Ibn
al-MalaJ:llmi rather than via IT.
The author of K. al-nukat wa l-lata'if (cf. -+11', al- ,!,ara'if) was
evidently ignorant of Ibn al-MalaJ:llmI's identity: he states (fol 68a)
that the passage in T 104-105/25-26 was written by al-Zamakhshari.
He must have confused the Fa'iq fi l-u~ul with al-Zamakhshad's K.
al-fii'iq fi gharzb al-~adzth (see List under this entry).

140. * K. al-fiikhir al-mukhta~ar min kitiib takhyzr al-a~kiim / Abu

l-Fa<;ll Mul).ammad b. Al).mad b. IbrahIm b. Sulaym al-Ju Cfi al-Kufi al-
~abiini (fl. first half of the 4th/10th century)
Dh III 375 [no no.], IV 15 no. 42, XVI 92 no. 47
G 9, M 31/339, N 144
According to al-NajashI (p. 374, no. 1022), al-$abunIlived in Egypt and
was a Zaydi before converting to Imami Shlcism. See also Ma ciilim, p.
135, no. 922; Riyii4, V, pp. 490-491. Title as in M2. In G, the title is
given as al-Fiikhir and the author's name is not provided. Mul).sin al-
Amln (A Cyiin, XLIII, p. 232, citing the M aqiibis al-anwiir of Asad Allah
b. Ismacil al-DizfulI, d. 1237/1821-2) and al-Tihrani (Dh XVI) give the
book's title as al-Fiikhir fi l-fiqh, and note (following IT) that it is
an abridgement of al-$abunI's own work Takhyzr (variants: takhayyur,
ta~bzr, ta~rzr) al-a~kiim. In N 144, where the work is mentioned but not
cited, its title is given as K. al-fiikhir al-mukhta~ar min kitiib ta~bzr (N*
fol 96b: takhayyur) al-a~kiim al-shar Ciyya, and the author is described
as a ShIcI astrologer and writer on astrology (min al- Ciirifin bi I-nujum
min al-shz c a wa I-mu~annifzn fihii). In Ml, the work is referred to as K.
al-maqii~id al-mukhta~ar min kitiib ta~rzr al-a~kiim. In the Mu4iiyaqa
as cited in BA, LXXXVIII, p. 327, the title is K. al-fiikhir al-mukhta-
~ar min kitiib ba~r al-a~kiim. It is reported to have been transmitted by
Mul).ammad b. cUmar (referring either to al-Kishshl [fl. mid-4th/10th
century] or to al-Jicabi [d. 355/966]), who incorporated only authentic

statements of the Imams (evidently meaning that he excised all Zaydl

material). The text cited deals with the subject of making up for missed
prayers (qat!Ji' al-~aliit). For further excerpts from the Fiikhir see B~r
al- cUlum, III, pp. 201-203. Cf. in general Modarressi, p. 39.
141. **+ Farii'id al-qur'iin wa adillatuhu / cAbd al-Jabbar b. Al).mad
al-AsadabadI (d. 415/1025)
8 16, 183-192
For the author see EI2, art. "cAbd al-Djabbar b. Al).mad" (8. M. 8tern);
GAS, I, pp. 624-626. In 8 16, Fawii'id appears for farii'id. IT also refers
to this work as the Tafstr of cAbd al-Jabbar. The title Farii'id al-qur'iin
does not appear in the entry on cAbd al-Jabbar in GAS, nor in the
list of CAbd al-Jabbar's writings compiled by cAbd aI-KarIm CUthman
in his introduction to Manakdlm's K. sharI], al-u!}ul al-khamsa (Cairo,
1384/1965). (CUthman erroneously attributed this work to cAbd al-
Jabbar; see D. Gimaret, "Les Uful al-~amsa du Qa<J.I cAbd al-Gabbar
et leurs comment aires" , Annales islamologiques, 15, 1979, pp. 47-96.
Gimaret also shows that the correct title of Manakdlm's work is Ta Cliq
sharI], al-u~ul al-khamsa.) CUthman's list contains two relevant titles:
al-Tafsir al-kabi:r and al-Mul],i:t fi I-tafszr (pp. 20, 23). The Farii'id may
be identical with either of these two works, or it may be a different
work. It is also possible that the Tafszr and Mul],it are two titles of the
same work (a possibility raised by CUthman, p. 20), in which case the
Farii'id could either be yet a third title of that work, or the title of an
independent book. What can be said with greater certainty is that it
is identical neither with the Mutashiibih al-qur'iin nor with the Tanzih
al-qur'iin Can al-matiiCin, since none of the passages in 8 appears in
these works. Most of the material in 8 is taken up with IT's refutation
of the views of cAbd al-Jabbar. At the same time, IT finds him less
offensive than his teacher al-Jubba'I in his Tafsir (see 8 184).
IT possessed a number (C idda) of volumes (mujalladiit) of the Farii-
'id, but says he was unable to find a copy of the first juz' (fascicule or
volume) (8 184). The following excerpts are cited: 8 184 = second juz',
fifth quire, fol 9a (to Q 2:204); 8 186 = third juz', sixth quire, fol 2a
(to Q 3:75); 8 186-187 = fourth juz', last quire, fol 2a-b (to Q 4:157);
8 188 = fifth juz', fol Ib (to Q 25:1); 8 189-190 = seventh juz', third
quire, fol 7b (to Q 9:30); 8 190 = ninth juz', third quire, fol 7b (to Q
24:33); 8 191 = tenth juz', first quire, fol 3b (to Q 47:4).
142. + al-Faraj bacda l-shidda / Abu cAlI al-Mu1;tassin b. cAlI b.
Mu1;tammad al-Taniikhi (d. 384/994)
Dh XVI 155 no. 418
A 78/91, N 193
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 161-162, S, I, pp. 252-253; see also

Sbath (p. 38, no. 686). In A this work is only referred to, and the
author's name is not given. The passage in N is a paraphrase of a story
which appears in vol. IV, pp. 206-207 in cAbbud al-ShaljI's edition of
the Faraj, Beirut, 1398/1978. The story is told by Abu cAbd Allah
al-I;Iusayn b. Mu1:lammad b. CUbayd Allah al-Daqqaq known as Ibn
al-cAskarI (d. 24 Shawwa1375/9 Mar. 986; see Ta'r1:kh Baghdad, VIII,
pp. 100-101); his name is given in Nand N* (fol129a) as al-I;Iusayn b.
Mu1:lammad b. cAbd al-Razzaq.

===} K. al-farq (?) (Ibn Babawayh), see K. al-firaq

143. +- K. al-farq bayna l-firaq / Abu Manf?ur cAbd al-Qahir b. Tahir

aI-BaghdadI (d. 429/1037)
T 357/103
See -+ Faii 'i~ al-mu Ctazila.
144. al-Fihrist / Abu l-Faraj Mu1:lammad b. Is1:laq Ibn aI-NadIm (d.
Dh XVI 372 no. 1728
IQ 232/6, N 124, 127-129, 132, 146, 157-158, 203, 207, Y 38/193
For the author see E12, art. "Ibn al-Nadlm" (J. W. Flick); GAS, I, pp.
385-388; for his death-date see R. Sellheim, "Das Todesdatum des Ibn
al-NadUn", lOS, 2, 1972, pp. 428-432. See also Sbath (p. 40, no. 712),
where this work is entitled Fihrist al-kutub. IT cites from or refers to a
number of biographies. IQ and N 128-129 (Ya cqub b. Is1:laq al-KindI) =
Ibn al-Nadlm, pp. 315-320 (the nisba appears in IQ as al-QindI, while
in N the name appears as Is1:laq b. Ya (qub); N 124 (Mu1:lammad b.
Mascud al-CAyyashI) = Ibn al-Nadlm, pp. 244-246; N 127-128 CAlI b.
A1:lmad al-cImranI) = Ibn al-Nadlm, p. 341; N 132 (Abu CAlI Ibn AbI
Qurra) = Ibn al-Nadlm, p. 337 (in N and N* fol 88a his name appears
as Ibn Qurra); N 146 (Jabir b. I;Iayyan) = Ibn al-Nadlm, pp. 420-423;
N 157-158 (Abu Macshar Jacfar b. Mu1:lammad al-BalkhI) = Ibn al-
Nadlm, pp. 335-336; N 203 (Thabit b. Qurra) = Ibn al-Nadlm, p. 331;
N 207 refers to the passage in Ibn al-Nadlm, pp. 303-304; Y (Abu Is1:laq
IbrahIm b. Mu1:lammad al-Thaqaff al-If?fahanI) = Ibn al-Nadlm, p. 279.
In some cases, IT does not say to which part of Ibn al-Nadlm's Fihrist
he is referring; where he does, the references are to the fourth juz' (IQ,
N 132, 157-158, Y). This material appears in Tajaddud's edition in the
first and second sections (fann) of the seventh maqala.
The excerpt in Y differs from the others in that only its beginning is
found in Ibn al-Nadlm's text as it is known today; the rest paraphrases
the text of the entry on al-Thaqaff in al-NajashI's Rijal. The probable
explanation is that the words announcing the change to al-NajashI are
missing from Y. This is all the more likely in view of the fact that IT

occasionally refers to al-Najashi's work as Fihrist.

145. **+ al-Fihrist / Jahir h. l:Iayyan (fl. second half of the 2d/8th
Dh XVI 382 no. 1775
N 146
For a survey of Jabir and his work see GAS, III, pp. 211-223 (medicine),
IV, pp. 132-269 (alchemy), 330-331 (botany), V, pp. 219-225 (mathema-
tics), VI, pp. 129-134 (astronomy), VII, pp. 108-110 (astrology); A Cyan,
XV, pp. 115-141; EI2, art. "Djabir b. :e:ayyan" (P. Kraus-[M. Plessner]).
According to Ibn aI-Narum (p. 421), Jabir composed two catalogues of
his works (neither of which is extant): one (al-kab7:r) covering all his
treatises, and the other (al-~agh7:r) only his works on alchemy. See the
discussion in P. Kraus, Jabir ibn Jfayyan, Cairo, 1942-3, I, pp. xix, 3-4.
The text in N appears to be corrupt: in it, Jabir is said to have been
mentioned by al-Najashl. This nisba must refer to the author of the
Rijal; yet Jabir is not mentioned in that work. Perhaps the reference
is to al-Najashl's (lost) work on astrology entitled K. mukhta~ar al-
anwar wa mawa4i c al-nujiim allat7: sammatha l-carab (see Najashl, p.
101, no. 253; cf. Dh XX 180 no. 2491, citing Najashl, but with al-anwa'
appearing instead of al-anwar). There follows a sentence which is cited
from a bab al-ashriba (in N* fol 98a: al-asrab [sic]); it is not clear which
book is being cited, although judging by the contents of this sentence,
it is taken from an astrological work ("The ascendant [al-ta1iC] in the
celestial sphere does not mislead about what it indicates"). In A Cyan,
XV, p. 117, the passage from N is cited, but without its problematic
146. ** al-Fihrist / Abu l-Fat1;l Mu1;lammad b. CAll b. CUthman al-
Karajaki (d. 449/1057)
Dh XVI 393 no. 1840
[om D* foll14b]
A distinction is probably to be drawn between two works. (a) A Fihrist
written by al-Karajakl, in which he listed the works of various authors
(including presumably himself). The only evidence for the existence of
such a work is a passage in the Durii Cthat is referred to by a number
of authors. Thus al-:e:urr al-cAmill maintains (Amal, II, p. 288) that
IT, at the end of his DuriiC, cites from this Fihrist the notice on Abu
Mu1;lammad Jacfar b. A1;lmad al-Qumml(see also MK lith., III, pp. 308,
499; A Cyan, XV, p. 350; Dh I 386 no. 1987; Nabis, p. 179). According
to the A Cyan, this notice follows the excerpt from al-Qumml's K. zuhd
ai-nab" In D*, however, this excerpt, which ends on fol 114b, is not
followed by a reference to the Fihrist. (b) Fihrist ta~an7:f al-Karajak7:, by
an author who was a contemporary of al-Karajakl and who al-Tihranl

thinks may have been al-Karajakl's son Musa (cf. Dh XI 298 no. 1787).
It is apparently this work to which rr
refers in N 124 when he writes:
"The catalogue of his [al-Karajakl's] books (fihrist kutubihi) contains
[the titles of] works [on astronomy] other than those to which I have
referred, but I have not seen them" (reading wa lam aqiJ calayhii for
calayhi, which is the reading in both Nand N* fol 83b).

===? al-Fihrist (al-Najashl), see K. al-rijiil

147. al-Fihrist / Abu Ja cfar Mul.mmmad b. al-I;Iasan aI-rusT (d. 460/

Dh XVI 384 no. 1790
B 138, 182, 242-243, 249, 251, 261-262, 268, F 14/11-12, 156/144,
183/168, IQ 244/13, M 31/340, N 97, 122, 124, cr 194-195/[om
50]), Y 74/271
This title is also listed in Sbath (p. 40, no. 713). 11', who also refers
to this work as K. fihrist al-mu/}annifin (B 182), at times omits the
title altogether (B 138, 251). He cites from or refers to the following
biographies: B 138 (Harun b. Kharija) = Fihrist, p. 210, no. 786; B 182
(Mu1).ammad b. YaCqub al-Kullnl) = Fihrist, pp. 165-166, no. 603; B
242-243 (CAbd Allah b. Jacfar al-I;Iimyarl) = Fihrist, p. 132, no. 441;
B 249 (Mu Cawiya b. Maysara) = Fihrist, p. 199, no. 742; B 251, 261
(al-I;Iasan b. Ma1).bub al-Sarrad) = Fihrist, pp. 75-76, no. 162; B 261-
262 (al-I;Iusayn b. Sacld al-Ahwazl) = Fihrist, pp. 87-88, no. 231; B 268
(CAmr b. Maymun Abll-Miqdam) = Fihrist, p. 141, no. 493; F 156/144
(Mu1).ammad b. cAll Ibn Babawayh) = Fihrist, pp. 188-190, no. 709; F
183/168 (A1).mad b. cAbd Allah b. Khanibah) = Fihrist, p. 54, no. 79;
IQ (cA.II b. al-I;Iasan h. Fa<;l<;lal) = Fihrist, p. 122, no. 393; M (CUbayd
Allah b. cAll al-I;Ialabl) = Fihrist, pp. 136-137, no. 467; N 97 (CAbd
Allah b. Jacfar al-I;Iimyarl) = Fihrist, p. 132, no. 441; N 122 (A1).mad
b. Mul,mmmad b. Khalid al-Barql) = Fihrist, pp. 48-50, no. 65; N 124
(Mu1).ammad b. Mascud al-CAyyashl) = Fihrist, pp. 167-169, no. 605;
Y (CAbbad b. YaCqub al-Rawajinl) = Fihrist, pp. 149-150, no. 541. In
F 14/11-12, 11' provides his chain of authorities for his citations from
the Fihrist.
In 1', 11' (probably for reasons of taqiyya) identifies neither author
nor work, stating only: "qara'tu fi kitiib Zii yuttahamu mu/}anniJuhu".
The reference is in all likelihood to al-rusI's work since the passage
which follows this statement is a paraphrase of part of the entry on
$afwan b. Ya1).ya in the Fihrist (p. 113, no. 358).
148. **- Fihrist ta/}iinzJ al-Kariijakz / anon. (5th/11th century)
Dh XVI 379 no. 1764
N 124

See the discussion under al-KarajakI's Fihrist.

===} Fima nazala min al-qur'an fi l-nabi wa l-a'imma (Ibn al-Ju}:lam),

see Ta 'wil ma nazala
149. **? Fima nazala min al-qur 'an fi rasul allah wa cAli wa ahl al-bayt
/ anon.
S 70
This manuscript is described as originating in the I:Iafi~iyya library;
~afi?iyya is unlikely to be a misprint for ~akimiyya, i.e. the famous
library of the Fa~imid caliph al-I:Iakim, since IT refers elsewhere to
the khizanat al-lfafi? al-khalifa bi Mi~r (see -+K. al-manaqib [no. 352]),
which is probably identical with the I:Iafi~iyya. I have not come across
any other references to this library. The caliph in question must be
the Fa~imid ruler al-I:Iafi~ (d. 544/1149; see EI2, art. "al-I:Iafi~" [A. M.
Magued]). IT cites an exegesis of Q 5:67 taken from the first juz'.
150. Fiqh al-qur'an / Qutb al-DIn Sa cId b. Hibat Allah al-Rawandi
(d. 573/1177-8)
Dh I 42 no. 204, XVI 295 [no no.]
S 12, 126-128
For the author see Riya, II, pp. 419-437; Rawat, IV, pp. 5-9; A Cyan,
XXXV, pp. 16-24, 116-120. According to the A Cyan (XXXV, p. 16; cf.
Riya, II, p. 419), Hibat Allah was Qutb aI-DIn's grandfather; Qutb al-
DIn's full name was Sa'Id b. cAbd Allah b. Hibat Allah b. al-I:Iasan. The
author's name appears in S 126 as Sa cId b. Hibat Allah Abu l-I:Iasan al-
RawandI, and in S 127 as al-Shaykh aI-Sa cId Hibat Allah al-RawandI.
Elsewhere he is erroneously referred to as Hibat Allah b. Sa cId (see
General Index, s.v. al-RawandI, Sa CId). It is difficult to tell whether
this error originated with IT or with a copyist. Al-TihranI (Dh VII
146, XIV 110) assumes the latter, whereas AfandI opts for the former
possibility, speculating that IT may inadvertently have reversed the
names of father (SaCId) and son (Riya, V, pp. 313-314). It should also
be noted that one of the author's sons was called Hibat Allah, and that
an unnamed Sunn! author attributes to Hibat Allah (referring either
to the son or to the father under a wrong name) not only this work,
but also the Khara'ij, the Qi~a~ al-anbiya', and other works (Rawat,
IV, p. 7; al-KhwansarI believes this to be a result of uncertainty as to
the father's name).
IT's manuscript consisted of two volumes (as does the printed edi-
tion). The following excerpts are cited: S 126 (first juz' [here meaning
volume], eighth quire, fol 6a) = RawandI, Fiqh, I, p. 98 (to Q 2:114); S
127 (second juz', fifteenth quire, bottom of fol lOb) = RawandI, Fiqh,
II, pp. 266-267 (to Q 6:145). The passages cited are interspersed with

IT's often critical comments.

151. **- K. al-firaq (farq?) / Abu Jacfar Mu1).ammad b. cAlI Ibn
Babawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh XVI 174 no. 524
S 79
This work is mentioned in NajashI (p. 389). IT refers to it as one of the
sources in which the words alladhina ~tafaynii of Q 35:32 are interpreted
as referring to all the offspring of the Prophet. The passage is cited (via
the SaCd) in Najafi, p. 482, BA, XXIII, pp. 219-220.
152. *+ al-Firdaws / Abu Shuja CShlrawayh b. Shahradar b. Shlrawayh
b. Fanakhusraw al-Daylami (d. 509/1115)
Dh XVI 164 [no no.]
B 156, IQ 248/16, 305/65, l' 16/5, 74/19, 176/44, 178/45, 179/[om
45], 186/[om 46], 405/123, 525/163, 551/172 and 174
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 419-420, S, I, p. 586. AI-TihranI emphasi-
zes that he was a SunnI, even though he recorded cAlid maniiqib. The
Firdaws is a collection of traditions culled from various sources, includ-
ing the Shihiib al-akhbiir of Mu1).ammad b. Salama al-Qu<;la CI (d. 454/
1062) (see -+K. al-shihiib). The traditions are arranged alphabetically
according to the first letter of the first word of the matn (disregarding
the definite article). Within each letter, however, alphabetical order is
not maintained. It is one of the sources used by Ibn al-Bitrlq for his
K. al-cumda and his Kha~ii'i~. There are two recent editions, one by
Mu1).ammad aI-Sa ~d Ibn Basyuru Zaghlil1, Beirut, 1406/1986 (six vols.),
published under the title al-Firdaws bi ma'thur al-khitiib (or Firdaws
al-akhbiir bi ma'thur al-khitiib), the other by Fawwaz A1).mad al-ZimirlI
and Mu1).ammad al-Mu Cta~im bi llah al-BaghdadI, Beirut, 1407/1987
(five vols.), published as K. firdaws al-akhbiir (same text as the Zaghlil1
IT usually attributes this work to the author's son Abu Man~ur
Shahradar b. Shlrawayh (d. 558/1163; see SubkI, IV, pp. 229-230),
whom he calls Ibn Shlrawayh al-DaylamI or (in IQ 248/16 and 305/
65) Shahradar b. Shlrawayh al-DaylamI. (Note that Ibn Shlrawayh is
the name both of Abu Shuja C's father and of his son.) Abu Man~ur re-
arranged the Firdaws according to the names of the transmitters, and
called the resulting work Musnad al-firdaws (extant; see Zaghlul's in-
troduction to his edition of the Firdaws, I, pp. mim-Cayn [ = 13-15]).
It might at first seem as if IT ascribed the work to the son because he
consulted the Musnad and confused it with the Firdaws; this, however,
is not the case, as can be seen from l' 74/19, where IT cites from qiifiyat
al-wiiw. In attributing this work to the son IT follows Ibn al-Bitrlq (see
CUmda, p. 6, Kha~ii'il}, pp. 7-8; cf. the citations in Khal}ii'il}, pp. 77 and

141 [from bab al-aliJ), 79 [qafiyat al-waw], 116 [bab al-~ad] and 145 [bab
ai-lam] and similar citations in CUmda, pp. 45, 157). This attribution
perhaps indicates that the son transmitted the original work (as well as
rearranging it). 1'+
refers to the work as al-Firdaws, except in l' 551/
172, where the book's title is not given. (In B 156 it is called Firdaws
al-akhbar, but there IT cites from it via an intervening source, al-Sijzl's
K. al-arbaczn fi l-ad"ciya.)
The following excerpts are cited: IQ 248/16 = Firdaws, ed. Zaghlul,
I, pp. 322-323, no. 1277; IQ 305/65 = Firdaws, III, p. 458, no. 5416;
l' 16/5 = Firdaws, III, p. 283, no. 4851; l' 176/44 = Firdaws, IV, p.
223, no. 6670; l' 178/45 = Firdaws, IV, p. 222, no. 6668; l' 405/123 =
Firdaws, II, p. 421, no. 3866; l' 525/163 = Firdaws, II, p. 63, no. 2357.
The passages in 1'1 186 and l' 551/172 are paraphrases. The excerpt
in l' 74/19 is missing from the printed editions.

===> Firdaws al-akhbar (al-Daylaml), see al-Firdaws

153. **+- K. al-fitan / Abu 1- cAla' al-I:Iasan b. A\lmad b. al-I:Iasan

al-cAHar al-I:Iafi? al-Hamadhani(d. 569/1173)
l' 186/[om 46]
For the author see Munta~am, X, p. 248; Yaqut, Udaba', VIII, pp. 5-
52; Sibt Ibn al-Jawzl, Mir'at, p. 300; Dhahabl, Tadhkira, IV, pp. 1324-
8; Dimyatl, Mustafad, pp. 207-208; $afadl, XI, pp. 384-385 and the
references given there; Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, I, pp. 324-329; GAL, S, I,
p. 724, II, pp. 975, 981. There is disagreement as to his affiliation.
According to Ibn Rajab, he was a I:I anb all; and some Shlcl scholars,
including Ibn Shahrashub (cf. his M anaqib, I, p. 12) and IT (in 1'1),
view him more generally as a Sunnl. Other Shlcls, however, regard him
as one of their own (see Muntajab aI-DIn, pp. 65-66, no. 142, whence
Riya4, I, p. 151; A Cyan, XX, pp. 468-470). His name is given in 1'1 as
Abu 1- cAla' al-I:Iafi? The K. al-fitan is not mentioned elsewhere. IT (in
a passage cited via the 'fara'if in BA, LII, p. 303) refers to it as one
of the sources for the tradition that just before the Mahdl appears an
angel will callout his name.
154. + K. aI-fit an / NuCaym b.l1ammad al-Marwazl al-Khuzacl (d.
MF 14-22/16-25, 24-81/27-92, 126/138, l' 186/[om 46]
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 104-105. An edition by L. Conrad of
the K. al-fitan is announced as forthcoming in the Bibliotheca Islamica.
Extensive quotations from this work are incorporated in the first part
of the Mala~im. The tradition in MF 37-38/42-43 is said to be from
NuCaym's K. al-manaqib, but this is a misprint: in the British Library
manuscript of the K. al-fitan (Or. 9449), the text appears on fol 62b.

Some of the traditions quoted deal with the downfall of the cAbbasids-
a subject of immediate interest to IT, who completed the first part
of the Mala~im some six years after the fall of Baghdad. 1'1 (p. 186)
mentions a K. al-fitan of Ibn al-Tamlml, and the corresponding passages
in 1'* (foI44b) and 1'** (foI56b) have a K. ai-muCin by Ibn al-Tamlm.
The text is evidently corrupt, and the reference is probably to Nu caym's
book: IT says there that the work in question includes traditions about
the angel who will call out the name of the Mahdl when it is time for
him to appear; such traditions are found in various places in Nu caym's
K. al-fitan (see in particular MF 47-49/53-56).

155. *+ K. al-fitan / Abu $alil). al-Sanli b. Al).mad b. clsa b. (al-)

Shaykh al-J:Ia(s)sa'! (or J:Ias(s)anl) (fl. early 4th/10th century)
Dh XVI 112 no. 174
MF 15/17, 83-93/93-104, 95-126/106-139
The author's nisba is also given erroneously as al-J:Iasallor aI-Sa'! (ac-
cording to Dh). Judging by his name, he was apparently a grandson
of clsa b. (al-) Shaykh b. al-Salll (d. 269/882-883) (for whom see EI2,
art. "clsa b. al-Shaykh" [M. Canard)) and a son of Al).mad b. clsa (d.
285/898), who for a time was ruler of Diyar Bakr. There is no evidence
identifying him with Al).mad's son Mul).ammad, who briefly succeeded
his father as ruler of Diyar Bakr before surrendering to the caliph al-
Mu Cta<;lid in 286/899. Although the author was a Sunnl, he occasionally
transmitted from Shlcl scholars.
Excerpts from this work constitute the bulk of the second part of the
Malii~im. In MF (15/17, 84/94), IT states that he used a manuscript
based on an autograph in the madrasa known as al-Turkl (or al-M-z-
k-l) in the western part of Wasit (cf. Le Strange, Lands, p. 40). The
date of the autograph is given as 307/919-920; this is probably wrong,
since al-Sallll refers to the destruction by the J:Ianballs of the Baratha
mosque in Baghdad in 312/924-925 (MF 106/118). Al-Sallll also wrote
a K. al-saqifa, excerpts of which are cited by al-J:Iasan b. Abll-J:Iasan
al-Daylaml (fl. mid-8th/14th century) in his Ghurar al-akhbiir; cf. Dh
XII 206 no. 1360.

156. **+ K. al-fitan / Abu Yal).ya Zakariyya h. Yal}.ya (b. Clsa) b.

al-J:Iarith al-Bazzaz (Bazzar) al-Naysaburl (d. 298/911)
MF 15/17, 128-150/141-165
For the author see N aysiibur, fol 22a; Ibn Abll-Wafa, I, p. 245; Kal).l).ala,
IV, p. 184. Excerpts from this work constitute the third part of the
Malii~im. IT used a manuscript dated 30 (salkh) Rabl I 391/27 Feb.
1001, which he had borrowed from the Niz;amiyya library (MF 15/17,

==} K. al-futu~ (Ibn A Ctham), see Ta'rrkh

157. *+ K. al-futyii / Abu CUthman CAmr b. B~r al-JaJ.ti~ (d.

Mul;1arram 255/Dec. 868-Jan. 869)
l' 483/149
For the author see EI2, art. "al-Djal:ll~" (Ch. Pellat). The text in 1'2 is
corrupt and reads: wa qad dhakara l-lfiifi~ [sic] fi kitiib futyii [sic]. The
text in 1'1 reads: wa qad dhakara I-Na~~iim fi kitiib al-futyii. The reason
for the attribution of this work to al-Na~~am is that the K. al-futyii
contained extensive quotations from al-Na~~am's K. al-nakth (see J.
van Ess, Das Kitiib an-Nakt des Na~~iim und seine Rezeption im Kitiib
al-Futyii des Gii~i~, Gottingen, 1972; cf. Ch. Pellat, "Nouvel essai", p.
136, no. 64). IT refers to al-Na~~am's discussion of the inconsistency be-
tween Abu Bakr's argument that the rulers must be from Quraysh and
cUmar's pronouncement on the day of the Shura: "Had Salim mawlii
of Abu l.Iudhayfa [for whom see e.g. Ibn cAbd al-Barr, pp. 567-569]
been alive, I would have had no doubt [that he should be the ruler]."
This fragment is not included in van Ess's study. Further fragments are
found in Ibn Shahrashub's Maniiqib, II, pp. 180 ( = van Ess, p. 38, but
from a different source), 183 (with an abbreviated version in $iriit, II,
p. 17) (not in van Ess).
158. * K. al-ghiiriit / Abu Isl;1aq IbrahIm b. Mul;1ammad b. Sa cld b.
Hilal al-Thaqafi (d. 283/896)
Dh XVII no. 1
l' 420-422/[om 127]
For the author, a ZaydI convert to ImamI Shlcism, see GAS, I, p. 321.
IT, as is his wont when citing ShlcI texts in the 'farii'if, does not re-
veal the author's name. He used a manuscript in the old Ni~amiyya
library dated 13 Shawwal 355/2 Oct. 966. The text cited (on the au-
thority of Ibn CAbbas) consists of a version of CAlI's speech known as
al-Shiqshiqiyya (cf. Lane, s.v.). (IT also cites another version of this
speech from Ibn Babawayh's K. ma Ciinr l-akhbiir [1' 417-419/127] and
refers to the fact that it is quoted in the N ahj al-baliigha [1' 419/127].
Cf. QummI, Safina, I, p. 708, and the references given there; AmInI,
Ghadrr, VII, pp. 82-85.) This text is taken from the K. maqtal CAir b.
Abr 'fiilib, which IT describes as the second volume of the K. al-ghiiriit.
There is no such second volume in the printed editions of the K. al-
ghiiriit (ed. Jalal aI-DIn al-Mul;1addith, Tehran, 1395/1975; ed. cAbd
al-Zahra' al-l.IusaynI, Beirut, 1407/1987), and the material cited by IT
is indeed missing from them. So too is the excerpt cited from the K.
maqtal CAlz- b. Abz- 'fiilib by IT's nephew CAbd aI-KarIm (Gharz-, p. 18;
cAbd aI-KarIm evidently used the same manuscript as his uncle, since
he likewise gives the date of the manuscript as 355/966). Now both

al- NajashT and al-TusT appear to treat the K. maqtal amir al-mu'minin
(which is clearly identical with K. maqtal cAli b. AM 'fiilib) as a sepa-
rate work from the K. al-ghiiriit, and this is the generally accepted view
(cf. Dh XXII 30 no. 5882; al-Mul:1.addith's introduction to his edition
of the K. al-ghiiriit, pp. sin ziiy-sin ~ii' [ = pp. 67-68]). There are thus
two possibilities: either IT is right, in which case what we have of the
K. al-ghiiriit is the first part only; or else he is wrong (having been
misled by the two works being bound together or by some marking on
the manuscript?); in this case what is missing is the independent work
entitled K. maqtal cAli b. Abi 'fiilib (which should then appear in the
List instead of the K. al-ghiiriit).

==> al-Gharib (Ibn I:Iinzaba), see al-Ghurar

+- Gharib al-~adith / Abu Mul;1.ammad cAbd Allah b. Muslim Ibn
Qutayba (d. 276/889)
l' 179/[om 45]
For the author see G. Lecomte, Ibn Qutayba (mort en 276/889): l'hom-
me, son oeuvre, ses idees, Damascus, 1965; E]2, art. "Ibn I}:utayba"
(G. Lecomte). For this work see Lecomte, pp. 147-151. Its title is cited
in l' via Ibn al-BitrTq's Kashf al-makhfi, where it is said to contain six
traditions on the MahdT.
159. *+ Gharib al-qur'iin / Abu CUbayda Ma cmar b. al-Muthanna
(d. between 207/822 and 213/828)
8 253-258
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 102-103, S, I, p. 162; GAS, VIII, pp.
67-71, IX, pp. 65-66; see also 8bath (p. 37, no. 661). In GAS, IX, p.
66, no. 1, 8ezgin notes that Abu CUbayda's Majiiz al-qur'iin is also
called Ma Ciini l-qur'iin. On p. 18 of the introduction to his edition of
the Majiiz al-qur'iin (Cairo, I, 1374/1954, II, 1381/1962) 8ezgin notes
further that the title Gharib al-qur'iin also refers to this work. This
is confirmed by IT, who first cites from K. majiiz al-qur'iin (8 253),
and then (8 254) refers to al-juz' al-thiinf min gharfb al-qur'iin Ii Abi
C Ubayda b. al-Muthannii wa huwa min kitiib al-majiiz.

IT possessed a manuscript perhaps written during the author's life-

time; he gives one excerpt from each of its ten ajzii'. Between the first
and second excerpts there appears material from the anonymous ]Criib
al-qur'iin (see List under this entry); originally this material probably
appeared before the first excerpt from the Gharib. 8 253 (first juz', fol
6a) = Majiiz, I, p. 51 (to Q 2:116); 8 254 (second juz') = Majiiz, I, p.
126 (to Q 4:36); 8 254 (third juz', fol 1b, twelfth line) = Majiiz, I, p.
210 (to Q 7:1); 8 254 (fourth juz', fol la, line 11) (to Q 8:41) (missing
from Majiiz); 8 255 (fifth juz', fol 2) = Majiiz, I, p. 344 (a significantly

different version) (to Q 14:43); S 255 (sixth juz', fol 3b) = Majiiz, II,
p. 1 (a somewhat different version) (to Q 19:5); S 256 (seventh juz', fol
2a) = M ajiiz, II, p. 87 (some material in S missing from M ajiiz) (to Q
26:64); S 256-257 (eighth juz', fol 5a) = Majiiz, II, pp. 177-178 (to Q
38:10); S 257 (ninth juz', fo13a) = Majiiz, II, p. 195 (to Q 40:80); S 258
(tenth juz', fol 1b) = M ajiiz, II, p. 306 (to Q 99:2; in S it is stated er-
roneously that this excerpt is taken from the beginning of the exegesis
of Surat al-dhiiriyiit [Sura 51]; this is a slip by or by a copyist).

===} Ghar1:b al-qur'iin (Mul:l.ammad b. CUzayr al-SijistanT), see Tafs1:r

ghar1:b al-qur'iin C alii ~uruf al-mu Cjam

160. **+ Ghar1:b al-qur'iin / Abu cAbd al-RaJ::unan CAbd Allah b. AbT
Mul).ammad Yal).ya b. al-Mubarak b. al-MughTra al-cAdawi al-YazTdT
(alive in 207/822)
S 21, 248
For the author see GAS, IX, p. 135. In S 248, his name is given as
CAbd Allah b. AbT Al).mad (for Abi Mul).ammad) al-Yazidl and in S
21, erroneously, as al-cAzTzT. This work is mentioned e.g. in Ibn al-
Nadlm (p. 56) and Ta'r1:kh Baghdiid (X, p. 199). Al-YazTdI's father
and al-Ma'mun's mentor Abu MuJ:!ammad YaJ:!ya b. al-Mubarak al-
YazidT al-Nal).wT (d. 202/817-818) is also credited with a work bearing
this title (see Ibn Khayr, p. 67; GAS, IX, pp. 63-64). This raises the
possibility that the son transmitted his father's work; but since neither
work appears to be extant, this possibility cannot be verified. S 248 =
fol lOa (to Q 2:213).
161. ** Ghar1:b al-qur'iin bi (or Ii) shawiihid al-shicr / cAbd al-
RaJ}.man b. MUJ}.ammad al-AzdT (fl. early 3d/9th century)
Dh XVI 48 no. 197
S 19,221
Title and author as in S; in Dh the title is Ghar1:b al-qur'iin. Al-TusT
gives the following account (Fihrist, p. 45, no. 61; cf. Ma ciilim, p. 27,
no. 139). Aban b. Taghlib (d. 141/758-759) composed a K. ghar1:b al-
qur'iin which included poetic shawiihid. Other works (apparently of
tafs1:r, though this is not explicitly stated by al-TusT) were composed
by MuJ:!ammad b. al-Sa'ib al-KalbT (d. 146/763) (cf. --+ Tafs1:r [al-KalbT])
and by Abu Rawq CAtiyya b. al-I:Iarith (for whom see Ibn Sacd, VI, p.
369, where he is called .'}ii~ib al-tafs1:r; Tahdh1:b, VII, p. 224; he is de-
scribed in Ibn Dawud's Rijiil [po 234] as a pro-cAlid tiibiCiwith the nisba
al-HamdanT; cf. also QazwTnT, I, p. 118). cAbd al-Ral).man b. Mul).am-
mad al-AzdT al-Kun combined all three into a single text (referred to by
al-TusT as al-mushtarak), in which he explained where the three earlier
authors had agreed and where they had differed. Al-NajashI's account

(p. 12, no. 7) is shorter, noting only that the three books were combined
into a single text; but he identifies the author as Mul:tammad b. cAbd
al-Ralfman b. Fantl. (It is not clear which version of the author's name
is the correct one; I have given it in the heading in the form in which
it is used by IT.) It is the work mentioned by al-Najashl and al-Tusl
which is cited in S 19, 221. The passage in S 221 is taken from the
second juz', first quire, f01 5a (to Q 19:28, the words yii ukht Hiirun).
162. + K. al-gharzbayn gharzbay al-qur'iin wa l-sunna / Abu CUbayd
Alfmad b. Mulfammad h. Mulfammad b. Abi CUbayd al- CAbdi al-
HarawI al-Fashani (BashanI) $alfib al-Azharl (d. Rajab 401/Feb.-Mar.
S 23, 275-278
For the author see GAS, VIII, pp. 224-226; see also Sbath (p. 37, no.
670). His name appears in S in a slightly corrupt form as Alfmad b.
Mulfammad b. Abi CUbayd al-Azhari. The appellation $alfib al-AzharI
refers to al-HarawI's teacher Abu Man~ur al-AzharI (d. 370/980). In S,
the title of this work (for which see GAS, VIII, pp. 225-226) appears
without the word al-gharzbayn. IT possessed a copy consisting of five
volumes (mujallad), each volume comprising one juz'. The beginning
of the Gharzbayn (up to the end of the letter jzm) in the riwiiya of Abu
Sa Cd Alfmad b. Mulfammad b. Alfmad aI-Mallni al-Shafici (d. 412/
1022; cf. GAS, I, p. 674) has been published (ed. Malfmud Mulfammad
al-TanalfI, Cairo, 1390/1970).
This work was popular in Imami circles: it is already cited in Ibn
Shahrashub's Maniiqib (III, pp. 10, 110; the excerpts are different from
those in S), and is also quoted by Mlr Damad (Rawiishi~, p. 170) under
the title [K.] gharzbay al-qur'iin wa l-~adzth; al-Khwansarl (Rawiit, I,
p. 241) describes it as a very well known work. It is probably this work
to which al-I;Iusayn b. cAbd al-$amad al-I;Iarithi (d. 984/1576) refers
when he declares, "The best that the Sunnls (al- C iimma) have produced
[on gharzb] is the K. al-gharzbayn, to wit the gharzb of Qur'an and of
~adzth" (al-Diriiya, Tehran, 1306/1888, p. 116). An abridgement of al-
HarawI's book was composed by al-Kafcami (see Riyii, I, p. 23).
The following excerpts are cited: S 275 = first juz', ninth quire, fol
5a = Gharzbayn, I, p. 213 (on Lut's words hii'ulii'i baniitz, which appear
in Q 11:78, 15:71 ); S 276 = second juz', fol 2a, eighth line (to Q 38:88);
S 276 = third juz', fol 3a, fourth line (explaining cAll's saying wa in
numna chu narkab a Cjiiz al-ibil; this is also cited from the Gharzbayn
in Ibn AbIl-I;Iadld, I, p. 195; cf. Lane, s.v. Cjz); S 277 = fourth juz',
second quire, fol 6 (to Q 6:98); S 277-278 = fifth juz', sixth quire, fol
2b (explaining the Prophetic tradition al-na~ar ilii wajh cAli" Cibiida).
The excerpts are interspersed with IT's comments.

==:::} K. al-ghayba (Ibn Babawayh), see Kamiil al-d1:n

163. - K. al-ghayba / Abu cAbd Allah Mul]ammad b. IbrahIm b. Jacfar

al-Nucmanilbn Zaynab (d. ca. 360/971)
Dh XVI 79 no. 398
K 53
IT mentions this among the Imaml works on the occultation of the
Twelfth Imam.
164. K. al-ghayba / Abu Ja Cfar Mul]ammad b. al-I;Iasan al-lusi (d.
Dh XVI 79 no. 399
F 74/71-72, MD 274
IT used a manuscript dated 471/1078-9 (MD/MD** fol 164a/MD***
fol 128a; MD* fol 153b gives the date 472/1079-80). F = Ghayba, p.
222; MD = Ghayba, p. 124.
165. * al- Ghurar / Abu l-Fa<;ll Ja Cfar b. al-Fa<;ll b. Ja Cfar Ibn al-Furat
known as Ibn l:Iinzaba (d. 391/1001)
T 239/64, 245/67
The author's name is given in a corrupt form in all versions of the
rara'ifwhich were consulted. In T 239/64 (and T* foI60a/T** fol 76a)
it appears as Ibn Jlrana, as also in cAmill, Ithbiit (I, p. 70); in the Ithbiit
(IV, p. 281), citing this passage, it is Ibn Jubayr, and in the Persian
translation at the bottom of that page, Ibn Jarlr. In T 245/67 ( = T*
fol 62a/T** fol 79a) he is merely referred to as the ~ii~ib al-Ghurar
(or, erroneously, al- Ghar1:b). The key to his identity is to be found in
Ibn Shahrashub's Maciilim, p. 32, no. 172, where Abu I-Fa91 Jacfar b.
al-Furat known as Ibn I;Iinzaba (printed as Khinzaba) is credited with
a K. al-ghurar. For this vizier of the Ikhshldids see Ibn Khallikan, I,
pp. 346-350 and the references given there; A Cyan, XVI, pp. 88-95; EI2,
art. "Ibn al-Furat" (D. Sourdel), at III, p. 768b. The passage cited in
T 239/64 (and referred to in T 245/67) deals with cUmar's threat to
burn down Fatima's house unless cAll and his followers gave the bayc a
to Abu Bakr. This passage is also cited (via the 'fara'if?) in ij:illl,
Nahj, p. 271, whence BA, XXVIII, p. 339. A different passage is cited
in Ibn Shahrashub's Maniiqib (III, p. 209), where the author's name is
erroneously given as Ibn I:!lzana.
166. *+ Ghurar al-maciirif / Abu l-1;Iasan Mul':lammad b. cAbd al-
Malik b. IbrahIm al-Hamadhani (Hamdan!?) al-Fara<;lr al-Shafi 9" (d.
T 551/174
AI-Hamadhanl is best known for his Takmilat ta'r1:kh al- rabar?: (cf.
GAS, I, p. 327; --+ Ta'r1:kh [al-Hamadhanl]). IT appears to be the only

author to mention the title Ghurar al-maciirif. The work, however, can
be identified, since IT says it is also known as CUnwiin al-siyar. This
title appears for instance in $afadl (IV, p. 38) and I:Iajji Khallfa (II,
p. 1175), and some passages are quoted by IT's younger contemporary
Ibn Khallikan (d. 681/1282) (Wafayiit, II, p. 116, V, pp. 105, 119). It
is not clear whether the CUnwiin al-siyar is to be identified with the
supplement which al-Hamadhani composed on al-$till's work on the
viziers (cf. Rosenthal, Historiography, pp. 412, 488-489). It is at any rate
likely to be different from al-HamadhanI's al-Maciirif al-muta'akhkhira,
excerpts from which are likewise cited by Ibn Khallikan (I, p. 303, V,
p. 268). In the passage quoted in 1', the cAbbasid caliph aI-Qadir (r.
381-422/991-1031) is said to have prayed five takb1:riit over the body of
his deposed predecessor al-Ta'i c (r. 363-381/974-991) upon the latter's
death on cld al-Fitr 393/3 Aug. 1003.
An Ibn al-Hamdam is mentioned in N 210, where he cites a story
about Nawbakht and al-Man~tir from an anonymous work. Perhaps he
is to be identified with the author of the Ghurar.
167. ** lfadii'iq al-riyii wa zahrat al-murtii wa nur al-mustarshid /
Mul,lammad b. Mul,lammad al-Shaykh al-Mufid (d. 413/1022)
Dh VI 286 no. 1549
IQ 23-25/553-554, 55-56/584, 63-64/592, 70/598-599, 72/600-601,
74-75/603,92/618,95/621,99/623,159/667, 523/308, 759/529
For this work see McDermott (p. 31 [no no.]), who gives only partial
information on its contents. In IQ 523/308, IT says that he used a
manuscript which may have been written during al-Mufid's lifetime.
In all the passages cited, al-Mufid recommends fasting on particular
occasions as a mark of thanks to God. These occasions are: various
days in the month of Mul,larram (IQ 24/554), particularly the first of
Mul,larram, on which God answered Zakariyya's prayer (IQ 23-24/553
= Mufid, Masiirr, p. 41), the third of Mul,larram, on which Joseph
was saved from the pit (IQ 25/554 = Masiirr, p. 41), and the 21st of
Mul,larram, commemorating the marriage of cAlI and Fatima in the
year 3/624-625 (IQ 55-56/584 = Masiirr, p. 43); the first day of Rabl c
I, commemorating the Prophet's emigration from Mecca to Medina in
the 13th year of the mabCath (IQ 63/592 = Masiirr, p. 44); 10 Rabl c I,
on which the 25-year old Prophet was married to Khadlja (IQ 70/598-
599 = Masiirr, p. 46); 12 Rabl c I, commemorating both the Prophet's
arrival in Medina (IQ 70/599 = Masiirr, pp. 45-46, where al-Mufid notes
[po 44] that this occurred in the 13th year of Mul,lammad's mabCath)
and the end of the Marwanid dynasty (the year appears erroneously as
82/701; the correct date, 132/749, is given in Masiirr, p. 46); 14 Rabl c
I, on which Yazld b. Mu Cawiya died (in the year 64/10 Nov. 683) (IQ

72/600-601 = Masiirr, p. 46); 17 Rabl c I, on which the Prophet was

born (IQ 74-75/603 = Masiirr, pp. 46-47); 10 Rabl c II, the birthday
(in 232/846) of the eleventh Imam al-I:Iasan al-cAskarI (IQ 92/618 =
Masiirr, p. 47); mid-Jumada I, the birthday (in 36/656) of CAlI Zayn
al-cAbidln (IQ 95/621 = Masiirr, p. 47); 20 Jumadall, the birthday (in
the second year ofthemabCath) of Fatima (IQ 99/623 = Masiirr, p. 48);
22d Rajab, the death (in 60/680) of MuCawiya, "one of the Pharaohs of
this community" (IQ 159/667; in Masiirr, p. 51 al-Mufid gives the date
as 23d Rajab 60 and, while not describing Mu Cawiya as a Pharaoh,
depicts the anniversary of his death as a day of joy to the believers
and of sadness to the unbelievers); 25th Dhu l-I:Iijja, on which Sura 76,
which concerns cAlI, Fatima, al-I:Iasan and al-I:Iusayn, was revealed (IQ
759/529 = Mufid, Masiirr, p. 41); 29th Dhu l-I:Iijja, on which there died
an enemy of God and of His Prophet (IQ 759/529). In his comments
on this passage, IT professes ignorance of the identity of the enemy
in question. It is likely, however, that IT was practising taqiyya; after
all, he also had in his possession the Masiirr, where it is, stated (p. 41)
that on 29th Dhu l-I:Iijja 23/6 Nov. 644 (Vmar b. al-KhaHab died (see
also -+ K utub a~~iibinii l-qummiyyzn). Finally, a tradition is cited in IQ
523/308 on the merits of fasting in a holy month for three successive
From these quotations it is clear that the Ifadii'iq, at least in part,
was similar in content to the M asiirr al-shz ca. The two are neverthe-
less different works: in the first place, IQ 24-25/554 (the first passage)
and 523/308 do not appear in the Masiirr, and IQ 759/529 (the second
passage) is formulated differently. Secondly, for some dates the recom-
mendation to fast appears in the If adii 'iq only. In the third place, IT
draws a clear distinction between the two works: he thus says in IQ
75 (line 6)/603 (line -3), after citing from the Ifadii'iq, "In the K. al-
tawiirzkh al-sharCiyya [= Masiirr al-shzca]' al-Mufid provides the same
information"; and in IQ 64/592 he attempts to reconcile an apparent
inconsistency in the information given in the two sources regarding
the precise time of Mul,1ammad's setting out on the hijra. AfandI, ap-
parently drawing on the information in the Iqbiil, also stresses that
although the Ifadii'iq is modelled on the M asiirr, it is a different and
larger work (Riyii, V, p. 179).

168. **+ K. al-~adhf wa l-imiir / Abu 1- cAbbas Al,1mad b. Yal,1ya b.

Al,1mad b. Zayd Ibn Naqa (or Naqid) al-Muqri' (d. 559/1163-4)
S 20, 228
The author, identified merely as Al,1mad b. Naqa al-Muqri' (in S 20,
erroneously, al-MaghribI), was a I:Ianafi jurist and grammarian. See
Ibn AbI 1-Wafa, I, p. 131; I~fahanI, Kharzda, IV/I, p. 275; $afadI, VIII,

pp. 231-232; SuyuF, Bughya, I, p. 395. This work is not mentioned in

any of these sources. The passage cited is taken from the second juz'
and consists of Ibn Naqa's interpretation of the words wa kadhiilika
baCathniihum of Q 18:19. This interpretation involves the grammatical
concepts of ~adhf and i4miir referred to in the title (although neither
term is explicitly used in the passage). Cf. Lane, s.vv.; EI2, art. "I<;lmar"
(H. Fleisch); K. Versteegh, "Grammar and Exegesis: The Origins of
Kufan Grammar and the Tafszr Muqiitil", Der Islam, 67, 1990, pp.
206-242, at pp. 231-233 (where i4miir is rendered as "ellipsis").

===> K. al-~adzth (CAbd Allah b. I:Iammad al-An~arl), see A~l

169. **+ lJadzth Sufyiin al-Thawrz / Abu I-Qasim Sulayman b. Al,1rnad

al-Tabarani (d. 360/971)
l' 111/[om 27], 548/171 and 173
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 195-197. In l' 548/171, his name is
not provided. A lJadzth al- Thawrz consisting of ten parts (or fascicules)
(ajzii') appears in the list of al-Tabaranl's works given in Juz' fihi
dhikr Abz l- Qiisim Sulaymiin b. A~mad b. Ayyub al- Tabariinz by Abu
Zakariyya Yal,1ya b. cAbd al-Wahhab b. Abl CAbd Allah b. Manda (d.
511/1117; cf. GAL, S, I, p. 279; GAS, I, p. 195). This work is appended
to the last volume of al-Silafi's edition of al-Tabaranl's al- Mu Cjam al-
kabzr, Mosul, 1404/1983-4 (XXV, pp. 329-368; see p. 362 for lJadzth al-
Thawrz). The Prophetic tradition cited in 1'1 111 belongs to the fa4ii'il
Fiitima genre; in l' 548/171 and 173, the Prophet exhorts the An~ar
to place a green palm-tree branch in the grave of deceased believers
(for this custom, known as takh4zr, cf. Kohlberg, "Antediluvian", pp.
170. *+ K. ~adzth al-waliiya / Abu l-cAbbas Al,1mad b. Mul,1ammad b.
Sacld Ibn CUqda (d. 333/944)
Dh VI 378 no. 2376, XXV 142 no. 830
A 91/103, IQ 663/453, 669/457, l' 140-142/33, Y 34-35/183-184
The book's title is mentioned neither in IQ2 457 nor in 1'2, but appears
in 1'1 140 ( = 1'* fols 31b, 32b/T** fols 39b, 40b). AI-Najashl (p. 94)
gives the title as K. al-waliiya wa man Tawii Ghadzr Khumm; in A
it is referred to as K. al-waliiya. According to Ibn I:Iajar al- CAsqalaru
(Tahdhzb, VII, p. 339), it included at least 70 isniids of the Ghadlr
Khumm tradition. For their part, Ibn Shahrashub (Maniiqib, II, p. 228)
and IT (1' 142/33) state that the number of isniids was 105. IT also
provides the names of 95 Companions who are mentioned in Ibn cU qda's
work as having transmitted this tradition. The manuscript used by IT
was written in 330/941-942 (IQ 663/453) and had on it the handwriting
of al-Tusl and others. The book was also available to IT's renowned

pupil, the CAllama al-I;IillI (see his al-Ijiiza al-kabira Ii Bani Zuhra al-
Ifalabi, in BA, eVIl, pp. 116-118). See also AmInI, Ghadfr, I, p. 153.

171. **+- K. ~adith al-waliiya (or al-Radd calii I-Ifurqul}iyya) / Abu

Jacfar Mu}:l.ammad b. Jarlr al-Tabari (d. 310/923)
Dh X 193 no. 483
IQ 663/453, 669/457, 142/33, 154/38
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 323-328 and the studies referred to below.
The Ifadith al-waliiya is one of a number of works ascribed to al- TabarI
on subjects of particular interest to the Shlca. Some of these works are
discussed in the context of recent studies of al-TabarI by F. Rosenthal
and e. Gilliot. The "Shlcr' titles referred to in these studies are (1) K.
fa4ii'il CAli (Rosenthal, 'J'abari, pp. 91-92; Gilliot, "Tabari", pp. 63-
66), (2) K. (a~iidith or ~adith) Ghadir Khumm (Rosenthal, Tabar"
pp. 92-93; Gilliot, "Tabari", pp. 63-66), (3) al-Radd calii I-Ifurqul}iyya
(Rosenthal, 'J'abari, pp. 123-124; Gilliot, "Tabari", pp. 74-76), (4) K.
fa4ii'il al-cAbbiis (Rosenthal, 'J'abari, pp. 90-91; Gilliot, "Tabari", p. 67),
(5) al-Mustarshid (fi l-imiima) (Rosenthal, 'J'abar" pp. 118-120; Gilliot,
"Tabari", p. 76), and (6) Bishiirat al-mul}tafii (Rosenthal, ,!,abari, p.
119; Gilliot, "Tabari", p. 76). As is well known, the last two works were
not written by the historian (cf. ~Bishiirat al-mul}tafii, ~K. dalii'il
al-imiima), and this is confirmed by Rosenthal and Gilliot.
The first three titles present a variety of problems. Rosenthal dis-
cusses the reasons which may have prompted al-TabarI to compose a
work on CAlI's virtues, and shows that the K. Ghadir Khumm may well
have formed a part of theK. fa4ii'il CAli. This conclusion is shared
by Gilliot. There is less agreement between the two scholars as re-
gards al-Radd Calii I-lJurqul}iyya. Rosenthal analyses the difficulties in
attributing this work to al-TabarI but concludes that there are insuffi-
cient grounds for rejecting al-TabarI's authorship out of hand. He goes
on to state that "it is not implausible to suggest that al-Radd calii
al-IfurqulJiyyah was part of Fa4ii'il". Gilliot, whose analysis is based
largely on a passage from Ibn al-Da~'s Tabl}irat al-cawiimm, arrives at
a clear-cut conclusion: he includes the Radd among the works falsely
attributed to al-TabarI (see Gilliot, "Tabari", pp. 74-76).
The material adduced by IT enables us to take the discussion a
step further. In the 'J'arii 'if he refers twice to a K. al-waliiya (in T1 142:
Ifadith al-waliiya; in T1 33, erroneously, K. al-wuliit), which he describes
as consisting of 75 different isniids of the Ghadlr Khumm tradition.
The author is identified as Mu}:l.ammad b. Jarlr al-TabarI, the $ii~ib
al- Ta 'rikh. K. al-waliiya is an alternative title of the If adith (or K.)
Ghadzr Khumm, as is explicitly stated by Ibn Shahrashub (MaC iilim,
p. 106, no. 715; see also Ibn al-Bitrlq, C Umda, p. 55). Ibn Shahrashub

cites several passages from the K. al-waliiya (see his Maniiqib, II, pp.
122-123, 247-248, 265, 268, III, p. 21), noting that it contains "more
than seventy" ilmiids of the Ghadlr Khumm tradition (M aniiqib, II,
p. 228). In a version of the '!'arii'ij cited in cAlI al-I:IusaynI aI-MIlanI,
Khuliil}at Cabaqiit al-anwiir fi imiimat al-a'imma al-athiir, VI, Tehran,
1404-5, p. 90, I'r states (after the passage in T 142/33): "I saw in a
work which al-TabarI composed on the validity of the GhadIr tradition
that the book's title is al-Radd calii l-lfurqul}iyya, that is the I:IanbaIIs;
[they were called so] because Al;1.mad b. I:Ianbal was a descendant of
I:Iurqu~ b. Zuhayr al-KharijI. Some say that al-TabarI gave the book
this title because al-BarbaharI the I:IanbalI [d. 329/941; see EI2, art.
"al-BarbaharI" (H. Laoust)] had criticized something about the Ghadlr
tradition". And in IQ (663/453) IT declares: "[Among the proofs that
Mu:l;J.ammad designated CAlI as Imam] is what Mu:l;J.ammad b. JarIr al-
TabarI, author of al- Ta'rikh al-kabir, transmitted in a work which he
composed and to which he gave the title K. al-radd calii l-lfurqul}iyya. In
this work he transmitted the yawm al- Ghadir tradition concerning the
Prophet's designation of CAlI as wali and [his confirmation of] his [sc.
CAlI's] eminent position. He transmitted this via 75 isniids". This work
(of which IT says he does not at present possess a copy [IQ 663/453])
is described (in IQ 669/457) as consisting of one volume (mujallad).
Ibn KathIr (XI, p. 147) may have referred to a different manuscript of
the same work when he stated that he had seen a work of the historian
al-TabarI consisting of two bulky volumes on GhadIr Khumm (wa qad
ra'aytu lahu kitiiban jama C a fihi al}iidith Ghadir Khumm fi mujalladayn
That the K. (l}adith) al-waliiya and al-Radd calii l-lfurqul}iyya are
one and the same work is also attested by NiCmat Allah al-Jaza'irI, who
declares: "Mu:l;J.ammad b. JarIr aI-TabarI $iil}ib al-Ta'rikh transmitted
the GhadIr tradition via 75 chains of authorities. He devoted a separate
work to it which he called K. al-waliiya, noting that he had composed
it in refutation of the I:Iurqu~iyya (Ii l-radd calii I-lfurqul}iyya) , that
is the I:IanbaIIs; [they were called so] because A:l;J.mad b. I:Ianbal was
a descendant of I:Iurqu~ b. Zuhayr al-KharijI" (Jaza'irI, Anwiir, I, p.
128). In fact, though there probably was a I:Iurqu~ among IbnI:Ianbal's
ancestors (see the references given by Gilliot, p. 86, n. 86), this I:Iurqu~ is
distinct from the KharijI I:Iurqu~ b. Zuhayr. Both Rosenthal and Gilliot
raise the possibility of l}urqul} (a flea or a beetle) being a nickname, with
Rosenthal suggesting that it may have applied to al-TabarI's critic Abu
Bakr b. AbI Dawud al-SijistanI (i.e. cAbd Allah b. Sulayman b. al-
AshCath) (d. 18 Dhu I-I:Iijja 316/1 Feb. 929; cf. Ta'rikh Baghdiid, IX,
Whatever the origin of the term al-I:Iurqu~iyya, two points can be

established: (a) IT (and perhaps al-TabarI's contemporaries as well) re-

garded it as a designation of the I:Ianballs. This is the interpretation put
forward by Massignon and adopted by Brockelmann (cf. Gilliot). Sezgin
(following al-TihranI) rejected this interpretation, noting that I:I urquf?
b. Zuhayr (i.e. I:Iurquf? b. Zuhayr aI-Sa edl known as Dhu I-Khuway~ira
al-TamlmI) was a Khariji "killed in 37/657" (in fact, he was killed
[at Nahrawan] in 38/658; see EI2, art. "I:Iur~u~ b. Zuhayr al-Sa cdI"
[L. Veccia Vaglieri]). The passages from the '!'arii'if and al-Anwiir aI-
nu Cmiiniyya (the latter harking back to earlier texts, in particular the
'!'arii'if and Ibn al-DacI's Tab~irat al-cawiimm [Tehran, 1304, p. 40 =
ed. Iqbal, p. 106; see Gilliot's discussion of Ibn al-DaCI]) show that the
fact that I:Iurqu~ b. Zuhayr aI-Sa (di was a Khariji is not (as Sezgin im-
plies) inconsistent with the term I:Iurqu~iyya being used to refer to the
I:Ianbalis. (b) The Radd (alii I-lfurqu~iyya was probably composed by
al-Tabar! (as already maintained in NajashI, p. 322, no. 879) and not
by the Shici Mu~ammad b. Jarlr b. Rustam aI-Tabar!, as suggested by
al-TihranI and, again following him, by Sezgin (GAS, I, p. 328, n. 2).
Another work cited by IT is al-TabarI's CUyun akhbiir ban?: Hiishim
(MF 93-95/104-106; see List under this entry). According to IT, it was
written for cAlI b. (lsa b. al-J arr~ (d. 334/946), who was a vizier
under al-Muqtadir (see EI2, art. "CAll b. (Isa" [H. Bowen]; Sourdel,
Vizirat, index). This is plausible, given that aI-Tabar! may well have
been among his acquaintances (Sourdel, II, p. 525; Rosenthal, ,!,abar?:,
p. 73). IT used a manuscript which he assumes was written during al-
TabarI's lifetime. The text reproduces a debate between Mu (awiya and
the Banu Hashim in which MuCawiya disputes the Hashimi claim to
rule and is in turn rebutted by cAbd Allah b. cAbbas. The tenor of Ibn
(Abbas's argument is in line with cAbbasid propaganda; Ibn (Abbas
declares: "The Imam is one of us, and Jesus will pray behind him; had
I wished to do so, I would have named him" (cf. M. Sharon, Black
Banners from the East, Leiden, 1983, pp. 82-83).
This excerpt raises the possibility that the work in question is the
K. fa4ii'il al-cAbbiis which Yaqut mentions together with the K. fa4ii'il
cAl?: b. Ab;;; '!'iilib (Yaqut, Udabii', XVII, pp. 80-81, whence Rosenthal
and Gilliot). What we know about the sponsorship of the CUyun and
the K. fa4ii'il al-cAbbiis is consistent with their being the same work.
Just as the C Uyun was said to have been written for the vizier cAlI b.
elsa, so too, as Gilliot notes, the K. fa4ii'il al-cAbbiis was commissioned
by the caliph's court.
A further problem arises from Yaqut's statement that al-Tabarl's
various works on Fa4ii 'il rem~ined unfinished, for IT gives no hint of
either the lfad?:th al-waliiya or the CUyun being incomplete. It may be
(as suggested in Rosenthal, ,!,abar;;;, p. 93) that al-Tabarl planned to

put together the various works on the virtues of individual persons or

groups into one book of fa4a'il; and that Yaqut talks of the fa4a'il
works as incomplete because they had not been joined in one book.
Yet another work of cAlid fa4a'il which IT ascribes to al-Tabarl is
the Manaqib ahl al-bayt (see List under this entry).
To sum up: al-Tabarl wrote a number of works on the virtues of
various Companions, and may have planned to unite them in a volume
of fa4a'il. These works included the Fa4a'il cAli", the Ifadi"th (or K.)
al-walaya (also known as Ifadi"th Ghadi"r Khumm and al-Radd cala 1-
Ifurqu~iyya), the Fa4a'il al-cAbbas (which may be identical with the
CUyiin akhbar Bani" Hashim), and perhaps also the Manaqib ahl al-
bayt. The If adi"th al-walaya was apparently an independent work, but
al-Tabarl may have thought of incorporating it within the Faa'il cAli"
which in turn would form part of a more general fa4a'il work. The
circulation of these texts seems to have been restricted mainly to Shici
circles. Even there they do not appear to have enjoyed much popularity,
and it is largely thanks to IT that we know something about them.
172. ** K. al-~alal wa l-~aram / Abu IsJ.:!.aq IbrahIm b. MuJ.:!.ammad b.
Sa cld al-Thaqafi (d. 283/896) (?)
Dh VII 61 no. 323
IQ 246/15
AI-Tihrani is probably right in arguing that the author's name as given
by IT, to wit IsJ.:!.aq b. IbrahIm al-Thaqafi, is erroneous. This name is
not known to the biographers: al-Mamaqani (Tanqi"~, no. 640) and al-
Tustarl (Qamus, I, pp. 474-475) refer to the passage in the Iqbal as the
only evidence for the existence of this author, and al-Tustarl suspects
that the passage contains an error. It should, however, be pointed out
that the K. al-~alal wa l-~aram does not appear in either Najashl (pp.
16-18, no. 19) or the Macalim (pp. 3-4, no. 1) among the works of
Ibramm b. MuJ.:!.ammad al-Thaqafi. It may be an alternative title of al-
Thaqafi's Jami c al-fiqh wa l-a~kam mentioned by al-Najashl (p. 17). IT,
who owned a "beautiful old copy" of this work (nuskha Cati"qa cindana
I-an mal~a), cites a tradition transmitted by al-Thaqafi from Jacfar
al-Sadiq via two intermediaries.
173. + K. ~amaqat ahl al-iba~a / Abu l:Iamid al-Ghazzali (d. 505/
T 341/[om 97]
This polemic against the extremist Sufis is more usually known as
(Bayan) faa'i~ al-iba~iyya (see Bouyges-Allard, p. 60, n. 1, p. 118,
no. 174; BadawI, Mu'allafat, p. 340, no. 207). The title as provided by
IT is cited by Jamll al-cA~m, C Uqiid al-jawhar Ii tarajim man lahum
khamsiina ta/}ni"fan fa mi'a fa akthar, Beirut, 1326/1908-9, p. 8 (whence

Bouyges-Allard, p. 118, n. 2). Al-cA~m's book comprises titles taken

from Dhayl kashf al-~unun. There are a number of supplements to the
Kashf al-~unun (cf. the editors' introduction to l:lajjI KhalIfa, I, p. 10),
and al-cA~m does not say which of them he consulted. The best-known
of these supplements, the J4ii~ al-maknun fi l-dhayl calii kashf al-~unun
of Isma~l al-BaghdadI, includes no mention of the l!amiiqa.
A Persian version of this work, based on a unique manuscript (Fatih
5426), was published with a German translation by O. Pretzl (Die
Streitschrift des Gaziili gegen die Ibii~ija, Sitzungsberichte cler Bay-
erischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-historische Ab-
teilung, Heft 7, Munich, 1933). The excerpt in l' is taken from al-
GhazzalI's answer to the first objection of the Iba~iyya (al-jawiib can
shubhatihim al-ulii); the full text of the shubha and of al-GhazzalI's
answer appears in Pretzl's edition on pp. 8-10 (Persian) = pp. 28-30
(German). This work is not mentioned in GAL, and the excerpt in l'
is to my knowledge the only indication of the existence of an Arabic
version. This excerpt thus raises the question of the original language
of the work: since both Pretzl and E. Glassen (Der mittlere Weg: Stu-
dien zur Religionspolitik und Religiositat der spateren Abbasiden-Zeit,
Wiesbaden, 1981, p. 88, n. 25, pp. 174-175) knew only the Persian text,
they naturally supposed it to have been the original. If this was indeed
the case (and Glassen advances some cogent arguments in support of
this supposition), then the excerpt in l' indicates either that an Ara-
bic translation was already available by IT's time (as in the case of
al-Tibr al-masbuk; see List under this entry), or that 11' translated (or
had someone translate) this passage for his book (cf. Chapter 111.7). If
Arabic was the original language, then the latest date for the Persian
translation would be 727/1326-7, the date of the manuscript used by
Pretzl (see his introduction, p. 18).

174. + l!aqii'iq al-tafsir / Abu cAbd al-Ra~man al-Sulami (d. 412/

S 18,217
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 671-674; the introduction to my edition of
al-SulamI's Jawiimi c iidiib al-~ufiyya and C Uyub al-nafs wa mudiiwiituhii,
Jerusalem, 1976. In S 18, the word l!adii'iq erroneously appears instead
of l!aqii'iq. 11' possessed only the first volume of this work. He cites from
the second quire, fol 8a, the exegesis to yii bani Isrii'ila dhkuru niCmati
llati an Camtu calaykum (Q 2:40,47, 122) which appears as the 57th tra-
dition of Surat al-Baqara in G. Bowering's forthcoming edition of the
l!aqii'iq ( = ms. Br. Lib. Or. 9433 fol lIb). I am grateful to Professor
Bowering for letting me see the typescript of his edition. Cf. ~ Ziyiidiit
~aqii 'iq al-tafsir.

==} lfawadith al-islam (Miskawayh), see Tajarib al-umam

175. *? al-lfawiya (or al-Hawiya) Ii madhammat MuCawiya / anon.

T* foI128a/T** fol164b [om T 471/144]
The title appears as al-lfawiya ("the inclusive") in T* and T**, and as
al-Hiiwiya ("the abyss") in :ij:illI, Nahj (p. 312, whence BA lith., VIII,
p. 566). For the latter title cf. al-Hawiya fi al],wiil (or ta 'r'ikh) Yaz'id
b. Mu Cawiya of :ij:usayn b. Al,lmad al-BaraqI, d. 1332/1913-4 (cf. Dh
XXV 157 no. 40). Either for reasons of taqiyya or because of genuine
ignorance, IT does not provide'the author's name (and nor does the
cAllama al-l:IillI). The fragment cited in the 'J'arii'if depicts Mu Cawiya as
an uncouth person who would have led the prayers in a state of impurity
had his condition not been exposed by $a c~a ca (i.e. ibn $awl,lan; cf.
e.g. TabarI, Ta'r'ikh, index, s.v. $aC~aCa b. $awl,lan; KishshI, pp. 64-
65; Mufid, Ikhtil!al!, pp. 116-118). In the passage cited by the CAllama,
Mu Cawiya is accused of slaying forty thousand Muhajirun and Anl?ar
and their offspring.
176. ** Hidayat al-mustarshid / Abu Jacfar Mu~ammad b. al-l:Iasan
aI-TusI (d. 460/1067)
Dh XXV 191 no. 209
B 177, 242
The passage in B 242 (referred to in B 177 and cited in BA, XCI, p.
280) deals with the rules of istikhara. :ij:amid al-Khaffaf assumes that
the work dealt with supplications and cibadat (introduction to B, p.
94). AI-TihranI does not say whether the book is extant; there seems
to be no evidence indicating that it is.
177. + lfilyat al-awliya' / Abu NuCaym Al,lmad b. cAbd Allah b.
A~mad aI-I~fahanI (d. 430/1038)
Dh VII 81 no. 431
A 83-84/96, 123-124/134, BA, LXXXII, p. 224 = MK, III, p. 102
[om F], LXXXVI, p. 280 [om F 227/207], MD 307, MF 25/29,
T 58/15, 459/141, 536/167,542/170, Y 93/305-306, 186/483
As noted by al-KhwansarI(Rawat, I, p. 272), this work was well-known
among the Shlca. For some of the passages cited, IT indicates from
which volume of the lfilya they were taken: the second (A 123-124/
134), the fifth (MD, MF) and the last (A 83-84/96).
178. **+- K. l],isab tart'ib dasat'ir al-kawakib al-sabca / aI-SharIf Abu
I-Qasim cAlI b. al-Qasim al-Qa~rI
Dh VII 8 no. 26
N 128
IT mentions this among the astrological works of (Abbasid scholars
that are in his possession. The author is not further identified. In N*

fol 85b (and Dh), the title is K. ~isiib tartrb wa sii'ir (for dasiitrr?)
al-kawiikib al-sabca. Title in N: K. tartrb ~isiib dasiitir [sic] al-kawiikib
al-sab C a.
179. **? lfujjat al-taf4il / Ibn al-Athir (fl. late 3d/9th or mid-5th/
11th century?)
Dh VI 260 no. 1421
Y 137-138/384-386
In Y, the work's full title is lfujjat al-taf:!rl (so also BA, XXXVII, p.
325) wa shar~ lfudhayfa b. al- Yamiin bi tasmiyat mawliinii cAlr bi amrr
al-mu'minrn fi zamiin ~ii~ib al-risiila ~alawiit alliih calayhi wa iilihi bi
ziyiida fi I-taf:!il. AI-Tihranl, citing a manuscript of the Yaqrn, gives
the title as lfujjat al-taf4z1 and the author's name as al-Athlr. AI-I;Iurr
al- CAmill refers to it (in the list of works cited indirectly) as the K.
~ujjat al-taf4rl of Ibn al-Athlr (Ithbiit, I, p. 74). The work apparently
dealt with cAll's virtues.
There are two versions as to the date of the manuscript used by IT:
in Y, it is 469/1076-7, whereas al-Tihranl gives the date 369/979-980
(Dh and Niibis, p. 13). In Rajab 472/Dec. 1079-J an. 1080 al-TusI's son
Abu cAll al-I;Iasan added an encomium of the author to this manu-
script, as did three other scholars after him. AI-Tihranl speculates that
this work may be identical with the lfaqii'iq al-taf4rl fi ta'wzl al-tanzzl
of Abu MuJ:!ammad Ja cfar b. Warqa' (for whom see Najashl, p. 124, no.
319). Jacfar's work was transmitted by Abu AJ:!mad Ismacn b. YaJ:!ya
b. AJ:!mad al- cAbsl, who flourished in the early 4th/10th century (cf.
'fusI, Rijiil, p. 468, no. 37); Jacfar was thus probably his older contem-
porary. The isniid given in Y runs as follows: MuJ:!ammad b. al-I;Iusayn
al-WasitJ-Ibrahlm b. Sacld-al-I;Iasan b. Ziyad al-Anmatl-MuJ:!am-
mad b. CUbayd al-An~arl-Abu Harun al- cAbdl-Rablca aI-Sa cdl. This
isniid is not very helpful In establishing the author's fioruit. If the au-
thor is indeed Jacfar b. Warqa' (or a contemporary of his), then the
first name may refer to MuJ:!ammad b. al-I;Iasan (not al-I;Iusayn, as in
Y) al-WasitJ, who lived in the mid-3d/9th century (cf. TusI, Rijiil, p.
408, no. 30).
180. ** K. al-~usnii / Abu cAbd Allah Jacfar b. MuJ:!ammad b. A~mad
b. al-cAbbas al-Duristi (alive in 473/1080-1)
Dh VII 14 no. 58
IQ 116/634, 161-162/669-670, 165-166/673-674, 173-174/681-682,
The author (for whom see Niibis, pp. 43-44) transmitted from the lead-
ing Imaml scholars of the Buwayhid period: al-Mufid, al-Murta<;la and
al-Tusl. The excerpts consist of Prophetic traditions on the merits of
supplication on various days of Rajab and Rama<;lan or provide the text

of these supplications. Afandl (Riyii4, I, p. 111) appears to know this

work only via the Iqbiil.
181. ** (Kutub) al-cibiidiit / anon.
IQ 26/556, 105-106/628, 108/629, 112/632, 122/637, 135-136/649-
650, 180/685, 661-662/451-452, 699-709/481-491, 747-754/519-
525, J 154-159, 167-169
In J 154, the reference is to Kutub Cibiidiit wa l}alawiit can al-nab'i
wa l-a'imma. From the passages cited it would appear that IT used
a majmu Ca containing a number of works (or chapters) concerning
cibiidiit; this would account for the plural form kutub (cf. ~[Kutub]
al-dacawiit). Elsewhere he refers to a K. al-cibiidiit, meaning probably
one of the texts in the majmuCa (IQ 135/649; cf. IQ 699/481: nuskha
Cat'iqa min kutub al-Cibiidiit; IQ 26/556,135/650: ba c4 kutub al-cibiidiit).
The manuscript in question belonged to an unidentified colleague of IT
(IQ 122/637), and IT made his own copy from it (IQ 112/632). IT also
refers to "the person from whose handwriting I have copied this tradi-
tion" , noting that this person omitted the isniids of certain prayers (J
155) or did not cite the ending of a particular tradition (J 157). The
excerpt in J details the number of supererogatory raka Ciit to be per-
formed each day and night of the week. The excerpts in IQ consist of
supplications for various occasions and traditions on the merits of such
supplications. There thus seem to be no significant differences between
the contents of the K utub al- cibiidiit and K utub al-da C awiit.
182. *+ K. al-ibiina / Abu cAbd Allah CUbayd Allah b. Mul).ammad
Ibn BaHa al- cUkbarl (d. 387/997)
l' 205/53, 551/174
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 514-515. In l' 551/174, IT cites from
Ibn BaHa, but without mentioning the work's name. Both citations are
probably taken from the longer version of Ibn BaHa's creed known as al-
Ibiina al-kubrii (or al-kab'ira). This version, unlike the Ibiina al-l}agh'ira
( = K. al-shar~ wa l-ibiina C alii ul}ul al-sunna wa 1- diyiina) published
by both H. Laoust (in La profession de foi d'Ibn BaHa, Damascus,
1958) and Ri~a b. Nacsan MucF (Mecca, 1404/1984), has only partially
survived (see J. van Ess, "Bibliographische Notizen zur islamischen
Theologie", WO, 10, 1979, pp. 54-60, at pp. 57-58, 11, 1980, pp. 122-
134, at pp. 130-134, 16, 1985, pp. 128-135, at pp. 128-131; MucF's
introduction, pp. 49-51). The subjects discussed in the two citations are
the term ahl al-sunna wa I-jamiiCa (in l' 205/53) and the permissibility
of pronouncing more than four takb'iriit over the dead; both topics are
dealt with in the Ibiina al-l} agh 'ira , but the actual passages adduced by
IT are not to be found there.
Another Imaml author familiar with in the Ibiina al-kubrii was Ibn

Shahrashub. His M anaqib contains a large number of paraphrases and

quotations from it, most of which deal with cAlI's virtues (I, pp. 12,
220, 230, 249-250, 288, 297, 311, 313, 368, 371, 372, 388, II, pp. 4,
30, 35, 37-38, 61-62, 99, 115, 176, 216-217, 236-237, 244, 258, 286,
318-319, 368-369, 372, III, pp. 5-6, 8-10, 13, 18, 21, 25, 31, 57, 82,
104, 106-107, 110-111, 123, 136, 143, 153-156, 160, 162-163, 165-166,
189, 213-214, 218-221, 224, 230, 431). The Ibana al-kubra (in three
volumes) was still available to Mul,1ammad b~ cAbd al-Mul,1sin Ibn
al-DawallbI aI-BaghdadI al-l;IanbalI (d. 728/1328); see Mul,1affimad b.
Rafi c aI-SalamI, Ta'rrkh culama ' Baghdad al-musammii Muntakhab al-
mukhtiir, ed. cAbbas al- cAzzawI, Baghdad, 1357/1938, p. 189.

183. *+ K. al-cibar / CUbayd Allah (or cAbd Allah) b. Mul,1ammad

h. cAlI b. cAbd al-cAzlz ~ajib al-Nucman (d. Mul,1arram 483/Mar.
Dh XV 211 [no no.]
MN 17-18
Al-rihranI does not provide the author's name, saying only that a K. al-
Cibar was one of the sources of al-KafCamI's Balad (cf. Balad, p. 502).
Al-KafcamI, however, probably cited from it via Ir. For the author
(whose name is given by Strothmann [po 105] as CAbd Allah b. Mul,lam-
mad b. cAlI without further identification) see Ibn aI-Najjar, II, p. 140
(citing Abu Ghalib Shuja Cb. Faris al-DhihlI [d. 507/1113], apparently
from his Dhayl calii ta'ri:kh Baghdiid). He was a grandson of the poet
cAlI b. cAbd al-cAzlz b. IbrahIm Ibn l;Iajib al-Nucman (d. 423/1032;
see Yaqut, Udabii', XIV, pp. 35-39; $afadI, XXI, p. 246; GAS, II, p.
598). Ir and al-KafcamI appear to be the only authors who refer to the
K. al-Cibarj l;Iajib al-Nucman (whose name appears in MN* fo1206b as
"$al,1ib al-Nu Cman") is not otherwise mentioned in ShlcI sources.
In the passage cited, l;Iajib al-Nu cman recounts a story which he
heard from qai: l-quiit al-MawardI (d. 450/1058) and had confirmed by
two eye-witnesses. The story concerns the circumstances under which
the Buwayhid Jalal al-Dawla had his vizier Kabbush executed.
184. **+- al-Ib~iir / Abu l-l;Iasan Thabit b. Qurra al-l;IarranI (d.
N 202
For the author see GAS, VI, pp. 163-170, VII, pp. 151-152. The Ib~iir,
which is known only via the Nujum (cf. GAS; VII, p. 152, no. 6), is one
of two books by Thabit b. Qurra which were in the possession of Ir.
See also -+Kitiib (Thabit b. Qurra).
185. +- al-iii~ fi shar~ al-maqiimiit / Abu l-Fatl,1 Nal?ir b. AbI 1-
Makarim cAbd al-Sayyid al-Mutarrizl al-KhwarazmI (d. 610/1213)

T 138/33
For the author, who was a MuCtazil1 and a I:Ianafi, see DimyatI, Musta-
fiid, pp. 404-405, GAL, I, pp. 350-352, S, I, pp. 514-515. The 14ii~ is
a commentary on the Maqiimiit of al-I:Iarlrl (d. 516/1122) (GAL, I,
p. 327); its title in Sbath (p. 31, no. 566) is indeed Shar~ maqiimiit
al-lfar1:r1:. It is available in an old lithograph edition (n.p., 1272/1855).
186. K. al-ihl7:laja / Jacfar al-~adiq (d. 148/765) (attrib.)
Dh II 484 [no no.]
A 78/91, K 9, N 11-21, 46, 77
For al-$adiq, the sixth Imam of the Twelver Shlcls, see GAS, I, pp.
528-531. For this work see GAS, I, p. 530, no. 9, p. 534; Halm, "Das
'Buch der Schatten''', Der Islam, 55, 1978, pp. 219-265, at pp. 222-223.
In Maciilim, p. 124, no. 836, it is cited among the works of al-Mufa<;l<;lal
b. cUmar al-Jucfi (fl. late 2d/8th century); its title is given there as K.
al-ihl7:laja min imlii' al-$iidiq calayhi l-saliim Ii l-taw~1:d, indicating that
it was transmitted by al-Mufa<;l<;lal from the sixth Imam. IT, however,
does not mention this, and speaks only of the K. al-ihl1:laja in which
al-$adiq triumphed over an Indian in a debate about the question of
God's knowledge (A; cf. Matar, pp. 57-59).
This work is distinct from the Taw~1:d attributed to al-Mufa<;l<;lal (the
K. al-taw~1:d wa l-ihl7:laja mentioned in GAS looks like a conflation of
the two titles). Both are cited in their entirety by al-Majlisl (the Taw~1:d
in BA, III, pp. 57-151, the Ihl7:laja in BA, III, pp. 152-198). They are
also included (together with the K. mi~bii~ al-shar1: c a) in a majmu C a,
ms. Princeton University Library New Series, shelf mark 1307: Taw~1:d
al-M ufa44al (ms. New Series 527) on fols 1b-170a, Mil} bii~ al-shar1: ca
(ms. New Series 744) on fols 171b-309b, al-IhI1:1aja (on the first folio of
the majmuCa, erroneously, al-Ihl1:lajiyya) (ms. New Series 328) on fols
310b-389b. See further -+Kitiib (al-Mufa<;l<;lal b. cUmar al-JuCfi).
In A, the K. al-ihl7:laja is mentioned together with K. al-Mufa44al
b. C Umar and the Mil}bii~ al-shar1: ca among the works which a traveller
should take with him. The title al-Ihl1:laja refers to the myrobalan fruit
used for medicinal purposes by the Indian physician who engages J a cfar
al-$adiq in polemics. Al-$adiq uses the ihl7:laja as the starting point for
his proof for the existence of God (fols 313a ff, 352a ff). The text in N
11-20 appears (with some variations) on fols 342a-352a; fols 352a-361b
consist of the text which IT paraphrases in N 20 (lines -5 to -2); the
passage in N 21 lines 4-6 corresponds to fol 381b lines 2-6.
187. - K. al-i~tijiij / Abu Manl?ur Al,:tmad b. CAll b. Abl Talib al-
Tabrisi (fl. early 6th/12th century)
Dh I 281 no. 1472
K 35, 61

For the author see Riya, I, pp. 48-51; A Cyan, IX, pp. 97-101; Thiqat,
pp. 11-12; GAL, S, I, p. 709; for his nisba see Karlman, I, pp. 180-181;
cf. -+K. al-adab al-diniyya. The Ilttijaj is already cited by al-Tabrisl's
student Ibn Shahrashub (Manaqib, I, p. 14). IT, who mentions it among
the works which he intends to bequeathe to his son Mul;tammad, refers
to the passage in which the Mahdl states that Abu Bakr and cUmar
only embraced Islam in order to gain power (see al-1'abrisl, al-Ilttijaj,
Beirut, 1403/1983, p. 465).
188. + Iltya' culum ai-din / Abu l.Iamid al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111)
l' 189/47-48, 290/81, 292/82, 320-321/92, 339-341/[om 97], 364/
106, 374/112, 470/[om 144], 486/150
I1' describes this as al-Ghazzall's greatest work on zuhd. With one ex-
ception (1' 364/106), he notes for each passage where it is taken from:
l' 189/47-48 from K. al-Cuzla (see II, p. 222 in the Beirut, n.d. ed. of
the Iltya'), 189/48 from K. al-~alal wa l-~aram ( = Iltya', II, p. 152),
290/81 and 292/82 from K. al-nika~ ( = Iltya', II, pp. 43, 44), 320-321/
92 from K. ai-raja' wa l-khawf( = Iltya', IV, pp. 159-160), 339-340/[om
97], 374/112 and 470/[om 144] from K. qawaCid al-Caqa'id ( = 1~ya', I,
pp. 111, 93, 124 respectively), 341/[om 97] from K. al-niyya wa l-ikhla~
( = I~ya', IV, p. 373), 470/[om 144] from K. asrar al-~ahara ( = Iltya',
I, p. 126), 486/150 from Dhamm al-bukhl wa dhamm ~ubb al-dunya ( =
Iltya', III, p. 266). I1' usually cites from the Iltya' in order to make a
polemical point.

~ K. iCjaz al-qur'an (al-Rummanl), see al-Nukat fi iCjaz al-qur'an

189. + Ikhtilaf al-fuqaha' / Abu Jacfar A1;tmad b. Mu1;tammad aI-

TaJ.1aw! (d. 321/933)
l' 538-539/168
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 439-442, where a number of manuscripts
of this work are noted (p. 441, no. 5). The excerpt deals with the correct
position of the hands during prayer.
190. **+ Ikhtilaf al-ma~a~if / Abu Jacfar Mu1;tammad b. Man~ur b.
Yazld aI-Murad! (d. ca. 290/903)
S 24, 278
Cf. -+cAdad suwar al-qur'an. This work is described as a juz' in the
transmission of Mu1;tammad b. Zayd b. Marwan (i.e. Abu cAbd Allah
Mu1;tammad b. Zayd b. CAll b. Jacfar b. Mu1;tammad b. Marwan al-
AbzarI al-An~arl, d. 377/987; see GAS, I, p. 203). It does not seem to
be attested elsewhere. I1' paraphrases a passage which begins on the
fifth line of the first page of his manuscript, and which describes the
various ma~a~if existing in CUthman's day.

==} al-Ikhtilafat (al-Rawandl), see al-Khilaf

==} al-Ikhtiyar min al-mi/}ba~ (Ibn Baql), see al-Mi/}ba~

191. K. ikhtiyar al-rijal / Abu Jacfar Mui.lammad b. al-I.Iasan al-Tusi

(d. 460/1067)
Dh I 365 no. 1912, X 141 no. 262
A 115/127, F 113/107, N 130-131, Y 139-140/388
This abridgement of the K. rna Crifat al-niiqilin can al-a 'imma al-/}adiqin
of Abu cAmr Mulfammad b. cUmar b. cAbd al-cAzlz al-Kishshl (or
Kashshl) (fl. first half of the 4th/10th century) is the only extant ver-
sion of the book; cf. EI2, art. "al-Kashshl" (W. Madelung). In N, IT
explicitly states that he is citing from the abridgement; in the other
excerpts he refers to al-Kishsm (Y) or to al-Kishshl's Kitiib (F) or K.
al-rijal (A). All these excerpts appear in al-TusI's abridgement; yet the
possibility that IT also saw the original work cannot be excluded.
In N, IT cites from an autograph of the K. ikhtiyar al-rijal,in which
the introductory section was written by one of al-TusI's pupils. Accord-
ing to this pupil, al-Tusl began dictating the work in Najaf on 26 Safar
456/18 Feb. 1064. AI-Tusl introduces his abridgement with the words:
"I have abridged these traditions from the K. al-rijal of Abu cAmr
Mui.lammad b. cUmar b. cAbd al-cAzlz and have made a selection from
among them" (wa khtartu ma [read: mimma?] fiha) (N 131; this is
missing from the Najaf n.d. printed edition entitled Rijal al-Kishshi:).
IT interprets this as meaning that al-Tusl approved of all the tradi-
tions which he included in the Ikhtiyar. IT then cites the brief entry on
Abu Khalid al-Sijistanl ( = Kishshl, p. 509). In F, IT maintains that
some of the material in al-Kishshl's work is based on taqiyya, and says
that he elaborated on this point earlier in the Fala~ al-sa'il. The only
relevant passage is F 10/8, where IT refers to disciples of the Imams
whose utterances are to be interpreted as instances of taqiyya, though
al-Kishshlis not explicitly mentioned there. In Y, the book's title is not
mentioned; instead a tradition is cited on cAll's title amir al-mu'minin.
This tradition is found in Kishshl, pp. 86-87. In A, IT refers to a passage
which he previously quoted in his K. al-karamat (cf. Chapter II.2). He
adds that he will cite it in paraphrase since he does not at the moment
recall its precise wording. The passage to which IT refers is found in
Kishshl, p. 88.
192. **+- K. al-ikhtiyiiriit / Abu Musa al-Qurashi
N 204
The author is unidentified. This is one of a number of astrological texts
by Sunnl authors which were in IT's possession. For the term ikhtiyarat
see Ullmann, p. 358; EI2, art. "Ikhtiyarat" (T. Fahd).

193. + K. ikhwiin al-/!afii' / a group of Isma/1"11 scholars (mid-4th/10th

Dh I 383 no. 1980
N 116-117
See in general EI2, art. "Ikhwiin al-/!afii'" (Y. Marquet). IT refers
to this work as being the production of a single author (wa dhakara
mu/!annif kitiib Ikhwiin al-/!afii'). As he notes, the quotation is taken
from the first volume; it deals with the benefits of astrology (see Rasii'il
ikhwiin al-/!afii', Cairo, 1347/1928, I, pp. 107-108).

===} Ikmiil al-dzn (Ibn Babawayh), see Kamiil al-dzn

===} K. al-iktiib (sic) (al-Zamakhsharl), see al-Kashshiif

194. *- K. al-cilal / Abu l-ij:asan CAli b. Ibrahim b. Hashim al-

Qumml (alive in 307/919)
Dh XV 312 no. 1997
N 55
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 45-46; Bar-Asher, pp. 40-41. IT owned a
manuscript copied mostly by al-$an Mu}:lammad b. Ma caddal-Musawl
(see ~TaClzq), in which the K. al-cilal was the first work. In the stan-
dard biographical sources, CAll b. IbrahIm al-Qumffil is not credited
with a K. al-cilal, and the ascription of this work to him (as upheld
by IT) was not universally accepted. AI-MajIisl initially attributed the
work to cAll's son Mu}:lammad (BA, I, p. 8), and this attribution also
appears in cAmill, Ithbiit (I, p. 58, where the work is called K. cilal
al-ashyii'). AI-Majlisl subsequently (BA, I, p. 28) opted for the view
that the author was Mu}:lammad b. CAll b. IbrahIm b. Mu}:lammad
al-HamadhanI (fl. late 3d/9th century; cf. Najashl, p. 344, no. 928);
this latter view is shared by al-Tihranl. Both al-Majlisl and al-I.Iurr al-
cAmill still possessed copies of this work; al-Majlislin particular makes
frequent use of it in the Bi~iir.
195. cflal al-sharii'i c / Abu Ja cfar Mu}:lammad h. CAll Ibn Babawayh
(d. 381/991)
Dh XV 313 no. 2005
D* fols 10b-11a, MI.I 24/12, T 251-252/69
In MI.I and T, the title is K. al- cilal. The tradition cited in MI.I deals
with a man's good deeds being raised to heaven on the last Thursday
of every month ( = cflal al-sharii'i<, Najaf, 1385/1966, p. 381). The
traditions in T give the reasons for CAll's giving up Fadak ( = cflal, pp.
154-155). In D* (where the work is referred to as K. cilal al-sharii'i c
wa l-a~kiim), the passage cited ( = cflal, p. 380) forms part of a later
addition by al-Kafcaml (cf. ~IT, al-Duru C).

196. ** cnal al-sharica / Abu cAbd Allah al-I;Iusayn b. cAll b. Shayban

al-QazwIDI (fl. mid-4th/10th century)
Dh XV 314 no. 2006
D* fol 110a-b
For the author see Riyii4, II, pp. 153-154; Nawiibigh, p. 117. According
to these sources he was a teacher of al-Shaykh al-Mufid and transmitted
from cAll b. Abi Sahl al-Qazwini. Indeed, the tradition cited in D* is
the same one that IT cites in MI;I 24/12-13 from cAll al-QazwInI's
cnal al-sharfca. However, as noted in the Riyii4, it is also possible that
"al-I;Iusayn b. cAll al-QazwInI" is an error for "cAll b. Abi Sahl al-
QazwInI", and that the work cited in D* is in fact cAll al-QazwInI's
nal al-sharica.

197. * cnal al-sharica / Abu l-I;Iasan CAll b. AbI Sahl I;Iatim b. AbI
I;Iatim al-QazwIDI al-I;IatimI (alive in 350/961-962)
Dh XV 312 no. 1995
IQ 228-229/4, MI;I 24/12-13, N 214-215
For the author see NajashI, p. 263, no. 688; Riyii4, III, pp. 384-386;
Nawiibigh, pp. 176-177. In N, the author's name appears as cA-l-m b.
I;Iatim; the correct form appears in N* fol 143b. This work is probably
identical with al-QazwInI's cnal al-fiqh mentioned in the Ma ciilim (p.
69, no. 471) and with his cnal al-sharii'i<, cited by Ibn Shahrashub in
his Maniiqib (III, pp. 334-335,384). In NajashI, MI;I and Dh the work is
referred to as K. al- cilal. In IQ, IT cites from this work via Abu Ja Cfar
al-TusI. In the tradition cited in MI;I, a man's good works are said to
be raised to heaven at the end of the last Thursday of each month. In
N, a tradition showing that astrology is a valid science is cited from
J a cfar al-~adiq.
198. + K. iljiim al-cawiimm can cilm al-kaliim / Abu I;Iamid al-
Ghazzali (d. 505/1111)
l' 6/2
In 1'2 (and also in 1'* fol 2b/T** fo12b) this title recurs several times,
with the first word appearing alternatively as iljiim and ilziim. The lat-
ter form does not appear to be attested elsewhere (cf. Bouyges-Allard,
pp. 80-82; BadawI, Mu 'alta/iit, pp. 231-233). In 1'1 the title appears
once, with the word iljiim. IT refers to an opinion that this was al-
GhazzalI's last work-an opinion shared by some modern scholars, in-
cluding Bouyges. IT's own view was that al-Ghazzall's last work was
the Minhiij al-ciibidfn (see List under this entry); yet it is clear from
his comments on the njiim that he also regarded this work as late.
IT's manuscript was based on a copy in the waqf al-Zaydi in Bagh-
dad, i.e. the library endowed by the Shafi'l scholar aI-SharIf al-Zaydi
Abu l-I;Iasan cAll b. A1}.mad, d. 576/1180 (see Eche, pp. 185-186). IT

cites a sentence from the beginning of the work in which truth is said
to reside with the early generations (al-salaf) ( = fljiim al- cawiimm,
Cairo, 1351/1932, p. 5).
199. **+- K. fi cilm al-asturliib / Abu l-ij:usayn al-Bazzaz al-
N 207
Matar/ ArOr(p. 320) suggests that the author may be identical with the
traditionist Abu I-I:rusayn Mul:mmmad b. al-Mu~affar b. Musa b. clsa
al-Bazzaz (d. 379/989; see GAS, I, pp. 204-205). But as Matar herself
notes, this scholar is nowhere mentioned as an expert on astronomy
or astrology; nor is he ever referred to as "al-I~fahanl". The correct
identification thus remains to be established.
200. +- K. fi cilm al-asturliib / CAli b. clsa (fl. early 3d/9th century)
Dh XV 343 no. 2195
N 204
This work is also known as Risiila fi ma crifat cilm al-asturliib (see GAS,
VI, p. 144, no. 1) or K. al-camal bi l-asturliib (thus Dh). It was under
the latter title that it was edited by L. Cheikho (al-Mashriq, 16, 1913,
pp. 29-46), whence it was translated into German by C. Schoy ("CAll
ibn clsa, das Astrolab und sein Gebrauch", Isis, 9, 1927, pp. 239-254).
The author is also known as clsa b. (All.
201. ** K. al-imiima / Abu Yusuf YaCqub b. NuCaym b. Qarqara
al-Katib (fl. early 3d/9th century)
Dh II 339 no. 1355
BA, LXXX, p. 346 = MK, I, p. 354 [om F], MF 167-174/184-191
For the author see Najashl, p. 449, no. 1213; Tanqz~, no. 13,290 (Ya cqub
b. Nu caym b. Qarqar). IT describes him in Falii~ I as one of the foremost
disciples of al-Ri<;la. The traditions in MF (where the work is referred
to as Kitiib) are taken from the last part, and deal with the companions
of the Qa'im (i.e. Mahdl). IT says that the manuscript which he used
(on which was the handwriting of FaQ.1 Allah al-Rawandl) may have
been copied during the author's lifetime.
202. ** al-Imiima min al-akkbiir wa l-riwiiyiit Can rasul alliih wa Can
zn bi l-asiinzd al-.'}i~ii~ / anon. (3d/9th century)
al-.'}a~iiba wa I-tiibi C
Dh II 322 no. 1274, 334 no. 1331
Y 53-56/228-235
AI-Tihranl (Dh II 322) maintains that the K. al-imiima cited in the
Yaqzn is by an early Shlcl author. In Dh II 334 this author is tentatively
identified (on the basis of the isniid s cited by IT) as Abu J a cfar Mu];lam-
mad b. al-I:Iusayn b. Abl I-KhaHab Zayd al-Zayyat al-Hamdanl who
died (apparently at a very advanced age; cf. Quhpa'l, V, pp. 195-196)

in 262/875-876. See Najashl, p. 334, no. 897, where a K. al-imiima is

among the works ascribed to him. IT used a manuscript dated Rama<;lan
229/May-June 844.
203. + K. inbiih al-ruwiit (alii anbii' al-nu~iit / Abu l-I:Iasan (All b.
Yusuf al-Shaybanl Ibn al-Qifti (d. 646/1248)
MF 22-23/25-26
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 396-397, S, I, p. 559; EI2, art. "Ibn
al-~iftI" (A. Dietrich). This work, which is known under a number
of titles, was probably composed before 626/1228-9; see Mul.:tammad
Abu l-Fa<;ll IbrahIm's introduction to his edition (Inbiih, I-III, Cairo,
1369-74/1950-5, I, p. 27). In Sbath (p. 3, no. 43) the title is Akhbiir al-
na~wiyyin; in MF it appears as K. abnii' (sic) al-nu~iit, and (apparently
as a result of a lacuna in the manuscript) the author's name is given in
a truncated form as ibn Yusuf al-Shaybanl. The quotation appears in
vol. I, pp. 11-12 of IbrahIm's edition.
204. + al-Injil
N 28, S 8, 53-63
For Arabic translations of the Gospels cf. EI2, art. "Indjll" (Carra de
Vaux-[G. C. Anawati]), at III, p. 1205b, and the bibliography given
there. The volume in IT's possession comprised the four Gospels (injil
cJsii wa hiya arba C a aniijil) in an Arabic rendition from the Syriac made
(according to IT) during the reign of al-Ma'mun. For some (but not all)
of the passages cited, quire, folio and page numbers are provided.
The following passages are cited: (1) from al-Injil al-awwal ( =
Matthew): (a) S 53-55 (first quire, follb) = Mt 1.17-3.11; (b) S 55-56
(first quire, bottom of fol 6b) = Mt 5.27-30; (c) S 56 (first quire, fol
9b) = Mt 6.25-28; (d) S 56 (first quire, fol10a) = Mt 6.34-7.2; (e) S 56
(first quire, folIO) = Mt 7.9-11; (f) S 56 (second quire, fol 2b) = Mt
8.21-27; (g) S 56-57 (second quire, fo18b) = Mt 12.9-13; (h) S 57 (third
quire, f01 2b) = Mt 14.3-13; (i) S 57 (fol 7) = Mt 17.10; (j) S 57 (fol 33)
= Mt 21.4-5; (k) S 58 (fol 34) = Mt 21.32-44; (1) S 59 (fol 40) = Mt
24.36-41; (m) S 59 (fol 44) = Mt 25.20-35 (paraphrase); (n) S 60-61 =
Mt 26.36-59 (excerpts); (0) S 61 = Mt 27.27-60 (paraphrase). (2) from
al-Injil al-thiilith ( = Luke): (a) S 61 (fo18) = Lk 3.23; (b) S 61 (foI60)
= Lk 23.53-54; (c) S 61-62 (last folio) = Lk 24.50-51. (3) from al-Injil
al-riibi C ( = John): (a) S 62 (fol 32b) = In 14.15-16; (b) S 62 (bottom
of fol 33a) = In 14.22-26; (c) S 62 (fol 34b) = In 15.26-16.1; (d) S 63
(fol 35a) = In 16.6-9; (e) S 63 (fol 35) = In 16.12-14.
Some of the passages are adduced by IT as evidence for
mad's apostleship. In N 28 IT says that he found at the beginning of the
. New Testament (awii'il al-injil) an explanation in Arabic concerning
the signs which led the astrologers to foretell the birth of Jesus.

205. *+- K. al-in/}iiJ / Abu CUthman cAmr b. Bal)r al-Jal}i~ (d.

