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For: Primary Care Clinicians and Trainees, Medical Specialists, Neurologists,

Emergency Medical Professionals,

Mental Health Providers and Trainees
The Medicine and Psychiatry Advisory Group
University of California, Davis School of Medicine

Robert M. McCarron, DO
Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor
Internal Medicine/Psychiatry Residency Training Director
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Internal Medicine
University of California, Davis School of Medicine
Sacramento, CA

Glen L. Xiong, MD
Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Internal Medicine
University of California, Davis School of Medicine
Sacramento, CA

James A. Bourgeois, OD, MD

Alan Stoudemire Professor of Psychosomatic Medicine
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
University of California, Davis School of Medicine
Sacramento, CA
Acquisitions Editor: Sonya Seigafuse
Managing Editor: Kerry Barrett
Marketing Manager: Kimberly Schonberger
Project Manager: Paula C. Williams
Designer: Terry Mallon
Production Services: Cadmus Communication, a Cenveo company

C 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business.

351 West Camden Street 530 Walnut Street

Baltimore, MD 21201 Philadelphia, PA 19106

Printed in China

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lippincott’s primary care psychiatry : for primary care practitioners and trainees, medical
specialists, neurologists, emergency medical professionals, mental health providers, and
trainees / The University of California, Davis School of Medicine and Psychiatry Advisory
Group ; editors, Robert M. McCarron, Glen L. Xiong, James A. Bourgeois.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7817-9821-1
1. Psychiatry. 2. Primary care (Medicine) I. McCarron, Robert M. II. Xiong, Glen L.
III. Bourgeois, James. IV. University of California, Davis. School of Medicine and Psychiatry
Advisory Group. V. Title: Primary care psychiatry.
[DNLM: 1. Mental Disorders—diagnosis. 2. Mental Disorders—therapy. 3. Primary Health
Care—methods. WM 140 L765 2009]
RC454.4.L57 2009
616.89—dc22 2008047357

Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information present and to
describe generally accepted practices. However, the authors, editors, and publisher are not
responsible for errors or omissions or for any consequences from application of the
information in this book and make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the
currency, completeness, or accuracy of the contents of the publication. Application of this
information in a particular situation remains the professional responsibility of the
practitioner; the clinical treatments described and recommended may not be considered
absolute and universal recommendations.
The authors, editors, and publisher have exerted every effort to ensure that drug
selection and dosage set forth in this text are in accordance with the current
recommendations and practice at the time of publication. However, in view of ongoing
research, changes in government regulations, and the constant flow of information
relating to drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged to check the package
insert for each drug for any change in indications and dosage and for added warnings and
precautions. This is particularly important when the recommended agent is a new or
infrequently employed drug.
Some drugs and medical devices presented in this publication have Food and Drug
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The presentation of patients with psychiatric disorders in nonpsychiat-

ric settings is a phenomenon of growing concern for both primary care
and medical subspecialty providers. Indeed, individuals with serious
medical conditions are at increased risk for having concomitant psychi-
atric illnesses. Meeting the complex challenges of those having both
general medical and psychiatric illnesses, the University of California,
Davis is one of only two universities in the nation to support two thriv-
ing combined residency training programs: Family Medicine/Psychiatry
and Internal Medicine/Psychiatry.
Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry is a timely contribution from our
University of California, Davis faculty members, several of whom are
dually trained as primary care providers and psychiatrists. These indi-
viduals not only have a solid knowledge of psychiatry, but also speak
the language of primary care providers and appreciate the unique chal-
lenges that nonpsychiatrists face when managing psychiatric disorders.
Drs. McCarron, Xiong, and Bourgeois have taken care to distill the most
critical information relevant to nonpsychiatric providers. Each chapter
contains easy-to-follow diagnostic and treatment algorithms, clinical
highlights, case examples, and indications for psychiatric referral. We
think that you will find this book an invaluable educational tool and
resource—for students, residents, and experienced clinicians.

Frederick J. Meyers MD, MACP

Professor and Chair
Department of Internal Medicine
University of California, Davis School of Medicine

Klea D. Bertakis, MD, MPH

Professor and Chair
Department of Family and Community Medicine
Director, Center for Healthcare Policy and Research
Vice Chair, UCDHS Practice Management Board
University of California, Davis School of Medicine


Dear Colleague,
Psychiatric disorders such as mood, anxiety, and substance use disor-
ders are among the leading causes of morbidity worldwide. Although pri-
mary care practitioners provide over 75% of all mental health services in
the United States, most only get a brief exposure to the basics of psychia-
try through lectures and clinical rotations. As awareness, recognition, and
acceptance of psychiatric disorders increase, the gap between the number
of patients who need psychiatric care and the supply of mental health
practitioners will continue to grow exponentially. The resultant strain on
the public and private mental health systems can, in part, be addressed
with a practical, easy-to-use educational tool that will help primary care
and mental health trainees and providers feel more comfortable and con-
fident when assessing and treating the most commonly encountered con-
ditions in primary care psychiatry.
Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry aims to educate nonpsychiatric
health care professionals in the diagnosis, treatment, and general concep-
tualization of adult psychiatric disorders. All of the editors and primary
authors are members of the Medicine and Psychiatry Advisory Group at
the University of California, Davis School of Medicine, and many of the
authors are dually board certified in psychiatry and either family medi-
cine, internal medicine, or psychosomatic medicine. This book illustrates
a practical approach to primary care psychiatry because it is principally
written by practicing primary care physicians who are also psychiatrists.
Because we know first-hand what it is like to work in the primary care
setting, we have distilled a large volume of information into a practical
and focused overview of primary care psychiatry.
Although psychiatrists write most psychiatric textbooks for psychia-
trists, this book is specifically written for health care professionals who
have not had extensive training in psychiatry beyond classroom lectures
and brief clinical experiences. Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry is
designed to be a user-friendly resource for primary care clinicians, medi-
cal specialists (e.g., rheumatologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, emer-
gency medicine providers), mental health providers (e.g., psychologists,
social workers, marriage and family therapists), and trainees in these
fields (e.g., medical students, internal medicine and family medicine resi-
dents, nurse practitioner students, physician assistant students and
behavioral health trainees).
Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry covers the essential psychiatric con-
ditions found in the primary care setting and can therefore be easily used
as part of a psychiatric and behavioral health curriculum for trainees of
various clinical disciplines. In the first chapter, we include a practical

Preface vii

overview on how to do an efficient and thorough primary care psychiat-

ric interview. We also introduce the AMPS screening tool that can easily
be used to diagnose the most commonly encountered psychiatric condi-
tions: Anxiety, Mood, Psychotic, and Substance-related disorders. Chap-
ters 2 through 10 cover specific psychiatric illnesses that are highly
prevalent in the primary care setting such as mood, anxiety, psychotic,
somatoform, substance use, eating, and personality disorders. The sec-
ond section (Chapters 11 through 14) provides an overview of special
topics including suicide and violence risk assessment in the primary
care setting, dementias, sleep disorders, and cultural psychiatry. Each
chapter includes commonly encountered clinical cases with practical
tips, helpful resources for both patients and clinicians, and relevant
diagnostic and treatment algorithms. Lastly, the book also has a com-
panion Web site ( that includes the contents of
the book as well as patient education handouts focusing on common
psychiatric disorders.
We strongly believe in a biopsychosocial treatment approach that
enables patients to learn and utilize lifelong skills that will result in
decreased morbidity and often recovery from mental illness. It is our
sincere hope that this book gives you the tools you need to provide opti-
mal psychiatric patient care. If you have any suggestions on how we
can improve future editions, please let us know.

Robert M. McCarron, DO
Glen L. Xiong, MD
James A. Bourgeois, OD, MD

To my beautiful, unbelievably talented, loving wife, and co-editor in life,

Marina McCarron
To Donna, my family, my patients, and my teachers

To my wife, Kathleen M. Ayers, PsyD, for her inspiration and partnership,

and to the memory of Alan Stoudemire, MD, psychosomatic medicine spe-
cialist, Emory University, who, despite his untimely early passing, serves
as a continued inspiration to all of us who serve to integrate psychiatry
into the practice of medicine by all specialists


We would like to thank the following people for their invaluable assis-
tance during the production of Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry. We
are grateful to the many authors who took the time to share their
knowledge. This book would not be in print without their passion to
provide empathic, high quality patient care and teaching. We are
extremely appreciative of the talented and highly professional LWW edi-
torial staff, particularly Sonya Seigafuse and Kerry Barrett.
We would like to acknowledge the Chairs of Psychiatry and Behav-
ioral Sciences, Internal Medicine, and Family and Community Medicine
at UCDMC: Robert Hales, MD, MBA; Frederick Meyers, MD, MACP; and
Klea Bertakis, MD, MPH, respectively, whose leadership of these depart-
ments fosters a spirit of collegiality and integration in the dual goals of
academic progress and patient service.

Robert M. McCarron, DO
Glen L. Xiong, MD
James A. Bourgeois, OD, MD

Contributing Authors

Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, MD, PhD University of California, Davis School

Professor of Clinical Internal of Medicine
Medicine and
Director, Center for Reducing Health Jaesu Han, MD
Disparities (CRHD) Training Director
University of California, Davis School Family Medicine and Psychiatry
of Medicine Residency
Assistant Clinical Professor
James A. Bourgeois, OD, MD Departments of Family Medicine and
Alan Stoudemire Professor Psychiatry
of Psychosomatic Medicine University of California, Davis School
Department of Psychiatry and of Medicine
Behavioral Sciences
University of California, Davis School
Kimberly A. Hardin, MD, MS, FAASM
of Medicine
Associate Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Donald R. Ebersole, MD
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Diplomate, American Board of Family
Director, Sleep Medicine Fellowship
Training Program
Tonya Fancher, MD, MPH
University of California, Davis School of
Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Medical Director, Sleep Program and
University of California, Davis School
Sleep Laboratory
of Medicine
Veterans Affairs of Northern
David Gellerman, MD, PhD
Assistant Clinical Professor
VA Sacramento Medical Center Tracie Harris, MD
Northern California Health Care System Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Elizabeth N. Gutierrez, MD University of California, Davis School of
Department of Psychiatry and Medicine
Behavioral Sciences
University of California, Davis School Mark C. Henderson, MD, FACP
of Medicine Vice Chair and Program Director,
Department of Internal Medicine
Robert E. Hales, MD, MBA Associate Dean of Admissions, School
Joe P. Tupin Professor and Chair of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry and University of California, Davis School of
Behavioral Sciences Medicine

Contributing Authors xi

Shelly L. Henderson, PhD Alan Koike, MD, MSHS

Clinical Psychologist Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor
Department of Family and Community Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Medicine Sciences
University of California, Davis School University of California, Davis School
of Medicine of Medicine

Donald M. Hilty, MD Oladio Kukoyi, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry Assistant Clinical Professor
and Behavioral Sciences Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
University of California, Davis School of Medicine Sciences
Department of Family Medicine
Ladson Hinton, MD University of California, Davis School
Associate Professor of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Martin H. Leamon, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
University of California, Davis School of
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
University of California, Davis School
Maga Jackson-Triche, MD, MSHS
of Medicine
Health Sciences Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Margaret W. Leung, MD, MPH
Sciences Department of Internal Medicine
University of California, Davis School and Psychiatry
of Medicine University of California, Davis School
Associate Chief of Staff for Mental Health of Medicine
VA Northern California Health Care System
Russell F. Lim, MD
Pria Joglekar, MD Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor
Assistant Clinical Professor Director of Diversity Education and Training
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral University of California, Davis School
Sciences of Medicine
University of California, Davis School of Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Medicine Sciences

Robert M. McCarron, DO
Joel Johnson, MD Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor
Postdoctoral Scholar Training Director, Internal Medicine/Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Residency
University of California, Davis School Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
of Medicine Sciences
Department of Internal Medicine
Craig R. Keenan, MD
University of California, Davis School
Associate Clinical Professor
of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine
Director, Primary Care Internal Medicine Michael K. McCloud, MD, FACP
Residency Program Associate Clinical Professor
Medical Director, General Medicine Clinic Department of Internal Medicine
University of California, Davis School Division of General Medicine
of Medicine University of California, Davis School of Medicine
xii Contributing Authors

L. Joby Morrow, MD Mark Servis, MD

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Department of Family and Community Roy Brophy Endowed Chair
Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
University of California, Davis School of Medicine Sciences
University of California, Davis School
of Medicine
John Onate, MD
Assistant Clinical Professor
Malathi Srinivasan, MD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Associate Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
University of California, Davis School
University of California, Davis School
of Medicine
of Medicine

Adrian Palomino, MD Shannon Suo, MD

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Assistant Professor Volunteer Clinical Faculty
Sciences Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Department of Internal Medicine Sciences
University of California, Davis School Department of Family Medicine
of Medicine University of California, Davis School
of Medicine
Michelle Jo Park Medical Director, Northgate Point, RST
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences Hendry Ton, MD, MS
Department of Family and Community Director of Education, Center for Reducing
Medicine Health Disparities
University of California, Davis School Medical Director, Transcultural
of Medicine Wellness Center
Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Claire Pomeroy, MD, MBA
Vice Chancellor, Human Health Sciences
University of California, Davis School
Dean, University of California, Davis
of Medicine
School of Medicine

Glen L. Xiong, MD
Cameron Quanbeck, MD Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor
Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor Department of Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Department of Internal Medicine
Sciences University of California, Davis School of
Division of Psychiatry and the Law Medicine
University of California, Davis School
of Medicine Julie S. Young, MD, MS
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Andreea L. Seritan, MD Sciences
Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor University of California, Davis School of
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
University of California, Davis School
of Medicine

AA Alcoholics Anonymous
ACBT abbreviated cognitive behavioral therapy
ACT Assertive Community Treatment
AD Alzheimer disease
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ADLs activities of daily living
AFP alpha-fetal protein
AMPS Anxiety, Mood, Psychosis, and Substance Use Disorders
APA American Psychiatric Association
AUDs alcohol use disorders
AUDIT The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
ASD acute stress disorder
BDI Beck Depression Inventory
BPD borderline personality disorder
BZPs benzodiazepines
CAD coronary artery disease
CBC complete blood count
CBT cognitive behavioral therapy
CDT carbohydrate-deficient transferrin
ChEIs cholinesterase inhibitors
CIWA-A Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CT computerized tomography
CVAs cerebrovascular accidents
DBSA Depressive and Bipolar Support Alliance
DBT dialectical behavior therapy
DCSAD Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal
DLB dementia with Lewy bodies
DRIs dopamine reuptake inhibitors
DSD dementia syndrome of depression
DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th
edition, text revision
DTs delirium tremens
DTR dysfunctional thought record
ECT electroconvulsive therapy
ED emergency department
EPS extrapyramidal symptoms
ERP exposure response prevention
FGA first-generation antipsychotics
FTD frontotemporal dementia
FTLD frontotemporal lobar degeneration
GABAA gamma-aminobutyric acid type A
GAD generalized anxiety disorder
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
GGT gamma-glutamyltransferase
GI gastrointestinal
HAM-D Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression

xiv Abbreviations

HD Huntington disease
HPI history of present illness
ICD International Classification of Diseases
ICSD International Classification of Sleep Disorders
IM intramuscular
IOM Institute of Medicine
IPT interpersonal psychotherapy
LEP limited English proficiency
LSD lysergic acid
MAOIs monoamine oxidase inhibitors
MCI mild cognitive impairment
MDMA methylenedioxymethamphetamine
MDQ Mood Disorder Questionnaire
MET motivational enhancement therapy
MI motivational interviewing
MMSE Mini Mental State Examination
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MSE Mental Status Exam
NAMI National Alliance for Mental Illness
NIAAA National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate
NMS neuroleptic malignant syndrome
NOS not otherwise specified
NPI Neuropsychiatric Inventory
NPSs neuropsychiatric symptoms
OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
OCF Outline for Cultural Formulation
OSAH obstructive sleep apnea-hypoapnea
PCP phencyclidine
PD panic disorder
PET positron emission tomography
PHQ Patient Health Questionnaire
PLMD periodic limb movement disorder
PSP progressive supranuclear palsy
PTSD posttraumatic stress disorder
RLS restless leg syndrome
SGA second-generation antipsychotic
SIDs substance-induced disorders
SNRIs serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
SP social phobia
SPECT single photon emission computed tomography
SRDs substance-related disorders
SSRIs selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
STAR*D Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve
SUDs substance use disorders
TCAs tricyclic antidepressants
TD tardive dyskinesia
TSF Twelve-Step Facilitation
UPS unexplained physical symptoms
VaD vascular dementia
WHO World Health Organization
ZBI Zarit Burden Interview
Table of Contents

Foreword v
Preface vi
Dedication viii
Acknowledgments ix
Contributing Authors x
Abbreviations xiii

CHAPTER 1: The Primary Care Psychiatric Interview 1

John Onate, Glen L. Xiong, and Robert M. McCarron

CHAPTER 2: Mood Disorders—Depression 17

Tonya Fancher, Robert M. McCarron, Oladio Kukoyi, and
James A. Bourgeois

CHAPTER 3: Mood Disorders—Bipolar Disorder 40

Donald M. Hilty, Martin H. Leamon, Elizabeth N. Gutierrez,
Donald R. Ebersole, and Russell F. Lim

CHAPTER 4: Anxiety Disorders 61

Jaesu Han, Michelle Jo Park, and Robert E. Hales

CHAPTER 5: Psychotic Disorders 80

Joel Johnson, Malathi Srinivasan, and Glen L. Xiong

CHAPTER 6: Substance Use Disorders—Stimulants and

Opioids 103
Adrian Palomino, Martin Leamon, and Shelly L. Henderson

CHAPTER 7: Substance Use Disorders—Alcohol 118

L. Joby Morrow, Craig R. Keenan, and Glen L. Xiong

CHAPTER 8: Unexplained Physical Symptoms—

Somatoform Disorders 135
Robert M. McCarron, Glen L. Xiong, and Mark C. Henderson

CHAPTER 9: Eating Disorders 147

Margaret W. Leung, Tracie Harris, and Claire Pomeroy

CHAPTER 10: Personality Disorders 164

Shannon Suo, Maga Jackson-Triche, and Mark Servis

xvi Table of Contents

CHAPTER 11: Cultural Considerations in Primary Care

Psychiatry 178
Alan Koike, Hendry Ton, David Gellerman, Sergio
Aguilar-Gaxiola, and Russell F. Lim

CHAPTER 12: Geriatric Psychiatry—Dementias 187

Andreea L. Seritan, Michael K. McCloud, and Ladson Hinton

CHAPTER 13: Sleep Disorders 201

Julie S. Young and Kimberly A. Hardin

CHAPTER 14: Suicide and Violence Risk

Assessment 216
Cameron Quanbeck and Pria Joglekar

APPENDIX A: Psychotropic Medications 230

APPENDIX B: Time-Saving Strategies 241
APPENDIX C: Common Psychiatric ICD9
Codes 263
1 The Primary Care
Psychiatric Interview
John Onate, MD • Glen L. Xiong, MD • Robert McCarron, DO

... ... Clinical Significance

A 55-year-old homeless man with type 2 diabetes and
... ...
Up to 75% of all mental health care is
hypertension presents for an initial evaluation with a chief
... ...

CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

delivered in the primary care setting
... complaint of ‘‘pain in my feet.’’ A quick review of the chart ...
(1). Unfortunately, reimbursement con-
shows poor adherence to follow-up appointments. The man ...
is disheveled and poorly groomed. He avoids eye contact
straints and limited psychiatric train-
and looks downward during the interview. The patient says ....
ing in most primary care curricula
... ...
often discourage full exploration and
he is not sure when he first noticed the foot pain and ...
thorough work-up of mental illness
states, ‘‘I don’t know why I came in this time. I’m so far ...
(2). Due to the stigma of psychiatric
gone it does not matter anyway.’’ conditions, patients are often reluc-.
tant to present to mental health set-
tings and may not seek treatment (3).
However, most nonemergent psychiatric conditions can be treated success-
fully in primary care settings. The ability of the primary care clinician to
carefully screen for and evaluate psychiatric symptoms is critical in order
to accurately diagnose and effectively treat the underlying psychiatric
disorder (4).
Clinical assessment relies heavily on both obtaining the medical his-
tory and completing a physical examination for general medical condi-
tions. A similar approach is taken for psychiatric disorders with two
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS main differences. First, the psychiatric interview places additional
• The mental status exami- emphasis on psychosocial stressors and functioning. Second, the mental
nation for a psychiatric status examination is analogous to the physical examination for a gen-
evaluation is analogous
to the physical examina- eral medical work-up and is the cornerstone for the psychiatric evalua-
tion for a general medical tion. Both of these tasks may be accomplished effectively with improved
organization and practice. This chapter divides the psychiatric assess-
• The AMPS screening tool ment into three sections: (1) the psychiatric interview, (2) the mental
(Figure 1.1) includes four
primary clinical dimen- status examination, and (3) time-saving strategies.
sions of the psychiatric
review of systems: Anxi-
ety, Mood, Psychosis, and
Substance use. This
approach can be easily The Psychiatric Interview
used in the primary care
setting as a starting point The initial interview is important as it sets the tone for future visits and
will influence the initial treatment (5, 6). While the information obtained
(Continued) 1
2 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

from the interview is critical to establish a diagnosis, a collaborative,

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS therapeutic relationship is a key component to a successful treatment
(Continued) plan. Therefore, the clinician should try to balance the urgency to obtain
to develop a reasonable information with the need to establish a positive, trusting therapeutic
differential diagnosis for
common psychiatric alliance with the patient. Similar in style and complementary to the
disorders. general medical history, the psychiatric interview is outlined below
• The psychiatric interview (Table 1.1).
places an emphasis on
psychosocial function and
should give a personal-
patient from a biopsycho- The interview starts with a subjective recounting of the presenting prob-
social perspective.
lems from the patient’s perspective using open-ended questions. Reflec-
• One helpful time-saving
strategy is the use of the tive statements may be used to clarify and summarize particular
Supplemental Psychiatric problems (e.g., ‘‘You are telling me that you have been depressed for 3
History Form to help months and because of that you feel like things will never get better.’’).
gather a preliminary psy-
chiatric history. A patient Clarification and confirmative restatements may also be used (e.g., ‘‘You
should complete this are depressed because you feel that you cannot support your family and
form either before the
first clinic visit or during not because you lost your house and have to move into a smaller apart-
later visits, if a psychiatric ment. Did I get this right?’’).
illness is suspected. It is important to organize the sequence of events with each prob-
lem individually, giving the most time to the problem with the highest
priority. For patients with multiple chronic problems, setting an agenda
at the beginning of the encounter will also help them to understand and

Table 1.1 Outline of the Primary Care Psychiatric Interview

Chief complaint and • For the first few minutes, just listen to better understand the chief complaint(s)
history of present • Make note of changes in social or occupational function
illness (HPI) • Use the AMPS screening tool for psychiatric symptoms
Past psychiatric history • Ask about past mental health providers and hospitalizations
• Inquire about whether the patient has ever thought of or attempted suicide
Medication history • Ask about medication dosages, duration of treatment, effectiveness, and side
Family history • The clinician might ask, ‘‘Did your grandparents, parents, or siblings ever have
severe problems with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, or any
other emotional problems?’’
Social history Socioeconomic status
‘‘How are you doing financially and are you currently employed?’’
‘‘What is your current living situation and how are things at home?’’
Interpersonal relationships
‘‘Who are the most important people in your life and do you rely on them for
‘‘How are these relationships going?’’
Legal history
‘‘Have you ever had problems with the law?’’
‘‘Have you even been arrested or imprisoned?’’
Developmental history
‘‘How would you describe your childhood in one sentence?’’
‘‘What was the highest grade you completed in school?’’
‘‘Have you ever been physically, verbally, or sexually abused?’’
Chapter 1 The Primary Care Psychiatric Interview 3

conceptualize their medical problems. The history of present illness

(HPI) should include the duration, severity, and extent of each symptom
along with exacerbating and ameliorating factors. Patients vary greatly
in their recall of subjective historical material, and often vague or con-
tradictory material surfaces. Once consent is obtained from the patient,
it is important to follow up on any inconsistencies with the patient and
gather collateral information by speaking with family members and
other treatment providers.


A thorough review of the major psychiatric dimensions (or ‘‘review of
systems’’) should be completed for patients who present with even a
single psychiatric symptom. In the time-limited primary care setting,
this can be a difficult task. The most commonly encountered primary
care psychiatric disorders involve four major clinical dimensions and

CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

can be remembered by the AMPS mnemonic: Anxiety, Mood, Psychosis,
and Substance use disorders (Figure 1.1). Patients who present with iso-
lated psychiatric complaints such as depression, irritability, anxiety,
insomnia, and unexplained physical complaints and those with estab-
lished psychiatric disorders such as personality or eating disorders
should be assessed for the presence of anxiety, mood, psychotic, and

AMPS Approach to the

Primary Care Psychiatric
Review of Symptoms

Psychosis Substance abuse

“Do you hear or see things “How much alcohol
Anxiety that other people do not do you drink per day?”
“Is anxiety or nervousness Mood hear or see?” “Have you been using any
a problem for you?” “Do you have thoughts cocaine, methamphetamines,
that people are trying to heroin, marijuana, PCP, LSD,
follow, hurt or spy on you?” Ecstacy or other drugs?”

Depression Mania / Hypomania

“Have you ever felt the

“Have you ever had
complete opposite of
“Have you been feeling “Have you been engaged excessive amounts of energy
depressed, where friends
depressed, sad, or hopeless in pleasurable activities running through your body,
and family were worried
over the past two weeks?” over the past few weeks?” to the point where you did
about you because
not need to sleep for days?”
you were too happy ?”

Figure 1.1 Psychiatric review of systems: AMPS screening tool.

4 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

substance use disorders. We recommend incorporating the AMPS

screening tool as part of the HPI. The conversation flows more naturally
when the practitioner queries the patient comprehensively about both
past and current symptoms. When a particular dimension is present
and causing distress, further exploration is indicated (Table 1.2).

Anxiety is common in the primary care setting and often comorbid
with mood, psychotic, and substance abuse disorders. It is sometimes
the primary etiology for a depressive or substance use disorder and the
secondary condition(s) will not remit unless the primary anxiety disor-
der is treated. Anxiety is also a significant acute risk factor for suicide
that is commonly underappreciated (see Chapter 14). The quickest and
most effective way to screen for an anxiety disorder during the inter-
view is to simply ask, ‘‘Is anxiety or nervousness a problem for you?’’
If the patient reports feeling anxious, it is advisable to say, ‘‘Please
CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

describe how your anxiety affects you on an everyday basis.’’ Depend-

ing on the answer, follow-up questions will help develop a reasonable
differential diagnosis.

The best way to understand a patient’s mood is to ask, ‘‘How would you
describe your mood or emotions over the past few weeks?’’ The self-
reported mood is also an important part of the mental status exam and
should be rated as either congruent or incongruent with the corre-
sponding affect. The two main components of mood (depression and
mania) should be fully assessed during each primary care psychiatric
Depression is often secondary to and comorbid with primary anxiety,
sleep, substance use, and other psychiatric disorders. Depressive symp-
toms should always be asked about when treating another psychiatric
condition—even if the chief complaint is not depression. The two screen-
ing questions for a current major depressive episode are: (1) ‘‘Have you
been feeling depressed, sad, or hopeless over the past two weeks?’’ and
(2) ‘‘Have you had a decreased energy level in pleasurable activities over
the past few weeks?’’ The sensitivity and specificity for the detection of a
major depressive episode using these screening questions are 96% and
57%, respectively (6). If the answer to either of these two questions is pos-
itive, the clinician should have a high index of suspicion for a depressive
disorder and probe further. An open-ended approach would be to ask,
‘‘What is your depression like on an everyday basis?’’ or ‘‘How does your
depression affect your daily life?’’ In most cases, depressed patients will
discuss their troubling symptoms and there will be no need to go through
the entire ‘‘checklist’’ for depression (e.g., changes in appetite, energy,
sleep, concentration). The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is a nine-
item patient self-report form that can be used in the primary care setting
to screen for depression or quantify changes in the severity of depression
over the course of treatment. All depressed patients should be asked
Table 1.2 The AMPS Screening Tool for Common Psychiatric Conditions
Anxiety ‘‘Is anxiety or nervousness a problem for you?’’ • ‘‘Please describe how your anxiety affects Generalized Anxiety Disorders Scale
you on an everyday basis.’’ (GAD - 7)
• ‘‘What triggers your anxiety?’’
• ‘‘What makes your anxiety get better?’’
Mood Depressionb • ‘‘What is your depression like on an everyday Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
1. ‘‘Have you been feeling depressed, sad, or basis?’’ Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ)
hopeless over the past 2 weeks?’’ • ‘‘How does your depression affect your daily
2. ‘‘Have you had a decreased energy level in life?’’
pleasurable activities over the past few • ‘‘Do you have any thoughts of wanting to
weeks?’’ hurt or kill yourself or somebody else?’’

Mania/hypomania • ‘‘When did this last happen, and please tell

1. ‘‘Have you ever felt the complete opposite me what was going on at that time.’’
of depressed, when friends and family were • ‘‘How long did this last?’’
worried about you because you were too • ‘‘Were you using any drugs or alcohol at the
happy?’’ time?’’
2. ‘‘Have you ever had excessive amounts of • ‘‘Did you require treatment or
energy running through your body, to the hospitalization?’’
point where you did not need to sleep for
Psychosis 1. ‘‘Do you hear or see things that other peo- • ‘‘When did these symptoms start?’’ None recommended for the primary
ple do not hear or see?’’ • ‘‘What triggers your symptoms?’’ care setting
2. ‘‘Do you have thoughts that people are try- • ‘‘What makes your symptoms get better?’’
ing to follow, hurt, or spy on you?’’
3. ‘‘Do you ever get messages from the televi-
sion or radio?’’
Substance use 1. ‘‘How much alcohol do you drink per day?’’ If yes: • CAGEc
2. ‘‘Have you been using any cocaine, metham- • ‘‘How often do you use?’’ • CAGE-AID (adapted to include
phetamines, heroin, marijuana, PCP, LSD, • ‘‘As a result of the use, did you experience drugs)
ecstasy, or other drugs?’’ any problems with relationships, work, finan- • Alcohol Use Disorders Identification
ces, or the law?’’ Test (AUDIT-C)
• ‘‘Have you ever used any drugs by
If no:
• ‘‘Have you ever used any of these drugs in
the past?’’
These are suggested instruments that could be considered. More details about relevant instruments are available in the corresponding chapters.
If either of these two questions is answered affirmatively, follow-up questions should be asked and a PHQ-9 should be administered.
See Chapters 6 and 7 for details.

CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview
6 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

about suicidal thoughts, plans, and intent, with documentation of

answers in the medical record.
After screening for depression, one should automatically search for
evidence suggestive of a past or current manic or hypomanic episode.
Bipolar disorder is important to screen for, as the comorbidity with
some psychiatric disorders is more than 50% to 80% (e.g., attention defi-
cit hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorders). Also, it is impor-
tant to screen for bipolar disorder when starting an antidepressant,
because antidepressants may increase the risk of inducing a manic epi-
sode in patients with undetected bipolar disorder. Hypomanic and
manic episodes should be screened for in patients who present with
depression, anxiety, irritability, and insomnia, and whenever antide-
pressants are considered. Once a patient has had one clearly defined
hypomanic or manic episode, the lifelong diagnosis of his or her mood
disorder becomes bipolar disorder with the appropriate specifier for
each mood episode (e.g., ‘‘bipolar disorder, most recent episode
depressed,’’ rather than ‘‘major depressive disorder’’).
CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

Upon examination, it may be obvious when a manic episode is pres-

ent. However, it can be quite a challenge to elicit manic symptoms from
the past. Asking questions such as, ‘‘Have there been times when you
have had a lot of sex or shopped excessively?’’, ‘‘When is the last time
you felt very happy, like you were on top of the world?’’, or ‘‘Did you
ever stay awake for 2 or more consecutive days?’’ may confuse the
patient and can lead to diagnostic uncertainty. It is preferable to include
the opinions of the patients’ family and friends, as they may have dif-
ferent perspectives. If collateral history from friends and family is not
available, the practitioner can ask, ‘‘Have you ever felt the complete
opposite of depressed, when friends and family were worried about you
because you were too happy?’’ or ‘‘Have you ever had excessive
amounts of energy running through your body, to the point where you
did not need to sleep for days?’’ With the last question, it is important
to differentiate primary insomnia from a lack of need for sleep due to a
manic episode. If the patient answers yes to either question, the follow-
up questions should be, ‘‘When did this last happen?’’ and ‘‘What was
going on at that time?’’ This type of questioning should cover both past
and present manic or hypomanic episodes.

Psychotic symptoms such as disorganized speech and behavior, para-
noid delusions, and hallucinations do not commonly present in the pri-
mary care setting. These symptoms are, however, important to assess,
as they are often associated with mood disorders and substance misuse
disorders or are secondary to a general systemic medical condition. The
following questions can be used to evaluate psychosis: (1) ‘‘Do you hear
or see things that other people do not hear or see?’’ and (2) Do you have
thoughts that people are trying to follow, hurt, or spy on you?’’ These
questions will identify a history of hallucinations or delusions (also
known as positive symptoms), while disorganized speech or behavior
Chapter 1 The Primary Care Psychiatric Interview 7

will usually be evident during the mental status examination and during
collection of the collateral history. In general, persistent psychotic
symptoms of unclear etiology warrant further psychiatric consultation
and evaluation for schizophrenia.

Substance Use
Comorbid substance use, abuse, and dependence are common in pri-
mary care patients presenting with psychiatric symptoms. Substance
use disorders mimic nearly all psychiatric symptoms, especially anxi-
ety, depression, insomnia, hyperactivity, irritability, and hallucina-
tions. Clues to substance use may include social factors such as
inability to maintain employment, interpersonal and financial prob-
lems, repeated legal offenses, and poor adherence to treatment. Key
aspects of a substance abuse history include specific substance(s) used;
quantity; frequency; total duration; means of getting the drug; impact
of drug use on personal, family, and work functioning; and previous

CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

sobriety and treatment history. Priority should be placed on active
drug use, especially that which negatively impacts medical treatment
and adherence.


The structure and content of the psychiatric history is essentially the
same as the medical history. Past diagnoses, treatments, hospitaliza-
tions, and mental health providers comprise the main categories. Fre-
quency of psychiatric hospitalization may reveal severity and chronicity
of the psychiatric condition. It is important to describe medication dos-
age, duration, response, side effects, and adherence. Obtaining prior
medical records is helpful when developing a differential diagnosis and
treatment plan.

Psychiatric disorders are based on both genetic and environmental fac-
tors. Patients with a family history of a first-degree relative with major
depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, substance dependence, or schizo-
phrenia have up to a 10-fold increased chance of having a mental illness
(7). Patients who have family members with psychiatric illness often
have some understanding of these conditions and may have a better
knowledge about treatment and available resources.

The social history lends important information on how the patient func-
tions outside of the clinical setting. Although the information may be
detailed and complex, it is most helpful to focus on the patient’s level of
psychosocial functioning. The social history can be divided into four
areas: socioeconomic status, interpersonal relationships, legal history,
and developmental history. The four areas with sample questions to
prompt dialog in these areas are illustrated on the following page.
8 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Socioeconomic Status
A quick way to determine one’s socioeconomic status is to ask the fol-
lowing questions: ‘‘How are you doing financially and are you currently
employed?’’ ‘‘What is your current living situation and how are things
at home?’’ A patient’s ability to secure such basic necessities as food
and shelter is an important priority. For a homeless patient, gathering
more detail on the factors that led to homelessness often reveals impor-
tant diagnostic information. Frequent job changes or loss of employ-
ment can be clues to occult substance use or mood disorders. A patient
who is seeking disability compensation versus one who must return to
school or work immediately may have different urgencies about improv-
ing his or her situation.

Interpersonal Relationships
In order to explore a patient’s ability to initiate and maintain relation-
ships with family, friends, and coworkers, the clinician might ask, ‘‘Who
CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

are important people in your life and do you rely on them for support?’’
or ‘‘How are these relationships going?’’ This is also a good time to ask
about sexual history. Sexual history includes sexual orientation, sexual
identity, current sexual activity, high-risk partners, sexual performance,
and the use of contraceptives. Perspectives of the patient’s family,
friends, and cultural group on mental illness should also be considered,
because stigma about treatment and nontraditional approaches may
influence treatment attitude and outcomes.

Legal History
Open-ended questions such as ‘‘Have you ever had problems with the
law?’’ or ‘‘Have you ever been arrested or imprisoned?’’ are easy ways to
broach the topic of legal history. Legal history provides information
about psychosocial functioning as well as previous experience with vio-
lence and crime. Patients who are recently released from prison and are
still on parole or have a felony record may have difficulty finding
employment and suffer from stigma. Moreover, those who have been
imprisoned for many years often find it difficult to re-assimilate into a
less structured lifestyle upon release from prison. These stressors can
increase the risk for substance abuse and exacerbate psychiatric symp-
toms, which can be a cause for nonadherence to medical care.

Developmental History
The developmental history has multiple components and it can be a chal-
lenge to obtain in one encounter. Suggested questions include (1) ‘‘How
would you describe your childhood in one sentence?’’; (2) ‘‘What was the
highest grade you completed in school?’’; and (3) ‘‘Have you ever been
physically, verbally, or sexually abused?’’ These questions may bring out
long-standing stressors and illustrate the patient’s most developed (and
underdeveloped) coping strategies. Chaotic and unstable childhood devel-
opment and a history of abuse are often important issues to address as
part of a comprehensive psychosocial treatment plan.
Chapter 1 The Primary Care Psychiatric Interview 9

Mental Status Examination

The Mental Status Examination (MSE) is an observation and report of
the present cognitive, emotional, and behavioral state. Much of the MSE
is gathered as the interview unfolds. An accurate and concise descrip-
tion of the MSE also facilitates consultation with mental health profes-
sionals. Similar to a comprehensive neurologic exam, an in-depth
cognitive assessment is not feasible (or necessary) for most clinical
encounters in the primary care setting. The following summarizes high-
yield, salient components of the MSE (Table 1.3).

Appearance is a description of the overall hygiene, grooming, and dress
of the patient. An unkept appearance may indicate a lack of concern
with personal hygiene and self-care. For example, there are many ways
to interpret the appearance of a 20-year-old depressed college student

CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

who is tightly holding onto a large wooden cross and presents with a
disheveled appearance; dirty, torn clothes; and pronounced malodor. In
addition to depressive symptoms, this presentation would merit evalua-
tion for psychotic symptoms and substance use as well as his or her
ability to secure safe housing, food, and clothing. One might also want
to consider bipolar disorder, mixed episode as a possible diagnosis.

Table 1.3 Key Features of the Mental Status Examination (MSE)

Appearance • What is the status of the hygiene and grooming and are there any recent changes in
Attitude • How does the patient relate to the clinician?
• Is the patient cooperative, guarded, irritable, etc., during the interview?
Speech • What are the rate, rhythm, and volume of speech?
Mood • How does the patient describe his or her mood?
• This should be reported as described by the patient.
Affect • Does the patient’s facial expressions have full range and reactivity?
• How quickly does the affect change (lability)?
• Is the affect congruent with the stated mood and is it appropriate to topics under
Thought process • How is the patient thinking?
• Does the patient change subjects quickly or is the train of thought difficult to follow?
Thought content • What is the patient thinking?
• What is the main theme or subject matter when the patient talks?
• Does the patient have any delusions, obsessions, or compulsions?
Perceptions • Does the patient have auditory, visual, or tactile hallucinations?
Cognition • Is the patient alert?
• Is the patient oriented to person, place, time, and the purpose of the interview?
Insight • Does the patient recognize that there is an illness or disorder present?
• Is there a clear understanding of the treatment plan and prognosis?
Judgment • How will the patient secure food, clothing, and shelter in a safe environment?
• Is the patient able to make decisions that support a safe and reasonable treatment plan?
10 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Attitude is the manner in which the patient responds to or interacts
with the interviewer. The attitude can be cooperative in a typical, unim-
paired patient; avoidant in a patient who has been traumatized; or
guarded and distrustful in a patient who is paranoid. A patient’s attitude
and level of engagement help in evaluating the reliability of the infor-
mation given by the patient and may direct the clinician to seek collat-
eral information. Reluctance to provide certain information may suggest
avoidant motivations and poor insight.

Speech is described by rate (e.g., slow, rapid, pressured, or uninterrupti-
ble), volume, articulation (e.g., dysarthric, garbled), and rhythm (e.g.,
stuttering, stammering). Dysarthric speech may be due to a cerebral
vascular accident, medication side effects, and alcohol or substance
CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

intoxication. Rapid or pressured speech may indicate intoxication, corti-

costeroid-induced mania, anxiety, or bipolar mania. Increased speech
latency may point to schizophrenia, dementia, or depression with
related psychomotor retardation.

Mood is a description of the overall pervasive, subjective, and sustained
emotional state and can be assessed by simply asking, ‘‘How would you
describe your mood?’’ Mood should be ideally noted in the patient’s
own words, using quotation marks. Mood generally ranges from
depressed to euphoric, with a normal or euthymic mood as the reference
point. Other common states include empty, guilty, anxious, angry, and
irritable mood.

Affect is the expressed emotional state or degree of emotional respon-
siveness and is inferred from the patient’s collective facial expressions.
Components of affect include congruency, range, reactivity, rate of
change (lability), and intensity. Under normal circumstances, there
should be congruency between the patient’s mood and affect. If the
affect and mood are incongruent and difficult to reconcile, the clinician
should consider an active psychotic disorder, malingering, or factitious
disorder. For example, a psychotic patient who is depressed may laugh
rather than show a mood-congruent affect. A restricted range of affect
describes limited expression of emotional states. Reactivity describes
the degree of affective change in response to external cues. For exam-
ple, a depressed patient may have an affect that is restricted to depres-
sive expressions and decreased reactivity to the interviewer. A patient
who is manic or intoxicated with a stimulant may exhibit a labile and
expansive affect. A blunted affect is defined as a low-intensity affect
with decreased reactivity, often seen in patients who have major
Chapter 1 The Primary Care Psychiatric Interview 11

depressive disorder. A flat affect has little to no emotional or facial

expression and is sometimes found in those who have schizophrenia or
profound depression.

Thought process describes the organization of thoughts or how one
thinks. A normal thought process is described as logical, goal directed, or
linear, which means the patient is able to complete a train of thought in
reasonable depth. Although no single abnormality of thought process
(also referred to as formal thought disorders) is pathognomonic for a
specific disorder, this information is critical to the development of an
accurate differential diagnosis. A concrete thought process may be logical
but lacks depth. Circumstantial thinking refers to the painstaking move-
ment of thoughts from the origin (point A) to the goal (point B) with
excessive focus on insignificant details. A patient who exhibits tangential
thinking will quickly change the focus of the conversation in a way that

CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

ultimately deviates from the main topic (e.g., ‘‘I know it is important to
take my medications so my schizophrenia can get better. My neighbor is
on a medication for his headaches; do you know which one it might
be?’’). Derailment (or looseness of association) is an abrupt change of
focus where the thoughts are numerous and disconnected. A disorgan-
ized thought process refers to disconnected topics or irrelevant answers
to questions posed. Limited (or paucity of) thoughts occur in patients with
severe depression, those with profound negative symptoms (e.g., catato-
nia), or those who are internally preoccupied with delusions or

Thought content is a description of the main themes and preoccupa-
tions expressed by the patient. Simply put, the thought content is what
the patient is thinking. Depressed patients will usually present with
themes of poor self-esteem, worthlessness, or hopelessness. Patients
with a somatoform disorder often focus almost exclusively on physical
symptoms. Substance-dependent patients tend to fixate on specific
medications by name. Obsessions are ideas, activities, or events that are
the focus of constant and nearly involuntary attention, but are by defini-
tion nonpsychotic in nature. Delusions are fixed, false beliefs and are
characterized by a lack of insight. Common delusional themes are para-
noid (e.g., ‘‘The FBI is trying to kill me.’’); grandiose (e.g., ‘‘I own oil com-
panies and rule five states!’’); erotic (e.g., ‘‘I know the governor loves
me.’’); and bizarre, reflecting themes that are not physically possible
(e.g., ‘‘The martians have tattooed me and that is why the police always
bother me in the park.’’). Illusions are misinterpretations of sensory
information (e.g., mistaking a chair for a person). Hallucinations are sen-
sory perceptions in the absence of any stimuli and typically are audi-
tory, visual, or tactile. Hallucinations are found in many psychiatric
disorders and are not pathognomonic for any particular disorder,
although they are classically associated with schizophrenia. Command
12 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

hallucinations (wherein the hallucination directs the patient’s behavior)

should be evaluated for suicidal or violent content. In addition to docu-
menting major themes of the interview, the key components of thought
content include the presence or absence of delusions, perceptual distur-
bances (hallucinations), suicidal ideation, and homicidal ideation.

Cognitions are higher-order brain functions and include orientation,
concentration, calculation, memory, and executive function. Orientation
to person, location, date, and purpose should be queried. If the clinician
has a high index of suspicion for a cognitive deficit, further assessment
can be initiated in the primary care setting. Asking the patient to repeat-
edly subtract 7 starting from 100 (serial 7’s) or spell ‘‘world’’ backward
can assess concentration or attention span. Impairment in the level of
alertness or consciousness is characteristic of delirium, alternatively
termed encephalopathy (by neurologists) or less specifically called
CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

altered mental status (by most health professionals). Long- and short-
term memory problems may become evident if the patient is unable to
provide clear and organized historical data. When obvious deficits are
present and when cognitive disorders are suspected, the Mini-Mental
State Examination (MMSE), familiar to most primary care providers,
should be performed.

Insight describes the degree by which the patient understands his or
her diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. A patient who denies a prob-
lem that clearly exists or minimizes the severity of symptoms has poor
insight. Chronic illness and suboptimal insight often lead to poor out-
comes. Restoration of insight is usually a key component to the long-
term treatment plan.

Judgment is the ability to make reasonable decisions that result in safe,
desirable, and socially acceptable outcomes. The ability to weigh bene-
fits versus risks and recognize consequences of behavior is a core part
of judgment. Examples of questions that assess ‘‘real-time’’ capacity for
judgment include ‘‘How do you think this antidepressant might affect
your life?’’ and ‘‘What do you think you can do to help decrease your
cravings for alcohol?’’

Physical Examination
The physical examination gives the clinician an opportunity to inquire
about historical information that the patient may not have disclosed
during the interview. Unexplained tachycardia, diaphoresis, tremors, or
hyperreflexia should alert the provider about possible stimulant intoxi-
cation or alcohol-sedative withdrawal. A careful inspection of the
Chapter 1 The Primary Care Psychiatric Interview 13

.................................................. extremities and skin revealing tattoos, burns, bruises, scars, or other
injuries should be followed up with inquires about their origins. For
patients with severe mental illnesses (e.g., schizophrenia) who live
• A complete primary care
psychiatric assessment under marginal and unsafe circumstances, inspection of hair for para-
should always include the sites, skin for lacerations, and teeth for decay or abscesses is important,
AMPS screening tool as
because these patients may not have insight into the origin of their
well as direct questions
about suicidal ideation physical discomfort and do not readily seek timely medical care. Simi-
and intent. larly, a diabetic patient with severe mental illness may not have the
• The mood and affect insight and cognitive ability to check for infected or injured toes. There-
should be assessed and fore, the primary care provider may use the physical exam as another
recorded as important
parts of the mental status opportunity to gauge an individual’s functional status by his or her abil-
exam. Mood is the overall ity to maintain activities of daily living (ADLs) independently and to
internal emotional state,
whereas affect is the manage his or her medical disorders.
expressed emotional state
that is manifested by
changes in facial
expression. Time-Saving Strategies

CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

• Disorders of speech and We recommend the following time-saving strategies when completing a
behavior are often found
in those with severe men-
primary care psychiatric biopsychosocial assessment.
tal illness and should be
1. Obtaining the social history is one of the most important pieces of the pri-
monitored carefully.
Thought process describes mary psychiatric interview. There is much to cover and it can certainly be
how one thinks and time intensive if not done properly. Although it is not all-encompassing, we
thought content describes suggest the following ‘‘starter questions’’ to help the clinician collect the
what one thinks. necessary information for a social history.
• A social history should be Socioeconomic status
obtained on all patients ‘‘How are you doing financially and are you currently employed?’’
who are being treated
for a psychiatric illness. ‘‘What is your current living situation and how are things at home?’’
The main components of Interpersonal relationships
a primary care psychiatric ‘‘Who are the most important people in your life and do you rely on
social history include
them for support?’’
socioeconomic status,
interpersonal relation- ‘‘How are these relationships going?’’
ships, legal history, and Legal history
developmental history. ‘‘Have you ever had problems with the law?’’
‘‘Have you even been arrested or imprisoned?’’
Developmental history
‘‘How would you describe your childhood in one sentence?’’
‘‘What was the highest grade you completed in school?’’
‘‘Have you ever been physically, verbally, or sexually abused?’’
2. If you could only pick three questions during a primary care psychiatry
interview, the following are suggested:
‘‘What is your number one biggest problem that we can work on
‘‘Currently, how are you dealing with your problem?’’
‘‘Is there someone in your life who you can go to if you need help?’’
3. We highly recommend using the Supplemental Psychiatric History form
(Figure 1.2) for all new patients or for those who you feel have significant
psychiatric symptoms. This form is easy for a patient or clinician to com-
plete and covers the pertinent psychosocial history as well as the AMPS
screening questions. The clinician can quickly glance at this form and tailor
further assessment accordingly. All ‘‘yes’’ answers should raise concern and
prompt further questioning. More in-depth disorder-specific assessments
are discussed in the chapters to follow.
14 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Supplemental Psychiatric History Form

Name: Date:
Reason for Appointment:

Past Psychiatric Diagnoses (circle if applicable): anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia,
schizoaffective disorder,alcohol misuse, drug misuse, borderline personality disorder, other mental diagnosis

Have you ever been treated by a psychiatrist or other mental health provider? Yes / No
Have you ever been a patient in a psychiatric hospital? Yes / No
Have you ever tried to hurt or kill yourself? Yes / No
Have you ever taken a medication for psychiatric reasons? Yes / No
If yes, please list the most recent medication(s) below:
#1: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Yes / No
#2: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Yes / No
#3: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Yes / No
CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

#4: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Yes / No
#5: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Yes / No
Family Psychiatric History: Did your grandparents, parents, or siblings ever have severe problems
with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, or any other emotional problems? Yes / No

Social and Developmental History:

Socioeconomic Status
Are you currently unemployed? Yes / No
Are you having any problems at home? Yes / No
Interpersonal Relationships
Are you having any problems with close personal relationships? Yes / No
Legal History
Have you ever had problems with the law? Yes / No
Developmental History
Have you ever been physically, verbally, or sexually abused? Yes / No
What was the highest grade you completed in school? _______
Anxiety Symptoms, Mood Symptoms, Psychotic Symptoms, Substance Use
Is anxiety or nervousness a problem for you? Yes / No
Mood Symptoms
Have you been feeling depressed, sad, or hopeless over the past two weeks? Yes / No
Have you had a decreased interest level in pleasurable activities over the past few weeks? Yes / No
Have you ever felt the complete opposite of depressed, when friends and
family were worried about you because you were too happy? Yes / No
Have you ever had excessive amounts of energy running through your
body, to the point where you did not need to sleep for days? Yes / No
Do you have any thoughts of wanting to hurt or kill yourself or someone else? Yes / No
Psychotic Symptoms
Do you hear or see things that other people do not hear or see? Yes / No
Do you have thoughts that people are trying to follow, hurt or spy on you? Yes / No
Substance Use
How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke per day? _______
How much alcohol do you drink per day? _______
Have you ever used cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, marijuana, PCP,
LSD, Ecstacy or other drugs? Yes / No

Figure 1.2 Supplemental Psychiatric History Form.

Chapter 1 The Primary Care Psychiatric Interview 15

Practice Pointers
Case 1: The primary care psychiatric interview
A 55-year-old homeless man with type 2 diabetes and hypertension presents for
an initial evaluation with a chief complaint of ‘‘pain in my feet.’’ A quick review
of the chart shows poor adherence to follow-up appointments. The man is
disheveled and poorly groomed. He avoids eye contact and looks downward dur-
ing the interview. The patient says he is not sure when he first noticed the foot
pain and states, ‘‘I don’t know why I came in this time. I’m so far gone it does
not matter anyway.’’

When the provider asks about his mood, the patient says he feels ‘‘depressed.’’
He also conveys hopelessness, anhedonia, a diminished appetite, and decreased
energy. When asked about suicidal thoughts, he notes, ‘‘Sometimes I wish I was
just dead.’’ The AMPS screening questions indicate that he does not have any anxi-
ety symptoms, history of hypomania or mania, perceptual disturbances, delusions,
or current substance use.
The patient was put on ‘‘some depression medication’’ a few months ago
but stopped after 1 week, stating, ‘‘I was still depressed and I didn’t think it was

CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

working.’’ He is currently sober for 10 years but has recently stopped going to
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. His father was an ‘‘alcoholic’’ and his brother
has also received treatment for substance abuse. There is no other mental illness
in his family.
During the mental status examination, he initially has poor eye contact but
eventually becomes more engaged. His mood is depressed and his affect is
restricted and congruent with his mood. His speech is notable for a decreased vol-
ume and a slow rate. His thought process is goal oriented and his thought content
contains depressive themes with mention of ‘‘low self-esteem since childhood.’’
He admitted to suicidal ideation but denies any suicidal intent or plan, and he has
no past suicide attempts or access to firearms. He is fully oriented and has no
obvious cognitive deficits. Although he has not been fully compliant with office
visits in the past, his insight and judgment at this time are fair because he is able
to recognize that his depression is getting worse.

Discussion: This case history illustrates a common presentation of depression in the

primary care setting. The chronic poor adherence to medical care and homelessness
are clues to significant loss of function. Review of past psychiatric history uncovers
chronic depression and past alcohol dependence. The AMPS screening tool reveals
symptoms consistent with unipolar depression without psychotic features and a
remote history of alcohol dependence. Although the patient has vague thoughts of
death, he has no prior history of suicide attempts and no current intent or plan to
die. Moreover, he has no access to firearms.
The complete biopsychosocial assessment helps the clinician to provide a
comprehensive treatment plan. In addition to initiating treatment for his hyper-
tension, diabetes, and foot pain, the use of an antidepressant should be read-
dressed. The clinician might say, ‘‘Many people who take antidepressants think
they work like aspirin for a headache (you take it when you need it for immedi-
ate relief), but that is not the way these medications work.’’ The patient should
also be encouraged to revisit the idea of attending Alcoholics Anonymous meet-
ings, because stress from a worsening depressive episode may lead to use of alco-
hol. Also, given the frequent thoughts related to poor self-esteem, one may
consider a referral for cognitive behavioral therapy. It seems that the patient’s
lack of housing may be adversely affecting his general medical and psychiatric
conditions. The patient should be referred to social services and local shelters
that provide meals.
16 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Finally, it is important to understand why he has missed so many appoint-

ments in the past and address those specific issues. The therapeutic connection
between the patient and the clinician is paramount. In this case, the provider
might be compelled to focus exclusively on the medication regimen for his chronic
diabetes and hypertension and give less emphasis to the relationship between the
patient and the provider. Another approach might be to ask the patient, ‘‘What is
your number one biggest problem?’’ and proceed with treatment that addresses
the stated issues (in this case it is likely his foot pain and homeless state). Short
and somewhat frequent office visits may be indicated over the next few months
in order to address his many concerns and maintain a biopsychosocial treatment

Practical Resources
The MacAuthur Inititative on Depression and Primary Care:
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:
American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines:
National Institute of Mental Health:
National Alliance on Mental Illness:
CHAPTER 1 Psychiatric Interview

1. Reiger DA, Boyd JH, Burke JD, et al. One month prevalence of mental disorders in the United States.
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1988;45:977–986.

2. Onate J. Psychiatric consultation in outpatient primary care settings: should consultation change to
collaboration? Primary Psychiatry. 2006;13(6):41–45.

3. Kessler RC, Demler O, Frank RG, et al. Prevalence and treatment of mental disorders, 1990 to 2003.
N Engl J Med. 2005;352(24):2515–2523.

4. Katon W, Roinson P, Von Korff M, et al. A multifaceted intervention to improve treatment of depres-
sion in primary care. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1996;53(10):924–932.

5. Vergare MJ, Binder RL, Cook IA, et al. American Psychiatric Association practice guidelines for the
psychiatric evaluation of adults second edition. Am J Psychiatry. 2006;163(6 Suppl):3–36.

6. Whooley MA, Simon GE. Managing depression in medical outpatients. N Engl J Med. 2000;343(26):1942–

7. Hales RE, Yudofsky SC, Gabbard GO. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry. 5th ed.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2008.
2 Mood Disorders—
Tonya Fancher, MD, MPH • Robert M. McCarron, DO •
Oladio Kukoyi, MD • James A. Bourgeois, OD, MD

Clinical Significance
... A 42-year-old woman presents to your office complaining ...
... ...
Up to 10% of patients seen in primary
of insomnia. She reports four weeks of insomnia, decreased
... ...
care settings meet the criteria for major
appetite, weight loss, fatigue, and depressed mood. She
... ...
depressive disorder (1). The preva-

CHAPTER 2 Depression
continues to work but socializes less than usual. Twenty ...
lence of major depressive disorder is
years ago she had a similar episode and sought a brief ...
closer to 30% to 40% among patients
course of counseling. Her symptoms improved over several ...
months. She has never been on medications for depression
with such chronic medical illnesses as
... ...
coronary artery disease (CAD), cere-
and has no family history of mental illness. She denies ...
brovascular disease, diabetes mellitus,
suicidal ideation or access to firearms. Her examination is obesity, and human immunodefi-
notable for tearfulness and a blunted affect, but is
... ciency virus (HIV). Depression is the ...
otherwise normal. leading cause of disability and prema-
ture death in people aged 18 to 44
years and is associated with worsen-
ing medical morbidity and mortality (2, 3). For example, depression in
patients with CAD has been consistently demonstrated to be an inde-
pendent risk factor for increased cardiac mortality (4).
Up to one quarter of adults will have a major depressive episode
during their lifetime (5). For the primary care clinician, untreated
depression may help explain poor adherence to appointment keeping
and prescribed treatments. Women are affected by depression twice as
often as men. The lifetime risk of depression increases by 1.5 to 3.0
times in patients with an affected first-degree relative. Onset of depres-
• Major depressive disorder sion is most common among patients aged 12 to 24 years and those
is characterized by a
depressed mood most of over 65. The suicide rate is similarly high in both groups.
the day nearly every day
or a significant loss of
interest or pleasure in
almost all activities (anhe-
donia) for a period of 2 Diagnosis
weeks or more. Various
other specific depressive Early diagnosis and treatment of depression usually improve a patient’s
syndromes are character- quality of life and health outcomes, and may prevent suicide. Most
ized by both duration patients with depression seek care from their primary care provider
and number of mood
symptoms. before presenting to a mental health provider. Increasingly, primary
care physicians are managing depression alone or in consultation with
(Continued) 17
18 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

a mental health provider. Major depression is defined by the Diagnostic

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision (DSM-
(Continued) IV-TR), as the presence of five or more depressive symptoms over a
• Roughly 10% of patients 2-week period (depressed mood or lack of interest in pleasurable activ-
in primary care settings
meet the criteria for ities must be present). The collective symptoms cause significant
major depressive dysfunction and cannot be due to other illnesses such as anxiety, hypo-
thyroidism, or alcohol- or substance-related disorders (1) (Table 2.1).
• Depression is common Patients who do not meet the criteria for major depression may
among postpartum
women and patients with have a subsyndromal depression such as minor depression or dysthy-
a personal or family his- mic disorder. These types of depression are distinguished based on the
tory of depression, the
length and number of symptoms in addition to sad mood and anhedo-
experience of a recent
trauma or loss, ongoing nia, the degree of functional impairment, and the severity of symptoms.
substance abuse, and Minor depression is characterized by two to four depressive symptoms,
comorbid systemic medi-
cal illnesses such as can- including depressed mood or anhedonia, of greater than 2 weeks in
cer, diabetes mellitus, duration. Dysthymic disorder is usually described as a chronic feeling of
neurologic disease, and
‘‘being down in the dumps’’ and is characterized by at least 2 years of
cardiovascular disease.
three or more depressive symptoms, including depressed mood, for
• The U.S. Preventive Ser-
vices Task Force recom- more days than not. Also, in order to meet DSM-IV-TR criteria, depres-
mends that primary care sive symptoms will not have been absent for more than 2 months dur-
practices should screen all
ing the 2 or more year-long period of dysthymic disorder.
adults for depression if
the practice has systems Major depression can be stratified into three levels of severity: mild,
in place to formally diag- moderate, or severe. A diagnosis of mild depression is indicated when
nose, treat, and follow
patients with depression. no or few additional symptoms beyond the number required for diagno-
The Physician Health sis of major depression are present in the setting of minor functional
Questionnaire, or PHQ-9,
impairment. Moderate depression is diagnosed when more than the
is a self-administered
screening tool for depres- required number of symptoms for the diagnosis of major depression are
sion that can be easily
used in the primary care
Table 2.1 DSM-IV-TR Definition of Major Depression
• Most patients with ..........................................................................................................
depression respond well
Five or more of the following symptoms have been present during the same
to psychotherapy, antide-
2-week period and represent a change from previous functioning.
pressants, or a combina-
tion of both. • At least one of the symptoms is either depressed mood or loss of interest or
• Sixty percent of those
with major depressive dis- • Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as self-reported or
order will have a second observed by others
episode. Individuals who
have had two to three • Diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities most of the day,
major depressive episodes nearly every day
have an 80% to 90% • Significant weight loss when not dieting, or weight gain; or decrease or
chance of having yet increase in appetite nearly every day
another episode. Patients
with recurrent depression • Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day
should be educated
• Psychomotor agitation or retardation as described by people who know the
about the early signs of
depression and be on life-
long antidepressant • Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day
• Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt nearly every day
• Suicide can occur at any
phase of treatment for • Diminished ability to think or concentrate nearly every day
depression. More than • Recurrent thoughts of death; recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan
half of all patients who
die by suicide have visited From Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed. Washington, DC: American
their primary care Psychiatric Association; 1994.

Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 19

present and there is moderate impairment in functioning. Severe depres-

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS sion is suggested by the presence of many more symptoms than required
(Continued) for the diagnosis of major depression and related disabling functional
provider within 1 month impairment. Psychotic features such as hallucinations or delusions may be
of their death.
present in severe depression. Suicidal ideation may accompany mild, mod-
• More than 70% of men
and 50% of women who
erate, or severe depression.
die by suicide used a fire-
ask depressed or anxious
patients about suicidal There are currently no diagnostic tests or laboratory makers that reliably
ideation and access to estimate risk for the development of depression. Moreover, there is
firearms at each visit.
much controversy over the actual cause of depression. Although there is
strong evidence to support a familial link among first-degree relatives
who have depression, there is currently no definitive genetic association
with the development of major depressive disorder.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that primary
care practices should screen all adults for depression if the practice has
systems in place to formally diagnose, treat, and follow patients with
depression (6). The following section provides an overview of risk factors

CHAPTER 2 Depression
for the development of depression. Patients with risk factors should be
screened on the initial primary care visit and at least every 1 to 2 years

Postpartum Women
Postpartum women often have abrupt hormonal shifts and related short-
lived depression commonly referred to as ‘‘the blues.’’ Most such subsyn-
dromal, postpartum depressive episodes will subside gradually with
supportive care over 1 to 2 weeks after the delivery. In other words, the
majority of new mothers will not have the full neurovegetative signs or
mood disturbance duration characteristic of a major depressive episode.
It is difficult to predict which women will progress to full-spectrum post-
partum depression, but women with a previous mood disorder, poor
social support, and delivery following an unplanned or unwanted preg-
nancy are at particularly high risk for postpartum depression. Continued
clinical vigilance for up to 1 year after the delivery is indicated for all post-
partum women.
Up to 1 in 10 women in the postpartum period will develop major
depression (7). Clinicians can screen for postpartum depression using
the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale approximately 4 to 6 weeks
after delivery. Postpartum depressive episodes are more likely to be
complicated by psychotic symptoms, which may lead to poor infant
care, infanticide, or suicide.

Personal or Family History of Depression

A personal history of major depression or bipolar disorder is the most
significant risk factor for recurrent depression. Major depressive disorder
is up to three times more likely among those with first-degree relatives
who have either depression or bipolar disorder (1). A family history of
depression is also associated with longer depressive episodes, greater
risk of recurrence, and persistent thoughts of death and suicide (8).
20 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Advanced Age
Elderly patients with depression can present with apathy, diminished
self-care, or severe cognitive deficits. Depression is also common among
caregivers of the elderly (9). Elderly depressed patients often have
increased primary care utilization for nonspecific physical complaints
and may present with significant weight loss and failure to thrive.
Depression is also common in patients with dementia.

Neurologic Disorders
The risk of depression is very high in the first year following a stroke.
Poststroke depression correlates with failure to regain motor function,
more medical complications, and cognitive impairment. Parkinson dis-
ease is also frequently complicated by depression. The depression in
Parkinson disease may have a greater impact on quality of life than
impairment from the associated movement disorder. Patients with
chronic neurologic disorders like stroke and Parkinson disease should be
watched closely for the emergence of depression or anhedonia.
CHAPTER 2 Depression

Comorbid Systemic Physical Illnesses

Patients with diabetes mellitus, cancer, rheumatologic disease, thyroid
disease, HIV, myocardial infarction, and obesity have significantly higher
rates of depression. At least one quarter of those with cardiac disease or
diabetes will develop major depressive disorder. Patients may present
atypically with nonadherence, multiple unexplained physical symptoms,
or chronic pain syndromes (10–17). Early recognition and treatment of
depression can improve morbidity, mortality, and quality of life.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force encourages routine depression
screening for adults in primary care practices that have the resources to
treat and follow the identified patients (6, 18). Clinicians with limited
resources may consider screening mainly at-risk groups. Clinicians
should consider repeated screenings of patients with a history of
depression or other psychiatric symptoms, comorbid medical illness,
multiple unexplained somatic complaints, high rates of clinical utiliza-
tion, substance abuse, chronic pain, or nonadherence. Patients should
also be asked about the use of recent or current medications that have
been associated with depressive symptoms or suicidal ideation (e.g., cor-
ticosteroids, interferon, montelukast sodium, varenicline, isotretinoin).
There are no definitive findings of depression on physical exami-
nation, although many patients demonstrate a tearful, blunted, or
restricted affect. Depressed patients may also have psychomotor retarda-
tion or a quiet and slow speech pattern. The physical examination may
be useful in helping to rule out common conditions that are often con-
fused with depression (e.g., hypothyroidism, dementia) and in looking
for commonly co-occurring illnesses (e.g., obesity, cancer, CAD). When
clinical suspicion is high, laboratory testing might include tests for ane-
mia, hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deficiency, and Cushing disease.
Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 21

Screening Tools and Rating Scales for Depression

The most important first step in the diagnosis of depression is to ask
about depressed mood and anhedonia over the past 2 or more weeks.
One of the easiest depression screening tools is the two-question Patient
Health Questionnaire-2 tool (PHQ-2) (19, 20):

‘‘Over the past 2 weeks have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless?’’
‘‘Over the past 2 weeks have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things?’’

A positive response to either question warrants a thorough review of

the DSM-IV-TR criteria (or equivalent rating tool) for major depression
(Figure 2.1).
An alternative screening tool is the Patient Health Questionnaire-9
(PHQ-9) (Figure 2.2). The PHQ-9 can be used to diagnose depression and
to follow the disease over time. It has been validated in primary care
settings, is self-administered, and is available in English and Spanish
versions (21–23). It is a nine-item self-administered questionnaire that
classifies current symptoms on a scale of 0 (no symptoms) to 3 (daily
symptoms) (21). Items 1 through 9 are summed to yield a score ranging

CHAPTER 2 Depression
from 0 to 27. A score of 0 to 4 is considered nondepressed, 5 to 9 mild
depression, 10 to 14 moderate depression, 15 to 19 moderately severe
depression, and 20 to 27 severe depression. Repeating the PHQ-9 during
treatment allows the clinician to objectively monitor response to therapy:
a 50% reduction in symptom score suggests an adequate response; a 25%
to 50% reduction suggests a partial response, and a reduction by less
than 25% suggests a minimal to no response. Patients who fail to respond
to initial treatment may warrant an urgent psychiatric referral.
Two items from the PHQ-9 deserve particular attention. Item 9
assesses suicidal ideation. Any positive response should be followed up
with direct questioning about suicidal ideation, intent, and planning.
Item 10 assesses functional impairment. Like symptom severity, severe
functional impairment may suggest the need for psychiatric consulta-
tion and consideration for hospitalization (24, 25).
Additional rating instruments for the clinical assessment of depres-
sion include the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D), the
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the Zung Self-Rating Depression
Scale. The HAM-D is a clinician-administered instrument. Both 17-item
and 31-item versions are available, although the 17-item version is more
widely used. It relies both on patient-reported symptoms and clinician
observation of in-interview behavior (26). Although various cut-off
scores have been used to define both syndromal depression and remis-
sion from a depressive episode, we use a cut-off of greater than 16 to
define a major depression episode and a score of less than 7 to define a
remission (27, 28). Because it is clinician administered, the HAM-D has
the advantage of including clinician behavioral observations into an
overall rating score; however, the length of time required to complete
the HAM-D may make it impractical for some clinicians. Like the PHQ-9,
the BDI and the Zung are patient self-rating instruments (29, 30). The
Zung is a 20-item scale with 10 positively scored items and 10 negatively
scored items. Scores of 50 to 59 correlate with mild depression, 60 to 69
22 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

“Have you been depressed or sad over the past 2 weeks?”

“Are there things you like to do for fun and have not been interested in doing over the past 2 weeks?”

If yes to either

“How does your depressed mood, sadness, or low interest level affect your everyday life?”

Criteria for Major Depression:

Five or more symptoms have
been present for two weeks and
represent a change from
previous functioning.
At least one of the symptoms is
either depressed mood or
loss of interest or pleasure

While depressed or experiencing decreased interest or pleasure:

“Have you had any problems with your sleep?”
CHAPTER 2 Depression

“Have you had any changes in your appetite and have you gained or lost any weight?”
“Have you noticed any changes with your energy or ability to focus and concentrate?”
“Have your family or friends mentioned that you have been moving or speaking slower than usual?”
“Have you been having guilty thoughts running through your head that bother you or keep you up at night?”
“Do you have thoughts or plans of hurting or killing yourself or anyone else?”
“Do you have any firearms at home or at your workplace?”

Screen for current or past

hypomanic/manic episodes

“Have you ever felt the complete opposite of depressed, where friends and family were worried because
you were abnormally happy, active, or energetic?”
“Have you ever had a high level of energy running through your body–so much energy that, because of
that energy, you did not need to sleep for at least a few days straight?”

If yes to either question,

ask the patient,
If no, a bipolar spectrum “When did that happen
disorder is less likely. last and can you tell me
exactly what was going on
in your life at the time”?

“Have you had a problem with depression or sadness like this in the past?”

If no, the depression is a single

If yes, the depression is
episode and will need a
recurrent and may need
minimum of 12 months
indefinite therapy
of treatment

Figure 2.1 Diagnosing depression in the primary care setting.

with moderate to severe depression, and greater than 70 with severe

depression. The BDI contains 21 items; scores of 0 to 9 represent mini-
mal symptoms, 10 to 16 mild depression symptoms, 17 to 29 moderate
symptoms, and 30 to 63 severe symptoms. Generally, the PHQ-9 is the
easiest for the primary care provider to use.
Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 23

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

Nine Symptom Depression Checklist

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been

bothered by any of the following problems?
(Please circle your answer.)
Not Several More than Nearly
at All Days Half the Days Every Day

1. Little interest or pleasure in doing things 0 1 2 3

2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless 0 1 2 3

3. Trouble falling or staying asleep, or

0 1 2 3
sleeping too much

4. Feeling tired or having little energy 0 1 2 3

CHAPTER 2 Depression
5. Poor appetite or overeating 0 1 2 3

6. Feeling bad about yourself—or that you

are a failure or have let yourself or your 0 1 2 3
family down

7. Trouble concentrating on things, such

as reading the newspaper or watching 0 1 2 3

8. Moving or speaking so slowly that other

people could have noticed. Or the opposite—
0 1 2 3
being so fidgety or restless that you have
been moving around a lot more than usual

9. Thoughts that you would be better off

0 1 2 3
dead or of hurting yourself in some way

Add Columns, ⫹ ⫹

Total Score*, *Score is for healthcare

provider incorporation

10. If you circled any problems, how

difficult have these problems made it for
you to do your work, take care of things Not Difficult Somewhat Very Extremely
at home, or get along with other at All Difficult Difficult Difficult
(Please circle your answer.)

A score of: 0–4 is considered non-depressed; 5–9 mild depression; 10–14 moderate depression;
15–19 moderately severe depression; and 20–27 severe depression.
PHQ-9 is adapted from PRIME ME TODAY™.
PHQ Copyright © 1999Pfour Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission. PRIME ME TODAY is a trademark of Pfour Inc.

Figure 2.2 Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) nine-symptom depression checklist. (PHQ is adapted from PRIME MD TODAY. PHQ
Copyright C 1999 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission. PRIME MD TODAY is a trademark of Pfizer Inc.)
24 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Suicide Risk Assessment

Clinicians must remain vigilant to the risk of suicide as up to 15% of
those with major depressive disorder die by suicide (1). Suicide is consis-
tently a leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for
more than 30,000 deaths per year (31). Many patients who die by suicide
meet criteria for a depressive disorder and nearly half have seen a pri-
mary care physician within a month of their death (32, 33). Clinicians
should routinely ask (and document asking) depressed patients if they
have had or currently have any thoughts of suicide, of ending their life,
or that they would be better off dead. Positive responses should be fol-
lowed by assessment of the content of suicidal thoughts (including spe-
cific plans or actual intent of suicide) and reduction of access to lethal
means (especially firearms and medications that may be harmful if taken
in large quantities). Clinicians should consult a psychiatrist if there is any
uncertainty regarding suicidal risk or need for hospitalization.

Differential Diagnosis
CHAPTER 2 Depression

In addition to the systemic illnesses associated with and presenting as

depression, many other psychiatric illnesses are associated with depressed
mood and other symptoms of depression. ‘‘All that is depressive may not
be depression’’ is a useful reminder of this phenomenon. We recommend
using the AMPS approach to the psychiatric review of systems when
assessing anyone who presents with sadness or anhedonia (see Chapter 1).
Depressive symptoms may be present with psychiatric disorders other
than the depressive disorders of major depression, dysthymic disorder, or
minor depression. In bipolar disorder, a patient may present with depres-
sive symptoms as part of a depressive or mixed mood episode. Patients
with psychotic disorders (e.g., schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder)
may, at some points during their illness, present with prominent symp-
toms of depression. Anxiety disorders (particularly panic disorder and post-
.............................................. traumatic stress disorder) may coexist with depression or feature prominent
NOT TO BE MISSED depressive symptoms. Dementia and delirium have well-known associations
with depressive symptoms; dementia is often associated with comorbid
• Suicidal thoughts depression, while hypoactive delirium may physically resemble depression.
• Homicidal thoughts During or following periods of substance abuse, a person may have a sub-
• Opportunities to reduce stance-induced mood disorder. If depressive symptoms are mild or transient,
access to firearms and a person may have an adjustment disorder or bereavement (Table 2.2).
medications that may be
harmful if taken in large
Biopsychosocial Treatment
• Psychotic symptoms
• Illicit drug or alcohol
abuse The goals of depression treatment include reducing symptoms of depres-
• Systemic medical causes sion, improving daily functioning and quality of life, eliminating suicidal
of depression (e.g., thoughts, minimizing treatment adverse effects, and preventing depres-
sion relapse. Medication and psychological therapies are most frequently
• Bipolar disorder with and successfully used to treat depression. Patients who experience full
depressed or mixed
episode clinical remission have a better long-term prognosis than patients with
only a partial response to therapy (34, 35).
Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 25

Table 2.2 Differential Diagnosis for Major Depressive Disorder

Alcohol abuse/dependence Can co-occur with depression, mimic depressive symptoms, or actually
cause depression. At lease 4 weeks of abstinence is necessary when rul-
ing out depression that is secondary to alcohol use.
Anxiety disorders Anxiety disorders frequently co-occur with depression. Both generalized
anxiety disorder and more episodic, circumstance-specific anxiety disor-
ders (i.e., panic disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, obsessive com-
pulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder)
should be addressed when present.
Bipolar disorder Depression is accompanied by a history of one or more manic or mixed
episodes. Many patients with bipolar disorder are depressed at the
time of initial clinical presentation.
Cobalamin deficiency Vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with macrocytic anemia, paresthesia,
numbness, and impaired memory.
Cushing disease This condition is associated with obesity, dermatologic manifestations,
signs of adrenal androgen excess, and proximal muscle wasting.
Dementia Dementia is characterized by memory changes, mood symptoms, person-
ality changes, psychosis, problematic social behaviors, and changes in
day-to-day functioning. Comorbid depression is very common in

CHAPTER 2 Depression
Eating disorders These disorders are more common in women and sometimes character-
ized by disturbance in the perception of body weight, size, or shape,
and refusal to maintain a healthy body weight in the case of the ano-
rexia nervosa syndrome and impulsive binge eating with compensatory
purging behaviors in the bulimia nervosa syndrome. Depression is com-
monly comorbid in eating disorder patients.
Bereavement The symptoms of major depression may be transiently present in normal
grief. The duration and expression of normal grief vary among racial/
ethnic groups. Temporarily hearing the voice of or seeing the deceased
person is considered within normal limits of bereavement. Patients
with unremitting and significantly impaired function attributable to
these mood symptoms should be fully assessed for major depressive
Hypothyroidism Associated symptoms include weight gain, constipation, decreased con-
centration, fatigue, disturbance with sleep, and depressed mood.
Medication adverse effects Patient should be asked about use of glucocorticoids, interferon, levo-
dopa, and oral contraceptives.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD is characterized by depressed mood, anxiety, and irritability during
(PMDD) the week before menses and resolving with menses. PMDD also has
prominent pain symptoms.
Psychotic disorders Patients with major depression may have psychotic symptoms during
acute depressive episodes. Mood-congruent hallucinations and delu-
sions are commonly found in patients who have depression with psy-
chotic features. A temporal correlation between increased depressed
mood and increased psychotic symptoms is often present with a diag-
nosis of depression with psychotic features.
Secondary depression This is depression due to the physiologic consequences of a specific meta-
bolic disturbance, recent drug or substance use, or substance with-
drawal. It often remits with treatment of the disorder, removal of the
drug or substance, or recovery from withdrawal, but, if persistent, may
need specific antidepressant therapy. At least 4 weeks of abstinence is
necessary when ruling out depression due to stimulant use.
Adjustment disorder with This is a subsyndromal depression with a clearly identified precipitating
depressed mood event. It usually resolves with resolution of the acute stressor. Although
it is not the norm, in some circumstances, a diagnosis of adjustment
disorder may justify the short-term use of sedative-hypnotic and anti-
depressant medications.
26 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

There are several primary care treatment models for the management
of depression. One model is that of a physician or other general medical
practitioner (e.g., nurse practitioner, physician assistant) as the sole pro-
vider of clinical care. In such models, psychiatric or other mental health
care must be obtained on a consultation or referral basis from external
mental health systems. There is also the same-site consultation model,
where a psychiatrist or other mental health professional maintains an
office colocated with the primary care provider. This model facilitates
comanagement of depression in a combined model often called ‘‘collabo-
rative care.’’ Some collaborative care models use nurses in a disease man-
agement model for depression where they follow up with patients, by
phone or in person, between clinic visits. Finally, with the use of video tel-
econferencing equipment, primary care clinicians obtain psychiatric con-
sultation from a distance. This model is referred to as ‘‘telepsychiatry’’
and it is often used in rural or underserved areas. The primary care practi-
tioner is advised to avail himself or herself of consultation (and comanage-
ment, where and when available) within the local clinical care models.
Cultural consultations are available in some settings to aid in the diagno-
CHAPTER 2 Depression

sis and treatment of depression in culturally diverse populations (36).

Patients with mild to moderate depression may do equally well with psy-
chotherapy or antidepressant medications (37). Mild depression is often
well managed by psychotherapy, attention to health-promoting behaviors,
self-help books (e.g., Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns
[38]), or positive changes in social circumstances. Although we do not rou-
tinely prescribe St. John’s wort, patients with mild depression may request
a treatment trial or initiate treatment on their own with over-the-counter
preparations (39). Primary care clinicians must remember that St. John’s
wort acts through a serotonin mechanism, must be discontinued before
initiating prescription antidepressants, and has been associated with psy-
chotic symptoms. Combination psychotherapy and medication treatment
offer no demonstrated short-term advantage in patients with mild to
moderate depression. Patient preference and local psychotherapeutic
resources should guide the initial choice of depression therapy.
Severely depressed patients derive the greatest benefit from com-
bined medication management and psychotherapy. Combination medi-
cation management and psychotherapy is strongly recommended for
those with severe, recurrent, or chronic depression. Primary care–based
psychotherapy (e.g., interpersonal or cognitive behavioral therapy)
coupled with medication management may also be effective (40). For
those patients who prefer only one mode of therapy for severe depres-
sion, clinicians usually recommend antidepressant medication over psy-
chotherapy. Whatever treatment is started, close follow-up is essential.
Severely depressed patients who harbor suicidal ideation may initially
lack the ‘‘energy’’ or initiative to actually kill themselves. As their
depression is in early response, they may have increased energy to act
on their persisting suicidal thoughts. As detailed above, clinicians must
Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 27

continuously assess all depressed patients for suicidal ideation, inten-

tion, and planning.
Fortunately for the busy primary care clinician, there are a variety of
pharmacologic options for the treatment of depression (Table 2.3). The
most commonly prescribed antidepressants are classified as selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Other agents include serotonin
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), 5-HT2–receptor antagonists,
dopamine reuptake inhibitors (DRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs),
and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).

Table 2.3 First-Line Antidepressant Medications

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

CHAPTER 2 Depression
Sertraline 50 50–200 Serotonin and dopamine reuptake inhibition
(Zoloft) Possible early and temporary diarrhea and dyspepsia
Relatively low risk for drug interactions
Paroxetine 20 20–60 High anticholinergic and antihistamine side-effect profile
Paroxetine CR 12.5–20 25–75 Risk for sedation, weight gain, and dry mouth
(Paxil, Paxil CR) Short half-life with more risk for discontinuation syndrome
High chance for drug interactions
Unsafe during pregnancy—class D
Fluoxetine 20 20–60 Long half-life and ideal for intermittently compliant
(Prozac) patients
Relatively inexpensive
High chance for drug interactions
Fluvoxamine 50 50–300 Rarely used due to high side-effect profile
Citalopram 20 20–60 Structurally similar to escitalopram
(Celexa) Low risk for drug interactions
Escitalopram 10 10–20 Structurally similar to citalopram
(Lexapro) Low risk for drug interactions
Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
Venlafaxine XR 37.5 75–300 Structurally similar to desvenlafaxine (do not use
(Effexor XR) concurrently)
Dual action on serotonin and norepinephrine receptors
Not consistently ‘‘activating’’ but usually does not cause
Sometimes used as an adjunct for chronic pain
Not to be used in those with difficult-to-treat hypertension
May increase blood pressure and heart rate, especially at
higher dosing range (>150 mg/day)
Non-XR formulation is rarely used due to side-effect profile
and twice-per-day dosing
Short half-life with more risk for discontinuation syndrome
Reduce dose with renal insufficiency
Desvenlafaxine 50 50–100 Structurally similar to venlafaxine (do not use concurrently)
(Pristiq) Dual action on serotonin and norepinephrine receptors
Not consistently ‘‘activating’’ but usually does not cause
Not to be used in those with difficult-to-treat hypertension
Short half-life with more risk for discontinuation syndrome
Reduce dose with renal insufficiency
28 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 2.3 First-Line Antidepressant Medications (Continued)

Duloxetine 30 30–60 Dual action on serotonin and norepinephrine receptors
(Cymbalta) Not consistently ‘‘activating’’ but usually does not cause
FDA approved for fibromyalgia and diabetic peripheral
neuropathic pain
Sometimes used for chronic neuropathic pain
Short half-life with more risk for discontinuation
Increased risk for drug interactions
Bupropion 75–150 300–450
Bupropion SR 100 300–400 Given twice per day
(Wellbutrin Likely dual action on dopamine and norepinephrine
SR) receptors
Contraindicated with seizure and eating disorders
Bupropion XL 150 300–450 Increased risk for seizures in those with alcohol
(Wellbutrin withdrawal
CHAPTER 2 Depression

XL) Not used for anxiety disorders

May worsen anxiety associated with depression
No serotonin activity and no related sexual side effects
XL formulation is supposed to have slower release and
lower side-effect profile (permits higher dosing and
lower seizure risk)
Less frequently used due to side-effect profile
Mirtazapine 15 15–45 Increases central serotonin and norepinephrine activity
(Remeron) (possibly through presynaptic a2-adrenergic receptor
Decreased frequency of sexual side effects
Increased sedation and sleepiness at mainly lower doses
Although not indicated for anxiety disorders, it may be
Remeron Sol tab is orally dissolving for patients who
cannot swallow

FDA, Food and Drug Administration; PCP, primary care physician.

Initial dose should be decreased by half when treating an anxiety disorder or an elderly person.
Drug interactions refer to commonly used medications that are principally metabolized by the P450 2D6 pathway.

Medication Management: First-Line Therapy

There are no important clinical differences in response rates among com-
monly prescribed antidepressants (including SSRIs, SNRIs, bupropion, and
mirtazapine). Antidepressant choice must be individualized. Drug selec-
tion is based on tolerability, safety, evidence of effectiveness with the
patient or first-degree relative, and cost. SSRIs and SNRIs offer similar
response rates and can be used as first-line monotherapy. For severe
depression, first-line pharmacotherapy should be added to psychotherapy.
Regardless of the drug, medication therapy is effective in the major-
ity of cases (41). Within approximately 6 weeks, half of persons receiving
antidepressants have at least a 50% reduction in symptoms (42). In the
Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial,
30% of patients achieved full remission after 12 weeks of treatment with
citalopram and 10% to 15% more showed significant improvement (43).
Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 29

One quarter of patients who failed citalopram responded when switched

to sertraline, venlafaxine, or bupropion. A similar number responded
when bupropion was added to citalopram.
All first-class antidepressants enhance serotonin, norepinephrine,
or dopamine receptor activity. Generally speaking, no single antide-
pressant is consistently ‘‘activating’’ or sedating. In some cases, symp-
tom profiles may be useful in antidepressant choices. For example,
depressed patients with significant weight loss and insomnia may ben-
efit from the sedating and appetite-stimulating properties of low-dose
mirtazapine. In contrast, obese patients with excessive fatigue may
benefit from a trial of bupropion. Bupropion may also be useful for
patients with comorbid nicotine dependence and those concerned
about sexual side effects (its relative paucity of serotonergic activity lim-
its the risk of sexual dysfunction). However, bupropion should be avoided
in patients with anxiety, seizures, or eating disorders. Side effect profiles
vary and clinicians should carefully monitor each patient for any unto-
ward effects.

CHAPTER 2 Depression
Medication Management: Second-Line Therapy
In contemporary practice, TCAs have less receptor specificity and are
used less often because they may cause intolerable dry mouth, consti-
pation, and dizziness. They are relatively contraindicated in patients
with coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, prostatic hyper-
trophy, and arrhythmias. When using TCAs to treat depression, the cli-
nician should consult current guidelines for recommended TCA
therapeutic range and dose titration. MAOIs are also used infrequently,
even by psychiatrists, because of the long list of dietary restrictions,
orthostasis, and potential for hypertensive crisis. However, MAOIs may
be more effective in patients with atypical depression characterized by
hypersomnolence, hyperphagia, and rejection sensitivity. Primary care
clinicians should consult with a psychiatrist before considering MAOI
therapy. MAOIs should not be prescribed within at least 2 weeks of any
serotonergic medication due to the risk of serotonin syndrome.

Other Pharmacotherapeutic Strategies

Before changing medications, the clinician should ensure that the anti-
depressant is dosed high enough (maximum Food and Drug Administra-
tion [FDA]-recommended doses with tolerable side effects) and long
enough (at least 6 to 8 weeks) before a medication trial is considered to
have failed. If this doesn’t work, switching to another antidepressant
within the same class or another class leads to a response in many
patients. When SSRIs or bupropion fail, using agents with multiple neu-
rotransmitter actions such as mirtazapine, SNRIs, TCAs (all of which act
on serotonin and norepinephrine), and sertraline (which is an SSRI with
DRI activity) can often provide a benefit.
After medication initiation, symptoms can improve in as little as 1
week (44). After about 6 to 8 weeks of therapy with little response, clini-
cians can (1) increase the dose of the current medication (if not already
30 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

done); (2) switch to a different agent from the same or another class;
(3) start combination therapy by adding a second antidepressant (e.g.,
adding bupropion, a TCA, or mirtazapine to an SSRI); or (4) in consult
with a psychiatrist, start augmentation with non-antidepressants; (5)
add psychotherapy (cognitive behavioral therapy as augmentative ther-
apy is just as effective, albeit with a slower response time, when com-
pared with the addition of a second antidepressant agent [34, 35]); (6)
refer to a psychiatrist for medication management. Augmenting agents
prescribed in collaboration with a psychiatrist can include lithium,
levothyroxine, buspirone (a serotonergic agent that is indicated for
generalized anxiety disorder), phototherapy, atypical antipsychotics
(e.g., aripiprazole), and dopaminergic agents including stimulants (e.g.,
methylphenidate) and nonstimulants such as modafinil and atomoxe-
tine. Many of these augmenting agents require expertise in psycho-
pharmacology, and we recommend a psychiatric referral in any case
where the primary care clinician feels uncomfortable with the treat-
ment plan and for all patients who require more than one augmenting
agent. See Figure 2.3 for guidance in the treatment of depression in the
CHAPTER 2 Depression

primary care setting.