Mul)arram 255/Dec. 868-J an. 869)
+ 294/83
In +2, "al-l,Iafi~" appears for "al-Jrup.~". 1+ says that in this work al-
Ja~~ strongly condemns those who claim that cA'isha is either the
equal or the superior of Khadlja. This very comment (apparently cited
via the 'J'arii'iJ) also appears in l,IillI, Nahj, p. 370. The K. al-in/}iiJ is
not mentioned by Pellat in either his "Essai" or his "Nouvel essai".
206. **- al-In/}iiJ / Abu I-Qasim cAll b. al-l,Iusayn b. Musa aI-SharIf
al-Murtac}.a (d. 436/1044)
Dh II 395 no. 1586
y 174/457
According to 1+, in the In/}iiJ al-Murta<;la identifies al-$al)ib b. cAbbad
as a MuCtazilI and refutes al-$al)ib's defence of al-Ja~~ (the name ap-
pears correctly in yl and Dh; y2 has, erroneously, "al-l,Iafi~"). I+'s
comment seems to be the only reference to this work.
207. K. Ciqiib al-acmiil / Abu Jacfar Mul)ammad h. cAll Ibn Ba-
bawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh XV 280 no. 1828
F 127/119, L 122-124/137-140
F = K. Ciqiib al-a cmiil, Najaf, 1392/1972, p. 228 (on the punishment
of him who makes light of his prayer); L = CIqiib al-a cmiil, pp. 216-217
(on the punishment of al-l,Iusayn's murderers).
208. + al-CIqd al-Jarzd / Abu cUmar A1;tmad b. Mu1;tammad Ibn cAbd
Rabbihi (d. 328/940)
F 269/244, K 67-68, L 83-84/94-95, + 27-28/8-9, 205/53, 239/64,
401-402/122, 416-417/126-127, 423/128, 467-468/143-144, 482-
For the author see GAL, I, p. 161, S, I, pp. 250-251; EI2, art. "Ibn cAbd
Rabbih" (C. Brockelmann); W. Werkmeister, Quellenuntersuchungen
zum Kitiib al-CIqd al-Jarzd des Andalusiers Ibn cAbdrabbih (246/860-
928/940), Berlin, 1983. 1+ describes Ibn cAbd Rabbihi as a MuCtazilI
and a leading opponent of the Shlca (+ 239/64).
In citing from the CIqd, I+'s practice of using the terms mujallad
and juz' interchangeably is particularly in evidence. + 27/8-9 (al-juz'
al-awwal) = CIqd, Cairo, 1316, I, p. 115; + 27/9 = CIqd, I, p. 114; +
28/9 = CIqd, I, p. 116; + 205/53 = CIqd, II, p. 211; + 239/64 (al-juz'
al-riibi C) = CIqd, II, p. 176 (CUmar threatened to burn down Fatima's
house with all those inside should they refuse to pledge allegiance to
Abu Bakr; this passage is also alluded to in K 67 and + 401/122); +
402/122 (al-mujallad al-riibi C ) = CIqd, II, p. 178 (the end of the passage

in l' is missing from the Cairo 1316 edition); l' 416-417/126-127 (al-
juz' al-rabi C) = Clqd, II, p. 114; l' 423/128 (al-mujallad al-rabi C) =
Clqd, II, p. 202; l' 423/128 (second excerpt) (al-mujallad al-rabi C) =
Clqd, II, p. 184; l' 467/143 (al-mujallad al-awwal) = Clqd, I, p. 15; l'
468/144 (al-mujallad al-thani") = Clqd, I, p. 173; l' 482-483/148 (al-
mujallad al-rabi C) = Clqd, II, p. 182; L = F (al-juz' al-rabi C) = Clqd, II,
p. 220 (Zayn al- cAbidln explains why his father had so few offspring: his
preoccupation with prayer left him no time for women); K 68 refers to
Clqd, II, pp. 178-179. Judging by these quotations, it would appear that
IT's copy consisted of six volumes, with each pair of volumes roughly
corresponding to one of the three volumes in the Cairo 1316 edition.
209. K. al-iqti~ad / Abu Ja cfar Mul:tammad b. al-I,Iasan aI-riisT (d.
Dh II 269 no. 1089
B 177, 241, l' 142/33
The full title of this work is al-Iqti~ad fima yata Callaqu bi l-i Ctiqad.
In l' 142/33, it is maintained that the Ghadlr Khumm tradition was
transmitted via 125 isnads ( = TusI, Iqti~ad, p. 345). In B, the topic is
the istikhara prayer ( = Iqti~ad, p. 416).
210. + ICrab al-qur'an / Abu Is}:laq Ibrahim b. aI-SarI aI-Zajjaj (d.
S 23, 274-275
For the author see GAS, VIII, pp. 99-101. The ICrab is also known
as Ma cani: l-qur'an (wa iCrabuhu) (cf. GAS, I, p. 49, VIII, p. 100). IT
approves of al-Zajjaj's exegesis of Q 1:2, which began in IT's manuscript
on fol 3a, line 26.
211. **? ICrab al-qur'an / anon.
S 253-254
IT's manuscript, which was of the talihi: format, began with an expli-
cation of Sura 28. IT cites the discussion of the meaning of al-kitiib
al-mubi:n in Q 28:2. Cf. also -+ Gharib al-qur'an (Abu CUbayda).
212. + K. iCrab thalathi:n sura min al-qur'an / Abu CAbd Allah al-
I,Iusayn b. A}:lmad Ibn Khalawayh al-Na}:lwi (d. 370/980)
Dh II 235 no. 930
S 259
For the author see GAS, VIII, pp. 178-180, IX, pp. 169-171. For this
work (which is also known as al-rariqiyya) see GAS, IX, pp. 170-171.
The author is usually described as a Shafi ci (e.g. Subkl, II, pp. 212-213),
although some Shici authors insist that he was one of them (see e.g.
Riyii4, II, p. 23; A Cyan, XXV, p. 49). IT cites from the discussion of Q
1:7, which appears on fol 19b of his manuscript = K. i crab thalathin

sura min al-qur'an, ed. cAbd al-Ra1i1m MaJpnud, Cairo, 1360/1941, p.

32. He disputes Ibn Khalawayh's contention that the original vocaliza-
tion of the word calayhim in this verse was calayhum.
213. al-Irshad fi ma crifat ~ujaj allah Cala 1- cibad / Mul;tammad b.
Mu:Q.ammad al-Shaykh al-Mufid (d. 413/1022)
Dh I 509 no. 2506
F 72/70, IQ 69/598
This work deals with biographies of the Imams; cf. McDermott, p. 28,
no. 3. F = Mufid, Irshad, p. 302, tr. I. K. A. Howard, p. 457; IQ =
Mufid, Irshad, p. 335, tr. Howard, p. 507.
214. *+- al-Irshad ila ta/}~i~ al-mabadi' / Abu l-Ray}:an Mu}:ammad
b. A}:mad al-Biriini al-Khwarazml (d. 440/1048) ,1-

N 206
For the author see EI2, art. "al-Blrunl" (D. J. Boilot). IT mentions
this among the works of astrology of which he possesses a copy. Only
fragments of al-Blrunl's Irshad have survived; see GAS, VII, p. 190, no.
4. In N* fol 138a two lines are missing, including the title of I:Iusayn
b. Mi~ba}:'s K. al-zij al-mukhtara C (mentioned immediately before the
Irsha.d) and the line with al-Blrunl's name.
215. K. al-ishraf fi cammat (or C amm ) fara'i4 (ahl) ai-islam / Mu}:am-
mad h. Mu}:ammad al-Shaykh al-Mufid (d. 413/1022)
Dh II 102 no. 401
IQ 554/337
IT gives the title as K. al-ishraf There exist several manuscripts of this
work (see Modarressi, p. 62; cf. Dh, McDermott, p. 28, no. 6; GAS, I,
p. 551, no. 13). The text in IQ deals with supplications on the yawm
cArafa (9th Dhu l-I:Iijja).

==> cIl}mat al-anbiya' (al-Mufid), see Mas 'ala fi cil}mat al-anbiya'

216. + al-IstiCab / Abu cVmar Yusuf b. cAbd Allah b. Mu:Q.ammad

Ibn cAbd aI-Barr al-Namarl (d. 463/1070)
F 74-75/72, S 170, 284, 286, 296, l' 137/33, 180/[om 45], 485-486/
150, 498/155, 1'* folI27b/T** fol 164a [om l' 471/144]
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 453-454, S, I, pp. 628-629. IT, de-
scribing him as a known anti-CAlid (S 284), uses the IstiCab primarily
for polemical purposes. Passages cited or referred to are taken from
the biographies of CVthman (S 170, l' 498/155 = Ibn cAbd al-Barr,
pp. 1047-8 respectively [paraphrase]), CAll (S 170, 284 [from the third
juz'], l' 137/33 = Ibn cAbd aI-Barr, pp. 1121, 1107, 1115 respectively),
cAbd al-RaJpnan b. cAwf (1' 485-486/150, not in al-BijawI's edition; the
editors of 1'1 state that the passage is found in the margin of another

edition, which they do not identify), Salman al-Farisl (+* foI127b/+**

fol164a = Ibn cAbd aI-Barr, p. 635), and cAbd Allah b. cAbbas (S 296
= Ibn cAbd aI-Barr, p. 934). In + 180/[om 45], this work is referred
to via Ibn al-Bitrlq's Kashj al-makhjf, where it is said to contain two
traditions on the Mahdi.
217. - al-Istib!}ar / Abu Jacfar Mul).ammad b. al-I:Jasan al-TusI (d.
Dh II 14 no. 43
B 289
I+ recalls that this work (one of the "Four Books" of the Twelver
Shlcls; cf. Modarressi, pp. 4-5) contains discussions of traditions that
contradict each other. From the fact that al-+usl does not refer in the
Istib!}ar to the subject of al-istikhara bi l-riqa C (asking God's help in
arriving at a decision by writing the alternatives on cards which are
then chosen at random; see the discussion in B 286-293), I+ infers that
there was no controversy over this issue.
218. - K. al-istfja' / Abu Ja Cfar Mul).ammad b. al-I:Jasan al-TusI (d.
Dh II 36 no. 141
+ 31/10
I+ describes the Istfja' as providing compelling evidence (~ujaj qahira)
that CAll was Mul).ammad's successor by divine designation (na!}!}). As
noted by al-+ihranI, this work appears in the list of sources of the $irat,
where it is followed by al-rusI's Talkhf!} aI-shaft (see $iriit, I, p. 4). Al-
+ihrani takes this to mean that al-Baya<;lI was referring to two different
works. He therefore supposes that the title al-Istfja' ft talkhf!} aI-shaft
which appears on the title-page of some manuscripts of Talkhf~ aI-shaft
was invented by a copyist who had been inspired by the word istfja'
used by al- +usl in his introduction to Talkhf~ aI-shaft. The passage in
+ seems to cast doubt on this supposition. First, I+'s description of the
contents of the I-stfja' applies equally to Talkhf~ aI-shaft. Secondly, it is
noteworthy that I+ mentions the Istfja' immediately after aI-SharIf al-
Murta<;la's aI-Shaft (of which the Talkhf!} is an abridgement), describing
both works (together with others) as containing proofs of the Twelver
Shici doctrine of the imamate. It is therefore likely that the title al-
Istfja' ft talkhf!} aI-shaft is an alternative title (perhaps given by al-Tusl
himself) of Talkhfl} aI-shaft and that al-Baya<;lI's text should be emended
accordingly (e.g. by the addition of aw between the two titles).
219. al-Istin!}ar bi (or ft) l-na!}!} cala l-a'imma al-athar / Abu I-Fatl).
Mul}.ammad b. CAll b. CUthman al-KarajakI (d. 449/1057)
Dh II 16 no. 44, 34 [no no.]

Y 132-133/374-375
This work, which is also known as al-Istibl}iir (cf. MK lith., III, p. 498),
was published in Najaf in 1346. IT, who (as noted in Chapter II.2)
restricts himself in the Yaqi"n to adducing traditions on non-ShI9:" au-
thority, argues that the Prophetic tradition which he cites from the
Istinl}iir (about the number of Imams being twelve) falls within this
category. This is true only in the sense that this tradition is transmit-
ted on the authority of Ibn cAbbas; the other names in the isniid are
those of Shlcls (see p. 20 in the Najaf edition).
220. *+ K. al-iCtiqiid / Abu Ismacll cAbd Allah b. Mul,1ammad b. CAll
al-An~arl al-Harawi al-:~Ianball (d. 481/1088-9)
l' 345-347/98-99, 374/111-112
For the author see Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, I, pp. 50-68; EP, art. "al-An~arl
al-HarawI" (S. de Beaurecueil). In $iriit, III, p. 224 al-Baya<;lI provides
an abbreviated version of l' 345/98 which he says is taken from a book
of cAbd Allah al-Harawlon I:IanbalI doctrine. (This passage is cited by
IT to show that the I:Ianballs were anthropomorphists.) AI-Baya<;lI also
reproduces the passage in l' 374/111-112, in which al-Harawl maintains
that all Companions are cudul and that whoever casts doubts on their
integrity has attacked Islam ($iriit, III, p. 230). Since al-Baya<;l1 only
cites from the ICtiqiid indirectly (see $iriit, I, p. 9, no. 142), he may well
have used the Tarii'if. Ni Cmat Allah al-J aza'irI, citing the same excerpt
as l' 345-346/98, refers to the work as K. al-iCtiqiidiit and to its author
as IsmacII al-Harawl (Jaza'irI, Anwiir, II, p. 266).
The K. al-iCtiqiid is not attested in the usual biographical notices on
al-Harawl. Perhaps it is identical with one of three works which, accord-
ing to al-SubkI, dealt with anthropomorphism (iCtiqiid al-tashbi"h). The
titles of these works as given by al-SubkI (III, p. 117) are K. dhamm
al-kaliim, K. al-Jiiruq Ii 1-l}iJiit, K. al-arba ci"n. None is extant.
221. *+ ICtiqiid ahl al-sunna / Abu I-FaQ.1 cAbd al- cAzlz b. CAll b.
cAbd al-cAzlz al-Ushnuhi (d. ca. 550/1155)
l' 58/15
In 1', the title is given as al-ICtiqiid and the author is identified merely
as al-'-sh-b-hl.. The correct name, as well as the work's full title, are
found in Ibn Shahrashub's Maniiqib, which also includes a number of
quotations from it (I, pp. 12, 346, 386, II, pp. 33, 260, 318, III, pp.
27, 102, 107, 114, 143, 147, 164). The author was a Shafi9:" scholar and
specialist in the laws of in.heritance who hailed from the AdharbayjanI
town of Ushnuh (cf. Yaqut, Buldiin, I, pp. 201-202; 1. W. Adamec
[ed.] , Historical Gazetteer oj Iran, vol. I: Tehran and Northwestern Iran,
Graz, 1976, pp. 674-675). See SubkI, -IV, p. 255; Ibn Qa<;lI Shuhba, I,
pp. 317-318. The ICtiqiid is not mentioned in the biographical notices

on him.
=> K. Citq al-nasama (sic) (Abu Bishr al-CAmmI), see K. ai-abwab
al-daftc a
=> K. al- ciwa4 can al-majalis, see K. car4 al-majalis
222. +- K. jadawil taqrzbat al-mayl wa l-mamarr al-sayyar wa ba C 4
al-thawabit / al-I;Iusayn b. Al,lmad al-$un al-KirmanI (fl. early 3d/9th
N 203
For the author see GAS, VI, p. 282. According to Sezgin, al-KirmanI
may have lived before the 5th/11th century; judging by the title of
his Zzj (see ~al-Zzj al-Ma'munz al-ra~adz), he may be assumed more
precisely to have been a contemporary of the caliph al-Ma'mun. The
Jadawil is one of several astrological works by SunnI authors owned by
IT. For al-mamarr al-sayyar N* fol136b has al-mamarr al-sayyara; Sez-
gin suggests reading mamarr al-sayyarat. For mamarr see in general E.
S. Kennedy, "The Sasanian Astronomical Handbook zzj-i shah and the
Astrological Doctrine of 'Transit (mamarr)''', JAOS, 78, 1958, pp. 246-
262, reprinted in E. S. Kennedy, Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences,
Beirut, 1983, pp. 319-335; D. Pingree, The Thousands of Abu Macshar,
index; P. Kunitzsch, Mittelalterliche astronomisch-astrologische Glos-
sare mit arabischen Fachausdrucken, Bayerische Akademie der Wis-
senschaften, philosophisch-historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, 1977,
Heft 5, Munich, 1977, pp. 27, 38.
223. K. al-ja Cfariyyat / transmitted by Abu CAll Mul,lammad b.
Mul,lammad h. al-AshCath al-Kun (alive in 350/961)
Dh II 109 no. 436, V 112 [no no.], XI 258 no. 1576
F 214-215/196, IQ 228/3, J 419-420
Title as in IQ; the Jacfar of the title is Jacfar al-$adiq, who appears
in all the isnads. This work is also known as K. ai-ash C athiyyat (after
its transmitter) and as K. riwayat al-abna' can aI-aba' min al rasul
allah (or min ahl al-bayt), as in F (read abna' for anbiya') and J.
This work (to which al-Tusl refers as a nuskha in his Rijal, p. 501, no.
63; cf. Kohlberg, "U~ul", p. 129, n. 4) was transmitted in Egypt in
314/926 by Ibn al-AshCath (for whom see Tanqz~, no. 11,318), whose
immediate authority was Musa al-Ka~im's grandson Musa b. IsmacIl.
For a detailed description of the work see MK lith., III, pp. 291-296;
see the discussion in Madelung, "Isma crlI Law", pp. 33-34, with the
addendum in his Religious Schools and Sects in Medieval Islam. The
K. al-ja Cfariyyat is available (as aI-Ash Cathiyyat) in a printed edition,
bound together with al-I;IimyarI's Qurb al-isnad, separate pagination
(Tehran, 1370/1951). The work is divided into chapters dealing with

various topics of Imaml ShlCllaw. IT describes it in IQ as consisting

of a thousand traditions with a single isnad, one that leads from Musa
al-Ka~im via the earlier Imams up to cAll. In some traditions, cAll cites
from the Prophet. IT's copy must have been divided into azja'; in J he
cites from al-juz' al-cashir. The three passages cited by IT appear in the
printed edition as f?llows: IQ = Ash Cathiyyat, p. 59; J = Ash Cathiyyat,
p. 227; F = Ash Cathiyyat, p. 237.

===} K. al-j~la' wa l-shi/a' (al-Kha<;l1b), see K. al-shi/a' wa I-jala'

224. + al-Jalfs al-~ali~ wa l-anfs al-na~i~ / Abu I-Faraj al-Muc~ifa h.

Zakariyya b. Yal,Iya al-Nahraw8.n1 (d. 390/1000)
Dh V 128 no. 530
N 171-172
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 522-523. AI-Tihranl (following I:iajjl
Khallfa) gives the title as al-Jalfs al-~ali~ al-kaft wa l-anfs al-na~i~ al-
shaft. He then adduces the report in Ta'rfkh Baghdad (XIII, p. 231)
that al-Mu Cala cited numerous pro- cAlid traditions, and infers from it
that his madhhab was in agreement with that of the Shlca. The passage
cited by IT describes how Mul,Iammad b. cAbd Allah b. Tahir (d. 253/
867), gazing at the stars on the night of his death, learnt from them
that he would not live to see the dawn ( = al-Jalfs al-/}ali~, ed. Mul,Iam-
mad Mursl al-Khull, Beirut, 1981-3, II, pp. 115-116). This Tahirid was
governor of Baghdad from 237/851-852 till his death; see El l , art.
"Mul,Iammad b. cAbd Allah" (K. V. Zettersteen); cf. C. E. Bosworth,
"The Tahirids and Arabic Culture", JSS, 14, 1969, pp. 45-79, at pp.
225. + ai-Jam C bayna 1-/}a~7:~ayn / Abu cAbd Allah Mul,Iammad b.
Abll-Na~r Futul,I b. cAbd Allah al-~umaydI(d. 488/1095)
B 149-150, K 77, S 64-65, 296-297, l' 12-14/4-5, 23/7, 45/13,
51/14, 57/15, 68-69/[om 18], 77-78/20, 85/21-22, 122/29, 128-
129/31, 153/37, 161-163/40, 169/42-43, 171-172/43, 179/[om
45], 192/49, 199/51, 204-208/53-54, 210-215/55-56, 218-228/56-
61, 230/61, 233-234/62, 237-238/63-64, 244/66, 250/69, 255/
70,257/71,259-262/72-73,270/76, 283/78, 285-287/79-80,289/
81, 291-297/81-84, 300-301/85, 322-325/93-94, 347-353/99-101,
360-372/105-111, 375-380/112-114, 382-383/115, 385/116, 389-
130-131, 435-448/132-136, 451-459/138-141, 461-464/141-142,
466/143, 471-472/144-145, 474-477/145-146, 479/147, 481/148,
164-166,536-538/167-168,540-549/169-173,551-552/174-175, Y

For the author see GAL, I, p. 413, S, I, pp. 578-579 (where a number
of manuscripts and an Aleppo 1928 edition of the Jam Care cited [not
seen]). In Dhu I-Qacda 633/July-Aug. 1236 r:r,
while in Baghdad, re-
ceived an ijiiza to transmit this work from Ibn aI-Najjar (see B 149). Ibn
aI-Najjar himself referred to this work as Tajr7:d al-~a~7:~ayn Ii I-Bukhiir7:
wa Muslim wa I-jam C baynahumii (see DimyaF, Mustafiid, p. 124). In
Y, r:r cites from a manuscript which included some ijiiziit dated 541/
1146-7. He uses the Jam Cprimarily for polemical purposes: this work
incorporates traditions from two of the most highly respected texts in
the Sunnl world and it is important for him to show that these texts
contain a great number of pro- cAlid traditions. Some excerpts from the
Jam Cin l' are cited via Ibn al-Bitrlq's K. al-cumda.

226. + al-Jam Cbayna l-~i~ii~ al-sitta / Abu I-J:Iasan Razln b. Mu Cawiya

b. CAmmar al-CAbdari al-Saraqustl al-Andalusl (d. 524/1129 or 535/
IQ 756/526, l' 14/5,38-41/12-13,48-50/13,53/14,57/15,64/17,68-
70/[om18], 72/18,102/25,113/28,115/28,153/37,159/39,171/
42, 175-177/44-45, 179/[om 45], 201/52, 203/52-53, 262-263/73,
For the author see GAL, S, I, p. 630. Five of the six works referred to
in the title belong to the well-known "Six Books" of tradition; the sixth
is Malik's Muwatta', which (as often among Malikl authors) replaces
Ibn Maja's Sunan (see Ibn al-Bitrlq, CUmda, p. 3, whence l' 14/5;
cf. EI2, art. "J:Iadlth" [J. Robson], at III, p. 24b). AI-cAbdarl's work
(which is extant in manuscript) is indeed also known as K. al-tajr7:d fi
I-jam Cbayna l-muwatta' wa l-~i~ii~ al-khamsa (GAL, S); a further title
is Tajr7:d al-~i~ii~ al-sitta fi l-~adzth (J:Iajjl Khallfa, I, p. 345).
The copy cited by IT consisted of four ajzii' (1' 113/28, 115/28).
Some of the excerpts in l' are cited via Ibn al-Bitr"lq's K. al-Cumda.
IT's brother Al).mad also quotes from this work in his Binii' (pp. 28,
144, 147-148, 163), as does the cAllama al-J:Iilll (for instance in his Nahj,
pp. 214-220 and passim).

227. +- K. jam C al-ma~ii~if / Abu Bakr cAbd Allah b. Abi Dawud

Sulayman b. aI-Ash Cath al-Sijistani (d. 316/929)
F 94/89
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 174-175. This work is usually referred
to as K. al-ma~ii~if. It was under this title that it was published by A.
Jeffery (in Materials for the History of the Text of the Qur'iin, Leiden,
1937). IT notes those passages in which Q 2:238 is said to have appeared
in the version ~iifi~u Calii l-~alawiit wa l-~aliit al-wustii in the codices of
cA'isha, J:Iaf~a and Umm Salama (see Jeffery's edition, pp. 83-88).

===} K. al-jamal (Abu Mikhnaf), see Kitiib

*(*) K. al-jiimi C / Abu Jacfar Mu~ammad b. A~mad b. Y~ya b.

CImran aI-AshcarY al-QummI (fl. late 3d/9th century)
Dh V 29 no. 133 (under al-Jiimi CIi l-~adfth)
IQ 160/668
For the author see NajashI, pp. 348-349, no. 939; TusI, Fihrist, pp.
174-175, no. 623; Tanqr~, no. 10,356. The K. al-jiimi C is not mentioned
in the bibliographical sources; this may have led al-TihranI to suggest
that it is identical to al-AshcarI's Nawiidir al-~ikma (see List under this
entry). The excerpt in IQ is cited via Ibn Babawayh's K. al-murshid.
228. * al-Jiimic / Abu Jacfar Mu~ammad b. al-I.Iasan b. A~mad Ibn
aI-Walid al-QummI (d. 343/954-955)
Dh V 29 no. 134
IQ 240/11, 434-435/207, K 35, N 139-140
For the author, who was a leading QummI scholar, see NajashI, p. 383,
no. 1042; TusI, Fihrist, p. 188, no. 708; Tanqr~, no. 10,534. AI-TusI
knows this work as K. al-jiimi C; in Dh, the title is given as al-Jiimic
fi l-~adrth. AI-TihranI notes that this work is cited by al-TusI in his
Tahdhrb al-a~kiim (in the section on ziyiirat al-Ri4ii) and that it was
apparently still available to MIrza Kamala, who commends it in his
Majmuca. Cf. Kohlberg, "U~ul", pp. 132-133 for a discussion of works
of the jiimi C type.
In IQ 240/11, the Prophet is said not to have performed the su-
pererogatory prayer (niifila) of Rama<)8.nj IT remarks that this must
be interpreted either as an instance of taqiyya or as an error of the
transmitters. In IQ 434-435/207 (cited from the third juz'), Zurara b.
A Cyan declares that the month of Rama<)an used to consist of 29 days.
In K (whence BA, II, p. 150), Jacfar al-$adiq insists that knowledge
be written down and disseminated. The story in N depicts al-I.Iasan b.
8ahl (d. 236/851; cf. EI2, art. "al-I.Iasan b. 8ahl" [D. 8ourdel]) as a
follower of al-Ri<)a.
229. **? K. (jiimiC) fi l-camal / Mul]ammad b. cAli b. Mul]am-
mad ( = Ibn AbI Qurra?)
B 198-203, 205-206
The title as given above is hypothetical. In B 198 the text reads: dhakara
l-shaykh Mu~ammad b. cAlr b. Mu~ammad fi kitiib lahu fi l-camal; this
is followed by an istikhiira prayer attributed to J a cfar al-$adiq (cited
in Jaza'irI, Anwiir, I, pp. 195-196, MK, VIII, pp. 124-125). In B 205
(whence BA, XCI, pp. 275-276) the text is: rawii Mu~ammad b. CAIr b.
Mu~ammad fi kitiib jiimi lahuj this is followed by a prayer composed
by the MahdI which invokes God's names and which helps its user

in arriving at a correct decision (istikharat al-asma' allafi calayha 1-

Camal). The reference in these two passages is possibly to the same
work. The identity of the author is unclear. Perhaps he is Ibn Abl
Qurra, in which case the work in question may be the K. Camal ai-
shuhur mentioned by al-Najashl (p. 398, no. 1066). Cf. ~K. camal
shahr Ramaan.

=* Jami c al-bayan (al-Tabarl), see Tajszr

230. **+ Jami c al-da cawiit / Na~r b. YaCqub al-DinawarT (fl. early
5th/11th century)
IQ 139/653, J 228
IQl has Na<;lr for Na~r. The author (whose name is not given in J) is
probably to be identified with Abu Sacld (or SaCd) Na~r b. YaCqub al-
Dlnawarl who in 397/1006 presented the caliph aI-Qadir with his work
on the interpretation of dreams (K. al-Qadirz fi I-ta Cbzr); see GAL, I,
p. 282, S, I, p. 433. The J ami Cal- da Cawat does not seem to be attested
elsewhere. In the Prophetic tradition cited in IQ, God is said to look
upon men with mercy on the night of the tenth of Dhu l-Qa cda.
231. *+ Jami C cilm al-qur'an / Abu l-Qasim CAbd Allah b. Al}.mad
b. Mal}.mud al-Kacbl al-Balkhi (d. 319/931)
Dh XXVI 249 no. 1255
S 16, 107, 192-209
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 622-623; EIr, art. "Abu'l-Qasem Ka cbl"
(J. van Ess). IT, who also refers to this work as the Tajszr of al-Balkhl,
says it comprised thirty-two parts (juz')j from his references it emerges
that in some cases each juz' comprised one volume, while in other cases
a number of ajza' were bound together to form one volume. The number
of volumes which he possessed is not given, nor do we know how much of
the entire text he had at his disposal; only once does he declare that he
does not have a particular juz' (S 194: ma nadhkuruhu min al-mujallad
al-thalith fi tajszr al-Balkhz Ii anna I-juz' al-thanz ma ~a~ala cindana).
Much of the text consists of IT's refutation of al-Ba1khl's exegesis.
The following passages are cited: S 192-193 = first juz' (here in the
sense of volume), first quire, fols 6b, 7a (part of the introduction) ; S
193 = first juz', second quire, fo1 6b, third quire, fo1 3; S 194 = third
volume (mujallad), fourth quire, fols 5b-6a (to Q 2:195); S 195-196 =
fourth juz', i.e. second juz' of the third volume (mujallad), sixth quire,
fols 2a (to Q 2:260), 5a (to Q 2:262); S 197 = a different juz' from
the previous one, also called al-juz' al-rabi\ second quire, fo1 7a (to Q
4:137); S 197 = seventh juz', foIl (to Q 10:64); S 197-198 = ninth juz',
fols 3b-4a (to Q 5:18); S 200 = tenth juz', eighth quire, fol 8b (to Q
6:94); S 200-201 = eleventh juz', fo1s 1-2 (to Q 6:121); S 201 = twelfth

juz', third quire, fol 4a-b (to Q 7:172); S 203 = twenty-first juz', follb
(to Q 25:77); S 203 = twenty-secondjuz', first quire, follb (to Q 29:26);
S 204 = twenty-third juz', first quire, fol 5 (to Q 33:33), third quire,
fol 6a (to Q 33:56); S 205 = twenty-fourth juz', fol 3a (to Q 36:45); S
205 = an unnumbered mujallad, the juz' beginning with Sura 38 and
ending with Q 46:20 (or 46:34), fourth quire (to Q 40:7); S 206 = the
same unnumbered mujallad, the juz' covering Suras 47-55, fol 12b (to
Q 48:1); S 208 = thirty-first juz', third quire, last page (to Q 72:8); S
208-209 = thirty-second juz', second quire, follb (to Q 78:2). Excerpts
from this work are cited by al-TusI in his Tibyan (cf. I, p. 1).
232. **+- K. jamz C ma stakhrajtuhu min ara' al- culama ' fi mumazajat
al-kawakib wa a cmaliha / al-Fa91 b. Yal].ya l'abad
N 206
In N* foll38a, wa mumazajat appears for fi mumazajat and Tabaw for
Tabad. Nothing seems to be known about the author; cf. GAS, VII, p.
196, citing N 206.
233. *+ al-Jamic al-~aghzr / Abu Hashim cAbd aI-Salam h.
mad b. cAbd al-Wahhab al-Jubba'i (d. 321/933)
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 623-624. This work is mentioned by Ibn
al-Nadlm (p. 222). The passage cited, dealing with Usama b. Zayd's
expedition at the time of the Prophet's death, is not identical with
any of the excerpts from this work cited by Gimaret ("Materiaux", pp.
316-317). As is evident from these excerpts, this was a work of kalam.
234. ** aI-Jamie al-ttaghzr / Yunus b. cAbd al-Ral].man mawla CAlI
b. YaqtIn (d. 208/823-824)
N 2, 23-24, S 79-80
For the author see KishshI, pp. 409-419; NajashI, pp. 446-448, no. 1208;
TusI, Fihrist, pp. 215-216, no. 810. This work does not seem to be
recorded by the bibliographers (unless it is to be identified with the
four-part Jamie al-athar mentioned by al-TusI; cf. Dh V 30 no. 142).
Al-NajashI's list of Yunus's works includes the K. al-jami C al-kabir fi
l-fiqh (cf. Dh V 69 no. 268), but not his al-Jamic al-~aghzr. In N 2,
23-24 the same tradition is cited (with slight variations); in it CAlI
is described as the most knowledgeable of men in astrology. In S 79
this work is mentioned (together with several others) as containing an
exegesis of Q 35:32.

==} Jamie al-ta'wzl Ii mu~kam al-tanzzl (Mul:J.ammad b. Ba}:tr) , see

Shar~ ta 'wzl al-qur'an wa taJszr ma C anzhi

235. **+ K. jami C fi waqf al-qari' li l-qur'an / anon. (transmitted from


Abu ZurCa)
S 24, 283
This was one of a number of texts in a majmiiCa based on material
dictated by Abu ZurCa CAbd al-RaJ:unan b. Mul}.ammad b. B-l}.-l-a al-
Muqri' (unidentified; he is unlikely to be the historian Abu ZurCa CAbd
al-RaJ:unan b. CAmr b. cAbd Allah al-DimashqI, d. 280/893, cf. GAS, I,
p. 302). The work dealt with pausal stops while reciting the Qur'an. IT
cites from the last page of the text. See -+ Kitiib (anon.) (transmitted
from Abu ZurCa).

236. **+- K. al-jawiibiit al-~iiira if cilal zij cAbd Alliih b. A~mad b.

al-lfasan / Abu CAlI Mul}ammad b. cAbd al-cAzIz al-HashimI(fl.
first half of the 4th/10th century)
N 128
This is the title according to N* fol 85b; cf. Matar, p. 376. It might be
rendered as "Ready answers concerning the errors of the astronomical
tables of cAbd Allah b. Al}.mad b. al-I:Iasan". N 128 (probably erro-
neously) has if Ciliij cAbd Alliih b. A~mad b. al-lfasan. This led (or
misled?) Sezgin to speak of al-HashimI as having written "an astro-
logical treatise in which he makes predictions concerning the medical
treatment of a certain cAbd Allah b. Al}.mad b. al-I:Iasan" (GAS, VII,
p. 167). The author (whom IT describes as an cAbbasid) was a mathe-
matician and an astronomer (GAS, V, p. 305, VI, pp. 204-205). He also
wrote a Ta clil zij al-Khwiirazmi ("On the errors of al-Khwarazrrii's as-
tronomical tables"); see GAS, VI, p. 204. The Jawiibiit al-~iiira seems
to have been a work of a similar type. CAbd Allah h. Al}.mad h. al-I:Iasan
is perhaps to be identified with Abu I-Qasim CAbd Allah (or CUbayd
Allah) b. al-I:Iasan known as Ghulam Zu1:;lal (d. 376/986) (cf. Ullmann,
p.333; GAS, VII, p. 168), although all works ascribed to Ghulam Zul}.al
deal with astrology rather than astronomy.

==} Jawiibiit al-masii'il al-Salliiriyya (al-Murtac;la), see al-Masii'il al-


237. **? - K. al-jawiihir / IbrahIm b. Isl}aq al-~ii.lI

Dh V 256 no. 1222
IQ 399/170
IT describes this as the last item in a volume which he estimates to
be more than 200 years old and in which the first work is the Adab
al-kuttiib of al-SuII. Neither title nor author appears in the biographical
sources. AI-TihranI tentatively identifies this work with the J awiihir
al-asriir of IbrahIm b. Isl}.aq al-Al}.marI (fl. 3d/9th century, cf. Dh V
261 no. 1254; A Cyiin, V, pp. 94-96).

238. +- Jawiimi c cilm (or CulUm) al-nujum wa u!}ul al-~arakiit al-sa-

miiwiyya / Abu 1- cAbbas Al:tmad b. Mul:tammad b. Kathlr al-Farghani
(fl. mid-3d/9th century)
N 206
For the author see Ullmann, p. 351; DSB, IV, pp. 541-545, art. "al-
FarghanI" (A. 1. Sabra); GAS, V, pp. 259-260, VI, pp. 149-151 (with
details on the Jawiimi c on p. 150, no. 1). IT's copy comprised thirty
chapters (fa!}l).
239. Jawiimi c al-jiimi C fi tafsi:r al-qur'iin / Abu cAlI al-Fa91 b. al-I;Iasan
b. al-Fa91 al-Tabrisi (d. 548/1153)
Dh V 248 no. 1195
D* fol l1a-b, F 115/108, 265/241, S 9, 79, 80-83, 88
This is a combined, abbreviated version of the author's two earlier
Qur'an commentaries, the Majma C al-bayiin and al-Kiifi al-shiifi. It was
written in one year and completed on 24 Mul:tarram 543/14 June 1148
(see Karlman, I, pp. 271-281).
The following excerpts are cited: S 79 (first volume, tenth quire, fol
5b) = TabrisI, JawiimiC, pp. 56-57 (to Q 3:33-34); S 80 (second volume,
eighth quire, fol 2a) = JawiimiC, p. 205 (to Q 11:44). In F and S 88
the title is given as Tafsi:r al-qur'iin, by which IT probably means the
JawiimiC, not the Majma c Thus F 115/108 = JawiimiC, p. 435 (to Q
43:55); F 265/241 = Jawiimi" p. 515 (to Q 73:2); S 88 = Jawiimi"
p. 350 (to Q 28:83). In S 81-82 the title is Jam C al-jawiimiC, which is
sometimes used (incorrectly, according to Dh V 138 and Karlman) to
refer to the Jawiimi c. Indeed, S 81-82 (third volume, eleventh quire,
fol 7a) = JawiimiC, p. 404 (to Q 38:17). The text in D*, from Tafsi:r
al- Tabrisi:, appears in an interpolation by al-KafCamI.
IT expands on al-TabrisI's exegesis and occasionally criticizes it.
For example: in Q 38: 17 David is described as awwiib, which al-TabrisI
explains as turning away from that which God dislikes to that which
pleases Him. IT objects to this interpretation, since the implication
that David performed blameworthy acts is inconsistent with the doc-
trine that prophets are immune from sin (Ci~ma). IT then offers inter-
pretations which he considers consistent with the doctrine of ci!}ma.
==* Jiriib al-bayt (sic), see Ta'ri:kh (al-l:IarranI)
240. - al-Jumal wa l_cuqud / Abu Jacfar Mul:tammad b. al-l:Iasan al-
Tusi (d. 460/1067)
Dh V 145 no. 615
K 129-130
IT describes this as the first work of fiqh which he studied. This makes
sense, since the Jumal is a brief work, well suited to serve as an intro-

duction to the subjects of cibiidiit andfuru c al-jiqh. See also Modarressi,

241. ** Juz' / transmitted by Abu l-cAbbas MulJ.ammad b. Jacfar b.
al-I;Iasan al-:-Razzaz (fl.. end of the 3d/9th century)
Y 174/456
For al-Razzaz cf. Quhpa'l, V, p. 175, VI, p. 114. IT possessed an old ma-
nuscript of this work, which included traditions on the Prophet calling
cAll amir al-mu'minin.
242. **? Juz' / transmitted by Abu l-~asan (b. CAli) b. Mul].am-
mad b. cAbd al-Wahhab (alive in 340/951-952)
N 225-226
The transmitter was perhaps a son of Abu AlJ.mad cAlI b. MulJ.ammad
b. cAbd al-Wahhab b. Bajala al-Katib al-MarwazI (d. 291/903-904);
cf. Ta'rzkh Baghdiid, XII, pp. 61-62. The information in N is not en-
tirely clear. First IT says that the excerpt (in which al-I;Iasan proves
to MuCawiya his knowledge of secret matters) is taken from a juz' be-
longing to a volume in which the first item is a Mukhta~ar fihi adCiya
wa cuwadh. This Mukhta~ar was copied in 448/1056-7 by Mul:tammad
b. cAlI b. al-I;Iusayn b. Mahziyar. Yet after citing the excerpt IT refers
to it as being from the Mukhtal}ar, and says that "a number of words
were omitted from the Mukhta~ar". He then completes the text from
a version of Ibn CAyyash al-JawharI. There are thus two possibilities:
either IT erroneously referred to the juz' as a Mukhta~ar, or else the
two titles refer to the same work (in which case the ~Mukhtal}ar fihi
adCiya wa cuwadh should be removed from the List). The passage from
the Nujum is cited in BA, XLIII, p. 329.
243. **+ Juz' / transmitted by Abu l-cAla' al-I;Iasan b. AlJ.mad b.
al-I;Iasan al- CAttar al-I;Iafi~ al-Hamadhani (d. 569/1173)
S 191, Y 186-187/485-486
In BA, XXXVIII, p. 125 (citing the Yaqzn), this work is referred to as
a Kitiib. According to IT, this juz' is more than seven folios (qawii'im)
long, and deals with CAlI's birth (mawlid mawliinii amzr al-mu 'minzn)
(this is regarded as the work's title in Al Yasln, no. 458). In S no title
is given, and IT merely says that Abu 1- CAla' transmitted the tradition
about Jesus killing the Dajjal. The reference may thus be to a different
244. **+ Juz' / transmitted by Qa<;ll Abu cAbd Allah Mul:tammad
b. cAbd Allah b. al-I;Iusayn al-Ju cfi known as Ibn al-Harawani (or
al-HarawI) (d. Rajab 402/Jan.-Feb. 1012)
Y 166-173

This juz' had a samiiC dated Jumada II 402/Jan. 1012. For the trans-
mitter, who was a Kufan J;lanafi, see Ta'ri:kh Baghdiid, V, pp. 472-473;
Sam c8.I:U, XIII, pp. 402-403; Ibn Abl 1-Wafa, II, p. 65. The three ex-
cerpts cited consist of the eschatological ~adi:th al-riiyiit and of speeches
by Ubayy b. Ka cb and Burayda al-Aslaml in defence of cAll's rights.
245. + Juz' / transmitted by Abu Bakr AJ:lmad b. Jacfar b. J;lamdan
b. Malik al-Qa~I'i (d. 368/979)
Y 166/442'
In yl, the nisba appears as al-Qatlfi; the correct form is given in y2
and in the citation of this passage in BA, VIII, p. 5. For the author
see GAS, I, p. 200. It remains to be investigated whether the ~ahiriyya
manuscript entitled al-Juz' al-ma Cruj bi alj d'iniir (see GAS) is the work
cited by Ir.
246. **? Juz' / transmitted by Jacfar b. al-ij:usayn b. cAbd Rab-
y 173-174/454-455
This juz' (whose transmitter is unidentified) was included in the same
volume as the juz' transmitted by Ibn al-Harawanl (see List under this
entry). The excerpt describes how a Jew was converted t9 Islam after
witnessing a miracle performed by CAll.
247. **+ Juz' / anon. (4th/10th century?)
y 165/440-441 ,
The tradition cited from this juz' (on Gabriel calling CAll am'ir al-
mu 'min'in) is on the authority of Abu Bakr b. Abl Dawud al-Sijistanl
(d. 316/929).

====> Juz' fi jaii'il cAI'i (Ibn CUqda), see Faii'il cAI'i

248. + Juz' fi ja41 am'ir al-mu'mini:n CAli: b. Abi: '!'iilib / Abu CAll al-
ij:asan b. Abi I-Barakat CAll b. al-J;lasan b. CAll b. cAmmar (d. 568/
Dh V 102 no. 425
y 141/391-392
In BA, XXXVII, p. 47 and cAmill, Ithbiit, IV, p. 172 (both citing the
Yaq'in) , this is referred to as a Kitiib; the title in Dh is Juz' ji: ja4ii'il
CAli According to Y, it contained twelve traditions. Ir's manuscript
was copied from the autograph by CAll b. AJ:lmad b. Abll-J;lasan (or
J;lusayn) al-Bawarllji (sic) (for Bawazljl?). The author was probably
al-J;lasan b. CAll b. al-J;lasan b. CAll b. cUmar b. CAll al-An~arl al-
Maghribl, who was born in Batalyaws (Badajoz), moved to the East
and died in 568/1172-3 aged eighty (see $afadl, XII, pp. 145-146; Ibn

al-Athlr, Lubab, I, p. 130; Sam canI, II, pp. 259-260 gives his death-
date as 548/1153-4, but this is disputed in the Lubab). It should be
noted, however, that the name of al-MaghribI's father is nowhere given
as Abu I-Barakat, that the great-great-grandfather's name appears in
Y as cAmmar (not CUmar), and that in Y the author transmits from
his father on 7 Shawwa1501/20 May 1108, when al-Maghribi was only
thirteen years old.
249. al-Kafi / Abu Jacfar M\11;tammad b. YaCqub al-Kulin! (d. 329/
Dh XVII 245 no. 96
B 182-183, 185-186, 227-228, 232, 292, 305, D* fols 7a-b, lOa, F
12/9-10,73/70,97/92,104/99, 108/102, 124/116, 132-135/124-
126, 158-161/146-149, 165-167/152-154, 187-188/171-172, HA,
LXXXVII, pp. 80-81 [om F 195/179]' F 211-212/193-194, 220-
221/201-202,227/207,231/210,G5,8,IQ69/598, 104/627,167/
675-676,229-230/4-5,245-246/15, 248-249/17, 254-255/21,303-
424/194-195, 525/310, 546/330, 548/331-332, J 362, 367, 443-
445, 520-521, K 35, MD 212, 332, MI,I 13/4-5, 15-16/6, 25-26/
14, 30/17, N 85-91, 117-118
This is the oldest of the "Four Books" , and was already included in the
library of Abu Ghalib al-ZurarI (d. 368/978) (see Risalat AM Ghalib
al-Zurarf ila ibn ibnihi, in Ba1;tranI, Kashkiil, I, p. 197; cf. Kohlberg,
" U~ iiI", p. 135). It was first extensively cited by Abu J a cfar al-Tusl
in his jiqh works; cf. EI2, art. "al-KulaynI" (W. Madelung). Later, it
was used by al-Tabrisl for biographies of the Imams (see TabrisI, I clam,
445-449,452-453). IT's works bear witness to the continued popularity
of the Kafi. In most cases IT gives the title of the volume or section
cited. Titles specifically mentioned are K. al-du c a', K. fa41 al-qur'an,
K. al-~ajj, K. al-~ujja, K. al-fman wa l-kufr, K. al-jana'iz, K. al-~alat,
and K. al-~iyam (or al-~awm). The eighth and last volume is cited under
its title al-Raw4a.
In his brief appraisal of al-Kul1nI (K 159), IT gives the date of his
death as 328/939-940. This is in accordance with the information in al-
TusI's Fihrist (pp. 165-166, no. 603), and conflicts with the (apparently
more reliable) date of 329/941 given by al-Najashl (pp. 377-378, no.
1026) and by al-Tusl in his Rijiil (p. 495, no. 27). Cf. IQ 254/21, where
1'+ states that all of al-Kullnl'S works are reliable.
250. **- al-Kafi fi l-istidlal / Abu I-Fat1;t Mu1;tammad b. CAll b.
CUthman al-Karajaki (d. 449/1057)

Dh XVII 245 no. 93

IQ 232/6
This is the title as given in IQ and Riya4 (V, p. 141, citing the Iqbal).
Al-Tihrfuil, relying on a different version of the Iqbal, cites the title as
al-Kafi fi l-istidlal bi ~i~~at al-ru 'ya wa dukhul al-naq~. It is also known
under other names, including al-Kafi bi /}i~~at al-qawl bi ru 'yat al-hilal.
This work, which was composed in Egypt, comprised 100 folios (MK
lith., III, p. 498).
According to IQ 232/6, al-KarajakI in an earlier book (which IT
does not identify, but which in all likelihood is the Mukhta/}ar al-bayan
Can dalalat shahr Rama4an, see Dh XX 183 no. 2498; -+Kitab [al-Ka-
rajakI]) had defended the position of Ibn Qillawayh that Rama<;lan al-
ways consisted of 30 days. In his Kafi, however, he repudiated this view
and held that the beginning of Rama<;lan was established by sight, and
that it could thus be either 29 or 30 days long. Cf. in general EI2, art.
"Hilal" (J. Schacht).
251. Kamal (or Ikmal) al-dzn wa tamam (or itmam) al-nicma / Abu
JaCfar Mu1).ammad b. CAlI Ibn Babawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh II 283 no. 1147, XVI 80 no. 402, XVIII 137 [no no.]
K 53, MD 332-333, N 187-189, S 233-235, l' 183/[om 45]
This work is variously referred to as K. al-ghayba (K 53, MD 332, N
188), aI-Kamal fi l-ghayba (N 187), Kamal al-nicma wa [sic] fi l-ghayba
(N* fol 124b), Kamal al-dzn wa tamam al-nicma (1'* fol 43a-b, 1'** fol
55a) fi l-ghayba (8 233), and Ikmal al-dzn wa itmam al-nicma (1'1). In S
233, IT quotes from this work via an oral transmission from his teacher
Ascad b. cAbd al-Qahir al-I!?fahanI, whereas in S 234 he appears to be
citing from it directly. In K and 11 it is stated that the work includes
traditions on the MahdI, but none is cited (cf. TabrisI, IClam, where
this is an important source on the MahdI; see pp. 390-409, 418-420,
439-440, 450-451, 453-454).
252. ** K. kamal shahr Rama4an / Mu1).ammad b. Mu1).ammad al-
Shaykh al-Mufid (d. 413/1022)
Dh XVIII 340 no. 384
F 12-13/10, IQ 231-232/5-6, 243/13
This is the title as it appears in F and IQ 243/13 (IQ1 243 has, er-
roneously, Camal for kamal). The title in IQ 231-232/5-6 is Lam~ al-
burhan. AI-TihranI (who refers to Lam~ al-burhan fi cadam nuq~an
shahr Rama4an) assumes that Kamal shahr Rama4an and Lam~ al-
burhan are different titles of the same work. In this he may well be
right; some doubt remains, however, since IT, when referring to the
Kamal in IQ 243/13, does not say that he has already mentioned this
work, even though he earlier cited from the Lam~ al-burhan (in IQ

In IQ 231/5, al-Mufid mentions that he is writing in 363/973-974.
According to IT, in the Lam~ al-Mufid defended the position of Ibn
Qulawayh and others that Rama<;lan always consists of 30 days. Al-
Mufid later changed his position and, in his Ma~iibr~ al-nur, agreed
with Mul}.ammad b. Al}.mad b. Dawud al-Qumml that Rama<;lan starts
whenever the moon is seen, and can thus be either 29 or 30 days long
(see IQ 232/6).
In IQ 243/13, the text is corrupt: instead of the author's name
there appears the word al-fi'atayri, with a marginal comment: kadhii
fi I-nusakh. His identity, however, can be established from F, in which
the same passage is cited as that in IQ 243/13. In it, al-Mufid speaks
highly of Mul}.ammad b. Sinan (d. 220/835; cf. Strothmann, index). AI-
Mamaqanl, who cites this passage (Tanqr~, no. 10,820), refers to the
work as Kamiil shahr Ramaiin wa nuq~iinuhu. See also McDermott, p.
36, no. 106 (mentioning only the title Lam~ al-burhiin, from Dh).

===> K. kamiil al-ziyiiriit (Ibn Dawud al-Qumml), see K. al-ziyiiriit wa


253. K. (kamiil) (or kiimil) al-ziyiiriit (or al-ziyiira) / Abu I-Qasim

Jacfar b. Mul}.ammad b. Jacfar Ibn Qiilawayh (d. 368/978 or 369/
Dh XVII 255 no. 139
IQ 206/710, Z* 293-297, 394-396
For the author see GAS, I, p. 544. In IQ, his name is given merely
as Abu l-Qasim; the full name appears in the margin of IQl (and in
Z*). The title is given in IQ as K. al-ziyiiriit (as in Najashl), and in
Z* as Kamiil al-ziyiiriit. The tradition in IQ (on the authority of Jacfar
al-$adiq) deals with the merits of spending the night of mid-Sha cban
in prayer at Karbala' ( = Ibn Qulawayh, Kiimil al-ziyiiriit, ed. cAbd
al-I;Iusayn aI-AmInI al-Tabrlzl, Najaf, 1356/1937, p. 181). The excerpt
in Z* 293-297 consists of a supplication to be recited at the grave of
CAll al-Ri<;la ( = Kiimil al-ziyiiriit, pp. 309-313). Z* 394-396 contains
a selection of traditions on visiting al-I;Iusayn's tomb. These traditions
appear in the Kiimil al-ziyiiriit on pp. 51, 50, 104, 106-107, 127, 129-130,
135, 137-138, 193, 330 respectively.
254. + al-Kiimil/ Abu l-cAbbas Mul}.ammad b. Yazld al-Mubarrad
(d. 285/898)
l' 401/121-122
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 109-110, S, I, pp. 168-169. In Sbath (p.
41, no. 734) the title appears as al-Kiimil fi l-adab. The passage cited
(Abu Bakr's critical remarks about the Muhajirun) appears in vol. I,

p. 5 of Wright's edition of the Kiimil (Leipzig, 1864-92).

===} al-Kiimil fi l-ta'r7:kh (Ibn al-Athlr), see Ta'r7:kh

255. * Kanz al-fawii'id / Abu I-Fat!). Mu!).ammad b. cAll b. CUthman

al-Karajaki (d. 449/1057)
Dh XVIII 161 no. 1195
F 23-25/20, N 60-74, T$ 567
As noted by CAbd Allah Ni Cma in his edition of the K anz (Beirut, 1405/
1985), the excerpts in Falii~ I and the Nujum have not been preserved
in the extant versions of al-Karajakl's work. Ni Cma reproduces these
excerpts at the end of his edition, the former from CAbbas al-Qumml's
Anwiir (see pp. 142-143 in the Mashhad n.d. edition) (Kanz, II, pp. 223-
224), and the latter from N (Kanz, II, pp. 224-238). cAbbas al-Qumml
does not say where he saw the excerpt which he cites. He may well have
taken it from Falii~ I, though the possibility cannot be ruled out that
he consulted a manuscript of the K anz which contained this material.
A paraphrase of N 60-74 is given in BA, LVIII, pp. 293-298. Here, too,
it is impossible to tell whether al-Majlisl used a version of the Kanz
which included this excerpt or whether he relied on the Nujum. NiCma
suggests (introduction to Kanz, I, p. 25, no. 75) that N 60-74 consists
in fact of a large segment of al-Karajaki's Risiila fi l-radd calii l-munaj-
jim7:n, which was one of several of his own works incorporated in the
Kanz. Cf. MK lith., III, p. 499.
In T$ 567, rrrefers back to a tradition in the Yaq7:n which he says he
cited from the Kanz al-fawii'id. However, in Y the tradition in question
is cited from Ibn Shadhan's al-Mi'at ~ad7:th (see List under this entry;
cf. Y 57-58/239-240).
256. **? K. kanz al-yawiiq7:t / Abul-Fa91 b. Mu!).ammad al-Harawi
(d. ca. 420/1029?)
Dh XVIII 170 no. 1236
IQ 416-417/186
AI-Tihranl gives the title as Kanz al-yawiiq7:t fi l-adCiya wa I-a cmiil. The
author's identity is problematic. l:iajjl Khallfa mentions a work bearing
the title Kanz al-yawiiq7:t without providing the author's name (II, p.
1520 = ed. Fliigel, V, p. 258). Ms. Br. Lib. Or. 11,340 comprises the
text of the Kanz al-yawiiq7:t of cAbd al-Karlm b. Hawazin al-QushaYrl
(cf. GAL, S, III, p. 1232 [772]); yet this manuscript does not include the
passage cited in IQ, and is clearly a different work. The author of the
work cited by IT is unlikely to be cAbd Allah b. Mu!).ammad al-An~arl
al-HarawI, d. 481/1088-9 (for whom see ~K. al-iCtiqiid): in addition
to his name being quite different, he is not known to have composed a
work bearing this title. The same objections apply to Abul-Fa91 IsmacII

b. A1)mad b. Mu1)ammad al-Simsar al-Harawl (alive in 437/1045-6),

mentioned in Ta'rrkh Baghdiid, VI, pp. 314-315. The likeliest candidate
is the traditionist Abu l-Fa<;ll Mu1)ammad b. A1)mad b. Mu1)ammad al-
I:Iafi~ al-Harawl al-Jarudl (d. ca. 420/1029; see Farisl, Siyiiq, fol 4a-b;
Samcanl, III, p. 167; Ibn al-Athlr, Lubiib, I, pp. 249-250); but there is
no information about any works he might have composed. 1+ cites four
Prophetic traditions and a saying of al-Baqir on the virtues of laylat

==} Kariirrs Catrqa, see Kitiib (anon.) (no. 303)

257. + al-Kashf wa l-bayiin fi tafsrr al-qur'iin / Abu Is1)aq A1)mad b.

Mu1)ammad b. IbrahIm al-Thaclabi (d. 427/1035-6)
IQ 669-671/457-459, 756/526, S 72, + 17-21/6-7, 37/11-12, 39-
40/12-13, 45-48/13,50/13, 58-59/15-16, 69-70/[om 18], 79/20,
83-84/21,97-101/24, 107-109/26-27,112-113/27-28, 121-123/29,
125/30,127-128/30-31,131/31, 135-136/33,145/34, 151-153/37,
159-160/39, 162/40, 169/42, 176-177/44-45, 179/[om 45], 203/
53, 263/74, 301-302/85, 395/119-120, 397/120, 441/134, 460/
141-142, 490-491/152
For this work (of which a number of manuscripts survive) see GAL, I,
p. 429, S, I, p. 592; its preface has been edited by 1. Goldfeld (Qur'iinic
Commentary in the Eastern Islamic Tradition of the First Four Cen-
turies of the Hijra, Acre, 1984). In IQ and S it is referred to as Tafsrr
al-Thaclabr, as also usually in +. Shici authors used this work because
of its pro- cAlid sentiments. Together with al-Wa1)idl's al- Wasrt fi tafsrr
al-qur'iin it is a major source for the CAyn al-cibra fi ghabn al-Citra of
I+'s brother A1)mad (ed. Najaf, 1369/1950). Some citations from this
work in the 'farii'if are via Ibn al-Bitrlq's CUmda. See also -?Mukhta/far
tafsrr a[. Tha ~ labr.
258. * K ashf al-makhfr (or al-khafi) fi maniiqib al-mahdr / Abu l-I:Iasan
Ya1)ya b. al-J:Iasan b. al-I:Iusayn al-I:Iilll al-WasiF Ibn al-BitrTq (d.
600/1203 or Shacban 606/Jan.-Feb. 1210)
Dh XVIII 59 no. 665, XXVI 313 no. 1574
+ 179-180/45
For the author see cAmill, Amal, II, p. 345; Riyii, V, pp. 354-359;
Rawiit, VIII, pp. 196-197; MK lith., III, p. 476; Thiqiit, pp. 337-338;
cf. also Chapter II1.3. In +, the title appears both as above and as K. al-
makhfi Can akhbiir al-mahdz. Another variant is al- M akhfi fi maniiqib al-
mahdr (Dh XXVI, citing the third volume of NiCmat Allah al-Jaza'irl's
Riyii al-abriir fi maniiqib al-a'imma al-athiir). 1+ describes it as con-
sisting of 110 (+2: 120) traditions on the Mahdl taken from Sunnl
sources. For reasons of taqiyya or because of genuine ignorance, he

does not provide the author's name, saying only that it is a Shlcl text.
The author's identity (which is not given in Dh) was unknown to later
generations: in the Riyii (VI, p. 48), the Kashf appears in a list of
anonymous works; and the Akhbarl Mu~ammad b. cAbd al-Nabl al-
Naysaburl (d. 1233/1818) cites this as an example of a Sunnl work on
the Mahdl (Rawiit, VII, p. 135). It is not listed among Ibn al-Bitrlq's
writings in the 'entry on him in cAmill, Amal, II, p. 345. The author's
name is given in the editor's note to 1'1 179, but the source of this
information is not provided. There are however good reasons for ac-
cepting Ibn al-Bitrlq as author: in 1'1 179-180 ( = 1'* fol 42a-b/1'**
fols 53b-54a), as also in the version cited by al-Baya<;l1 ($iriit, II, p. 243),
al-Majlisl (BA, LI, pp. 105-106) and al-1'ihranl, the Sunnl sources cited
in the K ashf are detailed (this material is missing from 1'2); many of
these sources, including the K. al-ma~iibi~ of al-Baghawl and ai-Jam C
bayna l-~i~ii~ al-sitta of al- cAbdarl, are cited by Ibn al-Bitrlq in his K.
al-cumda and Kha~ii'i~.

259. + al-Kashshiif can ~aqii'iq al-tanzil / Abu l-Qasim Ma~ud b.

CUmar b. Mu~ammad (or A~mad) al-Zamakhshari(d. 538/1144)
IQ 671/458-459, 740-741/513-514, 756/526, 758/528-529, N 28, S
13-14, 43, 65, 79, 91, 128-142, 145, 162, 175, l' 42-43/[om 13],
47/[om 13], 109-110/[om 27], 303/[om 86], 380/[om 114], 389/
[om 117], 471/[om 144]
See also Sbath (p. 41, no. 737), where this work is referred to as al-
Kashshaf fi tafsir al-qur'iin. In S 128, al-Zamakhsharl is said to have
given his book the title al-Kashshiif Can ~aqii'iq al-tanzil wa cunwiin
al-ta 'wil fi wujuh al-ta 'wil. 11' says of al-Zamakhsharl that although he
was a leading Sunnl scholar (min a Cyiin rijiil ahl al-khiliif), he tended
to be fair (yamilu ilii l-in~iif) (S 131) (similarly S 162: Iii yakhfii faluhu
cinda dhawi l-in~iif). (Cf. the less charitable verdict of the CAllama al-
I:Iilll in his Nahj, p. 227: wa kiina min ashadd al-niis ciniidan Ii ahl
al-bayt. )
11' possessed a nine-volume exemplar of the K ashshiif. Some of these
volumes must have been quite substantial: thus he cites from the eigh-
teenth quire of the sixth volume (S 137-138, to Q 27:16), the nineteenth
quire of the first volume (S 129-130, to Q 2:238) and the twentieth quire
of the fourth volume (S 135-136, to Q 14:27). In S 128-142 11' cites be-
tween one and three excerpts from each volume, each excerpt followed
by his comments. Both IQ 740-741/513-514 and 1'1 42-43 consist of
al-Zamakhsharl's exegesis of iiyat al-mubiihala (Q 3:61). In 1'1 303, the
title is given as K. al-iktiib (sic); this' error must have crept in quite
early, since it already occurs in the citation from the '!'arii'if in BA,
XXXV, p. 148. The two verses by Abu 1'alib quoted there appear in al-

ZamakhsharI's commentary to Q 6:26 (al-Kashshiij, Cairo, 1385/1966,

II, p. 12), whence they are also cited (together with the three preceding
verses) in S 133.

===> K. al-khiilil} (or khii'il}, or khii'i), see K. al-nashr wa I-tayy

260. * al-Kharii'ij wa I-jarii'il} / Qutb aI-DIn Sa cld b. Hibat Allah

al-Rawandi (d. 573/1177-8)
Dh VII 145 no. 802
J 27-28, K 35, 153-154, N 222~223, 227-229, 234-239, 248-258
In K, the author's name is given as Hibat Allah al-RawandI (K 35) or
Hibat Allah b. Sacld al-RawandI (K 153). (See ~Fiqh al-qur'iin.) In
K 35, the book is referred to as K. al-mu Cjiziit. The excerpts describe
miracles performed by the Prophet (N 222-223) and by the Imams CAlI
(N 223), al-~usayn (N 227-228), CAlI Zayn al-cAbidln (N 228), al-Baqir
(N 229), CAlI al-HadI (J, K, N 234-236), al-~asan al-cAskarI (N 237-239)
and the MahdI (N 239, 248-258).
The copy in the possession of IT must have been somewhat different
from the Bombay 1301/1884 lithograph of the Kharii'ij: in the first
place, two of the excerpts (K 153-154, N 222-223) are not found in that
edition, and a third (N 248-252) appears only in an abbreviated form
(see Kharii'ij, pp. 69-70). Secondly, IT's copy was divided into ajzii' (in
N 248, 253, 256, 258 he refers to al-juz' al-awwal and in N 257 to al-juz'
al-thiinz), whereas this division is missing from the Bombay edition,
where the text is divided into twenty chapters (abwiib). Thirdly, the
order of some of the material is different: the first excerpt in N 258,
which according to IT belongs to the first juz', appears in the Bombay
edition (p. 129) after the excerpt from the second juz' cited in N 257-
258. Yet most of the material cited by IT is found in the Bombay
edition: J 27-28 = Kharii'ij, pp. 58-59; N 227-228 = Kharii'ij, pp. 24-
25; N 228 = Kharii'ij, p. 90; N 229 = Kharii'ij, pp. 93-94; N 234-236
= Kharii'ij, pp. 55-56; N 237-239 = Kharii'ij, p. 61; N 248 = Kharii'ij,
p. 56; N 253-254 = Kharii'ij, p. 71; N 254-255 = Kharii'ij, pp. 71-72;
N 256 = Kharii'ij, p. 73; N 257-258 = Kharii'ij, pp. 111-112; N 258 =
Kharii'ij, p. 129; N 258 (second excerpt) = Kharii'ij, p. 128.
261. + Kharrdat al-qal}r fi jal jualii' al- cal}r / MuJ::tammad b. MuJ::tam-
mad clmad aI-Din al-Katib al-I~fahanI (d. 597/1201)
Y 25-26/164 and 166
For the author see EI2, art. "cImad aI-DIn" (H. Masse). This work is
also known as Khar'idat al-qa/}r wa jar'idat ahl al-ca/}r (GAL, I, p. 385).
IT, who does not give the author's name, quotes from the biography of
Abu I-Mu'ayyad al-Muwaffaq b. AJ::tmad al-KhwarazmI (d. 568/1172).
This biography is probably to be found in the second (as yet unpub-

lished) part of the Kharzda, which deals with 6th/12th century Persian
poets (cf. Shukrl Fay~al's introduction to his edition of the section of
the Kharzda devoted to Syrian poets, Damascus, 1375/1955, I, p. 6) .
*+- al-Khal}ii'i~ / al-Tabari
Dh VII 163 no. 880
l' 81/20
Al-Tihranl does not note that this title appears in the rarii'if; instead,
he points to' a quotation from it in the Kashj al-yaqzn of the cAllama
al-I:Iilll and suggests that it is identical either with the Faii'il amzr al-
mu'minznof Al:tmad b. Mul:tammad al-Tabarlal-KhalllI(see List under
this entry) or with the K. jaii'il cAlz b. Abz riilib of the historian
Mu1:;tammad b. Jarlr al-Tabarl (cf. the discussion in -+K. ~adzth al-
waliiya). In 1', this work is cited via Ibn Shahrashub's K. al-burhiin.
262. Khal}ii'il} al-a'imma / Abu l-I:Iasan Mul:tammad b. al-I:Iusayn b.
Musa aI-SharIf aI-Ra<F (d. 406/1015)
Dh VII 164 no. 884
TU 24-27
For the author see Najashl, p. 398, no. 1065; GAL, I, p. 81, S, I, pp.
131-132. The Khal}ii'il} includes three traditions which are transmitted
via clsa b. al-Mustarnd (and which al-Ra<;ll may have taken from clsa's
K. al-wal}iyya). Two of them (Ra<;ll, Khal}ii'i.'}, pp. 41-43 = TU 24-
27, whence $iriit, II, pp. 92-95, BA, XXII, pp. 482-484) are explicitly
cited in TU from al-Ra<;l1's work. In the case of the third tradition
(Kha.'}ii'i/}, pp. 43-46 = rU 31-34) IT does not state what source is
being cited. Since, however, this tradition is preceded and followed by
material which is not included in the Kha/}ii'i.'} and which is apparently
taken from clsa's K. al-wa~iyya, it, too, is probably cited from that
source rather than from the Khal}ii'i~.
263. *+ al-Kha~ii'i~ al-Calawiyya calii jamz C (or sii'ir) al-barriyya wa
l-ma'iithir al-Calawiyya Ii sayyid al-barriyya (or al-dhurriyya) / Abu
l-Fatl:t (Abu cAbd Allah) Mul:tammad b. (Al:tmad b.) cAll b. IbrahIm
al-Katib al-I~fahanl al-Natanzi (d. ca. 550/1155-6)
Dh VII 170 no. 899
MD 214-215, Y 30-33/174-179, 176/461-462, 179-180/469-471, 191-
For the author see Samcanl, XIII, pp. 137-138; $afadl, IV, pp. 161-
162. IT occasionally refers to him by his honorific Nadirat al-falak.
According to Y 179/469, he was a Sunnl (min ajal culamii'ihim), a
view supported by Ibn Shahrashub (Maniiqib, I, p. 12) and Ibn Dawud
(Rijiil, p. 498; cf. the Tadhkirat al-mujtahidzn of Yal:tya aI-MuftI al-
Bal:tranl, ms. Br. Lib. Or. 8518, fol 78a). Al-Tihraru suggests, however

(Dh VII 172-174), that the author was a ShIcI who concealed his beliefs.
The Kha~a'i~ al-Calawiyya is an important source of Ibn Shahrashub's
Manaqib (I, pp. 12, 290-291, 296, 383, II, pp. 3, 12, 37, 67, 78-80, 86,
102-103, 114, 122-123, 143, 173, 208, 256, 271, 289, 307, III, pp. 5, 13,
19, 57, 136, 160, 162, 217-218, 220-221).
264. ** al-Khilaf alladh?: tajaddada bayna al-Shaykh al-Mufid wa 1-
Murtaa / Qutb aI-DIn Sa cId b. Hibat Allah al-Rawandi (d. 573/
Dh I. 361 no. 1901
K 20, N 41-42
This is thewording in K (and in BA, II, p. 138, citing the Kashf);
it is not clear whether this corresponds to the actual title. The work
(which, according to K and N, was in IT's possession) is described as
listing "more than ninety" (thus N; K has: "about ninety-five"; Rawat,
IV, p. 6, A Cyan, XXXV, p. 21, both citing the Kashf: "ninety-five")
doctrinal and theological issues on which aI-SharIf al-Murta<;la differed
from his master al-Shaykh al-Mufid. The work must have been quite
short: it is described in K as comprising one quire (kurras). In N it
is merely referred to, not cited from. Title in Dh: al-Ikhtilafat bayna
l-Shaykh '" al-Mufid ... wa l-Sayyid al-Shar?:f al-Murtaa ... fi
ba c al-masa'il al-kalamiyya. For a somewhat different title see A Cyan,
XXXV, p. 20 (which, like Dh, is based on the Kashf). In K, the author
is referred to as "Qutb aI-DIn al-RawandI, whose name is SacId b. Hibat
Allah". See -+Fiqh al-qur'an.
265. al-Khi~al / Abu JaCfar Mul).ammad b. CAlI Ibn Babawayh (d.
Dh VII 162 no. 876
IQ 231/5-6, K 72, N 98-99, 101, 129
In K, IT says that he possesses a copy of this work "in several volumes"
(or "among a number of volumes"?) (fi jumlat mujalladat). The text
in N 98 is clearer: there, the fragment cited is described as taken from
the second juz' (meaning "volume"?) of a two-volume copy (fi I-juz'
ai-than?: min a~l mujalladayn). (The Najaf 1391/1971 edition of the
Khi~al consists of two ajza' bound together in one 624-page volume.)
IQ = Khi.!}al, p. 499; N 98-99 = Khi.!}al, pp. 460-462; N 101 = Khi.!} ai,
p. 385; N 129 refers back to the passage cited in N 98-99.
266. **? K. khutab Ii maw lana am?:r al-mu'min?:n / anon.
Dh VII 190 no. 967
l:iillI, Mukhta.!}ar, pp. 195-202
Although this title is not attested in any of IT's available writings, it
is possible that IT possessed a manuscript of this work and that this

manuscript reached al-J.Iasan b. Sulayman al-J.IillI. According to al-J.IillI

(Mukhta~ar, p. 195), IT had noted on the manuscript that he assumed
the work to have been composed sometime after the year 200/815. The
text cited (IJillI, Mukhta~ar, pp. 195-202) consists of a speech by cAlI
known as al-Makhzun (for which see Dh VII 205 no. 1006). It is also
possible, however, that IT wrote the note on a manuscript belonging
to a library or a friend rather than to his own collection.
267. * K. khutab mawliinii cAli / Abu Al,1mad cAbd al-cAzlz 1;>. Yal,lya
b. Al,1mad al-Jaliidi al-AzdI al-B~rI (d. 332/944)
Dh VII 190 no. 968
MJ.I 28/15-16
The author was a noted B~ran historian with some 200 works to his
credit, none of which seems to have survived (see NajashI, pp. 240-244,
no. 640; TusI, Fihrist, p. 149, no. 536). His year of death appears in
MJ.I as 302/914-915, but al-TihranI notes that this is a mistake caused
by the omission of the word wa thaliithin (MJ.Il has sanata thnayn [sic]
wa thaliithimi'a; MJ.I2 has sanata thnatayn wa thaliiihimi'a). IT used
an autograph of this work (the title of which is given in Dh and BA, V,
p. 330, LVIII, p. 56 as Khutab amir al-mu 'minin). In the passage cited,
CAlI replies to a query of Ibn al-Kawwa' concerning the bayt al-ma Cmur
("edifice in heaven") which faces the Ka cba. This work is also cited in
J.IillI, MuiJ,taar, pp. 87-89, 98, partially reproduced in BA, XXVI, pp.
268. + KiJiiyat al-tiilib Ii maniiqib cAli b. Abi '!'iilib / Abu CAbd Allah
Mul,1ammad b. Yusuf b. Mul,1ammad al-Ganji al-Shafi cr (d. 658/1260)
Y 162-165/432-439, 177/466, 198-199/509-510
Although al-GanjI was a Shafi. cI, he was staunchly pro- cAlid, as is amply
demonstrated in his KiJiiya. Indeed, his sympathy for Shlcism is cited
as the reason why he was murdered in a mosque in Damascus (Abu
Shama, p. 208; ~afadI, V, p. 254). In another work, the K. al-bayiin Ii
akhbiir ~iiiJ,ib al-zamiin, al-GanjI supported the ShlcI doctrine that the
Twelfth Imam was the expected MahdI; see EI2, art. "al-MahdI" (W.
Madelung). The KiJiiya became an important source for al-IrbilI (e.g.
KashJ, I, pp. 139, 152-154, 161, 170-171, 367-373, II, p. 2, III, pp. 265-
283) after al-GanjI had transmitted the work to him in two sessions
ending on 16 Jumada II 648/15 Sept. 1250 (IrbilI, KashJ, I, p. 108).
The following excerpts are cited: Y 162/432-433 = KiJiiyat al-tiilib,
ed. Mul,1ammad HadI al-AmlnI, Najaf, 1390/1970, p. 76; Y 162-163/
434-435 = KiJiiyat al-tiilib, pp. 183-184; Y 163-164/436-437 = KiJiiyat
al-tiilib, pp. 211-212; Y 164-165/438-439 = KiJiiyat al-tiilib, pp. 321-322;
Y 177/466 = KiJiiyat al-tiilib, pp. 189-190; Y 198-199/509 = KiJiiyat
al-tiilib, p. 187; Y 199/510 = KiJiiyat al-tiilib, p. 216.

====} Kitiib (C Abd Allah b. Abjar), see K. al-diyiit

269. * Kitiib / CAbd Allah b. Bukayr b. A Cyan b. Sunsun al-Shaybanl

(fl. mid-2d/8th century)
K 125
A kitiib of this author is mentioned by al-Najashl (p. 222, no. 581). The
excerpt deals with cAll Zayn al- cAbichn's wealth. For further fragments
from this work (different from K) see Ibn IdrTs, Sarii'ir, p. 490.

====} Kitiib CAbd Allah h. I:Jammad al-An~arl), see A{ll

270. ** Kitiib / cAbd Allah b. al-Qasim al-I:Ja<;lraml al-Kun (fl. late

2d/8th century)
N 92-93
A kitiib of this author is mentioned by al-Najashl, who accuses al-
I:Ja<;lraml of extremist tendencies (p. 226, no. 594). IT introduces the
work as follows: wa ruwwitu hiidha l-~adith bi asiinid ilii Abiin b. Tagh-
lib can al-$iidiq (C a) min kitiib cAbd Alliih b. al-Qiisim al-lJarami min
kitiib a{llihi. The a{ll mentioned at the end refers either to a work of
that title by Aban b. Taghlib (cf. Kohlberg, "U{lul", p. 143) or to
al-I:Ja<;lraml's kitiib. In the latter case, this would constitute the only
identification known to date of al-I:Ja<;lraml's kitiib as an al}l. Cf. -+K.
Jaii'il amfr al-mu'minin (al-Naysaburl).

====} Kitiib (CAbd al-WaJ.:rid b. cAbd Allah al-Maw~ill), see A~iid;;;th

271. (**)? Kitiib / Abii l-cAbbas Al]mad b. Mul]ammad

N 186
The author is perhaps Ibn CUqda (d. 333/944), though he could also
be Abu l-cAbbas A!.Imad b. Mu!.Iammad al-Farghanl (in which case the
work in question might be his Jawiimi c cilm al-nujum; see List under
this entry) or Abu 1- cAbbas A!.Imad b. Mu!.Iammad b. Nu!.I al-Slran (d.
mid-5th/11th century; see 'fusl, Fihrist, pp. 65-66, no. 117; Tanqi~, no.
523). The manuscript was in the handwriting of al-TUsl. The excerpt
(from the penultimate page of the sixth quire) deals with a correct
astrological prediction.
272. ** Kitiib / Abii CAbd Allah Musa b. al-Qasim b. Mu Cawiya b.
Wahb al-Bajali al-Mujll (fl. early 3d/9th century)
MF 96/107
IT refers to this work as an a{ll, but it is doubtful whether he was using
the word in a technical sense. He cites two traditions in favour of cUmar
b. cAbd al-cAzlz, and then gives part of the entry on the author from al-
Najashl (p. 405, no. 1073). It is not clear which of the author's various
books referred to by al-Najashl and al-Tusl (Fihrist, p. 194, no. 717)

is being quoted here. IT emphasizes that he is in full agreement with

the praise accorded to the Umayyad caliph. Cf. in general Kohlberg,
"Interpretations" , pp. 153-154.
273. (*)( +)- Kitiib / aI-SharIf Abu cAbd Allah Mul:I.ammad b. cAll
b. al-I:Iasan al-l}asanI al-But\la'l (fl. first half of the 5th/11th century)
IQ 688/469-470
In the course of discussing the yawm Ghadzr Khumm IT relates a num-
ber of events of a miraculous nature which he witnessed while visiting
cAlI's grave, noting that it would require a large volume to describe all
the miracles known to have occurred there. He adds that a composi-
tion (mu~annaf) dealing with such miracles was written by Abu (in IQ,
erroneously: Ibn) cAbd Allah Mul;lammad b. CAll b. al-I;Iasan b. cAbd
al-Ra:ttman al-I;Iasanl, who gave the isniids of all the traditions which
he cited therein. IT states that it would be a simple matter for him to
compose a similar work, but says that this is unnecessary: his account
of the miracles which he witnessed in person is much more impressive
than would be any relation of events which were witnessed by others.
For the author of the work referred to by IT see Niibis, pp. 170-
172 and the references given there. AI-Tihranl assumes that he was
a Twelver ShI'; but several members of his family were ZaydIs (see
Niibis, pp. 121-122), and indeed he himself may have been one. He is
credited with a number of works, including Fal aI-Kufa (of which the
first juz' is extant in manuscript) and Fal ziyiirat al-lfusayn (extant
in manuscript). The former is more likely to be the work in question
since (judging by the excerpts cited in the Gharz, pp. 29, 139-140) it
contained information about cAlI and his grave.

===> Kitiib (Abu 1- cAla' al-Hamadhanl), see Juz'

274. *+ Kitiib / Abu MikhnafLut b. Ya\lya al-Azdl (d. 157/774)
T* fol 137a-b/T** fol 176b [om T 504/157]
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 308-309. IT describes this as a kitiib
Catzq which included the text of letters exchanged between cAll and
Mu Cawiya. The first excerpt consists of a letter of Mu Cawiya to al-
Zubayr in which Mu Cawiya swears allegiance to al-Zubayr and urges
him and TallJa to demand that CUthman's killers be punished. TallJa
and al-Zubayr then ask CAll's permission to leave for Mecca on an
c umra; CAll agrees even though he can see through their machinations.
This excerpt appears on the third folio of the section devoted to CAll's
letters to Mu Cawiyaj in the original text, a letter by CAll presumably
followed MuCawiya's letter. The excerpt is transmitted by Abu Mikhnaf
from cAbd al-Ra:ttman b. MasCud (for whom see e.g. Ta'rzkh Baghdiid,
X, p. 205). In the second excerpt, MuCawiya writes to Ibn cAbbas sug-

gesting that people swear allegiance to him; but Ibn cAbbas replies
that the people have given the oath of allegiance to someone better
than himself, namely cAll.
The work in question is likely to be Abu Mikhnaf's K. ai-jamal, of
which excerpts are cited directly by Ibn Abll-I;Iadld in his SharI], nahj
al-baliigha and indirectly (presumably via al-Mada'inl's K. al-jamal) by
al-Tabarl. For a list of these excerpts see U. Sezgin, Abu Mi~naj, pp.
102-103. The first excerpt in the Tarii'ij appears without attribution
in Ibn Abll-I;Iadld, I, pp. 231-233, immediately before another excerpt,
this one identified as taken from Abu Mikhnaf's K. al-jamal. The first
excerpt can thus be assumed also to be taken from Abu Mikhnaf's
work, and should be added to the excerpts in the SharI], nahj al-baliigha
noted by U. Sezgin.

==} Kitiib (Abu NuCaym), see K. mukhta~ar al-istzCiib

==} Kitiib (Abu CUmar al-Zahid), see K. al-maniiqib

275. ** Kitiib / cAla' h. RazIn (fl. mid-2d/8th century)

Dh II 164 no. 604
For the author see Najashl, p. 298, no. 811; TusI, Fihrist, p. 142, no.
500. AI-Tihranl is apparently alone in referring to this work as an a~l;
see Kohlberg, "U~ul", p. 143 .
** f(itiib / al-Qa<;ll Abu I-I;Iasan CAlI h. Mul].ammad b. CAbd Allah
al-QazwInI (fl. mid-4th/10th century)
MD 325-331
For the author see Najashl, p. 267, no. 693; Nawiibigh, p. 202. The
excerpt cited consists of a supplication which was discovered and copied
by aI-SharIf al-Ra<;ll.

==} Kitiib (al-Ashtarl), see K. al-du cii'

276. **? Kitiib / Abu I-I;Iasan Bakr h. Mul].ammad al-ShamI

Y 148-149/405-406
The title Kitiib appears in BA, XXVI, pp. 285-287, citing the Yaqzn. In
Y, only a riwiiya by al-Shaml is mentioned. In the excerpt, CAll tells of
how he was declared sayyid al-wa~iyyzn during the Prophet's mi Criij.
The author's identity is unclear. He is probably not al-Ri<;la's pupil
Abu Mul:mmmad Bakr b. Mul:tammad al-Azdl (who is credited with
an a~l), nor Abu CUthman Bakr b. Mul:mmmad b. I;Iablb al-Mazinl
(d. 248/862-863), both of whom are mentioned by al-Najashl. The
first authority in the isniid is Abu CUmar (or CAmr) Mul,lammad b.
Salil,l al-Tammar, who is probably too early to be identified with Abu

CAbd Allah Mul).ammad b. $alil). al-Tammar aI-MadanI (d. 168/784-

785) ($afadI, III, p. 154, Tahdhzb, IX, p. 225). Bakr b. Mul).ammad also
transmits from Mul).ammad b. al-I;Iusayn al-Ta'I (unidentified) .
** Kitiib / Abu Jacfar Mu:Q.ammad b. al-I;Iusayn b. cAlI b. Sufyan
al-Bazawfari (fl. late 4th/10th century)
Z* 334-341
For the author (who was an authority of al-Shaykh al-Muffd) see Na-
wiibigh, pp. 265-266. The passage in Z* comprises a supplication known
as ducii' al-nudba which is said to have been composed by the Twelfth
Imam. It is cited via an unidentified work by Ibn AbI Qurra.
277. * Kitiib / Abu Jacfar A:Q.mad b. Mu:Q.ammad b. cAmr b. AbI Na~r
al-Bizanli (d. 221/836)
MI;I 37-38/22-23
The text consists of three short traditions containing formulas to be
used in asking for God's help. There are a number of issues here: (a)
IT only identifies the author as al-BizanF. His identity, however, is
virtually certain, since the only early author known by this nisba is the
above-mentioned A:Q.mad b. Mu:Q.ammad, a disciple of the eighth and
ninth Imams (NajashI, p. 75, no. 180). (b) In MI;I, the passage in which
IT discusses the source which he used for the three traditions suffers
from a lacuna; but it can be rectified via the citation of this passage in
the Bi~iir (BA, XCIII, p. 234). (c) It was not clear to IT (and remains
unclear to us) whether the source used was in fact a work of al-BizantI.
As IT explains, at the end of a manuscript of al-Muffd's Maniisik al-
ziyiiriit there was an appendix (ta (lzqa) consisting of material from K.
al-Bizant'i. The last item in this appendix consisted of a number of
short traditions (including those which he cites) taken from a biib (BA,
erroneously, kitiib) al-du (ii' al-mustajiib. IT did not find this biib in the
copy of K. al-Bizant'iwhich was available to him, and therefore did not
know whether it belonged to the K. al-Bizant'i. (If this material did not
in fact belong to al-BizanF's work, then a minus sign should be added
at the head of this entry.) (d) It is not clear which Kitiib of al-BizanF is
being referred to. It is probably one of three mentioned by al-NajashI:
K. al-jiimi( (excerpts from which are cited in Ibn Idrls, Sarii'ir), and
two works entitled K. al-nawiidir.
=> Kitiib (aI-Farra'), see Tafs'ir
278. Kitiib / Ghiyath b. IbrahIm al-TamlmI al-UsaydI (fl. second
half of the 2d/8th century)
F 82/79
For the author see Madelung, "Isma (Ill Law", pp. 35-36. The book in
question might be Ghiyath's legal work (Kitiib mubawwab fi l-~aliil wa

l-~ariim; cf. NajashI, p. 305, no. 833): in the tradition cited, cAlI deals
wi th the rules concerning the condolence of the bereaved ( ta Cziya ). This
tradition is quoted via F in BA, LXXXII, p. 88 and MK, II, p. 351.
279. ** Kitiib / IJaf~ b. al-Bakhtari (fl. second half of the 2d/8th
IJ 19/44
See Kohlberg, "U~ul", p. 144. Though IT refers to this work as a
Kitiib, it is probably to be identified with the A~l mentioned by al-
TusI (Fihrist, p. 91, no. 244) and Ibn Shahrashub (Ma ciilim, p. 43,
no. 281). In the excerpt cited, Jacfar al-$adiq explains that a tradition
heard from him is to be treated in the same manner as a tradition
related from the Prophet.
280. ** Kitiib / IJammad b. CUthman (DhI) I-Nab b. cAmr al-FazarI
(d. 190/806)
G 6, 9, MF 96-97/107-108
For the author and his Kitiib see NajashI, p. 143, no. 371; TusI, Fihrist,
p. 89, no. 241. In MF, IT refers to this work as min u~ul a~~iibinii, but it
is not elsewhere considered an a~l in the technical sense (cf. Kohlberg,
"U~ul", p. 148, n. 113a, where the text should be corrected to read "pp.
96-97" for "p. 139"). The passage in MF paints a favourable picture of
cUmar b. cAbd al-cAzlz. The two traditions in G deal with al-qa4ii' Can

=} Kitiib (al-I:Iasan b. Mal).bub), see A~l

281. * Kitiib / IJurayz b. cAbd Allah al-Sijistaru (fl. mid-2d/8th

Dh II 145 nos. 546-549
F 86/82
For the author see Kohlberg, "U~ul", pp. 144, 149. Cf. also Ibn Baba-
wayh, AmlUi", pp. 370-371. The tradition cited prescribes that a death
be followed by a three-day mourning period (ma 'tam).

=} Kitiib (I:Iusayn b. Khuzayma), see K. fi a~wiil al-a'imma

=} Kitiib (Ibn Dawud al-QummI), see K. al-radd C alii Ibn Qulawayh

282. *+- Kitiib / Mul).ammad b. al-I:Iusayn b. Mul).ammad al-Qa<;lI

Abu Ya cIa Ibn aI-Farra' al-I:Ianbali (d. 458/1066)
l' 345/98
For the author (whose name is given in l' as Ibn aI-Farra' al-I:IanbalI)
see EI2, art. "Ibn aI-Farra'" (H. Laoust). IT says this work is replete
with such crass anthropomorphisms that he will not cite from it. The

reference is perhaps to the full version of the K. al-mu Ctamad Ii u~ul al-
din, excerpts from which are cited by Ibn al-JawzT in his Dal c shubhat
al-tashbih (n.p., 1345). (lowe this reference to Professor M. A. Cook.)
Only the short version of the Mu Ctamad appears to have survived (ed.
Wadi Z. Haddad, Beirut, 1974).
283. ** Kitiib / Abii Jacfar A~mad b. cAbd Allah (or cAbd Rabbihi) b.
Mihran al-KarkhT known as Ibn Khanibah (fl. mid 3d/9th century)
F 183-185/i68..170, 248/226, 288-289/261-262
For the form Khaniba:h see Tanqi~, no. 380; as his name suggests, Ibn
Khanibah was a Persian (min al-Cajam) (KishshT, p. 474). According
to F 183/168, his Kitiib was presented to al-I;Iasan al- cAskarT, who ap-
proved its contents. It may well be identical with Ibn Khanibah's K.
al-ta'dib = K. yawm wa layla (cf. Najasm, p. 91, no. 226; rusT, Fihrist,
p. 54, no. 79; Dh III 210 no. 774). (It is noteworthy that the K. yawm
wa layla of Ibn Khanibah's teacher Yunus b. cAbd al-Ral)man is also
said to have gained al-cAskarT's approval when it was presented to him;
see KishshT, p. 410; NajashT, p. 447, no. 1208, citing al-Muffd's Ma~iib1:~
al-nur.) According to F 183/168, Ibn Khanibah's book consisted of sup-
plications, and this is corroborated by the excerpts cited. Ina variant
reading given in F 289/261 (whence BA, LXXVI, p. 217), the work is
also referred to as Mumlayiit.
284. ** Kitiib / Ibrahim b. Mul]ammad al-AshcarI al-QummT (fl.
early 3d/9th century)
K 125
This is probably the Kitiib which IbrahTm wrote with his brother al-
Fa<;ll (cf. NajashT, pp. 24-25, no. 42; rusT Fihrist, p. 35, no. 14; Tanqi~,
no. 171). In the excerpt cited, al-I;Iasan b. cAIT is said to have sold two
estates in order to payoff a debt of 800,000 dirhams which his father
had left at his death.
285. ** Kitiib / Abu Ayyub IbrahIm b. CUthman (or Clsa) al-
Khazzaz (or al-Kharraz) al-Kuff (fl. mid-2d/8th century)
Dh II 136 no. 509
F 93/89, S 80
For the author see NajashT, p. 20, no. 25; rusT, Fihrist, p. 35, no. 13;
Tanqi~, no. 141. In S, his nisba is given erroneously as "al-J azzar";
the form "al-Khazzaz" is given in BA, XXIII, p. 220. This work is
considered by some (including al-rihranT) to be an a~l; cf. Kohlberg,
" U~ul" , p. 145. The excerpt in S provides an exegesis of Q 35:32, while
F consists of a qirii'a of Q 2:238 which deviates from the canonical
reading by having the words wa ~aliit al-ca~r added after wa l-~aliit al-
wustii. This reading is attested in early talsir literature, both ShT(T and

non-ShI9"; for the former see e.g. QummI, Ta/s1:r, I, p. 79 (for !}aliit read
wa !}aliit); CAyyashI, Ta/s7:r, I, p. 127.
===} Kitiib (Clsa b. al-Mustarad), see K. al-wa!}iyya
286. ** Kitiib / Abu Mu1).ammad Jacfar b. Al].mad b. cAlI (or cAlI
b. A1).mad) al-Qummi Ibn al-RazI (fl. mid 4th/10th century)
IQ 244/14
11' believes (but is not certain) that the Kitiib from which he cites is
by Abu Mu1).ammad (IQl: b.) Jacfar b. A1).mad al-QummI. The excerpt
deahl with the merits of ablution on the first night of Rama~an. See
also -+al-Munbi'.
287. ** Kitiib / Jacfar b. Mul].ammad b. Malik (fl. end of the 3d/
9th century)
F 97/92, K. al-bishiira
For the author see A Cyiin, XVI, pp. 237-242. In the passage cited in
F, al-Baqir speaks of the merit of praying during the zawiil. In the
K. al-bishiira as cited in I:IillI, Mukhta!}ar, p. 212, whence BA, LIII,
p. 116 (cf. -+11', K. al-bishiiriit), I:Iamran b. A Cyan declares that the
world will exist for 100,000 years: during the first 20,000 years, non-
Shlcls (sii'ir al-niis) will prevail, but for the remaining 80,000 years the
Prophet's family will hold sway. It is not clear whether both passages
were taken from the same work by Jacfar b. Mu1).ammad. Two relevant
titles mentioned in NajashI (p. 122, no. 313) are the K. ghurar al-akhbiir
and the K. akhbiir al-a'imma wa mawiil7:dihim.
===} Kitiib (Ja cfar b. Sulayman), see K. thawiib al-a cmiil

288. ** Kitiib / Sulayman b. $ali1). al-Ja~~a~ al-Kufi (fl. mid-2d/8th

N 101.:102
For the author see Tanq7:~, no. 5214. Both al-NajashI (p. 184, no. 486)
and al-rusI (Fihrist, p. 108, no. 331) credit him with a kitiib. 11' used
a manuscript which had been read to Harun b. Musa al-Talla cukbarI.
The excerpt consists of an exegesis of Q 6:75.
289. **( +) Kitiib / Abu Bakr Mu1).ammad b. cAlI b. Yasir al-An~arI
al-Jubba'i (fl. late 4th/10th century)
Y 35/185
The author transmitted from Abu I-Faraj A1).mad b. Ja cfar aI-Nasa'!
(d. 366/976-977) (for whom see Ta'r'ikh Baghdiid, IV, pp. 72-73).
290. **- Kitiib / Abu I-Fat1). Mu1).ammad b. cAlI b. CUthman al-
Karajaki (d. 449/1057)
IQ 232/6

Thi~ is probably the MukhtalJar al-bayiin Can daliilat shahr Rama4iin.

Cf. al-KarajakI's -+al-Kiifi fi l-istidliil, -+K. fi l-nujum.
===} Kitiib (al-KhaIIII), see Fa4ii'il amfr al-mu'minfn
===} Kitiib (MasCada b. Ziyad), see AlJI

291. ** Kitiib / Abu Sayyar Misma c (or Kurdln) b. cAbd ai-Malik

b. Misma c b. Malik b. Misma c b. Shayban (fL mid-2d/8th century)
F 187/172 .
Kurdln was Mismac,s laqab. In F (and BA, LXXXVI, p. 210, citing
Falii~ J) his name appears erroneously as Kurdln b. Misma . He was
leader of the Bakr b. Wa'il in Ba~ra, and in 145/762 joined the revolt
of IbrahIm b. cAbd Allah, brother of Mui.lammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya
(Ibn ijazm, Jamhara, p. 320). Both al-NajashI (p. 420, no. 1124) and
al-TusI (Fihrist, pp. 158-159, no. 584) credit Misma c with a Kitiib.
292. - Kitiib / al-MufacJcJal b. cUmar al-Jucfi (fl. mid-2d/8th cen-
Dh IV 482 no. 2156 (under Taw~fd)
A 78/91, K9
IT refers to a Kitiib dictated to al-Mufa<;l<;lal b. cUmar by Jacfar al-
$adiq, which he describes as dealing with God's creation (fimii khalaqa
lliih jalla jaliiluhu min al-iithiir) (K) and His wisdom in bringing into
being the lower world and revealing its secrets (fi ma crifat wujuh al-
~ikma fi inshii' al- ciilam al-sufiz w,a ifhiir asriirihi) (A). This description
fits the contents of the Taw~zd al-Mufa44al (for which see GAS, I, p.
530, no. 9, p. 534; Halm, "Das 'Buch der Schatten''', Der Islam, 55,
1978, pp. 219-265, at p. 222); and al-MajlisI (BA, I, p. 14) and al-
TihranI (Dh IV 482 no. 2156) take it for granted that this is the work
referred to by IT. It was published both as Taw~zd al-Mufa44al (Najaf,
1375/1955) and (in four volumes) as Min amiilz l-imiim Ja cfar al-$iidiq
(ed. Mui.lammad al-KhalIII, Najaf, 1383-4/1963-4). See also -+K. al-

293. ** Kitiib / Mui.lammad b. Mui.lammad al-Shaykh al-Mufid (d.

N 236-237
IT cites from an unidentified text of al-Shaykh al-Mufid in the author's
handwriting. The passage describes a miracle performed by al-J:Iasan
al- cAskarI. AI-Mufid heard the story from Mui.lammad b. Harun al-
Talla cukbarI in al-Karkh on 17 Mui.larram 410/25 May 1019.

===} Kitiib (Mui.lammad b. CAlI b. Mai.lbub), see K. al-mulJannaf


294. **- Kitab / Mul}ammad b. cAlI b. Rabal} (fl. 3rd/9th cen-

Najan, p. 482 = BA, XXIII, p. 220 [om S 79]
The author is probably to be identified with Mul.lammad b. cAll b.
CUmar b. RabaJ.:t (or RiyaJ.:t), a grandson of the Batrl Zaydl cUmar b.
RabaJ.:t (or RiyaJ.:t ) (for whom cf. Nawbakhtl, Firaq, pp. 52-53; Sa cd b.
cAbd Allah, p. 75; Kishshl, p. 205) and father of AJ.:tmad, whom al-rusl
(Rijal, p. 454, no. 95) describes as a trustworthy transmitter. This is
one of a number of works listed by IT containing an interpretation of
the words alladh?:na ~tafayna of Q 35:32 as referring to all the offspring
of the Prophet. The passage in which this Kitab is mentioned is missing
from S but is cited from the Sa Cd in Najan and the Bi~ar.
295. **+ Kitab / Abu Jacfar Mul}ammad b. ~abib (d. 245/860)
IQ 521/306-307, MD 355
For the author see GAL, I, 105, S, I, pp. 165-166; his pro-cAlid attitudes
are noted by al-rihranl (Dh XX 139 no. 2299, under K. al-mu~abbar).
In IQ, IT cites from this work directly, relying on a manuscript in
the Madrasa Mustan~iriyya copied by CUmar b. Thabit (for whom see
Ta'r?:kh Baghdad, XI, pp. 270-271) in Rama<;lan 373/Feb.-Mar. 984. Two
excerpts are cited, both dealing with a request which God granted.
The work in question may thus well be Ibn J:Iablb's K. man ustuj?:ba(t)
da Cwatuhu (mentioned in Ibn al-Nadlm, p. 119; Yaqut, Udaba', XVIII,
p. 116). In MD, 11' refers to a passage from a kitab of Ibn J:Iablb of which
he composed a summary (see ---+11', Mukhta~ar kitab Ibn lfab?:b); it is not
clear whether he is citing from the summary or from the original work.
In this passage, the months of Dhu I-Qa Cda and Rajab are described
as the most propitious for having requests granted; hence the work in
question may also be the K. man ustuj?:ba(t) da Cwatuhu.
==> Kitiib (MuJ.:tammad b. Mu'min aI-ShIrazI), see K. nuzul al-qur'iin
fi sha 'nam?:r al-mu'min?:n
==> Kitab (Mutayyan), see Musnad
==> Kitiib (al-Naysaburl), see K. jaa'il am?:r al-mu'min?:n
==> Kitab (al-Qa<;ll al-NuCman), see al-Majalis wa l-musayarat
==> Kitab (al-Qazwlnl), see K. fi tasmiyat maw lana cAl?: bi am?:r al-
==> Kitiib (al-Rabl c b. MuJ.:tammad), see A~l
296. ** Kitab / Abu I-Fa<;ll MuJ.:tammad b. AJ.:tmad b. IbrahIm b. Sulaym
al-Jucff al-Kuff al-~abiini (fl. first half of the 4th/10th century)
MD 332
The excerpt consists of a prayer for the time of the ghayba. See also
---+ K. al-jakhir.

297. ** Kitiib / Abu Mul).ammad ~afwan b. Yal].ya al-Bajali Bayya C

al-SabirI (d. 210/825-826)
F 223/204
"SabirI" refers either to a delicate kind of garment or to a certain
sort of date; cf. Lane, s.v. The author, a representative (wakfl) of the
eighth Imam al-Ric;la, is highly praised for his piety; see Tanqf~, no.
5780 (citing earlier sources). It is not clear which of the author's various
books referred. to by al-Najashl (p. 197, no. 524) and al-Tusl (Fihrist,
p. 113, no. 358) is being quoted here. In the excerpt, Jacfar al-$adiq
explains why Noah was called "a grateful servant" (Cabdan shakuran;
cf. Q 17:3).
298. ** Kitiib / Abu cAbd Allah Mul).ammad b. Al).mad b. cAbd Allah
b. Quc;laca al-~afwanI (alive in 346/957-958)
IQ 711-712/493-494
For the author see Ibn al-Nadlm, p. 247; NajashI, p. 393, no. 1050;
Tanqf~, no. 10,325; N aWiibigh, pp. 238-239. The text consists of a prayer
to be recited over cAll's grave on yawm Ghadfr Khumm.
299. *? Kitiib / Abu cAbd Allah Mul).ammad b. cAll al-Sarraj
l' 36/11
The author is unidentified. The excerpt consists of a pro- cAlid exegesis
of Q 8:25 on the authority of cAbd Allah b. Mascud, followed by Ibn
Mascud's expression of regret at not having supported cAll. This ex-
cerpt is cited via the 'farii'if in BA (XXXVIII, p. 156), Burhiin (II, p.
72) and cAmilI, Ithbiit (IV, p. 276, where the author is called Mul;
mad b. CAll b. al-Sarraj). A further fragment is cited by Ibn Shahrashub
(Maniiqib, III, p. 17) from a K. Abf cAbd Alliih Mu~ammad b. al-Sarriij,
which is likely to be the work cited in T.
300. **?- Kitiib / Tahir b. cAbd Allah
K. al-bishiira
IT (apparently writing from memory) says he believes that he found
in this Kitiib a longer version of the account which he cited in the K.
al-bishiira from the Kitiib of Jacfar b. Mul,lammad b. Malik (see List
under this entry). See J:lillI, Mukhta~ar, p. 212, whence BA, LIII, p. 116
(where "Tahir" should be read for "Tihr"). Because of the pronounced
Shici bias of that account, the author is unlikely to be the Shafi 9" qii4f
Abu I-Tayyib Tahir b. cAbd Allah b. Tahir b. CDmar al-TabarI, d.
Rabi CI 450/May 1058 (cf. Ta'rfkh Baghdiid, IX, pp. 358-360).
==} Kitiib (al-TamlmI), see K. munyat al-diicf

301. (**)+- Kitiib / Abu I-J:lasan Thabit b. Qurra al-J:larrani (d.


N 202
This is one of two books by this author which were in the possession of
IT (see ---+al-Ib~iir). Since no further details are provided, it cannot be
established whether this work is extant.

==::} Kitiib (al-Tirazl), see K. al-du cii' wa I-ziyiira

==::} Kitiib (CUbayd Allah b. cAll al-IJalabl), see A~I

302. ** Kitiib / cUmar h. Udhayna al-Kun (fl. mid 2d/8th century)

F 93/88
For the author see Kishshl, p. 284; Tanqz~, no. 8968. Some say that
cUmar was his father's name, and that his own name was Mul).ammad
(or Al).mad) b. cUmar (b. Mul).ammad b. cAbd al-Ral).man) b. Udhayna.
He is said to have fled from the cAbbasid caliph al-Mahdlto the Yemen,
where he died. AI-Tusl (Fihrist, p. 143, no. 504) refers to a long and a
short version of his Kitiib. In the passage cited (quoted in MK, III, p.
20), al-~aliit al-wustii is interpreted as ~aliit al-~uhr.

==::} Kitiib (Warram b. Abl Firas), see Majmu C

==::} Kitiib (YaCqub b. NuCaym), see K. al-imiima

303. **? Kitiib / anon.

IQ 306/65-66, MN 20-21
It is not certain that the fragments in IQ and MN were taken from the
same manuscript. In IQ, the text is cited from "old quires that have
reached us" (kariirzs Catzqa wa~alat ilaynii), in which the author's name
is not indicated because some folios (apparently from the beginning)
were missing. The fragment consists of a supplication for the Iaylat
al-qadr which the Prophet taught Ibn cAbbas. The manuscript cited
in MN is described as "a slender book with paper binding now in our
possession" (kitiib cindanii I-iin latZf jilduhu kiighad), consisting of some
three quires. In the fragment cited, Abu I-Zahiriyya (i.e. IJudayr b.
Kurayb al-IJa<;lraml, d. 129/746-747; see Ibn Sacd, VII, p. 450) tells
of a meeting which he had with a group of angels in the Jerusalem
mosque; this story also appears in Abu Bakr Mul).ammad b. Al).mad
al-WasitI, Faii'il al-bayt al-muqaddas, ed. I. Hasson, Jerusalem, 1979,
pp. 42-43, no. 58 (where further references are given). The main piece of
evidence in support of the single-manuscript theory is that in both IQ
and MN the format is the rather unusual one of "less than an eighth"
( aqall/ a~ghar min al-thumn).
304. ** + Kitiib / anon.

This manuscript, in the format ni~f thumn al-waraqa, was in the hand-
writing of al-BaqillanI (d. 403/1013) (to whom IT refers as "Ibn al-
BaqillanI al-mutakallim al-nal,J.wI"j cf. EI2, art. "al-BalfillanI" [R. J.
McCarthy]). At the end of the manuscript (reading, with BA, XCIV,
p. 236, Ii akhir kitab rather than fi kitab akhar) there appeared a sup-
plication which cAlI had taught a sick man in a dreamj it is this sup-
plication, written by a different hand from the rest of the manuscript,
which IT cites.
305. **? Kitab / anon.
MD 342-347
The excerpt consists of the supplication known as du Co.' al-Cabarat. IT's
friend Mul.mmmad b. Mul,lammad al-Qa9I aI-Awl found it in a manu-
script and made his own copy from it. Then the original was lost. IT
did not see aI-Awl's copy, but rather a variant of this supplication in a
manuscript which had been partially damaged by humidity. This ma-
nuscript was shown him by Ibn al-Wazlr al-Warraq, who had bought it
for Al,lmad b. Mul,lammad al-Muqri' al-A Craj (so MD** fol 198bj MD
omits "Al,unad b.") for one dirham and a half. This apparently hap-
pened while aI-Awl was still alive. After al-AwI's death, IT discovered a
third variant of this supplication, this time in a volume also containing
other material. It is this volume which was in his possession. IT cites the
duca' al-cabarat in the version found in Ibn al-Wazlr's manuscript (MD
339-342) and then in the version in his own manuscript (MD 342-347).
306. **? Kitab / anon.
MN 29-36
IT cites the text of two supplications called du co,' al-tayr al-abya4 al-
rumz (MN 29-30) and du co,' al-shaykh (MN 30-36) from a manuscript
which he saw in the possession of Mul,lammad b. Mul,lammad al-Qa9I
al-AwI (and of which he made his own copy?).
307. **? Kitab / anon.
N 218-219
The work in question is an astrological text. IT, who cites a passage
exposing the author's ignorance of astrology, says he is deliberately
withholding the author's name so that people will not denigrate him
for his ignorance.
308. **? Kitab / anon. (transmitted from Abu ZurCa)
S 24, 281-282
This was one of a number of texts in a majmu Ca based on dictations by
Abu Zurca cAbd al-Ral,unan b. Mul,lammad b. B-l,l-l-a al-Muqri' (see
~ K. jami C fi waqf al-qari' Ii l-qur'an). The excerpt concerns points of

agreement and disagreement regarding the division into Meccan and

Medinan Suras and verses.
309. **? Kitiib / anon.
Y 156-157/421-423
IT cites a faii'il tradition on cAll from an unidentified source in the
handwriting of Mu1}.ammad b. al-Mashhadl (i.e. Mu1}.ammad b. Jacfar
b. cAll Ibn al-Mashhadl, fl. mid-6th/12th century; cf. ~K. al-maziir).
The beginning of the ilmiid, including th~ detail on Ibn al-Mashhadl, is
missing from the manuscripts used in preparing Y but is found in the
citation from the Yaqzn in BA, ell, p. 26, whence it is given in y2 421,
n. 1.
310. **? Kitiib / anon. (early 4th/10th century)
Y 160-161/428-429, 198/508
This work, dated Mu1}.arram 308/May-June 920, was the last item in a
majmuCa which began with the anonymous K. ru~ (or raw~) (qudus)
al-nufus. IT refers to the entire majmuCa as kitab (atzq, mujallad Catzq
or nuskka Catzqa, and identifies the last item in it as beginning with
the ~adztk al-mu'iikkiit. He cites from this work a number of faii'il
traditions on cAll. For further details see ~K. ru~ (qudus) al-nufus.
311. **? Kitiib Catzq / (copied by?) al-~usayn h. cAli h. Hind (alive
in Shawwal 396/July-Aug. 1006)
MD 192-201, 278-280
There are three excerpts. The first two (MD 192-198, 198-201) describe
how Ja Cfar al-$adiq was twice summoned to Baghdad by al-Manl?ur:
once before and once after the death of Mu1}.ammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya
and his brother IbrahIm. On each occasion J a cfar offered a supplication,
and the texts of these two supplications are given. The excerpt in MD
278-280 reproduces the text of a supplication which the Egyptian Shici
Mu1}.ammad b. cAll al-cAlawl al--:E:lusaynllearned from the Mahdl in
a dream. This dream followed al-J:Iusaynl's flight from Egypt, which
became necessary when an enemy defamed him before the governor
A1}.mad b. Tulun (d. 270/884) (see EI2, art. "A1}.mad b. 'fulun" [Zaky
M. Hassan)).
The manuscript, in the tiilihZ format (MD 196), was copied by al-
J:Iusayn b. cAll b. Hind in Shawwal 396/July 1006, but it is not clear
whether he also composed it. In the Riyii (II, p. 165, whence A Cyan,
XXVII, p. 93) it is stated that nothing is known about him beyond
the fact that he is mentioned in the Mukaj; yet something about him
can be gleaned from the excerpts cited: his immediate authority for the
first excerpt was Abu I-J:Iasan Mu1}.ammad b. A1}.mad b. cAbd Allah
b. $afwa al-Hamadhanl, from whom he transmitted in al-Ma!?!?l!?a (in

southern Anatolia) in ShawwaI396/July-Aug. 1006.

312. **? Kitiib Catrq / anon.
IQ 246-247/15-16
This manuscript reached IT on 14 Safar 660/8 Jan. 1262, i.e. after the
completion of the Iqbiil. IT cites a comment (ta Clrqa) found on it which
describes a method for establishing the beginning of Rama<;lan.
313. **? Kitiib Catrq / anon.
MD 84-88, N 22-23, 110
It is not clear whether these excerpts were taken from one, two, or even
three different works. IT describes the manuscript cited in MD as being
more than two hundred years old in 650/1252-3; the excerpt consists of
a supplication which Gabriel taught the Prophet. The two passages in
N deal with astrology; the first is on the authority of CAta' (d. EI2, art.
'''Ata' b. Abl Rabal;t" [J. Schacht]) and the second on the authority of
al-Walld b. Jaml c (JumayC?) (for al-Walld b. Jamll? cf. Tahdhrb, XI,
pp. 132-133).
314. ** Kitiib Catrq fihi da cawiit wa riwiiyiit min tarrq a/}~iibinii / anon.
B 263, IQ 251/19
Title as in B. In IQ it is kitiib Catrq bi da Cawiit min turuq a/}~iibinii
ka annahu min u/}ulihim (for the connection between supplications and
u/}ul cf. Dh VIII 177). The excerpt in B describes a method of istikhiira
by drawing lots; the excerpt in IQ is a prayer for the beginning of
Rama<;lan. This work may have formed part of the (Kutub) al-da cawiit
(see List under this entry).
315. **? Kitiib Catrq fihi khutbat amrr al-mu'minrn al-qii/}i Ca / anon.
Dh. VII 204 no. 1003
Y 152-153/414-415, 196/504-505
Al-khutba al-qii/}ica (variously translated as "the repeated", "the killing"
or "the quenching") is considered to be cAll's longest speech; for the
text (with commentary) see Ibn Abll-J:Iadld, XIII, pp. 127-295.
In yl , the date of the manuscript is given as 88 (sic ), which is clearly
incorrect. According to the version of the Yaqrn seen by al-Tihranl,
the Kitiib was dated 280/893-894. The date 188 (found in a marginal
comment [by al-Majlisl?], see BA, XVIII, p. 121, n. 2) is possible if
it refers to the date of the work rather than of the manuscript, since
the first person in the isniid CAbd Allah b. JaCfar b. CAbd al-Ral;tman
Abu Mul;tammad al-Zuhrl aI-MadanI) died in 170/786 (d. Tahdhrb, V,
pp. 171-173). The Mashhad manuscript of the Yaqzn has 208/823-824,
which the editors of y2 (504, n. 2) take to be the correct reading.
The editors of y2 assume an identity between this and the Majmu C
CatrqofY 141-142/393 (see List under this entry; y2 414, n. 1). The only

evidence in support of this assumption is IT's statement (in Y 152/414)

that he has already given a description of al-kitiib al- C atzq alladhz fihi:
khutbatuhu calayhi l-saliim al-qii.'}ica. Yet the Majmu C Catzq is described
as 200 years old, i.e. it is later than this manuscript. Furthermore, in
Y 152/414 IT states that he has already mentioned that the first name
in the isniid of al-kitiib al-Catzq is cAbd Allah b. Jacfar al-Zuhrl; this
name does not appear in Y 141-142/393, but is given in Y 196/504-505.
A more plausible explanation would therefore be that IT mistakenly
thought that the excerpt in Y 196/504-505 preceded the excerpt in Y
316. **? Kitiib Catzq min waqf umm al-khali:fa al-Nii.'}ir / anon.
MD 186
For al-Na~ir's mother Zumurrud Khatun (d. 599/1202-3) and the waqfs
founded by her see Hartmann, Nii.'}ir, pp. 180-181. As is clear from the
title, the original manuscript did not form a part of IT's library; he may,
however, have made his own copy. The manuscript began with accounts
of the battle of al-J:Iarra, and included a story in which Jacfar al-$adiq
described how he was saved from death at the hands of al- Man~ur by
reciting the verse: innii anzalniihu fi laylat al-qadr (Q 97:1).
317. ** Kitiib fihi masii'il jamiiCa min aCyiin al-a.'}~iib / anon.
IQ 463/243
The fragment consists of an answer given by one of the Imams to a
question concerning the end of Rama<;lan.
318. **? Kitiib fihi mawiili:d al-khulafii' wa I-muluk wa kathi:r min al-
culamii' / anon.
N 125-126
IT describes this as "a book now in our possession". In the fragment,
the birthdate of the astronomer Ibn al-A clam (d. 375/985; see -+al-Zi:j)
is given as Tuesday, 13 Rabl c II 324/10 Mar. 936.
==} K. al- Cibiidiit, see (Kutub) al- cibiidiit

319. (**)? Kitiib mushtamil calii a~riiz jalzla / anon.

A 71-74/83-88
The book's title is not provided. IT cites a text which was inscribed on
four amulets (Cuwadh, sing. Cudha). These were designed to be hung on
riding animals as a means of protecting them and their masters from
==} al-Kunniish, see K. bur' al-siica

320. Kunuz al-najii~ / Abu cAll al-Fa<;ll b. al-J:Iasan b. al-Fa<;ll al-

Tabrisi (d. 548/1153)

Dh XVIII 175 no. 1269

MD 294-295, MN 22-24
This is a work of supplications (ad Ciya). AI-TihranI notes that it is also
attributed to Abu CAlI's son al-I.Iasan, but cites the Muhaj as evidence
for the father's authorship. In the Riyii4 (III, p. 407, IV, p. 347), the
author is said to be Abu CAlI's grandson Abu I-FacJ1 cAlI b. al-I.Iasan.
See also KarIman, I, p. 283. The work appears in the list of sources of
the Balad (p. 503) and Junna (p. 773). AI-NurI al-TabarsI possessed a
copy of this work (see MK lith., III, p. 487); it is probably from this
copy that he cites in his Diir ai-salam (cf. Dh). The work is thus likely
to be extant. According to Riyii4, IV, p. 347, the Kunuz is cited in the
Amiin. This is also stated by al-NurI al-TabarsI (MK lith., III, p. 373),
who adds that the Kunuz is also cited in the Muhaj and the Jamiil (he
does not, however, mention the Mujtanii). However, no excerpts from
this work are found in A and J.
321. ** K utub aJ}~iibinii l-qummiyyin / anon.
IQ 71/599,525/310,529/314,542/325
IT refers several times in the Iqbiil to one or more works by unidenti-
fied QummI, or Persian, ShIel scholars: kutub aJ}~iibinii l-qummiyyin (IQ
542/325), kutub al-shica al-qummiyyin (IQ 529/314), kutub aJ}~iibinii
min al-Cajam (IQ 71/599), ba c4 (meaning "one"?) taJ}iiniJ aJ}~iibinii min
al-Cajam (IQ 525/310). From the passages cited it appears that (as in
the case of [Kutub] al- da Cawiit) IT used a majmu Ca <10ntaining a number
of works, without giving the title of each particular work from which
he cited. The passages consist mostly of supplications for various oc-
casions. At one point (IQ 69/597) IT notes that a group of al-Cajam
wa l-ikhwiin (Persian and Arab ShICls?) regard the 9th of RabIe I as a
day of rejoicing, because on this date there died an enemy of God and
of His Prophet (i.e. CUmar). IT adds that he could find no confirma-
tion for this, except in an account transmitted by Ibn Babawayh (in a
work which he does not identify). The date for cUmar's assassination
apparently adopted by IT is 29th Dhu I-I.Iijja (see -+lfadii'iq al-riYii4).
By the $afawid period, however, 9th Rabl c I had been accepted as the
correct date (see the discussion in BA lith., VIII, pp. 314-316).
===} Kutub al-da cawiit, see (Kutub) al-da cawat
===} Kutub al-cibiidiit, see (Kutub) al-Cibiidiit
===} Lam~ al-burhiin (al-Mufid), see K. kamiil shahr Rama4iin
322. **+ K. latii'iJ al-ma ciirif / Abu Bakr cAbd Allah b. Mul.Iammad
b. Tahir al-Turaythithi (d. 503/1109-10)
Dh XVIII 322 no. 287
N 22, l' 496/154

This title is missing from +2 but appears in 1'1/+* fol 135a/T** fol
173b (and also in $iriit, III, p. 32). The author's name is given (in all
versions of the 'farii'if consulted) as al-Qa<;lI Abu Bakr CAbd Allah b.
Mu1;tammad b. Tahir. The nisba appears only in the Nujum, where it
is given erroneously as al-T-r-b-thI (N) or al-T-r-th-I-nI (N* fol 14b).
AfandI (Riyii, III, p. 245) refers to the passage in the Nujum (about
Hermes/Idrls as the first astronomer), but knows nothing about the au-
thor. Al-+uraythlthI's biography appears in fact in Dimyap:, Mustafiid,
pp. 273-274 and $afadI, XVII, pp. 534-535 (in both of which further
references are given). His nisba refers to a town southwest of Naysabur
which is also known as Turshlz (cf. Ibn al-Athlr, Lubiib, II, p. 281;
Bulliet, Patricians, p. 141).
The only work of al-TuraythlthI mentioned by al-$afadI (and by Ibn
al-QiftI, Inbiih al-ruwiit, II, p. 130) is al-Muwiizana bayna AM 'fiihir wa
~iihir. Could IT have been citing from the well-known Latii'if al-ma ciirif
of Abu Manf?ur al-ThaCalibI (d. 429/1031), erroneously ascribing it to
al-TuraythlthI? The text in N 22 is found in al-Tha calibI's work (ed. P.
de Jong, Leiden, 1867, p. 4 = tr. C. E. Bosworth, The Book of Curious
and Entertaining Information, Edinburgh, 1968, pp. 38-39); but the
passage in the 'farii'if (about CUthman's beating of Ibn MasCud) is
not. This latter passage (which al-Baya<;lI cites in a somewhat different
formulation; see $iriit, III, p. 32) is in fact unlikely to have been cited
by al-ThacalibI, who was known for his pro-CUthman views. There are
thus good reasons to suppose that IT indeed had in his possession an
otherwise unknown work by al-TuraythlthI.
323. + K. al-lu'lu'iyyiit / Abu Mutr Mak1;tul b. Fa<;ll Allah al-Nasan
(d. 318/930 or 319/931)
BA, LXXX, p. 346 = MK, I, p. 354 [om F], BA, LXXXIV, p. 248
= MK, IV, pp. 93-94 [om F 161/148]
The first passage describes how al-I:Iasan used to tremble and change
colours at the approach of prayer time; the second passage relates the
same of his father CAlI. Although IT does not give the author's name,
there is little doubt about it: both passages appear on fol 46b (in biib
al-khushu c fi l-~aliit wa l-mu~iifa~a calayhii) of the acephalous Prince-
ton University Library manuscript of Abu MutIC's al-Lu 'lu 'iyyiit fi 1-
mawiici~ (Garrett 2651 [shelf number 776]). See also GAL, S, I, p.
293; GAS, I, p. 602, where a number of manuscripts of this work are
mentioned (but not the one in Princeton). For the author see further
M. Bernand, "Le Kitiib al-radd calii l-bida C d' Abu MuF c Mak1;tul al-
Nasafl", Annales islamologiques, 16, 1980, pp. 39-131, at pp. 40-45.

==> K. mii nazala min al-qur'iin fi ahl al-bayt (al-Mufid), see Ay al-

==* K. mii nazala min al-qur'iin fi cAlz (Mul).ammad b. Mu'min al-

ShIrazI), see K. nuziil al-qur'iin fi sha 'n amzr al-mu'minzn
==* K. mii nazala min al-qur'iinfi amfr al-mu'minzn (Ibn Abll-Thalj),
see K. al-tanzzl fi l-na.'}.'} Calii amzr al-mu'minzn
324. ** Mii nazala min al-qur'iin fi amzr al-mu'minzn cAlz b. AbZ 'J'alib
/ Abu Al).mad cAbd al-cAzlz b. Yal).ya b. Al).mad aI-JaIurl'i al-Azdl
al-Baf?rl (d. ~32/944)
Dh XIX 28 no. 145
S 20, 235-236
The work's title as cited in BA, XXVI, p. 222 (quoting the passage
in S 236) is K. mii nazala min al-qur'iin fi ahl al-bayt. In Najashl, p.
241, the title is K. mii nazala fihi min al-qur'iin (referring to CAll). The
passage in S 235-236 is taken from the first juz'. The work was bound
in a volume also containing texts by other authors (cf. ---+-A~iidzth).

==* K. mii nazala min al-qur'iin fi l-nabZ (Ibn al-Jul).am), see Ta'wzl
mii nazala
** K. mii li l-shzca bacda cAlz / Abu Al).mad CAbd al-CAzlz b. Yal).ya
b. Al).mad aI-Jaiudi al-Azdl al-Baf?rl (d. 332/944)
Dh XIX 26 no. 130
According to al-1'ihranl, this work is referred to in the Mu~asaba; how-
ever, it is not found in Mij:. Could this be an alternative title to al-
Jaludl's K. khu~ab mawlanii CAli? (See List under this entry.)
325. **? K. ma ciilim al-dzn / Abu 1'ahir Mul).ammad b. al-ij:asan (or
al-ij:usayn) al-Bursi
Dh XXI 198 no. 4596
IQ 130-131/644-646, L 89-90/101-102, 111-112/127
The author is unidentified. His nisba is variously given as al-Bursl (as
in cAmill, Ithbiit, I, p. 62, VII, p. 122), al-Qursl, aI-TarsI (as in L1 and
L2 127) and al-Narsl (as in L2 102); in IQ, his name is not mentioned.
AI-1'ihranl assumes that he is early. In the Riyii4 (VI, pp. 47, 48), the
Ma ciilim appears in a list of anonymous works.
The passage in IQ (taken from the end of the MaC iilim) includes a
prayer of the Mahdifor the month of Rajab. L 89-90/101-102 comprises
al-Baqir's statement that al-ij:usayn chose to meet God rather than be
granted victory over the enemy. L 111-112/127 (cited via the Luhiif in
cAmill, Ithbiit, VII, pp. 122-123) consists of a tradition about the angels
lamenting over al-ij:usayn's murder.
326. K. maciilim al-culamii' / Mul).ammad b. CAll al-MazandaranlIbn
Shahrashub (d. 588/1192)

Dh XXI 201 no. 4606

N 132,144
IT cites the notices on the astronomer al-I;Iasan b. A1).mad b. Mu1).am-
mad b. cAf?im al-cAf?iml al-mu1).addith al-Kufi and the poet Kushajim.
Both notices appear in the printed edition of the Ma calim (p. 16, no. 67,
and p. 149 [no no.]), except that the astronomer's name is given there
as A1).mad b. Mu1).ammad b. cAf?im b. (for Abu) CAbd Allah al-cAf?iml.
AI-Tusl similarly knows him as A1).mad b. Mu1).ammad b. cAf?im Abu
CAbd Allah (Fihrist, p. 56, no. 85; Rijal, p. 454, no. 97). The passage
in N seems to be the sole reference to a son called al-I;Iasan (cf. GAS,
VII, p. 167; Matar, p. 389).
327. K. macan?: l-akhbar / Abu Jacfar Mu1).ammad b. CAll Ibn
Babawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh XXI 204 no. 4622
B 136-137, F 94-95/89-90, 95/90, 119-120/112-113, 144-150/133-
139, G 10, l' 417-419/127
In 1', IT (as is his wont in this work) neither identifies the author nor
reveals that the work cited is Shici. Instead he cites the speech by CAll
known as al-Shiqshiqiyya ( = Ma Can?: l-akhbar, ed. Mu1).ammad Mahdl
al-Kharsan, Najaf, 1391/1971, pp. 343-344; cf. Lane, s.v.), and then
points out that its difficult expressions were elucidated by "al-J:Iasan b.
cAbd Allah b. Sa cld [1'2, wrongly: al-Mu1).assin b. MasCud] al- cAskarl,
author of the K. al-mawaci~ wa l-zawajir and a leading opponent of
the ahl al-bayt". This refers to Ibn Babawayh's statement: "I asked al-
J:Iasan b. CAbd Allah b. Sa cId al- CAskarT to explain this story (khabar)
to me" (Ma can?: l-akhbar, p. 344; the explanation appears on pp. 344-
IT provides three reasons for choosing to bring this version of CAll's
speech rather than the one in the Nahj al-balagha (where it appears as
the third khutba): first, the version in the Ma can?:, unlike that of the
N ahj, has an isnad; secondly, the MaC an?: version was interpreted by
an anti-Shici author, who thereby implicitly acknowledged its validity;
thirdly, the Ma Can?: version is older: the date of its author's death, and
indeed the date of the copy of the Mac an?: used by IT, which he gives
as 331/942-943, both precede the birth (in 359/969-970) of aI-SharIf al-
Rac,ll, author of the N ahj (and even the birth [in 355/965] of his older
brother aI-SharIf al-Murtac,la) (1' 419-420 [om 1'2 127/1'*/1'**]).
The point about the isnad is clear, but the other reasons adduced by
IT are problematic. AI- cAskarl's supposed anti-Shlcism does not sit well
with the fact that he appears on a number of occasions as an authority
of Ibn Babawayh; this has led some scholars to doubt whether-as
maintained by IT-he is to be identified with the author of K. al-

mawaci~ wa l-zawajir (d. Dhu I-I;Iijja 382/Feb. 993). See Nawabigh,

pp. 88-90; cf. Riya4, I, pp. 200-201; A Cyan, XXII, pp. 140-154. Even
more perplexing is IT's claim about the death-date of the author of the
Mac anz. As shown by his quotations from the MaC anz in works other
than the '!'ara'if, he knew the author's identity; and he can hardly
have been unaware of the fact that Ibn Babawayh died in 381/991,
twenty-two years after the birth of al-Ra9J. It might be argued that
IT confused t,he death-date of Ibn Babawayh with that of his father,
CAll b. al-I;Iusayn, who died in 329/940-941; but this is hardly likely.
It is just as difficult to explain IT's statement about his manuscript of
the Macanzbeing copied in 331/942-943: it can be shown from internal
evidence that Ibn Babawayh's Ma Canzwas completed after 354/965 (cf.
al-Kharsan's introduction to his edition of the Macanz, p. 30). Could
the date on the manuscript have been unclear, leading IT to misread
it? (A more plausible reading would have been 361/971-972; thalathzn,
when written-as is usual-without diacritics and without the middle
alif, can easily be confused with sittzn.)
IT was not alone trying to prove that cAll's speech appeared in
texts preceding the Nahj al-balagha. Both Ibn Abll-I;Iadld (I, pp. 205-
206) and cAll b. Mltham al-BaJ;tranl (d. 679/1280-1) (in his Shar~ nahj
al-balagha, Tehran, 1378-84, I, pp. 252-253) knew of such texts: Ibn
Abll-I;Iadld refers to certain works of Abu I-Qasim al-Balkhl (d. 319/
931), and both he and al-BaJ;tranl mention the K. al-in~afof al-Balkhl's
student Abu Ja (far b. Qiba; al-Ba1;tranl saw a manuscript of the K. al-
in~afwhich had on it the handwriting of the vizier Abu I-I:Jasan cAll b.
MuJ;tammad Ibn al-Furat (d. 312/924). Yet only IT adduced the Ma C anz
l-akhbar. Cf. also AmInI, Ghadi:r, VII, pp. 82-85.
The other citations from the Mac ani do not pose any problems: B
= Ma cani:, pp. 142-143; F 119-120/112 = Ma canz, pp. 114-115; F 120/
112-113 = Ma c anz, p. 170; F 94/89 = Ma cani, p. 314; F 95/90 refers
to Macanz, pp. 313-315 (the chapter on al-~alat al-wus~a); F 144-150/
133-139 (here only the author's name is given) = Macani, pp. 34-39; G
10 = Ma c anz, p. 39.

328. **+ Ma cani: l-qur'an / Abu I-I:Jasan cAllb. Sulayman al-Akhfash

al-A~ghar(d. 315/927)
S 22, 252
For the author see GAS, VIII, p. 174. A Tafsir ma Cani l-qur'an is
mentioned among his works (Ka1;t1;tala, VII, p. 104), but is apparently
not extant. IT takes issue with al-Akhfash's explanation of the durri of
Q 24:35 as "shining like a pearl".

=::} Ma Cani l-qur'an (aI-Farra'), see Tafsir


329. **? Ma Ciinil-qur'iin / Mu}:!ammad b. Jacfar al-Marwazi (fl.. mid-

4th/10th century?)
S 20, 231-232
The author's name appears in S 20 as Jacfar b. Mu}:!ammad b. al-
MarwazI. He is perhaps to be identified with Abu I-Fat}:! Mu}:!ammad
b. Jacfar b. Mu}:!ammad al-HamdanI (or HamadhanI) al-WadicI al-
MaraghI (alive in 371/981-982; see Ta'rzkh Baghdiid, II, pp. 152-153),
whom al-NajashI (p. 394, no. 1053, whence Tanqi~, no. 10,499) credits
with a K. dhikr al-majiiz min al-qur'iin (cf. Dh XIX 351 no. 1566). This
may in fact be the work referred to by IT. The passage cited is taken
from the beginning of the second page of the fourth juz '.

==} Maciini l-qur'iin (al-Na~as), see TaCliq maCiini l-qur'iin

==} MaCiini l-qur'iin (al-Zajjaj), see ICriib al-qur'iin

330. ** K. al-mabCath wa ghazawiit al-nabi" / Abu I-I:Iasan CAli b.

Ibrahim b. Hashim al-QummI (alive in 307/919)
Dh XXI 289 no. 5110
A 52/65, 82/95
Title in A 82/95: K. al-mabCath. This work is probably identical with
al-QummI's K. al-maghiiz'i mentioned by al-NajashI (p. 260, no. 680,
whence Dh) and al-TusI (Fihrist, p. 119, no. 382). IT used a manuscript
dated 400/1009-10, which he describes as forming a part of the library
which he turned into a waqf for his children. The passage in A 52/65
(which also appears in QummI, Tafsir, I, p. 267) describes how the
Prophet brought about the defeat of the Qurashls at Badr by throwing
pebbles (~attan) at their faces. A 82/95 deals with the sariyya of cAbd
Allah b. CAtlk, i.e. the mission to assassinate the Jew Abu Rafi C Ibn AbI
I-I:Iuqayq. In the version given by al-QummI, it is decided by drawing
lots that cAbd Allah b. Unays will be the one to kill Ibn AbI I-I:Iuqayq;
this detail contradicts the usual accounts of the event (e.g. Ibn Is}:!aq,
al-BukharI, al-TabarI, BA, XX, pp. 302-304), according to which no
such decision was made.
Some SIra material from cAlI b. IbrahIm al-QummI's Kitiib is cited
in al-TabrisI's ICliim al-warii (pp. 12, 36-37, 39-40,48, 54-61,69-72).
It remains to be investigated whether this material comes from al-
QummI's Tafsir; if not, the source may well be his K. al-mabCath.
331. ** al-Mabsut Ii l-ansiib (or al-nasab) / Abu I-I:Iasan Najm aI-DIn
cAlI b. AbI I-Ghana'im Mu}:!ammad b. cAlI b. Mu}:!ammad al- cAlawI
al-cUmari al-Nassaba (alive in 443/1051-2)
Dh XIX 53 no. 281
IQ 147/658, N 125

For the author see Ibn clnaba, C Umda, p. 296 = ed. Najaf, p. 368;
Riya4, IV, pp. 231-235; Darajat, pp. 484-485; Nabis, p. 128; Sellheim,
Handschriften, p. 363; the introduction by Shihab aI-DIn al-Marcashl
aI-Najafi to al-cUmarl's al-Majdz fi ansab al-Talibiyyzn, ed. Ai.lmad al-
Mahdawl al-Damaghanl, Qumm, 1409. In IQ, he is referred to as "the
best genealogist of his day". See also -+K. al-shafi fi l-nasab. This title
appears in IQ (as also in BA, XCVIII, p. 398) as al-Mabsut fi l-ansab,
in N* (fol 84a) as al-Mabsut fi I-nasab, and in N as al-Mabsut. In N,
IT refers to the biographical notice on the astronomer Ibn al-A Clam.
The excerpt in IQ consists of part of the entry on Dawud b. al-J:Iasan
b. al-J:Iasan b. CAll b. Abl Talib.
332. al-Mabsut fi l-fiqh / Abu Jacfar Mui.lammad b. al-J:Iasan al-TusT
(d. 460/1067)
Dh XIX 54 no. 283
B 177, 241, K 130
Title in Band K: al-Mabsut. IT mentions it in K as one of the first
works of fiqh which he studied. In B 177, IT refers to the citation in B
241, which consists of a tradition on istikhara in the first volume ( = I,
p. 133 in the 1387-8 Tehran edition of the Mabsut). Cf. Modarressi, p.
333. * K. madznat al-cilm / Abu Jacfar Mui.lammad b. CAll Ibn Ba-
bawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh XX 251 no. 2830
F 69/67-68, 72/70, 78/75, 85-86/81-82, 95/90, 127/119, 155/143,
BA, LXXXI, p. 23 = MK, II, pp. 498, 517, 520 [om F 53/62]'
BA, LXXXI, p. 31 = MK, II, pp. 521-522 = MK, IX, p. 163 [om
F], IJ 19/44, BA, II, p. 161 [om IJ]
This is often regarded as the fifth major work on Shlcllaw, together with
the classical Four Books. Al-Tusl (Fihrist, p. 189) describes it as larger
than the Man Ia ya~4uruhu I-Jaqzh, and Ibn Shahrashub (Ma calim, p.
112) says it consists of ten parts. The work is cited by the cAllama
al-J:Ii111 (see e.g. Muntaha I-ma#ab, Tehran, n.d. [1333?], I, pp. 202-
203, whence MK, III, p. 130), and may still have been accessible to
Baha' aI-DIn al- cAmill's father al-J:Iusayn b. cAbd al-$amad al-J:Iarithl
(d. 984/1576), who mentions (but does not cite) it in his Diraya (pp.
69, 70; cf. Dh; A Cyan, XXVI, p. 262). Al-Tihranl mentions only one
author (in addition to rr) who cited from this work: he is IT's pupil
'Yusuf b. J:Iatim al-Shaml, who cited the K. madznat al-cilm in his al-
Durr al-na?zm, of which excerpts survive in manuscript (Dh VIII 86 no.
308). The K. madznat al-cilm was already considered lost by the time
of al-Majlisl, and his strenuous efforts to discover a copy produced no

The following excerpts are cited: F 69/67-68: on preparing one's

shrouds; F 72/70: on the merits of contemplating one's shrouds; F 78/
75: on washing the body of a deceased believer; F 85-86/81-82: on
whether the dead can hear (a Persian rendition of this tradition is
cited via Falii~ lin al-Niirl al-Tabarsl's Lu'lu' wa marjiin [composed in
Persian; see Dh XVIII 388 no. 572], Tehran, 1337 Sh/1958, p. 119); F
95/90: the !}aliit al-wustii interpreted as referring to the noon prayer; F
127/119: he who is late performing his prayers will not benefit from the
Prophet's intercession; F 155/143: a tradition in favour of performing
one's prayers immediately (i.e. at the onset of the legal time, without
waiting for the last moment at which the prayer may legally be per-
formed). BA, LXXXI, p. 23 (from the first part of the Mad1:nat al-Cilm)
refers to a tradition of J a cfar al-$adiq on the various kinds of major
ablution. The tradition in BA, II, p. 161 (which is similar in content
to the tradition in IJ) is cited from the ljiiziit via al-Shahld al-Thanl's
Munyat al-mur1:d. For another tradition from the Mad1:nat al-cilm, cited
via an anonymous source, see BA, LIX, p. 252.

==} K. al-maghiiz1: (CAll b. IbrahIm al-Qumml), see K. al-mabCath wa

ghazawiit ai-nab?:

334. K. al-ma~iisin / Al).mad b. Mul).ammad al-Barqi (d. 274/887-888

or 280/893-894)
Dh XX 122 no. 2214
A 22/35-36, 24-25/38, 29-30/42-43, 40-42/53-56, 87-88/99-100, 91/
102-103, 97-98/108-109, 100/112, 103/114, 110-112/121-123,
115/127, 119/130-131, 126-128/137-138
For the author see E12, Supplement, art. "al-Barl.d" (eh. Pellat). With
the exception of A 115/127 (which I have been unable to trace), all
traditions cited in A are found in the K. ai-safar of the M a~iisin (pp.
345-380 in the Tehran 1370/1950 edition); these traditions comprise
almost a sixth of the 160 traditions which make up the K. ai-safar.

==} al-Majiilis (Ibn Babawayh), see cAr4 al-majiilis

335. + [al-Majiilis wa l-musiiyariit] / al-Qa4i al-Nucman b. Mul).am-

mad (d. 363/974)
Dh XIX 356 no. 1588, 372 no. 1660
K 156, N 6-7, 173-174
For the author see 1. K. Poonawala, Biobibliography of Ismii C1:11: Liter-
ature, Malibu, 1977, pp. 48-68. IT nowhere mentions this title. In N
173-174 he merely says that the passages cited are taken from a work
of al-Nu cman in praise of the Fatimids, while in N 6-7 he states in
even more general terms that the material is taken from "a book of al-

Nu cman, the biographer of the Egyptian caliphs". All the passages are,
however, found in al-Qa9i al-Nucman's al-Majiilis wa I-musiiyariit (for
which see Poonawala, pp. 61-62): N 6-7 = al-Majiilis wa I-musiiyariit,
ed. al-l;IabIb al-FaqI, IbrahIm Shabbu1,:t and Mu1,:tammad al-YaclawI, Tu-
nis, 1978, p. 440; N 173, lines 3-6 = Majiilis, p. 439; N 173, lines 7-8 =
Majiilis, p. 148; N 173-174 = Majiilis, pp. 431-432; N 174 is a paraphrase
of M ajiilis, pp. 325-327. These passages deal mainly with al-Mu cizz's ex-
pertise in astrology. Matar's suggestion (p. 348) that the author is Abu
Is1,:taq b. SacId al-NucmanI al-l;Iabbal (d. 482/1089) and that the work
in question is his Wafayiit qawm min al-mi~riyyin wa nafar siwiihum
(cf. GAL, S, I, p. 572) is mistaken.
IT describes the passage in K as taken from a K. tabyin sirat al-
khulafii' al-milJriyyin (author's name not given). Though this title does
not appear to be attested elsewhere, it is probably an alternative title
of al-Majiilis wa I-musiiyariit (K 156 = Majiilis, p. 427: the Fatimid al-
Mu cizz is quoted for the view that after the Qa'im addresses the people
at the Ka cba he will restore justice to the world).

==> Majiiz al-qur'iin (Abu CUbayda), see Gharib al-qur'iin

336. **? lvfajmu C / Al}mad b. al-ij:usayn b. Sulayman
MD 102
The author is unidentified. (He is unlikely to be the A1,:tmad b. l;Iusayn
b. Sulayman al-MaghribI mentioned in $afadI, VI"p, 359.) The excerpt
consists of a supplication of the Prophet.
337. * Majmu C / Mu1,:tammad b. Mu1,:tammad b. CAbd Allah b. Fatir
(fl. early 6th/12th century)
Dh XX 53 no. 1879
MD 333-336
For the author see Thiqiit, p. 285. IT used an autograph from which he
cited two supplications, both with QummI isniids. A K. majmu C Ibn
Fii#r appears in the list of sources of al-KafcamI's Balad (p. 503).
338. **? Majmu C / Mul}ammad h. al-ij:usayn al-Marzuban (fl.
6th/12th century?)
MF 152-160/168-172 and 174-177
The author's name is variously given as Mu1,:tammad b. al-I;Iusayn al-
Marzuban (MF 152/168), Mu1,:tammad b. al-I;Iusayn al-MarzubanI (MF
153/169, 158/174; cf. al-TihranI's reference to MajmuCat al-Marzubiini,
Dh IV 189) and Mu1,:tammad b. al-IJusayn b. al-Marzuban (MF 157/
174). He is perhaps to be identified with Abu Ja (far Mu1,:tammad b.
al-Marzuban, who was an authority of Qutb al-DIn Sa cId al-Rawandl
in his K. qil}al} al-anbiyii' (p. 117) (see List under this entry; cf. Thiqiit,

p. 288). Many of the stories cited from the Majmu Cdescribe the virtues
of cAlI and other Imams.
339. * Majmu C / Warram b. Abi Firas (d. 605/1208)
Dh IV 442 [no no.], XX 109 [no no.], XXIV 130 no. 650
F 120-121/113, Y 184-185/479-480
Title as in Y; in F this work is referred to as Kitab (as also in the Kashkul
of Baha' al-Dlnal-cAmiII; see Bosworth, Baha' ai-Din al-cAmili, p. 46).
This is the best-known work of the author (who was IT's maternal
grandfather; see Chapter 1.1). It is usually known as MajmuCa or as
Tanbih al-khawatir (or al-khatir) wa nuzhat al-na~ir (variants: N uzhat
al-na~ir; Nuzhat al-nawa~ir wa tanbih al-khawatir fi I-targhib wa I-tarhib
wa I-mawaci~ wa l-zawajir) (see e.g. Riya4, V, pp. 203, 284).
The passages cited in F and Y are missing from the printed edi-
tion (Tanbih al-khawatir, Tehran, 1376). According to the Riya4 (V, p.
286), there was both a long and a short version of this work; IT must
have used the (lost?) long version, while the printed edition presum-
ably reproduces the short one. The excerpt in F (given in paraphrase)
concerns a pious man who for thirty years had prayed in the first row
of worshippers. He describes an incident which showed him that he had
been doing this not for the sake of God, but merely in order to impress
the congregation. The excerpt in Y (an eschatological tradition about
Mul,1ammad, $alil,1, Mul,1ammad's uncle I:Jamza and CAlI; cf. Y 18-19/
149-150) is cited by Warram from Ibn al-I:Jaddad al-I:JanbaII's abridge-
ment of aI-KhatIb's Ta'rikh Baghdad. IT also cites a fuller version of
this tradition directly from the Ta'rikh Baghdad; he says he does not
know which manuscript Ibn al-I:Jaddad used, but that the copy which
he (IT) has is more complete (Y 19/150).
==} Majmu C(anon.), see al-Safina
340. ** Majmu C al-adCiya al-mustajabat can al-nabi wa l-a'imma /
MD 295-296
The format of the manuscript is described as "less than an eighth,
about a sixth" (aqall min al-thumn na~wu I-suds); this is perhaps an
error for "less than a sixth, about an eighth" (see the discussion in
Chapter IlI.4). A short supplication is cited. It is not clear whether the
Majmu Creferred to in MD 324-325 is the same manuscript.
341. **? Majmu C Catiq / anon.
MD 331-332
It is impossible to tell whether this title refers to the manuscript men-
tioned in the previous item. The excerpt (cited in BA, XCV, pp. 233-
234) describes how CAlI Zayn al-cAbidln saved his cousin al-I:Jasan b.

al-l;Iasan from a severe lashing by teaching him the appropriate suppli-

342. **? Majmu C Catzq / anon.
N 137-138
The passage cited deals with the expertise in astrology of al-Ma'mun's
wife Buran bint al-l;Iasan h. 8ahl (d. 271/884) (see EI2, art. "Budin"
[D. 8ourdel]).
343. **? Majmu C Catzq / anon.
N 177-180
If' describes the format of this manuscript as "more than a rub m . The
passage consists of a story illustrating the expertise in astrology of al-
$aJpb b. cAbbad.
344. **? Majmu C CatUj / anon.
Y 141-142/393
If' estimates the manuscript to be 200 years old, and adds that it had
belonged to the Z;afiriyya library (later it presumably became part of
his own collection). Could the reference be to a library of the Fatimid
al-Z;afir (r. 544-549/1149-54)? No such library appears to be mentioned
in the sources. The majmu Cincluded pro- cAlid traditions. The tradition
cited by If' appeared twenty folios from the end of the manuscript. Cf.
~Kitiib Catzq fihi khutbat amzr al-mu'minzn.

345. * [Majmu C al-da Cawiit] / Abu l-l;Iusayn MuJ;lammad b. Harun b.

Musa al-Tallacukbari (fl. end of the 4th/10th century)
Dh XX 54 no. 1882
MD 175-184
For the author see Niibis, pp. 188-189. This work is sometimes at-
tributed to his father, the well-known traditionist Harun b. Musa (d.
385/995). For the title see BA, I, p. 33, whence Riyii, V, pp. 294-295.
Though it is not attested in the works of If' which I have seen, it may
well be identical with the Majmu Cin the handwriting of Abu l-l;Iusayn
Mul}.ammad b. Harun al-Tallacukbarl mentioned in MD 184. Many of
the supplications which appear in B, F, IQ and J on the authority
of Abu l-l;Iusayn al-Tallacukbarl may also have been taken from this
work. It is referred to as K. majmu C al- Talla cukbarz in the list of sources
of al-Kafcaml,s Balad (p. 503) and is probably identical with al-Kitiib
al-Catzq of the Bi~iir (see BA, I, p. 33, whence Riyii).
===} MajmuCat al-Marzubiinz, see Majmu C (Mul}.ammad b. al-l;Iusayn
346. * MajmuCat mawliinii Zayn al-cAbidzn / cAll b. al-l;Iusayn Zayn
al-cAbidin (d. 94/712 or 95/713)

IQ2 145-147, 149-150, 154-155, 157-158, 161-163, 166, 189-190, 193-

194, 202-203, 206, 215-216, 219-220, 222-223, 225-226, 229-230,
232-233, 236-237, 243-248, 264-266
There are various collections of supplications attributed to Zayn al-
cAbidln, of which the best known is al-$a~zfa al-8ajjiidiyya, also called
al-$a~zfa al-8ajjiidiyya al-ulii. The MajmuCat mawliinii Zayn al-cAbidzn
is one of these collections. All that appears to have survived from it
are the excerpts in the Iqbiil and in sources dependent on it. Mu1).sin al-
Amln, who refers to this MajmuCa as al-$a~zfa al-8ajjiidiyya al-khiimi8a
(to distinguish it from other collections of supplications handed down
from Zayn al- CAbidln), incorporated the excerpts in a book bearing
this title (Damascus, 1330/1912). (I owe this reference to Professor W.
C. Chittick.) The excerpts taken directly from the Iqbiil are discussed
and cited on pp. 397-484 of al-Amln's book. These excerpts appear not
only in IQ2, but also (according to al-Amln, al-$a~Zfa al-8ajjiidiyya al-
khiimi8a, p. 405) in various manuscripts of the Iqbiil (and in the Zawii'id
al-fawii'id of IT's son CAll). They are, however, missing from IQl (as
are the excerpts from al-Mi~bii~ of Ibn Baql; see List under this entry).
==} MajmuCat Warriim, see Majmu C

Makiirim al-akhliiq / Abu Nal?r al-I:Jasan b. al-Fa91 b. al-I:Jasan aI-

TabrisI (fl. mid-6th/12th century)
Dh XXII 146 no. 6442
D* fols 109b-110a
This passage forms a part of an interpolation by al-KafCaml (see ~IT,
al-Duru C ).

==} K. al-makhfi (Ibn al-Bitrlq), see Ka8hf al-makhfi

347. ** K. al-malii~im / al-I:Jasan b. CAll b. Abl I:Jamza aI-Ba~a'inI

(fl. first half of the 3d/9th century)
Dh XXII 188 no. 6625
IQ 71/599-600
The author was a Waqifi disciple of the Imam al-Ri<;la (see Kishshl, p.
462; Najashl, pp. 36-37, no. 73; TusI, Fihri8t, p. 79, no. 178). AI-Najashl
records among his works a K. al-fitan wa huwa kitiib al-malii~im. IT
used a manuscript from the library of the Imam al-Ka~im. See further
Chapter 1.1.
348. *+ K. al-malii~im / Abu l-I:Jusayn A1).mad b. Jacfar b. Mu1).am-
mad b. cAbd (or CDbayd) Allah aI-MunadI (d. 334/945-946 or 336/
Dh XXII 187 no. 6623
IQ 200/704, MF 38/43, l' 180-181/[om 45], 186/[om 46]

For the author see GAS, I, p. 44 and the sources given there (to which
should be added $afadI, VI, p. 290). In IQ, r:r says that the Sunnls
consider al-MunadI to be reliable; in S 237 he calls him a SunnI (min
rijiil al-jumhur). Ibn al-Nadlm (p. 41) credits al-Munadlwith more than
120 works, mostly on the sciences (CulUm) of the Qur'an; the number of
works as given by Ibn AbI Yacla (II, p. 3) is some 400. All the material
from the K. al-malii~im cited or referred to by IT deals with the MahdI.
The K. al-malii~im is almost certainly identical with the K. al-
mufi4 (so 1'*/1'**) (variants: muqta~~, as in 1'1 and T Per 79, fay4, as
in $iriit, II, p. 220) calii mu~addith, I-a cwiim (Ii) naba' malii~im ghiibir
al-ayyiim (or aniim, thus 1'**) cited in T1 180-181/1'* foI42b/T** fol
54a (not in Dh). According to IT's manuscript, this work was completed
in 330/941-942. This manuscript contained various ijiiziit, one of them
dated Dhu I-Qacda 480/Jan.-Feb. 1088. IT refers to eighteen Prophetic
traditions cited therein, all dealing with the future appearance of the
MahdI. In addition to citing from the K. al-malii~im directly, IT also
mentions it among the sources of the K ashf al-makhfi (1'1 180/1'* fol
42a-b/T** fol 54a).
The K. al-malii~im does not appear (under any title) in the usual
lists of al-MunadI's works. Excerpts (under the title K. al-malii~im) are
cited by Yusuf b. YaQya al-SulamI (d. 685/1286) in his cJqd al-durar fi
akhbiir al-muntafar (see the index of the Beirut 1403/1983 edition), and
are perhaps also to be found in other works. In one excerpt, the Prophet
declares that the MahdI will be a descendant of Fatima (al-SulamI, p.
22); this tradition is referred to in 1'1 181.

===> K. al-malii~im (anon.), see K. Diiniyiil

349. Man Iii ya~4uruhu l-faqi:h / Abu Jacfar MUQammad b. CAlI Ibn
Babawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh XXII 232 no. 6841
A 19-20/32,32-33/46,42-43/56, 101-103/112 and 114, B 253, D* fol
9a-b, F 127/119, 156/144, G 3, 10, IQ 23/553, 116-117/634-635,
178-180/684-685, 220/723, 228-230/4-5, 232-233/6, 236-237/9,
423-424/194-195, 429-430/200, 490-492/274-275, 496/279, 525/
310,533/317-318,547-548/331,634/423,660/450, K 122-123, N
123-124, 129, S 84
This is the second of the "Four Books" of the Twelver Shlcrs. The
material cited in A is taken from the chapters on travel (safar) in the
K. al-~ajj (in the second volume of Ibn Babawayh's work). Most of
the other excerpts are from the chapters on prayer (~aliit) in the first

350. **+- Man qaddamahu cilmuhu / Hila! b. al-Mulfassin b. IbrahIm

al.;.~abi' (d. 448/1056)
MF 155/171
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 394-395, S, I, pp. 556-557; EI2, art.
"Hila! al-$abi'" (D. Sourdel). This title is not attested in the lists of
his works. IT first cites (from the Majmu Cof Mulfammad b. al-I;Iusayn
al-Marzuban) the case of two women one of whom gave birth to a
boy, while the other bore a girl; each woman claimed the boy as her
own and rejected the girl. cUmar was unable to adjudicate the dispute,
which was then brought before cArr. cAll ordered one of the women
to fill a bowl with her milk; the milk was weighed and the process
was then repeated with the other woman. The woman whose milk was
heavier was declared to be the boy's mother. IT then reports that in
al-$abi"s work a kiitib is asked about this case and replies by citing
C All's judgment.

==} K. man ustuj?:ba(t) da Cwatuhu (Mulfammad b. ~ablb), see Kitiib

351. (*)+ al-Maniiqib / Abu I-Mu'ayyad al-Muwaffaq b. Alfmad b.

Mulfammad (or Islfaq) al-MakkI al-Khwarazmi KhatIb (or Akhtab)
Khwarazm (d. 11 $afar 568/2 Oct 1172)
Dh XXII 315 no. 7253
IQ 758/528, S 139, T 60/16, 86-87/22, 109/27, 131/32, 154-155/38,
172-174/43-44,241/65,254/70, 282/78, [413-416/125-126],521-
522/161-162, Y 20-27/154-167, 176-177/461 and 463, 181-182/
The title of this work is given as al-Maniiqib in S 139, T 86-87/22,521-
522/161-162 (fimii ~annajahu min al-maniiqib), Y 22/159, 23/161, 176/
461 and 463; in Y 26/166 the reference is to al-kitiib alladh?: ~annajahu
fi jaii'il mawliinii CAL?:. Elsewhere IT refers to al-KhwarazmI's kitiib,
or merely indicates that al-KhwarazmI transmitted the tradition in
question. IT and Ibn al-Qiftl are among the first authors to cite from
the Maniiqib (see al-Kharsan's introduction to the Najaf 1385/1965
edition of the Maniiqib, pp. 27-28).
Most of the passages cited by IT are to be found in the Najaf edition
of the Maniiqib: S 139 = T 60/16 = Maniiqib, p. 58; T 86-87/22 =
Maniiqib, pp. 215-217; IQ and T 109/27 refer to Maniiqib, pp. 189-192;
T 154/38 = Maniiqib, pp. 28-29; T 155/38 = Maniiqib, pp. 36-37; T
254/70 = Maniiqib, p. 235; T 282/78 = Maniiqib, p. 283; T 521-522 =
Maniiqib, pp. 23-24; Y 20-21/154 = Maniiqib, pp. 227-228; Y 21/155-156
= Maniiqib, pp. 32-33; Y 22/157-158 = Maniiqib, pp. 259-260; Y 22-23/
159-160 = Maniiqib, p. 215; Y 23-24/161 = Maniiqib, p. 86; Y 24-25/
162-163 = Maniiqib, p. 231; Y 25-26/164-165 = Maniiqib, pp. 63-64; Y

26-27/166-167 = Maniiqib, p. 42. A number of traditions are however

missing from this edition. They are to be found in T 131/32, 172-
174/43-44, 241/65 = Y 181-182/474, T 413-416/125-126. An obvious
explanation would be that the edition does not include the entire text.
It is also possible, however, that IT took the missing material from
other works of al-Khwarazml (note that in all these cases he refers to a
Kitiib, without identifying it further): thus the two excerpts in T 172-
174/43-44 ar~ to be found in al-Khwarazml's Maqtal al-lJusayn, I, pp.
94-96, and the material in T 413-416/125-126 may have been taken
from al-Khwarazml's K. al-arba cin (see List under this entry).
352. *+ K. al-maniiqib / Abu cUmar (or CAmr) Mul).ammad b. cAbd
al-Wal).id al-Zahid Ghulam (or $al).ib) Thaclab (d. ca. 345/956-957)
Dh XXII 316 no. 7257
MF 23-24/26-27, MI:I 28-29/16-17, S 284-285, T 41/[om 13]
This may well be the work of which IT composed an abridgement (see
~IT, Anwiir akhbiir Abi cAmr al-Ziihid). In MI:I, Sand T the work
is referred to as Kitiib, while in MF the title is given as M aniiqib al-
imiim al-hiishimi AM I-lJasan cAli b. Abi riilib. Abu cUmar's name
is erroneously given in MI:I as Ibn cUmar and in Tl/T* (fol lOb) as
Abu CUmayr; in MF and Tl/T* he is described as the transmitter of
this work. IT used an old manuscript (T) probably written during the
author's lifetime (MF, MI:I), which had once belonged to the khiziinat
al-lJiifi? al-khaliJa bi Mifjr (MI:I) (for which see ~Fimii nazala min al-
qur'iin). All the excerpts deal with cAll's virtues. See also ~K. akhbiir
AM cAmr.
353. *+ K. al-maniiqib / Abu Bakr Al).mad b. Musa Ibn Mardawayh
al-I!?fahanl (d. 24 410/24 Jan. 1020)
Dh XXII 322 no. 7277
T 23-26/7-8, 41/[om 13], 46/[om 13], 66/[om 18], 87-88/22, 102-103/
26, 137/33, 146-147/35, 154-156/38, 241/65, 254-255/70, 263-
266/74-75,411-413/124-125,427-428/129,508/158, Y9-18/129-
148,176/461,182-183/475-476, 190/491,193-195/498-501,205-
For the author (to whom IT refers in Y 9/129 as "Al).mad b. Mar-
dawayh, called malik al-~uffii? wa #riiz al-mu~addithin") see GAS, I,
p. 225. (He is not to be confused with Abu Bakr b. Mardawayh, who
died in Iskaf in 352/963 [see Yaqut, Buldiin, I, p. 181]' and whose first
name was Mul).ammad [cf. Samcanl, I, p. 234]). Shlcl authors agree with
their Sunnl counterparts (for whom see the references in GAS) in re-
garding Ibn Mardawayh as a Sunnl. Thus Ibn Shahrashu~ (who cites
from Ibn Mardawayh's Maniiqib; cf. his Maniiqib, I, p. 12) calls him
ciimmi al-madhhab (Ma ciilim, p. 138, no. 957), and IT refers to him

as min mukhiilifi ahl al-bayt (1' 23/7) and min a Cyiin rijiil al-arba ca
al-madhiihib (1' 137/33). AI-IrbilI must have shared this view: while
complimenting Ibn Mardawayh on having spared no effort to collect
traditions on cAlI's virtues, he faults him for incorporating material
which the ShI~s find unacceptable (IrbilI, Ka8hj, I, p. 326).
The K. al-maniiqib, described by Ibn Shahrashub (MaCiilim, p. 138,
no. 957) as "a large book on the virtues of the ami:r al-mu 'mini:n" ,
is also known as Maniiqib ami:r al-mu'mini:n (MaCiilim, whence Dh)
or M aniiqib mawliinii CAli" (Y 205, 206). IT found that it contained
182 traditions on cAlI's virtues (1' 137/33). In addition to the direct
quotations from it, there is also one passage that is cited via Ascad b.
cAbd al-Qahir's K. al-fii'iq calii l-arba ci"n (1'1 263; the reference to the
K. al-fii'iq is missing from the corresponding place in 1'2 [po 74]). IT
does not disclose where he first came across this book, stating only that
at a later stage he obtained his own copy, consisting of three volumes
(1' 137/[om 33]).
===} Maniiqib (Ibn Shadhan), see al-Mi'at ~adi"th
===} K. al-maniiqib (sic) (NuCaym b. I:Iammad), see K. al-fitan

354. (*)+- Maniiqib ahl al-bayt / Abu cAbd Allah Al]mad b. Mulfam-
mad b. l):anbal (d. 241/855)
l' 137/[om 33]
For the author see EI2, art. "Alfmad b. I:Ianbal" (H. Laoust); GAS,
I, pp. 502-509. IT describes this as a large book containing traditions
about cAlI's appointment as Mulfammad's successor, and says that it
may be perused in the library of CAlI b. AbI Talib in al-GharI (i.e.
A work by Ibn I:Ianbal bearing this title does not appear to be
attested elsewhere. IT may, however, be citing a separated part of some
larger work of Ibn I:Ianbal's. There are two likely candidates: (1) The
MU8nad. The material on the ahl al-bayt from this work existed by
IT's time in independent manuscripts, and it is perhaps to one such
manuscript that IT was referring. (2) The Faii'il al-~a~iiba (ed. Wa~I
Allah Mulfammad cAbbas, Beirut, 1403/1983). This work has a chapter
entitled Fa4ii'il cAli:, which includes traditions on the ahl al-bayt (ed.
cAbbas, II, pp. 563-728). It remains to be determined whether this
chapter is identical with the K. fa4ii'il cAli" cited by Ibn AbI I-I:Iadld (cf.
GAS, I, p. 508, no. 21), and whether the Fa4ii'il al-~a~iiba is identical
with the K. al-fa4ii'il mentioned by Ibn al-Nadlm (p. 285) and cited by
Sibt Ibn al-JawzI in his Tadhkira (e.g. pp. 19,20).
355. *+ Maniiqib ahl al-bayt / al-Qa<;l1 Abu I-I;Iasan cAlI b. Mulfammad
b. Mulfammad b. al-Tayyib al-JullabI al-ShaficI Ibn al-Maghazili (d.

$afar 483/ Apr.-May 1090)

IQ 756/526, S 72-73, T 16-20/5-7,22-23/7, 35/11,37/12,40/12,49-
53/13-14, 57/15, 61-65/16-17, 68-69/[om 18], 72-79/18-20, 82-
86/21-22, 88/22, 99-100/24, 106-107/26, 111-112/27, 115-116/
28,132-133/32,142-149/33-36, 157/38, 177/45,201/52,307/87,
405/123, 427/129, Y 185-186/481-482, 190/490-491
For this author, who was a Shaft" see Samcfuii, III, p. 446, no. 1023;
$afadI, XXII, 'pp. 133-134; AmInI, Ghadir, I, p. 112. The author of K. al-
nukat wa l-latii'if (cf. -+IT, al- rarii'if) claims (fols 60b, 65b, 67a) that
Ibn al-Maghazill was either a crypto-ShI, or a story-teller (qa~~ii~) with
no understanding of ~adith, and that the traditions which he transmits
are therefore not to be trusted.
The Maniiqib is an important source of Ibn al-BitrIq's Kha~ii'i~ (see
p. 8). In T, some passages from this work are cited via Ibn al-BitrIq's
CUmda. It has been published under the misleading title Maniiqib amir
al-mu'minzn CAli b. Abi riilib (Beirut, 1400/1980). This title was sup-
plied by the unnamed editor; the work's title as it appears in the manu-
script on which this edition is based is K. al-maniiqib (see pp. 262-263);
and in his introduction Ibn al-Maghazill clearly states (pp. 16-17) that
this work deals with the virtues both of CAll and of other members of
the Prophet's family. A different edition (details not given) is cited by
the editors of T1 and y2 in the marginal notes. In both editions, the
excerpts cited or referred to in T 22/7, 37/12, 148-149/36, 177/45 and
427/129 are missing.
356. **+ Maniiqib ahl al-bayt / Abu Ja (far Mul;1ammad b. JarIr al-
Tabari (d. 310/923)
Dh XXII 324 no. 7290
TV 37-38, Y 47-50/215-220, 108/335, 183/477, 188-189/487-488
While IT emphasizes that the author is the renowned SunnI historian
(Y 47/215, 108/335), al-TihranI tends to believe that he is the ShlcI
Mul;1ammad b. Jarlr b. Rustam al-Tabarl (author of al-Mustarshid fi
l-imiima) (fl. early 4th/10th century). Al-TihranI's suggestion does not
seem to be supported by any source; and although the biographical
notices of the historian do not mention his having written a M aniiqib
ahl al-bayt, it may well be one of the works of fa4ii'il which he is known
to have composed (cf. Rosenthal, rabarz, pp. 90-93; -+ K. ~adith al-
waliiya). There are in fact no good reasons for rejecting IT's identifica-
tion of the author.
IT explains that al-TabarI's work was divided into chapters that
were arranged in alphabetical order (rattabahu abwiiban C alii ~uruf al-
mu Cjam) (TV 37; cf. Y 47/215, $iriit, II, p. 19). From the excerpts cited
it appears that the arrangement was according to the names of the

transmitters, each chapter being devoted to a different letter. Thus the

excerpt in Y 183/477 is taken from biib al-hii'. At the beginning of the
work as cited by IT, al-Tabarl, speaking to an unidentified transmitter
in Masjid al-Ru~afa in Baghdad, explains that the book is dedicated
to the virtues of the ahl al-bayt, and that it includes traditions from
Kufan, Ba~ran, Meccan and Syrian transmitters. He adds that he has
separated traditions concerning the Jaii'il of the ahl al-bayt from those
concerning the virtues of others (Y 47/215). This last comment fits in
with the suggestion that al-Tabarl planned to collect Jaii'il on various
groups of people.
In Y 47-50/215-220, three traditions are cited in which cAll is
referred to as amfr al-mu'minfn. In Y 108/335, IT reports that al-
Tabarl included in his M aniiqib the story about the twelve Compan-
ions who criticized Abu Bakr for assuming the leadership after
mad's death. In Y 183/477, Salman al-Farisl declares that he heard the
Prophet refer to CAlI as leader of the believers and as one who would
be ruler (am'ir) after him; a similar tradition from Salman is cited
in Y 188-189/487-488. In TD, the Prophet, seventeen days before his
death, strongly reaffirms CAll's waliiya; and he does so in the presence
of CD mar and other Companions.
rr cites most of these traditions with full isniids. This is, how-
ever, not very helpful in establishing the author's identity, since none
of his immediate authorities can be identified. Later authors cite from
this work via IT. Mistakes occasionally crop up: for instance, al-cAmili
quotes the tradition in Y 48/216 as coming from al-TabarI's Ta'rfkh
(Ithbiit, IV, p. 167).

357. * Maniiqib iil Abf Tiilib / Mul).ammad b. CAll al-MazandaranlIbn

Shahrashiib (d. 588/1192)
Dh XXII 318 no. 7264
IQ 69/598, MF 164-166/181-183
For this work see GAL, S, I, p. 710. From IT's formulation it would
appear that the original work consisted of eight separate volumes (mu-
jalladiit), but that these eight volumes were rebound as two in the
copy which he consulted (MF 166/182). In MF, three excerpts from
the eighth volume are cited. They deal with the Mahdl and the signs
preceding his appearance. IT seems to be the only source for the chap-
ter on the MahdI: as noted by al-TihranI, this chapter is missing from
all available versions of the M aniiqib, including a manuscript dated 777/
In IQ, the Maniiqib is referred to as one of the sources giving the
death-date of al-l:Iasan al- cAskari as 8 Rabl c I 260 (cf. Ibn Shahrashub,
Maniiqib, III, p. 524). The text runs as follows: wa kadhiilika qiila Ibn

Shahriishiib fi l-mawiilzd al-maniiqib. The word al-mawiilzd crept in by

mistake (the reason being that the two works mentioned immediately
before are both called K. al-mawiilzd). AI-TihranI was misled by this
passage into believing that the work cited in the Iqbiil was in fact a K.
al-mawiilzd of Ibn Shahrashub (cf. Dh XXIII 233 no. 8779).
358. ** Maniiqib cAlz b. Abz 'fiilib wa Jaii'il banz Hiishim / Mul]am-
mad b. Yiisuf al-Muqri' aI-Farra' (alive in 281/894-895)
Y 200-202/513-516
The nisba aI-Farra' appears in BA, XXXVIII, p. 227 (citing the Yaqzn).
In yl it is al-Gh-r-a and in y2, al-Q-r-a-'. He is probably identical
with Mu1).ammad b. Yusuf al-RazI al-Muqri', who is mentioned in al-
NajashI's biography of Aban b. Taghlib as transmitting in 281/894-895
(p. 11, no. 7; cf. Tanqz~, no. 11,544). IT used a manuscript written some
300 years before his own time (or: copied around the year 300/912-913)
(nuskha C atzqa yuqiiribu ta'rzkhuhii thaliithami 'at sana).
359. ** Maniiqib aI-nab?: wa l-a'imma / cAbd aI-RashId b. al-I:Iusayn
b. Mu1).ammad al-Astarabadi (fl. early 4th/10th century)
Dh XXII 335 no. 7332
S 23, 273
The passage cited is taken from the fourth quire, fol 2a. In it, al-Ri<;la
rejects the interpretation of yiiszn (Q 36:1) as referring to Mu1).ammad
and maintains instead that it signifies the Prophet's family. Nothing is
known about the author except that he transmitted from Mu1).ammad
b. CAbd Allah al-I:IimyarI (S 273). AfandI claims that he was a ShlcI,
and assumes (Riyii, III, p. 116, whence A Cyiin, XXXVIII, p. 23) that
the Maniiqib was an independent work of al-AstarabadI, which did not
form part of his K. ta 'wzl (al-) iiyiit (allatz) ta Callaqa bihii ahl al-aliil
(see List under this entry). AfandI's only evidence is the text in S which,
however, is not clear-cut.
360. **+- K. al-maniir fi cilm mawiiqzt al-layl wa I-nahiir / al-Mu-
barak b. al-I:Iusayn b. Tarrad al-MaridlnI Ibn al-Munajjim (d. 571/
N 206
For al-maniir, N* fol 138a has al-m-n-ii- '-b-h. This book-which rr
says is in his possession-does not appear to be attested elsewhere. For
the author see Munta?am, X, p. 261; Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, I, pp. 334-335;
Shadhariit, IV, p. 240. Ibn Rajab and Ibn al-clmad give his name as al-
Mubarak b. al-I:Iasan b. Tarrad al-BamawardI (for al-BawardI? N* fol
138a: al-YanamawardI) al-Fara<;l1 Abu l-Najm b. AbI l-Sacadat, known
as Ibn al-Muqabala (Ibn al-JawzI and Ibn al-clmad: "Ibn al-Qabila");
he is described as a specialist in various fields, including algebra and

timekeeping. See also Matar/ ArOr, p. 32l.

361. - Maniisik al-ziyiira (or al-ziyiiriit) / Mul:l.ammad b. Mul).ammad
al-Shaykh al-Mufid (d. 413/1022)
MI:I 37/22-23
This work may be identical with al-Mufid's K. al-maziir al-!}aghzr (Dh
XX 322 [no no.], McDermott, p. 36, no. 110) which in turn is identical
with the K. al-maziir mentioned in Dh XX 325 no. 3226, GAS, I, p.
551, no. 8. I':r
cites from an anonymous Ta clzqa appended to al-Mufid's
work. Cf. -+ Kitiib (al-Bizant!).

===} Manqabat al-mutahharzn (Abu NuCaym al-I~fahanl), see K. dhikr

manqabat al-mutahharzn

362. ** K. al-mansik / Abu l-Qasim al-I:Iusayn b. (Abl) al-I:Iasan al-

cAlawl al-KawkabT (fl. 4th/10th century)
Dh XXIII 22 no. 7889
G 5-6
For the author see Nawiibigh, p. 109. In F 285/258, I':r
refers to him as
ibn akhz l-Kawkab1:; this probably means that he was a nephew of Abu 1-
I:Iasan Al).mad b. CAll b. Mul).ammad al-Kawkabl (d. 358/968), who was
naqzb al-nuqabii'in Baghdad during the reign of Mu cizz al-Dawla (cf.
Qumml, Kunii, III, p. 108; Busse, p. 295). Afandl erroneously presents
the passage from the Ghiyiith as taken from the MUiiyaqa (Riyii, II,
363. (+)- Maqiila Ii fat~ al-biib / Abu Sa Cld Al).mad b. Mul).ammad b.
cAbd al-Jalll al-SijzT (d. 415/1024)
Dh XXI 403 no. 5690
N 127
For the author see GAS, VI, pp. 224-226, VII, pp. 177-182,333-334. IT
mentions the view that al-Sijzl was a ShIcl but is apparently not cer-
tain that it is correct. This work is perhaps identical with al-Sijzl's K.
ma crifat fat~ al-abwiib, which is extant in manuscript (GAS, VII, pp.
180-181, no. 12). From the formulation in N it would seem that IT as-
cribes the work to Abu Sa cld's father; but this ascription is problematic
(cf. -+K. al-zii'irjiit).

===} K. al-maqiiliit (al-Mund), see Awii'il al-maqiiliit

===} K. al-maqii!}id (al-$abunI), see K. al-fiikhir

364. + Maqiitil al-Tiilibiyyzn / CAll b. al-I:Iusayn Abu I-Faraj al-

I~fahanT(d. 356/967)
Dh XXI 376 no. 5538
IQ 152/581, J 171-172

In J, Ir refers to this work for evidence that al-l:Iusayn was killed on a

Friday (rather than on a Monday, as some would have it); cf. Maqiitil
al- riilibiyyzn, ed. AJ:tmad $aqr, Cairo, 1368/1949, pp. 78-79. In IQ, no
title is given; the quotation there appears on p. 193 of $aqr's edition.
365. **? al-Maqtal / anon. (transmitted from Jacfar al-$adiq)
L 23-25/28-30
In the tradition cited (on the authority of Aslam, i.e. Aslam b. clmran
al-TujlbIal-Mi~rI), Abu Ayyub al-An~arlinterprets Q 2:195 (wa Iii tulqu
bi aidzkum ilii l-tahluka) as an admonition not to abandon jihiid. This
tradition is not attested in the usual ImamI tafsir works, but appears
(in a somewhat different formulation) in al-rabarI's exegesis of this
verse (Jiimie, II, p. 204).
==> K. maqtal Alz b. Abi: riilib (al-Thaqafl), see K. al-ghiiriit

366. *+ Maqtal al..}!usayn / Abu CDbayda Macmar b. al-Muthanna

(d. between 207/822 and 213/828)
Dh XXII 28 no. 5873 (under Maqtal Abi cAbd Alliih al-Qusayn)
L 54-55/62-63
This work is not mentioned in GAL (I, pp. 102-103, S, I, p. 162). From
the formulation in L it is not absolutely clear whether the reference is to
an independent work; the text reads: wa rawii Ma C mar b. al-Muthannii
fi maqtal al-IJusayn fa qiila mii hiidha lahuhu etc. The sentence cited
speaks of the arrival in Mecca of cUmar b. Sa cd b. AbI Waqqa~ at the
head of an army sent by Yazld b. MuCawiya against al-l:Iusayn.
In Z* (p. 213), Ir states that reciting the Maqtal al-IJusayn forms
part of the cAshura' ceremonies; but he does not indicate whether he
has a particular text in mind.
==} K. mariitib ami:r al-mu'mini:n (al-BustI), see Fa4ii'il cAli

367. *+ Mariitib al-culUm wa tarti:b al-saciidiit / Abu cAlI AJ:tmad b.

MuJ:tammad b. YaCqub (Ibn) Miskawayh (d. 421/1030)
Dh XX 291 no. 3022
N 205, 208
This title is missing from the entry on Miskawayh in GAL, S (I, pp.
582-584; cf. Arkoun, Contribution, p. 107). Both al- rihranI and Sezgin
(GAS, VII, p. 16) cite it from the Nujum, but are unaware that it is
an alternative name (not otherwise attested) for Miskawayh's treatise
Tarti:b ai-sa ciidiit (see Sbath [po 13, no. 233]; Sba:ih misread the title
as Tartib al- Ciidiit and so rendered it as Habitudes [po 67]) or Tartib
ai-sa C iidiit wa maniizil al- Culum (for which see Dh IV 66 no. 275; Ark-
oun, Contribution, pp. 107-108; Gutas, "Paul the Persian", pp. 231-232;
idem, "Notes and Texts", p. 14; Emami's introduction to his edition of

Miskawayh's Tajiirib al-umam, Tehran, 1987-, I, p. 23). Arkoun (p. 107)

dates the Tartib to between 355/966 and 360/970-971. It was published
in Tehran in 1314/1896-7 (pp. 422-462) in the margins of a lithograph
containing the Rasii'il Mullii $adrii and other works, and in Cairo in
1335/1917 and in 1346/1928 (this edition is based on the 1335/1917
edition, but has a different pagination). The 1346/1928 edition has an
introduction by cAll al-rubjl (al-robgl) on pp. 2-30, followed by the
text (entitled K. al-saCiida) on pp. 31-61. The text is based on an Avi-
cenna majmu C a in the Dar al-K,utub in Cairo; this majmu C a is analysed
by Gutas in "Notes and Texts".
The Tarfib ai-sa C iidiit deals with the grades (mariitib, sing. martaba)
of human happiness. As Gutas ("Paul the Persian", pp. 231-232) notes,
it falls into two parts: the first deals with the nature of happiness and
its different varieties, while the second is a classification of the parts of
Aristotle's philosophy. The title Tartw ai-sa Ciidiit wa maniizil al- culum
would thus seem more appropriate than the title as given in N. In N 205
the work is merely referred to. The excerpt in N 208 apparently comes
from the first part, since it describes what kings used to do in order
to overcome unhappiness. This excerpt is missing from the Tehran and
Cairo editions. Arkoun, who used the 1346/1928 edition, remarks that
the text as we have it "appears to be complete"; but it turns out that
it is in fact not so. It remains to be established whether the excerpt in
N 208 is to be found in the Diyarbakir manuscript referred to by Gutas
("Paul the Persian", p. 231, n. 1; in this manuscript the book is given
the title K. tartib ai-sa C iida) .
+- al-Macrifa / Abu cAbd Allah Mul].ammad b. Isl].aq b. Mul].am-
mad b. Yal].ya Ibn Manda (d. 395/1005)
r 81/20
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 214-215. This work may well be iden-
tical with the Ma crifat al-~a~iiba, which is one of the sources of Ibn
Shahrashub's Maniiqib (I, p. 10) and is extant in several manuscripts
(GAS, I, p. 215, no. 1). It is cited in r via Ibn Shahrashub's Burhiin,
and is also mentioned in al-rabrisl's ]Cliim, p. 53 and in al-Khwarazml's
Maqtal al-lfusayn, Najaf, 1367/1948, I, p. 83.
368. *+ K. al-ma crifa / Abu Sa cld cAbbad b. Ya cqub al-RawajinI
(d. 250/864)
Dh XXI 244 no. 4841
Y 74-78/271-278
For the author and the conflicting views on his religious affiliation see
Kohlberg, "U~ul", p. 151, n. 133. IT cites approvingly al-TusI's state-
ment that al-Rawajinl was Ciimm'i al-madhhab. AI-Baya<;ll cites from
this work indirectly ($iriit, I, p. 10, no. 168 [for Mandu c read YaCqub];

$iriit, II, pp. 102-103 has an abbreviated version of the tradition in Y

369. * K. al-macrifa / Abu Is1).aq Ibrahim b. Mu1).ammad b. Sacld
al-Thaqafi (d. 283/896)
Dh XXI 243 no. 4836
K 35, 71, S 70, 135, l' 481/[om 148], Y 38-45/193-209
This work was considered to have such a radical Shlcl bias that the
scholars of al-Thaqafi's native Kufa,who were pro-cAlid but cautious,
denied him permission to transmit it. He was only free to do so after
moving to I~fahan. These details are reported by rr (Y 38/193), who
is in all likelihood paraphrasing the entry on al-Thaqafi in Najashl (p.
17, no. 19; cf. Kohlberg, "$a~iiba", p. 152, n. 53 and the discussion
under the entry for Ibn al-Nadlm's Fihrist). 11' possessed a four-juz'
manuscript that was apparently written during al-Thaqafi's lifetime (Y
11' refers to the passage concerning the plot to assassinate the
Prophet (S 70), adding that in this passage the names of the conspir-
ators are revealed (S 135; cf. Kohlberg, "$a~iiba"). K 71 refers to the
report (taken from the fourth juz') that after the Prophet's death his
body was left unattended for three days. In 1'1 reference is made to the
third juz', which included traditions (on the authority of Sunnl trans-
mitters) highly critical of all participants in the Shura except CAll. The
excerpts in Y comprise the matns of thirteen pro- cAlid traditions, two
of which are given with two different isniids each, for a total of fifteen
~adrths (cf. Y 45/209). According to Y 38/[om 193]), these excerpts are
taken from the first juz '.
A further excerpt from the K. al-ma crifa, comprising the Prophet's
praise for cAlIon the occasion of the conquest of Khaybar, is cited by
al-1'abrisl in his [Cliim (pp. 186-187).

====} K. marqiit (or mirqiit) al-shicr (al-Marzubanl), see K. sariqiit al-


370. + K. al-ma~iibr~ / Abu Mu1).ammad al-I:Jusayn b. Mascud aI-Farra'

al-Baghawi (d. 510/1117 or 516/1122)
l' 175-178/44-45, 180/[om 45]
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 447-449, S, I, pp. 620-622. Title and
author as in 1', except that the nisba al-Baghawl does not appear there;
the work is better known today as M a~iibr~ al-sunna. The material
cited in l' 175-178/44-45 appears in biib ashriit al-siica of the Ma~iibr~
al-stmna (Cairo, n.d.): l' 175-176/44 = Ma~iibr~, II, p. 193; l' 177-178/
45 and l' 178/45 = Ma~iibr~, II, p. 194. In l' 180/[om 45], the work is
referred to via Ibn al-Bitrlq's Kashf al-makhfi.

371. + K. al-ma~iibi:~ / Abu 1- (Abbas A1;lmad b. IbrahIm aI-~asanI

(fl. mid-4th/10th century)
Dh XXI 79 no. 4036
IQ 52-54/581-583, L 128-129/145-146
The title appears in L without the author's name. In some Imami
sources (including IT) the author's nisba appears erroneously as al-
I:IusaynI; see e.g. the version of Muntajab al-Dln's Fihrist cited in BA,
CV, p. 210, whence Riyii4, I, p. 29, A Cyiin, VII, p. 374. (In the 1406
edition of Muntajab aI-DIn's Fihrist, p. 21, the nisba appears in its cor-
rect form.) Imami authors seem to have been ignorant of his identity.
He was in fact a teacher of three Zaydi Imams, including Abu 1'alib al-
Natiq bi I-J:Iaqq (d. 424/1023); see Madelung, Qiisim, pp. 86, 172. The
K. al-ma~iibi:~ is a biographical work about early Zaydi Imams, and is
extant in several manuscripts (GAL, S, I, p. 556). The biographies of
the Imams Ya1;lya b. CAbd Allah and al-Na~ir al-Utrush, included in
the second part (which was completed by Abu l-cAbbas's student Abu
l-I:Iasan CAll b. Bilal), have been published by Madelung; see his Zaydz
Imiims, pp. 16-17 (English), 53-75 (Arabic).
The traditions cited in IQ give a favourable picture of CAbd Allah b.
al-J:Iasan and his son Mu1;lammad (al-Nafs al-Zakiyya). In L, the names
are given of sons of al-I.Iasan b. CAll who participated in the battle of
Karbala' .
*- Ma~iibi:~ al-nur fi ('aliimiit) awii'il al-shuhur / Mu1;lammad b.
Mu1;lammad al-Shaykh al-Mufid (d. 413/1022)
Dh XXI 92 no. 4091
IQ 232/6
Title in IQ: K. ma~iibi:~ al-nur. The title is given in the Mac iilim (p.
114, no. 765) as Ma~iibi:~ al-nur fi awii'il al-shuhur. See ~K. kamiil
shahr Rama4iin. From the formulation in IQ it appears that IT did
not see the Mal}iibi:~, but only found a reference of al-Mufid (in an-
other source) to this book. ("I have found that our Shaykh al-Mufid
retracted the view expressed in his K. lam~ al-burhiin and said that he
had composed a book entitled M a~iibz~ al-nur in which he adopted the
position of Mul:mmmad b. A1).mad b. Dawud that Rama<;lan is like any
other month as regards increase or decrease [al-ziyiida wa l-nuq~iin]".
In other words, Rama<;lan can consist of either 29 or 30 days: the term
nuq~iin refers to a month consisting of 29 days, and not to the fast being
deficient and thus having to be completed by fasting on the first of the
next month.) Al-Mufid wrote an abridgement of the Mal}iibi:~ which is
preserved in its entirety in al-Durr al-manthur min al-ma'thur wa ghayr
al-ma'thur by a grandson of al-Shahld al-ThanI, CArr b. Mu1).ammad
b. al-I:Iasan al-cAmili (d. 1103/1691-2) (Qumm, 1398, I, pp. 122-134).

In this abridgement, al-Muffd gives the title of the longer version as

Ma~iibi;~ al-nur fi caliimiit awii'il al-shuhur (see Durr, I, p. 132; cf. p.
128), and says that it consisted of some 150 folios (Durr, I, pp. 122-
123). See also McDermott, p. 39, no. 150 and al-Muffd's reference to
this work in his al-Masii'il al-sarawiyya (cited by McDermott, pp. 307-
308). Further references are found in al-Muffd's al-Risiila al-Cadadiyya
(see Dh).
===} K. al-ma~ii~if(Ibn Abi Dawud al-SijistanI), see K. jam Cal-ma~ii~if

372. * al-Masii'il / cAlI b. Jacfar (i.e. al-$adiq) (d. 210/825-826)

Dh XX 360 no. 3406
For the author see KishshI, pp. 364-365; NajashI, pp. 251-252, no. 662;
TusI, Fihrist, pp. 117-118, no. 379. This work consisted of questions
which cAll b. Jacfar addressed to his brother Musa al-Ka~im. Excerpts
are cited in some late sources (e.g. Bal,lranI, Kashkul, III, p. 166, cit-
ing NiCmat Allah al-Jaza'irI's K. musakkin al-shujun), but so far there
appears to be no evidence that it has survived.
373. ** K. al-masii'il / cAlI b. YaqtIn (d. 182/798-799)
Dh XX 369 no. 3459
For the author see KishshI, pp. 365-371; NajashI, p. 273, no. 715; TusI,
Fihrist, pp. 120-121, no. 390; Madelung, "Treatise", p. 18, with n. 2.
This work consisted of questions which cAll b. YaqFn addressed to
Musa al-Ka~im.
374. ** K. al-masii'il wa ajwibatihii min [sic] al-a'imma / anon.
Dh XX 330 no. 3251
IQ 98/623
Title as in IQ and BA, C, p. 198. AI-TihranI knows of this work from the
Iqbiil, yet gives the title as K. al-masii'il Can al-a'imma wa ajwibatihii
minhum. In this passage, cAll al-Hadlinforms a questioner that Fatima
is buried next to the Prophet. It is thus possible that al-HadI's K.
masii'il al-rijiil (see List under this entry) formed a part of this work.
In the Riyii (VI, p. 47) it is suggested that this is a work of al-Kullni.
Perhaps Afandl believed that the K. al-masii'il was identical with al-
KullnI's K. al-rasii'il (see List under this entry); but he produces no
supporting evidence.
375. **- K. fi l-masii'il wa btidii' al-a cmiil / Abu l-cAbbas al-Fa<;ll
b. Abi Sahl b. Nawbakht (fl. early 3d/9th century)
Dh XII 148 no. 991
N 125


This is the title as it appears in N* fol 83b (except that the word Kitiib
is missing). It is immediately followed by al-ma criLl bi 1-8ijill, leading
naturally to the assumption that al-Sijill was an alternative title of the
Ma8ii'il. This assumption (which is adopted by Matar, p. 369) appears
to be strengthened by the title given in Dh: K. al-8ijill Ii l-ma8ii'il wa
btidii' al-a (miil. Al-1'ihranI apparently used the Najaf manuscript on
which N is based (cf. Dh XVI 156 no. 424; Matar, p. 36). The fact
that he provides a different title means either that N deviates from
the manuscript at this point or (more likely) that he rearranged the
text so that what he assumed to be the main title would appear first.
It is at any rate possible that the Sijill and the K. Ii l-ma8ii'il were
two separate works (if so, the Sijill should appear in the List as a
separate entry). This assumption is based on the fact that the words
al-ma criLl bi 1-8ijill are followed (in both Nand N*) by the remark wa
huwa kitiibuhu l-thiini This observation only makes sense if there were
two books. Further support is provided by N 125 which reads: K. Ii
l-mu8ii'ala wa btidii' al-a cmiil al-a cmiil al-ma criLl bi l-Sijill; the word
Kitiib should perhaps be interposed between the two a cmiil. Sezgin, too,
treats I1"s text as referring to two books (GAS, VII, p. 114, nos. 10
and 11). Another possibility is that the first work was K. al-ma8ii'il and
the second, Ibtidii' al-a cmiil known as al-Sijill; in this case, the second
a (miil is an error. For the term ibtidii' al-a (miil cf. GAS, VII, p. 33.
376. ** Ma8ii'il can al-Ri4ii / aI-~abbaI:t b. Nac;lr (or Na~r) aI-HindI
(fl. early 3d/9th century)
Dh XX 349 no. 3355,354 no. 3381
N 94
For the author see NajashI, p. 202, no. 539. The titles as given by
al-Najashl and 11' are identical. In Dh, the title is given as Ma8ii'il
al-Ri4ii (i.e. questions put to the eighth Imam CAll al-Ri<;la) and as
Ma8ii'il al-$abbii~ b. Na~r aI-Hindi: Can al-Ri4ii. 11' cites from the work
in the transmission of Mul:lammad b. Al).mad al-$afwanI and Abu 1-
cAbbas b. Nul). (referring perhaps to Abu l-cAbbas Al).mad b. CAll b.
Nul)., whom al-NajashI, p. 393, mentions as his teacher at the end of al-
$afwanI's biography). 11' possessed a copy of this work which may have
been written during the lifetime of the two transmitters. The excerpt
(cited in MK, XIII, p. 100) consists of a pronouncement of al-Ri<;la on
377. ** K. ma8ii'il al-rijiil / Abu l-:~Iasan CAll b. Mul).ammad aI-Had!
(the tenth Imam, d. 254/868)
A 45/58, IQ 235-236/8
For the author see EI2, art. "al- cAskarl" (B. Lewis). Title in A, IQ:
K. ma8ii'il al-rijiilli mawliinii Abi: I-lfa8an CAli: b. Mu~ammad al-Hiidi:.

The same tradition is cited in both A and IQ. In the Riyii4 (VI, p.
47), an identity is assumed between this work and the K. al-masii'il wa
ajwibatihii (see List under this entry).
378. * al-Masii'il al-Sal(l)iiriyya / Abu I-Qasim cAll b. al-J:Iusayn b.
Musa aI-Sharif al-Murta<;la (d. 436/1044)
Dh V 223 no. 1061, XX 352 no. 3373
N 41, 43-53
This work, whIch is also known as Jawiibiit (or Ajwibat) al-masii'il al-
Sal(l)iiriyya, consisted of al-Murtag.a's answers to questions put to him
by his pupil Sal(l)ar b. C Abd al- cAzlz al-Daylaml (d. 448/1056-7) (for
whom see Modarressi, index, s.v.). The section cited by IT deals with
al-Murta<;la's refutation of astrology. This refutation is also cited in
BA, LVIII, pp. 281-289, and was published as Mas'ala fi I-radd calii 1-
munajjimzn in Rasii'il al-Sharz! al-Murta4ii, II, pp. 301-311. According
to al-Majlisl (BA, LVIII, p. 281; cf. also Rasii'il al-SharZ! al-Murta4ii,
II, p. 301), this text appeared in al-Murta<;la's K. al-ghurar wa I-durar;
yet it is missing from the printed editions of the Ghurar (Cairo, 1325/
1907 [repro Qumm, 1403], Cairo, 1373/1954). Perhaps it appeared in
the fifth (lost?) section which was appended to the Ghurar (according
to Ba1;tr al- cUlum, III, p. 146). N 43-56 consists of lengthy excerpts from
this work, interspersed with IT's comments. See further -+al-DaIiila bi
I-sam c.

==> K. al-masii'il wa l-tawqzCiit (CAbd Allah b. Jacfar al-I:IimyarI), see

al- Tawqzc iit

379. **- Mas'ala fi Ci~mat al-anbiyii' / Mu1;tammad b. Mu1;tammad

al-Shaykh al-Muffd (d. 413/1022)
IQ 282/44-45
This title is not attested elsewhere and is missing from McDermott.
This Mas'ala was the first work in a small book in IT's possession.
380. **- Mas 'ala fi qawl al-nabz cAlz aq4iikum / Mu1;tammad b.
Mu1;tammad al-Shaykh al-Mufld (d. 413/1022)
N 53-54
This title is not attested elsewhere and is missing from McDermott. IT
mentions this Mas'ala as the first work in a volume in his possession
containing works by al-Mund and aI-SharIf al-Murta<;la. Although he
does not specify which of the two wrote the Mas' ala in question, the
reference is probably to al-Mund's work otherwise known as Mas'ala fi
aq4ii l-~a~iiba (Dh XX 384 no. 3551; McDermott, p. 36, no. 117).
381. **+ Masiinzd al-Ma'miin / Abu Zakariyya Ya1;tya h. Manda al-
Thaqaff al-I/?fahanI al-I:Iafi~ (fl. mid-3d/9th century)

+ 61/16
In 1'* fol15a/margin of 1'** fol17b, the author's father's name is (erro-
neously?) given as Mundhir. The author is mentioned by Abu Nu caym
al-I1?fahani in his K. dhikr akhbar I~jahan, ed. S. Dedering, Leiden, 1931-
4, II, p. 359. He is probably the father of Abu cAbd Allah Mul,1ammad
(d. Rajab 301/Feb. 914; cf. DhahabI, Tadhkira, II, pp. 741-742) and the
great-grandfather of Mul,1ammad b. Isl,1aq b. Mul,1ammad b. Yal,1ya Ibn
Manda (d. 395/1005; see GAS, I, pp. 214-215). Some doubt remains,
however, since no other member of the Ibn Manda family is known as
al-Thaqan. There seems to be no other reference to this or any other
work of his.
The excerpt consists of a version of the sadd aI-abwab tradition,
according to which the Prophet ordered the blocking of all doors leading
from individual homes to the mosque, with the exception of CAil's door.
The isnad (essentially an cAbbasid family isnad) runs from IbrahIm b.
Sacld al-Jawharl (d. 247/861-862 or 253/867; cf. Ta'rzkh Baghdad, VI,
pp. 93-95) via the caliphs al-Ma'mun, al-Rashld, al-MahdI, al-Man1?ur
and some of his forebears up to cAbd Allah b. al-cAbbas.

382. M asarr ai-shz ca fi l-tawarzkh ai-shar Ciyya / Mul,1ammad b.

Mul,1ammad al-Shaykh al-Mufid (d. 413/1022)
Dh XX 375 no. 3503
IQ 28/558, 64/592, 75/603, 165/673, 169/677, 373/130, 382/141
I1' used a manuscript copied during the author's lifetime (IQ 673/165).
In IQ the title appears as al-Tawarzkh ai-sharCiyya; in BA, I, p. 7 it
is Risal~t masarr ai-shzc a jf mukhta/}ar al-tawarzkh al-shar Ciyya. See
GAS, I, p. 551, no. 9; McDermott, p. 29, no. 21. The work has been
printed several times; al-1'ihrani mentions the Cairo 1313/1896 and Iran
1315/1898 editions (not noted in GAS or McDermott). The Cairo edi-
tion (entitled Masarr al-shzCa) follows Baha' aI-DIn al-cAmilI's Taw4z~
al-maqa~id, continuous pagination, pp. 24-54 ( = end of volume). The
passage cited in IQ 28/558 appears there on p. 42; it states that whoever
spends the night of cAshura' at al-l,Iusayn's grave will be resurrected
with the martyrs, soiled with al-l,Iusayn's blood. IQ 64/592 ( = Masarr,
p. 44): on the first night of Rabl c I in the thirteenth year of the mab Cath
the Prophet set out from Mecca to Medina. IQ 75/603 ( = Masarr, pp.
46-47): the Prophet was born on 17 Rabl c I. IQ 165/673 ( = Masarr,
pp. 51-52): Mul,1ammad's prophecy (mabCath al-nabz) was launched on
27 Rajab; whoever fasts on that day will receive the same reward as he
would for a fast of sixty years. IQ 169/677 ( = Masarr, p. 52): a list of
prayers to be performed on 27 Rajab. IQ 373/130 ( = Masarr, p. 27):
on 6 al-Ma'mun gave the bayc a to CAll al-Ri9.a. IQ 382/141
( = Masarr, p. 28): the Injll was revealed (the Masarr adds: to Jesus)

on 12 Rama<;lan. See also -+Qadii'iq al-riYii4.

383. ** K. al-ma8arra / Mu1).ammad b. cAll b. Mu1).ammad Ibn Abi
Qurra (fl. early 5th/11th century)
Dh XX 320 no. 3202, XXI 18 no. 3736
IQ 686, 688-689/469-471
AI-Najashl (p. 398, no. 1066) does not mention a K. al-ma8arra among
Ibn Abl Qurra's writings. In fact, the only evidence for the existence of
a K. al-ma8arra appears to be the passages in the Iqbiil, which are not
conclusive. IQ 686/469: wa ruwwi"nii min kitiib al-ma8arra min kitiib
Ibn AM Qurra (text of a ziyiira). IQ 688/470: min (alternative version
in IQ2: fi) kitiib al-ma8arra min kitiib maziir Ibn AM Qurra (text of
a ziyiira to cAll's grave on yawm Ghadi"r Khumm). Both Afandl and
al-Tihranl saw these references as problematic, since there was no other
evidence for a K. al-ma8arra by Ibn Abl Qurra, and indeed some evi-
dence against the existence of such a work (its absence from al-Najashl's
list). Afandl's solution was to classify the work as anonymous (Riyii4,
VI, p. 48), while al-Tihranl sugge~ted that Ibn Abl Qurra's K. al-maziir
(like his K. C amal 8hahr Rama4iin) may have formed a part of the K.
al-ma8arra. There may be a different solution to this problem: to emend
the word kitiib (in kitiib al-ma8arra) to lubiib and to read: wa ruwwi"nii
fi lubiib al-ma8arra min kitiib Ibn AM Qurra, or to assume that the
word lubiib (which in Arabic looks similar to kitiib) was dropped, and
to read: wa ruwwi"nii fi kitiib lubiib al-ma8arra etc. This would then be a
reference to IT's own work, mentioned by IT's nephew cAbd al-Karlm
as Kitiib lubiib al-ma8arra min kitiib Ibn Abi Qurra al- Quniini" ( Ghari",
p. 51; see Chapter II.2). This proposal finds support in the fact that
the words ma8arra and Qurra rhyme. This can hardly be a coincidence;
and since Ibn Abl Qurra himself would not have been concerned to pro-
duce a book whose title rhymed with his own name, we must assume
that his name was part of the title of the book. Given this, there can
be little doubt that the book in question is IT's Lubiib al-ma8arra. If
so this item should be deleted from the List.
384. ** K. ma8hiiyikh khawii~~ min al-8h7;c a Ii mawliinii Abi I-Qa8an
CAli b. Mu~ammad wa mawliinii al-Qa8an b. CAli al- cA8kariyyayn /
anon. (3d/9th century?)
BA, LXXXV, p. 31 [om F]
The title as printed (also in BA lith., XVIII/2, p. 338) does not make
much sense; perhaps the beginning should read K. ma8ii'il ma8hiiyikh
(or khawii/!/!) min al-8hica (cf. -+ M a8ii'il al-rijiil). There are various
works (none of them extant) known as Ma8ii'il AM I-Qa8an al- cA8kari
(Dh XX 334 nos. 3265-6) or Ma8ii'il Abi Mu~ammad al-Qa8an al-
cA8kari" (Dh XX 334 nos. 3264, 3268-71); assuming that these works

were compiled by disciples of these Imams, they probably date from

the 3d/9th century. The excerpt deals with the merits of reciting Suras
97 and 112.
385. **+ K. mashiiyikh al-sh7;c a / Abu l-cAbbas A}:lmad b. Mu}:lammad
b. Sa cld Ibn cU qda (d. 333/944)
[Dh XIV 271 no. 2549]
B 159-160, J 471-483
Title in B: K. tasmiyat al-mashii'!Jikh. This work may be identical with
the K. al-shzca min a~~iib al-~adzth mentioned by al-Najashl (p. 94,
whence Dh) and al-Tusl (Fihrist, p. 57, no. 86). The passage in J con-
sists of a prayer over the Prophet which cAbd Allah b. Jacfar al-$adiq
taught to Mu}:lammad b. al-AshCath. The passage in B is taken from
the chapter on Idrls which belonged to the sixth part.
386. **?- Mashhad cawd (?) / Mu}:lammad b. Jarlr b. Rustam al-
Tabari (fl. first half of the 5th/11th century) (?)
T* fol 144a-b [om T 523/162/1'** fol 185a]
The text (which also appears in a somewhat different form in l' Per 255)
is so corrupt as to be virtually unintelligible. The title (if it is a title)
might with difficulty mean "the appearance of an old man" (cf. Lane,
s.v. Cwd); in T Per it is given as Mashhad cawn, which makes even less
sense. The author is either the Imaml Mu}:lammad b. Jarlr aI-Tabar!
or someone whose name could not be deciphered. What is perhaps
being said is that this work contains a longer version of a story which
also appears in a different work of Mu}:lammad b. Jar!r al-Tabarl. This
story (as given in paraphrase) tells of a meeting which cAll held with
an astrologer while he (CAll) was on his way to al-Nahrawan. The text
of this story as it appeared in al-Tabarl's K. dalii'il al-imiima is given
in N 104-107. IT refers to a manuscript dated Jumada II 475/0ct.-Nov.
1082, but it is not clear whether the reference is to a manuscript of the
K. dalii'il al-imiima or of the Mashhad cawd.
387. **? Mashjara / Ibn Maymiin al-Nassaba al-WasitI
IQ 147/658
The author is perhaps to be identified with Abu I-I:Iarith Mu}:lammad
b. Mu}:lammad b. Ya}:lya b. Hibat Allah b. Maymun of Wasit, who
is mentioned in Ibn clnaba's Fu~ul, p. 171 (cf. Ibn clnaba, C Umda, p.
147 = ed. Najaf, p. 180.). He does not appear in al-Majdz fi ansiib al-
tiilibiyyzn of al-cUmar! al-Nassaba (alive in 443/1051-2), and so may be
presumed to have lived after al-cUmarl's time. Mashjara (or mashjar)
is a general term for genealogical works in which the descendants are
mentioned before the ancestors; its opposite is called mabsut. See e.g.
Ibn Zuhra, Ghiiya, pp. 9-10, 49.

388. * K. al-mashyakha / Abu cAlI al-~asan b. Mal].bfib al-Sarrad

al-Kun (d. 224/839)
Dh XXI 69 no. 3995
A 83/95, B 271, F 157/145, 282/255, BA, XCIII, p. 298 [om F), G
6, MF 151/167, MJ:I 36-37/22
The same excerpt is cited in both A and B; in it, Ja cfar aI-$adiq pro-
nounces in favour of casting lots (qur C a) to reach the right decision. In
MF, IT cites from a speech by cAlI which he found in the first juz'. In
F 157/145, Ja cfar al-$adiq describes the right way to perform the pre-
scribed prayers, while F 282/255 consists of the text of a supplication
to be pronounced by someone beset by anxiety; here the author's name
is not given, but al-NurI al-1'abarsI assumes he is al-J:Iasan b. MaJ:!bub
(MK, V, p. 45). In BA, a supplication which Musa al-Ka~im taught his
disciples is said to have brought about the death of al-Man~ur. In G,
various duties which may be performed on behalf of a deceased person
are listed. In MJ:I, al-Baqir teaches one of his disciples the text of a sup-
plication. Further excerpts (different from those cited by IT) are found
for example in Ghari, p. 101; IrbilI, KashJ, III, p. 319; al-Mul:taqqiq
Ja cfar b. al-J:Iasan al-J:IillI, al-Mu Ctabar fi shar~ al-mukhta~ar, I, Qumm,
1364 Sh/1984, p. 215; J:IillI, Mukhta~ar, pp. 169-170, 194-195.
389. + Matiilib al-su'ul fi maniiqib (iii) al-rasul / Abu Salim Kamal
aI-DIn Mul:tammad b. +all:ta b. Mul:tammad al-cAdawI al-~alabi (d.
Y 92-93/304
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 607-608, S, I, pp. 838-839. The excerpt
in Y appears on p. 60 in. the Najaf 1371/1951 edition of the Matiilib.
The author was a Shafi, scholar and former vizier of the Artuqid al-
Malik al-Sacld of MardIn. This work, completed in Rajab 650/Sept.-
Oct. 1252 (Rawiit, V, p. 259; for khams read khamsin), is one of the
earliest examples of a SunnI author defending the ImamI belief that the
MahdI is the Twelfth Imam (cf. EI2, art. "al-MahdI" [W. Madelung),
at V, p. 1236b). Ibn al-Khashshab may be an even earlier example
(see -+-K. al-mawiilid) , but he was believed by some to be an ImamI.
Since the subject of the MahdI did not concern 1+ in the Yaqin, he
did not take advantage of this polemic goldmine. Instead, he cites the
Matiilib for the tradition (which is taken from Abu NuCaym's lfilya)
that the Prophet called CAlI by various honorific titles, including amir
390. + K. al-mathiilib / Abu I-Mundhir Hisham b. Mul:tammad b. al-
Sa'ib Ibn al-Kalbi (d. 204/819)
Dh XIX 74 no. 396

For the author see GAS, I, pp. 268-271; for this title see W. Caskel,
Gamharat an-nasab: das genealogische Werk des Hisiim ibn Mu~am
mad al-Kalbz, I, Leiden, 1966, p. 80. It is probably identical with the
K. mathiilib al-carab (GAS, I, p. 270, no. 4). The excerpts describe
Abu Bakr's impoverished background (1' 406/123), and the immoral
practices of some ancestors of cUmar (1' 469/144), 1'all,la (1' 495/153-
154), CUthman (1' 499/155) and MuCawiya (1' 501/156).

===> K. al-mawiici~ wa l-zawiijir (al- CAskarl), see K. al-zawiijir wa 1-


391. ** K. al-mawiilz (or al-mawlii) / Mul,lammad b. MuCayya (fl.

second half of the 6th/12th century)
N 203, 206, S 143
Title in S: K. al-mawlii; in N: K. al-mawiilz. The Banu MuCayya were a
respected cAlid family (Ibn cInaba, Fu~ul, p. 127). 11' identifies the au-
thor of K. al-mawiiIzas Mul,lammad b. MuCayya (in N, erroneously, M_C_
n-i-a); he is probably Majd aI-DIn Mul,lammad b. al-I:Iasan b. Mu Cayya,
who transmitted from Ibn Shahrashub (Rawgiit, VI, pp. 322, 329). The
work dealt with various mawiiIz, including Aban, a rnawlii of CUthman
(S 143) and CAlqama b. Abl CAlqama, a mawlii of cA'isha (N 206). A
work bearing the same title (in its two versions) is ascribed to Abu
Sa cld Mul,lammad b. Al,lmad al-Naysaburl (cf. ---+K. al-arba Czn Can al-
arba Czn). See cAmill, Amal, II, p. 240.

392. **?- K. al-mawiilzd / l1usayn b. Khuzayma (fl. 5th/11th cen-

IQ 69/598
The text in IQ reads only wa kadhiilika qiiIa IJusayn b. Khuzayma. The
title is provided by Afandl (Riyiig, II, p. 90, whence A Cyiin, XXVI,
p. 20). The word al-mawiilzd appears one line further down (where it
does not belong; cf. ---+ M aniiqib iiI AM ,!,iilib); it must originally have
appeared before I:Iusayn's name, and was probably there in the manu-
script seen by Afandl. The passage in IQ concerns al-I:Iasan al- cAskarl's
death-date (8 Rabl c I). See also ---+K. fi a~wiil al-a'imma.
393. + K. al-mawiilzd / Abu Bakr Mul,lammad b. Al,lmad b. Mul,lam-
mad b. cAbd Allah Ibn Abi I-Thalj (d. 322/934 or 325/936-937) or
Na~r (or Na<;lr) b. cAll al-Jah~amI (d. 250/864)
Dh III 212 no. 783, IV 473 [no no.], XXIII 235 [no no.]
IQ 69/598, MD 276-277, l' 175/43, 184/46
Title as in IQ. This work is also known as Ta'rikh iii al-rasul (Dh III
212), Ta'rikh ahl al-bayt min iiI al-rasul (or rasul alliih) (1'), MawiiIid
al-a'imma (MD), and Tawiirikh al-a'imma (Dh IV 473).11' attributes

the K. al-mawalid to al-J ah<;lami. This attribution is problematic, since

the material from this work referred to by IT concerns matters post-
dating al-Jah<;lamI's death: examples are the death-date (in 260/873)
of al-l:Iasan al-cAskad (IQ) and the names of the twelve Imams and
four wukala' of the Small Occultation (1'). This means either that the
section on the Imams and wukala' was added by a later hand, or that
the entire work was composed by someone later than al-J ah<;lami. Evi-
dence in support of the latter possibility is provided by al-Tihrani (Dh
IV 473), who consulted a manuscript of this work in which the author
is identified as Mu1}.ammad b. A1}.mad b. Mu1}.ammad Ibn Abll-Thalj
(d. 322/934 according to Ta'rikh Baghdad, I, p. 338 or 325/936-937 ac-
cording to TusI, Rijal, p. 502, no. 64). In this manuscript al-Jah<;lami is
cited as an authority in a number of isnads. In Dh XXIII 235, however,
al-Jah<;lami is once again depicted as the author of this work. Finally,
cAbd al-cAzlz al-Tabataba'l, "Ahl al-bayt", 1/2, 1406, p. 53 states that
the work is preserved in a majmuCa in Tehran under the title Ta'rikh
al-a'imma. In this manuscript, too, al-Jah<;lami appears as the author.
To sum up: the K. al-mawalid seen by IT was either written by al-
Jah<;lami and updated by Ibn Abi l-Thalj, or was composed entirely
by Ibn AbII-Thalj and erroneously attributed to al-Jah<;lami. A final
verdict will have to await a study of the available manuscripts.
Ibn Abll-Thalj's affiliation is not entirely cle&r. He is portrayed in
some sources as a SunnI and an early follower of the J arId madhhab
(cf. Rosenthal, Tabari, p. 65). Yet in ShI9:" sources he is depicted as a
ShicI and as an authority of Harun al-Tallacukbarl (NajashI, p. 381, no.
1037; rusI, Fihrist, p. 183, no. 663; rusI, Rijal, p. 502).
Al-Jah<;lamI's affiliation is also problematic. IT describes him as a
Sunni (r) and as an enemy of the ahl al-bayt. In support of this view
he cites (in MD) a passage from the Ta'rikh Baghdad (cf. XIII, pp.
287-289), where it is reported that al-Mutawakkil was about to inflict
on al-Jah<;lamI 1,000 lashes for being a Rafi<;l1, but that he relented
when Jacfar b. cAbd al-Wal},id insisted that he was in fact a Sunni.
(Al-rihranI, in contrast [Dh III 212], sees in this incident proof that
al-Jah<;lamI was a ShlcI.) Afandl (Riya, V, p. 245) also notes IT's
statement in the Muhaj, but points out that in the Iqbal al-Jah<;lamI
is referred to as an ImamI. Such a reference is missing from IQj also
missing is the ascription of the K. al-mawalid to al-J ah<;lami which,
according to AfandI, appears at the beginning of the Iqbal (cf. -+11', K.