Medication Side Effects

Side effects from antidepressant medications (Table 2.4) are common.
More than 60% of people on antidepressants will experience at least one
side effect. It is difficult to predict which drug will cause which side
effect for any one person. The most common side effects are constipa-
tion, daytime sleepiness, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, dry mouth, head-
ache, sexual problems, shakiness, trouble sleeping, and weight gain.
Many side effects disappear after a few weeks. Clinicians can lessen
adverse effects by starting at a low a dose, titrating upward slowly and
as tolerated, remaining attentive to the patient’s concerns, and thor-
oughly educating patients and their families about possible side effects.
Sexual side effects are largely due to serotonin or 5-HT2A activation
in SSRIs and SNRIs and can be addressed by switching to a different
medication with a different mechanism of action (e.g., bupropion or mir-
tazapine), augmenting with sildenafil (in the absence of contraindica-
tions), or augmenting with bupropion. Bupropion is also a good
alternative agent for patients who have experienced undesired weight
gain but should be avoided in patients with an anxiety, seizure, or eat-
ing disorder. If weight gain is a concern, mirtazapine and paroxetine
should not be used as first-line agents. Anxiety from an SSRI can be
addressed by lowering the dose or switching to another antidepressant.
Some clinicians may choose to prescribe a low-dose benzodiazepine
(e.g., clonazepam 0.5 mg once nightly) during the SSRI initiation phase.
If compliance is a concern, consider using once-weekly fluoxetine.
Some medicines are more likely than others to cause a discontinua-
tion syndrome from serotonin withdrawal. This is characterized by
acute headache, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, and an electrical
‘‘tingling’’ sensation (often by the ears), and even suicidal ideation. This
Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 31

Mild to Moderate Depression:

1. First-line AD (SSRI, SNRI, Bupropion, Mirtazipine) and psychoeducation or
2. Psychotherapy (CBT or IPT) and psychoeducation

Moderate to Severe Depression:

First-line AD (SSRI, SNRI, Bupropion, Mirtazipine) and psychotherapy
(CBT or IPT) and psychoeducation

Within 2 weeks and again in 6–8 weeks reassess for suicidal ideation,
access to firearms, treatment adherence, and symptom improvement

⬍25% Improvement ⬎25% Improvement

(Patient self-report or PHQ-9) (Patient self-report or PHQ-9)

Evaluate for: Maximize dose of current AD

Co-morbid anxiety or psychotic disorder
co-morbid substance abuse
psychosocial stressors

CHAPTER 2 Depression
Switch AD class (preferable)
or maximize dose or
add augmentation therapy

Within 6–8 weeks reassess for suicidal ideation, access to

firearms, treatment adherence and symptom improvement

⬍25% Improvement ⬎25% Improvement

(Patient self-report or PHQ-9) (Patient self-report or PHQ-9)

Switch AD class (If not already done) or Continue current AD

maximize dose (If not already done) or
add augmentation therapy (If not already
done) and refer for psychiatric consultation

Continue treatment for at least 4–9 months following symptom remission

SSRI: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

SNRI: Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
CBT: Cognitive behavioral therapy
IPT: Interpersonal therapy
PST: Problem solving psychotherapy
AD: Antidepressant

Figure 2.3 Primary care treatment algorithm for depression.

was initially described with the TCAs but is now more commonly asso-
ciated with missing doses of an antidepressant with a short half-life,
like paroxetine or venlafaxine. Fluoxetine is the least likely to cause a
discontinuation syndrome because its active metabolite nor fluoxetine
increases the effective half-life of fluoxetine.
32 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 2.4 Side-Effects Profile of Antidepressant Classes

SSRIs þþþ þa þ/a 0
Venlafaxine þþþ þ/ þ/ þ (› BP)
Mirtazapine þ þþþ þþ þ/
Bupropion 0 0 0 þ/ (› BP)
TCAs þþ þþ þþþ þþþ

BP, blood pressure; ECG, electrocardiogram abnormalities; SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors; TCA, tricyclic antidepressants.
Paroxetine and fluvoxamine are more likely to cause sedation and weight gain.
CHAPTER 2 Depression

Psychotropic drug–drug interactions has been the subject of

increasing clinical observation and research (45). Although this topic
is broad, there are some important issues to keep in mind in the pri-
mary care management of depression. First, MAOIs are absolutely
contraindicated with all other antidepressants due to a risk of sero-
tonin syndrome; all other antidepressants must be stopped com-
pletely and ‘‘washed out’’ for a period of at least 2 weeks before
starting an MAOI. In the case of the longer-acting fluoxetine, it must
be stopped 5 weeks before an MAOI can be started. Analogously,
MAOIs must be stopped for 2 weeks before any other antidepressant
is started. Secondly, paroxetine, duloxetine, fluvoxamine, and fluoxe-
tine can inhibit P450 enzymes in the liver and increase the serum
levels of coadministered TCAs, potentially leading to TCA toxicity.
Medications that inhibit the P450 2D6 pathway (e.g., paroxetine,
duloxetine, fluoxetine) can also dangerously increase serum levels of
coadministered beta-blockers. Fortunately, citalopram and escitalo-
pram are less likely to inhibit P450 enzymes and cause drug interac-
tions. Primary care clinicians should show caution when combining
TCAs (even in apparently small doses) with SSRIs other than citalo-
pram or escitalopram.
During the first 2 weeks following initiation of antidepressant ther-
apy, patients are more likely to experience side effects than any signifi-
cant benefit on mood state. The most important possible side effect
related to the use of antidepressants is suicidal ideation. The FDA rec-
ommends close monitoring of all patients treated with antidepressants,
particularly early in the course of treatment. These early encounters
should focus on side effects, medication adherence, and suicidal idea-
tion. A warning statement regarding a possible increased risk of suicide
has been added to the package insert of many of the commonly pre-
scribed antidepressants and with particular attention to younger age
Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 33

Duration of Treatment
Depression treatment requires at least 6 to 12 months of close follow-
up. Clinicians should follow up with patients 1 to 2 weeks after initiat-
ing therapy to help curb the high rate of medication discontinuation
during this period. Clinicians should reinforce adherence, address con-
cerns about adverse effects, and monitor for suicidality and emerging
psychosocial stressors. Clinical improvement can be quantified with the
PHQ-9. Symptom remission and return to normal functioning are the
goals of therapy.
In the first episode of depression, patients may require 1 to 6 months
of treatment before achieving remission. Once in remission, patients
should continue on the effective dose for an additional 12 months.
Recurrence of depression is common. About one third of patients
will experience a recurrence within 1 year of discontinuing treatment
and about 60% of those with major depressive disorder will have a sec-
ond episode. Individuals who have had two to three depressive episodes
have an 80% to 90% chance of having yet another episode (1). Patients
with recurrent depression should be educated about the early signs of

CHAPTER 2 Depression
depression and be on lifelong antidepressant therapy. Surveillance for
recurrence or relapse should continue indefinitely.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is usually reserved for patients with med-
ication-refractory or unresponsive depression or when urgent treatment
response is critical (e.g., in the severely medically compromised or in
patients with psychotic depression). ECT is a safe and effective treatment
for severe depression (46). Primary care providers should refer ECT candi-
dates to an experienced psychiatrist (especially one who performs ECT
regularly) to address the risks, benefits, and side effect issues of this

Although several different types of psychotherapy have been shown to
treat depression, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal
psychotherapy (IPT) provide strong evidence to support their use in
patients suffering from depression. Both forms of psychotherapy are
brief enough for incorporation into the primary care setting. The follow-
ing is an overview that is designed to provide an introduction to these
two psychotherapies.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The three ‘‘R’s’’ can be used to help the patient (recognize, reconstruct,
repeat) and the provider (read, refer, review) understand and use CBT
in the context of treating and recovering from depressive, anxiety
34 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Three R’s for the patient

Patients who are depressed know it. They do not have to contemplate or
analyze the ‘‘feeling’’ or ‘‘emotion’’ in order to understand what they are
experiencing. The first step with CBT is to simply identify the unhappy
emotion or feeling (e.g., ‘‘depression’’ or ‘‘sadness’’). Patients should also
learn to quantify the degree or severity of the emotion by using a Likert
scale (e.g., a scale from 1 to 10 can be used, where 10 indicates the most
severe depression and 1 indicates no depression).
The next step is the most critical and often the most difficult to initially
conceptualize. After labeling and quantifying the emotion, the patient is
then encouraged to recognize associated dysfunctional thought patterns.
One way to teach the patient to do this is to ask, ‘‘When you get really
depressed, what thoughts run through your head?’’ Initially, the patient
may confuse emotion with thought and answer, ‘‘I’m just very depressed.’’
Another way to help the patient recognize dysfunctional thought patterns is
to ask, ‘‘You mentioned your depression was really bad last night. What
thoughts were running through your head when you felt sad?’’ Common
examples of dysfunctional patterns include ‘‘Nobody likes me,’’ ‘‘I’m a fail-
ure at everything I do,’’ ‘‘I will never amount to anything,’’ ‘‘I will never feel
normal again,’’ and ‘‘I have always been depressed.’’ The common denomi-
CHAPTER 2 Depression

nators with these ‘‘dysfunctional thoughts’’ are twofold. First, these

thoughts are negative. Second, persistent thoughts are all or none and abso-
lute and therefore usually inaccurate.
Once the patient learns how to recognize persistent dysfunctional thoughts,
he or she can then begin to critically analyze the thoughts by writing them
down and reconstructing accurate and less absolute or rigid thoughts onto a
dysfunctional thought record (DTR). Completion of a DTR requires the
patient to write down a specific unhappy and distressing ‘‘emotion’’ or ‘‘feel-
ing’’ followed by the dysfunctional thought that occurs with it. The dysfunc-
tional thought is then analyzed by the patient for accuracy and reconstructed
into a more realistic thought. This process is usually completed immediately
following or at the time a distressful emotion is experienced. The DTR is usu-
ally completed outside of the practitioner’s office in the form of CBT ‘‘home-
work.’’ Examples of reconstructed thoughts and a DTR are listed in Tables 2.5
and 2.6, respectively.

Table 2.5 Examples of Dysfunctional Thoughts and

Reconstruction Strategies
‘‘Nobody likes me.’’ ‘‘That can’t be true because my wife
and kids love me.’’
‘‘I’m a failure at everything I do.’’ ‘‘Maybe I’m just not good in this one
‘‘I will never amount to anything.’’ ‘‘I already have a good job and I
might get a promotion next year.’’
‘‘I will never feel normal again.’’ ‘‘Depression can get better with
medication and therapy.’’
‘‘I have always been depressed.’’ ‘‘Not true—I was very happy when I
got married and graduated from
Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 35

Table 2.6 Sample Dysfunctional Thought Record (DTR)

Specify feeling ‘‘What is running through ‘‘Why is the automatic thought Respecify
Rate 1–10 (10 rated your head?’’ (NOT an inaccurate (be specific)?’’ feeling
as most intense) emotion or feeling) Rerate feeling
using 1–10
‘‘Sad’’ 9/10 ‘‘No one will ever really ‘‘Not true — my parents and wife ‘‘Sad’’ 3/10
care about me.’’ love me even when I am irritable
and unhappy.’’
‘‘Depressed’’ 8/10 ‘‘I will never amount to ‘‘I actually have a great job and my ‘‘Depressed’’
anything.’’ kids see me as a great dad.. . . I 2/10
think I am just feeling low
‘‘Really down’’ 9/10 ‘‘I would be much better off ‘‘Who would take care of my fam- ‘‘Down’’ 5/10
dead.’’ ily if I were actually dead?’’
‘‘I’m worthless and have no ‘‘The depression makes my energy
energy.’’ lower but I can still function.’’
‘‘I feel worthless at this moment

CHAPTER 2 Depression
but I know my boss relies on me.’’

CBT is a lifelong tool that can be used by patients to recognize early signs
of depression and initiate treatment. A DTR should be used indefinitely by
all patients who have a history of major depressive disorder. The patient is
encouraged to use the DTR during times of worsening depression or stress,
and a prethought reconstruction and postthought reconstruction Likert
scale should be used to quantify the improvement in mood, as illustrated
in Table 2.6.

Three R’s for the practitioner

Time constraints and inexperience may prevent primary care practitioners
from providing the traditional form of CBT. Abbreviated CBT (ACBT) can be
used in the medical setting. This chapter provides only a brief overview of
ACBT; interested providers should consult with additional resources in
order to become more proficient with this mode of therapy. The first few
sections of Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by Dr. David Burns provides
a nice introduction for both the patient and the practitioner (43).
Patients who have severe depression or suicidal ideation should be imme-
diately referred to a psychiatrist. Patients who lack motivation to complete
the CBT homework should be referred to a CBT therapist. Many primary
care practitioners may elect to refer depressed patients for regularly sched-
uled CBT sessions and briefly follow up with them in the medical clinic.
Understanding CBT principles will improve communication between pri-
mary care providers, CBT providers, and their shared patients.
Review the DTR
Regardless of whether a depressed patient undergoes CBT through self-
study or an external therapist, it may be helpful to briefly review the DTR
on each visit. Much like the blood glucose log of a diabetic patient, review-
ing the DTR can create a ‘‘team approach’’ to the treatment of depression
while supplementing the treatment rendered by the psychotherapist.
36 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

.............................................. Interpersonal Psychotherapy

.............................................. Interpersonal psychotherapy is also effective in treating depression but
Reasons for Routine is not readily provided by primary care practitioners. IPT is a brief ther-
Psychiatric Referrals
apy (lasting about 3 to 4 months) and focuses on examining relation-
• Primary care provider is
uncertain of diagnosis or ships. During stressful times in a relationship, many depressed patients
uncomfortable with man- will deliberately self-isolate due to dysfunctional thought patterns and a
aging the treatment plan
related transient drop in self-esteem. The therapist helps the patient
• Suboptimal response to discover healthy coping mechanisms to replace the maladaptive inter-
commonly prescribed
antidepressants personal conflicts. Depressed patients who have interpersonal isolation
• Repeated adverse effects or numerous conflicts with relationships should be referred for IPT.
to medications
• Atypical symptoms (e.g.,
increased appetite and Practice Pointers
• Psychotic or manic Case 1: Screening for depression
symptoms A 42-year-old woman presents to your office complaining of insomnia. She
• Comorbid anxiety reports 4 weeks of insomnia, decreased appetite, weight loss, fatigue, and
disorder depressed mood. She continues to work but socializes less than usual. Twenty
years ago she had a similar episode and sought a brief course of counseling. Her
Reasons for Urgent symptoms improved over several months. She has never been on medications for
Psychiatric Referrals
depression and has no family history of mental illness. She denies suicidal idea-
• Suicidal ideation, intent, tion or access to firearms. Her examination is notable for tearfulness and a
or plan blunted affect, but is otherwise normal. Her PHQ-9 score is 9, consistent with
• Homicidal ideation, mild to moderate depression.
intent, or plan
• Grave disability due to Discussion: The clinician should first screen this patient for past or current manic,
psychopathology (e.g., psychotic, or anxious symptoms. Once the diagnosis of major depressive disorder has
unable to provide shelter, been established, she should be asked about her preference for psychotherapy or
food, or clothing) medications. Should she prefer psychotherapy, the primary care physician should
• Worsening baseline psy- assist with a referral to a local therapist and briefly introduce her to CBT. Should she
chotic symptoms prefer medication, an SSRI is a reasonable choice to start and the primary care pro-
• Need for alcohol or illicit vider should clearly discuss potential side effects. If she tolerates the initial dose well
drug detoxification and with minimal side effects, the clinician should repeat her PHQ-9. If she shows a
• Need for ECT greater than 25% improvement in score, the clinician and patient can discuss the
benefits and potential risks of increasing her dose of antidepressant medication. She
should be treated for at least 9 to 12 months after symptom remission and her clini-
cian should continue to assess for recurrent depression and suicidal thoughts during
subsequent routine primary care visits.

Case 2: Severe depression and combination therapy

Ms. J is a 29-year-old woman coming to you reporting that her depression has
returned. She has struggled with depression and anxiety since she was a teen-
ager and has even spent 3 months in a psychiatric hospital where her treatment
included ECT. She recently moved and is hoping to establish care. At times, Ms. J
feels ‘‘hopeless’’ and states, ‘‘I think I will always be depressed because I have
never been anything else.’’ She is not suicidal at this time and does not have
access to firearms or prescription medications at home. You decide to refer her
to a psychiatrist for management of her depression.

Discussion: Although recurrent or severe depression is best managed in consultation

with a psychiatrist, there are many preventive measures that can be employed.
Ideally, given the long-standing history of recurrent depression, Ms. J should have
been on lifelong antidepressant therapy. Given her ‘‘all or none’’ dysfunctional
thought patterns (e.g., feelings of no hope and persistent depression), she is a good
candidate for CBT.
Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 37

Ms. J would likely benefit from an antidepressant. Given her history of anxiety, a
low-dose SSRI or SNRI might work well. Ms J should be followed closely and monitored
for changes in depressive symptoms, medication side effects, and suicidal ideation.

Major Depression
Single Episode 296.2x
Recurrent Episode 296.3x
Depressive Disorder NOS 311
Dysthymic Disorder 300.4
Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood 309.0
Mood Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition] 293.83

0 Unspecified
1 Mild
2 Moderate
3 Severe, without Psychosis
4 Severe, with Psychosis

CHAPTER 2 Depression
5 In Partial or Unspecified Remission
6 In Full Remission

Practical Resources
Screening for Depression: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF):
Geriatric Depression Scale:
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale:
National Alliance on Mental Illness:
National Institute for Mental Health:
The MacArthur Foundation on Depression and Primary Care at Dartmouth and Duke: http://www.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Medline Plus:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) review of effective depression treatments: http://
FDA Drug Safety Guide:

1. Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric
Association; 1994.

2. Frasure-Smith N. The Montreal Heart Attack Readjustment Trial. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 1995;15:103–106.

3. Gartlehner G, Hansen RA, Thieda P, et al. Comparative effectiveness of second-generation antide-

pressants in the pharmacologic treatment of adult depression. Comparative effectiveness review no.
7. Bethesda, MD: AHRQ; 2007.

4. Frasure-Smith N, Lesperance F. Reflections on depression as a cardiac risk factor. Psychosom Med.

2005;67(Suppl 1):S19–25.

5. Katon W, Schulberg H. Epidemiology of depression in primary care. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1992;14:

6. Pignone MP, Gaynes BN, Rushton JL, et al. Screening for depression in adults: a summary of the evi-
dence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med. 2002;136:765–776.

7. Beck CT. Predictors of postpartum depression: an update. Nurs Res. 2001;50:275–285.

8. Kendler KS, Gardner CO, Prescott CA. Clinical characteristics of major depression that predict risk of
depression in relatives. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1999;56:322–327.

9. Bergman-Evans B. A health profile of spousal Alzheimer’s caregivers. Depression and physical

health characteristics. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 1994;32:25–30.

10. Bottomley A. Depression in cancer patients: a literature review. Eur J Cancer Care. 1998;7:181–191.
38 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

11. Popkin MK, Callies AL, Lentz RD, et al. Prevalence of major depression, simple phobia, and other
psychiatric disorders in patients with long-standing type I diabetes mellitus. Arch Gen Psychiatry.

12. Anderson RJ, Freedland KE, Clouse RE, et al. The prevalence of comorbid depression in adults with
diabetes: a meta-analysis. Diabetes Care. 2001;24:1069–1078.

13. House A, Dennis M, Mogridge L, et al. Mood disorders in the year after first stroke. Br J Psychiatry.

14. Schleifer SJ, Macari-Hinson MM, Coyle DA, et al. The nature and course of depression following
myocardial infarction. Arch Intern Med. 1989;149:1785–1789.

15. de Maat MM, Hoetelmans RM, Math t RA, et al. Drug interaction between St John’s wort and nevira-
pine. AIDS. 2001;15:420–421.

16. Stunkard AJ, Faith MS, Allison KC. Depression and obesity. Biol Psychiatry. 2003;54:330–337.

17. Onyike CU, Crum RM, Lee HB, et al. Is obesity associated with major depression? Results from the
Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Am J Epidemiol. 2003;158:1139–1147.

18. Screening for depression: recommendations and rationale. Ann Intern Med. 2002;136:760–764.

19. Mulrow CD, Williams JW Jr, Gerety MB, et al. Case-finding instruments for depression in primary
care settings. Ann Intern Med. 1995;122:913–921.

20. Whooley MA, Avins AL, Miranda J, et al. Case-finding instruments for depression: two questions are
as good as many. J Gen Intern Med. 1997;12:439–445.

21. Lowe B, Unutzer J, Callahan CM, et al. Monitoring depression treatment outcomes with the Patient
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22. Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB. Validation and utility of a self-report version of PRIME-MD: the
PHQ primary care study. Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders. Patient Health Questionnaire.
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23. Brody DS, Hahn SR, Spitzer RL, et al. Identifying patients with depression in the primary care set-
ting: a more efficient method. Arch Intern Med. 1998;158:2469–2475.

24. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Depres-
sion Guideline Panel. Depression in Primary Care. Vol. 2. Treatment of Major Depression. Clinical Practice
Guideline No. 5. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 1993.

25. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Depres-
sion Guideline Panel. Depression in Primary Care. Vol. 1. Detection and Diagnosis. Clinical Practice Guideline
No. 5. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 1993.

26. Hamilton MA. A rating scale for depression. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1960;23:56–62.

27. Hawley CJ, Gale TM, Sivakumaran T. How does the threshold score to enter a major depression trial
influence the size of the available patient population for study? J Aff Disord. 2002;71:181–187.

28. Zimmerman M, Posternak MA, Chelminsk I. Heterogeneity among depressed outpatients considered
to be in remission. Compr Psychiatry. 2007;48:113–117.

29. Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, et al. An inventory of measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry.

30. Zung WW. A self-rating depression scale. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1965;12:63–70.

31. WISQARS. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics
Query and Reporting System). Available at: Accessed May 24, 2007.

32. Carney SS, Rich CL, Burke PA, et al. Suicide over 60: the San Diego study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1994;42:

33. Luoma JB, Martin CE, Pearson JL. Contact with mental health and primary care providers before sui-
cide: a review of the evidence. Am J Psychiatry. 2002;159:909–916.

34. Rush AJ, Trivedi MH, Wisniewski SR, et al. Acute and longer-term outcomes in depressed outpa-
tients requiring one or several treatment steps: a STAR*D report. Am J Psychiatry. 2006;163:1905–1917.

35. Thase ME, Friedman ES, Biggs MM, et al. Cognitive therapy versus medication in augmentation and
switch strategies as second-step treatments: a STAR*D report. Am J Psychiatry. 2007;164:739–752.

36. Kirmayer LJ, Groleau D, Guzder J, et al. Cultural consultation: a model of mental health service for
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37. Thase ME, Greenhouse JB, Frank E, et al. Treatment of major depression with psychotherapy or
psychotherapy–pharmacotherapy combinations. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1997;54:1009–1015.

38. Burns DD. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy. New York: Avon Books; 1999.

39. Linde K, Mulrow CD, Berner M, et al. St John’s wort for depression. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
Chapter 2 Mood Disorders—Depression 39

40. Malt UF, Robak OH, Madsbu HP, et al. The Norwegian naturalistic treatment study of depression in
general practice (NORDEP)-I: randomised double blind study. BMJ. 1999;318:1180–1184.

41. Schulberg HC, Katon W, Simon GE, et al. Treating major depression in primary care practice: an
update of the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Practice Guidelines. Arch Gen Psychiatry.

42. Trivedi MH, Fava M, Wisniewski SR, et al. Medication augmentation after the failure of SSRIs for
depression. N Engl J Med. 2006;354:1243–1252.

43. Rush AJ, Trivedi MH, Wisniewski SR, et al. Bupropion-SR, sertraline, or venlafaxine-XR after failure
of SSRIs for depression. N Engl J Med. 2006;354:1231–1242.

44. Taylor MJ, Freemantle N, Geddes JR, et al. Early onset of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor anti-
depressant action: systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006;63:1217–1223.

45. Sandson NB, Armstrong SC, Cozza KL. An overview of psychotropic drug-drug interactions. Psychoso-
matics. 2005;46:464–494.

46. Fink M, Taylor MA. Electroconvulsive therapy: evidence and challenges. JAMA. 2007;298:330–332.

CHAPTER 2 Depression
3 Mood Disorders—
Bipolar Disorder
Donald M. Hilty, MD • Martin H. Leamon, MD • Elizabeth N.
Gutierrez, MD • Donald R. Ebersole, MD • Russell F. Lim, MD

... ... Clinical Significance

A 35-year-old man presents to the outpatient clinic with the
... ...
Establishing an accurate diagnosis
following request: ‘‘I want to be checked for high blood
... ...
and appropriate treatment plan for
... pressure.’’ During the interview, the patient states, ‘‘I was ...
CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

patients with bipolar disorder in the

...on fluoxetine a few years ago and my wife thinks I need ...
something to take the edge off.’’ Currently he is not feeling ...
primary medical setting is challeng-
depressed, but his wife encouraged him to discuss his
ing (1). The lifetime prevalence of
... ...
bipolar I and bipolar II disorders has
episodic irritability at this visit. These episodes appear in ...
been estimated to be 1.0% and 0.8%,
waves of weeks, several times per year. He mentioned that ...
respectively (2). Bipolar disorder is a
his wife took him to the emergency room for a prior
... ...
significant source of morbidity and
‘‘episode.’’ mortality. The World Health Organi-
zation (WHO) found bipolar disorder
to be the world’s sixth leading cause
of disability (adjusted life years) for people aged 15 to 44 years. As many
as 25% to 50% of bipolar patients attempt suicide during their lifetime
and about 15% of inadequately treated bipolar patients die by suicide.
Additionally, up to 30% of depressed and anxious patients who present
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS to primary care settings may have an underlying bipolar disorder (3, 4).
Therefore, health service utilization rates for patients with bipolar disor-
• The ‘‘building blocks’’ for
both bipolar spectrum der are increasing and many patients are presenting to their primary
disorders include depres- care providers for treatment.
sive, hypomanic, manic,
and mixed episodes.
Patients with bipolar dis-
order I must have had at
least one manic or mixed Diagnosis
episode and those with
bipolar II must have had The diagnosis of bipolar disorder is often difficult due to its fluctuating
at least one depressive course and variable presentation. Patients usually present in a
and one hypomanic epi-
sode. The principle differ- depressed state rather than a manic state. Furthermore, they may not
ence between a manic accurately recall previous manic episodes. A misdiagnosis of bipolar
and a hypomanic episode
is that the former must depression as unipolar or major depressive disorder can lead to ineffec-
result in significant social tive and possibly adverse treatment outcomes. The National Depressive
or occupational dysfunc- and Manic-Depressive Association survey of bipolar members showed
tion or need for psychiat-
ric admission. an average delay of 8 years between the first presentation to mental
health professionals and correct diagnosis.
40 (Continued )
Chapter 3 Mood Disorders—Bipolar Disorder 41

The ‘‘building blocks’’ for both bipolar spectrum disorders include

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS manic, hypomanic, mixed, and depressive episodes. The Diagnostic and
(Continued) Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., text revision (DSM-IV-TR),
• Most patients with bipo- defines a manic episode as ‘‘a distinct period of abnormally and persis-
lar disorder present with
depression, so it is impor- tently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week, or
tant to screen for bipolar any duration if hospitalization is necessary’’ (5). During this period of
disorder in all patients
mood disturbance, other manic symptoms also have to be present
who present with depres-
sive symptoms. (Table 3.1). More importantly, the mood disturbance should be suffi-
• The classic presentation ciently severe to cause impairment in functioning. The criteria for a
of bipolar mania may be hypomanic episode are the same for a manic episode, except the duration
absent in many patients.
of the mood disturbance is at least 4 days rather than 1 week, and the
There is a delay in an
accurate diagnosis of disturbance causes less impairment in functioning without the need for
bipolar disorder that psychiatric hospitalization. A mixed episode is defined as a period lasting
averages about 8 years
after the initial presenta- 1 week when the criteria for both a depressive episode and a manic epi-
tion to a mental health sode are simultaneously met. During this week, the individual may
experience mood fluctuation between depression, irritability, unex-
• Up to 30% of depressed plained agitation, and euphoria. A depressive episode is defined as the
and anxious patients who

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

present to primary care presence of either a depressed mood or loss of interest in pleasurable
settings may have an activities for at least 2 weeks. Four other symptoms (e.g., sleep disturb-
underlying bipolar
ance, weight changes, decreased energy and concentration, guilty
thoughts, psychomotor changes, and suicidal ideation) must also be
• Bipolar disorder is a
chronic disease with an present during this same time period.
episodic, relapsing-remit- The diagnosis of bipolar I disorder is made with the presence (or his-
ting condition that
tory) of at least one manic or mixed episode. The diagnosis of bipolar II
requires long-term
treatment. disorder is indicated with the presence (or history) of at least one major
• Bipolar disorder occurs depressive and one hypomanic episode. It is important to remember
frequently with substance that most bipolar patients spend more time in depressed episodes than
use disorders and atten-
manic episodes, but the presence of one or more hypomanic or manic
tion deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD). episodes changes the diagnosis from unipolar (i.e., major depressive dis-
• The contemporary treat- order) to bipolar disorder.
ment of bipolar acute
manic or mixed states
involves the use of combi-
nation therapy with a
mood stabilizer and a sec-
ond-generation antipsy-
chotic (SGA). Table 3.1 DSM-IV-TR Criteria for a Manic Episode
• Treatment options for
bipolar depression A. A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or
include lamotrigine, lith- irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week (or any duration if hospitalization is
ium, quetiapine, and an necessary)
antidepressant combined B. During the period of mood disturbance, three (or more) of the following
with a mood stabilizer or symptoms have persisted (four if the mood is only irritable) and have been
SGA. As a general rule, present to a significant degree:
antidepressants should 1. Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
not be used as monother- 2. Decreased need for sleep
apy to treat a bipolar 3. More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking
spectrum disorder. 4. Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing
5. Distractibility
6. Increase in goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation
7. Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high poten-
tial for painful consequences

From Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington
DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2002.
42 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 3.2 Screening Questions for Manic and Hypomanic Episodes

1. ‘‘Have you ever felt the complete opposite of depressed, where friends and family were
worried about you because you were too happy?’’
2. ‘‘Have you ever had excessive amounts of energy running through your body, to the
point where you did not need to sleep for days?’’
• ‘‘How long did these symptoms last?’’
• ‘‘During these periods, did you feel like your thoughts were going really fast and it
was hard to focus?’’
• ‘‘During these periods, did people comment that you were talking really fast?’’
• ‘‘During these periods, did you ever make impulsive decisions that you regretted later
(e.g., spending too much money or being sexually promiscuous)?’’
• ‘‘During any of these periods, did your behaviors get you into trouble at work, at
home, or with the law, or cause you to end up in the hospital?’’
• ‘‘During these periods, were you using any alcohol or substances?’’

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

For patients who do not clearly present in a manic episode, it can be

challenging to elicit the history of a previous manic episode. Some sam-
ple interview questions designed to increase recognition of a prior
manic or hypomanic episode are presented in Table 3.2. Grouping sev-
eral symptoms together and specifically asking whether they occurred
simultaneously can be more revealing when establishing a manic or
hypomanic episode. When patients report that their mood episodes last
for only a few minutes or hours or less than a day, the differential diag-
nosis may include a rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, malingering, and per-
sonality disorders. Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder occurs infrequently and is
defined by the presence of four or more discrete mood (depressive or
manic) episodes within 12 months.
The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is a validated, self- or
clinician-administered questionnaire that takes about 5 minutes to com-
plete and consists of 17 questions (6) (Figure 3.1). The first section con-
tains 13 questions with yes or no answers about possible symptoms.
The second section asks whether the symptoms occurred simultane-
ously, whereas the other questions assess severity, family history, and
past diagnosis. A positive screen consists of seven or more affirmative
answers to item 1, an affirmative answer to item 2, and at least a ‘‘mod-
erate or serious’’ problem for section 3. The MDQ can identify 7 of 10
patients with bipolar disorder and eliminates 9 of 10 without it. The
MDQ has also been validated in the general medical population (7).
In addition to screening for depression and mania, a sleep history
should be obtained. Patients with mania or hypomania often report
chronic insomnia or episodes of decreased need for sleep. On examina-
tion, patients with mania often present with rapid, pressured speech
that may be difficult to interrupt. They may be highly distractible or
fidgety and have a hard time focusing on the interview. Racing thoughts
may explicitly manifest as a flight of ideas (when the interview jumps
from one topic to the next) or looseness of association (when multiple
disconnected topics are discussed). The content of their thoughts may
Chapter 3 Mood Disorders—Bipolar Disorder 43

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

Figure 3.1. The mood disorder questionnaire (6). (

C 2000 by American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Reprinted with per-
mission. This instrument is designed for screening purposes only and is not to be used as a diagnostic tool.)
44 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

be grandiose or delusional and themes of exaggerated power and

achievement are often present.
A review of medical conditions, past psychiatric history, substance
use, and current medications are indicated, as well as a physical exami-
nation and basic laboratory studies (e.g., thyroid function tests and
urine toxicology). Collateral information from significant others, family
members, and friends should be obtained whenever possible to remedy
any recall errors.

Differential Diagnosis
Manic or depressive symptoms can be indicators of general medical,
substance use, mood, or psychotic disorders (Table 3.3). The general
approach is to rule out treatable general medical conditions, to identify
substance-induced disorders, and then to differentiate among the mood
and psychotic disorders. General medical conditions that may mimic
manic or depressive symptoms include neurologic, infectious, immuno-
CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

logic, metabolic, and endocrine disorders.

Acute intoxication with stimulants such as methamphetamine or
cocaine can mimic a manic episode, whereas withdrawal from these
substances can mimic a depressive episode. Chronic use of any sub-
stance can also induce chronic mood changes that can be difficult to

Table 3.3 Medications and Medical Conditions Associated with

Mood Disturbances
Medications Substance Conditions
• Antidepressants Intoxication
• Corticosteroids • Alcohol
• Dopamine agonists • Amphetamines
• Isoniazid • Cocaine
• Interferon • Caffeine
• Opioids • Phencyclidine
• Sedatives-hypnotics • Hallucinogens
• Stimulants Withdrawal
• Sympathomimetics • Alcohol
General Medical Conditions • Barbiturates
• Adrenal disorders • Benzodiazepines
• CNS infections (e.g., HIV, herpes, Other Psychiatric Conditions
syphilis) • Schizoaffective disorder
• Brain tumor • Schizophrenia
• Huntington disease • Major depressive disorder
• Multiple sclerosis • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
• Parkinson disease • Borderline personality disorder
• Porphyria • Narcissistic personality disorder
• Seizure disorder
• Stroke
• Systemic lupus erythematosus
• Thyroid disorder
• Traumatic brain injury
• Vasculitis
• Vitamin B12 deficiency
• Wilson disease

CNS, central nervous system; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

Chapter 3 Mood Disorders—Bipolar Disorder 45

distinguish from a primary mood disorder. Therefore, it is important to

inquire about the existence of any mood disturbances during periods of
Among psychiatric disorders, bipolar depression must be distin-
guished from major depression (by the absence of manic or hypomanic
episodes) and less severe forms of depression including adjustment
disorder, and dysthymia. Acute manic or mixed episodes may also
present with psychotic symptoms, often making it difficult to distin-
guish from a primary psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. Psy-
chosis from a manic episode tends to be more grandiose and less
bizarre or disorganized than the psychosis related to schizophrenia.
Some patients meet the criteria of schizophrenia and a mood disorder
(either bipolar disorder or major depressive disorders) and are diag-
nosed with schizoaffective disorder, depressive or bipolar type. In these
patients, the psychosis persists even when the mood symptoms are
absent (Figure 3.2).
Other psychiatric disorders may contain symptoms that overlap

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

with bipolar disorder, making the differential diagnosis even more com-
plex. These symptoms include hyperactivity, distractibility, and the
impulsivity seen with ADHD and mood lability and impulsivity seen
with borderline and cluster B personality disorders (8). Usually, ADHD
.................................................. and personality disorders have a more consistent and chronic course
with a preadolescent onset whereas bipolar disorder has an episodic
relapsing-remitting course with symptom-free periods in between epi-
• Major depressive disorder
(unipolar) sodes. In practice, bipolar disorder is often difficult to distinguish from
ADHD or borderline personality disorder. These conditions are often
• Substance-induced mood
disorders highly comorbid and therefore the same patient may have bipolar disor-
• Medication-induced der and ADHD or borderline personality disorder.
mood disorder
• Attention deficit hyperac- Biopsychosocial Treatment
tivity disorder
• Borderline personality
disorder The principles of bipolar disorder management are outlined in Table 3.4
• General medical (9). In general, pharmacotherapy is a key component for the treatment
conditions of bipolar disorder. The number of medications with Food and Drug
• Suicidal ideation Administration (FDA) indications for both bipolar mania and depression
has expanded rapidly over the last decade. Nevertheless, a strong, trust-
ing therapeutic relationship is fundamental for enhancing adherence to
treatment, detecting recurrence of illness, and addressing psychosocial
stressors. Patients require ongoing education regarding the illness, treat-
ment options, medication side effects, and impact of the illness on
family and friends, employment, and finances. When needed, families
often provide support, living arrangements, and input on treatment
adherence. National organizations also offer significant education and
social support (see Practical Resources).

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) treatment guideline for
bipolar disorder provides an evidence-based and detailed overview of
46 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Depressive, manic/hypomanic
or mixed episode

Due to medication or illicit drugs



Elevated, expansive, or irritable Yes

mood, ⬎1-week duration; marked BIPOLAR I, MRE MANIC
impairment or hospitalization


Hypomanic-manic and depressive Yes

episode criteria concurrently for ⬎1 week
CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder


Euphoric or irritable mood, ⬎4-days; Yes

did not require hospitalization


Clinical manic/hypomanic symptoms Yes

but does not meet all criteria BIPOLAR DISORDER NOS
for specific bipolar disorder


⬎2 weeks of depressed mood,

anhedonia, and other
depressive symptoms

Previous history of Yes BIPOLAR DISORDER, MRE,

mixed episode


Figure 3.2. Diagnostic algorithm for bipolar disorders. (Adapted with permission from Diagnosis
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington DC: American
Psychiatric Association; 2002: Appendix A.)

the treatment for bipolar disorder (10). Manic episodes frequently

require psychiatric hospitalization. For acute bipolar mania, a mood stabi-
lizer (except lamotrigine) is generally indicated in combination with an
SGA (11). SGAs have FDA approval for acute bipolar manic and mixed
episodes (Table 3.5). For bipolar depression, lamotrigine, lithium, quetia-
pine, and an antidepressant combined with a mood stabilizer or an SGA
are possible options. There is currently no FDA-approved medication
Chapter 3 Mood Disorders—Bipolar Disorder 47

Table 3.4 Treatment Principles for Bipolar Disorder

All Patients
• Establish and maintain a positive therapeutic relationship
• Monitor the patient’s status to detect recurrence of symptoms early
• Provide education about treatment and risks of relapse
• Promote regular patterns of activity and wakefulness
• Promote understanding of and adaptation to psychosocial stressors
• Discourage the use of tobacco, alcohol, or excessive caffeine
• Engage the patient and family in management decisions
• Collaborate with the psychiatrist as indicated (e.g., management of the high-risk, bipolar
• Communicate with the entire treatment team
• Bipolar mania: Mood stabilizer and second-generation antipsychotic (SGA)
• Bipolar hypomania: Mood stabilizer or SGA
• Bipolar depression: Lithium, lamotrigine, quetiapine, antidepressants with mood stabilizer
or SGA
• Bipolar maintenance: Mood stabilizer and/or SGA, lamotrigine
Women of Reproductive Age
• Discuss and document the patient’s birth control method

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

• Discuss and document potential risks for fetal exposure to medication
• Encourage proper nutrition, exercise, and vitamin supplementation
• Inquire about future plans for pregnancy and emphasize pre-pregnancy consultation
The Pregnant Patient
• Discuss and document benefits and risks of treatment options and decisions thoroughly
• Develop a treatment plan to manage mania, depression, and psychosis during pregnancy,
with a low threshold for inpatient psychiatric hospitalization
Geriatric and Medically Compromised Patients
• ‘‘Start low, go slow’’
• Carefully evaluate the risks of reduced liver and renal clearance

specifically for the treatment of bipolar II disorder, per se. The hypoma-
nia of bipolar II may be treated with a mood stabilizer and/or an SGA.
The approach to the treatment of depression is similar for both bipolar I
and bipolar II disorders. Antidepressants should be used with caution in
patients with bipolar disorder (particularly when used as monotherapy)
because it carries a small but unpredictable risk of inducing mania and
agitation (12).

Bipolar Mania/Hypomania: Mood Stabilizers

Mood stabilizers (Table 3.6) include lithium and the anticonvulsants,
divalproex sodium, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine. Lithium, divalproex
sodium, and carbamazepine (and its metabolite oxcarbazepine) are the
mainstay treatments for acute bipolar mania (usually as part of combi-
nation therapy with SGA) and hypomania (as monotherapy). Gabapentin
and topiramate have not been demonstrated to be efficacious in random-
ized placebo-controlled trials and meta-analyses, respectively, and are not
recommended for routine care.
Lithium is dosed for a therapeutic serum level between 0.6 and 1.2
mEq/mL. It has been demonstrated to reduce suicide risk in large sam-
ples of patients, probably because of its antidepressant action, but it is
potentially lethal due to its narrow therapeutic window. Common side
CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

Table 3.5 Mood Stabilizers and Antipsychotic Medications with FDA Indications for Bipolar Disorder

Acute mania or þ þ þ – þ þ þ þ þ –
b b
Bipolar – – – – þ – – þ
d d d
Bipolar þ – þ þ – – –
Adapted from American Psychiatric Association. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder (revision). Am J Psychiatry. 2002;159 (Suppl):1–50; and Physician Desk
Reference 2008.
Lithium and lamotrigine are commonly used for bipolar depression, although they do not have specific FDA indications for bipolar depression.
In clinical practice, most of the antipsychotics are effective treatments for bipolar maintenance.
Mood stabilizers are commonly used for bipolar maintenance therapy.
Table 3.6 Mood Stabilizers for Bipolar Disorder
Lithium 300 mg BID/TID 0.6–1.2 mEq/L Steady-state level Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, tremor, Check lithium level 5–7 days after
May be dosed (acute mania) reached in 4–5 fatigue, polyuria, acne, worsening each dose change
QHS if tolerated days psoriasis, diabetes insipidus Every 3 months: lithium level, TSH,
Increase by ECG changes (mainly benign T-wave metabolic panel
increments of changes) Lithium toxicity risk increased by:
300–600 mg, Hypothyroidism 1. Drugs that decrease glomerular
as tolerated Toxicity (confusion, ataxia, dysarthria, filtration rate, which increase
coma) lithium levels (NSAIDs, ACE
High caution in those with renal inhibitors, diuretics)
insufficiency 2. Conditions that cause volume
Potentially lethal due to its narrow depletion or ‘‘dehydration’’
therapeutic window (e.g., severe vomiting/diarrhea)
Pregnancy category (D)
Divalproex 500–1,000 mg 85–125 mg/mL Steady-state level Sedation Baseline, 3-month, 6-month, and
Sodium BID (25 mg/ (acute mania) reached in 3–5 Tremor annually thereafter: VPA level,
(Depakote) kg/day for days Weight gain CBC, AST, and ALT
acute mania) Increase by 500– Hypersensitivity
Extended 1,000 mg/day, Thrombocytopenia
release (ER) as tolerated Transaminitis
dosed 500– Hyperammonemia
2,000 mg QHS Encephalopathy
Pregnancy category (D)
Carbamazepine ER 200 mg BID Not established Steady-state level Dizziness Baseline, 3-month, 6-month, and
(Tegretol) for bipolar reached in 3–4 Somnolence annually thereafter:
disorder days Stevens-Johnson syndrome carbamazepine level, CBC, serum
Increase by 200 Hyponatremia (SIADH) chemistry, liver enzymes
mg/day (up Leukopenia, pancytopenia,
to 1,600 mg/ thrombocytopenia
day), as Hepatitis
tolerated Drug interactions common
Pregnancy category (D)

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder
CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

Table 3.6 Mood Stabilizers for Bipolar Disordera (Continued)
Oxcarbazepine 300 mg BID Not established Increased by 300 Fatigue Serum sodium during maintenance
(Trileptal) for bipolar mg/day, as Ataxia treatment (interval not
disorder tolerated Hyponatremia established; consider every 3–4
Stevens-Johnson syndrome months)
Pregnancy category (C)
Lamotrigine 25 mg/day Not established 25 mg/day for 2 Rash Signs of rash
(Lamictal)c for bipolar weeks, then 50 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
disorder mg/day for 2 Hepatitis
weeks, then 100 Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
mg/day for 1 Pregnancy category (C)
week, then 200
mg/day (dose
titration pack
available), as

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ALT, alanine transaminase; AST, aspartate transaminase; CBC, complete blood count; ECG, electrocardiogram; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; VPA, valproic acid.
Adapted with permission from Scherk H, Pajonk FG, Leucht S. Second-generation antipsychotic agents in the treatment of acute mania: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007;64:442–455; and Physician Desk Reference 2008.
Starting dose is for average adult patients. Elderly patients and patients with hepatic and renal disease should have lower starting doses. Frequent monitoring is required for those who
have severe symptoms.
For bipolar depression and maintenance, not for acute bipolar mania.
Even slower titration when used with divalproex sodium and hepatic enzyme-inducing drugs (alternate dose titration pack is available).
Chapter 3 Mood Disorders—Bipolar Disorder 51

effects of lithium include gastrointestinal upset, polydipsia, polyuria

(usually related to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus), weight gain, cogni-
tive impairment, tremor, leukocytosis, acne, psoriasis, and hypothyr-
oidism. Extended-release forms (Lithobid, Lithium ER, Eskalith) may
have fewer gastrointestinal side effects. Laboratory monitoring
includes baseline pregnancy test for women of reproductive age, elec-
trolytes, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and in those older than
45 years of age or with heart disease, baseline electrocardiogram (ECG).
A therapeutic level of lithium is usually achieved after 4 to 5 days. Sub-
sequently, lithium level, electrolytes (for renal function), and TSH
should be checked every 3 months in the first 6 months, and then
every 6 months or as clinically indicated (10). Lithium toxicity should
be suspected when a patient presents with acute nausea, dysarthria,
lethargy, confusion, or ataxia.
Divalproex sodium for bipolar mania is started at 25 mg/kg to tar-
get a serum concentration between 85 and 125 mg/mL. It may also
offer broader coverage for irritable, mixed manic episodes and rapid-

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

cycling bipolar disorder. Use of divalproex sodium during pregnancy
can cause congenital malformations including neural tube defects.
Divalproex sodium should be considered for women of childbearing
potential only after the risks have been thoroughly discussed with
the patient and weighed against the potential benefits of treatment.
Common side effects of divalproex sodium include sedation, tremor,
diarrhea, weight gain, and benign elevation of liver transaminases.
Rarely leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, pancreatitis, and hepatotoxicity
occur. Encephalopathy and hyperammonemia may occur, especially
in patients with liver impairment. Risks for hepatic failure include
polypharmacy, developmental disability, metabolic disorders, and
active or past liver disease; otherwise, the risk for hepatotoxicity is
approximately 1 in 500,000 (10). Laboratory monitoring includes val-
proic acid levels as indicated to ensure adherence and adequate dos-
ing, as well as at baseline and 3 and 6 months into treatment and
then annually thereafter. Liver enzymes and a complete blood count
(CBC) should be checked annually. A therapeutic level is usually
achieved after 4 to 5 days.
Carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine are similar in chemical struc-
ture. Carbamazepine induces its own metabolism and that of many
other drugs by the liver (e.g., oral contraceptives). Side effects include
sedation, nausea, ataxia, and, rarely, leukopenia, hyponatremia (due to
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone [SIADH]), aplastic ane-
mia, hepatic failure, rash, and exfoliative dermatitis (e.g., Stevens-
Johnson syndrome). Oxcarbazepine, a metabolite of carbamazepine, is
not FDA approved for bipolar disorder, but may have fewer side effects
than carbamazepine and is sometimes used by psychiatrists for the
treatment of refractory bipolar disorder. Laboratory monitoring for car-
bamazepine includes baseline, 3-month, 6-month, and then annual
serum sodium, liver enzymes, and CBC. Oxcarbazepine may cause
52 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

hyponatremia and therefore monitoring of sodium is recommended.

Typical doses are 200 to 400 mg BID for carbamazepine and 300 to 600
mg BID for oxcarbazepine.

Bipolar Mania/Hypomania: Second-Generation Antipsychotics

Second-generation antipsychotics are approved for bipolar mania
(Table 3.7) and are often used for hypomania or bipolar II disorder.
Sedation is a major side effect with olanzapine and quetiapine, and
these medications may be selected especially when insomnia is a
prominent symptom. There is a small chance of tardive dyskinesia
with SGAs. Extrapyramidal side effects (EPS) are most prominent with
risperidone. The hyperactivity and agitation of bipolar mania may be
difficult to distinguish from the side effect of akathisia. Among the
most severe SGA adverse effects is neuroleptic malignant syndrome
(NMS), characterized by fever, autonomic arousal, and neuromuscular
signs of weakness, tremor, and rigidity. Most of the SGAs may cause
significant weight gain and require monitoring of metabolic profiles
CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

including body mass index (BMI), fasting glucose, and lipid panel. As a
medication class, the SGAs have a black box warning with increased
risk of mortality in elderly patients with dementia.

Bipolar Depression
Although mood stabilizers have been best evaluated for the treatment
of mania, they may also be useful for bipolar depression (Table 3.5).
Lithium and lamotrigine are usually considered best for bipolar depres-
sion. Quetiapine also has an FDA indication for bipolar depression. If
any of these medications are ineffective, antidepressants may be added
with a mood stabilizer or SGA to target depression. However, for the
depressive symptoms of bipolar mixed episodes, antidepressants are
not generally recommended.
Lamotrigine is approved for bipolar maintenance treatment to pre-
vent the relapse of depressive and manic episodes. Side effects of
lamotrigine include dizziness, headache, double vision, somnolence,
and rash. In order to reduce the risk of Stevens-Johnson syndrome (1
in 1,000 adults), it must be slowly titrated up to 200 mg/day, over 6
weeks. This is a generalized mucocutaneous (i.e., wet tissue) rash that
may be heralded by sore gums, cracked lips, trouble swallowing, and
involvement of other moist areas—particularly above the breast line.
For nonemergent rash, lamotrigine should be stopped until the patient
is examined. Emergent rash may involve airway distress and an emer-
gency evaluation may be necessary. Laboratory monitoring is not
Thus far, quetiapine is the only stand-alone SGA approved by the
FDA for bipolar depression treatment. There is a combination tablet that
includes fluoxetine and olanzapine that is also approved for bipolar
depression. Bupropion and the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Table 3.7 Second-Generation Antipsychotics for Bipolar Disorder
Risperidoneb 1 mg BID or 2 4–6 Increase up to 2 EPS (þþ) Hyperprolactinemia (þþþ) Initial:
(Risperdal) mg QHS mg daily, as Orthostatic hypotension (þþ) • Baseline weight and BMI, vital signs,
tolerated Metabolic abnormalities (þþ) fasting plasma glucose, and lipid profile
Sedation (þþ) • Consider pregnancy test and substance
of abuse drug screen
Olanzapine 5 mg 10–20 Increase 5 mg EPS (þ)
(Zyprexa) BID/QHS weekly, as Orthostatic hypotension (þ) First 4 weeks:
tolerated Metabolic abnormalities (þþþ) • BMI, EPS, vital signs, prolactin (if clinical
Sedation (þþ) symptoms of hyperprolactinemia)
Quetiapinec 50 mg 300–800 Increase 50–100 EPS (þ/)
(Seroquel) BID/QHS mg every 2 Orthostatic hypotension (þþþ) First 12 weeks:
XR 300 mg days, as toler- Metabolic abnormalities (þþ) • BMI, EPS, vital signs, fasting glucose,
QHS ated (monitor Sedation (þþ) and lipid profile
for orthostatic
hypotension) Quarterly: BMI
XR: Increase every Annually: BMI, EPS, fasting glucose
1–2 days, as Every 3–5 years: lipid panel
Ziprasidoned 40 mg 160 Increase every EPS (þ)
(Geodon) BID (with food) other day to tar- Orthostatic hypotension (þ)
get dose, as Metabolic abnormalities (þ)
tolerated Sedation (þþ)
QTc prolongation (þþ)
Aripiprazole 10–15 mg 10–30 Increase dose after EPS (þ)
(Abilify) Start QAM 2 days, as Orthostatic hypotension (þ)
tolerated Metabolic abnormalities (þ)
Sedation (þ)
Paliperidonee 3–6 mg QAM 6–12 Increase by incre- EPS (þþ)
(Invega) ments of 3 mg Orthostatic hypotension (þ)
every 5 days, as Metabolic abnormalities (þþ)
tolerated Sedation (þþ)

BMI, body mass index; EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms.

Metabolic effects include hyperglycemia, weight gain, and hyperlipidemia. Common EPS include dystonia, parkinsonism, and akathisia,
Patient may be able to transition to an intramuscular depot formulation of risperidone called Risperdal Consta.
Because of its low potency, quetiapine is ideal for patients who are sensitive to dopamine blockade, particularly patients sensitive to EPS or patients with psychosis in the context of Parkinson dis-
ease. The XR formulation has an indication for schizophrenia. Dose is 300 mg QHS for bipolar depression and up to 800 mg/day or as tolerated for bipolar mania.
Contraindications to the use of ziprasidone include persistent QTc >500 msec, history of arrhythmia, recent acute myocardial infarction, and uncompensated heart failure. Ziprasidone should be
taken with food to increase gastrointestinal absorption.
Paliperidone is a metabolite of risperidone. Because it is the newest antipsychotic medication, the relative risks for metabolic syndrome and EPS and bipolar disorder efficacy are not fully known.

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder
54 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

have a decreased risk for inducing mania or accelerating cycling between

episodes when compared with tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and ven-
lafaxine. To further reduce this risk, antidepressants are generally used
for only 3 to 6 months after the depression remits. One recent study
found that patients with bipolar depression may have similar outcomes
whether they are on an antidepressant or placebo, as long as they are
taking a mood stabilizer (13). This study further highlights the impor-
tance of mood stabilizers in the treatment of bipolar disorder.

Bipolar Maintenance Pharmacotherapy

The probability that a bipolar manic, mixed, or depressive episode will
recur without treatment is 50% at 1 year and nearly 90% at 5 years.
The risk is heightened by the presence of a comorbid psychiatric dis-
order, psychotic features, or a family history of mania (14). In a 12-
year study, patients with bipolar disorder reported higher frequency of
depressive (67%) than manic (20%) or mixed (13%) symptoms (15).
CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

Although lithium, divalproex sodium, and carbamazepine do not have

FDA indications specifically for bipolar maintenance, they are effective
and commonly used for bipolar maintenance therapy. Lamotrigine
and a few of the SGAs have FDA indications for bipolar maintenance
therapy (Table 3.5). For patients who have had more than two severe
mood episodes, indefinite maintenance pharmacotherapy is generally
indicated. However, long-term medication adherence is sometimes
difficult to maintain in the longer run. Therefore, in addition to long-
term risk of relapse, patient preference and medication side effects
should be taken into consideration when determining the duration of

Treatment Considerations
Several factors commonly influence the selection of medications for
bipolar disorder. Providers may take into account target symptoms,
side effects, personal or family history of response, ease of adherence
(once-per-day dosing is preferable), and access to medications (i.e.,
cost, formulary restrictions). Other important considerations include
the following:

• Rapid-cycling or mixed episodes: A mood stabilizer and antipsychotic combi-

nation is preferred. We recommend divalproex sodium (preferably the
extended-release formulation).
• Reduced renal clearance: Use lithium with extreme caution in patients who
have reduced renal function and those who are volume depleted.
• Insomnia: Olanzapine and quetiapine may be more helpful with acute agita-
tion and insomnia related to bipolar disorder.
• Low energy and motivation: If an antidepressant is needed, bupropion (par-
ticularly the SR or XL formulation) may be activating and may have a lower
rate of inducing mania. Other medications with dopamine and norepineph-
rine (e.g., venlafaxine) may have a higher chance of inducing mania or agita-
tion (11).
Chapter 3 Mood Disorders—Bipolar Disorder 55

• Weight issues: Many patients are overweight or obese before treatment.

Weight and metabolic profiles needs to be monitored closely because many
medications may cause weight gain. Although all of the SGAs have the poten-
tial for metabolic abnormalities, olanzapine carries the highest relative risk.
These medications can be safely used when proper monitoring is employed
(see Table 3.7).
• Drug–drug interactions: Carbamazepine induces hepatic enzymes and may
lower the levels of other drugs (e.g., lowers the effectiveness of some oral con-
traceptives). The serum lithium level may be increased by medications that
lower glomerular filtration rate (diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme
[ACE] inhibitors, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]).
• Pregnancy: Urine pregnancy tests should be obtained when starting mood sta-
bilizers. Lithium and divalproex sodium carry teratogenic risks, especially dur-
ing the first trimester. In practice, haloperidol and some SGAs may be
considered when benefits of treatment outweigh risks. Mood stabilizers may
be required in some high-risk patients. It is important to review the risks with
the patient and document carefully. If there is any question about the use of a
psychotropic medication in a pregnant or nursing patient, consultation with a
psychiatrist should be obtained.
• Black-box warnings: Nearly all medications have a black-box warning (e.g.,

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

divalproex sodium: hepatotoxicity; lamotrigine: Steven-Johnson syndrome;
SGAs: use in patients with dementia-related psychosis). There is also an FDA
non–black-box warning against many anticonvulsants and suicide.

In addition to medication, there are various psychosocial factors that
are important for the treatment of bipolar disorder. These include edu-
cational groups, peer and family support groups, individual and group
psychotherapy, and rehabilitation programs. These interventions greatly
reduce rates of nonadherence, support self-efficacy, and decrease the
frequency of relapses. Psychoeducation can be helpful in providing a sci-
entific explanation about the course and prognosis of bipolar disorder—
thereby instilling hope that bipolar disorder is a ‘‘medical’’ illness that
can be effectively treated. Attending groups can reduce the stigmatizing
feeling of having a mental illness for patients by normalizing their expe-
rience and showing them that they are not the only persons to have the
condition. Individual or group psychotherapy with or without family
involvement is beneficial to nearly all patients with bipolar disorder.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), family-focused education (also
known as behavioral family management), and group psychotherapy
have been studied and found to be key components of the treatment
plan for bipolar disorder.
The primary care provider can facilitate psychosocial treatments
by referring patients and family members to local chapters of the
Depressive and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) and the National Alli-
ance for Mental Illness (NAMI). The DBSA is an example of a peer sup-
port group that consists of patients who have been diagnosed with
bipolar disorder. Local chapters offer monthly or weekly groups where
patients can discuss their issues with others who also have the disor-
der. Higher-functioning patients are more likely to make the best use
56 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

of the model, but it has applicability to more severely ill patients as

well. The DBSA has complete information for patients to help them-
selves and for family and friends to help a loved one on their recovery
to wellness, as well as printable brochures, a blog, chat rooms, and
pod casts.
The DBSA is in support of mental health recovery, which is defined
as a journey of healing and transformation that enables people with
mental health problems to live a meaningful life (as defined by the
patients) in a community of their choice while striving to achieve their
full potential. We briefly review the Recovery Model because clinicians
may hear about this from mental health professionals or from their
patients. The Recovery Model has five components: (1) handling the
impact of the illness, (2) feeling like life is limited, (3) realizing and
believing change is possible, (4) commitment to change, and (5) actions
for change (16). These steps help the patient and family cope with the
illness, appreciate the accompanying despair that comes with realizing
that life will never be the same again, and understand that they can live
CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

with a mental illness and still achieve certain life goals.

NAMI provides valuable support for families that have members
with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses. NAMI offers a program
called Family-to-Family, a 12-week course that contains current infor-
mation about the major mental illnesses and their signs, symptoms,
and prognoses. It also reviews treatment options, including in-depth
presentations on specific medications indicated for psychiatric disor-
ders, their side effects, strategies for treatment adherence, and how
family members can support affected love ones in a positive way. The
course aims to create empathy in family members by helping them
understand the experience of mental illness. Finally, the program
teaches skills (such as problem solving, listening and communication,
and strategies for handling crises) and helps caregivers find resources
.............................................. and support in the community.
• Medication Practice Pointers
• Concern about substance Case 1: Bipolar Disorder Pharmacology
use A 35-year-old man presents to the outpatient clinic with the following request:
• Complex comorbid medi- ‘‘I want to be checked for high blood pressure.’’ During the interview, the
cal or psychiatric patient states, ‘‘I was on 40 mg of fluoxetine a few years ago and my wife thinks
conditions I need something to take the edge off.’’ Currently he is not feeling depressed,
• Uncertainty about but his wife encouraged him to discuss his episodic irritability at this visit. These
diagnosis episodes appear in waves of weeks, several times per year. He mentioned that
• Severe bipolar disorder his wife took him to the emergency room for a prior ‘‘episode.’’
He reports ‘‘waves of irritability’’ while on fluoxetine. He’s had recurrent
• Bipolar disorder and pre-
problems with depression for 8 years and has been treated with fluoxetine, ser-
pregnancy planning
traline, and bupropion. Other than paroxysms of anxiety, none has had signifi-
• Postpartum depression or cant side effects, but none has been particularly effective either. While he was
on these medications, he would get depressed, gain weight, sleep more than
• Acute or chronic suicidal usual, and become much less productive at work. His wife once took him to an
ideation emergency room because of morbid suicidal talk; however, he’s never been
Chapter 3 Mood Disorders—Bipolar Disorder 57

hospitalized or made a suicide attempt. The depressive episodes usually resolve

slowly after a month or two. When asked about the irritable periods, he reports
feeling tense and anxious, has difficulty sleeping, and notes ‘‘problems getting
along with other people.’’

Discussion: The patient is taking a reasonable dose of fluoxetine. Although the

doses of the other antidepressants are unknown, it is concerning that none seemed
to have helped the depression. The differential diagnosis includes major depressive
disorder, an anxiety disorder, a substance-induced mood disorder, mood disorder
due to a general medical condition, and bipolar type I or II.
Further history: At age 25, he was working on a project that he found both
exciting and frustrating. He stayed awake several nights in a row, and although he
had plenty of energy and ideas, the end product was uncharacteristically disorgan-
ized and grandiose. After a week of hard work with little sleep, he was actually hos-
pitalized at a general hospital for ‘‘exhaustion.’’ He remembers frustrating the nurses
with his late-night attempts to help them revise procedures to increase efficiency,
even though he knew nothing about hospitals. He was prescribed diazepam and
slowly began to ‘‘feel more normal.’’ He has never had a similar episode since. He
does not drink any alcohol or use any recreational drugs.

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

Discussion: This patient likely recovered from a bipolar spectrum disorder in
which irritability was the main component of the manic episode. Although irrita-
bility is usually not the cardinal feature of a manic episode in adults, this some-
what atypical presentation included irritability, insomnia with a related increase
in energy and goal-directed activity, and difficulties ‘‘getting along with other
people.’’ Because the hospitalization was likely tied to his mental state and inabil-
ity to function at work, his provisional diagnosis is bipolar disorder I, manic epi-
sode. If depression or anhedonia were present, one might consider this to be a
mixed episode.
Given the history of depression with suicidal thoughts and his hospitaliza-
tion, maintenance therapy for his bipolar disorder should include a lifelong
mood stabilizer like lithium or divalproex sodium ER (Depakote ER). Alterna-
tively, an SGA can be used as monotherapy or in combination with a mood sta-
bilizer. As a general rule, antidepressants should not be used alone to treat
bipolar disorder. This patient should be closely monitored for suicidal ideation,
intent, or plan.

Case 2: A Psychiatric Emergency

A worried husband calls you after his 25-year-old wife was awake for 3 days and
would not stop cleaning. He states, ‘‘She has just been wearing me out. I’m
exhausted just staying in the same room with her.’’ In the office, she paces,
speaks rapidly, keeps leaving the room, and talks at length with the staff about
a fair number of ‘‘creative’’ ideas. The husband confirms she has no substance
abuse history and that she has been physically healthy. While being checked in,
she ‘‘stuck’’ to the nurse, talking incessantly about a recipe. Oddly, she was not
exuberant or irritable. She was asked about delusions and auditory hallucina-
tions. She reported that she receives ‘‘information streaming from a satellite’’
and hears ‘‘suggestions’’ from a voice to ‘‘take the cooking industry to another
level.’’ After the physical exam, the patient eventually agrees to give a urine
sample, which was negative for substances of abuse.

Discussion It is easy to miss bipolar disorder when patients do not present with
euphoria. An expansive mood without euphoria sometimes occurs during a manic
episode and generally presents in a way that ‘‘wears’’ others out. The symptoms
are episodic and not chronic, which is consistent with bipolar disorder I, most
58 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

recent episode manic. A referral to the local emergency or crisis intervention cen-
ter is indicated. If the patient only had mania, without psychosis, medications
might work well enough to avoid hospitalization, but the determining factor
here is the patient’s poor insight, lack of decision-making capacity, and impulsiv-
ity. Indications for emergent referrals include inability to care for oneself and
dangerous behavior toward self or others. Given the severity of illness, combina-
tion therapy with a mood stabilizer and an SGA is indicated.

Case 3: Pregnancy and Bipolar Disorder

A 28-year-old woman presents to the clinic to establish care as a new patient.
She recently moved to the area from another state due to her husband’s
employment. She reports that she has a history of bipolar disorder diagnosed
3 years ago after hospitalization for depression and suicidal ideation. She has
been stable on her medication. She reports that prior to treatment, she would
go through about three to four major mood episodes a year, usually of
euphoric hypomania for a few days followed by depression. She has been tak-
ing divalproex sodium (Depakote ER) for the past year. She had been on lith-
ium in the past, but stopped it due to polyuria and tremor. She and her
husband have been thinking about starting a family. She wants to know
CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

whether she should continue Depakote ER while they try to have a baby and
whether to continue after conception.
On mental status examination, she is neatly dressed and groomed. Her speech
is somewhat rapid in rate, but is interruptible. She states her mood is ‘‘good’’ and
her affect appears bright. Her thoughts are linear. Her physical exam is unremark-
able and her BMI is normal.

Discussion: This patient has a clear history of bipolar disorder. Her mood swings
seem relatively well controlled on divalproex sodium, but should she continue it
as she tries to conceive? The traditional mood stabilizer treatments for bipolar dis-
order have been associated with adverse outcomes in the fetus, especially during
the first trimester of pregnancy (e.g., lithium with cardiac malformations and anti-
convulsants with neural tube defects, and SGAs have a category C designation
[Table 3.6]).
The postpartum period is a high-risk period. About 20% to 50% of bipolar symp-
toms recur within 2 months (17). The risk of psychosis is also higher in the postpar-
tum period. Resumption of mood stabilizers after delivery can help to prevent mood
relapses. In patients with a history of unstable and severe mood swings, continuing
medications throughout pregnancy may be a preferable and safer option. Maintain-
ing mood stability during pregnancy and after delivery can promote positive mater-
nal–infant bonding and attachment. Possible fetal defects can be detected by
ultrasound screening, echocardiograms, and maternal serum alpha-fetal protein
(AFP) screening. Women on anticonvulsants should also be prescribed folate 4 to
5 mg/day, ideally 3 months before conception (18). In some stable patients who wish
to stop their medications, a slow and careful taper of medications or a switch to a
less teratogenic medication 1 to 2 months before conception can minimize adverse
exposure to the fetus.
Primary care providers can provide patients with accurate information about the
risks and benefits of the alternatives, often acknowledging the lack of extensive evi-
dence and research in this area. In this case, if the patient decides on taking a medi-
cation, other options include the use of haloperidol or SGAs, which are relatively
safe compared with lithium and anticonvulsant mood stabilizers, especially during
the first trimester. The lowest effective doses should also be prescribed. Ultimately, it
is important to support the patient and her husband’s decisions. In this case, a psychi-
atric consultation should be obtained.
Chapter 3 Mood Disorders—Bipolar Disorder 59

Bipolar I Disorder
Single Manic Episode 296
Most Recent Episode Hypomanic 296.4
Most Recent Episode Manic 296.4x
Most Recent Episode Mixed 296.6x
Most Recent Episode Depressed 296.5x
Most Recent Episode Unspecified 296.7x
Bipolar II Disorder 296.89
Bipolar Disorder NOS 296.8
Mood Disorder Due to 293.83
[General Medical Condition]

0 Unspecified
1 Mild
2 Moderate

CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder

3 Severe, without Psychosis
4 Severe, with Psychosis
5 In Partial or Unspecified Remission
6 In Full Remission

Practical Resources
The Mood Disorder Questionnaire:
The Depressive and Bipolar Support Alliance:
The National Alliance for the Mentally Illness:
The National Institute of Mental Health:

1. Hilty DM, Leamon ML, Lim RF, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder in the primary care
setting. Primary Psychiatry. 2006;13(7):77–85.

2. Merikangas KR, Akiskal HS, Angst J. Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of bipolar spectrum disorder
in the National Comorbidity Survey replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007;64(5):543–552.

3. Berk M, Dodd S, Berk L. The management of bipolar disorder in primary care: a review of existing
and emerging therapies. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2005;59(3):229–239.

4. Muzina DJ, Colangelo E, Manning JS. Differentiating bipolar disorder from depression in primary
care. Cleve Clin J Med. 2007;74(2):89,92,95–99.

5. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington DC: American
Psychiatric Association; 2002.

6. Hirschfeld RMA, Williams JBW, Spencer RI, et al. Development and validation of a screening instru-
ment for bipolar spectrum disorder: the Mood Disorder Questionnaire. Am J Psychiatry.

7. Hirschfeld RM, Holzer C, Calabrese JR, et al. Validity of the mood disorder questionnaire: a general
population study. Am J Psychiatry. 2003;160(1):178–180.

8. Paris J, Gunderson J, Weingberg I. The interface between borderline personality disorder and bipolar
spectrum disorders. Compr Psychiatry. 2007;48(2):145–154.

9. Hilty DM, Leamon ML, Lim RF, et al. A review of bipolar disorder in adults. Psychiatry. 2006;Septem-

10. American Psychiatric Association. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with bipolar dis-
order (revision). Am J Psychiatry. 2002;159(Suppl):1–50.
60 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

11. Scherk H, Pajonk FG, Leucht S. Second-generation antipsychotic agents in the treatment of acute
mania: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Gen Psychiatry.

12. Leverich GS, Altshuler LL, Frye MA, et al. Risk of switch in mood polarity to hypomania or mania in
patients with bipolar depression during acute and continuation trials of venlafaxine, sertraline, and
bupropion as adjuncts to mood stabilizers. Am J Psychiatry. 2006;163(2):232–239.

13. Sachs GS, Nierenberg AA, Calabrese JR, Effectiveness of adjunctive antidepressant treatment of
bipolar depression. N Engl J Med. 2007;356(17):1711–1722.

14. Solomon DA, Keitner GI, Miller IW, et al. Course of illness and maintenance treatment for patients
with bipolar disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 1995;56:5–13.

15. Judd LL, Akiskal HS, Schettler PJ, et al. The long-term natural history of the weekly symptomatic
status of bipolar I disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002;58:530–537.

16. The Depressive and Bipolar Support Alliance. Accessed December 9, 2007.

17. Viguera AC, Nonacs R, Cohen LS, et al. Risk of recurrence of bipolar disorder in pregnant and non-
pregnant women after discontinuing lithium maintenance. Am J Psychiatry. 2000;157(2):179–184.

18. Yonkers KA, Wisner KL, Stowe Z, et al. Management of bipolar disorder during pregnancy and the
postpartum period. Am J Psychiatry. 2004;161:608–620.
CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Disorder
4 Anxiety Disorders
Jaesu Han, MD • Michelle Park, MD • Robert E. Hales,

... ... Clinical Significance

A 29-year-old woman presents with her 6-year-old daughter
... ...
Anxiety disorders represent the
for a well-child check after missing the originally scheduled
... ...
most prevalent group of psychiatric

CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

... appointment. She is quiet but informs you that there is an ...
disorders in the general population.
upcoming parent–teacher conference for her daughter. She ...
This group of conditions accounts
adds, ‘‘I’m just not good with that sort of thing.’’ She ...
apparently showed up late for the last parent–teacher
for at least $42 billion per year in
... ...
lost productivity and results in a sig-
conference, couldn’t remember what was said, and ‘‘left ...
nificantly lower quality of life for
with a headache.’’ .
the affected patients (1). Data from
the 12-year longitudinal, naturalistic
Harvard/Brown Anxiety Disorders Research Program showed that, with
the exception of panic disorder without agoraphobia, the course of anxi-
ety disorders is both chronic and enduring (2). Twelve years after the
original episode, the majority of patients with generalized anxiety disor-
der, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and social anxiety disorder never
achieved recovery, and of those who did recover, nearly half had a
recurrence during the follow-up period.
The economic and social costs of these chronic and recurrent disor-
ders are compounded by the persistent underrecognition and under-
treatment of anxiety disorders in the primary care setting. One recent
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS study found that nearly one in five patients had at least one clinically
• Screening requires asking significant anxiety disorder and that 41% of these patients were not
about both physical and receiving treatment of any kind (3). Clearly, with knowledge that effec-
psychological symptoms
of anxiety. tive treatment options are readily available for the anxiety disorders,
proper screening and diagnosis are critical.
• The somatic presentation
of anxiety disorders,
where physical symptoms
predominate, is common Diagnosis
in the primary care
setting. Anxiety is commonly defined as excessive worrying, nervousness, or
feeling ‘‘on edge.’’ The prompt and accurate diagnosis of anxiety disor-
• Specific anxiety disorders
are defined and catego- ders in the primary care setting can be challenging for several reasons.
rized by the presence or Anxiety itself is a very normal human emotion and it can be difficult to
absence of specific situa-
tional triggers.
decide just when it is pathologic. For example, anxiety can be adaptive
when it motivates one to complete a task but pathologic when it is
(Continued) 61
62 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

excessive and paralyzes one from taking a needed action despite the
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS possible repercussions (or missed opportunities). In order to ensure an
(Continued) accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan, it is important to docu-
• More than 70% of ment the disability, screen for an anxiety disorder, consider the differen-
patients diagnosed with
an anxiety disorder in the tial diagnosis, and identify the specific anxiety disorder.
primary care setting also
have another comorbid
Axis I condition, most
commonly depression and DOCUMENT DISABILITY
another anxiety disorder. Pathologic and clinically relevant anxiety is excessive and persistent
The AMPS screening tool
is a quick and effective and creates disability, often in the form of avoidance behaviors. Essen-
way to screen for anxiety, tially, ‘‘normal’’ anxiety helps the patient to maintain order, while
mood, psychotic, and sub-
‘‘pathologic’’ anxiety creates disorder. Clinicians should ask questions
stance misuse disorders.
such as, ‘‘What have you given up because of your symptoms?’’ or
• Initial management of
anxiety disorders includes ‘‘Have your symptoms prevented you from doing something you wanted
establishing a trusting or needed to do?’’ In addition to ensuring that the anxiety is clinically
relationship while
significant, the documentation also provides tangible targets for treat-
addressing psychosocial
stressors in an empathic ment. Diagnosis should include documentation of specific functional
way. impairment, which may include:
• General medical condi-
tions can trigger as well • Social impairment: withdrawal from family, friends, and hobbies
as masquerade an anxiety • Occupational impairment: job avoidance, inefficiency, lack of promotion, or
disorder; both need to be even disciplinary action
treated. • Impairment with activities of daily living: inability to shop for groceries, take
• Cognitive behavioral the bus, or drive a car
therapy or medication
management with sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitors
are both first-line treat- SCREEN FOR AN ANXIETY DISORDER
ment options regardless
of the specific anxiety dis- The advantage of a screening tool includes the ability to administer and
order. In general, when score a validated test prior to seeing the patient. However, unlike tools
treating an anxiety disor- such as the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for major depres-
der, it is best to start
with half the normal anti- sion, there is currently no commonly accepted screening tool for all
depressant starting dose anxiety disorders in clinical practice. One recently studied screening
because this may
decrease irritability and tool is the Generalized Anxiety Disorders Scale (GAD-7), which appears
anxiety during the first to be sensitive for panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social
few weeks of treatment. anxiety disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder in the primary care
• Success with medications setting (Table 4.1) (4). This tool consists of a series of seven questions
relies more on providing
good patient information that incorporates the same Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
and follow-up than pre- Disorders, 4th ed. (DSM-IV), diagnostic criteria of generalized anxiety
scribing a specific drug. disorder. The first two items (GAD-2 subscale) can be used as an ultra-
rapid screening tool. A score of 8 or more on the GAD-7 or 3 or more
on the GAD-2 should prompt a more thorough investigation for major
anxiety disorders.
The GAD-2 highlights the two key components of anxiety that are
present regardless of the specific diagnosis: (1) psychiatric symptoms:
excessive ruminations or worry, poor concentration, and racing
thoughts and (2) physical symptoms: muscle tension, sweating,
fatigue, restlessness, and tremors. During the screening interview, it
is therefore important to inquire about both components. When one
component predominates, the clinical presentation may change
Chapter 4 Anxiety Disorders 63

Table 4.1 GAD-7

How often during the past 2 weeks have you felt bothered by:
1. Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge? 0 1 2 3
2. Not being able to stop or control worrying? 0 1 2 3
3. Worrying too much about different things? 0 1 2 3
4. Trouble relaxing? 0 1 2 3
5. Being so restless that it is hard to sit still? 0 1 2 3
6. Becoming easily annoyed or irritable? 0 1 2 3
7. Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen? 0 1 2 3
Each question is answered on a scale of:
0 ¼ not at all
1 ¼ several days
2 ¼ more than half the days
3 ¼ nearly every day
A score of 8 or more should prompt further diagnostic evaluation for an anxiety disorder.

CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

From Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB, et al. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7. Arch Intern Med.

When psychiatric symptoms (e.g., anxiety) predominate, the patient

presents to seek confirmation of an anxiety disorder diagnosis. Some-
times the patient’s assessment of a specific anxiety disorder is correct,
but at other times the diagnosis may be another psychiatric disorder or
even a general medical condition. Although this presentation may be
easier for clinicians to recognize because they are ‘‘primed’’ to consider
an anxiety disorder, it is also the less common presentation.
When physical symptoms predominate, the patient usually does not
consider a psychiatric cause. The somatic presentation is more common
than the psychiatric presentation in the primary care setting and is
more likely to lead to misdiagnosis (5). This may occur when a patient
attributes the symptoms to such things as lack of sleep, stress, or poor
diet, and the clinician halts further work-up. Alternatively, there may be
an extensive work-up in response to multiple medically unexplained
physical complaints such as chest pain, dizziness, gastrointestinal
symptoms, or dyspnea before an anxiety disorder is considered.


The following brief descriptions are intended to distill some salient points
that serve to distinguish the disorders from each other. Keep in mind
that the symptoms of anxiety often manifest as a waxing and waning
‘‘blanket’’ of symptoms but may also include time-limited ‘‘bursts’’ of
symptoms in the form of panic attacks. Panic attacks, sometimes referred
to as ‘‘anxiety attacks,’’ are in themselves not considered a separate anxi-
ety disorder. These attacks are required for the diagnosis of panic disor-
der when they occur spontaneously but may occur with other anxiety
disorders in response to situational triggers. In a typical panic attack,
patients experience a sudden onset of symptoms that typically peak
64 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Anxiety Disorders

Situational trigger Situational trigger

Present Absent

Traumatic event Unexpected panic

“Free floating”
Fear of embarrassment Obsessions ⫹ attacks
⫹ ⫹/⫺ Reexperiencing ⫹

Physical symptoms Compulsions Avoidance Worry of attack or
Physical symptoms
Arousal implications of them
CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

⬎4 weeks ⬍4 weeks ⬎6 months

Obsessive Generalized
Social anxiety Post traumatic Acute
compulsive anxiety Panic disorder
disorder stress disorder stress disorder
disorder disorder

Figure 4.1 Diagnostic algorithm for anxiety disorders.

within 10 minutes and rarely last longer than an hour. During a panic
attack, psychological symptoms often include fears of losing control,
dying, or ‘‘going crazy.’’ Physical symptoms reflecting autonomic activa-
tion are equally intense and include a racing heart rate, sweating, shak-
ing, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, and chest discomfort.
Differentiating among the anxiety disorders relies on distinguishing if
these symptoms, including panic attacks, are precipitated by specific sit-
uational triggers or are pervasive and occur with a variety of events (Fig-
ure 4.1). The two disorders without specific situational triggers are panic
disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. The disorders with specific sit-
uational triggers are social phobia, specific phobia, obsessive compulsive
disorder, acute stress disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Adjust-
ment disorder with anxiety and anxiety disorder not otherwise specified
are quite common and will be discussed separately.

Disorders without a Situational Trigger

Panic Disorder Panic disorder (PD) is characterized by recurrent panic
attacks that are experienced at least initially as spontaneous and unex-
pected. Careful review with the patient may reveal benign cues such as
emotional stress from an argument or a slightly elevated heart rate
from caffeine that is interpreted as a symptom of an impending attack.
Chapter 4 Anxiety Disorders 65

Although panic attacks can be terrifying and temporarily disabling, it is

the anticipatory anxiety of when the next attack will come and the worry
about its implications that perpetuates the disability. Patients may
undergo extensive testing to find the etiology of symptoms, such as
chest discomfort or gastrointestinal symptoms, before a diagnosis of PD
is made. PD is twice as common in women as in men and onset peaks
in late adolescence and the mid-30s. Although the initial panic attack
is by definition not caused by an obvious trigger, the majority of
patients report some antecedent adverse life event in the year prior to
onset of illness.
Over time, agoraphobia may develop when continued apprehension
of a panic attack prevents patients from being in places or situations
from which they cannot escape, where help is unavailable, or where it
would be embarrassing to be seen in the throes of a panic attack. In this
respect, panic disorder with agoraphobia can be thought of as an anxi-
ety disorder with a situational trigger. Common avoided places include
buses, trains, supermarkets, and traveling away from home. In severe

CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

cases, patients may be completely housebound. Those who manage to
leave the home usually engage in compensatory behavior such as hav-
ing a companion around for activities outside the house.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is the

other anxiety disorder that does not have a specific situational trigger.
In fact, the hallmark of GAD is the lack of a central trigger and the pres-
ence of free-floating anxiety consisting of ruminations and worries over
often trivial matters that are pervasive and excessive. Along with these
psychological symptoms are physical symptoms such as muscle ten-
sion, restlessness, and fatigue. Symptoms have been present for at least
6 months, but many patients will describe themselves as chronic worriers.
GAD may be relatively common among primary care patients whose
main clinical problem is chronic insomnia.

Disorders with a Situational Trigger

Social Phobia Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder (SAD),
is sometimes thought of as pathologic shyness. The hallmark is the fear of
embarrassment or humiliation in front of others. This fear may be relatively
mild and circumscribed to a specific situation such as public speaking or
more severe and generalized to almost all social situations. Patients may
report fears they will be negatively evaluated by others and ‘‘say some-
thing stupid’’ or fear that others will notice their physical symptoms such as
blushing, sweating, or shaking. Panic attacks may occur but are situation-
ally bound to the social trigger. Onset is usually in the early teenage years
and patients will often have symptoms for over 10 years before seeking
treatment. During this time important social activities may have been
missed and job promotions avoided.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder The hallmark of obsessive compulsive

disorder (OCD) is the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions that
serve as triggers for anxiety. Obsessions are recurrent, unwanted, and
66 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

intrusive ideas, thoughts, impulses, or images. Common themes include

contamination, repeated doubts, need for order, horrific thoughts, and
sexual imagery. Compulsions are ritualistic behaviors or mental acts car-
ried out in response to an obsession. Examples include repeated hand-
washing, checking of locks, and counting.
Those with true compulsions are differentiated from ‘‘compulsive’’
shoppers, gamblers, drinkers, etc., because the latter group derives some
pleasure from the activity. These obsessions and compulsions are usu-
ally quite distressing for the patient and consume at least 1 hour per day
but often many more. In severe cases, patients may not recognize that
the obsessions or compulsions are excessive and therefore have OCD
‘‘with poor insight.’’ Initially, onset of OCD symptoms usually occurs in
the 20s, with a waxing and waning course. The onset of primary OCD
after the age of 35 is unusual and should prompt a complete neurologic
evaluation. Comorbid tic disorders and compulsive skin picking and hair
pulling (trichotillomania) are common in OCD. These comorbid disorders
may be the impetus for treatment. The physical stigmata of compulsions
CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

(e.g., raw and rough hands from excessive handwashing or hairless

patches from hair pulling) may be evident on physical examination.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Exposure to a highly traumatic event as a vic-

tim or witness in which life or injury was threatened is the situational
trigger for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This traumatic event is
followed by symptoms of re-experiences (flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive
memories of the event), avoidance/numbing (avoiding conversations, activ-
ities, and people associated with the event or that may trigger experien-
ces of the event), and increased autonomic arousal (hypervigilance,
restlessness, exaggerated startle). If symptoms resolve within 1 month
following the traumatic event, the diagnosis of acute stress disorder
(ASD) is made. Patients with symptoms lasting greater than 1 month are
diagnosed with PTSD.
Groups at risk for PTSD include combat veterans, natural disaster
survivors, terrorist attack survivors, victims of childhood abuse, and vic-
tims of sexual or physical trauma.
Sometimes the primary care provider will be aware that a traumatic
event has occurred, for example, a recent motor vehicle accident or gun-
shot wound. However, at other times, patients may present with only
nonspecific avoidance behaviors and physical symptoms and not men-
tion the traumatic event. Reasons may include not recognizing the
impact of the event and fear that they will be seen as damaged or
unstable. Therefore, screening patients with these nonspecific symp-
toms for a recent traumatic event is important. PTSD is more likely to
develop in patients with direct exposure to interpersonal trauma (e.g.,
rape) than indirect exposure and events such as natural disasters.

Other Clinically Relevant Anxiety Disorders

Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety Adjustment disorder with anxiety is
commonly seen in the primary care setting. The hallmark of this
Chapter 4 Anxiety Disorders 67

disorder is the close temporal relationship of the onset of anxiety symp-

toms to a stressful event, usually within days, and resolution within 6
months of the termination of the stressor. Although symptoms may ini-
tially be quite intense, they are generally short-lived and diminish with
the passage of time. There is symptom overlap with other disorders, but
the duration and threshold specifiers distinguish adjustment disorder
from other anxiety disorders. For example, GAD requires symptoms to
be present for at least 6 months and PTSD and ASD require the stressor
to be extreme in nature. Unlike the other anxiety disorders, there is an
expectation of good outcome with adjustment disorder once the offend-
ing stressor is removed. If the stressor persists, anxiety symptoms will
be present in a more attenuated form. Treatment is supportive to help
the patient resolve or manage the stressor. Pharmacotherapy with anti-
depressants and benzodiazepines is sometimes utilized, but there is lit-
tle evidence to support this practice.

Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Many patients in the primary

CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

care setting will not initially fit neatly into any of the major anxiety dis-
orders noted above. Assuming the symptoms are causing significant
clinical distress, a diagnosis of anxiety disorder not otherwise specified
(NOS) can be made. As patients become more comfortable and provide
additional history, a specific diagnosis may be more apparent. At other
times, a more specific diagnosis is not possible due to confounding gen-
eral medical conditions. For example, in the case of PD, a reasonable ini-
tial diagnosis may be anxiety disorder NOS, to rule out anxiety disorder
due to a general medical condition versus panic disorder. Finally, some
patients may never manifest the required number of diagnostic criteria
for a specific anxiety disorder, yet the symptoms are clinically signifi-
cant. For example, PTSD without autonomic hyperarousability may be
diagnosed as anxiety disorder NOS.

Differential Diagnosis
The two common but different presentations of anxiety disorders high-
light the need for a comprehensive patient assessment and differential
diagnosis before a definitive diagnosis is made. Patient assessment begins
with obtaining the medical history, and particular attention should be
paid to the onset of symptoms because anxiety disorders tend to present
in late adolescence and early adulthood. For example, new-onset anxiety
symptoms in a previously healthy patient beyond the age of 35 years
without a recent significant life event or trauma are suspicious for an
underlying medical condition. A family history of mood and anxiety dis-
orders increases the likelihood of a primary anxiety disorder. Assessment
should also include knowledge of both prescription and over-the-counter
medications. The social history is helpful when evaluating relational and
occupational factors as well as potential substance abuse. Upon comple-
tion of a thorough physical examination, reasonable initial tests for a
patient with a possible anxiety disorder include a complete blood count,
thyroid-stimulating hormone, and a complete metabolic panel.
68 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 4.2 Medical Conditions with Anxiety-Like Symptoms

Cardiovascular: coronary artery disease, congestive ECG (esp. patients >40 years old with palpitations
heart failure, arrhythmias or chest pain)
Pulmonary: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary pulmonary function test, CXR
Endocrine: thyroid dysfunction, hyperparathyroidism, TSH, basic chemistry panel
hypoglycemia, menopause, Cushing disease, insuli-
noma, pheochromocytoma
Hematologic: anemia CBC
Neurologic: seizure disorders, encephalopathies, essen- EEG, brain MRI
tial tremor
Substance abuse/dependence Urine or serum toxicology

CXR, chest x-ray; CBC, complete blood count; ECG, electrocardiogram; EEG, electroencephalogram; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;
TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

Common general medical conditions and basic laboratory work-up

for symptoms of anxiety are listed in Table 4.2. Many of these condi-
tions will manifest with concurrent non–anxiety-related symptoms and
risk factors that will guide the extent of the diagnostic work-up. For
example, a nonobese 35-year-old patient who has nonanginal chest
pain and no risk factors for coronary disease is unlikely to have an acute
coronary syndrome and therefore should not undergo invasive diagnos-
tic cardiac procedures.
Medications may cause anxiety-like symptoms (Table 4.3) (6). For
example, patients on antipsychotics may complain of akathisia, which
consists of an intense sense of internal restlessness. It can be an
extremely anxiety-provoking side effect that resolves after discontinua-
tion of the medication. Stimulants such as methylphenidate used for
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can cause symptoms
such as a fine tremor, tachycardia, and irritability that can be confused
with anxiety. A general medical condition such as hypothyroidism can
be overcorrected with levothyroxine and cause iatrogenic hyperthyroid-
ism with generalized anxiety symptoms.
Other psychiatric disorders commonly coexist with the primary anx-
iety disorders. More than 70% of patients diagnosed with an anxiety dis-
order in the primary care setting also have another comorbid Axis I
condition. Having an additional anxiety disorder (>60%) is the most
common psychiatric comorbid condition followed by major depression
(>40%) and substance abuse disorders (14%) (7). Somatoform disorders
and personality disorders should also be considered. The importance of
identifying comorbid illness is clear, because this will likely lead to
quicker recovery and significantly decrease the likelihood of recurrence.
Unrecognized substance abuse and dependence can cause or exacer-
bate an anxiety disorder. Symptoms may present during the acute
intoxication or withdrawal phase of substance use. Any work-up for
anxiety disorders must include the nonjudgmental screening for use of
Chapter 4 Anxiety Disorders 69

Table 4.3 Medications and Substances That Cause Anxiety-Like Symptoms

Stimulant intoxication Caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, methamphetamines, phencyclidine (PCP), MDMA (ecstasy)
Sympathomimetics Pseudoephedrine, methylphenidate, amphetamines, beta-agonists
Dopaminergics Amantadine, bromocriptine, levodopa, levodopa-carbidopa, metoclopramide
Anticholinergics Benztropine mesylate, meperidine, oxybutynin, diphenhydramine
Miscellaneous Anabolic steroids, corticosteroids, indomethacin, ephedra, theophylline
Drug withdrawal Alcohol, benzodiazepines, opiates

substances in the past month. If abuse or dependence is detected, the

longitudinal history is helpful in determining if current symptoms rep-
resent a substance-induced state or comorbid substance abuse and anx-
iety disorder. History suggesting two separate disorders would include
(1) onset of symptoms prior to first use of the substance and (2) contin-
ued symptoms despite sustained abstinence for at least 1 month. Man-

CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

agement of comorbid substance abuse and anxiety disorders include
treatment for the anxiety disorder in addition to the substance abuse
.................................................. treatment.
Biopsychosocial Treatment
• Substance intoxication or
• Comorbid major Effective management of an anxiety disorder entails a balanced consid-
depression eration of other nonspecific but equally crucial steps before actually
• Medication-induced treating anxiety disorders. These include establishing a trusting, thera-
peutic relationship and addressing comorbid general medical and psy-
• Systemic medical disorder chiatric conditions. Thereafter, specific targeted pharmacotherapy and
• Suicidal ideation or intent psychotherapy are added.