394. + K. al-mawalid / Abu Mu1}.ammad cAbd Allah b. A1}.mad Ibn

al-Khashshab (d. 567/1172)
Dh III 217 no. 805, XXIII 233 no. 8778, 236 [no no.]

IQ 69/598, T 175/43, Y 178-179/467-468

Title as in IQ. Variants: Ta'r:;;kh al-a'imma, Ta'r:;;kh mawiil:;;d wa wafiit
ahl al-bayt wa ayna dufinu (T), K. mawiil:;;d wa wafayiit ahl al-bayt
wa ayna dufinu (Y), Mawiil:;;d ahl al-bayt (I.Iajjl Khallfa, II, p. 1894),
M awiili:d ahl al-bayt wa ansiibuhum wa wafayiituhum (Dh XXIII). For
the author see GAL, S, I, pp. 493-494; $afadl, XVII, pp. 14-16 and the
sources given there. His name appears in IQ as al-Khashshab (with the
"ibn" omitted), and in T as Ibn al-Khashshab al-I.Ianball al-Na1).wI.
This work (under the title Ta'r:;;kh al-a 'imma) is one of the sources
of the Bi~iir (BA, I, p. 20; cf. Riyii, III, p. 184, VI, p. 47, A Cyiin,
XXXVIII, p. 14). According to al-Tihranl it is extant in manuscript.
Although the author was reportedly a I;I anb all, this work appears
to be mentioned mainly in Imaml sources (e.g. Irbill, Kashf, I, pp. 14,
65, II, pp. 75, 317; al-Irbill received an ijiiza to transmit this work from
the I.Ianball cAll b. Mu1).ammad b. Mu1).ammad b. Abl Sa cd b. Wa<;l<;la1).
al-Shahrayanl, d. 3 $afar 672/19 Aug. 1273; cf. Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II,
pp. 282-284). It may have been this that led Afandl to suggest that Ibn
al-Khashshab was an Imaml (Riyii, III, p. 184). IT, who in T refers to
him as a I.Ianball, may later have changed his mind: in Y he emphasizes
that the tradition which he cites has a Sunnl isniid. IT usually makes
such a statement in the Yaqi:n only when assuming the author to have
been a Shlcl; he then has to explain why this author is being cited
in a work supposedly consisting entirely of Sunnl material (cf. ~ IT,
al- Yaqi:n).

==} K. al-mawiili:d (sic) (Ibn Shahrashub), see M aniiqib iiI AM Tiilib

395. +- K. al-mawiilUl / Abu cAll Ya1).ya b. Ghalib (or Ismacn b.

Mu1).ammad) al-Khayya~ (d. ca. 220/835)
N 206
For the author, an astrologer and pupil of Masha'allah (d. ca. 200/
815), see EI2, art. "al-Khayyat" (H. Suter-[J. Samso]). IT, referring
to him as al-shaykh Abu cAli: al-ma cruf bi I-Khayyiit, mentions the K.
al-mawiilzd among the works by Sunnl astrologers of which he possesses
a copy. For manuscripts of this work see GAS, VII, p. 120, no. 1. For
the astrological term mawiilzd (genethlialogy) see Ullmann, p. 357.
396. +- K. al-mawiilUl / Abu I;Iaf~ CUmar h. Farrukhan al-Taban
(d. early 3d/9th century)
N 204
For the author see DSB, XIII, pp. 538-539 (D. Pingree); GAS, VI, p.
135, VII, pp. 111-113. IT says that cUmar wrote many works, of which
he possesses the K. al-mawiilzd. For manuscripts of this text see GAS,
VII, p. 112, no. 3. See also D. Pingree, "The Liber Universus of cUmar

Ibn al-Farrukhan al-1'abarl", JHAS, I, 1977, pp. 8-12.

===} Mawalid al-a'imma (Ibn Ahll-Thalj or al-Jah<;laml), see K. al-


397. (+)- K. al-mawalid wa l-ikhtiyarat / Abu l-J:Iasan cAll b. Al).mad

al-CImrani (d. 344/955)
Dh XXIII 237 no. 8793
N 127-128'
The author was a mathematician and astrologer from Mosul (GAS,
V, p. 291, VII, p. 166). 11', citing information about him from Ibn al-
Nadlm's Fihrist, quotes a view (wa qil) that he was a Shlcl, but does not
commit himself on this issue. According to GAS, VII, p. 166 (where the
work's title is given as K. al-ikhtiyarat), there exist several manuscripts
of a Latin translation of this work.

===} K. mawalid wa wafayat ahl al-bayt wa ayna dujinu (Ibn al-Khash-

shab), see K. al-mawalid
===} K. al-mawla (Ibn Mu Cayya), see K. al-mawali
===} Mawlid amir al-mu'minin (al-Hamadhanl), see Juz'

398. * K. mawlid mawlana cAli bi I-bayt / Abu Jacfar MuJ;mmmad b.

cAll Ibn Babawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh XXIII 274 no. 8956
Y 37-38/191-192
This title refers to the Shlcl belief that cAll was born inside the Ka cba.
Al-1'ihranl (apparently relying on a manuscript different from those
used for Y) cites the title in the Yaqin as K. maw lid amir al-mu'minin,
which corresponds to Najashl (p. 392) and Ibn Shahrashub (Manaqib,
II, p. 91).
399. ** K. mawlid ai-nab?: wa mawlid (or mawalid) al-aw~iya' / Mu-
l).ammad b. Mul).ammad al-Shaykh al-Mufid (d. 413/1022)
Dh XXIII 277 no. 8967
IQ 69/598, L 57-60/66-69, N 224
This work is not mentioned in McDermott. Title in IQ and N: K.
mawlid ai-nab?: wa (mawalid) al-aw~iya'j in N* fol 150a: K. mawlid
ai-nab?: wa mawlid al-aw~iya'. Al-1'ihranl gives the title as Mawlid al-
nabi wa l-a'imma and maintains that this work was still quoted by
Al).mad b. Sulayman b. cAll al-Ba}:lranl (fl.. early 12th/18th century) in
his cJqd al-Ia'ali (for which see Dh XV 295 no. 1897). According to N
224, in this work al-Mufid mentions miracles (muCjizat) of the Imams
to which he does not refer in his Jrshad. I1' then cites a passage on a
miracle performed by al-J:Iasan. The passage in L describes al-J:Iusayn's

meeting with groups of angels and jinn while on his way from Mecca
to Medina at the start of his journey to Karbala'.

===>- K. al-maziir (Ibn Abi Qurra), see K. al-masarra

400. K. al-maziir / Mul:l.ammad b. Jacfar b. cAll Ibn al-Mashhadi
(fl. mid-6th/12th century)
Dh XX 324 no. 2325
K. al-maziir
For the author see Thiqiit, pp. 252-253. According to MK lith., III, p.
368, IT cited from this work in his own K. al-maziir (see Chapter II.2).
Ibn al-MashhadI's work, to which al-Majlisl refers as al-Maziir al-kabir
(e.g. BA, I, p. 18, C, p. 101), is also cited by IT's nephew cAbd aI-KarIm
in his' Ghar7: (pp. 93-98). It is extant in manuscript.

===>- K. al-maziir (al-Mufid), see Maniisik al-ziyiira

===>- K. al-maziir (al-kabir) (Ibn Dawud al-QummI), see K. al-ziyiiriit
wa l-jaii'il

401. al-Mi'at ~ad7:th / Abu I-I,Iasan Mu1).ammad b. A1).mad b. cAll b.

al-I,Iasan b. Shadhan al-Qummi (fl. early 5th/11th century)
Dh II 494 no. 1942, XVI 251 no. 1002, XIX 2 no. 10, XXII 316 no.
Y 56-63/236-251
This is a collection of one hundred traditions in praise of cAll. For the
author, an authority of al-Karajaki and al-NajashI, see Niibis, pp. 150-
151; Dh XIX 2. The work is also known as Mi'at manqaba, Maniiqib
and Faii'il (or Faii'il Ibn Shiidhiin). It is sometimes identified with
Ibn Shadhan's Jii~ dajii'in al-nawii~ib (see e.g. MK lith., III, p. 500),
but this identification is rejected by a number of authorities (see the
discussion in Dh II 494, XIX 2; cf. Dh XVI 251). This work (under
the title Mi'at manqaba) has twice been published: first in Iran, 1349
(bound together with IT's 'furaj, separate pagination), and more re-
cently in Qumm, 1407/1987 (ed. Mu1).ammad Baqir al-Murta<;la). The
traditions in the Qumm edition, like those cited in Y, include complete
isniids; these isniids are missing from the earlier edition.
The following maniiqib are cited in Y: nos. 9 (Y 56-57/236-237 =
Ibn Shadhan, pp. 6-7 [1349 ed.]/28 [Qumm ed.]), 17 (Y 57/238 = Ibn
Shadhan, pp. 11/36-37, but as manqaba no. 16), 24 (Y 57-58/239-240 =
Ibn Shadhan, pp. 16-17/49-50), 26 (Y 58-59/241-242 = Ibn Shadhan,
pp. 17-18/51-53),32 (Y 59/243 = Ibn Shadhan, pp. 20-21/57-58, but as
manqaba no. 31),41 (Y 60/244-245 = Ibn Shadhan, pp. 28-29/71-72),
43 (Y 60-61/246-247 = Ibn Shadhan, pp. 30-31/74-76), 65 (Y 61-62/
248 = Ibn Shadhan, pp. 41/133-134), 69 (Y 62/249 = Ibn Shadhan,

p. 43/137), 81 (Y 62-63/250 = Ibn Shadhan, pp. 48-49/149), 96 (Y

63/251 = Ibn Shadhan, pp. 56-57/171-172).
402. **+ K. milal ai-islam wa qi~a~ al-anbiya' / Abu Ja cfar Mu1).am-
mad b. Jadr al-'.fabari (d. 310/923) (?)
S 20, 238-240
This title leaves a decidedly strange impression, referring as it does to
two seemingly unrelated topics; yet 1'+ clearly treats it as belonging to
a single work. The excerpt, at any rate (from the fourth quire, fol 5b,
starting with the seventh line), belongs to the qi~a~ al-anbiya' genre,
and deals with the beginning of Noah's prophecy. The material cited in
this excerpt does not appear in al-TabarI's Ta'r7:kh, and differs in some
details from the corresponding passages in other qi~a~ al-anbiya' works.
In BA, XI, pp. 341-342, this excerpt is said to be taken from al-TabarI's
K. al-qi~a~. Neither the historian al-TabarI nor his ShlcI namesakes
are credited elsewhere with a work bearing the title given in S, nor
are they credited with one having the title given in BA; and the two
titles are missing from both Rosenthal, 'rabar7: and Gilliot, "TabarI".
Since the excerpt has no particularly ShlcI elements, the attribution to
the historian cannot be ruled out. Al-TihranI (Dh XVII 102 no. 561)
mentions a lithograph of a Persian text entitled Qi~a~ al-anbiya' which
begins with qala Abu Mu~ammad J ar7:r, and which al-TihranI says may
refer to Mu~ammad b. Jarlr aI-TabarI.
403. **? Min akhbar iii AM 'ralib / anon. (first half of the 3d/9th
K 124
It is not clear whether this title was found in the manuscript or was
supplied by IT; the fact that al-MajlisI refers to the work in question
as ba C kutub al-manaqib (BA, XLI, p. 43) speaks in favour of the
latter possibility. The a~l (meaning either the original manuscript or
the source from which IT derived his own copy) was dated 237/851-
852. IT copied it into the first book that came to hand (lit., "the first
book which is with me now", awwal kitab cind7: I-an); presumably the
copy was made in the margins of this book, or on blank pages in it. The
date of the manuscript precludes an identification of the work with Ibn
Babawayh's (lost) Akhbar Ab7: 'ralib wa cAbd al-Muttalib wa cAbd Allah
wa Amin a bint Wahb (cf. Dh I 317 no. 1637). The work was transmitted
by CUbayd Allah b. Mu~ammad b. [AbI] Mu1).ammad (unidentified; the
"AbI" is missing from K but appears in the citation of this passage in
Mu1).sin al-Fay<;l's Tash7:1 al-saMl, Qumm, 1407, p. 38). The three short
fragments cited describe the extent of CAlI's wealth.
404. + Minhaj al- cabid7:n / Abu I;Iiimid al-Ghazzali (d. 505/1111)

l' 340/[om 97], 396/[om 120]

This is described by IT as al-Ghazzall's last work (cf. -+K. iljam al-
Cawamm). Bouyges, who mentions this view, tends to believe that al-
Ghazzall was not the author of the Minhaj (Bouyges-Allard, pp. 82-84;
cf. BadawI, Mu 'allafat, pp. 234-238). Both quotations deal with the
concept of tafwi4. 1'1 340 = Minhaj al-ciibidin, Cairo, 1392/1972, p.
142; 1'1 396 = Minhaj al-cabidin, pp. 156-157.
The Minhaj al-carifin cited in Sbath (p. 48, no. 856) is a different
work (as correctly noted by BadawI, Mu'allafiit, pp. 248-250), and is
not identical with the Minhaj al-cabidm, as assumed in Bouyges-Allard,
p. 113, no. 154.
405. Minhaj al-baraca fi shar~ nahj al-balagha / Qutb al-Dln Sacld b.
Hibat Allah al-RawandI (d. 573/1177-8)
Dh XXIII 157 no. 8483
l' 483-484/149
The author's nisba appears erroneously as al-Razl in 1'2 and 1'* (fol
131b); in 1'** (fol 169a) al-Razl appears in the margin, but the text
has al-Rawandl (as in 1'1). Al-Khwansarl describes this work (which is
extant in manuscript) as consisting of two volumes (Raw4at, IV, p. 6).
The excerpt deals with a conversation between CAll and al-cAbbas on
the occasion of cVmar's setting up of the Shura.
406. al-Mi/fba~ / CAll b. al-J:Iusayn b. J:Iassan h. BaqI al-Qurashl (alive
in 653/1255-6)
Dh I 364 no. 1909, XXI 99 [no no.]
IQ2 108-109, 119-120, 122-123, 127, 129, 131-140, 142, 144-145, 149,
153-154,157,161,165-166,189, 192-193,205-206,214-215,218-
219, 224-225, 229, 232, 235-236, 262-264
For the author (whose name is given by IT as CAll b. al-J:Iusayn Ibn al-
Baql [IQ2 137]) see Riya4, III, pp. 419-420, VI, pp. 10-11. The Mi~ba~
is a book of prayers extracted from al-TusI's Mi~ba~, whence its alter-
native title Ikhtiyar (or al-Ikhtiyar min al-mi~ba~). The book's title (in
the form al-Mi~ba~) appears in IQ2 only once (on p. 108). The excerpts
from this work are missing from IQ1. The reason may have to do with
its date of composition, given in the Riya4 (III, p. 420) as 653/1255-
6, i.e. three years after the completion of the Iqbal. IT (or someone
else) must have incorporated excerpts from the Mi~ba~ in the Iqbal,
but these additions were not preserved in all manuscripts of this work.
The excerpts from the MajmuCat mawlana Zayn al-cAbidin (see List
under this entry) may likewise have been entered at a later stage.
The Mi~ba~ (which is extant in manuscript) is often cited in al-
Kafcaml's Junna and Balad and in al-Nurl al-Tabarsl's Mustadrak.

===> al-Mi~bii~ al-kabfr/al-~aghzr (al-TusI), see Mi~bii~ al-mutahajjid

al-kabrr/ al-~aghzr

407. Mi~bii~ al-mutahajjid al-kabrr / Abu Jacfar Mu1;tammad b. al-

I:Iasan aI-rusT (d. 460/1067)
Dh XXI 118 no. 4210
B 164-165, 169, 186-188, 228, 249-250, F 7/5, 45-46/39, 142-144/
132-133, BA, LXXXVII, pp. 55-56, 59-60 [om F], IQ 61/589,
64/592, 121-122/637, 130-134/643-649,238-239/10-11,320-324/
78-81, 335/88, 396-399/167-170,527-528/312-313, 531-533/316-
318, 538/322, 546/330, 757-758/526-528, J 23-24, 134-154, 530,
T 422/127-128, Z* 198-199, 206-207
This work of supplications is also known as al-Mi~bii~ al-kabzr (as in
B 164-165, 228, 249-250, F 7/5, IQ 335/88 and Z*) and as Mi~bii~
al-mutahajjid fi cibiidiit ai-sana (T 422/127). In T, the author's name
is not given (probably for reasons of taqiyya). In F 7/5-6 IT praises
this work, explaining that his own Muhimmiit is a supplement to it
(cf. Chapter 11.2). In Z* he says that he used a manuscript checked by
408. Mi!}bii~ al-mutahajjid al-~aghzr / Abu J a cfar Mu1;tammad b. al-
I:Iasan aI-rusT (d. 460/1067)
Dh XXI 118 no. 4209
B 188, Z* 207
This work (extant in manuscript form) is essentially an abridgement of
al-TusI's al-Mi~bii~ al-kabzr, as is indicated by its alternative title (given
in B): Mukhta~ar al-mi!}bii~ al-kabzr. Yet it also appears to include
material not found in the longer work: in Z* (cited from the Zii'ir in
BA, CI, p. 303), IT explains that he copied from al-Mi!}bii~ al-!}aghzr
the text of two supplications to be recited over al-I:Iusayn's grave on
cAshura' since these supplications are missing from al-Mi!}bii~ al-kabzr.
409. - K. mi~bii~ al-sharzc a wa miftii~ al-~aqzqa / ascribed to J a cfar
aI-~adiq (d. 148/765)
Dh XXI 110 no. 4167
A 78/91-92
This work (for which see GAL, S, I, p. 104; GAS, I, p. 529, no. 1) is one
of the texts which IT recommends to be taken on a journey. AI-NurI al-
TabarsI (MK lith., III, p. 328) states that, to the best of his knowledge,
IT is the earliest author both to refer to this work and to ascribe it to al-
$adiq. According to al-TihranI, Sulayman al-Ma1;tuzI (d. 1121/1709; see
A Cyiin, XXXV, pp. 337-357) is said to have heard his teacher al-MajlisI
ascribe this work to ShaqIq al-BalkhI (d. 153/770). The work consists
of one hundred short chapters, each devoted to a single topic. There

are a number of printed editions (e.g. Beirut, 1380/1961, Tehran, 1363

Sh, with a Persian translation by !;lasan MUl?tafawI). As noted earlier
(Chapter II.3), there is no evidence for IT's authorship of this text.
410. +- K. al-mu cammar?:n / Abu ~atim Sahl b. Mul:tammad al-
Sijistani (d. 255/869)
l' 186/[om 46]
For the author see EI2, art. "Abu !;latim al-SidjistanI" (B. Lewin). IT
says that he saw this book, and that it includes the names of persons
who were granted longevity. Cf. the edition of I. Goldziher, Leiden,
1899 .
** K. al-mubiihala / Abu I-Mufa<;l<;lal Mul).ammad b. cAbd Allah b.
Mul).ammad b. CUbayd Allah b. al-Buhliil b. Hammam b. al-Muttalib
aI-Shay bani (d. 387/997)
Dh XIX 47 no. 243
IQ 713-740/496-513
See al-AshnasI's -+K. camal Dh?: l-Qijja. It appears that IT cited from
this work via al-AshnasI, although it is also possible that he quoted
from it directly.
411. ** K. al-mubtada' / Mul).ammad b. Khalid b. cAbd al-Ral).man
al-Barqi (fl. mid-3d/9th century)
S 43
For the author see EI2, Supplement, art. "al-Barl.d" (Ch. Pellat). This
title does not figure in the lists of al-BarqI's works, nor does it appear
as a title of one of the "books" which made up the K. al-ma~iisin, a
work sometimes ascribed to Mul).ammad b. Khalid but more usually
to his son Al).mad (see List under this entry). The possibility cannot
be ruled out that the K. al-mubtada' is identical with al-BarqI's K.
qil}al} al-anbiyii' (see List under this entry), just as the Qil}al} al-anbiyii'
ascribed to Wahb b. Munabbih (or to his grandson) is probably identical
with the work known as K. al-mubtada' (see R. G. Khoury, Wahb b.
Munabbih: Der Heidelberger Papyrus PSR Heid Arab 23, Wiesbaden,
1972, pp. 204-205; cf. the next entry). Another hypothesis is that this
is an alternative title of the K. al-tibyiin which al-MascudI, in his list
of historical works (see Muruj, I, p. 13), ascribes to Al).mad b.Mul).am-
mad al-BarqI. IT quotes a statement that Joseph was thirteen years
old when he was sold by his brothers .
+- K. al-mubtada' / Mul).ammad b. CAbd Allah al-Kisa'I
T 179-180/[om45]
For the author see EI2, art. "al-Kisa'I" (T. Nagel). This work is usually
known as Qil}al} al-anbiyii'. It is referred to in T via Ibn al-Bitrlq's Kashf
al-makhj?:, where it is said to contain two traditions on the MahdI,

the SufyanI and the Dajjal. Eschatological material of this kind is to

be found in the last chapter of the Qi~a~ al-anbiya' (ed. I. Eisenberg,
Leiden, 1922, pp. 307-309). According to Nagel, the oldest manuscripts
of this work date from the early 7th/13th century; Ibn al-BitrIq is
probably one of the first authors to refer to it.
412. *+ K. al-mubtada' / Wahb b. Munabbih (d. 110/728 or 114/
Dh XIX 47 no. 250
MF 105/116, N 28, l' 360-361/[om 105]
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 305-307. This work (for which see GAS,
I, p. 306, no. 2; R. G. Khoury, Wahb b. Munabbih, pp. 184, 186-188,
204-205) is a source of Ibn Shahrashub's Maniiqib (I, p. 9). In N, IT
mentions the account of the celestial signs (daliilat al-nujum) that fore-
told the birth of Moses contained in the first jUZ'j he maintains that it
is more complete than the account in al-Tha clabI's Qi~a~. In MF, the
rule (dawla) of Pharaoh is said to have lasted some 400 years; by the
beginning of Moses' prophethood, the Israelites had been suffering at
Pharaoh's hands for some 150 years. The passage in l' describes how,
three days after Moses had disappeared, the Israelites heard a voice
from a cloud announcing that he had died.

=:} K. al-mudhiikara (al-TanukhI), see Nishwiir al-mu~iiara

413. +- al-Mudkhal/ al-Naqqash

N 204
A manuscript of this astrological text was owned by IT. Matar (p. 141)
suggests identifying the author with IbrahIm b. Yal;tya al-Naqqash al-
QurtubI al-ZarqalI (alive in 488/1095) (see DSB, XIV, pp. 592-595, art.
"al-ZarqaII" [J. Vernet]j E. S. Kennedy, "A Survey of Islamic Astronom-
ical Tables", Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 56/
2, 1956, pp. 123-145, at pp. 128-129, no. 24). This suggestion, how-
ever, rests on no more than the fact that both were astronomers called
al-Naqqash. The author's identity remains to be established.
414. - K. al-mudkhal ilii cilm al-nujum / Abu Naf?r al-I:Iasan b. CAlI
al-Munajjim al-QummI (fl. 4th/10th century)
Dh XX 247 no. 2805
N 127
A manuscript of this astrological text was owned by IT. For the author
see GAS, VII, pp. 174-175. Author and title as in N* fol 85a. N has K.
al-mudkhal fi cilm al-nujum of Naf?r b. al-I:Iasan al-QummI. According
to I:IajjI Khallfa (II, p. 1642), this work was written in 357/967.

=:} K. al-mufi (al-MunadI), see K. al-malii~im


415. +- Mughzth al-khalq fi ma crifat al-a~aqq / Abu l-Ma call cAbd

al-Malik b. cAbd Allah b. Yusuf Imam al-J:Iaramayn al-Juwayni (d.
+ 357/[om 103]
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 486-488, S, I, pp. 671-673; EI2, art. "al-
Djuwaynl" (C. Brockelmann-[L. Gardet]). This work (which sets out to
prove the correctness of the legal views of al-Shafi CI) is mentioned by
Ibn Khallikan (III, p. 169) under the title Mughzth al-khalq fi khtiyar
al-a~aqq. 1+ points out that it includes numerous criticisms of Abu
J:Ianlfa .
+ al-Mughnz fi a~kam al-nujum / Ibn Hibinta (alive in 318/920)
N 66-67
The author was a Christian astrologer; see DSB, VI, p. 381, art. "Ibn Hi-
binta" (D. Pingree); GAS, VII, pp. 162-164,331-332. This work (which
is extant in manuscript) is cited via al-Karajakl's Kanz al-fawa'id. Al-
KarajakI, who refers to it as. al-Mughnz, states that he saw an autograph
in the dar al-cilm in Cairo (Kanz, II, p. 229). Sezgin's statement (GAS,
VII, p. 162) that it was IT who saw the autograph ought to be corrected.
For the dar al- cilm, which was the most renowned Fatimid library, see
Eche, pp. 74-97.

===} al-Mughnz fi shar~ al-nihaya (al-RawandI), see Shar~ al-nihaya

416. +- K. al-mughrib / Abu l-FatJ:.! Na~ir b. AbI l-Makarim CAbd

al-Sayyid al-Mu~arrizi al-KhwarazmI (d. 610/1213)
+ 138/33
This work (for which see GAL, I, p. 352) is an abridgement of al-
MutarrizI's (lost) al-Mu crib fi l-lugha, with the addition of new mate-
rial. It is also referred to as K. al-mu crib wa I-mughrib (+** fol 39a)
and, in a corrupt form, as al-Gharb wa I-mughrib (1'1, BA, XL, p. 73);
the title is missing altogether in+2. It was published as al-Mughrib fi
tartzb al-mu crib (ed. MaJ:.!mud Fakhurl and cAbd al-J:Iamld Mukhtar,
Aleppo, I, 1399/1979, II, 1402/1982).
417. *+ al-Mughrib can szrat malik al-Maghrib / anon. (late 6th/12th
This work may well be the anonymous K. al-mucrib Can szrat malik
al-Maghrib of which Ibn Khallikan (d. 681/1282) saw a one-volume
autograph completed in Mosul on 1 Dhu l-Qacda 579/15 Feb. 1184;
see Ibn Khallikan, VII, pp. 112-113 and the fragment cited on pp. 113-
125. A translation of sections of this fragment is given in Corpus of
Early Arabic Sources for West African History, tr. J. F. P. Hopkins,

ed. and annotated by N. Levtzion and J. F. P. Hopkins, Cambridge,

1981, pp. 164-165 (where the title is given as K. al-mughrib can s?:rat
mulUk al-Maghrib). (lowe this reference to Professor M. Abitbol.) It
is tempting to identify this work with the K. al-mughrib (or mu Crib) f?:
akhbar ma~asin ahl al-Maghrib of Ibn al-Yasa c al-Ghafiql (see F. Pons
Boigues, Los historiadores y geografos arabigo-espaiioles, Amsterdam,
1972, p. 242, no. 196; lowe this reference to Dr. D. Wasserstein). Since,
however, Ibn al-Yasa c died in 575/1179, such an identification would
only be possible if the date of the autograph as given by Ibn Khallikan is
wrong. Judging by the fragment in Ibn Khallikan, the malik in question
may well have been Yusufb. Tashnn (d. 3 Mu~arram 500/4 Sept. 1106),
referred to as malik al-Maghrib (Ibn Khallikan, VII, p. 113) or malik
al-Maghrib wa l-Andalus (Ibn Khallikan, VII, p. 125; cf. Ibn al-Athlr,
Kamil, X, p. 417).
The excerpt in MN consists of a story about CDqba b. cAmir, who led
the army which conquered Ifrlqiya during CDthman's caliphate. CDqba,
dissatisfied with the site chosen for the city of Qayrawan, picked a new
one (which is where the city now stands). When told that the place was
a thicket teeming with dangerous beasts CDqba prayed, whereupon the
beasts with their offspring marched away.
This legend is found in a number of texts (cf. EI2, art. "al-~ayra
wan" [M. TaIbi], at IV, pp. 825-826), but none of the sources checked
reproduces the version given by IT. Some versions speak of CDqba b.
Nafi Crather than CDqba b. cAmir; see Ibn cAbd al-!:lakam (d. 257/871),
Futu~ Mil}r, ed. Ch. C. Torrey, New Haven, 1922, p. 196; cAbd Allah
al-Malikl, Riya al-nufus fi ~abaqat Culama ' al-Qayrawan wa Ifr?:qiya,
I, ed. Hussain Mones ( = Mu'nis), Cairo, 1951, pp. 20-21; Ibn cldharl
(d. towards the end of the 7th/13th century), K. al-bayan al-mughrib
fi akhbar al-Andalus wa I-Maghrib, I, ed. G. S. Colin and E. Levi-
Provenc;al, Leiden, 1948, I, p. 20; cf. al-Bakrl, Mu Cjam ma sta Cjam,
III, ed. Mu!?tam al-Saqqa', Cairo, 1368/1949, p. 1105. Abu 1- cArab al-
Tamlml (d. 333/944-945) adduces versions with both Ibn Nafi C and
Ibn cAmir ('.['abaqat culama ' Ifr?:qiya wa Tunis, ed. cAll al-Shabl and
Nu caym !:lasan al-Van, Tunis, 1968, pp. 56-58), yet even the versions
with Ibn CAmir are not identical to the text used by IT.

418. *+- K. al-mu~abbar / Abu Jacfar Mul].ammad b. ij:abib (d.

Dh XX 139 no. 2299
l' 460/141
The title is given erroneously in 1'2 and 1'** fol160b as K. al-muj?:r and
in 1'* fol124b as K. al-mu~abbara. IT refers to the section in which six
Companions and six Tabicun maintain that a mutCa marriage is valid.

In the printed edition of the Mu~abbar (ed. 1. Lichtenstaedter, Hy-

derabad, 1361/1942, p. 289), no Tabicun and only five Companions are
mentioned as holding this view; it thus appears that IT possessed a ver-
sion of this work different from the unique British Library manuscript
used by Lichtenstaedter (cf. her concluding remarks, pp. 511-515).
419. - K. al-muhadhdhab / cAbd al-cAzlz Ibn al-Barraj al-Shami
al-Tarabuiusl (d. 481/1088)
Dh XXIII 294 no. 9038
B 248
For the author see Nabis, p. 107; for this work see Modarressi, p. 63.
IT refers to the passage on istikhara (cf. the 1406 Qumm edition of the
Muhadhdhab, I, pp. 149-150).
420. ** Mujallad Cat?:q / anon.
S 121
This manuscript, in the thumn format, included Qur'an readings of the
Prophet, the first seven Imams and Zayd b. cAll. The excerpt, from the
third quire, fol 3b, comprises Jacfar al-$adiq's reading of Q 3:92.
421. *+ Mu Cjam al-buldan / Yaqiit b. CAbd Allah al-Rumi al-J:lamawl
(d. 626/1229)
A 105-106/117-118,MF61/69, 105/117,156-157/172-174,161-162/
178, IrbilI, KashJ, I, pp. 340-341 [om Y 9]
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 630-632, S, I, p. 880. The excerpt in
A (cited via the A man in BA, LXXVI, p. 256) is taken from the sev-
enth volume (mujallad) and consists of Mul;lammad b. al-Sa'ib al-Kaibi
telling of a meeting which he had in al-J:llra. This excerpt is missing
from both the Fliigel and the Beirut edition of Mu Cjam al-buldan (nor
does it appear in Yaqut's Mu Cjam al-udaba'). MF 61/69 = Mu Cjam
(ed. Beirut), I, p. 523 (s.v. aI-Bayda'); MF 105/117 (citing from the
fourteenth volume) = MuCjam, V, p. 140 (s.v. Mi~r); MF 156-157/
172-173 (citing from the eighth volume) = Mu Cjam, III, p. 210 (s.v.
Sardus) (this passage is printed in MFI in the wrong order; the correct
order appears in MF2); MF 157/173-174 = Mu Cjam, II, p. 10 (s.v. Tub-
bat, i.e. Tibet); MF 161-162/178 (citing from the thirteenth volume)
= MuCjam, V, pp. 80-81 (s.v. Madlnat al-Nul).as; in MF, erroneously,
Madlnat al-NajashI); al-Irbill [om Y] = Mu Cjam, I, p. 181 (s.v. Iskaf).
422. + K. al-mu Cjam al-kab?:r / Abu l-Qasim Sulayman b. Al).mad al-
Tabarani (d. 360/971)
F 72/69-70
According to IT, the passage cited is taken from the second juz'. This
passage describes how J:ludhayfa b. al-Yaman sent some people to buy
his shrouds. When they brought him shrouds that had cost 300 dirhams

he explained that this was not what he had in mind, and instead
asked for two pieces of coarse white cloth. The tradition is found in
al-Tabararu's al-Mu Cjam al-kabir, ed. IJ:amdi cAbd aI-MajId al-Silan,
Mosul, 1404/1983-4, III, p. 163, no. 3006 (in the edition, thaliit dirham
[sic] should be emended to thaliithimi'at dirham and ~asanatayn to
khashinatayn, in accordance with the readings in F). IT says that al-
Tabarani also preserves longer versions of this story; two such versions
appear in the printed edition immediately after the version cited in F
(III, pp. 163-164, nos. 3007-8).
In al-Silan's edition, each entry in this book comprises Prophetic
traditions cited by a particular Companion. Occasionally the traditions
are preceded by biographical material on the Companion; in such cases,
the biographical section is called by the Companion's name, and the
Prophetic traditions are introduced by Musnad (or Mii asnada), fol-
lowed by his name. The entry on IJ:udhayfa b. al-Yam an is of this kind:
the biographical section (III, pp. 161-167, nos. 2999-3017) is followed by
the Musnad lfudhayfa b. al- Yamiin (III, pp. 167-170, nos. 3018-3027).
Although the excerpt in F is taken from the biographical section, IT
says it is found in the Musnad lfudhayfa b. al- Yamiin. This indicates
either that the manuscript used by him did not contain separate head-
ings for biographical and ~adith material, or that IT did not observe
this division.

====} K. al-mu Cjiziit (al-Rawandl), see al-Kharii'ij wa I-jarii'i~

423. + K. al-mujtanii / Abu Bakr Mu}:tammad b. al-IJ:asan Ibn Du-

rayd (d. 321/933)
l' 198-199/[om 51]
For the author see EI2, art. "Ibn Durayd" (J. W. Flick). The title
appears erroneously in 1'* (fo148a) and l' Per (p. 89) as K. al-~ujjatayn
and in 1'** (fol 61b) as K. al-mujtabii. The speech of al-IJ:asan b. CAll
cited in these versions of the Tarii'if appears in the printed editions of
the K. al-mujtanii (p. 36 in the Hyderabad 1342 ed. = pp. 45-46 in the
Hyderabad 1362 ed.)
424. **+ Mukhta~ar al-arba cin fi maniiqib ahl al-bayt al-tiihirsn /
Yiisuf b. Al}mad b. IbrahIm b. Mu}:tammad al-Baghdadl (d. 585/
Dh XX 178 no. 2474
Y 191/492
For the author see DhahabI, Tadhkira, IV, pp. 1356-7 (where his name
is given as Abu Ya cqub Yusuf b. A}:tmad b. IbrahIm al-$un al-ShIrazI);
Shadhariit, IV, p. 284. Al-Tihrani provides no details on him, though
the fact that he included this title in Dh implies that he assumed the

author to be a ShICI. IT cites the fourth tradition in this work.

==> Mukhtal}ar al-bayan can daliilat shahr Ramaan (al-KarajakI), see

al-Kiifi fi l-istidliil and Kitiib

425. **-Mukhta~ar al-fara'i al-sharCiyya / Abu 1-$alaJ:! TaqI aI-DIn

b. Najm al-Dln al-l1alabi (d. 447/1055-6)
B 248
For the author see Niibis, p. 39. This work is probably an abridgement
of al-Farii'i al-sharCiyya of al-Shaykh al-Mufld (cf. Dh XVI 149 no.
385), who was a teacher of al-:~IalabI (cf. Modarressi, p. 43). It appears
to be known only through the Abwab (cf. Riyii, I, p. 100), whence
it is cited in BA, XCI, p. 280. IT refers to an istikhiira found in this
426. **? Mukhtal}ar fihi adCiya wa cuwadh / anon. (5th/11th century)
(IQ 49-52/578-581), N 225
According to N, this was the first item in a majmuCa in the possession
of IT. In IQ, a ta Cziya is cited which Ja cfar al-$adiq wrote for his
ij:asanid cousins after they had been imprisoned. This ta Cziya is said to
be taken from a text (al}ll}a~i~) dated $afar 448/Apr.-May 1056 in the
handwriting of MuJ:!ammad b. cAlI b. Mahjanab al-Bazzaz (for whom
see Niibis, p. 181). The manuscript in question is probably the same as
that cited in N. In this case, al-Bazzaz is identical with MuJ:!ammad b.
cAlI b. al-ij:usayn b. M<;thziyar (see ~Juz' [transmitted by Abu l-ij:asan
(b. CAlI) b. MuJ:!ammad b. cAbd al-Wahhab]).
427. *+ K. mukhta~ar al-istiCiib / Abu NuCaym (i.e. AJ:!mad b. cAbd
Allah al-Il?fahanI, d. 430/1038 or CUbayd Allah b. al-ij:asan al-Il?fahanI,
d. 517/1123)
Dh XX 178 no. 2476
l' 101/24
Title as in the Rawiit (I, p. 273). There are two questions here: first,
who wrote the ]stiCiib of which Abu NuCaym composed an abridgement?
And secondly, who is Abu NuCaym?
Of the various works called K. al-istiCiib (cf. ij:ajjI KhalIfa, I, p. 81;
GAL, index), the only one which seems relevant here is the biographical
dictionary of the Companions composed by Ibn cAbd aI-Barr (368-463/
978-1070). Indeed, the excerpt in l' is already quoted by Ibn al-Bi~rlq
(see his Khal}ii'il}, p. 98), who states that it is taken from K. al-istiCiib
Ii Ibn cAbd aI-Barr al-Namari al-Maghribi al-Andalusi and that it was
also cited by Abu Nu caym (wa qad kharrajahu ayan Abu Nu Caym ).
The trouble is that this excerpt has a distinctly ShlcI flavour: during the
isra' MuJ:!ammad is told by the prophets that they had been sent with

a triple message: God's unity, Mul}.ammad's prophethood and CAll's

waIiiya. It is therefore unlikely to have found favour with a staunch
Maliki such as Ibn cAbd aI-Barr, and is indeed missing from al-BijawI's
edition of his dictionary. It might be suggested that the Mukhta/}ar
contained material not found in the original work or that the printed
edition of the Isti: Ciib does not reproduce the original version; these
suggestions, while not impossible, are not very convincing.
Regarding the second question, al-Khwansarl (whence Dh) thinks
(but is not certain) that the author is Abu NuCaym al-Il?fahanI (336-
430/948-1038), who is best known for his Ifilyat al-awliyii'. AI-Khwan-
sari bases this supposition on information in an unidentified book
(C alii mii ya~har min ba C4 al-kutub). The book in question is prob-
ably the 'J'arii'ij, where IT cites the text of an exegesis of Q 43:45
from Abu Nu caym al-mu~addith fi kitiibihi lladhi: stakhrajahu min kitiib
al-istzCiib (this text is reproduced, presumably from the 'farii'ij, in
$iriit, I, p. 293). Although Abu Nu caym al-Ir;:;fahani is nowhere cred-
ited with a Mukhta/}ar al-istzCiib, he could in principle have written an
abridgement of the work of his younger contemporary. A second candi-
date is the ~adzth specialist CDbayd Allah b. al-I;Iasan b. Al}.mad Abu
NuCaym al-Ir;:;fahanI (d. 517/1123) (for whom see $arlnnI, Naysiibur, fol
87a; Munta~am, IX, p. 247; Ibn al-Athlr, Kiimil, X, p. 617; DhahabI,
Tadhkira, IV, pp. 1265-6; idem, Siyar, XIX, pp. 486-488; Shadhariit,
IV, p. 56; Kal}.l}.ala, VI, p. 38). But like his namesake, he is not credited
with a Mukhta/}ar al-istzC iib.
428. ** Mukhta/}ar kitiib Mu~ammad b. al-cAbbiis (b. CAlz) b. Marwiin
/ anon.
Dh XX 190 no. 2520
S 11, 109-111
IT also refers to this work as K. al-tajszr. It is a one-volume abridgement
(in rubc format) of Ibn al-Jul}.am's Ta'wzl mii nazala min al-qur'iin al-
karzm fi l-nabz (see List under this entry). The excerpt is an exegesis
of Q 13:29.
429. * Mukhtal}ar kitiib tahdhzb al-shzc a Ii a~kiim al-sharzc a / Abu cAlI
Mul}.ammad b. Al}.mad Ibn al-Junayd al-Iskan (d. 381/991)
Dh XX 176 no. 2471
IQ 246/15
This work, also known as al-Mukhta/}ar al-A~mad;;; Ii l-fiqh al-Mu~am
madz (MaCiilim, p. 97, no. 665), is an abridgement by Ibn al-Junayd
of his own massive Tahdhzb al-sh;;;c a Ii a~kiim al-shar;;;c a (for which see
NajashI, pp. 385-387). As noted by Mul}.ammad Mahdi b. Murta~a
Bal}.r al-cDlum (1155-1212/1742-97) in his detailed biography of Ibn
al-Junayd (Bal}.r al-cDlum, II, pp. 205-225, at p. 206), the K. tahdh;;;b al-

8hf C a consisted of some twenty volumes; it is only the Mukhta~ar which

was known to later generations. Its opening paragraph is quoted by al-
Kanturl (pp. 494-495, no. 2773), but it is not clear whether he was citing
from an earlier source or directly from a manuscript of the Mukhta!}ar;
in the latter case, there is a chance that it is at least partially preserved.
The quotation in IQ is taken from the K. al-~awm. For Ibn al-Junayd's
legal method see Modarressi, pp. 35-39.
430. **+ Mukhta!}ar al-maciirif / al-Qa4J Abu l- cAbbas A1;lmad b.
Mu1;lammad al-JurjanI (d. 482/1089)
T 188-189/47-48
For the author see SubkI, III, pp. 31-32; IsnawI, 'fabaqiit, I, pp. 340-341;
GAL, I, p. 342, S, I, p. 505. This title is not attested elsewhere. IT used
a manuscript dated Jumada I 523/ Apr.-May 1129, to which he refers as
a nU8kha C atfqa. The excerpt is from the entry on Malik b. Anas which
appeared towards the end of the work.

==} Mukhta~ar al-mi~bii~ al-kabfr (al-TusI) , see Mi~bii~ al-mutahajjid


431. **? Mukhta!}ar al-muntakhab / anon.

Dh XX 212 no. 2632
IQ 16-23/545-552,27-31/556-561,41-43/571-573, 58-59/587, 68-69/
639/423-428, N 22
IT also refers to this work of supplications as Mukhta!}ar al-muntakhab fi
l-adCiya and as K. al-mukhta!}ar min kitiib al-muntakhab. In a sentence
cited from the Nujum in the Riyii (VI, p. 45) (but missing from both
Nand N* fol14b), IT says he does not know the identity of the author.
The work appears indeed in the Riyii (VI, p. 47) in a list of anonymous
works. The supplications reproduced in IQ are to be recited on various
occasions: the beginning of Mu1;larram (IQ 16-23/545-552); cAshura'
(IQ 27-31/556-561); when visiting al-J;Iusayn's grave (IQ 41-43/571-
573); the beginning of $afar (IQ 58-59/587), of RabIe I (IQ 68-69/
596-597), RabI c II and Jumada I (IQ 89-97/616-622); the first night
of Rajab (IQ 106-108/628-629); every day of Rajab (IQ 123-128/638-
642); and cId al-A<;l1;la (IQ 635-639/423-428). The sentence cited in N
is said to be taken from the daily supplication during Rajab in the K.
al-muntakhab. This sentence is found in the appropriate prayer cited in
IQ, except that in IQ the source is given as K. al-mukhta!}ar min al-
muntakhab. It is thus likely that the K. al-muntakhab of N is identical
with Mukhta~ar al-muntakhab. In IQ 58/587 and 68/596 the excerpt is
likewise taken from the K. al-muntakhab, and here again the reference
may well be to the Mukhta~ar.

432. **? Mukhtal}ar tafsfr al- Tha Clabf /1 anon.

S 18, 216-217
This work is to be distinguished from the complete version of al-
Thaclabl's Tafsfr known as al-Kashf wa l-bayii,n (see List under this
entry). S 216 = first juz', seventh quire, fol 2a (to Q 2:207); S 217 =
second juz', from the beginning of the exegesis of Sura 24 (al-Nur).
433. **+ K. al-mula~ / Abu cAbd Allah al-l;Iusayn b. Al,lmad Ibn
Khalawayh al-Nal;twi (d. 370/980)
Dh XXII 197 no. 6676
N 183-184
This title is missing from al-Najashl's list of Ibn Khalawayh's works, nor
is it attested elsewhere (cf. GAS, VII, pp. 356-357, VIII, pp. 178-180,
IX, pp. 169-171). IT states that the book was brought to him by al-
l;Iasan b. cAlI al-Mada'inlknown as Ibn bint al-Ki'al (for other members
of whose family see Thiqii,t, pp. 208, 229); he is not to be confused with
the grammarian al-I;Iasan b. CAll al-Mada'inl, d. 27 Jumada I 379/2
Sept. 989 (cf. Yaqut, Udabii,', IX, p. 27), pace Matar, p. 394. IT adds
that he was loath to purchase the K. al-mula~ because it contained
frivolous material (hazl). The fact that he cites from it implies that he
eventually overcame his scruples.
The passage quoted is free of any impropriety: it deals with a letter
sent by an Indian king to cUmar b. cAbd al-cAzlz, and with the circum-
stances of the king's birth. Matar (pp. 394-395) has drawn attention
to a similar story in Buzurg b. Shahriyar al-RamahurmuzI's K. Cajii,'ib
ai-Hind (ed. and tr. L. M. Devic, Leiden, 1883-6, pp. 2-3).

==} K. al-mulakhkhal} (al-Razl), see al-Sirr al-maktum

434. **+ K. al-mul~aq bi ta'rrkh al- Tabar, / Abu Bakr Al,lmad b.

Kamil b. Khalaf b. Shajara al-Baghdadl al-Shajarl (d. 350/961)
F 71-72/69, Y 188/487
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 523-524; Rosenthal, Tabar;;;, index, s.v.
Ibn Kamil. (In Y, read Shajara for Sakhara.) He was an early follower
of al-Tabarl's legal school, but seems to have veered away from it at a
later stage. Rosenthal has pointed out the significance of Ibn Kamil for
details of al-Tabarl's life and works; his monograph on al-Tabarlwas an
important source of Yaqut's biography of the historian ( Udabii,', XVIII,
pp. 40-94; note particularly Yaqut's remark on p. 94). Yaqut does not
seem to have had at his disposal Ibn Kamil's Mul~aq, nor does this
title appear to be attested elsewhere. Perhaps the reference is to the K.
al-ta'rrkh mentioned by Ibn al-Nadlm (p. 35), whence Yaqut, Udabii,',
IV, p. 105, $afadl, VII, p. 298.

In his entry on al-TabarI in the Mul~aq, Ibn Kamil may have in-
corporated material from his monograph. The paragraph in F is taken
from the section on the events of the year 310/922-923, and describes
al-TabarI's burial. The text in Y consists of one sentence which de-
scribes how, following al-TabarI's death, people came for months to
pray over his grave. This detail is also given in the Ta'rikh Baghdad,
II, p. 166, whence Yaqut, Udaba', XVIII, p. 40.

=} Mumlayat (Ibn Khanibah), s~e Kitab

**+ Munajat / transmitted by Abu CAbd Allah al-I;Iusayn b. Mu1,:lam-

mad Ibn Khalawayh
IQ 181-183/685-687
The text cited is a private prayer (munajat) which CAlI and the other
Imams used to pray in Sha cban. It is probably not the title of a separate
work. See also A Cyan, XXV, p. 56 .
**? Munajat / anon.
MN 21-22
IT cites a number of verses which may be used as a private prayer
(munajat). This is not the title of a work, pace Strothmann, p. 105.
435. **? K. al-munajjimin / Mal].mud b. Mul].ammad b. al-Fac}.l
(fl. second half of the 3d/9th century?)
N 215
In N* fol144a, the title appears as K. al-mutafajjiCfu (sic) and the au-
thor's name is given as Ma1,:lmud al-Fa<;ll. The excerpt (there is only one,
contra GAS, VII, p. 16) is from the fifth part of the work (or, according
to N*, from the sixth part-but not from the fourth, pace GAS). In it,
the astrologer Masha'allah is said to have correctly predicted that the
caliph al-MahdI would die while leading the pilgrimage that year.
436. * al-Munbi' can zuhd ai-nab?: / Abu Mu1,:lammad Jacfar b. Al].-
mad b. CAlI (or CAlI b. A1,:lmad) al-Qummi Ibn al-RazI (fl. mid-4th/
10th century)
Dh XII 66 no. 476
A 92/103-104, D* fols 112a-114b, F 161/148, 265-266/241
This work was still known to A1,:lmad b. Mu1,:lammad Ibn Fahd al-I;IillI
(d. 841/1437-8), who cites it in two of his works (see A Cyan, XV, pp.
352-353). In A and F 265/241 (as also in Ibn Fahd's K. al-ta~~in,
whence MK, III, p. 466, XI, p. 342, XII, p. 56, XV, p. 272, XVI, p.
218), the work is referred to as al-Munbi' Can zuhd al-nabi; in the other
excerpts the title is given as K. zuhd al-nabi. In A the author's name
is not given, and IT does not cite from the work itself, but instead
quotes a tradition which Warram b. AbI Firas noted down at its end.

In D* (also as cited from the Duru Cin BA lith., VIII, p. 302), the au-
thor's name is given as Abu Jacfar Al).mad al-QummI; but in the Duru C
as cited in MK, III, pp. 273-274 and A Cyan, XV, p. 350 the name is
Abu Mul).ammad Ja Cfar b. Al).mad al-QummI. The traditions in F deal
with the prayer of the Prophet, while those in D* detail the horrors
of Hell. See -+Adab ai-imam wa l-ma'mum, -+Kitab (Jacfar b. Al).mad
=} K. al-muni:f (sic) (al-SallamI), see K. al-nutaf

437. + K. al-munqidh min al-4alal / Abu ~amid al-Ghazzall (d. 505/

l' 136/[om 33]
In the excerpt cited, CAlI is described as sayyid al-Cuqalii' (see p. 87 in
the edition of Jamll $alIba and Kamil CAyyad, Beirut, 1967).
=} K. al-muntakhab (anon.), see Mukhta~ar al-muntakhab

438. **+- al-Muntakhab min kitiib ziid al-musafir wa wi~ayat al-

musafir / Abu 1- cAla' al-I:Iasan b. Al).mad b. al-I:Iasan al- CAttar al-I:Iafi~
al-Hamadhani (d. 569/1173)
Dh XII 8 no. 41 (under Zad al-musafir)
M 33/344
The reading wa wi~ayat is conjectural; Ml has wif}ayat and M2, wa
f}abat (sic). IT states that he possesses the first juz' of the Muntakhab
in a manuscript of the ~alibi: (in M2, erroneously: al-tabi:n [sic]) format
written during the author's lifetime, which also includes the K. al-
amali: of al-Natiq bi I-I:Iaqq (see List under this entry). The existence
of a Muntakhab is not attested elsewhere. The work of which it is an
abridgement is otherwise known only as Zad al-musafir, said to have
comprised some fifty volumes (see Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, I, p. 326; $afadI,
XI, p. 385; DhahabI, Tadhkira, IV, p. 1325). The Zad al-musafir appears
among the SunnI sources of Ibn Shahrashub's Manaqib (I, p. 12) (cf.
-+K. al-fitan [al-HamadhanI]).
439. +- al-Munta~am / cAbd al-Ral).man b. CAlI Ibn al-Jawzi (d.
l' 551/174
For the author see EI2, art. "Ibn al-DjawzI" (H. Laoust). In l' he is
identified only as $a~ib al-ta'rikh al-musamma bi I-Munta~am. IT refers
to him as one of the historians ~ho report that during the funeral
services for the cAbbasid caliphs who preceded al-Qa'im, five takbirat
used to be performed, in accordance with the ShlcI custom. This report
is perhaps to be found in one of the early volumes of the Munta~am;
they are not included in the Hyderabad 1938-43 edition. It is however

noteworthy that in the available text (VIII, pp. 58, 293), four takbzrat
are said to have been recited during the funeral services for both al-
Qa'im and his predecessor aI-Qadir. For a list of manuscripts of the
Munta~am see cUlwan, "Mustadrak", pp. 187-188.
440. * K. munyat al-dacz wa ghunyat al-wacz / cAll b. Mu}:lammad
b. cAll b. al-I:Iusayn (or CAll) b. cAbd al-$amad al-Tamimi (fl. early
6th/12th century)
Dh XXIII 202 no. 8633
A 61-69/74-81, 118-120/130-131, MD 3-8, 10, 18-34, 36-44
For the author see Riya4, IV, pp. 220-223,236; Thiqat, p. 205. Judging
by the excerpts, this was a work of supplications of the Prophet and
the Imams. For wacz, A Cyan, XLII, p. 87 has muracz, while Dh has as a
variant racz. Further variations are Ghunyat al-dacz (BA, XCV, p. 132,
citing the passage in A 118-119/130) and Niyyat al-dacz (BA, LXXVI,
p. 260, citing the passage in A 120/131). The work is still cited by
al-I:Iurr al-cAmilI in his Ithbat (I, p. 30); al-Khwansarl (Raw4at, II, p.
345) notes that it is cited in the Aman. In MD the title is not given,
but it is clearly the same work that is being cited: thus MD 36-42 = A
61-69/74-81 (a supplication of the ninth Imam Mu}:lammad al-Jawad).
IT refers to this supplication as a 1J,irz (in MD) or an cudha (in A), both
terms signifying a prayer which acts as a protective charm.
441. ** Muqaddimat cilm al-qur'an / Abu I-I:Iusayn Mu}:lammad b.
Ba}:lr al-Ruhni al-ShaybanI (fl. early 4th/10th century)
S20, 24, 227-228, 279-281
The author was accused of extremist ShlcI tendencies; see NajashI, p.
384, no. 1044; Yaqut, Udaba', XVIII, pp. 31-33; Ibn Dawud, Rijal, p.
500; $afadl, VI, pp. 243-244. This work is not mentioned elsewhere. The
excerpt in S 227-228 is from the sixth quire of the first juz'; here al-
Ruhnl attempts to show that the choice of seven readings as canonical
is arbitrary, and emphasizes that CAlI and the ahl al-bayt are the sole
authority for the interpretation of the Qur'an. In the excerpt in S 279-
281 (second juz', third quire, folIa, beginning on the last line) al-Ruhnl
states that the copies of the Qur'an which CUthman sent to the am~ar
differed from each other in their readings of certain passages. He then
lists some of these different readings.
442. K. al-muqni C / Abu J a cfar Mu}:lammad b. cAlI Ibn Babawayh
(d. 381/991)
Dh XXII 123 no. 6365
IQ 160/668
IT used a manuscript copied during the author's lifetime. The excerpt
deals with the merits of fasting on the 25th of Rajab, the date on which

MuJ:.!ammad began his prophetic mission ( = al-Muqni c, Tehran, 1377/

1957, p. 65). For editions and manuscripts of this work see Modarressi,
443. K. al-muqniCa / MuJ:.!ammad b. MuJ:.!ammad al-Shaykh al-Mufid
(d. 413/1022)
Dh XXII 124 no. 6369
B 129-132, 136-137, 285-287, 289, IQ 168-169/677, 239/11, 334/87-
88, (386/150)
Title in Dh: al-Muqni ca fi l-u.'}ul wa I-furue. This work formed the basis
for al-TusI's Tahdh'ib al-a~kam. In IQ 386/150, IT transmits a tradition
from al-Shaykh al-Mundj the work from which this tradition is taken is
only identified as the MuqniCa on the margin of IQ2. In IQ 334/87 IT
says that he studied this work with his father, who transmitted it to
him. In B 286 he mentions a "splendid old manuscript" (nuskha Cati:qa
jaWa) that he has in his possession written during al-Mund's lifetime.
IT also refers to another copy (or a number of copies, ba C 4) containing
material not found in his own manuscript, and suggests that this ma-
terial was added on the margin by a later hand and then incorporated
into the text. All the excerpts deal with various kinds of prayer. For
editions and manuscripts of this work see McDermott, p. 39, no. 152j
Modarressi, p. 62.
444. - Muqta4ab al-athar fiimamat (or fi I-na.'}.'} cala cadad al-a'imma)
al-ithnay cashar / Abu cAbd Allah AJ:.!mad b. MuJ:.!ammad b. CDbayd
Allah b. al-I:Jasan (or I:Jusayn) Ibn CAyyash al-Jawhari (d. 401/
Dh XXII 21 no. 5823
l' 172/43
This work (for which see GAS, I, p. 549) is also cited in Ibn Shahra-
shub's Manaqib, III, p. 277. IT describes the copy which he saw as
comprising some forty folios.

===} K. al-muqta.'}.'} (al-MunadI), see K. al-mala~im

445. **+ aI-Murad min al-jiyad / cAbd al-RaJ:.!man b. cAlI Ibn al-
J awzi (d. 597/1201)
'+ 373/[om 111]
Title as in 1'* fol 100a; in 1'1 and l' Per 179 ai-Murad is replaced by
Mir'at. This title is not attested in the available lists of Ibn al-JawzI's
works (see e.g. CAlwajI, Mu'allafatj cDlwan, "Mustadrak"). IT cites
from the chapter entitled al-sabq C ala (variants: bi, wa) I-mu'!ara Ca a
story on the authority of (Abu) CAbd Allah b. (al-) l:Iarb to the effect
that during the Jahiliyya the Prophet thrice won a wrestling contest

(mu~iiraCa) against Abu Rukana (T\ erroneously: Abu Dukana). (This

story is known in various versions; see e.g. Ibn Isl,laq, Szm, ed. CAbd al-
l,Iamld, Cairo, 1391/1971, I, pp. 262-263, where the man's name is given
as Rukana b. cAbd Yazld b. Hashim b. CAbd al-Muttalib; Abu Nu caym,
Dalii'il, pp. 140-141, where he is called Rukana and is described as a
mU8hrik; Ibn l,Iazm, Jamham, p. 73, where the name is given as Rukana
b. cAbd Yazld b. Hashim b. al-Muttalib.) IT castigates Ibn al-Jawzlfor
reproducing such calumnies on the Prophet; his objection to this story
springs from his perception of Mu~ammad as a man of dignity who did
not stoop to such actions. For the same reason IT brands as absurd
stories that the Prophet used to engage in foot races with cA'isha (T

446. ** K. al-mur8hid / Abu Jacfar Mul,lammad b. cAll Ibn Ba-

bawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh XX 304 no. 3101
IQ 160/668, 166/674
IT, who describes this as a "beautiful book" (kitiib "'a8an), says that he
possesses a copy in the handwriting of Quraysh b. al-Sablc (or SubayC)
b. Muhanna al-cAlawl (who is known to have copied many works; see
Anwiir, p. 136; cf. Riyii4, IV, p. 395; -TK. fa41 al-Caqzq). In IQ 160/668,
Ibn Babawayh cites a report from K. al-jiimi C by Abu Jacfar Mul,lam-
mad b. Al,lmad b. Yal,lya aI-Ash Carl al-Qumml on the merits of fasting
on the 25th of Rajab (see List under this entry). In IQ 166/674, it
is stated that the beginning of Mul,lammad's prophecy (nubuwwa) oc-
curred on the 27th of Rajab. In a variant, nubuwwa is replaced by tawba,
"repentance". IT, apparently uneasy with the implied restriction of the
Prophet's ci~ma, adds: hiidha lahuhu: nazalat al-tawba. No author after
IT appears to have cited directly from this work.

===> al-Mur8hid ilii I-taw",zd (al-l,Iimma~I), see al- Ta CIzq al- Ciriiqz

447. + Muruj al-dhahab / Abu 1-l,Iasan CAll b. al-l,Iusayn b. CAll al-

Masciidi (d. 345/956)
N 207-208
For the author and his religious affiliation see EI2, art. "al-Mascudl"
(Ch. Pellat). IT cites two passages from the Muruj (of which the first
is given without identifying the work): on al-Ma'mun's death (N 207
= Muruj, IV, p. 342, no. 2782) and on al-Man~ur's astrologers (N 208
= Muruj, V, p. 211, no. 3446). In N 126, IT refers to al-Mascudl as
mu~annif kitiib Muruj al-dhahab. See also Sbath (p. 44, no. 790), where
the title appears as Muruj al-dhahab wa ma Ciidin al-jawiihir fi tu",af
al-a8hriif wa I-muluk (cf. Muruj, I, p. 18).

448. * K. al-mu~annaf / Abu Ja cfar Mulfammad b. cAlI b. MaJ:.1bub

al-AshacrI al-QummI (fl.. end of the 3d/9th century)
Dh XXIV 340 no. 1813
F 46/39, 96/91-92, 163-165/151-152, 223-224/204, 232/211-212, J
243-244, M 31-32/341, M1:I14/5
For the author see NajashI, p. 349, no. 940; TusI, Fihrist, p. 176, no.
624; Tanqz~, no. 11,139. Al-NajashI describes him as the leading QummI
scholar of his time. When IT mentions Ibn Malfbub's Mu~annaf (F 46/
39, 165/152), Kitiib (F 163/151, MI:I) and Nawiidir al-mu~annaf (F 96/
91-92, M), he is apparently referring to three titles of the same work.
The fragments cited by IT are different from those reproduced by Ibn
Idrls (Sarii'ir, pp. 483-486) from the Nawiidir al-mu~annaf (also called
there K. nawiidir al-mu~annifin). Ibn IdrIs relied on a manuscript in
the handwriting of Abu Jacfar al-TusI (Sarii'ir, p. 483); so did IT (F
163/151, 165/152, 223/204, M). They may thus have used the same
449. +- K. al-mushkil/ Abu Mulfammad CAbd Allah b. Muslim Ibn
Qutayba (d. 276/889)
For this work (better known as Ta 'wzl mushkil al-qur'iin) see Lecomte,
Ibn Qutayba, pp. 140-143. The title as given in l' already appears in Ibn
al-Nadlm (p. 86; cf. Lecomte, p. 142); in both 1'* (folI33b) and 1'** (fol
172a) it appears erroneously as K. al-mustakmil. IT refers to the passage
on CUthman's statement that the Qur'an contains grammatical errors
(la~n) (cf. Ta'wzl mushkil al-qur'iin, ed. Alfmad $aqr, Cairo, 1393/1973,

==? K. mushtamil C alii a~riiz jalila (anon.), see Kitiib

+- Musnad / Abu Yacla Al).mad b. cAlI al-Maw~ili (d. 307/919)

l' 81/20
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 170-171. Ibn Shahrashub used this work
for both his M aniiqib (see I, p. 8) and his Burhiin (whence this title is
cited in 1').
450. + Musnad / Abu cAbd Allah AJ:.1mad b. Mulfammad b. ~anbal
(d. 241/855)
IQ 64-65/593, l' 15-16/5, 18-19/6, 21-22/7, 36-38/11-12, 51/13-14,
53/14,55/14-15,60-61/16,63-66/17-18,68-71/18, 74-77/19,88/
22-23,111-112/27,114/28, 121/[om 29],123-126/29-30,131/32,
133/32, 142/33,149-151/36-37,153-154/37-38,157/38,202-203/
52, 246/67, 378/113,397/120,400/121,405/123,408/124,459/

For this work see GAS, I, pp. 504-506. Together with the $a~'i~an, this
is the major Sunni source used by IT to advance pro- cAlid positions.
Some of the citations in l' are via Ibn al-Bitrlq's CUmda. In one case,
IT names the particular section from which he is citing, when he refers
to Musnad cAbd Allah b. Mas cud (1' 549-550/174). In the tradition
cited, the Prophet declares that the funeral procession must follow the
deceased, not precede him (al-janaza matbuCa wa laysat bi tabiCa); see
Musnad cAbd Allah b. Mascud in Ibn ~anbal's Musnad, ed. Al,1mad
Mul,1ammad Shakir, Cairo, 1368-77/1949-57, V, p. 205, no. 3585; cf. V,
p. 277, no. 3734, VI, p. 19, no. 3939, p. 33, no. 3978, p. 79, no. 4110
(all from Musnad cAbd Allah b. Mas Cud).
Most of the material cited by IT deals with cAll's virtues. The Jaa'il
material on the ahl al-bayt in the Musnad (ed. Shakir, III, pp. 1719-62)
has been collected by Qiwam aI-DIn al-Qummi al-Washnu '1 in a volume
entitled K. Jaa'il am'ir al-mu'min'in cAI'i b. AM ,!,alib wa ahl al-bayt
calayhim aI-salam min kitab al-Musnad Ii l-imam A~mad b. lfanbal,
Qumm, 1352 Sh/1973. In addition, this material exists in at least two
independent manuscripts, one (in the ~ahiriyya in Damascus) dated
509/1115-6 and the other (in the Dar al-Kutub in Cairo) from the 6th/
12th or 7th/13th century. An edition based on the Cairo manuscript
has recently come out as Musnad ahl al-bayt (ed. CAbd Allah al-Laythl
al-Anf?arI, Beirut, 1408; see Tabataba'l, "Ahl al-bayt", 5/3, 1410, pp.
59-60). Cf. -+Manaqib ahl al-bayt (Al,1mad b. ~anbal) .
+- Musnad / Abu cAmr CUthman b. Al,1mad al-Daqqaq Ibn aI-
Sammak (d. 344/955)
l' 81/20
Title as in 1'* fol 19b; in l' it is Kitab. The author's name appears as
CUthman b. Al,1mad. It is not clear whether this work is extant; Sezgin
(GAS, I, p. 186, no. 1) mentions a work of Ibn al-Sammak for which
he gives the title lfad'ith, which mayor may not be identical with the
Musnad. This title is cited via Ibn Shahrashub's Burhan.

451. + Musnad / Abu cAbd Allah Mul,1ammad b. Idrls aI-Shaft <-r (d.
l' 545/172
For this work see GAS, I, pp. 488-489. IT refers to an account according
to which every Friday the Prophet used to recite Suras 62 and 63 (al-
jumu Ca and al-munafiqun). See Mul,1am:mad cAbid b. Al,1mad al-SindI,
Tart'ib musnad aI-imam al-mu caHam wa I-mujtahid al-muqaddam Ab'i
CAbd Allah Mu~ammad b. Idr'is al-Shafic'i (composed in 1230/1815; cf.
GAS, I, p. 489, no. 6), Cairo, 1369/1950, pp. 148-149.

452. + Musnad AM lfanifa / Abu NuCaym aI-~aft~ al-N-car (or

+ 545/171
+2 has al-B-car, +1/+* foI151b/+** fo1194a, al-N-car. A work bearing
this title was written by Abu Nu caym al-I~fahanI (extant in manuscript;
cf. GAS, I, p. 415, no. 6); but he is not known by the nisba N-car/B-
Car. Ibn Shahrashub cites an excerpt from a work of this title by Abu
I-Qasim al-B-ghar (Maniiqib, III, p. 378, whence BA, XLVII, pp. 217-
218). On the margin of the Tehran 1316-7 edition of the Maniiqib (II,
p. 330) the editor Mal).mud al-BurujirdI notes the alternative reading
al-B-car and adds that he does not know who this person is. A remote
possibility is that 1+ cited from the Musnad Abr Qanfja of both Abu
NuCaym al-I~fahanI and Abu I-Qasim al-B-car/N-car, and that the two
titles were then conflated. 1+ refers to the tradition that every Friday
the Prophet used to recite Suras 62 and 63 (cf. -+Musnad [al-Shafi~]) .
**+- Musnad cAlr b. AM '!'iilib / Abu I-I:Iasan cAlI b. cUmar al-
Daraqutni (d. 385/995)
+ 179/[om 45]
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 206.,209. This work is referred to in +
via Ibn al-BitrIq's Kashf al-makhfi, where it is said to contain three
traditions on the MahdI.
453. *+ Musnad cAlr b. AM '!'iilib / Abu Jacfar Mul:mmmad b. cAbd
Allah b. Sulayman al-I:Ia<;lramI al-Kufi Mutayyan (d. 297/909)
+ (180/[om 45]), 284/[om 78], +* fols 127h-128a/T** fol 164b [om
+ 471/144], + 550/174, (Y 184/478)
For the author see GAS, I, p. 163.1+, who views Mutayyan as a leading
SunnI (+1 284), must have had a particular interest in him, as can be
seen from the title of his work Rayy al-~am'iin (see Chapter 11.2). The
Musnad CAlrwas still available to Ibn I:Iajar al-CAsqalanI, who describes
it in his Mashyakha (cited in +abataba1, "Ahl al-bayt", 5/3, 1410, p.
61) as comprising twelve juz'. It may have formed part of Mutayyan's
Musnad (cf. $afadI, III, p. 345), which is not mentioned in GAS and is
presumably lost.
The quotations in +* fols 127b-128a/T** fol 164b and + 550/175
are taken from the first and fifth juz' respectively. In +1 284, Qutham
b. al- cAbbas states that CAlI deserved to succeed the Prophet because
he was the first to adopt Islam and the most steadfast in holding onto
it. In +* fols 127b-128a, Abu Bakr is said on one occasion to have been
affected with a state of impurity while leading the Friday prayers; he
therefore stepped down from the min bar and had Abu Dharr fill his
place. When members of the congregation expressed surprise at Abu
Bakr's action, cAlI said that he had acted properly. 1+ does not regard
this story as reflecting favourably on Abu Bakr; on the contrary, he

takes Abu Bakr to task for not having taken the necessary precautions
to forestall such an occurrence. In T 550/174, cAll is quoted as declaring
that it is best for those in a funeral procession to follow the deceased
and not to precede him (as Abu Bakr and cUmar used to do). In Y
a tradition is cited from Mu~ayyan, but the name of the work from
which it is taken is not given. In T 180/[om 45], a Kitiib by Mu~ayyan
is mentioned via Ibn al-Bi~rlq's Kashf al-makhfi; this work is said to
have included three traditions on the Mahdi.
**+- Musnad Fiitima / Abu 1-l;Iasan cAll b. cUmar al-Daraqutni
(d. 385/995)
T 179/[om 45]
This work is referred to in T via Ibn al-BitrIq's Kashf al-makhJi, where
it is said to contain six traditions on the Mahdi.
454. *+ K. al-mustagh1:th1:n (Ji l-adCiya) / Khalaf b. cAbd aI-Malik b.
Mascud Ibn Bashkuwal al-Qurtubi (d. 578/1183)
Dh XXI 12 no. 3702
A 74-75/88, 109/120, 114/126, MN 6-15
For the author see EI2, art. "Ibn Bashkuwal" (M. Ben Cheneb-[A.
Huici Miranda]). In A his name not given, and in MN it appears as
Khalaf b. cAbd al-Malik b. Mascud. The name in this form must have
been unknown to AfandI, for he assumes that the author was an early
Shici scholar (Riyii, II, p. 234, whence A Cyiin, XXX, p. 37).
In MN 8, the title is K. al-mustagh1:thin bi lliih. This work is cited
by al-Kafcami in the margin of his Junna (e.g. p. 186) as well as in
his Balad (e.g. pp. 502, 522-525). It seems certain that al-Kafcami saw
a copy of this work (which is thereby distinguished from some of the
other sources he cites; see Chapter 111.8). The work is referred to by
l;Iajji Khallfa (II, p. 1674) as K. al-mustaghithin (or, erroneously: al-
musta Cin) bi lliih cinda l-~iijiit wa l-muhimmiit wa l-mutaarri cin ilii
lliih bi (l-da cawiit wa) l-raghabiit. See also Strothmann, p. 105, whence
GAL, S, I, p. 580.
An acephalous manuscript of this work is preserved in the Princeton
University Library (ms. Garrett 2103 [shelf number 912]). In this ma-
nuscript, the work is entitled AdCiyat al-mustaghithin bi lliih Cazza wa
jalla cinda I-muhimmiit wa l-~iijiit wa I-mutaarri cin ilayhi sub~iinahu
bi l-raghabiit wa I-da cawiit wa mii yassara lliihu lahum min al-ijiibiit
wa l-kariimiit. The manuscript comprises four parts, with the title ap-
pearing at the head of each part. Most of the excerpts cited by IT are
found in this manuscript; material not found in it may belong to its
lost opening pages. The excerpts describe how supplications helped to
save lives or avert disaster on various occasions. For instance, as a re-
sult of supplications a man who had fallen off a ship at sea was lifted

back on board by unseen hands (A 109/120 = MN 11 = ms. fol 35b);

a dead horse was brought back to life (A 74-75/88 = MN 14); a man
was saved from death at the hands of a robber (A 114/126 = MN 8-9;
ms. fol1a-b contains several versions of the story); the Rum were made
to abandon their sieges of Acre (here the Rum are the Crusaders) and
of Crete (Iqrltish) (here 'Rum' probably refers to the Byzantines) (MN
14; ms. fols 51a-53a contains longer versions). A summary of the story
concerning the, supplication which the Prophet taught to Fatima's maid
Fi<;l<;la appears in MN 7-8; the full version appears in the manuscript
on fols 70b-71a. The story entitled ~adtih al-samaka (MN 13) appears
in the manuscript on fol 50b. The supplication known as du Cii' al-tii'ir,
which is cited in MN 12-13, is found in the manuscript on fols 37b-39a.
In introducing this du C ii', IT says he believes it to be taken from the
K. al-musiaghtihtn (or, according to MN** fol 133a, from the end of
this book), but adds that the version which he cites may contain ad-
ditional material. In fact, the version in MN is the same as the one in
the manuscript (where it appears towards the end of the second part);
IT's comment is interesting in that it implies that he was citing this
supplication (and perhaps other material as well?) from memory.
===> K. al-muiafajjiCtn (sic) (Mal,1mud b. Mul,1ammad b. al-Fa<;ll), see
K. al-munajjimtn

455. * K. al-muiahajjid / Mul,1ammad b. cAlI b. Mul,1ammad Ibn Abi

Qurra (fl. early 5th/11th century)
Dh XIX 73 no. 384
MD 321-322
Author's name in MD: Ibn Abl Qurra. Title in Najashl, p. 398/MD***
fol150a: K. al-iahajjud. This work is cited in the margin of al-Kafcam1,s
Junna (e.g. pp. 623, 650). Cf. -+K. camal shahr Rama4iin. In the ex-
cerpt, Musa al-Ka?im invokes the Greatest Name of God (ism alliih
al-a C~am).

===> K. al-mu Ciamad fi ul}ul al-d7:n (Ibn aI-Farra'), see Kiiiib

456. + Muiashiibih al-qur'iin / cAbd al-Jabbar b. Al,1mad al-Asad-
abadl (d. 415/1025)
S 21, 244-245
For this work see GAS, I, p. 626, no. 11. IT used a copy written during
the author's lifetime. He cites a passage taken from fol 2b of the ninth
quire,. and consisting of a commentary on Q 8:2-4 ( = ed. cA. M. Zarzur,
Cairo, 1969, I, pp. 312-313).
457. (**)+ Mutashiibih al-qur'iin / Abu cUmar Al,1mad b. Mul,lammad
b. Jacfar (or !:Iafljl) al-Khallal al-Baljlr1 (alive in 377/987)

S 21, 246
For the author (a MuCtazilI scholar) see Ibn aI-Narum, pp. 221-222
(mentioning two works by him: K. al-u~ul and K. al-mutashiibih); GAS,
I, p. 624. The excerpt in S 246 (from fol9b [of the first quire?]' to Q 2:26)
is said to be taken from the Mutashiibih al-qur'iin, while the excerpt
in S 241-242 is from K. al-radd calii I-jabriyya wa l-qadariyya fimii
ta callaqu bihi min mutashiibih al-qur'iin (see List under this entry).
The relationship between these two titles is not quite clear. AI-Khallal's
formulation (in both excerpts he begins his argument with the words
wa mimmii ta callaqu bihi qawluhu etc.), coupled with the fact that
both titles refer to mutashiibih al-qur'iin, point to an identical work. In
this case, however, the question is why rr treats them as two separate
items. It is just conceivable that he had two manuscripts of the same
work, each manuscript bearing a different title and perhaps also giving a
somewhat different form of the author's name (thus the name appears
. in the K. al-radd [according to S 21, 241] as Al,lmad b. Mul,lammad
b. Ja cfar [or J:Iaf~] al-Khallal, and in the Mutashiibih [according to S
21, 246] as Abu cUmar al-Khallal or Abu cUmar A}:tmad b. Mu}:tam-
mad al-Ba~rI al-JallaI [sic]). But it is most unlikely that 1+ would have
failed to notice that the two manuscripts contained the same work.
The question could perhaps be resolved by comparing the excerpt from
the Mutashiibih with the extant manuscript of the K. al-radd (cf. G.
Gabrieli, Reale Accademia N azionale dei Lincei, La Fondazione Caetani
per gli studi musulmani, N otizia della sua istituzione e catalogo dei suoi
manoscritti orientali, Rome, 1926, whence GAS).
458. + al-MuwaHa' / Malik h. Anas (d. 179/795)
For this work see GAS, I, pp. 458-464. 1+
refers to the tradition that
for six months, whenever the Prophet passed by Fatima's door on his
way to morning prayer, he used to call out, "Come to prayer, ahl al-
bayt!", and would then recite Q 33:33. This tradition, which appears in
various sources (see the references given by the editor in +1
128, n. 3),
is found neither in al-ShaybanI's recension of the Muwatta' (Ludiana,
1292/1876) nor in al-Ma~mudI's recension, on which al-ZurqanI's com-
mentary is based (Shar~ calii I-MuwaHa', Cairo, 1355/1936; cf. GAS, I,
p. 462, no. 17).
459. **? - K. al-nadii al-~znz alladhz C amilahu Kfshitii malik al-Hind /
N 29
Sezgin (GAS, VII, pp. 93-94) refers to this passage in N, but gives
the title as al-Nadii al-~urz. In BA, LVIII, p. 239, the title appears as
al- Yad [sic] al-~znf. None of these titles makes much sense. Perhaps al-

nadii should be emended to al-~adi:d (for Chinese iron as a material for

producing rings see A 35/49, 37-38/50-51, MK, III, pp. 297-300; cf. in
general EI2, art. "I;IadId" [J. Ruska] and "Ma cdin" [A. Y. al-Hassan and
D. R. Hill, at V, pp. 971-973]). Pingree suggests deriving Kishita from
Kashinatha (cf. Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit, II, Philadel-
phia, 1971, p. 26, whence GAS, VII, p. 93, n. 2). According to rr,
this work contains a long disquisition by the In9,ian monarch concern-
ing astrological indications that preceded the coming of the Prophet
460. *+ K. nadi:m al-fari:d / Abu cAll AJ:tmad b. MuJ:tammad b. Ya cqub
(Ibn) Miskawayh (d. 421/1030)
Dh XXIV 104 no. 545
T 209-210/[om 55], 275-282/[om 78], Per 240-241 [om T 499/155]
AI-Tihrani is probably correct in assuming an identity between this
work, the Uns al-fari:d and the Uns al-khawii#r. The title Uns al-fari:d is
attested by many of Miskawayh's biographers, including Abu Sulayman
al-MantiqI, Yaqut, Ibn al-Qiftl and al-ShahrazurI; the titles N adi:m al-
fari:d and Uns al-khawii#r are given by al-KhwansarI, who seems to
regard them as two separate works (Raw4iit, I, pp. 254-255). See in
general Arkoun, Contribution, pp. 101-106. Arkoun, like al-Tihram, as-
sumes an identity between the N adi:m al-fari:d and Uns al-khawii#r. This
assumption is corroborated by the fact that al-Khwansarl cites the title
Uns al-khawiitir from al-ShahrazurI's Ta'ri:kh al-~ukamii', whereas al-
ShahrazurI's text as cited by Arkoun (Contribution, p. 102) has Uns al-
farid. In contast, A. Emami thinks that Uns al-fari:d (which he identifies
with N adi:m al-fari:d) is different from al-Khawii#r (a title mentioned
by Abu Sulayman al-MantiqI which Emami suggests is identical with
Uns al-khawii#r). See Emami's introduction to his edition of Tajiirib
al-umam, Tehran, 1987-, I, p. 25. IT provides the earliest attestation
of the title Nadi:m al-fari:d. According to al-TihranI, the Nadi:m is de-
scribed in the Raw4iit as a majmuCa shibh al-kashkul; this description is
missing both from the lithograph (see p. 70) and from IsmaC"iliyan's edi-
tion of the Raw4iit (see I, p. 254). AI-Tihrani also says that a speech by
cAll is cited from this work in some late texts; but al-TihranI adduces
no evidence that it is extant.
The first excerpt consists of a tradition against cAbd Allah b.
cU mar. The second, much longer, excerpt comprises a letter purport-
edly written by al-Ma'mun to the cAbbasids, their clients, and the
people of Baghdad. In it he justifies his having appointed the recently
deceased cAlI al-Ri<;la as heir apparent. This letter is mentioned by
al-IrbilI (Kashf, III, p. 74), who refers to K. al-nadi:m without mention-
ing the author and states that it was unavailable to him at the time

of writing. The letter is cited via the Tara/if in BA, XLIX, pp. 208-
214, with al-MajlisI's comments on pp. 214-215. For a translation and
analysis see Madelung, "Documents", pp. 339-346. The third excerpt
(which appears only in T Per) is a speech delivered by Abu Sufyan
when CUthman assumed the caliphate.

461. Nahj al-baliigha / Abu I-J:Iasan M~ammad b. al-J:Iusayn b. Musa

al-Sharlf al-Rac}.i (d.'406/1015)
Dh XXIV 412 no. 2173
K 9, 73, N 56, 58, 144, T 346/98, 419/127, 508-509/[om 158]
For this work see GAL, I, p. 511, S, I, pp. 132 (where it is wrongly
ascribed to al-Murta<;la), 705 (where Brockelmann says there is no de-
cisive evidence in favour of either al-Ra<;l1 or al-Murta<;la). IT refers to
al-Ra<;l1 as the author (or compiler) (mu/}anniJ, mu 'aliif, /}ii~ib) (N 58,
T1 420,509), while emphasizing that the speeches and sayings included
therein are by cAll. '
IT draws attention to the secrets contained in the Nahj (K 9) and
to the information about cAll's enemies included there (K 73). He also
points out that in some of cAll's speeches it is emphasized that God
cannot be compared to created beings (T 346/58). In T1 508, IT cites
a passage from al-Sharlf al-Ra<;l1's introduction to the work ( = I, pp.
7-8 in Mu1.).ammad Abu I-Fa<;ll IbrahIm's edition of the Nahj al-baliigha,
Cairo, 1383/1963). T 419/127 includes a reference to the third speech
in the Nahj, the one known as al-Shiqshiqiyya (see Nahj, I, pp. 29-36; cf.
-+K. ma c iin1: l-akhbiir). N 56 contains part of the khutbat al-ashbii~ (=
Nahj, I, pp. 191-192; the entire speech appears there at I, pp. 185-206).
In N 58 and 144, IT refers to the astrologer who advised cAll against
setting out to fight the Khawarij at the moment chosen by cAll ( =
Nahj, I, p. 147). IT, relying on al-Mubarrad, identifies the astrologer
as cAfif b.Qays al-Kindi. ,+1 509 comprises the last part of a speech
by cAll ( = Nahj, I, pp. 414-415). IT states that it is to be found at
the end of the first volume. It appears in the same place in IbrahIm's
two-volume edition, so IT's manuscript probably also consisted of two

462. *- Nahj al-~aqq / Mu1.).ammad b. Mu1.).ammad al-Shaykh al-

Mufid (d. 413/1022)
Dh XXIV 416 no. 2182
Y 174/457
AI-Tihranl suggests an identity with the Nahj al-bayiin Can sab1:1 al-
1:miin. McDermott adduces only the latter title (p. 40, no. 172). Ac-
cording to Y, in the opening section of the Nahj al-Mufid asserts that
al-Sa1.).ib b. cAbbad was a Mu Ctazili.

463. * N ahj al-najiit fi Ja4ii 'il amfr al-mu'minfn wa 1- a 'imma al-tiihirfn

min dhurriyyatihi / l:Iusayn b. Mul).ammad b. al-l:Iasan b. Nal?r al-
~ulwani (alive in 481/1088-9?)
Dh XXIV 425 no. 2224
y 140/389-390
In some manuscripts. of the Yaqfn the title is Ta'rfkh nahj al-najiit (see
y2 389, n. 1). In Y, the author's name is given as l:Iusayn b. Mul).am-
mad (y 2 adds: b. al-l:Iasan) b. Mif?r (BA, XXXVII, p. 327: al-l:Iasan)
al-l:Iulwanl. IT states that he used a manuscript written in Jumada I
375/Sept.-Oct. 985, and says that it may be an autograph. Could the
author be al-l:Iusayn b. Mul).ammad b. al-l:Iasan, a contemporary of
Ibn Babawayh and the author of the lost Maq!}ad al-riighib fi Ja4ii'il
CAlf b. Abf 'fiilib (Dh XXII 111 no. 6307)? The problem is that al-
l:Iulwanl's immediate authority in Y is Abu I-Qasim (yl adds: b.) al-
Mufld, whom al-Tihranl (in Niibis, p. 129) identifies with al-Shaykh al-
Mufld's son CAll b. Mul).ammad h. Mul).ammad (fl. first half of the 5th/
11th century). AI-Tihranl may therefore be correct in suggesting (in
Dh) that the date of the manuscript as stated in the Yaqfn is erroneous
and that the author is to be identified with l:Iusayn b. Mul;lammad b.
al-l:Iasan al-l:Iulwanl, author of Nuzhat al-nii~ir wa tanbzh al-khii#r and
other works (alive in 481/1088-9). Cf. Ma ciilim, p. 42, no. 273; A Cyiin,
XXVII, pp. 150-153; Dh XXIV 127 no. 638. The isniid in yl appears
to be defective, for in it Abu I-Qasim (b.) al-Mufld cites directly from
al-l:Iasan b. CAll b. Rashid al-WasitI, who died in 237/851-852 (see
Tahdhfb, II, p. 295). And indeed, in the version of the Yaqfn cited in
BA (XXXVII, p. 327), a certain Al).mad b. cAbd Allah b. Mul).ammad
al-Thaqafl intervenes between Abu I-Qasim and al-l:Iasan. This version
was incorporated from BA into y2.

===} Na~wu tis cfn mas 'ala khiilaJa fihii I-Murta4ii shaykhahu I-MuJfd
(al-Rawandl), see al-KhiliiJ
===} K. al-nahy (al-Kh-r-ml), see K. al-bahf

464. ** K. al-naq4 C alii man a~hara (or yu~hiru) l-khiliiJ Ii ahl bayt
al-nabf (or Ii ahl al-bayt) / Abu CAbd Allah al-l:Iusayn b. CUbayd Allah
b. CAll al- WasiF (d. before 420/1029)
Dh XXII 225 no. 6797, XXIV 291 no. 1508
M 33/343-344
For the author see Riyii4, II, pp. 136-138, whence A Cyiin, XXVI, pp.
371-372. AI-Tihranl (Niibis, p. 64) maintains that IT cites from this
work in his Ghiyiith, but this is the result of confusing the Ghiyiith
with the Mu4iiyaqa (cf. Chapter 11.2). Judging by the excerpt in M,
this book must have dealt with the disagreements (khiliiJ) between

Sunni and ShI(I jurisconsults on various legal issues.

465. + K. nasab al-khayl/ Abu I-Mundhir Hisham b. Mu~ammad b.
al-Sa'ib Ibn al-Kalbi (d. 204/819)
Dh XXIV 138 no. 691
A 51/65,97/108
In A * fol34b, incorrectly: K. tasabbub al-khayl. IT attributes this work
to its transmitter, Mu~ammad b. $ali~ (i.e. b. al-NaHa~), mawlii of
Ja (far b. Sulayman (i.e. b. cAbd Allah b. (Abbas) (d. 252/866); cf.
Levi della Vida's edition (Les "Livres des chevaux"), Leiden, 1928, p.
1 = p. 5 in A~mad ZakI's edition entitled Ansiib al-khayl, Cairo, 1384/
1965; in general EI2, art. "Ibn al-NaHa~" (F. Omar). The two excerpts
in A (about Ishmael) appear consecutively in the Ansiib al-khayl (ed.
Zakl, p. 12).

===} N a~7:~at al-mulUk (al-GhazzalI), see al- Tibr al-masbuk

466. **+ K. al-nashr wa l-tayy / anon. (6th/12th century)

Dh XXIV 159 no. 824
IQ 663-671/454-459, 679-682/464-466
Most of these passages are cited via the Iqbiil in BA, XXXVII, pp.
128-134, 136-137. In Dh, the title is printed erroneously as al-Nashr wa
1- (ulii. IT says that its author was a SunnI, and that he sent a copy
of his book to Rustam b. cAll, Shah of Mazandaran, when this ruler
visited al-Rayy. The reference is to Nu~rat aI-DIn Shah Ghazi Rustam
b. cAll of the Ispahbadl branch of the Bawand dynasty (r. 533-558/
1139-63). The passages deal with the Ghadlr Khumm tradition, and
are interspersed with IT's comments. The author is also referred to (in
IQ 663/454) as mu~annif kitiib al-khiili~ (thus IQ2; IQl: al-khii'i~; Riyii:
al-khii'i4) al-musammii bi I-nashr wa I-tayy. K. al-khiili~ al-musammii
hi I-nashr wa l-tayy is among the works which al-l;Iurr al- cAmill cites
indirectly (Ithbiit, I, p. 62). In Riyii (VI, pp. 48, 49), this appears in a
list of anonymous Imami (sic) works. AI-Tihrani (Dh VII 136 no. 738)
refers to a K. al-khiili~ of Jabir b. l:Iayyan, but this is clearly a different
467. + K. al-niisikh wa l-mansukh / Hibat Allah b. Salama b. Na~r
b. cAll aI-BaghdadI (d. 410/1019)
Dh XXIV 13 no. 66
S 20, 226-227
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 47-48. IT says that in his manuscript
this work is appended (mu4iif) to (al-Hay~am b. Mu~ammad) al-
NaysaburI's Qi~a~ al-qur'iin (see List under this entry). The passage
cited refers to the controversy as to whether or not Q 42:23 (quI Iii

as'alukum calayhi ajran ilia l-mawaddata fi l-qurba) was abrogated (IT,

in keeping with the usual ImamI position, says it was not).
The author's name as given in S is Na.'?r b. CAlI al-BaghdadI, but
this must be the result of an omission of the first part of the name:
not only is Hibat Allah's grandfather not credited with a work bearing
this title, but the passage in S appears in Hibat Allah's K. al-nasikh
wa l-mansukh, ms. Princeton University Library New Series 521 (shelf
number 252), fol60b. It should be noted, however, that the printed edi-
tions contain different material at this point (Cairo, 1387/1967, pp. 80-
81; ed. Zuhayr al-Shawlsh and Mul).ammad Kan can, Beirut, 1404/1984,
pp. 155-156), as does also ms. Princeton University Library Garrett 138
(shelf number 899), fol 35a. There thus appear to be two recensions of
this work.
468. ** K. nathr al-Ia'alr / CAlI b. Fa<;ll Allah al-~asanI al-Rawandi
(alive in 589/1193)
Dh XXIV 55 no. 266
These are the title of the work and the name of the author as given
in MN. Somewhat fuller information is provided by Muntajab aI-DIn
(pp. 129-130): here the author is named as cIzz al-Dln CAlI b. Qiya'
aI-DIn AbI I-Ri<;la Fa<;ll Allah b. CAlI al-~asanI al-RawandI, and the
title is given as N athr al-Ia 'air Ii fakhr al-ma Cali; see further Thiqat, pp.
Muntajab al-Dln provides no details about the work's contents. Al-
Kanturl, in contrast, maintains that it consisted of alphabetically ar-
ranged apothegms of CAlI (KanturI, p. 576, no. 3243), and this is also
the view held by al-KhwansarI (Rawat, V, p. 360; d. Dh XXIV 53 no.
262). Yet the excerpt in MN is not a saying of CAlI; rather it consists
of a supplication which Jesus taught to a man who had complained of
a debt with which he was burdened. What seems to have happened is
this: the N athr al-Ia 'air of CAlI b. Fa<;ll Allah was lost at an early stage,
and it was no longer possible to reconstruct its contents (the excerpt
in MN having apparently gone unnoticed). Later scholars confused it
with another work bearing the same title and comprising sayings of
(All; this work is extant in a number of manuscripts, and has been pub-
lished twice. The identity of its compiler was not known to al-MajlisI,
who refers to him as ba ( culama'ina (BA, LXXVIII, p. 36). Others
believed him to have been either (All b. Fa<;ll Allah's father Abu l-Ri<;la
Fa<;ll Allah b. (All b. Hibat Allah al-RawandI (alive in 546/1151-2; see
Ibn cInaba, (Umda, p. 152 = ed. Najaf, p. 185, Thiqiit, pp. 217-218)
or Abu CAlI al-Fa<;ll b. al-~asan b. al-Fa<;ll al-1'abrisI (d. 548/1153) (d.
Karlman, I, pp. 385-386). This uncertainty is reflected in the Tehran

1377/1958 edition of the Nathr al-Ia'iili (published in one volume with

the K. Abi I-Ja cd and the K. al-tibb of cAbd Allah b. Bistam and his
brother). Here the author of the Nathr al-Ia'iilfis said to be either Abu
I-Ri<;la al-Rawandlor Abu cAll al-Tabrisl. But in an earlier edition of
this text (Tehran, 1318), which is based on a different manuscript, the
author is clearly identified as Abu cAll al-Tabrisl. This is probably cor-
rect, since al-Tihranl knows of a manuscript of the Nathr al-Ia'iili of
Fa<;ll Allah al-Rawandl which he describes as consisting of sayings of
Mu1).ammad (rather than of CAll) (see Dh XXIV 54 no. 265).
To sum up: there appear to be three different works that bear the
title Nathr al-Ia'iili: (a) apothegms of the Prophet by Fa<;ll Allah al-
Rawandl (extant); (b) apothegms of cAll by Abu cAll al-Tabrisl (ex-
tant); (c) a lost work by cAll b. Fa<;ll Allah al-Rawandl, of which MN
preserves the only known excerpt.
469. * Nawiidir al-~ikma / Abu Ja cfar Mu1).ammad b. A1).mad b. Ya1).ya
b. cImran aI-AshcarT al-Qumml (fl. late 3d/9th century)
Dh XXIV 346 no. 1857
N 93-94
In N, the author's name appears as Mu1).ammad b. A1).mad b. cAbd
Allah al-Qumml. The N awiidir (which seems to have been his best-
known work) was one of the sources used by Ibn Babawayh for his
Man Iii ya~4uruhu l-faqih (ed. cAll Akbar al-Ghaffarl, Tehran, 1392-4,
I, p. 3). AI-Fa<;ll b. al-I:Iasan al-Tabrisl cites from this work in his ICliim
(pp. 259, 274-275, 279-280, 350), as do his son al-I:Iasan b. al-Fa<;ll in
his Makiirim al-akhliiq (Najaf, 1391/1971, pp. 57, 229, 234, 246), Mlr
Damad in his Rawii8hi~ (p. 107) and Hashim al-Ba1).raru in the Madinat
al-ma Ciijiz (p. 270). In addition, al-Majlisl cites three excerpts from the
Nawiidir via al-I:Iilll's Mu~ta4ar (BA, XXV, pp. 383, 385, XXVI, pp.
65-66); only the first of these excerpts appears in the Najaf 1370/1951
edition of the Mu~ta4ar (at p. 107), and it is not identified there as
coming from the N awiidir.
In the passage in N, Musa al-Ka~im proves that al-I:Iasan b. Sahl's
pride in his knowledge of astronomy is unfounded. Many of the passages
cited in the other sources also deal with the virtues of various Imams
though some, such as those in the Makiirim al-akhliiq, deal with other

==} N awiidir al-mu~annaf (Ibn Ma1).bub), see al-Mu~annaf

470. K. al-nihiiya fi mujarrad al-fiqh wa I-fatiiwii / Abu J a cfar Mu1).am-

mad b. al-:~Iasan aI-rusT (d. 460/1067)
Dh XXIV 403 no. 2141
A 83/95-96, B 177, 241, 271-272, K 130

Title in A, B, K: K. al-nihiiya. According to K, this was the second

work of fiqh (after al-rusI's al-Jumal wa 1- CUqiid) which 11' studied.
After completing its first part he received an ijiiza from his teacher Ibn
Nama (d. 645/1247-8); IT states that the volume with this ijiiza is now
in his possession. See also Modarressi, p. 64. A = B 271-272: on drawing
lots (see rusI, Nihiiya, p. 346). In B 177, 11' refers to the tradition on
istikhiira which he cites in B 241 (see Nihiiya, p. 142).

471. * Nihiiyat al- talab (or matlab) wa ghiiyat al-su'iii (or su'iil) fi
maniiqib iii al-rasiil / IbrahIm b. cAll h. Mu}:lammad b. al-Mubarak b.
A}:lmad b. Bakrus aI-BaghdadI al-Dlnawarl al-I:Ianball (d. 610/1213-4
or 611/1214-5)
Dh XXIV 402 no. 2136
l' 202/52, 302-305/85-87,468/143-144, 507/158
For the author see Abu Shama, pp. 87-88; Ibn Kathlr, XIII, p. 68;
Shadhariit, V, pp. 39-40. His name is given in l' 302/85 as IbrahIm
b. cAll b. Mu}:lammad al-Dlnawarl (this nisba does not appear in the
Sunnl sources); in r 202/52, 468/143-144 and 507/158 he is merely
identified as a J:I anb all. He seems to have led an unexceptionable life
until his appointment (in 604/1207-8) as police agent (~ii~ib khabar,
shurti") at the Bab al-Nubl in Baghdad (cf. Le Strange, Baghdad during
the (Abbiisid Caliphate, s.v.); his behaviour then turned extremely cruel
and violent and remained so until he was finally cudgeled to death and
his body thrown into the Tigris. In the biographical notices on him he
is not credited with any work.
The tradition cited in l' 202/52 relates how the Prophet agreed to
sacrifice his son IbrahIm in order to save al-J:Iusayn; this tradition is
also cited (from al-Naqqash's K. shifii' al-~udiir) in Ta'ri"kh Baghdiid
(II, p. 204) and Ibn Shahrashub's Maniiqib (III, pp. 234-235, whence
BA, XXII, p. 153). l' 302-305/85-87 comprise a number of traditions
portraying Abu ralib in a favourable light. In l' 468/144, (Vmar is
said to have been a donkey dealer (nakhkhiis al-~ami"r) before adopting
Islam; and 11' uses this to contrast cVmar's lowly status with that of
the Banu Hashim, "the kings of the Jahiliyya and of Islam". In l' 507/
158, Ibn cAbbas enumerates for MuCawiya some of cAll's virtues.
11' was not the only Shl(l author who cited from this work. In the
Ghari" (pp. 129-130), an excerpt is cited in which al-Dlnawarl shows
that cAll is buried in Najaf. (In this excerpt al-Dlnawarl refers to an
event which took place on 13 Dhu l-I:Iijja 597/14 Sept. 1201 during his
return from a pilgrimage to Mecca.) And the excerpt in l' 202/52 also
appears in cAllama al-J:Ii1ll's Kashf al-yaqi"n (Iran, 1298, pp. 69-70 =
Najaf, 1371, p. 116).
According to al-rihranl, the Nihayat al-talab is cited in the Ansiib

al-nawii~ib, a Persian work by cAll b. Dawud al-Astarabadl (alive in

1085/1674-5). It seems, however, that al-Astarabadl cited from the
Nihiiyat al-talab via the '.f'arii'if (see e.g. Ansiib al-nawii~ib, ms. Br. Lib.
Or. 8381, fol 3a; the reference to the author as "al-Kha11l1 al-cAmmI"
must be an error for "al-l:Ianball al-CAmmI"). The Ansab al-nawii~ib
cannot therefore be relied upon as evidence that the Nihiiyat al-ta1ab
survived into the ~afawid period.

472. +- Nihayat al- cuqul fi diriiyat al-u~ul / Abu cAbd Allah Mul;tam-
mad b. cVmar b. al-IJusayn Fakhr aI-DIn al-Razi (d. ca. 606/1209)
l' 349/100
For this work see GAL, I, p. 668, S, I, p. 922. IT refers to al-Razi as
$ii~ib nihiiyat al- cuqul, implying that this was one of his best-known

473. *+ Nishwar al-mu~ii4ara wa akhbiir al-mudhiikara / Abu cAll al-

Mu~assin b. cAll b. Mu~ammad al-Taniikhi (d. 384/994)
Dh XXIV 160 no. 826
MD 276, N 154-160, 165-171, 176-177, 190-192, 195-202, 211-212
In N*, this work is referred to throughout as Akhbiir al-mudhiikara wa
nishwiir al-mu~ii4ara or Akhbiir al-mudhiikara. In all versions of the
Muhaj consulted, the title is given as K. al-mudhiikara. Cf. Sbath (p.
49, no. 882), where the title is Nishwiir al-mu~ii4ara. IT uses this work
as a source of biographical information on professional and amateur
astrologers. All the excerpts are found in cAbbud al-ShaljI's edition
of the Nishwiir (Beirut, 1391-3/1971-3). Some of the material in this
edition is taken directly from the Nujum (and from other sources), since
it was not found in manuscripts of the Nishwar available to the editor
(see his introduction, I, pp. 6-10).
In MD, IT refers to stories found in the third juz' concerning the
unrest during the reign of al-Mu Ctamid. The excerpts in N 154-157
are taken from the eleventh juz' and deal with Abu CAll al-Jubba'l's
expertise in astrology (N 154-155 = Nishwiir, VII, pp. 196-197; N 155
= Nishwiir, VII, p. 198; N 155-156 = Nishwiir, VII, p. 199; N 156 =
Nishwiir, II, p. 332; N 156-157 = Nishwiir, II, p. 331); the excerpts in
N 157-160 deal with Abu Macshar (N 157 = Nishwar, IV, pp. 66-67; N
158-159 = Nishwiir, VIII, pp. 56-57; N 159-160 = Nishwiir, II, pp. 327-
328); N 165-169 = Nishwiir, VII, pp. 200-206; N 169-171 = Nishwiir,
IV, pp. 75-78; N 176-177 = Nishwiir, VII, pp. 207-208; N 190-192 =
Nishwiir, VII, pp. 212-215; N 195-198 = Nishwiir, IV, pp. 191-194; N
198-201 = Nishwiir, IV, pp. 119-122; N 201-202 = Nishwar, VII, pp.
209-211. The excerpt cited in Nishwiir, VII, pp. 216-217 from N 211-212
is in fact cited by IT via the Ta'rzkh Baghdiid.

474. * K. al-nubuwwa / Abu Jacfar Mu!).ammad b. cAll Ibn Baba-

wayh (d. 381/991)
Dh XXIV 40 no. 200
IQ 98-99/623, N 28-29, 209
IT ascribes the excerpt in N 209 to a Dalii'il al-nubuwwa by Ibn Baba-
wayh; but there is no such title in Dh, and the work referred to may
well be the K. al-nubuwwa. According to al-Tihranl (at Dh XXIV),
IT also cites from the K. al-nubuwwa in his al-Durr al-na-?im; but the
attribution of the Durr to IT is mistaken: it was actually composed by
IT's pupil Jamal aI-DIn Yusuf b. !:Iatim al-ShamI; see BA, I, p. 21, Dh
VIII 86 no. 308.
In IQ, the tradition cited (from the end of the fourth juz') states
that the Prophet was conceived on the night of 19 Jumada II; the
tradition in N 28-29 concerns the astrological indications that preceded
the birth of Jesus, and the excerpt in N 209 tells how Bukhtna~~ar
ordered his astrologers to interpret a dream which he had. For further
quotations from the K. al-nubuwwa see e.g. Ibn Shahrashub, M aniiqib,
I, p. 17; $iriit, II, p. 256.
475. **- [K. al-nujum] / Abu I-Fat!). Mu!).ammad b. CAll b. CUthman
al-Karajaki (d. 449/1057)
Dh XXIV 78 no. 399
N 124
AI-Karajakl is known to have composed a number of astrological works.
In N 124 IT refers to two of them, which he says seek to prove that
stars can indicate future events. From IT's formulation it appears that
he is describing the contents of these works rather than giving their
titles. AI-Tihranl (in Dh) refers to one of these works as K. al-nujum,
but without offering any supporting evidence.
476. **- K. fi l-nujum wa fi ~i~~at annahii daliiliit (alii l-~iidithiit /
Abu I-Fat!). Mul).ammad b. CAll b. CUthman al-Karajaki (d. 449/1057)
(Dh XXIV 78 no. 399)
N 124
See the previous entry.
477. + al-Nukat fi iCjiiz al-qur'iin / Abu I-I:Jasan CAll b. clsa b. CAll
al-Na!),wI al-Rummani al-Warraq (d. 384/994)
Dh XXIV 307 no. 1603
S 21, 242-243
For the author see GAS, VIII, pp. 112-114, IX, pp. 111-113. This work is
also known as K. iCjiiz al-qur'iin (GAS, VIII, p. 113, no. 2). IT mentions
three different manuscripts of this work in his possession. The text
was edited by cAbd al-cAllm (Delhi, 1934) and by Mu!).ammad Khalaf

Allah and Mu~ammad ZaghlUl Salam, in Thalo'th raso"ii fi iCjO,z al-

qur'o'n, Cairo, 1387/1968, pp. 75-113. S 242 (first manuscript, fol 2a)
(on iCjO,z) = Nukat (ed. Khalaf Allah and Salam), p. 76; S 242-243
(second manuscript, fol 8) (on tashbzho't) = Nukat, pp. 81-82; S 243
(third manuscript, fol14b) (on istiCo'ra) = Nukat, pp. 86-87.
478. +- al-Nukat fi cilm al-nujum / Abu Yusuf YaCqub b. Is~aq al-
KindT (d. ca. 252/866)
Dh XXIV 78 no. 401
N* fol 86a/[om N 128]
For the author see EI2, art. "aI-KindI" (J. Jolivet and R. Rashed);
DSB, XV, pp. 261-267, art. "al-KindI" (J. Jolivet and R. Rashed). As
noted in Dh (1377 no. 1961), the author's name appears in the Nujum
erroneously as Is~aq b. Ya cqub. IT quotes a scholar who asserts that
al-Kindl was a ShIel (cited in Dh VII 12 no. 46). The text in N* reads:
wa!}ala ilaynO, min ta!}o'nzfihi riso'la fi cilm al-akhlO,q wa I-nukat fi cilm
al-nujum wa riso'latuhu fi khamsa [sic] (the word ajzo" is probably to be
added). This apparently refers to two separate works. The parallel place
in N 128 reads: wa!}ala iiayno' min ta!}o'nzfihi riso'latuhu fi cilm al-nujum
khamsat ajzO,'. This Riso'la is perhaps identical to the Nukat of N*. A
Riso'la fi l-akhlO,q is mentioned among al-Kindl's works in Ibn al-Nadlm,
Ibn al-Qiftl and Ibn Abi UI?aybi Ca (cf. R. J. McCarthy, al- Tal}o'nZf al-
mansuba ilo' faylasuf al- carab, Baghdad, 1382/1962, p. 32, no. 173, p. 88,
no. 174, p. 98, no. 165, p. 108, no. 198). It is probably a different work
from the Riso'la fi I-I],zla Ii dafc al-al],zo'n (ed. H. Ritter and R. Walzer,
"Uno scritto morale inedito di aI-Kind!", Atti della Reale Accademia
N azionale dei Lincei, M emorie della Classe di Scienze morali, storiche
e filologiche, Serie VI, vol. 8, Rome, 1938; also ed. cAbd al-Ra~an
Badawl in Raso"ii falsafiyya, Benghazi, 1973, pp. 6-32; cf. R. Ramon
Guerrero and E. Tornero Poveda, Obras filos6ficas de ai-Kind?:, Madrid,
1986, pp. 154-155, followed by a Spanish translation of the Riso'la fi 1-
I],zla on pp. 156-171).
The title Nukat fi cilm al-nujum does not seem to be attested else-
where; the reference is perhaps to the K. al],ko'm al-nujum (cf. GAS,
VII, p. 133, no. 2, mentioning a Latin translation entitled De iudiciis
astrorum which Sezgin suggests may be a translation of K. al],ko'm al-
nujum) or to the Riso'la fi I-nujum (extant; cf. GAS, VI, p. 154, no.
479. *+ K. nuqush al-khawo'tzm / Abu CUthman cAmr b. Ba~r al-
JaI:ti~ (d. Mu~arram 255/Dec. 868-Jan. 869)
T 532/166
In T2 and the margin of T* fol 147b, the author's name is given as al-
:e:afi~; the correct name appears in Tl/T* fol 147b/T** fol 189a. This

title is missing from Pellat's "Nouvelle essai", as well as from the up-
dated Arabic version of Pellat's "Essai" by cAll Abu Mill:rim (Kashshiif
iithiir al-Jii"'i~, Beirut, 1987, pp. 37-109 [bound with Rasii'il al-Jii"'i~:
al-rasii'il al-kaliimiyya]). IT cites this passage to show that, contrary
to the practice of some Muslims, the correct custom, as followed by
various prophets, is t.o wear seal rings on the right hand. The passage
is also referred to in Ibn Shahrashub, M aniiqib, III, p. 88.
480. **? K. al-nur wa l-burhiin / Abii I-Qasim (or Abu Hashim) b.
l' 410-411/[om 124]
In 1'** (fol 142a), the author's name is given as Ibn al-~ayyagh. IT
cites two passages from the chapters entitled mii anzala lliihu ta C iilii Calii
nabiyyihi and hijrat aI-nab?: ~ ilii I-Madzna respectively; the first passage
is on the authority of Mulfammad b. Islfaq and the second on the
authority of CAll Zayn al-cAbidin as cited by Sacld b. al-Musayyab. The
passages depict some of the events surrounding the hijra, and present
an unfavourable picture of Abu Bakr's role at the time. Both author
and work are unidentified.
481. ** K. nur al-hudii wa l-munjz min ai-radii / al-I:Jasan b. Abi Tahir
Alfmad h. Mulfammad b. al-I:Jusayn al-Jawabi (or JawanI) (fl. 4th/
10th century?)
Dh XXIV 387 no. 2079
T~ 535-590, 595-655
For the author see Riyii, I, pp. 155-156. The K. nur al-hudii, which
deals with CAll's virtues, is not known to have come down indepen-
dently; but it was largely (or entirely) incorporated by IT in his Ta"'~zn
(see ~IT, al-Ta~~m). IT's manuscript contained (in the margin?) ma-
terial in the handwriting of Abu cAbd Allah Mulfammad b. Mu1).am-
mad b. Harun al-I:Jilliknown as Ibn al-Kamil (or Ibn Ki'al) (d. 11 Dhu
I-I:Jijja 597/12 Sept. 1201; cf. al-TihranI, Thiqiit, pp. 286-288).
482. ** Nuskha / anon. (3d/9th century)
IQ 612-631/401-420
According to IT, this manuscript was written in 270/883-884. The ex-
cerpt cited comprises a long supplication to be pronounced on the eve
of the visit to cArafa during the pilgrimage ceremonies.
483. ** Nuskha Catzqa / anon. (5th/11th century?)
IQ 251-252/19-20, 285/46-47,475/259
This manuscript was said to be in the handwriting of aI-SharIf al-Ra<;lI
(d. 406/1015). IT cites three supplications for Rama<;lan.
484. **? Nuskha Catzqa / anon. (5th/11th century?)

(IQ 251/18-19), MD 265-271

The first transmitter in MD is al-Sharlf Abu I-J:lasan Mul).ammad b.
Mul).ammad b. al-Mul).sin b. Yal).ya b. al-Ri <;la , who transmitted on
25 Dhu I-J:lijja 404/27 June 1014 in Mashhad maqabir Quraysh (in
al-Ka~imiyya). The excerpt consists of a supplication directed against
al-Mutawakkil that was pronounced by the future tenth Imam al-Hadl;
three days later the caliph was murdered (in 247/861). It is not clear
whether this is the same manuscript as the Nuskha Cat7:qa min kutub
u~ul al-sh7: a, from which a supplication for the beginning of Rama<;lan
is cited in IQ.

===} Nuskha fihii dhikr asmii' cAI7:(anon.), see Dhikr al-iiyiitetc.

485. *+ K. al-nutaf / Abu cAbd Allah al-SalHimi (fl. 350/961?)

l' 532/166
There are some difficulties with both title and author as cited by IT.
The title as given here appears in the Maniiqib of Ibn Shahrashub (see
e.g. III, p. 87, whence BA, XLII, pp. 62-63, citing the same passage as
1', plus a number of further sentences). In the versions of the f'arii'if
consulted, the title appears in various forms, all of them apparently
corrupt: 1'* fol 147b: K. al-salaf; 1'1/1'2: K. al-sayf; 1'** fol 189a: K.
al-mun7:f. (The title is missing from l' Per.)
The name Abu CAbd Allah al-Sallanli appears in both Ibn Shahra-
shub's Maniiqib and in the f'arii'if Such a name is not attested else-
where, and the author is almost certainly to be identified with Abu
CAlI al-J:lusayn b. AJ.:!mad al-SallamI (SalamI), for whom see GAS, I,
p. 352; Rosenthal, Historiography, p. 321, with n. 7. This supposition
gains weight from the fact that one of al-Sallaml's works is usually enti-
tled Nutaf al-tura!, it was used by Yaqut in his Udabii' (III, pp. 16-18)
and his Buldiin (IV, p. 415), and by al-Thacalibl in his Thimiir al-
qulUb (Cairo, 1326/1908, p. 487 = ed. Mul).ammad Abu I-Fa<;ll IbrahIm,
Cairo, 1384/1965, p. 609; see also Rosenthal). The excerpts reproduced
in these sources are different from the text given in Ibn Shahrashub and
11'. Al-Tha calibl, both in the Thimiir and the Yat7:mat al-dahr (Damas-
cus, 1904, IV, p. 29 = Cairo, 1375-7/1956-8, IV, p. 95), gives the title
as Nutaf al-~arf.
The ShlcI authors who give Abu CAll's kunya as Abu CAbd Allah are
not the only ones to have deviated from the kunya as usually known:
al-SakhawI assumes it to have been Abu I-J:lusayn (see Rosenthal, p.
321). This may indicate that at a relatively early stage the identity of
the author of the K. al-nutaf was no longer certain. This supposition
is strengthened by a comment of al-Samcanl (d. 562/1166), who knows
of a K. al-nutaf wa I-turaf which he thinks was composed by the poet

Mul.Iammad b. cAbd Allah al-SalamI (d. 393/1003), but which must in

fact be the work cited by r:r.The title appears in this form in the Beirut
1408/1988 edition of the Ansiib, ed. cAbd Allah cUmar al-BarudI, III,
p. 350. In the facsimile edition (ed. D. S. Margoliouth, Leiden, 1912, fol
320a-b) and the Hyderabad edition (VII, p. 325) the title appears in a
corrupt form as K. al-nayf [sic] wa l-turaf (a title which not surprisingly
the editor of the Hyderabad edition was unable to trace; cf. VII, p. 325,
In the passage cited in T, the Prophet and the first four caliphs are
said to have worn their seals on their right hand; but MuCawiya wore
his on the left hand, and this then became the custom.

==} K. nuCut al-mahdi: (Abu NuCaym al-I:jIfahanI), see K. fi akhbiir


486. K. nuzhat al-kiriim wa bustiin al-cawiimm / Jamal aI-DIn al-Mur-

ta9a Mul.Iammad b. al-J:Iusayn al-RazI Ibn al-Daci (fl. early 7th/13th
Dh XXIV 123 no. 624
N 107-110
For the author (who is best known for his TablJirat al- C awiimm) see
GAL, S, I, pp. 711, 757. IT reports that K. nuzhat al-kiriim was origi-
nally written in Persian (C ajamiyya) and that he had it translated into
Arabic. The original text (though apparently not the Arabic trans-
lation) has survived. The passage cited in N, describing a discussion
between Musa al-Ka~im and Harun aI-RashId on the subject of astrol-
ogy, appears in Mul.Iammad ShlrwanI's Persian edition, n.p. [Tehran]'
1402-3, II, pp. 771-774. It is also cited in BA, XLVIII, pp. 145-147 and
partially in BA, LVIII, pp. 252-253 and in MK, XIII, pp. 102-104.

==} Nuzhat al-qulUb (al-SijistanI), see Tafsi:r ghari:b al-qur'iin

487. *+ Nuzhat c uyun al-mushtiiqi:n / Abu I-G~ana'im cAbd Allah

b. al-J:Iasan b. Mul.Iammad al-ZaydI al-Nassaba (d. 438/1046-7)
Dh XXIV 120 no. 615
BA, LXXXVI, p. 208 = MK, V, p. 127 [om F]
In Riyii (III, p. 206) and Dh, title and author are referred to via Falii~
1. Afandl says he knows nothing about the author. Ibn cAsakir (Ta'ri:kh,
IX, pp. 137-138) and al-$afadl (XVII, p. 129) give the title as Nuzhat
cuyun al-mushtiiqi:n ilii watJf al-siida al-ghurr al-mayiimi:n, and note that
this is a work on genealogy which exceeded ten volumes. Ibn cAsakir
(followed by al-$afadI) says the author's works attest to his Mu Ctazill
and ShlcIleanings. In the excerpt, al-J:Iusayn b. Zayd b. CAll sanctions
the utterance of supplications following the prescribed prayers.

488. *+ K. nuzul al-qur'an fi 8ha'n amir al-mu'minin / Abu Bakr

Mul]ammad h. Mu'min aI-Shirazi al-Naysabur"i (fl. 6th/12th cen-
Dh IV 313 no. 1328, XXIV 106 no. 558
T 80/20, 93-97/23-24, 138/[om 33], 429-430/129-130, Y 151-152/
For the author see cAbd al-JalII al-RazI, K. al-naq4, ed. Jalal al~DIn
I:IusaynI UrmawI, Tehran, 1952, p. 212; Muntajab aI-DIn, p. 165, no.
393; Mac alim, p. 118, no. 784; Thiqat, p. 291. The Ibn Mu'min from
whom al-I;IaskanI cites directly in his K. 8hawahid al-tanzil is probably
a different person (cf. Tabataba'l, "Ahl al-bayt", 5/2, 1410, pp. 121-
122). Both cAbd aI-Jam and Muntajab aI-DIn regard the author as an
Imaml. In contrast, Ibn Shahrashub, who transmitted from al-ShIrazI,
refers to him in the Ma calim as a KarramI and mentions his work
among the SunnI sources of the Manaqib (I, p. 12). IT declares that
aI-ShIraZI belonged to one of the four SunnI madhahib, and Yusuf al-
Ba1!ranI, citing a passage from the Nuzul via the rara'if (see T 429-430/
129-130), likewise refers to al-ShlrazI as a SunnI scholar (min culama '
al-8unna) (see his Ka8hkul, I, pp. 172-174). Some of these discrepancies
are noted by al-I;Iurr al-cAmilI (Amal, II, p. 296), who suggests that the
author cited in the rara'if and the one mentioned by Muntajab aI-DIn
and Ibn Shahrashub are two different persons. In his Ithbat (I, p. 68) he
does not repeat this suggestion, declaring instead that aI-ShIrazI was
an ImamI who in his book cited only SunnI traditions.
In T, al-ShlrazI's work is referred to as a Kitab, while in Y it is
called Taf8ir. The full title is given in Ibn Shahrashub's Manaqib and
in Muntajab aI-DIn: K. nuzul al-qur'an fi 8ha'n amir al-mu'minin (Ibn
Shahrashub also refers to it as K. ma nazala min al-qur'an fi cAli,
or simply as K. al-Shirazz). In both T and Y, the work is said to be
based on twelve Qur'an commentaries. These are (according to T 429/
129 and I;IillI, Nahj, p. 330) the commentaries of Abu Yusuf YaCqub
b. Sufyan, Ibn Jurayj, Muqatil b. Sulayman, WakIc b. al-Jarralf, Yusuf
b. Musa al-QaHan, Qatada, Abu CUbayd al-Qasim b. Sallam, CAll b.
al-I;Iarb al-Ta'l, al-SuddI, Mujahid, Muqatil b. I:Iayyan, and Ibn AbI
$ali1!. All citations in T and Y deal with CAll. For further excerpts see
Ibn Shahrashub's Maniiqib, I, pp. 12, 293, 301, 303, 319, 324, 341, 348,
398, II, pp. 3-4, 141-144, 171, 173, 205, 209, 255, 267, 279, 302, 314,
III, pp. 24, 92-93, 101, 104-105, 120, 147, 170, 186.
489. - K. al-qiriinat wa I-duwal wa I-milal / Mu1!ammad b. cAbd
Allah b. cUmar h. al-Bazyar al-QummI (fl. second half of the 3d/9th
Dh XVII 66 no. 354

N 128
According to IT, Ibn Bazyar was a Shici. The K. al-qiriiniit ("Book
of Conjunctions"), which is also known as K. fi jumal min daliiliit al-
a8hkhii~ al-Ciiliya calii l-a~diith al-kii'ina fi ciilam al-kawn wa l-fa8iid, is
sometimes ascribed to Ibn Bazyar's teacher Abu Ma cshar (d. 272/886);
see GAL, S, I, p. 394; GAS, VII, p. 146, no. 15, p. 154, no. 1. While
al-Tihranlbelieves IT was referring to a single work, Sezgin (GAS, VII,
p. 154, nos. 1,.2) assumes that K. al-qiriiniit and al-Duwal wa l-milal
refer to two separate texts. The evidence appears to support al-TihranI:
as already noted, the K. al-qiriiniit is attributed in some manuscripts
to Abu Ma cshar; the title of one such manuscript is K. al-milal wa
I-duwal fi l-a~kiim wa mii tadullu calayhi l-ashkhii~ al-Culwiyya (GAS,
VII, p. 146, no. 15). If al-Duwal wa l-milal is an alternative title of the
K. al-qiriiniit, then the wa I-duwal of the title should be replaced by aw
490. +- K. al-qiriiniit wa l-ku8ufiit / Abu cAbd Allah Mulfammad b.
Jabir b. Sinan al-Battani (d. 317/929)
N 207
For the author see GAS, VI, pp. 182-187, VII, pp. 158-160; DSB, I,
pp. 507-516, art. "BattanI" (W. Hartner). In N, his nisba appears er-
roneouslyas al-Tayyani (cf. -i-Ri8iila [al-BattanI)). This work is also
known as K. fi dalii'il al-qiriiniit wa l-kusufiit (GAS, VII, p. 159, no.
1). According to Matar (p. 415), a study of the unique Ankara manu-
script of this work (Saib 199/2; see GAS, VII, p. 159, no. 1) is being
undertaken by T. Suzuki of Tokyo University.

===} K. al-qilJalJ (al-TabarI), see K. milal al-isliim

491. ** K. qi~al? al-anbiyii' / Mulfammad b. Khalid b. cAbd al-Ralfman

al-Barqi (fl. mid-3d/9th century)
Dh XVII 104 no. 572
N 143-144
This title does not appear in Imami biographical sources. Ibn al-Nadlm
(p. 277) and al-Najashl (p. 77, no. 182) mention a K. (a~kiim) al-anbiyii'
wa l-ru8ul by Mulfammad's son, Alfmad b. Mulfammad al-BarqI (d.
274/887 or 280/893) as one of the lost parts of the K. al-ma~ii8in.
Since there is some confusion as to whether father or son composed
the K. al-ma~ii8in (cf. EI2, Supplement, art. "al-Bar~d" [Ch. Pellat)),
it might be conjectured that the K. qi~a~ al-anbiyii' is an alternative
title to that mentioned by Ibn al-Nadlm and al-Najashi. The difficulty
with this suggestion is that elsewhere, when IT cites from the K. al-
ma~ii8in, he refers to it by this name rather than by the name of one of
its constituent parts. The work mentioned by IT may well be identical

with the Qi~a~ al-anbiyii' of Al).mad b. Khalid referred to in Ibn Khayr

(p. 291); if so, then it must be assumed that Al).mad b. Khalid stands
for Al).mad b. Mul).ammad b. Khalid al-Barql and that, as in the case of
the Ma~iisin, there was uncertainty as to whether father or son wrote
the Qi~a~ al-anbiyii'.
The excerpt deals with a woman astrologer of al-Balqa' who was un-
able to prevent Joshua from conquering the region and finally embraced
his religion.

===> Qit}at} al-anbiyii' (al-Kisa'l), see al-Mubtada'

492. K. qi~a~ al-anbiyii' / Qutb aI-DIn Sacld b. Hibat Allah al-
Rawandi (d. 573/1177-8)
Dh XVII 104 no. 569, 105 no. 574
F 195/178-179, MD 307, 312, N 25-27, 118-119, S 12, 123-126
Al-Majlisl (apparently basing himself on manuscripts different from
those used for the printed editions) says that in the Falii~ al-sii'il and
the Nujum rr
attributes the Qi~a~ al-anbiyii' to Abu l-Ri<;la Fa<;ll Allah
b. CAll al-Rawandl (who studied with al-1'usI's son Abu CAll) (BA, I,
p. 12). Afandl, quoting the passage in the Bi~iir, is almost certain that
the work cited by IT is that of Qutb aI-DIn al-Rawandl (Riyii, II, pp.
428-429). He tends to dismiss the suggestion that there were two works
entitled Qi~a~ al-anbiyii', one by Qutb aI-DIn and the other by Abu 1-
Ri<;la. This suggestion is, however, supported by al-1'ihranl in Dh XVII
104, though in Dh XVII 105 he seems less certain (wa lliihu l-Ciilim).
Afandl may well be right, since all the passages cited by IT appear
in Qutb aI-DIn's text (ed. Ghulam Ri<;la cIrfaniyan aI-YazdI, Mashhad,
1409/1989). F = MD 307 = Rawandl, Qi~a~, p. 128 (Joseph) (cIrfaniyan
wrongly claims-against al-Majlisl-that no passage from the Qi~a~ is
cited in Falii~ I; see the introduction to his edition of the Qi~a~, pp.
10-11); MD 312 = Qi~a~, p. 276 (Jesus); N 25-27 is a paraphrase of
Qi~a~, pp. 103-104 (Abraham); N 118-119 = Qit} at} , p. 271 (Jesus); S
123-126 (fol 25b) = Qi~a~, pp. 73-76 (Idrls).

===> Qi~a~ al-qur'iin (al-ThaClabl), see al-cArii'is

493. + Qit}at}al-qur'iin bi asbiib nuzul iiyiit al-qur'iin / Abu l-I;Iasan

al-Hay~am h. Mul}ammad b. cAbd al-cAzlz al-Naysaburl (fl. early
5th/11th century)
S 19-20, 225-226
For the author (who was a Karraml) and his work see J. van Ess,
Ungenutzte Texte zur Karriim1:ya, Heidelberg, 1980, pp. 68-73. In S 19,
his name appears as al-Hay<;lam; in S 225, it is given erroneously as
al-Qay~am b. Mul).ammad al-Qay~am al-Naysaburl (the correct form is

is to be found in the quotation of this passage in BA, V, p. 324). Cf.

aI-BaghdadI's -+K. al-niisikh wa I-mansukh. The passage cited in S,
entitled Fi: dhikr al-malakayn al-~iififayn, includes quotations from Q
13:11, 50:17, 50:18, 82:10. It is not found in the Princeton manuscript
of this work (Garrett 4391 [shelf number 49]). The reason may well be
that this manuscript contains the first part only of the Qif!af! (a fact
not noted by Mach). A Persian translation of the (entire?) work from
the Ilkhanid period survives in two manuscripts (see van Ess, pp. 70-
71 and the references given there). See also GAL, S, I, pp. 592-593,
where reference is made to a Persian translation under the title Qi/fa/f
al-anbiyii '.
494. * Qurb al-isniid / Abu 1- cAbbas cAbd Allah b. Ja cfar b. al-I:Iusayn
al-ij:imyari al-QummI (alive in 297/909-910)
Dh XVII 67 no. 362
J 171, M 31/338-339
For the author see GAS, I, p. 165. The latest date given for him is 297/
909-910, when he is said to have reached Kufa (see Risiilat AM Ghiilib
al-Zuriiri:, cited in Bal}.ranI, Kashkul, I, p. 189). IT used a manuscript
copied in Rabl c I 429/Dec. 1037-Jan. 1038. Some scholars, including
Ibn Idrls in the Sarii'ir and IT in J and M, attribute this work to
al-J:limyarI's son Mul}.ammad, who transmitted it in Safar 304/ August
916; others (e.g. al-MajlisI in the Bi~iir) have no problem ascribing it
to the father.
This is one of a number of early ShlcI works bearing this title. The
term qurb al-isniid indicates that the author transmitted from an Imam
directly or via a small number of intermediaries only (cf. the term Ciili: 1-
isniid used for SunnI ~ad7:th). Of al-I;IimyarI's book only the traditions
on the authority of Jacfar al-$adiq, Musa al-Ka~im and CAlI al-Ri<;la
have survived (published Najaf, 1369/1950; Tehran 1370/1951, bound
together with aI-Ash Cathiyyiit; cf. -+K. al-ja Cfariyyiit). In both editions,
the first juz' consists of traditions on the authority of Jacfar al-$adiq
(who sometimes cites his father al-Baqir) (Najaf ed., pp. 1-107, Tehran
ed., pp. 2-82). In the Najaf edition, the second juz' (pp. 108-166) con-
sists of traditions on the authority of Musa al-Ka~im and the third juz'
comprises traditions on the authority of Musa al-Ka~im (pp. 167-198)
and CAlI al-Ri<;la (pp. 198-234). In the Tehran edition, the second juz'
comprises all the material of Musa al-Ka~im (pp. 83-147) while the
third juz' deals with al-Ri<;la (pp. 148-175).
In J 171, al-Baqir declares that the Prophet used to travel on Mon-
days and Thursdays; this is missing from the printed editions. In M
31/339, al-Ka~im answers questions of his brother cAlIon the subject
of qa4ii' al-/faliit ( = Qurb al-isniid, ed. Najaf, p. 119, ed. Tehran, p.

91). Cf. -+K. al-dala'il (al-I:JimyarI); Bosworth, Baha' ai-Din al-eAmili,

pp. 35,44.
495. + Rabie al-abrar / Abu l-Qasim Mal).mud b. cUmar b. Mul).ammad
(or Al).mad) al-Zamakhshari (d. 538/1144)
F 75/72, BA, XCIII, 320-321 [om F], MN 20, N 112-114, 131-132,
160, 192-193, 205, 209-210
See also Sbath (p. 24, no. 435). All the passages cited by IT are found
(sometimes with minor variations) in the printed edition of this work
(Rabi C al-abrar wa nu~u~ al-akliyar, ed. Salim al-Nu caym1, Baghdad,
1976-82, repro Qumm, 1410/1989). F 75/72 (IT: min bab al-libas wa
l-~ila) = Rabic, IV, p. 29 (a somewhat different version); BA [om F]
= Rabie, II, p. 254; MN (first extract) (IT: min al-mujallad al-thani
. . . min kitab al-du Ca') = RaHc, II, p. 211; MN (second extract) =
Rabic, II, pp. 223-224; MN (third extract) = RaMc, II, p. 249; N 112-
113 = Rabi c, I, p. 118; N 113 = Rabi c, I, p. 118; N 113 (second excerpt)
= RabiC, I, p. 119; N 113-114 = Rabie, I, p. 101 (somewhat different
wording); N 131-132 = Rabi c, I, pp. 127-128; N 132 = RaMc, I, p.
127 (three verses from a poem [babiyya] by Ibn al-Rumi [d. 283/896]
praising the expertise in astrology of the Banu Nawbakht; see Ibn al-
Ruml's Diwan, ed. I:Jusayn Nal?l?ar, Cairo, 1393/1973, I, p. 149); N 160
= Rabic, I, p. 107; N 192-193 = Rabi c, I, p. 103; N 205 = RabiC, I, pp.
103-104; N 209-210 = Rabie, I, p. 119.
496. **- K. al-radd cala AM CAli al-Jubba'i fi raddihi C ala l-munajjimin
/ Abu Mul).ammad al-I:Jasan b. Musa al-Nawbakhti (alive in 300/912)
Dh X 181 no. 386
N 121
This work comprised a rebuttal of the refutation of the astrologers
by the Mu CtazilI Abu CAli al-Jubba'l (d. 303/916); see Najashl, p. 63,
no. 148 (cited by IT). IT, who read this work, criticizes its author for
not always being sufficiently clear in his arguments. See also Iqbal,
Khiinadan, p. 133; GAS, VII, p. 154, no. 2; Ritter's introduction to
his edition of al-Nawbakhti's Firaq, p. ya'-~a' ( = 18), no. 20. See also
-+al-Ara' wa I-diyanat.

497. **- al-Radd cala Batlamiyus fi hay'at al-falak wa l-ar / Abu

Mul).!.mmad al-I:Jasan b. Musa al-Nawbakhti (alive in 300/912)
Dh IV 400 (note), XI 238 no. 1451
N 122
N, N* (fol 81b) and Dh all have al-Ra~ad for al-Radd; the correct form
is given in N 122, n. 1, whence GAS, VI, p. 176, no. 1. This work (of
which IT possessed a manuscript) does not seem to be known from any
other source.

===} al-Radd calii l-l!urqu~iyya (al-Tabad), see K. ~adfth al-waliiya

498. **- [K. al-radd calii Ibn Qulawayh fi l-~iyam] / Abu I-I:Iasan
Mu1;tammad b. A1;tmad h. Dawud b. CAlI al-Qummi (d. 368/978-979)
Dh X 178 no. 371
IQ 231/6
For the author see NajashI, p. 384, no. 1045; TusT, Fihrist, p. 166, no.
604. This title, which is noted by al-NajashI (p. 384), does not appear
in IQ (where only a Kitiib is mentioned), yet the reference is almost
certainly to this work. According to IQ, in it the author defends the
position that Rama<;lan consists of either 29 or 30 days, and attacks Ibn
Qulawayh for holding that Rama<;lan always has 30 days.
499. +- K. al-radd calii I-jabriyya wa l-qadariyya fimii ta callaqu bihi
min mutashiibih al-qur'iin / Abu cVmar A~mad b. Mu1;tammad b.
Jacfar (or I:Iafl?) al-Khallal al-Bal?rI (alive in 377/987)
S 21, 241-242
This work is extant in manuscript (see GAS, I, p. 624). The Qadariyya
and J abriyya of the title are evidently to be understood as synonymous
(cf. EI2, art. "~adariyya" [J. van Ess]). IT quotes from the fourth quire,
follb, beginning with the tenth line (to Q 2:128). He does not cite the
passage verbatim, maintaining that it is long-winded (bi ma Cniihu wa
khti~iir tu11ahihi). See ~Mutashiibih al-qur'iin (al-Khallal).

500. **? K. al-ramy bi l-nushshiib / anon.

A 51/64-65
IT used a manuscript in which the author's name was not given. The
passage cited deals with the early history of archery. A work bearing
a similar title is the K. al-wiii~ fi l-ramy wa I-nushshiib mentioned by
l:lajjI Khallfa, which is extant in several manuscripts. Nothing is known
about the dates of its presumed author, cAbd al-Ra1;tman b. A~mad al-
TabarI (see GAL, S, I, p. 906). In any case, it is apparently not the work
used by IT: ms. Br. Lib. Or. 3134, which bears no title but is presumably
the K. al-wiii~, does not contain the passage in A. According to Abu
Jacfar al-TabarI's biographer cAbd al-cAzlz b. Mu1;tammad as cited by
Yaqut (Udabii', XVII, p.81), a short work dealing with al-ramy bi 1-
nushshiib which is ascribed to the historian was probably not written
by him. See further Rosenthal, fa barf, p. 125; Gilliot, "Tabari", p. 76.
501. * K. al-rasii'il / Abu Jacfar Mu1;tammad b. YaCqub al-Kulini (d.
Dh I 13 (introd.), X 239 no. 766
B 143-144, BA, LXXXIV, p. 248 = MK, IV, p. 93 = MK, XI, p.
169 [om F], K 153, 158-193, L 56-57/65-66, l' 422/128

Title in B (and Dh): Rasa'il al-a'imma. K 153 (erroneously): al- Wasa'il.

If used a manuscript probably written during al-KullnI's lifetime (K
The following excerpts are cited: BA and MK: CAlI Zayn al-cAbidln
on the duties of prayer. K 159-173: CAlI's epistle to his son al-J:Iasan (the
contents are in the nature of a wa~iyya). K 173-189 (cited via the K ash!
in BA lith., VIII, pp. 184-188): CAlI's epistle to his followers (shi;C a ).
This epistle (to which If alludes in f 422/128) details the injustice
perpetrated against cAlI, and is in all likelihood the text which If
promises his son (in K 72) to append to the end of the Kashf. K 189-
193 (cited via the Kash! in BA lith., VIII, pp. 189-191): CAlI's epistle
to some of his companions. L: al-J:Iusayn's letter to the Banu Hashim.
B: al-Jawad's epistle to CAlI b. Asbat enjoining him to perform an
istikhara to help him decide whether to sell two estates (ayC as) of his.
In addition, If refers to a short epistle of CAlI to his son Mul).ammad
b. al-I;Ianafiyya (K 158-159).
The K. al-rasa'il was not available to al-I;Iurr al- cAmilI (cf. Ithbat, I,
p. 62). In contrast, al-TihranI notes that Mul).ammad b. Mul).sin al-Fay9.
al-KashanI (d. between 1112/1700-1 and 1123/1711-2) in his Macadin
al-~ikma apparently still quoted from it directly. AI-fihranI suggests
that the work may still be extant, but no copy has yet been discovered.
502. * K. rash~ al-wala' fi shar~ al-duca' / Abu I-Sacadat AsCad b.
cAbd al-Qahir al-I/?fahanI (fl. early 7th/13th century)
Dh XI 236 no. 1434
IrbilI, KashJ, I, p. 341 [om Y 9/129]' Y 181/473
The two passages cited deal with the tradition that CAlI was called
imam al-muttaqzn.
The Rash~ is one of at least ten commentaries on a prayer of cAlI
known as du c a' al-~anamayn or du 'a' ~anamay Quraysh (Dh VIII 192,
XIII 256-257). The text of the du 'a' is reproduced in al-Kaf'amI's
Junna (pp. 552-553, as a prayer for mid-Sha Cban) and in his Balad (pp.
551-552); it is cited from both sources in BA, LXXXV, pp. 260-261. It
also appears in J:IillI, Mu~taar, pp. 61-62. Abu I-Sa cadat explains "the
two.idols" (i.e. al-Lat and cUzza, d. Q 4:51) as referring to al-Ja~sha'
wa I-munkar (d. Q 16:90, 24:21, 29:45) (see the !fawashz of the Junna,
pp. 551-552). In fact, however, they are pejorative appellations of Abu
Bakr and cUmar (cf. Kohlberg, "$a~aba", pp. 164, 167). That CAlI's
prayer consisted of a curse directed against the first two caliphs (and
their daughters, to wit cA'isha and J:Iaf~a) is demonstrated by its begin-
ning: allahumma il'an ~anamay Quraysh wa jibtayha wa taghutayha [wa
ifkayhaJ wa bnatayhima. It thus belongs to the genre of qunut prayers
(d. Kohlberg, "Bara'a", pp. 141-142), and is identified as such by al-

The title of Abu I-SaCadat's commentary is given in the Bi~iir as
Rash~ al-balii' (in KafcamI's Junna, Dh: walii'). In BA, LXXXV, p. 262,
a passage from this commentary is cited from a section of the Ifawiish"i
of Balad missing from the lithograph edition. The Rash~ was available
to some authors of the $afawid period: AfandI states in his commen-
tary (ta cl"iqa) on al-l;Iurr al- cAmilI's Amal (whence Riyii4, I, p. 81, n.
2) that he saw a copy in the town of SarI (iIi Mazandaran; cf. L. W.
Adamec [ed.], Historical Gazetteer of Iran, vol. I: Tehran and North-
western Iran, Graz, 1976, p. 574). The Rash~ was also available in 1116/
1704-5 to Mul,lammad MahdI b. cAlI A/?ghar b. Mul,lammad Yusuf al-
QazwlnI. He used it to compose for the $afawid Shah Sultan l;Iusayn a
Persian commentary on cAlI's prayer entitled Dhakhr al-Ciilamayn (not
al- Ciimilayn, as printed in Dh X 9 no. 48) fi shar~ du (ii' al-~anamayn;
this commentary was later translated into Arabic (see Dh IV 102 no.
475). Yet there is no evidence that al-MajlisI saw the Rash~ (pace al-
The original text of the Rash~ is apparently lost, but an anony-
mous Persian translation composed for Shah Sultan l;Iusayn and enti-
tled l)iyii' al-khiifiqayn fi shar~ du ca' al-~anamayn is partially preserved
(Dh XV 123 no. 831).
==:} al-Raw4a (al-KullnI), see al-Kiifi
==:} al-Raw4a fi l-fa4ii'il wa I-mu Cjiziit (al-Kha/?IbI), see K. al-fa4ii'il

503. **? K. raw4at al- C iibid"in wa ma 'nas al-raghibin / IbrahIm b.

cUmar b. Faraj (or Farakh) al-Wasili
Dh XI 297 no. 1785
IQ 97-98/622-623, 108/629-630
Nothing is known about the author. In A Cyan, V, p. 319 he is assumed
to be a ShIcI, but this assumption is based solely on the fact that this
work is cited in the Iqbal. IT cites prayers for Jumada II (IQ 97-98/622-
623) and the first night of Rajab (IQ 108/629-630). AI-KafcamI (Balad,
p. 222 and Junna, p. 617) cites a prayer for each day of Rama<;lan from
a book of the same title by Abu I-Fatl,l al-KarajakI, but it is not known
whether there is any connection between the two wo~ks.
504. ** Ray~iin al-mujalis (or majalis) wa tu~fat al-mu 'anis / Al,lmad
b. al-l;Iusayn b. al-l;Iasan b. cAlI al-Rukhkhaji (fl. mid-5th/11th cen-
Dh XI 341 no. 2030
N 151-153
In N, the name of al-RukhkhajI's grandfather is missing, while in N*
fol101a it is incorrectly given as Abu I-l;Iasan. The author's nisba ap-

pears erroneously as R-m-l,ll (in N* fol lOla, A Cyiin, VIII, p. 39, and
Dh, under Uns al-karzm, whence Matar, p. 364) and as R-\!-jl (in N* fol
101b). The meagre biographical information provided by IT is repro-
duced in Niibis, p. 14: al-Rukhkhajl met and transmitted from aI-SharIf
al-Murta<;la, and is believed to have been an Imaml. AI-TihranIfails to
note that the author's father was much better known than the author
himself. The father was Mu'ayyid al-Mulk al-Rukhkhajl (d. 430/1038-
9), an influential figure in the Buwayhid court and for two years (412-
414/1021-3) vizier (wazzr) to Musharrif al-Dawla (cf. Busse, index).
Mu'ayyid al-Mulk was acquainted with al-SharIf al-Murta<;la, and both
were sent in 422/1031 by Jalal al-Dawla to al-Mada'in to persuade two
Turkish generals, who had fled after being accused of abusing their men,
to return to Baghdad (see Efr, art. "cAlam-al-Hoda" [W. Madelung]).
IT refers to him as al-WazIr al-Rukhkhajl without, however, identi-
fying him further. The nisba al-Rukhkhajl refers both to the district
of Rukhkhaj (Arachosia) in eastern Sijistan (cf. Le Strange, Lands,
index) and to al-Rukhkhajiyya (near Baghdad) (cf. Samcanl, VI, p.
98, no. 1761). In this case al-Rukhkhajiyya is probably intended. The
Rukhkhajl family is described as consisting of both Shl's and SunnIs
(N 152, 153).
IT cites two excerpts. The first is the beginning of a passage on the
views of early pre-Islamic astronomers. The second reproduces part of
a discussion held in the presence of Mu'ayyid al-Mulk in which the
importance of astronomy was emphasized .
**+- al-RiCiiya Ii ahl al-riwiiya / Abu I-Fat\! Mu\!ammad b. Isma,l
b. IbrahIm al-Farghani (fl. 4th/10th century?)
l' 180/[om 45]
For the author see Samcanl, X, p. 188; Ibn al-AthIr, Lubiib, II, p. 423.
This work is referred to in l' via Ibn al-BitrIq's K ashf al-makhfi, where
it is said to contain three traditions on the Mahdl.
505. *+ K. al-rijiil/ Abu l-cAbbas A\!mad b. Mu\!ammad b. SacId Ibn
CUqda (d. 333/944)
Dh X 86 no. 161
IQ 52/581
In IQ, the author's name is given erroneously as Abu l-cAbbas A~mad
b. Na!jlr b. Sacd. According to al-Najashl (p. 94, no. 233) and al-Tusl
(Fihrist, p. 57, no. 86), this work is identical with the K. man Tawii can
Jacfar b. Mu~ammad (i.e. Jacfar al-$adiq). It was used by al-Tuslin his
K. al-rijiil. In the passage cited, J a cfar al-$adiq bemoans the fate of the
I;Iasanid rebels against the CAbbasids. IT cites this as proof that cAbd
Allah b. al-J:lasan and other J:lasanids were highly regarded by al-$adiq,
and that their rebellion was justified (cf. Kohlberg, "Interpretations",

p. 158). See also --+-K. asmii' rijiil Abz- cAbd Alliih, --+-K. mashiiyikh al-

===> K. al-rijiil (al-Kishshl), see K. ikhtiyiir al-rijiil

506. K. al-rijiil/ Abu l-cAbbas A1).mad b. cAll b. A1).mad al-NajashI

(d. 450/1058)
Dh X 154 no. 279, XVI 376 no. 1746
B 182, 190, 243, F 214/196, IQ 106/628, 181/685, 244/13, MF 96/
107, 167/184,N97, 121-125,130,256, Y 38/193, 45/210, 79/279
For the author see the brief autobiographical notice in Najashl, p. 101,
no. 253; GAL, S, I, p. 556; Niibis, p. 19. This work is referred to as
K. asmii' al-mu~annifin (N 97), al-Fihrist (B 243, MF 96/107, Y 45/
210), Fihrist kutub al-shZ-c a (N 130), K. fihrist al-mu~annifin (B 190),
Fihrist mu!}annifi l-shz-c a (N 121), and Fihrist asmii' al-mu!}annifin min
al-shZ-ca (N 122). The version in B 182, N* fols 81b, 82a ( = N 121, 122)
is Fihrist asmii' mu~annifi l-shz-ca. Y 38/193 consists of a paraphrase
of part of the entry on IbrahIm b. Mu1).ammad al-Thaqafi (see the
discussion under Ibn al-Nadlm's --+-Fihrist). On occasion IT mentions
al-Najashl without identifying the work. He uses the Rijiil chiefly for
biographies of Shlcl authors whose work he is citing.
507. K. al-rijiil/ Abu Jacfar Mu1).ammad b. al-J:lasan al-TusI(d. 460/
Dh X 120 no. 246
F 14/11-12, N 121, 132-133, 143
In F (where the work is called K. asmii' al-rijiil), IT gives the chain of
authorities for his transmission of this work. The biographies cited or
referred to are those of al-l;Iasan b. Sahl (N 133 = Tusl, Rijiil, p. 374,
no. 39), al-Fa<;ll b. Sahl (N 132 = Tusl, Rijiil, p. 385, no. 2), al-l;Iasan
b. Musa al-Nawbakhtl (N 121 = Tusl, Rijiil, p. 462, no. 4, except that
in the printed version of the Rijiil he is described as thiqa rather than
as faqi:h), and Abu J a (far al-Saqqa' al-Munajjim (N 143 = Tusl, Rijiil,
p. 520, no. 27).

508. **? - Risiila / Mul).ammad b. Khatlr aI-Batt anI (or al-Tabbanl)

N 204
The author's nisba in N* fol 136b can be read both as al-Battanl and
al-Tabbanl (there are no diacritics over the third letter, while points
for both bii' and tii' appear over the fourth letter); N has al-Tayyanl.
It is clearly attractive to identify him with the astronomer al-Battanl
(d. 317/929) (while emending Khatlr to Jabir), and this is indeed the
course taken by Matar (p. 415). It could be pointed out in defence of
this identification that in N 207, where the reference to al-Battanl is not

in doubt, his name is printed erroneously as al-TayyanI. The problem,

however, is that the author of the Risala (N 204) and al-BattanI (N
207) are both depicted as representatives of SunnI astronomy (min al-
culama ' bi l-nujum min ahl al-islam)j and it does not make sense for
the same person to be introduced twice. Matar's identification of the
Risala with al-BattanI's K. al-qiranat wa l-kusufat (see List under this
entry) must likewise be questioned, since this is the work mentioned in
N 207. Moreover, this identification is not supported by whatever sense
can be made of the (obviously corrupt) text in N 204 and N* fol 136b
(N: walJala ilayna min talJanzjihi risala wa huwa ma cruf [N*: ma Crufa]
bi l-handasaj rendered by Matar, p. 237: "We have a Risala by him, and
he was known as a geometer"). All that can be said is that al-BattanI
is not known to have composed works on geometry.
509. **? Risala ila cAbd Allah b. Malik fi camal al-lJan C a / Abu Is}:laq
N 22, 1'* fol 144a/T** fol 185a [om l' 523/162]
Neither the author nor the person mentioned in the title is identified.
The words fi Camal al-lJan C a (which appear only in 1'*/1'**) probably
refer to alchemy (cf. Dozy, s.v. ~an caj Ullmann, pp. 148-149, 167, 222).
The passages in both Nand 1'* /1'** are taken from the chapter on the
origins of knowledge (bab macrifat a~l al-Cilm): in N it is stated that
after Adam's fall from Paradise God gave him knowledge of everything,
including astrology and medicine. The passage in 1'*/1'** describes
cAlI's mastery of alchemy.
510. * Risala ila waladihi / CAlI b. al-I;Iusayn Ibn Babawayh (d. 329/
Dh XI 109 [no no.], XIII 46 no. 157
B 231
As IT explains, this is an epistle which the author wrote for his son Abu
Jacfar Mu}:lammad (d. 381/991). AI-NajashI (p. 261, no. 684) identifies
this work with CAlI b. al-I;Iusayn's K. al-shara'i c (Kitab al-shara'i c wa
hiya l-risala ila bnihi). In contrast, al-TusI (Fihrist, p. 123, no. 394) and
Ibn Shahrashub (Ma calim, p. 65, no. 439) regard the K. al-shara'i c and
CAlI's epistle to his son as two separate works. The Risala is partially
preserved in manuscript form. The passage in B (on lJalat al-istikhara)
is cited by Abu J a cfar Ibn Babawayh from his father's Risala in both
the Muqni C (pp. 46-47) and Man la ya~4uruhu I-faqzh (I, p. 563). In
the latter work, this Risala is mentioned among Ibn Babawayh's sources
(Man la, I, p. 4: Risalat aM ilayya ).

511. (*) Risala ila waladihi / Abu I-Fat}:l Mu}:lammad b. CAlI b.

CUthman al-Karajaki (d. 449/1057)

Dh IV 216 no. 1078, XI 109 [no no.]

F 94/89
Text in F: wa dhakara l-shaykh Mu~ammad b. CAl;;; Ii risiilatihi ilii wal-
adihi fi fa41 l}aliit al-~uhr min yawm al-jum ca. Mul].ammad b. CAll is
identified as al-Karajaki several lines further down. But which Risiila
is being referred to? AI-NUrl al-Tabarsl credits al-Karajaki with three
works written for a son of his: K. raw4at al- Ciibidin wa nuzhat al-ziihid;;;n
(where the son is identified as Musaj cf. Dh XI 298 no. 1787)j K. al-
ta cr1:f bi wujub ~aqq al-wiilidaynj and K. al-ta'd;;;b (MK lith., III, pp. 497,
498). Al-TihranI, without supporting evidence, identifies the Risiila of
Falii~ I with the Ta crif. The excerpt in F does not, however, appear
in the printed editions of this work (ed. Jalal al-llin al-Mul].addith and
Mul].ammad al-AkhundI, Tehran, 1330 Sh/1950-1; ed. with a Persian
translation by DhabIl]. Allah Mal].allatI, Tehran, 1330 Sh/1951-2). Un-
less it is assumed that the excerpt was omitted from the manuscripts
used for these editions, al-TihranI's identification must be rejected. This
leaves the two other works. The Raw4a is described as a 300-folio work
in three parts, while the Ta'dib is said to have consisted of one juz'. A
work the size of the Ta'dib is perhaps more likely than a long book to
have been referred to as a Risiilaj but a more definitive conclusion will
only be possible after examining the text of the Raw4a. (The Raw4a is
preserved in manuscript, while the Ta'dib is apparently lost; cf. Dh III
211 no. 778, under K. al-ta'dib.)
In the excerpt cited by IT, al-Karajaki explains to his son the sig-
nificance of the Friday noon prayer.
512. **+- Risiila fi cilm al-akhliiq / Abu Yusuf Ya cqub b. Isl].aq al-
Kindi (d. ca. 252/866)
Dh I 377 no. 1961
N* fol 86a [om N 128]
See the discussion under ~al-Nukat Ii cilm al-nujum.

==} Risiila fi cilm al-nujum (al-KindI), see al-Nukat Ii cilm al-nujum

513. * al-Risiila al- Cizziyya / Mul].ammad b. Mul].ammad al-Shaykh

al-Mund (d. 413/1022)
Dh XI 210 no. 1256, XV 263 no. 1703
B 176-177, 240-241, IQ 166/675, 239/11,416/186, MF 161/177
In IQ 166/675, 239/11, IQl 416, al-ghariyya is erroneously given for
al-Cizziyya. Cf. McDermott, p. 33, no. 73 ("letter to or about a person
named Clzz"j or clzz al-Dln? cf. Dh XV 262 nos. 1700, 1702). In IQ
416/186 and MF, IT refers to the Risiila but does not quote from itj
instead, he says in IQ 416/186 that his copy is bound together with an
al}l containing a tradition on the merits of praying on the night of the

19th of Rama<;lan. This is apparently the same copy to which he refers

in MF, where he states that the Risiila is the first work in a volume
containing at its end various traditions and supplications. In B 176-
177 (also referred to in B 240-241) he cites from Biib l}aliit al-istikhiira,
where al-Mufid explains the correct usages of istikhiira.
The Risiila also contained discussions on legal matters. Thus, in a
passage referred to by the Mul,laqqiq al-lJillI in his Mu Ctabar fi shar~
al-mukhtal}ar, I, Qumm, 1364 Sh/1984, p. 96 (whence ij:asan b. Zayn
al-Dln al-cAmilI, Ma ciilim al-dzn, I, Tehran, 1322/1904, pp. 147, 249),
al-Mufid expresses a view on the subject of tahiira which differs from
that which he puts forward in other legal works. The Risiila appears
in the list of sources of al-KafCamI's Balad (p. 502). In his Riyii al-
siilikin (a commentary on al-$a~zfa al-sajjiidiyya, see the abridgement
of Abu l-Fa<;ll al-ij:usaynI entitled Talkhzl} al-riyii, Qumm, 1381, II, p.
395), cAllkhan al-ij:usaynI al-MadanI Ibn Mac~um (d. 1120/1708; cf.
Bosworth, Bahii' al-Dzn al-CAmilz, p. 31) cites the passage from al-
Risiila al-Cizziyya which appears in B 176. Though aI-MadanI does not
indicate the source of this citation, it is unlikely that he had al-Mufid's
original work before him. He seems rather to have cited this passage
via the Abwiib, a work from which he cites a few pages later (II, pp.
514. **+ Risiila fi mad~ al-aqall wa dhamm al-akthar / Zayd h. cAli
b. al-ij:usayn (d. 122/740) (attrib.)
Dh XX 245 no. 2795
S 19, 223-225
For Zayd b. cAlI, who gave his name to the Zaydiyya, see GAS, I,
pp. 556-560. IT's manuscript was of a small format (l}aghzrat al-qiilab).
The passage cited (from fol 3b) was transmitted by Khalid b. ~afwan,
who is perhaps to be identified with Khalid b. ~afwan b. cAbd Allah
Ibn al-Ahtam (d. 135/752; cf. GAS, II, pp. 462-463). In this passage,
Zayd is reported to have met with Syrian scholars who told him that
most people were opposed to his claim to rule. In response, Zayd cited
Qur'anic proof-texts showing that the few rather than the many are
often in the right. This Risiila does not appear to be attested elsewhere.
515. **? al-Risiila al-mui~a / al-Mu~affar h. Jacfar b. al-l:Iusayn
(or ij:asan) (fl. first half of the 4th/10th century)
Dh XI 226 no. 1374
Y 125-131/362-373
For the author (who was perhaps a ZaydI) see Nawiibigh, p. 317. Accord-
ing to Y 125/362, he transmitted from Mul,lammad b. Jarlr al-TabarI
(for yarwz canhu read yarwz Can); as noted by al-TihranI, the reference
is in all likelihood to the ImamI author, not the SunnI historian (as

is implied by IT). In Y 129/368, al-Mu~affar transmits from Mu~am

mad b. Jarlr al-Tabarl via Abu l-Mufa<;l<;lal Mu~ammad b. CAbd Allah
al-Shaybani. See also A Cyiin, XLVIII, p. 81. IT used an autograph pre-
served in the old (i.e. original) Ni~amiyya library in Baghdad. Since,
however, IT states that all the texts cited in the Yaqin are found in
his private library (cf. Chapters II.2, III.2), he may also have possessed
a manuscript copied from the original. Cf. -+-K. al-arba Cin (Ibn Abi
l-Fawaris ).

===> Risiila fi tadbir al-abdiin (Qusta b. Luqa), see K. fi tadbir al-abdiin

===> Risiilat al-Cilm l-ladun(n)i (al-GhazzalI), see Bayiin al-cilm al-la-
dun (n)i
===> Riwiiya (Bakr b. Mu~ammad al-ShamI), see Kitiib

516. **? Riwiiya / transmitted by Abu Talib I:Iamza b. Mu~ammad b.

A~mad h. Shahriyar (fl. mid-6th/12th century)
Y 138-139/386-387
The account (of which IT cites the isniid and briefly summarizes the
matn) dealt with CAll's fa4ii'il; it took up more than 35 folios of the
thumn format (in Y the word is erroneously printed as y-m-n). It is not
clear whether this was a separate text or part of a longer work. I:Iamza
was a librarian at the Mashhad CAll library; his maternal grandfather
was al-Tusl (see the isniid in Y; Riyii4, II, pp. 212-213), making him
a relative of IT. He transmitted this account to his nephew in N ajaf
in Rajab 554/July-Aug. 1159 (Y, whence BA, XXXVII, pp. 326-327,
Thiqiit, p. 88).
===> K. riwiiyat al-abnii' can al-iibii' (Ibn aI-Ash (ath), see K. al-ja cfar-
===> Riwiiyat al-khalifa al-Nii~ir, see Fa4ii'il amir al-mu'minin

517. **? - K. ru~ (or raw~) (qudus) al-nufus fi ta~~i~ al-asiinid al

mansuba ilii amir al-mu'minin cAli h. Abi 'fiilib ~alawiit alliih calayhi /
Dh XI 264 no. 1619
Y 160-161/428-429
The word qudus is missing from y2 but appears in yl and in some
manuscripts of the Yaqin (cf. y2 428, n. 1). This was the first work in
an old majmuCa in the possession of IT (cf. -+-Kitiib [no. 310]). Ir
not cite from the K. ru~ al-nufus but rather from the last item in the
majmuCa, identified only as beginning with the ~adith al-mu'iikhiit. The
material cited includes two traditions about CAll's appellation amir al-
mu'minin (Y 160-161/428-429) and a tradition about CAll being called
(among other titles) yaCsub al-mu'minin (Y 198/508). AI-Majlisl cites

the two traditions on amzr al-mu'minzn via the Yaqzn, but mistakenly
assumes that they were taken from the K. ru~ al-nufus (BA, XXXVII,
pp. 301, 329).

===> Rutbat AM '!'iilib (Abu l-I:Iasan al-Nassaba), see Dhikr rutbat Abz

518. **?- K. ai-safar / anon. (3d/9th or 4th/10th century?)

A 115-116/127-128
In A, as also in A* fol 82a/ A** fol 45a/ A*** fol 87a, the title appears
as K. al-sufarii', but since the excerpt deals with a ziy iira , the correct
form must be K. ai-safar; and this is indeed the title as cited from the
Amiin in BA, LXIX, pp. 285-286. Three works entitled K. aI-safar by
authors of the 3d/9th and 4th/10th centuries are recorded in Dh (XII
184, nos. 1217-9).
The excerpt tells of cAll b. CA~im al- Zahid (probably cAll b. CA~im b.
$uhayb al-Wasitl [d. 201/816-817]' see $afadl, XXI, pp. 166-167 and the
references given there) who used to frequent al-I:Iusayn's grave. During
one such visit he was confronted by a lion whose paw was swollen
because of a piece of wood which had lodged in it. CAll extracted the
offending piece and used some cloth from his turban to bandage the
lion's paw. IT, who gives this story in paraphrase, says that he cited it
verbatim in his K. al-kariimiit (see Chapter 11.2).
519. **? ai-Salina / anon.
MF 105/117, 178-181/196-198
The title al-Salina occurs only in MF 105/117. IT describes it as a long
majmuc, and says that it was brought to him by AQ.mad b. Muhanna'
(perhaps Jamal aI-DIn A1).mad b. Mu1).ammad b. Muhanna al- CUbaydal1
al-Nassaba, see A Cyan, X, p. 272, Anwiir, pp. 12-13). In MF 105/117,
Pharaoh is said to have lived for 300 years, of which the last 80 coincided
with Moses' mission. MF 178-181/196-198 comprises various, mostly
unrelated, anecdotes.
520. + al-$a~ii~ (or $i~ii~) Ii l-lugha / Abu Na~r Ismacll b. I:Iammad
al-J awhari (d. ca. 397/1006-7)
F 115/108, 183/168, IQ 519/305, S 256, 260, l' 432/130-131, 541/
169, Y 193/497, 204/522
For the author see EI2, art. "al-Djawharl" (L. Kopf). See also Sbath
(p. 32, no. 581). IT cites from this work for the meaning of ya Csub as
"leader (of the bees)" (Y 193/497 = Tiij al-lugha wa /}a~ii~ al-Carabiyya,
ed. A1).mad cAbd al-Ghafur CAttar, Cairo, 1376-7/1956-7, p. 181); for
haj Cas "delirium" (1' 432/130 and Y 204/522 = $a~ii~, p. 851); asifa
Calii as "to be angry with" (F 115/108 = $a~ii~, p. 1330); nii/}i~ as

"pure" (F 183/168 = $a~a~, p. 411); khumra as "a mat made of palm-

trees" (T 541/169 = $a~a~, p. 649); the month of Shawwal as meaning
originally "light" (IQ = $a~a~, p. 1743); azlafa as "to bring near" (S
256 = $a~a~, p. 1370); saqa as "to be at the point of death" (S 260 =
$a~a~, p. 1500).

521. **? $a~a'if Idr,s / anon.

S 6, 32-39
The original manuscript seen by IT belonged to the Mashhad eAll li-
brary (in Najaf); IT describes it as some 200 years old and of the rube
format (rub C al-waraqa al-kabzra). Since this text is mentioned among
the items in IT's library, he must have had his own copy made from
the Najaf manuscript. He describes the beginning and end of the orig-
inal manuscript as missing, and then adds: "fa kana I-mawjud minha
na~wa sabeat kurrasan [sic]" (S 32). Perhaps the end of the sentence
should be emended to read sabeata eashara kurrasan; this emendation
not only improves the grammar, but is also more consistent with the
numbers of the quires from which the excerpts are taken. These are
the third, fifth, seventh, ninth (reading tasi C for sabi e), tenth, eleventh
and twelfth quires. (A further excerpt, cited in S 32-33 without further
identification, deals with events during the first six days of creation.
The creation of Adam, which followed these events, is dealt with in
an excerpt identified as taken from the third quire. It may perhaps be
inferred from this that the excerpt in S 32-33 belonged to an earlier
section of the third quire, or to one of the first two quires.)
The excerpts deal mainly with the story of Adam. The last ex-
cerpt has a distinctly ShIel flavour: God informs M ulfammad that his
successors will be from among the pure ahl al-bayt. The $a~zfat Idrzs
translated from the Syriac by Alfmad b. I,Iusayn b. Mulfammad Ibn
Mattawayh and cited in BA, XCV, pp. 452-474 is distinct from the
work cited in S; so too, presumably, is the work known as al-$u~uf al-
Idrzsiyya mentioned by al-TihranI (Dh XV 13 no. 66). For pseudo-Idrls
literature in general see EI2, art. "ldrIs" (G. Vajda). Cf. also -7Sunan
522. al-$a~zfa al-sajjadiyya / cAlI b. al-I,Iusayn Zayn al-cAbidin (d.
94/712 or 95/713)
Dh XV 18 no. 95
B 197-198, IQ 280-281/42-44, 463-467/248-252, 566-573/350-358, J
423-433, MD 168
For an annotated translation of this renowned prayer manual see W.
C. Chittick, The Psalms of Islam. Al-$a~ifat al-kamilat al-sajjadiyya,
London, 1988. This work is sometimes referred to as al-$a~ifa al-
sajjadiyya al-ula (thus Dh), to distinguish it from other collections of

supplications handed down from the fourth Imam (cf. Chittick's intro-
duction, pp. xviii-xix, and the discussion under -+MajmuCat mawlana
Zayn al-c.Abidfn). In MD, the work is referred to as al-$a~ifa al-sharifa
min adCiyat mawlana Zayn al-c.Abidfn. In IQ 280/42, 566/350, J 427:
al-$a~ffa. In IQ 463/248: can mawlana cAlf b. al-Qusayn calayhi l-
salam !}a~ib al-anfas al-muqaddasa al-sharffa fima taammanahu isnad
ad Ciyat al-!}a~ifa.
The following supplications are cited (I have followed Chittick's
translation): asking for the best (istikhara) (B 197-198 = Chittick, pp.
118-119, du c a' no. 33); the beginning of Rama<;lan (IQ 280-281/42-44 =
Chittick, pp. 142-147, ducii' no. 44); bidding farewell to Rama<;lan (IQ
463-467/248-252 = Chittick, pp. 148-159, du cii' no. 45); on the day of
fast-breaking and on Friday (J 423-427 = Chittick, pp. 160-164, ducii'
no. 46); on the day of cArafa (IQ 566-573/350-358 = Chittick, pp. 164-
186, du Cii' no. 47); on the day of Sacrifice and on Friday (J 427-433 =
Chittick, pp. 186-194, du cii' no. 48).

==} al-$a~ifa al-sajjiidiyya al-khiimisa (Zayn al-cAbidln), see Majmu-

Cat mawliinii Zayn al-c,Abidfn

523. $a~ffat al-Riii / CAlI b. Musa al-Ri4a (d. 203/818)

Dh XV 17 no. 92
A 19/32, J 170-171
For the author, the eighth Imam of the Twelver Shlcls, see GAS, I,
pp. 535-536. The title is given in A as al-$a~ffa al-marwiyya Can al-
Riii and in J as al-$a~ifa al-kiimila fi a~iidfth mawliinii cAlf b. Musii
al-Riii. This work (for which see GAS, I, p. 536, no. 4) is cited in
Ibn Shahrashub's Maniiqib (II, p. 252), and is one of the sources of
the Bi~iir (see BA, I, pp. 11, 30: K. !}a~ffat al-Riii). AI-MajlisI notes
that IT cites from it via a chain of authorities going back to al-TabrisI
(i.e. al-Fa<;ll b. al-l;Iasan, d. 548/1153). This detail is missing from the
versions of the Amiin available to me, but it must have been found in
a manuscript of this work used by al-MajlisI. It is fairly certain that
IT did indeed use al-TabrisI's recension of the $a~ffat al-Riii, which
is the only one to have survived: the tradition which IT reproduces
is found in the new printed edition of this recension (ed. Mul.:tammad
MahdI Najaf, Mashhad, 1406, p. 66). The same tradition appears in A
and J, and deals with Mondays and Thursdays being a propitious time
for travel.
524. + $a~f~ / Abu Dawud Sulayman b. aI-Ash Cath al-AzdI al-
Sijistani (d. 275/888)
T 14/5, 67/[om 18], 72/18, 118-121/[om 29], 128-129/31, 153/37,
171/[om 42], 176/44, 536/167, 538/168, 542/170

For the author see GAS, I, pp. 149-152. IT on occasion refers to this
work by its alternative title, K. al-sunan (T 128/31, 153/37, 536/167),
and once (T 542/170) uses the formula Ii !}al],;;;l],ihi min kitiib al-sunan
(d. Ibn al-Bitrlq, CUmda, pp. 22, 36, 51, 65, 83, 111, 157, 202, 209, 213,
219 [min !}al],;;;l], AM Diiwud al-Sijistiin;;; wa huwa kitiib al-sunan)). Some
passages are cited via al-cAbdarI's al-Jam Cbayna l-!}il],iil], al-sitta, either
directly or via Ibn al-Bitrlq's K. al- cumda.
525. + $al],;;;l], I Abu CAbd Allah Mul).ammad b. IsmaCll al-BukharI
(d. 256/870)
IQ 100/624, K 64, 67, 73, 76-78, 80, T 14/5, 38/12, 51-52/14, 55-
57/15, 67/[om 18], 112/27-28, 121/[om 29], 123/29, 160-161/40,
168-170/42-43, 179/[om 45], 227-228/60, 236/63, 240/64, 257-
258/72, 263/73-74, 270-271/76, 274/77, 283/78, 294/83, 360/
105, 422-423/128, 461/141, 541-542/169, 548/171 and 173
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 115-134. See also Sbath (p. 15, no. 274)
(where the title is given as al-Jiimic al-!}al],;;;l],). IT was aware of the
great authority which the $al],;;;l],iin enjoyed among Sunnls and of the
polemical value of pro- cAlid traditions taken from these two works (d.
Y 203/520). For reasons stated under --+K. al-cumda it can be taken
that the following passages are cited via Ibn al-Bitrlq's CUmda, even
though IT does not say so explicitly: T 51-52/14 = CUmda, p. 63; 55-
57/15 = CUmda, pp. 71-73; 67/[om 18] = CUmda, p. 102; 112/27-28 =
CUmda, p. 24; 160-161/40 = CUmda, p. 24; 257-258/72 = CUmda, pp.
203-204. In addition to the passages mentioned here, the $al],;;;l], is cited
in T via two compilations: ai-Jam Cbayna l-!}al],;;;l],ayn and aI-Jam Cbayna
l-!}il],iil], al-sitta.
526. (*)+- $al],;;;l], / Abu I-J:Iasan CAll b. cUmar al-DaraqutnI (d. 385/
T 154/38
It can be assumed that the reference is to al-DaraqutnI's K. al-sunan
(cf. al-SalamI, Ta'r;;;kh culamii' Baghdiid, where reference is made both
to his Sunan [at pp. 16, 45] and to his $al],;;;l], [at pp. 205-206)). The
tradition referred to (about the Prophet dying in CAll's arms) does not
however appear in the Medina 1966 edition of the Sunan.
527. + $al],;;;l], / Muslim b. al-J:Iajjaj al-Naysaburl (d. 261/875)
IQ 100/624, 670/458, 740/513, J 172-173, K, 64, 67, 73, 76-78, 80,
MH 19/9, T 14/5, 44-45/13, 52/14, 56-57/15, 59/16, 73/18-19,
112-115/28, 121/[om 29], 123/29, 129-130/31, 147/35, 153/37,
160/39-40, 163-165/40-41, 168-171/42-43, 179/[om 45], 190-191/
48, 203/53, 227-228/60, 236/63, 240/64, 245/67, 258/72, 262-
263/73-74, 270-271/76, 274/77, 283/78, 289/81, 360/105, 364/

106, 386/116-117,422-423/128,428/129,432/130,465-466/142-
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 136-143. See also Sbath (where the title
appears twice: once as al-Jiimi C al-~a~?:~ [po 15, no. '275] and once as
al-$a~?:~ [po 32, no. 583]). For reasons stated under ~K. al-cumda it can
be taken that the following passages are cited via Ibn al-Bitrlq's C Umda,
even though 1+ does not say so explicitly: + 44-45/13 = C Umda, p. 95;
52/14 = C Umda, pp. 63-64; 56/[om 15] = C Umda, p. 73; 59/16 = C Umda,
pp. 73-74; 73/18-19 = C Umda, pp. 137-138 (the text in the C Umda has
fi awwal kurriisa minhu, but in the passage preceding this sentence,
the volume number to which the minhu must originally have referred
is missing; this slip recurs in + 73/18); 112-113/[om 28] = C Umda, p.
24; 114-115/28 = (Umda, p. 34; 115/28 = (Umda, p. 48; 129-130/31 =
C Umda, p. 95; 258/72 = (Umda, p. 204; 263/74 = (Umda, p. 200; 487-

488/150-151 = (Umda, pp. 134-135. In addition to the passages cited

here, 1+ also quotes from the $a~?:~ in + via two compilations: ai-Jam C
bayna l-~a~?:~ayn and al-Jam ( bayna l-~i~ii~ al-sitta .
+- $a~?:~ / Abu (Abd al-Ra}:lman A1;tmad (b. (All) b. Shu cayb b.
(All al-Nasa'i (d. 303/915)
+ 14/5
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 167-169. The K. ~a~?:~ al-Nasii'?:, which
is an alternative title of his Sunan, is mentioned by Ibn al-Bitrlq among
his sources for the C Umda (p. 3), whence it is cited by 1+ (+ 14/5). See
also ~ Thawiib al-qur'iin wa fa4ii'iluhu.
528. + $a~?:~ / Abu clsa Mu1;tammad b. (lsa al-Tirmidhi (d. 279/892)
+ 14/5, 460/141
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 154-150. Additional passages (e.g. + 115/
28, 153/37) are cited via ai-Jam C bayna l-~i~ii~ al-sitta, either directly
or via Ibn al-Bitrlq's K. al- cumda.

===> K. al-salaf (sic) (al-SallamI), see K. al-nutaf

529. ** K. al-/}aliit / Abu Mu1;tammad al-I:Iusayn b. Sa cld b. I:Iammad
al-Ahwazi (alive in 300/913)
B 237, 261, F 96/92, 124/117, M 32-33/341-343
The K. al-/}aliit is mentioned by both al-Najashl (p. 58, nos. 136-137)
and al-+usl (Fihrist, p. 87, no. 231). It is referred to as an a~l in a
passage from the Abwiib missing from B but cited in BA, XCI, p. 257.
In this passage rr states that the manuscript which he used was in
al-+usI's handwriting (bi khaH jadd?: AM Ja Cfar). This formulation ap-
pears to be imprecise; I+'s intention become clear a few sentences later,

when he estimates that this manuscript was written during the author's
lifetime and observes that it contained a note in al-TusI's handwriting
stating that he had read it (B 261; cf. B 237).
The excerpts in B 237 and B 261 = F 127/117 deal with istikhara.
In F 96/92, the Prophet speaks of the merits of supplication during
the zawal. The passage in M comprises a number of traditions on the
authority of J a cfar al-~adiq concerning making up for missed prayers
(qaa' al-~alat).
530. **- K. al-/!alat / Abu Jacfar MuJ;tammad b. cAlI b. Mal]biib
al-Ash CarI al-QummI (fl. end of the 3d/9th century)
Dh XV 60 no. 415
MI;I 37/22-23
The K. al-~alat is mentioned by both al-NajashI (p. 349, no. 940) and
al-TusI (Fihrist, p. 176, no. 624). IT refers to a tradition about the
merits of repeating the formula yo. rabb ten times.
531. ** Sanat (Sunnat?) al-arbaczn fi sunnat al-arbaczn / Abu I-Ri<;la
Fa<;ll Allah b. cAllb. cAbd Allah (or CUbayd Allah) al-Rawandi(alive
in 548/1153-4)
Dh I 423 no. 2173, XII 233 no. 1527
Y 177-178/467-468,199/511
For the author see Riya, IV, pp. 364-374; Darajat, pp. 506-513; Rawat,
V, pp. 365-367; A Cyan, XLII, pp. 296-304; Thiqat, pp. 217-218. This
work (under this title) is "also mentioned in an ijaza which al-MajlisI
believes was written by Mu1:;tammad b. al-I;Iasan b. Mu1:;tammad b. AbI
I-Ri<;la al-cAlawI al-BaghdadI for his nephew Mul}.amm~d b. Jamal al-
DIn Al}.mad b. AbII-MaCaII al-cAlawI (d. Rama<;lan 769/Apr.-May 1368)
(see BA, eVIl, p. 166). See also Riya, IV, p. 368; Qaqa'iq, pp. 177-178,
183-184. Elsewhere the work is referred to as al-Arba cun or al-Arba cun
~adithan. Of its forty traditions, two are cited in Y.

532. *+ K. al-saqzJa / Abu Zayd CUmar b. Shabba b. cAblda al-

NumayrI (d. 262/876)
l' 238-239/64
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 345-346. In +1/1'2/+* fols 59b, 60a/
+** fols 75b,76b, his name is given as cUmar b. Shayba. 1+ describes
the book as containing accounts of the injustice perpetrated against
the Banu Hashim at the time of Abu Bakr's election at the Saqlfa. He
does not provide any details about the manuscript; it is likely, however,
to have comprised cUmar b. Shabba's K. al-saqzJa in the transmission
of Abu Bakr Al}.mad b. CAbd al-cAzlz al-JawharI (alive in 322/934),
fragments of which survive in a number of ShI'1 sources (see GAS, I, p.
322; Nawabigh, pp. 28-29; cf. Dh XII 206 no. 1364). Two such fragments

(not noted by Sezgin) appear in al-IrbilI's Kashf (II, pp. 105-120). Al-
IrbilI says that he consulted a manuscript of al-JawharI's transmission
dated RabIe II 322/Mar.-Apr. 934, which had been read to al-JawharI
for his approval (quri'at calayhi).
533. K. al-sara'ir / Abu cAbd Allah Mul).ammad b. Man~ur b. Al).mad
h. Idris al-I,IillI (d. 598/1202)
Dh XII 155 no. 1041
B 242, 286, 289-291
For the author see Thiqat, pp. 290-291. Title in Dh: al-Sara'ir al-~awz
Ii ta~rzr al-fatawi See also Modarressi, pp. 46, 65, 225. In B 242, the
work is referred to as Ibn IdrIs's Kitab. The passages are taken from
the chapter on supererogatory prayers (nawafil) and deal with istikhara
(see Ibn Idrls, Sara'ir, p. 69). In B 291-293, IT attempts to reconcile Ibn
Idrls's apparent rejection of certain practices connected with istikhara
with his own more favourable attitude to those practices.
534. *+ K. sariqat al-shiCr(or al-shuCara') (or marqat/mirqat al-shiCr)
/ Abu CUbayd Allah Mul).ammad b. CImran b. Musa al-Marzuhani (d.
l' 146-147/35 ,
In both 1'1 and 1'2, the author's kunya is given as Abu CAbd Allah; in
1'2, Mal).mud appears for Mul).ammad. The title is given as K. marqat
ai-shier in 1'1, as K. sariqat al-shicr in 1'2 (and in the citation in BA,
XXXVII, p. 179) as also in $irat (I, p. 8) and cAmilI, Ithbat (I, p.
73), and as K. sariqat (read thus for s-w-qat) aI-shu Cara' in l' Per 64.
None of these titles appears in the lists of al-MarzubanI's works (e.g.
Yaqut, Udaba', XVIII, pp. 269-272; cf. GAL, S, I, pp. 190-191; EI2,
art. "al-MarzubanI" [R. Sellheim]).
Al-MarzubanI may well have written about plagiarism (sariqa),
since this was a topic widely discussed both before and after his time
(see G. E. von Grunebaum, "The Concept of Plagiarism in Arabic The-
ory", JNES, 3, 1944, pp. 234-253; for some 3d/9th-century works en-
titled Sariqat ai-shu cara' see GAS, II, p. 64). Yet it is also possible
that the book was called K. marqat al-shicr; in this case it may be an
alternative title to the (lost) K. al-.shicr which al-Marzubarn mentions
at the beginning of his Muwashsha~ (ed. CAlI Mul).ammad al-B ij aWl,
Cairo, 1965, p. 1).
IT cites a version of the events at Ghadlr Khumm that includes
four verses (rhyming in ya) cited there by I:Jassan b. Thabit. In other
ShlcI sources, six verses are cited. As noted by M. J. Kister ("On a
New Edition of the DfuJan of I,Iassan b. Thabit", BSOAS, 39, 1976,
pp. 265-286, at p. 280), these verses are missing from the Dzwan of
I:Jassan edited by Walld cArarat (London, 1972). Kister cites a number

of sources which include these verses; the earliest of these is the AmalZ-
of al-Marzubanl's contemporary Ibn Babawayh (d. 381/991) (p. 514).
IT says that the entire poem is cited at the end of the fourth part of
al-Marzubanl's work. A similar quotation from this work (under the
title M arqat al-shi (r) is given by aI-AmInI in his GhadZ-r, II, pp. 34-35,
but it is not clear whether he is citing from al-Marzubanl directly or
(as is more likely) via an intervening source.

===} K. al-~dwm (Ibn Fa<;l<;lal), see K. al-~iyam

===} K. aI-say! (sic) (al-Sallaml), see K. al-nuta!

535. - al-Shaft / Abu l-Qasim (Arr b. al-J:Iusayn b. Musa aI-SharIf

al-Murta<1a (d. 436/1044)
Dh XIII 8 no. 17
l' 30/10
Title in Dh: al-Shafi fi l-imama wa ibtal ~ujaj al- (amma. In this work,
al-Murta<;la attempts to refute the positions taken by the qa0Z- (Abd
al-Jabbar on the subject of the imamate. In 1', the Shafi is mentioned
among the works containing proofs of cAll's right to rule. Al-Tabrisl
(IClam, pp. 157-158) already praises this as one of the best and most
exhaustive books on this subject.
536. * K. al-shafi fi I-nasab (or al-ansab) / Abu l-J:Iasan Najm al-
DIn (All b. Abll-Ghana'im Mul:mmmad b. (All al-cUmari al-Nassaba
(alive in 443/1051-2)
Dh XIII 9 no. 18
L 22-23/26-27, N 125-126
The passage in L (where the author's name is given as cUmar al-
Nassaba) is taken from the last part of the Shafi; in it al-J:Iusayn cites
his father as telling him that they would both be killed and then buried
next to each other. The excerpts in N are taken from the entries on the
astronomers (Arr b. al-J:Iasan Ibn al-A Clam (d. 375/985) and the cAlid
Abu l-J:Iasan al-Munajjim, described as a descendant of Abu l-J:Iasan al-
Naqlb known as Abaqlrat [sic] b. Abl cAbd Allah al-Mul:laddith (who is
perhaps to be identified with Abu l-J:Iasan (All b. Mul:J.ammad b. (Abd
Allah, a descendant of CAll al-Ri<;la who was naqZ-b in Samarra'; see
Najashl, p. 269, no. 703). This work is also cited in Ibn Shahrashub's
Manaqib (II, p. 106, III, p. 89). See also -+al-Mabsut fi l-ansab.
537. *+- K. al-shahZ- / Abu Na~r Man~ur b. (All h. (Iraq (d. between
408/1018 and 427/1036)
N 203
For (Iraq, N* fol 136a has erroneously (-rar. This Khwarazmian prince
was a noted astrologer and mathematician, and a teacher of al-Blrunl.

See GAS, V, pp. 338-341, VI, pp. 242-245. The K. al-shahi is probably
an abbreviated title for K. al-majisti: al-shahi, of which only an excerpt
survives (GAS, VI, p. 244, no. 9; E. S. Kennedy, "A Survey of Islamic
Astronomical Tables" , p. 135, no. 77).

===} K. al-shara'i c (Ibn Babawayh), see Risala ila waladihi

** Shar~ du Ca ' al-jawshan / Taqi al-Dln al-l;Iasan (b. CAll) h. Dawud

(fl. second half of the 7th/13th century)
MD 227-232
This passage is an interpolation added after I1"s death by Abu 1'alib
b. Rajab (for whom see Riya, V, p. 470), citing from a book of suppli-
cations by his grandfather Taqi aI-DIn, i.e. al-l;Iasan b. cAll b. Dawud
al-l;Iilli (born Jumada II 647/Sept.-Oct. 1249, alive in 707/1308; see
Riya, I, pp. 254-258, A Cyan, XXII, pp. 335-350), author of a famous
work of Rijal (cf. lfaqa'iq, p. 43). In the account cited, the Prophet
informs cAll of the merits of the du Ca ' al-jawshan ("supplication of the
coat of mail") which he was taught at U!).ud. This prayer is also known
as du cii' al-jawshan al-kabzr, to distinguish it from the du c a ' al-jawshan
al-~aghir ascribed to Musa al-Ka~im (see MD 217-227). For references
to explications of these two prayers see Dh V 247-248 nos. 897-900.
In MD*, the interpolation appears earlier than in MD, so that MD
217 line 5-227 line 8 = MD* fol 125b line 2-131a line 4, and MD
227 line 8-232 line 12 = MD* fol 122b line 10-125b line 2. In MD**
and MD*** it is missing altogether. This interpolation is noted by al-
Majlisl, who assumes that Abu 1'alib originally wrote the Shar~ on
the margin and that a copyist later incorporated it in the text (BA,
LXXXI, pp. 331-332, XCIV, p. 327; see further MK, II, pp. 233-235).
538. **+ Shar~ kitab al-manaqib / Abu I-Fat!). Na~ir b. Abil-Makarim
cAbd al-Sayyid al-Mu!arrizi al-KhwarazmI (d. 610/1213)
l' 138-139/33
In 1'2, the book's title and the beginning of the quotation are missing.
This work is not mentioned in the biographical notices on al-Mutarrizi.
The tradition cited (on the great number of CAll's virtues) opens the
Manaqib of Abu I-Mu'ayyad al-KhwarazmI (p. 2); and al-KhwarazmI
(who was al-MutarrizI's teacher; see Yaqut, Udaba', XIX, p. 212) ap-
pears in al-MutarrizI's isnad. The K. al-manaqib on which al-Mutarrizi
wrote this Shar~ is thus probably that of al-KhwarazmI.

===} Shar~ al-maqamat (al-MutarrizI), see al-la~

539. * Shar~ al-nihaya / Qutb aI-DIn Sa cld b. Hibat Allah al-Rawandi

(d. 573/1177-8)

Dh XIV 110 no. 1930, XXI 296 no. 5148

IQ 246/15
This work, also known as Shar~ nihiiyat al-a~kiim and as al-Mughnf
fi shar~ al-nihiiya, is described (in Raw4iit, IV, p. 6, Dh XXI) as a
ten-volume commentary on al-TusI's Nihiiya. In IQ, the author's name
is given as Hibat Allah b. Sa cld; al-Tihraru (Dh XIV) takes this to
be a copyist's error (see the discussion under -+Fiqh al-qur'iin). The
quotation is taken from the K. al-/}iyiim.
540. *+ Shar~ ta 'w?:l al-qur'iin wa tafs?:r ma ciinihi / Abu Muslim
Mul}.ammad h. Bal}.r al-Il?fahanI (d. 322/934)
Dh V 44 no. 178
S 20, 229-231
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 42-43. This work of Mu Ctazi11 exegesis,
also known as Jiimi c al-ta'w?:lli mu~kam al-tanz?:l, is said to have com-
prised 14 (or 20) volumes; fragments only have survived. The passage
cited by IT is taken from the first volume, fol 11a (probably the be-
ginning of the exegesis of Surat al-baqara). It opens by mentioning the
"mysterious letters" alif-liim-m?:mand goes on to discuss the meaning
of the fawiiti~ in general. A brief section from it appears (in a different
formulation) in TusI, Tibyiin (I, p. 48) and Tabrisl, Majma C (I, pp.
70-71 ).
541. *+ K. al-shar?:c a / Abu Bakr Mu~ammad b. al-l;Iusayn b. CAbd
Allah al-AjurrT (d. 360/970)
l' 101-102/24-25
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 194-195. In the tradition cited, the
Prophet orders cAmmar b. Yasir to support cAll during the period of
strife that will follow his (Mu~ammad's) death. This is also cited from
the K. al-sharica in Ibn al-BitrIq's K. al-cumda, p. 234, and the author
is introduced in both works as a disciple of Abu Bakr b. Abl Dawud
al-Sijistaru. IT may thus have cited the passage via the CUmda rather
than directly from the original source. This passage is missing from the
printed edition of the Shari ca (ed. Mu~ammad l;Iamid al-Fiql, Cairo,
1369/1950). The edition is based on a single manuscript which suffers
from a number of lacunae (see al-FiqI's introduction, p. moo [ = 13]).
It may be that the passage is to be found in one of the other extant
manuscripts (for which see GAS, I, p. 195, no. 9).
542. + K. shawiihid al-tanz?:l / al-l;Iakim Abu I-Qasim CUbayd Allah
b. cAbd Allah al-l1askanT al-l;Iadhdha' (d. after 470/1077-8)
Dh XIV 242 no. 2381
Title in Dh (following the MaCiilim): Shawiihid al-tanz?:lli qawiiCid al-

ta/4i:l. In 1', the author's name is not given. His identity can be estab-
lished from al-Baya<;lI's $iriit, II, p. 27, where the same passage as that
in l' is reproduced (probably via the 'fara/if, since al-Baya<;lI used the
Shawiihid only indirectly; see $iriit, I, p. 7, no. 79). Author and title are
mentioned in the Maciilim, p. 78, no. 527, and Riyii4, III, pp. 256-257,
Copies of the K. shawiihid al-tanzzl were in the possession of al-
Fa<;lil aI-HindI (i.e. Mu~ammad b. al-I:Jasan al-I~fahanI, d. 1137/1725;
see Raw4iit, VII, pp. 111-118) and of some of al-MajlisI's descendants
(Riyii4, III, p. 297). It was edited by Mu~ammad Baqir al-M~udI,
Beirut, 1393/1974. In this edition the author's name is given as CUbayd
Allah b. cAbd Allah b. A~mad al-I:Jakim al-I:JaskanI al-I:Janafi al-Nay-
saburI, min culamii' al-mi'a al-khiimisa. The passage in l' appears in
vol. I, pp. 206-207. According to Turiithunii, 3/1, 1408, p. 228, 4/1,
1409, pp. 55-56, al-Ma~mudI will soon publish a new four-volume edi-
tion, making use of an additional manuscript.
543. * K. al-shi/ii' wa l-jalii' / Abu l-cAbbas A~mad b. CAlI aI-Rail
al-Khac1Ib al-IyadI (fl.. mid-4th/10h century)
Dh XIV 202 no. 2186
F 179-182/165-168, K 53, l' 511/[om 158]
The author (for whom see NajashI, p. 97, no. 240; TusI, Fihrist, p. 59,
no. 91; Nawiibigh, p. 34) was accused by some of extremism (ghuluww)
(cf. NajashI). In 1'1, his name appears as Mu~ammad; the correct name
(A~mad) is given in 1'*. In K, his name is missing altogether.
This work, the title of which is given in NajashI (whence Dh) as
K. al-shiJii' wa l-jaIii' fi l-ghayba (in 1'* fol 140b, al-khalii' for al-jalii'),
is mentioned in K among a number of texts on the occultation of the
Twelfth Imam. The passage in F describes a meeting with him which
took place in Mecca during the pilgrimage in 293/906. (A similar story,
set during the pilgrimage of 281/895, is cited in J 494-504 via al-TusI.)
The passage in l' shows that CAll knew beforehand that he would be
betrayed by Abu Musa aI-Ash Carl. The work is cited (without naming
the author) as K. al-jalii' wa l-shi/ii' in Ibn Shahrashub, Maniiqib, I, p.
313, III, pp. 128,446,461,489-490, 526. AI-MajlisI (BA, VI, p. 243, XI,
pp. 226-229) cites two traditions from it via al-I:JillI's Mu~ta4ar; this
material is missing from the printed edition of the Mu~ta4ar. In the
Riyii4 (VI, p. 49), K. al-shi/ii' wa I-jalii' appears in a list of anonymous
works; AfandI wrongly suggests that it is a SunnY work and compounds
his error by hazarding that it might be the famous Shi/ii' of al-Qa<;lI
Clya<;l (d. 544/1149).
544. + K. shiJii' al-l}udur al-muhadhdhab Ii taJszr al-qur'iin / Abu Bakr
Mu~ammad b. I:Jasan b. Mu~ammad b. Ziyad al-Naqqash (d. 351/

IQ 72/601, S 285-286, l' 43-44/[om 13]
For the author see GAL, S, I, p. 334; GAS, I, pp. 44-45. In 1'* (fol11b)
the title is Tafszr shifa' al-~udur (cited from the Tara'ifin BA, XXXV,
p. 260 as al-Naqqash fi tafsirihi Shifa' al-~udur), and the text deals
with the meaning of the mubahala (as noted by R. Strothmann in "Die
Mubahala in Tradition und Liturgie", Der Islam, 33, 1958, pp. 5-29, at
p. 23. Strothmann apparently did not have the Tara'if at his disposal,
since he cites the Bi~ar.) The quotation in IQ (taken from the forty-fifth
juz') is from the exegesis to Q 17:1. In the excerpts cited in S (taken
from the first volume), Ibn cAbbas declares that cAll's knowledge of
the Qur'an far surpasses his own.
This work (for manuscripts of which see GAS) must have been pop-
ular with Shici authors: it is also cited by Ibn Shahrashub in his Manaqib
(e.g. I, pp. 310-311,321,345, III, pp. 234-235) and (in paraphrase and
without mentioning the author's name) by (Abbas al-Qummi in his
Mafati~ (pp. 552-554).

545. **+ K. al-shihab / Abu CUbayd al-Qasim b. Sallam (d. 224/838)

1'* fol 127a/T** fol 163b [om l' 469/144]
For the author see GAS, VIII, pp. 81-87; in 1'*, his name appears as Abu
CUbayda. This title does not appear in the list of works of Abu CUbayd
(see e.g. H. Gottschalk, "Abu cUbaid al-Qasim b. Sallam. Studie zur
Geschichte der arabischen Biographie", Der Islam, 23, 1936, pp. 245-
289) (nor is such a work ascribed to Abu CUbayda; cf. GAL, I, p. 103).
The passage is taken from the chapter on those whose hand was cut off
in the Jahiliyya for stealing; cUmar's father al-KhaHab is mentioned
among those to whom this punishment was meted out.
546. + K. al-shihab / Abu cAbd Allah Mul}.ammad b. Salama al-
Qug.aci al-Shafi'l (d. 454/1062)
(Dh XIV 247 no. 2414)
A 40/53, S 191
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 418-419, S, I, pp. 584-585. Title in A**
fol15a: K. ~ashiyat al-shihiib. Title in I:Iajji Khallfa (II, p. 1067): Shihab
al-akhbar fi l-~ikam wa l-amthal wa l-adab; so also GAL, I, p. 419, S,
I, p. 584. In A, the author's name is not given. This work consisted of
brief sayings of the Prophet. .
Al-Qu<;la (1 wrote both the K. al-shihab (which is probably the work
used by IT) and the Musnad al-shihab. The former (also known as
Shihab al-akhbar; cf. -+al-Firdaws) includes only the Prophetic dicta
(without isnads). Each tradition is assigned a keyword, which is al-
ways a word that occurs in the tradition. Traditions with the same
keyword are then grouped together. The keywords are not ordered al-

phabetically. In the Musnad al-shihiib, the isniids are added, but the
principle of organization remains the same. Both the K. al-shihiib and
the Musnad al-shihiib have been published several times, the latter most
recently by I:Iamdl cAbd aI-MajId al-Silaff (2 vols., Beirut, 1405/1985).
The saying al-rafiq qabla I-tar7:q (A 40/53) appears in its complete form
in al-Silaff's edition, I, p. 412, no. 709 (iltamisu l-jiir qabla l-diir wa
l-rafiq qabla l-tar7:q). In S, IT refers to the K. al-shihiib as a text by a
Sunnl author which includes a saying about the return of Jesus. The
reference is probably to the Prophetic tradition ending with the words:
wa Iii mahd7: illii clsii b. Maryam (al-Qu9.acl, ed. Silaff, II, p. 69; Abu
1- Warn Mu~tarn al-Maraghl, al-Lubiib fi shar~ al-shihiib, Cairo, 1390/
1970, p. 157).
The K. al-shihiib proved popular among Shlcls and Sunnls alike:
there are both Shici and Sunnl commentaries on it (cf. MK lith., III,
pp. 367-368). An anonymous (Shlcr?) Persian commentary composed
in 690/1291 and entitled Shar~-i fiirs7:-i Shihiib al-akhbiir was edited by
Jalal aI-DIn al-I:Iusaynl Urmawl Mulfaddith (Tehran, 1983).
Al-Daylaml's Firdaws also contains Prophetic dicta, and al-Daylaml
acknowledges his debt to al-Qu9.acl. Yet the material is organized in
quite a different way, the Firdaws being arranged alphabetically ac-
cording to the first significant word of the matn. There are also other
differences between the two works: the Firdaws, unlike the Shihiib, pro-
vides the name of the Companion who transmitted the saying (though
not the entire isniid); and it includes many more sayings (over 9,000, as
against 1,200 in the Shihiib). Shlrawayh's son, Abu Man:?ur Shahradar
b. Shirawayh (d. 558/1163) gave the full isniids in his Musnad al-
firdaws, while retaining the arrangement of the sayings unchanged; in
this he followed al-Qu9.acl in his Musnad al-shihiib.
547. * K. $iffin / Abu Alfmad cAbd al-cAzlz b. Yalfya b. A}:tmad al-
Jaliidi al-Azdl al-Ba~rl (d. 332/944)
Dh XV 52 no. 337
MD 96-97
This work is mentioned by al-Najashl (p. 240). IT cites two supplica-
tions spoken by cAll before going forth to battle. One of them is cited
by al-Kafcaml, apparently via IT (Junna, pp. 301-302 = Junna* fol 82a
= MD 96).

===} al-Sijill (Abu 1- CAbbas b. Nawbakht), see K. al-a Cmiil

===} K. sin7: I-mawiil7:d (al-Sijzl), see K. ta~w7:1 sin7: I-mawiil7:d

548. (+) K. sirr ansiib al- CAlawiyy7:n / Abu Na~r Sahl b. cAbd Allah
b. Dawud al-Bukhari al-Nassaba (alive in 341/952-953)
Dh XII 166 no. 1107

IQ 147/658
For the author see A Cyan, XXXV, pp. 408-409; Nawabigh, p. 137. It
is not clear whether he was a ShIcI (cf. Riya4, IV, pp. 234-235). AI-
Tihranl points out I:Iajjl Khallfa's error in attributing this work to a
teacher of Ibn cInaba (d. 828/1424); the author is already mentioned
in the Ta'riikh Baghdad (IX, p. 122). The text was published in Najaf
in 1382/1963 under the title Sirr al-silsila al- Calawiyya. IT cites the
passage on the mother of Dawud b. al-I:Iasan b. al-I;Iasan b. cAll b. Abl
Talib ( = p. 18 in the Najaf ed.).
549. + [al-Sirr al-maktum] / Abu cAbd Allah MuJ:.!ammad b. cUmar
b. al-I;Iusayn Fakhr aI-DIn al-RazI (d. ca. 606/1209)
N 204
For this work see GAL, I, p. 669. Its title does not appear in the Nujum;
instead, 1'+
refers to K. al-mulakhkha~ fima dda C ahu min al-#lasmat wa
l-si~r wa l-caza'im wa da Cwat al-kawakib. In his study of al-Razl (Fakhr
al-Diin al-Razii wa ara'uhu l-kalamiyya wa I-falsafiyya, Beirut, 1383/
1963, pp. 133-134), MuJ:.!ammad $aliJ:.! al-Zarkan argues convincingly
that 1'+was in fact referring to al-RazI's al-Sirr al-maktum. The word
mulakhkha~ appears at the beginning of this work in the edition cited by
al-Zarkan (though not in the Cairo n.d. edition), and al-Zarkan suggests
that IT called al-Razl's work Mulakhkha~ because the manuscript in
his possession did not include the work's title. r:r's description of this
work is taken almost literally from the opening sentence of al-Sirr al-
maktum (Cairo, n.d., p. 2). IT notes that al-Razl wrote the work for
the Khwarazm Shah (i.e. cAla' aI-DIn Takish, r. 567-596/1172-1200;
cf. Bosworth, The Islamic Dynasties, Edinburgh, 1967, pp. 107-110).
This detail is missing from the Cairo edition of the Sirr, which was the
only one available to me. (Ms. Princeton University Library Garrett 933
[shelf number 168 L]is acephalous and could therefore not be consulted
for the opening sentences.) Matar's suggestion (p. 416) that the work
in question is al-Razl's K. al-mulakhkha~ fi I-Mkma is mistaken.
who possessed a copy of some 30 quires in al-Razl's handwriting,
says that at his death al-Razlleft this work in draft form. IT may have
thought that the draft in his possession was the only copy of the work,
and that al-Razl never prepared a clean copy. This view cannot easily
be squared with the fact that in three of his works al-Razl directs his
readers to al-Sirr al-maktum (for details see al-Zarkan, p. 110).
550. ** K. al-~iyam (or al-~awm) / Abu I-I:Iasan CAll b. al-I;Iasan b.
CAll h. (fl. late 3d/9th century)
Dh XV 102 no. 679
IQ 229-230/4, 244-246/13-14 and 16, 305/65, 318-320/76-78, 325/

In IQ, "b. cAlI" is missing; the full name is given in NajashI (p. 257, no.
676). Ibn Fa<;l<;lal's father al-I:Iasan (d. 224/838-839) was a disciple of the
Imam al-Ri<;la. The author is sometimes confused in the sources with his
grandfather cAlI b. Fa<;l<;lal. This confusion arises from the fact that both
are described as Fat}:lIs. This appellation fitted the grandfather, since
after the death of Jacfar al-$adiq he supported the imamate of Jacfar's
son cAbd Allah al-Afta}:l. Its application to the grandson is either an
error or an indication that after the death of al-l;Iasan al- CAskarI (whose
disciple he was, see TusI, Rijiil, p. 433, no. 12) he supported the imamate
of al-cAskarI's son Jacfar; Jacfar's adherents were also called Fat}:lIs (cf.
TusI, Ghayba, p. 135). See in general Tanqi~, nos. 2570, 8226.
551. **? K. al-~iyiim / anon.
D* fol 7a-b
This excerpt (which is cited via the Duru c in BA, XCVII, pp. 104-105)
describes the fasting practices of various prophets.
552. **? K. al-~iyiim wa l-qiyiim / Abu NuCaym (fl. early 6th/12th
IQ 435/207
In the excerpt cited, the Prophet is said to have sprinkled his family
with water on the night of the 23d of Rama<;lan. AfandI, noting that the
K. al-~iyiim wa l-qiyiim is cited in the Iqbiil, states that the author's
name as given by IT is Abu l-NuCaym, and suggests (Riyii, V, p.
524) that he may be identical with the Ra<;lI aI-DIn Abu l-NuCaym
h. Mu}:lammad b. Mu}:lammad al-QashanI (or QasanI) mentioned by
Muntajab aI-DIn (p. 194, no. 520).

==} K. siyar al-a'imma (anon.), see Ba c siyar al-a'imma

553. **+K. Siyar al-Fiitimi alladhimalaka Tabaristiin al-Qasan b. cAli

al-ma cruf bi I-Nii~ir Ii I-Qaqq / Isfandiyar b. Mihrniish al-NaysaburI
(fl. early 5th/11th century?)
N 175-176
This biography of the Caspian ZaydI Imam Abu Mu}:lammad al-l;Iasan
b. cAlI al-Na~ir li l-I:Iaqq al-Utrush (d. 304/917) does not appear to be
attested elsewhere. The author (whose name is given in N* fol 117a as
Isfandiyar b. Shahrnush) was a ZaydI, as he reports in the introduction
to his work as cited in N 176. He cites directly (?) from Abu l-l;Iasan al-
AmulI (perhaps to be identified with Abu l-l;Iasan cAlI b. AbI Talib b.
al-Qasim al-AmulI al-Musta ~n bi llah, alive in 420/1029; cf. Madelung,
"Zu einigen Werken des Imams Abu Talib an-Natiq bi I-I:Iaqq", Der
Islam, 63, 1986, p. 10). The author also cites directly from al-Na~ir's
biographer Abu l-l;Iasan al-Zahid aI-KhatIb, who lived not earlier than

the Caspian Imam al-Natiq bi l-J.Iaqq Abu Talib Ya~ya b. 'al-J.Iusayn

al-But~anI (d. ca. 424/1033) (cf. Madelung, Qiisim, p. 162, n. 57).
In the work's title, Sirat should perhaps be substituted for Siyar.
IT states that he has two copies of the work in his possession, one
oid and the other new. The text, which praises al-Na~ir's mastery of
, various branches of knowledge, ~is not found in the material on him
in Madelung's Zaydi Imiims (although the emphasis on his knowledge
appears there, ,e.g. on pp. 211, 213). The fragment in N is different
from the material on al-Naf?ir li I-J.Iaqq ( = Naf?ir-i kabIr) on pp. 199-
204 of E. G. Browne's abridged translation of Ibn Isfandiyar's History
of 'fabaristiin, Leiden and London, 1905, pp. 199-204.
=:;. K. al-sufarii' (anon.), see K. ai-safar
=:;. $u~uf Idris (al-$abi'), see Sunan Idris
=:;. Sunan (Abu Dawud al-SijistanI), see $a~i~

554. + Sunan / Abu CAbd Allah Mu~ammad b. YazId Ibn Maja (d.
l' lS0/[om 45], 536/167, 543/170
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 147-148. IT used a manuscript copied
during the author's lifetime, on which was an ijiiza dated Sha cban 300/
Mar.-Apr. 913. The seven traditions on the MahdI referred to in 1'1
180 comprise the biib khuruj al-mahdi in the K. al-fitan (Ibn Maja,
Sunan, Cairo, 1372-3/1952-3, II, pp. 1366-8, nos. 4082-8). The tradition
referred to in l' 536/167 opens the K. al-adhiin (Ibn Maja, I, p. 232, no.
706) and the tradition cited in l' 543/170 is taken from the K. iqiimat
al-~aliit (Ibn Maja, I, p. 457, no. 1423).

555. **+ Sunan Idris / transmitted (?) by IbrahIm b. Hilal b. IbrahIm

al-~abi' (d. 384/994)
S 6, 39-40
For IbrahIm al-$abi' see Ell, art. "al-$abi'," (F. Krenkow). IT consulted
a manuscript about four quires long of the format thumn, which he
discovered in the waqf al-mashhad al-musammii bi l-'fiihir in Kufa (so
also in the quotation in BA, XI, p. 283), and from which he presumably
had his own copy made. The waqf's copy was in the handwriting of a
certain clsa, who translated it from the Syriac; the original text was
transmitted by (or cited from?) (Can) IbrahIm b. Hilal al-$abi'. IT cites
five excerpts (second quire, fols 1b, 3a, third quire, fols 2b, 5b, fourth
quire, fol Ib). The fourth excerpt is cited via the Sa Cd in MK, IV, pp.
113-114, but there the work is entitled $u~uf Idr'is. The beginning of
the third and the beginning of the fourth excerpt are cited in Ibn Fahd,
C Udda, p. 134. The excerpts are of a hortatory nature: readers are urged

to fear God, to call upon Him, to purify themselves before fasting,


not to be distracted during prayer, and to engage in supererogatory

prayers in addition to the obligatory prayers. The obligatory prayers
are described as three in number: morning (consisting of eight Suras),
midday (five Suras), sunset (five Suras). Unlike the $a~ii,'iJ Idrfs (see
List under this entry), this text seems to be of Sabaean origin, though
its precise significance remains to be investigated (it is not mentioned
in D. A. Chwolsohn, Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus, St. Petersburg,

==> Sunnat al-arba cfn (al-Rawandl), see Sanat al-arba cfn

(+) $uwar al-kawiikib al-thiibita / Abu I-I:Iusayn cAbd al-Ral]man

b. cUmar al-~iifi (d. 376/986)
Dh XV 97 no. 636
N 64, 68-69
For the author (who was an eminent astronomer) see EI2, art. "cAbd
al-Ral.unan b. cUmar al-$ufi" (S. M. Stern); GAS, V, pp. 309-310, VI,
pp. 212-215, VII, pp. 168-169. His description of the fixed stars is his
best-known work. It is preserved in numerous manuscripts and was
published in Hyderabad in 1954 (see GAS, VI, pp. 214-215 for details).
According to al-Tihranl, this work is cited by IT in the Nujum (cf. also
Al Yasln, p. 291); the quotation, however, is indirect, via al-Karajakl's
Kanz al-Jawii'id (N 64: wa qad bayyanahu fi I-juz' al-awwal min kitiibihi
I-ma cmul fi l-~uwar; N 68: wa l-$ufi yaqulu fi kitiib al-~uwar; see al-
Karajakl, Kanz, II, pp. 228, 231). IT mentions Abu I-I:Iusayn al-$ufi
(at N 145) as having taught astronomy to cA<;lud al-Dawla. Cf. also N
556. + K. al-tabaqiit al-kabfr / Abu cAbd Allah Mul:tammad b. Sacd
al-Ba~rl al-Zuhrl Katib al-Waqidl (d. 230/845)
F 75/72, L 12-13/14-15, T 215-217/[om 56], 275/77 (printed erro-
neously as 78), 290/81
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 300-301. The passage in L is intro-
duced by qiila Ibn cAbbiis fi l-rabaqiit, and the author's name is not
provided. The reference is most likely to Ibn Sa cd's work: the passage
is a condensed version (with the same isniid) of Ibn Sa cd/ Turiithunii,
pp. 128-131. The story is also cited from Ibn Sa cd in Sibt Ibn al-Jawzl,
Tadhkira, pp. 232-233. The excerpts in T deal mainly with Anas b.
Malik's greed. The passage in F (taken from the seventh juz') refers to
the tradition that the Prophet's milk brother Abu Sufyan b. al-I:Iarith
dug his own grave three days before he died ( = Ibn Sa cd, IV, p. 53).
557. * Tacbfr (or taJsfr) al-ru'yii / Abu Jacfar Mul;tammad b. YaCqub
al-K ulinI (d. 329/941)

Dh IV 208 no. 1042

MD 333, N 87
This work is referred to as Ta C bir al-ru 'yii in Najashl (p. 377, no. 1026),
in the Ma ciilim (p. 99, no. 666), in MD, and in the quotation from the
Nujum in BA, LVIII, p. 242. The title Tafsir al-ru 'yii is attested in
Tusl (Fihrist, p. 165, no. 603) and in N. In the excerpt in MD, Musa
al-Ka~im appears to his son al-Ri<;lii in a dream and teaches him a
supplication. In N, Ja cfar al-Sadiq declares that while some astrologers
make correct predictions, the predictions of others are false.
A citation from the Ta C bir al-ru 'yii appears in the K ashkul of Baha'
aI-DIn al- cAmilI (known as Shaykh Baha'I, d. 1030/1621 or 1031/1622),
indicating that it may still have been extant in his time; see Bosworth,
Bahii' aI-Din al-cAmilz, p. 44, n. 136.
For the taCbir al-ru'yii literature see M. J. Kister, "The Interpre-
tation of Dreams: an Unknown Manuscript of Ibn Qutayba's (CIbiirat
al-Ru 'yii''', lOS, 4, 1974, pp. 67-103.