The best plans for medication treatment and referrals to specialists are
doomed to fail if a therapeutic alliance is not first established between
the patient and provider. The establishment of trust begins with empa-
thy. As noted in Chapter 1, empathy requires the clinician to briefly
‘‘become the patient.’’ Key steps include recognizing strong emotions
during the interview, pausing to imagine how the patient is feeling,
verbalizing what the clinician imagines the patient is feeling and legiti-
mizing it, and offering support and reassurance. Remember that many
patients have suffered for many years before finally presenting for
treatment and have probably been told that ‘‘it’s just anxiety.’’ Employ-
ing an empathic approach with patients who have pronounced anxiety
is both time saving and effective despite unjustified concerns that it
will take too much time and be emotionally exhausting to the clinician.

Comorbid Conditions
Comorbid general medical and psychiatric conditions that may contrib-
ute to or mimic anxiety symptoms should be treated simultaneously
70 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

with the anxiety disorder. As noted with the case of PD, it may be
tempting to ignore the anxiety disorder and only treat the general medi-
cal condition in the hope that the anxiety disorder will resolve sponta-
neously. Unfortunately, this is not often the case. The same can be said
with comorbid substance, personality, and mood disorders, and earlier
concurrent treatment of the other conditions should be considered.

Several classes of medications are used to treat anxiety disorders. Monoa-
mine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are all effective antianxiety
medications. More recently the serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibi-
tors (SNRIs) have received FDA approval for GAD and panic disorder. All of
these medications also function as antidepressants, alter serotonergic
neurotransmission, and appear to exert their action by attenuating the
physiologic cues associated with anxiety disorders over several weeks.
There is a large body of evidence that shows various antidepressant
CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

classes have roughly equal efficacy in treating anxiety disorders in both

the acute and maintenance phases.
Not all anti-anxiety medications are considered first-line agents.
MAOIs have a number of side effects that limit their tolerability and
require dietary restrictions to avoid hypertensive crisis. The TCAs
require more dosage titration and have significant anticholinergic side
effects such as sedation, constipation, and dry mouth. The two classes
of medication most often prescribed for anxiety disorders are the SSRIs
and SNRIs. Both of these have emerged as the treatment of choice
because of their proven efficacy, safety, and ease of use. Additionally,
benzodiazepines (BZPs) are still commonly used in current practice. Due
to concerns about dependence and potential side effects, benzodiaze-
pines can be used with caution and often adjunctively with other psy-
chotropic medication.
Another drug used to treat anxiety is buspirone. As a 5-HT1A receptor
agonist, buspirone has been shown to be effective for GAD but not the
other anxiety disorders. While it lacks the abuse potential of the benzo-
diazepines, the narrow spectrum of efficacy, delay in therapeutic effect
of several weeks, and twice-daily dosing tend to limit its popularity.

Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

Although SSRIs and SNRIs are more commonly known for the treatment
of major depression, they have also been shown to be effective for anxi-
ety disorders. While not every SSRI or SNRI is FDA approved for every
anxiety disorder, in clinical practice they are generally used inter-
changeably. Medication choice is therefore not based on efficacy but
rather on the potential side effects and drug–drug interactions. Antide-
pressants with short half-lives (e.g., paroxetine) have a higher likelihood
of causing discontinuation syndrome and related anxiety with abrupt
cessation. If a first-degree relative has had a good response to a particu-
lar drug or a patient has benefited from prior use of a specific medica-
tion, this should be strongly considered when deciding on a treatment
Chapter 4 Anxiety Disorders 71

Table 4.4 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Serotonin Norepinephrine
Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) for Anxiety Disorders
Fluoxetine (Prozac) 10 20–60 Longa 2D6 inhibitor
Sertraline (Zoloft) 25 50–200 Medium ()
Citalopram (Celexa) 10 20–60 Short ()
Escitalopram (Lexapro) 5 10–30 Short ()
Paroxetine (Paxil) 10 20–60 Short 2D6 inhibitor
Paroxetine controlled 12.5 12.5–25 Short 2D6 inhibitor
release (Paxil CR)
Fluvoxamine (Luvox) 50 150–300 Short 3A4 and 1A2
Venlafaxine extended 37.5 75–225 Shorta ()
release (Effexor XR)

CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

Duloxetine (Cymbalta) 30 60–120 Short 2D6 inhibitor
Including active metabolites.

.................................................. plan. Finally, the cost of a medication may be an additional factor. At

the time of printing, all the SSRIs are available in generic formulations
SSRIs/SNRIs with the exception of escitalopram (Table 4.4).
Once a medication is chosen, clinical effectiveness depends on the
• Expectations
initial information provided to the patient and adherence to treatment.
Often, both understanding of the information provided and medication
• Delayed therapeutic
effect adherence should be explored and clarified in follow-up visits. This
• Not an ‘‘as needed’’ information should include expectations of treatment and a discussion
medication of side effects and the need for gradual titration.
• Long-term treatment is
often indicated Expectations Most patients have heard of antidepressants such as
• Class side effects fluoxetine and may have positive or negative expectations that need to
• Initial activation
be explored. They may also be asking themselves, ‘‘Why am I being pre-
scribed an antidepressant when I have anxiety?’’ or ‘‘Why am I not feel-
• Sexual side effects
ing better when I’ve been taking this drug for over a week?’’ These
• Gastrointestinal side
questions are better answered at the initial visit rather than 3 months
later when the patient continues to suffer from symptoms due to poor
• Slow titration
medication adherence. Similarly, many patients may take the antide-
• Usually start at half
the normal starting pressant on an as-needed basis once symptoms initially respond, lead-
‘‘antidepressant dose’’ ing to subtherapeutic drug levels and a subsequent relapse.
• Increase the dose
slowly and cautiously Side Effects While SSRIs have improved tolerability compared to older
in the elderly antidepressants, there are several side effects common to all SSRIs that
warrant discussion:

• Initial activation: While effective for anxiety disorders, some patients may
experience increased activation and nervousness after initiation of an antide-
pressant. This effect is usually dose dependent and time limited to the first
72 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

1 to 2 weeks. This is a common cause of noncompliance and can be mini-

mized by preparing the patient for the possibility and using gradual dose
• Gastrointestinal side effects: Transient nausea represents one of the most
common effects of SSRIs and a common cause of early medication discontinu-
ation. This may be minimized by a slower titration and patient education.
• Sexual side effects: This occurs to some degree in approximately 30% to
50% of patients and can affect all phases of the sexual cycle but most com-
monly leads to delayed ejaculation and absent or delayed orgasm (8). While
the sexual side effects are dose dependent, they do not appear to improve
with time. There is good evidence for adding sildenafil for sexual dysfunc-
tion in men and limited evidence for adding bupropion for decreased libido
in men and women (9). Patients with premature ejaculation often prefer

Dosage and Slow Titration The final step to discuss with patients is the
need for a slow initial titration. As mentioned above, this slow titration
will minimize the dose-dependent side effects of initial activation and
nausea. A reasonable strategy would include starting at half the dose
CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

normally prescribed for major depression and increased to the initial

dose for major depression after the first week. The effective antidepres-
sant dosage is usually similar for major depression and most anxiety
disorders. A notable exception is OCD, where higher doses and longer
trials are necessary for adequate response.

Benzodiazepines (BZPs)
While antidepressants are considered the first-line choice for patients
with anxiety disorders, BZPs continue to serve an adjunctive role or
even as monotherapy for some patients. Although there is evidence to
support the use of BZPs as monotherapy for panic disorder and general-
ized anxiety disorder, there are limited data to support use with social
phobia and obsessive compulsive disorder (10–12). BZPs alone do not
appear to be effective for posttraumatic stress disorder (13).
One advantage that BZPs have over antidepressants is the rapid
onset of action. As an adjunct, BZPs can provide immediate relief of
symptoms and help mitigate the initial activation or jitteriness when
initiating an antidepressant. Evidence for this role is strongest for PD,
where this strategy can more rapidly stabilize patients during the initial
phase compared to an SSRI alone. While the addition of BZPs does not
benefit the patient beyond the initial few weeks over an SSRI alone,
patients are able to taper off the benzodiazepine without significant
issues of withdrawal. For example, clonazepam (Klonopin) could be initi-
ated 0.5 mg twice daily along with sertraline 25 mg daily. The sertraline
could be increased to 50 mg by the end of the first week and increased
to 100 mg after another week. At week 4 the clonazepam could be grad-
ually discontinued over the next 2 weeks.
The high-potency BZPs (e.g. alprazolam and clonazepam) are the
best studied for anxiety disorders. Generally speaking, the lowest effec-
tive dose of BZPs should be prescribed in divided doses. When using
Chapter 4 Anxiety Disorders 73

BZPs, the potential benefits must be balanced with the potential draw-
backs of use. These drawbacks include:

• Side effects: While generally well tolerated, BZPs can produce sedation as well
as impairment in working memory and learning new information. There is an
increased risk of falls and confusion with elderly patients.
• Abuse: Patients who use higher doses of BZPs with faster-onset drugs (diaz-
epam, alprazolam) and those with a history of alcohol and drug abuse have a
heightened risk of developing benzodiazepine tolerance and withdrawal. As it
is often difficult to determine whether a patient has a primary anxiety disor-
der versus a substance-induced anxiety disorder, BZP use may serve as a trig-
ger for substance misuse and should be used with caution in those who have
a substance abuse history.
• Physical dependence and withdrawal: Chronic use can result in a withdrawal
syndrome in 40% to 80% of patients upon BZP discontinuation (14). A gradual
taper is recommended if used longer than 2 weeks.
• Comorbidity: Monotherapy is not usually indicated and does not address
comorbid major depression.

Despite these drawbacks, a short course of BZPs may be preferable to

CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

antidepressants in the following circumstances: relatively infrequent
symptoms, intolerance to antidepressants, or adjustment disorder with

Over the past 30 years, CBT has emerged as an effective first-line ther-
apy for the treatment of anxiety disorders. Evidence from meta-analysis
and large prospective studies has indicated that CBT is at least as effec-
tive as medication alone (15, 16). Despite this evidence, CBT continues
to be underutilized. In the following section we will discuss the princi-
ples of CBT and the role of the primary care clinician.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is a psychotherapeutic technique delivered by trained mental
health professionals in a group or individual format. Patients are typi-
cally seen weekly and the therapy is time limited (generally 10 to 24 ses-
sions). The therapy is active in that the therapist and patient
collaboratively work together to develop and test hypotheses. There is
also an expectation that the patient will complete CBT-related ‘‘home-
work’’ and discuss this work during follow-up sessions.
The general premise of CBT rests on the observation that patients
with anxiety disorders hold distorted beliefs and expectations about their
world, which lead to symptoms and avoidance behaviors. It incorporates
symptom management techniques such as progressive muscle relaxa-
tion and deep breathing. The cognitive therapy part of CBT is used to
identify and address distorted beliefs through a process called cognitive
restructuring. During this process, patients are asked to identify and log-
ically evaluate thoughts that affect mood and behavior in a dysfunctional
thought record. They become aware of cognitive distortions such as mind
reading (e.g., ‘‘People think I’m a bad parent.’’) and catastrophizing (e.g.,
‘‘If I don’t leave I’m going to pass out.’’) and are challenged to replace
74 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

them with more accurate, reality-based, and adaptive explanations that

decrease anxiety symptoms.
Cognitive restructuring is often coupled with exposure interventions
to help the patient relearn a sense of safety in previously feared situa-
tions. This exposure is performed in a stepwise hierarchical fashion from
the least to the most feared (as ranked by the patient). This allows an
opportunity to put into practice what has been learned during sessions.
For example, the patient with social anxiety might start with simply
imagining a brief conversation with a neighbor. Once the patient achieves
some mastery over symptoms, the exposure might escalate to a brief con-
versation with a neighbor. All the while the patient would be working to
cognitively restructure his or her thoughts of embarrassment. Ultimately
the patient might invite the neighbor over for lunch. Exposure response
prevention (ERP) is a component of CBT that is particularly helpful for
OCD. In ERP, the patient is repeatedly exposed to a particular trigger that
elicits the obsession and refrains from carrying out the compulsion.
The role of the primary care clinician for a patient undergoing CBT
CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

is largely supportive, although many providers may wish to learn CBT

through formal training. Providers may refer patients for CBT. In such
patients, the provider may briefly review the dysfunctional thought record
with the patient and reinforce what is learned from therapy. Also,
reminding the patient that symptoms may actually increase initially as
fears are challenged rather than avoided may be helpful in preventing
premature discontinuation from therapy. CBT is well tolerated, cost
effective, and associated with minimal side effects. Patients routinely
experience the benefits of CBT within the same timeframe as antide-
pressants, as early as the second session.

Social Interventions
As part of the empathic process, the clinician may become aware of
obvious social situations exacerbating or complicating a patient’s anxi-
ety disorder. While it is often not possible to solve potentially compli-
cated social issues for patients, reasonable interventions may go a long
way in developing trust. Interventions may include assessment of safety
for a patient in an abusive or unsafe relationship, consideration of
short-term disability or time off from work, and consultation with a
social worker if available. In cases of adjustment disorder with anxiety,
such interventions may be the only treatment required.

Treatment Recommendations (Acute Phase)

With some notable exceptions, the initial treatment for the anxiety dis-
orders is remarkably similar regardless of the specific diagnosis. Options
will include some combination of an SSRI, benzodiazepine, and/or psy-
chotherapy. The exact choice will depend on patient preference and to a
lesser extent on diagnosis (Table 4.5). For the five major anxiety disor-
ders (PD, GAD, OCD, PTSD, and SAD), starting with either an SSRI or CBT
is a reasonable first option as they are equally effective. For OCD, a ther-
apist trained in ERP would also be a reasonable option. Since success is
equally likely with either option, choice may depend on factors other
Chapter 4 Anxiety Disorders 75

Table 4.5 Acute Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

PD þþ þþ þ þþ þ
GAD þþ þþ þ/ þþ þ/
SP þþ þþ þ/ þ þ/
PTSD þþ þþ þ/ – þ/
OCD þþ þþ þ þ/ –

CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; GAD, generalized anxiety disorder; OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder; PD, panic disorder; PTSD,
posttraumatic stress disorder; SP, social phobia; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
þþ, good evidence; þ, some evidence; þ/, inadequate/mixed evidence; –, no evidence.
Additional combined benefit.
Exposure response prevention.

than efficacy. While many therapists may be familiar with the principles

CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

of CBT, this does not always translate to competency in providing CBT.
This is important since outcome is influenced by how closely a therapist
adheres to the guiding principles and techniques. Even when available,
therapists may not accept health insurance. Another potential logistical
challenge is the time commitment required from the patient. The
weekly visits may not be possible due to required time off from work
and need for childcare and consistent transportation.
If the patient chooses to take an SSRI and does not respond within 2
months of adequately dosed treatment, options would include a trial of
another SSRI versus switching to an SNRI such as venlafaxine or duloxe-
tine. For patients with a history of inadequate response to a medication
in the past, CBT can still be effective. Despite the theoretical appeal of
.................................................. combined treatment with CBT and an SSRI, the current evidence has
.................................................. not consistently shown a substantial benefit over CBT alone except with
• Diagnostic uncertainty the possible exceptions of PD and OCD (17, 18). On the other hand, com-
bined treatment was also not associated with diminished effectiveness.
• Significant comorbid psy-
chiatric illness: substance Therefore, use of combined medication and psychotherapy may be indi-
abuse, suicidal patients, vidually tailored until further information becomes available.
bipolar disorder, person-
ality disorders
• Severe illness in terms of Treatment Recommendations (Maintenance Phase)
marked socio-occupa- The maintenance phase of treatment begins once a patient responds to
tional disability
an antianxiety medication. The goal of maintenance treatment is
• Prior treatment failure relapse prevention. Most guidelines suggest a minimum of 6 months to
with multiple medications
and psychotherapy 1 year of treatment. Chances for success with discontinuation of medi-
• Patient prefers initial trial cation treatment may be increased by considering several options: (1) if
of psychotherapy there is a history of one or more relapses in the past, long-term, indefi-
• Close follow-up (e.g., nite treatment with an antidepressant may be considered; 2) a gradual
every 2 to 3 weeks) dur- discontinuation of the antidepressant over several weeks (and BZPs over
ing medication initiation
phase is not feasible several weeks) will decrease the likelihood of recurrence as well as pre-
vent the discontinuation syndrome; and (3) consider CBT: A course of
• Severe agitation or suici-
dal ideation CBT in conjunction with the taper from medication can decrease the
likelihood of relapse.
76 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Practice Pointers
Case 1: Afraid of passing out
A 32-year-old woman with a history of Graves disease treated with radioablation
therapy 2 years ago complains of ‘‘feeling anxious and fearful when leaving the
house.’’ Her symptoms prior to the radioablation consisted of a ‘‘pounding
heart’’ and ‘‘feeling shaky and hot.’’ After radioablation therapy, serial thyroid
function values showed that the patient was euthyroid with thyroid hormone
replacement. While she does not have daily symptoms, she continues to have
sudden and unexpected attacks that she dreads, and states, ‘‘I feel like I’m going
to pass out.’’ She underwent an extensive cardiac work-up 1 year ago but she is
still convinced something was ‘‘missed’’ since ‘‘they told me this would all go
away and it hasn’t.’’ She is becoming hesitant to drive for fear of an attack and
stays near an exit in public places ‘‘just in case I have to get out of there.’’ She is
on thyroid replacement therapy and her thyroid panel has been within normal

Discussion: This case illustrates an example of PD developing during the course of a

general medical condition known to mimic symptoms of anxiety. Initially the attacks
CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

occurred without warning, but over time we can see that the early signs of agora-
phobia are appearing. The somatic presentation may have delayed early recognition
of panic disorder. Treatment should have begun immediately after the negative
medical work-up based on risk factors rather than waiting for symptoms to resolve
spontaneously. Management at this point first requires improving trust between
patient and provider. She is clearly frustrated by the lack of past improvement
despite reassurances, and an empathic statement noting such may be a helpful first
step. A clear explanation of how her panic attacks are mimicking her previous thy-
roid disease and are now likely driven by her sympathetic nervous system may find
the patient open to a trial of CBT. Alternatively, a slow titration of an SSRI could be
considered first depending on patient preference.

Case 2: Chronic worries

A 27-year-old man with a diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
presents with continuing anxiety and worry about his illness despite some mild
improvement with a proton pump inhibitor and an unremarkable endoscopic
examination earlier in the year. He is concerned from reading articles on the
Internet that he may have esophageal cancer or heart disease and worries that
his insurance will not cover such a work-up. He wonders if he should change his
insurance carrier but continues to be worried despite your assurance that his
concerns are premature. He admits that he probably worries too much about
things in general and states, ‘‘It’s the way I’ve always been.’’ He wishes he could
‘‘just relax,’’ but ‘‘that’s when something will probably go wrong.’’ He has taken
zolpidem for several years to help him sleep instead of ruminating on his wor-
ries. He describes a brother with similar symptoms who has found some relief
with citalopram. He is interested in trying it but worries about side effects and
‘‘getting addicted to it.’’

Discussion: The presence of multiple, pervasive, and long-term worries without a

unifying trigger suggests a diagnosis of GAD. His continuing GERD-like symptoms
could represent a somatic manifestation of his anxiety disorder and may be expected
to improve with treatment of GAD. Fortunately, he appears willing to accept help,
but as we can see from his propensity to worry, it will be important to provide clear
information about expectations and potential side effects of treatment options. Ini-
tiation of a medication or psychotherapy would be equally reasonable at this point.
Because there is a family history of success with citalopram, it may be preferentially
Chapter 4 Anxiety Disorders 77

Case 3: A shy parent

A 29-year-old woman presents with her 6-year-old daughter for a well-child
check after missing the originally scheduled appointment. She is quiet but
informs you that there is an upcoming parent–teacher conference for her daugh-
ter. She adds, ‘‘I’m just not good with that sort of thing.’’ She apparently
showed up late for the last parent–teacher conference, couldn’t remember what
was said, and ‘‘left with a headache.’’ Further questioning reveals a concern that
‘‘the teacher thinks I’m not a good parent’’ despite lacking the evidence this is
true. It is also clear that she has similar concerns with purely social events such as
holiday parties or even saying hello to her neighbors.

Discussion: This case highlights the difficulty many patients have in asking for help
due to a sense of shame or embarrassment. Being on the lookout for physical symp-
toms and the pattern of avoidance is important. Further evaluation should inquire
about the extent of triggers. If the triggers are circumscribed around social interac-
tions almost exclusively, social phobia (SP) would be the diagnosis. If the symptoms
appear in nearly all activities, including while at home without social triggers, the
patient may actually have GAD. Initial management should begin with recognition
that the patient has really struggled with symptoms over the years. While medica-

CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

tions and psychotherapy are again equally effective with SP, many patients are hesi-
tant about seeing a therapist since by definition they find new social interactions
very uncomfortable. If a reasonably strong therapeutic relationship has developed,
the patient may be more open to psychotherapy if a trial of a medication was not
effective or was only partially effective.

Case 4: Multiple fears and rituals

A 25-year-old man is a new patient with concerns about holding his job as a sub-
stitute teacher. In the past several months he has had intrusive and consuming
thoughts that one of his students has been abused. He finds himself repeatedly
checking for bruises on his students and finds it very difficult to concentrate on
the lesson. He fears that missing a bruise would mean losing his job despite know-
ing the thoughts are excessive. ‘‘I try to resist but I can feel it building up until I
think about it.’’ He is now a lesson behind and parents have complained about his
‘‘slowness’’ to the principal. He recently moved to the area to be closer to his girl-
friend. As a teenager he had some issues with excessive handwashing and count-
ing in response to obsessions with contamination but denies this is a current issue.

Discussion: The trigger of an obsession (students are being abused) and the compul-
sion (checking for bruises) suggest the patient is suffering from OCD. The absence of
other triggers and recent traumas would confirm the diagnosis. This case also illus-
trates the sometimes waxing and waning nature of anxiety disorders, in his case
potentially recurring after his recent stressor (the move and new job). Over time,
obsessions and compulsions may change, as his obsessions changed from contamina-
tion to doubts. The irresistible and time-consuming nature of the obsessions contrib-
utes to the disability. Management could include initiation of an SSRI titrated as close
to the maximal dose as possible to improve chances of response. Since combining
medication with psychotherapy, especially ERP, may have additive value in OCD, this
should be considered early. ERP would focus on having the patient imagine the chil-
dren in the classroom triggering the obsession (students are being abused) and refrain
from imagining the search for bruises until the anxiety is minimal (habituation).

Case 5: A man with acute anxiety

A 42-year-old man presents to his primary care provider for the results of a
blood test performed the week before to evaluate jaundice. He is told he has
hepatitis C and the provider tries to explain the next step, which includes refer-
ral to a liver specialist. However, the patient finds it difficult to listen to the plan
78 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

as he ruminates on the effect of this illness on his wife and employment. Over the
next several days he calls in sick at work due to feeling restless and being unable
to concentrate. He pulls out of a planned fishing trip with friends and spends sev-
eral hours per day on the computer gathering information on hepatitis C. His wife
is supportive and during the following week his sleep normalizes and he returns
to work. He returns to the clinic several weeks later interested in the referral to
the liver specialist and adds, ‘‘I’d like to go fishing as long as I can.’’

Discussion: There is a close temporal relationship with an acute stressor (diagnosis

of hepatitis C) and the onset of anxiety symptoms that appear to peak in the first 1
to 2 weeks. However, ASD or PTSD does not result because the stressor is not suffi-
ciently traumatic to produce significant arousal, avoidance, or re-experiencing of the
stressor. The symptoms are sufficient to affect function but resolve after he receives
support and education. This is a case of adjustment disorder with anxiety.

Case 6: Headaches, insomnia, and flashbacks

A 24-year-old woman presents complaining of headache, difficulty initiating sleep,
and fatigue for the past 4 months. She recently withdrew from some community
college classes and has avoided going out with friends on weekends, which she
CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

previously enjoyed, and admits she has been more irritable. Routine laboratory
evaluation reveals normal values. You inquire about any recent stressors besides
school and she admits there was an ‘‘incident.’’ Apparently a former boyfriend
was stalking her and held her at knifepoint 6 months ago before being disarmed
by police. He is now in jail but she admits feeling fearful of anyone who looks like
her ex-boyfriend and finds herself vividly remembering the events of 6 months
ago ‘‘as if they’re happening now.’’

Discussion: Despite the potentially lethal nature of her trauma, she did not have
any obvious physical sequelae that would have more easily led us to the diagnosis of
PTSD. The traumatic event is defined as an event that causes significant fear, horror,
or helplessness. The avoidance symptoms are represented by her withdrawal from
school and social situations. She is re-experiencing the trauma in the form of flash-
backs and the increased arousal is manifesting as irritability. She is clearly disabled by
her anxiety disorder and complicating her case is the pending nature of her trauma
as the boyfriend is in jail and awaiting trial. Considering the overlap in symptoms
and high comorbidity, the patient should also be screened for major depression.
Management should include consultation with a social worker to help the patient
with counseling and legal resources. A benzodiazepine and/or an SSRI may be used if
the anxiety worsens.

Acute Stress Disorder 308.3
Acute Stress Reaction 308
Adjustment Disorder (Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood) 309.28
Agoraphobia without Panic Disorder 300.22
Anxiety State, Unspecified 300
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 300.02
Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia 300.21
Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia 300.01
Phobia, Specific (Acrophobia, Animal, Claustrophobia,
Fear of Crowds) 300.29
Phobia, Unspecified 300.2
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 309.81
Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder) 300.23
Chapter 4 Anxiety Disorders 79

Practical Resources
The Anxiety Disorders Association of America:
Nonprofit organization with information on anxiety disorders and help with finding a therapist
The National Institute of Mental Health:
Information on diagnosis and treatment as well as on how to participate in clinical trials

1. Greenberg PE, Sisitsky T, Kessler RC, et al. The economic burden of anxiety disorders in the 1990s.
J Clin Psychiatry. 1999;60:427–435.

2. Bruce SE, Yonkers KA, Otto M, et al. Influence of psychiatric comorbidity on recovery and recurrence
in generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, and panic disorder: a 12-year prospective study. Am J
Psychiatry. 2005;162:1179–1187.

3. Kroenke K, Spitzer RL, Williams JB, et al. Anxiety disorders in primary care: prevalence, impairment,
comorbidity, and detection. Ann Intern Med. 2007;146(5):317–325.

4. Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB, et al. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder:
the GAD-7. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:1092–1097.

5. Kirmayer LJ, Robbins JM, Dworkind M, et al. Somatization and the recognition of depression and
anxiety in primary care. Am J Psychiatry. 1993;150:734–741.

6. Goldberg, RJ. Practical Guide to the Care of the Psychiatric Patient. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book; 1995.

7. Rodriguez BF, Weisberg RB, Pagano ME, et al. Frequency and patterns of psychiatric comorbidity in a

CHAPTER 4 Anxiety Disorders

sample of primary care patients with anxiety disorders. Compr Psychiatry. 2004;45(2):129–137.

8. Rosen RC, Lane RM, Menza M. Effects of SSRIs on sexual function: a critical review. J Clin Psychophar-
macol. 1999;19:67–85.

9. Balon B. SSRI-associated sexual dysfunction. Am J Psychiatry. 2006;163:1504–1509.

10. Davidson JRT, Potts N, Richichi E, et al. Treatment of social phobia with clonazepam and placebo.
J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1993;13:423–428.

11. Hollander E, Kaplan A, Stahl SM. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of clonazepam in obses-
sive-compulsive disorder. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2003;4(1):30–34.

12. Crockett BA, Churchill E, Davidson JR. A double-blind combination study of clonazepam with sertra-
line in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2004;16(3):127–132.

13. Braun P, Greenberg D, Dasberg H, et al. Core symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder unimproved
by alprazolam treatment. J Clin Psychiatry. 1990;51:236–238.

14. Rickels K, Rynn M. Pharmacology of generalized anxiety disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 2002;63(suppl 14):

15. Gelernter CS, Uhde TW, Cimbolic P, et al. Cognitive-behavioral and pharmacological treatments of
social phobia: a controlled study. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1991;48:938–945.

16. Mitte K. A meta-analysis of the efficacy of psycho- and pharmacotherapy in panic disorder with
and without agoraphobia. J Affect Disord. 2005;88:27–45.

17. Black DW. Efficacy of combined pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy versus monotherapy in the
treatment of anxiety disorders [Review]. CNS Spectr. 2006 Oct;11(10 Suppl 12):29–33.

18. Furukawa TA, Watanabe N, Churchill R. Psychotherapy plus antidepressant for panic disorder with
or without agoraphobia: systematic review [Review]. Br J Psychiatry. 2006;188:305–312.
5 Psychotic Disorders
Joel Johnson, MD • Malathi Srinivasan, MD • Glen L. Xiong, MD

... ... Clinical Significance

Susan is a 28-year-old woman who presents with her
... ...
The lifetime prevalence of psy-
boyfriend for worsening anxiety and insomnia. During the
... ...
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

chotic disorders in U.S. residents is

... exam, she is nervous and staring intently at the walls. She ...
about 3%. In a study of over one
states that she is afraid of demons, as they have been ...
thousand urban and academic cen-
asking her to do ‘‘weird things.’’ Her boyfriend states that ...
she has not been eating or bathing regularly. Her real
tered primary care patients, roughly
... ...
20% reported some type of psy-
estate business has fallen off by 50%, because she can’t ...
chotic symptom, most commonly
‘‘close the deal.’’ .
auditory hallucinations. Those who
have psychotic symptoms are much
more likely to experience comorbid
depression, anxiety, suicidal thinking and alcohol abuse (1).
The ability to accurately diagnose and effectively treat psychotic dis-
orders has become increasingly relevant for primary care providers for
several reasons. First, patients with psychotic symptoms, which compli-
cate general medical conditions (e.g., delusions associated with systemic
lupus erythematosus), often present in primary care settings. Second,
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS antipsychotic medications used to treat psychosis have significant
• Psychosis is a state of dis- potential metabolic side effects (i.e., obesity, hyperglycemia, and hyper-
ordered thoughts or
impairment in reality lipidemia). As a result, more and more patients who chronically take
testing, as manifested by antipsychotic medications and have been traditionally cared for in men-
perceptual disturbances tal health programs require primary medical care (2). Third, life-prolong-
(e.g., hallucination) and
disorganized speech and ing measures for various medical conditions like Parkinson disease have
behavior. outpaced the treatment of their associated psychiatric disturbances. The
• Secondary psychotic dis- resulting increase in such secondary psychotic conditions has caused an
orders can be caused by increase in the use of antipsychotic medications, particularly in the last
general medical condi-
tions (e.g., dementia or decade.
delirium with psychosis),
side effects from pre-
scribed medications (e.g.,
prednisone or potent
opioid analgesics), severe
mood disorders with psy- PRIMARY PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS
chotic features such as
depression and bipolar Primary psychotic disorders are conditions in which psychosis is a car-
dinal symptom and not directly caused by another disorder. Currently,
Chapter 5 Psychotic Disorders 81

there are seven defined disorders: schizophrenia, schizophreniform dis-

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS order, schizoaffective disorder, brief psychotic disorder, delusional disor-
(Continued) der, shared psychotic disorder, and psychotic disorder not otherwise
disorder, and illicit sub- specified (3). Secondary psychotic disorders are clinical conditions in
stance use.
which psychosis is a complicating symptom of a general medical condi-
• Positive psychotic symp-
tion or a medication (e.g., encephalitis or the use of high-dose steroids),
toms are outward mani-
festations of the thought substance use disorders (e.g., amphetamine- or cocaine-induced psycho-
disorder: hallucinations, sis), or mood disorders (e.g., major depression with psychotic features).
delusions, and bizarre or
disorganized behaviors or Patients with relapsing and remitting psychosis usually have a chronic
speech. Negative psy- psychotic disorder, representing a primary psychotic disorder. In these
chotic symptoms include
cases, symptoms have a high likelihood of recurrence. Patients with
affective flattening
(decreased expressed untreated psychotic disorders have associated cognitive dysfunction
emotions), alogia (pov- that results in disability, including the inability to work, poor social
erty of thoughts), atten-
tion deficits, anhedonia, functioning, poor hygiene, malnutrition, and early death (4). The seven
amotivation, and social primary psychotic disorders are discussed below.
• The American Psychiatric

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

Association recommends
indefinite antipsychotic
medication treatment Schizophrenia is the most common primary psychotic disorder in the
against recurring psycho- United States, affecting about 1% of the population. Its economic
sis in patients with pri-
mary psychotic disorders, impact is comparable with that of mood and anxiety disorders,
if two or more episodes although each of the other two conditions is about 10 times more prev-
occur within 5 years.
alent than schizophrenia (5). Mortality in those with schizophrenia is
• Treatment of chronic psy- about three times that of the general population. About a third of
chotic disorders, such as
schizophrenia, begins deaths are due to suicide, while a smaller but significant percentage of
with the selection of an the deaths are related to violent acts. Approximately 30% of those with
appropriate second-gen-
eration antipsychotic schizophrenia attempt suicide and about 10% will die by their attempts
(SGA) medication and (6). Many patients with schizophrenia die of complications of poor life-
referral for psychosocial style choices and poor adherence to medical treatments. Half of those
who have schizophrenia are obese and have metabolic syndrome, with
• Patients who have schizo-
phrenia are at an increased a resultant increase in cardiac-related mortality (6). Peak symptom
risk for developing meta- onset is late adolescence or early adulthood, although nonspecific
bolic abnormalities. The symptoms may be present earlier (7).
addition of any SGA carries
an additional risk for Schizophrenia has three phases: (1) a nonspecific prodromal phase,
weight gain, dyslipidemia, which is usually recognized in retrospect and characterized by subtle
and glucose dysregulation.
In addition to obtaining behavioral changes, social withdrawal, and functional decline; (2) an
the weight and waist cir- active phase, in which psychotic symptoms predominate; and (3) a
cumference at each visit residual phase, which is similar to the prodromal phase but occurs
for all patients who are on
an SGA, a fasting glucose later in the disease process. Active phase symptoms recur in the resid-
must be checked before ual phase. A definitive diagnosis is generally made in the active phase.
the SGA is started, at week
12 after it was started, and The diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia are listed in Table 5.1 (8).
annually thereafter. A fast- Patients with schizophrenia may not (and often do not) present with
ing lipid panel should also classic hallucinations or delusions. Instead, they may have extremely
be monitored before the
SGA is started, 12 weeks disordered thoughts or disorganized behaviors. While patients may
into treatment, and every have various bizarre delusions, paranoid delusions (i.e., of being
3 to 5 years thereafter.
watched, followed, plotted against, and harmed) are most consistently
present. In order to meet the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia,
some continuous sign of disturbance must be present for at least 6
82 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 5.1 Diagnostic Criteria for Schizophrenia

1. Two positive or negative symptoms:
Positive symptoms: hallucinations, delusions, disorganized behavior, and
disorganized speech
Negative symptoms: flat affect, poverty of thought, social withdrawal, and
lack of motivation
These criteria can be fulfilled with only one symptom in three special cases:
a. A delusional construct that cannot occur in the real world
b. Two auditory hallucinations, which are in conversation with each
other about the patient
c. An auditory hallucination, which provides a running commentary on
the patient’s thoughts and/or behaviors
2. Evidence of symptoms for at least 6 months
The syndrome usually starts with negative symptoms or progressively wor-
sening positive symptoms.
3. Not due to a complication of a systemic medical disorder or other psychiat-
ric disorder
4. Significant decline from previous level of function
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

Adapted from American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor-
ders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2004.

Schizophreniform Disorder
Schizophreniform disorder is often thought of as ‘‘early schizophrenia’’
and is not due to another psychiatric or a general medical disorder. If
criteria for schizophrenia are met and symptoms are present for less
than 6 months but greater than 1 month, then the diagnosis of schizo-
phreniform disorder is indicated. All patients with schizophreniform
disorder should be immediately referred to a psychiatrist with concerns
of new-onset psychosis.

Brief Psychotic Disorder

A brief psychotic disorder is also referred to as time-limited schizophre-
nia. If criteria for schizophrenia are met for more than 1 day but less
than 1 month, followed by full clinical recovery, the patient may be
diagnosed with a brief psychotic disorder. This diagnosis has a fairly
good prognosis and is usually coupled with a significant psychosocial

Schizoaffective Disorder
Simply put, schizoaffective disorder is schizophrenia with a persistent
mood disorder. Someone with schizoaffective disorder simultaneously
meets the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia and either bipolar dis-
order or major depressive disorder. In order to meet the diagnostic cri-
teria for schizoaffective disorder, there must be evidence that
psychotic symptoms are present when the mood disturbance is quies-
cent for at least a 2-week time period. In general, schizoaffective
Chapter 5 Psychotic Disorders 83

disorder carries a poor long-term prognosis that is similar to or worse

than schizophrenia.

Delusional Disorder
Those who have delusional disorder present with nonbizarre delusions
for at least 1 month. Nonbizarre delusions refer to plausible but unlikely
events that could happen in real life. For example, a person may believe
that his spouse is poisoning his meals for no apparent reason. Those
who have one or more nonbizarre delusions should only be diagnosed
with delusional disorder when there is related social or occupational
dysfunction due solely to the delusion.

Shared Delusional Disorder

Shared delusional disorder (also called ‘‘folie a
 deux’’) is rare and
occurs when two individuals in close proximity share the delusion.
Patients with shared delusional disorder should be screened for recent

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

stressors as well as anxiety, mood, and disorders related to substance

Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Patients with psychotic disorder not otherwise specified (NOS) have
clinically significant symptoms that don’t meet criteria for a specific
psychotic disorder. For example, patients may present with isolated
auditory hallucinations, postpartum psychosis in the absence of a
mood disorder, or transient stress-induced psychosis. Psychosis NOS
often serves as a working diagnosis that may be used while investi-
gating the cause of psychotic symptoms. In order to be diagnosed
with psychosis NOS, the symptoms should cause clinically significant
distress and not be caused by other general medical or psychiatric ill-
ness. For example, an isolated, nondistressing visual hallucination on
waking (hypnopompic hallucination) does not merit a psychiatric

Patients with psychosis may present in a variety of ways, often with
distressing hallucinations or paranoid delusions. More frequently,
patients are brought in by family members with a complaint of bizarre
behavior, insomnia, or lack of concern for hygiene and grooming.
Family members may be concerned over other decline in basic activ-
ities of daily living (ADLs) or the patient’s failure to keep up with rou-
tine social duties. Many patients have little insight into their
psychosis although they will often concede that their thinking is
impaired. The provider should assess how the psychosis has disrupted
the patient’s ADLs, interpersonal relationships, school or work per-
formance, and financial well-being. Asking about educational, occupa-
tional, and social background will help place the current level of
functioning in perspective. Table 5.2 summarizes the evaluation
84 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 5.2 Assessment of Patients with Psychotic Symptoms: PSYCHOSIS Mnemonic

Psychotropis: Ask the patient about past use of antipsychotic and other psychiatric medications; including ques-
tions related to efficacy and side effects.
Safety first: When in the room, keep in mind the patient’s frame of reference and state of mind. The patient
may be scared, paranoid, uncomfortable, potentially violent, angry, or confused. Be prepared to modify your
approach as circumstances change in the interview. If the patient seems angry, have a staff member in the
room with you, keep the door open, and notify security.
Y symptoms: Let the patient know that many other people experience these symptoms and that treatment is
available. The clinician can use the following statements to reassure and calm the patient who presents with
psychosis: ‘‘Many patients in my practice have experienced [symptom]. Is that something that you have experi-
enced as well?’’ or ‘‘I know this is new and may be scary, but I want you to know we can work as a team to
make things better.’’
Caring: Elicit symptoms with a caring, neutral stance, in which you neither challenge nor collude with the
patient’s symptoms. Often, empathizing with the distress around a symptom without validating the symptom is
comforting. For example, you might say, ‘‘It must be very frightening to believe the FBI is watching you. Let me
know what I can do to make you feel less anxious about this.’’
Home: Inquire about the living and financial situation, as patients who have a psychotic disorder often struggle
with securing safe and stable housing and consistent meals.
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

Other conditions: Evaluate and treat coexisting general medical, psychiatric, and substance misuse conditions.
As with any other medical conditions, assess symptom onset, duration, fluctuation, exacerbating/relieving fac-
tors, and associated symptoms.
Suicide: Assess for suicidal and other critical symptoms, such as homicidal thoughts or extreme neglect and
inability to care for self. Distinguish between thoughts of death (self or others), plans to harm (self or others),
and the degree of development of the plans. All patients who express thoughts of suicide or homicide should
be asked about access to a firearm. When indicated, consult with a mental health crisis intervention team or
local emergency department.
Impairment: How impaired is the patient because of these symptoms? How have they impacted the patient’s
family, work, education and relationships?
Substance misuse: People with schizophrenia frequently have comorbid substance abuse or dependence.
Moreover, the use of excessive alcohol or illicit drugs dramatically worsens the prognosis of schizophrenia.
All patients who have a psychotic disorder should be regularly monitored for a substance misuse

process of patients who present with psychotic symptoms using the

PSYCHOSIS mnemonic.

Differential Diagnosis
Psychosis is a symptom that, like chest pain, has a broad differential
diagnosis. Not all psychotic symptoms are due to schizophrenia! In fact,
psychotic symptoms may be due to primary psychosis (e.g., schizophre-
nia), general medical, other psychiatric, or substance-induced conditions.
Figure 5.1 illustrates an approach to patients presenting with psychotic
symptoms. In general, acute, isolated psychotic symptoms are due to sub-
stance use, medication side effects, or a general medical condition since
primary psychosis and secondary psychosis due to another psychiatric
disorder (e.g., bipolar disorder) tend to have a more subacute to chronic
course with progressive worsening. When forming a differential diagno-
sis, we recommend taking the following stepwise approach (9).
Chapter 5 Psychotic Disorders 85

Delusions, hallucinations,
disorganized speech,
or disorganized behavior

Due to effects Yes SUBSTANCE-INDUCED

substance (or drugs) MOOD DISORDER


Due to direct Yes PSYCHOTIC D/O DUE TO

effects of a GENERAL MEDICAL
general medical disorder CONDITION



Psychosis only duration manic,
mixed, or depressive episode


Determine Duration of Symptoms

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders


More than 1 day but <1 month BRIEF PSYCHOTIC D/O


More than 1 month but <6 months SCHIZOPHRENIFORM D/O


More than >6 months SCHIZOPHRENIA


Mood d/o and schizophrenia

(i.e., psychotic symptoms Yes
present for 2 weeks
when mood episode is absent)


Psychosis that affect Yes

social function but does not PSYCHOTIC DISORDER NOS
meet abovediagnostic criteria

Figure 5.1 Diagnostic algorithm for psychosis. (Adapted with permission from the American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2004.)


The provider should elicit the course and fluctuation of symptoms and
the impact on social functioning. Positive psychotic symptoms are out-
ward manifestations of the psychosis: hallucinations, delusions, and
bizarre or disorganized behaviors or speech. Negative psychotic symp-
toms are the ‘‘fall from function’’ symptoms: flat affect, poverty of
thought, social withdrawal, apathy, and lack of motivation. Table 5.3
defines common psychotic symptoms. For acutely psychotic patients,
the best way to elicit symptoms is to take a caring, neutral stance in
which the provider neither challenges nor colludes with the patient’s
86 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 5.3 Definition of Psychotic Symptoms

Hallucinations • Sensory perception in the absence of sensory • Perceptual distortions or illusions: sensory
stimuli. May occur with any of the senses misperception in the presence of stimuli
(visual, auditory, olfactory, skin sensations, (e.g., mistakenly identifying a chair as a
etc.) person)
• ‘‘Mystical experiences,’’ often part of a spirit-
ual belief system
• May be due to medical disorders (temporal
seizures, migraine auras, uremia, hepatic
encephalopathy, etc.)
Delusions • Fixed belief that is at odds with reality (delu- • Beliefs due to environmental, social, cultural,
sions of persecution, grandeur, parasites, or spiritual/religious background (e.g., belief
etc.) in God’s influence over health or destiny,
transfer of the soul with blood transfusions,
breaking a mirror brings bad luck, etc.)
Bizarre • Not physically possible (e.g., people walking • Nonbizarre delusions are possible, but
delusions through walls or traveling back in time) untrue—for instance, a patient feeling that
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

‘‘a celebrity is in love with me’’

Thought • Disorders of thought process or how one • Delirium, dementia, aphasia, mania
disorder thinks. Patients may have difficulty with logi-
cal construction of thoughts (tangential,
word salad, flight of ideas, loosening of asso-
ciations, neologisms, etc.) or expression of
their thoughts in unintelligible ways
Bizarre • Inability to dress, act, or interact in socially • Social trends (intergenerational conflicts),
behaviors appropriate ways. Behaviors may be crude unusual fashions, fads, or social groups with
(cursing, solicitous), offensive, violent, or nonconformist behaviors
• Dress in poorly fitting clothing, wear makeup
smeared over the face or buttons mis-
matched and zippers undone
• Urinate or defecate in unusual places, even
if a bathroom is nearby

symptoms. Often, empathizing with the level of distress can be done

without challenging or confirming the symptoms. For example, one
might say, ‘‘It must be frightening and frustrating to believe your co-
workers are monitoring your every move while at work and home.’’ Col-
lateral information sources should be obtained to supplement the
subjective history whenever possible.


Psychosis may be caused by illicit or prescribed drugs, infections, vasculi-
tis, autoimmune disorders (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus), poison-
ing (e.g., heavy metals), stroke, or dementia. Table 5.4 reviews general
medical conditions associated with psychosis and the corresponding
work-up. Clinical suspicion should guide diagnostic testing to avoid
unnecessary false-positives, inconvenience, and cost. Medical conditions
with systemic manifestation (e.g., delirium) often cause acute mental sta-
tus changes, which often present with acute psychotic symptoms.
Chapter 5 Psychotic Disorders 87

Table 5.4 General Medical Causes of Psychosis

Neurologic disorders • Acute or progressive • Brain imaging to • Patients with a pri-
(chronic) (seizure dis- development of delu- detect underlying mary neurologic con-
order, Parkinson dis- sions, hallucinations, neurologic condition dition and psychosis
ease, multiple disorganized behav- • Lumbar puncture for should be given a
sclerosis, stroke, ior, agitation, and multiple sclerosis diagnosis of ‘‘psycho-
Huntington disease, disinhibition sis due to a general
traumatic brain • Temporal relation- medical condition,’’
injury) ship between the rather than be diag-
neurologic disorder nosed with
and the psychotic schizophrenia
symptoms • Pharmacotherapy
• Psychiatric finding may be similar to
may be the only pre- schizophrenia but
sentation in cases of antipsychotic-associ-
isolated neurologic ated EPS may be
lesions (e.g., stroke more likely in this
or occult multiple patient population

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

Neurologic disorders • Acute to subacute • RPR/VDRL • RPR/VDRL and an HIV
(acute) (central nerv- onset of hallucina- • HIV test should be con-
ous system infection tions, delusions, agi- • ANA sidered as part of the
or inflammation, tation, mania, • ESR/CRP work-up of psychosis
e.g., syphilis, herpes depression, and dis- • CBC in those who have
encephalitis, HIV, organized behavior • Lumbar puncture risk factors (e.g., use
lupus, vasculitides) • Unless the infection of intravenous drugs,
or inflammation also unprotected sex with
involves other multiple partners, or
organs, minimal sys- a history of sex with
temic findings may prostitutes)
be present in the • Inflammatory
beginning markers, ANAs, and
more specific anti-
body tests may also
be considered, as
clinically indicated
Electrolyte disturbance • Acute to progressive • Basic chemistry panel • Systemic symptoms
hypercalcemia, course of lethargy, with calcium and are often present
hyponatremia, or agitation, disorgani- magnesium • In this case, psychosis
uremia) zation, delirium, or is probably a compo-
hallucinations nent of delirium
Medication-induced • Acute onset of hallu- • Urine drug screen • Opioids, steroids,
psychosis cinations, delusions, stimulants, anticholi-
disorganization, and nergics, dopamine
cognitive deficits fol- agonists, etc.
lowing drug • Lithium

ANA, antinuclear antibody; CBC, complete blood count; CRP, C-reactive protein; EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms; ESR, erythrocyte sedi-
mentation rate; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; RPR, rapid plasma reagin; VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratories.

Patients with delirium frequently have impaired levels of consciousness,

such as disorientation and impaired ability to sustain attention. Demen-
tia should be considered as a causative factor for psychotic symptoms as
about 30% of patients with dementia have comorbid psychosis. Table 5.5
helps to distinguish between delirium, dementia, and primary psychosis.
88 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry


Medication-induced psychosis is another potential cause of formal
thought disorders and perceptual abnormalities. This typically occurs in
the elderly population, although it may also occur in patients who have
renal or hepatic impairment with reduced drug clearance. Polypharmacy
is another potential precipitant of psychotic symptoms as the risk for
drug–drug interactions is elevated. Possible culprits include anticholiner-
gics, sedative-hypnotics, opioid analgesics, anticonvulsants, theophyl-
line, digoxin, and some antidepressants. The most important clue in
such cases is the clinical history and timing of symptoms in the suscep-
tible patient.
Psychotic symptoms may occur due to substance intoxication and
withdrawal. Psychoactive substances range from phencyclidine (PCP),
lysergic acid (LSD), cocaine, methamphetamines, alcohol, and mari-
juana. Patients with a history of alcoholism may have a related thia-
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

mine deficiency and develop Korsakoff psychosis with resultant

confabulation, deficits in memory, and diminished ability to perform
ADLs. Patients may also develop transient psychotic symptoms in the
setting of alcohol withdrawal or delirium tremens. Cocaine and meth-
amphetamine intoxication–related psychosis is very similar to that
of the paranoid subtype of schizophrenia. Most substance-induced
psychoses resolve over a brief period of time (usually 3 hours to 3
days of detoxification) and therefore would not require prolonged
treatment other than counseling about cessation from the offending
substance. However, some substances like ecstasy or methylenediox-
ymethamphetamine (MDMA) may cause persistent psychotic symp-
toms. The causal association may be difficult to establish and usually
requires at least a 3- to 4-week period of sobriety to solidify a diagno-
sis and treatment plan. Many patients with chronic psychosis are
also at high risk for comorbid substance use and should be monitored

.............................................. STEP 4: ASSESS FOR OTHER PSYCHIATRIC CONDITIONS

Psychiatric causes of psychotic symptoms are summarized in Table
5.6. Mood disorders, such as major depressive disorder and bipolar I
• Systemic medical
conditions disorder, are commonly associated with episodic or temporally associ-
• Delirium ated psychosis. Patients with severe depression may experience nonbi-
zarre delusions associated with contamination, guilt, paranoid
• Dementia
thoughts, or auditory hallucinations commanding them to hurt them-
• Mood disorders
selves. Patients with psychosis that is directly related to depression
• Medication-induced will usually report worsening psychosis when the depression is severe.
Conversely, when depressive symptoms subside, psychotic symptoms
• Substance-induced
psychosis usually improve or disappear entirely. Psychosis in the context of a
bipolar manic or mixed episode often presents with expansive, grandi-
• Suicidal and homicidal
ideation or intent ose delusions of infinite wealth or special powers. We recommend all
patients with even subtle psychotic symptoms be thoroughly assessed
Chapter 5 Psychotic Disorders 89

Table 5.5 Differentiating between Delirium, Dementia, and Primary Psychosis

Delirium • Fluctuating men- • Global CNS dys- • Infections (e.g., uri- • Patients typically present with
tal status, with function that is nary tract infections, fluctuations in attention, and
reduced atten- often from a pneumonia) may be distractible or disori-
tion, focus, and medical illness • CNS disorders (e.g., ented and confused.
cognition or drug side stroke, dementia) • Symptoms fluctuate and are
• Usually effects • Illicit drugs (e.g., often worse at night.
reversible • Often in older cocaine, metham- • Condition usually corrects once
patients or those phetamine, alcohol) the offending agent is stopped
with serious • Other serious medical or the illness is treated.
medical conditions (e.g., end-
problems stage liver disease,
untreated renal
Dementia • Progressive, • Cortical or sub- • Cortical • Patients typically present with
chronic cognitive cortical deterio- s Alzheimer disease chronic decline in cognitive
and functional ration from s Frontotemporal function and memory.
decline various causes. disease • In the nonadvanced stages,

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

• Rarely reversible • Vascular demen- s Lewy body disease reality testing is usually
tia is caused by initially intact.
the multitude of • Subcortical
s Parkinson disease
conditions asso-
ciated with cere- s Huntington disease
s Wilson disease
bral vascular
accidents • Infectious (sometimes
s HIV-associated
s Neurosyphilis

• Other
s Thiamine, niacin,
and folate
s Vascular dementia

Primary • Impaired under- • Although the • Schizophrenia • Attention and orientation are
psychosis standing of real- cause of schizo- • Schizoaffective generally preserved, except if
ity and often phrenia is not disorder the psychosis occurs in the
accompanied by: known for cer- context of a delirium.
s Delusions tain, positive • Patients may have delusions or
s Hallucinations symptoms are auditory or visual hallucina-
s Mood related to dopa- tions and may have difficulty
disturbances mine excess in reasoning.
s Bizarre speech the mesolimbic • Delusions, hallucinations, or
and behaviors system of the severe negative symptoms may
s Poor insight brain. interfere with the ability to
s Amotivation function in society.
with affective • If symptoms are acute or pres-
flattening ent after the age of 40, con-
sider a general medical cause
(e.g., neurosyphilis, vitamin
deficiency, illicit drug use, or a
cerebral vascular accident).

CNS, central nervous system; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

90 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 5.6 Differentiating Psychiatric Causes of Psychosis

Schizophrenia • One month of active psychosis with evidence of at least 6 months of
intermittent or attenuated psychotic symptoms and diminished social
or occupational function
Brief psychotic disorder • Time-limited psychosis directly related to a distressing event in a per-
son’s life
Schizophreniform disorder • The criteria for active phase schizophrenia is present for <6 months
Psychotic disorder not otherwise • Transient, clinically significant psychotic symptoms and psychotic
specified (NOS) symptoms that do not satisfy diagnostic criteria for other psychotic
Schizoaffective disorder • Co-occurring psychotic symptoms and mood disturbance that may be
difficult to distinguish from mood, psychotic, dissociative, somatic, or
personality disorders
• Psychotic symptoms are present during periods of normal mood
• Categorized as depressed or bipolar type
Delusional disorder • ‘‘Nonbizarre’’ delusion(s) that may actually occur in the real world
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

Bipolar disorder • Episodic mood disorder usually characterized by depressive or manic

• Psychotic symptoms may occur during either depressive or manic epi-
sodes and usually remit upon treatment of the mood abnormality
Major depressive disorder • Episodic periods of depression and temporally associated psychotic
• Psychotic symptoms may occur during a depressive episode and usu-
ally remit upon treatment of the mood abnormality
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) • PTSD is often associated with hypervigilance, which can be confused
with paranoia, and re-experiencing symptoms in severe form may
include outright perceptual disturbances (e.g., auditory or visual
Borderline personality disorder • Personality disorder characterized by dysregulation of affect and
tendency toward brief periods of psychotic symptoms during distress
Dissociative disorders • Disorders characterized by disruption of a continuous sense of self,
including amnestic episodes or transition to altered behaviors and
Substance intoxication or • Illicit drugs like cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and even alco-
withdrawal hol can cause psychotic symptoms in the context of both intoxication
and withdrawal
Malingering • Intentionally produced symptoms for external gain (e.g., disability
insurance or to avoid legal prosecution)

for comorbid psychiatric disorders using the AMPS screening tool (see
Chapter 1).

Biopsychosocial Treatment
In general, symptomatic treatment of psychosis should be instituted
with an antipsychotic medication concurrently with treatment for the
underlying etiology so long as the antipsychotic medication is tolerated.
Chapter 5 Psychotic Disorders 91

For example, those who have major depressive disorder with psychotic
features should be treated with an antipsychotic and an antidepressant
medication until the psychotic depressive episode remits. In most cases,
once the psychosis is resolved, treatment with an antidepressant should
continue indefinitely. When treating psychosis associated with general
medical disorders, treatment of the primary medical problem is critical.
For example, masking a patient’s psychotic symptoms and behavioral
agitation in delirium solely with antipsychotic medication may delay
the detection of an impending medical emergency (e.g., septic shock
from failure to detect a respiratory infection). For patients with primary,
chronic psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, early diagnosis and
treatment are associated with improved outcomes (10). Finally, as
patients with chronic psychosis lose the ability to work and their family
members suffer from various forms of stigma (e.g., guilt, shame, and
isolation), the clinician should consider a comprehensive treatment plan
that includes facilitation and referral to psychological support and social

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

Since their introduction over 50 years ago, antipsychotic or ‘‘neurolep-
tic’’ medications and their indications have proliferated. In addition to
treating psychosis, they are effective and have Food and Drug Adminis-
tration (FDA) approval for the treatment of movement disorders, mood
disorders, and acute agitation.
The first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs) are sometimes referred to
as typical antipsychotics. They are much more likely to result in immedi-
ate and long-term motor problems like tardive dyskinesia (TD). High-
potency antipsychotics (e.g., haloperidol) have a high potential for
extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) due to high dopamine-2 receptor (DA-2)
blockade per unit dose. Low-potency antipsychotics (e.g., chlorproma-
zine) have a decreased affinity for the DA-2 receptor and therefore a
much lower chance for EPS. The SGAs or atypical antipsychotics are less
likely to result in EPS but are more expensive and associated with meta-
bolic side effects. Although FGAs and SGAs are both thought to be
equally effective treatments for schizophrenia and schizoaffective disor-
der, we recommend using SGAs as first-line treatment given the lower
likelihood for the largely treatment-resistant TD and other EPS.

General Efficacy
Once antipsychotics are administered, psychotic symptom reduction
usually occurs within 1 to 2 weeks, although optimal response may take
as long as 6 months. For those who adhere to the treatment plan,
approximately 50% of patients with schizophrenia respond to an anti-
psychotic medication, 25% respond partially, and 25% have little to no
response (11). Over time the goal is a reduction in positive symptoms. An
immediate improvement in behavior may be seen because of the tran-
quilizing effect of antipsychotics. In primary psychotic disorders, nega-
tive symptoms and cognitive deficits will generally be more refractory to
92 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

medication treatment. In fact, the presence of negative symptoms car-

ries a worse long-term prognosis when compared to someone who has
predominantly positive symptoms. A patient should be ideally re-
evaluated within at least 2 to 4 weeks to assess for side effects,
improvement, and further medication dose titration. There should be a
low threshold for switching antipsychotics in this initial period if there
is insignificant improvement, worsening of symptoms, or emergence of
intolerable side effects (12).
For the initial treatment of psychosis, it is reasonable to select one
of the agents listed in Table 5.7 and then arrange for psychiatric follow-
up. The contemporary first-line treatment for psychotic disorders is to
start a SGA medication, except clozapine, which is indicated for treat-
ment resistant schizophrenia. The choice is largely determined by the
potential side effects, availability, and cost.

Side Effects
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

Side effects to antipsychotic medications can be conceptually grouped

into short- and long-term side effects (Table 5.7). The short-term side
effects usually present within 1 month of starting or increasing the dose
of an antipsychotic. These include EPS, anticholinergic effects, orthostatic
hypotension, sedation, and a prolonged QT interval on an electrocardio-
gram. The long-term side effects include irreversible movement disorders,
metabolic disorders, and idiosyncratic effects of specific antipsychotics.
EPS are movement symptoms that result from DA-2 blockade of reg-
ulatory neurons that modulate descending motor neurons. They include
akathisia, dystonic reactions, parkinsonian syndrome, neuroleptic
malignant syndrome (NMS), and TD.

Akathisia Akathisia is a subjective, often intolerable, inner restlessness

or sensation of the need to move. Patients with akathisia appear hyper-
kinetic and may anxiously say, ‘‘I feel like I want to crawl out of my
skin.’’ Fortunately, for most patients, akathisia is a transient reaction
that may remit spontaneously over a few weeks. To reduce akathisia,
the antipsychotic may be reduced in dose or switched to another agent
with a lower potential for EPS. For symptomatic treatment, propranolol
may be added at 10 mg BID/TID and rapidly increased as tolerated to up
to 20 to 100 mg BID. Benzodiazepines are also effective for the treatment
of akathisia.

Dystonia Dystonic reactions usually occur within a few hours to days

of starting an antipsychotic and are characterized by painful, uncontrol-
lable tightening of muscles, usually involving the neck, back, or lateral
ocular muscles. Intramuscular (IM) injection of anticholinergic medica-
tions, such as diphenhydramine (25 mg) or benztropine (2 mg), is a rapid
and effective treatment. The emergence of dystonia can be a frightening
experience for the patient, and reassurance coupled with education is
critical to maintaining a trusting clinician–patient relationship and
ongoing adherence with a treatment plan.
Table 5.7 First-Line Antipsychotic Medications for Schizophreniaa
Risperidone 1 mg BID or 2 mg 4–6 Increase up to 2 mg daily, EPS (þþ) Initial:
(Risperdal) QHS as tolerated Hyperprolactinemia (þþþ) • Baseline weight and body
Orthostatic hypotension (þþ) mass index, vital signs,
Metabolic abnormalities (þþ) fasting plasma glucose,
Sedation (þþ) and lipid profile
• Consider doing a preg-
Olanzapine 5–10 mg 10–20 Increase 5 mg every 3–5 EPS (þ) nancy test and drug
(Zyprexa) QHS days, as tolerated Orthostatic hypotension (þ) toxicology
Metabolic (þþþ) • Brain imaging and a neu-
Sedation (þþ) rologic exam should be
Quetiapined 50–100 mg 300–800 Increase 50–100 mg every 2 EPS (þ/–) done if psychotic symp-
(Seroquel) BID days, as tolerated (moni- Orthostatic hypotension (þþþ) toms present after the
tor for orthostatic Metabolic abnormalities (þþ) age of 50
hypotension) Sedation (þþþ) • An ECG should be per-
formed on patients who
Quetiapine XR 300 mg QHS 400–800 Increase every 1–2 days, as EPS (þ/–) have cardiac disease and
(Seroquel XR) tolerated Orthostatic hypotension (þþþ) start ziprasidone
Metabolic abnormalities (þþ)
Sedation (þþþ) First 4 weeks: BMI, EPS, vital
Ziprasidonee 40 mg 160 Increase every other day to EPS (þ) signs, prolactin (if clinical
(Geodon) BID (with food)f target dose, as tolerated Orthostatic hypotension (þ) symptoms of hyperprolacti-
Metabolic abnormalities (þ) nemia exist)
Sedation (þþ) First 12 weeks: BMI, EPS,
QTc prolongation (þþ) vital signs, fasting glucose, a
lipid profile
Aripiprazole 10–15 mg 10–30 Increase dose after 2 days, EPS (þ) Quarterly: BMI
(Abilify) QAM as tolerated Orthostatic hypotension (þ) Annually: BMI, EPS, fasting
Metabolic abnormalities (þ) glucose
Sedation (þ) Every 3–5 years: lipid panel
Paliperidoneg 6 mg QAM 6–12 Increase by increments of 3 EPS (þþ)
(Invega) mg every 5 days, as Orthostatic hypotension (þ)
tolerated Metabolic abnormalities (þþ)
Sedation (þþ)

BMI, body mass index; ECG, electrocardiogram; EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms.

Dosing information derived from Lehman AF, Lieberman JA, Dixon LB, et al; American Psychiatric Association. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia, second edi-
tion. Am J Psychiatry. 2004;161(S2):1–56 and the authors’ clinical expert opinion. These doses do not apply to geriatric or pediatric patients.
Metabolic effects include hyperglycemia, weight gain, and hyperlipidemia.
Patient may be able to transition to an intramuscular depot formulation of risperidone.
Because of its low potency, quetiapine is ideal for patients who are sensitive to dopamine blockade, particularly patients sensitive to EPS or patients with psychosis in the context of Parkinson
Contraindications to the use of ziprasidone include persistent QTc >500 msec, recent acute myocardial infarction, and uncompensated heart failure.
Ziprasidone should be taken with food as it increases bioavailability.
Paliperidone is structurally similar to risperidone. Because it is the newest antipsychotic medication, the relative risks for metabolic syndrome and EPS are not fully known.

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders
94 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Parkinsonian Syndrome Parkinsonian syndrome mimics idiopathic Par-

kinson disease and may include masked facies, rigidity, bradykinesia,
pill-rolling tremor, micrographia, or a shuffling gate with postural insta-
bility. Oral anticholinergic medications such as diphenylhydramine (25
to 50 mg TID), trihexyphenidyl (5 to 10 mg bid), or benztropine (1 to 2
mg BID) may be helpful in reducing these symptoms. These medications
may also be used for EPS prophylaxis against high-potency antipsy-
chotic medications such as haloperidol. If used for prophylactic treat-
ment, they can generally be tapered and stopped after 10 days. In those
who poorly tolerate anticholinergic medications (e.g., patients with
dementia), amantadine 100 to 300 mg BID may be used to treat parkin-
sonian symptoms, although the lowest effective antipsychotic dose
should be used.

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS)

is a rare, life-threatening side effect of FGAs and SGAs. NMS usually
occurs immediately following the initiation or increased dose of an anti-
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

psychotic medication. It is characterized by muscle rigidity, autonomic

dysregulation, fever, leukocytosis, increase in serum creatinine phos-
phokinase (>300 U/mL), and acute confusion. Gross muscle rigidity may
not necessarily occur with NMS from the use of atypical antipsychotics.
NMS is difficult to evaluate in the outpatient setting and usually
requires emergency medical management.

Tardive Dyskinesia Tardive dyskinesia is a long-term EPS and can

develop at a rate of about 3% to 5% per year for FGAs. Nonrhythmic,
quick, choreoathetoid movements of the face, trunk, and extremities
characterize TD. Examination for writhing of the tongue, hands, or trunk
should be checked every 6 to 12 months as this condition is generally
permanent with no known treatment. TD can occur with SGAs at a rate
of about 0.8% per year. TD risk factors include older age, longer use of
antipsychotics, brain damage, diabetes mellitus, and comorbid mood
disorder (13).
Common short-term antipsychotic side effects include dry mouth,
sedation, and transient orthostatic hypotension. More serious and rare
short-term side effects are arrhythmias caused by prolonged QTc and
lowered seizure threshold. Long-term antipsychotic side effects are met-
abolic conditions including weight gain, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipid-
emia. The potential for metabolic abnormalities exists for all SGAs, but
clozapine and olanzapine carry a higher relative risk. The American Dia-
betes Association and American Psychiatric Association (APA) recom-
mend routine screening and follow-up of metabolic profiles in patients
on chronic SGA treatment, as outlined in Table 5.7 (3).

Duration of Pharmacotherapy
For patients with chronic psychotic disorders, the APA recommends at
least 1 year of antipsychotic continuation after remission of the psy-
chotic episode. Because relapse rates are so high after a psychotic epi-
sode (80% in 5 years), indefinite treatment with antipsychotics is
Chapter 5 Psychotic Disorders 95

usually indicated. In 2004, the APA consensus guidelines recommended

lifelong antipsychotic treatment in patients with primary psychotic dis-
orders if two psychotic episodes occur within a 5-year period (3).

Special Considerations in Pharmacotherapy

Medication adherence is particularly problematic in those with chronic
psychotic disorders because these patients usually have impaired execu-
tive functioning. Once-daily medication regimens are optimal. Addition-
ally, injectable depot formulations exist for haloperidol, fluphenazine,
and risperidone. Depot formulations provide consistent blood levels and
increase patient contact as depot medications are administered every 2
to 4 weeks. From another perspective, patients often struggle with the
diagnosis of schizophrenia (and other severe mental illness) and there-
fore become discouraged about the indefinite need to take antipsychotic
medications. In such scenarios, the provider can highlight the possibility
of improved functioning, decreased need for hospitalization, achieving

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

independence, and maintaining relationships and employment.
Clozapine is a highly effective antipsychotic that improves both posi-
tive and negative psychotic symptoms. Unfortunately, it is not used as a
first-line treatment due to its slow titration schedule, the potential for
serious side effects, and the need for frequent blood draws. Patients who
are on clozapine receive weekly leukocyte monitoring to monitor the
development of agranulocytosis for the first 6 months and monitoring
frequency is then reduced and continued for the duration of clozapine
treatment. Other idiosyncratic side effects include frequent development
of sialorrhea and rare occurrence of myocarditis. Due to its anticholiner-
gic, antihistaminic, and anti–alpha-adrenergic effects, clozapine is notori-
ous for its association with delirium in vulnerable populations, sedation,
and orthostatic hypotension, respectively. Because of these side effects
and the increased chance for seizures, we suggest clozapine be prescribed
by a psychiatrist.

General Considerations
The psychosocial needs of the patients with psychotic disorders depend
on the etiology, course, and prognosis of their disorders. This section
focuses on the psychosocial treatment options for schizophrenia,
although many of the approaches could be considered for most patients
who struggle with chronic psychotic symptoms. In general, the severity
and persistent course of primary psychotic disorders requires much more
psychosocial support than could be provided by traditional primary care
medical systems. Since the main cause for morbidity is related to prob-
lems with relationships, employment status, cognitive function, and
social deficits, treatment involves a multidisciplinary approach.

Patient and Family Education

Much like delivering bad news, clinicians may feel uncomfortable dis-
cussing psychotic symptoms and diagnosis with patients and their
96 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

families. Psychosis itself can be a powerful barrier to the therapeutic

alliance, causing misunderstanding or suspicion. Table 5.8 outlines sev-
eral general points to help facilitate communication with a patient who
is experiencing psychotic symptoms. It is important for the clinician to
encourage the patient with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder to
better understand the illness by utilizing available education and sup-
port networks (see Practical Resources). Patients and family members
typically inquire about the etiology of psychotic symptoms. The provider
should inquire about the patients’ understanding of psychotic disorders
and dispel myths about any wrongdoing on their part. An excess of
dopamine via ‘‘the dopamine hypothesis’’ is the most agreed upon
cause of primary psychotic disorders, although other neurotransmitters
play a role. Schizophrenia is best understood as a multifactorial neuro-
developmental disorder. Concordance rates of schizophrenia in studies
of monozygotic twins are only 50%, dramatically illustrating the addi-
tional role of environmental and developmental influences in expres-
sion of the illness.
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

It may not be necessary for the patient and family to initially accept
the diagnosis of a primary psychotic disorder. Regardless, the patient’s
goals should be explored. Patients with schizophrenia share common
goals compared with the general population, such as achieving inde-
pendence, maintaining employment, and maintaining interpersonal
relationships. The clinician may inquire about how psychotic symptoms
are interfering with the patient’s goals and explore ways to help the
patient achieve these goals.
Both patients and loved ones will ask about the likely duration of
their symptoms, the required length of medication treatment, and long-
term prognosis. The clinician should avoid providing either an exces-
sively grim or an unrealistic hopeful prognosis. Ultimate functional
status varies by individual patients, although medication and psychoso-
cial treatment will optimize long-term prognosis. After a first episode of
psychosis due to schizophrenia, risk of a psychotic relapse is up to 80%
in the first 5 years (3). Long-term outcomes vary for both symptomatic
and functional recovery. Approximately 10% to 15% will be free of fur-
ther episodes and about the same proportion will be chronically and
severely psychotic (3). Patients with schizophrenia who adhere to treat-
ment have a higher likelihood of productive work, advanced education,
and independent living.
Family support and vocational rehabilitation appear to increase the
likelihood of good outcomes. Family education and support are critical,
as this means that the patient will have an advocate, and most fre-
quently a ‘‘social safety net’’ for the provision of basic needs such as
food and shelter (14). Family members often struggle with caring for the
individual as much as possible without seeking outside help, often due
to stigma. While there are advantages to having active caretaker
involvement, the patient may struggle with the lack of individual
autonomy and overinvolvement from caretakers. Family members often
underestimate the possibilities that the patient can achieve due to their
own misconceptions about schizophrenia. The provider is encouraged to
Chapter 5 Psychotic Disorders 97

Table 5.8 Suggestions for Communicating with Patients who Have Psychosis
Normalize • ‘‘In my practice, many patients have experienced (symptom); have
you experienced this as well?’’
• ‘‘Having schizophrenia is very common. In fact, 1% of people in the
United States have schizophrenia at some point in their lives.’’
Empathize, don’t collude • ‘‘If it’s all right, I would like to learn more about how the voices
affect your life.’’
Ask, don’t tell • ‘‘How do you feel when this happens?’’ or ‘‘How do you cope when
this happens?’’ is usually better than ‘‘I’d be scared if that happened
to me,’’ or ‘‘This sounds frightening,’’ unless the patient is indicating
a particular emotional state.
Validate, without confirming reality • Patient: ‘‘You believe me, don’t you, doctor? Can’t you see them
of the patient’s symptoms too?’’
• Doctor: ‘‘I believe that these symptoms are very real and troubling
to you, and I do not think you are making things up.’’
Bring up psychotic symptoms in con- • ‘‘The brain is very powerful, and we all have a strong mind–body
text of more normal experiences connection. Have you ever cried or laughed when you watched a

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

movie? Nothing was happening to you when you cried, but you
were sad. Your mind lets you experience that sadness, and told you
that you were sad. Similarly, your mind has you experiencing voices
and visions that others aren’t experiencing. Does that make sense?’’
Discussing diagnosis: inquiry and • ‘‘Have you heard of the term hallucination or delusion? What does
biases that mean to you? What do you know about people who experience
this? What happens to them?’’
Preparation of key messages • For any discussion of diagnosis or prognosis, prepare your key state-
ments in advance. What are the three concise things that you want
your patient and their family members to remember? For instance:
1. ‘‘You have a disease called schizophrenia.’’
2. ‘‘It is common and has many treatments. Together, we’ll find the
best treatment for you.’’
3. ‘‘With the right treatment, many people enjoy a good quality of life.’’

refer caretakers and family members to support groups and community

education programs.

Food, Housing, Income, and Employment

Cognitive deficits and negative symptoms in schizophrenia often lead to
an inability to maintain employment and secure food and shelter. Only
10% of those with schizophrenia live in an independent living environ-
ment. For those who struggle to secure housing, there are several hous-
ing options that are available for patients with severe mental illness.
Some patients may live in homeless shelters and charity programs
because their income assistance is insufficient for independent housing.
Some patients live in low-cost hotels (single-room occupancy) or room-
ing homes (room and boards). Many patients choose such arrangements
because this provides them more autonomy and independence. They
are usually savvy about local resources and use free food and clothing
programs. Other patients live in board and care facilities, which provide
food, activities, and assistance with medication administration.
Patients with primary psychotic disorders may qualify for general pub-
lic assistance with food and limited monetary support, public housing,
98 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

social security disability income, and government-sponsored health care

insurance. These programs are region specific and administered by differ-
ent agencies at different levels of government. Therefore, a social work or
mental health program referral is indicated for everyone with severe men-
tal illness, as it can be a challenge to navigate ‘‘the system.’’

Evidence-Based Psychosocial Practices

Psychoeducational and CBT are validated interventions for primary psy-
chotic disorders. Both modalities require specialized training. In the
United Kingdom, CBT or psychoeducation is provided as standard of
care as part of the National Health Service (15). In CBT, patients learn to
identify their cognitive distortions and consequent behaviors. For exam-
ple, a patient will learn to challenge his own paranoia by examining
events that support this belief system and evidence that does not. ‘‘I
think that someone is watching me right now. But, I haven’t seen any-
one watching me in the past 5 years, even when I’ve looked around the
corner today. Is someone really watching me?’’ The patient eventually
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

reconciles his delusions as part of schizophrenia rather than reality. The

patient may also be encouraged to design ‘‘behavioral experiments’’ to
examine the evidence. There is an emerging movement to adopt CBT
and other psychiatric rehabilitation programs in many mental health
programs throughout the United States. Cognitive remediation therapy
via rehearsal of predesigned cognitive tasks is an additional treatment
modality that is actively researched for patients early in the course of a
psychotic disorder to improve their cognitive capacity.
An intensive model of case management, termed Assertive Commu-
nity Treatment (ACT), involves a multidisciplinary team that will tailor
support for the patient to prevent relapse and rehospitalization. The
ACT team will typically seek the patient out in the community (includ-
ing homeless shelters), provide medication and outreach services, and,
when necessary, facilitate emergency psychiatric hospitalization (16).
WHEN TO REFER Practice Pointers
• Suicidal or homicidal Case 1: Initial work-up and treatment of psychotic symptoms
ideation Susan is a 28-year-old woman who presents with her boyfriend for worsening
anxiety and insomnia. During the exam, she is nervous and staring intently at
• Grave disability or the
inability to care for self the walls. She states that she is afraid of demons, as they have been asking her
due to mental illness to do ‘‘weird things.’’ Her boyfriend states that she has not been eating or bath-
ing regularly. Her real estate business has fallen off by 50%, because she can’t
• Persistent psychotic symp-
toms that are resistant to ‘‘close the deal.’’
initial treatment When asked about the ‘‘weird’’ things, she giggles and says, ‘‘I don’t know.’’
She first noticed the voices 5 months ago and is unable to determine if they
• Diagnostic uncertainty
sound like a male or female. The voices do not tell her to hurt herself, or others.
• Psychosocial treatments She denies any other auditory or visual hallucinations, suicidal ideation, or homi-
or the need for more
cidal ideation. Other symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, uneasy feelings that
intensive case
management she might be harmed, and disinterest in her usual leisure or social activities. In
fact, the patient has not left her house for the last 4 weeks and has not
• Psychosis in the pregnant
expressed any concerns about her work. The patient denies substance use and
or postpartum patient
she is currently not taking any medications. She does not know of any medical
• Comorbid pathology
Chapter 5 Psychotic Disorders 99

problems and her appetite has been fair, although she requires frequent prompting
from her boyfriend during mealtime.
On exam, her hygiene is fair, although it appears that her clothing and hair
are unkempt. She has an intense stare and her affect has decreased reactivity
(blunting). Her vitals and physical exam are unremarkable.

Discussion: Susan reports positive symptoms of hallucinations and paranoid delu-

sions and has negative symptoms of affective blunting and amotivation. Her illness
has impaired her ADLs and ability to work for less than 6 months, which makes the
diagnosis of schizophreniform disorder likely. Prior to making a primary psychotic dis-
order diagnosis, secondary psychosis from a general medical disorder or substance
misuse should be ruled out.

Screening lab tests including complete blood count (CBC), metabolic panel,
liver enzymes, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test, syphilis serology, thy-
roid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and a urinalysis are all normal. You discuss with
the patient your concern that she has a schizophrenia-like illness, which can be
helped by medication. You decide to start her on risperidone 2 mg by oral route
each night and asked the patient and her boyfriend to call you should she

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

develop galactorrhea or any rigidity in her extremities. You warn them that mild
side effects such as dizziness, nausea, or restlessness may occur, and that if mild,
they will likely go away over time. She is given reading material about other
potential side effects and a referral to psychiatry is initiated.
Susan returns 2 weeks later for a follow-up appointment. She reports that
she tolerated the medication well and has been taking her medication diligently.
She occasionally hears indistinct voices but notes that they are less frequent and
intense. She now confides that she is concerned about being followed, although
not as much as before. She has started to take care of her own needs and has
started reading some information about schizophrenia and she asks you whether
she will be able to return to work in the near future. She again denies command
hallucinations or suicidal ideation and has no access to firearms.

Discussion: Susan has moderate improvement in her symptoms, although residual

psychosis persists. She appears to be tolerating the medication well and without sig-
nificant adverse effects. Her mood and level of interest in pleasurable activities are
also improving. It is important to inquire about suicidal ideation during each visit
since the recovering period may be associated with an increase in suicidal thoughts,
especially if the patient has good premorbid functioning and is having difficulty
adjusting to the prognosis of a chronic psychotic disorder. As the patient is tolerating
the medication, the provider may increase the risperidone dose to 3 mg by oral route
nightly and continue to monitor for treatment adherence, suicidal thoughts, EPS,
and other side effects. The provider should offer realistic hope to the patient
because her symptoms are improving and inform her that, although uncertain, she
may resume her work. Refer to Table 5.6 on communication about diagnosis.
In this case, the final diagnosis should be made by a psychiatrist. In the future, the
provider will communicate with the consulting psychiatrist about continued treatment.
Referral to community education, support groups, and social services should be facili-
tated. Also, if the patient were to continue antipsychotic treatment indefinitely, she
will need her weight and blood pressure checked on each visit and a fasting blood glu-
cose drawn at week 12 and annually thereafter. A fasting lipid panel should be checked
at week 12 and every 3 to 5 years thereafter (see Table 5.7). The dose of the antipsy-
chotic should be kept at the minimal effective dose possible during the maintenance
phase and may need to be switched to another agent if severe side effects develop.

Case 2: Psychosis during a depressive episode

A 34-year-old woman has had treatment-resistant depression for 4 months
despite several antidepressant trials. On a follow-up visit, she presents more
100 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

melancholic, psychomotor retarded, and sad. Her hair is matted and she clearly
has not bathed in recent time. She is malodorous and pale, and has lost 15
pounds over the past 6 months. For the most part, she talks and moves slowly
until she anxiously rebuffs your attempt at a cursory physical exam, saying that
she is ‘‘contaminated’’ and ‘‘contagious.’’
Concerned, you ask how she is ‘‘contaminated.’’ She solemnly informs you
that her insides have ‘‘putrefied’’ and that she is ‘‘utterly evil.’’ Anything she
touches will turn evil, too. She has been a long-term patient of yours who has
had several depressive episodes in the past, which have usually responded to
increases in her selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment. The
course of this episode is particularly severe; you have never noticed such poor
hygiene, pronounced psychomotor retardation, and slowed speech from her
before. In no other episode had you endorsed a leave of absence from work.
She is normally fastidious about keeping appointments but has not shown up
for the last three. Her brother had arranged this appointment and escorted the
patient here. The family has been worried that she has shut herself in at home
and stopped calling them.
Just prior to her coming to the appointment you reviewed the laboratory val-
ues from her last visit 2 months ago. There is no evidence of thyroid dysfunction,
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

anemia, or metabolic derangements. She has refused to allow the nurse to take
vital signs prior to this appointment. She had a hysterectomy for fibroids and an
occasional headache but otherwise has a fairly unremarkable past medical history.
You say that it must be terrible to feel ‘‘contaminated.’’ The patient stares
blankly at you and mutters, ‘‘I must purge it.’’ She refuses to speak again. Con-
cerned about suicide, you call 911 and explain the case to the dispatcher,
requesting that the patient be escorted for emergency psychiatric evaluation.

Discussion: The patient is exhibiting signs of severe depression with psychotic features.
As often occurs in such cases, the diagnosis in this patient is suggested by historical
information, collateral reports, and her presentation. The course of illness is fairly typi-
cal. Often those with psychotic depression will have had previous depressive episodes
that become more severe over time, until there is an episode that presents with psy-
chosis. Patients who have severe depression with psychotic features often present with
delusions or hallucinations. Moreover, those who have severe depression with psychotic
features generally have a full remission of psychosis upon successful treatment of the
depression. In this case, the delusion of contamination and contagion are ‘‘mood con-
gruent’’ or consistent with profound depression. Bizarre, incongruent delusions are usu-
ally suggestive of bipolar psychosis, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia.

The patient returns for a follow-up appointment 2 months later. She still
seems somewhat sad, but otherwise much improved. She is taking a combination
of olanzapine and fluoxetine to control her symptoms. The patient has already
seen a psychiatrist, whom she says confirmed the diagnosis of severe depression
with psychotic features. She laughs nervously and says, ‘‘The belief about con-
tamination felt very real at the time.’’ She expresses concern that she may
become ‘‘schizophrenic like my uncle.’’

Discussion: Treatment of major depressive disorder with psychotic features initially

includes a combination of antipsychotic and antidepressant medication. To spare the
patient long-term consequences of antipsychotic medication exposure, the antipsy-
chotic may be discontinued with a downward taper after the depressive episode fully
remits. An antipsychotic agent should be reinstituted if the psychotic symptoms
return. Given the chance of another depressive episode, the antidepressant should
remain as prophylaxis against future depressive episodes.
Psychiatric hospitalization is often a rapid way to connect patients to mental
health services, especially in acutely psychotic patients who are gravely disabled (i.e.,
inability to secure housing, food or clothing). Those patients who have psychotic
Chapter 5 Psychotic Disorders 101

symptoms during depressive episodes often have an increased chance of developing

schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. In this case, the patient reports a second-
degree relative with schizophrenia. The patient does have a somewhat increased risk
of developing schizophrenia, although it will be less and less likely as she gets older
without developing full-spectrum schizophrenia. Her overall prognosis will signifi-
cantly worsen if she starts to use illicit drugs.

Case 3: Antipsychotic medication use with Parkinson disease

An 80-year-old man with Parkinson disease and related dementia as well as fre-
quent urinary tract infections presents with concerns of progressive confusion. He
reports that the nursing home staff is abusing him and keeping him away from
his family. He also believes that his dead wife has been visiting him regularly. The
nursing home caregiver says the patient has been more aggressive and confronta-
tional. He has been leaving the nursing home and wandering into the street.

Discussion: This patient may have psychosis related to the progression of his Parkin-
son disease, medications used to treat Parkinson disease, or delirium caused by a uri-
nary tract infection. An antipsychotic must be chosen that will be the least likely to
worsen his movement symptoms. Because it is a very-low-potency dopamine antago-

CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

nist, quetiapine is the most reasonable choice. Given the patient’s age, the lowest
possible dose of quetiapine (12.5 to 25 mg at night) should be started and then
titrated up as tolerated. Particularly problematic side effects of quetiapine in the
elderly are its central and peripheral anticholinergic effects, risk of inducing orthosta-
sis, and sedation.
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) should be considered as part of the differential
diagnosis as it can look similar to Parkinson with dementia, where cognitive deficits
usually predominate with a fluctuating mental status. Patients with DLB are highly sen-
sitive to the extrapyramidal side effects of antipsychotic medications. It is also impor-
tant to note that dopaminergic agonists used to treat Parkinson disease may cause or
worsen psychotic symptoms. Therefore, the clinician must find a balance between
improving the motor symptoms of Parkinson disease and exacerbating or inducing psy-
chosis. If delirium (i.e., altered mental status secondary to a systemic medical condition)
is ruled out, the patient would likely need long-term antipsychotic treatment. Antipsy-
chotic medications are associated with an increased risk of mortality in the elderly, and
this must be discussed with the caretakers, weighed against the benefit of treating
psychosis or agitation, and documented in the medical record.

Schizophrenia 295.xx
Paranoid Type 0.30
Disorganized Type 0.10
Catatonic Type 0.20
Undifferentiated Type 0.90
Residual 0.60
Delusional Disorder 297.10
Psychotic Disorder NOS 298.9
Psychotic Disorder with Delusions Due to 293.81
[General Medical Condition]
Psychotic Disorder with Hallucinations Due to 293.82
[General Medical Condition]
Schizoaffective Disorder 295.70
Schizophreniform Disorder 296.40
Shared Psychotic Disorder 297.3
102 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Practical Resources
National Alliance on Mental Illness: complete listings of professional and con-
sumer support with local chapters.
National Institute of Mental Health: up-to-date information on diagnosis,
prevention, and treatment
National Alliance on Research for Schizophrenia and Depression: up-to-date
information on research on the etiology, treatment, and prognosis of schizophrenia and depression

1. Olfson M, Lewis-Fernandez R, Weissman M, et al. Psychotic symptoms in an urban general medi-
cine practice. Am J Psychiatry. 2002;159:1412–1419.

2. Beng-Choon H, Black DW, Andreasen NC. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. In: Hales RE,
Yudofsky S, eds. Essentials of Clinical Psychiatry. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing,
Inc.; 2004:189–241.

3. Lehman AF, Lieberman JA, Dixon LB, et al; American Psychiatric Association. Practice guideline for
the treatment of patients with schizophrenia, second edition. Am J Psychiatry. 2004;161(S2):1–56.

4. Green MF. Cognitive impairment and functional outcome in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
J Clin Psychiatry. 2006;67(Suppl 9):3–8; discussion 36–42.

5. Rice DP. The economic impact of schizophrenia. J Clin Psychiatry. 1999;60(Suppl 1):4–6; discussion
CHAPTER 5 Psychotic Disorders

6. Auquier P, Lancon C, Rouillon F, et al. Mortality in schizophrenia. Pharamcoepidemiol Drug Saf.


7. Addington J, Cadenhead KS, Cannon TD, et al. North American prodrome longitudinal study: a col-
laborative multisite approach to prodromal schizophrenia research. Schizophrenia Bull. 2007;33(3):

8. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text
revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2004.

9. Citrome L. Differential diagnosis of psychosis: a brief guide for the primary care physician. Postgrad
Med. 1989;85(4):273–274, 279–280.

10. Perkins DO, Gu H, Boteva K, et al. Relationship between duration of untreated psychosis and out-
come in first-episode schizophrenia: a critical review and meta-analysis. Am J Psychiatry.

11. Wilkaitis J, Mulvihill T, Nasrallah HA. Classic Antipsychotic Medications. In: Schatzberg MD, Nemer-
off CB, eds. Textbook of Psychopharmacology. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing,
Inc.; 2004:435–441.

12. Lieberman JA, Stroup TS, McEvoy JP, et al. Effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs in patients with
chronic schizophrenia. N Engl J Med. 2005;353:1209–1223.