===> K. tabyzn sirat al-khulafii' al-miltriyyzn, see al-Majiilis wa l-musii-


558. + K. (or Risiila) fi tadbzr safar al-~ajj / Qusta b. Luqa al-

BaclabakkI (d. early 4th/10th century)
A 153-181/165-198
For the author, a Christian physician and translator, see GAS, III,
pp. 270-274. The title of this work appears in A as K. Qustii b. Luqii
al- Yuniinz ilii AM Mu~ammad al-Qasan b. Makhlad fimii camilahu fi
tadbzr badanihi fi safarihi ilii l-~ajj. IT himself refers to this work as a
K. ltannafahu Qustii b. Luqii Ii Abz Mu~ammad al-Qasan b. Makhlad fi
tadbzr al-abdiin fi I-safar Ii l-saliima min al-mara4 wa l-khatar. The form
al-abdiin appears in A, as also in the three manuscripts of the Amiin
consulted (A* fol110b, A** fol60a, A*** foI117a). The entire work is
preserved in the Amiin, as noted in GAL, I, p. 222, GAS, III, p. 271,
no. 10 (under the title: Risiila fi tadbzr al-badan fi I-safar). A critical
edition (with commentary, glossary, indices and an English translation) .
is now available, based on Al and three manuscripts. See G. Bos, The
Treatise of Qustii ibn Luqii on the Regimen during the Pilgrimage to
Mecca, Amsterdam, 1989 (with biographical details of the author on
pp. 2-3).
559. *+ al- Tadhyzl / Abu I-Faraj Sadaqa b. al-I.Iusayn b. al-I.Iasan Ibn
al-J:Iaddad al-I.IanbaII (d. 573/1177)
N 185-186
For the author see Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, I, pp. 339-342; Rosenthal, Histo- .
riography, p. 83, n. 1 and the sources given there. In both Nand N*

(fol 123b), his name is given as $adaqa b. al-I:Iasan. The Tadhyzl is

an alternative title of al- Ta'r'ikh (al-murattab) Cala l-sin'in, which is a
continuation of the Ta'r'ikh of Ibn al-I:Iaddad's teacher cAll b. CUbayd
Allah b. Na~r Ibn al-Zaghunl al-I:Ianball from the year of the latter's
death in 527/1132 until shortly before Ibn al-I:Iaddad's own death (cf.
Rosenthal, Historiography, p. 82, n. 5 and the sources given there).
The passage is taken from the fifth volume, the section dealing with
the year 548/1153-4. For another excerpt from this work, part of the
section dealing with the year 554/1159, see Ibn Khallikan, VI, p. 253.
The latest author adduced by Rosenthal as citing from this work is
al-Dhahabl (d. 748/1348).
Ibn al-I:Iaddad also wrote an abridgement of al-Khatlb's Ta'rzkh
Baghdad, from which IT cites indirectly, via the Majmu C of Warram
(see List under this entry; cf. Y 19/150, 184/479).
=} K. al-tadhy'il (Ibn al-Najjar), see Dhayl ta'rzkh Baghdad
=} K. al-ta'd'ib (al-KarajakI), see Risala ila waladihi
=} Tafs'ir (CAbd al-Jabbar), see Fara'id al-qur'an wa adillatuhu
=} Tafszr (Abu l-Qasim al-Balkhl), see Jami c cilm al-qur'iin

560. ** Tafs'ir / Mul,lammad b. cAll b. al-I:Iusayn al-Baqir (d. ca.

117/735) (attrib.)
S 12, 121-123
For al-Baqir, the fifth Imam of the Twelver Shlcls, see GAS, I, p. 528.
In the passages as quoted (via the Sa Cd) in BA (XIII, pp. 45-46, 277,
XVIII, pp. 268-269, XXIII, p. 283, XXIV, p. 33), the work is referred
to as Tafszr mansub ila (A M J a Cfar) al-B aqir. IT describes the ma-
nuscript as qalab al-thumn Cat'iq, and cites from ajza' one to five. The
verses quoted are Q 2:67, 4:58, 9:119 (in conjunction with 33:23), 16:90.
In addition, the story is cited of the rod which Adam brought from Par-
adise and which subsequently became Moses'; this story, which is known
from non-ShI, sources as well (cf. Ef 2 , art. "cA~a" [A. Jeffery]), may
well have been taken from the commentary on Q 20:18-19.
The only known Tafs'ir of the fifth Imam is that transmitted by Abu
l-Jarud (see GAS, I, p. 528; Efr, art. "Abu'l-Jarud" [W. Madelung]),
of which parts were incorporated in cAll b. IbrahIm al-QummI's Tafs'ir
(the Tafs'ir al- Qummz as we have it being a composite work consisting
of elements of Tafsi:r AM l-Jiirud and al-Qumml). Only some of the
material cited by IT appears in Tafs'ir al- Qummz. A tentative conclu-
sion is that this material comprises either excerpts of Abu l-Jarud's
transmission not included in al-QummI, or a different Tafs'ir ascribed
to al-Baqir which is not otherwise attested.
561. *+ Tafszr / Yal,lya b. Ziyad aI-Farra' (d. 207/822)

Dh IV 298 no. 1308, XXI 206 no. 4635

S 22-23, 260-270
For the author see GAS, VIII, pp. 123-125. AI-KhatIb ai-BaghdadI men-
tions two recensions of this work: (a) that of Mul,1ammad b. al-Jahm
al-Simmarl (d. 277/890-891), who wrote at aI-Farra' 's dictation (ef.
Ta'r?:kh Baghdiid, II, p. 161); it is this recension which has been pub-
lished (I, ed. Al,1mad Yusuf al-Najati and Mul,1ammad cAll aI-Najjar,
Cairo, 1955, r~pr. 1980; II, ed. aI-Najjar, Cairo, 1966; III, ed. cAbd al-
Fattal,1 Ismac"n Shaiabi and cAll al-NajdI Naf?if, Cairo, 1972); (b) the re-
cension of al-Farra' 's student Salama b. cAf?im. AI-KhatIb aI-BaghdadI
reports that after al-Farra' had completed a session of dictation and the
students had left, Salama would arrive and read back the material to
al-Farra', who would enter changes; aI-KhatIb gives this as the reason
for the differences between the two recensions (Ta 'r?:kh B aghdiid, XIV,
pp. 152-153).
IT possessed two one-volume manuscripts of aI-Farra' 's work. The
first manuscript comprised seven parts (ajzii'), numbered ten through
sixteen; the excerpts cited indicate that it contained roughly the sec-
ond half of al-Farra' 's text. The second manuscript, with an ijiiza dated
409/1018-9, comprised seven parts (ajzii') numbered one through seven;
judging by the excerpts cited, this manuscript contained the entire
It is clear from the information which IT provides that the first
manuscript was in the recension of Mul,1ammad b. al-J ahm (in S 265,
read "ibn al-Jahm" for "Abu I-Jahm") and the second in the recension
of Salama (printed erroneously as Maslama) b. CA~im. A comparison of
the excerpts from the second manuscript with the printed edition of the
Ma ciin?: reveals only one significant difference, but this a notable one:
the exegesis of Q 41:11. This verse includes the words ataynii tii'ic?:n
("We come willingly"). In the printed edition, aI-Farra' follows this
reading of the text. In contrast, his comments in the recension of Salama
b. cA~im (as cited in S 263) indicate that he favoured the unusual
reading ataynii tii'ic ayn. It remains to be investigated whether any of
the extant manuscripts of the MaC iin?: are in the recension of Salama,
or whether the excerpts cited by IT are all that survives of it.
The following excerpts are cited from the first manuscript: S 265-266
(tenth part-to which IT also refers as the first part of the volume-
fol3a) = Maciin?:, II, pp. 183-184 (to Q 20:63); S 266 (eleventh part,
fol 5a, from line 4) = Ma ciin?:, II, p. 238 (to Q 23:61); S 267 (twelfth
part, fol la, from line 10) = Maciin?:, II, pp. 300-301 (to Q 27:87); S
267-268 (thirteenth part, fol 3b) = Maciin?:, II, p. 335 (to Q 33:6); S
268 (fourteenth part, folIa) = Ma ciin?:, II, p. 393 (to Q 37:147); S 269
(fifteenth part, folIa) = Ma ciin?:, III, p. 44 (to Q 44:54 and 56); S 269

(sixteenth part, folIa) = MaCant, III, p. 123 (to Q 56:18); S 270 (last
excerpt [presumably also from the sixteenth part, though this is not
stated], to Q 72:1, eighth line from the beginning of the exegesis of Q
72:1) = MaCant, III, p. 190. The excerpts from both manuscripts are
accompanied by IT's comments.
The following excerpts are cited from the second manuscript: S 260
(first part, fo15b) = MaCiint, I, p. 36 (to Q 2:50); S 261 (second part,
second quire, fol 2a) = Ma Cant, I, p. 190 (to Q 3:7); S 262 (third part,
second quire, fol 3 [not indicated whether recto or verso]) = Mac ant,
I, p. 367 (to Q 6:160); S 262 (fourth part, fol la, from line 14) =
Ma Cant, II, p. 112 (to Q 16:81); S 263 (fifth part, fol 1b, from line 10)
= MaCant, II, p. 231 (to Q 23:5-6); S 263 (sixth part, fol1b, from line
16, to Q 41:11; the text in Ma Cant, III, p. 13 is different, cf. above); S
264 (seventh part, fol1b, from line 16) = MaCant, III, pp. 183-184 (to
Q 76:16).
IT nowhere refers to this work as Ma Cant l-qur'an; instead he speaks
of Kitiib aI-Farra' or (as in S 267) of Tafstr aI-Farra'. Yet as is clear
from the foregoing discussion, all of these titles refer to the same work.
Ibn Shahrashub also refers to the Tafstr of aI-Farra', which he lists
among the sources of his Manaqib (see Manaqib, I, p. 13). Al-Tihranl
says (Dh IV 298 no. 1308) that Ibn Shahrashub's use of the title Tafstr
to refer to aI-Farra' 's book suggests that he meant a work of Qur'an
exegesis different from the MaCant l-qur'iin. In this al-Tihranl is prob-
ably mistaken: the fact that IT refers to the MaC iint as Tafstr suggests
that Ibn Shahrashub may well have done likewise .
Tafstr / Furat b. Ibrahim b. Furat al-Kun (fl. second half of the
3d/9th century)
Dh IV 298 no. 1309
For the author and his Qur'an exegesis see GAS, I, p. 539; Bar-Asher,
pp. 37-39; the introduction by Mu}:lammad al-Ka~im to his edition of
the Tafstr Furat (Tehran, 1410/1990). (I am grateful to Dr. Bar-Asher
for drawing my attention to this edition.) Mu}:lammad cAll al-Gharawl
al-Urdubadl states in his introduction to the Najaf 1354 edition of the
Tafstr Furat that it was used by IT in the Yaqtn; but it is not mentioned
in Y. According to al-Ka~im (introduction, p. 13), no author before al-
Majlisl (in the Bi~iir) is known to have cited from this Tafstr, with the
exception of al-J:Iaskanl in his Shawahid al-tanztl.

===} Tafstr (Ibn al-Ju}:lam), see Ta'wtl ma nazala

562. *+ Tafstr / cAbd aI-Malik b. cAbd al-cAzlz Ibn Jurayj (d. 150/

S 19, 221
For the author see GAS, I, p. 91. Sezgin mentions two recensions of the
Tafstr of which fragments have survived in the Qur'an commentaries of
al-TabarI and al-Tha clabI respectively. IT possessed an "excellent copy"
(nuskha jayyida), from which he cites the exegesis to Q 3:39 found in
the fourth quire, fol 2b. This passage is also found in al-TabarI's Qur'an
commentary (Jamie, III, p. 253), except that in al-TabarI Ibn Jurayj
cites from Ibn ~Abbas directly, while in S he cites from him via Mujahid.
563. *+ Tafstr / Abu CAlI Mu}:lammad b. cAbd al-Wahhab al-Jubba'I
(d. 303/916)
S 14-16, 142-183
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 621-622. For this work see D. Gimaret,
"Materiaux", pp. 284-285. That al-Jubba'l's Tafstr was a massive work
is already attested by al-MalatI, who describes it as consisting of over
100 juz' (K. al-tanbth, ed. S. Dedering, Istanbul, 1936, p. 32). IT pos-
sessed a ten-volume manuscript copied during al-Jubba'l's lifetime or
shortly thereafter (S 142, 183). Usually IT quotes from it verbatim,
but in two places (S 156, 180) he provides a paraphrase, saying that
al-Jubba'l's language is long-winded (Ii ajl tullaf~ihi). Only part of the
material in S comprises quotations from the Tafsrr; the rest consists of
IT's refutation of the views of al-Jubba'l, whom IT considers to be a fa-
natical opponent of the HashimIs: "It would seem that since he was no
longer able personally to assist the Umayyads with his sword, he fought
the HashimIs with his pen and tongue" (S 143). Other faults which IT
finds with al-Jubba'l are defective knowledge of Arabic (an accusation
already made by al-AshcarI, cf. Ibn cAsakir, Tabyrn, p. 138), ignorance
of the true meaning of the Qur'an, arbitrary interpretations, and sup-
pression of well-known facts (S 143, 171, 183). See further Kohlberg,
The fragments in the Sa cd are noted neither by Sezgin nor by R.
W. Gwynne (The Tafsir of Abu cAlr al-Jubba'i: First Steps Toward a
Reconstruction, with Texts, Translation, Biographical Introduction and
Analytical Essay, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Washington, 1982).
Sezgin suggests that fragments from al-Jubba'l's exegesis may be pre-
served in the extant section of the Tafsrr of Ibn Furak (d. 406/1015)
(cf. GAS, I, pp. 611, 622); yet an examination of ms. Fayzulla 50 (cov-
ering Ibn Furak's exegesis of Suras 23 to 114) has failed to uncover any
such fragments (Professor Gimaret, personal communication). Further
excerpts (likewise not noted by either Sezgin or Gwynne) are found in
al-TusI's Tibyiin and (according to Professor Gimaret) in al-I;Iakim al-
JushamI's Qur'an commentary. A reconstitution of al-Jubba'l's Tafsir
is currently being undertaken by Professor Gimaret.

564. + Tafszr / Mul:tammad b. al-Sa'ib al-Kalbi (d. 146/763)

Dh IV 311 no. 1318
S 17-19, 207, 209-216, 218-221
For the author see EI2, art. "al-KalbI" (W. Atallah); GAS, I, pp. 34-35
(where numerous manuscripts of his Tafszr are mentioned). AI-KalbI
was known to be close to the ShI(a (see J. van Ess, Ungenutzte Texte
zur Karriimzya, pp. 46-47).
Ir refers to three volumes in his possession: (a) ajzii' 11-19, covering
(part of?) Sura 3 to the end of Sura 6; (b) ajzii' 18-24; (c) Sura 47 to
the end of the Qur'an. In all the isniids given by Ir, al-KalbI cites from
Ibn (Abbas via Abu $alil:t Badham (for whom see e.g. T. Nagel, Die
Qi!}a!} al-anbiyii', Ph. D. dissertation, Bonn, 1967, pp. 53-56) (S 211,
213-214, 218-220).
The following excerpts are cited: (a) from the first volume: S 209-
210 = eleventh juz', fol 3b (to Q 3:68); S 210 = twelfth juz', first quire,
fol 7b (no verse cited); S 210-211 = thirteenth juz', fol 2a (to Q 3:185);
S 211 = fourteenth juz', fo13a (to Q 4:48); S 211-212 = fifteenth juz',
fol 2a (to Q 4:100); S 212 = sixteenth juz', fol 2a (to Q 5:21); S 213
= the end of the sixteenth to the beginning of the seventeenth juz'
(to Q 5:15); S 213 = eighteenth juz', fol 8b (to Q 6:20); S 213-214 =
nineteenthjuz', fol14a (to Q 6:143); (b) from the second volume: S 218
= twentieth juz', fol lOa (citing Q 20:79, 28:38, 79:24); S 218-219 =
twenty-first juz', fo13b (to Q 13:13); S 219 = twenty-secondjuz', fo12b
(explication of janniit (adn); S 219-220 = twenty-third juz', starting on
the sixth line (sc. from the beginning?) (min siidis sa1r min f+awwal?)
qii'ima minhu) (to Q 17:81); S 220-221 = twenty-fourthjuz', starting on
the eighth line (se. from the beginning?) (to Q 18:1); (c) from the third
volume: S 214-216 = the end of the opening page of Sura 68 (Nun).
In addition, Ir cites (in S 207) from the exegesis to Q 5:52 without
further details; this excerpt may have appeared in the first volume.

===> Tafszr (Mul:tammad b. Mu'min al-ShIrazI), see K. nuzul al-qur'iin

fi sha 'n amzr al-mu'minzn

565. **+ Tafszr / Abu Isl:taq IbrahIm b. Al:tmad al-FaqIh al-Qazwini

(d. after 340/951-952?)
Dh XXVI 216 no. 1094
S 11, 70-71, 112-113
A number of scholars bearing this name are mentioned in QazwInI,
II, pp. 97-104. Perhaps our author is IbrahIm b. Al:tmad b. (Abd
Allah b. YazId al-RazI Abu Isl:taq al-Qa<;lI nazIl QazwIn, described as
a faqzh according to the Kufan (i. e. I:Ianafi) school (( alii madhhab al-
Kujiyyzn) (d. after 340/951-952) (QazwInI, II, pp. 101-102; see also

Ta'r?:kh Baghdad, VI, p. 10). According to one of the isnads ~ited by

IT (S 70), the author transmitted from cAlI b. Sahl, who is perhaps
to be identified with Abu l-ij:asan cAlI b. Sahl b. al-Mughlra al-Bazzar
aI-BaghdadI (d. 270/883-884 or 271/884-885) (Tahdh'ib, VII, pp. 329-
330). He also transmitted from Mul).ammad b. AbI YaCqub al-Jawwal
al-Dlnawarlwho transmitted from Jacfar b. ~al?r (unidentified) in ij:iml?
_cAbd al-Razzaq-Macmar.
This Tafs'ir, which IT describes as a one-volume work (S 112), is
not attested elsewhere. IT cites from the commentary on Q 5:67 and Q
18:9 (the latter appearing in the fourth quire, fo12a). The commentary
on Q 5:67 is on the authority of al-Baqir via Ziyad b. al-Mundhir (i.e.
Abu I-Jarud); it could thus have formed part of Abu l-Jarud's Tafs'ir.
This material is not found in CAlI b. IbrahIm al-QummI's Tafs'ir, but a
similar version (also on the authority of Abu l-Jarud from al-Baqir) is
transmitted from al-KullnI (see Burhan, I, p. 480). The commentary on
Q 18:9, on cAlI's miraculous meeting with the a~~ab al-kahf and their
acknowledgement of him as a legatee of the Prophet, is likewise known
(in a somewhat different version) from ImamI sources (see Burhan, II,
pp. 457-458). It is thus clear that our author, though described by IT
as a SunnI (S 113), was in fact strongly pro-cAlid.
566. *+ Tafs?:r / Abu l-ij:asan CAlI b. clsa b. CAlI al-Nal).wI al-
Rummanial-Warraq (d. 384/994)
Dh IV 275 no. 1272
S 21-22, 250-252
Excerpts from this work are found in al-TusI's Tibyan. IT's copy cov-
ered only the middle of Sura 9 to the end of the Qur'an. The first
excerpt (taken from the first juz', second quire, fol 9a) deals with the
words al-ra~man al-ra~'im (S 250). Al-RummanI holds that these words
are synonymous, and that al-ra~'im is only used for emphasis; IT argues
that the two words have different meanings .. The second excerpt (taken
from the first folio) is an exegesis of Q 9:68 (S 251). Here al-RummanI
states that every act of hypocrisy is unbelief-a view again disputed
by IT. Cf. -,;al-Nukat fi iCjaz al-qur'an.

==> Tafs'ir (al-Tha ClabI), see al-Kashf wa I-bayan

==> K. al-tafs'ir (anon.), see Mukhta~ar kitab Mu~ammad b. al-cAbbas
(b. cAI'i) b. Marwan

567. Tafs'ir ean} ahl al-bayt calayhim ai-salam / anon. (or Abu cAbd
Allah Mul]ammad b. Ibrahim) (fl. 4th/10th century?)
Dh IV 262, nos. 1225-6, XXVI 217 no. 1097
[Duru c], S 12, 120-121

This probably refers to one of two works: an anonymous Qur'an com-

mentary which, according to al-TihranI (Dh IV 262 no. 1225), is pre-
served in a private library; or the Tafsir al-qur'iin Ii ahl al-bayt men-
tioned in the Ma ciilim (p. 134, no. 904, whence Dh IV 262 no. 1226),
whose author, Abu cAbd Allah Mul.Iammad b. IbrahIm, is perhaps to
be identified with Mul.Iammad b. IbrahIm al-NucmanI Ibn AbI Zaynab
(d. ca. 360/971), author of a partially preserved Tafsir (cf. Dh IV 318
no. 1342. Al-Nu cmanI, however, has a separate entry in the Ma ciilim,
p. 118, no. 783).
IT used a one-volume manuscript of the tiilibi format, of which the
beginning and end were missing. He describes it as consisting of twenty
quires or more, written in a delicate ancient script (khaHuhu Catiq daqiq)
and containing "strange stories" (riwiiyiit ghariba). The passage cited
(from fol 11a, quire number not given) is an account transmitted by
(wa fi ~adith) CAlI b. IbrahIm b. Hashim al-Qummlon the authority of
Ja cfar al-$adiq. The text is a commentary on Q 12:17-18, which tells of
how Joseph's brothers presented his blood-stained shirt to Jacob. This
passage appears (with minor variations) in al-QummI's Tafsir (I, pp.
According to AfandI (Riyii, VI, p. 49), IT in the Duru Ccites from
a work entitled K. tafsir al-qur'iin Ii l-a'imma, which AfandI says was
probably composed by a transmitter of one of the later Imams. No such
title appears in D*. Afandl quotes two isniids from this work. It is not
clear whether it is identical with the Tafsir (Can) ahl al-bayt.

===} Tafsir iiy al-qur'iin (al-Mufid), see Ay al-qur'iin

568. ** Tafsir gharib al-qur'iin / Abu cAbd al-Ral}.man b. Mul}.am-

mad b. Hani' (4th/10th century?)
S 21, 249
Nothing seems to be known of the author, unless he is to be identified
with CAbd al-Ral.Iman b. Mul.Iammad b. CAbd al-Ral.Iman aI-Sharif Abu
l-Qasim al-I;IasanI al- cAlawI, who transmitted the Tafsir of Furat b.
IbrahIm al-Kufi (see Nawiibigh, p. 148). In the passage cited (from fol
la, beginning with line 16, quire number not given), the tamannii of Q
22:52 is glossed as qara 'a. IT notes that this is a common interpretation,
and then proceeds to reject it (S 249-250).
569. + Tafsir gharib al-qur'iin calii ~uruf al-mu Cjam / Abu Bakr
Mul.Iammad b. CUzayr (or CAzlz) al-CUzayrI (or CAzlzI) al-SijistanT
(d. 330/941-942)
Dh XVI 49 no. 206
S 21, 247-248
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 43-44. Title in Dh: Gharib al-qur'iin.

This work, which is also known as Nuzhat al-qulUb or al- Tibyiin Ii tafsir
gharfb al-qur'iin, seems to have been popular among Imarrii authors: al-
KafcamI, for one, wrote an abridgement of it (see Riyii4, I, p. 23). IT
possessed two copies of this work, and cites one passage from each
nuskha. The excerpt from the first manuscript (foI4a) is an explication
of the word ~iriit ( = Gharib al-qur'iin, Cairo, 1342, p. 165). The excerpt
from the second manuscript (fol 1b, lines.4-5) is an explication of the
word mu'min ( = Gharfb al-qur'iin, p. 232).
570. *+ Tafsir mii dhahaba ilayhi l-mul~idun can ma crifatihi min
maciini l-qur'iin / Abu cAll Mu1).ammad b. al-Mustanir Qutrub (d.
S 23, 270-272
For the author see EI2, art. "~utrub" (G. Troupeau). This title refers
either to Qutrub's Maciini l-qur'iin or to his al-Radd calii l-mul~idin Ii
mutashiibih al-qur'iin, both mentioned by Ibn al-Nadim (p. 58). Nei-
ther work is extant (cf. GAS, VIII, p. 67, nos. 3, 6). IT possessed a
manuscript dated 409/1018-9. The passage cited in S (from the fourth
quire, fol 4b) is followed by IT's objections to Qutrub's exegesis of Q
571. ** Tafsir qa~idat al-Saliim?: / al-Sharif Abu Ya cIa Mu1).ammad b.
aI-SharIf AbII-Qasim al-l;Iasan al-Aqsasi (d. 415/1024-5?)
Dh IV 350 no. 1540
Y 153-156/416-420
This was a commentary on a poem of Mu1).ammad b. cAbd Allah (or
CUbayd Allah) al-Makhzumi aI-Salami (d. 393/1003) (GAS, II, p. 594)
in praise of cAll. The beginning of the poem as quoted in Y 154/416
(saliimun calii Zamzamin wa l-$afii) appears to be all that survives of it;
see the collected fragments of aI-SalamI's d?:wiin, ed. ~abI1). Radif (Shi Cr
al-Saliim?:, Baghdad, 1971), p. 80, no. 63; cf. the editor's introduction, p.
46 (read al-Saliimiyya for al-liimiyya). According to al-Amini (Ghad?:r,
V, pp. 5-7), the commentator is identical with Abu I-l;Iasan Mu1).am-
mad b. al-l;Iasan b. CAll b. l;Iamza al-Aqsasl al-Kufi, who for a number
of years deputized for aI-SharIf al-Murta<;la as leader of the pilgrimage
(imiirat al-~iijj). He died in 415/1024-5 (see the references given by
al-AmInI). Cf. al-Tihrani (Niibis, pp. 158, 160), who is less certain of
this identity. The commentator transmits from al-Sharif Abu I-l;Iasan
Mu1).ammad b. Jacfar al-Mu1).ammadl (fl. late 4th/10th century). IT
used a manuscript dated Rama<;lan 433/ Apr.-May 1042 which he says
is in al-SalamI's own hand; this is clearly impossible, so either IT erred,
or else the date as it appears in Y is erroneous. The nisba al-Aqsasl
refers to a village near Kufa (see Ibn al-AthIr, Lubiib, I, pp. 80-81; Ibn
cInaba, CUmda, p. 212 = ed. Najaf, p. 263; Darajiit, p. 505; A Cyiin, XII,

572. K. tafsir al-qur'an / Abu I-J:Iasan cAli b. Ibrahim b. Hashim
al-Qumml (alive in 307/919)
Dh IV 302 no. 1316
N 25-27, 8 10, 83-88
For this work see Bar-Asher, pp. 41-58. r:r notes (8 87) that his copy
consists of four parts (ajza') in two volumes. The passage in N 25-27 is
a quotation from al-Qumml's exegesis to Q 6:76 ( = Qumml, Tafsir, I,
pp. 206-207, with minor variations). 8 83-84 (third quire, fol 6b [sc. of
the first volume]) = Qumml, I, p. 59 (to Q 2:124); 884-85 (first volume,
second juz', nineteenth quire, fol1b) = Qumml, I, p. 277 (to Q 8:33);
8 85-86 (second volume, first juz' [ = third juz' from the beginning, as
IT makes clear], eighteenth quire, fol lOb) (in paraphrase) = Qumml,
I, pp. 377-378 (to Q 15:94-95) (note that in the printed edition the first
volume ends with the exegesis to 8ura 16); 887 (second volume, second
juz' [ == fourth juz' from the beginning], thirty-seventh quire, fol 3b)
= Qumml, II, pp. 146-147 (to Q 28:83). Each passage is followed by
IT's comments. The isnad preceding the exegesis to Q 28:83 begins in
S 87 with: ~addathani jaddi cAli b. Ibrahim can aMhi can al-Qasim b.
Mu~ammad etc.; in the printed edition (II, p. 146) the speaker is cAll
b. IbrahIm himself: ~addathani aM Can al-Qasim b. Mu~ammad. 8ee
also -4 Tafsir (Can) ahl al-bayt calayhim ai-salam. .
573. *- Tafsir al-qur'an / Abu I-Na<;lr Mu1;tammad b. Mascud b.
Mu1;tammad al-8amarqandl al-CAyyashi (fl. beginning of the 4th/10th
Dh IV 295 no. 1299
For the author and his work see GAS, I, p. 42; Nawabigh, pp. 305-306;
Bar-Asher, pp. 58-62. The author's death-date is given as 320/932 by
Ka1;t1;tala (XII, p. 20) (and Sezgin also writes "gegen 320/932"); but as
Bar-Asher (p. 240, n. 141) has pointed out, there is no attestation for
this date in the early sources.
IT says that in his (lost) K. al-bahja he referred to al-CAyyashl's
Tafsir (among other sources) for the meaning of Q 35:32. The printed
edition of this work comprises the first half only, covering the first
18 Suras. The latter part was already unknown in the late 11th/17th
century: al-J:Iurr al- cAmil1 says that "the second half has not reached
us" (Wasa'il, IX/3, p. 48; similarly Ithbat, I, p. 55); see also Mu1;tam-
mad J:Iusayn al-Tabataba'l's introduction to CAyyashl's Tafsir, I, p.
dal ( = 4). Yet there is no doubt that al-CAyyashl did complete his
commentary: quotations from the second half are found in al-Tabrisl's
Majma C(e.g. XVIII, p. 68, to Q 24:55, XXVIII, pp. 120-121, to Q 66:1-

5). At one point in the first half of his Tafszr (II, p. 264, to Q 16:68),
al- CAyyashl cites his own exegesis of the beginning of Q 35:32 (lowe
this reference to Dr. M. Bar-Asher); yet from IT's formulation in S it
appears that he was referring to the exegesis of the entire verse. It is
thus likely that he possessed a copy of the whole text.
574. *+ Tafszr al-qur'an / Abu MuJ..1ammad Ismacll b. cAbd al-RaJ..1man
b. Abl KarIma al-Suddi (d. 128/745)
Dh IV 2i6 no. 1275
For this author see GAS, I, pp. 32-33; Sezgin suggests that it may be
possible to reconstruct al-Suddl's Tafsir in its entirety. IT maintains
that al-Suddl was a Sunnl (T 172/43). AI-1'ihranl, in contrast, empha-
sizes that he was a disciple of the fourth, fifth and sixth Imams, thereby
implying that he was a Shlcl; see also Quhpa'l, I, p. 216, A Cyan, XII,
pp. 7-17 and the sources cited there. This Tafsir appears in the list of
sources of Ibn Shahrashub's Maniiqib (I, p. 12).
IT cites from al-Suddl's exegesis to Q 5:51, 53, 24:47-50, 33:53-54,
57, 43:41. The first of these passages (T 49/13) is also given in al-
1'abarl's Jami C(VI, p. 288) from al-Suddl. The material which IT cites
from al-Suddl's exegesis to Q 43:41 (1' 143/43) is different from that
which al-Tabarl (Jami c, XXV, p. 76) cites from al-Suddl for the same
verse. No verse is cited in l' 172/43. The longest quotations from al-
Suddl in l' are not found in al-TabarI. These are T 492-493/152-153
(to Q 33:53-54, 57), T 493-494/153 (to Q 24:47-50), and l' 494-495/153
(to Q 5:51, 53). This material contains traditions strongly critical of
CUthman. It remains to be investigated whether aI-Tabar! and IT used
the same recension of al-Suddl, with al-Tabarl deleting passages which
he found offensive (such as the anti-CUthman material), or whether
there was, in addition to the recension used by al-Tabarl, a second
(more pro- CAlid?) recension, which is the one cited by IT and other
Shl(l authors.
575. +- Tafszr al-qur'an / Abu Jacfar MuJ..1ammad b. JarIr al-Tabari
(d. 310/923)
F 116-117/109
For this work see GAS, I, pp. 327-328 (where it is referred to by its al-
ternative title, Jami c al-bayan Can ta'wil fay] al-qur'an; see also Sbath,
p. 15, no. 277). The passage in F is an interpolation added by IT two
years after the completion of the Fala~ al-sa'il. In it he notes that some
commentators cited by al-Tabarl in the first juz' of the Tafszr agree
with his (IT's) interpretation of the meaning of "God's anger". The
reference is probably to al-Tabarl's discussion of the meaning of divine
}ha4ab in the context of his commentary on Q 1:7 (Jamie, I, pp. 80-81).

There, an unnamed exegete (or a number of exegetes, ba C 4) is quoted

for the view that God's anger, being one of His attributes, differs from
men's anger. This accords with IT's view as expressed in F 116/109.
(In S 73, IT cites aI-Tabar! via al-Tusl; see Jami c, XII, p. 15, to Q
11:17, whence TusI, Tibyan, V, p. 528.)

==> Tafsi:r al-qur'an (al-Tabrisl), see Jawami c al-jami C

576. (**)? K. tafsi:r al-qur'an / anon.

S 221-222
The manuscript began with an exegesis to Q 2:235. IT objects to the
author's interpretation of Q 3:7.
577. (**)? K. tafsi:r al-qur'an / anon.
S 231
IT used a manuscript of the format rubc. He objects to the interpreta-
tion ofthefawatilp a-l-m (Q 2:1) and a-l-m-/} (Q 7:1) as ana llahu aClam
and ana llahu af C al respectively.
578. **+ Tafsi:r al-qur'an can ahl bayt rasul allah / Abu l-cAbbas
Al).mad b. Mul).ammad b. Sacld Ibn CUqda (d. 333/944)
Dh IV 245 no. 1188, XXVI 216 no. 1096
MJ:I 17-18/7, S 11-12, 71, 117-120
Title as in S 11, 117. Title in MI:I: Tafsi:r al-qur'an; in S 71: Ibn C Uqda
. .. fi kitab tafsi:rihi. This Tafsi:r is referred to by al-Najashl (pp. 94-95,
no. 233), who describes it as a large beautiful book which none of his
authorities has mentioned. IT possessed a one-volume manuscript of the
format rubc (S 117). He cites from the exegesis to the following verses:
(a) Q 2:259 (third quire, fol 2b) = S 117-118; this fragment is almost
identical with Tafsi:r al- CAyyashi:, I, pp. 140-141. (b) Q 7:163 (sixth
quire, folIa) = S 118-119; this fragment is almost identical with Tafsi:r
al-Qummi:, I, pp. 244-245. (c) Q 9:105 = MI:I; as in a number of other
Shlcl texts (for which see e.g. Burhan, II, pp. 157-160), the mu'minun
of this verse are interpreted as the Imams. (d) Q 12:86 (seventh quire,
fol 7b) = S 119-120; this fragment is very similar to Tafsi:r al-CAyyashi:,
II, p. 188.

==> K. tafsi:r al-qur'an can al-~adiqi:n (or al-$adiqayn) (anon.), see K.

tafsi:r al- qur'an wa ta 'wi:lihi
==> K. tafsi:r al-qur'an Ii l-a'imma (anon.), see Tafsi:r (Can) ahl al-bayt
Calayhim aI-salam

579. *? K. tafsi:r al-qur'an wa ta 'wi:Iihi wa tanzuihi wa nasikhihi

wa mansukhihi wa mulpkamihi wa mutashabihihi wa ziyadat lpurufihi

wa jaa'ilihi wa thawabihi bi riwayat al-thiqat Can al-~adiqzn (or al-

$adiqayn) min al rasul allah / anon.
Dh IV 278 no. 1281
F 94-95/90, S 12, 121
Title as given by al-Tihranl. In S 121, for wa mu~kamihi wa mu-
tashabihihi the text has mistakenly wa a~kamihi (as also S 12) wa
mushabihihi, and for bi riwayat it has wa riwayat. The title in F is K.
tajszr al-qur'4n can al-~adiqzn (or al-$adiqayn). In S, the manuscript
is described as an "old bound book of Qur'an exegesis" (kitab ta/szr Ii
l-qur'an Catzq mujallad), while in Fala~ I (whence BA, LXXXII, pp.
290-291, MK, III, p. 20) IT says that he now possesses a "beautiful
old copy" of the work. The passage in S 121 comprises an exegesis
of Q 5:1; it is taken from the fourth quire (the folio number is not
indicated; the text reads min al-wijha al-thaniya min al-qa'ima min al-
kurras al-rabi C). As for al-~adiqzn/ al-$adiqayn, a case can be made for
either reading, depending on whether the reference is to all the Imams
or only to al-Baqir and al-$adiq. The traditions cited in F and S are
all on the authority of these two Imams, but this in itself is no proof
for the correctness of the readingal-$adiqayn. In F, IT refers to four
traditions identifying the Qur'anic al-~alat al~wusta (Q 2:238) with the
noon prayer. This tallies largely with the relevant text in al- CAyyashI's
Tajszr, where five such traditions on the authority of the two Imams
are recorded (I, pp. 127-128). It would, however, be mistaken to iden-
tify this Tajszr with al- CAyyashI's work: in the first place, IT elsewhere
mentions al-CAyyashI's commentary as a separate work; secondly, while
none of the traditions referred to in F is found in' al-QummI's Tajszr
(cf. I, pp. 79-80), the single tradition cited in S does appear there (with
minor variations) (I, p. 160, to Q 5:1), and not in al-CAyyashI.

===> Ta/szr al-ru'ya (al-KullnI), see Tacbzr al-ru'ya

===> Tajszr shija' al-~udur (al-Naqqash), see K. shi/a' al-~udur

580. +- Tajszr al-thamara Ii Batlamiyus / A}:lmad b. Yusuf b. IbrahIm

Ibn al-Daya al-Mi~rI (d. ca. 330/941)
Dh IV 348 no. 1529
N 128
On ps.-Ptolemy's K. al-thamara (Karpos) see GAS, VII, p. 44, no. 2;
Ullmann, pp. 283-284. The author (whom some-including IT-regard
as a ShIel) was a Tiilunid historian and astrologer; see EI2, art. "Ibn
al-Daya" (F. Rosenthal). His Ta/szr, which is extant in several manu-
scripts, was rendered into Greek and Latin (GAS, VII, p. 157).
581. + al-Ta/sir al-waszt bayna I-maqbu wa I-basit / Abu I-J:Iasan CAll
b. A}:lmad al-NaysaburI al- WaJ.tidi (d. 468/1075)

T 127/30
This is al-Wal.lldl's middle commentary on the Qur'8.n; see GAL, I, p.
524, S, I, p. 730. The author's name appears in T2 as Abu I-I;Iusayn
b. al-AQ.mad (sic) al-Wal.lldl. As noted earlier, this work (under the
title al- Wasft fi taJsfr al-qur'iin), together with al-Thaclabl's al-KashJ
wa l-bayiin, was a major source for the CAyn al-cibra of IT's brother
A}:tmad. It is also cited in al-Irbil1's KashJ (II, p. 169) and in Sbath (p.
51, no. 909).

====} K. al-tahajjud (Ibn Abl Qurra), see K. al-mutahajjid

582. Tahdhfb al-a~kiim / Abu Ja Cfar Mu}:tammad b. al-I;Iasan al-l'iisI

(d. 460/1067)
Dh IV 504 no. 2263
A 81/94, B 164-165, 174, 228, 232, 249-250, 287, 289, 292, D* fols
8b-9a, F 156-157/144, G 9, IQ 260/25, 556/338-339, 660/450,
69/598,117/635, J 184, 366-369, 394-395,417-418,447-448
This is one of the "Four Books" of the Twelver Shlcls. All citations are
taken from the K. al-~aliit or the K. al-~iyiim.
583. **+ K. al-ta~qfq Ii mii ~tajja bihi amfr al-mu'minfn cAlf b. Abf
'J'iilib calayhi l-saliim (Calii I-nujabii' min al-~a~iiba) yawm al-shurii /
al-I;Iakim Abu Na~r Man~iir b. Mu}:tammad b. Mu}:tammad (or A}:tmad)
al-~arbI(d. 17 JumadaII 381/31 Aug. 981)
l' 54-55/[om 14], Y 28-29/170-172
In T1/T* fol 13b/T Per 26, the author's name appears as al-I;Iakim
Abu Na~r al-Janr; this passage is quoted in BA (XXXVII, p. 268),
and there the correct form (al-I;Iarbl) is given. He is described as a
Sunnl who was already alive at the time of Ibn CUqda (d. 333/944)
(T), from whom he in fact transmits (Y). According to Y, the author
was a judge in Farghana. AI-Samcanl (IV, p. 115) adds that he later
became a mu~tasib in Bukhara, and notes his pro- cAlid tendencies (wa
kiina yatashayya C u).
11' used a manuscript copied on 12 Jumada 1372/2 Dec. 982 by Abu
l-Qasim al-Layth b. Mu}:tammad al-Sanjarl, a kiitib in Bab (a province
of Farghana) (Y). The excerpt in T includes the names of various trans-
mitters of the tradition, "You [i.e. CAll] are in the same position with
regard to me as Aaron was to Moses". This book does not appear to
be attested elsewhere.
584. (+)- K. ta~wfl sinf I-mawiilfd / Abu Sa cld A}:tmad b. Mu}:tammad
b. cAbd al-Jalll al-SijzI (d. 415/1024)
Dh III 487 no. 1912, XII 239 [no no.]
N 127

Title as in N* fol 85a. N has K. sin'l-mawal?:d. The author's name

appears erroneously in both N and N* as al-Sanjarl. IT quotes a state-
ment to the effect that al-Sijzl was a Shici (reading min culama'ina for
min culama'ihi; N* has min culama ' al-shi;C a ). This work is perhaps
identical with al-Sijzl's Jawami c kitab ta~w?:l sin?: I-mawal?:d, which is
a summary of Abu Macshar's book on the revolutions of the years of
nativities (K. a~kam ta~wZl [or ta~aw?:l] sin?: I-mawal?:d) and constitutes
the fifth part pf al-Sijzl's al-Jami C ai-shah?:. This Jami C is a collection
of thirteen treatises, mainly summaries in tabular form of earlier works.
See D. Pingree, The Thousands of Abu Ma cshar, London, 1968, pp. 21-
23; Ullmann, pp. 333-334; GAS, VII, pp. 142, no. 2,179, no. 5; Matar,
585. ** K. al-tajammul/ anon. (first half of the 3d/9th century)
Dh III 359 nos. 1294, 1296-7, 1299
N 2, 24-25, 99-101, 124
IT refers to this work as an a~l. He used a manuscript which had been
collated with the original text on 23 Sha cban 238/7 Feb. 853 (N 2, 24,
100; cf. GAS, VII, p. 26; Matar, p. 366). According to N 124, the work
itself was composed in 233/847-848 (alladh?: ta'r?:khuhu sanat 299).
It may well be that the full title of the K. al-tajammul was K. al-
tajammul wa l-muruwwa. Of six works mentioned in Shici bibliograph-
ical sources as K. al-tajammul wa I-muruwwa, four appear to belong to
the mid-3d/9th century, so anyone of them (or perhaps another work
not noted in the sources) might have been used by IT. The four were
composed by Abu Mul}ammad Ismacil b. Mul}ammad al-Makhzuml,
whose al- Tajammul wa I-muruwwa appears in Sbath, p. 12, no. 225;
cAli b. Mahziyar al-Ahwazl; Abu Ja (far Mul}ammad b. Drama; and
Abu Jacfar Mul}ammad b. clsa b. CUbayd b. Yaqt!n. The excerpt in
N 24 is taken from bab al-nujum and that in N 124 is from bab aI-fa '1
wa l-tiyara. The excerpt in N 100 consists of a correspondence be-
tween J a (far al-$adiq and Mul}ammad and Harun, the two sons of the
astrologer Abu Sahl b. Nawbakht. They ask the Imam whether it is
permissible to engage in astrology; he answers that it is, provided that
it does not impinge on God's unity. In N 2, J a cfar al-$adiq similarly
tells the Banu Nawbakht that the practice of astrology is licit. In N
24-25, the prophet hood of Noah and Abraham is reported to have been
foretold by the stars. The passage in N 124 concerns Mul}ammad b.
Abl CUmayr's interest in astrology.
586. * K. al-tajammul/ anon. (4th/10th century?)
Dh III 359 nos. 1293, 1298
MD 325, 359
There are good reasons for assuming that this is a different work from

the one referred to in the previous entry. First, the headings mentioned
in N refer to particular subjects while those in MD refer to biographies;
and secondly, the persons whose biographies are mentioned in MD ap-
pear to have lived later than the date of the manuscript mentioned in
N. Both passages in MD ~re from the first volume (mujallad). The pas-
sage in MD 359 is taken from the biography of Mul;l.ammad b. A1;tmad
b. Khatim (for ~atim?), who is perhaps to be identified as a son of
Abu Naf?r A1;tmad b. ~atim, d. 231/845-846 (cf. Ibn al-Nadlm, p. 61;
$afadl, VI, pp. 295-296). The passage in MD 325 (cited-probably via
the Muhaj-in Junna, p. 176 = Junna* fol 48a) is taken from the biog-
raphy of Mu1;tammad b. Ja cfar b. cAbd Allah b. Ya1;tya b. Khaqan. If,
as seems likely, he was a great-grandson of al-Mutawakkil's secretary
Ya1;tya b. Khaqan (cf. EI2, art. "Ibn Kha~an" [D. Sourdel]), then he
must have lived in the early 4th/10th century. The work in question
may therefore be either the K. al-tajammulof A1;tmad b. Mu1;tammad b.
al-~usayn Ibn Du'il (or DUl) al-Qumml (d. 350/961) (Najashl, pp. 89-
90, no. 223; Dh III 359 no. 1293) or the K. al-tajammul wa I-muruwwa
of Abu l-Muthanna Mu1;tammad b. al-~asan b. cAll al-Kun, from whom
al-Najashl transmits via two intermediaries (Najashl, p. 382, no. 1039;
Dh III 359 no. 1298).
587. + Tajiirib al-umam / Abu cAll A1;tmad b. Mu1;tammad b. YaCqub
(Ibn) Miskawayh (d. 421/1030)
Dh III 347 no. 1252
N 133, 192, 210-211, l' 275/[om 78]
Title as in N 192, 210; in N 133: Ta'ri:kh. Title in Dh: Tajiirib al-umam
wa ta Ciiqub al-himam fi I-tawiiri:kh wa nawiidir al-akhbiir. For a dis-
cussion of this work, including manuscripts and earlier editions, see
Arkoun, Contribution, pp. 120-127. A complete edition of this work,
based principally on ms. AyajSofia 3116 to 3121, is being published
by A. Emami ( = Abu l-Qasiln Imaml), Tehran, 1987-. The excerpts
cited in N (on al-Manf?ur and al-Ma'mun) probably appear in the third
and fourth parts respectively of the Aya Sofia manuscript (cf. Emami's
introduction to vol. I of his edition, p. 37). This material has appar-
ently not yet been published (I have seen only the first two volumes of
Emami's edition, comprising the text up to the end of the year 103/
In 1'1, IT refers to "Ibn Miskawayh $ii~ib al-ta'ri:kh al-musammii
bi Ifawiidith al-isliim" (the word al-musammii is missing from 1'1 but
is found in BA, XLIX, p. 208, where this passage is cited). This title,
which is not attested elsewhere, refers in all likelihood to the K. tajiirib

588. **+ K. tajzi'at al-qur'iin / Abu l-~usayn !A1;tmad b. Jacfar b.


Mul.:tammad b. cAbd (or CUbayd) Allah al-Munadi (d. 334/945-946

or 336/947-948)
S 20, 237-238
In S 20, tajribat is erroneously printed for tajzi'at. 11', who possessed
an autograph of this work, describes it as an abridgement (talkh,~)
(apparently of a longer work by al-MunadI). The excerpt consists of a
list of Suras arranged by seven groups called asba c; this arrangement is
ascribed to cAlI. The term asba c (or asba c al-qur'an) usually denotes
the seven sections into which the Qur'an is divided for purposes of
worship (cf. Lane, s.v.). Here it has a different meaning: it refers to seven
groups of Suras arranged not according to their order in the Qur'an but
according to some other principle whose nature is not clarified. Each
such group consists of either fifteen or sixteen Suras. 11' notes that the
total number of Suras in the list is 109, and enumerates the five missing
chapters. There is no obvious pattern to the groups, other than that
the first begins with Sura 2 (al-Baqara), the second with Sura 3 (AI
Clmran) and so on, except that the last group begins with Sura 37.
Within each group Suras belonging to later parts of the Qur'an usually
(but by no means always) appear after Suras belonging to earlier parts;
for example, the arrangement of the Suras in the second group is 3,61,
589. ** TaCliq / $aff aI-DIn Mul].ammad h. Macadd b. CAlI al-
MusawI (fl. early 7th/13th century)
N 55, 211
For the author (who was one of IT's teachers) see Chapter 1.1. In N 55,
the title is given as Ta Cliqa. Mul.:tammad b. Ma cadd wrote his Ta Cliq in
a volume into which he also copied a number of works by other writers.
The first item in this volume (which was in the possession of 11') was the
K. al-cilalof cAu b. IbrahIm b. Hashim al-QummI (see List under this
entry). The excerpt in N 55 shows aI-SharIf al-Murtac;la's favourable
attitude to astrology; in N 211, Mul.:tammad b. Macadd states that N-
w-b-kh-t should be pronounced "Nuwabukht".
590. al-TaCliq al-Ciraqi / Sadld aI-DIn MaJ::tmud b. CAlI b. al-I:Iasan
aI-ij:imma~i (or I:Iim~I) al-RazI (d. early 7th/13th century)
Dh IV 222 [no no.]' XXIII 151 [no no.]
N 74-81, 145-146, N* fol142b [om N 213], N 219
For the author see Chapter 1.1. AI-KhwansarI suggests (Raw4at, IV,
pp. 161-162) that this title indicates that the work is a commentary on
one of three Ta Cliqs of the SunnI author Rukn aI-DIn Abu I-Fac;ll al-
(IraqI b. MuJ::tammad b. al-ClraqI al-QazwlnI al-1'awusI (d. 14 Jumada
II 600/18 Feb. 1204, see Ibn Khallikan, III, pp. 258-259; cf. Matar,
pp. 357-358). Al- Ta Cliq al- Ciraqi, which is also known as al-Murshid ila

I-taw~zd wa I-munqidh min al-taqlzd or al-Munqidh min al-taqlzd wa 1-

murshid ila I-taw~zd, is a work of kalam and an important document of
Mu Ctazill doctrine within Twelver Shlcism. It was completed in al-I:Iilla
on 9 Jumada I 581/8 Aug. 1185, and is extant in several manuscripts.
According to Turathuna, 2/2-3, 1407, p. 400, it is about to be published
in Qumm (ed. cAbd Allah al-Nuranl al-Naysaburl). The excerpt in N
74-81 (on the validity of astrology) is interspersed with IT's comments.
591. *+ TaClzq macanz l-qur'an / Abu Jacfar A1).mad b. Mu1).ammad
b. IsmaCll al-Nal}l}as (d. 338/950)
S 21, 248-249
For the author see GAS, VIII, pp. 242-243. In S 248, read "al-Na1).1).as"
for "al-Najashl". Title according to GAS (VIII, p. 242, no. 1): Macanz
l-qur'an. The work is largely preserved. IT cites from the penultimate
quire, fol 4b (to Q 80:1).
==} TaClzqa (al-BizanF), see Kitab
==} TaClzqa (Mu1).ammad b. MaCadd), see TaClzq
==} Talkhzl} al-shafi (al-'fus1), see K. al-istZja'
==} TanbZh al-khawatir (Warram), see Majmu C

592. **? - K. al-tanbzh Ii man yatafakkaru fih / anon.

MD 201
This was the first of a number of works included in a volume of the
format nil}f al-thumn (cf. ~[Du Ca'] [al-Iskandarl]). It does not seem to
be attested elsewhere.
593. + Tanzzh al-qur'an can al-mataCin / CAbd al-Jabbar b. A1).mad
al-Asadabadl (d. 415/1025)
S 258
In S, min for Can. The excerpt is taken from fol 17b, to Q 2:146 ( =
Tanzzh al-qur'an can al-mataCin, Beirut, n.d. [1966?], p. 37).
594. **+ K. al-tanzzl fi I-nal}l} cala amzr al-mu'minzn (or fi tasmiyat
maw lana CAlz bi amzr al-mu 'minzn) / Abu Bakr Mu1).ammad b. A1).mad
b. Mu1).ammad b. cAbd Allah Ibn Abi I-Thalj (d. 322/934 or 325/
Dh IV 454 no. 2021
Y 45-47/210-214
Al-'fusl (Fihrist, p. 183, no. 663) gives the book's title as K. al-tanzu fi
amzr al-mu'minzn calayhi I-salam, while al-Najashl (p. 381, no. 1037)
has K. ma nazala min al-qur'an fi amzr al-mu'minzn calayhi I-salam.
I'f used a manuscript which may have been written during the author's
lifetime. Four passages from this work are cited, comprising commen-
taries on Q 3:106, 5:3, 7:172, 43:80.

595. **+ Taro/if ai-lata 'if fi ta'rfkh al-sawalif / CAbd al-Ral,unan b.

CAll Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597/1201)
N 184-185
In Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, I, p. 418 (where the title has al-fara'if for al-
lata'if) this work is described as consisting of one juz'. See also Isma~l
al-Baghdadl(d. 1339/1920), Hadiyyat al-carifin, Istanbul, 1951-5, I, p.
522; CAlwajl, Mu'allafat, p. 119. The passage in N seems to be the
only excerpt of this work so far known. It describes how the astrologers
predicted the rule of the Sasanian king Shapur I (r. 241-272 AD), who
founded Bishapur and built the Iwan Kisra (cf. D. Shepherd, "Sasanian
Art", The Cambridge History of Iran, 3 [2], Cambridge, 1983, pp. 1055-
1112, at pp. 1062, 1064).
596. *+ K. al-tarhfb wa l-targhfb / Abu I-Qasim Isma~l b. Mul;tammad
b. al-Fa<;ll b. CAll al-Tayml Qiwam al-Sunna al-ijJifl~ al-I~fahani (d.
535/1140-1 )
+ 548/171 and 173
For the author see $afadl, IX, pp. 208-209, 211 and the references given
there; GAL, I, p. 395, S, I, p. 557. In all versions of the Tara 'if con-
sulted, the author's name appears as Abu I-Qasim al-I~fahanl. In J:lajjl
Khallfa (I, p. 400) and Shadharat (IV, p. 106), the book's title is al-
Targhfb wa I-tarhfb. This is one of the sources used by cAbd al- cA~lm
b. cAbd al-Qawl al-Mundhirl (d. 656/1258) in his own al- Targhfb wa
I-tarhrb (cf. GAL, I, pp. 452-453, S, I, pp. 627-628). There are, how-
ever, only a few citations from Abu I-Qasim's work in al-Mundhirl's
Targhib since, as al-Mundhirl explains, he only cites from Abu I-Qasim
material which, in addition to being relevant, is not found in the other
sources which he (al-MundhirI) used (see al-MundhirI, al-Targhib wa
I-tarhfb, ed. Mu~taIa Mu~ammad CAmara, Beirut, 1388/1968, I, pp.
37-38, whence J:lajjl Khallfa). In +2, the passage appears twice because
it is part of a text mistakenly repeated (cf. Chapter 11.2). In the tra-
dition cited, the Prophet places a fresh palm-branch on the grave of
a man who during his lifetime had slandered people, in the hope that
this branch might alleviate his suffering. 1+ adduces this tradition as
proof that the Shlcls did not invent the custom. The tradition is not
cited by al-MundhirI.
597. K. al-ta crif / Abu cAbd Allah Mu~ammad b. A~mad b. cAbd
Allah b. Qu<;laca al-~afwani (d. 358/969)
Dh IV 215 no. 1076
IQ 239-240/11, K 5
According to IT, this is an epistle from the author to his son. In K it
is only referred to and its title is not mentioned. IT used a manuscript
dated Dhu I-J:lijja 412/Mar.-Apr. 1022. The passage cited in IQ is taken

from the chapter on the Rama<;lan prayers. Al-NurI al-Tabarsl saw ma-
nuscripts containing fragments of the K. al-ta cr1:j, some in the hand-
writing of al-Shahld al-ThanI and others in the MajmuCat al-Shah1:d in
the handwriting of Mul:tammad b. cAll al-Jaba cI (or JibaCI) (see al-Fay
al-quds1:, in BA, CV, pp. 2-165, at p. 71; MK, I, pp. 381-382, 386, 389,
400, 411, 414, 416, 421, 437, II, pp. 65-66, 223, III, pp. 211, 247-249,
266, XVI, pp. 234, 293). The editor of MK refers to an edition of the
K. al-ta cr1:j, but does not provide any information about it.
598. **+ Ta'r1:j al-qur'iin / cAll b. clsa b. Dawud h. al-Jarral]. al-
BaghdadI (d. 334/946) (attrib.)
S 23, 273-274
For Ibn al-J arral). see the references under al-TabarI's ~ K. ~ad1:th al-
waliiya. IT, anticipating a likely error, emphasizes that the first word
in the title ends on a j1:m; it is none the less printed in S 23 as ta'rtkh.
According to IT, the ascription of this work to Ibn al-J arral). is not
certain (al-kitiib al-mansub ilii ... Ibn al-Jarrii~). This CAbbasid vizier
is credited with a work of tajs1:r (see Sourdel, Vizirat, II, p. 523) known
as Ma ciin1: l-qur'iin wa tajs1:ruhu (aI-BaghdadI, Hadiyyat al-ciirifin, I,
p. 678), which has not survived. This may be the work cited in S.
According to IT, the Ta'r1:j consisted of 62 chapters. The excerpt cited
is taken from the fourth quire, fol 2a (to Q 8:65-66).
==> Ta'r1:kh (al- CAbbasI), see al- Ta'r1:kh al- C Abbiis1:
599. *+ Ta'r1:kh / Al).mad b. Yal).ya al-BaladhurI (d. 279/892)
l' 247/67
For the author see EI2, art. "al-BaladhurI" (C. H. Becker-[F. Rosen-
thal)); GAS, I, pp. 320-321. For the various titles of al-BaladhurI's His-
tory see Mul).ammad IJ:amld Allah's introduction to his edition of vol. I
of the Ansiib al-(];8hriij, Cairo, 1959, pp. 18-19. One of these titles, Jumal
nasab al-ashriij, appears in Sbath (p. 16, no. 294). The passage cited
reproduces the text of a letter sent by cAbd Allah b. cUmar to Yazld
b. MuCawiya after al-IJ:usayn had been killed. The letter opens with
the words: ammii ba cdu ja qad Ca~umat al-raziyya wa jallat al-mu~1:ba.
This passage is also cited from al-BaladhurI by al-Majlisl (BA, XLV,
p. 328) via a work of the cAllama al-IJ:illI which he does not identify,
but which is in fact the Nahj al-~aqq (p. 356). It does not seem to be
included in the published volumes of al-BaladhurI's Ansiib al-ashriij,
nor does it appear in the chapter entitled Maqtal al-Qusayn b. cAl1:in
ms. Siileymaniye Kiitiiphanesi 597 (fols 244b-251b).
==> Ta'r1:kh (al-IJ:akim al-NaysaburI), see Ta'r1:kh Naysiibur
600. **+ Ta'r1:kh / Abu I-IJ:asan Mul).ammad b. cAbd aI-Malik b.

IbrahIm al-Hamadhani (Hamdanl?) al-Fara<;l1 al-Shafi cr (d. 521/1127)

N 161-162
The work in question is apparently not the Takmilat ta'rzkh al- Tabarz
(for which see GAS, I, p. 327), since the Takmila begins with the
caliphate of al-Muqtadir (r. 295-320/908-932), while the excerpt in N
(which IT says is taken from the second volume) deals with the $al:lib
al-Zanj (active 255-270/868-883). Since only the first volume of the
Takmila is extant (ed. Albert Yusuf Kancan, Beirut, 1959), the excerpt
cited in N might in theory have been found in a later volume; it is im-
probable, however, that such a volume would have contained material
on events preceding those described in the first volume. The excerpt
is thus likely to have been taken from one of several other historical
works attributed to al-HamadhanI, all of which are lost (see Rosenthal,
Historiography, p. 292, n. 3). Cf. -+ Ghurar al-ma ciirif.
601. *+ Ta'rzkh / Abu I-Thana' ij:ammad b. Hibat Allah al-~arrani
(d. 598/1202)
N 202-203
The text in both N and N* (fols 135b-136a) is corrupt. In N it reads:
wa ra 'aytu fi ta'rzkhihi lladhz yusammii Jiriib al-bayt [for al-sayf?] mii
dhakarahu lfammiid b. C Abd Alliih al-lfarriinz Ii shar~ihi Ii kitiib Thiibit
b. Qurra. Text in N*: wa ra 'aytu fi ta 'rzkhihi Jawiib ai-sana ibn al-banii
[sic] lfammiid b. Hibat Alliih al-lfarriinz fi shar~ihi Thiibit b. Qurra.
Matar's rendition of this passage (p. 234) is not convincing. Perhaps the
sense is that IT is citing from the biography of the astronomer Thabit
b. Qurra found in the Ta'rzkh of ij:ammad b. Hibat Allah al-ij:arranI
(for whom see $afadI, XIII, p. 154 and the references given there). The
text which follows gives details of Thabit's life and mentions his death-
date (288/901).1:Iammad is the author of a (lost) history of 1:Iarran (see
Rosenthal, Historiography, p. 466), into which a biography of Thabit
would fit neatly.
+- Ta'rzkh / Abu Al:lmad cAbd Allah b. cAdi al-JurjanI (d. 365/
l' 81/20 ,
For the author see Rosenthal, Historiography, index, s.v.; GAS, I, pp.
198-199. His name appears in 1'2 and on the margin of 1'* fol 91b as
Abu Bakr (sic) al-JurjanI and in 1'1 and 1'* as Abu Al:lmad al-Jurjanl.
He is not known to have written a Ta'rzkh; perhaps this is an alternative
title of his al-Kiimil fi 4u cafii' al-rijiil (Beirut, 1404/1984), which might
be described as dealing with ta'rzkh al-rijiil. The title is cited via Ibn
Shahrashub's Burhiin.
602. *+ Ta'rzkh / Ibn A Ctham (Abu Mul:lammad Al:lmad al-Kuff) (d.

first half of the 3d/9th century)

Dh XVI 119 no. 208
K 57
For the author (referred to in K as A Ctham) see EI2, art. "Ibn A Ctham
al-Kuff" (M. A. Shaban); GAS, I, p. 329. Cf. U. Sezgin, "Abu Mignaf,
IbrahIm b. Hilal at-Taqafi und MuJ:!ammad b. A Ctam al-Kufi iiber
garat", ZDMG, 131, 1981, pp. *1*-*2*. His chronicle was published
as K. al-futul}, the title by which it is best known (Hyderabad, 1388-
In the passage cited, CAll tells cUmar that the Muslim armies will
conquer Syria regardless of whether he joins them or stays at home.
cUmar in turn calls CAll "the inheritor of the Prophet's knowledge"
(warith cilm rasul allah). This passage seems to be missing from the
Hyderabad edition.
603. + Ta'rzkh / clzz aI-DIn CAll b. MuJ:!ammad Ibn al-Athir (d. 630/
MF 96/107, 151-152/167-168,161/177-178, MN 39, l' 435/[om 132],
1'* fol 150b/1'** fo1193a [om l' 543/170], Y 183/477, 188/487
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 422-423, S, I, pp. 587-588. 11' cites this
work (known as al-Kamil) mainly as regards events in the early history
of Islam: the Prophet's last illness 1 435 = Ibn al-Athlr, Kamil, II, p.
320), the ridda of ahl Bal}rayn (MN = Kamil, II, pp. 371-372), events
from the year 15 (MF 161/177-178 = Kamil, II, p. 494) and the year
22 (MF 151-152/167-168 = Kamil, III, pp. 36-37), the reign of cUmar
b. cAbd al-cAzlz (MF 96/107 = Kamil, V, p. 62). Chronologically, the
latest excerpt cited is from the notice on al-1'abarl (Y 183/477, 188/487
= Kamil, VIII, p. 136).
604. *+ Ta'rzkh / Abu 1'alib CAll b. Anjab Ibn al-Saci (d. 674/1276)
MN 39-40
Ibn al-Sa'1 was born in 593/1197, i.e. four years after 11'~ with whom
he was acquainted (see Chapter 1.1). He was a librarian and seems to
have worked successively in the Ni~amiyya and Mustan~iriyya libraries
in Baghdad (see EI2, art. "Ibn al-Sacl" [F. Rosenthal]). Ibn al-SacI
wrote many historical works, but with one exception only small frag-
ments of them have survived. The exception is the ninth volume of
his al-Jamic al-mukhta~ar, covering the years 595-606/1198-1210 (ed.
Mu~taIa Jawad, Baghdad, 1353/1934). The excerpt in MN is taken
from the section of this book covering the year 621/1224, and so be-
longs to one of the missing volumes. It contains a supplication which
AJ:!mad b. MuJ:!ammad al-Qadisl al-lIarlr was inspired to pronounce
when he arrived penniless in Baghdad; after frequent repetitions of this
supplication he became a man of means. This excerpt is cited in part

(probably from the Mujtanii) in the lfawiishi of the Balad, p. 34.

==} Ta'rikh (al-J ahshiyarl), see K. al-wuzarii'

605. *+ Ta'rikh / Abu cAbd Allah Mul).ammad b. Musa al-Khwa-

raznai(d. ca. 235/850)
MN 5-6
For the author see GAS, VI, pp. 140-143. In MN* fol 201a, his name
is given as Mul).ammad b. Miisa b. al-Khwarazml. IT says that the
manuscript may have been copied during the caliphate of al-Musta ~n
(r. 248-252/862-866). The passage consists of a prayer uttered by the
Israelites when they were attacked by enemy forces; as a result of their
prayers their enemies were killed in a single night. This passage should
be added to the list of fragments from this work drawn up by Nallino
(Raccolta di scritti, V, Rome, 1944, p. 471, n. 5). Perhaps the two
prayers cited in MN 5 from ~ii~ib al- Ta'rikh were also taken from this
work. That al-Khwarazml's book dealt with pre-Islamic, as well as Is-
lamic, history can be seen from the passage on Alexander the Great
cited by Ibn Badrun (fl. 6th/12th century) (Shar~ qa~idat Ibn cAbdun,
ed. R. Dozy, Leiden, 1846-8, p. 15), as well as from the passage in MN.
See further Rosenthal, Historiography, index, s.v.; GAS, VI, p. 143, no.
606. **? Ta'rikh / al- cAbbas b. cAbd al-Ral).lm al-Marwazi
K 69-70
The author (whom IT describes as an historian [min a~~iib al-tawiirikh])
is unidentified. In K, the work's title is not provided. The section cited
by IT deals with the riddaj this section is quoted by al-Majlisl (BA,
XXVIII, pp. 11-12) from a work by IT which he does not identify but
which is evidently the Kashf AI-Majlisl refers to al-Marwazl's text as

607. *? Ta'rikh / al-Raw~i (Rul).I?) al-Faqlh (fl. early 5th/11th cen-

T 248-250/68-69, 551/172 and 174
The text in T2 174 is the same as T2 172. The author's name is given
as al-Rawlfi (Rul).I?) except in T2 172, where it appears as al-B-r-w-l).-I.
The passages deal with cAbbasid history (T 248-250/68: the year 218/
833; T 551/172 and 174: al-SafIal).'s funeral).
The identity of both author and work is problematic. Brockelmann
(GAL, S, I, p. 585) mentions Abu I-I:Iasan CAll b. Abil-Surur b. cAbd
Allah al-Rawl).1 (or Ruml, or Duml) who wrote a Tu~fat (or Bulghat)
al-~urafii' fi akhbiir al-anbiyii' wa l-khulafii', a history up to 427/1036,
with a continuation (by someone else?) up to 640/1242. According to

Brockelmann, there is a 1927 Cairo edition of this work, but I have not
seen it. Ms. Cambridge 225 bears an identical title and is apparently
the same work. It is a short history of the prophets and caliphs down
to the Fatimid al-~ahir Ii i czaz din allah (d. 427/1036) by Abu 1-l,Iasan
al-Duml (called on the title-page Ibn al-Ruml) (see E. G. Browne, A
Hand-list of the Mu~ammadan Manuscripts ... in the Library of the
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 1900, p. 39). This manuscript
does not contain the material cited by I'r, and is probably a different
work. My thanks to Dr. Patricia Crone for checking this manuscript for
IT's brother Al}.mad (Binii', p. 40) cites an al-Rawl,11 (Rulji) for a
report that at the Battle of the Camel the casualties on cAll's side were
some 1,000 dead, while the number of those killed fighting on cA'isha's
side reached 8,000 or 17,000. This al-Rawlji (Rul,1l) is probably also the
author cited in T.
608. *+ Ta'r1:kh / Hilal b. al-Mul,1assin b. IbrahIm al-~abi' (d. 448/
N 201, S 183-184
For this work see Rosenthal, Historiography, p. 82; in general GAL, I,
pp. 394-395, S, I, pp. 556-557. In N, the author is identified merely
as Hilal; in S, his name is given as Hilal b. cAbd (sic) al-Mul,1assin b.
IbrahIm al-$abi' (printed: al-$ababl). His History is a continuation of
the Ta'r1:kh of his uncle Thabit b. Sinan (see List under this entry), and
deals with the period up to 447/1055. The only extant fragment covers
the years 389-393/999-1003; see EI2, art. "Hilal al-$abi'" (D. Sourdel).
In N, IT refers to a passage in which the date of cA<;lud al-Dawla's birth
is given as 5 Dhu I-Qa cda 324/24 Sep. 936. In S, IT cites the report of
how Fakhr al-Dawla dismissed cAbd al-Jabbar from his judgeship; this
is taken from the third volume, the section covering events of the year
385/995-996. Neither excerpt is included in The Historical Remains
of Hiliil al-$iibi' [i.e. K. al-wuzarii' and Ta'r1:kh], ed. H. F. Amedroz,
Leiden, 1904. IT describes the manuscript which he used as old and
as containing a note in the handwriting of someone who might be the
author's son, certifying that he had read this work (to the author?).
609. + Ta'r1:kh / Abu Jacfar Mul,1ammad b. Jarlr al-Tabari (d. 310/
IQ 12/542, 64-65/593, 230/4, 534/318-319, K 71, N 27, 32-36, 133,
194-195, T 238/64, 245/67, 290/81, 408/[om 124], 552-553/175
IT refers to this work throughout as Ta'r1:kh; in Sbath (p. 12, no. 211)
the title is given more fully as Ta'r1:kh al-umam wa I-muluk. IT cites
al-Taban, among other things, in connection with incidents from the
lives of Abraham (N 27, referring to Tabarl, Ta'r1:kh, I, pp. 253-256) and

Kisra b. Hurmuz (N 32-35 = Ta'rrkh, I, pp. 1009-13); Abu Bakr's wish

to leave Mecca for Medina (IQ 64-65/593 = Ta'rrkh, I, p. 1228) and
his joining the Prophet in the cave (+1 408 = Ta'rzkh, I, pp. 1233-4);
the imposition of the Rama<;lan fast in Sha cban of the first year of the
hijra (IQ 230/4; according to TabarI, Ta'rrkh, I, p. 1281, this happened
in the second year of the hijra); cUmar's fear of going to Mecca on
a mission on behalf of the Prophet (IQ 534/318-319 = Ta'rrlch, I, p.
1542, under ,the year 6); the Prophet's death and burial (+ 290/81
= Ta'rzkh, I, p. 1805, K, referring to Ta'rzkh, I, pp. 1832-3); cUmar's
threat to burn down cAlI's home unless those inside gave Abu Bakr
the bayc a (+ 238/64, 245/67 = Ta'rzkh, I, p. 1818); the shape of Abu
Bakr's tomb (+ 552-553/175 = Ta'rzkh, I, p. 2131); Yazdagird (i.e. b.
Shahriyar b. Kisra) and the astrologer (N 35-36 = Ta'rzkh, I, pp. 2251-
3, under the year 14); cUmar's fixing of the hijra as the beginning of
the Muslim calendar (IQ 12/542 = al-+abarI, Ta'rrkh, I, p. 2480, under
the year 16); the astrologers' predictions of Abu Muslim's death (N
194-195 = Ta'rzkh, III, p. 104, under the year 137); and al-Ma'mun's
consultation with al-Fa<;ll b. Sahl concerning his chances of defeating
al-Amln (N 133, probably referring to Ta'rzkh, III, pp. 772ff)
610. *+ Ta'rrkh / Abu I-I:Iasan Thabit b. Sinan b. Thabit b. Qurra
al-$abi' al-I:IarranI (d. 365/976)
+ 356-357/103
: The author's name is given in + as Thabit b. Sinan. This work is a
continuation of al-+abarI's Ta'rzkh up to the year 360/971 (according to
, Yaqut, Udabii', VII, p. 142, citing Thabit's nephew Hilal b. al-Mu~assin
al-$abi') or 363/974 (according to Ibn al-QiftI as cited in Rosenthal,
Historiography, p. 82). 1+ cites a passage on the I:IanbalI Abu Mu~am
mad (+2: Abu Bakr) al-BarbaharI (i.e. al-I:Iasan b. CAlI, d. 329/941)
from the fourth (or seventh) juz' of this work: al-BarbaharI went into
hiding, and the caliph al-Ra<;lI (r. 322-329/934-940) issued a decree
(tawqzC) against the I:Ianballs. The beginning of this passage is cited
from Thabit's Ta'rzkh (presumably via the 'farii'if) in $iriit, III, p.
225. A somewhat different version of this decree is found in Ibn al-
Athlr, Kiimil, VIII, p. 308. For references to other quotations from
Thabit's Ta'rZkh see Rosenthal, Historiography, p. 503, n. 2. 11' notes
that manuscripts of this juz' are found in many ribiits and madrasas.
611. *- Ta'rzkh / Abu Isl).aq IbrahIm b. Mul).ammad b. Sacld al-
Thaqaff (d. 283/896)
Dh III 245 no. 904
+ 495/[om 153]
This work is mentioned by both al-NajashI (p. 18) and al-rusI (Fihrist,
p. 32). Ir says that it contains details on the injustice perpetrated

against cAll and on the defects of the first three caliphs, especially
CUthman. Cf. al-Thaqafi's -4K. al-ghiirat, -4K. al-ma crifa.
612. *+- Ta'rikh / Abu cAbd Allah Mul).ammad b. cUmar aI-Waqidi
(d. 207/822-823)
l' 238-239/64, 245/67, 495/[om 153]
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 294-297. In 1'1 495, there is a reference
to Ta'rikh al- Waqidi; in the other passages, only the author's name
appears. IT refers to al-Waqidl as a source on the defects of the first
three caliphs, particularly CUthman. The text in question may be the
K. al-ta'rikh wa l-maghazi wa l-mabCath (see Sbath, p. 12, no. 219) or
K. al-ta'rikh al-kabir. For a discussion of these works see M. Jones's
introduction to his edition of al-WaqidI's K. al-maghazi, I, pp. 13-14.
613. **? al-Ta'rzkh al-cAbbasz / anon. (or Al).mad b. IsmaCTl [b.]
Samaka, fl. first half of the 4th/10th century?)
l' 248-250/68-69
The text reads: wa qad dhakarahii ~ii~ib al-ta'rzkh al-ma cruf bi 1- cAbbasz
(1'* fol 62b: CAyyiishz). The passage deals with a risiila of al-Ma'mun
concerning Fadak. If, as appears probable, "al- cAbbasI" refers to the ti-
tle, then this title might refer to any of a considerable number of works
(many of them lost) dealing with the CAbbasid dynasty. Of these works,
perhaps the likeliest is the K. alcAbbaszof Al).mad b. IsmacIl b. cAbd
Allah al-QummI known as Samaka (see NajashI, p. 97, no. 242, whence
Dh III 264 no. 989). Al-Tusl (Fihrist, p. 59, no. 93), referring to the au-
thor as Abu CAlI Al).mad b. IsmacIl b. Samaka b. CAbd Allah, describes
the K. al-cAbbasz as "a large book of some 10,000 folios comprising a
detailed history of the caliphs and the cAbbasid dynasty; no other book
of its kind has been composed". The Akhba~ al- Cabbasiyyzn mentioned
by Ibn al-Nadlm (p. 154) may refer to the same work, although the
author's name as given there (Mul).ammad b. cAlI b. Sa cld known as
Samaka) is different. See also F. Omar, The cAbbasid Caliphate (132/
750-170/786), Baghdad, 1969, p. 14. A second, less likely, possibil-
ity is that "al- cAbbasI" is a nisba of the author; one such author is
Mul).ammad b. Mul).ammad b. al-cAbbas b. Arslan Abu Mul).ammad
al-cAbbasI Mu~hir aI-DIn al-KhwarazmI (d. 568/1173), who is credited
with a Ta'rzkh (SubkI, IV, pp. 305-307).

==> Ta'rzkh ahl al-bayt min al rasul allah (al-Jah<;lamI), see K. al-
==> Ta'rikh al-a'imma (Ibn al-Khashshab), see K. al-mawalid

614. + Ta'rikh Baghdad / Abu Bakr Al).mad b. CAlI al-Khalib aI-

Baghdadi (d. 463/1071)

BA, LXXXII, pp. 223-224 = MK, III, pp. 88-89, BA, XCIII, p.
378 = MK, V, p. 257 [om F], IQ 56/584-585, 663/453, MD 213,
276, MF 14-15/16-17, N 113, 207, 211-212, S 71, 192, r 15/5,
44/[om 13], 103-104/25, 106/26, 148/35, 357/[om 103], 514/[om
158], 525/163,550-551/172 and 174, 551-552/[om 174], Y 18-20/
149-151,33/180,47-48/215-216,128/368, 180-181/472,183/477
For the author see EI2, art. "aI-KhatIb aI-Baghdadi" (R. Sellheim).
The copy consulted by rr comprised twenty volumes (mujallad) (IQ
56/584, N 211). IT uses the Ta'rzkh Baghdad both for Sunnl ~adzths
and for biographies of non-Shl9:"s. For biographies of later scholars he
usually refers to Ibn al-Najjar's Dhayl, as well as to his own Ta~.'}zl (see
--+IT, K. al-ta~.'}zl; --+Majmu C [Warram]).
IT Cites, summarizes or refers to excerpts from the following biogra-
phies: Al).mad b. cAll al-Qanr (Ta 'rzkh Baghdad, IV, pp. 305-306; see
BA, LXXXII); Mul).ammad b. J:Iasan al-Naqqash (Ta 'rzkh Baghdad, II,
p. 202; see BA, XCIII); cAbd aI-Salam b. al-J:Iusayn al-Ba~rl (Ta 'rzkh
Baghdad, XI, pp. 57-58; see MD 213); Naf?r b. cAll al-Jahc;laml (Ta'rzkh
Baghdad, XIII, pp. 287-289; see MD 276); Nu caym b. J:Iammad al-
Marwazl (Ta'rzkh Baghdad, XIII, pp. 306-314; see MF, T 525/163 [cit-
ing from Ta'rzkh Baghdad, XIII, p. 308]); al-J:Iasan b. al-J:Iusayn al-
Sukkan (N, erroneously: al-cAskarl) al-Nal).wI (d. 275/888) (Ta'rzkh
Baghdad, VII, pp. 296-297; see N 113); Abu I-Faraj al-If?faham (Ta 'rzkh
Baghdad, XI, pp. 398-400; see N 207); the cAbba:sid caliph al-Man~ur
(Ta'rzkh Baghdad, X, pp. 53-61; see N 211-212); Al).mad b. Mul).ammad
Ibn CUqda (Ta 'rzkh Baghdad, V, pp. 14-23; see IQ 663/453, S 71, Y 33/
180); Abu I-Qasim al-Balkhl (Ta 'rikh Baghdad, IX, p. 384; see S 192);
Mul).ammad b. Dawud b. Sulayman (T, erroneously: Mul).ammad b.
Sulayman b. Dawud) al-Naysabun (d. 342/953) (Ta'rzkh Baghdad, V,
pp. 265-266; see T 15/5); Mulfammad b. al-J:Iasan al-Naqqash (Ta 'rzkh
Baghdad, II, pp. 201-205; see T1 44); Mucalla b. cAbd al-Ral).man
al-Wasitl (fl. late 2d/8th century) (Ta'rzkh Baghdad, XIII, pp. 186-
187; see T 103-104/25); cAbd al-Jabbar b. Al).mad al-Simsar (Ta 'rzkh
Baghdad, XI, pp. 112-113; see T 106/26); J:Iabshun b. Musa b. Ayyub
Abu Naf?r al-Khallal (d. Sha cban 331/ Apr.-May 943) (Ta 'rzkh Baghdad,
VIII, p. 290; see T 148/35); Lu'lu' b. cAbd Allah al-QaYf?an (Ta 'rzkh
Baghdad, XIII, p. 20; see T1 514); Sahl h. al-Mughlraal-Bazzar (Ta'rzkh
Baghdad, IX, p. 115; see T 550/174); the cAbbasid caliph al-Ta'i c
(Ta'rzkh Baghdad, XI, p. 79; see T1 551-552); al-Mufac;lc;lal b. Salm
(fl. late 2d/8th century) (Ta'rzkh Baghdad, XIII, pp. 122-123; see Y
18-19/149-150); CUthman b. Al).mad b. al-Sammak (Ta 'rzkh Baghdad,
XI, pp. 302-303; see Y 20/151, 180-181/472); Mul).ammad b. Jarlr al-
Taban (Ta'rzkh Baghdad, II, pp. 162-169; see Y 47-48/215-216, 128/
368, 183/477). In T1 357, IT states that the Ta'rzkh Baghdad contains

many reports critical of Abu I:Ianlfa (for whose biography see Ta'r1:kh
Baghdiid, XIII, pp. 323-423).

===> Ta'r1:kh mawiil1:d wa wafiit (or wafayiit) ahl al-bayt wa ayna dufinu
(Ibn al-Khashshab), see K. al-mawiil1:d
===> al- Ta'r1:kh (al-murattab) Calii l-sin1:n (Ibn al-I:Iaddad), see Tadhy1:1
===> Ta'r1:kh nahj al-najiit (al-I:Iulwanl), see N ahj al-najiit
615. *+ Ta'r1:kh Naysiibur / Abu cAbd Allah Mu~ammad b. cAbd
Allah b. Mu~ammad Ibn al-Bayyi Cal-ij:akim al-NaysaburI(d. 405/
Dh III 293 no. 1083
F 69/67, BA, LXXXV, p. 329 = MK, V, p. 39 [om F], IQ 15-16/
545, 29/559, 253/20, 364/116, MI:I 36/21-22, N 184, 186-187,
212-213, S 66, l' 91-93/[om 23], 1'* fol 150b/T** fol 193a-b [om
l' 543/170]
For the author see GAS, I, pp. 221-222. In MI:I, N 184 and S the work is
referred to as Ta'r1:kh; in N 212 no title is given. This work (under the
title Ta'r1:kh N aysiibur) also appears in Sbath (p. 12, no. 221). IT cites
from the original text; this has been lost, and only a later, drastically
abbreviated Persian excerpt has come down. A facsimile edition of this
excerpt was published by R. N. Frye in The Histories of Nishapur, The
Hague, 1965, together with a fragment from cAbd al-Ghafir al-Farisl's
(d. 529/1135) Siyiiq and a Muntakhab of al-Farisl's text by IbrahIm
b. Mu~ammad al-$arlunl (d. 641/1243). See the discussion in Bulliet,
Patricians, pp. xi-xii; J. van Ess's introduction to Habib Jaouiche's
index of al-Farisl's Siyiiq (The Histories of Nishapur: cAbdaliJiifir al-
Fiiris1:, Siyiiq Ta 'r1:~ N aisiibur; Register der Personen- und Ortsnamen,
Wiesbaden, 1984).
IT cites, summarizes or refers to excerpts from the following biogra-
phies: F 69/67: IbrahIm b. cAbd al-Ra~man b. Sahl in the third volume
(cf. Naysiibur, fol19a); BA: Raja' b. cAbd al-Ra1;tlm (cf. Naysiibur, fol
llb); IQ 15-16/545: al-I:Iusayn b. Bashlr b. al-Qasim in the second juz'
(i.e. volume) (cf. Naysiibur, fol lOb); IQ 29/559: Na~r b. cAbd Allah
al-Naysaburl in the second volume (cf. Naysiibur, fol 28a, s.v. al-Na~r
b. Salama b. CAbd Allah al-Naysaburl al-LughawI); IQ 253/20: Khalaf
b. Ayyub al-cAmirl in the second juz' (cf. Naysiibur, fol11b); IQ 364/
116: al-I:Iasan b. Bashlr in the second juz' (cf. Naysiibur, fol10a); MI:I:
I,Iusayn b. A~mad b. Jacfar b. cAbd Allah (cf. Naysiibur, fol 21b, s.v.
al-I,Iasan b. A~mad) and Mu~ammad b. Sacld b. cAbd Allah (not in
Naysiibur); N 212-213: Tahir b. al-I:Iusayn (d. Naysiibur, fol12a). S 66
is taken from the second volume (no further details are provided); the
saying in 1'*/1'** is likewise cited without any further details. N 184 is

taken from the end of the seventh juz' (on Sabur Dhu l-Aktaf and the
construction of Naysabur) (cf. Naysiibur, fol 57a line 19 to 57b line 8).
N 186-187 and +1 91-93 are taken from the biography of Harun
aI-RashId in the third volume. In +1, aI-RashId speaks of the virtues of
al-I:Iasan and al-I:Iusayn. The excerpt in N describes aI-RashId's visit
to Naysabur and his subsequent arrival at Sanabad, where he died just
as the astrologers had predicted. These details are missing from the
notice on al-RashId in Naysiibur (fol 18a).
IT nowhere mentions the claim of some biographers that al-I:Iakim
al-NaysaburI was a ShIel. For this claim see EI2, art. "al-I:Iakim al-
NaysaburI" (J. Robson) and al-+ihranI (in Dh and Niibis, pp. 167-
168). In Dh, al-+ihranI refers to the Riyii. In the printed edition of
this work there is a short entry on al-I:Iakim al-Naysaburl (Riyii, V, p.
477), where AfandI refers to an earlier entry on him which I was unable
to locate. It is probably in that entry that the claim is advanced that
al-NaysaburIwas a ShIel. AfandI argues (Riyii, V, p. 477) that the Abu
cAbd Allah al-NaysaburImentioned by Ibn Shahrashub in his Maeiilim
(p. 133, no. 903) is our author. If this is correct, then the implication
is that already Ibn Shahrashub regarded al-~Iakim al-NaysaburI as a

616. **? Ta'rzkh al-wuzarii' / cAbd al-Ral].man h. al-Mubarak (fl.

3d/9th century?)
Dh XXV 67 no. 367
N 135-136, 147-148
In N 135 (and Dh) the title is given as K. al-wuzarii', and Ibn al-
Mubarak is described as its compiler (jam C)j N 147-148 includes an
excerpt from the first juz', and 1+ says that he used an autograph. The
passage in N 148 is taken from the second juz' of Akhbiir al-wuzarii',
which is probably the same work.
In N 135, Abu clsa MuJ::tammad b. Sa cld is reported to have dis-
covered a book belonging to Dhu I-Ri'asatayn ( = al-FaQI b. Sahl)
in which he had written a prediction regarding the year of his own
downfall (nakba) (i.e. 202/818). In N 135-136, al-FaQI's sister describes
her brother's last hours. N 147-148 deals with Abu Ayyub Sulayman
b. MuJ::tammad, the vizier of al-Man~ur. N 148 describes how Jacfar
al-BarmakI consulted the astrologers for the most auspicious time to
move into his new palace.
The author's identity is not clear. Since the latest events referred
to in the passages cited by 1+ occurred during the reign of al-Ma'mun
the author could, though only with difficulty, be cAbd al-RaJ::tman b.
al-Mubarak b. Fac).ala b. AbI Umayya, whose father died in 164/780-
781 or 165/781-782 (see Ta'rzkh Baghdiid, XIII, pp. 211-216, Tahdhib,

x, pp. 28-31); all that seems to be known about the son is that he
came to I~fahan and "died long ago" (qadzm al-mawt) (Abu NuCaym
al-I~fahanI [d. 430/1038], I~bahiin, II, p. 108). Other equally unlikely
candidates are Abu Mul},ammad cAbd al-Ral},man b. AbI I-Barakat al-
Mubarak b. CAlI b. IbrahIm al-BaghdadI (d. beginning of Rajab 604/
end of Jan. 1208; see MundhirI, Takmila, III, p. 213, no. 1024) and Abu
Mul},ammad cAbd al-Ral},man b. AbI I-Barakat al-Mubarak b. Mul},am-
mad b. Al},mad al-Baghdadi known as Ibn al-MushtarI (d. Shawwal
619/Nov.-Dec. 1222; see MundhirI, Takmila, V, p. 127, no. 1897). Both
are described as traditionists, and no Ta'rzkh al-wuzarii' is ascribed to
either of them.

===> K. tartrb ~isiib dasiit7:r al-kawiikib al-sabca (Abu I-Qasim al-Qa~rI),

see K. ~isiib tartrb dasiitzr al-kawiikib al-sab Ca

617. **? K. tashj.zr tahdhzb al-ansiib / Shaykh al-Sharaf ( = CAlI b.

Mul},ammad aI-cUmari, alive in 443/1051-2?)
_ IQ 147/658
In IQl (erroneously), al-insiin appears for al-ansiib. Shaykh al-Sharaf
was an honorific of a number of genealogists; since IT does not identify
the author further, it is difficult to decide which of them is meant.
AfandI, for one (Riyii, IV, pp. 234-235), does not know, but suggests
that the author was an ImamI. It is possible that the reference is to
Abu I-I:Iasan Najm aI-DIn CAlI b. AbI I-Ghana'im Mul},ammad b. CAlI
b. Mul},ammad al-cAlawI al-cUmarI al-Nassaba (whose Mabsut is cited
immediately before; see ~al-Mabsut fi l-ansiib), and that the work in
question is the Tashj.zr fi l-ansiib (for which see Dh IV 183 no. 920). IT
consulted an autograph of this work.
618. + K. ta'szs al-taqdzs / Abu cAbd Allah Mul},ammad b. CUmar b.
al-J:Iusayn Fakhr aI-DIn al-Razi (d. ca. 606/1209)
T 349-352/100-101, 354-355/102
This work was published (Cairo, 1928) as Asiis al-taqdzs, a title by
which it is better known (cf. G. Anawati, "Fakhr al-Dzn al-Riizz: tamhzd
Ii diriisat ~ayiitihi wa mu 'allafiitihi" , Melanges Taha Husain, ed. A.
Badawi, Cairo, 1962, pp. 193-234, at p. 203; Gilliot, "Textes", pp. 331-
332). The passages cited consist of crassly anthropomorphic traditions
which IT cites in order to show the absurdity of belief in taj.szm. In
the Ta'szs, al-RazI accompanies these and similar traditions by inter-
pretations (ta 'wil) designed to explain away their evident anthropo-
morphism. IT omits these interpretations, but cites al-RazI's general
condemnation of the anthropomorphists (T 354-355/102).

===> Tasmiyat al-mashiiyikh, see K. mashiiyikh al-shi ca


619. ** K. Ii tasmiyat mawliinii cAlz bi amzr al-mu'minzn / al-Qa<;lI

Abu I-l;Iasan CAlI b. Mul).ammad b. cAbd Allah al-Qazwini (fl. late
4th/10th century)
Y 35-37/186-190
For the author see NajashI, p. 267, no. 693. AI-QazwlnI transmitted
from Harun b. Musa al-TallacukbarI (d. 385/995) (cf. Niibis, p. 129),
and according to al-NajashI he was the first who, in 356/967, brought
some of al- CAyyashI's works to Baghdad. He is probably to be identified
with Abu I-lJasan cAlI b. Mul).ammad b. CAbd Allah al-Qa<;lI al-QazwlnI
(for whom see Ta'rzkh Baghdiid, XII, p. 85; Qazwlru, III, pp. 408-409).
IT assumes that the manuscript in his possession was written during
the author's lifetime. When IT speaks of the Tasmiya as bi riwiiyat
al- Qii4i ... al- Qazwini min rijiilihim, he is unlikely to mean that al-
QazwlnI was a SunnI, but rather that he relied in his transmission on
SunnI authorities.
620. ** K. al-tawiiqiC min utJul al-akhbiir / Abu Talib cAbd Allah b.
al-~alt al-QummI (fl. early 3d/9th century)
N 3, 114-115
For the author see NajashI, p. 217, no. 564; TusI, Fihrist, p. 134, no.
449. AI-NajashI mentions only his K. al-tafszr, while al-TusI knows of a
Kitiib. In N 3 the author is referred to as $ii~ib al- Tawiiqzc; his identity
is clear, however, since IT refers there to the tradition which he cites in
full in N 114-115 (whence BA, LVIII, p. 255). (The editor mistakenly
assumes that the reference is to CAbd Allah b. Ja (far al-lJimyarI; see N
3, n. 1.) See also -+al-TawqzCiit.
===} al-Tawiirzkh al-sharCiyya (al-Mund), see Masiirr al-shica

621. K. al-taw~zd / Abu Jacfar Mul).ammad b. cAlI Ibn Babawayh

(d. 381/991)
Dh IV 482 no. 2154
F 99/94
The tradition cited (on the meaning of alliihu akbar) is found on pp.
312-313 in the Tehran 1387 edition of the Taw~zd.
===} al- Taw~zd (al-Mufa<;l<;lal b. cUmar al-Ju Cfl), see Kitiib

622. ** Ta'wzl iiyiit taCallaqa bihii ahl al-4aliil / cAbd aI-RashId h.

al-lJusayn b. Mul).ammad al-Astarabadi (fl. early 4th/10th century)
Dh III 303 no. 1128
S 23, 272
Title in Riyii4 (III, p. 116): Ta 'wzl al-iiyiit allatz ta Callaqa etc.; S is
referred to as the only evidence for the existence of this work. IT used an
acephalous manuscript. The passage cited is taken from the seventeenth

quire, fol 7b, and deals with various meanings of the term furqan. Afandl
maintains that the Sacd includes an excerpt from the Ta'wflon the
interpretation of the Qur'anic yasfn . This is only the case if the Ta 'wfl
and the Manaqib al-nabf wa l-a'imma are taken to be the same work;
yet as already noted, Afandl assumes that they were not.
623. (*) Ta 'wfl ma nazala (or unzila) min al-qur 'an al-karfm fi l-nabf
(wa alihi) (or fi ahl al-bayt) / Abu cAbd Allah Mul}.ammad b. al-cAbbas
b. cAll b. Marwan b. al-Mahiyar al-Bazzaz known as Ibn al-Jul]am
(alive in 328/939-940)
Dh III 306 no. 1132, IV 241 no. 1179, XIX 29 no. 151
Ml:f 18-19/8-9, 8 10, 73, 80, 90-109, T* fol103a-b/T** fol132a [om
T 384/116], Y 79-92/279-303, 176/461, 189/489
For the author (whose name is occasionally given erroneously as Ibn
al-l:fajjam) see Najashl, p. 379, no. 1030; TusI, Fihrist, p. 181, no. 652;
Ma calim, p. 143, no. 1004; cAmill, Amal, II, p. 291; Riya4, II, p. 20, V,
pp. 145-146; Tanqf~, no. 10,907; A Cyan, XLV, p. 263; Nawabigh, p. 275.
Title as in 8 and Y 79/279, except that the references in 8 73, 80 are
to the Kitab of Ibn al-Jul}.am. Alternative titles given by IT are K. ma
nazala min al-qur'anfi l-nabf(T*/T**, T Per 184, Y 176/461, 189/489)
and Fima nazala min al-qur'an fi l-nabi(Y 87/294) wa l-a'imma (Ml:f).
Ibn al-Jul}.am was a Qur'an specialist: al-Tusl credits him with seven
works on Qur'anic subjects, including K. al-taJsfr al-kabfr and K. ta 'wil
ma nazala fi I-nabf; all seven titles recur in Ibn 8hahrashub (MaC alim,
p. 143, whence cAmill, Amal, II, p. 191, Riya4, V, p. 145). Al-Najashl
in turn knows of K. ma nazala min al-qur 'an fi ahl al-bayt. Now it is
clear, particularly from Y, that K. ma nazala = Fima nazala = Ta 'wil
ma nazala; as we know from al-TusI, this work is distinct from the K.
al-taJsir al-kabir (which is not cited by IT). It thus appears that al-
Tihranl (Dh IV 241) is mistaken both in assuming an identity between
K. al-taJs'ir and K. ma nazala and in supposing that the K. ma nazala
is a different work from the Ta 'wil ma nazala.
The work cited by IT was held in high esteem (Najashl, p. 379: wa
qala jam a C a min a~~abina innahu kitab lam yu~annaJ fi ma cnahu mith-
luhu; cited in Y 79/279; cf. Burhan, II, p. 433). It must have been of
considerable length: al-Najashl cites a report that it numbered 1,000 fo-
lios. IT's own copy consisted of two bulky (4akhm) volumes (Y 79/279)
of a ni~Jformat (8 90, 102), the first consisting of five and the second of
three ajza '. This copy was based on a manuscript which contained two
ijazas, one by an otherwise unknown Al}.mad b. al-l:fajib al-Khurasanl
dated Safar 338/Aug. 949 (cf. Nawabigh, p. 22) and the other by Abu
J a (far al-Tusl dated J umada II 433/ J an.-Feb. 1042.
The Ta 'wil ma nazala comprised numerous exegetical traditions;

IT refers to matns with six (S 91), twenty (S 102, 108) or more (Y

176), fifty (S 99), fifty-one (S 91) and even ninety isniids (S 96); for
greater polemic effect, these isniids consisted overwhelmingly of non-
ShIel transmitters (MJ.I, S 96, Y 79). IT cites parts of the exegesis of the
following verses: (a) from the first volume: Q 2:212 (first juz', fourth
quire, fo19a = S 90-91), Q 3:61 (iiyat al-mubiihala) (secondjuz', quire
number not given, fo16a = S 91-94), Q 3:106 {X 80), Q 5:55 (thirdjuz',
fol 1b = S 95-97), Q 7:172 (Y 80-82), Q 9:105 (fourth juz', fol 39a =
MJ.I 17, S 97-98), Q 11:17 (S 73), Q 13:7 (S 99-100, Y 189), Q 16:91
(Y 82-83), Q 17:1 (fifth juz', fol 55a = S 100-101, Y 83-88), Q 17:26
(fifth juz', last quire, 8 folios from the end = S 101-102), Q 17:34-35 (Y
88; it would appear that the first volume ended in the middle of Sura
17); (b) from the second volume: Q 22:19 (first juz', second quire, fol
1a = S 102-104), Q 26:214 (second juz', fifth quire, bottom of fol1b =
S 104-105, second juz', fifth quire, fol 2b = S 105-106), Q 33:33 (iiyat
al-~ahiira) (third juz', fol 2a = S 106-107), Q 35:32 (third juz', fifth
quire, fol 7b = S 80, 107-108), Q 48:26 (1'*/1'**, Y 88-89), Q 53:8 (Y
89-91), Q 66:4 (Y 91-92), Q 67:27 (Y 92), Q 69:12 (third juz', twelfth
quire, bottom of fol 9a = S 108), Q 98:7 (third juz', sixteenth quire, fol
4a = S 108-109). (The exegesis to Q 4:69 is cited in IrbilI, Kashf, I, p.
At least one of the two volumes of IT's copy appears to have reached
al-J.Iasan b. Sulayman al-J.IillI (see his Mukhta!}ar, pp. 172-174, 205-211;
cf. BA, LIII, p. 109), who unfortunately does not reveal where and when
he came across it. This is one of the few cases where an item from IT's
library is mentioned as having been seen after its owner's death (cf. -4 K.
khu~ab Ii mawliinii amir al-mu 'minin). AI-J.IillI reports (MukhtalJar, pp.
173, 206) that r:r transmitted this work from Fakhar b. Ma (add (d.
630/1232-3); this supplements the information in Y according to which
IT also transmitted it from l:Iusayn b. Al:tmad al-SurawI in Jumada II
607/Nov.-Dec. 1210, from cAllb. Ya1:tya al-Khayyat in RabIe 1609/ Aug.
1212, and from Ascad b. cAbd al-Qahir al-I/?fahanI in Safar 635/Sep.-
Oct. 1237 (Y 79-80/279-280; cf. Chapter 1.1). Al-J.IillI reports further
that IT copied on the margin of his manuscript the entry on Ibn al-
Jul:tam from al-NajashI (Mukhta!}ar, pp. 172-173, 205-206; on p. 173
read "al-NajashI" for "al-KishshI"). IT later incorporated this entry in
the Yaqin (see Y 79/279).
Al-l:IillI does not specify the number of volumes of the Ibn al-Jul:tam
manuscript. It is noteworthy however that all the passages which he
cites are taken from the second volume (the excerpts are from the
exegesis to Q 26:4, 27:82, 28:85, 32:21, 43:81, 53:56, 72:16, 79:6). Did
al-l:IillI also see the first volume? The evidence is not clear-cut. On the
one hand, the absence of any citation from it strongly suggests that he

did not; on the other hand, it makes better sense for the notice from
al-Najashl to have been written on the margins of the first volume.
Whatever the truth of the matter, IT's copy of the first volume is
not heard of again. The second volume, in contrast, may have survived
into the $afawid era. In his Qur'an commentary Ta 'w7:I al-iiyiit al-?iihira
fi fa4ii'il aI-Citra al-~iihira, the 10th/16th-century scholar Sharaf aI-DIn
CAll al-J:Iusayni al-Astarabadl al-Najafi cites extensively from the Ta 'w7:1
mii nazala. In his exegesis to the first sixteen Suras, these citations are
via the Sacd and the Yaq7:n (see Chapter 11.6); but beginning with the
exegesis to Q 17:73 he cites from Ibn al-Jul,lam directly, indicating that
he had a manuscript of this part of the text (see Najafi, p. 284). This
is confirmed by Hashim al-Bal,lranI, whose Burhiin includes numerous
excerpts from Ibn al-Jul,lam which are cited via aI-Najafi (see Burhiin,
I, p. 30). AI-Bal,lrani maintains that al-Najafi had at his disposal only
the exegesis from the middle of Surat al-isrii' (i.e. Q 17:73, see Burhiin,
II, pp. 433-434) to the end of the work. This accords with what we
know about IT's copy of the second volume. It is thus possible that
al- Najafi possessed this particular copy.
Finally, is Ibn al-Jul,lam's work extant? AI-Tihrani (Dh IV 241 no.
1179) thinks that a defective manuscript in the possession of Hibat
Allah al-Shahrastani is in fact the Ta 'w7:1 mii nazaIa, and that other
manuscripts may also have survived. So far, however, the continued
existence of this work has not been demonstrated.