13. Correl CU, Leucht S, Kane JM. Lower risk for tardive dyskinesia associated with second-generation
antipsychotics: a systemic review of 1-year studies. Am J Psychiatry. 2004;161:414–425.

14. Dixon L, McFarlane WR, Lefley H, et al. Evidence-based practices for services to families of people
with psychiatric disabilities. Psychiatric Services. 2001;52:903–910.

15. Turkington D, Kingdon D, Weiden PJ. Cognitive behavior therapy for schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry.

16. Phillips SD, Burns BJ, Edgar ER, et al. Moving assertive community treatment into standard practice.
Psychiatric Services. 2001;52:771–779.
6 Substance Use
and Opioids
Adrian Palomino, MD • Martin Leamon, MD •
Shelly L. Henderson, PhD

Clinical Significance
... ...

CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

Jose is a 22-year-old student presenting with fatigue, dry
... cough, irritability, and depressed mood. He admits to ...
Substance-related disorders (SRDs)
... smoking tobacco and drinking beer ‘‘once in a while.’’
are divided into substance use disor-
... ...
ders (SUDs) and substance-induced
When he senses your nonjudgmental approach, he reveals, ...
disorders (SIDs). SRDs are ubiquitous,
‘‘I smoke meth only when I need to study.’’ .
costly, disabling, and potentially
lethal. About 10% of Americans will
abuse or become dependent on illicit substances such as stimulants
(cocaine and methamphetamine) or opioids (heroin and opioid-based
pain relievers) within their lifetime (1). In 2006, 4 million adult Americans
met the criteria for a stimulant or opioid use disorder. No demographic
group is immune: By 2050, SRDs in persons over the age of 65 are
expected to double, while 44% of adolescents will have used illicit drugs
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS by age 18. Primary care SRD prevalence estimates range between 10% and
• Substance use disorders 20%. Underdiagnosis remains a common problem. One study found that
(SUDs) occur in all demo-
graphic groups and are
only one half of clinicians routinely ask their patients about SRDs.
common in outpatient Obstacles to clinical intervention include a lack of diagnostic confidence,
settings. Clues from the lack of familiarity with treatment options, and pessimism regarding treat-
history and physical exam
alert the clinician to their ment outcome (2).
• A SUD is a chronic medi-
cal illness that requires a
long-term treatment strat- Diagnosis
egy. The primary care pro-
vider’s emphasis on SUDs include misuse, abuse, and dependence (3). Substance dependence is
longitudinal relationships characterized by an overall loss of control over substance use (Table
and preventative care is
ideally suited to the 6.1). Tolerance and withdrawal, reflecting physiologic dependence, are
management of SUDs. included in the definition, although neither is necessary to make the
• Substance users are at diagnosis (4). The hallmark of substance abuse is persistent use despite
increased risk of develop- at least one profoundly negative interpersonal, legal, behavioral, or
ing human immunodefi-
ciency virus (HIV), social consequence (Table 6.2). If the criteria for substance dependence
hepatitis B and C, and have ever been met during the patient’s lifetime, the diagnosis of abuse
cardiovascular complica- is precluded. Substance misuse has the potential for or is associated with
tions, as well as mood
and anxiety disorders. some negative consequences, but does not meet formal diagnostic crite-
ria. Addiction is a term without a formal diagnostic definition that is
(Continued) 103
104 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 6.1 DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Substance

(Continued) ..........................................................................................................
• Multiple effective office- A maladaptive pattern of substance use, leading to clinically significant impair-
based interventions are ment or distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the following, occurring at
available for the treat- any time in the same 12-month period:
ment and prevention of
substance-related 1. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
disorders. a. A need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve
intoxication or desired effect
• It is critical to complete b. Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of
the AMPS screening tool the substance
on all patients who pres- 2. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
ent with SUDs. Two to a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance
four weeks of sobriety b. The same or closely related substance is taken to relieve or avoid with-
may be needed to rule drawal symptoms
out a psychiatric disorder 3. The substance is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than
due to substance use. was intended
When making this deter- 4. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control
mination, one might ask substance use
the patient, ‘‘When was 5. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance,
the last time you used no use the substance, or recover from its effects
alcohol or drugs for 1 6. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or
month or longer, and reduced because of substance use
how did you feel during 7. Substance use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or
this time period?’’ recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been
• Clinical management of caused or exacerbated by the substance
alcohol-related disorders
is distinct from the man- From American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders.
4th ed., text revision Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000.
agement of other sub-
stance disorders.

often used synonymously with dependence. The term substance abuse is

also commonly used in a nondiagnostic fashion for problematic use in
Intoxication and withdrawal are common SIDs (Table 6.3). Intoxication
is a reversible syndrome caused by a recent ingestion that results in
stereotypical behavioral, psychological, and physical changes. With-
drawal is a reversible substance-specific syndrome resulting from a ces-
sation of, or reduction in, substance use.

Table 6.2 DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Substance Abuse

A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impair-
ment or distress, as manifested by one of more of the following, occurring
within a 12-month period:
1. Recurrent substance use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obliga-
tions at work, school, or home
2. Recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous
3. Recurrent substance-related legal problems
4. Continued substance use despite persistent or recurrent social or inter-
personal problems caused by or exacerbated by the effects of the
The symptoms have never met the criteria for substance dependence in this class
of substance.

From American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders.
4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000.
Chapter 6 Substance Use Disorders—Stimulants and Opioids 105

Table 6.3 Intoxication and Withdrawal

Stimulants Time course: 24–48 hours Time course: peak in 2–4 days, resolution in
Psychological effects: restlessness, agitation, 1 week
hyperactivity, irritability, impulsiveness, Psychological effects: depression, increased
repetitive behaviors risk of suicidality, agitation, paranoia,
Physiologic effects: hypertension, craving, vivid dreams
tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, Physiologic effects: fatigue, increased
pupillary dilation appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia
Opioids Time course: 6–24 hours Time course:
Psychological effects: drowsy/sedated, Short-acting: begins in 6–8 hours, resolves in
impaired memory, impaired attention 7–10 days
Physiologic effects: pupillary constriction, Long-acting: begins in 1–3 days, resolves in
decreased respiratory rate, decreased 10–14 days
bowel sounds, slurred speech Psychological effects: restlessness,
depression, irritability
Physiologic effects: myalgias and arthralgias,

CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

diarrhea, abdominal cramping,
lacrimation, rhinorrhea, piloerection,
yawning, insomnia, temperature

Nonspecific complaints of chronic pain, gastrointestinal symptoms,
changes in memory, impaired concentration, anxiety, and sleep disturb-
ance should all alert the clinician to a possible SUD. Lost prescriptions
or request for refills more frequently than anticipated may be associated
with prescription drug abuse. Hepatitis B and C viruses and HIV have
strong associations with injection drug use. General life chaos, recent
arrests for driving while intoxicated, and unexplained physical trauma
all strongly suggest a possible SUD.

Physical Exam
Some patients with an SUD may have a normal physical exam. Chronic
stimulant abuse may result in significant short-term weight loss, an
emaciated appearance, and with methamphetamine, severe dental
problems. Track marks, calluses that follow a subcutaneous vein, are
caused by repeated injections into adjacent sites over a vein and are
commonly found in accessible areas of the body such as the antecubital
fossae, hands, and legs. Abnormal movements and facial gestures are
hallmarks of chronic use of both methamphetamine and cocaine (5).
Table 6.4 highlights clues for recognizing SUDs from the medical and
social histories along with the physical exam.

All patients should receive a brief substance use screen. Some clinicians
choose to incorporate questions into their general history taking, while
others prefer a screening tool such as the CAGE Adopted to Include
106 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 6.4 Clinical Clues

Commonly associated diseases
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Hepatitis B and C
Systemic and cutaneous bacterial infections
Accidents and trauma
Social history
Multiple emergency room visits
Recent arrest for driving while intoxicated
Poorly explained trauma
Sudden change in behavior
Erratic occupational history
Physical exam findings
Rapid and significant weight loss and/or cachetic appearance
Severe dental problems
New-onset heart murmur
CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

Genital discharge, warts, ulcers, chancres

Cutaneous track marks and infections
Abnormal movements and facial gestures
Cognitive impairment

Drugs (CAGE-AID) (6). The following is a brief overview of the CAGE-AID

questions. If two or more answers are affirmative, further assessment is

• Have you ever felt that you should Cut down on your alcohol or drug use?
• Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your alcohol or drug use?
• Have you felt Guilty about your alcohol or drug use?
• Have you ever had a drink or used drugs first thing in the morning (Eye-
opener) to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?

Collateral Information
Patients may not be forthcoming with their clinician for several reasons:
They may not view substance use as a problem, they may fear social or
legal repercussions, or they may not trust the provider. Collateral his-
tory is therefore essential. The goal of any collateral interview is to learn
whether substance use has caused significant dysfunction with important
life roles. Common sources of information include spouse or partner,
peers, teachers, and other medical personnel. The need for collateral
information must always be viewed in the context of the patient’s right to
confidentiality of health information.

Laboratory Evaluation
Laboratory tests play a secondary role in the diagnosis of SUDs. Urine
testing is widely available, noninvasive, and easy to obtain. It can detect
active use, help distinguish intoxication from another co-occurring psy-
chiatric disorder, and detect a second SUD. It does not, however, meas-
ure the level of global impairment or routinely detect several opiates
(oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl) that are commonly abused.
Chapter 6 Substance Use Disorders—Stimulants and Opioids 107

Table 6.5 Laboratory Evaluation

• Urine drug screen
• Blood alcohol level (if indicated)
• HIV test
• Liver enzymes
• Hepatitis B: HBsAg and IgM anti-HBc
• Hepatitis C: Anti-HCV
• Tests for sexually transmitted diseases

HBc, hepatitis B core antigen; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIV,
human immunodeficiency virus; IgM, immunoglobulin M.

CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

Given the strong association between substance use and HIV, hepatitis B
and C, and other sexually transmitted diseases, these infections should be
routinely screened for in those who have an SUD. Suspicion for analgesic
abuse should prompt evaluation of liver chemistries given the wide avail-
ability of opioid/acetaminophen combinations and the combinations and
the hepatotoxicity associated with excessive consumption of acetamino-
phen. A recommended laboratory evaluation is included in Table 6.5.

Differential Diagnosis
SRDs present two diagnostic challenges. First, induced disorders may
mimic nearly every psychiatric disorder. Most, though not all, SIDs are
self-limiting and recede soon after cessation of use. Substance-induced
depression and anxiety, for example, often resolve within 4 weeks of
sobriety. Substance-induced cognitive and sleep disorders may persist
for much longer. Second, SRDs commonly co-occur with other psychiat-
ric illness. Nearly 50% of patients with schizophrenia, for example, suf-
.................................................. fer from alcohol or drug dependence (excluding nicotine), while rates of
NOT TO BE MISSED co-occurrence in patients with bipolar disorder and antisocial personal-
ity disorder are 61% and 84%, respectively (7).
• Use of prescribed medica- While an SRD should prompt evaluation for another co-occurring
tions for inappropriate psychiatric disorder, in practice it may be challenging to differentiate an
purposes SID from another psychiatric disorder. An independent, co-occurring
• Substance misuse psychiatric diagnosis can be made in one of two ways: the clear onset of
• Suicidal ideation psychiatric symptoms preceding the SID, or the persistence or worsen-
• Substance-induced ing of psychiatric symptoms (i.e., depressed mood, anxiety, psychosis,
disorder and dementia) after a sufficient period of abstinence. In cases where the
• Depression diagnosis is unclear, a family history of psychiatric disorders may sup-
• Anxiety port a co-occurring psychiatric disorder diagnosis. Conversely, an atypi-
• Psychosis cal presentation of a psychiatric disorder (e.g., new-onset mania or
• Bipolar affective psychosis after age 40) suggests an SID. When it is impossible to dis-
disorder criminate an SID from another psychiatric disorder, it is reasonable to
• Dementia diagnose both disorders until time and clinical evidence allow a more
definitive answer.
108 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Biopsychosocial Treatment
When discussing substance use, the ability to relate effectively to the
patient may be the clinician’s most useful tool, with interview style as
important as interview content. An empathic stance by the clinical staff
(e.g., ‘‘becoming the patient’’ for a brief moment in time) is associated
with positive treatment outcomes. Normalizing SUD questions and
beginning with questions about socially accepted substances such as
tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol are simple techniques to increase patient
comfort and openness. Words such as ‘‘illicit’’ and ‘‘illegal’’ might be
viewed as judgmental, may embarrass the patient, and ultimately result
in a diminished therapeutic connection, so it is best to ask about the
use of specific drugs by name.
CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

For most substance-dependent patients, the ideal outcome is total
cessation of nonmedically supervised substance use. A primary care–
oriented conceptualization of treatment goals is a continuum, flanked
on one end by initial engagement in treatment and at the other by long-
term abstinence. Along this continuum lie intermediate goals that focus
on decreasing particular behaviors: decreasing the frequency or quantity
of use, the number of substances used, high-risk delivery methods, or
high-risk behaviors while intoxicated. The clinician may continue to
encourage abstinence as a long-term goal, all the while promoting
behaviors that will lessen the psychological, medical, and social conse-
quences of substance use.


Stimulant and Opioid Intoxication
Uncomplicated stimulant and opioid intoxication generally require only
monitoring and observation until symptoms subside. A quiet environ-
ment will lesson agitation and hyperreactivity to external stimuli. Serial
vital signs may signal autonomic instability. Increasing agitation may
warrant pharmacologic intervention with benzodiazepines such as lora-
zepam or diazepam. For severe opioid-induced respiratory depression,
inpatient admission and administration of the opioid antagonist nalox-
one should be considered.

Stimulant Withdrawal
Stimulant withdrawal symptoms are less distinctive than those for
opioids, are not life threatening, and rarely necessitate pharmacologic
intervention. Depressed mood and fatigue are common initial symptoms,
and clinicians must be alert to an increased risk of suicidality. For patients
recovering from several days of methamphetamine use, symptoms may
be more severe, with volatile agitation, paranoia, and hypersomnia.
Observation should take place in a quiet, calming environment. If anxiety
is acutely problematic, a short course of benzodiazepines may be used.
Chapter 6 Substance Use Disorders—Stimulants and Opioids 109

Opioid Withdrawal
Methadone and Suboxone Methadone (long-acting opioid agonist) and Sub-
oxone (partial opioid agonist buprenorphine combined with opioid antag-
onist naloxone) are effective treatments for opioid withdrawal. In the
United States, outpatient prescribing of either methadone or Suboxone for
the treatment of SRDs requires special licensure, and readers are referred
to the Practical Resources section for further information (8, 9).
Methadone or buprenorphine may be used in the inpatient setting
without restriction. A common methadone withdrawal protocol begins
with a dose of 20 to 30 mg, with upward titration to 40 to 60 mg daily if
the patient continues to show objective signs of withdrawal. Once with-
drawal symptoms are suppressed, the dose is slowly tapered over time.

Clonidine Clonidine is an alpha-2-adrenergic receptor agonist that tar-

gets the noradrenergic hyperactivity that occurs with opioid withdrawal,

CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

and can be used on an outpatient basis. Approved in the United States
as an antihypertensive agent, clonidine is widely used to target with-
drawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating. It
is much less effective at suppressing craving, insomnia, lethargy, rest-
lessness, and myalgias. An initial dose of 0.1 mg given orally three times
daily is routinely sufficient to suppress withdrawal symptoms. On days
2 through 4 of sobriety, doses are adjusted upward, to a maximum dose
of 0.4 mg three times daily. At higher doses, side effects, including
hypotension, dry mouth, and constipation, may be dose limiting. From
day 5 to completion, the dose may be reduced by 0.2 mg/day. Clonidine
should not be administered if the systolic blood pressure drops below
90 mmHg. A gradual taper is also necessary to avoid rebound hyper-
tension. Treatment of withdrawal from short-acting opioids such as her-
oin, morphine, or oxycodone usually takes between 4 and 6 days, but
longer with opioids such as methadone.
Outpatients should not be given more than a 3-day supply of cloni-
dine, as the dose requires daily titration and overdose may be fatal.
Other medications that may be used in conjunction with clonidine for
the relief of withdrawal symptoms include muscle relaxants, nonsteroi-
dal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antiemetics, antidiarrheals, and
sleeping medications with a low abuse potential.


Opioid Dependence
Methadone and Suboxone Long-term medication management of opioid
dependence, also known as maintenance therapy, entails the substitu-
tion of the drug of abuse with a long-acting, less euphorigenic opioid for
an indefinite period. Methadone and Suboxone are commonly used for
maintenance therapy. Methadone doses are typically in the range of
60 to 100 mg daily, although some patients may require higher doses.
Suboxone doses range between 8 mg/2 mg (buprenorphine/naloxone)
and 32 mg/8 mg. Unlike methadone, which requires a specially licensed
clinic, physicians may obtain a special license to prescribe Suboxone
in the outpatient setting. Further advantages of Suboxone include
110 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

every-other-day dosing, a low risk of toxicity at higher doses, and low

abuse potential.

Levomethtadyl acetate (LAAM) LAAM is a methadone derivative with a

longer half-life than methadone that allows for every-other-day dosing.
It is, however, no longer approved for use in Europe, and has been with-
drawn from the market in the United States, as it may cause potentially
fatal QT prolongation and cardiac arrhythmias in vulnerable patients. In
settings in which LAAM remains available, candidates should be
screened for cardiac risk factors: a prolonged QT interval, the use of QT-
prolonging medications, electrolyte imbalances, and structural heart dis-
ease. A baseline electrocardiogram (ECG) and periodic ECGs when the
dose exceeds the usual upper limit are warranted.

Naltrexone Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist. If no side effects such

CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

as nausea and vomiting are observed on the initial starting dose of 25

mg, 50 mg may be given the next day and daily thereafter. Alterna-
tively, a weekly dose of 350 mg may be taken every other day in three
divided doses, two of 100 mg and one of 150 mg. An intramuscular
depot formulation that allows for monthly dosing is also available,
although in the United States this form has FDA approval only for alco-
hol dependence. An implantable formulation that remains active for 5
months is also available, although at present it has not been approved
in the United States. Naltrexone for opioid dependence may only safely
begin with confirmation of complete opioid detoxification, usually
necessitating a period of abstinence of 1 to 2 weeks (8). The greatest
utility for naltrexone may be found in subgroups of patients who are
highly motivated, closely supervised, and under court or professional
board order to be opioid-free while in recovery from opioid dependence.
Health care professionals, pilots, public safety officers, and incarcerated
patients are examples of patient populations in whom naltrexone may be
most appropriate. Table 6.6 summarizes medications used to treat opioid

Stimulant Dependence
More than 40 medications have been evaluated for the treatment of
stimulant dependence, and none has been found to have clear-cut effi-
cacy. The result is that neither cocaine nor amphetamine dependence
has FDA-approved pharmacotherapies and behavioral strategies remain
first-line treatments. In patients who fail to respond to psychosocial
interventions, however, a pharmacologic trial may be warranted and con-
sultation with an addiction medicine specialist should be considered.

Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing (MI) is a ‘‘patient-centered,’’ persuasive yet non-
judgmental counseling style meant to elicit behavioral change (10). Based
on the Transtheoretical Stages of Change model, it assumes that all
patients, even those suffering from long-standing substance dependence,
Chapter 6 Substance Use Disorders—Stimulants and Opioids 111

Table 6.6 Acute and Chronic Pharmacologic Management of Opioid Use Disorders
Methadone • Begin: 60–100þ mg/day • Inpatient • Proven • Highly regulated
10–30 mg withdrawal efficacy in the U.S.
• Day 2: • Chronic • Decreases • Potential for abuse
Same as day 1 maintenance craving and diversion
• Up-titration: • Does not • Constipation
5–10 mg/day require with- • Urinary retention
• Peak: 40–60 drawal symp- • Increased sweating
mg/day toms before • Sexual dysfunction
• Taper: fl 5 mg/ initiating
Suboxone • Begin: 4/1–8/2 16/4–32/8 mg/day • Inpatient • Minimal • Requires a special
mg/day withdrawal sedation DEA license in the
• Day 2: 8/2–16/4 • Outpatient • Low abuse U.S.
mg/day withdrawal potential • Patients must have

CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

• Up-titration: › and • Every-other- mild withdrawal
4 mg/day maintenance day dosing before initiating
• Peak: 8/2–32/8 • Rapid • Side effect profile
mg/day withdrawal similar to
• Rapid: fl to 0 in
3 days
• Moderate:
fl 2 mg/day
• Extended:
fl 2 mg every
third day
Clonidine • Begin: 0.1 mg N/A • Nonopioid • Nonaddicting • Dose-limiting
TID treatment of • Does not hypotension and
• Peak: 1.2 mg/ withdrawal require with- bradycardia
day, divided • Rapid drawal symp- • Does not limit
BID or TID withdrawal toms before craving
beginning • Limited efficacy
against many
LAAM N/A • 80–140 mg • Outpatient • Every-other- • Arrhythmias
every other day maintenance day dosing • Not approved in
Europe; not avail-
able in the U.S.
Naltrexone N/A • 50 mg daily; • Outpatient • No addictive • Does not limit
or maintenance or abuse craving
• 100, 100, 150 for highly potential • Initiation requires
mg every other motivated • Every-other- prior abstinence
day patients who day dosing • Increased risk of
cannot be overdose if opioid
maintained use resumed
on opioids • Dysphoria
• Anxiety
• GI discomfort

DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency; GI, gastrointestinal.

will at some point be capable of change. The key components of MI include

reflective listening and objective feedback. Both components are used to
highlight the discrepancies between problem behaviors and patient goals,
with the specific aim of eliciting self-motivational statements and
behavioral change from the patient. In this model, interventions target
112 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 6.7 Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model

Precontemplation • Help the patient see that change is necessary without
increasing patient resistance
• Provide education on negative consequences in a
nonjudgmental way
Contemplation • Explore the reluctance or ambivalence to change
• Support the patient’s self-motivating statements
Preparation • Provide ‘‘menu of options’’ for change
• Set ‘‘quit date’’ or other specific goals
Action • Praise and reinforce positive gains
• Enlist additional support resources as needed
Maintenance • Help patient acclimate to new healthy lifestyle
• Identify potential triggers and develop relapse
CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

prevention plan
Relapse • Explore feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or shame
• Encourage patient to re-enter change cycle

Adapted from Prochaska JO, Velicer WF. The Transtheoretical Model of health behavior change.
Am J Health Promot. 1997;12:38–48.

stage-specific goals that are more effective than nonspecific imposition

demanding behavior change (11) (Table 6.7).
The FRAMES approach (Table 6.8) is a practical application of MI (12).
Objective feedback to the patient emphasizes the detrimental conse-
quences of substance use, while nonjudgmental advice about options
for change highlights alternatives. Simple, motivation-enhancing inter-
ventions have been shown to be effective for encouraging patient
involvement and compliance with the treatment process. The universal-
ity and simplicity of the FRAMES allow for its broad application in a
variety of primary care settings.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Many tenets of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are complementary to
FRAMES. CBT targets three thought processes or behaviors that are promi-
nent in substance use disorders: dysfunctional thoughts (including the
idea that substance use is uncontrollable or inevitable), maladaptive
behaviors (e.g., the use of substances to alleviate stress or internal con-
flict), and relapse. Examining dysfunctional thoughts can assist both clini-
cian and patient to develop effective treatment strategies. For the primary
care clinician, even a rudimentary understanding of CBT may facilitate a
patient’s greater participation in such treatments. We therefore strongly
encourage providers to obtain further training in CBT techniques.

Group Therapies
Self-help groups often play vital roles in patients’ treatment process, and
most patients should be strongly encouraged, although not required, to
attend. In general, such groups assist patients to develop substance-free
Chapter 6 Substance Use Disorders—Stimulants and Opioids 113

Table 6.8 FRAMES Guideline to Motivational Interviewing

• Feedback is given regarding the negative consequences of substance use
behaviors, including future risk
• Responsibility for change emphasizes personal choice
• Advice is given about behavioral change, from reduction to abstinence
• Menu of treatment options reinforces personal responsibility and choice
• Empathic and nonjudgmental counseling style
• Self-efficacy encourages a sense of optimistic empowerment and positive

Adapted from Miller WR, Sanchez VC. Motivating young adults for treatment and lifestyle
change. In Howard G, ed. Issues in Alcohol Use and Misuse by Young Adults. Notre Dame, IN:
University of Notre Dame Press; 1994:55–82.

social networks, provide peer support, and motivate personal change.

Although best studied in alcohol dependence, regular participation in

CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

12-step groups may also benefit cocaine-dependent users.

Family Involvement
Family members can be active sources of support, education, and collat-
eral information, and their involvement may minimize the chance of
relapse. Not all family involvement may be positive, however. Substance
use within families is common, and the clinician should evaluate family
members for substance use problems or enabling behaviors that may
actually encourage the patient’s substance use and interfere with treat-
ment goals.

Relapse Prevention
Relapse, the process in which an abstinent patient returns to substance
use, is a predictable event in recovery from any SUD. Common precipitants
include the use of alcohol, a return to substance-using friends, substance-
associated sexual behavior, depression, and craving. Relapse has the
potential to spiral out of control, as patients assuage their shame and anx-
iety over their departure from abstinence with escalating use. Frank dis-
cussion about relapse facilitates identification of patient-specific triggers.
Contingency measures that specify preplanned responses to relapse (e.g.,
limiting use and seeking help immediately) are integral components of
any relapse prevention strategy. Care must be taken when treating many
common medical complaints (13). Cough suppressants containing opioids
or dextromethorphan may act as triggers for opioid-dependent patients.
Stimulant-containing decongestants should be avoided. Nonpharmaco-
logic pain management strategies such as heat, ice, massage, and physical
therapy are preferred, concurrently with nonaddicting medications such
as acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen. If opioids are required, frequent
office visits should be the norm, and early refills should not be given. A
summary of relapse prevention strategies is listed in Table 6.9.

Treatment of Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders

The co-occurrence of substance use and other psychiatric disorders
presents a significant clinical challenge. Not only are relapses more
114 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 6.9 Relapse Prevention Strategies

• Maintain a supportive patient–clinician relationship
• Educate the patient and family on triggers for and effects of substance use
• Develop a relapse management plan
• Schedule short, frequent primary care visits
• Encourage involvement in 12-step or similar groups
• Manage co-occurring general medical and psychiatric conditions
• Facilitate positive lifestyle changes (e.g., staying away from people and places
associated with drug use)

common, but also depressive, anxious, or psychotic symptoms may con-

found the motivation for behavioral change, interfere with treatment,
and be misinterpreted as signs of treatment resistance. Complicating
the matter is the lack of integration between primary care and addiction
mental health services.
CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

The AMPS screening tool should be used to screen for common dis-
orders. Though any psychiatric disorder may co-occur with any sub-
stance use disorder, primary care clinicians should be most familiar
with treatment options for depression and anxiety. A substance-using
patient with an established major depressive disorder should be treated
with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or selective norepi-
nephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressant while supportive and
behavioral psychosocial interventions are delivered. Benzodiazepines
have the potential for abuse and dependence, and therefore many clini-
cians initially prefer to use SSRIs to target anxiety. Insomnia is another
frequent complaint and is best addressed by behavioral interventions.

Practice Pointers
Case 1: Amphetamine dependence and psychosocial interventions
Jose is a 22-year-old student presenting with fatigue, dry cough, irritability, and
depressed mood. He admits to smoking tobacco and drinking beer ‘‘once in a
while.’’ When he senses your nonjudgmental approach, he reveals he smokes
‘‘meth,’’ but ‘‘only to help me study.’’ When asked about his studies, Jose reveals
.............................................. that he used to be a B student, but more recently his grades have slipped. On
WHEN TO REFER one hand, he now routinely uses ‘‘meth’’ when studying for finals; on the other,
.............................................. he describes how several times he’s done poorly on tests when he’s been too
• Pronounced withdrawal ‘‘wired’’ (intoxicated). Once in high school, one of his friends injected him with
symptoms what he was told was heroin plus methamphetamine (speedball). He’s used oxy-
• Maintenance pharmaco- codone pills twice in the last year, both times to try to relax after using meth to
therapy for buprenor- stay up and study. He ‘‘parties’’ most weekends, and often engages in unpro-
phine or methadone tected sex. He seems to understand the importance of safe sex practices, but
• Need for psychosocial states, ‘‘When I hook up at a party and I’m high, I just don’t believe that any-
treatments (Narcotics thing bad will happen.’’ His last meth use was 48 hours ago at a weekend party,
Anonymous, counseling and he has not slept since then. Jose is concerned about his insomnia and is ask-
behavioral treatment pro-
grams, vocational ing for a ‘‘sleeping pill.’’ His physical exam is notable for hypertension, a 10-
rehabilitation) pound weight loss, and fine bibasilar crackles. Urine toxicology is positive for
methamphetamines. Other studies, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, and
• Suicidal intention
hepatitis B and C, are pending.
• Repeated failed treat-
ment in primary care or
outpatient treatment Discussion: Patients with SUDs typically present with nonspecific complaints, and
careful history taking is necessary to elucidate any contribution from substance use.
Chapter 6 Substance Use Disorders—Stimulants and Opioids 115

Initially asking about socially acceptable substances such as tobacco and alcohol nor-
malizes questions about illicit drugs and is less threatening for many patients. Jose
meets criteria for stimulant dependence. He has mild withdrawal symptoms, gives up
important activities (his studying and other aspects of his role as a student), and con-
tinues to use despite knowledge of problems (poor grades, unprotected sex). Clini-
cally, it is unlikely that regular party use plus daily use for 6 months would not lead
to dose escalation and tolerance. Recall that underreporting is the rule in SUDs.
The severity of Jose’s methamphetamine dependence may be mild-moderate
and seems early in the disease course. For now, the indicated intervention is psycho-
social treatment. Jose would benefit from a FRAMES intervention. He is slightly
aware of the likely consequences surrounding his use, and frank, nonjudgmental
feedback would clarify his medical, professional, and legal risks.
Advice regarding a variety of treatment options would provide him with tangi-
ble opportunities for change. If Jose is in the ‘‘Action Stage’’ in the Stages of
Change model, a collaborative plan of action (i.e., cessation) should be developed.
While a referral to local drug counseling services or a mental health professional
skilled in CBT could be considered, he may not follow up unless he is motivated to

CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

change. In such cases, further motivational interviewing techniques using the
Stages of Change model and the FRAMES techniques should be utilized (Tables 6.7
and 6.8).
Although he described none, if his symptoms suggest a concomitant mood or
anxiety disorder, further exploration of his psychiatric and family history and follow-
up appointments when abstinent would be necessary to evaluate and treat any such
disorder. Methamphetamine withdrawal places him at increased acute risk for sui-
cide, and his potential for self-harm must be evaluated at this visit. His sexual history
and injection use place him at risk for several infectious diseases, and the results of
his pending tests must be closely followed. While his opioid use is minimal, clear rec-
ommendations to stop should be incorporated into the FRAMES conversation, and
subsequent use monitored. Close routine follow-up with Jose in the next 1 to 2
weeks would be indicated to monitor his progress.

Case 2: Management of opiate dependence

Cathy is a 55-year-old attorney who presents as a new patient with 2 days of dif-
fuse joint pain, nonbloody diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and rhinorrhea.
Further questioning reveals insomnia and an irritable, depressed mood over the
same period. As the physical exam is about to begin, Cathy states, ‘‘I don’t think
I have the flu. What I need is something for my back. It’s this back pain that is
making me miserable.’’ Cathy relates that 2 years ago, she suffered injury to her
lumbar spine, and has been using Vicodin ever since for symptomatic relief.
When pressed, Cathy admits to taking 8 to 10 Vicodin daily, obtained from sev-
eral doctors. She has made many unsuccessful attempts to reduce her usage, but
when she does she feels ‘‘much worse.’’ A more focused symptom history sug-
gests that her back pain is better. Physical exam is notable for a moist forehead,
clear nares, benign abdomen, and normal musculoskeletal evaluation.

Discussion: Arthralgias, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rhinorrhea, sweating, insomnia,

and an irritable depression all point toward an opioid withdrawal syndrome (particu-
larly when relieved by more Vicodin). Clonidine, 0.1 mg three times daily, may be
given for symptomatic relief, along with an NSAID, antiemetic, antidiarrheal, and
sleeping medication with a low abuse potential. Due to its potential for lethality in
overdose and the need for closer monitoring, no more than a 3-day’s supply of clo-
nidine should be given. Cathy’s withdrawal syndrome, her multiple attempts to
reduce her usage, and her persistent use despite the resolution of her back pain
supports a diagnosis of opioid dependence. Prescription-opioid dependence com-
monly begins with a legitimate physiologic complaint (in this case back pain), and a
careful history and physical exam are necessary to determine if untreated physical
pain is contributing to her illness. Cathy may be an appropriate candidate for
116 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

office-based Suboxone therapy, and an urgent referral to a Suboxone provider

should be considered. Alternatively, naltrexone may be efficacious with certain
highly motivated individuals and its use may be considered once her withdrawal
symptoms have abated. Motivational interviewing, CBT, and group and family ther-
apy will all be vital components in a well-rounded treatment strategy. Finally, liver
enzymes must be evaluated given the potential hepatic toxicity of the acetamino-
phen in Vicodin.

Amphetamine Abuse 305.70
Amphetamine Dependence 304.40
Cocaine Abuse 305.60
Cocaine Dependence 304.20
Hallucinogen Dependence 304.50
Hallucinogen Abuse 305.30
CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

Opioid Abuse 305.60

Opioid Dependence 304.00
Other Substance Abuse 305.90
Other Substance Dependence 304.90
Other Substance-Induced Delirium 292.81
Phencyclidine (PCP) Abuse 305.90
Phencyclidine (PCP) Dependence 304.90
Polysubstance Dependence 304.90
Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse 305.40
Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence 304.10
Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder 292.89
Substance-Induced Mood Disorder 292.84

Practical Resources
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:
Treatment Improvement Protocols:¼hstat5.part.22441
Buprenorphine prescribing information:
Directory of substance abuse treatment centers:
National Institute on Drug Abuse:
American Society of Addiction Medicine:

12-Step Programs:
Narcotics Anonymous:
Cocaine Anonymous:

1. Compton WM, Thomas YF, Stinson, FS, et al. Prevalence, correlates, disability, and comorbidity of
DSM-IV drug abuse and dependence in the United States. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007;64:566–576.

2. Nace EP, Tinsley JA. Patients with Substance Abuse Problems: Effective Identification, Diagnosis, and Treat-
ment. New York: W.W. Norton and Company; 2007.

3. Kleber HD, Weiss RD. Treatment of patients with substance use disorders, 2nd edition. Am J Psychia-
try. 2007;164(4 Suppl):1–130.

4. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed. Wash-
ington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000.

5. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorders. Treatment Improve-
ment Protocol (TIP) Series 33. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis-
tration; 1999.
Chapter 6 Substance Use Disorders—Stimulants and Opioids 117

6. Brown RL, Leonard T, Saunders LA, et al. The prevalence and detection of substance use disorders
among inpatients ages 18 to 49: an opportunity for prevention. Prev Med. 1998;27:101–10.

7. O’Brien D, Charney L, Lewis J, et al. Priority actions to improve the care of persons with co-occurring
substance abuse and other mental disorders: a call to action. Biol Psychiatry. 2004;56:703–713.

8. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Addiction in Opioid
Treatment Programs. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 43. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration; 2005.

9. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Clinical Guidelines for the Use of Buprenorphine in the Treatment
of Opioid Addiction. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 40. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration; 2004.

10. Miller WR, Rollnick S. Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change. 2nd ed. New York: The
Guilford Press; 2002.

11. Prochaska, JO, Velicer WF. The Transtheoretical Model of health behavior change. Am J Health Pro-
mot. 1997;12:38–48.

12. Miller WR, Sanchez VC. Motivating young adults for treatment and lifestyle change. In: Howard G,
ed. Issues in Alcohol Use and Misuse by Young Adults. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press;

13. Jones EM, Knutson D, Haines D. Common problems in patients recovering from chemical depen-

CHAPTER 6 SUDs—Stimulants and Opioids

dency. Am Fam Physician. 2003;68:1971–1978.
7 Substance Use
L. Joby Morrow, MD • Craig R. Keenan, MD • Glen L. Xiong, MD

Clinical Significance
... Mary is a 43-year-old woman with a history of hepatitis C ...
... ...
The primary care community cannot
and hypertension who presents with depressed mood and
... ...
afford to ignore the economic, social,
insomnia. She denies any suicidal thoughts but states, ‘‘Life
... ...
CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol

medical, and personal impact of

... just doesn’t seem to be heading in the right direction.’’ On ...
AUDs. Alcohol-related disorders are
... this visit, she is most concerned about her persistently ...
...elevated blood pressure and insomnia. She reluctantly ...
chronic, relapsing problems that have
... ...
a prevalence of up to 20% in the pri-
reports losing her job and apartment 3 months ago and mary care patient population, a rate ...
now lives with her sister. She divorced 1 year ago and has similar to other primary care condi- ...
one adult son who is estranged from her. She reports a tions like hypertension and diabetes
... ...
history of intravenous heroin use more than 8 years ago, mellitus (1). However, they are identi- ...
smokes two packs of cigarettes per day, and drinks three to fied and treated by clinicians at one ...
four beers each evening. Her physical exam is unremarkable fourth the rate of similarly prevalent ...
except for a blood pressure of 165/95 mmHg, heart rate of illnesses. On average, alcohol use is
... ...
108 beats per minute, moderate bilateral hand tremor, and responsible for about 100,000 deaths ...
inability to perform tandem gait. and nearly $200 billion in direct and .
indirect costs each year (2).
Benzodiazepines (BZPs) are among
the most widely prescribed drugs in the world. Like alcohol, BZPs act as
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS central nervous system depressants by their agonist effects on the
• Problematic alcohol use is gamma-aminobutyric acid A (GABAA) receptor. The relatively new class
widespread, costly, and
of non-BZP hypnotics (e.g., zolpidem and zaleplon) has been increas-
underrecognized by pri-
mary care providers. ingly used for the treatment of insomnia. They are chemically similar to
• Screening tools such as BZPs and potential for misuse and dependence still exists. Like BZPs,
the CAGE and AUDIT-C non-BZP hypnotics are potentiated by alcohol and concomitant use
questionnaires should be
can cause severe, potentially fatal respiratory depression. Although
used in the primary care
setting as they are highly sedative-hypnotic use disorders are not addressed in this chapter, we cau-
effective in identifying tion providers on the judicious use of BZPs and non-BZP hypnotics and
patients at risk for alco-
hol use disorders (AUDs). the potential for abuse, dependence, and cross-addiction with alcohol.
• Management strategies
of AUDs share similarities
with those of other
chronic illnesses, and Alcohol use can be characterized along a spectrum from nonproblematic
use, misuse, abuse, to dependence. For simplicity, the rest of the chapter
Chapter 7 Substance Use Disorders—Alcohol 119

will describe AUDs to include alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence,

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS unless otherwise specified. The unit of alcohol consumption is the
(Continued) standard drink (1.5 oz of liquor, 12 oz of beer, or 5 oz of table wine),
treatment should be indi- which contains 12 to 14 grams of ethanol and raises the blood ethanol
vidually tailored in a
stepwise fashion. level to about 0.08 g/dL in a 150-pound man. Alcohol use or ‘‘moderate
drinking,’’ by consensus, is no more than one to two drinks per day for
• The mainstays of treat-
ment of alcohol use dis- men and no more than one drink per day for women. The National
orders are behavioral Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) considers ‘‘at-risk
interventions, but effec-
tive adjunctive pharmaco- drinking’’ to be more than 14 standard drinks weekly (or more than four
logic options such as drinks per occasion) for men and more than seven drinks weekly (or
acamprosate and naltrex-
three drinks per occasion) for women and anyone of either sex over
one are readily available
in primary care settings. age 65 (3).
• Brief intervention for
alcohol use disorders has
been extensively studied. ALCOHOL ABUSE
It is effective in primary
care settings and can be The core feature of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor-
delivered in as little as ders, 4th edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR), diagnostic criteria for alcohol
four 15-minute sessions.

CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol
abuse (Table 7.1) is the recurring use of alcohol despite a person’s inabil-
• Use of benzodiazepines
and other hypnotics to ity to fulfill social role obligations and despite hazardous, legal, and
treat long-standing alco- interpersonal problems (4). One or more of these problems must be
hol dependence can present for more than 1 year in order to diagnose alcohol abuse. In order
undermine treatment
goals and is not normally to meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence
indicated. The short-term must be ruled out first. Therefore, when insufficient information is
use of long-acting benzo-
diazepines does have an available, alcohol dependence should be considered first.
important role in the
treatment of alcohol
The diagnosis of alcohol dependence (Table 7.2) requires abuse of alco-
hol plus physical, psychological, and social consequences of the exces-
sive use: physical tolerance and withdrawal, unsuccessful attempts to
stop or reduce alcohol use, excessive time spent in alcohol-related

Table 7.1 DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Alcohol Abuse

A maladaptive pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one
(or more) of the following, occurring within a 12-month period:
1. Recurrent alcohol use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home
(e.g., repeated absences or poor work performance related to alcohol use; alcohol-related absences,
suspensions, or expulsions from school; neglect of children or household)
2. Recurrent alcohol use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g., driving an automobile or
operating a machine when impaired by alcohol use)
3. Recurrent alcohol-related legal problems (e.g., arrests for alcohol-related disorderly conduct)
4. Continued alcohol use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exa-
cerbated by the effects of alcohol (e.g., arguments with spouse about consequences of intoxication, physical
5. The symptoms have never met the criteria for alcohol dependence.

From American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC:
American Psychiatric Association; 2000.
120 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 7.2 DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Alcohol Dependence

A maladaptive pattern of alcohol use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by
three (or more) of the following, occurring at any time in the same 12-month period:
1. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
• A need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect
• Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of alcohol
2. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
• The characteristic withdrawal syndrome
• Alcohol (or a closely related substance like a benzodiazepine) is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal
3. Alcohol is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended
4. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol use
5. A great deal of time is spent in activities to obtain alcohol, use the alcohol, or recover from its effects
6. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of alcohol use
7. The alcohol use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological
problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance (e.g., continued drinking despite
recognition that an ulcer was made worse by alcohol consumption)

From American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC:
American Psychiatric Association; 2000.
CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol

activities, impairment in interpersonal and social functioning, and con-

tinued use despite physical or psychological consequences. Alcohol
dependence is diagnosed when three of these criteria have been met for
more than 1 year (4).

Alcohol withdrawal is often part of the diagnosis of alcohol dependence.
The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal stem from unregulated excitatory
neuronal activity, and may include diaphoresis, tachycardia, increased
blood pressure, peripheral tremor, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, vomiting,
and restlessness. The symptoms begin anywhere from 4 hours to 3 days
after the last use of alcohol. Potentially dangerous endpoints for the
alcohol withdrawal syndrome include seizures and delirium tremens.
These complications of severe alcohol withdrawal can have fatal conse-
quences if left untreated.


Alcohol withdrawal seizures are generally tonic-clonic seizures and,
other than the temporal relationship to the discontinuation of alcohol,
are clinically indistinguishable from other seizure disorders. They gener-
ally appear 2 to 48 hours after the last drink, and are also caused by
central neuronal hyperactivity. Patients typically have a single seizure,
but they can have multiple seizures in a row, and up to 3% of patients
develop status epilepticus. Recurrent or prolonged seizures during with-
drawal should prompt an investigation for other potential causes of the
seizures. The risk of developing alcohol withdrawal seizures is
Chapter 7 Substance Use Disorders—Alcohol 121

proportionally increased by the number of times a patient has required


In alcoholic hallucinosis, hallucinations develop within 12 to 24 hours of
abstinence and resolve within 24 to 48 hours. These are typically visual
hallucinations, but tactile and auditory hallucinations can occur. Formi-
cation, or tactile hallucinations, occurs classically in patients who
describe a feeling of bugs crawling on their skin. The patient’s senso-
rium is otherwise clear, which differentiates hallucinosis from delirium
tremens (DTs), where hallucinations also occur but concomitantly with
global clouding of the sensorium. Delirium tremens does not usually
begin until after 24 to 48 hours of abstinence.

Delirium tremens occur in about 5% of all cases of alcohol withdrawal
and can be life threatening with a mortality rate of up to 5% (5). DTs are

CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol
characterized by acute altered consciousness that includes disorienta-
tion, confusion, agitation, hallucinations, and signs of severe autonomic
instability (including tremor, hypertension, diaphoresis, tachycardia,
and fever). Symptoms may appear within 2 weeks of abstinence, but
usually 48 to 96 hours after the last drink. Risk factors for DTs include
concurrent acute medical illness, daily heavy alcohol use, a previous
history of delirium tremens or withdrawal seizures, age over 30, and at
least 3 days since the last drink (6). Patients at high risk for alcohol
withdrawal seizures or DTs require immediate evaluation at a medical
emergency room. Those with DTs need close monitoring, fluid and elec-
trolyte replacement, and high-dose intravenous benzodiazepines in an
intensive care unit.


Patients in the primary care setting who have alcohol dependence
receive proper assessment and treatment for AUDs only about 10% of
the time. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that pri-
mary care practitioners screen all patients for AUDs, with an increased
focus on those who are at high risk of alcohol abuse or dependence (i.e.,
family or personal history of substance misuse, recent stressors, or
comorbid mood, anxiety, or psychotic disorders) (7). A number of user-
friendly screening instruments have been validated to facilitate screen-
ing and diagnosis of AUDs. The most popular instrument is the 4-item
CAGE questionnaire (Table 7.3), which has a sensitivity of up to 94% and
specificity of 70% to 97% for detecting current abuse or dependence dis-
orders in the primary care setting (8). One affirmative answer should
lead to a more detailed evaluation (9).
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is a 10-item
questionnaire available from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Despite the fact that the AUDIT can be given verbally or via written
questionnaire in less than 3 minutes, its use in busy practices is reduced
122 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 7.3 Brief Screening Instruments for Alcohol Use Disorders

CAGE Questionnairea,b
1. Have you ever felt that you should Cut down on your alcohol use?
2. Have people Annoyed you by asking about or criticizing your alcohol use?
3. Have you ever felt Guilty about your alcohol use?
4. Have you ever used alcohol as an Eye-opener first thing in the morning to
avoid unpleasant feelings?
Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-Consumption (AUDIT-C)c,d
1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
Never 0
Monthly or less 1
2–4 times a month 2
2–3 times a week 3
4 or more times a week 4
2. How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when
you are drinking?
1 or 2 0
3 or 4 1
5 or 6 2
CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol

7 to 9 3
10 or more 4
3. How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?
Never 0
Less than monthly 1
Monthly 2
Weekly 3
Daily or almost daily 4
One affirmative answer should prompt further questioning about alcohol use and two or
more affirmative answers increase the chance of alcohol use disorders.
From U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening and behavioral counseling interventions in
primary care to reduce alcohol misuse: recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med.
A score of 4 or more most likely indicates alcohol abuse or dependence and warrants further
From Fiellin DA, Reid MC, O’Connor PG. Screening for alcohol problems in primary care: a sys-
tematic review. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:1977–1989.

by its length. A quicker modification, called AUDIT-C, includes only the

first three questions of AUDIT that quantify alcohol intake (Table 7.3). A
score greater than 4 has a sensitivity of 86% and specificity of 72% for
heavy drinking or abuse (10). Once a screening tool is positive, further
assessment should assess the following: (1) quantity, frequency, and
pattern of consumption; (2) alcohol-related problems; (3) use of other
illicit or prescription drugs; (4) severity of dependence (e.g., history of
withdrawal and symptoms with prior attempts to quit); (5) comorbid
medical or psychiatric conditions; and (6) patient recognition of the
problem and readiness to change. We recommend using either the
CAGE or AUDIT-C screening tools as a means to determine the need for
a more extensive substance abuse evaluation.
Without using screening tools, AUDs are often overlooked in the
clinical settings, and detection requires a high index of suspicion. Cer-
tain clinical conditions and findings should raise this suspicion (Table
7.4). Typical clues may include comorbid psychiatric symptoms such as
Chapter 7 Substance Use Disorders—Alcohol 123

Table 7.4 Clinical Clues for Alcohol Dependence

Commonly associated conditions Dilated cardiomyopathy
Erectile dysfunction
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Alcohol-related hepatitis
Hepatic encephalopathy
Hepatitis B and C
Malnutrition states
Pneumonia (often due to aspiration)
Sexually transmitted infections
Unintended pregnancy
Social history Multiple traumatic injuries
Recent arrest for driving while intoxicated
Arrests for property damage
Sudden change in behavior
Erratic occupational history

CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol
Domestic violence
Physical exam findings Weight changes with muscle atrophy
Shrunken, firm liver
Genital discharge, warts, ulcers, chancres
Scleral icterus
Cognitive impairment

AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

anxiety, depression, irritability, panic attacks, impaired concentration,

and persistent insomnia. Physical symptoms may include malaise,
fatigue, headaches, loss of consciousness, amnesia, heartburn, hema-
temesis, jaundice, erectile dysfunction, hemorrhoids, and paresthesias
or neuropathic pain from peripheral neuropathy. Several medical condi-
tions are commonly associated with alcohol use: gastroesophageal
reflux disease (GERD), peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, and pancre-
atitis. Alcohol use is also implicated as a factor in a large percentage of
sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies.
Asking about how a patient deals with life stressors or psychological
symptoms may reveal the use of alcohol as a maladaptive coping mech-
anism. Unstable interpersonal relationships and work history are com-
mon manifestations of AUDs. Difficulties with managing a patient’s
medical conditions or unexplained medication nonadherence should
alert the provider to screen for occult alcohol use. Skillful interviewing
is required to normalize questions about alcohol use. Confidence, empa-
thy, and a nonjudgmental stance are equally important in soliciting
honest and complete information from the patient. The clinician may
want to ask about the role or function of alcohol in the patient’s life
(e.g., ‘‘How has alcohol benefited or harmed you?’’ or ‘‘Has alcohol
124 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 7.5 Laboratory Evaluation for Alcohol Use Disorders

ALT 50% 86% $
AST 50% 82% $
AST:ALT >2 19% 96% $
MCV 52% 85% $
GGT 67% men 74% men $$
44% women 90% women
CDT 60% men 92% men $$$
29% women 92% women
CDT and GGT 86% men 68% men $$$
61% women 81% women

ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; CDT, carbohydrate-deficient

transferrin; GGT, gamma-glutamyltransferase; MCV, mean corpuscular volume.
Data adapted from Bell H, Tallaksen CM, Try K, et al. Carbohydrate-deficient transferring and
other markers of high alcohol consumption: a study of 502 patients admitted consecutively to
a medical department. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1994;18(5):1103–1108; and Miller PM, Anton RF.
CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol

Biochemical alcohol screening in primary care. Addict Behav. 2004;29:1427–1437.

affected your relationships with family and close friends?’’). The rest of
the social history that details a patient’s support system and occupational
history can be utilized in screening, diagnosis, and later in the treatment
process. The mental status exam of someone who is suspected of having
an AUD may reveal anxious, depressed, or irritable moods; psychomotor
changes; slurred speech; cognitive slowing; clouded sensorium; paranoia;
and impaired insight and judgment.
In addition to the history and physical exam, laboratory studies may
suggest an AUD but are usually not diagnostic due to lack of specificity
(Table 7.5). The sensitivity and specificity for the alcohol-related bio-
markers vary by gender (11). Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT)
and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) may be used to monitor occult
alcohol use but are relatively more expensive. GGT is limited by specific-
ity, as it can be elevated in many other common conditions, including
biliary disease, nonalcoholic liver disease, obesity, and ingestion of cer-
tain medications. Using a combination of CDT and GGT elevation raises
the sensitivity, but lowers specificity. A 30% decrease in GGT or CDT is
indicative of a significant decrease in alcohol intake or abstinence, and
thus these tests can be useful adjuncts to monitor occult alcohol use in
a treatment program (12).

Differential Diagnosis
As with all substance use problems, diagnosing an alcohol use disorder
can be difficult. The symptoms of alcohol use may mimic mood or anxi-
ety disorders and those of alcohol withdrawal may resemble anxiety or
psychotic disorders. While alcohol use is far more common than illicit
drug use, there is a high rate of co-occurring use, and identifying the
Chapter 7 Substance Use Disorders—Alcohol 125

.................................................. symptoms of problematic use of one substance versus another can be

clinically challenging. Moreover, co-occurring substance use and other
psychiatric disorders are so common as to be considered ‘‘the rule
• Substance-induced psychi-
atric disorder rather than the exception.’’ After adjustment for sociodemographic vari-
• Mood disorders (major ables, the National Epidemiological Survey found that alcohol depend-
depressive disorder or ence is most highly associated with bipolar spectrum disorder, major
bipolar disorder) depressive disorder, panic disorder, and antisocial and histrionic person-
• Anxiety disorders ality disorders (13). Alcohol use, however, can cause mood and anxiety
• Psychotic disorders symptoms that mimic other psychiatric disorders and cessation of alco-
• Cognitive disorders hol may lead to resolution of these symptoms in as little as 3 to 4 weeks
(dementia, delirium, or (14). An independent, co-occurring psychiatric diagnosis requires serial
syndrome) observations of mood and behavior after cessation of use. According to
consensus opinion among addiction specialists, if psychiatric symptoms
• Delirium tremens
persist 4 weeks after alcohol or substance cessation, or if the symptoms
• Alcohol withdrawal
seizures of the disorder clearly antedate alcohol, the patient can be diagnosed
with the psychiatric disorder (15).
• Abuse or dependence of
other substances

CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol
Biopsychosocial Treatment
Alcohol use disorders are often conceptualized as chronic medical disor-
ders and a biopsychosocial treatment approach should be utilized. Bio-
logic treatment focuses on acute detoxification of patients who are at
high risk for moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms. Subsequently,
pharmacologic agents may be added for maintenance treatment and
relapse prevention, as an adjunct to psychosocial treatment. Psychoso-
cial interventions include a combination of 12-step programs, supportive
therapy, brief intervention, CBT, motivation-based treatments, family
therapy, and residential or vocational rehabilitation.

Acute Detoxification and Management of Withdrawal
Pharmacologic detoxification can be used to reduce withdrawal symp-
toms from alcohol and is often used in patients with physiologic
dependence to prevent withdrawal seizures or DTs. A long-acting benzo-
diazepine such as chlordiazepoxide or diazepam is substituted for the
substance of abuse and the dosage is gradually tapered. The longer-
acting agents are preferred due to a smoother withdrawal course.
Shorter-acting agents such as lorazepam, oxazepam, or temazepam may
be particularly useful for patients with advanced liver disease as there is
less risk of serum accumulation and resultant sedation or delirium. For
patients receiving inpatient treatment, the revised Clinical Institute
Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol (CIWA-A), a validated assessment
instrument, may be used. Provider and staff training are required to
ensure proper use of the instrument, and the scale is generally used by
the nursing staff to guide benzodiazepine dosing (16). A typical regimen
may be chlordiazepoxide 25 mg four times (day 1), 15 mg four times
(day 2), 10 mg four times (day 3), 5 mg four times (day 4), and 5 mg twice
(day 5) (17). For patients with liver disease, lorazepam at roughly 2 mg
126 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

may be substituted for each 25 mg of chlordiazepoxide. However, there is

no standard universal guideline for the frequency of administration, dos-
age strength, or length of administration of BZPs in treating alcohol with-
drawal (18). The dose and duration of the benzodiazepine required to
prevent complications typically correlate with a patient’s tolerance to
For a patient with a history of withdrawal seizure or underling sei-
zure diathesis, use of anticonvulsants such as phenytoin, carbamaze-
pine, or divalproex sodium may be added. Beta-blockers and the central
alpha-agonist clonidine are also helpful adjuncts in treating the hypera-
drenergic symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. They both may decrease
withdrawal symptoms, while beta-blockers may also reduce cravings
(18). All patients with heavy alcohol use should be closely monitored for
volume and electrolyte abnormalities and given multivitamin, thiamine,
and folate supplements.
Stable, motivated patients with mild to moderate withdrawal symp-
toms can be managed in the outpatient setting as long as there is avail-
CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol

able support at home to monitor progress and the patient has no history
of severe alcohol withdrawal or seizures. Complicated cases of alcohol
withdrawal that involve progressively worsening symptoms must be
treated in an inpatient hospital or detoxification facility equipped to
manage severe complications.

Maintenance Therapy
Maintenance medication to prevent relapse should always be used
adjunctively with psychosocial interventions. Drugs approved by the
FDA for alcohol dependence include the opioid antagonist naltrexone,
the glutamate and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist
acamprosate, and the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor disulfiram
(Table 7.6). Naltrexone is available in an oral form (ReVia) and a long-
acting injectable form (Vivitrol). Disulfiram, which causes severe dis-
comfort (e.g., nausea, vomiting, flushing, hypotension, and tachycardia)
when used with alcohol, must be used with caution as it can be hazard-
ous in patients with cardiovascular or liver diseases.
Naltrexone and acamprosate, which work by decreasing craving,
are much safer to use and are supplanting the use of disulfiram. In
several clinical trials, both naltrexone and acamprosate have shown
modest efficacy for maintaining abstinence or reducing heavy drinking,
but their effectiveness is more variable when translated into clinical
practice (19). In 2006, a large trial of nearly 1,400 patients compared
naltrexone and acamprosate, alone or in combination, in conjunction
with specialist behavioral treatments and against specialist behavioral
treatments alone. In this study, naltrexone monotherapy and behav-
ioral monotherapy were shown to have the most robust success in
achieving abstinence at 16 weeks, and were equivalent to combined
naltrexone and specialist behavioral therapy (20). At 1 year, however,
even the best treatment had an over 75% rate of return to heavy drink-
ing. Surprisingly, acamprosate, with or without behavioral therapy,
Chapter 7 Substance Use Disorders—Alcohol 127

Table 7.6 FDA-Approved Pharmacologic Treatment of Alcohol Dependence

Naltrexone (ReVia, Vivitrol) • Start first dose at 25 mg given the • Must be opioid-free for 7–10 days;
possibility of precipitating withdrawal otherwise, severe opioid withdrawal
symptoms. If tolerated, subsequent may occur
doses may be given at 50 mg • Contraindicated in active opioid users
• 380 mg IM every 4 weeks • Caution in patients with depression,
suicidal ideation, thrombocytopenia,
or liver disease
• Pregnancy class C
Acamprosate (Campral) • 666 mg TID • May be continued despite alcohol
• Requires dose adjustment in renal
• Caution in patients with depression,
anxiety, and suicidal ideation
• Pregnancy class C
Disulfiram (Antabuse) • 250–500 mg/day; start at 125 mg • Must be abstinent from alcohol for
>12 hours prior to use
• Toxic reaction of headache, nausea,

CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol
malaise, and generalized distress
when used with alcohol
• Severe pharmacokinetic and additive
drug–drug interactions are possible
with isoniazid and metronidazole
• Pregnancy class C

was not effective in this trial. Subsequently, a smaller head-to-head

comparison found that naltrexone was superior to acamprosate (21).
Therefore, although both medications are indicated for the treatment
of alcohol dependence, naltrexone may be superior to acamprosate in
certain patient populations. Naltrexone and acamprosate should be
used with caution in those who have liver and kidney impairment,
Antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and antipsychotics have also been
studied for the prevention of alcohol relapse in patients with and with-
out comorbid psychiatric disorders. Most recently, topiramate titrated to
300 mg/day has been shown to be effective in reducing alcohol relapse
(as measured by percentage of heavy drinking days and serum GGT) in
a randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter study involving 371 sub-
jects over 14 weeks (22). Although promising, these findings need to be
replicated before recommending topiramate routinely.
Medication adherence is a major obstacle to the efficacy of pharma-
cologic treatment. In addition, limited access to and experience with
these medications by primary care providers have precluded their wide-
spread use. Although most patients with alcohol use disorders that suc-
ceed in cessation do not receive any targeted addiction treatment, it is
prudent to use an FDA-approved medication to reduce alcohol relapse.
We recommend naltrexone or acamprosate as the first-line treatment
for alcohol dependence, due to their evidence base, safety profile, and
128 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

efficacy. The injectable form of naltrexone can be considered in patients

with problems adhering to daily oral medications. Finally, psychosocial
treatments are widely regarded as the foundational method for long-
term relapse prevention. Therefore, even with provision of medication,
the primary care provider should encourage and facilitate a patient’s
participation in psychosocial treatment.

Brief Intervention
Advice and counseling approaches to the treatment of AUDs closely par-
allel other strategies used by primary care providers to treat other
chronic conditions. The most effective model is the use of brief inter-
vention, which has been systematically studied to be helpful for treat-
ment of problem drinking in primary care settings in four 15-minute
weekly sessions (Table 7-7) (23). The key elements of brief intervention
CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol

Table 7.7 Brief Intervention for Alcohol Use Disorders

1. Assessment and Ask about alcohol use (CAGE, AUDIT-C) ‘‘Your liver disease is likely to be related
direct feedback Provide education and feedback about to alcohol use. Would you like me to
the connection between alcohol use give you some information about your
and legal, occupational, or relationship hepatitis and alcohol use?’’
problems ‘‘I am very concerned about your drinking
and how it is affecting your health.’’
2. Goal setting Individually tailored goals based on collab- ‘‘What are your thoughts about alcohol
oration between the patient and the use?’’
provider ‘‘Although I would advise complete alco-
Goals may change depending on readiness hol cessation, how realistic is that for
for change you?’’
Goals should be realistic and include psy- ‘‘Although the use of medications is
chotherapy, social support, and use of important in your recovery, it is critical
medications when indicated to attend AA and monitor for triggers
that may lead to relapse.’’
3. Behavioral Identify situational triggers, finding other ‘‘What causes you to start drinking?’’
modification enjoyable activities and adaptive cop- ‘‘What else can you do when you feel
ing skills alone, stressed, or frustrated?’’
Includes relapse prevention ‘‘Who can you talk to when you feel that
you have failed to cut down on
4. Self-help Encourage self-discipline and increased ‘‘Would you like an information booklet
self-awareness about alcohol use about alcohol addiction?’’
disorder ‘‘Do you know where you can get help for
your drinking problem?’’
5. Follow-up and Often considered the most important ‘‘I’m very glad to see you come back to
reinforcement aspect of the treatment plan talk more about your alcohol use.’’
Provide praise, reassurance, and encour- ‘‘How did your plan to stop or reduce
agement during periods of sobriety your drinking work?’’
Returning to appointment is a sign of
patient motivation and efforts, even if
relapse occurs

Modified from Bertholet N, Daeppen JB, Wietlisbach V, et al. Reduction of alcohol consumption by brief alcohol intervention in primary
care: systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165:986–995.
Chapter 7 Substance Use Disorders—Alcohol 129

include nonjudgmental discussion and the provision of ongoing educa-

tion and feedback. Once the goals are identified (e.g., cession or reduc-
tion of drinking), then the provider may help the patient identify a plan
of action (e.g., seeking behavioral counseling, group support, use of
medications for detoxification and maintenance therapy, treatment of
comorbid conditions, and use of self-help programs). Further feedback
and refinement of goals and action plans are then continually addressed
on follow-up, usually as early as possible, depending on the particular
action plan (24).

Motivational Interventions
Motivational interventions are adapted from motivational interviewing,
a caring, nonconfrontational, persuasive counseling style that elicits
long-standing behavioral change. The basic assumption is that most
people are ambivalent about behavioral change (i.e., continuing vs. stop-
ping alcohol use). Therefore, providers should attempt to identify an
individual’s ambivalence and explore rationales for and against contin-

CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol
ued alcohol use. For example, rather than arguing incessantly about
why the person should stop drinking, it may be more productive to
explore the patient’s motivation for alcohol cessation in a nonjudgmen-
tal way. Action plans and goals may then be tailored according to the
patient’s ‘‘readiness to change’’ (see Table 6.7 or see Chapter 6). Motiva-
tional enhancement therapy (MET) is a systematic psychological inter-
vention that can also be used in the primary care setting to address
AUDs. MET aims to improve patients’ motivation for alcohol cessation
and has been shown to be as efficacious for most patients as compared
to other classic approaches, including CBT and 12-step programs (25).

Self-Help and 12-Step Programs

A variety of self-help, patient-initiated programs employ learning,
acceptance, change, and support when combating alcohol and sub-
stance dependence with the eventual goal of achieving abstinence. The
oldest and most well-known of these programs is Alcoholics Anony-
mous (AA). AA is a fellowship of men and women where the primary
purpose is for members to help other members stay sober. The only
requirement for membership is ‘‘the desire to stay sober.’’ AA is based
on a step-by-step approach and encourages total abstinence. In the first
step, members admit that they are ‘‘powerless over alcohol’’ and that
their lives have become ‘‘unmanageable.’’ Subsequent steps include
acquiring mentorship and support from a ‘‘sponsor,’’ making amends to
past mistakes, and admitting to new mistakes when they occur. The
12th step encourages members to pass on lessons learned to other indi-
viduals who have AUDs (26). Traditional 12-step programs have not
been studied due to the organization’s reluctance to participate in for-
mal research. Twelve-Step Facilitation (TSF) is a formal program that
incorporates AA principles. In a large multisite study involving 1,700
patients, Project MATCH found that there was no difference in the effi-
cacy of CBT, MET, and TSF during the year following treatment.
130 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

However, TSF was most effective in persons from heavy drinking social
environments (27).

Family and Community Programs

Social stability, such as full-time employment and supportive networks
of friends and family, is associated with good overall outcomes in those
who are alcohol dependent. With the patient’s consent, family and
friends can help facilitate access to community resources and act as
chaperones or ‘‘sponsors’’ to which the patient must be accountable.
Moreover, family and friends often serve as the key sources of support
and motivation to maintain sobriety and will usually prompt their loved
one to consider treatment after a relapse. When maladaptive family
dynamics precede or contribute to AUDs, couple’s and family therapy
should be considered to address issues of anger, guilt, and shame that
often interfere with sobriety. Family and loved ones often struggle alone
and would benefit from involvement in support groups such as Al-
Anon. For a patient who is unemployed or has minimal psychosocial
support, it is reasonable to encourage participation in a therapeutic
CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol

community or a substance abuse treatment program that provides a

supportive environment, housing, and vocational rehabilitation.


Preventing and Addressing Relapse
Although feared and misunderstood by patients and support networks
alike, relapse of alcohol use after cessation is an expected event in long-
term management. Common precipitants of relapse include use of a
secondary substance, a return to substance-using friends, substance-
associated sexual behavior, depression, anxiety, and craving for alcohol.
These triggers need to be discussed openly and frankly with patients as
an early part of their treatment program. Ideally, the clinician and
patient collaboratively identify patient-specific triggers and create a pre-
vention plan to address such situations when they arise. The plan may
encourage the patient to use proactive strategies such as self-imposed
alcohol reduction or cessation while in a supportive environment, call-
ing a ‘‘sponsor’’ or similarly knowledgeable and supportive person,
acknowledging relapse in the treatment setting, and staying away from
people, places, and things that have been tied to past alcohol use. If
a relapse does occur, patients should be encouraged to use it as an
opportunity for self-evaluation of treatment goals, evaluation of the effi-
cacy of treatment, identification and recognition of triggers associated
with misuse, and reassessment of comorbid medical and psychiatric

Treatment of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders (Dual Diagnosis)

Studies have shown that primary psychiatric disorders (those not
related to substance use) frequently co-occur with alcohol and sub-
stance use disorders and are more chronic than the primary psychiatric
disorders alone. Dual diagnosis, loosely defined as the co-occurrence of
a primary psychiatric disorder and a substance use disorder, can create
Chapter 7 Substance Use Disorders—Alcohol 131

.................................................. serious morbidities and complications for treatment. Most of the studies
.................................................. that showed that psychotropic medications were effective for the pre-
• Continued alcohol use vention of alcohol relapse were in patients with comorbid psychiatric
despite a reasonable pri- disorders such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. For patients with
mary care intervention
(e.g., failure to respond comorbid psychiatric disorders, it is recommended to treat the primary
in 3 to 4 months) psychiatric disorder concurrently with the alcohol use disorder (15).
• Need for specific psycho- Treatment of the primary psychiatric disorder should not be delayed
social treatments (AA, due to concerns about therapeutic futility. In more difficult cases where
CBT, MET, support
groups, couple’s and fam- diagnostic uncertainty is high, consultation with a psychiatrist or an
ily therapy, or a thera- addiction medicine specialist should be considered.
peutic community)
• Use medications that
could potentially be
Practice Pointers
addictive or trigger alco-
hol use Case 1: Occult alcohol dependence
Mary is a 43-year-old woman with a history of hepatitis C and hypertension who
• Diagnosis and treatment
of complex comorbid psy- presents with depressed mood and insomnia. She denies any suicidal thoughts
chiatric disorders but states, ‘‘Life just doesn’t seem to be heading in the right direction.’’ On this
visit, she is most concerned about her persistently elevated blood pressure and
• Suicidal intent or worsen-

CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol
ing psychiatric symptoms insomnia. She reluctantly reports losing her job and apartment 3 months ago
and she now lives with her sister. She divorced 1 year ago and has one adult son
who is estranged from her. She reports a history of intravenous heroin use more
than 8 years ago, smokes two packs of cigarettes per day, and drinks three to
four beers each evening. Her physical exam is unremarkable except for a blood
pressure of 165/95 mmHg, heart rate of 108 beats per minute, moderate bilat-
eral hand tremor, and inability to perform tandem gait.

Discussion: Mary has subtle physical findings (e.g., tremor, ataxia, and tachycardia),
which, in the context of excessive daily alcohol intake, are consistent with occult alco-
hol dependence. Note that many patients do not disclose the full degree of alcohol
use, especially in the first visit. The clinician should use the CAGE questions to screen
further for alcohol misuse. If the screen is positive, further questions must determine
the degree of use, abuse, or dependence. Specific questions relating to DSM criteria
for abuse and dependence should be asked (Tables 7.1 and 7.2). The clinician should
also inquire about a history of legal problems (e.g., DUI charges), past withdrawal
symptoms or seizures, and reasons for divorce and estrangement from her son.
If Mary is suspected to have an AUD, it is important to determine her feelings about
alcohol use. In addition to providing education and feedback about continued alcohol
use, brief intervention as outlined in Table 7.7 may be initiated. The patient should also
be screened further for depression and anxiety disorders, although her symptoms are
most likely secondary to a substance-induced mood or anxiety disorder. As she is quite
concerned about her blood pressure, it would be important to let her know that in order
to adequately treat her hypertension and insomnia, alcohol cessation would be impor-
tant. If she agrees with alcohol reduction or cessation, her goals and plan of action
should be reviewed. It would also be helpful to understand how Mary was able to stop
injection drug use and employ a similar action plan. If the patient is ready to attempt ces-
sation and is deemed to be medically stable, with adequate home support and minimal
risk for severe alcohol withdrawal (i.e., no history of seizures or severe withdrawal syn-
dromes in the past), a beta-blocker could be started for the treatment of hypertension
and withdrawal symptoms, and a detoxification regimen may not be needed. If this is
done, close daily follow-up to assess withdrawal symptoms must occur. The patient
should also be referred for available psychosocial treatment programs such as AA or
other 12-step programs. Eliciting family support from her sister would also be beneficial.
The patient could also be prescribed naltrexone to prevent relapse. If she meets the crite-
ria for anxiety or depression, pharmacologic therapy and psychotherapy should be
started. The patient will need follow-up appointments for further treatment of her
132 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

hypertension, any persistent psychiatric disorders, and review of laboratory studies.

Future office visits should focus on how Mary is following her treatment plan (e.g.,
adherence with prescribed medications, avoidance of triggers associated with alcohol
use, and attendance of AA meetings and psychotherapy for existing mood disorders) and
addressing relapse if it occurs.

Case 2: Alcohol-induced mood disorder versus major depression

James is a 58-year-old accountant with a long history of heavy alcohol use result-
ing in poor performance at work and a recent arrest for driving while under the
influence of alcohol. He used to drink five to seven 20-oz beers per night (heavier
over the last 5 years) and started to drink in the morning before going to work.
He is very shameful of his drinking and started to attend AA groups as suggested
by the court. He presents to his primary care provider for treatment of depression.
Over the past 15 days, he has noticed increased depressed mood, low energy and
poor concentration at work, restlessness, insomnia, and increasing anxiety without
any provocations. He denies any suicidal ideation. He reports that his relationships
with his wife and three children are improving as they are very glad and support-
ive of his resolution to stop drinking. He was able to tell his boss, who was simi-
larly supportive.
The AMPS screening tool for psychiatric symptoms is negative for any history
CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol

of hypomania, mania, psychotic symptoms, or anxiety. He smokes about 1.5 packs

per day of tobacco and notices that his smoking habit may be getting worse since
he has stopped drinking. There is no history of past psychiatric treatment or family
psychiatric history except for alcohol dependence in his father and older brother.
His vitals are normal and there is no evidence of alcohol withdrawal. His mental
status exam is notable for a depressed mood and a fully reactive affect.

Discussion: This patient presents with symptoms that meet the diagnostic criteria
for major depressive disorder. However, he has recently just stopped drinking suc-
cessfully without any medical treatment. At the moment, the most suitable diagnosis
is substance-induced mood disorder. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) sug-
gests allowing at least 3 to 4 weeks of monitored abstinence in order to definitively
diagnose a primary mood disorder and initiate antidepressant medication manage-
ment (15). However, a few exceptions apply: (1) worsening rather than improving
symptoms over time while sober, (2) a history of mood or anxiety disorders unrelated
to alcohol or substance use, and (3) a strong family history of mood or anxiety disor-
ders (14). While treatment of a mood or anxiety disorder would increase the likeli-
hood of remission from alcohol dependence, this patient does not meet any of the
exceptions to start medication treatment for depression. However, the primary care
provider can work with James to maintain sobriety from alcohol. At this point, the
patient may be managed by continued monitoring to see if his symptoms would
improve or worsen. The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) may be administered
for baseline and then readministered upon follow-up in 2 to 3 weeks. Education
should be provided about alcohol withdrawal and related psychiatric symptoms.
Sleep hygiene should be reviewed and sedative-hypnotics (which may precipitate
alcohol relapse) should be avoided. Liver enzymes and a urine drug screen should be
obtained and addressed if abnormal. If on the return visit the patient’s depressive
and anxiety symptoms continue or worsen, pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy
may be initiated and the patient should be asked about suicidal thoughts.

Alcohol Abuse 305.00
Alcohol Dependence 303.90
Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder 291.8
Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder 291.8
Chapter 7 Substance Use Disorders—Alcohol 133

Practical Resources

1. Fleming MF, Manwell LB, Barry KL, et al. At-risk drinking in an HMO primary care sample: preva-
lence and health policy implications. Am J Public Health. 1998;88(1):90–93.

2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Updating estimates of the economic costs of alcohol abuse in the
United States: estimates, update methods, and data. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services; 2000.

3. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much: A Clinician’s
Guide. Updated 2005 edition. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; 2005.

4. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text
revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000.

5. Bayard M, McIntyre J, Hill KR, et al. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Am Fam Physician. 2004;69(6):1443–1450.

CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol
6. Ferguson JA, Suelzer CJ, Eckert GJ, et al. Risk factors for delirium tremens development. J Gen Intern
Med. 1996;11(7):410–414.

7. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening and behavioral counseling interventions in primary
care to reduce alcohol misuse: recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med. 2004;140(7):554–556.

8. Fiellin DA, Reid MC, O’Connor PG. Screening for alcohol problems in primary care: a systematic
review. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:1977–1989.

9. Ewing JA. The CAGE questionnaire. JAMA. 1984;252:1905–1907.

10. Bush K, Kivlahan DR, McDonell MB, et al. The AUDIT alcohol consumption questions (AUDIT-C): an
effective brief screening test for problem drinking. Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Project
(ACQUIP). Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. Arch Intern Med. 1998;158(16):1789–1795.

11. Bell H, Tallaksen CM, Try K, et al. Carbohydrate-deficient transferring and other markers of high
alcohol consumption: a study of 502 patients admitted consecutively to a medical department. Alco-
hol Clin Exp Res. 1994;18(5):1103–1108.

12. Miller PM, Anton RF. Biochemical alcohol screening in primary care. Addict Behav. 2004;29:1427–1437.

13. Hasin DS, Stinson FS, Ogburn E, et al. Prevalence, correlates, disability, and comorbidity of DSM-IV
alcohol abuse and dependence in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey
on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007;64(7):830–842.

14. Brady KT, Malcolm RJ. Substance use disorders and co-occurring axis i psychiatric disorders. In: Gal-
anter M, Kleber H, eds. Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric
Publishing, Inc.; 2004:529–538.

15. American Psychiatric Association. Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Substance Use Dis-
orders. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2006.

16. Sullivan JT, Sykora K, Schneiderman J, et al. Assessment of alcohol withdrawal: the revised Clinical
Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol scale (CIWA-Ar). Br J Addict. 1989;84(11):1353–1357.

17. Parker AJR, Marshall EJ, Ball DM. Diagnosis and management of alcohol use disorders. BMJ. 2008;336:

18. Kosten TR, O’Connor PG. Management of drug and alcohol withdrawal. N Engl J Med. 2003;348(18):

19. Bouza C, Magro A, Munoz A, et al. Efficacy and safety of naltrexone and acamprosate in the treat-
ment of alcohol dependence: a systematic review. Addiction. 2004;99:811–828.

20. Anton RF, O’Malley SS, Ciraulo DA, et al. COMBINE Study Research Group. Combined pharmaco-
therapies and behavioral interventions for alcohol dependence: the COMBINE study: a randomized
controlled trial. JAMA. 2006;295(17):2003–2017.

21. Morley KC, Teesson M, Reid SC, et al. Naltrexone versus acamprosate in the treatment of alcohol
dependence: a multi-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Addiction. 2006;101:

22. Johnson BA, Rosenthal N, Capece JA, et al.; for the Topiramate for Alcoholism Advisory Board and
the Topiramate for Alcoholism Study Group. Topiramate for treating alcohol dependence: a
randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2007;298(14):1641–1651.
134 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

23. Bertholet N, Daeppen JB, Wietlisbach V, et al. Reduction of alcohol consumption by brief alcohol
intervention in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165:

24. Fleming M, Manwell LB. Brief intervention in primary care settings. A primary treatment method
for at-risk, problem, and dependent drinkers. Alcohol Res Health. 1999;23:128–137.

25. Project MATCH Research Group. Project MATCH secondary a priori hypotheses. Addiction. 1997;92:

26. Alcoholics Anonymous. A Brief Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous. New York: Alcoholics Anonymous
World Services, Inc.; 1972.

27. Owen PL, Slaymaker V, Tonigan JS, et al. Participation in alcoholics anonymous: intended and unin-
tended change mechanisms. Alcohol Clin Exper Res. 2003;27(3):524–532.
CHAPTER 7 SUDs—Alcohol
8 Unexplained Physical
Somatoform Disorders
Robert M. McCarron, DO • Glen L. Xiong, MD •
Mark C. Henderson, MD, FACP

Clinical Significance
... A 32-year-old man with no previous medical history ...
... ...
Patients and primary care practi-
presents to an urgent care clinic complaining of ‘‘gas in the

CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders

... ...
tioners alike often become frustrated
stomach,’’ shortness of breath, and squeezing back pain
... ...
with troublesome symptoms that are
that prevents him from working. Other symptoms include a ...
unexplainable after repeated assess-
‘‘jumping sensation in the legs’’ and ‘‘poor circulation in the ...
ments and unresponsive to multiple
hands and feet.’’ He is unsure about what condition he ...
might have. He is so concerned about his health that he has
treatment regimens. Unexplained ...
... physical complaints (UPS) consist of...
been sleeping in his car near the hospital for the past few somatic complaints that cannot be ...
days. He has seen numerous doctors over the past 6 months satisfactorily explained after a
and, after an extensive medical work-up, has been told
... complete general medical work-up. ...
there are no obvious medical problems. Although UPS may ultimately have
general medical and psychiatric etiol-
ogies, the focus of this chapter is to
help practitioners accurately diagnose and effectively manage patients
who have UPS due to psychiatric pathology.
Primary care practitioners encounter unexplained and perplexing
complaints in up to 40% of their patients (1, 2). Medical explanations for
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS common physical complaints such as malaise, fatigue, abdominal dis-
• Unexplained physical comfort, and dizziness are only found 15% to 20% of the time (3).
symptoms (UPS) are com-
monly encountered in the Although it is difficult to reliably determine the prevalence of UPS
outpatient setting and (loosely termed somatization) due to wide-ranging definitions, most
often require a long-term studies estimate a prevalence of 16% to 20% in primary care settings (4).
treatment plan.
The common occurrence of UPS, whether from general medical or
• Unlike malingering and
factitious disorders,
psychopathologic causes, carries a large financial burden. A retrospec-
patients who have soma- tive review of over 13,000 psychiatric consultations found that somatiza-
toform disorders do not tion resulted in more disability and unemployment than any other
intentionally feign physi-
cal symptoms. psychiatric illness (5). Moreover, patients with somatization in the pri-
• Psychiatric disorders, such
mary care setting have more than twice the outpatient utilization and
as depression and anxi- overall medical care costs when compared with patients without soma-
ety, frequently coexist tization. The direct costs related to the management of UPS approach
with somatoform disor-
ders. We suggest using 10% of medical expenditures or over $100 billion annually in the U.S. (6).
the AMPS screening tool

136 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

(Continued) Although the word somatization is often used to describe physical com-
(inquiring about anxiety, plaints that cannot be completely explained by a physical examination
mood, psychotic, and sub- and corresponding diagnostic work-up, a more precise nomenclature
stance use disorders) should be used. We use the term UPS to capture the general Diagnostic
when assessing the psy-
chiatric review of systems. and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision (DSM-
The prognosis of some- IV-TR) diagnostic category of somatoform disorders (7). With a focus on
one with a somatoform
disorder will usually the need to ‘‘exclude occult general medical conditions or substance-
improve when comorbid induced etiologies for the bodily symptoms,’’ the DSM-IV-TR includes
psychiatric illness is seven diagnoses under the category of somatoform disorders: somatiza-
promptly identified and
treated. tion disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, conversion disorder,
• Although most patients pain disorder, hypochondriasis, body dysmorphic disorder, and somato-
with UPS may benefit form disorder not otherwise specified.
from psychiatric consulta- In order to meet the criteria for any of the somatoform disorders,
tion, they often initially
refuse to see a psychia- one must have significant social or occupational dysfunction that is
trist. Therefore, primary directly related to psychopathology. Also, unlike those with malingering
care practitioners play a
key role in the treatment or factitious disorder, patients with somatoform disorders unconsciously
of somatoform disorders. somatize as a coping mechanism and do not intentionally produce their
• The CARE MD treatment symptoms (Table 8.1).
plan may be a useful Alternatives to the DSM-IV-TR nomenclature have been proposed
approach for patients
who have a somatoform because of the perceived rigid and imprecise diagnostic criteria, frequent
disorder (see Table 8.2). overlap between the somatoform disorders, and resultant impractical
and confusing application to clinical practice. For example, in order to
establish a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of somatization disorder, one must
manifest four pain symptoms, two gastrointestinal symptoms, one sex-
ual symptom, and one pseudoneurologic symptom during the course of

Table 8.1 Somatoform Disorders: Diagnostic Criteria

Somatization disorder • Many unexplained physical complaints before age 30
• Four pain, two gastrointestinal, one sexual, and one pseudoneurologic
Undifferentiated somatoform • One or more unexplained physical complaints
disorder • Duration of at least 6 months
Conversion disorder • One or more unexplainable, voluntary motor or sensory neurologic
• Directly preceded by psychological stress
Pain disorder • Pain in one or more sites that is largely due to psychological factors
Hypochondriasis • Preoccupation with a nonexistent disease despite a thorough medical
• Does not meet criteria for a delusion
Body dysmorphic disorder • Preoccupation with an imagined defect in physical appearance
Somatoform disorder not other- • Somatoform symptoms that do not meet criteria for any specific somato-
wise specified (NOS) form disorder

All the above disorders (1) cause significant social/occupational dysfunction, (2) are not due to other general medical or psychiatric condi-
tions; and (3) are not intentionally produced or related to secondary gain.
From American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC:
American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2000.
Chapter 8 Unexplained Physical Symptoms—Somatoform Disorders 137

the illness. This somewhat arbitrary combination of symptoms is not

usually relevant to commonly encountered somatization in the pri-
mary care setting. Whether a patient has all of the required symptoms
or just a few UPS may not change management strategies. Further-
more, people with a diagnosis of somatization disorder must have had
multiple somatic complaints before the age of 30. This information is
difficult to obtain as studies have shown that patients beyond the age
of 30 often cannot reliably recall their medical history with sufficient
detail (8).
The wide clinical spectrum of somatization has prompted some
medical specialties to develop their own system to identify unexplained
physical symptoms. Some common examples include chronic fatigue
syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and fibromyalgia. These three dis-
orders all have controversial and elusive etiologies and therefore are
challenging to manage. Although several non–DSM-IV-TR somatoform
disorder diagnostic alternatives exist, it is both accurate and practical to

CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders

classify most primary care somatizing patients as having undifferenti-
ated somatoform disorder. Generally speaking, this may be more of a
technical point as the long-term treatment plan is similar for most of
the somatoform disorders.

Other than completing a thorough history and physical examination
with indicated laboratory or radiographic tests, there are no specific
diagnostic protocols for patients who have a somatoform disorder. Col-
lateral history from other health care providers as well as family mem-
bers is important to review, because this will help confirm a diagnosis
and possibly reduce redundant and unnecessary medical evaluations.

Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis for UPS seen in the primary care setting is
extensive. It is important to keep in mind that ‘‘unexplainable’’ physical
symptoms may be due to (1) a medical condition that has not yet been diag-
nosed (e.g., hypothyroidism, celiac sprue, multiple sclerosis, or vascular
claudication); (2) a psychiatric condition such as malingering, factitious disor-
der, or one of the somatoform disorders; and (3) a medical condition that is
present but not yet known to the medical community at large. Lyme disease
is an example of the latter. Before Lyme disease was discovered,
patients were presenting with arthritis, myalgias, cardiac problems,
depression, and fatigue, with no known precipitant or cause. It is
beyond the scope of this book to explore an all-inclusive differential
diagnosis for somatization, but it is noteworthy to stress the impor-
tance of doing a complete diagnostic work-up to rule out potential
medical causes while considering each somatoform disorder to be ‘‘a
diagnosis of exclusion’’ (Figure 8.1).
Before establishing a somatoform spectrum diagnosis, attempt to
rule out the intentional production of physical or psychological symp-
toms. A patient with malingering is focused on feigning illness in an
138 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Unexplained Physical

General Medical
Condition (GMC)
Examples Include:
*Celiac sprue
*Vascular claudication

GMC Ruled Out

CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders

Psychiatric Disorder Undiscovered Disorders

Mood and anxiety Pathology that is
disorders may be unknown to the
co-occurring scientific community

Somatoform Disorders
Malingering Factitious
Unintentional production
of symptoms that are
Intentional production of
related to psychosocial
symptoms for secondary
stressors and unhealthy
coping strategies

Figure 8.1 Unexplained physical symptoms—differential diagnosis.

attempt to gain external incentives such as financial compensation,

shelter, food, or escape from military duty or criminal prosecution. Fac-
titious disorder also involves the purposeful and sometimes elaborate
self-report of somatic complaints with the objective of assuming the
‘‘sick role.’’ People with factitious disorder have no obvious external sec-
ondary gain. When treating either condition, it is important to obtain
collateral history (particularly from other area hospitals and providers),
conduct a focused physical exam, and, as with any somatoform disor-
der, consider both as diagnoses of exclusion.
.............................................. People who are malingering are not usually ‘‘antisocial.’’ Instead, they
are often emotionally troubled and under so much psychological stress
that they engage in maladaptive and deceitful coping strategies, with
• General medical
condition(s) resultant isolation from family, friends, and medical providers. Once a
• Depression diagnosis of malingering is established, one should attempt to confront
the patient in a supportive and reassuring way while trying to problem
• Anxiety disorders
solve using a multidisciplinary team approach. Assisting malingerers
• Alcohol or substance-
induced disorders with urgent stressors can be somewhat effective and a psychiatric referral
is not normally indicated. However, if a diagnosis of factitious disorder is
• Malingering or factitious
disorder made, psychiatric consultation is strongly advised because this disorder
is difficult to treat and carries a poor long-term prognosis.
Chapter 8 Unexplained Physical Symptoms—Somatoform Disorders 139

Table 8.2 CARE MD – Treatment Guidelines for Somatoform Disorders

CBT/Consultation • Follow the CBT treatment plan developed by the therapist and patient
Assess • Rule out potential general medical causes for the somatic complaints
• Treat co-morbid psychiatric disorders
Regular visits • Short frequent visits with focused exams
• Discuss recent stressors and healthy coping strategies
• Overtime, the patient should agree to stop over utilization of medical care (e.g.
frequent emergency room visits, or excessive calls and pages to the primary care
Empathy • ‘‘Become the patient’’ for a brief time
• During visits, spend more time listening to the patient rather than jumping to a
diagnostic test
• Acknowledge patient’s reported discomfort
Med-psych interface • Help the patient self-discover the connection between physical complaints and
emotional stressors (‘‘the mind-body’’ connection)
• Avoid comments like, ‘‘your symptoms are all psychological’’ or ‘‘there is nothing
wrong with you medically’’

CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders

Do no harm • Avoid unnecessary diagnostic procedures
• When possible, minimize unnecessary requests for consultation to medical
• Once a reasonable diagnostic work up is negative, feel comfortable with a soma-
toform disorder diagnosis and initiate treatment

From McCarron R. Somatization in the primary care setting. Psychiatric Times. 2006;23(6):32–34.

Biopsychosocial Treatment
The treatment approach to somatoform disorders exemplifies the ‘‘art
of medicine.’’ Because these disorders occur on a wide-ranging diagnos-
tic continuum, with elusive etiologies, it is difficult to apply a strict, evi-
dence-based approach to treatment (8, 9). We propose a simplified
treatment plan that is described by the acronym CARE MD (Table 8.2)
(10). This approach encourages patients to be active participants in their
care and serves as a guide to help primary care practitioners effectively
work with people who have somatoform disorders.