===> Ta'w7:I mushkil al-qur'iin (Ibn Qutayba), see K. al-mushkil

624. ** al-Tawq7:c iit / Abu l-cAbbas cAbd Allah b. Jacfar b. al-J:Iusayn
al-I}imyari (alive in 297/909-910)
Dh IV 501 no. 2247, X 260 no. 877
N 114-115
The title is mentioned by al-Tusl (Fihrist, p. 132, no. 441) as K. al-
masii'il (Dh: al-rasii'il) wa l-tawq7:ciit; it refers to written responsa of
the Imams. The tradition in N (which IT also quotes from the K. al-
tawiiq7:c of cAbd Allah b. al-$alt) records Musa al-Ka~im's view on
predictions made by astrologers concerning the death of particular in-
dividuals (such a prediction is called a qatC; cf. Matar/ ArOr, p. 321).
625. + al- Tawriit
S 6-7, 40-47
IT found an old copy of an Arabic translation of the Pentateuch in the
library of his grandfather Warram b. Abi Firas (S 6) (or, according
to S 40, in the library of Warram's sons). He made his own copy and
added it to his library. IT identifies the passages cited by quire and
folio, by book (sifr) and chapter (al}~ii~ or fal}I), or by a combination

of both reference systems (as in S 44: min al-a/}~a~ al-sadis min al-sifr
al-thanz min al-qa'ima al-rabi C a min al-wijha al-ula min al-kurras al-
sabi C). The chapter numbers do not conform to the present-day chapter
division, which was only established several centuries after IT's death.
Thus the wilderness of Paran in which Ishmael lived is mentioned in the
manuscript in Gen. 13 (al-a/}~a~ al-thalith cashar min al-sifr al-awwal)
(S 46), whereas in the present-day division it appears in Gen. 21; the
accounts of the death of Jacob (at the age of 147 years) and Aaron are
cited from Gen. 33 and Num. 14 respectively (S 43-44) (as against Gen.
47 and Num. 20); and Moses' blessing appears in the manuscript as part
of Deut. 20 (S 46) (as against Deut. 33). IT uses some of the Biblical
quotations to advance ShlcI tenets, for example that cAlI's position with
regard to Mul;tammad is equal to Aaron's position with regard to Moses
(except that C All was not a prophet) (S 43).
It remains to be investigated how this translation relates to other
medieval Arabic renditions of the Bible (for which see the survey by J.
Blau in En~iklopedyah Mikra'it (Encyclopaedia Biblica), ed. B. Mazar
et al., Jerusalem, 1972-82, VIII, pp. 854-861, art. "Bible: Arabic Trans-
lations" [in Hebrew]).
626. Thawab al-acmal / Abu Jacfar Mul;tammad b. cAll Ibn
Babawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh V 18 no. 77
F 11-12/9, IQ 104/627, 116-117/634-635, 135-142/649-655, 146/
658, 156-162/665-670, 165-166/674, 173-175/681-682, 178-179/
684, 185/689, 187-190/690-693,217-221/719-724,487/272,525/
310, 548-549/332
Most excerpts deal with reward for the performance of certain actions:
fasting on various days of Rajab (IQ 116/634 to 175/682, taken from
the chapter entitled Thawab /}awm Rajab in the Thawab al-a cmal, Na-
jaf, 1392/1972, pp. 53-58) and of Sha cban (IQ 178/684 to 221/724,
taken from the chapter entitled Thawab /}awm Sha C ban in the Thawab
al-a cmal, pp. 58-63), fasting on the 25th of Dhu I-Qa cda (IQ 525/310
= Thawab, p. 79), prayer on the night of cId al-Fitr (IQ 487/272 =
Thawab, p. 75), visiting al-l:Iusayn's grave (IQ 548-549/332, taken from
the chapter entitled Thawab man zara' qabr al-lfusayn in the Thawab,
pp. 85-98). The extract in F = IQ 104/627 appears in the chapter
entitled Thawab man balaghahu shay' min al-thawab fa Camila bihi
(Thawab, p. 132).
627. ** K. thawab al-acmal / Abu Mul;tammad Jacfar b. Sulayman
al-QummI (fl. early 4th/10th century)
Dh V 17 no. 72
F 221-222/202, 232/212, 248/225, 279/253, IQ 331/86, J 418

For the author see Najashl, pp. 121-122, no. 312 (where reference is
made to the K. thawab al-a Cmal); N awabigh, p. 71. rr describes him
as "one of our trustworthy colleagues" (min a/}~abina l-thiqat) (F 221/
202). In IQ (where the work is merely identified as a kitab), Jacfar
al-~adiq promises a year-long deliverance from poverty and disease to
those who wash their heads and faces with a handful of rose water
on the first day of Ramac;lan (cited in BA, LXXVI, p. 144; see al-
Majlisl's comment on this tradition, BA, XCVII, p. 350). Judging by
the contents of this tradition, the kitab in question is in all likelihood
the K. thawab al-a cmal. The excerpts in F and J describe the merits
of various supererogatory prayers. Some of the quotations are given on
the authority of al-TusI, perhaps indicating that they were cited via
one of his works.
628. + Thawab al-qur'an wa fa4a'iluhu / Abu CAbd al-RaJ:.nnan Alfmad
(b. CAll) b. Shu cayb b. cAll aI-Nasa'! (d. 303/915)
S 22, 260
In S 260, read "al-Nasa'l" for "al-Saml". In S 22 (which forms part of
the table of contents of the Sa Cd) only the author's name is provided,
not the work's title. The reason is that the title originally appeared
at the end of a passage in the table of contents covering the works
mentioned in S 252-260 and that this passage is missing from S (cf.
---+ IT, SaC d). The tradition cited in S 260 (on the merits of invoking
God's help by reciting the mu cawwidhatan) appears with the same
isnad in al-Nasa'l's Fa4a'il al-qur'an, ed. Faruq l:!ammada, Casablanca,
1400/1980, pp. 100-101. The title Fa4a'il al-qur'an was given by the
editor; the title as it appears on the manuscript on which this edition is
based (ms. al-Ribat Royal Library 5952) is Thawab al-qur'an. This work
is not mentioned in GAS. The tradition cited by IT from the Thawab
al-qur'an also appears (with the same isnad) in al-Nasa'l's Sunan, in
the chapter entitled K. al-istiCadha (ed. Cairo, 1348/1930, VIII, pp.
629. + al- Tibr al-masbuk fi na/}i~at al-mulUk / Abu l:!amid aI-
Ghazzali (d. 505/1111)
N 176
This work (which was originally written in Persian) is often referred
to as Na/}i~at al-mulUk. See Bouyges-Allard, p. 61, and especially P.
Crone, "Did al-Ghazrul Write a Mirror for Princes? On the Authorship
of Na/}i~at al-muluk", JSAI, 10, 1987, pp. 167-191. As Crone has shown,
the second part of the text (or NM2), which (unlike the first part)
is divided into chapters, was not written by al-Ghazzall but by an
anonymous younger contemporary. However, it came to be attributed to
al-Ghazzall within a short period of his death. IT says that the passage

in N (on Jamasb al-~akIm) is taken from the first chapter (sc. of NM2);
this passage is missing from the Cairo 1317 edition, but appears both
in Jalal aI-DIn Huma'I's edition of the Persian text (Tehran, 1351 Sh,
p. 95) and in H. D. Isaacs' edition of the Arabic version (unpublished
Ph. D. thesis, Manchester, 1956; the edition is based on ms. Bodleian
Laud. Or. 210). Bagley's translation of the account of the Persian kings
is based on Isaacs, supplemented by another Arabic manuscript, and
the relevant passage runs as follows: "After him was Jamasb the Sage,
who possessed knowledge of the stars and made correct predictions
. about them; his reign lasted 1 year and 6 months" (F. R. C. Bagley
[tr.], Ghazali's Book of Counsel for Kings, Oxford, 1964, p. 53). This
passage also appears in the Arabic manuscript cited by Huma'I in a
note to p. 88 of his Persian edition. (I am indebted to Dr. Crone for
referring me to this edition.) The Sasanian king Jamasb ( = Zamasp)
(r. ca. 496-498 A.D.) was brother of Qubad (Kavad) I; Qubad reigned
between 488 and 531 A.D., except when temporarily deposed in favour
of his brother (see R. N. Frye, "The Political History of Iran under the
Sasanids", The Cambridge History of Iran, vol. 9 (1): The Seleucid,
Parthian and Sasanian Periods, ed. E. Yarshater, Cambridge, 1983, pp.
116-180, at pp. 150, 178). He is not to be confused with the Jamasb al-
~akIm of Zarathustra's days, pace Matar, p. 350 (cf. ~A"'kiim Jiimiisb
al-",aktm ).

630. al-Tibyiin fi tafstr al-qur'iin / Abu Jacfar Mu~ammad b. al-I.Iasan

aI-TusT (d. 460/1067)
Dh III 328 no. 1197
IQ 302-303/64,396/167,423/194, MI.I 16-17/7, S 9,64,66-69, 71-76,
78, 86, 149-151, 171-173, 207, 268, 277, 279, 287-291, 294-296
1'f possessed a two-volume manuscript of this work. Judging by the size
of the Tibyiin, each volume must have been quite massive; and IT notes
that the first volume (mujallad) was of a large format: nillf al-waraqa
al-kabtra. It comprised five ajzii' of the format rube (S 64; it is difficult
to see how this format can be accommodated in a volume of nillf al-
waraqa). No description is given of the second volume, but judging by
the excerpts cited, it must also have comprised five ajzii '.
The following passages from the first volume are cited or referred
to: S 64 (fourth quire-evidently of the first juz~fol 1, to Q 2:56)
appears in TusI, Tibyiin, I, p. 64, except that the first sentence in S
64 is missing from the printed edition of the Tibyiin; S 66 (second juz',
tenth quire, fol 4a) = Tibyiin, II, p. 295 (to Q 2:249); S 67-68 (third
juz', sixteenth quire, foI5b) = Tibyiin, III, pp. 198-199 (to Q 4:39); S 69
(twenty-first quire-evidently of the fourth juz '-fol 2b) = Tibyiin, III,
p. 574 (to Q 5:67); S 71 (fifth juz', thirtieth quire, fol 7b),= Tibyiin, V,

p. 167 (to Q 9:1). The following passages refer to the second volume of
the manuscript: 8 72-73 (first juz', first quire, fo1 3b) refers to Tibyiin,
V, pp. 460-461 (to Q 11:17); 8 73-74 (second juz', eighth quire, first
page [folio number missing]) = Tibyiin, VII, p. 35 (to Q 18:28); 8 75
(third juz', first quire, fo11b) = Tibyiin, VIII, pp. 131-132 (to Q 28:7);
8 76 (fourth juz', twenty-third quire, fo1 3a) = Tibyiin, IX, p. 195 (to
Q 43:31); 8 78 (fifth juz', twenty-seventh quire, fo14a) = Tibyiin, X, p.
7 (to Q 62:6).
Other quotations (given without references to the manuscript) are:
MI;I 16-17/7 = Tibyiin, V, p. 295 (to Q 9:105); 8 86 (referring to a1-
rusI's identification of the mustahzi 'un of Q 15:95 in Tibyiin, VI, p.
356); 8 149-151 = Tibyiin, II, pp. 107-108 (to Q 2:180); 8 171-173 =
Tibyiin, VII, pp. 456-457 (to Q 24:55); 8207 = Tibyiin, IX, p. 313 (to Q
48:1); 8268 = Tibyiin, VIII, p. 531 (to Q 37:147); 8277 (referring to Q
6:98) = Tibyiin, IV, pp. 213-214; 8 279 = Tibyiin, X, p. 438 (last page
of the exegesis). 8 287-291, 294-296 includes material from the Tibyiin
on Meccan and Medinan 8uras and on the verse divisions of individual
8uras. IQ 302-303/64 cites from al-rusI's exegesis of Q 97:1 (Tibyiin,
X, p. 385); the other two places in IQ refer to the same passage.
IT usually treats the Tibyiin as the standard 8hl cI Qur'an exegesis.
On occasion, however, he does not hesitate to contradict its author.
For example: in his exegesis of Q 18:28 al-'fusI mentions three kinds
of perseverance (.'}abr). Of these the third, which is licit (mubii~ jii'iz),
involves perseverance in the performance of actions of a neutral reli-
gious value that are not part of the worship of God (al-mubii~iit allaU:
laysat bi tiiCat alliih) (rusI, Tibyiin, VII, p. 35, cited in 8 73-74). IT,
however, rejects the notion that mukallafs (those under obligation to
act in accordance with the religious laws) may perform value-neutral
actions. In his view, since God constantly bestows His favours on man,
man must be constantly grateful and must express his gratitude by his
behaviour and by his actions (iidiib al-iCtiriif). Even actions which may
on the face of it seem to be value-neutral (like eating, dressing or trav-
elling) must be performed in a manner consistent with man's gratitude.
The notion of value-neutral actions obtains only for those to whom the
religious laws do not apply (ghayr mukallafin) , i.e. animals and those
humans (e.g. children) not obliged to act in accordance with these laws
(8 74-75, and especially B 167-173).
631. *+ K. al-tu~fa fi l-adCiya / cAbd al-Ralpnan b. Mul;tammad b.
CAlI al-Ijalwani (or l;IulwanI) (d. 546/1151)
Dh III 401 no. 1441
IQ 109/630
For the author, a l;Ianba11 jurisconsult and Qur'an specialist, see Ibn

Rajab, Dhayl, I, pp. 221-222; $afadI, XVIII, p. 250; Shadharat, IV, p.

144. Title in IQl: K. al-tu~fa. Al-Tihrani identifies it with the Tu~fat al-
mu'min (for which see e.g. Balad, p. 503), and maintains that it is often
(kathzran) cited in the Iqbal (a statement which cannot be corroborated
from IQ).
632. - K. al-cudda / Abu JaCfar Mu1)ammad b. al-I:Iasan aI-liisT (d.
Dh XV 227 no. 1488
N 42
This is the title in N. In al-TusI's own Fihrist (p. 193, no. 713), as,
also in Najashl (p. 403, no. 1068), the title appears as K. al-cudda
fi u~ul al-fiqh; the printed editions of this work (Tehran, 1314, Najaf,
1403/1983) bear the title CUddat al-u~ul. IT refers approvingly to al-
TusI's admission of akhbar al-a~ad (traditions on the authority of single
transmitters) as a basis for legal pronouncements, in contrast to the
view of aI-SharIf al-Murta<;la. See further R. Brunschvig, "Les u~ul al-
fiqh imamites it leur stade ancien (xe et XIe siecles)", Le shzCisme
imamite, Paris, 1970, pp. 201-213.
633. K. al-cumda / Abu I-I:Iasan Ya1)ya b. al-I:Iasan b. al-I:Iusayn al-
I:Iilli al-Wasitl Ibn aI-Bi~rTq (d. 600/1203 or 606/1210)
Dh XV 334 no. 2155
T passim
The full title of this work is al- CUmda fi cuyun ~i~a~ al-akhbar fi
manaqib" imam al-abrar. IT (or CAbd al-MaJ:unud, which is how IT
refers to himself in the 'fara'if; see Chapter 11.2) explains that in the
'fara'if he relied on the C Umda for many Sunni traditions. He adds that
he checked most of these traditions against manuscripts of the original
texts and found that these texts were identical with the quotations in
the C Umda. Where there are a number of manuscripts of a given work,
different readings usually exist; should the reader discover that a pas-
sage in a given manuscript differs from the corresponding passage as
cited from the C Umda, he should not hasten to blame the ~a~ib kitab
al-cumda for it (T 12-14/4-5). IT states that where he thought it impor-
tant he added material which was missing in the C Umda directly from
the original texts. The main texts (all of them SunnI) which are cited in
the CUmda are the six canonical ~adzth collections (either directly or via
al-I:IumaydI's ai-Jam C bayna l-~a~z~ayn and al- cAbdarI's ai-Jam C bayna
l-~i~a~ al-sitta), Ibn I:Ianbal's Musnad, the K. al-walaya of Mascud al-
SijistanI, the Manaqib of Ibn al-MaghaziII, the K. al-firdaws of (Ibn)
Shlrawayh al-DaylamI, and al-ThaClabI's al-Kashf wa I-bayan (see Ibn
al-Bitrlq, CUmda, p. 3, IT 14-15/5).
IT's method of citing from the CUmda contrasts with his handling of

other sources: he does not state in each particular case whether or not he
is relying on Ibn al-Bitrlq, apparently considering his general statement
about the (Umda to be sufficient. When a certain passage appears in
both the (Umda and in 1', it therefore is as a rule impossible to tell
whether IT is citing via Ibn al-Bitrlq's book or directly from the original
source. There is however one telltale sign of direct borrowing from the
(Umda: it is the use by IT of the formula al-nuskha al-manqul minhii
or a variant thereof. In one case, for instance, IT cites from "the last
quarter of the fourth volume (juz') of the manuscript cited from" of al-
Bukhad's $a~z~ (1' 52/14; see Ibn al-Bitrlq, (Umda, pp. 63-64, whence
BA, XXXVII, p. 264). Elsewhere he refers to the quire in question:
"$a~z~ Muslim, the fifth volume (juz'), two quires from the beginning
in the manuscript referred to" (1' 112-113/[om 28]. See (Umda, p. 24;
cf. Ibn al-Bitrlq, Kha~ii'i~, pp. 52-53). For further examples see the
references given under the --'t$a~z~s of al-Bukharl and Muslim.
IT mentions a manuscript of the C Umda in the Ni~amiyya library
(1' 12/4); this may well be the one he used. Of the versions of the
'!'arii'if consulted, only l' Per (p. 9) gives the author's name (it is also
provided by the editor of 1'1); in the other versions he is only identified
as a Shl(1 author. IT says that the (Umda consists of 918 pro- cAlid
traditions culled from Sunnl" sources; in the Iran 1309 edition of this
work (p. 9) the number of such traditions is put at 913.
634. ** K. al-cumda fi l-u~ul / Mul:l.ammad b. Mu1).ammad al-Shaykh
aI-MuDd (d. 413/1022)
Dh XV 333 no. 2153
l' 120/[om 29]
Title as in 1'1 (and in BA, XXIII, pp. 112-113, citing the '!'arii'if). The
title in l' Per 50 is C Umda dar cilm-i u~ul. (This passage is missing
from 1'* /T**) AI-Tihranl (following al-Najashl) gives the title as K.
al- cumad fi l-imiima and adds that it is referred to in the '!'arii'ij as
al- c Umda. He must therefore have seen a manuscript with a reading
different from both 1'1 and the Arabic version used by the Persian
translator for l' Per; cf. McDermott, p. 34, no. 81. In the passage cited,
al-Mufid uses the thaqalayn tradition to prove the validity of the Imaml
doctrine of explicit designation (na~~ jaZz).
635. + K. al-umm / Abu cAbd Allah Mu1).ammad b. Idrls aI-Shaft cy
(d. 204/820)
l' 478/146
For this work see GAS, I, pp. 486-488. In the passage cited ( = I, p.
85 in the 1393/1973 Beirut ed. of the Umm), al-Shafi (I expresses his
disapproval of tathwzb (i.e. adding to the adhiin the formula "prayer is
better than sleep"), since the Prophet is not known to have sanctioned

it. IT quotes al-Shafi9: to show that cUmar, who allegedly introduced

the tathwzb, was thereby guilty of an odious innovation.
636. **- Uns al-karim / A1;tmad b. al-l:Iusayn b. al-l:Iasan b. cAlI al-
Rukhkhaji (fl. mid-5th/11th century)
Dh II 368 no. 1493
N 151
IT notes that he possesses a copy of the Uns al.,karim, but provides no
further details. Cf. -+ Rayl}iin al-mujiilis.
===> C Unwiin al-siyar (al-HamadhanI), see GhuTar al-ma Ciirij
637. *+ C Uyun al-akhbiir / Abu Mu1;tammad cAbd Allah b. Muslim
Ibn Qutayba (d. 276/889)
N 209, T* 127b/T** fol 164a-b [om T 471/144]
For this' work see G. Lecomte, Ibn Qutayba, pp. 143-146. Both excerpts
are taken from the first juz'. T* 127b/T** fol164a-b = C Uyun al-akhbiir,
Cairo, 1343-9/1925-30, I, p. 267. In N, the astrologers tell al-Manl?ur
that the position of the ascendant at the time of the construction of
Baghdad indicates that no caliph will die there. This excerpt seems to
be missing from both the Cairo and the Beirut 1406/1986 editions of
the C Uyun.
638. **+ C Uyun akhbiir banz Hiishim / Abu Jacfar Mu1;tammad b. JarIr
al-Tabari (d. 310/923)
MF 93-95/104-106
This title does not figure in any list of al-TabarI's works; see the dis-
cussion under -+ K. l}adzth al-waliiya.
639. * C Uyun akhbiir al-Riii / Abu Jacfar Mu1;tammad b. (All Ibn
Babawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh XV 375 no. 2367
B 238, IQ 116/634, 236/8-9, MD 256, N 133-135, 142-143
This is a major biographical source for the life of the eighth Imam.
In the introduction, Ibn Babawayh (or a later copyist) mentions the
number of chapters into which the work is divided, and then provides
the title of each chapter. In the Qumm 1377 (I, p. 8) and Najaf 1390/
1970 (I, p. 5) editions of the (Uyun, the number of chapters is given
as 69; in the 1317 lithograph (n.p.), the number is given as 73 (I, pp.
5, 10), while in the 1317 Tehran lithograph (not seen), the work is
said to comprise 139 chapters. As noted by the editor of the Qumm
edition (I, p. 8, n. 4), these (and other) numbers represent different
methods of dividing the same material, and do not imply that some
manuscripts contain material missing from others. Al-TihranI is thus
mistaken when he states (without further comment) that the (Uyun

comprises 139 chapters, of which 73 were published in 1317 (referring

to the Tehran lithograph). But al-Tihrani is correct in assuming (even
if for the wrong reasons) that the version of the (Uyun as we have it is
incomplete. This can be inferred from the six excerpts cited by IT, four
of which are missing from the lithographs and printed editions. Since
the content of these four excerpts fits the existing chapter headings, it
would appear that they did not form part of chapters missing altogether
from the available versions of the (Uyun. The two excerpts which are
found in the lithographs and in the printed versions are IQ 116/634 ( =
C Uyun, Najaf, 1390, I, p. 226) and IQ 236/8-9 ( = C Uyun, II, p. 51).

640. ** CUyun al-jawiihir / Abu Jacfar Mu~ammad b. cAll Ibn

Babawayh (d. 381/991)
N 57
IT cites the story of cAll's meeting with an astrologer before the battle
of al-Nahrawan. The beginning of the text (including IT's reference to
the C Uyun al-jawiihir) is reproduced in BA, LVIII, p. 265. This title is
however missing from the lists of Ibn Babawayh's writings. Could it be
a corruption of cAr al-majiilis (see ~K. al-car calii I-majiilis)?
641. * al-( Uyun wa I-ma'1!iisin / Mu~ammad b. Mu~ammad al-Shaykh
ai-MuDd (d. 413/1022)
Dh XV 386 no. 2394
N 42, T 26/8
Excerpts from this work are preserved in al-Sharlf al-Murta<ja's al-
Fu~ul al-mukhtiira (cf. McDermott, p. 34, no. 86). In T, IT deliberately
creates the impression that he does not know the author's name (wa
[qadj ra'aytu fi kitiib gharzb qad i'1!tawii (alii majiilis Cajzba Ii l-shzca
ma ca culamii' min al-arba ca al-madhiihib). The passage in T appears
in al-Fu~ul al-mukhtiira, n.p. [Najaf?], n.d., I, pp. 5-6. In N, no direct
quotation is given, but the reference is apparently to the discussion
found in Fu~ul, II, p. 131. It cannot therefore be established whether
IT had a copy of the original C Uyun or only of the Fu~ul.
642. K. al-wii'1!ida / Mu~ammad b. al-I;Iasan b. Jumhur al-cAmmi
al-B~rl (fl. first half of the 3d/9th century)
Dh XXV 7 nos. 33, 35
A 69/81, J 361-362, MD 42, N 2,96-97, Najafl, p. 482 = BA, XXIII,
p. 220 [om S], Y 175-176/460-461
In At 69/A** fol 27b/A*** fol 51b, the title appears as K. al-wii'1!id,
but the parallel passage in A2 and A* (fol 47b) has K. al-wii'1!ida. In
the Sa cd as cited in Najafi and BA, IT mentions this work as one of the
sources in which the words alladhzna ~tafaynii of Q 35:32 are interpreted
as referring to all the offspring of the Prophet. This passage is missing

from S. The passage in N 96 is taken from the beginning of the accounts

about al-I:Iasan b. cAll; it is thus possible that this work was divided
into a number of chapters, each devoted to an Imam.
There is some confusion as to the author's identity. According to
al-Najashl (p. 62, no. 144) he is Abu Mul}.ammad al-I:Iasan b. Mul}.am-
mad [b. al-I:Iasan] b. Jumhur al-cAmmI from Ba~ra who, though him-
self reliable, transmitted from untrustworthy traditionists (4u Cala').
AI-Najashl cites a view that he was more reliable than his father. The
significance of this comment becomes clear from al-TusI's Fihrist. Ac-
cording to this source, the K. al-wa~ida was written by the father,
Mul}.ammad b. al-I:Iasan b. Jumhur, some of whose works are tainted py
extremist views (ghuluww wa takhl'it). AI-Gha<;la'irl (as cited in Quhpa'l,
V, p. 184), al-Najashl (p. 337, no. 901) and al-Tusl (Rijiil, p. 387, no.
17) all know the father as an extremist supporter of the Imam al-Ri<;la.
IT, following a.l-Tusl, ascribes the work to the father. An indication in
favour of this ascription are some excerpts preserved in the M ashariq
al-anwar of Rajab al-BursI, which are imbued with ghuluwwelements.
On the other hand, there are excerpts from a K. al-wa~ida which deal
with the tenth Imam al-HadI, and these could only have been compiled
by the son (cf. TabrisI, I clam, pp. 363-365; Ibn Shahrashub, M anaqib,
III, p. 355; Bal}.ranI, Ma Cajiz, pp. 471-472). AI-TihranI suggests, not
implausibly, that there may have been two works bearing the same ti-
tle, written by father and son, or that the son transmitted his father's
work (while adding new material?).
According to al-TihranI, a manuscript of the K. al-wa~ida was in
the possession of Hibat Allah al-Shahrastanl.

643. + K. al-waj'iz fi shar~ ara' al-qurra' al-thamaniya al-mashhur'in /

Abu CAll al-I:Iasan h. CAll b. IbrahIm al-AhwazI (d. Dhii I-I:Iijja 446/
S 273
For the author see Yaqut, Udaba', IX, pp. 34-39; Ibn al-JazarI, Ghaya,
I, pp. 220-222; Shadharat, III, p. 274. The title of the manuscript cited
in GAL, S, I, p. 720 has ada' for ara'. IT cites the names of the eight
qurra'referred to in the title as they appear on the opening page; they
include the seven canonical Qur'an "readers" as well as the Ba~ran
Ya cqub b. Isl}.aq al-I:Ia<;lramI (d. Dhu I-I:Iijja 205/May-June 821; see
Ibn al-J azarI, Ghaya, II, pp. 386-389; Tahdh'ib, XI, p. 382; R. Blachere,
Introduction au Co ran, 2d ed., Paris, 1977, p. 122). IT says that the
work consists of an elaboration of the differences between these readers,
but that he will spare his readers the details of these differences.

===} K. al-walaya (Ibn CUqda, al-TabarI), see K. ~ad'ith al-walaya


==> K. al-walaya (al-SijistanI), see al-Diraya

644. *? K. al-wasa'il ila l-masa'il / al-M-c-i-r (or M-C-i-n) A\lmad b.

cAli b. A\lmad b. al-I:Jusayn b. Mulfammad b. al-Qasim
Dh XXV 69 no. 378
MD 258-265, MN 36-39
For the author (whose name is given in MN but not in MD) see Riya,
III, p. 340. All that seems to be known about him is that he lived after
Ibn Babawayh (d. 381/991), whom he cites (in MD 258; cf. Balad, p.
515). In Dh, this work's title appears as K. al-wasa'il wa.l-masa'il fi 1-
adCiya wa I-a cmal wa l-adhkar; though al-TihranI cites the Iqbal as his
source for this .title, it is not mentioned in IQ. The book was a source
(though perhaps an indirect one) of al-KafcamI's Balad (see Balad, pp.
155, 502, where the author's name is given as al-M- c-i-n Alfmad b.
CAlI b. Alfmad b. al-I:Jusayn b. Mulfammad b. al-Qasim; cf. Dh) and of
his Junna (see Junna, pp. 171-172 = Junna* fols 46b-47a = MD 261;
Junna, pp. 189-190 = Junna* fol 51b = MD 260-261; Junna, p. 204
= Junna* fol 55a-b = MD 36). In some versions of the Junna, the K.
al-wasa'il is ascrib~d to Alfmad's father, CAlI b. Alfmad; cf. Riya, III,
p.340. I

The excerpts in MN comprise short supplications to be recited on

various occasions. The excerpt in MD is a munajat prayer of which the
text was presented by al-Jawad as a dowry to al-Ma'mun's daughter on
the occasion of their marriage. This prayer is known as al- Wasa'il ila
l-masa'il, and must have formed a part (or constituted the whole) of
the AdCiyat al-wasa'il ila l-masa'il of the ninth Imam (cf. Dh I 401 no.
2091). It is thus clear that al-M-c-i-r (M-C-i-n) took both the title and
at least some of the material for his book from al-Jawad's text. In fact,
the title appears in the Junna as K. al-wasa'il ila l-masa'il al-marwiyya
Can al-Jawad.
645. - K. al-was1:1a ila nayl al-fa7:la / clmad al-Dln Abu Jacfar
Mulfammad b. CAlI Ibn ~amza al-Tusl (alive in 566/1171)
Dh XXV 75 no. 408
For the author see Thiqat, pp. 272-273. In Muntajab aI-DIn (p. 164,
no. 390, whence cAmilI, Amal, II, p. 285), the title of this work is al-
Was1:Za. IT does not mention the author's name, saying only that it
was one of a number of works written in the form of a wa~iyya from
father to son, and that he has followed this example in his own K ashf.
In the $irat, al-BayaQI occasionally refers to the author as ~alfib al-
wasIl a (e.g. I, pp. 200, 212, 250, 298, 326); in $irat, I, p. 298, he is
called al-Mulla. According to Turiithuna, 3/4, 1408, p. 249, an edition
of this work has recently been published in Qumm (probably in 1407

or 1408). For manuscripts and previous editions see Modarressi, p. 65.

==} al- Waszt fi tafsir al-qur'iin (al-Wal.lldI) , see al- Tafsir al-wasit bay-
na I-maqbu wa l-basit

646. * [K. al-wa~iyya] / elsa h. al-Mustalad al-I)arIr (fl. first half of

the 3d/9th century)
Dh XXV ~03 no. 565
TD 4-24, 27-37, 38-48
For the author see NajashI, pp. 297-298, no. 809; TusI, Fihrist, p. 146,
no. 521. AI-Tihrani discusses the K. al-wa~iyya in his entry on IT's
ruraf in Dh. As noted in Chapter 11.2, the ruraf consists mostly of
quotations from this work. These quotations are introduced with the
words ean eisii b. al-Mustafiid, without mentioning a kitiib. However,
al-Tihrani (basing himself on the Najaf 1369 edition of the ruraf?)
maintains that these are indeed quotations from elsa's book, which
he identifies with the K. al-wa~iyya mentioned by aI-Najashi (p. 298).
This identification is corroborated by al-Baya<;lI ($iriit, II, pp. 89-91),
by al-Majlisl (e.g. BA, II, p. 260, XVIII, pp. 232-233, XXII, pp. 278-
280, 291-292, 315-317, 476-482, 484-495, 546-547) and by al-I.Iurr al-
(Amill (Ithbiit, III, pp. 74-75,588-590), all of whom cite (via the ruraf)
passages from elsa b. al-Mustarnd under the title K. al-wa/!iyya. In this
work, cJsa transmits directly from Musa al-Ka~im. AI-Majlisl defends
elsa against accusations of weakness (ta4 eif) (BA, XXII, p. 495). For
TD 31-34 see -+Kha~ii'i~ al-a'imma.
Most of the excerpts cited deal with various occasions on which the
Prophet praised eAllor declared that he was his successor.

==} K. al-wuzarii' (CAbd al-Ral:unan b. al-Mubarak), see Ta'rikh al-


647. **?- K. al-wuzarii' / Fanakhusraw h. Rustam b. Hurmuz

Dh XXV 67 no. 369
MD 276
The author is unidentified. In MD his name appears as Fatakhusraw;
the form Fanakhusraw (for which cf. F. Justi, lranisches Namenbuch,
Marburg, 1895, pp. 90, 240) is given by al-TihranI, citing the Muhaj.
IT says that this work contained material on eDbayd Allah (MD, er-
roneously: cAbd Allah) b. YaJ:.!ya b. Khaqan (d. 263/877), who was
vizier under al-Mutawakkil and al-Muetamid (see Sourdel, Vizirat, in-
dex), and on events during the caliphate of al-Mu etamid. For quotations
from the K. al-wuzarii' IT refers to his (lost) K. al-i~tifii' (cf. Chapter

648. *+ K. al-wuzarii' / Abu cAbd Allah Mu~ammad b. cAbdus b.

cAbd Allah al-Jahshiyari (d. 331/942)
MD 276, N 133, 138-141 .
For the author see EI2, art. "al-DjahshiyarI" (D. Sourdel). In N 133
this work is referred to as Ta'rikh, in MD 276 as Akhbiir al-w'uzarii', and
in N 138-139 as Akhbiir al-wuzarii' wa l-kuttiib. Only the first part of
this work has survived in its entirety (published by MUl?tafa al-Saqqa'
et al. under the title K. al-wuzarii' wa l-kuttiib, Cairo, 1938); further
fragments have been published by D. Sourdel ("Nouvelles recherches
sur la deuxieme partie du 'Livre des vizirs' d'al-GahsiyarI", Melanges
Louis Massignon, III, Damascus, 1957, pp. 271-299) and by Mlkha'll
cAwwad, Nu~u~ 4ii'i ca min kitiib al-wuzarii' wa l-kuttiib Ii Mu~ammad
b. cAbdus al-Jahshiyiiri, Beirut, 1384/1964 (superseding his "al-Qism
al-4ii'i C min kitiib al-wuzarii' wa l-kuttiib Ii I-Jahshiyiirf", RAAD, 18,
1943, pp. 318-332, 435-442).
The passage in N 133 is a summary of a passage cited by Sourdel
(p. 278, no. 6) via al-TanukhI's al-Faraj ba Cda l-shidda (ed. al-ShaljI,
II, pp. 351-354; cf. cAwwad, Nu~u~, p. 42, n. 2). The fragment in N
138-139 (which IT says is taken from the fourth volume) deals with
an episode from the reign of al-Mu Cta~im. N 140 = K. al-wuzarii' wa
l-kuttiib, pp. 248-249; N 141 = K. al-wuzarii' wa l-kuttiib, pp. 253-254.
MD 276: IT refers to (but does not cite) the section about the viziers
of al-MuCtamid from the (lost) third juz' of the Akhbiir al-wuzarii'. All
fragments from MD and N were incorporated by cAwwad in his Nu~u/t
(pp. 54-56, 61-63, 87).
649. **? K. al-wuzarii' / CAll b. al-I:Jusayn b. cAbd Allah (or CUbayd
Allah) al-Khazin (fl. first half of the 7th/13th century?)
Dh XXV 67 no. 368
N 187
All that can be said of the author is that he was IT's contemporary:
IT states that he is citing the text from memory (although he also saw
the book), having heard it from the author and having memorized it.
The excerpt in N deals with the vizierate of Abu I-I:Jasan Nal?ir b. (al)-
Mahdi al- cAlawi al-I:Jasani. IT makes no mention of the fact that Ibn
Mahdi was his father-in-law.
650. *+ K. al-wuzarii' / Abu Bakr Mu~ammad b. Ya~ya b. cAbd Allah
al-~iili (d. 335/947 or 336/948)
Dh XXV 68 no. 371
N 193
In Nand N* (fol 129a), the author's name is given erroneously as
Ya~ya b. Mu~ammad. Only excerpts from this work are known to have
survived (see GAL, S, I, p. 219, where the Nujum is not mentioned

among the works containing these excerpts). Ir cites a story about the
vizier Sulayman b. Wahb (d. 272/883; see Sourdel, Vizirat, index, s.v.)
from the third juz'. See also Sbath (p. 51, no. 906).
651. **? K. al-yaqut al-a~mar / AJ::tmad b. al-J:Iasan al-Ahwazi
A 129/140, F 273/247-248
The author is unidentified. He is perhaps related to the Abu l-I;Iusayn
MuJ::tammad b. al-I;Iasan b. AJ::tmad b. MuJ::tammad al-Ahwazl al-I~ba
hanl (d. 428/1036-7) mentioned in Ta'r?:kh Baghdad, II, pp. 218-219.
The;<same story appears in both A and F: Kisra used to refer to sleep
and awakening as death and life respectively; before retiring he would
ask God to revive him after bringing, about his death.
652. + Yaqutat al-~irat fi tafs?:r al-qur'an' Abu cu mar (or CAmr)
MuJ::tammad b. cAbd al-WaJ::tid al-Zahid Ghulam (or $aJ::tib) Thaclab
(d. ca. 345/956-957)
S 21, 247
In S (where the author's name is not given) the title appears as Yaqutat
al-~irat. Badr aI-DIn aI-Zarkashl (d. 794/1392) states (in his al-Burhan
fi culUm al-qur'an, I, p. 291) that it deals with ghar?:b al-qur'an. Sez-
gin assumes that the Yaqutat al-~irat (extant in manuscript) formed
a section of Abu cUmar's K. al-yawaq?:t (fi l-lugha) (also called K. al-
yaqut), of which only fragments survive; see GAS, VIII, pp. 155-156.
Cf. Ibn al-Nadlm's description of the conception of the K. al-yaqut (Ibn
al-Nadlm, pp. 82-83). It appears that al-Zarkashl still had both texts
at his disposal (for citations from the Yaqutat al-~irat see his Burhan,
I, p. 291, II, p. 242, III, p. 184, IV, p. 77; for the Yawaq?:t see Burhan, I,
p. 339). Ir, who possessed a slender (or nice, lat?:f) manuscript of the
thumn format, cites from the exegesis to Sura 3 found in fol 3a.

653. (*)+ Yat?:mat al-dahr / Abu Man~ur cAbd aI-Malik b. MuJ::tammad

b. IsmacIl al-NaysaburT al-Thacalibi (d. 429/1038)
N 180-181, r 532-533/166
For the author see GAL, I, pp. 337-340; S, I, pp. 499-502. In r, his
name is given erroneously as al-Tha clabl. The title appears in N* fol
120b as NiCmat al-dahr and in N* fol121a as Sunnat (Sanat?) al-dahr.
The excerpts in N comprise two poems by al-$al,lib b. CAbbad ( =
Yat?:ma, Cairo, 1375-7/1956-8, III, pp. 282-283, whence D?:wan al-$a~ib
b. CAbbad, ed. Mul,lammad J:Iasan Al Yasln, Baghdad, 1384/1965, pp.
189-190,276-277). The excerpt in r (on cAmr b. aI-cAl? moving the seal
ring from his right to his left hand) is missing from the Cairo edition
of the Yat?:ma. In fact, such material seems out of place in a poetic
anthology such as the Yati"ma. Might Ir (or a copyist) have mistakenly
mentioned the Yat?:ma instead of another title?

==> Yawiiqzt al-tZjiin fi qi~al} al-qur'iin (al-Tha ClabI), see al- cArii'i8
654. (**)+ Zabiir Diiwiid
S 7-8, 47-53
IT possessed numerous copies of Zabiir Diiwiidj the copy from which
he cites was a small manuscript in the format of thumn al-waraqa al-
kabZra. The work is divided into chapters, referred to as Suras. In some
passages God addresses David (who is described as a prophet) (e.g. S
47 = Sura 2, S 48 = Sura 17, S 50 = Suras 36, 47); in others He speaks
to the Israelites, either directly (e.g. S 47 = Sura 10) or through David
(e.g. S 48 = Sura 17, S 51 = Sura 65), or to mankind in general (e.g. S
49 = Suras 23, 30, S 50 = Sura 46, S 51 = Sura 67, S 52 = Sura 68).
The text is paraenetic in nature. It is clearly Islamic (e.g. S 48 = Sura
17: "Mul:tammad and his community will inherit the earth"; S 50 =
Sura 46: the punishment for taking ribii'), and includes some explicit
anti-Christian references (e.g. S 47 = Sura 2: "They will take clsa as a
god instead of me"). IT cites from Suras 2, 10, 17, 23, 30, 36, 46, 47,
65, 67, 68, 71, 84, 100. For some of these citations he gives only the
quire number (the quires mentioned are 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12); for
others he also refers to the folio number.
As noted by J. Sadan ("Some Literary Problems Concerning J u-
daism and Jewry in Medieval Arabic Sources", Studie8 in 18lamic Hi8-
tory and Civilization in Honour of Profe88ar David Ayalon, ed. M.
Sharon, Leiden, 1986, pp. 353-398, at pp. 396-397), there are various
pseudo-psalms which go under the title of Zabiir Diiwiid. Further re-
search will be needed to establish precisely which text is cited by IT.
(The text is, at any rate, not the same as the Zabiir Diiwii,d mentioned
in Dh XII 37 no. 207.)
655. ** K. ziid al-ciibidzn / I;Iusayn b. AbI (or CAbd) al-I;Iasan (or
I;Iusayn) CAlI b. Khalaf al-KashgharI al-mulaqqab bi I-Fa<;ll (alive in
Dh XII 4 no. 19
M 33-34/344-345, MD 355-357
In MD 355/MD* fo1196a, the author's name is given as Abu I-I;Iusayn
b. Khalaf. The name in BA, LXVI, p. 476 (citing the passage in MD
, 355) is al-I;Iusayn b. al-I;Iasan b. Khalaf al-ashunI. In BA, XCI, p.
i 384 (citing the passage in M), the name appears as I;Iasan b. al-I;Iasan
. b. Khalaf al-KashgharI. AfandI assumes that he was an ImamI (Riyii,
II, p. 7). He is identified in Ibn al-Athlr's Lubiib (III, p. 76) as "Abu
cAbd Allah al-I;Iusayn b. CAlI b. Khalaf b. JibrIl ... al-KashgharI
. .. known as al-Fa~l, author of more than 120 works of ~adzth".
In the excerpt in MD, the Prophet teaches some of the Companions
a supplication which Gabriel taught him and which cures a variety of

ailments. In M, the Prophet explains how to expiate a failure to perform

one's prayers on time.

==} Zad al-musajir (al-HamadhanI), see al-Muntakhab min kitab zad


** Zad al-musajir / Al}.mad b. cAlI b. al-~asan h. Shadhan al-

Qummi (fl. mid-4th/10th century)
Dh XII 7 no. 40
Muayaqa (?)
For the author see N ajashI, pp. 84-85, no. 204; N awabigh, p. 33. He was
the father of the author of al-Mi'at ~adith (see List under this entry).
In Dh, al-TihranI states that this work is cited in the Mu4ayaqa; but
no such passage is to be found in M .
* Zad al-musajir / Abu cAbd Allah Mu~ammad b. AJ:!mad b. cAbd
Allah b. Qu<;laca al-~afwani (alive in 346/957-958)
Iqbal (?)
AI-TihranI states (N awabigh, p. 239) that this work contained suppli-
cations for each night of Rama<;lan, and that these supplications are
cited by al-KafcamI in his Balad. He adds that IT cited each of these
supplications in the appropriate place in the Iqbal. The Zad al-musajir
is not mentioned in IQ. It is however noteworthy that the texts cited
there include supplications each of which is appropriate only for one
particular night of Rama<;lan (adCiya ghayr mutakarrira). The source
of these supplications is not given in IQ, but it is not implausible that
it should have been al-$afwanI.
656. **? K. zahrat al-muhaj wa tawiirikh al-~ujaj / anon.
F 101-102/96
Judging by its title, this work consisted of biographies of the Imams; it
appears in the Riyii (VI, p. 46) in a list of anonymous works. In the
passage cited, cAlI Zayn al- cAbidfu is said to have trembled and gone
pale whenever the time for prayer drew near.
657. (+)- K. al-zii'irjiit (or al-zzjiit) fi stikhriij al-hzliij wa l-kadkhudii
/ Abu Sa ~d Al).mad b. Mul).ammad b. cAbd al-JalIl al-Sijzi (d. 415/
N 127
For this work see GAS, VII, p. 178, no. 4. From the formulation in
N it would appear that IT ascribed it to Abu SaCld's father. Such
an ascription is erroneous: Sezgin cites numerous manuscripts of this
work in all of which it is described as being by Abu Sa cId; in addi-
tion, the father is not known to have left behind any writings. For

an explication of the astrological terms hiliij and kadkhudii see P. Ku-

nitzsch, Mittelalterliche astronomisch-astrologische Glossare mit ara-
bischen Fachausdrucken, pp. 35-36, 49-50. Cf. ~Maqiila fi fat~ al-biib,
~ K. ta~wi:l sini l-mawiilid.

658. + K. al-zawa'id wa fawii'id al-ba~ii'ir fi wujuh al-qur'iin wa 1-

na~ii'ir / Abu cAbd Allah al-~usayn b. Mul;1ammad b. IbrahIm al-
Damaghani (fl. 5th/11th century?)
S 259
Title as in S (except that, due to a misprint, al-zawii'id appears as
al-zawii'ir); the author's name appears there as al-I:Iusayn b. Mul;1am-
mad al-Damaghanl. In GAL, S, II, p. 986, no. 33, the title appears as
al- Wujuh wa I-na~ii'ir fi l-qur'iin al-karim and the author is identified
as ~usayn b. Mul;1ammad b. IbrahIm al-Damaghanl. The passage in S
(from the tenth quire, the end of the fourth folio) deals with the two
meanings which the word al-siiq has in the Qur'an; this passage ap-
pears on pp. 253-254 in the edition published by cAbd al-cAzlz Sayyid
al-Ahl (Beirut, 1970) under the title I~lii~ al-wujuh wa I-na~ii'ir fi 1-
qur'iin al-kar1:m (the word I~lii~ was added by the editor and does not
appear in the manuscript). This edition is based on what the editor
assumed to be a unique manu$cript (Dar al-Kutub, tafs1:r 824). There
are, however, at least three other manuscripts of this work: in the Dar
al-Kutub (tafs1:r 130), in the Maktabat al-Awqaf al-cAmma in Baghdad
(referred to by Mul;1ammad cAbd aI-KarIm Ka~im al-Ra<;l1 in his edi-
tion of Ibn al-JawzI's Nuzhat al-aCyun al-nawii~ir fi Cilm al-wujuh wa
I-na~ii'ir, Beirut, 1404/1984, pp. 52, 649), and in the Chester Beatty
Library (ms. 5206).
In GAL, I, p. 460, the title appears as al-Zawii'id wa I-na~ii'ir wa
fawii'id al-ba~ii'ir (fi ghar1:b al-qur'iin), and the author is identified as
the ~anafl judge and scholar Abu cAbd Allah Mul;1ammad b. cAll b.
Mul;1ammad b. al-~usaynal-Damaghanl(d. 478/1085; see EI2, Supple-
ment, art. "al-Damaghanl, Abu cAbd Allah Mul;1ammad" [G. Makdisi)).
This identification appears to be erroneous: he is not credited with such
a work in the primary sources. Brockelmann's evidence is ~ajjl Khallfa;
but the author's name appears there as Abu cAbd Allah al-~usayn b.
Mul;1ammad b. IbrahIm (I:IajjI Khallfa, II, p. 2001, citing Ibn al-Jawzl's
Nuzhat al-a c yun; cf. ed. Fliigel, III, p. 543, no. 6871). Brockelmann was
followed by al-Zirikll (II, p. 254), Kal;1l;1ala (IX, p. 48), al-Ra<;l1 (in the
introduction to his edition of Nuzhat al-a c yun, pp. 51-52) and Gilliot
("Textes", p. 305). AI-Ragl adduces no evidence identifying our author
with the I:Ianafl judge beyond citing Brockelmann and Ibn al-Jawzl's
Munta~am (where the judge's biography is given, but without any men-
tion of this work; see IX, pp. 22-24). Gilliot states that Abu cAbd Allah

al-J:lusayn b. Mu:Q.ammad al-DamaghanI is an abbreviation of the au-

thor's complete name, but he fails to show how such an abbreviation
can be produced from the judge's name. AI-Ra<;lI, believing our author
to be the I:Ianaff judge, takes Sayyid al-Ahl to task for saying (in the
introduction to his edition of the Zawa'id, p. 6) that nothing is known
about the author. Sayyid al-Ahl, however, made his statement because
he assumed (probably correctly) that the author was not the I:Ianaff
There are some scraps of information on al-I:Iusayn b' Mu:Q.ammad
al-DamaghanI not noted by Sayyid al-Ahl. AI-SuyutI, referring to him
as Ibn al-DamaghanI (see al-Itqan fi culiim al-qur'an, ed. Mu:Q.ammad
Abu I-Fa<;ll IbrahIm, Cairo, 1974-5, II, p. 144), considers him a late
author (min al-.muta 'akhkhirzn); but this is not very helpful in dating
him. He was at any rate earlier than Ibn al-J awzI, who knew this work
(see his Nuzhat al-a cyun, p. 83, whence I:IajjI KhalIfa). Finally, the
Chester Beatty manuscript of another work by this author (al-Mujarrad
fi l-~ikayat) is from the 6th/12th century, and Arberry may well be
correct in dating our author to the 5th/11th century (A. J. Arberry,
The Chester Beatty Library: A Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts, III,
Dublin, 1958, p. 34, no. 3578). Sayyid al-Ahl speculates that he may
have been be a son of Mu:Q.ammad b. CAlI al-DamaghanI; this is unlikely,
since the name of al-I:Iusayn's grandfather is given as IbrahIm.
659. **+ K. al-zawajir wa I-mawaci~ / Abu A:Q.mad al-I:Iasan b. CAbd
Allah b. Sacld b. al-I:Iasan al-cAskari (d. 382/993)
Dh XII 60 no. 450
K 157, 159, l' 205/53, 417/127
For the author see EI2, art. "al-cAskarI" (J. W. Flick). This title also
appears in Sbath (p. 27, no. 493). Title in l' 205/53: K. al-zawajir; in
l' 417/127 (as also in Ibn Shahrashub, Manaqib, III, p. 85) it is K. al-
mawaci~ wa l-zawajir. IT used a manuscript dated Dhu I-Qacda 473/
Apr.-May 1081 (K 157). He identifies the author as a SunnI (1'; see the
discussion under -+K. maCanz l-akhbar) and refers to a wa~iyya of CAlI
to his son al-I:Iasan which was included in its first juz' (K 157). In the
excerpt in l' 205/53, MuCawiya calls the hijrzyear 40 cam al-sunna.
This work does not appear to be extant. Brockelmann's ascription
of ms. Kopriilli 730 to al- cAskarI in the first edition of GAL (I, p. 127)
was corrected by Rescher, who rightly noted that the text in question
was the K. al-zawajir Can iqtiraf al-kaba'ir of Ibn I:Iajar al-HaytamI (d.
974/1567) (see his "Arabische Handschriften der Kopriilli-Bibliothek",
MSOS, 14, 1911, pp. 163-198, at p. 197). In the second edition of GAL
(I, p. 132) Brockelmann took note of Rescher's comment but retained
this title in the entry on al-cAskarI; and in GAL, S, I, p. 193 he again

mistakenly referred to the Kopriilu manuscript as a work by al- CAskarl.

660. +- al-Zzj / cAbd Allah b. A1.).mad l:Iabash (or b. Abl I:Iubaysh/
I:Iabash) (fl. early 4th/10th century?)
N 205
In N* fol 137b, Jaysh is written for Abll:Iubaysh. Sezgin (GAS, VI, p.
188, no. 2, citing N 205) reads "b. Abl I:Iabash". Perhaps the author
is CAbd Allah aI-rna cruf bi I:Iabash, who transmitted from J a cfar b.
Mu1.).ammad al-Firyabl (d. 301/913; see Sam canl, IV, p. 49, Ibn al-
Athlr, Lubiib, I, pp. 336-337). See the next entry. IT mentions this
among the astronomical texts by Sunnl authors of which he possesses
a copy. IT also possessed copies of all the other astronomical tables
(zzjiit) mentioned in the following entries.
661. +- al-Zzj / A1.).mad b. CAbd Allah ~abash al-I:Iasib al-Marwazl
(fl. 3d/9th century)
Dh VIII 214 [no no.]
N 205
N has I:Iubaysh for I:Iabash. For this astronomer see GAS, VI, pp. 173-
175; his Zij is discussed on pp. 174-175; see also Matar, pp. 418-419. IT
says he does not know whether this author is the father of cAbd Allah
b. A1.).mad, the author of the Zij mentioned in the previous entry.
662. *- al-Zij / Abu I-Qasim CAll b. Abll-I:Iasan cAll b. Abll-MujIb
cAll b. Jacfar al-cAlawl al-I:Iusaynl known as Ibn al-A clam (d. 375/
Dh IV 400 (note), XII 80 no. 553
N 125-126 i

See GAS, V, p. 309, VI, pp. 215-216, 293 (referring to E. S. Kennedy,

"The Astronomical Tables of Ibn al-A clam", JHAS, I, 1977, pp. 13-23).
663. +- al-Zij al-Ma'munz al-mumta~an / Ya1].ya b. Abi Manl?ur
(d. ca. 215/830)
Dh VIII 215 [no no.]
N 205
In N, the title is given as K. al-zzj. The author was court astrologer
to al-Ma'mun and one of a group of astronomers known as a~~iib al-
mumta~an who carried out observations under al-Ma'mun's patronage.
See H. Salam and E. S. Kennedy, "Solar and Lunar Tables in Early
Islamic Astronomy", JAOS, 87, 1967, pp. 492-497, reprinted in E. S.
Kennedy, Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, Beirut, 1983, pp. 108-
113; GAS, VI, p. 136, VII, p. 116; cf. Neugebauer, p. 8. For this work
see P. Kunitzsch, "Die arabische Herkunft von zwei Sternverzeichnissen
in Cod. Vat. gr. 1056", ZDMG, 120, 1970, pp. 281-287. A facsimile
edition of ms. Escorial arabe 927 has recently been published. See Ya1.).ya

ibn AbiMan~ur, The Verified Astronomical Tables for the Caliph al-
Ma'mun: Al-z7:j al-Ma'mun7: al-mumta~an, ed. F. Sezgin, Publications
of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, Series C,
Facsimile Editions, vol. 28, Frankfurt, 1986.
664. *+- al-Z7:j al-Ma'mun7: al-ra!!ad7: / al-I:Iusayn b. A}:lmad al-$ufl
aI-Kirmani (fl. early 3d/9th century?)
N 203
See the discussion under --+- K. jadawil taqr7:bat al-mayl.
665. *+- al-Z7:j al-mukhtara C / aI-ij:usayn b. ~abbal]. al-I:Iasib (fl.
first half of the 3d/9th century?)
N 206
For $abba}:l, both Nand N* (fol 138a) have Mi~ba}:l. The author's first
name is usually given as al-I:Iasan. He was one of the three Banu 1-
$abba}:l brothers (GAS, V, pp. 252-253, VI, pp. 148-149). For this work
see GAS, VI, p. 149. Cf. --+-al-Irshad ila ta!!~7:~ al-mabadi '.
===> K. al-zfjat (al-SijzI), see K. al-za'irjat

666. + Ziyiidat ~aqa'iq al-tafs7:r / Abu CAbd al-Ra}:lman aI-Sulami (d.

S 19, 217-218
In BA (XCII, p. 384), .this fragment is cited under the title IJaqa'iq
al- tafs7:r. G. Bowering has shown, however, that these are two different
works. IT cites the exegesis to Q 2:1 = p. 6, no. 19 in Bowering's forth-
coming edition of the Ziyadat (which is based on a unique manuscript).
I am grateful to Professor Bowering for the reference to his edition.
667. **? K. ziyadiit mi!!bii~ al-muta C abbid / anon.
IQ [om 337]/89
A tradition is cited in which al-Baqir refers to the merit of praising
God on every day of Rama<;lan.
===> K. al-ziyiiriit (Ibn Qillawayh), see Kamil al-ziyara

668. * K. al-ziyiirat wa I-faa'il / Abul-I:Iasan Mu}:lammad b. A}:lmad

b. Dawud b. cAll aI-Qummi (d. 368/978-979)
Dh XII 78 no. 534
IQ 38/567-568, 145/657, 206-208/710-712, 685-686/468, Z* 110,
Baha' aI-DIn al-cAmilI, Kashkul, I, pp. 286-287
This work is also known ~s K. al-maziir (see NajashI, p. 384), K. al-
mazar al-kabi:r (TusI, Fihrist, p. 166, no. 604), and K. kamal al-ziyiiriit
(see IQ 685-686/468). In IQ 206-208/710-712, only the author's name
is given. The text in Z* is largely identical with IQ 685-686/468 (on the
merits of visiting cAll's grave on Yawm al-GhadIr), but the work's title

is not given. IQ 38/567-568: on visiting al-I;Iusayn's grave on cAshura'.

IQ 145/657: al-Ri<;la recommends visiting al-I;Iusayn's grave in mid-
Rajab and mid-Sha cban. IQ 206-208/710-712: on the merits of visiting
al-I;Iusayn'sgrave in mid-Shacban. IQ 685-686/468: al-Ri<;la on the mer-
its of Yawm al-Ghadlr.
In addition to these excerpts, there are several other passages from
the K. al-ziyiiriit which 1+ cited in one of his works. An autograph of
this work was seen by cAbd al-$amad b. Mu~ammad b. cAlI al-cAmilI
al-I;IarithI (d. 935/1528-9) (for whom see Riyii4, III, p. 128; A Cyiin,
XXXVIII, p. 41; Bosworth, Bahii' al-Din al-cAmil" pp. 4-5), and some
(or all) of the excerpts copied by cAbd al-$amad were incorporated by
his grandson Baha' al-Dln al-cAmilI in his Kashkul, Qumm, 1377-9, I,
pp. 286-287 (whence MK, XIV, p. 61, XVI, p. 204); see also Ba~ranI,
K ashkul, III, p. 389; Bosworth, p. 44. The work in question is not iden-
tified; perhaps it was I+'s Maziir (see Chapter 11.2). The excerpts are
taken from the second juz' of the K. al-ziyiiriit. One excerpt describes
how al-I;Iusayn bought the land surrounding his future grave from the
people of Nlnawa and al-GhaQ.iriyya for 60,000 dirhams and offered to
give them the land as a charitable donation (/}adaqa) on condition that
they showed people the way to the grave and offered hospitality for
three days to those who came to visit it. 1+ then refers to the Biib
nawiidir al-ziyiiriit from the K. al-ziyiiriit where it is reported that this
donation was revoked when the people failed to abide by the conditions
set by al-I;Iusayn.
I+'s nephew cAbd aI-KarIm possessed an old manuscript of Ibn
Dawud's work (to which he refers as K. al-maziir). It had been collated
with the autograph dated Rabl c II 360/Feb. 971 (Ghari, pp. 86, 140).
This may have been the manuscript in I+'s possession.
669. * K. zuhd mawliinii CAli b. AM Tiilib / Abu Jacfar Mu~ammad b.
CAlI Ibn Babawayh (d. 381/991)
Dh XII 65 no. 468
F 101/96, 109/103, 266-267/242-243, + 282/78
This title apparently refers to the second part of Ibn Babawayh's K.
al-zuhd (see NajashI, p. 391). Ibn Babawayh is explicitly mentioned as
the author in F 101/96 and 109/103. In the other excerpts he is merely
identified as $ii~ib (or mu/}annif) kitiib zuhd mawliinii cAli. Most of
the excerpts describe CAlI's piety. The K. zuhd amir al-mu'minin from
which excerpts are cited in al-+abrisI's Makiirim al-akhliiq (pp. 106-108,
110-111, 132, 147, 159-160) may well be the same work.
==> K. zuhd al-nabi (Jacfar b. A~mad al-QummI), see al-Munbi' Can
zuhd al-nabi"
This index includes authors of all works which are given a reference
number in the List. The authors are indexed by the reference number.

Aban b. Mu}:lammad al-Sindl .......................................... 50

cAbd Allah b. Abi Zayd al-Anbarl ..................................... 72
cAbd Allah b. Bukayr b. A Cyan ...................................... 269
cAbd Allah b. I;Iammad al-An~arl ..................................... 51
cAbd Allah b. Mu}:lammad al-Yamani ................................. 52
cAbd Allah b. al-Qasim al-I;Ia<;lrami .................................. 270
cAbd Allah b. al-$alt, Abu Talib al-Qummi .......................... 620
cAbd al-Jabbar b. A}:lmad al-Asadabadl ..................... 141, 456, 593
cAbd al-Ra}:lman b. al-Mubarak ...................................... 616
cAbd al-Ra}:lman b. Mu}:lammad al-AzdI .............................. 161
cAbd al-Wa}:lid b. cAbd Allah al-Maw~ill .............................. 10
al-cAbdarI, Razln b. MuCawiya al-SaraqusF ........................... 226
Abu l-cAbbas A}:lmad b. Mu}:lammad ................................. 271
Abu l-cAbbas b. Nawbakht ....................................... 20,375
Abu 1- cAbbas al-Razzaz, Mu}:lammad b. Ja cfar ........................ 241
Abu cAbd Allah al-BajaII, Musa b. al-Qasim ......................... 272
Abu cAbd Allah al-I;IasanI, Mu}:lammad b. cAlI ....................... 273
Abu cAbd al-Ra}:lman b. Mu}:lammad b. Hani' ........................ 568
Abu CAll al-Ashnasl ................................................... 21
Abu Bakr al-Shafi cI, Mu}:lammad b. cAbd Allah ...................... 131
Abu Bishr al- cAmmi ................................................ 1, 15
Abu Dawud al-SijistanI, Sulayman b. aI-Ash Cath al-AzdI .............. 524
Abu I-Faraj al-I~fahani ............................................ 8, 364
Abu I-Ghana'im al-Nassaba, cAbd Allah h. al-I;Iasan al-Zaydi ......... 487
Abu I-I;Iasan (b. CAll) b. Mu}:lammad ................................. 242
Abu I-I;Iasan al-N assaba .............................................. 111
Abu Hashim al-Jubba'l .............................................. 233
Abu I;Iatim al-SijistanI, Sahl b. Mu}:lammad .......................... 410
Abu I-I;Iusayn al-Bazzaz .............................................. 199
Abu I-Majd al-WasiF al-Waci~ ........................................ 49
Abu Ma cshar al-Baikhi ................................................ 75
Abu Mikhnaf, Lut b. Ya}:lya .......................................... 274
Abu I-Mu'ayyad al-KhwarazmI, al-Muwaffaq b. A}:lmad
KhatIb Khwarazm ........................................... 44,351
Abu Musa al-Qurashl ................................................ 192
Abu MuF c al-Nasafi, Mak}:lUl b. Fa<;ll Allah ........................... 323

Abu Nu 'aym ......................................................... 427

Abu Nu'aym (Ra9.l aI-DIn Abu I-Nu'aym b. Mul].ammad
b. Mul].ammad al-QashanI?) ..................................... 552
Abu Nu'aym al-I;afi~ al-N-'ar (or B-'ar) ............................. 452
Abu Nu'aym al-I!?fahani ..................................... 17,109,177
Abu I-Qasim al-Balkhi al-Ka 'bi ...................................... 231
Abu I-Qasim al-Qa~rI ........................... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 178
Abu I-Qasim (Qr Abu Hashim) b. aI-$abbagh ......................... 480
Abu Sa cld aI-NaysaburI, Mul].ammad b. Al].mad ........................ 43
Abu 'Ubayd, al-Qasim b. Sallam ..................................... 545
Abu 'Ubayda, Ma'mar b. al-Muthanna .......................... 159, 366
Abu 'U mar (or 'Amr) aI-Zahid Ghulam Tha'lab ............. 13, 352, 652
Al].mad b. 'All b. Al].mad b. aI-I;usayn, aI-M- '-I-r (or M- '-I-n) ......... 644
Al].mad b. I;anbaI, Abu 'Abd Allah .............................. 354, 450
Al].mad b. al-I;usayn b. Sulayman ................................... 336
Al].mad b. al-I;usayn b. 'Vmar ........................................ 53
Al].mad b. J a 'far b. Shadhan ........................................... 5
al-AhwazI, Al].mad b. al-I;asan ...................................... 651
al-AhwazI, al-ijasan b. 'All b. IbrahIm ............................... 643
al-AhwazI, IJusayn b. Sa'id .................................. 87, 119,529
al-AjurrI, Abu Bakr Mul].ammad b. al-IJusayn ........................ 541
al-Akhfash al-A~ghar, Abu I-I;asan 'All b. Sulayman ................. 328
(Ala' b. Razln ....................................................... 275
(All b. (Abd al-Wal].id al-Nahdi ....................................... 23
(All b. IbrahIm al-Qummi .................................. 194, 330, 572
'All b. elsa ........................................................... 200
(All b. Isma(il al-Mlthami ............................................ 54
(All b. Ja (far (i.e. aI-$adiq) .......................................... 372
(All b. Yaqtln ........................................................ 373
(Ammar b. Musa al-Sabati ............................................ 55
aI- (AmmI, Mul].ammad b. al-ijasan b. Jumhur al-Ba~rI ............... 642
al-AqsasI, aI-SharIf Abu Ya (Ia Mul].ammad b. aI-SharIf AbII-Qasim
aI-IJasan ........................................................ 571
As(ad b. (Abd aI-Qahir al-I~fahanI, Abu I-Sa (adat ............... 137, 502
aI-Ash (arI, Mul].ammad b. Al].mad b. Yal].ya .......................... 469
al-AshtarI, (Abd al-Qahir (or aI-Qadir) ............................... 116
al- (AskarI, Abu Al].mad IJasan b. (Abd Allah b. Sa (Id ................. 659
al- (AskarI, Abu Hilal .................................................. 77
al-AstarabadI, (Abd aI-RashId b. al-IJusayn ...................... 359, 622
aI- (AyyashI, Abu I-Na<;l.r Mul].ammad b. Mas(ud aI-Samarqandi ....... 573
aI-BaghawI, aI-IJusayn b. Mas(ud ..................................... 370
aI-BaghdadI, (Abd al-Qahir ..................................... 124, 1~3
Bakr b. Mul].ammad aI-Shami ........................................ 276

al-Baladhurl, AJ:tmad b. YaJ:tya ....................................... 599

al-Baqir, MuJ:tammad b. cAll b. al-ijusayn ........................... 560
al-Barql, AJ:tmad b. MuJ:tammad ...................................... 334
al-Barql, MuJ:tammad b. Khalid .................................. 411, 491
al-Bata'inl, al-ijasan b. cAll b. Abl ijamza ........................... 347
al-Battanl, Abu cAbd Allah MuJ:tammad b. Jabir ..................... 490
al-Battanl (or Tabbanl), MuJ:tammad b. Khatlr ....................... 508
al-BayhaqI, Abu Bakr AJ:tmad b. al-ijusayn ........................... 101
al-BlrunI, Abu I-RayJ:tan ............................................. 214
al-BizantI, Abu Ja cfar AJ:tmad b. MuJ:tammad ......................... 277
al-Bukharl, Abu Na~r Sahl b. cAbd Allah ............................. 548
al-Bukharl, MuJ:tammad b. IsmacIl .................................... 525
al-Bursl, Abu Tahir MuJ:tammad b. al-ijasan ......................... 325
al-BustI, IsmacIl (b. CAlI) ............................................. 127
al-Damaghanl, Abu cAbd Allah al-ijusayn b. MuJ:tammad ............ 658
al-Daraqutnl, Abu l-ijasan cAlI b. cUmar ............................. 526
al-DaylamI, Shlrawayh b. Shahradar .................................. 152
al-DlnawarI, IbrahIm b. cAlI b. MuJ:tammad ........................... 471
al-Dlnawarl, Na~r b. YaCqub .......................................... 230
al-DurIstI, MuJ:tammad b. AJ:tmad ,.................................... 180
al-Fa9.1 b. YaJ:tya Tabad .............................................. 232
Fanakhusraw b. Rustam b. Hurmuz .................................. 647
al-Farghanl, AJ:tmad b. MuJ:tammad .................................. 238
aI-Farra', YaJ:tya b. Ziyad ............................................ 561
al-GanjI, MuJ:tammad b. Yusuf al-Shafi cI .............................. 268
al-GhazzaII, Abu ijamid .................. 90, 173, 188, 198, 404, 437, 629
Ghiyath b. IbrahIm al-TamlmI ....................................... 278
ijabash, cAbd Allah b. AJ:tmad ....................................... 660
ijabash, AJ:tmad h. cAbd Allah al-ijasib al-MarwazI ................... 661
al-Hadl, cAlI ......................................................... 377
al-ijafi~ al-I~fahanI, Abu I-Qasim IsmacIl b. MuJ:tammad Qiwam
al-Sunna ........................................................ 596
ijaf~ b. al-BakhtarI ................................................... 279
ijajib al-Nucman, CUbayd Allah (or cAbd Allah) b. MuJ:tammad ...... 183
al-ijakim al-NaysaburI, Abu cAbd Allah MuJ:tammad b. CAbd Allah
Ibn al-Bayyi C ................... '................................. 615
al-ijalabl, Abu 1-$alaJ:t TaqI aI-DIn b. Najm ai-DIn .................... 425
al-ijalabI, Kamal aI-DIn MuJ:tammad b. TalJ:ta al- cAdawI .............. 389
al-ijalwanI (or ijulwanI), cAbd al-RaJ:tman b. MuJ:tammad ............ 631
al-HamadhanI, Abu 1- cAla' al-ijasan b. AJ:tmad .............. 153, 243,438
al-Hamadhanl (Hamdanl?), Abu l-ijasan MuJ:tammad b. cAbd
aI-Malik .................................................... 166, 600
ijammad b. CUthman al-Fazarl ....................................... 280

al-HarawI, Abu I-Fa<;ll b. Mu~ammad ................................. 256

al-HarawI, Abu Ismacll cAbd Allah b. Mu~ammad al-An~arl .......... 220
al-HarawI, Abu CUbayd $a~ib al-Azharl .............................. 162
al-ij:arbI, Abu Na~r Man~ur b. Mu~ammad ........................... 583
al-ij:arranI, Abu I-Thana' ij:ammad b. Hibat Allah .................... 601
al-ij:asan b. AbII-Barakat cAll b. al-ij:asan ........................... 248
al-ij:asan b. Ma~bub .............................................. 56, 388
al-ij:asanI, Abu l- cAbbas A~mad b. IbrahIm .......................... 371
al-ij:askanI, CUbayd Allah b. cAbd Allah ......................... 120, 542
al-Hay~am b. Mu~ammad b. cAbd al- cAzlz, Abu l-ij:asan al-Naysaburl 493
Hibat Allah b. Salama b. Na~r b. cAll aI-BaghdadI .................... 467
al-ij:imma~I (or ij:im~I), Sadld aI-DIn Ma~mud b. cAlI ................. 590
al-ij:imyarI, cAbd Allah b. Ja cfar ............................. 98,494, 624
Hisham b. Salim al-JawallqI ........................................... 57
aI-ij:ulwanI, ij:usayn b. Mu~ammad ................................... 463
ij:umayd b. al-Muthanna, Abu I-Maghra' .............................. 58
aI-ij:umaydI, Mu~ammad b. AbII-Na~r Futu~ ........................ 225
I;Iurayz b. cAbd Allah aI-Sijistani ..................................... 281
aI-ij:usayn b. cAll b. Hind ......................................... 311 (?)
I;lusayn b. Khuzayma ............................................. 12, 392
al-I;lusayn b. $abba~ aI-I;lasib ........................................ 665
I;lusayn b. Sayf aI-Kindi ............................................... 59
Ibn cAbd aI-Barr, Yusuf b. cAbd Allah ............................... 216
Ibn cAbd Rabbihi, A~mad b. Mu~ammad ............................ 208
Ibn Abi Dawud al-SijistanI, Abu Bakr cAbd Allah .................... 227
Ibn AbII-Dunya, cAbd Allah b. Mul}.ammad ......................... 132
Ibn AbII-Fawaris, Mu~ammad b. (AbI) Muslim ....................... 41
Ibn Abi Qurra, Mu~ammad b. cAll b. Mu~ammad ........... 24, 383, 455
Ibn AbII-ThaIj, Mu~ammad b. A~mad b. Mu~ammad ........... 393,594
Ibn al-A clam, Abu I-Qasim cAll b. AbII-I;lasan cAlI ................... 662
Ibn aI-Ash Cath, Mu~ammad b. Mu~ammad aI-Kuff ................... 223
Ibn A Ctham, Abu Mu~ammad A~mad aI-Kuff ........................ 602
Ibn aI-Athlr .......................................................... 179
Ibn al-Athlr, cIzz aI-DIn CAll b. Mu~ammad .......................... 603
Ibn CAyyash aI-Jawhar"f, A~mad b. Mu~ammad .............. ~. 9, 22, 444
Ibn Babawayh, CAll b. al-ij:usayn ..................................... 510
Ibn Babawayh, Mu~ammad b. cAlI ................... 18,26,47,151, 195,
207,251,265,327,333,349,398,442,446,474,621,626, 639, 640, 669
Ibn BaqI, CAll b. al-I;lusayn al-Qurashl ............................... 406
Ibn al-Barraj, cAbd al- cAzlz aI-Shami al-Tarabuiusl .................. 419
Ibn Bashkuwal, Khalaf b. cAbd aI-Malik al-Qurtubi .................. 454
Ibn Batta al- cUkbarI ................................................. 182
Ibn al-Bazyar, Mu~ammad b. cAbd Allah al-Qummi .................. 489

Ibn al-Bitrlq, Abu I-IJasan Yal)ya b. aI-IJasan .................... 258, 633

Ibn aI-DacI, Jamal aI-DIn al-Murtaga Mul)ammad b. al-IJusayn al-Razi 486
Ibn Dawud al-Qumml, Abu I-IJasan Mul)ammad b. Al)mad ...... 498, 668
Ibn al-Daya, Al)mad b. Yusuf b. IbrahIm al-Mi1?rl .................... 580
Ibn Durayd, Abu Bakr Mul)ammad b. aI-IJasan ...................... 423
Ibn FaggaI, Abu I-IJasan cAll b. aI-IJasan ............................ 550
Ibn aI-Farra', Mul)ammad b. al-IJusayn Abu Yacla .................... 282
Ibn Fatir, Mul)ammad b. Mul)ammad ................................ 337
Ibn aI-IJaddad, Abu I-Faraj ~adaqa b. aI-IJusayn aI-IJanbail .......... 559
Ibn IJamza, cImad aI-DIn Abu Jacfar Mul)ammad b. cAll aI-rusl ...... 645
Ibn IJanbaI, see Al)mad b. IJanbal
Ibn al-Harawanl (or al-HarawI), Abu cAbd Allah Mul)ammad
b. cAbd Allah aI-Jucfi ........................................... 244
Ibn IJinzaba, Ja cfar b. al-Fagi ........................................ 165
Ibn Idrls, Abu cAbd Allah Mul)ammad b. Man1?ur aI-IJilll ............. 533
Ibn cIraq, Abu Na1?r Man1?ur b. cAll .................................. 537
Ibn aI-Jarral), cAll b. cIsa b. Dawud aI-BaghdadI ..................... 598
Ibn al-JawzI, cAbd al-Ral)man b. cAll ....................... 439, 445, 595
Ibn aI-Jul)am, Abu cAbd Allah Mul)ammad b. aI- cAbbas ............. 623
Ibn al-Junayd, Abu cAll Mul)ammad b. Al)mad al-Iskafi .............. 429
Ibn Jurayj, cAbd aI-Malik b. cAbd al- cAzlz .......................... 562
Ibn al-Kalbl, Abu I-Mundhir Hisham b. Mul)ammad ............. 390, 465
Ibn Kamil, Abu Bakr Al)mad b. Khalaf aI-BaghdadI al-Shajarl ....... 434
Ibn Khalawayh, Abu cAbd Allah aI-IJusayn b. Al)mad ........... 212, 433
Ibn al-Khammar, aI-IJasan b. Suwar ................................... 76
Ibn Khanibah, Al;lmad b. cAbd Allah ................................ 283
Ibn al-Khashshab, Abu Mul;lammad cAbd Allah b. Al)mad ........... 394
Ibn aI-Khwarazml, Yusuf b. Mul)ammad .............................. 32
Ibn al-Maghazill, Abu I-IJasan cAll b. Mul)ammad aI-Jullabl .......... 355
Ibn Mal)bub, Mul)ammad b. cAll aI-Qumml aI-Ash carl ........... 448, 530
Ibn Maja, Abu cAbd Allah Mul)ammad b. Yazld ..................... 554
Ibn al-Malal)iml, Mal)mud b. cAbd Allah ............................. 139
Ibn Malik aI-QatICI, Al)mad b. Ja cfar ................................. 245
Ibn Manda, Abu Zakariyya Yal)ya al-Thaqafi al-I1?fahanl .............. 381
Ibn Mardawayh, Abu Bakr Al)mad b. Musa al-I~fahanl ............... 353
Ibn al-Mashhadl, Mul)ammad b. Ja cfar h. cAll ....................... 400
Ibn Maymun al-Nassaba aI-WasiF .................................... 387
Ibn Mu Cayya, Mul)ammad ........................................... 391
Ibn al-Munajjim, aI-Mubarak b. al-IJusayn al-Maridlnl ............... 360
Ibn al-Nadlm, Mul)ammad b. Isl)aq .................................. 144
Ibn aI-Najjar, Mul)ammad b. Mal)mud ............................... 106
Ibn Naqa (or Naqid), Al)mad b. Yal)ya al-Muqri' ..................... 168
Ibn aI-Qa1?1?, Al)mad b. Abl Al)mad ................................... 103

Ibn al-QiftJ, cAll b. Yusuf ............................................ 203

Ibn QUIawayh, Abu I-Qasim Ja cfar b. MuJ:tammad .................... 253
Ibn Qutayba, cAbd Allah b. Muslim ............................. 449, 637
Ibn Sa cd, Abu cAbd Allah MuJ:tammad al-Ba~rI Katib al-Waqidl ...... 556
Ibn al-SacI, Abu Talib cAll b. Anjab .................................. 604
Ibn al-Sammak, CUthman b. AJ:tmad .................................. 125
Ibn Shadhan, Abu l-ij:asan MuJ:tammad b. AJ:tmad al-Qummi ......... 401
Ibn Shahrashub, MuJ:tammad b. cAlI ......................... 95, 326, 357
Ibn Shahriyar, ij:amza b. MuJ:tammad ................................ 516
Ibn S-h-I-w-h ......................................................... 34
Ibn CUqda, Abu l-cAbbas AJ:tmad b.
MuJ:tammad .......................... 126, 170, 271 (1), 385, 505, 578
Ibn al-Walld al-QummI, Abu Ja cfar MuJ:tammad b. al-ij:asan .......... 228
IbrahIm b. IsJ:taq al-SUII ............................................ ~. 237
IbrahIm b. MuJ:tammad aI-Ash carl al-Qummi ......................... 284
IbrahIm b. CUthman (or CIs a) al-Khazzaz, Abu Ayyub ................ 285
cImad aI-DIn, MuJ:tammad b. MuJ:tammad al-Katib al-I~fahani ........ 261
al- cImranI, Abu l-ij:asan CAll b. AJ:tmad ............................... 397
cIsa b. al-Mustarad al-Qarlr .......................................... 646
Isfandiyar b. Mihrnush al-Naysaburl .................................. 553
aI-IskandarI, MuJ:tammad b. cAbd Allah .............................. 117
Jabir b. I,Iayyan ..................................................... 145
Jacfar b. AJ:tmad al-Qummi ................................... 3,286,436
Ja cfar b. al-ij:usayn b. cAbd Rabbihi ................................. 246
Jacfar b. MuJ:tammad b. Malik ....................................... 287
Jacfar b. Sulayman, Abu MuJ:tammad al-Qumml ...................... 627
al-Jah<;lamI, Na~r (or Na<;lr) b. cAlI ................................... 393
al-JaJ:ti~, cAmr b. BaJ:tr ..................................... 157, 205, 479
al-JahshiyarI, Abu cAbd Allah MuJ:tammad b. cAbdus ................ 648
al-JalUdI, cAbd al- cAzlz b. YaJ:tya ........................... 267, 324, 547
al-Ja~~a~, Sulayman b. SaliJ:t al-Kufi .................................. 288
al-Jawabi (or JawanI), al-ij:asan b. Abi Tahir AJ:tmad ................. 481
al-JawharI, Abu Na~r Ismacn b. ij:ammad ............................ 520
al-Jubba'I, Abu (All MuJ:tammad b. cAbd al-Wahhab ................. 563
al-Jubba'I, Abu Bakr Mul)ammad b. (All ............................. 289
al-JurjanI, Abu 1- (Abbas Al)mad b. Mul)ammad ...................... 430
al-JuwaynI, Abu I-Ma (all (Abd aI-Malik b. (Abd Allah Imam
al-ij:aramayn .................................................... 415
al-KalbI, Mul)ammad b. al-Sa'ib ...................................... 564
al-KarabIsI, al-ij:usayn b. (All ......................................... 38
al-KarajakI, Mul)ammad b. (All . 25, 146, 219, 250, 255, 290,475,476, 511
al-Kashgharl, ij:usayn b. AbI (or CAbd) al-ij:asan (or l,Iusayn) (All
b. Khalaf ........................................................ 655

al-KawkabT, al-ij:usayn b. (AbT) al-ij:asan al- 'AlawT ................... 362

al-Kha<;JIb al-IyadT, Abu 1- 'Abbas Al;tmad b. 'AIT al-RazT .............. 543
al-KhalTIT, Al;tmad b. Mul;tammad al-TabarT Ghulam KhalTI ........... 128
al-Khallal, Abu 'Umar Al;tmad b. Mul;tammad aI-Ba~rT ........... 457, 499
aI-KhatIb aI-BaghdadT, Abu Bakr Al;tmad b. 'AlT ..................... 614
al-Khayyat, Abu 'AIT Yal;tya b. Ghalib (or Isma'n b. Mul;tammad) .... 395
al-Khazin, 'AIT b. al-ij:usayn b. 'Abd Allah (or 'Ubayd Allah) ........ 649
al-Kh-r-mT, Abu Mul;tammad .... '.' ......... , .......................... 88
aI-KhwarazmT, Abu 'Abd Allah Mul;tammad b. Musa ................. 605
aI-KindT, Abu Yusuf Ya 'qub b. Isl;taq ~............................ 478, 512
aI-KirmanT, aI-ij:usayn b. Al;tmad aI-Sufi ......................... 222, 664
al-KuITnT, Mul;tammad b. Ya 'qub ............................ 249, 501, 557
aI-MadanT (or aI-MadTnT), Mul;tammad b. AbT Bakr ................... 123
Mal;tmud b. Mul;tammad b~ al-Faqi ................................... 435
Malik b. Anas ....................................................... 458
al-Ma'mun (the 'Abbasid caliph) ...................................... 19
aI-MarwazT, al- 'Abbas b. 'Abd aI-Ral;tTm ............................. 606
aI-MarwazT, Mul;tammad b. Ja 'far .................................... 329
aI-MarzubanT, Mul;tammad b. 'Imran ............................. 84,534
Mas'ada b. Ziyad al-Raba'T ........................................... 60
aI-Mas'udT, Abu I-ij:asan 'All b. al-ij:usayn ........................... 447
Miskawayh, Abu 'All Al;tmad b. Mul;tammad ................ 367, 460, 587
Misma' (or KurdTn) b. 'Abd aI-Malik b. Misma' ...................... 291
al-Mu tara b. Zakariyya b. Yal;tya al-NahrawanT ....................... 224
Mu'awiya b. ij:ukaym (or ij:akTm) ..................................... 61
aI-Mubarrad, Abu I-'Abbas Mul;tammad b. Yazld ..................... 254
al-Mufaqqal b. 'Umar al-Ju'fi ........................................ 292
al-Mufid, al-Shaykh Mul;tammad b. Mul;tammad ............... 27, 79, 83,
167,213,215,252,293,361,379,380,382,399,443,462, 513, 634, 641
Mul;tammad b. 'Abd aI- 'AzTz aI-HashimT ............................. 236
Mul;tammad b. AbT 'Abd Allah ........................................ 28
Mul;tammad b. AbT 'Umayr ........................................... 62
Mul;tammad b. cAIT b. Mul)ammad ( = Ibn AbT Qurra?) .............. 229
Mul)ammad b. cAIT b. Rabal) ......................................... 294
Mul)ammad b. 'AIT $al)ib aI-GhazzalI .................................. 93
Mul)ammad b. 'All (al-Shalmaghanl?) ................................. 33
Mul)ammad b. Bal)r, Abu Muslim aI-I~fahanT ......................... 540
Mul)ammad b. ij:abTb, Abu Ja 'far ............................... 295, 418
Mul)ammad b. al-ij:usayn al-Marzuban ............................... 338
Mul)ammad b. IbrahTm, Abu 'Abd Allah ............................. 567
Mul)ammad b. Ma 'add b. 'AIT al-MusawT ............................. 589
Mul)ammad b. Mu'min aI-ShTrazT, Abu Bakr al-NaysaburT ............ 488
Mul)ammad b. Yal)ya aI-Khath'amI ................................... 63

Mul)ammad b. Yusuf aI-Muqri' aI-Farra' ............................. 358

Mul)ammad b. Yusuf al-Naqit ......................................... 16
al-MunadI, Al)mad b. Jacfar ..................................... 348,588
al-Munajjim, Abu Na~r al-~asan b. cAlI al-QummI ................... 414
aI-MuradI, Mul)ammad b. Man~ur ................................. 6, 190
al-Murta9-a, Abu I-Qasim cAlI b. al-~asan ............................ 114
al-Murta9-a, aI-SharIf ...................... , ....... 104, 113, 206, 378, 535
Muslim b. al-~&.jjaj al-NaysaburI ..................................... 527
al-MutarrizI, Na~ir b. AbII-Makarim ........................ 185, 416, 538
Mutayyan, Abu Ja cfar Mul)ammad b. cAbd Allah al-Kuff ............. 453
al-Mu~affar b. Jacfar b. al-~usayn (or ~asan) ........................ 515
al-Nal)l)as, Abu Jacfar Al)mad b. Mul)ammad ........................ 591
al-NajashI, Abu 1- cAbbas Al)mad b. cAlI .............................. 506
al-Naqqash .......................................................... 413
al-Naqqash, Abu Bakr Mul)ammad b. ~asan ......................... 544
al-Nasa'I, Abu cAbd al-Ral)man Al)mad (b. CAlI) b. Shu cayb .......... 628
al-Na~ir (the cAbbasid caliph) ........................................ 129
al-NatanzI, Mul)ammad b. (Al)mad b.) CAlI al-Katib al-I~fahanI ....... 263
al-Natiq bi l-~aqq Abu Talib Yal)ya h. al-~usayn ..................... 29
al-N awbakhtI, al-~asan b. Musa ............................. 39, 496, 497
al-NaysaburI, CAlI b. cAbd al- cAzlz ................................... 130
NuCaym b. ~ammad al-MarwazI ...................................... 154
al- N u cmanI, Al)mad b .. Dawud ........................................ 97
al-NucmanI, Mul)ammad b. IbrahIm Ibn Zaynab , ................. 99,163
al-Qa9-1 al-Nucman b. Mul)ammad .................................... 335
al-QaFcI, Mul)ammad b. Aqmad ..................................... 122
al-QazwlnI, Abu cAbd Allah al-~usayn b. cAlI ........................ 196
al-QazwInI, Abu l-~asan CAlI b. AbI Sahl I;Iatim ...................... 197
al-QazwlnI, Abu l-~asan CAlI b. Mul)ammad ......................... 619
al-QazwlnI, Abu Isl)aq IbrahIm b. AQmad .... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 565
al-QazwlnI, Abu l-Khayr Al)mad b. IsmacTI ............................ 45
al-Qu9-acI, Abu cAbd Allah Mul)ammad b. Salama al-ShaficI .......... 546
Quraysh b. al-Sablc (al-) Muhanna' .................................. 134
Qusta b. Luqa ....................................................... 558
Qutrub, Abu CAlI MUQammad b. al-Mustanlr ......................... 570
al-Rablc b. MUQammad al-A~amm ..................................... 64
al-Ra9-I, aI-SharIf ........... , .................................... 262, 461
al-RawajinI, Abu Sa cld cAbbad b. Ya cqub ............................ 368
al-RawandI, Abu I-Ri9-a Fa9-1 Allah b. CAlI b. cAbd Allah (or
CUbayd Allah) ................................................... 531
al-RawandI, CAlI b. Fa9-1 Allah al-~asanI ............................. 468
al-RawandI, Sa cld b. Hibat Allah ............. 150, 260, 264, 405, 492, 539
al-RawQI (RuQr?) al-FaqIh ............................................ 607

al-Razl, Abu Bakr Mul).ammad b. Zakariyya ........................... 94

al-Razl, Fakhr aI-DIn Mul).ammad b. cUmar ............. 46,472, 549, 618
al-Ri<;la, cAll b. Musa ................................................ 523
al-Ruhnl, Abu l-ij:usayn Mul).ammad b. Bal).r al-Shaybanl ............. 441
al-Rukhkhajl, Al).mad b. al-ij:usayn .............................. 504, 636
al-Rummanl, cAll b. cIsa ........................................ 477, 566
al-$abbal). b. Na<;lr aI-HindI ........................................... 376
al-$abi', Hilal b. al-Mul).assin .................................... 350, 608
al-$abi', IbrahIm ..................................................... 555
al-$abunl, Abu I-Fa<;ll Mul).ammad b. Al).mad .................... 140, 296
Sa cd b. cAbd Allah al-Qumml ........................................ 135
al-$adiq, J a cfar .................................................. 186, 409
al-$affar al-Qumml, Mul).ammad b. al-ij:asan ......................... 136
$afwan b. Yal).ya al-Bajall Bayya Cal-Sabirl ........................... 297
al-$afwanl, Mul).ammad b. Al).mad ............................... 298, 597
al-$al).ib b. cAbbad, Abu I-Qasim IsmacTI al-Talaqanl .................. 36
al-$ahrashtl, Sulayman b. al-ij:asan .................................... 91
al-Sakunl, al-ij:usayn b. Mul).ammad .................................. 102
al-Saml, Abu $alil). ................................................... 155
al-Sallaml, Abu cAbd Allah .......................................... 485
Samaka, Al).mad b. IsmacTI (?) ........................................ 613
al-Samcanl, cAbd aI-KarIm b. Mul).ammad ......................... 7, 133
al-Sarraj, Abu cAbd Allah Mul).ammad b. cAll ........................ 299
al-$aymarl, cAll b. Mul).ammad ........................................ 82
aI-ShaWl, Mul).ammad b. Idrls ................................... 451,635
al-Shalmaghanl (?), see Mul).ammad b. cAll
al-Shaybanl, Mul).ammad b. cAbd Allah ............................... 30
Shaykh al-Sharaf ( = al-cUmarl, cAll b. Mul).ammad?) ................ 617
al-Sijistanl, Abu Bakr Mul).ammad b. CUzayr (or CAzlz)
al-CUzayrI (or CAzlzl) ............................................ 569
al-Sijistanl, Mascud b. Na~ir .......................................... 112
aI-Sijzl, Abu Sa cld Al).mad b. Mul).ammad b. cAbd aI-Jam .. 363, 584, 657
al-Sijzl, Mal).mud b. Abl Sa cld ......................................... 42
al-Suddl, Abu Mul).ammad IsmacTI b. cAbd al-Ral).man ................ 574
al-Suhrawardl, Abu ij:af~ .............................................. 80
al-Sulaml, Abu cAbd al-Ral).man ................................ 174, 666
Sulayman b. Muqatil .................................................. 71
al-$UlI, Abu Bakr Mul).ammad b. Yal).ya ........................ 4, 81, 650
al-Tabaranl, Sulayman b. Al).mad ................................ 169, 422
al- Tabarl, Mul).ammad b. Abll-Qasim ................................. 92
al-Tabarl, Mul).ammad b. Jarlr ............... 171,356,402,575,609,638
al-Tabarl, Mul).ammad b. Jarlr b. Rustam .................... 100, 386 (?)
al-Tabrisl, Abu Man~ur Al).mad b. cAll ............................... 187

al-TabrisI, al-FaQ.I b. al-ij:asan ................................ 2, 239, 320

al-Tal;tawI, Al;tmad b. Mul;tammad .................................... 189
Tahir b. cAbd Allah ................................................. 300
al-TallacukbarI, Abu l-ij:usayn Mul;tammad b. Harun b. Musa ......... 345
al-TamlmI, cAll b. Mul;tammad b. cAlI ................................ 440
al-TanukhI, Abu cAll al-Mul;tassin b. cAlI ........................ 142,473
al-TanukhI, Abu I-Qasim cAll b. al-Mul;tassin ......................... 110
al-TarasusI, Abu Isl;taq ....................... '....................... 509
al-Tawl;tldI, Abu ij:ayyan .............................................. 89
al-ThacalibI, Abu Man~ur cAbd aI-Malik b. Mul;tammad .............. 653
Thabit b. Qurra al-ij:arranI ...................................... 184, 301
Thabit b. Sinan b. Thabit b. Qurra al-$abi' Abu I-lJasan al-lJarranI .. 610
al-Tha clabI, Abu Isl;taq Al}.mad b. Mul}.ammad .................... 40, 257
al-Thaqafi, Al}.mad b. cAbd Allah ..................................... 35
al-Thaqafi, IbrahIm b. Mul}.ammad ..................... 158, 172, 369, 611
al-TirazI, Mul;tammad b. cAlI ......................................... 121
al-TirmidhI, Abu clsa Mul}.ammad b. Clsa ............................. 528 ,
al-TuraythlthI, Abu Bakr cAbd Allah b. Mul;tammad b. Tahir ........ 322
al-TusI, Abu Jacfar Mul;tammad b. al-ijasan ...................... 31,147,
164,176,191,209,217,218,240,332,407,408,470,507, 582, 630, 632
CUbayd Allah b. CAlI al-ij:alabI ........................................ 65
cUmar b. Farrukhan, Abu IJaf~ al-Tabarl ............................. 396
cUmar b. Shabba b. cAbIda al-NumayrI .............................. 532
cUmar b. Udhayna al-Kufi ........................................... 302
al- cUmarl al-Nassaba, Abu I-lJasan CAll b. AbII-Ghana'im 331, 536, 617{?)
al-UshnuhI, Abu I-Fa<JI cAbd al-cAzlz b. CAlI b. cAbd aVAzlz ......... 221
Wahb b. Munabbih .................................................. 412
al-Wal;tidI, CAll b. Al;tmad ........................................ 48,581
al-WaqidI, Abu cAbd Allah Mul;tammad b. cUmar .................... 612
Warram b. AbI Firas ................................................. 339
al-WasiF, Abu CAbd Allah al-lJusayn b. CUbayd Allah ................ 464
al-WasiF, IbrahIm b. cU mar ......................................... 503
Yal}.ya b. AbI Man~ur ................................................ 663 ,
Ya cqub b. N u caym b. Qarqara ........................................ 201
Yaqut b. cAbd Allah al-RumI al-lJamawI ............................. 421
al-YazldI, cAbd Allah b. Yal}.ya ....................................... 160
Yunus b. cAbd al-Ral;tman mawla CAlI b. Yaqtyn ...................... 234
Yunus b. Bukayr ...................................................... 66
Yusuf h. Al;tmad b. IbrahIm b. Mul;tammad aI-BaghdadI .............. 424
al-Zajjaj, IbrahIm b. aI-SarI .......................................... 210
Zakariyya b. Mul;tammad al-Mu'min ................................... 67
Zakariyya b. Yal;tya al-Bazzaz (or Bazzar) al-NaysaburI ............... 156
al-ZamakhsharI, Mal}.mud b. cUmar ......................... 138, 259, 495

~arlf b. Na~i1} ........................................................ 115

Zayd b. cAlI b. al-ij:usayn ............................................ 514
Zayn al- cAbidln, cAlI b. al-ij:usayn .......................... 118, 346, 522
anon. .. ..................... 11, 14,37, 68-70, 73, 74,78,85,86,96, 105,
107,108,148,149,175,181,202,211,235,247,266, 303-319, 321, 340-
344,365,374,384,403,417,420,426,428,431,432,459, 466, 482-484,
500,517-519,521,551,567,576,577,579,585,586,592, 613, 656, 667
others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 193, 204, 625, 654
The subject of works that are not preserved could often only be con-
jectured. Works are indexed by their reference number in the List.

adab 4,5,8,16,34,38,77,78,81,84,89,142,165,166,185, 208, 224,237,

254,255,295,322,339,350,410,418,423,430,433, 445,460, 465, 469,
473, 479, 485, 486, 495, 504, 519, 545, 585, 586, 589, 629, 636, 637, 651
Alchemy ............................................................ 509
Archery ............................................................. 500
Astronomy/astrology ................................. 11,20,35,75, 103,
104, 178, 184, 192, 199,200,214,222,232,236, 238, 250, 252, 271, 290,
301, 307, 312, 342, 343, 360, 363, 375, 378, 395-397, 413, 414, 435, 459,
475, 476, 478, 489, 490, 496, 497, 508, 537, 549, 580, 584, 657, 660-665
Creed ......................................... 46, 79, 182, 209, 220, 221
Eschatology .............................. 17,105,153-156,258,347,348
Ethics/zuhd 188,207,323,404,409,436-438,510-512,596,597,626,627,669
Exhortations/speeches ............. 207, 266, 267, 315, 405, 461, 592, 659
falj,ii'il (of cAlI etc.) ...................... 1, 12, 13, 18, 36, 43, 44, 45, 72,
73, 83, 87, 107-112, 120, 125-131, 133, 137, 149, 151, 170, 171, 179, 248,
262, 263, 268, 294, 299, 309, 310, 324, 338, 344, 351-359, 380, 389, 398,
401,403,424,463,466,471,481,488,515,516,538,594, 619, 633, 646
fiqh .............................................................. 9, 103,
115, 140, 172, 189, 215, 240, 252, 278, 317, 332, 372-374, 376-377, 384,
415, 419, 425, 429, 464, 470, 498, 513, 533, 539, 550-552, 582, 635, 645
Genealogy......................... 114,331,387,390,487,536,548,617
Geography .......................................................... 421
Grammar/lexicography .................................... 168, 416, 520
Q,adith: ShlcI .... 10,26-31,41,43,44,47, 50-70, 87, 92, 110, 120, 134, 137,
170, 194-197, 207, 217, 223, 228, 234, 241, 249, 265, 269, 270, 272, 275,
277, 279-281, 285-288, 291, 297, 302, 327, 333, 334, 349, 369, 388, 401,
442, 443, 446, 448, 494, 523, 529-531, 557, 582, 620, 624, 626, 627, 640
- -: SunnI ............. 19, 45, 77, 93, 112, 128, 129, 152, 169, 171, 225,
226,243-245, 247-248,368,370,381,422,450-453,458,524-528,546,554
- -: indeterminate ............ 78, 242, 246, 256, 276, 289, 300, 403, 517
Q,adith sciences ................................................. 138, 162
Heresiography ................................................... 39, 143
History................. 15, 37, 85, 158, 183, 274, 316, 330, 335, 365, 366,
411,412,417,434,439,447,532,547,553,559,587, 595, 599-613, 616
Holy texts ............................................ 204, 555, 625, 654
Magic ................................................................ 549
Medicine ........................................................ 94, 558
Meteorology .......................................................... 76

Philosophy ..................................................... 193, 367

Poetry/poets ..................................... 113, 261, 534, 571, 653
Polemics 124, 157, 173, 175, 186, 187, 205, 206, 218, 499, 514, 535, 583, 641
Prophets/ShicI Imams ............................ 33,82, 86, 98-102, 163,
164,201,202,213,219,251,260,262,284,293,325,330, 379, 386, 392-
394,399,402,444,474,480,491,492,501,521,543,638, 639, 642, 656
Qur'anic sciences and exegesis ........................................ 6,
40, 48, 49, 83, 93, 95, 107, 108, 132, 141, 149, 150, 159-162, 174, 190,
210-212, 227, 231, 235, 239, 257, 259, 285, 308, 328, 329, 420, 428, 432,
441, 449, 456, 457, 467, 477, 488, 493, 540, 542, 544, 560-570, 572-
579, 581, 588, 591, 593, 598, 622, 623, 628, 630, 64~ 652, 658, 666
rijal/biographies/bibliographies . 74, 106, 122, 144-148, 177, 191, 203, 216,
318, 326, 364, 371, 385, 388, 391, 427, 505-507, 556, 614-616, 647-650
Sufism ...................................................... 80, 174, 666
Supplications/worship ................................. 2, 3, 7, 14, 21-25,
32, 42, 88, 91, 96, 97, 116-119, 121, 123, 135, 136, 167, 176, 180, 181,
229, 230, 253, 256, 273, 283, 296, 298, 303-306, 311, 313, 314, 319-321,
336, 337, 340, 341, 345, 346, 361, 362, 382, 383, 400, 406-408, 426, 431,
440, 454, 455, 468, 482-484, 502, 503, 518, 52~ 631, 64~ 655, 667, 668
Theology ..................................................... 71, 79, 90,
139,157,198,233,264,282,292,379,462,472,541,590, 618, 621, 634
1J.l}ii.l al-fiqh .............................................. 632
Century is determined by the hijrz death-date of the author. Works are
indexed by their reference number in the List.

Pre-Islamic 204, 625

1st/7th century 118, 346, 522
2d/8th century 51, 53, 55, 57-60, 63-65, 70 (?), 117, 145, 186, 269, 270, 274,
275, 278-281, 285, 288, 291, 292, 302, 315 (?), 373, 409, 412, 458, 514,
560, 562, 564, 574
3d/9th century 5, 6, 19, 20, 38, 50, 52, 54, 56, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68 (?), 69 (?),
73 (?), 75, 82, 86, 98, 111, 115, 128, 130, 132, 135, 136, 154, 156-161,
172, 179 (?), 184, 190, 200, 201, 202 (?), 205, 222, 234, 237 (?), 238,
241, 254, 266 (?), 272, 277, 283, 284, 287, 294, 295, 297, 301, 314 (?),
334,347,354,358,366,368,369,372,375-377,381, 384 (?),388, 390,
393 (?), 395, 396, 403, 410, 411, 418, 435 (?), 448-451, 453, 465, 469,
478,479,482,489,491,494,512,523-525,527,528, 530,532,545,550,
554,556,561,570,585,599,602,605,611, 612,616 (?), 620, 624, 635,
637, 642, 646, 661, 663, 664 (?), 665 (?)
4th/10th century 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 23, 26, 28, 30, 33, 35, 36, 39,
47, 72, 74 (?), 77, 81, 84, 87, 89, 94, 99, 102, 103, 107, 108, 119, 125,
126, 131, 140, 142, 144, 151, 155, 163, 165, 169-171, 182, 189, 193-197,
207,208,210,212,223,224,227,228,231,233,236,242, 245, 247 (?),
249,251,253,265,267,271 (?),286, 289,296,298, 310,311,323, 324,
327,328,329 (?),330, 333, 335,345, 348,349,352, 356,359, 362, 364,
371,385,393 (?),397, 398,402,414,422,423,429,433,434,436,441,
442,446,447,457,473,474,477,481 (?), 485, 490, 496-499, 501, 505,
563, 565, 566, 567 (?), 568 (?), 569, 572, 573, 575, 578, 580, 583, 586
(?), 588, 591, 594, 597, 598, 609, 610, 613 (?), 619, 621-623, 626-628,
638-640, 648, 650, 652, 659, 660 (?), 662, 668, 669
5th/11th century 9, 12, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31, 40, 43, 48, 76, 79, 83,
91, 100, 101, 104, 109, 110, 112, 113, 120, 121, 124, 127, 141, 143, 146-
148,162,164,167,174,176,177,180,183, 191,206,209,213-220,225,
229 (?), 230, 240, 244, 250, 252, 255-257, 262, 273, 282, 290, 293, 304
(?), 331, 332, 350, 353, 355, 361, 363, 367, 378-380, 382, 383, 386, 392
(?), 399,401, 407,408, 415,419, 425, 426,427 (?), 430, 443, 444, 455,
456, 460-464, 467, 470, 475, 476, 483 (?), 484 (?), 487, 493, 504, 506,
507, 511, 513, 535-537, 542, 546, 553 (?), 571, 581, 582, 584, 587, 593,
607 (?), 608, 614, 615, 617 (?), 630, 632, 634, 636, 641, 643, 653, 655,
657, 658 (?), 666
6th/12th century 2, 7, 11, 32,41,42, 44, 45, 49, 88, 90, 92, 93, 95, 123, 133,
138,139,150,152,153,166,168,173, 187, 188,198,221,226,239,243,

248, 259-261, 263, 264, 320, 322, 326, 337, 338 (?), 351, 357, 360, 370,
391, 394, 400, 404, 405, 417 (?), 424, 427 (?), 437-440, 445, 454, 466,
468,488,492,495,516,531,533,539,552 (?), 559, 595, 596, 600,601,
629, 631, 645
7th/13th century 46, 80, 106, 114, 122, 129, 134, 137, 185, 203, 258, 268,
339, 389, 406, 416, 421, 471, 472, 486, 502, 538, 549, 589, 590, 603,
604, 618, 633, 649 (?)
Date Unknown 14,34,37,71, 74, 78, 85, 96 (4th/10th century or later), 97,
105,116,149,175, 178,181, 192,199,211,232,235,276,246,299,300,
303, 305-309, 312-314, 316-319, 321, 325, 336, 340-342, 343 (4th/10th
century or later), 344 (not later than the 5th/11th century), 365, 374,
387 (5th/11th century or later?), 413, 420, 428 (4th/10th century or
later), 431, 432 (5th/11th century or later), 452, 459, 480, 500, 503,
508, 509, 517, 518 (3d/9th or 4th/10th century?), 519, 521, 551, 576,
577,579,592,606,644 (4th/10th century or later), 647, 651, 654, 656,
A al-Aman min akhtar al-asJar wa l-azman, Najaf, 1370/1951, 181 pp.;
Qumm, 1409/1988, 266 pp. A * = ms. Princeton University Library
New Series 501 (shelf number 127), 129 fols; A ** = ms. Br. Lib. Or.
8518, 138 fols; A *** = ms. Br. Lib. Or. 11,314, fols la-71a (in a
majmii'a containing 85 fols). Abbreviated title: Aman.
B Fatl), aI-abwab bayna dhawi: l-albab wa bayna rabb al-arbiib fi l-istikha-
rat, ed. !;Iamid al-Khaffaf, Beirut, 1409/1989, 368 pp. Abbreviated
title: Abwab.
D* al-Duru' al-waqiya min al-akhtar fima yu'mal mithluhufi ayyam kull
shahr 'ala l-takrar, ms. Institute of Ismaili Studies Arabic 803, 117
fols. Abbreviated title: Duru'.
F Falal), al-sa'il wa najalJ. al-masa'il, Tehran, 1382/1962, 294 pp.; Najaf,
1385/1965, 266 pp. These editions comprise only the first of the orig-
inal two volumes of the work. Abbreviated title of the original vol. 1:
Falal), 1. Abbreviated title of the entire work: Falal), al-sa'il.
G Ghiyath sultan al-wara, the excerpt published under the title Qabas
min kitab ghiyath sultan al-wara, Qumm, 1408, 12 pp. (together with
al-!;IalwanI's Nuzhat al-nafir wa tanbi:h al-khatir, separate pagina-
tion). Abbreviated title: Ghiyath.
IJ al-Ijazat li kashJ turuq al-maJazat fima yakhui!i!uni: (or yul),i!a) min al-
ijazat, excerpt in BA lith., XXV, pp. 17-19 = BA, eVIl, pp. 37-44.
Abbreviated title: Ijazat.
IQ ai-Iqbal bi I-a 'mal al-l),asana (or Iqbal al-a'mal), lith., [Iran], 1314/
1896, 761 pp. (includes the Milf,mar on pp. 226-515); lith., Tehran,
1320/1902, 728 pp. (includes the Mitj,maron pp. 2-300), repro Tehran,
1390/1970, 1407/1987. Abbreviated title: Iqbal.
J Jamal al-usbu" lith., Tehran, 1330, 541 pp. (followed on pp. 542-569
by Mull),aqat jamal al-usbu', apparently by a later writer). Abbrevi-
ated title: Jamal.
K KashJ al-mal),ajja, Najaf, 1370/1950, 196 pp. Abbreviated title: Kashf.
L al-LuhuJ(or malhuJ) 'ala qatla 1-'JuJuJ, lith., n.p., Dhii I-Qa'da 1321/
Jan.-Feb. 1904, 191 pp; Tehran, 1348 Sh. (with a Persian translation
by Al:tmad Fihri ZanjanI), 211 pp. Abbreviated title: LuhuJ.
M Risala fi (tal),qi:q) al-mutj,ayaqa fi Jawat al-i!alat, reproduced in al-
AstarabadI, al-Fawa'id al-madaniyya, pp. 30-40; Risalat 'adam mutj,a-
yaqat al-Jawa'it, ed. Mul:tammad 'All al-Tabataba'f al-MaraghI, Tura-
thuna, 2/2-3, RabI' II-Rama<;lan 1407 IDee. 1986-May 1987, pp. 331-
359. Abbreviated title: Mutj,ayaqa.