Consultation with mental health professionals and use of CBT has been
shown to decrease the severity and frequency of somatic preoccupa-
tions (11,12). Kroenke and Swindle, in 2000, reviewed 31 controlled
studies and concluded that CBT is an effective treatment for patients
with somatization. Group therapy using CBT with an emphasis on edu-
cation has also been found to be beneficial (13). CBT generally consists
of 10 to 20 one-hour psychotherapy sessions with the goal of teaching
patients how to take an active role in their treatment and developing
skills that last a lifetime. This type of psychotherapy is based on the
premise that negative, automatic, or ‘‘dysfunctional thoughts’’ are pre-
dominant in patients with somatoform disorders. Examples of such
thoughts are ‘‘I will always be sick and never get better,’’ ‘‘No one
understands or believes my pain,’’ and ‘‘Everyone thinks it’s all in my
head.’’ Through a variety of mechanisms, patients learn to recognize
140 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

and reconstruct dysfunctional thought patterns with resultant decreased

somatic complaints.
Patients should be encouraged to use a daily dysfunctional thought
record (DTR) to self-monitor depressive or anxious emotions and associ-
ated negative thoughts. In collaboration with the therapist, primary care
providers can learn to use brief cognitive behavioral techniques and
quickly review a DTR during office visits. Additionally, we recommend
that patients with somatoform, depressive, or anxiety disorders, as well
as treating mental health and primary care practitioners, learn the basics
of CBT. One of many practical resources includes the book Feeling Good:
The New Mood Therapy by Davis Burns, MD (14). The first 80 pages of this
book are practical and teach the patient how to recognize dysfunctional
thought patterns and complete ‘‘homework’’ that will reverse cognitive
distortions, decrease somatization, and improve mood (Figure 8.2).


CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders

Assessing patients on each visit for general medical problems that might
explain troublesome physical complaints is essential. This is particularly
important for patients who have a long history of somatic preoccupation
and present with a new complaint or a worsening of existing symptoms.
Up to 25% to 50% of patients with conversion disorder eventually have an
identifiable, nonpsychiatric disease that explains their symptoms (15). It
is also important to screen for other common psychiatric diagnoses. Up
to 50% of patients with somatoform disorders have concurrent anxiety or
depressive disorders (16, 17). The number of unexplained somatic symp-
toms is highly predictive of comorbid mood and anxiety disorders as well
as functional disability. Primary care clinicians can address frequently co-
occurring depression by using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), a
patient self-report tool that reliably screens for depression in the primary

Emotions Automatic Thoughts Rational Reponse Outcome

Specify feeling “What is running through your head” Why is the automatic thought Re-specify feeling
rate 1–10 (10 rated (Not an emotion or feeling) inaccurate (Be specific)? Re-rate feeling using
as most intense) 1–10 scale

“Sad” 8/10 “My pain will never go away.” “Not true—I am working hard “Sad” 5/10
with my doctor so my pain will
get better over time.”
“Never is a strong word to use.”

“Angry” 9/10 “Everyone thinks I’m faking my pain.” “My doctor listens to me and “Angry” 3/10
everyone is a lot of people!”
“I know my family is trying to
understand my pain and

“Anxious: 9/10 “Nobody will ever figure out what is “I know I have somatization “Anxious” 4/10
wrong with me and there is no reason disorder and doing my CBT
to go on living.” homework will only help me.”
Sometimes I feel like dying but I
know I want to live.”

Figure 8.2 Sample dysfunctional thought record. CBT, Cognitive behavioral therapy. Rating scale: 1 represents least intense specified feeling and
10 is most intense.
Chapter 8 Unexplained Physical Symptoms—Somatoform Disorders 141

care setting (see Chapter 2). All patients with a score greater than 5
should be assessed for a possible major depressive disorder.

Regular visits with a single clinician are critical to the management of
somatoform disorders. Short, frequent appointments or telephone
encounters have been shown to decrease outpatient medical costs while
maintaining patient satisfaction (18). These encounters should include a
brief but focused history and physical exam followed by open-ended
questions such as ‘‘How are things at home?’’ ‘‘What is your number
one, biggest problem?’’ or, if the patient is exposed to CBT, ‘‘Tell me
about your most frequent negative thoughts since your last visit.’’ Over
time, patients can replace excessive emergency room visits or frequent
calls to the clinic with this supportive, caring patient–provider interac-
tion. Longer, less frequent visits can be reserved for assessment and
treatment of other general medical disorders and health care mainte-

CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders

nance. In sum, spending most of the time during the shorter, frequent
visits on worrisome psychosocial stressors will provide an outlet for
patients to better cope with somatic preoccupation.

Empathy or briefly ‘‘becoming the patient’’ is important for developing a
strong therapeutic alliance between the patient and the health care pro-
vider. The use of empathy can also minimize negative feelings or coun-
tertransference from providers. True empathic remarks such as ‘‘This
must be difficult for you’’ or ‘‘It must be very hard to cope with what
you are experiencing’’ are often therapeutic. This is particularly true
when frustrated family or friends are in the exam room when these
questions are asked, as it may demonstrate the positive effects associ-
ated with the use of empathic remarks. Although there are clear bene-
fits associated with the use of empathy, it can also be emotionally
taxing to medical providers. The most important step in dealing with
this possible angst is to anticipate and recognize it early on. We recom-
mend the utilization of Balint groups or regularly scheduled, candid,
and confidential discussions about challenging patient encounters with
colleagues who experience similar clinical situations.

General medicine and psychiatry interface in the treatment of patients
with somatoform disorders. Patients with a somatoform disorder should
be educated about how emotions and stressors have a direct effect on
the body. Understandably, many patients will not accept explanations
for their UPS with statements (or indirect communications) such as ‘‘It’s
all in your head,’’ ‘‘There is nothing medically wrong with you,’’ or ‘‘A
psychiatrist will have to take care of your complaints.’’ Instead, primary
care practitioners should provide a diagnosis and, if necessary, arrange
for a psychiatric consultation while remaining the primary point of con-
tact for all medical issues. During the short but frequent office visits,
142 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

patients should be asked if the unexplained symptoms worsen as the

primary stressor intensifies or if the symptoms improve as the primary
stressor lessens. If the answer is affirmative to both questions, allow the
patient to slowly make the connection by asking an open-ended ques-
tion such as ‘‘Do you have any thoughts on why this might be?’’ Essen-
tially, it is best to help the patient self-discover the connection between
the unresolved conflict or emotional stress and the UPS.

Doing no harm by avoiding unnecessary procedures or consultations is the
most important part of treating patients with chronic somatoform disor-
ders. Clinicians should not deviate from normal practice style to appease a
patient or minimize provider or frustration. While unnecessary invasive
procedures should be avoided, routine health care maintenance studies
should be offered and their importance emphasized. The routine studies
may be offered over time, rather than completing every test in one visit, in
CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders

keeping with the principle of utilizing ‘‘short and frequent’’ visits. After tak-
ing reasonable steps to rule out a general medical cause for the UPS, make
the appropriate somatoform diagnosis and treat accordingly.

While antidepressants may be considered for the treatment of somato-
form disorders, we generally do not recommend starting such medica-
tions for UPS, especially on the first encounter. In our clinical
experience, offering psychotropic medications for a somatoform disorder
too quickly may reinforce the idea that the symptoms are exclusively
psychiatric in nature and may impair the development of a trusting ther-
apeutic relationship. On the other hand, antidepressants should be con-
sidered when comorbid depressive or anxiety disorders are discovered
and treatment accepted by patients. Even in such patients, a significant
.............................................. amount of effort is required to educate patients about the possible psy-
.............................................. chiatric contribution to the unexplained physical ailment. The provider
• Patients with significant should only start psychotropic medication after establishing full collabo-
social or occupational ration with the patient.
dysfunction directly
related to a somatoform
disorder should be
referred to a psychiatrist. Practice pointers
• Patients with comorbid
psychopathology such as Case 1: Multiple, vague, and unexplained physical symptoms
severe depression or sui- A 32-year-old man with no previous medical history presents to an urgent care
cidal ideation should
receive an urgent psychi- clinic complaining of ‘‘gas in the stomach,’’ shortness of breath, and squeezing
atric referral. back pain that prevents him from working. Other symptoms include a ‘‘jumping
sensation in the legs’’ and ‘‘poor circulation in the hands and feet.’’ He is unsure
• In cases when a psychiat-
ric referral is placed for about what condition he might have. He is so concerned about his health that
somatization, the primary he has been sleeping in his car near the hospital for the past few days. He has
care provider should seen numerous doctors over the past 6 months and, after an extensive medical
receive input from the work-up, has been told there are no obvious medical problems.
psychiatrist but remain He does not take any medications. He smokes occasionally and denies illicit
the primary care
provider. drug use. He is currently unemployed. Both parents are healthy with no family
history of heart disease or cancer. The physical exam reveals an anxious and somewhat
Chapter 8 Unexplained Physical Symptoms—Somatoform Disorders 143

dramatic man who uses frequent hand gestures. He repeatedly states, ‘‘There is
something wrong with my heart.’’ The laboratory studies including complete
blood count, basic chemistry panel, and thyroid studies are normal.
Two weeks later, the patient returns to inquire about his labs. During this
visit, he reports vague physical complaints and recalls that a neurologist had sug-
gested that he might have problems in his spine. He admits to a history of
depression more than 3 years ago, which improved on its own. He denies current
depressed mood and states, ‘‘There is nothing wrong with my head.’’ In fact, he
became quite upset when the physician suggested that his symptoms could be
related to depression or anxiety. He does concede that things have been stressful
for him over the last few months and that he noticed a temporal correlation
between the stress and the symptoms. He is motivated to get better and has no
desire to collect disability. His physical examination was normal.

Discussion: This patient exhibits several symptoms that are vague, are seemingly dis-
connected, and do not suggest any obvious general medical etiology. By enumerat-
ing the number of physical symptoms, the patient does not quite meet the criteria
for somatization disorder. This patient is not fixated on having a specific disease

CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders

with related disability and, therefore, does not have hypochondriasis. There is no
reason to think he is intentionally feigning the symptoms for either external (e.g.,
financial) or internal (e.g., assuming the ‘‘sick role’’) gain, and therefore, he does not
meet the criteria for either malingering or factitious disorder. Because there is not
an apparent general medical cause for the above noted symptoms, coupled with the
increased complaints in proportion to life stressors, we favor the working diagnosis
of undifferentiated somatoform disorder.
Patients with undifferentiated somatoform disorder will typically present with
one or more unexplained physical complaints that may or may not be specific. Since
none of the symptoms leads to a well-defined diagnosis, the provider may become
uneasy and frustrated by the lack of diagnostic certainty. Treatment should begin
with the establishment of a therapeutic alliance with the patient by creating a sup-
portive, nonjudgmental, and collaborative relationship. It is important that the pro-
vider spend sufficient time to understand the patient’s symptoms and consequent
suffering. The provider may explain to the patient that although the current symp-
toms may not point to a clear general medical condition, continued monitoring is
indicated. It is important to point out the dangers of unnecessary diagnostic tests
and procedures as they can lead to false-positive results and increased morbidity. We
recommend close attention to health care maintenance and general counseling
about diet, exercise, and smoking cessation.
After the establishment of a firm therapeutic alliance, psychoeducation about
the nature of unexplained physical symptoms could be gradually introduced. Subse-
quently, exploration of possible psychosocial precipitants of the distressing physical
symptoms should be attempted. Assessment of concurrent psychiatric conditions
using the AMPS screening tool should be ongoing. Referral to a mental health pro-
fessional may also be considered. CBT has been extensively studied and validated as
a first-line therapy for somatoform disorders. It is advisable for medical providers to
at least become familiar with CBT principles and the use of the DTR, as this is an evi-
dence-based approach that has been studied in primary care settings.

Case 2: ‘‘Pseudoseizures’’
A 22-year-old female with a history of insomnia, progressive fatigue, and increas-
ingly poor concentration is brought in by her family for the third time in 1 week
to the on-call neurologist in the emergency room with complaint of ‘‘seizures.’’
The patient was recently laid off from her job and reluctantly reports severe
depression without suicidal ideation. When asked to recall what happens during
a seizure, she states, ‘‘I feel confused and try to talk to people around me but
just keep shaking.’’ There is no loss of consciousness, tongue biting, injuries,
144 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

bowel or bladder incontinence, or postictal disorientation. She is unable to recall

any emotional trigger prior to these episodes. When asked about any history of
abuse, she denies this after a long pause. There is no other medical history and
no report of illicit drug or alcohol abuse. She has recently moved in with her
family because of financial constraints. Her mother reports that this is very
uncharacteristic of her daughter.

Discussion: Given the self-description of her seizures, it is unlikely she has a true sei-
zure disorder. This young woman has had a recent stressor followed by a noninten-
tional, voluntary motor abnormality and most likely has pseudoseizures, which
would be classified as conversion disorder. Unfortunately, it is often challenging to
differentiate pseudoseizures from actual seizures without the use of electroencepha-
logram monitoring during or immediately after the abnormal behavior. Up to 30%
of patients with pseudoseizures have concomitant documented epilepsy. Such a high
comorbid prevalence illustrates the importance of completing a thorough examina-
tion during each clinical encounter and working closely with a consulting
The treatment of her depression with an antidepressant and cognitive behav-
CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders

ioral therapy should be considered. Providing the patient with healthier coping strat-
egies will also decrease the frequency of pseudoseizures. As a primary care provider
or consulting neurologist, it is best to avoid phrases like ‘‘There is no medical prob-
lem’’ or ‘‘Your problem is strictly psychiatric.’’ One can help the patient slowly self-
discover the connection between increased stress and the onset of pseudoseizures by
acknowledging that the symptoms experienced by the patient are ‘‘real’’ but associ-
ated with maladaptive coping mechanisms (e.g., conversion disorder). There is gener-
ally a stressful event that precedes the development of conversion disorders.
Identifying and addressing the emotional event may be helpful. In this case, further
exploration of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse should be attempted in a private
and safe environment and without the presence of family members. The long-term
prognosis of conversion disorder is good and the neurologic deficits usually resolve
over time.

Case 3: Factitious disorder and malingering

A 44-year-old male with no past medical history is seen in an emergency room
with complaint of ‘‘I cannot feel my face. . . . I think I’m having a stroke.’’ He is
able to talk on the phone and eat solid and liquid foods without difficulty. He
does not give permission to obtain collateral history from his family or friends. A
nurse overhears him on the phone say, ‘‘It’s cold out there and you better let
me back in the house.’’ When confronted, he admits his wife separated from
him recently and that he is homeless. He also laments, ‘‘My face is paralyzed and
I need to be hospitalized.’’
A neurologic examination and brain imaging are both normal. All laboratory
values, including blood alcohol and toxicology screens, are also normal. The
patient’s response to reassurance from the emergency department physician is,
‘‘You better admit me. . .at least for tonight.’’

Discussion: In this case, a thorough diagnostic work-up was done and it is likely the
patient is malingering, with shelter as the external secondary gain. Unlike those who
have a somatoform disorder, patients who malinger intentionally report inaccurate
information in order to realize a predetermined goal. Although it is often challeng-
ing, practitioners should try to empathize with patients who are malingering and
focus on a solution to the actual problem. In this case, a discussion about housing
options that do not include the hospital should be addressed with the patient in an
assertive and nonpunitive manner. Collaboration with social workers and knowledge
about local resources is important. The clinician can point out that admitting the
patient to the hospital will not solve his housing problem or financial problems.
Chapter 8 Unexplained Physical Symptoms—Somatoform Disorders 145

Lastly, malingering should always be a diagnosis of exclusion and made only after a
thorough history and physical examination have been completed.
Factitious disorder should also be considered in this case. This diagnosis would
apply if the patient was intentionally feigning symptoms in an attempt to assume
the ‘‘sick role’’ and gain medical attention from various health care practitioners.
Patients with factious disorder are often resistant to participate in psychiatric evalua-
tions and psychotherapy. The most important part of treatment is to recognize the
disorder and do no harm by avoiding unnecessary procedures and consultations.
These patients should be fully assessed for general medical, neurologic, and highly
comorbid psychiatric disorders. It is important to note that, unlike malingering and
factitious disorder, somatoform disorders often originate from unconscious and
unhealthy coping mechanism to life stressors.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder 300.7
Conversion Disorder 300.11
Hypochondriasis 300.7

CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders

Pain Disorder
Associated with Medical and Psychological Factors 307.89
Associated with Psychological Factors 307.8
Somatization Disorder 300.81
Somatoform Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) 300.82
Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder 300.82
Factitious Disorder
With Combined Psychological and Physical Signs and 300.19
With Predominantly Physical Signs and Symptoms 300.19
With Predominantly Psychological Signs and Symptoms 300.16
Factitious Disorder NOS 300.19
Malingering V65.2

Practical Resources
Merk Manuals on-line:

1. Katon W, Ries RK, Kleinman A. The prevalence of somatization in primary care. Compr Psychiatry.

2. Kroenke K. Symptoms in medical patients: an untended field. Am J Med. 1992;92:1A.–3S.

3. Kroenke K, Mangelsdorff AD. Common symptoms in ambulatory care: incidence, evaluation, ther-
apy, and outcome. Am J Med. 1989;86(3):262–266.

4. de Waal MW, Arnold IA, Eekhof JA, et al. Somatoform disorders in general practice: prevalence,
functional impairment and comorbidity with anxiety and depressive disorders. Br J Psychiatry.

5. Thomassen R, van Hemert AM, Huyse FJ, et al. Somatoform disorders in consultation–liason psychi-
atry: a comparison with other mental disorders. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2003;25:8–13.

6. Neimark G, Caroff S, Stinnett J. Medically unexplained physical symptoms. Psychiatry Ann. 2005;

7. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text
revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000.

8. Simon GE, Gureje O. Stability of somatization disorder and somatization symptoms among primary
care patients. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1999;56:90–95.
146 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

9. Allen LA, Escobar JI, Lehrer PM, et al. Psychosocial treatments for multiple unexplained physical
symptoms: a review of the literature. Psychosom Med. 2002;64:939–950.

10. McCarron R. Somatization in the primary care setting. Psychiatric Times. 2006;23(6):32–34.

11. Speckens AE, van Hemert AM, Spinhoven P, et al. Cognitive behavioural therapy for medically unex-
plained physical symptoms: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 1995;311:1328–1332.

12. Warwick HM, Clark DM, Cobb AM, et al. A controlled trial of cognitive behavioural treatment of
hypochondriasis. Br J Psychiatry. 1996;169:189–195.

13. Kroenke K, Swindle R. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for somatization and symptom syndromes: a
critical review of controlled clinical trials. Psychother Psychosom. 2000;9:205–215.

14. Burns D. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy. 2nd ed. New York: Avon Books; 1999.

15. Sadock BJ, Sadock VA. Synopsis of Psychiatry. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2003.

16. Allen L, Gara M, Escobar J. Somatization: a debilitating syndrome in primary care. Psychosomatics.

17. Kroenke K, Spitzer R, Williams J, et al. Predictors of psychiatric disorders and functional impair-
ment. Arch Fam Med. 1994;3:774–779.

18. Smith C, Monson R, Ray D. Psychiatric consultation in somatization disorder. Engl J Med. 1986;14:
CHAPTER 8 Somatoform Disorders
9 Eating Disorders
Margaret W. Leung, MD, MPH • Tracie Harris, MD
• Claire Pomeroy, MD, MBA

Clinical Significance
... A 28-year-old female competitive runner presents to a ...
... ...
Eating disorders are highly prevalent
primary care clinic with pain in her right wrist, which
... ...
and often associated with serious
developed after she fell at home. She fractured her left
... ...

CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

physical and psychiatric complica-
ankle 2 months ago. She is anxious to return to training for ...
tions. Of all psychiatric diagnoses,
the next race. Review of symptoms is positive for occasional ...
bloating, abdominal pain, feeling cold, and amenorrhea for
eating disorders have the highest
... ...
lethality, with anorexia nervosa car-
the past 4 months. rying the highest death rates among
eating disorders (1). Moreover, female
patients with anorexia nervosa have more than 12 times the mortality
rate when compared with women in the general population (2).
The U.S. lifetime prevalence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nerv-
• Eating disorders include osa, and binge eating disorder is 0.9%, 1.5%, and 3.5% in women, and
anorexia nervosa, bulimia
nervosa, and eating disor- 0.3%, 0.5%, and 2% in men, respectively, with the median age of
der not otherwise speci- onset ranging from 18 to 21 years old (2). In outpatient settings, eat-
fied (NOS). Binge eating
disorder, currently classi-
ing disorders NOS (which include binge eating disorder) account for
fied under eating disor- 60% of cases, compared with 14% for anorexia nervosa and 25% for
der NOS, is a research bulimia nervosa, suggesting that ‘‘classic’’ presentations of anorexia
diagnosis requiring fur-
ther study. Early detec- nervosa and bulimia nervosa may be in the minority (3). The degree
tion, especially by the to which binge eating disorder contributes to the obesity epidemic in
primary care clinician, is
critical to successful
Western cultures is largely unknown. Recognizing eating disorders
intervention. can be challenging for the primary care clinician because signs and
• Psychiatric comorbidities, symptoms are often not apparent in the early stages of these
most commonly depres- diseases.
sion, anxiety, and sub-
stance use disorders, are
A compassionate, nonjudgmental therapeutic relationship between
common in patients with the clinician and the patient is essential to maintain regular general
eating disorders. medical and psychiatric follow-up. Eating disorders—much like other
• In one particularly effec- chronic diseases—vary in severity, relapse, and chronicity over the
tive treatment model for
eating disorders, the pri-
course of illness. While identification and medical management of eat-
mary care clinician coordi- ing disorders are core clinical tasks, the primary care clinician’s role
nates a multidisciplinary also includes encouraging healthy eating to help prevent these disor-
approach, including
involvement of a nutri- ders. The clinician should emphasize basic nutritional and health edu-
tionist and a psychiatrist. cation to patients, families, and schools, focusing on healthy eating

148 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

habits and healthy weight maintenance. Within clinical practice, the

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS primary care clinician can prevent further medical complications in the
(Continued) high-risk patient by refusing requests for prescriptions for diuretics, lax-
• Medical management dif- atives, and appetite-suppressant pills.
fers between anorexia
nervosa and bulimia nerv-
osa. In anorexia nervosa,
the primary care physi-
cian must be vigilant for Diagnosis
physical complications,
such as fracture risk An abbreviated summary of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
related to osteoporosis. Disorders, 4th edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria for anorexia nerv-
Refeeding is an especially
osa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and eating disorder not other-
high-risk period for physi-
cal complications. The wise specified is provided in Table 9.1 (4). Binge eating disorder, currently
patient with bulimia classified under eating disorder NOS, is discussed in the DSM-IV-TR with
nervosa often has fewer
physical complications but
some are potentially life
threatening, including
electrolyte imbalances, Table 9.1 DSM-IV-TR Criteria
which may predispose to ..........................................................................................................
serious cardiac
arrhythmias. EATING DISORDER
• Medications that lower
the seizure threshold Anorexia nervosa All four criteria need to be met for diagnosis
(e.g., bupropion) should • Restricting • Refusal to maintain body weight at or above normal
be avoided in patients • Binge eating/ weight for age and height (<85% expected body weight)
with eating disorders. purging • Intense fear of gaining weight even though underweight
• Disturbed thoughts about body weight or shape and
• Treatment of anorexia denial of symptom severity
nervosa focuses on • Amenorrhea
weight restoration,
although there is no con- Bulimia nervosa • Binge eating characterized by
• Purging s Eating an amount of food larger than most people
sensus on specific proce-
dures for refeeding. • Nonpurging would consume in a similar period of time and
Cognitive behavioral ther- type circumstance
s Loss of control during the binge
apy (CBT) and antidepres-
sants are indicated for • Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviors (i.e.,
the treatment of bulimia exercise, diuretics, laxatives, purging) to prevent weight
nervosa and are com- gain
monly used adjunctively • Binge eating and behaviors occur at least twice a week
in the treatment of ano- for 3 months
rexia nervosa. Behavioral • Self-evaluation unduly influenced by body shape and
modifications focused on weight
weight management, Binge eating • Recurrent episodes of binge eating characterized by
such as maintaining a disorder s Eating larger amount of food than normal during
food diary and exposure short period of time
to normal eating behav- s Lack of control over eating during binge period
iors, are often effective in • Binge eating episodes are associated with
the management of s Eating until uncomfortably full
binge eating disorder. s Eating large amounts of food when not physically

s Eating more rapidly than normal

s Eating alone because of embarrassment by how much

food is consumed
s Feeling disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating

• Binge eating occurs at least 2 days a week for 6 months

• Binge eating not associated with regular inappropriate
compensatory behavior
Eating disorder • Disordered eating that does not meet full criteria for
NOS anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa

Modified from American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2000.
Chapter 9 Eating Disorders 149

Table 9.2 Symptoms Reported in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa,
and Binge Eating Disorder
Generalized weakness and lassitude Abdominal bloating Anxiety
Difficulty concentrating Constipation Depression
Palpitations Sore throat Dyspepsia and bloating
Abdominal pain and bloating Dyspepsia
Cold sensitivity Menstrual irregularities
Amenorrhea or menstrual irregularities Anxiety
Loss of libido Depression

descriptive research criteria requiring further study. Nonetheless, as it has

relevance as a clinical phenomenon, it is discussed here.

CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

Disordered eating ranges along a spectrum from early preoccupation
with food and/or body image to late-stage medical complications. Eating
disorders often present with nonspecific generalized symptoms (Table 9.2).
A patient with anorexia nervosa does not complain of weight loss per se,
though may report fatigue, constipation, abdominal pain, irregular menses,
hair and skin changes, and cold intolerance. Persons with bulimia nervosa
may report lethargy, abdominal bloating, and constipation but are often
secretive about their binge and purging behavior.
The DSM-IV-TR classifies anorexia nervosa into two categories,
restricting and binge eating/purging. Anorexia nervosa includes (1) a
psychological component of fear of gaining weight despite being under-
weight, (2) disturbed thoughts about body weight, (3) amenorrhea, and
(4) less than 85% expected body weight. The body image distortion in
anorexia nervosa is significant in its context and severity with patients
overestimating their bodies on a body fat dimension, whereas patients
with bulimia nervosa wish to have a body with less fat (5).
Bulimia nervosa is divided into two subtypes, purging and non-
purging. It is characterized by disordered self-perception unduly influ-
enced by body shape and weight concerns, multiple episodes of binge
eating over a specific time, and compensatory behaviors that may or
may not include purging, such as excessive exercise. In general, ano-
rexia nervosa is an easier diagnosis to make than bulimia nervosa
because the former presents with severe weight loss and the desire to
lose more weight. Bulimia nervosa is harder to diagnose based on
physical appearance because a patient may be either average weight
or slightly overweight.


Binge eating disorder has emerged as a specific DSM-IV-TR research dis-
order that often presents with symptoms associated with obesity such
150 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

as orthopnea from obstructive sleep apnea or polyuria from untreated

diabetes mellitus induced by obesity. What distinguishes the obese indi-
vidual without binge eating disorder from the obese individual with
binge eating disorder is the severity of binge eating, not the degree of
obesity (6). Binge eating disorder shares many clinical characteristics
with bulimia nervosa but lacks the compensatory behavior seen in buli-
mia nervosa (no purging, etc.).
The patient with disordered eating who does not meet full criteria
for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is diagnosed with eating dis-
order NOS. A common example is a patient who meets many of the
clinical criteria for anorexia nervosa but who has of yet not developed
secondary amenorrhea.


Monitoring for signs and symptoms of eating disorders should be rou-
tine and especially kept in mind when evaluating high-risk populations
such as participants in gymnastics, wrestling, and ballet. These individ-
CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

uals often place a high value on a thin body habitus or have rigid weight
maxima for competition (7). When there are clinical concerns for an eat-
ing disorder, particular components of the history can identify physical
complications (8). A complete weight history includes a timeline of max-
imum and minimum weights, and how much the patient feels he or she
‘‘ought to’’ weigh compared with ‘‘standardized’’ height and weight val-
ues. A diet history documents the number and types of past weight loss
diets, use of weight loss medications, preoccupations with food, exces-
sive calorie counting, avoidance of ‘‘taboo’’ foods, and types of food con-
sumed, especially in binge eating episodes. An exercise history provides
information about the frequency and intensity of exercise. A medication
history can elucidate methods of purging with diuretics, ipecac, and lax-
atives. A specific question about over-the-counter or ‘‘borrowed’’ medi-
cation usage may be needed. For women, a menstrual and fertility
history is important to determine the impact of the eating disorder on
metabolic and endocrinologic homeostasis, such as amenorrhea. Given
the high frequency of psychiatric comorbidities in eating disorders, it is
important to obtain a psychiatric history and document the presence of
depression, anxiety, psychosis, or substance use. Information from the
social history can highlight potential risk factors such as a history of
trauma or childhood or sexual abuse, which may affect personality
functioning and be partially implicated in the genesis of eating disorder
in some patients. The family history includes an inquiry particularly
about first-degree relatives with eating disorders. The relative risk for
full or partial syndromes of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in
patients with a first-degree relative with an eating disorder was 11- and
4-fold, respectively (9).
Pregnancy and diabetes present unique challenges to the primary
care clinician providing care to the patient with or at risk for an eating
disorder. In pregnancy, hyperemesis gravidarum, a history of eating dis-
order, or a lack of weight gain in two consecutive visits in the second
trimester should prompt a full assessment for an eating disorder (10).
Chapter 9 Eating Disorders 151

Table 9.3 SCOFF: Validated Screening Questions for Eating

Disorders in Primary Care Settings
• Do you make yourself sick because you feel uncomfortably full?
• Do you worry that you have lost control over how much you eat?
• Have you recently lost more than one stone (14 pounds or 6.3 kg) in a
3-month period?
• Do you belief yourself to be fat when others say you are too thin?
• Would you say that food dominates your life?
Two positive answers are highly predictive of either anorexia nervosa or bulimia

From Morgan JF, Reid F, Lacey H. The SCOFF questionnaire: assessment of a new screening tool for
eating disorders. BMJ. 1999;319:1467–1468.

Eating disorder risk increases dramatically in the postpartum period and

plateaus 6 months after delivery. An insulin-dependent diabetic may
control his or her weight by withholding insulin, thereby increasing the

CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

risk for severe hyperglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and long-term com-
plications of diabetes mellitus.
Once a thorough history has been obtained, various screening tools
can be applied. The SCOFF is a validated screening questionnaire for
eating disorders in the primary care setting (11). Five questions screen
for weight loss, attitude about food, sense of control over food, and self-
evaluation of body image (Table 9.3). In one study, positive answers to
two of the questions yielded a 100% sensitivity and 87% specificity for
detecting anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa (11).
A thorough physical exam of someone with an eating disorder
should be completed, beginning with height and weight. Aberrant vital
signs may include bradycardia or orthostatic hypotension. An oral exam
may reveal dry mucous membranes, enlarged parotid glands, dental
caries, or enamel erosion (Table 9.4). Auscultation of the cardiovascular
system may reveal arrhythmias. Mitral valve prolapse may occur sec-
ondary to loss of left ventricle muscle mass in anorexia nervosa. The
abdominal exam can aid in the detection of pancreatitis and cholecysti-
tis. The genital and gynecologic exam may reveal hypogonadism and
related estrogen deficiency. The dermatologic exam may reveal dry, cool
skin with lanugo hair. A mental status exam and psychiatric review of
systems should be performed to detect the presence of depression,
mania, anxiety, psychosis, or other psychiatric comorbidities.
The history and physical exam aid the clinician to choose appropri-
ate laboratory studies. Basic laboratory tests can gauge the extent of the
medical complications of eating disorders (Table 9.4). There are no spe-
cific consensus guidelines for a basic laboratory work-up; the extent of
the work-up will be based on clinical judgment. A complete blood cell
count is helpful for the assessment of anemia due to malnutrition and/
or gastrointestinal blood loss secondary to repeated emesis. Abnormal
serum electrolytes, especially potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, and
bicarbonate, may reflect compensatory bulimic behaviors of vomiting
and laxative and diuretic abuse. Serum amylase level may be elevated
152 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 9.4 Signs, Medical Complications, and Common Lab Findings in Eating Disorders
Signs • Low BMI and body weighta • Loss of tooth enamel • High BMI
• Orthostatic hypotension • Tender or swollen parotid
• Skin cool to touch and submandibular glands
• Lanugo • Knuckle calluses and
• Jaundice-like skin color hypertrophy
• Arrested development of
secondary sex characteristics
ECG • Low voltage • Low voltage • ST-T–waves changes sugges-
• Bradycardia • Bradycardia tive of atherosclerotic
• Prolonged QT interval • Prolonged QT interval changes
• Prolonged PR interval • U waves
• ST-T–wave abnormalities
Labs • Hyponatremia (excessive • Hypochloremia • Hypercholesterolemia
water intake) • Hypokalemia • Transaminitis
• Hypophosphatemia (distin- • Metabolic alkalosis
guished from the refeeding • Elevated serum amylase
• Hypoglycemia
CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

• Sick euthyroid syndrome

Major manifesta- • Electrolyte abnormalities • Electrolyte abnormalities • Coronary heart disease
tions of eating • Arrhythmias • Dehydration • Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis
disorders • Dehydration • Esophageal rupture • Gastric dilation/rupture
• Superior mesenteric artery • Postbinge pancreatitis • Degenerative joint disease
syndrome • Aspiration pneumonitis • Dyslipidemia
• Refeeding • Pneumothorax or rib fracture • Diabetes mellitus
hypophosphatemia • Sleep apnea
• Osteoporosis and fractures • Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
• Infections

BMI, body mass index; ECG, electrocardiogram.

BMI ¼ kg/m2 (underweight BMI <18.5, normal weight 18.5–24.9 kg/m2 , overweight 25.0–29.9 kg/m2 , class I obesity 30–34.9 kg/m2 , class II
obesity 35.0–39.9 kg/m2 , class III obesity [severe or morbid obesity] 40 kg/m2 ).
Ideal body weight for men ¼ 106 pounds (per 5 feet) þ 6 pounds/inch (per inch over 5 feet)  10%.
Ideal body weight for women ¼ 100 pounds (per 5 feet) þ 5 pounds/inch (per inch over 5 feet)  10%.
Adapted from Pomeroy C. Medical evaluation and medical management. In: Mitchell J, ed. The Outpatient Treatment of Eating Disorders:
A Guide for Therapists, Dietitians, and Physicians. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; 2001:306–348.

in self-induced vomiting or pancreatitis. Elevated liver function tests

may point to gallbladder disease or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in
binge-eating patients. Poor nutritional status is reflected in low albumin
and transferrin. Levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone and thyroxine
(i.e., free T4) help exclude thyroid dysfunction. Urinalysis and stool tests
are useful in bulimia nervosa to detect diuretic or laxative abuse. Urine
toxicology can detect the presence of stimulants, which are often used
to suppress appetite. A baseline electrocardiogram should be checked
with all patients who have an eating disorder. Depending on the clinical
situation, a bone density scan can be obtained for patients with ano-
rexia nervosa, as they often are at increased risk for osteoporosis (12).

Psychiatric comorbidities frequently complicate eating disorders. Starva-
tion can mimic symptoms of a mood disorder. Since a starving patient
can become depressed, irritable or have decreased cognitive capacity, a
definitive psychiatric diagnosis cannot always be determined on a single
Chapter 9 Eating Disorders 153

visit. Nevertheless, early screening for psychiatric disorders and re-

evaluations during treatment are recommended to optimize manage-
ment. Depression may occur prior to or after the onset of an eating
disorder, with the prevalence ranging from 20% to 83% (13). Among anx-
iety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and social phobia are the
most common in eating disorder patients (14). A patient may become
anxious when he or she is forced to eat a normal-calorie meal or eat in
front of others, or is unable to purge. Substance use disorders, particu-
larly amphetamine and cocaine abuse, are more prevalent among
patients with eating disorders than the general population (15).
Although obsessive compulsive personality disorders are common in
patients with eating disorders, a subset including patients with anorexia
nervosa (purging subtype) and bulimia nervosa exhibit Cluster B person-
ality traits, such as borderline personality disorder (16).

Differential Diagnosis

CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

Eating disorders affect numerous organ systems, resulting in a large dif-
ferential diagnosis (Table 9.5). The main feature distinguishing general

Table 9.5 Differential Diagnosis of Eating Disorders

Amenorrhea Pregnancy
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Hypothalamic dysfunction
Outflow tract abnormalities
Congenital adrenal deficiency
Diarrhea Laxative abuse
Inflammatory bowel disease
Malabsorption (e.g., celiac disease)
Inflammatory bowel disease
Superior mesenteric artery disorder
Intractable nausea Brain tumors
and vomiting Diabetes mellitus
Disordered gastrointestinal dysmotility
Hyperemesis gravidum
Endocrinologic Hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism
abnormalities Adrenal insufficiency
Diabetes mellitus
Severe wasting Malignancy
Human immunodeficiency virus
Psychiatric Depression
Excessive eating Temporal lobe or limbic seizures
Lesions of the hypothalamus or frontal lobe
Prader-Willi syndrome
Kleine-Levin syndrome
154 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

NOT TO BE MISSED medical disorders from eating disorders is the psychological presence of
an altered body image or evaluation of oneself based on body habitus. A
Complications of eating distorted body image is a feature of anorexia nervosa distinct from buli-
disorders may include:
mia nervosa in which self-evaluation is affected by body shape. The gen-
• Heart failure
eral medical differential diagnosis of eating disorders is broad but can be
• Arrhythmia
organized according to symptoms. For example, diarrhea may be second-
• Seizures ary to laxative abuse in eating disorders but may also be associated with
• Rhabdomyolysis inflammatory bowel disease and malabsorption. Amenorrhea occurs in
• Anemia pregnancy, hypothalamic dysfunction, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
• Impaired platelet Metabolic abnormalities such as hypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiency
function should be considered in the differential diagnosis of eating disorders.
• Pancreatitis Psychiatric disorders are also included in the differential diagnosis
• Electrolyte abnormalities of eating disorders. Body dysmorphic disorder differs from eating disor-
(e.g., hypophosphatemia) ders by the preoccupation with a perceived distortion of a specific body
• Worsening comorbid psy- part rather than overall body shape. A patient with body dysmorphic
chiatric symptoms disorder may seek and/or undergo unnecessary surgical alterations
instead of binging, purging, restricting food, or excessively exercising.
Depression manifests in changes in appetite, leading to either weight
gain or loss. Schizophrenia may produce delusions about food or odd
eating behaviors. Finally, obsessions and compulsions related to food or
social fears of eating with others or in public may be associated with
anxiety disorders.

Biopsychosocial Treatment
Because treatment of eating disorders encompasses medical, nutritional,
psychological, and behavioral aspects of care, a multidisciplinary
approach to care is ideally provided by a team consisting of the primary
care clinician, a nutritionist, and a mental health professional. Ideally,
the latter two individuals have experience working with eating disor-
ders. The primary care clinician should have a low threshold to consult
and refer to specialists since eating disorders are chronic medical and
psychiatric illnesses that require ongoing monitoring for medical com-
plications. As in any other medical condition, early detection facilitates
early treatment. A nonconfrontational approach to patient care can be a
means to educate the patient about medical complications of anorexia
nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. The appendix pro-
vides online resources of local and national referrals for self-help sup-
port groups, private treatment centers, and mental health professionals
with expertise in eating disorders.
A patient with an eating disorder will often try to assert his or her
own independence and subvert the treatment plan. As such, the team
needs to work with the patient to establish explicit goals and limitations
and a contract for monitoring recovery. Contracts for eating disorder
treatment outline indications for more advanced care beyond the outpa-
tient setting (e.g., medical complications and severe low weight despite
aggressive treatment) and frequency and duration of patient follow-up
with each member of the team. Relapses and chronic persistence of
symptoms are common in eating disorders.
Chapter 9 Eating Disorders 155

In anorexia nervosa, a common goal is to restore weight to within 10%
of ideal body weight. To put it simply, food is medicine. During refeed-
ing, the patient consumes calorie-rich, nutritious food (e.g., avoid diet
sodas) and is encouraged to eat in social settings. A patient with an
ideal body weight greater than 75% and who is medically stable can
receive outpatient management (Figure 9.1).
In the outpatient setting, physical health and body weight are regu-
larly assessed and monitored. The patient is weighed in a gown at each
visit after voiding to avoid artificial inflation of weight including exces-
sive water intake prior to weigh-ins and extra weight from clothes and
shoes. Indications for hospitalization in anorexia nervosa are listed in
Table 9.6. In general, a patient who presents with persistent weight loss
despite aggressive treatment, unstable vital signs, dehydration, electro-
lyte abnormalities, or medical complications such as cardiac arrhyth-
mias, pancreatitis, and seizures requires hospitalization.
The role of the nutritionist is to plan a diet designed to help the

CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

patient gain weight slowly and safely. Diets initially begin with 800 to

Anorexia Nervosa

Goal: Weight is within 10% of ideal

body weight

Medical Psychiatric

Body weight No good data for use of

Nutrition consult anti-depressants
Begin 800–1,000 kcal/day Correct starvation-related
Increase 200–300 kcal/day cognitive impairment
every 3–4 days as tolerated Refer for psychotherapy
1–2 pound weight gain per
week in outpatient setting
Monitor for refeeding syndrome
Check weights regularly

Body weight best predicts bone
mass density
Recommend calcium daily
allowance 1,500 mg/day
Vitamin D 400 IU/day
Bone densitometry if amenorrheic
for more than 6 months Ideal body weight for men⫽106
pounds (per 5 feet)⫹6 pounds/inch
Amenorrhea (per inch over 5 ft) ⫹/⫺ 10%
Menses usually returns Ideal body weight for women⫽100
when ⬎90% ideal body weight pounds (per 5 feet)⫹5 pounds/inch
Hormone replacement controversial (per inch over 5 ft)⫹/⫺ 10%

Figure 9.1. Outpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa.

156 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 9.6 Indications for Hospitalization in Anorexia Nervosa

• <75% ideal body weight, or ongoing weight loss despite aggressive treatment
• Autonomic instability: bradycardia, <50 beats per minute; hypotension, systolic blood pressure <90;
hypothermia, temperature <96°F; orthostatic changes
• Refusal to eat
• Dehydration
• Electrolyte abnormalities
• Cardiac arrhythmia
• Failure of outpatient management
• Acute psychiatric emergencies such as suicidal ideation or psychosis
• Intractable vomiting
• Medical complications from malnutrition such as cardiac failure, pancreatitis, seizures, and syncope

From Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with Eating Disorders. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing,
Inc.; 2006.

1,000 kcal/day, and gradually increase by 200 to 300 kcal every 3 to 4

CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

days as tolerated with the goal of gaining at least 1 to 2 pounds per

week in the outpatient setting and 2 to 3 pounds per week while hospi-
talized (20). In early refeeding, the initial weight gain is fluid retention.
Refeeding may also cause bloating and constipation, which can be mini-
mized or avoided with stool softeners, bulk-forming laxatives, and
decreased use of gastric motility agents.
A feared complication in the medical treatment of anorexia nervosa
is the refeeding syndrome. The refeeding syndrome is a potentially fatal
condition resulting from severe electrolyte and fluid shifts in malnour-
ished patients undergoing refeeding. In starvation, phosphorous stores
are depleted. As carbohydrate intake increases, primary metabolism
switches from fat to glucose and the demand for phosphate increases
during glycolysis. The consequent hypophosphatemia can cause abnor-
mal skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction, neurologic deficits, and
pancreatitis. Complications may include cardiac failure, rhabdomyolysis,
seizure, coma, or respiratory failure. To minimize risks of the refeeding
syndrome, labs are obtained before refeeding, every 2 or 3 days for the
first 10 days and then weekly for the remainder of refeeding (18). Other
preventive measures include slowly increasing the calorie content each
day and monitoring for sudden increases in pulse or the presence of sig-
nificant edema. A patient with refeeding syndrome needs to be hospital-
ized for restoration of electrolyte balance and to prevent potentially
lethal complications.
A number of studies have examined the use of hormone replacement
therapy, bisphosphonates, and dehydroepiandrosterone to treat osteopo-
rosis. Hormone replacement therapy is not recommended in anorexia
nervosa because it has not been shown to increase bone mass density
(BMD) despite its effectiveness in postmenopausal osteoporosis (12).
Weight restoration and the resumption of menses are the greatest predic-
tors of improved BMD in anorexia nervosa. Females who are 11 through
24 years of age and have an eating disorder should consume a daily dose
of 1,500 mg of calcium and 400 international units of vitamin D (12).
Chapter 9 Eating Disorders 157

Menses will usually resume as the patient approaches 90% of ideal body
Attempts to identify psychopharmacologic treatments for anorexia
nervosa have been disappointing. Fluoxetine did not differ from placebo
in the time to relapse even with the addition of CBT for anorexia nerv-
osa (19). Other medications such as cyproheptadine, zinc, tetrahydro-
cannabinol, and cisapride showed mixed outcomes and are not
routinely used for anorexia nervosa in the primary care setting.
While medication management has little success in anorexia nerv-
osa, psychosocial support has been a central aspect of care. Although
the treatment team may concurrently address both the general medical
and psychiatric aspects of an eating disorder, the primary care practi-
tioner may consider treating urgent medical issues before beginning
psychotherapy. In the latter case, deferral of psychotherapy may be
appropriate until the cognitive deficits associated with starvation are
corrected. A Cochrane review did not find one specific psychotherapy
modality to be superior over another in the treatment of anorexia nerv-

CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

osa when comparing among time-limited individual psychotherapy,
CBT, and interpersonal therapy (20).

The treatment goals for bulimia nervosa are to eliminate binges and
purges and normalize eating patterns (Figure 9.2). Behavioral contracts
with the patient are established to eliminate purging (e.g., patient agrees
not to buy laxatives) and decrease excessive weight loss (e.g., exercise is

Bulimia Nervosa

Normalize eating behaviors
Eliminate binges and purges

Medical Psychiatric
• Correct electrolytes • Fluoxetine 20–60 mg per day*
• Rehydrate • Cognitive behavioral therapy
• Food and mood journal

*Alternative serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) have been used although fluoxetine is the only FDA-approved
SSRI approved for the treatment of bulimia nervosa.

Figure 9.2. Outpatient treatment of Bulimia Nervosa.

158 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

limited to no more than 1 hour per day). The intensity of medical treat-
ment and the preferred setting will depend on the severity of the illness.
Medical treatment of bulimia nervosa usually includes electrolyte and
fluid repletion. An insulin-dependent diabetic patient should be edu-
cated about the necessity of a balanced diet and the continued usage of
There are no differences in efficacy and tolerability among antide-
pressants studied, although fluoxetine is the only Food and Drug
Administration (FDA)-approved medication for the treatment of bulimia
nervosa. After gradual titration to 60 mg/day, fluoxetine has been shown
to reduce binge eating and purging episodes, prolong time to relapse,
and decrease relapse rates (21). Bupropion use in a patient with depres-
sion and an eating disorder is contraindicated because of the increased
risk of seizures.
Behavioral management is useful for maintaining recovery from
bulimia nervosa. While the primary care clinician is not expected to
engage patients in long-term psychotherapy, the primary care provider
CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

can help the patient understand how emotions and thoughts influence
behavior. Table 9.7 shows how a food and mood response journal can
help a patient with bulimia nervosa to identify reproducible patterns of
behavior in response to triggers and mood (22). The emotions recorded
before, during, and after eating become a source of discussion for how
emotions affect binges and purges. Evidence-based research supports
CBT as the first-line psychotherapy treatment for bulimia nervosa. CBT
helps patients identify disturbed eating patterns, change dysfunctional
thoughts, and build better coping skills.


The treatment goals of binge eating disorder are to reduce binge eating
episodes, lose weight or prevent weight gain, and manage medical com-
plications and psychiatric comorbidities. Conventional behavioral weight
loss treatments such as commercial weight loss programs are as effective
as psychotherapy. Behavioral weight loss treatment modifies eating
behaviors through increased organization of regular eating patterns
involving moderate caloric restriction. Different modalities of psychother-
apy including CBT, interpersonal therapy, and dialectical behavioral ther-
apy have effectively reduced binge eating. Compared with CBT, which
focuses on correcting an individual’s negative beliefs and behaviors and
replaces them with healthy, positive ones, interpersonal therapy focuses
on improving interpersonal relationships and the interpersonal context of
the eating disorder. Dialectical behavioral therapy is a variation of CBT
that teaches behavioral skills to help individuals tolerate stress, regulate
emotions, and improve interpersonal relationships.
While there are no FDA-approved medications for binge eating disor-
der, clinical trials show topiramate, orlistat, sibutramine, and zonisa-
mide to be more effective in treating binge eating disorder and reducing
obesity. In general, CBT is considered first-line treatment and the use of
medications is not routinely employed for initial management.
Table 9.7 Food and Mood Response Journal
8:00 a.m. 1 cup milk Dorm cafeteria with Hungry Chewed slowly Satisfied with eating
1 cup corn flakes my roommates small breakfast
2 scrambled eggs
10:15 a.m. 3 glazed donuts Dorm room, by myself Couldn’t focus on lec- Wanted to satisfy my Glutinous, angry for
ture because I was craving for some- upsetting my diet;
starving and other thing sweet I think I gained 5
people around me pounds from those
were eating donuts
11:15 a.m. Gym: ran on the tread- Angry for lack of con- Relieved to be Wanted to go on
mill for 45 minutes trol in eating donuts exercising treadmill for
to burn off the another 30 minutes
donuts but I had to meet
my study group
4:00 p.m. 1 small bag baby On campus by myself Couldn’t concentrate Wanted to eat some- Still hungry
carrots with my study group thing other than
because I was still carrots but I knew
hungry that it would mean
extra unnecessary
8:00 p.m. 1 small salad without Dorm cafeteria with Hungry Relieved to eat some- Happy to eat some-
dressing my roommates thing to stop the thing healthy
1 cup vegetable soup stomach pangs
10:00 p.m. 1=2 pint chocolate ice Dorm room, by myself I didn’t care what I ate I didn’t care what I ate Disgusted with self for
cream, finished half because I was so because I knew binging, self-induced
box Oreo cookies, hungry; I was upset I was going to vomiting, happy to
1 slice pie my boyfriend didn’t purge get the food out of
call me my body, deter-
mined to work out
at gym tomorrow
for 2 hours

This is a food diary of a college-aged student with bulimia nervosa–type symptoms. Note that the patient compensated for her binge on donuts by exercising and skipping lunch.
Adapted from Becker AE. Outpatient management of eating disorders in adults. Curr Womens Health Rep. 2003;3:221–229.

CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders
160 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

.............................................. MULTIDISCIPLINARY MANAGEMENT

.............................................. The treatment of medical and psychiatric complications related to eating
• Early in the course of the disorders is challenging. Managing medical complications of eating disor-
ders including electrolyte imbalances and dehydration while ignoring the
• Signs of cardiovascular,
underlying causes does not serve the patient well. Support from other
renal, or hepatic
compromise professionals including nutritionists, therapists, and psychiatrists who
• Electrolyte abnormalities are familiar with this type of illness is necessary to address the complex
issues related to eating disorders. Moreover, a multidisciplinary approach
• Rapid or persistent
decline of weight despite can allow the primary care provider to focus on coordination of care and
intensive intervention maintain an overall picture of the patient’s treatment goals. Transition-
• Lack of a strong social ing care from the outpatient to inpatient setting is indicated if the
support system
patient presents with unstable vital signs; signs of cardiovascular, renal,
• Comorbid substance use or hepatic compromise; electrolyte abnormalities; severe dehydration;
disorder, suicidality, or
comorbid psychiatric rapid or persistent decline of weight despite intensive intervention; lack
diagnoses of a strong social support system; and need for meal supervision or the
patient will otherwise restrict, binge, or purge. When the patient presents
with comorbid substance use disorder, suicidality, or comorbid psychiatric
diagnoses, a referral to a psychiatrist is most likely indicated.

The primary care clinician plays a critical role in advocating for compre-
hensive, coordinated care that addresses the medical, psychiatric, and
social needs of a patient with an eating disorder. Eating disorders are at
the interface of traditionally disparate disciplines of general medicine
and psychiatry, and as such, access to treatment may be limited and
insurance coverage may be variable. As with other psychiatric disorders,
lack of mental health parity may limit the availability of treatment
options, especially for a patient with limited economic resources. The
patient may also likely encounter limits on length of hospitalizations,
lack of eating disorder facilities, and insufficient availability of mental
health services. The primary care clinician can work with insurance
companies and policy makers to extend benefits while challenging the
myth that eating disorders can be cured simply by refeeding or ordering
the patient to stop purging. At the community level, primary care pro-
viders can work alongside schools and athletic departments to prevent
eating disorders by emphasizing nutrition and physical activity and rais-
ing awareness of eating disorders.

Practice Pointers
Case 1: A competitive runner with Colles fracture and osteoporosis
A 28-year-old competitive runner presents to a primary care clinic with pain in her
right wrist, which developed after she fell at home. She fractured her left ankle 2
months ago. She is anxious to return to training for the next race. A review of
symptoms is positive for occasional bloating, abdominal pain, feeling cold, and
amenorrhea for the past 4 months. On physical exam, her height is 66 inches (167
cm) and she weighs 110 pounds (50 kg). Her vitals are 98°F, blood pressure 92/60
mmHg, heart rate 55 beats per minute, and respirations 16. Her skin is cool to
touch and lanugo hair is present on her face, abdomen, and back. A wrist radio-
graph shows a Colles fracture and osteoporosis.
Chapter 9 Eating Disorders 161

Discussion: Competitive female athletes are at increased risk for eating disorders.
This patient the meets criteria for anorexia nervosa, restrictive subtype, as her body
mass index (BMI) is 17.8 and her weight is less than 85% ideal body weight. This
patient has features of the athletic triad: disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteo-
porosis. For athletes, evaluation includes asking about exercise history with informa-
tion on frequency, duration, and intensity of training. In cases like this, it is also
important to inquire about previous fractures and/or overuse injuries. The patient’s
previous fracture was a missed opportunity for an eating disorder evaluation. Her
medical work-up should now include electrolytes and liver function tests, as well as a
baseline electrocardiogram (ECG). Since the patient’s blood pressure and heart rate
are low, orthostatic blood pressure changes may suggest dehydration. The patient
should also be encouraged to consult with a nutritionist to plan a diet that increases
calories safely. She will need close medical follow-up with careful laboratory monitor-
ing and regular weigh-ins. The primary care provider could consider referral to a
multidisciplinary team that specializes in eating disorders, especially if the patient
fails to gain weight in subsequent follow-up visits. In resource-limited areas, the pri-
mary care provider may need to assemble a team of practitioners to build local
expertise. A psychiatric evaluation should assess for mood disorders and substance
abuse, particularly use of performance-enhancing drugs.

CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

Case 2: A depressed woman with a normal BMI
A 22-year-old college student with a history of depression presents to the stu-
dent health center requesting diuretics. She successfully lost 3 pounds over the
past week by exercising. She reports that she eats mostly vegetable soup and a
few crackers most days of the week. She is fastidious in tracking the number of
calories she consumes. However, she finds that she is so hungry at the end of
the day that she occasionally loses control and ‘‘gorges’’ on mostly ‘‘junk food’’
estimated at 4,000 calories in one sitting. She attempts to lose the extra calories
by exercising 3 hours the following day. On her physical exam, her height is 65
inches (165 cm) and she weighs 140 pounds (63.5 kg). Oral exam reveals erosion
of the teeth enamel and halitosis.

Discussion: In an otherwise healthy woman, there is no indication for diuretics. This

patient’s request raises concerns that she is seeking diuretics to lose weight. This
patient has a normal BMI of 23.3, as do many patients with bulimia nervosa. Her eat-
ing behaviors, including her detailed documentation of caloric intake and cycles of
binging and purging, are indicative of an eating disorder. The patient reports an
excessive amount of exercise but neglects to mention self-induced vomiting, as sug-
gested by the physical exam findings of enamel erosion. In addition to her bulimia
nervosa, this patient also presents with a history of depression. Comorbid psychiatric
disorders are frequent in eating disorders and need to be evaluated. This patient
could benefit from starting on a low dose (10 to 20 mg/day) of fluoxetine and gradu-
ally titrating to the maximum dose of 60 mg/day, as tolerated. A referral to a thera-
pist familiar with CBT for eating disorders will help the patient normalize her eating
behaviors and correct distorted thoughts about her body image.

Case 3: An overweight man who copes by eating

A 34-year-old man who has not seen a doctor in many years presents to his pri-
mary care office to establish care after learning his uncle had recently died from
a heart attack. On physical exam, he weighs 235 pounds (106 kg) and is 77
inches (196 cm) tall. Fasting laboratory values are significant for triglycerides 230
mg/dL, low-density lipoprotein 218 mg/dL, high-density lipoprotein 30 mg/dL,
and glucose 198. Despite your attempts to counsel him on lifestyle modifications
and treat the hyperlipidemia and diabetes, he continues to gain weight each
time he visits you. When you ask about his continued weight gain, the patient
replies that he has struggled with his uncle’s death. He reluctantly reveals that
his now deceased uncle had sexually abused him as a child. As a result of his
162 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

early childhood trauma, he soothed his pain by excessively eating. He binges

nearly every day with a typical episode consisting of half a pie, a large bag of
potato chips, two hamburgers, two frozen pizzas, and four sodas. All this food is
consumed in a 2-hour period. The patient is extremely frustrated with his weight
and requests bariatric surgery.

Discussion: This patient probably has binge eating disorder that has been ongoing
since childhood. A history of childhood abuse is a risk factor for eating disorders.
This patient recognizes his binging behaviors but reports no compensatory behavior,
thus distinguishing the diagnosis from bulimia nervosa. In this case, the patient’s
binge eating has led to obesity and significant metabolic derangements. While bari-
atric surgery is an option for morbidly obese patients, this patient is not an optimal
candidate at this time, as he is at high risk of returning to his binge eating despite
surgery. Surgery alone cannot solve the psychological and behavioral problems from
which this patient suffers. This patient would benefit from an intensive weight loss
program and psychotherapy to address his past history of being abused. Further
assessment of his mood disorder and substance use disorder should be performed.
Pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic treatments, especially for his depression,
should be considered.
CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

Anorexia Nervosa 307.1
Bulimia Nervosa 307.51
Eating Disorder NOS 307.50

Practical Resources
Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders:
National Eating Disorders Association:
Academy for Eating Disorders:
Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center:
Eating Disorders Coalition:
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders:
Something Fishy:
Overeaters Anonymous:
Food Addicts Anonymous:

1. Sullivan PF. Mortality in anorexia nervosa. Am J Psychiatry. 1995;152:1073–1074.

2. Hudson JL, Hiripi E, Pope HG, et al. The prevalence and correlates of eating disorders in the National
Comorbidity Survey Replication. Biol Psychiatry. 2007;61:348–358.

3. Fairburn CG, Bohn K. Eating disorder NOS (EDNOS): an example of the troublesome ‘‘not otherwise
specified’’ (NOS) category in DSM-IV. Behav Res Ther. 2005;43:691–701.

4. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text
revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000.

5. Benninghoven D, Tetsch N, Kunzendorf S, et al. Perceptual body image of patients with anorexia or
bulimia nervosa and their fathers. Eat Weight Disord. 2007;12:12–19.

6. Telch CF, Agras WS. Obesity, binge eating and psychopathology: are they related? Int J Eat Disord.

7. Herpertz S, Albus C, Kielmann R, et al. Comorbidity of diabetes mellitus and eating disorders: a fol-
low-up study. J Psychosom Res. 2001;51:673–678.

8. Pomeroy C. Medical evaluation and medical management. In: Mitchell J, ed. The Outpatient Treatment
of Eating Disorders: A Guide for Therapists, Dietitians, and Physicians. Minneapolis: University of Minne-
sota Press; 2001:306–348.

9. Strober M, Freeman R, Lampert C, et al. Controlled family study of anorexia nervosa and bulimia
nervosa: evidence of shared liability and transmission of partial syndromes. Am J Psychiatry.
Chapter 9 Eating Disorders 163

10. Franko DL, Spurrell EB. Detection and management of eating disorders during pregnancy. Obstet
Gynecol. 2000;95:942–946.

11. Morgan JF, Reid F, Lacey H. The SCOFF questionnaire: assessment of a new screening tool for eating
disorders. BMJ. 1999;319:1467–1468.

12. Mehler PS. Osteoporosis in anorexia nervosa: prevention and treatment. Int J Eat Disord. 2003;33:

13. Fernandez-Aranda F, Pinheiro AP, Tozzi F, et al. Symptom profile of major depressive disorder in
women with eating disorders. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2007;41:24–31.

14. Kaye WH, Bulik CM, Thornton L. Comorbidity of anxiety disorders with anorexia and bulimia ner-
vosa. Am J Psychiatry. 2006;163:2215–2221.

15. Herzog DB, Franko DL, Dorer DJ, et al. Drug abuse in women with eating disorders. Int J Eat Disord.

16. Jordan J, Joyce PR, Carter FA, et al. Specific and nonspecific comorbidity in anorexia nervosa. Int J
Eat Disord. 2008;41:47–56.

17. Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with Eating Disorders. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: American
Psychiatric Association; 2006.

18. Mehler PS, Crews CK. Refeeding the anorexia patient. Eat Dis J Treat Prevent. 2001;9:167–171.

19. Walsh BT, Kaplan AS, Attia E, et al. Fluoxetine after weight restoration in anorexia nervosa: a
randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2006;295:2605–2612.

20. Hay P, Bacaltchuk J, Claudina A, et al. Individual psychotherapy in the outpatient treatment of

CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders

adults with anorexia nervosa. Cochrane Database System Rev. 2003;4:CD003909.

21. Fluoxetine Bulimia Nervosa Collaborative Study Group. Fluoxetine in the treatment of bulimia ner-
vosa. Am J Psychiatry. 1992;49:139–147.

22. Becker AE. Outpatient management of eating disorders in adults. Curr Womens Health Rep. 2003;3:
10 Personality Disorders
Shannon Suo, MD • Maga Jackson-Triche, MD, MSHS
• Mark Servis, MD

... ... Clinical Significance

A 21-year-old female college student presents to your
... ...
Personality disorders develop early in
continuity clinic. She has been the patient of one of your
... ...
CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

life, result in ongoing emotional

... partners for 2 years and states, ‘‘He was horrible and didn’t ...
angst, and tend to be challenging to
...understand me.’’ She complains of anxiety due to recent ...
fights with her boyfriend and also describes feeling as ...
manage and virtually impossible to
though she’s ‘‘not good enough’’ for her boyfriend. Toward
‘‘cure.’’ Table 10.1 describes the Diag-
... ...
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
the end of the interview, she says, ‘‘My boyfriend will ...
Disorders, 4th edition, text revision
regret it if anything happens to me.’’ She denies any history ...
(DSM-IV-TR) criteria for personality
of manic or psychotic symptoms and denies drug or
... disorders (1). The specific types of ...
alcohol use. personality disorders will be dis-
cussed individually and as ‘‘clusters.’’
Collectively, personality disor-
ders are estimated to occur in the
general population at rates from
10% to 15% (2). They are more frequently encountered in primary care
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS settings with an average prevalence of 20% to 30% (3, 4). Patients with
• Personality disorders are personality disorders are more likely to have had increased outpatient,
commonly encountered
in primary care settings emergency, and inpatient visits (5). Other studies have found higher lev-
and may disrupt the els of dissatisfaction with care, lower scores on functioning scales, and
patient–provider relation- increased antidepressant prescriptions in patients who have a personal-
ship and compromise the
quality of care. ity disorder (5, 6).
• Primary care clinicians Primary care providers rarely receive sufficient training in psychia-
should be aware of their try, and most clinical rotations do not cover Axis II pathology but
own feelings toward instead focus almost exclusively on Axis I disorders. The medical litera-
patients with personality
disorders and ensure that ture has historically labeled personality disordered patients as ‘‘difficult’’
treatment is not or even ‘‘hateful’’ rather than identifying the specific disorders or traits
adversely influenced by
emotionally charged and that lead to the difficult patient–provider interactions (7). Nonetheless, it
negative feelings. remains important for primary care clinicians to identify those patients
• The presence of a person- with personality disorders or personality disorder traits, because these
ality disorder can signifi- patients are at increased risk for a multitude of other conditions, includ-
cantly increase the risk of
comorbid psychiatric con- ing alcohol and SUD disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, and somati-
ditions. As such, it is zation disorder (8–10).

Chapter 10 Personality Disorders 165

Patients with Cluster A personality disorders (i.e., paranoid, schizoid,

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS and schizotypal personality disorders) are more prone to substance use
(Continued) and social isolation. Individuals with Cluster B disorders (i.e., antisocial,
critical to utilize the borderline, histrionic, or narcissistic personality disorders) may engage
AMPS screening tool to
assess for anxiety, mood, in deliberate self-injury and high-risk physical and sexual behaviors,
psychotic, and substance with consequent increased risk of injury, disease, and infection. The
abuse disorders.
lifetime prevalence of suicidal ideation in patients with borderline per-
• Personality disorders sonality disorder (BPD) is approximately 75%, and up to 10% of BPD
share characteristics with
other Axis I conditions, patients complete suicide (11). These patients are also more sensitive to
but can readily be distin- perceived ‘‘abandonment,’’ and may act in inappropriate ways to retain
guished by diagnostic cri-
contact with their providers. Patients with Cluster C pathology (i.e., avoi-
teria that include
longitudinal, inflexible, dant, dependant, or obsessive compulsive personality disorders) may be
and maladaptive coping more avoidant, less compliant with treatment, and more anxious on an
everyday basis.
• Collateral information
from family, friends, and
other providers can be Diagnosis

CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

helpful when considering
a personality disorder Personality disorders are categorized in Axis II of the five-axis DSM-IV-
TR diagnostic classification. While there is no specific nomenclature for
• As a general rule, long- such, mental health professionals often note ‘‘traits’’ of personality dis-
term treatment goals
include elimination of orders on Axis II if they are unable to make a diagnosis of the full per-
maladaptive coping strat- sonality disorder. Features that distinguish ‘‘normal’’ personality traits
egies (e.g., denial, split-
ting, somatization, etc.) from pathologic ones include inflexibility and maladaptive behavior.
and the development of Common characteristics of personality disorders and the clusters to
healthy coping skills (e.g., which they belong are listed in Table 10.2. Although personality disorder
humor, anticipation of
stressors, etc.). diagnoses are intended to be made based on enduring patterns of
behavior, patients may not meet criteria for the full disorder at a later
(or earlier) time period based on mitigating circumstances or severity of
comorbid Axis I conditions. For example, the National Institute of Men-
tal Health (NIMH) Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study
found that only 44% of patients diagnosed with BPD retained the

Table 10.1 DSM-IV-TR General Diagnostic Criteria for a Personality Disorder

A. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations
of the individual’s culture. This pattern is manifested in two (or more) of the following areas:
1. Cognition (i.e., ways of perceiving and interpreting self, other people, and events)
2. Affectivity (i.e., the range, intensity, lability, and appropriateness of emotional response)
3. Interpersonal functioning
4. Impulse control
B. The enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations.
C. The enduring pattern leads to clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or
other important areas of functioning.
D. The pattern is stable and of long duration, and its onset can be traced back to adolescence or early
E. The enduring pattern is not better accounted for as a manifestation or consequence of another mental
F. The enduring pattern is not due to the direct physiologic effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse,
a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., head trauma).

From American Psychiatric Association. Personality disorders. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text
revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2000:685.
166 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 10.2 DMS-IV-TR Personality Clusters, Specific Types, and Their Defining
Clinical Features
A Odd or eccentric behavior
Paranoid • Pervasive distrust and suspiciousness (not ‘‘delusional’’) of others such that their
motives are interpreted as malevolent
Schizoid • Pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and restricted range of
expression of emotions in interpersonal settings
Schizotypal • Pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort
with, and reduced capacity for, close relationships as well as by cognitive or per-
ceptual distortions and eccentricities of behavior
B Dramatic, emotional, or erratic behavior
Antisocial • History of conduct disorder before age 15; pervasive pattern of disregard for
and violation of the rights of others; current age at least 18
Borderline • Pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and
affects, and marked impulsivity
Histrionic • Pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking
Narcissistic • Pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration,
and lack of empathy
CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

C Anxious or fearful
Avoidant • Pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity
to negative evaluation
Dependent • Pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and
clinging behavior and fears of separation
Obsessive • Pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental
compulsive and interpersonal control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency

Adapted from American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Personality disorders. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th
ed., text revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000:685.

diagnosis 2 years later (12). Therefore, the patient who exemplified BPD
one year may seem vastly different and no longer meet the diagnostic
criteria a few years later. Moreover, it may take several encounters with
a patient to accurately recognize long-standing and pervasive character
pathology (e.g., an individual may appear ‘‘borderline’’ while on an iso-
lated ‘‘bad day’’ but is usually capable of coping with stressors in a
healthy and adaptive manner). As such, health care providers are
encouraged to obtain collateral history and see patients several times
before definitively giving a personality disorder diagnosis.
Our visceral response or feelings about a patient encounter can often
be helpful when considering an Axis II diagnosis. It is helpful to con-
sider underrecognized feelings and emotions that may subtly influence
the patient–provider relationship. Transference is loosely defined as the
unconscious reenactment of feelings or behaviors toward the provider
based on previous experiences of the patient with significant others or
caretakers. In challenging therapeutic encounters, it is often useful to
discuss the provider’s thoughts and feelings about patients (countertrans-
ference) as they may relate to identification of personality pathology and
treatment of the patient. Table 10.3 identifies feelings that may arise in
health care providers and the disorders that are typically associated
with such feelings. Particularly problematic may be feelings of anger,
leading to retaliation against or punishment of the patient that is not
appropriate to the circumstance. This contrasts with clearly defined
Chapter 10 Personality Disorders 167

Table 10.3 Feelings of Countertransference and Reactions to Avoid

Anger (patient • Borderline • Overreaction to prov- • Be aware of feelings
is viewed as • Antisocial ocation, retaliation • Process in Balint groups
manipulative) • Narcissistic (e.g., verbal/physical • Strictly adhere to evidence-based
abuse of patient, sub- standard of care
standard care, inap-
propriate comments
in charting)
Fear of patient • Antisocial • Immediate emotional • Maintain personal safety
(physical or • Paranoid or physical overre- • Document thoroughly
legal threat) sponse (out of pro-
portion to threat)
Sympathy • Borderline (sympathy • Overindulgence or • Provide regular, structured, and
by some providers tendency to rescue scheduled visits with the same pro-
associated with nega- the patient vider that do not run over scheduled
tive views by other time

CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

providers may repre- • Manage splitting in interdisciplinary
sent splitting by the meetings to make sure all members
patient) of team are acting in accordance with
• Dependent treatment plan and not providing
‘‘special’’ treatment
Self-doubt • Narcissistic • Putting down the • Be aware of your behavior
patient instead; ques- • Examine your abilities in a realistic
tioning your own way
abilities in a nonreal- • Process in Balint groups
istic way
Frustration • Borderline • Patients may not fol- • Set clear expectations
• Avoidant low through with • Ally yourself with patient’s family/
• Dependent treatment recommen- friends to assist (as permitted by pri-
dations or rely overly vacy restrictions)
on provider
Attraction • Histrionic • Inappropriate rela- • Consider using a chaperone for exams
• Borderline tionship with patient requiring examination of genitalia
• Do not see patient after hours or in
social settings

consequences that should follow inappropriate behavior by the patient,

including termination of care following repeated breaches of clinic rules
despite explanations of limits and responses to violations of those lim-
its. Equally dangerous are feelings of attraction to patients that lead to
indiscretions of a sexual or romantic nature. Balint groups provide a
forum for health care professionals to discuss the emotional content of
the patient–provider relationship and can be helpful in processing the
strong feelings evoked by patients with a personality disorder. These
groups are led by health care professionals with psychological training
and provide guidance to the members about countertransferential feel-
ings to ensure the preservation of healthy clinical relationships.
A routine physical examination should be completed on all patients
thought to have a personality disorder. Providers should check for self-
inflicted injuries in patients with borderline pathology, including cuts,
burns, or other forms of self-mutilation. Patients who self-inflict injuries
168 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

often hide their wounds by wearing long sleeves or pants. Patients with
borderline or dependent personality disorders are at increased risk for
domestic violence and should be carefully assessed for signs of physical
abuse. All patients with a suspected personality disorder should be
asked about alcohol and illicit substance use. Obtaining collateral infor-
mation from other care providers as well as family members and friends
can help establish a diagnosis or confirm the presence of traits.


Of the personality disorders, BPD has received the most attention in terms
of epidemiologic research and evidence-based treatment approaches. In
our experience, an open discussion with patients about a possible diagno-
sis of BPD can be both therapeutic and rewarding. While many providers
fear informing patients of a diagnosis of BPD, this fear proves largely
unfounded. The stigma that providers associate with BPD fuels this con-
CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

cern, while patients are often relieved when someone can explain why
they behave the way they do, especially when informed that effective
treatment options are available. However, every patient with BPD or bor-
derline traits does not require an in-depth discussion of BPD, so such dis-
cussions should be limited to when they are clinically indicated, such as
when referring to mental health or when reflecting on maladaptive pat-
terns of behavior.
When considering a diagnosis of BPD, we recommend a stepwise
approach. First, summarize the emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal
difficulties the patient seems to be having. Second, inquire about the
patient’s understanding of his or her difficulties and what role they play
in the problems. Third, introduce BPD as a possible but not definitive
explanation. Lastly, recommend that the patient learn about BPD either
through reading or consultation with a mental health professional.
Upon follow-up, the provider can reassess the patient’s understanding
of BPD. If significant conflicts arise or a definitive diagnosis is required,
primary care providers should refer to a mental health professional for
ongoing assessment and treatment.

Differential Diagnosis
There can be considerable overlap between symptoms of personality
disorders and other psychiatric diagnoses, and it is important to assess
and appropriately rule out conditions that may lead to an entirely differ-
ent treatment plan. Also, patients with personality disorders often have
both Axis I and Axis II conditions, therefore requiring treatments that
address the comorbid diagnoses. The AMPS screening tool may be used
to systematically screen for comorbid psychiatric conditions (see Chap-
ter 1). Anxiety disorders, mood disorders (e.g. bipolar and depressive dis-
orders), psychotic disorders and substance abuse disorders, as well as
changes induced by general medical conditions are important to con-
sider as either alternate or co-occurring conditions. BPD and bipolar dis-
order, in particular, can be difficult to differentiate due to the overlap of
Chapter 10 Personality Disorders 169

symptoms in impulsivity and affective lability. Some distinguishing fea-

tures between bipolar disorder and BPD include decreased need for sleep
with mania and episodic mood swings lasting days to weeks, both found
in the former. Keep in mind that borderline personality and bipolar disor-
der can coexist and bipolar disorder has been found to be more prevalent
in people with BPD than in people with other personality disorders (13).
Table 10.4 highlights common primary care complaints and comorbid
conditions frequently encountered in patients with personality disorders.
Information about long-standing patterns of behavior, affect,
thought disorder, and behavioral lability can help distinguish between
personality and Axis I disorders. Personality symptoms that only occur
during the course of a diagnosed comorbid psychiatric disorder should
not be diagnosed as a personality disorder. Personality changes caused
by medical conditions (e.g., endocrine disorders, traumatic brain injury,
and seizure disorders) can usually be distinguished by the development
of symptoms with the onset of the medical condition.

CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

Biopsychosocial Treatment
.................................................. The following discussion on the treatment for personality disorders will
focus primarily on paranoid, borderline, antisocial, and dependent per-
sonality disorders, as they are more commonly encountered in the pri-
• Depression
mary care setting.
• Anxiety disorders
• Substance use disorder While psychotherapy remains the mainstay treatment for personality
• Psychotic disorders disorders, medications may facilitate psychotherapy and stabilize a
(e.g., schizophrenia) patient to tolerate the process of psychotherapy (1). No medications
• General medical have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the
treatment of personality disorders, and therefore, all recommendations
• Suicidal intent and plan for medication management are for off-label use only. As a general rule,
medication should be selected to first target the comorbid Axis I psychi-
atric disorder. For paranoid personality disorder, low-dose antipsychotics
may reduce anxiety and paranoid tendencies but patients are often
reluctant to take medications, especially if they believe medications
impair their ability to remain hypervigilant. For dependent personality dis-
order, antidepressants used for comorbid anxiety or depression may
need to be used at higher than usual doses and with a longer treatment
duration to evaluate clinical response. Antidepressants have the poten-
tial to improve assertiveness and outgoing behavior in those who have
dependent personality disorder (1). Antisocial personality disorder is
usually managed by firm limit setting and not with the use of psychiat-
ric medications.


Pharmacotherapeutic options for BPD have been studied more than any
other personality disorder. Although the collective findings are not
robust, it is generally accepted that selective serotonin reuptake inhibi-
tors (SSRIs), mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics provide the greatest
170 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 10.4 Differential Diagnosis of Personality Disorders

Paranoid • Guarded, hypervigilant, anx- Psychotic disorder, which • Depression
ious, irritable/hostile, business- has overt delusional or • Substance use
like, suspect of harm from psychotic content • Obsessive compulsive
clinicians disorder (OCD)
• Preoccupied with justice and • Agoraphobia
Schizoid • Eager for visits to end Avoidant personality
• Offers little comment or disorder, in which
elaboration patients crave intimate
• May delay seeking care until relationships
conditions are advanced
Schizotypal • Odd, peculiar behavior, idio- Psychotic disorder, in which • Depression
syncratic speech/dress a fixed and false belief is
• Difficulty with face-to-face generally bizarre or para-
CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

communication noid in nature

• Eccentric beliefs, paranoid ten-
dencies, may appear guarded
• Uncomfortable with physical
exam, especially gynecologic/
rectal exams
Antisocial • Superficially cooperative and Adult antisocial behavior, • Impulse control
charming which consists of purely disorders
• Impulsive and manipulative criminal behavior • Depression
• Lacking guilt or remorse for • Substance use
behavior • Pathologic gambling
• Little or no regard for the • Anxiety
rights of others • Malingering
• Usually deceitful
Borderline • Interpersonally intense with Bipolar disorder, in which • Substance use
superficial sociability and peri- lability of mood and • Mood disorders
ods of intense anger affect is episodic and (higher risk of
• Idealization/devaluation occurs for days to weeks suicide)
• Impulsive self-destructive (not a fixed personality • Eating disorder
behavior trait) • Posttraumatic stress
• Identity disturbance (unstable disorder
choices in career, sexual orien-
tation, appearance)
Histrionic • Dramatic, exhibitionistic, Borderline personality • Depression
attention seeking disorder, which includes • Somatization
• Avoids/forgets unpleasant feel- an unstable self-image disorder
ings or ideas (such as appoint- and feelings of emptiness
ments, seriousness of medical
• Exaggerated displays of emo-
tion to manipulate/seduce
Narcissistic • Egocentric, entitled, hypersen- Antisocial personality • Depression (especially
sitive to criticism and preoccu- disorder with ‘‘failure’’)
pation with being envied The narcissist knows the • Substance use
• Seek the ‘‘best’’ clinician and rules and thinks he or
demand special attention she is above them; the
• Difficulty accepting diagnoses antisocial does not wish
that are incompatible with to know the rules
their self-image
Avoidant • Extreme sensitivity and fear of Schizoid personality and • Mood disorders
rejection, shy, anxious about social phobia • Social phobia
what others think of them
Chapter 10 Personality Disorders 171

Table 10.4 Differential Diagnosis of Personality Disorders (Continued)

• Reluctant to disagree or ask Avoidant personality
questions disorder shows general
• May delay seeking medical feelings of inadequacy/
care for fear of appearing inferiority/ineptness and
foolish general reluctance to
take risks and engage in
new activities
Dependent • Excessive reliance on others, Histrionic personality • Mood disorders
trying to get others to be disorder • Anxiety disorders
responsible for health care Patients with dependent • Adjustment disorder
(e.g., a diabetic seeks others to traits want attention, but
give insulin injections) are not flamboyant or
• Asks many questions to avoid seductive
terminating the interview
• Brings family or friends to

CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

appointments and inappropri-
ately asks them to provide
answers or decisions
Obsessive • Perfectionistic, obsessed with Obsessive compulsive • Depression
compulsive the ‘‘right’’ way disorder, which, as an • Anxiety disorders
• Facts preferable to emotions Axis I disorder, has spe- • Obsessive compulsive
• Responds negatively to clini- cific obsessions and com- disorder
cian being late pulsions and tends to be
• Keeps detailed notes to track more severe
• May seek opinions from multi-
ple clinician sources

effect in treatment of the disorder (17). Antidepressants may be used to

target depression, rejection sensitivity, anger, and self-harm behavior.
Mood stabilizers and second-generation antipsychotics may be selected
to target affective instability and impulsivity. For paranoia, dissociation,
and other psychotic features, a second-generation antipsychotic may be
prescribed (17, 18). Standard doses for mood stabilizers, antipsychotics,
and antidepressants are recommended (see corresponding chapters on
bipolar, psychotic, and depressive disorders for dosing protocols). Before
prescribing antidepressants, all patients should be thoroughly screened
for a history of mania to avoid iatrogenic induction of a manic or mixed
episode in a patient with an undiagnosed bipolar spectrum disorder.
Patients should also be closely monitored for the presence of suicidal
ideation, intent, and plan upon the initiation of an antidepressant.


The management of patients with personality disorders is challenging
to even the most experienced clinicians. BPD is usually associated with
intense dependency, maladaptive use of self-destructiveness, and alter-
nating idealization and devaluation of interpersonal relationships,
which often generate intense feelings of anger and sometimes inappro-
priate attraction in health care providers. Impulsively acting on these
feelings is counterproductive and can be dangerous as these actions not
172 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 10.5 Using E = MC as Part of the Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder
Empathy – Try to fully understand the details of one’s turbulent and chaotic life.
‘‘Manage,’’ not ‘‘cure’’ – Personalities are formed early and can be difficult to modify. Improvement may be
gradual and temporary with frequent ‘‘relapses’’ of behavior.
Countertransference – Consider why you are feeling a certain way before you respond to a patient.
Comorbidity – Screen for other psychopathology (e.g., mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders).

only jeopardize the therapeutic relationship, but also leave the provider
vulnerable to possible legal or disciplinary action. The clinician should
try to recognize and acknowledge these intense feelings (countertrans-
ference), consult with colleagues, actively set limits, and avoid the
seduction of idealization.
All patients with personality disorders who make ‘‘special’’ demands
CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

should be managed with an explicit explanation of clinic rules (e.g.,

number and frequency of phone calls, length and frequency of appoint-
ments, only seeing the patient in the office) and reasonable expectations
for what the clinician can provide (8). The clinician who tries to meet
unreasonable requests will quickly be dealing with escalating demands.
Limit setting may be challenged and the clinician should remain calm
while repeatedly reinforcing clear boundaries. The E ¼ MC2 mnemonic
for treatment of BPD can be used to minimize frustration and facilitate
the delivery of compassionate and effective care for patients with per-
sonality disorders (Table 10.5).
Shaping of patient behavior through positive reinforcement is possi-
ble and rewards for desirable behavior should be clear and consistent.
Similarly, negative consequences for harmful behaviors should be
explicit and enforceable. In order to prevent impulsive and self-
destructive behaviors, the provider should encourage the patient to put
feelings into words rather than counterproductive actions. Rage and
aggression are common problems in patients with cluster B personality
disorders, and the clinician should identify underlying anger in the
behavior of patients, tolerate patient tirades when they are not abusive,
and redirect aggression to healthy and adaptive outlets such as hobbies
or leisure activities.

The best long-term treatment for personality disordered patients is
psychotherapy, and several evidence-based studies demonstrate the
efficacy of specific psychotherapies for borderline, narcissistic, and
dependent personality disordered patients (14, 15). BPD patients benefit
from both dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a form of cognitive behav-
ioral therapy that also utilizes mindfulness meditation techniques, and
from transference-based psychodynamic psychotherapy.
DBT involves once-weekly group and once-weekly individual therapy
focused on optimizing coping skills and modifying maladaptive behav-
iors. The initial goal of DBT is to reduce ‘‘para-suicidal’’ behaviors, such
Chapter 10 Personality Disorders 173

as cutting and self-mutilation, while progressing to the development of

behaviors that further improve the quality of life. A firm, detailed, and
explicit treatment contract is established with the patient that addresses
attendance, vacations, homework, and boundary issues such as limits
on extra sessions and telephone and e-mail contact. DBT is highly struc-
tured and compels the patient to identify deficits, learn skills, and apply
these skills to replace dysfunctional behaviors that the patient has
developed in response to intense emotional dysregulation and conflicts
in relationships.
Transference-based psychodynamic psychotherapy is also an effec-
tive treatment for BPD. This type of psychotherapy involves once- or
twice-weekly individual therapy that is mainly focused on the patient’s
internal experiences and relationships. Both psychotherapeutic
approaches usually take place outside of the primary care setting and
require a mental health referral with long-term treatment. Patients with
dependent personality disorder benefit from individual and group psy-

CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

chotherapy using supportive psychotherapy techniques that teach,
model, and reinforce adaptive coping skills and discourage maladaptive
behaviors. Paranoid and antisocial personality disorders are difficult to
treat and do not typically respond to psychotherapy. In most primary
care settings, psychotherapy requires a referral to mental health profes-
sionals, although certain techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT) may be useful in clinical encounters.

Whenever possible, it is important to include the patient’s family and
support network as part of the treatment plan. With due diligence to
.................................................. patient privacy, educating the patient and his or her caregivers about the
WHEN TO REFER nature of behavioral patterns related to a personality disorder may assist
.................................................. the patient in anticipating and avoiding some of the more harmful conse-
• Persistently negative
quences. As mentioned previously, it is often an enormous relief to
thoughts and feelings
(countertransference) can patients when they are informed about their diagnosis of BPD. Caregivers
cause significant angst and friends may have greater patience and sympathy for the patient’s
among providers who
care for patients with frustrating behaviors if the nature of the illness is explained to them.
severe personality disor- Involved family and friends may also need to learn about boundaries and
ders and, in cases like how not to overreact when the patient seems out of control.
these, referrals for psychi-
atric consultation and Community organizations, such as the National Alliance on Mental Ill-
treatment are usually ness (NAMI), offer additional support and education for patients and their
families. Support groups, where a patient can meet others who share sim-
• Psychiatric referrals ilar difficulties, provide the additive advantage of peer-to-peer feedback.
should be made when a
personality disorder co- For BPD, dialectical behavioral therapy groups are becoming more popular
occurs with one or more in both public mental health systems and in the private sector.
comorbid Axis I disorders
• High risk for suicide or
Practice Pointers
• Need for ongoing individ- Case 1: Borderline personality disorder diagnosis
ual or group CBT, DBT,
A 21-year-old female college student presents to your continuity clinic. She has
and other
psychotherapies been the patient of one of your partners for 2 years and states, ‘‘He was horrible
and didn’t understand me.’’ She complains of anxiety due to recent fights with
174 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

her boyfriend and also describes feeling as though she’s ‘‘not good enough’’ for
her boyfriend. Toward the end of the interview, she says, ‘‘My boyfriend will
regret it if anything happens to me.’’ She denies any history of manic or psy-
chotic symptoms and denies drug or alcohol use.
The physical examination shows an attractive, well-developed, well-nourished
woman with superficial, healing, linear scratches and scars on her left forearm.
Upon questioning, she admits that she has inflicted these wounds herself when
she got upset. She denies any suicidal ideation, but admits to having overdosed on
medications in the past. She says she slept for a day and a half and did not seek
medical attention.
After completing the exam, you advise the patient that you feel she needs a
referral for mental health care. She responds positively, but asks for your direct phone
number and pager in case she ‘‘has any emergency meltdowns.’’ The following Friday
you are paged by the triage nurse because the patient is agitated in the lobby and
demanding to see you. After ushering her into an exam room, the patient bursts into
tears and says that her boyfriend broke up with her and that she wants to kill herself.
She knows you can help her because ‘‘you’re the best doctor I’ve ever had!’’

Discussion: This patient presents with a history and several symptoms that are con-
CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

sistent with BPD: female gender, unstable relationships and self-image, affective
lability, suicidal and para-suicidal gestures, and idealization intermixed with devalua-
tion of her physicians. She does not admit to comorbid substance use and denies any
episodic symptoms of mania that would suggest bipolar disorder. She denies a his-
tory of domestic violence but remains at risk for such due to her refusal to be ‘‘aban-
doned.’’ She could be further evaluated for posttraumatic stress disorder.
Her presentation of suicidal ideation following a break-up demonstrates a frantic
attempt to avoid abandonment. This represents her intolerance and inability to cope
with being ‘‘left alone.’’ She has responded the only way she knows how—with
thoughts of ending her life. If truly suicidal, the patient may need an emergency psy-
chiatric evaluation and consideration for an involuntary psychiatric hospitalization. If
she is able to articulate a plan for safety as an alternative to suicide (such as staying
with family and calling a crisis line with worsening symptoms) and is able to calmly
discuss her alternatives rationally, an involuntary hold may be averted.
Your availability to this patient should be limited to what is the standard within
your practice. The patient should be given clear instructions about how to contact
you and not be given special treatment, as this will only increase her maladaptive
dependency. Patients with BPD can present with multiple challenges that may inter-
mittently ‘‘test’’ provider responses and limits. Be careful not to impulsively retaliate
to such ‘‘tests,’’ as many BPD patients are highly sensitive to perceived abandonment.
However, if the patient is in clear violation of prespecified expectations, this needs
to be explained and boundaries firmly reinforced. Once referred, you should remain
in contact with her mental health professional to discuss risky behaviors or warning
signs. Successful long-term management may be achieved with concurrent treatment
of comorbid Axis I disorders and participation in a psychotherapy program.

Case 2: An unreasonable request for pain killers

A 32-year-old man presents to an urgent care clinic with new-onset back pain.
He states that he was lifting boxes at work yesterday and experienced sudden
pain in his lower back. He denies any neurologic symptoms and jokes about how
he got his injury, though grimaces when describing the pain. Physical exam is
significant for normal vital signs and mild tenderness in the right L4–L5 paraspi-
nous muscles, but strength, reflexes, and sensation are intact. The straight leg
raise test is negative.
You explain that he has an acute back strain and recommend conservative
management (e.g., rest, no heavy lifting for 3 weeks, and nonnarcotic analgesic
medications). He thanks you for your advice, but asks if he can have ‘‘something
Chapter 10 Personality Disorders 175

stronger’’ for the pain and hands you some disability forms. You give him a pre-
scription for 10 hydrocodone/acetaminophen tablets and complete the disability
forms. Two days later you receive a message from the patient that he lost the
prescription before he could get it filled, but thinks he might need more than
10 pills since he has not been able to sleep. You advise him to return to the
urgent care clinic for re-evaluation.
On exam, he is still limping and his physical examination is unchanged. He
says he has a ‘‘high tolerance’’ to pain medications. You see a previous note that
shows the patient reported a bottle of opioid analgesics stolen by a friend. You
explain that you cannot write for more hydrocodone and again recommend con-
servative management. He responds by snarling, ‘‘I told you, that’s not enough
and I will do what I need to do to get it!’’

Discussion: Acute low back strain is one of the most common presenting problems
in primary care. Certainly not all patients with this presentation will be behaviorally
problematic. However, this patient displays a superficial charm and pleasantness that
quickly fades when he does not achieve his own goals. He implies a superiority or
‘‘specialness’’ when speaking of his high tolerance to pain medications. Upon being

CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

challenged, he escalates to threatening behavior and the provider should make
safety the number one priority. Every clinic should have policies about the manage-
ment of potentially violent patients. Being sympathetic to reasonable complaints or
expressing regret about the inability to fulfill unreasonable requests may diffuse
some anger. However, if a patient is unable or unwilling to calm down so that his
complaints can be addressed, the clinician should have a low threshold to leave the
exam room and seek assistance. If a patient becomes threatening, the office staff
should contact a peace officer.
Patients with antisocial personality disorder are at high risk for substance abuse
and dependence. If an opioid analgesic is warranted, providers should require a
narcotic contract. Giving into the unreasonable demands of patients who have anti-
social personality disorder will only feed into their feeling of superiority and
increase their incentive to threaten or manipulate other providers (and the health
care system) in the future. Providers should realize that they cannot meet all the
demands of patients with antisocial personality disorder, nor would it be appropri-
ate to do so.

Case 3: ‘‘I’m just too weak’’

A 57-year-old woman, well known to you as a long-standing patient with hyper-
tension and osteoporosis, comes into clinic for follow-up. At her last visit 3 weeks
ago, she reported abdominal pain and dizziness. Today she says the abdominal
pain has improved, but she still has dizziness and now complains of feeling
weak. Review of systems is otherwise unremarkable; she denies feeling
depressed, but admits she is feeling anxious about her physical problems. For
the very first time, she presents with a walker and is unable to explain why she
is using it. Her vital signs are normal and virtually unchanged from her previous
visit. Although her leg strength is 5/5, she still ambulates with difficulty, stating,
‘‘I’m just too weak.’’
You explain that her examination is normal and that you cannot provide an
explanation for her dizziness and weakness. However, she refuses to walk with-
out the walker, and insists there must be something wrong. Her daughter has
accompanied her to today’s appointment and asks you to do something because
the patient has been calling her several times a day to complain about the dizzi-
ness, but adds that she has consistently called her about trivial issues nearly
every day for over 30 years.

Discussion: Patients with dependent personality disorder can be challenging for

caregivers and providers alike due to their constant need for reassurance. This
176 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

patient has become hypervigilant about symptoms that remain unexplained. Her
refusal to walk unfortunately compounds the problem because she may develop
deconditioning. It may be helpful to establish regularly scheduled brief visits for
patients with dependent personality disorder to provide a predetermined time to dis-
cuss problems rather than them coming in urgently (and frequently) for every worry.
Since psychiatric comorbidity is high with people who have dependent personal-
ity disorder, the AMPS screening tool should be used to assess for anxiety, mood, psy-
chotic, or substance use disorders. In this case, the patient may additionally have a
depressive or an anxiety disorder and should be treated accordingly.

Paranoid Personality Disorder 301.0
Schizoid Personality Disorder 301.20
Schizotypal Personality Disorder 301.22
Antisocial Personality Disorder 301.7
Borderline Personality Disorder 301.83
Histrionic Personality Disorder 301.50
CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

Avoidant Personality Disorder 301.82

Dependent Personality Disorder 301.6
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder 301.4
Personality Disorder NOS 301.9
Narcissistic Personality Disorder 301.81

Practical Resources
National Institute of Mental Health:

1. American Psychiatric Association. Personality disorders. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000:685.

2. Oldham JM, Skodol AE, Bender DS, eds. Textbook of Personality Disorders. Washington, DC: American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2005.

3. Hueston WJ, Werth J, Mainous AG. Personality disorder traits: prevalence and effects on health sta-
tus in primary care patients. Int J Psychiatry Med. 1999;29:63–74.

4. Casey PR, Tyrer P. Personality disorder and psychiatric illness in general practice. Br J Psychiatry. 1990;

5. Hueston WJ, Mainous AG, Schilling R. Patients with personality disorders: functional status, health
care utilization, and satisfaction with care. J Fam Pract. 1996;42(1):54–60.

6. Shea MT, Pilkonis PA, Beckham E, et al. Personality disorders and treatment outcome in the NIMH
treatment of depression collaborative research program. Am J Psychiatry. 1990;147(6):711–718.

7. Groves JE. Taking care of the hateful patient. N Engl J Med. 1978;298(16):883–887.

8. Devens M. Personality disorders. Prim Care. 2007;34(3):623–640.

9. Rost KM, Akin RN, Brown FW, et al. The comorbidity of DSM-III-TR personality disorders in somati-
zation disorder. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1992;14(5):322–326.

10. Grant BF, Stintson FS, Dawson DA, et al. Co-occurrence of 12-month alcohol and drug use disorders
and personality disorders in the United States. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2004;61:361–368.

11. Gross R, Olfson M, Gameroff M, et al. Borderline personality disorder in primary care. Arch Intern
Med. 2002;162(1):53–60.

12. Grilo CM, Shea MT, Sanislow CA, et al. Two-year stability and change of schizotypal, borderline,
avoidant, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2004;72(5):767–775.
Chapter 10 Personality Disorders 177

13. Gunderson JG, Weinberg I, Daversa MT, et al. Descriptive and longitudinal observations on the
relationship of borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 2006;163(7):

14. Linehan MM, Comtois KA, Murray AM, et al. Two year randomized controlled trial and follow-up of
dialectical behavior therapy vs therapy by experts for suicidal behaviors and borderline personality
disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006;63(7):757–766.

15. Clarkin JF, Levy KN, Lenzenwger MF, et al. Evaluating three treatments for borderline personality
disorder: a multiwave study. Am J Psychiatry. 2007;164(6):922–928.

16. Monsen J, Odland T, Faugli A, et al. Personality disorders and psychosocial changes after intensive
psychotherapy: a prospective follow-up study of an outpatient psychotherapy project, 5 years after
end of treatment. Scand J Psychol. 1995;36(3):256–268.

17. American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines. Practice guideline for the treatment of
patients with borderline personality disorder. American Psychiatric Association. Am J Psychiatry.
2001;158(10 Suppl):1–52.

18. Nose, M, Cipriani A, Biancosino B, et al. Efficacy of pharmacotherapy against core traits of border-
line personality disorder: meta-analysis or randomized controlled trials. Int Clin Psychopharmacol.

CHAPTER 10 Personality Disorders

11 Cultural Considerations
in Primary Care
Alan Koike, MD, MSHS • Hendry Ton, MD, MS • David
Gellerman, MD, PhD • Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, MD, PhD •
Russell F. Lim, MD

... ... Clinical Significance

A 35-year-old Hmong woman presents to a primary care
... ...
Ethnic minority populations are
CHAPTER 11 Cultural Considerations

clinic with complaints of ‘‘whole body pain,’’ fatigue, and

... ...
growing at a tremendous rate in the
... poor sleep. Further inquiries reveal that she has six children ...
United States. Unfortunately, the
...between the ages of 3 and 12, and that she is unable to get ...
out of bed to prepare meals for her family. She speaks ...
growth of health care professionals
Hmong and has had no formal education. She does not
from some minority groups (e.g., Afri-
... ...
can Americans, Latinos, and Native
speak, read, or write English. She is an animist (believes ...
Americans) is not commensurate
that animals, plants, rocks, the wind, and water have souls) ...
with their representation in the gen-
and complains about a ‘‘dab’’ or unwanted ‘‘spirit’’ that is
... eral population (2). As the primary...
bothering her and causing her to feel ill. care patient population becomes
increasingly diverse, it is essential
that clinicians better prepare them-
selves to work with patients from different cultural and linguistic back-
grounds. Primary care providers face daunting challenges in providing
culturally and linguistically competent care to diverse patient populations.
The failure to consider a patient’s cultural, spiritual, and linguistic issues
can result in a variety of adverse consequences, including miscommunica-
• Unexplained somatic
complaints are commonly
tion, poor continuity of care, less preventive screening, difficulties with
endorsed by immigrant informed consent, reduced access to care, use of harmful remedies,
and refugee patients, delayed immunizations, and fewer necessary prescriptions (3).
and may be signs of a
mental disorder. The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) groundbreaking report, Unequal
• Spiritual beliefs and prac-
Treatment, found that racial and ethnic minorities—even those with
tices are important to equivalent access to health services—receive lower quality of care than
many patients and should nonminorities for several medical conditions (4). These disparities in
be assessed and
addressed in order to health care are associated with worse outcomes and increased mortal-
optimize treatment. ity. In the area of mental health, the Surgeon General’s Supplement to
• Language barriers can the Report on Mental Health, entitled Mental Health: Culture, Race and Eth-
adversely influence the nicity, identified striking disparities in mental health care for racial and
development of an accu-
rate diagnosis and treat- ethnic minorities (5). It reported that minorities have less access, avail-
ment plan. When ability, and quality of mental health services. The report further states
possible, translators
should be used during
that a consequence of this disparity is that racial and ethnic minorities
bear a disproportionate burden of disability from untreated and
Chapter 11 Cultural Considerations in Primary Care Psychiatry 179

inadequately treated mental health problems. The key message of the

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS report is that culture counts!
(Continued) Culture influences many aspects of health care, including how
examinations to decrease patients recognize, acknowledge, and cope with their symptoms; com-
the chance for
miscommunication. municate with their providers; accept treatment; and access support
systems. A new report by The Joint Commission titled Hospitals, Lan-
• The Diagnostic and Statis-
tical Manual of Mental guage, and Culture: A Snapshot of the Nation recommends that providers
Disorders, 4th edition, make efforts to address language and cultural issues that create chal-
text revision (DSM-IV-TR)
Outline for Cultural For- lenges to delivering safe and effective care to diverse populations in the
mulation (OCF) is a useful United States (6). Additionally, spirituality is an often overlooked aspect
tool for assessing cultural
of culture. Spiritual beliefs and practices are important to most patients,
and linguistic issues (1).
yet physicians are often unsure how to address these issues in the con-
text of primary care. This chapter aims to help providers assess spiritu-
ality in medical settings, understand the importance of language access
in medical care, and provides the OCF as a way to incorporate culture
into clinical practice.

CHAPTER 11 Cultural Considerations

Spirituality in Medical Care
The United States is home to a number of diverse religious faiths (7).
Surveys have found that 95% of people in the United States believe in
God and 84% of Americans claim that religion is important in their lives
(8). In the last two decades, the importance of religious faith and spiritu-
ality in medicine has been increasingly recognized, such that addressing
spirituality in medical education and care is mandated by numerous
institutions (9).
Several studies suggest that many patients prefer a clinician who is
accepting and attentive to their religious or spiritual beliefs (10). Most
patients seem to want their providers to inquire into coping and means
of social support and, when indicated, be willing to participate in a spiri-
tually oriented discussion. Patient preferences regarding different spirit-
ual interventions vary depending on the severity of the medical illness
as well as the medical setting. For example, studies indicate that most
patients do not want a clinician to inquire about their religious beliefs
during a routine office visit, but in the context of dying, most would
welcome such a discussion (7). In addition, patients’ spiritual or reli-
gious faith may play a role in their medical decision making, such as
consideration of blood transfusions, planning an advance directive, or
considering do not resuscitate (DNR) status.


A spiritual history is easily incorporated into the social history. Consid-
ering time constraints, a spiritual history should be direct and brief,
but elicit sufficient information to determine whether more time is
needed for a more in-depth discussion. We also suggest that primary
care clinicians incorporate a spiritual history into new patient evalua-
tions and hospital admissions, and to review the spiritual history
should there be significant changes in a patient’s overall health status
or social circumstances. For example, the clinician may ask, ‘‘You
180 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 11.1 SPIRIT

S: Spiritual belief system
P: Personal spirituality
I: Importance of spirituality in your life
R: Ritualized practices and restrictions
I: Implications for medical care
T: Terminal events planning

From Maugans TA. The SPIRITual history. Arch Fam Med. 1996;5:11–16.

mentioned earlier how difficult it has been to deal with diabetes and
some of the associated pain symptoms. When you’re feeling particu-
larly ill, what keeps you going? Do you consider yourself a religious or
spiritual person?’’
Several screening tools can be used in the primary care setting to
CHAPTER 11 Cultural Considerations

help obtain a spiritual history. We recommend using the SPIRIT ques-

tionnaire because it is brief, easy for patients to complete, and will usu-
ally provide useful information to the treating clinician (Table 11.1) (11).
The inclusion of the spiritual history in primary care assessments
will likely enhance the clinician–patient relationship, expand healthy
coping strategies, and improve overall patient care. It is important to
recognize recent changes in a patient’s perceived religiosity, faith, or
church attendance, as these may indicate depression or other mental
health disorders. Inquiry into spiritual beliefs and practices should not
suggest that clinicians act as spiritual care providers. Physicians are not
trained to provide pastoral or spiritual care per se, although encouraging
and supporting beliefs and practices already identified by the patient
typically would not disrupt or impose upon the clinician–patient rela-
tionship (7).

Language: A Hidden Barrier to Quality Care

The Census 2000 revealed that nearly 20% of U.S. residents speak a lan-
guage other than English when at home. Within this group, nearly 45%
speak English ‘‘less than very well’’ (12). This means that persons with
limited English proficiency (LEP) are not able to speak, read, write, or
understand the English language at a level that allows them to interact
effectively with health care providers (13). Limited or lack of communi-
cation in health care is associated with disparities in access to services
as well as in diagnosis and treatment (4). Research has repeatedly
shown that language barriers impede access, compromise quality of
care, and increase the risk of adverse health outcomes among patients
with LEP. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires health systems
that are recipients of federal financial assistance to provide persons
with LEP meaningful access to programs and free language services.
Despite this, language barriers continue to be an important obstacle to
appropriate care and wide gaps persist due to extra costs and limited
availability of interpreters.
Chapter 11 Cultural Considerations in Primary Care Psychiatry 181

Table 11.2 How to Work Effectively with an Interpreter

1. Greet the patient first, then introduce yourself to the interpreter
2. Speak at an even pace and pause after a full thought
3. Assume that everything you say will be interpreted
4. If you must address the interpreter about an issue, let the patient know
what you are going to be discussing
5. Avoid the use of slang, technical medical terminology, and complicated
6. Ask the interpreter to point out potential cultural misunderstandings that
may occur
7. Do not hold the interpreter responsible for what the patient says or doesn’t
8. Be aware that many concepts have no linguistic or conceptual equivalent in
other languages

Adapted from Cynthia E. Roat, MPH, Communicating Effectively through an Interpreter, from
the Cross Cultural Health Care Program, December 2007.

CHAPTER 11 Cultural Considerations

Because one out of six U.S. residents speaks a language other than Eng-
lish, high-quality medical care cannot be provided without proper lan-
guage access. Qualified interpreters are an integral part of the clinical
team and should be respected as part of the health care team. Interpret-
ing involves special skills beyond fluency in another language. Inter-
preters should be trained and fluent in both the source and target
language. Untrained interpreters are at high risk for adding or omitting
information, changing the message, or giving inappropriate opinions.
Using family members and children as interpreters should be avoided.
Other helpful tips for utilizing interpreters in the primary care setting
are included in Table 11.2.
When possible, practitioners should use certified translators because
a poorly trained interpreter, or the use of a family member as an inter-
preter often results in poor communication and the development of an
ineffective treatment plan (14). Providers should also be trained as early
in their training as possible to work with interpreters (15). When possi-
ble, health care financing policies should reinforce existing medical
research and legal policies. Payers, including Medicaid, Medicare, and
private insurers, should develop mechanisms to reimburse for interpre-
tation services for patients who speak limited English (16).

The Outline for Cultural Formulation

Many providers recognize that cultural issues may play an important
role in interactions with patients, yet feel ill equipped to address these
concerns. The complexity of the interplay between culture and illness
can make this process overwhelming. Factual knowledge about cultural
groups, while essential, can have limited utility without a framework to
organize and to make sense of the information. The OCF, first intro-
duced in 1994, provides clinicians with a systematic approach for
assessing the impact of culture on illness and treatment (1). The OCF
is made up of five components: (1) cultural identity of the patient,
182 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

(2) cultural explanations of the patient’s illness, (3) psychosocial envi-

ronment and levels of functioning, (4) clinician–patient relationship, and
(5) overall assessment and treatment plan. This section reviews these
different components and offers high-yield questions that can be uti-
lized to elicit important but often overlooked information.

Cultural identity refers to the multifaceted set of identities that contrib-
ute to an individual’s understanding of and interactions with his or her
environment. While ethnicity is an important part of cultural identity,
other factors such as religious and spiritual beliefs, country of origin, sex-
ual orientation, and socioeconomic status may be as or more important
to any given person. A devoutly Catholic man born and raised in the
Philippines, for example, may have a very different perspective on abor-
tion than an atheist Filipino woman born and raised in the United States.
There are several reasons for assessing a patient’s cultural identity. Pro-
CHAPTER 11 Cultural Considerations

viders gain a better understanding of the patient as a whole person and

his or her sociocultural environment. This assessment also helps to iden-
tify potential resilience factors and risk factors. Providers may identify
conflicting roles that lead to ambivalence or psychosocial distress.
Finally, inquiries into areas of identity that are meaningful to the patient
help to improve rapport. Table 11.3, Section A, suggests some high-yield
questions that may be used to assess the patient’s cultural identity.


Primary care providers should be aware that patients may have other
explanations for their illnesses that differ from Western medical con-
cepts. Asian models, for example, often include explanations that imbal-
ances of hot and cold energy may cause illnesses, which can be cured
by eating foods to make up for the imbalance. Other cultural explana-
tory models may include supernatural causes, such as spirits, ‘‘mal de

Table 11.3 High-Yield Questions

A. Questions to assess cultural identity
1. Do you identify with a particular culture or religion?
2. Where were you born and raised? How did you come to live in this area?
3. How comfortable do you feel with being part of ‘‘mainstream American’’ culture?
4. Please describe the significant activities and groups in your life.
B. Questions to assess the psychosocial environment
1. Who are the important people in your life?
2. How much do you involve others when making health care decisions?
3. What would your family expect of you if you were well?
4. Do you have any contact with the community?
C. Questions to assist the therapeutic relationship
1. In what language do you prefer to communicate?
2. Some people prefer to see a provider from their own cultural group, and we are happy to honor their
preference when we can. What are your preferences with regard to having a provider?
3. As your doctor, it is important for me to treat you with respect. Are there things that are done in
your culture to convey respect? What things would be considered disrespectful for a provider to do?
Chapter 11 Cultural Considerations in Primary Care Psychiatry 183

Table 11.4 Kleinman’s Eight Patient-Directed Questions

1. What do you think has caused your problem?
2. Why do you think it started when it did?
3. What do you think your sickness does to you? How does it work?
4. How severe is your sickness? Will it have a short or long course?
5. What kind of treatment should you receive?
6. What are the most important results you hope to receive from this
7. What are the chief problems your sickness has caused for you?
8. What do you fear most about your sickness?

Kleinman A. The Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing and the Human Conditions.
Basic Books; 1988:43–44.

ojo,’’ (evil eye), or ‘‘susto’’ (soul death). Thus, patients may not adhere to
their treatment regimens because it does not make sense with their

CHAPTER 11 Cultural Considerations

explanation of illness. Arthur Kleinman suggested that clinicians should
try to elicit the patient’s ‘‘explanatory model’’ of the illness (17). He
developed eight questions that can be helpful in discussing unique cul-
tural aspects of illness (Table 11.4). Once the patient’s explanatory
model is understood, clinicians can develop a collaborative approach
that bridges the cultural divide, show an understanding of the patient’s
point of view, and negotiate an acceptable treatment plan, which will
increase both the relevance of and adherence to treatment.


The third component of the OCF can be thought of as stressors and sup-
ports for the patient, and can be conceptualized as the role that the
patient plays in his or her family and community. Examples of roles
that patients could play include the primary breadwinner, parental care-
giver, childcare provider, dutiful child, cultural broker, and interpreter.
The shame and stigma of mental illness can limit patients’ willingness
to access community resources because they have to reveal that they
have a mental illness. Clinicians need to assess which patients can be
referred to programs within their communities and which can or need
to be managed by resources outside of the patient’s cultural group. It is
important to explore with patients their sources of support and what
options they have to relieve their stress. Also relevant to the level of
functioning and psychosocial environment is who makes decisions
about health care. A patient from an individualistic culture may prefer
to have more decision-making power, whereas one from a collectivistic
culture may be inclined to have family members actively involved in his
or her health care decisions. See Table 11.3, Section B, for questions to
assess the psychosocial environment.


Stereotypes, cultural misunderstandings, and conflicts in world views
that impact social relationships outside of the health care environment
play significant roles in the clinical exchange. It is important to be
184 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 11.5 Using the Outline for Cultural Formulation

• Identify salient features of cultural identity
- Encourages patient’s active participation
- Is an effective way to build rapport
- Helps to inform the rest of the cultural formulation
• Develop collaborative explanatory models
- Improves relevancy of treatment
- Improves adherence to treatment
• Clarify psychosocial context
- Identifies key decision makers
- Clarifies decision-making process
• Examine the impact of the cultural similarities and differences between you
and the patient
- Appreciation of one’s own cultural identity and history is the foundation to
connect with another’s

aware of the influence of these cultural factors on the patient–provider

CHAPTER 11 Cultural Considerations

relationship. Part of this process requires providers to honestly examine

their own cultural identity and beliefs to identify assumptions, biases,
and cultural blind spots as well as cultural strengths. See Table 11.3,
Section C, for questions to assess the therapeutic relationship.


The overall assessment should include the key issues identified in the
previous four sections of the cultural formulation (Table 11.5). Treat-
ment planning should incorporate strategies that address culturally
based problems or build upon cultural strengths.

Practice Pointers
Case 1: Using the Outline for Cultural Formulation
A 35-year-old Hmong woman presents to a primary care clinic with complaints
of ‘‘whole body pain,’’ fatigue, and poor sleep. Further inquiries reveal that she
has six children between the ages of 3 and 12, and that she is unable to get out
of bed to prepare meals for her family. She speaks Hmong, and has had no for-
mal education. She does not speak, read, or write English. She is an animist
(believes that animals, plants, rocks, the wind, and water have souls) and com-
plains about a ‘‘dab’’ or unwanted ‘‘spirit’’ that is bothering her and causing her
to feel ill. She grew up in Laos, lived in a refugee camp in Thailand from 1977 to
2005, and migrated to the United States in 2005.

Discussion: Case 1 can be used to briefly illustrate how the OCF can be used as a
guide to assess a patient’s culture and its influence on the clinical encounter.
Cultural identity: The primary care provider has determined that her patient strongly
identifies with the Hmong culture, and as part of that culture, has animist religious
beliefs. The patient feels her most meaningful activity in life is caring for her children
and her ability to do so has been significantly compromised by her illness.
Cultural explanations of the patient’s illness: During the interview, the doctor finds
that the patient had recently been to a shaman who explained that a malevolent spi-
rit, or ‘‘dab,’’ is causing her illness. She participated in a shaman ritual to rid her of
the evil spirit and has experienced some modest relief since then. The doctor now
recognizes that the patient’s explanation of her illness is different from his, and that
Chapter 11 Cultural Considerations in Primary Care Psychiatry 185

the patient has had very little contact with or understanding of Western medicine. In
addition, the patient is unfamiliar with concepts of mental illness such as depression.
Psychosocial environment and level of functioning: The patient states that her family
is the most important thing in her life, and that she feels grateful for the members
who have brought her to various healers. She states that her family knows what is best
for her in these situations. The clinician understands the need to work closely with the
patient’s family, as they are her sole source of support, and makes a referral to a local
community social service agency that has experience working with Hmong refugees.
The therapeutic relationship: The patient was evaluated with a Hmong-speaking
interpreter. Although the doctor is not Hmong, she reassures the patient that she will
do her best to try to understand how her cultural beliefs might affect her physical and
emotional health. She then asks the patient and the family to teach her about the
concept of ‘‘dab’’ and the role of the shaman in Hmong culture.
Overall cultural assessment: Given her cultural identity and recent immigration to the
United States, the doctor hypothesized that the patient was not familiar with Western
medical concepts. She recognized the importance of having family present to discuss
treatment planning and obtained a release of information from the patient to be able
to involve the family. The provider also acknowledged significant losses and stresses

CHAPTER 11 Cultural Considerations

that the patient experienced at the refugee camps and expressed a commitment to do
what she could as a doctor to help alleviate some of the physical and emotional suf-
fering caused by those experiences.

Case 2: Anxiety, chest pain, and the need for an interpreter

A 28-year-old Mexican man presents to an emergency room with chest pain. He
has no previous history of heart disease and is otherwise healthy. His electrocar-
diogram (ECG) indicates a normal sinus rhythm and cardiac enzymes are within
normal limits. He is able to speak some English and give brief responses to ques-
tions. He is able to communicate his imminent fear of dying, but it is difficult to
get a more detailed history due to the patient’s LEP.

Discussion: While it is tempting to obtain the patient’s history in English, his LEP
makes it essential that the hospital find a qualified Spanish-speaking interpreter. A
professional interpreter is provided and the patient reports that he has had brief epi-
sodes of chest pain for the past few months. Through the interpreter, you learn that
his chest pain starts while he is at rest and is associated with intense anxiety, short-
ness of breath, tachycardia, and tingling of the extremities, all with a duration of 20
minutes. His symptoms are consistent with panic disorder.
The key to this case is the access to a qualified professional interpreter, which
allows the clinician to make the proper diagnosis of panic disorder. The OCF can
then be used to identify other cultural aspects relevant to the patient’s care.

Case 3: Cultural considerations and medical decisions

A 25-year-old married, Farsi-speaking, Afghan woman presents to an urgent care
clinic with complaints of difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, and a choking
sensation for the past few months. Upon questioning, she reports other problems
including a depressed mood and insomnia as well as decreased energy, concentra-
tion, and appetite. She is a mother of two small children and is now 12 weeks
pregnant. She feels overwhelmed by the prospect of having another child. The
patient is Muslim, but she wants an abortion despite her religious beliefs. Her hus-
band is adamantly opposed to an abortion, stating that ‘‘it would be a sin.’’

Discussion: If possible, the clinic should obtain a Farsi-speaking interpreter. In this

case, the interpreter is a college-educated Iranian American woman, who was born
in the United States. A spiritual assessment reveals that the patient is a Sunni-
Muslim, but she does not consider herself very religious. While her religion could be
a source of support, she feels estranged from her religious leaders because of her
wish to have an abortion and does not feel that she can confide in them.
186 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

The patient comes from a male-dominated culture in which the husband is the
decision maker of the family, and in which there would be dire consequences if the
patient were to act against his wishes. This situation will not be resolved in one visit.
At subsequent visits, the provider initially meets with the patient individually, and
then brings in the husband to jointly discuss the treatment plan. The physician is
aware of the potential cultural differences between the well-educated Farsi-speaking
Iranian American interpreter and the Afghan patient and discusses these issues with
the interpreter. The physician also reflects on his own feelings regarding abortion and
his discomfort with cultures that he perceives as oppressive to women. Recognizing
the complex moral and ethical issues of this case, the provider should try to obtain
consultation from colleagues and community members familiar with Afghan culture.

Practical Resources
Resources for spiritual issues:
University of Washington School of Medicine:
United States Department of Health and Human Services:
CHAPTER 11 Cultural Considerations

1. American Psychiatric Association. Outline for cultural formulation and glossary of culture-bound
syndromes. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington,
DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000.

2. Smedley BD, Butler AS, Bristow LR, eds. In the Nation’s Compelling Interest: Ensuring Diversity in the
Health Care Workforce. Committee on Institutional and Policy-Level Strategies for Increasing the Diversity of
the U.S. Health Care Workforce. Washington, DC: National Academies; 2004.

3. Flores G, Rabke-Verani J, Pine W, et al. The importance of cultural and linguistic issues in the emer-
gency care of children. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2002;18(4):271–284.

4. Smedley BD, Stith AY, Nelson AR, eds. Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in
Health Care. Washington, DC: National Academies; 2002.

5. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS). Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity:
A Supplement to Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of the Surgeon General; 2001.

6. Wilson-Stronks A, Galvez E. Hospitals, Language, and Culture: A Snapshot of the Nation. Oakbrook Ter-
race, IL: The Joint Commission; 2007.

7. Koenig HG. Spirituality and Patient Care: Why, How, When, and What. Philadelphia: Templeton Founda-
tion Press; 2002.

8. Gallup G. Religion in America—50 years, 1935-1985. The Gallup Report. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Religion
Research Center; 1985.

9. Pulchaski C. Spiritual Assessment in clinical practice. Psychiatry Ann 2006;36:150–155.

10. Hebert RS, Jenckes MW, Ford DF, et al. Patient perspectives on spirituality and the patient-physician
relationship. J Gen Intern Med. 2001;16:685–692.

11. Maugans TA. The SPIRITual history. Arch Fam Med. 1996;5:11–16.

12. Shin HB, Bruno R. Language use and English-speaking ability: 2000. Census 2000 Brief. Washington,
DC: U.S. Census Bureau; 2003.

13. Office of Civil Rights. 2002. Guidance to federal financial assistance recipients regarding Title VI pro-
hibition against national origin discrimination affecting limited English proficient persons. http:// Accessed December 23, 2007.

14. Brafman AH. Beware of the distorting interpreter. BMJ. 1995;311(7004):1439.

15. Phelan M, Parkman S. How to work with an interpreter. BMJ. 1995;311(7004):555.

16. Ku L, Flores G. Pay now or pay later: providing interpreter services in health care. Health Aff
(Millwood). 2005;24(2):435–444.

17. Kleinman A. The Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing and the Human Conditions. New York: Basic Books; 1988:
12 Geriatric Psychiatry—
Andreea L. Seritan, MD • Michael K. McCloud, MD, FACP
• Ladson Hinton, MD

... ... Clinical Significance

A 70-year-old man of Middle Eastern descent with limited
... English skills presents to the geriatric clinic complaining of ...
By 2030, one in three U.S. residents
... ...
will be age 55 or older, and one in
... memory loss for the past 3 months. He has become easily ...
five will be at least age 65. Nearly

CHAPTER 12 Dementias
... distracted, forgets important dates and recent events, and ...
... was in a minor car accident 2 weeks ago. He is brought in
20% of those aged 55 or older will
... by his daughter who readily gives the history, rushes to ....
have psychiatric disorders, including
... ...
dementias (1). Dementia prevalence
... answer the interviewer’s questions before the patient, and ...
increases with age, from 5% of those
... translates the MMSE while at the same time giving clues as ...
aged 71 to 79 to 37.4% of those aged
.. to the correct answers. .
90 and older (2). Given limited
access and availability of subspeci-
alty mental health services, elderly patients with dementia and other
psychiatric disorders are most often cared for by their primary care

Early diagnosis and treatment of dementias are imperative, as they help
to slow cognitive and functional decline. Persons with early-stage
• The Mini-Mental State
Examination (MMSE) is a dementia are more likely to be able to participate in clinical decision
useful screening tool for making. Delays in detection of behavior problems result in reactive as
most dementias, but it opposed to proactive management of dementia and increase reliance on
does not adequately
screen for executive dys- pharmacologic rather than behavioral approaches (3). A simplified algo-
function. Despite a 30/30 rithm for dementia diagnosis is presented in Figure 12.1.
score, some patients may
still have a dementia
sis of dementia, reversible
Dementia implies an acquired, persistent, and progressive impairment
causes of cognitive dys-
function including medi- in multiple cognitive domains leading to significant functional decline.
cal, medication-induced, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text
and psychiatric conditions
should be assessed and revision (DSM-IV-TR) diagnostic criteria require involvement of at least
treated. two cognitive domains, one of which is memory (5). Other domains
noted are mostly cortical functions (also known as ‘‘A’’ functions):
188 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

amnesia (memory recall deficit), aphasia (language impairment), apraxia

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS (inability to perform learned motor sequences in the absence of motor
(Continued) impairment), and agnosia (inability to recognize an object in the absence
• Anticholinergic agents of sensory impairment) (5). A dementing illness is distinguished from con-
and benzodiazepines are
generally contraindicated genital mental retardation syndromes by the criterion of acquired
in patients with dementia impairment.
as they can worsen cogni-
Although impairments of executive function are common in demen-
tion and cause delirium.
tias that involve the frontal cortex or subcortical white matter, they are
• Although there is no cure
for neurodegenerative often overlooked. The MMSE does not adequately screen for executive
dementias such as Alzhei- dysfunction. Some patients with subcortical dementias may still have a
mer disease, medication
30/30 score. Executive function may be assessed by asking questions
treatment is the contem-
porary standard of care about the patient’s ability to shop, plan meals, balance the checkbook,
and may delay further keep track of appointments, develop a schedule in advance of an antici-
cognitive and functional
decline. pated events, and prioritize things by importance. Collateral information
is often crucial. If suspicion exists based on history, several simple tests
• Addressing caregiver bur-
den is an essential part of can be quickly performed in the office to establish whether executive
dementia treatment. dysfunction is present (Table 12.1) (4).
• Neuropsychological test- By contrast, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is defined by deficits in at
ing is helpful in
least one cognitive domain with relatively intact ADLs. In a primary care
distinguishing the demen-
tia syndrome of depres- sample, MCI prevalence was up to 25% in individuals over age 75 (6).
sion (DSD), formerly MCI is further classified as amnestic (with memory impairment) and
known as pseudodemen-
tia, from other cognitive nonamnestic, in which other cognitive domains (other than memory)
deficits. are impaired. Patients with amnestic MCI should be closely followed as
they may convert to Alzheimer disease (AD) at a rate of about 15% per
year (7). Recent research suggests that neuropsychiatric symptoms,
especially depression and apathy, are a predictor of progression to
AD (8).
more cognitive domains
• Progression of deficits
After the presence of a dementia syndrome has been established, it is
important to further clarify the diagnosis. If either major focal neuro-
• Functional impairment
(difficulty in performing logic deficits or a history of cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) is present
activities of daily living together with a sudden onset or a stepwise progressive decline in cogni-
tive function, vascular dementia (VaD) secondary to cortical infarction is
most likely present. Pure vascular dementias constitute only up to 10%
of all dementias, and many persons who have an onset typical of vascu-
MILD COGNITIVE lar dementia may later present with more gradual deterioration indica-
IMPAIRMENT tive of AD, thus a mixed AD-VaD dementia (4).
• Deficits in one or more In other patients, motor slowing (bradykinesia), ataxia, cogwheel
cognitive domains rigidity, shuffled gait, tremor, or chorea may be observed. These move-
• Intact ADLs ment disorders, along with cognitive slowing (bradyphrenia), apathy,
• Score 1.5 standard devi- retrieval memory deficit but preserved recall initially, and mood distur-
ations below average bances are typical of neurodegenerative or vascular processes involving
level of age peers on a
standardized memory subcortical structures (4). Neuronal circuits connect the basal ganglia
test and other subcortical structures with corresponding areas in the frontal
lobes. The dementias associated with impairments of these circuits are
called frontal-subcortical dementias. Examples are Huntington disease
(HD), Parkinson disease (PD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP),
Chapter 12 Geriatric Psychiatry—Dementias 189

multiple system atrophy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) demen-

VASCULAR DEMENTIA tia, and subcortical CVAs (Table 12.2) (4).
• Neurologic deficits (clini- Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), a mixed cortical-subcortical demen-
cal, neuroimaging)
tia, is the third most frequent cause of dementia, after AD and vascular
• Stepwise progression dementia, and accounts for 15% to 20% of dementias. Onset of the dis-
• Usually presents with a ease varies between 50 and 90 years of age, and dementia usually occurs
long-standing history of
within 1 year of the onset of parkinsonism. Exquisite sensitivity to anti-
psychotic side effects and repeated falls are supportive diagnostic fea-
tures. Delusions, delusional misidentification, mood changes, and rapid
eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder are other prominent neu-
ropsychiatric manifestations (9).
• Movement disorders
• Mood disturbance
Pure AD constitutes about 35% of all dementias, while mixed AD-VaD
• Psychomotor and cogni-
accounts for 15% (4). AD is the quintessential amnestic dementia and
tive slowing (apathy)
often presents with anterograde memory loss (difficulty learning new
information). Onset is insidious, with early word-finding difficulties pro-
gressing slowly to empty but fluent speech, accompanied later by visuo-

CHAPTER 12 Dementias
LEWY BODIES spatial impairment. Poor insight into cognitive deficits is typical, while
poor judgment and planning may follow as the illness progresses to
• Fluctuating mental status
involve the frontal lobes. Wandering and unsafe driving are other cardi-
• Parkinsonism
nal manifestations.
• Visual hallucinations The MMSE is particularly useful in screening for cortical dementias,
• Poor response to especially AD, since it is heavily weighted toward language and mem-
ory. Most practitioners use a cut-off score of 24 in screening; however,
higher thresholds need to be used in highly educated patients. Difficulty

Cognitive Impairment Present

ⱖ2 Cognitive domains
Acute/Subacute onset Insidious onset
Progressive course
Clouded sensorium Memory, language, and Alzheimer
Decline from baseline
Medical illness present visuospatial impairment dementia
impaired ADLs
No neurologic signs

Delirium No Dementia
Neurological signs Vascular dementia
Stepwise progression (Cortical)
ⱖ1 Cognitive domain
intact ADLs
Reversible contributors
Frontal release signs
Frontal temporal
Impaired social behavior
Yes dementia (FTD)
Mild cognitive Personality change
impairment (MCI)

Movement disorder
Frontal subcortical
Depression history ⫾ Mood changes
Dysphoric affect Slow mentation
Poor effort on testing

Fluctuating cognition
Dementia with Lewy
Dementia syndrome Parkinsonism
bodies (DLB)
of depression Visual hallucinations

Figure 12.1 Algorithm for dementia diagnosis. ADLs, activities of daily living; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; FTD,
frontotemporal dementia; MCI, mild cognitive impairment.
190 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

with recall (especially if not helped by cues), naming, temporal orienta-

tion, and polygon copying are typically found in AD. The clock drawing
• Memory loss (early word- test examines multiple cognitive domains, including visuospatial skills
finding difficulties,
anterograde amnesia) (Table 12.1) (4).
• Language impairment In addition to VaD with cortical strokes and AD, the other major
cortical dementia class is frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), which
• Visuospatial skills
impairment accounts for 5% of dementias (4). FTLD is a heterogenous term that
includes frontotemporal dementia (FTD or Pick disease), FTD with motor
neuron disease (e.g., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), progressive nonflu-
ent aphasia, semantic dementia, and progressive apraxia. FTLD usually
DEMENTIA develops between ages 45 and 65, whereas AD usually presents after age
65 (4). The FTD clinical picture is one of profound alteration in social
• Disinhibition (personality
change) conduct and personality. Memory failures result from executive, organi-
• Early loss of social zational, and retrieval deficits rather than from amnesia.
• Early loss of insight
Completely reversible dementias are rare, although reversible comorbid
• Hyperorality
conditions are common in dementia. Identifying reversible etiologies of
• Stereotyped and persev-
erative behavior (wander- cognitive deficits is important, although in some cases (alcohol, vitamin
ing, mannerisms) B12 or folate deficiency) neuropsychiatric sequelae can only be partially
reversed. Replacement of vitamin B12 levels below 350 pmol/L is recom-
mended because checking for elevated homocysteine or methylmalonic
acid levels may be more expensive and serial blood tests are often neces-
sary. Table 12.3 lists suggested studies for dementia work-up (10). Com-
puterized tomography (CT) will screen for most intracranial mass lesions,
hematomas, hydrocephalus, and strokes. Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) is recommended when white matter disease is suspected, such as
with subcortical strokes or multiple sclerosis. Periventricular white matter
disease consistent with small vessel ischemia is a commonly reported
finding and it does not rule out AD. Functional imaging studies, such as
positron emission tomography (PET) or single photon emission computed
tomography (SPECT), may indicate impairment before structural changes
are visible. Medicare covers PET when used to differentiate AD from FTLD
(5). Neuropsychological testing is helpful in distinguishing the dementia
.............................................. syndrome of depression, formerly known as pseudodementia, from other
NOT TO BE MISSED cognitive deficits.
Polypharmacy and drug–drug interactions may lead to adverse
• Dementia with Lewy events. Anticholinergic medications are generally contraindicated in
bodies patients with dementia, since they can worsen cognition. Commonly
• Frontotemporal lobar used medications with anticholinergic properties include antiparkinso-
nian agents (benztropine, trihexyphenidyl), antipsychotics (chlorproma-
• Dementia syndrome of zine, clozapine), antihistamines (chlorpheniramine, cyproheptadine,
diphenhydramine), antispasmodics (dicyclomine, oxybutynin, and tol-
• Delirium (systemic medi-
terodine), and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) (11). Benzodiazepines are
cal conditions)
generally not recommended in patients with dementia, as they can
• Nutritional deficits (vita-
min B12, folate) exacerbate cognitive dysfunction and cause paradoxical disinhibition,
falls, and respiratory suppression. Although undertreated pain is a com-
• Medication-induced cog-
nitive deficits mon problem, overuse of opioids is not advised either since opioids are
associated with delirium.
Chapter 12 Geriatric Psychiatry—Dementias 191

Table 12.1 Executive Function Testing

Clock drawing ‘‘Draw a clock face and put Planning, attention, Poor number alignment, poor
all the numbers in.’’ Then: language comprehension, hand placement, stimulus-
‘‘Place the hands at 10 visuospatial skills, bound behavior (hands
minutes after 11’’ numerical knowledge, placed at 10 and 11)
motor skills
MMSE three-step ‘‘Take this piece of paper in Sequencing, language Poor sequencing, motor
command your left hand, fold it in comprehension, memory perseveration (continue to
half, and give it back to fold paper multiple times)
Peaks and plateaus ‘‘Copy the design and con- Motor programming Motor perseveration (repeat
Tri-loops (spirals) tinue to the end of the same element, add loops to
page’’ the spirals)

Luria hand sequence Examiner demonstrates the Sequencing, response Motor perseveration, inability

CHAPTER 12 Dementias
(fist-palm-side) fist-palm-side sequence; inhibition to correctly repeat sequence
the patient has to repro-
duce it within five trials
and repeat it five times
without error
Verbal fluency ‘‘Name as many animals as Strategy for word retrieval Fluency <18  6 animals/
you can in 1 minute.’’ minute
Proverb interpreta- Abstraction capacity Concrete thinking
tion or finding
similarities (e.g.,
Trails Part A ‘‘Connect 1-2-3, and so on’’ Set maintenance, response Perseveration, connecting only
(on page with irregular inhibition, vulnerability to numbers or only letters on
number array) interference (timed tests) Part B
Trails Part B ‘‘Connect 1-A-2-B, and so
on’’ (on page with num-
bers and letters)

MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination.

From Mendez MF, Cummings JL. Diagnosis of dementia; Alzheimer’s disease. In: Dementia: A Clinical Approach. Philadelphia: Butter-
worth Heinemann; 2003:8; 41–119.

Biopsychosocial Treatment
Treatment planning starts with establishing safety. If local resources are
available, home safety assessments are conducted. Environmental haz-
ards, such as gas appliances, firearms, staircases, and steep driveways
causing risk of falls, need to be addressed, especially if the patient lives
alone. A patient can no longer live independently when the required
assistance with ADLs surpasses the level of supervision available, or if
incontinence, wandering, and other severe behavioral disturbances
occur (12). Department of motor vehicle reporting requirements vary by
192 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 12.2 Examples of Frontal-Subcortical Dementias

Basal ganglia calcification (Fahr disease) Normal-pressure hydrocephalus
Cerebral hypoxia/hypoperfusion Olivopontocerebellar degeneration
Cerebrovascular accidents (subcortical) Paraneoplastic syndromes
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Parkinson disease
Dementia pugilistica Postencephalitic syndromes
Diabetes mellitus (poorly controlled) Progressive supranuclear palsy
Human immunodeficiency virus dementia Spinocerebellar ataxias
Huntington disease Toxic (alcohol, carbon monoxide,
lead, manganese, mercury,
Hypertension methanol)
Hypothyroidism Traumatic brain injury
Multiple sclerosis Tumors (primary or metastatic)
Multiple system atrophy Vasculitis
Neurosyphilis Vitamin deficiency (B1, B12, folate)
CHAPTER 12 Dementias

Wilson disease

From Mendez MF, Cummings JL. Diagnosis of dementia; Alzheimer’s disease. In: Dementia: A Clini-
cal Approach. Philadelphia: Butterworth Heinemann; 2003:8; 41–119.

state. Discontinuation of driving should be strongly considered for all

patients with AD, even in mild dementia. Family members may need to
manage the patient’s finances, obtain durable power of attorney for
health care and finances, and supervise and administer medications, in
order to prevent accidental overdose or questionable adherence. The
risk of elder abuse or neglect is considerable for patients with poor

Table 12.3 Suggested Dementia Work-Up

BUN/creatinine CSF studies
CBC Electroencephalogram
Calcium Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
CT/MRI Folate
Electrolytes Heavy metal screen
Glucose HIV
Liver function tests Lyme serology
Thyroid function tests RPR
Urinalysis Testosterone
Vitamin B12 Urine toxicology

BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CBC, complete blood count; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computer-
ized tomography; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;
RPR, rapid plasma reagin.
From Taylor WD, Doraiswamy PM. Use of the laboratory in the diagnostic workup of older
adults. In: Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing;
Chapter 12 Geriatric Psychiatry—Dementias 193

support networks, the frail, the very old (over age 75 years), and those
with a diagnosis of depression or dementia (5).


Although AD is not curable, medication treatment is now the standard
of care and it is important to offer hope to caregivers and maintain an
optimistic attitude. Family members should be educated about the diag-
nosis, prognosis, and treatment options, as well as the community
resources available. Guidance to local resources, family support groups,
educational classes, and ‘‘Safe Return’’ bracelets are some of the bene-
fits the Alzheimer’s Association offers.

Addressing comorbid systemic medical conditions; minimizing cerebro-
vascular risk factors by adequate control of diabetes mellitus, hypercholes-
terolemia, and hypertension; and maintaining a healthy diet are basic
principles in the pharmacotherapy of dementia. A number of other agents,

CHAPTER 12 Dementias
such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), hormone replace-
ment, ginkgo biloba, and vitamin E, are not recommended for routine use
at this time due to lack of efficacy and potential adverse effects (5).

Cognitive Enhancers
Cognitive enhancers, including cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) and
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists (memantine), are
approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for AD, but are also
used off-label for other dementias, including DLB, VaD, and mixed
AD-VaD. DLB involves a greater cholinergic deficit than AD; therefore,
patients may be particularly responsive to ChEIs (9). Conversely, patients
with FTLD do not respond to ChEIs since the neuropathology of these ill-
nesses may not involve a cholinergic deficit. There is no evidence to date
that ChEIs slow down progression of MCI to AD, although patients with
apolipoprotein E e4 allele showed benefit from donepezil at 3 years (7).
Table 12.4 lists properties and dosing of cognitive enhancers (14, 15).
Weighing risks and benefits of ChEIs is important, especially given the
potential for gastrointestinal side effects (nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea),
anorexia and weight loss, dizziness, ataxia, confusion, vivid dreams, agi-
tation, and bradycardia. In patients taking ChEIs, heart rate should be
over 60 beats per minute prior to initiation of treatment. The pulse
should be regularly monitored, particularly in patients taking beta-
blockers, calcium channel inhibitors, or digoxin. Since cholinergics may
provoke bronchospasm, patients with severe asthma or chronic obstruc-
tive pulmonary disease (COPD) should have a caregiver present when
starting ChEIs. Attention should be paid to adverse interactions with
prescribed or over-the-counter medications (11).

Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms

Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPSs) including psychosis, depression,
anxiety, apathy, and behavioral agitation are significant complications
CHAPTER 12 Dementias

Table 12.4 Cognitive Enhancers: Properties and Uses
ChEI Donepezil 96% CYP 2D6, 5 mg/day for 4–6 weeks, 5-, 10-mg tab. Once-daily dosing Mild to severe AD
(Aricept) 3A4 titrate to max. 5-, 10-mg ODT
Substrate 10 mg/day
Rivastigmine 40% None 1.5 mg BID for 2 weeks, 1.5-, 3-, 4.5-, 6-mg tab. Metabolized by Mild to moderate AD
(Exelon) titrate by 1.5 mg BID 2-mg/mL sol. cholinesterases Mild to moderate
every 2 weeks to max. 4.6-, 9.5-mg/24 hours Inhibits butyryl dementia in PD
6 mg BID (with food) patch cholinesterase
Galantamine 18% CYP 2D6, 4 mg PO BID for 4 weeks, 4-, 8-, 12-mg tab. Nicotinic cholinergic Mild to moderate AD
(Razadyne) 3A4 titrate by 4 mg BID 4-mg/mL sol. receptor
substrate every 4 weeks to max. 8-, 16-, 24-mg ER tab. modulation
12 mg BID (once daily)
NMDA Memantine 45% None 5 mg/day, titrate by 5-, 10-mg tab. No hepatic Moderate to severe AD
receptor (Namenda) 5 mg/day every week to 2-mg/mL sol. metabolism
antagonist max. 10 mg BID

AD, Alzheimer disease; ChEI, cholinesterase inhibitors; ER, extended release; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; ODT, orally disintegrating tablet; PD, Parkinson
disease; sol., solution; tab., tablet.
Modified with permission from Kaufer DI, Cummings JL, Ketchel P, et al. Validation of the NPI-Q, a brief clinical form of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci.
Chapter 12 Geriatric Psychiatry—Dementias 195

of dementia that afflict about 90% of AD patients (15). Untreated

NPSs may lead to excess disability, elevated caregiver burden, risk of
harm to the patient or others, elder mistreatment, increased service
utilization, and earlier nursing home referral (12). NPSs may be
assessed through the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), a caregiver
interview that can also be self-administered in a Brief Questionnaire
Form (NPI-Q) (16).
A meta-analysis indicated that treatment with ChEIs decreased
behavioral symptoms in AD, although the overall effect was modest
(17), while a recent study found no significant impact of donepezil on
acute agitation (18). Behavioral symptoms should not be the primary
rationale for starting cognitive enhancers. Whenever possible, nonphar-
macologic approaches should be utilized first. Symptom-specific phar-
macologic approaches are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Psychosis The combined prevalence of delusions and hallucinations in

AD patients is 40% to 65%. Delusions accounts for 30% to 50% psychosis
and hallucinations for 10% to 20% (9). Delusions of theft, infidelity, and

CHAPTER 12 Dementias
misidentification are most common in the midstages of AD (4). Second-
generation antipsychotics are often used for the management of psy-
chotic symptoms and behavioral agitation or aggression. However, a sig-
nificant risk of increased mortality exists with the use of antipsychotics
in elderly patients with dementia, due to cardiovascular, cerebrovascu-
lar, and infectious (e.g., pneumonia) events (19). These concerns led to
‘‘black box’’ warnings on the second-generation antipsychotics (5).
Therefore, it is important to discuss and document the risks and bene-
fits of antipsychotic use with patients and caregivers of patients who
have dementia-related psychosis or agitation. Tapering off the medica-
tion after 3 to 4 weeks in nonresponders and periodic attempts (e.g.,
every several months) to taper and stop antipsychotics in responders
may help to minimize adverse effects. In all situations where psychosis
suddenly ensues and represents an acute change from baseline, delir-
ium should be high on the differential. Urinary tract infections, dental
abscess, and pneumonia are commonly encountered causes of delirium
in this patient population.

Depression About 25% of patients with AD may experience major

depression, although depressive symptoms may be present in up to
87% of individuals (4). Family or personal history of mood disorders,
female gender, preserved insight, and concurrent chronic pain are risk
factors for depression in dementia. Diagnosis can be challenging
because depression in the context of concurrent dementia has a differ-
ent natural history and presentation than even geriatric depression
without dementia (20).
Depression is also a hallmark of subcortical dementias. In PD, 10% of
patients meet criteria for major depressive disorder, while up to 50%
have depressive symptoms (21). Most patients with PD and depression
also have an anxiety disorder. In Huntington disease, 40% of patients
exhibit either depression or mania.
196 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Agitation Behavioral agitation is a common distressing symptom that

often requires medication management. However, psychosocial interven-
tions should be explored and implemented first. Second-generation anti-
psychotics is one treatment option, although caution is advised, given
the FDA black-box warning discussed above. Mood stabilizers such as
divalproex, carbamazepine, and oxcarbazepine may be used as mono-
therapy or in conjunction with antipsychotics (5). The off-label use of
buspirone is sometimes successful in managing anxiety-related agitation
(9). For aberrant and purposeless motor behavior in FTLD, SSRIs are the
first-line agents used to target serotonergic deficits (13).
Long-term use of benzodiazepines in older demented patients
should be avoided, and these potentially harmful medications should be
reserved for sedation prior to procedures, such as a tooth extraction or a
diagnostic study. Intermediate-duration agents that do not undergo oxi-
dative metabolism and have no active metabolites (e.g., lorazepam or
oxazepam) are preferred when absolutely necessary (5).

Apathy Apathy is present in 27% of patients with dementia and may

CHAPTER 12 Dementias

respond to the activating effects of cognitive enhancers or antidepres-

sants with noradrenergic or dopaminergic receptor agonist activity (e.g.,
sertraline, bupropion, venlafaxine, duloxetine, or desipramine) (12). Pro-
found apathy in patients with medical comorbidity may require the use
of psychostimulants, provided there are no cardiovascular contraindica-
tions. The use of modafinil, methylphenidate, or dextroamphetamine
may be considered (5, 9). Another option is use of anti parkinsonian
medications, such as amantadine, L-dopa, pramipexole, or ropinirole.

Cognitive rehabilitation, memory training, and engagement in pleasura-
ble activities (e.g., crossword or jigsaw puzzles, playing chess or a musi-
cal instrument, painting, writing, and conversing in nonnative
languages) as long as possible should be strongly encouraged, especially
in patients with mild cognitive deficits. Individual or group psychother-
apy may be helpful in MCI or early dementia stages. In particular, the
use of problem-solving therapy in the primary care setting has been pro-
ven to help elderly, depressed patients with executive dysfunction (22).
Easy-to-use behavioral plans can be employed with resultant reduc-
tions in medication use and maladaptive behavior. Common interven-
tions include sensory stimulation (e.g., sunlight, music), recreational
activities, and social interaction (23). The ABC behavioral model assumes
that a connection between antecedents (A), maladaptive behaviors (B),
and consequences (C) has been learned and will need to be unlearned
(23). Modification of reinforcement contingencies may change the behav-
ior. A step-by-step behavioral approach is presented below.

Step 1: Define the problem by determining what, where, when, why, and how
the behavior manifested. The caregivers are asked to give a detailed descrip-
tion of the behavior, including the context in which it arises, its frequency,
and any factors known to trigger, exacerbate, or mitigate it.
Chapter 12 Geriatric Psychiatry—Dementias 197

.................................................. Step 2: Focus on antecedent control by identifying unmet needs that the patient
.................................................. attempts to communicate through the behavioral problem. Medical illness,
pain, sensory deprivation, and cognitive deterioration, along with psycholog-
• Diagnostic uncertainty
ical comorbidities, may be factors underlying the unwanted behaviors.
• Significant comorbid Step 3: Evaluate reinforcers of maladaptive behavior. Many problem behaviors are
depression reinforced by staff or caregivers, who provide attention when the particular
• Safety concerns (inability behavior is displayed and withdraw attention when the patient behaves well.
to care for self, elder Therefore, the patient displays maladaptive behaviors in order to seek attention.
abuse, suicidal ideation) Step 4: Develop a behavioral plan. Maximizing the sense of control by giving
• Behavioral manifestations choices, verbalizing intended physical contact prior to touching the patient,
become difficult to treat utilizing frequent cues and reminders, giving simple one-step instructions
• Significant family care- repeatedly and slowly, praising efforts, and selectively redirecting and dis-
giver burden tracting are strategies that help positively reinforce desired behaviors and
extinguish the undesirable ones. Family caregiver and staff education is
important so consistent reinforcement can be ensured.


More than 70% of all dementia patients are cared for at home by family
members, mostly spouses, of whom approximately two thirds are
women (24). Between 40% and 70% of caregivers have clinically signifi-

CHAPTER 12 Dementias
cant symptoms of depression, with 25% to 50% meeting criteria for
major depressive disorder. Caregiver depression and anxiety may wor-
sen after the placement of the patient in a nursing home. Assessing the
physical and mental health of the caregiver is an essential component
of providing care for dementia patients. The Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI)
is a self-rated 22-item scale that can be used in the office to measure
the caregivers’ burden (25). Educational programs and family counseling
can reduce caregiver burden. Respite care, telephone help lines, and
computer chat rooms may be of benefit as well.

Practice Pointers
Case 1: Is it depression or early dementia?
A 70-year-old man of Middle Eastern descent with limited English skills presents to
the geriatric clinic complaining of memory loss for the past 3 months. He has
become easily distracted, forgets important dates and recent events, and was in a
minor car accident 2 weeks ago. He is brought in by his daughter who readily gives
the history, rushes to answer the interviewer’s questions before the patient, and
translates the MMSE while at the same time giving clues as to the correct answers.
Medical history includes hypertension and diabetes, both controlled, and no previ-
ous history of depression or family history of dementia are noted. The patient
appears disinterested in the interview, makes poor eye contact, maintains a blunted
affect although is easily irritated, and gives quite a few ‘‘I don’t know’’ answers.

Discussion: The 70-year-old man presenting with forgetfulness scores 18/30 on the
MMSE, showing impairments in multiple domains. A more detailed cognitive exam is
precluded by the patient’s limited cooperation and English skills. Based on the poor
effort on interview, irritable and depressed mood, blunted affect, and nonspecific
findings on the MMSE, a working diagnosis of depression is made, although cogni-
tive impairment cannot be ruled out. The language barrier makes the MMSE less reli-
able in this case. Preliminary work-up is negative for any reversible contributors and
the patient is started on escitalopram 10 mg/day. At 4-week follow-up, the patient
presents with a brighter affect and volunteers more information, including the fact
that his oldest son was divorced 3 months prior, and the shame and hurt he is feel-
ing due to this. His repeat MMSE score is 24/30.
198 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

In this case, the therapeutic antidepressant trial was helpful in establishing the pres-
ence of a depressive episode in the context of a major family stressor. At this point the
clinician still needs to keep in mind the possibility of an early dementia syndrome. Fol-
lowing up in another 4 to 6 weeks to ensure a solid response to antidepressants and
repeating the brief cognitive assessment in the office, with referral to a geriatric psychia-
trist or neuropsychological testing if still in doubt, are indicated. If the patient is amena-
ble, family or individual therapy will ameliorate the situation, given the recent stressor.
Family can be an important ally in the identification and treatment of geriatric depression.

Case 2: Is this typical dementia?

A 75-year-old retired U.S. Navy officer is brought in by his 50-year-old wife, who
bitterly complains about his lack of initiative. The patient has an unremarkable
medical history and his neurologic exam is normal and his MMSE is 30/30. Addi-
tional testing reveals that he can generate 24 animals per minute in a test of
verbal fluency but he can only name six words beginning with the letter F in 1
minute (normal range for his age is 18  6). During the interview, his wife is
overbearing, cutting off the patient’s responses and answering the questions
herself. The patient denies depressed mood and anhedonia but admits that his
wife is very ‘‘difficult’’ and that his children no longer visit him since his marriage
to her 6 years ago.
Past medical history includes hyperlipidemia and diabetes, with most recent
CHAPTER 12 Dementias

glycohemoglobin of 12.3. He currently takes metformin and lovastatin. A brain

MRI reveals white matter hyperintensities, consistent with vascular disease.

Discussion: The 75-year-old retired executive’s presentation poses a diagnostic chal-

lenge. Is his apathy part of a dementia or depression picture? Apathy can be a present-
ing symptom of dementias, especially those involving the frontal lobes. Onset of FTD is
usually before age 65, making it less likely in this patient. As discussed, a MMSE score
of 30/30 does not preclude a dementia diagnosis. Lower performance on the test of
F-word generation can indicate frontal-subcortical impairment, due to retrieval deficits.
In the presence of cerebrovascular risk factors, such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia,
microvascular changes leading to frontal-subcortical deficits are very likely. Treatment
will involve first addressing the medical factors, including adequate control of diabetes.
Serial MMSE will help monitor progression of cognitive impairment. If memory changes
become prominent, or the MMSE score drops below 24, consider a ChEI.
Although he is denying depressed mood and diminished interest in pleasurable
activities, he should be monitored for depression on a regular basis. The stress
related to his family and recent retirement may have a negative impact on the man-
agement of his diabetes, dyslipidemia, and cognitive status. In this case, he would
likely benefit from a referral for short-term psychotherapy and family therapy.

Cognitive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) 294.9
Delirium Due To [General Medical Condition] 293.0
Delirium NOS 780.09
Dementia Classified Elsewhere (Axis I) for Axis III 290.10
conditions below:
Dementia of Alzheimer Type (Axis III) 331.10
Dementia with Lewy Bodies (Axis III) 331.82
Frontotemporal Dementia (Axis III) 331.19
Huntington Disease (Axis III) 333.40
Vascular Dementia (Axis III) 290.40
Dementia Due to Alcohol 291.2
Dementia NOS 294.80
Chapter 12 Geriatric Psychiatry—Dementias 199

Practical Resources
Alzheimer’s Association:; 1-800-272-3900
Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral Center:
Family Caregiver Alliance:; 1-800-445-8106
National Family Caregivers Association:

The authors thank Jeff Kixmiller, PhD, for his assistance.

1. Spar JE, La Rue A. Introduction; mood disorders. In: Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychiatry. Washington,
DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2006:1–19, 67–172.

2. Plassman BL, Langa KM, Fisher GG, et al. Prevalence of dementia in the United States: The Aging,
Demographics, and Memory Study. Neuroepidemiology. 2007;29:125–132.

3. Hinton L, Franz CE, Reddy G, et al. Practice constraints, behavioral problems, and dementia care:
primary care physicians’ perspectives. J Gen Intern Med. 2007;22:1487–1492.

4. Mendez MF, Cummings JL. Diagnosis of dementia; Alzheimer’s disease. In: Dementia: A Clinical
Approach. Philadelphia: Butterworth Heinemann; 2003:8; 41–119.

5. American Psychiatric Association. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s

CHAPTER 12 Dementias
disease and other dementias, second edition. Am J Psychiatry. 2007;164:S25–34.

6. Luck T, Riedel-Heller SG, Kaduszkiewicz H, et al. Mild cognitive impairment in general practice: age-
specific prevalence and correlate results from the German study on ageing, cognition and dementia
in primary care patients. Dement Geriatric Cogn Disord. 2007;24:307–316.

7. Petersen RC, Thomas RG, Grundman M, et al. Vitamin E and donepezil for the treatment of mild
cognitive impairment. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:2379–2388.

8. Teng E, Lu PH, Cummings JL. Neuropsychiatric symptoms are associated with progression from
mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease. Dement Geriatric Cogn Disord. 2007;24:253–259.

9. Cummings JL. Dementia with Lewy bodies; management of neuropsychiatric aspects of dementia.
In: The Neuropsychiatry of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. London: Martin Dunitz; 2003:117–
132; 281–300.

10. Taylor WD, Doraiswamy PM. Use of the laboratory in the diagnostic workup of older adults. In: Text-
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11. Seritan AL. Prevent drug-drug interactions with cholinesterase inhibitors. Curr Psychiatry. 2008;7:

12. Lyketsos CG, Steinberg M, Tschanz JT, et al. Mental and behavioral disturbances in dementia: find-
ings from the Cache County study on memory in aging. Am J Psychiatry. 2000;175:708–714.

13. Woolley JD, Wilson MR, Hung E, et al. Frontotemporal dementia and mania. Am J Psychiatry.

14. Marangell LB, Martinez JM, Silver JM, et al. Drug interactions; cholinesterase inhibitors. In: Concise
guide to psychopharmacology. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2002:4–9; 171–180.

15. Lyketsos CG, DelCampo L, Steinberg M, et al. Treating depression in Alzheimer’s disease. Efficacy
and safety of sertraline therapy, and the benefits of depression reduction: the DIADS. Arch Gen Psy-
chiatry. 2003;60:737–746.

16. Kaufer DI, Cummings JL, Ketchel P, et al. Validation of the NPI-Q, a brief clinical form of the Neuro-
psychiatric Inventory. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2000;12:233–239.

17. Trinh NH, Hoblyn J, Mohanty S, et al. Efficacy of cholinesterase inhibitors in the treatment of neuro-
psychiatric symptoms and functional impairment in Alzheimer’s disease: a meta-analysis. JAMA.

18. Howard RJ, Juszczak E, Ballard CG, et al. Donepezil for the treatment of agitation in Alzheimer’s dis-
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19. Schneider LS, Dagerman K, Insel PS. Efficacy and adverse effects of atypical antipsychotics for
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20. Lyketsos CG, Lee HB. Diagnosis and treatment of depression in Alzheimer’s disease. A practical
update for the clinician. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2004;17:55–64.

21. Weintraub D, Stern MB. Psychiatric complications in Parkinson disease. Am J Geri Psychiatry. 2005;13:
200 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

22. Alexopoulos GS, Raue P, Arean P. Problem-solving therapy versus supportive therapy in geriatric
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23. Cohen-Mansfield J. Nonpharmacologic interventions for inappropriate behaviors in dementia: a

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24. Gallicchio L, Siddiqi N, Langenberg P, et al. Gender differences in burden and depression among
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25. Zarit SH, Reever KE, Bach-Peterson J. Relatives of the impaired elderly: correlates of feelings of bur-
den. Gerontologist. 1980;20:649–655.
CHAPTER 12 Dementias
13 Sleep Disorders
Julie S. Young, MD, MS • Kimberly A. Hardin, MD, MS, FAASM

... ... Clinical Significance

A 48-year-old man who has been sober for 6 weeks comes
... ...
Many sleep disorders can adversely
to the ambulatory care clinic saying he hasn’t ‘‘slept a
... ...
affect patient health. Insomnia is
... wink’’ since entering a residential treatment program 4 ...

CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

widely prevalent and the most com-
weeks ago. He stopped drinking alcohol ‘‘cold turkey’’ ...
after his wife of 20 years and two daughters left him due
monly encountered sleep disorder in
to the patient’s refusal to quit drinking. For the past 20 ....
the primary care setting. Although
... ...
the focus of this chapter is on insom-
years, he has drank up to one 12 pack of beer nightly and ...
nia, other sleep disorders such as
could not fall asleep unless he drank at least two beers ...
obstructive sleep apnea-hypoapnea
before bedtime. .
(OSAH) and restless leg syndrome
(RLS) will be discussed within the
context of exploring a differential
diagnosis for insomnia.
Insomnia affects greater than 30% of adults in the United States (1,
• Insomnia affects more
than 30% of the general 2). Patient surveys have found that primary care patients with insomnia
population. have 60% higher overall health care costs than those without insomnia.
• Insomnia may present as The annual indirect and direct economic burden of insomnia in the U.S.
a symptom of an underly- has been estimated to be about $100 billion (3).
ing psychiatric, medical,
or substance- or medica- Prolonged periods of disrupted sleep can lead to sleep deprivation, or
tion-related condition. a chronic lack of restorative sleep, which has numerous physical and psy-
• Evaluation of a sleep chological consequences. Chronic sleep deprivation is associated with
complaint should include hypertension, increased sympathetic cardiovascular activation, blunted
a complete assessment of
general medical, psychiat- hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function, impaired host defenses,
ric, and substance mis- and altered cognitive functioning (4). Inadequate sleep also increases the
use–related symptoms. risk of developing anxiety and mood disorders. Patients with alcohol
Inquires about sleep
hygiene as well as current dependence in remission and comorbid chronic insomnia have a height-
prescribed and over-the- ened risk of relapse. In sum, insomnia is independently associated with
counter medications
should also be initiated. poor health-related quality of life (5).

• The treatment of primary

insomnia is multifactorial
and should include a
stepwise approach that Insomnia can lead to cognitive, emotional, and motor dysfunction. The
addresses sleep hygiene
and environmental
severity of insomnia is determined by the extent to which the sleep
problem affects daytime function and is classified as mild, moderate, or
(Continued) 201
202 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

severe. Mild insomnia does not cause daytime dysfunction; moderate insom-
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS nia usually causes some daytime dysfunction; and severe insomnia results
(Continued) in obvious global impairment in daytime functioning. Insomnia is also
factors before consider- described by length of symptoms (acute insomnia lasts <3 months, suba-
ing prescription sleep
medications. cute insomnia is present for 3–6 months, and chronic insomnia persists
for 6 or more months).
• Women may have more
pronounced sleep disturb- Consequences of impaired cognition include inattentiveness, dis-
ance and require addi- tractibility, and carelessness. Healthy individuals become prone to mood
tional treatment related
to hormonal status. lability, irritability, decreased frustration tolerance, depressed mood,
and anxiety. Motor dysfunction can range from a clinically insignificant
• Benzodiazepines and
anticholinergic agents decline in fine motor control to an inability to safely operate a motor
should be used cautiously vehicle.
in elderly patients.
Despite its impact on overall health and well-being, sleep is often
not addressed during routine health visits. Primary care providers do
not usually screen for sleep-related problems and patients do not nor-
mally bring up the topic unless symptoms are severe. Sleep should be a
routine part of the review of systems for all patients who complain of
CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, worsening cognitive

status, anxiety, or changes in mood. Before pursuing less common paths
of diagnostic inquiry, ask about sleep early in the interview. Not realiz-
ing the significance of sleep to their overall health, patients with even
extremely poor sleep may complain about everything but sleep, leading
you to unnecessary questioning about multiple somatic disorders before
you get to the real culprit, disrupted sleep.
A sleep disorder may be diagnosed by using one of four classification
systems, each of which includes varying levels of diagnostic precision.
The most detailed classifications are the International Classification of
Sleep Disorders (ICSD-2) and the Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal
Disorders (DCSAD), both of which are primarily used by sleep specialists
(6, 7). The World Health Organization’s International Classification of Dis-
eases (ICD-10) (8) includes a more restricted list of specific sleep disor-
ders, but is commonly used in clinical medicine for billing purposes.
Although commonly used by psychiatrists, the criteria in the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision (DSM-
IV-TR) are rarely used by sleep specialists and sleep researchers due to
the broad acceptance of existing nosology in the field of sleep medicine,
and more importantly, due to its relatively limited scope. ICSD-2 criteria
will be used in this chapter (Table 13.1).

Differential Diagnosis
The ICSD-2 lists 10 types of insomnias. These insomnias vary by etiol-
ogy and require the persistence of difficulty initiating or maintaining
sleep and at least one of nine symptoms of daytime impairment such
as fatigue, impaired concentration, or mood irritability. The insomnias
can be divided into extrinsic and intrinsic insomnias (Table 13.2).
Extrinsic insomnias are due to factors that are external to the patient,
while intrinsic insomnias are due to factors that are inherent to the
Chapter 13 Sleep Disorders 203

Table 13.1 General Criteria for the Diagnosis of Insomnia

1. Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, awakening too early, nonrestorative or poor quality of sleep
2. Sleep difficulty occurs despite adequate opportunity and circumstances for sleep
3. At least one of the following forms of daytime impairment related to the nighttime sleep difficulty occurs:
• Fatigue or malaise
• Attention, concentration, or memory impairment
• Social or vocational dysfunction or poor school performance
• Mood disturbance or irritability
• Daytime somnolence
• Motivation, energy, or initiative reduction
• Prone to errors or accidents at work or while operating a car or other machinery
• Muscle tension, headaches, or gastrointestinal symptoms
• Preoccupation with sleep or lack of sleep

Adapted from American Sleep Disorders Association, Diagnostic Classification Steering Committee. International Classification of Sleep
Disorders: Diagnostic and Coding Manual. Westchester, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2005.


CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

Adjustment Insomnia
In a 1-year period, approximately 15% to 20% of the adult population
experience adjustment insomnia, or acute insomnia, which lasts less than 3
months. The diagnosis of adjustment insomnia requires the presence of
an identifiable stressor, which may be psychological (e.g., death of a
loved one), interpersonal (e.g., divorce), or environmental (e.g., moving
to a new home). Adjustment insomnia usually resolves after the resolu-
tion of or adjustment to a stressor. A brief course of a sedative-hypnotic
medication coupled with a referral for supportive psychotherapy may be
an effective treatment approach.

Inadequate Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to behaviors and activities that promote sleep and
discourage wakefulness. The diagnostic criteria for inadequate sleep
hygiene, a type of insomnia, includes meeting the criteria for insomnia
as listed in Table 13.1 for at least 1 month and the presence of at least
one of the following: (1) sleep schedule that consists of frequent daytime

Table 13.2 Types of Insomnias

Adjustment sleep disorder Insomnia due to a mental disordera
Inadequate sleep hygiene Psychophysiologic insomniaa
Insomnia due to a medical condition Insomnia associated with obstructive sleep apnea
Circadian rhythm sleep disorder (‘‘jet lag’’) Insomnia associated with restless leg syndrome
Insomnia due to medications and other substances Insomnia associated with periodic limb movement
(alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, methamphetamines) disorder
The three most common types of insomnias.
From American Sleep Disorders Association, Diagnostic Classification Steering Committee. International Classification of Sleep Disorders:
Diagnostic and Coding Manual. Westchester, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2005.
204 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

naps, highly variable bedtimes or rising times, or excess time spent in

bed; (2) routine use of alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine, especially preceding
bedtime; (3) engaging in mentally stimulating, physically activating, or
emotionally upsetting activities close to bedtime; (4) frequent use of bed
for activities other than sleep (e.g., watching television); and (5) lack of a
comfortable sleeping environment (e.g., too noisy).

Insomnia Due to a Medical Condition

Medical illnesses associated with insomnia are numerous and include
common chronic medical disorders (e.g., diabetes or heart failure) to
other more reversible systemic conditions (e.g., anemia or a thyroid dis-
order). Neurologic conditions like dementia, seizures, or stroke make up
another major category. Poststroke patients have an increased risk of
developing OSAH during the first several months after the stroke. In
addition to insomnia, poststroke patients have an increased risk of
developing hypersomnia, which is associated with prolonged sleep epi-
sodes or daytime sleepiness. Parkinson disease and Alzheimer disease
CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

are associated with sleep disturbances such as rapid eye movement (REM)
sleep behavior disorder (RBD), which is characterized by intermittent epi-
sodes of elaborate motor activity where dreams may be acted out during
REM sleep.

Insomnia Due to Medications and Substances

Multiple drugs can alter sleep quantity and quality. Sedatives and
opioids may initially help with sleep onset, but impair sleep architecture
and ultimately lead to insomnia. Sedative-hypnotics themselves can dis-
rupt sleep by causing rebound insomnia during withdrawal. Withdrawal
from or intoxication with alcohol, marijuana, or other illicit drugs can
also cause abnormal sleep patterns. Sleep disturbances may persist for
up to 1 to 2 years after ceasing substance use. Table 13.3 lists common
medications associated with insomnia.

Insomnia Due to a Mental Disorder
Insomnia due to a mental disorder is the most common type of insom-
nia encountered in sleep centers. Several mood, anxiety, psychotic, and
neurodevelopmental disorders are associated with sleep problems, and
include insomnia as a feature of the disorder. While the many symp-
toms of psychiatric disorders often vary, sleep disturbance is a common
complaint that is more likely to be reported to providers. Table 13.4 lists
sleep characteristics among patients with various psychiatric conditions.

Psychophysiologic Insomnia
Psychophysiologic insomnia is characterized by psychological and phys-
iologic hyperarousal at bedtime and occurs in 1% to 2% of the popula-
tion. Individuals with psychophysiologic insomnia, also known as
learned or conditioned insomnia, are preoccupied with sleep, and often
require a combination of behavioral and pharmacologic therapies. The
Chapter 13 Sleep Disorders 205

Table 13.3 Medications Known to Cause Insomnia

Antiepileptics Lamotrigine
Antidepressants Bupropion
Beta-blockers Propranolol
Bronchodilators Theophylline
Decongestants Pseudoephedrine
Steroids Prednisone
Stimulants Dextroamphetamine

CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders


diagnostic criteria for psychophysiologic insomnia include meeting the

criteria for insomnia in Table 13.1 for at least 1 month. The patient
must also have evidence of conditioned sleep difficulties or hyperar-
ousal at bedtime such as (1) preoccupation and anxiety about sleep; (2)
difficulty falling asleep in bed at the desired time, but no difficulty fall-
ing asleep during monotonous activities when not intended; (3) sleeping
better when away from home; (4) mental arousal characterized by intru-
sive thoughts; and (5) heightened somatic tension in bed reflected by a
perceived inability to relax the body sufficiently to allow the onset of
Psychophysiologic insomnia differs from adjustment insomnia in
its longer duration and lack of a current identifiable stressor. While
attempting to fall asleep, those with psychophysiologic insomnia
worry excessively about sleep, in contrast to those with generalized
anxiety disorder, who tend to ruminate about multiple life stressors.
Patients with psychophysiologic insomnia often report improved
sleep when varying their bedtime routine or when sleeping in an
unfamiliar environment. Those with psychophysiologic insomnia may
complain of an inability to ‘‘stop thinking’’ or of ‘‘racing thoughts.’’
This is in contrast to thought patterns seen in a manic episode, when
thoughts are sped up and difficult to track (flight of ideas), are
extremely rapid (racing thoughts), and may include grandiose themes.
A patient with mania will not likely complain of daytime fatigue due
to sleeplessness.
206 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 13.4 Characteristics of Sleep in Various Psychiatric Diagnoses

Major depressive disorder • Difficulty falling asleep (early insomnia)
• Frequent awakenings (middle insomnia)
• Uncharacteristic early-morning awakening (terminal insomnia)
• Hypersomnia (‘‘I sleep all day long so I don’t have to face my
Manic episode • Decreased need for sleep lasting days or weeks
• Lack of fatigue despite lack of sleep
• Extra work accomplished during usual sleep times (‘‘I stayed up all
night and cleaned the whole house’’)
Posttraumatic stress disorder • Difficulty falling asleep, which is often associated with anxiety about
being abused or traumatized
• Physiologic hyperarousal
• Very light sleep, with exquisite sensitivity to sounds and other stimuli
• Hyperstartled response if awakened by external stimuli
• Frequent awakenings
• Nightmares
Generalized anxiety disorder • Prone to psychophysiologic insomnia
CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

• Difficulty falling asleep due to preoccupation and excessive worry

about several stressors
Psychotic disorders • Hallucinations (e.g., ‘‘The voices laugh and scream at me at night,
so I can’t sleep’’)
• Paranoid thoughts
Attention deficit hyperactivity • Difficulty falling asleep due to physical hyperactivity
disorder • Activating effects of stimulants

DSM-IV-TR, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision.

Insomnias Associated with Other Primary Sleep Disorders

OSAH, RLS, and periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) often initially
present as insomnia in the primary care clinic. Table 13.5 includes a
summary of the predisposing factors, main clinical features, and treat-
.............................................. ment options for these conditions.

Subacute and Chronic Insomnia

• Recent psychosocial
stressors An estimated 10% of the U.S. population has chronic (>6 months) insom-
• Mood disorders (depres- nia. Risk factors for chronic insomnia include the presence of any of the
sion and mania) insomnia disorders described above, especially if inadequately treated;
• Anxiety disorders female gender; older age (>60 years old); and a familial predisposition to
• Psychotic disorders sleep disorders.
• Medication- and
substance-induced PATIENT ASSESSMENT
Evaluation of a sleep complaint includes a focused sleep history, a gen-
• Symptoms of inad- eral physical exam, and pertinent laboratory work. Clarify the sleep
equately treated general
medical conditions (dia- complaint by asking about the duration, frequency, and severity of the
betes, thyroid disorders, problem. The following questions might be helpful when considering a
sleep disorder:
• Primary sleep disorders
(OSAH, RLS, and PLMD) • When did the problem start?
• How many days a week do you have this problem?
Chapter 13 Sleep Disorders 207

Table 13.5 Predisposing Factors, Clinical Features, and Treatment of Common Primary
Sleep Disorders
Obstructive Nasopharyngeal abnormal- Repetitive episodes of • Nasal continuous positive
sleep apnea- ities, craniofacial abnor- upper airway obstruction airway pressure (CPAP)
hypoapnea malities, obesity, >40 that occur during sleep, • Behavioral therapies:
(OSAH) years old, men > women usually associated with avoid alcohol, tobacco,
(2:1), neurologic disorder oxygen desaturation. Epi- and sedative-hypnotics at
(e.g., recent stroke) sodes include loud snoring night; weight loss if over-
or gasps that last 20–30 weight; sleep on side, not
seconds. Associated with back
morning headaches and • Dental appliances: reposi-
increased daytime tion lower jaw and
sedation tongue
• Surgical interventions:
resection of tonsils, uvula,
or part of soft palate
Periodic limb OSAH, restless leg syn- Periodic episodes of repeti- • Treat underlying problem.
movement disor- drome, narcolepsy, tive and stereotyped limb • Improve sleep hygiene.
der (PLMD) increased age, chronic movements during non- • Relaxation therapy

CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

uremia, TCAs or MAOIs, REM sleep: extension of • Consider carbidopa, levo-
withdrawal from sedating the big toe with partial dopa, pramipexole, FDA-
agents, incidence same in flexion of the ankles, approved sleep agent
men and women knees, or hips. Muscle con-
tractions last 0.5–5 seconds,
with 20- to 40-second
interepisode intervals
Restless leg syn- Pregnancy (>20 weeks ges- Uncomfortable sensations in • Treat underlying cause
drome (RLS) tation), uremia, iron the legs or arms just prior • Correct nutritional defi-
deficiency anemia, rheu- to sleep onset. Described ciency (vitamin B12, folic
matoid arthritis, renal dis- as ‘‘achy,’’ ‘‘crawling,’’ acid, or iron)
ease, alcoholism. Peak ‘‘pulling,’’ ‘‘prickling,’’ or • Stop or decrease dose of
onset is middle age ‘‘tingling.’’ Those who suf- offending medications
fer from RLS can have • Consider: carbidopa or
very severe insomnia levodopa, pergolide, pra-
mipexole, bromocriptine
mesylate, ropinirole

FDA, Food and Drug Administration; MAOIs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors; REM, rapid eye movement; TCAs, tricyclic antidepressants.
From American Sleep Disorders Association, Diagnostic Classification Steering Committee. International Classification of Sleep Disorders:
Diagnostic and Coding Manual. Westchester, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2005.

• What time do you go to bed, and how long does it take to fall asleep?
• Do you wake up during the night?
• What wakes you up?
• How long does it take you to fall back asleep?
• Do you feel rested and refreshed when you awaken?
• Do you take anything to help you to sleep?

After characterizing the sleep complaint, Figure 13.1 can help to system-
atically rule out and treat common causes of insomnia.

Biopsychosocial Treatment
Treatment of insomnia includes pharmacologic and psychological or
behavioral interventions. Since causes of sleep complaints are numer-
ous, treatment starts with an accurate diagnosis and addressing the
underlying etiology. First, it is important to identify and address
208 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry


Stop substance or medication;

Yes and/or alter dose or timing.
Substance use

No Continued insomnia

Psychosocial stressor Yes Yes Treat with sleep agent

(e.g., death, marriage, (Table 13.7) as needed for
birth of child) ⬍3 months.

No Continued insomnia

Inadequate sleep hygiene Yes Behavioral therapies,

or psychophysiologic improve sleep hygiene
insomnia? (Table 13.6).
CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

No Continued insomnia

Psychiatric disorder Treat psychiatric disorder.
Consider sleep agent “PRN”
⬍3 months (Table 13.8).

Continued insomnia

CHF, nocturnal GERD,

Yes Maximize treatment of
asthma, diabetes, COPD,
pain or other medical underlying medical problem

No Continued insomnia

Obstructive sleep apnea Weight loss, no alcohol at
night, sleep on side, trunk
elevated ⬎30 degrees.
Consider CPAP, mandibular
advancement device, surgery.

Continued insomnia

Other primary sleep
disorder Treat primary sleep disorder.


Refer to a sleep Continued insomnia


Figure 13.1 Diagnostic and treatment algorithm for insomnia.

modifiable factors such as sleep hygiene, psychosocial stressors, general

medical illnesses, and psychiatric disorders prior to starting a sedative-
hypnotic agent. Table 13.6 details several biopsychosocial interventions.
If the patient has adjustment insomnia or symptoms persist despite
addressing acute stressors, the use of a Food and Drug Administration
Chapter 13 Sleep Disorders 209

Table 13.6 Principles and Tips for Good Sleep Hygiene

Sleep diary • Monitor the amount of sleep during day and night
Regular sleep–wake schedule • Go to bed at the same time each night
• Wake up at same time each morning
• Avoid naps during the day
Sleep-promoting nightly ritual • Plan a relaxing, soothing routine for your last hour of wakefulness (e.g.,
if the time for ‘‘lights out’’ is 9:45 PM, start winding down by 8:45 PM)
• Your last hour could include the following: dimming the lights; screening
phone calls for urgent calls; showering, bathing, and doing other usual
hygiene routines; changing into your bed clothes; reading relaxing or
nonstimulating material; limiting yourself to read only up to your ‘‘lights
out’’ time; listening to soothing music or other ‘‘white noise’’
Avoid stressful or other mentally • Address tomorrow’s activities, concerns, or distractions earlier in the day
stimulating activities before • Unless absolutely necessary, postpone anxiety-provoking conversations
bedtime that require you to make important decisions, or may cause more con-
flicts, to a time when you are more alert, rested, and much more likely to
make a sound decision
Do not lie in bed ‘‘wide awake’’ • Trying to will yourself to sleep when you’re not sleepy will make you
more frustrated, not sleepier

CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

• Instead, get out of bed, and engage in mentally and physically nonstimu-
lating activities that will relax, soothe, and, perhaps, even bore you
• Do not frequently check the clock
Avoid stimulants, alcohol, and • Have your last caffeine- and alcohol-containing food or drink at least 4
heavy meals at bedtime hours before you go to bed
• Do not smoke within an hour of bedtime, and refrain from smoking if
you wake up in the middle of the night
• Do not eat a heavy meal within 2 hours of going to bed
Exercise • Light, aerobic exercise for even 20–30 minutes earlier in the day pro-
motes deep sleep
• Avoid exercising within 2 hours of bedtime, since it could actually be acti-
vating, and interfere with sleep
Comfortable environment • Sleep is promoted by darkness, quiet or soothing noises, and a relatively
cool temperature (<68°F)

(FDA)-approved sleep aid (or off-label use of sedating medications) may

be considered.

The ideal sleep aid should promote sleep onset and sleep maintenance
without next-day side effects such as grogginess, headaches, and fatigue.
The FDA has approved three classes of medications for the treatment of
insomnia (Table 13.7): benzodiazepine gamma-aminobutyric acid A
(GABAA) receptor agonists (BZPs), nonbenzodiazepine GABAA receptor
agonists (non-BZPs), and melatonin receptor agonists. Common BZP side
effects include daytime sedation, transient amnesia, cognitive impair-
ment, motor incoordination, dependence, tolerance, and rebound insom-
nia. In general, BZPs should be limited to healthy patients and used
cautiously in the elderly and those with multiple medical problems.
Although not FDA approved specifically for insomnia, other medications
with sedative properties have been useful in treating some patients with
CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

Table 13.7 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-Approved Drugs for Insomnia
Benzodiazepines (BZPs) Caution in elderly patients. Tolerance to BZPs develops to
the sedative, hypnotic, and anticonvulsant effects
Estazolam (ProSom) 1–2 10–24 60 1=2–11=2 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for frequent arousals
and early-morning awakening. Not as useful for initial
insomnia. Avoid in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-
hypoapnea. Caution in elderly patients and those with
liver disease. High doses can cause respiratory depression
Flurazepam (Dalmane) 15–30 47–100 15–20 3–6 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for middle and terminal
insomnia. Increased daytime sedation over time. Caution
in elderly patients
Temazepam (Restoril) 15–30 6–16 2–3 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for sleep onset and main-
tenance. Doses 30 mg/day: morning grogginess, nausea,
headaches, and vivid dreaming
Nonbenzodiazepines (non-BZPs)
Eszopiclone (Lunesta) 2–3 6–9 Rapid 1 In elderly start with 1–2 mg. Rapid onset; should be in bed
when taking medication. For faster sleep onset, do not
ingest with high-fat foods. No tolerance after 6 months
Zaleplon (Sonata) 5–20 1 Rapid 1 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for initial insomnia
Zolpidem (Ambien, 5–20 1.4–4.5 30 2–4 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for initial and middle
Ambien CR) insomnia (generic form is available). Rapid onset; should
be in bed when taking medication. For faster sleep
onset, do not ingest with food
Zolpidem CR (Ambien 12.5 1.4–4.5 30 2–4 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for initial and middle
CR) insomnia (generic form is available). Rapid onset; should
be in bed when taking medication. For faster sleep
onset, do not ingest with food
6.25–12.5 1.4–4.5 30 2–4 Used for sleep induction and sleep maintenance
Melatonin agonist
Ramelton (Rozerem) 8 1–2 30 1–11=2 Used for initial and middle insomnia. For faster sleep
onset, do not ingest with high-fat foods. No tolerance or
potential for addiction. Contraindicated with fluvox-
amine. Should not be used concurrently with melatonin

All sedative-hypnotics should be used with caution and at a lower starting dose when given to the elderly. All sedative-hypnotics should be taken only if the patient plans to go to bed
immediately after taking the medication.
Chapter 13 Sleep Disorders 211

Non-BZPs may have a decreased side effect profile when compared to

BZPs. Non-BZPs include eszopiclone, zaleplon, zolpidem, and zolpidem
extended release. The melatonin receptor agonist ramelteon (Rozerem)
also reduces time to fall asleep without next-day psychomotor and mem-
ory effects (7). Ramelteon (and melatonin) is associated with less concern
for dependence, perhaps due to its less immediate effects on sleep. Limited
data exist on the efficacy of non–FDA-approved medications for insomnia
such as antidepressants, second-generation antipsychotics, and antihist-
amines. Table 13.8 summarizes sedating medications that may be useful
for patients with insomnia, although selection should be based on the
underlying psychiatric conditions. Of the FDA-approved medications, only
eszopiclone and zolpidem CR have been approved for use without a speci-
fied time limit. The other medications have approved use limited to 35
days or less. Finally, most of the FDA-approved medications for insomnia
also carry an FDA black-box warning for complex sleep-related behaviors,
which may include sleep driving, making phone calls, and preparing and
eating food while asleep. Although dangerous outcomes from these behav-

CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

iors are rare, primary care practitioners should discuss and document the
potential for these behaviors with patients who suffer from insomnia.

Since pharmacotherapy is not intended for long-term use, nonpharmaco-
logic interventions should be considered before or concurrently with seda-
tive-hypnotic medications. Primary care patients who have insomnia
often take sedative-hypnotic agents well beyond the recommended time
frame. Discontinuing these medications can lead to increased anxiety and
irritability as well as rebound insomnia. The inclusion of a psychosocial
treatment approach for insomnia is safe and can be used indefinitely.