MD Muhaj al-dacawiit, lith., [Tehran?], 1323, 367 pp. MD* = ms. Prince-
ton University Library New Series 759 (shelf number 1442), fols la-
198aj MD** = ms. Princeton University Library New Series 759 (shelf
number 1350), 209 folsj MD*** = ms. Br. Lib. Or. 8471, 167 fols. Ab-
breviated title: Muhaj.
MF al-MaliilJ,im wa I-fit an, Najaf, 1365/1946 (3d printing, 1382/1963),
188 pp. (includes the Multaqat on pp. 151-181); Beirut, 1408/1988
(title: al-MaliilJ,im wa l-fitan Ii ~uhiir al-ghii'ib al-munta~ar), 204 pp.
(includes the Multaqat on pp. 167-198). Abbreviated title: MaliilJ,im.
MJ.I MulJ,iisabat al-nafs, Tehran, 1349 Sh/1970, pp. 10-38 (bound together
with the Kashf al-riba can alJ,kiim al-ghayba of al-Shahid al-Thani
Zayn ai-DIn al- CAmilI and the MulJ,iisabat al-nafs of TaqI ai-DIn Ibra-
hIm b. CAlI al-cAmilI al-KafCamI)j n.d., [Najaf], 23 pp. (bound to-
gether with the Risiilat tanbih al-riiqidm of Mul).ammad Tahir b.
Mul).ammad J.lusayn). Title in both editions: Risiila sharifa Ii mu-
lJ,iisabat al-nafs. Abbreviated title: MulJ,iisaba.
MN al-Mujtanii min al-ducii' al-mujtabii, in the same volume as MD, sep-
arate pagination, 40 pp. MN* = ms. Princeton University Library
New Series 768 (shelf number 1442), fols 198b-217a (continuous fo-
liation from MD*); MN** = ms. Princeton University Library New
Series 768 (shelf number 61), fols 124b-145b (bound together with the
Kashf al-yaqrn of the cAllama al-J.lillI). The text of MN** is incom-
plete: there is material missing after fol 144b, equivalent to MN, p.
28, line 7 to MN, p. 36, line 12. It then breaks off at the beginning of
fal!lfil!aliit cinda nuziil al-matar( = MN, p. 37, line -3). Abbreviated
title: Mujtanii.
N Faraj al-mahmiim Ii ta 'rikh Culamii' al-nujiim, Najaf, 1368/1949, 260
pp., repro [Iran], 1405/1985. N* = ms. Mashhad riyiiljr143, 177 fols. I
was only able to consult those folios of the manuscript of which pho-
tocopies are included as Appendices One and Two of Matar's disser-
tation, i.e. fols 13b-16a, 41b-43a, 44b-45a, 47b-48a, 51b-52a, 55b-56a,
62b-63a, 80b-145a, 147b-177b. Abbreviated title: Nujiim.
S Sacd al-suciid, Najaf, 1369/1950, 298 pp., repro 1406/1986. Abbrevi-
ated title: Sa Cd.
T al-Tarii'iffimacrifat madhiihib al-tawii'if, Qumm, 1400,568 pp.; lith.,
[Iran], 1302/1885, 175 pp. (not 176 pp. as printed). T Per = Persian
translation of Mul).ammad $adiq Tabasl Waci~, lith., [Iran], 1301/
1884, 269 pp. T* = ms. Princeton University Library Garrett 2622
(shelf number 135), 154 fols; T** = ms. Br. Lib. Or. 3574, 197 fols.
Abbreviated title: 'farii'if.
T$ al- TalJ.l!rn Ii asriir mii ziida min akhbiir kitiib al- Yaqi"n, 129 pp. (printed
together with y2). Abbreviated title: TalJ,l!i"n.
TT al-Tashrif bi tacrif waqt al-taklr!, Tehran, 1341 Sh/1382, 21 pp. (prin-
ted together with a Persian translation and with Riihnumii-i sa Ciidat,

a Persian translation of the Kashf). Abbreviated title: Tashri/.

TU al- 'furaf min al-anbii' wa l-maniiqib fi l-dhurriyya al-atiiyib, N ajaf,
1349/1931, 52 pp. (printed together with the Mi'at manqaba of Ibn
Shadhan, separate pagination). Abbreviated title: 'furaf.
Y al- Yaqih fi imrat amir al-mu'minin, Najaf, 1369/1950, 214 pp.j ed.
MUQammad Baqir al-An~arI and MUQammad $adiq al-An~arI, Beirut,
1410/1989, 525 pp. (followed by the TalJ,lJin on pp. 527-655 and by
indices for both works on pp. 657-718). Abbreviated title: Yaqfn.
Z* MilJbiilJ, al-zii'ir, ms. MarcashI Qumm 160, 400 pp. Abbreviated title:


AIUON Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli.

ArOr A rch{v orientaln{.
BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies.
IC Islamic Culture.
lOS Israel Oriental Studies.
JA Journal Asiatique.
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society.
JHAS Journal for the History of Arabic Science.
JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies.
JSAI Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam.
JSS Journal of Semitic Studies.
MIDEO Melanges de l'Institut Dominicain d'Etudes Orientales du Caire.
MIE Memoires de l'Institut d'Egypte.
MMII Majallat al-Majma C al-cIlmi al-Clriiqf.
MMMA Majallat Machad al-Makhtiitiit al-CArabiyya.
MSOS Mitteilungen des Seminars fur Orientalische Sprachen.
RAAD Revue de l'Academie Arabe de Damas.
REI Revue des Etudes Islamiques.
RSO Rivista degli Studi Orientali.
SI Studia Islamica.
WO Die Welt des Orients.
WZKM Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes.
ZDMG Zeitschrift der Deutschen M orgenliindischen Gesellschaft.


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The following abbreviations are used in the index: A. = Al;tmad, 'A. = 'Ali,
'AI. = 'Abel Allah, 'Ar. = 'Abd al-Ral;tman, I;I. = I;Iasan, I;Iu. = I;Iusayn, Ibr.
= Ibrahim, Ism. = Isma'll, M. = Mul;tammad, Q. = Qasim, S. = Sulayman,
cU. = 'Umar, cUI. = 'Ubayd Allah, 'Uth. = 'Uthman, Ya. = Yal;tya, Yu. =

Aaron, 146, 173, 351, 372 'Abd Allah b. 'U., 130, 294, 357
Aban b. M. al-Sindi, 121 'Abd Allah b. U nays, 239
Aban b. Taghlib, 172, 219, 252 'Abd aI-Awwai b. 'Isa, 151
Aban mawlii 'Uth., 265 'Abd al- 'Aziz b. Dulaf, 8n
al- 'Abbas b. 'Abd aI-MuHalib, 'Abd al- 'Aziz b. M., 156, 312
98, 113, 155, 180, 181, 271 'Abd al-Jabbar, 162, 292, 328,
al- 'Abbasi, 363 355, 361
'Abbasid(s), vii, 10-12, 15,38,57, 'Abd aI-Jabbar b. A. al-Simsar,
71, 106, 132, 133, 148, 149, 155, 364
169, 175, 180, 183, 205, 229, 'Abd aI-Jam, 307
261, 284, 294, 315, 357, 360, 'Abd al-Mal;tmud, 57, 376
363, 364
'Abd al-Ral;tman b. 'Awf, 196
Abbott, N., 72n
'Abd al-Ral;tman b. Mas'ud, 220
'Abd Allah b. Abi Zayd, 127
'Abd al-Ral;tman b. al-Mubarak,
'Abd Allah b. A. b. I;IanbaI, 44
85n, 366,367
'Abd Allah b. A. b. aI-IJ., 205 'Abd al-Ral}.man b. M., 172
'Abd Allah b. 'Atik, 239 'Abd al-Ral}.man b. Sayyaba, 110
'Abd Allah b. Bistam, 299 'Abd al-Ral;tman b. cU. aI-$ufi,
'Abd Allah b. Bukayr, 219 337
'Abd Allah b. I;Iammad aI-An~ari, 'Abd al-Razzaq, 344
88, 122
'Abd aI-Salam al-Ba~rl, 5n, 104,
'Abd Allah b. aI-IJ., 257, 315 364
'Abd Allah b. Ja 'far, 263, 335 'Abd al-$amad b. M., 391
'Abd Allah b. Ja 'far al-Zuhri, 232 'Abd aI-Wal;tid b. cAL, 101
'Abd Allah b. Malik, 317 'Abd aI-Wal}.id b. M., 154
'Abd Allah b. Mas'ud, 228, 235, aI- 'Abdari, Razin, 83, 201, 214,
289 324,376
'Abd Allah b. M. al-Sha'iri, 123 ablution(s), 101, 225, 241
'Abd Allah b. M. aI-Yamani, 123 Abraham, 309, 352, 361
'Abd Allah b. Musa aI-Ka~im, 145 abridgement(s), 25, 27, 42, 68,
'Abd Allah b. aI-Q., 156, 219 90n, 129, 143, 161, 173, 189,
'Abd Allah b. aI-$alt, 368, 371 197, 243, 248, 257, 272, 275,

278-282,284,319,339,346,354 Abu l-:ij:u. al-Bazzaz, 192

abrogation, 298 Abu Isl;taq al-NucmanI, 242
Abu 1- cAbbas A. b. M., 219 Abu Jacfar b. Qiba, 238
Abu l-cAbbas b. Nawbakht, 106, Abu Ja cfar al-Saqqa', 316
258 Abu I-Jarud, 339, 344
Abu l-CAbbas b. NuJ:1, 259 Abu Khalid al-SijistanI, 189
Abu cAL b. al-:ij:arb, 286 Abu I-Majd al-Wasity, 121
Abu CAL al-BajalI, 219 Abu Man~ur, 102
Abu CAL al-~asanI, 220 Abu Ma cshar, 103, 128, 129, 135,
Abu cAr. b. M., 345 163, 301, 308, 352
Abu 1- CArab al-TamlmI, 276 Abu Mikhnaf, 43-45, 220, 221
Abu Ayyub al-An~arI, 254 Abu Mill;tim, 304
Abu Bakr, 113, 143, 170, 174, 188, Abu I-Mu'ayyad al-KhwarazmI,
194, 211, 251, 265, 290, 291, 117,118,215,247,248,255,329
304, 313, 326, 362 Abu Musa aI-Ash carl, 331
Abu Bakr al-Shafi cI, 102, 156 Abu Musa al-QurashI, 189
Abu Bishr al- cAmmI, 98, 103, 104 Abu Muslim, 362
Abu Dawud al-SijistanI, 323, 324 Abu I-Muthanna aI-Kufi, 353
Abu Dharr, 290 Abu MutIc al-N asafi, 235
Abu 1- Fa<;ll al- cIraqI, 354 Abu N u caym , 279, 335
Abu I-Faraj al-I~fahanI, 101, 253, Abu I-Nu caym b. M. al-QashanI,
364 335
Abu I-Futul;t al-RazI, 117 Abu Nu caym al-~afi~, 289, 290
Abu Ghalib al-ZurarI, 138, 209 Abu N u caym al-I~fahanI, 78n, 105,
Abu I-Ghana'im al-Nassaba, 306 145, 146, 183, 261, 264, 279,
Abu :ij:anlfa, 275, 290, 365 280, 290
Abu Harun al- cAbdI, 184 Abu N u caym al- I~fahanI, cUI.,
Abu l-:ij:. al-AmulI, 335 279, 280
Abu l-~. (b. cA.) b. M., 207 Abu.l-Q. (b.) al-Mufid, 296
Abu l-:ij:. al-Munajjim, 328 Abu l-Q. b. al-$abbagh, 304
Abu l-:ij:. al-Naqlb, 328 Abu l-Q. al-BalkhI, 79, 203, 238,
Abu l-:ij:. al-Nassaba, 146
Abu l-Q. al-B-ghar, 290
Abu l-:ij:. al-Wasity, 121
Abu l-Q. al-Qa~rI, 183
Abu l-:ij:. al-Zahid aI-KhatIb, 335
Abu Rukana, 287
Abu Hashim al-Jubba'I, 204
Abu Sahl b. N awbakht, 107, 352
Abu :ij:atim al-SijistanI, 273
Abu Sa cld al- N aysaburI, 117, 265
Abu I-Haytham b. al-Tayyihan,
129 Abu l-$alal;t al-~alabI, 279
Abu I-Hudhayl, 123 Abu $alil;t Badham, 343
Abu l-:ij:u. al-Ba~rI, 160 Abu Sufyan, 295

Abu Sufyan b. al-~arith, 337 Al)mad b. al-~u. b. S., 242

Abu Talib, 98, 103, 146, 214, 270, Al)mad b. al-~u. al-$ayqal, 123
300 Al)mad b. cIsa, 169
Abu 'falib b. Rajab, 329 Al)mad b. Ja (far b. Shadhan, 99,
Abu Talib al-Natiq bi l-~aqq, 110, 100
257, 284, 336 Al)mad b. al-Mubarak, 56
Abu CUbayd, 85n, 307, 332 Al)mad b. M. al-QadisT, 359
Abu CUbayda, 171, 254, 332 Al)mad b. Muhanna', 321
Abu cU. al-Zahid, 27, 103, 248, Al)mad b. TUlun, 231
384 al-AhwazI, Abu l-~., 134
Abu Ya CIa al-Maw~ilT, 288 al-Ahwazf, A., 384
Abu I-Zahiriyya, 229 al-Ahwazf, al-~., 380
Abu Zurca, 205, 230 al-Ahwazf, al-~u., 37, 133, 134,
Acre, 292 150, 165, 325
Adam, 113, 133, 159,317,322,339 cA'isha, 130, 194, 201, 265, 287,
Adamec, L. W., 198, 314 313, 361
adhan, 34, 113,377 al-AjurrT, 330
Adharbayjan, 18, 198 akhbar al-al],ad, 21n, 35, 376
CAdf, 143 Akhban(s), 21, 22, 41, 68, 214
adCiya, see supplication(s) al-Akhfash al- A~ghar, 238
cAQ.ud al-Dawla, 74, 337, 361 Al Yasfn, 41, 66, 71, 78n, 207,337
Afandf, CAl., 7n, 33, 35, 39, 61, cAla' b. Razfn, 221
103, 108, 113, 114, 142, 143, al-A clamf, M. ~u., 59
147, 150, 158, 166, 176, 185, al- cAlawf, A. b. M., 36
235, 252, 253, 258, 262, 265-
alchemy, 76, 164, 317
267, 291, 306, 309, 314, 331,
335, 345, 366, 367, 369, 385 Aleppo, 73, 74n, 113
cAfff b. Qays al-Kindf, 295 Alexander the Great, 360
ahl al-bayt, 12, 38, 47, 60, 65, 147, algebra, 252
237,251,266,285,289,293,322 CAlf h. cAbd al- cAzfz al-Kuff, 156
ahl bayt, 125 CAlf b. cAbd al-$amad, 149
ahl al-dhimma, 57 CAlf b. AbT Talib, 9, 12n, 14,
Ahlwardt, W., vii, 45, 57 15, 27, 29, 34, 47, 56, 62, 64,
78n, 87n, 88, 98, 99, 106, 108,
Al)mad b. CAl. al-Durf, 104
112-115, 118, 119, 128, 130-
Al)mad b. CA. b. A., 381 132, 134, 135, 138, 140, 141,
Al)mad b. CA. al-:Qarfr, 364 143-146, 148, 150, 154-156,
Al)mad b. al-~ajib, 369 159, 166, 170, 173-175, 178,
Al)mad b. ~anbal, 72, 157, 179, 179, 184, 186, 189, 190, 196,
249, 288, 289, 376 197, 200, 204, 207, 208, 215,
Al)mad b. ~atim, 353 218, 220, 221, 223, 224, 228,
230-232, 235-237, 243, 247-
Al;1mad b. Hilal al-KarkhI, 122

249, 251, 256, 261-264, 268- aI-AmInI, A., 147, 178, 238, 250,
271, 280, 283-285, 289-291, 328, 346
294, 295, 298-300, 304, 307, am'ir al-l],iijj, 15
313, 317, 320, 322, 324, 328- am'ir al-mu'min'in, 64, 155, 184,
333, 344, 346, 351, 354, 355, 207,208,249,251,264,320,368
359, 361-363, 372, 379, 382,
cAmmar h. Miisa al-Sahatl, 124
388, 390, 391
cAmmar h. Yasir, 330
cAll h. A., 156
aI- cAmmI, aI-ij:., 380
cAll h. A. al-Zaydl, 191
al- cAmmI, M., 379, 380
cAll h. CAqIl, 48
cAmr h. cAhd Wudd, 130
cAll h. Ashat, 313
cAmr h. al- cA~, 384
cAll h. cA~im, 321
cAmr h. Maymiin, 165
cAll h. Bilal, 257
al-amr bi I-ma crul, 18
cAll h. I;Iamza, 11
am~iir, 285
cAll h. al-ij:arh, 307
amulet(s), 52, 233
cAll h. al-ij:. al-Muqri', 133
cAll h. Ihr., 190, 239, 339, 344,
345,347,349,350,354 Anas h. Malik, 130, 337
cAll h. cIsa , 192 Anatolia, 232
cAll h. Ism. al-MlthamI, 123 Anawati, G., 367
cAll h. Ja cfar, 258, 310 al-Anhar, 15n
cAll h. Mahziyar, 352 al-Andalus, 276
cAll h. M. h. cA., 56 al-Andarashanl, cAhd aI-Salam,
cAll h. M. al-Qazwlnl, 221
angeles), 19, 168, 169, 229, 236,
cAll h. M. al-Zanjl, 104, 358
cAll h. Sahl, 344
Ankara, 308
cAll h. YaqFn, 258
aI-AnmaF, M., 102
C iili: l-is.niid, 310
An~ar, 177, 183
CAlid(s), 4n, 11,40, 147, 167, 181,
aI-An~arI, M. Baqir, 66, 67
196, 265, 328
al-An~arl, M. $adiq, 66, 67
Allony, N., 74n, 80n, 85n
anthropomorphism, 127, 198,223,
CAlqama h. Ahl CAlqama, 265
al- CAlwajl, cAhd aI-HamId , 286 , anwii', 114
caq'i:q, 158
Amhrosiana, 111
al-AqsasI, 346
al- cAmm, (A. h. M. h. al-ij:., 257
Arahic, vii, 68, 76, 85, 89, 102,
al- (Amill, Baha' aI-DIn , 37 , 62 , 68 ,
129, 182, 193, 304, 306, 342,
77n, 240, 243, 261,338, 391
371, 372, 374, 377
aI-A mIn , 362
cArafa, 100, 304, 323
al-Amln, Mu~sin, 45-47, 135, 137,
cArarat, W., 327
161, 245

al-A Craj, A. b. M., 230 268, 275, 283, 287, 295, 301,
Arberry, A. J., 388 302, 309, 311, 328, 338, 350,
archery, 312 356,362,366,371,378,379,389
Arendonk, C. van, 110 astrology, 9n, 23, 32, 76, 102, 107,
110, 125, 126, 139, 156, 160,
Arghun, 15
161, 164, 183, 189-192, 196,
Aristotle, 129, 255 199, 204, 205, 219, 230, 232,
Arjomand, S. A., 20n, 42 242, 244, 259, 260, 274, 294,
Arkoun, M., 254, 255, 294, 353 301, 302, 306, 311, 317, 352,
Artuqid(s),264 354, 355, 387
As cad b. cAbd al-Qahir, 6,31, 159, astrometeorology, 143
160, 210, 249, 313, 314, 370 astronomer(s), 205, 233, 235, 237,
asbii\ 354 240,315,316,328,337,358,389
alfflJ,iib al-kahJ, 344 astronomy, 164, 165, 192, 205,
a~lJ,iib al-mumtalJ,an, 389
299,315, 317, 337, 389
CAta', 232
alfflJ,iilJ" 371
al- CAta'iqI, 129
aI-Ash carl, Abu I-IJ., 89, 342
aI-Ash carl, M. b. A., 145,202,287, CAtiyya b. al-IJarith, 172
299 al- cAHar, M. -b. al-IJ., 56
AshCarI(s), 114, 119 autobiography, 29, 53, 316
al-AshnasI, 85n, 107, 273 autograph(s), 61, 62, 81, 85, 86,
al-AshtarI, cAbd al-Qahir, 149 107, 108, 110, 141, 151, 169,
189, 208, 218, 242, 275, 276,
Ashtor, E., 75n
296, 320, 354, 366, 367, 391
cAshura', 38, 42, 152, 254, 261, A vicenna, 255
272, 281, 391
awii'il, 129, 130
al- cA~imI, al-IJ. b. A., 237
aI-Awl, M., 9, 49, 51, 230
al- CAs karl, Abu Hilal, 129
Cawl, 130
al- cAskarI, al-IJ., 60, 123, 132, 140,
cAwwad, K., 72n, 73n, 80n, 116
153, 176, 215, 224, 226, 251,
262, 265, 266, 335 cAwwad, Mlkha'Il, 383
al-cAskarI, al-IJ. b. cAl., 237, 388, cAwwad, Yu., 85n
389 Aya Sofia, 353
a~l, 88, 90, 116, 124-128, 219, 221, al- CAynathI, M., 62
223,224,232,270,318,325,352 al- CAyyashI, 132, 163, 165, 347-
Aslam b. cImran, 254 350, 368
al-AstarabadI, cAbd aI-RashId, al-AzharI, 173
252, 368 CAzlziyya, 72
al-AstarabadI, cA. b. Dawud, 301 al- cA~m, JamIl, 181, 182
al-AstarabadI, M. Amln, 35, 52
astrolabe(s), 9n, 192 Bab, 351
astrologer(s), 5, 13n, 104, 113, Bab Badr, 5n, 10
129, 131, 161, 193, 263, 267- Bab al-NubI, 300

badii', 133 Banii Nawbakht, 311

BadawI, cAr., 135, 181, 191, 271, Banii I-$abba~, 390
303 Banii Taym, 101
Badr, 239 Banii Zuhra, 147
Badr (Bidar) aI-A CjamI, 5 aI-BaqillanI, 230
aI-BaghawI, 214, 256 al-Baqir, M., 81, 99, 125, 127, 128,
Baghdad, 4, 5, 8-11, 13-15,17,27, 140, 145, 159, 213, 215, 225,
31-33, 48, 58~ 72, 75n, 77n, 80, 236,264,310,339,344,350,390
89, 104, 106, 116, 118, 137, 144, aI-BaraqI, :e:u., 183
151, 158, 169, 191, 200, 201, Bar-Asher, M., 139, 190, 341, 347
231, 251, 253, 294, 300, 315,
Baratha, 169
329, 359, 368, 378, 387
aI-BarbaharI, 179, 362
aI-BaghdadI, cAbd aI-Qahir, 152,
163 aI-BarqI, A., 165, 241, 273, 308,
aI-BaghdadI, Ism., 4n, 33,182,356
al-BarqI, M., 88, 273, 308
Bagley, F. R. C., 374
Barqiiq, 13
Baha' al-Dawla, 72
basmala, 39
Ba~r al- cUlUm, M. MahdI, 280
Ba~ra, 73, 226, 380
Ba~r al- cUliim, M. $adiq, 17n
Ba~ran(s), 218, 251, 380
aI-Ba~ranI, cAbd al-Ra~Im, 31, 54
aI-Ba~a'il}., 18
aI-Ba~ranI, A. b. S., 268
al-Ba~a'il}.I, Ja cfar b. M., 8
aI-Ba~ranI, cA. b. Mltham, 238
aI-Ba~a'inI, aI-ij:. b. cA., 12, 245
aI-Ba~ranI, Hashim, 21n, 111,
157, 299, 371 Batalyaws, 208
aI-Bal}.ranI, Ya., 216 Batlamiyiis, see Ptolemy
aI-Bal}.ranI, Yu., 14n, 19n, 21n, 47, BatrI(s),227
53,120,307 aI-BattanI, 308, 316, 317
Ba~rayn, 359 Battle of the Camel, 361
Bakr b. M. aI-AzdI, 221 Bawand, 297
Bakr b. M. al-MazinI, 221 al-BawazljI (BawarIl}.I), 208
Bakr b. M. aI-ShamI, 221, 222 bayc a, 174, 261, 362
Bakr b. Wa'iI, 226 al-Baya9.I, 67, 90n, 91, 115, 136,
aI-BaiadhurI, 357 197, 198, 214, 235, 255, 331,
381, 382
aI-BaikhI, Burhan aI-DIn, 113
al-BayhaqI, 141
al-Balqa', 309
al-bayt ai-rna crnur, 218
Baneth, D. Z. H., 74n
al- BazawfarI, 222
Banii cAdI, 101
Beit-Arie, M., 82n, 85n
Banii Hashim, 57, 101, 103, 125,
146,180,300,313,326,342,378 Belaiev, 132
Banii MuCayya, 265 Benedictine(s), 80n
Banii Muqla, 72 Bernand, M., 235

Bible, 372 Busse, H., 253, 315

bibliographer(s), 158, 204 al-Bustl, Ism., 154
al-BijawI, cA. M., 280 Buwayhid(s), 22, 88, 156, 184,
biographer(s), 89, 99, 118, 157, 186, 315
181, 242, 294, 312, 335, 366 Byzantine(s), 292
biography, biographies, 21n, 25,
35, 56, 67, 81n, 104, 134, 144, Cairo, 72, 155, 255, 275, 289
151, 152, 157, 163, 165, 196, Cambridge, 361
209, 215, 235, 252, 257, 259, Canard, M., 131
278-280, 282, 301, 315, 316, Caskel, W., 265
335, 353, 358, 364, 365, 378,
Caspian, 110, 335
386, 387
catalogue(s), 35, 74, 163-166
al-Blrunl, 196, 328
Caucasus, 8
Bishapur, 356
Cheikho, L., 192
al-BizanF, A. b. M., 222
Chester Beatty, 387, 388
Blachere, R., 380
Chinese, 294
Blau, J., 372
Blochet, E., 102 Chittick, W. C., 322, 323
Christian(s)-, 11n, 275, 338, 385
Bos, G., 338
Chwolsohn, D. A., 337
Bosworth, C. E., 68, 200, 235, 243,
311,319,334,338,391 Companion(s), 28, 115, 119, 146,
156, 157, 177, 181, 192, 198,
botany, 164
Bouyges, M., 135, 181, 182, 191,
Conrad, L., 168
Cordova, 72, 74
B5wering, G., 182, 390
Crete, 292
British Library, 65, 168, 277
Crone, P., 373
Brockelmann, C., 57, 65, 101, 111,
136,180,295,360,361,387,388 Crusader( s ), 292
Browne, E. G., 336, 361
da Cawiit, see su pplication( s)
Brunschvig, R., 376
al-Dabbas, cU., 116
Bukhara, 74, 351
al-:Qal;tl;tak b. M., 56
al-Bukharl, 83, 201, 324, 377
al-Dajjal, 207, 274
al-Bukharl al-Nassaba, 333
dalii'il, 139-142
Bukhtna~~ar, 302
daliilat al-nujum, 132, 274
Bulliet, R. W., 72n, 151, 235, 365
al-Damaghanl, 387, 388
Buran, 244
Damascus, 58, 109, 113, 218, 289
Burayda al-Aslaml, 208
al-Damlrl, 91n
Burj al- CAjaml, IOn
Danishpazhuh, N. T., 26
al-Bursl, M., 236
Daniyal, 142, 143
al-Bursl, Rajab, 380
diir al- cilm, 72, 104, 275
al-Burujirdl, Mal;tmud, 290

Dar al-Kutub, 255, 289, 387 duCii' al-tii'ir, 292

al-Daraqutnl, 290, 291, 324 du. ii' al-tayr al-abyaq, al-rumi,

Darb al-BadriYYln, 5, 10 230

Darb al-Ba/?riYYln, 116 al-Duml, 361
Darb al-ij:arbiyya, 6n al-Durlstl, 184
Darb al-ij:-w-ba (ij:-r-ba), 6n
Eche, Y., 72n, 104, 106, 116, 191,
al-Darbl, al-ij:., 6
David (Dawud)~ 76, 206, 385 Egypt, 17, 161, 166, 199, 210,231
Dawud b. cA., 133
Egyptian(s), 71, 89, 231, 242
Dawud b. al-ij:., 57, 240, 334
Emami, A., 254, 294, 353
q,ayc a, 17, 313
Endress, G., 71n, 82n, 85n
al-Daylaml, al-ij:., 169
Eriinsal, E., 74n
al-DaylamI, Shahradar, 167, 333
eschatology, 12, 60, 110, 143, 208,
al-DaylamI, Shlrawayh, 117, 167, 243,245,246,274
333, 376 Escorial, 389
Devic, 1. M., 282
Ess, J.van, 49,144,170,185,309,
al-DhahabI, 151, 339 310, 343, 365
al-Dhahabl, Majid, 144 Euphrates, 15
Dhu l-lJ,asabayn, 3 exegesis, 34, 76, 121, 123, 132, 136,
Dhu l-ij:ijja, 37-39,107,176,196, 138, 139, 145, 166, 182, 195,
234 203, 204, 206, 213, 214, 224,
Dhu I-Kift, 116 225, 228, 254, 280, 282, 330,
Dhu I-Qa cda, 52, 100, 203, 227, 332,339-350,357,370,375,390
faq,ii'il, 27, 56,152-158,177,181,
al-Dlnawarl, Abu I,Ianlfa, 114
231, 250, 289, 320
al-Dlnawarl, Ibr., 300, 301
Fadak, 122, 130, 160, 190, 363
al-Dlnawarl, Nar, 203
al-Fagil aI-HindI, 331
diwiin al-tarikiit al-lJ,ashriyya, 8n
al-Fagi b. M. aI-Ash carl, 224
Diyar Bakr (Diyarbakir), 169, 255
al-Fagl b. Sahl, 316, 362, 366
aI-DizfiiII, 161
al-Fagl b. Ya. Tabad, 204
dream(s), 43, 203, 230, 231, 302,
Fakhar b. Macadd, 6, 7,82, 121,
155, 370
du C ii' al- C abariit, 230
Fakhr al-Dawla, 361
du C ii' al- C ashariit, 159
Fanakhusraw b. Rustam, 382
ducii' al-jiimi\ 159
Farah, C. E., 144
du C ii' al-jawshan, 329
Faraj b. l:IizqTI aI-Isra'lII, 18
du. C ii' al-muf!l].af al-shaMf, 35
Farghana, 351
du. C ii' al-nu.dba, 222
al-Farghanl, A., 206, 219
du. C ii' al-~anamayn, 313
al-Farghanl, M., 315
du. C ii' al-shaykh, 230

al-Farisi, (Abd al-Ghafir, 365 jurqiin, 369

ai-Farra', 82n, 339-341
jal!l, 31, 39, 47, 60, 135, 206, 371 Gabriel, 208, 232, 385
fast, fasting, 133, 152, 175, 176, Gabrieli, G., 293
257,261,323,334-336,362,372 Gacek, A., 30
Fatl).i(s), 335 Galen, 82
Fatih Mosque, 74n al-Ganji, 218
Fatima, 17, 60, 105, 106, 112, 113, Gaykhatil, 15
121, 122, 130, 140, 156, 160, genealogist(s), 240, 367
174-177,194,246,258,291-293 genealogy, 18, 40, 76, 263, 306
Fatima bint Abil- (Abbas, 144 Geniza, 74n
Fatima bint Asad, 98 geomancy, 76
Fatima (daughter of IT), 17 geometry, 317
Fatimid(s), 72, 89, 166, 241, 242, Gerard of Cremona, 129
244, 27.5, 361 German(s), 182, 192
jatwii(s), 8, 10, 20 al-Ghac;la'iri", 104, 138, 139, 380
jawiitil)" 330, 349 Ghadir Khumm, 147, 149, 150,
al-Fayc;l, Mul).sin, 41, 42, 68, 270 155, 177-179, 181, 195, 220,
Fay~al, Sh., 216 228, 262, 297, 327, 390, 391
Fic;lc;la, 292 al-Ghac;liriyya, 391
fihrist, see catalogue( s) al-Gharawi, ij:u., 7
fiqh, 6, 20, 35, 76, 78, 206, 209, al-Ghari", 249
240,300 gharib al-qur'iin, 171-173, 384
al-Fiqi, M., 330 ghayb, 113
al- Firyabi, J a (far, 389 ghayba, 88, 132, 174,210,227,266,
fitan, 60, 61, 168, 169 331
fitra, 21 al-GhazzaII, 22n, 135-137, 181,
fitra (alms), 122 182, 188, 191, 270, 271, 284,
Fliigel, G., 69, 277 373,374
Fodor, A., 143 Ghiyath b. Ibr., 222
format, 83, 145, 149, 156, 195,229, Ghulam Zul).al, 205
231, 243, 244, 280, 284, 319, ghuluww, 122, 331, 380
320, 322, 336, 345, 349, 355, Gilliot, C., 105, 136,178, 180,270,
369, 374, 384, 385 312, 367, 387
France,80n Gimaret, D., 162, 204, 342
Friday, 40, 64, 109, 125, 289, 290, Glassen, E., 182
318, 323 Goitein, S. D., 83n
Frye, R. N., 365, 374 Goldfeld, 1., 213
al-Fuc;layl, Y., 111 Goldstine, H. H., 26, 38
funeral(s), 284, 289, 291, 360 Goldziher, 1., 273
Furat b. Ibr., 341, 345 Gospels, 76, 193, 261

Gottlieb, Th., 76n al-ij:alabi, M., 79, 264

Gottschalk, H., 332 Halm, H., 152, 187, 226
Gramlich, R., 8n, 131 al-IJalwani, cAr., 375
grammar, 76 al-ij:alwani, al-IJu. b. M., 35
grammarian(s), 176, 282 Hamadhan, 75n, 155
Greek, 350 al-Hamadhani, cAbd aI-Malik b.
Grohmann, A., 26, 46, 71-73n, M.,155
75n,80n al-Hamadhani, Abu l-cAla', 75n,
Grotzfeld, S., 102 168, 207, 284
Grunebaum, G. E. von, 327 al-Hamadhani, M. b. cAbd al-
Gutas, D., 254, 255 Malik, 174, 175, 358
Gwynne, R. W., 342 al-Hamadhani, M. b. A., 231
al-Hamdani, M. b. Abi Bakr, 58
Haarmann, U., 71n al-Hamdani, M. b. aI-ij:u., 85, 192
ij:abash, cAl., 389 al-Hamdani, M. b. Jacfar, 239
IJabash, A., 389 IJamid Allah, M., 357
ij:abshun b. Musa, 364 ij:ammad b. CUth., 223
l],adhj,177 I;Iamran b. A Cyan, 225
al-Hadi, cA., 64, 140, 215, 258, I;Iamza, 243
259, 262, 305, 380 I;Ianafi(s), 117, 151, 152, 176, 187,
l],aduh, 25, 89, 151, 155, 173,177- 208,343,387,388
181, 250, 278, 280, 310, 364, I;IanbaIi(s), 89, 127, 168, 169, 179,
376,385 180,198,223,267,300,362,375
l],adith al-bisiit, 144 al-Harawi, cAl., 198, 212
l],adith al-riiyat, 208 al-Harawi, Abu I-Fa<;ll, 212, 213
al-ij:adltha, 15n al-Harawi, A., 173
al-ij:afi~, 166, 248 al-Harawi, Ism. b. A., 213
al-ij:afi~ al-I~fahani,356 al-ij:arbi, 351
ij:afi~iyya, 78n, 166 al-ij:ariri, 187
ij:af~ b. al-Bakhtari, 223 al-HarqaIi, Ism., 8n
I;af~a, 201, 313 al-I;Iarra, 233
Hagar, 116 I;Iarran, 358
IJajib al-Nu cman, 186 al-ij:arrani, 358
IJajjl Khalifa, 68, 69, 152, 182, Hartmann, A., 4n, 7n, 8n, 11n,
200, 212, 274, 291, 312, 332, 106,116,118,155,233
334,356,387 Harun b. Kharija, 165
al-ij:akam II, 72, 74 al-I;Iasan b. Abil-Barakat, 208
al-ij:akim, 166 al-I;Iasan b. cA., 3, 46, 57, 112,
al-ij:akim al-Jushami, 342 121, 133, 138, 140, 156, 176,
al-ij:akim al-Naysaburi, 365, 366 207, 224, 235, 257, 268, 278,
ij:akima, 48 300,313,366,380,388

al-ij:asan h. cA. h. Zakariyya', 128 al-ij:imyarl, cAl., 139, 165, 199,

al-ij:asan h. Bashlr, 365 310, 368, 371
al-ij:asan h. al-ij:., 244 al-ij:imyarI, M., 252, 310
al-ij:asan h. Mal;thuh, 124, 165, al-ij:lra, 277
264 lJ,irz, 285
al-ij:asan h. Makhlad, 338 Hisham b. Salim al-JawallqI, 124
al-ij:asan h. Sahl, 202, 299, 316 historian( s), 136, 146, 178, 205,
ij:asan h. al-Shahld al-ThanI, 9n, 216,218,250,270,284,350,360
28 history, 25, 40, 133, 357-367
al-ij:asan h. Ziyad al-AnmatI, 184 HIt, 15n
al-ij:asanI, A., 257 Hopkins, J. F. P., 275, 276
ij:asanid( s), 110, 122, 148, "279,315 Hopkins, S., 85n
al-ij:askanI, 150,307,330,331,341 horoscope, 148
ij:assan h. Thahit, 141, 327 Howard, I. K. A., 196
lJ,awiishi, 90 I ij:udhayfa h. aI-Yam an , 184,277,
ij:aydar h. M., 7, 146 278
al-Hay~am h. M., 297, 309 Hulagu, 10-12, 15, 71
ij:azlran, 123 al-ij:ulwanI, ij:u., 85, 296
hazl, 282 Huma'l, J., 374
Hehrew,82n IJumayd h. al-Muthanna, 124
Heraclius, 151 al-IJumaydl, 7n, 58, 78n, 200, 376
Hermes, 148, 235 IJunayn h. Isl;taq, 85n
Heyworth-Dunne, J., 131, 132 IJurayz h. cAl., 223
Hihat Allah h. Salama, 297, 298 IJurqu~ h. Zuhayr, 179, 180

h~ra, 176, 304,362 IJurqu~iyya, 178-180

hi:liij, 387 al-ij:urr al- cAmill, 25, 34, 35, 40,

al-ij:illa, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 42, 44, 46, 53, 57, 64, 68, 90n,
40,48,54,58,60,77,355 106, 118, 120, 131, 136, 152,
153, 155, 159, 164, 184, 190,
al-ij:illI, cAhd aI-KarIm, 61
251, 285, 297, 307, 313, 314,
al-ij:illI, cAhd al-Ral;tlm, 61 347, 382
al-ij:illI, cA. h. Yu., 30 al-IJusayn h. cAhd al-$amad, 37,
al-ij:illI, cAllama, 15, 17, 19n, 30, 173,240
63, 68, 119, 147, 161, 178, 183, IJusayn h. A. h. Ja cfar, 365
201, 214, 216, 240, 300, 357
al-IJusayn h. cA., 38, 41, 43-45,
al-ij:illI, al-ij:. h. S., 29,30,81, 106, 48, 60, 88, 112, 114, 121-123,
218, 299, 370 140, 156, 176, 194, 211, 215,
al-ij:illl, Lutf Allah, 61 220, 236, 254, 261, 269, 272,
al-ij:illI, Mul;taqqiq, 319 281, 313, 321, 328, 357, 366,
al-ij:imma~I, 19, 29, 75, 354 372, 391
ij:im~, 19n, 344 al-IJusayn h. cA. h. Hind, 231

ij:usayn b. cAmmar aI-Ba~rl', 26 Ibn aI-CAlqaml, Mu'ayyad aI-DIn,

al-ij:usayn b. Bashlr, 365 5,22n,80
ij:usayn b. (Hibat Allah b.) Rutba, Ibn al- cAmld, 73
112 Ibn cAsakir, 306
ij:usayn b. Khuzayma, 103, 265 Ibn aI-Ash Cath, 199
ij:usayn b. Mi~bal;t, 19Q Ibn al- cAskarl, 163
aI-ij:usayn b. $abbal;t, 390 Ibn A Ctham, 358, 359
ij:usayn b. Sayf, 125 Ibn al-Athlr, 184
aI-ij:usayn b. Zayd b. cA., 306 Ibn al-Athlr, cIzz aI-DIn, 79, 359,
aI-IJusaynl, Abu I-Fa<;lI, 319 385
aI-IJusaynl, cA. b. cAbd aI-KarIm, Ibn CAyyash aI-Jawharl, 101, 107,'
53 207, 286
ij:usaynid(s), 3, 148 Ibn Babawayh, cA., 238, 317
ij:usayniyya, 138 Ibn Babawayh, M., 35, 46, 81, 88,
Hyderabad, 144 99, 105, 106, 108, 109, 119, 120,
141, 153, 165, 167, 190, 194,
Cibiidiit, 183, 185, 207 202, 210, 217, 234, 237, 238,
240, 246, 268, 270, 285, 287,
Ibal;tiyya, 182
296, 299, 302, 317, 328, 368,
Ibn cAbbas, 138, 170, 180, 197, 372, 378, 379, 381, 391
198, 220, 221, 229, 261, 300,
Ibn Badrun, 360
Ibn Baql, 245, 271
Ibn cAbd aI-Barr, 196, 197, 279,
280 Ibn al-Barraj, 277
Ibn cAbd Rabbihi, 194 Ibn BashkuwaI, 91n, 291
Ibn Abl Dawud al-Sijistanl, 179, Ibn Batta, 185
201, 208 Ibn al-Bawwab, 75n
Ibn Abll-Dunya, 156 Ibn al-Bazyar, 307, 308
Ibn Abll-Fawaris, 116 Ibn bint aI-Ki'al, 282
Ibn AbII-IJadld, 221, 238 Ibn al-Bitrlq, 82, 83, 136, 146,
Ibn Abll-IJuqayq, 239 147, 157, 167, 171, 197, 213,
214, 250, 256, 273, 279, 289-
Ibn AbII- cIzz, 15
Ibn Abl Qurra, 42, 108, 109, 202,
Ibn al-Bitrlq, Ya., 129
203, 222, 262, 292
Ibn Da'b, 145
Ibn Abl Qurra, Abu cA., 163
Ibn aI-DacI, 178,180,306
Ibn Abl $alil;t, 307
Ibn al-Dawallbl, 186
Ibn Abll-Thalj, 37, 265,266,355
Ibn Dawud, 216, 329
Ibn Abl U ~aybi ca , 82, 303
Ibn Dawud aI-Qumml, 47,48,123,
Ibn Abjar, cAl., 148
211, 257, 312, 390, 391
Ibn cAdI, Abu A., 358
Ibn al-Daya, 350
Ibn aI-A clam, 233, 240, 328, 389
Ibn Dohaish, A., 72n, 74n
Ibn al- CAlqaml, cIzz aI-DIn, 5

Ibn Du'il (Diil), 353 Ibn Khallikan, 175, 275, 276

Ibn Durayd, 278 Ibn al-Khammar, 129
Ibn FacJcJal, cA., 165, 334, 335 Ibn Khanibah, 165, 224
Ibn FacJcJal, al-ij., 335 Ibn Khaqan, cUl., 382
Ibn Fahd al-ijillI, 65, 159; 283 Ibn al-Khashshab, 6, 75n, 264,
Ibn aI-Farra', M., 223 266,267
Ibn Fatir, 242 Ibn Khayr, 172, 309
Ibn Furak, 342 Ibn al-KhwarazmI, 112, 113
Ibn al-Furat, cA., 238 Ibn al-Maghazill, 249, 250, 376
Ibn al-FuwaF, 18n, 80n Ibn Mal;tbub, M., 288, 326
Ibn al-ijaddad, 243, 338, 339 Ibn Mahziyar, M. b. cA., 207, 279
Ibn IJajar al- CAsqaIanI, 115, 177, Ibn Maja, 201, 336
290 Ibn al-MaIal;timI, 160, 161
Ibn IJajar al- HaytamI, 388 Ibn Malik al-QaFcI, 208
Ibn IJamza, 381 Ibn Manda, Abu CAl. M., 261
Ibn al-HarawanI, 207, 208 Ibn Ma~da, M., 255, 261
Ibn Hibinta, 275 Ibn Manda, Ya., 177,260
Ibn IJinzaba, 174 Ibn Mardawayh, Abu Bakr, 248
Ibn IdrIs, 222, 288, 310, 327 Ibn Mardawayh, A., 160, 248, 249
Ibn al- cImad, 252 Ibn al-MashhadI, M., 48, 231, 269
Ibn cInaba, 7n, 12, 13, 18, 72n, Ibn Mattawayh, A., 322
73n, 263, 334 Ibn Maymiin al-Nassaba al-
Ibn CIraq, 328 WasiF,263
Ibn Is}:laq, 304 Ibn Mu Cayya, 265
Ibn al-Jarra}:l, 180, 357 Ibn al-Munajjim, 252
Ibn al-JawaITqI, 75n Ibn al-Nadlm, 100, 103, 106, 114,
Ibn al-JawzI, 89, 115, 147, 224, 163, 164, 204, 246, 249, 256,
284, 286, 287, 356, 387 268, 282, 288, 293, 303, 308,
Ibn al-Ju}:lam, 64, 81, 280, 369- 316, 346, 363, 384
371 Ibn aI-Najjar, 7, 56, 58, 80, 100,
Ibn al-Junayd, 280, 281 143, 144, 151, 157, 201, 364
Ibn Jurayj, 307, 341, 342 Ibn Nama, M., 6, 300
Ibn al-KalbI, Hisham, 44, 264, Ibn Naqa, 176, 177
265, 297 Ibn al-NaHa}:l, 146
Ibn Kamil, 282, 283 Ibn al-Qa~~, 142
Ibn al-Kamil (Ibn Ki'al), 304 Ibn al-QifF, 73, 74, 193, 235, 247,
Ibn Kathlr, 179 294, 303, 362
Ibn al-Kawwa', 218 Ibn Qiilawayh, 46, 210, 211, 312
Ibn Khalawayh, al-IJu., 56, 195, Ibn Qutayba, 171, 288, 378
196, 282, 283 Ibn Rajab, 168, 252, 356

Ibn aI-Ru.mI, 311 Ibn Tawu.s, Sharaf aI-DIn M., 15

Ibn Sa cd, 337 Ibn Tawu.s, cU., 18
Ibn aI-SacI, 3n, 15n, 75n, 79, 116, Ibn cU qda, 37, 73, 78n, 128, 154,
359 177,219,263,315,349,351,364
Ibn al-Sammak, 86, 154, 289, 364 Ibn aI-WaIld, 202
Ibn Shadhan, 37, 212, 269, 270 Ibn aI-Wazlr aI-Warraq, 230
Ibn Shadhan aI-QummI, 386 Ibn al.. Vasa CaI-GhafiqI, 276
Ibn Shahrashu.b; 89,103,106,107, Ibn aI-Zaghu.nI, 339
111, 114, 118, 120, 137-139, Ibn Zuhra al-ij:aIabI, 7, 54, 82
146, 147, 154, 157, 158, 160, Ibn Zuhra, Taj aI-DIn, 13, 148
168, 173, 174, 177, 178, 186,
IbrahIm b. cAl., 110, 226, 231
188, 191, 198, 216, 217, 223,
228, 236, 240, 248, 249, 251, IbrahIm b. cAr., 365
252, 255, 265, 274, 284, 286, IbrahIm b. Fa<;lI, 156
288-290, 305, 307, 317, 323, IbrahIm b. Isl:taq aI-Al:tmarI, 205
328, 332, 341, 348, 358, 366 Ibrahim b. Isl:taq aI-$UlI, 99, 205
Ibn Shahriyar, 320 IbrahIm b. M. aI-Ash carl, 224
Ibn S-h-I-w-h, 113 IbrahIm b. Sa cld, 184
Ibn Shu cba, 42 IbrahIm b. CUth. al-Khazzaz, 127,
Ibn SIna, 75n 224
Ibn aI-Tamlm (I) , 169 IbrahIm, M. AbU. I-Fa<;lI, 193, 295
Ibn Tawu.s, cAbd aI-KarIm, 15, IbrahIm (the Prophet's son), 300
42,45, 61, 80n, 170,269,391 ibtidii' al-a cmiil, 259
Ibn Tawu.s, Abu. Bakr, 18 cId aI-A<;ll:ta, 281
Ibn Tawu.s, A., 9, 13, 15, 17, 27, cId aI .. Fitr, 122, 159, 175, 372
58, 65, 102, 105, 201, 213, 351,
iq,miir, 177
Idr~, 116, 148,235,263,309,322,
Ibn Tawu.s, cA., 9, 14n, 17, 18,41,
66, 80, 148, 245
Ifrlqiya, 276
Ibn Tawu.s, cA. b. Ghiyath aI-DIn,
18n ihlflaja, 187
iCjiiz, 303
Ibn Tawu.s, aI-ij:., 15
Ibn Tawu.s, Majd aI-DIn M., 15, ijiiza, 4, 6, 7n, 11, 13, 36, 37, 41,
30 46, 58, 62, 74, 134, 147, 155,
201, 246, 267, 300, 326, 336,
Ibn Tawu.s, M., 9, 13n, 14, 17, 18,
340, 369
29, 41, 61, 76, 80, 148, 188
Ikhshldid( s), 174
Ibn Tawu.s, M. b. Ghiyath aI-DIn,
18n ikhtiyiiriit, 189
Ibn Tawu.s,, 3, 4 ikhwiin al-f!afii', 190
Ibn TaW-U.s, Qiwam aI-DIn A., 15, Ilkhanid(s), 310
18 cImad aI-DIn al-Katib al-I~fahanI,
Ibn Tawu.s, Sa cd aI-DIn, 15 215

Imam(s), 19,20,22,34,38,43,47, 220, 221, 231-233, 237, 242,

48, 53, 57, 139, 140, 162, 189, 251, 256, 261, 266, 267, 269,
196, 198, 200, 209, 222, 233, 296, 310, 320, 329, 332, 333,
243, 257, 266, 268, 283, 285, 337, 343-345, 347, 370, 373
299, 310, 345, 348-350, 371, IspahbadI(s),297
380, 386 isrii', 105, 140, 279
al- cImranI, 163, 268 Israelite(s), 123, 274, 360, 385
India, 125 isti ara, 303

Indian(s), 187, 282, 294 istikhiira, 5, 19, 23, 33, 87, 117,
inheritance, 130, 160, 198 125, 127, 159, 183, 195, 202,
InjIl, see Gospels . 232, 240, 277, 279, 300, 313,
Iqbal, cA., 106, 311 317,319,323,326,327
Iraq, 11, 14, 84 istikhara bi l-riqa(, 23, 197
Iraqi(s), 84 I wan Kisra, 356
al-IrbilI, 8n, 22n, 63, 64, 139, 218,
al-JabacI, M. b. (A., 37, 77n, 357
249, 267, 294, 327, 351
cIrfaniyan, Gh., 309 Jabir b. CAl., 145
cIsa, see Jesus Jabir b. I,Iayyan, 163, 164, 297
cIsa b. al-Mustafad, 63, 216, 382 Jabriyya, 312
cIsa b. al-Shaykh, 169 Jacob, 138, 345, 372
Ja cfar b. (Abd al-Walfid, 266
Isaacs, H. D., 374
Ja (far b. A., 111
I~fahan, 256, 367
al-I~fahanI, CA. b. M., 49
Ja (far b. A. al-QummI, 98, 99,
164, 225, 283, 284
al- I~fahanI, M. MahdI, 39
Ja (far b. al-ij:., 335
Isfandiyar b. Mihrnush, 335
Ja cfar b. al-ij:u. b. cAbd Rabbihi,
Islfaq b. cImran, 133
Ishmael, 297, 372 Ja cfar b. M. b. Malik, 29,225,228
Iskaf, 248 Jacfar b. Na~r, 344
al-IskandarI, 149 Ja cfar b. Shadhan, 99
ism allah al-a c~am, 14, 28, 134,
Ja cfar b. S., 297, 372
Ja(far b. Warqa', 184
ci~ma, 22, 206, 260, 287
J a (far al-BarmakI, 366
IsmaCIlI(s), 97, 190
al-JahQ.amI, 265, 266, 364
IsmaCIliyan, A., 294
Jahiliyya, 52, 286, 300, 332
IsmacIl b. A., 56
al-Jalfi~, 89, 170, 194, 303, 304
IsmacIl b. Jacfar, 105, 128
al-J ahshiyarI, 383
Isma cIl b. M., 352 .
ja'iz, 375
Isma cIl b. Ya., 184
Jalal al-Dawla, 186, 315
isnad, 37, 63, 118, 128, 139, 142,
145, 150, 152, 155, 156, 177- al-JaludI, 74n, 85n, 102, 156, 218,
179, 184, 185, 195, 198-200, 236, 333

Jamasb, 102, 103, 374 aI-Jurjanl, A., 281

jami C, 202 Jurmaghun, 8
Jamil, M. Faris, 72n, 85n Jushtasf (Vishtaspa), 102
Jaouiche, H., 365 Justi, F., 382
J arlrl( s), 266 Juwaynl, 12n
Jarudl(s), 73, 154 aI-Juwaynl, Imam aI-ij:aramayn,
aI-Ja~~a~, S., 225 275
aI-Jawabl (Jawanl), 56, 304 Juynboll, G. H. A., 85n
aI-Jawad, M., 45, 48, 64, 88, 102, juz', 28, 38, 50, 56, 59, 73, 74, 79,
140,285,313,381 80,100,112,122,135,136,138-
Jawad, Mu~taIa, 3n, 15n 140, 147, 154, 162, 163, 166,
171, 173, 177, 188, 194, 200-
203, 207-209, 215, 217, 220,
aI-Jawanl, M. b. cA., 137 236, 239, 256, 264, 274, 277,
aI-Jawharl, A., 326, 327 282, 284, 285, 290, 301, 302,
aI-Jawharl, Ibr. b. Sa c1d, 261 310, 318, 332, 337, 339, 340,
al-Jawharl, Ism., 321 342-344, 347, 348, 356, 362,
aI-Jawwanl, cA., 7 365, 366, 369, 374, 377, 378,
383, 384, 388, 391
aI-Jaza'irl, NiCmat Allah, 46, 61,
127,143,179,198,213,258 Ka cba, 218, 242, 268
Jeffery, A., 201 Kabbush, 186
Jerusalem, 229 kadkhuda, 387
Jesus, 102, 180, 193,207,262,298, al-Karaml, 28, 31, 36, 38, 46, 56,
302, 309, 333, 385 67, 68, 90, 91, 100, 101, 111,
Jew(s), 18,80n, 141, 143,208, 239 112, 133, 134, 138, 159, 173,
aI-Ji cabl, 161 186, 190, 242, 244, 245, 271,
Jibra'il b. A., 7 291, 292, 313, 314, 319, 333,
jihad, 254 346, 381, 386
jinn, 269 Ka}:l}:laIa, cU., 347, 387
John, 193 kalam, 21, 22, 29, 42, 55, 78, 204,
Jones, M., 363
aI-KaIbl, M. b. aI-Sa'ib, 172,277,
Joseph, 112, 126, 138, 175, 273,
al-Kanturl, 29, 55, 281, 298
Joshua, 309
Karabacek, J., 83-85n
aI-Jubba'i, 79, 89, 162, 301, 311,
342 al-Karablsl, I;u., 115.
al-Jubba'I, M. b. cA., 225 al-Karajakl, M., 109, 164-166,
197, 209, 210, 212, 225, 226,
Judaism, 58
Jumada I, 176, 281
al-Karajakl, Musa, 165, 318
Jumada II, 302, 314
karamat, 14
jurist( s ), 176
KarbaIa', 9, 10, 13, 15,27,32, 38,

40-42,45,58, 59, 91n, 115, 123, Khaybar, 141, 256

147, 211, 257, 269 al-Khayyat (~annat), CA. b. Ya.,
KarIman, ~., 98, 188, 206 4,82,370
al-Karkh, 72, 226 al-Khayyat, Ya., 267
Karkush, 14n, 15n, 18n al-Khazin, CA., 383
KarramI(s), 307, 309 al-KhazrajI, CA. b. al-~., 15n
kasb, 21 khiliiJ, 296
al-Kashghan, 385 Khilatiyya, 106
KashInatha, 294 Khoury, R. G., 273, 274
al-KawkabI, 253 al-Kh-r-mI, 134
Kazarun, 116 Khurasan, 14n
al-Ka~im, M., 341 Khurasanian(s), 85n, 145
al-Ka~im, Musa, 5, 12, 22n, 78n, khutba, 4, 27, 65,130,136,237
88, 102, 114, 122, 123, 140, 156, al-khutba al-qii~i a, 232

157, 199, 200, 245, 258, 264, khutbat al-ashbii/:, 295

292, 299, 306, 310, 329, 338,
371,382 KhwandamIr, Gh., 8
al-Ka~imayn, 45, 78n
al-KhwansarI, 19n, 48, 105, 166,
173, 183, 271, 280, 285, 294,
al- Ka~imiyya, 305 298, 354
Kedar, B. Z., 82n Khwarazm Shah, 334
Kennedy, E. S., 199, 274, 329, 389 al-KhwarazmI, 205
al-Kha<;lTb, 331
al-KhwarazmI, M., 360
KhadIja, 175, 194 Khwarazmian(s),328
al-KhafIaf, ~amid, viin, 34, 71n, al-KindI, 163, 303, 318
159, 183
King, D. A., 9n
Khalaf b. Ayyub, 365
al-KirmanI, al-~u., 199, 390
Khalid b. $afwan, 319
al-Kisa'l, 273
Khalid b. YazId, 129
KIshita, 293, 294
Khalidov, A. B., 134
al-KishshI, 161, 189
al-KhalnI, A., 155, 216
Kisra, 148, 384
al-Khallal, A., 292, 293, 312
Kisra b. Hurmuz, 362
KhaniqIn, 8
Kister, M. J., 43, 327, 338
al-Kharsan, 3n, 7n, 13n, 27, 42,
61, 65-67, 117, 238, 247 Kohlberg, E., 20n, 41, 55, 57, 63,
82n, 88n, 90n, 115, 122-127,
al-Kha~IbI al-JunbulanI, 152-154
144, 145, 148, 177, 199, 202,
aI-KhatIb aI-BaghdadI, 37, 56, 209, 219-221, 223, 224, 255,
81n, 89, 99, 144, 151, 243, 339, 256, 313, 315, 342
340, 363, 364
Koningsveld, P. Sj. van, 74n, 79n,
KhatIr aI-DIn MaJ:tmud, 5 85n
al- KhaHab, 332 Kraemer, J. 1., 72-74n
Khawarij, 180, 295 Kraus, P., 164

Kufa, 15n, 48, 78n, 133, 220, 256, Ma cadd b. aI-ij:u., IOn
310, 336, 346 macani, 40
Kilfan(s), 208, 251, 343 mabsut, 263
al-KuIInI, 34, 88, 110, 165, 209, Mach, R., 90n, 134, 310
258, 312, 313, 337, 344
al-Mada'in, 48, 315
Kunitzsch, P., 199, 387, 389
aI-Mada'inI, cA., 221
aI-Mada'inI, aI-ij:. b. cA., 282
kurras{a), see quire(s)
aI-MadanI, cAlIkhan, 319
Kushajim, 237
aI-MadanI (MadInI), M., 152
lalJ,n, 288 Madelung, W., 59, 110, 111, 123,
124, 126, 134, 143, 160, 199,
Langner, B., 33
222, 257, 258, 295, 335, 336
Laoust, H., 185
madrasa, 71n, 78n, 169, 362
al-Lat, 313
Madrasat U mm aI-KhalIfa aI-
Latin, 129, 268, 303, 350 Na~ir, 78n, 118
laylat al-qadr, 124, 128, 213, 229, al-Maghrib, 275 _
aI-MaghribI, aI-ij:. b. cA., 208, 209
Lazarus-Yafeh, H., 22n, 135
al-MahdI, 101, 229, 261, 283
Le Strange, G., 5n, lOn, 134, 300,
MahdI, 12n, 36, 53, 60, 105, 110,
113, 122, 139, 157, 168, 169,
Lecomte, G., 171, 288, 378 171, 188, 192, 197, 202, 210,
Leiden, 43-45, 85n 213, 215, 218, 231, 236, 246,
Leningrad, 132, 134 251,264,273,290,291,315,336
Levi della Vida, G., 113, 297 Mal;1fii~, l;Iu. cA., 47, 71
Levtzion, N., 276 Mal;1mud b. M. b. al-Fa<;ll, 283
librarian( s), 73, 75n, 104, 158, al-Mal;1mudI, M. Baqir, 331
320, 359 aI-Mal;1uzI, S., 272
library, libraries, 28, 35, 41, 45, aI-MajlisI, 22, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35,
49, 52, 56, 59, 62, 63, 71-82, 38, 46, 48, 49, 53, 54, 56, 59,
85, 86, 90, 91n, 102, 106, 112, 63-66,68,88,95,106,119,120,
116, 118, 132, 138, 143, 154- 130, 140, 141, 143-145, 153,
156, 158, 159, 166, 169, 170, 159, 187, 190, 212, 226, 232,
191, 209, 233, 239, 244, 245, 240, 260, 269, 270, 272, 295,
249, 275, 320, 322, 345, 359, 298, 299, 309, 310, 314, 320,
370, 371, 377 323, 326, 329, 331, 357, 360,
Lichtenstaedter, 1., 277 373,382
LOfgren, 0., 111 majmuCa, 28, 56, 79,101,118,138,
London, 30 149, 185, 187, 205, 230, 231,
Luke, 193 234,255,266,279,294,320
Lu'Iu' b. CAl., 364 al-Makhzun,218
Ma Clathaya, 107
Lilt, 173
aI-MalaF, 342

mallJ.ama, 142 Mascada b. Ziyad, 125

Malik b. Anas, 201, 281, 293 maJ!iilJ.i/, 76, 188
aI-Malik al-Na~ir, 73 Masha'allah, 267, 283
aI-Malik aI-Sa cld, 264 Mashhad, 30, 33, 34, 49, 62, 98,
MalikI( s), 201, 280 117, 232
al- MallnI, A., 173 Mashhad cAlI, 320
al-MamaqanI, 181, 211 Mashhad maqabir Quraysh, 305
Ma cmar , 344 mashjara, 263
mamarr, 199 mashyakha, 74
Mamluk(s), 13 Masjid al-Ru~afa, 251
al-Ma'mun, 22, 85, 106, 131, 172, al-Ma~mudI, 293
193, 199, 244, 260, 261, 287, Massignon, L., 11n, 49, 107, 180
294, 353, 362, 363, 381, 389 al-Ma~~I~a, 231
al-Ma'muniyya, 5 al-MascudI, 273, 287
Manakdlm, A., 162 ma'tam, 223
maniiqib, 62, 116-118, 167, 213, Matar, Z., viin, 33, 114, 128, 129,
218, 247-252, 264, 269, 270, 187, 192, 205, 242, 253, 259,
278, 300, 329, 376 274, 282, 308, 316, 334, 352,
al-Man~ur, 105, 149, 175,231,233, 354, 358, 371, 374, 389
261,264,287,353,364,366,378 mathematician(s), 205, 268, 328
Man~ur b. ij:azim, 125 mathematics, 164
Man~ur b. Ramish, 110 Matthew, 193
al-MantiqI, Abu S., 294 mawii ci,25
aI-MaqdisI, Mutahhar b. Tahir, mawiili:d (genethliaIogy), 267
133 aI-MawardI, 186
mara</. al-khaniizi:r, 150 mawlii, 265, 297
MarcashI, 26, 30, 55, 56 al-Maw~ilI, cA., 115
al-MarcashI, Shihab aI-DIn, 240 al-Maw~ilI, D., 26
MardIn, 116, 264 al-MayhanI, A., 106
maCri/a, 21 Mazandaran, 297, 314
martaba, 11, 255 McCarthy, R. J., 303
martyr(s), 13 McDermott, M. J., 109, 130, 132,
Marw, 72 160, 175, 196, 211, 253, 258,
Marwa, 130 260, 261, 268, 286, 295, 318,
Marwanid(s),175 377, 379
aI-MarwazI, aI- cAbbas, 360 Mecca, 14, 54, 123, 175, 220, 254,
al-MarwazI, cA. b. M., 207 261, 269, 300, 331, 362
al-MarwazI, M., 239 Meccan(s), 231, 251, 375
Marx, A., 80n medicine, 76, 164, 317
al-MarzubanI, 46, 132, 327, 328 Medina, 54, 141, 158, 175, 261,
269, 304, 362

Medinan, 231, 375 mwf,iiyaqa, 52, 53

Meier, F., 117 al-Mufa<;l<;lal b. Salm, 364
Melkite( s ), 82 al-Mufa<;l<;lal h. cU., 187, 226
Mez, A., 73-75n al-Mufid, 4, 48, 88, 89, 109, 130,
mitjmiir, 46 132, 142, 175, 176, 184, 191,
aI-MilanI, cA., 147 196, 210, 211, 217, 222, 224,
22~, 253, 257, 258, 260, 261,
minbar, 290
268, 279, 286, 295, 296, 318,
Mlr Damad, 65, 90n, 121, 173, 299 319, 377, 379
miracle(s), 8n, 110, 139, i40, 160, al-Mughlra h. M. al-Mahdl, 104
208, 215, 220, 226, 268
aI-Mu~addith, Jaial aI-DIn, 62,
miCriij, 221 171,333
MIrza Kamala, 29, 34, 52, 62, 202, 183, 211
Miskawayh, 59, 73, 75n, 254, 255, Mu}:lammad cAhid h. A. al-Sindl,
294,353 289
Misma c h. cAhd aI-Malik, 226 Mu~ammad h. cAhd aI-cAzlz aI-
al-Mi~rl, M., 129 Hashiml, 205
Modarressi, H., 17n, 36, 162, 196, Mu~ammad h. CAL h. Tahir, 135,
197, 207, 240, 260, 277, 279, 200
281,286,300,327,382 Mu}:lammad h. CAr. h. Fantl, 173
Mongol(s), 8, 10-12, 15, 18,58,80 Mu}:lammad h. Ahl CAl., 109, 110
Moses, 116, 123, 146, 274, 321, Mu}:lammad h. Ahl CUmayr, 125,
339, 351, 372 352
mosque(s), 48, 72, 74n, 116, 155, Mu~ammad h. Ahl Ya q1.ih aI-
156, 169, 218, 229, 261 Jawwal, 344
Mosul, lln, 26, 107, 268, 275 Mu}:lammad h. A. h. AhII-MacaII,
al-Mu cara. h. Zakariyya, 53, 200 326
Mu calla h. CAr., 364 Mu~ammad h. A. h. Khatim
al-Mu calla h. Asad, 104 (l1atim), 353
al-Mu calliml, 100 Mu}:lammad h. CA., 113
MuCawiya, 112, 130,176, 180, 183, Mu}:lammad h. CA. aI- cAIawI, 231
207,220,265,300,306,388 Mu}:lammad h. CA. h. l1u. h. CA.,
Mu Cawiya h. l1ukaym, 81, 125 141
Mu Cawiya h. Maysara, 165 Mu}:lammad h. CA. h. Ihr., 190
al-mu C awwidhatiin, 373 Mu}:lammad h. CA. h. M., 202
mubiilJ" 375 Mu~ammad h. CA. h. Raha~, 227
al-mubiihala, 107, 214, 332, 370 Mu~ammad h. CA. $a~ih aI-
al-Muharak h. cAr., 56 Ghazzall, 136
al-Muharrad, 211, 295 Mu~ammad h. aI-Ash Cath, 263

mubyaq.tJ,a, 86 Mu}:lammad h. Ba~r, 330

Mu<;lar,57 Mu~ammad h. Bashlr al- cAlawl,

Mul].ammad b. Dawud b. S., 364 Mul].ammad b. Va. al-Khath camI,

Mul].ammad b. IJ:abih, 52, 89, 227, 125
276 Mul].ammad b. Yu. al-Muqri', 252
Mul].ammad b. IJ:amza, 56 Mul].ammad b. Yu. al-Naqit, 104
Mul].ammad b. al-IJ:anafiyya, 123, Mul].ammad b. Zayd b. Marwan,
313 188
Mul].ammad b. al-IJ:. al- cAlawI, Mul].ammad Fa<;lil al-MashhadI,
326 34,42, 68
Mul].ammad b. al-iju. al- Mul].ammad al-Musawf, Abu
Marzuban, 242, 247 Na~r, 36
Mul].ammad b. al-iju. al-TaY, 222 Mul].arram, 37-39, 133, 149, 175,
Mul].ammad b. al-iju. al-WasiF, 281
184 mulJiisaba, 49
Mul].ammad b. Ibr., 344 mul),tasib, 351
Mul].ammad b. cIsa, 352 al-M u cizz, 242
Mul].ammad b. Isl].aq b. al-ij:., 3 Mu cizz al-Dawla, 73, 253
Mul].ammad b. Ja cfar b. cAl., 353 Mujahid, 307, 342
Mul].ammad b. Ja cfar al-Kufi, 109 mujallad, 4,28, 37, 47, 50, 56, 77,
Mul].ammad b. Ja cfar al-Mul].am- 79, 80, 83, 99, 140, 147, 162,
madI, 346 173, 179, 194, 203, 217, 231,
Mul].ammad b. Ma cadd, 6, 190, 251,277,311,350,353,364,374
354 mu Cjiza, see miracle( s)
Mul].ammad b. Makhlad, 99 mukallaJ, 61, 375
Mul].ammad b. M. h. al-Mul].sin, al-Muktafi, 131
305 Mulla $adra, 255
Mul].ammad b. M. al-l'abIb, 54 Mu'min al-l'aq, 122
Mul].ammad b. Mul].sin al-Fay<;l, al-Munadf, A., 102, 245, 246, 354
313 muniijiit, 283, 381
Mul].ammad b. Mu'min aI-ShIrazI, al-Munajjid, $alal]. aI-DIn, 156
307 al-Munajjim, al-ij:. b. CA., 274
Mul].ammad b. al-Mu~affar al- al-MundhirI, 356
Bazzaz, 192
Munkar and NakIr, 19
Mul].ammad b. Sacfd, 366'
Muntajab aI-DIn, 117, 119, 257,
Mul].ammad b. Sacfd al-Razzaz,
298, 307, 335, 381
Muqatil b. ij:ayyan, 307
Mul].ammad b. $alil]. al-Tammar,
221 Muqatil b. S., 127, 307
Mul].ammad b. Sinan, 122, 211 al-Muqtadir, 132, 180, 358
Mul].ammad b. CUbayd al-An~arf, al-Muqtadiyya, 6n, 10, 11, 62
184 al-Muradf, 100, 188
Mul].ammad b. Drama, 352 al-Murta<;la, CA. b. al-IJ:., 75, 147,

al-Murta<;la, aI-SharIf, 21n, 22, 48, Nagel, T., 274, 343

73, 142, 147, 148, 184, 194, 197, al-Nahdl, 85n, 108
217, 237, 260, 295, 315, 328, al- N alflfas, 355
346, 354, 376, 379
al-Nahrawan, 180, 263, 379
Musa h. Ism., 199
Najaf, 9-11, 13-15, 17,26,33,40,
Musa h. Mas Cud, 9~
53, 58, 78n, 112, 138, 156, 159,
mUfJannaJ, 220 189, 249, 259, 300, 320, 322
Mushar, Kh., 30, 40-42, 49,59,65 aI-Najafi, Sharaf aI-DIn cA., 68,
Musharrif al-Dawla, 315 371
mushriJ, 116 al-Najashl, 43, 74n, 101, 104, 107,
Muslim h. al-ij:ajjaj, 83, 201, 324, 108, 111, 119, 120, 122, 125,
377 134, 139, 141, 156-159, 161,
musnad, 278 163, 164, 171-173, 177, 181,
203, 204, 209, 219, 221, 222,
Mu~tafawI, ij:., 273
225, 226, 228, 239, 245, 252,
al-Musta'ln, 360 259, 262, 263, 269, 282, 288,
al-Mustan~ir, 5, 7-9, 14n, 40, 71n 308, 315-317, 325, 326, 333,
Mustan~iriyya, 10, 71n, 76n, 78n, 349, 353, 355, 362, 368-371,
151, 227, 359 377, 380, 382
al-Musta c~im, 5, 144 Nallino, C. A., 360
muswadda, 86 naqw, 3, 7, 11, 13, 18, 328
mutCa, 115, 276 naqi:b al-nuqabii', 253
al-Mu Cta<;lid, 169 al-Naqqash, 274
al-Mu Ctamid, 301, 382, 383 al-Naqqash, M., 300, 331, 332,364
al-Mutarrizl, 186, 275, 329 Narjis, 48
al-Mu 'ta~im, 383 al-Nasa'l, A. h. CA., 325, 373
al-Mu Cta~im hi llah, M., 167 al-Nasa'l, A. h. Jacfar, 225
al-Mutawakkil, 266, 305, 353, 382 Na~ihl(s), 119
Mutayyan, 54, 290, 291 niisikh, 86
Mu'tazill(s), 21,22,89,114,146, al. . Na~ir, 4n, 6n, 7, 8n, 102, 106,
147, 152, 154, 160, 187, 194, 116, 118, 155, 233
293,295,306,311,330;355 Na~ir h. Mahdl, 4, 383
M u Ctl, Ri<;la, 185 Na~ir al-Dawla, 109
aI-MuttaqI, 131 al-Na~iriyya, 116
muwiisa C a, 52, 53 Na~r h. CAl., 365
al-Mu~affar h. Ja (far, 85,319, 320 na~~, 197
al-M-z-k-l, 169 na~~ jaZz, 377
al-Natanzl, 78n, 216
nabi:dh, 130
niifila, 202, 327
N awhakht, 175
al-Nafs al-Zakiyya, M., 110, 226,
al-Nawhakhtl, Harun h. Ahl Sahl,
231, 257

352 Paradise, 317, 339

al-NawbakhtI, al-ij:., 115,311,316 Paran, 372
al-NawbakhtI, M. b. Abi Sahl, 352 parchment, 58, 85, 106, 145
Naysabur, 235, 365, 366 Paris, 48, 102
al-NaysaburI, cA., 155 Patna,48
al-NaysaburI, M. b. cAbd al-NabI, Pedersen, J., 85n
214 Pellat, Ch., 170, 194, 304
na~ar, 21 Pentateuch, 18n, 76, 148, 371
nii~ir al-tarikiit, 8 Persian(s), 12, 27, 34, 40-42, 49,
al-Na~~am, 123, 170 59, 62, 68, 89, 90, 95, 102, 174,
Neugebauer, 0., 46, 389 182, 216, 224, 234, 241, 270,
273, 301, 306, 310, 314, 318,
New Testament, 193
333, 365, 373, 377
aI-Nil, 15
Petraitis, C., 129
Nicma, cAl., 212
Pharaoh, 61, 176, 274, 321
Nlnawa, 391
philosopher(s), 129
nilif, 83, 84,145, 148, 156,369,374
philosophy, 255
nilif al-thumn, 83, 149, 230, 355
physician(s), 8n, 82, 129, 187,338
Ni~amiyya, 77n, 80, 85, 113, 116,
pilgrimage, 14, 43, 48, 51, 54, 283,
169, 170, 320, 359, 377
300, 304, 331, 346
Noah, 138, 228, 270, 352
Pingree, D., 199, 267, 294, 352
NuCaym b. ij:ammad, 60,168,169,
Pinto, 0., 72n, 73n, 75n
plagiarism, 327
nubuwwa, 287
al-NucmanI, A. b. Dawud, 138 poetry, 76, 147
al-Nu cmanI, M. b. Ibr., 139, 174, poet(s), 11, 15, 18, 99, 186, 216,
237, 306
polemics, 20,25, 57, 78, 115, 187,
nuqliiin, 257
al-Nurl al-rabarsI, 14n, 30, 35,48,
Pons Boigues, F., 276
52, 63, 66, 234, 241, 264, 271,
272, 318, 357 Poonawala, 1. K., 241
N u~ayriyya, 152 Popovic, A., 104
nuskha, 84, 138, 160, 181, 185, prayer(s), 21, 26, 31, 34, 35, 37,
199,231,252,286,342,346,377 38, 41, 45, 47, 48, 52-54, 64,
66, 68, 87, 91, 99, 107, 110,
Nuwabukht, 354
112, 113, 122, 124, 125, 130,
occultation, see ghayba 135, 142, 150, 159, 175, 183,
185, 188, 194, 195, 202, 211,
Omar, F., 363 227, 228, 235, 236, 241, 246,
Ottoman(s),74n 261, 263, 264, 271, 281, 283-
286, 290, 293, 306, 313, 314,
Pampus, K.-H., 29 318, 322, 327, 329, 337, 350,
paper, 4, 84-86,145,229 357,360,372,373,377,381,386

Pretzl, 0., 182 al-QazwlnI, M. MahdI, 314

Princeton, 90, 134, 137, 187, 235, qirii'a, 224
291, 298, 310, 334 qiriin, 102, 308
prophet(s), 21, 22, 55, 279, 304, qi~a~ al-anbiyii', 270
372, 385 Qubad (Kavad) I, 374
psalms, 385 al-Qu<;lacI, M., 167, 332, 333
pseudonym, 57, 58 quire(s), 27, 28, 31, 64, 82, 83,
Ptolemy, 311, 350 100, 116, 132, 144, 147, 162,
166, 173, 182, 193, 203, 206,
qaljii', 34 214, 217, 219, 229, 252, 270,
al-qaljii' can al-mayyit, 223 277, 282, 285, 292, 312, 322,
qaljii' al-~aliit, 162, 310, 326 325, 334, 336, 341, 342, 344-
al-qaljii' wa l-qadar, 34
346, 349, 350, 355, 357, 369-
Qadarl(s), 147
Qumm, 30, 56, 98, 122, 269
Qadariyya, 312
al-QummI, cAbbas, 40, 45, 212,
al-Qa<;l.l al-Fa<;, 73 332
al-Qa<;l.l CIya<;l., 331 al-QummI, Mu'ayyad al-DIn, 7, 8
al-Qa<;l.l al-Nucman, 89, 241, 242
Qumml(s), 202, 234, 242, 288
al-Qa<;l.l, Wadad, 135 qunut, 107, 313
aI-Qadir, 175, 203, 285 qurCa, 264
al-Qa'im, 284, 285 Qur'an, 17,34,36, 72,76,81, 100,
Qa'im, 12, 192, 242 112, 121, 127, 156, 162, 166,
qii'ima, 41, 75n, 82, 86, 207 171-173, 195, 201, 203, 205,
qiilab, see format 206, 236, 238, 246, 277, 285,
Qalcajf, cAbd al-MuCtl, 141 288, 292, 307, 312, 319, 332,
341, 342, 344, 345, 351, 354,
al-Qalqashandl, 71
al-Qasim b. Musa al-Ka~im, 48
Qal?l?ab, W., 129
Quraysh, 146, 170, 305, 313
qa~~ii~, 250
Quraysh b. al-Sablc (SubayC), 7n,
qatC, see format 158, 287
qatC (death prediction), 371 qurb al-isniid, 310
Qatada, 307 Qusan,15n
al-QatlcI, 151 al-QushayrI, cAbd aI-KarIm, 212
Qayrawan, 74n, 276 al-QusslnI, CA., 36
Qazwln, 8 al-Qusslnl, Ibr., 36
al-Qazwlnl, A., 118 al-Qusslnl, Ja cfar, 36
al-Qazwlnl, CA., 191, 368 al-Qusslnl, M., 28, 36
al-Qazwlnl, Burhan aI-DIn, 119 Qusta b. Luqa, 338
al-Qazwlnl, al-ij:u., 191 Qutham b. al- cAbbas, 290
al-Qazwlnl, Ibr., 343 Qutrub, 346

aI-RabIC b. M., 126 ribii', 385

RabI C1,54, 66, 175, 176,234,261, ribii~ 106, 144, 362
281 al-Ribat, 373
RabI c II, 176, 281 Ribera y Tarrag6, J., 86n
RabIca aI-Sa cdI, 184 al-Ri<;la, CA., 11, 14n, 22, 126, 139,
aI-Ra<;lI, 362 140, 159, 192, 202, 211, 221,
aI-Ra<;lI, M. cAbd aI-KarIm 228, 245, 252, 259, 261, 294,
Ka~im, 387, 388 310, 323, 328, 335, 338, 378,
aI-Ra<;lI, aI-SharIf, 216, 221, 237, 380, 391
238, 295, 304 ridda, 359, 360
RadIf, $abI}:t, 346 Rippin, A., 121, 138
Ra<;liyya bint AbI CA., 56 Ritter, H., 115, 303, 311
Rafi<;lI(s), 107, 111, 266 riwiiya, 146, 173, 221
Raja' b. cAbd aI-Ra}:tIm, 365 Rosenthal, F., 82, 129, 136, 140,
Rajab, 52, 66, 108, 135, 176, 184, 175, 178-180, 250, 266, 270,
227, 236, 261, 281, 285, 287, 282, 305, 312, 338, 339, 358,
314, 372, 391 361, 362
rakca, 59, 185 rub c, 83, 84, 145, 244, 280, 322,
349, 374
Rama<;lan, 38, 39, 46, 51, 57, 66,
87n, 101, 107-109, 112, 123, aI-RuhnI, 285
124, 133, 136, 184, 202, 210, Rukhkhaj (Arachosia), 315
211, 225, 232, 233, 257, 261, aI-RukhkhajI, A., 314, 315, 378
304, 305, 312, 314, 319, 323, aI-RukhkhajI, Mu'ayyid al-MuIk,
335, 357, 362, 373, 386, 390 315
aI-RamahurmuzI, 282 al-Rukhkhajiyya, 315
Ramon Guerrero, R., 303 Rukn aI-DIn, 117
aI-RashId, Harun, 261, 306, 366 Rum, 292
aI-RawajinI, 37, 165, 255 al-RummanI, 302, 344
aI-RawandI, CA., 298, 299 al-Ru~afi, A., 75n
aI-RawandI, Fa<;lI Allah, 192, 298, Rustam b. CA., 297
299, 309, 326
al-RawandI, Hibat Allah, 166 Sabaean(s),337
al-RawandI, Sa cId, 91n, 166, 215, al-$abba}:t b. Na<;lr, 259
217,242,271,309, 329, 330 aI-$abi', HilaI, 247, 361,362
al-Raw}:tI, 360, 361 aI-$abi', 1br., 336
al-Rayy, 74, 297 lfabr, 375
aI-RazI, Fakhr aI-DIn, 119, 136, aI-$abunI, 161, 227
301, 334, 367 Sabur b. ArdashIr, 72, 104
al-RazI, M. b. Zakariyya, 137 Sabur Dhu I-Aktaf, 366
al-Razzaz, M., 207 Sa Cd b. CAl., 158, 159
Rescher, 0., 388 Sadan, J., 11n, 385

f!adaqa, 391 al-Salamf, M., 306, 346

al-$adiq, Jacfar, 12,44,53,57,65, al-f!aliit al-wustii, 201, 224, 229,
88, 105, 110, 122, 124-126, 128, 238, 241, 350
133, 139, 140, 149, 156, 159, $alil}.,243
181, 187, 191, 199, 202, 211, al-SalIlf, 60, 169
219, 223, 226, 228, 231, 233,
Salim b. Mal}.fii~, 7
241, 254, 264, 272, 277, 279,
310, 315, 326, 335, 338, 345, Salim mawlii Abf I;Iudhayfa, 170
350, 352, 373 al-Sallamf, 305
al-$adr, I;I., 28, 45 Sal(l)ar b. cAbd al- cAzfz, 260
al-$ata, 130 Salman al-Farisf, 48, 127, 197,251
$ata, J., 142 samii" 141, 208
al-$afadf, 106, 132, 146, 158, 235, Samaka, 363
306 aI-Sam canf, 100, 151, 157,305,351
$afar, 281 Samarra', 8n, 9, 10, 14, 48, 123,
safa~45, 241, 246, 321, 338 328
$afawid(s), 12n, 21, 22, 68, 96, al-Samirf, Sa cfd, 73
120, 121, 234, 301, 314, 371 San ca', 111, 160
al-Saffiil}., 360 sana hiliiliyya, 46
al-$affiir, M., 159 Sanabad, 366
al-$affiir, Rashfd, 147 al-Sanjarf, al-Layth, 351
f!afo.a,82n Saqffa, 326
$afwan b. Ya. al-Bajalf, 165, 228 al-Saqqa', Mu~tata, 383
al-$afwanf, M., 228, 259, 356, 386 $aqr, A., 254
l}alJ,iiba, see Companion(s) Sarah, 116
al-$a1}.ib b. cAbbad, 73, 74, 114, Sarf, 314
115, 194, 244, 295, 384 al-$arffinf, Ibr. b. M., 365
$al}.ib Dfwan al-Juwaynf, 12, 17n sariqiit aI-shu C arii', 327
$a}:tib al-Ma calim, 36 al-Sarraj, M., 228
$al}.ib al-Madarik, 120 $a c~a ca b. $aw}:tan, 183
f!iilJ,ib al-makhzan, 5 Sasanian(s), 356, 374
Sahl b. al-Mughfra, 364 Satan, 43
al-SahIa, 48 Sauvan, Y., 59
al-$ahrashtf, 135 saCy, 130
Sa cfd b. al-Musayyab, 304 al-$aymarf, 132
al-Sakhawf, 305 Sayyid al-Ahl, cA., 387, 388
al-Sakiinf, 141 al-Sayyid al-ij:imyarf, 101
al-salaJ, 192 Sbath, P., 74n, 116, 135, 137, 160,
$ala}:t aI-Dfn, 73 163, 165, 171, 173, 187, 193,
Salam, H., 389 211, 214, 254, 271, 287, 301,
Salama b. cA~im, 340 311, 321, 324, 325, 348, 351,

352,357,361,363,365,384,388 al-Shaybani, M. b. CAl., 107, 111,

Schmidtke, S., 13n, 15n, 160, 161 112, 273, 320
Schoonheim, P. 1., 129 al-Shaybani, M. b. al-IJ., 293
Schoy, C., 192 Shaykh al-Sharaf, 85n, 367
Sellheim, R., 163, 240 Shepherd, D., 356
Sezgin, F., 114, 120, 136, 141-143, ShilJata, CAl., 127
171, 180, 199, 205, 254, 259, al-Shiqshiqiyya, 170, 237, 295
275, 289, 293, 303, 308, 327, Shiraz, 116
342,347,348,384,386,389,390 Shirwani, M., 306
Sezgin, D., 43, 44, 221, 359 shubha, 182
Sha cban, 37, 39, 60, 66, 107, 211, Shuja Cb. Faris, 186
283, 313, 362, 372, 391
Shura, 170, 256, 271
ShabbulJ, Ibr., 74n Sibai, M. Makki, 72n
al-Sha cbI, 145
Sibt Ibn al-Jawzi, 249, 337
al-ShablbI, M. Ri<;la, viin, 3n, 12n,
$iffin, 138, 150, 159
14n, 18n, 23n, 32, 79n
sifr, 371
Shadhan b. BalJr, 128
Sijistan, 315
al-Shafi cI, 157, 275, 289, 377, 378
al-Sijistani, Abu Bakr, 330
Shafi Ci(s) , 191, 195, 198, 218, 228,
250, 264 al-SijistanI, Mascijd, 147, 376
al-Sijistani, M. b. CDzayr ('Aziz),
Shah Sultan IJu., 314
al-Shahid al-Awwal, 5n, 13, 35,
37,53,77, 78n, 91n, 120 al-Sijzi, A., 253, 351, 352, 386
al-Shahld al-Thani, 29, 37, 57, 62, al-Sijzi, MalJmud, 117, 168
120, 241, 257, 357 al-Silaff, IJamdi, 177, 278, 333
al-Shahrastani, Hibat Allah, 371, al-Simmari, 340
380 SIr a , 239
al-Shahrastani, Jawad, 26 al-Siraff, A. b. M., 219
al-Shahrayani, cA., 267 SourdeI, D., 180, 357, 383, 384
al-Shahrazuri, 294 Spain,86n
al-Shalji, cAbbud, 163, 301 Spanish, 303
al-Shalmaghani, M., 107, 113 Spuler, B., 9n, 11n
ShapurI, 356 Storey, C. A., 7n
Shaqlq al-Balkhi, 272 Strothmann, R., vii, 7n, 11n, 12,
Sharaf aI-Ashraf (daughter of IT), 13n, 15n, 18, 33, 38, 101, 138,
17 186, 283, 291, 332
Sharon, M., 180 al-SubkI, Taj aI-Din, 144, 157, 198
al-ShashI, M. b. A., 69 al-Subki, Taqi aI-Din, 58
shawiihid, 172 al-SuddI, 307, 348
al-ShawkI, CA. b. Na~r, 144 suds, 84, 243
Shawwal, 37-39, 322 sufarii', 48

$ufi(s), 38, 181 Syriac, 129, 193, 322, 336

Sufyan al- Thawri, 177 Syrian(s), 19n, 216, 251, 319
al-Sufyani, 274
al-Suhrawardi, Abu ij:af~, 8n, 79, al-Tabarani, 177, 277, 278
131 al-Tabari, cAr., 312
al-Suhrawardi, Abu I-N ajib, 131 al-Tabari, Abu Jacfar, 28, 32, 37,
al-Sukkari, 364 60, 79, 81n, 89, 136, 178-181,
216, 221, 250, 251, 254, 270,
al-Sulami, Abu cAr., 182, 390
282, 283, 312, 319, 342, 348,
al-Sulami, Yu., 246 349,358,359,361,362,364,378
Sulayman b. M., 366 al-Tabari, M. b. Abil-Q., 136
Sulayman b. Muqatil, 127 al-Tabari, M. b. Jarir b. Rustam,
Sulayman b. Wahb, 384 78n, 136, 140, 141, 180, 250,
al-$Uli, 99, 131, 175, 205, 383 263, 319, 320
al-Su1taniyya, 18 Tabasi, M. $adiq, 59
Sunni(s), vii, 22, 28, 33, 57, 58, al-Tabataba'l, cAbd al- CAziz, 35,
60, 63, 78, 80n, 86, 89, 99, 105, 117,118,155,266,289,290,307
113, 115, 116, 128, 138, 146, al-Tabataba7, M. ij:u., 347
150, 155, 157, 158, 160, 166- al-Tabbani, 316
169, 173, 189, 199, 213, 214,
ta bi:r al-ru 'yii, 338
216, 246, 248, 250, 256, 264,
266, 267, 284, 289, 290, 297, Tabi cun, 115, 172, 192, 276
300, 317, 324, 331, 333, 344, Tabris (Tafrish), 98
348, 351, 354, 368, 376, 377, al-Tabrisi, A., 187, 188
388, 389 al-Tabrisi, cA., 234
supplication(s), 25, 36, 46-48, 50- al-Tabrisi, al-Fa<;ll b. al-ij:., 65,
52, 56, 57, 76, 77, 87, 90, 98, 91n, 98, 141, 206,209,233,234,
103, 108, 109, 112, 122, 123, 239, 255, 256, 298, 299, 323,
125-127, 138, 149, 152, 158, 328, 347
159, 183-185, 196, 211, 221, al-Tabrisi, al-ij:. b. al-Fa<;ll, 98,
222, 224, 229-232, 234, 242, 234, 245, 299, 391
243, 245, 264, 272, 281, 285,
Tabuk, 115
291, 298, 304-306, 319, 323,
326,329,333,338,359,381,386 taif, ci:f,382
Sura' (Sura),3, 4n al-Tafrishi, CA., 62
Sura(s), 113, 172, 176, 182, 195, tafsi:r, see exegesis
204, 231, 263, 282, 289, 290, tafwi:if" 19n, 271
330, 337, 342-344, 347, 354, tahiira, 319
370,371,375,384,385. al-Tal}.awi, 188
al-Surawi, ij:u. b. A., 4, 370 aI-Tahir, 78n, 336
al-Surawi, M., 6 Tahir b. cAl., 228
al-Suyuti, 105, 388 Tahir b. al-ij:u., 365
Suzuki, T., 308 Tahirid(s), 200
Syria, 359

Tahmasp, 59 274,282,342,351,376
al-Ta'i c, 175, 364 al-Thaqafi, A. b. cAL b. M., 114,
Tajaddud, R., 163 296
tajsfm, 367 al-Thaqafi, Ibr., 37,163,170,181,
takbfrat, 99", 130, 175, 185, 284 256, 316, 362
al-Thaqafi, Is}:taq, 181, 177
thaqalayn, 156, 377
takhlft, 111, 380
theologian( s), 123, 124, 160
Tal}:ta, 123, 220, 265
thu.lth, 83
al-ta1i\ 148, 164, 83, 84, 229, 243, 277, 320,
ta1ibf, 83, 195, 231, 284, 345
336, 339, 384, 385
Talibid(s), 103, 148
Tigris, 148, 300
taCliqa, 222, 232, 314
al-TihranI, 26, 28-30, 32, 34-37,
talisman(s), 23, 52, 76 39-43,45,47,48,51-54,56,59,
al-Tall a C ukbarI, Harun , 122 , 225 , 61-63, 66, 91, 95, 98-100, 110,
244,266,368 112, 116, 121, 122, 128, 130,
al-TallacukbarI, M. b. Harun, 226, 131, 133, 136, 139, 143, 144,
244 146, 147, 149, 151, 152, 154,
al-TamlmI, cA., 285 158, 159, 161, 166, 167, 180,
al-TanukhI, cA., 73n, 146 181, 183, 184, 186, 190, 192,
197, 200, 202, 205, 210, 212,
al-TanukhI, al-Mu}:tassin, 146,
214, 216, 218, 220, 221, 224,
162, 301, 383
226, 227, 232, 234, 236, 240,
taqa, 100 242, 250, 251, 254, 259, 261,
taqiyya, 54, 57, 99, 150, 165, 176, 262, 266-268, 270, 272, 278,
183, 189, 202, 213, 272 294-297, 299, 300, 302, 308,
al-TarasusI, 317 309, 313, 315, 318, 319, 322,
ta'rikh, see history 330, 334, 337, 341, 345, 346,
348, 350, 366, 369, 371, 376-
tashbfh, 198, 303
382, 386
tathwib, 377, 378
timekeeping, 253
tawba, 287
tin, 130
Tawba al- cAnbarI, 138
al-TirazI, 81, 85n, 151
al- Taw}:tldI, Abu ij:ayyan, 135
al-TirmidhI, M., 325
ta'wil, 367
Tokyo, 308
Taym, 143
Tornero Poveda, E., 303
taCziya, 223, 279
Traini, R., 111
Tehran, 26, 34, 112, 255, 266
al-Tubji (al-T6bgI), cA., 255
al-ThacalibI, 81,235,305,384
Tughril Beg, 72
Thabit b. Qurra, 163, 186, 228,
358 Tuliinid( s), 350
Thabit b. Sinan, 361, 362 Tuman b. A., 36
al-Tha clabI, 115, 116, 136, 213, al-TuraythlthI, 234, 235

Turba Saljuqiyya, 158 130, 143, 170, 174,.176, 188,

Turbat al-Akhlatiyya, 78n, 106 194, 234, 247, 251, 265, 271,
al-TurkT, 78n, 169 291,300,313,332,359,362,378
Turk(s), 12n, 315 cUmar b. Rabal) (Riyal;1), 227
TurshTz, 235 cUmar b. Sa Cd, 254
al-TusT, Abu cA., 112, 184, 309 cUmar b. Shabba, 326
al-TusT, Abu Jacfar; 3, 4, 6, 20, cUmar b. Thabit, 227
22,35, 50, 81, 85n, 87, 103, 107, cU mar b. U dhayna, 229
112, 119, 123, 124, 134, 139, al- cUmarI, 48, 239, 240, 263, 328,
158, 165, 171-174, 177, 183, 367
184, 189, 191, 195, 197, 199, Umayyad(s), 220, 342
202, 204, 206, 209, 219, 223, Umm Salama, 201
225-229, 237, 239, 240, 255,
ummahiit al-awliid, 5, 29
263, 271, 272, 286, 288 t 299,
300, 309, 315-317, 320, 325, Cumra , 220
326, 330, 331, 342, 344, 349, CUqba b. c.Amir, 276
351, 355, 362, 363, 368, 369, CUqba b. Nafi C, 276
371, 373-376, 380 al-UrdubadI, 341
aI-TusT, Nal?Ir aI-DIn, 12, 17, 18, Usama b. Zayd, 204
Ushnuh, 198
al-UshnuhI, 198
al-TustarI, M. TaqI, 181
ustiidh al-diir, 5
Twelfth Imam, 8n, 14, 40, 48, 132,
ulJul, 114
140,174, 218, 222,264,331
CUthman, cAbd aI-KarIm, 162
CUbayd Allah b. CA. al-~alabI, CUthman b. cAffan, 118, 188, 196,
126, 165 220, 235, 265, 276, 285, 288,
CUbayd Allah b. M., 270 295, 348, 363
al- CUbaydalI, CA. b. A., 148 a~Utrush, 143, 257, 335, 336

Ubayy b. Ka cb, 208 CUzza, 313

ciidha, 285
Vajda, G., 59, 143, 155
Ul,:lUd, 145, 329
Vernet, A., 80n
al- cUkbarI, 157
Versteegh, K., 177
culamii', 10
vizier(s), 4,5, 7, 8n, 19, 72,73,80,
Ullmann, M., 102, 130, 137, 143, 99,174,175,180,186,238,264,
148, 189, 205, 206, 267, 317, 315, 357, 366, 382, 384
350, 352
Voorhoeve, P., 43
cUlwan, M. Baqir, 285, 286
cUmar b. cAbd al- cAzlz, 130, 219, Wahb b. Munabbih, 273, 274
223,282,359 al-Wal)idI, CA., 121, 213, 350, 351
cUmar b. Farrukhan, 267, 268 Waklc b. al-Jarral;1, 307
cUmar b. al-KhaHab, 65,106,113, wakfl, 228, 266

waliiya, 251, 280 Ya cqub b. Siqlab, 82

wali, 179 Ya cqub b. Sufyan, 307
aI-Walla b. JamIe, 232 Yaqut, 72, 75, 79, 80, 81n, 151,
Walzer, R., 303 180, 181, 277, 282, 294, 305,
312, 362
waqj, 78n, 233, 239, 336
yiisin, 252, 369
waqj al-Zaydi, 78n, 191
yawm al-aJ:zab, 123, 150
aI-Waqidl, 72, 363
yawm cAra/a, 38, 150, 196
Waqifi(s), 245
yawm Ghadir, see Ghadlr
Warram b. Abl Firas, 3, 4, 9n, 19,
20, 29, 75, 78n, 160, 243, 283,
339, 371 yawn al-mab C ath, 135
al-Washnu'l, 289 Yazdagird, 362
wa~f, 103
Yazld b. Mu Cawiya, 175, 254, 357
Wasit, 78n, 169, 263 al-Yazldl, CAl., 172
wasit a,21n al-Yazldl, Ya., 172
aI-WasiF; aI-ij:. b. CA. b. Rashid, Yemen, 229
296 Yemeni(s), 111, 156
al-WasiF, aI- ij: u., 296 Yunus b. CAr., 204, 224
aI-WasiF, Ibr., 314 Yunus b. Bukayr, 126
aI-WasiF, M. b. A., 229 Yusuf b. A. aI-BaghdadI, 278
wa~yy~ 14,58, 62,313, 381,382, Yusuf b. ij:atim, 20n, 36, 37, 55,
388 240, 302
Werkmeister, W., 194 Yusuf b. Musa, 307
wijha, 82 Yusuf b. Tashfin, 276
Witkam, J. J., 82n
al-Za cfaranl, 157
Wright, W., 212
aI-~afir, 244
Wu, R., 10n
~afiriyya, 78n, 244
Wiistenfeld, F., vii, 43-45, 68
Zaghliil, M., 167
Wiistenfeld-Mahler, 26, 38
aI-~ahir, 361
Yafi, cAbd aI-KarIm, 134 ~ahiriyya, 208, 289

Yal).ya b. CAl., 257 Zahra Khatun, 4, 5

Yal).ya b. Abl Manf}ur, 389 aI-Zajjaj, 195
Ya}:tya b. al-ij:u. b. Harun al- Zakariyya, 175
ij:asanl, 110 Zakariyya b. M., 126
Yal).ya b. Khaqan, 353 Zakariyya b. Ya., 60, 169
Ya}:tya b. Macln, 72 Zakl, A., 297
yaqin, 21 al-Zamakhsharl, 81, 89, 114, 118,
Ya cqub b. Isl).aq, 380 134,136,160,161,214,215,311
YaCqub b. NuCaym, 192 Zanjan, 112

al-Zanjanl, Fa<11 Allah, 130 Zayn al- cAhidln, CA., 110, 113,
Zarathustra, 102, 103, 374 123, 124, 140, 150, 159, 176,
~arlf h. Na~i1;l, 148
195, 215, 219, 243-245, 304,
313, 322, 323, 386
al-Zarkan, M. $ali1;l, 334
Zayyat, ij., 84, 85n
al-Zarkashl, 384
al-Zarqall, 274
al-ZimirlI, 167
zawiil, 31, 225, 326
al-Zirikll, Kh., 387
al-Zawarl, CA. h. al-ij., 27, 59
ziyiira, 33, 46, 47, 91n, 262, 321
Zayd h. CA., 17, 277, 319
al-Zuhayr h. cAwwam, 113, 220
Zayd h. Ja cfar al- cAlawl, 138, 149
zuhd, 76, 188
Zaydl(s), 73, 96, 100, 110, 111,
138, 154, 161, 162, 170, 220, Zumurrud Khatun, 118, 233
227, 257, 319, 335, 336 Zurara h. A Cyan, 159, 202
Zaydiyya, 319 al-Zurqanl, 293


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