Sleep Hygiene Education

Extrinsic factors often cause, worsen, or perpetuate poor sleep. There-
fore, it is important to educate patients about the impact of lifestyle and
behavioral factors on sleep, and to give specific suggestions to improve
sleep hygiene (Table 13.6).

Sleep Restriction
This therapy is based on the premise that those with insomnia can
increase their sleep time and sleep efficiency by inducing temporary
sleep deprivation through voluntarily reducing their time in bed. For
example, people who try to sleep at night and suffer from insomnia
should be encouraged to restrict daytime or early evening naps.

Stimulus Control
Stimulus control may be helpful when insomnia is caused by a ‘‘bedtime
environment’’ that is conducive to staying awake rather than sleeping. A
patient’s report that he can ‘‘never’’ sleep in his own bed, but sleeps very
well in unfamiliar environments, is a clue that he has developed a malad-
aptive response to his sleep environment. This is a common phenomenon
212 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 13.8 Drugs Commonly Used ‘‘Off-Label’’ for Insomnia

Mirtazapine (Remeron) Somnolence and increased appetite May be beneficial if patient has comorbid
depression and insomnia. Mirtazapine’s
sedating effect is inversely dose dependent.
As the dose increases, the noradrenergic
activity counteracts the sleep-inducing H1
antihistaminic effect of mirtazapine
Trazodone (Desyrel) Residual daytime sedation, head- One of the most commonly prescribed agents
ache, orthostatic hypotension, for the treatment of insomnia. May be bene-
priapism, cardiac arrhythmias ficial if patient has comorbid depression and
insomnia. May be an acceptable alternative
for patients for whom BzRAs are contraindi-
cated (severe hypercapnea or hypoxemia, or
history of substance abuse or dependence).
Usually dosed much lower (50–100 mg) than
when used for depression
TCAs Delirium, decreased cognition and Avoid in hospitalized patients due to their
CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

seizure threshold, orthostatic anticholinergic, antihistaminic, and cardiovas-

hypotension, tachycardia, ECG cular side effects. Not recommended as a
abnormalities treatment for insomnia or other sleep prob-
lems unless comorbid depression is present.
As with other antidepressants, TCAs are usu-
ally used at significantly lower doses than for
Diphenhydramine Residual daytime sedation, weight Antihistamines are one of the most commonly
(Benadryl) gain, delirium, orthostatic hypo- used over-the-counter agents for chronic
tension, blurred vision, urinary insomnia. If possible, avoid in patients
retention >60 years old
Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) Residual daytime sedation, weight Efficacy as an anxiolytic has been not estab-
gain, delirium, orthostatic hypo- lished. Not FDA approved for insomnia.
tension, blurred vision, urinary Avoid in patients >60 years old and those
retention with closed-angle glaucoma, prostatic hyper-
trophy, severe asthma, and COPD
Quetiapine (Seroquel) Sedation, orthostatic hypotension, The most sedating of the atypical antipsy-
metabolic derangements (e.g., chotics, it is frequently used as a sleep aid.
weight gain, dyslipidemia, and Not recommended for insomnia or other
glucose dysregulation) sleep problems unless there is comorbid psy-
chotic or bipolar disorder. Is dosed much
lower (25–100 mg) when used for insomnia.
Other less expensive sedative-hypnotic
agents should be used first

BzRAs, benzodiazepine receptor agonists; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; FDA, Food and Drug
Administration; TCAs, tricyclic antidepressants (doxepin, amitriptyline, imipramine, nortriptyline, desipramine).

of psychophysiologic insomnia. For example, this occurs when wake-

promoting activities such as watching TV, studying, and paying bills are
done in the bedroom (or on the bed). The treatment focuses on breaking
these associations by teaching patients to avoid activities that promote
wakefulness in the bedroom (or sleep environment) and to only use the
bedroom for sleeping. If sleep is not possible, the patient is encouraged to
leave the bedroom until a definitive urge to sleep is present.
Chapter 13 Sleep Disorders 213

.................................................. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

.................................................. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) presumes that cognitive distortions
• Refractory insomnia lead to negative emotions and behavior, which may cause or worsen
• Insomnia with a concur- insomnia (8, 9). This therapy includes identifying, challenging, and
rent mood, anxiety, or replacing cognitive distortions and beliefs regarding sleep and loss of
psychotic disorder
sleep with realistic thoughts and beliefs. For example, a college student
• Suicidal ideation in the may catastrophize inability to fall asleep with failing an exam. However,
context of insomnia
when this belief is examined in detail, the inability to sleep may not
• Need for supportive or
cognitive behavioral necessarily cause her to fail the exam. Previous evidence of such an
psychotherapy event may be used to refute this distorted cognition.

Progressive Relaxation Technique

Insomnia is associated with hyperarousal. With this technique, patients
are taught how to recognize and control muscular tension through the
use of exercises (sometimes using music or audio instructions) to reduce
the anxiety and hyperarousal associated with insomnia.

CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

Practice Pointers
Case 1: Insomnia and substance abuse
A 48-year-old man who has been sober for 6 weeks comes to the ambulatory
care clinic saying he hasn’t ‘‘slept a wink’’ since entering a residential treatment
program 4 weeks ago. He stopped drinking alcohol ‘‘cold turkey’’ after his wife
of 20 years and two daughters left him due to the patient’s refusal to quit drink-
ing. For the past 20 years, he has drank up to one 12 pack of beer nightly and
could not fall asleep unless he drank at least two beers before bedtime.
During the first week of sobriety, he had moderate cravings for alcohol and
mild tremors that quickly resolved. His sleep was characterized by taking up to an
hour to fall asleep and waking up feeling tired and groggy. By the end of his sec-
ond week of sobriety, he fell asleep soon after going to bed and started to sleep
through the night, especially after his wife allowed him to speak to his daughters.
Since the third week of sobriety, he has been living in a house with 23 other
people who are in treatment for alcohol or substance dependence. The house
has a strict ‘‘lights out’’ time of 10 PM. He shares a room with three other men
and sleeps on the lower bunk of a bunk bed. During the first week in the pro-
gram, his main problems were ‘‘falling asleep and staying asleep.’’ Recently, he
started getting out of bed to smoke a cigarette on the porch because he felt so
restless and anxious about not being able to fall asleep. During the day, he
struggles to stay awake during group meetings. He wonders if he’s ‘‘bipolar’’
because minor annoyances that never bothered him before, such as a housemate
slurping his soup, make him extremely irritable. He also reports a mildly
depressed mood that is directly related to his stressors and related insomnia.

Discussion: Sleep disruption is very common during the first several months after
the discontinuation of alcohol and other substances. Since he used alcohol to ‘‘self-
medicate,’’ the sudden cessation of alcohol may partially explain his prolonged sleep
latency during the first week of sobriety. The severe psychosocial stressor of his fam-
ily’s departure from the home also probably contributed to his poor sleep. During
the first 2 weeks of sobriety, his differential diagnoses included insomnia due to alco-
hol withdrawal and adjustment (acute) insomnia. His sleep improved as his minor
withdrawal symptoms resolved, and more importantly, after he had the hope of
reuniting with his family.
He started having symptoms of adjustment (acute) insomnia again with
increased sleep latency and frequent awakenings (middle insomnia)—immediately
214 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

after he started facing the new stressors of moving into a residential treatment facil-
ity and sleeping in a new, uncomfortable environment. He is also psychologically
hyperaroused as he frequently thinks about the separation from his family.
He also has symptoms of psychophysiologic insomnia, including preoccupation
and anxiety about sleep, nodding off unintentionally during the day, and the sense
that he needs cigarettes to relax his mind and body. Unfortunately, cigarettes are
compounding the problem, since nicotine is a central nervous system stimulant.
Although extreme irritability and impulsive behaviors are symptoms of a manic epi-
sode, the patient does not report a lack of need for sleep, so bipolar disorder is
unlikely. It is also important to rule out other common psychiatric disorders (Table
13.4) such as major depression and/or anxiety disorders.
For this patient, treatment includes psychoeducation about the effects of psy-
chosocial stressors, alcohol withdrawal, nicotine dependence, environmental factors
(new temporary home), and being anxious about not being able to sleep (psycho-
physiologic insomnia). It would be important to reassure the patient that multiple
significant, but modifiable, factors have converged to disrupt his sleep. First, several
nonpharmacologic approaches should be tried: sleep hygiene (refraining from ciga-
rette use prior to or during bedtime), environmental triggers (e.g., asking room-
mates to refrain from discussing the day’s events, wearing earplugs, or dimming
the alarm clock lights), and behavioral interventions (e.g., refraining from checking
CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

the time constantly). The use of CBT may be useful as it would address his
depressed mood and related insomnia. In this case, BZP and non-BZP medication
should be avoided, as these may trigger alcohol relapse. However, a brief course of
one of the non–FDA-approved agents, such as diphenhydramine 25 mg, can be

Case 2: Is there a ‘‘medical’’ cause for this insomnia?

A 53-year-old African-American woman who weighed 232 pounds and was 5’3’’
tall presented to the ambulatory care clinic complaining of ‘‘really bad snoring’’
and frequent nighttime awakenings, some lasting 30 minutes or more. The
patient usually goes to bed feeling ‘‘exhausted’’ and does not have problems
falling asleep. However, she awakens 2 to 3 hours later due to a ‘‘rumbling’’
feeling in her stomach, and often feels nauseated. She usually gets up to urinate
at this time, but is unsure whether the need to urinate or the gastrointestinal
(GI) symptoms wake her up at night. Sometimes her ‘‘allergies’’ act up at that
time and she starts coughing. She hasn’t had an asthma attack since childhood,
but sometimes feels like she’s about to have one. However, she calms herself by
using deep breathing techniques that she learned at an employee wellness class,
and falls asleep again shortly thereafter. She usually awakens feeling fatigued
and sleepy several hours later.
She can function relatively well in her job as a bookkeeper in the morning,
especially after drinking a cup of regular coffee. By the early afternoon, she can
barely keep her eyes open unless she has at least two shots of espresso. The
patient often awakens with a pounding headache that is only slightly relieved
with ibuprofen. On examination, you note that the patient has a large posterior
pharynx and an enlarged neck. Medical history includes moderate hypertension
that seems to be well controlled with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor.
At this time, she is opposed to getting a sleep study or using an oral appliance or
‘‘any breathing device.’’

Discussion: This patient presented with evidence of OSAH: snoring, morbid obesity,
daytime somnolence, awakening with a headache, a history of hypertension, and a
large posterior oropharynx. Her gastrointestinal symptoms that awaken her from
sleep are suggestive of nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux, which is frequently associ-
ated with OSAH. Rather than her ‘‘allergies’’ acting up, she’s probably coughing
because of the reflux, which has gradually worsened after she gained 50 pounds
over the past year. The reflux then appears to be triggering symptoms of asthma,
Chapter 13 Sleep Disorders 215

which she’s at risk for due to her childhood history. She’s able to stave off an attack
as her reflux symptoms resolve by her sitting up in bed and practicing deep breath-
ing techniques. The morning headaches may be due to unrecognized apneic episodes
and associated blood pressure spikes throughout the night.
In addition to OSAH, nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), GERD-
induced asthma, and pulmonary hypertension, the differential diagnosis should
include diabetes, hypothyroidism, and Cushing disease. For treatment, review the
principles of sleep hygiene with the patient. Help the patient identify a few sleep
hygiene problems, and assist her in developing a plan to address them. To prevent
nocturnal GERD symptoms, advise the patient not to eat or drink anything within at
least 2 hours of bedtime. Consider prescribing a bedtime dose of an antireflux agent.
Encourage the patient to continue sitting up in bed and using deep breathing techni-
ques if she continues to wake up with the above GI symptoms. In the meantime,
obtain the following screening labs: comprehensive metabolic panel, thyroid-stimu-
lating hormone, complete blood count, and a fasting lipid panel.
In this case, weight loss is paramount. She should be given a referral for nutri-
tion counseling and a weight management program. If symptoms persist after these
interventions, consider revisiting the sleep study referral to rule out OSAH and possi-
ble treatment with continuous positive airway pressure.

CHAPTER 13 Sleep Disorders

Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder 780.59
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder 304.45
Dyssomnia Not Otherwise Specified 307.47
Hypersomnia Due to [General Medical Condition] 780.54
Insomnia Due to [General Medical Condition] 780.52
Narcolepsy 347
Primary Insomnia 307.42
Sleep Terror Disorder 304.46
Sleepwalking Disorder 304.46

Practical Resources
American Academy of Sleep Medicine:
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:
National Sleep Foundation:
Talk About Sleep:

1. Mellinger GD, Balter MB, Uhlenhuth EH. Insomnia and its treatment: prevalence and correlates. Arch
Gen Psychiatry. 1985;42(3):225–232.

2. Ford DE, Kamerow DB. Epidemiologic study of sleep disturbances and psychiatric disorders: an
opportunity for prevention? JAMA. 1989;262:1479–1484.

3. National Sleep Foundation. Accessed May 15, 2008.

4. National Institute of Health. NIH state-of-the-science conference statement on manifestations and

management of chronic insomnia in adults. NIH Consens Stat Sci Statements 2005;22:1–30.

5. Katz DA, McHorney CA. The relationship between insomnia and health-related quality of life in
patients with chronic illness. J Fam Pract. 2002;51(3):229–235.

6. American Sleep Disorders Association, Diagnostic Classification Steering Committee. International

Classification of Sleep Disorders: Diagnostic and Coding Manual. Westchester, IL: American Academy of
Sleep Medicine; 2005.

7. Erman M, Seiden D, Zammit G, et al. An efficacy, safety, and dose-response study of Ramelteon in
patients with chronic primary insomnia. Sleep Med. 2006;7(1):17–24.

8. Diagnostic Classification Steering Committee. The International Classification of Sleep Disorders, Revised:
Diagnostic and Coding Manual. Rochester, MN: American Sleep Disorders Association; 1997.

9. World Health Organization. International Classification of Diseases. 10th revision. Geneva, Switzerland:
World Health Organization; 2007.
14 Suicide and Violence
Risk Assessment
Cameron Quanbeck, MD • Pria Joglekar, MD

Assessment and
... A 76-year-old Caucasian male with chronic obstructive ... Management of Suicide
... pulmonary disease (COPD), type 2 diabetes, peripheral ...
CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

... neuropathy, and osteoarthritis presents with complaints of ... Risk

... ‘‘horrible insomnia.’’ His wife of 40 years passed away ...
... ...
One in 10 patients seen in primary
2 years ago and he is currently living alone. His daughter
... ...
care settings meets criteria for
lives in a nearby town and visits him on a weekly basis. One
year prior, his daughter noticed he was having trouble
major depressive disorder. Depres-
... sion is particularly common in
getting around the house to attend to household duties so ...
she hired a home health aide 4 hours a day to assist him. ...
patients presenting for treatment of
She is concerned because he is depressed and has little
a chronic medical condition, with a ...
... prevalence of about 30% to 40%. Pri- ...
energy to participate in pleasurable activities.
mary care providers see depressed
patients routinely and most are
managing these patients with antidepressant pharmacotherapy. Suicidal
thinking is a feature of depression and suicide is a potential outcome.
Clinicians should therefore be familiar with assessing and managing
• Screening at-risk patients Primary care clinicians are better positioned than mental health pro-
for suicidal thinking in fessionals to identify patients at risk and to intervene to prevent suicide.
the primary care setting
can prevent suicides. Clinical contact of depressed patients with primary care providers in the
time period preceding a suicide is more common than contact with
• A number of studies in
primary care settings indi- mental health professions. Three of four suicide victims see a primary
cate that providers often care provider in the year before suicide, and nearly half of these patients
do not ask depressed
patients if they have sui- have contact with their primary care physician in the month before
cidal thoughts. their death, particularly older adults (1). In contrast, only 20% of those
• The majority of patients who die by suicide see a mental health professional in the month prior
who have committed sui- to their death (2). Although it is not known whether or not these sui-
cide had contact with a
primary care provider cides were preventable, this suggests the clinical encounter immediately
within the year before before suicide can be an opportunity to identify suicide risk and plan
their death and 50% of
appropriate interventions.
those who took their
own life visited a primary Studies suggest that primary care providers could do a better job at
care provider within 1 identifying patients at risk for suicide. A recent study examined whether
or not suicidal thinking was explored in a group of patients who made
Chapter 14 Suicide and Violence Risk Assessment 217

an unannounced visit to a primary care clinic complaining of depressive

CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS symptoms and requesting an antidepressant. Fewer than half (42%) of
(Continued) patients were asked about suicidal ideations (3). Another study exam-
• Patients who commit sui- ined whether or not suicidal thinking was explored by primary care
cide within a month of
seeing a primary care physicians in the last visit prior to suicide in a group of patients who
provider are predomi- committed suicide within a month of contact. Sixty-two percent of these
nately older males with
patients were not asked about suicidal thinking, and in half of these
chronic physical illnesses
who live alone. cases, the provider had little knowledge of the patient’s life circumstan-
• Suicide risk assessment ces (4). Suicidal ideation is common in depressed older adults being
involves balancing non- treated in primary care settings. One in five patients will report suicidal
modifiable and modifi-
thoughts during a course of treatment for depression, particularly in
able risk factors for
suicide against factors those with more severe symptoms (5).
that protect against sui-
cide. The key modifiable
risk factor for suicide is
depression coupled with The striking finding that many of those who commit suicide have seen
severe anxiety.

CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

a primary care provider shortly before their death has led to investiga-
• Screening at-risk patients
for suicidal thinking is tions that attempt to profile the type of patient at risk. One study com-
important in assessing pared differences between older adults who committed suicide within
suicide risk and will not 30 days of visiting a primary care provider with older primary patients
cause a patient to start
thinking about suicide. who did not commit suicide. Those who committed suicide had more
• Research has shown that depressive illness, greater physical illness burden, and functional limita-
most patients who com- tions, and were more likely to be prescribed antidepressants, antianxi-
mit suicide tell family and ety agents, and opiate analgesics (6). A similar study investigated the
friends of their wish to
die. Therefore, obtaining differences between older men and women who committed suicide
collateral information shortly after a primary care visit. Male suicides outnumbered female by
from relatives or friends
can be an invaluable a ratio of 3:1. Men were more likely to be single or widowed than
strategy for detecting women. Men were more likely to use hanging as a primary suicide
patients at high suicide method, whereas women tended to overdose on medications, which
suggests care should be exercised in prescribing medications that can
• If clinicians determine
that a patient is at signifi- be lethal in overdose. In both men and women, the primary complaint
cant acute risk of suicide, involved physical, not psychiatric, symptoms (7). Another study found
they should have a ‘‘plan that older adults were more likely to complain of physical symptoms
of action’’ in place that
ensures the patient is prior to suicide, whereas younger adults were more likely to seek help
quickly referred to a for psychiatric symptoms (8).
mental health
professional. The assessment of suicide risk is not as simple as asking a patient,
‘‘Have you been having suicidal thoughts?’’ Inquiring about suicidal
thinking is important, but is only one piece of performing a suicide risk
assessment. The assessment also involves an examination of risk fac-
tors for suicide balanced against factors protective against suicide. The
more suicide risk factors and fewer protective factors, the greater the
risk. There is no specific set of risk factors that have been shown to pre-
dict whether or not a patient will commit suicide; because suicide is a
very rare event, it is nearly impossible to design and carry out a study
with that goal. If primary care providers are aware of key risk and pro-
tective factors, however, they can use sound clinical judgment to iden-
tify at-risk patients and take steps to reduce the likelihood a suicide will
218 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Nonmodifiable Risk Factors

Certain risk factors are static and cannot be changed with clinical inter-
vention. They include demographic factors (e.g., age, gender, and ethnic-
ity) and certain features of a patient’s clinical history. They are
important to recognize because they will indicate which type of patient
is at highest risk (Table 14.1).

Demographic Risk Factors Older males are statistically the most likely to
die by suicide; elderly men (85 years or older) are at greatest risk with
an annual prevalence of 60 suicides per 100,000 (9). Though women
attempt suicide three times more often than men, men are four times
more likely to die by suicide (10). There are several reasons for the
increased risk in men: (1) substance misuse (e.g., alcoholism) is more
prevalent among men, (2) men are less willing than women to seek
help, (3) men attempt suicide using more lethal methods (e.g., firearms)
than women, and (4) females tend to be more socially embedded than
CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

men (10). Nevertheless, a significant number of women commit suicide

and their risk cannot be discounted. Women with a history of depres-
sion and suicide attempts are likely to have poor outcomes postpartum
and have increased suicide risk, especially within the first month of
delivery (10).
Caucasians and Native Americans are the ethnic groups at highest
risk. Their risk of suicide is twice that of African Americans, Hispanics,
and Pacific Islanders (10). When examining ethnicity as a risk factor,
it is important to also consider age. Suicide rates in all ethnic groups
rise sharply from ages 10 to 24, but then plateau into adulthood. Among
Caucasian Americans, there is a marked increase in suicide rate in older
age, which is not observed in African Americans (9). Thus, African
American men commit suicide earlier in life than do Caucasian men
(mean ages 34 and 44, respectively) (11). African American females have

Table 14.1 Risk Factors for Suicide

Key nonmodifiable risk factors for suicide
• A past suicide attempt, particularly a serious attempt
• Male gender
• Advanced age (>65 years)
• Caucasian or Native American ethnicity
• Divorced, separated, or widowed
• Unemployment (particularly recent loss of job in those <45 years)
• Alcohol dependence (particularly when facing losses)
• Childhood sexual and physical abuse
• Chronic neurologic illness
• A family history of suicide
Key modifiable risk factors for suicide
• Major depressive episode, especially with prominent anxiety symptoms
causing insomnia, psychomotor agitation, decreased concentration, and an
inability to experience pleasure
• Alcohol abuse
• Hopelessness
• Suicidal ideation and plan (although some patients intent on suicide may
deny these thoughts to health care providers)
Chapter 14 Suicide and Violence Risk Assessment 219

a remarkably low suicide rate. They are nine times less likely to commit
suicide than are Caucasian women. This low suicide rate has been
attributed to protective factors of religion and extended kin networks.

Clinical History The most robust nonmodifiable risk factor for suicide is
a previous attempt, particularly a past serious attempt (9). A previous
attempt dramatically increases the risk of eventual death by suicide.
Previous attempters are 38 times more likely to complete suicide than
are nonattempters. Serious attempts can be distinguished from less seri-
ous attempts by examining the following factors about the previous
attempt: (1) it involved a high degree of intent (e.g., when asked, the
patient tells you that, prior to the attempt, he or she fully expected to
die and was surprised when he or she did not); 2) it involved a degree of
planning, including measures to avoid discovery; and (3) it involved
lethal or violent methods that resulted in physical injuries (10).
Patients with a chronic psychiatric disorder are at increased risk for

CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

committing suicide. The condition that carries the greatest risk is
chronic depression in the form of either major depressive disorder or
bipolar disorder. Patients with these disorders are 20 times more likely
to commit suicide than those without a mental disorder (10). Substance
misuse, particularly alcoholism, also increases suicide risk. Those with
alcohol dependence are particularly likely to commit suicide when faced
with life stressors caused by their misuse: (1) loss or disruption of a
close personal relationship (e.g., divorce), (2) job loss, and (3) legal and
financial difficulties (10).
Other important nonmodifiable risk factors include being divorced,
separated, or widowed; a family history of suicide; a history of child-
hood abuse (sexual or physical); unemployment (recent job loss is a
common precipitant to suicide in males under the age of 45); and hav-
ing a chronic physical illness, particularly a neurologic illness (epi-
lepsy, multiple sclerosis, Huntington disease, and brain and spinal cord
injuries). Certain nonneurologic illnesses associated with increase sui-
cide risk include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immu-
nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and chronic heart, lung, kidney, and
prostate diseases (10). In a recent study, older primary care patients
(65 years) were asked if they were having thoughts they wished they
were dead. Those with chronic medical conditions, especially a recent
myocardial infarction, were the most likely to report having death
wishes (12).

Modifiable Risk Factors

Psychological autopsies (a focused evaluation of the deceased’s life and
emotional state before death) conducted on suicide victims have found
that 90% meet criteria for one or more psychiatric disorders, predomi-
nately a major depressive episode (9). A landmark study involving a
large sample of patients with recurrent depression found that the pres-
ence of certain symptoms was predictive of suicide within the ensuing
year. These symptoms were (1) global insomnia (e.g., disruption of all
phases of sleep), (2) psychomotor agitation (e.g., restlessness, pacing), (3)
220 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

severe anxiety, (4) panic attacks, (5) difficulty concentrating, (6) severe
anhedonia (e.g., an inability to experience pleasure), and (7) alcohol
abuse (13). In examining these data, experts in suicidology reason that
depression is difficult to tolerate and there is a wish to escape through
death. The added component of severe anxiety creates an intolerable
situation that fuels suicidal thoughts and behaviors (9). Depressed
patients who are also anxious are more likely to act on suicidal
impulses than those with psychomotor slowing (9).
The strong association between anxiety and suicide has been found
in other settings. In a retrospective study of psychiatric inpatients who
committed suicide, the vast majority (80%) exhibited signs of anxiety
and agitation in the week prior to death (9). Primary care patients with
anxiety disorders have an increased risk of suicidal ideations and
attempts in both the short and long term. Patients with anxiety symp-
toms coupled with depression have a significantly greater suicide risk
than those with depression alone (14). Other key modifiable risk fac-
CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

tors for suicide are strong feelings of hopelessness (15); a wish to

destroy the lives of survivors (revenge suicide); extreme feelings of
worthlessness, shame, or guilt; and polarized thinking (e.g., rigid
thinking in which a patient is unable to consider options other than
suicide) (10).

Protective Factors
Having strong reasons for living is inversely correlated with hopeless-
ness, suicidal ideations, and depression (10). Those reasons for living
include having family and other social support, responsibility for chil-
dren, and an expectation that current emotional pain is temporary and
a hope that things will improve in future (9). Patients with strong reli-
gious beliefs are also at a decreased risk of suicide, particularly those
who practice Catholicism and Judaism (10). The belief that killing one-
self is morally wrong and sinful and results in eternal damnation is a
strong deterrent to suicide. A cultural sanction against suicide (the view
that suicide is shameful) is another protective factor (9). Other protective
factors include rewarding work, a good therapeutic alliance, and healthy
and well-developed coping skills (10) (Table 14.2). Older primary care
patients (65 years) who display a positive affect are less likely than
those who do not to report suicidal thinking (16).

Table 14.2 Factors Protective Against Suicide: Reasons to Live

• Strong religious (eternal damnation) or cultural beliefs
(shame) against suicide
• A strong social network
• Responsibility for children
• Hope for the future
• Good therapeutic alliance
• A positive affect
Chapter 14 Suicide and Violence Risk Assessment 221


Any patient presenting with a primary complaint of depression, anxiety,
or substance misuse should be screened for suicidal ideation, as they are
at elevated risk for self-harm (17). Questions about suicidal ideation
should be asked later in a clinical encounter, after rapport with a patient
has been established. For example, as part of screening for depression,
thoughts of death and suicide should be asked after screening for the
other eight depressive symptoms. Figure 14.1 illustrates a line of ques-
tioning designed to elicit suicidal ideations in at-risk patients. It is also
very important to recognize that asking about suicidal thinking does not
‘‘plant’’ suicidal ideas in a patient’s mind (18). It is common for primary
care providers to hold this view. One in five primary care providers
believed that asking depressed patients about suicidal thinking will cause
a patient to begin thinking about it. There is no evidence this is true and,
on the contrary, many patients report feeling relieved when they are
asked (17).

CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

The intensity and duration of suicidal ideations are predictive of
eventual suicide (10). More ominous is the development of a suicide
plan. Thirty-four percent of those with suicidal ideations go on to devise
a suicide plan. Up to 70% of patients who develop a plan go on to make
a suicide attempt, usually within the year after the onset of suicidal
thinking (9). A suicide plan dramatically increases risk, especially when
the plan (1) is detailed and specific, (2) is formulated to escape detection,
and (3) involves a violent and irreversible method (e.g., jumping off a
bridge, shooting oneself, or carbon monoxide poisoning). Certain behav-
iors, such as writing a suicide note and giving away personal posses-
sions, indicate an intensification of suicidal thinking and a strong
subjective desire to die (10).


As shown in Figure 14.1, screening for suicidal thinking can result in
four possible clinical situations: (1) no desire to die or thoughts of death,
(2) death wishes but no thoughts of harming self, (3) suicidal ideations
without a plan, and (4) suicidal ideations with a plan. In general,
patients in categories 1 and 2 can effectively be managed in primary
care settings. Patients in the higher-risk categories should be referred to
mental health specialists for further assessment, treatment, and
Patients who have been having active suicidal ideations without a
specific plan should be seen as soon as possible by a mental health
professional, ideally the same day. Patients with active suicidal idea-
tion and a specific plan in mind should be sent to the emergency
room for immediate evaluation. If an actively suicidal patient is
unwilling to go to the emergency room and attempts to leave the
clinicians office, a call to the local police department for involuntary
detainment may be indicated. Clinicians should familiarize themselves
with clinic policies and state laws regarding involuntary commitment
and have a low threshold to secure an involuntary hold in those who
222 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Step 1: Screen for Death Wishes

Normalizing question: Many people with the

kinds of problems you are experiencing also
have thoughts that life isn’t worth living
If no, stop questioning.
anymore. Have you been thinking that you’d
be better off dead or wish you would fall asleep
and not wake up?

Step 2: Assess Reasons to Live

Is there anything in your life that makes it worth

living? Your children? Your family? Are you a
religious person? Do you believe in life after death?
What are your thoughts about the fate of people
who kill themselves? Do you believe that things
will get better for you in the future (hopelessness)?

Step 3: Screen for Suicidal Ideations

CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

You mentioned before that you sometimes wished

you were dead, has it gotten to the point where If no, stop questioning
you’ve thought about ending your life?

If yes, assess the following regarding suicidal thinking:

• Frequency: How often do you have these thoughts?
• Duration: When you have these thoughts, how long
do they last?
• Intensity: When you have these thoughts, are you
able to get them out of your mind?

Step 4: Presence of a Plan

Have you thought about ways you might If no, stop and refer to a
end your life? mental health professional as
soon as possible, ideally the
same day.

If yes, assess the following about the suicide plan:

• Method: What have you thought about doing?
• Preparations: What plans have you made?
When and where will this happen?
To the ER for immediate
• Likelihood: What is the chance you’ll carry this
out? (e.g., 100%, 50%, 10% chance)
Is there anything stopping you from carrying
your plan out? Have you been drinking or using
drugs lately?

Figure 14.1 Eliciting suicidal thinking in at-risk patients.

are at moderate or high acute risk for suicide and unwilling to get
immediate mental health treatment.

Primary care providers who assume the responsibility for treating a
patient with a mental illness will generally be held to the same liability
standard as mental health professionals. Consequently, primary care
providers who have a patient commit suicide while under their care
Chapter 14 Suicide and Violence Risk Assessment 223

may be named in malpractice litigation (19). It is critical to ask patients

who are having suicidal thoughts about their access to firearms or if they
have recently purchased a gun. The risk of suicide in those who have
purchased a handgun is nearly 60 times greater than those in the general
population (9). If the patient has access to a firearm, steps should be
taken to ensure that this access is taken away. Asking the patient or fam-
ily members to get rid of guns in the home can be an important issue in
malpractice litigations (9). Most importantly, if a patient under your care
commits suicide and a malpractice suit is brought against you, whether
or not you assessed and documented suicide risk will be crucial in deter-
mining if the care you provided was negligent.
Another emerging issue in suicide malpractice cases is the use of
antidepressant therapy. There is a twofold increase in nonfatal suicide
attempts during the first 9 days of treatment with selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), likely due to the propensity of these agents
in some patients to initially increase levels of anxiety and agitation (19).

CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

Patients should be closely monitored for the development of suicidal
ideations in the first 2 weeks after therapy is initiated. Prescribing prac-
tices should be tailored to prevent the possibility of an overdose (e.g.,
the tricyclic antidepressants are notorious for their lethality). While
there may be a short-term risk of emergent suicidality with antidepres-
sant treatment and overdose risk must be considered, it is also impor-
tant to detect and treat depression effectively. Studies on primary care
patients who attempted suicide found that those on antidepressants
were not dosed adequately (19).

Practice Pointers
Case 1: Suicide risk assessment
A 76-year-old Caucasian male with COPD, type 2 diabetes, peripheral neuro-
pathy, and osteoarthritis presents with complaints of ‘‘horrible insomnia.’’ His
wife of 40 years passed away 2 years ago and he is currently living alone. His
daughter lives in a nearby town and visits him on a weekly basis. One year
prior, his daughter noticed he was having trouble getting around the house to
attend to household duties so she hired a home health aide 4 hours a day to
assist him. She is concerned because he is depressed and has little energy to
participate in pleasurable activities.
He endorses feeling depressed most days, has lost interest in things he
used to enjoy, and has had some trouble focusing enough to read the daily
paper. On chart review, you note he has lost 10 pounds since he was last seen
in the clinic 3 months ago. When you ask him if he has recently thought that
life isn’t worth living or if he wished he were dead, he breaks eye contact with
you and lowers his head. He responds, ‘‘No,’’ then pauses and softly says ‘‘No’’
a second time. You provide him with education on depression and he agrees,
somewhat reluctantly, to take an antidepressant. He leaves the office with a
prescription and a follow-up appointment in 1 week. You continue with your
clinic schedule but keep thinking about this patient. Something about his
response to your question about death wishes keeps bothering you.

Discussion: Past research has shown that in the last clinical contact prior to a suicide,
most patients will give providers no indication they are about to end their lives and
the suicide is unexpected (20). A study of psychiatric inpatients who committed
224 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

suicide in the hospital or immediately after discharge found that the vast majority
(77%) denied suicidal thoughts at their last clinical contact (20). This finding
extends to primary care settings as well. In only 19% to 54% of primary care
encounters did suicidal patients explicitly inform primary care providers of life-end-
ing thoughts and plans (2). Elderly patients, commonly seen in primary care set-
tings, are much less likely than younger patients to endorse having suicidal
ideations (9). Although the reasons why many of those who commit suicide did
not communicate their intentions to health care professionals can never be known,
suicidologists theorize there are several possible reasons. First, patients who are
intent on committing suicide may hide their intentions from providers because
they don’t want to be stopped. Second, clinicians may fail to recognize a patient’s
distress and make an empathic connection; consequently, a suicidal patient doesn’t
feel comfortable disclosing these deeply personal thoughts. Third, the clinical
encounter may have a temporary calming effect on patients and, in that moment,
they are not feeling suicidal, but suicidal impulses return sometime after leaving
the office.
It is very important to be aware that most patients who commit suicide, how-
ever, do communicate the desire to end their lives to the people they are closest to.
In one study of suicide completers, only 18% told a health care provider of their sui-
CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

cidal ideas, but 60% told a spouse and 50% told a relative of the wish to end their
lives (20). It is also critical to recognize that a brief encounter in the office offers a
limited view of what is occurring in a patient’s life. To get a broader perspective you
need to speak with someone who knows the patient well and sees him or her on a
regular basis. If you screen an at-risk patient for suicidal thinking and he or she
denies suicidal thinking but you are concerned about his or her risk, a call to a family
member or friend can be invaluable in preventing a suicide. A patient’s recent
behaviors and communications outside the office can be important when making an
accurate assessment of suicide risk. In practice, it is always ideal to have the patient’s
permission to contact collateral sources and to protect patient confidentially unless
explicitly stated. However, there is an emergency exception to confidentiality. In dan-
gerous situations (e.g., risk of suicide, impending assault, medical emergency), confi-
dentiality can be breached.
After obtaining the permission from the patient, you call his daughter and ask if
she’s noticed anything different or concerning about him lately. She states, ‘‘Oh, doc-
tor, I’m so glad you called; he has been acting different lately. I’ve noticed that he
doesn’t watch football anymore, which is something he used to love to do. I have to
force him to eat when I visit him and he seems real jittery sometimes. I’m worried
about his drinking too. Last week, I found a bunch of empty bottles of vodka in his
garage and, when I called him a few days ago, he sounded really out of it. What
really scares me is that he’s been making changes to his will and just bought my
daughter a brand new car. He’s spending money that he needs to live on. His health
is OK, right? He’s not going to die soon, is he?’’ You reply, ‘‘No, but I’m concerned
your father may be thinking about ending his life. I’d like you to go to his house
immediately and bring him to our emergency room. Call me once you get there and
let me know if he is willing to go.’’

Discussion: Although an afterthought in the case, this patient has multiple risk fac-
tors for suicide (depressed mood, advanced age, loss of his wife, chronic medical ill-
ness, possible preparation for suicide, and likely alcohol abuse). Even though the
patient reported ‘‘no’’ to wanting to end his life, there is valid justification for con-
cern given the way he answered the question. Referring this patient to the emer-
gency room for a suicide assessment if clinically indicated will very likely prove to be
life saving.
This patient likely has major depressive disorder and should be treated with
both psychotherapy and an antidepressant. While on medication for his depression,
he should be monitored by both a mental health professional and his primary care
provider on a frequent basis for the first 6 months of therapy.
Chapter 14 Suicide and Violence Risk Assessment 225

Assessment and
... Mr. Green is a 56-year-old patient with type 2 diabetes and ... Management of Violence
... hypertension who was recently transferred to your care by ...
... a primary care provider who recently retired. He has been ... Risk
... scheduled to see you for a routine follow-up. Earlier in the ...
.... afternoon, you encountered and dealt with an emergent ...
Violence in primary care settings is
... situation with one of your patients and are subsequently common (21). In a survey of general
... running behind schedule. Mr. Green arrived to his practitioners, two thirds reported
... appointment on time and has been waiting for over an ...
experiencing aggressive behavior
... ...
(verbal abuse, threats to commit
... hour to see you. The clinic receptionist rushes back to see
... you between patients and expresses concern about his
violence, or physical assault) from
.. behavior.
patients in the previous year. Pri-
mary care providers who experi-
ence work-related violence report
that it impairs their job performance because it leads to anxiety and diffi-
culty concentrating in the work environment (22). Primary care providers

CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

who are less experienced, work in lower socioeconomic and socially dis-
advantaged areas, and treat patient populations with a high prevalence
of substance misuse and mental health disorders are at increased risk for
workplace violence (21).


Certain risk factors increase the likelihood a patient will behave aggres-
CLINICAL HIGHLIGHTS sively. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. A history of
violence is the most powerful long-term predictor of future violence
• Most primary care
providers report experi- (23). Primary care providers are most often assaulted by patients who
encing violent behavior misuse substances (24). An important short-term risk factor for violence
from their patients and
these experiences can is recent verbal or physical aggression (25). Symptoms that indicate a
have a negative impact patient is at imminent risk for becoming assaultive include (1) psycho-
on work performance.
motor agitation, (2) a hostile or angry affect, (3) verbal threats to harm
• Patients with a history of others, (4) attacks on objects, (5) intense staring, and (6) a poor thera-
violence and substance
abuse are most likely to peutic alliance or resistance to treatment (25, 26).
behave aggressively in Past research has identified specific environments, situations, and
the primary care setting;
patient interactions in the health care setting that most frequently trig-
the emergency depart-
ment is the setting where ger a patient assault (27–29). The health care environment with the
violence is most common. highest number of assaults is the emergency department (ED). Evening
• A common precipitant to and early morning hours are the highest-risk times, as these are when
an assault on a primary
patients are most likely to be intoxicated. Patients frustrated by long
care provider is after a
patient is told ‘‘no.’’ waiting times in the clinic or ED can become angered to the point they
• Effective strategies to dif- resort to violence as a response. Enforcement of hospital rules can pre-
fuse potential violence cipitate patient violence. Patients who disagree with their physicians or
include early recognition,
feel dissatisfied with their treatment (including the health care system
avoiding arguments or
taking an authoritarian in general) can become upset and aggressive. Awareness of these com-
stance, empathizing with mon precipitants to patient assault is a key component in efforts to pre-
the patient’s frustration,
and providing choices for vent violence (Table 14.3). If a patient becomes aggressive without an
the patient. identifiable external trigger, the motivation for the violence is often
related to psychotic symptoms. A psychiatry consultation should be
226 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 14.3 Situations and Interactions within the Health Care

System Associated with Violence
• Long waiting times in the emergency department of clinic
• Disagreement with the physician’s treatment plan
• Dissatisfaction with treatment or the health care system in general
• Enforcement of hospital and clinic policies and rules
• Providing care in acute care settings during evening and early morning hours
• Providing care to patients experiencing psychotic symptoms
• Paranoid delusions are most associated with violence
• Seen in patients with delirium and major psychotic disorders

obtained for further evaluation and treatment of a possible cognitive

(e.g., delirium) or psychotic disorder (e.g., schizophrenia).

Practice Pointers
CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

Case 2: Looking for pre-escalation

Mr. Green is a 56-year-old patient with type 2 diabetes and hypertension who
was recently transferred to your care by a primary physician who recently
retired. He has been scheduled to see you for a routine follow-up. Earlier in the
afternoon, you encountered and dealt with an emergent situation with one of
your patients and are subsequently running behind schedule. Mr. Green arrived
to his appointment on time and has been waiting for over an hour to see you.
The clinic receptionist rushes back to see you between patients and expresses
concern about his behavior. She tells you, ‘‘At first he seemed all right with hav-
ing to wait, but he just started yelling at me and demanding to be seen immedi-
ately. I keep on telling him that you’ll see him soon and ask him to sit down but
that just seems to make him angrier. Now he’s pacing around the room and star-
ing at me. What should I do?’’

Discussion: Clinicians regarded as experts in de-escalating potentially explosive situa-

tions stress the importance of early intervention in the emotional process that can cul-
minate in a physical assault. In this case, the early recognition of pre-escalation, as
evidenced by pacing, staring, yelling, demanding, and psychomotor agitation, is para-
mount. This patient can be offered alternatives to a longer wait time. For example, he
can be given the option of making another appointment or provided an accurate time
frame for which he will be waiting. An empathic stance also has the potential to diffuse
the situation early. For instance, the receptionist might briefly explain the emergent
nature of why the doctor is late and say, ‘‘I understand your time is important and that
this is frustrating for you.’’ Table 14.4 summarizes proactive steps that can be taken in
this case to help diffuse the situation and decrease the risk for violent behavior.

Case 3: Maintenance of safety is paramount

You are working a weekend shift in an urgent care clinic. A nurse approaches
you and hands you a patient’s chart. She tells you, ‘‘This patient, Mr. Johnson, is
a big-time drug seeker. He is always coming in here with these bogus pain com-
plaints and demanding OxyContin and other narcotics. You aren’t gonna give
him any, are you?’’
The first thing Mr. Johnson tells you is, ‘‘Hey, doctor, I got the worst
migraine headache ever. The only thing that will take care of it is a shot of
Demerol. Just give me that shot and I’ll be out of here.’’ You begin to question
Mr. Johnson in detail about the onset, duration, and location of his pain. His
answers are vague, nondescriptive, and contradictory. As the interview pro-
gresses, he gets increasingly hostile and eventually blurts out, ‘‘What’s with all
Chapter 14 Suicide and Violence Risk Assessment 227

Table 14.4 Clinical Interventions That Can Be Taken to

Deescalate a Patient and Prevent a Physical Assault
(Based on Practice Pointers Clinical Case)
• Step 1: Recognize patients who are escalating emotionally
• Verbal abuse, psychomotor agitation, hostility, and staring indicate a
patient is escalating
• Appropriate intervention at this stage may avert physical aggression

• Step 2: Read the situation and the meaning of the behavior

• Frustration about coming to the appointment on time and having to wait
over an hour
• Angry about his time being wasted, may feel disrespected

• Step 3: Connect with the patient

• Approach the patient maintaining an adequate distance
• Agitated patients need increased interpersonal space
• Speak in a calm voice
• Instill in patient a sense of control
• For example: ‘‘May I speak with you? You seem very upset right now—
can we talk about it?’’

CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

• Step 4: Empathize with the patient and validate emotions
• For example: ‘‘Sir, I’m really sorry about the long wait. I can imagine it is
really frustrating to show up on time and have to wait this long to be seen.
I know your time is very important. . . .’’

• Step 5: Depersonalize the situation

• Anger can create cognitive distortions that lead to mistaking the intentions
of others; for example: ‘‘This doctor is putting me off. . . . He doesn’t care
about me!’’
• Communicate openly and honestly
• For example: ‘‘You know, the reason I’m so far behind is that I had to
deal with an emergency situation earlier this afternoon and send a
patient to the hospital. Sometimes these things happen; I hope you
understand. I’m doing my best to catch up and get to you.’’

• Step 6: Give a patient choices

• Asking an escalating patient to make a decision diverts focus from the incit-
ing stimulus and helps in regaining emotional control
• For example: ‘‘Is there anything I can do for you that will make waiting
here easier for you? You could take a walk around the building and I could
call you when I’m ready to see you, or I could offer you some different
magazines and a glass of water. . . .’’

the stupid questions? I already told you what I need! Do your goddamn job and
give me the shot or I’ll sue you!’’ You exit the room and review Mr. Johnson’s
medical records. They chronicle numerous urgent care visits for various pain com-
plaints, which are unsubstantiated by objective findings. He demands opiates at
each visit and often receives a prescription for a small supply of opiates with
instructions to follow up with his primary care physician. He has a past history of
heroin dependence and has been arrested in the past for assault. After consult-
ing with a colleague, you determine that he is likely seeking abusable medica-
tion and prepare to speak with him about the issue.

Discussion: Primary care providers should take precautions when preparing to deny
a patient’s request. Although necessary at times, telling a patient ‘‘no’’ is a common
precipitant to assaults on medical staff (25). In this case, giving the patient the nar-
cotics he is demanding may facilitate him leaving the clinic, but will be counterpro-
ductive in the long term because the behavior will be reinforced. Table 14.5 details
how to approach and manage a patient in this situation in a manner that protects
your safety and will not escalate the situation further.
228 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

Table 14.5 Telling a Patient ‘‘No’’: Tips for Protecting Your

Safety and Preventing Further Escalation of the
• Never enter a room with a potentially violent patient and situate yourself
in a position where you can be cornered without a route of escape
• Always notify your colleagues about your concerns for possible violence so
they are aware and can help if needed
• Ask another staff member to accompany you if you don’t feel safe
• In some instances, notifying hospital security to stand by is appropriate
• Avoid taking an authoritarian stance with a patient; becoming argumenta-
tive only serves to fuel the escalating process
• Agitated and angry patients don’t respect your authority; don’t think
that being a physician protects you from violence
• When denying a request, explain your reasoning to the patient and how
you are acting in his or her best interest
• For example: ‘‘Sir, your records indicate that you have a history of heroin
use. Giving you narcotic medication for your headache will place you at
risk for relapse. I want to do what’s best for you. I can offer you some
nonnarcotic pain medications instead. What do you think?’’
CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

Practical Resources
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration:; 1-800-
SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
National Institute of Mental Health:
American Psychiatric Association Guidelines for Suicide Prevention:

1. Luoma JB, Martin CE, Pearson JL. Contact with mental health and primary care providers before sui-
cide: a review of the evidence. Am J Psychiatry. 2002;159:909–916.

2. Blashki G, Pirkis J, Epid A, et al. Managing depression and suicide risk in men presenting to primary
care physicians. Prim Care Clin Office Pract. 2006;33:211–221.

3. Feldman MD, Franks P, Duberstein PR, et al. Let’s not talk about it: suicide inquiry in primary care.
Ann Fam Med. 2007;5:412–418.

4. Milton J, Ferguson B, Mills T. Risk assessment and suicide prevention in primary care. Crisis.

5. Vannoy SD, Duberstein P, Cukrowicz K, et al. The relationship between suicide ideation and late-life
depression. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2007;15:1024–1033.

6. Conwell Y, Lyness JM, Duberstein P, et al. Completed suicide among older patients in primary care
practices: a controlled study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2000;48(1):23–29.

7. Harwood DM, Hawton K, Hope T, et al. Suicide in older people: mode of death, demographic factors,
and medical contact before death. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2000;15:736–743.

8. Salib E, Tadros G. Elderly suicide in primary care. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2007;22:750–756.

9. Simon RI. Suicide risk: assessing the unpredictable. In: Textbook of Suicide Assessment and Management.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2006:1–32.

10. American Psychiatric Association. Practice guidelines for the assessment and treatment of patients
with suicidal behaviors. Am J Psychiatry. 2003;160(suppl):1–60.

11. Garlow SJ, Purselle D, Heninger M. Ethnic differences in patterns of suicide across the life cycle. Am
J Psychiatry. 2005;162:319–323.

12. Kim YA, Bogner HR, Brown GK, et al. Chronic medical conditions and wishes to die among older pri-
mary care patients. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2006;36(2):183–198.

13. Fawcett J, Scheftner WA, Fogg L, et al. Time-related predictors of suicide in major affective disorder.
Am J Psychiatry. 1990;147(9):1189–1194.

14. Sareen J, Cox BJ, Afifi TO, et al. Anxiety disorders and risk for suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005;62:1249–1257.
Chapter 14 Suicide and Violence Risk Assessment 229

15. Beck AT, Brown G, Berchick RJ, et al. Relationship between hopelessness and ultimate suicide: a
replication with psychiatric outpatients. Am J Psychiatry. 1990;147(2):190–195.

16. Hirsch JK, Duberstein PR, Chapman B, et al. Positive affect and suicide ideations in older adult pri-
mary care patients. Psychol Aging. 2007;22(2):380–385.

17. Raue PJ, Brown EL, Meyers BS, et al. Does every allusion to possible suicide require the same
response? J Fam Pract. 2006;55(7):605–612.

18. Schulberg HC, Hyg MS, Bruce ML, et al. Preventing suicide in primary care patients: the primary
care physician’s role. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2004;26:337–345.

19. Simon RI, Sadoff RL. Malpractice law: an introduction. In: Psychiatric Malpractice: Cases and Comments
for Clinicians. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press; 1992:23–55.

20. Mays D. Structured assessment methods may improve suicide prevention. Psychiatric Ann.

21. Magin PJ, Adams J, Sibbritt DW, et al. Experiences of occupational violence in Australian urban gen-
eral practice: a cross-sectional study of GPs. Med J Aust. 2005;183:352–356.

22. Coles J, Koritsas S, Boyle M, et al. GPs, violence and work performance—‘just part of the job?’ Aust
Fam Physician. 2007;36:189–191.

23. Quanbeck CD. Forensic psychiatric aspects of inpatient violence. Psychiatry Clin North Am.

24. Tolhurst H, Baker L, Murray G, et al. Rural general practitioner experience of work-related violence

CHAPTER 14 Suicide & Violent Risk

in Australia. Aust J Rural Health. 2003;11:231–236.

25. Quanbeck C, McDermott B. Inpatient settings. In: Textbook of Violence Assessment and Management.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2008:295–318.

26. Lanza ML, Zeiss RA, Rierdan J. Non-physical violence: a risk factor for physical violence in health
care settings. AAOHN J. 2006;54:397–402.

27. Carmi-Iluz T, Peleg R, Freud T, et al. Verbal and physical violence towards hospital- and commu-
nity-based providers in the Negev: an observational study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2005;5:54.

28. Gates DM, Ross CS, McQueen L. Violence against emergency department workers. J Emerg Med.

29. May DD, Grubbs LM. The extent, nature, and precipitating factors of nurse assault among three
groups of registered nurses in a regional medical center. J Emerg Nurs. 2002;28:11–17.
A Psychotropic Medications

Table 2.3 First-Line Antidepressant Medications

APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications


Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
Sertraline 50 50–200 Serotonin and dopamine reuptake inhibition
(Zoloft) Possible early and temporary diarrhea and dyspepsia
Relatively low risk for drug interactions
Paroxetine 20 20–60 High anticholinergic and antihistamine side-effect profile
Paroxetine CR 12.5–20 25–75 Risk for sedation, weight gain, and dry mouth
(Paxil, Paxil CR) Short half-life with more risk for discontinuation syndrome
High chance for drug interactions
Unsafe during pregnancy—class D
Fluoxetine 20 20–60 Long half-life and ideal for intermittently compliant
(Prozac) patients
Relatively inexpensive
High chance for drug interactions
Fluvoxamine 50 50–300 Rarely used due to high side-effect profile
Citalopram 20 20–60 Structurally similar to escitalopram
(Celexa) Low risk for drug interactions
Escitalopram 10 10–20 Structurally similar to citalopram
(Lexapro) Low risk for drug interactions
Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
Venlafaxine XR 37.5 75–300 Structurally similar to desvenlafaxine (do not use
(Effexor XR) concurrently)
Dual action on serotonin and norepinephrine receptors
Not consistently ‘‘activating’’ but usually does not cause
Sometimes used as an adjunct for chronic pain
Not to be used in those with difficult-to-treat hypertension
May increase blood pressure and heart rate, especially at
higher dosing range (>150 mg/day)
Non-XR formulation is rarely used due to side-effect profile
and twice-per-day dosing
Short half-life with more risk for discontinuation syndrome
Reduce dose with renal insufficiency


Appendix A Psychotropic Medications 231

Table 2.3 First-Line Antidepressant Medications (Continued)

Desvenlafaxine 50 50–100 Structurally similar to venlafaxine (do not use concurrently)
(Pristiq) Dual action on serotonin and norepinephrine receptors
Not consistently ‘‘activating’’ but usually does not cause
Not to be used in those with difficult-to-treat hypertension
Short half-life with more risk for discontinuation syndrome
Reduce dose with renal insufficiency

Duloxetine 30 30–60 Dual action on serotonin and norepinephrine receptors

(Cymbalta) Not consistently ‘‘activating’’ but usually does not cause
FDA approved for fibromyalgia and diabetic peripheral
neuropathic pain
Sometimes used for chronic neuropathic pain
Short half-life with more risk for discontinuation syndrome

APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications

Increased risk for drug interactions
Bupropion 75–150 300–450
Bupropion SR 100 300–400 Given twice per day
(Wellbutrin Likely dual action on dopamine and norepinephrine
SR) receptors
Contraindicated with seizure and eating disorders
Bupropion XL 150 300–450 Increased risk for seizures in those with alcohol withdrawal
(Wellbutrin Not used for anxiety disorders
XL) May worsen anxiety associated with depression
No serotonin activity and no related sexual side effects
XL formulation is supposed to have slower release and
lower side-effect profile (permits higher dosing and
lower seizure risk)
Less frequently used due to side-effect profile
Mirtazapine 15 15–45 Increases central serotonin and norepinephrine activity
(Remeron) (possibly through presynaptic a2-adrenergic receptor
Decreased frequency of sexual side effects
Increased sedation and sleepiness at mainly lower doses
Although not indicated for anxiety disorders, it may be
Remeron Sol tab is orally dissolving for patients who
cannot swallow

FDA, Food and Drug Administration; PCP, primary care physician.

Initial dose should be decreased by half when treating an anxiety disorder or an elderly person.
Drug interactions refer to commonly used medications that are principally metabolized by the P450 2D6 pathway.
APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications

Table 3.6 Mood Stabilizers for Bipolar Disorder
Lithium 300 mg BID/TID 0.6–1.2 mEq/L Steady-state level Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, tremor, Check lithium level 5–7 days after
May be dosed (acute mania) reached in 4–5 fatigue, polyuria, acne, worsening each dose change
QHS if tolerated days psoriasis, diabetes insipidus Every 3 months: lithium level, TSH,
Increase by ECG changes (mainly benign T-wave metabolic panel
increments of changes) Lithium toxicity risk increased by:
300–600 mg, Hypothyroidism 1. Drugs that decrease glomerular
as tolerated Toxicity (confusion, ataxia, dysarthria, filtration rate, which increase
coma) lithium levels (NSAIDs, ACE
High caution in those with renal inhibitors, diuretics)
insufficiency 2. Conditions that cause volume
Potentially lethal due to its narrow depletion or ‘‘dehydration’’
therapeutic window (e.g., severe vomiting/diarrhea)
Pregnancy category (D)
Divalproex 500–1,000 mg 85–125 mg/mL Steady-state level Sedation Baseline, 3-month, 6-month, and
Sodium BID (25 mg/ (acute mania) reached in 3–5 Tremor annually thereafter: VPA level,
(Depakote) kg/day for days Weight gain CBC, AST, and ALT
acute mania) Increase by 500– Hypersensitivity
Extended 1,000 mg/day, Thrombocytopenia
release (ER) as tolerated Transaminitis
dosed 500– Hyperammonemia
2,000 mg QHS Encephalopathy
Pregnancy category (D)
Carbamazepine ER 200 mg BID Not established Steady-state level Dizziness Baseline, 3-month, 6-month, and
(Tegretol) for bipolar reached in 3–4 Somnolence annually thereafter:
disorder days Stevens-Johnson syndrome carbamazepine level, CBC, serum
Increase by 200 Hyponatremia (SIADH) chemistry, liver enzymes
mg/day (up Leukopenia, pancytopenia,
to 1,600 mg/ thrombocytopenia
day), as Hepatitis
tolerated Drug interactions common
Pregnancy category (D)
Oxcarbazepine 300 mg BID Not established Increased by 300 Fatigue Serum sodium during maintenance
(Trileptal) for bipolar mg/day, as Ataxia treatment (interval not
disorder tolerated Hyponatremia established; consider every 3–4
Stevens-Johnson syndrome months)
Pregnancy category (C)
Lamotrigine 25 mg/day Not established 25 mg/day for 2 Rash Signs of rash
(Lamictal)c for bipolar weeks, then 50 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
disorder mg/day for 2 Hepatitis
weeks, then 100 Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
mg/day for 1 Pregnancy category (C)
week, then 200
mg/day (dose
titration pack
available), as

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ALT, alanine transaminase; AST, aspartate transaminase; CBC, complete blood count; ECG, electrocardiogram; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; VPA, valproic acid.
Adapted with permission from Scherk H, Pajonk FG, Leucht S. Second-generation antipsychotic agents in the treatment of acute mania: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007;64:442–455; and Physician Desk Reference 2008.
Starting dose is for average adult patients. Elderly patients and patients with hepatic and renal disease should have lower starting doses. Frequent monitoring is required for those who
have severe symptoms.
For bipolar depression and maintenance, not for acute bipolar mania.
Even slower titration when used with divalproex sodium and hepatic enzyme-inducing drugs (alternate dose titration pack is available).

APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications
234 Appendix A Psychotropic Medications

Table 4.4 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Serotonin Norepinephrine
Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) for Anxiety Disorders
Fluoxetine (Prozac) 10 20–60 Longa 2D6 inhibitor
Sertraline (Zoloft) 25 50–200 Medium ()
Citalopram (Celexa) 10 20–60 Short ()
Escitalopram (Lexapro) 5 10–30 Short ()
Paroxetine (Paxil) 10 20–60 Short 2D6 inhibitor
Paroxetine controlled 12.5 12.5–25 Short 2D6 inhibitor
release (Paxil CR)
Fluvoxamine (Luvox) 50 150–300 Short 3A4 and 1A2
APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications

Venlafaxine extended 37.5 75–225 Shorta ()

release (Effexor XR)
Duloxetine (Cymbalta) 30 60–120 Short 2D6 inhibitor
Including active metabolites.
Table 5.7 First-Line Antipsychotic Medications
Risperidone 1 mg BID or 2 mg 4–6 Increase up to 2 mg daily, EPS (þþ) Initial:
(Risperdal) QHS as tolerated Hyperprolactinemia (þþþ) • Baseline weight and body
Orthostatic hypotension (þþ) mass index, vital signs,
Metabolic abnormalities (þþ) fasting plasma glucose,
Sedation (þþ) and lipid profile
• Consider doing a preg-
Olanzapine 5–10 mg 10–20 Increase 5 mg every 3–5 EPS (þ) nancy test and drug
(Zyprexa) QHS days, as tolerated Orthostatic hypotension (þ) toxicology
Metabolic (þþþ) • Brain imaging and a neu-
Sedation (þþ) rologic exam should be
Quetiapined 50–100 mg 300–800 Increase 50–100 mg every 2 EPS (þ/–) done if psychotic symp-
(Seroquel) BID days, as tolerated (moni- Orthostatic hypotension (þþþ) toms present after the
tor for orthostatic Metabolic abnormalities (þþ) age of 50
hypotension) Sedation (þþþ) • An ECG should be per-
formed on patients who
Quetiapine XR 300 mg QHS 400–800 Increase every 1–2 days, as EPS (þ/–) have cardiac disease and
(Seroquel XR) tolerated Orthostatic hypotension (þþþ) start ziprasidone
Metabolic abnormalities (þþ)
Sedation (þþþ) First 4 weeks: BMI, EPS, vital
e signs, prolactin (if clinical
Ziprasidone 40 mg 160 Increase every other day to EPS (þ)
(Geodon) BID (with food)f target dose, as tolerated Orthostatic hypotension (þ) symptoms of hyperprolacti-
Metabolic abnormalities (þ) nemia exist)
Sedation (þþ) First 12 weeks: BMI, EPS,
QTc prolongation (þþ) vital signs, fasting glucose, a
lipid profile
Aripiprazole 10–15 mg 10–30 Increase dose after 2 days, EPS (þ) Quarterly: BMI
(Abilify) QAM as tolerated Orthostatic hypotension (þ) Annually: BMI, EPS, fasting
Metabolic abnormalities (þ) glucose
Sedation (þ) Every 3–5 years: lipid panel
Paliperidoneg 6 mg QAM 6–12 Increase by increments of 3 EPS (þþ)
(Invega) mg every 5 days, as Orthostatic hypotension (þ)
tolerated Metabolic abnormalities (þþ)
Sedation (þþ)

BMI, body mass index; ECG, electrocardiogram; EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms.

Dosing information derived from Lehman AF, Lieberman JA, Dixon LB, et al; American Psychiatric Association. Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia, second edition.
Am J Psychiatry. 2004;161(S2):1–56 and the authors’ clinical expert opinion. These doses do not apply to geriatric or pediatric patients.
Metabolic effects include hyperglycemia, weight gain, and hyperlipidemia.
Patient may be able to transition to an intramuscular depot formulation of risperidone.
Because of its low potency, quetiapine is ideal for patients who are sensitive to dopamine blockade, particularly patients sensitive to EPS or patients with psychosis in the context of Parkinson
Contraindications to the use of ziprasidone include persistent QTc >500 msec, recent acute myocardial infarction, and uncompensated heart failure.
Ziprasidone should be taken with food as it increases bioavailability.
Paliperidone is structurally similar to risperidone. Because it is the newest antipsychotic medication, the relative risks for metabolic syndrome and EPS are not fully known.

APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications
236 Appendix A Psychotropic Medications

Table 6.6 Acute and Chronic Pharmacologic Management of Opioid Use Disorders
Methadone • Begin: 60–100þ mg/day • Inpatient • Proven • Highly regulated
10–30 mg withdrawal efficacy in the U.S.
• Day 2: • Chronic • Decreases • Potential for abuse
Same as day 1 maintenance craving and diversion
• Up-titration: • Does not • Constipation
5–10 mg/day require with- • Urinary retention
• Peak: 40–60 drawal symp- • Increased sweating
mg/day toms before • Sexual dysfunction
• Taper: fl 5 mg/ initiating
Suboxone • Begin: 4/1–8/2 16/4–32/8 mg/day • Inpatient • Minimal • Requires a special
mg/day withdrawal sedation DEA license in the
• Day 2: 8/2–16/4 • Outpatient • Low abuse U.S.
mg/day withdrawal potential • Patients must have
• Up-titration: › and • Every-other- mild withdrawal
APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications

4 mg/day maintenance day dosing before initiating

• Peak: 8/2–32/8 • Rapid • Side effect profile
mg/day withdrawal similar to
• Rapid: fl to 0 in
3 days
• Moderate:
fl 2 mg/day
• Extended:
fl 2 mg every
third day
Clonidine • Begin: 0.1 mg N/A • Nonopioid • Nonaddicting • Dose-limiting
TID treatment of • Does not hypotension and
• Peak: 1.2 mg/ withdrawal require with- bradycardia
day, divided • Rapid drawal symp- • Does not limit
BID or TID withdrawal toms before craving
beginning • Limited efficacy
against many
LAAM N/A • 80–140 mg • Outpatient • Every-other- • Arrhythmias
every other day maintenance day dosing • Not approved in
Europe; not avail-
able in the U.S.
Naltrexone N/A • 50 mg daily; • Outpatient • No addictive • Does not limit
or maintenance or abuse craving
• 100, 100, 150 for highly potential • Initiation requires
mg every other motivated • Every-other- prior abstinence
day patients who day dosing • Increased risk of
cannot be overdose if opioid
maintained use resumed
on opioids • Dysphoria
• Anxiety
• GI discomfort

DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency; GI, gastrointestinal.

Appendix A Psychotropic Medications 237

Table 7.6 FDA-Approved Pharmacologic Treatment of Alcohol Dependence

Naltrexone (ReVia, Vivitrol) • Start first dose at 25 mg given the • Must be opioid-free for 7–10 days;
possibility of precipitating withdrawal otherwise, severe opioid withdrawal
symptoms. If tolerated, subsequent may occur
doses may be given at 50 mg • Contraindicated in active opioid users
• 380 mg IM every 4 weeks • Caution in patients with depression,
suicidal ideation, thrombocytopenia,
or liver disease
• Pregnancy class C
Acamprosate (Campral) • 666 mg TID • May be continued despite alcohol
• Requires dose adjustment in renal
• Caution in patients with depression,
anxiety, and suicidal ideation
• Pregnancy class C

APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications

Disulfiram (Antabuse) • 250–500 mg/day; start at 125 mg • Must be abstinent from alcohol for
>12 hours prior to use
• Toxic reaction of headache, nausea,
malaise, and generalized distress
when used with alcohol
• Severe pharmacokinetic and additive
drug–drug interactions are possible
with isoniazid and metronidazole
• Pregnancy class C
APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications

Table 12.4 Cognitive Enhancers: Properties and Uses
ChEI Donepezil 96% CYP 2D6, 5 mg/day for 4–6 weeks, 5-, 10-mg tab. Once-daily dosing Mild to severe AD
(Aricept) 3A4 titrate to max. 5-, 10-mg ODT
Substrate 10 mg/day
Rivastigmine 40% None 1.5 mg BID for 2 weeks, 1.5-, 3-, 4.5-, 6-mg tab. Metabolized by Mild to moderate AD
(Exelon) titrate by 1.5 mg BID 2-mg/mL sol. cholinesterases Mild to moderate
every 2 weeks to max. 4.6-, 9.5-mg/24 hours Inhibits butyryl dementia in PD
6 mg BID (with food) patch cholinesterase
Galantamine 18% CYP 2D6, 4 mg PO BID for 4 weeks, 4-, 8-, 12-mg tab. Nicotinic cholinergic Mild to moderate AD
(Razadyne) 3A4 titrate by 4 mg BID 4-mg/mL sol. receptor
substrate every 4 weeks to max. 8-, 16-, 24-mg ER tab. modulation
12 mg BID (once daily)
NMDA Memantine 45% None 5 mg/day, titrate by 5-, 10-mg tab. No hepatic Moderate to severe AD
receptor (Namenda) 5 mg/day every week to 2-mg/mL sol. metabolism
antagonist max. 10 mg BID

AD, Alzheimer disease; ChEI, cholinesterase inhibitors; ER, extended release; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; ODT, orally disintegrating tablet; PD, Parkinson
disease; sol., solution; tab., tablet.
Modified with permission from Kaufer DI, Cummings JL, Ketchel P, et al. Validation of the NPI-Q, a brief clinical form of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2000;12:233–239.
Table 13.7 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-Approved Drugs for Insomnia
Benzodiazepines (BZPs) Caution in elderly patients. Tolerance to BZPs develops to
the sedative, hypnotic, and anticonvulsant effects
Estazolam (ProSom) 1–2 10–24 60 1=2–11=2 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for frequent arousals
and early-morning awakening. Not as useful for initial
insomnia. Avoid in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-
hypoapnea. Caution in elderly patients and those with
liver disease. High doses can cause respiratory depression
Flurazepam (Dalmane) 15–30 47–100 15–20 3–6 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for middle and terminal
insomnia. Increased daytime sedation over time. Caution
in elderly patients
Temazepam (Restoril) 15–30 6–16 2–3 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for sleep onset and main-
tenance. Doses 30 mg/day: morning grogginess, nausea,
headaches, and vivid dreaming
Nonbenzodiazepines (non-BZPs)
Eszopiclone (Lunesta) 2–3 6–9 Rapid 1 In elderly start with 1–2 mg. Rapid onset; should be in bed
when taking medication. For faster sleep onset, do not
ingest with high-fat foods. No tolerance after 6 months
Zaleplon (Sonata) 5–20 1 Rapid 1 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for initial insomnia
Zolpidem (Ambien, 5–20 1.4–4.5 30 2–4 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for initial and middle
Ambien CR) insomnia (generic form is available). Rapid onset; should
be in bed when taking medication. For faster sleep
onset, do not ingest with food
Zolpidem CR (Ambien 12.5 1.4–4.5 30 2–4 Short-term (7–10 days) treatment for initial and middle
CR) insomnia (generic form is available). Rapid onset; should
be in bed when taking medication. For faster sleep
onset, do not ingest with food
6.25–12.5 1.4–4.5 30 2–4 Used for sleep induction and sleep maintenance
Melatonin agonist
Ramelton (Rozerem) 8 1–2 30 1–11=2 Used for initial and middle insomnia. For faster sleep
onset, do not ingest with high-fat foods. No tolerance or
potential for addiction. Contraindicated with fluvox-
amine. Should not be used concurrently with melatonin

All sedative-hypnotics should be used with caution and at a lower starting dose when given to the elderly. All sedative-hypnotics should be taken only if the patient plans to go to bed
immediately after taking the medication.

APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications
240 Appendix A Psychotropic Medications

Table 13.8 Drugs Commonly Used ‘‘Off-Label’’ for Insomnia

Mirtazapine (Remeron) Somnolence and increased appetite May be beneficial if patient has comorbid
depression and insomnia. Mirtazapine’s
sedating effect is inversely dose dependent.
As the dose increases, the noradrenergic
activity counteracts the sleep-inducing H1
antihistaminic effect of mirtazapine
Trazodone (Desyrel) Residual daytime sedation, head- One of the most commonly prescribed agents
ache, orthostatic hypotension, for the treatment of insomnia. May be bene-
priapism, cardiac arrhythmias ficial if patient has comorbid depression and
insomnia. May be an acceptable alternative
for patients for whom BzRAs are contraindi-
cated (severe hypercapnea or hypoxemia, or
history of substance abuse or dependence).
Usually dosed much lower (50–100 mg) than
APPENDIX A Psychotropic Medications

when used for depression

TCAs Delirium, decreased cognition and Avoid in hospitalized patients due to their
seizure threshold, orthostatic anticholinergic, antihistaminic, and cardiovas-
hypotension, tachycardia, ECG cular side effects. Not recommended as a
abnormalities treatment for insomnia or other sleep prob-
lems unless comorbid depression is present.
As with other antidepressants, TCAs are usu-
ally used at significantly lower doses than for
Diphenhydramine Residual daytime sedation, weight Antihistamines are one of the most commonly
(Benadryl) gain, delirium, orthostatic hypo- used over-the-counter agents for chronic
tension, blurred vision, urinary insomnia. If possible, avoid in patients
retention >60 years old
Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) Residual daytime sedation, weight Efficacy as an anxiolytic has been not estab-
gain, delirium, orthostatic hypo- lished. Not FDA approved for insomnia.
tension, blurred vision, urinary Avoid in patients >60 years old and those
retention with closed-angle glaucoma, prostatic hyper-
trophy, severe asthma, and COPD
Quetiapine (Seroquel) Sedation, orthostatic hypotension, The most sedating of the atypical antipsy-
metabolic derangements (e.g., chotics, it is frequently used as a sleep aid.
weight gain, dyslipidemia, and Not recommended for insomnia or other
glucose dysregulation) sleep problems unless there is comorbid psy-
chotic or bipolar disorder. Is dosed much
lower (25–100 mg) when used for insomnia.
Other less expensive sedative-hypnotic
agents should be used first

BzRAs, benzodiazepine receptor agonists; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; FDA, Food and Drug
Administration; TCAs, tricyclic antidepressants (doxepin, amitriptyline, imipramine, nortriptyline, desipramine).
B Time-Saving Strategies

Chapter 1: The Primary Care Psychiatric Interview

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Table 1.3 Key Features of the Mental Status Examination (MSE)
Appearance • What is the status of the hygiene and grooming and are there any recent changes in
Attitude • How does the patient relate to the clinician?
• Is the patient cooperative, guarded, irritable, etc., during the interview?
Speech • What are the rate, rhythm, and volume of speech?
Mood • How does the patient describe his or her mood?
• This should be reported as described by the patient.
Affect • Does the patient’s facial expressions have full range and reactivity?
• How quickly does the affect change (lability)?
• Is the affect congruent with the stated mood and is it appropriate to topics under
Thought process • How is the patient thinking?
• Does the patient change subjects quickly or is the train of thought difficult to follow?
Thought content • What is the patient thinking?
• What is the main theme or subject matter when the patient talks?
• Does the patient have any delusions, obsessions, or compulsions?
Perceptions • Does the patient have auditory, visual, or tactile hallucinations?
Cognition • Is the patient alert?
• Is the patient oriented to person, place, time, and the purpose of the interview?
Insight • Does the patient recognize that there is an illness or disorder present?
• Is there a clear understanding of the treatment plan and prognosis?
Judgment • How will the patient secure food, clothing, and shelter in a safe environment?
• Is the patient able to make decisions that support a safe and reasonable treatment plan?

242 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

AMPS Approach to the

Primary Care Psychiatric
Review of Symptoms

Psychosis Substance abuse

“Do you hear or see things “How much alcohol
Anxiety that other people do not do you drink per day?”
“Is anxiety or nervousness Mood hear or see?” “Have you been using any
a problem for you?” “Do you have thoughts cocaine, methamphetamines,
that people are trying to heroin, marijuana, PCP, LSD,
follow, hurt or spy on you?” Ecstacy or other drugs?”

Depression Mania / Hypomania

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

“Have you ever felt the

“Have you ever had
complete opposite of
“Have you been feeling “Have you been engaged excessive amounts of energy
depressed, where friends
depressed, sad, or hopeless in pleasurable activities running through your body,
and family were worried
over the past two weeks?” over the past few weeks?” to the point where you did
about you because
not need to sleep for days?”
you were too happy ?”

Figure 1.1 Psychiatric review of systems: AMPS screening tool.

Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies 243

Supplemental Psychiatric History Form

Name: Date:
Reason for Appointment:

Past Psychiatric Diagnoses (circle if applicable): anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia,
schizoaffective disorder,alcohol misuse, drug misuse, borderline personality disorder, other mental diagnosis

Have you ever been treated by a psychiatrist or other mental health provider? Yes / No
Have you ever been a patient in a psychiatric hospital? Yes / No
Have you ever tried to hurt or kill yourself? Yes / No
Have you ever taken a medication for psychiatric reasons? Yes / No
If yes, please list the most recent medication(s) below:
#1: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Yes / No
#2: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Yes / No

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

#3: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Yes / No
#4: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Yes / No
#5: _________________________ Did you have any problems with this medication? Yes / No
Family Psychiatric History: Did your grandparents, parents, or siblings ever have severe problems
with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, or any other emotional problems? Yes / No

Social and Developmental History:

Socioeconomic Status
Are you currently unemployed? Yes / No
Are you having any problems at home? Yes / No
Interpersonal Relationships
Are you having any problems with close personal relationships? Yes / No
Legal History
Have you ever had problems with the law? Yes / No
Developmental History
Have you ever been physically, verbally, or sexually abused? Yes / No
What was the highest grade you completed in school? _______
Anxiety Symptoms, Mood Symptoms, Psychotic Symptoms, Substance Use
Is anxiety or nervousness a problem for you? Yes / No
Mood Symptoms
Have you been feeling depressed, sad, or hopeless over the past two weeks? Yes / No
Have you had a decreased interest level in pleasurable activities over the past few weeks? Yes / No
Have you ever felt the complete opposite of depressed, when friends and
family were worried about you because you were too happy? Yes / No
Have you ever had excessive amounts of energy running through your
body, to the point where you did not need to sleep for days? Yes / No
Do you have any thoughts of wanting to hurt or kill yourself or someone else? Yes / No
Psychotic Symptoms
Do you hear or see things that other people do not hear or see? Yes / No
Do you have thoughts that people are trying to follow, hurt or spy on you? Yes / No
Substance Use
How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke per day? _______
How much alcohol do you drink per day? _______
Have you ever used cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, marijuana, PCP,
LSD, Ecstacy or other drugs? Yes / No

Figure 1.2 Supplemental Psychiatric History Form.

244 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

Chapter 2: Mood Disorders—Depression

“Have you been depressed or sad over the past 2 weeks?”

“Are there things you like to do for fun and have not been interested in doing over the past 2 weeks?”

If yes to either

“How does your depressed mood, sadness, or low interest level affect your everyday life?”

Criteria for Major Depression:

Five or more symptoms have
been present for two weeks and
represent a change from
previous functioning.
At least one of the symptoms is
APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

either depressed mood or

loss of interest or pleasure

While depressed or experiencing decreased interest or pleasure:

“Have you had any problems with your sleep?”
“Have you had any changes in your appetite and have you gained or lost any weight?”
“Have you noticed any changes with your energy or ability to focus and concentrate?”
“Have your family or friends mentioned that you have been moving or speaking slower than usual?”
“Have you been having guilty thoughts running through your head that bother you or keep you up at night?”
“Do you have thoughts or plans of hurting or killing yourself or anyone else?”
“Do you have any firearms at home or at your workplace?”

Screen for current or past

hypomanic/manic episodes

“Have you ever felt the complete opposite of depressed, where friends and family were worried because
you were abnormally happy, active, or energetic?”
“Have you ever had a high level of energy running through your body–so much energy that, because of
that energy, you did not need to sleep for at least a few days straight?”

If yes to either question,

ask the patient,
If no, a bipolar spectrum “When did that happen
disorder is less likely. last and can you tell me
exactly what was going on
in your life at the time”?

“Have you had a problem with depression or sadness like this in the past?”

If no, the depression is a single

If yes, the depression is
episode and will need a
recurrent and may need
minimum of 12 months
indefinite therapy
of treatment

Figure 2.1 Diagnosing depression in the primary care setting.

Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies 245

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

Nine Symptom Depression Checklist

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been

bothered by any of the following problems?
(Please circle your answer.)
Not Several More than Nearly
at All Days Half the Days Every Day

1. Little interest or pleasure in doing things 0 1 2 3

2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless 0 1 2 3

3. Trouble falling or staying asleep, or

0 1 2 3
sleeping too much

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

4. Feeling tired or having little energy 0 1 2 3

5. Poor appetite or overeating 0 1 2 3

6. Feeling bad about yourself—or that you

are a failure or have let yourself or your 0 1 2 3
family down

7. Trouble concentrating on things, such

as reading the newspaper or watching 0 1 2 3

8. Moving or speaking so slowly that other

people could have noticed. Or the opposite—
0 1 2 3
being so fidgety or restless that you have
been moving around a lot more than usual

9. Thoughts that you would be better off

0 1 2 3
dead or of hurting yourself in some way

Add Columns, ⫹ ⫹

Total Score*, *Score is for healthcare

provider incorporation

10. If you circled any problems, how

difficult have these problems made it for
you to do your work, take care of things Not Difficult Somewhat Very Extremely
at home, or get along with other at All Difficult Difficult Difficult
(Please circle your answer.)
A score of: 0–4 is considered non-depressed; 5–9 mild depression; 10–14 moderate depression;
15–19 moderately severe depression; and 20–27 severe depression.
PHQ-9 is adapted from PRIME ME TODAY™.
PHQ Copyright © 1999Pfour Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission. PRIME ME TODAY is a trademark of Pfour Inc.

Figure 2.2 Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) nine-symptom depression checklist. (PHQ is adapted from PRIME MD TODAY. PHQ Copyright
C 1999 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission. PRIME MD TODAY is a trademark of Pfizer Inc.)

246 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

Mild to Moderate Depression:

1. First-line AD (SSRI, SNRI, Bupropion, Mirtazipine) and psychoeducation or
2. Psychotherapy (CBT or IPT) and psychoeducation

Moderate to Severe Depression:

First-line AD (SSRI, SNRI, Bupropion, Mirtazipine) and psychotherapy
(CBT or IPT) and psychoeducation

Within 2 weeks and again in 6–8 weeks reassess for suicidal ideation,
access to firearms, treatment adherence, and symptom improvement

⬍25% Improvement ⬎25% Improvement

(Patient self-report or PHQ-9) (Patient self-report or PHQ-9)

Evaluate for: Maximize dose of current AD

Co-morbid anxiety or psychotic disorder
APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

co-morbid substance abuse

psychosocial stressors

Switch AD class (preferable)

or maximize dose or
add augmentation therapy

Within 6–8 weeks reassess for suicidal ideation, access to

firearms, treatment adherence and symptom improvement

⬍25% Improvement ⬎25% Improvement

(Patient self-report or PHQ-9) (Patient self-report or PHQ-9)

Switch AD class (If not already done) or Continue current AD

maximize dose (If not already done) or
add augmentation therapy (If not already
done) and refer for psychiatric consultation

Continue treatment for at least 4–9 months following symptom remission

SSRI: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

SNRI: Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
CBT: Cognitive behavioral therapy
IPT: Interpersonal therapy
PST: Problem solving psychotherapy
AD: Antidepressant

Figure 2.3 Primary care treatment algorithm for depression.

Chapter 3: Mood Disorders–Bipolar Disorder

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Figure 3.1. The mood disorder questionnaire (6). (

C 2000 by American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Reprinted with per-
mission. This instrument is designed for screening purposes only and is not to be used as a diagnostic tool.)
248 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

Table 3.3 Medications and Medical Conditions Associated with

Mood Disturbances
Medications Substance Conditions
• Antidepressants Intoxication
• Corticosteroids • Alcohol
• Dopamine agonists • Amphetamines
• Isoniazid • Cocaine
• Interferon • Caffeine
• Opioids • Phencyclidine
• Sedatives-hypnotics • Hallucinogens
• Stimulants Withdrawal
• Sympathomimetics • Alcohol
General Medical Conditions • Barbiturates
• Adrenal disorders • Benzodiazepines
• CNS infections (e.g., HIV, herpes, Other Psychiatric Conditions
syphilis) • Schizoaffective disorder
• Brain tumor • Schizophrenia
• Huntington disease • Major depressive disorder
• Multiple sclerosis • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

• Parkinson disease • Borderline personality disorder

• Porphyria • Narcissistic personality disorder
• Seizure disorder
• Stroke
• Systemic lupus erythematosus
• Thyroid disorder
• Traumatic brain injury
• Vasculitis
• Vitamin B12 deficiency
• Wilson disease

CNS, central nervous system; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

Chapter 4: Anxiety Disorders

Table 4.1 GAD-7

How often during the past 2 weeks have you felt bothered by:
1. Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge? 0 1 2 3
2. Not being able to stop or control worrying? 0 1 2 3
3. Worrying too much about different things? 0 1 2 3
4. Trouble relaxing? 0 1 2 3
5. Being so restless that it is hard to sit still? 0 1 2 3
6. Becoming easily annoyed or irritable? 0 1 2 3
7. Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen? 0 1 2 3
Each question is answered on a scale of:
0 ¼ not at all
1 ¼ several days
2 ¼ more than half the days
3 ¼ nearly every day
A score of 8 or more should prompt further diagnostic evaluation for an anxiety disorder.

From Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB, et al. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7. Arch Intern Med.
Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies 249

Anxiety Disorders

Situational trigger Situational trigger

Present Absent

Traumatic event Unexpected panic

“Free floating”
Fear of embarrassment Obsessions ⫹ attacks
⫹ ⫹/⫺ Reexperiencing ⫹

Physical symptoms Compulsions Avoidance Worry of attack or

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Physical symptoms
Arousal implications of them

⬎4 weeks ⬍4 weeks ⬎6 months

Obsessive Generalized
Social anxiety Post traumatic Acute
compulsive anxiety Panic disorder
disorder stress disorder stress disorder
disorder disorder

Figure 4.1 Diagnostic algorithm for anxiety disorders.

Chapter 5: Psychotic Disorders

Table 5.3 Definition of Psychotic Symptoms
Hallucinations • Sensory perception in the absence of sensory • Perceptual distortions or illusions: sensory
stimuli. May occur with any of the senses misperception in the presence of stimuli
(visual, auditory, olfactory, skin sensations, (e.g., mistakenly identifying a chair as a
etc.) person)
• ‘‘Mystical experiences,’’ often part of a spirit-
ual belief system
• May be due to medical disorders (temporal
seizures, migraine auras, uremia, hepatic
encephalopathy, etc.)
Delusions • Fixed belief that is at odds with reality (delu- • Beliefs due to environmental, social, cultural,
sions of persecution, grandeur, parasites, or spiritual/religious background (e.g., belief
etc.) in God’s influence over health or destiny,
transfer of the soul with blood transfusions,
breaking a mirror brings bad luck, etc.)
Bizarre • Not physically possible (e.g., people walking • Nonbizarre delusions are possible, but
delusions through walls or traveling back in time) untrue—for instance, a patient feeling that
‘‘a celebrity is in love with me’’
Thought • Disorders of thought process or how one • Delirium, dementia, aphasia, mania
disorder thinks. Patients may have difficulty with logi-
cal construction of thoughts (tangential,
word salad, flight of ideas, loosening of asso-
ciations, neologisms, etc.) or expression of
their thoughts in unintelligible ways
250 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

Table 5.3 Definition of Psychotic Symptoms (Continued)

Bizarre • Inability to dress, act, or interact in socially • Social trends (intergenerational conflicts),
behaviors appropriate ways. Behaviors may be crude unusual fashions, fads, or social groups with
(cursing, solicitous), offensive, violent, or nonconformist behaviors
• Dress in poorly fitting clothing, wear makeup
smeared over the face or buttons mis-
matched and zippers undone
• Urinate or defecate in unusual places, even
if a bathroom is nearby

Table 5.6 Differentiating Psychiatric Causes of Psychosis

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Schizophrenia • One month of active psychosis with evidence of at least 6 months of

intermittent or attenuated psychotic symptoms and diminished social
or occupational function
Brief psychotic disorder • Time-limited psychosis directly related to a distressing event in a per-
son’s life
Schizophreniform disorder • The criteria for active phase schizophrenia is present for <6 months
Psychotic disorder not otherwise • Transient, clinically significant psychotic symptoms and psychotic
specified (NOS) symptoms that do not satisfy diagnostic criteria for other psychotic
Schizoaffective disorder • Co-occurring psychotic symptoms and mood disturbance that may be
difficult to distinguish from mood, psychotic, dissociative, somatic, or
personality disorders
• Psychotic symptoms are present during periods of normal mood
• Categorized as depressed or bipolar type
Delusional disorder • ‘‘Nonbizarre’’ delusion(s) that may actually occur in the real world
Bipolar disorder • Episodic mood disorder usually characterized by depressive or manic
• Psychotic symptoms may occur during either depressive or manic epi-
sodes and usually remit upon treatment of the mood abnormality
Major depressive disorder • Episodic periods of depression and temporally associated psychotic
• Psychotic symptoms may occur during a depressive episode and usu-
ally remit upon treatment of the mood abnormality
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) • PTSD is often associated with hypervigilance, which can be confused
with paranoia, and re-experiencing symptoms in severe form may
include outright perceptual disturbances (e.g., auditory or visual
Borderline personality disorder • Personality disorder characterized by dysregulation of affect and
tendency toward brief periods of psychotic symptoms during distress
Dissociative disorders • Disorders characterized by disruption of a continuous sense of self,
including amnestic episodes or transition to altered behaviors and
Substance intoxication or • Illicit drugs like cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and even alco-
withdrawal hol can cause psychotic symptoms in the context of both intoxication
and withdrawal
Malingering • Intentionally produced symptoms for external gain (e.g., disability
insurance or to avoid legal prosecution)
Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies 251

Delusions, hallucinations,
disorganized speech,
or disorganized behavior

Due to effects Yes SUBSTANCE-INDUCED

substance (or drugs) MOOD DISORDER


Due to direct Yes PSYCHOTIC D/O DUE TO

effects of a GENERAL MEDICAL
general medical disorder CONDITION



Psychosis only duration manic,
mixed, or depressive episode


APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Determine Duration of Symptoms


More than 1 day but <1 month BRIEF PSYCHOTIC D/O


More than 1 month but <6 months SCHIZOPHRENIFORM D/O


More than >6 months SCHIZOPHRENIA


Mood d/o and schizophrenia

(i.e., psychotic symptoms Yes
present for 2 weeks
when mood episode is absent)


Psychosis that affect Yes

social function but does not PSYCHOTIC DISORDER NOS
meet abovediagnostic criteria

Figure 5.1 Diagnostic algorithm for psychosis. (Adapted with permission from the American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2004.)
252 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

Chapter 6: Substance Use Disorders—Stimulants

and Opioids

Table 6.3 Intoxication and Withdrawal

Stimulants Time course: 24–48 hours Time course: peak in 2–4 days, resolution in
Psychological effects: restlessness, agitation, 1 week
hyperactivity, irritability, impulsiveness, Psychological effects: depression, increased
repetitive behaviors risk of suicidality, agitation, paranoia,
Physiologic effects: hypertension, craving, vivid dreams
tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, Physiologic effects: fatigue, increased
pupillary dilation appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia
Opioids Time course: 6–24 hours Time course:
Psychological effects: drowsy/sedated, Short-acting: begins in 6–8 hours, resolves in
impaired memory, impaired attention 7–10 days
Physiologic effects: pupillary constriction, Long-acting: begins in 1–3 days, resolves in
decreased respiratory rate, decreased 10–14 days
APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

bowel sounds, slurred speech Psychological effects: restlessness,

depression, irritability
Physiologic effects: myalgias and arthralgias,
diarrhea, abdominal cramping,
lacrimation, rhinorrhea, piloerection,
yawning, insomnia, temperature

Table 6.8 FRAMES Guideline to Motivational Interviewing

• Feedback is given regarding the negative consequences of substance use
behaviors, including future risk
• Responsibility for change emphasizes personal choice
• Advice is given about behavioral change, from reduction to abstinence
• Menu of treatment options reinforces personal responsibility and choice
• Empathic and nonjudgmental counseling style
• Self-efficacy encourages a sense of optimistic empowerment and positive

Adapted from Miller WR, Sanchez VC. Motivating young adults for treatment and lifestyle
change. In Howard G, ed. Issues in Alcohol Use and Misuse by Young Adults. Notre Dame, IN:
University of Notre Dame Press; 1994:55–82.
Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies 253

Chapter 7: Substance Use Disorders—Alcohol

Table 7.3 Brief Screening Instruments for Alcohol Use Disorders
CAGE Questionnairea,b
1. Have you ever felt that you should Cut down on your alcohol use?
2. Have people Annoyed you by asking about or criticizing your alcohol use?
3. Have you ever felt Guilty about your alcohol use?
4. Have you ever used alcohol as an Eye-opener first thing in the morning to
avoid unpleasant feelings?
Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-Consumption (AUDIT-C)
1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
Never 0
Monthly or less 1
2–4 times a month 2
2–3 times a week 3
4 or more times a week 4

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

2. How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when
you are drinking?
1 or 2 0
3 or 4 1
5 or 6 2
7 to 9 3
10 or more 4
3. How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?
Never 0
Less than monthly 1
Monthly 2
Weekly 3
Daily or almost daily 4
One affirmative answer should prompt further questioning about alcohol use and two or
more affirmative answers increase the chance of alcohol use disorders.
From U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening and behavioral counseling interventions in
primary care to reduce alcohol misuse: recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med.
A score of 4 or more most likely indicates alcohol abuse or dependence and warrants further
From Fiellin DA, Reid MC, O’Connor PG. Screening for alcohol problems in primary care: a sys-
tematic review. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:1977–1989.

Table 7.7 Brief Intervention for Alcohol Use Disorders

1. Assessment and Ask about alcohol use (CAGE, AUDIT-C) ‘‘Your liver disease is likely to be related
direct feedback Provide education and feedback about to alcohol use. Would you like me to
the connection between alcohol use give you some information about your
and legal, occupational, or relationship hepatitis and alcohol use?’’
problems ‘‘I am very concerned about your drinking
and how it is affecting your health.’’
2. Goal setting Individually tailored goals based on collab- ‘‘What are your thoughts about alcohol
oration between the patient and the use?’’
provider ‘‘Although I would advise complete alco-
Goals may change depending on readiness hol cessation, how realistic is that for
for change you?’’
Goals should be realistic and include psy- ‘‘Although the use of medications is
chotherapy, social support, and use of important in your recovery, it is critical
medications when indicated to attend AA and monitor for triggers
that may lead to relapse.’’

254 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

Table 7.7 Brief Intervention for Alcohol Use Disorders (Continued)

3. Behavioral Identify situational triggers, finding other ‘‘What causes you to start drinking?’’
modification enjoyable activities and adaptive cop- ‘‘What else can you do when you feel
ing skills alone, stressed, or frustrated?’’
Includes relapse prevention ‘‘Who can you talk to when you feel that
you have failed to cut down on
4. Self-help Encourage self-discipline and increased ‘‘Would you like an information booklet
self-awareness about alcohol use about alcohol addiction?’’
disorder ‘‘Do you know where you can get help for
your drinking problem?’’
5. Follow-up and Often considered the most important ‘‘I’m very glad to see you come back to
reinforcement aspect of the treatment plan talk more about your alcohol use.’’
Provide praise, reassurance, and encour- ‘‘How did your plan to stop or reduce
agement during periods of sobriety your drinking work?’’
Returning to appointment is a sign of
patient motivation and efforts, even if
relapse occurs
APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Modified from Bertholet N, Daeppen JB, Wietlisbach V, et al. Reduction of alcohol consumption by brief alcohol intervention in primary
care: systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165:986–995.

Chapter 8: Unexplained Physical Symptoms—

Somatoform Disorders

Table 8.1 Somatoform Disorders: Diagnostic Criteria

Somatization disorder • Many unexplained physical complaints before age 30
• Four pain, two gastrointestinal, one sexual, and one pseudoneurologic
Undifferentiated somatoform • One or more unexplained physical complaints
disorder • Duration of at least 6 months
Conversion disorder • One or more unexplainable, voluntary motor or sensory neurologic
• Directly preceded by psychological stress
Pain disorder • Pain in one or more sites that is largely due to psychological factors
Hypochondriasis • Preoccupation with a nonexistent disease despite a thorough medical
• Does not meet criteria for a delusion
Body dysmorphic disorder • Preoccupation with an imagined defect in physical appearance
Somatoform disorder not other- • Somatoform symptoms that do not meet criteria for any specific somato-
wise specified (NOS) form disorder

All the above disorders (1) cause significant social/occupational dysfunction, (2) are not due to other general medical or psychiatric condi-
tions; and (3) are not intentionally produced or related to secondary gain.
From American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC:
American Psychiatric Association; 2000.
Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies 255

Table 8.2 CARE MD – Treatment Guidelines for Somatoform Disorders

CBT/Consultation • Follow the CBT treatment plan developed by the therapist and patient
Assess • Rule out potential general medical causes for the somatic complaints
• Treat co-morbid psychiatric disorders
Regular visits • Short frequent visits with focused exams
• Discuss recent stressors and healthy coping strategies
• Overtime, the patient should agree to stop over utilization of medical care (e.g. frequent
emergency room visits, or excessive calls and pages to the primary care provider)

Empathy • ‘‘Become the patient’’ for a brief time

• During visits, spend more time listening to the patient rather than jumping to a diag-
nostic test
• Acknowledge patient’s reported discomfort
Med-psych interface • Help the patient self-discover the connection between physical complaints and emo-
tional stressors (‘‘the mind-body’’ connection)
• Avoid comments like, ‘‘your symptoms are all psychological’’ or ‘‘there is nothing
wrong with you medically’’

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Do no harm • Avoid unnecessary diagnostic procedures
• When possible, minimize unnecessary requests for consultation to medical specialists
• Once a reasonable diagnostic work up is negative, feel comfortable with a
somatoform disorder diagnosis and initiate treatment

From McCarron R. Somatization in the primary care setting. Psychiatric Times. 2006;23(6):32–34.

Unexplained Physical

General Medical
Condition (GMC)
Examples Include:
*Celiac sprue
*Vascular claudication

GMC Ruled Out

Psychiatric Disorder Undiscovered Disorders

Mood and anxiety Pathology that is
disorders may be unknown to the
co-occurring scientific community

Somatoform Disorders
Malingering Factitious
Unintentional production
of symptoms that are
Intentional production of
related to psychosocial
symptoms for secondary
stressors and unhealthy
coping strategies

Figure 8.1 Unexplained physical symptoms—differential diagnosis.

256 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

Chapter 9: Eating Disorders

Table 9.1 DSM-IV-TR Criteria

Anorexia nervosa All four criteria need to be met for diagnosis
• Restricting • Refusal to maintain body weight at or above normal
• Binge eating/ weight for age and height (<85% expected body weight)
purging • Intense fear of gaining weight even though underweight
• Disturbed thoughts about body weight or shape and
denial of symptom severity
• Amenorrhea
Bulimia nervosa • Binge eating characterized by
• Purging s Eating an amount of food larger than most people

• Nonpurging would consume in a similar period of time and

type circumstance
s Loss of control during the binge

• Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviors (i.e.,

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

exercise, diuretics, laxatives, purging) to prevent weight

• Binge eating and behaviors occur at least twice a week
for 3 months
• Self-evaluation unduly influenced by body shape and
Binge eating • Recurrent episodes of binge eating characterized by
disorder s Eating larger amount of food than normal during

short period of time

s Lack of control over eating during binge period

• Binge eating episodes are associated with

s Eating until uncomfortably full
s Eating large amounts of food when not physically

s Eating more rapidly than normal
s Eating alone because of embarrassment by how much

food is consumed
s Feeling disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating

• Binge eating occurs at least 2 days a week for 6 months

• Binge eating not associated with regular inappropriate
compensatory behavior
Eating disorder • Disordered eating that does not meet full criteria for
NOS anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa

Modified from American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2000.

Table 9.3 SCOFF: Validated Screening Questions for Eating

Disorders in Primary Care Settings
• Do you make yourself sick because you feel uncomfortably full?
• Do you worry that you have lost control over how much you eat?
• Have you recently lost more than one stone (14 pounds or 6.3 kg) in a
3-month period?
• Do you belief yourself to be fat when others say you are too thin?
• Would you say that food dominates your life?
Two positive answers are highly predictive of either anorexia nervosa or bulimia

From Morgan JF, Reid F, Lacey H. The SCOFF questionnaire: assessment of a new screening tool for
eating disorders. BMJ. 1999;319:1467–1468.
Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies 257

Chapter 10: Personality Disorders

Table 10.3 Feelings of Countertransference and Reactions to Avoid

Anger (patient • Borderline Overreaction to provo- • Be aware of feelings
is viewed as • Antisocial cation, retaliation • Process in Balint groups
manipulative) • Narcissistic (e.g., verbal/physical • Strictly adhere to evidence-based
abuse of patient, sub- standard of care
standard care, inap-
propriate comments
in charting)
Fear of patient • Antisocial Immediate emotional • Maintain personal safety
(physical or • Paranoid or physical overre- • Document thoroughly
legal threat) sponse (out of propor-
tion to threat)

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Sympathy • Borderline (sympathy Overindulgence or • Provide regular, structured, and
by some providers tendency to rescue scheduled visits with the same pro-
associated with nega- the patient vider that do not run over scheduled
tive views by other time
providers may repre- • Manage splitting in interdisciplinary
sent splitting by the meetings to make sure all members
patient) of team are acting in accordance with
• Dependent treatment plan and not providing
‘‘special’’ treatment
Self-doubt • Narcissistic Putting down the • Be aware of your behavior
patient instead; ques- • Examine your abilities in a realistic
tioning your own way
abilities in a nonreal- • Process in Balint groups
istic way
Frustration • Borderline Patients may not fol- • Set clear expectations
• Avoidant low through with • Ally yourself with patient’s family/
• Dependent treatment recom- friends to assist (as permitted by pri-
mendations or rely vacy restrictions)
overly on provider
Attraction • Histrionic Inappropriate relation- • Consider using a chaperone for exams
• Borderline ship with patient requiring examination of genitalia
• Do not see patient after hours or in
social settings

Table 10.5 Using E MC as Part of the Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder
Empathy – Try to fully understand the details of one’s turbulent and chaotic life.
‘‘Manage,’’ not ‘‘cure’’ – Personalities are formed early and can be difficult to modify. Improvement may be
gradual and temporary with frequent ‘‘relapses’’ of behavior.
Countertransference – Consider why you are feeling a certain way before you respond to a patient.
Comorbidity – Screen for other psychopathology (e.g., mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders).
258 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

Chapter 11: Cultural Considerations in Primary

Care Psychiatry

Table 11.3 High-Yield Questions

A. Questions to assess cultural identity
1. Do you identify with a particular culture or religion?
2. Where were you born and raised? How did you come to live in this area?
3. How comfortable do you feel with being part of ‘‘mainstream American’’ culture?
4. Please describe the significant activities and groups in your life.
B. Questions to assess the psychosocial environment
1. Who are the important people in your life?
2. How much do you involve others when making health care decisions?
3. What would your family expect of you if you were well?
4. Do you have any contact with the community?
C. Questions to assist the therapeutic relationship
1. In what language do you prefer to communicate?
APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

2. Some people prefer to see a provider from their own cultural group, and we are happy to honor their
preference when we can. What are your preferences with regard to having a provider?
3. As your doctor, it is important for me to treat you with respect. Are there things that are done in
your culture to convey respect? What things would be considered disrespectful for a provider to do?

Table 11.5 Using the Outline for Cultural Formulation

• Identify salient features of cultural identity
- Encourages patient’s active participation
- Is an effective way to build rapport
- Helps to inform the rest of the cultural formulation
• Develop collaborative explanatory models
- Improves relevancy of treatment
- Improves adherence to treatment
• Clarify psychosocial context
- Identifies key decision makers
- Clarifies decision-making process
• Examine the impact of the cultural similarities and differences between you
and the patient
- Appreciation of one’s own cultural identity and history is the foundation to
connect with another’s
Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies 259

Chapter 12: Geriatric Psychiatry—Dementias

Cognitive Impairment Present

ⱖ2 Cognitive domains
Acute/Subacute onset Insidious onset
Progressive course
Clouded sensorium Memory, language, and Alzheimer’s
Decline from baseline
Medical illness present visuospatial impairment dementia
impaired ADLs
No neurologic signs

Delirium No Dementia
Neurological signs Vascular dementia
Stepwise progression (Cortical)
ⱖ1 Cognitive domain
intact ADLs
Reversible contributors
Frontal release signs
Frontal temporal
Impaired social behavior
Yes dementia (FTD)
Mild cognitive Personality change
impairment (MCI)

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Movement disorder
Frontal subcortical
Depression history ⫾ Mood changes
Dysphoric affect Slow mentation
Poor effort on testing

Fluctuating cognition
Dementia with Lewy
Dementia syndrome Parkinsonism
bodies (DLB)
of depression Visual hallucinations

Figure 12.1 Algorithm for dementia diagnosis. ADLs, activities of daily living; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; FTD,
frontotemporal dementia; MCI, mild cognitive impairment.

Table 12.3 Suggested Dementia Work-Up

BUN/creatinine CSF studies
CBC Electroencephalogram
Calcium Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
CT/MRI Folate
Electrolytes Heavy metal screen
Glucose HIV
Liver function tests Lyme serology
Thyroid function tests RPR
Urinalysis Testosterone
Vitamin B12 Urine toxicology

BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CBC, complete blood count; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computer-
ized tomography; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;
RPR, rapid plasma reagin.
From Taylor WD, Doraiswamy PM. Use of the laboratory in the diagnostic workup of older
adults. In: Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing;
260 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

Chapter 13: Sleep Disorders

Table 13.4 Characteristics of Sleep in Various Psychiatric Diagnoses

Major depressive disorder • Difficulty falling asleep (early insomnia)
• Frequent awakenings (middle insomnia)
• Uncharacteristic early-morning awakening (terminal insomnia)
• Hypersomnia (‘‘I sleep all day long so I don’t have to face my
Manic episode • Decreased need for sleep lasting days or weeks
• Lack of fatigue despite lack of sleep
• Extra work accomplished during usual sleep times (‘‘I stayed up all
night and cleaned the whole house’’)
Posttraumatic stress disorder • Difficulty falling asleep, which is often associated with anxiety about
being abused or traumatized
• Physiologic hyperarousal
• Very light sleep, with exquisite sensitivity to sounds and other stimuli
APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

• Hyperstartled response if awakened by external stimuli

• Frequent awakenings
• Nightmares
Generalized anxiety disorder • Prone to psychophysiologic insomnia
• Difficulty falling asleep due to preoccupation and excessive worry
about several stressors
Psychotic disorders • Hallucinations (e.g., ‘‘The voices laugh and scream at me at night,
so I can’t sleep’’)
• Paranoid thoughts
Attention deficit hyperactivity • Difficulty falling asleep due to physical hyperactivity
disorder • Activating effects of stimulants

DSM-IV-TR, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision.

Table 13.6 Principles and Tips for Good Sleep Hygiene

Sleep diary • Monitor the amount of sleep during day and night
Regular sleep–wake schedule • Go to bed at the same time each night
• Wake up at same time each morning
• Avoid naps during the day
Sleep-promoting nightly ritual • Plan a relaxing, soothing routine for your last hour of wakefulness (e.g.,
if the time for ‘‘lights out’’ is 9:45 PM, start winding down by 8:45 PM)
• Your last hour could include the following: dimming the lights; screening
phone calls for urgent calls; showering, bathing, and doing other usual
hygiene routines; changing into your bed clothes; reading relaxing or
nonstimulating material; limiting yourself to read only up to your ‘‘lights
out’’ time; listening to soothing music or other ‘‘white noise’’
Avoid stressful or other mentally • Address tomorrow’s activities, concerns, or distractions earlier in the day
stimulating activities before • Unless absolutely necessary, postpone anxiety-provoking conversations
bedtime that require you to make important decisions, or may cause more con-
flicts, to a time when you are more alert, rested, and much more likely to
make a sound decision
Do not lie in bed ‘‘wide awake’’ • Trying to will yourself to sleep when you’re not sleepy will make you
more frustrated, not sleepier
• Instead, get out of bed, and engage in mentally and physically nonstimu-
lating activities that will relax, soothe, and, perhaps, even bore you
• Do not frequently check the clock
Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies 261

Table 13.6 Principles and Tips for Good Sleep Hygiene (Continued)
Avoid stimulants, alcohol, and • Have your last caffeine- and alcohol-containing food or drink at least 4
heavy meals at bedtime hours before you go to bed
• Do not smoke within an hour of bedtime, and refrain from smoking if
you wake up in the middle of the night
• Do not eat a heavy meal within 2 hours of going to bed
Exercise • Light, aerobic exercise for even 20–30 minutes earlier in the day pro-
motes deep sleep
• Avoid exercising within 2 hours of bedtime, since it could actually be acti-
vating, and interfere with sleep
Comfortable environment • Sleep is promoted by darkness, quiet or soothing noises, and a relatively
cool temperature (<68°F)

Chapter 14: Suicide and Violence Risk Assessment

Table 14.4 Clinical Interventions That Can Be Taken to

APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Deescalate a Patient and Prevent a Physical Assault
(Based on Practice Pointers Clinical Case)
• Step 1: Recognize patients who are escalating emotionally
• Verbal abuse, psychomotor agitation, hostility, and staring indicate a
patient is escalating
• Appropriate intervention at this stage may avert physical aggression

• Step 2: Read the situation and the meaning of the behavior

• Frustration about coming to the appointment on time and having to wait
over an hour
• Angry about his time being wasted, may feel disrespected

• Step 3: Connect with the patient

• Approach the patient maintaining an adequate distance
• Agitated patients need increased interpersonal space
• Speak in a calm voice
• Instill in patient a sense of control
• For example: ‘‘May I speak with you? You seem very upset right now—
can we talk about it?’’

• Step 4: Empathize with the patient and validate emotions

• For example: ‘‘Sir, I’m really sorry about the long wait. I can imagine it is
really frustrating to show up on time and have to wait this long to be seen.
I know your time is very important. . . .’’

• Step 5: Depersonalize the situation

• Anger can create cognitive distortions that lead to mistaking the intentions
of others; for example: ‘‘This doctor is putting me off. . . . He doesn’t care
about me!’’
• Communicate openly and honestly
• For example: ‘‘You know, the reason I’m so far behind is that I had to
deal with an emergency situation earlier this afternoon and send a
patient to the hospital. Sometimes these things happen; I hope you
understand. I’m doing my best to catch up and get to you.’’

• Step 6: Give a patient choices

• Asking an escalating patient to make a decision diverts focus from the incit-
ing stimulus and helps in regaining emotional control
• For example: ‘‘Is there anything I can do for you that will make waiting
here easier for you? You could take a walk around the building and I could
call you when I’m ready to see you, or I could offer you some different
magazines and a glass of water. . . .’’
262 Appendix B Time-Saving Strategies

Step 1: Screen for Death Wishes

Normalizing question: Many people with the

kinds of problems you are experiencing also
have thoughts that life isn’t worth living
If no, stop questioning.
anymore. Have you been thinking that you’d
be better off dead or wish you would fall asleep
and not wake up?

Step 2: Assess Reasons to Live

Is there anything in your life that makes it worth

living? Your children? Your family? Are you a
religious person? Do you, believe in life after
death? What are your thoughts about the fate of
people who kill themselves? Do you that things
will get better for you in the future (hopelessness)?
APPENDIX B Time-Saving Strategies

Step 3: Screen for Suicidal Ideations

You mentioned before that you sometimes wished

you were dead, has it gotten to the point where If no, stop questioning
you’ve thought about ending your life?

If yes, assess the following regarding suicidal thinking:

• Frequency: How often do you have these thoughts?
• Duration: When you have these thoughts, how long
do they last?
• Intensity: When you have these thoughts, are you
able to get them out of your mind?

Step 4: Presence of a Plan

Have you thought about ways you might If no, stop and refer to a
end your life? mental health professional as
soon as possible, ideally the
same day.

If yes, assess the following about the suicide plan:

• Method: What have you thought about doing?
• Preparations: What plans have you made?
When and where will this happen?
To the ER for immediate
• Likelihood: What is the chance you’ll carry this
out? (e.g., 100%, 50%, 10% chance)
Is there anything stopping you from carrying
your plan out? Have you been drinking or using
drugs lately?

Figure 14.1 Eliciting suicidal thinking in at-risk patients.

C Common Psychiatric
ICD9 Codes

Anxiety Disorders

APPENDIX C Common Psychiatric ICD9 Codes

Acute Stress Disorder 308.3
Acute Stress Reaction 308
Adjustment Disorder (Mixed 309.28
Anxiety and Depressed Mood)
Agoraphobia without Panic 300.22
Anxiety State, Unspecified 300
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 300.02
Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia 300.21
Panic Disorder without 300.01
Phobia, Specific (Acrophobia, 300.29
Animal, Claustrophobia, Fear of
Phobia, Unspecified 300.2
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 309.81
Social Phobia (Social Anxiety 300.23
Dementia and Delirium
Cognitive Disorder Not Otherwise 294.9
Specified (NOS)
Delirium Due to [General 293.0
Medication Condition]
Delirium NOS 780.09
Dementia Classified Elsewhere 290.10
(Axis I) for Axis III Conditions
Dementia of Alzheimer Type 331.10
(Axis III)
Dementia with Lewy Bodies 331.82
(Axis III)
Frontotemporal Dementia 331.19
(Axis III)
Huntington Disease (Axis III) 333.40
Vascular Dementia (Axis III) 290.40
Dementia Due to Alcohol 291.2
Dementia NOS 294.80
Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa 307.1
Bulimia Nervosa 307.51
Eating Disorder NOS 307.50
264 Appendix C Common Psychiatric ICD9 Codes

Mood Disorders

0 Unspecified
1 Mild
2 Moderate
3 Severe, without Psychosis
4 Severe, with Psychosis
5 In Partial or Unspecified
6 In Full Remission
Major Depression
Single Episode 296.2x
Recurrent Episode 296.3x
Depressive Disorder NOS 311
Dysthymic Disorder 300.4
Adjustment Disorder with 309.0
Depressed Mood
APPENDIX C Common Psychiatric ICD9 Codes

Mood Disorder Due to [General 293.83

Medical Condition]
Bipolar I Disorder
Single Manic Episode 296
Most Recent Episode Hypomanic 296.4
Most Recent Episode Manic 296.4x
Most Recent Episode Mixed 296.6x
Most Recent Episode Depressed 296.5x
Most Recent Episode Unspecified 296.7x
Bipolar II Disorder 296.89
Bipolar Disorder NOS 296.8
Mood Disorder Due to [General 293.83
Medical Condition]
Personality Disorders
Paranoid Personality Disorder 301.0
Schizoid Personality Disorder 301.20
Schizotypal Personality Disorder 301.22
Antisocial Personality Disorder 301.7
Borderline Personality Disorder 301.83
Histrionic Personality Disorder 301.50
Avoidant Personality Disorder 301.82
Dependent Personality Disorder 301.6
Obsessive Compulsive Personality 301.4
Personality Disorder NOS 301.9
Narcissistic Personality Disorder 301.81
Psychotic Disorders
Schizophrenia 295.xx
Paranoid Type 0.30
Disorganized Type 0.10
Catatonic Type 0.20
Undifferentiated Type 0.90
Residual 0.60
Delusional Disorder 297.10
Psychotic Disorder NOS 298.9
Psychotic Disorder with Delusions 293.81
Due to [General Medical
Psychotic Disorder with Hallucina- 293.82
tions Due to [General Medical
Schizoaffective Disorder 295.70
Schizophreniform Disorder 296.40
Shared Psychotic Disorder 297.3
Appendix C Common Psychiatric ICD9 Codes 265

Somatoform Disorders (Unexplained Physical Symptoms)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder 300.7
Conversion Disorder 300.11
Hypochondriasis 300.7
Pain Disorder
Associated with Medical and 307.89
Psychological Factors
Associated with Psychological 307.8
Somatization Disorder 300.81
Somatoform Disorder Not Other- 300.82
wise Specified (NOS)
Undifferentiated Somatoform 300.82
Factitious Disorder
With Combined Psychological 300.19
and Physical Signs and

APPENDIX C Common Psychiatric ICD9 Codes

With Predominantly Physical 300.19
Signs and Symptoms
With Predominantly 300.16
Psychological Signs and
Factitious Disorder NOS 300.19
Malingering V65.2
Sleep Disorders
Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder 780.59
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder 304.45
Dyssomnia NOS 307.47
Hypersomnia Due to [General 780.54
Medical Condition]
Insomnia Due to [General Medical 780.52
Narcolepsy 347
Primary Insomnia 307.42
Sleep Terror Disorder 304.46
Sleepwalking Disorder 304.46
Substance Use Disorders
Alcohol Abuse 305.00
Alcohol Dependence 303.90
Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder 291.8
Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder 291.8
Amphetamine Abuse 305.70
Amphetamine Dependence 304.40
Cocaine Abuse 305.60
Cocaine Dependence 304.20
Hallucinogen Dependence 304.50
Hallucinogen Abuse 305.30
Opioid Abuse 305.60
Opioid Dependence 304.00
Other Substance Abuse 305.90
Other Substance Dependence 304.90
Other Substance-Induced Delirium 292.81
Phencyclidine (PCP) Abuse 305.90
Phencyclidine (PCP) Dependence 304.90
Polysubstance Dependence 304.90
Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic 305.40
Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic 304.10
Substance-Induced Anxiety 292.89
Substance-Induced Mood Disorder 292.84

Page numbers in italics denote figures ( f ) and tables (t).

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), 129 amphetamines, 110, 114–115, 153 schizophrenia and, 93t, 236t
ablify, 49, 53, 93, 234 AMPS screening tool SGAs (see SGAs (second-
acamprosate, 126–127 anxiety disorders and, 62 generation
ACT (Assertive Community personality disorders and, 168 antipsychotics))
Treatment), 98 psychiatric review of systems antisocial personality disorder, 166,
acute stress disorder (ASD), 64, 65 and, 3–7, 3f, 5t, 24, 243f 169, 170, 173, 175
AD (Alzheimer disease), 188, anorexia nervosa anxiety. See also anxiety
189–190, 204 body image and, 154 disorders
addiction, 103–104. See also alcohol clinical significance, 147 benzodiazepines and, 114
use disorders (AUDs); criteria for, 161 definition, 61
substance use disorders fluoxetine and, 157 depression and, 24
ADHD (attention deficit Indications for Hospitalization, free-floating, 65
hyperactivity disorder), 156t Medical Conditions with Anxiety-
46–47, 206 personality traits, 153 Like Symptoms, 68t
adjustment disorder, 66–67 symptoms, 149, 152 medications and, 68, 114
affects, 10–11 treatment, 148, 155–158, 155f Medications and Substances That
agitation, 108, 195, 196 antabuse, 126–127 Cause Anxiety-Like
agoraphobia, 65, 76 anticholinergic agents, 92, 94, 188, Symptoms, 69t
akathisia, 92 190, 202. See also specific psychiatric review of systems
alcohol use disorders (AUDs) drugs and, 4
alcohol abuse, 119, 119t anticonvulsants, 48, 59, 126, 127. suicide and, 4, 220
alcohol dependence, 119–120, See also specific drugs symptoms, 68
120t, 123t, 125, 127t, 238t antidepressants. See also specific anxiety disorder not otherwise
alcohol withdrawal, 120 drugs specified (NOS), 67
alcoholic hallucinosis, 121 alcohol relapse and, 127 anxiety disorders. See also anxiety;
assessment, 121–124 anxiety disorders and, 70, 75 specific anxiety disorders
benzodiazepines and, 118, 119, bipolar disorders and, 6, 48, 54 AMPS screening tool and, 62
125–126, 214 bulimia nervosa and, 158 antidepressants and, 70, 75
clinical highlights, 118–119 dementias and, 195, 196, 198 benzodiazepines and, 70, 72–73
clinical significance, 118 dependent personality disorder clinical highlights, 61–62
diagnosis, 118–119, 124–125 and, 169 clinical significance, 61
ICD9, 132, 267 depression and, 18, 26–33 diagnosis, 61–62, 64f, 67–69, 251f
interventions, 128–129, 128t, eating disorders and, 148 disabilities from, 62
255–256t first-line, 27–28t, 230–231t eating disorders and, 153
laboratory evaluation, 124t insomnia and, 205, 212 fluoxetine and, 71, 230
management strategies, 118–119 psychosis and, 91 IDC9, 78, 265
pharmacotherapy, 118, 119, schizophrenia and, 93, 96–97, 236 management, 62
125–128, 214 side effects, 32t pharmacotherapy, 70–73, 71t, 75,
practice pointers, 131–132 sleep disorders and, 211 235t
primary psychotic disorders and, somatoform disorders and, 142 practice pointers, 76–78
130–131 suicide and, 32, 223 psychiatric disorders and, 68
referring, 131 TCAs, 29, 31, 32, 54, 70, 212 psychotherapy and, 73–75
relapse, 127, 130, 131 antiepileptics, 205 referring, 75
resources, 133 antihistamines, 211, 212 resources, 79
screening tools, 118, 121–124, anti-parkinsonian medications, 196 screening, 62–63
122t, 254–255t antipsychotics sleep and, 205, 206
symptoms, 123 alcohol relapse and, 127 SNRIs and, 70, 71, 71t, 75, 235t
treatment, 125–131 bipolar disorder and, 49t SSRIs and, 70–72, 71t, 75, 235t
Alcohol Use Disorders dementias and, 195 substance abuse and, 68–69
Identification Test (AUDIT), FGAs, 91 symptoms, 62–63
121 insomnia and, 212 treatment, 62, 69–75, 75t
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 129 Parkinson disease and, 101 apathy, 196
Alzheimer disease (AD), 188, personality disorders and, 169, aricept, 194, 195
189–190, 204 171 aripiprazole, 49, 53, 93, 234
ambien, 210, 211 psychosis and, 81, 90–95, 93t ASD (acute stress disorder), 64, 65

Index 267

Assertive Community Treatment SGAs and, 48, 52–54, 53t, 81, 91, CIWA-A (Clinical Institute
(ACT), 98 171, 234t Withdrawal Assessment for
attention deficit hyperactivity spectrum disorder, 125 Alcohol), 125
disorder (ADHD), 46–47, 206 suicide and, 40, 219 clonidine, 109, 111, 115, 126
attitude, 10 blunted affect, 10–11 clozapine, 94, 95
AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders body dysmorphic disorder, 154 cocaine, 45, 88, 105, 110, 153
Identification Test), 121 borderline personality disorder cognition, assessment of, 12, 148
AUDIT-C, 118, 122 (BPD) cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
AUDs (alcohol use disorders). See bipolar disorders and, 168–169 binge eating disorder and, 158
alcohol use disorders diagnosis, 168, 170, 173–174 bipolar disorder and, 56
(AUDs) dialectical behavior therapy and, bulimia nervosa and, 148
avoidant personality disorder, 166, 172–173 depression and, 33–35
170 features, 166 description, 73–75
suicide and, 165–166 eating disorders and, 148, 158
treatment, 172, 172t, 259t psychosis and, 98
Balint groups, 141, 167 brief psychotic disorder, 82, 90, sleep disorders and, 212
bariatric surgery, 162 252 somatoform disorders and, 139
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), bronchodilators, 205 substance use and, 112
21–22 bulimia nervosa. See also eating cognitive enhancers, 193, 194t, 196,
benadryl, 212 disorders 239t
benzodiazepines (BZPs) antidepressants and, 158 cognitive restructuring, 73–74
alcohol use and, 118, 119, body shape and, 154 Collaborative Longitudinal
125–126, 214 cognitive behavioral therapy and, Personality Disorders Study
anxiety and, 114 148 (NIMH), 165–166
anxiety disorders and, 70, 72–73 complications, 152 comorbid systemic physical
dementias and, 188, 190, 196 diabetes and, 158 illnesses, 20
depression and, 30 fluoxetine and, 161 compulsions, 66, 154
insomnia and, 210, 214 laboratory findings, 148 concrete thought processes, 11
sleep disorders and, 209 management, 148, 161 conversion disorder, 140
beta-blockers, 126, 205 medications, 158 cortical dementias, 188–190
binge eating disorder, 147, 148–150, personality traits, 153 countertransference, 166–167, 167t,
152, 158 prevalence, 147 172, 259t
bipolar disorders signs and symptoms, 149, 152, cultural considerations
antidepressants and, 6, 48, 54 153, 154 clinical highlights, 178–179
antipsychotics, 49t treatment, 157–158, 157f clinical significance, 178–179
assessment, 42–43 buprenorphine, 109 cultural identity, 182
bipolar depression, 24, 45, 48, 54 bupropion DSM-IV-TR and, 179
bipolar I, 41, 48 bipolar depression and, 54 explanations of illness and,
bipolar II, 41, 48, 52 depression and, 28, 230 182–183
borderline personality disorder nicotine dependence and, 29 High-Yield Questions, 182t, 260t
and, 168–169 seizures and, 158 interpreters, 181, 181t
bupropion and, 54 side effects, 32 Kleinman’s Eight Patient-Directed
clinical highlights, 40–41 weight issues and, 30 Questions, 183t
clinical significance, 40 Burns, Davis, 140 language and, 178, 180–181
cognitive behavioral therapy and, buspirone, 70, 196 OCF and, 179, 181–182, 184–185,
56 BZPs (benzodiazepines). See 184t, 260t
depression and, 24, 45, 48, 54 benzodiazepines (BZPs) practice pointers, 184–186
diagnosis, 40–46, 46f psychosocial environment and
fluoxetine and, 49 level of functioning, 183
hypomanic episodes, 6, 41, 42t CAGE questionnaire, 118, 121, 122 resources, 186
ICD9, 59, 266 CAGE-AID, 105–106 spirituality and, 179–180, 180t
insomnia and, 55 campra, 126–127 therapeutic relationships,
manic episodes (see manic carbamazepine, 48, 50, 52, 54, 55, 183–184
episodes) 232 cymbalta, 28, 32, 230
mixed episodes, 41, 45, 52, 54 carbohydrate-deficient transferrin
mood stabilizers and, 48–54, (CDT), 124
49–51t, 58, 232–234t CARE MD, 139t, 256–257t dalmane, 210
olanzapine and, 49, 53, 234 CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). DBSA (Depressive and Bipolar
pharmacotherapy, 6, 48–55, See cognitive behavioral Support Alliance), 56
49–51t, 57, 58, 233–234t therapy (CBT) DBT (dialectical behavior therapy),
practice pointers, 57–59 CDT (carbohydrate-deficient 158, 172–173
pregnancy and, 58 transferrin), 124 DCSAD (Diagnostic Classification of
psychiatric interview and, 6 celexa, 27, 32, 230 Sleep and Arousal
psychotherapy and, 56 CHEIs (cholinesterase inhibitors), Disorders), 202
quetiapine and, 48, 49, 52, 53, 234 193, 194, 195, 198 decongestants, 205
rapid-cycling, 42, 52, 55 circumstantial thinking, 11 delirium, 24, 89
referring, 57 citalopram, 27, 32, 230 delirium tremens, 121
resources, 59 Civil Rights Act (1964), 180 delusional disorder, 83, 90, 252
268 Index

delusions, 11, 86, 195 pharmacotherapy, 18, 26–33, 30, See Diagnostic and Statistical
dementia syndrome of depression 53t, 195, 230 Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSD), 188, 195–196 postpartum depression, 18, 19 (DSM-IV-TR)
dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), practice pointers, 36–37 DTR (dysfunctional thought
189 psychiatric interview and, 4–6 record), 35t, 73, 74, 140, 140t
dementias. See also specific psychosis and, 24, 99–101 duloxetine, 28, 32, 230
dementias psychotherapy and, 18, 26, 30, 33 dysfunctional thought record
antidepressants and, 195, 196, rating scales, 21–23 (DTR), 35t, 73, 74, 140, 140f
198 recurrence, 18, 33 dysfunctional thoughts and
antipsychotics and, 195 resources, 37 reconstructive strategies, 34t
benzodiazepines and, 188, 190, screening tools, 21–23 dysthymic disorder, 18
196 SNRIs and, 27, 28, 29, 114, 230– dystonia, 92
caregivers and, 197 231
clinical highlights, 187–190 SSRIs and, 27, 28, 29, 114, 230
clinical significance, 187 substance use and, 24, 114 eating disorders. See also specific
depression and, 24, 195–196, 198 subsyndromal depression, 18 eating disorders
diagnosis, 187–189, 189f, 261f suicide and, 18–19, 21, 23–24, advocacy, 160
DSM-IV-TR and, 187–188 26–27, 40, 216, 219–220 antidepressants and, 148
Executive Function Testing, 191t thought content and, 11 anxiety disorders and, 153
ICD9, 198, 265 treatment, 24, 26, 31f, 33–36, assessment, 150–153
mood stabilizers and, 196 47–48, 47t, 55–57, 247f clinical highlights, 147–148
pharmacotherapy, 188, 190, 193, Depressive and Bipolar Support clinical significance, 147–148
195, 196, 198 Alliance (DBSA), 56 cognitive behavioral therapy and,
practice pointers, 197–198 derailment, 11 148, 158
psychosis and, 87–88, 89, 195 desvenlafaxine, 27, 230 depression and, 153, 154, 158
referring, 197 desyrel, 212 diabetes and, 150, 151
resources, 198 dextroamphetamine, 196 diagnosis, 148–149, 153–154, 153t
reversible contributors, 190 diabetes mellitus, 150, 151, 158 DSM-IV-TR and, 148, 148t, 149,
safety issues, 191–192 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of 258t
screening tools, 187, 188, 189 Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), Food and Mood Response Journal,
SGAs and, 195, 196 18, 62 159t
SSRIs and, 195, 196 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of ICD9, 162, 265
treatment, 191–197 Mental Disorders laboratory evaluation, 151–152
work-ups, 190, 192t, 261t (DSM-IV-TR) physical exam, 151
depakote, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 232 alcohol abuse and, 119, 119t practice pointers, 160–162
dependent personality disorder, alcohol dependence and, 120 pregnancy and, 150–151
166, 169, 171, 175–176 cultural considerations and, 179 psychosis and, 154
depression dementias and, 187–188 psychotherapy and, 157, 158
antidepressants and, 18, 26–33 depression and, 18, 21 refeeding syndrome and, 156
anxiety and, 24 eating disorders and, 148, 148t, referring, 160
assessment, 20–24 149, 258t resources, 162
benzodiazepines and, 30 manic episodes and, 41, 41t schizophrenia and, 154
bipolar depression, 24, 45, 48, 54 personality disorders and, 164, screening tools, 151
bupropion and, 28, 230 165, 165t, 166t Signs, Medical Complications,
clinical highlights, 17–19 sleep disorders and, 202 and Common Lab Findings,
clinical significance, 17 somatoform disorders and, 136 152t
cognitive behavioral therapy and, substance use and, 104, 119, 119t, substance use disorders and, 153
33–35 120t treatment, 154–158
comorbid systemic physical Diagnostic Classification of Sleep eating disorders not otherwise
illnesses, 20 and Arousal Disorders specified, 147, 150
delirium and, 24 (DCSAD), 202 ECT (electroconvulsive therapy),
dementias and, 24, 195–196, 198 dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), 33
depressive episodes, 41 158, 172–173 effexor, 27, 32, 54, 195, 230
diagnosis, 17–20, 22f, 24, 25t, diphenhydramine, 212 electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 33
245f discontinuation syndrome, 30–31 E=MC2, 172, 172t, 259t
DSM-IV-TR and, 18, 21 disorganized thought processes, 11 EPSs (extrapyramidal symptoms),
dysthymic disorder, 18 dissociative disorders, 90 91, 94
eating disorders and, 153, 154, disulfiram, 126–127 ERP (exposure response
158 DLB (dementia with Lewy bodies), prevention), 74, 77
elderly populations and, 20 189 escitalopram, 27, 32, 230
electroconvulsive therapy and, 33 donepezil, 194, 195 estazolam, 210
fluoxetine and, 27, 30 DSD (dementia syndrome of eszopiclone, 210, 211
high-risk populations, 19–20 depression), 188, 195–196 Executive Function Testing, 191t
history, 19 DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical exelon, 194
ICD9, 37, 266 Manual of Mental Disorders), exposure response prevention
major depression, 18t, 90, 125, 18, 62 (ERP), 74, 77
206, 219 DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical extrapyramidal symptoms (EPSs),
mirtazapine and, 28, 195, 230 Manual of Mental Disorders). 91, 94
Index 269

factitious disorder, 138, 143, bipolar disorders, 59, 266 limited thoughts, 11
144–145 dementias, 198, 265 lithium, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 232
Family-to-Family program, 56 depression, 37, 266 lunesta, 210, 211
Feeling Good (Burns), 140 eating disorders, 162, 265 luvox, 27, 32, 230
FGAs (first-generation mood disorders, 265
antipsychotics), 91 personality disorders, 176, 266
first-line antidepressants, 27–28t, psychosis, 101, 266 malingering, 90, 137–138, 143,
230–231t sleep disorders, 215, 267 144–145
flat affect, 11 somatoform disorders, 145, 267 manic episodes
fluoxetine substance use disorders, 116, 267 depression screening and, 6
anorexia nervosa and, 157 ICD-10 (International Classification DSM-IV-TR and, 41, 41t
anxiety disorders and, 71, 230 of Diseases), 202 pharmacotherapy and, 48, 52,
bipolar disorders and, 49 ICSD-2 (International Classification 206
bulimia nervosa and, 161 of Sleep Disorders), 202 psychosis and, 45
depression and, 27, 30 illusions, 11 recurrence, 54
discontinuation syndrome and, insight, assessment of, 12 screening questions, 42t
31 insomnias. See also sleep disorders sleep and, 206
drug interactions and, 32 antidepressants and, 205, 212 MAOIs (monoamine oxidase
flurazepam, 210 antipsychotics and, 212 inhibitors), 29, 32, 70
fluvoxamine, 27, 32, 230 benzodiazepines and, 210, 214 MCI (mild cognitive impairment),
folate, 59 bipolar disorders and, 55 188
Food and Mood Response Journal, diagnosis, 201–202, 205 MDQ (Mood Disorder
159t extrinsic insomnias, 203–204 Questionnaire), 43, 43–44f,
FRAMES, 112, 113t, 254t intrinsic insomnias, 204–206 248–249f
frontal-subcortical dementias, medications, 210t, 212t, 240t, 241 melatonin agonists, 210, 211
188–189, 192t medications known to cause, memantine, 194
frontotemporal lobar degeneration 205t Mental Health (Surgeon General’s
(FTLD), 190 psychiatric interview and, 6 report), 178
psychophysiologic insomnia, Mental Status Examination (MSE),
204–205 9–12, 9t, 242t
gabapentin, 48 quetiapine and, 212 MET (motivational enhancement
GAD-2, 62 treatment, 201 therapy), 129
GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), types, 203–206, 203t methadone, 109–110, 111
64, 65, 76, 77, 206 Institute of Medicine (IOM), 178 methamphetamine, 88, 105,
GAD-7 (Generalized Anxiety International Classification of 114–115, 153
Disorders Scale), 62, 63t, Diseases (ICD-10), 202 methylphenidate, 196
250t International Classification of Sleep MI (motivational interviewing),
galantamine, 194 Disorders (ICSD-2), 202 110–112, 113, 254
gamma-glutamyltransferasse interpersonal psychotherapy (ITP), mild cognitive impairment (MCI),
(GGT), 124 33, 36, 158 188
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), interventions Mini-Mental State Examination
64, 65, 76, 77, 206 alcohol use disorders and, 128– (MMSE), 12, 187, 188–190,
Generalized Anxitey Disorders 129, 128t, 255–256t 197–198
Scale (GAD-7), 62, 63t, 250t social interventions, 74–75 mirtazapine
geodon, 49, 53, 93, 234 substance use disorders and, depression and, 28, 195, 230
geriatric psychiatry. See dementias 110–114 side effects, 29, 32, 212
GGT (gamma- violence and, 227t, 263t weight issues and, 29, 30
glutamyltransferasse), 124 intoxication, 104, 105t, 1254t mixed AD-VaD, 188, 189
group therapies, 112–113, 139 invega, 53, 93, 234 mixed episodes, 41, 45, 52, 54
IOM (Institute of Medicine), 178 MMSE (Mini-Mental State
ITP (interpersonal psychotherapy), Examination), 12, 187,
hallucinations, 11–12, 86, 121, 195 33, 36, 158 188–190, 197–198
haloperidol, 55 modafinil, 196
Hamilton Rating Scale for monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Depression (HAM-D), 21 Joint Commission, 179 (MAOIs), 29, 32, 70
histrionic personality disorder, 166, judgment, assessment of, 12 mood, 4–6, 10
170 Mood Disorder Questionnaire
Hospitals, Language, and Culture (MDQ), 42, 43–44f, 248–249f
( Joint Commission), 179 Kleinman, Arthur, 183 mood disorders, 45t, 250t, 265. See
Huntington disease, 195 Kleinman’s Eight Patient-Directed also bipolar disorders;
hydroxyzine, 212 Questions, 183t depression
hypochondriasis, 143 Kroenke, K., 139 mood stabilizers
hypomanic episodes, 6, 41, 42t bipolar disorders and, 48–54,
49–51t, 58, 232–234t
LAAM, 110, 111 dementias and, 196
ICD9 codes lamictal, 48, 49, 51, 54, 232 personality disorders and, 169,
alcohol use disorders, 132, 267 lamotrigine, 48, 49, 51, 54, 232 171
anxiety disorders, 78, 265 lexapro, 27, 32, 230 pregnancy and, 55
270 Index

motivational enhancement therapy intoxication, 105, 108 pregnancy and postpartum, 18, 19,
(MET), 129 pharmacologic management, 55, 58, 150–151
motivational interviewing (MI), 111t, 237t primary psychotic disorders, 80–83,
110–112, 113, 254 sleep and, 204 130–131. See also psychosis
MSE (Mental Status Examination), withdrawal, 105, 109 pristiq, 27, 230
9–12, 9t, 242t orlistat, 158 problem-solving therapy, 196
OSAH (obstructive sleep apnea- ProSom, 210
hypoapnea), 204, 206, 207, prozac. See fluoxetine
naloxone, 108 214 pseudodementia, 188
naltrexone, 110, 111, 116, 126–128 Outline for Cultural Formulation psychiatric interview
namenda, 194 (OCF), 179, 181–182, 184–185, AMPS screening tool, 3–7, 3f
NAMI (National Alliance for Mental 184t, 260t bipolar disorders and, 6
Illness), 56 oxarbazepine, 51, 52, 232 clinical highlights, 1–2
narcissistic personality disorder, clinical significance, 1
166, 170 depression and, 4–6
National Alliance for Mental Illness paliperidone, 53, 93, 234 history, patient, 2–3, 7–8, 13–14
(NAMI), 56 panic attacks, 63–64 hypomania and, 6
National Depressive and Manic- panic disorder (PD), 64–65, 72, 76, insomnia and, 6
Depressive Association, 40 125, 195 mania and, 6
National Institute of Mental Health paranoid personality disorder, 166, Mental Status Examination and,
(NIMH), 165–166 169, 170, 173 9–12, 9t, 242t
National Institute on Alcohol Parkinson disease, 101, 204 outline of, 2t
Abuse and Alcoholism Parkinsonian syndrome, 94 physical examination and, 12–13
(NIAAA), 119 paroxetine, 27, 30, 32, 230 practice pointers, 14–15
neuroleptic malignant syndrome Patient Health Questionnaire-2 psychosis and, 6–7
(NMS), 52, 94 (PHQ-2), 21 resources, 16
Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ- substance use and, 7
195 9). See PHQ-9 (Patient Health time-saving strategies, 13
neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPSs), Questionnaire) psychoeducational therapy, 98
193, 195–196 paxil, 27, 30, 32, 230 psychophysiologic insomnia,
NIAAA (National Institute on PD (panic disorder), 64–65, 72, 76, 204–205, 212, 214
Alcohol Abuse and 125, 195 psychosis. See also specific psychotic
Alcoholism), 119 periodic limb movement disorder disorders
nicotine dependence, 29 (PLMD), 206, 207 antidepressants and, 91
NIMH (National Institute of Mental personality disorders. See also antipsychotics and, 81, 90–95, 93t
Health), 165–166 specific personality disorders assessment, 83
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), 193, alcohol dependence and, 125 causes, 87t, 88, 90t, 252t
194 AMPS screening tool and, 168 clinical highlights, 80–81
NMS (neuroleptic malignant antipsychotics and, 169, 171 clinical significance, 80
syndrome), 52, 94 clinical highlights, 164–165 cognitive behavioral therapy and,
nonbenzodiazepines (non-BZPs), clinical significance, 164–165 98
209–211, 214 diagnosis, 46–47, 165–169, communicating with patients, 97t
NPI (Neuropsychiatric Inventory), 170–171t dementias and, 87–88, 89, 195
195 DSM-IV-TR and, 164, 165, 165t, depression and, 24, 99–101
NPSs (neuropsychiatric symptoms), 166t diagnosis, 83–90, 85f, 89t, 253f
193, 195–196 ICD9, 176, 266 eating disorders and, 154
mood stabilizers and, 169, 171 ICD9, 101, 266
pharmacotherapy, 169, 171 manic episodes and, 45
obsessions, 11, 65–66, 154 practice pointers, 173 medication induced, 88
obsessive compulsive disorder psychotherapy and, 172–173 pharmacotherapy, 81, 90–95, 93t
(OCD), 64, 65–66, 72, 77, 166, referring, 173 practice pointers, 98–101
171 resources, 176 primary psychotic disorders,
obstructive sleep apnea-hypoapnea SSRIs and, 169, 171 80–83
(OSAH), 204, 206, 207, 214 treatment, 169, 171 psychiatric interview and, 6–7
OCD (obsessive compulsive PHQ-2 (Patient Health referring, 98
disorder), 64, 65–66, 72, 77, Questionnaire-2), 21 resources, 102
166, 171 PHQ-9 (Patient Health secondary psychotic disorders, 80
OCF (Outline for Cultural Questionnaire) SGAs and, 81
Formulation), 179, 181–182, clinical improvement and, 33 sleep and, 206
184–185, 184t, 260t in primary care setting, 4, 18, 21, substance use and, 88, 90,
olanzapine 22, 140–141 113–114
bipolar disorder and, 49, 53, 234 sample, 23f, 246f symptoms, 81, 86t, 251–252t
schizophrenia and, 93 PLMD (periodic limb movement treatment, 90–91, 95–98
side effects, 52, 53, 55, 93, 94 disorder), 206, 207 PSYCHOSIS mnemonic, 83, 84t
opioids postpartum and pregnancy, 18, 19, psychostimulants, 196
antagonists, 108 55, 58, 150–151 psychotherapy. See also cognitive
dependence, 103, 109–110, posttraumatic stress disorder behavioral therapy (CBT)
115–116 (PTSD), 64, 66, 72, 90, 206 anxiety disorders and, 73–75
Index 271

bipolar disorder and, 56 screening tools substance use and, 204, 212–214
depression and, 18, 26, 30, 33 alcohol use disorders and, 118, treatment, 207–213, 207t, 208f
eating disorders and, 157, 158 121–124, 122t, 254–255t SNRIs (Serotonin Norepinephrine
interpersonal psychotherapy, 33, AMPS screening tool (See AMPs Reuptake Inhibitors)
36, 158 screening tool) anxiety disorders and, 70, 71, 71t,
personality disorders and, dementias and, 187, 188, 189 75, 235t
172–173 depression and, 21–23 depression and, 27, 28, 29, 114,
transference-based eating disorders and, 151 230–231
psychodynamic secondary psychotic disorders, 80. side effects, 30
psychotherapy, 173 See also psychosis substance use and, 114
psychotic disorder not otherwise second-generation antipsychotics social anxiety disorder (SAD), 65
specified (NOS), 83, 90, 252 (SGAs). See SGAs (second- social interventions, 74–75
psychotropic medications, 230–241 generation antipsychotics) social phobia (SP), 64, 65, 72, 76
PTSD (posttraumatic stress sedative-hypnotics, 204 somatoform disorders
disorder), 64, 66, 72, 90, 206 sedatives, 204 antidepressants and, 142
seizures, 120–121, 126, 143–144, 158 assessment, 137, 140–141
Selective Serotonin Reuptake clinical highlights, 135–136
quetiapine Inhibitors (SSRIs). See SSRIs clinical significance, 135
bipolar disorder and, 48, 49, 52, (Selective Serotonin cognitive behavior therapy and,
53, 234 Reuptake Inhibitors) 139
insomnia and, 212 self-help books, 26 diagnosis, 136–138, 136t, 138f,
schizophrenia and, 93 Sequenced Treatment Alternatives 256t, 257f
side effects, 52 to Relieve Depression DSM-IV-TR and, 136
(STAR*D) trial, 28–29 ICD9, 145, 267
seroquel. See quetiapine pharmacotherapy, 142
ramelton, 210, 211 Serotonin Norepinephrine practice pointers, 142–145
rapid eye movement sleep Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs). referring, 142
behavior disorder (RBD), 204 See SNRIs (Serotonin resources, 145
razadyne, 194 Norepinephrine Reuptake thought content and, 11
RBD (rapid eye movement sleep Inhibitors) treatment, 139–142, 139t, 256–
behavior disorder), 204 serotonin withdrawal, 30–31 257t
Recover Model, 56 sertraline, 27, 230 sonata, 210, 211
reduced renal clearance, 55 SGAs (second-generation SP (social phobia), 64, 65, 72, 76
refeeding syndrome, 156 antipsychotics). See also specific phobia, 64
remeron. See mirtazapine specific drugs speech, 10, 13, 20, 42, 189
restless leg syndrome (RLS), 206, bipolar disorder and, 48, 52–54, SPIRIT questionnaire, 180
207 53t, 81, 91, 171, 234t SRDs (substance-related disorders),
restoril, 210 dementias and, 195, 196 103, 107
ReVia, 110, 111, 116, 126–128 psychosis and, 81 SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake
risperdal, 52, 53, 93, 234 sleep disorders and, 211 Inhibitors)
risperidone, 52, 53, 93, 234 shared delusional disorder, 83 anxiety disorders and, 70–72, 71t,
rivastigmine, 194 sibitramine, 158 75, 235t
RLS (restless leg syndrome), 206, SIDs (substance-induced disorders), dementias and, 195, 196
207 103, 107 depression and, 27, 28, 29, 114,
rozerem, 210, 211 sildenafil, 30 230
sleep, 204, 205, 206, 206t personality disorders and, 169,
sleep disorders. See also specific sleep 171
SAD (social anxiety disorder), 65 disorders side effects, 30
St. John’s wort, 26 antidepressants and, 211 substance use and, 114
schizoaffective disorder, 45, 82, assessment, 206–207 suicide and, 223
252 benzodiazepines and, 209 TCAs and, 32
schizoid personality disorder, 166, characteristics of, 206t, 262t STAR*D (Sequenced Treatment
170 classifications, 202 Alternatives to Relieve
schizophrenia clinical features, 207t Depression) trial, 28–29
antidepressants and, 93, 96–97, clinical highlights, 201–202 steroids, 205
236 clinical significance, 201 Stevens-Johnson syndrome, 54
antipsychotics and, 93t, 236t cognitive behavior therapy and, stimulants, 45, 103, 105, 108–110,
description, 81 212 205. See also specific drugs
diagnosis, 82t diagnosis, 201–202, 208f subcortical dementias, 188–189, 195
eating disorders and, 154 DSM-IV-TR and, 202 Suboxone, 109–110, 111, 116
olanzapine and, 93 ICD9, 215, 267 substance use. See also substance
quetiapine and, 93 pharmacotherapy, 209–211 use disorders
symptoms, 90, 252 practice pointers, 212–215 antisocial personality disorder
schizophreniform disorder, 82, 99, predisposing factors, 207t and, 175
252 referring, 212 anxiety disorders and, 68–69
schizotypal personality disorder, resources, 215 cognitive behavioral therapy and,
166, 170 SGAs and, 211 112
SCOFF, 151, 151t sleep hygiene, 209t, 262–263t depression and, 24, 114
272 Index

DSM-IV-TR and, 104, 119, 119t, clinical highlights, 216–217 trileptal, 51, 52, 232
120t clinical significance, 216–217 Twelve-Step Facilitation (TSF), 129–
psychiatric interview and, 7 depression and, 18–19, 21, 23–24, 130
psychosis and, 88, 90, 113–114 26–27, 40, 216, 219–220 12-step programs, 129
sleep disorders and, 204, 212–214 disposition of patients, 221–222
SNRIs and, 114 lithium and, 48
SSRIs and, 114 medicolegal issues, 222–223 U. S. Preventive Service Task Force,
suicide and, 219 practice pointers, 223–224 18, 20
violence and, 225 protective factors, 220, 220t Unequal Treatment (IOM), 178
substance use disorders. See also reasons to live, 220, 220t unexplained physical symptoms
alcohol use disorders risk assessment, 217–220, 223– (UPSs). See somatoform
(AUDs); substance use 224 disorders
abuse, 103, 104 risk factors, 218–220, 218t
assessment, 105–107 SSRIs and, 223
clinical clues, 106t substance use and, 219 VaD (vascular dementia), 188, 189
clinical highlights, 103–104 suicidal ideation, 221, 222f, 264f divalproex sodium, 48, 49, 50, 52,
clinical significance, 103 Supplemental Psychiatric History 54, 232
dependence, 103–104 Form, 13, 14f, 244f vascular dementia (VaD), 188, 189
diagnosis, 103–104, 104t, 107 Swindle, R., 139 venlafaxine, 27, 32, 54, 195, 230
eating disorders and, 153 symbyax, 49 violence, 225–228, 226t, 227t, 228t, 263t
ICD9, 116, 267 vistaril, 212
interventions, 110–114 vivitro, 110, 111, 116, 126–128
laboratory evaluation, 107t tangential thinking, 11
medication management, tardive dyskinesia, 94
108–110, 111t, 237t TCAs (tricyclic antidepressants), 29, weight issues, 30, 55
misuse, 103 31, 32, 54, 70, 212. See also wellbutrin. See bupropion
practice pointers, 114–116 specific drugs WHO (World Health Organization),
referring, 114 temazepam, 210 40, 121
relapse prevention, 113, 114t thought content, 11–12 withdrawal, 104, 105t, 254t
resources, 116 thought processes, 11 World Health Organization (WHO),
treatment, 108 three R’s, 33–35 40, 121
substance-induced disorders (SIDs), time-limited schizophrenia, 82
103, 107 topiramate, 48, 127, 158
substance-related disorders (SRDs), transference, 166 zaleplon, 210, 211
103, 107 transference-based psychodynamic Zarit-Burden Interview (ZBI), 197
subsyndromal depression, 18 psychotherapy, 173 ziprasidone, 49, 53, 93, 234
suicide Transtheoretical Stages of Change zoloft, 27, 230
antidepressants and, 32, 223 model, 110–111, 112t zolpidem, 210, 211
anxiety and, 4, 220 trazadone, 212 zonisamide, 158
bipolar disorders and, 40, 219 tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), 29, Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale,
borderline personality disorder 31, 32, 54, 70, 212. See also 21–22
and, 165–166 specific drugs zyprexa. See olanzaprine
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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:02 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Major Depression

W h a t i s M a j o r De p r e s s i o n ?
n Depression is a psychiatric disorder with persistent feelings of depressed
mood and loss of interest in (or inability to enjoy) pleasurable activities that
lasts more than 2 weeks.
n It is associated with predictable physical and psychological symptoms of
impaired concentration, disrupted sleep, changes in appetite and weight,
fatigue or low energy, altered activity level, feelings of worthlessness or hope-

CHAPTER 1 Major Depression

lessness, excessive guilt, and sometimes thoughts of suicide.
n It is caused by multiple reasons including biologic, psychological, and social
n It is not due to character flaw or moral weakness.
n It commonly impairs a person’s ability to function appropriately in society,
such as going to school, going to work, or attending to important

H o w i s Ma j o r D e p r e s s i o n t r e a t e d ?
n Treatments include use of antidepressant medications, psychotherapy (or
counseling), or a combination of medications and psychotherapy.
n For mild to moderate cases of major depression, either antidepressant medi-
cation or psychotherapy may work.
n Psychotherapies may take the form of individual, group, and/or family
n For severe cases of major depression, medication is usually the first-line
n For cases that do not respond to initial treatment, addition of medication(s)
and psychotherapy is usually needed.

What can I expect during the course of

n Improvement in symptoms may occur in as little as 1 week and may take as
long as 4 to 6 weeks.
n Patients are encouraged to continue their antidepressant medications even if
they initially start to feel better. It is also advisable to continue the medication
if there is no noticeable improvement within the first week or two.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:02 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

2 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

n Most people with a first episode of depression should continue their medica-
tions for at least 4 to 6 months.
n It is important to discuss with your doctor any medication side effects (includ-
ing thoughts of suicide) as soon as you have them, rather than waiting until
your next scheduled appointment.
n For patients who choose to seek psychotherapy, most sessions occur at least
once per week for at least 8 to 12 weeks in the early part of therapy.
n Some patients may not respond to initial treatment and therefore, switching
the first medication or adding a second medication may be needed.
n Add-on (augmentation) treatments may include adding a second medication
or psychotherapy.

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
CHAPTER 1 Major Depression

n Ask about common and more severe medication side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
n Ask about alternative treatments if you are not feeling better.
Path: k:/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901/Application/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901-
Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:03 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Bipolar Disorder

W h a t i s B i p o l a r Di s o r d e r ?
n Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric disorder in which a person experiences peri-
ods of mood changes that are extreme or out of the ordinary.
n The four unpleasant mood states associated with bipolar disorder are depres-
sive, hypomanic, manic, or mixed depressive-manic. These mood states can
last several days to months, and sometimes change in several days to weeks.
The depressive episodes may be indistinguishable from unipolar depressive

CHAPTER 2 Bipolar Disorder


disorder (or major depression) and the person may have a diminished level of
interest in pleasurable activities, feelings of depression, hopelessness, poor
appetite, low energy, poor concentration, decreased activity, feelings of guilt,
and suicidal thoughts.
n The hypomanic (bipolar II) or manic (bipolar I) episodes are usually marked by
feelings of euphoria, grandiose ideas, racing thoughts, impulsive acts (such as
excessive spending) that one later regrets, excessive energy with related
decreased need for sleep, and excessive or fast speech. Hypomania is usually
considered to be a less severe form of mania.
n Some people with bipolar mania may experience hallucinations and fixed,
false beliefs related to grandiose thoughts of excessive wealth or special
powers (e.g., the ability to predict the future).
n It commonly impairs a person’s ability to function, such as going to school,
going to work, or attending to important relationships.

How is Bipolar Disorder treated?

n The main treatment for bipolar disorder is with a mood stabilizer and/or an
atypical antipsychotic medication(s).
n Antidepressant medications may be used in some people with depression, but
ONLY in conjunction with a mood stabilizer or antipsychotic.
n Education and psychotherapy are extremely important to help a person learn
about bipolar disorder and how to manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
n For severe cases of bipolar disorder, treatment in a hospital setting may be
n Some patients may not respond to initial treatment and therefore, switching
the first medication or adding a second medication may be needed.
n Add-on (augmentation) treatments may include adding a second medication
or psychotherapy.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:03 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

4 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

What can I expect during the course of

n Improvement in symptoms may occur in as little as a few days and may take
as long as 4 to 6 weeks.
n Because bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition with a high risk of relapse,
patients are encouraged to continue their medications even if they initially
start to feel better. It is also advisable to continue the medication if there is
no noticeable improvement within the first week.
n It is important to discuss with your doctor any medication side effects (includ-
ing thoughts of suicide) as soon as you have them, rather than waiting until
your next scheduled appointment.

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
Most mood stabilizer medications require blood-level monitoring so it is
CHAPTER 2 Bipolar Disorder

important to ask about and keep track of your mediation levels.

n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe medication side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
n For women who are considering pregnancy or who may become pregnant, it
is important to discuss the various treatment options with your doctor prior
to conception.
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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:05 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Generalized Anxiety

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

n GAD is an anxiety disorder with both psychological and physical symptoms as

CHAPTER 3 Generalized Anxiety Disorder

a result of persistent anxiety.
n The psychological symptoms include restlessness, poor concentration, irrita-
bility, and excessive worry about various aspects of life including finances,
job, health, and relationships.
n The physical symptoms include fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, muscle
aches, sweating, trembling, and insomnia.
n The symptoms are chronic, lasting at least 6 months.
n GAD commonly co-occurs with depression, other anxiety disorders, and alco-
hol and substance abuse.

H o w i s G e n e r a l i z e d A n x i e t y Di s o r d e r (G A D )
n Treatment approaches include use of stress reduction techniques, counseling,
and medications.
n Co-occurring depression and other psychiatric disorders are also treated.
n It is important to eat a healthy diet and exercise daily for at least 20 to 30
n It is important to refrain from excessive alcohol use and any substance use,
which many people engage in to ‘‘self-medicate’’ their anxiety.

What can I expect during the course of

n Improvement in symptoms may occur in as little as 2 weeks and may take as
long as 4 to 6 weeks.
n Patients are encouraged to continue their medications even if they initially
start to feel better. It is also advisable to continue the medication if there is
no noticeable improvement within the first week.
n For those taking medication, the dose of medication may need to be increased
gradually over time as tolerated.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:05 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

6 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe medication side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
n It is important to discuss with your doctor any medication side effects (includ-
ing thoughts of suicide) as soon as you have them, rather than waiting until
your next scheduled appointment.
n Ask about alternative treatments if you are not feeling better.
CHAPTER 3 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:07 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Panic Disorder

W h a t i s P a n i c Di s o r d e r ?
n Panic disorder is a disorder in which ‘‘panic attacks’’ occur and lead to persis-
tent concerns, fear, or behavioral changes (related to the attacks) that last for
at least 1 month.
n During a ‘‘panic attack,’’ at least four of the following physical symptoms may
occur: palpitations, sweating, chills or hot flashes, trembling, shortness of
breath, choking, chest discomfort, abdominal upset, dizziness or lightheaded-

CHAPTER 4 Panic Disorder

ness, fainting, feeling numb, and being fearful of losing control, going ‘‘crazy,’’
or dying.
n Some may mistake a ‘‘panic attack’’ for a general medical disorder such as a
heart attack and seek emergency medical care before being diagnosed with
panic disorder.
n Some people may avoid places or situations (termed agoraphobia) for fear of
having a ‘‘panic attack’’ because of embarrassment or inability to escape.

How is Panic Disorder treated?

n Treatment approaches include use of antidepressant medications, psycho-
therapy (or counseling), or a combination of medication and psychotherapy.
n Psychotherapies may take the form of individual, group, or family therapies.
n Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular and effective
nonmedication treatments.

What can I expect during the course of

n Improvement in symptoms may occur in as little as 2 weeks and may take as
long as 2 to 3 months.
n For patients who choose psychotherapy, most sessions occur at least once per
week for at least 8 to 12 weeks in the early part of therapy.
n Patients are encouraged to continue their medications even if they initially
start to feel better. It is advisable to continue the medication if there is no
noticeable improvement within the first several weeks.
n For those taking medication, the dose of medication may need to be increased
gradually over time as tolerated.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:07 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

8 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe medication side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
n It is important to discuss with your doctor any medication side effects (includ-
ing thoughts of suicide) as soon as you have them, rather than waiting until
your next scheduled appointment.
n Ask about alternative treatments if you are not feeling better.
CHAPTER 4 Panic Disorder
Path: k:/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901/Application/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901-
Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:08 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Posttraumatic Stress

What is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

n PTSD is a disorder that can start after a person experiences a traumatic event

CHAPTER 5 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

that caused intense fear or horror.
n Because of the trauma, the person may have intrusive re-experiences of the
event through nightmares or flashbacks (reliving the traumatic event) or may
suffer intense fear when reminded of the trauma.
n Those with PTSD may avoid situations or activities that are reminders of the
n Those with PTSD may also become emotionally detached and have increased
startle responses, insomnia, and irritability. The symptoms should last for at
least 1 month.
n PTSD commonly impairs a person’s ability to function in society, such as
going to school, going to work, or attending to important relationships.
n Depression, insomnia, and alcohol and substance abuse often co-occur with

H o w i s PT S D t r e a t e d ?
n Treatment approaches include use of medications, psychotherapy (or counsel-
ing), or a combination of medication and psychotherapy.
n Psychotherapies may take the form of individual, group, or family therapies.
n Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular and effective
nonmedication treatments.
n Add-on (augmentation) treatments may include adding a second medication
or psychotherapy.

What can I expect during the course of

n Improvement in symptoms may occur in as little as 2 weeks and may take as
long as 4 to 6 weeks.
n For patients who choose psychotherapy, most sessions occur at least once per
week for at least 8 to 12 weeks in the early part of therapy.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:08 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

10 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

n Patients are encouraged to continue their medications even if they initially

start to feel better. It is also advisable to continue the medication if there is
no noticeable improvement within the first week.
n For those taking medication, the dose of medication may need to be increased
gradually over time as tolerated.

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe medication side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
n It is important to discuss with your doctor any medication side effects (includ-
CHAPTER 5 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

ing thoughts of suicide) as soon as you have them, rather than waiting until
your next scheduled appointment.
n Ask about alternative treatments if you are not feeling better.
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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:09 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Social Phobia (Social

Anxiety Disorder)

W h a t i s S o c i a l P h o b i a ( S o c i a l An x i e t y D i s o r d e r ) ?

CHAPTER 6 Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)

n Those who have social phobia are excessively fearful of social or performance
situations, leading to extreme anxiety or feelings of panic.
n Most people recognize that the fear is unreasonable but still avoid social
n Social phobia should last at least 6 months, although it is often a lifelong
problem with a childhood history of ‘‘shyness.’’
n Mild cases may be limited to fear of public speaking, while more severe cases
can extend to the fear of meeting new people and almost all social functions.
n Other less common fears may involve eating in front of others or using a pub-
lic restroom.

H o w i s So c i a l P h o b i a t r e a t e d ?
n Treatment options include medication and psychotherapy.
n Medication may be tailored to the specific situations and some only require
‘‘as needed’’ medications for certain situations.
n Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), with a focus on cognitive retraining,
desensitization, and performance rehearsals, is often helpful.

What can I expect during the course of

n Improvement in symptoms may occur in as little as 2 weeks and may take as
long as several months.
n Patients are strongly encouraged to continue their treatment even after they
start to feel better.
n The goal of treatment is to improve a person’s ability to face the feared situa-
tions and therefore improve their social functioning.

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe medication side effects that may occur.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:09 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

12 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
n It is important to discuss with your doctor any medication side effects (includ-
ing thoughts of suicide) as soon as you have them, rather than waiting until
your next scheduled appointment.
n Ask about alternative treatments if you are not feeling better.
CHAPTER 6 Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)
Path: k:/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901/Application/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901-
Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:12 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Obsessive Compulsive

W h a t i s O b s e s s i v e C o m p u l s i v e Di s o r d e r ( O C D ) ?
OCD is a psychiatric disorder in which obsessions or compulsions interfere

CHAPTER 7 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


with a person’s ability to function in society, such as going to school, going to

work, or attending to important relationships.
n Obsessions are recurrent thoughts, impulses, or images that are intrusive,
unreasonable, and disturbing.
n Compulsions are excessive, repetitive behaviors that a person must do as a
response to an obsession, usually to make the obsessions go away
n OCD often involves checking, washing, touching, or counting rituals.
n OCD usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood.
n Patients may spend much of their time attending to the obsessions and

How is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder treated?

n Treatment with medication is almost always needed.
n Behavioral therapies, including cognitive behavioral therapy, desensitization,
flooding, and thought stopping, are often helpful.
n A combination of medication and behavioral therapy may be most useful.

What can I expect during the course of

treatment? AQ1
n Improvement in symptoms may occur in as little as 2 weeks and may take as
long as several months.
n Patients are strongly encouraged to continue their medications even after
they start to feel better.
n Symptoms of OCD may not completely go away, but major improvement in
symptoms can occur.
n The goal of treatment is to improve a person’s ability to function and carry
out important activities.
n Higher-than-standard doses of medications for anxiety may be needed.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:12 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

14 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe medication side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
n It is important to discuss with your doctor any medication side effects (includ-
ing thoughts of suicide) as soon as you have them, rather than waiting until
your next scheduled appointment.
n Ask about alternative treatments if you are not feeling better.
CHAPTER 7 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Path: k:/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901/Application/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901-
Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:13 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining


What is Schizophrenia?
n Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder in which a person has impaired think-
ing and has difficulty deciding on what is real and what is not.
n Some may have hallucinations such as hearing voices that are not actually
present or seeing people or things that are not really there. Not everyone with
schizophrenia has hallucinations, however.
n Many people with schizophrenia have paranoid thoughts or delusions. Often

CHAPTER 8 Schizophrenia
they are fearful that others are trying to follow, hurt, or plot against them.
n Some people with schizophrenia show strange or disorganized behavior. They
may stop taking care of themselves or speak in odd ways.
n Many people with schizophrenia also have ‘‘negative’’ symptoms. These
include lack of emotional expression, loss of interest in pleasurable activities,
and reduced motivation to achieve life goals. Negative symptoms also include
difficulties with conversation such as slower speech, interrupted thoughts,
and inability to think abstractly.
n Many people with schizophrenia have ‘‘poor insight,’’ which means that they
are not aware of their symptoms, even when they are severe. Often, they do
not believe that they need medication. Family and mental health professional
support is often needed.
n If untreated, schizophrenia generally impairs a person’s ability to function in
society, such as going to school, going to work, or attending to family and

H o w i s Sc h i z o p h r e n i a t r e a t e d ?
n The main treatment for schizophrenia is with antipsychotic medications.
n Because antipsychotic medications do not eliminate all the symptoms of
schizophrenia, many people with schizophrenia require social support such
as work rehabilitation, support from family and mental health workers, and
social services.
n Group rehabilitation therapies available in many community clinics may be
used to help individuals and their families cope with residual symptoms that
do not respond to medications.
n Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to help individuals cope
with residual symptoms.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:13 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

16 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

n Long-acting injectable medications are available to help people who have dif-
ficulty taking their mediations every day.

What can I expect during the course of

n Improvement in hallucinations and delusions may occur in as little as 2 to 7
days and may take as long as 4 to 6 weeks.
n Not all the symptoms of schizophrenia will be completely remedied by medi-
cation, especially the negative symptoms.
n Because schizophrenia is a lifelong condition with a high risk of relapse,
patients are encouraged to continue their medications even if they initially
start to feel better. It is also advisable to continue the medication if there is
no noticeable improvement within the first 1 to 2 weeks.
n It is important to discuss with your doctor any medication side effects (includ-
CHAPTER 8 Schizophrenia

ing thoughts of suicide) as soon as you have them, rather than waiting until
your next scheduled appointment.
n Even if a person with schizophrenia feels better, regular visits with the doctor
are very important to monitor medication side effects.

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe medication side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
n Ask about alternative treatments if you are not feeling better.
Path: k:/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901/Application/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901-
Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:14 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Opioid Dependence

What is Opioid Dependence?

n Opioids include illicit substances such as heroin and prescription pain
relievers such as Vicodin, OxyContin, and morphine.
n After prolonged use, larger amounts of opioids are required to bring about the
same physical effect. This is termed tolerance.
n Cessation of opioid use may result in physical withdrawal symptoms includ-

CHAPTER 9 Opioid Dependence

ing bone and joint pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and excessive tearing,
along with restlessness, irritability, and depressed mood.
n Loss of control is a hallmark of opioid dependence. Therefore, even though a
person may be aware of problems resulting from opioid use, he or she is
unsuccessful in his or her attempts to quit or cut back, uses more of the drug
than intended, and often spends increasing amounts of time obtaining and
using the drug.
n Opioid dependence impairs a person’s ability to function in society and leads
to legal, marital, and occupational problems.

H o w i s O p i o i d De p e n d e n c e tr e a t e d ?
n Treatment approaches include use of medications (such as methadone, bupre-
norphine, and clonidine), individual counseling, community peer support
groups (e.g., Narcotics Anonymous), group and family therapy, and
n Treatment must be individually tailored to the patient’s goals, the severity of
the disorder, previous treatment experience, and availability of resources (e.g.,
insurance coverage).
n Treatment often includes opioid substitution therapy with methadone or Sub-
oxone for individuals who have had multiple relapses.
n Rehabilitation programs may be in the form of outpatient programs, inpatient
detoxification programs (lasting days to weeks), and residential programs
(lasting months).

What can I expect during the course of

n Some people require lifelong treatment with medications and psychosocial

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:14 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

18 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

n Relapse is common and should be anticipated. Relapse prevention strategies

are an integral part of treatment.

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe medication side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
n Ask about alternative treatments if you are not feeling better.
CHAPTER 9 Opioid Dependence
Path: k:/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901/Application/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901-
Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:15 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Stimulant Dependence

W h a t i s S t i m u l a n t De pe n d e n c e ?
n Stimulants include substances such as cocaine, methamphetamine, amphet-
amines, and prescription medications (e.g., Ritalin and Adderall).
n After prolonged use, larger amounts of stimulants are required to bring about
the same physical effect. This is termed tolerance.
Cessation of stimulant use may result in physical withdrawal symptoms such

CHAPTER 10 Stimulant Dependence


as fatigue, increased appetite, and a change in sleep patterns, along with rest-
lessness, irritability, and depressed mood.
n Loss of control is a hallmark of stimulant dependence. Therefore, even though
a person may be aware of problems resulting from stimulant use, he or she is
unsuccessful in his or her attempts to quit or cut back, uses more of the drug
than intended, and spends increasing amounts of time obtaining and using
the drug.
n Stimulant dependence impairs a person’s ability to function in society and
leads to legal, marital, and occupational problems.

H o w i s St i m u l a n t D e p e n d e n c e t r e a t e d ?
n Treatment approaches are primarily psychosocial approaches and include
individual counseling, community peer support groups (e.g., Crystal Meth
Anonymous), group and family therapy, and rehabilitation programs.
n Medications may be used for co-occurring mood and anxiety disorders.
n Treatment must be individually tailored to the patient’s goals, the severity of
the disorder, previous treatment experience, and availability of resources (e.g.,
insurance coverage).
n Rehabilitation programs may be in the form of outpatient programs, inpatient
detoxification programs (lasting days to weeks), and residential programs
(lasting months).

What can I expect during the course of

n While some people successfully stop problematic stimulant use after initial
treatment, many others require lifelong counseling and support.
n Relapse is common and should be anticipated. Relapse prevention strategies
are an integral part of treatment.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:15 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

20 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe medication side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
n Ask about alternative treatments if you are not feeling better.
CHAPTER 10 Stimulant Dependence
Path: k:/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901/Application/LWW-MCCARRON-08-0901-
Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:16 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Alcohol Dependence

What is Alcohol Dependence?

n Alcohol dependence is a psychiatric disorder in which a person has developed
a physical and/or psychological dependence on alcohol.
n When a person has been drinking alcohol for a long time, his or her body is
able to tolerate larger amounts of alcohol and requires larger amounts to
experience the same physical and mental effects. This is termed tolerance.

CHAPTER 11 Alcohol Dependence

n A person may also develop ‘‘withdrawal’’ symptoms, in which physical symp-
toms such as tremors, sweating, palpitations, irritability, insomnia, and even
seizures occur when he or she stops using alcohol.
n Alcohol dependence commonly impairs a person’s ability to function in soci-
ety, leading to legal, marital, and/or employment problems.
n When a person has most of the above problems, he or she meets the diagno-
sis for alcohol dependence.
n There is often a hereditary influence to alcohol dependence.

How is Alcohol Dependence treated?

n Alcohol withdrawal can be severe and even life-threatening, so quitting drink-
ing should always be done under the supervision of a physician and/or an
experienced treatment program.
n Treatment approaches include use of individual counseling, community peer
support groups (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous), group and family therapy, reha-
bilitation programs, and medications (e.g., naltrexone).
n Treatment has to be individually tailored depending on the severity of the dis-
order, previous treatment experience, individual preferences, and availability
of resources (e.g., insurance coverage).
n Rehabilitation programs may be in the form of outpatient programs, inpatient
detoxification programs (lasting days to weeks), and residential programs
(lasting months).

What can I expect during the course of

n While some people successfully stop problematic alcohol use on their first
attempt, many require lifelong treatment.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:16 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

22 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

n Relapse is common and expected to happen. Long-term treatment focused on

relapse prevention is needed for many.
n Many treatment programs believe that absolute alcohol cessation is required
in order to achieve sobriety.

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Ask about available treatment resources in your area.
n Ask whether medications might help with your treatment.
n If you are given medications to help you quit drinking, ask about potential
side effects and what to do if they occur.
n Ask about referrals if your treatment is not working.
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects.
CHAPTER 11 Alcohol Dependence
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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:17 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining


What is Hypochondriasis?
n People who have hypochondriasis experience excessive and persistent fear
about having a life-threatening medical disorder, even though doctors have
assured them otherwise.
n Because the individual is not reassured by his or her doctors, he or she often
‘‘doctor shops’’ and seeks multiple medical evaluations and work-ups.
The symptoms of hypochondriasis are usually vague and chronic, but very

CHAPTER 12 Hypochondriasis

distressing to the individual.

n The person is at risk for different complications from medical evaluations
because he or she is subjected to multiple laboratory and radiologic studies
and procedures—many of which carry health risks.
n Hypochondriasis commonly impairs a person’s ability to function in society,
such as going to school, going to work, or attending to important

How is Hypochondriasis treated?

n The most important treatment is learning about the disorder and keeping reg-
ular appointments with the same medical doctor that the person trusts.
n Treatments include use of medications, psychotherapy (or counseling), or a
combination of medication and psychotherapy.
n The most popular and effective psychotherapy for hypochondriasis is cogni-
tive behavioral therapy (CBT).
n Since medical disorders may occur in any person’s lifespan, it is important to
keep your routine health care maintenance physical examinations and
screening tests up to date.
n For cases that do not respond to initial treatment, changes (or addition) of
medication(s) and concurrent psychotherapy are usually needed.

What can I expect during the course of

n Improvement in symptoms may occur in as little as 2 to 4 weeks and may
take as long as several months.
n Patients are encouraged to continue their treatment even if they might ini-
tially start to feel better.

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24 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

n For patients who choose to seek CBT treatment, most regimens occur at least
once per week for 12 to 16 weeks.
n Some patients may not respond to initial treatment and therefore, changing
treatment modality or augmentation (add-on) treatments may be needed.

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way to reach your provider should you have
any side effects.
n Ask about a referral for CBT.
CHAPTER 12 Hypochondriasis
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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:18 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Somatization Disorder

What is Somatization Disorder?

n People with somatization disorder have multiple physical symptoms that are
not well explained by any underlying medical condition.
n The symptoms of somatization disorder include pain and deficits involving at
least four different bodily functions: four painful areas in the body, two
related to the gastrointestinal system, one related to sexual function, and one

CHAPTER 13 Somatization Disorder

neurologic problem. All of these complaints have no known medical
n The symptoms are often related to emotional or psychological stress.
n The symptoms are NOT intentionally produced.
n The symptoms are chronic and the person often seeks multiple medical treat-
ments, procedures, surgeries, and hospitalizations.
n About two thirds of people have a co-occurring depressive, anxiety, or other
psychiatric disorder.
n The person with somatization disorder is at risk for different complications
from medical evaluations because he or she is subjected to multiple labora-
tory and radiologic studies and procedures—many of which carry health risks.
n Somatization disorder commonly impairs a person’s ability to function in
society, such as going to school, going to work, or attending to important

H o w i s So m a t i z a t i o n Di s o r d e r t r e a t e d ?
n The most important treatment is learning about the disorder and keeping reg-
ular appointments with the same medical doctor that the person trusts.
n Treatments include use of medications, psychotherapy (or counseling), or a
combination of medication and psychotherapy.
n Psychotherapy aims to help the person identify and cope with psychological
stressors and find more healthy ways to express his or her emotional needs.
n Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the treatment of choice for somatization
n It is important to treat any co-occurring psychiatric disorder.

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26 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

What can I expect during the course of

n Improvement in symptoms may occur in as little as 2 to 4 weeks and may
take as long as several months.
n Patients are encouraged to continue their treatment even if they might ini-
tially start to feel better.
n For patients who choose to seek CBT treatment, most regimens occur at least
once per week for 12 to 16 weeks.

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment.
n Ask about common and more severe side effects that may occur.
CHAPTER 13 Somatization Disorder

n Make sure you have a reliable way to reach your provider should you have
any side effects.
n Ask about a referral for CBT.
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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:20 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Anorexia Nervosa

What is Anorexia Nervosa?

n Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an eating disorder characterized by the inability to
maintain a normal body weight appropriate for a person’s age and height.
n Those who have AN have a persistent desire to be thinner despite being
n AN is associated with missing at least three consecutive menstrual cycles.

CHAPTER 14 Anorexia Nervosa

n Some people with AN restrict themselves from food and others binge eat.
n Some people with AN purge (make themselves throw up) or misuse medica-
tions to rid themselves of food.
n The health effects of AN can be potentially life-threatening and include heart
palpitations, electrolyte imbalance, and dehydration.
n Some warning signs of AN include avoiding or skipping meals, repeatedly
weighing, performing unusual rituals at mealtimes like cutting food into small
pieces, wearing baggy clothes to hide the amount of weight loss, and exces-
sively exercising.

H o w i s A n o r e x i a N e r v o s a tr e a t e d ?
n The goal of treatment is to focus on regaining weight and addressing the psy-
chological issues that led to anorexia nervosa.
n Medications alone are not usually effective.
n Individual therapy, family therapy, and group therapy focus on how to cope
with changes in eating patterns and weight.
n For severe cases, hospitalization may be needed if you continue to lose weight
or fail to gain weight in the outpatient setting, have a life-threatening medical
complication from anorexia, or continue to be severely underweight.

What can I expect during the course of

n Complete recovery usually takes a number of years and relapse can occur dur-
ing periods of stress.
n Most people show improvement after initial treatment.
n It is important to have a team of experienced professionals including a pri-
mary care provider, a nutritionist, and a mental health provider.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:20 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

28 Lippincott’s Primary Care Psychiatry

n Therapy and counseling help to normalize eating and eliminate inappropriate

weight reduction behaviors.

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Ask your doctor what a healthy weight is for your age and height.
n If you miss more than three menstrual cycles, ask your doctor to determine
the cause.
n Ask about early diagnosis and treatment to prevent serious medical and psy-
chological problems.
n Openly talk with your treatment provider about your beliefs about your body
shape, weight, and eating habits.
CHAPTER 14 Anorexia Nervosa
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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:23 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Bulimia Nervosa

What is Bulimia Nervosa?

n Bulimia nervosa (BN) is an eating disorder characterized by multiple episodes
of binge eating and compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain.
n People with BN often base their self-image on body weight or shape.
n Binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behavior occur at least twice a
week for 3 months.
Some people with BN purge by vomiting or misusing medications like laxa-

CHAPTER 15 Bulimia Nervosa


tives or diuretics, while others do not purge but fast or excessively exercise.
n The health effects of BN can be potentially life-threatening and include heart
palpitations, electrolyte disturbance, seizures, and dehydration.
n Some warning signs of bulimia include feeling out of control while eating,
storing or hoarding food, excessively exercising, having swollen glands, hav-
ing frequent fluctuations in weight, and frequently using the bathroom after
n Unlike anorexia nervosa, most people with BN are not underweight.

How is Bulimia Nervosa treated?

n The goals of treatment are to eliminate binges and purges and normalize
eating patterns.
n Antidepressants, most frequently fluoxetine (Prozac), help decrease binge
eating and purging.
n Individual therapy, family therapy, and group therapy focus on how to help
cope with changes in eating and weight.
n You may need to be hospitalized to correct dehydration and electrolyte

What can I expect during the course of

n The intensity of medical treatment and the setting (i.e., hospital or clinic) will
depend on the severity of the illness.
n Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps identify disturbed eating patterns,
change thoughts about your self-evaluation and self-image, and build better
coping skills.
n You may be asked whether you have depression and anxiety.

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:23 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Ask your doctor what a healthy weight is for your age and height.
n Ask about early diagnosis and treatment to prevent serious medical and
psychological problems from developing.
n Share with your treatment provider your beliefs about your body shape,
weight, and eating behaviors.
CHAPTER 15 Bulimia Nervosa

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Date: 16th February 2009 Time: 21:23 User ID: tamilmanir 1BlackLining

Borderline Personality

W h a t i s B o r d e r l i n e Pe r s o n a l i t y Di s o r d e r ?
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) does not mean that there is something

CHAPTER 16 Borderline Personality Disorder


wrong with a person’s personality as society defines it. Personality disorder is a AQ1
term that health professionals use to describe a persistent and predictable
pattern of problematic behaviors (or way of coping) that causes interpersonal
conflicts and inability to relate to others and function in society.
n BPD is a psychiatric disorder where a person has chronic difficulty controlling
and expressing emotions and is frequently overwhelmed by emotional
n Externally, people with BPD have difficulty handling intense interpersonal
conflicts. Internally, they often feel chronically empty or flawed.
n Many people with BPD have frequent, even daily thoughts of suicide or may
engage in self-injurious behavior such as cutting themselves (often to relieve
emotional pain).
n Due to frequent emotional turmoil, the person often pushes others away, but
may react frantically when the others try to end the relationship.
n People with BPD may have frequent ‘‘mood swings’’ and difficulty controlling
their anger in response to ‘‘minor’’ problems. They may react impulsively
without considering the negative consequences of their actions.
n It can be associated with childhood upbringing; emotional, sexual, or physical
abuse; and an imbalance of brain neurotransmitters.

H o w i s B o r d e r l i n e Pe r s o n a l i t y D i s o r d e r t r e a t e d ?
n Treatments include use of psychotherapy and medications.
n Dialectal behavioral therapy (DBT) is one popular and effective form of psy-
chotherapy for BPD that uses a combination of individual and group (skills
building) sessions. DBT is especially useful for suicidal and self-injurious
n Medications are most effective when used as ‘‘add-on’’ or adjunctive treat-
ments to psychotherapy. Medication treatment is usually targeted at specific
symptoms rather than the disorder as a whole.

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n Co-occurring major depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, sub-

stance use disorders, bipolar disorder, and other psychiatric disorders should
be concurrently treated.

What can I expect during the course of

n Improvement in symptoms may occur in as little as several months, though it
usually takes several years.
n It is important to take personal responsibility to attend each treatment
n Discuss any medication side effects (including thoughts of suicide) with your
doctor immediately, rather than waiting until your next scheduled
CHAPTER 16 Borderline Personality Disorder


W h a t s h o u l d I a s k my tr e a t m e n t p r o v i d e r ?
n Inquire about the expected duration of treatment and limitations of your pro-
vider (e.g., availability after hours or between appointments, ability/willing-
ness to prescribe medication and/or provide psychotherapy).
n Ask about common and more severe side effects that may occur.
n Make sure you have a reliable way of reaching your provider should you have
any side effects or thoughts of suicide.


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